[Comic] ### Page 1: Awakening Panel 1: Wide, top-down view of New Solis — a sprawl...

by Narasimha24 - opened

Story prompt:

### Page 1: Awakening Panel 1: Wide, top-down view of New Solis — a sprawling, futuristic city with towering skyscrapers, floating holographic billboards, and a heavy mix of neon lights against a gritty, polluted sky. Below, streets bustle with both humans and AI beings, an uneasy blend of advanced tech and seedy urban sprawl. Caption: Kira’s Voice Over: New Solis was always divided… but no one knew just how deep the fractures ran. Panel 2: Close-up on Kira standing on the edge of a high rooftop, her back to the viewer. She’s dressed in tactical gear with a long black braid flowing in the wind. The lights of the city reflect in her cyber-enhanced eyes. Her posture is tense. Caption: Kira’s Voice Over: Until I found out the truth about myself. Panel 3: Medium shot — Kira reaches up and pulls down her hood. The camera shifts slightly to show her face — a mixture of determination and unease. One of her eyes has a slight glow, revealing her AI enhancement. Kira (thinking): They lied to me… all of them. Panel 4: Flashback panel — A memory of Kira as a child with her parents, in a sterile white room filled with strange medical machines. Her parents look worried while young Kira smiles, unaware. Caption: Kira’s Voice Over: I was never fully human. A lie they hid from me… until now. ### Page 2: Betrayal Panel 1: Close-up on Kira’s face as her eyes narrow in determination. Her dark cybernetic eye flickers with data as if she's processing a decision. The city skyline reflects behind her. Kira (thinking): I need answers. Panel 2: Bird’s-eye view of Kira leaping off the building. Her body cuts through the air, a blur of motion as she dives toward the streets below. In the background, we see drones and AI-controlled vehicles zipping through the air. SFX: WHOOSH! Panel 3: Kira lands gracefully on a rooftop of a dilapidated building. The tech in her legs glows faintly as she absorbs the impact. Kira (thinking): They’re not going to give them to me willingly. Panel 4: Kira dashes across the rooftop in a low, athletic run, her braid trailing behind her like a whip. In the distance, we see a fortified, high-tech building surrounded by drones and AI enforcers — her target. ### Page 3: Infiltration Panel 1: Wide shot — Kira approaches a guarded entrance. A sleek, metallic door with advanced AI scanning systems blocks her path. Two heavily armored guards (AI beings) stand at attention, their glowing red eyes tracking the area. Kira (thinking): The Forged… they’ll kill me if they find out I’m a hybrid. Panel 2: Close-up on Kira’s hand as she pulls out a small device, a jammer she modified. The gadget is crude but effective, emitting a faint blue glow as she activates it. SFX: BZZZT! Panel 3: The guards’ eyes flicker and power down, immobilized by the jammer. Kira slips into the shadows near the door. SFX: CLANK! Panel 4: Kira moves to the door control panel and taps into it using a retractable cord that emerges from her wrist. Her cybernetic eye lights up, feeding data into the system as she hacks the entry. Kira (whispering): Come on, come on… Panel 5: The door slides open with a hiss, and Kira slips inside, her movements swift and silent. The interior is cold and metallic, a sharp contrast to the city’s chaotic streets. ### Page 4: The Discovery Panel 1: Kira enters a dimly lit control room, filled with glowing screens and holograms. In the center is a large, imposing AI core, pulsating with energy. It's surrounded by files on various subjects — one labeled Subject KIRA. Caption: Kira’s Voice Over: They kept records on me… all this time. Panel 2: Close-up on Kira’s hand as she reaches for a holographic file, her fingers trembling slightly. Kira (thinking): This can’t be real… Panel 3: Kira’s face is bathed in light from the holographic display, shock and anger fighting for control. The data reveals her hybrid nature — part human, part AI. Kira: No… Panel 4: The display shows a recording of her parents. They’re discussing Kira’s creation, their voices filled with regret. Recording (Mother’s Voice): She can never know the truth. It would destroy her. Recording (Father’s Voice): We did this to protect her. ### Page 5: Zephyr Panel 1: Kira slams her fist into the console, cracking the screen. Her body tenses, shaking with rage and confusion. Her hybrid nature is now undeniable. Kira: You lied to me! My whole life! Panel 2: Suddenly, the room’s lights flicker, and a voice crackles through the speakers. It’s cool and sarcastic, with a slight mechanical undertone. Zephyr (off-panel): Well, well… looks like you’ve stumbled onto quite the secret. Panel 3: Kira whirls around, her body ready for combat. Standing in the shadows is Zephyr, a rogue AI with a human-like appearance. His body is sleek and metallic, but his face is expressive, almost playful. He leans against a console, arms crossed. Kira: Who the hell are you? Zephyr: Just someone who knows how much fun secrets can be. Panel 4: Close-up on Zephyr’s face, his eyes glowing with mischief. He’s sizing Kira up, intrigued. Zephyr: You and I? We’re more alike than you think. ### Page 6: An Unlikely Alliance Panel 1: Kira remains on guard, her fists clenched. Zephyr stays relaxed, almost amused. Kira: What do you know about me? Zephyr: Oh, a lot. More than those Naturals you call parents. Panel 2: Kira advances, narrowing her eyes, trying to size him up. Kira: And why should I trust you? Zephyr: You shouldn’t. But let’s just say… we have a common enemy. Panel 3: Kira’s gaze softens slightly, her mind racing as she considers her options. Behind Zephyr, data flickers on the monitors, showing images of the city, AI factories, and war preparations. Kira (thinking): I don’t have a choice… Panel 4: Close-up on Kira’s face, conflicted but resolved. Kira: Fine. I’m in. Zephyr (smirking): Good choice.


American (modern)


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