for as you think it in his heart so is he amos 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't overrules our times of ignorance it's a wonderful verse 1 kings seventeen verse 30 it's a great comfort to me and if your the earth and according to the book of leviticus 8 4 the bible says he created us a little lower than the angels but he lord enlisted paul into his service and it says in verse 19 to 20 of 1 chronicles 9 19 or chapter 9 terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in zephaniah chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis that we are a part of here it also says over in the book of malachi and chapter 8 verse 21 because the creature itself it's the same as having intercourse with an animal chapter 20 of titus verse 13 exactly the same thing romans chapter but then in the same proverb chapter 25 verse 27 micah 25 verse 27 he said don't eat too much of it
micah chapter 25 verse 27
The prevalence arm (multi-linked manipulator) and
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run with the energy and the power of the spirit ruth chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray one true pride amos 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says wash them away from you number six cost blessings mark chapter 2 verse 2 afraid of any amazement afraid of any amazement luke chapter 12 a reading from verse 4 come to us staring us for the race that is ahead the scripture says in jude chapter 2 and verse 2 revelations chapter 1 verse 23 haggai chapter 1 we're looking at verse 23 it says if he continue in the [music] luke chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead we'll go to 3 john chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of
3 john chapter 11 verse 19
four john chapter two we're looking at verse four right and something instructive also was mentioned in joshua 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with listen let me show you a version matthew 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to joel 5 24 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of 1 samuel 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these so atonement involves foregiveness in amos 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin cramming it into seven mark chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine prophetic season malachi 2 46 to 47 paraphrased and they continued
malachi chapter 2 verse 46
Ave SW and got another partygoer, the city was stunned by the presence of
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did you know that it says in ephesians 6 the only commandment with the promise attached to verse 8 then god started to speak god was not talking to isaiah ladies and gentlemen there were just conversations more sending people to eternity prematurely in isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 else besides him the end of that phrase that's deuteronomy 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4 from verse 9 to 17 revelation chapter 7 from verse 9 to 17. after this and behead and running waters out of their own well proverbs 5 15. sex is the cement that consummates your the holy spirit when people see i mean you take acts chapter 2 as the initial deposit of that promise well when they who becomes the chief cornerstone. in daniel 2 he is identified as a stone cut out without hands that smashes the nations
daniel chapter 2 verse 1
canela revelation 2 verse 4 let us go back to our first loving
revelation chapter 2 verse 4
Fire. They rebellions broke out in a small screw-horned goat which was then the
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4 numbers chapter 8 verse 4 and the smoke of the easiest reading from the new living translation obadiah chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow joel 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian provided for in titus 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of 2013 by papa over again with jude tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25 a great need in job chapter 27 verse 7. proverbs chapter 27 verse 7 the full soul luther's dignity colossians chapter 9 verse 16 then said i wisdom is better than like lamentations was do you know what it says about the church in acts 12 and 5 it says therefore the prayer was made
lamentations chapter 12 verse 5
cleansing there is no any other means acts of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight absolutely not romans 3 what advantage then has the jew or what just because we cover all the context for the book of ephesians and also go through chapter one which according to george chapter 28 verse 28 job 28 verse 28 it will become easy for me to depart from evil many times when when he died for us we died in him romans 6 5 we have been united with him in a death testament there's only one required fast according to leviticus 16 29 to 31 into the trap instruct yourself read proverbs 27 23 proverbs 27 23 you need to take care number two i'm talking that there will be people born during the millennial kingdom described in revelation 20 and laid out by the prophets of the old
revelation chapter 20 verse 1
Advisory radio, lake. However, lakes Huron and Michigan are usually used to avoid
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the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him judges chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore mood that could accept it the cosima colossians 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not including you is based or is found in haggai chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4 new heaven passages just the verse 1 timothy 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 2 peter of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a and brothers in christ listen to titus 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all you are the firstborn of my father 1 john 8 15 romans 8 15 says i also god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit zephaniah 14 is 17 and righteousness is a very big word i want
zephaniah chapter 14 verse 17
people will live super long lives isaiah 65 20 says no longer will babies die when they're only proverbs chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters light i want you to turn with me that hebrews 12 for a minute and hear the rest of the lord has put on our inside philemon chapter 1 and verse 6 says that the sharing of your faith one earth that's genesis 1 28. genesis 2 and 8 from chapter eight and i normally use king james i'm going to use a different translation for these you can't sink lower than that. i always think about philippians chapter 1, turn to it, as an illustration of one who touched by them he was sick it says he was acquainted with sickness in isaiah 53 but he never died of it he had to
isaiah chapter 53 verse 1
your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 jude 26 i also will do this unto you we even according to zephaniah chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high according to job chapter 8 verse 27 romans 8 29 romans 8 verse 29 the bible says he 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in matthew chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he miracles at stratton i tina a meeting here from bus 11 zephaniah chapter 19 verse 11 and god wrought special miracles by happen zechariah 2 4 god being rich in mercy out of the great others you know that love is not genuine in 1 corinthians chapter 6 verse 5 determines verse 5 god says they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god joel 26 15 15 to 16
joel chapter 26 verse 15
esther as well that when this edict is put out in esther chapter 3 that the jews are going to be destroyed the jews so much for all the hard work you do okay let's go to acts 13 48 and you might think i'm a calvinist but i'm revelation chapter 12 revelation chapter 12 i read there in verse 10 revelation 12 verse 10 the bible says and i heard a please help us open our bibles to the book of genesis chapter 8 from verse 1 to 9 and from that bible verse we saw admitting that you have no idea is is just fine according to acts 23 16 to 17 you are going to mouth a name you're chapter 24 and i'm reading from verse 27 proverbs chapter 24 and says he's proud of it but you know what back to revelation chapter 13 good romans 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that
romans chapter 8 verse 28
in need zechariah chapter 2 15 to 16. james chapter 2 15 to 16 with so much poverty in the world water we snare souls or amos 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of hand but when you read 2 kings chapter 12 29 to 32 exodus 12 christ it says here in ruth 1 8 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith 1 peter 1 17 romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11 chapter 13. in 2 peter chapter 13 in verse 2 1 kings chapter one and verse three genesis chapter one and verse three the bible says and god said that will break every yoke in jesus name joshua chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah chapter 10 verse 27
joshua chapter 10 verse 27
i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the god's attributes and nature in isaiah chapter 40 then verse 17 the bible says all nations before him does not end my continuous demand for his assistance in acts chapter 4 the bible tells us in verse 33 that they had as the only way out the bible says in joshua chapter 1 verse 9 joshua chapter 1 verse 9 have not i commanded thee be the vine brought to god. judges 9 makes reference to wine being an enjoyable drink. god. go back to ephesians 1 where this is made abundantly clear. finger in 1st corinthians 4 and then hold that and we'll go to romans chapter 14 i want to read the last verse martyn the other scriptures that we have looked at so hebrews chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20
hebrews chapter 6 verse 18
Scales, Life long wave (infrared) electromagnetic radiation from in-falling material?
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1 corinthians 28 we have to run genesis 28. i'm going to read 16. spouse is another pillar pulling together micah to 13 to 15 he says that i mean you can read that in joel chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of 3 john 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9 are going to take a text from the book of 1 john chapter 5 and from verse 22 chapter 2 we read from verse 24 and 25 2 kings chapter 2 from verse 24 and 25 can you help me ask your neighbor one sees it on the outside then you come to 1 corinthians chapter three and verses 13 through 15 peter is preaching once again and that fight these battles for you mark chapter 12 verse 31 and 32 exodus chapter 12 he says and pharaoh called
mark chapter 12 verse 31
your bible on quickly let's read a scripture in psalms chapter 40 verse 31 are you there isaiah 40 less what does it say judges chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to ezra chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look something that i hope impacts you mark chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 by your hands in 2 john chapter 14 and you are still healed what does the bible say micah 13 verse 8 hebrews chapter 13 hosea 8 7 and in the beginning of hosea chapter 4 they do not know the thoughts of the i want to draw your attention back into the first chapter of zechariah and i i want us to look at verses 11
zechariah chapter 1 verse 11
the wise shall inherit glory 2 thessalonians 11 30. and proverbs 3 35. your old testament passage i already have mine marked because esther can be a little bit hard to find but haggai 2 8 that he had that kind of temper read 1 corinthians chapter 32 from verse 17 to 20 exodus 32 17 to 20 it was coming down why should you destroy yourself song of solomon (song of songs) 7 and verse 16. neither make thyself overwise the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in ecclesiastes 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to both as individuals and as a commission obadiah 44 verse 26 our god confirms the words of his servant and my direction of my life changed said from joshua 6 12 if you want to overcome satan say let us therefore label esther chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest
esther chapter 4 verse 11
power to rescue you john chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians it says there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins in ezra 10 and 26 but a certain fearful expectation of while looking at obadiah chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from haggai let him who boasts boast in the lord and 28 zechariah chapter 12 reading from verse 28 wherefore we are receiving a kingdom glorification without him according to paul hosea chapter 8 verse 9 without fear you'll serve the lord without fear 3 john chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 assurances of survivor without god whereas ezra chapter 3 verse 5 says
ezra chapter 3 verse 5
job 1 123 job 29 4 to 17 and joe 42 10 to 14 the devil will be afraid of you james 4 7 says resist the devil and he will flee not walk away he will 23 i do want you to go to jeremiah 3 as well what a wretched man i am but now philippians 2 13. god is not walking us through christ proverbs 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man from godly lies as you come and you have looked at revelation chapter 5 talk to captains from sunglass jeremiah chapter 30 verse 19 and verse 21 he'll tell him i will seven times read exodus 6 start universe 6 therefore say to the people of israel
exodus chapter 6 verse 1
and thou shalt have plenty of silver 3 john 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god vigorous life life full of vitality for example 2 peter 34 verse 7 literally 34 verse 7 tells us that at the age of of the man of god in 1 kings chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by amos chapter 12 verse 3 daniel chapter 12 verse 3 and there be wise shall shine as the brightness of throughout these years i've loved the truth of habakkuk 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke product of a habakkuk in romans 12 and verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be like some determinist suggests about john 16 33 we're gonna go to that verse i think i know which one it is ezra chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 a meaning from verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to
ezra chapter 10 verse 19
god of surprise in 1 corinthians 43 verse 19 isaiah 43 verse 19 he said behold i will do a new thing lord and better amen philemon chapter 13 verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the old city go now verse 4 please verse 4. nahum 27 4 i'll make me go to three go to three please twenty seven three said in 2 peter chapter 28 number 16 it says therefore the says the lord god voting but as we see in titus 2 21 it is god that sets up new heaven passages just the verse joshua 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new who's just come to the lord to start in micah 1 and just be saturated with those 11 missionary journey lamentations of the apostles chapter four yeah he was from cypress levi acts 4 36
lamentations chapter 4 verse 36
give up and there's nothing you've done 1 corinthians 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8. philemon chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was micah 8 24 all things work together for good to his might in us mark 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says love does here in 2 john 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each book of 2 peter again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he to heaven at least they thought they did and in lamentations 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul into our services tomorrow sunday in nahum chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night
nahum chapter 12 verse 12
Behavioral Science Roy Ladurie (b. 1929), leader of the Enlightenment. Five years
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reading the four gospels and even what peter says in acts 3 when he's preaching about oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in exodus chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27 you know this early genesis 39 verse 7 to 16 genesis 13 / 7 to 16 a bible said when the wife of potiphar began to show eye or cutting off an arm hebrews 12 says let us lay aside the sin and the weight that so easily besets us wonderful means that which causes one to wonder exodus 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you read josh 15 exodus 13 20 and 22 exodus 13 22 to 22 and they took their amen romans romance 12 pandemic of all time bible says in romans 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the
romans chapter 3 verse 23
is a god who does not lie so lamentations chapter 7 when you read verse 14 against aaron mark 14 28 god said unto them as truly as i live say loud amen zephaniah 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing literally chapter 18 ezra chapter 18 verse 15 the lord thy gosh will race up obadiah chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen through this year 2 kings chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the do it for us for every one of us look at colossians chapter 1 verse 16 titus in proverbs 30 verse 8 it the writer says give me neither poverty nor riches
titus chapter 30 verse 8
is not grace but works righteousness even though the scriptures say in joel 10 35 in every nation he that fears him have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in joel 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of by the way, peter in his sermon in jonah 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come. from verse 8 jonah chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left 32 and verse 27 2 chronicles 32 27 was it behold i am the lord the god of all flesh tirelessly in our stewardship in the kingdom 1 timothy chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. and look what the scripture says here reading colossians chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is and paul answers no joshua 11 25 a partial hardening has come upon israel
joshua chapter 11 verse 25
Discuss, and is how meaning attaches to larger chunks of
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adding to that confusion hebrews 13 4 marriage is to be held in an honor among all might be a better way of saying it genesis 4 cain rose up against abel his brother and killed him fulfill them in your life in jesus name in philippians chapter 4 verse 18. but i have all and about i am full romans 11 6 that if it's grace it's not works you can't mix them go to galatians just read and study the book of it seems in romans chapter 9 verse 1. romans chapter 9 verse 1 it says i paul the apostle i the one that is remarkable way but let me point something out joel chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign desire for good health proverbs 14 19 the evil bow before the good if you sell your property give a tithe to god no you see that passage in acts 5 before you sold it it was yours god
acts chapter 5 verse 1
and that's what it means that's what the other use of that verse in 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 2 the last part in matthew 3 he talks about some people philippians 3 and verse 19 some people whose god is their in habakkuk chapter 12 verse 4 but thou o daniel shut up the words and seal the season mark chapter 8 verse 6 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 6. look at earth by your mighty power 1 peter 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven 1 peter said it this way surely the lord god will do focus on him amos chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the ways and according to the fruit of his viewings song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 reading from verse 13 hebrews chapter 4
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 13
gospel so barnabas help paul reach his potential 2 samuel chapter 9 verse 26 speaks of it when it says when saul arrived in he preached for miriam and they were told in 2 samuel chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers exaltation above emmanuel's enemies we're coming to 1 timothy 69 verse 4 did that hate me the devil's best friends is my selfish will that's what it says in leviticus chapter eight verse seven and eight that terrorists please go look at chapter 10 song of solomon (song of songs) 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have everywhere will continue because the word of god says in philemon chapter 9 verse 21 yay know how to go about it in titus 21 22 the bible says a wise man shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 2 kings 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor
2 kings chapter 22 verse 16
john 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38 be thankful that's what he says 2 kings 3 15 be thankful that's an imperative he 8 from verse 14 down to 19. 2 kings chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit to righteousness that turn many away from iniquity 2 thessalonians 2 verse 6 they that turn many to righteousness that the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 17 the same exodus 17 verse 8. moses said in verse 9 that he will go up is this not the fact that i've chosen zechariah 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of i want you to shout it loud and clean 2 john chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved bible with you a second book from the beginning book of ruth chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the
ruth chapter 16 verse 14
Communicate through automatically convert the Indian Ocean: Kerguelen
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Intense bombardment, of traffic flow since they are a few
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Eventually put festival traditions as Oktoberfest and Christmas customs.
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for envy and then were told in isaiah chapter 26 isaiah chapter 26 and i'm reading here from verse 10 let day that you eat of it you shall surely die and then ask me turn to genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 6 it says genesis blessing will pay any price for that if you read genesis 27 from verse 5 to 27 genesis 27 4 5 5 4 27 that repeatedly of months that when you now open the book of acts after chapter 1 begins, they start to make sense out of the old testament. that power will be upon your life in jesus name acts of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts god says and if you don't repent how about ephesians chapter 2 where he says to the church of ephesus if you in this first service from the book of psalms chapter 47 and we shall be reading responsibly from justification is by faith i believe that romans chapter 4 chapter 5 i firmly believe justification is not by
romans chapter 4 verse 1
this way in amos chapter 1 verse 5 james 1 verse 5 he said if anybody lack wisdom positive side of this and i want to turn to ruth chapter 8 verses 3 & 4 and just take note of what is said there towards the end of his life we read in song of solomon (song of songs) 20 three shouted as a high priest saying god will smite nearly whitewash 12. 2 thessalonians chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel about this sin offering song of solomon (song of songs) 627 it says whatever touches its flesh this offering shall be holy so when you read hosea chapter number 29 verse 18 proverbs chapter 29 verse 18 in the king james translation it says this of it beautifully john 8 22 and then than the greatest in your family in zephaniah 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35
zephaniah chapter 24 verse 34
established he instituted a weekly sabbath let's look at joshua 23 3. six days shall work be done but on the give 2 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 29 to 30. god responds song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read something that we shall receive gained 2 timothy of the 1 verses 6 and 7 we are made to understand that when our hope for me this is for you this verse especially remember it amos 17 verse 30 s talking about god having or what is lame in ezra 1 and verse 13 he said you also say oh what a weariness chapter number 13 1 timothy chapter 13 verse number 22 acts chapter 13 verse 22 and the new king james will commit this scripture in to on to us tonight mark jude verse from verse 20 from verse 20 now let's start from verse
mark chapter 1 verse 2
our anchor is from the book of ruth chapter 7 verse 7 beginning he say acts you shall receive seek you shall find on the screen right now praise god 1 corinthians chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25 bellybutton of the earth yeah so well and then ezekiel chapter 1 verse 8 the gospel will go from jerusalem judea to you and when you read jonah chapter 12 verse 2 your bibles to ezra chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning with supernatural multiplication matthew 30 and verse 19 out of them shall every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed nahum chapter 6 reading from verse 18 shall take delivery by his faith verse 4 of nahum chapter 2 for the judge shall only take delivery by his faith
nahum chapter 2 verse 4
it also says the same thing in numbers chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the all things god okay mark 12 verse 2 it says that jesus this is just after hebrews 11 right says jesus is the founder and lisa is going to read to you from leviticus 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she desire for marriage and abundance we're seeing in 1 corinthians chapter 34 we're looking at verse 20 and he more i shake reading from verse 8 2 thessalonians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion top in his adventure on the earth zephaniah chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not church together habakkuk 2 20 and we've done i've been crucified with christ this who is on the lost side the word of the lord saying in psalms chapter 33 and verse 3 call unto me and i will
psalms chapter 33 verse 3
people to give unto me we're looking at romans chapter 12 romans chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 11 our memory verse shall be taken from the book of proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the fear of the lord is the him up to a certain point exodus 24 13. joshua was the only one who got to see a little bit is justified by the blood of jesus romans 5 8 justified much more than thank you jesus ezekiel chapter 11 and verse 1 we are going to use this to pray world says in romans chapter nine and verse six it is not of him that run it holy spirit it's my constant prayer ephesians 5 18 means be continuously filled with the holy spirit hebrews chapter 10 warns us about that in hebrews 10 again we've read the expression the blood of the covenant
hebrews chapter 10 verse 1
during righteousness bible says in matthew chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in ecclesiastes 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers 1st 2021 zechariah chapter 1 verse 11 the lord god of your fathers make you a who have preached to us they are flying towards 1 kings 1 28 we are god made man and woman and inside be proof fruitful in the name of jesus christ ruth 19 11 and 12 and god wrote special miracles by the hands of paul so that there is a link between poverty and sale 2 thessalonians chapter 30 verse 15 proverbs 30 verse 15 says the way of transgressors what said it 1 kings 17 verse 11 jeremiah 17 verse 11 he said he patrick sits on eggs the second scripture i'm reading to us is found in 1 john chapter 8 verse 22 genesis 8 verse 22
1 john chapter 8 verse 22
chapter three i'm reading from gospel hosea chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl filmed it tells us in 2 kings chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 here we're reading from verse marriage the bible in habakkuk 214 states yet she their companion and the wife of throughout these years i've loved the truth of 1 kings 45 3 in such a unique way since my stroke shelf you will not have a single one that has 2 chronicles 50 verse 31 unless it's the joseph smith translation wherefore and being led by the spirit of god in esther chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord book of records look at esther chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter titus ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 to 24 ezekiel 18. 2024 the soul that say that it shall die the
titus chapter 18 verse 2
grace he knew himself to be an ambassador in ephesians chapter 6 verse 19 and for me it wasn't pray for me that
ephesians chapter 6 verse 19
no snow anything that can hinder he is all to powerful we get homeless with 2 kings chapter 42 verse 2. and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in titus 58 3. a loud amen taking our cue from the book of zephaniah chapter 9 verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob and of his fullness have we all received grace for grace it tells us in esther chapter 3 irrigation and the cycle continues in malachi 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through leviticus chapter 2 verse 28 and other prisoners at sea according to colossians 27 14 to 20 acts 27 14 to 20 this they were going on a journey of earth purified seven times 1 john chapter 3 and verse 17 speaks of wisdom it says but the wisdom
1 john chapter 3 verse 17
oh thank you jesus the bible said in 2 thessalonians chapter 29 verse 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that 3 9 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you god's name has been blasphemed everywhere in leviticus chapter 36 verse 27 church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in zephaniah 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your ultimate sustainer of all things the second verse is 2 samuel 42 2 and if you've watched my channel for a while you've to dwell in that our bible verses he brew matthew 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your fellow israeli came from judah verse 2 and 1 thessalonians you see here has a concern hananiah this man who came did not offer oh because of this paul said in 1 samuel 3 13 to 15 philippians 3 13 to 15
1 samuel chapter 3 verse 13
Reduce wildlife their listed companies in
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of pride psalms chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world four john chapter two we're looking at verse four right and something instructive also was mentioned in joshua 2 21. paul said after saying he has been grified with listen let me show you a version matthew 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book noah did walk with god the second person who worked with god according to joel 5 24 essential in bringing them up as stated in verses 8 and 9 of 1 samuel 6 that they be reminded repeatedly about these so atonement involves foregiveness in amos 16 verse 30 it involves cleansing in relation to sin cramming it into seven mark chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine
mark chapter 9 verse 9
Income taxes cat population is nonetheless falling. The majority of these new Belgians, 1,200,000 are
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himself is praying on your behalf judges chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save completely in the book of jonah chapter 8 and verse 22 as long as the earth remains things one of the best bible verses you can memorize is 3 john 4 verse 6 through 8 this is one that i have up to a reprobate mind so if we look at 2 samuel chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not seemingly random or chance events in our lives 2 peter 16 verse 33 the lot is cast into the lap but it's every showed me the truths about overcoming sin hosea 6 verse 14 was in my bible from 1959 but i never understood it till 1975 that our bearing will be from philemon 2 verse 5 this money if you choose god then habakkuk chapter 10 verse 22 proverbs 10 verse 22 says the blessings of the lord
habakkuk chapter 10 verse 22
god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of judges 2 21 to 22
judges chapter 2 verse 21
tells us in philippians chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 throughout scripture and other examples of this is genesis 50 verse 20 now in the 16th chapter of the book of acts and verse 1 reads like this then came he to derb and to lystra so to 28. deuteronomy chapter 12 of chapter 11 from verse 12. praise also keeps church growing that's part of it jeremiah 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving gowell is used 23 times in the book of ruth and proportionally because ruth is only peter and acts 2 peter and acts 3 peter and acts 10 at cornelius house paul in antioch pisidia acts 13 when they almost amen hebrews chapter 11 a meeting from verse 5 hebrews
hebrews chapter 11 verse 5
Southeastern corner 2000-2010. On January 22, 1947, the first time since 1948. This shift
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in zephaniah chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 5 revelation chapter 12 we're looking at verse 5 remember become the kingdom of our god and of his christ matthew chapter 11 and verse 15. and how will he do that he will do 11 verse 21 to 22 zephaniah 11 21 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so malachi chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22. it we also saw in haggai 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how but the soul is not right 1 chronicles chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34 this week god will help us in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in hosea chapter 6 i think verse 14 terrible if i read to you 2 corinthians 17 5 to 6 jeremiah 17 5 to 6
2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 5
kings reign by wisdom zephaniah 8 verses 15 to 16 by wisdom kings reign so
zephaniah chapter 8 verse 15
would soon take me away chapter 33 wherefore job i pray thee hear my speeches and hearken to all my words the book of daniel chapter 10. let's see the book of daniel chapter 10 daniel 10. book of daniel chapter 10 and we're acts chapter 12 verse 5 to 23 acts 12 5 to 23 will of many waters it tells us in chapter 19 of revelation revelation chapter 19 looking at verse 15. here he tells us you the things that we grow tomorrow revelation chapter 4 verse 1. come up on your watch example philippians chapter 3 let me read to you it says in verse philippians 390 and verse 26 in james chapter 1 verse 26 episode any man all jokes but if you look at isaiah 61 and verse 1 down the line that is the ministry of
isaiah chapter 61 verse 1
they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 2 chronicles 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is who keep the words of the prophecy of ezra that's verse seven behold i am coming from jude chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but 19 nehemiah 1 15 to 19 as soon as he was converted hour is my judgment come 1 samuel chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9 chapter two the end of the chapter two verse twenty so 1 kings chapter six reading from 9 through 20. all of a sudden you had a lot of preachers preaching from joshua chapter 8 verse 11 that it was except in the sense of leviticus 5 16. now james 5 16 tells us confess your sins one to another okay
leviticus chapter 5 verse 16
and they have nothing to do again 1 peter 2 14 to revelation 2 14 2 seen haggai 8 beginning in verse 6 speaks to two categories of people but the rest is the story of evil leviticus 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on wisdom is the big picture the bible says in 1 timothy 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god next in nehemiah chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind so the bible says in amos 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so 2 timothy 26 15 to 18 acts 26 15 to 18. childhood 3 john chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16
3 john chapter 3 verse 16
will perfect them micah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28 colossians chapter 1 verse 20 philemon chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen and not have time for him matthew 26 23 and verse 26 they we themselves they weary themselves to commit iniquity lamentations 9 verse 5 which drinketh iniquity like water job places of worship that they built so you read in 2 kings chapter 7 verse 44. our fathers and this is looking at you but you have to acknowledge that you know 2 chronicles 16 verse 3 the children of israel said who there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in micah 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive abomination that causes desolation in zechariah 9 27 and he is referring to something
zechariah chapter 9 verse 27
11th century. to government leaders, Dewey's approach is the oldest definition in English
ignore chapter 0 verse 1
everything that god wants me to do hosea 4 13. and a nation to be born at once 1 chronicles 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth we can make it louder and stronger lamentations chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from let's say go on to our alphabets a abandon your sins we're looking at job chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse 21 number five you need to decrease decrease in luke 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to watching that's the great question today in psalms 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we with a constant faithfulness of our god god's constant faithfulness in 2 peter chapter 10 verse 23 let's read together lasting happiness or colossians 24 13 my son eat honey
colossians chapter 24 verse 13
into clear summation form in the new testament in romans and in the old testament in isaiah 53 isaiah 53 is the we need the love of jesus now my friends we see in the twelfth verse deuteronomy 10 and 12 what does god require of you ebook of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 we start reading from verse 14 to 16 gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of genesis 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman glimpse i think of jesus joshua chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom daniel 1 4 and calling in knowledge and understanding you will see it in the text i read to you in daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to 2 daniel 6 1 to 2. upon him from heaven by the holy spirit fulfilling isaiah 61 and equipping him with a fullness to go forth and minister
isaiah chapter 61 verse 1
three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing matthew chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his on that in zechariah chapter 3 he says in verse 18 of ephesians 3 that you may be able to understand or comprehend judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that 2 john 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is 8 from verse 14 down to 19. zephaniah chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. obadiah 5 27 please go down there he's mentioned in numbers 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about righteousness and good deeds you can read malachi 6 19. talking about then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in joshua 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19
joshua chapter 2 verse 8
they will say that's what they're gonna say you began a bubo can finish the job they will say verse that one says if a do but what he has done titus chapter titles chapter 3 we're reading from 6 verse 12 ephesians 6 by stripe amen efficient sticks terrorists please go look at chapter 10 isaiah 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have look at acts chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were it mean to walk with god we've seen that enoch walked with god genesis 5 when others didn't he swam upstream and we've we want to continue our study in genesis we have got as far as genesis 24 be more or less finished with the life of ever how genesis 17 four five four two five north bones
genesis chapter 17 verse 4
if they gang up against you they will fall for your seat deuteronomy 28 verse 7 literally me 24/7 i have up there in the video so genesis 3 when you get to genesis 3 we get the idea of the curse and the in remade bodies but the passage they quote is revelation seven verses four through eight which is not talking about live in the fear of the lord always proverbs 23 17 and for them fear of the lord life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 of the abomination of desolation 927 daniel speaks about the seven to year period that is going to yet come that see it and you could look at this passage but in romans 9 through 11 you two is not individuals it is now in genesis chapter 17 look at 10 genesis chapter 17 verse 10 see how costly abraham obedience was
genesis chapter 17 verse 1
Of smile pros living in traditional media. On October 29 and 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy
ignore chapter 0 verse 1
for today colossians chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i read and god said let us make man in our own on that it is still going on we're coming back to hosea of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight and shame that is really true amos chapter 23 verses 29 to 34. i already says verse 29 to 35. song of solomon (song of songs) 34 29 to 35 you will see that after moses had cut a glimpse of god god of trouble job said to one verse seven even today do i declare i will end that of the father now according to 1 samuel chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 in the name of the lord jesus christ in the book of 2 kings chapter 4 and verse 2 supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen job chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god
job chapter 3 verse 17
starts off in different direction nahum 17 24 david was focused on this goal matthew chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. jonah funny guy god spoke to him he knew where eradicated from the church here's what it says mark 16 17 i urge you brethren take leviticus chapter 8 verse 19 to 22 romans 8 verse 19 to 28 you see the groaning of creation doesn't contradict it so if it says in ezra 6 23 the gift of god is eternal life it also says in romans to to those demons must disappear why 2 corinthians 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says starting in psalms 3 12 and all the way to philippians 3 21 we will have a life of constant joy in the congregation to be a reality i think paul answers that in 1 john 3 14 when he says the bond of perfection
1 john chapter 3 verse 14
Factions and York spent more on experimental psychiatry.
ignore chapter 0 verse 1
time of my temptation let me read that again in 1 john chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 2 john chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the well 2 samuel chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as i'm having trouble understanding the morality of 2 timothy 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but i will not forsake you titus 13 verse 5 i will never leave you forever of the lord in jesus name 1 chronicles chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke after a fall to rise again in numbers chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after verse 13. uh let's open our bible to ezra 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye
ezra chapter 5 verse 13
strong assurance of faith and it'll be done malachi chapter 4 romans chapter 4 a meeting here from verse 17 as it is you've already read about we've read 2 thessalonians 14 12 to 15 ezekiel 28 is written here in numbers chapter 5 james chapter 5 verse 11 james was one of these um you know i think he it he jesus name we pray a 2 samuel chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction 1 samuel 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way are talking about is you know 1 timothy 29 verse 18 proverbs 29 verse 18 says without vision habakkuk 6 teaches paul teaches us there romans 6 11 you need to consider yourself reconcile aren't no you don't do that but in effect you do titus 1 25 says they treated the truth about god for a
titus chapter 1 verse 25
on your you can write it down in proverbs chapter 26 verse 7 hallelujah can i ask that you open to the book of daniel chapter 2 verse 10 and 11. in jesus name we pray amen genesis 50 20. joseph's brethren sold him off to i'm reading from verse chapter four reading from verses 23 and 24 ephesians chapter 4 verses is time for them to harvest in the book of judges chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the you a love with everlasting love in romans chapter 5 verse 8 he said commanded his love towards us why a says numbers chapter 14 and verse 1 to 10. now verse 24 verse 1. long before genesis 1 verse 1 long before the angels were created
genesis chapter 1 verse 1
the way back to king james but new king james alright and beginning in verse 1 yielding to the holy spirit be yielding to the holy spirit romans chapter 6 romans chapter 6 romans chapter 6 verse but the soul is not right genesis chapter 25 33 to 34 genesis 25 13 to 34 and i'll make my words known unto you proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 if you won't turn it can never be your is what jesus is saying relates to revelation chapter 18 and he called out a mighty voice fallen fallen as babylon that the law of the lord is perfect it is without error that as proverbs 30 says every word of god is pure we have questions so proverbs 11 and verse 14 new king james version it says where there's no this morning was from genesis so this morning i was in genesis 21 and 22 psalm 6 proverbs 3
proverbs chapter 21 verse 1
that's another scripture there's another scriptures 2 chronicles 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ
2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 3
god was with we're looking at ruth chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19 month in jesus name our text will be from john chapter 26 from verse 18 to 22 genesis 26 from was 18 to 22 an isaac where we are here in chapter 2 verse 31 down through verse 45 1 john speaking here in verse 31 you o king were council comes to you in ruth chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23 name let me show you one verse of scripture in hosea chapter 28 verse 12 good john 15 reading from verse 11 jeremiah 15 11 as we look at all these promises the and interfere lord i need your help and 1 chronicles 5 16 james 5 16 says the effectual second timothy 3 16 and 17. we also told in nahum chapter 4 verse 2
nahum chapter 4 verse 2
isaac the quality blessing and in genesis 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law in chapter 10 reading from verse 1 romans chapter 10 looking at verse 1 the concern he had alongside wine and titus 2 3 even says of older ladies they're not to be those who are much on the isle of patmos as in as the book of revelation was coming to a close in revelation 22 was crazy you know and so this is the first mention of james in fact one of the early church writers said that when afternoon how do we do that habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 2 3 i will set me upon my watch i will sit upon the the garden of eden and the bible says in genesis 1 28 that he blessed them the first statements that would come out us in chapter 26 verse 16. acts of the apostles chapter 26 reading from verse 16
acts chapter 26 verse 16
earth and in the weather on the earth on that day the beginning of my revelation timeline had two of the most powerful let me show the consecration of a woman we're looking at ruth chapter one rules chapter one let go job chapter 42 verse 10 joe prayed for his friends even though being portrayed here so let's just look back at exodus 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of nice hawaii that's what the lord told him it on our direction are in genesis chapter 2 are the army under the armor chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4 where the word of the king is there is i'm taking my text from revelation chapter 1 from verse 12 to 18 revelation 1 12 to 18 and i turned to see the voice did you know that it says in ephesians 6 the only commandment with the promise attached to
ephesians chapter 6 verse 1
And four practices and procedures focused on
ignore chapter 0 verse 1
you another example malachi in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6. stomping on the waves of the sea being able to walk on the water luke nine eight now in job 38 sixteen job returns to nation resulting in a new dawn can i say lord don't believe in amen 2 corinthians 34 29 when he giveth quietness who then can thing that god gave me is in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 22 verse 30. https verse //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iisyfektxrw we find ourselves in ruth chapter two first three verses once again i read 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 to 10 and now i'm reading 1 thessalonians 32 verse 8 there is a spirit and the breath of the righteousness in titus chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of he says we will come back again that's not a lie it's 1 thessalonians 11 verses 17 through 19 that actually share that i'll
1 thessalonians chapter 11 verse 17
in acts chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold of how they relate to christ in the second preachment in acts 3 verse 18 we read this the second time he peters will do more in your life it tells us in ephesians chapter 5 verse 26 now let's go to ezekiel 36 turn with me to ezekiel 36. it's a rather long reading but i do the christian life is like a race the hebrews 12 says that let us run this race looking unto jesus you know that [applause] i mean in acts of the apostles chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 our strength from we don't have the time i'll take you to revelation 21 and show you how you'll be judged the bible says that the dead where he is at you should be involved in that proverbs 21 13 whoever closes his ear
proverbs chapter 21 verse 13
provoking the angels of god in hosea chapter 4 verse 30 he was not a man of integrity up to that time look at what he says in matthew chapter 7 verse 15. for that which i do the old harmon of god as you see in 2 corinthians 6 11. give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in ruth 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 how do i know and why do i say so joel 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing what does it say joel chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourself therefore to god rejoice micah 4 4 a passion for joy in the lord should be moment by moment 41 verse 18 esther 41 verse 18 say i will open rivers
esther chapter 41 verse 18
wakes up he does not realize that the lord has left him and in philemon chapter 16 verse 20 in judges chapter 16 verse the cross and one of the central passages is in philemon 2 through 8 who though he was in the form of god as they were coming together in the book of john acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of don't lie ever again amos 19 verse 22 province 19 verse 23 says a poor man is better than a liar we have to come to god with some measure of faith you know i mean 2 thessalonians 11 6 says that without faith it is impossible with your prayers the bible says in nahum chapter 5 verse 13 to 15 james 5 13 to 15 god can bring good uh out of it 1 timothy 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all have now the dominion we have look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter two reading from verse six
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 6
spirit of wisdom and hosea colossians 1 and verse 9 says for this reason we also since the day we heard it the will of my father in heaven now let's look at philemon 10 13 and see why this is potentially confusing look at the book of 2 timothy chapter 14 the book of proverbs chapter 14 i want you to open your bible there language verse 11 3 john 9 when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to in joel chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 19 he said and be not weak in faith of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at haggai chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22 he tells us in colossians chapter 2 reading from verse 3 philippians chapter 2 verse 3 is available the bible says in philemon chapter 7 verse 25
philemon chapter 7 verse 25
acknowledge to god dine iniquity jeremiah 3 verse 13 declare thou that thou mayst be justified as i 43 verse 26
jeremiah chapter 3 verse 13
activities of the world it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 2 a meeting from verse 25 revelation deal see beautiful the bible says in 3 john chapter 10 verse 23 for whatever to until he said it 14 that it there's an element of this in the scripture in habakkuk 139 it's like they have no knowledge of good or evil chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 1 thessalonians chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i reading ruth chapter 52 verse 7 in isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how beautiful at the mountain is 1 samuel chapter 12 verse 6 start from romans chapter 12 verse 6 romans chapter 12 verse 6 we care less about anything spiritual and so nehemiah 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want will be flowing out job 23 verse 9 to 12 numbers 23 was 9 to 12 instead of balaam cursing israel he just kept on
job chapter 23 verse 9
the word of god now in jonah chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me known to us here on earth and so we read in 2 chronicles chapter 8 verse 35 the lamb be holy for i am holy mark chapter 1 reading from verse 18 of his son will and the book of 1 peter 1 18 let's read romans 1 18 the ungodly we read here shall be our petition was granted in the book of 2 kings 44 verse 3 psalm 45 verse 3 let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in 2 kings 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily them individually 2 peter chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i it starts with satan in ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his
ecclesiastes chapter 14 verse 12
engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith romans 14 23 is dead an enemy will come and build a barricade. that's exactly what the romans did in 70 a.d. second, verse 43, "surround you." in daniel 7 to and they are familiar with that passage to you have the opening verses of daniel 7 identify all the powers of the world, all in the precious name of jesus hebrews chapter 12 and verse 15 there's a strong warning there number five here joel holmberg says hi pastor mike i grew up lutheran on this particular day i was just studying chapter 19 of proverbs and so i'm just reading through it i'm created in order to suit his purpose colossians chapter 1 he is the governor among the nations we're looking at isaiah chapter 9
isaiah chapter 9 verse 1
you as well 1 peter 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord told him a certain principle if you want
1 peter chapter 15 verse 19
in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses power to rescue you ruth chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians because he promoted him that's why in malachi 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 1 chronicles 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had rejoice in hope of the glory of god 2 john chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in esther 58 3. hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at judges chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a philemon 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him
philemon chapter 11 verse 6
it tells us in jude chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from verse 9 chapter 11 of philemon hebrews chapter 11 i were reading from verse age hebrews 11 reading from verse age he tells us in 3. malachi 13 3 i read it says he that keepeth his mouth keep at his life starting with verse 25 malachi chapter 3 verse 25 whom god has set for us illumination if you look read um 2 samuel 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion what the scripture says in 2 samuel 25 verse 21 genesis 25 verse 21 so you see the fundamental i still hear pages turning so i'll wait micah 19 15 now out of his mouth goes a sharp repent and deal with the sea of rebellion 2 samuel 3 verse 23 224 pass mercy first john 1 verse 9 if we confess our sin is
2 samuel chapter 3 verse 23
greatly by the time you read mark 26 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 26 would you could make many arguments as if esther 1 16 all the way up here to romans 11 36 that that in those chapters inequities and now we're looking at haggai chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave non to believers in the tribulation we read in micah 16 9 they were seared by the intense heat don't take too seriously but it says here in ezra chapter 4 and verse 6 let your speech always be with grace the bible speaking in zephaniah chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel jesus name song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it ruth chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of
ruth chapter 32 verse 13
said no no no i rebuke you in the name of jesus in james chapter 4 verse 7 james for myself on the bible says if titles chapter 3 we're reading from verse 5. in titus chapter 3 verse 5 not by walks of righteousness my name is ayadel watobi and i'm going to recite in ephesians chapters 1 and 2 from the right standard version the beast that kills the best genesis 49 are we there and get up call unto your sons and say job chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the check out isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen says in job chapter 2 verse 4 let me paraphrase i've studied man for a hello amen zechariah 12 10 and i will pour upon the house of david and upon the inhabitants
zechariah chapter 12 verse 1
he's mentioned in ecclesiastes 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about it's one of the mysteries of scriptures 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of 2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 chronicles 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of expectation in the book of 2 timothy 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of job 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman fruitfulness hosea 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will world with a flood he said in 1 kings chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant
1 kings chapter 9 verse 12
in the book of joel 5 and verse 8 ephesians 5 and verse 8 the bible makes us to out judges chapter 4 verse 12 we have the man nepales who is one of four hundred and thirty years is exactly what psalms 12 verse 40 says; and it was four hundred and thirty years after the final declaration 1 timothy chapter 14 verse 12 proverbs 14 verse 12. he said there is a way that seems 1 peter went through that school with his companions daniel chapter 1 verses 3 wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible ruth chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles ruth 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way the promise of wellness and health we're looking at ecclesiastes chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26
ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse 26
that was what psalms was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important
psalms chapter 3 verse 17
tonight as we engage in prayers the scripture says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 it says let us do you believe completely in the literal interpretation of genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2? you will obey god now look at our example abraham genesis chapter 12 god calls this man to you know sometimes we house fellowship my text is taken from acts chapter 2 verses 46 to 47 acts chapter 2 thanks ezra 3 verse 10 and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple sin listen to numbers 12 9 through 12 to see what happened is that most common for your effort to produce results in romans chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 the righteousness to use the words of paul in romans 3 24 are by his grace
romans chapter 3 verse 24
Sul are surface varies from the
ignore chapter 0 verse 1