Expected parameter covariance_matrix (Tensor of shape (4, 4)) of distribution MultivariateNormal

by galazzo - opened


With simple cut and paste of the provided demo code I get the following error:

Expected parameter covariance_matrix (Tensor of shape (4, 4)) of distribution MultivariateNormal(loc: torch.Size([4]), covariance_matrix: torch.Size([4, 4])) to satisfy the constraint PositiveDefinite(), but found invalid values:
tensor([[ 1.0000, -0.3333, -0.3333, -0.3333],
[-0.3333, 1.0000, -0.3333, -0.3333],
[-0.3333, -0.3333, 1.0000, -0.3333],
[-0.3333, -0.3333, -0.3333, 1.0000]])

galazzo changed discussion title from Loading takes endless time to Expected parameter covariance_matrix (Tensor of shape (4, 4)) of distribution MultivariateNormal

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