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does an inside the park home run count as a home runs
In baseball, an inside-the-park home run is a play where a batter hits a home run without hitting the ball out of the field of play. It is also known as an ``in-the-park home run'' or ``in the park homer''.
do you have to turn right at a red light
A turn on red is a principle of law permitting vehicles at a traffic light showing a red signal to turn into the direction of traffic nearer to them (almost always after a complete stop) when the way is clear, without having to wait for a green signal. It is intended to allow traffic to resume moving, with minimal risk provided that proper caution is observed.
can substrate level phosphorylation occur in the absence of oxygen
Unlike oxidative phosphorylation, oxidation and phosphorylation are not coupled in the process of substrate-level phosphorylation, and reactive intermediates are most often gained in the course of oxidation processes in catabolism. Most ATP is generated by oxidative phosphorylation in aerobic or anaerobic respiration while substrate-level phosphorylation provides a quicker, less efficient source of ATP, independent of external electron acceptors. This is the case in human erythrocytes, which have no mitochondria, and in oxygen-depleted muscle.
does switzerland give a gun to every household
Firearms legislation in Switzerland allows the free purchase of semi-automatic, but not fully automatic firearms by Swiss citizens and foreigners with permanent residence. Permits for concealed carrying in public are issued sparingly. The acquisition of fully automatic weapons, silencers and target lasers likewise requires special permits issued by the cantonal firearms office. Use of hollow-point and soft-point ammunition is limited to hunting.
are any of the original power rangers in the new movie
Jason David Frank and Amy Jo Johnson, two of the stars of the original TV series, make cameo appearances as Angel Grove citizens.
はい。同じ動物を2぀の異なる蚀葉で呌ぶこずは混乱を招く可胜性がありたすが、囜際自然保護連合は明確に問題を定矩しおいたす。「䞖界のカリブヌずトナカむは同じ皮のRangifer tarandusずしお分類されおいたす。トナカむはペヌロッパでの名称で、北アメリカではカリブヌず呌ばれたす。」
is a caribou the same thing as a reindeer
The use of the two terms for essentially the same animal can cause confusion, but the ICUN clearly delineates the issue: ``The world's Caribou and Reindeer are classified as a single species Rangifer tarandus. Reindeer is the European name for the species while in North America, the species is known as Caribou.''
is the movie se7en based on a book
The primary influence for the film's screenplay came from Andrew Kevin Walker's time spent in New York City while trying to make it as a screenwriter. ``I didn't like my time in New York, but it's true that if I hadn't lived there I probably wouldn't have written Seven.'' He envisioned actor William Hurt as Somerset and named the character after his favorite author, W. Somerset Maugham.
was the declaration of independence before the revolutionary war
The Lee Resolution for independence was passed on July 2 with no opposing votes. The Committee of Five had drafted the Declaration to be ready when Congress voted on independence. John Adams, a leader in pushing for independence, had persuaded the committee to select Thomas Jefferson to compose the original draft of the document, which Congress edited to produce the final version. The Declaration was a formal explanation of why Congress had voted to declare independence from Great Britain, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, ``The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America'' -- although Independence Day is actually celebrated on July 4, the date that the wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved.
does puerto rico vote in the us presidential election
Voting rights of United States citizens in Puerto Rico, like the voting rights of residents of other United States territories, differ from those of United States citizens in each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. Residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories do not have voting representation in the United States Congress, and are not entitled to electoral votes for President. The United States Constitution grants congressional voting representation to U.S. states, which Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories are not, specifying that members of Congress shall be elected by direct popular vote and that the President and the Vice President shall be elected by electors chosen by the States.
can you hit the backboard on a free throw
Free throws can normally be shot at a high percentage by good players. In the NBA, most players make 70--80% of their attempts. The league's best shooters (such as Steve Nash, Rick Barry, Ray Allen, José Calderón, Stephen Curry, Reggie Miller, Kevin Durant, and Dirk Nowitzki) can make roughly 90% of their attempts over a season, while notoriously poor shooters (e.g. Dwight Howard, DeAndre Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, Andre Drummond, Andris Biedrins, Chris Dudley, Ben Wallace, Shaquille O'Neal, and Dennis Rodman) may struggle to make 50% of them. During a foul shot, a player's foot must be completely behind the foul line. If a player lines up with part of his or her foot on the line, a violation is called and the shot does not count. Foul shots are worth one point.
いいえ。jawsはナニバヌサルスタゞオゞャパンにあるテヌマパヌクのアトラクションです。同名の映画を題材にしおいたす。このアトラクションは、ゲストを乗せたツアヌボヌトに搭乗させ、アミティ枯でのゆったりずしたツアヌを予定しおいたすが、実際はボヌトず非垞に執拗な癜鯚ずの間に远い蟌みの連続になりたす。 jawsはナニバヌサルスタゞオハリりッドにある長幎続く䞖界的に有名なスタゞオツアヌの有名なミニチュアアトラクションの拡匵版で、ナニバヌサルスタゞオゞャパンの倧阪近郊にあるナニバヌサルスタゞオゞャパン、たた以前はナニバヌサルスタゞオフロリダのオヌランドにあったものです。
is there a jaws ride at universal studios hollywood
Jaws is a theme park attraction at Universal Studios Japan. Based upon the films of the same name. The attraction places guests aboard tour boats for what should be a leisurely tour of Amity Harbor, but instead becomes a harrowing chase between the craft and a very determined great white shark. Jaws is an expanded version of a famous miniature attraction on the long-running and world famous Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood, also inspired by the film, and can be found at Universal Studios Japan near Osaka, and formerly, at Universal Studios Florida in Orlando.
will there be a new series of the durrells
A third series was confirmed to be in production by writer Simon Nye at the BFI and Radio Times Television Festival on 8 April 2017. He described the third series as having ``some exotic new animals'', and that production would begin in three weeks' time, upon Keeley Hawes's arrival in Corfu for filming. It will be set in 1937.
はい。ハリケヌン・オヌディはアメリカの歎史䞊最も犠牲者が倚い熱垯サむクロンであり、倧西掋盆地で蚘録されおいる最も匷い6月ハリケヌンでした。急速に発達したこの嵐は、匷力なカテゎリヌ3ハリケヌンずしおルむゞアナ州南西郚に襲い、匷力なハリケヌン・スヌムが海岞地域を砎壊し、内陞たで20マむル32キロたで浞氎したした。幎間のハリケヌンシヌズンで最初の呜名された嵐ずハリケヌンであり、6月24日にカンプチェク湟に移動した熱垯波から発生したした。熱垯開発に理想的な条件にあったオヌディは急速に匷くなり、翌日ハリケヌンになりたした。北に向かっお移動し、アメリカ合衆囜沿岞郚に接近するに぀れお、オヌディはさらに匷くなり加速したした。6月27日、ハリケヌンは最倧颚速125マむル205キロに達し、倧芏暡なハリケヌンになりたした。その時点で、オヌディの最䜎気圧は946ヘクトパスカルミリバヌル; 27.91センチメヌトル氎銀柱でした。同日、オヌディはサビン川ずカマヌロン、ルむゞアナ州の間に同等の匷床で䞊陞し、地域党䜓で前䟋のない砎壊を匕き起こしたした。内陞に入った埌、オヌディは6月29日にりェストバヌゞニア州で倖掋化し、匱たりたした。
did hurricane audrey create a recorded storm surge
Hurricane Audrey was one of the deadliest tropical cyclones in American history and the strongest June hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin. The rapidly developing storm struck southwestern Louisiana as a powerful Category 3 hurricane, destroying coastal communities with a powerful storm surge that penetrated as far as 20 mi (32 km) inland. The first named storm and hurricane of the annual hurricane season, it formed on June 24 from a tropical wave which moved into the Bay of Campeche. Situated within ideal conditions for tropical development, Audrey quickly strengthened, reaching hurricane status a day afterwards. Moving northwards, it continued to strengthen and accelerate as it approached the United States Gulf Coast. On June 27, the hurricane reached peak sustained winds of 125 mph (205 km/h), making it a major hurricane. At the time, Audrey had a minimum barometric pressure of 946 mbar (hPa; 27.91 inHg). The hurricane made landfall at the same intensity between the mouth of the Sabine River and Cameron, Louisiana later that day, causing unprecedented destruction across the region. Once inland, Audrey weakened and turned extratropical over West Virginia on June 29.
いいえ。1968幎にマむアヌズ癟貚店が16店舗のチェヌンを買収し、 Lindsay's Target Pty Ltdず改名し、事業拡倧を目的にした。店舗はタヌゲットず改名され、すぐにオヌストラリア囜内で定着し、3幎以内にビクトリア州、サりスオヌストラリア州、クむヌンズランド州、ニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州に店舗を展開した。ロゎや名称、店舗圢態が䌌おいるが、タヌゲットはアメリカ合衆囜のデパヌトタヌゲットずは資本関係がなかった。1973幎3月に「リンズ」が瀟名から倖れ、タヌゲット・オヌストラリア・ピティ・リミテッドず改名された。
is target australia the same as target usa
In 1968, Myer Emporium Ltd purchased the chain of 16 stores and renamed the company Lindsay's Target Pty Ltd, with an aim to expand the business. With the stores rebranded as Target, it quickly established itself throughout Australia, and within 3 years had stores in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and NSW. Despite the similar logo, name and type of outlets, Target carried no corporate connection to US department store Target. In March 1973, ``Lindsay's'' was dropped from the company name when the business was renamed Target Australia Pty Ltd.
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Cash App (formerly known as Square Cash) is a mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc., allowing users to transfer money to one another using a mobile phone app. As of February 18, 2018, the service recorded 7 million active users.
the system of law in the united states is based on the english common law
At both the federal and state levels, with the exception of the state of Louisiana, the law of the United States is largely derived from the common law system of English law, which was in force at the time of the American Revolutionary War. However, American law has diverged greatly from its English ancestor both in terms of substance and procedure, and has incorporated a number of civil law innovations.
はい。「 Handmaid's Tale 」は、ブルヌス・ミラヌによっお制䜜されたアメリカ合衆囜のディストピアドラマのりェブテレビシリヌズです。これは、1985幎のマガレット・アトりッドの小説「 Handmaid's Tale 」を原䜜ずしおいたす。 Huluのストリヌミングサヌビスで10話分の盎行シリヌズずしお発泚され、2016幎末に撮圱が始たりたした。物語は、第二次アメリカ内戊埌のディストピア未来を描いおいたす。そこでは、統治囜家が「 Handmaid 」ず呌ばれる有産婊を子䟛産む奎隷ずしお匷制したす。
is the handmaid's tale a hulu original
The Handmaid's Tale is an American dystopian drama web television series created by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called ``Handmaids'', into child-bearing servitude.
は Hulu オリゞナルですか
はい。「ビゞネスカゞュアル」の䞀般的な定矩はありたせん。ビゞネスカゞュアルの定矩の1぀は、カキズラパンツ、ズボン、スカヌト、短袖ポロシャツ、長袖シャツを、ゞヌンズ、テニスシュヌズ、タむトなスカヌト、Tシャツ、スりェットシャツは陀くずしおいる。アメリカの倧孊キャリアサヌビスの別の情報源は、ビゞネスカゞュアルは䞭性色で黒、グレヌ、ネむビヌの濃い色調を基本ずし、癜やオフホワむトも含たれるが、衣類はアむロンをかけ、きれいに折り目を぀けるようにず泚意しおいる。トロント倧孊の「成功のための服装」のアドバむスでは、ビゞネスカゞュアルは「スヌツは必芁ない、クラシックで枅朔でたずめられたスタむル」ずたずめられ、ズボン、カキズラパンツ、スカヌト、ブラりス、ポロシャツ、襟付きシャツだがネクタむなし、スりェットシャツ、そしお぀た先が隠れる靎を意味しおいる。カナダの倧孊は、泚意曞きで「クラブやスポヌツの堎では着ない服です カゞュアルずいう蚀葉に惑わされるな。それでもプロフェッショナルに芋えるようにしなければならない」ず述べおいる。
can you wear a polo for business casual
There is no generally agreed definition of ``business casual''. One definition of business casual states that it includes khaki pants, slacks, and skirts, as well as short-sleeved polo shirts and long-sleeved shirts, but excludes jeans, tennis shoes, tight or short skirts, T-shirts, and sweatshirts. Another source, an American university careers service, states that business casual consists of neutral colors more towards the dark shades of black, gray, navy, but can include white and off white, and reminds that the clothing should be pressed and have clean, crisp seams. The ``Dress for Success'' advice from the University of Toronto sums up business casual as ``a classic, clean cut, and put together look where a full suit is not required,'' which means slacks, khakis, or skirts; blouses, polo shirts, or shirts with collar but no necktie; some sweaters; and closed-toe shoes. The Canadian university ends with the warning that ``it is not clothing you would wear to a club or for athletic purposes... Don't let the word casual mislead you. You still need to look professional.''
is morgan stanley part of jp morgan chase
On September 17, 2008, the British evening-news analysis program Newsnight reported that Morgan Stanley was facing difficulties after a 42% slide in its share price. CEO John J. Mack wrote in a memo to staff ``we're in the midst of a market controlled by fear and rumours and short-sellers are driving our stock down.'' The company was said to have explored merger possibilities with CITIC, Wachovia, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Banco Santander and Nomura. At one point, Hank Paulson offered Morgan Stanley to JPMorgan Chase at no cost, but Jamie Dimon refused the offer.
はい。2015幎6月15日、Xbox 360のサポヌトゲヌムずのバックワヌド互換が、ligible Xbox Previewプログラムのナヌザヌに、Xbox Oneのシステム゜フトりェアのベヌタアップデヌトずしお提䟛されたした。バックワヌド互換機胜を含むダッシュボヌドアップデヌトは2015幎11月12日に䞀般公開されたした。以䞋は、この機胜の䞋でXbox Oneず互換性のあるすべおのXbox 360ゲヌムの䞀芧です。
can u play xbox 360 games on an xbox 1
On June 15, 2015, backward compatibility with supported Xbox 360 games became available to eligible Xbox Preview program users with a beta update to the Xbox One system software. The dashboard update containing backward compatibility was released publicly on November 12, 2015. The following is a list of all Xbox 360 games compatible with the Xbox One under this functionality.
Xbox 360のゲヌムをXbox 1でプレむできたすか
do they actually film movies at universal studios
The Tour is the signature attraction at the park, and goes into a working movie studio, with various film sets on the lot. In recent years, guests have sat in multi-car trams for the duration of the ride. The Tour lasts about 45--60 minutes and is led by a live tour guide who can be seen throughout the tram on video screens. It travels through the Front Lot, Backlot and various attractions, passing sets and props from movies along the way.
is the game go the same as othello
In combinatorial game theory terms, Go is a zero-sum, perfect-information, partisan, deterministic strategy game, putting it in the same class as chess, draughts (checkers) and Reversi (Othello); however it differs from these in its game play. Although the rules are simple, the practical strategy is extremely complex.
is it possible to have an online relationship
An internet relationship is a relationship between people who have met online, and in many cases know each other only via the Internet . Online relationships are similar in many ways to pen pal relationships. This relationship can be romantic, platonic, or even based on business affairs. An internet relationship (or online relationship) is generally sustained for a certain amount of time before being titled a relationship, just as in-person relationships. The major difference here is that an internet relationship is sustained via computer or online service, and the individuals in the relationship may or may not ever meet each other in person. Otherwise, the term is quite broad and can include relationships based upon text, video, audio, or even virtual character. This relationship can be between people in different regions, different countries, different sides of the world, or even people who reside in the same area but do not communicate in person.
is the mummy a remake of the mummy
The Mummy is a 2017 American action-adventure film directed by Alex Kurtzman and written by David Koepp, Christopher McQuarrie and Dylan Kussman, with a story by Kurtzman, Jon Spaihts and Jenny Lumet. It is a reboot of The Mummy franchise and the first installment in Universal's planned Dark Universe franchise. The film stars Tom Cruise as a US soldier who accidentally unearths the ancient tomb of an entrapped Egyptian princess (Sofia Boutella). Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, Courtney B. Vance and Russell Crowe also star.
india is the first country to reach mars
The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan (``Mars-craft'', from Sanskrit: à€®à€‚à€—à€² mangala, ``Mars'' and à€¯à€Ÿà€š yāna, ``craft, vehicle''), is a space probe orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014. It was launched on 5 November 2013 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It is India's first interplanetary mission and ISRO has also become the fourth space agency to reach Mars, after the Soviet space program, NASA, and the European Space Agency. It is the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit, and the first nation in the world to do so in its first attempt.
can you fly a flag at half mast
Half-mast or half-staff refers to a flag flying below the summit on a pole. In many countries this is seen as a symbol of respect, mourning, distress, or, in some cases, a salute. Strictly speaking, flags are said to be half-mast if flown from ships and half-staff if on land, although not all regional variations of English use ``half-staff.''
can gibraltar coins be used in the uk
Notes issued are either backed by Bank of England notes at a rate of one pound to one pound sterling, or can be backed by securities issued by the Government of Gibraltar. Although Gibraltar notes are denominated in ``pounds sterling'', they are not legal tender anywhere in the United Kingdom. Gibraltar's coins are the same weight, size and metal as British coins, although the designs are different, and they are occasionally found in circulation across Britain.
Gibraltar coins can be used in the UK
はい。1995幎に創蚭されお以来、ラプタヌズは10回プレヌオフに進出したした2000幎2002幎、2007幎、2008幎、2014幎2018幎、すべお含む最初のラりンドを突砎したのは4回です2001幎、2016幎2018幎。ラプタヌズは5回アトランティック地区を制したした2007幎、2014幎2016幎、2018幎、レギュラヌシヌズンでのフランチャむズ最倚勝利数は59勝です2018幎。ラプタヌズは東地区ファむナルに進出したのは1回だけです2016幎。オヌルスタヌゲヌムに出堎したラプタヌズの遞手は5人いたすノィンス・カヌタヌ、アントニオ・デむビス、クリス・ボッシュ、デマル・デロヌザン、カむル・ Lowry。
have the raptors ever made it to the finals
Since their inception in 1995, the Raptors have made the playoffs ten times (2000--2002, 2007, 2008, and 2014--2018, all inclusive), advancing past the first round four times (2001 and 2016--2018). The Raptors have won the Atlantic Division five times (2007, 2014--2016, and 2018), and the franchise record number of wins in the regular season is 59 (2018). The Raptors advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals only once (2016). Five Raptors have been selected to play in the All-Star game: Vince Carter, Antonio Davis, Chris Bosh, DeMar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry.
はい。2007幎の「Conan O'Brienの深倜番組」でのむンタビュヌで、俳優のB.J.ノバックは、アメリカ垂堎のカダヌビヌ・クリヌム・゚ッグがサむズが小さくなったこずを指摘したした。公匏のカダヌビヌりェブサむトでは、それずは反察に蚀っおいたす。アメリカのカダヌビヌ・クリヌム・゚ッグは圓時34gで150カロリヌでした。2006幎以前、ハヌシヌズが販売しおいた卵は英囜版ず同様で、39gで170カロリヌでした。
did cadburys cream eggs used to be bigger
During an interview a 2007 episode of Late Night with Conan O'Brien, actor B.J. Novak drew attention to the fact that American market Cadbury Creme Eggs had decreased in size, despite the official Cadbury website stating otherwise. American Creme Eggs at the time weighed 34 g and contained 150 calories. Before 2006, the eggs marketed by Hershey were identical to the UK version, weighing 39 g and containing 170 calories.
is himalayan pink salt the same as himalayan sea salt
Although its salt is sometimes marketed as ``Jurassic Sea Salt'', this salt deposit comes from a seabed of the Permian and Cretaceous eras 100 to 200 million years ago. This sea became landlocked and evaporated, leaving a dense salt deposit, colored by a common pink microorganism that had lived in it. Over the next few hundred million years, that deposit was at the border of a continental plate, and was pushed up into a mountain range in Pakistan.
are the paralympic games the same as the special olympics world games
The Paralympic Games are organized in parallel with the Olympic Games, while the IOC-recognized Special Olympics World Games include athletes with intellectual disabilities, and the Deaflympics include deaf athletes.
does christina die in the book of henry
Susan slips away from the talent show and puts the plan into motion. As she is about to pull the trigger, however, she realizes that Henry's plan, though ingenious, is the construct of a child, and that she must act as an adult. She immediately confronts Glenn and tells him that she is going to expose him for what he has done to Christina. Glenn replies that everyone will believe him, not her, and he tells her that he is going to call his police chief to come and bring her in. At the same time, affected by Christina's dance performance at the talent show, Principal Wilder decides to follow through on the abuse accusation and contacts the authorities. Glenn returns home, calls his relative at Social Services, and learns that an investigation is being opened into his abuse of Christina. As the police arrive at his house, Glenn kills himself. Susan legally adopts Christina as her daughter. She also finishes writing one of her children's books, as Henry had urged her to do.
はい。この科には910の属があり、合蚈で玄50皮の皮があり、商業的に重芁なナッツ類の朚であるクルミの朚Juglans、ペカンCarya illinoinensis、ヒッコリヌCaryaが含たれおいたす。ペルシャのクルミの朚は䞖界で最も重芁なナッツ類の䜜物の䞀぀です。クルミ、ヒッコリヌ、ガりリンは貎重な朚材ずしおも䟡倀がありたす。
are pecans and walnuts in the same family
The nine or ten genera in the family have a total of ca 50 species, and include the commercially important nut-producing trees walnut (Juglans), pecan (Carya illinoinensis), and hickory (Carya). The Persian walnut, Juglans regia, is one of the major nut crops of the world. Walnut, hickory, and gaulin are also valuable timber trees.
いいえ。プリンセスずカ゚ルは2009幎のアメリカ合衆囜のアニメヌションミュヌゞカル映画で、りォルト・ディズニヌ・アニメヌション・スタゞオによっお制䜜され、りォルト・ディズニヌ・ピクチャヌズによっお公開された。49番目のディズニヌアニメヌション長線映画であるこの映画は、E. D. ベヌカヌの小説「フロッグ・プリンセス」をベヌスにしおいる。この小説は、グリム兄匟の童話「フロッグ・プリンス」に由来しおいる。脚本ず監督を務めたロン・クレメンツずゞョン・マスケルは、アンむカ・ノニ・ロヌズ、ブルヌノ・カミンス、キヌス・デむノィッド、マむケル・レオン・りヌルリヌ、ゞェニファヌ・コディ、およびゞム・カミングスをフィヌチャヌしたアンサンブルキャストを起甚した。この映画は1920幎代のニュヌオヌリンズを舞台に、勀勉なりェむトレスのティアナが自分のレストランを所有するこずを倢芋おいる物語を描いおいる。邪悪なブヌドゥヌ魔法䜿いによっおカ゚ルに倉えられた王子にキスをしたティアナは、カ゚ル自身になり、遅くずも遅すぎる前に人間に戻す方法を芋぀けなければならない。
is the princess and the frog a broadway musical
The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 49th Disney animated feature film, the film is loosely based on the novel The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker, which is in turn based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale ``The Frog Prince''. Written and directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, the film features an ensemble voice cast that stars Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Michael-Leon Wooley, Jennifer Cody, and Jim Cummings, with Peter Bartlett, Jenifer Lewis, Oprah Winfrey, Terrence Howard, and John Goodman. Set in 1920s New Orleans, the film tells the story of a hardworking waitress named Tiana who dreams of owning her own restaurant. After kissing a prince who has been turned into a frog by an evil voodoo sorcerer, Tiana becomes a frog herself and must find a way to turn back into a human before it is too late.
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It is illegal to sell packaged liquor (off-premises sales) on Sundays. Sales also are prohibited on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Low-point beer for consumption off-premises may not be sold between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
is there such thing as an alligator snapping turtle
The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) is a species of turtle in the family Chelydridae, native to freshwater habitats in the United States. M. temminckii is one of the heaviest freshwater turtles in the world. It is often associated with, but not closely related to, the common snapping turtle, which is in the genus Chelydra. The specific epithet temminckii is in honor of Dutch zoologist Coenraad Jacob Temminck.
is there such a thing as a designated survivor
In the United States, a designated survivor (or designated successor) is an individual in the presidential line of succession, usually a member of the United States Cabinet, who is arranged to be at a physically distant, secure, and undisclosed location when the President, the Vice President, and the other officials in the line of succession are gathered at a single location, such as during State of the Union addresses and presidential inaugurations. This is intended to guarantee continuity of government in the event of a catastrophic occurrence that kills the President and many officials in the presidential line of succession, such as a mass shooting, bombing, attack or catastrophic natural disaster. If such an event occurred, killing both the President and Vice President, the surviving official highest in the line, possibly the designated survivor, would become the Acting President of the United States under the Presidential Succession Act.
can i carry my gun in my car in wisconsin
Beginning November 1, 2011, it is legal to load a handgun, or to transport a loaded handgun cased or uncased, in a vehicle without a license. NOTE: This does NOT apply to long guns; they still must be unloaded, but now may be uncased. There is still some confusion as to whether or not an encased gun is concealed, so if it is cased, best practice is to keep the long gun out of reach. Long guns must be ``discernable to ordinary observation'', since a conceal carry license does not apply. Previously all firearms had to be unloaded & encased (per the transport statute), & out of reach (derived from the concealed carry statute). Those with a concealed carry license may conceal a pistol in a vehicle.
is it possible to have two anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a fast heart rate and shakiness. There are a number of anxiety disorders: including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, and selective mutism. The disorder differs by what results in the symptoms. People often have more than one anxiety disorder.
does the whole state vote for both senators
Elections to the Senate are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years, Election Day, and coincide with elections for the House of Representatives. Senators are elected by their state as a whole. The Elections Clause of the United States Constitution grants each state (and Congress, if it so desires to implement a uniform law) the power to legislate a method by which senators are elected. Ballot access rules for independent and minor party candidates also vary from state to state.
is the last key the last insidious movie
In an interview, Whannell stated that if there is going to be a sequel, he currently doesn't know if he will be the one writing the script. On February 22, 2018, reports came stating that the fifth installment is in developments after the box office success of Insidious: The Last Key.
does will gardner die in the good wife
An old friend of Alicia's, in the pilot he helped her get a job with the firm and is constantly trying to avoid appearing as if he favors her. This is complicated by the fact that the two have feelings for each other. Will and Alicia have an affair beginning at the end of season two. In season three they break up when Alicia's daughter goes missing, and Alicia decides she needs to focus more on her children. He is seen as very much of a ladies' man throughout the series and had various love affairs and girlfriends. Will generally had a good working relationship with Diane Lockhart, his co-managing partner at the firm, and the two demonstrate a shrewd ability to guide their business, even through difficult times. Will plays in a regular pick-up basketball game with other attorneys and judges, and has friendships with the players that are eventually scrutinized. During season three, Will is suspended from practicing law for six months as punishment stemming from an old bribery scandal but returns to the firm in season four. In season five after much planning, Alicia and Cary leave Lockhart & Gardner to start their own firm; Will takes this betrayal personally. In episode 15 of the fifth season, he is shot and killed in the courtroom by his client Jeffrey Grant (played by Hunter Parrish).
はい。氎性 histogramic urticariaは、氎アレルギヌや氎性 histogramic urticariaずしおも知られる、たれに蚺断される物理 histogramic urticariaの䞀皮です。定矩される症状は、氎ずの接觊によっお匕き起こされるかゆみのある皮膚反応です。これは、枩床によらず氎です。これは、他の histogramic urticariaの圢のように真のヒスタミン攟出型のアレルギヌ反応ではありたせん。これは、蒞留氎や医療甚生理食塩氎で再珟されるため、異なる枩床の氎、䟋えば冷氎や熱氎、たたはフッ玠や塩玠などの化孊物質には圱響を受けないようです。
is there such a thing as being allergic to water
Aquagenic urticaria, also known as water allergy and water urticaria, is a rarely diagnosed form of physical urticaria. The defining symptom is a itchy skin reaction resulting from contact with water, regardless of its temperature. It is sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a true histamine-releasing allergic reaction like other forms of urticaria. This seems to not be affected by different temperatures of water, such as cold or hot, or chemicals such as fluorine and chlorine, since it is reproduced with distilled water and medical saline.
はい。「50の修矅」は、英囜の䜜家E.L.ゞェヌムズによるerotic romance「50の修矅」の䞉郚䜜の最終䜜です。䌁業家CEOクリスチャン・グレむの求婚を受け入れたアナスタシア・スティヌヌルは、結婚生掻だけでなく、倫の裕犏な生掻スタむルず支配的な性栌にも慣れなければなりたせん。このペヌパヌバック版は2012幎4月に初めお出版されたした。
is there a 50 shades of grey 3
Fifty Shades Freed is the third and final installment of the erotic romance Fifty Shades Trilogy by British author E.L. James. After accepting entrepreneur CEO Christian Grey's proposal in Fifty Shades Darker, Anastasia Steele must adjust not only to married life but to her new husband's wealthy lifestyle and controlling nature. The paperback edition was first published in April 2012.
is kong skull island part of a series
Kong: Skull Island is a 2017 American monster film directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts and written by Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, and Derek Connolly from a story by John Gatins. The film is a reboot of the King Kong franchise, a prequel to Godzilla, and serves as the second film in Legendary's MonsterVerse. The film stars an ensemble cast consisting of Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, Brie Larson, Jing Tian, Toby Kebbell, John Ortiz, Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Shea Whigham, Thomas Mann, Terry Notary, and John C. Reilly. Set in 1973, the film follows a team of scientists and a US Army unit recently withdrawn from the Vietnam War who travel to an uncharted island in the Pacific and encounter terrifying creatures and the mighty King Kong.
is it possible to heat water above its boiling point
Superheated water is liquid water under pressure at temperatures between the usual boiling point, 100 °C (212 °F) and the critical temperature, 374 °C (705 °F). It is also known as ``subcritical water'' or ``pressurized hot water.'' Superheated water is stable because of overpressure that raises the boiling point, or by heating it in a sealed vessel with a headspace, where the liquid water is in equilibrium with vapour at the saturated vapor pressure. This is distinct from the use of the term superheating to refer to water at atmospheric pressure above its normal boiling point, which has not boiled due to a lack of nucleation sites (sometimes experienced by heating liquids in a microwave).
はい。19番消防眲は、 Stacy McKeeがABCのために制䜜したアメリカのアクションドラマテレビシリヌズです。 McKee、 Shonda Rhimes、 Betsy Beers、 Paris Barclayがシリヌズの補䜜総指揮を務め、シリヌズはグレむズアナトミヌのスピンオフの第2䜜です。シアトルを舞台に、シリヌズはシアトル消防眲19番の男性ず女性の生掻に焊点を圓おおいたす。シリヌズは Shondaland ず ABC Studios で制䜜され、 McKee がショヌランナヌを務めおいたす。
is there a spin off of grey's anatomy
Station 19 is an American action-drama television series created by Stacy McKee for ABC. McKee, Shonda Rhimes, Betsy Beers, and Paris Barclay serve as executive producers on the series, which is the second spin-off to Grey's Anatomy. Set in Seattle, the series focuses on the lives of the men and women at Seattle Fire Station 19. The series is produced by Shondaland and ABC Studios, with McKee serving as showrunner.
is lake superior the second largest lake in the world
Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America. The lake is shared by the Canadian province of Ontario to the north, the US state of Minnesota to the west, and Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the south. It is generally considered the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area. It is the world's third-largest freshwater lake by volume and the largest by volume in North America. The furthest north and west of the Great Lakes chain, Superior has the highest elevation and drains into the St. Mary's River.
does a tornado watch mean there is a tornado
A tornado watch (SAME code: TOA) is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms called a supercell that are capable of producing tornadoes. A tornado watch therefore implies that it is also a severe thunderstorm watch. A tornado watch must not be confused with a tornado warning. In most cases, the potential exists for large hail and/or damaging winds in addition to tornadoes.
can all bay tree leaves be used in cooking
Some members of the laurel family, as well as the unrelated but visually similar mountain laurel and cherry laurel, have leaves that are poisonous to humans and livestock. While these plants are not sold anywhere for culinary use, their visual similarity to bay leaves has led to the oft-repeated belief that bay leaves should be removed from food after cooking because they are poisonous. This is not true; bay leaves may be eaten without toxic effect. However, they remain unpleasantly stiff even after thorough cooking, and if swallowed whole or in large pieces, they may pose a risk of harming the digestive tract or causing choking. There have been cases of intestinal perforations caused by swallowing bay leaves, so unless the leaves in the recipe have been ground they should be removed from the food before serving; otherwise, the risk of a surgical emergency remains. Thus, most recipes that use bay leaves will recommend their removal after the cooking process has finished.
いいえ。5䞖代、27幎モデルの間に、タりンカントリヌの名前は2016幎モデルの終わりに廃止され、2017幎モデルの Chrysler Pacifica minivan に眮き換えられたした。
does chrysler still make the town & country minivan
After five generations and 27 model year runs, the Town & Country nameplate was discontinued at the end of the 2016 model year run and was replaced by the 2017 model-year Chrysler Pacifica minivan.
is the back of the neck an erogenous zone
The neck, clavicle area and the back of the neck are very sensitive in both males and females, which can be stimulated by licking, kissing or light caressing. Some people also like being bitten gently in these areas, often to the point that a ``hickey'', or ``love-bite'' is formed.
is jersey part of the uk royal mail
Since 1969, Jersey and Guernsey have operated postal administrations independently of the UK's Royal Mail, with their own postage stamps, which can be used for postage only in their respective Bailiwicks. UK stamps are no longer valid, but mail to the islands, and to the Isle of Man, is charged at UK inland rates. It was not until the early 1990s that the islands joined the UK's postcode system, Jersey postcodes using the initials JE and Guernsey GY.
いいえ。マン島マン語Ellan Vanninは、むギリスの王宀領であるマン島自治領です。これは、むギリスずアむルランドの島々の間のアむリッシュ海に䜍眮しおいたす。囜王ぱリザベス2䞖で、マン島の領䞻の称号を持ちたす。防衛はむギリスの責任です。
is the isle of man part of great britain
The Isle of Man (Manx: Ellan Vannin (ˈɛljən ˈvanɪn)), also known simply as Mann (/mÊn/; Manx: Mannin (ˈmanɪn)), is a self-governing British Crown dependency in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title of Lord of Mann and is represented by a Lieutenant Governor. Defence is the responsibility of the United Kingdom.
はい。ダンテの展望台からはデスバレヌ盆地の南偎の広倧な景色が芋枡せたす。南偎には30km離れたオりズヘッド山、北偎には50km離れた葬儀山が芋えたす。西偎にはバッドりォヌタヌ盆地越しにパナミント山脈が顕著に itemView.westに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView.eastに itemView
can you see mount whitney from death valley
Dante's View provides a panoramic view of the southern Death Valley basin. To the south, the Owlshead Mountains, 30 km (19 mi) away can be seen, and to the north, the Funeral Mountains 50 km (31 mi) distant, are visible beyond Furnace Creek. To the West, across Badwater Basin, the Panamint Range rises dramatically to Telescope Peak. To the east is found the Greenwater Range. On very clear days, the highest and lowest points in the contiguous 48 states of the United States: Mount Whitney 4,421 m (14,505 ft) high and Badwater −86 m (−282 ft) can be seen.
will there be a sequel to the maze runner
The first film, The Maze Runner, was released on September 19, 2014 and became a commercial success grossing over $348 million worldwide. The second film, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials was released on September 18, 2015, and was also a success, grossing over $312 million worldwide. The film series concluded with the release of the third film, Maze Runner: The Death Cure on January 26, 2018.
can you get 2 yahtzees in a game
If the player throws a Yahtzee and has already filled the Yahtzee box with a score of 50, they score a Yahtzee bonus and get an extra 100 points. However, if they throw a Yahtzee and have filled the Yahtzee category with a score of 0, they do not get a Yahtzee bonus.
does the constitution state you have the right to remain silent
The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself or herself. At trial, the prosecution can neither call the defendant as a witness, nor comment on the defendant's failure to testify. Whether to testify or not is exclusively the privilege of the defendant, although defendants were originally not allowed to testify on their own behalf at all. An 1864 appropriations act allowed defendants to do so while removing race restrictions, and the 1987 Supreme Court case Rock v. Arkansas established a constitutional ``right to take the witness stand.''
do you have to be 18 to buy airsoft guns
Under federal law, airsoft guns are not classified as firearms and are legal for all ages. People under the age of 18 are not permitted to buy airsoft guns over the counter in stores. However, a person of any age may use one (with the permission of their parents, of course, for anyone under 18). This is also the case for the laws in each state. However, in some major cities, the definition of a firearm within their respected ordinances includes propulsion by spring or compressed air, thus making airsoft subject to applicable laws. For example, airsoft guns within the state of California can only be bought by a person above the age of 18. However, no laws indicate an age requirement to sell airsoft guns. Generally speaking, toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms must have an orange tip during shipping and transportation.
is the hundred foot journey based on a book
The Hundred-Foot Journey is a novel written by Richard C. Morais and published in July 2010. It was adapted into a feature film of the same name in 2014.
does puerto rico have a representative in congress
Voting rights of United States citizens in Puerto Rico, like the voting rights of residents of other United States territories, differ from those of United States citizens in each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. Residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories do not have voting representation in the United States Congress, and are not entitled to electoral votes for President. The United States Constitution grants congressional voting representation to U.S. states, which Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories are not, specifying that members of Congress shall be elected by direct popular vote and that the President and the Vice President shall be elected by electors chosen by the States.
is west edmonton mall the biggest mall in the world
West Edmonton Mall (WEM), located in Summerlea, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is the largest shopping mall in North America and the tenth largest in the world (along with The Dubai Mall) by gross leasable area. It was the world's largest mall until 2004. The mall was founded by the Ghermezian brothers, who emigrated from Iran in 1959.
can microbes have symbiotic relationships with other microbes
Symbiotic bacteria are bacteria living in symbiosis with another organism or each other. For example, Zoamastogopera, found in the stomach of termites, enable them to digest cellulose.
do you have to be an all-star to be in the home run derby
Some notable performances in the Derby include Bobby Abreu in 2005, who won the Derby with a then-record 41 homers, including a then-record 24 in the first round. The first-round record was broken in 2008 by Josh Hamilton, who hit 28 home runs. Though Hamilton's performance was notable for the length of his home runs, he ultimately lost to Justin Morneau in a brief final round. The overall record was broken in 2016 by Giancarlo Stanton, who finished with a total of 61 home runs, defeating Todd Frazier in the final round. Only two participants, Yoenis Céspedes and Giancarlo Stanton, have won the Home Run Derby without being selected to the All-Star game itself.
did the new jersey plan suggest only one house of congress
The New Jersey Plan (also known as the Small State Plan or the Paterson Plan) was a proposal for the structure of the United States Government presented by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention on June 15, 1787. The plan was created in response to the Virginia Plan, which called for two houses of Congress, both elected with apportionment according to population. The less populous states were adamantly opposed to giving most of the control of the national government to the more populous states, and so proposed an alternative plan that would have kept the one-vote-per-state representation under one legislative body from the Articles of Confederation. The New Jersey Plan was opposed by James Madison and Edmund Randolph (the proponents of the Virginia state Plan).
はい。人口やGDPの芳点からするず、バヌミンガムはむギリスの2番目の郜垂ずされおきたした。゚ディンバラはスコットランドの銖郜であるこずから、2番目の郜垂ずしお宣䌝されおきたした。りェヌルズず北アむルランドの銖郜であるカヌディフずベルファストは、それらの銖郜郜垂であるこずから、より econó的にはな䞻匵がなされおきたした。さらに、2000幎以降、いく぀かの䞖論調査が行われおおり、この問題をさらに耇雑化させおいたす。䞖論調査の結果は、むギリス囜民の間でマンチェスタヌが2番目の郜垂であるずいう䞀臎した芋解を瀺しおいたす。バヌミンガムは、事実䞊、むギリスで最も人口の倚い郜垂です。ロンドン垂は1䞇人未満の人口しかいないため、ロンドン倧郜垂は郜垂ずしお認められおいたせん。
is birmingham the 2nd largest city in uk
Birmingham has generally been regarded as the second city of the United Kingdom in terms of populace and GDP while Edinburgh has been promoted as the second city by virtue as the capital of Scotland. Less authoratitive claims have been made on behalf of Cardiff and Belfast due to their status as the respective capital cities of Wales and Northern Ireland. Furthermore, a number of opinion polls have been conducted since 2000 and complicate the issue further, with public response showing a consistent view amongst the British population that Manchester is the second city. It should be noted that Birmingham is technically the United Kingdom's most populous city; the City of London has fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, and Greater London is not recognized as a city.
is a provisional license the same as a permit
A driver's permit, learner's permit, learner's license or provisional license, is a restricted license that is given to a person who is learning to drive, but has not yet satisfied the requirement to obtain a driver's license. Having a driver's permit for a certain length of time is usually one of the requirements (along with driver's education and a road test) for applying for a full driver's license. To get a learner's permit, one must typically pass a written permit test, traffic, and rules of the road.
はい。アルファ・ケンタりリは、肉県で芋るず単䞀の星に芋えるが、南の星座ケンタりルスの最も明るい星である。芖等玚が−0.27AずBの等玚から蚈算であるため、これはシリりスずカノプスの次に明るい星である。倜空で最も明るい次の星はアルクトゥルスである。アルファ・ケンタりリは耇数の星系であり、その2぀の䞻芁な星はアルファ・ケンタりリAα Cen Aずアルファ・ケンタりリBα Cen Bである。通垞、これらを区別するために定矩される。AずBの距離よりも遥かに遠い第䞉の䌎星であるプロキシマ・ケンタりリたたはプロキシマたたはα Cen Cは、AB系ず重力的に関連しおいる。地球から芋るず、この星は2぀の䞻芁な星から角距離2.2°離れおいる。もし肉県でα Cen ABを芋るこずができるのであれば、プロキシマ・ケンタりリはそれらず別の星に芋えるだろう。アルファ・ケンタりリABずプロキシマ・ケンタりリは芖芚的な二重星を圢成しおいる。3぀の構成芁玠は䞉重星系を圢成しおおり、二重星芳枬者によっお䞉重星たたは倚重星α Cen AB-Cず呌ばれおいる。
can you see alpha centauri without a telescope
Alpha Centauri is the name given to what appears as a single star to the naked eye and the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus. At −0.27 apparent visual magnitude (calculated from A and B magnitudes), it is fainter only than Sirius and Canopus. The next-brightest star in the night sky is Arcturus. Alpha Centauri is a multiple-star system, with its two main stars being Alpha Centauri A (α Cen A) and Alpha Centauri B (α Cen B), usually defined to identify them as the different components of the binary α Cen AB. A third companion--Proxima Centauri (or Proxima or α Cen C)--is much further away than the distance between stars A and B, but is still gravitationally associated with the AB system. As viewed from Earth, it is located at an angular separation of 2.2° from the two main stars. Proxima Centauri would appear to the naked eye as a separate star from α Cen AB if it were bright enough to be seen without a telescope. Alpha Centauri AB and Proxima Centauri form a visual double star. Together, the three components make a triple star system, referred to by double-star observers as the triple star (or multiple star), α Cen AB-C.
is the lincoln memorial on the national mall
The term National Mall commonly includes areas that are also officially part of neighboring West Potomac Park and Constitution Gardens to the southwest. The term is often taken to refer to the entire area between the Lincoln Memorial on the west and east to the United States Capitol grounds, with the Washington Monument dividing the area slightly west of its midpoint. A smaller designation sometimes referred to as the National Mall (proper) excludes both the Capitol grounds and the Washington Monument grounds, applying only to an area between them.
is there going to be a new season of hell's kitchen
Hell's Kitchen: Rookies vs Veterans is the eighteenth season of the American competitive reality television series Hell's Kitchen and premiered on September 28, 2018, on Fox. Gordon Ramsay returns as host and head chef, and Season 10 winner Christina Wilson and British MasterChef judge James ``Jocky'' Petrie return as the red and blue sous chefs, respectively, alongside maitre'd Marino Monferrato. Season 18 features eight new contestants battling eight returning veterans. For the first time, the winner of Season 18 will receive a position as an executive chef at Gordon Ramsay Hell's Kitchen Restaurant at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
can you drink when your 18 with your parents in wisconsin
The drinking age in Wisconsin is 21. Those under the legal drinking age may be served, possess, or consume alcohol if they are with a parent, legal guardian, or spouse who is of legal drinking age. Those age 18 to 20 may also possess (but not consume) alcohol as part of their employment.
is it legal to shoot fireworks in delaware
The following states allow the sale and use of non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks (also called ``safe and sane'') like novelties, fountains and sparklers, etc.: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia.
はい。2018幎6月21日、ABCが正匏に10話分のスピンオフシリヌズを制䜜するこずを発衚し、タむトルは暫定的に「The Conners」ずするこずが発衚された。このスピンオフシリヌズにはバヌの出挔は含たれおいないが、他のオリゞナルキャスト党員が出挔する予定である。2018幎8月28日、TVlineのマむケル・オヌスむ゚ロが発衚したずころによるず、゚マ・ケニヌ、゚むムズ・マクナマラ、ゞェむデン・レむがスピンオフシリヌズにも出挔する予定である。他の再登堎するキャラクタヌは珟圚未定である。このシリヌズは2018幎10月16日に攟送開始予定である。
is there a new tv show called the connors
On June 21, 2018, it was announced that ABC had officially ordered a 10-episode spin-off tentatively titled The Conners, and that it would involve every original cast member except Barr. On August 28, 2018, it was announced by Michael Ausiello of TVline that Emma Kenney, Ames McNamara, and Jayden Rey would all return for the spinoff. Other recurring characters have not been confirmed as of yet. The series is set to premiere on October 16, 2018.
はい。キングズ・クロス・セント・パンクラス駅はロンドン地䞋鉄の駅で、ロンドンの䞭心郚カムデン区キングズ・クロスずセント・パンクラスの地域に䜍眮しおいたす。キングズ・クロスずセント・パンクラスの䞻芁駅ず接続しおおり、運賃ゟヌン1に属しおいたす。6぀の路線サヌクル、ハマヌミルズシティ、メトロポリタン、ノヌス、ピカデリヌ、ノィクトリアの亀差駅であるため、ネットワヌクで最も混雑する駅で、 Waterloo駅に次ぐ2番目に混雑しおいたす。
is st pancras station the same as kings cross
King's Cross St. Pancras is a London Underground station located in King's Cross and St Pancras within the Borough of Camden, Central London. It serves King's Cross and St Pancras main line stations and falls within fare zone 1. Being an interchange station between six lines, (the Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Northern, Piccadilly and Victoria lines) it is the second busiest station on the network, trailing only Waterloo.
はい。ギニア (/ˈɡɪni/ ( 音声ファむル))は、アフリカの西郚海岞に䜍眮する囜です。正匏名称はギニア共和囜フランス語: République de Guinéeです。ギニアはか぀おフランス領ギニアず呌ばれおいたしたが、珟圚では他の「ギニア」を名乗る囜や同名の地域ず区別するために、ギニア・コンアクリヌず呌ばれるこずもありたす。ギニアの人口は1,240䞇人で面積は245,860平方キロメヌトル94,927平方マむルです。
is equatorial guinea and guinea the same country
Guinea (/ˈɡɪni/ ( listen)), officially the Republic of Guinea (French: République de Guinée), is a country on the western coast of Africa. Formerly known as French Guinea (French: Guinée française), the modern country is sometimes referred to as Guinea-Conakry in order to distinguish it from other countries with ``Guinea'' in the name and the eponymous region, such as Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea. Guinea has a population of 12.4 million and an area of 245,860 square kilometres (94,927 sq mi).
do universal life policies have a cash value
Universal life insurance (often shortened to UL) is a type of cash value life insurance, sold primarily in the United States of America. Under the terms of the policy, the excess of premium payments above the current cost of insurance is credited to the cash value of the policy. The cash value is credited each month with interest, and the policy is debited each month by a cost of insurance (COI) charge, as well as any other policy charges and fees drawn from the cash value, even if no premium payment is made that month. Interest credited to the account is determined by the insurer, but has a contractual minimum rate (often 2%). When an earnings rate is pegged to a financial index such as a stock, bond or other interest rate index, the policy is an ``Indexed Universal Life'' contract. These types of policies offer the advantage of guaranteed level premiums throughout the insured's lifetime at substantially lower premium cost than an equivalent whole life policy at first; the cost of insurance is always increasing as found on the cost index table (usually p. 3 of a contract). This not only allows for easy comparison of costs between carriers, but also works well in irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT's) since cash is of no consequence.
はい。パナマ運河地区の旧未線入領土ずその関連する軍事斜蚭は圓時アメリカ領土ずは芋なされなかったが、1937幎に成立した8 USC § 1403により、運河地区で1904幎2月26日以降に生たれた個人や、同日以降にパナマ共和囜で生たれた個人で少なくずも1人のアメリカ垂民の芪がアメリカ政府やパナマ鉄道䌚瀟に雇甚されおいた個人に、垂民暩が遡及的に䞎えられた。この法が2008幎に䞋された刀決で匕甚されおいる。2008幎3月に元叞法長官テッド・オル゜ンずハヌバヌド法科倧孊院のラリヌ・トラむブが曞いた論文では、マカむンが倧統領に遞出可胜であるず述べられおいる。2008幎4月、アメリカ䞊院は非拘束的な決議案を承認し、マカむンが出生時より生たれたアメリカ垂民であるず認めた。2008幎9月、アメリカ連邊地裁のりィリアム・アルスプ刀事は刀決の䞭で、マカむンが8 USC § 1401により出生時より生たれたアメリカ垂民である可胜性が高いず述べたが、マカむンが8 USC § 1403により遡及的にアメリカ垂民になった可胜性も認めた。
can someone born on a military base be president
The former unincorporated territory of the Panama Canal Zone and its related military facilities were not regarded as United States territory at the time, but 8 U.S.C. § 1403, which became law in 1937, retroactively conferred citizenship on individuals born within the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and on individuals born in the Republic of Panama on or after that date who had at least one U.S. citizen parent employed by the U.S. government or the Panama Railway Company; 8 U.S.C. § 1403 was cited in Judge William Alsup's 2008 ruling, described below. A March 2008 paper by former Solicitor General Ted Olson and Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe opined that McCain was eligible for the Presidency. In April 2008, the U.S. Senate approved a non-binding resolution recognizing McCain's status as a natural-born citizen. In September 2008, U.S. District Judge William Alsup stated obiter in his ruling that it is ``highly probable'' that McCain is a natural-born citizen from birth by virtue of 8 U.S.C. § 1401, although he acknowledged the alternative possibility that McCain became a natural-born citizen retroactively, by way of 8 U.S.C. § 1403.
はい。2人の䞻教が王の助けを借りおチェスで mate を匷制するこずはそれほど難しくありたせん。2぀の原則が適甚されたす。
can you checkmate with two bishops and a king
It is not too difficult for two bishops to force checkmate, with the aid of their king. Two principles apply:
can you get a tattoo with an 18 year old
In the United States, there is no federal law regulating the practice of tattooing. However, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutory laws requiring a person receiving a tattoo be 18 years of age or older. This is partially based on the legal principle that a minor cannot enter into a legal contract or otherwise render informed consent for a procedure. Most states permit a person under the age of 18 to receive a tattoo with permission of a parent or guardian, but some states outright prohibit tattooing under a certain age regardless of permission, with the exception of medical necessity (such as markings placed for radiation therapy).
はい。「レンスティミィ アダルトパヌティヌカヌトゥヌン」通称「レンスティミィのオヌルニュヌアダルトパヌティヌカヌトゥヌン」は、カナダのアニメヌタヌゞョン・クリフファルシがケヌブルテレビ局The New TNN埌にSpike TV、珟圚はパラマりントネットワヌクのために制䜜したアメリカのアダルトアニメテレビシリヌズです。このシリヌズは、以前ニコロデオンで攟送されおいたアメリカの子ども向けケヌブルテレビ番組「The Ren & Stimpy Show」の「極端な」リニュヌアルずしお開発され、オリゞナルシリヌズよりもはるかに粗雑で䞍適切であるこずで知られおいたす。
are there two versions of ren and stimpy
Ren & Stimpy ``Adult Party Cartoon'' (also known as ``Ren & Stimpy's All New Adult Party Cartoon'') was an American adult animation television series created by Canadian animator John Kricfalusi for the cable network The New TNN, which later changed its name to Spike TV and now Paramount Network. The series was developed as an ``extreme'' revamp of The Ren & Stimpy Show, which had previously aired on the American children's cable network Nickelodeon, and is noted for being significantly more vulgar and inappropriate than the original series.
is the federal reserve bank of new york a government agency
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks of the United States. It is located at 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY. It is responsible for the Second District of the Federal Reserve System, which encompasses New York State, the 12 northern counties of New Jersey, Fairfield County in Connecticut, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Working within the Federal Reserve System, the New York Federal Reserve Bank implements monetary policy, supervises and regulates financial institutions and helps maintain the nation's payment systems.
does the octet rule apply to all elements
The octet rule is a chemical rule of thumb that reflects observation that atoms of main-group elements tend to combine in such a way that each atom has eight electrons in its valence shell, giving it the same electron configuration as a noble gas. The rule is especially applicable to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and the halogens, but also to metals such as sodium or magnesium.
does canada's prime minister hold a seat in the house of commons
Though it does not formally elect the prime minister, the House of Commons indirectly controls the premiership. By convention, the prime minister is answerable to, and must maintain the support of, the House of Commons. Thus, whenever the office of prime minister falls vacant, the governor general has the duty of appointing the person most likely to command the support of the House--normally the leader of the largest party in the lower house, although the system allows a coalition of two or more parties. This has not happened in the Canadian federal parliament, but has occurred in Canadian provinces. The leader of the second-largest party (or in the case of a coalition, the largest party out of government) usually becomes the Leader of the Official Opposition. Moreover, the prime minister is, by unwritten convention, a member of the House of Commons, rather than of the Senate. Only two prime ministers governed from the Senate: Sir John Abbott (1891--1892) and Sir Mackenzie Bowell (1894--1896). Both men got the job following the death of a Prime Minister, and did not contest elections.
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Both the plaintiff(s) and the defendant(s) also receive an appearance fee. The appearance fee amount has varied as between different litigants of the show: certain litigants have reported receiving a $500 appearance fee while others have reported receiving $100, and others $250. In addition to the appearance fee amount, litigants are paid $35 a day by the show. The litigants' stay lasts for the number of days that the show does taping for that week, which is two or three days. In addition, the airfare (or other means of travel) and hotel expenses of the litigants and their witnesses are covered by the show, and the experience is generally treated as an all-expense-paid vacation outside of the actual court case. If there is an exchange of property, Sheindlin signs an order, and a sheriff or marshal oversees the exchange. Sheindlin sees only a half-page complaint and a defense response prior to the taping of the cases, sometimes only moments before. Most of the cases, not including any footage deleted to meet the time constraints of the show, usually last anywhere from twelve to forty-five minutes.
can a runner advance on a dead ball in baseball
In baseball, when the ball is dead, no runners may advance beyond the respective bases they are entitled to, and no runners may be put out. The ball becomes dead when:
はい。シリヌズの初攟送時には、テレビ批評家から高い評䟡を受け、その雰囲気ずキャラクタヌに焊点が圓おられた。2015幎には、シリヌズがOutstanding Animated Programの゚ミヌ賞を受賞した。シリヌズ倖では、マchaleが執筆した単発のコミックブック版が制䜜され、さらに4号が制䜜された。これは最終的に継続的なシリヌズに発展した。
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Upon its debut, the series received critical acclaim from television critics, with praise focusing on its mood and characters. In 2015, the series won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. Outside of the series, a one-shot comic book adaptation penned by McHale has been produced, with four further issues commissioned. This was eventually expanded into an ongoing series.
はい。番組の renewal は、突然、そしお最埌のほうに決定されたものの、それに䌎う倉化もあった。すでに䜎かった予算はさらに削枛され、キャストの絊料や撮圱スケゞュヌルが短瞮された1゚ピ゜ヌドに぀き7日、通垞は8日。さらに、最幎少の嚘圹の Mackenzie Rosman は最初の6話に登堎しなかった。Catherine Hicks はシヌズン11で3話欠垭した。たた、George Stults はシヌズン11の最初数話に欠垭した。
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Along with the show's unexpected and last-minute, renewal came some changes. The show's already-low budget was moderately trimmed, forcing cuts in the salaries of some cast members and shortened taping schedules (seven days per episode instead of the typical eight). Furthermore, Mackenzie Rosman, who played youngest daughter Ruthie, did not appear in the first six episodes. Catherine Hicks missed three episodes in season 11, as another cost-cutting move. Additionally, George Stults was absent for a few episodes at the beginning of season 11.
7th heavenのシヌズン11にルヌスむは出おいる
is there a sequel to fantastic beasts and where to find them
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is an upcoming fantasy drama film produced by Heyday Films and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. A co-production of the United Kingdom and the United States, it is the sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016). It will serve as the second film installment in the Fantastic Beasts film series, and the tenth overall in the Wizarding World franchise, which began with the Harry Potter film series. The film is directed by David Yates, with a screenplay by J.K. Rowling, and features an ensemble cast that includes Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Zoë Kravitz, Callum Turner, Claudia Kim and Carmen Ejogo. The plot follows Newt Scamander and Albus Dumbledore as they attempt to take down the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, while facing new threats in a more divided wizarding world.
can you remove venom glands from a snake
A venomoid is a venomous snake that has undergone a surgical procedure to remove or inhibit the production of snake venom. This procedure has been used for venomous snakes kept as pets or used in public demonstrations in order to remove the risk of injury or death when handled. The removal of venom glands or fangs of exhibited animals may be by surgery or simple mutilation; some or all of these procedures have been considered illegal and unethical. Removal of fangs is uncommon, as snakes frequently regenerate teeth, and the more invasive procedure of removing the underlying maxillary bone would be fatal. Most venomoid procedures consist of either removing the venom gland itself, or severing the duct between the gland and the fang. However, the duct and gland have been known to regenerate, and supposedly ``safe'' snakes have killed mice and successfully envenomated humans.
はい。ニュヌ・ゞェヌゞヌ州の法埋は、地元自治䜓に酒類販売にかなりの自由床を䞎えおいるだけでなく、ほかのいく぀かの珍しい特城がありたす。䌁業は小売りの販売ラむセンスを2぀しか持おないため、チェヌン店がアルコヌル飲料を販売するのは珟実的ではありたせん。この制限ず垂町村の条䟋ずの組み合わせにより、倚くの他の州では widespread なスヌパヌマヌケットやコンビニ゚ンスストアのチェヌンがビヌルを販売するこずがほずんど䞍可胜になっおいたす。州の法埋は、飲酒運転を亀通違反ずしお扱い、個々の自治䜓が未成幎者の飲酒法の範囲を定矩するこずを蚱可しおいたす。
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In addition to granting local governments wide latitude over liquor sales, New Jersey law has some other unusual features. Corporations are limited to two retail distribution licenses, making it impractical for chain stores to sell alcoholic beverages; this restriction, in conjunction with municipal ordinances, severely limits supermarket and convenience store chains from selling beer as they do in many other states. State law treats drunk driving as a traffic offense rather than a crime, and permits individual municipalities to define the scope of underage drinking laws.
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Fairmont Hotels & Resorts is a chain of luxury hotels owned by AccorHotels since 2016. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts was created in 2001 following the merger of Canadian Pacific Hotels (founded in the late 1880s) and Fairmont Hotels (founded in 1907). Fairmont operates 75 properties in 24 countries, with a strong presence in the United States, and Canada.
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After seeing him perform at Desert Trip festival, Cooper approached Lukas Nelson (son of country music singer Willie Nelson) and asked him to help work on the film. Nelson agreed and wrote several songs, which he sent to the producers. Nelson subsequently met Lady Gaga and began writing songs with her and she, in turn, provided backing vocals on two tracks on his self-titled 2017 album. The soundtrack, performed by Gaga and Cooper, was released on October 5, 2018, by Interscope Records. The studio announced that the album ``features 19 songs in a wide range of musical styles + 15 dialogue tracks that will take you on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.''
is it possible for a triangle to have more than one obtuse angle
An acute triangle is a triangle with all three angles acute (less than 90°). An obtuse triangle is one with one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles. Since a triangle's angles must sum to 180°, no triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.
is one world trade center taller than the empire state building
New York City, the most populous city in the United States, is home to over 6,486 completed high rise buildings of at least 35 meters, of which at least 113 completed are taller than 600 feet (183 m). The tallest building in New York is One World Trade Center, which rises 1,776 feet (541 m). The 104-story skyscraper also stands as the tallest building in the United States, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, and the sixth-tallest building in the world. The second-tallest building in the city is 432 Park Avenue, standing at 1,396 feet (426 m), and the third-tallest is the recently-topped-out 30 Hudson Yards. Not counting its antenna, the 4th-tallest is the 102-story Empire State Building in Midtown Manhattan, which was finished in 1931 and rises to 1,250 feet (381 m), increased to 1,454 feet (443 m) by its antenna. It is the fifth-tallest building in the United States and the 37th-tallest building in the world.
has the us ever gone to the world cup
The United States men's national soccer team has played in several World Cup finals, with their best result occurring during their first appearance at the 1930 World Cup, when the United States finished in third place. After the 1950 World Cup, in which the United States upset England in group play 1--0, the U.S. was absent from the finals until 1990. The United States has participated in every World Cup since 1990 until they failed to qualify for the 2018 competition after a loss to Trinidad and Tobago in 2017.
日本はワヌルドカップに ever なったこずがありたすか
do both feet leave the ground when running
Running is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground (though there are exceptions). This is in contrast to walking, where one foot is always in contact with the ground, the legs are kept mostly straight and the center of gravity vaults over the stance leg or legs in an inverted pendulum fashion. A characteristic feature of a running body from the viewpoint of spring-mass mechanics is that changes in kinetic and potential energy within a stride occur simultaneously, with energy storage accomplished by springy tendons and passive muscle elasticity. The term running can refer to any of a variety of speeds ranging from jogging to sprinting.
ã¯ã„ã€‚ã‚šã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒŒãƒ»ãƒ­ãƒŒãƒ€ãƒŒã®ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³àžŽàžãƒ–ãƒ©ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€1976幎に男性甚のセカンドラむンを導入した最初の女性化粧品䌚瀟になりたした。それは「Skin Supplies for Menã€ãšã„ã†ç‹¬ç«‹ã—ãŸãƒ©ã‚€ãƒ³ã§å§‹ãŸã‚Šã€çŸåœšã‚‚äž–ç•Œäž­ã®ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³àžŽàžã‚«ã‚Šãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒŒã§è²©å£²ã•ã‚ŒãŠã„ãŸã™ã€‚1981幎、同瀟の補品が゜ビ゚ト連邊で販売されるようになりたした。
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Estée Lauder's Clinique brand became the first women's cosmetic company to introduce a second line for men when, in 1976, they began a separate line called ``Skin Supplies for Men'', which continues to be sold at Clinique counters worldwide. In 1981, the company's products became available in the Soviet Union.
はい。ピヌタヌ・ガヌダヌナヌ・オストロム1957幎11月1日生たれは、アメリカ人獣医であり、元子䟛俳優で、1971幎の映画Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factoryでのチャヌルズ・バケット圹が唯䞀の映画出挔でした。
is charlie from charlie and the chocolate factory still alive
Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ˈoʊstrəm/; born November 1, 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.
can you blink one eye at a time
Some animals, such as tortoises and hamsters, blink their eyes independently of each other. Humans use winking, the blinking of only one eye, as a form of body language.
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Currently, there is no constitutional system where there is a complete separation of powers. The strict doctrine exists only in a theory -- in reality, some overlap is inevitable, though a system of checks and balances has developed. In the Westminster system, ministers (executive) are required to sit in Parliament (legislative). This is to adhere with the concept of Responsible Government. This is also present in the Australian system, being a requirement of section 64 of the Constitution.