audioduration (s)
Nuair a dhúisigh mé, bhí brón orm.
When I woke up, I was sad.
Caithfidh mé dul a chodladh.
I have to go to bed.
Táim i ngrá leat.
I love you.
Tá grá agam duit.
I love you.
Is imeartas focal é seo.
This is a pun.
Imeartas focal is ea é seo.
This is a pun.
Is aingeal thú!
You're an angel!
Tá aisling agam.
I have a dream.
Tá tuirse orm.
I'm tired.
Tá tinneas cinn orm.
I have a headache.
Nollaig Shona!
Merry Christmas!
Nollaig Shona duit!
Merry Christmas!
Tá mé pósta agus tá beirt pháistí agam.
I am married and have two children.
Tá sé fuar.
It's cold.
Tá tart orm.
I'm thirsty.
Níl uaim dul ar scoil.
I don't want to go to school.
Níor mhaith liom dul ar scoil.
I don't want to go to school.
Tá sé ag cur.
It is raining.
Tá sé ag cur báisteach.
It is raining.
Cá bhfuil tú?
Where are you?
Cá bhfuil sibh?
Where are you?
Is breá liom turais.
I love trips.
Níl aithne agam air.
I don't know him.
Is cuma liom.
I don't care.
Bíonn cluasa ar an gcoill.
The walls have ears.
Bíonn cluasa ar na claíocha.
The walls have ears.
Ceapaim gur chóir duit leithscéal a dhéanamh di.
I think that you ought to apologize to her.
An bhfuil tú ag bualadh le duine éigin anseo?
Are you meeting someone here?
An féidir leat carr a thiomáint?
Can you drive a car?
An féidir leat gluaisteán a thiomáint?
Can you drive a car?
Cad tá uait?
What are you looking for?
Cad atá tu ag déanamh?
What are you doing?
Tá trí cupán caife ólta agat.
You've drunk three cups of coffee.
Tá tú chomh gnóthach le beacha i gcónaí.
You are always as busy as a bee.
An itheann tú rís i do thír féin?
Do you eat rice in your country?
Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.
Hunger is the best sauce.
D'fhéadfadh sé a bheith saibhir, ach tá sé ceachartha.
He may be rich, but he is stingy.
Tá bonn óir ann.
There is a gold coin.
Tá sláinte níos fearr ná saibhreas.
Health is better than wealth.
Tosaíonn an t-oideachas sa bhaile.
Education starts at home.
Gan aon agó!
Without a doubt!
Tosaíonn scoil ag a hocht a chlog ar maidin.
School begins at 8:10 a.m.
Cén slí abhfuil an trá?
Which way is the beach?
Is é an Neiptiún t-ochtú pláinéad an ghrianchórais.
Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system.
Céard a ólfaidh tú?
What will you have to drink?
Cén fáth?
For what?
Cad chuige?
What for?
Abair arís?
Come again?
Is laoch mé.
I'm a hero.
Tá rós buí ann.
There is a yellow rose.
Tá Londan, príomhchathair Shasana, suite ar an Tamais.
London, the capital of England, is on the Thames.
Tá an Béarla deacair a fhoghlaim.
English is difficult to learn.
Is doiligh an Bearla a fhoghlaim.
English is difficult to learn.
Is teanga an domhain é an Béarla.
English is the world's language.
An labhraítear an Béarla i gCeanada?
Is English spoken in Canada?
Nár bhuaileamar riamh?
Haven't we met before?
Nár chasamar ar a chéile roimhe seo?
Haven't we met before?
Chas sí air an lampa, mar bhí sé dorcha.
She switched on the lamp because it was dark.
Is as Kiótó dom.
I'm from Kyoto.
Táim níos áille ná tusa.
I am more beautiful than you.
Is é an leon rí na dufaire.
The lion is the king of the jungle.
Éist go cúramach
Listen carefully.
Fáilte! Conas atá tú?
Hi! How are you?
Dia duit! Cé chaoi a bhfuil tú?
Hi! How are you?
Is mian liom go raibh tú beagán níos airde.
I wish I were a little taller.
Triail arís.
Try again.
Tá Meg ag bualadh druma.
Meg is beating a drum.
Rith Máire.
Mary ran.
An bhfuil tú réidh a ithe?
Are you ready to eat?
Níl a fhios agam fós.
I don't know yet.
Feicfidh mé ar ball sibh.
I'll see you later.
Ó, cad é seo?
Oh, what is this?
Bhain mé taitneamh as an gceolchoirm ach amháin go raibh an halla fuar.
I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold.
Ní raibh muid in ann déanamh amach ceard a bhí Paul ag iarraidh a dhéanamh.
We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do.
Bhí Bille déanach don scoil mar is gnách.
Bill was late for school as usual.
Thit Peter i ngrá leis an cailín.
Peter fell in love with the girl.
Is é Páras príomhchathair na Fraince.
Paris is the capital of France.
Cá bhfuil críochfort na mbus?
Where is the bus terminal?
Tá, tá ort.
Yes, you must.
Tá, tá oraibh.
Yes, you must.
Tá cat ann.
There is a cat.
Is cathair mhór í New York.
New York is a big city.
Cad é?
Chomh iontach!
How wonderful!
Cén fáth?
Cad chuige?
Conas atá an aimsir?
How's the weather?
Is féidir le aon leanbh sin a dhéanamh.
Any child can do that.
Cé mhéid?
How big?
Cé acu ceann mo cheannsa?
Which is mine?
Seasaigí siar le bhur dtoil.
Stand back, please.
Oscail an doras.
Open the door.
An bhfuil tú go maith ag leadóige?
Are you good at tennis?
Tá oráiste ar an tábla ann.
There is an orange on the table.
Tar éis an dinnéir, siúlaim ar an dtrá.
After dinner, I walk on the beach.
Táim tuirseach traochta.
I'm worn out.

Dataset Details

Synthetic audio dataset, created using Azure text-to-speech service. The bilingual text is a portion of the Tatoeba dataset, consisting of 1,983 text segments. The dataset consists of two sets of audio data, one with a female voice (OrlaNeural) and the other with a male voice (ColmNeural). The speech data comprises approximately 2 hours and 39 minutes (02:39:31) spread across 3,966 utterances.

Dataset Structure

    features: ['audio', 'text_ga', 'text_en'],
    num_rows: 3966


Please refer to the Terms of Use of Tatoeba project.


  • This speech dataset Tatoeba-Speech-Irish was created and introduced as part of the following paper:
  title={Leveraging Synthetic Audio Data for End-to-End Low-Resource Speech Translation},
  author={Moslem, Yasmin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)},
  address={Bangkok, Thailand}
  • The original Tatoeba bilingual text dataset was collected by the OPUS project, introduced in the following paper:

  title     = "{Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in {OPUS}}",
  booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language
               Resources and Evaluation ({LREC}'12)}",
  author    = "Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg",
  publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
  pages     = "2214--2218",
  month     =  may,
  year      =  2012,
  url       = "",
  address   = "Istanbul, Turkey"
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