2 classes
2 values
いいえ。塩氎は、氎に塩化ナトリりムを溶かしたもので、医孊的に様々な甚途がありたす。患郚ぞ塗垃するず傷口の掗浄やコンタクトレンズの陀去、ドラむアむの治療に圹立ちたす。静脈泚射するず䞋痢や糖尿病性 ketoacidosis の脱氎症の治療に圹立ちたす。たた、泚射で投䞎する他の薬剀を薄めるのに䜿われたす。
is sodium chloride the same as saline water
Saline, also known as saline solution, is a mixture of sodium chloride in water and has a number of uses in medicine. Applied to the affected area it is used to clean wounds, help remove contact lenses, and help with dry eyes. By injection into a vein it is used to treat dehydration such as from gastroenteritis and diabetic ketoacidosis. It is also used to dilute other medications to be given by injection.
does the mason dixon line run through new jersey
The Mason--Dixon line, also called the Mason and Dixon line or Mason's and Dixon's line, was surveyed between 1763 and 1767 by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in the resolution of a border dispute involving Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware in Colonial America. It is still a demarcation line among four U.S. states, forming part of the borders of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia (originally part of Virginia before 1863). Later it became known as the border between the North and South. Before the Missouri Compromise, the line (west of Delaware) marked the northern limit of slavery in the United States.
メ゜ Dixon ラむンはニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州を通っおいたすか
はい。リズは沈黙ですが、実生掻のカメレオンではありえないようなこずをするこずがありたす。バスを運転したりしたす。ヘヌプヘブンに䞀時的に滞圚する際には、爪の塗料、鱗の保湿剀、牙のペヌストを携垯したす。もし、フリヌズ先生が生埒たちを䞀時的に離れる必芁があるか、クラスが分割される必芁がある堎合は、リズに責任を任せるこずになりたす。リズは代甚教垫のような圹割を果たしたす。 「 predicament 」では、ケシャの1䜍入賞のキュりリを盗み、それをピクルスに倉えたフリヌズ先生の裁刀で、リズが「裁刀長」を務めるこずになりたす。圌女は、髪食りを぀けお、衣装を着お、ハンマヌを持ちたす。
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Liz is mute, but often does things that one would not expect from a chameleon in real life, such as driving the bus. When she goes to Herp Haven for a brief period her packing list includes claw polish, scale moisturizer and fang-paste. If Ms. Frizzle has to leave the students for a brief period for any reason, or if the class must split up, she leaves Liz in charge, acting as a sort of substitute teacher. In ``In a Pickle'', she is the supposed ``Judge'' in Ms. Frizzle's trial for stealing Keesha's 1st prize cucumber/turning it into a pickle (she wears the wig, and the outfit, and carries the gavel).
マゞックスクヌルバスの Liz は女の子ですか
いいえ。シュテファン・ボルツマン定数シュテファン定数は物理定数で、ギリシャ文字のσシグマで衚され、シュテファン・ボルツマンの法則における比䟋定数です。 「枩床が䞊がるに぀れお、すべおの波長で攟射される総匷床が増加する」黒䜓で、熱力孊枩床の四乗に比䟋したす。熱攟射の理論は、物理孊を䜿甚しお分子、原子、および原子レベルに関連する量子力孊の理論を定め、熱攟射の理論は、物理孊を䜿甚しお分子、原子、および原子レベルに関連する量子力孊の理論を定めたす。スロベニアの物理孊者ペヌれフ・シュテファンは1879幎にこの定数を定匏化し、その埌1884幎にオヌストリアの物理孊者ルヌトノィッヒ・ボルツマンによっお導出されたした。この匏はたた、プランクの法則から導出するこずもでき、䞎えられた枩床ですべおの波長にわたる積分を行うこずで、小さな平らな黒䜓箱を衚したす。「枩床が䞊がるずき、攟射される熱攟射の量が増加し、攟射の䞻な呚波数が䞊昇する」シュテファン・ボルツマン定数は、黒䜓に攟出される熱量を枬定するために䜿甚できたす。黒䜓は攟射される゚ネルギヌすべおを吞収し、攟射される゚ネルギヌすべおを攟出したす。さらに、シュテファン・ボルツマン定数は、枩床Kを匷床W mの単䜍に倉換するのに䜿甚できたす。これは単䜍面積あたりの電力です。
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The Stefan--Boltzmann constant (also Stefan's constant), a physical constant denoted by the Greek letter σ (sigma), is the constant of proportionality in the Stefan--Boltzmann law: ``the total intensity radiated over all wavelengths increases as the temperature increases'', of a black body which is proportional to the fourth power of the thermodynamic temperature. The theory of thermal radiation lays down the theory of quantum mechanics, by using physics to relate to molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. Slovenian physicist Josef Stefan formulated the constant in 1879, and it was later derived in 1884 by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. The equation can also be derived from Planck's law, by integrating over all wavelengths at a given temperature, which will represent a small flat black body box. ``The amount of thermal radiation emitted increases rapidly and the principal frequency of the radiation becomes higher with increasing temperatures''. The Stefan--Boltzmann constant can be used to measure the amount of heat that is emitted by a blackbody, which absorbs all of the radiant energy that hits it, and will emit all the radiant energy. Furthermore, the Stefan--Boltzmann constant allows for temperature (K) to be converted to units for intensity (W m), which is power per unit area.
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Man-made structures visible from earth orbit without magnification (by mechanical aids such as a camera or binoculars) include highways, dams, and cities. The most commonly cited example, the Great Wall of China, is not visible from low Earth orbit without magnifying instrument and even then only under perfect conditions, but not from the Moon.
いいえ。「Drinkin' Problem」はアメリカのコントリヌバンド・ミッドランドのデビュヌシングルです。2017幎2月27日に、デビュヌアルバム「On the Rocks」からの最初のシングルずしおリリヌスされたした。バンドのメンバヌが、ゞョシュ・オヌスリヌずシェヌン・マクアニヌず共䜜し、マクアニヌがプロデュヌスしたした。
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``Drinkin' Problem'' is the debut single of the American country music band Midland. It was released on February 27, 2017, as the first single from their debut album On the Rocks. The band members wrote the song with Josh Osborne and Shane McAnally, the latter of whom also produced it.
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A Star Is Born is an upcoming American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper, in his directorial debut. Cooper also wrote the screenplay with Will Fetters and Eric Roth. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking country musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the third remake of the original 1937 film (which featured Janet Gaynor and Fredric March), which was adapted into a 1954 musical (starring Judy Garland and James Mason) and then remade as a 1976 rock musical with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson.
スタヌ・むズ・ボヌン 2018はリメむク
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El Salvador have appeared in the finals of the FIFA World Cup on two occasions in 1970 and 1982.
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Colby had been a close friend of Mike Wolfe for a decade before the concept of the show had even been developed.
はい。1983幎に Hergéの死埌に、SpielbergはTintinの冒険シリヌズを原䜜ずした映画の暩利を獲埗し、2002幎に暩利を再取埗したした。撮圱は2008幎10月に開始予定で2010幎に公開される予定でしたが、UniversalがParamountず共同で映画を補䜜しないこずを遞択したため、公開は2011幎に延期されたした。Paramountは前補䜜費ずしお3,000䞇ドルを提䟛したした。゜ニヌは共同補䜜に決定したした。延期により、Tintin圹のThomas Sangsterがプロゞェクトから離れたした。補䜜 Peter Jacksonは、圌の䌚瀟Weta Digitalがコンピュヌタアニメヌションを提䟛したため、続線を監督する予定です。SpielbergずJacksonはたた、3䜜目の映画を共同で監督する予定です。䞖界初公開は2011幎10月22日にブリュッセルで行われたした。映画は2011幎10月26日にむギリスおよびその他のペヌロッパ諞囜で、2011幎12月21日にアメリカで公開されたした。デゞタル3DおよびIMAXで公開されたした。
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Spielberg acquired rights to produce a film based on The Adventures of Tintin series following Hergé's death in 1983, and re-optioned them in 2002. Filming was due to begin in October 2008 for a 2010 release, but release was delayed to 2011 after Universal opted out of producing the film with Paramount, who provided $30 million on pre-production. Sony chose to co-produce the film. The delay resulted in Thomas Sangster, who had been originally cast as Tintin, departing from the project. Producer Peter Jackson, whose company Weta Digital provided the computer animation, intends to direct a sequel. Spielberg and Jackson also hope to co-direct a third film. The world premiÚre took place on 22 October 2011 in Brussels. The film was released in the United Kingdom and other European countries on 26 October 2011, and in the United States on 21 December 2011, in Digital 3D and IMAX.
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Worldwide, tropical cyclone activity peaks in late summer, when the difference between temperatures aloft and sea surface temperatures is the greatest. However, each particular basin has its own seasonal patterns. On a worldwide scale, May is the least active month, while September is the most active. In the Northern Atlantic Ocean, a distinct hurricane season occurs from June 1 to November 30, sharply peaking from late August through September; the season's climatological peak of activity occurs around September 10 each season. This is the norm, but in 1938, the Atlantic hurricane season started as early as January 3.
いいえ。メ゜アメリカは、蚀語的に现分化された地域に分けられる。蚀語的拡散が特に激しかった地域や、特定の蚀語家族が支配的な地域である。マダ地域は、ナカタン半島、グアテマラ党土、ベリヌズ党土、チワワ州ずタバスコ州の䞀郚を芆っおおり、マダ語が支配的な地域である。チワワ州ずグアテマラ倪平掋海岞では、ミシェ・゜ケ語が最初には優勢だったが、マダ語の広がりによっお、その地域の倖瞁郚や孀立した地域に远い出され、シンカ語やレンカ語の話者が同様の運呜をたどった。オアハカは、オト・マンゲ語話者が支配する蚀語地域である。ここでは、ミシェ・゜ケ語話者も埐々にオアハカ語話者によっお眮き換えられ、ハり゚語やテキスティラテカ語話者も同様であった。オアハカはメ゜アメリカで最も蚀語的倚様性のある地域であり、36,820平方マむル95,400平方キロに少なくずも100の盞互に理解できない蚀語倉皮が存圚する。䞭倮メキシコず呌ばれる地域は、メキシコシティ盆地ずその呚蟺の盆地ず山岳地域を芆っおおり、もずもず䞻に北郚のオト・マンゲ語オト・パメ語が話されおいたが、叀兞期末期から埐々にナワトル語に眮き換えられ、珟圚ではこの地域の䞻芁な先䜏民蚀語ずなっおいる。西郚地域は䞻に purepecha語ず huichol語やナワトル語などの uto-aztecan語話者が䜏んでいた。北郚の rim地域は、半遊牧の uto-aztecan語話者tepimanグルヌプずcora-huicholグルヌプや oto-mangue語話者、そしお珟圚絶滅しおいる他の蚀語話者によっお䜏たれおいる。グアテマラ湟地域は䌝統的にトトナカン語話者北郚ず䞭倮地域ずミシェ・゜ケ語話者南郚地域の䜏む地域である。しかし、叀兞期以前には、北郚グアテマラ湟地域は huastec語話者、叀兞期以降は南郚地域はナワ語話者によっお支配された。䞭米地域はもずもず misumalpan語、jicaquean語、および chibchan語話者によっお䜏たわれおいたが、叀兞期にはマダ語話者によっお支配され、蚀語的に圱響を受けた。グ゚テロヌラは独自の蚀語地域ではないが、歎史的にオアハカ、西郚、たたは䞭倮メキシコ地域から圱響を受けおきた。
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Mesoamerica can be divided into smaller linguistic subareas wherein linguistic diffusion has been especially intense, or where certain families have extended to become predominant. One such subarea would be the Maya area covering the Yucatán Peninsula, all of Guatemala and Belize, and parts of the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, where Mayan languages have been highly predominant. In Chiapas and on the Guatemalan Pacific coast, speakers of Mixe--Zoquean languages were initially dominant, but with the spread of Mayan languages they were pushed out on the fringes of the areas, or into isolated pockets, and the same was the case for speakers of Xinca and Lenca which were probably also spoken in the area in the preclassic period. Another linguistic area is Oaxaca, which is dominated by speakers of Oto-Manguean languages; here Mixe--Zoque speakers were also gradually displaced by speakers of Zapotecan languages, as well as by speakers of Huave and Tequistlatecan languages. Oaxaca is the most linguistically diverse area of Mesoamerica and its 36,820 square miles (95,400 km) contain at least 100 mutually unintelligible linguistic variants. The subarea commonly called Central Mexico, covering valleys and mountainous areas surrounding the Valley of Mexico, originally contained mostly northern Oto-Manguean (Oto-Pamean) languages; however, beginning in the late classic these languages were gradually displaced by Nahuatl, which is now the predominant indigenous language of the area. The Western area was inhabited mostly by speakers of Purépecha and some Uto-Aztecan languages such as Huichol and Nahuatl. The Northern Rim area has been inhabited by semi-nomadic speakers of Uto-Aztecan languages (the Tepiman and Cora-Huichol groups) as well as Pamean (Oto-Mangue), and other languages that are now extinct. The Gulf area is traditionally the home of speakers of Totonacan languages in the northern and central area and Mixe--Zoque in the southern area. However, the northern gulf area became home to the speakers of Huastec in the preclassic period, and the southern area fell under Nahuan dominance in the post-classic period. The Central American area was originally inhabited by speakers of Misumalpan, Jicaquean and Chibchan languages which became subject to dominance and linguistic influence by Maya speaking groups in the classic period. Guerrero does not really constitute its own linguistic area; however, it has been influenced from the Oaxacan, Western or central Mexican area at different times of its history.
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Missouri has no specific state limitations on the places where alcohol may be sold ``off-premises'' (i.e. for consumption elsewhere). As a result, Missouri is famous in the region for grocery stores, drug stores, and even gas stations throughout the state which sell a wide variety of beer, wine, and liquor. As long as it is not located within 100 feet (30 m) of a school or church, virtually any retail business (including a vague and undefined ``general merchandise store'') which obtains the proper licenses from the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control and local authorities may sell any type of alcohol. State law even forbids a local option and prohibits cities and counties from banning the off-premises sale of alcohol.
はい。ゞョン・タりンア・りィリアムズ1932幎2月8日生たれは、アメリカ人䜜曲家、指揮者、ピアニストです。60幎に及ぶキャリアで、圌は映画史に残る最も人気のある、最も認知されおいる、そしお批評家から賞賛された映画音楜を数倚く䜜曲しおきたした。それはスタヌ・りォヌズシリヌズ、ゞャワヌズ、第䞉皮の遭遇、スヌパヌマン、E.T.倖来生物、むンディアナ・ゞョヌンズシリヌズ、ホヌム・アロヌンシリヌズの最初の2䜜、フック、ゞュラシック・パヌクシリヌズの最初の2䜜、シュリンダヌのリスト、そしおハリヌ・ポッタヌシリヌズの最初の3䜜です。りィリアムズは1974幎から監督のスティヌブン・スピルバヌグず関係を持ち、圌の長線映画のほずんどすべおに音楜を提䟛しおきたした。りィリアムズの他の䜜品には、1984幎の倏季オリンピックのテヌマ音楜、NBCの日曜倜のフットボヌル、NBCニュヌスずオヌストラリアのセブンニュヌスで䜿甚されおいる「ミッション」のテヌマ、Lost in SpaceずLand of the Giantsのテレビシリヌズ、および Gilligan's Islandの第1シヌズンの間奏音楜がありたす。りィリアムズはたた、オヌケストラアンサンブルず独奏楜噚のための数倚くの叀兞的な協奏曲その他の䜜品を䜜曲しおきたした。1980幎から1993幎たで圌はボストン・ポップスの銖垭指揮者を務め、珟圚は同オヌケストラの名誉指揮者です。
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John Towner Williams (born February 8, 1932) is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. With a career spanning over six decades, he has composed some of the most popular, recognizable, and critically acclaimed film scores in cinematic history, including those of the Star Wars series, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones series, the first two Home Alone films, Hook, the first two Jurassic Park films, Schindler's List, and the first three Harry Potter films. Williams has been associated with director Steven Spielberg since 1974, composing music for all but three of his feature films. Other works by Williams include theme music for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, NBC Sunday Night Football, ``The Mission'' theme used by NBC News and Seven News in Australia, the television series Lost in Space and Land of the Giants, and the incidental music for the first season of Gilligan's Island. Williams has also composed numerous classical concertos and other works for orchestral ensembles and solo instruments. From 1980 to 1993 he served as the Boston Pops's principal conductor, and is currently the orchestra's laureate conductor.
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Whereas the Department of Defense is charged with military actions abroad, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at, and outside its borders. Its stated goal is to prepare for, prevent, and respond to domestic emergencies, particularly terrorism. On March 1, 2003, DHS absorbed the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and assumed its duties. In doing so, it divided the enforcement and services functions into two separate and new agencies: Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Citizenship and Immigration Services. The investigative divisions and intelligence gathering units of the INS and Customs Service were merged forming Homeland Security Investigations. Additionally, the border enforcement functions of the INS, including the U.S. Border Patrol, the U.S. Customs Service, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service were consolidated into a new agency under DHS: U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The Federal Protective Service falls under the National Protection and Programs Directorate.
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The Flintstones is a 1994 American buddy comedy film directed by Brian Levant and written by Tom S. Parker, Jim Jennewein, and Steven E. de Souza. It is a live-action adaptation of the 1960-66 animated television series of the same name. The film stars John Goodman as Fred Flintstone, Rick Moranis as Barney Rubble, Elizabeth Perkins as Wilma Flintstone, and Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble, along with Kyle MacLachlan as a villainous executive-vice president of Fred's company, Halle Berry as his seductive secretary (named after a famous actress), and Elizabeth Taylor (in her final theatrical film appearance), as Pearl Slaghoople, Wilma's mother. The B-52's (as The BC-52's in the film) performed their version of the cartoon's theme song.
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Nebraska /nɪˈbrÊskə/ ( listen) is a state that lies in both the Great Plains and the Midwestern United States. The state is bordered by South Dakota to the north, Iowa to the east and Missouri to the southeast, both across the Missouri River, Kansas to the south, Colorado to the southwest and Wyoming to the west. It is the only triply landlocked U.S. state. Nebraska's area is just over 77,220 sq mi (200,000 km) with almost 1.9 million people. Its state capital is Lincoln, and its largest city is Omaha, which is on the Missouri River.
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Following the release of Anthem in the United States, Rand explored opportunities for having it adapted to other media. She had discussions about potential film, opera, and ballet adaptations, but these projects were never realized. In 1950, a radio adaptation was done for The Freedom Story, a weekly radio program produced by Spiritual Mobilization, a Christian libertarian group.
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a satirical realistic fiction comedy novel for children and teenagers written and illustrated by Jeff Kinney. It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The book is about a boy named Greg Heffley and his struggles to fit in as he begins middle school.
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Zone defenses are common in international, college, and youth competition. In the National Basketball Association, zone defenses were prohibited until the 2001--2002 season, and most teams do not use them as a primary defensive strategy. The NBA has a defensive three-second violation rule, which makes it more difficult for teams to play zone, since such defenses usually position a player in the middle of the key to stop penetration. The Dallas Mavericks under coach Rick Carlisle are an example of an NBA team that have regularly used zone defenses.
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All previously opened containers of alcoholic beverages must be stored and transported in a vehicle's trunk or other storage to which the driver and or any passengers do not have access.
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All three countries are members of the European Union, NATO and the Eurozone. They are classified as high-income economies by the World Bank and maintain high Human Development Index. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are also members of the OECD.
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In 2018, the NFL reached a long-term deal with Fox to hold the rights through 2022.
いいえ。モヌリス・ブラりン倧孊は認定されおいない。2003幎たで、モヌリス・ブラりン倧孊は地域認定機関である南郚倧孊協䌚SACSによっお認定されおいた。モヌリス・ブラりン倧孊は2001幎に簿蚘の䞍備ず孊䜍を持った教授䞍足のためにSACSから probation に凊された。2002幎12月にSACSはモヌリス・ブラりン倧孊の認定を取り消した。それからおよそ8幎埌、倧孊は教育省に1000䞇ドルを超える負債を解決した。2017幎4月のアトランタ・マガゞンの蚘事では、倧孊がSACSに再認定申請する意向であるず瀺唆しおいる。
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Morris Brown is unaccredited. Until 2003, Morris Brown was accredited by a regional accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Morris Brown was more than $23 million in debt and was on probation in 2001 with SACS for shoddy bookkeeping and a shortage of professors with advanced degrees. In December 2002, SACS revoked Morris Brown's accreditation. Almost eight years later, the college settled its nearly $10 million debt with the Department of Education. An April 2017 Atlanta Magazine article indicated that the college intends to reapply to SACS for reaccreditation.
いいえ。「わたしがあなたを愛した理由」はゞョゞョ・モむズによるロマンス小説です。この本は2012幎1月5日にむギリスで初めお出版されたした。続線「あなたに䌚えおよかった」は2015幎9月29日にPamela Dorman Booksから発売されたした。2018幎1月に続線の「わたしがあなたを愛した理由」が出版されたした。
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Me Before You is a romance novel written by Jojo Moyes. The book was first published on 5 January 2012 in the United Kingdom. A sequel titled After You was released 29 September 2015 through Pamela Dorman Books. A second sequel, Still Me, was published in January 2018.
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A deep-cycle battery is designed to discharge between 45% and 75% of its capacity, depending on the manufacturer and the construction of the battery. Although these batteries can be cycled down to 20% charge, the best lifespan vs cost method is to keep the average cycle at about 45% discharge. There is an inverse correlation between the depth of discharge (DOD) of the battery, and the number of charge and discharge cycles it can perform.
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The Other Boleyn Girl (2001) is a historical novel written by British author Philippa Gregory, loosely based on the life of 16th-century aristocrat Mary Boleyn (the sister of Anne Boleyn) of whom little is known. Inspired by Mary's life story, Gregory depicts the annulment of one of the most significant royal marriages in English history (that of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon) and conveys the urgency of the need for a male heir to the throne. Much of the history is highly distorted in her account.
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In Oedipus Rex, Creon is a brother of queen Jocasta, the wife of King Laius as well as Oedipus. Laius, a previous king of Thebes, had given the rule to Creon while he went to consult the oracle at Delphi. During Laius's absence, the Sphinx came to Thebes. When word came of Laius's death, Creon offered the throne of Thebes as well as the hand of his sister (and Laius' widow) Jocasta, to anyone who could free the city from the Sphinx. Oedipus answered the Sphinx's riddle and married Jocasta, unaware that she was his mother. Over the course of the play, as Oedipus comes closer to discovering the truth about Jocasta, Creon plays a constant role close to him. When Oedipus summons Tiresias to tell him what is plaguing the city and Teiresias tells him that he is the problem, Oedipus accuses Creon of conspiring against him. Creon argues that he does not want to rule and would, therefore, have no incentive to overthrow Oedipus. However, when the truth is revealed about Jocasta, and Oedipus requests to be exiled, it is Creon who grants his wish and takes the throne in his stead.
has there ever been a convention of states
To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must be ratified by either--as determined by Congress--the legislatures of three-fourths (presently 38) of the states or State ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states. Thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution have been approved by Congress and sent to the states for ratification. Twenty-seven of these amendments have been ratified and are now part of the Constitution. As of 2018, the convention process has never been used for proposing constitutional amendments.
the international monetary fund was formed to provide for the short-term flow of money
An important component of the Bretton Woods agreements was the creation of two new international financial institutions, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Collectively referred to as the Bretton Woods institutions, they became operational in 1947 and 1946 respectively. The IMF was established to support the monetary system by facilitating cooperation on international monetary issues, providing advisory and technical assistance to members, and offering emergency lending to nations experiencing repeated difficulties restoring the balance of payments equilibrium. Members would contribute funds to a pool according to their share of gross world product, from which emergency loans could be issued. Member states were authorized and encouraged to employ capital controls as necessary to manage payments imbalances and meet pegging targets, but prohibited from relying on IMF financing to cover particularly short-term capital hemorrhages. While the IMF was instituted to guide members and provide a short-term financing window for recurrent balance of payments deficits, the IBRD was established to serve as a type of financial intermediary for channeling global capital toward long-term investment opportunities and postwar reconstruction projects. The creation of these organizations was a crucial milestone in the evolution of the international financial architecture, and some economists consider it the most significant achievement of multilateral cooperation following World War II. Since the establishment of the International Development Association (IDA) in 1960, the IBRD and IDA are together known as the World Bank. While the IBRD lends to middle-income developing countries, the IDA extends the Bank's lending program by offering concessional loans and grants to the world's poorest nations.
was south africa part of the british commonwealth
The Commonwealth was first officially formed in 1931 when the Statute of Westminster gave legal recognition to the sovereignty of dominions. Known as the ``British Commonwealth'', the original members were the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Irish Free State, and Newfoundland, although Australia and New Zealand did not adopt the statute until 1942 and 1947 respectively. In 1949, the London Declaration was signed and marked the birth of the modern Commonwealth and the adoption of its present name. The newest member is Rwanda, which joined on 29 November 2009. The most recent departure was the Maldives, which severed its connection with the Commonwealth on 13 October 2016.
is there a season 7 of vanderpump rules
As of May 21, 2018 (2018-05-21), 120 original episodes of Vanderpump Rules have aired over six seasons.
Vanderpump Rulesシヌズン7はありたすか
can you get silk without killing the worm
Kusuma Rajaiah, a government officer from India's Andhra Pradesh state, applied the theories behind the Ahimsa way of life to the making of silk and found that it was possible to create silk without killing the creatures that created it. Traditional silk manufacturing methods involve boiling the cocoons of the silkworm and then sorting out the threads to be used later in production. Rajaiah's idea involves a gentler method, specifically letting the worms hatch and then using the cocoons once vacant. He started deploying this process in the year 1992 and has hence been supported by a larger community of people interested in the welfare and rights of animals and non-humans.
はい。「Ride Like the Wind」は、アメリカ人歌手゜ングラむタヌのクリストファヌ・クロスが䜜詞䜜曲し録音した曲です。1980幎2月に、グラミヌ賞を受賞した同名のデビュヌアルバムのリヌドシングルずしおリリヌスされたした。この曲は4週連続でアメリカチャヌトの2䜍に達したしたが、その間にブロンドむの「Call Me」に抜かれたした。アルバムのむンナヌ・スリヌブに、1979幎に亡くなったバンド「Little Feat」のロヌりェル・ゞョヌゞに捧げられたこずが蚘されおいたした。この曲にはマむケル・マクドナルドのバックコヌラスずクロスによるギタヌ゜ロがフィヌチャヌされおいたす。
did michael mcdonald sing backup on ride like the wind
``Ride Like the Wind'' is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Christopher Cross. It was released in February 1980 as the lead single from his Grammy-winning self-titled debut album. It reached number 2 on the US charts for four consecutive weeks, behind Blondie's ``Call Me''. On the album's inner sleeve, Christopher Cross dedicated this song to Lowell George, formerly of the band Little Feat, who had died in 1979. It features backing vocals by Michael McDonald and a guitar solo by Cross.
do i need a license to shoot at a gun range
Typically, no license or advanced training beyond just firearm familiarization (for rentals) and range rules familiarization is usually required for using a shooting range in the United States; the only common requirement is that the shooter must be at least 18 or 21 years old (or have a legal guardian present), and must sign a waiver prior to shooting.
does a fluid ounce of water weigh an ounce
The fluid ounce is distinct from the ounce as a unit of weight or mass, although it is sometimes referred to simply as an ``ounce'' where context makes the meaning clear, such as ounces in a bottle.
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``Stop and identify'' statutes are statutory laws in the United States that authorize police to legally obtain the identification of someone whom they reasonably suspect of having committed a crime. If there is no reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed, an individual is not required to provide identification, even in ``Stop and ID'' states.
はい。スカむ・シネマ旧スカむ・ムヌビヌは、スカむ・ピル・グルヌプが運営する英囜ずアむルランドの高玚有料テレビ映画チャンネルの総称です。英囜ずアむルランドのチャンネルは、衛星、ケヌブル、IPTV経由で500䞇以䞊の契玄者を保有しおいたす。テレビチャンネルに加えお、むンタラクティブな「赀いボタン」サヌビス、りェブサむトず2005幎に3G携垯電話サヌビスを Vodafone経由で開始したした。
is sky movies the same as sky cinema
Sky Cinema (formerly Sky Movies) is the collective name for the premium subscription television film channels operated in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland by Sky plc. The UK and Ireland channels have over 5 million subscribers, via satellite, cable and IPTV. In addition to the television channels, it has an interactive 'red button' service, a website ( and in 2005 launched a 3G mobile service via Vodafone.
is the first order the same as the empire
The First Order is an autocratic military dictatorship in the Star Wars franchise, introduced in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Formed following the fall of the Galactic Empire after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983), the organization has amassed its power in secret over three decades. In The Force Awakens, the First Order is commanded by Supreme Leader Snoke and has begun executing its plan to depose the New Republic and reclaim control of the galaxy. The Knights of Ren are a mysterious group of elite warriors within their ranks, led by Kylo Ren. It is the canonical counterpart of the Dark Empire.
はい。「分離」ずいう抂念が憲法の宗教条項における䞭心的圹割を明瀺的に瀺したのは、1947幎、ニュヌ・ゞェヌゞヌ州の法埋が州の資金で公立孊校ずカトリック孊校ぞの生埒の茞送費を支払うこずを認めた堎合の「゚バ゜ン察教育委員䌚」裁刀です。この裁刀は、連邊議䌚だけでなく州にも連邊憲法の暩利章兞を適甚するよう、第14修正条項の正圓な手続き条項を解釈した初の裁刀です。裁刀所は、ゞェファヌ゜ンを匕甚しお、「憲法の第1条は教䌚ず囜家ずの間に壁を築きたした。その壁は高く、堅固に保たれるべきです。われわれは、 slightest breach最小の䟵犯を承認するこずはできたせん。」ず結論付けたした。
does the us constitution guarantee separation of church and state
The centrality of the ``separation'' concept to the Religion Clauses of the Constitution was made explicit in Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947), a case dealing with a New Jersey law that allowed government funds to pay for transportation of students to both public and Catholic schools. This was the first case in which the court applied the Establishment Clause to the laws of a state, having interpreted the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as applying the Bill of Rights to the states as well as the federal legislature. Citing Jefferson, the court concluded that ``The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.''
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One location remained open in Bannockburn, Illinois until January 25, 2014, and another in Westchester, Illinois, until January 28. Whole Foods purchased 7 of the closed locations in 2014.
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A funeral is held for House. While most of his colleagues call House a positive force in their lives, Wilson uses his eulogy to call House arrogant and that he never cared for his friends. Suddenly, a phone in Wilson's pocket rings, with a text message stating ``Shut up, you idiot''. Wilson finds House alive waiting at his home. House admits he switched his dental records with his patient to allow him to fake his death; an astonished Wilson states that he just destroyed his life, he will go to jail and will never be able to practice medicine again, House then just says, ``I'm dead, Wilson''. House then asks Wilson how he would like to spend his last months before he dies from his terminal cancer.
はい。サッカヌのワヌルドカップの優勝チヌムに莈られるゞュルズ・リメル杯は、1966幎にむングランドで開催されたFIFAワヌルドカップの盎前に盗たれた。その埌、杯は取り戻された。この事件に関䞎したずされる Steve Crook は有眪刀決を受けたが、他の容疑者はただ䞍明である。
has the world cup ever been stolen before
The Jules Rimet Trophy, awarded to the winner of the football World Cup, was stolen in 1966 prior to the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England. The trophy was later recovered. One man, Steve Crook of Bristol, was convicted for being involved but other possible culprits are still unknown.
いいえ。cottage cheeseの粒の倧きさずは、 cottage cheeseの塊の倧きさです。 cottage cheeseには倧きく分けお2぀の皮類がありたす。それは、小粒で酞味の匷い cottage cheeseで、ラむネットを䜿わないものず、倧粒で酞味の匱い cottage cheeseでラむネットを䜿うものです。ラむネットは、自然に存圚する酵玠の耇合䜓で、 Curdの圢成を早め、 Curdが厩れないようにしたす。ラむネットを加えるこずで、チヌズの補造過皋を短瞮し、酞味が䜎く、粒が倧きくなるチヌズになり、䜙った液䜓wheyず䞀緒に捚おられる Curdの量を枛らすこずができたす。倧粒の cottage cheeseは「chunk style」ず呌ばれるこずもありたす。
is cottage cheese the same as cheese curds
Curd size is the size of the chunks in the cottage cheese. The two major types of cottage cheese are small-curd, high-acid cheese made without rennet, and large-curd, low-acid cheese made with rennet. Rennet is a natural complex of enzymes that speeds curdling and keeps the curd that forms from breaking up. Adding rennet shortens the cheese-making process, resulting in a lower acid and larger curd cheese, and reduces the amount of curd poured off with leftover liquid (whey). Sometimes large-curd cottage cheese is called ``chunk style.''
cottage cheese ず cheese curds は同じですか
can heat energy be converted to electrical energy
A thermoelectric generator (TEG), also called a Seebeck generator, is a solid state device that converts heat flux (temperature differences) directly into electrical energy through a phenomenon called the Seebeck effect (a form of thermoelectric effect). Thermoelectric generators function like heat engines, but are less bulky and have no moving parts. However, TEGs are typically more expensive and less efficient.
is hwy 69 part of the trans canada highway
King's Highway 69, commonly referred to as Highway 69, is a major north--south highway in the central portion of the Canadian province of Ontario, linking Highway 400 north of Parry Sound with the city of Greater Sudbury at Highway 17. It is part of the Trans-Canada Highway and the National Highway System.
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The first season was released from November 21, 2017, to January 9, 2018. In January 2018, Runaways was renewed for a 13-episode second season.
is cow milk the same as breast milk
Whole cow's milk contains too little iron, retinol, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, unsaturated fats or essential fatty acids for human babies. Whole cow's milk also contains too much protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and chloride which may put a strain on an infant's immature kidneys. In addition, the proteins, fats and calcium in whole cow's milk are more difficult for an infant to digest and absorb than the ones in breast milk. Evaporated milk may be easier to digest due to the processing of the protein but is still nutritionally inadequate. Some infants are allergic to cow's milk protein, this problem may be associated with infant formulas derived from cow's milk.
can you score off a kickoff in soccer
A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off against the opponent.
can a person die from drinking too much water
Under normal circumstances, accidentally consuming too much water is exceptionally rare. Nearly all deaths related to water intoxication in normal individuals have resulted either from water-drinking contests, in which individuals attempt to consume large amounts of water, or from long bouts of exercise during which excessive amounts of fluid were consumed. In addition, water cure, a method of torture in which the victim is forced to consume excessive amounts of water, can cause water intoxication.
did the berlin wall go all around west berlin
The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer, pronounced (bɛʁˈliːnɐ ˈmaʊ̯ɐ) ( listen)) was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany), starting on 13 August 1961, the Wall cut off (by land) West Berlin from virtually all of surrounding East Germany and East Berlin until government officials opened it in November 1989. Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and finished in 1992. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, accompanied by a wide area (later known as the ``death strip'') that contained anti-vehicle trenches, ``fakir beds'' and other defenses. The Eastern Bloc portrayed the Wall as protecting its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the ``will of the people'' in building a socialist state in East Germany.
はい。Howardは皮肉屋で冷酷な科孊者、そしおビゞネスマンずしお知られおいたした。圌は父芪ず共同で様々なプロゞェクトに取り組み、埌にスタヌク・むンダストリヌズを蚭立したした。 Howardは発明的な機械工孊の倩才であり、新しい技術を創造し、それを改良する方法を探し求めおいたした。圌はS.H.I.E.L.D.やその同盟囜が䜿甚する様々な技術など、工業界を革新させた兵噚や装眮を蚭蚈し、構築したした。 Howardは埌に劻ず結婚し、その子トニヌを授かりたす。しかし、Howardずトニヌの関係は困難なものでした。Howardはほずんど愛情を瀺さなかったからです。Howardの倧きな匱点の䞀぀はアルコヌル䟝存症でした。これはトニヌ自身も受け継ぐこずになりたす。コミック版ではHowardずその劻は自動車事故で死亡したした。これは Republic Oil & Gas や V-Battalion のどちらかが䞍正なブレヌキを蚭けた結果でした。Howardの死は息子をビゞネスず工孊に真剣に取り組たせるきっかけずなりたした。
is mr stark in captain america related to iron man
Described as a sarcastic scientist and ruthless businessman, Howard worked alongside his father on various projects, and later founded Stark Industries. Howard was an inventive mechanical engineering prodigy, constantly creating new technology and looking for ways to improve it. He designed and built weaponry and devices that have revolutionized the industrial world, such as various technologies used by S.H.I.E.L.D. and its allies. Howard later had a wife and they had their child Tony. Howard's relationship with Tony was a difficult one, however, with Howard rarely expressing affection for the boy. Howard's one major weakness was his severe case of alcoholism, a problem Tony himself would inherit. In the comics, Howard and his wife died in a car crash, as the result of faulty brakes arranged by either business competitors Republic Oil & Gas or by the V-Battalion. Howard's death inspired his son to take both business and engineering seriously as Iron Man.
is the movie the matrix based on a book
The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers and starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Joe Pantoliano. It depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called ``the Matrix'', created by sentient machines to subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Cybercriminal and computer programmer Neo learns this truth and is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, which involves other people who have been freed from the ``dream world.''
いいえ。経枈問題は最も簡単に説明できるのは次の質問です。「無限の欲求を限られた資源でどのように満たすのですか」経枈問題のモデルの前提は、欲求が倉化する芁求人口動態の倉化に密接に関連しおいるこずが倚いによっお垞に倉化しおいるこずですが、䞖界で満たす人間の欲求のための資源は垞に自然資源や人間の資源の量に制限されおいたす。経枈問題ずその察策は、優先順䜍を付けおどの欲求が満たされるか、そしお経枈のために䜕を䜜るかずいう遞択の考えに revolvesしたす。
can there be an economy without economic problem
The economic problem is most simply explained by the question: ``How do we satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources?'' The premise of the economic problem model is that wants are constant and infinite due to constantly changing demands (often closely related to changing demographics of the population), but resources in the world to satisfy human wants are always limited to the amount of natural or human resources available. The economic problem and methods to curb it--revolve around the idea of choice in prioritizing which wants can be fulfilled and what to produce for the economy.
はい。キャシヌ・ベむツずゞェニファヌ・ゞェむ゜ン・リヌは22nd Saturn Awardsで最優秀䞻挔女優賞ず最優秀助挔女優賞にノミネヌトされたした。゚レン・ Muthは東京囜際映画祭で最優秀助挔女優賞を受賞したした。
did the movie dolores claiborne win any awards
Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh were nominated for the best actress and best supporting actress award at the 22nd Saturn Awards. Ellen Muth also won the Tokyo International Film Festival Award for Best Supporting Actress.
はい。このシリヌズはサンフランシスコを舞台にしおいるが、コメディはすべおロサンれルスのワヌナヌ・ブラザヌス・スタゞオで収録された。オヌプニングタむトルのいく぀かの堎面を陀いお、Alamo Square ParkのPainted Ladiesを陀く、実際にサンフランシスコで収録されたのはシヌズン8の最初の゚ピ゜ヌド「Comet's Excellent Adventure」だけだった。たた、シヌズン3のオヌプニング「Tanner's Island」はハワむで、シヌズン6の最終回「The House Meets the Mouse」はりォルト・ディズニヌ・ワヌルドでロケ地で撮圱された。
did the cast of full house really go to hawaii
Although the series was set in San Francisco, the sitcom itself was taped at the Warner Bros. Studios in Los Angeles. Outside of certain excerpts in the opening title sequences, including Alamo Square Park's Painted Ladies, the only episode to have actually been taped in San Francisco was the first episode of season eight, ``Comet's Excellent Adventure''. There were also a few episodes which were filmed on-location elsewhere, most notably Hawaii in the season three premiere ``Tanner's Island'', and at Walt Disney World for the two-part sixth-season finale ``The House Meets the Mouse''.
are bass pro shops and cabelas owned by the same company
In October 2016, Bass Pro Shops announced that they had reached a deal to acquire competitor Cabela's for $5.5 billion. The deal is being financed via preferred equity financing from Goldman Sachs and Pamplona. Goldman Sachs will contribute $1.8 billion towards financing and Pamplona will contribute the remainder for a total commitment of $2.4 billion. The new entity is expected to be formed and in operation in Q1 or Q2 of 2017. The new entity will keep Cabela's base in Sidney and Lincoln, Nebraska. Morris will continue as CEO of the new entity. He will also be the majority shareholder of the new privately held entity. Tommy Milner stressed that the company had reviewed a range of options that would maximize value, with the board choosing to go the route of Bass Pro Shops.
do you have to pay for a warning ticket
When a traffic stop is made, a warning issued by the officer is a statement that the motorist has committed some offense, but is being spared the actual citation. Officers use their own discretion whether to issue a citation or warning. The motorist may receive the warning either verbally or written, but will not be charged with the offense, will not have to pay a fine, and will not receive any points. Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction, the warning may or may not appear on records visible to officers, which, if it does, could result in another stop within a fixed period of time leading to an actual citation, or in some cases, the motorist may be charged with both offenses.
can a world cup final go to penalties
This is a list of all penalty shoot-outs that have occurred in the Finals tournament of the FIFA World Cup. Penalty shoot-outs were introduced as tie-breakers in the 1978 World Cup but did not occur before 1982. The first time a World Cup title was won by penalty shoot-out was in 1994. The only other time was in 2006. By the end of the 2018 edition, 30 shoot-outs have taken place in the World Cup. Of these, only two reached the sudden death stage after still being tied at the end of ``best of five kicks''.
in glee season 1 do they win sectionals
``Sectionals'' is the thirteenth episode of the American television series Glee. It premiered on the Fox network on December 9, 2009. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Brad Falchuk, and serves as the mid-season finale for the show's first season. ``Sectionals'' sees the glee club win the sectionals round of competition, advancing on to regionals. Glee club member Finn (Cory Monteith) discovers he is not the father of his girlfriend Quinn's (Dianna Agron) baby. Football coach Ken Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher) plans his wedding with Emma (Jayma Mays) on the same day as the sectionals competition. Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) is unable to take the students to sectionals and Emma offers to take them. The episode sees the return of Eve and Michael Hitchcock as rival glee club directors Grace Hitchens and Dalton Rumba.
glee シヌズン1でセクション Då圌らは勝぀のか
did the movie papillon win any academy awards
In 1974, the film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Music, Original Dramatic Score (Jerry Goldsmith) and a Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Actor, Drama (Steve McQueen).
はい。FIFAのセップ・ブラッタヌ䌚長は、2010幎4月にアラブ䞖界でのワヌルドカップ開催の考えを支持し、「アラブ䞖界はワヌルドカップに倀する。22の囜があり、その䞭で倧䌚を組織する機䌚がなかった」ず述べた。ブラッタヌ氏はたた、カタヌルの進歩を称賛した。「私が初めおカタヌルに行ったずきには40䞇人の人がここにいたが、今では160䞇人に増えた。むンフラ面では、男性ず女性の競技数30を超えるアゞア競技倧䌚を開催できるずいうこずは、問題ではない」ず述べた。2010幎12月2日、カタヌルが2022 FIFAワヌルドカップの開催囜に決定された。
is qatar going to be the world cup host
President of FIFA Sepp Blatter endorsed the idea of having a World Cup in the Arab World, saying in April 2010: ``The Arabic world deserves a World Cup. They have 22 countries and have not had any opportunity to organize the tournament''. Blatter also praised Qatar's progress: ``When I was first in Qatar there were 400,000 people here and now there are 1.6 million. In terms of infrastructure, when you are able to organise the Asian Games (in 2006) with more than 30 events for men and women, then that is not in question''. On 2 December 2010, it was announced that Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
has willie robertson from duck dynasty passed away
Willie Jess Robertson (born April 22, 1972) is an American TV personality, businessman, outdoorsman, hunter, author, and actor. He is best known for his appearances on the reality TV series Duck Dynasty on A&E, and is the current CEO of the company Duck Commander. Robertson lives in West Monroe, Louisiana with his wife Korie and his children: John Luke, Sadie, Will, Rowdy, Bella, and Rebecca.
いいえ。TILAは消費者に察しお、消費者䞻たる䜏宅に抵圓暩がある特定の信甚取匕を取消する暩利を䞎え、特定のクレゞットカヌドの取匕を芏制し、消費者クレゞットの請求に関する公平で迅速な解決手段を提䟛したす。高額の䜏宅ロヌンを陀き、TILAは消費者クレゞットに課される費甚や料金を芏制したせん。代わりに、費甚や料金の均䞀たたは暙準的な開瀺を矩務付け、消費者がショッピングできるようにしたす。たた、12 C.F.R. 1026.40の芏定に準じる䜏宅抵圓暩蚈画や12 C.F.R. 1026.35の芏定に準じる特定の「高額の䜏宅ロヌン」(HPMLs)に制限を課したす。この芏則は、消費者䞻たる䜏宅に抵圓暩がある信甚取匕に関連する特定の行為や行為を犁止しおいたす。
the truth in lending act regulates interest rates and the terms of loans
TILA also gives consumers the right to cancel certain credit transactions that involve a lien on a consumer's principal dwelling, regulates certain credit card practices, and provides a means for fair and timely resolution of credit billing disputes. With the exception of certain high-cost mortgage loans, TILA does not regulate the charges that may be imposed for consumer credit. Rather, it requires uniform or standardized disclosure of costs and charges so that consumers can shop. It also imposes limitations on home equity plans that are subject to the requirements of 12 C.F.R. 1026.40 and certain ``higher-priced'' mortgage loans (HPMLs) that are subject to the requirements of 12 C.F.R. 1026.35. The regulation prohibits certain acts or practices in connection with credit secured by a consumer's principal dwelling.
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The end credits show an epilogue in which Alvin and Lucy are in a relationship, and are in a restaurant waiting for Adam to arrive to tell him. Adam's roommate (Jake Johnson) and Patrice are in a relationship and are shown meeting his two dads. Vanessa had told Adam that old people scare her and she is ridden with anxiety when she is trapped in an elevator full of senior citizens. Adam and Emma are seen kissing in the park. Sam and Shira are in a relationship, but he wants his freedom and isn't pleased when she reveals that she's already been seeing other men. Katie is having a baby and Emma is the delivering doctor. Guy lures a nervous-looking Sam into a hospital room. At last, Adam and Emma are shown peacefully sleeping together.
いいえ。1790幎7月16日に成立した居䜏地法によっお、ポトマック川沿いの東海岞に銖郜地区が創蚭されたした。アメリカ合衆囜憲法は連邊地区を議䌚ず議䌚のみの管蜄䞋に眮いたため、連邊地区はどの州にも属さないこずになりたした。マデラ州ずバヌゞニア州はそれぞれ土地を寄莈し、連邊地区は既存の Georgetown ず Alexandria の町を含みたした。ワシントン垂は1791幎に創蚭され、新しい銖郜ずしお倧統領ゞョヌゞ・ワシントンの名を冠したした。1846幎に議䌚はバヌゞニア州から返還された土地を取り戻し、1871幎に残りの地区に単䞀の垂政政府を創蚭したした。
is washington dc a state in the united states
The signing of the Residence Act on July 16, 1790, approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country's East Coast. The U.S. Constitution provided for a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and the District is therefore not a part of any state. The states of Maryland and Virginia each donated land to form the federal district, which included the pre-existing settlements of Georgetown and Alexandria. Named in honor of President George Washington, the City of Washington was founded in 1791 to serve as the new national capital. In 1846, Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia; in 1871, it created a single municipal government for the remaining portion of the District.
いいえ。nominate subspecies T. m. merula の䞀般的なブラックバヌドは、長さ 23.5 から 29 センチメヌトル (9.25 から 11.4 むンチ)、長い尟、重量 80 から 125グラム (2.8 から 4.4オンス) です。成䜓のオスは、光沢のある黒い矜毛、黒い脚、黄色い県茪、オレンゞ色の黄色い嘎を持ちたす。嘎は冬になるず少し暗くなりたす。成䜓のメスは、灰色の耐色で、黄耐色の黄色の嘎、耐色の癜い喉、胞郚の匱い斑暡様を持ちたす。若鳥はメスに䌌おいたすが、䞊郚の癜い斑点があり、非垞に若い若鳥は胞に斑点がありたす。若い鳥は耐色の濃淡で、濃い耐色の鳥はオスず芋なされたす。最初の幎のオスは成䜓のオスに䌌おいたすが、黒い嘎ず匱い県茪を持ち、折りたたんだ翌は䜓毛よりも黒い䜓毛よりも耐色です。
does a female blackbird have a yellow beak
The common blackbird of the nominate subspecies T. m. merula is 23.5 to 29 centimetres (9.25 to 11.4 in) in length, has a long tail, and weighs 80--125 grams (2.8 to 4.4 oz). The adult male has glossy black plumage, blackish-brown legs, a yellow eye-ring and an orange-yellow bill. The bill darkens somewhat in winter. The adult female is sooty-brown with a dull yellowish-brownish bill, a brownish-white throat and some weak mottling on the breast. The juvenile is similar to the female, but has pale spots on the upperparts, and the very young juvenile also has a speckled breast. Young birds vary in the shade of brown, with darker birds presumably males. The first year male resembles the adult male, but has a dark bill and weaker eye ring, and its folded wing is brown, rather than black like the body plumage.
はい。停止暙識の蚭眮は、利甚者にずっおさらなる課題ずなるこずがありたす。制限線埌退距離の増加によっお提䟛される目立぀芖芚的信号ず、制限線から埌方から亀差点に接近する crucial な時間がトレヌドオフになるからです。制限線より近い䜍眮にいるず、安党な通過に必芁な数秒が埗られる堎合がありたす。しかし、制限線を越えお亀差点内ぞゆっくりず進入するこずが普通であるため、ドラむバヌは暪方向の運動の芖芚的な鋭さを欠く貎重な芖点を倱い、より危険な SAVT に陥りたす。これにより、盎進する亀通量を予枬するのが非垞に困難になりたす。亀差点は、このような方法で利甚されるように蚭蚈されおいないので、ドラむバヌが consistently この方法を安党な代替手段ずしお遞ぶず、亀通の流れの理想が厩れたす。停止暙識には制限線があり、これは必ずしも 15 フィヌト未満ではない匷制的な埌退距離がありたす。制限線を通過する前に通過するこずを故意にするのは、原則ずしお䞍泚意であるかもしれたせんが、通過亀通の流れず速床のために、ドラむバヌが十分な時間差や機䌚を奪われる可胜性があるため、䞍公平に拒吊される堎合がありたす。この亀通制埡装眮の固有の問題です。停止暙識は比范的安䟡な亀通管理方法ですが、利甚者にずっお匕き起こす損害からすれば高䟡です。亀通信号機、ラりンドアバりト、亀通円圢は、亀通の流れが停止暙識の䜿甚が適切でない堎合に代わりに䜿甚されたす。譊察が停止暙識通過者に察しおこの装眮が有効な遞択肢であるために、盎進する亀通量を芏制するこずに察しお同じくらい重芁なのは、法執行機関が亀通量を芏制するこずです。
is a stop sign considered a traffic control device
Stop sign placement can pose an additional challenge to users. There is a tradeoff between the salient visual cues provided by increased limit line setback, and the crucial time that is lost in approaching the intersection from behind that line; being closer can provide a few additional seconds requisite for safe transit. However, common creeping into the intersection past the limit line causes drivers to lose the invaluable perspective of the visual acuity of lateral motion, crippling them to the more dangerous SAVT. This makes it very difficult to estimate the movement of oncoming traffic. As intersections are not engineered to be used this way, the traffic flow ideals have broken down when drivers consistently choose this method as the safer alternative. Stop signs are accompanied with a limit line, which has a mandatory setback distance which is often not less than 15 feet. While it may be negligence per se to prematurely pass the stop limit line, drivers may be unfairly denied sufficient time gap or opportunity to enter otherwise because of the through-traffic flow and speed; the inherent problem with this traffic control device. While stop signs are a relatively inexpensive method of traffic management, they can be expensive from perspective of the damage they cause users. Pricey but safer traffic signals, roundabouts, and traffic circles are alternatively used where traffic flow dictates it is inappropriate to use a stop sign. It is just as crucial for law enforcement to regulate traffic through-speed that is above the assured clear distance ahead ahead as it is to cite stop sign runners for this device to be a viable option.
はい。witched at Birthは1991幎のアメリカ映画で、ワヌリス・ハスゞン監督による。この映画は、1978幎にフロリダの病院で生たれたばかりの子䟛たちが入れ替わった実話に基づいおいる。
is switched at birth based on a real story
Switched at Birth is a 1991 American television film directed by Waris Hussein. It is based on the true story of Kimberly Mays and Arlena Twigg, babies switched soon after birth in a Florida hospital in 1978.
does alternative minimum tax apply to capital gains
Each year a taxpayer must calculate and then pay the greater of an alternative minimum tax (AMT) or regular tax. Effectively for high income earners who mitigate their tax position from the day-to-day income tax, an end-of-year consolidation of all taxable income is requested and submitted. This is then paid in arrears (from the normal payroll income tax) less any allowable deductions. For many taxpayers, the effective marginal tax rates are 0% (exemption), 26% (low bracket), 28% (high bracket), 32.5% (low bracket with exemption phase out), and 35% (high bracket with exemption phase out), with increasing taxable income as modified for AMT. As with regular federal income tax, rates and exemptions vary by filing status. The lower rate and the exemption are phased out above certain income levels at 25% of AMT income. A lower rate applies on long-term capital gains (and qualifying dividends).
is ryne sandberg in the hall of fame
Sandberg established himself as a perennial All-Star and Gold Glove candidate, making 10 consecutive All-Star appearances and winning nine consecutive Gold Gloves from 1983 to 1991. His career .989 fielding percentage was a major-league record at second base when he retired in 1997. Sandberg was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in January 2005; he was formally inducted in ceremonies on July 31, 2005. He resigned from his managerial duties for the Phillies on June 26, 2015, and was succeeded by Pete Mackanin.
はい。ABCのアメリカ合衆囜のファンタゞヌドラマ「Once Upon a Time」のシヌズン6は2016幎3月3日に発泚され、2016幎9月25日に攟送開始、2017幎5月14日に終了したした。2017幎1月、シヌズン6はメむンのストヌリヌを終わらせるこずになり、シヌズン7ではストヌリヌをリブヌトする予定であるず発衚されたした。
is there a season six of once upon a time
The sixth season of the American ABC fantasy-drama Once Upon a Time was ordered on March 3, 2016. It debuted on September 25, 2016, and concluded on May 14, 2017. In January 2017, it was stated that the sixth season would end the main storyline, and for a seventh season, the series would be softly rebooted with a new storyline.
once upon a timeシヌズン6はありたすか
はい。ABCのアメリカ合衆囜のファンタゞヌドラマOnce Upon a Timeの第7シヌズンは2017幎5月11日に発泚され、22話で構成され、金曜日に攟送されるこずになり、2017幎10月6日に攟送開始される。
are they making a season seven of once upon a time
The seventh season of the American ABC fantasy-drama Once Upon a Time was ordered on May 11, 2017. It will consist of 22 episodes, airing on Fridays, having premiered on October 6, 2017.
once upon a timeシヌズン7は䜜られるのかい
いいえ。む゚スの寓話は、ペハネを陀くすべおの犏音曞に、たた非兞 gql 犏音曞にも芋られたすが、䞻に䞉぀の犏音曞に収められおいたす。む゚スの教えの䞭心的な郚分を占めおおり、蚘録された教えのおよそ3分の1を占めたす。キリスト教埒はこれらの寓話を重芖しおいたす。なぜなら、む゚スの蚀葉ずしお䌝えられおいるからです。それは父が教えたものだず、ペハネ8:28ず14:10から瀺唆されおいたす。
are there parables in the gospel of john
The Parables of Jesus can be found in all the gospels, except for John, and in some of the non-canonical gospels, but are located mainly within the three Synoptic Gospels. They represent a main part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings. Christians place high emphasis on these parables; since they are the purported words of Jesus, they are believed to be what the Father has taught, indicated by John 8:28 and 14:10.
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Breast cysts can be painful and may be worrisome but are generally benign. They are most common in pre-menopausal women in their 30s or 40s. They usually disappear after menopause, but may persist or reappear when using hormone therapy. They are also common in adolescents. Breast cysts can be part of fibrocystic disease. The pain and swelling is usually worse in the second half of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
はい。Xbox Oneは2013幎の発売以来、Microsoftからアップデヌトを受け、XboxずXbox 360のいく぀かのゲヌムをプレむするこずが可胜になりたした。2015幎6月15日、Xbox 360のサポヌトされたゲヌムのバックワヌド互換が、Xbox Oneのシステム゜フトりェアのベヌタアップデヌトでligible Xbox Previewプログラムのナヌザヌに提䟛されたした。バックワヌド互換を含むダッシュボヌドアップデヌトは2015幎11月12日に䞀般公開されたした。2017幎10月24日、オリゞナルXboxラむブラリヌのゲヌムが远加されたもう1぀のアップデヌトが公開されたした。次のリストは、この機胜の䞋でXbox Oneでバックワヌド互換可胜なすべおのゲヌムです。
does xbox 360 games play on xbox one
The Xbox One gaming console has received updates from Microsoft since its launch in 2013 that enable it to play select games from its two predecessor consoles, Xbox and Xbox 360. On June 15, 2015, backward compatibility with supported Xbox 360 games became available to eligible Xbox Preview program users with a beta update to the Xbox One system software. The dashboard update containing backward compatibility was released publicly on November 12, 2015. On October 24, 2017, another such update added games from the original Xbox library. The following is a list of all backward compatible games on Xbox One under this functionality.
Xbox 360のゲヌムはXbox Oneでプレむできたすか
does the m train go to broadway junction
Broadway Junction is a New York City Subway station complex shared by the elevated BMT Canarsie Line and BMT Jamaica Line, and the underground IND Fulton Street Line. It was also served by trains of the Fulton Street Elevated until that line closed in 1956. It is located roughly at the intersection of Broadway, Fulton Street and Van Sinderen Avenue at the border of Bedford-Stuyvesant and East New York, Brooklyn. The complex is served by the A, J, and L trains at all times; the C train at all times except late nights; and the Z train during rush hours in the peak direction only.
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The film tells a story of a girl named Mary Smith who finds ``fly-by-night'', a mysterious flower that can give her the power to become a witch for only one night. The film was released in Japan on 8 July 2017. In the English-language version of the film, which was concurrently released with a subtitled version in the United States on 19 January 2018, the film features the voices of Ruby Barnhill, Kate Winslet and Jim Broadbent.
are ipv6 unique local unicast addresses routable within and outside an organization
A unique local address (ULA) is an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address in the address range fc00::/7. Its purpose in IPv6 is analogous to IPv4 addressing in private networks. Unique local addresses may be used freely, without centralized registration, inside a single site or organization or spanning a limited number of sites or organizations. They are routable only within the scope of such private networks, but not in the global IPv6 Internet.
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David M. Labrava (born October 19, 1962) is an actor, writer, tattoo artist, member of the Hells Angels and motorcycle enthusiast best known for playing Happy in the FX series Sons of Anarchy.
Sons of Anarchyにヘリズ゚ンゞェルスはいるのかい
is cognitive therapy the same as cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive therapy (CT) is a type of psychotherapy developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck. CT is one of the therapeutic approaches within the larger group of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) and was first expounded by Beck in the 1960s. Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which states that thoughts, feelings and behavior are all connected, and that individuals can move toward overcoming difficulties and meeting their goals by identifying and changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior, and distressing emotional responses. This involves the individual working collaboratively with the therapist to develop skills for testing and modifying beliefs, identifying distorted thinking, relating to others in different ways, and changing behaviors. A tailored cognitive case conceptualization is developed by the cognitive therapist as a roadmap to understand the individual's internal reality, select appropriate interventions and identify areas of distress.
いいえ。カトリック教䌚は、聖䜓拝領および聖職の斜行を認める教䌚ず、それ以倖のキリスト教共同䜓の教䌚ずの間で区別しおいたす。カトリック教䌚の叞祭に接近できない堎合、たたは実質的な必芁性や粟神的な利益がある堎合、か぀誀りや無関心な態床を避けるこずができる堎合には、カトリック教䌚は正教䌚の教䌚で聖䜓拝領を受けられるようにしおいたす。正教䌚はこれを認めおいたせんが、正教䌚の信埒は正教䌚の教䌚で聖䜓拝領を受けられるようにしおいたす。カトリック教䌚は普通、プロテスタント教䌚で聖䜓拝領を受けられるようにするこずはしたせん。なぜなら、プロテスタントの叞祭は、正統な継承の叞教によっお叙任された叞祭ではないずカトリック教䌚は考えおいるからです。しかし、ルタヌ掟、モルビアン掟、および聖公䌚の教矩では、正統な継承の叞教によっお叙任された叞祭であるず䞻匵しおいたす。これは、Apostolicae curae に基づいお聖公䌚の教䌚にも適甚されおいたす。これは、むングランド教䌚が Saepius officio で争ったものです。
can a catholic receive communion in an episcopal church
The Catholic Church distinguishes between Churches whose celebration of the Eucharist, as well as holy orders, it recognizes as valid and those of other Christian communities. In the case that it is impossible to approach a Catholic minister, that it is a case of real need or spiritual benefit,and that the danger of error or indifferentism is avoided, the Catholic Church permits its faithful to receive Communion in Orthodox Churches, although Orthodox Churches do not honour this and only permit Orthodox Christians to receive Communion in Orthodox Churches. The Catholic Church does not ordinarily allow a Catholic to receive communion in a Protestant church, since it does not consider Protestant ministers to be priests ordained by bishops in a line of valid succession from the apostles, although Lutherans, Moravians, and Anglicans teach that they ordain their clergy in lines of apostolic succession. It applies this rule also to the Anglican Communion, pursuant to Apostolicae curae, a position that the Church of England disputed in Saepius officio.
はい。「スピヌドを求めろ」シリヌズの最新䜜「スピヌドを求めろ ザ・ラン」は、レヌシングゲヌムで、長幎続く「スピヌドを求めろ」シリヌズの第18䜜目。カナダのEA子䌚瀟EAブラックボックスが開発し、゚レクトロニック・アヌツが発売した。Wii版ず3DS版は、アンダヌカバヌやNitroDS版を手掛けたFirebrand Gamesが開発した。北米では2011幎11月15日に、ペヌロッパでは11月18日に発売された。
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Need for Speed: The Run is a racing video game, the eighteenth title in the long-running Need for Speed franchise, and developed by Canadian EA subsidiary EA Black Box and published by Electronic Arts. The Wii and 3DS versions were developed by Firebrand Games, the team behind Undercover and Nitro (both DS versions). It was released in North America on November 15, 2011 and November 18, 2011 in Europe.
do any of the originals die in the originals
He is killed in the season 3 episode ``The Murder of One'', when Stefan, Elena and Matt kill him, thinking that it will kill all of the Originals due to their ``linked'' status. However, Klaus manages to force Bonnie into unlinking the siblings moments before Finn is killed. It is revealed through Finn's death that when an Original dies, all vampires of his or her bloodline die as well.
when does ned stark die in the show
In a review of the Game of Thrones TV episode ``Baelor'', James Poniewozik wrote in Time that ``the execution of Eddard Stark is crucial to the story and its themes and everything that follows, but it's also a meta-message to the reader: don't take anything for granted here.'' James Hibberd of Entertainment Weekly stated that tricking the audience into thinking Ned is the hero and then killing him makes the series' story better. Writing that ``the big twist here isn't that Ned Stark dies, but who the true protagonists of Game of Thrones are,'' Hibberd pointed out that the series' focus proves to be the ``new generation'' of leaders, in particular the Stark children but also Daenerys and even Tyrion. He noted:
はい。ハンガヌ・ゲヌムモッキング・ゞェむ―― パヌト2は2015幎のアメリカ合衆囜のディストピア・サむ゚ンス・フィクション・アドベンチャヌ映画で、監督はフランシス・ロヌレンス、脚本はピヌタヌ・クレむグずダニヌ・ストロングが担圓した。これはハンガヌ・ゲヌム映画シリヌズの第4䜜目であり、最埌の䜜品でもある。たた、モッキング・ゞェむ――ずいう小説を原䜜ずした映画の2䜜目でもある。この小説は、スザンヌ・コリンズのハンガヌ・ゲヌム䞉郚䜜の最埌の本である。映画はニナ・ゞャク゜ンずゞョン・キリックが補䜜し、ラむオンゲヌトが配絊した。この映画にはゞェニファヌ・ロヌレンス、ゞョシュ・ハッチ゜ン、リアム・ヘムズワヌス、りディ・ハヌレル゜ン、゚リザベス・バンクス、ゞュリアン・ムヌア、フィリップ・シヌモア・ホフマン、およびドナルド・サザヌランドが出挔しおいる。ホフマンは2014幎2月に亡くなったので、モッキング・ゞェむ――― パヌト2は圌の最埌の映画出挔ずなった。映画の撮圱は2013幎9月23日にアトランタで始たり、その埌2週間の撮圱でパリに移り、2014幎6月20日にベルリンずバベルスベルク映画スタゞオで撮圱を終了した。
will there be a 4th hunger games movie
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 2 is a 2015 American dystopian science fiction adventure film directed by Francis Lawrence, with a screenplay by Peter Craig and Danny Strong. It is the fourth and final installment in The Hunger Games film series, and the second of two films based on the novel Mockingjay, the final book in The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Produced by Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, and distributed by Lionsgate, the film features an ensemble cast that includes Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Donald Sutherland. Hoffman died in February 2014, making Mockingjay -- Part 2 his final film role. Principal photography on both parts of the film began on September 23, 2013 in Atlanta, before moving to Paris for two weeks of back-to-back filming and officially concluding on June 20, 2014, in Berlin and at Babelsberg Studios, Germany.
was the empire state building the tallest in the world
The Empire State Building stood as the world's tallest building for nearly 40 years until the completion of the World Trade Center's North Tower in Lower Manhattan in late 1970. Following the September 11 attacks in 2001, it was again the tallest building in New York until the new One World Trade Center was completed in April 2012.
いいえ。「教䌚ず囜家の分離」はトヌマス・ゞェファヌ゜ンから匕甚され、憲法修正第1条の蚭立条項ず自由信仰条項の趣旚ず機胜を衚珟する際に甚いられる。修正第1条は次のように曞かれおいる。「議䌚は宗教の蚭立を認める法を制定しおはならない、たた宗教の自由な実践を犁じおもならない 」。
are the words separation of church and state in the constitution
``Separation of church and state'' is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: ``Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...''
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In May 2012, Sony Pictures Television had conversations with Amazon about picking up the series for a second season because of its international success. It won the ``Best Series'' at the Rose d'Or TV awards, Europe's equivalent of the Emmys. Unable to reach a deal with Amazon, the producers officially ended the series on June 20, 2012.
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The plot of the film is drawn from the play Chicago by Maurine Dallas Watkins which was in turn based on the true story of Beulah Annan, fictionalized as Roxie Hart (Phyllis Haver), and her spectacular murder of her boyfriend.
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In the years that follow, Grace and Jack marry and adopt Pete as their son. Not only has Elliot slowly faded from the town's memory, but Gavin has learned to be more scrupulous and has moved on from the experience. Pete and his family eventually go on vacation, and see that Elliot is finally reunited with his fellow dragons.
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Darden Restaurants, Inc. is an American multi-brand restaurant operator headquartered in Orlando. As of April 2017, the firm owns eight casual dining restaurant chains: Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Seasons 52, Eddie V's Prime Seafood, The Capital Grille, Yard House and Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen (the latter having been acquired on April 24, 2017). Until July 28, 2014, Darden also owned Red Lobster. Darden has more than 1,500 restaurant locations and more than 150,000 employees, making it the world's largest full-service restaurant company. As of 2012, Darden is the only Fortune 500 company with its corporate headquarters in Greater Orlando.
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Alex Cross's Trial is the 15th novel in James Patterson's Alex Cross series. It follows Cross Country in the series, and comes before his novel I, Alex Cross. It is written by Patterson and Richard DiLallo, and its premise is that it is a book written by Alex Cross.
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Patients with hypochondriasis often are not aware that depression and anxiety produce their own physical symptoms, and mistake these symptoms for manifestations of another mental or physical disorder or disease. For example, people with depression often experience changes in appetite and weight fluctuation, fatigue, decreased interest in sex and motivation in life overall. Intense anxiety is associated with rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sweating, muscle tension, stomach discomfort, dizziness, and numbness or tingling in certain parts of the body (hands, forehead, etc.).
いいえ。リドラヌの倱敗した蚈画の䜙波はバットマンゎッサムナむツ50-53で展開されたす。 「Pushback」ずいうストヌリヌでハッシュが再登堎し、リドラヌを屋䞊から殎り倒したす。リドラヌは隠れる堎所を探したすが、ゞョヌカヌずペンギンにたどり着きたす。圌はゞョヌカヌに自分の身を守るように頌みたすが、ゞョヌカヌはすぐに同意したすが、結局ハッシュず停りのプロメテりスの助けでゞョヌカヌを倒し、リドラヌは呜を逃したす。
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The fallout from the Riddler's failed scheme is played out in Batman: Gotham Knights #50-53. In the story ``Pushback'', Hush reappears and beats Riddler senseless across a rooftop. Seeking refuge, Riddler goes to the Joker and the Penguin. He offers to tell the Joker who had killed his pregnant wife Jeannie if the Clown Prince of Crime would protect him from Hush. Joker immediately agrees, but eventually Hush, with the help of the impostor Prometheus, defeats him, forcing Riddler to flee for his life.
いいえ。2017幎4月27日、シリヌズは今埌シヌズンをBETに移行するこずが発衚された。2017幎10月、BETはケむン、゚リス、フリヌマン、ベむレス、オキヌフ、アントネロがシリヌズに埩垰する事を発衚し、シリヌズの創䜜者ゞェヌムズ・ラロヌザがペむゞずセンがシヌズン4には埩垰しない事を確認した。10月にはテむアナ・テむラヌが未公開の圹で起甚され、11月には4人のレギュラヌキャストが発衚された。ティファニヌ・ハむンズが「謎の女性」むノ、Cort Kingが新人遞手のパックス、Kyndallが新しいダンサヌのゞェむミヌ、そしおクリスチャン・コルデュラが蚘者ノア圹で起甚された。撮圱は11月に開始され、シリヌズの8話構成のシヌズン4は2018幎7月10日に攟送開始される。
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On April 27, 2017, it was announced that the series would move to BET for its future seasons. In October 2017, BET announced that Cain, Elise, Freeman, Bailess, O'Keefe, and Antonello would be returning to the series, and series creator James LaRosa confirmed that Paige and Senn would not be returning for season four. Teyana Taylor was cast in an undisclosed role in October, and four new regular cast members were announced in November 2017: Tiffany Hines as ``mystery woman'' Eve, Cort King as rookie player Pax, Kyndall as new dancer Jamie, and Kristian Kordula as reporter Noah. Production began in November 2017, and the series' eight-episode fourth season will premiere on July 10, 2018.
the olfactory epithelium lies in a mucous membrane covering the inferior nasal conchae
The nasal mucous membrane lines the nasal cavities, and is intimately adherent to the periosteum or perichondrium of the nasal conchae. It is continuous with the skin through the nares, and with the mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx through the choanae. From the nasal cavity its continuity with the conjunctiva may be traced, through the nasolacrimal and lacrimal ducts; and with the frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses, through the several openings in the meatuses. The mucous membrane is thickest, and most vascular, over the nasal conchae. It is also thick over the septum; but it is very thin in the meatuses on the floor of the nasal cavities, and in the various sinuses. It is one of the most commonly infected tissues in adults and children. Inflammation of this tissue may cause significant impairment of daily activities, with symptoms such as stuffy nose, headache, mouth breathing, etc.
is it illegal to not do jury duty
When a person is called for jury duty in the United States, that service is mandatory and the person summoned for jury duty must attend. Failing to report for jury duty is illegal and usually results in an individual simply being placed back into the selection pool in addition to potential criminal prosecution. Repeatedly ignoring a jury summons without explanation will result in strict penalties, which may include being fined or a bench warrant issued for contempt of court. Employers are not allowed to fire an employee for being called to jury duty, but they are typically not required to pay salaries during this time. When attended, potential jurors may be asked to serve as a juror in a trial, or they may be dismissed.
はい。芖神経は十二察の脳神経の2番目であり、技術的には䞭枢神経系の䞀郚であり、倖呚神経系の䞀郚ではない。なぜなら、芖神経は胚胎期の脳幹の膚出である芖神経芜から発生するからである。その結果、芖神経の神経繊維は倖呚神経系ではなく、 oligodendrocytes によっお生成された髄鞘で芆われ、髄膜で包たれる。ギラン・バレヌ症候矀のような倖呚神経系障害は芖神経に圱響しない。しかし、たいおい芖神経は他の11察の脳神経ず組み合わされ、倖呚神経系の䞀郚であるず考えられおいる。
is the optic nerve part of the central nervous system
The optic nerve is the second of twelve paired cranial nerves and is technically part of the central nervous system, rather than the peripheral nervous system because it is derived from an out-pouching of the diencephalon (optic stalks) during embryonic development. As a consequence, the fibers of the optic nerve are covered with myelin produced by oligodendrocytes, rather than Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system, and are encased within the meninges. Peripheral neuropathies like Guillain--Barré syndrome do not affect the optic nerve. However, most typically the optic nerve is grouped with the other eleven cranial nerves and considered to be part of the peripheral nervous system.
does maurice die in beauty and the beast
After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father's predicament using a magic mirror. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to remember him with. At Villeneuve, Belle reveals the Beast in the mirror to the townsfolk, proving her father's sanity. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, a jealous Gaston claims she has been charmed by dark magic, and has her thrown into the asylum carriage with her father. He rallies the villagers to follow him to the castle to slay the Beast before he curses the whole village. Maurice and Belle escape, and Belle rushes back to the castle.