CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
Small update: see the logs
HF staff
- opened
I have pushed a new version which should improve story generation a bit:
- in addition to only asking the AI/LLM to generate 2 panels at a time, now I also tell it there are 8 panels in total. This should improve story consistency.
- this is not fireproof but I've increased the token window for each panel, this should lead to less issues with story parsing (missing / incomplete panel prompts). Again, this is not 100% guaranteed, but now it is improved.
- a bit more transparency in the logs (see below)
feature details:
if you are curious about how the AI Comic Factory generates things, you can now inspect what is happening by looking at the developer tools, because I've added some logs!
This should help report parsing issues too (eg. if you notice that the LLM correctly replied, but the answer didn't translate into a valid panel prompt or caption)