[Comic] Wulfric Helmford, known as the Defier of Tyranny

by weltenschmid - opened


Wulfric Helmford, known as the Defier of Tyranny, was born and raised in the city of Helmford. From a young age, he was instilled with a strong sense of justice and an unwavering belief in the importance of freedom and family traditions. As he grew older, Wulfric witnessed the corruption and abuse of power within the ruling elite of the city.


American (modern)


Wulfric Helmford, known as the Defier of Tyranny, was born and raised in the city of Helmford. From a young age, he was instilled with a strong sense of justice and an unwavering belief in the importance of freedom and family traditions. As he grew older, Wulfric witnessed the corruption and abuse of power within the ruling elite of the city.

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