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Postal prices have been approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission mostly as the U.S. Postal Service proposed and changed effective Jan. 22. Most of the details were given in the November issue of Pub Aux, so I will highlight them here with an emphasis on the ones of greatest importance for newspapers and their shoppers. First, prices do not change for in-county Periodicals, the main prices affecting community newspapers. Likewise, for Regular Rate Periodicals (outside-county) pound, piece and bundle prices. The inflationary increase allowed under the law was so small at less than 1 percent that prices were difficult to change. Tray/Sack prices are the only Outside-County item seeing an increase, in conjunction with an end to all prices for Flats Sortation Sequencing, from which newspapers have been mostly exempt. A Mixed ADC container entered at your origin post office or SCF will increase by 5 cents to 51.2 cents, or 10.8 percent. Most newspapers will only have a few of those, or perhaps only one. Likewise, 5 cents for an ADC tray to $2.22, up 2.3 percent. A 3-digit/SCF container will increase the same amount to $2.32 cents, up 2.2 percent, and a 5-digit/carrier-route tray will increase just six-tenths of a cent to $2.928, up .2 percent. Most newspapers will have more of these containers outside-county than any other, with least price impact on the latter. MARKETING MAIL NEW NAME FOR STANDARD MAIL (OLD 3C) One adjustment that will no doubt take some getting used to is the changing of the name Standard Mail to “Marketing Mail.” Many publishers still use the even older name of “Third Class,” which was changed to Standard Mail in 1996 with “Product ReClassification.” That’s also when “Second Class” became “Periodicals.” The renamed Marketing Mail class was always designed for advertising mail, no matter what it was called. So, the Postal Service is undoubtedly trying to help the younger generation in ad agencies and businesses understand its purpose better. SHARPEST INCREASE IN WEIGHT BREAK EVER, FROM 3.3 TO 4 OUNCES. But the big news out of this rate case was the change in the “weight break,” or the weight at which a Marketing Mail piece must start paying both a piece and pound price, rather than a flat rate. The increase in this weight allowance, if you will, from 3.3 ounces to 4 ounces, is the largest ever made, and reflects a desire to allow larger packages of advertising (or news and advertising, in the case of some free newspapers and shoppers) 3.3 ounces equals .2063 of a pound, while 4 ounces equals .250 of a pound, or one-fourth pound. Weight is weight, whether ROP or supplements. So, the best business plan is to shoot for as close to or right at the 4 ounces mark, the sweet spot where the most money can be collected for the same postage price. The hike in weight could be viewed as a way for the U.S. Postal Service to help grow marriage mail packages, which it likely is. But it will also be of equal value to any Marketing Mail shoppers offered by newspapers. By referencing the accompanying chart rerun from the November issue, one can see that pieces getting to 4 ounces would have an effective postage decrease of 8.18 percent at the DDU/Saturation level, 5.61 percent at the DDU/High-Density Plus price, and 6.94 percent at the High-Density price. The decrease at the HD-Plus price is smaller because of an even greater decrease granted to the prior piece price, likely to encourage more newspaper shopper mail volume. But from what I’ve seen, non-subscriber shopper mailings these days have hit the Saturation level quickly as subscriber route penetration has declined. The savings in postage is 1.58 cents per piece for the additional weight up to 4 ounces from the current Saturation or High-Density prices. For instance, a 0.7 ounces preprinted advertising insert could be added to your customer base for no additional postage if you were maxing out at 3.3 ounces. Or one could add multiple single-sheet inserts or smaller multi-page preprints for no additional cost. This is a big opportunity for shoppers to grow their revenue without growing their postage. And indeed, prices are declining for heavier-weight packages at virtually all weight, sortation and entry levels, allowing newspapers to be more competitive with “marriage mailers” in their markets, or at least experience the same benefit. No doubt retail customers, especially larger chains, will know of these changes and put further price pressure on all market players. (As a reminder, Saturation prices are granted to 100 percent of the active deliveries on a route, either residential or total, using “Simplified Address” like “Residential Customer,” or to 90 percent of addresses on a route when specific addresses are used. High-Density Plus prices require at least 300 pieces per route, and regular High-Density requires at least 125 pieces per route.) Marketing Mail Saturation letters, like Val-Pak, a newspaper competitor in some larger-city markets, get a weight increase too, but only to 3.5 ounces from 3.3 ounces. EVERY DOOR DIRECT MAIL PRICES EDDM Retail pieces would cost 17.7 cents, up just a bit from 17.6 cents. But note that the weight limit continues to be 3.3 ounces, with no increase in that single-piece Saturation ad mail category, entered across the front counter (as opposed to Business Mail Entry Unit) of post offices. EDDM BMEU prices are the same as that paid by newspaper shoppers, and can take advantage of the weight break. OTHER PRICE CHANGES Hardcopy Address Change notices (yellow adhesive tags) are 58 cents per piece, but free to those who use Full-Service Intelligent Mail barcoding. Marketing Mail annual mailing fee is $225, the same as for the Permit Imprint one-time fee. Periodical application fee is now $685. Re-entry is $75. There are no longer any fees for “Additional Entry” offices where you choose to pay postage for a Periodical mailing not entered under Exceptional Dispatch or with copies going outside a Sectional Center Facility to “the world.” UPDATE on name change of Standard Mail to USPS Marketing Mail: • The new indicia and/or postage markings should not be used for letter or flat mail until January 2018 at the earliest. • Tray label and pallet markings will be deferred until mid-2017 at the earliest. • Changes to postage statements and forms can take place in January 2017. MAX HEATH, NNA postal chair, is a consultant for NNA members and Landmark Community Newspapers. He is sponsored by Interlink Software. Email [email protected].
About This File This is the touge track of Hako in Japan - updated with 20 pits - shaders and lights for the night mod. * Read the Text Document inside the folder so you know how to play the track in night with real car & track lights! -20 pit boxes -freeroam (no ai) * If you find any bug etc please contact me. I really hope you enjoy it and have fun with your friends online... at night ;-) Credits goes to the (unkown) who build this beautiful map! Youtube: Black Velvet Tzenamo
Most ideas that stick come from our current paradigms for anything really new must be pretty special to succeed in a society dominated by commerce and naturally conservative mind-set. So ‘good on ya’ TED. About a decade ago I met Alan Savory on one of his trips to Australia to promote his ideas on holistic management. It was an interesting encounter [for me at least] that took me back to my time in Zimbabwe in the late 1980’s and then to thoughts of what it must have been like to both wander through the bush and the corridors of parliament in the time leading up to Zimbabwean independence in 1980 as Alan Savory had done. He claims in his book that it was a combination of his science training, days on end tracking in the bush, and his time in politics that brought him to understand the importance of intensive, timed grazing by larger herds for the health of our grazing lands. Now he has extended his idea as a solution to two huge global issues: desertification and climate change. Check out his TED lecture, it starts slowly but is worth persisting to the punch line.
THIS HOLIDAY, GIVE THEM BRAIN FITNESS I own a sliver of Posit Science, whose Brain Fitness Program I offer for your consideration from time to time. So now come the results of a two-year, 524-participant, ‘randomized, controlled, double-blind’ study that reportedly showed that ‘the Posit Science program genuinely improves memory overall’ and that ‘study participants in the experimental group reported significant improvements in their everyday lives [ranging] from remembering a shopping list without having to write it down; to hearing conversations in noisy restaurants more clearly; to being more independent, feeling more self-confident, finding words more easily and having improved self-esteem in general.’ - Participants who used the Brain Fitness Program increased their auditory processing speed by 131%. - On average, people who used the Posit Science program experienced an improvement in memory equivalent to approximately 10 years. - Three out of four people who used the Posit Science program self-reported positive changes in their everyday lives. ☞ Skeptical? Well, who wouldn’t be. But the evidence grows that if an older person actually uses the program (buying it alone seems not to be enough; they have to actually use it), they might be one of the three out of four who notice positive changes in their everyday lives. From his column Friday: It’s always impressive to see a politician take an unbending stand on principle, so I salute George W. for going against popular opinion by vetoing the State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill, which would have extended health coverage to some 6 million uninsured children in our country. Bush said that what irked him about this children’s health proposal is the principle of providing government-financed coverage, which he derided as “federalized” medicine. George, you see, is a die-hard privatization ideologue, and he insists that people should get their health care from the free market, not the government. The vast majority of his Republican colleagues in Congress agreed, voting to uphold his veto of the children’s bill. . . . Since Bush and his GOP allies don’t believe in federalized medicine . . . it is our duty to free them of the burden of having their own health coverage paid for by us taxpayers! As a matter of principle, we must take away their government health plans and let them buy their own in the free market. This idea offers two pluses: 1) Taxpayers will no longer have to pay benefits to politicians who are ideologically opposed to them, and 2) the money saved can be redirected to the millions of American children without health coverage. If [this] idea appeals to you, call the GOP congressional conference and urge that its members give up their “federalized” health plans: 202/225-5107. And while you’re at it, tell them to forego their socialized government retirement money, too. After all, it’s the principle of the thing. Dan Jackson: ‘I’ve tried out Mint.com for the last few months and it’s pretty clean. The reporting is definitely inferior to Quicken/MSMoney but setup is much easier so it doesn’t take much time to give it a shot. I did run into some synchronization issues with certain banks but they were incredibly fast to resolve.’ Nancy Wolcott: ‘Mint.com looks wonderful. But how are they offering it for free? I’m happy not to pay, but it makes me nervous.’ ☞ Their game plan is ad revenue and ‘sponsored links.’ My friend who’s one of the founders says: ‘Some of the offers we present are sponsored, meaning we earn a referral fee if you sign up for them. However, Mint will always show you an unsponsored offer ahead of a sponsored one if it will save you more money. We sort offers in order of their value to users, regardless of sponsorship.’ Mark Centuori: ‘The ‘money management’ moniker is premature. Given the plethora of non-bank-related financial assets that dominate personal finance today, Mint currently has very limited functionality by only handling credit card and true bank accounts. The ability for users to include other financial assets can’t be excluded for long and in my opinion should already be part of the package. . . . Adding credit card accounts is a hit-and-miss proposition. I tried typing in both ‘AT&T’ and ‘AT&T Universal Card,’ neither of which was found. So I went to the link I use to pay the account and pasted the URL into the search field. Still not found. Then I searched on only the dot-com portion of the URL, ‘accountonline,’ and received as an option none other than, ‘AT&T Universal Card.’ Ugh. Similarly, entering ‘Chase Bank’ didn’t work (not withstanding that it’s the name on the back of the card) but ‘Chase Credit Card’ did. I was also able to add the account via the ‘Chase Credit Cards (aka Bank One Visa)’ option but the ‘Chase Cards (Formerly FirstUSA)’ option didn’t work despite being part of my account’s pedigree. , , , Where is Mint sourcing merchant names from? They don’t accurately reflect what appears on the actual statements. If Mint has room to display ‘Rickshaw Restaurant Lounge,’ why am I left with only ‘Fred,’ ‘Burger’ and ‘Taco’ for Meyer, King and Bell? I had to log on to Chase to jog my memory for the $25.00 ‘Sea King Bldg’ charge – a flu vaccination at ‘Sea King Cty Dept Health.’ Geographic references don’t appear at all, that I can see. . . . The flimsy password programming discussed in their forum remains laughable. My attempt to change my original password to ‘bob’ failed as it wasn’t the required minimum six characters long, but ‘robert’ worked just fine. Ditto for ‘123456.’ This is entirely unacceptable even in beta mode (although account numbers aren’t disclosed on the Mint site). . . . ‘Get Help’ returns a minimal FAQ page that is not specific to the area a user is in when help is requested – a critical missing element that should have evolved with the site.’ ☞ This is how Quicken started, making fun of Managing Your Money for having so many capabilities. And then they started adding them. If only MYM’s publisher had been a little more farsighted, we would have been Quicken. But then I’d probably have died long ago when pirates boarded my yacht, throwing us all overboard – my crew of 20 and me – to be eaten by sharks. So who’s to say it didn’t work out for the best? Russell Turpin: ‘Before someone puts the usernames and passwords for all their financial accounts into a service like Mint, they should consider the potential exposure if a hacker somehow manages to obtain that information. The convenience of such a service is attractive. The single point of failure it creates for one’s financial life is scary.’ ☞ My friend responds: ‘Mint does not store your credentials, we use them once to create a linkage with your account(s). Consider the benefits of being able to see all your account activity in one place – makes it easy to spot any suspicious activity (remember 90% of fraud occurs offline). Mint offers alerts (via email, or text message) to bring unusual spending to your attention.’
During the First World War, the Royal Pavilion was converted into a hospital for wounded soldiers. It became one of the most famous military hospitals in Britain. From 1914 to 1916 it was used for Indian soldiers who had been wounded on the battlefields of the Western Front. From 1916 to 1920 it was used as a hospital for British troops who had lost arms or legs in the war. The Indian Hospital The Indian Army played a vital role in the first few months of the war. At a time when Britain was still recruiting and training volunteers, soldiers from across the Empire came to fight in Europe and support the British cause. The Indian Army provided the largest number of troops, and by the end of 1914 they made up almost a third of the British Expeditionary Force. Engaged in fierce fighting on the Western Front, the Indian Army inevitably suffered casualties. Medical facilities were urgently required, and it was felt that there were neither the facilities nor expertise in France. Brighton was chosen as the site for a complex of military hospitals dedicated to the care of wounded and sick Indian soldiers. Three buildings were given by the town authorities for this purpose: the workhouse (renamed the Kitchener Hospital), the York Place School, and the Royal Pavilion. The Royal Pavilion was the first Indian hospital to open in Brighton. The former palace, along with the Dome and Corn Exchange, were converted into a state of the art medical facility in less than two weeks. New plumbing and toilet facilities were established, and 600 beds were set up in new wards. X-ray equipment was installed, and the Great Kitchen became one of two operating theatres. The Pavilion’s first patients arrived in early December 1914. Over the following year, over 2,300 Indian patients were treated. But the hospital was not only designed to care for the men’s medical needs. An enormous amount of effort was taken in catering for the patients’ religious and cultural needs. Muslims and Hindus were provided with separate water supplies, and nine kitchens were set up in the grounds so that food could be cooked by the patients’ co-religionists and fellow caste members. Sikhs were provided with a tented Gurdwara in the grounds of the Pavilion, and Muslims were given space on the eastern lawns to pray to Mecca. Elaborate arrangements were made for those Indian men who died in the Brighton hospitals, 18 of whom died in the Royal Pavilion. Sikhs and Hindus were provided with a site for open air cremations on the Downs near Patcham, and Muslims were buried in a specially laid out cemetery in Woking near the Shah Jahan Mosque. In late 1915 the British decided to redeploy the Indian Army in the Middle East, and most Indian soldiers were withdrawn from Europe. As a result, Brighton’s Indian hospitals gradually closed. The Pavilion was the last to close in January 1916. Hospital for Limbless Men In April 1916, the Pavilion reopened as a hospital for British amputees. This hospital treated over 6000 soldiers who had lost arms or legs during the war. Wounds were treated, and prosthetic limbs were fitted, but the limbless hospital did not simply care for the patients’ immediate medical needs. The Pavilion hospital was used for rehabilitation, and ensuring that the men had skills and purpose to live fulfilling lives after the war. A workshop, named after Queen Mary, was set up in the grounds of the Pavilion. Bearing the slogan ‘Hope Welcomes All Who Enter Here’, the Queen Mary’s workshop was used to train the patients in new skills, such as engineering, grammar and cinematography. Men who had been unskilled labourers before joining the army would, having lost a limb, become skilled workers by the time they left the army. The men were also given time and space to play sports and express themselves. The Sussex game of stoolball was regularly played, and the patients produced a monthly magazine, the Pavilion Blues, which was bought and sold in Brighton. The limbless hospital received its last patients in July 1919. The Pavilion was finally returned to the people of Brighton in 1920. Having been occupied by the military authorities for almost six years, the building had suffered a good deal of wear and tear. The money paid in recompense by the War Office was used to fund some early work in restoring the Pavilion. Monuments and Memorials The Indian hospital is marked by two monuments in Brighton. The Chattri memorial stands on the spot on the Downs where Hindus and Sikhs who had died in Brighton had been cremated. The Indian Gate at the southern entrance to the Pavilion was presented to the people of Brighton by the ‘princes and people of India’ as a gesture of thanks for the care provided by the town’s Indian hospitals. It was unveiled by the Maharajah of Patiala on 26 October 1921. The story of the Indian Hospital is also told in the permanent Indian Military Hospital gallery in the Royal Pavilion. A new audio tour launched in 2015 tells the story of both the Indian and Limbless Hospitals set up in the Royal Pavilion.
Nina is all about food!!! In January 2006, Nina began teaching cooking classes in her home kitchen: “Cooking in the Kitchen with Nina.” She wants to help people get over their fears in the kitchen and make cooking fun—so that people will cook more at home for their friends and family. Nearly all the recipes Nina shares in her classes are original recipes that she has developed. She teaches several classes each week on a wide range of topics and interests. Nina Swan-Kohler is a home economist, nutritionist, culinary professional, cookbook author, cooking school director and instructor of “Cooking in the Kitchen with Nina” Cooking Classes. In addition, she owns and operates a small kitchen equipment and gadget boutique in conjunction with her cooking classes. She is also a public relations practitioner and owns and operates Swan-Kohler & Associates Public Relations, located in Robins, Iowa. Nina earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics education from Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO. She earned a master’s degree in foods and nutrition and communications from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Swan-Kohler has worked in the culinary and food marketing industry for over 30 years. Nina develops and markets creative and delicious recipes for her food clients each year. Her recipes, feature articles and food photography continue to appear in numerous newspapers and magazines nationwide. She has been an active member of professional organizations throughout her career. She is currently a member of the Les Dames d’Escoffier and the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP). An expert in all things concerning food, Nina has worked for National Oats Company and CMF&Z Advertising and Public Relations in Cedar Rapids, and many food companies throughout the United States, including Pioneer Flour Mills, White Lily Flour, Farmland Foods, Kraft Foods, West Liberty Foods, Burleson’s Honey, Seaboard Farms Chicken and many others. Nina develops creative and tasty recipes; conducts cooking demonstrations; writes feature articles for newspapers and magazines and does food styling for photography. She has been featured in Midwest Living, Southern Living and Southern Lady magazines. Nina has written food columns for “The Woman Today” and “City Revealed” magazines. She is currently writing monthly food features for the Cedar Rapids’ Gazette Newspaper. She also appears on local television regularly. In 2003, Nina authored and published her first cookbook: “Tailgates to Touchdowns: Fabulous Football Food.” A lot like having the Food Network in Cedar Rapids . . . Nina Swan-Kohler has many things in common with the celebrity chefs and cooks on the Food Network, however she offers a much tastier experience. You get to eat everything she makes in the classes, so come hungry! - Nina is like Rachael Ray (30 Minute Meals) in that’s she practical and has a no-nonsense way of making cooking fun and non-threatening. Plus, she has created and developed many recipes that can be made start to finish in 30 minutes or less and has been doing so since 1981. - Nina is like Paula Deen (Paula’s Home Cooking), in that she’s a southern girl (albeit from southeast Missouri) and she’s not afraid to use butter when a recipe warrants or demands it. - Nina is like Sandra Lee (Semi-Homemade) in that she uses many convenience products to make her tasty recipes faster to stir together and easy to make, yet never sacrificing taste and flavor. The time saved is used to create the special touches in serving the food. - Nina is like Alton Brown (Good Eats) in that it was her mother who influenced in the kitchen as her culinary talent took off. She’s not quite as wacky as Alton, but she likes to have fun in the kitchen by sharing funny stories about her life. - Nina is like Ina Garten (The Barefoot Contessa) in that she invites you into her home to enjoy her easy, delicious and foolproof style of cooking recipes you can make at home. Plus, their names rhyme – Ina and Nina. - Nina shares Sara Molton’s (Sara’s Secrets) mission to encourage everyone to cook delicious and healthful food at home for family and friends.
Fair Witness: an interview with Art Lien This summer, between Supreme Court arguments and the upcoming Manafort trial, Drawing New York had the great pleasure of speaking with renowned courtroom sketch artist Art Lien. No cameras are allowed in the Supreme Court chambers (nor in most Federal courtrooms), Mr. Lien is one of the very few people with a front-row seat to the judicial workings of US democracy. Art has been practicing his craft since 1976 and the Supreme Court is his regular beat. He has told The Atlantic that his favorite Justice to draw is Sotomayor and he’s played the role of a sketch artist on HBO’s The Wire. I interviewed Mr. Lien via email, and this interview has been lightly condensed and edited from that correspondence. —Sharilyn Neidhardt DNY – I imagine you develop feelings for the different SCOTUS justices after drawing them for so many years. How are you feeling about the change in the makeup of the court to come? Art Lien: When a new justice comes on the bench obviously it changes the dynamics of the arguments, especially when the departing justice is also the most senior. The justices sit in order of seniority, with the most senior seated to the chief’s right. When that senior seat is vacated all the justices move up a seat. The change in seating has pluses and minuses for the sketch artist. It means Kagan will now be on the far end of the bench where once again I will struggle to capture her (she was easier in profile). On the other hand, I’ll get a better look at Gorsuch when he moves to the end of the bench closer to where the press sits. With Justices Sotomayor and Breyer, both active and lengthy questioners, moving to the near side I should have more opportunities to see the lawyers. DNY: You are often a witness to arguments that will have a wide-ranging consequence for our country – do you ever find it difficult to listen and draw at the same time? Some artists are really good at following what is being said in the courtroom, unfortunately, I’m not one of them. I’ve always tended to zone out when drawing – a right side / left side brain thing? Nevertheless, I do prepare before most arguments so that I am a little bit familiar with the cases and so will have a sense of how the argument is going. I usually snap out of my drawing zone when something remarkable happens, but not always. DNY: Are there any [arguments or proceedings] that stand out for you in particular? The one that stands out the most for me was the first day of the three-day ACA arguments. Solicitor General Verrilli was beginning his argument and choked. He had taken a sip of water and then hesitated and it did not go well, he was thrown off his argument and never quite recovered. The next day he did much better. I don’t know how significant it is but I noticed that on the first day he had no papers on the lectern – a few of the elite SCOTUS lawyers like Paul Clement or Michael Dreeben argue without notes – but on the second day he did. DNY: What kind of training if any did you have for your current position? I went to art school – MICA – but the real training was on the job. I really just fell into it when a local TV station was looking for an artist to sketch the upcoming corruption trial of our Maryland governor. I went into the newsroom and did a few sketches of people working at their desks and got the job. But on the first day in an actual courtroom everyone was so far away and my media, gouache on Color-aid paper, was so unmanageable that I did a terrible job and they fired me. Fortunately, I didn’t give up, and, after changing from Color-aid paper to chipboard, which soaked up the gouache instead of it pooling and running, I went back to the courtroom, sent in my work even though they weren’t paying for it, and they hired me back. Over the years I’ve continued to experiment with different media. I love watercolor because there are so many ways to approach it. Lately, I’ve been inspired by Mark Taro Holmes’ “The Urban Sketcher”. DNY: What are your go-to drawing materials? How did you arrive at those choices? Right now I use a mechanical pencil (no need for a sharpener!) and watercolors that I apply with a waterbrush. The waterbrush is a nifty new tool that has water in the handle. It’s soft plastic so you can squeeze water through the brush thereby cleaning it at the same time. Over the years I’ve used many different media, and some haven’t worked well at all. When I was first hired I decided to use gouache on Color-aid paper. I was getting nice effects in the studio but in the courtroom the non-absorbent Color-aid paper caused my colors to run all over. Next, I used gouache on cardboard, regular grey chipboard, and that worked fine, but it was a hassle carrying around all that cardboard. Also, that was before waterbrushes, so I had to bring a jar of water to the courtroom. When I started working in DC for the networks I came under the influence of Howard Brodie, one of the greats, and adopted his materials which were Prismacolor pencils on Strathmore paper. That worked well, but my drawings started to look too much like Howard’s. I’ve also worked in pen and ink with watercolor, and for awhile I used pastels which I hated. Before my current pencil and watercolor, I was using Prismacolor and watercolor markers for about ten years. DNY: How much time do you generally have to complete a drawing? At the Supreme Court, I know exactly how much time I have. Lawyers are given 30, or 15, or 10 minutes at the lectern so it’s pretty easy to plan. In other courtrooms, it’s very different. Sometimes, an initial appearance, a defendant may be in and out in as little as 3 minutes, in which case I’m drawing from memory. It’s often hard to know how long a witness may be on the stand, or when something dramatic will happen in the courtroom. Again, it’s often drawing from memory. As for time, with today’s deadlines, there isn’t much. It’s best when the court proceeding drags on and I can actually finish sketches (and finish has a relative meaning here). DNY: Are you able to do any preliminary drawing of the room or furnishings to speed your completion? Yes, If I have the opportunity I will get a head start on the “wide-shot”, the scene setter that can be very time-consuming. In the Supreme Court I’ll use any extra time I have working up some backgrounds, usually just architecture but with pencil, I have the luxury of erasing, so I may pencil in some figures ahead of time. I’ve found that it’s often a mistake to go too far with the background, especially when the focus is on the figure and the action. Much easier to add in background afterward. DNY: Do you find a tension between creating a good likeness and conveying strong emotional content? Is there a tension between accurate representation against aesthetic concerns in your work? When I first started out, sketching the US Senate at the time, my reporter told me that the key was getting a good likeness. I don’t think that’s right. The longer I’ve been doing this the more important body language and action have become. I do try to be objective but I’m also telling a story, so I will move things around to create a composition. Working in the courtroom is always a struggle, I’m just trying as best I can to report what I see, and get it done quickly. Over the years I’ve learned that at dramatic moments, as when a verdict is announced, it’s important to stop drawing and take the time to observe, not an easy thing to do when you’re on deadline. DNY: Who are some artists, in or out of the courtroom, who have been an influence on you? My earliest influence, and mentor who took me to my first day sketching the Supreme Court and Senate and got me my first network job at CBS was Howard Brodie. I still can’t get over how great his work is and sometimes I’ll go over to the Library of Congress – it’s across the street from the Supreme Court – and have a look at some of Howard’s original drawings. I also love the sketches of Felix Topolski. Lately, I’ve been inspired by British landscape watercolorists like Edward Seago and Edward Wesson. DNY: Do you do anything outside of work to hone your craft? Is there any research or practice that you’ve found helpful? I’m not as passionate about drawing and painting as maybe I should be. Every now and then the sketching bug bites me and I’ll take out my pencils and brushes. But really, I work so much that when I’m away from the courtroom I like to pursue other interests. Lately, I’ve been taking welding classes, I played in a mandolin orchestra for a few years, but every now and then, usually when I feel a need to change my sketching media, I’ll embark on an intensive effort for a few months and try new things and approaches to my artwork.
Are you watching your child Binge and Purge? Do you see you teenager restricting food? Are you panicked? Parenting-Tips for Teen-Eating Disorders can help Kids are good at knowing what upsets their parents. Usually, they know the nuances of the tone in your voice and the meaning of how and what you say. Since adolescence is a time of separating from the family, kids use the information to anger parents and render the helpless. You may feel at a loss as to what to do. You may be desperate for parenting tips for teen-eating-disorders. One of the core issues in eating disorders is control. Controlling behavior and anger causes distance and allows for separation. Do not fall into the trap of adding fuel to the fire and suffering undue frustration, guilt, and anger only to have your teen go further into his or her eating disorder. Eight Parenting-Tips for Teen-Eating-Disorders 1. Talk to Teens Doctor Teen-eating-disorders can be very scary for parents. It is imperative that you make sure your teen is medically and psychiatrically stable. If you know, your child is not in danger; hopefully, your anxiety will be relieved enough so that you can help in a way that is best for your adolescent. If your teen is suffering from medical issues the following tips are not for you and you must take more get professional help for your teen. 2.Stop Policing Your Teens Eating Teen-eating-disorders cause parents to suffer from their feeling of anxiety, frustration, anger, and sadness. Usually, parents nag kids about eating because of their discomfort. Parents who focus on teen eating contribute the teens to acting out more with food. 3. Stop Giving Most of Your Attention to the Child Who Worries You Teen-eating-disorders can cause the other children in the family to feel neglected. If the teen with the eating disorder gets most of the attention, it sends negative messages to all the kids in the family. Children may learn being sick gets attention. 4. Be Respectful of Your Teens Choices Teen-eating-disorders allow adolescents to feel in control and are a way they are sending a message that they want to make their choices. As long as your child is medically stable, be respectful of his or her choices about food. If you get into a power struggle, you will lose and end up worse for it. 5. Avoid Putting Pressure on Your Teen Teen-eating-disorders often occur to adolescents who are hard of themselves and are the perfectionist in nature. It is vital not to compare him or her to siblings or friends because they will often believe they are not good enough. Praise for accomplishments is very beneficial to these teens with self-esteem issues. Stay away from questioning weight, diets, or food intake in general. Avoid putting pressure on your child. 6. Be Patient Teen eating disorders are complicated problems, which can take a long time resolve. Families have to be patient in the face of their concern. The adolescent may not get better for months and sometimes years of treatment and anxiety and frustration. Be patient, caring, and supportive. “CBS Reporter Lisa Siegal interviewed Karen Chambre for her Segment the Pulse on CBS news. See Karen Chambre Opinions on helping with Self-esteem 7. Look Inward to Explore if Your Teen is Triggering Some of Your Issues Teen-eating-disorders can trigger old emotions especially if you have had your issues with weight or eating disorders. Separating your child’s emotional concerns from your own is important. It is crucial that you are clear about your own issues so you can separate them from your child’s. It can help you to understand your child as his or her person. 8. Check On Your Teens Mental Health Check youTeen eating disorders can often have psychiatric diagnoses that go alongside this already difficult problem. Depression, anxiety and/or substance abuse are possibilities. It is important that you become aware if your teen is in danger. This most commonly can be suicidal thoughts or heavy substance abuse. Professional help is necessary if your teen expresses depressed or suicidal feelings. Elena Vanishing: A Memoir is a true story with some fiction of a mother and daughter who struggle through the seventeen-year-old Elena, struggling with her fight toward recovery of anorexia. The book is written from the perspective of the daughter and co-written with her mother. It has received a five-star rating and readers have characterized it as a difficult and powerful. It is powerful as if describes the painful process with hope. Many have found it meaningful, engaging and helpful. We can always learn from the process of others with similar issues and feel less alone.https://goo.gl/images/XQPfp1
2003 Ford Thunder... This Torch Red 2003 Ford Thunderbird Deluxe with 96,999 miles is being listed in Howell, NJ on EasyAutoSales.com. 2003 Ford Thunderbird Premium, 32,608mis 2003 Ford Thunderbird special edition high output motor 160 mile-an-hour Speedo. V8 5 speed automatic overdrive trans drives and looks brand new . Newer tires ,new wiper blades. cars in excellent condition.must see and test drive to appreciate asking $18,000 may consider Street Rod or muscle car as trade call Condition: Used, VIN: 1FAHP60A33Y109879, Mileage: 96999, Engine: 3.9L V8 32V, Drivetrain: RWD, Exterior Color: Red, Interior Color: Red
PAWS WITH A CAUSE!! Many people who have disabilities, will need help running life smoothly. Fortunately, there is a organization called… Paws with Cause! Paws With Cause, trains dogs to be a personal assistant for people with disabilities. For example, a person in a wheelchair might drop something, and might not be able to pick it up. Their Paws with Cause dog will pick it up for them. You might be wondering how the dogs are trained, and when they are First,the owner of the dog will try to train their dog. Then they will take the dog to the Paws with Cause Organization, and basically donate the dog. Then a Paws With Cause trainer will train the dog according to who they are going to help out. For example, if the dog is going to help out a deaf person, the trainer will try to teach the dog to understand sign language! Also, you might be wondering when the dogs start to get trained. They start to get trained when they are tiny babies. So if you have a disability, don’t worry, go to Paws with Cause! By: Smriti S. Students had an assembly this week called “Paws With A Cause”. This organization trains and pairs service dogs with disabled people. It is a wonderful organization which helps people with disabilites become more independent with the help of a service dog. Here is an article by one of our students about this experience.
When I was editing obituary photos at the Seattle Times, the words written by families that came across my desk would always strike me – some sad, some touching, but out of the thousands I processed during my tenure there was one that I found incredibly inspiring, not just personally but also historically….so much so, in fact, that when it went to print I clipped it and kept it pinned in my cube up until I was laid off over a year later. I memorized her life’s motto and still pass on to this day. Actually, noticing her quote on the FB page of a certain bartender friend of mine is what made me think to search for her obituary…I had a very surreal moment of, “I know that quote…I use that all the time-HEY!!” So, thanks to The Ballard News Tribune from 2008 (she died only weeks before her 100th birthday) I can share her with all of you. Mildred Ahrenius Rhind 1909 – 2008 Mildred Ahrenius Rhind passed away peacefully at Vashon Community Care Center on June 25, 2008 after a very long, full life and a short final illness. Mildred was born in 1909 and lived most of her life in West Seattle. Her life reflects the changing role of women in the 20th century. In the 1920s she was a flapper; she danced the Charleston on roller skates for a Pathe newsreel and drank bathtub gin. Mildred attended West Seattle High School (Class of 1927) and shortly thereafter started her long career with the Union Pacific Railroad. She began as a switchboard operator and ended as a ticket agent at the downtown Seattle office when she retired in 1969. Following her retirement from the Union Pacific, Mildred had a second career working part-time for Washington Mutual Savings Bank in the school savings department. Throughout the Great Depression, she hid her first marriage to avoid a railroad policy of not hiring married women. After WWII, she refused to give up her job to accommodate veterans returning to the workforce. In 1950 Mildred married the great love of her life, Orville Horace (Bill) Rhind. In the 1950s, she had her first and only child and continued her career so she and husband and son could have a duel income and enjoy boating. Mildred and Bill’s marriage lasted until his death in 1970. Over the years she was a member of Eastern Star, Peace Lutheran Church, Tyee Yacht Club, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Swedish Club and the West Seattle Garden Club. Mildred is survived by her son, William Rhind (partner, John Coleman) her brothers Oliver Ahrenius (Evelyn), Chuck Ahrenius (Joan) and many nieces and nephews. Her motto in life “Smile, say yes and do what you damn well please” served her well up until the very end. Mildred will be greatly missed. A private family memorial service will be held at a later date. Remembrances may be made to your favorite charity. Please sign the online guestbook at http://www.islandfuneral.com Published July 2, 2008 in the West Seattle Herald. Voulez-voulez-vous share and enjoy.
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft® SharePoint Server 2013 environment. This course will teach you how to configure SharePoint Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your SharePoint server deployment. - Is an IT professional who plans, implements, and maintains a multi-server deployment of SharePoint Server 2013. - Has a working knowledge of, and preferably hands-on experience, with SharePoint Online. - Has broad familiarity with SharePoint workloads. - Have experience with business continuity management, including data backup, restoration, and high availability. - Has experience with authentication and security technologies - Has experience with Windows PowerShell. Hands-on experience or job experience is considered a solutions-based role where the candidate works within the solutions space covered by SharePoint, working on multiple solutions in the SharePoint space that includes document management, content management, and search. At course completion - Describe the key features of SharePoint 2013 - Design an information architecture - Design logical and physical architectures - Install and configure SharePoint Server 2013 - Create web applications and site collections - Plan and configure service applications - Manage users and permissions - Configure authentication for SharePoint 2013 - Secure a SharePoint 2013 deployment - Manage taxonomy - Configure user profiles - Configure enterprise search - Monitor and maintain a SharePoint 2013 environment
United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony Before the Subcommittee on International Trade, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate For Release on Delivery Expected at 2 p.m., EDT Tuesday, May 13, 2003 FREE TRADE AREA OF THE AMERICAS United States Faces Challenges as Co-Chair of Final Negotiating Phase and Host of November 2003 Ministerial Statement of Loren Yager, Director International Affairs and Trade GAO-03-700T May 13, 2003 FREE TRADE AREA OF THE AMERICAS United States Faces Challenges as Co- Highlights of GAO-03-700T, a testimony before the Subcommittee on International Trade, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Chair of Final Negotiating Phase and Host of November 2003 Ministerial Since 1998, the 34 democratic The United States faces several challenges as co-chair of the final phase of nations of the Western Hemisphere Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations. First, USTR, which is have been negotiating a Free Trade responsible for co-chairing these negotiations and hosting the November Area of the Americas agreement to 2003 ministerial, has not added appreciably to its staff, despite the sharply eliminate tariffs and create increased workload. Second, the goals of this phase—such as achieving common trade and investment rules for these nations. The United improved market access for the 34 nations—are ambitious and will require States will co-chair, with Brazil, the serious, substantive trade-offs. Finally, the negotiations are proceeding on final phase of the negotiations, due the same timeline as several other complex trade negotiations involving the to conclude in January 2005. GAO United States. In fact, the resolution of a key issue, agricultural subsidies, was asked to (1) review challenges has been linked to ongoing negotiations in the World Trade Organization. that the United States faces as co- Currently, these negotiations are bogged down. chair of the final negotiating phase and (2) discuss risks that the Moreover, important risks are already apparent in current U.S. plans for United States may encounter, as hosting the November 2003 Miami ministerial meeting. Gaps exist in several host, in Miami, of the November key areas important to successfully hosting a major trade ministerial. For 2003 ministerial meeting. example, USTR has limited experience in planning and providing logistics for such a meeting. Furthermore, USTR is getting little support from other federal agencies. In addition, no federal agency has yet received any funding The Office of the U.S. Trade for the November event, which is projected to cost $10 million. Finally, Representative (USTR) should USTR is likely to encounter protestors at the November ministerial. Failure intensify U.S. preparations and to link security, funding, and logistics at a prior ministerial caused serious regularly evaluate whether problems for the organizers of that event. resources and plans are sufficient to carry out the tasks and mitigate Contrasting Events Surround 2002 Quito Ministerial Meeting the risks associated with its responsibilities as co-chair of the negotiations and host of the November ministerial. These are related to USTR’s (1) increased workload, (2) planning for the ministerial, (3) funding sources, and (4) security needs at the ministerial. Members of Americas Business Forum meet inside during 2002 Quito Ministerial (left) as police secure outside area against anti-FTAA demonstrators. Source: GAO (left photo) and Centro de Medios Independientes de Ecuador. Used with permission. www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-03-700T. To view the full report, including the scope and methodology, click on the link above. For more information, contact Loren Yager at (202) 512-4347 or [email protected]. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: I am pleased to be here today to discuss the readiness of the United States to successfully perform as co-chair (with Brazil) of the Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations process and host of the November 2003 ministerial meeting. As you know, work on the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA, agreement is one of the most significant ongoing trade negotiations for the United States. In fact, the Bush administration has made establishing the FTAA one of its top trade priorities. Negotiations toward establishing this agreement among the 34 democratic nations of the Western Hemisphere have formally been under way since 1998. Such an agreement would eliminate tariffs and create common trade and investment rules for these nations. The final phase of FTAA negotiations began last November and is scheduled to conclude with the completion of the agreement in January 2005. Today, I will first review the challenges that the United States faces, as co-chair of this final phase of FTAA negotiations. Second, I will discuss the risks that the United States may encounter as host of the November ministerial in Miami. My testimony is based on our recently published report on this subject.1 It is also based on our past and ongoing work on the FTAA negotiations process.2 The United States faces several challenges as co-chair of the final phase of Summary the FTAA negotiations. First, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), which handles the negotiations, has not added appreciably to its staff, despite the sharply increased workload and responsibilities associated with co-chairing the FTAA negotiations. Second, the goals of this negotiating phase are ambitious and may be difficult to achieve. For example, FTAA negotiations on market access commitments—considered the “heart” of an agreement—will require serious trade-offs among the 1 See U.S. General Accounting Office, Negotiations Progress, but Successful Ministerial Hinges on Intensified U.S. Preparations, GAO-03-560 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 11, 2003). 2 See U.S. General Accounting Office, Free Trade Area of the Americas: Negotiators Move Toward Agreement That Will Have Benefits, Costs to U.S. Economy, GAO-01-1027 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 7, 2001); U.S. General Accounting Office, Free Trade Area of the Americas: April 2001 Meetings Set Stage for Hard Bargaining to Begin, GAO-01-706T (Washington, D.C.: May 8, 2001); and U.S. General Accounting Office, Free Trade Area of the Americas: Negotiations at Key Juncture on Eve of April Meetings, GAO-01-552 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 30, 2001). Page 1 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas participating nations. In addition, finalizing the FTAA agreement will require the 34 participating nations to bridge wide, substantive differences on topics such as investment and intellectual property. Finally, FTAA negotiations are taking place at the same time as several other complex trade negotiations that often involve the same issues and staff. Indeed, the resolution of key issues for the hemisphere, such as agricultural subsidies, has been linked to negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) that are presently bogged down. Although current U.S. plans for hosting the FTAA Trade Ministerial in Miami in November 20 and 21, 2003, are at an early stage, important risks are already apparent. Officials with prior experience in hosting ministerial meetings told us that certain key elements must be in place soon to successfully host a major trade ministerial, notably experienced staff, a clear plan, sufficient funding, and adequate security. However, our examination of agency records and other documents reveals that current U.S. plans leave gaps in several of these areas. For example, USTR has sole responsibility for all facets of planning and logistics, a complex task. However, USTR has limited institutional experience in this area and is getting little support from other federal agencies, such as the Department of State. In addition, although current estimates are that the FTAA ministerial will cost $10 million, no federal agency has yet received any funding for this event, and the local organizers are just beginning fund- raising efforts. Failure to mitigate similar risks caused serious logistical and security problems at the last major trade ministerial hosted by the United States, the 1999 Seattle WTO ministerial. 3 In our report, we recommend that USTR intensify preparations and regularly evaluate whether its resources and plans are sufficient to successfully carry out the tasks and mitigate the risks associated with co- chairing the FTAA negotiations and hosting the November 2003 ministerial meeting. In commenting on our report, USTR and the Department of State agreed with our overall message. However, USTR stressed that it believes plans for hosting the ministerial are currently at an appropriate stage of development. 3 See U.S. General Accounting Office, World Trade Organization: Seattle Ministerial: Outcomes and Lessons Learned, GAO/T-NSIAD-00-86 (Washington, D.C.: Feb 10, 2000). Page 2 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas The United States has long been a key player in the FTAA negotiations. Background Now, in addition to participating as a major negotiating country charged with advancing its own position with the FTAA negotiations, the United States has assumed responsibility in two other areas. First, this past November, the United States became co-chairman (with Brazil) of the negotiations. In this capacity, the United States has assumed responsibility for leading the FTAA process as a whole forward to its conclusion. Second, in conjunction with this role, the United States will serve as host of a hemispheric trade ministerial in November of this year. As such, it is responsible for providing facilities and making logistical and security arrangements for that meeting. The United States faces three key challenges as it takes on the Co-chairmanship responsibility, together with Brazil, of co-chair of the negotiations charged Poses Challenges for with guiding the FTAA process forward to a successful conclusion by January 2005: (1) handling a substantial increase in its workload, (2) United States managing the intensified negotiating pace and substantively difficult trade- offs associated with concluding an FTAA agreement, and (3) simultaneously juggling the FTAA and several other complex trade negotiations. Workload and Negotiating Pace to Increase, but Resources Not Commensurate Workload to Increase The first key challenge for the USTR as co-chair of the FTAA process will be handling the increased workload as negotiations intensify, without an appreciable increase in staff. The co-chair’s responsibilities are considerable. They include providing leadership to the negotiating process and regular guidance to the 10 negotiating groups and special committees charged with developing the FTAA rules, specific market access commitments, and institutional arrangements that will together comprise an FTAA agreement. The United States must also coordinate with Brazil, the other co-chair, on a daily basis. Despite general recognition that co-chairing will involve more work for the United States than chairing on its own, USTR only has about half as many staff devoted to co-chairing the FTAA negotiations as previous chairs have had. Presently, USTR has two staff working full-time on the day-to-day Page 3 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas FTAA co-chairmanship tasks. Two other staff devote some of their time to the co-chair function and some to advancing U.S. positions in the FTAA negotiations. Brazil currently has five staff handling the co-chair function and plans to add a sixth. Ecuador, which chaired the negotiations from April 2001 to October 2002, had eight people working on substantive issues and additional people working on logistics. Canada, which chaired the negotiations from March 1998 to November 1999, had eight people, with access to others for special projects. To mitigate this situation, USTR is seeking to bolster its resources quickly by borrowing staff from other agencies. Although it has recently had limited success,4 funding caps and other concerns may make agencies reluctant to detail more people to USTR without receiving reimbursement. Several past FTAA chairs have told us that the consequence of a U.S. failure to adequately staff the co-chairmanship could be a slowdown of FTAA negotiations. These negotiations have reached a critical juncture with the launch of market access talks on February 15, 2003. Any slowdown could make it even more difficult to achieve substantial results by the November 2003 Miami ministerial. FTAA Negotiations A second key challenge facing USTR is the intensifying pace of the FTAA Intensifying, as Are Substantive negotiations. To conclude a final agreement by January 2005, much Demands remains to be done. In fact, various FTAA negotiating group meetings have been scheduled for practically every day for the coming 6 months. As our report explains, although considerable technical groundwork has been laid since FTAA negotiations were formally launched in 1998, up to now, FTAA negotiations did not involve serious, substantive trade-offs. This lack of substantive movement is a concern to some observers, given that only 20 months remain until the January 2005 deadline for concluding an FTAA agreement. The overall timetable for FTAA negotiations and key milestones for the current phase are depicted in figure 1. 4 In mid-March, USTR announced that a senior Department of State official will be loaned to the agency effective June 23, 2003, to head the U.S. delegation to the FTAA’s vice ministerial level Trade Negotiations Committee. The official has been ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan since October 2000. Prior to being nominated to serve in Azerbaijan, he was principal deputy to the ambassador-at-large and special advisor to the Secretary of State for the New and Independent States of the former Soviet Union (1997-2000), where he had direct responsibility for U.S. relations with Ukraine, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. (This addition basically means that the senior USTR person presently responsible for this role will no longer have to split her time among the Chile Free Trade Area (FTA), Central American FTA, and FTAA negotiations, as well as the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and other duties.) Another Department of State detailee is expected this summer. Page 4 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas Figure 1: FTAA Time Frames and Milestones, 2002–2005 November 2002 January 2005 Deadline to conclude FTAA negotiations Quito, Ecuador: Seventh FTAA November 2002–December 2005 ministerial December 2005 Entry into force of FTAA February 2003 June 2003 July 2003 September 2003 November 2003 2004 Deadline for Deadline for Initiate the process for the Submit a new Miami, Florida: Brazil: submission of submission of presentation of revised offers version of the Eighth Ninth initial market requests for and subsequent negotiations chapters to the TNC FTAA ministerial FTAA ministerial access offers improvements on improvements (Date to be determined) to offers Deadline for stocktaking report on agriculture Submit to the TNC a revised version of the FTAA text chapters Source: GAO. Note: The TNC refers to the Trade Negotiations Committee. The TNC guides the work of the negotiating groups and other committees and groups and decides on the overall architecture of the agreement and institutional issues. Five of the nine FTAA negotiating groups—agriculture, market access, services, government procurement, and investment—finally began work negotiating concrete market access commitments, or schedules to liberalize trade, in mid-February 2003. These negotiations are considered very important, because they will determine how much trade and investment will actually be liberalized and how rapidly trade barriers will be removed. Even though all 34 FTAA countries met the deadline for submitting initial offers on industrial and agricultural market access, many of these offers were conservative. For example, in contrast to the U.S. offer, several nations placed sizeable shares of their trade into the longest phaseout category (more than 10 years) or excluded some key items from liberalization. In addition, some nations have not yet made offers on investment, services, and government procurement. Ultimately, achieving substantial liberalization will be difficult, because the tariffs of many FTAA participants are high, and tariffs are an important source of government revenue for many FTAA nations. Page 5 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas FTAA participants must also agree on the final legal text or rules on such complex topics as intellectual property rights and competition policy. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this task, the draft FTAA agreement made public last November was nearly 400 pages long. Moreover, most of the text was in brackets, which signified disagreement among the 34 participating nations. Bridging these disagreements may be difficult, given the number and diversity of nations participating. Several FTAA participants, including the United States, are among the wealthiest nations in the world. But some FTAA participants, such as Haiti, are among the poorest, and others are small or isolated in geographic terms. To deal with the problem of differences in the 34 participants’ wealth and size, the November 2002 Quito ministerial launched a Hemispheric Cooperation Program. This program is considered vital to building a necessary consensus among the FTAA participants. The program’s goal is to identify critical priorities and help marshal funds that would bolster the capacity of the lesser-developed nations to negotiate, implement, and benefit from an FTAA. Participants’ interests within the FTAA negotiations differ, even among the largest countries. According to reports, although the U.S.’s work with Brazil is going smoothly, Brazil’s commitment to the FTAA and to its deadlines remains unclear. Recently, for example, Brazil’s Foreign Minister stated that the FTAA completion deadline of 2005 is too ambitious. Indeed, FTAA negotiators have set ambitious goals for the coming months. By June 15, 2003, the five groups negotiating market access will exchange requests for revised offers. All ten negotiating groups are working to provide vice ministers with a revised text at their next meeting on July 7, 2003 (in El Salvador). The goal is to have a rather advanced agreement by this November’s FTAA ministerial in Miami. Other Trade Negotiations A third challenge facing the United States as co-chair is that other major Occurring Concurrently negotiations are occurring concurrently with the FTAA. For example, the U.S. Trade Representative has notified Congress of his intent to pursue free trade agreements with (1) five nations of Central America, (2) Australia, (3) the South African Customs Union,5 and (4) Morocco, and USTR has started negotiations toward this end. Meanwhile, the Doha Development round of WTO negotiations involving 146 nations and a similarly broad set of issues will officially be at the midpoint at the 5 A customs union including South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, and Swaziland. Page 6 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas September 2003 WTO ministerial. Some of the same USTR staff are involved in these concurrent negotiations. Moreover, several issues of importance to U.S. trade partners in the hemisphere, notably agriculture subsidies and trade injury remedies, are linked to ongoing negotiations at the WTO. The U.S. position is that the WTO is the appropriate forum to deal with domestic agriculture subsidies, but many other FTAA participants maintain that domestic agriculture support needs to be addressed in both the FTAA and the WTO. The November 2002 Quito ministerial declaration notes the importance of progress in both the WTO and FTAA agriculture negotiations. 6 However, WTO negotiators missed a March 31, 2003, deadline to establish modalities, or the rules and guidelines for agricultural liberalization, as well as other deadlines in other areas under negotiation. We noted in a September 2002 report that meeting this deadline was a crucial indicator of the likelihood of success in the overall negotiations.7 Lack of progress in these WTO negotiations has caused concern about prospects for progress in FTAA negotiations. The United States will host the Eighth FTAA Trade Ministerial in Miami in Gaps in U.S. November 2003, just 6 months from now. This ministerial is particularly Preparations for significant, because it will occur just over a year before the slated conclusion of FTAA and WTO negotiations. As host, the United States has Hosting November numerous responsibilities, but U.S. planning for the ministerial is at an 2003 Ministerial Pose early stage. Given the lead times involved, however, intense efforts are needed to fill the remaining gaps in the areas of expertise, planning, Risks funding, and security. 6 Specifically, the Quito ministerial declaration states: We recognize that, in a global market, we must have significant results in the negotiations on agriculture, both in the FTAA and in the WTO. In this context, we must also take into account the practices by third countries that distort world trade in agricultural products. We also recognize that our respective evaluation by country or group of countries, of the results in the market access negotiations in agriculture in the FTAA, will depend on the progress we can reach in other subjects that are part of the agriculture agenda. 7 See U.S. General Accounting Office, World Trade Organization: Early Decisions are Vital to Progress in Ongoing Negotiations, GAO-02-879 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 4, 2002). Page 7 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas Responsibilities of the The host of an FTAA ministerial is generally responsible for providing Host of an FTAA facilities, transportation, and security for both the ministerial and the Ministerial Are Numerous, Trade Negotiations Committee meeting, a gathering of vice ministers that precedes the ministerial. In addition, separate forums for the business Important community and civil society typically accompany FTAA ministerials. Each of these events involves hundreds of people, including many high-level officials requiring appropriate protocol and special security measures. The task of the United States as host is especially complex, because USTR must coordinate actively with local officials and oversee host city preparations to ensure they are satisfactory. Successfully executing the many responsibilities of an FTAA ministerial host is critical, given the importance of ministerial meetings in the negotiations. Several Factors Critical to Our discussions with cognizant officials suggest that hosts must have Success several basic elements in place to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above (see fig. 2). Particularly important is having (1) staff experienced in bringing together all the different components including logistics, budgeting, and procurement; (2) a plan that clearly sets forth responsibilities and timelines for putting in place necessary logistical arrangements; (3) access to funds to pay for expenses; and (4) assurance of adequate security. Figure 2: Keys to a Successful Ministerial Keys to a Successful Ministerial Experienced and capable staff A plan that clearly sets forth roles, responsibilities, and timelines Access to adequate funds Ample security for participants Source: GAO. USTR Lacks Experience USTR has sole responsibility for organizing the FTAA ministerial. As an Hosting; Miami Has Track agency, it has relatively little institutional experience in this area, however, Record but Wants Support and it is receiving limited assistance from other agencies with expertise. Page 8 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas Until late April USTR had four permanent staff working part-time on planning the FTAA ministerial, only one of these staff has significant experience in logistics, security, and administration. USTR had received substantial help in planning the last major trade ministerial it hosted, the 1999 Seattle WTO ministerial, including assistance from several Department of State officials with previous international conference planning experience.8 The Department of State is not providing similar support for the November 2003 FTAA ministerial, however, largely due to budgetary constraints. In fiscal year 1995, the Department of State was receiving $6 million to fund and support U.S. participation in international conferences. By fiscal year 1999, this appropriation had been discontinued, with no commensurate increase to USTR’s budget for trade meetings.9 As a result, USTR plans to rely heavily on Miami’s expertise to carry out the November 2003 meeting. Miami hosted the 1994 Summit of the Americas that launched the FTAA initiative, and the city has hosted other major events. However, the Miami organizers (committees and individuals representing both private and public sectors in South Florida, including the jurisdictions of the city of Miami, the county of Miami-Dade, the city of Coral Gables, and the city of Miami Beach), informed us that they would like more support from the federal government. In particular, on the premise that the workload and need for coordination will increase as the ministerial draws closer, they would like a full-time federal staff person to be detailed from the Department of State to Miami in a liaison capacity as soon as possible. (This had been done for the 1994 Summit of the Americas, also in Miami.) Plans for Ministerial in Early Both the federal government’s and Miami’s plans for hosting the November Stages; Intense Preparations 2003 ministerial are in early stages. Some of the specific tasks identified in Required FTAA guidelines have been accomplished, and more are in process. For example, accommodations for delegates and meeting space have been selected. However, the USTR and Miami both agree that much remains to be done between now and the November 2003 ministerial. Among other things, a budget that clearly outlines funding sources and responsible 8 Although some records are available, including timelines and task lists, the Department of State does not have written guidelines on how to plan such an event, and no formal, written “lessons learned” were prepared after the Seattle WTO ministerial. 9 In fiscal year 2000, the Department of State received a separate appropriations for the Seattle ministerial. Page 9 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas parties must be finalized; meeting space configured; a security plan developed; and arrangements for providing credentials, translation, administrative support, and other services made. The FTAA Administrative Secretariat requires the United States to provide both the Secretariat and the delegates with details of the U.S. arrangements for the November FTAA ministerial by late September 2003. Making all of the required arrangements by then will require intense preparations on the part of both the USTR and Miami officials. Funding Has Not Been Secured, Among other things, funding for the FTAA ministerial has not been and Funding Responsibilities secured. As of early May, a budget for the event had not been finalized, Are Still Unclear local fund-raising had just begun, and no federal agencies had received funding for the FTAA ministerial meeting. Current estimates are that the ministerial will cost $10 million. Although some funding requirements can be met through in-kind contributions, expenses that require an outlay of funds are expected to total about $3 million and will be incurred within the next 2 months. Such expenses include making deposits for hotels and transportation and paying the firms supporting the FTAA Web site and preparing delegate credentials. Relying on the host city to pay the majority of the costs is a model the United States has followed at past summits and trade ministerials where a host committee, or an organizing group composed of local representatives associated with the host city, paid for the majority of the costs. For example, this model was used for a ministerial meeting of the International Telecommunications Union held in 1998 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Some experiences with host committees have been unsuccessful, however. For example, at the 1999 Seattle WTO ministerial, decisions to rely on the host committee, and the committee’s ultimate failure to raise sufficient funds, caused problems at the meeting. In addition, costs kept escalating as year- long planning efforts continued, ultimately reaching $24 million.10 This amount is considerably higher than the December 1998 budget of $9 million. Moreover, it is nearly as large as USTR’s entire fiscal year 2001 budget, which was $29 million. No federal agency has yet received funding for the FTAA ministerial. The USTR has only requested $200,000 for the FTAA ministerial, or 2 percent of the currently projected cost, but this is in the President’s fiscal year 10 Security expenses accounted for more than half of the total cost, amounting to $14 million. Page 10 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas 2004 budget request for the year that begins October 1, 2003. At a minimum, USTR will have to pay for the expenses of its staff participating in the event, for setting up and staffing a fully equipped office in which U.S. delegates can work, for basic translation services, and for certain aspects of security. To reduce costs, USTR had planned to use computers and other equipment procured for the September 2003 Cancun WTO ministerial for the Miami FTAA ministerial. To date, however, USTR has not been given approval by the Office of Management and Budget to submit a request for a $1.3 million supplemental appropriation that would fund this procurement. USTR has stated that Miami will provide the vast majority of funds for the ministerial. USTR plans to rely on Miami’s desire to be the site of the permanent FTAA Administrative Secretariat as incentive to raise the necessary funds. However, the Miami organizers believe the federal government will also assume some financial responsibility because, in their view, the ultimate host of the ministerial is the federal government. Both parties have agreed to use the budget development process to identify funding sources and apportion financial and logistical responsibilities. However, this breakdown is still being discussed. USTR has sought to forestall any possible funding difficulties through signing an agreement with the Miami organizers for them to provide a statement of fund-raising principles and periodic status reports. So far, the four Miami municipalities involved have drafted a memorandum of understanding regarding their financial support of the meeting. Under the memorandum, they agreed to provide in-kind and cash support according to a yet-to-be specified formula.11 This agreement allows signatories to withdraw, however, if they determine that they can no longer financially participate. Security Is Critical Another key risk the United States will face in Miami is ensuring the security of participants. Previous trade ministerials have involved extensive security requirements, in part because these events have attracted protestors opposing globalization. USTR expects around 6,000 participants at the Miami ministerial. The number of protesters expected, however, ranges between 20,000 and 100,000, according to both USTR and the Miami organizers, compared to 9,000 participants and 50,000 protesters 11 The four municipalities involved are the city of Miami, the county of Miami-Dade, the city of Coral Gables, and the city of Miami Beach. Page 11 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas at the Seattle WTO ministerial. In a February 2000 report,12 we noted that protestors interfered with the Seattle WTO ministerial by causing delays and disrupting proceedings. Protestors also threatened and, in some cases, assaulted delegates. Local reports indicated that 92 protestors and bystanders and 56 police officers were injured, and that downtown Seattle businesses suffered $3 million in property damage. At the FTAA ministerial in Quito, Ecuador, protestors were also present, and a breakdown in order at a meeting between trade ministers and civil society groups raised security concerns. According to USTR officials, the need to link logistics and security is an important lesson learned after the security problems experienced at the Seattle ministerial and is a critical component of the planning for the Miami event. At the Seattle ministerial, security costs accounted for more than half of the expenses incurred, in part because security had not been factored into logistical arrangements from the beginning. USTR’s goal is to have a security plan finalized by May 30, 2003. In summary, Mr. Chairman, despite 4 years of talks, considerable work Conclusions remains in order to culminate an initiative that the hemisphere’s 34 democratically elected leaders once embraced as key to integrating their economies, improving growth and equity, and strengthening democracy. With a January 2005 deadline for completion, our work suggests that the United States faces challenges as co-chair of the final phase of FTAA negotiations and as host of a major trade ministerial in Miami just over 6 months from now. Filling gaps in human and financial resources is critical to success and will require intense preparations on the part of both USTR and the Miami organizers between now and November. As a result, in our report, we recommend that USTR intensify U.S. preparations and regularly evaluate whether resources and plans are sufficient. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, this concludes my prepared statement. I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. 12 See GAO/T-NSIAD-00-86. Page 12 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas For future information on this testimony, please call Loren Yager or Kim Contacts and Staff Frankena at (202) 512-8124. Individuals making key contributions to this Acknowledgments testimony included Venecia Rojas Kenah, R. Gifford Howland, Rona Mendelsohn, Kirstin Nelson, Jon Rose, and Marc Molino. (320181) Page 13 GAO-03-700T Free Trade Area of the Americas This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. 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Orders should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office 441 G Street NW, Room LM Washington, D.C. 20548 To order by Phone: Voice: (202) 512-6000 TDD: (202) 512-2537 Fax: (202) 512-6061 Contact: To Report Fraud, Web site: www.gao.gov/fraudnet/fraudnet.htm Waste, and Abuse in E-mail: [email protected] Federal Programs Automated answering system: (800) 424-5454 or (202) 512-7470 Jeff Nelligan, managing director, [email protected] (202) 512-4800 Public Affairs U.S. General Accounting Office, 441 G Street NW, Room 7149 Washington, D.C. 20548 Free Trade Area of the Americas: United States Faces Challenges as Co-Chair of Final Negotiating Phase and Host of November 2003 Ministerial Published by the Government Accountability Office on 2003-05-13. Below is a raw (and likely hideous) rendition of the original report. (PDF)
Well, the time has come for another buddy event. And boy are these things a blast. For the last 2 years, whenever my buddy and I would go around the Visual Arts Buddy Event, I would struggle to keep them on one task. But this time it was different. After two hit-or-miss activities, my buddy, Jacob, dicsovered pottery. The moment that he set his eyes on the pottery wheel, he didn’t look anywhere else. He must have spent over thirty minutes, hands on the clay; using his fingers to shape and sculpt the dirt into amazing shapes. I don’t think I have ever seen someone latch onto something so fast in my life. With another great experience up my sleeve, I can’t wait to see what the next buddy event has in store for us!
Executive Vice President, Chief Operation Officer, Executive Leadership Council Brickson Diamond is Chief Operating Officer and a member of The Executive Leadership Council (ELC), the preeminent member organization for current and former black CEOs, board members and senior executives at Fortune 1,000 companies. Mr. Diamond is responsible for the daily operations of the organization and works with ELC leadership, staff and members to ensure the future growth and impact of the Council through its Institute for Leadership Development & Research and general public support. He is responsible for the development, management and improvement of organizational functions, ensuring that The ELC provides a high level of service to its members, high-potential black corporate leaders and strategic partners. Mr. Diamond has more than 17 years of experience in investment management. He spent 11 years at Capital Group Private Client Services where he established and coordinated the group’s $1.2 billion national marketing and service efforts with high net worth-focused investment management consultants, and advised high net worth individuals, families and non-profit organizations. Mr. Diamond also founded The Blackhouse Foundation, which works to provide a platform for Black filmmakers, encouraging them to use their divergent voices to tell stories by and about people of African descent through independent film. Mr. Diamond is a trustee of Brown University, the Tides Foundation and the Middlesex School. He is the chair of The Blackhouse Foundation. He previously served on the boards of the Liberty Hill Foundation, the National Hospice Foundation and the Brown Alumni Association. He is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Business School.
Looking for Land to build that Dream Home? Well look no further. This property is a 2 parcels for 1 package. A combined total of almost 6.5 acres. The 1st parcel is a 1.90 acre lot which consists of an On site Well and Septic on Both sides of the lot. There is a Double wide on one side of the property and a stick built home on the other. They are being sold AS IS, No repairs of any kind will be made. This lot is partially cleared and open lot with some mature trees for privacy. This 1.9 acres is Zoned for Multi use. There is plenty of room for an RV, boat, or outdoor entertaining. There is an Additional Lot being conveyed with the deal which is Tax ID# KH-00-01600-01-7300-000. This parcel is a 4.50 acre lot with many possibilities. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to purchase almost 6.5 acres for such a Great Price! Being priced for the value of the land. Home needs renovation. Land, Double wide, and House being sold AS IS. Cross listed as Resi 7152860. Great opportunity to make this home yours! Spacious lot with a 1,000 sq ft workshop and detached garage for extra storage. The home has great potential. MLS ID 1001809224 Courtesy of: Myers Realty Office Phone: 3026744255 Listing Agent: Tina L Stewart Updated: 7th March, 2018 6:28 PM. 1942 LONGRIDGE RD Clayton, DE
|Thousands of people have been visiting the park that is offering free admission and discounts till November 20, after which it will be closed till December 31. — Photo motthegioi HA NOI (VNS) — Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has instructed the authorities in Binh Duong Province to prevent massive traffic jams on the national highway leading to the Dai Nam Park. Thousands of people have been visiting the park that is offering free admission and discounts till November 20, after which it will be closed till December 31. Earlier this week, tens of thousands of people flocked to the Dai Nam Tourist Park in Hiep An ward, Thu Dau Mot city, causing 20km-long massive traffic jams and inconvenience to the public. The Deputy PM called on the provincial authorities to deploy manpower and resources to ensure smooth traffic flow and tourist safety. The Dai Nam Park is spread over 450ha in Binh Duong Province, the country's largest park of its kind. It is currently embroiled in a dispute between the park's officials and the provincial authorities. It is not clear whether the park will reopen in 2015. — VNS
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Volvo has introduced ultra-frugal DRIVe versions of its new S60 and V60. Powering both models is a 1.6-litre turbocharged diesel engine mated to a six-speed manual ’box with stop-start technology. The Volvo S60 DRIVe will produce CO2 emissions of 114 g/km and achieve 65.7mpg, with the larger V60 variant emitting 119 g/km CO2 and achieving 62.8mpg. Available to order now, prices for the S60 start from £23,495 for the base ES model. Nine variants are available with DRIVe technology, seven of which emit less than 120g/km. In spring 2011, new DRIVe models be made available in the V70 and S80.
711 Westlake Rd is a $3,350,000, 2,500 square foot home on a 0.65 acre lot located in Strathmore, AB. FOR SALE OR LEASE *Flex Building suitable for Retail, Office, Industrial, Car Wash (no equipment), Multi-family. *For Sale $3,350,000 - both buildings. 2 x buildings, 2 x titles - buildings can be purchased separately +/- 10,000 each. Total Area For Sale: 21,000 sq. ft. +/- Area For Lease: Retail/Office: 8,855 sq ft @$11.00/sf Office Mezz: 657 sq ft @ $11.00/sf (Office mezzanine could be increased ) Warehouse: 2286 sq ft @$9.00/sf Car Wash Bays (Car wash bays - no equipment) / Warehouse: 6,383sq.ft.+/-@$9.00/sf Apartments: 2,050 sq. ft. total (LEASED) 1 - 2 B - 1,000 sq. ft. @ $1100/mth 1 - 1 B - 600 sq. ft. @ $900/mth 1 - Studio - 450 sq. ft. @ $800/mth Lease Rate: $9.00 - $11.00/sq. ft. plus Op Costs: $2.02/sq. ft. Taxes: $22,140 (2017) Power: 2000 Amp total (TBV). All bays separately metered Loading: 4 - Drive through & 3 - Drive-in Parking: 42 +/- scramble Zoning: CHWY - Highway Commercial District Mechanical: 5 roof top units, overhead heaters and make-up air in industrial bays |# Parking Spaces||42| Transaction Type - For Lease Site Influences - Pylon/Sign Site Influences - Street Lighting Site Influences - Visual Exposure Site Influences - Flat Site Site Influences - Highway Frontage Site Influences - High Traffic Area Site Influences - Highway Access Site Influences - Landscaped |Property Sub Type| Condo Type - Not a Condo Data supplied by CREB®’s MLS® System. CREB® is the owner of the copyright in its MLS® System. The Listing data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by CREB®. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Used under license. The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Used under license. Data last updated 08/16/2018 at 11:30am MDT .
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February 6, 2007 -- Mueller Industries Inc. reported net sales of $544.2 million for the fourth quarter ending Dec. 30, 2006, a 12.5 percent increase compared to $483.6 million for the year-ago quarter. Memphis-based Mueller is a manufacturer of aluminum and brass forgings, copper tube and fittings; brass and copper alloy rod, bar and shapes; aluminum and copper impact extrusions; plastic fittings and valves; refrigeration valves and fittings; and fabricated tubular products. The company's products are marketed to the construction industry. "After more than five years of vigorous growth, the housing industry is experiencing the widely predicted 'correction,'" Mueller Chairman Harvey L. Karp said in a statement. "The 'correction' is underway but may have already bottomed out. We note that the inventory of unsold new homes is declining, while building permits, the key indicator of future business, increased at the end of 2006. Also, mortgage rates are near historical lows and demographic factors are positive for the housing market." For the full year 2006, the company reported net sales of $2.51 billion, a 45 percent increase compared to $1.72 billion for full year 2005. The increase in net sales is primarily due to the increased cost of copper, Mueller's principal raw material, which is generally passed through to customers by changes in selling prices, according to a company release. For the fourth quarter, Mueller reported net income of $5.2 million, or 14 cents per diluted share, compared to net income of $35.8 million, or 97 cents per diluted share, for the year-ago quarter. For the full year 2006, the company reported net income of $148.8 million, a 60.8 percent increase compared to a net income of $92.5 million for the full year 2005.
5169 Norfolk Street, Burnaby MLS®: V1034752 LOT VALUE ONLY! House is old & in poor condition and is far from the highest or best use. Rare 66' x 132' lot in prime Burnaby area. City indicates R12 zoning with 2 duplexes possible upon subdivision of land. They also indicate that the duplexes could be side by side or front and rear (one facing Norfolk and the other facing the lane and the very nice view to the North Shore Mountains). All zoning or building information must be verified by the buyer with City Hall or other professional sources. Please do not disturb tenants - Private property. Call for more info. This is an excellent opportunity for an investment/builder! Allow 4 days for offer response. Estate Sale! Taxes (2013): $6,915.00
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Deep down, national-security conservatives know President Obama will not wage a decisive war against America’s enemies in Afghanistan. They also know that the young men and women we already have there are sitting ducks. Ralph Peters notes that our commanders, obsessed with avoiding civilian casualties, have imposed mind-boggling rules of engagement (ROE) on our forces, compelling them to retreat from contact with the enemy and denying them resort to overwhelming force — including the denial of artillery and air cover when they are under siege. As the Washington Examiner’s Byron York recently reported, even some Afghans are telling our commanders to “stop being so fussy . . . and kill the enemy.” Yet the national-security Right is urging that we up the ante and put another 40,000 American lives at risk in this hostile theater, under this commander in chief and the same military leadership that dreamed up the ROE. Why? To attempt, under the rubric of “counterinsurgency,” the unlikeliest of social-engineering experiments: bringing big, modern, collectivist, secular government to a segmented, corrupt, tribal Islamic society — a society that has been at war with itself for three dozen years, which is to say, since the first futile effort to impose big, modern, collectivist, secular government ran smack into Afghanistan’s tribal Islamic ways. #ad#Many on the right who urge the troop escalation want no part of the experiment. But they are hallucinating, too. They have convinced themselves that just because they would take the fight to our enemies, Barack Obama also is inclined to do so: the same Barack Obama who has decried American “militarism” since he was a Columbia undergrad, whose top foreign-policy priority has been to make nice with Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, and who would have to overcome every fiber of his blame-America-first being to wage the war that needs to be waged. It is foolish to believe that, and it would be much worse than foolish to put American lives at risk based on that belief. Obama plainly does not want to deploy more troops. He has boxed himself in, though, by following the Democratic practice of politicizing our national security. Though it is doubtful that Obama would see any military action in pursuit of American interests as righteous, his campaign hyped Afghanistan as the good war, the “war of necessity”– the better to denigrate Iraq as the bad war, the “war of choice.” He compounded the problem in March when, in the course of adding 21,000 troops to the Afghanistan mission, he couldn’t resist sniping at his predecessor, saying President Bush had turned a deaf ear to our commanders, who had been “clear about the resources they need.” So now Obama finds himself presiding over the good war of necessity with a commander — the commander he chose — who is quite clear that he needs 40,000 more troops. That commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, is a highly decorated veteran with impressive combat-command experience. He is also a progressive big-thinker on geopolitics, having been a military fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Harvard’s Kennedy School. One perceives more of the academic than the warrior in his startling white paper proposal for what is labeled a “counterinsurgency” campaign. The proposal was strategically leaked to the Washington Post last week. The president’s knees are buckling as opportunistic politics give way to political accountability. The general has seen many a former courtier thrown under Obama’s bus and has no intention of finding tire tracks across his camouflage. McChrystal knows a commander’s declaration of what the mission requires carries enormous weight — for many of my friends on the right, it’s game, set, and match. With McChrystal having made public his expert assessment of what the mission demands, the president, a military novice, must either give it to him or be blamed for the ensuing failure. The mission, though, must be the one the commander has been given by his civilian superiors, who answer to the American people. It is not the commander’s place to redefine the mission as something the American people never authorized and never would. But that is what McChrystal is endeavoring to do. He describes his plan as “revolutionary.” He’s sure got that right: The proposal would radically alter the understanding most Americans have about why we are in Afghanistan — as he puts it, his proposal would “redefine the nature of the fight.” NOT OUR WAR To be sure, a general’s military judgments are owed great deference, particularly by those of us without military backgrounds. But labeling McChrystal’s proposal a “military strategy” doesn’t make it one, and this proposal happens to be short on combat planning and long on sociological theory. On the latter, we don’t owe him any more deference than we do the ineffable Joe Biden. #page#Up until now, one might have thought our goal in going to war in Afghanistan was to vanquish al-Qaeda, its jihadist affiliates, and the Taliban — the de facto Afghan government we toppled because it facilitated al-Qaeda’s terrorist strikes against the United States from 1998 through 9/11. That certainly is the mission contemplated by the use-of-force resolution Congress passed in September 2001. President Obama seemed to grasp this back in March when he assured Americans that defeating al-Qaeda was his purpose in Afghanistan (and in Pakistan as well). But that is not General McChrystal’s purpose. In fact, he does not even think this is America’s war. “This is their war,” the general says of the Afghans. “This conflict and country are [theirs] to win — not mine.” And because we are in Afghanistan primarily to make life better for the Afghans, he argues, “our strategy cannot be focused on seizing terrain or destroying insurgent forces; our objective must be the population.” This, he writes, is a “war of ideas” in which “the key to changing [the Afghans’] perceptions lies in changing the underlying truths.” Good luck with that. The main underlying truth in this conflict is Islam, a matter McChrystal barely mentions in his 60 pages of politically correct prose. The inconvenient truths are: that the population of Afghanistan is 99.5 percent Muslim; that the Afghans have longstanding alliances with our jihadist enemies, who helped them drive the Soviets out of their country in 1989 after a decade of brutal occupation; that even though a majority of Afghans does not want the Taliban back in power, the group still enjoys considerable support among a population that was largely content to live under its rule; that the Afghan Taliban and al-Qaeda enjoy enthusiastic support from Pakistan, where the United States is despised and where Sunni Islamism is seen as a useful weapon against India and Iran, which is why Pakistan created the Taliban in the first place. And even if McChrystal is correct that most Afghans do not oppose our presence in their country, many of them do, and many more non-Afghan Muslims view us as an occupying infidel force. #ad#When McChrystal does get around to Islam, on page 38 of his opus, he botches it: A more forceful and offensive StratCom approach must be devised whereby [the insurgents] are exposed continually for their cultural and religious violations, anti-Islamic and indiscriminate use of violence and terror, and by concentrating on their vulnerabilities. These include their causing of the majority of civilian casualties, attacks on education, development projects, and government institutions, and flagrant contravention of the principles of the Koran. These vulnerabilities must be expressed in a manner that exploits the cultural and ideological separation of the [insurgents] from the vast majority of the Afghan population. This remarkable passage comes after McChrystal repeatedly cautions readers that “We must never confuse the situation as it stands with the one we desire.” He should take his own advice. There is considerable debate in Islamic circles about whether the Islamists’ rigid construction of sharia contravenes “the principles of the Koran.” Many Muslims claim these principles have been tempered by centuries of practice and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). To claim, however, that the Taliban are “flagrantly” in violation of Islamic principles, and that they will judged to be so by other Muslims, is wishful thinking. So is the suggestion that Afghan Muslims, culturally and ideologically, have more in common with us than with than with the Afghan Muslims we are fighting. General McChrystal should know that global polls show that 75 percent of Muslims want “to keep Western values out of Islamic countries” and endorse “a strict application of sharia,” which includes such time-honored penalties as death for apostasy and stoning for adultery. Moreover, it is neither “indiscriminate” nor “anti-Islamic” to “use . . . violence and terror” against infidels who take up arms against Muslims and who attempt to sow the seeds of Western governance in Islamic countries. In the days following 9/11, even after condemning al-Qaeda’s mass-murder of innocent civilians, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa forbidding Muslims to cooperate with the United States in Afghanistan. The sheikh subsequently declared that Muslims enlisted in the American military should refuse to participate in U.S. operations in Islamic countries. In 2004, he added that Muslims should attack occupying American troops in Iraq. If we combine the huge international audience of his weekly al-Jezeera television program and his Islam Online cyber-venture, Qaradawi is the most influential Sunni cleric in the world. He is also the chief theoretician of the world’s most influential Islamist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood (the same Muslim Brotherhood President Obama insisted on inviting to his ballyhooed speech in Cairo this past spring). Given a choice between Qaradawi and McChrystal, many Muslims, in Afghanistan and elsewhere, are going with Qaradawi. When McChrystal is not getting Islam hopelessly wrong, he makes the fatal error of ignoring it — a mistake that has characterized U.S. strategic thinking for at least two decades. Thus he asserts, for example, that “the insurgents have two primary objectives: controlling the Afghan people and breaking the coalition’s will” — as if there were no rationale (besides the unremarkable tyrannical impulse) for “the insurgents” to behave this way. But the Taliban and its allies want to control the Afghan people in order to reinstitute what they see as the purified Islam of Mohammed’s Companions. They are not just “insurgents,” they are jihadists who see themselves as pursuing a divine commandment to impose Allah’s law. In a great many cases, they are doing so in their own country, and with the support and respect of many of their countrymen. So while McChrystal is correct that a majority of Afghans (especially those who practice more moderate strains of Sufi Islam) rejects the Taliban, a sizable minority sympathizes. Even if that were not so, rejecting the Taliban’s barbarous methods and austere agenda hardly means that Afghans reject Islamism more generally. And even less does it mean that most Afghans will come to see themselves as more aligned with Americans than with our enemies, their fellow Afghan Muslims. In Islam, there is endless intramural rivalry and discord; still, that is put aside in conflicts with non-believers — the unity of the umma, the global Muslim nation, takes precedence. BRINGING HOPE AND CHANGE TO AFGHANISTAN What would bring Afghanistan’s tribal, Islamic population over to our side? Let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that McChrystal is right and Afghans uniformly see the Taliban as their tormentors. Are we going to kill or capture all the Taliban? No: not our job; according to General McChrystal, we’re there to convince the Afghans that doing so is their job. #page#Given all the concern on the right that abandoning Afghanistan would be a propaganda coup for America’s enemies, shouldn’t this be something of an eye-opener? America’s commander in the theater doesn’t think that we’re in Afhganistan to fight our enemies. We are there, he says, to train Afghans to fight America’s enemies. The McChrystal plan anticipates that we will do precisely what McChrystal’s supporters on the right say we must not do: leave Afghanistan with the Taliban and al-Qaeda still causing trouble. All the McChrystal plan does is put that day off for a couple of years, until the Afghan army and police force purportedly are up to the task of doing what we haven’t done. It’s their war, not ours. So if it’s not our war and we’re not focused on workaday war-making — things like “seizing terrain or destroying insurgent forces” — what should we be doing in Afghanistan? Well, for one thing, General McChrystal says we should be fostering the “development and use of indigenous narratives to tap into the wider cultural pulse of Afghanistan.” Pretty hip for a military objective. But perhaps not as trendy our primary task: McChrystal says we’ve sent our soldiers to address “a crisis of confidence among Afghans — in both their government and the international community.” How’s that work? First we have to stop being so “pre-occupied with protection of our own forces.” All that fighting we’ve been doing amounts to the trivial pursuit of “tactical wins that cause civilian casualties or unnecessary collateral damage.” We’ve been too distant “physically and psychologically . . . from the people we seek to protect.” We’ve got to get with it and understand that “security may not come from the barrel of a gun. Better force protection may be counterintuitive; it might come from less armor and less distance from the population.” #ad#That may fly at the Kennedy School, and it would make a fine cover essay for Foreign Affairs. It is likely to prove less persuasive to the families of our young men and women in uniform. They read the newspapers, and to them it sure must seem that much of this population that so enthralls McChrystal is working with, and selling our troops out to, the Taliban. What, in any event, would McChrystal have us do once we get up close and personal with the Afghans? The general posits that, with our “improved and evolved level of understanding,” we can build the Afghans a bigger, better central government: one that is accountable, is able to “raise revenue,” provides better services, takes responsibility for national security, and is a positive force in the lives of remote tribal enclaves. McChrystal grants that this is an uphill climb. “The recent Presidential and Provincial Council elections” — the ones that the incumbents attempted to steal — were “far from perfect,” and Afghanistan’s maze of tribal constituents “have traditionally sought a degree of independence from the central government.” Sounding more like a Democratic strategist than a general in command of a hot war, McChrystal speculates that the country will be transformed by the pioneering “National Solidarity Program,” to say nothing of the “Afghan Social Outreach Program.” Can health-care reform be far behind? In post-9/11 America, Islam is a “religion of peace,” and that’s that. We’ve learned to say and think nothing further on the subject. What causes terrorism and drives terrorist recruitment is Abu Ghraib, or Gitmo, or unemployment, or anything other than Islam. It might be worth considering a little modern Islamic history. Afghanistan was slow to radicalize. After the Anglo-Afghan wars of the 19th century, Britain was content to influence it but had no appetite to occupy it. Its interaction with the West was minimal. By contrast, Islamism grew like wildfire in what became Egypt and Pakistan. Those Muslim territories had been occupied by Western powers that attempted to plant Western culture, institutions, and governance. This provoked virulent resistance from devout Muslims, who saw the effort — well-meaning or not — as an existential threat to their civilization. Islamism was spawned in the universities but rapidly became a mass movement. Afghanistan was not radicalized until the mid-Seventies when the imposition of another Western idea — Marxism — was attempted. This sparked an Islamist revolt that sprang first out of Kabul University. The movement metastasized after the 1979 Soviet invasion, which prompted American and Saudi funding of the mujahideen (to the tune of $6 billion), much of which went to the most extreme Islamist elements, including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar — the warlord and former engineering student who was a key ally of Osama bin Laden, who would later become Afghan prime minister, and who to this day fights alongside al-Qaeda and the Taliban. This history should give us pause. Let’s say one were inclined to think, as General McChrystal is inclined to think, (a) that we could transform Afghanistan into something resembling a modern social democracy, complete with vibrant educational programs, and (b) that it is appropriate to make doing so the job of the United States military. How is that going to improve American national security against Islamist terror? To the contrary, the likelihood is that the effort will catalyze Islamism. It won’t matter that we think we are helping; we will be perceived by millions in the Muslim world, including in Afghanistan, as infidel occupiers who are trying to undermine Islamic culture. And the opposition’s epicenter will be the very schools we are encouraging the Afghans and our other allies — like the Saudis — to build. Have you seen what Saudi education is like in Virginia? What do you suppose these allies of ours are teaching in Kandahar? We have only one military mission in Afghanistan, and it is not to protect the Afghan population, who are not properly our concern so long as they don’t allow their country to be a launching pad for attacks on the United States. Our troops are in Afghanistan because we, not the Afghans, are in a war to destroy al-Qaeda and its enablers — the Taliban, Hekmatyar, and the Haqqani network, all of which draw support from Pakistan. Obviously, we should always try to avoid civilian casualties in achieving our objectives. But this is a war, and our objectives take precedence. Afghan and Pakistani civilians will best be protected if we use the back-breaking force necessary to achieve our objectives as swiftly as possible; American civilians and troops will best be protected by making clear that if America is threatened again our troops will be back again — and not to bring hope and change. A well-meaning social experiment masquerading as a counterinsurgency — oblivious to the unintended downsides and bent on delegating our counterterrorism work to the Afghans a couple of years hence — is not a good reason to have any troops in Afghanistan, much less to send in 40,000 more. The nice, friendly war — in which we pretend that we love the wonderful native people, have a quarrel solely with their wayward fringe, fight only until our enemies scatter but not until they are defeated, and define success (rather than victory) by how much we improve life for the indigenous population — is a delusion. If we’re not up for the real thing, we should leave Afghanistan now. Those who worry that we would give al-Qaeda a huge propaganda victory should consider that we’re already giving them one by hamstringing our warriors and exhibiting a failure of will.
During the last week of October, The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi held its first ever Big Draw week as part of the UK’s Campaign for Drawing initiative. The Big Draw aims to get people using their imagination, drawing collaboratively and highlight the importance of Art and creativity in education. There were a whole range of events taking place throughout the week with different departments and year groups all highlighting the creative ways drawing is relevant to their curriculum with specific drawing activities and events. Primary Big Draw Day 29th October Students from Years 3 to 6 were invited down to the foyer to create three 10 meter long collaborative drawings in marker pens. To get them started, they were given example imagery which included different techniques for creating a variety of marks and shape. All of the students were fully engaged in the activity and worked extremely well together to create effective final outcomes. It was great to see students taking pride in the section of work they completed and respectively adding to each other’s work. Secondary Big Draw Day 30th October On Secondary Big Draw Day students from Years 7 to 10 worked in the foyer on three canvases and a 10 meter roll of paper. As a starting point, one canvas was set out to show the Beijing skyline with the remaining work inspired by images from Beijing and example imagery linked to theme “It’s our World”. The Secondary school students produced some incredible outcomes showing great teamwork, precision and imagination. Community Big Draw 1st November On Saturday students, parents and staff of all ages and ability took part in our first community big draw event. The floor was transformed into a six by ten metre canvas where everyone worked together to produce a drawing of mammoth proportions! There was some superb talent on show and great collaboration between staff, parents and students. This is truly experiencing the BSB family and school community in action!
Focusing on positives for 2017 ALL GOOD things must come to an end. As 2016 dragged on we began to see the final exodus of businesses from the Ipswich Mall; the swansong of a transformation that was triggered when Riverlink opened in 2007. The mall as we have known it for the past 30 years is about be consigned to the history books. Truth be told, the city was in desperate need of a freshen up. The progress we've already seen in the Circa 160 precinct in the top of town is an encouraging sign, as is the renewal going on at 88 Limestone. If the council's plan comes to fruition, then I believe this city will come through these tough times with much to look forward to. The first thing that must change is that the people of Ipswich must embrace the CBD again. On that note, I am feeling positive. There is already a sense of enthusiasm in people's voices when they talk about the new places to go for a meal and a drink. Ipswich is a changing place, and a growing place.
We take pride in each and every one of our Christmas Trees, as we know that over the festive period your Christmas Tree plays a very important role. For some people getting the colour scheme to match the living room is just as important as doing your Christmas shopping. Decorating the tree is a family activity, but often the children’s idea of what looks good and your expectations are a little bit different. This year why not buy the children their own tree for their bedroom, that way they can be as creative as they want! We recommend a Potted Norway Spruce, prices start from £30.00 for a 70cm to 90cm tree.
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We're looking for therapists to work 3-4 days per week. - Support in developing your skills - Opportunity to become part of an exciting & growing Business and work within a friendly team environment We're looking for a candidate with the following skills and attributes: - An experienced Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist (please don't apply unless you are qualified) - An ambitious and motivated individual who has plenty of ideas and is keen to become involved in developing the Practice - Excellent customer service – the individual should always be seeking ways to improve their own massage technique - The overall experience of the customer should be good, this is key - Excellent communication skills – ability to interact effectively, educate and build a great relationships with your clients We expect our therapists to be passionate about massage and act professional and deliver consistently effective massage treatments. Read some of our previous therapists experience of their time spent working at The Massage Centre I really enjoyed the time I spent working at The Massage Centre. The owners, Fran and Ali, were very supportive and proactive in helping me to build my clientele. The constant stream of new clients when I first started enabled me to build my portfolio very quickly. Even though I'd been in the industry for 12 years in Australia, I learnt a great deal about marketing and how to interact with the clientele to build my client-base. The clinic itself was a fantastic, modern environment to work in and the clientele were extremely diverse and interesting. I worked at The Massage Centre for 3 years and only left because of relocation. In my previous 15 years of working as a sports massage therapist The Massage Centre was by far the best clinic I worked in. The centre is well located and offers in house training and support. All the treatment rooms have windows and air-conditioning, so if you are used to working in basements or gyms you are in for a treat. The team consists of therapists and receptionists of different backgrounds and nationalities all of whom help to create very friendly atmosphere. It is a very busy clinic so you must be prepared to work hard. But if you are motivated to learn and work hard and want to have a great financial reward look no further. Martin Machata, M.Ost The Massage Centre was truly the best place I've ever worked. Starting from an interview, throughout all years of practice until my very last day, I felt a great support and enormous appreciation. TMC is very professional and friendly, all therapists are keen to help or exchange experience. The place is run smoothly, I have never experienced any problems with shifts, clients bookings, holidays, payments, etc. Being self employed, I always worried about regular income. One of the best things about TMC is the fact they recognised that great therapists deserve a great income. Their business model is based on offering regular service to returning clients and there are many in-house training opportunities for therapists to improve clients retention and, at the same time, maximise their income. They also promote a healthy work-life balance which is extremely important for massage therapists to avoid physical and mental burn outs. The clinic is very busy and most clients become regular for years! Some of the clients are very active and need ongoing maintenance sports massage, some just have a sedentary lifestyles and need preventative remedial or deep tissue work. There is a variety of clients, but all very nice and professional, mainly local Chiswick residents, what speaks for itself. Fran, the clinic’s manager, is amazing at dealing with people. He was a mentor to me. He was able to identify my weaknesses and with advice and a bit of work, turn them into my strengths. During my work at TMC my confidence grew, I improved my hands on skills, I learned how to communicate with clients better and became much happier therapist. Having worked in few places before and receiving massages in different clinics/spas, I believe that The Massage Centre is the best massage clinic in London, both for therapists and clients. Read one of our current therapists experience of their time spent working at The Massage Centre I came to work here as it has a very good reputation and I spoke to a lot of people who were already working at TMC. They were really happy and only had good things to say about it. Working here feels like you are part of a great team, a lot of knowledgeable people around you that you can learn from and you can help each other to improve your skills. There are a lot of clients coming in with a wide variety of issues.I see on average 5-6 clients a day, typically with neck and shoulder problems along with lower back conditions, and sporting injuries. The working hours here at TMC are flexible and you're not just stuck working weekends. You have a say if you want to work some evenings and morning shifts, and it works pretty well that we therapists can try and accomodate our clients by having a good range of times to see them. The training and support is fantastic. I really like taking part in workshops and if you ever have any questions, or if you're worried about any clients, or anything else, then you can just talk to some more experienced therapists or the manager here. The manager Fran is very experienced and you can turn to him anytime. You need to have a genuine interest in wanting to help people. I think that's key no matter what you are doing. If this fits your profile we'd love to hear from you. Please send us your CV. Thank you!
Where does the name of the Ospedale del Ceppo in the city of Pistoia come from?Mysteries & Legends Where does the name of the Ospedale del Ceppo in the city of Pistoia come from? Ospedale del Ceppo undoubtedly counts among the many masterpieces that the delightful city of Pistoia has to offer. What fascinates tourists is especially the Robbiano Frieze, making them look up at it in admiration. And, above the portico there are seven splendid glazed ceramic panels that represent seven deeds of mercy. These works are of such importance that copies are exhibited at the Pushkin museum in Moscow and at the Victoria and Albert museum in London. But this hospital has another peculiarity that is hidden all in its name. Have you noticed? Most Italian hospitals are named after a saint. In fact, even in Pistoia the new hospital, inaugurated in 2013, was named after the city’s Patron Saint: San Iacopo. But if the 'old' one dates back to the thirteenth century, then why is it called ‘ceppo’ (a piece of wood)? After all, Pistoia is not far from Collodi where, as is well known, pieces of wood gave life to fantastic stories! And in fact Pistoia is no exception: an ancient and fascinating legend explains its name. Let’s go back to 1218: Antimo and Bandinella, a wealthy couple from Pistoia, began to worry about the fact that they had no children to leave their wealth to, and didn’t know who to leave it to. So, one night both spouses had a vision of the Virgin Mary in a dream, or, according to other versions of the story, an angel. But what is important is that in the dream they were asked to look for an abandoned trunk and to build where they found it a shelter to welcome the sick, poor and disabled. Since it was winter, the couple thought the request really was absurd, but still decided to look around the whole city. And so it was that on the bank of the river Brana they found a piece of wood that was blossoming. This was precisely where the hospital was built, overlooking the river, and in memory of the couple’s dream it was called ‘Ospedale del Ceppo’. So that’s where such a peculiar name came from! What do you think? Did reading this story make you want to go and visit it for yourself? How to blame you, it sounds like a great idea! Waste no time, book one of our hotels in Pistoia and seize the chance to visit the area around this beautiful city. And since Florence is only a few kilometers away, we recommend continuing your artistic journey in Tuscany with our unmissable Guided Tour: Uffizi Gallery and Accademia in just two hours. Lucca: The Mint of Lucca: the oldest and longest-running in Europe Did you know that... A bit like the Genova people, the Lucca inhabitants are also singled out as the stingiest in Tuscany. Since my father is from Lucca, I ...View Arezzo: The 'Badalischio' of the Gorga Nera: Casentino’s Loch Ness Mysteries & Legends Do you like legends like the one of the terrible Loch Ness monster? If you don’t, stop reading! If instead you love 'X-files' stories...View Siena: The secret river of Siena: an unresolved mystery Mysteries & Legends Siena, like many cities of ancient origins, guards some interesting mysteries. For example, did you know that a secret river flows bene...View Arezzo: Guido d'Arezzo and the invention of the music In Talla and surroundings people have no doubt: the inventor of the musical stave, the inventor of the music notes and also of the mode...View Pisa: Kinzika, the young woman who saved Pisa from the Saracens It was really her, a young woman with an Arabian name, Kinzica, of the noble Sismondi family, to save Pisa from being sacked by Saracen...View
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My tutorials for the Knit One, Purl One projects (Knitting Journal, and Knitting Project Pouch) are now available over at QFD Creative. We have placed a link in our side bar. Sarah, from QFD Creative, is also selling kits that include all fabric, lace, tape measure trim, and fabric printer sheets, so you can make up these projects too. She will even customise the kits in the fabric of your choice! Posted by Lisa
The Industry Association for Australian Filmmakers and Performers in the U.S. is proud to present an advance screening of including Q&A via Skype with Director Grant Scicluna Tuesday, August 9 Chaplin Theatre, Raleigh Studios 5300 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 Reception to follow *Please do not to register unless you are reasonably certain that you will attend. Though cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, please let us know by 2pm on August 8 if you are no longer able to attend. The feature follows AFTRS graduate short "Driftwood Dustmites" Directed by Malina Maria Manckiewicz Malina was born in Australia in 1992, but spent most of her childhood in the small town of Skierniewice, in the heart of Poland. She came back to Sydney as a teenager where she studied first drama and then directing, graduating from the Australian Film Television and Radio School in 2014. In her final year at the school Malina wrote and directed two short films Deszcz and Driftwood Dustmites under the mentorship of award winning Australian directors: Cate Shortland and Samantha Lang. Malina's work is meditative and observational and gravitates, in subject, to the enigmatic side of familial relationships. Driftwood Dustmites premiered at Berlinale 2015 and also screened at Seattle International Film Festival, New York International Film Festival, WorldFest- Houston International Film Festival, it recently won Best Achievement in Cinematography at this year's St.Kilda Film Festival. Australians in FilmRaleigh Studios5300 Melrose AvenueSuite #B211, Bronson Bldg Hollywood, CA 90038Phone: 323 433 1464
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Monday, March 28, 2016 So here's to Emmy, who listened to my ideas for a totally different ending and whose excitement made me glad (instead of sad) that I was rewriting so much.To Emer, who shoots down my terrible ideas before I can become attached to them. To Giles, who reminds me to be enthusiastic about my story because it's awesome, gosh dangit. To my critique group, who didn't realize at first that they were telling me to delete and rewrite three entire chapters, yet managed to do it in the nicest way possible. Friday, March 25, 2016 Tonight, we're teaching Tropes 101 at 6 p.m., then interviewing Delilah Dawson about Star Wars and steampunk on the main stage at 8 p.m. Emily and Giles are also on various panels throughout the rest of the weekend (sorry, Michelle), so you might see us elsewhere, too! We have candy and jokes available at our table, so make sure you stop by! We've all been looking forward to this for weeks. It's an amazing con with fantastic programming and incredible guests--and gorgeous costumes to boot! Tickets are still available at the door, so come join us at Denver's steampunk and alternate history convention. We're pretty dang sure you'll have an amazing time. Emily is really looking forward to trying on her new costume for the first time. And looking at everyone else's amazing costuming. And talking about pirates and The Legend of Korra. And basically everything. She's excited for everything. Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Once again, Carriger wove a full tale of surprising twists, dastardly plots, and graceful parties. As always, this is a spoiler-free review, but be prepared for surprising twists and world-ending revelations that pin a bow on this fantastic finale. Miss Sophronia finds herself in the middle of yet another plot to overthrow the supernatural leaders of Queen Victoria's government. She embarks on one final mission to save the nation with subtle espionage, ladylike grace, and wonton destruction. Many of the questions left open at the end of the last two books are finally answered. New questions arise through this story, as well, and Carriger successfully gives the readers what they want: a satisfying conclusion full of answers. It even ties in to her Parasol Protectorate series by the very end. The only disappointment is that this is the final book in the series. Seriously. It's been a fantastic adventure, and I'm so sad that it's over. I want more books from her, in this series, and elsewhere in her colorful universe. We do have one more book to look forward to, which will be reviewed in due time. Until then, I suggest each and every one of you go start from the beginning, read (or reread) her books. Better yet, go pick them up in audio format. You won't regret it. Monday, March 21, 2016 There are day-to-day denials, like: “I can get ready for work in five minutes.” “Psh. I’m not addicted to cake.” “Just one more editing pass, then I’ll query.” “That other guy is so much better at this than I’ll ever be.” “I might be able to use some of it later.” Wednesday, March 16, 2016 At least at my day job. It may not be the healthiest choice, which is why I actually CONSIDER it now and then, and have even taken advantage of a handful of sick days over the last few years, but there's work to get done. Sometimes, as a working adult, I just need to take some over-the-counter painkillers (NEVER prescription at work!!!), and get the job done. Especially as an employee of a small business. However, today I'm taking a sick day on this blog. I love writing for this blog, and I enjoy doing what I do for Beyond the Trope. The last sick day I remember taking for the podcast was last year at Anomaly Con (where we'll be NEXT WEEK, so don't miss it), and I think missing one day here and there probably isn't a big deal. So let me leave you with a question: how often do you "push through," emotionally, mentally, and/or physically, when you're not feeling 100%? Monday, March 14, 2016 Me: “Well, that was painful.” Me: “I think I’ll go home and delete everything I’ve ever written.” Emer: “Me too… *sigh* Why do we do this, again?” Me: “I DON’T KNOW.” Michelle's new project is a YA sci-fi/fantasy featuring a crazy girl with a rainbow birthmark, bad guys with cool guns, a ginger, explosions, and a pair of sisters who can move things with their minds. Friday, March 11, 2016 Sometimes we get so wrapped up in a project that we get feedback and suggested improvement and we desperately try to make them work, even if it changes the story we're trying to tell. Sometimes we get so obsessed with the story that we refuse to see it isn't actually salvageable and spend months or years trying to fix something that has a fundamental flaw we're willingly blind to. That is how we as writers don't finish anything. That's how we shoot ourselves in the foot where a writing career is concerned. If we spend forever trying to perfect a story despite knowing that it isn't working on some level, or if we simply spend too much time polishing it in an attempt to make it as pretty as we think it should be, we never get our work out there. There's no hard and fast rule of when you should set aside a project, unfortunately. I'm struggling with that right now. I've been working on a short story for a (now defunct) magazine for the last few months. It's gone through three or four rewrites and just ran through critique group again last night, which basically brought up the fact that I haven't fixed the fundamental problem in this story yet. I keep going back and forth as to whether I should keep going with it and find somewhere else to submit it, or just toss it in the trunk for now and move on. It's a tough call, and one that doesn't really have a right answer. The only thing I can say for certain is that we all need to make sure that we're actually finishing things! Emily is really bad about obsessing over things. She just wants her stories to be perfect, dang it! Of course, she also knows that's not actually possible. Wednesday, March 9, 2016 For many people who try to put together a platform of any kind, whether it's social media, a blog, or a podcast, the most elusive element is interaction with the audience. As bloggers/podcasters, we're putting out content and then hoping people get a chance to consume it in one way or another. The key, I've heard, is to make sure you always respond to people who interact with you. That's not always easy because we have several methods available for response. That's not to say that we don't WANT to interact. We want to hear from you, especially on this blog. And when we can, at least one of us will TRY to respond to comments. Because it's awesome to discuss blog topics! But what we want to encourage all of you to do is interact with each other. In the comments on the blog, talk back and forth about stuff. We don't generally "administer" the comments (at least not on the newest posts), and we'll only step in to delete/block comments if they get mean and/or disrespectful. We'll jump into discussions when we can to stay involved, and we try to do the same on Twitter and Facebook, too. But the best way to get in touch with us is through our contact form. It may take a few days or a few weeks, but for the foreseeable future, we'll try to respond to each email we get. There may be exceptions (like mean, hateful, or disrespectful messages), but as long as you're not giving a review (because we don't respond to reviews: it's a general rule to let the reviewer maintain their opinion without us trying to change it), we'd love to talk. Even if you don't necessarily like what we do. Long story short, we love sharing this podcast/blog with all of our listeners/readers. And getting to talk with people about something that we love is fun for us. So drop us a line, say hello. And talk with each other in the comments section below. EDIT: This post is here to encourage everyone to interact in any way they feel comfortable, but also to emphasize that the best way to hear back from us is to send emails. We'll try to respond to comments and Twitter and Facebook, too. Email's just the most likely way for us to interact. Thanks! Monday, March 7, 2016 “Alone Together” – Fallout Boy“Renegades” – X Ambassadors“I Bet My Life” – Imagine Dragons“Hall of Fame” – The Script“Fixin’” – Walk the Moon“Titanium” – David Guetta“Shake it Out” – Florence and the Machine“Secrets” – OneRepublic“The Best is Yet to Come” – Sheppard“Fight Song” – Rachel Platten“It’s Time” – Imagine Dragons“Halo” – The Pass“Counting Stars” – OneRepublic“Blow” (Deconstructed) – Ke$ha“Burn” – Ellie Goulding Friday, March 4, 2016 This isn't necessarily bad in and of itself, but it can get problematic when you get so caught up in the research that you don't actually get to the writing/creating. Which is a problem I've had. My senior project in college was supposed to be the rough draft of an historical fantasy novel inspired by my time in Ireland and the research I'd done. It never happened. I got so caught up in trying to make everything as historically accurate as I could that I lost the excitement of the project and changed what I was doing. I'm now working on a steampunk-esque story and trying to avoid that problem by limiting the amount of research I'm doing for this draft (and reminding myself it is a fantasy, so I have a bit of leeway). But that didn't stop me from spending all day today researching things instead of remembering to write my blog post! So, if you're like me and enjoy learning things, beware the research! Emily just really enjoys random factoids and can easily get sidetracked into a whole vein of research she didn't actually intend to follow. She's not even sorry. Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Well, yes, all of that is true. And the reason it's odd is because I went an entire week without freaking out. My insurance coverage is good enough to take care of a rental for me, which means I didn't have to "figure something out," and on the day it happened, my wife was off work, meaning I had a ride to get to work that day. All of those things you asked about, I felt them when I finally saw my car in impound (it got recovered and towed to a county facility). Even still, dealing with missed work (about an hour and a half, maybe two hours total over one week), the stress of not knowing if it would be considered totaled (the body was in great shape, but car thieves are NOT notorious for how well they take care of the car's innards), I managed to keep my WRITING momentum going. Honestly, I don't know how, aside from the Grace of God (not to be too cheesy). You see, ANY interruption in my routine makes me freak out. To an extent, I am obsessive-compulsive. Having my car stolen should've shut me down creatively, or spurred me to write some very unusual and dark stuff. But that didn't happen. I got to continue writing my FUN, exciting book. My challenge to you is this: don't let the world around you determine whether or not you'll pursue success. Yes, there are a LOT of things outside of your control. But as far as you DO have control, keep doing whatever you were doing. Adapt, shift perspective, and take time to recover whenever necessary, but don't let it cripple you. I'm going to try to do the same. It's a lesson I learned through all of this.
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I’ve really liked this model ever since I first saw it, but never got around to buying one. Then a few months back I saw one on the Canberra Wargames Buy Swap Sell Facebook Group for $80 and I couldn’t resist. Currently cleaning it up and prepping for assembly! So here’s my finished Imperial Guard Armoured Battlegroup – 1850pts in 13 tanks (well, 12 tanks and a sentinel) and one infantry model. I took this list to ACT masters last month, and did rather poorly (2nd last out of 14, with 3 major losses, 1 minor loss, and 1 draw), only coming out ahead of my friend who also brought an armoured battlegroup (and who also got joint best sport, so congrats to him!). However, being able to throw 12 tanks at people was fun 😀 Gallery of some more shots below. So I actually finished this about a month ago, but I kept getting distracted with new things and computer games and so on that I haven’t posted anything up for a month. To make up for it, there will be a few posts this week before I take (another) break over Christmas. Anyway, the display board I started earlier is now done and painted. From the initial pics in the previous post, I added the roadbase (which is sandpit sand) and have painted it up (including giving the buildings I already had done a quick light brown/sandy-coloured drybrush to give them some definition). All the extra bits are magnetised onto the base, so they don’t go sliding everywhere, but so I can also remove them for storage and to use as separate terrain pieces (sorry – forgot to take photos of the magnets. Just take my word for it, please?). The terrain has already made an appearance a while back, but I’m still very happy with the poster/notice pillars and space marine statues. I’ve recently been madly assembling converting, and magnetising some new tanks for my Imperial Guard, so I thought I’d show them off – particularly my converted Colossus and Salamander. More pics in the rest of this post: I’ve been updating some of my Deathwatch space marines so that they’re a bit more consistent – sternguard and veterans get nicer shoulder pads (the metal ones from Games Workshop), sternguard with their special issue ammo get the deathwatch boltguns with ammo selectors (also from that kit), normal marines get standard boltguns and plainer Inquisition shoulder pads, and veterans get forgeworld boltguns. Thus, I’ve changed out Kantor’s bolter for a forgeworld one. Similarly, I’ve swapped out the Librarian’s bolt pistol for one from forgeworld as well. Along with this, I’ve redone the apothecary I did ages ago for a Deathwatch RPG campaign, so that now his gun is magnetised and swappable for a bolt pistol (since apothecaries don’t get special ammo in 40k, if I ever actually use an apothecary in a command squad that is), and given him a nicer shoulder pad. I also edge-highlighted his reductor arm in white, to make it pop a bit more (as it looked a bit too grey before). As I promised last week, here are the painted photos of my Salamanders Movie Space Marines. I also did up a Vulkan conversion for them, although he’s a lot plainer and cleaner than the standard-sized Games Workshop model. My view of the Salamanders chapter is that of pragmatic steadfastness, with individual members being largely self sufficient (hence being able to maintain their own wargear). They wouldn’t go over the top with extras – good-quality, working wargear would be the priority, with only a little ornamentation for more important members (or those with a bit more time on their hands). I’ve always been a fan of clean-looking space marines too, rather than those with lots of “bling”, and I hadn’t painted much green (and still haven’t since then) so Salamanders were my choice of chapter. More photos below (like last week, sorry for the smallish sizes – I should really do a re-shoot of these figures): I did these ages ago, but I kept forgetting that I had pictures of them to post up. So, finally, here are my artscale Space Marines, which I modelled to use as Movie Space Marines (where one tactical squad in a rhino is 1500pts!). Inspired by various other modellers, but most notably Lamenter and Apologist (with his Praetors of Calth, Imperial Fists, and Sons of Horus), I decided to give the Artscale/Truescale/Big Space Marine craze a go. These have long since been finished and painted as Salamanders, but here are the unpainted shots of my 10 “biggerised” space marines. A quick update for today, showing what I’ve built recently and what projects are still ongoing.
Naked models for art class Artists will be reluctant to keep hiring you if you keep repeating the same poses. The human figure has been the subject of drawings since prehistoric times. Pics of sexy naked black girls. Naked models for art class. Once you find an open draw session, contact the session facilitator and ask to be hired for an upcoming session. Ask for feedback from the artist. Since the purpose of figure drawing classes is to learn how to draw humans of all kinds, male and female models of all ages, shapes, and ethnicities are usually sought, rather than selecting only beautiful models or those with "ideal" figures. Visit her blog at susanshain. Cookies make wikiHow better. If an emergency occurs that prevents you from modeling, do not arrange for another model to take your place yourself, particularly if it is for an art class. And, since there are art classes everywhere, this side gig can follow you wherever you go! By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Start by identifying which local colleges offer art programs. Hot naked irish girls. If it works out, you might get asked back, or referred to other teachers and artists. The only exception to this rule is if the class or modeling session has a rule prohibiting models from speaking with the artists, although this is relatively rare. Counteract this tendency by keeping track of your body appendages to avoid untwisting. Simply getting on the model list will not necessarily lead to employment. Put together a "modeling bag. Vimeo Essay on what it is like to be a life model by a year veteran. Beaux-arts, Paris, Panckoucke, A bathrobe — You should always wear a bathrobe just before the session begins and during any modeling breaks. She's in your group for a Sociology project, and now you have to pretend you haven't intensely studied the the size of her areolas in relation to her nipples. It's also a chance to meet and talk with people I wouldn't otherwise know. Gestures are poses lasting less than three minutes. Institutions may have rules against them but models must be vigilant. How to serve as an artist model This page provides everything you need to know to serve as a nude model during a figure drawing session. Finding employment through online job search sites Another option for finding life modeling opportunities in your area is online help wanted ads for artists models. Entry Level 27 Mid Level 1. Remove your robe and slippers. - Latest celebrity leaked nudes - Nude amateur free video - Elizabeth wong nude photos Kavya madhavan nude videos These are the four basic poses, but there is a variety of movements and gestures that you can make when you hold them. Most schools provide a changing room and a robe so when the model is ready to pose in the classroom, he'll elegantly drop his robe for a tasteful reveal. I asked her about nude men and she said: What type of body do I need to become a nude model? As a new model, realize it may take a few months before you are actually hired for your first modeling session. Yummy sexy girls. We are both willing to undress in front of artists. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Recruiting for models for life drawing and anatomy. Let me show you the way. Naked models for art class. Leslie took off her cover-up, and I followed suit. At the next bell, Mary Jo approached the platform where I was standing. Cleared it right up. Art colleges often do not require prior modeling experience, particularly if they have a high demand for models and face regular model turnover. RealTalk Identity Arts Life. Milf next door free. In developing the image, some artists focus on the shapes created by the interplay of light and dark values on the surfaces of the body. When he tells his fellow guardsmen, classmates or friends about his part-time profession, it understandably causes curiosity, as in, "No way, what's it like? Gesture drawing is a warm-up exercise for many artists, although some artists sketch out the gesture as the first step in every figure drawing. Be prepared to hold each pose for a specified amount of time. A celebrity stylist said people over pounds don't belong at fashion events. Figure-ground relationships and other aspects of composition are also considered. However, once you develop a reputation for professionalism and reliability, you can expect regular employment. As a result, all people can be nude models. Save for intimate partners, I hate being naked in front of other people. The following pages contain reference photographs of artist models in nude poses. Free hq milf porn. Can I still become a nude model if I have really dark skin? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Art is dynamic and your poses should be as well! - Violent lesbian seduction - Girl sucking another girls tits - Lesbian cuddle sex - Black and nude wedding - Dirty milf photos - Naked milf bondage
She wears her brightest coloured gown And paints the roses red. The snow and frost have long escaped. The winter winds have fled. Her auburn hair shines in the sun. She touches summer's wheat And birds, high in the green-leaved trees, Sing songs so clear and sweet. The day-time's longer whilst she's here, And so much warmer too - And summer holidays are here For me and also you. Copyright on all my poems Follow Up: If you went into a park, or garden, and looked at it, how would you know it was (a) spring; (b) summer; (c) autumn or (d) winter. Discuss this with others in your class. You could write a poem, shadowing mine, for winter: I'll start you off: (autumn): She wears a lovely golden gown . . . . . . . . When you give an inanimate subject human qualities, we call it personification. Josie
It’s March in Michigan, and after a long, harsh winter, the heaps of snow are finally diminishing. After nearly forgetting what grass and tarmac look like, we are starting to see the roads again, and they can be summed up with one word: Not just here and there, scattered and interspersed. They’re everywhere. And they’re unavoidable. The other day I was driving on a particular stretch of road, and a yellow diagonal sign with two orange flags protruding from the top warned me: Indeed, it was. Not just the usual couplets and trios of potholes strung together, but an infestation, a pandemic. I checked my rearview mirror after the onslaught to see if there were any stray hubcaps trailing behind me as carnage. Well, at least they had the courtesy to warn us, I thought afterwards. I don’t recall ever seeing a ROUGH ROAD sign anywhere else. Granted, by the time I saw the sign, there wasn’t anything I could do to avoid it. I still had to drive right through the minefield, hoping to emerge at the other end in one piece. Then I thought, Wouldn’t it be nice if God gave us warnings in advance of the rough roads that lie ahead? But, as usual, the Lord soon corrected my thinking by reminding me that He does. He does warn us about the rough stretches of road, the ones with even more potholes than usual. In John 16:33, He promises, “In this world you will have trouble.” The road will be bumpy. There will be jarring potholes that you and I will have to drive through. If we want to get home, we will have to take that route, and the earth has not yet been renewed, the potholes have not yet been filled. But there is hope, Jesus says. Yes, in this world we will have trouble, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We can grip the steering wheel with confidence, knowing that even though the ride may be uncomfortable for a while, He will lead us home. Photo credit: Katie Tegtmeyer
Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor and Traffic Splitter 6 Light Combo This bundle comes with the Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light and one pair the Traffic Splitter 6 TIR LED Grille and Surface Mount. If you’re looking for a powerful, undetectable LED light package for your emergency vehicle, the LightsNMore Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bundle is the perfect choice. Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bar The Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bar attaches to both the driver’s side and passenger side visors. Combined, this pair of lights shines 30 Watts of visible bright light. Hidden from sight until you use the built in digital controls, the Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bars are perfect for undercover work. This light plugs into the cigarette lighter and can be mounted anywhere inside your emergency vehicle. Choose between different 26 flash patterns and color options, or upgrade and add take down lights to your package. If you’re looking for a powerful, undetectable LED light bar for your emergency vehicle, the LightsNMore Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bar the perfect choice. Features: (30) Generation III 1-Watt LEDs 19 Flash Patterns and Pattern Memory Can be synchronized with up to 19 other lights Meets SAE J845 & J595 Standards, & California Title 13 Limited Warranty on LEDs (5 years) and Components (2 years) Dimensions: 17"L x 6.5"D x 1.5"H/Side Traffic Splitter 6 TIR LED Grille and Surface Mount The little lights have a large shining power for their size. The Traffic Splitter 6 TIR LED Grille and Surface mount comes with two lights; combined they shine 18 watts of light. Waterproof lenses makes these lights durable and mountable anywhere. They come with wiring and mounting instructions so that you can ensure you will be seen and your lights will go unnoticed. Choose from different bezel colors as well as light colors to make these perfect for undercover. Features: (3) Generation IV 3-Watt LEDs/Unit(4) Generation III 1-Watt LEDs Variety of placement options Water resistant and shatter proof Outstanding flash pattern memory with 19 patterns Compliant with J845 and J595 standards. Limited warranty on LED bulbs (5 year) Limited component warranty (2 year) California Title 13 compliant Dimensions: 3"L x 1"D x 1"H Purchase Includes: Sleek 3 TIR LED Visor Light Bar (2 piece system) Digital LED Controller Mounting Hardware 9’ Power Cord and cigarette light adapter 2 Undercover 6 Grille LED Lights Bezel in the color of your choice
My 8 month pit bull has been in and out of the vet for the last couple months getting mitaban dips and ivomec shots and nothing seems to cure her. I’ve read about a borax and peroxide mix (does anyone know exact measurements for that?) that can cure mange but does anyone know of anything else? Please don’t tell me to consult a veternarian-done that and nothing they can give me works! She used to be all white and now its more like all red with big patches of hair missing…PLEASS HELP!-I’ll try anything! Nothing topical will work as the mites live right down in the hair follicle. A daily dose of oral ivomec for several weeks will work and the spot-on treatment Advocate is listed as a demodex treatment. According to their blurb demedicosis has been cured in clinical trials. It is important to try and get rid of this condition before it becomes generalised. It can be hard to treat once the dog’s condition becomes chronic. If it is really red there could be a secondary infection – has the dog had antibiotics for this? Mange mites are present on most dogs in small amounts. It is only when they multiply that they can cause problems. This is often at times of suppressed immunity – puppyhood, old age, ill health etc. Have you thought about changing your dog’s diet (assuming that you feed commercial food) to something more natural? Many people report that their dogs’ natural immunity is increased after changing them to a raw diet without all the inappropriate ingredients that are in commercial foods. Is Lime Sulfur Dip safe to use on cats to treat sarcoptic mange? What other options (minus vet) are there? About a month ago I noticed a cat w/ a very serious condition of mange hanging around my neighborhood. I had not seen this cat b4 & it was obvious that he was in a terrible state, w/most of his hair missing & very thin. ='[ He only came out at night & I was unsuccessful in my attempts to trap & hopefully help it. Its been 3wks since Ive last seen him. I have 4 cats of my own (all outdoor/indoor & neutered) & 1 has since died ‘mysteriously’ & 2 have begun losing patches of hair around the neck area. It was a terrible loss for me when I discovered that Allen had died & I am still grieving. I do not want to lose Kit Fisto or Lite Bulb to this terrible & torturous disease (mange). I do not have the $$ right now to get them both (or even 1) treated by a vet & its so frustrating when I know they need me. The Lime Sulfur Dip method for treatment of feline mange is the most common in my online research. Is this safe for cats? What are the risks? What about homemade remedies? Please help… About a year ago I resuced a Persian from the animal welfare centre where I help out. She kept coming back in because of ringworm and nothing would shift it. I looked on the internet and found Pets Best RX (Q Based Healthcare) which is an American based company (I live in the UK). The testimonials were excellent so I ordered the lime sulfur cream and also a healing spray. Their lime sulfur is white and smells fresh (just like tea tree oil). Within a matter of days Dora Blossom’s ringworm was healing well and, thankfully, has never returned. I will ALWAYS have the products in my home now as they deal with so many skin problems and I know they can be used for mange as well. The company are excellent and have a help line which you can call and talk things through. They will also e-mail you with answers to your problems if this is more convenient. Have just checked phone number 1.337.937.8800 and they have a special section for mange – they recommend a spray followed by Sulfinex (the sulfur cream). Hope this helps. Just to clarify – Dora had been battling with ringworm for a year and had been re-homed 3 times because of the problem. It was obvious that the usual prescription medicines were not working in her case. I did discuss the lime sulfur treatment with my vet and we decided to try it – with excellent results. I would not use ordinary lime sulfur (the green one) as this smells awful and is probably a horrible substance to put on a cat. My englishbull dog had rash on her head the vet said it was mange , that was passed on by her parents she will have for the rest of her life.she is only 1yr old now she has it all over her neck she takes a bath 5 times a day she sees the vet 1 every week to dip . this is so exspensive is there anybody that has had this prolem with there dog and is there anything to do for her Demodectic mange is not generally contagious; these mites thrive only on very specific hosts (dogs) and transmission usually occurs only from the mother to nursing puppies during the first few days after birth. Some breeds appear to have an increased risk of mild cases as young dogs, including the Afghan Hound, American Staffordshire Terrier, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Chihuahua, Shar Pei, Collie, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, Bulldog, German Shepherd Dog, Great Dane, Old English Sheepdog, American Pit Bull Terrier, West Highland White Terrier and Pug. There is strong evidence that a predilection for juvenile demodectic mange is inherited. Minor, localized cases are often treated with medicated shampoos and not treated with agents aimed at killing mites as these infestations often resolve within several weeks in young dogs. Demodectic mange with secondary infection is treated with antibiotics and medicated shampoos as well as parasiticidal agents. Amitraz is a parasiticidal rinse that is licensed for use in many countries for treating canine demodicosis. It is applied weekly or biweekly, for several weeks, until no mites can be detected by skin scrapings. Demodectic mange in dogs can also be managed with avermectins, although there are few countries which license these drugs, which are given by mouth, daily, for this use. Ivermectin is used most frequently. I would talk with your vet and see if using the Ivermectin daily dose for a month might work in your situation. You need to kill the mites, they will need to do monthly skin scrapings to verify that the mites are gone. Demodectic mange is primarily a problem for young dogs. It is a genetic anomoly that the dog can pass on to next generation. She is spayed, yes? There are all kinds of “natural treatments” for mange, have no clue if they work. Mostlikely not. You have a breed that is know for having skin issues. This appears to be the first issue. Dealing with mange? Find your Solution to Mange Problem, here.
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Yigal Landau is a businessman who successfully combines merge of entrepreneurship and management skills of large-scale business entities. Yigal has been active in the business arena since the 90’s. In 1992, Yeshayahu (Shaikeh) and his son Yigal Landau, in collaboration with the Rotlevy family, the late Zvi Tzafriri, and Geologist Eitan Eisenberg, established the “Ratio Oil Exploration (1992)” – Limited Partnership for the purpose of oil exploration in Israel. Yigal was appointed to Director and General Manager of Ratio and has held both positions since the establishment of the Ratio. Read more about Yigal Landau
28 Mar Episode 30: Ayurvedic Medicine, Aphrodisiacs, and Libido-Boosting Protocols with Kishan Shah Hey lovers and warriors! Welcome to Episode 30! Can aphrodisiacs really get us sex-revved up or is it all placebo? Kishan Shah gives us the low-down on tending herbs that are touting to have aphrodisiac effects, and how to use them properly for optimal effect. He even breaks down the complex science and practice of the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine and how you can rebuild your body from the inside out to feel your best both in and out of the bedroom. In this episode you’ll learn: - Introduction to the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic Medicine - The truth on aphrodisiacs and how you can get the most benefit from them - Trending libido-boosting herbs, how you may be doing more harm than good, and best protocol for use - The power of changing seasons on our internal functioning Be sure to check back every second Wednesday (#humpday – how appropriate) for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe! I appreciate and LOVE reading your reviews, it’s how I decide future topics! To leave me a review for the podcast, CLICK HERE. Then click on ‘View in itunes’ under our picture square. Your itunes app will open, then click ‘ratings and reviews’ and VOILA, you can drop a love note there! OR if you’re on your smart phone, I know it sounds ridiculous (itunes did it), but open your ‘podcast’ app, then in the search bar type ‘Eat Play Sex’, then click on our image under ‘Podcast’ headline, then you’ll see ‘reviews’ in the middle tab, then ‘Write a Review’. Thankfully, my goal is to make your sex hormones and sex life more convenient and enjoyable than THAT process…but regardless…I appreciate hearing from you more than you’ll ever know! THE SKINNY ON OUR SEXY EXPERT Kishan Shah has been a scholar and practitioner of the Vedic Arts from India for almost two decades. He has spent the last sixteen years in Los Angeles practicing Ayurveda and teaching Yoga and Meditation. Born into a Vaishnav lineage from his Indian father, Kishan’s bloodline threads all the way back to the Vedic Rishi Kashyapa. It has been many generations since there was an Ayurvedic practitioner in his family. In the nineties his father’s family built an Ayurvedic hospital in his grandfather’s name to honor him in the village where he was born. When Kishan had his first Pancha Karma treatment back in 2000 he knew deep inside that it was his calling to learn the ancient healing art of Ayurveda. Kishan was an avid Ashtanga Vinaysa practitioner and student of Sri K Pattabhi Jois and his senior disciple Lino Miele. In 2001 when Kishan met Swami Govindanda in Kerala, south India he knew it was time to deepen his knowledge base and join Swamiji in the Himalayas ashram. There Kishan completed a Yoga teacher training in the Sivananda Lineage on the banks of the Ganges and when it was time to go Swamiji asked that he stay for some time to teach in the ashram. This is how Kishan began his path as a teacher of Yoga. Upon returning to the United States Swamiji made him take a promise that he would continue teaching Yoga. That lead to him being a part of the communities of Santa Monica Yoga, Exhale Center for Sacred Movement (Exhale Venice), The Yoga Collective, TruYoga, and currently teaching at AZIAM Yoga and Mandala in Los Angeles. In the early-mid 2000’s he studied extensively with Shiva Rea assisting her globally. He has been greatly influenced by his teachers Andrey Lappa, Gurukkal C. M. Sherif and now Yogarupa Rod Stryker. Establishing his healing arts studio in Topanga Canyon, California Kishan currently sees patients and students for Ayurvedic consultations, treatments, Pancha Karma, rejuvenation and anti-aging therapy, deep tissue structural bodywork, Marma (acupressure) treatment, private Yoga therapy and mantra meditation initiation. Visit him at www.kishanshah.com WHY YOU’LL LOVE THE SHOW Real life stories and expert interviews to help you improve your sex life, by addressing mental blocks, nourishing your body, and balancing your hormones. This podcast will feel like you’re sitting down for coffee with your best girlfriend to chat about the most erotic and embarrassing things you’re dying to share and get advice about. The best part? I’m an expert. I reveal to you what works (and what doesn’t) in the most entertaining way, encompassing all things sex and sex hormones such as self-love, sex toys, bedroom play, body shame, libido, frisky food, PMS, hormone balance and anything else sex-blocking you from the sex, life and body you deserve and desire. Each episode will give you simple steps and sexy strategies you can implement NOW to leave you feeling empowered, courageous, playful and motivated. Eat Play Sex is YOUR guide to all things sexy, healthy, and fun to rock the body of your dreams and help you get back in the playground with those you love. Because…#sexmatters
This extension covers destruction or damage caused to a building by contact with a vehicle, animal or any moving object not under the control of the Insured. AIRCRAFT AND/OR ARTICLES DROPPED THEREFROM This is an extension which covers destruction of/or damage to property resulting from impact with an aircraft or any article(s) dropped from it. It is the shattering of an enclosed vessel under pressure such as boilers caused by the sudden production or release of a large volume of gas and/or vapour. This extension therefore covers destruction or damage to property resulting from explosion. TORNADO / WINDSTORM This is an extension which covers destruction of/or damage to property resulting from hurricane, cyclone, tornado and/or windstorm whether or not accompanied by rain but excluding flood, bursting and overflowing of water pipes, apparatus and the like. BURSTING AND/OR OVERFLOWING OF WATER PIPES APPARATUS AND THE LIKE This is an extension which covers destruction of/or damage to property resulting from bursting or overflowing of water pipes, apparatus and the like. The policy extends to cover damage to property resulting from the overflowing of natural or artificial water courses. This extension covers destruction of/or damage to property resulting from earthquake and volcanic eruption (fire & shock). RIOT & STRIKE, CIVIL COMMOTION & MALICIOUS DAMAGE Destruction or damage to property insured may be caused by Riot and Civil Commotion, Strikers, lockout workers or persons taking part in labour disturbances or malicious person acting on behalf of or in connection with any political organization.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 Last year, about $450 million belonging to top executives at billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson’s New York firm took a quick round trip to Bermuda. In April, the executives sent the money to a reinsurance company that they’d set up on the island 650 miles off the North Carolina coast. By June, the Bermuda company, which has no employees and sells far less reinsurance than the industry norm, had sent all the cash back to New York, to be invested in Paulson & Co. funds. By recycling the funds through Bermuda-based Pacre Ltd., the Paulson executives are positioned to legally exploit a little-known tax loophole, reduce their personal income taxes and delay paying the bill for years. “These types of reinsurance companies are permitting U.S. taxpayers to defer -- indefinitely -- U.S. tax,” said David S. Miller, a tax lawyer at Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP. For some, he said, it’s “an unjustified benefit.” A decade after the IRS threatened to crack down on what it said were abuses by hedge-fund backed reinsurers, more high-profile money managers are setting up shop in tax havens. ... Because reinsurers, which sell coverage to other insurers, manage large pools of capital, they’re a handy way to funnel a U.S. hedge fund investment through a tax haven. At a time when the Obama administration and Congressional leaders of both parties are calling for a corporate tax overhaul that includes eliminating some loopholes, the reinsurance tax dodge is gaining popularity among hedge funds. The three new reinsurers backed by U.S. hedge fund managers put a combined $1.7 billion back into the managers’ hands. ... By setting up reinsurance companies there, money managers can take advantage of a loophole in IRS rules. Ordinarily, when hedge fund managers invest in their funds, they pay either the 39.6% rate for ordinary income or the 20% long- term capital gains rate, depending on how frequently securities are traded, plus an extra 3.8% health-law surcharge. If they were to move the hedge funds to tax havens, they would incur IRS penalties on earnings from what the agency calls “passive foreign investment companies.” Here’s the catch: The IRS doesn’t penalize earnings from insurance companies, which it considers to be “active” businesses. As a result, by routing money through a Bermuda reinsurer, which in turn puts its assets back into their own hedge funds, fund managers can defer any taxes until selling the stake. They then pay only the lower capital gains tax rate. In the meantime, the money grows tax-free, and the savings add up. Investing $100 million in a hedge fund that returns 15% annually, and paying the top marginal ordinary income rate on profit, results in a $50 million profit after taxes after five years. If the investment is taxed like a Bermuda reinsurer, the gain is $77 million. To qualify as an active company and avoid the tax penalty, the IRS says firms can’t have a pool of capital that’s far greater than what they need to back the insurance they sell. But the IRS has never specified exactly how much is too much. ... The IRS in 2001 disclosed plans to clarify its definition of insurance companies, a move that might prevent abuses by hedge funds, Cadwalader’s Miller said. He said it never followed through. Update: Linda Beale (Wayne State), Hedge Fund Tax Avoidance Schemes--Using (Purported) Offshore Reinsurers
Hurray Summer is Here! On April 20, 2018 we held our 11th Annual Education Day, AGM and Awards. The Education Day was another success with 92 attendees, 9 sessions to choose from and Keynote Speaker, Cheryl Oberg, who not only was a great morning motivator but also did a 20 minute Laughter Yoga Therapy session with everyone after lunch. She got us up, moving, laughing and re-energized for the afternoon sessions. During our AGM and in the weeks following, we found replacement volunteers for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer but we are now looking to find a replacement for the Registrar position as we are playing musical chairs. Taking over during the summer, the new President will be Mathew Hill, he will be sliding over from the Registrar position. As Vice President, Celine Jensen is taking over from Mindy Olson-Pizzey, Celine was part of the regulations committee. As Secretary, Jessica Lomas, who was our Treasurer, is taking over from Patti Wynnychuk and our new Treasurer is Clarence Iglesias who is taking over from Jessica Lomas. It is wonderful to have both dedicated and new faces among our Executive Board. We are currently looking for someone to take the position of Registrar. If this interests you, please contact [email protected] During the lunch hour our TA Award winners were announced. Unfortunately, we only had two Awards to give out this year as nomination submissions were very low and several award categories did not receive any nominations at all. The Leadership Award was presented to Candice Finnigan and the Outstanding Practitioner Award was presented to Lisa Cleverdon. The regulations committee, along with input form several others, have put together a very in depth look at what Regulations would be like for the Association and TA’s. This document is being distributed to our members for consideration and further discussion and can be viewed with our AGM Minutes below. We would like to thank our door prize sponsors for their gracious donations. Strand Media www.strandme.ca Ponoka Chrysler www.ponokachrysler.com Radisson Hotel https://www.radisson.com/calgary-hotel-ab-t3j4c8/abcaleas Knight Plumbing, Heating & A/C https://www.knightplumbing.ca/ Pampered Chef – Meagan Skiboff https://www.pamperedchef.ca/pws/meaganskiboff Young Living Essential Oils – Shannon Bourbonniere Norwex – Brandy Corcoran http://brandycorcoran.norwex.biz and a number of Anonymous donators. To view the minutes from our AGM please click this link. Lisa Reid, President (updated May 2018) Our membership year runs May – April of each year. Completed forms can be sent via email to [email protected] or mailed to the address on the form. Payment can be made via PayPal on our website or by mailing a cheque along with your completed form. Currently, the online form submission link is not working and under repair. The printable version of the forms can be submitted via email or Canada Post, payment is still available through the PayPal button on the right side of our web page or by sending a cheque. ThAAA does have Professional Grant money available which ThAAA members can apply for. We offer 3 grants of up to $150 each per year. The Association must receive the application on or before the submission deadline dates, which are: January 31st, May 31st and September 30th. We are accepting grant applications now for the upcoming January 31st, deadline. For complete details please see the link below: Make sure you check our website often for updates on Events, Employment Opportunities and other TA activities happening in the province. If you have an upcoming event, job vacancy or activity, we would be happy to post these for free as a benefit to our members. Email your information to [email protected]. Do you have something you’d like to share with other TA’s in the province, be it a presentation, article or therapy activity? We would be glad to help share your insights through email, webinars and on our website or Facebook page. (posted Jan 2018) Let’s bring all Alberta TA’s together in one spot and support each other! Are you a ThAAA member? Do you want to become an associate of the ThAAA? Do you have experience with web design and/or WordPress? Do you want to build or showcase your web design skills on a volunteer project? If you answered “YES” to these questions please email [email protected] for more info. (posted Jan 2018)
Another day, another eyebrow product to try out. I’ve been using the Topshop Brow Pencil in Spike pretty solidly for the past few months. On the days when I can’t be bothered with my Anastasia DipBrow, this is all I’ve been using and it could well become a staple. As far as finding the perfect eyebrow pencil goes, I don’t think there is one, however the Topshop offering comes pretty close. I love any eyebrow pencil that comes with a spoolie anyway but this pencil is legitimately great. You can see from the photos that the colour isn’t 100% right but it’s not enough of a big deal to keep me up at night. It’s almost there, which for a cheap-ish pencil is quite impressive. A lot of people like much harder, waxier textures (perhaps like the Soap & Glory Archery pencil) – the Topshop one is much more pigmented and doesn’t require as much exertion to get the colour translate onto the skin. However, it certainly isn’t so soft that it will end up all over your face. Because it’s a little softer and more pigmented than a lot of other eyebrow pencil, it blends out nicely with the spooly, I especially like the effect it gives at the front of the brows which can easily go horribly wrong otherwise. And because it needs sharpening, you can always make sure you have a sharp point for more precise work – something that a lot of wind-up pencils struggle with.I will say that this isn’t the one for the gym or any strenuous activity as the tails will slip off – you’d better stick to a waterproof wax for that. I do MUCH prefer this to the Soap & Glory Archery and the Sleek Eyebrow Stylist (review here) – it’s one of the best budget options I’ve found. On a side note – MAC do a brown eyebrow pencil also called Spike which I had a few years ago. I’m guessing it didn’t make enough of an impact for me to repurchase – you might be better sticking to Topshop’s Spike. Topshop Brow Pencil in Spike is available at Topshop, John Lewis and Selfridges for £6.00
We have great pleasure in launching the new look Shoreham Airshow Website. We’ve worked with James George, another volunteer at the airshow, to revamp the entire website with a new format and plenty of new images from the show. The new site features a brand new news page which will run several articles throughout the build up to the show as well as after it. We have also launched a brand new Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Feed for the airshow which we hope to use to keep everyone updated with the latest happenings as well as plans for some live blogging from the Show in August. Shoreham Airshow 2010 will be held over the weekend 21st-22nd August, and tickets will be on sale from the website later this month.
Tips for Injured workers when they visit a doctor. By Erica Melendez, Attorney Snow, Carpio & Weekley Many injured workers are not aware of the importance of every visit to the doctor. When you visit a doctor for treatment of a work injury, every single medical note the doctors write is possible evidence in a future hearing about your medical treatment. At your first doctor visit it is crucial to tell the doctor EVERY SINGLE PART of your body that was injured and make sure the record is documented. When a devastating injury is suffered to one part of the body, often other parts of the body that are injured are overlooked. Its important to report the other injuries to the doctor as soon as you are aware of them. Being specific is another important aspect of your conversations with your doctor. If you can, pinpoint your pain to a particular spot, not an area. If you have back pain that radiates down your legs, specify whether it’s the front of the leg, back of the leg inside or outside and be specific about where the pain or numbness begins and ends. If you are not specific, the doctor can write down that your pain complaints are “diffuse” which is code word for exaggerating. Be consistent in you reporting of symptoms. Don’t exaggerate but don’t minimize either. If you minimize a problem that gets worse later, the medical records become inconsistent. All of these factors are important to your credibility. Be sure to clarify your work restrictions with your doctor at each visit. Get a copy of your work restrictions in writing. Your work restrictions are important to insure you are not re-injured and are giving your body a chance to heal. Work restrictions also affect how you are paid if you are not working during your recuperation. Keep track of your work restrictions and follow them carefully. If you or someone you know has been injured at work or suffers from a medical condition or injury that will keep them from working for 12 months or longer, contact Snow, Carpio & Weekley at 855-325-4781 for a free consultation statewide. You may also learn more about us by visiting our website at www.workinjuryaz.com.
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A suitcase full of magical beasts, a city divided by fear and a young magizoologist exploring a new world - JK Rowling's first Harry Potter spin-off movie has all the ingredients to satisfy the most devoted of Potterheads. Add in returning director David Yates and series producer David Heyman and the spell is cast. It's a success - thrilling, stunning, warm and witty. While Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them might not quite match the very best of the Hogwarts series, it's a welcome return to an intricately drawn universe that bodes very well indeed for the next four Beasts instalments. Eddie Redmayne is Newt Scamander, a shy and awkward animal lover who is visiting New York for the first time as part of a world tour researching the titular book that is to become a set text in Hogwarts many years later. It's 1926 and New York is a city in turmoil as a destructive invisible force is causing extensive wreckage, blustering through roads and buildings like a tornado. The No-Maj (American for Muggle) community is afraid and an extremist group led by Samantha Morton's draconian matriarch has formed, calling for a 'second Salem' and an end to witchcraft. MACUSA (the US version of the Ministry of Magic) is under pressure, with witches and wizards prohibited from owning magical creatures and forced to keep their powers under wraps to protect the No-Majs. Radical magical movements are also springing up to defend their rights, making the city a melting pot of unease. And the wizarding world is in peril back in the UK as well, we learn through news-reel montage, as Gellert Grindelwald, dark wizard and precursor to Voldemort, has begun to rise. Not helping things, Scamander accidentally unleashes a Niffler - a mole-like creature with insatiable magpie-ish tendencies to nick money and jewellery. Katherine Waterston is the MACUSA enforcement officer who arrests him, Alison Sudol her sexy Legilimens (mind reader) sister and Dan Fogler the No-Maj who get inadvertently caught up in the increasing mayhem. JK Rowling's screenplay deftly mixes child-friendly slapstick - more creatures escape, it's a bit of a mess - with brewing politics that are hugely relevant. And unsurprisingly, it's gorgeous to look at. MACUSA is a bureaucratic wonderland of self-typing typewriters, gigantic time pieces and origami mice, while the TARDIS-like inside of Newt's briefcase holds continents' worth of landscapes. Redmayne himself rather channels The Doctor at points (Matt Smith's Doctor, at least) as the gentle and benevolent eccentric desperate to protect and understand all species. Waterston and Sudol are very much his equal, protagonists in their own right who we're convinced we'll see again in later instalments, while Fogler threatens to steal the show. Despite his slightly schlubby introduction, his is the Muggle's-eye-view into this new world, always full of wonder but moral and sympathetic himself. He gets the funniest lines (our biggest laughs were in the gorgeous speakeasy scenes after a glass or two of giggle juice) and elicits the strongest heart tugs. On the dark side are Colin Farrell and Ezra Miller as a disgruntled senior Maj and a beaten down No-Maj respectively, creating empathy as they introduce a peril set to grow. As a part of the Potter universe, it works wonderfully - though swapping school-term woes for grown-up problems might distance kids not fully initiated. Packed with Easter eggs and hints at what's to come, Rowling's first go as screenwriter shows what a talent she is, and only increases anticipation for where she'll lead us next. From the opening music to the sweet final beat, it's a joy to be back in Rowling's world. Open the suitcase, we're coming in. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is released in UK and US cinemas on November 18. Director: David Yates; Screenplay: JK Rowling; Starring: Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, Samantha Morton, Jon Voight, Carmen Ejogo, Colin Farrell; Running time: 133 mins; Certificate: 12A
Matthias Schoenaerts & Diane Kruger Star in New 'Disorder' Trailer This film is formerly known as Maryland, and has been retitled to Disorder for the release in the UK. A new UK trailer has debuted online for this drama from last year's Cannes Film Festival starring Matthias Schoenaerts and Diane Kruger, directed by French filmmaker Alice Winocour. The cast includes Zaïd Errougui-Demonsant and Jean-Louis Coulloc'h. The story follows Vincent, an ex-soldier with PTSD hired as personal security for the wife and child of a wealthy Lebanese businessman. This seems to be as much about PTSD (the D from here is likely where the new title is from) as it is actual threats to the family. Take a look. Here's the new UK trailer for Alice Winocour's Disorder, originally debuted by Empire: Vincent (Matthias Schoenaerts) is an ex-soldier with PTSD who is hired to protect the wife and child of a wealthy Lebanese businessman while he's out of town. Despite the apparent tranquility on Maryland, Vincent perceives an external threat. Disorder, originally known as Maryland when it premiered, is directed by French filmmaker Alice Winocour, of the film Augustine previously as well as the script for Mustang. The screenplay is by Alice Winocour and Jean-Stéphane Bron. This first premiered at the Cannes Film Festival last year. The film doesn't have a US release date yet, but opens in the UK in March. Curious? Reader Feedback - 3 Comments Yea, I'm very curious Alex. Once again, thanks for posting this as I had no idea at all about this film. I like both the leads and think, without a doubt, that Matthias Schoenaerts and Tom Hardy are the best actors working today. Check out the differences in the characters Schoenaerts plays in The Drop and the newest Far From The Madding Crowd. Really great stuff and this guy is the real deal. So much more talented and authentic than the Matthew Mc's and Ben Affleck's that the American audiences so love. Don't forget, that'd be in my most humble opinion. I also am intrigued that this is directed by a woman. She's an interesting writer and filmmaker so this has a chance to exceed the typical, thriller-type movies most male directors make. Thanks again, Alex. I look forward to this one! Bo on Jan 21, 2016 Second trailer of this intense idea of film. Anticipating and waiting to happen ... shiboleth on Jan 21, 2016 I like the main actor, so will have a watcheroo. Carpola on Jan 21, 2016 Sorry, no commenting is allowed at this time.
Here we go again. Another meatball recipe because let’s face it: I have a problem. But here’s the thing, this is not just another meatball recipe. It’s topped with so much cheese and baked in the richest tomato sauce and is everything you’ve ever wanted in a meatball recipe. Because cheese makes everything better (forever […] The post Cheesy baked meatballs appeared first on Simply Delicious.
2018 Success Stories Eli Rescues Hollie Hollie and her two friends, Middie and Boozer, had a human family. But a new human came to live with them and the three cats were put in the basement ... for about two years. The people continued to feed and take care of them while trying to find them a new home, but the sudden separation took its toll on Hollie. At FUR, she craved attention from the volunteers, following them around, giving hugs, jumping on laps, even climbing on chests and shoulders so she could bury her head in necks and hair. She even became a bit possessive of the people. Then one day a lovely young man, Eli, and his dad came to FUR in search of the purrfect cat, and Hollie won their hearts! Hollie now has a family again! Jenney Finds a Family Jenney's had a string of bad luck, but you'd never know it from meeting her. First, she was hit by car when she was just a kitten. That trauma left her with a wiggle in her walk and damage with her peripheral vision. Then her human momma had to go on dialysis, and people on dialysis aren't supposed to have cats, so Jenney came to FUR. Then this sweet, playful cat found a great home, but her second mom had to return her due to circumstances beyond her control. Back at FUR, though, Jenney was just as sweet and loving as could be. It was as if she didn't have a care in the world. That's when a lovely family from Black Mountain found her and took her home. This amazing little girl finally has her happy ending! Maddie & Abra's Dream Comes True Maddie and her daughter, Abra, had been long-term FUR residents. While sweet as can be, the timid pair would tense up when most people would pet them -- even some of our FUR volunteers. We had started to think that the pair would stay at FUR until a volunteer had space open in their household. Then Peter came in looking for a cat. He was not intimidated by their shyness and knew he could give them the kind of home the girls would blossom in. And just like that, they became a family! Sissy, Chips & Jossi Go Home Together Jonah and Megan (along with their parents) came to FUR Adoption Day in Feb. 2018 looking to add a feline friend to their family. Little did they know they'd fall in love with a pair of siblings -- Sissy and Chips. These kittens were rescued from a TNR site after it was discovered that their momma was too sick to care for them. They were placed in foster care with a FUR volunteer, where a third kitten who was also being fostered, Jossi, bonded with them. On that miraculous day when Jonah and Megan fell in love with Chips and Sissy, their mom couldn't bear to leave little Jossi all alone -- and so Jossi got adopted, too! What a wonderful day it was! Rambo & Shadow Get a Second Chance Cynthia Buff came to FUR looking for a young Calico and left with two senior males. Rambo, a Siamese mix, and Shadow, a tux, were turned into the County Shelter with instructions to euthanize them because they were old. Obviously, the Shelter ignored those instructions and called FUR, since senior cats have very low adoption rates. FUR pulled these lovable boys into our sanctuary, and we are so glad we did! Rambo and Shadow have been together for many years and we are thrilled that they can remain together in a loving home. We love it when the stars line up just right! Amber & Vicki Find Each Other Amber was alone, scared and pregnant at an RV camping ground in Bryson City when a wonderful person found her. The timing was perfect…that night she gave birth to three beautiful kittens. The whole family was brought to FUR, where they were given warm beds, lots of food and all the love they could handle. Little did I know that my stay at FUR would be relatively short. When Vicki came to FUR's Adoption Day in Feb. 2018, we both knew pretty quickly she was my purrfect person. Now I have my very own family, and very my own dog! He does my bidding, but don't tell Vicki that! Milo & Meeka Hit the Jackpot with Kori These two siblings, along with their momma and the other two in their litter, were living alone in a crate in a storage unit. Fortunately they were discovered by a good Samaritan who brought them to FUR. Despite their precarious start in the world, Milo and Meeka and their siblings grew up in a safe environment where food and love abounded. They became sweet and playful and mischievous...everything a kitten should be. When Kori came in for Adoption Day in Feb. 2018, she was instantly drawn to this family. Choosing one is always hard, so she chose two -- one as a gift for her fiance'! Today, Milo and Meeka (now Milo and Misha) are living the spoiled life...as every cat deserves to be! Felix & London: Purrfect Buddies Felix was taken in by FUR as a young kitten and placed with a foster momma who specializes in babies. Right away, we knew he was very smart and could easily be trained using kitty treats. Playful and energetic, Felix would have been a great contender for the Feline Olympics. But alas, when little London and her parents showed up at Adoption Day, Felix chose a furever home over his Olympic career. And who could blame him, really? The best part is that Felix has fit in with his new family just fine. He gets along well with their dogs and has even won over London's dad, who tends to be a dog guy. It's a purrfect match! El Gives Patches the Life She Deserves This sweet momma and her little of four itty bitty babies were living alone in a crate in a storage unit. Fortunately they were discovered by a good Samaritan who brought them to FUR. Despite their precarious situation, Patches and her babies soon learned they were in a safe environment where food and love abounded. When El came in for Adoption Day in Feb. 2018, she was instantly drawn to Patches. As her litter had just been weaned, we were a little reluctant to let Patches go, but El understood the hormonal changes that might affect Patches. What a good decision it was. Patches settled into her home immediately and is living large with her new parents! Scamper Finds a Home with the Foxes Scamper lived his whole life at FUR, surrounded by love and warmth and playmates. As a kitten and young adult, he cherished playtime, prioritizing it above all else (even sometimes food!). But once he was done getting in his exercise, he loved to curl up near a volunteer and soak up the pets. The challenge is that when visitors came to FUR looking for a feline friend, they were often greeted with the playful, sometimes frenzied, side of Scamper, and didn't get to see his whole personality. That is, until Denise Fox came specifically to meet Scamper. Denise wouldn't even look at another cat, and she wasn't scared off by his antics, either. She knew Scamper was her purrfect cat, and she took him home the same day! Scamper is loving his spoiled boy status in his new home! Volunteer Marion Takes Betty Home Sometimes our volunteers develop a special bond with a cat in our care. That's what happened with volunteer Marion and sweet kitty Little Betty. Betty simply adores people, but she despises being around lots of other cats, so she chose to spend most of her time outdoors at FUR. Marion recognized that Betty was not happy outside, either, so she took her home to see how she would adjust to being indoors only with an actual family, even one that already had other cats. Betty settled in wonderfully, and even started exploring the house and meeting the other family members! That was all the reassurance Marion needed -- she decided to formally adopt her. Betty now feels safe and can relax and enjoy her years to come! Ariel Gets Her Second Chance The offspring of a feral Mom who was returned to her colony after being spayed, Ariel ended up with a person unwilling to take care of her young kitten needs. FUR was more than willing to step in and she thrived in our Sanctuary, with boundless energy and pure fearlessness. This sweet, playful girl has wholeheartedly seized all that life offers with all four paws - the fun, the food and the companionship. So it's no wonder that Anna Eason and her daughter, Taylor, fell in love with Ariel when they came to visit. We're so grateful to the Eason family for giving this little girl a second chance in a home of her own. From Death Row to Furever Home Buggy, a 12 year old, partially blind female, was turned into the Haywood County Shelter with a specific request: please euthanize her. She had a home but had recently started throwing up and peeing outside of the litter box, her people said, and they thought death was better than life at the Shelter. Fortunately, the Shelter does not euthanize healthy cats, and aside from her vision issues, Buggy was healthy. She was kept in quarantine and monitored -- no throw up, no litter box accidents. That's when they mentioned her to FUR. We brought her to our Sanctuary and put her in a room with one of our laid back Sanctuary cats. Buggy was sweet, loving, curious and adapted unbelievable well, given all the recent stress in her life. When Wendy Klotz came in to check out the Sanctuary (she already had three cats), it was clear that Buggy was choosing her. So, Wendy filled out the paperwork, renamed her Bella and took her home the same day. We are so grateful to the Shelter for giving Buggy a second chance, and to Wendy for seeing the value in this beautiful senior who was abandoned. This is truly a happy ending! Three Kitties...One Home! It's a blessing to have a visitor come to our Sanctuary and choose to adopt a cat. But when Amy Pearce and her friend Sara came in and adopted THREE... well, that was almost more than our heart could handle! Orion (pictured with Sara) is one of 9 kittens from two litters birthed and co-parented by sisters Sophie and Sadie. He and his siblings were rescued from a potentially disastrous fate. Walna (pictured alone) was pulled from the County Shelter profoundly depressed. She eventually rebounded in our Sanctuary and became loving and curious. Spanky (pictured facing away with Amy) was a stray kitten rescued about 8 years. During that time, he has always been sweet and loving with people. We are so grateful to Amy and Sara for giving all three of these fur-babies new leases on life! Thank you both! Opal Becomes a One and Only! When Sandra and Jeffrey Seiler came to FUR to look for a new cat, they were looking for one who enjoyed lots of attention. It's no surprise, then, that they picked Opal! Opal is from one of two litters co-mothered by moms Sadie and Sophie, who was offered up for adoption at a yard sale -- until they were rescued and brought to FUR. This little girl has the kind of face that can melt any heart. Though she enjoys playing, she's a bit more mellow than the others and loves a good cuddle session. A huge thank you to the Seilers for choosing sweet Opal as their one and only! We just know Opal is going to live a spoiled life! Sophie Gets a New Family! You may remember Sophie as one of the two sisters who came to FUR with their litters of nine kittens, having given birth just a few days apart. They were rescued from a home that didn't believe in spaying or neutering, and, at just 1.5 years old, they were already on their second litters. Their babies were being offered up for adoption at a yard sale! The lovely Shick family came to FUR's recent Adoption Day in search of the purrfect pal to go with three year old cat (who they had previously adopted from FUR. Momma Zara was looking for a young adult, while her girls were eager to for a kitten. Sophie was the purrfect compromise! Young and sweet but still playful, this little darling won all three hearts! We are so thankful to the Shicks for giving Sophie a second chance with a loving family! The Mannys Give Olaf a FURever Home! Olaf had been at FUR since he was just a few days old. His momma and auntie each had a litter of little ones just days apart. The nine of them looked so much alike that we couldn't tell which momma they belonged to! As they got older, the mommas and some of Olaf's littermates found their furever homes. That’s when Christy Manny and her young son came into FUR. It was love at first sight – Olaf knew they were his purrfect people right away! So when they took him home, it's no wonder he settled in right away. Look at what a wonderful home they’ve given him! We are so grateful for the Mannys! Hopefully the rest of his siblings will find their furever homes soon as well! Oliver Gets a Home to Call His Own! I had been at FUR since I was just a few days old. My momma and auntie each had a litter of us little ones just days apart. The nine of us looked so much alike that volunteers couldn't tell which momma we belonged to! As we got older, momma, Auntie and some of my littermates found their furever homes. But I was still there. That is, until the MCCall family came in. It was love at first sight – I knew they were my purrfect people right away! And look! There is even a young human to play with! I, and the FUR family, are so thankful for the McCall family! Hopefully the rest of my siblings will find their furever homes soon as well!
Uliana Avtonomova is 23 years old. She was born in Dnipro, Ukraine. During her school years, she was engaged in the professional dance crew for nine years. Later she moved to Kyiv where she graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv holding BA with Honors in Philosophy and MA in Political Science. While studying Uliana actively volunteered in NGOs, such as Center for Political Studies and Analysis «Eidos», took part in the program “Young Generation Will Change Ukraine”, co-organized volunteer tour ‘Here and Now’ for more than 100young people, which addressed a number of essential needs were such as healing divisions that the war has created by engaging Ukrainian youth in cultural exchange activities. The tour also involved teaching youth leadership and principles of active citizenship by providing practical input and promoting sustainable development in. communities through conducting socio-ecological projects jointly organized by the volunteers and community members. Uliana was a counsellor at the summer camp Girls Leading Our Word organized by the Peace Corps in Ukraine, which illustrated the vital importance of gender equality and sexual education among the youth. In 2016 Uliana was selected as a Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the United Nations. During a year of her responsibilities, she promoted Sustainable Development Goals, visited universities and schools with lectures and worked on the UNSCR 2250 Youth, Peace and Security implementation with the local NGOs. Currently, Uliana is working at the virtual and augmented reality laboratory as a Chief Education Officer. During the course of her work for this company, they have created a number of videos, which address online security and bullying issues in schools. This proves how beneficial technology could be for the society and new generations.
Full-Time ISR Pilot for DHC-8 This role exists to provide excellent piloting skills to customer projects with company aircraft. Job Responsibilities: Dynamic Aviation requires pilots with DHC-8 experience for precise all-weather flying in US and international locations. Complex assignments, diverse customer requirements and varied flight conditions provide challenging and interesting work for talented and disciplined pilots. If you are able to travel away from home on a rotational basis and can obtain a security clearance, there might be a place for you at Dynamic Aviation. Rotations are 60 days in country followed by 60 days at home with processing in between. Job Requirements: Requirements include a current FAA Commercial or ATP certificate with any transport category multiengine turboprop PIC or SIC type rating (such as Casa, Saab, ATR, BE-1900, DHC -7 or military equivalent such as P-3, C-23, C-27, C-130, etc.). Non-ATP pilots are required to meet all of the requirements to apply for an ATP (including a current completed written exam) prior to the first day of employment. Additional flight time requirements are a minimum of 1000 hours PIC and 300 hours multiengine, non-centerline thrust (turboprop preferred) (see above for examples). Dash 8 PIC type rating required. Additional requirements include, personal situations allowing for extended periods away from home station, US citizenship, ability to obtain security clearance and strong customer focus. High school diploma is required, with college completion in a related field of study preferred. Dynamic Aviation Group, Inc. offers year round benefits while working a rotational position with set time off. Compensation for this position has the potential to amount to over $100,000 annually. The qualified candidate is not required to relocate. No calls or agencies please. Dynamic Aviation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information, please visit www.dynamicaviation.com How to ApplyAPPLY AT: http://www.dynamicaviation.com/careers/current-openings/ 277 total views, 2 today
THIS DVD IS FREE WHEN YOU GET DVD ||Lea didn't wake up this morning with any thought of shaving her head. Her friend Tracy called in the morning and asked Lea to come with her, as Tracy was going for a haircut (a headshave to be more precise) and wanted Lea to come for moral support. On the way to our studio, Lea said "Wouldn't it be wild if we both shaved our heads?" Well, one thing led to another, and by the time they got to the studio, they had decided to BOTH have their heads shaved. ||Lea was first in the chair, and had a MAJOR PANIC ATTACK as the clippers roared right down the middle. By the time her head was shaved smooth, she went from panic to enthusiastic. "I'm so glad I did this!!" She exclaimed, "I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE You won't want to miss this DVD. DO ME NOW!! DO ME NOW!! ||Enthusiasm is contagious. When Tracy saw how excited Lea was about her haircut, she was completely "psyched" for her headshave. "DO ME NOW!! DO ME NOW!!" || We started out with a "long flat top," done with clippers over Then we did a "high and tight" flat top with clippers over skin. ||All the while Tracy kept egging me on- "Take it all off!!" she kept saying. Both Lea and Tracy were thrilled with their haircuts- two of the most enthusiastic models we've ever seen. And it all started out with a Panic CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR COPY OF DVD 112 AND YOU'LL ALSO GET DVD 113 FOR FREE!! COMPLETE MAP OF VIDEO SECTION: Copyright Alfa Tech Video Productions, All Rights Reserved. All pictures, descriptions and videos featured on this site are the property of the Hair Enthusiast Hotline. None of the pictures on this site may be published on other sites without the written permission of the Hair Enthusiast Hotline. Any re-publication or other use of these copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited by law. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please report violations to
Have you been looking for that just right Rod that is ready to go? Maybe one that carries creature comforts to keep you & your passengers comfy? Even better than that, one that will haul passengers comfortably? One that will take you down the freeway with ease? One you can Drive? Well, that's what the owner had in mind when he created this Silver Jewel! Read on for more! This "All Steel" early Ford Sedan has been massaged to perfection with a NO EXPENSE spared attitude! A shocking 3 1/2 year $250,000 transformation that incorporated some of the best Craftsman in the Business! It's first mission was to tour the Show Circuit! After bringing satisfaction to many, it's second mission was to be driven and enjoyed by the owner! Not your typical Show Car, tested just over 2,000 miles and ready for you! Read on Big Dog!
coworking spaces, the modern day chamber of commerce That's when the team heard about a new phenomenon called coworking. A room full of freelancers, consultants, and startups coming together under one roof to benefit from a communal pool of resources. It sounded an awful lot like a Chamber of Commerce! So, they put two and two together and went ahead to form what Christina Davis, President/CEO of the LAX Coastal Chamber, calls a Facebook for business: LAX Coworking. At first, the space was free. They simply opened up their extra office space for the community and told them to come in and check it out. Once it started to build attention (and sponsorships from local businesses!) they decided to take it one step further. A few months later and a new three-year lease freshly signed, they turned their budding seed of a space into the fully-blossomed coworking space you see today, remodeled and repainted to fit the new mold. Today's chamber is the best voice for business in the community. It helps the little guys and big guys alike connect to politicians and advocates on their behalf. Local professionals can also discuss and decide on official chamber positions or endorsements. The chamber helps the business climate of the area succeed, too. They testify in court on behalf of members, talk to the right people in government, and help elevate business on a multitude of levels. There's fun stuff too, like ribbon cuttings and anniversary celebrations. They are the friend you go to that has all the connections in the area; your favorite community party that you always hang out with at the block party. There's events all the time, too. Chamber President/CEO, Christina Davis, recently spoke about the LAX Coworking program at the WACE (Western Association of Chamber Executives) Conference. It was at this conference that they discovered they were no longer the only chamber to open a coworking space.. Each space faced their own challenges, though. Often times real estate can be expensive, but multiple chambers believed that if it was possible, expanding and including a coworking aspect was valuable to their members. Many were also trying to start incubators in order to give their startups resources to help them succeed. Everyone is basically trying to see what works best, understanding that it is important to reinvent yourself as a Chamber of Commerce to better follow along with the businesses you serve. As you can see, this is the landscape that makes up the modern-day Chamber of Commerce, and LAX Coworking is proud to be a part of it. Kirby, the Creative Director at the LAX Coastal Chamber, is the Manager for LAX Coworking and works hard to make sure all of her LAX Coworkers have what they need to succeed. Whether it’s events, communications, or design, she, and the chamber team, are here to elevate your business and pave the way for other chambers. Stop by sometime!
It's important to have some basic recipes in your cooking arsenal. This all-purpose pizza dough recipe can be used in a variety of ways beyond regular pizza, like for focaccia, calzone or breadsticks. The pizza pictured above has homemade lactose-free cheese on it, made special for my husband. It almost looks like fresh mozzarella, doesn't it? From foodnetwork.com, makes 2-3 pizzas - 2 packages active dry yeast - 2 teaspoons sugar - 2 cups warm water (100 to 110 degrees F.) - 2 tablespoons kosher salt - 6 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for bowl In a small bowl, combine the yeast, sugar and water and stir gently to dissolve. Let the mixture stand until the yeast comes alive and starts to foam, 5 to 10 minutes. If you're using a stand mixer, combine the salt and flour to the bowl and pulse a few times to mix. Add the yeast mixture, at the lowest speed, until the flour incorporates. When the dough starts to come together, increase the speed to medium and mix until the dough gathers into a ball. This should take about 2 minutes. Add the olive oil and pulse a few more times. Stop the machine periodically to scrape the dough off the hook. Get a feel for the dough as you're making it by squeezing a small amount together between your thumb and fingers. If it's crumbly, add more water, if it's sticky, add more flour, 1 tablespoon at a time. Knead the dough for 6-8 more minutes. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and fold it over itself a few times, kneading until it's smooth and elastic. Form the dough into a round and put it into a lightly oiled bowl, turning it over to coat the dough entirely with the oil. Cover with plastic wrap or a damp towel and let it rise in a warm spot (i.e., over a gas pilot light) until it doubles in size, about 1 hour. The dough can be cut into 2 or 3 pieces depending on desired size of the pizza. Let rest for 15 to 30 minutes before rolling out into pizza dough. See The Kitchn's post on how to cook pizza at home (http://www.thekitchn.com/want-awesome-pi-163038).
European and U.S. officials have arrested 17 people in a crackdown on underground online markets, including the Silk Road 2.0, that sell drugs and weapons, Europe's police agency said today in a statement. The coordinated raids took place on Thursday across 16 European countries and the U.S. Those arrested were the vendors and administrators of the underground marketplaces. More than 410 hidden services were taken down, the statement said. Bitcoins worth $1 million, 180,000 euros in cash ($223,836), drugs, gold and silver were seized in the raids. Troels Oerting, head of Europol's European Cybercrime Center, said in the statement that the operations hit services on the Darknet using Tor "where, for a long time, criminals have considered themselves beyond reach." Tor refers to The Onion Router, a free network that makes Internet Protocols anonymous. It is used for both legal as well as illegal purposes. Reuters noted that it's used by activists in countries where the Web is censored. Today's announcements come a day after the The FBI announced that it had arrested the alleged owner and operator of Silk Road 2.0, 26-year-old Blake Benthall, in San Francisco. The site allows users to anonymously buy illegal goods and services. The arrest was part of the same operation. Here's more from the FBI statement: "Silk Road 2.0 was created in the wake of the Government's October 2013 seizure of the website known as 'Silk Road' and the arrest of its alleged owner and operator, Ross William Ulbricht, a/k/a 'Dread Pirate Roberts.' The original Silk Road website had been designed to enable people anywhere in the world to buy and sell illegal drugs and other illegal goods and services anonymously and beyond the reach of law enforcement. Before its seizure in October 2013, Silk Road was used extensively to facilitate such transactions." The European countries involved in Thursday's raids were Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
12 October 2017 | UN Climate Press Release Nineteen ground-breaking initiatives from around the world were announced today, as recipients of the United Nations ‘Momentum for Change’ Climate Solutions Award. The winners underline how Global Climate Action is accelerating, two years after the Paris Agreement was universally adopted and in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Representatives from the following three winning activities spoke about their innovative solutions at a special event in Berlin, Germany, on October 12: - A women-led, eco-fashion business that addresses climate change by recycling fabric waste to produce clothing collections, while providing jobs for disadvantaged female workers; - A partnership between TerraCylce, SUEZ, and Procter & Gamble that removes plastic from beaches and uses it to create shampoo bottles made with 25% of the reclaimed beach plastic; - The leading British retailer Marks & Spencer, who implemented a sustainable strategy that allowed them to achieve carbon neutrality for worldwide operations in 2014. The Momentum for Change initiative, spearheaded by the UN Climate Change secretariat, shines light on some of the most innovative, scalable and practical examples of what people across the globe are doing to combat climate change. Selected initiatives, called ‘Lighthouse Activities,’ demonstrate the exceptional amount of climate action happening around the world. Today’s announcement is part of wider efforts to mobilize action and ambition, as national governments work toward implementing the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, said: “I want to congratulate this year’s award winners. Their passion, creativity and positive impacts on the ground are extraordinary, real-world examples of how the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the wider SDGs is happening at all scales, across all countries, and across all sectors of society. “We know that to meet our shared goals, ambition needs to be raised over the years and decades to come. These Lighthouse Activities provide direct inspiration to others—from developed and developing countries alike—to be agents of change that can catalyze communities and countries go further, faster, together,” she added. The 19 winning activities fall within one of Momentum for Change’s five focus areas: Women for Results, Financing for Climate Friendly Investment, ICT Solutions, Planetary Health, and Climate Neutral Now. All 19 activities will be showcased at a series of special events during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany (6 November to 17 November 2017). Read more about the 19 game-changing initiatives: - From Waste to Wow | Italy QUID, a woman-led, eco-fashion social enterprise, addresses climate change by recycling high-quality fabric waste from fashion companies to produce women’s clothing collections. - More Corals = More Fish | Belize Women are offered grant-funded or subsidized training programs, often led by women divers, on marine tourism and lagoon ecology to restore coral reef habitats. - Sustainable Agriculture with Gender Inclusion and Participation in Quito | Ecuador Women are taught sustainable food production through agricultural measures that increase food security, reduce carbon emissions, and shrink the city´s ecological footprint. - Building Resilient Livelihoods | Sudan This project distributes agricultural packages to women farmers, including hands-on training in conservation agricultural techniques, and access to finance and markets. - Kaxu Solar One | South Africa The International Finance Corporation leveraged private-sector capital to develop and construct the world’s first large-scale concentrated solar power plant, using blended funding to close funding gaps and to deliver positive results to stakeholders. - Green Finance and the Aggregation of Swedish Local Government Investment Projects | Sweden Through the Kommuninvest Green Bonds framework, smaller municipalities that are important in achieving Sweden’s environmental targets of becoming a fossil-free nation, are provided with green financing opportunities. - Partnerships to Advance Climate Risk Insurance Approaches | Grenada, Jamaica, and Saint Lucia The Munich Climate Insurance Initiative designed and implemented a parametric index-based microinsurance product to cover extreme weather damage in the Caribbean in partnership with social aggregators like credit unions, farmers’ cooperatives and associations. - ICTs For Small-Scale Farmers: A Game Changing Approach to Climate Smart Agriculture in Latin America | Colombia and Honduras This easy-to-use ICT tool collects, collates, and analyzes weather data to inform farmers in advance on how to adjust their agricultural practices to ensure maximum crop-yield and thus food security. - SmartICE | Canada Developed by the Memorial University of Newfoundland, this tool helps Inuit (indigenous people) adapt to thinning sea-ice by providing information to aid in the planning of safe routes on the ice, thus reducing travel risks. 10. Green Credit Card | South Korea Credit card users are rewarded with points that are converted into cash or can be donated to environmental funds when they buy ecological products, use public transport, make paper-less transactions, and consume less electricity, water, and gas. 11. Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Biodiversity (CLIMB) | France, Italy, and Switzerland A local scientific NGO has built an innovative Biodiversity and Climate Change Observatory engineered by Orange on Mont-Blanc to measure and report the impact of climate change in the region, using 70 tailor-made temperature stations, distant monitoring software, and connected webcams and camera traps. 12. Restoring Peatlands in Russia | Russia This project, led by Wetlands International and supported by German and Russian government ministries, is spearheading the restoration of peatlands in Russia, and reducing the incidence of fires in peatland areas, and the resulting CO2 emissions and smoke particulates. 13. Cleaning our Oceans of Plastic | Haiti, Southeast Asia People in Haiti bring recycled plastic to one of 20 recycling markets operated by Plastic Bank, where it is exchanged for cash or critical essentials, such as a child’s school tuition. Removing plastic from waterways also helps stop the spread of some tropical diseases by eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes. 14. Reclaiming Global Waterways and Beaches | France TerraCycle and Procter & Gamble have partnered to manufacture the world’s first recyclable shampoo bottle made from “beach plastic” waste for the shampoo brand Head & Shoulders. The removal of degrading plastic from waterways and beaches delivers improved health for the fish, birds, animals and humans who rely on the ocean for food. 15. Sustainable Energy for Safe Childbirth | Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Nepal We Care Solar saves lives in childbirth by bringing solar power to remote, off-grid, and under-resourced medical centers. This initiative saves lives, as health workers no longer struggle to provide life-saving care with inadequate and dangerous lighting, such as kerosene lanterns, candles, and diesel fuel generators. 16. Plan A Carbon Reduction | United Kingdom Leading British retailer Marks & Spencer started their ‘Plan A’ sustainable strategy in 2007. In 2012, they became carbon neutral in the UK and Ireland, which was further extended to all Marks & Spencer operations worldwide in 2014. 17. Net Positive Wine | United States of America Fetzer Vineyards has been leading the wine industry in sustainable practices for decades, becoming the first Zero Waste certified wine company in the world, and the first winery in California to operate on 100% renewable energy. 18. Aviva’s Climate Neutral Plan | United Kingdom In 2006, Aviva became the first global insurance group to offset its entire operational emissions, and over the 10 years since Aviva became carbon neutral, it has saved 1.3 million tonnes of CO2e emissions through carbon finance projects. 19. The Zero Carbon Police Force | United Arab Emirates Dubai Police is measuring and reducing its emissions, with a goal to become carbon neutral by 2020 – the first police force to achieve this feat globally. Link to original article: https://cop23.unfccc.int/news/winners-of-2017-un-climate-solutions-awards-announced
BUYING YEN - A TRULY CONTRARIAN CALL 2017-12-04 6am EDT | #Yen #USDJPY #Japan #Nikkei I am aware of all the doomsday Yen hyper-inflationary predictions due to their soaring debt-to-GDP ratio. And these Japanese bears very well might prove correct… In the long run. But as Mr. Keynes taught us, the long-run is an awfully long time. In the meantime, I think there is a terrific opportunity in Japanese assets, and that also includes the currency. This flies in the face of most market pundits’ forecasts. You will often hear recommendations to buy Japanese equities, but they will often be couched with warnings that it needs to be done on a “currency hedged basis.” And it’s easy to see why. BoJ Balance Sheet Expansion Over the past half-dozen years, the BoJ has gone fully bat-shit crazy with balance sheet expansion. It’s unprecedented in modern economic times. Yet many believe this to be the final stage in what has been two decades of insane monetary policy. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, the BoJ’s quantitative easing programs in the late 1990’s and 2000’s was not nearly as dramatic as many pundits remember. It seemed frightening at the time, but that was because Japan was the only country stuck at the zero bound and forced to expand their balance sheet. The moment the economy seemed ready to finally spark, the Japanese government pulled back on both the monetary and fiscal stimulus, worried that, much like an engine with the choke on, they would flood it. Well, this proved disastrous and the result was that the economic engine never fully started. You might disagree with that assessment, so be it. It doesn’t really matter. Although, it took almost two decades, eventually the Japanese people came to this conclusion and elected Prime Minister Abe, largely on his dramatic economic reform platform. As you will notice, the BoJ is no longer making the mistake of closing the choke at the first engine turn that catches. The BoJ has taken their balance sheet from 30% in 2011 to almost 100% today. That’s an insane amount of stimulus. So there is little wonder that most forecasters are extremely wary of being long a currency whose supply has been increased so dramatically. For the first couple of years of Abeconomics, the Yen did weaken. Materially. The USDJPY rate went from 75 to 125. And this currency devaluation drove the stock market. From 2012 until just recently, the Yen and the Nikkei traded almost tick for tick. But look closely at the last six months. The Nikkei is running like it stole something without a corresponding decline in the Yen. Could it be that something changed? Maybe the aggressive balance sheet expansion is behind us? Even though the BoJ balance sheet chart looks like a one-way rocket to the moon, if you look closely at the data, it becomes apparent that the rate of change is slowing. And it’s finally getting noticed. From the Nikkei: TOKYO – The Bank of Japan is slowing the supply of money, arousing speculation that it is paving the way for a trimming of its ultra-easy monetary policy. The supply of funds to the market in November showed an increase of 51.7 trillion yen ($458 billion), effectively the smallest annual pace of growth since the BOJ introduced easing of a “a different dimension” in April 2013. The central bank is steadily shifting the focus of its easing policy to controlling interest rates, away from “quantitative” measures, as prices have doggedly refused to rise. The BOJ implemented powerful easing measures, accompanied by a few surprises, in the first half of Haruhiko Kuroda’s governorship starting in March 2013. Now, in little more than a year, the central bank has shifted to a waiting game while paying attention to financial institutions. On Monday, Kuroda said at a Europlace financial forum in Tokyo that since changing the monetary easing framework in September 2016, there has been no change in either the BOJ’s policy or its thinking. He said the BOJ has secured financial stability, and control of the the yield curve is going well. The BOJ had maintained yield curve control “quite effectively and efficiently without creating financial problems,” he said, adding that current levels of the BOJ’s yield targets were “quite appropriate.” According to a plan announced at the end of November, the BOJ will continue cutting the purchase of short-term Japanese government bonds in December. An increasing number of participants in the bond market are starting to forecast that the BOJ will further reduce purchases of JGBs and raise the target rate of long-term rates from zero next year. When the BOJ introduced its aggressive easy-money policy several years ago, Kuroda said the central bank would “double the monetary base in two years,” making the monetary base the target of easing measures. The BOJ supplies funds to the market through such means as issuing banknotes and buying government bonds. Japan’s monetary base – the total amount of money supplied by the BOJ – exceeds 470 trillion yen, up more than threefold over the past five years. But growth of the money supply has been slowing sharply. While the BOJ supplied money at roughly an annual pace of 80 trillion yen last year, the pace began slowing by stages at the start of this year. In November, it came to 51.7 trillion, the smallest amount in four years, as the easing policy was held in check in its initial stages in April-July 2013. ‘Stealth tapering’ is the new buzz word. Expect it to get increasing amount of attention in the future. But make no mistake, this tapering is quite gentle. The tapering is at the margin, and the BoJ is still there providing tons of support to the economy. The Yen is the cheapest major currency I am a firm disciple of Richard Koo’s Balance Sheet Recession theories. Japan’s stop and start policies were the real impediment of the last two decades of moribund growth. And in pulling off the gas each time a self-sustaining recovery was in sight, the Japanese ultimately made their long run problem of too much debt all the worse. Yet this time Japan is not making the same mistake. And I believe it is working. Devalue your currency, put rates to zero, expand the Central Bank’s balance sheet, and eventually, the stimulus will work. Yeah sure there is a lag, but do enough of it, and it can overpower the greatest deflationary mindset. And that’s where we are today. After decades of workers getting no pay increases and prices generally falling, a new era has emerged in Japan. I know it’s not dramatic, but it’s finally happening. From the WSJ: TOKYO - Here is one sign of how robust the world economy is getting: Even in deflation-wracked Japan, some companies believe conditions are strong enough to raise prices. Torikizoku Co. , a budget restaurant chain offering sticks of yakitori grilled chicken, lifted prices for the first time in nearly 30 years in October. It now charges the equivalent of $2.65 for a two-skewer plate, up from $2.49 before. It was egged on by a shortage of part-time staff, which forced it to pay higher wages, a spokesman said. And the beer to wash it down is getting pricier, too: Japan’s four major beer companies recently decided to raise prices for the first time in a decade. Making diners pay 8 cents more for a skewer might not be news elsewhere, but it could be a breakthrough for Japan, which struggled through 15 years of deflation beginning in the late 1990s. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has put defeating deflation at the center of his economic revival plan. The Japanese economy grew slightly in the latest quarter, thanks entirely to exports, and makers of products such as memory chips and battery parts have been revving up production. Since the working-age population is shrinking, the overseas demand is driving a severe labor crunch for employers. In October, there were 155 jobs available for every 100 job seekers, according to data released Friday, the strongest showing in more than 43 years. “Upward pressure on prices stemming from the rise in wage costs has been mounting,” said Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda in November. It’s anecdotal, and it’s far from truly inflationary, but it’s a step in the right direction. The Japanese lost decade It’s tough for foreigners to understand the extent of the Japanese economic pain of the past few decades. Remember all the problems from the 2008 financial crisis? Well, have a look at the dip in US GDP during that period versus the Japanese experience of the last twenty years. Instead of one year of poor economic performance, imagine that dragging on for a couple of decades. The Japanese economy has been sucking wind for much too long, and the truly amazing part has been the patience of the Japanese people during this period. But that’s in the rearview mirror. The economic engine has started, and it’s about to accelerate. Not only that, the tank is full of gasoline, and the car has been stripped of all the extra weight. What do I mean by that? Well, the past five years of extreme monetary stimulus has weakened the Yen to a level that makes it the cheapest of the major currencies. Have a look at one of my favourite indicators - the Big Mac index, a derivative of the purchasing power parity measure. Japan is dirt cheap. Not Ukraine or Egypt cheap, but for the world’s third largest economy, it is inexpensive. And with all the changes, it is starting to get noticed by investors. Recently RealVision TV did a whole series on the attractiveness of Japan. Here are some of the more important sections: Alex Klinmont: So the cheapest commodity in Japan is Japanese labor. If we compare minimum wages around the world, we find that the minimum wage in Tokyo is $8.32 an hour. The minimum wage in Los Angeles is $15 an hour for companies with more than 26 employees. There are no G-7 countries which have a minimum wage system in which the minimum wage is lower than that of Japan. So Japanese labor is relatively cheap. So Japan is actually a very good place to employ people on an international basis, particularly when you quality-adjust the labor force. You have a relatively well-educated,relatively sophisticated labor force that is not resistant to the introduction of new technologies. But the combination of deflated wages domestically and a very, very low, finally, a reasonably priced yen is an unbeatable combination. And that will, in due course, excite attention from international business, and from domestic business. Jesper Koll: And what I mean by that, is that because labor is in short supply, the number of university graduates is declining every year by about 30,000 kids. As a result of that, wages and employment conditions are improving very dramatically. This year starting salaries for university graduates are up by more than 6%. 98% of university graduates, 98% of Japanese university graduates, got a full time job offer within 10 days of looking for one. So it’s incredible. And of course, as this new middle class rises, you’ve got greater job security, you’ve got rising incomes. Because of the scarcity of labor, because of the demographics, more and more companies, leading companies like Toyota, like Hitachi, like Fast Retailing, are rehiring part-time employees on a full-time basis. And that kicks off a very powerful positive cycle. As a part-time worker, you have no access to the corporate bonus. So the moment I get rehired on a full-time basis, I do get access to the bonus, which in Japan is about 1⁄3 of your annual income. Brian Quartarolo: The data that I’m most encouraged by in Japan, right now, is productivity. So the productivity gains that we’re seeing in Japan are outstripping those that we’re seeing in other, developed markets, which is very encouraging. The fact that that’s occurring alongside wages starting to rise is exactly what you would want to see. So if labor markets in Japan are tightening to the point where we’re starting to see wages turn up alongside the productivity improvements, those are the sort of green shoots that the BOJ wants to see. I think it’s is the reason to be bullish Japanese shares, if you’re looking for relative out performance. Jesper Koll: Innovation is, of course, the big focus. And there are people critical of Japan and say, oh my god Japan hasn’t invented anything since the Sony Walkman. Well, that’s actually not true. Look at the car industry. Lexus is obviously one of the super brands that has come out of nowhere and is now competing at the very, very top end of the luxury food chain here. One way of looking at that is, when you look at research and development as a share in GDP, Japan is at almost 4%. Which is one of the highest in the world. When you need to build a railway, when you need to build the ship, when you want to have the best tire in the world, you have to go to a Japanese company. Brian Quartarolo: So if labor markets in Japan are tightening to the point where we’re starting to see wages turn up alongside the productivity improvements, those are the sort of green shoots that the BOJ wants to see. And on a medium-term basis, I still view this as being one of the more bullish and really one of the more exciting moves that we’ve seen in recent years that I think has a potential to continue. I think that the big surprise in 2018, is going to be the Japanese economy growing at 3%. Of course RealVision had some doomsdayer-the-debt-will-blow-up Japan types on as well, and although you might be sympathetic to that argument, I am just not sure that this scenario is in the cards anytime soon. I don’t think Japan’s end game comes from economic weakness, but instead occurs when inflation takes off. And in the meantime, even if that is the final outcome, I suspect that for a while, inflation will be cheered by investors (especially in the initial days). It will feel good, even more so after decades of stagnant prices. Companies with pricing power and workers earning more will be greeted enthusiastically by markets. Tax cuts that makes sense This morning the US stock market is celebrating this weekend’s passage of the Republican tax bill. Although I understand why equities should rally on the news, I worry the market is greatly overestimating the stimulative effect on the US economy as a whole. Yeah, I get it - corporations will now have more money to invest in capital expenditures or to give their workers a raise. But let’s face it - corporate profits were already hitting new highs. When you combine the absurd monster corporate profits with the rock-bottom interest rates and the cheap bountiful credit, you need to ask yourself whether there was really any impediment to US companies doing so before the tax cut? Although the reduction in the tax rate will be stimulative, it will translate into much less real economic growth than the optimists predict. Most of the corporate tax cuts will simply flow directly to shareholders’ pockets. Yet Japan is taking a much different tack to corporate tax cuts. From the Nikkei: TOKYO – The Japanese government is considering rewarding businesses that increase wages and invest in productivity growth by offering tax breaks that could lower their effective tax rates to as low as 20% or so. A draft proposal for the tax breaks states its main goal is “reducing the tax burden to a level that will help companies compete well in the world.” Under the proposal, companies that actively invest in human resources through training and higher wages would be allowed to deduct a certain amount from their tax liabilities. This measure alone could lower the effective tax rate to the mid-20% level. Furthermore, companies that also invest in innovative technologies, such as the “internet of things” and artificial intelligence, to boost productivity will receive additional tax breaks, potentially reducing their effective tax rates to as low as about 20%. Under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the government has been lowering the effective corporate tax rate to make Japan more attractive for businesses. Since he came to power, the overall effective corporate tax rate in Japan has fallen from 37% to 29.97%. In fiscal 2018, which begins next April, the rate is already slated to decline to 29.74%. Corporate earnings overall have improved along the way, but higher profits have largely been hoarded, despite repeated calls by the prime minister for employers to lift wages and help stimulate economic growth. To encourage businesses to comply, the government was already considering reducing the rate to around 25% for companies that raise wages. But it is leaning toward upping the ante given that other countries, including the U.S. and France, are also working toward reducing corporate taxes. The Japanese government is also examining the idea of slashing fixed-asset taxes to help small and midsize businesses boost productivity. The measure will likely cover new machinery and other fixed assets. The current rate of 0.7% may be reduced to zero. The draft proposal, a temporary measure for three years starting in fiscal 2018, will be included in a policy package to spur productivity. The package is expected to be approved by the cabinet on Friday, with the specific tax rates to be hashed out by the tax panels of the ruling parties. Linking tax cuts to actual investment and worker wage raises will do so much more to stimulate the economy than a simple “hand-out and hope” strategy. Sure, for the short run an investor’s capital will be treated better in the United States, but in the long run, creating a sustainable economic recovery that benefits all aspects of the economy will result in much better returns. Putting it all together After a couple of decades of terrible monetary and fiscal policies, Japan has turned the corner, and will finally achieve escape velocity. This will occur with Japan having one of the G7’s cheapest currencies. The result will be capital flowing into Japan as investors realize it isn’t another false dawn. As we have seen over the past six months, the Japanese stock market has already started rising without the Yen declining. This equates to real growth. And it will continue. As for the hot money, although they have embraced the Japanese stock market rally, they are still doing so only a “currency hedged” basis. Look at the CFTC positioning of the Yen. Speculators are still heavily short Yen. Using the Yen as a funding currency during the recent massive global risk rally has remained in vogue. Yet the truly interesting part? The Yen is no longer declining. In fact, the relationship between the Yen and risk assets seems to have completely broken. Stocks and other risk assets are exploding upwards, yet the Yen is treading water. What would happen if, God forbid, global stocks sink? I know, I know - stocks don’t go down silly. Although I would love to buy into the narrative that stocks will continue rising forever, somehow I doubt we have entered into some sort of new paradigm that enables investors to never lose. Buying Yen in an environment where it should be going down, yet it’s not, seems like a great potential hedge. Often the best signals are non-confirmations. So I am starting to establish a long Yen position. There is no doubt that this is a lonely position. Who the hell would buy Yen when the BoJ has an infinite stack of blue tickets (and is paying for it with newly created Yen)? Yet I think this narrative is fully baked into the current Yen price, and the market is underestimating the ‘stealth tapering.’ Most everyone thinks USDJPY is heading higher (lower Yen). Heck, even the Japanese think their currency is going to zero. Although I had previously traded the US dollar from the long side (The Fall Guy), I think that trade is over. I want to be short US dollars, and I think the best currency to be short against is the Japanese Yen. The Yen should be going lower, but it’s not. That’s telling you something. And I am listening. I am in no rush to put all the position on immediately. Working it in over the next couple of weeks makes a lot of sense. This is a longer term position, and I anticipate the large descending triangle of the USDJPY rate to resolve itself with a breakdown below 109.50. This morning the excitement of the US tax cut bill passage is causing the Yen to decline, giving us a great day to start establishing the position. Thanks for reading,
My paintings are expressions of my own personal identity and a celebration of Egyptian history. At the age of 18, I moved from Egypt to the United States to attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, which influenced the way I view the world and think about identity, balance and harmony. Exploring notions of femininity and spirituality and how it relates to my identity as an Egyptian woman; by providing a link between the past and the present through poetic and symbolic imagery. My painting practice is historically, culturally and socially motivated. Walking through the landscape of my ancestors, ancient cities, temples, and the Nile Valley fuels my imagination – making me a storyteller, a daydreamer, a painter and an art educator. My drawings and paintings grew out of the need I felt to document dreams, stories and memories. My fascination with the Ancient Egyptian concept of the soul, the Ka (person’s life force), the Ba (the soul), and the Akh (after-death, the ka and ba united) became a constant inspiration in my paintings. The Ka is a spiritual twin, sacred essence and an individual ego born with every person and lives on after death. It is often represented as a divine projection of the individual with a pair of raised arms above the head. In my artwork, the Ba represents conscience in the form of a bird with human eyes, often standing on my shoulder and guiding me through life. My works vary in size from small intimate self-portraits, to very large worlds and narratives; combining personal interpretations of ancient spiritual Egyptian symbols, with modern-day chaos. I work primarily with watercolor, gouache, ink, and graphite on handmade paper. The luminous qualities of watercolor and inks allow me to layer, work fast and challenge me to respond to the unforgiving material and “live with my mistakes”. And while watercolor is hard to move, gouache is opaque and dries to a matte finish, which I use to add striking graphical lines and rich color. I embrace the characteristics of my materials and layer watercolor and gouache together to achieve varying degrees of opacity and contrast. The process of creating is a way for me to be a constant experimenter, with a spontaneous approach and working practice that seeks to unite layering of materials and concepts. I am a collector of dreams and memories simply because I am afraid of forgetting. I think that the world is too fast, and I like to challenge people to slow down.
Live Escape Broken Train Track is another point and click escape game from Games2rule.com. Lively Escape!! The train track is broken and you also noticed that train nearing the broken point. Let's see how your mind will work. Use presence of mind to utilize the objects found in the place to avoid a big accident. Good Luck and Have Fun! like 77% (10)
Congratulations on your engagement! Now you are on the hunt to secure a professional team of wedding vendors, including a wedding DJ. Our recently published ebook, “The Bride’s Guide to Selecting the Perfect Wedding DJ” provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to identify and interview a prospective wedding DJ. The book contains a list of “10 Questions That You Really Need to Ask When Interviewing a Prospective Wedding DJ.” These questions are excerpted below: 10 Questions That You Really Need to Ask a Prospective Wedding DJ 1. How did you get into DJing? – This is a great opening question, as it puts the DJ at ease and you will learn about his or her background as well as motivation for getting into the business. Find out where passions lie – whether with the music, the emcee aspect, or the prestige of performing at formal events. With a timeline, you can also learn how long this person has been performing as a DJ. 2. What is Your Style?– DJs run the gamut from extremely interactive to those who make sparse announcements and primarily mix the music. In recent years, there has been a trend towards “non-tacky” wedding receptions that eliminate “cheesy” features like the Electric Slide. Perhaps you want a high-energy emcee who really gets the crowd going. There is no right or wrong answer, but you need to align yourself with a DJ who is a good stylistic match for your vision. You should be proactive in asking this question, as some DJs might first ask you about your expectations, and then cater their answer to appease you. 3. How Many Weddings Did You Perform at Last Year? – This will give you a great idea on how experienced the DJ is in performing at weddings. An experienced wedding DJ is desirable as he or she will have the requisite experience to preside over a seamless evening of music and entertainment, also working well with the extended wedding team (i.e., wedding planner, banquet hall manager, photographer, videographer). Hiring an inexperienced wedding DJ exposes you to the risk of becoming the next YouTube sensation after a major mistake is made. While your DJ does not need to work as a DJ on a full-time basis, he or she should be performing regularly at weddings. For those wedding DJs who are extremely busy (say performing at over 60 weddings per year), be sure they have adequate time to give your wedding the special attention that it deserves. 4. What Would You Do If a Guest Spilled a Drink on Your Laptop Computer During Our Wedding? – This question indirectly asks about back-up equipment, which a professional wedding DJ should always bring to an event so your party isn’t halted by a technical glitch. It also gives you an idea on whether the DJ is a problem solver, or quick to blame others. 5. What is Your Approach to Musical Programming at a Wedding? – This question will reveal how flexible a DJ is in his musical programming as well as what types of music he favors. How much flexibility is there in the music programming? How many songs do you pick versus how many does the DJ pick? Try asking, “if we did not provide you with a strict playlist, what are some songs you might program for cocktail hour, dinner music and peak hour open dancing?” An experienced wedding DJ will have very well thought out answers. Programming at weddings can be tricky, given the wide range of guest ages and musical tastes. I have often said that the art of the wedding DJ is to make each and every guest feel as though they had the best time of their life! Keep in mind that inappropriate musical programming is one of the biggest complaints against wedding DJs. Inappropriate programming could mean playing modern club music all night long for a mixed crowd; or playing too many ballads for a younger crowd that wants to cut loose on the dance floor. 6. Are You Insured? – Talking about insurance can be a real mood killer, but in today’s litigious society, insurance may be a part of the wedding DJ hiring equation. If your banquet hall requires liability insurance (as many of the finer facilities do), an uninsured DJ company will not be allowed to perform at your event. There is no sense in spending any serious time interviewing a DJ company if they are unable to perform. Professional DJ companies carry liability insurance, while novice operations often don’t. SPONSORED LINK For those wedding DJ entertainers who do not carry liability insurance, the company Insurance Canopy provides event liability insurance for 1-3 days for disc jockeys starting at just $59. To learn more, visit www.insurancecanopy.com/dj-event-insurance. 7. Can You Provide References? – An experienced professional wedding DJ will have a thick stack of testimonials and be happy to provide references. These testimonials are probably already available on public review sites like WeddingWire.com. If possible, review the DJ’s online reviews prior to the consultation to get a sense of his or her style. If a DJ goes on the defensive from this question, it could be a red flag. Additionally, it is not recommended that you ask the DJ if you can drop in to observe one of their wedding performances. Would you want you DJ schmoozing with prospects at your wedding reception? 8. How Does Your Planning Process Work? Planning a wedding reception is a major endeavor. In plotting the music and entertainment for your celebration, how will the DJ assist you? Does the DJ meet with you in-person prior to the event? Is this planning session conducted in-person, via phone or video conference? Does the DJ have planning forms and other tools to assist you? Will you have access to the specific DJ who is performing at your event or will you be working with a support staff member? Professional, planning-oriented DJs reduce your stress levels in the weeks and months leading up to your wedding. It’s also a fact that the better the planning, the better the results. 9. Do You Have Contingency Plans in Place in Case You are Unable to Perform Due to Illness? Illness and injury are a fact of life, and there is a small chance that your wedding DJ could be physically unable to perform on your wedding date. Ask about what contingency plans are in place to ensure your show goes on. The fact that a DJ has taken the time to prepare a contingency plan is a testament to their professionalism. 10. Can You Tell Us About Your Packages and Pricing? – At a consultation, it is bad form to ask about price first, as it sets an awkward tone. Wedding industry consultant, Alan Berg, has astutely observed that consumers are quick to ask, “how much?” The question isn’t because they are price shoppers, but because they aren’t aware of the proper questions to ask. Of course, price is an important factor on everybody’s mind, but first take the time to learn about the service. Towards the end of your consultation with a prospective DJ, inquire about pricing. By then, you’ll have a good idea on the services and value the DJ can offer for your special day. Ask these insightful questions, and you will be well on your way to picking the perfect wedding DJ to provide a magical evening of music and entertainment! About Ambient DJ Service Ambient DJ Service is a full-service mobile DJ entertainment company based in Central New Jersey. We enjoy collaborating with clients to create unforgettable family celebrations. For more info, visit us on the web at www.ambientdj.com
Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) may sell its auto-making holdings to publicly traded affiliate Shanghai Automotive in a deal worth US$2.5 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported. The move would be part of a major restructuring at the state-run car manufacturer that owns stakes in joint ventures with General Motors and Volkswagen AG. Shanghai Automotive will raise US$2.25 billion towards the acquisition by issuing 3.1 billion shares. The restructuring would concentrate SAIC's auto holdings into its main listed arm and give Chinese investors a chance to buy into the biggest domestic automaker in China. The move was announced in a filing with the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Tuesday.
- Part 1. How to mitigate APTs. Applied theory - Part 2. Top-4 mitigation strategies which address 85% of threats - Part 3. Strategies outside the Top-4. For real bulletproof defense - Part 4. Forewarned is Forearmed: the Detection Strategy against Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Part 2. Top-4 mitigation strategies which address 85% of threats In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the importance of APT mitigation, outlining some of the theories and approaches to success – mostly the ASD’s Top-35 Mitigation Strategies. This second part takes a deeper dive into the ‘Top-4 Mitigation Strategies’ approach, which is successful against at least 85 per cent of all targeted attacks. In Part 1, Kaspersky Lab distilled the Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) 35 point ‘Mitigation Strategy’ into four key logical areas, each of which should be considered as part of any effective threat mitigation strategy: |Administrative||Training, physical security| |Networking||These measures are easier to implement at a network hardware level| |System administration||The OS contains everything needed for implementation| |Specialized security solutions||Specialized security software is applicable| All four types of Strategy1 should be considered. Kaspersky Lab’s researchers have demonstrated that cyber criminals use a broad variety of techniques to access critical business data. Companies should respond in kind, using a variety of mitigation strategies, from employee training to highly sophisticated heuristics and cloud technologies, leaving no stone unturned. This is the only route to successful mitigation of modern APTs. Kaspersky Lab does not simply protect selected components of IT-infrastructure from APTs. As a technology-driven organization, we have mapped listed strategies to our own vision of a highly effective multi-layered defensive strategy, which we believe aligns well with the ASD’s. Effective security has to be multi-layered, with Advanced Anti-Malware at the core of further layers of APT Mitigation mechanisms, such as Application Control, Vulnerability Management and more. Besides strategies’ logical areas there are also classifications of threats, useful for its mitigation. Based on our statistics over a long period Kaspersky Lab could estimate that about 67% of attack attempts are going to be known viruses with identified and catalogued signatures. When the file is launched and run through a blacklist, it’s immediately denied if there’s a match. Kaspersky applies other technologies designed to detect unknown malware, these play a role to identify another 32% or so of these attacks. The last but very crucial 1% of threats consist of advanced malware, which is the lifeblood of APTs. Companies’ security solutions should mitigate all of these possible threats types. To have a strong defence, you have to implement all the ASD’s Top-35 Mitigation Strategies on this list. Kaspersky Lab’s solutions fulfil three of the top four strategies Nineteen of the thirty-five strategies listed in the above table can be implemented using specialized IT security software. Kaspersky Lab’s solutions cover most of them, providing effective technologies for implementing three of the four key mitigation strategies: Application Control/Dynamic Whitelisting and Vulnerability Assessment/Patch management. Let’s take a closer look at them: |ASD’s rank||Mitigation strategy||Kaspersky Lab technologies||Kaspersky Lab products| |1||Whitelisting||Dynamic Whitelisting||Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business. Kaspersky Security for Virtualization | Light Agent. |2||Patching application vulnerabilities||Vulnerabilities Assessment and Patch Management||Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business tiers Advanced and Total.| |3||Patching OS vulnerabilities| It’s crucial to give the system administrators the ability to manage all the strategies-supporting features through a convenient single point of control. For Kaspersky Lab’s products we offer Kaspersky Security Center (KSC) as such centralized console. Application Whitelisting in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business & Kaspersky Security for Virtualization. Application Whitelisting is the most valuable counter-APT strategy any organization can adopt. It forms a powerful layer of protection against the executable components of APT, including as-yet-unknown ones. Interest in application control for desktops and servers has been increasing steadily over the last 5 years. Kaspersky Lab’s solution implements Dynamic Whitelisting. According to Gartner2, the best application control implementations include vendor-supported whitelists of ‘safe’ software, automatically tracking approved changes – and continuously updated from a cloud database, making it effectively ‘dynamic.’ Application Control with Dynamic Whitelisting can help protect systems by giving administrators total control over the applications that are allowed to run on endpoints, regardless of end-user behaviour. This in addition to being able to block or allow certain, specified applications. The most secure Default Deny scenario involves blocking the execution of any application that has not been not specifically authorized by the administrator. This means that components of a targeted attack that are essentially applications won’t be allowed to run, effectively breaking the attack’s development. Kaspersky Lab’s implementation of this scenario makes sure that all the unmodified components of the OS would continue to run without interruption. When it comes to implementing Application Control and Dynamic Whitelisting, Gartner recommends the creation of Inventory and “Gold” Images. Inventory creation enables system administrators to gain complete insight into all the software installed on every system in the company. This knowledge is vital. You can’t monitor what you don’t know you have and the best Whitelisting implementation plans start with an inventory. Once completed, all records about installed software on the corporate network will be stored in a single database, in convenient format, facilitating its analysis. A ‘Gold’ image is a pre-constructed template of any company’s chosen, perfect installation: all of your business-critical applications and settings implemented according to best practice and fine-tuned to run at optimal performance. Gartner has also identified Application Control technology as one of the most useful traditional security capabilities for protecting industrial systems3. Kaspersky believes these measures for critical infrastructure defence should become mandatory. Kaspersky Lab has developed its own Application Control and Whitelisting technologies, integrating them seamlessly with the other security components in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business. Kaspersky Security for Virtualization | Light Agent and Kaspersky Security for Mobile also include this technology. Mobile Application Control does not yet include Dynamic Whitelisting – but a Default Deny scenario can be set up for corporate mobiles. Driven by a dedicated whitelisting division, Kaspersky Lab’s whitelisting service provides continuously updated databases of applications proven to be legitimate, trusted and safe. Kaspersky’s whitelisting database currently includes information about 1 4 billion unique executable files, compiled by a dedicated team of analysts. In 2013, after extended testing by the independent AV-Test Institute, it received an Approved Whitelisting Service certificate. It’s also worth mentioning that Kaspersky Application Control with Dynamic Whitelisting and Default Deny achieved top scores in all independent tests it participated in.4 To help the process of Application Control & Whitelisting implementation (including many automated features), Kaspersky Systems Management (available as part of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business or as a standalone toolset) provides both Inventory and Imaging tools, in exact accordance with Gartner’s advice. Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Management in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business. In second and third position on the list of counter-APT measures, application and OS patching are essential components of any successful threat mitigation strategy. “Extreme risk” vulnerabilities in business applications, operating systems and other software used by any organization can enable unauthorized code execution by criminals, with significant negative consequences for the business. Kaspersky Lab’s Patch Management and Vulnerability Assessment components are implemented as part of our Systems Management technology, integrating them into the broader, day-to-day management of systems, for ease of use. Let’s take a look at what each of these components do. Vulnerability Assessment is a critical element in protecting companies against attacks involving exploits of software vulnerabilities, including targeted attacks. An IT department using Vulnerability Assessment can promptly detect vulnerabilities in corporate software that could potentially be exploited by cybercriminals, and can quickly take action to close these security gaps using patch management. A special software agent on the endpoint is used to detect vulnerabilities. It analyses versions of Windows OS and other installed software, comparing them with data in Kaspersky Lab’s continuously updated self-developed vulnerability database. Our database contains all needed information about popular third-party applications vulnerabilities. Vulnerability assessment was designed to be used in conjunction with Patch Management to tackle software vulnerabilities promptly and effectively. Patch Management helps keep endpoints fully updated, significantly reducing the risk of successful exploit attacks. Kaspersky Lab’s patch management systems provide a high level of automation for system administrators, and can be used instead of or in conjunction with Microsoft’s WSUS. Kaspersky Lab’s Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Management technologies are available in the Advanced and Total tiers of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business. When it comes to ‘patches managed’ figures, Kaspersky Lab’s solution is a market leader, earning 1st place for the number of patched products and vendors. The effectiveness of Kaspersky Lab’s Patch Management solution has been proven in independent tests, including the latest test conducted by AV-test. Let’s once again take a look at the technologies from the point of view of threats classification, that we mentioned above in the beginning of the document. Application Control with Whitelisting, Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Management are meant to mitigate unknown threats as a part of any APT. For the most advanced threats Kaspersky Lab also offers Automated Exploit Prevention, System Watcher and Default Deny. Kaspersky Lab’s Application Controls, Dynamic Whitelisting, Vulnerability Scanning and Patch Management technologies implement 3 aspects of the Top-4 Mitigation Strategies effectively. A major aspect of targeted attacks – software vulnerability exploits – could be successfully mitigated using these measures. But bulletproof defence needs something more than Top-4. In the third part of this document, we’ll look deeper into the rest of useful counter-APT strategies. 1 Described in the Part 1 of Strategies for Mitigating APTs 2 How to Successfully Deploy Application Control, Gartner ID G00246912 3 Competitive Landscape: Critical Infrastructure Protection, Gartner ID G00250700
Orders are shipped using Royal Mail 1st class post in the UK Czech glass heart shaped beads which have a lovely flower detail which are a lilac / plumb colour with purple crystals and small czech glass fire polish beads are attached to silver plated ear wires The earrings have been wire wrapped with silver plated wire Drop measures approx 35 mm from the base of the ear wire Heart measures approx 18 mm Earrings will come gift wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a organza bag Shipping & delivery This item will be posted to you by Jennies Gems within 3 days of receiving payment. |Shipping destination||Cost||Additional items| Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, France, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Austria, Latvia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Isle of Man You have 14 days, from receipt, to notify the seller if you wish to cancel your order or exchange an item. Unless faulty, the following types of items are non-refundable: items that are personalised, bespoke or made-to-order to your specific requirements; items which deteriorate quickly (e.g. food), personal items sold with a hygiene seal (cosmetics, underwear) in instances where the seal is broken.
There is nothing more refreshing than a well-made Breve coffee. For those who do not care or know a lot about the ‘technicalities’ of coffee, a latte is simply an espresso shot along with steamed milk. But I’m not really a big latte person- and personally prefer a cappuccino or Americano. A cappuccino is a double espresso shot with steamed milk foam and hot milk, while an Americano will be an espresso shot with water and no milk. However, despite my tastes, I am always open to trying some new brews. Though I heard the name before, I was not sure of what a breve latte is. To cut it short for you, a breve coffee is an Americanized latte. It is a milk based espresso, which makes use of a half-and-half mix of cream and milk. The result is deliciously refreshing lattes brew unlike any other. What is a Breve Coffee? There is a lot more to a breve coffee than the half-and-half mix. This is a brew that you cannot miss. The word breve comes from the Italian word for ‘short’ or ‘brief’. This does not really have a lot to add to the name- and I think it should rather be named as cremoso, which means creamy. When you try the creamy variety of the breve coffee, you will not really feel like going backed to the skimmed varieties. The origins of Breve lies in the 17th century Italy- though not much is known about. However- it’s not hard to guess that someone realized that a creamy drink would be much better than the skimmed ones, and the rest is history! Beginning with brewing a Breve Latte If you have decided to try out this rich creamy latte- then making one on your own is quite a good idea! To get started with the Breve latte, you will require half-and-half milk along with an espresso shot. Depending on what your preferences are, you can go in for extra chocolate, sugar or anything else. The things that you will need For making a Breve Latte, the basic ingredients required are espresso and steamed half-and-half. However, the actual list of things that you need to gather goes as follows: - Coffee Beans, or Finely Ground Coffee - Milk (Half and half) - An Aeropress ( to make the espresso) - Coffee Mug, preferably bowl shaped - A Small Cup to brew in - A milk frothing tool (aerolatte or whisk) - Measuring scoop Step by step guide Step 1: Prepare the milk Once you have all the ingredients set, the first thing that you may want to do is get the milk ready. For a single serving, you will need around 10 ounces of milk. Put that in a cup and heat it to around 150 degrees. You can use a microwave, and it should not take you more than 60 to 90 seconds to get that ready. Ensure that you are using fresh half-and-half, as the taste and feel of the Breve latte lies in it. Step 2: Prepare the foam For preparing the foam, you will require a frothing machine. Many of these are available in the market, with Whisk and Aerolatte being some of the popular varieties. These are mini-immersion blenders that can help create a generous foam in a mere 10 seconds. However- in case you want to avoid buying one and go the manual way, you can do so by using a whisk. Hold the whisk in your palms, and twirl it in the milk for around 30-40 seconds until the milk froths. Step 3: Measure the coffee grind Getting the right quantity of coffee grind is important to get the best results. The coffee that you have should be finely ground, since while making the espresso, the grind is in contact with the water for a short time and has to be finer to blend well. Put a paper filter on the cap and then secure it to the chamber. Pour around 2 scoops of the coffee grind in the espresso machine chamber. Step 4: Prepare the coffee Now take the hot water, and then pour it on the coffee, stirring for around 10 seconds. Now wet the plunger seal and position it in the chamber. Now you have to press the plunger down- ensure that you do so gently. It may take around 20 seconds to move, so you will require patience here. Once it starts depressing, do so gently to push it until it depresses fully. Step 5: Mix milk and coffee Once you have done everything right, you will have your espresso shot and foamed milk ready. This is the delicate part- you now have to pour the frothed milk to the espresso. Ensure that you pour it gently to ensure a thorough and even mixing. The best way to do that is in a bowl-shaped cup, for it allows enough room for the milk and also mixes the two thoroughly. Slowly but steadily pour the frothed milk in the espresso- and you should have your Breve Latte ready! Step 6: Serve hot Once you’ve poured in the milk, your latte is ready to be served hot! However- before you do that, you can make some additions based on your taste. If you prefer your coffee a bit sweet, then you can add sugar here. Or if you want to add any flavors, then now is the time to do so. Ensure that you serve it while it is still hot- for that is the best way to enjoy the Breve Latte. The mocha breve recipe is not that complicated, and it should not take you too much effort to get it done. However, there are still a lot of things in the Breve Latte recipe that you need to take care of- else you will ruin the taste of the finest latte. Here are a few precautions that you must keep in mind: - The coffee grinds that you use should be finely ground. Every coffee requires a different type of grind, and for brewing an espresso, fine grinds work the best. - Coffee grinds that are more than 3 weeks hold will lose their flavor- and no amount of technology and packaging can prevent that. For the best results while learning how to make a Breve Latte, only get coffee grinds that are between 3 days to 2 weeks old. - While making the espresso, push the plunger very gently. Too much force or doing it all at once can ruin the flavor. - Once you start with the Breve Latte recipe, do not pause too much in between- for instance, after preparing the espresso or frothing the milk. Leaving the espresso or frothed milk for too long can destroy their consistency and the flavor of the latte. My Experience with the Breve Latte Most of us coffee drinkers love that particular brew that we have developed a taste for. When it comes to coffee- convincing a cappuccino person to try a milky latte is not easy. However, being the adventurous sort that I am, I decided to give the Breve latte a shot. It took me just one sip to realize that these lattes were simply delicious. The rich and creamy texture of the latte and the perfectly blended espresso in them- I could not decide what was better. There are 2 components to fully enjoying the Breve- ensure that you (or the place you are getting it from) uses the best possible beans, and ensure that the milk is fresh and creamy. Being able to taste the espresso is how you can enjoy the coffee- I see people ordering those gigantic cups of mochas every day, and I pity them for they have not had this small yet delicious cup of Breve yet! Calorie & Nutrients in the Breve All this talk about using half-and-half creamy milk and so on has got to get you worried about what does the Breve pack in it. The number of calories in a Breve Latte is 470 for the standard serving. Breaking this up, it packs around 370 calories from the 42 gms of fat that there are in it. However- that is not all that you have in this drink- it also has: - Proteins: 12 grams - Carbohydrates: 15 grams - Sodium: 160 grams - Cholesterol: 135 grams Thus, it is quite easy to state that if you are on a diet or are following a strict no-fat regime, you may want to hold off trying the Breve latte- or just have a few sips at the most since it is so irresistible. On the other hand, for those trying to gain some weight and strength, a Breve Latte is the healthiest and richest of coffee brews that you can make- ideal for someone who is looking to gather his or her strength back! The breve is amongst the richest brews that you can make in all the varieties- and it is ideal for the ones who love a creamy drink. If you are a true coffee lover- then you must try it once. It may be hard for those who love stronger brews to try this one- but one drink of the Breve will tell you what makes it so special!
The search for the remains of Emperor Gaz continuous. Chaika still in search of knowing who she really is and what her purpose is. Similarly, the Red Chaika continues the search for the rest of Emperor Gaz's remains. The Gillette corporation continues the mission to catch every last Chaika. In their adventure they give a revealing account kept secret by the Emperor, which Chaika, Fredrica, Toru, and Akari decide to uncover.
This is what I believe I believe in serving. I believe that helping others to achieve their goals is the key to my success. In my business career, I have worked with people from all walks of life, and it's my passionate commitment to their needs that keeps them coming back. Here is my process I listen, ask questions, and seek to understand the needs of my clients. My goal is to provide relevant information so clients can make informed decisions. My services include developing and executing marketing plans, relentlessly pursuing homes on the market, determining market value, contract negotiation, escrow management, re-location services, and the many other aspects of a successful real estate relationship. Here is my story I grew up in San Jose, CA in a wonderfully middle class family. I had two loving parents that drove me to excel at whatever I chose to do. I had the good fortune to be a decent football player and landed a football scholarship to the University of California at Berkeley - Go Bears! After college I began a 20 year career with Macy's. Up the corporate ladder I climbed moving all over the state. I managed Macy's stores in Santa Rosa, Northridge, San Diego, and Fairfield. I was a retail warrior. Along the way I had the good fortune to meet my wife Sue, and we have a daughter named Samantha. After moving back to Northern California and settling in El Dorado Hills, it was time to let go of the corporate career and focus more on my family. I chose to work in Real Estate. It has been a great fit for my personality and my commitment to serve. Professional Work Experience Realtor with Lyon Real Estate | 2009 to Present Team Manager with Apple | 2007 – 2008 Store Manager with Macy*s | 1987 – 2007 University of California at Berkeley BA – Political Economy 1983 - 1986 Cal Football Alumnus Starting Center – Offensive Line
In what could be viewed as either another blow to his pledge to deliver open and transparent government or a principled stand for prime ministerial privacy rights, Justin Trudeau’s office is refusing to say whether the partly taxpayer-subsidized costs of caring for his three young children are considered a “taxable benefit.” On Sept. 26, Conservative MP Garnett Genuis filed a written query that asked, “with regard to services provided to the Prime Minister, including nanny and childcare services, are they considered to be a taxable benefit?” On Monday, the government delivered its terse one-line reply to the House: “As the protection of taxpayer information is of utmost importance, the confidentiality provisions of the Income Tax Act prevent the discussion of specific cases.” This isn’t the first time that opposition members have turned to the order paper with questions about the prime minister’s child care arrangements. In response to a query submitted last March, the government stated that the caregivers had received $30,851 between Nov. 4, 2015 – the day Trudeau took office – and March 9. In June, a cabinet order revealed that one of the two caregivers – or “special assistants,” as they were were officially categorized – would be leaving her position on July 1. The PMO confirmed the departure, and noted that she would be replaced “by a person hired directly” by Trudeau and his wife, who would also pick up the tab for her services. “The other nanny remains part of the residence staff, and will still be paid for by taxpayers,” Postmedia reported at the time. UPDATE: PMO spokesman Cameron Ahmad offers this context: As is the case with previous Prime Ministers, staff are provided to help manage the Prime Minister’s household. With three young children, Prime Minister Trudeau has a different family situation than that of many previous Prime Ministers. Given the nature of the Prime Minister’s responsibilities and the fact that he has a young family, the household budget is allocated differently than it was for the last Prime Minister. Each Prime Minister has had their own household needs, and this one is no different.
‘Once More Into The Night’ is set to be released on 25th August 2017. Newcastle indie rock quartet The Girl Folder are back with a new single and video. Titled ‘Once More Into The Night’ the track combines an ethereal shoegaze influenced atmosphere with the orchestral and dramatic vibe of 90’s indie rock. Steeped in emotion and melody, the track is a soothing and somewhat melancholic venture that hooks the listener’s attention with deft musicianship and idiosyncratic lyrics. The video is a simple affair that sees the group performing the song in a sound proofed room adorned with Egyptian looking carpets and vintage lamps. Check it out below. Find The Girl Folder on Facebook.
Over the past few days, I’ve been understandably queried on my views regarding whether Britain should bomb Daesh (ISIL) positions in Syria. In addition, some people have been asking me to protest against the bombing. Last night, MPs overwhelming voted to bomb Daesh in Syria. Now I do understand where critics of the bombing campaign are coming from. Daesh will undoubtedly use the UK bombing campaign in their propaganda to support recruitment drives. I disagree with the Prime Minister that every pacifist or critic of the strategy is a “terrorist sympathiser”. Patently this is not true, though I think the comments were probably more rhetorical than a genuine reflection of his views on the matter. In my view, no military intervention isn’t really an option. Daesh will hate and target us whether we bomb them or not. In addition to which, we are already bombing Daesh in Iraq, at the request of the Iraqi government. So it’s not like we aren’t already taking military intervention against the terrorist organization. Nevertheless, we need to do more than just drop bombs. No matter how smart, bombs will not defeat Daesh on their own. We need to continue to very publicly challenge the Wahhabi-Islamist ideology at the core of Daesh and similar groups, and tackle their illegal economic operations, funding and support network. Most importantly, we need to do much more with all international partners to put together a credible exit strategy; a political and economic solution that ensures a secure future for the Syrian and Iraqi peoples without terrorism or oppression. Paul Salahuddin Armstrong
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'Macaulay Culkin made a surprise appearance during an Independent wrestling promotion in Los Angeles Thursday night. The "Home Alone" star used some of his tactics from the popular Christmas movie to win a six-man match. Bar Wrestling held their "Christmas Special" Thursday where the actor showed up wearing a Rowdy Roddy Piper shirt and bunny ears. During the fight, Culkin emptied a bucket full of balls into the ring which caused the wrestlers to trip in a moment that was captured on video by Pro Wrestling Sheet. The actor used this tactic before to trip up Harry and Marv with Hot Wheels cars in "Home Alone."' via NY Daily News
Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) One of Lima’s largest museums for contemporary art, MAC showcases 20th as well as 21st century art from both Peruvian and international artists. At any given time, Mac will have at least of two of its three buildings devoted to only one or two artists. After finishing your tour, grab a bite to eat or enjoy a craft beer at the MAC restaurant. MAC, Av.Miguel Grau 1511, Barranco, Lima, Peru +51 1 5146800 MATE is Barranco’s art gallery dedicated to the great Peruvian photographer Mario Testino, who hails from Lima. The gallery is the largest collection of his work with seven rooms dedicated to his intimate photographs of celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Kate Moss, Orlando Bloom and many more. A room dedicated to Testino’s photographs of Peruvians has recently been added, alongside a space dedicated to guest artists. MATE, Av. Pedro de Osma 409, Barranco 15063, Lima, Peru +51 1 2005400 The Lima Art Museum (MALI) This museum houses Lima’s largest collection of photography, paintings, pottery, decorations and artifacts. In addition to pre-Columbian and Colonial art, MALI also has a collection of contemporary Peruvian art. With such a large and diverse selection to navigate, give yourself at least a couple of hours to cover everything. MALI, Paseo Colon 125, Lima, Peru +51 1 3310126 Enlance Contemporary Art Enlance is dedicated to the exhibition of Peruvian and Latin American visual artists. The building is a quaint two-storey building, with a very relaxed and slightly unorthodox vibe within. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether exhibitions are being set up or removed! Head to this museum to discover up-and-coming artists as well as enjoying the more well-established names. Vertice Art Gallery Being such a large city, it’s not surprising that there’s more than one gallery dedicated to new up-and-coming art in Lima. Founded in 2007, this gallery and the art it holds is relatively new to Peru. With very distinct pieces, the gallery has a flair for exhibiting the most progressive developments in photography, painting and sculpture.
(pictured: Nicole Wray) A few weeks ago the homie Vandalyzm put out a genius Christmas song (the first one you hear on this mix). My mind absolutely never stops racing with ideas and I got his blessing to use the title so here you go. Merry Christmas, no tracklist, just kickback and enjoy. If you have a special someone and you find yourselves inspired by what I’ve done here, make it happen. Best Of 2013 Part 2 likely Friday December 27th
- Worldwide Rank #26,362,073 - Follower/Following Ratio 0.71 - Daily New Followers 0 Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Twitter Stats @22_laturra - Tracking Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Twitter profile since October 26, 2013 la liga sentimiento unico ♪ ♫ Roberto'Omar Ali ♥'s story Roberto'Omar Ali ♥, also known as @22_laturra has a reasonably significant presence on Twitter and is ranked by us in the 30% percentile for account strength. Active on Twitter since October 2013, Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ made it to having a respectable 452 Twitter followers and to being ranked 26,362,073 for number of followers among all Twitter users. Uh-oh... seems like someone has fallen asleep while on duty and is dropping in social relevance. The plot thickens when considering Roberto'Omar Ali ♥'s follower-to-following ratio, which is 0.71. This actually doesn't reflect so well on this account's strength. Tweeting is apparently one of @22_laturra's favorite pastimes, with an average of 0 tweet(s) per day in the past 30 days. That's pretty consistent with a total of 1,575 since @22_laturra joined Twitter. This account is tracked by us for quite some time now, actually since October 2013. As of August 17 2018 we track 290722354 Twitter accounts, so feel free to search for other accounts you're interested in and reveal their Twitter story! Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Tweets @22_laturra has posted 0 tweets in the last 12 days, which translates to an average of 0 tweets per day. Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Twitter Followers @22_laturra has 452 followers on Twitter. This account is #26,362,073 in the worldwide rank of the most popular Twitter users. Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Following on Twitter @22_laturra is following 634 Twitter accounts. Last month this account followed 619 users. Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ Predictions & Milestones @22_laturra will hit 450 followers in the next 3 months, and 444 in one year. You are on Roberto'Omar Ali ♥'s Twitter stats page We track these Twitter stats since October 26, 2013 . You can see how many followers Roberto'Omar Ali ♥ lost or gained and what the prediction is for tomorrow or the next 15 days, together with all kinds of other stats like rank compared to all Twitter users, tweets etc. Twitter Counter is the #1 Twitter stats site powered by Twitter. It all started in June 12, 2008 and we grew rather rapidly because of our Twitter Counter badge. The button is a nice small image that shows your visitors how many followers you have on Twitter. Within a year the button was on many many blogs around the world and we displayed more than 100 million buttons in one month. We track follower stats for over 290.722.354 users now.
Gracious Hospitality in a Relaxing Setting Whether you are visiting Whitehall, Michigan for business or for pleasure, a first time guest or one of the Inn’s many treasured, repeat guests White Swan Inn B&B is committed to making your stay and experience extra special. Since 1995, White Swan Inn B&B has been an inspected and approved member of Michigan Lake to Lake B&B Assoc., the premier bed and breakfast association in the state of Michigan. The association regularly inspects members for cleanliness, hospitality and professionalism, and expects members to meet the highest standards for customer satisfaction. Read the reviews of other guests at TripAdvisor.com and BedandBreakfast.com. Rest assured that your visit to White Swan Inn B&B will be a delightful and relaxing experience.
Collected by Carlos Aponte Praça do Império 1400-206 Lisboa, 1400-206 Lisboa, Portugal The churches in Portugal are uniquely beautiful in a way that is is ornate but not flashy or gilded. The Manueline style of architecture used to build the St. Jeronimos Monastery was a transitional style that combined Renaissance and Gothic... Crown St, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia On the first Saturday of the month, locals shop for vintage apparel and antique home decor at this flea market. Intersection of Crown and Collins Streets, Surry Hills. This appeared in the August/September 2013 issue. Harbourview Cres, Milsons Point NSW 2061, Australia North of the harbor on Lavender Bay, Clark Park is an ideal spot for a picnic away from the bustle. On the western end, curious visitors discover the garden Wendy Whiteley created from a landfill. 5- to 10-minute walk from Luna Park. This appeared... 2 Raper St, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia The final home and workplace of the late Australian artist Brett Whiteley is now a museum that holds rotating exhibits of Whiteley’s work shown on weekends as well as monthly events such as poetry readings and classical music performances.... 1 Notts Ave, Bondi Beach NSW 2026, Australia Overlooking iconic Bondi Beach, Icebergs is arguably Sydney’s most scenic restaurant. The food, from local shrimp to braised beef cheeks, lives up to the setting. 1 Notts Ave., Bondi Beach, 61/(0) 2-9365-9000. This appeared in the August/September... 25 Wexford St, Dublin 2, D02 H527, Ireland Irish audiences are crazy in the best way. Whelan’s holds about 450 people and is one of my favorite venues; I would love to play there four nights in a row. It’s gorgeous, with a rustic wood and stone interior, and the attendees love being there...
It often seems like Hollywood celebs aren't actually people at all, but another species entirely. They live in big houses, they fly around in private jets, and they rarely mingle with the common plebs, so it's always nice when an A-lister shows us a side that we can all relate to. And as you can see from these hilarious tweets, movie star Anna Kendrick really doesn't seem that different from the rest of us. She struggles to act normal in social situations, she spends her day thinking about what she's going to eat later, and she hides her Pop-Tart wrappers under her bed. Scroll down for some of our favorite tweets. More info: Twitter
Concerns are growing for a 38-year-old man who has been reported missing by his family. Julian Roach was last seen at about 5.30am on 13 August 2015 leaving his home in Hucknall riding his silver Merida push bike which has gold wheels. He did not return home and has not been seen since. Police and Julian’s family are concerned for his welfare and keen for him, or anyone who has seen him, to get in touch. Julian is about 5ft 7ins tall and of a skinny build. He has mousey light brown thinning hair. He was last seen wearing cropped denim jeans, a red tracksuit top and carrying a blue rucksack. If you’ve seen Julian or have any information that will assist police, call 101.
CyanogenMod began adding secure text messaging to its unstable, nightly version on Monday. When the feature eventually reaches the stable build of the popular third-party Android ROM, it will have around 10 million people on its rolls. More than 9.7 million people use CyanogenMod, which averages around 20,000 new installs every 24 hours. By far, it is the most popular custom Android ROM. Designed by well-known independent security engineer Moxie Marlinspike, TextSecure's security bona fides are impressive. It uses Open WhisperSystems' custom encryption layer, TextSecure V2; the cryptographic algorithms Curve25519, AES-256, and HmacSHA256; and perfect forward secrecy, which is starting to gain traction as major tech companies employ it to cut down on snooping. The entire TextSecure project is open source, which means not only can others use the code in their own apps, but that security researchers will be able to verify the efficacy of the encryption for themselves. In addition to TextSecure, CyanogenMod has built into their implementation of it the "middleware" that allows them to integrate Google Voice into any messaging app. This will allow messages to other TextSecure or CyanogenMod users to be encrypted, regardless of which SMS app is being used. Marlinspike said that there would be some kind of notification, so that users are notified when a text will be received by an insecure device. Marlinspike revealed in his blog post about the CyanogenMod integration that Open WhisperSystems has plans to develop TextSecure as a desktop-to-mobile, cross-platform messaging system, and is currently working on a browser extension for TextSecure. CyanogenMod also revealed on Monday early plans for a screencast app to ship with the next major update to the custom ROM.
Intelligent conversation, spontaneous pursuits, a bit of mystery and charm--the makings of a most interesting companion. All this and more reside in a colorful collection of patterned glass and resin of various descent, some antique African lovelies, others of Asian heritage, all entirely interesting with stripes and marbling and dots to enjoy. Wear the five fantastic strands on their own, or enjoy the addition of a vintage goldtone and citrine rhinestone brooch--detachable, you decide on the display of decadence. Clasped at back with a gold vermeil hook, this design measures 19" in length. Recently Viewed Products Home / Most Interesting Companion is added to your shopping cart. is added to your wish list.
This will make a great snack or appetizer for your next party. Not only will the kids gobble them up, but the adults will love them too. Let’s Make Parmesan Chicken Strips! Preheat your oven to 400˚F. Cut 3 chicken breasts into strips and season with salt and pepper to taste. In a re-sealable plastic bag, combine 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon onion powder, 1 teaspoon paprika, and 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning. Add the seasoned chicken strips into the flour mixture and seal the bag. Shake until the chicken strips are well coated with the flour mixture. Beat 3 eggs in a small bowl and dip each piece of chicken until well coated. In another bowl, combine 1 cup bread crumbs and 1/2 cup parmesan cheese and coat each piece of chicken with the mixture. Check out the video below for all of the delicious details. Place the coated chicken strips on a greased baking sheet and bake for 35-40 minutes, flipping halfway, and bake until golden brown (times and temperatures may vary based on oven). Then it’s time to serve, eat, and enjoy!