Add `hf_transfer` for faster download

by Wauplin HF staff - opened

Hey there ๐Ÿ‘‹
Apparently, this space takes a lot of time (~1h?) to initialize as it downloads heavy files at startup. To speed up initialization, you can try to use the new hf_transfer lib that should speed up downloads (up to 2x). It is a Rust-based library developed by @Narsil that will be integrated in next version of huggingface_hub. You can already get it from the main branch on Github. It is still experimental so feedback is very welcome here.

You must also set HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 as environment variable in the Space settings.

Related to internal slack discussion.

Worth mentioning: the caveat of using hf_transfer is that you don't have stuff like progress bars when downloading files. Not a real issue though, just don't be surprise if it seems "blocked" in the logs :)

Another note for future readers. hf_transfer only helps on the highest grades of machine where network allows real high bandwidth. On most common machines, the regular code already saturates the bandwidth.

darkstorm2150 changed pull request status to merged

@Wauplin could the update on requirements.txt caused this ?

runtime error
launch timed out, space was not healthy after 30 min

Container logs:

unable to retrieve container logs

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