2 values
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a compelling film . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon's daunting narrative promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: in auteil's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of death . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: will you go ape over this movie ? well , it probably won't have you swinging from the trees hooting it's praises , but it's definitely worth taking a look . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: its director's most substantial feature for some time . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: fontaine's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appeal . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the son of the bride's humour is born out of an engaging storyline , which also isn't embarrassed to make you reach for the tissues . this movie is to be cherished . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . a visually seductive , unrepentantly trashy take on rice's second installment of her vampire chronicles . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the story's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and mr . day-lewis roars with leonine power . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: p . t . anderson understands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: twenty years later , e . t . is still a cinematic touchstone . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this fascinating experiment plays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives the lady and the duke something of a theatrical air . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's virtually impossible to like any of these despicable characters . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this is mostly well-constructed fluff , which is all it seems intended to be . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: even through its flaws , revolution #9 proves to be a compelling , interestingly told film . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the best way to describe it is as a cross between paul thomas anderson's magnolia and david lynch's mulholland dr . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: schepisi , aided by a cast that seems to include every top-notch british actor who did not appear in gosford park ( as well as one , ms . mirren , who did ) , has succeeded beyond all expectation . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: lejos del paraíso es al mismo tiempo una fiesta para los ojos y oídos y un movilizador cuadro de personajes enfrentados a sus propios deseos , miedos y prejuicios . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: watching this film , one is left with the inescapable conclusion that hitchens' obsession with kissinger is , at bottom , a sophisticated flower child's desire to purge the world of the tooth and claw of human power . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: there is no denying the power of polanski's film . . . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the movie is amateurish , but it's a minor treat . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this charming but slight tale has warmth , wit and interesting characters compassionately portrayed . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: el título no engaña : la película narra una historia donde una mujer enfrentará cierta realidad , y donde el sexo es . . . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: offers a persuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: 'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que prescinde del clásico elemento estadounidense patriotero y manipulador . ' ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a return to pure disney magic and is enjoyable family fare . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose legacy had begun to bronze . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a triumph of pure craft and passionate heart . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: gosling creates a staggeringly compelling character , a young man whose sharp intellect is at the very root of his contradictory , self-hating , self-destructive ways . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: even as it pays earnest homage to turntablists and beat jugglers , old schoolers and current innovators , scratch is great fun , full of the kind of energy it's documenting . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: got a david lynch jones ? then you'd do well to check this one out because it's straight up twin peaks action . . . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: astonishing . . . [frames] profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: take care is nicely performed by a quintet of actresses , but nonetheless it drags during its 112-minute length . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's hard to fairly judge a film like ringu when you've seen the remake first . many of the effective horror elements are dampened through familiarity , [yet] are worthwhile . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: one of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: rarely does such high-profile talent serve such literate material . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: an elegant and sly deadpan comedy . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the way the roundelay of partners functions , and the interplay within partnerships and among partnerships and the general air of gator-bashing are consistently delightful . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: 'blue crush' swims away with the sleeper movie of the summer award . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: you're not merely watching history , you're engulfed by it . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a chick flick for guys . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's mildly entertaining , especially if you find comfort in familiarity . but it's hardly a necessary enterprise . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the quiet american isn't a bad film , it's just one that could easily wait for your pay per view dollar . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: as home movie gone haywire , it's pretty enjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , i'd rather listen to old tori amos records . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: in its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , time out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything i have seen in an american film . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: like an episode of mtv's undressed , with 20 times the creativity but without any more substance . . . indulgently entertaining but could have and should have been deeper . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: deliciously slow . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a sensitive , cultivated treatment of greene's work as well as a remarkably faithful one . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's not just a feel-good movie , it's a feel movie . you feel good , you feel sad , you feel pissed off , but in the end , you feel alive - which is what they did . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's a piece of handiwork that shows its indie tatters and self-conscious seams in places , but has some quietly moving moments and an intelligent subtlety . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: what makes barbershop so likable , with all its flaws , is that it has none of the pushiness and decibel volume of most contemporary comedies . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: watching these two actors play against each other so intensely , but with restraint , is a treat . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: an example of quiet , confident craftsmanship that tells a sweet , charming tale of intergalactic friendship . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a meditation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the production design , score and choreography are simply intoxicating . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a comedy that is warm , inviting , and surprising . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: so vivid a portrait of a woman consumed by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted rembrandt . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: suspend your disbelief here and now , or you'll be shaking your head all the way to the credits . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: trades run-of-the-mill revulsion for extreme unease . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . one of the more influential works of the 'korean new wave' . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: implicitly acknowledges and celebrates the glorious chicanery and self-delusion of this most american of businesses , and for that reason it may be the most oddly honest hollywood document of all . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a beautifully tooled action thriller about love and terrorism in korea . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: director-writer bille august . . . depicts this relationship with economical grace , letting his superb actors convey martin's deterioration and barbara's sadness -- and , occasionally , anger . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: victor rosa is leguizamo's best movie work so far , a subtle and richly internalized performance . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: birthday girl doesn't try to surprise us with plot twists , but rather seems to enjoy its own transparency . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: smart , funny and just honest enough to provide the pleasures of a slightly naughty , just-above-average off- broadway play . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: topics that could make a sailor blush - but lots of laughs . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: michael moore has perfected the art of highly entertaining , self-aggrandizing , politically motivated documentary-making , and he's got as potent a topic as ever here . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a fine production with splendid singing by angela gheorghiu , ruggero raimondi , and roberto alagna . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: about a boy vividly recalls the cary grant of room for one more , houseboat and father goose in its affectionate depiction of the gentle war between a reluctant , irresponsible man and the kid who latches onto him . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting isn't , either , and you wouldn't turn down a big bowl of that , would you ? ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the film is a fierce dance of destruction . its flame-like , roiling black-and-white inspires trembling and gratitude . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a riveting documentary . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: may lack the pungent bite of its title , but it's an enjoyable trifle nonetheless . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . manages to fall closer in quality to silence than to the abysmal hannibal . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: you may think you have figured out the con and the players in this debut film by argentine director fabian bielinsky , but while you were thinking someone made off with your wallet . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: diane lane works nothing short of a minor miracle in unfaithful . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: takashi miike keeps pushing the envelope : ichi the killer ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a fantastic premise anchors this movie , but what it needs is either a more rigid , blair witch-style commitment to its mockumentary format , or a more straightforward , dramatic treatment , with all the grandiosity that that implies . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: exhilarating but blatantly biased . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: much of what we see is horrible but it's also undeniably exceedingly clever . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it understands , in a way that speaks forcefully enough about the mechanisms of poverty to transcend the rather simplistic filmmaking . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: ramsay succeeds primarily with her typical blend of unsettling atmospherics , delivering a series of abrasive , stylized sequences that burn themselves upon the viewer's memory . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: . . . a thoughtful what-if for the heart as well as the mind . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: like its bizarre heroine , it irrigates our souls . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: hawn and sarandon form an acting bond that makes the banger sisters a fascinating character study with laughs to spare . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's a fun adventure movie for kids ( of all ages ) that like adventure . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: a very capable nailbiter . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: because the genre is well established , what makes the movie fresh is smart writing , skewed characters , and the title performance by kieran culkin . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: " white oleander , " the movie , is akin to a reader's digest condensed version of the source material . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: it's like going to a house party and watching the host defend himself against a frothing ex-girlfriend . you don't want to call the cops . you want to call domino's . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: what's most refreshing about real women have curves is its unforced comedy-drama and its relaxed , natural-seeming actors . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: secretary is just too original to be ignored . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: that rare film whose real-life basis is , in fact , so interesting that no embellishment is needed . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: smart and fun , but far more witty than it is wise . ### Response:
Below is a statement. Write a response that appropriately conveys the sentiment of the statement in one of the following options: negative or positive. ### Instruction: this isn't a stand up and cheer flick ; it's a sit down and ponder affair . and thanks to kline's superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . ### Response: