plans for open sourcing deQuAD 2.0?

by aari1995 - opened

Hey everybody,
very nice work again! The dataset sounds really interesting. Are there any plans on open-sourcing it? (Or training a purely German model on it, for example deepset - gBERT-large)

Thanks and all the best

Deutsche Telekom AG org

Although we are big open source advocates, unfortunately we will not be publishing this dataset. I am sorry Aaron.

Deutsche Telekom AG org

This model here is pure German:

At the moment we have no plan to publish more or larger models. But that might change soon...

Deutsche Telekom AG org

Does that answer your questions Aaron? If yes: can you please close this?

aari1995 changed discussion status to closed

Hey, I just want to reiterate what Aaron said about the great work! I also wanted to express interest in this dataset being open-sourced, but I understand that this doesn't always work out.

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