Edit Relentlessly and maddeningly buggy. Its very good. Works on mobile and PC and its easy to organize youre able to nest lists and its easy to move them between lists or between different days. Several different options for viewing your tasks by category by priority or by day or week.
I got the app on my tablet and am disappointed that I am not able to convert written notes to typed like I can with the desktop version. Doesnt make a lot of sense since I like probably a lot of people are using this on a device with a touch screen where writing with my finger or stylus is far more convenient than using a keyboard.
Excellent app
Calls keep dropping voice is most of the time not clear. Most of the times there is this popup of Reconnecting . Its the same in the best of internet speeds. Tried to update the app on phone reinstalled it on laptop but still the same issue. It also takes a hell of a time to upload or download file sizes as low as 50100mb. Most of the office machines have we transfer blocked in that Teams also doesnt help as we cannot send large files
Can you provide a few more font sizes 1 bigger then your biggest now and a couple inbetween your 2 existing font sizes. Also can you make the subtask in the widget collapsible as well as the already expanded Thanks
I love this app so far has everything Ive ever wanted. The only thing I could use is an actual working persistent wear notification and Id love to see an auto scheduler where you enter duration and the default start time is the end of you last timed task for the day or into the next empty space. That would take ticktick over the top to 5 stars
although it has take 2 decades for Microsoft to realise they needed this app but finally they have arrived and it is good cant do a working day without collaborating on Ms teams. I dont feel the need of outlook anymore. Channels is an awesome feature.
Desktop experience of teams is fine but the app is fraught with issues. Chats maybe just group chats dont load new messages while the chat is open leading to missed replies. Calls come through on desktop but not on the app. Notifications will show new messages but theyre nowhere to be found in app. Message read status doesnt sync with desktop so the app frequently shows out of date unread messages.
Integration with Gboard on Pixel 6 Pro is needed. When I voice type it appears to listen to the first or second word then theres a break in listening to my dictation. I found that I would have to either place a space first or say one word then pause after a new line and then continue with my sentence for it to continuously listen to my dictation. This goes for other Microsoft apps as well. Also it would be nice if subpages can be collapsible like on the PC version I have a lot of notes .
Login issue I had to use VPN and signed in. Why I even needed to do that I dont understand all my other Microsoft services working fine
Really buggy moving back to Evernote. App constantly scrolls to the bottom of the open note when I tap almost anywhere on my screen. Beyond frustrating. I have to manually scroll up every 10 seconds just to write a simple note. Ability to organize is severely lacking which is a huge issue for me. Cant sort notes or notebooks by when they were last opened alphabetically etc. Frequent syncing issues. Overall an experience rife with bugs and which greatly hinders my productivity.
It does the job reasonabley quick
Opening the application is slow. Also need to add some features for text editing.
Love it. Highly recommended if anyone wants to be more productive. Has amazing features like on time notification habits stopwatch focus all in a single app. All these things are difficult to find in a single app. This app syncs with mac book and my android phone thus I never miss out any notification during my work too. One small improvement please add visual graph in habit statistics with time as a filter that would be great.
I loved the app that I purchased on my iOS device However recently I bought a Samsung tablet that I plan to use for notes and my premium membership cannot be transferred. I wish there was a flat fee that was managed by email that most apps have so double purchasing wasnt necessary. I understand that iOS and Android apps must be developed in another way so thus separate work on each app but still sucks.
What a SCAM unknown lock in contract Did a free trial went over the date was charged for the month no worries. Then when I tried to cancel the autosubscription they tried to charge me 100 for leaving a 12 month contract early. That is seriously dishonest shady business. Disgusting.
This app is awesome I have a hard time staying motivated to do my studying and reading for college and this app as silly as it is helps me stay on track. I would love if you guys came out with a willow tree UPDATE. I feel like lately the app doesnt always send me a notification when the tree is done planting. Also just a recommendation it would be awesome if you all came out with a watch app version to help me see the progress of the tree with my smart watch.
This app would be really really good if it wasnt so focused on micro transactions and profit instead of planting real trees. I find the idea of helping the environment while studying motivating but it takes about 200 fake trees to plant a real one. Id love this number to be considerably smaller it would be a great incentive for for people to focus.
Love app and usefulness. However there are some very annoying features such as once active hover corner of screen which can be easily triggered when you dont want to access it. Wish there was better way to dock app without false trigger as very sensitive no matter location on touchscreen. Ive installed on Android phone.
I love this app but its constantly vibrating which is shortening my battery life. Ive turned off notifications but its still vibrating constantly...even as I type this. Its driving me crazy
When the screen goes off and you on your phone but did not press into an app the tree will be killed and waste your efforts. A lot of features are also locked and only premium which doesnt help with productivity. The Achievements sector of the app cannot be seen and the tress dies without reasons
As a former Slack user this feels clunky in comparison. Many of the added functionalities that team promotes dont function in the app version. For example I cannot open documents from within the app. My biggest issue with teams so far has been an error where at least once a day I send a message that gets stuck in limbo instead of a check icon for sent I just get and empty circle after that I cannot send messages at all none will go thru. Force closing the app doesnt help only restart.
Its a great idea and has really cute graphics. The only problem i have is that when the screen goes off it starts buzzing like crazy until i open it up. Its really distracting and to make it stop i have to turn off power saving mode.
Not having a notebook is something like a inconvenience sometimes... But to have but only ONE NOTE. and yet so many pages. ONLY BUT SO MANY PAGES.
Not allowed to copy files
I use this app for studying. It helps me a lot when listening to music while I study. The only problem is that when Im listening and I plant a tree even though it goes to the next song automatically the tree dies because of the next song playing and it somehow thinks I skipped to the next song on my playlist. Please find a way to make these two work together.
Ive used this app for so many years and Ive loved it. It was perfect for getting signatures and filling out forms electronically in real time with my customers. Then it updated. Just read all the other reviews. Very clunky now. The tried to simply everything that its become more of a pain to get initials signatures and fill out forms. I really wish they would would remove the stupid edit icon and bring back the full screen with the task menu options. Plus the scrolling is now clunky. There really was no reason to change all of this. Dont get me wrong. Its still a great pdf editor and i would have kept my review at 5 stars. but the new changes are very annoying.
I dont want to use liquid mode. Stop bugging me every time I open a pdf.
Very solid app I appreciate being able to flip between Kanban and List views whenever I want and really like the autosorting by task priority. This is the first task list app and would make me give up Trello and the pricing is better as well. The only downside so far is shared lists and only being able to assign one person to a task.
It helps me stay organized and productive whereverwhenever. At school in my personal and professional lives. Using OneNote on a PC or laptop you can take a screenshot much like a smartphone. That is the most helpful and practical function I have ever used. What you do in the app is reflected across all devices and vice versa.
Its convenient and secure
Functional and affordable for mobility. I love being able to spend my time doing the things I love. Having the flexibility to use Adobe Acrobat Reader on my phone is essential to having a balanced life. My business hasnt skipped a beat.
app is very battery consuming...
For anyone attempting to lead a more organised accessible and paperless personal andor professional existence Adobe Acrobat is an essential component.
Dont know WHAT Id do without Adobe I collect a ton of book pdfs and Adobe allows me to organize them however I choose. Plus I was able to remove them from my phone sending to their cloud thus releasing a lot of room on my phone The UI is easy and intuitive nothing confusing. It just easily gives me access to the books Im reading with bookmarks word sizing and other useful features. Ill never try another pdf reader. Why would I
Me gusta la aplicacin pague por ella pero deben incluir la funcionalidad de que indique el tiempo de descanso que tengo que tomar y no estar anotando cuantos pomodoros llevo para ver si es un descanso de 5 min o de 25 min.
Uncompleted tasks do not carry forward in Google Calendar. Useless Ive been using gTasks with a Pro Key originally called gTasks by Dano IIRC which has a far richer feature set and a longstanding reputation for reliability and frequent updates to the the app. Dont waste your time with TickTick use gTasks.
Honestly Ive had issues with OneNote on both my phone S9 edge and laptop Surface Go. Both versions have so many glitches making notetaking a laborious and frustrating process. I had given up using it for lectures when my university was in session now trying to use it for online lectures and textbooks Ive been pushed to handwrite a decent portion even as a slow writer. Ive been using this for years as I generally use One Drive but may turn to Evernote for my official notes too now.
Love it
I really love this app I love all the pretty trees I only have one complaint. Even though I bought the premium I like to watch an ad to double my coins however it takes about 1 minute for an ad to load. This is a little ridiculous to me and I dont think it should take this long to load one 30 second ad
Great and very useful app.
it used to take a long time to open up teams but now it works fine
Unreliable By far the most features of any free todo app but fails in the most fundamental thing. If you are ok missing remineders every couple of weeks then go for it.
The app was working fine until today. Now when I open it try to open a file it opens for a moment then kicks back to the white loading screen with the purple notebook. And just stays. Back button wont work the square button wont work I have to hit the circle home button to get it to exit. Ive tried restarting my phone checked for updates cant figure out why. It still works perfectly fine on my computer but I cant drag my computer around with me all day.
There some serious flaws you cant mark multiple notes and delete them. you cant paste hiperlinks from chrome photos pasted to text can be unexpectedly cropped
I have been using this app for about 3 years now and i really like using it. I have purchased a lot of trees but i am very very disappointed when i realized that all the trees i purchased are now not available after the upgrade. I am still a student so i am unable to pay the bill to get premium and my trees back so thats very upsetting. All my previous effort just goes into vein. I used to refer to Forest as the best focus app but not anymore. R
Page conflicts abound otherwise I love OneNote. I prefer to use the app instead of online because I have a carrier with sub par coverage. Its to the point I dont trust OneNote to save my notes. I have been using it for a decade love the functionality but not how complicated saving and syncing files is much less making a backup.
Its a good app overall my school uses this for online lessons. However it is not exactly helpful when you are doing work and switching tabs a lot you come on Teams and it says Are you still here even though I have been gone for about 30 seconds. It is very annoying especially when you are trying to take an online test and it loses all the answers when it asks me if I am still here and reloads.
Cant open sciam files
I remember having this app on my iPhone a few years ago and loved it. However I recently downloaded onto my android phone and it is so much more difficult to navigate. Not to mention the notifications dont work and are super delayed. So it doesnt tell me that my tree has been planted until i literally go on my phone which this app is trying to get me to do less off x counter intuitive. Really hope this glitch is fixed because I love this app and the idea behind it x
Love this app because its versatile and yet simple. My only issue is that it hangs up easily when Im using it offline. Edit No longer a fan of the mobile version... I freed up a whole GB of storage just deleting this one app... its unreal how a note taking app can take up a whole GB of storage Maybe in the near future put out a One Note Lite that takes up less space x
This app used to have a great search feature that would show you the paragraphs a word was in and the page numbers so you could rapidly find things. That has been patched out and this app is now completely useless for my purposes. It just cycles between instances of words it doesnt even tell you how many instances there are anymore. Trash.
Logged out after 24 hours. Unable to login after that. Have to reinstall each time. Please fix this issue.
I really like this app. It helps me stay away from my phone while I study. It lets me grow cute trees x I got the Pro version to let me createjoin groups and it definitely helps me to be more accountable because if I leave everyone elses tree dies too. Theres also a whitelist feature that allows me to choose certain apps that iI can use while on in a group. initially I thought that the multiplier function was gone when I got the Pro version but I found that I could turn it on in the settings. And I think the best feature is that I get to grow real trees too Super recommend the app
The best cross platform note app
A useful tool which helps to keep off my phone. Unlike a different app I have found it is actually designed to prevent phone use rather than being an addictive game. I find that the antiinspirational messages which pop up are good motivation for not reopening it.
If you enjoy data loss use this. I lost many pages to an error saying content not available. Even happens on pc. Absolute shite product.
Used it for years also and It worked fine Really loved it and recommend it to everyone until about last week. I tried opening the app and nothing would load. I just got the start up loading screen and it sits there. Ive tried leaving it like that opening and closing the app but to no avail. I hope this gets fixed soon I really like using this app and use it for just about everything.
It is a great app. It helped me a lot to focus while I was studying. It gives me an extra motivation to study just so I can grow my forest. But I wish more things were available for free mini necessary features are behind a paper wall. Edit I am giving it 1 star due to recent change in shop Now the shop is trash and tells that you are greedy for money
I am facing sync issues. Yesterday I added a todo from my laptop chrome website. Today I didnt get its notification on my phone. Its when I opened the app when I see that its being added. This should have been done in the background.
Surprisingly useful and effective. I didnt expect such a simple looking app to work so well. I no longer find my hand reaching out for my phone for meaningless internet surfing every 5 minutes. I recommend this app if your device monopolizes all of your time.
It has been great for years not now. Snooze wont allow me to select how long I snooze the task for. It makes a great app useless.
Have been very useful with laptop tablet sync for my sketching idea structuring However got few issues in tablet to get this perfected 1. The lasso select tool sometimes chooses a totally wrong area need restart to fix. 2. Usually use the smallest ink size to have constant thickness recent update makes the thickness pressure sensitive even for the smallest one. The messy looks of varied thickness is really annoying 3. Sometimes the sync go haywire where ink go missing
Best for focus study..
The app really is great. When it wants to work. currently on my samsung pro chromebook the app keeps crashing and corrupting itself. I then have to try and reinstall it and hope it doesnt do the same thing again. I am really hoping OneNote brings more stability to intel based chromebooks as they have built up an amazing app but it needs to become more robust
Everything cost through the yearly or monthly subscription. Cannot copy edit or share without this.
Very good app
This app is pay to remember it is not free. If you want to see a calendar you must pay. If you wish to get a reminder you must pay... There is payment in every corner of the app. But all apps when free work only for one week. This entire smart phone thing is just a slide to make you pay more just for electronic luxury
The app does not support OCGs layers. For me this is an essential and basic feature.
Does everything you need. For example you can have an entire bullet journal in OneNote. It is extremely customizable especially if you have a phone. You can type your journal entries on a computer and then draw on your phone if you want to add a more personal feature to it. Everything is completely customizable in color text Etc. You can have multiple books sections and pages. There is also todo lists which I also find quite nice. Perfect for me 1010
The app would not even open. After trying multiple times I finally just uninstalled it.
Very difficult to use. The Desktop client is robust and relatively intuitive though not without its own issues but this is a mess. Is there no way to resize the font for instance Seems like it would be insane not to have such a feature in a note taking app but I cant find it. Basically all I can do is jot stuff down with my spen and hope I remember to edit those notations when I can access my desktop.
Nice but if you want to plant more trees need money
OneNote used to be the best note taking app around. Now I get page conflicts with my wife all the darn time no matter how hard we try to sync before and after editing the shared notebook. And you cant fix conflicts in the mobile app which really really sucks. Probably switching to Google or EverNote soon.
Microsoft OneNote has really helped me in tracking my key notes and vital memos. Great x
I wanted to like it... Ive always drooled at the idea of having a to do list app integrate with a calender. But alas this version is clunky. You cant delete a single date of a recurring calender event meaning you cant flexibly plan your day while beginning with a rough outline. I switched over to todoist and Google calender instead.
good app
Absolute garbage How did this even pass QA Not only it crashed my Google Pixel 6 but it completely BRICKED it The UI was frozen even the clock stopped. Now Im waiting for the battery to run down so I can reboot my device.
Please please fix left and right arrows when writing a text message. Instead of traversing through the text I am editing the arrow keys sometimes jump to another screen sometimes cause the app to block me from typing and more text I have to exit the app and return to continue editing my message. The autocomplete feature asks me to Tap the screen to autocomplete why doesnt it allow me to click right arrow like the Outlook app does for autocomplete Confusing both are MS apps...
I really want this app to be better. I love Onenote on my pc it is super disappointing when I need to use it on my smartphone. Although it does do the basic stuff there are other note taking apps the do MUCH better that dont have the funds a big Corp has. To be honest just letting me have the option to choose where the app opens up would be a great improvement. I hate seeing a list of recent notes when I open the app give us a choice..
Still figuring it out so far so good.
Very bad
Where has the shift button gone My working time reaches tens of hours. Not good. Right after I wrote this review the button shows back up. GREAT Transcendent technology PLUS one of my working hour session has been elapsing upto 2939h. It is still elapsing. Cannot even stop it.
Slow Foxit or MoPDFetc can open big files muchmuch faster. I think thats what your app lack to be close to perfection
Pretty bad and just wants money I needed to sign some tax documents and they wont let you edit until you pay for subscription. I need these papers so I bought it and only after they told me they cant fill out the specific documents. Its only good for looking at documents until you pay for the actual service so just screen shot whatever you can actually edit and draw from your photos app
Some messages are not received unless I exit a conversation and enter it again. Only then they show up. Sometimes only one or two will show then after I reply a third will come up. This has persisted across multiple reinstalls on multiple devices.
I cant download the app kindly assist me
I love having a quick and easy way to take notes. Although navigation can be a little difficult.
I have this app on my phone. When I attempt to open a .pdf file Microsoft Office supercedes it. Its frustrating as I have removed all permissions for Office but it continues to override Adobe. I have no idea how to stop this from occurring.
You dont have tabs or multiple windows on the Chromebook app. Everytime I try to open a new document it closes out of the article and opens the other one instead of opening a new tab or window. Makes it a bit hard to crossreference and do my grad research. Im also not fond of the presentation. The document is always fittoscreen and Im unable to zoom out to make it easier to read. Would love to have these issues resolved to continue enjoying the service rendered. Thanks
It doesnt have fullscreen view mode in android tablet.
Works well for me
HORRIBLE APP. Doesnt allow me to sign inn AT ALL even tho I know my password it keeps kicking me back to the sign in with user name or email screen.
I was this the one who always took for advanced study for my Subjects in school and for that i downloaded some pdf. I always took some highlights and underlined texts on pdf and i got frustrated because some apps dont have Features to edit pdf even for just putting highlights and underline on it. But then i found this app so i downloaded it and geez this app is amazing You can put some highlights text signatures and underlines on your pdf JUST FOR FREE. Love this app
I absolutely hate the new design. I never use one note notebooks I only ever use it for sticky notes. Now you have to hit the hamburger menu to even create a new sticky note. And space is wasted identifying each of my sticky notes is being from sticky note. And the new font is so small its hard to read. Really wish I could just go back to the way it was.
The habit tracking is a complete mess and barely understandable.