What does the abbreviation MFANN stand for?

by Joseph717171 - opened

Neat model experiment! However, I only one question: what does MFANN stand for? πŸ€”

Thank you for trying out the model! The name "MFANN" stands for "makhi's fully autonomous neural network" as I plan to use this model experiment once I deem it fully saturated, to power some autonomous agents in the near future, and maybe even an MOE! although I am working with a cpu inference machine and the best GPU I have is an rx 6400 and I'm using colab to finetune these models, so unfortunately progress won't be as fast paced as some other organizations. I also work 2 jobs (little caesars and mcdonalds) so that further hampers progress

You'll get there! I admire your hardworking and determination. Reach for the stars and grab them! πŸ€—

Thank you very much for those kind words! may god bless us all on a path to a prosperous future!

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