The powerful impact of part-time work In the fourth of a series of essays from the National Committee for Gender Equity, Madeline Sewall discusses the merits of part-time employment, and the wide-ranging benefits it brings to the creative design studio. From improving staff retention to allowing for flexible resourcing, it is no secret that part-time employment makes good financial sense for all types of businesses. But in a field like architecture, where creativity and social-sensitivity are crucial, the potential benefits of adaptable work practices have a much broader reach. The flexibility that part-time employment affords can generate creative momentum and diversity that are of tremendous advantage to architects and their projects. The creative environment and the knowledge worker Charged with the weighty task of delivering functional and meaningful spaces for the spectrum of life’s moments, architects are some of the original knowledge workers. Whether they’re designing museums and institutions or our own treasured houses, architects are relied upon for complex, integrated solutions. Creativity is essential to the design and delivery of these varied typologies, and it takes a diverse team of minds and a collaborative environment to achieve the most successful outcomes. Part-time work enables a practice to employ individuals who inherently bring interest and diversity into the office by the sheer fact that they are spending significant amounts of time doing other things. Consider that while many of us are sitting in air-conditioned office buildings for ten hours a day, five days a week, part-time employees are out walking along beaches or streets, caring for and playing with children, or visiting art museums. They are learning, observing and processing new information that they will bring with them into the workplace to draw upon when performing creative tasks or engaging in problem-solving exercises. Not only does the flexibility of part-time work benefit the part-time employee, but it benefits their colleagues as well. Creativity relies on lateral and associative forms of thinking, modes of operation that are enhanced by ‘random stimulation’. Because of this, the more varied a person’s workday, the more opportunities they will have to make unexpected connections and generate innovative ideas. Having colleagues coming and going from the office intermittently gives full-time employees the benefit of being stimulated by different people, perspectives and conversations. This continual source of un-choreographed interaction is an instrumental benefit to a creative design studio. Humans designing for humans Beyond creativity, the design of meaningful space requires a profound understanding of people and relationships. Good buildings are sensitive – they facilitate social interaction and contribute to our daily lives. It only makes sense that sympathetic buildings are designed by sympathetic people. All architects are other things – sons, daughters, parents, teachers, makers, researchers, writers, entrepreneurs. Our experiences in these roles add value to our ability to design buildings for others to occupy. They give us perspective, and help us understand the varied ways in which people use space. Part-time work allows architects to devote a portion of their weeks to these other roles, further deepening the value of this alternative perspective. Through the experiences of raising children, caring for elders, or establishing relationships with other colleagues and students, part-time employees are actively developing hard and soft skills that enhance the practice of architecture. As Lee Hillam points out in her essay, Go Hard or Go Home!, ‘…to be a good architect it is vitally important that you engage with the world outside architecture, that you be a broadly educated and broadly interested person, that you give yourself time and space to be inspired and to understand the communities you are designing for.’ Architecture of inclusion Part-time employment affords our profession the ability to engage all of the talent and experience available, regardless of personal circumstances. The addition of new resources and varied skillsets has the ability to contribute greatly to the collective knowledge of our industry. Who better to design childcare facilities than parents? Who better to design universities than academics? If we continue losing members of our industry who fall outside the full-time mould, we will be acting to our own disadvantage. When our industry reflects the diversity of the general population, we will be best suited to design sensitively to every client and every user. This means giving parents, academics, consultants, contractors, care-givers, men and women equal opportunity to practice and contribute. Part-time work is imperative to our ability to engage the broadest range of architects, ultimately resulting in the most creative, thoughtful and dynamic design outcomes. Madeline Sewall is a Victorian representative of the Australian Institute of Architects’ National Committee for Gender Equity. She also works for the Melbourne practice Breathe Architecture, where she leads a variety of projects ranging from residential to commercial.
KOLKATA: FMCG-to-tobacco-to-hospitality major ITC has quietly forayed into the Electronic Vaping Device (EVD) segment with the launch of Eon. The category is also called electronic cigarette or e-cigarette though there is no tobacco or combustion process involved in it. Internationally, the category has been growing at a rapid pace, with growth rates projected at 40% for the next five years. In 2013, globally, the industry size was estimated at $3 billion, with the US and Europe being the key markets. India, a late entrant and a nascent market currently, has seen numerous lesser-known imported brands, which are mainly being sold online. ITC with its strong strength in product quality, packaging and distribution is thus well poised to enter this category, said a senior official of the company. Eon is available in two variants — Rich Flavour and Menthol. The EVD, while being manufactured in China, from where globally nearly all devices are sourced, has been meticulously designed by the product development team of ITC and manufactured in compliance with high quality standards. The e-liquid, which on being heated vapourizes, has been blended, using quality ingredients and flavours. The mouth-end has a “soft tip” enabling a superior vaping experience. When contacted, an ITC spokesperson said it has launched Eon in Hyderabad and Kolkata at present. This EVD which has no tar, smoke and ash is available in two flavour variants — rich flavour and menthol. “The often-used term ‘e-cigarette’ is misleading, as the EVD, unlike a traditional cigarette, does not contain tobacco and there is no combustion. It is important that the Indian industry innovates and creates intellectual property for products such as EVD which will otherwise be imported involving royalty payments and outflows from the country. India should not be left behind in technology development,” the spokesperson added. Eon comes stylishly in a “trigger pack”, which is convenient to carry as well. “The “pulse” effect of the appealing print graphics is in keeping with the “electronic” nature of the product,” the spokesperson said. Globally, many smokers have started using this category and India, where though legal cigarettes account for less than 12% of tobacco consumed, might have a similar experience. Each Eon gives 250 puffs, measured under standard laboratory conditions, and is priced at Rs 300/. During the last AGM, ITC chairman Y C Deveshwar had said that the company was internally ready with the technology of e-cigarette but there was no policy of the government in this regard. Eon is available in two variants — Rich Flavour and Menthol. The EVD, while being manufactured in China, from where globally nearly all devices are sourced, has been designed by the product development team of ITC.
# NaN (not a number) ## Вопрос Какое значение находится в переменной `test`? ```javascript (function() { 'use strict'; var test = parseFloat('string 2') === parseFloat('string 2'); })(); ``` ## Ответ `false` Функции `parseFloat()` и `parseInt()` можно применять для приведения значения к типу `number`. Обе функции работают свледующим образом: ```javascript parseFloat(12); // 12 parseFloat(12.); // 12 parseFloat('12'); // 12 parseFloat('12.0'); // 12 parseFloat('12.'); // 12 parseFloat('12 strings'); // 12 parseFloat(['12', '13', '14']); // 12 parseFloat([12, 13, 14, 15]); // 12 parseFloat('string 12'); // NaN parseFloat(['string', 12]); // NaN parseFloat(null); // NaN parseFloat(false); // NaN parseFloat({}); // NaN parseFloat(NaN); // NaN parseFloat(Infinity); // Infinity ``` Если первые символы переданного аргумента являются числовыми (цифры от 0 до 10 и символ `.`), то происходит преобразование в число, в противном случае фукция вернет `NaN` (not a number), что переводится как "не число". `NaN` - единственное значение в JavaScript, которое не равно ни самому себе, ни чему-либо другому: ```javascript NaN === NaN // false ``` Для проверки является ли значение `NaN` существует встроенная функция `isNaN`: ```javascript isNaN(NaN) // true isNaN(1) // false ``` ## Итог В данном примере функция `parseFloat()` вовращает `NaN` два раза, после чего два значения `NaN` сравниваются и значение `false` записывается в переменную. ```javascript (function() { 'use strict'; // NaN !== NaN var test = parseFloat('string 2') === parseFloat('string 2'); // false })(); ```
# Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import test.functional as tf from test.functional.s3api.s3_test_client import ( Connection, get_boto3_conn, tear_down_s3) def setUpModule(): tf.setup_package() def tearDownModule(): tf.teardown_package() class S3ApiBase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, method_name): super(S3ApiBase, self).__init__(method_name) self.method_name = method_name @contextmanager def quiet_boto_logging(self): try: logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.INFO) yield finally: logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def setUp(self): if 's3api' not in tf.cluster_info: raise tf.SkipTest('s3api middleware is not enabled') try: self.conn = Connection( tf.config['s3_access_key'], tf.config['s3_secret_key'], user_id='%s:%s' % (tf.config['account'], tf.config['username'])) self.conn.reset() except Exception: message = '%s got an error during initialize process.\n\n%s' % \ (self.method_name, traceback.format_exc()) # TODO: Find a way to make this go to FAIL instead of Error self.fail(message) def assertCommonResponseHeaders(self, headers, etag=None): """ asserting common response headers with args :param headers: a dict of response headers :param etag: a string of md5(content).hexdigest() if not given, this won't assert anything about etag. (e.g. DELETE obj) """ self.assertTrue(headers['x-amz-id-2'] is not None) self.assertTrue(headers['x-amz-request-id'] is not None) self.assertTrue(headers['date'] is not None) # TODO; requires consideration # self.assertTrue(headers['server'] is not None) if etag is not None: self.assertTrue('etag' in headers) # sanity self.assertEqual(etag, headers['etag'].strip('"')) class S3ApiBaseBoto3(S3ApiBase): def setUp(self): if 's3api' not in tf.cluster_info: raise tf.SkipTest('s3api middleware is not enabled') try: self.conn = get_boto3_conn( tf.config['s3_access_key'], tf.config['s3_secret_key']) self.endpoint_url = self.conn._endpoint.host self.access_key = self.conn._request_signer._credentials.access_key self.region = self.conn._client_config.region_name tear_down_s3(self.conn) except Exception: message = '%s got an error during initialize process.\n\n%s' % \ (self.method_name, traceback.format_exc()) # TODO: Find a way to make this go to FAIL instead of Error self.fail(message) def tearDown(self): tear_down_s3(self.conn)
Bible Browser 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 26-27; 12:1-13a David Commits Adultery with Bathsheba 11In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel with him; they ravaged the Ammonites, and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. 2 It happened, late one afternoon, when David rose from his couch and was walking about on the roof of the king’s house, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; the woman was very beautiful. 3David sent someone to inquire about the woman. It was reported, ‘This is Bathsheba daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite.’ 4So David sent messengers to fetch her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. (Now she was purifying herself after her period.) Then she returned to her house. 5The woman conceived; and she sent and told David, ‘I am pregnant.’ 26 When the wife of Uriah heard that her husband was dead, she made lamentation for him. 27When the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife, and bore him a son. Nathan Condemns David But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord, 121and the Lord sent Nathan to David. He came to him, and said to him, ‘There were two men in a certain city, one rich and the other poor. 2The rich man had very many flocks and herds; 3but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought. He brought it up, and it grew up with him and with his children; it used to eat of his meagre fare, and drink from his cup, and lie in his bosom, and it was like a daughter to him. 4Now there came a traveller to the rich man, and he was loath to take one of his own flock or herd to prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him, but he took the poor man’s lamb, and prepared that for the guest who had come to him.’ 5Then David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man. He said to Nathan, ‘As the Lord lives, the man who has done this deserves to die; 6he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.’ 7 Nathan said to David, ‘You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: I anointed you king over Israel, and I rescued you from the hand of Saul; 8I gave you your master’s house, and your master’s wives into your bosom, and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added as much more. 9Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house, for you have despised me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife. 11Thus says the Lord: I will raise up trouble against you from within your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your neighbour, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this very sun. 12For you did it secretly; but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun.’ 13David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ Nathan said to David, ‘Now the Lord has put away your sin; you shall not die.
This Wiki page is edited by participants of the WCAG Working Group. It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Working Group participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information. F38: Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to not marking up decorative images or applets in HTML in a way that allows Assistive technology to ignore them
A Democratic Senate aide told CNN that "almost every question" from Democratic senators on the call "has been about testing," and said that the administration "has not given clear answers." The source said that at one point, Sen. Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said to Pence and everyone on the call, "I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life." King called the administration's failure to develop a more widespread national testing regime a "dereliction of duty." Access to testing has been uneven throughout the country amid the pandemic even with efforts to expand capacity -- and pressure is intensifying on the President and the administration to ensure adequate testing, which is widely viewed as a requirement to reopening the shuttered US economy. Most states have imposed lockdowns in an effort to halt the spread of the devastating pandemic, but the President has been pressing for states to soon start opening back up. Trump unveiled new guidelines on Thursday meant to help states loosen their social distancing restrictions, but in a retreat from his onetime claim of "absolute authority" to restart the economy, he told governors it was their decision on when and how to reopen. Asked why he was frustrated, King told CNN, "The administration should not be off-loading the responsibility for testing onto the states." "This is an area where national response and coordination is a necessity," King said. "The states don't have the DPA (Defense Production Act) or the other resources of the federal government to oversee and coordinate the testing infrastructure, and yet, adequate testing is the basis of safely reopening the economy." Hours later, at the daily White House briefing on his administration's coronavirus response, Trump said the federal government will "be sending out 5.5 million testing swabs to the states." The swabs, he said, "can be done easily by the governors themselves. Mostly it's cotton. It's not a big deal, you can get cotton easily, but if they can't get it, we will take care of it." When he was asked Friday in an interview with PBS why there hadn't been more of a federal push for testing, Pence said the administration "has no higher priority than continuing to dramatically expand testing" and that the focus would be on activating "unused testing capacity" in labs. "We actually believe that we could double the amount of testing that's taking place every day if we simply brought online all of the testing capabilities in all the labs," the vice president said in the interview. "And that will continue to be our focus, even as the President is continuing to drive our team forward on identifying new forms of testing." The White House's new guidelines for reopening, meant to speed Trump's goal of restarting the country, won't be mandatory. Many governors have already extended restrictions into May or banded into regional collectives that will determine their own reopening plans. But Trump wants to provide at least a framework for how places can reopen despite warnings from all corners that testing capacity for coronavirus is still too small. Despite signaling to governors earlier this week that that they would decide when to reopen their states, however, Trump sent a series of tweets on Friday calling to "LIBERATE" Virginia, Minnesota and Michigan, three states with Democratic governors. Michigan and Minnesota have seen protests in recent days as people grow concerned about the economic fallout from the pandemic with protesters voicing opposition to stay-at-home orders. Near the end of Pence's call with Senate Democrats, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine pressed the vice president on Trump's tweets to "LIBERATE" those states, according to another Senate Democratic aide. Kaine, the aide said, "asked Pence why the President was trying to incite division in the midst of a global pandemic." Pence did not answer the question, the aide said, but instead, "tried to deflect by talking about how they are working respectfully with governors, and Kaine jumped back in to say that those tweets are not at all respectful." Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, according to the aide, closed the call saying that all of the Senate Democrats agreed with what Kaine had just said. King was the first to "lose it" in a measured way, a source on the call told CNN, who said King was then followed by Kaine. Both came at it from the perspective of two former governors, the source added. Another person on the call also said it did not go well, adding that the administration has no new plan for testing. Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland told CNN in an interview that there was "a lot of frustration" on the call. "There's a big gap between a lot of happy talk from the administration and the realities states are facing every day," he said, "There's just this huge gap ... happy talk doesn't do you any good. Happy talk doesn't get you another N95 mask," he added. "The only way to understand what's happening out there is to create an accountability mechanism and have more transparency. We want the administration (to) essentially put on paper, or put on the internet, what they're actually doing so we can compare what they say they're doing to what we're hearing in our states and from our providers." Sen. Brian Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat, told CNN that the administration's "new plan sounds like the old plan, which is to declare victory and engage in magical thinking to try to survive another 24-hour news cycle." "But they have not actually assessed how many tests they need every day," Schatz continued. "Their new declarations about the availability of rapid testing technology and ramping up capacity are alarmingly similar to the announcements made last week, last month and the month before. They are nowhere." The tense call also comes as congressional Republicans, the administration and Democrats remain in a stalemate over how to provide additional funding for a small business loan program, for which funding has now run dry . Democrats have pressed to include additional aid for states and hospitals as well as conditions on how the loan program funding is used, while Republicans have been arguing that a clean funding increase for the program is urgent and that other issues can be dealt with in subsequent legislative packages. This story has been updated with comments by Vice President Mike Pence.
Q: MySQL/C++ connector mysql_real_escape_string function I wanted to use mysql_real_escape_string to handle apostrophe, backslashes etc. I searched and found this function unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *to, const char *from, unsigned long length) But this takes MYSQL *, but I use this code to connect : sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; // Create a connection driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "anubha"); con->setSchema("db"); stmt = con->createStatement(); So if I don't have a MYSQL *mysql object as the function requires. If I do connection like this : MYSQL* conn = mysql_init(NULL); mysql_real_connect(conn,"tcp://", "root", "anubha", "db" ,0,NULL,0); Then as I have MYSQL* object I can use the function, but should I change the connection code just to use this function. Isn't there another function available ? Also what is the difference between the 2 ways to connect, is it C vs C++ mysql connector api difference ? A: You may want to use prepared queries with C++ connector: sql::Connection *con; sql::PreparedStatement *prep_stmt // ... prep_stmt = con->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (?, ?)"); prep_stmt->setInt(1, 1); prep_stmt->setString(2, "a"); prep_stmt->execute(); prep_stmt->setInt(1, 2); prep_stmt->setString(2, "b"); prep_stmt->execute(); delete prep_stmt; delete con; http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/connector-cpp-examples-prepared-statements.html Also, yes, mysql_real_* are part of C connector's API, and it is the only difference.
We have one tape recording of a voice mail John Zurita left for Bill Stone. I have attached it for your review. I plan to send this transcript to NRG in return for all the transcripts in their possession. Talk to you soon. Andy
The company's CEO and co-founder Andrew Rubin recently caught up with ZDNet while visiting London to bang the ASP drum and announce some new developments ahead of the RSA Conference in San Francisco next week. Why is Illumio attracting attention and investment (one of today's announcements is a cool $100m in series C funding)? According to the company, traditional perimeter- and network-centric security products are no longer sufficient in a world where applications and workloads increasingly need to work dynamically across on-premise data centres and public cloud services. Firewalls, intrusion protection systems and advanced threat protection appliances are widely deployed to secure interactions at the perimeter - but, says Illumio, these tools offer little protection within enterprise data centres and in the public cloud, where much of today's traffic flow and data resides. "We've had a model for delivering IT security for the last 20 or 25 years, and it seems like the infrastructure and applications have been completely rethought, rearchitected, and in most cases are operating completely differently today than they were even five or ten years ago - and yet, for some reason, the security story hasn't changed at all," says Rubin. He describes Illumio's niche in the new security landscape with a version of the 80/20 rule: "80 percent of the money, the time and the effort that goes into security is now only looking at 20 percent of the traffic that we need to protect - the other 80 percent of the traffic is inside the firewall or in the public cloud, where there is no perimeter." There are two elements to the ASP: an agent (the Virtual Enforcement Node, or VEN) that attaches to Linux or Windows workloads running on physical and virtual machines, be they in on-premise data centres or in the cloud; and a centralised (on-premise or cloud-based) server, the Policy Compute Engine (PCE), which receives telemetry from the VENs to build a map of the dependencies between classified workloads in multi-tiered applications (see below). This map can then be used to build application-specific security policies based on explicitly allowed interactions between the constituent workloads. Image: Illumio The ASP's advantages include: policies are written in natural language (and translated into network actions by the VENs) rather than arcane firewall rules; PCE policies are continually and automatically updated as VMs and their attached VENs spin up and down; the VEN/PCE combination is agnostic as regards the network, infrastructure, hypervisor or cloud provider on which the workloads are running; and secure IPsec connectivity is available on demand between workloads with a click on the dependency map. "We knew when we launched back in October that we had done something that was not incremental to the way that the [security] model has worked for a long time. We knew we had built something that very much took a different approach," says Rubin. "And we were lucky; we had four customers - Morgan Stanley being the most notable - that were willing to say exactly that, so we got a little credibility on day one." Mention of agents running on every workload may well trigger concerns about application performance degradation. No problem, says Rubin: "The only thing that the VEN really does is send information to the PCE about that workload and receive a policy instruction, instrumenting enforcement in iptables or the Windows equivalent, WFP." "This is the first time in a decade or more that the enterprise is truly willing to rethink everything in the infrastructure and security stack." — Andrew Rubin, CEO/cofounder, Illumio "The net effect is that the VEN is like a lightweight antenna within the operating system: yes there's a performance impact, but the impact is incredibly low because it's not doing any heavy lifting - that's done by the PCE, while the enforcement is done by what is natively part of the operating system instance." VEN support extends to all modern versions of Linux and Windows. For workloads running on unsupported platforms, Illumio uses whitelisting: "We call it an 'IP list model'," says Rubin. "We give you the ability to write policy between something with a VEN on it - part of the Illumio world - and anything that has an IP address or an IP range, so you can instrument policy between the two. In a perfect world we'd have a VEN for everything, but there may be things on the other side of a policy that we're still talking to -- and we still label them using the natural language of our policy model." Illumio's granular approach to security should greatly reduce an enterprise's 'attack surface' if - or rather, when - its perimeter defences are breached. But cybersecurity is an ongoing arms race, and the PCE in particular, is a critical piece of infrastructure - "the central brain of our operation", as Rubin puts it - that will need heavy protection. The PCE can be hosted in Illumio's Secure Cloud or, if required, run in a customer's own data centre. Customers can also set reactions to any form of 'tampering' or 'misbehaviour' detected on a workload's VEN or associated iptables - failing to the current state, for example, or if necessary quarantining the workload. As Rubin acknowledges: "As with every form of infrastructure or security, we have to acknowledge that there's always the potential that something could go wrong - including with us. Like all good security, it's as much about the reaction as it is about when it's working properly." Recent developments Today's news from Illumio is two-fold: $100m of series C funding from new investors BlackRock Funds and Accel Partners, plus existing investors Formation 8, Andreesen Horowitz and General Catalyst; and the extension of ASP policy support to the F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager and Nginx product lines - popular enterprise and open-source load balancers respectively. The new VC investment brings Illumio's funding to a total of $142.5m since its launch 27 months ago, which highlights just how 'hot' the security space is right now. "This is the first time in a decade or more that the enterprise is truly willing to rethink everything in the infrastructure and security stack," says Rubin. "As a result, you can argue that some very large opportunities have been created to build new and different companies that could end up becoming very very big and very influential in terms of how enterprise thinks about security moving forward." Illumio intends to invest the $100m in three areas: first, R&D, expanding the engineering team in order to further develop the Adaptive Security Platform; second, an increased field presence in the US, plus new offices in the UK (and probably Europe) and Asia by the end of the year; and third, a major brand-building investment, starting at the RSA Conference next week. As far as the F5 tie-up is concerned, Rubin declares this to be "one of the most exciting things so far in the company's history." Why? "Because you can't walk into an enterprise data centre, almost anywhere, without finding an F5 load balancer...What we're doing is giving it second job, turning it into a point of enforcement instead of just a traffic load balancer." Rubin highlights he is serious about growing Illumio from a startup to a publicly-quoted company, rather than pursuing an opportunistic exit strategy. "We are in this to build the leader in the security space going forward. We know it's early, we have a lot of work to do, but we believe that we're well positioned and we certainly believe we've got the right assets to try and make a run at doing it. We hope this is the inflection point where other people start to recognise that as well." A genuinely disruptive platform in a key IT sector, plenty of venture capital investment, a growing number of high-profile customers and some key industry partnerships all adds up to a very good start. We'll be watching the next phase - the fruits of that extra R&D budget, expansion to the UK, Europe and beyond, the brand-building excercise - and the reaction of incumbent infrastructure security vendors (VMware with NSX in particular) with interest. Thank You By registering you become a member of the CBS Interactive family of sites and you have read and agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Video Services Policy. You agree to receive updates, alerts and promotions from CBS and that CBS may share information about you with our marketing partners so that they may contact you by email or otherwise about their products or services. You will also receive a complimentary subscription to the ZDNet's Tech Update Today and ZDNet Announcement newsletters. 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// Code generated by easyjson for marshaling/unmarshaling. DO NOT EDIT. package neutron import ( json "encoding/json" easyjson "github.com/mailru/easyjson" jlexer "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer" jwriter "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter" ) // suppress unused package warning var ( _ *json.RawMessage _ *jlexer.Lexer _ *jwriter.Writer _ easyjson.Marshaler ) func easyjson582d14dfDecodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(in *jlexer.Lexer, out *Metadata) { isTopLevel := in.IsStart() if in.IsNull() { if isTopLevel { in.Consumed() } in.Skip() return } in.Delim('{') for !in.IsDelim('}') { key := in.UnsafeString() in.WantColon() if in.IsNull() { in.Skip() in.WantComma() continue } switch key { case "PortID": out.PortID = string(in.String()) case "TenantID": out.TenantID = string(in.String()) case "NetworkID": out.NetworkID = string(in.String()) case "NetworkName": out.NetworkName = string(in.String()) case "IPV4": if in.IsNull() { in.Skip() out.IPV4 = nil } else { in.Delim('[') if out.IPV4 == nil { if !in.IsDelim(']') { out.IPV4 = make([]string, 0, 4) } else { out.IPV4 = []string{} } } else { out.IPV4 = (out.IPV4)[:0] } for !in.IsDelim(']') { var v1 string v1 = string(in.String()) out.IPV4 = append(out.IPV4, v1) in.WantComma() } in.Delim(']') } case "IPV6": if in.IsNull() { in.Skip() out.IPV6 = nil } else { in.Delim('[') if out.IPV6 == nil { if !in.IsDelim(']') { out.IPV6 = make([]string, 0, 4) } else { out.IPV6 = []string{} } } else { out.IPV6 = (out.IPV6)[:0] } for !in.IsDelim(']') { var v2 string v2 = string(in.String()) out.IPV6 = append(out.IPV6, v2) in.WantComma() } in.Delim(']') } case "VNI": out.VNI = int64(in.Int64()) default: in.SkipRecursive() } in.WantComma() } in.Delim('}') if isTopLevel { in.Consumed() } } func easyjson582d14dfEncodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(out *jwriter.Writer, in Metadata) { out.RawByte('{') first := true _ = first if in.PortID != "" { const prefix string = ",\"PortID\":" first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) out.String(string(in.PortID)) } if in.TenantID != "" { const prefix string = ",\"TenantID\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } out.String(string(in.TenantID)) } if in.NetworkID != "" { const prefix string = ",\"NetworkID\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } out.String(string(in.NetworkID)) } if in.NetworkName != "" { const prefix string = ",\"NetworkName\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } out.String(string(in.NetworkName)) } if len(in.IPV4) != 0 { const prefix string = ",\"IPV4\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } { out.RawByte('[') for v3, v4 := range in.IPV4 { if v3 > 0 { out.RawByte(',') } out.String(string(v4)) } out.RawByte(']') } } if len(in.IPV6) != 0 { const prefix string = ",\"IPV6\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } { out.RawByte('[') for v5, v6 := range in.IPV6 { if v5 > 0 { out.RawByte(',') } out.String(string(v6)) } out.RawByte(']') } } if in.VNI != 0 { const prefix string = ",\"VNI\":" if first { first = false out.RawString(prefix[1:]) } else { out.RawString(prefix) } out.Int64(int64(in.VNI)) } out.RawByte('}') } // MarshalJSON supports json.Marshaler interface func (v Metadata) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { w := jwriter.Writer{} easyjson582d14dfEncodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(&w, v) return w.Buffer.BuildBytes(), w.Error } // MarshalEasyJSON supports easyjson.Marshaler interface func (v Metadata) MarshalEasyJSON(w *jwriter.Writer) { easyjson582d14dfEncodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(w, v) } // UnmarshalJSON supports json.Unmarshaler interface func (v *Metadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { r := jlexer.Lexer{Data: data} easyjson582d14dfDecodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(&r, v) return r.Error() } // UnmarshalEasyJSON supports easyjson.Unmarshaler interface func (v *Metadata) UnmarshalEasyJSON(l *jlexer.Lexer) { easyjson582d14dfDecodeGithubComSkydiveProjectSkydiveTopologyProbesNeutron(l, v) }
If this is your first visit be sure to check out the frequently asked questions by clicking here FAQ. You must be registered, logged in and approved before you can post. Posting approval may take a few business days. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. You may have to register. Ohio - BMV Order - License Plate Seizure 06-24-2016, 12:04 PM Hello- I tend to run quite a few plates through my MDT while on patrol. Many times I find a suspended driver or a person with a entered warrant. I know many times when the RO is under a Financial Responsibility Suspension, the BMV will order the license plates to be seized and I will see that under the vehicle. How would you handle the following scernario? I run the license plates on the vehicle in front of me and the vehicle shows the RO is suspended - Financial Responsibility. I pull alongside the vehicle and see the driver is the not the RO. On my MDT, I see the vehicle's license plates need to be seized per BMV (ORC # 4509.101). I have not observed a traffic violation to stop the vehicle. Do I have the right to stop the vehicle just based upon the order from the BMV? I did find the following through the ORC 4510.16: (A) No person, whose driver's or commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended or canceled pursuant to Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period of the suspension or cancellation, except as specifically authorized by Chapter 4509. Now the only case law I found, the RO was the driver but the court also said the owner could not allow someone to drive the vehicle due to the insurance issue. I tend to run quite a few plates through my MDT while on patrol. Many times I find a suspended driver or a person with a entered warrant. I know many times when the RO is under a Financial Responsibility Suspension, the BMV will order the license plates to be seized and I will see that under the vehicle. How would you handle the following scernario? I run the license plates on the vehicle in front of me and the vehicle shows the RO is suspended - Financial Responsibility. I pull alongside the vehicle and see the driver is the not the RO. On my MDT, I see the vehicle's license plates need to be seized per BMV (ORC # 4509.101). I have not observed a traffic violation to stop the vehicle. Do I have the right to stop the vehicle just based upon the order from the BMV? I did find the following through the ORC 4510.16: (A) No person, whose driver's or commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended or canceled pursuant to Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period of the suspension or cancellation, except as specifically authorized by Chapter 4509. Now the only case law I found, the RO was the driver but the court also said the owner could not allow someone to drive the vehicle due to the insurance issue. Comment I tend to run quite a few plates through my MDT while on patrol. Many times I find a suspended driver or a person with a entered warrant. I know many times when the RO is under a Financial Responsibility Suspension, the BMV will order the license plates to be seized and I will see that under the vehicle. How would you handle the following scernario? I run the license plates on the vehicle in front of me and the vehicle shows the RO is suspended - Financial Responsibility. I pull alongside the vehicle and see the driver is the not the RO. On my MDT, I see the vehicle's license plates need to be seized per BMV (ORC # 4509.101). I have not observed a traffic violation to stop the vehicle. Do I have the right to stop the vehicle just based upon the order from the BMV? I did find the following through the ORC 4510.16: (A) No person, whose driver's or commercial driver's license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident's operating privilege has been suspended or canceled pursuant to Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period of the suspension or cancellation, except as specifically authorized by Chapter 4509. Now the only case law I found, the RO was the driver but the court also said the owner could not allow someone to drive the vehicle due to the insurance issue. I know this sounds funky but since this is really an Ohio specific question I would post this in the Ohio section for better results Since some people need to be told by notes in crayon .......Don't PM me with without prior permission. If you can't discuss the situation in the open forum ----it must not be that important My new word for the day is FOCUS, when someone irritates you tell them to FOCUS Comment (A) No person, whose driver’s or commercial driver’s license or temporary instruction permit or nonresident’s operating privilege has been suspended or canceled pursuant to Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code, shall operate any motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period of the suspension or cancellation, except as specifically authorized by Chapter 4509. of the Revised Code. No person shall operate a motor vehicle within this state, or knowingly permit any motor vehicle owned by the person to be operated by another person in the state, during the period in which the person is required by section 4509.45 of the Revised Code to file and maintain proof of financial responsibility for a violation of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code, unless proof of financial responsibility is maintained with respect to that vehicle. Here are problems I see: First, it is going to be hard to prove that the owner of the vehicle in question knowingly allowed the operator to operate the car. Obviously, if there is an admission on the part of the operator (or later the RO), that is very helpful in proving the knowledge element. This is a consistent problem that we have had with the proving violations of the Wrongful Entrustment statute (ORC 4511.203), where it’s been difficult to prove that the owner knew the operator did not have a valid license at the time the owner lent the car to the operator. At least in the Wrongful Entrustment it says “knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the other person does not have a valid license”, which would give more leeway for that charge – and less for the FRA DUS. Second, if proof of financial responsibility is maintained on the vehicle, there is no violation of this code section. That could have been provided at the time of registration in accordance with 4509.44 or could be an SR-22 Bond or certificate of deposit money, etc., as required in 4509.45. Finally, if there is found to be a violation, it would be on the part of the RO, which means you would have to track that person down in order to cite him/her and serve him with a copy of the ticket.
Faculty Affiliate Dr. Diana Coffey Dr. Diana Coffey is an assistant professor of Sociology and Population Research at UT Austin. She studies social influences on health in India. Her research focuses on the intergenerational transmission of poor population health resulting from India's exceptionally poor maternal nutrition. It traces links among gender, stratification, and poor birth, childhood, and adult health outcomes. Another area of her research finds consequences of poor sanitation in developing countries for early life health, including for mortality, height, and anemia. She has also studied the causes of open defecation in rural India. Rural India's exceptionally high rate of open defecation has much less to do with poverty than with social forces: the renegotiation of caste and untouchability leads people to reject the inexpensive latrines that prevent disease in other developing countries. Dr. Coffey’s research has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as Social Science & Medicine, Demography, and other journals. Her forthcoming book, with Dean Spears, is titled "Where India Goes: Abandoned Toilets, Stunted Development, and the Costs of Caste." She is a visiting researcher at the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi and she co-founded and co-directs a research non-profit called r.i.c.e., a research institute for compassionate economics, which aims to inform policies about child health in India. She has a PhD in Public Affairs and Demography from Princeton University, a Master of Public Affairs in Development Studies from Princeton University, and a BA in Sociology and a BA in Letters from Villanova University. Innovations for Peace and DevelopmentBEL 2.14, The University of Texas at AustinAustin, TX, 78712
Obama campaigns again but does not use Trump’s name Former President Barack Obama called on fellow Democrats to reject politics of ‘division’ and ‘fear’ while rallying on Thursday with party’s candidates for governors in Virginia and New Jersey. ‘Why are we deliberately trying to misunderstand each other, and be cruel to each other and put each other down? That’s not who we are,’ Obama said at the Virginia rally in front of several thousand supporters. Stepping back into the political spotlight for the first time since leaving the White House in January, Obama did not mention President Donald Trump in his speeches at Richmond’s convention center or at a Newark hotel. But he did tell crowds at both events that they could send a message to the rest of the country in the upcoming elections. ‘Our democracy’s at stake and it’s at stake right here in Virginia,’ Obama said. Virginia and New Jersey are the only two states electing new governors this year and those November 7 races will be considered a bellwether of Democrats’ strength in the face of Trump’s victory last year. Obama’s remarks came on the same day as former President George W. Bush denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics, warning that the rise of ‘nativism,’ isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the nation’s true identity. Obama bemoaned the rise of racial politics. ‘Some of the politics we see now we thought we put that to bed,’ Obama said. ‘That’s folks looking 50 years back. It’s the 21st century, not the 19th century.’ The first black president offered himself as proof that the country could move forward, telling the crowd in Richmond, the former Capitol of the Confederacy, that he is a distant relative to Confederate President Jefferson Davis on his mother’s side. Obama praised Northam, a pediatric neurologist, as a candidate who would well represent Virginia and accused Gillespie of running a fear-based campaign. A Gillespie said Obama’s comments were not a ‘surprise’ coming at a rally for Northam. Guadagno’s spokesman, Ricky Diaz, suggested it’s Murphy and not Republicans who are divisive. ‘Phil Murphy is the one who will divide New Jersey by raising taxes so high that only the über rich like him will be able to afford to live here,’ he said.
According to PadNews, which reports on the listing at TENAA (China’s version of the American FCC), it seems to be the same iPad Mini clone Galaxy Tab A recently unveiled in Russia [Google Translate]. Given how it looks like even domestic iPad Mini clones with Retina-class screens are struggling for sales in China, it’s going to be interesting to see how Samsung prices these tablets with circa-2013 1024 x 768 TFT screens. Will the availability of a stylus be a premium selling point — or selling point at all?
Description This CD showcases not only the Booth Brothers’ trademark harmony but also represents songs penned by some of Southern Gospel’s most prolific writers. Restless Heart, the renowned country group, join Ronnie, Michael, and Paul on the title song, “Between Here And Heaven”. The classic, “It Is No Secret” is already a much-requested song in concert and brings comfort and assurance to every listener. Don’t delay….add this CD to your musical collection today.
Photo Albums October 26, 2006 Knitterly love needed I guess this is my day to ask for prayers for people. Everyone needs to go here and send Kristi of Reddogknits knitterly hugs and love. She is very pregnant and needs our prayers. She was carrying triplets, and they found out yesterday that one of them had died. Please pray for her and the remaining babies that God will keep them all safe and for a healthy delivery.
HYDERABAD: A Telangana woman forest department official was injured on Sunday when she was attacked by some people, allegedly led by the brother of a ruling TRS MLA, at a village in Komaram Bheem Asifabad district over a land issue. As a video footage of the attack on Forest Range Officer C Anitha went viral, police in a swift action arrested Koneru Krishna Rao, brother of Sirpur MLA Koneru Kannappa. Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) working president K T Rama Rao condemned the attack and said no one was above the law even as opposition Congress and BJP slammed the K Chandrasekhar Rao government. Superintendent of Police Malla Reddy said Krishna Rao has been arrested and booked under various sections of the IPC. We have registered cases against Krishna and arrested him. The presence of the leaders emboldened the villagers to attack, Malla Reddy told PTI. In a tweet, Rama Rao said: "I strongly condemn the atrocious behaviour of Koneru Krishna who attacked a forest officer who was doing her job. He has been arrested & a case booked already; no one is above law of the land." A Forest department official said Anitha has been hospitalised. According to the official, Anitha had gone to Sarasala village with some officials to plant saplings as part of the government's 'Haritha Haram' green initiative programme when some people, led by Krishna, attacked them with bamboo poles, claiming that the land belonged to them. The video footage showed Anitha climbing a tractor to escape and Krishna and other villagers attacking the vehicle. An unidentified man is then seeing hitting the woman official. Speaking to reporters at the hospital, Anitha alleged Krishna first hit her with a bamboo stick, followed by others in the group. Telangana Principal Chief Conservator of Forest P K Jha said the land where the officials went belonged to the forest department and the MLA was also informed about it. He said the department would take up this issue seriously at a higher level. "It was forest land. I was given to understand that earlier there were some attempts to encroach it. That time our people got them vacated. It was totally under our control. There is no cultivation. His (MLAs) brother was there (during the attack)," Jha told PTI. Kannappa could not be reached for his reactions. Krishna Rao was recently elected vice chairman of the Komaram Bheem Asifabad zilla parishad. The incident drew condemnation from Congress state president Uttam Kumar Reddy and the BJP. BJP spokesperson Krishna Sagar Rao claimed the attack showed failure of law and order in the state. "I am asking the Chief Minister, is it Bangaru (Golden) Telangana? Is it the protection you provide to women?" he asked. In Video: Telangana: TRS party members attack female forest officer at Kagaznagar
INTRODUCTION ============ Nursing time represents the single highest cost for most health services. Healthcare services around the world are also experiencing a shortage of nursing staff,[@ocz231-B1] with the National Health Service vacancies for registered nursing and midwife staff increasing by approximately 19% since October 2015 in the UK.[@ocz231-B2] In the US, it is projected that the number of nurses in employment will increase by 15% over the next 15 years, with 7 states expected to have nursing shortages by 2030.[@ocz231-B3] A report published by the Australian government predicted that the demand for nurses would exceed supply by approximately 85 000 in 2025 and 123 000 in 2030.[@ocz231-B4] This highlights the need for healthcare organizations internationally to increase nursing efficiency to continue to deliver high quality patient care with limited resources. Nurses use a wide range of health information technology (HIT), including electronic health records (EHRs), computerized provider order entry (CPOE), and barcode medication administration (BCMA) as part of their daily activities.[@ocz231-B5]^,^[@ocz231-B6] These systems have the potential to increase nurses' productivity, for example, by reducing the amount of time that they spend carrying out documentation.[@ocz231-B7] Productivity is defined as the output per unit of input; in nursing, this translates to how efficient the nurse is at carrying out their required activities and whether they meet the needs of their patients.[@ocz231-B8] Recently, nursing productivity has been considered in terms of the amount of time nurses spend delivering "value-adding" care; this includes the time spent delivering direct patient care as well as inter-professional communication and other activities which have a direct benefit to the patient.[@ocz231-B9] Techniques such as work sampling and time and motion studies have been used to measure how much time nurses spend performing various nursing activities.[@ocz231-B10] The usability of HIT can have an impact on nurses' workflow, and this can vary significantly between different systems.[@ocz231-B15]^,^[@ocz231-B16] Cho et al[@ocz231-B17] compared the usability of 6 different electronic nursing records and found significant variation (of between 226.3 seconds to 457.2 seconds) in the time taken to complete certain tasks. It is therefore important to consider this when comparing across different HIT implementation studies. The number of empiric evaluations of the impact of HIT on nurses' time has grown in recent years. For example, Bosman conducted an observational study using work sampling to evaluate the impact of an intensive care information system on the time that nurses spent on documentation.[@ocz231-B18] They found that it reduced documentation thus allowing nurses to spend more time on patient care activities and, in particular, tasks which are often omitted, delayed, or unfinished---otherwise known as "Missed Care."[@ocz231-B18]^,^[@ocz231-B19] Several studies have shown that missed care has an impact on both patient safety and satisfaction.[@ocz231-B20] However, HIT may also bring about an increase in the time taken to perform certain tasks with changes in workflow. For example, Yeung et al[@ocz231-B24] conducted a time and motion study to evaluate the impact of an electronic vital sign recording system on documentation workflow and found that nurses would often informally document results on paper before inputting the same information on the computer. The net result was that more time was spent on documentation due to duplication.[@ocz231-B24] Similarly, HIT encouraged multitasking and interruptions to a nurse's workflow.[@ocz231-B25] Studies have shown that high volumes of alerts generated by clinical alarm systems were actually false alarms, with no clinical relevance, and resulted in users becoming desensitized to such systems.[@ocz231-B26] Some nurses also found technology particularly stressful, especially when it malfunctions.[@ocz231-B27] Burnout in physicians has been associated with spending large amounts of time documenting on EHRs and has been referred to as a potential reason for the increased number of physicians leaving the profession in the US.[@ocz231-B28] One solution to this has been to improve the efficiency of documentation and work flows such that physicians have more time with patients.[@ocz231-B28]^,^[@ocz231-B29] OBJECTIVE ========= Poissant et al[@ocz231-B7] conducted an important systematic review in 2005 that measured the impact of EHRs on the time efficiency of physicians and nurses and reported that EHRs did not reduce the amount of time that physicians spent on documentation but did for nurses.[@ocz231-B7] This search was conducted over 14 years ago and focused specifically on EHRs with only 10 of the 20 included studies reporting on nursing activity.[@ocz231-B7] Since this review was published, there have been considerable advances in technology, and more published studies have explored the many new technologies used by nurses (eg, BCMA). To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a systematic review of the literature on the impact of health information technology on nurses' time. METHODS AND MATERIALS ===================== Information sources and search ------------------------------ We searched 6 databases: Embase, Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Scopus, PsycInfo, and Web of Science. The key words were based on those used by Poissant et al[@ocz231-B7] (see [Figure 1](#ocz231-F1){ref-type="fig"}). ![Sets of key words used in the literature search.](ocz231f1){#ocz231-F1} The search was conducted in February 2018, updated in December 2019, and limited to papers published after 2004, as in the previous review.[@ocz231-B7] We were particularly interested in the last 15 years, with \$19.2 billion in funds committed to the incentivization of CPOE adoption in 2009 and the rapid advancement in technology that has taken place since then.[@ocz231-B30] Inclusion and exclusion criteria -------------------------------- We included studies that examined the effects of HIT on nurses. Studies set in a care home, hospital, or community clinic were considered. Studies that had a comparison group, recorded the time taken to carry out documentation or medication administration, and documented quantitative estimates of the time differences were also included. We excluded papers that were not published in English or were opinion pieces. Study selection --------------- All studies were included regardless of the study design. Titles and abstracts were screened by 2 independent reviewers (EM and CT). In the case that the abstract was not available, the paper was put through to full text review. The full texts were then screened by the same 2 reviewers (EM and CT) against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements were solved by discussion, and the reasons for exclusion documented. In accordance with the previous systematic review, terms such as "time charting" were interpreted as time documenting.[@ocz231-B7] In the case that studies referred to "paper charting" and "electronic charting" separately, these were combined and interpreted as time documenting to allow for comparisons to be made across studies. We also collected data related to time in medication-related tasks, such as BCMA, where time administering medication was measured. Studies that did not specifically report on time documenting or time spent on medication-related tasks were reported separately. In the case that studies were carried out over more than 2 time points, the first and last time point were selected for inclusion in the analysis. Evaluation process ------------------ Two methods were used to evaluate the studies in this review. We used the ROBIN-1 tool to assess bias in the included studies ([Supplementary Material Tables 1 and 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B31] The answers were combined to give an overall risk of bias assessment as either: low, moderate, serious, critical, or no information. The second method used a similar approach to that used by Poissant et al.[@ocz231-B7] The study designs were ranked, with posttest control studies ranking most highly, followed by the multi-group pretest-posttest studies, and finally one-group pretest-posttest designs.[@ocz231-B7] The data collection methodologies were also ranked, with time and motion observer methodology most highly, followed by work sampling techniques, and then self-reporting surveys.[@ocz231-B7] Relative time differences were calculated for each study to facilitate comparison across the studies. This was calculated by taking the time to complete a task with a computer minus the time taken to complete the task on paper, divided by the time to complete task on paper. This was then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage, producing a negative value when the intervention was time efficient. In order to compare studies with different sized sampling units (observations, working shifts, number of patients), weighted averages were calculated. The articles were grouped according to the type of HIT investigated, the time measure used (documentation time or time in medication administration), or the type of sampling unit used. Weighted averages were calculated using the following formula: $$\mathit{Weighted}~\mathit{average} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i + 1}^{n}\left\lbrack SW\left( i \right)*\mathit{RTD}\left( i \right) \right\rbrack}{\sum\limits_{i + 1}^{n}{SW\left( i \right)}}$$ Where sampling weight (SW) = (n~group1~+n~group2~) and relative time difference = ((documentation time~group2~ -- documentation time~group1~)/documentation time~group1~) \* 100. *P* values were used to assess the significance; if this was not available, then the author was contacted and the required information requested. RESULTS ======= We identified 1647 articles in the initial search (see [Figure 2](#ocz231-F2){ref-type="fig"}). After removal of duplicates (n = 254) 1393 titles followed by 484 abstracts were screened against our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, 113 full-text articles remained, which were then read and assessed. Thirty full texts met our inclusion criteria; we reviewed their reference lists for relevant articles, finding another 3 articles that met our inclusion criteria. In total, 33 articles were included in this review. [Table 1](#ocz231-T1){ref-type="table"} provides an overview of the included studies' design and data collection methodology. ![Flow diagram showing the article search and inclusion process.](ocz231f2){#ocz231-F2} Data collection methodology --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Posttest control Qian et al (2015)[@ocz231-B32]Hollingworth et al (2007)[@ocz231-B33]Westbrook et al (2013)[@ocz231-B34]Elganzouri et al (2009)[@ocz231-B35]Wilbanks et al (2018)[@ocz231-B36] Yee et al (2012)[@ocz231-B37] Tsai et al (2010)[@ocz231-B38] Multiple group pretest-posttest Cornell et al (2010)[@ocz231-B39]Poon et al (2008)[@ocz231-B40]Poon et al (2006)[@ocz231-B41]Devine et al (2010)[@ocz231-B42]Pereira et al (2013)[@ocz231-B43]Schenk et al (2018)[@ocz231-B44]Leung et al (2018)[@ocz231-B45]Walker et al (2019)[@ocz231-B46] Schachner et al (2016)[@ocz231-B47]Schachner et al (2016)[@ocz231-B48]Gomes et al (2016)[@ocz231-B49]Huang and Lee (2011)[@ocz231-B50] one-group pretest-posttest Boeckx et al (2010)[@ocz231-B51]Banner and Olney (2009)[@ocz231-B52]Asaro and Boxerman (2008)[@ocz231-B53]Banet et al (2006)[@ocz231-B54]McComas et al (2014)[@ocz231-B55]Dwibedi et al (2012)[@ocz231-B56]Dwibedi et al (2011)[@ocz231-B57]Weiss and Weiss (2011)[@ocz231-B58] Munyisia et al (2011)[@ocz231-B59]Munyisia et al (2014)[@ocz231-B60]Franklin et al (2007)[@ocz231-B61]Hakes and Whittington (200 8)[@ocz231-B62] Burkle et al (2010)[@ocz231-B63]Saarinen and Aho (2005)[@ocz231-B64] Study characteristics --------------------- Twenty-one papers reported the impact of 12 different HIT systems on the total time that nurses spent on documentation tasks (see [Supplementary Material Table 1](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B33]^,^[@ocz231-B35]^,^[@ocz231-B39]^,^[@ocz231-B47]^,^[@ocz231-B51]^,^[@ocz231-B58]^,^[@ocz231-B62] These included CPOE and electronic nursing documentation (n = 3),[@ocz231-B35]^,^[@ocz231-B53]^,^[@ocz231-B54] EHRs (n = 7),[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B46]^,^[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B52]^,^[@ocz231-B59]^,^[@ocz231-B60]^,^[@ocz231-B62] electronic medication administration records (eMARs) (n = 4),[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B37]^,^[@ocz231-B39]^,^[@ocz231-B55] electronic clinical information systems (n = 2),[@ocz231-B58]^,^[@ocz231-B64] a renewed nursing e-chart (n = 2),[@ocz231-B47]^,^[@ocz231-B48] an electronic intensive care information system (n = 1),[@ocz231-B51] a patient data management system (n = 1),[@ocz231-B63] and an electronic documentation system (n = 1).[@ocz231-B36] Fourteen of these studies reported results in terms of the amount of time spent on medication administration or medication related activities, 2 of these studies reported time in medication administration, and 1 study on the time per prescription event (see [Supplementary Material Table 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B34]^,^[@ocz231-B35]^,^[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B50]^,^[@ocz231-B55]^,^[@ocz231-B61] The remaining 6 studies each implemented a different intervention including barcoded vaccinations,[@ocz231-B43] CPOE plus desktops in examination rooms,[@ocz231-B42] an electronic medication management system,[@ocz231-B34] a closed loop system (which incorporated electronic prescribing), ward-based automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and eMARs,[@ocz231-B61] a system that incorporated an eMAR, CPOE and EMR,[@ocz231-B35] and a CPOE system which is known as an Inpatient Medication Order Entry system (IPMOE) in Hong Kong.[@ocz231-B45] Eighteen of the studies were conducted in the USA, Australia (n = 5), Taiwan (n = 2), Argentina (n = 2), and 1 study in Belgium, Germany, UK, Canada, Finland, and Hong Kong (see [Supplementary Material Tables 1 and 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for more information). The time from implementation to evaluation was reported in all but 6 studies (see [Supplementary Material Tables 1 and 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B35]^,^[@ocz231-B43]^,^[@ocz231-B45]^,^[@ocz231-B47] We did not find a relationship between the time from implementation to evaluation and the impact on nurses' time. Quality appraisal ----------------- Risk of bias for each study is reported in [Supplementary Material Tables 1 and 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Overall, 11 studies accounted for some confounders, such as the nurse's level of education, level of experience, patient characteristics, the number of patients under the care of a nurse, and the number of nurses on the unit.[@ocz231-B34]^,^[@ocz231-B36]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B45]^,^[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B56]^,^[@ocz231-B57]^,^[@ocz231-B62]^,^[@ocz231-B64] However, no study controlled for all confounders. For example, many studies did not collect data during a night shift, and therefore none were classified as having a low or moderate risk of bias. [Table 1](#ocz231-T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the results of the second method of evaluation. Time and motion was the most common data collection method, accounting for 64% of included studies compared to work sampling (n = 27%) and survey or self-reporting (n = 9%). Fourteen studies used one-group pretest-posttest, 12 used multiple group pretest-posttest, and 7 used posttest control. We found a large range in the time between the implementation and when evaluation measurements were taken, from 2 to 24 months (see [Supplementary Material Tables 1 and 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Increased familiarity with a system may affect the time taken to complete certain tasks, which should also be considered when interpreting these data. The following sections present the findings grouped according to studies that reported the time spent on (1) documentation, (2) medication administration, and (3) other tasks. Although there are a range of nursing task lists available in the literature, the activities included may differ according to division of work performed depending on the country or setting.[@ocz231-B65] There is therefore a lack of consensus about which task list to use and therefore we opted to group our findings according to 3 key areas of interest, where HIT may have impacted on nursing time. Time spent on documentation --------------------------- Twenty-one studies investigated the impact of various HIT interventions on the time that nurses spent on documentation. Seven of these reported a decrease in time spent documenting, including 2 studies that implemented a nursing e-chart and analyzed the same dataset,[@ocz231-B47]^,^[@ocz231-B48] 2 studies that implemented an EHR,[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B59] 1 study that implemented a patient data management system,[@ocz231-B63] another an eMAR,[@ocz231-B32] and a study that evaluated 2 electronic clinical documentation systems: auto-filling (ie, insertion of complete blocks of text to be edited) and computer assisted (ie, data selection with semistructured documentation).[@ocz231-B36] A further study that evaluated the impact of an electronic medication charting system at 2 different sites found a reduction in time at 1 and an increase in time at the other.[@ocz231-B39] When the average relative time difference of the 2 sites was calculated, there was a −1% change in the time spent documenting.[@ocz231-B39] Of note, the authors reported that CPOE had been implemented at 1 of these sites but did not specify which one.[@ocz231-B39] A further study involving the implementation of a patient data management system, found an overall decrease of −34%, which was primarily due to reductions in both the time spent on documentation in daily activities and discharging a patient.[@ocz231-B63] The relative time difference for studies that reported time saving ranged from −16% to −37%. Eleven studies reported an increase in the time spent on documentation (see [Supplementary Material Table 1](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B33]^,^[@ocz231-B35]^,^[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B46]^,^[@ocz231-B51]^,^[@ocz231-B60]^,^[@ocz231-B62]^,^[@ocz231-B64] One study conducted over 3 hospital sites investigated the implementation of eMAR, CPOE, electronic medical records, and electronic medication storage/cart storage and reported the largest increase in the time taken to complete medication documentation with a relative difference of +180% in the time taken to complete medication documentation.[@ocz231-B35] The authors also found an increase in the time taken to retrieve and administer medication.[@ocz231-B35] Hollingworth et al[@ocz231-B33] investigated the impact of prescribing electronically on both desktop and laptop computers compared to prescribing on paper in a primary care setting. This intervention resulted in an increase in the total time that nurses spent on computer and writing tasks, although this was statistically insignificant.[@ocz231-B33] Asaro and Boxerman and Banet et al both evaluated CPOE and electronic nursing documentation in an emergency department[@ocz231-B53]^,^[@ocz231-B54] and reported an increase of 7.9% (significant) and 3% (significance not reported) in the time spent documenting, respectively.[@ocz231-B53]^,^[@ocz231-B54] Banner and Olney implemented automated clinical documentation as part of an EHR and found a statistically significant increase of 52% in the percentage of time spent documenting postimplementation.[@ocz231-B52] Munysia et al[@ocz231-B60] implemented an EHR in a nursing home and reported a significant increase of 62% in the documenting time. Walker et al[@ocz231-B46] conducted 2 studies: 1 on a surgical ward, which implemented a fully integrated EHR system; and 1 on a medical ward, which only implemented the medication support component of the EHR. A statistically significant increase in the time spent documenting during ward rounds was found in both wards, a 1.7% increase on surgical ward and a 72% increase in the median time spent documenting during medication rounds on the medical ward.[@ocz231-B46] Schenk et al[@ocz231-B44] also implemented an EHR and reported an increase in the time spent documenting of 3% (calculated by adding together the time spent documenting notes, documenting medicines, and transcribing/managing orders). Boeckx et al[@ocz231-B51] were the only authors to implement an HIT system in a pediatric intensive care unit and found a statistically insignificant increase of 41% in the percentage of time that nurses spent documenting information. Saarinen and Aho implemented a clinical information system in an adult intensive care unit and reported a 49% increase in the time spent documenting nursing care.[@ocz231-B64] Hakes and Whittington reported a 17% increase in the percentage of time spent documenting following implementation of an electronic medical record without CPOE in medical/surgical units.[@ocz231-B62] Two studies did not report any change in the time spent documenting postimplementation of a new HIT system.[@ocz231-B37]^,^[@ocz231-B58] Time spent on documentation: Weighted averages ---------------------------------------------- Weighted averages were calculated for studies that investigated the same HIT intervention and used the same sampling unit; these can be seen in [Figure 3](#ocz231-F3){ref-type="fig"}. CPOE and electronic nursing documentation resulted in an increase of +5.1% time spent on documentation.[@ocz231-B53]^,^[@ocz231-B54] EHRs were associated with an increase of +22% time spent on documentation, which was calculated from 3 studies (only the data from the surgical ward was used from Walker et al due to this being the most comprehensive).[@ocz231-B46]^,^[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B52] These data are represented by "Electronic health record (1)" in [Figure 3](#ocz231-F3){ref-type="fig"}. A further 2 studies that focused on the implementation of EHRs---but used a different sampling unit---had a weighted average of +46%, represented by "Electronic health record (2)" in [Figure 3](#ocz231-F3){ref-type="fig"}.[@ocz231-B59]^,^[@ocz231-B60] The 2 studies that implemented eMAR systems used different sampling units and measured the time in different activities, and so a weighted average could not be calculated.[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B55] Two studies examined the impact of a renewed nursing e-chart and analyzed the same dataset, so a weighted average was not calculated.[@ocz231-B47]^,^[@ocz231-B48] ![Weighted averages calculated for each health information technology from studies using comparable sampling units. Electronic health record (1) calculated from studies which used the number of shifts as their sampling unit. Electronic health record (2) calculated from studies which used the number of observations as their sampling unit.](ocz231f3){#ocz231-F3} Time spent on medication administration related tasks ----------------------------------------------------- Seven studies reported on the use of barcode technology, 6 of which were BCMA,[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B41]^,^[@ocz231-B50]^,^[@ocz231-B56]^,^[@ocz231-B57] and 1 referred to using barcoding to document vaccine administration ([Supplementary Material Table 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}).[@ocz231-B43] Poon et al and Dwibedi et al each published 2 studies that reported on the use of a BCMA system based on the same data;[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B41]^,^[@ocz231-B56]^,^[@ocz231-B57] we included the most recent study in our analysis.[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B56] Three studies reported a decrease in the time spent in medication administration postimplementation of BCMA.[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B50] Huang and Lee found a statistically significant decrease,[@ocz231-B50] and Poon et al[@ocz231-B40] reported a reduction in medication administration time, although this was statistically insignificant. Tsai et al[@ocz231-B38] reported the greatest time saving (−50%) resulting from the implementation of BCMA but did not report the significance of their findings. Dwibedi et al[@ocz231-B56] reported a significant increase in the time spent on medication administration, although the authors categorized tasks differently than other studies. A study that reported on barcoded vaccinations found a significant decrease in the time spent recording information related to the vaccination postimplementation; this was the only barcode technology study to be conducted in a community setting.[@ocz231-B43] Two studies reported results following the implementation of an eMAR,[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B55] and 2 further studies implemented a system which incorporated an eMAR alongside other HIT.[@ocz231-B34]^,^[@ocz231-B61] Qian et al[@ocz231-B32] reported both time in documentation and the percentage of time spent on medication administration in a 3-hour medication round after the implementation of an eMAR and found no statistically significant change in the amount of time spent in either activity. They did, however, report a significant reduction in the time spent locating medication-related records. McComas et al[@ocz231-B55] also implemented an eMAR and found this resulted in a statistically significant increase of +27% in the amount of time taken to complete the medication administration process. Franklin et al[@ocz231-B61] implemented a closed-loop system incorporating electronic prescribing, ward-based automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and eMARs and reported how the amount of time spent on non-IV drug rounds decreased with a relative difference of −20%, However, a relative difference of +36% was found for the amount of time spent on medication activities between drug rounds, and both results were statistically significant.[@ocz231-B61] Leung et al[@ocz231-B45] implemented an IPMOE system and found a statistically insignificant increase (+14%) in the time spent on medication administration. The authors proposed that this increase was due to scanning medications, which was associated with increased patient safety. This study also reported a decrease in medication-related tasks (−25%), which may have offset the increased time spent in medication administration, overall resulting in time saved.[@ocz231-B45] Westbrook et al[@ocz231-B34] implemented an electronic medication management system, which included electronic prescribing and medication administration records. A statistically insignificant increase of +8.1% in time spent on medication-related tasks was reported.[@ocz231-B34] Schenk et al[@ocz231-B44] implemented an EHR and also found an increase of 3.2% in the time spent in medication administration tasks (calculated from the combined time spent preparing medication, administering medication, managing IVs, and explaining medication action to patients/family). Time spent on medication administration related tasks: weighted averages ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The weighted average for the time difference using BCMA calculated from 4 studies that used the same sampling units and HIT was −33% see [Figure 2](#ocz231-F2){ref-type="fig"}.[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B50]^,^[@ocz231-B56] The weighted averages for other interventions could not be calculated.[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B34]^,^[@ocz231-B43]^,^[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B55]^,^[@ocz231-B61] Studies reporting in terms of "other tasks" ------------------------------------------- We identified 2 studies that reported on "other tasks" and were therefore not included in the weighted average calculations. Westbrook et al[@ocz231-B34] and Devine et al[@ocz231-B42] both investigated the impact of a CPOE and electronic medication management system on efficiency. Westbrook et al[@ocz231-B34] reported a statistically insignificant increase of +29% on time in direct care. Devine et al[@ocz231-B42] conducted a study which examined the impact of CPOE and desktop computers on the time for prescribers to complete prescriptions and found a relative time difference of −8.4% in the time taken for nurses to complete a prescription event. DISCUSSION ========== We performed a systematic review assessing the impact of HIT on nurses' time. We found that most HIT systems increased nursing documentation time, although time did fall for medication administration following BCMA implementation. Our results also showed that HIT often caused a redistribution of nurses' time, which in some cases was spent in more "value-adding" activities, such as direct care and communicating with other members of staff and patients' relatives. Previous work has shown that HIT can be used to enhance preventative healthcare delivery, decrease the frequency of adverse drug events, and contribute to a reduction in medication errors.[@ocz231-B66] Despite these benefits, however, if HIT is not compatible with the existing workflow, it is unlikely to be successful.[@ocz231-B69]^,^[@ocz231-B70] One systematic review that investigated the barriers to and facilitators of the successful implementation of EHRs found that a lack of time and heavy workload reduced the probability of a successful implementation.[@ocz231-B71] Many approaches are already available (eg, building interfaces which document data like vital signs without nurses having to input these) and could substantially reduce workload. Paying attention to human factors when nurses are entering data could also be helpful. The implementation of BCMA has been shown to reduce medication administration errors.[@ocz231-B6]^,^[@ocz231-B72] Our review suggests that BCMA was associated with the greatest time savings (−33%), while EHRs, CPOE, electronic nursing documentation, and eMARs resulted in an increase in time spent on documentation. This contrasts with the previous review, which was limited to studies that only focused on EHRs and, overall, reported increased nursing efficiency.[@ocz231-B7] Three of the 4 studies, which implemented BCMA reported a decrease in the time spent on medication administration/medication-related activities.[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B50] Poon et al[@ocz231-B40] reported decreased time spent managing physician's orders, the delivery of medicines to the patient, and inefficient tasks, such as travelling and looking for patients records. Poon et al[@ocz231-B40] highlighted that some of the time savings reported were due to the context of BCMA implementation. For example, time spent travelling was decreased due to the implementation of bedside laptops, which had not been present pre-BCMA. This emphasizes the importance of workflow redesign. Time savings could also be made through HIT by removing the need to manually transcribe, verify, and renew orders.[@ocz231-B38]^,^[@ocz231-B50]^,^[@ocz231-B75] Dwebedi et al[@ocz231-B56] was the only BCMA study to report an increase in the time spent on medication administration. Although they found a decrease in the time taken to document medications, this was not offset by an increase in time spent on drug preparation, assisting physicians, universal precautions, and conversing with patients.[@ocz231-B56] In particular, other factors, such as a difference in the types of patients (eg, more patients ≥ 65 years old) and medications encountered (eg, fewer solid oral dosage forms) between the pre- and postimplementation phases may have contributed to an increase in drug preparation time.[@ocz231-B56] Studies should aim to control for such confounders in the future.[@ocz231-B56] Wilbanks et al[@ocz231-B36] evaluated 2 different electronic documentation systems, auto-filling and computer-assisted, compared to paper system. Both systems resulted in time savings, with the auto-filling system having the greatest impact.[@ocz231-B36] However, auto-filling was associated with lower documentation accuracy demonstrating the need for a balance between the desire to save time while maintaining standards.[@ocz231-B36] Over half of the included papers (n = 19) reported an increase in the time spent documenting or on medication administration-related activities, which was associated with a range of different HIT systems (eg, CPOE, automated clinical documentation, EHRs, etc).[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B39]^,^[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B51]^,^[@ocz231-B60]^,^[@ocz231-B64] Nurses continued documenting information on paper despite the availability of HIT, because this was quicker and the information was close "at hand."[@ocz231-B59] Duplication of information could increase the risk of transcription errors, with a previous study reporting how 56% (n = 310) of medication errors were due to transcription errors, 41% (n = 127) of which have potentially significant clinical consequences.[@ocz231-B76] Cornell et al[@ocz231-B39] reported no change in the amount of time that nurses spent making personal notes, an aspect that vendors could potentially identify new approaches for in the future. Another study suggested that the increase in documentation time was due to increased time spent finding relevant information on the electronic system.[@ocz231-B60] However, it is possible that nurses became more familiar with the system over time and possibly used electronic approaches to share information with their colleagues.[@ocz231-B60] The implementation of HIT often resulted in the redistribution of nurses' time from activities, such as documentation/medication administration, to direct care activities or "value-adding" activities.[@ocz231-B9] One study found that nurses spent an increased amount of time talking to relatives (indirect care),[@ocz231-B39] and 3 described an increase in time spent in patients' rooms and in personal interactions with patients (direct care).[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B59] Increased time providing direct care can also improve job satisfaction because nurses feel more valued and rewarded.[@ocz231-B77] However, HIT can also be disruptive to nurses' workflow and result in negative consequences, such as increased multitasking and interruptions.[@ocz231-B25] For instance, false alarms can result in nurses becoming desensitized, leading to poor patient outcomes.[@ocz231-B78] Malfunctions can also cause stress and lead to what is known as compassion fatigue, eventually contributing to burnout.[@ocz231-B27]^,^[@ocz231-B79] These positive and negative impacts are all important to consider at a time when there is a shortage of nurses and attempts are been made to increase recruitment and retention.[@ocz231-B80] Poissant et al[@ocz231-B7] previously found that studies that observed clinicians soon after implementation (defined as 3 months or less) showed a reduction in time spent documenting, and studies that waited longer tended to show increases. This review did not reveal a correlation between the time after implementation that the study took place and the impact of the HIT on nurses' time, although some studies did support Poissant et al's previous finding.[@ocz231-B60] Munyisia et al,[@ocz231-B60] for example, observed nurses at 4 different time points postimplementation (3, 6, 12, and 23 months after) and found that the percentage of time nurses spent documenting reduced at 3 months but increased to a higher percentage than before implementation at 23 months. Like Poissant et al, the authors reflected on how this might be due to nurses becoming more familiar with the system and, in turn, using more of its functions.[@ocz231-B7]^,^[@ocz231-B60] How well the system is designed can impact on the time that it takes nurses to conduct tasks.[@ocz231-B17] None of the studies in this review carried out usability testing as part of their study, which makes it difficult to compare across studies including those that implemented the same type of HIT. Leung et al,[@ocz231-B45] did acknowledge the potential impact of usability on their results, as they observed nurses having difficulty using the system due to problems with the interface between the software and hardware. Further studies that explore the impact of usability and optimized system design are needed. Such studies should also describe the contextual factors related to a particular implementation (eg, the organizational setting, users, tools used, etc) to help better understand the results. The majority of our included studies employed a time and motion approach, which is considered to be the most precise and accurate method of assessing the time spent on activities in health services research.[@ocz231-B81] However, these often had a one-group pretest-posttest study design, which are vulnerable to temporal changes such as an increase in the number of patients and severity of illnesses seen in the winter months.[@ocz231-B82] Researchers should aim to use a control group to increase validity. Use of standardized methods for time and motion studies (eg, the suggested time and motion procedures \[STAMP\]) guidelines could improve the "consistency of design, conduct, and results reporting of time and motion research in health informatics" and would facilitate a more straightforward comparison between studies.[@ocz231-B83] It is also important that studies categorize nursing tasks in a standardized way; this was not the case in this review which made interpreting the results more challenging.[@ocz231-B56] Although the final number of studies included in this review was large (33 studies), these were split across numerous different HIT systems, which may limit the generalizability of our findings. The lack of studies that have explored the impact of the different HIT systems on nurses' time might be due to the time-consuming nature of time and motion studies, since they are more labor intensive, requiring one-to-one observations.[@ocz231-B81] It is also important to consider the statistical significance of results found in the studies before overall conclusions are made. Of the papers reporting time spent in documentation, less than a third (29%) showed a statistically significant change.[@ocz231-B32]^,^[@ocz231-B36]^,^[@ocz231-B44]^,^[@ocz231-B46]^,^[@ocz231-B52]^,^[@ocz231-B59]^,^[@ocz231-B60]^,^[@ocz231-B62] Four studies investigated BCMA/barcode scanning technology,[@ocz231-B43]^,^[@ocz231-B50]^,^[@ocz231-B56]^,^[@ocz231-B57] and only 2 of these reported a statistically significant decrease in time spent in medication administration.[@ocz231-B43]^,^[@ocz231-B50] Certain confounding factors (eg, a nurse's experience and the number of patients a nurse was caring for) were controlled for in less than half of the included studies[@ocz231-B34]^,^[@ocz231-B36]^,^[@ocz231-B40]^,^[@ocz231-B45]^,^[@ocz231-B49]^,^[@ocz231-B56]^,^[@ocz231-B57]^,^[@ocz231-B61]^,^[@ocz231-B62]^,^[@ocz231-B64] and must be taken into account in future studies. CONCLUSION ========== Nursing time is one of the single most expensive things in secondary care, and there are trade-offs between direct patient care and documentation specifically. We found that several interventions have been implemented with varying effects on nurses' time. BCMA showed the most marked average relative time difference of −33% and was the only intervention to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in time in more than 1 study. Other applications, including adoption of EHRs and CPOE, were associated with increased documentation time across multiple studies. A key need in informatics is more research on using HIT to improve efficiency, focused on finding new efficiencies, and using robust methods to enable comparisons between studies. FUNDING ======= This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ==================== All authors contributed substantially to the conception and design of this work as well as the analysis and interpretation of the data, and helped to draft and revise the manuscript. All authors approved the final version to be published and are accountable for all aspects of this work. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ====================== [Supplementary material](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} is available at *Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association* online. Conflict of Interest statement ============================== None declared. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Click here for additional data file.
Beyond the perceived pomp and circumstance enjoyed by healthcare organization chief executives, most have to balance ongoing top- and bottom-line pressures with the quality and value of services provided by their facilities for their communities. In short, they maintain and manage an onerous load on their plates. Worrying about one of the stacks, such as supply chain operations, should not be the topic keeping the CEO up at night, provided he or she has a capable, if not superior, supply chain executive at the helm. However, supply chain operations cannot and should not be ignored or neglected by the CEO. Certainly, forward-thinking, top-tier CEOs recognize that. Health Purchasing News features Mike Williams, CHC president and CEO, one of the recipients of the 2015 SURE award. The award recognizes health system CEOs that "Support, Understand, Recognize and Empower" Supply Chain Management.
Q: The grammatical role of "did" in "and so did people’s lungs" What is the grammatical role of "did" in the following excerpt of a passage?: The smoke just went out the same hatchway that people used for going in and out themselves. So there would have been an open fire inside the house with only one hole in the roof to let the smoke out. You and I would have found it a bit too smoky in there. You can see on the walls, which they plastered and decorated with paintings. They ended up with a layer of black soot on them, and so did people’s lungs. A: I guess you could say that this is just some form of ellipsis, but the idea is basically the same: you omit things that make you sound repetitive. To put it another way, you omit things that occur more than once so that you sound more concise. And that's basically the roll of so did in your passage. Without so did, the sentence would be essentially saying this: They ended up with a layer of black soot on them and people's lungs too ended up with a layer of black soot in them. I think you can clearly see that the longer version sounds inelegant and way too clunky. And that's one of the the reasons behind the existence of the "so did" construction in English—make things shorter by replacing previously mentioned words.
Modulation by dopamine of population responses and cell membrane properties of hippocampal CA1 neurons in vitro. Dopamine (DA) was applied to rat hippocampal slices maintained in vitro. Extracellular and intracellular recording techniques were used to study the effect of DA on population responses, membrane potentials, and membrane responses to hyperpolarizing current pulses in CA1 pyramidal cells. Temporary exposure of hippocampal slices to DA has a dual effect. The initial action of DA is to produce a suppression of the extra-cellularly recorded population responses. In individual neurons, this initial effect is seen as a membrane hyperpolarization accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of responses to hyperpolarizing current pulses. The frequency of occurrence of spontaneous depolarizations and spikes is reduced. The early action of DA is followed by a profound potentiation of the population responses that can last for hours. This long-lasting potentiation of the population response, induced by DA, is depressed by spiroperidol, a DA antagonist. In individual neurons, the late effect of DA is a long-lasting membrane depolarization associated with an increase in the amplitude of responses to hyperpolarizing current pulses. During this late phase, spontaneous activity is increased, as are single cell responses to stimulation of afferents. The evidence presented here indicates that DA is able to induce a long-lasting modification of the excitability of CA1 hippocampal neurons. This modulation of excitability by DA may be similar in nature to previously described DA-modulatory actions in the peripheral nervous system.
A master of Afro-Caribbean choreography, Garth Fagan is a native of Jamaica widely known for his Tony Award winning choreography of Disney’s THE LION KING. Athletic, angular and fresh modern dance. Fagan’s dances are perhaps the most profound and original in contemporary dance today. Critics have called Garth Fagan “a true original,” “a genuine leader,” and “One of the gret reformers of modern dance.” Fagan is the founder and artistic director of the award-winning and internationally acclaimed Garth Fagan Dance, now celebrating over 40 years. For his path-breaking choreography for Disney’s THE LION KING, Fagan was award the prestigious 1998 Tony Award for Best Choreography. Fagan is the recipient of the 2001 Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award, established to honor those great choreographers who have dedicated their lives and talent to the creation of our modern dance heritage. Among countless awards Fagan is the recipient of a Guggenhiem Fellowship, the prestigious three-year Choreography Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and the 2012 Essie Calhoun Diversity in the Arts Award. Garth Fagan Dance is "unfailingly original" declares The New York Times. Garth Fagan Dance has been seen nationally on “The Tonight Show,” PBS’ “Great Performances – Dance in America”, the 66th Annual Academy Awards, and the historic opening of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Fagan’s ever-evolving dance language draws on many sources: sense of weight in modern dance, torso-centered movement and energy of Afro-Caribbean, speed and precision of ballet, and the rule-breaking experimentation of the post-moderns. Those familiar with modern dance consider Fagan’s lifetime body of work is quite revered. Garth Fagan has also produced commissioned pieces for The Dance Theater of Harlem, The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and The New York City Ballet. Garth Fagan is making history – through his innovative choreography, which incorporates ballet, Afro-Caribbean and modern dance. Fagan describes his love of dance as an art form: “Movement in invention, coming up with new moves, new steps that nobody has ever seen before.” One of Fagan’s goals for THE LION KING was to make sure youngsters coming to the theater could see different styles of dancing. In New York City, Fagan studied with Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Mary Hinkson, and Alvin Ailey, who were all central to his development. Garth Fagan Dance has performed throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, North and South America, New Zealand, Australia, and the West Indies. His choreography has kept audiences and critics in thrall for decades. The movements are chiseled and precise, yet viewers should come away with an impression of vital depth. The “fearless” dances are ‘able to sustain long adagio balances, to change direction in mid-air, to vary the dynamic of a turn, to stop on a dime.” Consider the Fagan program a prime example of the versatility and sophistication of concert dance in this new century. The Chicago Sun-Times says Fagan is a “choreographer whose gift for abstraction is matched by a subtle and powerful ability to suggest relationships in pure dance terms. Fagan’s dancers feature all sizes, shaped and types wholly unified in their virtuosic interpretation of his work.” About Garth Fagan Dance Garth Fagan Dance Mission StatementThe mission of Garth Fagan Dance is to conduct cultural, educational and charitable activities including furtherance of the Founding Artistic Director's artistic vision, production of dance theatre of the highest quality, development of new works by the Founding Artistic Director, development of future dancers and expansion of audiences. BiographyNow in its 40th season, Garth Fagan Dance is “unfailingly original” deemed the The New York Times, which also named the Company’s piece, Mudan 175/39, third of the top six dance watching moments of 2009. Tony award-winning choreographer Garth Fagan’s dancers communicate with unbridled energy the depth, precision, and grace of Fagan’s work. The Company’s “fearless” dancers are "able to sustain long adagio balances, to change direction in mid-air, to vary the dynamic of a turn, to stop on a dime," wrote David Vaughan in Ballet Review. Fagan’s ever-evolving dance language draws on many sources: sense of weight in modern dance, torso-centered movement and energy of Afro-Caribbean, speed and precision of ballet, and the rule breaking experimentation of the post-moderns. The Company has been cited for its excellence and originality with a New York Governor's Arts Award and has claimed five winners of "Bessie" Awards (New York Performance Awards): Garth Fagan, Steve Humphrey, Norwood Pennewell, Natalie Rogers and Sharon Skepple. The troupe has performed throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, North and South America, New Zealand, Australia and the West Indies. Foreign tours have included a 13-city tour of The Netherlands; appearances at France's Maison de la Danse and Chateauvallon Festival; Turkey's Istanbul Festival; the New Zealand International Arts Festival; Germany's Internationales Tanzfest N.R.W.; Switzerland's Basel Tanz; the Israel Festival in Jerusalem; the Vienna Festival-Tanz; a tour to Harare, Zimbabwe with the United States Information Agency; and the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. In 1994, the company opened the then newly renovated American Center in Paris, France. In 1996, principal dancers were invited by the Federation Caledonienne de Danse to perform in "La Nuit des Etoiles" along with members from the New York City Ballet, the Paris Opera Ballet and the Kirov Ballet. Domestically, the Company has performed at such venues as Jacob's Pillow, Spoleto USA, Dance/Aspen, and the first National Black Arts Festival. Performances in New York City venues include Brooklyn Academy of Music, City Center and frequent seasons at the Joyce Theater. In 1993, Garth Fagan Dance went on a national tour with the Wynton Marsalis Septet performing Fagan's critically acclaimed full-evening length work Griot New York. The company was seen nationally on the "Tonight Show" starring Jay Leno in that same piece and Griot New York aired worldwide on the PBS "Great Performances -- Dance in America" series in the spring of 1995, marking the company’s third appearance on that series. Principal dancers Norwood Pennewell and Natalie Rogers participated in the "66th Annual Academy Awards" broadcast, joined by principal dancers from seven other major international dance companies. In 2004, the company performed at the historic opening of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. That year also saw the Company as part of the grand opening celebration of Frederick P. Rose Hall at Jazz at Lincoln Center; they later returned in fall 2005 for their 35th Anniversary Season in New York City. Garth Fagan Dance Garth Fagan Dance is "unfailingly original" deemed The New York Times, which also named the Company's piece, Mudan 175/39, third of the top six dance watching moments of 2009. Tony award-winning choreographer Garth Fagan's dancers communicate with energy the depth, precision and grace of his work. Fagan's ever-evolving dance language draws on many sources: sense of weight in modern dance, torso-centered movement and energy of Afro-Caribbean, speed and precision of ballet, and the rule-breaking experimentation of the post-moderns. Des Moines Performing Arts is a private 501 (C) (3) not-for-profit corporation presenting the performing arts to Iowa and the surrounding states. It is the presenter of major Broadway and educational touring companies, performers and groups, and is the performing home of many local and regional groups, including the Des Moines Symphony. Events, dates, times, performers and prices subject to change without notice.
Sistas I read the book and loved every page. Im not a reader, but this was a keeper. what I mean by that is , I would pass it on, but I do want it back. Thats how my mom rented her albums or books like people was in a library. Rest her soul.. I am so proud of you two.
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 15 2018 10:31:50). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard. // #import <GeoServices/NSObject-Protocol.h> @class NSData, NSError, _GEOSimpleTileRequesterOperation; @protocol GEOSimpleTileRequesterOperationDelegate <NSObject> - (NSData *)verifyDataIntegrity:(NSData *)arg1 checksumMethod:(int)arg2; - (int)checksumMethodForIncomingTileDataWithKey:(const struct _GEOTileKey *)arg1; - (BOOL)shouldAllowEmptyDataForTileKey:(const struct _GEOTileKey *)arg1; - (void)operationFailed:(_GEOSimpleTileRequesterOperation *)arg1 error:(NSError *)arg2; - (void)operationFinished:(_GEOSimpleTileRequesterOperation *)arg1; @end
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General Evolution News Category of the 'Evolution Research - Main Blog' website: News reports, associated technical papers, authors' homepages, and other relevant information. Friday, February 10, 2006 New Analysis Shows Three Human Migrations Out Of Africa A new, more robust analysis of recently derived human gene trees by Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D, of Washington University in St Louis, shows three distinct major waves of human migration out of Africa instead of just two, and statistically refutes - strongly - the 'Out of Africa' replacement theory. That theory holds that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and wiped out existing populations of humans. Templeton has shown that the African populations interbred with the Eurasian populations - thus, making love, not war. "The 'Out of Africa' replacement theory has always been a big controversy," Templeton said. "I set up a null hypothesis and the program rejected that hypothesis using the new data with a probability level of 10 to the minus 17th. In science, you don't get any more conclusive than that. It says that the hypothesis of no interbreeding is so grossly incompatible with the data, that you can reject it." Templeton's analysis is considered to be the only definitive statistical test to refute the theory, dominant in human evolution science for more than two decades. "Not only does the new analysis reject the theory, it demolishes it," Templeton said. Templeton published his results in the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 2005. A trellis, not a tree He used a computer program called GEODIS, which he created in 1995 and later modified with the help of David Posada, Ph.D., and Keith Crandall, Ph.D. at Brigham Young University, to determine genetic relationships among and within populations based on an examination of specific haplotypes, clusters of genes that are inherited as a unit. In 2002, Templeton analyzed ten different haplotype trees and performed phylogeographic analyses that reconstructed the history of the species through space and time. Three years later, he had 25 regions to analyze and the data provided molecular evidence of a third migration, this one the oldest, back to 1.9 million years ago. "This time frame corresponds extremely well with the fossil record, which shows Homo erectus expanding out of Africa then," Templeton said. Another novel find is that populations of Homo erectus in Eurasia had recurrent genetic interchange with African populations 1.5 million years ago, much earlier than previously thought, and that these populations persisted instead of going extinct, which some human evolution researchers thought had occurred. The new data confirm an expansion out of Africa to 700,000 years ago that was detected in the 2002 analysis. "Both (the 1.9 million and 700,000 year) expansions coincide with recent paleoclimatic data that indicate periods of very high rainfall in eastern Africa, making what is now the Sahara Desert a savannah," Templeton said. "That makes the timing very amenable for movements of large populations through the area." Templeton said that the fossil record indicates a significant change in brain size for modern humans at 700,000 years ago as well as the adaptation and expansion of a new stone tool culture first found in Africa and later at 700,000 years expanded throughout Eurasia. "By the time you're done with this phase you can be 99 percent confident that there was recurrent genetic interchange between African and Eurasian populations," he said. "So the idea of pure, distinct races in humans does not exist. We humans don't have a tree relationship, rather a trellis. We're intertwined. A haplotype is a multisite haploid genotype at two or more polymorphic sites on the same chromosome in a defined DNA region. An evolutionary tree of the haplotypes can be estimated if the DNA region had little to no recombination. Haplotype trees can be used to reconstruct past human gene-flow patterns and historical events, but any single tree captures only a small portion of evolutionary history, and is subject to error. A fuller view of human evolution requires multiple DNA regions, and errors can be minimized by cross-validating inferences across loci. An analysis of 25 DNA regions reveals an out-of-Africa expansion event at 1.9 million years ago. Gene flow with isolation by distance was established between African and Eurasian populations by about 1.5 million years ago, with no detectable interruptions since. A second out-of-Africa expansion occurred about 700,000 years ago, and involved interbreeding with at least some Eurasian populations. A third out-of-Africa event occurred around 100,000 years ago, and was also characterized by interbreeding, with the hypothesis of a total Eurasian replacement strongly rejected (P less than 10(-17)). This does not preclude the possibility that some Eurasian populations could have been replaced, and the status of Neanderthals is indecisive. Demographic inferences from haplotype trees have been inconsistent, so few definitive conclusions can be made at this time. Haplotype trees from human parasites offer additional insights into human evolution and raise the possibility of an Asian isolate of humanity, but once again not in a definitive fashion. Haplotype trees can also indicate which genes were subject to positive selection in the lineage leading to modern humans. Genetics provides many insights into human evolution, but those insights need to be integrated with fossil and archaeological data to yield a fuller picture of the origin of modern humans.
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Koti: Thank you for your support and please keep in touch. Thanks Raju Raju " "I have cleared my BO Application Associate certification exam with 90%. Would personally thank Madhukar, yourself and the entire team for providing all the needed facilities to review the sessions conducted by Madhukar. It was very effective. Also, Madhukar thanks for being patient in times when I needed the BO server access to practice. I really appreciate the team efforts. Once again kudos and all the best to Tech E Training !!!!! Thanks, Rohit"
In Memoriam: Stanley Flatt November 04, 2007 OSA Remembers OSA Fellow Stanley Flatté Stanley Flatté, an OSA Fellow since 1996, died on November 4, 2007 at his home in Santa Cruz, CA. He was 66 years old. Dr. Flatté, a professor emeritus and research professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, was known for his work on wave propagation that led to important contributions in the fields of atmospheric optics, ocean acoustics, and seismology. He also made significant contributions to basic research in particle physics. Flatté earned a B.S. in physics at the California Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in physics at the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to joining the UCSC faculty in 1971, he worked as a research physicist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. At UCSC he was affiliated with The Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP) and the Institute of Marine Sciences. He also served as a member of the JASON Defense Advisory Panel, an independent scientific advisory group that provides consulting services to the U.S. government on matters of defense science and technology. Flatté was a member of several professional societies and was a Fellow not only of OSA but also of the Acoustical Society of America, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Physical Society. The Fellowships were awarded “For work in meson spectroscopy and for work in wave propagation in random media, with innovative contributions to ocean acoustics, atmospheric optics, seismology, and numerical simulation.” Additionally, the APS Fellowship was one of a small number awarded “At Large” rather than through a specific division, in recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of Flatté’s work. In 1975-1976 Flatté received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship to a write a book on “Sound Transmission through a Fluctuating Ocean,” which was published in 1979 as part of the Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics series. All told, Flatté was the author of more than 130 publications. Flatté is survived by his wife of 41 years, Renelde, two children and six grandchildren. A memorial service was held on November 11 in Santa Cruz. Latest News A new algorithm combined with a handheld, smartphone-based device could aid health care workers in remote locations to estimate degrees of prematurity for affected infants. Such information can be critical for administering life-saving treatments. Student Membership Pricing OSA supports the next generation of researchers and engineers. Students pay just $20 USD for 1-year membership; $10 USD for students residing in an economically developing nation. Save even more with a 3-year term. The Optical Society's (OSA) mission is to promote the generation, application and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide. The purposes of the Society are scientific, technical and educational. OSA’s commitment to excellence and long-term learning is the driving force behind all its initiatives.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIC/jCCAeYCAQAwgbgxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkFBMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVUeWNobzEVMBMG A1UEBwwMTW9vbiBWaWxsYWdlMR8wHQYDVQQKDBZXb25rYSBIZWF2eSBJbmR1c3Ry aWVzMRkwFwYDVQQLDBBMb29tcGEgUmVsYXRpb25zMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZzZWN1cmUu d29ua2EuY2hvY29sYXRlMSUwIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhZkYW1pZW5Ad29ua2EuY2hv Y29sYXRlMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtcHu/ZN3FzxY xjnDTYA6M1rRwk3046CpLa9KJGhtnGJMVt6MUU5S3Q5TmFgrFtTB+L+oCF4G87sU 8OzuH12StzhPLS9EDrbBFuDblv7muJWZ17RojQ5OBru3/xOndbNFaEfzXEmIfqcD CwIs2drhaBENCfGrYSEHpivuoo2Ji+9KKzgzh5w4ODFgNtuarxSbgp/kiUu1CtVf 8Oouc1PcrNdHuOCEcsbV7QUsKpUReJhC/MqfgMkT8CgsE0IWB/PGS0Yh5g05giE/ yMF8lBJDr1bGpJo/62rwRoNiUSO0+aUMaBXDBmCQ5C01foBe9HZsccOxXIWTq79y LGTkp9udBQIDAQABoAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAGP+Dfwxp7opVYTbSO99 rTgL21jDMqg5Oo16RmShml9Y1Oo0WYUTWO52GV6QSw6yli70ozSxRZVWamkcyP97 NqmOdrkDyKzmDm1673rsaIqJHMyFx1YFBsd2O2m3vOjgnhpLLDZTVm8NjetRn6ms 0Sml20l3hkt/CSpqwlZ2fXh3kNzt0bKgN4DMQAVviXIxig1sayzX2/I2UdQ5Tar4 AWtyxN70v1R1CTwEA35lyxxkaXrkOnggdY8ndPwA/iVeaC4ze9ocIaolz+RXS/K/ cbWZGK15GF1lT8060goT6Nn8F+T4GqG9QUmd+jUnlN4lFV+2+jjFVqOn6n1q2e0M 4lY= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
Passing pointer to array to a function This is a discussion on Passing pointer to array to a function within the C Programming forums, part of the General Programming Boards category; Hi, I've been tearing my hair out trying to pass an array to a function using pointers. I keep reading ... Passing pointer to array to a function Hi, I've been tearing my hair out trying to pass an array to a function using pointers. I keep reading things that tell me an array is a pointer to a series of addresses, and then others that tell me this isn't quite true. So I have no idea what to do. I am a student trying to do a homework and just can't seem to figure this one out. Your function requires a pointer, not the value located in the pointer. So, you want something like: get_input( stu_num, pscount, gpa, stu_hours, pfinish ); When passing a pointer, not a pointer to a pointer, to a function that takes a pointer as an argument, just use the name. If you use '* name', you actually end up dereferencing the pointer which gives you the value contained in whatever the pointer points at. Example:
Dissident “American-Philia” Conquers Cuba / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 29 June 2017 — Ten days have passed since Donald Trump announced his “new” political strategy toward Cuba, and while the official Cuban press monopoly has wasted gallons of ink on newspapers and on dozens of reports, interviews and TV programs to show the […] Continue reading → How Cuban State Security Intimidates Potential Informants / Iván García Iván García,9 April 2017 — They did not put a Makarov pistol to his head or torture him with electric prods. Let’s call him Josué. (The names in his article have been changed). He is a guy who wears American-made jeans, listens to jazz by […] Continue reading → When Your Ally’s Beards are on Fire*… / Miriam Celaya Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 18 April 2017 — According to an old adage, when you see you neighbor’s beard on fire, go soak your own*. The maxim should be applied to the elderly Cuban dictator, especially if we take into account that the erratic performance […] Continue reading → Artist jailed in Cuba since November for anti-Fidel Castro graffiti may be released Jan. 28 By Elizabeth Llorente Published January 18, 2017 FoxNews.com A prominent graffiti artist in Cuba who was jailed the day after Fidel Castro died for actions that appeared to celebrate the late Cuban leader’s passing, reportedly will be released on Jan. […] Continue reading → Obama Ends Exemption for Cubans Who Arrive Without Visas By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and FRANCES ROBLES JAN. 12, 2017 WASHINGTON — President Obama said Thursday that he was terminating the 22-year-old policy that has allowed Cubans who arrived on United States soil without visas to remain in the country and gain legal residency, an unexpected […] Continue reading → Cuban Government Launches Ideological Offensive On Human Rights Day / 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata 14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, 10 December 2016 — For several years on International Human Rights Day, the Cuban government has strengthed its ideological battle on the internet with police operations around the country. The volume of epithets posted on social networks and […] Continue reading → The Legacy of Fidel Castro and the Future of Cuba / Iván García Iván García, 6 December 2016 — Some large scale political events, the ones where people are weeping over the death of a “venerated leader” or yelling slogans like ventriloquists, are really smoke and mirrors. A dishonest trick. On April 7, 1957, a […] Continue reading → Opinion: U.S. must stand with the opponents of Castros’ tyranny BY TED CRUZ I had the honor recently to meet with Cuban dissident Oscar Biscet, who was visiting the United States to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom that President George W. Bush had awarded him in 2007. Then serving a 25-year prison sentence for […] Continue reading → ‘It’s a regime that has always been anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian’ Castro still Israel’s enemy, prominent Cuban dissident warns on rare visit Undeterred by torture and prison, Oscar Biscet draws attention to the totalitarian nature of the regime in Havana. I may get killed when I return but I must continue my fight, he saysBY RAPHAEL […] Continue reading → What Everyone Should Avoid / 14ymedio, Jose Daniel Ferrer 14ymedio, Jose Daniel Ferrer, Miami, 6 August 2016 — We live in complex times. The world is full of problems, some more serious than others. We live in the twenty-first century of the Christian Era, with some surrounded by comfort and wonderful technologies and others living […] Continue reading → U.S. worried about hunger-striking Cuban dissidents: State Department July 29, 2016 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is concerned about the physical well-being of hunger-striking activists in Cuba and is closely watching their situation, the U.S. State Department said on Friday. “We stand in solidarity with those who advocate for human rights and fundamental freedoms, […] Continue reading → Cuba Post-‘Normalization’: Tortured Dissident Begins 24th Hunger Strike to Protest by FRANCES MARTEL21 Jul 20167 Guillermo Fariñas, a Cuban human rights activist who has been a vocal critic of President Barack Obama’s concessions to dictator Raúl Castro, has declared himself on a hunger strike following a severe beating in which communist agents tortured him for […] Continue reading → Cuban Man Says He Relied on God to Survive 22 Years of Torture in Castro’s Gulag BY SAMUEL SMITH , CP REPORTER November 21, 2015|11:20 am A former Cuban prisoner of conscience who was imprisoned for opposing the Communist regime of Fidel Castro and used his own blood to write poetry throughout his 22-year detention […] Continue reading → Cuban Dissidents Face Uphill Fight Published October 31, 2015 TRACEY EATON The graffiti artist jailed for 10 months after he painted the names “Fidel” and “Raúl” on two pigs said today he isn’t backing down. “Art is my life and I can’t breathe without a life,” said Danilo Maldonado, also known as “El Sexto.” “Of […] Continue reading → Tampa men on opposite sides of the Cuba question to debate in Ybor By Paul Guzzo | Tribune Staff Published: October 4, 2015 TAMPA — Al Fox and Ralph Fernandez are strident champions of opposite positions on the Cuba question, but the two Tampa men might agree on one thing: When it comes to their […] Continue reading → Pope Francis Desecrates Memory of Catholic Martyrs in Cuba Humberto Fontova | Sep 26, 2015 “Dear Mom and Dad, I’ve just received the news that I’ll be executed by firing squad in the morning. I assure you, dear parents, that I’ve never felt such spiritual tranquility as I do now. I feel content knowing that […] Continue reading → By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
Ultrafast and low overhead training symbol based channel estimation in coherent M-QAM single-carrier transmission systems. We propose a training symbol based channel estimation (TS-EST) algorithm that estimates the 2 × 2 Jones channel matrix. The estimated matrix entries are then used as the initial center taps of the 2 × 2 butterfly equalizer. Employing very few training symbols for TS-EST, ultrafast polarization tracking is achieved and tap update can be initially pursued using the decision-directed least mean squares (DD-LMS) algorithm to mitigate residual intersymbol interference (ISI). We experimentally verify the proposed TS-EST algorithm for 112 Gbps PDM-QPSK and 224 Gbps PDM-16QAM systems using 10 and 40 training symbols for TS-EST, respectively. Steady-state and transient bit error rates (BERs) achieved using the TS-EST algorithm are compared to those obtained using the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) and the training symbol least mean squares (TS-LMS) algorithm and results show that the proposed TS-EST algorithm provides the same steady-state BER with a superior convergence speed. Also, the tolerance of the proposed TS-EST algorithm to laser phase noise and fiber nonlinearity is experimentally verified. Finally, we show by simulation that the superior tracking speed of the TS-EST algorithm allows not only for initial polarization tracking but also for tracking fast polarization transients if four training symbols are periodically sent during steady-state operation with an overhead as low as 0.57%.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This source file is part of the Siren project. // // Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Quildreen Motta. // Licensed under the MIT licence. // // See LICENCE for licence information. // See CONTRIBUTORS for the list of contributors to the project. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // # module: siren/runtime 'use strict'; // -- Dependencies ----------------------------------------------------- var BigNum = require('bignum'); var isNumber = require('is-number-object'); var isString = require('is-string'); var isBoolean = require('is-boolean-object'); var showJs = require('core.inspect'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var marked = require('marked'); var TerminalRenderer = require('marked-terminal'); marked.setOptions({ renderer: new TerminalRenderer({ reflowText: true, width: 72 }) }); // -- Aliases ---------------------------------------------------------- var prototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var isPrototypeOf = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf; var keys = Object.keys; var globalObject = typeof window !== 'undefined'? window : typeof global !== 'undefined'? global : /* otherwise */ raise(new Error('This platform is not supported.')); // -- Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------- // ### function: raise(error) // // `throw` as an expression. function raise(error) { throw error; } // ### function: extend(a, b) // // Copies all own enumerable properties of `b` to `a` // // @type: (Object, Object) -> Object function extend(a, b) { var ks = keys(b); for (var i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i) { var key = ks[i]; a[key] = b[key]; } return a; } function parseArgs(fn) { return (fn.toString().match(/function\s*[^\(]*\(([^\)]*)\)/) || [null, ''])[1] .split(',') .map(function(a){ return a.trim(); }) .filter(Boolean); } function safeDescribe(o) { try { var s = o.send0($context, 'describe'); assert_textual(s); return s.string; } catch (e) { return '<unrepresentable object>'; } } function separateThousands(n, separator) { return String(n).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + separator); } function compact(object) { return Object.keys(object).reduce(function(r, k) { var value = object[k]; if (value != null) r[k] = value; return r; }, {}); } // -- Assertions ------------------------------------------------------- function assert_arity(f, n) { if (f.length !== n) { throw new RangeError('Wrong number of arguments: ' + f.length + ' of ' + n); } } function assert_string(s) { if (typeof s !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected Text.'); } function assert_tuple(a) { if (!(a instanceof _Tuple)) throw new TypeError('Expected Tuple.'); } function assert_text(a) { if (!(a instanceof _Text)) throw new TypeError('Expected Text.'); } function assert_textual(a) { if (typeof a.string !== "string") throw new TypeError('Expected a textual value.'); } function assert_message(m) { if (!(m instanceof _Message)) throw new TypeError('Expected Message.'); } function assert_context(a) { if (!(a instanceof Context)) throw new TypeError('Expected Context.'); } function assert_selector(a) { if (!(a instanceof _Selector)) throw new TypeError('Expected Selector.'); } function assert_perspective(a) { if (!(a instanceof _Perspective)) throw new TypeError('Expected Perspective.'); } // -- Internal object hierarchy ---------------------------------------- var Siren_Object = Object.create(null); var Siren_Root = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Module = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Importer = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Context = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Perspective = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Selector = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Message = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Brand = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_ObjectBranding = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Block = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Block0 = Object.create(Siren_Block); var Siren_Block1 = Object.create(Siren_Block); var Siren_Block2 = Object.create(Siren_Block); var Siren_Block3 = Object.create(Siren_Block); var Siren_BlockN = Object.create(Siren_Block); var Siren_Method = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Method0 = Object.create(Siren_Method); var Siren_Method1 = Object.create(Siren_Method); var Siren_Method2 = Object.create(Siren_Method); var Siren_Method3 = Object.create(Siren_Method); var Siren_MethodN = Object.create(Siren_Method); var Siren_Text = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_DebugText = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Numeric = Object.create(Siren_Object); var Siren_Integer = Object.create(Siren_Numeric); var Siren_Float = Object.create(Siren_Numeric); var Siren_Tuple = Object.create(Siren_Object); // -- Internal names --------------------------------------------------- // Points to the default perspective. var defaultPerspective = Symbol('default-perspective'); // Points to the list of brands attached to the object. var brands = Symbol('brands'); // -- Handling meta-data ----------------------------------------------- // ### class: Meta() // // Every object in Siren may contain meta-data about itself. This // meta-data lives in a separate object. The `Meta` object holds // mappings of Siren objects to a dictionary of meta-data. function Meta() { this.data = new WeakMap(); } // #### method: get(object, name) // // Retrieves a particular piece of data about an object. // // @type: (Siren.Object, String) -> Siren.Object | null Meta.prototype.get = function(object, name) { if (name == null) { return null; } else { return (this.data.get(object) || {})[name]; } }; // #### method: set(object, name, value) // // Attaches a piece of meta-data to an object. // // @type: (Siren.Object, String, Siren.Object) -> null Meta.prototype.set = function(object, name, value) { if (name != null) { var metas = this.data.get(object) || {}; metas[name] = value; this.data.set(object, metas); } }; Meta.prototype.update = function(object, meta) { var oldMeta = this.data.get(object) || {}; this.data.set(object, extend(oldMeta, meta)); }; Meta.prototype.updateIfNotExists = function(object, meta) { var oldMeta = this.data.get(object) || {}; this.data.set(object, extend(meta, oldMeta)); }; // -- Context for perspectives ----------------------------------------- // ### class: Context() // // Provides scoped resolution of message names to message selectors. // // Messages in Siren are stored in each object as unique selector // values. To translate a name such as `+` or `add:to:` it uses a // `MethodBox` object available in that scope, which provides the // mapping of names to selector values. // // @type: new(Context | null) function Context(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.mappings = new WeakMap(); } Context.prototype = Siren_Context; // #### method: set(object, value) // // Adds a new mapping to the given object. // // @type: (Siren.Object, { String -> Symbol }) -> null Context.prototype.set = function(object, value) { this.mappings.set(object, value); }; // #### method: get(object) // // Returns the mapping for the given object. // // @type: Siren.Object -> { String -> Symbol } Context.prototype.get = function(object) { return this.mappings.get(object); }; // #### method: lookup(object, name) // // Retrieves the selector value for the object / name pair provided. // Looks up in the whole prototype chain of the object before falling // back to the parent (Context) scope. // // @type: (Siren.Object, String) -> Symbol | null Context.prototype.lookup = function(object, name) { if (object == null) return null; var box = this.get(object); if (box) { var selector = box[name]; if (selector) return selector; } if (this.parent) { var selector = this.parent.lookup(object, name); if (selector) return selector; } return this.lookup(prototypeOf(object), name); }; // #### method: merge(...traits) // // Adds a series of traits to the mappings in this method box. // // @type: (...(Object, { String -> Symbol })) -> null Context.prototype.merge = function(pairs) { for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; ++i) { var pair = pairs[i]; var object = pair[0]; var mappings = pair[1]; var box = this.get(object) || {}; extend(box, mappings); this.set(object, box); } return this; }; // #### method: clone() // // Returns a new Context that inherits the mappings of this one. // // @type: () -> Context Context.prototype.clone = function() { return new Context(this); }; // -- Non-local returns ------------------------------------------------ // #### class: Return() // // Represents non-local returns. // // @type: new (Siren.Object) function Return(value) { this.value = value; } // #### function: $return(value) // // Does a non-local return (can only be used inside blocks). // // @type: (Siren.Object) -> null :: throws Siren.Object function $return(value) { throw new Return(value); } // #### function: $handleReturn(value) // // Handles non-local returns after the stack has been unwinded. // This accounts for the possibility of non-Return objects being // thrown by Siren code. // // @type: (Any) -> Siren.Object | null :: throws Object function $handleReturn(value) { if (value instanceof Return) return value.value; else throw value; } // -- Support for constructing instances of internal objects ----------- function _Block0(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 0); this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Block0.prototype = Siren_Block0; function _Block1(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 1); this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Block1.prototype = Siren_Block1; function _Block2(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 2); this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Block2.prototype = Siren_Block2; function _Block3(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 3); this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Block3.prototype = Siren_Block3; function _BlockN(fn) { this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _BlockN.prototype = Siren_BlockN; Siren_Method.belongsTo = null; function _Method0(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 0); this.belongsTo = null; this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Method0.prototype = Siren_Method0; function _Method1(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 1); this.belongsTo = null; this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Method1.prototype = Siren_Method1; function _Method2(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 2); this.belongsTo = null; this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Method2.prototype = Siren_Method2; function _Method3(fn) { assert_arity(fn, 3); this.belongsTo = null; this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _Method3.prototype = Siren_Method3; function _MethodN(fn) { this.belongsTo = null; this.call = fn; this.nativeFunction = true; } _MethodN.prototype = Siren_MethodN; function _Text(s) { this.string = s; } _Text.prototype = Siren_Text; _Text.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.string; }; _Text.prototype.string = ""; function _Integer(n) { this.number = n; } _Integer.prototype = Siren_Integer; _Integer.prototype.number = BigNum(0); function _Float(n) { this.number = n; } _Float.prototype = Siren_Float; _Float.prototype.number = 0; function _Tuple(v) { this.array = v; } _Tuple.prototype = Siren_Tuple; _Tuple.prototype.array = []; function _Perspective(object, mappings) { this.object = object; this.mappings = mappings; } _Perspective.prototype = Siren_Perspective; function _Selector(symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; } _Selector.prototype = Siren_Selector; function _Message(name, args) { this.name = name; this.args = args; } _Message.prototype = Siren_Message; function _Importer(mod) { this.module = mod; this.require = mod.require; } _Importer.prototype = Siren_Importer; function _DebugText(text) { this.string = text; } _DebugText.prototype = Siren_DebugText; _DebugText.prototype.string = ""; _DebugText.prototype.toString = function(){ return this.string; }; var wrapped = Symbol('wrapped'); var unwrapCapability = Symbol('unwrap-capability'); function wrap(object) { var alien = Siren_Root.send0($context, 'JS'); var result = { 'send': function(message, args) { var sirenArgs = args.map(function(x){ return alien.send1($context, 'alienate:', x); }); var sirenResult = object.sendN($context, message, sirenArgs); return alien.send1($context, 'expatriate:', sirenResult); }, 'unwrap': function(capability) { if (capability === unwrapCapability) { return object; } else { throw new Error("Invalid capability, can't unwrap the object."); } } }; result[wrapped] = true; return result; } // -- Internal methods ------------------------------------------------- // Recovering messages function recover(object, context, originalMessage, args) { var selector = context.lookup(object, 'does-not-understand:'); if (selector && object[selector]) { var message = new _Message(originalMessage, args); var method = object[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call(object, message); } else { return method.send2(context, new _Text('does-not-understand:'), object, message); } } else { throw new Error('Failed to send ' + message); } } // Sending messages Siren_Object.send0 = function(context, message) { var selector = context.lookup(this, message); if (selector) { var method = this[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call(this); } else { method.send1(context, new _Text('in:'), this); } } else { return recover(this, context, message, []); } }; Siren_Object.send1 = function(context, message, a) { var selector = context.lookup(this, message); if (selector) { var method = this[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call(this, a); } else { method.send2(context, new _Text('in:call:'), this, a); } } else { return recover(this, context, message, [a]); } }; Siren_Object.send2 = function(context, message, a, b) { var selector = context.lookup(this, message); if (selector) { var method = this[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call(this, a, b); } else { return method.send3(context, new _Text('in:call:with:'), this, a, b); } } else { return recover(this, context, message, [a, b]); } }; Siren_Object.send3 = function(context, message, a, b, c) { var selector = context.lookup(this, message); if (selector) { var method = this[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call(this, a, b, c); } else { return method.sendN(context, new _Text('in:call:with:with:'), this, a, b, c); } } else { return recover(this, context, message, [a, b, c]); } }; Siren_Object.sendN = function(context, message, args) { var selector = context.lookup(this, message); if (selector) { var method = this[selector]; if (method.nativeFunction) { return method.call.apply(method, [this].concat(args)); } else { return method.sendN(context, new _Text('in:apply:'), new _Tuple([this].concat(args))); } } else { return recover(this, context, message, args); } }; // -- Global instances ------------------------------------------------- // The global context for perspectives var $context = new Context(null); // The global meta-data mapping var $meta = new Meta(); // -- Constructing internal instances ---------------------------------- function objectToRecord(object, context) { var box = context.get(object) || {}; var r = {}; keys(box).forEach(function(key) { r[key] = object[box[key]]; }); return r; } function $extendObject(object, record) { var mapping = {}; var ks = keys(record); for (var i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i) { var key = ks[i]; var selector = Symbol(key); var method = record[key]; object[selector] = method; mapping[key] = selector; method.belongsTo = object; $withMeta(method, compact({ 'authors': $meta.get(object, 'authors'), 'licence': $meta.get(object, 'licence'), 'platforms': $meta.get(object, 'platforms'), 'repository': $meta.get(object, 'repository'), 'stability': $meta.get(object, 'stability'), 'portability': $meta.get(object, 'portability') })); } return [object, mapping]; } function $makeObject(record, prototype) { var result = Object.create(prototype); result[defaultPerspective] = $extendObject(result, record); $context.merge([result[defaultPerspective]]); return result; } function $makeInternalObject(record) { keys(record).forEach(function(k) { record[k] = $makeFunction(record[k]); }); return $makeObject(record, Siren_Object); } function $_extend(object, record) { keys(record).forEach(function(k) { var o = {}; o[k] = $makeFunction(record[k], { name: new _Text(k), arguments: new _Tuple(parseArgs(record[k]).map($text)), documentation: new _Text(''), source: new _Text('<native>'), filename: new _Text('<native>') }); $context.merge([$extendObject(object, o)]); }); return object; } function $makeFunction(fn, meta, module) { meta = meta || {}; if (meta.name) fn.displayName = meta.name.string; var result; switch (fn.length) { case 0: result = new _Method0(fn); break; case 1: result = new _Method1(fn); break; case 2: result = new _Method2(fn); break; case 3: result = new _Method3(fn); break; default: result = new _MethodN(fn); } result.module = module; $meta.update(result, meta); return result; } function $makeBlock(fn, meta, module) { meta = meta || {}; if (meta.name) fn.displayName = meta.name.string; var result; switch (fn.length) { case 0: result = new _Block0(fn); break; case 1: result = new _Block1(fn); break; case 2: result = new _Block2(fn); break; case 3: result = new _Block3(fn); break; default: result = new _BlockN(fn); } result.module = module; $meta.update(result, meta); return result; } function $makeModule(jsModule, require, runtime) { var module = Object.create(Siren_Module); module.filename = jsModule.filename; module.require = require; module.runtime = runtime; module.context = runtime.$context.clone(); return module; } function $withMeta(value, meta) { if (value != null && (value === Siren_Object || isPrototypeOf.call(Siren_Object, value))) { $meta.updateIfNotExists(value, meta || {}); } return value; } function $withData(value, data) { extend(value, data); return value; } function $int(n) { return new _Integer(BigNum(n)); } function $negInt(n) { return new _Integer(BigNum(n).neg()); } function $float(n) { return new _Float(n); } function $text(s) { return new _Text(s); } function $tuple(xs) { return new _Tuple(xs); } var Siren = { // Global stuff '$context': $context, '$global': Siren_Root, '$object': Siren_Object, // Internal functions '$negint': $negInt, '$int': $int, '$float': $float, '$text': $text, '$tuple': $tuple, '$makeModule': $makeModule, '$makeFunction': $makeFunction, '$makeBlock': $makeBlock, '$makeObject': $makeObject, '$withMeta': $withMeta, '$withData': $withData, '$return': $return, '$handleReturn': $handleReturn }; // -- Primitives for the runtime --------------------------------------- $_extend(Siren_Root, { 'describe': function() { return new _DebugText('<Root>'); }, 'vm' : function(){ return Primitives; }, 'Root' : function(){ return Siren_Root; }, 'Module' : function(){ return Siren_Module; }, 'Importer' : function(){ return Siren_Importer; }, 'Context' : function(){ return Siren_Context; }, 'Perspective' : function(){ return Siren_Perspective; }, 'Selector' : function(){ return Siren_Selector; }, 'Message' : function(){ return Siren_Message; }, 'Brand' : function(){ return Siren_Brand; }, 'Object-Branding' : function(){ return Siren_ObjectBranding; }, 'Block' : function(){ return Siren_Block; }, 'Nullary-Block' : function(){ return Siren_Block0; }, 'Unary-Block' : function(){ return Siren_Block1; }, 'Binary-Block' : function(){ return Siren_Block2; }, 'Ternary-Block' : function(){ return Siren_Block3; }, 'N-Ary-Block' : function(){ return Siren_BlockN; }, 'Method' : function(){ return Siren_Method; }, 'Nullary-Method' : function(){ return Siren_Method0; }, 'Unary-Method' : function(){ return Siren_Method1; }, 'Binary-Method' : function(){ return Siren_Method2; }, 'Ternary-Method' : function(){ return Siren_Method3; }, 'N-Ary-Method' : function(){ return Siren_MethodN; }, 'Object' : function(){ return Siren_Object; }, 'Text' : function(){ return Siren_Text; }, 'Numeric' : function(){ return Siren_Numeric; }, 'Integer' : function(){ return Siren_Integer; }, 'Float-64bits' : function(){ return Siren_Float; }, 'Tuple' : function(){ return Siren_Tuple; }, 'Debug-Text' : function(){ return Siren_DebugText; } }); $_extend(Siren_Object, { 'does-not-understand:': function(self, message) { assert_message(message); var reason = safeDescribe(self) + " does not understand " + message.name + ".\n\n" + "It was given the arguments: [" + message.args.map(safeDescribe).join(',') + "], but is unable to perform any computation.\n\n" + "Possible causes for this are:\n\n" + " - Mistyping the message name;\n" + " - Sending the message to the wrong object;\n" + " - Not importing the correct traits in the current scope."; var e = new Error(reason); e.name = "<Message Send Failure>"; throw e; }, 'perform:context:': function(self, message, context) { assert_message(message); assert_context(context); return self.sendN(context, message.name, message.args); }, 'refined-by:': function(self, object) { return $makeObject(objectToRecord(object, $context), self); }, 'refined-by:context:': function(self, object, context) { return $makeObject(objectToRecord(object, context), self); }, 'extended-by:context:': function(self, object, context) { var p = $extendObject(self, objectToRecord(object, context)); return new _Perspective(p[0], p[1]); }, 'extended-by:': function(self, object) { return self.send2($context, 'extended-by:context:', object, $context); }, 'describe': function(self) { var name = $meta.get(self, 'name'); var module = self.module? ' at ' + self.module.filename : ''; var line = $meta.get(self, 'line'); var column = $meta.get(self, 'column'); var pos = line && column? ' line ' + line.number + ', column ' + column.number : ''; return new _DebugText('<' + (name || 'Anonymous Object') + module + pos + '>'); } }); $_extend(Siren_Selector, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Selector: ' + self.symbol.toString() + '>'); }, 'with-description:': function(self, description) { assert_text(description); return new _Selector(Symbol(description.string)); }, '===': function(self, that) { assert_selector(that); return self.symbol === that.symbol; }, 'description': function(self) { return new _Text(self.symbol.toString()); } }); $_extend(Siren_Message, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Message: ' + self.name + '>'); }, 'name:arguments:': function(self, name, args) { assert_text(name); assert_tuple(args); return new _Message(name.string, args.array); }, 'send-to:context:': function(self, object, context) { return object.sendN(context, self.name, self.args); }, 'name': function(self) { return new _Text(self.name); }, 'arguments': function(self) { return new _Tuple(self.args); } }); $_extend(Siren_Context, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Context>'); }, 'empty': function(self) { return new Context(null); }, 'with:': function(self, perspective) { assert_perspective(perspective); return self.clone().merge([[perspective.object, perspective.mappings]]); } }); $_extend(Siren_Perspective, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Perspective on: ' + safeDescribe(self.object) + '>'); }, 'target': function(self) { return this.object; }, ',': function(self, perspective) { assert_perspective(perspective); var result = Object.create(self); result.mappings = {}; extend(result.mappings, self.mappings); extend(result.mappings, perspective.mappings); } }); $_extend(Siren_Module, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Module at: ' + self.filename + '>'); }, 'filename': function(self) { return new _Text(self.filename); }, 'context': function(self) { return self.context; }, 'import': function(self) { return new _Importer(self); } }); $_extend(Siren_Importer, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Importer in ' + safeDescribe(self.module) + '>'); }, 'siren:with-arguments:': function(self, module_id, _arguments) { assert_text(module_id); assert_tuple(_arguments); return self.require(module_id.string) .apply(null, [Siren].concat(_arguments.array)); } }); $_extend(Siren_Block, { 'describe': function(self) { var module = self.module? ' at: ' + self.module.filename : ''; var line = $meta.get(self, 'line'); var column = $meta.get(self, 'column'); var pos = line && column? ' line ' + line.number + ', column ' + column.number : ''; return new _DebugText('<Block arity: ' + String(self.call.length) + module + pos + '>'); }, 'apply:': function(self, _arguments) { return self.call.apply(undefined, _arguments.array); } }); $_extend(Siren_Block0, { 'value': function(self) { return self.call(); } }); $_extend(Siren_Block1, { 'call:': function(self, arg1) { return self.call(arg1); } }); $_extend(Siren_Block2, { 'call:with:': function(self, arg1, arg2) { return self.call(arg1, arg2); } }); $_extend(Siren_Block3, { 'call:with:with:': function(self, arg1, arg2, arg3) { return self.call(arg1, arg2, arg3); } }); $_extend(Siren_Method, { 'describe': function(self) { return new _DebugText('<Unbound-Method arity: ' + self.call.length + '>'); }, 'in:apply:': function(self, target, _arguments) { return self.call.apply(target, [target].concat(_arguments)); } }); $_extend(Siren_Method0, { 'in:': function(self, target) { return self.call.call(target, target); } }); $_extend(Siren_Method1, { 'in:call:': function(self, target, arg1) { return self.call.call(target, target, arg1); } }); $_extend(Siren_Method2, { 'in:call:with:': function(self, target, arg1, arg2) { return self.call.call(target, target, arg1, arg2); } }); $_extend(Siren_Method3, { 'in:call:with:with:': function(self, target, arg1, arg2, arg3) { return self.call.call(target, target, arg1, arg2, arg3); } }); $_extend(Siren_Text, { 'describe': function(self) { var text = self.string.replace(/(\\)/g, '\\$1') .replace(/(")/g, '\\$1'); return new _DebugText('"' + text + '"'); } }); var Primitives = $makeInternalObject({ 'describe': function() { return new _DebugText('<VM Primitives>'); }, // ---- Assertions 'assert/text:': function(_, a) { assert_text(a); }, 'assert/selector:': function(_, a) { if (a.symbol == null) throw new TypeError("Expected a selector."); }, 'assert/number:between:and:': function(_, a, b, c) { var x = a.number, y = b.number, z = c.number; var fail = false; if (BigNum.isBigNum(x) || BigNum.isBigNum(y) || BigNum.isBigNum(z)) { if (Number.isInteger(+x) && Number.isInteger(+y) && Number.isInteger(+z)) { fail = BigNum(x).lt(BigNum(y)) || BigNum(x).gt(BigNum(z)); } else { fail = (+x) < (+y) || (+x) > (+z); } } else { fail = (+x) < (+y) || (+x) > (+z); } if (fail) throw new RangeError('Expected ' + (+x) + ' between ' + (+y) + ' and ' + (+z)); }, 'assert/numeric:': function(_, a) { if (a.number == null) throw new TypeError("Expected a number."); }, 'assert/textual:': function(_, a) { if (typeof a.string !== 'string') throw new TypeError("Expected a Text or Debug-Text."); }, 'assert/tuple:': function(_, a) { if (!Array.isArray(a.array)) throw new TypeError('Expected a tuple.'); }, 'assert/fail:': function(_, a) { throw new Error(a.string); }, // ---- Reifying primitive types 'text:': function(_, text) { return $text(text); }, 'integer:': function(_, value) { return $int(value); }, 'negative-integer:': function(_, value) { return $negInt(value); }, 'float:': function(_, value) { return $float(Number(value)); }, 'tuple:': function(_, value) { return new _Tuple(value); }, 'method:': function(_, f) { return $makeFunction(f); }, // ---- Primitive operations / syntax 'true': function(){ return true; }, 'false': function(){ return false; }, 'failed?:': function(_, a) { return a == null; }, 'defer:': function(_, f) { setImmediate(function() { f.send0($context, 'value'); }); }, 'refeq:and:': function(_, a, b) { return a === b; }, 'object:at:': function(_, object, key) { assert_text(key); return object[key.string]; }, 'object:at:put:': function(_, object, key, value) { assert_text(key); object[key.string] = value; }, 'extend:with:': function(_, object, record) { $context.merge([$extendObject(object, objectToRecord(record, $context))]); }, 'while:do:': function(_, predicate, block) { while(predicate.send0($context, 'value')) { block.send0($context, 'value'); } }, 'if:then:else:': function(_, test, consequent, alternate) { if (test) { return consequent; } else { return alternate; } }, 'throw:': function(_, error) { throw error; }, 'error:message:': function(_, name, message) { assert_text(name); assert_text(message); var e = new Error(message.string); e.name = name.string; return e; }, 'try:catch:': function(_, block, recover) { try { return block.send0($context, 'value'); } catch (e) { return recover.send1($context, 'call:', e); } }, // ---- Branding 'branding/brand:is:': function(_, a, b) { return a === b || isPrototypeOf.call(b, a); }, 'branding/object:has:': function(_, object, brand) { var xs = object[brands] || new Set(); var iter = xs.values(); var res; while (res = iter.next(), !res.done) { var x = res.value; if (brand === x || isPrototypeOf.call(brand, x)) { return true; } } return false; }, 'branding/object:attach:': function(_, object, brand) { var xs = object[brands]; if (!xs) xs = object[brands] = new Set(); xs.add(brand); }, 'branding/object:remove:': function(_, object, brand) { var xs = object[brands]; if (xs) xs.delete(brand); }, // ---- Text 'text:equals:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string === b.string; }, 'text:concat:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string + b.string; }, 'text:concat-reify:': function(_, a, b) { if (a instanceof _DebugText || b instanceof _DebugText) return new _DebugText(a.string + b.string); else return new _Text(a.string + b.string); }, 'text:starts-with:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string.indexOf(b.string) === 0; }, 'text:ends-with:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string.lastIndexOf(b.string) === a.string.length - b.string.length; }, 'text:contains:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string.indexOf(b) != -1; }, 'text/length:': function(_, a) { return a.string.length; }, 'text/trim:': function(_, a) { return new _Text(a.string.trim()); }, 'text:split:': function(_, a, b) { return new _Tuple(a.string.split(b.string).map($text)); }, 'text/split-at-line-breaks:': function(_, a) { return new _Tuple(a.string.split(/\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n/).map($text)); }, 'text/slice:from:to:': function(_, a, b, c) { return a.string.slice(Number(b.number) - 1, Number(c.number) - 1); }, 'text:at:': function(_, a, b) { return a.string.charAt(Number(b.number) - 1); }, 'text/char-code:': function(_, a) { return a.charCodeAt(0); }, 'text/from-code:': function(_, a) { return String.fromCharCode(Number(a.number)); }, 'text/compare:to:less-than:equal:greater-than:': function(_, l, r, lt, eq, gt) { l = l.string; r = r.string; return l < r? lt : l > r? gt : /* _ */ eq; }, // ---- Numeric 'integer:equals:': function(_, a, b) { return a.number.eq(b.number); }, 'integer/compare:to:less-than:equal:greater-than:': function(_, n, m, lt, eq, gt) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; var cmp = vn.cmp(vm); return cmp < 0? lt : cmp > 0? gt : /* _ */ eq; }, 'integer:less-than:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number.lt(m.number); }, 'integer:greater-than:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number.gt(m.number); }, 'integer:plus:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (typeof vm === "number" && !Number.isInteger(vm)) { return $float(vn.toNumber() + vm); } else { return $int(vn.add(vm)); } }, 'integer:times:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (typeof vm === "number" && !Number.isInteger(vm)) { return $float(vn.toNumber() * vm); } else { return $int(vn.mul(vm)); } }, 'integer:minus:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (typeof vm === "number" && !Number.isInteger(vm)) { return $float(vn.toNumber() - vm); } else { return $int(vn.sub(vm)); } }, 'integer:float-division:': function(_, n, m) { return $float(n.number / m.number); }, 'integer:divide:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (Number(vm) === 0) throw new Error("Division by 0"); return $int(vn.div(vm)); }, 'integer/absolute:': function(_, n) { return $int(n.number.abs()); }, 'integer:power:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (typeof vm === "number" && !Number.isInteger(vm)) { return $float(Math.pow(vn.toNumber(), vm)); } else { return $int(vn.pow(vm)); } }, 'integer:modulo:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (Number(vm) === 0) throw new Error("Division by 0"); return $int(vn.mod(vm)); }, 'integer->float:': function(_, n) { return $float(n.number.toNumber()); }, 'float->integer:': function(_, n) { return $int(n.number); }, 'integer->string:': function(_, n) { return separateThousands(n.number.toString(), ','); }, 'float->string:': function(_, n) { var components = String(n.number).split('.'); var integer = components[0] || 0; var fractional = components[1] || 0; return separateThousands(integer, ',') + '.' + fractional; }, 'float:equals:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number === Number(m.number); }, 'float:not-equals:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number !== Number(m.number); }, 'float:compare:to:less-than:equal:greater-than:': function(_, n, m, lt, eq, gt) { var vn = n.number, vm = Number(m.number); return vn < vm? lt : vn > vm? gt : vm === vm? eq : /* _ */ false; }, 'float:less-than:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number < Number(m.number); }, 'float:greater-than:': function(_, n, m) { return n.number > Number(m.number); }, 'float:plus:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (BigNum.isBigNum(vm) && Number.isInteger(vn)) { return $int(BigNum(vn).add(vm)); } else { return $float(vn + Number(vm)); } }, 'float:minus:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (BigNum.isBigNum(vm) && Number.isInteger(vn)) { return $int(BigNum(vn).sub(vm)); } else { return $float(vn - Number(vm)); } }, 'float:times:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (BigNum.isBigNum(vm) && Number.isInteger(vn)) { return $int(BigNum(vn).mul(vm)); } else { return $float(vn * Number(vm)); } }, 'float:power:': function(_, n, m) { var vn = n.number, vm = m.number; if (BigNum.isBigNum(vm) && Number.isInteger(vn)) { return $int(BigNum(vn).pow(vm)); } else { return $float(Math.pow(vn, Number(vm))); } }, 'float:absolute:': function(_, n) { return $float(Math.abs(n)); }, 'float:division:': function(_, n, m) { return $float(n.number / Number(m.number)); }, 'float:integer-division:': function(_, n, m) { if (Number(m.number) === 0) throw new Error("Division by zero."); return $int(BigNum(n.number).div(m)); }, 'float:modulo:': function(_, n, m) { if (Number(m.number) === 0) throw new Error("Division by zero."); return $int(BigNum(n.number).mod(m)); }, 'float/is-integer:': function(_, n) { return Number.isInteger(n.number); }, // ---- Tuples 'tuple:at:': function(_, a, k) { return a.array[Number(k.number) - 1]; }, 'tuple:concat:': function(_, a, b) { return new _Tuple(a.array.concat(b.array)); }, 'tuple/size:': function(_, a) { return $int(a.array.length); }, 'tuple:each:': function(_, a, f) { var arr = a.array; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) f.send1($context, 'call:', arr[i]); }, 'tuple:map:': function(_, a, f) { var arr = a.array; var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) r[i] = f.send1($context, 'call:', arr[i]); return new _Tuple(r); }, 'tuple:chain:': function(_, a, f) { var arr = a.array; var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { var t = f.send1($context, 'call:', arr[i]); if (!Array.isArray(t.array)) { throw new TypeError("Expected a tuple."); } r.push.apply(r, t.array); } return new _Tuple(r); }, 'tuple:filter:': function(_, a, f) { var arr = a.array; var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { var v = arr[i]; if (f.send1($context, 'call:', v)) r.push(v); } return new _Tuple(r); }, 'tuple:fold:from:': function(_, a, f, b) { var arr = a.array; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) b = f.send2($context, 'call:with:', b, arr[i]); return b; }, 'tuple:fold-right:from:': function(_, a, f, b) { var arr = a.array; for (var i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) b = f.send2($context, 'call:with:', b, arr[i]); return b; }, 'tuple/reverse:': function(_, a) { return new _Tuple(a.array.slice().reverse()); }, 'tuple:sort:': function(_, a, f) { return new _Tuple(a.array.sort(function(a, b) { return Number(f.send2($context, 'call:with:', a, b).number); })); }, 'tuple:slice-from:to:': function(_, a, n, m) { return new _Tuple(a.array.slice(n.number - 1, m.number)); }, 'tuple:push:': function(_, a, b) { a.array.push(b); }, // ---- Reflection 'global-context': function(_) { return $context; }, 'reflect/methods:context:': function(_, object, context) { var methods = []; var c = context; while (c != null) { var box = c.get(object) || {}; var names = keys(box); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { var name = names[i]; methods.push(new _Tuple([new _Text(name), object[box[name]]])); } c = c.parent; } return new _Tuple(methods); }, 'reflect/method-selector:on:in:': function(_, name, object, context) { var symbol = context.lookup(object, name); if (symbol) { return new _Selector(symbol); } else { return null; } }, 'reflect/method-for-selector:on:': function(_, name, object) { return object[name.symbol]; }, 'reflect/parent:': function(_, object) { return prototypeOf(object); }, 'reflect/belongs-to:': function(_, object) { return object.belongsTo; }, 'reflect/module:': function(_, object) { return object.module; }, 'meta:at:': function(_, object, name) { return $meta.get(object, name.string); }, 'meta:at:put:': function(_, object, name, value) { $meta.set(object, name.string, value); }, 'meta:inherit:': function(_, object, another) { return $withMeta(object, $meta.data.get(another) || {}); }, // ---- JS operations 'js/to-string:': function(_, a) { return showJs(a); }, 'js/type:switch:': function(_, a, pattern) { if (a == null) return pattern.send0($context, 'null'); if (isNumber(a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'number'); if (isString(a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'string'); if (isBoolean(a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'boolean'); if (Array.isArray(a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'array'); if (BigNum.isBigNum(a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'big-num'); if (a[wrapped]) return pattern.send0($context, 'wrapped'); if (isPrototypeOf.call(Siren_Object, a)) return pattern.send0($context, 'siren'); if (a instanceof Symbol) return new _Selector(a); return pattern.send0($context, 'object'); }, 'js/global': function(_) { return typeof window !== 'undefined'? window : /* otherwise */ global; }, 'js/new:': function(_, a) { return new a(); }, 'js/new:with-arguments:': function(_, Ctor, xs) { var a = Object.create(Ctor.prototype); var b = Ctor.apply(a, xs); return Object(b) === b? b : a; }, 'js:invoke:with-arguments:': function(_, a, b, c) { return a[b].apply(a, c); }, 'js:apply:': function(_, a, b) { if (!Array.isArray(b)) throw new TypeError("Expected argument array."); return a.apply(a, b); }, 'js:at:': function(_, a, b) { return a[b]; }, 'js:has:': function(_, a, b) { return b in a; }, 'js/null': function(_) { return null; }, 'js/unwrap-selector:': function(_, a) { return a.symbol; }, 'unwrap-number:': function(_, a) { return a.number; }, 'unwrap-tuple:': function(_, a) { return a.array; }, 'unwrap-block:': function(_, a) { return a.call; }, 'unwrap-method:': function(_, a) { return a.call; }, 'unwrap-text:': function(_, a) { return a.string; }, 'wrap-object:': function(_, a) { return wrap(a); }, 'unwrap-object:': function(_, a) { return a.unwrap(unwrapCapability); }, // ---- Debugging 'debug/text:concat:': function(_, a, b) { assert_textual(b); return new _DebugText(a.string + b.string); }, 'debug/text:equals:': function(_, a, b) { assert_textual(b); return a.string === b.string; }, 'debug/show:tag:': function(_, a, b) { assert_text(b); try { console.log(b.string, a.send0($context, 'describe').string); } catch(e) { console.log(b.string, showJs(a)); } }, // ---- Console 'console/write:': function(_, text) { process.stdout.write(text.string); }, 'console/error:': function(_, text) { process.stderr.write(text.string); }, 'terminal-bold:': function(_, text) { return new _Text(chalk.bold(text.string)); }, 'terminal-faded:': function(_, text) { return new _Text(chalk.grey(text.string)); }, 'terminal-error:': function(_, text) { return new _Text(chalk.red(text.string)); }, 'terminal-heading:': function(_, text) { return new _Text(chalk.green.bold(text.string)); }, 'render-markdown-to-terminal:': function(_, text) { var s = text.string.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g, '`$1`'); return new _Text(marked(s.trim())); }, // ---- Waiting for initial configuration 'after-runtime-configuration:': function(_, block) { afterRuntimeConfig.push(block); }, 'update:message:with:': function(_, o, m, b) { var s = $context.lookup(o, m.string); if (!s) throw new Error('No message ' + m); var meth = b.send1($context, 'call:', o[s]); o[s] = meth; } }); // -- Meta data -------------------------------------------------------- $meta.set(Siren_Object, 'name', $text('Object')); $meta.set(Siren_Root, 'name', $text('Root')); $meta.set(Siren_Importer, 'name', $text('Importer')); $meta.set(Siren_Context, 'name', $text('Context')); $meta.set(Siren_Perspective, 'name', $text('Perspective')); $meta.set(Siren_Selector, 'name', $text('Selector')); $meta.set(Siren_Message, 'name', $text('Message')); $meta.set(Siren_Brand, 'name', $text('Brand')); $meta.set(Siren_ObjectBranding, 'name', $text('Object-Branding')); $meta.set(Siren_Block, 'name', $text('Block')); $meta.set(Siren_Block0, 'name', $text('Nullary-Block')); $meta.set(Siren_Block1, 'name', $text('Unary-Block')); $meta.set(Siren_Block2, 'name', $text('Binary-Block')); $meta.set(Siren_Block3, 'name', $text('Ternary-Block')); $meta.set(Siren_BlockN, 'name', $text('N-Ary-Block')); $meta.set(Siren_Method, 'name', $text('Method')); $meta.set(Siren_Method0, 'name', $text('Nullary-Method')); $meta.set(Siren_Method1, 'name', $text('Unary-Method')); $meta.set(Siren_Method2, 'name', $text('Binary-Method')); $meta.set(Siren_Method3, 'name', $text('Ternary-Method')); $meta.set(Siren_MethodN, 'name', $text('N-Ary-Method')); $meta.set(Siren_Text, 'name', $text('Text')); $meta.set(Siren_DebugText, 'name', $text('Debug-Text')); $meta.set(Siren_Numeric, 'name', $text('Numeric')); $meta.set(Siren_Integer, 'name', $text('Integer')); $meta.set(Siren_Float, 'name', $text('Float-64bits')); $meta.set(Siren_Tuple, 'name', $text('Tuple')); // -- The Siren part of the runtime ------------------------------------ var afterRuntimeConfig = []; require('./Reflection')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Core')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Mixins')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Basic-Types')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Text')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Numeric')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Collections')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Debug')(Siren, Primitives); require('./JS')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Concurrency')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Console')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Testing')(Siren, Primitives); require('./Browsing')(Siren, Primitives); afterRuntimeConfig.forEach(function(b) { b.send0($context, 'value'); }); // -- Exports ---------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = Siren;
Pages Sunday, June 16, 2013 Had a fantastic day in Whangarei yesterday at Educamptt2013! So many resources and ideas and it was great to share MyChatPak with everyone so that they could see why we're so passionate about this teaching and learning tool and the ways in which it can help students develop confidence and share their learning with their families and the wider world. Check out the Google Presentation from yesterday. Would love to read your thoughts. Most of the slides have live links so all you need to do is click on the images and it will take you to a whole lot more fantastic information. No comments: Post a Comment Justine Hughes Who Am I? I am a teacher, innovator, creator and life-long learner who is passionate about helping students and teachers become excited about their own teaching and learning. My goal is to always put learners in charge of their own learning - no matter what their age. I am passionate about blended learning and what the future holds for education around the world. How will these links form in teaching and learning? What will our classrooms look like in 10 years - 5 years?! Will we succeed in flattening the classroom learning environment and linking classrooms, schools and countries together in a digital environment? I completed my Masters in 2015 and a Postgraduate Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning at The MindLab in 2016 and am beginning my PhD through the University of Otago, focusing on Gifted and Talented Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand. I have previously been an Online Community Developer for Te@chThought and Co-founder of Te@chThought #reflectiveteacher chat with Beth Leidolf
Automotive crash protection systems are well-known in the automotive industry. Crash protection systems generally fall into one of two categories; namely, active and passive restraints. Passive restraints include systems such as air bags where the deployment of the crash protection mechanism is initiated by the system. Active restraints, for instance manual type seat belts, are not deployed on initiative of the crash protection system, but are engaged by the operator. Both passive and active restraint systems are optimized to protect a range of adult occupant sizes. To service the need of protecting children in the event of a crash, child seats were developed to be used in conjunction with seat belt systems to properly restrain children. One of the most important parameters in installing child seats is the tension on the seat belt used to fasten the child restraint in the vehicle. However, the general public does not have a convenient means to determine if proper seat belt tension is provided upon installation of a child seat. Typically, a seat belt system is provided for restraining a child seat having an automatic locking retractor (ALR) function. This mode causes the retractor to act as a one-way clutch, allowing the belt to be retracted but not extended from the retractor. Proper belt tension is achieved by feeding the webbing into the retractor, thus compressing the seat cushion until the proper tension level is achieved. National statistics show that over 80% of the child seat installations made today are made incorrectly. It is estimated that over one third of incorrectly installed child seats are the result of improper seat belt tension. Seat belts in automobiles are designed to restrain the passenger within the vehicle. Sufficient belt tension is required to ensure that the child seat does not move, rock, or rotate out of the preferred installation position, and to ensure that the child seat operates properly in a dynamic crash event. Currently, child seat installations are judged acceptable based on a feeling, not a measurement. The general public is faced with the problem of not objectively knowing when adequate belt tension has been applied. Ideally, a system for measuring seat belt tension would be useable for existing vehicles without requiring that it be especially adapted for a specific vehicle design.
Army works to develop tactical smart grid The Army has conducted a proof of concept for a smart grid that might support future tactical operations in a more efficient manner than is currently done, according to an Army news story. The demonstration was conducted by the Army Research, Development and Engineering Command's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC), which sought to power portions of a tactical operations center in a manner that would produce insights into how the service can cut the number of generators needed, prevent overloads and avoid grid collapse. The goal was to slash grid operation and fuel consumption by 25 percent. "The Army has traditionally addressed power generation through a collection of application-specific, stand-alone solutions," Marnie DeJong, an electrical engineer with CERDEC's Command, Power & Integration (CP&I) directorate, said in the story. "But no matter how good the individual technology, variations in loads lead to inefficiencies during operation. It's nearly impossible to keep generators operating at peak efficiency when they are operating by themselves. That's why the right solution is a mix of all technologies." The solution lies in the microgrid approach, which enables engineers to incorporate multiple technologies, such as renewables and energy storage systems, to supplement traditional power generation techniques, DeJong said. "This allows us to create platforms that manage and distribute power efficiently while using smaller generators. It's a sustainable practice that has applicability across all echelons, from the Forward Operating Base down to the Soldier. Furthermore, this is all transparent to the Soldier; the plug-and-play system has an open, user-friendly architecture that allows for greater operational flexibility," DeJong said in the story. CP&I developed a microgrid architecture under the Office of the Secretary of Defense's Hybrid Intelligent Power program. CERDEC CP&I has developed three tactical architectures, two of which have been demonstrated so far, Michael Zalewski, a mechanical engineer in CP&I's Alternative Energy branch, said in the story. "The intelligent power generation, distribution and management technologies of the microgrid support major Army initiatives to reduce both the fuel consumption and logistics associated with bases. We're also developing intelligent power management solutions for Soldier borne applications to reduce the physical burden of the dismounted squad," Zalewski said. In addition to the tactical microgird architecture, CP&I tested a prototype handheld application that it hopes will aid in managing power for forward operating bases. The application allows the grid operator to monitor the fuel level of generator sets on a handheld device without having to be present. "This stemmed from interacting with soldiers to get their feedback on what's needed and what's important to them. For this demonstration, we just looked at fuel level alerts, but the way ahead is to determine what additional information we need to provide through this application, such as status alerts for the entire grid and the capability to control and adjust loads. If the Android has enough processing power, we see a capability to control the grid," Christopher Wildmann, Hybrid Intelligent Power Program lead for the CP&I directorate, said in the story. CERDEC CP&I is working with programs of record to transition and field pieces of the microgrid architecture. Project Manager Mobile Electric Power has taken pieces of the architecture to NIE. "We're continuing to refine these systems to find the most desirable configuration of simplicity, functionality and cost that could eventually be fielded. The feedback we received this summer will directly impact design considerations for how tactical microgrids should be transported, set up and operated," Wildmann said.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>IDESourceControlProjectFavoriteDictionaryKey</key> <false/> <key>IDESourceControlProjectIdentifier</key> <string>573765AC-1B6E-46F6-82DC-8636C15D502A</string> <key>IDESourceControlProjectOriginsDictionary</key> <dict> <key>26D894C87E8DCD553D75B4D2D14369ECA0967C2A</key> <string>https://github.com/rFlex/SCRecorder.git</string> </dict> <key>IDESourceControlProjectRelativeInstallPathDictionary</key> <dict> <key>26D894C87E8DCD553D75B4D2D14369ECA0967C2A</key> <string>SCRecorder/</string> </dict> <key>IDESourceControlProjectURL</key> <string>https://github.com/rFlex/SCRecorder.git</string> <key>IDESourceControlProjectVersion</key> <integer>111</integer> <key>IDESourceControlProjectWCCIdentifier</key> <string>26D894C87E8DCD553D75B4D2D14369ECA0967C2A</string> <key>IDESourceControlProjectWCConfigurations</key> <array> <dict> <key>IDESourceControlRepositoryExtensionIdentifierKey</key> <string>public.vcs.git</string> <key>IDESourceControlWCCIdentifierKey</key> <string>26D894C87E8DCD553D75B4D2D14369ECA0967C2A</string> <key>IDESourceControlWCCName</key> <string>SCRecorder</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist>
There have been 4 courthouses in Waller County. The first courthouse was in a rented frame building. In 1877, the first brick courthouse was built, and was in use until it burned in 1892. In 1894, a new courthouse was built.&nbsp; The 1894 courthouse served the county until it was demolished in 1954 after the current courthouse opened. There have been 4 courthouses in Waller County. The first courthouse was in a rented frame building. In 1877, the first brick courthouse was built, and was in use until it burned in 1892. In 1894, a new courthouse was built.&nbsp; The 1894 courthouse served the county until it was demolished in 1954 after the current courthouse opened. *'''1880''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.archive.org/details/10thcensus1331unit census images] from archive.org<br> + *'''1880''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.archive.org/details/10thcensus1331unit census images] from archive.org<br> − *'''1900''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1900/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/12thcensusofpopu1676unit census images] from archive.org.<br> + *'''1900''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1900/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/12thcensusofpopu1676unit census images] from archive.org.<br> − *'''1910''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1910/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/13thcensus1910po1593unit census images] from archive.org.<br> + *'''1910''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1910/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/13thcensus1910po1593unit census images] from archive.org.<br> − *'''1920''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1920/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/14thcensusofpopu1855unit census images] from archive.org.<br> + *'''1920''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/waller/census/1920/ transcribed] from the USGenWeb Archives; [http://www.archive.org/details/14thcensusofpopu1855unit census images] from archive.org.<br> *'''1930''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.archive.org/details/texascensus00reel2405rs census images] from archive.org. *'''1930''' Census for Waller County, [http://www.archive.org/details/texascensus00reel2405rs census images] from archive.org. Line 78: Line 78: *[http://www.txgenweb6.org/txwaller/mar.htm Waller County Marriage Book "A"] Oct 1873-Dec 1881, from the Waller County TXGenWeb site. *[http://www.txgenweb6.org/txwaller/mar.htm Waller County Marriage Book "A"] Oct 1873-Dec 1881, from the Waller County TXGenWeb site. − *[http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#p=collectionDetails;t=searchable;c=1375599 Texas Death Index 1964 to 1998] [no images] Name index to Texas Statewide Death Certificates or four million people who have died since 1964. + *[https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://hr-search-api:8080/searchapi/search/collection/1375599 Texas Death Index 1964 to 1998] [[Texas Death Index (FamilySearch Historical Records)]] Name index to Texas Statewide Death Certificates or four million people who have died since 1964. − *[http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#p=collectionDetails;t=searchable;c=1320964 Texas Death Records 1890 – 1976 [with images]]<br>Name index and images of statewide death certificates, 1890-1976. The name index has been created by FamilySearch and is tied to images of the Texas death certificates. Few certificates are available prior to 1903. + *[https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/show#uri=http://www.familysearch.org/searchapi/search/collection/1320964 Texas Death Records 1890 – 1976 [with images]]<br>Name index and images of statewide death certificates, 1890-1976. The name index has been created by FamilySearch and is tied to images of the Texas death certificates. Few certificates are available prior to 1903. County Courthouse There have been 4 courthouses in Waller County. The first courthouse was in a rented frame building. In 1877, the first brick courthouse was built, and was in use until it burned in 1892. In 1894, a new courthouse was built. The 1894 courthouse served the county until it was demolished in 1954 after the current courthouse opened. Texas Death Records 1890 – 1976 [with images]Name index and images of statewide death certificates, 1890-1976. The name index has been created by FamilySearch and is tied to images of the Texas death certificates. Few certificates are available prior to 1903.
Georges Applianc: No matter where you set the timer, when the start button is pushed all the machine will do is agitate with no water in it and the water pump keeps running. Those GE's are nothing but trouble. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Model WCSE3100A1WW tgoods: Remove the front panel and clean the gunk out of the pressure tube. Georges Applianc: I had the pressure tube off and blew on it and could hear the water level valve clicking but that didn't make any difference it still just agitated and the water pump still just ran. JWWebster: Which end was ya blowing through? You supposed to remove the hose from the switch and get the sediment out the tub Georges Applianc: I unhooked the hose off of the tub and blew pressure in it to make the water level controll think it was full of water and then I released the pressure to see what it wold do and it just kept agitating and the water pump kept running no matter if it had pressure or not.
Monthly Bulletin California Department of Business Oversight Volume 3, Number 1 August 2015 Credit Unions: Quarterly Call Report Submission Reminder All California state-chartered credit unions must file their Quarterly Call Report no later than the fourth Friday of the month following the end of the quarter. For example, the Sept. 30 Call Report deadline is Oct. 23. To minimize potential delays in the Online 5300 Call Report system response time, the DBO recommends reports be submitted as early in the cycle as possible. All credit union licensees that fail to submit timely, accurate reports will be subject to civil money penalties. Pursuant to Financial Code sections 329 and 14256, the Commissioner can levy civil money penalties not exceeding $1,000 per day for failure to submit the reports by the deadline. If you have questions related to the 5300 Call Reports, please email [email protected]. You also can call Phoebe Trinh at (213) 576-6819 or Kimberly Wickersham at (415) 356-6312. For technical support, please contact NCUA’s OCIO at 1-800-827-3255. Credit Union Annual Audit Report Requirements The reports are due within 105 days after the end of the fiscal year. The Commissioner can grant extensions. For credit unions with assets totaling $10 million or more, the audit reports must include the institution’s audited financial statements for the fiscal year, or as of the end of the fiscal year. The financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles specified by the Commissioner. The audit report also must contain any other information the Commissioner may require. The report must be prepared by a certified public accountant, or an independent public accountant approved by the Commissioner. Questions about the audit reports may be addressed to the DBO’s credit union portfolio manager in your region. The DBO website identifies the DBO contact for each credit union. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to Host Reentry Solutions for Success Reentry of formerly incarcerated men and women into society always has presented a challenge for local jurisdictions, law enforcement and service providers. In California, the challenge grew after the 2011 enactment of the Public Safety Realignment Act (AB109). Aiming to reduce overcrowding in California’s 33 state prisons, AB 109 resulted in the immediate release of nearly 11,000 low-level offenders. More have returned to civilian life since. Against that backdrop, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on Sept. 29-30 will co-sponsor Reentry Solutions for Success, a statewide cross-sector conference, in Sacramento. The event will be held at the Hilton Sacramento Arden West. Other sponsors include the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, the James Irvine Foundation and Health Happens Here. The conference will bring together bankers, investors, policymakers, criminal justice professionals, community leaders and others to discuss programs and strategies that contribute to successful reintegration. Attendees will learn about existing and promising models for supervision, housing, counseling and employment that draw upon evidence-based solutions. The DBO encourages its banking and other financial service licensees to attend. The registration deadline is Sept. 25. Participants who register by Aug. 28 will receive a 30 percent discount. Registration includes a keynote luncheon, a welcome reception, a networking breakfast and a choice of 12 informative breakout sessions. Registration fees are $95 per person through Aug. 28 and $135 from Aug. 29-Sept. 25. News from the SCO Unclaimed Property Division DBO periodically reports news and information about the California State Controller’s Office (SCO) Unclaimed Property Division’s (UPD) activities. Many DBO licensees and stakeholders do business with the UPD. Unclaimed Property Holders Seminar Set for Aug. 20 in Palo Alto The California Unclaimed Property Holders Seminar is a free educational program highlighting current compliance and regulatory updates. A representative of the SCO Outreach and Compliance Unit will attend as a guest speaker. If you have any questions related to unclaimed property, please contact the SCO Holder Outreach and Compliance Unit at (916) 464-6088 or [email protected]. DBO Slates Management Class with Escrow Institute The DBO, with the Escrow Institute of California, will conduct the next DBO Management Training Class Thursday, Sept. 17 at the DBO office at 320 West 4th Street, Los Angeles. The class will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. The class is open to owners, corporate officers and designated managers of DBO-licensed escrow companies. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and will close when all slots are filled or Sept. 11, whichever comes first. Due to space limitations, each company will be allotted only one spot. There is no charge for the class, but the optional DBO manual materials fee is $60. For instructions on how to register and pay the DBO manual fee, click www.escrowinstitute.org/2015/dbo-management-class-is-set/. California Water Use Drops 27.3% in June With record-breaking heat throughout much of the State, Californians continued to conserve water in June, reducing use by 27.3 percent compared to the same month in 2013. Despite being the hottest June on record, California’s urban water suppliers exceeded the statewide conservation goal, saving 59.4 billion gallons (182,151 acre-feet), compared to the same period in 2013. June conservation efforts put the state on track to achieve the goal of saving 1.2 million acre-feet through February 2016, as called for by the Governor in his Apr. 1 Executive Order. June is the first month that new mandatory conservation rules were in effect for urban water districts. For more information, go to www.ca.gov/drought/.
July 29, 2009 – Editor’s Note: Eugene Davidovich is a medical marijuana patient who was arrested during Operation Endless Summer (also known as Operation Green Rx). He is currently being charged with four counts of possession, transportation and sale of marijuana but he believes he was targeted for being a medical marijuana patient. SDNN political editor Hoa Quach has invited him to blog about the charges brought forth against him and his trial. This is a blog entry by Davidovich, the views expressed here are his own and does not reflect the views of any SDNN employee. It has now been over five months since my house was raided and I was arrested in Operation Green Rx [Operation Endless Summer]. In these five months my career, family, personal life, and everything else that used to make up the life of Eugene has dramatically and permanently changed. Prior to the arrest I was working full-time at an IT company, managing e-commerce integration projects for large corporations. At the time, I was also studying to take the PMI Certification. I figured being certified as a professional project manager by the PMI Institute, combined with my years of experience, military service, and having completed a bachelor’s degree in Business and an MBA would surely help put me on the right track towards an excellent career in the corporate world and would allow me to secure a stable and comfortable future for my wife and son. This all changed one morning in February, when armed detectives from the San Diego Police Department raided my house. They searched everything at home and found nothing of interest aside from piles of baby clothes, diapers, and mine and my wife’s clothes and personal belongings. After rummaging through our items and not finding anything illegal, I feel that the detectives became frustrated and decided to use psychological intimidation. It began with them telling my wife that our son would be taken, that we would lose all our belongings, that I was a danger, and how could she be married to someone like me, etc. The badgering went on for hours. I was kept in handcuffs for about eight hours that day, a good part of which I spent on my front porch, in front of my neighbors. After being taken off in a police car, the officer took me to my storage unit, where the others detectives were already waiting. Having found nothing illegal there either, the detectives decided to take me to the precinct for one more round of questioning. Keep in mind, I had asked for an attorney and invoked my rights, immediately after the first detective told me I was under arrest. At the precinct, the first 45 minutes I spent handcuffed in the back of the police car in the garage while some of the officers and detectives finished lunch. Once properly fed, they decided to continue the questioning. Detective Decastro ordered an officer to take me out of the car and place me on the chair in front of where Detective Decastro and an older gray haired detective sat. The questioning had hardly begun when Detective Decastro pulls out two black three inch plastic binders, opens one of them and tells me that I am not alone, and that he plans on bringing all us “medical pot people” down. At this point I realized what this was about. I realized that this man sitting in front of me has no respect for the laws in place protecting patients from individuals specifically in his situation. The folders he pulled out contained the names of several dozen individuals he was investigating. Once he realized I was not planning on having any discussions with him, he quickly placed the binders back in the plastic box and wheeled it off. Another plain closed officer was assigned to transport me to jail, and I was quickly rushed off to the San Diego jail, downtown. After spending some time in jail, the details of which I will discuss another time, I was bailed out, and finally made it home. The raid, hours handcuffed and being paraded in front of my neighbors while my wife was being interrogated, as well as the psychological intimidation tactics used by the detectives both at my house and at the precinct, reminded me of the military. In some of the training and seminars I had gone through while in the Navy, they illustrated what being a prisoner of war would be like if captured, where psychological intimidation and warfare is used, detention, etc. Two weeks later I was due for an arraignment in court which happened to land on the same day as San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ news conference about Operation Endless Summer. In this news conference she said “don’t mess with the military” and talked about cleaning up drug dealing on Navy bases. When I walked into the courthouse I saw a camera there, and specifically asked the judge not to have my face shown on television as I was worried about my job. The judge denied my request and allowed the coverage to proceed. The evening news quickly picked up the story and that night showed video of me at the arraignment hearing, painting me as the poster child of this operation. They mentioned my name and showed my picture following the description of the total number of illegal drugs seized during Operation Endless Summer, with no mention of the fact that this was actually Operation Green Rx, and that not a single one of the images shown on television that night, or since has been an image of something that belonged or is alleged to belong to me. The next day at work was awkward, to say the least. In fact, that night I was already receiving calls from coworkers asking if it was really me they had seen on television the night before. Needless to say, I was not able to remain there for long, and had to resign. In the few weeks following my arraignment, I was literally watching my life and everything I had worked very hard for completely be disassembled and destroyed. What was most painful for me to see about the press conference and the initial news coverage was that my service to this country had been tainted and smeared making me out to be someone who preys on the military rather than a patriot and a veteran. The little savings that I did have, went to bail, my attorney, and the other legal expenses, leaving me in a situation where I am now on the verge of bankruptcy and can no longer afford to retain my attorney. This means that I might be forced to either represent myself or go with a public defender, the majority of who are overloaded with the other cases. The DA’s office as displayed at my preliminary hearing on July 13 has dedicated huge amounts of resources to prosecuting my case and damaging my reputation. There were several attorneys and investigators working together with the DA that day against me. The DA is not limited in their resources as I am. In addition to this top notch prosecution team now focused on putting me away, the DA’s office has decided to remove any chance I could possibly have for getting a job in San Diego to help pay for my defense and try to get back on my feet, by labeling this a “High Profile” case. My name now appears on the DA’s Web site in the “High Profile Cases Section.” It states that I am charged with transporting more than 28 grams making me out to be a narcotics trafficker, which simply is not true and a complete misrepresentation of the charges against me. On Monday, I went in to court for another arraignment. This time instead of one camera, there were several there to film the proceedings. My attorney and I both answered a few questions to one of the reporters who requested an interview. The arraignment was allowed to be continued August 28. This was per my request to have more time to try to raise money to keep my defense attorney and not have to switch to a public defender. I plan on raising the money to retain my one defense attorney, Mike McCabe, to defend me from this prosecution team and this smear campaign through grassroots fund raising efforts. There are many in the community who are demanding answers to why these bias driven prosecutions are allowed to continue, why the District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis publicly says she support safe access and medical cannabis while at the same time in court allows the designation of detectives as chief investigative officers on medical cases, when their medical training is based on a handout that states cannabis is illegal, a highly addictive narcotic, and is not medicine. If the narcotics task force, the county, and the DA’s office would invest even a third of the effort and funding into productive outreach to medical collectives and began to actually work with patients instead of creating roadblocks and these bias driven prosecutions, then I am certain that all the public concerns would have already been addressed with relation to medical cannabis collectives, legal zoning ordinances and permits for collectives would be an issue of the past as it is with many cities in California, and I would still be happily building a career managing projects, raising my son, and focusing on my future rather than having to fight for something that has been sanctioned under state law for over thirteen years. It is now more crucial than ever for supporters, patients, doctors, law enforcement officials, and our health department to continue the dialog recently started by the City Council in the last few weeks. It is also just as critical for the people of San Diego to see with transparency these cases and demand accountability from the people behind these investigations. The senseless waste and harassment needs to stop. The solution is not bans, moratoriums, or prosecutions. Outright bans result in lawsuits, moratoriums in years of stalling and extensions of the moratoriums with no clarification for patients, and prosecutions result in patients and collectives having to operate so deeply underground that any potential benefit they could be bringing to the community is stifled by the environment of fear. The solution will only be discovered through collaboration, outreach, understanding, and education of between all the parties involved. Until there is clarity patients will continue to suffer, our law enforcement will continue to operate under “vague laws”, and the lives of innocent law abiding citizens will continue to be destroyed by a select bias driven few. By Eugene Davidovich. Source.
namespace NModbus.Data { internal class DefaultSlaveDataStore : ISlaveDataStore { private readonly IPointSource<ushort> _holdingRegisters = new DefaultPointSource<ushort>(); private readonly IPointSource<ushort> _inputRegisters = new DefaultPointSource<ushort>(); private readonly IPointSource<bool> _coilDiscretes = new DefaultPointSource<bool>(); private readonly IPointSource<bool> _coilInputs = new DefaultPointSource<bool>(); public IPointSource<ushort> HoldingRegisters => _holdingRegisters; public IPointSource<ushort> InputRegisters => _inputRegisters; public IPointSource<bool> CoilDiscretes => _coilDiscretes; public IPointSource<bool> CoilInputs => _coilInputs; } }
You are here Diptych: 11.35293 (right), 11.35294 (left) From a set of four diptychs showing actors as the heroes of a bestselling adventure novel, not roles they had actually performed on stage but drawn from the artist's imagination (mitate). Signed Shunkôsai Hokuei ga (on each sheet) 春江斎北英画 Provenance By 1911, purchased by William Sturgis Bigelow (b. 1850 – d. 1926), Boston [see note 1]; 1911, gift of Bigelow to the MFA. (Accession Date: August 3, 1911) NOTES: [1] Much of Bigelow's collection of Asian art was formed during his residence in Japan between 1882 and 1889, although he also made acquisitions in Europe and the United States. Bigelow deposited many of these objects at the MFA in 1890 before donating them to the Museum's collection at later dates.
#ifndef DQM_RPCMonitorModule_RPCMonitorRaw_H #define DQM_RPCMonitorModule_RPCMonitorRaw_H /** \class RPCMonitorRaw ** Analyse errors in raw data stream as RPCRawDataCounts produced by RPCRawToDigi **/ #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h" #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h" #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h" #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h" #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h" #include "DataFormats/RPCDigi/interface/RPCRawDataCounts.h" #include <DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMEDAnalyzer.h> #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h" #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h" #include <bitset> class RPCMonitorRaw : public DQMEDAnalyzer { public: explicit RPCMonitorRaw(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg); ~RPCMonitorRaw() override; void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override; void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker&, edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override; private: MonitorElement* me_t[3]; MonitorElement* me_e[3]; MonitorElement* me_mapGoodEvents; MonitorElement* me_mapBadEvents; edm::ParameterSet theConfig; std::vector<MonitorElement*> theWatchedErrorHistos[3]; // histos with physical locations // (RMB,LINK)of selected ReadoutErrors unsigned int theWatchedErrorHistoPos[10]; // for a give error type show its position // (1..10) in theWatchedErrorHistos // to get index one has to subtract -1 // 0 is not selected error type edm::EDGetTokenT<RPCRawDataCounts> rpcRawDataCountsTag_; }; #endif
Line-up: Tipic, the historical bar in Formentera, famous in the 70s and in the 80s to be a landmark for hippies and passengers of the area, after long years get back to its origins. Tipic opened its doors in 1971, celebrating with a Pink Floyd's gig, as the band was on the island for the recording of the film 'More'. The getting back to the old days goes towards the origins of the bar, a melt of balearic and island nature.
Les magistrats estiment que des représentants syndicaux jouiraient de facilités de service indues. Dans un référé du 3 février 2015, la Cour des Comptes avait pourtant réclamé un peu de rigueur. Ici, le siège de l’institution, rue Cambon, à Paris. Des syndicalistes policiers pris en faute par la Cour des comptes? Dans leur dernier rapport sur la préfecture de police de Paris (PP), ces magistrats de l’ordre administratif n’épargnent guère ceux qui abuseraient, selon eux, des décharges d’activité à temps complet octroyées pour exercer un mandat syndical. À lire aussi : Police judiciaire: le grand malaise «Joker», déclare d’emblée un haut dirigeant de syndicat policier invité à réagir. Il finit par concéder: «Il n’y a pas d’abus. Simplement, il n’y a pas assez de permanents pour gérer tous les services. C’est particulièrement vrai à la PP, qui compte d’importants effectifs.» Les sages de la Rue Cambon rappellent qu’«une décharge d’activité de service à temps complet pour exercer un mandat syndical correspond à 223 jours de crédit-temps syndical (CTS)». Peu d’agents y ont droit, à les lire. Mais certains feraient preuve de beaucoup d’imagination pour en bénéficier quand même. Procéder aux vérifications d’usage Dans un référé du 3 février 2015, la Cour avait pourtant réclamé un peu de rigueur. Et elle croyait avoir été écoutée.
Starday, Lamashan 6, 4601: A group of rich Wiscrani aristocrats are sick of all of the hype about Aroden's pending return. They decide to subject themselves to temporal stasis for twenty-five years so that they can wake up when all of the religious fervour has died down. It turns out that they're out for longer than expected... For Morgram the Magnificent (yes, always happy to sign an autograph for an opera fan), not a moment passes between the temporal stasis taking effect and being awakened by a stranger. That the process is over is a relief - it had felt like an age for the stasis to take effect and holding a dramatic pose while it did had begun to give him a cramp. One always must suffer for one's art. This is not the expected underground storage room, in a well appointed manor, that was promised. This is an arena, with a portcullis at either end, containing a motley, shouting group of commoners. What's more it appears that he's been stored in a cage in an alcove, as have all his companions. But, much, much, worse than all this, the shouting fans seem to have mistaken him for someone else. Can his fame have faded in only 25 years? The leader of this unexpected group, Janiven, calls out that guards are coming and for the dispelling wand-wielders to hurry. Seeing that the one nearest to him is struggling he takes over removing the stasis from Coraline. Guards arrive at one gate and Janiven fires at them while they attempt to enter the arena. Zimburchem (Alchemist-extraordonaire) wakes, mid-sentence - he is enthused by the chaos. He also takes over from the wand-wielder nearest him, but his is clearly broken and it takes quite a while for him to wake Anselar. Coraline (definitely not a ninja assassin) wakes, tipping the, clearly lower-class, functionary who apparently woke her. She is supremely unimpressed by the deviation from the plan. Guards run in, opening a portcullis and trying to subdue the intruders. They are confused that the statues of the Great Heroes in the alcoves have been animated by these criminals. The boss is going to be very angry. One seems to remember that hitting moving statues makes them stop moving, so they decide to do that. Everyone seems very confused as to who the woken/statues really are; calling for Coraline to incinerate people with her eyes and wondering why the great, mute, dwarven fighter seems to speak. Morgram crosses the arena, healing Jhaniven and waking Remy (daughter of house Dioso. Days are for fighting, nights are for carousing - no time is for sewing). She springs into action with Coraline and the tide beings to turn. No thanks to Zimburchem's repeated failure, Anselar (in the shadow of powerful parents) awakens. Unfazed by the drastic change in situation Anselar is able to immediately assess where his magical ability will be most effective and the (conscious) guards begin to surrender. An explosion from Zimburchem convinces the last guard to throw up his hands, calling that they cannot defeat the great alchemist Zingleburpbembledak (Zim's apprentice - tasked with continuing to produce the hangover cure that Zim invented). While Janiven tried to convince the sleepers that they have to leave, the group tries to find out what is going on. Janiven explains that she learned their names from the plaques that label their alcoves. Zim checks his and finds that he is labeled as his apprentice, purported to have disappeared years after they were supposed to have been removed from stasis. They find that they have been frozen for a hundred years. Locking the guards in the arena, they follow Janiven to Vizio's Bar. She and her group are refurbishing it as a front for their rebellion. It seems that Aroden did not return on schedule. Followers of Asmodeus have come to power in the past century and many of the old families have been brought low or even declared enemies of the state. Janiven was tasked with outfitting the rebellion, but she decided to spend their funds on wands to wake the Great Heroes - Every one able to take on whole armies by themselves (None of them our 'heroes'). The leader of the rebellion (Areal) is late returning and eventually a young rebel arrives at the door. Areal has been captured, and the boy has preceded a group of Hellknights by only a few moments. Giving up the bar, they all escape through a trapdoor to the sewers. Coraline has a door on her robe of useful items and this serves to slow the Hellknights slightly. The group splits from the two rebels, following secret marks towards their safe-house. They manage to stay far enough ahead of the Hellknights - Anselar obscuring their trail with prestidigitation and Coraline deciphering some of the more problematic signs. The sewers hold a few dangers that they easily overcome: -A goblin ambush is heard and averted with the deft application of apples. Anselar helpfully informs them that the people following have even more food. (Poor goblins) -An otyugh is beguiled by Morgram just long enough for them all to pass. -A tangle of grasping skeletons, mired in the sewer, attack Remy as everyone rushes by, but they are no match for her skill (and armour). Finding the door up to the safe-house, they climb out of the sewers. All the rebels gather to discuss the situation. The conversation consists in large part of trying to convince the heroes to help in the rescue of Areal. He is being transported to the Hellknight stronghold and there are a few places to lie in wait. The rebels offer to act as a distraction, but the majority of the group is wary of taking on, and making enemies of the Hellknights. Zimburchem thinks it sounds like fun. (A side topic is picking a name for the group - it seems the rebellion is very new). The heroes reject the rescue. There are simply too many unknowns and they have had no time to verify anything. They head out to draw their nest-eggs from the the bank of Abadar but find it closed. It is only open one day a week. This is extremely disturbing. Noticing that the streets are clearing as the light fades, they stop a passer-by. He tells them about the shadowbeasts that roam the streets at night. He's not willing to spend any more time chatting but does direct them to a passable inn. Arriving as night begins to fall, the innkeeper quickly unbars the door. There are a few people in the common area (out for the evening). Anselar decides to take up watch at the door's peephole, hoping to see one of the beasts feeding on an unlucky townsperson. Remy promises to lift Morgram to the peephole if that happens. The innkeeper is happy to take their old currency with barely a word. The patrons seem happy to talk through the night, filling in much of the missing recent history. Early in the evening, the innkeeper talks about providing Zingleburpbembledak's Favour free with the purchase of drinks (there are multiple suppliers that undercut each other). Zimburchem is incensed that his formula has become common cut-price fare. Remy deftly distracts him and he spends the rest of the night in a corner with his alchemical equipment. Remy and Anselar's families are in trouble, but Coraline's is possibly ascendant. The current mayor is an Arvanxi, but he has sold off the family home. She decides to keep a low profile. Having spent an informative, but uneventfull night, at the Gargling Gargoyle (Anselar is disappointed that he witnessed not shadow beast attacks) the group heads out into the city. Zim and Morgram want to return the wands that they took from the rebel group. Morgram had inadvertantly kept his and Zim wants to avoid the tedium of people who think you owe them something. The group has named themselves The Children of Westcrown and are no less suicidal after a night's sleep. While they have alarmed their door, it is no match for Coraline's skills. In fact, on the way out she set's up a better one. It seems that the Children still do not believe that the group is not the heroes of legend, as they send their (inept) gnome scout, Yakapulio, to follow them. She must be part limpet, because she manages to stick to them even after she is discovered As each of the group has 500 commemorative platinum coins, bearing Aroden's face (hardly likely to go unnoticed when spent) they head to a money changer / coin dealer to exchange them. Yakapulio asks to look at one and Zim hands over one of his. She pockets it. As he prepares a bomb to deal with her someone suggests that, as Zingleburpbembledak betrayed him, perhaps she could be his new apprentice. He relents and lets her keep the coin. It seems they have caught the moneychanger on a bad week - he has been robbed. The thieves stole not only his float but also his client book. He is willing to change some small amount of the coin, at face value (no questions asked), but to move as much as they have, he needs his book. Whether from self interest or the goodness of their hearts, they agree to help. Initial investigation reveals that the thieves broke into his safe using a substantial amount of strong acid. First things first, though, the group takes a boat over to the wealthy part of town to commission new outfits in the contemporary style. This finishes off the day and they return to The Gargoyle. The next day the Bank of Abidar is open. The line is long be the time they arrive and Zim juggles various dangerous vials to keep himself from going crazy. Coraline is the first to the front. The teller does not recognise her as a client of the bank and, shockingly, is not a cleric able to cast Abidar's Truth Telling. She is asked to wait to the side, for the only cleric, while the rest of the line is served. In turn, each steps up and is asked to stand aside, as the teller becomes increasingly flustered. The cleric, Lord Ghival, verifies Coraline's veracity and finds the old records of the deposits. He is worried. They are taken to a seperate room. Things are not what they once where at bank/church and, at some point, someone seems to have removed a large portion of their funds - they even require horrendous waivers of almost all rights on new deposits now. Aftersome misunderstanding as to whether the group would be seeing any of their money, most leave with one or two thousand GP. Lord Ghival offers to provide spellcasting at the market rate (as he must as a cleric of Abidar) to settle some of the debt. Those with some religious knowledge realise that Ghival risks being cut off from his god if he fails to produce the money he is legal required to. The investigation into the thieves begins in earnest. As Arael (the Children's leader) was meeting someone about the local bandits when he was caught, the group tracks down his youthful companion (scaring the boy's mother in the process). He leads them to a beggar with some information and the contacts to get more. The thieves seem to be a group of tieflings called the Bastards of Erebus, living in the walled off northern part of town. They seem to always know when the victims will be away from their homes and strike at these times. The group talks to one of the other victims and find that the have been wooden tokens/coins left at each of the robbery locations. The coins do not seem to be magical in any way, so they remain a complete mystery. Their contact is able to find the name of the next target of the Bastards and they resolve to catch the thieves in the act. Anselar made his farewells to the others from 4601, and set out to just walk his city. So many things were familiar, but it still felt like an entirely differently place. After a couple hours of just walking around reacquainting himself with the town, he found himself back in front of the Gargling Gargoyle. Since this had more or less become his new home in this strange new time, he entered. It was nearly dark anyway, and he had no intention of breaking curfew without anyone to watch his back. As he walked in Deran, the owner, greeted him with a smile. "Milord! Welcome back! The kitchen will be closing soon, but would you like something now?" They discussed some supper options, and then Anselar took his seat. "Your friends won't be joining you this night, milord?" asked Deran. Anselar just shrugged. "They were in another part of town, so I'm not sure what their schedule is." Deran nodded and refilled Anselar's drink. "Well it's always a pleasure to have you here, sir." The Gargoyle was busier than Anselar had seen it; all three of the other tables were occupied, and a robed man sat at the bar with a staff leaning against it next to him. A young man in a rust-coloured vest raised his voice to address Anselar. Two people dressed as house guards sat at his table with him. "I say, are you Lord Harth?" "Who's asking?" "I'm Lord Tacito Dioso, and I understand someone named Lord Harth, possibly Ursio Harth, has been frequenting the Gargoyle in the evenings accompanied by, among others, a Lady Dioso. Maybe Lady Pavanna Dioso?" "What's it to you?" "Well, if family is in town then we need to look after her. I like the Gargoyle, but I also like having a room of my own back in the manor house, and I like having someone to watch my back and someone else to wash my clothes and such. My father wants to talk to her, too." "Well if I see someone like that then I'll try to remember to tell her." The woman at a table by herself looked up. She was wearing the uniform of a Dottari officer. "So you're Lord Harth? We haven't had one of those in town for a while, I don't think. Are your papers all in order?" Anselar wasn't sure what she meant. "I didn't say that I was Lord Harth, just like you didn't say who you were." "I'm Lieutenant Iladora Mufecci of the Dottari. I seem to be out of drink, so I suppose I'm back on duty now." Anselar smiled. "Well we can't have that! Deran, could you please refill Lieutenant Mufecci's drink for her?" "Right away, sir." "Ha!" This last exclamation came from the final table. A handsome blonde man sat there. "Once again the aristocracy buys off the Dottari!" "Sir, I think there's nothing wrong with a gentleman such as myself buying a lady such as this officer a drink." "Listen, 'milord', if you want to spend your money on someone else then look no further than Westcrown's greatest performer: me! I should tell you, I've just been cast in the starring role of a remake of the greatest Chelish play of all time: The Six Trials of Larazod! Auditions haven't actually happened yet, but I'm well known to the director and he has given me his personal assurances that the role is mine." The robed man at the bar took an interest in this, and discussion turned to the opera and past productions of it. The night passed uneventfully, though Tacito Dioso in particular seemed disappointed that no one else showed up. Anselar stayed up late and slept in the next day. The group (sans Anselar) heads off to the supposed next victim of the Bastards, Ulfgar Bartreson. He is an Ulfen weapon-smith, so they spend some time in his shop, gently pushing for information. As with the other victims he plans to be away from the shop that evening, meeting someone at a concert/recital. They ensconce themselves at a restaurant down the road. As evening approaches, a seductively dressed woman arrives at the shop. While Ulfgar seems eager to leave for the concert, the woman clearly wishes to go back inside. Speculation abounds that she is one of the Bastards. As night falls, the restaurant closes and the group moves to a nearby alley. Zim, unable to stay put for so long, makes a sweep of the surrounding area, noting a side entrance to the shop. Later, the group scares a few teenaged curfew breakers with a Ghost Sound. The thieves eventually arrive and quickly pick the lock on the front door. The group, races across the street as the last of thieves closes the door behind them. Taking a moment to prepare, they rush in. Remy takes point, threatening most of the area of the shop with her polearm. Ulfgar and his companion are heard to be otherwise occupied upstairs and don't notice the noise. Then a thief silences the majority of the ground floor with a wand. Zimburchem follows up with a bomb, Coraline rushes in and Morgram distracts some of the thieves away from Remy with a ridiculous mime, jumping up onto the counter. They make quick work of the surprised thieves. A shuriken appears in the wall near Morgram, who looks up to see the somewhat less clothed companion of Ulfgar. Ulfgar quickly follows, similarly clothed, carrying an axe. Unfazed by the attempted robbery, he ushers them out into the street. As they leave, he can be heard to tell his companion that they can get the mood back. The group questions the only conscious thief, learning very little before the hooded and armbanded Children of Westcrown arrive to stop the same robbery. They are eager to tell the group all that they have learned (nothing new to the group). However, there is one new piece of news - the rest of the Children are making an attack on the Bastards headquarters. Horrified at the suicidal plan, they send Janiven to call the attack off. They follow with the three remaining Children and the bound and gagged Bastards. Heading to the wall, they skirt around it with multiple rowboats and head to the Bastards compound. The Children share the layout gleaned from an earlier scouting trip. The group decides to walk to the main building (an old temple). The bell is rung in alarm as they approach, but there is no further activity. Knocking, Morgram and Coraline are allowed to enter, with the hostages, to discuss terms. Word is sent to the boss, but the leader of the guard group is friendlier than expected - offering to play a hand of cards for the hostages release or future friendly contact. Before things are resolved, a messenger returns with word that the boss wants to see them. This seems to surprise (and possibly worry) a few of the guard contingent. Led through the wide-ranging underground complex, they pass a fair number of varied creatures, including a mummy. Arriving, the boss tells his guard to let them all in "What? Do you think they can hurt me?" The large guard rolls his eyes - It seems the boss, Palaveen, may not be well loved. After some tense negotiations, that seem to skirt imminent violence at every turn, Hanvex's ledger is traded for the hostages. During the exchange, introductions are made and Palaveen seems very interested in the fact that Remy is a Dioso. He is skeptical, as her skin is apparently the wrong colour (she is confused by this). It is also revealed that Palaveen has some connection to the Council of Thieves. This means something to Remy, but the rest of the group are in the dark. She arranges to set up a future meeting with Palaveen - they will send each other proposed locations. Leaving with their prize, Coraline asks the street level guards for information on black market contacts. They promise to send this to the Gargoyle. As it is very late, the group finds an abandoned building to spend the night in. Remy tells them about the Council. A group that controlled almost everything in Westcrown to some degree. Most considered it a myth (even when the group was put into stasis). However, Remy knows that it is (or was at least) real - her father had a seat on it. Morgram and Zim are outraged that she had not told them before, but quickly forgive, as is the way of their friendship. The group arrives back at the Gargoyle after their night out. Remy prepares her meeting proposal, but when Palaveen's arrives she sends back an acceptance - They will meet, with him, and a like number of the Bastards at a popular picnic spot near the outskirts of the city. Coraline also receives the promised information about the Dusk Market. Anselar fills the group in on his eventful evening (after the sun stops piercing his brain) and Remy decides to make contact with the family that was looking for her. The group will also visit the Dusk Market and return Hanvex's ledger. Hanvex is surprised by it's swift return and offers to exchange the commemorative platinum at a premium (but can only handle a limited amount per week). He is reluctant to reveal his buyer, but will say that he/she is not a usual customer. Anselar takes the lead when calling on the Diosos as everyone is still in their 100 year old fashions and he is the only one that Tacito knows. Remy soon reveals who she is and is welcomed with open arms. Tacito is eager to have her take up her old room, provide her with servants, a stipend and her new proof of nobility. She promises to return the next day to obtain the paperwork. The Dusk Market affords the opportunity to make some interesting contacts. The group enters separately as Coraline is trying to keep a low profile and Zim and Morgram are not the most subtle of people. A poison seller tells Coraline and Zim a story of the purple elves that have been revealed to the world. Apparently some elves are born purple and this embarrasses their parents, so they use this "Drow poison" to keep them quiet and then stick them in holes in the ground. Zim is fascinated and Coraline buys some poison. The Market has all manner of interesting characters selling goods of varying degrees of illicitness. Of particular interest to Zim is The Alchemist (who claims to have met Zingleburpbembledak) and The Alchemist's devil assistant (who will sell the traitorous apprentice's location for the low,low price of 10 years of unspecified service). Arriving back at the Gargling Gargoyle, after their shopping trip, they are greeted by a heated argument. An elf and human woman are disagreeing about a point of historical fact - the elf woman claims to have been there, but the human (Ninatta, an agent of the Imperial Ministry of Historical Accuracy) sticks to her guns. The group splits their attentions. Coraline learns that Ninatta's job is to make sure that the correct history is spread amongst the populace. Sometimes the experts find out that the old stories are wrong and have to let everyone know. Apparently they used to think that Aroden and Amodeus were great friends in the leading of Cheliax, but now they know that Asmodeus was always the main god. She spends much of the evening with Coraline and is sure that they are now firm friends. Morgram, Zim and Remy talk to the elf. It comes to light that she has been waiting for them. She is interested in people who have very old things and she was the buyer of their old platinum from Hanvex. She is eager to have them drink her special "elf drink". Morgram downs it, and Zim follows after checking and feeling fairly sure it is not poisonous (he has no idea). Remy eventually joins them in the drink. When Anselar and Coraline eventually join them, they decline the drink. (Coraline is flabbergasted that the rest would do otherwise). Anselar blatantly pours his into a beer and hands it to the elf. She drinks it without hesitation. (They later determine that it is holy water). She is not forthcoming with any other information. The next day, the group picks up their new clothes in the current fashion. They go to the Dioso manor and the cleric of Abidar participates in the authentication of Remy's confirmation of nobility. At least one of the group is legitimate nobility in the present. Zim's sparkling personality earns him the ire of the cleric. The time for the meeting with the Palaveen is at hand and they cross the water for, what seems like, the dozenth time. Remy tries tease out some information from Palaveen, but he seems poorly connected. She consults with the group, but Palaveen spots riders approaching and cries that they have been betrayed. He immediately reveals that he had similar ideas as the "devil dogs" and mummies spring from hiding. Battle ensues. The group is mostly in favour of eliminating Palaveen, but make it clear that the other Bastards are not their enemies. It seems that Palaveen has inspired little loyalty, as a number of his followers fake accidents and serious injuries. The dogs and mummies fight on his side, but the group is able to dispatch them (enduring a few close calls). Palaveen's second is eager to deal, but the group shoos the Bastards off, as it becomes clear that the riders are the Children of Westcrown, coming to save the day again. The Children are placated and the group heads off to talk to their new consultant, Merisiel. The group (The 4601s henceforth) and Children of Westcrown decide to split into smaller groups and head back to the Children's hideout. The Children try to be diplomatic in their requests to have the 4601s not use their (decoy) front door and to instead use the sewers. After some discussion the 4601s decide to take a boat around the Wall and land near Delvehaven, They will take a look at this old Pathfinder lodge, enter the sewers, find some goblins to quell and join the Children in time for evening drinks. (Zim is heard to say, several times, that Fireday is always the best day) They are very confident after having defeated Palaveen earlier. Delvehaven has been barred, although it would not take much effort to bypass the outer wall. Knowing the sorts of people that join the Pathfinders, Anselar looks for the telltale aura of magical traps. He finds many. Rocks are thrown and mage hand is liberally used to spring the traps. They seem to generate a capturing bubble and then fill with spiders. Nasty! Coraline, heartily sick of the time wasting, stalks off. Zim follows her after it becomes clear that all the traps are the same. Sooo boooring. The sewers are as expected - dark and smelly. Zim says that if they wait no more than 4 or 5 days he can probably whip something up to help with the stench. Or there's always smelling salts. The 4601s slowly move towards the hideout, without encountering the song of a single goblin. They do, however, find that the shadowbeast are not just a rumour. Three of the beasts attack. Close quarters, bad luck, occasionally insubstantial and always magic-resistant enemies nearly prove the undoing of the group. Anselar slings spells with mixed success. Remy maneuvers to deal death with her polearm. Coraline weaves between the beasts to attack the from behind with a poisoned blade. Morgram distracts them with his antics and heals the wounded. Zim wades in with his mutagen-fueled flail. The beasts' hits leave behind shadowstuff that harms our heroes, but they do eventually prevail. Crawling out of the sewers the 4601s take the surface roads to the hideout. The Children are clearly put out at the use of this non-secret route, yet again. After a little talk regarding the Bastards and Merisiel (and Yakopulio's first, impromtu, alchemy lesson) the 4601s head to their favourite haunt, The Gargling Gargoyle. They meet some new patrons: Armon Rosala, Delilee Ciucci, Sascar Tilernos, Ailyn Ghontasavos. Remy plies Ailyn with drinks - she knows more about Delvehaven than the average person. Coraline spends some time with Delilee - her family is attached to the Arvanxis and offers Coraline a duplex rental opportunity. The next day Coraline decides to renew her family ties and they head to the mayors home. Crosael Simiin Rasdovain, the Arvanxi Majordomo, takes Coraline's claim in stride. She sends for the group's old friend, Vuiper Ghival (cleric of Abadar), to verify, but proceeds as if it is true. Pegging Remy, Morgram and Zim as servants, she has them wait in a separate room while talking to Coraline and Anselar. Zim manages to behave for 5 whole minutes before opening doors. The first is a washroom, with a touch-activated running-water sink. It gets very wet. The toilet turns out to be a magical incinerator and Zim loses all track of time. Coraline is finally being treated in, something approaching, the manner she expects. The majordomo offers every amenity and acts with appropriate deference. The whole group is led on a tour of the house. It is astounding. Astonishing indoor gardens and magnificent water features are just the beginning. Westcrown's taxes at work. The mayor is eventually available. He is enthusiastic and clearly not as well-schooled in the niceties as Crosael. While his greeting of Coraline is pleasant, when introduced to Morgram, he charges out of the room. He quickly returns with a group portrait. It is the cast of the original Six Trials of Larazod. (The play that Morgram barely escaped with his life. The one he actively encourages people not to audition for). After Morgram adjusts the evidence of his good living, the mayor declares that he is, indead, Morgram the Magnificent. The Mayor may be the world's greatest opera fan. To Crosael's chagrin, he gives Coraline only the barest amount of attention and focuses instead on Morgram. He is backing the latest Six Trials and will ensure that Morgram has the lead. Any changes that Morgram wishes will, of course, be made to happen. Eventually everyone is led to rooms, but restricted to only certain areas of the house. Anselar left his companions behind to run a couple of errands. That, and he could only take so much close contact with other people, having spent much of his childhood alone in his studies or in the companionship of his tutor. Frankly, the concept of friends... or even companions... was a disconcerting notion to Anselar. First on his list was a stop at Mister Jensen's Exchange. Anselar inquired about the purchase of a Hat Of Disguise. Though there is not one currently in Jensen's stock, Anselar asked that Jensen keep his eyes open for one. Jensen told Anselar that he may know a friend of a friend, but won't have an answer for a day or two. Jensen brought up some wares that Anselar might be interested in, and indeed Anselar was. After perusing what Jensen did have available, or readily accessible, Anselar quietly resolved to pay a visit to both Ghival and Hanvex, as he is still feeling a little bit naked being so long removed from his family's magical laboratories and resources, as well as his volumes of notes. A number of items Jensen mentioned would go a long way towards alleviating this feeling. Leaving without purchasing anything, Anselar made his way back out into the city. That chore completed, he began to ask around for a library or repository of public records. While most noble families had records of their own, that sort of thing was also tracked by the imperial bureaucracy, which was based primarily in the Korradath. Not wanted another boat trip right away, Anselar decided to try another tack. A few inquiries around town revealed that Ninatta Jeggare was available and happy to make time to speak to members of the Chelish nobility, and that appointments could be made with her secretary in the Korradath. Rolling his eyes, Anselar decided it was time to head to the Gargling Gargoyle. After getting a glass of something strong from Deran, Anselar sat near the door and hoped for some shadow creature activity. A disturbance outside had him springing from his seat and looking eagerly through a peephole, but it was only a few truly enormous cockroaches knocking over a trash bin. Disappointed, he sat back down. On the other hand, Lieutenant Mufecci was in the Gargoyle again that evening, and she looked up and smiled at him. Perhaps the night wasn't a complete loss after all. Remy's new halfling servant, Giama, finds a house servant to ask about her duties. She finds an out of the way room and decides to make it her new home. The mayor shows off the renovations he is doing in the attic - an opera house. He is carefule to make sure that the group stays away from certain dangerous areas; most notably the site of the former prison - filled with traps and dangerous beasts. He has locked and sealed it. The group is quite eager to clear it out for him. Coraline is offered the vice-mayorship but is discouraged by the contract that she would have to sign. It seems there is a dangerous magical device, powered by a devil, connected to the mansion and the mayor is responsible for maintaining it in some way. The morning heralds a busy day. Zimburchem sends a letter to the Hellknights' leader, asking for information about Areal's incarceration. He hopes that the mayoral messenger will lend some weight to the request. The group meets the dungeon keeper and leader of the tiefling maintenance crew, all who live in the mansion's dungeon area. They also visit the Diosos, the Bastards and take a trip into the sewers again. Tacito Dioso speaks to Remy, alone, about the current state of the Council of Thieves. He will arrange a meeting with the Council member who may have been working with the Bastards. The Bastards are under new management and seem to be actively recruiting. Although, they seem to wish to keep to their all-tiefling theme. They plan to continue with business as usual, though. The 4601s are split as to how to handle this. The human nobles are content to let it continue, whereas Zim and Morgram sympathise, but want to find them an alternative. The 4601s arrange to hire a group of the Bastards to help them clear out the area in the mayor's home. They also play a few hands of poker. Remy is at a serious disadvantage because her bodyguard, Ayanda, is her tell. They go back into the sewers and encounter another otyugh and two shadow beasts. These beasts are different than those encountered earlier. They cause fear in almost all of the group - worst in Ayanda. There seems to be good reason that people are afraid of the streets at night. On the plus side, the group is beginning to learn how to work together - not bad for a bunch of spoiled nobles. The 4601s round out their day by laying in supplies for the push into the mayor's pocket-dimension ex-dungeon. They also arrange for the equipment to pay the Bastards who will accompany them. They spend the night at the mayoral mansion. In the morning there is a lavish breakfast. The mayor (with Coraline's prompting) has also prepared dungeon-crawling gift bags, as only the nobility can - loaded with utilitarian goodies, each bag worth more than many will see in several years. They head to the attic, where they are told that the trapping spells have been suppressed. One-by-one they enter. The entry hall is dominated by columns of fire - Zim is fascinated. A howl rings out from the other end of the hall, behind a door. One of the Bastards is able to see through walls once a day and they use this to see past this first door. Three howlers lie in wait beyond. The group prepares themselves and rush in. Coraline puts one to sleep with a poison laden dagger and a short battle ensues. The enemies dispatched before the whole group can clear the doorway. The howlers have been guarding a library of books on less than savoury topics - mostly torture. Moving on, they encounter an Escher room. A stairway runs around the outer edge, meeting itself at the top and bottom. The centre of the room has no roof or floor that can be seen. Zim throws something into the pit, which disappears. A little while later it falls from the ceiling. As they enter the room two creatures enter through the wall. Their touch drains strength and they are a tough fight. The group tries to retreat, but everyone is trying to cover everyone else's escape and the fight drags on. 2 more creatures appear and then later, two more. They eventually realise that as long as they stay in the room, this will continue. During the fight, Morgram falls into the pit. Fredo, the tiefling who can levitate, tries to stage a rescue as Morgram falls past the stairs for the third time, but the dwarf is able to catch himself on this pass. Running down an exit hallway, they find a rickety bridge over part of a pit and hallway continuing on the other side. There is much leaping and rigging of ropes and everyone makes it safely across. Deeper in now, bloodied and with many resources already used, they press on... The large group soon finds themselves in a corridor lined with doors with barred slots - a prison. Anselar strides ahead and is paralyzed by a trap. Most of the prisoners have been dead for a quite some time. However, two remain: a bearded devil and an elf. These two have not bonded over their mutual discomfort. Taunting or cursing each other seems to be their only remaining source of amusement. The elf is one of the thieves who was given the opportunity to leave if he could obtain the "key" in the middle of the "lake". He made a deal with one of the devil guards who told him a way to cheat. The mayor of the day was none too happy and locked him up. Both are eager for any sort of stimulation, and to get out. The 4601's are loath to free them, but do trade food and minor items for information. There is a creature in a lake of mud who guards the key. At least there was a creature (and a key) the last time they saw it. the 4601s also get the key to the strange Escher rooms: stepping on different staircases opens different doors. These doors lead to more rooms and this is how one traverse the demi-plane. Keeping to one side will lead to a vault, the other to the lake. They also discover that each of the cells can have it's back wall made transparent from the outside. The occupant cannot see out, but observers can see in. The bearded devil appears to have a very special glaive. Remy is intrigued. They continue, encountering a group of undead, living (residing?) in a mud cistern. Malatina and Coraline are briefly paralyzed by this ghoulish family, but they are soon overwhelmed by superior numbers. Noticing that there is a tube that leads away from this pit, Zimburchem wants to take a slide down it. The group decides to rest for a while, but then it's Zims away! Zim quickly loses control, ricocheting the rest of the way down. The rest of the group decides that it would be better to descend with the help of a rope. From the distance, they hear something that only Morgram considers singing. They encounter another devil, tangled in chains that extend up and down into the darkness. Morgram makes a virtuoso performance; blending his voice in a way that the devil, at least, finds pleasing. Their encounter is quite civil. The devil, Chemosh, requests that they ask the new mayor to come and visit him. They aslo learn that the power provided by the bound devil in the mayor's manor is funneled through the chains that Chemosh maintains. They part ways, finding the extended network of Escher rooms. With the help of Fredo, the levitating tiefling, they are able to activate the desired doors (as instructed by the prisoners) without much fuss. However, as they begin to traverse these rooms, some hear the far off sounds of battle. Rushing back, as fast as the changing door mechanisms will allow, they quickly reach Chemosh's room. Chemosh is locked in battle, with someone who appears to be the mayor. None of the group believe this illusion for a moment - it is a tiefling who has been following them, unseen. They rush to the aid of Chemosh - some from a feeling of cameraderie and some to prevent damage to the power conduit. She fights and trys to escape. Although she comes quite close to making her way back up the tube/slide, she is caught. She is a shadowdancer who is gathering information on how to cut the devil's power, for a client. The Bastards offer her a job and the 4601s try to decide what to do with yet another person to watch. The group takes Sian (the Shadowdancer) to talk to Chemosh. There is some discussion of whether (and how) to dispose of her - Zim favours throwing her down the chain-filled hole, but Chemosh would prefer that his conduit not be poluted. There is some confusion as to who made what deal, but Chemosh cuts to the chase, "Explain why we shouldn't kill you." Suddenly Sian remembers who hired her. In hopes that the 4601s will let her flee the city (or at least not do her in right away) she reveals that Chammady Drovenge is her employer and that she is convinced that Chammady will be (homicidally) less than pleased at being revealed. This is the second time Chammady has crossed their path. They decide to lock her in one of the cells until they are ready to leave. They traverse the maze. Reaching one of edges, they find a room with a spiral staircase that seems to flicker and not be completely real. Fredo is nominated to see what is at the top. What to do in case his foot becomes stuck in a re-appearing step is discussed, but he will just levitate and pull himself along. The top of the staircase simply ends with no apparent doors (or secret doors). They move on and find a room with three doors marked with symbols of a glaive, book and holy symbol. Each door opens into an identical room to the first. They cannot exist in real space as they would all overlap. Morgram is has a safety line tied to him and steps through the book door. He sees a vision of the first room, with everyone in it. Bored, Zimburchem enters the glaive door and sees a vision of the bearded devil's cell. He exits and enters the symbol door, seeing a lake of thick, yellowish mud. Morgram, in the book door's room, steps through that room's book door. He appears in the first room and the rope is severed. Fairly sure that they have figured out this teleporting room, they decide to explore some more. They find a trapped door, but do not believe that they can disarm it without setting it off. In a side room, they encounter a mummy that nearly kills a number of the group (helped by Zim's badly thrown bombs). Wounded and tired, they resolve to leave and return in the morning. They pick up Sian on the way back to the fire column atrium. They realise that they do not have the key which will open the exit. Sian offers to try extinguishing the columns of fire, but the consensus is that this will be a bad idea. Iana, with the practice she has had in the Knot, is eventually able to activate the exit. Guards and the cleric, from earlier in the day, greet them. They take Sian into custody and run everyone through a round of dispelling. Zimburchem makes a nuissance of himself and is angrily rebuked by the cleric. The mayor has provided Mind Shielding rings so that 4601s will not reveal anything that they have seen. After the 4601s protest, invoking the mayor's promise, the Bastards are not arrested, but rather also provided with rings. Tracking down the (intoxicated) mayor in the Gargling Gargoyle, Coraline secures funds for the promised healing. Everyone is mostly healed and restored. They lay in some supplies. Deciding that they can take on some of the Knot in the morning, before going to the Auditons for the Six Trials of Larazod, they return to the mayoral mansion to rest. They return to the Knot, stopping along the way to give the prisoners some small care packages. At the trapped door, Anselar blocks the corridor with an iron door from a Robe of Useful Items and has an Unseen Servant do the dangerous work. After the resulting explosion, they enter the large chamber beyond the doors. They encounter a large, tentacled, multi-armed monster, with two companions, in a cavernous room that is mostly covered in pools of filth. Blinded early in the fight, the monster is less effective than it would otherwise be and the group manages to prevail. They clear out the treasures of the room and dredge the filth. This was when I first met them, the 4601s (I don't know who coined that awful name, but it is the one that has stuck). Of course, at the time, I was just starting out. I could barely contain my excitement at meeting THE Morgram the Magnificent. But you didn't pay to hear about me; you want to hear about them. So, by this time, some of us had heard tell of people who seemed to be shaking things up. Misinformation abounded, making it difficult to know if any of it was real. Some of this was pieced together afterwards, but most I got straight from the source: the gnome was very open if you could keep him interested and Aremcesca was a sucker for a party and a pretty girl. The auditions for the mayor's revival of the Six Trials of Larazod attracted an entire cross-section of society. From greengrocers to aristocrats and former stage stars to a pungent goblin. The process was certainly different than I expected. Every part's trial was accompanied by the hurling of rotten tomatoes or insults or large weighted objects on ropes. Morgram, of course, easily won the role of Larazod and Anselar flung magic missiles at the director. The most surprising thing was the audition of a goblin, Yooboodoo (yes, that Yooboodoo). Believe it or not, nobody knew her name, then. To be honest, her audition was mediocre, but the 4600s started the chant of her name and secured her a spot in the cast. You can't blame them, how could they know what they were setting into motion. Intensive rehearsal began the very next day. Lady Fire Eyes did not audition. I can't say that I am sorry for that. She looked at me once - I wanted nothing more than for a large section of ceiling to crush me right then. I found out later that she and Anselar, who was not in the play (for some reason the director did not appreciate being attacked with magic) had found another situation to amuse themselves. One of the Children of Westcrown worked in the Korradath, it was full of bureaucrats' offices and lodgings for visiting nobles. Underneath, though, it held a secret. But I'm jumping ahead. This man, whose name was always kept secret (I have suspected that they just couldn't remember it) went to Coraline...sorry, Lady Arvanxi with a problem. He had discovered that one of his co-workers was embezzling money. If he could prove it, and bring in the culprit, he would be assured of a promotion ... or, at least a better office. The Child led Lady Fire Eyes, Lord Harth and a band of Bastards of Erebus into the Korradath. Searching the culprit's office, the found a secret set of rooms, reachable through the old dumbwaiter system. They had to fight through hordes of undead, the bureaucrat constantly jumping into battle to earn himself some glory, but constantly failing. They finally reached the room with the final room, containing the embezzler, a devil and various minions. A ceremony to Mammon in process. The group of heroes (and, of course, I mean that in the classical sense) put an end to their activities after a grueling fight, but only because they had the sense not to test their mettle against the devil. After realising that they will not be allowed to simply leave with the amassed gold, they declare victory and leave. Yes, you will recognise this as one of the early incidents related in my opus, The Machinations of Mammon. Perhaps I will perform that for you if you listen attentively to this story. Rehearsals began in earnest for the group. Of course, their great talent could not be contained and rumours began to make it to the public. Many new fans arrived to greet them as each day's rehearsal ended. Things were not uneventful away from the stage - Zimburchem had an unexpected nocturnal visitor. In the middle of the night, a woman, dressed in red with white fur-lining burst through his window. She fired a bolt at him, missed and left through the window again. The guards were unable to find her. At breakfast, Coraline remembered a group of assassins who had dressed in a similar manner. The mayor was worried about the breach of his security, but everyone else took it in stride. The rehearsals went well - Morgram was in his element, both on the stage and off. The throng of fans outside conveniently supplied him with a companion for the evening, an eager young dwarf. By choice, Morgram had steered clear of dwarves since fleeing his homeland, so this was somewhat surprising. Staying classy, he decided to leave her halfway through the night. He was picked up by the Dottari on the way back to the mayor's manor but, being Morgram, was able to talk his way out of jail. Remy and Zim decided to have a slumber party. These two had an unusual relationship. Under normal circumstances they should never have been friends but, thrown together by a mutual affection for Morgram, they had forged a strange bond. Zim hoped for the return of his midnight assassin, but was disappointed. Remy kept him from doing something crazy. No small feat. Rehearsals continued... While the other three walked the boards, Coraline and Anselar, received a visit from Malatina of the Bastards. They had received an encoded letter addressed to the (deceased) ex-leader of the Bastards, but none of them knew the code. The 4600s applied their considerable skill (and the library) to the message and cracked it. Apparently, it was a demand that the Bastards deal with a group who had splintered from the cult of Mammon. They had to retrieve the sect's holy symbols or face death themselves. Since Lady Fire Eyes seemed to have her own plans for the group of larcenous tieflings, they decided to help. Remembering that there were two old temples to the devil in the derelict northen part of the town, they headed off to try to find which might be the current hideout. One of the tieflings, Dom, or Pom, or something like that found the entrance with his newly learnt magical skills, seeing the telltale glow of a magical trap. To hear them talk about it, this made it all the more tragic when he foolishly got himself killed. But first, they disabled the alarm trap on the door. Sneaking in, they surprised one of the cult, but his compatriots soon heard the fighting and joined. These were no ordinary cultists. They had made some sort of deal with devils. Each was able to shrug off massive wounds, but they were able to be killed. However, as each drew his last breath, a quasit emerged fromtheir bodies. Ready for a fight. Our heroes were victorious, but for the Bastards it was pyrrhic. Pom had been killed. It was nearly show day, and the performers prepared for the dress rehearsal of the Six Trials of Larazod. In the morning they had a final run-through, and it was Yooboodoo's last chance to convince Robahl that she should be allowed to kill a chicken on stage as Drovalid entered. She failed to do so. Lunch at the Bottomless Keg was again eventful, as enthusiasm for the show and its performers continued to rise. Morgram (playing Drovalid) and Calseinica (playing Ilsandra) indulged heavily in the free drinks. Morgram's stalker, Adamus d’Maio, was waiting for him in his dressing room after lunch. Morgram planted some mixed messages in Adamus's head, who went off in search of the dwarf woman who'd slept with Morgram a couple of nights earlier. Yooboodoo had invited some of her tribemates from the Wisecrusher goblins to the dress rehearsal, and they were present in flamboyant fashion (though bitter that they had been unable to bring their goblin dogs with them). Overall, the dress rehearsal was an amazing success in spite of the inebriation levels of Morgram and Calseinica. Robahl was so happy that he told each of the principals that they could have a comp ticket to the big night. Meanwhile, Anselar and Coraline were out doing some shopping near the docks, when they saw some trouble. A shipping container containing a rock troll had smashed, and was causing trouble. A squad of wounded Dottari and a squad of wounded Hellknights were arguing with each other over jurisdiction. While they were each telling the other to back off, it was clear that they'd each already tried their luck against the troll and failed. Anselar and Coraline were reluctant to get involved, but some nearby peasants who knew them (Fiosa and Sclavo from the Children of Westcrown, and Zuka from the Bastards of Erebus) jollied them along. Finally the group ran in and took out the rock troll, leaving the injured Dottari and Hellknights to continue their argument. (I am dispensing with the conceit of a future storyteller retelling the story) Session 13: "Never say the name of the Taldane play" Show night arrived. The venue for the actual performance was much larger than the dress rehearsal had been. While the performers and stage hands prepared backstage, Coraline and Anselar found their seats. Coraline, as the great aunt of the mayor, had her own box, while Anselar had to make do with his comp'ed seat near the back. His companions included the tardy chief of the Wisecrusher ("Wisecrusher!) goblins, who caused a bit of a stir when he arrived. Coraline's companion was the much more fetching and mysterious Merisiel (consultant to the Children of Westcrown). There had been some doubt as to whether she would make an appearance, but it seemed that she really had not been avoiding the heroes. The nature of the invitation seemed to have been miscommunicated, but both were models of pleasant discourse. The show began. Larazod (played by Morgram), Dentris (played by Zimburchem) and Tybain kneeled, chained before the Council (including Remy as chorus- and council member). The play proceeds through the condemnation and trials of Larazod and his companions. Morgram delivers a consistently wonderful performance across the acts, by anyone else's standards but his own. This falling short of his best is made all the more bitter in that he is outshone at every turn by other performers. Even the amateurs have picked up some skills over the week of rehearsal and don't detract from the stars. This high bar means that the audience is well pleased at each act break. At each of these, a local opera star sings padding the play and giving the performers a few minutes to recover, time for the crew to strike and set the stage and for any permanent cast changes to be made. Necessary changes during an act are handled with illusion magic and substitutions from the Council/chorus/understudies. The first act sets the stage and introduces most of the main players. Casualties are not a problem. The second act sees the entrance of Yooboodoo, the goblin, enthusiastically playing the torturer, Drovalid. Tied to the lovechild of a rack and iron-maiden, Morgram endures the bulk of the lashes doled out by Yooboodoo. However, there is a wicked slash that strikes Haanderthan at the perfect moment in the dialogue. The act break sees a modicum of healing given to the actors before the curtain rises again. The third act brings the Trial by Pleasure. The play calls for the administration of creatures that burrow under the skin eliciting great pleasure. Unfortunately, the creatures tat are actually used cause a fair amount of pain and damage. The cast manages to deliver their performances, but there are some moments when it seems that some won't survive. Act Four is the Trial in the Belly of the Beast. This is where Morgram made his escape during the original staging a hundred years ago. Somehow, they had found the original Beast from that show - a large sphere, with a fair amount of acid in it, attached to a razor covered tube, disguised as the throat of the Beast. After some attempts at equivocation, all of Larazod's group clamber into the Beast which is then upended. They struggle to clamber out and help each other, while avoiding acid and dealing with the nausea of acidic fumes. Suddenly Zimburchem remembers the levitate wand is his wrist sheath. One by one he lifts them to safety (as the wizard, Dentris this seems appropriate). Nobody is killed, but one cast member is rendered unconscious. They consume what healing and restoration they can before the next act. Nalia is too traumatised to continue, but a dash of mind altering magic has her forgetting the few preceding minutes and so the show goes on without the understudy. The next act is the Birthing Trial. Some actor's manage to pocket the alchemical 'egg' that they must all swallow, while some send it down the hatch without hesitation. Those who consume it are violently ill, spewing a vile black liquid onto the ground in front of them. Some actors manage to provide substitutes. The 'magic of the theatre' summons a monster for each to fight. Remy jumps in to help her companions when it becomes clear that they will need her to survive. Patching themselves up as best as they are able, they wonder what the reality of the Trail by Combat and Love will be. ...and Morgram stubbornly refuses to tell Zimburchem the name of the Taldane play that is supposed to be unlucky... Something with an 'M'... In the intermission between acts five and six, Robahl stormed into the green room and shouted at the chorus and demanded that they leave the spotlight to the principals. He then rushed off to prepare for the finale. Act Six: Trial by Combat and Love brought two troll skeletons acting the roles of bone devils. They seemed focused on Morgram, but once the title character was down they lost their focus and attacked whoever was nearby. Calseinica died before they were brought low. While Morgram was unconscious, his stalker, Adamus, rushed the stage and grabbed his body, desperately trying to revive him. Millech was heard cursing backstage, and covered this with an illusion. During this act a Sister of Eisith pretended to be part of the show and shot at Zimburchem, but Coraline Arvanxi left her place in one of the boxes and chastised the assassin, who sat back down. Anselar Harth, also in the audience, helped out as well. This led to general confusion among the regular audience members as to whether this was unwanted interference, desired audience participation, or clever staging. The final act went smoothly, though Ulvauno was clearly quite upset that Morgram was up and able to take a bow (albeit badly wounded). Ulvauno didn't show up at the afterparty at the mayoral manor. Lots of other people did, though. The cast, including the chorus, was feted and able to hobnob with many members of the aristocracy. Lord Dioso even tried to arrange a marriage between Aremcesca and General Vourne, though that didn't go anywhere. The highlight of the evening was when Adamus, who had been snuck in by Anselar, sang a lengthy ballad to Morgram, professing his love and his desire for marriage. Morgram crawled under the table. The day after the afterparty is very low key. The group tends to some shopping and other housekeeping (but not hangovers, thanks to Zingleburpbembledak's Gift) "Zingleburpbembledak!!" The following day they gather to open the Chelish Crux. After a few false starts and some burnt fingers, Coraline takes a crack at it. Zimburchem unveils some truly massive gauntlets to help her and she works out how to crack it. A telepathic scream greats them as the Crux unrolls, revealing more items than should should fit into its volume: Some wands, candles, scrolls, A ledger, notes and an insane, undead, telepathically screaming head. After trying to reason with the head, they store it in a Handy Haversack. Examining the notes, the musician and cryptographers discover a hidden message in a poem (Cygny's Wedding). Most spend hours researching and deciphering the message, while Zimberchem tries to calm the head. They decide to wait for morning to make their way to the haunting of Anselar's father. They find the building and attempt to enter. Some are struck by supernatural fear. They recover and, even though they determine that the magical defenses are very strong, they enter the building. Lord Harth's ghost easily hold's his own against them and berates Anselar for not bringing his betrothed before him. Dragging themselves from this defeat, they resolve to return later. Zim shares that the Children have had word that Arael has reached the prison island, which has been devastated. They are planning a rescue and he suggests that they make it happen. Suitably chastened, they return to the mayoral mansion and clean themselves up for their dinner with Lord Ghival (the head of the local Bank of Abidar). He arrives with his girlfriend...Chammady Drovenge. Zim is on his best behaviour and, with everyone running interference, they avoid an incident. However with Ghival's talk of how they might move their home bank to another city, they forget to ask him about curing the screaming head in the bag. They talk to the mayor about the prison on Deepmar (where Areal has been sent). He has also received word of some problem there and Coraline offers to arrange the investigation for him. He agrees and has his majordomo arrange for passage. They are also asked to take a gift and his greetings to the leader of Kintargo, the nearest city. Stopping at Corentyn, on the way to Deepmar, most of the group draw their savings from the bank and take the opportunity to pick up some pricey, wishlist items. Remy has been terribly seasick and takes the opportunity to sleep on solid ground. They make their way to Kintargo and have a pleasant visit with mayor, who ask that they return with a local delicacy, candied sea-creatures. Yum. They sail to Deepmar. They arrive in heavy rain. They enter the main camp which is seemingly abandoned. They begin to explore. Hearing a scream, they rush to, what turns out to be, the kitchen and mess hall. Someone is barricaded in the kitchen and something large is in the attached mess hall trying to get to her. The large, white, four-armed gorilla challenges the group, but it eventually goes down. The survivor seems to have amnesia which begins from just as something attacked the camp, weeks ago. Examining the Gorillon, they find a fungal growth on its head. Suspicious, they check the woman from the camp. She seems to be fungas free, but has a fresh scar on the back of her neck and some sort of puncture wound. Zim is allowed to burn the infected body in an outhouse, but there is concern that everyone may already have been exposed to the spores of the head-fungus. They decide to take shelter, regroup and try to determine what the infection and scar may indicate. They escort the cook back to her home and search it. She is somewhat put out, but leaves them to it, as they seem to have authority. They have also determined that she has short-term memory of 10-15 minutes, so they reason that if they upset her, she will just forget it. She does this for the rest of the time that they are at the camp. They have her write a note to herself, explaining that she has amnesia, but it does not help. They find some information about the various mines on the island; which have been closed because of infestation, which are currently being mined and some maps. The last piece of excitement happens in the stables. As they approach, the smell of decay assails them. All of the horses are dead. However, one is still quite feisty. Its shade attacks. Although they defeat it, it does manage to turn Sclavo (the government clerk who is also a Child of Westcrown). They dispatch Sclavo's shade (some more willingly than others) and bury him at sea. Zim is allowed to cremate the horses, along with the stable and part of the wall. The next morning, they head to the nearest active mine. They avoid some assassin vines in the forest near the road and a group of deer and vulture corpses (the deer seemed to have poisoned the vultures). Zim and Remy do note some large bugs in the bodies, but Remy pulls Zim away. The latter kicking and wailing. Proceeding along the path, they are ambushed by a large group of dire wolves. They are hurt, but manage to dispatch and scare off the pack. They reach and explore the first mine, without incident or additional clue. All of Morgram's inherent dwarfishness begins to shine through, despite his best efforts to suppress it. The second active mine seems as if it will be just as uninteresting until they reach the end of the final tunnel. Morgram notices something strange: A hidden door. They disarm the trap on the other side and continue down the passage, leaving Aremcesca and her bodyguard, Ayanda, behind. Remy is still weak from her bout of seasickness. Morgram feels that something is wrong via his dwarven senses and they rush back up the tunnel. There has been a cave in that Morgram estimates will take at least a day to clear, with his direction. They press on down the tunnel, in hopes that there will be another exit or means to clear the rocks from the one that they know about. Eventually there are voices heard. Zim declares that they're speaking gibberish. Coraline scouts and sees what must be a sizeable cavern which drops down from the tunnel that they are in. There is also something climbing the wall. She hustles back to the group so that they can face the thing in the dark, a rock troll, together. They know that its weakness is not that of the standard troll, but none can remember what it is. The troll fills the tunnel, but Morgram belts out a truly horrendous sound (Cacophonous Call) which nauseates the beast, causing it to retreat back down to the cavern floor. However, its companions, small misshapen dwarfish things (derro) begin firing poison/plague tipped crossbow bolts at the group. Arrows and bolts fly. Two of the remaining guards are afflicted with memory loss (not the best thing for the middle of a skirmish). People climb down ropes and some fall. Coraline darts amongst the enemy, becoming momentarily invisible before delivering terrifying attacks. Morgram makes himself difficult to focus on and attack with his bardic abilities. As the derro are whittled down, the troll overcomes its nausea and rejoins the fight. There is desperate repositioning and healing. A pit is taken from a robe of useful items and the last derro falls into it. Coraline goes down at nearly the same moment as the troll. Morgram rushes to stabilise her and Zim grabs the first candidate for regeneration negating substances from his bag - acid. Thankfully this is effective, and they can regroup. They struggle to decide whether to begin digging their way out, to rest or to press on. Coraline scout the area, finding a larger cave system and at least one giant centipede. They decide retrieve Remy and Ayanda, hold up in a side tunnel and hope that they are not discovered. Zim manages to brew up some helpful substances and the guards are brought back to functional levels. Trapped in a dangerous cave system, after a tense night, they move out... Coraline scouts the surrounding caverns and finds, what may be, the hub of activity for the derro. She notes a large cage, hanging from the ceiling, that is piled with semi-conscious bodies. In amongst them, she spots Anselar. With their immediate course of action clear, the group sets out to free their companion. First, they must pass through a cavern with two of the derro and their giant centipede mounts. The group surprises them. One derro cannot make it to his mount and even though the other rides his up the walls, some of the group are under the influence of Spider Climb, meeting him on equal footing. They defeat the combatants and skirt around the second centipede (who seems to have little interest in them). They assault the main lab. The derro, release a flesh golem to aid them and Zimburchem manages to accidentally destroy some of the vials on a table. The group is victorious and finds a way to lower the cage without further harm to the prisoners. Besides Anselar, the cage contains many of the missing people from the mining camp, including Arael. Unfortunately all seem to be in a fog, due to the ministrations of the derro. Zim can provide some restoration, bringing Anselar and Arael back up to proper consciousness. Arael's gratitude is fairly thin and he imperiously attempts to take charge, not realising who he is dealing with. They try to determine what to do with all the docile prisoners... Zimburchem speaks with apparent authority, identifying which of the derro's prisoners are guard by their weapon callouses. He administers the antidote to one of these guards to oversee the remaining unconscious prisoners. (Zim is bored by the extended decision making process and picks a plausible way to identify a guard. OOC this is clearly one of the prison colony's prisoners) Unwilling to leave Anselar's missing heirlooms (and intelligence boosting headband) they decide to explore the rest of the cave system. Coraline scouts, finding a few small rooms and a corridor which must end in a larger room as she hears quite a number of voices coming from it. They decide to clear out the smaller rooms. One has a cell containing more people from the colony. There is another area closed off with bars. The group dispatches the lone derro and two active centipedes, in this pen, without much incident. They beat a hasty retreat when it becomes apparent that the large spheres in the room are centipede eggs that have started to hatch. They lock the pen behind themselves. Exploring another small room they see a number of large pits. Luckily, they also notice that one of the stalactites in the room is actually some sort of creature. It is quickly blinded, but knows its surroundings well enough to target a damaging spell that encompasses most of the group. It also releases two loud shouts that attract the attention of the derro in the room down the corridor. They drop a pit, off of a robe of useful items, to block the room entrance and dispatch the creature. Arael takes it upon himself to rescue some of the people who, it turns out, are being held in the pits. These seem to be genuine prison colony guards (who have also been affected by the toxin). Derro quickly appear to fight the group. They have readied their ranged weapons, shooting and blinding some the few derro who have appeared. However, one escapes, calling for help and dragging fallen comrades, saying something about having them raised as meat walls. Having bought themselves a few minutes, they try to come up with a plan. They are very light on arrows, spells and knowledge of their adversaries. How much of a hornets nest have they stirred up? Will their story end in a dark mine in the middle of nowhere? Zim hands over, to Coraline, an invisibility infusion and a potion that will detect thinking minds. Coraline will scout while the rest cross the pit and prepare, including explaining (again) to Remy where she is. Anselar tries to make the pants that he has borrowed from Morgram look presentable. Coraline finds 4 Derro in the outer cavern and a horrific lab in the inner cavern. This inner sanctum of the leader of the derro, houses the zombiefied rock troll that they faced earlier, along with two corpses of the derro. The leader, some kind of necromancer(possibly) is preparing the bodies. One is on a table with arms that move on command. There is also something with a thinking mind under some clothing, in a corner, and a woman who is chained to a wall. She has been extensively infected with the fungus that is the basis for the derros' poison. Coraline also spots Anselar's backpack. She decides to make the attempt to grab it. Her timing and stealth are up to the challenge. Deciding not to push her luck she rushes back to the group. Anselar is very glad to have some of his possesions returned to him. (Unfortunately these do not include his pants). As the outer room Derro are near the door, and Coraline is still invisible, they quickly devise a successful tactic. The group will sneak to a point where they can rush in (under the effects of a Haste from Morgram), Coraline will drop a smokestick at the entrance and they can be on the Derro before they can fire their poisoned crossbows. The plan works flawlessly. Quickly regrouping, they decide to draw the inhabitants of the other room into the joining corridor, then deploy another Robe of Useful Items pit to slow them and possibly trap one of these enemies. They all rush through the hairpin, descending corridor to the entrance, not having properly discussed who would be drawing out the foes. This causes Coraline to almost commit to immediate melee, thinking that the party has abandoned the plan. Aremcesca manages to quickly convey that she is only providing for a safe retreat and disaster is (mostly) averted. Unfortunately the hotheaded Olveria has overextended herself and finds herself unconscious in the first few seconds of combat. The figure under the pile of clothes is a Chelaxian soldier with a prominent fungal growth on his head. He, with the zombie-troll are formidable. The rest are able to retreat, as planned, with the soldier blinded by Zim's bomb and the pit placed in the corridor. Anselar, sporting his re-aquired headband that boosts his already staggering intellect and (still) Morgram's spare pants, unleashes a devastating fireball. They regroup at the top of the corridor, ready to unleash whatever they have left on these formidable foes. Zim and Fiosa (the small members of the group) spend some time dragging a table to the rear of the group, to use as a platform for seeing over the heads of all the 'tall' people. A noise and grunt is heard from around the corner. When the table is in place and the enemy still has not shown their faces (all of half a minute) Zim declares that it is taking too long and begins to head back down. Aremcesca is able to delay him for a few moments, but his impatience takes over. He hustles to the edge of the pit, seeing the soldier has fallen in and that the others are out of sight in the room. He takes a shot at the soldier, missing. However, the necromancer(?) appears to unleash a lightening bolt and the troll makes a charging leap over the pit, slamming him backwards. Zim decides that this may not be the best place for him and runs back to the group. They find themselves on the wrong end of another lightening bolt and a large troll-zombie. Coraline delivers a drow-poison laden blow that is too much for the head derro and Anselar's magic is the nail in the coffin of the troll. Realising that there might be active undead who would attack the chained prisoner, absent other instruction, the rush back down. There are impressive leaps over the pit, by all who attempt them except for Ayanda, who slams into the side and has to defend herself from the blind soldier. Coraline strays to close to the table covered in arms and is grappled and begins to be strapped down. She deftly slips these bonds with the moves of a master escape artist. They manage to subdue the skeletons (one the fresh corpse of Olveria) and save the chained woman. Unfortunately the fungus has spread and taken root in such a manner that she is too far gone to save. However, the soldier, the prison warden, is still in an early enough stage to save. They gather up whatever useful and valuable items that they can find (including some very interesting alchemical substances for Zimburchem) and return to the first group of rescued prisoners. 12 of the 15 are dead and the 'guard' is nowhere to be found. They gather up the remaining prisoners and guards from the various caverns and head to the cave-in to begin digging their way out. The cave-in has been cleared...from the outside. They go back to the fort and leave when their hired ship returns, taking all the survivors back to the mainland. As Arael arrived at the colony after the main abduction, he is able to return with the group with none the wiser. The voyage home is fairly uneventful. Remy is seasick again, Zim is studying and brewing potions. Coraline celebrates her birthday on board - The officers and crew put on a show and the sailors receive an extra grog ration. Upon their arrival at the mayoral manor, Morgram is greeted by a stack of letters. All have been opened, but this has not been hidden, out of respect for dwarven culture. He exclaims at some and is speechless for others. His stalker will be returning in days, having completed his geas (finding Zingleburp Bembledak - Zim's apprentice). That day will also be Morgram's birthday party he hands a request list to the majordomo. He has also received a letter from lawyers who are persuing ways to retrieve a hundred year's worth of Six Trials of Larazod royalties. They have been paid to his ex-wife. (Also, his marriage was never officially annuled) And just one more thing....Morgram has a daughter. She is also a performer and believes that he is an imposter. After musing over the possible implications of all this news, the group discusses ideas for dealing with the ghost of Anselar's father. Leaving the decision to Anselar, they put his top choice into action: He will ask his fiance's family to allow him to raise her from the grave, satisfying his father's wishes and, hopefully, sending him on to the afterlife. They have learned that she died a few years after they were put into stasis, after she became an adherent of Desna. Anselar and his entourage arrive at the gates of the fiance's family estate, only to be rebuffed as they have not made an appointment. They agree to return in the afternoon. Anselar presents his idea to the great-(x a few) grand nephew, who is the current head of the household. He is very pleasant, but asks what Anselar plans to do about the fact that she would have a stronger claim on the family than the current head. This had not occured to Anselar. They both agree to investigate the issue and meet again in a week. After some small talk the group leaves. Remy is visited in the night by Chamady. She gives Remy a few assignments - including guarding the abandoned Pathfinder lodge for one day in the near future. She also tells Remy that the fiance's family has increased the guards on their crypt. Chamady offers to retrieve the body, but when Remy goes to ask Anselar he refuses. The next day they investigate the second choice: Trick Lord Harth's ghost into thinking that the wedding has taken place or hold a fake one in front of him. Morgram and Coraline visit the bank manager/cleric and ask him if this will work. After some studying, his opinion is that it will not work. Independently, Zim checks with Fiosa and Arael. They come to the same conclusion. They do manage to proseletise to him about Iomedae. He also hands Arael a bag of cash to buy himself a basement lab and crash pad in Arael's inn/tavern. With their first plans coming to naught, they decide to change tack. They will destroy the ghost, retrieve his remains and ressurect him. Perhaps if he has another shot at life, he will give up his obsession with Anselar's marriage. They research, equip and prepare. Coraline has a Ghost Touch weapon, Remy is able to find one for sale and Zimburchem is able to construct a spagyric version of a longsword for Ayanda (Remy's bodyguard). They all wear spoked goggles to resist his gaze and Coraline goes as far as having herself deafened to make herself immune to his moan. They confront the ghost, Anselar tells him the plan, under the effects of Abidar's Truth Telling (from a scroll purchased for this purpose) in hopes that his father wil not fight them. They manage to convince him and the ghost attempts to suppress his natural urge to fight them. His success is sporadic and one strike comes close to killing Anselar, but they prevail. They also make short work of the giant spider in the adjacent room. They retrieve Lord Harth's remains and find a way to transport the treasures that are in the building. Fiosa is confident that, after the experiences they have had, that she can handle channeling the energies of the scroll. So, they head to the Gargling Gargoyle, empty at this time of day, and resurrect Lord Harth. He is less than impressed with the state of the Harth House in general and Anselar in particular. He is handsome and urbane(and not especially modest) and Coraline seems somewhat interested in him - whether this is genuine or simply noble flirtation is still to be seen. They have made sure that Lord Harth has a room at the Gargoyle and Anselar decides to inform Darvino Rosala that they will not need to follow through on the proposed plan to resurrect his great- (x many) aunt (Sandrine). As they approach the house, Armon Rosala and his guards race towards them. Anselar has killed his father and stolen Sandrine's body - at least this is what he thinks. Anselar disappears before they can lay their hands on him. They try to convince Armon that Anselar could not have done what he thinks he did, but he does not seem to believe them. They invite him to Morgram's party to talk it out, but suspect that he will be spoiling for a duel. It is getting late to be traveling the streets, but the eventually make it back to the mayor's mansion without encountering any Dottari our shadow beasts. Lord Harth is there, in conference with the mayor. Coraline casually passes near the door, but neither catches their attention, nor manages to hear their conversation. Harth is given a room in the mansion. The next day is Morgram's birthday party. Vuiper Ghival contacts Morgram via a sending to ask if he may bring his girlfriend, Chammady Drovenge. Even though Morgram had specifically instructed that she not be invited, he relents. Preparations take the day and the guests arrive in the early evening. All have gone to extremes to make their costumes (theme: 4601) either accurate or noteworthy and their gifts equal them in every way. Costumes include House robes in startlingly accurate styling to a hundred years ago, Asmodeus in Waiting (from the second most powerful man in the city) and a gold lame number from the highest ranking cleric of Mammon in the city. The gifts include an expensive Mammon scroll, beard wax, a symbol of Abidar with an offer of clerc training, and a keg of Des Applethorn's beer. Adamus, to Morgram's relief, does not appear. Neither does Zingleburpbembledak to mixed feelings from Zim. However, someone does dress as Zingleburpbembledak and there are a few awkward minutes when Zim attacks him. Other highlights include, Lord Harth being announced as the new deputy mayor and a fireworks display. One of the Bastards also appears at the back door, with the news that they will be throwing their own party at noon, the next day. The Bastards of Erebus threw an enormous going away party (having recently come into a great deal of money) and invited the heroes. It came out that after Palaveen's death the Bastards (now under Dravano's leadership) started answering to a slip named Abertin. When the heroes realized that not only was Abertin not invited to the party but he wasn't even officially informed that the Bastards were leaving town, they began to be concerned with security. Taking the initiative, they made sure that the Andoran ship transporting the tieflings to Magnimar was legitimate, and then ensured that everyone made it aboard safely. They wished the Bastards well, and also said goodbye to Amaya who was sailing on the same vessel in order to locate family up north. The next day is the scheduled guard duty, arranged by Aremcesca, at the closed Pathfinder lodge. Of course, they decide to explore. They set the gate locks to appear as if they are still in place (from a decent distance) and bypass the traps leading up to the front door. They make it into the entrance hall without incident, discovering a plinth, that is missing its dinosaur display, and a number of paintings that have been ripped (possibly by claws). Zimburchem soon becomes bored and opens the nearest door. The room beyond is covered in spiderwebs. Seeing the perfect opportunity, he summons up some flames and proceeds, burning away the webs. The group soon follows. The find a hall with an inscription that seems to indicate that they will need to proceed along a corridor in pairs. Not wanting to risk having misunderstood and suffering a lightening bolt, they pull some mules off of robes of useful items and send them down. The mules make it to the end and split up. Mule screams soon eminate from one of them. The group rushes down the hallway, two-by-two, leaving Areal behind. When he attempts to follow, he is teleported back to the entrance. They find the missing dinosaur. They dispatch it by the time Areal finds an alternate route through the library. The dinosaur is in a room with a large, very dirty, aquarium. Zim and Morgram are in favour of smashing it and riding the waves, while Anselar favours investigating the library. While a boat from the robes is prepared, Anselar becomes magically fascinated by a book and is permanently slightly altered. He is rescued and the aquarium is smashed, resulting in a disappointing ride. The continue searching, finding a room of entomological specimens. These quickly come to life, harming those who have entered the room. Some escape by going back out the way they came in, while morgram opens the only other door and runs through that. They also find a room of statues. They expect a trap, but don't manage to spring any. However, they are attacked by a weird assortment of tiny animated objects. These objects race from ventilation and drainage ducts to do small amounts of damage before returning to their ducts in a flash. Zim is enamoured with what looks like a tiny clockwork dragon but is unable to capture it. Racing through the insect-room they head down the stairs. Anselar is overcome with what seems like a minor relapse of whatever ailed him on the prison island, so asks that they leave him in the realtive safety of this out of the way stairway. At the end, they find a large room filled with model ships, all of which have been damaged in some way. Wary, Morgram scans the room for magic, from the landing. There is a single source, coming from a ship, halway into the room. Coraline checks for traps in the area just inside the doorway, but finds none. She decides to move quickly to the magic ship, pick it up and race back. Nothing happens when she picksup the model, but on her way back she is overcome by visions of Bizby (the famous explorer) and his companion arguing and fighting. She begins to speak both sides of their argument and stays in place. Remy tries to grab her and drag her out of the room. Coraline's (not a ninja) training makes her difficult to get ahold of, even in this reverie. Remy begins to see the same vision, but manages to keep control of herself and eventually grapple Coraline to safety. The sail is the magical part of the ship - a Breath of Life scroll. They head back through the bug room, exploring further down the corridor, finding the Pathfinder's bar. Someone has cobbled together a small table and chairs on the bartop. All the bottles are empty and smashed. Morgram detects some magic in the bar counter itself. Handed an axe by Remy, he goes to work, smashing all the potions hidden in the secret compartment. Remy teases Morgram, causing him to stalk off in a huff. He is promptly attacked by another of the animated objects from the duct system - a Mwangi fetish. Zim runs to see it, too late, but he is attacked by his friend the clockwork dragon. He is unable to catch it once again. Some searching reveals a secret door behind the bar. Following these back ways, they find a secret entrance to the other side of the model-ship room as well as a hidden sitting room. Convinced that there must be further secret doors in this sitting room, Zim pulls on every book in the bookcases, in turn. There is no secret door. They leave this room and the last branch of the secret corridor leads to a room with a smashed statue, what is probably its alcove, and a unique mosaic on the floor. They are fairly confident that this is to facilitate teleportation. The smashed statue is a mystery, although they assume that it was animated at some time and was destroyed in battle. This room opens to the main corridors. An ominous, large set of doors is also across the corridor. A noise from the bar draws their attention. Vahnwynne Malkistra, the elf who asked them all to drink holy water in the Gargling Gargoyle, is also searching Delvehaven. She is a vampire hunter and believes that there is a nest somewhere in its depths. There is a brief conversation, in which she enlists their help. Zim pokes her in the side to get her attention and she recoils, saying that she does not like to be touched. He can tell that she is under the effects of an illusion, but as this is a fairly common thing for nobles and people of wealth to do, to supplement makeup and tailoring, he does not mention it. While the group argues over whether to follow her, ally with her or leave her to her own devices, she leaves and enters the room beyond the large set of doors. They follow after a little while but Vahnwynne is nowhere to be seen. This room has an archway surrounded by (what Coraline identifies as) the Azlanti alphabet. Zim assumes that this is some sort of coded lock and presses on of the letters. It lights up, but not having any idea as to what the word or phrase might be, he looks for a clue. The other feature of the room is a desk and section of floor which appear to have been carved from a single piece of stone. Suspicious, Coraline examines it in minute detail, discovering that it is a trapdoor. She triggers the mechanism that lifts it, revealing the stairs below. When she satisfies herself that there is another opening mechanism below, and that both she and Zim can open it, they all enter the passage and Coraline replaces the desk. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they see vault doors that appear to have been smashed open from the inside. As they move towards the doors, they are ambushed. First weaker thralls and then a number of tattooed vampire leaders appear. During the skirmish, Vahnwynne appears. She assists the group, but the vampires and their minions seem to expect her to help them. Things become clearer when Areal channels positive energy to harm the evil creatures and Vahnwynne is hurt as well. She continues to assist the rest of the party, but summons a large swarm to attack Areal. One by one the vampires turn to mist and fly off in various directions. Vahnwynne accuses Areal of being a vampire. Some of the group try to tell her that she must be a vampire, while others attempt to play into her (possible) delusion, saying that Areal is a useful ally for the moment. She leaves them through a side door. They take a moment to regroup, deciding whether to press on or leave, rest and make more preparations. Anselar rejoins the group, worse for wear and out of sorts at having been left behind. He also has two suspicious looking puncture wounds on his neck. Coraline splashes him with holy water to no effect. Zimburchem finishes the invisibility infusion that he was brewing and proceeds to the door that Vahnwynne left through. It opens to a room (not the corridor he had expected) and Vahnwynne is unimpressed at being disturbed. Zim ducks behind the door jamb, drinks the invisibility potion and throughs a dispelling bomb at her. It seems to have no effect. He had hoped to suppress her illusion to prove that she was deluded about not being a vampire. Coraline has moved to the door during this time and (when the vampire vampire-hunter attacks) she and the others help to defend Zim. He surrenders, but when Vahnwynne restrains him, he cannot overcome his phobia and struggles (unsuccessfully) to break free. During the fight she tries to bite him, but he manages to avoid this. Arael and Coraline do a combo of oil and magical flame to set the conveniently human-sized wooden box aflame and the group all take Vahnwynne down. She turns to mist and returns to her 'coffin', only to be finally burnt. (She apparently had flame resistance cast on herself, but this is the spell that Zim's bomb had neutralised). Zim runs away when he is free. Morgram follows upstairs to heal him and pours out some alchemists fire to bring him out of his near catatonia. Anselar seems to know a fair bit about vampires and so they hasten to find the coffins of the vampires within the hour before they can revive themselves. Two of the three are quickly found within some of the sarcophagi in the rooms of this sub-basement level. They are easy to dispatch with the magically-silvered weapons. The rooms on this level house, amongst other things, a ruined library (Vahnwynne's room) and a room with old and ancient significant treaties (Some may be real, some replicas). The most interesting room seems to be the three-doored vault. As they proceed down the corridor towards it, they find a rough tunnel that leads off to the side, but dead ends. They can find no secret entrance from it. They speculate that someone may have been trying to dig their way out. Approaching the room they can see a couple of items on display near the centerpiece - a large shining eagle head. When they get closer, it suddenly flashes and many of them are blinded - all are hurt. A retreat is called and Coraline leads them out, towards the main doors of Delvehaven. Zim pipes up that he can heal them. With liberal applications of infusions of Cure Blindness and Alchemical Allocation-ed potions of the same [lovingly(?) referred to as 'backwash potions' by the players] they are back on their feet. They choose to leave the vault for the moment, possibly doing it just before they leave or returning later, instead returning to exploring. They find a room with a skeleton, sitting on a couch with a sign warning against stealing from it. They, of course, enter to see what might be worth taking. The skull rises from the neck, berating the thieves, summoning up two shadowy creatures. It's words, along with the visions in the ship-room make it clear that this is Bisby. Remy, Coraline and Anselar dispatch the creatures and the skull. However, the skull will not stay broken for long. Capturing it, they take it downstairs to the pentagram and use a Grave Tallow Candle to gather some information. They are able to get the name of the eagle head artifact (Morrowfall) and some related information from the skull. While in this room, the clockwork dragon attacks Zim again. He manages to catch it and, braving bites and flame breath, manages to wrestle it into a drawer in the stone desk. He will have to think of a way to transport it later. After some research, the library, upstairs, provides more information about the Aohl. Putting the pieces together, it seems that Bisby and his companion brought an artifact (The Aohl) back from their last expedition. It consisted of two complimentary parts that cancel out each others powers - Morrowfall and Totemrix. His partner wanted his share and so the artifact was split into its component parts. They speculate that, because the Morrowfall is about light, the other is about darkness/shadow and is probably connected to the shadow beasts that roam Westcrown. This makes the Morrowfall even more important. In the library certain books still call to individual members of the group. As Anselar was not permanently enthralled by his book, Zim reads his. Morgram fearful and resists. Excited by the vivid transference of memories, Zim tries to read Morgram's while the others research, but is thwarted. Zim very much wants to get his hands on the artifact before they leave, so volunteers to go and get it. Hasted, Enlarged (so he can reach), with a rope tied to him and wearing smoked goggles; he races to shove the Morrowfall into a bag before it can seriously damage him. As he touches it to put it away, the bright light dies down. Now that they have their hands on it, Zim remembers a legend that his apprentice told him, long ago, about this very artifact and the extraordinary things that it is supposed to be able to do. [In this campaign we get a Paizo Plot Twist Card at each level. One of these is what allowed Zim to glean this information despite not being Good. When using the effect, we provide a flashback/piece of backstory that relates to it, per the suggestions on the card. In this one Zingleburpbembledak was always a fount of new stories for Zimburchem, which is part of why Zim kept him around] Having found the rumoured powerful item below the Pathfinder lodge, they discuss whether to leave or explore the upper floors in the weakened state. Deciding that this may be their only chance to explore Delvehaven, they decide to finish with the upper floors. Some rooms have nothing of great note. When they reach the kitchens, Zim decides to rapidly open all the cupboards. As they bang open an animated doll jumps out in front of him. Unable to affect him with its gaze it runs back into the ducts - Zim declares himself the winner of the staring contest. The ovens appear to have been bricked up at some point after the close of Delvehaven, so they decide to see what might be behind them. Zim decides (is forced by obsessive nature) to use his acids to remove a single brick without damaging the brick. Remy chooses to break the other oven open with a pry-bar. The results are: a perfect hole in a wall with nothing behind it and a broken wall with nothing behind it. Leaving through the tradesman's entrance, they see a foot bridge over a courtyard. The fact of the courtyard and its unkempt state are determined by Morgram (dwarf) standing on the shoulders of Zim (gnome). The bridge connects the rest of Delvehaven to a domed building. They head back inside and search the (fairly uninteresting) guest rooms, upstairs. There is a massive explosion very far away. Everyone runs to windows. There is a towering mushroom cloud, which looks to be on the opposite side of the city. Quite possibly at the Korradath. Zim quickly goes from excited to dejected as he realises that he has missed it and that the best will be long done by the time that they can get there. While the others discuss whether to finish exploring and how to get to the explosion site, Zim chooses to, at least, run over the rickety bridge that they saw earlier. He first enters a room with a strange watery duplicate of himself. It continues to copy him and, after several cries of "Stop copying me!" he throws his final bomb at it. This is a mistake. It attacks him and only the swift intervention of the group saves him. Unperturbed, he continues on to the bridge, intending to stick his head in the other building while the decisions are made. About three-quarters of the way across, it begins to give way and much to Zim's delight he is able to make a running dive just as it falls. Irked, Anselar teleports the group, sans Arael, across the gap. The domed building contains a meeting hall surrounded by a balcony. It also contains a very aggressive floating skull. Using the powers of the Morrowfall against it makes it obvious that it is not undead, which is confusing to them. After its defeat, they discover that it is, in fact, a will-o-wisp. They find that they table in this hall can be raised and lowered magically, but nothing else of note. They decide that given how far away the explosion site is, it will be better to take a detour to the mayoral manor to borrow some form of transport. They find the mayor and Lord Ursio Harth arguing about whether to go to the site or leave it to the police. Zim runs up to Ursio and grabs his hand, insisting that he take them there immediately. The mayor is reluctant to let Morgram go, but soon, they are all huddled in a group, ready to go. Lord Harth shifts them into the shadow plane and, able to move many times faster than usual, they race towards the Korradath. They encounter a ship crewed by shadow denizens who will take them across the water. A number of them have bad feelings about it and they realise that, with their accelerated movement, they can cross while holding their breath. They approach what used to be the site of the Korradath or, at least, its shadow counterpart. It is a smoking crater. Imps and devils circle above it and shadow human casualties are everywhere. Under flying spells, they all approach to glean what information they can. Imps approach, willing to trade their service for information about what happened. Later, the devils offer that knowledge to the group, but their prices are too high. The group decends to investigate before the sea, which is now encroaching on the position, quickly fills the new hole. They notice the entrance to the shadow temple of Mammon - the counterpart of the one that some of them investigated earlier, in the 'real' world. Distracted, they investigate the temple, finding it much more grandiose than the one they saw but ultimately not the most important thing of the moment. With the shadow plane having yielded the small amount of information that it can, they shift to the skies above the crater in the prime plane. Here, the group's engineering knowledge allows them to figure out that the building collapsed in - it was not blown out. They also determine that the energy came from magic, not alchemy. Anselar determines that the only thing could have achieved this is a spell which is beyond what even the most powerful of mortal should be able to achieve. Having solved as much of the puzzle as they can, Zim notes that there are hurt people all around and that they can do something about that. Chammady Drovenge, who is helping to organise rescue efforts, calls some of them over to help. The rescue continues for much of the day. Morgram coordinates a campaign of information gathering during the relief efforts. The group helps, talking to the injured as they heal and transport them. With this help, Morgram's fame and charm manages to cut through enough of the panic and misery to piece together most of what happened. However, the last bit of information, that ties some seemingly unrelated facts togehter comes from someone they thought they had seen the last of. [Using a plot point card to boost this gathering of information, along with hero points and all manner of other aid, Morgram was able to reach a ridiculous level. The card prompted a plot point involving "true love", so: ] As Morgram lifts a damage and groaning body from the rubble, he turns the person over and locks eyes with...Adamus!. Last seen in a rowboat without oars, heading out into the ocean, everyone thought they had seen the last of Morgram's stalker. Looking down into the battered face, even Morgram must admit that, even if he does not share the feeling, Adamus is not simply obsessed, he is in love. Morgram feels that he cannot simply give Adamus the slip, as he usually would. This eventually pays off, unexpectedly, with the insight he is looking for. The deed was done by a powerful demon/devil in the skies above the Korradath calling down meteors. It was summoned with the use of a summoning candle, bought by Lord Ghival, but given to his girlfriend...Chammady Drovenge. Morgram's suspicions have finally been fully confirmed, although only by hearsay. As part of the ongoing information gathering, they find that large numbers of the usual occupants of the Korradath were away for various reasons: a court case where many were called as witnesses, department information gathering trips, a retirement celebration, etc. In fact, it seems that those who were left were only there by accident or because they chose not to participate in some outside activity. So, it seems that Chammady was trying to minimise casualties, but not enough to call it off when she could not clear the building. They speculate as to what purpose this attack might serve. The most popular theory, given the other activities that they know she has been involved in, is that she is trying to sow chaos. Remy reminds them that she had reavealed that Chammady is trying to unseat the old guard of the Council of Thieves and that this would serve that purpose. [Most of the players had forgotten that we had received this confirmation, and for some it had been subsumed into their general distrust of Chammady] Coraline calls for the imps that had offered their in exchange for the name of the person/people responsible for the attack. Terms are discussed, but no bargain is struck. Exhuasted, they head back to Remy's family home, rather than the mayoral manor, as it is much closer and night is approaching. As they settle for the night, Remy hears a thump against her door. It is Ayanda's body, unceremoniously dumped there by Zim, after he rediscovers it in their group's bag of holding. The next morning is to be Lord Ursio Harths 's tour of the facilities beneath the Mayor's mansion. Part of the terms of his service as vice-mayor involved the signing of an infernal contract that require that he provide for the maintenance of these facilities. He has invited Anselar to accompany him and left room for those others who wish to follow, to follow. Of course, this has been on the list of things to do for some time so they are all eager to take this opportunity. They speak to the supervisor, interview some of the workers and begin their tour. The workers are all indentured tieflings. They have been promised full citizenship after 20 years of service. Most do not make it due to death from injury or disease, but some few have. However, it seems that the promised reward was not forthcoming and that those who did survive were made to continue to work until their deaths. There is one who is currently serving who has passed this milestone. Some of the group are unhappy with this state of affairs and resolve to correct it. The first part of this basement include an armoury of well maintained, but ordinary weapons. A secret door is also found, which leads to a trapped fox-creature. Driven insane by it's imprisonment (presumably) it attacks. It is surprisingly challenging, draining the abilities of the group, but it is ultimately defeated without any other casualties. There is another exit to its lair, down a tunnel. This is also covered by a secret door which gives Coraline a little trouble. It opens to a large, multi-storied room, which houses some of the machinery of the place. They head back to the basement entrance area to continue their tour. The supervisor had never been past the area that they were now entering, so could not give them any helpful information. A corridor which has electricity arcing on points along it is quickly bypassed with the Dimension Doors or Anselar and Ursio. The (not so) friendly rivalry between father and son prompts Ursio to note that he can still carry more people with him that Anselar can. They find rooms with large containers of a bubbling red substance that, while it seems like blood, is not blood. Engineering and arcana lead them to believe that the machinery is cooling this substance. Zim is excited by the prospect of seeing the machine that handles and/or produces the level of energy that would require this. Following the corridors, they find multiple cooling pools, each after an equal distance along the descending, spiralling path. Each is at least two stories high. Between two of these, they encounter a Lich Shade - one of the former mayors. He is uninterested in talking and they end his undeath before continuing. The last chamber has a cracked container, leaking its water into the chamber and through another crack in the wall. Entering the room, they find that it has another feature, a water elemental. However, this elemental consists of water from the River Styx; which results in some formidable abilities. When it is eventually dispatched, they set a temporary fix on the large container with a door from Remy's Robe of Useful Items. They make their way to the end of the spiral and find the fiend who powers the mansion, holding court with his squabbaling retinue of devils. They pass a few polite minutes with the fiend, who seems quite willing to share information and a tour of his section of the spiral with whoever is a signatory of the service contract...as long as they have the contract in their possession. Lord Harth determines that he will return at a later date. On the way out they check for secret doors and find some hidden connecting tunnels, but no further captured spirit creatures. Beaten and fatigued, the spend the remainder of the day resting, healing and (in private) discussing what they will do at Chammady's party and how they will ultimately deal with her. Remy favours a plan called "Seduce and Stab" (most of the players like this one as well). They decide that they will probably not make their move at the party, but will attend for the sake of appearances, if nothing else. The next day finds them one of two groups at the party - the other being all the sitting members of the Council of Thieves. They note that Chammady speaks to each of the Council, one by one during the evening. She seems more upset after each meeting. She also meets with Remy and seems genuinely distraught that so many died in the attack on the Korradath. An outburst by Chammady seems to indicate that she did it at the behest of, or possibly in support of her brother. There is also strong suspicion that her brother is a tiefling and that all this mayhem is to allow her to gain enough political power to change the lot of tieflings in the city. These revelations do little to alter the decision to stop her, but they do indicate to the group that they may need to track down her brother first. Remy asks the group to hold on moving on Chammady until after her party and goes off to complete preparations. The group takes the opportunity to try to tie up some loose ends. Zim shows off his new friend (a homunculus familiar) that he made himself. He will not tell Zim his real name yet and is making him guess. [This has nothing to do with the fact that the player (me) is awful at coming up with names] Morgram has received a letter from, Crube, the owner of the Bottomless Keg. He had offered Morgram free drinks for life but, because Morgram had so many other interesting thing to do, he had completely forgotten about it. Crube thinks that he may have offended Morgram in some way. This impression is driven home in light of the fact that Morgram's daughter is putting on a show across the street, but is having the nightly, after-show revelries at another establishment. Also, the intermission refreshments are being provided by someone else. Morgram cannot disappoint a fan (or pass up a free drink for very long) so they all go and speak to Crube. Morgram suggests that he can provide entertainment in house, hopefully drawing in a greater crowd. The subject of whether dwarf women have beards is discussed at length. Next they head to the Sisters of Eisith in the banned, Parego Dospera section of Westcrown. Not wanting to use their usual method of rowing around the wall, they decide to try to bluff or bribe their way past the Dottari guards. Zim creates a distraction for one guard while Coraline talks to the other. He is remarkably pliable, asking only for a recommendation, to the mayor, that he be moved to a superior posting. The reason for his helpfulness becomes evident when he shows them one of the many crumbling sections of the wall. [We simply never checked what sort of state it was in] As Coraline (not a ninja-assassin) had been offered membership years before, she has fairly good information on the Sisterhood. With this, and the group's knowledge of what this quarter used to hold, they are able to find the most likely spots and search for the headquarters. After Coraline is rebuffed at the door, Zim tries his hand at the subtle art of diplomacy ("Let me in!"). He picks the lock on the door, while everyone else backs away. The door feels warm, so everyone backs further away. He barrels in, met not with the fireball that was expected, but by a furnace room. A fire elemental emerges from the furnace to attack, along with some of the assassins. Zim blinds the elemental and cooler heads prevail. They will not reveal the client who sent them to harass Zim. In fact, they very quickly usher all the men out. Coraline stays to talk to them and Zim leaves his new friend with her so that the rest of the group will have some idea as to what is going on. Coraline is non-committal regarding joining up with them now. She convinces Zim to relent and remove the blindness from the elemental. Next they go to see their friendly, neighbourhood cleric / banker / terrorist's-boyfriend. They want to heal the screaming head from the Chelish Crux. The best option seems to be a scroll of Harm, which he will provide. They will have Fiosa cast it for them and leave him none the wiser. He promises to send it to the mayor's mansion. They go back to the mansion. On arrival, Morgram is informed that the mayor is upstairs, in his new performance space, with Morgram's daughter. (Morgram did not know of her existence until just a few weeks before) Morgram, feeling that he should make a good first impression, asks if anyone has anything to help fully sober him up after the indulgence at the Bottomless Keg. Anselar obliges with multiple doses of disguised liquor. The meeting is somewhat strained. The mayor is talking to Ingra about what she will require for her performance at the mansion when they arrive and Morgram does not acquit himself very well. They also discover that Ingra is not an opera singer, but a burlesque dancer. The subject of female dwarf beards and shaving is briefly raised when Zim notices that Ingra has none. The head is restored to undead sanity. She is grateful to be rational again and willing to help with any information she has. It seems that most of the most immediately relevant knowledge is regarding Dhelvehaven (a few days too late), the fallout of the Amber Privateers and some of the specifics about the Totemrix . She also reveals that she is/was an erinye, the very thing that the members of the Sisterhood revere. Zim tries to convince her to help him pry information from them, but she offers to teach him the value of rules, instead. During their discussions about the history of the Amber Privateers and the Totemrix, they confirm that the shadow-beasts must be relatively close to it. This means that it must be in the city. They consider various magical means of narrowing their search and eventually settle on Fiosa helping with a divination. As Ingra is staying at the mayor's home, breakfast is tense the next morning. Morgram is sober for this meeting, though. The divination is cast and they receive the following: Take a boat but not too far. Descend below the club That once was Founder’s social bar But now is lost in shrub. [a bit of verse that tbug came up with quite quickly] They remember that the Founder's clubs were somewhat exclusive bars / social clubs, ostensibly to honour the Founders. The wrack their memories and, amongst them, come up with the locations from before their stasis. They visit the locations and, across the water, in the Rego Corna, the find a still-standing but overgrown club. Entering the grounds, the fearful howls of shadow-beasts send all but Morgram running. They regroup and prepare to try to make their way in... Session 31: "What do you mean that's not the way the module expected us to go? " Thinking better of it, they head to the Dioso's home to rest for the night and recruit Remy to their cause. The night passes uneventfully, except for the vicious stabbing death of Lucio Dioso. They are woken by the screams of the servant who has found him. Morgram calms her while Coraline and Zimburchem investigate the scene. They find very little in the way of clues. Tacito, the brand new head of house Dioso, seems fairly unfazed by the death of his father. While this seems slightly suspicious at first, they are quickly convinced that this is simply because there was little love lost between them. Remy tries to talk to him about a different change of leadership, to her, but he is much more interested in the woman of negotiable affection warming his bed. Remy chases her away and eventually manages to schedule an appointment with Tacito, for them both to view the paperwork that would support his line's claim to the House. In the morning, since there are several hours before the meeting, they head back to the Founders Club. This time, with judicious use of earplugs, they manage to resist the howls of the shadow mastiffs and engage them on the grounds. The fight is in amongst the shrubs at the side of the building. Zim is tripped and pulled into the bushes but the dogs are defeated fairly quickly. They search the surrounding grounds for other ways into/under the building, rather than going through the front doors. A hole, that is determined to be a cesspit is found. They discuss ways to get down without being dunked in foul water and to determine the layout below ground. Not thinking that there is any immediate danger, Zim has his homunculus familiar, Pyro, fly down into the hole. He quickly returns, severely wounded by the multiple slices of something fast-moving in the dark. Anselar sends a Fireball down in retaliation and they decide to charge in, hoping that if the thing is not dead, it will be surprised by their appearance via Dimension Door, giving them the upper hand. Morgram will jump down, saved by his Feather Fall ring. He copies the look of one of Coraline's leaping attacks on the way down. The shadowy demon has not been killed by the Fireball. However, after a few seconds Coraline lands a hit and the drow poison on the blade puts it to sleep. [This was one of many 1s and single digit numbers that tbug's traitorous dice delivered. They redeemed themselves in a big way in the next session, though] They drag themselves up onto the nearby ledge. There is little time for rest and cleaning, as the next room is home to three vampire spawn. Next there is a door where a shadow keeps appearing after being hit (or possibly multiple shadows are appearing, one after the other). The next room contains 4 shadow mastiffs but [thanks to those tricksy dice] they are quickly dispatched without fuss. They check one of the exits from the room and find that it opens onto water and has a rowboat partially pulled out of the water. Very quickly movement is spotted in the water and (without a chance to catch their breath) they are attacked by 3 chull. One is blinded and flees. One is taken down at the water line. The last is felled by an invisible Coraline. Morgram weighs down one end and Coraline runs along the edge of the boat, balances on the end delivers her attacks. Of course nobody sees this feat. They investigate one of the doors out of this room, but within moments five shadows appear, one on top of and inside the other. Their strength draining attacks land on Remy in quick succession. The majority of the group bunches together for a tactical dimension door by Anselar. Zim, who was not paying attention, runs up to help and is left behind when the spell goes off. He is attacked, strength drained and left for dead [hero points death save]. These shadows are defeated, but not before Remy is also taken to the brink of death by their strength draining effect. [another hero points death save] Someone calls for a withdrawal, but hearing more movement beyond the doors leading from this area, one is opened revealing a woman who gives the distinct impression that she might light a warm refreshing glass of every drop of their blood. Hearing their fight, a guard opens the other door. Zim battles this man – by blinding him and then fighting to keep his door from being locked. Zim fails just as Remy returns to help him. The vampire in the other room is tough and tricky, but cannot stand up to the superior numbers. She turns to mist and escapes through a door covered by illusion. An unknown group is arriving from the water entrance and, instead of leaving, Coraline and Zim work on activating the magical lock on the hidden door. Nobody wants to allow the vampire the time to start her rapid healing. The door is proving very difficult, so Anselar transforms to an earth elemental form to travel to the other side. Just as he arrives, team use-magic-device finally succeeds at opening it. Everyone rushes in and the close the door behind themselves. There is a corridor with something like a well at the end. They can see that the ground is 50ft down, but not much else. Anselar, still in the stone, moves to the ceiling of the room below and sees treasures, including a fairly nondescript spherical rock that rests on a pillow. He tries to lift this with Mage Hand. The large statue in an alcove moves and blasts him into unconsiousness. Morgram jumps down (Feather Fall ring). The statue (golem/demon?) unleashes a flurry of physical attacks, removing Morgram's Mirror Images and a large portion of his health. Morgram's acrobatics gets him to an alcove where he drinks a curative potion. Coraline and Remy have a plan to rescue the dwarf. They will drop the pit from Remy's robe of useful items under the enemy and Coraline will seal it with a door from her robe. This should give them the time to escape. Zim provides the Rope of Climbing. They get to the ground and Remy is killed by the flurry of attacks from the monstrous statue (Coraline is invisible. Morgram's futile run to save Remy results in him being the next to fall to the statue. Once Coraline has secured the bodies, she provides distraction for Zim's invisible, but not silent movements. He burning through his emergency potions, he flies to Anselar, curing him. Thankfully Anselar is still in elemental form and can move through the stone above. Coraline's distractions mean that Zim avoids being killed by the statue and he makes it back to the group. Anselar Dimension Doors the 3 people and 2 “objects” out onto the street. Having excaped, they plan how they will bring their companions back. They decide to go to the mayor's home first – he is a huge fan of Morgram and had offered to resurrect him if the Six Trials killed him. They hope the offer will still stand. Aremcesca Dioso, newly having declared her intention to lead House Dioso, will be more difficult. If it becomes public knowledge that she has been dead at any time, Tacito will have strong legal grounds to support his leadership claim. Worse, if he finds out before they can bring her back, House Dioso can claim her body and choose to leave her as she is. They head to the docks with the bodies in the Bag of Holding. They are stopped by two followers of Asmodeus, a Hellknight and an Inquisitor. The Hellknight has heard about some sort of disturbance at the Drovenge manor and assumes that these well-connected people must be going to the same place, as they are out and about so early. When they hear that the group is going to the mayor, they attach themselves to 'report' to him – the group decides that it will be too much trouble to pry these limpets loose. At the docks, they learn that there have been disturbances at quite a few noble houses during the night. Arriving at the mayor's, they learn that he, Crosael, and Ingra, have been kidnapped and many of the nobles of the city are missing or dead. The list includes all of the current members of the Council of Thieves. With this leadership vacuum, people are looking to the only noble in the manor, Sandrine, for leadership. Zim has become manic about raising Morgram and Remy, constantly pushing for the group not to waste time on “irrelevant questions”. They hustle to the bank/temple of Abidar as it is open on Wealday. There is already a queue waiting for the bank to open. Zim cannot stand another line and pays 25 people 10GP each to let them move to the front of the line. Lord Ghival reminds them that he is not powerful enough to raise the dead, but that he would be happy to procure a scroll or services for them. They also find out that the bank seems to have had a significant influx of ready cash. They ask him to arrange for a scroll to be sent to the mayor's as a backup for when that Morgram gets himself killed again (keeping Remy's death secret). At Asmodeus's temple, they are able to secure the services of a cleric to raise Morgram. After a very theatrical ceremony, Morgram is returned to them. They waste little time returning to the manor. There, Fiosa secretly raises Remy. There is a little time to gather themselves and some information about what has happened, but Remy wishes to attend her meeting, even though she is now hours late. Back at the temple of Asmodeus, they meet the man who has acted as her lawyer in her absence. He informs her, in private, that Chammady hired him to represent her interests and that once she signs the intimidating stack of papers that she will be the official leader of her house. She declines to sign it without reading it first, but finds that it is all in order when she reads it, back at the manor. Chammady visits Remy at the manor and is confronted by Morgram, who believes that she was behind all of the previous night's activity, especially the abduction of his daughter. She denies it, but he launches himself at her, possibly intending to kill her, but certainly intending to beat Ingra's location out of her. Chammady slips away. They prepare for the next day and rest, as best they can, after the eventful day. Chammady returns many hours later with Ingra. When Morgram questions his daughter, he learns that Chammady was arguing with her abductor, that she was kept in a small, possibly coffin-shaped box and that this box was in the room just next to the room with the statue that had killed both Remy and Morgram. (Morgram had been a mere handful of feet away from her, just that morning). This, along with some of the information that they have gleaned, seems to indicate that there were two groups that were active during the night and that Chammady may not be responsible for all that night's misdeeds. They rest for the remainder of the night. Armed with a small amount of the knowledge of, what they believe to be, the room which contains the lead vampire's coffin room, they plan tactics and shop for a few items. Back in the street near the Founder's Club, they cast spells, drink infusions and steel themselves. Morgram climbs into the Bag of Holding and Anselar Dimension Doors them to just inside the door of the room the Ingra had described. (Anselar had seen the other side of this door when they encountered the powerful guardian statue/golem). The room contains the coffins, a vampire minion and a man that they have seen in paintings and visions – Ilnerik (Bisby's old partner). The skirmish is quick and brutally one-sided due to the preparation and skill of the group [and some help from tbugs d20 which had turned on him after delivering those PC deaths from last session]. Morgram climbs out of the bag and provides supportive spells, including Slowing Ilnerik. Anselar lays into the minion and Ilnerik with firey rays (dispatching the minion in almost no time). Zim fails to blind Ilnerik, Arcane Locks the door behind them and dispels the invisibility that Ilnerik casts to try to regroup. Remy slices the aged elven vampire with devastating strikes and Coraline delivers excruciating precision attacks. Ilnerik turns to mist and quickly returns to his coffin; 5 feet away. They take a few moments to pick through the items that remain after the deliver the ultimate death blow and decide how the will face the statue in the next room. Remy focuses her golem-bane scarab beyond the door, but detects nothing. Is it gone or is it something other than a golem? The items left behind include the Totemrix. So they have, at least, completed one part of their self-imposed mission. Coraline inspects one of the other two occupied 'coffins' in the room. They appear to be connected to some machines of some sort. She disables the machine and rescues the mayor from his fluid filled box. He is very weak. Zim is interested in the other machine but is only able to determine that it is torturous for the occupant. They free the other prisoner – Lord Oberigo. He is unconscious. The mayor wants to leave immediately – leave not just this room, but the city itself. While he tries to convince them, some of the group checks the secret door behind Ilnerik's coffin. It leads to another portion of sewer. With the two weakened nobles to look after (and the mayor's insistence on escaping Wescrown) they decide that pushing out from the room is a bad idea. Shadows begin to appear in the room in quick succession. They endure the attacks long enough to get three into the Bag and Anselar Dimension Doors them away. They convince the mayor to lie low until “the tides are right, in the morning”. An inn's room provides a place to regroup and rest. Anselar is unable to completely figure out the functioning of the Totemrix, but does identify Ilnerik's other items. These are quickly distributed, including teleporting boots to Morgram. The mayor is left with, the still unconscious, Oberigo, some wine and instructions to sit tight and take a nap. They head back in hopes of freeing any other other survivors. The statue creature is still there, and as deadly as ever. In moments he brings Remy to the brink of death. Only the heroic efforts of Morgram and Coraline allow Aremcesca Dioso to escape diying for a second time in two days. [many hero points allow:] Morgram races forward while the statue is executing it flurry of attacks. Coraline, thankfully invisible, reaches down to touch Remy and, as he gets within range, touches Morgram. Morgram activates his new boots just before Remy receives the fatal strike. Zim rushes to Anselar and grabs his leg. They leave. Today is not the day that they will complete the rescue. Remy is healed at the Temple of Asmodeus, where they also meet a fan of Morgram's. A female devil. She very much wants to see a repeat performance of the Six Trials but Morgram convinces her that she will have to be content with his performance at the party, the next day. She will attend as Coraline's +1. (Coraline is a sucker for wings). The mayor and lord Oberigo are retrieved and they all go to the Dioso manor. They send word to Arael that he will be needed to stand guard over those survivors during Remy's cocktail party. They grab what little time they have to rest and prepare. They also join the Totemrix and Morrowfall, hopefully ending the generation of any new shadows. Morgram acts as herald for the guests who arrive until, finally, Remy makes her entrance. Much of the talk amongst the new Council is how those that died the previous night, were killed. The new Lord Oberigo tries to hide his nervousness at not having their same level of confidence in his new position. Chammady draws Remy into a private conversation in a side room. She presents her with the title to the underground complex, including the room with the killer statue – it seems that this was Chammady's grandfather's treasury. She also tells Remy that they will need to leave the shadows to continue to roam the streets until the regime change (to her brother's rule). She wants it to appear to be one of his good works. This seems to be the final straw for Remy. She excuses herself soon after, with the excuse of bringing Coraline into their conversation. Morgram, Anselar and Zim have already decided that they cannot let Chammady continue with her plans. Remy or not, even in their drained state, they will act against her now. Thankfully, Remy encounters them while they are readying themselves and they resolve to attack in concert. Coraline is conflicted about doing away with Chammady in what seems such a cold-blooded manner and Anselar would like to try to lead her to another location (away from the party in the adjacent room). Anselar is convinced to go along with the impatience of the others and Coraline soothes her conscience by providing a distraction instead of being directly involved. Coraline draws attention to herself, having the band strike up an old tune and by leading the singing of the song. The other four head to the side room. Zim enters first and, though mildly surprised, Chammady is not overly concerned. Morgram and Aremcesca follow in quick succession. Unfortunately, in her excitement, Remy closes the door behind herself, leaving Anselar outside. He cannot enter without potentially allowing the guests to see the bloody business. Zim blinds Chammady and the three in the room attack her. She is confused and distraught at this, to her mind, unwarranted attack from her friend. She tries to escape via the window but cannot fumble the latch open before being defeated. The killing blow is an alchemist's bomb. Anselar releases a fireball above the main hall as an “overly-excited finale to Coraline's song” (to cover the sound of the bomb). He avoids harming any guests, but Remy's ballroom is on fire. This is fine as it nicely matches the bomb-ignited fire of her side room. Coraline takes charge of evacuating guests in an orderly fashion, looking to engage Ghival in this to distract him from the missing Chammady. However, he is nowhere to be seen. Some of the 'heroes' assist in fighting the fire while Morgram guards the body and Zim retrieves the bag of holding from the private rooms. Chammady is hidden in the bag and the final two help in the end stages of firefighting. They all quickly discuss what to do with the corpse. With the burns on her, they are confident that she cannot be Raised and their recent experience has reminded them of how the nobility usually works – The body is claimed by the house and the new Lord does not have much incentive to raise the old one. So, they replace her body in the side room, Zim burns the weapon-wounded areas, they drop a burnt bookcase on her and 'discover' the unfortunate accident. They discover that Arael, not content with simply guarding his charges had healed Lord Oberigo. Then, when the fire broke out he rushed to help. Oberigo is out in the grounds with some of the guests and the mayor is missing. Remy takes the opportunity to meet with the senior Oberigo to discuss how to handle the upheaval in the Council of Thieves. He is happy that she seems to want to preserve their more traditional role, rather than the more active one that the new guard, like Chammady, seem to want. Coraline, Morgram and Zimburchem suspect that the mayor would return home, so decide to try there. On the way, Morgram asks after a particular female dwarf (the mayor's disguise) and finds out that there was such a dwarf who traded a fairly valuable painting for passage to the mainland. It is later confirmed that this picture was stolen from the Dioso home. The mayor is hiding at home until the morning sailing that he was promised. Coraline arranges passage for him and everyone has a reasonably peaceful night in the respective houses. In the early hours of the morning, the mayor and Coraline head to the docks and he leaves Westcrown. Soon after first light, the wayward members of the group arrive for one of Mistress Tobo's famous breakfasts. Coraline has informed Crosael that she (Coraline) will be taking the reins for the time being. She does not have long to wait for her first duty. The (hungover) nephew of the ex-mayor, head of the Dottari, arrives with a report. Lashed by the edge of Coraline's tongue and eventually cowed by the ice of “Lady Fire-Eyes'” stare, he delivers the news to her. There have been numerous complaints of Hellknights fighting in the streets. The group walks over to Tyrrannic House (local Hellknight) headquarters. They note that the Hellknights who are currently in residence wear armor that is distinctly different than what they are used to. Talking to the Peralichter of the order, they find that these are the Order of the Pike and that they have successfully taken over from the Order of the Rack. The Pike is (by Hellknight standards) more progressive than the absolutely unforgiving Rack. It becomes evident that the Pike had been invited by 'a representative of Westcrown's nobility', Chammady Drovenge. The theories are that this was done to cause more strife that the new regime can 'clean up' and/or to install a more lenient group of Hellknights in preparation for Chammady's plans for the tieflings. As the conversation is wrapping up, the Peralichter sends her second, also named Remy, on patrol. Zim mocks Remy for having the 'same name as a boy'. She corrects him as to her gender (it's difficult when they all wear helmets). However, this mild surprise quickly pales to nothing when the Peralichter lifts her helmet, revealing her elven face. The original Remy is next to her in a blink, slapping her face. This is Myka. The woman who left Remy with only a note to explain things. The woman who left her soon before she decided to put herself into stasis. Myka says very little. The most telling is, “It seems you never learned to recognise my hand.” Remy realises that her father, who never approved of the match, had arranged for their break. Realises that she was duped and that there is little hope of repairing things a hundred years later. They leave. Remy wants to drink...a lot. Even Zim soon quiets his jabbering at her obvious hurt. They settle in a private room and Remy hands them the note that they have seen her handle often. They have not known its content and each reads it in turn, silently. It is (supposedly) from Myka, saying that she didn't want to watch her grow old and die, so she was leaving. They sit in silence for quite some time. There is nothing to be said. A bell rings in the common room and Zim runs to see what the excitement is. Someone is buying everyone a round. After ordering his drink, Zim finds out who the generous patron is. He is the wizard, Khandescus Leroung. Zim remebers that he has a tower surrounded by a fence that crackles with electricity, so decides to strike up a conversation. After some time, everyone has joined them and Zim asks the reason for the largesse. Leroung has been paid for a couple of Teleports, a very lucrative service. He is happy to give the details: Lord Ghival transported a body-bag to Absalom and then Chammady Drovenge accompanied him on the trip back to defray some of the cost. Dun, Dun daaaaa! Morgram teleports to the mayor's mansion, bringing back Ingra and Sandrine. They decide to check Ghival's house first, as it is on the mainland. On the way, they see a flight of devils heading for the island. They change destination. Soon after debarking from the boat that ferries them across to the island, they turn a corner and are confronted by a group of bearded devils riding some sort of large devil cats. Most of the group are caught unaware and do not see the hellcats transition from visible to invisible as they enter full light. Aremcesca fights bravely, but is quickly surrounded and overwhelmed. When she falls, a devil dismounts and moves to escape with her. The attack's main purpose is to capture Remy. The rest of the group is also quickly surrounded and desperately jockeys for position, scrambling to stay alive. Anselar Dimension Doors to a nearby building but is immediately set upon. Zim flies up for tactical advantage and Coraline sets about invisibly ventilating the attackers closest to her. Fiosa tries to keep everyone on the right side of death. Things look dire. Before being rendered unconscious, Ingra pulls a horn from her pack and summons the assistance of five familiar faces. While they all carry axes and rage like barbarians, they have the look and personalities of the original cast of The Six Trials of Larazod: Giorgio and Carlo de Luca, Achille Rossi, Franca Bianchi and, most disturbingly, Morgrym Ironfounderson. They turn the tide of the one-sided battle and everyone makes it through with their lives. Seeing that everyone else is safe, from the air, Zim tries to stop the devil escaping with Remy. He fails, but the barbarian actors continue their day-saving ways. They regroup at a nearby inn. The curative magics fly and Morgram insists that Ingra go to ground here. The rest will continue on to Ghival's. The summoned help will be with them for only an hour, so they hurry off. At Ghival's, a couple of people move to spy through his windows, but Remy takes the direct approach. She tries to break the front door. Then she tries to break down the door. Then she strikes at the door. Eventually Morgrym steps forward and tries the handle. It is, indeed, locked. However a blow from his axe weakens it enough to allow Remy through. Ghival is waiting and manages to cast a spell from a scroll; Heal. The raging Remy is suddenly much calmer, although still perfectly willing to fight. The aggressive henchman in the corner of the atrium does not help to make this seem like a place of safety and negotiation. Actor facsimiles break through the windows and Zim blinds Ghival with a bomb, calling for his surrender. Having, to his mind, cured whatever insanity caused Remy to kill Chammady (and being blind), Ghival is now willing to talk. Knowing many of the group as acquaintances and some, potentially as friends, Ghival answers many of the their questions. Chammady thinks that Remy is suffering from some form of insanity or mind-control, which prompted her killing of Chammady. She had Ghival secure the Heal and a Protection from Chaos scroll to cure Remy and arranged to have the devil's kidnap her. Unfortunately for Chammady, Remy has been pretending to go along with her for quite some time. When confronted with the disdain that Chammady has shown for Ghival, in private, he is does not believe them. Zim sugests casting the lie detecting spell that they use in the bank (Abidar's Truth Telling), but Ghival seems doubtful that Abidar will answer his prayer. This doubt, along with Coraline's check of his back for solidified gold is more than enough for him to open up about having joined the cult of Mammon. The higher clergy have been unhappy with the current state of Westcrown's church/bank of Abidar. They blame Ghival, even though he inherited these issues from his predecessor. The clergy were the real reason for the increased liquidity of the bank. The cult got it's claws into him when he went to raise Chammady. Abidar values little as much as he values the rules and Ghival's recovery of her body and subsequent resurrection of her, without the Drovenge family's consent, were very large violations. He abandoned Ghival at his time of greatest need. And so, Mammon was happy to welcome a new follower. It also seems that Chammady has no plans to enact any vengeance on Zim, Morgram or any of their families, possibly due to her charaterisation of the gnome and dwarf as “Lady Dioso's assistants”. They learn a little more about Chammady's brother, their relationship and some of their plans. Let me rephrase that. How civic minded are they? Would they be willing to curb the various excesses that have plagued Westcrown? They/we are certainly interested (to varying degrees) in cutting down on the chaos that Chammady has been creating. Nobody started with that G on their sheet and we've had some slide over into E territory. If there are other excesses, I don't think that we've encountered them. For some of the group, I think there is a little bit of that "It should be like it was in my day" For Zim, I know that the hook for the Children of Westcrown was obligation for them freeing him. For looking into the Bastards of Erebus it was being unhappy with the excessive thievery. However, neither Zim, nor any of the group were interested in just slaughtering a bunch of people who had clearly been forced into a tough situation. At the moment, the primary focus is removing from society someone whose primary focus is causing chaos who has only a passing concern with collateral damage. I think that the whole group has a reasonable amount of interest in keeping their city from being a scary and unsafe place to live. Longer term, I think that Aremcesca is more concerned with rebuilding her House and returning the Council to its traditional purpose. Coraline is looking to gain political power. Morgram just wants to be famous without too much personal danger. Anselar, as always, is an enigma, but I think he would like to work out his marriage. Zim has a new focus after our last session (which will be obvious once I get that written) Notable nastiness that goes on in Westcrown is from it being in Thrune territory, such as abuse of halfings and tieflings. Halfings of Glorian points out that the 'slips' have it rough and halfling women (bluntly) suffer enough starving and beatings to endanger any pregnancies. Nastiness is a whole different thing. I think that the group is pretty much opposed to any of this where we have encountered it. The injustice to tieflings has been a fairly prevalent theme, the Bastards were a group that we were trying to help (before they helped themselves). The Spiral maintenance crew is fairly close to the top of the list (as soon as we can arrange for replacements. We have not encountered much of the disdain specifically aimed at halflings. It has seemed much like the way any non-human is treated in Westcrown. This is probably simply due to us not digging into that particular thing too much. ( I do know that Zim had a boat captain on his list of people to teach a lesson to after the captain referred to Fiosa as a 'slip' ) If they survive dealing with Chammady (and whatever else comes their way) I believe that Coraline and Remy would be using their positions to affect change. [EDIT] They do not want to simply execute Ghival and Maglin, but struggle to think of a way to effectively imprison them until Chammady can be dealt with. Someone remembers that there is a small prison in the Knot. They pack people into the Bag and teleport back to the mansion to incarcerate the prisoners. They discuss the situation and determine that most of the group would be happy to lock Chammady in the Knot, rather than kill her outright. However, as they do not have a way to get out of the Knot (it requires someone with the ability to manipulate magical locks and traps) Morgram leaves the room to send for Yakapulio and Coraline goes to check on mayoral business. There is a dwarf woman who has arrived at the mansion, asking to speak to Morgram. As soon as he sees her, he races back to the room where everyone else is waiting. Coraline greets her and finds that she is Rusilka Droskadam, Morgram's ex-wife (although she claims that the “ex-” is erroneous). She had married Morgram only to annoy her father. Morgram found this out overhearing a conversation between her and her maid of honour, after their wedding ceremony. Heartbroken, Morgram had fled, leaving a note to have the marriage annulled and changing his name from Morgrym to Morgram (apparently this is a significant change in dwarf culture). The marriage was never annulled and Rusilka has determined that Morgram has exacted a sufficient revenge. She wants him to return with her. Coraline invites her to stay. Morgram is eventually convinced to eat dinner with the her and the whole group, but will not budge on his decision, unfeelingly dragging Adamus into their dispute. In the meantime, Ghival offers to give his parole, rather than be locked up. They agree. Yakapulio arrives, thinking that she has been called because of the gnome who is at the Bruised Eel, looking for Zimburchem, Zingleburpbembledak. Zimburchem does not hear about this, but is convinced to go to the Eel to round out an exciting Fireday. At the Eel, Zim is told about a gnome in one of the rooms. When he goes to meet this gnome, he is greeted by his entirely Bleached former apprentice. Zim angrily pounces on him but is quickly pulled off and restrained. His ire is quickly drained as he questions Zingleburpbembledak. The faithful apprentice had done exactly as asked, to the letter.... never wavering...for nearly a hundred years. This devotion, experiencing nothing new, has completely Bleached him. Zim is devastated and spends every waking moment swinging from despair, at what he has caused, to (futilely) trying to think of things to interest Zingleburpbembledak. They return to the mansion. Morgram, Remy, Zingleburpbembledak and Zim have the saddest slumber party ever. In the morning Coraline is told that Mistress Tobo is livid at having her pantry raided (Adamus had done some comfort eating and drinking after Rusilka's revelations). Coraline quickly offers to sponsor whatever kind of vacation that Mistress Tobo would like, mollifying the chef to the point where she decides not to tender her immediate resignation. Having rested for the morning, they decide to track down where the last of Ilnerik henchmen is in the Rego Cader. On the way there, they see a disturbance on the Arodennama. Chammady is battling someone. Destructive magics fly everywhere, destroying some of the surrounding buildings. The group strongly suspects that this is another political stunt. Morgram teleports himself, Zim, Remy and Zingleburpbembledak to the fight, with little discussion. Anselar is shocked to see a familiar face at the base of the statue - an outsider, his former babysitter and tutor, Carmina. Anselar handles transport for those who did not rush off without a plan. Unfortunately, Morgram's Teleportation Boots have not worked properly (100s really do happen) and his group suffers the consequences as the magic tears at their bodies. Coraline and Anselar face Chammady alone.
The Confession of St. Peter, January 18, 2004 A Sermon Based Upon Matthew 16:13-19 (RCL Series C) by Samuel D. Zumwalt(->current sermons ) The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity When I was growing up in a small East Texas town, I often heard different versions of a joke about this guy that dies and goes to heaven. As St. Peter shows the newly departed around the heavenly city, the man hears singing coming from a building set off by itself. When he asks Peter what's going on, Peter says, “Ssshh! That's the [name your least favorite Christian group]. They don't know the rest of us are here.” It's a tired old joke, but it says a lot about Christian disunity. Maybe “we” accept “you,” but “you” don't accept “us.” Therefore “we” must be much better Christians than “you.” After all “we” can poke fun at “your” need to exclude others. Therefore “we” are the dearly beloved of God while “you” are like the crazy relatives of the Christian family. Meanwhile those outside the Christian faith and those that have recently left the faith overhear this kind of family squabbling and say, “Now that's another reason I don't call myself a Christian!” Like Gandhi, they're still waiting to see the Christians actually attempting to follow the Lord Jesus. So…perhaps we don't just need one week of prayer for Christian unity. Maybe we could use a century of prayer for Christian unity! Peter's Confession The week of prayer for Christian unity always begins with the Confession of St. Peter and concludes with the Conversion of St. Paul. It's good to begin with Peter's confession, because he reminds us that all Christians share his confession that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus is what binds us together. Jesus is the Lord of the Church. Jesus is the loving face of God to a Church and a world battered and torn apart by disunity. Now I must say that I'm amused by the verses chosen for today's Gospel lesson. If you know the rest of Matthew 16, you know that our reading only shows Peter as Jesus' star pupil. Our lesson stops just before Peter goes from whiz kid to class dunce in a heartbeat. Wouldn't it be great if we could all edit our lives like that? Wouldn't it be great if others only saw the highlights of our best moments and never those times we looked really stupid? I'm still convinced that right after showing us a digital replay of our stupidest moments God is going to ask us preachers is, “What did you say that for? What were you thinking?” But today is Peter's day. Like a classic competitor, Peter waits for the other disciples to give all the wrong answers. Then he nails it on the first take. Jesus asks, “But who do you say that I am?” And Peter responds immediately, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” He Probably Should Have Stopped Right There! Like any professor delighted by a bright pupil, Jesus responds with glowing praise, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven.” Of course our Lord probably should have stopped there, but he didn't. I find Jesus' excitement very understandable. After all this is chapter 16 of Matthew's Gospel. It's about time that one of the disciples got something right! Matthew has recorded a lot of Jesus' teaching by now. So…Jesus is so pumped that Peter got it right that he begins to gush, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” You can almost see Peter visibly begin to swell up with all this high praise. After all, Peter's name means “rock.” He must be the rock upon which the Church will be built. And that conviction has certainly been cause for a great deal of disunity in the Church of Jesus Christ! One of the key stumbling blocks between major branches of Christianity is the notion that valid sacraments flow from ministries that are in union with Peter's successor – the Bishop of Rome. Jesus Is The Rock That Peter Confesses But Peter doesn't quite get it as will become painfully clear in verse 23. Peter is not the rock. Jesus is the rock, the cornerstone which the builders rejected. Peter's confession, that got Jesus so excited in the first place, is that Jesus is God's Chosen One, the only begotten Son of God. The Church will be built not upon Peter but upon Jesus, the One whom Peter confessed. By himself, Peter will not be worthy to hold the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Peter will certainly not be wise enough or holy enough to forgive and withhold forgiveness on the basis of his own goodness. In short, Peter still doesn't get it, and he won't get it until sometime on Easter Sunday! In just a few more verses, Peter the dunce will say, “You must not die, Jesus.” And Jesus says in return, “Get behind me, Satan!” Now that's enough to puncture Peter's newly inflated ego. There can only be forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name if God's only Son, the Messiah, is crucified for the sins of the world. Jesus has to die in order to make the keys to the kingdom of heaven fit the lock. Jesus has to die for Peter's sins and for your sins and for my sins in order to take away our sins and give us his own righteousness as a free gift. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and opens the door to Paradise! When Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, he says more than he knows. But his confession does not yet have the full force of Good Friday and Easter behind it. The Church can't yet be built, because the forgiveness of sins hasn't yet been accomplished on Calvary's cross. Confessing Christ Despite Peter's well-meaning protests, the Lord Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world and then raised from the dead on Easter morning. Now the keys to the kingdom work – there is forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus. His Church continues to be built upon that bedrock conviction – Jesus Christ is the world's Savior! At the very end of Matthew's Gospel, the Risen Jesus has assembled his disciples on a mountain. There he says to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given me, therefore go and make disciples of all nations by baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And I will always be with you to the end of time” (28:16-20). Baptism into Jesus' death and resurrection gives the assurance that Christ has died for this one. Baptism means the forgiveness of sins, everlasting life, and salvation from sin, death, and evil. But that's not the end of things. In this Christian Church, day after day, we renew our Baptisms. We confess our sins and are enveloped in God's mercy. We learn to confess boldly with Peter that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. We learn to confess boldly not merely with our lips but with lives that convincingly declare that Jesus is truly present as Lord and Savior. We Christians will probably disagree until Jesus comes on how and when to baptize, on how and when to distribute the Lord's Supper, and on who does which ministries in Jesus' name. To the extent that we accent our disagreements, the world will continue to have good reasons not to join in our confession of Jesus as Lord. May our prayer this week be a plea for forgiveness for making a lukewarm confession that Jesus Christ is Lord! May our prayer be that we may see Jesus more clearly, love him more dearly, and follow him more nearly – day by day [from the Book of Common Prayer ]!
The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure involves creating a stomach pouch out of a small portion of the stomach and attaching it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and duodenum. Not only is the stomach pouch too small to hold large amounts of food, but by skipping the duodenum, fat absorption is substantially reduced.
How To Get Killer Confidence Confidence is a practice, here's how to get started Want to start feeling confident and in control of your life? Try these three steps and you will begin to see results in no time! 1. Ditch the four letter F word As a trained psychotherapist and mindset coach I hear women throwing this word around quite often: FEAR. But what if I told you it most likely is not fear? What other emotion exhibits very similar physiological symptoms? This, my dear, is excitement. Yes, excitement. Fear and excitement can feel the exact same way internally. Think elevated heart rate, fluttery stomach, racing thoughts, loss of appetite, etc. So the next time you tell yourself you're "scared", stop, evaluate the situation and decipher. Is this really fear or could I possibly be excited? Am I really scared to be finishing grad school or am I excited to finally be off on my own and working my dream job? 2. Do what scares you. When you evaluate the fear and rule out excitement, don’t panic. This little tool called “opposite action” will give you the courage to begin nipping fear right in the behind! This skill was derived from a modality I was trained in called Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT. This particular skill encourages you to do the opposite of what most are used to doing. In the instance of fear, most naturally freeze, tense up, and avoid. To practice opposite action, rather than avoiding, you dive into the fear. You right away do what scares you. Now the reason for this is because we know that the longer fear hangs out in our mind, the greater we let it build up. And the longer it hangs out in our mind, the more brain space you are allowing it to occupy. And whose got time for that?! Let me give you a simple example: Your boyfriend surprised you and booked a vacation for your birthday. You know that time of year is a busy time at work and you aren't quite comfortable requesting time off so you WAIT. You let a week pass, a month pass, the closer you get to the date, the more anxious you feel, and now you really aren't sure it will be possible. Now you've let two months pass by, you've allowed it to take up space for that long in your mind, and the chances that your boss will give you this time off with such short notice is pretty slim. This is why opposite action is going to be your new BFF. Imagine how (yes, scary but) simple it would have been to ask your boss the day after finding out? This would have been plenty of notice, you would have gotten your answer right away, not had that two-month internal struggle in your mind, and probably avoided arguments with your nagging boyfriend who continued to ask why you haven't requested time off yet. You see what I’m saying? Do what scared you today. 3. Ask yourself “what’s the worst thing that could happen?” Back to number two’s scenario. What would have been the worst thing that could have happened if you asked for time off right away? Your boss says no? Would that really be the end of the world? No, you would have been able to figure it out. You would have had plenty of time to find someone to cover for you or push back the dates of your vacation. We tend to turn things into big to-dos in our minds, when the worst case scenario A. isn’t really so bad or B. would never actually happen. Implement these three steps and your confidence will be soaring in no time!
What’s new Source: Ford Motor Co. Ford Shelby Mustang G350 First off, Ford worked with Michelin to design a new set of high-performance tires. When you’re sending 526 horsepower to the rear wheels, bad tires can limit the speed. They’re crucial to the success of any performance car, especially considering that they can improve handling, acceleration and braking. The good
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a semiconductor memory device such as a flash-type EEPROM (Electrically Erasable/Programmable Read Only Memory) and a method of manufacturing the same. 2. Description of the Related Art A flash-type EEPROM conventionally used is configured as shown in FIGS. 14, 15, 16 and 17. FIG. 14 is a schematic plan view of the flash-type EEPROM, and FIGS. 15, 16 and 17 are sectional views taken along the lines XV--XV, XVI--XVI, and XVII--XVII of FIG. 14. N.sup.+ -type drain diffusion regions 1 and N.sup.+ -type source diffusion regions 2 are formed in a P-type semiconductor substrate 10 with channel regions 3 defined between the diffusion regions 1 and 2. A floating gate 5 in an electrically floating state is formed on each of the channel regions 3 with a tunnel oxide film 4 interposed between them. A control gate 8 acting as a word line is superposed over the floating gate 5 with an insulating film 6 sandwiched between them. Either of the floating gate 5 and the control gate 8 is made of, for example, polycrystalline silicon film. Reference numeral 7 denotes low concentration impurity diffusion layers used for enhancing sustainable voltage of the source diffusion regions 1. A layer insulating film 9 is formed over a surface of the substrate 10 on which the above-mentioned various components such as the control gate 8 are formed. Contact holes 11 are formed above the drain diffusion regions 1 in the layer insulating film 9. On a surface of the layer insulating film 9, aluminum wirings 12 serving as bit lines are formed in contact with the drain diffusion regions 1 in the contact hole 11. Reference numeral 13 designates field oxide films for isolating cells from one another. Each drain diffusion region 1 and each source diffusion region 2 are shared with adjacent memory cells. The source diffusion regions 2 disposed along word lines (control gates 8) are interconnected by source lines 14. The source lines 14 are formed in the substrate 10 by impurity diffusion simultaneous with forming the source diffusion regions 2. When writing voltage at a positive high level (e.g., 12 V) is applied to the control gate 8 and also positive high voltage (e.g., 7 V) is applied to the drain diffusion region 1, electrons are accelerated from the source diffusion region 2 toward the drain diffusion region 1. Simultaneously, a strong electric field caused in the boundary of each drain diffusion region 1 produces hot electrons, which pass through the tunnel oxide film 4 and are injected into the floating gate 5. In this way, writing is effected. When high voltage reverse in polarity to the voltage in the writing is applied between the control gate 8 and the substrate 10, electrons are pulled out of the floating gate 5. In this way, erasing is effected. A threshold level of the voltage to be applied to the control gate 8 in order to electrically connect a source and a drain, takes two different values depending upon whether the electrons exist in the floating gate 5. Sense voltage which has an intermediate level between the two different threshold levels is applied and then connection/disconnection between the source and the drain is checked, and thus, reading information can be effected. Because of the electrically floating state of the floating gate 5, the quantity of electric charge injected therein is not varied unless the writing voltage or the erasing voltage is applied thereto, and therefore, storing data can be effected in a non-volatile manner. Such a flash-type EEPROM is made in a manner as described below. A field oxide film 13 is formed on a surface of the substrate 10 by a LOCOS (LOCal Oxidation of Silicon) method, and then, the tunnel oxide film 4 is formed over the entire surface of the substrate 10. In this situation, the floating gate 5 is formed by depositing polycrystalline silicon, adding phosphorus as impurity to gain conductivity, and then patterning it. Then, the insulating film 6 is formed, and after deposition of polycrystalline silicon, addition of phosphorus, and patterning, the control gates 8 acting as word lines is formed. The source diffusion regions 2 and the source lines 14 are to be formed later by implanting ions in regions between the field oxide films 13. For that purpose, some components such as the control gates 8 must be formed in position without protruding into an area between the field oxide films 13. Hence, allowing for an accuracy of mask alignment and other factors, the components such as the control gates 8 are formed in positions a distance .DELTA.L receding from edges of the field oxide films 13, as shown in FIG. 17. If the control gates 8 are formed in a position protruding from the edges of the field oxide films 13, each of the source lines 14 is reduced in width to have an insufficient cross-sectional area, and this may cause a high resistance therein. After the control gates 8 are formed, phosphorus ions are implanted to form the low concentration diffusion layers 7 surrounding the source diffusion regions 2. Then, arsenic ions are implanted with masks of the field oxide films 13 and the control gates 8, and thereby the N.sup.+ -type source diffusion regions 2, the N.sup.+ -type drain diffusion regions 1 and the source lines 14 are formed. Then, the substrate 10 is covered with the layer insulating film 9, and the contact holes 11 are formed. After that, the aluminum wiring 12 acting as bit lines are formed and patterned. In the above-mentioned flash-type EEPROM, however, degree of integration therein is restricted, and hence, there arises a disadvantage that miniaturization of the whole memory device is difficult. More specifically, the field oxide films 13 are used to isolate elements from each other in the abovementioned flash-type EEPROM. Hence, it is necessary to make the oxide films extend to a level deep enough from the surface of the substrate to perfectly isolate the elements, and this is why the oxide films 13 must be made thick. With the oxide films thickened, their width along the surface of the substrate 10 is necessarily increased, and naturally, a distance L1 between the bit lines (see FIG. 14) becomes large to some extent. This prevents an enhancement of integration in the memory device. Moreover, as described above, since the source diffusion regions 2 and the source lines 14 are formed by ion implantation after the word lines (control gates 8) are formed, the word lines must be formed in positions receding from the edges of the field oxide films 13. In other words, in a configuration where the source lines 14 formed by the ion implantation extend in the semiconductor substrate 10 between the adjacent word lines (control gates 8), reduction of a distance L2 between the word lines is restricted. This also prevents an enhancement of integration in the memory device. In addition to that, in a process of manufacturing the above flash-type EEPROM, although both the floating gate 5 and the control gate 8 are formed of polycrystalline silicon film, they are patterned individually. Hence, there arises another disadvantage that the manufacturing process is complicated.
1. Technical Field This invention relates to speech signal processing. In particular, the invention relates to multi-channel speech signal processing system. 2. Related Art Speech signal processing may be performed in a noisy background, such as in a vehicle. In hands-free telephones or other communications devices, noise suppression may be needed to ensure reliable communication. The amplitudes and frequencies of the noise may vary temporally. The suppression of signals transmitted by loudspeakers and received by the microphone(s), may be desired because echoes may affect the quality and intelligibility of voice conversation. Unfortunately, different convergence properties of adaptive beamformers and echo canceling may require excessive hardware and computational requirements. Therefore, there is a need to improve acoustic properties in speech signal processing with enhanced (SNR) and echo compensation.
Premier Farnell acquires Shenzhen Embest Technology Premier Farnell plc acquired Shenzhen Embest Technology Co Ltd (Embest), a provider of embedded system development boards and tools, as well as design engineering services with gross assets of approximately £0.5 million. Laurence Bain, Chief Executive Officer of Premier Farnell, said: “This pivotal acquisition demonstrates our substantial commitment to attracting new design engineering customers and taking a bigger market share in the dynamic and rapidly expanding Asian market. Embest has been a strategic partner of ours for a number of years and we share many complimentary relationships with global leaders such as ARM, Freescale, Atmel, TI and NXP. This deal connects our component and board level portfolio with Embest’s expanded offering in systems level solutions, including embedded software, embedded OS and hardware development. We are now in a unique position to offer our global customers complete solutions from concept definition and design start through to prototype. These capabilities are particularly attractive to our supplier partners, who are focused on attracting customers at the start of the design cycle.” Mr. Liu Chi, President of Embest commented: “We have worked with Premier Farnell for some time, providing development kits, tools, software and PCB services. We have watched the company very successfully move away from being purely a component distributor to a web-based solutions company and Embest’s expertise and experience will help them continue this trend.”
North West Evening Mail Grill Restaurant Sedbergh A grill restaurant is a specialty subset of the restaurant industry serving specialty foods. If you love BBQ items including ribs beef and BBQ sauce, you will want to try some of the wonderful offerings in the area. Restaurants often specialize in a particular type of BBQ sauce or their BBQ offerings may extend to pork BBQ ribs or only beef ribs. Depending on the type of taste you are looking for, you are certain to find a delicious meal with barbecue flavoured dishes on the house menu. See below to a barbecue restaurant around Sedbergh. If you’re doing your home removal yourself, you should check several different places where you can rent a van or lorry. If a lorry is too large, van hire can make removal easier because you can still move more large boxes than you would be able to in a car. Even if you choose van hire over lorry hire, you’ll be able to make fewer trips than in a car. Van hire will help you with your home removal without costing a lot for petrol to get back and forth. See below to locate van & lorry hire around Sedbergh.
//- Dominators.h - Implementation of dominators tree for Clang CFG -*- C++ -*-// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the dominators tree functionality for Clang CFGs. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_ANALYSES_DOMINATORS_H #define LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_ANALYSES_DOMINATORS_H #include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisDeclContext.h" #include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h" #include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h" #include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h" #include "llvm/Support/GenericDomTree.h" #include "llvm/Support/GenericDomTreeConstruction.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" // FIXME: There is no good reason for the domtree to require a print method // which accepts an LLVM Module, so remove this (and the method's argument that // needs it) when that is fixed. namespace llvm { class Module; } // namespace llvm namespace clang { using DomTreeNode = llvm::DomTreeNodeBase<CFGBlock>; /// Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase for Clang /// This class implements the dominators tree functionality given a Clang CFG. /// class DominatorTree : public ManagedAnalysis { virtual void anchor(); public: llvm::DomTreeBase<CFGBlock> *DT; DominatorTree() { DT = new llvm::DomTreeBase<CFGBlock>(); } ~DominatorTree() override { delete DT; } llvm::DomTreeBase<CFGBlock>& getBase() { return *DT; } /// This method returns the root CFGBlock of the dominators tree. CFGBlock *getRoot() const { return DT->getRoot(); } /// This method returns the root DomTreeNode, which is the wrapper /// for CFGBlock. DomTreeNode *getRootNode() const { return DT->getRootNode(); } /// This method compares two dominator trees. /// The method returns false if the other dominator tree matches this /// dominator tree, otherwise returns true. bool compare(DominatorTree &Other) const { DomTreeNode *R = getRootNode(); DomTreeNode *OtherR = Other.getRootNode(); if (!R || !OtherR || R->getBlock() != OtherR->getBlock()) return true; if (DT->compare(Other.getBase())) return true; return false; } /// This method builds the dominator tree for a given CFG /// The CFG information is passed via AnalysisDeclContext void buildDominatorTree(AnalysisDeclContext &AC) { cfg = AC.getCFG(); DT->recalculate(*cfg); } /// This method dumps immediate dominators for each block, /// mainly used for debug purposes. void dump() { llvm::errs() << "Immediate dominance tree (Node#,IDom#):\n"; for (CFG::const_iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I) { if(DT->getNode(*I)->getIDom()) llvm::errs() << "(" << (*I)->getBlockID() << "," << DT->getNode(*I)->getIDom()->getBlock()->getBlockID() << ")\n"; else llvm::errs() << "(" << (*I)->getBlockID() << "," << (*I)->getBlockID() << ")\n"; } } /// This method tests if one CFGBlock dominates the other. /// The method return true if A dominates B, false otherwise. /// Note a block always dominates itself. bool dominates(const CFGBlock *A, const CFGBlock *B) const { return DT->dominates(A, B); } /// This method tests if one CFGBlock properly dominates the other. /// The method return true if A properly dominates B, false otherwise. bool properlyDominates(const CFGBlock *A, const CFGBlock *B) const { return DT->properlyDominates(A, B); } /// This method finds the nearest common dominator CFG block /// for CFG block A and B. If there is no such block then return NULL. CFGBlock *findNearestCommonDominator(CFGBlock *A, CFGBlock *B) { return DT->findNearestCommonDominator(A, B); } const CFGBlock *findNearestCommonDominator(const CFGBlock *A, const CFGBlock *B) { return DT->findNearestCommonDominator(A, B); } /// This method is used to update the dominator /// tree information when a node's immediate dominator changes. void changeImmediateDominator(CFGBlock *N, CFGBlock *NewIDom) { DT->changeImmediateDominator(N, NewIDom); } /// This method tests if the given CFGBlock can be reachable from root. /// Returns true if reachable, false otherwise. bool isReachableFromEntry(const CFGBlock *A) { return DT->isReachableFromEntry(A); } /// This method releases the memory held by the dominator tree. virtual void releaseMemory() { DT->releaseMemory(); } /// This method converts the dominator tree to human readable form. virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS, const llvm::Module* M= nullptr) const { DT->print(OS); } private: CFG *cfg; }; } // namespace clang //===------------------------------------- /// DominatorTree GraphTraits specialization so the DominatorTree can be /// iterable by generic graph iterators. /// namespace llvm { template <> struct GraphTraits< ::clang::DomTreeNode* > { using NodeRef = ::clang::DomTreeNode *; using ChildIteratorType = ::clang::DomTreeNode::iterator; static NodeRef getEntryNode(NodeRef N) { return N; } static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeRef N) { return N->begin(); } static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeRef N) { return N->end(); } using nodes_iterator = llvm::pointer_iterator<df_iterator<::clang::DomTreeNode *>>; static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(::clang::DomTreeNode *N) { return nodes_iterator(df_begin(getEntryNode(N))); } static nodes_iterator nodes_end(::clang::DomTreeNode *N) { return nodes_iterator(df_end(getEntryNode(N))); } }; template <> struct GraphTraits< ::clang::DominatorTree* > : public GraphTraits< ::clang::DomTreeNode* > { static NodeRef getEntryNode(::clang::DominatorTree *DT) { return DT->getRootNode(); } static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(::clang::DominatorTree *N) { return nodes_iterator(df_begin(getEntryNode(N))); } static nodes_iterator nodes_end(::clang::DominatorTree *N) { return nodes_iterator(df_end(getEntryNode(N))); } }; } // namespace llvm #endif // LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_ANALYSES_DOMINATORS_H
Friday, 21 February 2014 It cold in the U.K at the moment, it's also very wet, miserable and flooded. Peggy is moulting. She also has a bit of a cold so, as a surprise, Courtney bought her a chicken jumper! Technically, it's a tank-top but Peggy is not too fussed about fashion, technical terms. Peggy in her new jumper. Does the blue match my eyes? Violet's head was in a spin when she saw Peggy's new attire. Mabel & Pearl stuffing their faces, in the background, yet to experience the visual wonder of a chicken jumper! Peggy tried not to notice Violet, admiring her new fashion style. We left Peggy and her gaggle of chicken jumper admirers and went for a day out in Worcester, which is also flooded at the moment. We saw swans, a lot of swans! I have never seen so many swans in one place before.The area, past the building in the background and just past the lamppost and tree, is usually a walk-way alongside the river. The swans are very much making the most of the floods. (So are the pigeons.)Courtney tried tempting the swans with jumpers... ...the swans were not impressed with the offer. A disapproving swan. None of the swans were interested in fashion accessories, they are quite beautiful and warm enough. There's no denying it, they are quite beautiful. I would love to have a swan, I think the Queen could spare one, she seems to have quite a lot.
Q: is there any way to revert back the AST tree from the dump file of the tree? c is a parsed tree of a python code: c=ast.parse(''' for x in y: print(x) ''') d is the dump file of tree-c d=ast.dump(c) the content of d is the following string: Module( body=[For(target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()), body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[Name(id='x', ctx=Load())], keywords=[]))], orelse=[])]) I've looked around the net to see if I could find a method to use the content of d, to revert back to the tree c. Any suggestions? Thank you A: You can use eval to get the ast object from the string: ast_obj = eval(d) Then, there exist various third party libraries that can convert back to source (Given an AST, is there a working library for getting the source?, Python ast (Abstract Syntax Trees): get back source string of subnode)
Being born in parts of US South may up stroke risk NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Where you're born could influence your risk of dying from a stroke decades later, new research shows. Being born in one of the seven southeastern U.S. states making up the "Stroke Belt" increased a person's likelihood of suffering a deadly stroke, whether or not they still lived in one of these states, Dr. M. Maria Glymour of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and her colleagues found. And living in one of these states when a person died also boosted the chance that it would be a stroke that was the cause of death. "Even though stroke is much more common in elderly people than young people," Glymour noted in an E-mail to Reuters Health, "it seems the roots of the disease reach back to early life." The findings suggest, she added, that "to understand and prevent strokes, we will need to start early." Death from strokes in the Stroke Belt states--North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama-is higher than it is elsewhere in the US, Glymour and her colleagues point out in Neurology, but the reasons why remain unclear. "This is really a great puzzle," Glymour said. "It has been hard to study this because there are so few data sources available to show this pattern." She and her colleagues looked at death records for 1980, 1990 and 2000 for US-born black and white men and women 30 to 80 years old to examine how living in the Stroke Belt, or being born there, might influence stroke death risks. Birth in one of the seven states and residence there at the time of death was independently linked to an increased stroke death risk, Glymour and her team found. While the increased risk was far smaller than the risk seen for established stroke risk factors like high blood pressure or smoking, she noted, the effects on a population level are large. Put another way, if African Americans born in the Stroke Belt had the same risk as those born outside it, Glymour explained, this would have eliminated about 10% of all fatal strokes suffered by African Americans in 2000. Whatever's going on in the Stroke Belt doesn't appear to be genetic, according to Glymour, and it is likely to be something that affects everyone-white and black, rich and poor. The finding that Stroke Belt birth boosts risk suggests that childhood influences may be involved, she added. These could include "social norms influencing dietary patterns in childhood, the quality of public resources such as the school system, stress pathways relating to community conflict, lifelong access to high quality preventive medical care, or physical risks associated with environmental conditions are plausible possibilities," Glymour explained. "This does not mean these are the reasons, but they are possibilities we need to study." SOURCE: Neurology, December 1, 2009. advertisement NOTE: All comments for this article are moderated. Your comment will be published pending approval.
/* * This file is part of KubeSphere Console. * Copyright (C) 2019 The KubeSphere Console Authors. * * KubeSphere Console is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * KubeSphere Console is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with KubeSphere Console. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import React from 'react' import { action, toJS } from 'mobx' import { observer } from 'mobx-react' import moment from 'moment-mini' import classnames from 'classnames' import { Icon, Loading, Select } from '@pitrix/lego-ui' import SearchInput from 'components/Modals/LogSearch/Logging/SearchInput' import TimeBar from 'components/Charts/Bar/TimeBar' import AuditingStore from 'stores/auditing' import { dropDownItems, getSecond, supportQueryParams } from '../utils' import styles from './index.scss' @observer export default class Home extends React.Component { auditingStore = new AuditingStore() componentDidMount() { this.updateStatistics() } updateStatistics() { const { searchInputState } = this.props const { cluster } = searchInputState this.auditingStore.fetchTodayHistogram({ cluster }) this.auditingStore.fetchHistogram({ cluster }) this.auditingStore.fetchQuery({ start_time: Math.ceil(Date.now() / 1000) - 60 * 60 * 12, endTime: Math.ceil(Date.now() / 1000), interval: '24m', cluster, }) } @action selectedDurationParameter = ({ time: startTime = 0 }) => { const { interval } = this.auditingStore const { searchInputState } = this.props searchInputState.end = Math.ceil(startTime / 1000) + getSecond(interval) searchInputState.start = Math.ceil(startTime / 1000) searchInputState.step = '1m' this.onSearchParamsChange() } selectedParameter = e => { this.props.searchInputState.nextParamsKey = e.currentTarget.dataset.query } onSearchParamsChange = () => { this.props.formStepState.next() } onClusterChange = cluster => { this.props.searchInputState.setCluster(cluster) this.updateStatistics() } render() { return ( <div> <div className={styles.pane}>{this.renderBanner()}</div> <div className={styles.tips}> <div className={styles.pane}> {this.renderSearchBar()} <h3 className={styles.rule}>{t('Search Rule')}:</h3> {this.renderRecentLogs()} {this.renderQueryItems()} </div> </div> </div> ) } renderBanner() { const { histogramTodayData: { events } = {}, isLoading, } = this.auditingStore return ( <div className={styles.banner}> <div className={styles.illustration}> <img src="/assets/log-statistics.svg" alt="log-statistics" /> </div> <Loading spinning={isLoading}> <div className={styles.statistics}> <h3> {events ? t.html('TOTAL_AUDITING_TODAY', { auditing: events, className: styles.count, }) : t('NO_AUDITING_TODAY')} </h3> {events ? ( <p> <Icon name="clock" /> {t('Current Statistics Start Time')}: {moment(new Date()).format(`${t('EVENT_DATE')}`)} </p> ) : null} </div> </Loading> </div> ) } clusterRenderer = option => `${t('Cluster')}: ${option.label}` renderSearchBar() { const { searchInputState, clustersOpts } = this.props return ( <div className={styles.searchBarContainer}> {globals.app.isMultiCluster && ( <Select className={styles.clusterSelector} value={searchInputState.cluster} options={clustersOpts} valueRenderer={this.clusterRenderer} onChange={this.onClusterChange} /> )} <SearchInput className={styles.searchBar} onChange={this.onSearchParamsChange} params={searchInputState} dropDownItems={dropDownItems} /> </div> ) } renderRecentLogs() { const { isLoading, histogramData = {}, total, interval, } = this.auditingStore return ( <Loading spinning={isLoading}> <div className={classnames(styles.card, styles.recent)}> <div className={styles.recentSummary}> <h2 className={styles.count}>{total || 0}</h2> <p> {t( 'Trends in the total number of auditing logs in the last 12 hours' )} </p> </div> <div className={styles.chart}> <TimeBar xKey={'time'} data={toJS(histogramData.buckets || [])} legend={[['count', t('Auditing statistics')]]} interval={interval || '30m'} onBarClick={this.selectedDurationParameter} /> </div> </div> </Loading> ) } renderQueryItems() { return supportQueryParams.map(category => ( <div className={classnames(styles.card, styles.category)} key={category.key} data-query={category.key} onClick={this.selectedParameter} > <div className={styles.icon}> {category.iconUrl ? ( <div> <img src={category.iconUrl} /> </div> ) : ( <Icon name={category.icon} size={40} /> )} </div> <div className={styles.desc}> <h4>{category.title}</h4> <p>{category.tips}</p> </div> </div> )) } }
5 Suppose w = -3*w. Solve f + 2*f + 15 = w for f. -5 Let i be (-2 - (-42)/9)*3. Let o = -3 + i. Solve o*m + 20 = m for m. -5 Let l = 1 + 4. Suppose l*i - 2 = 3. Let g = -1 + i. Solve 3 + g = -3*w for w. -1 Suppose 31 = 5*t + 11. Suppose a + 16 = 4*a + t*c, -17 = -5*a + 3*c. Solve -a*r + 1 + 3 = 0 for r. 1 Suppose -2*s = 3*n + 21, -5*n - 6 = -1. Let h be -1 - 2 - 27/s. Suppose 50 + 25 = 5*z. Solve 2*k + k - z = h for k. 5 Suppose 18 = -t + 20. Solve -1 = -w + t*w for w. -1 Let i = 79 - 49. Let u be 162/i - 4/10. Solve -u*v + 25 = -0 for v. 5 Let q = -10 + 6. Let g be (-60)/(-14) - q/(-14). Let r = 5 - g. Solve 2*i = -r - 3 for i. -2 Let f(s) = -5 + 10 - 5*s**2 + 2*s - s**3 + 2*s**2 - 8. Let d be f(-4). Solve 0 = 2*g + 1 - d for g. 2 Suppose -14*n + 13*n = 0. Solve n = 2*r + 2 - 8 for r. 3 Suppose s = -w + 4, w + 2*w - 12 = 0. Let d be (0 + -1)/(s - -1). Let j be 18/(d - -1 - -2). Solve -5*b - j = 16 for b. -5 Suppose 0 = 3*o + o - 8. Solve o*g - 8 = -2*g for g. 2 Let u = -30 + 33. Solve -u*q + 0 = 12 for q. -4 Let u(a) = -2*a + 2. Let c be u(2). Let y be (-1)/(0 - 1/3). Let r = c + y. Solve 0*h = h - r for h. 1 Let s be -3 - (0 + -2 + 2). Let z be 0*(-2)/4 - s. Solve z*x = 5*x - 6 for x. 3 Let p(b) be the first derivative of -b**3/6 + 7*b**2 - 3*b + 3. Let o(f) be the first derivative of p(f). Let t be o(0). Solve -3*k + t + 1 = 0 for k. 5 Suppose 5*z = 10 - 30. Let c = 6 + z. Solve 0 = -0*q - c*q - 8 for q. -4 Suppose 4*z + 18 = 6*z. Suppose 3*i = z - 3. Solve -i*o = -o - 5 for o. 5 Let o(j) = j**2 - 15*j + 24. Let k be o(14). Solve k = y + y for y. 5 Let t be -2 + 0 + 2 + 0. Solve b - 5*b - 12 = t for b. -3 Let b = -4 + -2. Let x be (8 + -9)/(2/b). Suppose -y = -4*y - 2*t + 10, -7 = -x*y - 5*t. Solve -10 = y*i - 2 for i. -2 Let b = 11 + -6. Suppose -6 = -3*s + b*k, 8 = 4*s - 2*k - 3*k. Suppose -i + s*i = 20. Solve -4*f - i = f for f. -4 Suppose 4*g - 7 = 2*o + 67, 5*o + 77 = 4*g. Let b = g - 10. Suppose 0 = -q - 3*h + b, -q = -h. Solve 0*l - q = -l for l. 2 Suppose 37 - 1 = -3*s. Let p = s - -12. Solve -t + 4 = -p*t for t. 4 Suppose -270 = u - 6*u. Suppose u = 4*y + 2*s, y - 5*s - 90 = -4*y. Solve t = 6*t - y for t. 3 Suppose 4*n - 49 = t, 4*n + 6*t = 2*t + 44. Suppose -4*s = -0*s - n. Solve 6*m = s*m + 6 for m. 2 Let w(l) = -l**3 + 7*l**2 + 10*l - 16. Let t be w(8). Solve t = 2*s - 11 + 3 for s. 4 Let m(x) = x**3 + x**2 + 15. Let h be m(0). Let a = 20 - h. Solve -5 = a*l - 0 for l. -1 Suppose 7*r - 12 = 4*r. Let h be (-4)/(-18) - 291/(-27). Let l(q) = -q**3 + 10*q**2 + 12*q - 6. Let i be l(h). Solve i + 7 = -r*d for d. -3 Let z(b) be the third derivative of -b**5/60 + b**4/3 - 5*b**3/6 + 2*b**2. Let o(i) = -2*i - 10. Let p be o(-7). Let m be z(p). Solve 3 - m = 4*v for v. -2 Let m(q) = q**3 + q**2 - 5. Let w be m(0). Let r be (4 + w)/((-2)/(-6)). Let l = 1 - r. Solve 0*u = l*u for u. 0 Let f = 15 + -13. Solve -5 = -f*m + 5 for m. 5 Suppose 24 = 4*b - 0*b. Let l be (-12)/18 + 4/b. Solve l = 4*d - d for d. 0 Let q = 4 - -4. Suppose 0 = 4*b - 0*b - q. Suppose -5*t + r = 5*r - 37, -r = 2*t - 13. Solve -b*a = 3 - t for a. 1 Suppose 5*k + 2*b = 40, -k + b - 2 + 3 = 0. Solve -6 = -4*c + k for c. 3 Let w be (-2)/3 + (-30)/(-18). Let s be (w/(-1))/(4/(-8)). Let l be 1 + -3 + (6 - 1). Solve 2 = s*n - l*n for n. -2 Suppose 0 = -0*p + p - 4. Let w(s) = s - 2. Let y be w(2). Suppose -k + 6*k - 10 = y. Solve 0 = -k*h + p*h - 8 for h. 4 Let h be 8/(-3 - -5)*(-45)/(-20). Solve f = 4*f - h for f. 3 Let h(d) = d**3 + 7*d**2 - 9*d - 8. Let q be h(-8). Suppose q*p + 2 = l + p, 2 = l - 4*p. Solve 0 = 5*f + 22 - l for f. -4 Suppose r - 4 = -1. Suppose -r*y = 15, -6*n + 23 = -2*n - 3*y. Solve -n*b = -b for b. 0 Let g(u) = -2*u - 4. Let v be g(-3). Solve v*b + 12 = -2*b for b. -3 Suppose 0*h - 2*a = -4*h - 32, -a = h + 2. Let l be (0 + h/(-4))*2. Solve 7 = l*x - 8 for x. 5 Suppose 1 = 2*g - 0*g - u, 3*u + 3 = g. Solve g = t - 2*t + 3 for t. 3 Suppose 0 = -4*r + 4*j - 4, -4*j + 36 = 4*r. Solve 5*v + r = 7*v for v. 2 Let j(v) = -v**3 + 5*v**2 + v. Let w be j(5). Let o = 36 + -21. Suppose -3*t + o = 2*t. Solve -t = w*q + 2 for q. -1 Let l be (-1)/((3/(-9))/1). Solve -6*m + l*m = 0 for m. 0 Let d(h) = -h**2 - 8*h. Let z be (3 - 7/5)*-5. Let x be d(z). Solve x = -4*y - 8 for y. -2 Let g be 10/(-4)*7/((-28)/8). Solve -g = k + 4*k for k. -1 Suppose 0 = 9*u - 8*u - 9. Suppose u*j = 8*j. Solve j*w = -2*w + 6 for w. 3 Let g be (2*10)/(1 - 0). Suppose 80 = 5*s + 80. Solve s*j + g = -5*j for j. -4 Suppose -2*a + 36 = 2*b, -2*b + 3*b = 5*a + 18. Let u be 4/b - 2/9. Suppose u*s = -2*s + 2. Solve 0*g - s = g for g. -1 Let i = 2 + 0. Let p be (-26)/(-8) - i/8. Let g = p - 1. Solve -u = g*u for u. 0 Let u = 3 - -1. Solve -3*z = -u*z for z. 0 Let h(b) = -2*b - 5 + 5. Let t be h(-2). Solve t*d = 3*d for d. 0 Let h(r) be the third derivative of r**4/24 - r**3/2 + r**2. Let y be h(3). Let g be ((0 - 0) + y)*-1. Solve 0*s + 2*s - 8 = g for s. 4 Let t(n) = 2*n**2 - 11*n + 7. Let v(o) = o**2 - 5*o + 3. Let c(a) = -2*t(a) + 5*v(a). Let g be c(4). Solve 2*i - g = 1 for i. 3 Suppose -3*b - 1 = -16. Suppose -y + 3*m = -5*y + 32, 5 = -3*y + b*m. Solve y - 11 = 3*f for f. -2 Suppose 4*f + 2*k + 16 = f, 3*k - 6 = 3*f. Let r be (5*1)/(-1 + 2). Let g = r + f. Solve -g = a - 2 for a. 1 Suppose -12 = -4*m + 2*c, 1 = m - c - 0. Suppose -m*q = -q - 40. Solve 2*l = -0*l + q for l. 5 Let n be 16*(-6 + (-162)/(-24)). Solve 2*u + u = n for u. 4 Let m be (2/4)/((-6)/(-24)). Solve 0 = -m*y - 2*y for y. 0 Let l be (-75)/10 + (-1)/2. Let n = -8 - l. Solve -5*a + 5 - 10 = n for a. -1 Let d be 0/(-2 + 2 + -2). Solve d = 3*y - 6*y for y. 0 Suppose -2*v + 3*i + 12 = i, 0 = -v + 4*i + 15. Solve v*c - c = 0 for c. 0 Suppose o + 4*r = 17, -5*o + 2*r = -10*o + 49. Let s = -95 + 96. Solve -s = -2*j + o for j. 5 Suppose 0 = -3*s - 4 - 2. Let t(c) = 2*c**2 + 4*c + 3. Let n be t(s). Suppose -3*f = -n - 3. Solve 0 = 3*g - f*g - 5 for g. 5 Let g = 16 + -16. Solve -r + 5*r = g for r. 0 Suppose 2*q = 4*q - 4. Suppose 17 = n + 2*s, 2*n = -2*s + 22 + q. Solve n*f = 4*f + 12 for f. 4 Let o = 11 - 3. Solve -o = r - 5*r for r. 2 Suppose 5*g - 5*y = 74 + 26, 0 = -4*g + 3*y + 77. Solve 0 = 5*d - 8 - g for d. 5 Let a(n) = -n**3 + 9*n**2 - n + 9. Let d be a(9). Let y = d - -3. Suppose y*k + 2*m = -m - 3, k + 5*m + 21 = 0. Solve -k*x + x = 15 for x. -5 Let c(b) = 2 - 10*b + b**2 + 0*b + 1. Let w be c(9). Let z = w - -14. Solve 0 = -s - s + z for s. 4 Let d(s) = -7*s. Let v be d(-1). Solve -4*m = 5 + v for m. -3 Let c = -48 - -56. Solve c = -3*f + 2 for f. -2 Let m(l) be the first derivative of l**2/2 - 3*l - 2. Let q be m(3). Solve 4 = o - q for o. 4 Suppose -6*p = -11*p + 20. Solve -p = -4*g + 12 for g. 4 Suppose 12*p = 9*p + 6. Solve -5*q = -p*q for q. 0 Let r be 2 + -1 - (0 + -3). Suppose -4*j + 32 = 3*z, r*z - 40 - 13 = 5*j. Solve -7*s + 3*s = z for s. -3 Suppose -4*j + 4*c = 0, 5*j - 2 = -c + 4*c. Suppose 7 + j = 2*l. Suppose -4*h + f + 6 = -7, -2*h + 3 = 3*f. Solve -h*k = -2*k + l for k. -4 Let n = -1 - -1. Let a(v) = v + 22. Let i be a(-20). Solve -b - i = -n for b. -2 Suppose -y + 9 = 3. Let a = y + -2. Solve q = -a*q + 5 for q. 1 Let c(w) = w**3 - 9*w**2 + 8*w + 5. Let k be c(8). Solve 0 = k*d + 17 + 8 for d. -5 Let l(b) be the first derivative of b**4/4 + 5*b**3/3 + b**2 - 2*b + 2. Let m be l(-3). Solve 4*o - m + 2 = 0 for o. 2 Let i(g) = 2*g**2 + 2*g. Let n be i(-3). Suppose 5*q + 33 = 3*f, 3*q = 3*f - 8*f + 21. Let r be ((-4)/n)/((-1)/f). Solve -r*w = w + 3 for w. -1 Suppose 0*d + 3*w = -3*d + 33, 2*w - 2 = 0. Let b be 0/(-1*2) - 6. Let v(p) = -p**3 - 5*p**2 + 6*p. Let u be v(b). Solve d + u = 2*h for h. 5 Suppose -5*o = -10, 3*o - 6 = h - 2. Suppose -4*n - 16 = 0, 3*n + 3 = -3*p - 0*n. Suppose h = r - p. Solve m + 3 = r for m. 2 Let y = 20 - 16. Solve -11 - y = 3*m for m. -5 Suppose 2*v + 1 = 7. Solve 0 = -5*d - v - 7 for d. -2 Let v(m) = m**2 - 10*m + 7. Let t be v(9). Let a be 408/(-16)*t/3. Solve a = -5*j - 8 for j. -5 Suppose 0 = 18*b - 22*b + 20. Solve b*f + 12 = 32 for f. 4 Suppose 0 = 4*b - 9*b - 40. Let q be b/(-4) - (-6)/3. Solve 0 = -0*n + n + q for n. -4 Let u(q) = q**3 + 8*q**2 + 7*q + 3. Let o be u(-7). Solve o*t - 2*t - 3 = 0 for t. 3 Suppose -4*x = -4*z - 16, 5 = z - 0. Let n(c) = 6*c**2 - 10*c + x - 3
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The U.S. Congress last passed a major energy law in 2007, but the provisions of that law do not do much to address today's most pressing issues, including high oil prices, greenhouse gas emissions, and surging energy demand in countries such as China and India. A growing urgency is becoming apparent in Washington as lawmakers introduce new legislation to address energy policy - where energy comes from, how much it costs, how many jobs it generates, and whether it is central to the health of the economy. A desire to address fossil fuel pollution that contributes to global warming is also gaining traction. Democrats and Republicans who work on energy policy say they are optimistic about prospects for a number of single-issue energy bills in the coming months as Congress begins to tackle high profile legislation. The U. S. House of Representatives has started a bipartisan caucus aimed at passing energy efficiency legislation - bills that would require buildings that provide the same amount of light and heat with less fuel, for example. As previously reported on HAI's RotorNews, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D) have joined together to introduce a bill that would expand offshore drilling, give coastal states a taste of the profit, and require some of the money to go toward development of renewable energy. The bill is drawing a mix of supporters and is being taken seriously by House and Senate leadership. Senior leaders from both political parties on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are working collaboratively on a controversial piece of energy policy to address the renewable fuels standard. There is growing opposition to the provisions of a 2005 law mandating that oil refiners blend an increasing share of plant-based ethanol into the nation's gasoline mix. Oil companies complain it raises their costs, and the use of corn to produce ethanol has also contributed to rising food prices in the wake of last year's drought. Meanwhile, the technology to produce ethanol affordably from non-food crops still is not commercialized. In January, House Republicans brought to the floor a bill to speed construction of small hydropower plants in the Pacific Northwest. The bill was sponsored by Republican Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington and signaled that the GOP was ready to work with Democrats on at least some form of renewable energy legislation. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D) has now introduced a companion measure in the Senate, and members of both parties in both chambers are optimistic about its prospects.
About Brinjal Purple Long The brinjal (eggplant or baingan or aubergine) is called the King of Vegetables by some cultures. It is one of the most versatile vegetables around, loved by many people across the world. Different varieties are available everywhere and each variety is unique in its own way, with a distinctive flavor and many essential minerals. Eggplant or Brinjal, is a very low calorie vegetable and has healthy nutrition profile; good news for weight watchers! The veggie is popularly known as aubergine in the western world. Dispatch within 3 days Seeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 35 Common Name Brinjal, Eggplant Height 1 to 3 feet Flower Colour Purple, White Bloom Time Year round Difficulty Level Easy Planting and care Care should be taken not to plant the brinjals in a shady portion of the garden The plants ought to have sufficient sunlight From time to time, any weeds which might grow in the plants bed must be removed The plants should be sprayed with the pesticides or insecticides if any disease is noticed Stake plants over 24 inches tall Water well and apply a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season For bigger fruits, restrict to five or six per plant Brinjal Purple Long care Start plants indoors 2 months before the soil warms up or buy nursery transplants just before planting Eggplant is a heavy feeder, so when first planting in a plant container, FYM is mixed it. Harvest Season throughout the year Brinjal Purple Long special feature Brinjal fruits size, colour, shape is depend on the variety. Brinjal Purple Long uses Medicinal Use: The brinjal or eggplant has a lot of vitamins and nutrients It contains vitamins like B1 and B6 It also contains a good amount of potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, and folic acid This high nutritive value of the brinjal makes it one of the most important vegetables Helps keeping diabetes in control: The eggplants are a very rich source of fibre and low soluble carbohydrates Thus they are highly beneficial for regulation of blood sugar levels and also to control the absorption of glucose This makes them the best option for people suffering from type 2 diabetes Helpful to the heart: The cholesterol levels are brought down to a great extent by the eggplant It also helps stabilize the level of blood pressure All this in turn lowers the risk of heart diseases The body is also kept well hydrated thanks to the potassium content present in this vegetable This ensures that there is no retention of fluids which prevents coronary heart diseases Helpful to the brain: Eggplant contains Phytonutrients which keep the cell membranes protected from any kind of damage and facilitates the message transfer from one part to another, thus preserving the memory function Helps create iron in the human body: We all require iron for proper functioning in our day to day life However, too much of iron in the body is not a good sign The content of nasunin that is present in eggplant helps remove excess iron from the body This brings down the risk of getting heart attacks as it damages the existence of the free radicals in one’s system Facilitates weight loss: Eggplant is considered to be high in water content yet low in calorie count This feature makes it very ideal as a healthy diet for people who want to reduce weight The spongy texture of the vegetable is what facilitates these characteristics, hence one must consume in its natural form as much as possible Helps in digestion: The digestive system is kept healthy and safe because of the good content of fibre in brinjals This prevents constipation as well The risk of colon cancer is also eliminated Healthy skin and hair: The skin is well hydrated owing to the high water content an eggplant has
Selection on synthesis cost affects interprotein amino acid usage in all three domains of life. Most investigations of the forces shaping protein evolution have focused on protein function. However, cells are typically 50%-75% protein by dry weight, with protein expression levels distributed over five orders of magnitude. Cells may, therefore, be under considerable selection pressure to incorporate amino acids that are cheap to synthesize into proteins that are highly expressed. Such selection pressure has been demonstrated to alter amino acid usage in a few organisms, but whether "cost selection" is a general phenomenon remains unknown. One reason for this is that reliable protein expression level data is not available for most organisms. Accordingly, I have developed a new method for detecting cost selection. This method depends solely on interprotein gradients in amino acid usage. Applying it to an analysis of 43 whole genomes from all three domains of life, I show that selection on the synthesis cost of amino acids is a pervasive force in shaping the composition of proteins. Moreover, some amino acids have different price tags for different organisms--the cost of amino acids is changed for organisms living in hydrothermal vents compared with those living at the sea surface or for organisms that have difficulty acquiring elements such as nitrogen compared with those that do not--so I also investigated whether differences between organisms in amino acid usage might reflect differences in synthesis or acquisition costs. The results suggest that organisms evolve to alter amino acid usage in response to environmental conditions.
Heaven One - Michael Campbell Michael L. Campbell (nick-named Mikki), 66, of San Angelo went to be with his Heavenly Father on Friday, February 24, 2017 in San Angelo. Michael was born October 12, 1950 in Los Angeles, CA to Lynnwood Campbell and Luella Meeks. He grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from David Starr Jordan High School. Mikki served his country proudly in the United States Air Force for 20 years from 1971 to 1991 doing Security Forces. After retirement from the U.S. Air Force, he joined the San Angelo Police Department In 1991 and became an officer in 1992. He later moved into Civil Service and retired from there in 2016. Nikki married Helen B Dozier on December 16, 1980 and they shared 36 beautiful years together. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and brother who devoted his life to his family, his country and his community. He was a servant to everyone and above all God. He never stopped going out of his way to help anyone during his lifetime. Mikki was a devote member of his church the Christian House of Prayer, where he served as an usher and was a member of Total Men’s Fellowship. He was also a member of the “Blue Knights” motorcycle group. He had many passions in life. He played all sports and loved to tell everyone he was a true “Athlete.” Nikki was an avid sports enthusiast and loved the San Francisco 49’ers and the L.A. Lakers. In his spare time, he enjoyed working on vintage cars and motorcycles, assembling model cars, numerous other hobbies and especially getting a baked potato and tea at McAllister’s at least once a week. Mikki’s legacy of love and compassion for others will be carried in all our hearts forever and we will dearly miss him. Mikki was preceded in death by his parents. Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Helen B. Campbell, of San Angelo; Son, Michel-Pul Campbelland his wife, Karla, of Cedar Hill, TX; his Grandchildren, Branden Michael Campbell, Sean Allen Campbell, and Ryland James Campbell, all of Cedar Hill, TX; his Brothers and Sisters, Hazziz Ali and his wife Andrea, of Los Angeles, Anthony Cook and his wife Rose, of San Antonio, TX; and Don Turner and his wife Ronda, of El Paso, TX; numerous nices and nephews; Special Firends, Michael Constancio, Virgis Cutler, George Smith, Shila Wu, Brian Bylsma, and many other special friends and family.
<?php /** * @package FOF * @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2020 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd * @license GNU General Public License version 2, or later */ class JSessionHandlerFake implements JSessionHandlerInterface { private $id = 'FAKE_ID'; private $name = 'FAKE_SESSION_NAME'; public function start() { return true; } public function isStarted() { return true; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($name) { return $this->name; } public function regenerate($destroy = false, $lifetime = null) { return true; } public function save() { } public function clear() { } }
Dr. Grymm Laboratories presents the third annual, 2011Steampunk Bizarre Exhibit, featuring the works of 18 National and world renowned Artists that will explore the unknown alternative world of Steampunk and Mark Twain. A complete Steampunk Experience unlike no other, featuring special events, performances and interactive oddities! Opening reception will be on October 1, 2011 - A complete listing of special events and performances, to be announced. Monday, January 31, 2011 October 1, 2011 through January 15, 2012: The Steampunk Bizarre Exhibit: "The Unknown" Dr. Grymm Laboratories presents the third annual, 2011 Steampunk Bizarre Exhibit, featuring the works of 18 National and world renowned Artists that will explore the unknown alternative world of Steampunk and Mark Twain. A complete Steampunk Experience unlike no other, featuring special events, performances and interactive oddities! Opening reception will be on October 1, 2011 - A complete listing of special events and performances, to be announced. Followers Blog Archive About Me Dr. Grymm's alter ego, Joey Marsocci has been a freelance designer of theme park attractions, toys, puppets, graphic marketing, film props, and private consignments for over 18 years. A graduate of California Institute of the Arts with a BFA in Film and Animation, Marsocci's mix of Victorian elegance and dark science fiction styling through sculpture and design, gave him the natural advantage to design for the growing popularity of the world of Steampunk.
The demand for inexpensive microelectronic devices has resulted in the development of organic materials potentially useful in electronic and optoelectronic systems. This has led to advances in microelectronic devices that make it possible to inexpensively produce microelectronic devices that occupy large areas and are easily fabricated on rigid or flexible plastic supports. These advances include the development of conducting, semiconducting, and dielectric organic materials. Unfortunately, present methods for patterning these organic materials are less than adequate. One such method is screen printing. See, Z. Bao, Y. Feng, A. Dodabalapur, V. R. Raju, A. J. Lovinger, "High-performance Plastic Transistors Fabricated by Printing Techniques," CHEM. MATER. 9 (1997) at 1299-1301. But the use of screen printing in making microelectronic devices such as FETs is limited by relatively poor resolution (.about.100 .mu.m) of the screen printing method. Another method which is capable of generating microstructures in a wide range of materials with feature sizes between one and several hundred microns is micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC). MIMIC involves forming capillary channels between a support and an elastomeric mold that contains recessed channels that emerge from the edges of the mold. A solution containing a solvent and a material (MIMIC solution) which forms the microstructure is applied to the channels at the edges of the mold. Once the solvent in the MIMIC solution evaporates, the mold is lifted from the substrate leaving a microstructure composed of the material. GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure FETs with dimensions as small as .about.20 .mu.m have been fabricated using MIMIC defined sacrificial polymer layers. The MIMIC defined polymer layers were used in "lift-off" procedures to form the gates and the electrodes of the FETs. The conventional MIMIC technique, however, has several serious disadvantages. First, the conventional molds used in MIMIC may only be filled by repeatedly applying the MIMIC solution to the recessed channels at the edges of the mold as the solvent in the solution evaporates. Second, when a conventional MIMIC mold is removed, excess unusable material remains on the substrate where the edges of the mold were located. This material must then be removed by cutting it away from the substrate. Third, the MIMIC solution may have to travel a greater distance in an edge filled MIMIC mold which leads to very long filling times. Fourth, patterns made from more than one type of material are not possible with conventional MIMIC molds. Fifth, MIMIC molds can not be easily integrated with conventional printing methods such ink jet printing or screen printing. Sixth, the MIMIC solution can not be forced or drawn into a conventional MIMIC mold with a pressure or a vacuum. Accordingly, there is a need for an improved mold for use in MIMIC that overcomes the deficiencies of conventional MIMIC molds.
Q: How to get notified by email when logrotate crashes? For a couple of months I didn't receive all the wanted log files by email upon the weekly log rotation and finally found the cause: two configs inside /etc/logrotate.d were broken, invalid. This on my Ubuntu 15.04 server. That caused the logrotate service to crash in the middle. I found that out myself by doing manual log rotations with $ sudo logrotate -v -f /etc/logrotate.conf I wish I were notified by email about that. Or to see some log entries about the failed logrotation in /var/log but no, nothing happened. Do you have an idea how I can configure email alerts when logrotations failed themselves?? Or have these at least logged into something like /var/log/logrotation.log and /var/log/logrotation.err? Thanks heaps A: Setup a daily cron job to run logrotate using '-d'. If echo output is not zero then send an alert email using mailx or whatever you fancy. Sample: #!/bin/sh LOGROTATE_CONFPATH=/etc/logrotate.d cd $LOGROTATE_CONFPATH for i in `ls *`; do if ! logrotate -d $i &> /dev/null; then mail -s "ERROR IN LOGROTATE FILE: $i" [email protected] < /dev/null fi done
AGRION SUBSCRIBE TO THE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Next meetings, articles, vidoes and reports Lastname Firstname Email Confirmation Company Region Offshore Wind Energy in Europe ¬Ė Projects and Experiences From Various Countries Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 9:30-11:00 am Paris and Frankfurt France is beginning to develop an offshore wind sector, with the first tenders put in place earlier this year. France follows other countries like the UK and Germany, who have already established their offshore wind markets. The UK’s projects include Walney (367 MW), Thanet (300 MW), and Lynn and Inner Dowsing (194 MW), which have not been without issue. Germany has an offshore wind park in operation called Alpha Ventus, but the numerous grid problems have prevented progress on other wind shore projects. It would behoove the future project management teams of France to learn from the British and German offshore wind sector. This AGRION conference will examine the difficulties and complexities that have arisen in those areas and possible strategies to avoid the same challenges.
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package flex2.compiler; import flex2.compiler.common.MxmlConfiguration; import flex2.compiler.common.PathResolver; import flex2.compiler.common.SinglePathResolver; import flex2.compiler.io.InMemoryFile; import flex2.compiler.io.VirtualFile; import flex2.compiler.swc.SwcScript; import flex2.compiler.util.LineNumberMap; import flex2.compiler.util.LocalLogger; import flex2.compiler.util.MimeMappings; import flex2.compiler.util.MultiName; import flex2.compiler.util.QName; import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit; import flex2.tools.oem.ApplicationCache; import macromedia.asc.semantics.TypeValue; import macromedia.asc.util.Context; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * This class represents the information associated with a single file * while it's being compiled. This information includes the * <code>pathRoot</code>, the <code>relativePath</code>, the * <code>shortName</code>, which is often the class name, the owner, * which specifies where the Source came from, and whether the * <code>Source</code> is internal, root, and debuggable. */ public final class Source implements Comparable<Source> { // used by flex2.compiler.i18n.I18nCompiler, InterfaceCompiler and ImplementationCompiler public Source(VirtualFile file, Source original) { this(file, original.pathRoot, original.relativePath, original.shortName, original.owner, original.isInternal, original.isRoot, original.isDebuggable); this.delegate = original; } // used by InterfaceCompiler.createInlineComponentUnit(). Note the owner will be set // later by the ResourceContainer when this is passed into addResource() by // CompilerAPI.addGeneratedSources(). public Source(VirtualFile file, Source original, String shortName, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot) { this(file, original.pathRoot, original.relativePath, shortName, null, isInternal, isRoot, true); this.delegate = original; } // used by FileSpec public Source(VirtualFile file, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot) { this(file, null, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, true); } // used by SourceList and SourcePath public Source(VirtualFile file, VirtualFile pathRoot, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot) { this(file, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, true); } // used by StylesContainer, CompilerSwcContext, EmbedEvaluator, DataBindingExtension and PreLink public Source(VirtualFile file, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot, boolean isDebuggable) { this(file, null, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable); } Source(VirtualFile file, VirtualFile pathRoot, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot, boolean isDebuggable) { this.file = file; this.pathRoot = pathRoot; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.shortName = shortName; this.owner = owner; this.isInternal = isInternal; this.isRoot = isRoot; this.isDebuggable = isDebuggable; if (file != null) { fileTime = file.getLastModified(); } fileIncludeTimes = new HashMap<VirtualFile, Long>(4); } private VirtualFile file; private VirtualFile pathRoot; // 'resolver' doesn't need persistence because it's constructed from pathRoot. private PathResolver resolver; private String relativePath, shortName; private Object owner; private boolean isInternal; private boolean isRoot; private boolean isDebuggable; private boolean isPreprocessed; private CompilationUnit unit; private long fileTime; private Map<VirtualFile, Long> fileIncludeTimes; // 1. path resolution // 2. backing file // 3. source fragments private Source delegate; /** * This is a per-Source/CompilationUnit logger. The * ThreadLocalToolkit logger is a per-compile logger. This logger * is usually wired to the ThreadLocalToolkit logger. During the * life of a Source, this logger be nulled out, when it's no * longer needed to save memory. If the Source is reused again, a * new LocalLogger is created by CompilerAPI.preprocess(). */ private LocalLogger logger; private Map<String, Object> fragments; private Map<String, LineNumberMap> fragmentLineMaps; private AssetInfo assetInfo; public int lineCount; private int reuseCount = 0; private int totalDependentCount; public CompilationUnit newCompilationUnit(Object syntaxTree, CompilerContext context) { unit = new CompilationUnit(this, syntaxTree, context); unit.setStandardDefs(ThreadLocalToolkit.getStandardDefs()); return unit; } public CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit() { return unit; } void removeCompilationUnit() { // CompilationUnit's created from SwcScript's can't be easily // recreated, so just remove the type information. The // alternative is to factor out the CompilationUnit creation // from CompilerSwcContext.createSource() and modify // AbcCompiler.parse1() to call it when the CompilationUnit is // null. if (isSwcScriptOwner()) { unit.removeTypeInfo(); } else { unit = null; } fileTime = file.getLastModified(); logger = null; isPreprocessed = false; fileIncludeTimes.clear(); delegate = null; resolver = null; if (fragments != null) { fragments.clear(); fragmentLineMaps.clear(); } } public void setAssetInfo(AssetInfo assetInfo) { this.assetInfo = assetInfo; } void setPreprocessed() { isPreprocessed = true; } boolean isPreprocessed() { return isPreprocessed; } void setLogger(LocalLogger logger) { this.logger = logger; } public LocalLogger getLogger() { return logger; } public void disconnectLogger() { if (logger != null && logger.warningCount() == 0 && logger.errorCount() == 0) { logger = null; } else if (logger != null) { // if warning/error exists, keep the logger and just disconnect it from the original logger. logger.disconnect(); } } boolean hasError() { return logger != null && logger.errorCount() > 0; } public Object getOwner() { return owner; } // C: do not make this public; only used by ResourceContainer. void setOwner(Object owner) { this.owner = owner; } public boolean isSourcePathOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof SourcePath && !isResourceBundlePathOwner(); } public boolean isSourceListOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof SourceList; } public boolean isFileSpecOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof FileSpec; } public boolean isCompilerSwcContextOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof CompilerSwcContext; } public boolean isSwcScriptOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof SwcScript; } public boolean isResourceContainerOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof ResourceContainer; } public boolean isResourceBundlePathOwner() { return owner != null && owner instanceof ResourceBundlePath; } public boolean isInternal() { return isInternal; } public boolean isEntryPoint() { return isFileSpecOwner(); } public boolean isRoot() { return isRoot; } public boolean isDebuggable() { return isDebuggable; } public boolean isCompiled() { return unit != null && unit.isBytecodeAvailable(); } public boolean isUpdated() { long lastModified = file.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != fileTime) { return true; } else { for (Entry<VirtualFile, Long> entry : fileIncludeTimes.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().getLastModified() != entry.getValue().longValue()) { return true; } } return false; } } boolean isUpdated(Source source) { boolean result = false; if (assetInfo != null) { if (assetInfo.getArgs().size() != source.assetInfo.getArgs().size()) { result = true; } else { for (Iterator i = assetInfo.getArgs().entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext() && !result;) { Entry entry = (Entry) i.next(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); if (!value.equals(Transcoder.COLUMN) && !value.equals(Transcoder.LINE) && !value.equals(source.assetInfo.getArgs().get(key))) { result = true; } } } } return result; } public boolean exists() { return file.getLastModified() > 0; } public String getName() { return file.getName(); } public String getNameForReporting() { return file.getNameForReporting(); } // C: This is temporary... only use it when you need to set asc Context.setPath public String getParent() { return file.getParent(); } public long size() { return file.size(); } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return file.getInputStream(); } public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException { return file.toByteArray(); } public boolean isTextBased() { return file.isTextBased(); } public String getInputText() { return file.toString(); } public String getMimeType() { return file.getMimeType(); } public long getLastModified() { return fileTime; } public VirtualFile resolve(String include) { return getPathResolver().resolve(include); } public PathResolver getPathResolver() { if (resolver == null) { resolver = new PathResolver(); resolver.addSinglePathResolver(new Resolver(delegate != null ? delegate.getPathResolver() : null, file, pathRoot)); resolver.addSinglePathResolver(ThreadLocalToolkit.getPathResolver()); } return resolver; } static class Resolver implements SinglePathResolver { Resolver(PathResolver delegate, VirtualFile file, VirtualFile pathRoot) { this.delegate = delegate; this.file = file; this.pathRoot = pathRoot; } private PathResolver delegate; private VirtualFile file, pathRoot; public VirtualFile resolve(String relative) { VirtualFile f = null; if (relative != null) { // delegate.resolve() before this.resolve() if (delegate != null) { f = delegate.resolve(relative); } else { // A leading slash harks back to the Servlet days // and meant look in the context root, so if we // see a leading slash, we skip looking relative // to the file. if (!relative.startsWith("/")) { f = file.resolve(relative); } if ((f == null) && (pathRoot != null)) { // See above note about about a leading slash. // We used to blindly chop off the leading // character and many existing apps are now // dependent on the broken behavior. See the // performance testsuite for examples. if (relative.startsWith("/") || (ThreadLocalToolkit.getCompatibilityVersion() < MxmlConfiguration.VERSION_4_5)) { f = pathRoot.resolve(relative.substring(1)); } } } } return f; } } public void setPathResolver(PathResolver pathResolver) { this.resolver = pathResolver; } public VirtualFile getBackingFile() { return (delegate == null)? file : delegate.getBackingFile(); } public String getRelativePath() { // C: should be /-separated (no backslash) return relativePath; } public String getShortName() { return shortName; } public VirtualFile getPathRoot() { return pathRoot; } public void addFileIncludes(Source s) { fileIncludeTimes.putAll(s.fileIncludeTimes); } public boolean addFileInclude(String path) { VirtualFile f = resolve(path); return addFileInclude(f); } public boolean addFileInclude(VirtualFile f) { if (f != null) { if (!fileIncludeTimes.containsKey(f)) { fileIncludeTimes.put(f, f.getLastModified()); } if (delegate != null) { delegate.addFileInclude(f); } return true; } else { return false; } } public Iterator<VirtualFile> getFileIncludes() { return fileIncludeTimes.keySet().iterator(); } /** * Returns a copy. */ public Set<VirtualFile> getFileIncludesSet() { return new HashSet<VirtualFile>(fileIncludeTimes.keySet()); } /** * Returns a copy. */ public Map<VirtualFile, Long> getFileIncludeTimes() { return new HashMap<VirtualFile, Long>(fileIncludeTimes); } public boolean isIncludedFile(String name) { for (VirtualFile f : fileIncludeTimes.keySet()) { if (f.getName().equals(name) || f.getNameForReporting().equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } public Iterator<VirtualFile> getUpdatedFileIncludes() { List<VirtualFile> updated = null; for (VirtualFile f : fileIncludeTimes.keySet()) { long ts = fileIncludeTimes.get(f).longValue(); if (f.getLastModified() != ts) { if (updated == null) { updated = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(fileIncludeTimes.size()); } updated.add(f); } } return updated == null ? null : updated.iterator(); } public int getFileIncludeSize() { return fileIncludeTimes.size(); } long getFileIncludeTime(VirtualFile f) { return fileIncludeTimes.get(f).longValue(); } public long getFileTime() { return fileTime; } public void setFileTime(long fileTime) { this.fileTime = fileTime; } public void addSourceFragment(String n, Object f, LineNumberMap m) { if (fragments == null) { fragments = new HashMap<String, Object>(); fragmentLineMaps = new HashMap<String, LineNumberMap>(); } fragments.put(n, f); if (m != null) { fragmentLineMaps.put(n, m); } } public Object getSourceFragment(String n) { // this.fragment before delegate.fragment Object obj = (fragments == null) ? null : fragments.get(n); if (obj == null && delegate != null) { return delegate.getSourceFragment(n); } else { return obj; } } public Collection<LineNumberMap> getSourceFragmentLineMaps() { if (fragmentLineMaps != null) { return fragmentLineMaps.values(); } else if (delegate != null) { return delegate.getSourceFragmentLineMaps(); } else { return null; } } void clearSourceFragments() { fragments = null; fragmentLineMaps = null; if (delegate != null) { delegate.clearSourceFragments(); } } /** * Used by the web tier for dependency tracking. * * returns the last modified time of the source file itself * without taking last modified time of any dependent files into account * * does not return a last modified time for in-memory files */ public long getRawLastModified() { if (isSwcScriptOwner()) { return ((SwcScript) owner).getLibrary().getSwcCreationTime(); } else if (isFileSpecOwner() || isSourceListOwner() || isSourcePathOwner()) { return fileTime; } else // if (isResourceBundlePathOwner() || isResourceContainerOwner()) { return -1; } } /** * Used by the web tier for dependency tracking. */ public String getRawLocation() { if (isSwcScriptOwner()) { return ((SwcScript) owner).getLibrary().getSwcLocation(); } else { return getName(); } } public int compareTo(Source source) { return getName().compareTo(source.getName()); } public int hashCode() { return getName().hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object instanceof Source) { Source s = (Source) object; return s.owner == owner && s.getName().equals(getName()) && s.getRelativePath().equals(getRelativePath()); } else { return false; } } public void close() { file.close(); } /** * Make a copy of this Source object. Dependencies are multinames in the clone. */ public Source copy() { if (unit != null && unit.isDone()) { // copying Source VirtualFile f = new InMemoryFile(unit.getByteCodes(), getName(), MimeMappings.ABC, fileTime); Source s = new Source(f, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable); s.fileIncludeTimes.putAll(fileIncludeTimes); s.logger = logger; // copying CompilationUnit CompilationUnit u = s.newCompilationUnit(null, new CompilerContext()); copyCompilationUnit(unit, u, true); return s; } else { return null; } } /** * This method copies all the guts of one CompilationUnit into * another. It was formerly called copyMetaData(), but it grew to * include more than just metadata, so it was renamed. */ public static void copyCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit fromUnit, CompilationUnit toUnit, boolean useHistories) { toUnit.topLevelDefinitions.addAll(fromUnit.topLevelDefinitions); if (useHistories) { // For non-SwcScript based CompilationUnit's we want to // copy all the MultiName dependencies from the old // CompilationUnit's history into the new CompilationUnit, // so they can be resolved again. This covers the case // where an ambiguity was introduced between incremental // compiles. toUnit.inheritance.addAll(fromUnit.inheritanceHistory.keySet()); toUnit.types.addAll(fromUnit.typeHistory.keySet()); toUnit.namespaces.addAll(fromUnit.namespaceHistory.keySet()); toUnit.expressions.addAll(fromUnit.expressionHistory.keySet()); } else { // CompilationUnit's from SwcScript's get there // dependencies from the catalog.xml file, so we copy them // directly to the new CompilationUnit. toUnit.inheritance.addAll(fromUnit.inheritance); toUnit.types.addAll(fromUnit.types); toUnit.namespaces.addAll(fromUnit.namespaces); toUnit.expressions.addAll(fromUnit.expressions); } toUnit.inheritanceHistory = fromUnit.inheritanceHistory; toUnit.typeHistory = fromUnit.typeHistory; toUnit.namespaceHistory = fromUnit.namespaceHistory; toUnit.expressionHistory = fromUnit.expressionHistory; toUnit.setSignatureChecksum(fromUnit.getSignatureChecksum()); if (fromUnit.hasAssets()) { toUnit.getAssets().addAll(fromUnit.getAssets()); } toUnit.auxGenerateInfo = fromUnit.auxGenerateInfo; // These values are not type info dependent, so always copy them over. toUnit.icon = fromUnit.icon; toUnit.iconFile = fromUnit.iconFile; if (fromUnit.hasTypeInfo) { // There is no need to persist these properties because they exists as AS3 metadata in abc[], which // PersistenceStore always persists. toUnit.styles = fromUnit.styles; toUnit.typeInfo = fromUnit.typeInfo; toUnit.hasTypeInfo = true; toUnit.classTable.putAll(fromUnit.classTable); toUnit.swfMetaData = fromUnit.swfMetaData; toUnit.loaderClass = fromUnit.loaderClass; toUnit.loaderClassBase = fromUnit.loaderClassBase; toUnit.extraClasses.addAll(fromUnit.extraClasses); toUnit.addAccessibilityClasses(fromUnit); toUnit.licensedClassReqs.putAll(fromUnit.licensedClassReqs); toUnit.remoteClassAliases.putAll(fromUnit.remoteClassAliases); toUnit.effectTriggers.putAll(fromUnit.effectTriggers); toUnit.mixins.addAll(fromUnit.mixins); toUnit.resourceBundleHistory.addAll(fromUnit.resourceBundleHistory); toUnit.bytes = fromUnit.bytes; } } /** * Creates a Source object, given a VirtualFile */ static Source newSource(VirtualFile f, long fileTime, VirtualFile pathRoot, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot, boolean isDebuggable, Set<VirtualFile> includes, Map<VirtualFile, Long> includeTimes, LocalLogger logger) { Source s = new Source(f, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable); s.fileTime = fileTime; s.fileIncludeTimes.putAll(includeTimes); s.logger = logger; return s; } /** * Creates a Source object, given an abc[] */ static Source newSource(byte[] abc, String name, long fileTime, VirtualFile pathRoot, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot, boolean isDebuggable, Set<VirtualFile> includes, Map<VirtualFile, Long> includeTimes, LocalLogger logger) { VirtualFile f = new InMemoryFile(abc, name, MimeMappings.ABC, fileTime); return newSource(f, fileTime, pathRoot, relativePath, shortName, owner, isInternal, isRoot, isDebuggable, includes, includeTimes, logger); } /** * Populates a Source object. */ static Source populateSource(Source s, long fileTime, VirtualFile pathRoot, String relativePath, String shortName, Object owner, boolean isInternal, boolean isRoot, boolean isDebuggable, Set<VirtualFile> includes, Map<VirtualFile, Long> includeTimes, LocalLogger logger) { assert s != null; s.fileTime = fileTime; s.pathRoot = pathRoot; s.relativePath = relativePath; s.shortName = shortName; s.owner = owner; s.isInternal = isInternal; s.isRoot = isRoot; s.isDebuggable = isDebuggable; s.fileIncludeTimes.putAll(includeTimes); s.logger = logger; return s; } public void reused() { reuseCount++; } public int getReuseCount() { return reuseCount; } public int getTotalDependentCount() { return totalDependentCount; } public void setTotalDependentCount(int totalDependentCount) { this.totalDependentCount = totalDependentCount; } public String toString() { return getName(); } public static void transferDefinitions(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.topLevelDefinitions.addAll(from.topLevelDefinitions); } public static void transferTypeInfo(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.typeInfo = from.typeInfo; } public static void clearDependencies(CompilationUnit unit) { unit.inheritance.clear(); unit.types.clear(); unit.expressions.clear(); unit.namespaces.clear(); unit.importPackageStatements.clear(); unit.importDefinitionStatements.clear(); } public static void transferInheritance(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.inheritance.clear(); to.inheritance.addAll(from.inheritance); to.inheritanceHistory.putAll(from.inheritanceHistory); } public static void transferDependencies(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { clearDependencies(to); to.inheritance.addAll(from.inheritance); to.types.addAll(from.types); to.expressions.addAll(from.expressions); to.namespaces.addAll(from.namespaces); to.importPackageStatements.addAll(from.importPackageStatements); to.importDefinitionStatements.addAll(from.importDefinitionStatements); to.inheritanceHistory.putAll(from.inheritanceHistory); to.typeHistory.putAll(from.typeHistory); to.expressionHistory.putAll(from.expressionHistory); to.namespaceHistory.putAll(from.namespaceHistory); } public static void transferNamespaces(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.namespaces.clear(); to.namespaces.addAll(from.namespaces); to.namespaceHistory.putAll(from.namespaceHistory); } public static void transferExpressions(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.expressions.clear(); to.expressions.addAll(from.expressions); to.expressionHistory.putAll(from.expressionHistory); } public static void transferAssets(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { if (from.hasAssets()) { to.getAssets().addAll(from.getAssets()); } } public static void transferMetaData(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.metadata.addAll(from.metadata); to.swfMetaData = from.swfMetaData; to.icon = from.icon; to.iconFile = from.iconFile; to.loaderClass = from.loaderClass; to.extraClasses.addAll( from.extraClasses ); to.addAccessibilityClasses(from); to.licensedClassReqs.putAll( from.licensedClassReqs ); to.remoteClassAliases.putAll(from.remoteClassAliases); to.effectTriggers.putAll(from.effectTriggers); to.mixins.addAll(from.mixins); to.resourceBundles.addAll(from.resourceBundles); to.resourceBundleHistory.addAll(from.resourceBundleHistory); to.setSignatureChecksum(from.getSignatureChecksum()); } public static void transferGeneratedSources(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.addGeneratedSources(from.getGeneratedSources()); from.clearGeneratedSources(); } public static void transferClassTable(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.classTable.putAll(from.classTable); } public static void transferLoaderClassBase(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.loaderClassBase = from.loaderClassBase; } public static void transferBytecodes(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.bytes.clear(); to.bytes.set(from.bytes.toByteArray(false), from.bytes.size()); to.getSource().lineCount = from.getSource().lineCount; } public static void transferStyles(CompilationUnit from, CompilationUnit to) { to.styles = from.styles; } }
Using legal injunctions, Dov Zakheim’s lawyers forced this website to remove an article we posted with the same title; which tells us he may have something to hide. Seems like others also think so as this video indicates. Watch it while you still can How President Ahmadinejad’s words were mistranslated and deliberately distorted. So that the term “wiped off the map” has now become synonymous with the Iranian leader’s attitude to Israel – even though he never uttered those words Among the captains of industry, spin doctors and financial advisers accompanying British prime minister Gordon Brown on his fund-raising visit to the Gulf this week, one name was surprisingly absent. This may have had something to do with the fact that the tour kicked off in Saudi Arabia. But by the time the group reached Qatar, Baron David de Rothschild was there, too, and he was also in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Although his office denies that he was part of the official party, it is probably no coincidence that he happened to be in the same part of the world at the right time. That is how the Rothschilds have worked for centuries: quietly, without fuss, behind the scenes. “We have had 250 years or so of family involvement in the finance business,” says Baron Rothschild. “We provide advice on both sides of the balance sheet, and we do it globally.” The Rothschilds have been helping the British government – and many others – out of a financial hole ever since they financed Wellington’s army and thus victory against the French at Waterloo in 1815. According to a long-standing legend, the Rothschild family owed the first millions of their fortune to Nathan Rothschild’s successful speculation about the effect of the outcome of the battle on the price of British bonds. By the 19th century, they ran a financial institution with the power and influence of a combined Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and perhaps even Goldman Sachs and the Bank of China today. In the 1820s, the Rothschilds supplied enough money to the Bank of England to avert a liquidity crisis. There is not one institution that can save the system in the same way today; not even the US Federal Reserve. However, even though the Rothschilds may have lost some of that power – just as other financial institutions on that list have been emasculated in the last few months – the Rothschild dynasty has lost none of its lustre or influence. So it was no surprise to meet Baron Rothschild at the Dubai International Financial Centre. Rothschild’s opened in Dubai in 2006 with ambitious plans to build an advisory business to complement its European operations. What took so long? The answer, as many things connected with Rothschilds, has a lot to do with history. When Baron Rothschild began his career, he joined his father’s firm in Paris. In 1982 President Francois Mitterrand nationalised all the banks, leaving him without a bank. With just US$1 million (Dh3.67m) in capital, and five employees, he built up the business, before merging the French operations with the rest of the family’s business in the 1990s. Gradually the firm has started expanding throughout the world, including the Gulf. “There is no debate that Rothschild is a Jewish family, but we are proud to be in this region. However, it takes time to develop a global footprint,” he says. An urbane man in his mid-60s, he says there is no single reason why the Rothschilds have been able to keep their financial business together, but offers a couple of suggestions for their longevity. “For a family business to survive, every generation needs a leader,” he says. “Then somebody has to keep the peace. Building a global firm before globalisation meant a mindset of sharing risk and responsibility. If you look at the DNA of our family, that is perhaps an element that runs through our history. Finally, don’t be complacent about giving the family jobs.” He stresses that the Rothschild ascent has not been linear – at times, as he did in Paris, they have had to rebuild. While he was restarting their business in France, his cousin Sir Evelyn was building a British franchise. When Sir Evelyn retired, the decision was taken to merge the businesses. They are now strong in Europe, Asia especially China, India, as well as Brazil. They also get involved in bankruptcy restructurings in the US, a franchise that will no doubt see a lot more activity in the months ahead. Does he expect governments to play a larger role in financial markets in future? “There is a huge difference in the Soviet-style mentality that occurred in Paris in 1982, and the extraordinary achievements that politicians, led by Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy, have made to save the global banking system from systemic collapse,” he says. “They moved to protect the world from billions of unemployment. In five to 10 years those banking stakes will be sold – and sold at a profit.” Baron Rothschild shares most people’s view that there is a new world order. In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance. “But you have to be careful of caricatures: we don’t want to go from ultra liberalism to protectionism.” So how did the Rothschilds manage to emerge relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown? “You could say that we may have more insights than others, or you may look at the structure of our business,” he says. “As a family business, we want to limit risk. There is a natural pride in being a trusted adviser.” It is that role as trusted adviser to both governments and companies that Rothschilds is hoping to build on in the region. “In today’s world we have a strong offering of debt and equity,” he says. “They are two arms of the same body looking for money.” The firm has entrusted the growth of its financing advisory business in the Middle East to Paul Reynolds, a veteran of many complex corporate finance deals. “Our principal business franchise is large and mid-size companies,” says Mr Reynolds. “I have already been working in this region for two years and we offer a pretty unique proposition. “We work in a purely advisory capacity. We don’t lend or underwrite, because that creates conflicts. We are sensitive to banking relationships. But we look to ensure financial flexibility for our clients.” He was unwilling to discuss specific deals or clients, but says that he offers them “trusted, impartial financing advice any time day or night”. Baron Rothschilds tends to do more deals than their competitors, mainly because they are prepared to take on smaller mandates. “It’s not transactions were are interested in, it’s relationships. We are looking for good businesses and good people,” says Mr Reynolds. “Our ambition is for every company here to have a debt adviser.” Baron Rothschild is reluctant to comment on his nephew Nat Rothschild’s public outburst against George Osborne, the British shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Nat Rothschild castigated Mr Osborne for revealing certain confidences gleaned during a holiday in the summer in Corfu. In what the British press are calling “Yachtgate”, the tale involved Russia’s richest man, Oleg Deripaska, Lord Mandelson, a controversial British politician who has just returned to government, Mr Osborne and a Rothschild. Classic tabloid fodder, but one senses that Baron Rothschild frowns on such publicity. “If you are an adviser, that imposes a certain style and culture,” he says. “You should never forget that clients want to hear more about themselves than their bankers. It demands an element of being sober.” Even when not at work, Baron Rothschild’s tastes are sober. He lives between Paris and London, is a keen family man – he has one son who is joining the business next September and three daughters – an enthusiastic golfer, and enjoys the “odd concert”. He is also involved in various charity activities, including funding research into brain disease and bone marrow disorders. It is part of Rothschild lore that its founder sent his sons throughout Europe to set up their own interlinked offices. So where would Baron Rothschild send his children today? “I would send one to Asia, one to Europe and one to the United States,” he said. “And if I had more children, I would send one to the UAE.”http://aftermathnews.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/baron-david-de-rothschild-sees-a-new-world-order-in-global-banking-governance/
I live in the Arizona Desert, Southwestern USA. It gets hot here, and my power bills got out of hand. This is a journal of my various efforts to bring this problem under control using the cheapest technology I could find. Saving money shouldn't cost a fortune. Pages Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Floats and Strings Over a Serial Link (like an XBee) I've mentioned many times how I use a regular old ascii string as the payload when communicating between XBees whenever possible. There's several reasons for this, but the biggest is debugging the interaction of the devices. It's a royal pain in the behind to try and interpret the data traveling over the air as binary using XCTU or a monitor XBee. I convert integers, floats and such to text, send it, and reconstruct what I need at the other end. This way I can actually read what is traveling between XBees using a monitor XBee or the little sniffer I constructed exactly for this purpose. However, this has generated questions about how to do such a thing from folks that are just starting out using an Arduino hooked to an XBee because it isn't obvious. Yes, there are a bazillion examples out there, but not specifically related to passing data between XBees. Additionally, there are operators in other languages that take care of this kind of thing totally behind the scenes and programmers don't have to worry about it. Adding insult to injury, the Stream data type in the Arduino IDE has problems when running for a very long time: it will run your board out of memory and cause it to fail. This isn't a complaint about the Arduino development environment, just a simple fact. The little Arduino only has 2K of memory to play with and you simply run out if you try to do too much. It's not like a laptop with 8Gb of memory to play around with, you have to control yourself and your code. So, doing things with as little memory usage as possible using simple tools is the way to make a device that can run for a week without failing. So, here's a sketch that illustrates the some of the data types including the float. The integer and long datatypes are relatively easy, but the float confuses some people. The float has generated probably a hundred questions and even more misunderstandings. This code is waaay over commented and will compile and run on an Arduino. It basically takes a float, long and integer, converts them into ascii in a string with other stuff, and then gets it back out into variables to be used further. The middle part where the string is sent between two devices can be found in other places on this blog. This will compile and run on an Arduino under IDE version 1.0 and up. The Arduino Sketch #include <stdio.h>int intVariable;long longVariable;float floatVariable;// this little function will return the first two digits after the decimal// point of a float as an int to help with sprintf() (won't work for negative values)// the .005 is there for rounding.int frac(float num){ return( ((num + .005) - (int)num) * 100);}// this function prints the characters of a c string one at a time// without any formatting to confuse or hide thingsvoid printbuffer(char *buffer){ while(*buffer){ Serial.write(*buffer++); }}void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600);}char buff[100]; // we're going to use this to hold our stringvoid loop(){ Serial.println("starting ..."); intVariable = 11; // integers are just that, integers, no decimal point possible Serial.println(intVariable); longVariable = 12.45; // longs are really just big integers, they can't have a decimal Serial.println(longVariable); // This will show you what happens with a long floatVariable = 13.45; // floats are a different animal Serial.println(floatVariable); // now I'm putting these in a string. For this I'm using sprintf() because // it makes this kind of thing so much easier. I use the little frac() routine // up above. This is simply cutting the float into two integers, one being the // part to the left of the decimal and the other being two digits to the right // of the decimal. The long uses a special format specification %ld as in // 'long decimal', and int is just stuffed in there directly sprintf(buff, "This whole thing is a string: %d.%2d, %ld, %d\n", int(floatVariable), frac(floatVariable), // the two halves of the float longVariable, // and the long intVariable); // and finally the integer // the %d means construct it as a decimal number (as in base 10), the '.' is // just a period to be placed in the string, %2d means a 2 digit number with leading // zeros. Google the printf specification for several million examples. // Now let's print it one character at a time to illustrate what's in the string // without the formatting capabilities of Serial.print() confusing things printbuffer(buff); // Now, buff has a string of characters in it with the ascii // representation of the variables in it. You can send this // string through an XBee, over a wire using one of the serial // techniques, or store it in a file. It's also pretty good for // serial LCD displays. // So, let's get the number out of the string. To do this, you have to know // how the string is constructed. If you choose a method to construct the string // that is easy to take apart (like a comma separated string) things are much // easier. However, this string is actually pretty nasty. So, we'll first find the // colon. char *tmp = strchr(buff, ':'); printbuffer(tmp); // So, now that we have a pointer into the string that begins at the colon, let's // skip the ': ' (colon space) and we'll be right at the number tmp += 2; printbuffer(tmp); // OK, now let's get the darn ascii number out of the string and back into a float. float recoveredFloat = atof(tmp); Serial.print("Float recovered was: "); Serial.println(recoveredFloat); // Now you have your float variable back as a float to do with as you please. // So, move over to the ',' that is before the long tmp = strchr(tmp, ','); printbuffer(tmp); // and skip the ', " to get to the number tmp += 2; printbuffer(tmp); // and get it out into a variable long recoveredLong = atol(tmp); Serial.print("Long recovered was: "); Serial.println(recoveredLong); // and the whole thing over again for the integer tmp = strchr(tmp, ','); printbuffer(tmp); tmp += 2; printbuffer(tmp); int recoveredInt = atoi(tmp); Serial.print("Int recovered was: "); Serial.println(recoveredInt); Serial.println("done."); while(1){}} Yes, I eat up substantial code memory using sprintf(), but it's worth it. You can reuse the buffer over and over and you only pay the price for sprintf() once, not over and over again like you do with the String datatype. Notice I didn't get into a long discussion of how floats are stored in memory and how operations on them work. That's documented in about a million places and I don't want to add confusion by getting into that discussion. If you need to know, go look it up. There are three c library routines that are used here: atoi(), atol(), and atof(). These are documented on the web, so take a look at what they do. One of the keys to understanding this stuff is to do a LOT of looking around for various solutions. Anything you want to do has been done in some part before and someone probably wrote about it somewhere. Keep in mind that there are as many ways to do this as there are programmers doing it. So this is just one way. I chose this to illustrate it as completely and simply as I could so folks would leave with a few less questions than they came with. Now, when these questions come up, I can simply point to this page and let folks play with the code until they get the idea. When people first start out using an Arduino to try and control things, it's a tough enough hurdle just getting the first code to work; I hope this helps some of them. I'm glad this helped. I've been using this technique for quite a while to crowd as much as I can into an Arduino. You can also use a little routine I have on the blog in a couple of places to monitor memory usage to be sure you have it under control. Hi Dave. I am sending float number from one Xbee to another using sprintf() method as you did above.It works perfect when I am trying to send small numbers. However, it is not sending big numbers like 86536,46 properly. I guess it is because of the buffer size. But when I give big number to buffer like char buffer[100000] it says overflow in array dimension. So can you suggest me what to do in this situation? Big numbers shouldn't be a problem unless you're sending a lot of them, or a number really, really huge. The reason you're having trouble with the big buffer is because there just isn't that much memory on an arduino. We're talking a couple of K of memory to work inside and a hundred thousand byte buffer would be a problem. I think I have solved sending big numbers but new problem appeared unfortunately. When I am trying to send float type number I can only send the one which has one, two, three and four digits after decimal. Like 86745.321 or 94567.3478. But when I am trying to send, lets say 86345.56734 it puts different number to the buffer and sends it instead. So do you know what is the problem? Looks like you exceeded the capability of the floating point library for the Arduino. I'm not sure of that, but it fits the symptoms. The numbers you're messing with look like you're reading a GPS chip. If you are, those numbers originate from the chip as part of a string. They're already in ascii, why not just use that? If you're reading the GPS strings and grabbing the numbers, then converting them to floating point, then converting them to strings to send, just cut out the middle step and use the ascii values directly. It's easy to parse the fields out of the GPS strings. Yes it seems like all of these happen because of the memory constraint of the arduino. Yes you are right GPS chip return coordinates as ascii. But the format of these strings are unclear. That's why I have got DataTransfer method which parse this data and returns double instead. Hence, I have got some problems with sending big number and also if the number of the digit after decimal exceeds 4. double Datatransfer(char *data_buf,char num)//convert the data to the float type{ //*data_buf:the data array double temp=0.0; //the number of the right of a decimal point unsigned char i,j; I've decoded the output of a GPS chip, and it isn't too hard. Basically all it is is taking the NMEA strings, choosing the one you want, and then separating the fields from it. There's hundreds of posts on how to do this on the web. There's even a small library that uses the software serial library and allows the use of the hardware serial port for debugging and monitoring. The TinyGPS library is described here: http://arduiniana.org/libraries/TinyGPS/ And, the software serial library is included as part of the recent Arduino IDE. The library returns integer values which are much easier to convert to string data to be forwarded through an XBee. The machine at the other end can then convert it to floating point for calculations. There are other methods that can be used especially since the GPS sentences are comma separated. Comma separated fields are not too hard to parse with an Arduino and there are example out there for this as well. I use the strtok() routine to parse this kind of data a lot. Exactly, your code is very good. but I had the doubt how to send floating variables from EMISOR since I send in variables (uint8_t or string). Sorry for my English but I'm from Chile and my English is not the best, also thanks, you're a boss (SOS UN CAPO).
From now, Benedicte DUBART will invite you in her new workshop in Warneton where she combines with other creators to animate the artists village founded by the company Warty, around a third "Guinguette de la Marine" in an ancient factory named Scowarton.
// // PrettyGridTableViewCell.m // PrettyExample // // Created by Víctor on 12/03/12. // Copyright (c) 2012 Victor Pena Placer (@vicpenap) // http://www.victorpena.es/ // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #import "PrettyGridTableViewCell.h" #import "PrettyDrawing.h" #define label_margin 2 @interface PrettyGridSubview : UIButton { BOOL _gradientVisible; } @property (nonatomic, retain) PrettyGridTableViewCell *cell; @property (nonatomic, assign) int selectedSegment; @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat segmentWidth; - (void) selectIndex:(int)index; - (void) deselectAnimated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^)(void))block; @end @implementation PrettyGridSubview @synthesize cell, selectedSegment; - (void) dealloc { self.cell = nil; [super dealloc]; } - (CGFloat) segmentWidth { float width = self.frame.size.width - 4/self.cell.numberOfElements; return width / self.cell.numberOfElements; } // draws vertical separator - (void) drawLineAtX:(float)x inRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSaveGState(ctx); CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, x, CGRectGetMinY(rect)); CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x, CGRectGetMaxY(rect)); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, self.cell.customSeparatorColor.CGColor); CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 0.5); CGContextStrokePath(ctx); CGContextRestoreGState(ctx); } - (UIFont *) fontFromLabel:(UILabel *)label { UIFont *font = label.font; /* If the font hasn't been changed, the first time it's accessed the font size isn't set, so we have to "guess" it. */ if (!font.pointSize) { if (label == self.cell.textLabel) { font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[UIFont labelFontSize]]; } else if (label == self.cell.detailTextLabel) { float fontSize = 0; switch (self.cell->_style) { case UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle: fontSize = 15; break; case UITableViewCellStyleValue1: case UITableViewCellStyleValue2: fontSize = [UIFont labelFontSize]; default: break; } font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize]; } } return font; } - (CGSize) drawText:(NSString *)text basedOnLabel:(UILabel *)label inRect:(CGRect)rect showAsSelected:(BOOL)selected { CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSaveGState(ctx); UIFont *font = [self fontFromLabel:label]; if (!self.cell.shadowOnlyOnSelected || selected) { CGContextSetShadowWithColor(ctx, label.shadowOffset, 1, label.shadowColor.CGColor); } if (selected && self.cell.elementSelectionStyle != UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor); } else { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, label.textColor.CGColor); } CGSize textSize = [text drawInRect:rect withFont:font lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation alignment:self.cell.textAlignment]; CGContextRestoreGState(ctx); return textSize; } - (void) drawSelectionGradientInRect:(CGRect)rect { [PrettyDrawing drawGradient:rect fromColor:self.cell.selectionGradientStartColor toColor:self.cell.selectionGradientEndColor]; } - (CGSize) detailTextSizeAtIndex:(int)i width:(float)width rect:(CGRect)rect { NSString *detailText = [self.cell detailTextAtIndex:i]; CGSize detailTextSize; detailTextSize = [detailText sizeWithFont:[self fontFromLabel:self.cell.detailTextLabel] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(width, rect.size.height) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation]; return detailTextSize; } - (CGSize) textSizeAtIndex:(int)i width:(float)width rect:(CGRect)rect { CGSize textSize = CGSizeZero; CGSize detailTextSize = CGSizeZero; NSString *text = [self.cell textAtIndex:i]; NSString *detailText = [self.cell detailTextAtIndex:i]; if (detailText) { detailTextSize = [self detailTextSizeAtIndex:i width:width rect:rect]; } textSize = [text sizeWithFont:[self fontFromLabel:self.cell.textLabel] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(width, rect.size.height - detailTextSize.height - label_margin*2) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation]; return textSize; } - (void) drawTextsAtIndex:(int)i width:(float)width rect:(CGRect)rect span:(float)x selected:(BOOL)selected { CGSize textSize = [self textSizeAtIndex:i width:width rect:rect]; CGSize detailTextSize = [self detailTextSizeAtIndex:i width:width rect:rect]; NSString *text = [self.cell textAtIndex:i]; NSString *detailText = [self.cell detailTextAtIndex:i]; if (text) { CGRect textRect; float y = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) - textSize.height; if (detailTextSize.height != 0) { y -= detailTextSize.height; } y = y / 2; textRect = CGRectMake(x, y, width, textSize.height); [self drawText:text basedOnLabel:self.cell.textLabel inRect:textRect showAsSelected:selected]; } if (detailText) { float y = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) - detailTextSize.height - label_margin; [self drawText:detailText basedOnLabel:self.cell.detailTextLabel inRect:CGRectMake(x, y, width, detailTextSize.height) showAsSelected:selected]; } } - (void) drawBackground:(CGRect)rect { if (self.cell.gradientStartColor && self.cell.gradientEndColor) { CGGradientRef gradient = [(PrettyTableViewCell *)self.cell newNormalGradient]; [PrettyDrawing drawGradient:gradient rect:rect]; CGGradientRelease(gradient); return; } CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSaveGState(ctx); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, self.backgroundColor.CGColor); CGContextFillRect(ctx, rect); CGContextRestoreGState(ctx); } - (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect { [self drawBackground:rect]; float width = self.segmentWidth; float x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < self.cell.numberOfElements; i++) { BOOL selected = self.selectedSegment == i; if (selected && self.cell.elementSelectionStyle != UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone) { float selectionWidth = width; if (i == self.cell.numberOfElements-1) // last element { selectionWidth += 10; // just to make sure it covers all the surface } _gradientVisible = YES; [self drawSelectionGradientInRect:CGRectMake(x, CGRectGetMinY(rect), selectionWidth, CGRectGetMaxY(rect))]; } if (i < self.cell.numberOfElements-1) { [self drawLineAtX:x+width inRect:rect]; } [self drawTextsAtIndex:i width:width rect:rect span:x selected:selected]; x += width; } } - (UIImage *) renderSelectionImage { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4965036/uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext-retina-resolution UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.frame.size,YES,0.0f); [self.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); return image; } - (void) unselectAndRefresh { self.selectedSegment = -1; [self setNeedsDisplay]; } - (void) deselectAnimated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^)(void))block { UIImageView *imageView = nil; if (animated) { UIImage *image = [self renderSelectionImage]; imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image]; imageView.alpha = 1; [self addSubview:imageView]; } float delay = 0.05; if (!animated) { delay = 0.10; } [self performSelector:@selector(unselectAndRefresh) withObject:nil afterDelay:delay]; if (animated) { [UIView animateWithDuration:0.6 delay:0.05 options:UIViewAnimationOptionShowHideTransitionViews animations:^{ imageView.alpha = 0; } completion:^(BOOL finished) { [imageView removeFromSuperview]; [imageView release]; if (block) { block(); } }]; } } - (void) hardDeselect { [self deselectAnimated:NO completion:nil]; } - (void) selectIndex:(int)index { self.selectedSegment = index; [self setNeedsDisplay]; } - (void) selectedButton:(id)sender event:(UIEvent *)event { float width = self.segmentWidth; UITouch *touch = [[event touchesForView:self] anyObject]; for (int i = 0; i < self.cell.numberOfElements; i++) { if ([touch locationInView:self].x < width) { [self selectIndex:i]; return; } width += self.segmentWidth; } } - (void) fireButtonAction:(id)sender event:(UIEvent *)event { if (self.selectedSegment != -1 && self.cell.actionBlock != nil) { self.cell.actionBlock(self.cell->_currentIndexPath, self.selectedSegment); } } - (id) init { if (self = [super init]) { self.selectedSegment = -1; self.contentMode = UIViewContentModeRedraw; [self addTarget:self action:@selector(selectedButton:event:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown]; [self addTarget:self action:@selector(hardDeselect) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragInside | UIControlEventTouchDragOutside | UIControlEventTouchUpOutside]; [self addTarget:self action:@selector(fireButtonAction:event:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; } return self; } - (UIColor *) backgroundColor { return self.cell.backgroundColor; } @end @implementation PrettyGridTableViewCell @synthesize numberOfElements, elementSelectionStyle, textAlignment, actionBlock; @synthesize shadowOnlyOnSelected; - (void) dealloc { if (_texts != nil) { [_texts release]; _texts = nil; } if (_detailTexts != nil) { [_detailTexts release]; _detailTexts = nil; } if (_currentIndexPath != nil) { [_currentIndexPath release]; _currentIndexPath = nil; } [super dealloc]; } - (void) initVars { if (_texts != nil) { [_texts release]; } if (_detailTexts != nil) { [_detailTexts release]; } _texts = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; _detailTexts = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; PrettyGridSubview *subview = (PrettyGridSubview *)self.customView; subview.selectedSegment = -1; } - (void) customPrepareForReuse { [self.customView setNeedsDisplay]; } - (void) prepareForReuse { [super prepareForReuse]; [self customPrepareForReuse]; } - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier { self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier]; if (self) { _style = style; PrettyGridSubview *subview = [[PrettyGridSubview alloc] init]; subview.cell = self; self.customView = subview; [subview release]; self.elementSelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue; self.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; [self initVars]; } return self; } - (NSArray *) sortDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary { NSMutableArray *sortedArray = [NSMutableArray array]; for (int i = 0; i < self.numberOfElements; i++) { NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; id object = [dictionary objectForKey:index]; if (object != nil) { [sortedArray addObject:object]; } } return sortedArray; } - (NSArray *) texts { return [self sortDictionary:_texts]; } - (NSArray *) detailTexts { return [self sortDictionary:_detailTexts]; } - (void) setText:(NSString *)text atIndex:(int)iindex { NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:iindex]; [_texts setObject:text forKey:index]; } - (NSString *)textAtIndex:(int)iindex { NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:iindex]; return [_texts objectForKey:index]; } - (void) setDetailText:(NSString *)detailText atIndex:(int)iindex { NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:iindex]; [_detailTexts setObject:detailText forKey:index]; } - (NSString *)detailTextAtIndex:(int)iindex { NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:iindex]; return [_detailTexts objectForKey:index]; } - (void) setNumberOfElements:(int)elements { numberOfElements = elements; [self initVars]; } - (void) prepareForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView indexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { [super prepareForTableView:tableView indexPath:indexPath]; if (_currentIndexPath != nil) { [_currentIndexPath release]; } _currentIndexPath = [indexPath retain]; } - (void) selectIndex:(int)index { PrettyGridSubview *subview = (PrettyGridSubview *)self.customView; [subview selectIndex:index]; } - (void) deselectAnimated:(BOOL)animated { [self deselectAnimated:animated completion:nil]; } - (void) deselectAnimated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^) (void))block { PrettyGridSubview *subview = (PrettyGridSubview *)self.customView; [subview deselectAnimated:animated completion:block]; } @end
• In this second collection, Swamp Thing must battle his way through the Bone Kingdom and The Rot to free his ally—and ex-girlfriend—Abigail Arcane. But will the cost of freeing her be...fighting her? Nothing, not even this titanic battle, will prepare Swampy for what he has to face next: a resurrected and even more dangerous Anton Arcane!
Garmin Edge 1000 Garmin Edge 1000 Real time data, full time training: Garmin's Edge 1000 helps you connect, compare, and compete. Wireless connectivity via Bluetooth and ANT+ gives you access to on-ride competitions through Garmin Connect, Smart Notifications from your phone, and real-time segment and leaderboard updates. This module is also pre-loaded with Garmin's Cycle Map, complete with road and bike path data, elevation, points of interest, and address search. Mapping data is stored onboard the Edge 1000, so feel free to explore outside of cell coverage. The Edge 1000 features the same quality and specs you've come to expect from Garmin: a three-inch, high-resolution touchscreen, complete cycle computer functionality, GPS mapping and tracking, Virtual partner, and Advanced Workouts for customized, goal-oriented training. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery has up to 15 hours of life, and the Edge 1000 comes with traditional and out-front handlebar mounts. I've had a Garmin Edge 1000 since it first came out. First off, having a touchscreen on anything as configurable as a high-end bike computer should be a requirement. It makes it *so* much easier to work with... if you want to change a field on a screen from, say, cadence to speed, you just touch it for a couple seconds and voila, up come all the options you can populate that field with! And now Garmin has opened it's interface up to 3rd parties so you can download all sorts of apps for new functionality. Battery life is better than the smaller units too. But- if you're trying to get the longest-possible battery life, and you're following a pre-programmed course, make sure auto-recalculate is turned off. That's a real battery hog. I've had the Garmin Edge 1000 for 2 months now. At the beginning it worked alright. The screen was nice, Route Planner was cool. Live Tracking only worked half of the time, but that wasnt a dealbreaker for me. Overall, I was satisfied until my last few rides- The device hasn't been able to acquire any satellites and therefore, no GPS or map data, making my Edge 1000 nearly useless. I have just started going through the warranty process. According to Garmin, if you purchase the Edge 1000 and it becomes defective before 60 days, You will receive a brand new device. It's been 65 days since my purchase so I just barely missed the mark. In about a month or so I will receive a refurbished device that I pray will last longer than my last Edge 1000 did, but I wont hold my breath. Used the Garmin Edge 500 for years and enjoyed it, even the social / sharing bits, but I couldn't decide whether to upgrade to the Edge 510 or the Edge 810, so I finessed the whole question and got the Edge 1000. I wanted a bigger screen and the dual GPS. The dual GPs is nice, but the large screen is wonderful for my aging eyeballs. Much easier to set up than the Edge 500 in general, and the touch screen works great. Held back one star because the manual looks complete but isn't, and the Bluetooth interface with the iPhone for texts and incoming calls isn't ready for prime time. This is almost certainly a software issue, so I'm guessing it will be worked out eventually. For riding metrics, though, there are so many nice little touches. I'm really glad I got it.
Demonic Charge EP – Review by Nexus6 “Dark acidic techno-electro, horror films heavily influence this style”. Here was in March Bass Junkie’s description of audio concept developed under his Final Dream alter ego (let’s read Cybernet Systems interview on news page). A quite exact definition although Battle Trax mastermind voluntarily forgot to mention rudeness of sounds experimented on one of his most secret electronic projects! For this third production taken from “The Future Is Dark” 2001 album, moves away from Phil Klein’s latest works to bring closer into hard, instinctive and vicious style. On A side, “The Power Of Evil” introduces a corrosive music enhanced by old school unhealthy strings that find in hypnotic version of “The Future Is Dark” a frightening echo. At last, scary killer “Soul Poison” will immerge you into a never-ending nightmare. Demonic!
Monday, December 15, 2014 Belichick gives speedster Brady thumbs up on run Tom Brady took off on a rare 17-yard scamper Sunday against the Miami Dolphins, early in the third quarter on a third-and-11. It was an emotionally driven move, and that emotion triggered a streak of five consecutive Patriots scoring drives, as New England pulled far away to a 38-13 win and a clinch of the AFC East title. Brady took a hit at the end of the play, something Patriots fans and members of the organization prefer to see as little as possible. But all turned out just fine, and it sounds like Brady would do it again if he had to. “I was going to slide, but I was pretty pissed off that time so I figured I wouldn’t slide," Brady said after the game, via Patriots.com. "I wish I wouldn’t have gotten knocked down, but that’s the way it goes. “I could have slid, but I wasn’t in the best mood that time. If he was a bigger guy I would have thought really hard about sliding, but once I was in the secondary… things happen pretty quick for me out there. I'm not the fastest guy out there so things close down pretty quick.” Monday, Patriots coach Bill Belichick assured that he was all for Brady's decision to stay up on the play. "I’ve coached for a long time and I don’t question players’ decisions on the field when they try to make them to help the team win,” Belichick said. “I think that’s, that they do the best that they can, they’re trying to win, they’re trying to win just as much as everybody else on the team is. I’m not saying every decision is a great one. Same thing with a coach, same thing with me. "I’m not saying every decision is a great one, but everyone is made with the intention of trying to help our team win and do the best that I can or an individual player can for the team. So I don’t second guess those. I think what a player does at the time he does it is what he thinks is best. And I don’t second guess him.”
Pagine Friday, April 11, 2014 My First Appmethod App In the "bit Time Lab" me and my colleague Daniele Teti have developed an app to control a car via bluetooth with Appmethod, for Android and iOS (released soon) with the same codebase. The main topics covered by the team are the multitouch UI and the bluetooth hardware interface using a true native app (no VMs, no scripting, no compromises). Below the picture of the app and the cars used. The most interesting note was the time: we spent 7/8 hours to develop and build the entire system!
School Board Working together, the school and community can continue a tradition of excellence and strive to ensure educational opportunities and an enriched life for our children. Board meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of each month in the Board room of the Administration Center. The Board encourages and appreciates the attendance at Board meetings by parents, students, staff members, and other interested citizens.
2F00: Clé chinoise un 2F01: Clé chinoise barre 2F02: Clé chinoise point 2F03: Clé chinoise oblique à gauche 2F04: Clé chinoise double crochet 2F05: Clé chinoise crochet 2F06: Clé chinoise deux 2F07: Clé chinoise dessus 2F08: Clé chinoise homme 2F09: Clé chinoise jambes 2F0A: Clé chinoise entrer 2F0B: Clé chinoise huit 2F0C: Clé chinoise place 2F0D: Clé chinoise couvrir 2F0E: Clé chinoise glace 2F0F: Clé chinoise tabouret 2F10: Clé chinoise fosse 2F11: Clé chinoise couteau 2F12: Clé chinoise force 2F13: Clé chinoise envelopper 2F14: Clé chinoise cuillère 2F15: Clé chinoise coffre 2F16: Clé chinoise cachette 2F17: Clé chinoise dix 2F18: Clé chinoise divination 2F19: Clé chinoise sceau 2F1A: Clé chinoise falaise 2F1B: Clé chinoise privé 2F1C: Clé chinoise encore 2F1D: Clé chinoise bouche 2F1E: Clé chinoise enceinte 2F1F: Clé chinoise terre 2F20: Clé chinoise lettré 2F21: Clé chinoise aller 2F22: Clé chinoise cheminer 2F23: Clé chinoise soir 2F24: Clé chinoise grand 2F25: Clé chinoise femme 2F26: Clé chinoise enfant 2F27: Clé chinoise toit 2F28: Clé chinoise pouce 2F29: Clé chinoise petit 2F2A: Clé chinoise infirme 2F2B: Clé chinoise cadavre 2F2C: Clé chinoise bourgeon 2F2D: Clé chinoise montagne 2F2E: Clé chinoise rivière 2F2F: Clé chinoise travail 2F30: Clé chinoise soi-même 2F31: Clé chinoise serviette 2F32: Clé chinoise sec 2F33: Clé chinoise mince : clé chinoise fin 2F34: Clé chinoise appentis 2F35: Clé chinoise enjambée 2F36: Clé chinoise deux mains 2F37: Clé chinoise tirer 2F38: Clé chinoise arc 2F39: Clé chinoise groin 2F3A: Clé chinoise poil 2F3B: Clé chinoise pas 2F3C: Clé chinoise cœur 2F3D: Clé chinoise hallebarde 2F3E: Clé chinoise battant de porte 2F3F: Clé chinoise main 2F40: Clé chinoise branche 2F41: Clé chinoise taper 2F42: Clé chinoise écriture 2F43: Clé chinoise boisseau 2F44: Clé chinoise hache 2F45: Clé chinoise carré 2F46: Clé chinoise ne pas 2F47: Clé chinoise soleil 2F48: Clé chinoise dire 2F49: Clé chinoise lune 2F4A: Clé chinoise arbre 2F4B: Clé chinoise manque 2F4C: Clé chinoise arrêt 2F4D: Clé chinoise mort 2F4E: Clé chinoise arme 2F4F: Clé chinoise il n'y a pas 2F50: Clé chinoise comparer 2F51: Clé chinoise touffe de poil 2F52: Clé chinoise clan 2F53: Clé chinoise vapeur 2F54: Clé chinoise eau 2F55: Clé chinoise feu 2F56: Clé chinoise griffe 2F57: Clé chinoise père 2F58: Clé chinoise entrelacé 2F59: Clé chinoise moitié gauche de bûche 2F5A: Clé chinoise tranche 2F5B: Clé chinoise croc 2F5C: Clé chinoise bœuf 2F5D: Clé chinoise chien 2F5E: Clé chinoise mystérieux 2F5F: Clé chinoise jade 2F60: Clé chinoise melon 2F61: Clé chinoise tuile 2F62: Clé chinoise doux 2F63: Clé chinoise naître 2F64: Clé chinoise utiliser 2F65: Clé chinoise champ 2F66: Clé chinoise pièce d'étoffe 2F67: Clé chinoise maladie 2F68: Clé chinoise monter 2F69: Clé chinoise blanc 2F6A: Clé chinoise peau 2F6B: Clé chinoise vaisselle 2F6C: Clé chinoise œil 2F6D: Clé chinoise lance 2F6E: Clé chinoise flèche 2F6F: Clé chinoise pierre 2F70: Clé chinoise rites 2F71: Clé chinoise traces 2F72: Clé chinoise céréales 2F73: Clé chinoise caverne 2F74: Clé chinoise debout 2F75: Clé chinoise bambou 2F76: Clé chinoise riz 2F77: Clé chinoise soie 2F78: Clé chinoise poterie 2F79: Clé chinoise filet 2F7A: Clé chinoise mouton 2F7B: Clé chinoise plume 2F7C: Clé chinoise vieux 2F7D: Clé chinoise alors 2F7E: Clé chinoise charrue 2F7F: Clé chinoise oreille 2F80: Clé chinoise pinceau 2F81: Clé chinoise viande 2F82: Clé chinoise ministre 2F83: Clé chinoise personnellement 2F84: Clé chinoise arriver 2F85: Clé chinoise mortier 2F86: Clé chinoise langue 2F87: Clé chinoise s'opposer 2F88: Clé chinoise bateau 2F89: Clé chinoise résister 2F8A: Clé chinoise couleur 2F8B: Clé chinoise herbe 2F8C: Clé chinoise tigre 2F8D: Clé chinoise insecte 2F8E: Clé chinoise sang 2F8F: Clé chinoise défiler 2F90: Clé chinoise habits 2F91: Clé chinoise ouest 2F92: Clé chinoise voir 2F93: Clé chinoise corne 2F94: Clé chinoise parole 2F95: Clé chinoise vallée 2F96: Clé chinoise haricot 2F97: Clé chinoise cochon 2F98: Clé chinoise animal 2F99: Clé chinoise coquillage 2F9A: Clé chinoise rouge 2F9B: Clé chinoise courir 2F9C: Clé chinoise pied 2F9D: Clé chinoise corps 2F9E: Clé chinoise véhicule 2F9F: Clé chinoise âcre 2FA0: Clé chinoise matin 2FA1: Clé chinoise promenade 2FA2: Clé chinoise région 2FA3: Clé chinoise signe du coq : clé chinoise amphore 2FA4: Clé chinoise cueillir 2FA5: Clé chinoise hameau 2FA6: Clé chinoise or 2FA7: Clé chinoise long 2FA8: Clé chinoise porte 2FA9: Clé chinoise tertre 2FAA: Clé chinoise esclave 2FAB: Clé chinoise oiseau à queue courte 2FAC: Clé chinoise pluie 2FAD: Clé chinoise bleu 2FAE: Clé chinoise tort 2FAF: Clé chinoise visage 2FB0: Clé chinoise cuir 2FB1: Clé chinoise cuir tanné 2FB2: Clé chinoise ciboulette 2FB3: Clé chinoise son 2FB4: Clé chinoise feuille 2FB5: Clé chinoise vent 2FB6: Clé chinoise voltiger 2FB7: Clé chinoise manger 2FB8: Clé chinoise tête 2FB9: Clé chinoise parfum 2FBA: Clé chinoise cheval 2FBB: Clé chinoise os 2FBC: Clé chinoise haut 2FBD: Clé chinoise chevelure 2FBE: Clé chinoise rixe 2FBF: Clé chinoise vin sacrificiel 2FC0: Clé chinoise chaudron 2FC1: Clé chinoise démon 2FC2: Clé chinoise poisson 2FC3: Clé chinoise oiseau 2FC4: Clé chinoise sel 2FC5: Clé chinoise cerf 2FC6: Clé chinoise blé 2FC7: Clé chinoise chanvre 2FC8: Clé chinoise jaune 2FC9: Clé chinoise millet 2FCA: Clé chinoise noir 2FCB: Clé chinoise broderie 2FCC: Clé chinoise grenouille 2FCD: Clé chinoise tripode 2FCE: Clé chinoise tambour 2FCF: Clé chinoise rat 2FD0: Clé chinoise nez 2FD1: Clé chinoise harmonie 2FD2: Clé chinoise dent 2FD3: Clé chinoise dragon 2FD4: Clé chinoise tortue 2FD5: Clé chinoise flûte 2FD6: 2FD7: 2FD8: 2FD9: 2FDA: 2FDB: 2FDC: 2FDD: 2FDE: 2FDF: 2FE0: 2FE1: 2FE2: 2FE3: 2FE4: 2FE5: 2FE6: 2FE7: 2FE8: 2FE9: 2FEA: 2FEB: 2FEC: 2FED: 2FEE: 2FEF: 2FF0: Caractère de description idéographique gauche à droite 2FF1: Caractère de description idéographique de haut en bas 2FF2: Caractère de description idéographique de la gauche au milieu puis à la droite 2FF3: Caractère de description idéographique du haut au milieu puis en bas 2FF4: Caractère de description idéographique tout autour 2FF5: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir du haut 2FF6: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir du bas 2FF7: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir de la gauche 2FF8: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir d'en haut à gauche 2FF9: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir d'en haut à droite 2FFA: Caractère de description idéographique autour à partir d'en bas à gauche 2FFB: Caractère de description idéographique chevauchement 2FFC: 2FFD: 2FFE: 2FFF:
Im trying to print an image in CS4. I have the retocuhed layered image, and it looks exactly the way I like it. But for some reason when I flatten it it looks lighter and brings up some banding artifacts. If I print this flattened version it prints lighter and with the artifacts. However if I send to print the layered version it prints perfectly fine. Problem comes because I have to send the flattened version to client along with the match print. So the print will be fine, but the flattened version will be lighter and with the artifacts. If you have image layers paired with a clipping masked adjustment layers, try merging those layers with their respective adjustment layers first, before flattening the whole image. I had an issue with CS3 in that regard, that fixed it for me but I don't understand why.
Purchased Price: $2.49Size: 8 oz. Purchased at: TargetRating: 7 out of 10Pros: Nice savory and smoky flavor. Pleasant mild spiciness. Cilantro and lime have a very mild flavor and complement the spiciness well. I can pronounce most of the ingredients listed. Only 170 calories. Vegetarian. Good source of fiber; thanks black beans! Awesome source of vitamin A; thanks…corn? 4 PointsPlus.Cons: I wish it had more black beans because I loves the fiber. Not as filling as this Smart Ones soup. Waiting 5 minutes for soup seems a bit long when you want something warm in your body. Fire roasted corn looked like regular corn.
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery; import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger; import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard; import org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog; import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService; import java.io.IOException; /** * A recovery handler that skips phase 1 as well as sending the snapshot. During phase 3 the shard is marked * as relocated an closed to ensure that the engine is closed and the target can acquire the IW write lock. */ public class SharedFSRecoverySourceHandler extends RecoverySourceHandler { private final IndexShard shard; private final StartRecoveryRequest request; public SharedFSRecoverySourceHandler(IndexShard shard, StartRecoveryRequest request, RecoverySettings recoverySettings, TransportService transportService, ESLogger logger) { super(shard, request, recoverySettings, transportService, logger); this.shard = shard; this.request = request; } @Override public RecoveryResponse recoverToTarget() { boolean engineClosed = false; try { logger.trace("{} recovery [phase1] to {}: skipping phase 1 for shared filesystem", request.shardId(), request.targetNode()); if (isPrimaryRelocation()) { logger.debug("[phase1] closing engine on primary for shared filesystem recovery"); try { // if we relocate we need to close the engine in order to open a new // IndexWriter on the other end of the relocation engineClosed = true; shard.engine().flushAndClose(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("close engine failed", e); shard.failShard("failed to close engine (phase1)", e); } } prepareTargetForTranslog(Translog.View.EMPTY_VIEW); finalizeRecovery(); return response; } catch (Throwable t) { if (engineClosed) { // If the relocation fails then the primary is closed and can't be // used anymore... (because it's closed) that's a problem, so in // that case, fail the shard to reallocate a new IndexShard and // create a new IndexWriter logger.info("recovery failed for primary shadow shard, failing shard"); // pass the failure as null, as we want to ensure the store is not marked as corrupted shard.failShard("primary relocation failed on shared filesystem caused by: [" + t.getMessage() + "]", null); } else { logger.info("recovery failed on shared filesystem", t); } throw t; } } @Override protected int sendSnapshot(Translog.Snapshot snapshot) { logger.trace("{} skipping recovery of translog snapshot on shared filesystem to: {}", shard.shardId(), request.targetNode()); return 0; } private boolean isPrimaryRelocation() { return request.recoveryType() == RecoveryState.Type.RELOCATION && shard.routingEntry().primary(); } }
Measurement of canine cerebral oedema using time domain reflectometry. The complex dielectric constant of canine cerebral white matter correlates with its water content. Time domain reflectometry was used to measure the real dielectric constant and loss factor of 27 oedematous brain samples at frequencies of 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 MHz. The real dielectric constant increased with water content at each frequency. Correlation was least for 100 MHz (R = 0.76) and between 0.87 and 0.89 for the other frequencies. The loss factor decreased with frequency with a correlation coefficient from 0.81-0.84. The in vitro results indicate that use of time domain reflectometry can predict oedema at a sensitivity of approximately 1-2% change of tissue water content.
Tag: Hobbit I like men. I am raising a boy to be a man. A good man. I like men of all shapes and sizes. I have dated men who are short, tall, thin, heavyset, bearded, clean shaven, bald, and with a full head of hair. In terms of how someone looks, I tend to be attracted to bald men with... Email Newsletter Sign Up Don’t miss any of the latest news and events! Get the Jewish Journal in your inbox. JewishJournal.com is produced by TRIBE Media Corp., a non-profit media company whose mission is to inform, connect and enlighten community through independent journalism. TRIBE Media produces the 150,000-reader print weekly Jewish Journal in Los Angeles – the largest Jewish print weekly in the West – and the monthly glossy Tribe magazine (TribeJournal.com). Please support us by clicking here.
The present invention relates to a fixing device adapted for an image forming apparatus, such as an electronic copying machine. In fixing devices used in image forming apparatuses, such as an electronic copying machine, a sheet to which an image composed of developer is transferred is interposed between a heating roller and a pressure roller, whereby the image is fixed on the sheet. The fixed sheet is then separated from the heating roller by separating means, and is guided toward a sheet discharge roller. As is shown in FIG. 1, sheet 8, to which an image composed of developer 4 (hereinafter called "toner image") has been transferred in a developing section (not shown), is conveyed by conveyor belt 6, and is then guided by guide 10 into the nip portion between heating roller 12 and pressure roller 14. Sheet 8 is fed between rollers 12 and 14, to fix the toner image thereon, and is then separated from heating roller 12 by separation pawl 16. Separating pawl 16 is rotatably connected to stationary frame 18 by shaft 20. End portion 16a of pawl 16 is biased by spring 22 and contacts the peripheral surface of heating roller 12. Pawl 16 has guide portion 16b for guiding sheet 8 separated by portion 16a from heating roller 12. Sheet 8 guided by guide portion 16b of pawl 16 is guided by conveyor guide 24 toward a pair of sheet discharge rollers 26. End portion 16a contacts the periphery of roller 12 at position B (hereinafter called "contact point") remote from position A (hereinafter called "nip point") where heating roller 12 contacts pressure roller 14. Pawl 16 has bent portion 16c connecting end portion 16a and guide portion 16b. Since nip point A and contact point B are remote from each other, the end portion of sheet 8, which has passed from nip point A, warps upwardly, along heating roller 12, then is separated from roller 12, then warps downwardly as it is guided along bend portion 16c of separation pawl 16, and is finally guided toward discharge rollers 26. As a result, entire sheet 8 assumes a wavy shape as is shown in FIG. 2. Wavy sheet 8 is undesirable and raises some problems when it undergoes two copying processes in a copying machine in which this fixing device 2 is used. First, when such wavy sheets 8 are bundled together, the resultant bundle is inevitably thick. Secondly, sheet 8, which has become greatly wavy during the first copying process as it passes by fixing device 2, is wrinkled during the second copying process. Thirdly, wavy sheet 8 cannot readily be separated from the photosensitive drum of the copying machine.
Q: How to update SQL server table based on modified values? I am currently developing an AS3 module which loads content from a SQL Server Table in a data grid. Whenever the data grid is changed, the changed values should be stored in the database. My question is, Is there anyway I can accomplish this with just one SQL query? Currently I am firing queries based on changes in each cell which is inefficient. Thank you. A: Maybe add a CHANGE event listener in data grid helps. Mark the rows updated and construct SQL queries in a batch may improve efficiency.
# json_key_file "" # Path to the json secret file - Follow https://github.com/fastlane/supply#setup to get one package_name "com.chainreactapp" # e.g. com.krausefx.app json_key_file "./fastlane/google-play.json"
Q: How to select N random rows using pure SQL? How do we combine How to request a random row in SQL? and Multiple random values in SQL Server 2005 to select N random rows using a single pure-SQL query? Ideally, I'd like to avoid the use of stored procedures if possible. Is this even possible? CLARIFICATIONS: Pure SQL refers to as close as possible to the ANSI/ISO standard. The solution should be "efficient enough". Granted ORDER BY RAND() might work but as others have pointed out this isn't feasible for medium-sized tables. A: The answer to your question is in the second link there: SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 Just change the limit, and/or rewrite for SQL Server: SELECT TOP 1 * FROM table ORDER BY newid() Now, this strictly answers your question, but you really shouldn't be using this solution. Just try it on a large table and you'll see what I mean. If your key-space is sequential, either without holes, or with very few holes, and if it has very few holes, you're not too concerned that some rows have a slightly higher chance of being picked than others, then you can use a variation where you calculate which key you want to retrieve randomly, ranging from 1 to the highest key in your table, and then retrieve the first row that has a key equal to or higher than the number you calculated. You only need the "higher than" part if your key-space has holes. This SQL is left as an excercise for the reader. Edit: Note, a comment to another answer here mentions that perhaps pure SQL means ANSI standard SQL. If that is the case, then there is no way, since there is no standardized random function, nor does every database engine treat the random number function the same way. At least one engine I've seen "optimizes" the call by calling it once and just repeating the calculated value for all rows. A: I don't know about pure ANSI, and it's not simple, but you can check out my answer to a similar question here: Simple Random Samples from a Sql database
--- abstract: | A validation of the cosmic distance duality (CDD) relation, $\eta(z)\equiv (1+z)^2d_A(z)/d_L(z)=1$, coupling the luminosity ($d_L$) and angular-diameter ($d_A$) distances, is crucial because its violation would require exotic new physics. We present a model-independent test of the CDD, based on strong lensing and a reconstruction of the HII galaxy Hubble diagram using Gaussian Processes, to confirm the validity of the CDD at a very high level of confidence. Using parameterizations $\eta(z) = 1 + \eta_0 z$ and $\eta(z) = 1 + \eta_1 z + \eta_2 z^2$, our best-fit results are $\eta_0 = 0.0147^{+0.056}_{-0.066}$, and $\eta_1 = 0.1091^{+0.1680}_{-0.1568}$ and $\eta_2 = -0.0603^{+0.0999}_{-0.0988}$, respectively. In spite of these strong constraints, however, we also point out that the analysis of strong lensing using a simplified single isothermal sphere (SIS) model for the lens produces some irreducible scatter in the inferred CDD data. The use of an extended SIS approximation, with a power-law density structure, yields very similar results, but does not lessen the scatter due to its larger number of free parameters, which weakens the best-fit constraints. Future work with these strong lenses should therefore be based on more detailed ray-tracing calculations to determine the mass distribution more precisely. author: - 'Cheng-Zong Ruan' - Fulvio Melia - 'Tong-Jie Zhang' title: 'Model-independent Test of the Cosmic Distance Duality Relation' --- Introduction {#sec:intro} ============ The cosmic distance duality (CDD) relation, based on Etherington’s theorem (1933), depends on three essential assumptions: (i) that the spacetime is described by a metric theory of gravity; (ii) that photons travel along null geodesics; and (iii) that their number is conserved along the null geodesics. The CDD is commonly written in the form $\eta(z) = 1$, with the definition $$\begin{aligned} \eta(z) \equiv (1+z)^2 \frac{d_A(z)}{d_L(z)} \ , \label{equ:cddeta} \end{aligned}$$ where $d_A(z)$ and $d_L(z)$ are the angular-diameter and luminosity distances, respectively. Many attempts have been made to test the validity of the CDD, using several different kinds of data, and/or assumptions. Typically, the angular-diameter distance $d_A(z)$ is measured using the angular size of galaxy clusters [@wei2015clusters; @melia2016clusters], while the luminosity distance $d_L(z)$ is often inferred from Type Ia SNe. For a non-exhaustive set of references, see @2004PhRvD..69j1305B; @uzan2004distance; @holanda2010testing, @holanda2012probing; @khedekar2011new; @li2011cosmological; @nair2011observational; @lima2011deformed; @meng2012morphology; @ellis2013blackness; @liao2016distance; [@2017arXiv171010929Y]; @hu2018testing; @melia2018model. But a principal difficulty with using SNe is that the measurement of $d_L(z)$ is model-dependent. One can easily see this from the definition of the distance modulus $\mu$, which is given as $$\begin{aligned} \mu = 5\log d_L - 5 = m_{\mathrm{max}} - M_{\mathrm{max}} \ , \end{aligned}$$ in terms of the peak magnitude $m_{\mathrm{max}}$ and peak absolute magnitude $M_{\mathrm{max}}$. Every Type Ia SN has almost the same $M_{\mathrm{max}}$, so if $m_{\mathrm{max}}$ is measured, one can obtain the distance modulus $\mu$. The difficulty arises from the scatter in peak magnitudes, which depend rather strongly on the shapes and colors of the SN lightcurves [@guy2005salt]. To get $m_{\mathrm{max}}$, one of several fitters must be used to parameterize the light curves. For example, one of the most popular parameterizations is [@guy2007salt2] $$\begin{aligned} \mu_B (\alpha, \beta, M_B; z) = m_B^{\mathrm{max}} (z) - M_B + \alpha x - \beta c \ , \end{aligned}$$ where $m_B^{\mathrm{max}}$ is the rest-frame peak magnitude of the $B$ band, $x$ is the stretch factor that describes the effect of the lightcurve shape on $\mu$, and $c$ is the color parameter representing the influence of intrinsic color and reddening due to dust on $\mu$. The so-called ‘nuisance’ parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $M_B$ must be optimized along with all the other parameters in the chosen cosmological model. By now, it is well known that different models are associated with different values of these nuisance variables, so there is no unique way to determine the SN distance moduli in a truly model independent way. It is therefore quite likely that some (or all) of the previously claimed CDD violations may simply be due to unaccounted for influences of the assumed cosmology on $\eta(z)$ [@uzan2004distance; @holanda2010testing; @li2011cosmological]. For a more detailed discussion, see @yang2013improved [@melia2009; @melia2012SNe; @melia2013; @wei2015comparative; @melia2018model]. In this paper, we steer clear of measurements that require the pre-assumption of particular cosmological models, and instead use strong lenses to measure the ratio of angular-diameter distances, and a reconstruction of the HII galaxy Hubble diagram with Gaussian Processes to obtain the luminosity distance. In the next section, we shall discuss the rationale behind these two kinds of observation, and why one may safely assume model independence in the associated data. Since no model is assumed in any of our analysis, our approach yields a clean measure of the CDD relation. We shall first briefly summarize the methodology of measuring $\eta(z)$ as a function of redshift using strong lensing and HII galaxies in § \[sec:methd\]. We then describe the relevant datasets in § \[sec:datasets\], and present the results of our analysis in § \[sec:res\]. We shall demonstrate that this combination of observations confirms the CDD at a very high level of confidence. Finally, we present our conclusions in § \[sec:conc\]. Methodology {#sec:methd} =========== Angular-diameter distance from strong lensing --------------------------------------------- An Einstein ring is formed when the source, lens, and observer are aligned along the same line of sight. For a strong lensing system with a single galaxy as a lens, the Einstein ring’s radius $\theta_E$ depends on the ratio of angular-diameter distances between the lens and source, $d_A(z_l, z_s)$, and the observer and source, $d_A(0, z_s)$, and the mass distribution within the lensing galaxy. The lens galaxy model is sometimes simplified as a single isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) [@ratnatunga1999top; @kochanek2000fundamental]. Several prior analyses have shown that a reasonable further simplification may be adequate, in which the ellipsoid is replaced by a sphere (SIS) [@1538-4357-602-1-L5; @2015ApJ...806..185C; @melia2014comparison], i.e., with zero ellipticity. To keep the analysis as straightforward as possible, we also adopt this approach for our study in this paper. To gauge the impact of this approximation, however, we shall also compare our results to those obtained with an extended SIE lens model (see § 4.2 below), in which the mass distribution is assumed to be a power-law with optimizable parameters [@koopmans2005proc; @doi:10.1093/mnras/stw932; @1538-3881-121-4-1936; @0004-637X-834-1-75]. With the SIS mass distribution, the Einstein radius is expressed as [@schneider2006gravitational; @rana2017probing] $$\begin{aligned} \theta_E = 4\pi \frac{d_A(z_l, z_s)}{d_A(0, z_s)} \left( \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}}}{c} \right)^2 \ , \label{equ:sl1} \end{aligned}$$ where $c$ is the speed of light and $\sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}}$ is the velocity dispersion of the lens mass distribution. Therefore, the quantity that comes directly from observation of a strong lensing system is the distance ratio $$\begin{aligned} d_{\mathrm{ratio}} &\equiv \frac{d_A(z_l, z_s)}{d_A(0, z_s)} = \frac{\theta_E}{4\pi} \left( \frac{c}{\sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}}} \right)^2 \ . \label{equ:dratiodef} \end{aligned}$$ In a spatially flat cosmology, one may write for the comoving distance $$r(z_l, z_s) = r(z_s) - r(z_l)\;.$$ Thus, using $$d_A(z) = r(z) / (1+z)\;,$$ the angular-diameter distance between lens and source, $d_A(z_l, z_s)$, may be expressed in terms of $d_A(z_l)$ and $d_A(z_s)$: $$\begin{aligned} d_{\mathrm{ratio}} = 1 - \left(\frac{1+z_l}{1+z_s}\right) \frac{d_A (z_l)}{d_A(z_s)} \ . \label{equ:dratio1} \end{aligned}$$ Note, however, that for a non-flat cosmology, the comoving distance depends on $\sin$- or $\sinh$-like functions [@PhysRevLett.115.101301], so a simple relation like Eq. is not possible. Fortunately, most cosmological observations today favor a flat universe [@refId0], so the spatially flat assumption is not a stringent restriction for our CDD test. ------------ -------- -------- ------------ ----------- --------------- Name $z_l$ $z_s$ $\theta_E$ Survey $\sigma_0$ ($''$) (km s$^{-1}$) J0219-0829 0.389 2.15 1.3 SL2S 298$\pm$24 J0849-0251 0.274 2.09 1.16 SL2S 279$\pm$35 J0214-0405 0.609 1.88 1.41 SL2S 293$\pm$48 J0217-0513 0.646 1.847 1.27 SL2S 253$\pm$29 J1404+5200 0.456 1.59 2.55 SL2S 342$\pm$20 J0849-0412 0.722 1.54 1.1 SL2S 338$\pm$25 J1406+5226 0.716 1.47 0.94 SL2S 262$\pm$20 J2122+0409 0.626 1.452 1.58 BELLS 326$\pm$56 J0223-0534 0.499 1.44 1.22 SL2S 293$\pm$28 J0830+5116 0.53 1.332 1.14 BELLS 274$\pm$37 J1215+0047 0.642 1.297 1.37 BELLS 266$\pm$46 J0226-0420 0.494 1.232 1.19 SL2S 272$\pm$25 J1631+1854 0.408 1.086 1.63 BELLS 272$\pm$14 J1420+5258 0.38 0.99 0.96 SL2S 252$\pm$24 J2125+0411 0.363 0.978 1.2 BELLS 250$\pm$17 J2303+0037 0.458 0.936 1.02 BELLS 278$\pm$31 J0157-0056 0.513 0.924 0.79 SLACS 308$\pm$49 J0747+5055 0.438 0.898 0.75 BELLS 323$\pm$59 J0747+4448 0.437 0.897 0.61 BELLS 286$\pm$53 J1250+0523 0.232 0.795 1.13 SLACS 257$\pm$14 J1630+4520 0.248 0.793 1.78 SLACS 281$\pm$16 J1531-0105 0.16 0.744 1.71 SLACS 281$\pm$14 J1525+3327 0.358 0.717 1.31 SLACS 264$\pm$26 J1213+6708 0.123 0.64 1.42 SLACS 291$\pm$15 J0037-0942 0.196 0.632 1.53 SLACS 283$\pm$10 J1204+0358 0.164 0.631 1.31 SLACS 275$\pm$17 J1112+0826 0.273 0.63 1.49 SLACS 329$\pm$21 J0324-0110 0.4456 0.6239 0.63 SLACS2017 314$\pm$38 J0946+1006 0.222 0.608 1.38 SLACS 266$\pm$21 J0822+2652 0.241 0.594 1.17 SLACS 264$\pm$15 J0737+3216 0.322 0.581 1 SLACS 339$\pm$17 J1430+4105 0.285 0.575 1.52 SLACS 324$\pm$32 J1020+1122 0.282 0.553 1.2 SLACS 289$\pm$18 J0109+1500 0.294 0.525 0.69 SLACS 259$\pm$20 J0216-0813 0.332 0.524 1.16 SLACS 335$\pm$23 J1627-0053 0.208 0.524 1.23 SLACS 295$\pm$14 J2303+1422 0.155 0.517 1.62 SLACS 254$\pm$16 J1101+1523 0.178 0.5169 1.18 SLACS2017 283$\pm$16 J1205+4910 0.215 0.481 1.22 SLACS 283$\pm$14 J1402+6321 0.205 0.481 1.35 SLACS 268$\pm$17 J0956+5100 0.24 0.47 1.33 SLACS 338$\pm$17 J0955+3014 0.3214 0.4671 0.54 SLACS2017 271$\pm$33 J0935-0003 0.348 0.467 0.87 SLACS 391$\pm$35 J2300+0022 0.228 0.464 1.24 SLACS 285$\pm$17 J1016+3859 0.168 0.439 1.09 SLACS 254$\pm$13 J1106+5228 0.096 0.407 1.23 SLACS 268$\pm$13 J1143-0144 0.106 0.402 1.68 SLACS 264$\pm$13 J1543+2202 0.2681 0.3966 0.78 SLACS2017 288$\pm$16 J0920+3028 0.2881 0.3918 0.7 SLACS2017 293$\pm$17 J1330+1750 0.2074 0.3717 1.01 SLACS2017 251$\pm$12 J0912+0029 0.164 0.324 1.63 SLACS 323$\pm$12 J2324+0105 0.1899 0.2775 0.59 SLACS2017 255$\pm$16 J0044+0113 0.12 0.196 0.79 SLACS 267$\pm$13 ------------ -------- -------- ------------ ----------- --------------- : Strong-lensing systems used in this paper, sorted\ by source redshift $z_s$ Luminosity distance from GP reconstruction of the HII galaxy Hubble diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hydrogen gas ionized by massive star clusters in HII galaxies emits prominent Balmer lines in $\mathrm{H}\alpha$ and $\mathrm{H}\beta$ [@terlevich1981dynamics; @kunth2000most]. The luminosity $L(\mathrm{H}\beta)$ in $\mathrm{H}\beta$ from these structures is strongly correlated with the velocity dispersion $\sigma_v$ of the ionized gas [@terlevich1981dynamics], because both the intensity of ionizing radiation and $\sigma_v$ increase with the starbust mass [@siegel2005towards]. The relatively small dispersion in the relationship between $L(\mathrm{H}\beta)$ and $\sigma_v$ allows these galaxies and local HII regions to be used as standard candles [@terlevich2015road; @wei2016h; @leafmelia2018a]. The luminosity of HII galaxies versus their velocity dispersion correlation is [@terlevich2015road] $$\begin{aligned} \log L(\mathrm{H}\beta) = \alpha \log \sigma_v (\mathrm{H}\beta) + \kappa \ , \label{eqn:Lsigmarelation} \end{aligned}$$ where $\alpha$ and $\kappa$ are constants. As was the case with Type Ia SNe, these two parameters in principle need to be optimized simultaneously with those of the cosmological model. @wei2016h have shown, however, that their values are insensitive to the adopted model, and appear to be universal. This is the important step that allows us to use the HII galaxy Hubble diagram in a model-independent way. For example, comparing the two distinct cosmologies $R_{\rm h}=ct$ and $\Lambda$CDM, and defining an ‘$H_0 \text{-} \text{free}$’ logarithmic lumiosity parameter $$\begin{aligned} \delta \equiv -2.5\kappa - 5 \log \left( \frac{H_0}{\mathrm{km}\; \mathrm{s}^{-1}\;\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}} \right) + 125.2 \ . \end{aligned}$$ @wei2016h showed that $\alpha = 4.86^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$ and $\delta = 32.38^{+0.29}_{-0.29}$ for the former, while $\alpha = 4.89^{+0.09}_{-0.09}$ and $\delta = 32.49^{+0.35}_{-0.35}$ for the latter. Such small differences fall well within the observational uncertainty (note, e.g., that the difference in $\alpha$ is $\sim \sigma/3$). We shall therefore simply use the average values of these ‘nuisance’ parameters, i.e., $\alpha = 4.87^{+0.11}_{-0.08}$ and $\delta = 32.42^{+0.42}_{-0.33}$. The distance modulus of an HII galaxy is $$\mu^{\mathrm{obs}} (z) = -\delta + 2.5 \left[ \alpha \log \sigma_v (\mathrm{H} \beta) - \log F(\mathrm{H}\beta) \right] \ ,$$ and the luminosity distance is correspondingly $$\begin{aligned} d_L^{\mathrm{obs}} (z) = 10^{(\mu^{\mathrm{obs}} (z)/5 - 5)} \;\mathrm{Mpc} \ .\label{equ:dlum} \end{aligned}$$ For every $d_A(z_i)$ measurement from a strong-lensing system, we use a model-independent Gaussian Process (GP) reconstruction to get the corresponding $d_L(z_i)$. A description of the GP approach and its use with the HII galaxy Hubble diagram may be found in @yennapureddy2017reconstruction [@yennapureddy2018cosmological], based on the pioneering work of @seikel2012reconstruction. It is important to point out an important caveat, however, having to do with possible systematic uncertainties in the HII galaxy probe, specifically the $L(\mathrm{H}\beta) \text{-} \sigma$ correlation, which still needs to be fully understood. Systematic uncertainties in this critical relation include the size of the starburst, its age, the oxygen abundance of HII galaxies and the internal extinction correction [@doi:10.1093/mnras/stw1813]. The scatter found in the $L(\mathrm{H}\beta) \text{-} \sigma$ relation (Equation  ) for HII galaxies suggests that there may exit a possible dependence on a second parameter. Some progress has already been made in trying to mitigate these uncertainties. For example, @doi:10.1093/mnras/stu987 find that for a sample of local HII galaxies, the size of the star-forming region can serve as the second parameter. Another important consideration is the exclusion of the rotating support for the system (as opposed to purely kinematic support), which would obviously distort the $L(\mathrm{H}\beta) \text{-} \sigma$ relation. @doi:10.1093/mnras/stu987 [@doi:10.1093/mnras/stw1813] have suggested using an upper limit of the velocity dispersion to minimize this possibility, although the catalogue of suitable sources is then greatly reduced. However, even with this limitation, there is no guarantee that this systemic effect will be completely eliminated. Our results in this paper should be viewed with this cautionary consideration, with the hope and expectation that future improvements in our understanding of these systems will make the HII Hubble diagram an even more powerful probe of the integrated distance measure than it is now. Measurement of the CDD relation ------------------------------- As one can see from Equations and , the lensing measurements provide the values of $\theta_E$ and $\sigma_\mathrm{SIS}$, which give the ratio of angular-diameter distances to $z_l$ and $z_s$, i.e. $d_A(z_l)/d_A(z_s)$. For each lens and each source, we then form the ratio given in Equation by calculating the luminosity distance $d_L(z_l)$ and $d_L(z_s)$ from the GP reconstruction of the HII Hubble diagram: $$\begin{aligned} \frac{\eta(z_l)}{\eta(z_s)} &= \frac{(1+z_l)^2}{(1+z_s)^2} \frac{d_A (z_l)}{d_A(z_s)} \frac{d_L(z_s)}{d_L(z_l)} \notag \\ &= 10^{\left[\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_s) - \mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_l)\right]/5 } \left(\frac{1+z_l}{1+z_s}\right)\times\nonumber \\ \null &\qquad\qquad \left(1-{\theta_E\over 4\pi}\left[{c\over \sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}}}\right]^2\right). \label{etaratio2} \end{aligned}$$ If the CDD relation is realized in nature, this ratio should always be equal to $1$, independently of $z_l$ and $z_s$. Our approach uses the strong-lensing and HII galaxy data to ‘measure’ this ratio and test the CDD hypothesis for a broad range of redshift pairs $(z_l,z_s)$. Data {#sec:datasets} ==== We extract our strong lenses from the catalog of 158 sources recently compiled by @doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1365 (see Table 1 therein.) from the SLACS, BELLS, LSD and SL2S surveys. We keep only strong-lensing systems with $\sigma_0 \ge 250\, \mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ and $z_s \le 2.33$, which leaves $53$ strong lenses (see Table 1 below). The former condition mitigates the scatter when using the SIS model, while the latter condition is imposed by the limit of the highest redshift in the HII galaxy data, which is $2.33$. The uncertainty in the observed value of $d_{\rm ratio}$ is estimated from the measurement error of the Einstein radius, $\sigma_{\theta_E}$, and the velocity dispersion, $\sigma_{\sigma_0}$. Using standard error propagation, the corresponding dispersion for $d_{\mathrm{ratio}}$ is $$\begin{aligned} \sigma_{d_{\mathrm{ratio}}} = d_{\mathrm{ratio}} \sqrt{ \left(\frac{\sigma_{\theta_E}}{\theta_E}\right)^2 + 4\left(\frac{\sigma_{\sigma_0} }{\sigma_0}\right)^2 } \ , \end{aligned}$$ in which we assume a uniform $5\%$ error for $\sigma_{\theta_E}$, following @grillo2008cosmological. There is also the question of how the dispersion $\sigma_{\rm SIS}$ for a SIS model relates to $\sigma_0$. Previous work, e.g., by @melia2014comparison and @2015ApJ...806..185C, indicates that the statistics of a large sample of lenses is consistent with a SIS model for the lens mass distribution with $\sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}} = \sigma_0$. Fits to the data with a more general relation, $\sigma_{\mathrm{SIS}} = f_e \sigma_0$, with $f_e$ a parameter to be optimized, shows that its optimial value is within only a few percentage points of $1$ [@liao2016distance]. Nonetheless, recent studies have also shown that a pure SIS model may not be an accurate representation of the lens mass distribution when $\sigma_0 < 250 \;\mathrm{km}\;\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ [@doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1365] (see Figure 2 therein), for which unphysical values of $d_{\rm ratio}$ are often encountered. @doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1365 found that ignoring individual variations from a pure SIS structure results in unsatisfactory fitting results. For example, a flattened lens galaxy distribution, corresponding to a small $\sigma_0$, deviates significantly from a pure SIS model. To avoid systematics such as this, we shall therefore select from the overall lens sample only those sources with $\sigma_0 \ge 250 \;\mathrm{km}\;\mathrm{s}^{-1}$. For the HII galaxy Hubble diagram, we use the $25$ high-$z$ HII galaxies, $107$ local HII galaxies, and $24$ giant extra galactic HII regions from the catalog compiled by @terlevich2015road. The GP reconstructed distance modulus, $\{z,\;\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z),\;\sigma_{\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}}\}$, is calculated from these data following the prescription described and implemented in @yennapureddy2017reconstruction. The distance modulus data and GP reconstruction are shown in figure \[fig:fig1\]. As one can see in this figure, the error in the reconstructed curve is smaller than that of the individual data points. As discussed more extensively in @yennapureddy2017reconstruction, the confidence region depends on the errors in the data, $\sigma_{\mu_{\mathrm{obs}}}$, on the optimized hyperparameter(s) of the GP method—such as the characteristic ‘bumpiness’ parameter $\sigma_f$—and on the product of the covariance matrixes $K_* K^{-1} K_*^T$ between the estimation points and dataset points (see @yennapureddy2017reconstruction). The reconstructed uncertainty $\sigma_{\mu_{\mathrm{GP}}} (z_*)$ at the estimation point $z_*$ is less than $\sigma_{\mu_{\mathrm{obs}}}$ when, for the point $z_*$, there is a large correlation between the data, $K_* K^{-1} K_*^T > \sigma_f$, which is most of the time for the HII galaxy data used in this study. As such, the estimated confidence region is smaller than that of the observational data. The associated $\eta$-ratio errors are estimated from Equation using standard error propagation. Defining $$\begin{aligned} k & \equiv 10^{[\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_l) - \mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_s)]/5} \ , \\ g & \equiv \frac{1+z_l}{1+z_s} (1 - d_{\mathrm{ratio}}) \ , \end{aligned}$$ we have $$\begin{aligned} \sigma_k &= k\times \frac{\ln 10}{5} \sqrt{ \sigma_{\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_l)}^2 + \sigma_{\mu^{\mathrm{obs}}(z_s)}^2 } \ , \\ \sigma_g &= \frac{1+z_l}{1+z_s} \sigma_{d_{\mathrm{ratio}}} \ , \end{aligned}$$ so that $$\sigma_{\eta(z_l)/\eta(z_s)} = \frac{\eta(z_l)}{\eta(z_s)} \sqrt{ \left(\frac{\sigma_k}{k}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\sigma_g}{g}\right)^2 } \ . \label{eqn:sigmaeta}$$ 0.2in Results and Discussion {#sec:res} ====================== SIS Model --------- Let us first analyze these data using the simplest SIS model described in § 2.1 above. We shall estimate the impact of changing the mass distribution in the lens by considering an extension to this profile in §4.2. The 53 $\{z_l, z_s, \eta(z_l)/\eta(z_s) \}$ data points obtained with the use of Equation and the data described in § 3 are plotted as a function of $z_l$ in Figure \[fig:fig2\], and as a function of $z_s$ in Figure \[fig:fig3\]. As one can see from these distributions, our test of the CDD extends over a significantly large redshift range, with several sources beyond $z_s\sim 2$. To gauge whether these data confirm or reject the CDD, we parameterize $\eta(z)$ using the following two forms: $$\begin{aligned} \eta (z) &= 1 + \eta_0 z \ , \label{equ:etapara1} \\ \eta (z) &= 1 + \eta_1 z + \eta_2 z^2 \ , \label{equ:etapara2} \end{aligned}$$ in which $\eta_0,\;\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$ are all assumed to be constant. The CDD corresponds to $\eta(z)\equiv 1$, i.e., $\eta_0 = \eta_1 = \eta_2 = 0$. To find the best-fitting CDD parameters and the confidence regions, we use Bayesian statistical methods and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique to calculate the posterior probability density function (PDF) of the parameter matrix $\bm{\eta} \equiv \{\eta_0 \} \ \mathrm{or}\ \{\eta_1, \eta_2\}$, which is $$\begin{aligned} p(\bm{\eta} | \text{eta ratio data}) \propto \mathcal{L}(\bm{\eta}, \text{eta ratio data}) \times p(\bm{\eta}) \ , \end{aligned}$$ where - $p(\bm{\eta})$ is the prior and (assumed) uniform distribution; - $\mathcal{L} \propto \exp (-\chi^2/2)$ is the likelihood function, and $$\begin{aligned} \chi^2 = \sum_i \left\{ \frac{\left[ \eta(z_{l, i})/\eta(z_{s,i})\right]^{\text{obs}} - \eta(\bm{\eta}; z_l)/\eta(\bm{\eta}; z_s) }{\sigma_{\eta(z_{l, i})/\eta(z_{s,i})}} \right\}^2 \end{aligned}$$ is the $\chi^2$ function, with $\eta(\bm{\eta}; z) \equiv 1+\eta_0 z$ or $1 + \eta_1 z + \eta_2 z^2$, as the case may be. The MCMC method uses the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate Markov chains of sample points in parameter space from the posterior probability [@2014sdmm.book.....I]. We use the emcee Python module[^1] [@2013PASP..125..306F] that implements Markov chain Monte Carlo to sample from the posterior distribution of parameters ($\eta_0$, or $\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$). For the two sets of data used in this analysis, we find that the optimized values of the parameters in $\eta(z)$, and their $1\sigma$ errors, are $$\begin{aligned} \eta_0 &= 0.0147^{+0.056}_{-0.066} \ , \label{equ:eta0SIS}\\ \eta_1 &= 0.1091^{+0.1680}_{-0.1568}\ , \quad \eta_2 = -0.0603^{+0.0999}_{-0.0988} \ . \end{aligned}$$ The PDF plots are shown in Figure \[fig:fig4\] and \[fig:fig5\]. The contours were plotted using the Python package “GetDist”[^2]. As one can see, the best-fit values of both $\eta_0$, and $\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$, are entirely consistent with the CDD at a very high level of confidence. Specifically, the strong lensing data, in combination with the HII galaxy Hubble diagram, show that $\eta_0$ deviates from zero by less than $\sim \sigma/4$, while $\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$ deviate from zero by less than $\sim 2\sigma/3$. Notice, however, that the parameterization in Equation  appears to give a more accurate result than that in Equation . A quick inspection of Figures \[fig:fig2\] and \[fig:fig3\] suggests why the simpler parameterization in the former appears to confirm the CDD more strongly than that in the latter. Though the $\eta(z_l)/\eta(z_s)$ data points fluctuate across $\eta(z)=1$ throughout the redshift range of interest, some points clearly deviate from this value by $1\sigma-2\;\sigma$. This scatter produces enhanced fluctuation in the redshift dependence of the parameterized $\eta(z)$ function when a higher-order polynomial is used, which accounts for the fact that both $\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$ differ from zero by a larger fraction of their $\sigma$ than does $\eta_0$. Unfortunately, this residual scatter is due to the over-simplifying assumption that all lens mass distributions follow the SIS, as noted earlier by @doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1365. For example, all lens systems with $d_A(z_l) > d_A (z_s)$—which is clearly unphysical—have a small velocity dispersion $\sigma_0 \le 233\,\mathrm{km}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$. And, as shown in Figure 2 of @doi:10.1093/mnras/sty1365, there is an obvious correlation between the velocity dispersion $\sigma_0$ and $d_{\mathrm{ratio}}$, i.e., a correlation between the mass distribution of the lens galaxy and the lens and source’s distance ratio, which cannot be accounted for in the SIS model. This significant correlation is a hint that the SIS approximation is reliable only for strong lensed systems. We have largely mitigated this effect by restricting our analysis to systems with $\sigma_0\ge 250$ km s$^{-1}$, but variations away from the pure SIS model are apparently present even for this reduced sample. Our results already provide compelling evidence that the CDD is realized in nature, but we suggest that a parameterization such as that in Equation can do even better in the future if the lens mass distribution were to be determined more accurately (say, with ray tracing), rather than the adoption of a simple SIS model. Of course, the uncertainties of the HII galaxy data that provide the luminosity distance also contribute to the $\eta$-ratio’s scatter. But as one can see from Figure \[fig:fig1\] and the discussion of the GP reconstruction in Section \[sec:datasets\], the relative uncertainty in the GP reconstructed HII galaxy distance modulus is much smaller than that of the strong lensing data. The dominant contribution to the error in Equation   therefore comes from the lens data rather than the HII galaxy data. Extended SIE Model ------------------ As noted earlier, we can explore this hypothesis further by examining how a change in the lens model affects the scatter seen in figs. 2 and 3. To do so, however, we need to rexamine how one converts the observable quantities of strong lensing systems, such as the Einstein radius $\theta_E$ and the central velocity dispersion $\sigma$ of the lensing galaxy, into the angular-diameter distance. For the SIS model, the relation between these observables and $d_A$ is Equation or . The simplest SIE model introduced a phenomenological parameter $f_e$ to account for any possible difference between the true velocity dispersion and that of the SIS model: $$\begin{aligned} \theta_E = 4\pi \frac{d_A (z_l, z_s)}{d_A (0, z_s)} \left( \frac{f_e \sigma}{c} \right)^2 \end{aligned}$$ but, as mentioned in § \[sec:datasets\], the optimal value of $f_e$ is very close to $1$ so it does not provide any effective variation away from a pure SIS. To understand the influence of the lensing galaxy’s mass distribution on our CDD test, we therefore also consider an extended SIE model based on an assumed power-law density profile $\rho (r)$ and a luminosity density of stars $\nu (r)$ [@koopmans2005proc]: $$\begin{aligned} \rho (r) &= \rho_0 \left( \frac{r}{r_0} \right)^{-\tau} \ , \\ \nu (r) &= \nu_0 \left( \frac{r}{r_0} \right)^{-\gamma} \ , \end{aligned}$$ where $r$ is the spherical radial coordinate from the center of the lensing galaxy; and $\tau$ and $\gamma$ are adjustable free parameters. The observed velocity dispersion $\sigma_0$ can provide a dynamical estimate of the mass, based on this power-law density profile. The corresponding central velocity disperion of the extended-SIE model is [@doi:10.1093/mnras/stw932] $$\begin{aligned} \sigma_{\text{ex-SIE}}^2 =& \left( \frac{c^2}{4} \frac{d_A (0, z_s)}{d_A (z_l, z_s)} \theta_E \right) \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi} (\xi - 2\beta)} \left( \frac{\theta_{\mathrm{ap}}}{\theta_E} \right)^{2-\tau} \notag \\ & \times \left[ \frac{\lambda (\xi) - \beta \, \lambda (\xi + 2)}{\lambda (\tau) \, \lambda (\gamma)} \right] \frac{\Gamma (3 - \xi/2)}{\Gamma (3 - \gamma/2)} \ , \end{aligned}$$ where - $\beta$ characterizes the anisotropic distribution of the three-dimensional velocity dispersion, which appears to be Gaussian with $\beta = 0.18 \pm 0.13$, based on a sample of local elliptical galaxies [@1538-3881-121-4-1936]; - $\theta_{\mathrm{ap}}$ is the spectrometer aperture radius; - $\xi \equiv \tau + \gamma - 2$; - $\lambda (x) \equiv \Gamma \left(\frac{x-1}{2} \right) \Big/ \Gamma \left( \frac{x}{2} \right)$ is the ratio of Euler’s gamma functions. We use the distances $d_A (0, z_s)$ and $d_A (z_l, z_s)$ to extract $\sigma$ from the above equation, with the help of the CDD relation $d_A (z) = {d_L(z) \, \eta(z)}/{(1 + z)^2}$ and the HII galaxy data. The result is $$\begin{aligned} \frac{d_A (0, z_s)}{d_A (z_l, z_s)} &= \frac{1}{d_{\mathrm{ratio}}} = \left[ 1 - \frac{1+z_l}{1+z_s} \frac{d_A (z_l)}{d_A (z_s)} \right]^{-1} \\ &= \left[ 1 - \frac{1+z_s}{1+z_l} \frac{\eta (z_l)}{\eta (z_s)} \frac{d_L (z_l)}{d_L (z_s)} \right]^{-1} \\ &= \left[ 1 - \frac{1+z_s}{1+z_l} \frac{\eta (z_l)}{\eta (z_s)} 10^{ (\mu^{\mathrm{obs}} (z_l) - \mu^{\mathrm{obs}} (z_s) ) / 5 } \right]^{-1} \ . \end{aligned}$$ But notice that we now have two more free parameters (i.e., $\tau$ and $\gamma$) in the extended SIE model, than we did with the simple SIS. The overall number of adjustable variables is now large enough to create degeneracy in the optimization. As such, we restrict our attention solely to the formulation $\eta (z) = 1 + \eta_0 z$ (i.e., Eq. 20) to mitigate this excessive flexibility. Our optimization strategy now relies on identifying the best-fit values of $\tau$ and $\gamma$, for which the relevant $\chi^2$ function is $$\begin{aligned} \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{53} \left[ \frac{ \sigma^{\text{ex-SIE}}_i (\tau, \gamma, \beta; \eta_0) - \sigma_{i}^{\mathrm{obs}} }{ \sigma_{\sigma_{0,i}} } \right]^2 \ , \end{aligned}$$ where the sum is taken over the 53 strong lens systems identified in Table 1 above. The 1D and 2D marginalized distribution plots produced with this procedure are shown in fig. \[fig:exSIE0\] for the CDD parameter $\eta_0$ and the power-law indices $\tau$ and $\gamma$. The corresponding $68\%$ confidence limits are $$\begin{aligned} \eta_0 &= 0.0093^{+0.1520}_{-0.0939} \ , \\ \tau &= 1.8990^{+0.0521}_{-0.0526} \ , \\ \gamma &= 2.3680^{+0.1185}_{-0.1305} \ . \end{aligned}$$ Our optimized values of $\tau$ and $\gamma$ are consistent with those found in previous work [@0004-637X-834-1-75], in which the reported results were $\tau= 1.97 \pm 0.04$ and $\gamma = 2.40 \pm 0.13$. We note that @0004-637X-834-1-75 used the model dependent Type Ia SN data with the CDD to extract the angular-diameter distance, whereas we have used the HII galaxy Hubble diagram, yet the use of an optimized power-law lens model has not changed the outcome significantly. The best-fit value of $\eta_0$ is still fully consistent with the CDD, but the confidence limit is much wider than that of a pure SIS model (compare Eqs. 24 and 34). This slight weakening of the CDD constraint is entirely due to the larger number of free parameters in the extended SIE model. We conclude from this comparison that the use of a more elaborate SIE lens model (such as the extended power-law profile we have examined here) will probably not improve the results we have obtained with a simple SIS, in spite of the lingering scatter associated with this simplified mass profile (see figs. 2 and 3). A more direct empirical determination of the mass distribution within the lenses will be required to significantly refine the results reported here. Conclusion {#sec:conc} ========== A commonly used method of testing the CDD has been to compare the luminosity distance derived from Type Ia SNe with the angular-diameter distance measured using galaxy clusters. But these are no longer the only standard candles and rulers available today. Seeking alternatives is desirable because the older approach requires the pre-assumption of specific cosmological models in order to optimize the ‘nuisance’ parameters in the distance-redshift relation. This limiting factor can lead to additional uncertainty and bias, which may explain why some earlier work with the CDD has produced conflicting results. A summary of previous inconsistencies may be found in @melia2018model. In this paper, we have chosen a new combination of standard candles (HII galaxies) and rulers (strong lenses) to test the CDD without the need to pre-assume any particular cosmology. The fact that our analysis shows consistency with the CDD at a very high level of confidence is therefore quite compelling because we have avoided introducing unknown systematics associated with particular models. We do note, however, that we have assumed spatial flatness throughout our analysis, which appears to be consistent with a broad range of cosmological measurements. Nevertheless, this is a caveat to keep in mind, should any new evidence emerge that the Universe is not spatially flat. Another important benefit of our model-independent study is that the additional flexibility in fitting the data otherwise present when cosmology-dependent parameterizations are introduced is absent from our approach. Our test is therefore straightforward and clean because any possible variations in $\eta(z)$ away from $1$ cannot be attributed to the cosmology itself. Were we to find that $\eta(z)\neq 1$, the evidence in favor of new physics would therefore have been stronger with our method than what would be found using model-dependent data. The results in this paper fully confirm another recent model-independent test of the CDD carried out by @melia2018model. In that work, the standard ruler was provided by compact quasar cores. We are therefore starting to see a consistent pattern of results in which model-independent tests all agree that the CDD is realized in nature. The principal caveat of our work is the irreducible scatter in our CDD data stemming from the use of a simplified single isothermal sphere (SIS) model for the lens. We have attempted to mitigate the impact of an imprecisely known mass distribution in the lens by also considering an extended SIE model, in which the internal structure of the lens is characterized by power laws for the mass and luminosity densities, with two adjustable indices. While this allows greater freedom in modeling the lens itself, however, the downside with such an approach is the additional degeneracy offered by the greater flexibility with the overall optimization of the parameters. Our results for both the simple SIS and the extended SIE lens models confirm the CDD all the way out to $z\sim 2.3$, with a violation no bigger than $\eta_0\sim 0.01-0.015$, in a parameterization $\eta(z)=1+\eta_0z$. But the CDD constraint is actually weaker with the extended SIE lens (i.e., $\eta_0=0.0093^{+0.1520}_{-0.0939}$ versus $\eta_0=0.0147^{+0.056}_{-0.066}$) due to the less precise confidence range of the best fit values resulting from the adjustable power-law distributions. In future work with strong lensing, it would be desirable to determine the lens mass distribution more accurately, e.g., using ray tracing, rather than simply relying on a SIS model, which appears to produce irreducible scatter in the results due to its over-simplification of the lens structure. Eventually, this improvement should yield a better measurement of the angular-diameter distance, allowing us to test the CDD with even higher precision than is available today. Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered} ================ We are grateful to the anonymous referee for recommending several improvements to this manuscript. 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Mutations in WFS1 gene cause Wolfram syndrome, which is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic nerve atrophy and deafness (DIDMOAD). WFS1 gene product wolframin is located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Mice lacking this gene have disturbances in processing and secretion of peptides, such as vasopressin and insulin. In the brain, high levels of wolframin protein are observed in the hippocampus, amygdala and limbic structures. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Wfs1 invalidation on the peptide processing in hippocampus of mice. Peptidomic approach was used to characterize individual peptides in the hippocampus of wild type and Wfs1 knock-out mice. We identified 126 peptides in the hippocampal extracts and levels of 10 peptides were different in Wfs1 and wild type mice at (P\<0.05). Largest alteration was found in the level of peptide little-LEN, which is processed (cleaved) from pro-SAAS (Pcsk1n) in prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) dependent ways. Results of this study reveal alterations of peptide processing in the hippocampus of Wfs1 deficient mice.
rue Does 46 divide 7314? True Is 9 a factor of 123? False Does 41 divide 10906? True Is 49 a factor of 2793? True Is 86 a factor of 30788? True Does 33 divide 329? False Is 14 a factor of 836? False Is 52 a factor of 832? True Is 15 a factor of 4286? False Is 258 a multiple of 13? False Is 544 a multiple of 103? False Does 13 divide 156? True Does 46 divide 11270? True Does 7 divide 313? False Is 34 a factor of 1188? False Does 10 divide 5635? False Is 1014 a multiple of 57? False Does 202 divide 6868? True Is 14679 a multiple of 158? False Is 6 a factor of 4298? False Is 16 a factor of 881? False Is 31 a factor of 7653? False Does 4 divide 239? False Is 1456 a multiple of 56? True Is 1994 a multiple of 14? False Does 7 divide 1687? True Is 49 a factor of 102067? True Is 11 a factor of 13404? False Is 4816 a multiple of 172? True Is 21 a factor of 1281? True Is 4522 a multiple of 14? True Is 33300 a multiple of 185? True Is 163 a multiple of 12? False Is 53 a factor of 106? True Is 167 a factor of 35738? True Does 31 divide 2914? True Does 4 divide 1356? True Does 30 divide 47870? False Does 34 divide 13455? False Does 14 divide 33237? False Is 817 a multiple of 16? False Is 14 a factor of 669? False Does 8 divide 244? False Does 224 divide 14938? False Is 12 a multiple of 12? True Does 52 divide 14768? True Is 1305 a multiple of 72? False Is 66871 a multiple of 16? False Does 8 divide 14227? False Is 14 a factor of 1478? False Does 5 divide 8303? False Is 52 a factor of 2279? False Is 5 a factor of 2107? False Does 77 divide 27104? True Is 15 a factor of 58995? True Is 5112 a multiple of 23? False Is 421 a multiple of 9? False Is 4838 a multiple of 98? False Is 10 a factor of 180? True Is 34225 a multiple of 43? False Does 3 divide 380? False Is 163 a multiple of 8? False Is 11 a factor of 528? True Is 5139 a multiple of 9? True Does 69 divide 28899? False Does 37 divide 8927? False Is 16614 a multiple of 71? True Is 59 a factor of 1180? True Does 5 divide 9013? False Does 15 divide 11685? True Is 36 a factor of 3034? False Is 84 a factor of 4872? True Is 1395 a multiple of 42? False Is 87 a factor of 945? False Is 22 a multiple of 19? False Is 13 a factor of 585? True Is 150 a multiple of 15? True Is 14 a factor of 3528? True Is 91 a factor of 10042? False Is 757 a multiple of 7? False Is 16435 a multiple of 14? False Is 39093 a multiple of 199? False Is 8 a factor of 442? False Is 350 a multiple of 35? True Is 26 a factor of 4472? True Is 108 a factor of 6734? False Is 594 a multiple of 22? True Is 176 a factor of 5456? True Is 2869 a multiple of 15? False Does 26 divide 22041? False Does 9 divide 4208? False Does 13 divide 4238? True Is 106 a factor of 1272? True Does 15 divide 165? True Is 2884 a multiple of 65? False Is 24 a factor of 2077? False Is 4260 a multiple of 10? True Does 32 divide 384? True Is 1750 a multiple of 10? True Is 12 a factor of 1265? False Does 7 divide 49? True Does 21 divide 4718? False Is 173 a factor of 37343? False Is 620 a multiple of 42? False Is 1421 a multiple of 2? False Does 26 divide 780? True Is 119 a factor of 2380? True Is 197 a multiple of 7? False Is 75 a factor of 1272? False Is 209 a factor of 2727? False Is 96 a factor of 10441? False Is 39060 a multiple of 14? True Does 6 divide 1528? False Is 5480 a multiple of 5? True Is 98 a multiple of 14? True Is 111 a factor of 6874? False Is 452 a multiple of 16? False Is 75 a factor of 150? True Is 452 a multiple of 12? False Is 33 a factor of 9240? True Does 54 divide 3064? False Is 360 a factor of 95599? False Does 20 divide 150938? False Is 103128 a multiple of 24? True Is 10 a factor of 130? True Is 4 a factor of 213? False Is 44754 a multiple of 107? False Is 23760 a multiple of 54? True Does 90 divide 760? False Is 70 a factor of 2380? True Is 23 a factor of 24395? False Is 48657 a multiple of 147? True Does 105 divide 11655? True Is 3 a factor of 114? True Does 4 divide 54? False Is 14 a factor of 1166? False Is 14 a factor of 1012? False Does 35 divide 560? True Is 5 a factor of 8140? True Is 3 a factor of 102? True Does 3 divide 189? True Is 3447 a multiple of 18? False Does 92 divide 27692? True Is 20690 a multiple of 10? True Does 12 divide 1736? False Is 3528 a multiple of 3? True Does 11 divide 1430? True Does 107 divide 45154? True Is 6107 a multiple of 31? True Is 25 a factor of 300? True Is 6 a factor of 13968? True Is 11328 a multiple of 236? True Does 15 divide 581? False Is 6 a factor of 150? True Does 5 divide 340? True Is 1791 a multiple of 15? False Does 94 divide 21902? True Is 42 a factor of 24100? False Does 79 divide 9085? True Is 4 a factor of 1780? True Is 3 a factor of 24? True Is 11 a factor of 44297? True Is 13 a factor of 82980? False Is 38 a factor of 14618? False Is 83 a factor of 373? False Does 124 divide 15872? True Is 65 a factor of 1755? True Does 3 divide 16008? True Is 106 a factor of 15900? True Is 4850 a multiple of 2? True Does 2 divide 123? False Is 7 a factor of 757? False Does 10 divide 13450? True Is 449 a multiple of 6? False Does 35 divide 6405? True Is 934 a multiple of 78? False Is 29 a factor of 2169? False Is 7 a factor of 7166? False Is 16 a factor of 2160? True Does 13 divide 98501? True Is 113 a factor of 6441? True Is 1238 a multiple of 159? False Does 9 divide 468? True Does 14 divide 3850? True Does 9 divide 279? True Is 17 a factor of 1904? True Is 22 a factor of 424? False Does 13 divide 178? False Is 184 a multiple of 8? True Is 93 a multiple of 2? False Does 7 divide 111? False Is 6 a factor of 161? False Does 26 divide 3744? True Is 11835 a multiple of 21? False Is 10 a factor of 50? True Does 29 divide 1588? False Does 66 divide 64020? True Is 18 a factor of 1327? False Does 23 divide 12397? True Is 24380 a multiple of 56? False Is 688 a multiple of 34? False Is 2369 a multiple of 14? False Is 227 a multiple of 68? False Is 5036 a multiple of 15? False Is 380 a multiple of 20? True Does 28 divide 1288? True Is 2661 a multiple of 128? False Is 62880 a multiple of 16? True Is 6 a factor of 575? False Does 77 divide 7739? False Is 3178 a multiple of 16? False Is 37 a factor of 2405? True Does 18 divide 942? False Is 69 a factor of 1080? False Is 7359 a multiple of 33? True Does 134 divide 25650? False Is 35 a factor of 71050? True Is 88 a multiple of 4? True Does 9 divide 2514? False Is 2 a factor of 71? False Is 4720 a multiple of 35? False Does 18 divide 139? False Does 13 divide 909? False Is 99329 a multiple of 150? False Does 5 divide 4157? False Is 11 a factor of 18551? False Is 15 a factor of 13170? True Does 15 divide 179? False Is 143 a factor of 15873? True Does 56 divide 1568? True Is 81 a factor of 995? False Is 5709 a multiple of 17? False Is 123 a multiple of 6? False Is 725 a multiple of 15? False Does 15 divide 135? True Is 4 a factor of 9239? False Is 49 a factor of 1984? False Does 16 divide 2912? True Is 215 a factor of 106889? False Is 155 a factor of 4650? True Does 13 divide 39? True Does 187 divide 17168? False Does 10 divide 2258? False Is 70 a factor of 4480? True Is 21 a multiple of 6? False Is 135 a factor of 26730? True Is 79990 a multiple of 32? False Is 22008 a multiple of 8? True Does 50 divide 1602? False Is 13 a factor of 793? True Is 8 a factor of 20228? False Is 270 a multiple of 8? False Is 33480 a multiple of 20? True Is 57 a factor of 15333? True Does 15 divide 520? False Does 135 divide 2122? False Does 8 divide 2544? True Is 600 a multiple of 12? True Is 164 a multiple of 32? False Is 25 a factor of 703? False Does 46 divide 3339? False Is 79 a factor of 20067? False Is 99 a factor of 24156? True Does 30 divide 9226? False Does 32 divide 431? False Does 55 divide 412? False Is 146 a factor of 292? True Is 2 a factor of 149? False Does 51 divide 1632? True Is 402 a multiple of 63? False Is 6840 a multiple of 11? False Is 586 a multiple of 3? False Is 5468 a multiple of 4? True Does 188 divide 59220? True Is 4032 a multiple of 36? True Does 104 divide 28154? False Is 515 a multiple of 5? True Is 173 a factor of 61415? True Is 2340 a multiple of 15? True Is 7210 a multiple of 231? False Does 13 divide 2288? True Is 72 a factor of 5544? True Does 11 di
Rotenone partially reverses decreased BK Ca currents in cerebral artery smooth muscle cells from streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. 1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause vascular complications and impair vasodilation in diabetes mellitus. Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels (BK(Ca)) modulate vascular tone and play an important negative feedback role in vasoconstriction. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that ROS regulate the function of BK(Ca) in diabetic cerebral artery smooth muscle cells. 2. Diabetes was induced in male BALB/c mice by injection of streptozotocin (STZ; 180 mg/kg, i.p., dissolved in sterile saline). Control and diabetic mice were treated with 12.7 micromol/L rotenone, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I, or placebo every other day for 5 weeks. The whole-cell patch clamp-technique and functional vasomotor methods were used to record BK(Ca) currents and myogenic tone of cerebral artery smooth muscle cells. 3. In the diabetic group, there was a significant decrease in spontaneous transient outward currents in cerebral artery smooth muscle cells compared with control. Although the currents were only moderately increased in rotenone-treated diabetic mice, they remained significantly lower than in the control group. Furthermore, the macroscopic BK(Ca) currents that were decreased in diabetic mice were partially recovered in rotenone-treated diabetic mice (P < 0.05 vs untreated diabetic group). 4. The posterior cerebral artery from diabetic mice had a significantly higher myogenic tone than the control group, but this impaired contraction was partially reversed in the rotenone-treated diabetic group (P < 0.05 vs untreated diabetic group). 5. The H(2)O(2) concentration was significantly increased in cerebral arteries from diabetic mice compared with control. This increase in H(2)O(2) was significantly blunted by rotenone treatment. 6. In conclusion, rotenone partially reverses the decreased macroscopic BK(Ca) currents in STZ-induced Type 1 diabetic mice and this reversal of BK(Ca) currents may be related to the inhibitory effects of rotenone on H(2)O(2) production. Reactive oxygen species, particularly H(2)O(2), are important regulators of BK(Ca) channels and myogenic tone in diabetic cerebral artery.
Filmmaker and adventurer Homi Adajania makes a risky dive to uncover the secrets of a mysterious shipwreck. In the series “Journey of a lifetime – INDIA” edition, Conde`nast Traveller takes us on a journey to the deep blue seas of Andaman Islands.
Q: Calling service intent fails with "not found" I want to start a service intent of an application (com.urbandroid.lux). According to the developer, there is a service intent "com.urbandroid.lux.TwilightService" which can be called with extra "toggle"/"toggle" (string). But no matter what I do, I always get a "Not found" error. For example, using adb as root: # am startservice -c "" --es toggle toggle com.urbandroid.lux com.urbandroid.lux.TwilightService Starting service: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[] pkg=com.urbandroid.lux (has extras) } Error: Not found; no service started. # I also tried using Tasker. With "adb logcat" I get a similar error: W/ActivityManager( 1402): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.urbandroid.lux.TwilightService pkg=com.urbandroid.lux (has extras) } U=0: not found Now I used "aapt dump xmltree lux.apk AndroidManifest.xml" to verify the existence of the intent. As can be seen, it is indeed there (line 55-57): http://pastebin.com/31NqrSuN I tried any combinations (leading/trailing slashes/points, different calls, ...) I could possibly think. But the error is always the same. Is there something in particular I am doing wrong? WHAT exactly is not found here? The app? The process? The service? The entry point/method? A: The component name is specified as the package name, then a slash, then the name of the class. So in this case, the command you want is:- am startservice --es toggle toggle com.urbandroid.lux/.TwilightService For future reference, and to help avoid confusion: the intent is the name of the message you're sending to start the service. The thing that you want to start is a service, not a "service intent", and the thing you found in the manifest is a service, not an intent.