remove language parameter

by adarshxs - opened

removed 'language=' for the load_dataset function.

Thank you @adarshxs for your Pull requests.

I think the failure to load the dataset when using the language parameter may be due to a bug in datasets version 2.16.0. I have tried with datasets versions older than < 2.16.0 and everything still works fine.

Hi @lhoestq , can you please help us to fix this issue? I think the recently released version of datasets (2.16.0) has some bugs that prevent users from using custom parameters in loading script.

Indeed there is a regression in datasets 2.16 that we'll fix in the coming days.

Though the proposed fix does work, so feel free to merge it in the meantime

Thank you @lhoestq and @adarshxs !

nguyenhuuthuat09 changed pull request status to merged

Great! Your welcome!

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