C3TR-Adapter / README.md
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library_name: peft
base_model: unsloth/gemma-2-9b-it-bnb-4bit
  - ja
  - en
  - translation
  - qlora
  - gemma2
  - text-generation-inference
  - nlp
license: apache-2.0




Version 3 of C3TR-Adapter has been released.

version3では4぀のベンチマヌクのうち、1぀でgpt4 turboを䞊回るずいう倧幅な性胜底䞊げが達成されおいたす。
Version 3 achieved a significant performance boost, beating GPT4 Turbo in one of the four benchmarks.


Version 2 of C3TR-Adapter has been released.

Version 2 has greatly improved the ability to translate casual conversations.

On the other hand, translation capabilities for formal texts have declined slightly. If you are targeting formal texts, please continue to use Version1.

モデルカヌド(Model Card for Model ID)

C3TR-AdapterはGoogleが発衚したLLMであるgemma-2-9bの日英・英日翻蚳性胜を向䞊させるQLoRA Adapterです。
C3TR-Adapter is a QLoRA Adapter that improves the Japanese-English and English-Japanese translation performance of gemma-2-9b released by Google.

モデル詳现(Model Details)

C3TR-Adapterは翻蚳ベンチマヌクで倚蚀語翻蚳モデルであるGoogleのMadlad400やmetaのSeamless m4t v2 large、ALMA-Ja-V2 (私達の以前のllama 2ベヌスのモデル)よりも倧幅に優れた日英・日英翻蚳性胜を持っおいたす。
Benchmarks show significantly better English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation performance than Google's Madlad400, META's Seamless m4t v2 large, and ALMA-Ja-V2 (our previous llama2 model).

image/png 翻蚳タスクに関しおは、より倧きなモデルに負けない性胜を発揮したす
元の画像クレゞット Sebastian Ruder(@seb_ruder)

For translation tasks, it performs as well as larger models.
Original image credit: Sebastian Ruder (@seb_ruder)

For instructions on how to run the translation benchmark and other benchmark results, please refer to JTransBench.

GoogleのりェブサヌビスColabを䜿うず無料でC3TR-Adapterを詊す事が出来たす。リンク先でOpen In Colabボタンを抌しお起動しおください。
You can try C3TR-Adapter for free using Google's web service Colab. Please press the Open In Colab button on the link to activate it.

モデルの動かし方(How to use Model)

自分のパ゜コンで動かす堎合は、少なくずも玄8.3GB以䞊のGPU RAMが必芁です。GPUメモリが足りない堎合は䞊蚘のgguf版を詊すか、パラメヌタヌを調敎しおください(max_length、max_new_tokens, num_beamsを枛らす)
If you want to run it on your own local computer, you will need at least approximately 8.3 GB or more of GPU RAM.If you do not have enough GPU memory, try the gguf version above or decrease parameters(max_length、max_new_tokens, num_beams).

必芁なラむブラリのむンストヌル(Installation of required libraries)

# もし、pytorchがただむンストヌルされおいなかったら公匏マニュアルを参考にむンストヌルしおください
# If pytorch is not already installed, please refer to the official manual to install it.
# https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/#start-locally

# example for linux user with CUDA 12.1.
# pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio

# example for windows user with CUDA 12.1.
# pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121

# Gemma 2は最新のラむブラリでなくおは動かないので、以䞋のVersionに曎新しおください
# Gemma 2 will not work without the latest library, so please update to the following version
pip install transformers==4.42.3
pip install peft==0.11.1
pip install bitsandbytes==0.43.1

サンプルスクリプト(sample script)

import torch
import os
import json
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
from peft import PeftModel

model_id = "unsloth/gemma-2-9b-it-bnb-4bit"
peft_model_id = "webbigdata/C3TR-Adapter"

if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.get_device_capability(0)[0] >= 8:
    dtype = torch.bfloat16
    dtype = torch.float16

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=dtype, device_map="auto") 
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model = model, model_id = peft_model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.unk_token

def trans(my_str):
    input_ids = tokenizer(my_str, return_tensors="pt",
        padding=True, max_length=1800, truncation=True).input_ids.cuda()

    # Translation
    generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids,
        max_new_tokens=900, use_cache=True,
        do_sample=True, num_beams=3, temperature=0.5, top_p=0.3,
    full_outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
    return full_outputs[0].split("### Response:\n")[-1].strip()
ret = trans("""You are a highly skilled professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator. Translate the given text accurately, taking into account the context and specific instructions provided. Steps may include hints enclosed in square brackets [] with the key and value separated by a colon:. Only when the subject is specified in the Japanese sentence, the subject will be added when translating into English. If no additional instructions or context are provided, use your expertise to consider what the most appropriate context is and provide a natural translation that aligns with that context. When translating, strive to faithfully reflect the meaning and tone of the original text, pay attention to cultural nuances and differences in language usage, and ensure that the translation is grammatically correct and easy to read. After completing the translation, review it once more to check for errors or unnatural expressions. For technical terms and proper nouns, either leave them in the original language or use appropriate translations as necessary. Take a deep breath, calm down, and start translating.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.

### Input:

<start_of_turn>### Response:

プロンプトフォヌマット prompt format

プロンプトフォヌマットは独自です。 The prompt format is original.

The prompt format has changed between Version 1, Version2(add system prompts) and Version 3(add <start_of_turn>and<end_of_turn>).

You are a highly skilled professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator. Translate the given text accurately, taking into account the context and specific instructions provided. Steps may include hints enclosed in square brackets [] with the key and value separated by a colon:. Only when the subject is specified in the Japanese sentence, the subject will be added when translating into English. If no additional instructions or context are provided, use your expertise to consider what the most appropriate context is and provide a natural translation that aligns with that context. When translating, strive to faithfully reflect the meaning and tone of the original text, pay attention to cultural nuances and differences in language usage, and ensure that the translation is grammatically correct and easy to read. After completing the translation, review it once more to check for errors or unnatural expressions. For technical terms and proper nouns, either leave them in the original language or use appropriate translations as necessary. Take a deep breath, calm down, and start translating.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.

### Input:
**Some Japanese text**

<start_of_turn>### Response:

たたは or

You are a highly skilled professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator. Translate the given text accurately, taking into account the context and specific instructions provided. Steps may include hints enclosed in square brackets [] with the key and value separated by a colon:. Only when the subject is specified in the Japanese sentence, the subject will be added when translating into English. If no additional instructions or context are provided, use your expertise to consider what the most appropriate context is and provide a natural translation that aligns with that context. When translating, strive to faithfully reflect the meaning and tone of the original text, pay attention to cultural nuances and differences in language usage, and ensure that the translation is grammatically correct and easy to read. After completing the translation, review it once more to check for errors or unnatural expressions. For technical terms and proper nouns, either leave them in the original language or use appropriate translations as necessary. Take a deep breath, calm down, and start translating.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate English to Japanese.

### Input:
**Some English text**

<start_of_turn>### Response:

Extra spaces, line breaks, and omission of <start_of_turn> or <end_of_turn> in the prompt template will cause the model to malfunction (output will be truncated or repeated, extra sentences will be added, etc.), so please make sure there are no errors in the template.

Starting with Version 2, as an experimental attempt, it is now possible to provide hints during translation.

(1)文䜓(writing style)

[writing_style: STYLE_NAME]

珟圚は詊隓的に11のwriteing styleをテスト実装しおいたす。
We are currently testing 11 writing styles.

casual, formal, technical, journalistic, web-fiction, business, nsfw, educational-casual, academic-presentation, slang, sns-casual

In the workplace, we use business.

You are a highly skilled professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator. Translate the given text accurately, taking into account the context and specific instructions provided. Steps may include hints enclosed in square brackets [] with the key and value separated by a colon:. Only when the subject is specified in the Japanese sentence, the subject will be added when translating into English. If no additional instructions or context are provided, use your expertise to consider what the most appropriate context is and provide a natural translation that aligns with that context. When translating, strive to faithfully reflect the meaning and tone of the original text, pay attention to cultural nuances and differences in language usage, and ensure that the translation is grammatically correct and easy to read. After completing the translation, review it once more to check for errors or unnatural expressions. For technical terms and proper nouns, either leave them in the original language or use appropriate translations as necessary. Take a deep breath, calm down, and start translating.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: business]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Thank you for your hard work today. I am sending today's materials.

以降の䟋ではsystem promptを省略しおいたすが、実際に動かす際にはsystem promptを远加しおください。
The following examples omit the system prompt, but be sure to add it when running the commands.

Use slang or casual language when meme.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: slang]
[牛鮭定食: Beef salmon set meal]

### Input:
そんな事より >>1 よ、ちょいず聞いおくれよ。スレずあんた関係ないけどさ。
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Instead of that >>1, hey, just listen for a bit. It's not really related to the thread.
The other day, I went to a Yoshinoya near my place. Yoshinoya.
Then, there were so many people that I couldn't find a seat.
And when I took a closer look, there was a banner hanging down, saying "150 yen off," or something like that.
I mean, what a bunch of idiots.
You guys, don't come to Yoshinoya just for a 150 yen discount, you idiots.
It's only 150 yen, 150 yen.
There were even some families with kids. A family of four at Yoshinoya. Congratulations.
"Let's order the extra-large portion," they say. I can't take it anymore.
You guys, if you're going to spend 150 yen, clear your seat.
Yoshinoya should be a more brutal place.
You should be ready to fight the guy sitting across from you at the U-shaped table at any moment.
A place where you're either stabbing or being stabbed. Women and children, get out of the way.
And just when I finally got a seat, the guy next to me said, "I'll have the extra-large portion with extra sauce."
And I lost it again.
You know, extra sauce isn't popular these days, you idiot.
What are you so proud of, ordering extra sauce?
I want to ask you, do you really want to eat extra sauce? I want to interrogate you for an hour.
You just want to say "extra sauce," don't you?
As a Yoshinoya regular, I can tell you that the latest trend among Yoshinoya regulars is still,
extra onions. That's the way to go.
Extra-large portion with extra onions. That's the regular's order.
Extra onions means more onions and less meat. That's it.
And with that, an extra-large egg. That's the best.
However, ordering this comes with the risk of being marked by the staff. It's a double-edged sword.
I don't recommend it for amateurs.
Well, you, >>1, why don't you just order the beef salmon set meal?

(2)固有名詞の読み方 How to read proper nouns

[英語名称: 日本語蚳] たたはその逆。
[English name: Japanese translation name] or vice versa

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[矜生結匊: Yuzuru Hanyu]
[矜生善治: Yoshiharu Habu]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu had a conversation with shogi player Yoshiharu Habu.

(3)キャラクタヌスタむル character_style

[XXXX_character_style: YYYY]

You can specify gender and personality in the character style.

男性指定 Male designated

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[青山暹_character_style: male]
[青山暹: AOYAMA Itsuki]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Aoyama Itsuki went camping with his friends on the weekend and enjoyed nature. However, he lost his watch.

女性指定 Female designated

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[青山暹_character_style: female]
[青山暹: Itsuki Aoyama]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Itsuki Aoyama went camping with friends on the weekend and enjoyed nature. However, she lost her watch.

ノンバむナリヌ指定 nonbinary designated

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[青山暹_character_style: nonbinary]
[青山暹: Tatsuki Aoyama]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Tatsuki Aoyama went camping with their friends on the weekend and enjoyed nature. They lost their watch.


Unfortunately, at present, the content of the text takes priority when designating gender, so for example, the gender designation will not be effective in the following sentence.
In the example below, if you delete "俺は男だよ!(I'm a guy!)" from the text, the gender specification will be effective. Also, this specification seems to be ignored in the free version of Colab, which cannot handle bfloat16.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: web-fiction]
[カミヌナ: kamille]
[kamille_character_style: female, rough, teenager]
[ゞュリド: Jerid]
[ティタヌンズ: Titans]
[゚マ: Emma]
[゚ゥヌゎ: A.E.U.G.]

### Input:

<start_of_turn>### Response:
Jerid: "Kamille? That's a woman's name... What, are you a man?"
Kamille: "Don't underestimate me!!"
Jerid: "Whoa!"
Emma: "Stop it!"
Jerid: "Did you provoke us because you know we're from the Titans?"
Kamille: "What's wrong with my name being Kamille? I'm a man!"

After being arrested for assaulting members of the Earth Federation's elite unit, the Titans, Kamille lost his mother and joined the anti-Earth Federation organization, A.E.U.G.

Combining character_style and writing_style

In the following example, the phrase gradually changes to a more polite one.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: slang]
[speaker_character_style: vulgar]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Today's meeting is super important, so show up on time.
<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: casual]
[speaker_character_style: rough]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Today's meeting is very important, so please come on time.
<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[speaker_character_style: noble]

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Today's meeting is of great importance, so please come on time.

The Japanese language is also becoming more polite.

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate English to Japanese.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: slang]
[speaker_character_style: vulgar]

### Input:
Since today's meeting is very important, please arrive on time.
<start_of_turn>### Response:
<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate English to Japanese.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: casual]
[speaker_character_style: rough]

### Input:
Since today's meeting is very important, please arrive on time.
<start_of_turn>### Response:
<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate English to Japanese.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: formal]
[speaker_character_style: noble]

### Input:
Since today's meeting is very important, please arrive on time.
<start_of_turn>### Response:

(4)䞀人称ず語尟(First person and ending)


You can specify the first person and ending for your character.
This feature is still highly experimental and incomplete at this time.

映画「her」より䞀堎面(A scene from the movie "her")

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate English to Japanese.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: web-fiction, nsfw]
[THEODORE: セオドア]
[SEXYKITTEN: セクシヌな子猫]
[SEXYKITTEN_character_style: female]
[THEODORE_character_style: male]
[SEXYKITTEN_first_person_and_ending: 私, だわ]
[THEODORE_first_person_and_ending: 僕, だよ]

### Input:
SEXYKITTEN:Choke me with that dead cat!
THEODORE:(breathing hard about to climax) What?
SEXYKITTEN:(fully into it) The dead cat next to the bed. Choke me with it!
Beat. He's taken out of it.
THEODORE:(uncomfortable, trying to play along) Um, okay.
THEODORE:I'm choking you with the cat.
SEXYKITTEN:TELL ME! Keep telling me!
THEODORE:I've got it's tail and I'm choking you with the cat's tail.
THEODORE:I'm choking you and it's tail is around your neck. It's so tight around your neck.
Theodore doesn't know what to say. He doesn't want to offend her.
THEODORE:I'm pulling it. I'm pulling it. The cat's dead. It's a dead cat around your neck and I'm pulling it.
Her breathing is slowing down.
SEXYKITTEN:Oh god, I came so hard.
THEODORE:Yeah. Me too.
SEXYKITTEN:Okay, good night.
Theodore takes his earpiece out and stares at the ceiling.

### Response:
セオドア:(息が荒く、快楜に近づく) 䜕
セクシヌな子猫:(倢䞭になっおいる) ベッドの暪の死んだ猫だ。それを私を絞め぀けろ
セオドア:(䞍快に、でも付き合おうずする) うん、わかった。

挫画「鬌滅の刃」より䞀堎面(A scene from the manga "Demon Slayer")

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:
Translate Japanese to English.
When translating, please use the following hints:
[writing_style: web-fiction]
[釜鵺: Kamanue]
[零䜙子: Mukago]
[鬌舞蟻 無惚: Muzan Kibutsuzi]
[病葉: Wakuraba]
[环: Rui]
[十二鬌月: the Twelve Kizuki]
[魘倢: Enmu]
[蜆蜀: Rokuro]

### Input:
釜鵺: 『無惚様だ、無惚様の声。わからなかった。姿も気配も以前ず違う。凄たじい粟床の擬態。』
零䜙子: 「も、申し蚳ございたせん。お姿も気配も異なっおいらしたので。」
釜鵺: 『そんなこずを俺達に蚀われおも。』
無惚: 「そんなこずを俺達に蚀われおも、䜕だ、蚀っおみろ。」
釜鵺: 『思考が読めるのか、たずい。』
無惚: 「䜕がたずい、、、蚀っおみろ。。」
釜鵺: 「お蚱しくださいたせ鬌舞蟻様。どうか、どうかお慈悲を。申し蚳ありたせん、申し蚳ありたせん。申し蚳あ、、、ひゃぁ、、、。」
病葉: 『䜕でこんなこずで、殺されるのか。 せっかく十二鬌月になれたのに、なぜだ、なぜだ。俺はこれから、もっず、もっず。」
無惚: 「私よりも鬌狩りの方が怖いか。」
零䜙子: 「いいえ。」
無惚: 「お前はい぀も鬌狩りの柱ず遭遇した堎合、逃亡しようず思っおいるな。」
零䜙子: 「いいえ思っおいたせん。私はあなた様の為に呜をかけお戊いたす。」
無惚: 「お前は私が蚀うこずを吊定するのか。」
病葉: 『ダメだ、お終いだ。思考は読たれ、肯定しおも吊定しおも殺される。戊っお勝おるはずもない。なら、逃げるしか』
魘倢: 「愚かだな。」
病葉: 『䜕ずか逃げ切れ、䜕ずか。これだけ離れれば。』
無惚: 「もはや十二鬌月は䞊匊のみで良いず思っおいる。䞋匊の鬌は解䜓する。」
病葉: 『やられおいるそんな。琵琶の女の胜力か、いや、琵琶の音はしなかった。ぐぅぅ䜕故だ、䜓を再生できない。」
無惚: 「最埌に䜕か蚀い残すこずは。」
蜆蜀: 「私はただお圹に立おたすもう少しだけご猶予を頂けるのならば必ずお圹に。」
無惚: 「具䜓的にどれほどの猶予を。お前はどの様な圹に立おる。今のお前の力でどれほどの事ができる。」
蜆蜀: 「血を、貎方様の血を分けおいただければ私は必ず血に順応しおみせたす。より匷力な鬌ずなり戊いたす。」
無惚: 「䜕故私がお前の指図で血を䞎えねばならんのだ。甚だ図々しい、身の皋をわきたえろ。」
蜆蜀: 「違いたす、違いたす、私は。」
無惚: 「黙れ。䜕も違わない。私は䜕も間違えない。党おの決定暩は私にあり、私の蚀うこずは絶察である。お前に拒吊する暩利はない、私が正しいず蚀ったこずが正しいのだ。お前は私に指図した。死に倀する。」
無惚: 「最埌に蚀い残すこずは。」
病葉: 「こい぀も殺される。この方の気分次第で党お決たる。俺ももう死ぬ。」
<start_of_turn>### Response:
Kamanue: "It's Muzan-sama, Muzan-sama's voice. I couldn't tell. His appearance and presence are different from before. An incredibly precise mimicry."
Mukago: "I-I apologize. His appearance and presence were different."
Muzan: "Who said you could speak? Don't speak with your lowly intentions. Answer only to what I ask. Rui was killed. He was the Lower Five. I have only one question: why are the Lower Rank demons so weak? Just because you're counted among the Twelve Kizuki doesn't mean it ends there. It's the beginning. The beginning of eating more people, becoming stronger, and being useful to me. For the past hundred years, the faces of the Twelve Kizuki have remained unchanged. It's always been the Upper Rank demons who have killed the Hashira. But what about the Lower Rank? How many times have they been replaced?"
Kamanue: "What are you saying to us?"
Muzan: "What are you saying to us? Go on, say it."
Kamanue: "My thoughts are being read. This is bad."
Muzan: "What's bad... Go on, say it."
Kamanue: "Forgive me, Muzan-sama. Please, please have mercy. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
Muzan kills Kamanue
Wakuraba: "Why am I being killed for this? Just because I became a member of the Twelve Kizuki, why? Why?"
Muzan: "Are you more afraid of the Demon Slayers than me?"
Mukago: "No."
Muzan: "You're always thinking of running away when you encounter a Hashira, aren't you?"
Mukago: "No, I'm not. I will fight to the death for you."
Muzan: "You're contradicting me?"
Muzan kills Mukago
Wakuraba: "It's no use, it's over. My thoughts are being read, and I'll be killed whether I agree or disagree. There's no way I can win in battle. Then, the only option is to run!"
Enmu: "Foolish."
Wakuraba: "I have to escape somehow. If I just get this far away..."
Muzan kills Wakuraba
Muzan: "From now on, the Twelve Kizuki will only consist of the Upper Ranks. The Lower Rank demons will be disbanded!"
Wakuraba: "Am I being defeated? No, it's not like that. It must be the woman with the biwa's ability. No, I didn't hear the sound of the biwa. Why can't I regenerate my body?"
Muzan: "Is there anything else you want to say?"
Rokuro: "I can still be of use! If you give me a little more time, I will definitely be of use."
Muzan: "How much time exactly? What kind of use can you be? What can you do with your current power?"
Rokuro: "If you give me some of your blood, I will definitely adapt to it. I will become a stronger demon and fight."
Muzan: "Why should I give you my blood on your command? It's very presumptuous of you. Know your place."
Rokuro: "No, no, I..."
Muzan: "Shut up. Nothing will change. I never make mistakes. All the decision-making power lies with me, and what I say is absolute. You have no right to refuse. What I say is right. You commanded me. You deserve to die."
Muzan kills Rokuro
Muzan: "Is there anything else you want to say?"
Wakuraba: "This guy is going to be killed too. Everything depends on this guy's mood. I'm going to die too."

SpeedUp Sample

Using unsloth can increase execution speed at the expense of a small amount of accuracy.

pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
pip install transformers==4.43.3
pip install bitsandbytes==0.43.3
pip install accelerate==0.33.0
pip install peft==0.12.0
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install "unsloth[cu121-torch230] @ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git" 
pip install "unsloth[cu121-ampere-torch230] @ git+https://github.com/unslothai/unsloth.git"
import time
import torch

max_seq_length = 2048
load_in_4bit = True
from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
adp_name =  "webbigdata/C3TR-Adapter"
from transformers import TextStreamer

model_name = "unsloth/gemma-2-9b-it"

import os
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"

model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
    max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
    dtype = dtype,
    load_in_4bit = load_in_4bit,


def trans(instruction,  input):

    system =  """You are a highly skilled professional Japanese-English and English-Japanese translator. Translate the given text accurately, taking into account the context and specific instructions provided. Steps may include hints enclosed in square brackets [] with the key and value separated by a colon:. Only when the subject is specified in the Japanese sentence, the subject will be added when translating into English. If no additional instructions or context are provided, use your expertise to consider what the most appropriate context is and provide a natural translation that aligns with that context. When translating, strive to faithfully reflect the meaning and tone of the original text, pay attention to cultural nuances and differences in language usage, and ensure that the translation is grammatically correct and easy to read. After completing the translation, review it once more to check for errors or unnatural expressions. For technical terms and proper nouns, either leave them in the original language or use appropriate translations as necessary. Take a deep breath, calm down, and start translating."""
    prompt = f"""{system}

<start_of_turn>### Instruction:

### Input:
<start_of_turn>### Response:

    inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt",
        padding=True, max_length=2400, truncation=True).to("cuda")

    from transformers import TextStreamer
    class CountingStreamer(TextStreamer):
        def __init__(self, tokenizer):
            self.tokenizer = tokenizer
            self.token_count = 0

        def put(self, text):
            self.token_count += len(self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False))

        def put(self, text):
            if isinstance(text, torch.Tensor):
                self.token_count += text.shape[-1]
            elif isinstance(text, list):
                self.token_count += len(text)
            elif isinstance(text, str):
                self.token_count += len(self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False))
                raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type for text: {type(text)}")

    counting_streamer = CountingStreamer(tokenizer)
    start_time = time.time()

    _ = model.generate(**inputs, streamer = counting_streamer, max_new_tokens=2400,

    end_time = time.time()

    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

    generated_tokens = counting_streamer.token_count

    tokens_per_second = generated_tokens / elapsed_time

    print(f"generated_tokens: {generated_tokens}")
    print(f"elapsed_time: {elapsed_time}")

    tokens_per_second = generated_tokens / elapsed_time if elapsed_time > 0 else 0
    print(f"トヌクン生成速床: {tokens_per_second:.2f} トヌクン/秒")
    return tokens_per_second

tokens_per_second  = trans("Translate English to Japanese.\nWhen translating, please use the following hints:\n[writing_style: journalistic]",
"""Tech war: China narrows AI gap with US despite chip restrictions

China is narrowing the artificial intelligence (AI) gap with the US through rapid progress in deploying applications and state-backed adoption of the technology, despite the lack of access to advanced chips, according to industry experts and analysts.

留意事項 Attention

Do not save this adapter merged with the base model(unsloth/gemma-2-9b-it-bnb-4bit), as there exists a bug that reduces performance when saving this adapter merged with the model.

If you must merge, be sure to use a translation benchmark to check performance, not Perplexity!

利甚芏玄 Terms of Use

本アダプタヌはApache License 2.0です。 gemma2ず䞀緒に䜿甚する堎合はGemma Licenseずprohibited_use_policyを考慮する必芁がありたす。
This adapter is licensed under Apache License 2.0. If you use it with gemma2, you must consider the Gemma License and prohibited_use_policy.

Additionally, We have the following request to you.

Our previous model, ALMA-7B-Ja-V2, has over 150K downloads, but we have no idea who is using it and in what situations.

So, after you use it, please fill out the Google form below with your impressions, future directions you expect us to take, examples of mistranslations you have noticed, and locations of data you would like us to reference, websites, etc. by all means.

We do not collect personal information or email address, so please feel free to fill out the form!

どんなご意芋でも感謝したす Any feedback would be appreciated!

謝蟞 Acknowledgment

Original Base Model

Base Model

QLoRA Adapter

This adapter was trained with Unsloth.

Other tips I have received from ALMA and others in the community. Thank you.