Did someone have a problem with JupyterLab when start training model?
- opened
Hi. I use JupiterLab notebook based on this article.
JupiterLab is started via the command line: jupyter-lab --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1e10
When I run the model training process, I get the following error:
Versions of the libraries I have installed (just in case):
artyom@MSK-PC-01:~/Whisper_Train$ pip list
Package Version
------------------------- -------------
absl-py 1.4.0
accelerate 0.21.0
aiofiles 23.1.0
aiohttp 3.8.4
aiosignal 1.3.1
altair 5.0.1
annotated-types 0.5.0
anyio 3.7.1
appdirs 1.4.4
argon2-cffi 21.3.0
argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
arrow 1.2.3
asttokens 2.2.1
async-lru 2.0.3
async-timeout 4.0.2
attrs 23.1.0
audioread 3.0.0
Babel 2.12.1
backcall 0.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.12.2
bleach 6.0.0
blinker 1.4
cachetools 5.3.1
certifi 2023.5.7
cffi 1.15.1
chardet 5.1.0
charset-normalizer 3.2.0
click 8.1.4
cloudpickle 2.2.1
cmake 3.26.4
comm 0.1.3
command-not-found 0.3
contourpy 1.1.0
cryptography 3.4.8
cuda-python 12.2.0
cudf-cu12 23.6.1
cuml-cu12 23.6.0
cupy-cuda12x 12.1.0
cycler 0.11.0
Cython 0.29.36
dask 2023.3.2
dask-cuda 23.6.0
dask-cudf-cu12 23.6.0
datasets 2.13.1
dbus-python 1.2.18
debugpy 1.6.7
decorator 5.1.1
defusedxml 0.7.1
dill 0.3.6
distributed 2023.3.2.1
distro 1.7.0
distro-info 1.1build1
et-xmlfile 1.1.0
evaluate 0.4.0
exceptiongroup 1.1.2
executing 1.2.0
Faker 18.13.0
faker-marketdata 0.4
fastapi 0.100.0
fastjsonschema 2.17.1
fastrlock 0.8.1
ffmpeg 1.4
ffmpy 0.3.0
filelock 3.12.2
fonttools 4.40.0
fqdn 1.5.1
frozenlist 1.3.3
fsspec 2023.6.0
git-lfs 1.6
google-auth 2.22.0
google-auth-oauthlib 1.0.0
gradio 3.36.1
gradio_client 0.2.7
grpcio 1.56.2
h11 0.14.0
httpcore 0.17.3
httplib2 0.20.2
httpx 0.24.1
huggingface-hub 0.16.4
idna 3.4
importlib-metadata 6.8.0
inquirerpy 0.3.4
ipykernel 6.24.0
ipython 8.14.0
ipywidgets 8.0.7
isoduration 20.11.0
jedi 0.18.2
jeepney 0.7.1
Jinja2 3.1.2
jiwer 3.0.2
joblib 1.3.1
json5 0.9.14
jsonpointer 2.4
jsonschema 4.18.0
jsonschema-specifications 2023.6.1
jupyter_client 8.3.0
jupyter_core 5.3.1
jupyter-events 0.6.3
jupyter-lsp 2.2.0
jupyter_server 2.7.0
jupyter_server_terminals 0.4.4
jupyterlab 4.0.2
jupyterlab-pygments 0.2.2
jupyterlab_server 2.23.0
jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.8
keyring 23.5.0
kiwisolver 1.4.4
launchpadlib 1.10.16
lazr.restfulclient 0.14.4
lazr.uri 1.0.6
lazy_loader 0.3
librosa 0.10.0.post2
linkify-it-py 2.0.2
lit 16.0.6
llvmlite 0.40.1
locket 1.0.0
Markdown 3.4.3
markdown-it-py 2.2.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.3
matplotlib 3.7.2
matplotlib-inline 0.1.6
mdit-py-plugins 0.3.3
mdurl 0.1.2
mistune 3.0.1
more-itertools 8.10.0
mpmath 1.3.0
msgpack 1.0.5
multidict 6.0.4
multiprocess 0.70.14
nbclient 0.8.0
nbconvert 7.6.0
nbformat 5.9.0
nest-asyncio 1.5.6
netifaces 0.11.0
networkx 3.1
notebook_shim 0.2.3
numba 0.57.1
numpy 1.24.4
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu11 11.7.101
nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 11.7.99
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 11.7.99
nvidia-nccl-cu11 2.14.3
nvidia-nvtx-cu11 11.7.91
nvtx 0.2.5
oauthlib 3.2.0
openpyxl 3.1.2
orjson 3.9.2
overrides 7.3.1
packaging 23.1
pandas 1.5.3
pandocfilters 1.5.0
parso 0.8.3
partd 1.4.0
pexpect 4.8.0
pfzy 0.3.4
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 10.0.0
pip 22.0.2
platformdirs 3.8.1
plotly 5.15.0
pooch 1.6.0
prometheus-client 0.17.0
prompt-toolkit 3.0.39
protobuf 4.21.12
psutil 5.9.5
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure-eval 0.2.2
pyarrow 11.0.0
pyasn1 0.5.0
pyasn1-modules 0.3.0
pycountry 22.3.5
pycparser 2.21
pydantic 2.0.2
pydantic_core 2.1.2
pydub 0.25.1
Pygments 2.15.1
PyGObject 3.42.1
PyJWT 2.3.0
pylibraft-cu12 23.6.2
pynvml 11.4.1
pyparsing 2.4.7
python-apt 2.4.0+ubuntu1
python-dateutil 2.8.2
python-json-logger 2.0.7
python-multipart 0.0.6
pytz 2023.3
PyYAML 5.4.1
pyzmq 25.1.0
raft-dask-cu12 23.6.2
rapidfuzz 2.13.7
referencing 0.29.1
regex 2023.6.3
requests 2.31.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.1
responses 0.18.0
rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
rmm-cu12 23.6.0
rpds-py 0.8.10
rsa 4.9
safetensors 0.3.1
scikit-learn 1.3.0
scipy 1.11.1
SecretStorage 3.3.1
semantic-version 2.10.0
Send2Trash 1.8.2
setuptools 59.6.0
six 1.16.0
sniffio 1.3.0
sortedcontainers 2.4.0
soundfile 0.12.1
soupsieve 2.4.1
soxr 0.3.5
stack-data 0.6.2
starlette 0.27.0
sympy 1.12
systemd-python 234
tblib 2.0.0
tenacity 8.2.2
tensorboard 2.13.0
tensorboard-data-server 0.7.1
terminado 0.17.1
threadpoolctl 3.1.0
tinycss2 1.2.1
tokenizers 0.13.3
tomli 2.0.1
toolz 0.12.0
torch 2.0.1
torchaudio 2.0.2
torchvision 0.15.2
tornado 6.3.2
tqdm 4.65.0
traitlets 5.9.0
transformers 4.30.2
transliterate 1.10.2
treelite 3.2.0
treelite-runtime 3.2.0
triton 2.0.0
typing_extensions 4.7.1
tzdata 2023.3
ubuntu-advantage-tools 8001
uc-micro-py 1.0.2
ucx-py-cu12 0.32.0
ufw 0.36.1
unattended-upgrades 0.1
uri-template 1.3.0
urllib3 1.26.16
uvicorn 0.22.0
wadllib 1.3.6
wcwidth 0.2.6
webcolors 1.13
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.6.1
websockets 11.0.3
Werkzeug 2.3.6
wheel 0.37.1
widgetsnbextension 4.0.8
xxhash 3.2.0
yarl 1.9.2
zict 3.0.0
zipp 1.0.0
@sanchit-gandhi Hi Sanchit, мaybe you can offer some advice on what the cause might be?