Custome .pth file and index for voice?

by KimAndersson - opened

Is it possible to combine this model with a voice you already have? For example use a .pth file and a index file?

bark work with .npz, which is a compiled file of 3 .npy inside, one for each model bark uses to work:, and, for sure you can train these models, but npz is made by sequentially prompts and some rules should be followed to avoid hallucinations, a member of community said some reasons of hallucinations:
It's hallucination related in two ways.
1.) Some voices, especially cloned voices, might be unstable and hallucinate generally.
2.) If the language in the text prompt is very different than the language in the voice (Chinese/English, but even English-Slang/English-Fancy-Victorian-Novel. Oh and
3.) If the text prompt is the same as the text prompt 'inside' the voice, it hallucinates. So if you make a new voice, then use voice to speak exact like that created voice. (Edge case but worth mentioning.)
4.) Way too long text prompt. Just try packing the text prompt as full as you can, almost always hallucinates. Once in awhile it just reads beginning.
5.) Too short prompt (less than 5 words) make it somewhat more likely.
6.) Uses of [tags] can increase chances.

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