Bad JPG compression in outputs for online generation 2.1.

by isopods-and-millipedes - opened

All the images I create with this webpage with the model 2.1 are made of compression squares and look horrible.
I searched online and a reddit person said:
"This has been happening to me when my GPU uses almost all it's memory. Shortly after automatic1111 will stop working and I have to reboot the system."
However, since this is running off HuggingFace server, that means THEIR GPU is having an issue.

Here is an example of a cropped photo of a toad.
I cropped it so that the artifacting can be easily seen without needing to zoom in or study the photo.

isopods-and-millipedes changed discussion title from Bad JPG compression in outputs. to Bad JPG compression in outputs for online generation 2.1.

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