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[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question State the most popular movie? When was it released and who is the director for the movie? Clarification: most popular movie refers to MAX(movie_popularity); when it was released refers to movie_release_year; director for the movie refers to director_name;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT movie_title, movie_release_year, director_name FROM movies ORDER BY movie_popularity DESC LIMIT 1 '})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the average number of Mubi users who love movies directed by Stanley Kubrick? Clarification: average = AVG(movie_popularity); number of Mubi users who loves the movie refers to movie_popularity;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(movie_popularity) FROM movies WHERE director_name = 'Stanley Kubrick''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question List all movie title rated in April 2020 from user who was a trialist. Clarification: movie title rated in April 2020 refers to rating_timestamp_utc LIKE '%2020-04-%'; user is a trial list refers to user_trialist = 1;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.movie_title FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.user_trialist = 1 AND T2.rating_timestamp_utc LIKE '2020-04%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the percentage of rated movies were released in year 2021? Clarification: percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(movie_release_year = 2021), COUNT(rating_id)) as percent; movies released in year 2021 refers to movie_release_year = 2021;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.movie_release_year = 2021 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question For movie id 1269, how many users, who was a paying subscriber and was eligible for trial when he rated the movie, gave the movie a rating score of less than or equal to 2? Clarification: paying subscriber refers to user_has_payment_method = 1; eligible for trial refers to user_eligible_for_trial = 1; rating_score< = 2;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ratings WHERE movie_id = 1269 AND rating_score <= 2 AND user_eligible_for_trial = 1 AND user_has_payment_method = 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many users gave "Pavee Lackeen: The Traveller Girl" movie a rating score of 4? Clarification: FALSE;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T2.user_id) FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.movie_title = 'Pavee Lackeen: The Traveller Girl' AND T2.rating_score = 4'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the URL to the movie director page on Mubi of the director whose movie was critic by user 2452551 and was given 39 likes? Clarification: URL to the movie director page on Mubi refers to director_url; likes refers to critic_likes; critic_likes = 39;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.director_url FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.user_id = 2452551 AND T1.critic_likes = 39'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 4438, 1790, 374, 279, 23354, 315, 279, 5818, 430, 706, 279, 8592, 23354, 1990, 220, 5926, 15, 311, 220, 5926, 24, 323, 994, 1550, 279, 5818, 4036, 1202, 1176, 10959, 5573, 315, 220, 16, 505, 279, 3932, 889, 1051, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 814, 22359, 279, 5818, 18072, 100069, 2461, 25, 5818, 449, 8592, 23354, 19813, 311, 8498, 43704, 17498, 30079, 1237, 5818, 25596, 14987, 57739, 220, 5926, 15, 3651, 220, 5926, 24, 26, 994, 279, 5818, 4036, 1202, 1176, 10959, 5573, 315, 220, 16, 19813, 311, 24417, 2457, 304, 10959, 23943, 85359, 1405, 10959, 5573, 284, 220, 16, 26, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 814, 22359, 279, 5818, 19813, 311, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 284, 220, 16, 26, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 8498, 4233, 17, 44446, 17498, 30079, 705, 17116, 4233, 16, 49759, 23943, 85359, 8, 4393, 18594, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 9698, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 44446, 851, 284, 350, 17, 44446, 851, 5401, 350, 17, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How much is the popularity of the movie that has the highest popularity between 1920 to 1929 and when did the movie received its first rating score of 1 from the users who were a paying subscriber when they rated the movie ? Clarification: movie with highest popularity refers to MAX(movie_popularity); movie_release_year BETWEEN 1920 AND 1929; when the movie received its first rating score of 1 refers to oldest date in rating_timestamp_utc where rating score = 1; user was a paying subscriber when they rated the movie refers to user_has_payment_method = 1;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT MAX(T2.movie_popularity), MIN(T1.rating_timestamp_utc) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_release_year BETWEEN 1920 AND 1929 AND T1.rating_score = 1 AND T1.user_has_payment_method = 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Which year has the least number of movies that was released and what is the title of the movie in that year that has the highest number of rating score of 1? Clarification: least number of movies refers to MIN(movie_release_year); highest rating score refers to MAX(SUM(movie_id) where rating_score = '1')
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T1.movie_release_year, T1.movie_title FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.movie_release_year = ( SELECT movie_release_year FROM movies GROUP BY movie_release_year ORDER BY COUNT(movie_id) DESC LIMIT 1 ) AND T2.rating_score = 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the URL to the rating on Mubi of the Riff-Raff movie that was given the highest rating score by user 22030372? Clarification: URL refer to rating_url; user 22030372 refer to user_id
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.rating_url FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.user_id = 22030372 AND T2.rating_score = 5 AND T1.movie_title = 'Riff-Raff''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the average rating score of the movie "The Crowd" and who was its director? Clarification: director refer to director_name; The Crowd refer to movie_title; Average refer to AVG(rating_score)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(T2.rating_score), T1.director_name FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN ratings AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.movie_title = 'The Crowd''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the average popularity of each movie that was directed by Christopher Nolan? Indicate which movie directed by him has received the highest number of 5 rating scores. Clarification: 5 rating scores refer to rating_score; Christopher Nolan refer to director_name; average popularity of each movie refer to AVG(movie_popularity where director_name = 'Christopher Nolan')
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(T2.movie_popularity) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.director_name = 'Christopher Nolan''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What's the description for the movie list "Short and pretty damn sweet"? Clarification: Short and pretty damn sweet is list_title; description refers to list_description;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT list_description FROM lists WHERE list_title = 'Short and pretty damn sweet''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question In which year was the movie "La Antena" released? Clarification: movie La Antena refers to movie_title = 'La Antena'; which year refers to movie_release_year;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT movie_release_year FROM movies WHERE movie_title = 'La Antena''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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-100, -100, -100, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 24945, 43704, 851, 8, 4393, 9698, 5401, 7690, 1292, 284, 364, 86809, 52022, 34119, 78, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many movies registered on Mubi are directed by Hong Sang-soo? Clarification: Hong Sang-soo is the name of director;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(movie_id) FROM movies WHERE director_name = 'Hong Sang-soo''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What's the description of user 85981819's movie list with the most followers? Clarification: user 85981819 refers to user_id = 85981819; most followers refers to Max(list_followers); description refers to list_descriptions;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.list_description FROM lists AS T1 INNER JOIN lists_users AS T2 ON T1.list_id = T2.list_id AND T1.user_id = T2.user_id WHERE T1.user_id = 85981819 ORDER BY T1.list_followers DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many users liked the movie "A Way of Life" to the highest extent? Clarification: like the movie highest to the extent refers to rating_score = 5; A Way of Life refers to movie_title;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.user_id) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'A Way of Life' AND T1.rating_score = 5'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question When did user 39115684 rate the movie "A Way of Life"? Clarification: A Way of Life' refers to movie_title; user 39115684 refers to userid = 39115684;  when the user rate refers to rating_timestamp_utc;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.rating_score FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'A Way of Life' AND T1.user_id = 39115684'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Please list all the links to the ratings on the movie "A Way of Life" with a critic. Clarification: A Way of Life' refers to movie_title; with a critic refers to critic is not null, links to the ratings refers to rating_url;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.rating_url FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'A Way of Life' AND T1.critic IS NOT NULL'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many ratings on the movie "A Way of Life" are made after the year 2011? Clarification: A Way of Life' is movie_title; rating after the year 2011 refers to rating_timestamp_utc > '2011';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.rating_id) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'A Way of Life' AND T1.rating_timestamp_utc >= '2012-01-01''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What's the percentage of the users who have rated "1" on the movie "When Will I Be Loved"? Clarification: When Will I Be Loved' is movie_title; rated 1 refers to rating_score = 1; percentage = Divide(Count(rating_id where rating_score = 1),Count(rating_id)) *100;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.rating_score = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'When Will I Be Loved''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Which of the films released in 2006 was the most popular among Mubi users? Clarification: released in 2006 refers to movie_release_year = 2006; most popular refers to Max(movie_popularity); film refers to movie;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT movie_title FROM movies WHERE movie_release_year = 2006 ORDER BY movie_popularity DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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-100, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 7690, 851, 4393, 9698, 5401, 5818, 6240, 284, 364, 2181, 4708, 82, 20704, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Please list the id of the director of the movie "It's Winter". Clarification: It's Winter' is movie_title;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT director_id FROM movies WHERE movie_title = 'It''s Winter''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Please list the names of the top three movies in the number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie. Clarification: likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie refers to critic_likes; top refers to Max(critic_likes);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.movie_title FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id ORDER BY T1.critic_likes DESC LIMIT 3'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many followers does the list created by the user whose user_avatar_image_url is https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 have? Clarification: followers refers to list_followers;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(T2.list_followers) FROM lists_users AS T1 INNER JOIN lists AS T2 ON T1.list_id = T2.list_id WHERE T1.user_avatar_image_url = 'https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Which movie has the highest average score in Mubi? Clarification: Highest average score refers to Max(Avg(rating_score));
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.movie_title FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id GROUP BY T2.movie_title ORDER BY SUM(T1.rating_score) / COUNT(T1.rating_id) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the average score for the movie Versailles Rive-Gauche? Clarification: Versailles Rive-Gauche' is movie_title; average score refers to Avg(rating_score);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(T1.rating_score) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title LIKE 'Versailles Rive-Gauche''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What percentage of users rated the movie "Patti Smith: Dream of Life" by more than 3? Clarification: Patti Smith: Dream of Life' is movie_title; more than 3 refers to rating_score >3; percentage = Divide(Count(rating_score where rating_score >3), Count(rating_score))*100
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.rating_score > 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.rating_score) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title LIKE 'Patti Smith: Dream of Life''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many movies did the director of the highest movie popularity make? Clarification: highest movie popularity refers to MAX(movie_popularity)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(movie_id) FROM movies WHERE director_id = ( SELECT director_id FROM movies ORDER BY movie_popularity DESC LIMIT 1 )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many followers did the user who posted the list "Non-American Films about World War II" have? Clarification: the list "Non-American Films about World War II" refers to list_title = 'Non-American Films about World War II'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(T2.list_followers) FROM lists_users AS T1 INNER JOIN lists AS T2 ON T1.list_id = T2.list_id WHERE T2.list_title LIKE 'Non-American Films about World War II''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Show the avatar of the user who gave the rating at 2019/10/17 1:36:36. Clarification: at 2019/10/17 1:36:36 refers to rating_timestamp_utc = '2019/10/17 1:36:36'; avatar of the user refers to user_avatar_image_url
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.user_avatar_image_url FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN lists_users AS T2 ON T1.user_id = T2.user_id WHERE T1.rating_timestamp_utc LIKE '2019-10-17 01:36:36''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 22696, 851, 1393, 39584, 10959, 2975, 1393, 22696, 10622, 1393, 22696, 23943, 85359, 1393, 38096, 292, 1393, 38096, 292, 90278, 1393, 38096, 292, 31459, 1393, 1217, 851, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 262, 220, 7461, 21, 1393, 220, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 4420, 525, 68, 2922, 474, 15258, 10826, 10398, 402, 7218, 63970, 7534, 28789, 14, 10132, 6849, 2721, 1393, 1881, 220, 18, 1393, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 220, 717, 25, 1987, 25, 1644, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 20244, 3110, 5552, 311, 279, 10959, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 851, 794, 330, 22940, 3110, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 10959, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 10622, 794, 330, 22940, 5573, 24950, 505, 220, 16, 320, 90998, 8, 311, 220, 20, 320, 75254, 16129, 197, 1, 22696, 23943, 85359, 13320, 330, 21479, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 794, 330, 34, 50308, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 13, 22549, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 90278, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 13452, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 38096, 292, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 5552, 311, 279, 9940, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 13320, 330, 49864, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 8488, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question How many critics were given to the movie that got the most movie popularity number. Clarification: most movie popularity number refers to MAX(movie_popularity)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.critic) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_popularity = ( SELECT MAX(movie_popularity) FROM movies )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question From all the movies that got more than 13000 popularity number, which one had the least ratings. Clarification: more than 13000 popularity number refers to movie_popularity > 13000; least ratings refers to MIN(rating_score)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.movie_title FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_popularity > 13000 ORDER BY T1.rating_score LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question For all the movies that were released in 1995, how many lower than 3 ratings did the most popularity movie had? Clarification: released in 1995 refers to movie_release_year = '1995'; lower than 3 ratings refers to rating_score <3; most popularity movie refers to MAX(movie_popularity)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.rating_score) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.rating_score < 3 AND T2.movie_release_year = 1995 AND T2.movie_popularity = ( SELECT MAX(movie_popularity) FROM movies WHERE movie_release_year = 1995 )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Name all the list titles created by user 4208563. Clarification: user 4208563 refers to user_id = 4208563
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT list_title FROM lists WHERE user_id LIKE 4208563'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Provide list titles created by user who are eligible for trial when he created the list. Clarification: eligible for trial refers to user_eligible_for_trial = 1
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T2.list_title FROM lists_users AS T1 INNER JOIN lists AS T2 ON T1.list_id = T2.list_id WHERE T1.user_eligible_for_trial = 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 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1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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16225, 198, 23956, 2316, 1160, 706, 539, 1027, 6177, 369, 279, 22807, 4261, 315, 892, 30, 3314, 1268, 1317, 433, 706, 539, 1027, 6177, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 539, 1027, 6177, 369, 279, 22807, 4261, 315, 892, 19813, 311, 17116, 7455, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1237, 1268, 1317, 433, 706, 539, 1027, 6177, 19813, 311, 16532, 42205, 3100, 17955, 48954, 11, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 8, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 1160, 6240, 1174, 9050, 3100, 17955, 48954, 11, 364, 2497, 1712, 873, 482, 9050, 7455, 9058, 23943, 85359, 8, 4393, 11725, 15888, 7866, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 10592, 220, 16, 66360, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Which title list has not been updated for the longest period of time? State how long it has not been updated? Clarification: not been updated for the longest period of time refers to MIN(list_update_timestamp_utc); how long it has not been updated refers to SUBTRACT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, list_update_timestamp_utc)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT list_title , datetime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'localtime') - datetime(list_update_timestamp_utc) FROM lists ORDER BY list_update_timestamp_utc LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question List all movies rated by user 39115684. State the title, rating date and rating score. Clarification: user 39115684 refers to user_id = 39115684; title refers to movie_title; rating date refers to rating_timestamp_utc
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.movie_title, T1.rating_timestamp_utc, T1.rating_score FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T1.user_id = 39115684'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What is the name of the list that was updated most recently? Clarification: updated most recently refers to MAX(list_update_date_utc)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT list_title FROM lists WHERE list_update_timestamp_utc = ( SELECT list_update_timestamp_utc FROM lists ORDER BY list_update_timestamp_utc DESC LIMIT 1 )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Between 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2020, how many users, who were a trialist when they created the list, gave the movie "The Secret Life of Words" a rating score of 3? Clarification: Between 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2020 refers to rating_timestamp_utc between '2010-01-01%' and '2020-12-31%'; a trialist refers to user_trialist = 1; movie "The Secret Life of Words" refers to movie_title = 'The Secret Life of Words'; rating score of 3 refers to rating_score = 3
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.user_id) FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE T2.movie_title = 'The Secret Life of Words' AND T1.rating_score = 3 AND T1.user_trialist = 0 AND T1.rating_timestamp_utc BETWEEN '2010%' AND '2020%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 286, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 5218, 1160, 6240, 1393, 1638, 51829, 5617, 1393, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 1393, 1638, 44590, 388, 1393, 19273, 1160, 2975, 1393, 1638, 31459, 1393, 10724, 1160, 11703, 1393, 18115, 1160, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 19273, 1160, 13275, 5060, 2975, 1393, 17712, 1160, 30744, 5060, 2975, 1393, 4672, 1160, 80619, 5060, 2975, 720, 23213, 20354, 6365, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 51240, 1026, 430, 1903, 701, 10585, 13219, 16106, 1393, 394, 220, 20, 1393, 415, 220, 679, 24, 12, 1721, 12, 1187, 220, 777, 25, 845, 25, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 806, 12, 806, 220, 410, 25, 2437, 25, 1691, 1393, 1835, 220, 20, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 99381, 6801, 321, 1026, 94600, 27975, 53246, 12934, 307, 1355, 1601, 1824, 894, 1393, 310, 220, 18, 1393, 27, 79, 29, 8161, 1431, 387, 1778, 264, 8945, 3001, 524, 79, 397, 8085, 1822, 4620, 29, 15168, 524, 4620, 1500, 79, 29, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 18781, 17, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 8929, 24380, 18162, 19, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19673, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10559, 19230, 25377, 17, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 19773, 24234, 2695, 9588, 4924, 30, 10895, 21876, 4364, 19, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 51829, 5617, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 9698, 3779, 311, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 23943, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 11695, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 44590, 388, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 20723, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1160, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 31459, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 6170, 389, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 11703, 794, 330, 861, 4096, 1903, 555, 279, 1217, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 13275, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 30744, 5060, 2975, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1638, 80619, 5060, 2975, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 40520, 702, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 1835, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 25596, 14987, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 2975, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 6240, 30121, 16139, 345, 262, 5818, 17498, 30079, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 5818, 5060, 2975, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 851, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 1292, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 7690, 2975, 260, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9698, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 5818, 851, 1393, 20633, 6240, 1393, 20633, 25596, 14987, 1393, 2611, 5818, 2975, 1393, 20633, 6240, 30121, 1393, 20633, 17498, 30079, 1393, 38183, 5818, 5060, 2975, 1393, 70895, 851, 1393, 70895, 1292, 1393, 2611, 7690, 2975, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 5034, 6898, 7304, 1393, 1078, 220, 1049, 22, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 6801, 321, 1026, 14, 4355, 12, 519, 7304, 1393, 1733, 665, 1393, 1835, 220, 6550, 1393, 2485, 1129, 3726, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 6801, 9672, 14, 16, 63194, 12, 24763, 22, 12, 11286, 10350, 24680, 22, 24234, 2695, 4386, 15, 4924, 1393, 286, 220, 9263, 1393, 14101, 3141, 276, 81275, 404, 1393, 1277, 1129, 76, 55333, 916, 2971, 561, 14, 478, 3141, 276, 1355, 391, 404, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 20633, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 794, 330, 678, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 25596, 14987, 794, 330, 16464, 1060, 315, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 6240, 30121, 794, 330, 1383, 1670, 11, 279, 2316, 374, 304, 6498, 10560, 197, 1, 20633, 17498, 30079, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 386, 55333, 3932, 889, 3021, 420, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 20633, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1945, 5665, 311, 279, 5818, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 1292, 794, 330, 9619, 4076, 315, 279, 5818, 7690, 761, 197, 1, 70895, 2975, 13320, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 5818, 7690, 2199, 389, 386, 55333, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 330, 74236, 16752, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 10959, 4257, 85359, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 18594, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 22696, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 18136, 26234, 2970, 1393, 257, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2705, 12, 605, 1393, 310, 220, 15, 1393, 1078, 220, 15, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25560, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 19633, 20, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 10959, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 39187, 5060, 2975, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 11, 1160, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1638, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 7455, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 11725, 16752, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 1217, 851, 1393, 1638, 851, 1393, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 1393, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 1393, 882, 64586, 380, 1393, 882, 5341, 20974, 1393, 25343, 1217, 52204, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 39187, 5060, 2975, 1393, 882, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 1393, 882, 22527, 27794, 9209, 720, 24061, 23141, 777, 1393, 256, 220, 5162, 24, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 24, 12, 806, 12, 1627, 1393, 310, 220, 1049, 24, 12, 717, 12, 972, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1078, 220, 16, 1393, 2485, 1129, 5271, 749, 42281, 17851, 5181, 9936, 14, 75914, 14, 25541, 6069, 9936, 2695, 3965, 4924, 30, 9756, 20422, 20767, 19, 1393, 394, 2290, 1393, 2611, 220, 15, 1393, 2611, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 77622, 851, 794, 330, 926, 5552, 311, 279, 1217, 889, 3549, 279, 1160, 10560, 197, 1, 1638, 851, 794, 330, 926, 315, 279, 1160, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 9058, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 5966, 2713, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 1, 1638, 47263, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 33801, 2457, 369, 279, 1160, 761, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 490, 54172, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 1502, 5643, 3504, 2217, 5665, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 22549, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 3549, 279, 1160, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 18594, 198, 1021, 262, 5818, 851, 394, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 851, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 2975, 1078, 16139, 345, 262, 10959, 10622, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 10959, 23943, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 9940, 90278, 310, 31481, 345, 262, 9940, 31459, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 5341, 20974, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 31481, 345, 262, 1217, 22527, 27794, 9209, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 20633, 851, 8, 15407, 9698, 43704, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 11725, 16752, 4374, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 22696, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 2666, 1113, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 882, 851, 8, 15407, 18594, 16752, 4374, 851, 340, 340, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question Between 1/1/2017 to 12/31/2017, how many users who were eligible for trial when they rated the movie "Patti Smith: Dream of Life"and what is the image URL to the movie on Mubi? Clarification: Between 1/1/2017 to 12/31/2017 refers to rating_timestamp_utc between '2017-01-01 00:00:00' and '2017-12-31 00:00:00'; eligible for trial refers to user_eligible_for_trial = 1; movie "Patti Smith: Dream of Life" refers to movie_title = 'Patti Smith: Dream of Life'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.user_id), T2.movie_image_url FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id WHERE datetime(T1.rating_timestamp_utc) BETWEEN '2017-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2017-12-31 00:00:00''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 330, 18035, 702, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 3909, 31481, 198, 286, 15407, 11725, 16752, 320, 882, 851, 1350, 262, 1160, 851, 3909, 31481, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1160, 6240, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 51829, 5617, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 9058, 23943, 85359, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 23943, 85359, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 44590, 388, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 2975, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 31459, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 1160, 11703, 310, 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1, 22696, 4257, 85359, 794, 330, 22940, 2457, 369, 279, 5818, 10959, 10560, 197, 77622, 64586, 380, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 9269, 380, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 5341, 20974, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 52204, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 39187, 5060, 2975, 794, 330, 3222, 311, 279, 1217, 5643, 3504, 2217, 389, 386, 55333, 761, 197, 77622, 22330, 343, 1260, 5595, 64586, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 17446, 369, 9269, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 761, 197, 77622, 22527, 27794, 9209, 13320, 330, 49864, 279, 1217, 574, 264, 12798, 33215, 994, 568, 22359, 279, 5818, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 11725, 16752, 198, 1021, 262, 1217, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 851, 338, 31481, 539, 854, 13801, 262, 1160, 9058, 4257, 85359, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 1160, 47263, 4257, 85359, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 1217, 64586, 380, 1881, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/ ### Question What are the top 10 oldest movies and what are the average rating score for each movie? Indicate the name of the director and when the movies were released. Clarification: the average rating score refers to AVG(T2.rating_score); oldest movies refers to MIN(rating_timestamp_utc)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.movie_id, AVG(T1.rating_score), T2.director_name, T2.movie_release_year FROM ratings AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id ORDER BY T1.rating_timestamp_utc ASC LIMIT 10'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE "lists" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), list_id INTEGER not null primary key, list_title TEXT, list_movie_number INTEGER, list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT, list_followers INTEGER, list_url TEXT, list_comments INTEGER, list_description TEXT, list_cover_image_url TEXT, list_first_image_url TEXT, list_second_image_url TEXT, list_third_image_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id || list_title ||list_movie_number ||list_update_timestamp_utc ||list_creation_timestamp_utc ||list_followers || list_url ||list_comments || list_description || list_cover_image_url || list_first_image_url || list_second_image_url || list_third_image_url 88260493 || 1 ||Films that made your kid sister cry || 5 || 2019-01-24 19:16:18 || 2009-11-11 00:02:21 || 5 ||http://mubi.com/lists/films-that-made-your-kid-sister-cry || 3 ||<p>Don’t be such a baby!!</p> <p><strong>bold</strong></p> ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w1280.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/3822/image-w320.jpg?1445914994 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/506/image-w320.jpg?1543838422 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/film/485/image-w320.jpg?1575331204 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_title": "Name of the list", "list_movie_number": "Number of movies added to the list", "list_update_timestamp_utc": "Last update timestamp for the list", "list_creation_timestamp_utc": "Creation timestamp for the list", "list_followers": "Number of followers on the list", "list_url": "URL to the list page on Mubi", "list_comments": "Number of comments on the list", "list_description": "List description made by the user", "list_cover_image_url": "", "list_first_image_url": "", "list_second_image_url": "", "list_third_image_url": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE "movies" ( movie_id INTEGER not null primary key, movie_title TEXT, movie_release_year INTEGER, movie_url TEXT, movie_title_language TEXT, movie_popularity INTEGER, movie_image_url TEXT, director_id TEXT, director_name TEXT, director_url TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM movies LIMIT 1; movie_id ||movie_title ||movie_release_year || movie_url ||movie_title_language ||movie_popularity || movie_image_url ||director_id ||director_name || director_url 1 || La Antena || 2007 ||http://mubi.com/films/la-antena || en || 105 ||https://images.mubicdn.net/images/film/1/cache-7927-1581389497/image-w1280.jpg || 131 ||Esteban Sapir ||http://mubi.com/cast/esteban-sapir */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "ID related to the movie on Mubi", "movie_title": "Name of the movie", "movie_release_year": "Release year of the movie", "movie_url": "URL to the movie page on Mubi", "movie_title_language": "By default, the title is in English.", "movie_popularity": "Number of Mubi users who love this movie", "movie_image_url": "Image URL to the movie on Mubi", "director_id": "ID related to the movie director on Mubi", "director_name": "Full Name of the movie director", "director_url ": "URL to the movie director page on Mubi" }*/ CREATE TABLE "ratings_users" ( user_id INTEGER references lists_users (user_id), rating_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||rating_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 41579158 || 2017-06-10 || 0 || 0 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74283/images-w150.jpg?1523895155 || None || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "rating_date_utc": "Rating date for the movie rating.", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie", "user_avatar_image_url": "URL to the user profile image on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie" }*/ CREATE TABLE lists_users ( user_id INTEGER not null , list_id INTEGER not null , list_update_date_utc TEXT, list_creation_date_utc TEXT, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_avatar_image_url TEXT, user_cover_image_url TEXT, user_eligible_for_trial TEXT, user_has_payment_method TEXT, primary key (user_id, list_id), foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM lists_users LIMIT 1; user_id ||list_id ||list_update_date_utc ||list_creation_date_utc ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber || user_avatar_image_url ||user_cover_image_url ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 85981819 || 1969 || 2019-11-26 || 2009-12-18 || 1 || 1 ||https://assets.mubicdn.net/images/avatars/74983/images-w150.jpg?1523895214 || None || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "user_id": "ID related to the user who created the list.", "list_id": "ID of the list on Mubi", "list_update_date_utc": "Last update date for the list", "list_creation_date_utc": "Creation date for the list", "user_trialist": "whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ", "user_subscriber": "whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ", "user_avatar_image_url": "User profile image URL on Mubi", "user_cover_image_url": "User profile cover image URL on Mubi", "user_eligible_for_trial": "whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ", "user_has_payment_method ": "whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list " }*/ CREATE TABLE ratings ( movie_id INTEGER, rating_id INTEGER, rating_url TEXT, rating_score INTEGER, rating_timestamp_utc TEXT, critic TEXT, critic_likes INTEGER, critic_comments INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, user_trialist INTEGER, user_subscriber INTEGER, user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER, user_has_payment_method INTEGER, foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id), foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id), foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id), foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ratings LIMIT 1; movie_id ||rating_id || rating_url ||rating_score ||rating_timestamp_utc ||critic ||critic_likes ||critic_comments || user_id ||user_trialist ||user_subscriber ||user_eligible_for_trial ||user_has_payment_method 1066 || 15610495 ||http://mubi.com/films/pavee-lackeen-the-traveller-girl/ratings/15610495 || 3 || 2017-06-10 12:38:33 || None || 0 || 0 ||41579158 || 0 || 0 || 1 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "movie_id": "Movie ID related to the rating", "rating_id": "Rating ID on Mubi", "rating_url": "URL to the rating on Mubi", "rating_score": "Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)", "rating_timestamp_utc ": "Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi", "critic": "Critic made by the user rating the movie. ", "critic_likes": "Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "critic_comments": "Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie", "user_id": "ID related to the user rating the movie", "user_trialist ": "whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie", "user_subscriber": "", "user_eligible_for_trial": "", "user_has_payment_method": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 12283, 198, 1021, 262, 8065, 851, 262, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8065, 918, 609, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 8065, 43434, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 4641, 262, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2686, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 5226, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 12283, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 8065, 851, 1393, 2933, 918, 609, 1393, 2933, 43434, 1393, 996, 4641, 1393, 286, 2686, 1393, 415, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 1393, 20871, 720, 10861, 12, 843, 12, 8546, 21, 1393, 256, 5929, 1393, 11605, 1393, 18058, 220, 19447, 12, 23024, 18, 1393, 7743, 843, 6295, 713, 28567, 13, 1393, 29819, 385, 5657, 1393, 256, 9362, 1393, 21251, 914, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2933, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 12283, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 918, 609, 794, 330, 3170, 1566, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 43434, 794, 330, 3170, 1176, 836, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 794, 330, 5102, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 22549, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 20871, 794, 330, 20871, 2704, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7032, 198, 1021, 262, 2683, 851, 256, 31481, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2683, 11229, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1973, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 7032, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2683, 851, 1393, 504, 2683, 11229, 1393, 1083, 69075, 1393, 2880, 69075, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 62728, 482, 12280, 539, 5300, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 279, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 11229, 794, 330, 8975, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 69075, 794, 330, 1083, 2683, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 2880, 69075, 794, 330, 2880, 2683, 2237, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 36717, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 256, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 6814, 1292, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3224, 220, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 36717, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 415, 6814, 1292, 1393, 220, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 11389, 720, 220, 220, 25779, 21, 1393, 3648, 17781, 18312, 1393, 65432, 1393, 256, 9917, 1393, 262, 7427, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 21959, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1292, 794, 330, 52291, 836, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 761, 197, 1, 11389, 794, 330, 11389, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9548, 198, 1021, 262, 8654, 851, 262, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 23364, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 275, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 77239, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 851, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 69075, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 18467, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8975, 851, 8, 15407, 7032, 29429, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9548, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 8654, 851, 1393, 24949, 1393, 1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question What is the title that have at least 10% royalty without minimum range amount. Clarification: at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN roysched AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id WHERE T2.lorange = 0 AND T2.royalty >= 10'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1393, 2933, 43434, 1393, 996, 4641, 1393, 286, 2686, 1393, 415, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 1393, 20871, 720, 10861, 12, 843, 12, 8546, 21, 1393, 256, 5929, 1393, 11605, 1393, 18058, 220, 19447, 12, 23024, 18, 1393, 7743, 843, 6295, 713, 28567, 13, 1393, 29819, 385, 5657, 1393, 256, 9362, 1393, 21251, 914, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2933, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 12283, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 918, 609, 794, 330, 3170, 1566, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 43434, 794, 330, 3170, 1176, 836, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 794, 330, 5102, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 22549, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 20871, 794, 330, 20871, 2704, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7032, 198, 1021, 262, 2683, 851, 256, 31481, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2683, 11229, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1973, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 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7427, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 21959, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1292, 794, 330, 52291, 836, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 761, 197, 1, 11389, 794, 330, 11389, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9548, 198, 1021, 262, 8654, 851, 262, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 23364, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 275, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 77239, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 851, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 69075, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 18467, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8975, 851, 8, 15407, 7032, 29429, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9548, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 8654, 851, 1393, 24949, 1393, 1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2343, 18853, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 11, 6141, 4369, 11, 2316, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 256, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 271, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6763, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 541, 4369, 1393, 1835, 6141, 4257, 1393, 30403, 1393, 14214, 18853, 1393, 2150, 851, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 21897, 16, 1393, 2550, 19, 12, 2545, 12, 975, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 1393, 220, 220, 20, 1393, 220, 9558, 220, 1399, 1393, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 541, 4369, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 10373, 761, 197, 1, 541, 4257, 794, 330, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question State the royalty percentage for the most year to date sale title within the 20000 range. Clarification: most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT MAX(T1.ytd_sales) FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN roysched AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id WHERE T2.lorange > 20000 AND T2.hirange < 20000'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Name the title and publisher for title ID BU 2075. Provide all the royalty percentage for all ranges. Clarification: name the publisher refers to pub_name
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title, T3.pub_name, T2.lorange, T2.hirange, T2.royalty FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN roysched AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id INNER JOIN publishers AS T3 ON T1.pub_id = T3.pub_id WHERE T1.title_id = 'BU2075''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Which employee has the lowest job level. State the first name, last name and when he /she was hired. Clarification: lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT fname, lname, hire_date FROM employee ORDER BY job_lvl LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||0x4749463839618B002F00B30F00000000800000008000808000000080800080008080808080C0C0C0FF000000FF00FFFF000000FFFF00FF00FFFFFFFFFF21F9040100000F002C000000008B002F004004FFF0C949ABBD38EBCDBBFFA0048464089CE384A62BD596309CC6F4F58A287EBA79ED73B3D26A482C1A8FC8A47249FCCD76BC1F3058D94135579C9345053D835768560CFE6A555D343A1B6D3FC6DC2A377E66DBA5F8DBEBF6EEE1FF2A805B463A47828269871F7A3D7C7C8A3E899093947F666A756567996E6C519E167692646E7D9C98A42295ABAC24A092AD364C737EB15EB61B8E8DB58FB81DB0BE8C6470A0BE58C618BAC365C5C836CEA1BCBBC4C0D0AAD6D14C85CDD86FDDDFAB5F43A580DCB519A25B9BAE989BC3EEA9A7EBD9BF54619A7DF8BBA87475EDA770D6C58B968C59A27402FB99E2378FC7187010D5558948B15CC58B4E20CE9A762E62B558CAB86839FC088D24AB90854662BCD60D653E832BBD7924F49226469327FDEC91C6AD2538972E6FFEE429720D4E63472901251A33A9D28DB47A5A731A7325D56D50B36ADDAA2463D5AF1EAE82F5F84FAA946656AA21AC31D0C4BF85CBA87912D6D194D4B535C5DDDBA93221CB226D022E9437D89C594305FD321C0CB7DFA5C58223036E088F3139B9032563DD0BE66D2ACD8B2BCB9283CEDEE3C6A53EE39BA7579A62C1294917DC473035E0B9E3183F9A3BB6F7ABDE608B018800003B ||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Who are the employees working for publisher not located in USA? State the employee's name and publisher name. Clarification: not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.fname, T1.lname, T2.pub_name FROM employee AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id WHERE T2.country != 'USA''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Name the title with the highest price published by 'Binnet & Hardley'. Clarification: published by refers to pub_name
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id WHERE T2.pub_name = 'Binnet & Hardley' ORDER BY T1.price DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1393, 2933, 43434, 1393, 996, 4641, 1393, 286, 2686, 1393, 415, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 1393, 20871, 720, 10861, 12, 843, 12, 8546, 21, 1393, 256, 5929, 1393, 11605, 1393, 18058, 220, 19447, 12, 23024, 18, 1393, 7743, 843, 6295, 713, 28567, 13, 1393, 29819, 385, 5657, 1393, 256, 9362, 1393, 21251, 914, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2933, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 12283, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 918, 609, 794, 330, 3170, 1566, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2933, 43434, 794, 330, 3170, 1176, 836, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 794, 330, 5102, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 22549, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 20871, 794, 330, 20871, 2704, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7032, 198, 1021, 262, 2683, 851, 256, 31481, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2683, 11229, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1973, 69075, 220, 31481, 257, 539, 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7427, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 21959, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1292, 794, 330, 52291, 836, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 761, 197, 1, 11389, 794, 330, 11389, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9548, 198, 1021, 262, 8654, 851, 262, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 23364, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1332, 275, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 77239, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 851, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2683, 69075, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 18467, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8975, 851, 8, 15407, 7032, 29429, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9548, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 8654, 851, 1393, 24949, 1393, 1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2343, 18853, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 11, 6141, 4369, 11, 2316, 851, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 256, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 271, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6763, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 541, 4369, 1393, 1835, 6141, 4257, 1393, 30403, 1393, 14214, 18853, 1393, 2150, 851, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 21897, 16, 1393, 2550, 19, 12, 2545, 12, 975, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 1393, 220, 220, 20, 1393, 220, 9558, 220, 1399, 1393, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 541, 4369, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 10373, 761, 197, 1, 541, 4257, 794, 330, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question For all authors from CA who are not on contract, which title of his/hers has the most year to date sales. Clarification: year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN titleauthor AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id INNER JOIN authors AS T3 ON T2.au_id = T3.au_id WHERE T3.contract = 0 AND T3.state = 'CA' ORDER BY T1.ytd_sales DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question How many publishers are in the USA? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(pub_id) FROM publishers WHERE country = 'USA''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question In which city is the store with the highest total sales quantity located? Clarification: qty is abbreviation for quantity; highest sales quantity refers to MAX(qty)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.city FROM sales AS T1 INNER JOIN stores AS T2 ON T1.stor_id = T2.stor_id GROUP BY T2.city ORDER BY SUM(T1.qty) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question In which country is the publisher of the book "Life Without Fear" located? Clarification: Life Without Fear is book title
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.country FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id WHERE T1.title = 'Life Without Fear''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
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21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question How many books on business have the bookstores in Massachusetts ordered? Clarification: Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(T1.qty) FROM sales AS T1 INNER JOIN stores AS T2 ON T1.stor_id = T2.stor_id INNER JOIN titles AS T3 ON T1.title_id = T3.title_id WHERE T2.state = 'Massachusetts' AND T3.type = 'business''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Which type of book had the most pre-paid amount? Clarification: most pre-paid amount refers to MAX(advance)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT type FROM titles ORDER BY advance DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Is the author of "Sushi, Anyone?" on the contract? Clarification: contract = 1 means on contract; contract = 0 means not on contract
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.contract FROM authors AS T1 INNER JOIN titleauthor AS T2 ON T1.au_id = T2.au_id INNER JOIN titles AS T3 ON T2.title_id = T3.title_id WHERE T3.title = 'Sushi, Anyone?''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question What's on the notes for the order happened on 1994/9/14? Clarification: order happened on refers to ord_date
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.notes FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN sales AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d', T2.ord_date) = '1994-09-14''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||0x4749463839618B002F00B30F00000000800000008000808000000080800080008080808080C0C0C0FF000000FF00FFFF000000FFFF00FF00FFFFFFFFFF21F9040100000F002C000000008B002F004004FFF0C949ABBD38EBCDBBFFA0048464089CE384A62BD596309CC6F4F58A287EBA79ED73B3D26A482C1A8FC8A47249FCCD76BC1F3058D94135579C9345053D835768560CFE6A555D343A1B6D3FC6DC2A377E66DBA5F8DBEBF6EEE1FF2A805B463A47828269871F7A3D7C7C8A3E899093947F666A756567996E6C519E167692646E7D9C98A42295ABAC24A092AD364C737EB15EB61B8E8DB58FB81DB0BE8C6470A0BE58C618BAC365C5C836CEA1BCBBC4C0D0AAD6D14C85CDD86FDDDFAB5F43A580DCB519A25B9BAE989BC3EEA9A7EBD9BF54619A7DF8BBA87475EDA770D6C58B968C59A27402FB99E2378FC7187010D5558948B15CC58B4E20CE9A762E62B558CAB86839FC088D24AB90854662BCD60D653E832BBD7924F49226469327FDEC91C6AD2538972E6FFEE429720D4E63472901251A33A9D28DB47A5A731A7325D56D50B36ADDAA2463D5AF1EAE82F5F84FAA946656AA21AC31D0C4BF85CBA87912D6D194D4B535C5DDDBA93221CB226D022E9437D89C594305FD321C0CB7DFA5C58223036E088F3139B9032563DD0BE66D2ACD8B2BCB9283CEDEE3C6A53EE39BA7579A62C1294917DC473035E0B9E3183F9A3BB6F7ABDE608B018800003B ||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1083, 275, 1393, 51328, 1393, 8975, 851, 1393, 8975, 69075, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 310, 18467, 4257, 720, 32, 7813, 24758, 2031, 37, 1393, 362, 4298, 1393, 415, 1393, 21510, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 4044, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 605, 12, 1627, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3342, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 1396, 25607, 8420, 22549, 197, 1, 24949, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 315, 8420, 761, 197, 1, 1083, 275, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 51328, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 851, 794, 330, 4174, 25607, 7032, 761, 197, 1, 8975, 69075, 794, 330, 8975, 2237, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 36717, 761, 197, 1, 35548, 4257, 794, 330, 35548, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6814, 3186, 198, 1021, 262, 6814, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12708, 262, 426, 10911, 345, 262, 550, 3186, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 938, 1065, 2454, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 326, 35264, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 305, 404, 853, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 53817, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2150, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 15671, 12787, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 938, 1065, 2454, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 9761, 853, 1393, 30728, 853, 1393, 3433, 10231, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 15, 1393, 256, 220, 2636, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 2316, 761, 197, 1, 9761, 853, 794, 330, 10516, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 30728, 853, 794, 330, 12156, 2134, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 6763, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 220, 16139, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4369, 220, 16139, 220, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6141, 4257, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 44285, 415, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Which city did Victoria P Ashworth work in? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.city FROM employee AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id WHERE T1.fname = 'Victoria' AND T1.minit = 'P' AND T1.lname = 'Ashworth''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Find and list the full name of employees who were hired between 1990 and 1995. Also, arrange them in the descending order of job level. Clarification: job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT fname, minit, lname FROM employee WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', hire_date) BETWEEN '1990' AND '1995' ORDER BY job_lvl DESC'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||0x4749463839618B002F00B30F00000000800000008000808000000080800080008080808080C0C0C0FF000000FF00FFFF000000FFFF00FF00FFFFFFFFFF21F9040100000F002C000000008B002F004004FFF0C949ABBD38EBCDBBFFA0048464089CE384A62BD596309CC6F4F58A287EBA79ED73B3D26A482C1A8FC8A47249FCCD76BC1F3058D94135579C9345053D835768560CFE6A555D343A1B6D3FC6DC2A377E66DBA5F8DBEBF6EEE1FF2A805B463A47828269871F7A3D7C7C8A3E899093947F666A756567996E6C519E167692646E7D9C98A42295ABAC24A092AD364C737EB15EB61B8E8DB58FB81DB0BE8C6470A0BE58C618BAC365C5C836CEA1BCBBC4C0D0AAD6D14C85CDD86FDDDFAB5F43A580DCB519A25B9BAE989BC3EEA9A7EBD9BF54619A7DF8BBA87475EDA770D6C58B968C59A27402FB99E2378FC7187010D5558948B15CC58B4E20CE9A762E62B558CAB86839FC088D24AB90854662BCD60D653E832BBD7924F49226469327FDEC91C6AD2538972E6FFEE429720D4E63472901251A33A9D28DB47A5A731A7325D56D50B36ADDAA2463D5AF1EAE82F5F84FAA946656AA21AC31D0C4BF85CBA87912D6D194D4B535C5DDDBA93221CB226D022E9437D89C594305FD321C0CB7DFA5C58223036E088F3139B9032563DD0BE66D2ACD8B2BCB9283CEDEE3C6A53EE39BA7579A62C1294917DC473035E0B9E3183F9A3BB6F7ABDE608B018800003B ||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question In the books published by US publishers, which book has the highest royalty? List these books in the descending order of royalty. Clarification: US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id INNER JOIN roysched AS T3 ON T1.title_id = T3.title_id WHERE T2.country = 'USA' ORDER BY T1.royalty DESC'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 6814, 3186, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6814, 851, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 52575, 12708, 1393, 58040, 58040, 58040, 58040, 5351, 40584, 550, 3186, 720, 220, 220, 27311, 22, 1393, 15, 87, 21358, 26491, 19230, 26114, 23, 33, 6726, 37, 410, 33, 966, 37, 931, 931, 11436, 931, 931, 13837, 11436, 13837, 931, 931, 11770, 931, 4728, 13837, 11770, 13837, 1490, 34, 15, 34, 15, 34, 15, 1785, 931, 931, 1785, 410, 6523, 931, 931, 6523, 410, 1785, 410, 6523, 29421, 1691, 37, 22777, 7755, 931, 15, 37, 6726, 34, 931, 931, 11436, 33, 6726, 37, 8759, 8759, 32303, 15, 34, 24680, 1905, 9740, 1987, 36, 5002, 3590, 33, 1785, 32, 8759, 26563, 18058, 24, 2152, 12910, 32, 5538, 9740, 24515, 15500, 3791, 21, 37, 19, 37, 2970, 32, 17897, 36, 7209, 4643, 1507, 5958, 33, 18, 35, 1627, 32, 21984, 34, 16, 32, 23, 6897, 23, 32, 21757, 2491, 37, 3791, 35, 4767, 5002, 16, 37, 13364, 23, 35, 21322, 17306, 4643, 34, 24347, 17786, 18, 35, 23424, 17521, 17698, 9847, 36, 21, 32, 14148, 35, 16522, 32, 16, 33, 21, 35, 18, 6897, 21, 5744, 17, 32, 10898, 36, 2287, 3590, 32, 20, 37, 23, 3590, 8428, 37, 21, 33937, 16, 1785, 17, 32, 21032, 33, 21290, 32, 22086, 16544, 25169, 6028, 37, 22, 32, 18, 35, 22, 34, 22, 34, 23, 32, 18, 36, 22889, 25202, 26511, 37, 10943, 32, 24456, 19282, 23031, 36, 21, 34, 21851, 36, 11515, 25073, 22642, 36, 22, 35, 24, 34, 3264, 32, 16460, 2721, 1905, 1741, 1187, 32, 25221, 1846, 15951, 34, 22039, 8428, 868, 8428, 5547, 33, 23, 36, 23, 3590, 2970, 16606, 5932, 3590, 15, 11855, 23, 34, 22644, 15, 32, 15, 11855, 2970, 34, 21985, 33, 1741, 12676, 34, 20, 34, 25192, 2152, 32, 16, 5002, 67855, 19, 34, 15, 35, 15, 82480, 21, 35, 975, 34, 5313, 34, 4195, 4218, 37, 4195, 5375, 1905, 20, 37, 3391, 32, 18216, 5744, 33, 21851, 32, 914, 33, 24, 7209, 36, 25350, 5002, 18, 7244, 32, 24, 32, 22, 8428, 35, 24, 20476, 22048, 777, 32, 22, 5375, 23, 33, 7209, 25822, 2075, 87861, 20772, 35, 21, 34, 2970, 33, 23386, 34, 2946, 32, 16590, 2437, 16606, 1484, 36, 14590, 23, 6897, 21982, 19597, 15, 35, 14148, 26227, 23, 33, 868, 3791, 2970, 33, 19, 36, 508, 2152, 24, 32, 24376, 36, 5538, 33, 22895, 34, 1905, 25862, 2137, 6897, 25620, 35, 1187, 1905, 23629, 22048, 5538, 5002, 35, 1399, 35, 21598, 36, 23879, 33, 9740, 24763, 19, 37, 21776, 12815, 25298, 1544, 37, 31826, 5925, 34, 21, 1846, 14022, 24777, 17, 36, 21, 1785, 7244, 16371, 13104, 35, 19, 36, 24307, 22194, 11531, 3971, 32, 1644, 32, 24, 35, 1591, 3590, 2618, 32, 20, 32, 24626, 32, 24289, 20, 35, 3487, 35, 1135, 33, 1927, 16040, 6157, 14205, 18, 35, 20, 8440, 16, 36, 13983, 6086, 37, 20, 37, 5833, 3711, 32, 26491, 20744, 6157, 1691, 1741, 2148, 35, 15, 34, 19, 20476, 5313, 34, 7209, 25622, 717, 35, 21, 35, 6393, 35, 19, 33, 20618, 34, 20, 4195, 3590, 32, 25401, 1691, 13276, 14057, 35, 18642, 36, 26576, 22, 35, 4578, 34, 23428, 13364, 14938, 14423, 34, 15, 13276, 22, 35, 3711, 20, 34, 23670, 9870, 1927, 36, 25620, 37, 15231, 24, 33, 23305, 4146, 18, 4195, 15, 11855, 2287, 35, 17, 1741, 35, 23, 33, 17, 5002, 33, 25001, 18, 2152, 1170, 36, 18, 34, 21, 32, 4331, 7244, 2137, 7209, 23776, 24, 32, 5538, 34, 9748, 21824, 22, 5744, 21505, 22407, 36, 15, 33, 24, 36, 17592, 18, 37, 24, 32, 18, 10306, 21, 37, 22, 1905, 1170, 19944, 33, 16745, 4728, 6268, 33, 1393, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 382, 2028, 374, 6205, 1495, 828, 369, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 11, 21959, 220, 27311, 22, 304, 279, 74862, 4729, 13, 30444, 4816, 612, 11481, 3258, 374, 7559, 304, 6652, 11, 423, 732, 13, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 25607, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 10338, 794, 330, 10338, 315, 29085, 761, 197, 1, 652, 3186, 794, 330, 52291, 596, 2038, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10756, 198, 1021, 262, 34789, 851, 257, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 34789, 1292, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 34789, 6886, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 10521, 692, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10756, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 34789, 851, 1393, 692, 34789, 1292, 1393, 996, 34789, 6886, 1393, 256, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 220, 10521, 720, 256, 220, 24495, 15, 1393, 50554, 279, 4557, 18312, 1393, 24216, 17810, 3105, 773, 355, 21998, 13, 1393, 72772, 1393, 256, 29666, 1393, 19068, 3487, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 315, 10756, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 1292, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 48465, 6886, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 10169, 794, 330, 10169, 2082, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 32162, 198, 1021, 262, 11336, 1337, 16139, 256, 539, 854, 345, 262, 34789, 851, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 3428, 30403, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1579, 30403, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 11336, 257, 26339, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 48465, 851, 8, 220, 15407, 10756, 6019, 269, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 32162, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 257, 11336, 1337, 1393, 48465, 851, 1393, 10516, 30403, 1393, 12156, 30403, 1393, 28459, 720, 6475, 12557, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 220, 2290, 1393, 256, 2290, 1393, 262, 220, 605, 13, 20, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 28459, 1337, 794, 330, 28459, 955, 761, 197, 1, 48465, 851, 794, 330, 4412, 887, 761, 197, 1, 10516, 30403, 794, 330, 10516, 12472, 320, 13832, 6558, 16129, 197, 1, 12156, 30403, 794, 330, 12156, 12472, 320, 2880, 12472, 16129, 197, 1, 28459, 794, 330, 28459, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15671, 198, 1021, 262, 2316, 851, 220, 16139, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2316, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 955, 415, 16139, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6814, 851, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 3430, 257, 26339, 345, 262, 12178, 256, 26339, 345, 262, 53817, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 379, 1320, 48167, 31481, 345, 262, 8554, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 6814, 1045, 256, 40462, 45718, 262, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9780, 851, 8, 15407, 36717, 75286, 851, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15671, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2316, 851, 1393, 4700, 2316, 1393, 262, 955, 1393, 9780, 851, 1393, 6692, 1393, 60420, 1393, 3433, 10231, 1393, 88, 1320, 48167, 1393, 87866, 8554, 1393, 1078, 6814, 1045, 720, 220, 55129, 6889, 17, 1393, 791, 95809, 18362, 596, 10199, 13002, 1393, 27243, 1393, 220, 220, 10350, 24, 1393, 777, 13, 1484, 1393, 220, 2636, 15, 13, 15, 1393, 257, 220, 605, 1393, 257, 220, 12378, 20, 1393, 2127, 24131, 315, 2561, 4729, 6067, 449, 25679, 389, 4279, 2626, 8522, 13, 71161, 13, 1393, 2550, 16, 12, 2705, 12, 717, 220, 410, 25, 410, 25, 410, 13, 15, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 83827, 851, 794, 330, 2150, 887, 761, 197, 83827, 794, 330, 2150, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 15671, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 851, 794, 330, 52291, 887, 761, 197, 1, 6692, 794, 330, 6692, 761, 197, 1, 60420, 794, 330, 1762, 70120, 3392, 761, 197, 1, 3433, 10231, 794, 330, 3433, 10231, 761, 197, 1, 88, 1320, 48167, 794, 330, 3236, 311, 2457, 6763, 761, 197, 1, 18790, 794, 330, 18790, 422, 904, 761, 197, 1, 9780, 1045, 794, 330, 72260, 2457, 702, 69077, 23421, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/ ### Question Of the titles, which title is about the Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body, which state-based publisher published this book, and what is the year-to-date sale? Clarification: year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.title, T2.pub_name, T1.ytd_sales FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN publishers AS T2 ON T1.pub_id = T2.pub_id WHERE T1.notes = 'Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body. Metabolic charts included.''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE authors ( au_id TEXT primary key, au_lname TEXT not null, au_fname TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT, contract TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM authors LIMIT 1; au_id ||au_lname ||au_fname || phone || address || city ||state || zip ||contract 172-32-1176 || White || Johnson ||408 496-7223 ||10932 Bigge Rd. ||Menlo Park || CA ||94025 || 0 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "unique number identifying authors", "au_lname": "author last name", "au_fname": "author first name", "phone": "phone number", "address": "address", "city": "city ", "state": "state ", "zip": "zip code", "contract": "contract status" }*/ CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id INTEGER primary key, job_desc TEXT not null, min_lvl INTEGER not null, max_lvl INTEGER not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM jobs LIMIT 1; job_id || job_desc ||min_lvl ||max_lvl 1 ||New Hire - Job not specified || 10 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "job_id": "unique id number identifying the jobs", "job_desc": "job description", "min_lvl": "min job level", "max_lvl": "max job level" }*/ CREATE TABLE publishers ( pub_id TEXT primary key, pub_name TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM publishers LIMIT 1; pub_id || pub_name || city ||state ||country 0736 ||New Moon Books ||Boston || MA || USA */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publisher", "pub_name": "publisher name", "city": "city ", "state": "state", "country": "country" }*/ CREATE TABLE employee ( emp_id TEXT primary key, fname TEXT not null, minit TEXT, lname TEXT not null, job_id INTEGER not null, job_lvl INTEGER, pub_id TEXT not null, hire_date DATETIME not null, foreign key (job_id) references jobs(job_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employee LIMIT 1; emp_id ||fname ||minit ||lname ||job_id ||job_lvl ||pub_id || hire_date A-C71970F || Aria || || Cruz || 10 || 87 || 1389 ||1991-10-26 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "emp_id": "unique number identifying employees ", "fname": "first name of employees", "minit": "middle name", "lname": "last name", "job_id": "number identifying jobs", "job_lvl": "job level", "pub_id": "id number identifying publishers", "hire_date": "hire date" }*/ CREATE TABLE pub_info ( pub_id TEXT primary key, logo BLOB, pr_info TEXT, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM pub_info LIMIT 1; pub_id || logo || pr_info 0877 ||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||This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. This is sample text data for Binnet & Hardley, publisher 0877 in the pubs database. Binnet & Hardley is located in Washington, D.C. */ /* column definitions { "pub_id": "unique id number identifying publications", "logo": "logo of publications", "pr_info": "publisher's information" }*/ CREATE TABLE stores ( stor_id TEXT primary key, stor_name TEXT, stor_address TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zip TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM stores LIMIT 1; stor_id || stor_name || stor_address || city ||state || zip 6380 ||Eric the Read Books ||788 Catamaugus Ave. ||Seattle || WA ||98056 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "unique id number of stores", "stor_name": "", "stor_address": "", "city": "city name", "state": "state code", "zip": "zip code" }*/ CREATE TABLE discounts ( discounttype TEXT not null, stor_id TEXT, lowqty INTEGER, highqty INTEGER, discount REAL not null, foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM discounts LIMIT 1; discounttype ||stor_id ||lowqty ||highqty ||discount Initial Customer || None || None || None || 10.5 */ /* column definitions { "discounttype": "discount type", "stor_id": "store id", "lowqty": "low quantity (quantity floor)", "highqty": "high quantity (max quantity)", "discount": "discount" }*/ CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id TEXT primary key, title TEXT not null, type TEXT not null, pub_id TEXT, price REAL, advance REAL, royalty INTEGER, ytd_sales INTEGER, notes TEXT, pubdate DATETIME not null, foreign key (pub_id) references publishers(pub_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titles LIMIT 1; title_id || title || type ||pub_id ||price ||advance ||royalty ||ytd_sales || notes || pubdate BU1032 ||The Busy Executive's Database Guide ||business || 1389 ||19.99 || 5000.0 || 10 || 4095 ||An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. ||1991-06-12 00:00:00.0 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "title id", "title": "title", "type": "type of titles", "pub_id": "publisher id", "price": "price", "advance": "pre-paid amount", "royalty": "royalty", "ytd_sales": "year to date sales", "notes": "notes if any", "pubdate": "publication date" }*/ CREATE TABLE roysched ( title_id TEXT not null, lorange INTEGER, hirange INTEGER, royalty INTEGER, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM roysched LIMIT 1; title_id ||lorange ||hirange ||royalty BU1032 || 0 || 5000 || 10 */ /* column definitions { "title_id": "unique id number identifying title", "lorange": "low range", "hirange": "high range", "royalty": "royalty" }*/ CREATE TABLE sales ( stor_id TEXT not null, ord_num TEXT not null, ord_date DATETIME not null, qty INTEGER not null, payterms TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, primary key (stor_id, ord_num, title_id), foreign key (stor_id) references stores(stor_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles(title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM sales LIMIT 1; stor_id ||ord_num || ord_date ||qty ||payterms ||title_id 6380 || 6871 ||1994-09-14 00:00:00.0 || 5 || Net 60 || BU1032 */ /* column definitions { "stor_id": "id number identifying stores", "ord_num": "id number identifying the orders", "ord_date": "the date of the order", "qty": "quantity of sales ", "payterms": "payments", "title_id": "id number identifying titles" }*/ CREATE TABLE titleauthor ( au_id TEXT not null, title_id TEXT not null, au_ord INTEGER, royaltyper INTEGER, primary key (au_id, title_id), foreign key (au_id) references authors(au_id) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (title_id) references titles (title_id) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM titleauthor LIMIT 1; au_id ||title_id ||au_ord ||royaltyper 172-32-1176 || PS3333 || 1 || 100 */ /* column definitions { "au_id": "author id", "title_id": "title id", "au_ord": "author ordering", "royaltyper": "royaltyper" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which complaint is more urgent, complaint ID CR2400594 or ID CR2405641? Clarification: more urgent refers to MAX(priority);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN `Complaint ID` = 'CR2400594' THEN priority END) > SUM(CASE WHEN `Complaint ID` = 'CR2405641' THEN priority END) THEN 'CR2400594' ELSE 'CR2405641' END FROM callcenterlogs'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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605, 12, 1591, 7112, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 304, 320, 2994, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 364, 3606, 873, 3445, 430, 279, 2883, 3287, 956, 636, 279, 8041, 315, 14771, 26, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 539, 304, 320, 2994, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 364, 3606, 873, 3445, 430, 6444, 3493, 279, 14771, 369, 420, 4877, 26, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 39419, 34733, 350, 17, 15254, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 63, 2006, 320, 4679, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 364, 3606, 873, 25086, 364, 2822, 6, 54026, 364, 9642, 6, 11424, 4393, 3016, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 4455, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 6718, 851, 284, 350, 17, 11978, 3533, 5401, 350, 16, 7541, 284, 364, 50988, 6, 3651, 350, 16, 9288, 284, 364, 47, 90068, 6, 3651, 350, 17, 15254, 1956, 4036, 63, 284, 364, 679, 21, 12, 605, 12, 1591, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Was the tag in the complaint filed by Matthew Pierce on 2016/10/28 approved by himself? Clarification: on 2016/10/28 refers to Date received = '2016-10-28'; "Consumer consent provided?" in (null, 'N/A', 'Empty') means that the company didn't get the permission of consent; "Consumer consent provided?" not in (null, 'N/A', 'Empty') means that customers provide the consent for this tag;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CASE WHEN T2.`Consumer consent provided?` IN (NULL, 'N/A', 'Empty') THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T1.first = 'Matthew' AND T1.last = 'Pierce' AND T2.`Date received` = '2016-10-28''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Among all the clients from the New York city, how many of them have filed a complaint on the issue of Deposits and withdrawals? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T2.Issue) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.Issue = 'Deposits and withdrawals' AND T1.city = 'New York City''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which division is Diesel Galloway in? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.division FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T1.first = 'Diesel' AND T1.last = 'Galloway''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What was the serve time for the complaint call from client "C00007127" on 2017/2/22? Clarification: serve time refers to ser_time; longer ser_time means more verbose or longer complaint; on 2017/2/22 refers to "Date received" = '2017-02-22';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.ser_time FROM callcenterlogs AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.`Complaint ID` = T2.`Complaint ID` WHERE T2.Client_ID = 'C00007127' AND T1.`Date received` = '2017-02-22''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 7131, 16450, 13, 16333, 2265, 5867, 989, 16844, 3493, 279, 14771, 369, 1121, 315, 279, 12458, 1650, 389, 220, 679, 21, 14, 20, 14, 508, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 16450, 19813, 311, 1877, 284, 364, 41818, 7112, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 304, 320, 2994, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 364, 3606, 873, 3445, 430, 279, 2883, 3287, 956, 636, 279, 8041, 315, 14771, 26, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 539, 304, 320, 2994, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 364, 3606, 873, 3445, 279, 6444, 3493, 279, 14771, 26, 389, 220, 679, 21, 14, 20, 14, 508, 19813, 311, 2696, 4036, 284, 364, 679, 21, 12, 2304, 12, 508, 7112, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 39419, 34733, 350, 17, 15254, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 63, 2006, 320, 4679, 11, 364, 45, 10576, 518, 13760, 25086, 364, 2822, 6, 54026, 364, 9642, 6, 11424, 4393, 3016, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 4455, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 6718, 851, 284, 350, 17, 11978, 3533, 5401, 350, 16, 7541, 284, 364, 48412, 2265, 6, 3651, 350, 16, 81364, 284, 364, 2321, 989, 6, 3651, 350, 16, 9288, 284, 364, 68236, 6, 3651, 350, 16, 74840, 284, 364, 41818, 6, 3651, 350, 17, 15254, 1956, 4036, 63, 284, 364, 679, 21, 12, 2304, 12, 508, 4708, 5525, 60, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Did Ms. Lyric Emely Taylor provide the consent for result of the complaint call on 2016/5/20? Clarification: Ms refers to sex = 'Female'; "Consumer consent provided?" in (null, 'N/A', 'Empty') means that the company didn't get the permission of consent; "Consumer consent provided?" not in (null, 'N/A', 'Empty') means the customers provide the consent; on 2016/5/20 refers to Date received = '2016-05-20';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CASE WHEN T2.`Consumer consent provided?` IN (NULL, 'N/A', '') THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T1.first = 'Lyric' AND T1.middle = 'Emely' AND T1.last = 'Taylor' AND T1.sex = 'Female' AND T2.`Date received` = '2016-05-20''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which product received a review from Indianapolis on 2016/10/7? Clarification: Indianapolis refers to state = 'Indianapolis'; on 2016/10/7 refers to Date = '2013-04-04';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Product FROM reviews AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.city = 'Indianapolis' AND T1.Date = '2016-10-07''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question For all the complaint callers on 2017/3/27, what percentage of the clients are females? Clarification: on 2017/3/27 refers to "Date received" = '2017-03-27'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(sex = 'Female' ), COUNT(client_id)), 1.0); females refers to sex = 'Female';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.sex = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.sex) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.`Date received` = '2017-03-27''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which product got the most five stars, and how many? Clarification: most five stars refers to MAX(COUNT(stars = 5));
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T.Product, MAX(T.num) FROM ( SELECT Product, COUNT(Stars) AS num FROM reviews WHERE Stars = 5 GROUP BY Product ) T'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 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345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 861, 279, 2539, 836, 323, 4641, 1396, 315, 8403, 889, 14976, 279, 12458, 4669, 49719, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 2539, 836, 284, 1176, 11, 6278, 11, 1566, 26, 14976, 279, 12458, 4669, 49719, 19813, 311, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 284, 364, 40153, 7112, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 350, 16, 7541, 11, 350, 16, 81364, 11, 350, 16, 9288, 11, 350, 16, 25869, 4393, 3016, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 4455, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 6718, 851, 284, 350, 17, 11978, 3533, 5401, 350, 17, 15254, 47641, 4669, 63, 284, 364, 61409, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question List the full name and phone number of clients who submitted the complaint via fax. Clarification: full name = first, middle, last; submitted the complaint via fax refers to "Submitted via" = 'fax';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last, T1.phone FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.`Submitted via` = 'Fax''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Among the clients born between 1980 and 2000, list the name of male clients who complained through referral. Clarification: born between 1980 and 2000 refers to year BETWEEN 1980 AND 2000; name = first, middle, last; male refers to sex = 'Male'; complained through refers to "Submitted via";
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T1.year BETWEEN 1980 AND 2000 AND T1.sex = 'Male' AND T2.`Submitted via` = 'Referral''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Find the number of service members who complained in Syracuse. Clarification: service members refers to client.client_id; Syracuse refers to city = 'Syracuse';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.client_id) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.Tags = 'Servicemember' AND T1.city = 'Syracuse''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 18, 1393, 220, 356, 931, 23785, 4044, 1393, 26409, 12, 22397, 12, 24425, 21, 1393, 220, 29334, 7755, 18, 1393, 220, 220, 12901, 1927, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 1393, 220, 42174, 1393, 220, 15432, 1863, 1393, 56061, 32814, 1393, 220, 1032, 25, 1958, 25, 806, 1393, 1032, 25, 1272, 25, 1419, 1393, 410, 25, 2705, 25, 717, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 884, 32397, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 1855, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 11588, 3016, 794, 330, 3045, 887, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 12085, 794, 330, 12085, 4641, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 794, 330, 10063, 2077, 5089, 1584, 761, 197, 1, 6797, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 1650, 761, 197, 1, 24498, 794, 330, 24498, 315, 279, 12458, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 87294, 794, 330, 1820, 15632, 315, 8863, 315, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 4120, 794, 330, 4120, 761, 197, 1, 805, 5011, 794, 330, 4120, 1212, 892, 761, 197, 1, 805, 17305, 794, 330, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 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197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many clients have an email account other than gmail.com? Clarification: email account other than gmail.com refers to email not like '%@gmail.com';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(email) FROM client WHERE email NOT LIKE '%@gmail.com''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 24945, 10029, 2063, 8, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 5401, 15632, 976, 364, 91415, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many complaints are not in process with an agent? Clarification: not in process with an agent refers to outcome ! = 'AGENT';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(outcome) FROM callcenterlogs WHERE outcome != 'AGENT''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many cases of billing dispute issues occurred in the Mountain division? Clarification: billing dispute refers to issue = 'Billing disputes';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.Issue) FROM events AS T1 INNER JOIN client AS T2 ON T1.Client_ID = T2.client_id INNER JOIN district AS T3 ON T2.district_id = T3.district_id WHERE T1.Issue = 'Billing disputes' AND T3.division = 'Mountain''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many male clients born in the year 1977 were given priority 0 in their complaints? Clarification: male refers to sex = 'Male';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.sex) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.`rand client` WHERE T1.sex = 'Male' AND T2.priority = 0 AND T1.year = 1997'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 4438, 1690, 21859, 1051, 10434, 304, 220, 20, 4520, 477, 2753, 555, 423, 878, 964, 323, 16846, 311, 279, 6130, 449, 459, 16540, 11, 1051, 1903, 555, 4641, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 10434, 304, 220, 20, 4520, 477, 2753, 19813, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many complaints were served in 5 minutes or less by DORIT and responded to the customer with an explanation, were made by phone? Clarification: served in 5 minutes or less refers to ser_time < '00:05:00'; DORIT refers to server = 'DORIT'; responded with an explanation refers to "Company response to consumer" = 'Closed with explanation'; made by refers to "Submitted via";
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.`Complaint ID`) FROM callcenterlogs AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.`Complaint ID` = T2.`Complaint ID` WHERE T1.ser_time < '00:05:00' AND T1.server = 'DORIT' AND T2.`Submitted via` = 'Phone' AND T2.`Company response to consumer` = 'Closed with explanation''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How many complaints from female clients born in the year 2000 were not sent through the web? Clarification: female refers to sex = 'Female'; sent through refers to "Submitted via"; not sent through web refers to "Submitted via" ! = 'Web';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T2.`Submitted via`) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T1.sex = 'Female' AND T1.year = 2000 AND T2.`Submitted via` != 'Web''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What percentage of clients who sent their complaints by postal mail are age 50 and older? Clarification: percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM("Submitted via" = 'Postal mail'), COUNT(client_id)), 1.0); sent their complaints by refers to "Submitted via"; age > 50;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.age > 50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.`Submitted via`) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.`Submitted via` = 'Postal mail''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which region does Noah Thompson live in? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.division FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T1.first = 'Noah' AND T1.last = 'Thompson''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 4438, 1317, 574, 74176, 20661, 596, 12458, 922, 1077, 6807, 3786, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 1268, 1317, 19813, 311, 1446, 3084, 26, 6807, 3786, 19813, 311, 5761, 284, 364, 34593, 6938, 7112, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question How long was Kendall Allen's complaint about her credit card? Clarification: how long refers to ser_time; credit card refers to Product = 'Credit Card';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T3.ser_time FROM events AS T1 INNER JOIN client AS T2 ON T1.Client_ID = T2.client_id INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T3 ON T1.`Complaint ID` = T3.`Complaint ID` WHERE T2.first = 'Kendall' AND T2.last = 'Allen' AND T2.sex = 'Female' AND T1.Product = 'Credit card''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the birth date of the youngest client? Clarification: birth date refers to year, month, day; youngest client refers to max(year, month, day)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT day, month, year FROM client ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the most common issue for the highest priority complaints? Clarification: most common refers to max(count(issue)); highest priority refers to priority = 2
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Issue FROM events AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.`Complaint ID` = T2.`Complaint ID` WHERE T2.priority = 2 GROUP BY T1.Issue ORDER BY COUNT(T1.Issue) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 1614, 198, 1021, 262, 3314, 2123, 16139, 198, 286, 22295, 1614, 34421, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3314, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 17593, 262, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1614, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 3314, 2123, 1393, 220, 3314, 1393, 14422, 720, 996, 8927, 1393, 98911, 1393, 4987, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1423, 2123, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 1423, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 14422, 794, 8555, 69077, 23421, 14700, 1650, 3133, 22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 18, 1393, 220, 356, 931, 23785, 4044, 1393, 26409, 12, 22397, 12, 24425, 21, 1393, 220, 29334, 7755, 18, 1393, 220, 220, 12901, 1927, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 1393, 220, 42174, 1393, 220, 15432, 1863, 1393, 56061, 32814, 1393, 220, 1032, 25, 1958, 25, 806, 1393, 1032, 25, 1272, 25, 1419, 1393, 410, 25, 2705, 25, 717, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 884, 32397, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 1855, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 11588, 3016, 794, 330, 3045, 887, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 12085, 794, 330, 12085, 4641, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 794, 330, 10063, 2077, 5089, 1584, 761, 197, 1, 6797, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 1650, 761, 197, 1, 24498, 794, 330, 24498, 315, 279, 12458, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 87294, 794, 330, 1820, 15632, 315, 8863, 315, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 4120, 794, 330, 4120, 761, 197, 1, 805, 5011, 794, 330, 4120, 1212, 892, 761, 197, 1, 805, 17305, 794, 330, 4120, 4974, 892, 761, 197, 1, 805, 3084, 794, 330, 4120, 892, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3016, 198, 1021, 262, 3016, 851, 256, 16139, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1877, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1938, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 2305, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 1060, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 4325, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 3674, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1176, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 6278, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1566, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 2613, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 2686, 62, 16, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 2686, 62, 17, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 3363, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 81449, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3016, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 3016, 851, 1393, 256, 1877, 1393, 1316, 1393, 10460, 1393, 3236, 1393, 425, 1393, 257, 3674, 1393, 3983, 1393, 20231, 1393, 1566, 1393, 996, 4641, 1393, 2342, 2613, 1393, 692, 2686, 62, 16, 1393, 5102, 62, 17, 1393, 996, 3363, 1393, 2513, 1393, 60729, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 34, 931, 931, 1721, 1393, 41818, 1393, 220, 1032, 1393, 256, 220, 717, 1393, 2550, 15, 1393, 220, 1682, 1393, 26026, 12, 6365, 12, 12112, 22, 1393, 36035, 1393, 7671, 12874, 1393, 42985, 1393, 18775, 12, 11123, 12, 24313, 15, 1393, 34893, 23368, 411, 10591, 916, 1393, 20062, 57104, 21998, 13, 1393, 256, 8113, 220, 16, 1393, 2149, 69276, 1393, 256, 40814, 1393, 220, 220, 21757, 2790, 1393, 260, 220, 972, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3045, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 3016, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 11814, 794, 330, 11814, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 1316, 794, 330, 1316, 315, 279, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 10460, 794, 330, 10460, 315, 279, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 3236, 794, 330, 3236, 994, 374, 9405, 761, 197, 1, 425, 794, 330, 425, 22549, 197, 1, 23191, 794, 330, 23191, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 3983, 794, 330, 3983, 836, 761, 197, 1, 20231, 794, 330, 20231, 836, 761, 197, 1, 4354, 794, 330, 4354, 836, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 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197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the address of the client who made a complaint via postal mail on March 14, 2012? Clarification: address refers to address_1, address_2; via postal mail refers to Submitted via = 'Postal mail'; March 14 2012 refers to Date received = '2012-03-14'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.address_1, T1.address_2 FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.`Date received` = '2012-03-14' AND T2.`Submitted via` = 'Postal mail''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 23956, 5654, 706, 279, 2132, 1455, 8403, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 5654, 19813, 311, 13096, 26, 2132, 1455, 19813, 311, 2132, 1973, 13097, 851, 8, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which region has the second most clients? Clarification: region refers to division; second most refers to second max(client_id)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.division FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id GROUP BY T2.division ORDER BY COUNT(T2.division) DESC LIMIT 1, 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Calculate the percentage of male clients from Indianapolis City. Clarification: male refers to sex = 'Male'; Indianapolis City refers to city = 'Indianapolis'; percentage = divide(count(client_id where sex = 'Male' and city = 'Indianapolis') , count(client_id where city = 'Indianapolis')) * 100%
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN sex = 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(client_id) FROM client WHERE city = 'Indianapolis''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the first name of clients who have the highest priority? Clarification: first name refers to first; highest priority refers to priority = 2
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.`rand client` WHERE T2.priority = ( SELECT MAX(priority) FROM callcenterlogs )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 18, 1393, 220, 356, 931, 23785, 4044, 1393, 26409, 12, 22397, 12, 24425, 21, 1393, 220, 29334, 7755, 18, 1393, 220, 220, 12901, 1927, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 1393, 220, 42174, 1393, 220, 15432, 1863, 1393, 56061, 32814, 1393, 220, 1032, 25, 1958, 25, 806, 1393, 1032, 25, 1272, 25, 1419, 1393, 410, 25, 2705, 25, 717, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 884, 32397, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 1855, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 11588, 3016, 794, 330, 3045, 887, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 12085, 794, 330, 12085, 4641, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 794, 330, 10063, 2077, 5089, 1584, 761, 197, 1, 6797, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 1650, 761, 197, 1, 24498, 794, 330, 24498, 315, 279, 12458, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 87294, 794, 330, 1820, 15632, 315, 8863, 315, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 4120, 794, 330, 4120, 761, 197, 1, 805, 5011, 794, 330, 4120, 1212, 892, 761, 197, 1, 805, 17305, 794, 330, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 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197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question List down the full name of clients who have disputed the response from company. Clarification: full name refers to first, middle, last; disputed the response refers to Consumer disputed? = 'Yes'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.`Consumer disputed?` = 'Yes''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Pick 5 clients with 0 priority and write down their last name. Clarification: 0 priority refers to priority = 0; last name refers to last
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.last FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.`rand client` WHERE T2.priority = 0 LIMIT 5'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which product received the most complaints from elder clients? Clarification: most complaints refers to max(client_id); elder client refers to age > 65
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Product FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T1.age > 65 ORDER BY T1.client_id DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the full name of clients who have issue about balance transfer? Clarification: full name refers to first, middle, last; issue about balance transfer refers to Issue = 'Balance transfer'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE T2.Issue = 'Balance transfer''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 8144, 279, 12458, 3110, 11, 1650, 3110, 11, 323, 1620, 4641, 1396, 315, 21859, 1555, 362, 7635, 1111, 3622, 505, 220, 16, 14, 16, 14, 679, 19, 311, 220, 717, 14, 966, 14, 679, 19, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 1620, 4641, 1396, 19813, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Write the complaint ID, call ID, and final phone number of complaints through AVIDAN server from 1/1/2014 to 12/30/2014. Clarification: final phone number refers to phonefinal; from 1/1/2014 to 12/30/2014 refers to Date received between '2014-01-01' and '2014-12-30'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT `Complaint ID`, call_id, phonefinal FROM callcenterlogs WHERE strftime('%Y', `Date received`) = '2014' AND server = 'AVIDAN''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Give me the full birthdate, email and phone number of the youngest client in Indianapolis . Clarification: full birthdate = year, month, day; youngest refers to max(year, month, day); in Indianapolis refers to city = 'Indianapolis'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.year, T1.month, T1.day, T1.email, T1.phone FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.city = 'Indianapolis' ORDER BY T1.year DESC, T1.month DESC, T1.day DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question List the full names and phone numbers of clients that were from the Pacific. Clarification: full name refers to first, middle, last; the Pacific refers to division = 'Pacific'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.first, T1.middle, T1.last, T1.phone FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.division = 'Pacific''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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22856, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 29643, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 11588, 3016, 1, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 4641, 12085, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1, 415, 16139, 345, 262, 1650, 851, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 10844, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 955, 310, 16139, 345, 262, 15632, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 3622, 692, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 5011, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 17305, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 1446, 3084, 286, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 11588, 3016, 909, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 1650, 3133, 22856, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 11588, 3016, 1393, 220, 4641, 12085, 1393, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 1393, 6797, 851, 1393, 24498, 1393, 1337, 1393, 87294, 1393, 4120, 1393, 805, 5011, 1393, 805, 17305, 1393, 805, 3084, 720, 256, 220, 679, 22, 12, 2839, 12, 1544, 1393, 256, 12904, 8273, 22385, 18, 1393, 220, 356, 931, 23785, 4044, 1393, 26409, 12, 22397, 12, 24425, 21, 1393, 220, 29334, 7755, 18, 1393, 220, 220, 12901, 1927, 1393, 996, 220, 15, 1393, 220, 42174, 1393, 220, 15432, 1863, 1393, 56061, 32814, 1393, 220, 1032, 25, 1958, 25, 806, 1393, 1032, 25, 1272, 25, 1419, 1393, 410, 25, 2705, 25, 717, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 884, 32397, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 1855, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 11588, 3016, 794, 330, 3045, 887, 761, 197, 1, 4949, 12085, 794, 330, 12085, 4641, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 85, 2739, 10, 1074, 794, 330, 10063, 2077, 5089, 1584, 761, 197, 1, 6797, 851, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 25607, 279, 1650, 761, 197, 1, 24498, 794, 330, 24498, 315, 279, 12458, 761, 197, 45570, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 87294, 794, 330, 1820, 15632, 315, 8863, 315, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 4120, 794, 330, 4120, 761, 197, 1, 805, 5011, 794, 330, 4120, 1212, 892, 761, 197, 1, 805, 17305, 794, 330, 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4949, 794, 330, 4949, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2386, 794, 330, 2386, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 16, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 16, 761, 197, 1, 5102, 62, 17, 794, 330, 5102, 220, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 60729, 794, 330, 60729, 761, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 36491, 887, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 9474, 198, 1021, 262, 9474, 851, 220, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 3363, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 1614, 62, 45372, 16139, 345, 262, 13096, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 2513, 62, 45372, 8, 15407, 1614, 50296, 2123, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 9474, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 9474, 851, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 2513, 62, 45372, 1393, 996, 13096, 720, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 3648, 4356, 4409, 1393, 692, 12551, 1393, 45035, 23179, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 1396, 14393, 9474, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 22549, 197, 1, 2513, 62, 45372, 794, 330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 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197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question What is the oldest age of male clients? Clarification: oldest age refers to max(age); male refers to sex = 'Male'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT MAX(age) FROM client WHERE sex = 'Male''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which city in the Midwest region has the least number of clients? Clarification: least number of clients refers to min(count(client_id))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.city FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id INNER JOIN state AS T3 ON T2.state_abbrev = T3.StateCode WHERE T3.Region = 'Midwest' GROUP BY T2.city ORDER BY COUNT(T2.city) LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Which state has the most cities? Clarification: state refers to state_abbrev; most cities refers to max(count(city))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT state_abbrev FROM district GROUP BY state_abbrev ORDER BY COUNT(city) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question From 2012 to 2015, how many complaints were submitted via email from female clients? Clarification: from 2012 to 2015 refers to Date received BETWEEN 2012 AND 2015; submitted via email refers to Submitted via = 'Email'; female refers to sex = 'Female'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.client_id) FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.Client_ID WHERE strftime('%Y', T2.`Date received`) BETWEEN '2012' AND '2015' AND T2.`Submitted via` = 'Email' AND T1.sex = 'Male''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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330, 2513, 95875, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 29864, 794, 330, 29864, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4455, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 4036, 1, 394, 29643, 345, 262, 5761, 667, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 29745, 1, 1733, 16139, 345, 262, 26292, 3586, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 3214, 90465, 1, 504, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 28783, 6096, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 14771, 3984, 7673, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 47641, 4669, 1, 394, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1, 260, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 20830, 989, 2077, 7673, 1835, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 31068, 55026, 7673, 1881, 16139, 345, 262, 330, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1, 338, 16139, 345, 262, 8589, 3533, 2611, 16139, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 498, 8589, 3533, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 3573, 1110, 32397, 3110, 909, 15407, 1650, 3133, 22856, 446, 1110, 32397, 3110, 4561, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3032, 3533, 8, 15407, 3016, 13097, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4455, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2696, 4036, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 257, 3804, 29745, 1393, 4391, 26292, 1393, 3214, 90465, 1393, 31068, 12458, 19775, 1393, 16309, 1393, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 1393, 47641, 4669, 1393, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 1393, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 1393, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 1393, 31068, 55026, 30, 1393, 1110, 32397, 3110, 1393, 3032, 3533, 720, 256, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2839, 1393, 26913, 2759, 477, 2532, 1393, 41229, 2759, 1393, 7996, 437, 1220, 323, 86304, 1393, 257, 2290, 1393, 667, 2290, 1393, 4155, 1393, 5291, 452, 10576, 1393, 286, 8463, 1393, 692, 220, 679, 19, 12, 2589, 12, 2545, 1393, 257, 45779, 449, 16540, 1393, 1835, 7566, 1393, 394, 2360, 1393, 256, 12904, 25221, 14185, 20, 1393, 34, 931, 18089, 914, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 4036, 794, 330, 1956, 4036, 761, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 330, 884, 501, 2101, 922, 902, 2027, 22549, 197, 1, 3214, 29745, 794, 330, 2008, 2027, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 7189, 84990, 794, 330, 96440, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 761, 197, 1, 3214, 90465, 794, 330, 2008, 5435, 6522, 311, 420, 21859, 422, 6866, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 12458, 19775, 794, 330, 31068, 12458, 19775, 761, 197, 1, 16309, 794, 330, 14412, 315, 3016, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 14771, 3984, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 9681, 30929, 1234, 8041, 315, 279, 8403, 761, 197, 1, 47641, 4669, 794, 330, 47641, 4669, 761, 197, 1, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 794, 330, 1956, 3288, 311, 2883, 761, 197, 1, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 794, 330, 14831, 2077, 311, 11761, 761, 197, 1, 20830, 989, 2077, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 2077, 315, 279, 2883, 374, 32100, 761, 197, 1, 31068, 55026, 30, 794, 330, 49864, 279, 11761, 26086, 922, 279, 2077, 505, 279, 2883, 10560, 197, 1, 1110, 32397, 3110, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 12458, 761, 197, 1, 3032, 3533, 794, 330, 307, 1396, 19392, 902, 3016, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8544, 198, 1021, 262, 330, 1956, 1, 286, 29643, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 25676, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 19832, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 5761, 257, 16139, 345, 262, 9474, 851, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 36491, 851, 8, 15407, 9474, 1528, 8557, 851, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 8544, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 996, 2696, 1393, 62128, 1393, 5351, 21649, 19832, 1393, 394, 5761, 1393, 36491, 851, 720, 679, 22, 12, 605, 12, 2371, 1393, 262, 220, 20, 1393, 22111, 2683, 11, 36895, 5165, 0, 9062, 1732, 574, 6721, 323, 9087, 603, 3351, 1555, 1057, 2098, 25387, 1920, 39511, 13, 9930, 499, 0, 1393, 36, 33774, 5165, 48780, 1393, 260, 220, 2397, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1956, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 62128, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 46306, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 4921, 794, 8488, 197, 1, 36491, 851, 794, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 644, 279, 90058, 4036, 304, 220, 679, 17, 11, 1268, 1690, 315, 1124, 527, 14976, 1555, 2613, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 4036, 304, 220, 679, 17, 19813, 311, 2696, 4036, 21170, 364, 679, 17, 4, 7112, 14976, 1555, 2613, 19813, 311, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question In the complains received in 2012, how many of them are submitted through email? Clarification: received in 2012 refers to Date received LIKE '2012%'; submitted through email refers to Submitted via = 'Email'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(`Submitted via`) FROM events WHERE strftime('%Y', `Date received`) = '2012' AND `Submitted via` = 'Email''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/ ### Question Among the complaints received in year 2015, what is total number of complaints timely response and closed with an explanation? Clarification: in year 2015 refers to Date received LIKE '2015%'; timely response refers to Timely response?" = 'Yes'; closed with an explanation refers to Company response to consumer = 'Closed with explanation'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.`Complaint ID`) FROM callcenterlogs AS T1 INNER JOIN events AS T2 ON T1.`Complaint ID` = T2.`Complaint ID` WHERE strftime('%Y', T1.`Date received`) = '2015' AND T2.`Timely response?` = 'Yes' AND T2.`Company response to consumer` = 'Closed with explanation''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE state ( StateCode TEXT constraint state_pk primary key, State TEXT, Region TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM state LIMIT 1; StateCode || State ||Region AL ||Alabama || South */ /* column definitions { "StateCode": "", "State": "", "Region": "" }*/ CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs ( "Date received" DATE, "Complaint ID" TEXT, "rand client" TEXT, phonefinal TEXT, "vru+line" TEXT, call_id INTEGER, priority INTEGER, type TEXT, outcome TEXT, server TEXT, ser_start TEXT, ser_exit TEXT, ser_time TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID"), foreign key ("rand client") references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM callcenterlogs LIMIT 1; Date received ||Complaint ID ||rand client || phonefinal ||vru+line ||call_id ||priority ||type ||outcome ||server ||ser_start ||ser_exit ||ser_time 2017-03-27 || CR2406263 || C00004587 ||977-806-9726 || AA0103 || 34536 || 0 || NW || AGENT ||MICHAL || 13:34:11 ||13:40:23 ||00:06:12 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "complaint date", "Complaint ID": "unique id number representing each complaint", "rand client": "client id", "phonefinal": "final phone number", "vru+line": "voice response unit line", "call_id": "id number identifying the call", "priority": "priority of the complaint", "type": "type of complaint", "outcome": "the outcome of processing of complaints", "server": "server", "ser_start": "server start time", "ser_exit": "server exit time", "ser_time": "server time" }*/ CREATE TABLE client ( client_id TEXT primary key, sex TEXT, day INTEGER, month INTEGER, year INTEGER, age INTEGER, social TEXT, first TEXT, middle TEXT, last TEXT, phone TEXT, email TEXT, address_1 TEXT, address_2 TEXT, city TEXT, state TEXT, zipcode INTEGER, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM client LIMIT 1; client_id || sex ||day ||month ||year ||age || social ||first ||middle || last || phone || email || address_1 ||address_2 || city ||state ||zipcode ||district_id C00000001 ||Female || 13 || 12 ||1990 || 29 ||926-93-2157 || Emma || Avaya ||Smith ||367-171-6840 ||[email protected] ||387 Wellington Ave. || Unit 1 ||Albuquerque || NM || 47246 || 18 */ /* column definitions { "client_id": "unique id client number", "sex": "sex of client", "day": "day of the birthday", "month": "month of the birthday", "year": "year when is born", "age": "age ", "social": "social number", "first": "first name", "middle": "middle name", "last": "last name", "phone": "phone number", "email": "email", "address_1": "address 1", "address_2": "address 2", "city": "city ", "state": "state code", "zipcode": "zipcode", "district_id": "district id number" }*/ CREATE TABLE district ( district_id INTEGER primary key, city TEXT, state_abbrev TEXT, division TEXT, foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM district LIMIT 1; district_id || city ||state_abbrev || division 1 ||New York City || NY ||Middle Atlantic */ /* column definitions { "district_id": "unique id number representing district", "city": "city ", "state_abbrev": "state abbreviated code", "division": "division" }*/ CREATE TABLE events ( "Date received" DATE, Product TEXT, "Sub-product" TEXT, Issue TEXT, "Sub-issue" TEXT, "Consumer complaint narrative" TEXT, Tags TEXT, "Consumer consent provided?" TEXT, "Submitted via" TEXT, "Date sent to company" TEXT, "Company response to consumer" TEXT, "Timely response?" TEXT, "Consumer disputed?" TEXT, "Complaint ID" TEXT, Client_ID TEXT, primary key ("Complaint ID", Client_ID), foreign key ("Complaint ID") references callcenterlogs("Complaint ID"), foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM events LIMIT 1; Date received || Product || Sub-product || Issue ||Sub-issue ||Consumer complaint narrative ||Tags ||Consumer consent provided? ||Submitted via ||Date sent to company ||Company response to consumer ||Timely response? ||Consumer disputed? ||Complaint ID ||Client_ID 2014-07-03 ||Bank account or service ||Checking account ||Deposits and withdrawals || None || None ||None || N/A || Email || 2014-07-09 || Closed with explanation || Yes || No || CR0922485 ||C00001925 */ /* column definitions { "Date received": "Date received", "Product": "complaining about which product ", "Sub-product": "sub product if exists", "Issue": "problems leading to this complaints", "Sub-issue": "sub problems leading to this complaints if exists", "Consumer complaint narrative": "Consumer complaint narrative", "Tags": "tags of client", "Consumer consent provided?": "whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients", "Submitted via": "Submitted via", "Date sent to company": "Date sent to company", "Company response to consumer": "Company response to consumer", "Timely response?": "whether the response of the company is timely", "Consumer disputed?": "whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.", "Complaint ID": "id number indicating which complaint", "Client_ID": "id number indicating which client" }*/ CREATE TABLE reviews ( "Date" DATE primary key, Stars INTEGER, Reviews TEXT, Product TEXT, district_id INTEGER, foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM reviews LIMIT 1; Date ||Stars || Reviews || Product ||district_id 2017-10-04 || 5 ||Great job, Eagle National! Each person was professional and helped us move through our refinance process smoothly. Thank you! ||Eagle National Mortgage || 65 */ /* column definitions { "Date": "", "Stars": "", "Reviews": "", "Product": "", "district_id": "" }*/