from __future__ import print_function, division |
import numpy as np |
import random |
from copy import deepcopy |
import json |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from skimage import io |
import os |
from glob import glob |
import torch |
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader |
from torchvision import transforms, utils |
from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
def get_im_gt_name_dict(datasets, flag='valid'): |
print("------------------------------", flag, "--------------------------------") |
name_im_gt_list = [] |
for i in range(len(datasets)): |
print("--->>>", flag, " dataset ",i,"/",len(datasets)," ",datasets[i]["name"],"<<<---") |
tmp_im_list, tmp_gt_list = [], [] |
tmp_im_list = glob(datasets[i]["im_dir"]+os.sep+'*'+datasets[i]["im_ext"]) |
print('-im-',datasets[i]["name"],datasets[i]["im_dir"], ': ',len(tmp_im_list)) |
if(datasets[i]["gt_dir"]==""): |
print('-gt-', datasets[i]["name"], datasets[i]["gt_dir"], ': ', 'No Ground Truth Found') |
tmp_gt_list = [] |
else: |
tmp_gt_list = [datasets[i]["gt_dir"]+os.sep+x.split(os.sep)[-1].split(datasets[i]["im_ext"])[0]+datasets[i]["gt_ext"] for x in tmp_im_list] |
print('-gt-', datasets[i]["name"],datasets[i]["gt_dir"], ': ',len(tmp_gt_list)) |
if flag=="train": |
if len(name_im_gt_list)==0: |
name_im_gt_list.append({"dataset_name":datasets[i]["name"], |
"im_path":tmp_im_list, |
"gt_path":tmp_gt_list, |
"im_ext":datasets[i]["im_ext"], |
"gt_ext":datasets[i]["gt_ext"], |
"cache_dir":datasets[i]["cache_dir"]}) |
else: |
name_im_gt_list[0]["dataset_name"] = name_im_gt_list[0]["dataset_name"] + "_" + datasets[i]["name"] |
name_im_gt_list[0]["im_path"] = name_im_gt_list[0]["im_path"] + tmp_im_list |
name_im_gt_list[0]["gt_path"] = name_im_gt_list[0]["gt_path"] + tmp_gt_list |
if datasets[i]["im_ext"]!=".jpg" or datasets[i]["gt_ext"]!=".png": |
print("Error: Please make sure all you images and ground truth masks are in jpg and png format respectively !!!") |
exit() |
name_im_gt_list[0]["im_ext"] = ".jpg" |
name_im_gt_list[0]["gt_ext"] = ".png" |
name_im_gt_list[0]["cache_dir"] = os.sep.join(datasets[i]["cache_dir"].split(os.sep)[0:-1])+os.sep+name_im_gt_list[0]["dataset_name"] |
else: |
name_im_gt_list.append({"dataset_name":datasets[i]["name"], |
"im_path":tmp_im_list, |
"gt_path":tmp_gt_list, |
"im_ext":datasets[i]["im_ext"], |
"gt_ext":datasets[i]["gt_ext"], |
"cache_dir":datasets[i]["cache_dir"]}) |
return name_im_gt_list |
def create_dataloaders(name_im_gt_list, cache_size=[], cache_boost=True, my_transforms=[], batch_size=1, shuffle=False): |
gos_dataloaders = [] |
gos_datasets = [] |
if(len(name_im_gt_list)==0): |
return gos_dataloaders, gos_datasets |
num_workers_ = 1 |
if(batch_size>1): |
num_workers_ = 2 |
if(batch_size>4): |
num_workers_ = 4 |
if(batch_size>8): |
num_workers_ = 8 |
for i in range(0,len(name_im_gt_list)): |
gos_dataset = GOSDatasetCache([name_im_gt_list[i]], |
cache_size = cache_size, |
cache_path = name_im_gt_list[i]["cache_dir"], |
cache_boost = cache_boost, |
transform = transforms.Compose(my_transforms)) |
gos_dataloaders.append(DataLoader(gos_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers_)) |
gos_datasets.append(gos_dataset) |
return gos_dataloaders, gos_datasets |
def im_reader(im_path): |
return io.imread(im_path) |
def im_preprocess(im,size): |
if len(im.shape) < 3: |
im = im[:, :, np.newaxis] |
if im.shape[2] == 1: |
im = np.repeat(im, 3, axis=2) |
im_tensor = torch.tensor(im.copy(), dtype=torch.float32) |
im_tensor = torch.transpose(torch.transpose(im_tensor,1,2),0,1) |
if(len(size)<2): |
return im_tensor, im.shape[0:2] |
else: |
im_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(im_tensor,0) |
im_tensor = F.upsample(im_tensor, size, mode="bilinear") |
im_tensor = torch.squeeze(im_tensor,0) |
return im_tensor.type(torch.uint8), im.shape[0:2] |
def gt_preprocess(gt,size): |
if len(gt.shape) > 2: |
gt = gt[:, :, 0] |
gt_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(torch.tensor(gt, dtype=torch.uint8),0) |
if(len(size)<2): |
return gt_tensor.type(torch.uint8), gt.shape[0:2] |
else: |
gt_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(torch.tensor(gt_tensor, dtype=torch.float32),0) |
gt_tensor = F.upsample(gt_tensor, size, mode="bilinear") |
gt_tensor = torch.squeeze(gt_tensor,0) |
return gt_tensor.type(torch.uint8), gt.shape[0:2] |
class GOSRandomHFlip(object): |
def __init__(self,prob=0.5): |
self.prob = prob |
def __call__(self,sample): |
imidx, image, label, shape = sample['imidx'], sample['image'], sample['label'], sample['shape'] |
if random.random() >= self.prob: |
image = torch.flip(image,dims=[2]) |
label = torch.flip(label,dims=[2]) |
return {'imidx':imidx,'image':image, 'label':label, 'shape':shape} |
class GOSResize(object): |
def __init__(self,size=[320,320]): |
self.size = size |
def __call__(self,sample): |
imidx, image, label, shape = sample['imidx'], sample['image'], sample['label'], sample['shape'] |
image = torch.squeeze(F.upsample(torch.unsqueeze(image,0),self.size,mode='bilinear'),dim=0) |
label = torch.squeeze(F.upsample(torch.unsqueeze(label,0),self.size,mode='bilinear'),dim=0) |
return {'imidx':imidx,'image':image, 'label':label, 'shape':shape} |
class GOSRandomCrop(object): |
def __init__(self,size=[288,288]): |
self.size = size |
def __call__(self,sample): |
imidx, image, label, shape = sample['imidx'], sample['image'], sample['label'], sample['shape'] |
h, w = image.shape[1:] |
new_h, new_w = self.size |
top = np.random.randint(0, h - new_h) |
left = np.random.randint(0, w - new_w) |
image = image[:,top:top+new_h,left:left+new_w] |
label = label[:,top:top+new_h,left:left+new_w] |
return {'imidx':imidx,'image':image, 'label':label, 'shape':shape} |
class GOSNormalize(object): |
def __init__(self, mean=[0.485,0.456,0.406], std=[0.229,0.224,0.225]): |
self.mean = mean |
self.std = std |
def __call__(self,sample): |
imidx, image, label, shape = sample['imidx'], sample['image'], sample['label'], sample['shape'] |
image = normalize(image,self.mean,self.std) |
return {'imidx':imidx,'image':image, 'label':label, 'shape':shape} |
class GOSDatasetCache(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, name_im_gt_list, cache_size=[], cache_path='./cache', cache_file_name='dataset.json', cache_boost=False, transform=None): |
self.cache_size = cache_size |
self.cache_path = cache_path |
self.cache_file_name = cache_file_name |
self.cache_boost_name = "" |
self.cache_boost = cache_boost |
self.ims_pt = None |
self.gts_pt = None |
self.cache_boost_name = cache_file_name.split('.json')[0] |
self.transform = transform |
self.dataset = {} |
dataset_names = [] |
dt_name_list = [] |
im_name_list = [] |
im_path_list = [] |
gt_path_list = [] |
im_ext_list = [] |
gt_ext_list = [] |
for i in range(0,len(name_im_gt_list)): |
dataset_names.append(name_im_gt_list[i]["dataset_name"]) |
dt_name_list.extend([name_im_gt_list[i]["dataset_name"] for x in name_im_gt_list[i]["im_path"]]) |
im_name_list.extend([x.split(os.sep)[-1].split(name_im_gt_list[i]["im_ext"])[0] for x in name_im_gt_list[i]["im_path"]]) |
im_path_list.extend(name_im_gt_list[i]["im_path"]) |
gt_path_list.extend(name_im_gt_list[i]["gt_path"]) |
im_ext_list.extend([name_im_gt_list[i]["im_ext"] for x in name_im_gt_list[i]["im_path"]]) |
gt_ext_list.extend([name_im_gt_list[i]["gt_ext"] for x in name_im_gt_list[i]["gt_path"]]) |
self.dataset["data_name"] = dt_name_list |
self.dataset["im_name"] = im_name_list |
self.dataset["im_path"] = im_path_list |
self.dataset["ori_im_path"] = deepcopy(im_path_list) |
self.dataset["gt_path"] = gt_path_list |
self.dataset["ori_gt_path"] = deepcopy(gt_path_list) |
self.dataset["im_shp"] = [] |
self.dataset["gt_shp"] = [] |
self.dataset["im_ext"] = im_ext_list |
self.dataset["gt_ext"] = gt_ext_list |
self.dataset["ims_pt_dir"] = "" |
self.dataset["gts_pt_dir"] = "" |
self.dataset = self.manage_cache(dataset_names) |
def manage_cache(self,dataset_names): |
if not os.path.exists(self.cache_path): |
os.makedirs(self.cache_path) |
cache_folder = os.path.join(self.cache_path, "_".join(dataset_names)+"_"+"x".join([str(x) for x in self.cache_size])) |
if not os.path.exists(cache_folder): |
return self.cache(cache_folder) |
return self.load_cache(cache_folder) |
def cache(self,cache_folder): |
os.mkdir(cache_folder) |
cached_dataset = deepcopy(self.dataset) |
ims_pt_list = [] |
gts_pt_list = [] |
for i, im_path in tqdm(enumerate(self.dataset["im_path"]), total=len(self.dataset["im_path"])): |
im_id = cached_dataset["im_name"][i] |
print("im_path: ", im_path) |
im = im_reader(im_path) |
im, im_shp = im_preprocess(im,self.cache_size) |
im_cache_file = os.path.join(cache_folder,self.dataset["data_name"][i]+"_"+im_id + "_im.pt") |
torch.save(im,im_cache_file) |
cached_dataset["im_path"][i] = im_cache_file |
if(self.cache_boost): |
ims_pt_list.append(torch.unsqueeze(im,0)) |
gt = np.zeros(im.shape[0:2]) |
if len(self.dataset["gt_path"])!=0: |
gt = im_reader(self.dataset["gt_path"][i]) |
gt, gt_shp = gt_preprocess(gt,self.cache_size) |
gt_cache_file = os.path.join(cache_folder,self.dataset["data_name"][i]+"_"+im_id + "_gt.pt") |
torch.save(gt,gt_cache_file) |
if len(self.dataset["gt_path"])>0: |
cached_dataset["gt_path"][i] = gt_cache_file |
else: |
cached_dataset["gt_path"].append(gt_cache_file) |
if(self.cache_boost): |
gts_pt_list.append(torch.unsqueeze(gt,0)) |
cached_dataset["im_shp"].append(im_shp) |
cached_dataset["gt_shp"].append(gt_shp) |
if(self.cache_boost): |
cached_dataset["ims_pt_dir"] = os.path.join(cache_folder, self.cache_boost_name+'_ims.pt') |
cached_dataset["gts_pt_dir"] = os.path.join(cache_folder, self.cache_boost_name+'_gts.pt') |
self.ims_pt = torch.cat(ims_pt_list,dim=0) |
self.gts_pt = torch.cat(gts_pt_list,dim=0) |
torch.save(torch.cat(ims_pt_list,dim=0),cached_dataset["ims_pt_dir"]) |
torch.save(torch.cat(gts_pt_list,dim=0),cached_dataset["gts_pt_dir"]) |
try: |
json_file = open(os.path.join(cache_folder, self.cache_file_name),"w") |
json.dump(cached_dataset, json_file) |
json_file.close() |
except Exception: |
raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot create JSON") |
return cached_dataset |
def load_cache(self, cache_folder): |
json_file = open(os.path.join(cache_folder,self.cache_file_name),"r") |
dataset = json.load(json_file) |
json_file.close() |
if(self.cache_boost): |
self.ims_pt = torch.load(dataset["ims_pt_dir"], map_location='cpu') |
self.gts_pt = torch.load(dataset["gts_pt_dir"], map_location='cpu') |
return dataset |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.dataset["im_path"]) |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
im = None |
gt = None |
if(self.cache_boost and self.ims_pt is not None): |
im = self.ims_pt[idx] |
gt = self.gts_pt[idx] |
else: |
im_pt_path = os.path.join(self.cache_path,os.sep.join(self.dataset["im_path"][idx].split(os.sep)[-2:])) |
im = torch.load(im_pt_path) |
gt_pt_path = os.path.join(self.cache_path,os.sep.join(self.dataset["gt_path"][idx].split(os.sep)[-2:])) |
gt = torch.load(gt_pt_path) |
im_shp = self.dataset["im_shp"][idx] |
im = torch.divide(im,255.0) |
gt = torch.divide(gt,255.0) |
sample = { |
"imidx": torch.from_numpy(np.array(idx)), |
"image": im, |
"label": gt, |
"shape": torch.from_numpy(np.array(im_shp)), |
} |
if self.transform: |
sample = self.transform(sample) |
return sample |