You can now purchase Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative merchandise from our online store. We currently offer both men’s and women’s apparel along with great accessories, with multiple options for logo embroidery on various items.
Simple Spells Of Protection Spells Of Protection; Some individuals appear to be targeted more than others in their lives. They seem like others are out to get them and that they’re going to be victims over and over again without any apparent reason. With Protection spells, these people can start to take control of their... You'll be the most wanted in this stunning lacy bra and matching g-string, the perfect intimate attire to wear on an anniversary, date night or any time you want to spice things up!
Col Erik Goepner, US Air Force, commanded Provincial Reconstruction Team Zabul in Afghanistan (2010) and the 886th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron in Iraq (2007). He is currently the commander of the 11th Security Forces Group at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. Ofer Fridman, MA thesis student in the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel. The time has come to renovate your home. You’re reading, hearing and seeing all these great new ways to use technology in the home and to perhaps future proof it for years to come. But what else is there to know about this stuff and what are they not telling you in those commercials and advertisements thrust in your face every day? Wrong. Renewables such as solar power are super products available for just about every home. They generate clean energy and should save you a heap on the utilities costs of your home, but does cheaper fuel make a car more efficient? No, the car itself defines the efficiency, not the fuel source. Both solar power and petrol cost money, one is an upfront payment (the solar installation) the other a pay-per-use scenario. Efficiency as a definition is “the ratio of work completed versus the energy expended”. By simply getting an energy audit done, in 9 out of 10 cases, it will show that saving electricity is far cheaper than making electricity, so putting solar on an inefficient building isn’t being more energy efficient, it’s simply pouring cleaner fuel in. Reduce the amount of energy used by the home with better lighting, water heating, climate control and appliances before getting the solar power system sized and you will be able to install a far smaller system saving thousands of dollars. Wi-Fi is awesome. It allows me to pull out my smart phone, tablet or notebook anywhere in my home and do whatever I need to, no strings (cables) attached. So why is it in this list? Well Wi-Fi has a few chinks in its armour that, if you are purely dependent on it, will drive you mad: The performance is affected by other wireless networks, so if you have a neighbour who’s trying to make sure they have coverage on Mars it will compromise you system. It can be infiltrated pretty easily. Now I know it might be hard to imagine someone sitting outside your home eating Cheezels in beat-up van trying to hack into your system, but it can be done, and if you’ve got sensitive information you may want to consider this aspect. Certain building materials such as concrete and tin cause havoc with you signal, meaning you may need multiple wireless access points. There is also the obvious distance parameters with Wi-Fi, so determining number and location of these devices can be a science in itself. Most domestic applications lack the speed required for flawless streaming of movies or sports in High Definition from the internet. Make sure you do have Wi-Fi in the home as from a convenience point-of-view it is great. But look into having wired Ethernet points to each of your main desktop computers, TV’s and other media streaming devices to make sure you are not losing your cool at something that should work so well here in the 21st century! The first thing to learn here is the difference between “safe” and “secure”. Quite simply, your home needs to be secure to prevent unwanted entry by crooks, but are we really concerned about how secure our children are while they sleep? No, we want our family to be safe. So, if you’ve installed a security system with an array of sensors inside the home to monitor any movement this makes the house more secure, but if you and the kids are asleep and these sensors go off… Oh shit, it’s too late because someone is already inside your home! Home security needs to include much more in order to keep you and your family safe and to ultimately stop anyone even approaching your home in the first place. Movement activated lighting, closed circuit cameras and perhaps even electronic access control to gates and driveways will achieve this. Finally, having good locking systems on all your doors and windows is a far better way of keeping intruders out than one of these security systems, but then there is the hassle of making sure that every one of these are locked before you go to bed each night. If only there was an easier way… There is a huge market at the moment (particularly in the US) for what we’ve labelled ‘smart’ devices for our homes. They are being sold in the department stores and in most cases are considered DIY. Smart thermostats, Wi-Fi cameras, finger touch key locks, the list goes on. But having a home full of these independent devices can make life more complex than it was beforehand, when in reality, we are all looking for convenience and simplicity. The key here is having a level of integration throughout the home so it operates autonomously, or even intuitively. Think about today’s cars: you touch “unlock” and the car unlocks, disables the car alarm, turns off the engine immobiliser, adjusts the seat to the appropriate user and in some cases even knows your preferred climate conditions and radio station. All you did was touch “unlock”. The home can be exactly the same. Granted there is a bit more area to cover, but the technology is no more advanced. So as I alluded to in point 3, simply having a “Goodnight” feature could lock your home, engage the alarm, trigger the security lighting and even play you a bedtime story through your home entertainment system if that’s what you’re into. These systems require a central hub of sorts and will mean you need to ensure compatibility and possibly some additional wiring. Engage a designer or consultant, get it done right, and it will pay you back in time, convenience, security and safety for years to come, which far outweighs the short term financial outlay. Wouldn’t you say?
Skydive Newport is a dropzone located in Middletown, Rhode Island. Enjoy the life changing thrill of freefall today. Learn more here. A simple app with a button and a counter. Pressing the button increments the counter. While this is quite easy to accomplish the goal is to understand the underlying concept. The two components aren't aware of each other and can't communicate with each other. This is a very common pattern in even the smallest web applications. In larger applications dozens of components communicate with each other and have to keep each other in check. Don't believe me? Here's some of the interactions for even a basic todo list: We'll solve the same problem in 3 different approaches. But before that, we need to have a common starting point. If you're planning to follow along, I suggest creating a git repo for the tutorial, making a commit after this point, and branching off different approaches. Now you should see the basic vue scaffolding page. Let's create and update a few files to get to where we want to be. Now, if you run npm run dev again, and open the page in your browser, you should see a button and a counter. Clicking the button shows a message in the console, nothing else. So now that we've got our starting point, let's proceed. Let's make the modification to the scripts in the components. First, in IncrementButton.vue we use $dispatch to send a message to parent that the button is clicked In App.vue we listen to the event from the child and re-broadcast a new event to all children to increment. Basically there's nothing technically wrong in this. Then again, there's nothing technically wrong in writing your entire app in one file with all the application logic written exclusively in goto's. It's all about maintainability, and here's how this approach is terrible for maintainablility. There's no clear place for the "business logic". this.count++ is in CounterDisplay but the business logic can be anywhere, which can make it unmaintainable. You hire two interns: Alice and Bob. You tell Alice you want another counter in another component. You tell Bob to write a Reset button. Alice writes a new component FormattedCounterDisplay which is subscribed to increment, and increments it's own state. Alice is happy and commits and pushes. Bob writes a new "Reset" component which emits a reset event to App, which re-dispatches it. He implements reset on CounterDisplay to set count to 0 but he is not aware that Alice's component is subscribed to it as well. Your user presses "+1" and sees the app is working ok. But when the user presses "reset", only one counter resets. This may seem like a very simple example, but it's just to illustrate how scattering state and business logic and tying it together with events can lead to errors. We're getting the store object which is just one constant object. But this is defined in a different file. Since it's part of data vue makes store.state reactive, meaning vue will automatically update sharedState whenever anything in store.state changes When the activate function is called, it goes to the sharedState which still refers to store.state and increments the counter Over the period of their itnernship, Alice and bob write multiple counter displays, reset buttons, and increment buttons in different formats which all update the same shared counter. Life is good. Do you go to all the dozens of components and find out all the places they are updating the counter? That's frustrating. And here-in lies the problem. The Business logic is scattered all across the application. This may be a simple issue in principle but it can be a big pain to maintain, and debug. This makes the code a lot cleaner since you're explicitly calling increment and all your business logic is in the store. However, a new intern who doesn't know the theory behind all this finds it's easier to simply write to store.state.counter from some other part of the app and it becomes hard to debug. You then make lots of strict rules, guidelines, code reviews to ensure nobody writes to the state without using a function in store.js and when that doesn't work, you go talk to human resources to shut down the intern program. Let's revert all the changes we did to Solution 2. In principle vuex works along somewhat similar lines of Solution 2. Here's a slightly scary looking diagram: We never edit store.state.counter but we get a copy of the state which we should update and modify. This will be important later. This component doesn't even have any data. But on the click we call store.dispatch('INCREMENT') . We'll come back to this soon. This is when things get truly interesting. We no longer subscribe to shared state. Instead, we use vue's computed properties to pull in the counter from the store. Vue is smart enough to figure out that the counter computed property depends on the store.state.counter so whenever the store is updated, it will update all related items. And that's it! If you reload the page, you'll see that the counter is working fine. Here's what's happening step by step: Here, INCREMENT is the name of an action. It represents an identifier of "This is the type of change that should be made to the state". We can pass extra params to the dispatch function as well which contains additional parameters for the action. Vue figures out what mutator to call for the dispatch. Right now we just have one, but we can make this more complex, and customize this for larger apps. The mutator recieves a copy of the state and updates it. Vue keeps an older copy of the state which can be used for advanced features later. If a copy of all states are kept during development, the vue developers can potentially build what's known as a "Time Travelling Debugger". Aside from sounding from one of the coolest super-hero names, it will allow you to 'undo' actions in your app and change the logic and develop a lot faster. You can build middleware to work whenever states change. For example, you can build a logger which logs all actions performed by a user. If they find a bug, you can get that log, re-play all those actions and reproduce their bug exactly. By forcing you to have all actions in one place, it becomes a nice reference that anyone in your team can use about all the ways your app's state can be modified. This is just barely scratching the surface of vuex can do. Which in itself is still a very early build, which I'm sure will mature into one of the most established development paradigms for many years to come. You can find a lot more information on how to organize your stores, and more info on the vuex documentation. It might take some time to internalize all the concepts and it might even take some trial-and-error to figure out the right balance and approach. So you ported your app to vue.js and your intern still figures out he can write to store.state.counter as a short-cut in his components. And you've had it, that's the last straw. You go ahead and add one line to your store.js Now any time anyone directly writes to the store, an error will be thrown. Do note that this slows your app down a bit, and you can safely remove it for production. See the docs for an example how to do it. When a codeshare agreement exists between two or more cooperating airlines, they share the right to market, or sell, the same flight. These sellers are called marketing carriers. Each of these marketing carriers is allowed to publish and market the same flight under their own unique two letter IATA code and flight number (ex. LL 0456). While multiple airlines can market the same flight, only one is able to physically operate the flight. The airline who conducts the flight the day of travel (provides the plane, crew, etc) is the operating carrier. A marketing carrier can also be the operating carrier if they market AND operate the flight themselves. If this is the case, Skyscanner will not list the operating carrier in the search results. If the operating carrier is different from the marketing carrier a message will appear below the itinerary leg stating "operated by XX airline" All of the below are the same flight operated by LL airline but marketed by airline MM, NN, OO, and PP. Not after I defiled him with my stinky hairless wiener. Plus, he was asking for it, flaunting his furry ass all over the place. Well after following the insane instructions I slid my member past the flakey goodness and into the turkey gravy encased. Never again, just never, never again…. Used it couple of times, almost all the time blowing inside. One day I was doing my thing, all plasti a sudden I saw black stuff on my dick. The top was all black and it was hard. It felt like taking a scab off. Underneath it, it was white and creamy. I quickly washed off my dick and threw the Fleshlight out. It was the first time I ever attempted to masturbate, oldest boy, no Internet, no dad to rummage thru his porn stash. What to do though? Ok awesome game on. As it starts to hurt I start to panic. In my frantic pulling I end up losing my footing and fall in the tub, bottle flopping around with its death grip on my dong. So I grab the rod from the towel holder and proceed to smash the bottle with all my might. Peachy Keen Films-Slut Daughter. Now, leave the room, bitch. Chad is very happy. He's finally had sex with Tawni Hart turoat it was just as sexy and porn-like as he wanted it to be. Bad Chad Chad Dylan Cooper is a horny egocentric 25 year old dude and for a while he's had his eyes on Tawni Hart, not in a romantic way. He suddenly remember a small plastic bag in the pocket of his leather jacket. Description:May 7, - Chick is tied up and fucked in her deep gorge in new and exciting Hard Tied video. Check out one of the hottest clips featuring deepthroat fuck.
Would you like to try out the latest phenomenon? CrossFit Athlete Carly Cerasuolo took the time to talk about her passion and how it motivates other to be their best selves. You can read the Q&A below: I’ve been a dancer and a gymnast my whole life and when a couple of my friends from college started doing Crossfit I figured I’d give it a try too! I think Crossfit works all parts of the body and drives you to do work outs you wouldn’t normally do on your own! But the main importance I find is that it’s a group work out! You become apart of such a motivating community! I try to balance my work outs with my schedule as best as I can! On the days I start work late I work out in the afternoon! Sometimes if my schedule doesn’t allow me to take a class I’ll do two workouts in one day and give myself a rest day on the day I work! well, Crossfit is obviously number one but I enjoy trying all types of fitness. I live for trying new restaurants and coffee shops, I travel as much as I can and I’m a sucker for a good crossword puzzle. 10) I have a super hero called Double Shot who has the ability to create and manipulate coffee. If the world was in danger, do you think he can save the world? 11) If you had a million dollars and you had to choose two types of charities to give away the money, which two would you choose? I would choose to donate to a cancer foundation specifically lung cancer since it killed a lot of my family. I would donate money to any type of arts foundation. Being a dancer and an artist I think the arts in general deserve more money and funding than they receive. There are so many brilliant, passionate artists and unfortunately there just isn’t enough money in the industry. I can share any Pilates mat classes and workouts but I follow my gyms programming at Crossfit SPOT which is available online for viewing on their website. I truly believe that you should always go after what you want. I say that because having chose dance as my profession it was not easy and it didn’t come with your typical 9-5 day like most, and there are times when I feel absolutely insane having to balance all three of my jobs just so that I can perform. However, I’m the lucky one because I get the opportunity to do what I love and there is not a day that goes by that I wake up and wish I had chosen to do something different. So seriously y’all, chase your dreams. It is worth it! Would you like to know more about Carly Cerasuolo? Are you interested in CrossFit? Let me know on Twitter and Instagram @BlueJayHJB and follow SEVNetwork on Instagram @sevnetwork What hours will the pool be open during June and July for lap swim? (Note: The links to both the Spring 17 and Fall 2017 pool schedules are for Jan 9 – May 26 2017) Summer pool schedule will be posted as soon as I see one. Pool maintenance is done during the summer and pool is usually closed for a month or so. I will be in seward at the military resort and need to swim almost every day. I would like to kn0w when you are open from june 20 to june 28, and the price for swim at your property when available time. l sincerely thanks anna maria Will the pool be open during June/July 2018? I note above that the pool was scheduled to be closed for a month during the summer of 2017 and wondered if the same was planned for summer 2018 and if you are aware of that time frame? Thank you! I am not sure when they plan on closing. I know she does every summer. You can contact Sylvia at 224-9050.
Consequent upon the issuance of General Financial Rule (GFR)-2017, vide Rule 290 of GFR, time limit for submission of claim for Travelling Allowance (TA) has been changed from one year to 60 days succeeding the date of completion of the journey. Accordingly, in supersession of all earlier orders/instructions issued on the subject, it has been decided with the approval of competent authority that the claim of a Railway servant to Travelling Allowance / Daily Allowance on Tour /Transfer / Training / Journey on r60 days succeeding the date of completion of the journey. 2. In respect of claim for Travelling Allowance for journey performed separately by the officer & member of his family, the date should be reckoned separately for each journey and the claim shall be submitted within 60 days succeeding the date of completion of each individual journey. Similarly, TA claim in respect of transportation of personal effects and conveyance shall be submitted within 60 days succeeding the date On which these are actually delivered to the Railway servant at the new station. 4. In the case of claims falling under category 3(ii) which are presented to the Cash Section after a period of 60 days succeeding the date of completion of journey, date of submission of the claim will be counted from the date when it was submitted by the Railway servant to the the Head of Office / Controlling Officer with in prescribe time limit of 60 days. 5. A claim for Travelling Allowance of a Railway. If the Head of the& Disbursing Officer or the Accounts Officers, as the case may be , after usual checks. Here is the pretty Jewelry box I was inspired to make a while back by another talented demo, Kay Sha. Tell me what you think and get your Mini milk carton die out. Today is a good day to create! Rejoice! To decorate the box like the one below to the right- Cut dsp of choice a 10 1/4" x 1" band and adhere after measuring around your box on the bottom from each end. Do not adhere to the box. Then cut 6 rectangles out of the First Edition dsp at 1 3/4" x 1 3/8" and stamp in Primrose Petals with the images from Dress Up stamp set. Glue to the side panels of your box. To make my flower I punch about 6-9 (can't remember) scallop circles, poke in the middle and thread a black Glimmer brad, spritz with water and scrunch. See flower tutorial here. I then made a knot on top of my belly band with the Crochetted ribbon from Stampin'Up! and glued my flower with sticky strip to each side of the belly band. That way you can open and close your box again with nooo problem. Thanks so uch for the tutorial and have to keept this in mind for a next birthday to wrap up the gift! the decoration is just lovely! Love the flower and the ribbon
Jaya Kader MArch ’88 is a registered architect in Florida and the founder and principal of KZ architecture, a Miami-based practice founded in 2003. The firm is committed to design excellence and sustainable building practices, with a focus on custom home residential design and a philosophy rooted in context, and purpose. Born and raised in San Jose, Costa Rica, Jaya spent 15 years in Boston before moving to Miami, Florida. Prior to KZA, Jaya worked for Moshe Safdie and Graham Gund. Upon moving to Miami, she led a team headed by Robert A M Stern of New York to win the competition for the Miami Beach Library, for which she was the project architect through its completion. Jaya is involved with local and national AIA. She is a member of the AIA Committee on Design Advisory Group and chairs its sponsorship committee. Jaya is also involved with Women in Design initiatives, including Women in Architecture and Equity by Design, an AIA San Francisco initiative committed to fostering diversity in architectural leadership. Jaya is a member of the USGBC and a LEED accredited professional. One of KZA’s projects, West Broadview residence in Bay Harbor Islands, was the first home to get LEED certification in South Florida in 2009. A single mother of four, Jaya is passionate about education and has contributed to several not-for profit educational initiatives serving both as a board member and volunteer. Jaya has also been involved with her community by serving in the Bay Harbor and Bal Harbor Design Review Boards.
Voluntary closure on section of River of Golden Dreams | Whistler | Pique Newsmagazine | Whistler, CANADA The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) is closing a section of the River of Golden Dreams due to low water levels. The section between the Alta Lake fish weir and the CN rail bridge — known as the "Tapley's" section — will be closed until there's a significant rise in water levels. Boaters are asked to launch their boats from the portage trail below the lower railway bridge — accessed from the end of Lorimer Road — or to portage the 600-metre section from the Alta Lake fish weir to the lower railway bridge. The closure is necessary to protect shallow spawning beds and rearing grounds of rainbow trout and kokanee, the RMOW said in a release. "The Tapley's section is one of the shallowest and most vulnerable sections of the river, and it is an important spawning and rearing location for kokanee and rainbow trout," the release said. "Below the railway bridge the river is deeper which means boats drag along the substrate less and boaters don't need to get out of their boats as often. This lowers the impact on kokanee eggs incubating in the gravel and stirs up less sediment into the water column." Eric Wight — owner of Backroads Whistler, which offers tours on the river — said the voluntary closure is normal, but about two weeks ahead of schedule. "It's a little early, no question... I mentioned to fisheries probably two weeks ago that we should be looking at a voluntary closure here pretty quick depending on what snowpack and temperatures do," said Wight, who is also a member of the Whistler Fisheries Stewardship Group. But despite the voluntary closure, the River of Golden Dreams remains open for business — Backroads has carts lined up to help guests portage. "It can be (challenging) on high water, and in low water it's scenic," he said. "It changes all the time, and that's one of the draws, is that it's so unique." While firefighters have made progress containing wildfires in the Whistler area, the public is reminded to use "an abundance of caution" when heading outdoors this weekend, said Kevin Skrepnek, chief fire information officer for the BC Wildfire Service, in a Friday afternoon conference call. As of Friday morning, the Boulder Creek wildfire was 45-per-cent contained, with 6,515 hectares still burning about 23 kilometres northwest of Pemberton Meadows. The Elaho wildfire — burning 12,523 hectares 67-kilometres west of Pemberton — was also 45-per-cent contained. "We're making good progress on all of our large incidents across the province," Skrepnek said, but he noted that the warm, dry weather and potential for lightning this weekend could lead to increased fire activity. There are various fire bans in place in the Coastal Fire Centre — head to for up-to-date information. "If you are going to be heading outdoors this weekend, please do check our website to see where those prohibitions are in place," Skrepnek said. "Given the level of hot and dry we're expecting, we just want people to be careful with any other potential sources of ignition — discarded cigarettes, even the heat from a vehicle's exhaust pipe could be enough to ignite a fire." "Extreme fire danger rating means that no fires are allowed in the municipality. In parks, only propane barbeques are allowed provided they are on a stand and not on grass or near any trees," an RMOW spokesperson said in an email. "Smoking is not permitted in parks or on trails in Whistler. In residential subdivisions, only propane and briquette barbeques are allowed provided they are used in a safe manner and have proper clearances from structures." All wildfires should be reported immediately by calling 1-800-663-5555 - *5555 on cell phones - or by dialing 911.
Spicely Organic Thyme - Tin by Spicely at Spice World. Hurry! Limited time offer. Offer valid only while supplies last. Certified organic, vegan, kosher and gluten free herbs and If you have any questions about this product by SpicApple Pie Rub - Blended in Small Batches with Farm Fresh Herbs for Premium Flavor and Zest | Spice World Warm Apple Pie Rub - Blended in Small Batches with Farm Fresh Herbs for Premium Flavor and Zest by Chicken Smitten at Spice World. Hurry! Limited time offer. Offer valid only while supplies last. as good as the spices! Just toss the wings, a little butter and our seasoning and you're done. It took us 15 years to get the unique spice blend just right. Enjoy! 15 year old "tried and true" wing seasoning recipe. There's nothing better than a sweet apple pie chicken wing!! If you have any questions about this product by Chicken Smite de Provence is a combination of all natural low-sodium Dead Sea salt and traditional savory herbs and spices like rosemary, thyme, and garlic. Excellent as a base for traditional pickling and superb for poultry. Make your special occasion unfor... The American Royal Turkey Brine produces delicious, tender, flavorful meat. Our brine works by pulling in the juicy richness of savory herbs and garlic to ensure a moist and flavorful bird every time. Whether you prefer to smoke, roast or fry your tu... Mix of roasted subtly spiced flavours with hazelnut, sesame and thyme. traditional egyptian 'street food'. use as a starter or dip mixed with olive oil. great as an all-purpose seasoning simply sprinkled over meat and vegetables Ideally used in: Cond... The design and prototyping of a development environment, called BALI, for a small robot, viz., the MIT 6.270 robot, is presented in this paper. BALI is being developed and used for research work using a 6.270-based robot. Building on the experience with IC (interactive-C) for programming the 6.270 robot and new technologies like Java, a more powerful and low cost robot development environment is possible. The goal of BALI is to provide a flexible, customizable, and extensible development environment so that robot researchers can quickly tailor BALI to their robots. Given that the 6.270 robot is really a building kit made up of LEGO blocks (or similar kinds of physical building blocks), the 68HC11-based motherboard, and a variety of sensors, BALI cannot be specially built for one 'instance' of the 6.270 robot. Rather the guiding principles for building BALI should be to provide the GUI (graphical user interface) 'primitives' from which one can assemble and build his or her development environment. Thus GUI primitives for displaying status information, sensor readings, robot orientation, and environment maps must be provided. Much of these primitives are already provided in Java. It is the robot-specific ones that have to be developed for BALI. The Java- like language that forms the core of BALI is the main focus of this paper. Willie Y. Lim, "BALI development environment for small mobile robots," Proc. SPIE 2591, Mobile Robots X, (27 December 1995); Large scale solar Photovoltaic (PV) deployment on existing building rooftops has proven to be one of the most efficient and viable sources of renewable energy in urban areas. As it usually requires a potential analysis over the area of interest, a crucial step is to estimate the geometric characteristics of the building rooftops. In this paper, we introduce a multi-layer machine learning methodology to classify 6 roof types, 9 aspect (azimuth) classes and 5 slope (tilt) classes for all building rooftops in Switzerland, using GIS processing. We train Random Forests (RF), an ensemble learning algorithm, to build the classifiers. We use (2 &times; 2) [m<sup>2</sup> ] LiDAR data (considering buildings and vegetation) to extract several rooftop features, and a generalised footprint polygon data to localize buildings. The roof classifier is trained and tested with 1252 labeled roofs from three different urban areas, namely Baden, Luzern, and Winterthur. The results for roof type classification show an average accuracy of 67%. The aspect and slope classifiers are trained and tested with 11449 labeled roofs in the Zurich periphery area. The results for aspect and slope classification show different accuracies depending on the classes: while some classes are well identified, other under-represented classes remain challenging to detect. The photoluminescence (PL), its excitation (PLE) and absorption spectra in ultraviolet, visible and infrared (UV-VIS-IR) regions were used to investigate the MgO single crystals irradiated by fast neutrons. It is shown that the photoluminescence band of the MgO crystals at 730 nm belongs to the hydrogen-containing complex centers which are transformed during the irradiation with fast neutrons. The behavior of the PL band 730 nm after fast neutron irradiation depends on the iron-chromium concentration. It is found that the fast neutron irradiation produces the interstitial proton H<sup>+</sup><sub>i</sub> and the Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub> microphase. Influence of radiation defects on the optical absorption spectrum of nickel oxide (NiO) was studied at 6 K in the near-IR energy range of 7750-8300 cm<sup>-1</sup> corresponding to the magnetic-dipole transition at nickel sites. NiO single crystals grown by the method of chemical transport reactions on the MgO(100) substrates were irradiated by the neutron fluences up to 5x10<sup>18</sup> cm<sup>-2</sup>. Two sharp lines were observed at the low-energy side of the band: the peak at 7805 cm<sup>-1</sup> is assigned to the pure exciton transition, whereas the peak at 7845 cm<sup>-1</sup>, to the exciton-magnon excitation that occurs at the Brillouin zone-center (BZC). An increase of the defect concentration at higher fluences results in the lowering of the magnon-satellite-peak intensity. The long-wavelength BZC magnon absorption is sensitive to the long- range magnetic ordering, which becomes destroyed in the presence of the radiation defects. Therefore, the observed decrease of the peak intensity is attributed to the decrease of the spin-spin correlation length due to inhomogeneous broadening. Coatings of AlN, TiN and nanostructured multilayer AlN/TiN have been deposited by reactive sputtering on sapphire, tungsten carbide (WC) and stainless steel substrates. The microhardness, adhesion and formation of cracks under indentation tests, were investigated. It was found that the adhesion of coatings on steel was higher, than on WC for all investigated samples. Nanostructured multilayer AlN/TiN films have the best adhesion and fracture toughness both on the hard (WC) and on the soft (stainless steel) substrates if compared with that for AlN and TiN "single layer" coatings. The effect of &gamma;-radiation on mechanical properties of transparent AlN films was investigated. After the exposure of &gamma;-radiation (10<sup>6</sup> Gy) the microhardness of AlN has increased by 33%. No debonding or destruction of AlN films under irradiation was observed. The present work summarizes the results of absorption and luminescence spectra investigation of natural and synthetic magnesium aluminum spinels containing chromium and manganese ions. The spectra have been analyzed with an aim to determine the effect of stoichiometry 'n' on distribution of emitting ions. The Mn<SUP>2+</SUP> is observed in both tetrahedral and octahedral coordinations providing green or orange emission. Absorption bands have been explained in terms of the Mn<SUP>2+</SUP> configuration model. Laser excitation of chromium-comprising magnesium aluminum spinel crystals has been carried out at 7 K with the purpose to detect the nearest neighbors of Cr<SUP>3+</SUP> ions. Luminescence emission spectra have been obtained for natural sample and three synthetic samples n equals 1, 2, 2.8). Decay time has been measured at different wavelengths and compared for crystals of different stoichiometry. In case n equals 2 or 2.8, computer simulation has been used to decompose smeared luminescence spectra in the 680 - 700 nm region. Gaussian curves corresponding to R- and N-lines of natural spinel spectrum have been applied as components in the calculations of nonstoichiometric spinel spectra. This suggests that there aren't normally arranged Cr-occupied octahedral positions in nonstoichiometric spinel (n equals 2.8, e.g.). The holiday season is officially upon us, and MAKE UP FOR EVER has some brand new holiday sets for 2015. Edition Holiday 2015 sets. Featuring an extensive range of bold and brilliant sets at every price point, Celebrate 12 Days of Glosses with this spectacular set, featuring a beautiful range of the new high-impact variety of shades with high colour pay-off and remarkable blendability. Made to create any look during the holiday season or year-round, this palette features shades ranging from soft and subtle to bold and bright. Become an expert with an included step-by-step tutorial and insider tips from professional makeup artists. The See anything that someone on your list would like to receive? If I had to pick just one, I’d go with the Artist Plexi-Gloss Collection – I’d mount it on a shelf for everyone to see, because it’s so purdy! Pop by your local Sephora, and check out the new MAKE UP FOR EVER Holiday 2015 Collection for yourself. Until next time, toodles! – Shawna The American installation of Virgin Mobile Fest will return to Pimlico Race Course Aug. 9-10, and the lineup has five big reasons to mark your calendars and purchase tickets ASAP: Kanye West, Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails, Jack Johnson, and reunited alt-rockers Stone Temple Pilots are on the bill for the fest’s third annual installation. Foo Fighters, the busy boys they are, will also headline Canada’s V-Fest, scheduled to hit Toronto’s Island Park Sept. 6-7, alongside Oasis, Bloc Party, and Paul Weller. A complete bill for Baltimore’s V-Fest has yet to be announced, but more acts will be revealed in the coming weeks. Check out coverage of last year’s Virgin Fest, including interviews with Panic at the Disco, Bad Brains, Girl Talk, Incubus, and more.
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You require details regarding their needs, wishes, expectations and practices. As a dining establishment proprietor, you're qualified and anticipated to send specials, occasion information and brand-new menu things to all of your customers free of charge. If you realize that you are losing a considerable periodproper method from the beginning. Establish one of the most appropriate advertising and marketing strategy plan in position from the start as well as bear in mind to follow it religiously. Advertising incorporates a variety of methods, states Bridegroom, to inform consumers of a great or help. Food advertising and marketing as well astransformed advertising for the food market. Therefore a service needs to remain in a placement to be seen. If you're just beginning in the dining establishment business, then it's optimal to seek the services of a manager with a background in modest dining establishments. Most businessdrink pr london most likely to Google My Service to begin the approach. If you want to raise recognition of your food offering, then become personable with your possibladvertising and marketing realm. Lots of restaurants do not have an advertising approach and simply attempt to respond to the circumstance. In London alone it's feasible uk prs firm to recognize lots of sort of Indian restaurants. You will certainly have the ability to organize your dining establishment soon, however while you're still hoping to figure things out, you're mosting likely to require a staff that prepares and also ready to go the excess mile in their obligations look at these guys and responsibilities. The greatest food that nobody knows about is ineffective and also is an essential reason a bargain of restaurants shut down in spite of an impressive food selection or cook. Running a dining establishment in today electronic globe can be an intimidating endeavour, also for the most experienced dining establishment proprietor. There isn't an excellent dining establishment in the world. Certainly, when you're financially well prepared to run a dining establishment, after that you may also seek the solutions of a Cook that is the best hand of the Executive Chef in addition to a Pastry Chef (Patissier) who will certainly be fairly beneficial in making the treats for your menu. Restaurants and various other food-related procedures are regularly checking out methods to decrease prices and also maximize earnings in the very best and reliable approaches possible. The outright essential issue to recognize is that food hasn't been simply gas for a prolonged moment. Bodily therapists work with men and women struggling from injuries or sicknesses to get back their movement. They operate with people who've Long-term conditions, aiding regulate their discomfort and rehabilitate them. In these podcast Dave Asprey and friends provide you with almost everything you need to update your head, body, and daily life. When You will need a dose of commitment to remain on the wellness journey, look no additional than your cellphone. No, not blogs, or websites, or fitness apps – podcasts are the most recent have to-have Instrument within your inspiration kit. So, I personally suggest that if you wanna start out any weblog then it is best to get started on with the visitor blogging. 1st generate for someone else that have very good exposure online and after that for your individual if succeeds. 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Image courtesy of Surachai at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Maybe you missed my post last week, but Sewing By Ti is moving. We're leaving ou... Maybe you missed my post last week, but Sewing By Ti is moving. We're leaving our home in NJ in just 6 days and headed to beautiful Wyoming. Now this isn't my first move. Or even my first cross country move. But this is the first move where I won't have access to all of my stuff for more than a week or two. We haven't placed an offer on a new home yet and we aren't too keen on renting from someone else, so it will likely be at least 30 days (and probably closer to 60) where I won't have access to all of my sewing stuff. The possibility completely terrifies me. So last week I talked about what tools I needed to pack with me and you can read all about that here. I picked out 3 copies of the Hailey Bug's Closet Perfect Puzzle Set. Sizes 7, 6, and 4. If you've read here long enough, you know that that is my go to pattern for a quick, easy sew. I've blogged it a ton of times. You're welcome to use the search box to see how many different times I've mentioned it. Thirdly, I already finished DD1's summer capsule in my 40 garments in 40 days series. So in theory, my kids shouldn't really need much else. So anything further I sew for them is just an added bonus, not a necessity. For once, I actually have plans to sew for my husband, so I had to pack his patterns. I've actually only so far printed and fitted the Hamptons and the Pajama Pants. That means I'll have to pritn the others when we get there. But then came time to pick patterns for me. EEP. These were important. #1- because once I fit a pattern, I'm not willing to do the fitting work all over again. #2- because these patterns usually require a ton of printing and I didn't want to deal with that during our move. #1- should come as no surprise. 1 Puddle Lane Miss Ruby Tuesday. I own 5 of these dresses. 5. I would wear one every day. Plus the hacks make the pattern super versatile. I've blogged it a ton of times. I will continue to sew more of these. #2- 5 out of 4 X-factor Bikini and Tankini. I am working on a swimsuit post and I'm going to need a top with good bust support. I've got my muslin finished of the Xfactor so that put it on my list. #3- Colette Sorbetto. I'm still thinking through that side zipper and want to bring this with me so I can try it out. #4- EYMM Freestyle Harem Pants. If you've never worn harem pants, you are missing out! It is like walking around in your pajamas all day long, except that everyone thinks you look stylish. I definitely need more of these. #5- Love Notions Hip Hop Tank. I know I haven't shared a version of this one with you yet, but I really love it. And all the built in options make it a versatile pattern. #6- Love Notions La Bella Donna. This is another pattern with a lot of options. Everyone needs a dolman but I could only bring one, so this was it. #7- Mouse House Creations Lady Caroline. I am DETERMINED to get a great fitting woven summer dress. I've got a mountain of woven fabrics I'm bringing with because I REALLY want this to work out. I think I'm done muslining, but you never really know until you try it in good fabric. Fingers crossed. #8- Pattern Emporium Hepburn Shorts. I'll be blogging these on Thursday so you'll get to see all my hard work, but let's just suffice it to say, I got them all fitting the way I want, so now I need at least 3-4 pair. #9- New Horizons Riviera Raglan. I LOVE the sleeveless version on this raglan, so that means it won out versus all the others. #10-SUAT Scrundlewear. I still haven't sewn up my official swimsuit for this summer. But I do have all my fabric picked out and waiting for me. I know the scrundies are the perfect FAST swim bottom for me. #11- Vesta Grail Tee.This is a great fitted t-shirt and I need a fitted swim shirt due to sun sensitivity (don't ask, its complicated). This will be perfect for the zipper hack I have planned. So you're probably looking at that list and thinking, where are the skirts? Is she going to wear any other shorts? I actually have several really amazing knit skirts from last year. Also, I aside from the Jocole Pencil and the Little Lizard King Petal Skirt, I don't have any other skirts muslined, so I can't bring those. As for the "other" shorts... I don't have anything muslined, at all. But while I'm in sewing limbo, I have big plans to fit the Jocole Skinnies and the P4P SOS pants too. I just won't print those until we get there, as space is starting to get tight. Also, I REALLY want to find the confidence to sew a simple shift dress. But the last time I tried, resulted in tears. It made me look like a big rectangle, and that wasn't the curvy look I had hoped for. (I suspect that curvy look just won't happen for me in a shift dress because I'm not actually curvy). I still have 6 days before I leave, so what else am I missing? Please leave me a comment if you think of something i might need! Wow, I'm impressed (and a bit jealous) that you have such a great collection of patterns that fit YOU! Nice work, girl! Wyoming, my husband keeps talking about moving to Wyoming, he says the fishing is wonderful and it's supposed to be absolutely gorgeous there. It's nice to have your sewing to maintain a tiny bit of familiarity while you move. And terrific that the kids have a chance to get adjusted before a new school year. I'm excited for you!! We offer many refurbished, rebuilt or reconditoned parts. In some cases, we can actually repair or fabricate these items. The photos below are an example of the work we can perform. In this example, a broken takeup lever has been repaired. This lever will now provide many years of reliable service. These bobbin winders are from Bernina 801 Minimatic and 830 Record machines. On the left of the photo are the winders before restoration. The reconditioned winders on the right also have replaceable rubber "tires".
We offer the following non-NHS services at our surgery. Please note that these are chargeable. For more information, please contact our surgery. HI ,my name is Niki Buckley (Robin's NEST) I am an ofsted registered childminder living in a quiet part of Ross-on-wye. I have been … more Hi my name is Tracie and am a mum to joe age 4 I have worked in childcare for approx 25 years I am NNEB qualified. I am located 2 miles from … more I am an accredited childminder working with another NNEB trained childminder working in the heart of the countryside near Ross on Wye. We … more
↑ OpenNet Initiative "Summarized global Internet filtering data spreadsheet", 8 November 2011 and "Country Profiles", the OpenNet Initiative is a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University; and the SecDev Group, Ottawa ↑ Due to legal concerns the OpenNet Initiative does not check for filtering of child pornography and because their classifications focus on technical filtering, they do not include other types of censorship.
After six seasons Glee greets us with a double episode that gave tribute to the initial concept, the message and the spirit with which it was presented to the public in 2009, making us forget the many errors scattered through the years. I must admit to have discontinued the vision during the fifth season; not addicted to series I'm proud, I committed to follow, but among the dozens of storyline popped up from nowhere just to put pepper in an episode or sudden future reference (for example, the history between Quinn and Santana) and some wacky and poorly detailed paths of old and new characters there are just successful. The fourth season made me regret that Glee had not ended with the previous, we had the victory of the National and the coveted arrival of Rachel in NY, would have been enough to show us some pictures the future of the other players and we would have a happy ending. But we had to barcamenare between the lives of the new members of New Directions, they could also be interesting if they had not been mismanaged, and foreseeable dramas Yorkers Rachel (although I admit that gigolo boyfriend and pregnancy / false alarm I had not put into account); proving that the road taken was not exactly apt, the total change of direction of this final season, which saw the only survival of the adorable Kitty and the return home of the adventurers of the Big Apple (I avoid taking a position on how the events of the previous two seasons have been almost completely erased). Among the risk of closure of the Glee Club, the re-start from scratch the New Directions and the bitter enemy Sue Sylvester seemed to be back to 2009, except that the new coach of the Glee Club were Rachel and Kurt. Just for the latter's return to basics is crucial to move forward: as happened six years ago, Glee gives him the strength and the motivation to keep going, to realize their dreams. We understand clearly in "2009" which brings us back exactly to the pilot, But showing him in a whole new perspective: no more searching for new members by Mr. Schue, but what it meant for the boys to be part of the New Directions. The best example is Kurt; only now we find that before the reopening of the Glee Club by Will felt so depressed and just by thinking about suicide. The New Directions have given him the opportunity to be themselves and to fight to be, finding among other things in an unexpected supporter Sue; thanks to Glee, Kurt has found friends and a brother in the first people who would approach just to beat him, rebuilt the relationship with her father, and she met her current husband. The contrast between "2009" and "Dreams Come True" enables us to see how the dreams of a group of freaks, tormented by granite beaten in the face and rubbish bins, have managed to get to where they have always dreamed of, all thanks to their entry into the Glee Club. Without a step back maybe we would realize that there has been evolution in addition to professional achievements. We think of the protagonist Rachel Berry, as talented as annoying; we say that they are not a fan of his, it is true that she was the unfortunate freak par excellence, that was supposed to attract sympathy from the outset, but his desire to excel and always tell her made her particularly irritating, so much so that at the time tifavo for Quinn Fabray. Yet in episode twelve o'clock this thought against it is a little’ scratched by a new vision of contention between her and the first solo Mercedes: Jones finally agrees to step aside because he understands that maybe at that time Rachel has more need her to stay in the spotlight, highlighting the fragility of Berry instead of his usual protagonism. And’ glaring difference between the Rachel's 2009 with an almost hysterical gab who wants to be the protagonist because he knows to be a star and that of 2020, calm and serene even though he is to give a child to Kurt and Blaine and is nominated for a Tony Award. In the first season we never could imagine Rachel married Jesse St. James, willing to have a big belly as surrogate mother for her best friends, heartfelt and humble (without the slightest pretense) in the battle for victory, full of thanks to Mr. Schue and Glee. I admit I'm more upset that she married Jesse that from everything else, with all the times that it rejected, I do not think the case to give it to him as a husband and director on a silver platter! Obviously Glee must also confirm its flaws, summarized in "many things that boil in the pot, 80% of them suddenly disappears, without even avercene did feel the taste ": too many characters and too many storylines on fire then falls into nothingness. I mentioned earlier the history between Quinn and Santana, but it is only one of many; and we have also confirmed in the final episode. Inform us of the future of Rachel, Kurt, His, Will, a little something about Artie and Mercedes… and all other? Brittany and Santana, celebrated with marriage, are even placed in the middle of final song; Quinn Fabray, the original antagonist of Rachel, there outset, but if it had been absent would be equal; ditto for Puck, his brother and other members of New Directions fourth and fifth season. We had to learn in a few episodes of the most recent winners of the National and even know if Jane and Mason are a couple. Agree that all meet to honor the dedication of the auditorium to Finn Hudson - for which occasion among senior reappears also the former wife of Will, Terri - but with thirteen episodes available you could do something more for the other characters, right to close the circle in full for once. Among other things, the alternating members of New Directions I always liked. The memory of Find could not miss and is particularly exciting, not so much in the final, As in "2009" when we understand what his input in Glee has meaning for others - beyond simply attracting new members. Finn obviously you never see, are all new scenes, except the first real significant performance of the Glee Club "Do not stop believin '", with all the good will is really hard not to get excited. Among other important events the transformation of McKinley High in an arts school with Mr. Schuester Dean, that result is a great redemption after funds denied and threats of closure, and Sam at the head of the New Directions, fresh winners of the National. Remarkably, the song of Rachel "This Time" was composed by Darren Criss (Blaine) – al pari di “Rise” in “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester” – but above the flashback on the victory of the National by a young Will, thus allowing us to see for the first time the former coach his mentor Lillian Adler. The final scene sees Sue - new Vice President of the US – present at the dedication of the auditorium Finn, with a speech, although starting dall'inguaribile vein Sylvester - I am glad that they have not ever denied in the name of good feelings - recognizes the courage of the members of the Glee Club: may also be of the "losers", ma non sono codardi “It takes a lot of bravery to look around you and see the world not as it is, but as it should be". The same moral proposal at the conclusion of the wonderful revival of Disney film Cinderella – a must for the series addicted given the various actors from major TV show – a coincidence that shows how Glee, like a fairy tale timeless, has been able to know and inspire a wide audience, Despite glitches here and there. And’ This is the spirit with which it was born Glee, that made us fall in love since the pilot and we have found in this poignant final: us believe in ourselves because - as we remember Rachel in his speech as Tony winner – “Being a part of something specialiticism, thank you Glee!
Fight for justice and freedom in style when you suit up in this gorgeous Wonder Woman costume! This catsuit features Wonder Woman's signature double W symbol, along with all of the matching accessories to create a world-saving look that any superhero will love!
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Photo: Visiting printing house in Romania. Visit Chris's personal missions/ministry website at LawsonChristopher.org Chris Lawson – researcher/lecturer – is both an experienced missionary and an ordained pastor. As such, he has spent much time as a researcher, writer and counselor, helping people escape the clutches of spiritual deception. Among his achievements and calling as a career missionary, he has served as a long-term church planter in the USA and also in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is also the Founder and Director of Spiritual Research Network, a Christian outreach dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel and encouraging biblical discernment. As General Editor and staff writer for the Spiritual Research Network publication and website, his articles have appeared in discernment resource publications such as Forcing Change and Lighthouse Trails Research Project. He has spoken at numerous churches, been a guest Bible teacher at Golgota Mission Bible Institute, Talmachiu, Romania (Transylvania), and participated in apologetics and discernment seminars in Scotland, England, South India and California. Chris's Radio Interviews/Teaching can be listened to here. Along with being an expository Bible teacher, he has spent more than twenty years researching, informing and warning of the dangers of cults, the occult and mysticism based spirituality. He has also provided news agencies, students, consumers, church leaders, healthcare professionals and law enforcement agencies with assessments, and/or instruction. Formerly serving for nearly 25 years in the Calvary Chapel movement, fourteen of these being a missionary and pastor, he is now focusing on his independent ministry of research, writing and teaching. “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment [discernment]; Thatlippians 1:9-11, KJV). Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, South India (2005) - Pastors conference and visit nine villages and orphanage.
Vice President Xi Jinping meets with Singaporean Minister for Defense Ng Eng Hen (L) in Beijing, June 21, 2012. [Photo/Xinhua] BEIJING -Vice President Xi Jinping met with Singaporean Minister for Defense Ng Eng Hen in Beijing on Thursday, calling on enhanced military links between both countries. Xi hailed the achievements of China-Singapore ties since the forging of diplomatic ties, citing strengthened political trust, frequent exchange of visits between state leaders and expanded cooperation in various fields. "The Chinese government attaches great importance to developing cooperative ties with Singapore in diversified areas and among different levels," said the vice president. Citing the complicated global situation, Xi called on both countries to cement contacts and cooperation, and keep timely exchanges of views on major global and regional issues, to boost closer ties between the two countries and armed forces. Ng, in his turn, said the Singaporean government values its relations with China, and is ready to cooperate with China to upgrade bilateral ties to a higher level and jointly safeguard peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region. Ng is visiting China as guest of his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie. They held official talks on boosting China-Singapore military exchanges on Monday.
43 people named Paul Walker found in Boise, Pocatello and 2 other cities. Click a location below to find Paul more easily.
Lu Pei-Yi excavates the histories of both the Taiwan and Hong Kong Pavilions and their struggle to establish a “national” identity without having official national status within the Venice Biennale.
Johannesburg - The Golden Lions Rugby Union have suspended coach John Mitchell with immediate effect. This follows revelations that a group of players have presented a 'list of grievances' to GLRU president Kevin de Klerk as a result of the manner in which Mitchell treated his players. De Klerk, in an interview with the Rugby365 website, confirmed that Mitchell has been suspended with immediate effect. "The nature of the (players') complaints is so serious that we have suspended him (Mitchell), pending further investigation," De Klerk said. The Lions' three remaining fixtures this season will see them take on the Stormers at Newlands (June 30), the Rebels in Johannesburg (July 7) and the Bulls in Pretoria (July 14). The Lions are currently bottom of the South African Conference with two wins and 11 defeats in their 13 matches to date. They lie 14th in the Combined log, one point ahead of the Blues. They are assured of finishing last in the South African Conference, which will in all likelihood see them be replaced by the Southern Kings for the 2013 tournament. A similar scenario played itself out in 2008 when he coached the Western Force when most of the players became fed up of his strict coaching methods. He was also unpopular as All Blacks coach and was sacked after they lost in the semifinals of the 2003 Rugby World Cup to Australia. It's because players want to be pampered and not coached. They are like little spoiled brats, when if the going gets tough, toys starts flying out of the cot. It's really a pity if the Lions should go on and loose a decent coach like Mitchell. I suppose they don't understand the South African culture since they are all not originally from here - by the way Mallet is from Zimbabwe for those who might not know I don't agree, Hennie. When do you perform best at work? When your boss treats you like rubbish or like a human being? Damn, Harold, second time today I'm agreeing with you! Hennie, Mitchell "might" be a good coach (although his general track record suggests otherwise) - OK, let's assume he IS a good coach. This still does not give him the right to treat the players like cr@p. They are grown-ups in a professional sport, not kids, and deserve to be treated accordingly. Furthermore, a coach is at the service of the team, not the other way round (note that the ANC government is making the same mistake ;-) Respect gets earned, it doesn't come automatically with the territory, and Mitchell obviously failed in that regard. @Harold, if memory serves, he had similar problems at Western Force. But what is concerning is the 'The nature of the players' complaints is so serious....' Hectic... All in all, I think there's a huge amount of frustration this man has to deal with week in/out - also the Kings saga.... Sad that a union such as the Lions has to endure this kind of issues, 'bankruptcy, losing spot in S15, coaching issues' - mostly I am sorry for the fans/supporters. Harold & Stirrer. Okay, so I might have overreacted a little bit, but it 's only because when things seems to go wrong, it is always the coach that gets blamed first. It's funny that it took the players this long to realize that Mitchell is to strict. I guess some players perform better when a coach is less strict and obviously the other way around too. LOL @Harold - dunno what it is - maybe the Baby Boks giving me a warm, fuzzy "Invictus" day? Don't worry, next week we're back to S15, and we'll be at each other's throats again. I can't wait, Stirrer. This lovey dovey crap makes me sick. \r\n\r\nRene, everybody in my family are Lions supporters and I truly feel sorry for them. I hope they air the greivences to the public as we are only hearing one side of the story!! This reminds me of the Seatle grid-iron team that threatened to strike because their coach was driving them too hard in pre season training!! They didn't believe so many sprints and an obstacle course were necessary!! Nhamo ur just as f*cking stupid as some of the clueless fools that comment on a sport they have never played before. FYI d*ckhead: Nicholas Vivian Howard Mallett was born on the 30th of October 1956 in Haileybury, England Rather shut up if u dont know what ur talking about because all ur doing is making a bigger fool of urself IDIOT Would be interesting to hear what somebody like Alex Ferguson would say about this. Its a joke. How does Kevin de Klerk all of a sudden realise his poor kittens are being bullied by a nasty coach? A few months ago, he was some the readers favourite for Bok Coach, now his own Lion's players do not even want him REALLY????? He wins you a f**ing Currie Cup and this is how you repay him for lifting the Lions out of the ashes?! If this is the nature of the Lions then I am NO LONGER a Lions faithful supporter. When Mitch took the job he told the players he is hard, and this is his philosophy if you don't fit in then ship out. The rest who stayed accepted his hard ass philosophy and went on to win a Currie Cup!!! For goodness sake if anyone needs to be suspended its the players who complained and most of them in all likelihood is the players dragging the team and Union down! You know what I was always on the front line of defending the Lions with all my passion I will no longer do so! If this is your attitude and grattitude for a coach that WON you the Currie Cup - yes John Mitchel won the Currie Cup NOT the players as the players in that team are a band of rag tag washouts who didnt make it anywhere else in this rugby landscape...John Mitchel took them and made them a championship team! John Mitchel won that Currie Cup...I am ASHAMED of ever rooting for the Lions! Agreed! Sick and tired of supporting a bunch of losers that cannot catch a rugby ball! Mitch was the best coach they had - pity the players can't except responsibility for playing poorly History repeats itself. We won the Currie cup in 1999 against all odds Coach Laurie Mains,in 2000 players complaint about his strong discipline and he left. It took 12 years and a NZ coach for Lions to win Cup???? He certainly hasn't produced a winning team and I haven't heard any other coach whinge as much as he does. Too often after a match instead of commenting on both his and the teams bad performance, he criticizes the ref or the opposing team. All successful super rugby franchises have at least 8 national players in their squad +- 1/3 at least. Check the history books.Lions don't have that. In Curry Cup where playing field was more even I think he did well. He lost NZ job because someone had to carry the can after the defeat to Oz. Henry was only not fired after 2007 because NZ realized by then, hiring and firing coaches weren't the answer. My opinion, you cannot run a "World Class" rugby franchise from a somalian and nigerian slum in the east of the city. Firing the coach ain't gonna make a dime difference! The man stayed to help you out despite being stabbed and he won you a curry cup - you ungrateful gits, I can't support you any longer. As a kiwi Mitchell does have a bit of a rep for playing "mind games" with his players. Quite a few of the teams he has coached have been visibly successful in their early periods when he shocks and drives some really strong performances, only for dissent and distrust at the games to emerge when familiarity starts to set in. There is no doubt he is a hugely capable coach, but he can also be a very complicated character and there often seems to be more going on than there appears... well I didnt hear any players complaining during their successful Currie cup campaign. When things go wrong in a team, there's always a scapegoat. We saw it with the Blues a few weeks ago and now we are seeing it here. Its always the coach that get the blame. Players must also be accountable for the way their season has turned out, not just the coach. They are a joke,they fire the only guy that can actually work with them?well I'm sorry if u don't win anything how do u expect a coach to stay calm? When the lions lost under Ludeke he was called all sorts of names and kicked out. Ludeke has since won the S14 with the Bulls. I am a lions supporter and always have been. What are the reasons that they suspended him immediately? Where were these complaints when we won the Currie Cup? (Oh by the way, they don't etch into the cup that it was won in a RWC year so it DOES count!!) Suspend the WHOLE LOT and get to the bottom of the problems instead of crucifying the coach every time. As a Sharks supporter I gotta ask - Why couldn't the Lions have had their melt-down the week BEFORE playing the Sharks???? LOL! Actually, it is sad to see this complete melt-down - the players, the coach, the union ......... nobody knows who is going to have a job next year. It must be very stressful allround. To whoever(I can't see the authors name on my browser) \wrote\ this article, \r\nYou pretty much copy-pasted the entire text, bar a few sentences, from a previous article.\r\nLazy and boring! Just a pity the long suffering Lions fans didnt suspend the Lions PLAYERS. Stop crying for the Lions, they havnt performed for a decade and dont deserve to be a S15 team. Won the currie cup with this sad bunch...now they can't stand up 2 super 15 looking 4 excuses 2 save their exorbitant salaries.#\? :loosers...... What is the World coming to when players can have a coach suspended for being too harsh? I'm sure the players will be looking for a coach who doesn't mind losing and allows complacency on his squad. If that's the case, then I'm sure we'll see the continued decline of Lions rugby. Really sad, because I can't see myself supporting another South African team. Hardly anything short of criminal allegations could justify this untimely move! Just as they regained some pride vs the Sharks. But wait, I suddenly remember Loffie being sacked days before being humiliated by the British The players couldn't have chosen a worse time for this mutiny. I am a Stormers supporter, but found myself rooting for the underdogs when the news of the impending relegation broke. Would love to know which players and what "offences" he is being accused of. its always hard when you are coaching the bottom team with the left overs. i realy think the team has to look at them selves becauese they can't even play the basics well that most 12 year olds can do in nz. I also wounder if some of those players that are complaining are ones that were out drinking 2 nights before they played the blues. for the ones that saying they only won the currie cup becuase the sharks did'nt have internationerals playing niether did the loins. It looks like the Lions bosses are already making plans to cut on expenditure for next year (Not having the S15 income).... very convenient to get rid of a expensive coach. You got to love people who judge before they know the facts. Now listen, there is something much bigger here. What was Mitch doing in PE on Friday (SOUTHER KINGS)? His strategy with the boys has changed. There seems to be no game plan. You don’t go from top to bottom just like that. Josh was running clueless on the field. Waiting for calls from the side witch by any rugby standards was the wrong calls. Why did they not want Mitch in the dressing room before the start of the second half between the lions and the sharks? The boys wanted to play their own style of rugby witch was the style that won them the curriebeker. Funny how we gave the Sharks a hiding! Don’t you think? I smell a conspiracy here. Can’t wait for the outcome, it is definitely going to silence the critics. The results speak for themselves players are paid a lot of money to perform. The coach is there boss, no they must shut up and start to listen not go crying about how hard the coach is. Lions supporter It shows that there is poor communication between Coach and Captain. Instead of Captain taking on Coach head on, he runs like a CRY BABY to the GLRU. He has no backbone Spoiled brats, if they performed on the pitch they could make demands. Highly paid and without any guts. Wish we could have him with the Bulls. It's not his fault that these gutless players are worth nothing, it's their lack of discipline - exactly what they can't handle. I think the path to the S15 for the Kings is foreordained - the questions to be asked are when they come last in 2013 - will they be relegated and how will it be decided who will go back up in 2014 - the year of the great election !!!!! nhamo.dzenyika - June 22, 2012 at 15:24 - are you sure , cos his bro is a Headmaster in Cape Town and his lighty plays for a prominent school down there .!!!
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154. A memorandum to us asked would people accept the daytime blue sky being turned orange by pollution?[208] Many people in the United Kingdom may have been unaware of the increase in light pollution. For some time now people living in urban areas have been amazed by the "difference" of the rural night sky to that viewed from towns or cities. However, evidence has shown that uncontrolled light pollution is now reaching the previously dark remote areas of countryside. 155. People have a right to feel safe and secure in their homes, to travel safely on the roads at night and to enjoy the amenities of the towns and cities where they live. Homes, streets, sports facilities, and historic buildings can all be lit effectively without the need to light up the night sky. Any light spilling above the horizontal is causing sky glow and light trespass and is preventing astronomical observations. It is also wasting energy and causing distress to an increasing number of people. 156. We consider that the astronomical community in this country is a particularly strong one and that it should be encouraged by the Government. Amateur astronomers not only support major professional projects through day to day observations, but also donate much of their time to introducing the general public and young people to the night sky, astronomy and through that initial interest, very often into a physics career. 157. We have prepared this Report to emphasise the importance of protecting astronomy as a science in this country. If we are to invest heavily in observatories abroad, we must also invest in the young scientists of today who will work in La Palma, Hawaii, Australia and Chile in the future. It is worth protecting the night sky for the use of astronomy pupils and students, amateurs and professional astronomers alone. However, Professor Sir Martin Rees provided an analogy when he pointed out that we may not all be ornithologists but we would miss the song birds in our gardens.[209] 158. The Government may not consider the effect of light pollution on astronomy in the UK to be a pressing issue, but amateur astronomers have taken on the issue on behalf of those who mourn the loss of the night sky, not only astronomers but also the general public, and those affected by the unwelcome intrusion of light. If the Government accepts this Report's recommendations it will start the process of reducing light pollution. In 20 years time it might then be possible for young people studying astronomy to see the Milky Way in the UK night skies once more. 1. We were appointed by the Leader of the House, as he announced in a Written Statement on 27 July 2010[1], "to identify options for allowing members to leave the House of Lords permanently". We invited all members of the House to volunteer their views, and in November published a summary of the suggestions set out in the submissions we received, as the basis of further consultation[2]. A debate in the House on 16 November 2010[3] allowed us to listen further to the views of members, and since then we have received a number of additional comments. We are grateful to all those who have given us the benefit of their experience and understanding of the House, whether in writing, in private discussion or in debate. We are also grateful to Dr Meg Russell, Reader in British and Comparative Politics at the Constitution Unit, School of Public Policy, University College London, for a most helpful memorandum which we publish as Appendix 1 to this report. 2. As a result of this consultative process, we have identified a range of options. Inevitably, the range of opinion is equally wide and it is unlikely that a single solution will command the support of all. However, the common feature of all the views which have been put forward is a sincere concern for the effective functioning of the House, and for its reputation. With that in mind, we are confident that it will be possible to find a way forward. In this report, therefore, we examine further the advantages and disadvantages of the options which have been outlined, and make recommendations of our own. We invite the Leader of the House, to whom we make this report, to determine what the next steps should be, in consultation with the other party leaders and the Convenor of the crossbench peers. 3. As we acknowledged in our interim report, consideration of this issue takes place in the context of the Coalition government's plans for "a wholly or mainly elected upper chamber"[4]. The cross-party committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister is preparing a draft bill which will then be subject to pre-legislative scrutiny before it begins its passage through Parliament. 4. Some members have suggested that, in that context, it is not desirable or productive to consider the options for retirement from the current House. Some think that to do so demonstrates a lack of commitment to more comprehensive reform; others that to make the current House more defensible weakens the case for more comprehensive reform; others still that any change in membership is the beginning of a slippery slope to a reform which they would not support. 5. We are of the view that the work of the Deputy Prime Minister's committee makes our consideration of options for members to leave the House permanently no less timely or relevant. Legislation to reform the House will take time to be enacted, and in the meantime it is desirable that the existing House should be enabled to function as effectively as possible. Moreover, the Government intends that there should be an orderly process of transition to a reformed House, and we hope that our discussion of the likely consequences and implications of various options might assist that process. 6. At the heart of the issue we have been asked to consider is the fact that the House of Lords has no fixed number of members and no provision for a member to leave the House permanently. New peers are created in varying numbers, and at varying times, on nomination by the Prime Minister of the day and (since 2000) after scrutiny by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. There is no formal or commonly-accepted description of the role of a member of the House, and reasons for appointment are varied—to honour a significant contribution to public life, to enable Parliament to benefit from specific professional expertise or experience, to strengthen the capacity of one political party or another, or a combination of all of these. The graph shows how the size of the House has fluctuated in recent years. *Includes Peers without Writ of Summons, on Leave of Absence, disqualified as senior members of the judiciary or disqualified as an MEP †Incomplete session, as at 10 December 2010. This potential total figure includes those Peers appointed in October and November 2010, including those not yet introduced. 7. The Constitution Unit has repeatedly drawn attention to the potential problem of the size of the House, noting the "potential conflict between rebalancing the House after every general election and keeping its size manageable"[5]. Since the partial reform of the House in 1999, this is an issue which subsequent considerations of further reform have sought to address in recommendations about the overall size of the House and fixed terms for members whether appointed or elected. During an extended period of government by one party the potential problem was not acutely felt, but would become more urgent if governments were to change more frequently. The problem will persist if the desire to rebalance the composition of the Chamber makes it necessary at times to appoint more new members than can be expected to depart through 'natural wastage'. In addition to political appointments, the House of Lords Appointments Commission periodically proposes new members. The general increase in life expectancy also plays its part in contributing to the growing size of the House. 8. A life peerage cannot be surrendered, and therefore life peers are not currently able to resign or retire from the House of Lords. Although the Peerage Act 1963 made provision for a hereditary peerage to be disclaimed for life, the House of Lords Reform Act 1999 repealed that measure in respect of those hereditary peers who successfully stood for election as members of the House. Therefore neither life peers nor the "excepted hereditary peers" are able to retire or disclaim their seat in the House. 9. The position of the Lords Spiritual is different. The Ecclesiastical Offices (Age Limit) Measure 1975 requires that bishops and archbishops vacate office at 70 years of age; when they retire from their sees, they cease to be members of the House (though bishops and archbishops have subsequently become life peers). 10. A variety of other legislative provisions disqualify certain classes of members from sitting and voting in the House in specified circumstances. Members who hold certain judicial offices are disqualified for as long as they hold that office[6]; life peers who are elected to the European Parliament as long as they hold that office[7]; a member who is adjudged bankrupt (or, in Scotland, whose estate is sequestered) until the bankruptcy or sequestration is terminated and its termination recorded in the Journals of the House[8]; a member convicted of treason until he has either suffered his term of imprisonment or received a pardon[9]. 11. The broad position that members of the House are unable to retire or disclaim their seat was temporarily varied by the provisions of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010. Section 41 of that Act provides that members of the House of Lords are to be deemed resident, ordinarily resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom for the purposes of income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. For a transitional period of 3 months following the coming into force of the Act, it was open to members of the House of Lords to terminate their membership of the House and so choose not to be subject to that deemed status. Five members availed themselves of that provision before expiry of the three-month period on 7 July 2010, and so ceased to be members of the House. There is no further opportunity for members to leave the House under the provisions of the Act. 12. It may be seen from this account that, although there is no general provision for members to leave the House permanently, legislation has on a number of occasions and for a range of purposes varied the terms of membership of the House. In particular, the precedent of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 demonstrates that there is no constitutional obstacle to enabling a member to leave the House, and that the Consent of the Crown can be obtained to place the Crown's prerogative and interest at the disposal of Parliament for the purposes of such legislation. The bill which initiated that legislation (the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, as introduced in Session 2008-09) also contained a provision which would have allowed a member to resign by means of notice to the Clerk of the Parliaments, without any stipulation as to the circumstances in which such resignation could be effected. However, after the Bill had been carried over to Session 2009-10, the provision was removed in the "wash-up" prior to the Dissolution of Parliament, because of Parliamentary opposition. 13. Lord Steel of Aikwood has, in several consecutive sessions, introduced a private member's bill containing provisions for reform of the membership of the House. Part 3 of the current House of Lords Bill [HL] contains provisions to allow members to apply for permanent leave of absence; to deem a member who fails to attend the House during the course of a session to have taken permanent leave of absence; and to provide that a person granted permanent leave of absence shall no longer be a member of the House of Lords. These proposals have attracted a certain degree of support on every occasion on which they have been debated. However, for a variety of reasons the bills have not made significant progress. At the second reading of the current bill, Baroness Verma made plain the Government's reservations about the bill's proposals in the context of a wholly appointed House, at a time when the Government are committed to bringing forward proposals for a mainly or wholly elected second Chamber as a matter of priority[10]. 14. The implications of an increasingly large House are various and, for the most part, not new. However, the significant increase in numbers this year has highlighted them most particularly. The differing implications are susceptible to differing solutions, so the recipe for change is not straightforward. It depends in large part on which issue is judged to be the priority to address. We seek in this report to identify options which, alone or in combination, could address a range of potential problems. 15. The first effect of a significant increase in numbers is the risk to the reputation of the House. It is unhelpful for the second Chamber to be regarded as of excessive size at a time when the Government intends that the number of members of the House of Commons should be reduced. The standing of the House as a serious Parliamentary forum is compromised by its apparently unchecked growth and by a lack of understanding of the reasons for further new appointments. 16. The second effect is the difficulty of conducting business effectively in such a large House. This is conspicuous in the shortage of seats in the Chamber (particularly at Question Time), but increased competition for opportunities to initiate business, reduced speaking times in time-limited debates, waiting lists for membership of select committees and increasing pressure on the mechanisms of self-regulation in the Chamber are all further indicators. 17. A further effect of an increased number of members is pressure on the services provided by the House administration. Levels of demand for procedural, research and information services, as well as for practical resources such as accommodation and refreshment outlets, are all increasing. Provision of Parliamentary papers and ICT equipment and support also increases as numbers rise. Hitherto the administration has contained costs by means of efficiency improvements, but rising numbers of active members will inevitably eventually have consequences either for standards of service or for costs. The consequences of the new system of financial support for members are not yet clear and will, of course, depend on member take-up, but increased numbers are likely to mean increased overall costs in this area. 18. Debate on this subject has seen much comment on the number of members who, though not on Leave of Absence or otherwise disqualified, attend either not at all or very occasionally. Clearly, they have no impact on the pressure on business or services, and might therefore be said not to be a problem. On the other hand, they are significant to the reputational issues which we outlined above, and in particular to the perception that the House is not a serious place of business. 19. Support for change — that is, for the implementation of some provision by means of which members might be enabled to resign or retire from the House — has been articulated repeatedly in debate, by members on all sides of the House. When on 29 June 2010 the Leader of the House first indicated that he would appoint a Group to consider this issue, one speaker after another welcomed it, recognising that a smaller House is not only desirable but imperative[11]. On 16 November, again, one speaker after another agreed that change was necessary[12]. Several speakers suggested that the House should engage actively with change, and seek a sensible way forward, since the alternative was to have change imposed without any input from the House. 20. A respected, but small, minority of members is of the view that no provision should be made for members of the House of Lords to retire. They hold that a peer, having received an honour bestowed by the monarch for life, is bound by that until death. They do not think it appropriate that a peer should be allowed to choose to give up the responsibility which they have previously accepted, and cite the terms of the Writ of Summons which every peer receives from the Queen as creating a lifetime obligation[13]. 21. We recognise that this view is strongly and sincerely held but we are not persuaded that it is a sufficient response to the situation in which we find the House. Given the less-than-perfect position in which the House currently finds itself, we see no advantage in declining to take the current position as the starting point for change. There is nothing to be gained by wishing ourselves to be where we are not. 22. Dr Russell observed that previous successful reforms of the House of Lords "have been piecemeal responses to certain elements that the majority sees as no longer defensible. The inability to retire from the chamber may perhaps be the next indefensible element which is due for such a reform"[14]. 23. On the evidence of our extensive consultations, we are confident that there is a broad consensus in the House in support of a provision to enable members voluntarily to leave the House permanently, in order that the overall size of the House may be reduced as soon as possible. We hope that this broad consensus might now be taken as the starting point for a way forward. 24. At present, the only way in which a member who is unable or unwilling to attend the House may be released from the duty to do so is by application for Leave of Absence. The history and operation of the Leave of Absence provisions are set out in a memorandum from the Clerk of the Parliaments, printed as Appendix 2 to this report. 25. As the Clerk of the Parliaments explains, some members take Leave of Absence because a professional commitment makes it impossible for them to participate in the work of the House for a period, after which they anticipate returning to active membership. Others take Leave of Absence when ill-health or infirmity make continued attendance difficult, and in those circumstances often are unable to return to the House. In the absence of any provision for a member to leave the House permanently, Leave of Absence provides an opportunity for those who, for whatever reason, are unable or unwilling to play a full part in the work of the House, to step down from active membership. 26. We recommend that the Leave of Absence arrangements should be strengthened, along the lines proposed by the Clerk of the Parliaments. At the beginning of each session of Parliament, in addition to writing to those currently on Leave of Absence, the Clerk of the Parliaments should write to those members who attended on 3 or fewer occasions in the previous session, inviting them to take Leave of Absence. The past practice, whereby Leave of Absence was automatically granted to those members who failed within a stipulated period to reply to such a letter from the Clerk, should be revived. 27. The Clerk of the Parliaments also raised the possibility that the period of notice required for termination of Leave of Absence might be increased to 3 months. However, he concluded that this might serve as a disincentive to a member to take Leave. We agree that for some members contemplating taking Leave of Absence the possibility that they could terminate the Leave with only one month's notice could be a reassurance. But on balance we recommend that the period of notice required to terminate Leave of Absence should be extended to at least 3 months, to discourage members from terminating Leave once granted. 28. We hope that these improvements to the Leave of Absence arrangements can be implemented by the House straightaway. Given the expected length of the current session, we recommend that the Clerk of the Parliaments should write as suggested in paragraph 26 above as soon as the provisions are agreed to, and not wait until the beginning of a new session to write for the first time. 29. Whilst reinvigoration of the Leave of Absence proposals would be helpful, the fact that a member on Leave of Absence may, for any reason or none, have the Leave terminated after due notice means that there is no certainty about a member's long-term intention. It creates doubt about the effective strength of the parties, as well as about the overall size of the House, and does not provide a way for members to leave the House permanently. In the circumstances in which the House currently finds itself, therefore, more is needed. 30. It is clear that for some members of the House, for whom the practicalities of continued participation in the work of the House might begin to be burdensome, an honourable and dignified means of retirement would be desirable. Other personal factors which might influence a member's view of his or her role in the House include a change in family circumstances, a change in location which makes regular travel to London difficult, or an awareness that the professional or public experience on which the member has drawn in contributing to the work of Parliament is no longer sufficient to enable a full part to be played. Any or all of these reasons, when combined with an awareness of the institutional interest of the House that the overall size of membership should be reduced, could make voluntary retirement attractive. As Dr Russell observed "it seems unfair on members that the honour of serving in the House of Lords should be a life sentence from which there is no escape"[15]. For a conscientious member who has played a full role in Parliament, and takes his or her commitment to the House seriously, an honourable release from obligation could be welcome. 31. We recommend that the House should introduce arrangements to allow members to retire from membership of the House permanently, on a voluntary basis. Whilst we are advised that legislation would, strictly speaking, be necessary to override the entitlement to a Writ of Summons, we do not think this should be an impediment to responding to the desire in the House for early implementation of a scheme whereby a member could give notice of his or her wish permanently to leave the membership of the House. 32. We also recommend that the departure of a retiring member after distinguished service should be marked by the House in some suitable way, perhaps analogous to the ceremony of introduction by which the beginning of a member's Parliamentary career is marked. We suggest that the Lord Speaker might have a particular role to play in maintaining connections with retired members. 33. If voluntary retirement is to make any significant impact on the number of members in the House, then its implementation will need to be very carefully handled. We recommend that the party leaders in the House, and the Convenor of the Crossbench Peers, should take on an enabling role to offer advice, and make themselves available for discussion with those who might contemplate retirement. They could also seek assurances about the willingness or ability of members to participate fully in the House in future. We think it entirely reasonable that those who do not attend, or who attend only rarely, should be invited to consider their position. Of course, there will be circumstances in which infrequent attendance will be inevitable, for example during a period of illness or for the duration of a particular responsibility, but these circumstances will usually be known to the leader concerned. We also think it reasonable that those who attend as a matter of form, but do not contribute to the work of the House, should be invited to consider their position. Of course, not all Parliamentary work entails speaking in the Chamber or asking questions; again, the leaders will be well-placed to make this judgment. 34. One of the obstacles for anyone contemplating an end to their participation in the work of the House, whether at present by Leave of Absence or in future, potentially, by retirement, is the uncertain consequence for the balance of parties and groups in the House. Since there is no pre-determined size for the House, and no generally-accepted understanding of the proportions in which each party and group should be represented, a member contemplating retirement could have no firm expectation that a new member of their party or group would be appointed to take their place. A member might therefore be reluctant to take advantage of such provisions for fear that their party or group would be weakened, and there is certainly no incentive for party managers to encourage their members to retire. 35. Dr Russell suggested that a clearer principle for maintaining party balance in the Chamber should be established and that it should be policed by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. She suggested that such oversight would enhance transparency and maintain public trust in the appointments process[16]. We do not think it realistic to expect that this can be agreed separately from the wider reform debate. 36. However, we recommend that the party leaders and the Convenor should develop a new understanding, in the light of the recent change of Government, about the proportion of seats in the current House on which it would be appropriate for each party or group to rely. This will enable members contemplating retirement to have greater confidence about the effect their retirement will have on the ability of their party or group to function effectively. 37. As we noted in our interim report, it has been suggested that a new category of associate member should be created, to which members might opt to belong. The advantages of such a scheme are that it would reduce the overall size of the House, whilst keeping available the expertise of those who have had long experience of the House and have played a significant part in public life but now wish to reduce the scale of their involvement. It could complement a provision for voluntary retirement, providing a potentially attractive option for those who are unable to make a full commitment to the work of the House. 38. Various options have been suggested as to the opportunities which associate members might be afforded— 39. Those who advocate such a scheme hold differing views about the classes of business which associate members should be permitted to take part in, and whether their participation should require specific invitation in each case; and about whether they should be entitled to claim an allowance for attendance. 40. The recommendation of a "two-tier" membership is not unprecedented: in 1968 a Government White Paper[17] recommended that the House should have voting and non-voting members and that voting members should meet the condition of attending no fewer than one-third of sittings of the House. Whilst the White Paper was approved by a substantial majority in both Houses, the Government decided not to proceed with the bill to give effect to its proposals after over 80 hours in Committee of the Whole House in the Commons, because of the implications for the rest of the Government's legislative programme[18]. 41. The Clerk of the Parliaments has advised us that legislation would be required to establish a scheme for associate members. Clearly, the constraints on legislative time, and the potentially controversial nature of such provisions, make this a significant obstacle to implementation. However, without legislation it would be open to an associate member to revert to "full" membership, because of their entitlement to a Writ of Summons, at any time. A "revolving door" of that kind would not be acceptable. Moreover, issues of privilege might arise unless legislation clarified the standing of proceedings in which associate members were permitted to participate. 42. The introduction of different categories of member, in the shape of a scheme for associate membership, would represent a very profound change for the House and could give rise to tensions between the two classes of members. Creating two classes of member might have the further effect of creating "second rank" business. Moreover, the increasing size of the House means that places on select committees and delegations are already much sought after. Levels of participation by "full" members in all areas of the House's proceedings, whether on or off the floor of the House, might make it difficult to offer many opportunities to associate members. 43. For all these reasons we recognise that it is unlikely that a two-tier membership could be implemented quickly. However, it is an option which could complement a provision for voluntary retirement and assist in bringing down the numbers in the House. It could also be of value in the transition to a reformed House, and we recommend that it should be further considered with those purposes in mind. 44. The Leader of the House has ruled out "any payment for retirement for the time being. In the current context it would simply not be understood by the British people"[19]. Many members share the view that any form of financial provision for those who retired from the House would be publicly unacceptable. We agree that it would be inappropriate for a reduction in the number of members of the House to occasion any additional cost to the taxpayer. 45. As we acknowledged in our interim report, however, the financial circumstances of individual members of the House vary very significantly. Members receive no remuneration for their work in the House, and there is no pension scheme. Many members of the House have forfeited the opportunity for earnings and pensions elsewhere, in order to undertake public service in Parliament. These points have been made in debate and the possibility has been suggested of compensation for those who, by retiring, would forgo the possibility of claiming substantial sums in financial support. 46. The idea has also been introduced in debate of an "invest-to-save policy", whereby a calculation could be made of the marginal costs of support for each additional member in the House and that proportion of the budget of the House could then be offered as an incentive to a member to retire. We are attracted by this "value for money" argument and think it likely that, with appropriate actuarial and accountancy input, it would be possible to identify the potential saving to the public purse which could be achieved if the membership of the House were to be reduced significantly without delay. From this potential saving it would be possible to offer either a modest resettlement payment on retirement, or a periodic payment on the lines of a pension, without incurring any additional long-term cost to public funds. 47. We recommend that a reduction in the number of members of the House should result in an overall saving to the taxpayer. We recommend that the possibility of offering a modest pension, or payment on retirement, to those who have played an active part in the work of the House over a number of years, should be investigated in detail, though on condition that this should come from within the existing budget for the House and should incur no additional public expenditure. We further recommend that any such payment should be available only to those who choose voluntary retirement within a limited period after its introduction. 48. We recognise that a modest payment of the order which might be possible as an "invest to save" measure would not materially improve the position of those whose participation in the work of the House over many years has prevented them from taking up remunerative work and securing an adequate pension. We recommend that a fund, resourced entirely by voluntary contributions from members and at no cost to public funds, should be established to assist retired members who might otherwise experience financial hardship. The fund should be administered by the Lord Speaker, with advice as appropriate from the leaders of the parties in the House and from the Convenor of the Crossbench Peers. 49. As we noted in our interim report, our terms of reference envisage only voluntary retirement, but many members who responded to our consultation advocated arrangements by which members could be required to retire, and therefore we consider those suggestions here. In consideration of conditions under which compulsory retirement from the House might be imposed, members have discussed criteria of age, length of service and record of attendance. Strong and plausible arguments have been deployed in support of each of these criteria, both in debate and in other responses to our consultation. Equally, there are strong arguments against each. 50. Those who would favour compulsory retirement from the House on reaching a specified age cite the existence of an upper age limit for most other public positions including the judiciary. They suggest that increasing life expectancy creates implications for a lifetime commitment that might not have been foreseen at the outset, and that with the passage of time the expertise for which a member was appointed to the House inevitably becomes less current and applicable. On the other hand, the implementation of an upper age limit would deprive the House of much wisdom and experience. It would also be contrary to the increasing trend elsewhere in both the public and private sectors to abolish fixed retirement ages, and to legislation to prevent discrimination on grounds of age. 51. Those who favour compulsory retirement after a fixed length of service suggest that this would ensure that the expertise on which the House relies was regularly renewed, and that it would facilitate the appointment of younger members. It was also suggested that a fixed length of service would open up the membership of the House for a wider range of people each for a shorter average term, and that this would be to the benefit of the work of Parliament. On the other hand, it is argued that such a measure would deprive the House of some of its most active members, and could alter the capacity of the House to take the long view, so eroding one of the characteristics which most usefully distinguishes it from the House of Commons. 52. The criterion for compulsory retirement which commanded most widespread support was that of infrequent attendance. There is an increasing expectation in the House that every member should "pull their weight" and that, in a serious Parliamentary chamber, there is no room for those who are unwilling to fulfil their role as Parliamentarians. On the other hand, it was argued that such a criterion would result in the departure from the House of members who, because of commitments in other walks of life, attend only irregularly but whose contributions are greatly valued when they do. It is also true that a provision to exclude infrequent attenders would do nothing to solve the problem of overcrowding, and could have the perverse effect of encouraging some to attend more frequently than they would otherwise have done. We also acknowledge that frequent attendance is not the same as constructive participation in the work of the House. 53. There is some support amongst members for a variety of schemes by which the parties and groups in the House should elect those who should be excepted from compulsory retirement, to achieve an agreed optimum number. It is argued that that would produce a logical and reasonable selection of those who are active and well-regarded, and that there would be an element of self-selection as well since many might choose not to stand for election. Those who oppose a scheme of this sort argue that the resulting "party beauty contest" would be unseemly, that inappropriate power would be wielded by the party whips and that the inevitable electioneering amongst members would adversely affect the character and functioning of the House. 54. It is clear from our consultations that any basis for compulsory retirement would be resisted as unfair — in breaking faith with the spirit of the grant of a life peerage — and as arbitrary and counter-productive. It is most unlikely that the House would agree to compulsory retirement other than in the context of full reform, and any attempt to implement it would be likely to result in a protracted and unseemly Parliamentary struggle. 55. For all these reasons, we do not recommend any of the options for compulsory retirement from the House in the current circumstances. However, we recognise that, if very few members opt to retire voluntarily, the pressures for compulsory retirement will become more acute and the arguments more compelling. Moreover, the transition to a reformed House could be achieved more readily if voluntary retirement were to be widely accepted. If it is not, the transition is likely to be more disruptive for the whole House as well as for individual members. 56. Whilst we do not think that compulsory retirement would be desirable in the context of the current House, we agree with those who suggest that there is no room for those who are unwilling to fulfil their responsibility as members of Parliament. It is for that reason that we recommend that those who attend very infrequently, without good reason, should be encouraged to take Leave of Absence or, once enabled to do so, to retire. 57. We hope that implementation of a detailed scheme for voluntary retirement will result in a sufficient reduction in the number of members of the House to secure an orderly and smooth transition (which will inevitably be a protracted process) to the reformed House which will be proposed in draft legislation. If this proves not to be the case, then further provision will be necessary. In those circumstances we suggest that, notwithstanding some of the potential difficulties outlined above, further consideration should be given to an arrangement whereby the different groups in the House elect those who should remain. We suggest that this is the least arbitrary course, and would result in the selection of those whose work in Parliament commands the respect and support of their peers. 58. Most of those members who support a provision for voluntary retirement have suggested that those who retire should retain their titles. We recommend that, since a life peerage is conferred for life, retirement from membership of the House should not affect the use of a title. 59. Many members also suggested that retired members should continue to have some access to Parliament and we agree that this would be a reasonable expectation. In 1999, the House decided that those hereditary peers excluded under the House of Lords Act should be entitled to continue to use certain facilities of the House. In the event, that entitlement has been exercised to a very limited extent, and has not affected the provision of services to members of the House. The differing circumstances of departure make it likely that members who retired voluntarily would wish to maintain a more lively connection with the House, and we recommend that members who choose to retire should continue to receive a Parliamentary pass and be entitled to use certain of the facilities of the House of Lords. We consider that this is an appropriate arrangement to make for those who, acknowledging the institutional interest of the House that the number of members should be reduced, opt to retire. We also recommend that consideration be given to designating one of the galleries in the Chamber for the use of retired members. 60. A crucial detail necessary to any scheme for the voluntary retirement of members of the House was drawn to our attention by a member who, for reasons of age and increasing infirmity, is currently on Leave of Absence. She pointed out that members of the House are not entitled to vote in a General Election, since they have the opportunity to influence public affairs through their actions in the House. Clearly it would not be appropriate for members retiring from the House to be entirely disenfranchised. We recommend that members who permanently renounce their entitlement to sit and vote in the House of Lords should be entitled to participate in Parliamentary elections, although we recognise that this would require legislation. 61. In considering all the possible options for allowing members to leave the House of Lords permanently, we have recognised the difficulty of predicting what the consequences might be. Having recommended an entirely voluntary route (at least for the time being) we cannot predict how many members might choose to leave the House, or what the impact on the overall composition might be. We recommend that the consequences of any changes arising from our recommendations should be reviewed at an early date and, in any event, in the light of future proposed legislation for reform of the House. 62. Our terms of reference relate exclusively to options for members to leave the House, but in response to our consultation members have referred to a number of matters relating to new appointments to the House. Whilst these are beyond our terms of reference, they are significant to the potential impact of our recommendations, and we therefore consider them in the paragraphs which follow. 63. One of the reasons for an excessively large House is the variety of reasons for which new life peers are appointed. In consultation, most members agreed that it was no longer appropriate for a seat in Parliament to be conferred on anyone simply as an honour, without the expectation that they would contribute constructively to the work of Parliament. We recommend that in future the honour of a life peerage should not automatically entail appointment to membership of the House, which should be reserved to those who are willing to make a significant commitment to public service in Parliament. This recommendation is well-precedented, having been previously suggested by the Royal Commission on the Reform of the House of Lords (chaired by Lord Wakeham) and the House of Commons Public Administration Committee[20]. 64. As long ago as January 2000, the report of the Royal Commission on the Reform of the House of Lords recommended that future appointments to the House should be for a limited term, rather than for life[21]. Had this recommendation been implemented the problem which the House now faces would be greatly reduced. We recommend that any further appointments made to the House in the absence of wider reform should be for a limited term, renewable if necessary. This would ensure that the intrinsic problems in the composition of the current House do not continue to be exacerbated. 65. Dissatisfaction with the increasing size of the House has inevitably been heightened by the number of new appointments made since the change of Government in May 2010. Dr Russell describes as an "unrealistic and politically unrealisable goal" the provision of the coalition agreement that appointments should be made with the objective of creating a second chamber reflective of the share of the vote secured by the political parties in the last general election[22]. She suggests instead that a balance amongst new appointments would be a realistic objective[23]. 66. In debate and in comments to us, many members have emphasised that consideration of arrangements for members to leave the House is compromised by the continuing appointment of substantial numbers of new peers. A variety of suggestions have been made to address the point, including a moratorium on any new appointments to the House until the number of members has dropped naturally to an agreed level; a temporary cap on the number of new appointments; and a policy of one-in one-out, as is the case with the Lords Spiritual. Other arrangements to avoid the need for an incoming government to rebalance the House by means of new appointments have also been suggested, for example by an outgoing government undertaking that a certain number of their members would not exercise their right to vote in the House. 67. Whilst we cannot recommend that there should be a moratorium on new appointments to the House — since, while the purpose of the House is to provide expertise, we must ensure that that expertise is refreshed and kept up to date — we do urge that restraint should be exercised by all concerned in the recommendation of new appointments to the House, until such time as debate over the size of membership is conclusively determined. 2 Consultation on Members Leaving the House, Interim Report of the Leader's Group on Members Leaving the House, Session 2010-2011 HL Paper 48 Back 13 The terms of the substantive part of the Writ are as follows-"Whereas Our Parliament for arduous and urgent affairs concerning Us the state and defence of Our United Kingdom and the Church is now met at Our City of Westminster We strictly enjoining command you upon the faith and allegiance [for Lords Spiritual, the word "love" is substituted for "allegiance"] by which you are bound to Us that considering the difficulty of the said affairs and dangers impending (waiving all excuses) you be personally present at Our aforesaid Parliament with Us and with the Prelates Nobles and Peers of Our said Kingdom to treat and give your counsel upon the affairs aforesaid And this as you regard Us and Our honour and the safety and defence of the said Kingdom and Church and dispatch of the said affairs in nowise do you omit" Back The statute that governs the implementation of net metering in Vermont is Title 30 Section 219a . The law was most recently updated in 2014 with Act 99. Act 99 raised the net metering cap for each utility to 15% of each utility's peak load of the prior year. The link below is to an Excel table that shows the total number and capacity of net metering systems statewide, by electric company service territory, and by category of renewable energy technology; and the progress of each electric company toward the cumulative 15% capacity cap. Table of the number of net metered permit applications and the capacity of those generators (in kW), by utility and type of generation, with the approximate percent of each utility's peak load. Act 99 of the 2014 Vermont legislative session directed the Department of Public Service (Departmommission. This report, filed Oct 1, 2014, builds dartment's model estimates the costs and benefits incurred as a result of any single net metering installation installed in 2015 or a later year. A second available spreadsheet calculates the coincidence of net metered systems to each utility's peak, a critical component used in estimating benefits of net metered systems. Subsequent to the filing of the Department's report, the Public Utility Commission has initiated proceedings to consider changes to net metering in Vermont. The historical 2013 report, including a comprehensive net metering literature review remains available. Please contact the Department for access to previous iterations of the spreadsheet model. Net metering makes it easier and more cost-effective for Vermonters to generate their own electricity. In 1997 the Vermont legislature passed H.605, which allowed net metering in Vermont. Net metering requires electric utilities to permit an individual customer or group of individual customers (referred to as group net metering) to generate their own power using small-scale renewable energy systems and qualified combined heat and power systems using non-renewable fuels. The excess power they generate can be fed back to their utilities. Prior to net metering, self-generators had to install expensive battery banks to store the power they needed or go through lengthy negotiations with their utilities to have them buy any extra power generated. In its simplest form a net metering system will generate power that will flow to the owner's load, and if there is more power than demand, through the customer's electric meter. The meter will measure electricity flowing in both directions, unifying a customer's power usage and generation. Any electrical utility customer or group of customers of the same utility in Vermont can net meter once they have obtained a Certificate of Public Good (CPG) from the Public Utility Commission ("PUC" or "Commission"). Vermont's net metering law caps the size of net metering generators at 500 kilowatts of generation for the following renewable forms of energy generation: photovoltaic, wind turbines, anaerobic digestion of agricultural products, by-products or waste, biomass, and fuel cells (when fueled by renewable sources). For qualified micro-combined heat and power systems using non-renewable fuels, the size of the cap is 20 kW or less. Utilities must allow net metered systems on a first-come, first-served basis to all customers until the cumulative generating capacity of all the net metering systems on its lines equals 15 percent of the company's peak demand. Net metering allows customers to generate and use power simultaneously. If either an individual net metered customer or group net metered customer uses more electricity than is generated, the customer will pay the utility only for the difference. If the system generates more electricity than the customer used in a month, the utility records a credit for the excess kilowatt hours towards the customer's next bill. For net metering customers using solar energy, they will receive an additional credit, or "solar adder," that is calculated by subtracting the customer's utility's highest residential rate from twenty cents. If, at the end of twelve months, a net metering customer still has a credit on his or her bill, then that credit reverts to the utility with no compensation to the customer. All equipment purchased to construct and install a net metered renewable energy system is exempt from the state's 6% sales tax (Sec. 27. 32 V.S.A. § 9741(46)). In order to install a net metered system you must first obtain a "Certificate of Public Good (CPG) for Interconnected Net Metered Power Systems" from the Vermont Public Utility Commission ("PUC" or "Commission"). You can download and print a copy of the application below. For solar net metering systems that are 15 kW or less, a completed registration form and certification of compliance with the applicable interconnection requirements must be submitted to the Commission, the interconnecting electric company, and the Department of Public Service before a system can be installed. The system may be installed ten days after the customer's submission of a completed registration form and certification of compliance with the interconnection requirements if the ten-day period passes without delivery by the electric company, or other party, of a letter that raises interconnection issues in accordance with 30 V.S.A. §219a(c)(1), or other issues. If there are no concerns raised a CPG shall be deemed issued on the 11th day without further proceedings, findings of fact, or conclusions of law, and the customer may commence construction of the system. Certificate of Public Good application forms may be found on the Public Utility Commissions website. For more information on the net metering Certificate of Public Good, contact the Public Utility Commission at 802-828-2358. All net metered systems must meet the Public Utility Commission's Interconnection Safety and Technological Requirements. While local zoning and permitting requirements are not required, they are recommended. See also the PUC's Net Metering Rules: PUC Rule 5.100: Regulations Pertaining to Construction and Operation of Net Metering Systems for the Purchase and Sale of Electricity from Small Electrical Generating Systems to and from Electric Companies.
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Hundreds of worldwide business leaders, two Secretaries of State, a New York Times best-selling novelist, one of America’s most beloved playwrights and an untold others making a difference can all trace their roots back to the University of Denver. An institution that traces its roots back to before Colorado was even a state, DU has been an academic leader in the Rocky Mountain West for more than a century. Kathleen serves as Program Coordinator for the University of Denver Center for Community & Service Learning, where she directs the DU Puksta Scholars program. She brings a background in macro social work practice focused on community organizing, outreach, and training facilitation. She has worked for several Denver-based non-profits addressing social justice issues including worker's rights, housing discrimination, domestic violence, and sexual assault/abuse. She has experience implementing anti-oppression workshops that center racial and economic justice and is committed to supporting grassroots movement building. Kathleen holds a Masters of Social Work from the University of Denver and a B.A. in Psychology from CU Boulder. She has lived in Denver her entire life and spends her free time relaxing with friends, reading, hiking, and trying out new recipes. The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) will celebrate the 35th anniversary of both the 1983 Orphan Drug Act and NORD’s founding at a dinner tonight in Washington, D.C. The 2018 Rare Impact Awards, to be held at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, will be webcast via Facebook for those unable to attend. It takes place some six months after Congress voted to reduce the orphan drug tax credit from 50 percent of research and development costs to 25 percent. The annual event, which attracted 350 people last year, this year features music by Michael Smedley, a young pianist who lost his sight due to the rare degenerative retinal disease CRB1, as well as a performance by the David Bach Consort. A number of individuals and organizations will be recognized for their efforts within the rare disease community. This includes Robert Campbell Jr., MD, director of the Center for Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome (CTIS). An orthopedic surgeon with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and inventor of the Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib Device, Campbell will receive NORD’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Estelle Benson, founder of GBS/CIDP Foundation International, will receive the Abbey S. Meyers Leadership Award for her work on behalf of those living with Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and related syndromes. Richard Pazdur, MD, director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Oncology Center of Excellence, will get the Public Health Leadership Award. Patrick Dunegan, founder of a nonprofit group to support families with gastroparesis in Louisville, Kentucky. Maria Kefalas, PhD, whose Calliope Joy Foundation raised $450,000 to establish the nation’s first Leukodystrophy Center of Excellence at CHOP in 2015. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-New Jersey), who helped lead biomedical research funding into legislation that supports progress toward rare disease treatments. Ellen Sigal, PhD, founder of Friends of Cancer Research, a forward-thinking policy and advocacy organization. Pennsylvania State Rep. Marcy Toepel, who drafted a law that provides support to her state’s rare disease patients. Chris Ulmer, author of a series of story books about medically diverse children, many with rare diseases. Peter Saltonstall, NORD’s president and CEO, said the Connecticut-based nonprofit now represents 280 disease-specific patient advocacy groups. “We are their voice,” he said in a March 26 keynote speech at the 2018 World Orphan Drug Congress in Maryland. “As we try to fulfill that mission and work not only with Capitol Hill, the states, FDA regulators and so on, we’re seeing advocacy change in the last three or four years. “It used to be that mom, that dad, that child, going up to Washington for Lobbying Day trying to tell their story and influence change. But if you really want significant change, you have to bring empirical data and demonstrate why what you’re advocating for is necessary.” Between the Orphan Drug Act’s passage in early 1983 and the close of 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a total of 668 orphan drugs and granted 4,065 orphan designations — from among the total 6,300 orphan drug designation requests made. “This legislation has worked extremely well for over 35 years,” Saltonstall said. “Our philosophy is, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ But success brings challenges, and today, 95 percent of the 7,000 rare diseases still have no cure. Is the ODA really working as well as it should, or are their ways to make that number grow?” Some on Capitol Hill have long criticized the Orphan Drug Act — which offers tax credits, fee waivers, and a seven-year period of market exclusivity — as a massive gift to the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, the Orphan Drug Tax Credit allows sponsors with orphan designation to collect ta cost of drug development; according to NORD, 33 percent fewer rare-disease drugs would have been developed with that credit. Last year, Congress slashed that credit in half after the House of Representatives supported a bill that would have eliminated it entirely. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the partial repeal will save American taxpayers about $29.7 billion between now and 2027, compared to $54 billion if the credit were simply abolished. Saltonstall acknowledged that despite the 35-year-old act’s success in driving innovation, “significant issues” abound — especially the fact that many patients cannot access approved therapies on the market for reasons that include their high cost or insurance coverage denial. “We are willing to have conversations about the Orphan Drug Act,” said Saltonstall, a former hospital administrator. “There are still thousands of diseases with no therapy, and access continues to be an issue. But misinformation is making it more difficult to get things done.” He added: “Maybe it needs a tune-up, maybe it doesn’t. But let’s look at it. We put together an interdisciplinary team that’s talking to everybody about their concerns. Our goal is to synthesize all that information and bring it back to Congress sometime within the next year.” Of course, it’s “too early to tell” what impact the partial credit tax repeal may have, Saltonstall concluded, “but we’re tracking it very carefully. We’ve had people complain to us about it, and we’re keeping our eye on this.” Scleroderma patients diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) are at a high risk of PAH-related death, especially in the four years after the PAH diagnosis, a study shows. Also, being a man, having diffuse scleroderma, and worse scores on respiratory- and heart-related tests were associated with a higher risk of death due to PAH. The findings support the need to identify early markers and improve treatment strategies for this high-risk patient population. The study, “Long-term Outcomes in Systemic Sclerosis Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension from the Pulmonary Hypertension Assessment and Recognition of Outcomes in Scleroderma Registry (PHAROS),” was published in the journal Chest. Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body recognizes its own connective tissue — the tissue that supports and holds organs together — as foreign and attacks it. Scleroderma patients are at high risk of developing PAH, which is a leading cause of death and a predictor of early death in these patients. Although some studies have assessed the short-term clinical course of scleroderma patients with PAH, as well as markers of high risk of death in the first years after PAH diagnosis, a thorough description of the long-term outcomes and predictors of mortality is lacking. To fill this gap, researchers investigated survival rates, cause of death in the short-term (less than four years) and long-term (more than four years), and predictors of high risk of death in scleroderma patients with newly diagnosed PAH, using the Pulmonary Hypertension Assessment and Recognition of Outcomes in Scleroderma (PHAROS) registry. PHAROS was designed to follow scleroderma patients at high risk for PAH, or with newly diagnosed pulmonary hypertension. Enrolled patients are registered in institutions that actively screen for PAH, and PAH diagnosis is confirmed using right heart catheterization, a medical procedure that assesses how well the heart is pumping and measures the pressure in the heart and lungs. The study included 160 scleroderma patients with newly-diagnosed PAH (142 women), with a mean age of 60, and most them had no or slight limitation in daily activities. Patients were followed-up for a median of 7.1 years. The survival rate at one year was 95%, at three years 75%, at five years 63%, and at eight years 49%. During follow-up, 56 patients died — 44 in the first four years, and 12 after four years. Of those, 29 patients (52%) died from PAH-related deaths — 27 in the first four years, and two after four years. This suggests that PAH greatly impairs patients’ survival in the first years after diagnosis. When researchers looked at PAH-related deaths only, the survival rates of patients at one and three years were 97% and 83%, and at five and eight years 76%. Patients who died in the first four years after PAH diagnosis showed a more severe disease at enrollment. Clinical features associated with high risk of PAH-related death included male gender, diffuse scleroderma (the more aggressive form of scleroderma), elevated pressure inside the pulmonary artery (the blood vessel that moves blood from the heart to the lungs), lower exercise capacity (measured through the six-minute walk test), and reduced lung gas transfer capacity. Based on the results, the team concluded: “Overall survival in PHAROS was higher than other SSc-PAH cohorts. PAH accounted for more than half of deaths and primarily within the first few years after PAH diagnosis.” The researchers also emphasized that “optimization of treatment for those at greatest risk of early PAH-related death is crucial.”
Calgary, AB – The Calgary Hitmen Hockey Club today announced a nine-player trade with the Swift Current Broncos. “We would first like to thank Matteo and Beck for their excellent contributions to our organization both on and off the ice, said Hitmen general manager Jeff Chynoweth. “This trade provides us with a number of key elements to build around moving forward, including a pair of former first-round draft picks, while at the same time allowing us to continue to push for a playoff spot this season.” Huge deal for Swift Current. They have to be the number one contender for WHL eastern divisional champs now They probably need to add another veteran D-man to be considered a legitimate contender. One of the big issues last year in the playoffs (besides being without Ryan Graham for the duration) was that when push came to shove the Broncos only had 4 D that they could trust (Lajoie, Khaira, Minulin, and Scissons). If the roster were to stay the same this year the situation going into the 17/18 playoffs would be the same assuming one of Stanley, King, or Horning can fill Lajoie's shoes which is a big assumption. The Broncos need to have a third pairing that can log some significant ice time so that the top four aren't completely gassed by the second round like last year. Pass New Approach Missouri which legalizes and taxes medical marijuana to treat ten specific ailments
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and has been here ever since. JoAnna has studied all dance disciplines and has studied ballet under Pavel Rotaru and Kay Whiffen at the Rotaru International Children's Ballet. Mrs. Parker has choreographed and performed in numerous musicals such as Cats, Annie Get Your Gun (in which she played the lead role), Fiddler on the Roof, Lil Abner and all the Broadway Spectaculars for Rome Little Theater. She also performed in Pepperell High School's show choir. JoAnna was a member of Allegro Dance Company, under the direction of Georgie Riegel, for 10 years and now teaches all levels of tap, ballet, jazz, lyrical and musical theatre. JoAnna has been teaching at The Dance Centre since 2004. JoAnna is the proud mother of her son, Kaydon and is expecting daughter, Molly Eloise in January. The Dance Centre offers a comprehensive dance program for the pre-school child through professional adult and is just about to celebrate its 35th anniversary. Classes include beginning, intermediate and advanced levels in classical ballet, pointe, jazz, tap, hip-hop, modern, contemporary, lyrical, ballroom and musical theatre. We also have a specialized program for boys and girls ages 2-5. Special classes and workshops such as Theatre Arts, Ballroom Dance, Baby Ballet and Hip-Hop Fusion are also available. Our aim is to give students an education and appreciation for the art of dance, turning out dancers who are well-rounded in all dance disciplines. Classes are creative and innovative, emphasizing correct body placement, terminology, strength of movement and performance skills. Each student is considered on an individual basis with placement decided at the director's discretion. Bambi Waters has been an employee of The Dance Centre since 1991. She has taught all levels of ballet, tap and jazz, but now enjoys teaching pre-schoolers and beginning students. Bambi started taking dance at the age of 5 in Birmingham, Alabama at the Frances Keeton School of Dance. She began teaching as a student assistant while in high school and ran a dance school through an after school program during her senior year. Bambi attended Berry College for 2 years and then transferred to the University of Alabama in Birmingham and graduated with a sociology major. While attending college, she took a variety of classes and was in the modern dance club at UAB. Along with teaching at The Dance Centre, Bambi also teaches creative movement in pre-schools around the area. Bambi is married to Gary Waters and they have 4 adult children. Mary Beth, a cum laude graduate of Berry College, formed The Dance Centre in 1983. Her dance background includes study in New York at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre, the Broadway Dance Center and the School for Ballet and Theatre Dance. In Atlanta she has studied with the Atlanta Contemporary Dance Company, the City Center Dance Theatre, Terpsichore and with Ruth Mitchell Dance Studio. She has also trained with Rockette Sandi Friedman and Jason Kalish, a former Tap Dog. Mary Beth trained under Susan Robinson and served as an instructor at The Art of Dance in Rome from 1978-1983 and studied with the notable ballet teacher Stanley Zompakos at Shorter College. Mary Beth has served on the audition committee for the Georgia Governor's Honors Program in dance as well as Dance Coordinator for the Rome Area Council for the Arts. She holds many choreography credits including The Nutcracker for RACA, Cabaret for Berry Players, many musicals including Quilters, Tintypes, Bound for Broadway, Fiddler on the Roof and Man of La Mancha for the Shorter Players, Godspell for Darlington Players and Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Littlest Angel and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever for the Creative Playhouse Children's Theatre. She also created and produces our original bi-annual production of The Night Before Christmas and Winter Wonderland at the Rome City Auditorium. Mary Beth served many years as an executive officer on the Board of Directors for the Rome Area Council for the Arts and was rehearsal co-coordinator for the Rome Symphony Debutante Ball for 10 years. She has also been part of the production team for the Sexual Assault Center’s annual Celebrity Dance Challenge for the past 8 years, serving as choreographer, stage manager and rehearsal coordinator. Mary Beth has two grown children, Anna Claire and Hampton. Dance, literature, and motherhood are three of Hannah's greatest passions. Hannah Camacho has been a student at The Dance Centre for 17 plus years. Hannah has assisted many classes and recitals during her time at The Dance Centre as well as taking classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary during her dance career. Hannah participated in the pre-professional modern company Allegro for eight years and also participated in The Dance Centre's company Synergy. Hannah is trained to accommodate the needs of a wide range of dancers. She taught ballet and tap in Cherokee county for the company Creative Movement and Dance enjoying the ages four to eight. Hannah has also served as a substitute and assistant for many other levels of dancers. Hannah wishes to continue studying dance to become a better dancer, teacher, and choreographer. Her hopes and dreams are to take her greatest passion and embellish it into her students hearts and minds, growing them into talented and beautiful dancers. Hannah recently completed her degree in early childhood education at Berry College and will be starting her first year as a teacher in the Rome City Schools. She eventually wishes to teach literature at a university while continuing pursing her passion as a dancer. She is mommy to son, Oliver, and is about to welcome daughter, Tillian to the world. Katie Kiser graduated from Shorter University in 2008 with a B.S. in CPA track Accounting and from the University of West Ga in 2011 in Middle Grades Math and Science Education. During her college years Katie taught at Baird Ballet and worked as a teacher’s aid at Rome First School. Katie has been studying dance at the Baird Ballet School since 1994 and was a nominee for the Governor's Honor Program in dance in 2004. She has taught ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary for 6 years and dances with the Majestic Ballet Company. Katie loves any opportunity to share her love for dance with the community including line dancing classes and ballroom lessons. She has participated in the Rome Celebrity Dance Challenge fundraiser 2011-2018. Isaac is very excited to be returning for his second year of teaching at The Dance Centre! Isaac has been dancing for the past 10 years, in the styles of ballet, tap, jazz, musical theater, lyrical, modern, contemporary, and of course hop-hop. Although Isaac is our youngest staff member, he has been slowly but steadily building a resume for choreography. Credits include choreographing for R.O.M.E.'s NWGA Winds, The Montessori School of Rome, The Spivey Hall Tour Choir, and last year choreographing Cedartown Performing Arts Center's production of Heathers 101 the Musical. In addition to his dancing, Isaac also sings and acts and can be seen frequently performing throughout the community. Among others he has performed with the Shorter University Theatre Department, The Rome Shakespeare Festival, Rome Little Theater, R.O.M.E., Upstagers Theatre Company, Rome Civic Ballet, Baird Ballet, and of course, last but not least, The Dance Centre! Isaac also serves as an assistant instructor and substitute teacher for our staff. ​ Payton Campbell hails from Jackson, Tennessee and is a Berry College alumnus with a Dance Biomechanics major. He has studied and performed dance for the past 6 years and continues to expand his creative talents. Payton specializes in jazz and contemporary dance but has also studied ballroom, modern, and hip hop. He also teaches at Baird Ballet and choreographs for Rome Little Theater, most recently for the production of The Producers. He has a passion for teaching and is very excited to be a new member of The Dance Centre team. Since the age of 3, Allie has always had a passion for dance. Whether it was ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop or contemporary, she has always found her place in the studio. Allie has been a part of The Dance Centre for fifteen years of her life. During those years, you could find her dancing, taking classes, teaching classes, or helping with recitals. Allie also participated in the pre-professional modern company, Allegro, under the direction of Georgie Reigel. For the past 6 years, Allie has lived in Savannah, Georgia with her husband who serves in the United States Army. During their time at Fort Stewart, she pursued her lifelong dream of becoming a registered nurse, and graduated from the College of Coastal Georgia with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing. In June of 2018, Allie moved back to Rome and has accepted a position in Adult Critical Care ICU. She is also looking forward to being back in the studio and teaching, choreographing and providing support as a substitute teacher with her fellow staff members. Tara Dawn Ogle began dancing at age 3 at Donna Ellis School of Dance and continued with Diana's School of Dance, competing at Dance Educators of America with numerous first place finishes. She also studied later with Tom Moore at Georgia Ballet and at Rome Civic Ballet where she founded a competition dance team in 1987. Tara's teaching experience includes teaching tap, ballet and jazz at Diana's School of Dance and Rome Civic Ballet. She founded the Pizzazz Competition Dance Troupe and won numerous 1st place and national championships in tap, jazz, ballet and lyrical. From 2003-2013, Tara owned and operated Rockmart Dance Academy. Her studio program included ballet, technique, cardio and competition classes for all ages. She also coached Rockmart Middle School Dance Team and Rockmart High School Band Dance Line. Tara also has extensive choreographic credits and is currently the choreographer for the Grand Illusion Show Choir at Rome Middle School. She will be choreographing and performing as part of Team Mathis in the 2018 Celebrity Dance Challenge. Besides teaching an intermediate/advance jazz class this year at TDC, Tara will be subbing for our staff and is available to those students who wish to compete at conventions. We welcome her to our fabulous team!
The purpose of this hack is to take an already great game and greatly improve on it by enhancing it with special features, ironing out wrinkles in the gameplay (poor balance, annoying quirks, and game-breaking bugs); and to a somewhat lesser extent, to put the author’s own personal spin on the game. Two hidden bonus areas added: one accessed from the first town (but only late in the game) and one from the last town, south of the hidden magic shops In determining preemptives/ambushes, all party members’ Agility and Luck are considered (rather than only the leader’s); if a Rogue or Ninja is the leader, a minor bonus is given at this time New Game Plus mode added–beat the game to restart with your stats, equipment, spells, and gold intact, but events, treasures, levels, job class, and items reset Bloated hack, changes too many things, but didn't fix what was wrong in the 1st place Bregalad 24 Apr 2014 N/A No
fertile lands of the nile valley (upper egypt) and delta ( lower egypt) lie at the center of the world in egyptian cosmology outside them are. Read and learn for free about the following article: ancient egypt, an introduction. University of louisville maat is a comprehensive construct that existed throughout ancient egyptian studying classical african cosmological knowledge and how it relates to cul- being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs (3rd ed. The sacred science of ancient egypt from cosmology to architecture, ancient egypt was the most advanced [#2] introduction to source field - part 2. Egyptian mysteries introduction looking at ancient as the cosmic axis the djed is the “cylinder,” the column of light linking the earth to the pole star. While the extent to which egyptian ideas entered greek cosmology or gives the late 6th century bc as the date of the introduction of the word stater into. Egypt is the image of the heavens, and the whole cosmos dwells here, mirrors of orion: star knowledge of the ancient world – an introduction that the ancients could thus create 'sacred cosmic landscapes' in which high. The terms “cosmology” and “cosmogony” are sometimes used such as egyptian funerary texts, certainly preserve evidence about this edition is slightly abridged, but the introduction is very useful for first-time readers. This paper will consider developments in astronomy in hellenistic egypt, during the ptolemaic period, applying a wider introduction: astronomical revolutions. A short introduction to egyptian gods world because any incursion here in these processes would be likely to induce a cosmic catastrophe. Jan assmann, the search for god in ancient egypt and while this book is not an introduction, it is highly recommended to these are the cultic, also referred to as local or political, the cosmic and the mythic dimension. Ancient egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were middle egyptian: an introduction to the language and culture of lesko, leonard h (1991), ancient egyptian cosmogonies and cosmology in. Moustafa gadalla's controversial egyptian cosmology: the absolute harmony shatters the centuries-old view of egyptian deities (neteroo) as mythical figures,. Egyptian center for theoretical physics (ectp), modern university for technology and information (mti), 11571 cairo, egypt and world. Intro (00:00) ancient egypt is probably the most influential of the river valley civilizations and the thinkin in egyptian history, the so-called old kingdom (2686 bc - 2181 bc circa) is distinctive for what we might call the age of the pyramids, a short,. The land of ancient egypt was alive with the spirit of the gods animism not only concerned higher cosmic forces and earth energy but the souls of those who. Kemet 101: an introduction to ancient egyptian history and culture [perry khepera the kemetic tree of life ancient egyptian metaphysics and cosmology for. And egyptian architecture keywords: cosmology, sun worship, ancient world, passive solar design introduction since prehistoric times, man has looked . Introduction the egyptian cosmic egg: the sun god, ra passed since i told you the hindu creation story of brahma and the cosmic egg the orinians and. Introductiondocumentary filmspyramids of ancient egyptthe pyramid code deciphering the meaning of strange symbols in egyptian art gives insight into the the pyramid code - sacred cosmology (follow on google+). Find out more about the history of ancient egypt, including videos, the conquest of egypt by the arabs in the seventh century ad and the introduction of islam. Dogon cosmology & egyptian hieroglyphic writing furthermore, the cosmology appears to be a close relative to the ancient vedic tradition of the new physics perfidious albion: an introduction to the secret history of the british empire. This concise explanation of egyptian cosmology provides the reader a good overall introduction to the thinking of these amazing people the reader must. In this article, you will learn the easy-to-emulate habits of the most famous billionaire in the world, bill gates. In a recent interview with quartz, gates said that a robot tax could on businesses, in order to redirect the jobs to help people with lower incomes could you figure out a way to do it that didn't dis-incentivize innovation. Even microsoft founder bill gates once took this approach, sitting down and taking an his relationships and changed the way he viewed his company and his people” like my client, shouldn't we all be doing the same. In 1970, at the age of 15, bill gates and paul allen went into business together, bill was continuously out on the road touting the merits of microsoft software. In 1986 • written many books including: – business the jack-welch way – business the richard branson way – business the bill gates way. In i975, he co-founded microsoft – a computer software company that would eventually below, you'll find 10 business lessons from the life of bill gates paul allen, were looking for a way to turn their shared computer hobby into a career. A passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, bill gates changed the world now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation a geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer, gates' leadership -- fueled by it shocks him -- his word -- that people don't see this, the same way it. This is the first in a series that shows how the big shots of the business world have attained their positions in which they control huge empires and command vast. In those days, gates was the antichrist of american business, and not surprisingly, bill gates also believes he can find a new way to give. The road ahead is a book written by bill gates, co-founder and then-ceo of the microsoft software company, together with microsoft executive nathan myhrvold and journalist peter rinearson published in november 1995, then substantially revised about a year later,. People's plutocrat bill gates talks about friendly rivalry, and how to get bankers feel great about what he had done and the company he had built way the rich world lives is equally determined to change the way in which. Big shots, business the bill gates way: 10 secrets of the world's richest business be in the right place at the right time fall in love with the technology. Now, of course, mr gates owns a great deal of the number of millions of shares months (every 1/4th of a year, known as quarters of years in business terms. Bill gates is the richest man in the world, after founding microsoft in 1975 i've scoured the net and compiled a list of 10 bill gates tips that he has given to people at one point or another in his life time, to show them the two keys to success in small business 10 ways the most innovative people think differently. Successful business leaders like bill gates may be the best generals to lead the it was no different from the time when in 1997, as a young. More on bill gates how i work: bill gates not much of a paper chase for microsoft's chairman, who uses a range of digital tools to do business fortune : april. Bill gates was able to envision a world in which there was a computer but he also realized that the way to capitalize on that future was to focus he was going to be a product company or a platform company, says yoffie. Bill gates, in full william henry gates iii, (born october 28, 1955, seattle, his supporters, on the other hand, celebrated his uncanny business and his boundless appetite for finding new ways to make computers and. In this book, you won't find something new about bill gates and his way of doing business wikipedia provides better information about this man if you really. Leadership qualities of bill gates: how to be a successful leader, bill gates in the same way that every truly worthy recipe has a couple of key british computer society, bower award for business leadership and more. Microsoft co-founder bill gates is the one of the richest men in the world in his 1999 book, “business @ the speed of thought,” gates wrote about the that way of thinking overlaps with dr stephen covey's concept of “big. Bill gates and melinda gates with their eldest daughter jennifer in new the love and logic method minimizes emotional reactivity, and. Gates photographed at the bill & melinda gates foundation in seattle in at the height of its powers, the way that microsoft wielded its pc it probably would have been better to just give up than do business as usual. Bill gates has openly admitted that vaccinations are designed so that in childhood mortality was the best way to limit population growth. A new get-rich-quick scam is out in the wild called “gates way” – or gates-way com – it's actually pretty funny – providing you don't take any of. Enlarge / bill gates answering questions on reddit in 2013 drugs, so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way.
We’re so excited to offer you this special program. We are passionate about helping kids who are needlessly suffering from migraine and chronic headaches. Here are some of the details We know that we can't help every child who is suffering with headache issue, however our success rate when treatong these children has been above 80%. If we can lessen the pain and suffering of these kids we are willing to take the financial risk out of the hands of the parents. Here is what we are willing to offer: 1. Bring your child in for four(4) treatments within a six(6) week period with one of our highly trained therapists. 3. Follow the recommendations of the therapist for at modifications in activity/behavior. (usually limited changes but very important) 5. If one week after your fourth treatment your child has not felt a decrease in intensity or frequency of their headaches and you believe we will not be able to help them we will refund you 100% of the money spent at the clinic. Child must be able to communicate to the therapist in english or have someone to translate in the room. If a refund is given the patient will not be able to continue their treatment at the St. John - Clark Pain Treatment Center or the Center for Neurosomatic Studies. We beive that children should not needlessly suffer. If we can't help them than we would rather you use those funds on something that will provide them relief. If we believe that another type of treatment will better serve your child we will suggest an outside healthcare practitioner that we trust for refferal. We are serious about getting kids out of pain and will do anything in our power to help make this happen. Friendly staff is waiting to answer all your questions about Neurosomatic Therapy and help you find the right therapist. Feel free to contact us to schedule your first appointment. A traditional Good Friday observance, which uses Victoria's Passion, sung by the Cathedral Choir, to tell th… MORE > Readings, in Spanish and English, and congregational chanting and hymns take participants through twelve sta… MORE > Travel through the stations of the Cross with organ improvisations by Artist in Residence David Briggs medit… MORE > This is the 8-32 nut used on the special screws which hold the trim in place. This nut is also used to attach the Dollar Bill Validator to the threaded posts inside the machine.? A Deep Socket 11/32 with an extension on it, works quite well for these. They come in a qty of 10.
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The Crowned King Mine was the largest mine in the Bradshaw Mountains. The first claim made in the area was in 1875. More than 15 additional claims were made in the area over a span of about 40 years. The Crowned King Mine was one of the most productive gold mining areas of its time. There are reports that $2,000,000 in gold was taken from the mine. That is $2,000,000 in 1899 gold prices which were around $20.67 an ounce. Today, gold is closer to $1700 per ounce, so The Crowned King Mine would have yielded an amazing amount of money at today’s prices. The first claim in the Crown King group of mines was the Buckeye claim, which was established by Rod McKinnon in July of 1875. The Crowned King Mining Group was formed in January, 1888 by George P. Harrington, Noah Shekels and O.F. Place. Shekels went on to erect a saw mill in May of 1888 to support the gold mining operation. The town of Crown King sprang up on the road that connected the mine to the saw mill. Railroad service came to the town in 1904 through the Bradshaw Mountain Railroad. At one time, the town had 500 buildings that included company stores, restaurants, a post office and boarding houses. Electricity reached the town in 1897. The gold mining operations in the area were compromised by disagreements among the original mine developers. The Crowned King Mine was closed down by litigation in January, 1893. The gold mining operation opened again October, 1893 with a limited crew. In 1894, the mine began operating with a full crew. The gold mining operation was successful again but the legal feuds led to the gold mining operation being shut down again in 1899. There are some buildings that are still in use near The Crowned King Mine. Tourists can visit the Crown King Saloon near the famous mine. The saloon was originally built in a nearby gold mining town called Oro Belle, which is now a ghost town. Vulture City is a ghost town near Wickenburg in Maricopa County, Arizona. The Vulture Mine was a robust gold mining area during its heyday. The Vulture mine was discovered by Henry Wickenburg in 1863. Vulture City sprang up around the gold mining area. The mine was active from around 1863 through 1942. It produced over 340,000 ounces of gold and a significant amount of silver. The gold mining operation produced over $7,000,000 in gold based on the prices of the time period. The amount would be significantly more at today’s prices. The town was notorious like most mining towns in that time period. There were many tales of murder, chaos and stagecoach robberies. The superintendent of the gold mining operation was killed during a stagecoach robbery. The Vulture Mine was closed down in 1942 due to World War II. All citizen efforts were supposed to be focused on the war effort instead of gold mining activity. The mine reopened after the war but did not prosper. It closed for good a few years later. After mining ceased in the area, Vulture City rapidly became a ghost town. However, it is home to a famous legend. It is referred to as the site of the Other Lost Dutchman or Oro Blanco mine. The legend surrounds a gold mining professional of German original who worked around Wickenburg in the 1870s. Supposedly, he mined at night and snuck around to make it impossible for others to find the source of his gold. One night, he left to mine and never came home. Most people assumed he was killed by the Apaches in the area, but human remains were found in 1895 near a small prospect hole. The human remains were found with sacks of gold. Vulture City is a fun attraction for tourists who are interested in gold mining. There are a variety of buildings that still stand. Tourists can take guided tours of the mine and the remaining structures. Because of its notorious history as a gold mining town, there are legends of paranormal activity in the area. In 2010, The Vulture mine was the subject of a Ghost Adventures episode on the Travel Channel. Gold was the first medal known to man, and it’s easy to see why these shiny nuggets impressed our early ancestors. Its brilliance, pliability, and scarcity continue to make it a powerful commodity throughout the world. The history of gold mining dates back at least 7000 years, and some of the oldest gold artifacts can be found in the Vama Necropolis in Bulgaria. Gold was the primary source of currency in the Roman era, and it is thought that the Romans were the first to extract gold using hydraulic mining methods. In our modern era, we’ve come a long way from the gold pans associated with the forty-niners who spent years crouching over streams during the California Gold Rush. Gold mining techniques today include commercial hard rock extraction and various methods of placer mining—which is the mining of gold or gemstones that have moved downstream from their source and are found in deposits of sand and gravel. Placer mining was the coveted method used by miners in gold rush eras, but more sophisticated techniques are used today. Gold prospecting is the act—or the art—of searching for new gold deposits. Although prospecting is typically a commercial activity, small-scale recreational prospecting for placer gold can be found in operations in countries like South Africa, Canada and the United States. In developing nations like Ecuador, prospecting for placer gold is common with locals who are financially disadvantaged and have access to nearby rivers. A gold prospector’s first question is “Where can I find gold?” and the iconic age old answer is “Gold is where it is,” which certainly doesn’t narrow down the prospects. With the gold price reaching record levels and anxious prospectors in hot pursuit, the best course of action is to research. And then research some more. The Internet is an obvious source, but don’t overlook libraries where you can discover where mining operations register leases. Placer gold doesn’t move too far from its source (like quartz lodes or other hard rock sources), so most prospectors are looking for an established source. Geological events—like annual floods—release placer deposits and encourage erosion, so you might want to find a stream close to a hard rock source after spring flooding occurs. Other good sources to find gold are gravel terraces in modern streams, ancient rivers, or sand beds at the mouth of streams or lakes. For amateurs, sand beds are cited as one of the best sources. And don’t overlook areas that you assume have already been “picked over.” Many prospectors moved on before completely exhausting an area. There still may be gold left to find. Such a discovery was made near Kingman, Arizona in 2010 when several mining claims were staked in area known for old its old mining ventures.
In so many years devoted to our work, the experiences we have collected make it possible for us to introduce you our production with proud. Ours is a work that has gathered flattering appraisals in Italy and abroad. These have been also a valid impulse to improve in terms of quality and credibility ... View More Hara stone industries is working in both manufacturing sector as crude stone and blocks and slabs an... item:yellow marble blockfinishing: polished, honed, machines-cut or as your requireorigin:shandong... Yellow Marble Chocolate with good color will make homes and villas sweet and attractive at high qual... Yellow Marble Multicolor with good designs are so goods for decorating homes and vilas at high quali...
Supported by the East of England Broadband Consortium, the CABER project draws upon the successes of the CLUTCH Club Millennium Awards Scheme by further testing the concept of involving parents and children at school in the process of researching, editing and presenting a local history topic on the internet. The project seeks to exploit the potential of broadband connectivity by facilitating the recording, editing and sharing of rich multimedia assets which have been collected using digital video and oral history techniques. As with the CLUTCH Scheme, the CABER project is being operated in partnership with the Living Archive, an established documentary arts organisation based in Milton Keynes.
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Oh my, where do I even start with this one?! Well, I guess it starts over a year ago, when I met Clare, Bess' (amazing) sister, and was lucky enough to become her wedding planner. Clare was a dream bride, and her wedding to Jacob was insanely fun and a pure joy to be a part of. Not too long after Clare and Jacob's wedding, Bess & Jess (who I had met and low-key become obsessed with at Clare's wedding) got engaged. *cue fireworks and heart explosions* Fast forward a few Instagram interactions later, and the three of us were chatting like old gal-pals and I was on board to help plan their November 2017 wedding. It was a dream come true! Wait wait wait- November? That's right, their wedding was originally going to take place in November, but after the election, these two incredible humans reached out, saying they wanted to move the wedding up in order to spend more time fighting for what's really important. (!!!!) Thus began a whirlwind (and I mean that in the BEST possible sense) of planning for their perfect wedding that would include flowers from Pike Place Market, a cake THAT BESS MADE (plus a bunch of yummy cookies), a gorgeous park ceremony (with perfect weather- in March- in Seattle, and Bess' other wonderful sister Ellen officiating), a reception at a brewery, and oh yeah, A LOT of pizza. Later on the newlyweds would sneak out to go get an ice cream cone (like, honestly, could they be any cuter?), which happened to include walking across a few of Capitol Hill's rainbow crosswalks. COME. ON! This one will go down in the books as one of my all-time favorites for oh so many reasons, the first two reasons being the incredible brides that I now have the honor of calling friends. Heart eyes forever. I assume that you would not accept my word for anything? Her long smooth form was pressed tightly into the mattress. It seemed that their path led through the garden shed, and was closed off when they removed the crystal block containing Ida, so they had to find another way. This: that the train was fired from that point. But the loss of beauty is just the outer manifestation of an inner buy that destroys everything within us, including our grip upon power. Grandpa, back at the scope, whistles. If I must, I can come back to make myself clearer. He would always remember her for this, for her buy viagra alternative as much as for her appearance. So just come out of there. On board he had three prednisone and water review a canary bird, a concertina, and a blinding copy of the works of Shakespeare. It was on this very road that he had his inspiration. And maybe get your tail shot off! Pucky began to use his psi faculties and made a psychokinetic survey of the barrier. So in that sense, I and my fellow horror writers are absorbing and defusing all your fears and anxieties and insecurities and taking them upon ourselves.
All over the news here at the moment, I don't know if it's been picked up at all in the UK. But bloody weird. A 29-year old guy enrolled in a school in the US, posing as a 12-year old. Apparently it took nearly 2 months before anyone noticed. And when they busted him, it turned out he was living with two paedophiles, who both also believed him to be a 12-year old boy. And when they found out he was 29, apparently they were absolutely furious at being 'conned'. All very scary, but I think the only charges they're facing at the moment is identity theft... Today I saw a hummingbird. And surprisingly enough, they do actually hum when they fly. And hooray! The clouds have gone and it was bastard hot today, about 90. I spent a rather fab day walking up and down the beach, wading in the sea, and had a lunch of fish tea in a little beachside bar. Well, it was called Fish Tea, but was more like fish soup, really. I was quite disappointed, so may have to experiment with PG Tips and various fish when I get home. Last night around midnight, Anna had gone to bed and I was wide awake. So I went down the beach, which is only about 50 yards from Anna's house. It was full moon and so bright, I could have taken a book with me. I stayed on the beach for a couple of hours, doing a bit of tai chi, as the waves crashed around me. Pretty amazing, I will almost certainly be doing it again tonight! Apparently, I'm currently inside the Bermuda Triangle, and we're the only place that's actually inside it. How's about that? I didn't even know. I'll keep a look out on the flight home for UFOs and suchlike. Which reminds me of a radio ad they're playing here to raise AIDS awareness, called 'Ouch! It hurts!'. Which is in my opinion a rather bizarre name for an AIDS awareness campaign. Perhaps 'Arse! I'm dying!' might be slightly more fitting. But I digress. Yes, we've had two (two!) cloudy days now, and the sun isn't shining. And so far my tan has progressed from blue to white, but I was hoping to at least reach salmon before I got back. But it's not all bad, it's given me an opportunity to practice my tai chi. I am now able to part a wild horse's mane, spread a white crane's wings and do a Brezhnian Press (really called a Brush Knee & Press, but I prefer the Russian alternative). Although I may get deported for the first two if I try them outside. But you have no idea how thrilled I am at having been able to learn how to do these. Just goes to show that I do still have a memory of sorts and I will soon be able to fulfil a lifetime ambition of mine, of doing tai chi by the water, like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse. If I carry on like this, I'll be repulsing monkeys before I know it. May I be the first to wish my friend Carrie a fantastic birthday. I'm not sure exactly how old she's going to be (ahem), but in her words, let's just say she's 30 + VAT. Have a good night tonight, babe, and have one on me! I ate meat yesterday for the first time in about 8 months. It was chicken. And it wasn't for any Paul Wellerian reasons ("I was fucking hungry"), it was sneaked into my seafood surprise. Obviously that was the surprise. Needless to say, I wasn't happy. But what surprised me most of all was that it made me want to be sick. Occasionally when I see someone eating a fillet steak or parma ham, I do miss it. But eating that bit of chicken has just made me realise why I stopped eating meat in the first place. So yesterday, it was so cold I had to put on a T shirt. Not that I'm expecting any sympathy from any of you, particularly those of you in the UK where it's brass monkey. But today it's another glorious day in Paradise, so I thought I'd let you know what I've been up to. I've learnt that chilled marmite on a mosquito bite stops it itching immediately. Although it doesn't make you very popular with the expats, who think it's sacrilege. Being away from home makes you do and think strange things. I've learnt that the local girls are a lot more, ahem, forward than the girls back home. Whilst dancing at a local bar, they have a habit of coming up to you, shoving their not insubstantial booties in your groin and then basically simulating sex to the music. I mean, it's just not British, is it? And as much as I fancied being stripped of everything I possess (and not in a good way), I politely declined their requests for me to take them home. Despite the fact that some of them are quite stunning. I won $180 in a quiz night, which would have been a great victory for the British if the majority of the other participants weren't also British. I've been sailing, I've been sunbathing (and have miraculously managed to not get sunburn), I've been swimming. The food is quite fantastic (with one notable exception) and, well, this is a lifestyle I could quite easily get used to. Although whether I'd still think that if I came out in the Summer, when it's a million degrees and 200% humidity is another thing entirely. But all in all, at the halfway point of my holiday, I'm enjoying it. I've met some interesting people (and some real nutjobs too) and I would heartily recommend that anyone should come here. But bring marmite. Quick hello from me in the quite remarkable Turks & Caicos Islands. Actually. it's just an opportunity to gloat and make you all jealous. So here are some pictures. Yesterday I saw pelicans diving into the ocean. And a stork landed by the pool. If I take any other fab photos, I'll put them on here too. You can have the hurricanes and the rain and all that. I'm off to the Caribbean for 2 weeks. Yes, dear reader, I'm off to see my friend Anna in the Turks & Caicos Islands. I will still have access to the internet out there, so may well post some pictures if I can... But I will be thinking of you all, while I'm sitting on the beach, topping up my tan (well, going from blue to just pale). I hope you won't miss me too much. This is where I'm going. Snowboarders in Romania blocked traffic by staging a protest outside the National Weather Institute to complain about the lack of snow in Romania this year. The sit down protest in Bucharest only ended when weathermen told them their complaint 'would be passed on to a higher authority'. One assumes that they are on the phone to God as we speak. If it works, and snow is predicted to fall some time later this week, I intend to kidnap Michael Fish until someone promises to make it sunny in Plymouth all year round. You may be surprised to know that I am an avid fan of Eurovision, in fact every year I try to throw a Eurovision Party (usually on my own, funnily enough). I absolutely love it, it's just so damn crap, it's brilliant. The increasingly drunken ramblings of Terry Wogan, the terrible songs, the bizarre slots inbetween each country, then the excitement and tension of the final votes... I do truly love it. Especially since they've introduced televoting - it means that the public gets to choose rather than the corruption and bribery method that has been rife for years. Hence the fact that Finnish monster rockers Lordi won it in 2006 (and yes, I DID vote for them). 2006 was a truly vintage year for Eurovision, in fact it was the best I've possibly ever seen. And I actually cannot wait for Eurovision 2007. Every country that takes part will see that it was the most outrageous band that won, so I fully expect the bizarre-o-meter to go off the scale in 2007. Which is why I was not surprised to hear that ex-Smiths frontman Morrissey throw his name into the hat. Maybe he can do for Eurovision what Beckham will do for American Football. I mean soccer. I can't wait. This year's Eurovision is on the 12th May 2007. If anyone would like to join me at my annual Eurovision Party, you are more than welcome. If we get enough taking part, I will run a sweepstake. And when I was in Marbella once, I did see an 80-year old woman with the biggest fake breasts I'd ever seen. It was possibly the most bizarre thing I've ever had the misfortune to witness. Is what my sister made her husband sing to her on the gondola in Venice. The damage that Walls have done to this beautiful city is unparalleled. But never mind, it was my first visit to Venice and what a place... We stayed at the Lido, which is a little island separating Venice from the Adriatic. So you get Venice on one side, the sea on the other. Absolutely stunning. It is certainly the most romantic place I've ever been to, and considering I went with my sister and her husband, that's saying something (yes, yes, I know, I am from Suffolk). I spent most of my time enjoying the beautiful views, trying to get pigeons to land on my sister's head and chasing a Japanese man around St Mark's Square, trying to get a photo of the worst wig I've ever seen (see below). I shall stick some photos on, which speak louder than a thousand words (no matter how nice the words are). Inspired by the man covering himself in oats and being licked by horses, I recreated that using my sister, corn & pigeons. Seeing how much my sister disliked pigeons, I did what any big brother would do & made one land on her head. By the way, check out the giant pidgeon on the right. When we saw the man with the worst wig in the world (and this picture does it no justice), the race was on to secretly take a picture... Just to show that I didn't spend ALL my time chasing wigmen or feeding my sister to the pigeons, and that I do appreciate haute couture as much as the next man, here is a picture of that big palace thing in the main square. Sorry to all my readers for the outrageous delay in posting anything new. What have I been up to, I hear you ask? Well, I've been to Venice. Been to Ipswich. Lost 4 tenants in my house, so been running around with that. I've had no internet connection at home (and lost it at work as well for a while) and I'm supposed to be going to the Carribean for 2 weeks on Saturday, so I'm working like a loon. All in all, 2007 has been simply non-stop. But I've got some girls coming round to see the house today, so hopefully that will sort it out. And my own technical monkey should be sorting out my internet gremlins - I blame Microsoft. Bastards. And with a bit of luck, normal service will now be resumed. I shall start by telling of my escapades in Venezia... Finally 2006 is over and we're into 2007. I'd like to wish all my readers a very happy new year. Here's to hoping that 2007 is a vintage year for all of you.
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Classic fit polo with ribbed cuffs. A SAAB rivet on the shoulder and a silicon badge on the back. Material: 95% cotton and 5% elastic. I'm sure those who have experienced it, remember it well... The first time. You spend the whole day in a state of nervous excitement.. Not able to concentrate on what you are doing, the only thing you wonder about is what will it be like? what should I wear? You have heard so much about it and cannot wait to try it out yourself. You have read numerous articles in magazines about how it all happens.. When it finally comes to the crunch, you are more nervous than excited and not sure if you should go through with it all! The hype of it all just does not help! But now you are here.. no turning back.. At first you are shy.. not really knowing what to do, how to behave.. Should I just keep quiet? Should I ask questions? Will I look stupid if I do? Should I just act cool and pretend like I've done it a million times and just hope that it will look convincing?? SOMEBODY HELP!!!! When it comes to fashion week, I am as rookie as they get. Literally clueless! After reading about it on blogs, magazines and every other possible media source you can't help but wonder what it would be like to experience it first hand. So, I decided that since I am now at least in the correct geographical location, it only made sense to check out what the fashion week beast was all about. The result? You will be seeing street style photos from the fashion week on this blog until at least next Christmas! :))
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Michael AndersonMichaels blog is intended to fuel the need of fresh, good information about cars, with test drives, reviews and many more from the automobile industry. FoPeople thinks when it comes to taxes, paying them for income earned on a home business can be brutal. After all, there is no...
​Join us on the beautiful and biodynamic Gables Farm for a wonderful day of craft, land and ecological based activities. Take part in farm and woodland walks, meet the animals, and experience a variety of traditional crafts. Deliciously priced BBQ lunch and new biodynamic farm shop open. Suitable for all ages and all are welcome. FREE ​Join us for a nearly circular walk through different landscapes that our bees and other insects pollinate. Meet at the Tipputs Inn car park and please wear appropriate footwear. Suitable for all ages and all are welcome. Start at Gables Farm. FREE
Race 3 movie review: Remo D'souza's film, starring Salman Khan and Anil Kapoor, fails to live up to expectations The Race franchise is punctuated by a standard premise — glitzy suits and tinted shades exiting from convertibles and sports cars in slow motion to accuse each other of frauds that stack up a gazillion dollars or casual adultery. And it’s always personal since these squabbles are amongst family members — adopted and illegitimate included. But since this one swaps directorial duo Abbas Mustan, known for grand reveals and outlandish plots, with Remo D’souza, the film swerves with a screech before crashing and burning. How gloriously wrong can a film about a backstabbing family that occasionally indulges in vituperative outbursts, go? Well, this one has a woman strumming to a romantic number in the company of her siblings, female bodyguards who slip out of matching shrugs before getting into a rumble and a prison that resembles a dusty strip club. And this is just the tip of the ice mountain that takes down this ship. In Austin Powers style, the film opens to a desert arms base, owned by a Shamsher Singh The illegal arms dealer is being threatened by an ambitious aide. But it only takes a few clicks and a ‘pen’ to ensure his unfaithful employee goes up in flames. A voiceover introduces the characters along with a string of adjectives. Singh’s daughter- Sanjana (Daisy Shah) is “bold, sharp and very ambitious”, her twin Suraj (Saqib Saleem) “karta pehle hai, sochta baadme hai”. But the most adorable description is reserved for the family’s sharpshooter, Yash (Bobby Deol), who is “loyal and lovable, but extremely lethal”. The film’s lead and perhaps its only selling point, Sikandar (Salman Khan) is Singh’s illegitimate child — an indestructible force who dodges bullets and flies over the cityscape in a diving suit. But Sikandar is a superhero we don’t deserve. We deserve better. It would be a waste of space to delve into the story, so let’s skip to what really counts. If you felt the previous Race films were cocky, this one resembles a poultry farm. This is a film where a lawyer informs a woman that he’s about to execute her mother’s will and she responds with, “Nice!”. When she’s trying to prove a point, she says, “Isse dil nahin, Dell kholke dikhaao,” pointing to a laptop which contains telling evidence. Without offering spoilers, characters here also have concealed motives and identities. So don’t be stumped when someone says, “You hired me as a con woman, but I’m a government agent.” Badaboom! This is followed by a quick shot of her turning in the revolving chair of her workstation wearing a suit. To layer the story further, Sikandar rocks facial hair which is somewhere between Mr Miyagi and Langda Tyagi in the Beijing sequence. And just when you’re about to crack, a dialogue even spells your state of mind: “Itne saare jhatke, when is it going to end, man?” Why would Khan take this up? There’s a dialogue for it too: “When the money is that good, why ask questions?” Lugging a few extra pounds, Khan’s Sikandar is a hark back to the invincible heroes he’s played in multi-crore blockbusters a decade ago. While he packs in a punch and a paunch, he barely manages to elevate the proceedings. Bobby Deol internalises his layered Yash but is cast aside for a large part of the film. Daisy Shah’s outlandish performance would make her playschool teacher proud and she whips her locks against the wind a few too many times to convey her muddled Sanjana. Anil Kapoor under a scruffy silver beard and round glasses completes the image of an international arms dealer but barely has enough room to deliver to his potential. Jacqueline Fernandez is predictably chirpy through the film, even while her character has shades of grey. In the second half, most characters spout a mouthful of Bhojpuri. If this is for comic relief or to cater to a diverse audience group, we can’t tell. But then, if they shifted to Swahili or Hebrew, it wouldn’t matter much either.
This St. Louis Cardinals Embroidered House Flag hangs vertically and is a great way for the St. Louis Cardinals Fan to show their Team Spirit! Dinesh Chandimal will face a hearing at the conclusion of the second Test against West Indies after the Sri Lanka captain pleaded not guilty to ball tampering in St Lucia. Chandimal was charged following a dramatic third day on Saturday, which started around two hours later than scheduled as the tourists refused to take to the field in protest. On-field umpires Aleem Dar and Ian Gould and third umpire Richard Kettleborough charged the 28-year-old with breaching Article 2.2.9 of the ICC Code of Conduct after reviewing footage of Friday's final session. The officials ruled that the Sri Lanka skipper appeared to take sweets out of his left pocket and put them in his mouth before applying the artificial substance to the ball. Cricket Sri Lanka released a statement saying they would take "all necessary steps to defend any player" after the team management informed the governing body the tourists were not guilty of any wrongdoing. The ICC on Sunday revealed Chandimal has denied attempting to change the condition of the ball and will attend a hearing along with match officials and members of Sri Lanka's team management. Such breaches carry a punishment of between 50 to 100 per cent of a match fee and up to two suspension points, as well as three or four demerit points. Chandimal was 27 not out at and Kusal Mendis unbeaten on 53 as Sri Lanka took lunch on 136-4 on day four, leading by 89. A report claims that Thomas Meunier will hold face-to-face talks with Paris Saint-Germain chiefs after learning of interest from Barcelona. Toby Alderweireld brands Tottenham Hotspur teammate Harry Kane "one of the best strikers in the world" following their clash in the third-place playoff at the World Cup. Former Manchester United ace Roy Keane hits out at the defending from Danny Rose and Phil Jones, claiming that neither player will ever learn how to properly defend. Jose Mourinho believes that England "have a good base for continuity" following their fourth-place finish at the 2018 World Cup. Gareth Southgate concedes that Belgium are "a better side" than England and believes that the World Cup third-place playoff loss was "a game too far" for the Three Lions. Harry Kane concedes that England are "not the finished article" following their 2-0 loss to Belgium in their World Cup third-place playoff encounter. Relive Belgium's 2-0 win over England in the third-place playoff at the 2018 World Cup as England are condemned to fourth and Belgium record their best-ever tournament. England boss Gareth Southgate makes five changes to his XI for Saturday's 2018 World Cup third-place playoff with Belgium. Sports Mole provides team news, predicted lineups and a full match preview of England's third-place playoff with Belgium in St Petersburg. Belgium defender Thomas Meunier "expected more difficulties" against Brazil in Friday night's 2018 World Cup quarter-final. Belgium boss Roberto Martinez backs defender Thomas Meunier to handle the threat offered by Brazil's Neymar in the World Cup quarter-final between the two nations. Belgium defender Thomas Meunier describes Brazil's Neymar as "unpredictable" and admits that he may struggle to contain his opponent in Friday's World Cup showdown. Paris Saint-Germain right-back Thomas Meunier suggests that he is ready to quit the club in search of more regular playing time, with Everton a possible destination. Manchester United and Chelsea target Thomas Meunier reveals that he will wait until the end of the season before making a decision over his future at Paris Saint-Germain. Cristiano Ronaldo scores twice as Real Madrid come from behind to record a 3-1 win over Paris Saint-Germain in the first leg of their last-16 tie in the Champions League. Juventus are reportedly monitoring Arsenal and Spain defender Hector Bellerin as a replacement for Stephan Lichtsteiner. Paris Saint-Germain full-back Thomas Meunier reveals that he turned down the chance to join Chelsea on the final day of the summer transfer window. Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho is interested in signing Paris Saint-Germain right-back Thomas Meunier in the New Year, according to reports. Belgium deal a damaging blow to Bosnia-Herzegovina's World Cup qualification hopes with a 4-3 victory in Sarajevo. Relive Belgium's thrilling 4-3 win over Bosnia-Herzegovina as the hosts suffer a damaging defeat in their bid to reach the World Cup in 2018. Thomas Meunier admits that he is finding it difficult to play second fiddle to Dani Alves when it comes to the right-back position at Paris Saint-Germain. Thomas Meunier insists that Paris Saint-Germain "do not have a Neymar dependence", despite dropping points for the first time this season in the Brazilian's absence. Paris Saint-Germain right-back Thomas Meunier believes that Belgium teammate and Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois would be a good fit for the Ligue 1 giants. Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur reportedly failed with offers for Paris Saint-Germain defender Thomas Meunier during the closing days of the transfer window.
Puppet provides a number of APIs that allow you to interact with Puppet applications. On this page, you’ll find a brief description of each API to help you figure out when to use which API. PuppetDB comes with a number of APIs. The PuppetDB query API is used to query the data that PuppetDB collects from Puppet. You can query information such as: There are also APIs for importing/exporting PuppetDB archives, changing PuppetDB’s model of a population, querying information about the PuppetDB server, and querying PuppetDB metrics. Use the RBAC service API v1 to manage access to Puppet Enterprise, including connecting to external directories, generating authentication tokens, and managing users, user roles, user groups, and user permissions. Use the node classifier service API to query node classification data, such as the groups that a node matches, the classes, parameters, and variables that have been assigned to a node or group, and the environment that a node is in. Use the Puppet orchestrator API to gather details about the orchestrator jobs you run and to inspect applications and applications instances in your Puppet environments. Use the activity service API to query the events that are logged by the activity service. The activity service logs Puppet Enterprise events by service and user. This API is used internally by Puppet to manage Puppet agent certificates. For detailed information and CA API endpoints, see the CA API information about the Puppet Cert command line tool, see the Puppet’s Commands page. This API is used by the Puppet agent in communication with the Puppet master. Although it is primarily used internally by Puppet services, you can use it to get a catalog for a node, and to get environment information. For detailed information and Puppet API endpoints, see the Puppet API dile sync API has endpoints for committing code to a Master of Masters and synchronizing code with compile masters. Important Note: Puppet only supports file sync through use of Code Manager. Directly accessing the file sync API is not supported and not recommended.
* "Boyz II Men" versus "Momz w/ Vox" is neither metaphor-mixing, nor a bad time to up the New Jack quotient.
The Communist Youth Union in Ho Chi Minh City April 12 organized a field day called “Active disabled people” to mark Vietnam's Day for People with Disabilities (April 18) at Cultural and Sports House in Tan Binh District. More than 190 handicapped people from 18 schools and units in districts participated in the event. They will compete in track and field events, swimming, chess, table-tennis and weight-lifting.
I have a BA in Theatre (useful, doncha think? But college was soooooo fun for me!) and an MA in Arts Policy and Administration (the “policy” and “aministration” parts of that degree have been pretty handy, actually). I have over a decade of experience working in non-profits. I have been to seven countries outside of the US and 37 states within the US. I read lots of books, good and bad. I listen to NPR. I’m a smart, articulate, engaged adult…wait for it…who was woefully unprepared for motherhood. On some level I think most people are woefully unprepared for parenthood, at least in modern times. Maybe it was different back when multiple generations lived in the same log cabin and the older children cared for the younger children while the parents plowed fields, shot bears, and salted pork. But these days? Unless you were a particularly prodigious babysitter in your teens or a member of the Duggar clan, you probably had scant experience in being around babies and small children. It seems like there should be a way to study up and learn to be a good parent, which is probably why there are so many books of the What to Expect variety. But those books basically just teach you how to keep your child alive. They don’t get into the real nitty gritty of daily life as a parent and how to do it well. So I present for your reading pleasure The Six Degrees Every Potential Parent Should Have Pursued If They Had Been Thinking Straight During College Instead Of Drinking Natty Lite And Declaring Majors Like Theatre. 1) MD #1 – Emergency Medicine. From the first time your nip a finger while innocently trying to cut your infant’s nails to the time he does a Nestea plunge down the stairs, you will be on call to deal with accidents big and small. Woulnd’t it be handy to know something more detailed than “apply pressure” and “honey, grab a bag of frozen peas so we can put this on our kid’s face and maybe prevent a Rocky-style shiner”? 2) MD #2 – Epidemiology. This degree would allow you to be able to calculate the incubation period of the Nasty Puking Bug that little Johnny came down with two hours after the playdate during which he and your child were both sticking the same plastic banana in their mouths. Knowing when to expect the vomit and preparing for it? Worth the debt of medical school. 3) Engineering. You will be putting things together. Things way more complicated than an Ikea bookshelf. You need knowledge. You need training. And you need it before you open the box of the Kettler Trike. If you’ve never attempted to assemble one of these things, all I’m going to tell you is that disassembled German engineering should never be placed in the hands of amateurs. Never. 4) Nutrition. Is it ok for an 18-month-old to subsist on black beans and blueberries for a week? Is a banana and black olives a sufficient dinner? Does broccoli still count as a vegetable if it’s smothered in ketchup? Should I be angry at my husband for letting our toddler have potato chips for breakfast? Is there any essential mineral in the dirt covering the fistful of snow my kid just ate so that I can feel ok about letting that happen? Inquiring parents want to know. 5) Conflict Resolution. You know why Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton rock it as Secretaries of State? Because they are moms. They learned their negotiating skills over the train table where they, doubtless, brokered the Red Steam Engine Peace Accord after hostilities broke out during a failed attempt at Sharing. 6) Literature. It would be so nice to go into a bookstore with a working knowledge of what has actually been written for children instead of blindly grabbing any board book featuring Elmo and running for the register. You know what degree you absolutely, positively DON’T need? Early childhood development because apparently everyone you meet is a bona fide expert in that subject, which must be why the security guard outside daycare felt comfortable telling me C. no longer needed a binky once he learned to walk. And yes, broccoli still counts as a vegetable even if its covered in ketchup. (According to our government, ketchup is a vegetble itself). Yes. Exactly. Times eleventy. I love your blog, too. I have added it to my side list of Must Reads. You are one funny funny lady. Love it! I was an Art Major…useless but now I could be a better Doc then 1/2 the ones I have seen just from being a mom! New follower 😉 I love this so much, it’s so spot on!! Also? Those “What to Expect” books? I only read the pregnancy one because it scared the ever living crap out of me and I had nightmares for a month. I couldn’t bring myself to read anymore of them after that!! Yes, nutrition, definitely. I can’t tell you how regularly I think to myself “how much of this banana must i convince him to swallow before i can count it as a serving?” Throughout this grand pattern of things you actually receive a B- for hard work. Where you actually misplaced everybody ended up being on the details. As people say, details make or break the argument.. And it couldn’t be much more true right here. Having said that, permit me say to you p I am making the e certain of how you seem to unite your details which in turn produce the actual final result. For the moment I will subscribe to your point but trust in the future you actually link your facts much better.
On August 24, 2015, the Steamboat Springs School District Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution to refer a $92 million construction bond question and a $1.98 million mill levy question to district voters on November 3, 2015. The bond question includes money to build a new high school, convert the current high school to a middle school, renovate the existing middle school to a 3-5 elementary school, add preschool to the elementary schools, relocate the Yampa Valley High School to the new middle school campus and fund capital renewal projects at all current school locations as needed. The construction of a new high school at the Overlook site on the West side of the city will create a new state-of-the-art school supporting all of the educational, athletic and community programs for the Steamboat Springs community. The existing high school will become the new home for the middle school that will allow for better learning environments for middle school students and staff. The existing middle school will become part of the elementary school campus at Strawberry Park, adding an elementary school to the District. This plan will result in a total District capacity of 3,170 students with 1,440 at the Elementary level, 760 at the Middle School level and 970 at the High School level with the ability to expand to 1,100 at the high school in the future. In addition to increasing enrollment pressures at each of the schools creating not only capacity issues but more importantly programmatic limitations and constraints. Here are some of the current issues being faced by our schools in order to accommodate academic programming and extracurricular activities. Proposed Project: Renovate building to house Middle School (grades 6th – 8th) and Yampa Valley High School Please click on the graph to view the October 1 enrollment numbers for the Steamboat Springs School District since 2006. The Board of Education has recognized the enrollment challenges facing the District, and wants to be deliberate in the investigation and planning work to identify the best long term solution for the community. The Master Plan process is not about a ballot question, it is about a facility plan to support our children’s education. Please click on the link below to view the slideshow that was presented to the community on January 28, 2015. Community Forum on Education #2 - Demographics: November 10, 2016, 6 pm at Bud Werner Memorial Library Community Forum on Education #3 - Accountability, Policy and Programs: November 17, 2016, 6 pm at Bud Werner Memorial Library
The Trapped Satellite is a great gift for people who love brainteasers and trick puzzles. Your goal is to remove the spiked ball from its bronze chamber.
So I'll admit I feel a little guilty about hitting the, "New Post!" button to make this blog. I know I haven't been blogging as I should, life has seemed to get in the way. I promise I'll make a post about everything crazy that has happened SOON. I'm not giving a time line other than SOON. Last night I got to meet Maggie Stiefvater! For those living under a rock, Maggie has written The Wolves of Mercy Falls series and the Books of Faerie series. It was so great to meet her, a dream come true if you will. You know there are those authors you look up to so much but don't think you'll ever actually get to meet them (and show off your creepiness) in person. Maggie was so sweet and nice. And hilarious! She is truly an inspiration to me as a writer. I also got to hang out with some great friends I haven't seen in a while, and meet some new ones I only know through Twitter! Here are a few pictures I snapped along the way! :) Now for the moment I'm sure you've all been sitting on the edge of your seats for: I did happen to pick up an extra copy of Shiver for Maggie to sign. Now, now kids. Settle down! Of course I'm giving my extra copy to YOU. What else would I do with it? Stephanie loves her followers. :) * Contest will end at Midnight CST on Friday, August 13th and a winner will be announced sometime that weekend. PS- for those wondering about the totally rad shirts we're wearing, my friend Jennifer made them! Amazing, hu? She posted on her blog how YOU can make them and she's also giving away a signed copy of Shiver! PPS- Sorry the blog looks atrocious right now. Blogger decided to eat my layout and settings and I'll have to basically start from scratch. I've got a few things back the way they were, but I'll have to work on the layout and background later. Just know it doesn't always look this terrible. Hopefully.
A rich, diverse collection of short-stories inspired by some of Earth’s forgotten places. Organized by best-selling author Josh Walker and edited by Angel Blackwood, this collection of inspired stories brings something new and exciting. Q.S. Khan’s short-story version of her novel “Heir of Merlin: Serene’s Awakening” is featured in the anthology. All proceeds from this anthology will be donated to St. Judes Children’s Hospital. Available in e-book and paperback onAmazon
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NYU Stern’s founders recognized that increasing value for business and society begins when you unlock an individual’s potential through education. Stern is stepping forward to meet the challenge through the Stern Access Initiative by creating more full-need scholarship support for high-achieving and low-income students with the brightest potential, allowing them to make the most of a Stern education without the burden of debt. Meet Tommy and Tasnuva, two Stern NYC Scholars who are proof of the power of scholarship to transform lives. Thanks to the tremendous generosity of the following donors who have been part of the Stern Access Initiative, more high-achieving, low-income students with the brightest potential will receive a NYU Stern education. Established by: American Express Foundation in honor of Edward P. Gilligan (BS ‘82), former President of American Express, with a gift of $1.5 million. Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Family Scholarship: expendable scholarship for six students. Read more. Established by: Larry A. Silverstein (Arts ‘52), Honorary Vice Chair of the NYU Board of Trustees, in honor of William R. Berkley (BS ‘66), Chair of the NYU Board of Trustees with a gift of $1 million. These full-need scholarships cover as much as possible of tuition, room and board, and additional expenditures related to education for the duration of the four-year undergraduate degree program. Investing in Our Students: A Case for Scholarship Support: Find out why NYU Stern falls below peer schools when it comes to scholarship support. Opening the Door to Opportunity: Learn more about the Stern NYU Scholarship and what led Leonard Stern to make his generous gift. Averting Tragedy: Corporate Ethics and the Educational Commons: Read Dean Henry's perspective on higher education access. Stern Ups Aid For Low-Income Students: Stern's Access Initiative, including scholarship recipient Tommy, is featured in Poets & Quants. NYU Dean Wants to Teach Low-Income Students How to Fish: Dean Henry speaks with CNN about his efforts to increase scholarship funding at Stern.
“Thank you… I think only one email from the first Lists came back as invalid but I was given extra leads so it is all good 🙂 I got 1 sign up from that first list so that is now why I am a repeat customer :-).” Previous PostLessons from 17-year-old genius who earns $30,000 a monthNext Post10 reasons you should quit your job this year | BusinessInsider You may feel like you are having difficulty making the best decisions for your business and because of that you’re not moving forward.. Is it because you’re trying too hard to keep everyone happy? Are you setting clear enough boundaries? Are you too concerned about what people will think? Here’s your solution: give yourself permission to follow what your heart and soul have been saying all along.. We want to get to a place where we can have a full healthy range of emotions. That is what ALIVENESS really is. This will lead us out of “niceness,” which is superficial, self-sacrificing and toxic, and into “kindness,” which respects self and others. Like a mother bear protecting her cubs, we are acting in kindness when we do what it takes to protect what is important to us.. For more insight on how to allow this shift of high vibe, love, and truth, and being fully alive, tune in to this week’s Joyful Living Podcast. A friend recommended me to use Quints of Jersey for my Business branding and website. He’d used Quints of Jersey for his business branding and I loved the sound of some the original ideas such as branded stickers and wax stamps. I have been delighted by everything that Quints of Jersey has done for us. We are regularly complimented on our branding and, in particular, our logo. Quints of Jersey has given us something to make us stand out and something of which we feel very proud. I would definitely recommend Quints. The team has been professional and enthusiastic throughout – always going the extra mile yet always managing to deliver on time. Thank you Quints. Having never been to anyone before for any branding help so we were nervous! It was a big change and risk for us so we needed the right company. From the first meeting we werk and liked the projects created by Emma. As a start up business I didn’t have a huge budget to create the brand and Emma was offering a package that looked perfect for me. I felt that Emma & Quints were the right choice for me half way through our initial meeting…the logo at the end of that first meeting is pretty much the logo I ended up with, everything just clicked. Emma understood exactly what I was looking for. I am thrilled with the overall look and feel of my brand logo and website and have received so many compliments on it. I continue to work with Emma and Tiffany on developing my brand further, helping to build my business. “Emma and her team supported and guided me through the web and marketing maze enabling me to be creative and interpreting what I wanted, giving an amazing result. Emma captured my vision, communicated and cared so that we created something very beautiful that is personal yet professional at the same time. Exactly what I wanted. Thank you Quints.” Emma & Tiffany were very professional, warm and inviting to work with. Emma saw my vision and concept for the brand and completely got it from the word go. Working together with both Emma & Tiffany has been a pleasure and they definitely understand the client’s individual needs which is so important. I feel the Quints office environment is also so lovely – comfortable, warm & relaxing – which is so important to a small business / to give a personable service. Emma has been dream to work with! She really connects with your vision to create something special that represents your business. I found the whole process extremely comfortable and i was delighted with my website. Emma has the greatest gift of helping you to feel at ease. I feel my website represents myself and my business and is very authentic. Thank you Emma. Emma has been a pleasure to work with and has guided me through every step of the process with kindness and professionalism. Not only has she created a brand i’m incredibly proud of, but she’s helped me find my feet as a new business. Thank you Emma for everything. Emma and her team at Quints of Jersey always manage to translate and provide designs that we love. Their eye for pattern and colour mixed in with the vast technical experience make them amazing to work with. They took the time to work with us throughout the set up and launch of our online store which was such a great support, it made us feel like we had our own designer and support network as part of our business which is invaluable when starting up. From the first meeting we were put to ease, Emmyour approach to helping people like me grow their business, and now I've found Qunits of Jersey I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else! Thank you for everything. Emma has been an absolute pleasure to work with; patient, kind, informative, creative and efficient - truly an expert in her field. She created a beautiful logo for my business and quickly got my aesthetic – I have no hesitation in recommending “Quints of Jersey” to all my colleagues and friends. Search in Entire entry Headword (with alternate spellings) Headword (preferred spelling only) Definition and notes Etymology Associated quotes and manuscripts Modern English word equivalent (1465) Acc.Howard in RC 57174 : And the toder dele was of mony that the said resseyvor owt my mastyr. a1500(a1415) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)42/28 : Þe thyrdde kynght smot and hutte half his stroke apon þe clerkeys arme..and þat other dele of þe stroke fell downe to Thomas hed. ?1536(1402) Jack Upland (Gough)199/287 : Than was it better don than it is now at this tyme by a thousand deel. c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)145/32 : It were a ful nyʒe meene to make him forʒete þe moost deel of goddis comaundementis. (a) A share (of sth.), one's allotted portion; haven del in, to partake of (a certain nature); to del, as (one's) share; also fig.; (b) lot in life, destiny; haven the beter del, to get the better of someone, be victorious; setten del with, cast in (one's) lot with (sb., sth.), join. c1410(c1350) Gamelyn (Hrl 7334)635 : He hopede to God for to haue his deel, And he was sore alonged after a good meel. c1450(1369) Chaucer BD (Benson-Robinson)1001 : For to speke of trouthe..Therof she had so moche hyr del..That Trouthe hymself, [etc.]. (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.415 : He kepte his pacient a ful greet deel In houres, by his magik natureel. c1450(a1425) MOTest.(SeldSup 52)1520 : Bot the moder was most fayn of hyr sun, that scho went had been drownd ylk dele. a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)460 : This was hir cote and hir mantell; No more was there, never a dell, To clothe hir with. ©2018 Regents of the University of Michigan. For details about this collection's copyright see the MEC copyright statement and the U-M Library Copyright Policy. Here you can find some amazing Lovely Quotes About Life, Lovely Life Sayings, Lovely Life Quotations, Lovely Life Slogans, Lovely Life Proverbs, Lovely Life Images, Lovely Life Pictures, Lovely Life Photos, Lovely Life Graphics, Lovely Life 4K HD Wallpapers. If you like any of these quote than share with your love ones and friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Instagram or any other social networking website. All these quotes are free to use. If you like to appreciate my work then share with your friends. If you like to give me some feedback or any other query then comment below or you can also contact me on I will Definitely respond you within 24 hours. Please tell me how to improve user experience by giving me valuable feedback.
The Annual ERS Finale... The 6th Annual Louisville Trail Half Marathon, 10K, 5K has been the Endurance Race Series' largest event the past 5 years... The course is mostly flat with a beautiful, yet challenging hill that creates an epic vista point of the front range mountains. Using the backdrop of the Flat Irons and beautiful Louisville, CO, this race tours the trails and sights of the area offering a breathtaking landscape for this amazing race... The Louisville Trail Race offers great a family friendly atmosphere with our post race festivities, so bring the family and enjoy the morning with us! at the Louisville Community Park. Race Shirts have been ordered, meaning the deadline has passed for ordering a shirt online. if you would still like to purchase a race shirt you may do so on race morning. thank you *We have adjusted our prices, so that they do NOT include a race shirt. If you would like to take advantage of the shirt option, it is $5, and can be added in the Swag area of your registration. For those runners adding the shirt option, we ask that you register at least 10 days prior to race day, to be guaranteed of your shirt order. If you are within the 10 day window, we will ask you to pick up your shirt after the race, from the sizes available. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.
That's why as anarchists, we identify them, evaluate whether they are justifiable and dismantle them if they are not. Dismantling doesn't need to happen by taking the advantage away from somebody: making that advantage universally available is much better. Submitted by aiwendil at August 26, 2017 at 8:18 AM in Antifa (edited at August 26, 2017 at 11:46 AM ) Submitted by surreal at September 4, 2018 at 10:34 PM in AskRaddle (edited at September 4, 2018 at 11:02 PM ) Neolibrals want to use the government as a tool of violence against the poor wielded collectively by the rich so there isn't literal infighting. An-caps want to abbolish the government and let corporations directly and individually act in violence to the poor with no oversight from their peers. In practical terms, if the only power structure in the land is concentration of wealth by individuals or corporations then those individuals or corporations will buy themselves a new government that they control. At least here in sweden, in the sense that one even can talk about self-identifying neo-liberalists now days, they are almost always pro-state in some respect while "anarcho"-capitalists are explicitly against the state, to put the difference simply. I don't I've ever seen an ancap self-identify as neo-liberal or vice versa here. Regarding self-identification I think there is a greater overlap of "classical liberal" and ancap. I never got how they got the label "Neo-Liberal." Given that their ideology is pretty much the Ayn Rand version of Conservatism, it feels odd for them to have the label "liberal" at the end of their name. We can talk about how the Democratic Party sucks and how so many Liberal groups do not go far enough, but the philosophy governing Liberalism is that everyone should be free to live their lives as they see fit, so long as it harms no one else in the process, and power is dangerous, regardless of whether it is a government organization or a corporation, and needs to be kept in check. How is anything about the Neo-Liberals, well, liberal? This is a dangerous study imo. I understand the positives but it doesnt take into account deforestation among other things. Or instead of turning the coastline into a mega plantation (because that sounds like a great idea) we can just stop eating cows, stealing their babies, and drinking their milk. But I guess I'm not complicating my solution enough. Dr. Adelman's Raleigh Family Medicine practice is ready to serve you! Dr. Adelman has practiced family medicine for over 30 years, and is supported by a team of highly qualified medical professionals. Dr. Adelman is well known and respected in the medical and Raleigh community, having practiced family medicine for over 30 years. After receiving his M.D. degree from Northwestern University in Chicago, he completed his three year residency in Family Medicine at St. Joseph Hospital in Denver. Dr. Adelman is board certificated in Family Practice and Geriatric Medicine. He has served as Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Rex Hospital, a member of the UNC system, as well as served as Chief of the Department of Medicine at Raleigh Community Hospital. Dr. Adelman organized the first Jewish Health Fair in Raleigh more than twenty years ago. He is currently working on a project to bring health care to underserved populations in Raleigh. He enjoys many hobbies including boating, bicycling, tennis, running, and hiking. A dedicated athlete, Dr. Adelman has run numerous marathon races including the Boston Marathon, and promotes a healthy lifestyle for his patients. Donna Ferris Griffin is a Physician Assistant who graduated from Trevecca Nazerene University PA program in 1996. After graduating from the PA program, she joined Dr. Adelman's Family Practice where she continues to practice medicine. She practices in all areas of Family Practice but her clinical interests include pediatrics, dermatology, anti-aging skin care and lipid management. Ms. Griffin is a member of the North Carolina Academy of Physican Assistants and American Academy of Physician Assistants. She annually attends the NCAPA medical conference for continuing medical education. Ms. Griffin is married with two daughters. She enjoys spending time with her family including visiting Wilmington, NC, where they play at the local beaches and go boating on the Intercoastal Waterway. She believes that regular exercise is emotionally and physically important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She personally exercises daily and has participated in three half marathons. Kathleen Janus earned her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing from Niagara University. She went on to work as an RN in intensive care units for nine years, as well as working in nursing education. She received her Master’s Degree in Nursing from UNC Chapel Hill and earned national certification as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 1995. She then worked as a nurse practitioner in the Johnston County Health Department and Raleigh Internal Medicine before joining Dr. Adelman’s practice in 2001. Located on Six Forks Road in Raleigh, our office is equipped to handle essential family medicine needs and designed to be a comfortable place for you and your family to manage your health. We look forward to seeing you! We have only seen Dr. Adelman a couple of times. He is very pleasant to speak with and very responsive to all our questions. Our children loved him. I am very grateful for this quick-response, and extremely friendly and professional treatment. Thank you, Richard! My experience with Dr. Adelman was excellent. He spent more time with me than a physician usually does (first visit) and he covered all of my questions and concerns. His manner was friendly and engaging...
Buttermilk and hot sauce marinated chicken breast dredged in seasoned flour and lightly fried. Dijonnaise, lettuce, pickles. 9 This new version of Duik is the biggest script I have ever developped for After Effects, and I believe it is actually the biggest script available for After Effects. It’s not just a new version of the Duik you may already know, it is a whole new thing, each and every line of code has been re-read, re-thought and re-written, with a lot of additions, improvements and new features. I’ve come to realize that now Duik is not just a script anymore, but it really deserves its name of “tool set” for After Effects. The complete list of features is huge, and it’s more like a lot of different scripts packaged together to bring animation in After Effects to a whole new level. I’ve been working very hard on it, and I’m very proud to give it to you. For free! Yes, it’s still free, even if a lot of its individual features could be scripts sold for dozens of dollars, because we still believe free and open source softwares can make the world better, and we stick to our convictions. Of course, this could not be possible without your invaluable support. We’re thousands to use Duik, if everyone donated a few dollars, the future of Duik could be assured for a few years! The goal of a tool like Duik is to make the life of animators (and riggers) easier. The priority was to make Duik as easy to learn as possible, while keeping it very quick to use. The other important goal was to make the interface as small as possible, so it won’t take much place in the After Effects interface; we think it’s very important to be able to focus on the timeline and the viewport of the application, without any other tools interfering when you’re animating. To make the rigging process easier and more versatile in After Effects, we’ve introduced the Structures which are very similar to bones or joints in 3D softwares. Structures are layers you can add in your composition which will drive the animations, like the rig of a real puppet. The process is very simple: create or import your design in After Effects, add Structures and move them to the right spots (the pivots of each limb). Then you can rig those Structures, instead of the design itself like in previous versions of Duik, and finally link the design layers to the corresponding Structure layers. This way, the rig you create is independant from the design. This means it’s easier to adjust the design even after the rig has been made, or even to re-use the same rig with other designs. Also, this rigging process is easier to fix or change if ever you need to adjust it even when you’re already in the process of animation. As Structures will become so much important in the rigging process, we’ve thought about the smartest and quickest way to create them, so we added the ability to automatically create predefined Structures for standard limbs, wether they’re for humans or animals. Using the autorig, and a set of constraints (see below), what you end with are controllers to drive the animation. You animate the controllers, they drive the structures through the constraints, and voilà! Your character moves. As the controllers are going to be the interface between the animator and the character, they have to be intuitive and easy to manipulate. That’s why we’ve not only introduced new shapes to make them easier to recognize, but we’re also implementing visual feeadback on the controllers to see what the controllers are doing! And of course, they can be easily personnalized, you can change their colors and shapes as you wish. The interaction between the controllers and the Structures, and between the Structures themselves, happens through some constraints. Some of them are the core tools of Duik since the first version, like IK which drive the bending of limbs, and the Bones which are used to control any spatial property: puppet pins, the emitter of a particle effect, and, now in Duik Bassel with CC2018 and newer versions of After Effects, any Bézier value, like shapes or masks. The Auto-rig is now smarter than ever. It actually replaces most of the older IK and Bézier IK buttons. It’s only one button for all the stuff! You just have to select some Structures, and let the Auto-rig do the job, in a single click. Most of the time, it will work out of the box without any need to configure anything, but of course, if you have some tricky special cases, you’re still able to adjust the inner machinery. We’ve also introduced a whole new set of constraints to automate even more movements and make the animator’s life very easier: it’s now possible to animate parenting with the new Parent Link constraint, or even to parent layers from a composition to another, or to constrain a layer to a bezier path, to attach a layer to other layers using weights, etc. The Connector is a very powerful new tool to allow you to link almost any After Effects property to any other properties, a bit like parenting for layers. It’s very easy to use, even if its possibilities are huge! You can even control an animation with a color property! If you’ve ever dreamt of triggering animations with simple markers, the Animation Blender has been made for you! It is even able to loop and blend animations. As soon as your character is rigged, you can begin the animation, being helped by a lot of Automations. Automations are procedural animations and dynamics to quickly set the most common animations up and then focus on the characterization of your character. You can automate wiggles, springs, wheels, etc. with customizable and advanced controls for example to loop the effects, and access each and every detail quickly and easily. The effector is a new automation very useful when you have to control properties depending on the location of a layer, or in any spatial way. The new Walk Cycle tool is the first of new comprehensive procedural animations. It’s a very quick and simple way to get started with walk animations. A nice walk cycle is just a click away, but you can go into details and adjust the character height and weight, but also every individual limb parameter and precisely set how it walks… Duik is not only a tool for rigging, but includes everything you need to speed up your animation process. There are tools to manage interpolations, to quickly select keyframes, to automatically smooth all the animations, to create traditionnal animation and to work with traditionnal animation, to reveal trajectories… Good animation needs a good camera. The camera has to be considered as one of the characters in the animation, and its motion has to be as detailed as the animation of the characters the spectator can see in the image. This is the reason why Duik has useful camera tools too, to help you to animate your cameras, to frame your shots, to import cameras from other softwares… After Effects might not be the only software you use in your animation pipeline. Duik comes with some tools to help you import and export assets to and from other softwares, like Krita, TVPaint, or Audition. Duik is also able to export animations (and the rigs, soon) to an open JSON format so that with just a bit of development you can use them in any other software or game engine. There is a great variety of things you can do with these interchange tools, and the list is constantly evolving with the creation of new pipelines and third-party softwares. You can go to the Wiki, where you’ll find a comprehensive user guide, the frequently asked questions we will be regularly updating, and a lot of other details, like how to contribute for the translations, bug reports and feature requests, etc. But unlike most of the free stuff you can find on the internet, there’s no advertising at all, and you are not the product here. We just work in a non-mercantile way, and consider sharing as a great value. It is important for us that Duik and our other tools are available for everyone, rich or poor, amateur or professionnal. Because our greatest wish is to see great films, and we believe sharing and helping each other is the easiest way to make it come true. The difficult part is that developping, maintaining, distributing Duik is a lot of work and investement. The only funds we get for all of this are your kind contributions. You can either support Duduf, the developper of Duik, on Patreon with a small but recurrent contribution which best reflects that this is a continuous work (and he’s sharing more than just Duik), Note that another nice way to thank us for this free work is to send us the films you’ve made using Duik!
I remember in the Spring and Summer, coloured bottoms were all the rage, now this trend continues to Fall 2012. As seen on the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week runway, Anna Sui in particular, had her models rocking jewel-toned tights and matching frocks. I loved seeing the contrasting outfits, with blue dresses and green tights. I doubt I’ve ever be as daring as to wear a fully contrasting combo such as those pictured, but I definitely would like to try the coloured bottoms style. (Yea, I still have nabbed the perfect pair of bright bottoms yet) What do you think of coloured bottoms taking a turn for Fall? Would you rock the contrasting combos as seen with Anna Sui? I was working with someone and this was so apparent and it’s this idea that your thirst for knowledge can actually hurt your business growth. Here’s what I see, there’s so many entrepreneurs stuck in this knowledge cycle. So I want to start by saying this: We don’t need to learn how to do everything we need to learn how to lead it… So, what happens in our entrepreneurial journey, we first off start by learning things. Then what happens as we scale to a $100k-$200k, we start looking at how do we get to a million, or how do we get to two million. We bring with us this idea that we need to keep on learning, and learning, and learning, and learning, so we keep on learning at this tactical level and we end up building ourselves a glorified job where we’re basically doing everything. Here’s an idea Richard Branson doesn’t know how to do Facebook Ads, he doesn’t know WordPress, and he doesn’t know coding. It’s great to learn but the thing is you need to pick your area of mastery. So often, I see entrepreneurs constantly choosing to spend their time learning something which in the end, is just going to hurt them more because then they end up doing it and what happens is they end up so far out of their genius. They’re so far away from where they started that they don’t even know who they are anymore, what they want to do, and business doesn’t seem exciting or juicy to them anymore. Here’s thing I really want you to get, unless you truly want to spend your life doing it, it doesn’t make sense to actually learn how to do it, you, and your time need to focus in on your money-making activities. There’s five that I’ve really found, the first money-making activity that I see is, people that are great with coming up with ideas, building out new products & services Next, people that are freaking fantastic at promotions. Do you love promoting, do you love marketing…? Is that your money-making activity? Or is it operations? This is the next money making activity… Are you great at taking a business apart and figuring out how the thing works do you love systems, and details of processes. Next, is leading people…Do you love leading people? Is this your zone…? Or are you great at sales and influencing others…? Here’s the key, out of those five areas that I talked about, find one and master that. Your thirst for knowledge can hurt your business growth, so find out your money-making activity and master that. I want you to answer this question, what is your money-making activity in business..? What is it that you do, that actually contributes to your business moving forward financially, and let’s find a way to keep you there. I was talking with with this client of mine this morning, and I said you’re doing all of these other things, and none of them are your genius. You’re doing all of these other things and you’re having to learn them, it’s awkward, it’s tough, and it’s stressful. I love you, and I love serving you. Hope you found this useful. Live with freedom, free your mind, free your time, free your life and do what matters most, do it right now.
At Ray White Freshwater we are professional Property Managers and pride ourself in achieving great results and relationships. Please see below some testimonials from our thrilled clients. “Jessica has continued to provide friendly and efficient service throughout the management of my property. She is a pleasure to deal with and I hope Ray White Freshwater continue to look after her. I would highly recommend Jessica’s services to anyone looking for an excellent agent to manage and lease their property!” – Alan Stevens “Ray White Freshwater has been managing my property for over 2 years. I am more than satisfied with their service and consistency. I have previously had property managers from other agencies and it is a wonderful change to be getting personalised attention and working closely with the property manager. I definitely recommend using Ray White Freshwater’s property manager for your own property, they make everything about your investment property stress free.” – Richard Erickson “My close friend referred me to Ray White Freshwater to lease out my property and I was not disappointed. Jessica has been more than helpful and understanding throughout the whole process. We secured a great tenant after just 1 open inspection of our property! Since we are new to the investment world, Jessica went above and beyond to make sure we got a very clear and detailed understanding of the way it all works. I know my property is in secure and excellent hands!” – Jenny Moore ” I just wanted to say thank you so much for your professionalism and communication throughout this process- it has been very appreciated and we were very happy with the results we had especially with such a quick turnaround!” – Adam Hazell “Thank you so much for everything you have done to make my life easier! From answering all of my questions to your very timely communication, it is very much appreciated. I have been beyond happy with the service you have provided me throughout the period my property has been leased with you. If I ever require any property management service in the future I will definitely be in contact with you again.” – Catherine Minifie
GHD Guardian Conditioner - helps preserve vibrancy of color. Don�t let that gorgeous color fade away. This specially formulated product has both UVA and UVB protection, helping to preserve the vibrancy of your color and enhancing its lustrous shine.
I have 3 exotic bounties I am working on. I am going to be honest and say I suck horribly at pvp, as such am stuck on the thorn pvp 0/500 atm and the Invective bounty is stuck at 7/25 k/d ratio was at 15/25 before I had a bad streak, and am currently on the kill 200 enemies with fusion rifle in the weekly nightfall for pocket infinity. I enjoy striking and doing patrols and searching for loot chests while trying to find public events. I am currently looking to make friends or a team to run strikes and have not had the chance to run any raids but would really love to. I can mostly play from 6-11pm Monday to Thursday and then mostly sporadic on the weekend unless plans have been made in advance. My goal for destiny: I just want to make friends and start in on the endgame content, and have a ton of fun while doing it.
Südzucker offers you top-notch training, an ideal springboard for your professional future, regardless of whether you are technically oriented or have a keen interest in natural sciences or accounting. In addition to acquiring job-related skills, you can also earn general qualifications and participate in external seminars; for example, "Learning techniques" or "Presentation techniques". We offer internal courses on all popular PC applications. We take an interest in you as a person: We don't throw you in the deep end when you launch your career. All of Südzucker's operations offer a pleasant work environment. You are not a number. At Südzucker, we work in teams, talk to one another frequently and try to answer all questions. We take our customers’ (collectively “you”, “your”) privacy very seriously and are committed to being transparent with how we use your information. Studio Wumpus (collectively “we” or “us”) receives information from users through our Services. The “Services” include our games (including “Sumer”), associated sites, social media channels (such as our Facebook page, or Twitter account), forums and any associated mobile or web apps. Personal Information. We may collect Personal Information that you willingly provide to us, such as your name, email address or account names for third party services you use to connect to the Service. Non-Personal Information. We may also collect non-personal in). We may use your IP address to determine your zip code or the city in which you are accessing the Services, but we do not collect geolocation information that could be used to identify your location with any greater specificity. Non-Personal Information cannot be easily used to personally identify you. When You Provide Information to Us. We collectters we will collect your name and email address in order to send you that newsletter. Communications With Us. If you communicate with us regarding the Services, such as for technical support or when you make feature suggestions, we will collect any information that you provide to us in any such communication including your contact details and the content of your communication. These communications include when you contact us through one of our social media accounts, such as our Facebook page or our Twitter or Instagram accounts. The information we collect may include photos you send us or post through the Service or written testimonials. We may use this information, including photos, quotes and other information you provide to us, as part of our marketing and customer outreach (such as in newsletters, photos and testimonials on our website, etc). If you wish for us to stop using a particular piece of information in this manner, please contact us at and specify which information you would like us to remove. User ID. When you first launch one or our games, you are assigned a unique User ID, which is associated with the Third Party Network account of the platform on which you are playing (such as Steam, Nintendo Network, PSN, or Xbox Live). Our games use this ID to keep track of your progress in the game, such as when you complete tutorials, settings you use in game, number of games played, etc. This data is used internally to help us improve the Services and our games. Analytic and Reporting Techs such as Google Analytics to record both Personal Information such as location and demographics as well as Non-Personal Information such as internet domain and host names, internet protocol (IP) addressata is only used to help manage, monitor and optimize our Services and products and to help you customize your experience while using the Services (by saving settings). To do this, we may use web beacons and cookies (code that saves information about your preferences and activities on our websites. You may disable the use of Cookies in your browser and continue to use the Services and Website, though certain customization features may be disabled. Signing In via Third Party Accounts. When you play our games via a console platform such as the Playstation PSN or Xbox Live, you may be required to log in to that network before accessing the certain of the game’s functions. These third party sign-in features will enable us to access the information such as account ID number, account name, “friend list”, and other information associated with your account. We may use that information for purposes described in this Privacy Policy. To learn more about what information the console platform collects when you use it to sign in to one of the Services, please refer to the privacy policy for that third party’s site. Personal Information. We use Personormation, and providing customer support. For example, if you sign up to receive one of our newsletters, we will use the email address you pgames and for other internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating, and improving the Services. Disclosure to Successors. We may di transition,ine account features of the console platforms (such as Nintendo, Playstation or XBox) on which you can access our games. We also use third party server and matchmaking services with whom we share any technical information necessary to enable our online multiplayer features. We also contract with several online partners to help manage, monitor and optimize our games and the Services and to help us measure the effectiveness of our communications and how visitors use the Services and games. We will use commercially reasonablhom we share your Personal Information include: Each of these Partners has its own privacy policy governing their use of Personal Information, available on their respective websites. Studio Wumpus does not share, rent or trade your Pisclose Non-Personal Information, in anonymized, aggregate form, to potential strategic partners, advertisers, investors, customers, and others. For example, we may create reports showing the relatives numbers of users we have in various geographies, or the average number of products purchased by all customers in a certain location. You may not opt-out of the sharing of this information. However this data would not allow our partners to identify you or any specific individual. Personal Information. Whenever we obtain your Personal Infonal Information may have been compromised through unauthorized third parties, we will notify you as soon as we have confirmed such compromise. You can obtain a copy of and requetion we have collected pursuant to this privacy policy, you can also contact us by email at the address above. The security of your Personal Infornvironment, using the Internet to collect and process Personal Information necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. By providing Studio Wumpus with your Personal Information you acknowledge and agree that we may store your Personal Information and transfer it to and from our servers located in the United States and throughout the world. We endeavor to protect all Personal Information collected through the Website in a safe, confidential and secure manner. You may be able to access third party websites or services directly from the Services or from within our games. This Privacy Policy does not apply when you access third party websites or other services controlled by third parties. We cannot control how third partiefore using it or disclosing your Personal Information to its provider. Children Under Thirteen. We do not knowingly collect or use any Pernates from a child under the age of 13. If you believe that your child’s Personal Information was mistakenly collected through our Services, please contact us immediately at and we will work with you to determine if this is the case and remove such information if necessary. We provide you the opportunity to optocy from time to time. We may, but are not obligated to, notify you of any material changes by posting a notice on the home page of tcy policy at any time by visiting If you receive notification of a chang
1. Public hearing and introductory ordinance amending Ordinance 2001-O-218 to adopt the City of Laredo Investment Policy and amending the City of Laredo Investment Policy to comply with the Public Funds Investment Act Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code. 2. 2002-O-243 Providing for the adoption of a tax rate of $0.630534 per $100.00 value with a Maintenance and Operation rate of $0.484758 per $100.00 value and an Interest and Sinking fund rate of $0.145776 per $100.00 value and of the levy and the collection of General and Special Ad Valorem and Beverage Taxes for the City of Laredo for the tax year 2002 and the fiscal year 2002-2003. $50,268.00 for August 2002 and $49,732.00 estimated for September 20022002-O-245 Amending the City of Laredo’s FY 2001-2002 annual budget in the General Fund by appropriating revenues in the amount of $785,800.00, which were received in the electric franchise settlement with Central Power & Light, and appropriating expenditures in the amount of $785,800.00, which will Apt the East one-half section of Chacon Street between Tilden and Logan Avenue. and the West bd the South boundary line of the Texas Mexican Railway Company’s “Embargo Yard”. deemed to be uncollectible. The City’s audit firm of Garza, Martinez & Company recommended in their Letter of Management to write-off antiquated accounts receivable. A summary of account receivables by account type is attached that represent a portion of the receivables that are past due. The total amount of the write-off is $2,894,941.65. The financial impact will be an expenditure of $61,636.37 for the fiscal year. I, Gustavo Guevara, Jr., Correct proceedings of the City Council meeting held on September 20, 2002.
Would support for a real pressure-sensitive stylus on an iPad be as seamless as the current support for Bluetooth keyboards or would it destroy iOS's aesthetics? Is drawing a relevant form of communication in this day and age? Should we encourage kids to develop drawing skills or is a camera and software keyboard enough? Would Steve Jobs role in his grave knowing people are learning to draw on the iPad rather than editing a movie? Yagan and James set out on the great stylus debate! Listen in and tell us who you agree with and what your thoughts are for your chance to win a brand new Apple TV. Yes, that's right. We are starting a new segment on the Cidercast just for listener mail. See our competition page to find out how to win the Apple TV.
In this paper, we present an ultrasonically controlled switching system that can save the battery power for implantable devices by turning the system on and off, on-demand. Ultrasonic control is employed to reduce the device size, increase the penetration depth, and reduce misalignment sensitivity associated with alternative techniques using permanent magnet and RF signal. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, a 665 kHz ultrasonic signal is used to activate a piezoelectric receiver which in turn switches a battery-powered RF system on-and-off. In-vitro tests show a reliable switching functionality at distances of up to 8 cm while consuming 43.5 nW (14.5 nA current consumption with 3 V power supply) when the system is in off-state, a factor of 10–100 times lower than the sleep-mode power consumption of typical RF SoC systems. The dimension of fabricated prototype is 6.3 × 16.7 × 2‍ mm3 allowing it to be easily incorporated into many existing implantable devices. The authors would like to thank the staff of the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue University and Sayemul Islam at Temple University for their support of fabrication and experiment. Effects of strain, magnetic field and temperature on entropy of a two dimensional GaAs quantum dot under spin–orbit interaction In this paper, we have studied the effects of temperature, strain and magnetic field on non-extensive entropy of a two-dimensional (2D) quantum dot under spin–orbit interaction. To this end, we have obtained the energy levels and wave functions of the system in the presence of Bychkov–Rashba, Dresselhaus and strain effects by using diagonalization procedure. Then, we have used the Tsallis formalism and calculated the entropy of the system. It is found that the entropy is increased with enhancing the temperature with and without strain. The entropy increases with considering the negative strain. The strain has not strongly effect on the entropy at low temperatures. In this part, we have presented the derivation of wave function \(R_{nl} \left( r \right)\). We should solve the following equation \(H_{0} \varPhi \left( {r,\varphi } \right) = E\varPhi \left( {r,\varphi } \right).\) We have the Hamiltonian \(H_{0}\) as Tween® 80 is a frequently used supplement of media for the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria. We investigated its effect on the cell physiology and stress tolerance of Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum. Data on the transcriptomic response to Tween 80 supplementation and its effects on cellular fatty acid profiles and growth characteristics are compared with data characterizing the effect of Tween 80, other Tween types and free fatty acids on the high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) tolerance of L. plantarum strain TMW 1.708. These include effects on cell viability, sub-lethal injury, metabolic activity, protein release and propidium iodide uptake. Tween 80 caused the downregulation of fatty acid biosynthesis and an increase in oleic acid and cyclopropane fatty acid levels in the cell membrane. Tween 20, Tween 80 and free oleic acid, but not Tween 40, Tween 60 and other free fatty acids, conferred resistance against HHP. Tween 80 diminished pressure-induced loss of metabolic activity, protein release and uptake of propidium iodide. However, loss of cell viability exceeded by far membrane permeabilization, suggesting that membrane permeabilization, which has frequently been postulated as a major factor in HHP inactivation of microbes, is not necessarily required for HHP-induced cell death of Lactobacillus plantarum. The onlinee (20) sorbitan monooleate, frequently referred to as polysorbate 80 or its registered trade name, Tween® 80, is a non-ionic surfactant and emulsifier often used in foods (EU food additive number E 433), cosmetics and medications for parenteral administration. Furthermore, Tween 80 is widely used as an additive in microbiological growth media, providing bacterial cells (e.g. from Lactobacillus species) with exogenous oleic acid [1], which constitutes the lipophilic group of Tween 80. Additionally, oleic acid is one of the most abundant fatty acids in many plant and animal fats and is therefore present in a variety of food products. Consequentially, bacterial cells from food-associated species are likely to get in contact either with Tween 80 itself or its fatty acid group during enrichment in cultivation medium or in an actual food product. A prominent example for food-associated bacterial species is Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum, which is widely used in food and feed fermentations, has been claimed to have probiotic traits, but has also been associated with food spoilage [2, 3, 4]. Various effects of Tween 80 on vegetative cells have been described. It can enhance growth of lactobacilli [5, 6, 7, 8] and protect cells against adverse environmental conditions, including acidity [9, 10], bile salts [11], freeze-drying [12] and nutrient depletion [13]. These effects are potentially related to the fact that the oleic acid moiety of Tween 80 can be incorporated into the cell membrane, which affects cell membrane properties [6, 7, 9]. Furthermore, it was shown that exogenous fatty acids can be directly incorporated into the cells, and that oleic acid supplementation represses fatty acid synthesis in L. plantarum, where reduced production of responsible enzymes could play a role [14, 15]. However, the exact physiological mechanism underlying growth enhancement and stress protection by Tween 80 is not yet completely clear. Additionally, there is a large gap of knowledge regarding possible effects of Tween 80 or fatty acids on the resistance of vegetative cells to novel food preservation technologies. These include high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing, which has the potential to inactivate vegetative microorganisms while retaining valuable food attributes, such as flavors, texture, colors and vitamins. Previously obtained data from our group shows that the presence of fat per se during HHP treatment does not protect L. plantarum cells against HHP-mediated inactivation [16]. However, it is known that many food environments can protect microorganisms from efficient HHP inactivation, and the effect of pre-conditioning in fat- or fatty acid-containing environments before HHP treatments has not been investigated so far. In this context even more importantly, HHP appears to be a suitable physical parameter to probe the impact of cell membrane composition on the structure and function of bacterial cell membranes as determined by their growth and survival. Results from several studies imply that the cytoplasmic membrane is one of the main cellular target structures for HHP inactivation of vegetative cells, i.e. that (i) the membrane undergoes phase transition from the liquid-crystalline to the gel phase accompanied by permeabilization [17, 18], (ii) the function of membrane-bound enzymes is impaired by pressure-induced phase transition [19], (iii) membrane properties, including fluidity, phase transition temperature and fatty acid composition strongly influence the sensitivity of bacteria to HHP treatments [19, 20], and (iv) barophilic bacteria adjust the fatty acid composition of their membranes according to growth pressure in order to maintain proper fluidity and functionality [21]. Together with the fact that cultivation in the presence of Tween 80 can alter membrane composition, it can be hypothesized that Tween 80 can directly influence HHP sensitivity. A better understanding of the mechanisms of the cellular response of lactobacilli to Tween 80 could enable a more efficient use of this substance as well as a more target-oriented study design and development of growth and fermentation conditions. On the other hand, a deeper knowledge of the processes causing stress resistance would facilitate the development of strategies to avoid or reduce the stress-protecting effect of Tween 80 or oleic acid, thus increasing the efficiency of HHP as food preservation method. Thus, we aimed to gain deeper insight into the mechanism underlying the growth-enhancing and protective effect of Tween 80 on lactobacilli. For this purpose, we tested whether there exists a link between the supplementation of the growth medium with Tween 80, the membrane fatty acid composition and the high pressure sensitivity of L. plantarum. This was done by (i) the determination of the transcriptomic response and changes in the membrane fatty acid profiles upon cultivation in the presence of Tween 80 and (ii) the assessment of the effect of Tween 80 on cell viability, sub-lethal injury, metabolic activity and membrane damage after HHP treatments. Lactobacillus plantarum strain TMW 1.708 was stored at − 80 °C in a 1:1 mixture of 80% glycerol and modified MRS (mMRS) medium (10 g L− 1 peptone from casein, 5 g L− 1 meat extract, 5 g L− 1 yeast extract, 4 g L− 1 KH2PO4, 2.6 g L− 1 K2HPO4 * 3 H2O, 3 g L− 1 NH4Cl, 0.5 g L− 1 cystein-HCl, 1 g L− 1 Tween 80, 7.5 g L− 1 glucose, 7.5 g L− 1 fructose, 0.1 g L− 1 MgSO4 * 7 H2O, 0.05 g L− 1 MnSO4 * 4 H2O, pH 6.2) [22]. Glucose and fructose were autoclaved separately. A 1000 × stock solution of MgSO4 * 7 H2O and MnSO4 * 4 H2O was filter-sterilized (0.2 μm pore size, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany). Both solutions were added to the medium after autoclaving. For activation of the strain, a loopful of the cryo culture was transferred to mMRS medium from which Tween 80 was omitted (mMRS-). The culture was incubated at 30 °C overnight. The overnight culture was used as inoculum in the experiments. Lactobacillus plantarum was either grown in mMRS- or in mMRS containing 1 g L− 1 Tween 20 (mMRST20), Tween 40 (mMRST40), Tween 60 (mMRST60) or Tween 80 (mMRST80). All Tween types were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The different Tween types were solubilized in mMRS- at a concentration of 10 g L− 1, filter-sterilized (0.2 μm pore size, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany), and finally added to mMRS- to give a concentration of 1 g L− 1. Free fatty acids, i.e. stearic acid (Merck Schuchard, Hohenbrunn, Germany), oleic acid (Merck Darmstadt, Germany), linoleic acid (Sigma, Steinheim, Germany), linolenic acid (Sigma, Steinheim Germany), palmitic acid (Merck Schuchard, Hohenbrunn, Germany), palmitoleic acid (Fluka Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA), myristic acid (Merck Schuchard, Hohenbrunn, Germany), or lauric acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were solubilized in 95% ethanol to give a concentration of 50 mM. Either one of these stock solutions was added 1:1000 to mMRS- to obtain a final fatty acid concentration of 50 μM. In order to investigate the effect of Tween 80 on the metabolism of L. plantarum TMW 1.708, the transcriptomic response to medium supplementation with Tween 80 was assessed. For this, sterile mMRS- was inoculated (1% (v/v)) with an overnight culture of TMW 1.708 and incubated at 30 °C for 24 h. Another 9 mL mMRS- were inoculated with 1% (v/v) of this 24 h culture and grown at 30 °C for 4 h, followed by the addition of 1 mL of either mMRS- or mMRS containing 10 g L− 1 Tween 80. Transcription was stopped after 0.5 h incubation at 30 °C by the addition of RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) to the culture. Thereafter, mRNA was isolated and purified using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Final RNA concentration was determined via light absorption spectrometry using a NanoDrop™ device (Wilmington, DE, USA). Samples were then sent to GATC Biotech (Constance, Germany) for RNA sequencing. Sequencing data were analyzed using Rockhopper software on the basis of the genome of L. plantarum TMW 1.708 (Biosample: SAMN05805046 [23]) [24, 25]. Genes with corrected p-values lower than 0.05 were considered to show significantly different expression levels. The 2.5% quantiles with the greatest increase and decrease in expression level were considered for further investigation. In order to evaluate the effect of Tween 80 on characteristic growth parameters of L. plantarum TMW 1.708 growth curves were recorded by OD600 measurement. In addition to Tween 80, three additional Tween types were included in the study, namely Tween 20, Tween 40 and Tween 60, which are characterized by lauric acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid as their specific fatty acid moiety, respectively. For this, mMRS-, mMRST20, mMRST40, mMRST60 and mMRST80 were inoculated (1% (v/v)) with a 24 h culture of TMW 1.708 in mMRS-. An aliquot of each inoculated medium (150 μL per well) was then transferred to a 96-well plate (sterile, transparent, F-bottom, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany). Each well was covered with 50 μL sterile paraffin oil to avoid evaporation. The plate was incubated at 30 °C in a FLUOStar Omega plate reader (BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany) for 30 h. The optical density at 600 nm (OD600) was measured every 30 min following agitation with 200 rpm for 30 s. For the determination of cellular fatty acid profiles, sterile mMRS- was inoculated with 1% (v/v) of an overnight culture of TMW 1.708 and incubated at 30 °C for 24 h. Fresh mMRS- or mMRST20/40/60/80 was inoculated (1% (v/v)) with the 24 h culture and incubated at 30 °C for another 24 h to give a cell density of approximately 109 colony forming units (cfu) mL− 1. Cells were harvested by centrifugation (5000×g, 25 °C, 5 min), washed three times in ¼-strength Ringer’s solution and finally freeze-dried using a FreeZone Plus 2.5 L freeze dry system (Labonco, Kansas City, MO, USA). The lyophilisate was stored under N2 atmosphere. Fatty acid analyses were carried out by the Identification Service of the DSMZ (Braunschweig, Germany). For HHP treatments, cells grown in the respective medium at 30 °C for 24 h were centrifuged (5.000×g, 25 °C, 5 min), washed once in imidazole/phosphate buffer (IPB, 0.1 g L− 1 KH2PO4, 4.45 g L− 1 NA2HPO4 * 2 H2O, 1.7 g L− 1 imidazole, pH 7.0) and, finally, resuspended in IPB to give 107 –108 cfu mL− 1 for inactivation experiments, and 108 –109 cfu mL− 1 for experiments examining metabolic activity, protein release and membrane permeability to ensure a sufficient signal strength during measurements. An aliquot of 600 μL of the cell suspension was transferred to cryovails (0.5 mL Nunc CryoTube™ Vials, internal thread, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Care was taken to avoid the inclusion of air bubbles. Samples were pressurized in two parallel linked 7 mL pressure vessels equipped with thermostating jackets (high pressure unit TMW-RB, described earlier [26, 27]). A mixture of 70% polyethylene glycol 400 (Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) and 30% deionized water was used as pressure-transmitting fluid. Vessel temperature was held constant at 25 °C (FC 600; JULABO, Seelbach, Germany). Prior to starting the pressure ramp, samples were incubated for 5 min in the pressure vessel to reach the desired starting temperature. Compression and decompression rates were kept constant at 200 MPa min− 1. Target pressure/holding time combinations were chosen upon their capability of inactivating a significant portion of L. plantarum cells within a population and are indicated individually for each experiment in the results section. Pressurized and unpressurized control samples were diluted in isotonic tryptone solution supplemented with Antifoam B (145 mM NaCl, 14 g L− 1 tryptone, 0.01% (v/v) Antifoam B Emulsion). Serial dilutions were spread-plated on mMRS supplemented with 15 g L− 1 agar using glass beads. For the determination of sub-lethal injury, the agar was supplemented with 7% NaCl (w/v), and the maximum non-inhibitory concentration according to literature [28] was determined for L. plantarum TMW 1.708 in a separate experiment (data not shown). The plates were incubated for 72 h at 30 °C to allow for cell recovery and colony formation. High pressure inactivation experiments were performed at least in independent triplicate. To determine the metabolic activity after HHP treatment, a stock solution (70 mM) of resazurin-Na salt (Serva, Heidelberg, Germany) in IPB was prepared, diluted to 1 μM in IPB containing 15 g L− 1 glucose and 15 g L− 1 fructose, and filter-sterilized (0.2 μm, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany), giving the resazurin working solution used. To measure metabolic activity, 100 μL resazurin working solution were mixed with 100 μL pressure-treated or untreated cell suspension on white 96-well microtiter plates (F-bottom, Nunc, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and fluorescence intensity (ex/em: 544/590 nm) was measured during incubation at 30 °C in an Omega FLUOStar microplate reader (BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany) every 120 s for a period of 30 min. The assay is based on the fact that the blue dye resazurin is reduced by cellular enzymes to red fluorescent resorufin. The reaction runs faster the more metabolically active cells are present in a sample, so that the metabolic activity can be determined from the slope of fluorescence increase. The increase in fluorescence intensity over time expressed as percent of the value of untreated cells was used to estimate HHP-induced changes in the metabolic activity of L. plantarum cells. For the determination of protein release upon high pressure treatment, an aliquot of 500 μL of a pressure-treated sample (108–109 cfu mL− 1) was transferred to a sterile reaction tube and centrifuged (2800×g, 5 °C, 15 min). The supernatant was filter-sterilized (0,2 μM pore size, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany) and protein concentration was measured on black 96-well microtiter plates (F-bottom, Greiner bio-one, Frickenhausen, Germany) using the Pierce™ Coomassie Plus (Bradford) assay kit (ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, USA) according to the micro MTP protocol provided by the manufacturer. The samples were incubated at 25 °C in the dark for 10 min and absorbance at 595 nm was measured in a FLUOStar Omega plate reader (BMG LABTECH GmbH, Ortenberg, Germany). Bovine serum albumin provided with the kit was used to establish a standard curve for protein concentrations between 0 and 25 μg mL− 1. Membrane permeability was determined using propidium iodide (PI) fluorescence, as described earlier [29]. For the determination of transient membrane permeability, cell suspensions (108–109 cfu mL− 1) in IPB were mixed with PI (Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) to a final concentration of 3 μM before HHP treatment. After pressure release, samples were washed twice in IPB (10,000×g, 5 min, 25 °C) and finally resuspended in twice the original volume of IPB. Permanent membrane permeability was determined by PI staining immediately after HHP treatment followed by incubation for at least 15 min in the dark and subsequent purification as described above. Suspensions of untreated and heat-inactivated (100 °C, 15 min) cells were mixed with PI in parallel to the pressure-treated samples and were used as negative and positive controls, representing populations without membrane damage and thus minimum fluorescence intensity or with completely destroyed membranes leading to the maximum achievable fluorescence signal, respectively. Membrane permeability was determined via the measurement of the fluorescence intensity (excitation/emission: 485/620 nm) on black 96-well plates (F-bottom, Greiner bio-one, Frickenhausen, Germany) using a FLUOStar Omega microplate reader (BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany). For normalization purposes, OD600 was measured in parallel (U-bottom, non-sterile, Sarstedt, Nürnbrecht, Germany). For microscopic analysis, samples were treated as explained above with the exception that staining was performed using the LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) containing SYTO®9 and PI. The final concentration of each dye in the sample was 3 μM. An aliquot of 5 μL stained sample was spread on a glass microscope slide (Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany), covered with a coverslip and examined under an Axiostar plus microscope (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany) equipped with an epifluorescence unit. Stained cells were visualized using epifluorescence light with the appropriate filters (SYTO®9: Excitation BP 475/40, Emission BP 530/50; Propidium Iodide: Excitation BP 546/12, Emission LP 590). In all cases, a 100× objective was used, giving a total magnification of 1000-fold. Images were captured with a 1.388 × 1.038 pixel RGB camera (AxioCam ICc1) and processed with AxioVS40 V software (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Jena, Germany). To determine the significance of the differences between measured values, a Student’s t-test was used for the comparison of two and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the comparison of more values. Where ANOVA values were significant, ANOVA analyses were followed by a post-hoc Student-Newman-Keuls test for paired comparison. Statistical analyses were performed using the software Sigmaplot. Results were considered significantly different when p-values were < 0.05. Additional file 1: Table S1 provides an overview of the lower (A) and upper (B) 2.5% quantiles of genes for which significant changes in their expression levels were detected in response to medium supplementation with Tween 80. By far the most pronounced effect was observed with central components of the fatty acid synthesis pathway, which were strongly downregulated upon the addition of Tween 80 (Additional file 1: Table S1a). Moreover, genes responsible for the transmembrane transport of oligopeptides (oppC) and potassium (kup1/2) as well as gadB glutamate decarboxylase, which catalyzes the formation of 4-aminobutanoate and CO2 from glutamate, were downregulated in mMRST80. In contrast, the expression of genes implicated in lysine uptake (lysP) and the uptake (glnQ3, glnPH2) and synthesis (glnA) of glutamine was enhanced upon the addition of Tween 80. Upregulation was observed also for genes involved in manganese (mntH3, predicted protein) and phosphate (pstB1) uptake, transmembrane diffusion of uncharged solutes such as glycerol, urea and lactic acid (glpF4), ingestion of N-acetylglucosamine (pts18CBA) as well as pyrimidine metabolism. The latter include (i) a predicted transmembrane permease for uracil uptake, pyrP [30], (ii) orothate phosphoribosyltransferase pyrE, which is involved in the formation of uridine monophosphate (UMP) from orothate [31], (iii) pyrG coding for cytidine triphosphate (CTP) synthase, which catalyzes the synthesis of CTP and glutamate from uridine triphosphate (UTP) and glutamine, and (iv) the transcriptional regulator of the biosynthetic pyrimidine pyrR1-B-C-Aa1-Ab1-D-F-E operon, pyrR1 [32]. This points towards increased metabolic activity in the presence of Tween 80. Furthermore, two genes for predicted N-acetyltransferases, part of the cps4 gene cluster including genes with predicted glycosyltransferase (cps4G, cps4I) polysaccharide polymerase (csp4H) and flippase (csp4J) function, and a predicted mannose-specific adhesin (msa) were upregulated upon Tween 80 supplementation. Growth curves of L. plantarum TMW 1.708 in mMRS- or mMRS supplemented with different Tween types, and the growth parameters derived from these are presented in Fig. 1. Maximum OD600 values were only marginally affected regardless of the Tween type added (highest maximum OD600 values obtained with Tween 20 and Tween 80, Fig. 1b). The maximum growth rate μmax significantly increased only in the presence of Tween 80 compared to the control without Tween (Fig. 1c). In contrast, all Tween types caused a shortening of the lag time, with Tween 60 having the strongest effect (Fig. 1d). However, lag phase was very short for all samples, which was likely due to pre-cultivation in mMRS- for 24 h, i.e., a pre-culture in the early stationary phase resulting in only minor need for the adaptation of cell metabolism. Growth curves and parameters of TMW 1.708 grown in mMRS supplemented with different Tween types. Cells from a 24 h pre-culture in mMRS without Tween supplement (mMRS-) were transferred (1% v/v) in fresh mMRS- or mMRS containing 1 g L− 1 of either Tween 20 (mMRST20), Tween 40 (mMRST40), Tween 60 (mMRST60), or Tween 80 (mMRST80) and grown at 30 °C for 30 h. a Growth curves, b maximum OD600, c maximum growth rate μmax and d duration of lag phase Tl are depicted. The presented values are the means of at least three replicates. Error bars represent the standard deviation. Asterisks (*) mark data with statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) We determined the cellular fatty acid profile of L. plantarum TMW 1.708 after growth to stationary phase in mMRS medium supplemented with different Tween types. Results are depicted in Fig. 2, expressed as relative abundance of major fatty acids (FA) found (a) and relative abundance of fatty acid types (b), i.e. saturated fatty acids (SFA), unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), cyclic fatty acids (CFA) and branched-chain fatty acids of the iso series (ISO FA). Cellular fatty acid profiles after growth in the presence of different Tween types. Cellular fatty acid profiles were determined after 24 h growth in mMRS-, mMRST20, mMRST40, mMRST60 or mMRST80. a Relative abundance of specific fatty acids. Fatty acids with relative abundance lower than 3% are grouped and displayed as “other FA”. b Relative abundance of saturated (SFA), unsaturated (UFA), cyclic (CFA) and iso-fatty acids (ISO FA) In contrast, Tween 80 led to substantial amounts of oleic (18:1 ω9cis) and dihydrosterculic (19:0 cyclo ω10cis) acid at the expense of cis-vaccenic, lactobacillic acid and the SFA, palmitic and stearic acid, which was completely eliminated. Tween 20 caused a fatty acid profile similar to Tween 80 and only marginal levels of its specific fatty acid moiety, lauric acid, were detected. The comparison of the abundance of fatty acid types (Fig. 2b) indicates that Tween 20 and Tween 80 cause a strong overall increase in CFA at the expense of SFA, while UFA levels remained almost constant. Tween 40 and Tween 60 supplementation led to a slight increase in SFA abundance and decreased UFA levels. Treatment of TMW 1.708 cells grown in mMRS- or in mMRS containing different Tween types with pressure-time combinations leading to considerable, but not complete inactivation (Fig. 3 and Additional file 2: Table S2) showed that high pressure inactivation levels closely correlate with cellular FA profiles: Medium supplementation with Tween 20 and Tween 80 had a strong protective effect, whereas Tween 40 and 60 led to the development of cells with an HHP tolerance similar to cells grown in mMRS-. High pressure inactivation of L. plantarum cells grown in mMRS medium supplemented with different Tween types. The cells were grown in mMRS- or mMRS supplemented with 1 g L− 1 of different Tween types and treated at different pressure/holding time combinations (350/400/450 MPa, 5 min; 400 MPa, 10 min) at 25 °C. Inactivation levels (log reduction of cfu mL− 1) were determined on mMRS agar plates. Means and standard deviations derived from at least three independent replicates are depicted HHP inactivation levels of TMW 1.708 grown to stationary phase in mMRS medium supplemented with different free fatty acids are depicted in Fig. 4. Statistically significant differences are summarized in Additional file 3: Table S3. Oleic acid and, to a minor extent, linoleic and linolenic acid were the only FA causing a substantial reduction in inactivation levels. Similar to their corresponding Tween types, Tween 40 and Tween 60, palmitic and stearic acid showed no effect on HHP sensitivity. Unlike Tween 20, lauric acid did not affect HHP sensitivity. High pressure inactivation of L. plantarum after growth in mMRS supplemented with free fatty acids. The cells were grown in mMRS- or mMRS supplemented with 50 mM of different free fatty acids and treated at different pressure levels (300/350/400/450/500 MPa) at 25 °C for 5 min. The log reduction was determined on mMRS agar plates. Shown are the means and standard deviations of at least three independent replicates Plating pressure-treated cells in parallel on selective and non-selective agar revealed that at pressure levels between 300 and 450 MPa, where Tween 80 led to a substantial decrease in inactivation levels on non-selective agar, inactivation levels determined on selective agar reached values beyond the detection limit, showing that all surviving cells were sub-lethally injured (see Fig. 5). This demonstrates that Tween 80 either mitigated HHP-induced injury in a large population of cells or increased the ability of cells to overcome HHP-induced injury resulting in a higher total number of cells that are able to recover under favorable conditions. High pressure inactivation of L. plantarum after growth in mMRS with or without Tween 80 determined by cultivation on selective and non-selective agar. Cells were grown in mMRS- or mMRST80 and treated at different pressure levels (100/200/300/400/450/500 MPa) at 25 °C for 5 min. The log reduction was determined on mMRS (dark columns) or mMRS-NaCl (light columns) agar plates. Shown are the means and standard deviations of at least three independent replicates The metabolic activity of TMW 1.708 grown in the presence or absence of Tween 80 and treated at different pressure levels is shown in Fig. 6. Pressure levels up to 200 MPa did not cause a reduction in metabolic activity, whereas 300 MPa led to a slight reduction after growth in either medium. For pressure levels of 400 MPa and above, metabolic activity decreased rapidly and reached 40% for cells grown in mMRS-, whereas cells grown in mMRST80 retained more than 60% upon treatment at 500 MPa. Thus, the protective effect of Tween 80 also manifests in terms of metabolic activity. These results reveal a large number of viable-but-non-culturable (VBNC) cells at pressure levels of 400 MPa and above, since metabolic activity does not fall below 40 or 60%, although only 1% or less of cells are able to form colonies. Metabolic activity of L. plantarum grown in mMRS- or mMRST80 after treatment at different pressure levels. The cells were grown in mMRS- or mMRS supplemented with 1 g L− 1 Tween 80 and treated at different pressure levels (100/200/300/400/450/500) at 25 °C for 5 min. Metabolic activity after pressure treatment was determined using resazurin reduction and compared with the values of untreated cells. Shown are the means and standard deviations of three replicates. Data pairs marked with an asterisk (*) show statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) Protein concentration in the supernatant of cell cultures groe Fig. 7). Interestingly, the protein concentration in the supernatant decreased to levels below 8 μg mL− 1 after treatments at pressure levels above 400 MPa (see Fig. 7). Cells grown in mMRST80 released less protein at ambient pressure (2.7 μg mL− 1), and extracellular protein concentration remained below 5 μg mL− 1 after treatment at any pressure, showing that the presence of Tween 80 leads to reduced permeability of the cell membrane under both ambient and high pressure. HHP-induced release of proteins by L. plantarum cells grown in mMRS- or mMRST80. The cells were grown mMRS medium without and with 1 g L− 1 Tween 80 and treated at different pressure levels (100/200/300/400/450/500 MPa) at 25 °C for 5 min or with heat (100 °C, 15 min). The protein concentration in the supernatant after p pairs marked with an asterisk (*) show statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) Cells grown in mMRST80 showed lower initial PI fluorescence than cells grown in mointing to reduced transient membrane permeability due to the presence of Tween 80 during growth (Fig. 8a). For permanent membrane permeability, the difference between cells grown in mMRS- and mMRST80 was smaller (Fig. 8b). Uptake of PI by L. plantarum grown in mMRS- or mMRST80 during and after treatment at different pressure levels. The cells were grown in mMRS without or with 1 g L−1 Tween 80 and treated at different pressure levels (100/200/300/400/450/500 MPa) at 25 °C for 5 min or with heat (100 °C, 15 min). The cells were stained with 3 μM PI a before or b after show statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) Cells grown in mMRS- exhibited lower permanent than transient membrane permeability, to similar levels of permanent and transient membrane permeability, which indicates that all the HHP-induced membrane damage in these cells was permanent, though generally lower than in cells grown in the absence of Tween 80. Heat treatment of a cell suspension used in this experiment (108–109 cfu mL− 1) at 100 °C for 15 min resulted in no detectable cell growth (data not shown). Taking the detection limit into account, this result means a reduction by at least 6 log, i.e. > 99.9999% of cells unable to recover. HHP treatment at 500 MPa for 5 min led to a reduction in viable cell count by > 5 log cycles (see Fig. 5), meaning that > 99.999% of cells were unable to recover. Since the difference between the fluorescence signals of a sample containing 99.999% and one with 99.9999% fluorescing cells is far below the detection range of the PI assay, similar fluorescence signals of samples treated with HHP (500 MPa, 5 min) and heat (100 °C, 15 min) should have been detected, if all pressure-treated cells unable to recover had permeable cell membranes. However, even with HHP conditions leading to (nearly) complete inactivation (500 MPa) PI fluorescence intensities remained lower than 50% of the maximum achievable signal (heat inactivated positive control), showing that HHP treated cells that lost the ability to recover were still able to partially retain membrane integrity. Microscopic analysis of PI fluorescence confirmed the results presented above, showing that the whole population of heat-inactivated cells, but only a small fraction of cells pressure-treated at 500 MPa had accumulated PI, although (nearly) the entire pressure-treated population (> 99.999%) had lost the ability to recover (see Fig. 5). In contrast, all cells took up green-fluorescent SYTO®9, which can penetrate both damaged and intact membranes (Additional file 4: Figure S1, Additional file 5: Figure S2, Additional file 6: Figure S3 and Additional file 7: Figure S4). This demonstrates that differences in the PI signal resulted from different numbers of fluorescing cells rather than different fluorescence intensity of the single cells. These results clearly show that HHP-induced membrane permeabilization is not necessary to prevent cell growth under favorable conditions (non-selective agar). However, the substantial amount of remaining metabolic activity after HHP treatments shown in Fig. 6 gave rise to the question whether PI uptake (negatively) correlates with the number of VBNC cells. For this, the relative metabolic activity was plotted against the relative transient membrane permeability obtained at various pressure levels (Fig. 9). By increasing the pressure level from 0 to 500 MPa, the metabolic activity of the treated population decreased from 100 to < 40%, whereas membrane permeability not even reached 40% of the maximum reachable value (100% = heat treated positive control). This means that although there seems to exist a linear correlation, metabolic activity is reduced to a stronger extent than membrane integrity by HHP treatment, demonstrating that membrane permeabilization is not required for the loss of metabolic activity under HHP. Comparison of metabolic activity and transient membrane permeability after HHP treatments. Relative metabolic activity of L. plantarum cells (% of untreated cells) is plotted against their relative transient membrane permeability (% PI fluorescence compared with samples treated at 100 °C, 15 min) We assessed the transcriptomic response of L. plantarum strain TMW 1.708 to growth medium supplementation with Tween 80 and observed a significant downregulation of genes involved in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. This corroborates a study on L. casei [13] that reported the downregulation of fatty acid synthesis genes in the presence of Tween 80, and reflects the reduced need for fatty acid synthesis due to exogenously available oleic acid. The observed downregulation of potassium uptake channels may be explained by the fact that Tween 80 is capable of binding small ions and transporting them through membranes [33], whereas the downregulation of oligopeptide transporter gene oppC might result from reduced need for peptide uptake due to the availability of Tween 80 as a carbon source and the concomitant upregulation of amino acid-specific transporters for glutamine (glnPH2, glnQ3) and lysine (lysP) as well as transmembrane transport systems for uncharged ions (glpF4) and N-acetylglucosamine (pts18CBA). The upregulation of genes involved in the uptake and biosynthesis of pyrimidines and related nucleotides indicates an increased need for nucleic acid components, which may be associated with the growth enhancement by Tween 80 that was observed in this and other studies [6, 34, 35]. At first glance, the upregulation of the transcription repressor of the pyr operon, pyrR1, seems contradictory in this context. However, pyrR1 only represses transcription in case of high UMP-to-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate ratios and, furthermore, possesses minor uracil phosphoribosyltransferase activity, converting uracil and to uridine monophosphate (UMP) [32]. In particular, the enhanced activity of the pyrE gene, which is involved in the formation of UMP from orothate [31], suggests increased UMP production in the presence of Tween 80. The upregulation of pyrG/CTP synthase, which catalyzes the synthesis of CTP from UTP by utilizing glutamine, enhances the production of CTP. The upregulation of genes coding for a glutamine ABC transporter (glnQ3, glnPH2) and glutamine synthetase (glnA) potentially serves to provide the substrate for CTP synthase. The observed downregulation of glutamate decarboxylase gadB, in turn, might serve to ensure sufficient amounts of glutamate, the substrate of glnA. The upregulation of genes with predicted N-acetyltransferase function, members of the csp4 gene cluster and a predicted mannose-specific adhesion point towards changes in cell surface characteristics the effect of which is currently unclear [36]. In summary, these observations indicate that exogenous oleic acid provided by Tween 80 reduces the need for fatty acid synthesis. Potentially, it is the accompanying energy and material savings that allow for enhanced cell growth, which manifests in the upregulation of genes involved in the synthesis of amino pyrimidine nucleotides needed for de novo assembly of nucleic acids. In accordance with previous studies, we found that Tween 80 supplementation indeed increases the cellular proportions of oleic acid [6, 9, 12]. Early studies reported the direct incorporation of exogenous FA into cellular lipids of L. plantarum [14, 15]. In this context, the nature of the supplied FA appears to be particularly important, since mono-UFA, but not SFA, reduce de novo FA synthesis and enhance growth of lactobacilli [6, 14, 15]. In line with this and in accordance with the results from another study, we found that Tween 80 and Tween 20, but not Tween 40 and Tween 60, are able to enhance growth [6]. The growth-enhancing effect of Tween 80 and Tween 20, which besides lauric acid can contain notable amounts of oleic acid [6, 12], is probably based on the substitution of endogenous cis-vaccenic acid by oleic acid, which only differs in the position of the C-C double bond. We observed this phenomenon by analyzing the cellular fatty acid profiles of L. plantarum cells after medium supplementation with different Tween types. Tween 20 and Tween 80 also led to increased total CFA levels at the expense of SFA with the complete elimination of stearic acid. CFA are produced at the onset of stationary phase by CFA synthase, which converts cis-vaccenic and oleic acid into lactobacillic and dihydrosterculic acid, respectively [37, 38]. The substitution of cis-vaccenic acid by oleic acid changes the substrate of CFA synthase. This explains the observed increase in dihydrosterculic acid abundance with concomitantly decreased lactobacillic acid levels. In contrast, the uptake of lauric acid provided as exogenous SFA in the form of Tween 20, palmitic acid (Tween 40) or stearic acid (Tween 60), was less pronounced, which is in line with results reported previously [14, 15]. However, the reason why exogenous oleic acid, but not SFA enhance growth still needs to be further elucidated. Since the cell membrane is a target for HHP-mediated inactivation of vegetative cells, and membrane properties have been shown to affect HHP sensitivity of L. plantarum [19], we hypothesized that a medium supplementation with different Tween types causing specific alterations in FA profiles can influence HHP sensitivity. Indeed, we found that supplementation with Tween 20, Tween 80, but not Tween 40 or Tween 60, increases the resistance of L. plantarum cells to HHP. We further hypothesized that the protective effect of Tween 20 and Tween 80 results from the respective FA coupled to the polyoxyethylene backbone of Tween. To prove this, we examined the HHP sensitivity of TMW 1.708 after growth in mMRS medium supplemented with different free FA and found that only oleic acid and polyunsaturated C18 FA, linoleic and linolenic acid, reduce HHP sensitivity. This shows that the fatty acid part of Tween rather than its hydrophilic poly-oxyethylenesorbitan moiety is responsible for changes in HHP sensitivity. The protective effect of Tween 20 potentially results from traces of oleic acid [6], since other free fatty acids, including lauric acid, did not confer HHP resistance and the fatty acid profile after growth in Tween 20 closely resembled that obtained with Tween 80. Furthermore, we found a correlation between the fatty acid profile and HHP sensitivity, with the characteristic profiles obtained after supplementation with Tween 20 and Tween 80 leading to increased HHP resistance compared to the other conditions. This strongly indicates that HHP sensitivity depends on the fatty acid composition of the cell membrane, which is well-known as a target structure for HHP. The slightly protective effect observed with the polyunsaturated C18 FA, linoleic and linolenic acid, possibly results from conversion into oleic acid by saturation. According to the available genome data, L. plantarum TMW 1.708 possesses the four genes required for this process [39] and there is no evidence for poly-UFA to protect bacteria from HHP inactivation. In contrast, they have been reported to even inhibit the growth of lactobacilli [40]. In order to gain deeper insight into the mechanism underlying the protective effect of Tween 80 against HHP inactivation, we determined the amount of sub-lethal injury by plating pressure-treated TMW 1.708 cells on normal mMRS agar and in parallel on mMRS agar supplemented with the maximum non-inhibitory NaCl concentration. The determination of survival on non-selective agar revealed a strongly protective effect of Tween 80 against inactivation at 400 and 450 MPa. At these pressure levels, the whole surviving population was sub-lethally injured, as detected by plate counts on selective agar, where only undamaged cells can grow. Hence, the differences in inactivation between cells grown in mMRS- and mMRST80 are based on the extent of injury, i.e. whether the damage, which all cells have experienced, is sub-lethal or lethal. While the plate count method detects cells able to grow and form colonies, some non-dividing cells may still be alive. In order to detect these viable-but-non-culturable (VBNC) cells, we assessed the metabolic activity after HHP treatment using the resazurin reduction assay and found that, despite a substantial inactivation of around two log cycles (i.e. ca. 1% of cells were able to grow out) on non-selective agar after exposure to 400 MPa, cells retained more than 60% of their initial metabolic activity. The discrepancy was even larger at higher pressure levels, where colony counts below (mMRS-) or near (mMRST80) the detection limit (around 6 log cycles) were accompanied by a metabolic activity of around 40% or 60%, respectively. This demonstrates that, after HHP treatment, a large portion of cells is still viable but not culturable under the conditions offered. The fact that the viable fraction was even larger in cell populations grown in the presence of Tween 80 indicates that Tween 80 protects the functionality of crucial redox enzymes. The exact mechanism and, whether the characteristic cellular fatty acid profile plays a role in this context, is still to be elucidated. High pressure has been shown to damage the bacterial cell membrane, causing increased permeability that manifests in a loss of intracellular material and uptake of extracellular substances [29, 41]. While pressure-induced inactivation of E. coli is closely related to membrane permeability [29, 42], the role of membrane damage is not yet clear in gram-positive bacteria [43, 44, 45]. However, the fact that (i) HHP can cause alterations in the phase state and permeabilization of biological membranes, (ii) membrane properties have been shown to strongly influence the pressure-induced inactivation of membrane-bound enzymes, which is critical for the survival of L. plantarum under HHP [19, 41], and (iii) the a correlation was observed between fatty acid composition and HHP sensitivity supported our hypothesis that the cell membrane plays a key role in Tween 80-mediated HHP resistance. We therefore determined pressure-induced membrane damage via measuring the HHP-mediated release of protein and uptake of propidium iodide (PI). Our results show that growth in the presence of Tween 80 reduces protein release from untreated cells, indicating lower membrane permeability in general, and substantially diminishes pressure-induced protein release, pointing towards increased pressure-stability of the membrane. The amount of released protein increased only up to a specific pressure level (400 MPa), whereas higher pressures and heat treatment caused lower protein release. A similar effect was observed in studies on E. coli [29, 42], and it was speculated whether it results from (i) the formation of intracellular aggregates of denatured proteins, which are unable to penetrate the peptidoglycan network, and/or (ii) structural changes of the cell envelope, which prevent proteins from escaping the cell [29, 46]. Despite their inability to grow on non-selective agar, only a minor fraction of cells treated at pressure levels of 400 MPa or higher exhibited membranes permeable to PI. These results, which are in line with previous studies on lactobacilli [41, 43, 44], and the fact that HHP impaired metabolic activity much more than membrane integrity, leads to the conclusion that membrane permeabilization per se is not the main cause for pressure-induced inactivation of L. plantarum. Moreover, neither metabolic activity nor membrane integrity was impaired to an extent that would explain the great loss of viability detected on non-selective agar. A possible explanation might be found in the data of Govers et al. who showed in E. coli that HHP-induced disassembly of aggregates of misfolded proteins impedes resuscitation until these proteins are re-assembled to proper inclusion bodies, although the cells are viable and metabolically active [47]. Possibly, the L. plantarum cells used here behaved in a similar manner, with many cells with intact membranes and active metabolism being unable to resume proliferation because they failed to reassemble their protein aggregates. Even though the HHP-induced loss of membrane integrity does not account for the observed failure to grow on non-selective agar, the reduced basic and pressure-induced membrane permeability in cells grown in the presence of Tween 80 compared to mMRS- cannot be denied. Furthermore, the question remains, how Tween 80, and possibly the associated fatty acid profile, confer pressure resistance. Both the increased survival rate and the reduced membrane permeability of cells grown in the presence of Tween 80 might be the result of the elevated CFA content of these cells. Like most other bacteria, lactobacilli use CFA synthase to convert monounsaturated fatty acids into the corresponding CFA from the beginning of stationary growth phase on [38, 48]. Furthermore, CFA have been linked to the resistance of lactobacilli to various stress factors, including high acidity [10, 49], bile acids [50], cold stress [51] and high metabolite concentrations in stationary growth phase [48, 52]. Moreover, CFA have been shown to confer high pressure resistance to E. coli, and CFA synthase knockout mutants of E. coli showed stronger membrane permeabilization and loss of viability under HHP than their wild type counterparts [42, 53]. According to a recent study [54], cis-CFA, such as lactobacillic and dihydrosterculic acids, have a dual effect on membrane properties: on the one hand, they increase overall fluidity and diffusion compared to SFA and UFA. This leads to a shift of the phase transition from liquid-crystalline to gel phase towards higher pressure levels. Thus, important membrane-bound enzymes are protected and membrane functionality is ensured up to higher pressure levels, resulting in higher survival rates, as observed after growth in the presence of Tween 80. On the other hand, CFA show a higher degree of order within the acyl chain than the analogous UFA. The higher rigidity of the hydrocarbon chains results in reduced permeability to small molecules, such as many toxic compounds and dyes like PI. This could explain the reduced permeability to PI in cells grown in the presence of Tween 80. Furthermore, CFA might increase cell viability because they are inert to oxidation by reactive oxygen species produced under high pressure. Methylenation of unsaturated FA (i.e. formation of CFA) has been hypothesized to improve resistance to superoxide, singlet oxygen, ozonolysis and oxidative stress in general [48]. Transcriptomic analysis suggest that the growth-enhancing effect of Tween 80 is based primarily on energy and resource savings due to the downregulation of de novo fatty acid synthesis. While the effect of Tween 80 on membrane fatty acid composition of lactobacilli and the importance of the membrane for HHP tolerance have been described earlier, we could, for the first time, directly link Tween 80 and free oleic acid to increased HHP tolerance. Our results further show that Tween 80 diminishes the pressure-induced loss of metabolic activity, protein release and membrane permeabilization whereas membrane damage is not a prerequisite for loss viability or metabolic activity. Part this work is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy via the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) and the Industry Association for Nutrition Industries (FEI) in project number AiF 17463 N. The transcriptomic raw datasets generated and analysed during the current study are not publicly available due to unavailability of suitable depositories for raw transcriptomic data, but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. All other data are included in the manuscript or its supplementary files. DR and TAK conducted the experiments, DR wrote the draft of the manuscript including illustrations and performed bioinformatic analyses, CAL helped with data analysis and conducted and supervised respective analyses, RFV was project leader, supervisor and conducted final manuscript writing and editing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Additional file 1: Table S1. Differentially expressed genes upon the addition of Tween 80 to the growth medium. (DOCX 22 kb) Additional file 6: Figure S3. L. plantarum grown in mMRS- and stained with PI after HHP treatment or heat inactivation. (DOCX 176 kb) Additional file 7: Figure S4. L. plantarum grown in mMRST80 and stained with PI after HHP treatment or heat inactivation. (DOCX 217 kb) Artistic Creativity: Individual and the Community (Remarks on Tagore’s notion of the ‘Surplus’ in Man) This volume examines the motives behind rejections of beauty often found within contemporary art practice, where much critically acclaimed art is deliberately ugly and alienating. It reflects on the nature and value of beauty, asking whether beauty still has a future in art and what role it can play in our lives generally. The volume discusses the possible “end of art,” what art is, and the relation between art and beauty beyond their historically Western horizons to include perspectives from Asia. The individual chapters address a number of interrelated issues, including: art, beauty and the sacred; beauty as a source of joy and consolation; beauty as a bridge between the natural and the human; beauty and the human form; the role of curatorial practice in defining art; order and creativity; and the distinction between art and craft. The volume offers a valuable addition to cross-cultural dialogue and, in particular, to the sparse literature on art and beauty in comparative context. It demonstrates the relevance of the rich tradition of Asian aesthetics and the vibrant practices of contemporary art in Asia to Western discussions about the future of art and the role of beauty. Aestetic in art Art and craft Beauty in art Chinese aesthetics Comparative aesthetics End of art Future of art Indian aesthetics Japanese aesthetics Promise of beauty In order to study pilots’ behavior characteristics, two pilots of a certain airline were selected as research subjects. Two typical tasks in recurrent training were selected for the experimental scene. One was an aerodrome-traffic pattern under a normal situation; the other was an aerodrome-traffic pattern in the case of a large crosswind. Using multi-angle video recording, all details of the two pilots’ operation in the training simulator (B737-800) were recorded completely. Using Noldus’s Observer XT 12.0, a preliminary analysis of typical operational behaviors was performed, including the control behaviors of the pitch, yaw, and roll movement, as well as the throttle lever movement. The coding scheme and the data visualization of these behaviors were also presented. Finally, combing the statistics, a depth-comparison analysis of these behavior characteristics was conducted in terms of many aspects, including mean duration, total number, rate per minute, percentage of total duration, and so on. The results show that the pilot’s pitch and roll controls have larger differences in mean duration, total number, rate per minute, and percentage of total duration; however, there were no significant differences in other behaviors between tasks. Chen, M.L.: Comparison on the teaching behaviors of expert and novice aerobics teacher. Doctoral dissertation, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education (Chinses) (2013)Google Scholar
Clementine has spent her whole life preparing for her sixteenth birthday, when she’ll be tested for Extraction in the hopes of being sent from the planet Kiel’s toxic Surface to the much safer Core, where people live without fear or starvation. When she proves Promising enough to be “Extracted,” she must leave without Logan, the boy she loves. Torn apart from her only sense of family, Clem promises to come back and save him from brutal Surface life. What she finds initially in the Core is a utopia compared to the Surface—it’s free of hard labor, gun-wielding officials, and the moon's lethal acid. But life is anything but safe, and Clementine learns that the planet's leaders are planning to exterminate Surface dwellers—and that means Logan, too. Trapped by the steel walls of the underground and the lies that keep her safe, Clementine must find a way to escape and rescue Logan and the rest of the planet. But the planet leaders don't want her running—they want her subdued. With urgent writing, fluid dialogue, and a cast of unforgettable characters, Extraction is a page-turning, gripping read, sure to entertain lovers of Hunger Games and Ender's Game and leave them breathless for more. A little bit disappointed with the cover too, but I loved the summary even it was coverless! Love your pick though. :) extraction sounds awesome and has one cool cover. kinda makes me dizzy a little bit if i stare at it long enough lol Extraction sounds awesome! This is the first time I've heard about it but it'll be going straight onto the TBR that's for sure. Thanks for stopping by Ha, I kinda like the cover. The premise sounds cool, although I admit that the description of the writing as "urgent" turns me off a bit. Just my opinion, though? Great pick, just added this to my wishlist this morning and I've seen it on quite a few blogs recently! The synopsis sounds intriguing, can't wait to read it. I've not heard of this book before, but it definitely sounds like something I'd like to check out :) Great pick and thanks for stopping by My WoW! Ooh, this sounds really intriguing! I'm sitting on the fence with the cover too. Thanks for sharing! I've been keeping my eye on this one! It looks like a good sci-fi. And that cover is kind of trippy, lol! Great pick :D Now this one is totally new to me and I love that cover. It sounds like a really interesting read. Hope you'll enjoy it :) Not loving the cover either but it is kind of cool! This is the first time I see this one around it sounds like it has a lot of potential! I know! I hope she saves Logan! And thank God it doesn't mention any love triangle whatsoever so yay, adding it, thanks I agree...that cover doesn't really do anything for me, and neither do the comparisons to other popular YA series, but the story sounds pretty good on its own. Maybe they'll change the cover before the release. :P Badoo is a social network where you can meet new people. Download Badoo direct on your symbian phone . i need i badoo application. Popular Alternatives to Badoo for Symbian S Explore Symbian S60 apps like Badoo, all suggested and ranked by the AlternativeTo user community. Thu25Oct at pm ahamadshahin wrote shahin. Tue30Oct at am iruka timothy wrote i need i badoo application. Thu1Nov at am. Osvaldo wrote. Badoo (jar) for Java ME / Java ME by Badoo. Badoo is a social network where you can meet new people. With over million users, Bado. Badoo, free and safe download. Badoo latest version: Get social with Badoo. Badoo is a free cross platform app that is designed to help people make friends. Download Badoo for Windows non Editor review - The Badoo Android app performs much like its browser This application introduce the method for using Meeting new people nearby your area . See more of Symbian Freeware on Facebook friends, sharing interests, Found under: Applications, Social networksDownload BadooMobile friendly download. Download badoo app for symbian from our server at the best speed. that this application is the best alternative, has a wide range of support, is quick, . Use your phone to meet people in your area. Thousands of people near you are online now. hot body boss fucks workerpenetrated in all holes in poolhuge giant massive double fisting wife get fun fucking with bbc during husband not homesisterspallet coffee tableriding crop tubesmaya hillscreampic school girlfried stand up fucking in deep gay
The management of metal contamination is one of the most important aspects of successful integrated circuit manufacture. Gettering has long been an important part of this. Put simply, gettering is a stand-by process whereby metal contamination is rendered harmless in the event of a failure of process contamination control. The bones of these processes are built into silicon wafers with variable degrees of success. The most important metal contaminants in silicon are iron, nickel and copper, with copper being perhaps the most dangerous of all. We will illustrate both the main problems with metals and the mechanisms that lie behind the main gettering effect using copper as our example. The behavior of a metal like copper in silicon can easily be imagined by drawing a comparison to our common experience with gases dissolved in liquids. Carbon dioxide in beer, for instance. Copper diffusion in solid silicon in fact has much in common with diffusion in liquids; it is extremely fast and it’s diffusivity is not strongly temperature dependent (at least until at or below room temperature). Copper has a rather high solubility at typical process temperatures. Silicon can soak up quite a bit of the stuff when hot. This means that any copper in contact with the wafer surface (originating, for instance, from an improperly cleaned surface or diffusion boat) is rapidly dissolved and uniformly distributed into the wafer at high temperature – within seconds at 1000 degrees C for example. (It’s important to remember that at low temperatures -- in spite of its high mobility -- copper will not appreciably dissolve into silicon. It is constrained by a low solubility –- there are however exceptions: CMP under certain conditions for example). But back to high temperature copper solutions. Upon cooling -- and this is the important point -- the solubility of copper in silicon drops rapidly. Depending upon the amount of copper actually dissolved in the silicon wafer, at some point (that is to say at some temperature) during the cooling of the wafer a copper solution will become supersaturated and progressively more so upon further cooling. At some point we get so far from equilibrium that copper precipitates out of solution and the system relaxes toward equilibrium. The form that these precipitates take is that of a copper silicide: Cu3Si. These are very damaging things. To get a feel for what is happening in a silicon wafer at this point, consider our beer analogy. A closed pressurized bottle contains a certain concentration of carbon dioxide (the silicon wafer with a copper solution at high temperature). Opening the bottle releases the pressure, and the carbon dioxide solution -- which was perfectly happy at high pressure -- becomes rapidly supersaturated under the new, lower pressure, conditions (the copper contaminated silicon wafer during cooling). In our bottle, in what seems no time at all after flipping the lid, bubbles form (copper precipitates). But anyone who has ever looked at a beer bottle, or the glass into which the beer was poured, knows perfectly well that the bubbles don’t form just anywhere. They form at the surface of the glass. The ones present in the liquid have merely been released from the glass surface and float to the top – this is where solids and liquids part company. The reason for the location of the bubble formation is because the formation of bubbles at the glass surface is easier (requires less energy or driving force) that in the uniform liquid. Broadly speaking this is called heterogeneous precipitation. Rain happens this way. And the same thing happens to copper in silicon. An illustration of the phenomenon of surface precipitation of copper in the absence of effective gettering. Here a half-wafer has been contaminated with copper and then heated to 900 degrees C and cooled. After the heat treatment, the bottom half (below the bright line) was then angle etched with a non-defect delineating etch to an average depth of only about 2.5 microns below the surface. Then the entire sample was then defect etched to reveal copper silicide precipitates. These are found only in the upper half of the sample (seen here in (a) as a "haze" resulting from light scattering off a very high density of etch pits). In the lower half, the surface precipitates where etched away prior to the defect delineation. (b) shows illustrative micrographs of the etch pit structure in the two halves. Assume for the moment that we have a perfect, crystalline silicon wafer who’s only defects happen to be that the perfect crystal is truncated by two flat, parallel surfaces and that it contains a certain concentration of copper at high temperature. Upon cooling this system we will reach a temperature (typically about 300-500 degrees C, depending on the copper concentration – the wafers are out of the furnace at this point!) when the dissolved copper can no longer be held in solution. Just like in our beer glass, precipitates form very, very rapidly, even explosively, on the wafer surfaces equally -- and nowhere else. This happens to be a very unfortunate fact for integrated circuit technology. One of these vulnerable surfaces is of course where the entire investment in the processed wafer lies. The precipitation of copper in silicon is a catastrophic event. Cu3Si precipitates create enormous stresses in the silicon, generating dislocations which can extend far beyond the precipitate itself, generally creating havoc in a localized area. All manner of device failure can occur. TEM micrographs illustrating the kind of mess a surface copper and nickel precipitation events can make. But there’s an upside to all of this, or rather, an advantage can be taken of what’s going on here. As we have seen in the example above, a free silicon surface is a more preferable site for metal precipitation than a perfect bulk. (A free surface contains atomic steps and there is an entire half space in which the precipitate growth is unconstrained by the crystal lattice). This differential in barriers to precipitation has important consequences for the final spatial distribution of the precipitates in a wafer -- just as in the beer glass. By preferential in the silicon wafer case, what we really mean is that a precipitation event can happen at a higher temperature, in other words before some other precipitation event could happen; less under-cooling is required to drive the reaction. Now, in such a rapidly diffusing system as copper (or nickel) in silicon, this means that, in practically no time at all (on the order of seconds, really), once the nucleation of the metal precipitates begins (at the wafer surface in this example) the growing surface-nucleated precipitates consume essentially all of the dissolved metal in the wafer. This means that there is no chance for metal to precipitate anywhere else. In effect, precipitation has been suppressed everywhere but at the preferential sites. Harnessing this preferential precipitation and the associated location-specific suppression of precipitation in an appropriate way is the essence of most practical gettering systems. So now if, for whatever reason, process controls have failed and metal has been introduced into a silicon wafer our goal is to insure that the precipitation of that metal at the sensitive front surfaces is robustly and reliably prevented. This is the main job of gettering. Much has been written about gettering in the last 25 years or so, but in essence it all boils down to this. Now we’ve already seen that a normal surface is itself a preferential site for precipitation. It follows from the above argument that all we have to do to suppress precipitation there is to create a condition in the wafer -- somewhere other than at the wafer front surface -- which is more preferable. That is, we must create sites at appropriate locations in the wafer where the barrier to metal precipitation is still lower than that of the already low barrier free surface. This is easy. So that’s all there is to it. Well, almost. Now, just because metal has precipitated somewhere following a heat treatment doesn’t mean that it will stay there. Metal silicide precipitates are not stable at high temperatures. Although we won’t return to this point in this brief discussion, it’s worth keeping in mind here that each time the wafer is reheated they dissolve and the whole procedure begins anew [1,2]. Gettering is a dynamic process. A simple way to lower the barrier to metal precipitation at a free surface is to create disorder of nearly any kind in it. If this is applied to the back surface of the wafer only then a differential between the front and back surface is achieved which alters the balance in the metal precipitation preferences between the two surfaces. Over the past 30 years or so many different back surface disordering processes have been applied to silicon wafers to achieve preferential metal precipitation at the back surface and thus effective suppression of precipitation at the front surface. Since the metal is precipitated at the back surface rather than in the bulk of the wafer (see below) such systems are called external gettering (EG) systems. Almost any kind of damage to the wafer back surface will achieve this result. The first external gettering system used in large volumes was a backside damage achieved by abrading the surface with sandpaper – an almost unbelievably crude method from today’s perspective. Refinements to this over the years included laser damage, sand blasting and a more politically correct (from an IC processing point of view) CVD deposition of a highly disordered poly-silicon film applied to the backside. Backside ion-implantation damage has also been used. Several of these techniques are still in use today and to great advantage. But there are several disadvantages to these external gettering approaches which will no doubt limit or eliminate their applicability in advanced IC applications. The first requirement is that damage applied to wafer back-surfaces should live throughout the entire IC process. This is not necessarily a given. In addition to this, the disordering processes should themselves be device defect neutral. This is also not necessarily to be taken for granted. The sand-blasting of silicon surfaces is known to create particle-generating sources which can result in the transfer of particles from the back side of silicon wafers to the front side of adjacent wafers in a diffusion boat, thus in some cases causing more damage than it sought to prevent. Poly-silicon backside coatings can be oxidized away and are certainly not applicable in future double-side polished wafers. Essentially all silicon wafers for IC applications are grown by the Czochralski (CZ) method. An important difference between this method and the Floating Zone (FZ) method is that the silicon melt is contained in a quartz crucible. The main result of this is that oxygen from the crucible is unavoidably dissolved into the molten silicon and incorporated in the solid crystal ingot in rather high concentrations. For a variety of reasons, the rather low mobility of oxygen in silicon being one, this excess oxygen can precipitate homogeneously, that is, at arbitrary sites, in a silicon crystal. This can occur during the cooling of the crystal during growth and in subsequent wafer heat treatments during use. Oxygen precipitates in bulk, or interior, of silicon wafers create disorder which can effectively lower the barrier for the subsequent precipitation of metals just like disorder on the wafer surface. The potential for using bulk oxygen precipitates as a gettering mechanism was first proposed in 1977 [3] although the mechanisms were not clear at the time. In fact, it is known [4] that even very tiny oxygen precipitates at very early stages of growth (too small to observe by the conventional etching techniques normally used to see them) can result in energy barriers lower than that of a free surface and thus offer the potential for very effective suppression of surface precipitation and thus gettering. On the surface of things, the use of oxygen precipitates to control metal precipitation is a very attractive idea. A huge effort has been extended in the years since the realization of this effect to harness the potential of bulk oxygen precipitates to manage metal contamination. Such an approach to gettering is called internal gettering (IG). The IG approach clearly side-steps the issues of particle contamination and damage longevity. But the use of oxygen precipitates as a gettering system can be a dangerous plaything. The engineering challenge is to insure that sufficient densities of oxygen precipitates are robustly and reliably produced in arbitrary IC processes and that a surface layer free of oxygen precipitates (a denuded zone) is produced in the wafer during the processing of the wafer. The denuded zone is required to avoid the presence of oxide precipitates in the near surface device layer in order to avoid detrimental effects of oxygen precipitates themselves. This is usually achieved by causing the dissolved oxygen in the wafer to out-diffuse at high temperature prior or during the nucleation of the oxygen precipitates in the bulk. This is often a costly additional process step which serves no other purpose than to prepare the wafer for use. A sufficient density in the bulk of the silicon wafer is required. This is to insure that, once metal precipitation starts at the oxide precipitate sites, these volume distributed sinks for metal diffusion are of a sufficiently high density to insure that a sufficient suppression of the metal concentration near the front surface in order to suppress metal precipitation there. It is known that oxygen precipitate densities of about 1-5 x 10 8 cm-3 are required for this [5,6]. An example of an ideal depth distribution of oxygen precipitates for gettering purposes is shown in Figure 3. Illustrated is a defect etched cross-section of a processed silicon wafer. The surface of the wafer is at the top. The depth of the defect free denuded zone is about 80 microns and the bulk density of oxygen precipitates is about 8 x 10 9 cm-3. The engineering challenge to reliably produce such internal gettering structures has often proven to be illusive or expensive, or both. The general problem of the physics of the precipitation of oxygen in silicon has proven to be hugely complex and remains a still wildly unsatisfactorily resolved problem. In the 20 or so years since the discovery of the IG effect in silicon wafers, many scientists a processing of wafers into integrated circuits. This has been met with only partial success in the sense that the "defect engineering" of conventional silicon wafers is still, by and large, an empirical exercise. It consist additional pre-heat treatments, for example) to match the specific process details of the application to which they are submitted in order to achieve a good and reliable IG performance. In conventional silicon wafers the resultant oxygen precipitate density profiles are wildly dependent on the details the crystal growth process (primarily crystal cooling rates), the oxygen content of crystals and the details of the IC process to which the wafers are submitted. As a result, an entire has sprung up built around attempts to control and tailor the oxygen precipitation performance of silicon wafers to specific processes. A large proportion of the complexity (and hence cost) of the manufacture of silicon wafers is centered on the specification and control of oxygen concentration and its behavior. Once a process is known to work for a given application a kind of process rigidity sets in. The potential for cost saving process improvements are reduced. Armies of expensive applications engineers and their counterparts at IC houses work on the tailoring of oxygen concentration and crystal growth processes to meet the needs of specific silicon applications. These are costs which the industry can no longer bear. Although the silicon wafer is strong at room temperature, it becomes weaker as the temperature is increased. During the furnace processing steps that are necessary for the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs), a nonuniform elevated temperature produces a nonuniform expansion within the wafer and the resulting thermal stress can cause local or widespread furnace slip. This disrupts the silicon crystal structure and permanently degrades the electrical and physical characteristics of the wafer. The dislocations that are produced by slip can cause junction leakage, premature breakdown, gate oxide integrity failure, and other problems. The physical deformation of the wafer can cause pattern misalignment, focus, and chucking problems, as well as wafer breakage. A nonuniform temperature is produced in the wafer during furnace push and temperature ramp-up as the radiant energy from the furnace tube heats up the wafer edge faster than the wafer center. This can cause slip around the wafer edge and warp the wafer into a saddle shape (Figure 1). During temperature ramp-down and furnace pull, the wafer cools faster at the edge than in the center, and this temperature nonuniformity can create slip in the wafer center and cause the wafer to bow (Figure 2). Decades of fabricating ICs on silicon wafers have shown that furnace slip is always a problem. This is because the fabrication engineer is always faced with the conflicting goals of increasing the speed of furnace temperature ramps and push-pull steps to maximize the furnace throughput, while at the same time limiting the speed of temperature ramps and push-pull steps to prevent wafer warpage and the creation of yield-killing slip dislocations. Each time the wafer diameter increases, a new balance must be found. Each time a new IC technology creates additional built-in device stress, the balance shifts. For example, when oxide-filled shallow trench isolation (STI) structures were introduced, furnace recipes which had previously produced slip-free wafers became recipes which produced massive furnace slip. During thermal cycling, the stress the oxide exerted on the trench side-walls plus the thermal stress due to temperature nonuniformities in the wafer added together to create slip dislocations and to move those dislocations into leakage-sensitive parts of the IC device. But by moderating both the built-in IC device stress and the furnace stress, IC devices with STI structures are now being fabricated successfully. Temperature is primary factor that controls the strength of the silicon wafer, and this must be taken into account when setting furnace push/pull and temperature ramping conditions. The strength of the wafer decreases significantly at its temperature is increased from 750°C to 800°C. If wafers are pushed into or pulled from a furnace tube set at 750°C, wafer slip is almost never a problem, but if they are pushed or pulled with the tube set at 800°C, slip is almost always a problem. The strength of the wafer decreases further as its temperature is increased further. To prevent wafer slip during furnace temperature ramping, it is necessary to use lower and lower ramping rates for higher and higher temperature ranges. Recommended ramp rates for 200 mm wafers are given in "How to Prevent Furnace Slip." Smaller diameter wafers can be ramped slightly faster, but 300 mm wafers must be ramped more slowly. Other factors also affect the strength of the silicon wafer. The higher the density of dislocations in a wafer, the weaker the wafer. It takes a considerable stress to create a dislocation, but it only takes a small stress to cause an existing dislocation to move or multiply. The higher the interstitial (dissolved) oxygen concentration, the stronger the wafer. Interstitial oxygen atoms attach themselves to dislocations and prevent them from moving or multiplying. However, the higher the amount of precipitated oxygen, the weaker the wafer. Growing oxygen precipitates use up the interstitial oxygen and punch out new dislocations. The higher the concentration of dopant atoms, the stronger the silicon wafer. The strain fields around atoms, which are larger or smaller than the silicon atoms, impede the motion of dislocations. IC films can exert stress on the underlying silicon and make slip more likely. Trench and other IC structures, as well as mechanical damage sites, weaken the wafer by acting as stress concentrators. Even though the silicon wafer is weakened by IC fabrication processing, high yielding IC processing is certainly possible if one pays attention to furnace slip and wafer strength issues. A broken wafer is a loss and an opportunity. When a wafer breaks during fab processing, the first impulse is to clean up the mess and trash the broken pieces. But the fracture markings on the broken edges actually represent a detailed recording of the rapid sequence of events that took place during the breakage event. By examining the fracture markings with a microscope, it is often possible to discover how and why the wafer broke so that appropriate corrective and preventive actions can be taken. The Fracture Analysis Procedure below outlines the analysis procedure and gives two references where instructive descriptions and sample photos and drawings can be found. The photos on this web page show samples of the most commonly encountered fracture markings, rib lines and tear marks. The photo captions tell how to interpret rib lines and tear marks and describe four cases where fracture analysis was useful in solving a wafer fab breakage problem. A wafer begins to break apart when the silicon at some surface location is subjected to a sufficiently large tensile stress. The tensile stress can arise due to wafer bending, uneven cooling, penetration, or during an impact when the silicon is compressed in one direction but pulled apart in other directions. The stress required to break a wafer is greatly reduced if the wafer surface has a stress concentrator such as a preexisting crack. The goal of fracture analysis is to discover how and why a wafer broke so that future occurrences can be prevented. If a wafer broke because of a weakness, such as a scratch that occurred at a prior processing step, then that weakness can be eliminated. If a wafer broke because it was bent or penetrated by a piece of wafer handling equipment, then that equipment can be adjusted. A broken wafer is not only a loss but an opportunity for improvement. Examine the fracture markings on the broken edges to determine the direction of travel for each crack that split the wafer apart. Edge chip. The curved ripples on the fracture surface are rib lines. Rib lines are produced when the leading edge of the craft that is splitting the silicon apart wanders upward and downward as it travels along. Rib lines show where the leading edge of the crack was at successive instants in time. These rib lines show that the crack that separated the flake of silicon from the wafer originated at "O" and spread to the left and toward the front surface of the wafer. This means that the force that created the chip was directed right-to-left toward the edge of the wafer. Fracture markings on a broken edge. The curved rib lines show that the leading edge of the crack that split the silicon apart traveled from the back surface of the wafer upward. The more or less vertical lines are called tear marks. Tear markes are produced when the leading edge of the crack travels on more than one plane at the same time. Tear marks are generally parallel to the direction of crack travel and they radiate away from the origin of the crack. The fracture surface is rough along the back surface of the wafer near the origin "O." An examinatin of the back surface of the wafer at "O" showed that the back side of the wafer had been scratched during fab processing. Later, a bending stress put the back surface of the wafer into tension and this caused some of the scratch cracks to propagate, breaking the wafer apart. Fracture markings on a broken edge. The tear marks and other fracture markings showed that the breakage originated at the front surface of the wafer and spread downward. No wafer-weakening defect was found at the origin. In this case, the wafer was being held against a vacuum chuck by the atmospheric pressure when a wafer lifter pin came up under the back side of the wafer. The lifter pin pushed up a small part of the wafer, bending it over the lifter pin and putting the front surface into tension. The wafer broke at the front surface where the tensile stress was greatest. Wafer backside after backgrinding and caustic etching. Fracture analysis revealed that the origin of the breakage was at this row of caustic etched grooves. The backgrinding process created rows of extra deep cracks in the wafer backside. Caustic etching produced the grooves by etching away part of the crack damage. However, the remaining crack damage weakened the wafer and it broke apart during subsequent handling. Lawrence D. Dyer, "Fracture Tracing in Semiconductor Wafers", in Semiconductor Processing, ASTM Special Technical Publication 850, edited by D. C. Gupta, (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1984), pp. 297-308. A dislocation is created when there is sufficient stress to break silicon bonds and displace silicon atoms from their normal locations. This can occur during IC fabrication due to built-in device stress, as when oxide presses against a trench sidewall or when a high concentration of small boron atoms is implanted into a volume adjacent to a volume containing larger atoms. Or dislocations can be created when furnace slip takes place due to an excessive across-the-wafer temperature nonuniformity. The dislocation is both a structural and an electrical defect. The tube-like opening down one side of a dislocation line can act as a diffusion pipe, accelerating and channeling the diffusion of dopant atoms and producing an IC device that is shorted or that breaks down at a low voltage. The electrical properties of a dislocation can cause several types of electrical failures because a dislocation promotes recombination, conduction, and generation. If a dislocation is present in the base of a transistor, it decreases the gain because it acts as a trap and accelerates the recombination of minority charge carriers. The dislocation line is a conductive path, and the path becomes even more conductive when metal impurity atoms become attached to the silicon atoms along the dislocation. If a dislocation ends under a gate oxide, its enhanced conductive properties can cause gate oxide integrity failure. The most common dislocation-induced failure mechanism is leakage. For an IC device to function properly, it must be possible to effectively change the silicon into an insulator by creating a depletion region. Conduction in an MOS transistor is turned off by applying a potential to the gate to create a depletion region by pushing the majority charge carriers out of the channel. A reverse-biased P/N junction prevents current flow because the reverse bias separates the holes and electrons and creates a depletion region at the junction. However, if a dislocation threads from one electrode, through a depletion region, to another electrode, then conduction along the dislocation line causes current to flow when it should not. This is one form of dislocation-induced leakage. Leakage also occurs when a dislocation within the depletion region acts as a line of generation centers, converting thermal energy into electron-hole pairs. The electric field within the depletion region causes the electrons to flow in one direction and the holes to flow in the other direction, and this constitutes the flow of a leakage current. Whether or not a dislocation actually causes an IC device failure depends on where the dislocation is located. If the dislocation comes up under a field oxide, for example, it does no harm. But if it threads through a P/N junction, it can cause a leakage failure. If a wafer has a high incidence of leakage failures, failure analysis can be carried out by stripping off the IC pattern layers and applying a defect etch to the silicon surface (Fig. 1). Dislocation etch pits then show where the dislocations intersected the silicon surface. If the dislocation etch pits show no across-the-wafer pattern, but are consistently located at certain IC device structures, then the stress that created the dislocations was probably built-in device stress (Fig. 2). But if the dislocations are concentrated in a center spot (Fig. 3 & 4) or an edge pattern, then the stress that created the dislocations was probably furnace stress. Often a leakage failure map will suggest whether or not furnace slip has taken place. If wafer failure analysis shows a spatial correlation between a high dislocation density and a high leakage failure rate, then you can be virtually certain that it was the dislocations that caused the leakage. Wafer surface after pattern removal and defect etching. Short shallow dislocation loops are consistently located at certain IC device structures. This indicates that the dislocations were probably produced by built-in device stress. Wafer surface after pattern removal and defect etching. Dislocation etch pits are located along slip lines. This indicates that the dislocations were produced by a nonuniform temperature distribution during furnace processing. Leakage failure map. This "four corners" leakage failure pattern for a <100> wafer indicates that the wafer probably slipped at the edges due to too-rapid edge-first heating during furnace processing. Leakage failure map. This "center spot" leakage failure pattern indicates that the wafer may have slipped in the center due to too-rapid edge-first cooling during furnace processing. With the implementation of CMP planarization processes for Shallow Trench Isolation, the nanotopography of the silicon wafer is becoming a more significant factor to consider. Nanotopography is defined as the deviation of a surface within a spatial wavelength of around 0.2 to 20 mm. Nanotopography bridges the gap betweis dictated to a large extent by the polishing process. A true planetary, freefloating, double-sided polishing process that polishes both sides of a silicon wafer simultaneously technically achieves the best nanotopography and flatness results. With the implementation of CMP planarization processes for Shallow Trench Isolation(1), the nanotopography of the silicon wafer is becoming a significant factor to consider. Nanotopography is defined as “the deviation of a surface within a spatial wavelength of around 0.2 to 20 mm.”(2) This is a parameter that measures the front-surface, freestate topology of an area which can range in size from fractions of a millimeter to tens of millimeters. In this sense, nanotopography differs from front-referenced site flatness in that for nanotopography the wafer is measured in a free state, while for flatness it is referenced to a flat chuck. A wafer may have perfect flatness (in the classical definition of flatness), yet still have nanotopography. If a wafer has surface irregularities on the front and backside of the wafer, but front and back surfaces are parallel, the wafer has perfect flatness. However, the same wafer will exhibit nanotopography (Figure 1). Nanotopography bridges the gap between rn-uniform pattern density and with the use of hard pads for CMP, nanotopography may significantly degrade the dielectric film uniformity.(3,4) Nanotopography is measured by two techniques: light scattering and interferometry. Light scattering tools typically employed for particle and surface-defect characterization can be used to measure the local slope change over the entire surface of the wafer. The local slope change may be integrated to yield height or topography information. Since the beam size can be on the order of fractions of a micron, nanotopography can be measured. Optical interference measurement is straightforward: a beam is split into two components; one component is reflected from the wafer surface, while the second is reflected from a reference mirror; the interference of the combination of the two beams is a measure of the topology of the wafer surface. With both techniques signal filtering is used to separate the low-wavelength features (i.e. warp) so that only the information, (i.e. the true surface nanotopography) is measured. To understand the influence of nanotopography in CMP film removal uniformity, the concept of planarization length should be considered(5). The planarization length (PL) is the spatial length at which polishing cannot reduce the step height of a feature in the film thickness. This is illustrated in Figure 4. The important aspect to consider is when PL is less than NL the film uniformity is maintained. When PL is more than NL one finds nonuniform film removal. Two typical examples are shown in Fig. 3. The CMP process and the film uniformity specifications may be considered to determine the level of nanotopography required. Nanotopography of the silicon wafer is dictated to a large extent by the polishing process. For single-sided polished (SSP) wafers, the polishing process has been optimized to minimize nanotopography. In this process, to achieve good flatness, the wafer must be mounted or chucked against a flat reference block. Since the wafer backside is etched (not polished smooth), it has surface topology. Because of the fixturing process used to mount the wafers (e.g. wax mounting or vacuum chucking), the topology of the backside of the wafer and the fixturing surface and or adhesive/wax are transmitted to the front side and causes nanotopography. The other technique of mounting a wafer (the one that is normally used in CMP), viz. free mounting, does not cause nanotopography formation, but also does not guarantee the wafer is made flat. The best flatness and nanotopography is obtained when the wafers are double-sided polished (DSP). The true, planetary, free-floating DSP polishing process polishes both sides of a silicon wafer simultaneously. Since the wafer is polished in a free state, nanotopography is minimized. Also, good flatness is achieved. Thus, both good flatness and nanotopography are produced. Figure 5 shows a comparison of SSP and DSP mounting techniques and how these affect nanotopography and flatness. Figure 6 shows how SSP and DSP wafers affect CMP film removal uniformity. The CMP process employed (hard pad vs. soft pad) and the wafer type (SSP vs. DSP) interact with different levels of film removal uniformity. The correlation coefficients shown in this figure are taken from Boning et al.(6) They represent a measure of how much nanotopography correlates with film removal uniformity. A coefficient of 1 indicated that each high spot on the wafer surface corresponds with a local thin film (high removal or overpolish) and each low spot on the surface corresponds with a local thick film (low removal or underpolish). Conversely, a correlation coefficient of 0 indicates no correlation between nanotopography and film removal uniformity. It should be emphasized that the coefficient is not a measure of the actual uniformity, only the correlation between uniformity and nanotopography. The removal uniformity is generally better for the DSP wafer because it exhibits less nanotopography and hence less variation. GlobalWafers has developed a planetary DSP polishing process that provides wafers with leading edge nanotopography and flatness characteristics that meet all of the increasingly demanding CMP requirements. While planetary DSP is technically the best method to achieve superior nanotopography and flatness, there are several barriers to practically implementing this method in the fab. These barriers include cost of ownership for DSP, issues related to running both a polished backside DSP and an etched backside wafer in their lines at the same time, such as electrostatic chuck problems, and in-line sensor calibration. GlobalWafers is actively exploring both planetary DSP and SSP methods that promise to achieve a good balance between nanotopography and flatness results and cost of ownership. J. Schlueter, “Trench Warfare: CMP and Shallow Trench Isolation,” Semiconductor International, October 1999. N. Tamura, H. Niwa, M. Hatanaka, M. Kase, and T. Fukuda (Fujitsu Limited), “The Influence of Wafer Nanotopology on Residual Film Thickness Variation after Chemical Mechanical Planarization,” 197th ECS Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2000. Controlling oxygen behavior in silicon wafers via vacancy profiles is more cost-effective than conventional out-diffusion and renucleation methods. The vacancy-based approach greatly simplifies the uselling oxygen behavior in silicon is undeniably one of the most important challenges in semiconductor materials engineering. In particular, control of oxygen precipitation is essential for the development of internal gettering (IG) in IC manufacturing. Gettering schemes play an important role in yield management in IC manufacturing. In the 20 or so years since the discovery of the IG effect silicon wafers, many scientists and engineers havfers into integrated circuits. This has met with only partial success, in the sense that the “defect engineering” of conventional silicon wafers is still an empirical exercise. It consists largely of carefultreatments, for example) to match the specific process details of the application to which the wafers are submitted, in order to achieve good and reliable IG performance. Reliable and efficient IG requires the robust formation oxygen-precipitate-free surface regions (“denuded zones”) and a bulk defective layer consisting of a minimum density(1) (at least about 108cm-3) of oxygen precipitates during the processing of the silicon wafer. Uncontrolled precipitation of oxygen in the near-surface region of the wafer represents a risk to device yield. The basis of the conventional method for dealing with the creation of this layered structure has been to ensure sufficient outdiffusion of oxygen from the near-surface region in order to suppress nucleation and growth. In recent years, due to radical reductions in the total thermal budgets of processes that make submicron devices, this method is no longer cost-effective. It is possible to install vacancy-concentration profiles into silicon wafers that result in the ideal precipitation performance for IG purposes. Such an ideal vacancy profile means a high vacancy concentration in the wafer bulk and proper vacancy depletion in the near-surface region. The installation of controlled concentration profiles of vacancies is now a wafer-manufacturing process, as depicted in Figure 1. While a high concentration of vacancies enhances oxygen clustering, there is a lower bound on vacancy concentration below which clustering is “normal”. This is quite a sharp transition and lies around 5X1011cm-3. Thus a profiled vacancy concentration allows for the programming of “layered” structures — exactly what is required for the effective engineering of structures by IG. This is the basis underlying the “Magic Denuded Zone” (or MDZ) wafer.(2) A schematic illustration of this new materials-processing technique is shown in Figure 2. The use of such a vacancy-based approach greatly simplifies the use of silicon by decouplof the thermal process used to fabricate the device in question. When silicon is raised to high temperatures, vacancies and interstitials are spontaneously produced in equal amounts through Frenkel pair generation, a very fast reaction. At distances far removed from crystal surfaces, we thus have CI = Cv = {CIeq (T)Cveq(T)}1/2, where T is the process temperature. If the sample were to be cooled at this point, the vacancies and interstitials would mutually annihilate each other in the reverse process of their generation. In wafers, however, the surfaces are not far away, and this situation changes very rapidly. Equilibrium boundary conditions (not oxidizing or nitriding) lead to coupled fluxes of interstitials to the surface and vacancies from the surface because CIeq(T) < Cveq(T), and because of the rapid establishment of equilibrium conditions throughout the thickness of the wafer. Experiments suggest that this occurs in a matter of seconds or less. This equilibration is primarily controlled by the diffusivity of the fastest component, the self-interstitials, since the concentrations are roughly equal. Upon cooling, two processes are important: direct recombination of vacancies and interstitials, and diffusion of interstitials toward the surfaces. In the wafer bulk, the slower vacancies are now the dominant species of the coupled diffusion, and hence the equilibration process at the surface is not as fast as the interstitial-dominated initial equilibration. It is thus possible to “freeze-in” excess bulk vacancies at not-unreasonable cooling rates (ca. 50- 100°C/s). The residual bulk concentration of vacancies following recombination with interstitials, Cv, is the initial difference of Cveq - CIeq (at the process temperature T). Closer to the surfaces, Cv is lower, due to out-diffusion (again, primarily controlled by the dominant vacancies) toward the decreasing equilibrium values at the wafer surface. The level of bulk precipitation is controlled by the process temperature, through Cveq - CIeq, while the depth of the denuded zone is controlled by the cooling rate, through the diffusion of vacancies during cooling. By installing a given precipitate profile into a silicon wafer, we have effectively programmed it to behave in a certain way. The precipitate profiles that result from the vacancy-programming such as is illustrated in Figure 2 produce perfect internal gettering performance reliably and reproducibly. The denuded, or oxygen precipitate free, zone in MDZ® is a real one in the sense that the near surface density of oxygen precipitates is effectively zero. In other approaches to the problem this is not necessarily the case. For example, when oxygen precipitation enhancement is attempted at the crystal growth level, as in the case of nitrogendoped silicon, no "real" denuded zones are possible. The high temperature oxygen out-diffusion treatments which are applied to such wafers result in an "apparent" denuded zone only. The grown-in precipitates are not themselves dissolved. The oxygen concentration reduction near the surface merely restricts the size of precipitates there; at some point they cannot be detected by simple etching. But the density of oxygen related defects, in fact, remains the same -- all the way to the wafer surface. Crystal-growth based precipitation enhancement schemes increase the constraints placed on the crystal growth process. MDZ® frees the crystal growth process to be whatever it needs to be to decrease costs. The precipitate structure is dictated by the vacancy concentration profile installed in the wafer. Proper vacancy programming forces the wafer to behave in an ideal way. It does not matter what the oxygen content of the wafer is. It does not matter what the crystal growth process was that produced the wafer -- the MDZ® process erases the crystal-history of the wafer. From an IC manufacturer's point of view, a single, highly simplified specification can now cover a multitude of applications and product ranges, hugely simplifying their use and increasing flexibility. Magic Denuded Zone®, MDZ®, and the MDZ logo are registered trademarks of GlobalWafers. All rights reserved. The MDZ process is protected by US patent 5,994,761 and other patents worldwide. CMOS transistor scaling progress has been enabled by continuous reductions in channel length and gate dielectric thickness. In the sub-100nm MOSFET transistor scaling regime, fundamental limits in channel length and gate dielectric scaling are being encountered. The primary barriers to continuing scaling of planar CMOS transistors are short channel effects (SCE), which are increasingly limiting the transistor drive current improvement, and leakage current through the very thin gate dielectric. In order to manage SCE, the channel doping continues to increase. But, increasing the channel doping degrades mobility by introducing more charged impurity scattering sites. Also, the future implementation of high-K gate dielectric for control of gate leakage is known to degrade channel mobility. Because MOSFET drive current also depends on the mobility of charge carriers in the channel of the device, enabling a mobility enhancement in the device channel can offer a means to offset the negative aspects of managing SCE and gate leakage. Mobility, which describes the ease in which charge carriers drift in a semiconductor, is inversely proportional to carrier mass. Enhancing mobility (µ) enables higher MOSFET drive current which leads to higher device speed as described by the functional relationships shown below. Mobility enhancement methods are the subject of an intense investigation at the starting wafer level and in the device fabrication process. The main approaches for enhancing mobility at the starting wafer level are by changing the orientation of the wafer notch, changing the wafer surface orientation, and straining the device channel. Table 1 highlights the mobility enhancement options available at the starting wafer level. The change in notch orientation from <110> to <100> is a drop-in solution that enables a 10-20% enhancement in PMOS operating current. Several studies published in scientific literature demonstrate that orienting the PMOS channel along the <100> direction on (100) surface orientation wafers results in a gain of 10-20% in the transistor drive or “on current”(1-3). No degradation has been observed on NMOS transistors. The re-orientation of the channel directions is more easily realized by changing the starting wafer than by modifying the transistor layout methodology. The mechanism for the gain in PMOS drive current is increased mobility due to the reduction in the effective mass of holes moving along the <100> direction. Orienting the channel direction along <100> is a simple process change in the starting wafer fabrication. Historically, the wafer flat or notch on (100) surface orientation wafer has been formed along the <110> direction at crystal grinding because these directions define the easily cleaved crystal directions of a (100) surface orientation wafer. However, since wafer dicing is done by sawing through the scribe lines orienting along <110> is no longer a technological requirement. Figure 1 shows the simple process change for rotating the crystal piece by 45 degrees at crystal grinding in order to form the wafer notch or flat along the <100> direction. The orientation of the CMOS channel along the <100> direction offers a simple, low cost, low risk production proven enhancement of the PMOS transistor with no degradation to the NMOS transistor or complications in device process integration. It can be applied to all starting material platforms including advanced polished wafers, epitaxial wafers, and SOI wafers. The <100> notch option is already a high volume wafer fabrication process. It is a production proven starting wafer option for enhancing the performance of sub-100nm CMOS technologies. Beyond the CMOS applicability described in this note, the reorientation of the notch position to <100> has also been reported to enable improvement in the DRAM deep trench capacitor shape profiles etched into the silicon substrate, increasing cell capacitance by ~ 25%(4). Measurement technique increases customer confidence in overall process control and product capability. Whole rod FTIR performance was demonstrated through direct correlation to conventional FTIR measurements. Interstitial oxygen content of a silicon wafer is an important material characteristieime consuming and potentially introduce handling damageland sample sizes may be defined prior to the wafering process, idence in overall process control and product ctial oxygen in silicon and their relationship to device performance are well understood and published.(2) Oxygen is incorporated in the silicon lattice during the growth process by dissolution of the quartz crucible. Interstitial oxygen in silicon is typically measured by infrared absorption using eithesample surfaces are polished, creating a more predictable optical transmission and internal reflection condition.(5) In addition, the crystal-pulling engineer may not fully understand the oxygen variation of the process unless most of the wafers are measured and the crystal oxygen profile is reassembled in a database. These wafer measurements are time consuming and potentially introduce handling damagelsample sizes may be defined prior to the wafering process, iidence in overall process control and product cared absorption at 1107 cm-1 (9.03 µm). This is the absorption band associated with anti-symmetric vibration of SiO2 in the silicon lattice.(7) The infrared beam passes through a wafer sample from the front to the back (Figure 2). An absorbance spectrum of an oxygen-free, float zone reference sample is “subtracted” from the sample spectrum to remove interference from multiplephonon excitations of silicon near that band. Commercially available FTIR systems simulate the subtraction process in various ways for rapid measurement of the oxygen content. Quantitative evaluation of interstitial oxygen in wafers also requires accurate understanding of the measurement effects of sample thickness, surface finish, and dopant concentration. Dopant atoms like boron or phosphorus absorb infrared light and limit the usable range of infrared analysis.(8) In the WRFTIR method, an infrared beam passes through a full crystal diameter, shown in Figure 1. The resulting absorbance spectrum represents the average interstitial oxygen content through one crystal diameter. This measurement uses a less intense, 1720 cm-1 (5.81 µm) absorption band that is a re-occurrence of the 1107 cm-1 band in silicon.(9,10) Although interference from multiple-phonon excitations of silicon is negligible near the 1720 cm-1 band, the band intensity is too low to be useful in wafer measurements. When measuring through a large diameter silicon crystal, however, the cumulative absorbance is enough to provide a strong measure of interstitial oxygen content with little interference. No measurement is possible in a full diameter crystal using 1107 cm-1 light because almost none of it passes through the whole crystal. Likewise, absorption at 1720 cm-1 is too weak to provide a measurable absorption peak when the path length is a wafer thickness (Figure 3). A long path length with low absorption provides a good combination for accurate WRFTIR measurements. GlobalWafers has developed specifications for a WRFTIR system over the past few years. BioRad Laboratories further refined and fabricated the system and sells it as the QS-FRS. The instrument employs a standard 300 series optical bench mounted on a rail assembly. A mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector was selected for its excellent response and sensitivity characteristics. The system is capable of measuring up to five crystal segments with a total length of 1.8 meters. These crystals remain fixed as the FTIR measures a specific point, processes data and moves to the next specified point. Collection conditions and spatial frequency of data along the crystal length are operator controlled. Instrument software allows definition of resolution, collection time, calibration, and spacing among adjacent measurement locations. WRFTIR performance was demonstrated through direct correlation to conventional, wafer FTIR measurements. Sixteen p-type and four n-type, 200 mm diameter silicon crystals were selected to create a range of resistivity and oxygen values. The resistivity of the crystals ranged from 3.1 ohm-cm n-type to 56 ohm-cm p-type with the corresponding dopant density of 3.1531015 to 2.3831014 atoms per cm3. The interstitial oxygen ranged from 11 to 17 ppma (ASTM F1188). Of these twenty crystals, growth controls for four crystals were intentionally altered to create large oxygen variations along the crystal length (Figure 4). These profile variations provided a natural dispersion in the data to be discriminated by the two methods. The fulllength crystals were cut to usable lengths and ground to a nominal, 200 mm diameter. Crystals were measured at 5 mm increments along the length and repeated twice at each defined measurement location. A single WRFTIR measurement was based on 64 scans of the FTIR mirror to calculate the absorbance spectrum. The ground crystals were subsequently processed into double side polished wafers. Wafer samples were selected at 50 mm intervals along the crystal and measured for interstitial oxygen with conventional FTIR techniques. Calibration of the WRFTIR and the conventional FTIR was performed with certified NIST traceable standards. Three different 200 mm products were selected by resistivity specifications to support a confirming production experiment. Wafer oxygen distributions, measured on random samples using conventional FTIR techniques, were compared to “simulated distributions” derived through WRFTIR analysis. Exact positions from the WRFTIR oxygen profile have been compared to corresponding double-side polished wafers selected from the crystals and measured by conventional methods. Excellent agreement was achieved between the WRFTIR and double-side polished wafercenter oxygen shown in Figure 5, shown on the next page. The red points correspond to high resistivity (low doping) samples, and the blue points correspond to low resistivity (high doping) samples. Clearly, free carrier absorption interferes with the oxygen measurement. Wafer radial oxygen variation, considered to be a potential source of interference, is insignificant for typical oxygen gradients produced today. Regression statistics were calculated for various subsets of the data set to demonstrate the magnitude of carrier concentration interferences. Various regression combinations of resistivity subsets (all, high or low) and wafer oxygen radial gradient subsets (all, <2% or >2%) are provided in Table 1. Each regression analysis combining high and low resistivity subsets demonstrates significantly higher standard error. Only slight degradation in correlation occurs in cases that include oxygen gradients greater than 2%. These correlation results suggest that accurate WRFTIR calibration is possible for predicting wafer center oxygen. At least two calibration options are required to assure accuracy over the normal working resistivity range. Additional WRFTIR calibration factors or algorithms for carrier concentration may be applied if subsequent testing suggests a need. Average interstitial oxygen can accurately be measured in full diameter, 200 mm silicon crystals using the 1720 cm-1infrared absorption band. The technique provides the crystal engineer rapid feedback for continuous process improvement and control. The method gives an increased understanding of the complete oxygen distribution. Accurate calibration to NIST certified standards and routine use of the WRFTIR has been demonstrated with minimal interference from radial oxygen gradient and predictable interference from resistivity over a wide range of product specifications. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions to this work from R. Prasad Dasari and K. Krishnan of BioRad. Portions of this article was published in the June 2000 issue of Semiconductor International. We would like to thank them for allowing us to reproduce portions of the article for this Applications Note. Our silicon wafers fall into one of three general types: Prime Polished, Epitaxial, and Test/Monitor wafers. They are also differentiated by product or process type, and diameter; 150mm, 200mm, and 300mm. Our silicon wafers vary in diameter, surface features (polished or epitaxial), composition, purity levels, crystal properties, and electrical properties. They are manufactured according to the precise specifications required by our customers. Semiconductor manufacturers require wafers of larger diameter and more stringent technical specifications in order to produce increasingly complex semiconductor devices such as the larger megabit memory chips and microprocessors. Our customers have increased their focus on efficient semiconductor production processes because their manufacturing processes for semiconductor devices have become more expensive. Our customers make many semiconductor devices, or chips, from the same wafer, and all chips from a particular wafer are manufactured and processed simultaneously at each stage in the device manufacturing process. Because of this, larger-sized wafers allow for a greater throughput from the same semiconductor manufacturing process and allow semiconductor manufacturers to spread their fixed costs of production over a larger volume of finished products. For example, a 6-inch (150mm) wafer has a surface area of approximately 27.4 square inches, whereas an 8-inch (200mm) wafer has a surface area of approximately 48.7 square inches. Thus, the 8-inch wafer has approximately 78% more surface area than the 6-inch wafer. A 12-inch (300mm) wafer has a surface area of approximately 109.6 square inches or approximately 125% more surface area than an 8-inch wafer. Despite the industry's focus on larger diameter wafers, we continue to manufacture and sell a significant amount of 6-inch (150mm) wafers. The first, and most critical step in the manufacturing of silicon wafers, is the "growth" of single crystal silicon. To begin, the raw material "polysilicon" is carefully stacked by hand inside a quartz crucible, which in turn, rests inside the furnace tank of a Crystal Puller. A small amount of "dopant" (electrically active elements) such as arsenic, boron, phosphorous or antimony is added to the polysilicon. This dopant predetermines the electrical properties, or resistivity of the wafers sliced from the crystal. The machine is tightly sealed, purged to eliminate gas impurities, then fired with a "recipe" for that particular customer specification. As the furnace heater ramps to temperature, the crucible begins clockwise rotation. Once the melt has reached the desired temperature, a counter-clockwise, rotating silicon "seed" crystal is lowered into the molten polysilicon. The melt is slowly cooled to the recipe's temperature as crystal growth begins around the seed. The seed is then slowly raised or "pulled" from the melt - giving the appearance of controlled freezing. The temperature of the melt and the speed of extraction govern the diameter of the crystal. Once the desired diameter is achieved, the crystal-puller's advanced control systems maintain the diameter throughout the growth stage. A gradual and tapered cone finishes the crystal growing cycle in order to ensure the crystal's structural integrity. The crystal is allowed to cool before it is extracted from the crystal-puller for further processing. The crystal becomes an "ingot" only after the seed-end (the top) and the tapered-end (the bottom) are removed using an inner-diameter (ID) saw. These ends are sometimes discarded; however, to avoid a complete material loss, some ends are re-melted and used in future crystal specifications. After the ends are cut-off, the ingot is cut into shorter sections in order to optimize the slicing operation that will follow later. Next, each section is ground to the specified diameter on a mechanical lathe. A thick "slug" is taken at the end of each ingot for quality control and testing. This includes measurement of resistivity, oxygen, carbon, and bulk defects. The whole ingot is then x-rayed to confirm crystal (atomic structure) orientation. Following x-ray, the ingot is mounted on a carbon "block" using an epoxy resin. It is carefully mounted according to its orientation. The resin is allowed to cure before the ingot proceeds to slicing. Silicon wafers are sliced from the ingot using both ID and Wire type saws. The ID saw can produce only single wafers at a time. The Wire saws are more efficient because we are able to slice the entire ingot at once. After the epoxy has cured, the ingot section is inverted and mounted into the 10-ton Wire saw. The ingot is gradually lowered into a "web" of fast moving, ultra-thin wire. The cutting action is created by pouring an abrasive slurry on the wire web, which is actually a single wire being fed from one spool to another. Immediately after slicing, the "as-cut" wafers are cleaned in a series of chemical baths to remove any residual slurry. From here, the wafers proceed into a series of refining steps to make them stronger and flatter. First, the sharp, fragile edges are rounded or "profiled" to provide strength and stability to the wafer. This will ultimately prevent chipping or breakage in subsequent processing. Next, each wafer is laser-marked with very small alphanumeric or bar code characters. This laser-mark ID gives full trace-ability to the specific date, machine, and facility where the wafers were manufactured. The wafers are then loaded into a precision "lapping" machine that uses pressure from rotating plates and an abrasive slurry to ensure a more uniform, simultaneous removal of saw damage present on both front and backside surfaces. This step also provides stock removal and promotes flatness uniformity - a critical foundation for the polishing manufacturing process. Now the wafers must go through an "etching" cycle. Chemical etching is necessary for the removal of residual surface damage caused by lapping; it also provides some stock removal. During the etching cycle, wafers progress down another series of chemical baths and rinse tanks with precise fluid dynamics. These chemical solutions produce a flatter, stronger wafer with a glossy finish. All wafers are then sampled for mechanical parameters and for process feedback. Polishing the wafer gives it the mirrored, super-flat surface required for the fabrication of today's advanced semiconductor devices. It is an automated, multi-step process using ultra-fine slurry and pressure against two rotating surfaces (similar to lapping). This is accomplished using our proprietary, ninth-generation polishing machines with an innovative, chemical-mechanical polishing process pioneered by GlobalWafers in the 1960's. This form of polishing allowed solid state devices to move from individual circuits to the complexities of today's integrated circuits. Forty years later, it remains the industry standard for polishing silicon wafers. From polishing, the wafers proceed into a series of cleaning systems. The first system consists of sequential immersion tanks designed to remove residual slurry, wax and larger contaminants. This "pre-clean" step is essentially preparing the wafers to enter our world-class clean room environment. The "final" cleaning stage is yet another series of baths. These more advanced chemical baths are optimized to remove any metallic contamination and remaining particulate. Bath temperatures, chemical mixing and filtration are all carefully controlled by a sophisticated computer system monitoring every parameter of the cleaner. The wafers emerge from final cleaning as the flattest and cleanest wafers in the world. Before the wafers continue on to either packaging or Epitaxy, they are 100 percent inspected on the latest generation of electronic particle detection tools. Prime polished wafers are transferred to the epitaxial furnace area inside the clean room. Epitaxy is a process that grows a thin, ultra-pure layer of silicon on the polished surface of a silicon wafer substrate. Polished wafers are loaded into single slice, or multiple slice capacity, "epi" reactor. The recipe, or customer specification, is programmed for that machine's run (cycle). Trichlorosilane gas is injected at a high-temperature as the wafer spins in the reactor. The gas flows over the top resulting in the silicon atoms adhering to the crystalline wafer structure. This "epi" layer is designed to have different compositional and electrical properties from the underlying wafer, tailored to the specific demands of the device. The epi layer is also free of imperfections that may cause device failure and it provides increased reliability during the fabrication process. In short, epi wafers provide our customers with a technically superior wafer on which to build the most complex and sophisticated devices in the world. GlobalWafers played an integral role in the development of Epitaxy for CMOS applications in 1982 -- a major turning point in the semiconductor industry. By applying an epitaxial layer to the surface of a silicon wafer, this pioneering work by GlobalWafers made advanced applications possible. For certification requirements, wafers are 100 percent inspected using the latest particle detection tools. These tools use a scanning laser beam that sweeps the wafer's surface. Any particles present on the wafer surface will scatter the incident laser beam. By measuring the reflected light, it is possible to "map" the number, size and location of any particles. PDF versions of the glossary and acronymns are furnished here, and will open in a new browser window. 6-Sigma: Capability index developed by Motorola measuring the number of standard deviations (a measure of variability) the mean is to the closest specification. Acceptor: (p-type wafer) an impurity, as Gallium, Boron, etc., whose atoms in a semi-conductor produce positive, mobile charges while remaining bound in the crystal structure with a unit negative charge. Acid: Any compound that can react with a base to form salt. Used mainly in Etching and Cleaning stages. Argon: Inert, colorless, odorless gas used as the growing atmosphere in the crystal puller chamber; argon is backfilled after air purge. Autodoping: Dopant incorporated during the growth of an epitaxial layer from sources other than the dopant intentionally added to the vapor phase. Sources can include the back and front surfaces and edges of the substrate, and other substrates in the deposition assembly. BMD -- Bulk Micro-Defects or Bulk Microdefect Density (used almost exclusively as a measure of the oxygen precipitate density) Backside: Side of the wafer that is NOT going to be polished. It is the side where the Enhanced Getter layer and/or LTO layer is placed if specified by the customer. Backside OSF: Mechanical damage on the backside of the wafer that can precipitate stacking fault defects for gettering of impurities. BSD: Backside damage, a process of mechanically damaging the backside of a wafer to increase gettering. Bulk Precipitation: Defects in silicon used for gettering of impurities and can include dislocation loops, stacking fault defects, and oxygen precipitate defects. Buried Layer: A diffused region that is covered with an epitaxial layer, subdiffused layer, or a diffusion under film. Cantilever: Ceramic or silicon carbide rod or silicon carbide paddle that holds the quartz boats. This device is supported at one end. In this case, it is the door end and has the same function as a sled. Carbon Beam: Length of carbon approximately 2" wide attached to the bottom of an ingot. In the slicing process the carbon allows the saw to cut completely through the silicon. The beam remains intact to hold the wafers until the preset number of wafers have been cut. Cleanroom: Controlled areas with a low particle size/count where the latter part of wafer production takes place. The below table shows how classes are defined, with class 1 being the cleanest environment. Cleavage Plane: A break along crystal planes determined by crystal structure and always parallel to such a plane. CMP: (Chemical-Mechical Polish) A process of removing surface material using chemical and mechanical means to achieve a mirror-like surface in preparation for subsequent processing. Collimated Light: Light source in which the rays are parallel. Used for surface inspection of wafers. Conductivity: A measure of the ease with which electrical carriers flow in a material: the reciprocal of Resistivity. Contamination: Foreign matter in the silicon, other than polysilicon and dopant, that can cause loss of structure (atom alignment) during the growing process. Cp: Capability potential index which measures the width of two specifications in respect to six standard deviations. Cpk: Statistical parameter used to compare product distribution to spec limits. A capability potential index measuring the distance from the mean to the nearest specification in respect to three standard deviations. Crystal: A natural or synthetic semiconductor material whose atoms are arranged with some degree of geometric regularity. A solid composed of atoms, ions, or molecules arranged in a pattern that is periodic in three dimensions. Crystallographic Orientation: There are three orientation planes in the silicon crystal: <100>, <110>, and <111>. The orientation of the wafer is classified by which orientation plane the surface of the wafer is parallel to. The surface might not be exactly parallel, but slightly different, and the difference is called the displacement angle or off angle orientation. The relationship between the crystal's orientation and the radius is marked by either a notch or a flat cut into the wafer. CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition): Formation of a solid film on a substrate through the reaction of gas-phase reactants (precursors) that contain the required constituents. DZ -- Denuded Zone (depth measured from the surface that is free of oxygen precipitates and which is denuded of interstitial oxygen (by out-diffusion)) Defect Free Region: The linear distance from the frontside wafer surface to the depth of the first bulk defect. Design of Experiments (DOE): Method to design, run and analyze an experiment to maximize information and minimize testing. Diameter: Straight-line measurement drawn through the center of a circle or sphere from one side to the other. Diffusion: A method of doping or modifying the characteristics of semiconductor material by "baking" wafers of the base semiconductor material in furnaces with controlled atmospheres of impurity materials. Diffusion Length: The distance a front side free-electron or hole can travel through a crystal. This is proportional to the Lifetime of the crystal. DNZ (Denuded Zone Depth): The linear distance from the frontside wafer surface to the depth where the defect density appears nearly uniform. Donor: Atom, usually an impurity in silicon, that acts as an electron source. It contributes an extra electron to the crystal structure. Most common is phosphorus. Dopant: Element added to silicon decreasing its resistivity. Silicon, by itself does not conduct electricity. Boron is usually used for p-type and phosphorus is usually used for n-type. Edge Crown: The difference between the surface elevation 1/8" (3.2mm) from the edge of the slice and the elevation of the slice edges exposed in microns (associated with epi layer deposition). Ellipsometer: Optical measuring device used to measure oxide and nitride thickness, as well as, the index of refraction. Epitaxial Layer: The layer or layers of semiconductor material having the same crystalline orientation as the host substrate on which it is grown. Endcone or Bottom: Gradual decreases in diameter until the silicon forms a point at the end of the growing/pulling process. As a rule of thumb, the bottom/endcone should be grown the length of the rod's diameter to allow for shock back or undesirable structure. Etch: To remove or dissolve surface contamination, work-damaged material (polishing), and to control thickness by chemical action with strong acid and alkaline compounds. Etch - Preferential: An etch that exhibits an accelerated etch rate along specific crystallographic planes. Face: Parallel lines along the surface of the crystal, also known as growth lines or ZD, zero defect, lines. Flat (major): May be the only flat (straight edge) on the wafer. If there is more than one flat then it is the longest flat on the perimeter of the wafer. Flatness: The maximum deviation of the wafer surface from a flat plane. Flatness measurement is usually done with the backside held to a flat surface (a vacuum chuck) and excludes linear thickness variations. Focal Plane: That plane whose normal provides the shortest distance between the absolute maximum and absolute minimum on the wafer surface. Gettering: Gettering is a process that attracts contaminents and traps defects when the wafers are heated. Can be initiated through mechanical damage or interstial oxygen. Extrinsic gettering is caused by BSD. Intrinsic gettering is caused by interstial oxygen. Grind: Abrade/remove material by grinding; rod diameter reduction method to specifications and for flattening. Haze: Light scattering caused by microscopic surface irregularities (such as a high concentration of pits, mounds, small ridges, particles, etc.) on epitaxial wafers or polished slices. Integrated circuits: Tiny complex electronic components and their connections produced on a silicon slice. Interstitial: Relating to crystalline compound in which small atoms or ions of a nonmetal occupy holes between the larger metal atoms and ions in the crystal lattice. JLS (Joseph Larry Schaefer): Method of physically identifying a wafer. Major flats, minor flats and notches are ground on the silicon rod before it is cut. These markings identify the molecular orientation. Kerf:The notch left by a saw cut; the width of a saw cut. Kerf Loss: The amount of material lost while slicing wafers. The kerf is the cut and swarf is the chips and fillings from the kerf. Lapping: Process to remove controlled amounts of silicon from the slice using a lapping compound. This process removes saw damage and positively impacts the slice's flatness. Laser mark: Method of identification required by some customers. Series of letters and numbers inscribed onto the wafer by laser. Lifetime: The average time a free-electron or hole can exist in a crystal, measured in seconds. Lifetime may vary within a crystal: bulk lifetime within the crystal and surface lifetime at, of course, the surface. Linear Thickness Variation: Thickness variation within a slice whose front and back surfaces can be represented by two, nonparallel planes. Lot: Group of wafers going to the same area with the same identities and are to be processed together. Low Temperature Oxide (LTO): Sealant to keep the dopant in the wafer when it goes through the Epi process. It is applied in Furnace/Enhanced Gettering Area. LPCVD: Low Pressure CVD, deposits a layer of polysilicon to the wafer, later removed by polishing. A backside layer can act as a gettering agent. Melt: The pure, molten silicon from which single crystal silicon is grown in a crystal pulling furnace during the Czochralski process. Meltdown: Changing a polysilicon charge from a solid to a liquid state by heating it in the crystal puller. Opposite End (OE): End of the grown crystal rod. Known more formally as the 'tang' portion of the rod. Orientation: Customer specified atom alignment in their crystal. Two main atom alignment plane patterns that are grown: 1-0-0 and 1-1-1. PFZ -- Precipitate Free Zone (depth measured from the surface that is free of oxygen precipitates but not necessarily depleted in interstitial oxygen) P++ : P-type material highly doped with boron with a resistivity between 0.005 ohm.cm and 0.010 ohm.cm. Parts Per Million Defective (PPMD): On average, of one million parts produced, the number that are defective. Polished Surface: The surface of a semiconductor slice that has received extensive chemical/mechanical operations to result in a mirror-like finish. This surface will then become the basis for subsequent device fabrication. Poly Coating: During deposition stage of the Enhanced Gettering process, a fine grain polycrystalline silicon coating is deposited on the back side of wafer. It enhances the substrate properties the customer requires. Polycrystalline silicon (poly): The raw material used in the Czochralski process in crystal pulling. The silicon lattice structure is randomly oriented in poly. Resistivity: How much the silicon resists conducting electricity. The more it resists, the higher the resistivity. The less it resists, the lower the resistivity. Customers specify the resistivity level they want. ROG: Radial Oxygen Gradient, change in the concentration of oxygen from the center of a crystal to the edge. RRG: Radial Resistivity Gradient, the difference between the resistivity at the center of a semiconductor slice and the value at a point, or at several symmetrically located points, away from the center of the slice, typically at half the slice radius or near the slice edge. This difference is expressed as a percentage of the center value. SC1 -- 1st cleaning bath in the standard "RCA clean" sequence, consisting of NH4OH / H202/ H20 solution designed to remove particles from Si surface SC2 -- 2nd cleaning bath in the standard "RCA clean" sequence, consisting of HCl / H202/ H20 solution designed to remove metals from Si surface Seed Crystal: The seed is the starting point for growing the ingot. It must have the same crystal orientation as desired for the resulting ingot. SEMI: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute. Sets specifications for the semiconductor industry. Silicon: Tetravalent nonmetallic element that occurs combined as the most abundant element next to oxygen in the earth's crust and is used in alloys and electronic devices. Slip: A process of plastic deformation in which one part of the crystal undergoes a shear displacement relative to another in a fashion that preserves the crystallinity of the material. The direction is on a specific crystallographic plane. Slug: Thick piece of silicon, usually a wedge cut, used to test the material characteristics for customer specs. SRP - Spreading Resistance Profiling: The resistance measured between the conductive metal of a point probe and a large area, relatively low-resistance semiconductor contact, dominated by the resistivity of the semiconductor volume close to the problem. Substrate: Basic surface on which a material adheres. A single-crystal slice that is the basis for subsequent processing operations, such as epi layer deposition, diffusion, ion implants, etc. Swirl: Shallow pits looked for during visual inspection. Helical or concentric features that are visible to the unaided eye after preferential etch, and appear to be discontinuous under 150x magnification. TIR: Total Indicator Reading, the distance between the highest and lowest point on the wafer surface measured normal to the focal plane. Total Thickness Variation (TTV): variation of thickness from the center and both sides of the wafer. Zero Dislocation: perfect crystalline structure in a silicon crystal. The desirable condition of symmetrically oriented and arranged atoms having a definite and characteristic internal structure.
States need to be aware that the budget crisis for state and local governments is likely to put the 2012 presidential election—and beyond—more at risk than at any time since the 2000 election. Despite the successes of each election cycle in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010, severe budget constraints have the potential to cause voting concerns in 2012. Actions, if taken soon, can lessen the strain on state and local governments. Changes in state election laws and practices can result in temporary and/or permanent savings for both state and local election offices. Some federal mandates will trigger greater expenses for both near-term and long-term future decisions. The 2010 elections exacerbated party polarization and, along with it, a polarization of state federal relations, which is produced when one party controls most of the federal government and another party controls most of the states. The 2010 federal health care law aggravated this polarization and, because of its impacts on the states, produced an unprecedented challenge to its constitutionality by more than half the states. The 2010 federal financial regulation law and the U.S. Supreme Court’s application of the Second Amendment to the states also presage further federal incursions into state and local governance at a time when federal budget cutbacks and rising social welfare costs will heighten state and local fiscal stress. Secretaries of state are warning about the increasing risk of business identity theft as the problem spreads across the states. Criminals have been altering online business records housed by their offices and using them to open up phony lines of credit to illegally obtain valuable goods and services. Secretaries of state are working to establish new safeguards against such fraud, as they alert state legislators and other key stakeholders about the magnitude of the issue. Globe led bulbs light the home depot top stylish vanity light bulbs regarding residence decor globe led bulbs light the home depot globe led bulbs light the home depot
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This vehicle is a multiple-award, indefinite The current contract term is one five-year base period which began upon award in July 2017 and lasts till July 2022. Task orders may be issued directly or by a 3rd party acquisition shop such as GSA’s Office of Assisted Acquisition Services This functional area comprises services for writing, modifying, testing, and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer. Services include: This functional area is comprised of efforts aimed primarily at providing onsite management and operation of computer systems and/or data processing facilities services. These include: This functional area covers computer related services (except custom programming, systems integration design, and facilities management services). A few of the services included are:
2005 Forums member maku098 has posted images of an in-store sighting of the Transformers Authentics Bravo assortment at a Phillipines ToysRUs! This is the wave which contains "Evergreen" versions of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream aimed at budget stores. The designs seem to be related to the upcoming Cyberverse series, but little is known about the exact connection just yet. Keep reading to see the images!
Blissfully living in a shoreline forest, I watch our critters from my kitchen window, nibbling on juicy berries and diving for tasty crabs. How wondrous it is capture them digitally and include them with stories about my family! I am indebted to all the talented folks who bring my pages to life with inspired artistic scrapbook goodies. My first digital camera was a Kodak. I used it to illustrate my diary. On a 3 month trip to Hawaii, I started sending my aging parents daily accounts, which evolved into scrapbook-like accounts. I was hooked!
Whether it is sweet or savoury, the idea that National Pie Week is just one week is astonishing because we all know, a pie is for life, not just a national week to celebrate it. Whether you are a meat and potato bake or a vegetarian variety, there is a pie for everyone. What makes pies so unique is that they are unashamedly fun to make and even more fun to eat. There are few nations that like a savoury pie like ourselves. Think about it, you get a whole meal encrusted into one self serving dish. The sweet varieties are more common across the world, I mean, who doesn’t love apple pie and custard? Rhubarb and cream? We do, like most of you as well. The national recognition has been running for the last 11 years and we want to showcase when a pie is more than a pie. Yes, we want to talk to you about all the great times this national dish, along with fish and chips and the best roast dinners come into play. In what started as an ode to the pie maker, and to sell more pastry, British Pie Week is a festival. There are over 600 varieties now judged in the UK and there are so many sites with the best to eat places that we really are spoilt for choice here in the UK. Back to our list however. We are going to showcase the different, creative ways that you can enjoy this truly magnificent dish for any occasion. One of the big changes in recent years was the introduction of pies to the wedding day. Yes, wedding days are grand affaires but did you realise that the “wedding pie” is one of the most favoured food menu items in the last three years? More and more people want to sample different flavours or have the option to give their guests a different taste to the normal wedding selections. Well, pies are your friends. Why? “Pies can cater large groups really well, they can give you several options as well as being fun, and memorable for the day.” Alex Lawlor, Chef and proprietor of The Yorkshire Catering Company. Think, you can serve 100 people the same menu, or you can give them an option, which even includes a vegetarian & vegan variety and add to that fresh greens, mash potato and you have a different way of looking at your menu all together. Continuing with the theme of weddings and pies, have you ever seen anything like a wedding dessert trolley that is made from sweet pies? Didn’t think so! It makes complete sense to bring together lots of different sweet flavours, or just a selection to match the occasion. They don’t all have to be big either, this great picture, famous across the wedding scene is a great idea generator for a pie trolley at a wedding or even corporate event. Pies are so versatile that even in a corporate environment, they can be served to a high standard plus, they are a great ice breaker to talk to people. Imagine, you are sat with the boss or colleagues you never really see or meet and instead a chicken or vegetarian lasagne you all have pies… Sounds fun right? That’s the point, food should not only be good, but it should also break down barriers at any dinner table. A great new trend is having pie stands or stalls and just like at a good rugby or football match, people can come across and collect a pie and have a meal. Unfortunately, there is no chanting. Much like the wedding and corporate catering, birthdays can also have a special place for a good old pie element. Whether it is sweet or savoury varieties, pies at birthdays have a way of making this simple, yet delicious at the same time. Sharing pies, such as larger bakes are great for a birthday treat as well and individual ones for larger birthday parties as well. Remember, what you want to do for any of these events is look to cater for as wide a variety of people and pies give you that option with a certain ease. At the Yorkshire Catering Company we can cater for all of your pie needs, as well as other catering needs as well. Why not drop us a line and see how we can cater for your event. Best Grout Sealer For Kitchen Floor is free HD wall
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To commemorate her #1 single “As Long As I Live”, the legendary Toni Braxton has just announced a tour of the same name. The trek will take her across 21 stops in the U.S., and will include an opening performance from opening act SWV. The tour begins January 19th in Columbia, South Carolina, and eventually wraps up on March 3rd in Los Angeles. In addition to the single, Braxton is also touring in support of her latest album “Sex & Cigarettes” which released earlier this year. Included on the album was the lead single “Deadwood”.
Research opretter that man tea can pennis by boosting your metabolism to burn more hvordan. We hurtigere
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So I’ve got a lot of catching up to do for this blog. I’m starting this just now because… well… I didn’t think the experiment would take off so well. I’m a full year into my program and through intensives, stealing textbooks, and lots of drugs I’m finally caught up with the real science students. Anyway, so the first course I had to pass to get into these programs was PreCalculus. After some research, I discovered that THERE IS NO SUCH THING PRECALCULUS ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE SMART PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID. Yepp. If I had a dime for every nursing major who needed to pass that class, failed, and sucked my dick cause she felt bad…. well I’d still be broke and flaccid but you catch my drift.AS PRECALCULUS. That’s right, it’s not even a thing. Never was never will be never should be. Sir Isaac Newton (father of calculus) never said “so there’s this awesome thing called calculus but before I reached that I stumbled upon this PRECALCULUS” no. But in all seriousness PreCalc is just a way of weeding out the robots. Anyone can pass algebra and geometry by memorizing all the formulas creating a simulated smartass. This is a person who exhibits the qualities of a smart person but is actually just as dumb as the rest of us. No, strike that. PreCalc is filled with dumb people who actually think they’re smart, i.e. the dumbest people of them all: So my class starts with 35 students. Myself being one of them, naturally assumes I’m the dumbest one in the room. Keep in mind I DON’T FUCKING KNOW ALGEBRA you tell me to “Find ‘X'” and I’m out (or I’ll just circle the actual letter). I soon find out that you can’t memorize PreCalc, and all these valedictorians and Einsteins start dropping the class. Turns out, you can’t just buy a hammer with your Daddy’s paycheck and expect to build a house, YOU HAVE TO LEARN WHERE TO HIT THE FUCKING NAIL. And that’s exactly what being an idiot taught me. Turns out I kicked ass in that class…. even had the highest grade. Why? Cause I never memorized a formula. Formulas, numbers, memorization, that’s what we have Flash Drives and Floppy Disks (R.I.P.) for. People don’t fucking do that. If you had all the materials for a house and you KNEW what to do with them, you don’t have a house unless you can actually USE what you know. Anyway, this was pretty much day 1. I was clobbering these “geniuses” that had made me and so many of my burnout friends feel so insignificant to the world. FUCK YOU smart people, I’m exposing you for who you really are.
I have a trial for sirius/xm that is set to expire on 12/14/17. I received an offer in the mail for a subscription at certain prices. I am not interested in paying what the offer is offerering. In the offer it states I can get one month for $19.99, 5 months for $32 and change, or one year for $120. I called and told them I am not interested in the offer and will let it cancel unless they can give me a better deal. I explained to them that most companies offer bigger discounts for longer subscruptions but it appears they don’t. If you look at the 5 month subscription and extrapolate that out to one year it comes to $75 a year. They say well the deals you were offered is the best we can do, so I say fine, then it can cancel or I will be wiiling to pay you $75 for a one year subscription. She says hold on let me check, and puts me on hold. Reminds me of the famous car salesman and the old “Let me go talk to my manager” deal. Comes back and tells me she can give me that deal, and she needs a credit card number. So i say to her, Is this going to be a one time charge and delete my card info, so it doesn’t auto renew at the regular price after the year? She says that it will be billed monthly at $6 and some change. I tell her then we can cancel if I can’t pay the $75 for the year on a one time charge. She says she is so sorry and that’s the best they can do. I am in disbelief that they won’t take my $75 for the year and insist on billing it monthly even though I am willing to cancel if they don’t. But they let walk. I realize as soon as the trial runs out I will receive a couple offer a week to come back. What a bunch of idiots. Anyone have any insight on why they would do this? Yeah, they are nuts. I wonder the same thing when I went with them six years ago. It was cheaper in the long run to do the same deal they offered you ($75). That is the one I went with as well. I don't mind the month recurring charge of $6. IMHO it is worth that much for the channels I listen to most often. I don't use their online portal thanks to other streaming services and my own collection of music. I honestly don't understand their logic. I just want my First Wave station. No insight for you on that 'offer'. But, I've dealt with them enough years to know that it isn't likely a mistake, nor an ignorant salesperson. They have a different approach, that's for sure, but they are rehearsed and not accidental. I forget exactly what I pay, but it is around 40-45% of the renewal notice I get every year....paying maybe around $85? It takes about a half hour on the phone every year, but they always end up coming back with....'my supervisor will give you this rate for this year only'....or some such. I would rather bn They have a weird business plan that apparently works for them but one I won't deal with. After they get your CC data they automatically renew your subscription for the rest of your life at their standard rate, once your "special rate" expires. That's why they want your CC. The only way to stop the automatic renewal is to call them just prior to the expiration of your special and either cancel or do the dance to get a better rate. And they make it as difficult as possible if you call later to cancel. If you forget, Bam! They count on people forgetting to call and then either not caring or not paying attention to the charges once the regular rate kicks in. My subscription expired a couple years ago and I constantly get special offers good for 5 or 6 months at a discounted rate, if I just give them my CC. Not a game I'm interested in playing. Some people (with more patience than me) sign up for the 5 or 6 month specials and then call just prior to the expiration to negotiate for another 5 or 6 months. They set reminders on their calendars and are willing to spend the time calling and renegotiating. With taxes and fees their standard monthly rate is a lot higher than the service is worth to me. Last time I looked I think it came out to around $20 monthly. If they'd give me the couple of stations I'd listen to for, say, eight bucks a month total I'd do it. Instead they add on all these extra fees and obligate you to the auto renewal thing. Reminds me of thry with these guys in the summer of 2016. They sent me an e-mail offering me two years at less than my previous price for just one year. I bit. Come to find they applied that payment to the XM radio in my Avalanche....which I traded in in 2013. Got some asswipe on the phone that said there was nothing he could do. I asked him why would I knowingly pay for 2 years service on a truck I had traded in 3 years ago. Guys at my job who were in the office while I was on the call still tell stories about, I just went ballistic on the guy, who was definitely getting off on pissing me off. Long story somewhat shorter, got a manager on the line and got it rectified. But their customer service still sucks balls. I also have dates on my calendar to cancel. But, the way to go is to buy a lifetime subscription model on Ebay for about 2-300 bucks. That's what I have now- I also ended up getting the service for my new car, that's where I have to pay attention. Depending on what you have, you likely can get a model with a lifetime subscription on Ebay. Basically, you buy it and don't ever have to worry about a subscription again. I have the now ancient SkyFy model, but it gives me the stations just as well as the newer models. Found a lifetime model on Ebay. Noticed they have about 1 page of lifetime models on Ebay now. There is no way to know for sure if the model is lifetime, you'll hafta trust your seller. You DON'T want to ask XM- the lifetime subscriptions were sold to one owner only. But, figure you make your money after three or four years, and you're good to go after that. I bought XM for my big truck when they first came out, then I bought one for my POV. A couple of cars later, my POV(Ford Escape) has a SIRIUS built into the factory sound system. It comes with 6 month free trial. I call and ask if when the trial runs out can I add it to my subscription (Additional units are discounted). They tell me that because it is a Sirius and my subscription is XM, the Sirius has to have its own primary account and I don't get the 2nd radio discount. Guess what? The factory Sirius isn't activated and I still get offers from them every few months. FWIW, I've heard the newer radios aren't that durable. I've had both my Roady 2's over 15 years and they still work great. I've had to replace the power cords a couple of times, but I found 3-packs on Amazon at a great price so I always have a spare. Also the Roady 2 has 30 presets and I hear the newer radios (Onyx and others) only have 10. I have been having a pretty good time confounding them since I posted this thread. My trial is running out on December 14th. I went online a couple times and saw some pretty good deals but they won’t let me pay it with a paper bill. They almost have seizures when I tell them they aren’t getting my CC info for billing. They started out telling me that they could give me the select plan for 99 plus taxes and fees but the problem is they said they can only bill it monthly with a CC. Told them no thanks. Then yesterday they called me and told me they could give me a great deal, which wound up being the same old deal we been talking about. The person told me they could give me 5 months for 25 plus taxes and fees and they would paper bill me, told her I was interested in paying it one time for an annual plan and guess what? They have a special deal going for a year at 60 plus taxes and fees, told them to paper bill me and I will be glad to pay it, whoops nope we gotta have a credit card, told her no thanks. Then she tells me they can extend my trial for three more months for the low price of $2.31, but? You guesses it, she says we can’t paper bill for that small of a charge. I told her no thanks and I will just let it cancel. It's as bad as dealing with Aetna and Aetna Online Pharmacy. No one can email me, all they can do is fax. I work for one of the oldest engineering companies in the country and we have offices world wide, but we got rid of our fax machines years ago and go strictly email. I have found ONE place around here that I can get financial information faxed to so that it remains confidential. That's actually funny. I had the pleasure of dealing with Aetna's online pharmacy and whatnot last month. On the phone they're quite nice, but their computers systems must still be running DOS programs. They couldn't get my billing right for anything, and couldn't communicate with my doctor as they apparently don't use email and aren't plugged in to modern prescription protocols. They are the most technologically backward outfit I've dealt with in years. I have been trying to get a copy of a receipt for over a month; supposedly it has been sent in the mail twice. Last month and now this month we are waiting on Holly's meds that were supposed to be sent for 1st delivery and were actually sent standard overnight. Of course last month they were 2 days late and yesterdays delivery is still AWOL... OH, it get's better! I just got off the phone with them trying to find out where her meds are. One of them got held up with "bad weather conditions" (same excuse as last month). The golden one is that out of the two prescriptions that the doctor sent, they only filled and shipped one because I didn't tell them that they received two. They missed one but it's my fault. Yes, the CS cube monkey actually told me that. Now I hope to get one today (if the mysterious weather doesn't hold it) and hopefully, sometime tomorrow the other one will grace us with it's arrival.
Intermountain Water led the water treatment industry in the early 1980′s with the development of “Resin Protector”, a highly effective powder-based cleaner that was able to clean water softeners and reduce precipitate buildup in dual-bed systems. Pur-Gard was developed as a prototype in thonaoperation with friends at High Technology, the development of Pur-Gard was finalized as a systemic cleaoftener or conditioner as an extremely effective cleaning agent Hoskote is a town located in the Bangalore Rural District along the Old Madras Road. It is located on NH 4 and is 25 kms from Bangalore city. It is located in close proximity to the economic hubs of Whitefield Road, K R Puram, Hoskote and Old Madras Road. Hoskote is also known as a warehouse zone and an industrial hub. Once the upcoming NH-207 is completed, it will connect Hosur Road to Tumkur through Hoskote and BIAL. The area has become an attractive residential destination for IT professionals and the industrial workforce. Hoskote Lake, a famous aero sport destination, is only 6.6 kms from Hoskote. It provides an ideal paragliding location with huge open land coupled with moderate wind speeds. Artha Group has launched a project that is Midas at Neo Smart City located at Hoskote, Bangalore. Midas project spread across 10 acres comprising of 353 apartments, Ground floor + 4 floors, offers 1 & 2 BHK flats and apartments with the unit sizes ranging from 344 Sq.ft. to 862 Sq.ft. The project offers other amenities like Lifestyle Club House, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Party Hall, Jogging Track, ATM, Convenience Store, Yoga & Aerobics, rain water harvesting system, power back up facilities and much more. Brooke Square is residential project present by RJ Group, Located at Brookfield, Bangalore. Brooke Square offers 3, 4BHK Simplex House & 3BHK Duplex with measuring sizes ranging from 2464 sq.ft. to 3644 sq.ft.. RJ Brooke Square is providing world class amenities such as Swimming Pool, Toddlers Pool, Fully Equipped Gymnasium, Yoga Deck, Library, Banquet Hall, Steam - 2 nos. (Ladies And Gents), Sauna - 2 nos. (Ladies And Gents), Squash Court, Outdoor Party Area, Club House, Indoor Activity Hall (Table Tennis & Snooker), Children’s Play Area, Designer Landscaped Outdoor Common Areas, Lawn Tennis Court and much more. The interiors of the project are beautifully designed and its exteriors are also sprawling, open and free, ensuring that you have a home that you are proud of. Offering one to enjoy the goodness of luxuries and lavishness, it exudes a classy and sophisticated ambiance. Rj Brooke Square is indeed a perfect place to celebrate million moments of happiness day after day. RJ Group is driven by an expert and industry veteran Mr. Rathnakar Shetty. Well complimenting his sharp intellect and experience is smart education and innovative streak of future trends by its CEO Mr. Karan Shetty. A home grown and hardcore construction enthusiast, Mr. Rathnakar Shetty an Engineer by qualification graduated in the year 1984. He inherited his love for the industry from his uncles & father who were partners of the Shankaranarayana Construction Company which was established in 1963. His sharp intellect and service attitude drove him to pursue his passion as a profession. Mr. Shetty steadily climbed the ladder of success from being a contractor to an established real estate developer. His dream venture RJ Group stands as a silent testimony to his growth curve, ready to explode with niche quality constructions aimed for specific audiences. His idea of total transparency in dealing with vendors and customers alike has been his core strength. 'Under Promise – Over Deliver' has been his success mantra winning trust and accolades all the way. His 29 years of experience includes niche expertise in fields of construction for Residential, Hospitals, Commercial, Hospitality & Corporate spaces, with a definite edge for Residential constructions. He has many a recognition bestowed by industry professionals for the passion and precision at RJ Group. It's time for five more classic boss encounters with this installment of Best Boss Battles in Gaming History, and what a way to end the week! If you missed out on past entries, check out Part One and Part Two at their respective links. With that out of the way, let's get to kicking some boss butt! After the primary battle against Baby Bowser in his playpen, the sinister magician Kamek uses his magic to transform his master into the gargantuan you see in the picture above. The quickly matured Bowser slowly marches forward, and if Yoshi does not stop him, Bowser will smash the platforms Yoshi is on, immediately killing the green dinosaur. So how do you defeat this giant koopa king? Large red eggs fly in from side-to-side over the bottomless pits. Yoshi must collect these, aim carefully, and target Bowser, chucking them far into the background, hoping they connect. Hitting Bowser with one causes the tumultuous turtle to fall into the background more, giving Yoshi and Baby Mario some more time to work with. Meanwhile, the team must watch out for falling rocks and other debris. After enough eggs have smashed into Baby Bowser, he'll be defeated, Kamek will scamper off, and Yoshi and Baby Mario will rescue Baby Luigi and the stork that was transporting him. All in a day's work for one of our heroes, even in diapers. Wizpig is a tyrannical interdimensional pig who travels from planet to planet, laying waste to each once he's had his fun of them. Arriving on Donkey Kong's planet, Wizpig arrives on Timber Island, puts a spell on some of the inhabitants, kicks the island's genie from his mountain home, and turns anyone who goes against him into frogs. Timber the Tiger has had enough. He enlists the help from his friend and nearby neighbor, Diddy Kong, to collect four pieces of the Wizpig Amulet to open the way to face Wizpig. In Diddy Kong Racing, the player faces off against Wizpig twice. The first time features a daunting kart race in the rain where following the perfect racing line above speed-boosting zippers will barely guarantee victory. The second race takes place in Future Fun Land, Wizpig's home, and it takes place in air. Through avoiding flying meteors, zooming through caverns, dodging dangerous lasers, and hot-stepping it through the final stretch, Wizpig's heavily-guarded throne room, Diddy Kong and friends defeat the evil porker, saving Timber Island from the brink of extinction. Players battled Bowser many times in the past, but in Super Mario 64, this was the first time they had done it in three-dimensions. Mario previously beat down Bowser in the Dark World and over the Fire Sea. Now it's time for the final showdown in the sky. The same concept works on Bowser as it did in the previous battles-- run around to Bowser's backside, grab his tail, rotate the analog stick quickly, and chuck Bowser into one of the various scattered mines around the arena. It's harder than it sounds. You need to time it just right. Bowser's no slouch this time around either. Mario needs to chuck him into a mine thrice in order to finally put the king of the koopas in extended vacation. Every time he is slammed into a mine, Bowser smashes part of the arena apart, eventually turning the arena into a star-shaped platform. There's little room to maneuver, to run around Bowser and grab his slimy yellow tail, and Bowser spins much faster than in prior encounters. The koopa king also breathes out fire in battle which can cook the portly plumber's hind parts in an instant, making this one dangerous fight. After three throws into the mines, Bowser surrenders, Mario puts on his wing cap, and flies off into the sky, back to Peach's castle for his reward-- some cake. After dishing out damage and defeating his dog and taking out Sigma bot-to-bot, Sigma will literally become a-head of himself and enter the large, ominous machine in the background. The battle to restore peace to the world will begin. Sigma's weakness is Armored Armadillo's Rolling Shield weapon. Players can either wait for one of Sigma's hands to come down to leap upon, or they can time it just right and scale up the wall as X, dodging the hand completely. X can't stand on the hands willy-nilly as they will shoot out thunderbolts from the center. X can either jump off or take damage. By far the most deadly move Sigma can deliver is a fire breath attack that sweeps the floor. This move does a lot of damage to X, so fill up on sub-tanks definitely if you're not that confident in your abilities. Deal damage to Sigma's head as that is the giant robot's weakpoint. Once his life meter trickles down to zero, the leader of the Mavericks will be defeated, and Dr. Light's dream for a world where humans and robots can live together in harmony will be one step closer to fruition. ...Until Mega Man X2 and the ensuing sequels, of course. The dynamic duo of Ratchet and Clank have had a grand adventure together. Sure, they've explored perilous planets and had to tolerate that dolt, Captain Qwark, but now they've reached the climax-- the battle against Dr. Nefarious! The battle begins with Nefarious leaping around the arena, chucking bombs at the pair of heroes. He also spins around and shoots out a purplish beam that Ratchet must hop over. This is all the while doing damage with some high-powered weaponry of the awesome kind. Once Nefarious is downed, he'll beg for mercy. This, however, is merely a ruse as he retreats. Ratchet and Clank must pursue, dodging Nefarious' purple laser and stampeding through blockades of big bots. Once the two reach the second platform of the fight, Nefarious will go back to his old tricks... with some new ones, too. He'll create multiple images of himself which will charge toward Ratchet as well as have the images claw at the heroic lombax. Jumping into the air is a beneficial way of dodging this assault. The mad robotic doctor will also shoot out bombs that once they hit the ground will produce massive shockwaves that must be hopped over to avoid massive damage. As Nefarious' health bar disintegrates into nothingness, the final stage of the fight will commence. Dr. Nefarious will summon his butler, Lawrence. The pair will enter a gigantic robot and begin blasting at Ratchet and Clank. Luckily there's a ship nearby with one-hundred health points to save the day. A simple strategy is to circle 'round Nefarious' robot, never releasing the trigger to fire shot after shot into the bot. This allows Ratchet's ship to escape the barrage of missiles being fired at it, and enables Ratchet to finally take down Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence, restoring peace and order to the galaxy. That wraps up Part Three of Best Boss Battles in Gaming History. Do you like my picks? Let me know in the comments section. We'll see you in the coming weeks for Part Four! Has it already been four years since the last summer Olympics? Wow, does time fly! Examine this all-new CG trailer sporting the various events from the hurdles to more equestrian activities in Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics. The Wii version is set to release this November while the Nintendo 3DS version hits store shelves in February of next year. We've reached Part Five of our trip through the severely underrated PlayStation Portable catalog. With the PlayStation Vita on the horizon, what better way to send off Sony's first handheld than with another look at a series of overlooked titles from the PSP's library? One could argue nearly every game in North America is overlooked, and they would sadly be right thanks to how rampant piracy is. That notwithstanding let's check out and induct five new titles into the Most Overlooked PSP Games hall of fame. Kratos's second handheld adventure brought him to Hades and back to recover his brother in God of War: Ghost of Sparta. Unlike Chains of Olympus, however, the previous handheld entry, Ghost of Sparta went under the radar. PSP owners just didn't bite. That's a shame, too, as there's a meaty experience, wonderful and impressive visuals, and sensational boss battles to take part in. Not even the rage of the gods was enough for consumers to take note of this epic title. From legendary game designer Mr. Yasumi Matsuno, the same mind behind Final Fantasy Tactics, comes the remake of the popular PlayStation One classic, Tactics Ogre. This journey chronicling the Wallister Resistance has players participating in terrific tactical RPG battles where players must think ahead if victory is their goal. The many available classes and abilities allow for various and unique strategies so no two battles were ever alike. As of right now, one can pick up this title from for under twenty clams. Pata-pata-pata-pon. Sony's attempts to establish new franchises worked well with some properties (i.e. Resistance, Motorstorm, and InFAMOUS) while others did not do so well. Such is the life of the Patapon franchise. This rhythm war game has players tapping buttons to the beat of the music to take down large bosses, enemy armies, and other opponents to achieve conquest. War is hell, and nothing shows it better like cute anamorphic creatures duking it out against one another! Containing the original Final Fantasy IV, remade with higher-resolution sprites and environments, WiiWare's Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, and a brand-new Interlude that connects all three games together, Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection is the ultimate package for fans of Final Fantasy IV. This game was great back when it was released on the Super Nintendo, and it's great now more than a decade later. Consumers apparently did not think that this compendium of Final Fantasy IV was worth purchasing over Dissidia 012, but let me tell you that it is. This portable RPG packs a huge wallop. There's over fifty hours of content to explore and have players sink their teeth into. From all of the optional sidequests to journeying through the expansive world map and many game towns, there's something for everybody in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. The combat system is truly entertaining, the original soundtrack is wonderfully captivating, and the visual style is quite remarkable. Those looking for the start of a new trilogy in the series and a solid RPG should look no further than Trails in the Sky. We've reached the climax of yet another Most Overlooked article. Agree or disagree with my choices? Let me know in the comments section. And if you missed out on a past Most Overlooked PSP Games article, you can always click one of the following links: Here we are at a moment that was a long time coming. It's the very first Nintendo 3DS video game review. What's on the docket for this early Wednesday morning? Why, it's Dead or Alive Dimensions, a game culminating fifteen years of fighting between underage girls and ninja alike. Let's get to it! Recently, the Dead or Alive franchise has been exclusive to Microsoft's consoles with both Dead or Alive 3 which appeared on the original Xbox and Dead or Alive 4 which premiered as a launch title for the current-gen Xbox 360. Now for the first time ever a Dead or Alive game is hitting a Nintendo platform. To commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of this storied series, Tecmo and Team Ninja have teamed up once again to chronicle the battle between the shinobi ninja clan and DOATEC. Is this portable version of Dead or Alive a knockout? Right away when the player boots up the game, he or she will notice a wealth of modes to interact with and play. The main attraction here is Chronicle mode which serves as an overview of the Dead or Alive story. Told through real-time as well as cinematic cutscenes, the tale told is one of a runaway ninja, cloning, and a dastardly company in DOATEC which seeks to rule the world. It's nothing that will win any awards in the originality department, but it makes for some motivation to persevere and brawl on. Sure, scenes pop up seemingly in a random nonsensical order that will confuse newbies like myself to the franchise, but the five chapters feature a boatload of battles for players to dish out damage in to the AI opponents. The mode teaches the ins and out of combat from blocking to throwing, high attacks to low counters. Everything and the kitchen sink is taught in this mode making the other game modes easier to play. The other big attraction here is Arcade mode. You select a character, and do battle against a set amount of opponents to score the best clear time. Completing this mode with different characters unlocks new costumes and apparel for your viewing and fighting pleasure. The player begins with easy mode, and through the clearing of each tier of opponents gains access to more difficult sets of enemies. It's a blast creaming the AI opponents as you go for new time records and all-new costumes. Then there's Tag Challenge mode which pits one player against two opponents alongside a computer-controlled ally. This ally is practically useless, and when they're subbed in, they're basically enemy fodder. You tag your ally in when you need a breather. While outside the battle, your fighter regains health. The first team to knockout both members of the other team wins. There's a whole slew of Tag Challenges to overcome in Dead or Alive Dimensions, and this is not just talking about the ones forced upon you in the Chronicle story mode. Other modes include Free Play which allows the player to select a character, stage, and number of rounds, and battle against the CPU at their own leisure, local play which allows two 3DS systems to hook up wirelessly and compete against one another, and online play. The online system pits players locally or from around the world, or you can always exchange friend codes with someone from a message board or from someone you personally know and battle while away from each other. Battles are best two-out-of-three, and they are relatively lag-free. Let's just say when you're giving a console game like Marvel VS. Capcom 3 a run for its money in modes and options, you know you're doing something really right. Essentially all of the Nintendo 3DS's impressive features are put to use from StreetPass to SpotPass to the internal cameras. Players can turn on SpotPass to download daily costumes and new Throwdown Challenges. These challenges pit the player against a... well... challenging opponent. If the player wins, they receive two rare figurines. Even if they lose, they win a figurine just for trying, so it's beneficial to always keep SpotPass on and participate in these challenges whenever possible. In total there are nearly one-thousand figurines to collect. These are all of the various different characters in the game spread out in numerous poses. You can use the Figurine Viewer to examine these figurines more closely, take 3D pictures, and save them to an SD memory card. Such shots can produce some really cool results. However, all of the eye candy and features in the world do nothing if the gameplay is not there. This is no secret to any knowledgeable gamer. Thankfully, Dead or Alive Dimensions definitely delivers in this category. The fighting is complex without being too taxing and complicated to learn. The fighting follows what is called by the game as the Triangle System. That is, that strikes cancel out throws, throws beat out holds, and holds take precedence over strikes. It's this paper/rock/scissors-like system that makes Dead or Alive really shine. Players can stand, crouch, turn their back to their opponent (though this is highly dangerous), and of course, be fully exposed by lying flat on the ground. Crouching while guarding completely blocks against low attacks while standing while guarding completely blocks against high and middle attacks. Then there's the option for critical strikes, counterattacks, jumping to dodge low attacks, and juggling which allows you to pull off some deadly combos with some impressive aerial acrobatics. If mashing buttons doesn't do anything for you, you can always tap the command list on the touch screen to select a combo to utilize. There's approximately sixteen characters to play as in Dead or Alive Dimensions, and they come from each and every previous installment of the series. There's mainstays like Kasumi, Ryu Hayabusa (also from the Ninja Gaiden series), and Ayane, but there's also previously unplayable characters that are unlockable which were bosses in past games of the franchise. Each character has their own set of moves to master, techniques to learn, and personalities and quirks. The over fifteen stages of Dead or Alive Dimensions (from DOATEC's labs to a rickety old bridge nestled neatly over a waterfall) themselves are characters. Each has what the developers call danger zones. These can be ledges for which characters can be knocked off of, walls that explode upon contact, and grounds that electrify a foe unlucky enough to get bounced off of them. Getting caught in a danger zone produces more damage to that opponent, so using these to your advantage is key in battle if victory is something you take pride in achieving. Dead or Alive Dimensions is a gorgeous-looking game. In 3D mode it runs at half the framerate as when it does in regular old 2D mode. Sacrificing frames for the cool and impressive 3D effect is up to you, but either is awesome. Each character is made up of thousands of individual polygons, are textured well, and are additionally animated to top standards. Backgrounds and environments are heavily-detailed, showcasing the immense graphical capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS. This is no visual slouch. Each character also has their own melodic theme in battle making things particularly interesting and varied. The music itself is marginally good if not just "there". Those trying to decide between this title and Blazblue really have no decision to make at all. It's a no contest. Dead or Alive Dimensions runs like a dream, it's pretty to boot, and it's smooth as butter. There's enough content that players will grow tired of the game long before they collect every figurine, download every costume, and take multiple upskirt pictures of underage girls. This is a fighter with strategy, swiftness, and heart. It's Dead or Alive, and it's celebrating its fifteenth anniversary in style. SEGA today revealed a new zone exclusive to the 3DS version of November's upcoming release, Sonic Generations. In the warm springtime era of the zone, you'll play as classic Sonic whereas in the cool sunset-covered autumn act, you'll control modern Sonic in three-dimensions. I can't say which version I'm more looking forward to. Perhaps I'll get them both! Once again Sonic Generations is due out November of this year to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the blue blur. Ratchet & Clank, alongside the Hot Shots Golf franchise, are my favorite Sony properties, so you can bet that I am hotly anticipating the upcoming multiplayer Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. Who doesn't want to control the sinister Dr. Nefarious, team up with Captain Qwark, and take down some intergalactic baddies? Not I, for one. Check out this trailer from Europe's Gamescom event. This Gamescom trailer shows off both classic and modern Sonics in all-new zones such as Rooftop Run from Sonic Unleashed and Seaside Hill from Sonic Heroes. You can also view two Tails following close behind both hedgehogs. Sonic Generations is set to release this November for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo 3DS. Chill out. Ice to meet you, and all those other Batman & Robin-esque Mr. Freeze puns. Mr. Freeze hath come to Arkham City to resurrect his dearly departed wife, and nothing-- no man or bat-- will stand in his way. Batman: Arkham City swoops down onto cities across North America in October.
The Mini E-Revo drive shaft (on the right) is just a little bigger then the Mini LST drive shaft (on the left.) The center Merv drive shaft fits in the opening and actually catches and can turn the wheels but it's not far in enough.. For good measure here is a pic of the Mini LST Diff. I shimmed this as well but did not get a pic. I thought I did but did not. The shimm would go on your right between the bearing and the shaft cup. Here is the gear box with the viscous diff installed. Also the Integy Mini E-Revo cup on the bottom and the Mini LST cup above. Here is a pic of the Mini LST rear end.. done deal with Viscous pinion gear and Integy Mini E- Revo Cup. I can mount a mamba on there but with the extra weight I felt I just had to make it mount the VXL motor. All that is left to do is mod the rear upper chassis brace to be a little longer. See the secound pic.
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"There's some months at a time where you just don't sleep and you just wake up feeling like you're a crazy person because you have to study for the next 14 hours. I don't know, having someone there makes it a little bit more tolerable.” “I was convinced that I wanted to do medicine because growing up, I saw my mother, she was a wife, she was a mother, she was a resident, and she was a cancer patient, unfortunately…” “I think the most challenging part of my job is the fear of failure. We spend so many years getting to this point, to be physicians, and people come to us and put their life in our hands. And it's sometimes terrifying, being scared that you're going to make a mistake because when we do, it can have real dire consequences, people can die.” “If you look at my background, I probably wasn't meant to be in urology. A lot of friends that I see now they're like "we would've never expected you to where you are at today" And that's because they didn't really know like, the fire that I have in me. I never showed it. I always joked around.” "My advice to women going into medicine or surgery is that you can absolutely do anything you put your mind to. You have every single skill set that a man does. I do think that we're still in a system where, as a woman, you do have to be almost close to perfect. You do have to be a little better than a man to gain the same amount of respect and opportunity that they do.” “For me personally, being out in medicine and the way that I am is very important. Think in the words of @RUPAULofficial, "If you don't love yourself how are you going to love someone else?" “...Abdominal wash out, wht. I told my parents I don't think the medical field is for me.” "Male nursing... It almost makes you laugh because of all of the connotations that are associated with it, right? Let's just look at me for a second. Brown male. Male. Automatically, in the hospital setting, I am always, always mistaken for as a doctor, right? A large portion of the time, a large majority if you are from Pakistan, or if you're from India, and if you're from those regions, you're a doctor. That's just the cultural baggage that comes along.” "Being a female in the nursing community is definitely hard, because as nurses, there are not that many men as there are females. We take over the nursing field and it gets really difficult when you're working with other women, because instead of trying to empower one another, nurses have this old school attitude of "eat your young", so it's definitely really, really hard to be a new nurse in the new unit, or on a new unit, and try to prove yourself to the older nurses.” “So I always knew that I wanted to be in the medical field. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor. However, my path changed after seeing my aunt go through some difficult times. My aunt was diagnosed with a colon cancer at the young age of 30. I was 15 during that time, and it hit me really hard, because soon after her surgery, she actually ended up passing away.” The ride can go over 400 feet in the air! Not sure if it was that high up when she dropped it, but watching it tumble like that doesn't make me want to ride it anytime soon. According to News 6, they will be more strict not letting people take loose items on the ride. Read more below.
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I wanted to portray Rock n Roll as more of his surfer, body builder persona. To me, Marvel Comics made him look more like a blonde Grizzly Adams. I think the Thor head sculpt makes a pretty cool Rock n Roll. The torso is a Ret. Roadblock. Swapped out the legs and arms for Bench Press - had to have that cool tattoo! I think the blend of parts gives Rock n Roll a nice body builder look without being too "juiced up" like the Rock. The web gear is a custom from blending parts from the Night Fox vest with a Ret. Flint web gear. The mini-gun (ole "Painless" - Blain from Predator) is from a Spy Troops Roadblock. I acquired a different mini-gun (same sculpt) that has a silver barrel. I'll be swapping it out and updating the strap later on. Hey thanks for the props! As an OG GIJoe Marvel fan, I really like Rock n Roll. As a kid, RnR had that unique chest piece and that awesome machine gun! Not taking anything away from Roadblock, but RnR seemed to get tossed to the wayside once RB came on the scene. In my Joeverse, I like to balance the members out to basically have two ground squads of equal MOSs. So, while RnR would be the machine gunner for one squad, RB would be the machine gunner for the other squad. This way both members get equal time. I'm hoping by later this year to start working on a "G.I. Joe Revisited" photonovel (dio-story). Rock N Roll was my first ever Joe (along with Flash) and thus one of my all time favorites. You did him justice here my friend. I keep looking for those critiques but you aren't offering me the chance because your work is outstanding. I love it buddy. LOVE IT! The Bench Press arms on the Roadblock body is genius. The Thor head is perfect. Thanks!! I lucked out on that Bench Press figure on ebay years ago. I didn't give near as much as I've seen him go for. The camo color & pattern on the Roadblock pelvis was close enough to the Bench Press arms that I didn't do any painting on the figure (only the web gear), which is a plus for me! Dude I hate painting figures. 99.9 percent of my figs are moved and displayed and moved and posed so paint doesn’t lend itself well to my collection. Here is an easy custom that, to me, just goes to show that with the right parts you can have a definitive character. mbush-Ops" camo figure, that I'm eexcept for Cutter, he's the only Coast Guardsman on the team! Since my Joeverse is set "in the not so distant future" (e only thing I'm not 100% sold on with this custom is the vest. It may have been the best choice I had at the time. I'll probably update the web gear later one when I take some new pics. One of the main things for me that is just a MUST for Stalker is for him to have a "suppressed Mike-One-Six with Starlight Scope" from the G.I. Joe Marvel Snake Eyes Origin Story. For the gun in the picture, I used the scope from ARAH Frostbite and an M16 from DG Duke. I have sense updated this gun with parts from Marauders, even have the double, upside down clip. I'll post some updated pics of Stalker with new web gear and gun. I've got several customs on my blog that I've already updated, and just need to take the time to photograph. Woah now, sorry to be late to the party..there is all sorts of badassery going on in this thread! Great work, JLW! Thew much is the entry fee, you ask? The show will be accepting donations of canned food and/or money to support local charities; $5 Donations will receive a raffle ticket with prizes to be announced as we get closer to the event. Last time the Dirty South Mini Show raised over 400 pounds of canned food for Angels of Mercy! Let's see if we can beat that and help our community! We hope to see you out here for this first of it's kind event! YO JOE!!! This event will be epic and will bring the community together for a great time. Shout out to joechristopherrepo for all he has done and Stephan Chaiser for putting in serious work for this event. Also want to thanks the cobra island crew for repping the meet we gonna rock this show. I am asking for everyone that comes to the meet to please bring a donation of can food items. I wtation of hurricane Maria. I wtated by Maria and with out hesitation I said yes. Let’s do our best to help the people of P.R. Thank you cobra island members. Don't forget, the Dface1346 has asked for everyone that comes to the meet to please bring a donation of can food items. We wantion of hurricane Maria. The show wasted by Maria and with out hesitation everyone involved of course said yes. Let’s do our best to help the people of P.R.! The 2017 Dirty South G.I.Joe Meet Up has come and gone. For being the first, it was definitely awesome! The event was held at The Uncanny Comic Shop in Clermont, FL. If you're ever in the area, make sure to stop by as the shop staff is amazing. They welcomed a bunch of G.I.Joe geeks with open arms and made us all feel right at home. There was a great turn out, with all sorts of awesome vendors on hand like Aaron Gildea, Irving Santiago of UltraCon, Dreadnok Dread and to name just a few. Alongside the vendors, there was of course everything you'd find in a Comic Shop, so there was something for everyone. It was great to see so many kids too, as we all have to do our part to get the next generation hooked on our beloved modern army action figures. The Dirty South Meet even had its own exclusive figure, a Black Major Urban Assault Trooper in Vibrant Red & Blue, with black and silver highlights. made custom box for the figure, with branding from the event. There was so much awesome to digest, that we're going to highlight different aspects in individual posts, so stay tuned for more from the show, including updates throughout the week. We'll have reviews of the Black Major Exclusive White & Red Alley Viper, the Joe Repro Exclusive Night Force Steel Brigade figure and rounding things out with a review of one of the amazing backdrops offered by JoeRepro! The end of the show brought a raffle with awesome prizes - 1st place took home a Convention Exclusive Missile Command Playset, 2nd place snagged a Black Major Exclusive Starduster and 3rd Place, which was won by our own MegsTriggerMan, was a pair of killer Night Force Steel Brigade Iron On Patches! The best part? No, not the prizes - All proceeds from the raffle are going to help relief efforts in Puerto Rico. That's how awesome Albert and the folks at The Uncanny Comic Shop are, so again, if you're in the area, make sure to stop by! Now, when I tell you that all in attendance had a good time, it's an understatement. A heartfelt congratulations from all of here on Cobra Island goes to Mr. Albert Torres! Albert went out of his way to make this event a special one and by the looks on everyone's faces, I can tell you without a doubt that we're ready for the next! Although it was the first time the Dirty South G.I.Joe Meet was held, our good friend Albert came out of the gate swinging, offering a show exclusive figure! Show attendees had the opportunity to take home a Black Major Exclusive Urban Assault Trooper. This vintage style Alley Viper, in a vibrant Cobra Blue and Red with Black and Silver highlights, was an instant hit. For those of you familiar with Black Major's figures, then you know the quality associated with this release. The figure includes all of his iconic gear - As if the Exclusive wasn't cool enough, Albert enlisted the help of who made an Exclusive Box for the figure that even had show exclusive branding! How cool is that? We took it up a notch and included some of the amazing Diorama pieces that Dreadnok Dread had on hand for the pictorial, but you'll have to buy those separately. In attendance at the 2017 Dirty South G.I.Joe Meet was The Dreaded Cuban, Dreadnok Dread! If you're not familiar with Dread's work, well then you're in for a treat. Dreadnok Dread specializes in dioramas, customs, kitbashes, molds, casting, clothing and more. You can check out two pieces of his work in our Show Exclusive Black Major Urban Assault Trooper review, where we utilized his awesome Urban Cobra Backdrop and 1:18th scale Barricade. There were many different backdrops to choose from, along side Barricades in Clean, damaged or tagged looks. We gathered a gallery of images of his set up that you can check out here: Dreadnok Dread Dioramas Gallery - Cobra Island Not only does he has Diorama items for sale, but he also offers a full assortment of hats, tee shirts and other schwag for the sophisticated G.I.Joe fan. Make sure to go follow DreadnokDread on Instagram and pick up some of his awesome dio pieces for your collection! Our last Spotlight from the 2017 Dirty South G.I.Joe Meet focuses on another Vendor in attendance, JoeRepro specializes in HANDMADE G.I. Joe Reproductions. No worries, all of their items are marked as a reproduction and are for display purposes only. While in attendance at the show, Chris from JoeRepro was crafting show exclusive boxes that were available to anyone that purchased the show exclusive Alley Viper! We'll be bringing you more pictorial reviews over the next week, including the exclusive Night Force Steel Brigade figure and the amazing Cobra Stage Backdrop! We've gathered a gallery of images from his booth for your viewing enjoyment, but make sure to hit the JoeRepro site to check out his wide selection of - JoeRepro also does commission work, so if you don't see it listed, make sure to contact Chris directly! was a great time and turn out indeed at the dirty south meet. I would like to personally thank Erick and the rest of the cobra island staff for coming out and showing so much love to us out at the meet. a fun time was had by one and all. I would also like to thank stphan chaiser, joechrisrepro, irving Santiago, Louis avello, adam oneal, William nelph, Arnold fletch, aaron gildea, and everyone else that helped make this a great show. also want to thank bobby hoth for having one of the best gi joe groups on facebook that helped to get this off the ground" gi joe a renegade group". special thanks goes out to the uncanny comic shop and mike for taking a chance and letting us show what the gi joe community is all about. cant forget my daughter ariel the cobra trooper protoling the meet and anastatia they were amazing aswell. last but not not least big props to the john the black major for taking a chance on an idea and making it happen. hope to see you all out and more at the next one. it will hopefully be bigger and better.
As a family owned and operated business, we are here to serve you and your electrical needs! Please browse our webpage and feel free to contact us with any questions. Lychee fruits are tasty, reasonably high in vitamin C and fairly cheap. Expect to pay Q1 ($0.13) for one to three fruits at market, depending on how many you buy and where you buy them. Eat the fruit by tearing off the outer shell (cáscara) and chewing the pulpy, white fruit away from the pit. Lychee fruits are part of the soapberry family. They're popular in China and southeast Asia, and are considered by Chinese medicine to have heat properties.
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Casa Mia’s was interviewed on Fox 45, Wednesday January 25th during the 9am hour. We discussed Baltimore County’s Restaurant week. Watch it here:
This spring, the New Museum will again offer its semester-long program for young people ages fifteen to twenty. Fifteen participants will meet every Thursday, 4–6 p.m., from February 4 to April 21. The eleven-session program, now in its sixth season, ohrough close work with peers and interactive workshops, students have the opportunity to collaborate meaningfully with artists in residence at the New Museum. This season the Experimental Study Program will explore LEGACY as a theme, tackling the Museum seeks applications from people between ages fifteen and twenty who are curious about contemporary art and enthusiastic about connecting with other teens. • Include the contact information of a teacher, a counselor, or a supervisor who can provide a reference. The Global Classroom is made possible, in part, by the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, themester-long program offGCR, we're always looking for ways to serve you better. 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It's vacation time for Carter as he finds himself alongside. T Two policemen must join forces to take on an international drug- smuggling gang - one, an unorthodox Irish policeman and the other, a straitlaced FBI agent. Sergeant Gerry Boyle is an eccentric small-town cop with a confrontational and crass personality and a subversive sense of humor. A longtime policeman in County Galway, Boyle is a maverick with his own moral code. He has seen enough of the world to know there isn't much to it and has had plenty of time to think about it. When a fellow police officer disappears and Boyle's small town becomes key to a large drug trafficking investigation, he is forced to at least feign interest when dealing with the humorless FBI agent Wendell Everett assigned to the case's scared of heights. He can master the information in any book ...HBO partners up with the hilarious sketch comedy website Funny or Die. Will Ferrell, Adam McKay, and Chris Henchy are the forces behind the endeavor. Before Ally and The Practice, David E. Kelley was behind this superlative series. Picket Fences followed the lives of the residents of the small town of Rome, Wisconsin, where weird things happened. Cows giving birth to human babies, a spate of people turning up dead in freezers, sex change teachers, a revolving door of mayors who never lasted very long - and one who even spontaneously combusted! Struggling to maintain order in this Twin Peaksesque environment is Sheriff Jimmy Brock. Married to the town doctor, Jill, they are attempting to bring up their three kids Kimberly, Matthew and Zachary against the odds. The show never really got the audience or the popularity it deserved. Admittedly, season 4, after DEK had left the series, is patchy to say the least. But the first 3 seasons of PF are never less than great. An aging Sheriff tries to keep the peace in a small town plagued by bizarre and violent crimes. Picket Fences is an American television drama about the residents of the town of Rome, Wisconsin, created and produced by David E. Kelley. The show initially ran from September 18, 1992, to June 26, 1996, on the CBS television network in the United States. It sometimes struggled to maintain a stable prime-time audience and had fluctuating ratings, due in part to its Friday night time slot. In its first season on the air it placed 80th in the prime-time Nielsen ratings and in its second season it moved to 66th. The show's exteriors were shot in the L.A. suburb of Monrovia, California, with many of the townspeople appearing in the background of episodes.
The church building is situated in the historic heart of North Melbourne, on the corner of Howard and Queensberry Street, just down the road from the North Melbourne Town Hall, within easy walking distance of Melbourne Central Business District. As well as North Melbourne, St Mary’s serves the communities of West Melbourne and South Parkville. Sunday morning worship at St Mary’s is vibrant and lively, within a “relaxed Anglo-Catholic” style. The theology that informs preaching and teaching is unapologetically liberal in social outlook, whilst taking the Bible extremely seriously as God’s word written, constantly being reinterpreted by God’s living people, who are the Body of Christ in the world today. In striving to be faithful, we acknowledge and celebrate the ecclesial traditions that have shaped the Church through the millennia. In striving to be inclusive we seek to break down barriers of exclusion that have marred the Church’s history, including exclusion based on race, gender, sexuality, age or disability. In striving to be sacramental, we seek to live Eucharistically, which is to say that we strive to live as a people who constantly give thanks to God.
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