Retrieve semantically similar text.The Cleveland Cavaliers won the right to draft James by winning the NBA's annual lottery Thursday night.
Such was the case Thursday night when the Cleveland Cavaliers won the "LeBron James Lottery," otherwise known as the NBA draft lottery.
Lakers fire Mike Brown after 1-4 start
Retrieve semantically similar text.The euro has slipped nearly four percent since matching a record peak of around $1.1935 only last week and hitting an all-time high of 140.90 yen in late May.
The euro has slipped as much as four cents since matching a record peak near $1.1935 last week and hitting a record high of 140.90 yen in late May.
Inflation falls to 15-month low
Retrieve semantically similar text.With the Expose feature, all open windows shrink to fit on the screen but are still clear enough to identify.
With the Expose (ex-poh-SAY) feature, all the open windows on the desktop immediately shrink to fit on the screen but are still clear enough to identify.
The cat is standing on the window sill looking at the camera.
Retrieve semantically similar text."This case was both mentally challenging and emotionally exhausting," said the foreman, Jim Wolfcale, a 41-year-old minister.
Jim Wolfcale, the jury foreman and a minister, said, "This case was both mentally challenging and emotionally exhausting."
And now it's anything he wants to say," confirmed Stone County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center social director Alesha Badgley.
Retrieve semantically similar text.More than 100 police officers were involved in the busts that were the culmination of a two-year operation investigating the cocaine importing and money laundering gang.
More than 100 officers launched the London raids in the final phase of a two-year operation investigating a cocaine and money laundering ring.
Tampering with medicine apparently was so lucrative, investigators said, that many of the suspects lived in million-dollar homes.
Retrieve semantically similar text.But at age 15, she had reached 260 pounds and a difficult decision: It was time to try surgery.
But at the age of 15, she weighed a whopping 117kg and came to a difficult decision: it was time to try surgery.
Some women also express concern about a society in which more people than ever are turning to cosmetic surgery in a quest for bodily perfection.
Retrieve semantically similar text."Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructuring out of court, and we remain hopeful we can do so," chief executive Marce Fuller said.
"Our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructuring out of court," Mirant CEO Marce Fuller said in a prepared statement early Friday.
Defense lawyers had requested a change of venue for two reasons: They argued that massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Chera Larkins, 32, of Manhattan, charged with three sham marriages, is also charged with perjury and filing a false instrument.
Chera Larkins, 32, of Manhattan, charged with perjury and filing a false instrument in three marriage applications.
Sorkin was to have been tried separately on charges of conspiracy and lying to a grand jury.
Retrieve semantically similar text.The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Tuesday where Donaldson is scheduled to testify on hedge and mutual funds.
The Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Tuesday, when Donaldson will be questioned about hedge and mutual funds.
Senate confirms Janet Yellen as next Federal Reserve Chair
Retrieve semantically similar text.The new servers will run either Linux or the x86 version of Solaris, he said.
The servers can run Solaris x86 operating system or the standard Linux operating system.
Microsoft acquired Virtual PC from its developer, Connectix, earlier this year.
Retrieve semantically similar text.I was going to the court believing I could do this, only if I played my best tennis.
"I was believing that I was confident I could do this, but only in the case I would play my best tennis.
Nadal through to seventh French Open final
Retrieve semantically similar text.Dogs, he said, are second only to humans in the thoroughness of medical understanding and research.
He said that dogs are second only to humans in terms of being the subject of medical research.
Two women walk there dogs at a dog show.
Retrieve semantically similar text.The spacecraft is scheduled to blast off as early as tomorrow or as late as Friday from the Jiuquan launching site in the Gobi Desert.
The spacecraft is scheduled to blast off between next Wednesday and Friday from a launching site in the Gobi Desert.
A few thousand troops, most from the division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team based at Fort Benning in Columbus, began returning last week, with flights continuing through Friday.
Retrieve semantically similar text.At least 11 more cases in Indiana and three in Illinois are suspected.
There’s also at least three suspected cases in Illinois and 11 in Indiana.
What conviction would that be?
Retrieve semantically similar text.The pill, which they call the "polypill," would contain aspirin, a cholesterol-lowering drug, three blood pressure-lowering drugs at half the standard dose and folic acid.
The ingredients of such a polypill would contain aspirin, a cholesterol-lowering statin, three blood pressure-lowering agents in half dose, and folic acid.
Their belief was based on speculation that estrogen prevents cell damage and improves blood flow.
Retrieve semantically similar text."They drive around in their cars, while people are being killed 500 metres away," he said on Sunday.
"What they are doing right now is they drive around in their cars, while people are being killed 500 metres away.
Three Killed In Crash At Tiananmen Square
Retrieve semantically similar text.He'll be swept over any minute or just die of the cold, Moriarty thought.
From the top of the embankment, Moriarty thought, "He'll be swept over any minute or just die of the cold."
@sozobe, I think Santorum's more likely than Gingrich.
Retrieve semantically similar text.KEDO Spokesman, Roland Tricot said: "The executive board decided to refer this question to capitals.
"The executive board decided to refer this to the capitals," the Korean Energy Development Organization said.
"We condemn and denounce the Governing Council, which is headed by the United States," Moqtada al-Sadr said.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Prosecutors did an about-face in May and asked that the autopsy reports be unsealed after portions of Conner Peterson's autopsy report favorable to the defense were leaked to the media.
They asked that the autopsy reports be unsealed after portions of the autopsy report on Peterson's unborn son that were favorable to the defense were leaked to the media.
Prosecutors maintained that Durst murdered Black to try to assume Black's identity.
Retrieve semantically similar text.However, other unions including the powerful CGT remained opposed to the reform and demanded the government begin fresh negotiations with them.
The powerful CGT and other unions remained opposed to the plans, however, and demanded the government renegotiate the reform with them.
North Korea 'postpones' family unions with South Korea
Retrieve semantically similar text.Several thousand 3rd Infantry troops, including the 3rd Brigade Combat Team based at Fort Benning in Columbus, began returning last week.
A few thousand troops, most from the division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team based at Fort Benning in Columbus, began returning last week, with flights continuing through Friday.
9,000 U.S. Marines to move out of Okinawa: statement
Retrieve semantically similar text.mexico wishes to guarantee citizens' safety.
mexico wishes to avoid more violence.
mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agents and soldiers to sinaloa to fight drug trafficking.
Retrieve semantically similar text.spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the osce.
spain currently holds the osce's presidency.
Spanish government approves tight restrictions on abortion
Retrieve semantically similar text.investigators claim the british company was a cia cover.
russian investigators stated that the british company was a cia cover.
Four men admit London bombs plot
Retrieve semantically similar text.georgian government websites are under intense cyber attack following russian military strikes against georgia late last week.
the cyber attacks follow russian military strikes launched against georgia late last week.
Egypt: Egypt crackdown sparks global outrage
Retrieve semantically similar text.national, regional and international efforts to end the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.
the global community must cooperate to end illicit trade of small arms and light weapons.
this is the last chance to build security in the middle east based on trust and cooperation rather than on the possession of nuclear arms.
Retrieve semantically similar text.religious extremism continues in pakistan despite the banning of militant groups.
religious extremism continues in pakistan despite the banning of militant groups by the pakistani government.
Thousands gather to support Islamist government in Tunisia
Retrieve semantically similar text.myanmar was formerly known as burma.
myanmar was formerly called burma.
saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that -- the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar.
Retrieve semantically similar text.human rights violations in myanmar include summary executions, torture and the recruitment of child soldiers.
these human rights violations include summary executions, torture and the recruitment of child
myanmar was formerly called burma.
Retrieve semantically similar text.anatoly sokolov announced-- soviet-built a-135 missile defense system around moscow is obsolete and inefficient.
soviet-built a-135 missile defense system around moscow is obsolete and inefficient.
Russian air force's 100th anniversary
Retrieve semantically similar text.french energy and transport company alstom may sign a contract to build a high-speed rail link between beijing and shanghai.
alstom may sign a contract to build a high-speed rail link between beijing and shanghai.
A toy train strikes a toy car.
Retrieve semantically similar text.helmand province is the world's largest opium-producing region.
helmand province is the world's largest producer of opium.
myanmar government stated myanmar is on track to be drug-free by 2014.
Retrieve semantically similar text.mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agents and soldiers to sinaloa due to the high degree of organized crime and drug trafficking.
mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agents and soldiers to sinaloa to fight drug trafficking.
mexico wishes to avoid more violence.
Retrieve semantically similar text.kashmir is divided between india and pakistan.
kashmir is claimed by both india and pakistan.
Powerful new earthquake hits shattered Pakistan region
Retrieve semantically similar text.libyan foreign minister abdel rahman shalgam visited london during the first visit by a libyan foreign minister since 1969.
shalgam's visit to london is the first by a libyan foreign minister since 1969.
wen stated that the purpose of his visit to germany is to advance trade, economic and technological exchanges.
Retrieve semantically similar text.activists have stated that russia is imprisoning people without evidence of illegal activity.
russia imprisons people without evidence of illegal activity.
putin warned that russia would take retaliatory actions.
Retrieve semantically similar text.existing rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months.
experts stated that the rods could produce 3-6 atomic bombs in 6-8 months.
"In return we expect North Korea to give up nuclear weapons."
Retrieve semantically similar text.myanmar government has stated myanmar will become opium-free by 2014.
myanmar government stated myanmar is on track to be drug-free by 2014.
saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that -- the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar.
Retrieve semantically similar text.jewish-american group the anti-defamation league (adl) published full-page advertisements in swiss and international papers in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal.
the anti-defamation league took out full-page advertisments in swiss and international newspapers earlier in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal.
AOL to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1 billion
Retrieve semantically similar text.russia had threatened several times to withdraw from the cfe when it was at odds with the united states over u.s. plans to install a missile defense shield in eastern
russia has repeatedly threatened withdrawal from the cfe in opposition to plans for the extension of the us missile defense shield to eastern europe.
soviet-built a-135 missile defense system around moscow is obsolete and inefficient.
Retrieve semantically similar text.china has been praised by the international community for efforts to resolve the korean peninsula nuclear issue.
china has been praised especially by the asia-pacific states for efforts to resolve the korean peninsula nuclear issue.
china has always opposed the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Retrieve semantically similar text.the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to help innovation in japans's space industry.
the purpose of the new law is to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to encourage innovation in japans's space industry.
vietnam's drug laws are among the world's strictest laws.
Retrieve semantically similar text.non-proliferation expert at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that the iaea report -- had an unusually strong tenor.
senior fellow at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that-- the international atomic energy agency plan is superficial.
The study results were released at a meeting in Seattle of the American Thoracic Society and also will be published in tomorrow's issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.
Retrieve semantically similar text.indian troops already fighting rebels in kashmir are now engaged in a massive campaign to destroy poppy crops in the region.
indian troops already fighting rebels are now also engaged in a massive operation to destroy poppy crops in kashmir.
Pak army adamant on fighting the other Taleban
Retrieve semantically similar text.the judicial order accused raghad of funding terrorism.
the court accused raghad saddam hussein of funding terrorism.
Five People Charged With Terror Offences
Retrieve semantically similar text.iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as officials enforce a campaign purportedly aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in society.
the number of executions increased in iran last year amid a campaign that is aimed at improving security in society.
Two American Officers Murdered As Afghan Unrest Continues
Retrieve semantically similar text.saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated-- the eu embargo prohibits direct or indirect supply of military equipment for use in myanmar.
saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that -- the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar.
myanmar government stated myanmar is on track to be drug-free by 2014.
Retrieve semantically similar text.hong kong universities collaborate with universities, businesses and government sectors of mainland china to coordinate training programs and research centers to promote high-tech research, commercialization, and technology transfer.
hong kong universities have collaborated with tertiary education, business and government sectors of mainland china to direct training programs and research centers to promote research commercialization and technology transfer.
The PCs are scattered across the United States, Canada and South Korea.
Retrieve semantically similar text.the statement did not specify the quantity of warheads the missile is capable of carrying.
the statement did not specify how many warheads the missile can carry.
the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number of military aircraft, tanks and other non-nuclear heavy weapons in europe.
Retrieve semantically similar text.it is a serious threat to international security.
it presents a major threat to global security.
It is the nation's first large-scale counterterrorism exercise since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Retrieve semantically similar text.egypt and jordan have signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and have long called for a middle east free of weapons of mass destruction.
syria has signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and has allowed agency experts to inspect its only known nuclear facility.
Iran, six world powers clinch breakthrough nuclear deal
Retrieve semantically similar text.an institute for public policy research report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists.
the report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists.
It is the nation's first large-scale counterterrorism exercise since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Retrieve semantically similar text.elbaradei states that a middle east peace deal can only be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region.
elbaradei was quoted as saying that a peace deal between israel and its arab neighbors must be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region.
Iran, world powers agree nuclear deal
Retrieve semantically similar text.wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to advance trade, economic and technological exchanges.
wen stated that the purpose of his visit to germany is to advance trade, economic and technological exchanges.
it presents a major threat to global security.
Retrieve semantically similar text.china has so far balked against united states pressure on china to stop and search north korean ships.
china has stated that the united states pressure on china to stop and search north korean ships could trigger military clashes.
china will resolutely oppose the means of the delivery of mass destructive weapons.
Retrieve semantically similar text.nuclear weapon systems at a high level of readiness increase the risk of those weapons being used including unintentionally with catastrophic consequences.
the resolution says that the high level of readiness increases the risk of the use of such weapons and that the unintentional or accidental use would have catastrophic consequences.
it presents a major threat to global security.
Retrieve semantically similar text.physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified information on space technology to china.
physicist valentin danilov was found guilty of selling classified information on space technology to china.
He also recruited other people to take delivery of fraudulently obtained merchandise he had ordered.
Retrieve semantically similar text.santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 computers discovered with slain rebel leader raul reyes.
francisco santos stated that colombian police found the evidence on two computers discovered with raul reyes.
Investigators Probe Motives of Los Angeles Airport Shooter
Retrieve semantically similar text.a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that siemens was beginning talks with interested chinese parties about a sale of the plutonium-processing facility.
a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that gerhard schroeder stated that gerhard schroeder is not against the sale of the plutonium-processing facility in principle.
China army newspaper slams US's PRISM program
Retrieve semantically similar text.cyber attacks are considered a growing threat to military and civilian computer networks.
nato considers cyber attacks a growing threat to military and civilian computer networks.
Attacks in Iraq kill general and 4 others
Retrieve semantically similar text.the riyadh-based naif arab academy for security sciences said in a statement that it was running a two-week workshop for 50 anti-terrorism experts.
in a statement naif arab academy for security sciences announced-- it will sponsor a 2-week workshop for 50 anti-terrorism experts.
UN team investigates Syrian massacre
Retrieve semantically similar text.in september 2007 jordan signed an accord with the united states aimed at supporting the peaceful development of the jordan's nascent nuclear program.
in september 2007 the united states signed an accord with jordan aimed at supporting the peaceful development of jodran's new nuclear program.
Jordan biased over Palestinians from Syria
Retrieve semantically similar text.iran lies on a major drug route between afghanistan and europe and the persian gulf states.
iran lies on a major drug trafficking route between afghanistan and europe, as well as the persian gulf states.
Iran, six world powers clinch breakthrough nuclear deal
Retrieve semantically similar text.in july 2006 jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit stated that-- raghdad hussein and family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii.
jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit said in july 2006 that raghdad hussein and her family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii after iraq issued its
Syrian army retakes historic Crusader castle
Retrieve semantically similar text.a group representing mainly white south africans called afriforum stated it would organize protests along the route to zimbabwe.
afriforum stated that the group would organize protests along the route to zimbabwe.
Thousands gather to support Islamist government in Tunisia
Retrieve semantically similar text.iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop using the country's oil revenue to pay compensation to victims of the 1991 gulf war and the salaries of the united nations monitoring, verification and inspection commission inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation's oil-for-food accounts transferred to the government's development fund.
iraq's new leaders have been lobbying for the united nations security council to stop using the iraq's oil revenue to pay the salaries of the inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation's oil-for-food account transferred to the iraqi government.
"We believe KBR delivered fuel to Iraq at the best value, the best price and the best terms," Halliburton spokeswoman Wendy Hall said.
Retrieve semantically similar text.SC dismisses govt's review plea in Vodafone tax case
SC dismisses govt's review petition on Vodafone tax verdict
While federal prosecutors refuse to discuss the investigation, lawyers and others familiar with it say it remains focused on Campbell.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Castro celebrates 86th birthday Monday
Fidel Castro celebrates 86th birthday
Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia dies at 66
Retrieve semantically similar text.Saudis to permit women to compete in Olympics
Saudi Women Allowed To Compete At Olympics
Cuba's 'Ladies' to Pick Up EU Prize 8 Years Later
Retrieve semantically similar text.Suicide bombing rocks elite Yemen military camp
Suicide bombers attack Yemen military posts
Two blasts near Iranian embassy in Beirut
Retrieve semantically similar text.Australia to establish the world's largest marine reserve
Australia creates world's largest marine reserves
Tony Abbott Sworn In As Australia PM
Retrieve semantically similar text.Gunman kills 6 in shooting at Wisconsin Sikh temple
Gunman kills six in shooting at Sikh temple in Wisconsin
Alleged cop killer died from gunshot
Retrieve semantically similar text.China news agency: Still hope for Syria peace
China state news agency: There's still hope for Syria peace
Syria's Assad vows to comply with U.N. resolution
Retrieve semantically similar text.AOL says to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1.0 bn
AOL to sell 800 patents to Microsoft for $1 billion
Retail pricing for SMS 2003 with 10 device client access licenses is $1,219.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Navy Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building
US Navy Jet Crashes into Apartment Block
One World Trade Center Named Tallest US Building
Retrieve semantically similar text.Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran steps up relief efforts after quakes kill 227
Iran steps up relief efforts after quakes kill 227
Powerful new earthquake hits shattered Pakistan region
Retrieve semantically similar text.Two reported dead in shooting at Empire State Building in NY
2 dead in shooting outside Empire State Building
Gunman among 7 dead after Fla. apartment shootout
Retrieve semantically similar text.Olympics Opening Ceremony A Hit Around Globe
Opening ceremony gives Olympics a rocking start
Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympics
Retrieve semantically similar text.Man killed in French terror raid
Man dies in French 'anti-terror operation'
Damascus 'suicide bombing' kills 10
Retrieve semantically similar text.Capello quits as England manager
Capello resigns as England manager
David Beckham Retires From Football
Retrieve semantically similar text.'Iran will attack Tel Aviv if Israel strikes'
Senior cleric: Iran will attack Tel Aviv if Israel strikes
US, UN up pressure on Israel over Gaza
Retrieve semantically similar text.UN security council orders global sanctions against Haqqani network in Afghanistan
UN orders global sanctions against Haqqani network
UN: US drone strikes violate Pakistan's sovereignty
Retrieve semantically similar text.Saudi Arabia arrests suspected militants with al-Qaeda links
Saudi Arabia arrests suspected militants, state media reports
US designates Haqqani network as terrorists
Retrieve semantically similar text.Four men admit London Stock Exchange bomb plot
Four men admit London bombs plot
Three Killed In Crash At Tiananmen Square
Retrieve semantically similar text.Nissan to sell steer-by-wire cars
Nissan to offer steer-by-wire systems in some Infiniti cars
alstom may sign a contract to build a high-speed rail link between beijing and shanghai.
Retrieve semantically similar text.NATO Condemns Syria's Downing of Turkish Military Jet
NATO strongly condemns Syria's downing of Turkish jet
EU imposes new sanctions on Syrian regime
Retrieve semantically similar text.Former Nazi death camp guard Demjanjuk dead at 91
John Demjanjuk, convicted Nazi death camp guard, dies aged 91
Nelson Mandela Dies at Age 95
Retrieve semantically similar text.US: Madoff brother to plead guilty in NY in fraud
Madoff's brother to plead guilty to fraud
Jesse Jackson Jr., Wife to Plead Guilty to Fraud
Retrieve semantically similar text.Clinton warns Kenya of cost of election violence
Clinton warns Kenya on cost of election unrest
S. Sudan accuses Sudan of bombing in blow to talks
Retrieve semantically similar text.Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down execution law
Arkansas Justices Strike Down Death Penalty
Supreme Court to hear Michigan affirmative action case
Retrieve semantically similar text.Nadal tumbles into French Open final
Nadal through to seventh French Open final
Putin 'wins' Russia's presidential election
Retrieve semantically similar text.Remains of 167 bodies found in Mexican cave
Remains of 167 people found in Mexico cave
Sewol ferry disaster: Body of South Korean shipping tycoon found
Retrieve semantically similar text.orphaned alps massacre girl returns to uk
Alps attack: Girl returns to UK
British stuntman dies in wingsuit mishap in Alps
Retrieve semantically similar text.Assange appeals extradition to UK's top court
Assange to appeal extradition to UK's top court
Snowden thanks Russia for granting asylum
Retrieve semantically similar text.Mob kills man for burning Quran
Pakistani Mob Kills Man 'for Burning Koran'
Their leader, Abu Bakr al-Azdi, surrendered in June; his deputy was killed in a shoot-out with Saudi forces recently.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Salvador Dali painting snatched from New York gallery
Salvador Dali painting snatched in NYC
Swiss tourist gang-raped in India
Retrieve semantically similar text.Sarkozy announces re-election bid
France's Nicolas Sarkozy makes his reelection bid official
Putin claims victory in presidential vote
Retrieve semantically similar text.US, UK in pact to release emergency oil stocks
US, UK Set to Agree Emergency Oil Stocks Release
Iran, six world powers clinch breakthrough nuclear deal
Retrieve semantically similar text.France's Strauss-Kahn charged with involvement in prostitution vice ring
Strauss-Kahn charged in prostitution vice ring
The weekend arrest of Russia's richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, chief executive of oil major YUKOS, on charges of fraud and tax evasion unnerved financial markets.
Retrieve semantically similar text.Barclays hit by fresh U.S. investigations
Barclays hit by fresh US probe
Britain's debt timebomb: Nine million are in 'serious debt'