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Hyperparameter Value
steps [('transformer', MultiSkillTransformer()), ('clf', SVC(C=1, class_weight='balanced', kernel='linear'))]
verbose False
transformer MultiSkillTransformer()
clf SVC(C=1, class_weight='balanced', kernel='linear')
clf__C 1
clf__break_ties False
clf__cache_size 200
clf__class_weight balanced
clf__coef0 0.0
clf__decision_function_shape ovr
clf__degree 3
clf__gamma scale
clf__kernel linear
clf__max_iter -1
clf__probability False
clf__shrinking True
clf__tol 0.001
clf__verbose False

Model Plot

Pipeline(steps=[('transformer', MultiSkillTransformer()),('clf', SVC(C=1, class_weight='balanced', kernel='linear'))])
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Evaluation Results

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How to Get Started with the Model

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Model Card Authors

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Support Vector Machine (SVM) trained to predict if a skill span is a multiskill or not.

Classification Report

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index precision recall f1-score support
SKILL 0.93617 0.807339 0.866995 109
MULTISKILL 0.834646 0.946429 0.887029 112
accuracy 0.877828 0.877828 0.877828 0.877828
macro avg 0.885408 0.876884 0.877012 221
weighted avg 0.884719 0.877828 0.877148 221
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