1 value
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11579", "2770", "5040", "553", "8824", "6841", "575", "10163", "6013", "268", "8395", "11307", "6906", "1307", "2244", "7075", "3208", "9213", "6325", "11864", "11477", "2572", "4185", "10882", "5661", "9366", "1608", "9561", "4609", "545", "3292", "535", "624", "2175", "2420", "408", "6046", "6727", "235", "7849", "1521", "5528", "4993", "2648", "2319", "2987", "5192", "6435", "181", "11032" ], "interaction": [ "9450", "9840", "10077", "11156", "11753", "11864" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "1" }
{ "recommended": [ "11864", "11579", "2770", "5040", "553", "8824", "6841", "575", "10163", "6013" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11032", "10545", "10877", "10477", "2374", "3450", "9596", "59", "11348", "10957", "7220", "1308", "11787", "6727", "6889", "3297", "2109", "1064", "4808", "5220", "11631", "9778", "7253", "10795", "7993", "1643", "2298", "1076", "1002", "1545", "1417", "7467", "11879", "8737", "8754", "5148", "11683", "7466", "2987", "1587", "11880", "7847", "10968", "1592", "6738", "11704", "11085", "8629", "2992", "10912" ], "interaction": [ "3310", "4573", "9080", "4137", "10956", "59" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "2" }
{ "recommended": [ "59", "11032", "10545", "10877", "10477", "2374", "3450", "9596", "11348", "10957" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6242", "11073", "6465", "6450", "6486", "7409", "8246", "6246", "8070", "10254", "6473", "10397", "8421", "6487", "7614", "6460", "6483", "6484", "6480", "7624", "8922", "8020", "9353", "7948", "6458", "9355", "2812", "9071", "6252", "7219", "7609", "8432", "6462", "6617", "11072", "6253", "8657", "7610", "6808", "6772", "8245", "6244", "6241", "9406", "7612", "7483", "8061", "6472", "8346", "6466" ], "interaction": [ "4209", "4387", "6363", "454", "5666", "8650", "8877", "9405", "10254" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "3" }
{ "recommended": [ "10254", "6242", "11073", "6465", "6450", "6486", "7409", "8246", "6246", "8070" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10618", "9835", "10632", "9291", "10580", "8851", "10163", "8615", "9849", "10134", "10929", "7532", "10000", "11249", "8744", "9853", "10196", "9110", "10009", "9369", "10166", "10106", "10100", "9990", "10111", "9857", "9640", "8985", "9847", "10748", "10052", "10926", "8133", "10927", "9828", "8124", "8801", "9622", "9836", "9109", "10156", "8136", "9832", "9366", "9300", "8043", "10132", "10321", "11644", "8968" ], "interaction": [ "8969", "10131", "8824", "8651", "10148", "3496", "9767", "10321" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "4" }
{ "recommended": [ "10321", "10618", "9835", "10632", "9291", "10580", "8851", "10163", "8615", "9849" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10131", "9990", "9832", "11249", "8633", "9857", "9625", "6772", "9835", "8968", "8508", "9640", "10149", "8744", "8851", "8043", "8969", "9110", "10052", "10134", "10632", "9909", "10926", "10111", "10004", "9853", "7532", "10100", "9515", "10000", "9109", "9071", "8124", "9847", "5578", "10228", "3941", "10148", "6237", "8027", "9767", "9366", "9622", "9369", "8801", "8911", "8136", "7942", "11023", "11644" ], "interaction": [ "8936", "5098", "8072", "8347", "10163", "8824", "10228" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "5" }
{ "recommended": [ "10228", "10131", "9990", "9832", "11249", "8633", "9857", "9625", "6772", "9835" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6906", "6192", "11441", "3260", "4023", "10442", "4993", "6141", "464", "11840", "7838", "5065", "5926", "11443", "2475", "313", "8517", "11283", "5809", "9219", "8760", "12038", "2973", "1715", "5692", "3261", "10245", "9211", "2381", "9329", "459", "9201", "2753", "2781", "10743", "939", "10405", "10978", "3442", "10393", "5516", "4689", "759", "5784", "644", "10428", "8766", "1488", "7419", "6006" ], "interaction": [ "3615", "9885", "3906", "8662", "8030", "2714", "6005", "9212", "4644", "7450", "9201" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "6" }
{ "recommended": [ "9201", "6906", "6192", "11441", "3260", "4023", "10442", "4993", "6141", "464" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10166", "10136", "9836", "9849", "8969", "10132", "10926", "8124", "10034", "10052", "10143", "9832", "10148", "8043", "11215", "9109", "9990", "9835", "10632", "7532", "10163", "9853", "9640", "10171", "10134", "9291", "9369", "8851", "8824", "10445", "8801", "9110", "9847", "10000", "10196", "10618", "8136", "10929", "10100", "8985", "9300", "8968", "3496", "10802", "7736", "10492", "9119", "9366", "9926", "9986" ], "interaction": [ "9581", "9622", "9767", "9857", "10926" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Negative" ], "user_id": "7" }
{ "recommended": [ "10926", "10166", "10136", "9836", "9849", "8969", "10132", "8124", "10034", "10052" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6906", "44", "2299", "4271", "8537", "4224", "2902", "1756", "6727", "448", "4043", "7076", "250", "4984", "6092", "1243", "1916", "6756", "1454", "2030", "247", "8403", "4217", "4008", "4205", "5841", "3952", "3841", "110", "3681", "3929", "1307", "4039", "139", "3208", "4676", "3082", "649", "6294", "4146", "688", "5226", "2021", "2114", "1072", "5820", "5345", "6359", "560", "11076" ], "interaction": [ "5381", "457", "2420", "4277", "2939", "3768", "3082" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "8" }
{ "recommended": [ "3082", "6906", "44", "2299", "4271", "8537", "4224", "2902", "1756", "6727" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "9196", "6092", "5926", "2987", "6334", "7419", "11640", "9383", "3801", "9207", "5665", "6192", "6922", "6354", "11266", "10873", "6906", "5152", "4008", "10365", "9201", "9943", "207", "181", "7494", "7838", "10246", "1071", "9362", "11076", "7851", "7982", "7082", "649", "10088", "8289", "353", "7075", "2605", "9771", "6727", "7594", "4984", "5959", "6435", "2922", "2061", "2030", "9511", "5460" ], "interaction": [ "4185", "599", "1178", "948", "7857", "2922" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "9" }
{ "recommended": [ "2922", "9196", "6092", "5926", "2987", "6334", "7419", "11640", "9383", "3801" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7277", "10035", "7648", "4735", "7653", "7646", "10946", "7416", "8495", "7122", "11061", "7754", "8491", "10123", "7651", "4858", "10819", "10058", "10028", "10337", "9913", "10720", "5328", "10279", "8455", "11183", "7922", "8492", "9369", "10056", "6402", "7652", "8486", "6903", "8479", "9366", "10362", "11523", "8481", "9509", "10441", "8667", "11572", "9811", "4102", "6207", "3903", "10273", "8478", "8819" ], "interaction": [ "7140", "3000", "3896", "7560", "3904", "3905", "6607", "7862", "9560", "10266", "8608", "1521", "6606", "7397", "7789", "7849", "8466", "8613", "10042", "10364", "10322", "5181", "5850", "8482", "7524", "9494", "3094", "7922" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Neutral", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive" ], "user_id": "10" }
{ "recommended": [ "7922", "7277", "10035", "7648", "4735", "7653", "7646", "10946", "7416", "8495" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "1023", "1063", "1822", "1266", "1500", "1653", "2519", "6649", "10040", "408", "6978", "2998", "502", "7405", "777", "8169", "8403", "619", "11134", "798", "5829", "7042", "2807", "7129", "7164", "560", "4580", "1269", "1427", "1971", "1596", "7217", "4581", "1948", "9566", "4787", "1094", "5687", "9165", "1436", "1599", "6258", "6223", "1914", "795", "2835", "808", "2836", "1067", "6962" ], "interaction": [ "10842", "3531", "278", "1219", "4235", "5024", "7042" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "11" }
{ "recommended": [ "7042", "1023", "1063", "1822", "1266", "1500", "1653", "2519", "6649", "10040" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8582", "9211", "5684", "2255", "7843", "6330", "2922", "357", "832", "7419", "10407", "4185", "461", "4409", "7778", "2215", "4398", "8766", "2377", "6522", "8256", "9481", "5790", "3900", "8836", "5809", "553", "8748", "5791", "40", "2945", "6982", "4230", "595", "8741", "5836", "1413", "945", "6454", "3260", "2972", "8467", "9002", "5926", "2973", "6530", "2895", "5793", "7821", "3015" ], "interaction": [ "10113", "455", "10094", "1190", "3313", "8748" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "12" }
{ "recommended": [ "8748", "8582", "9211", "5684", "2255", "7843", "6330", "2922", "357", "832" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8969", "10632", "8824", "11644", "8136", "9849", "8744", "10742", "9853", "8417", "9291", "10111", "10148", "8801", "11793", "10004", "9640", "10178", "9622", "9366", "10740", "9767", "10328", "7532", "10000", "9110", "10134", "9835", "10100", "8508", "9828", "8851", "10927", "10926", "10132", "9109", "8968", "9781", "10163", "9515", "9300", "10941", "9847", "10618", "10156", "9990", "9926", "10619", "10929", "9369" ], "interaction": [ "3227", "4195", "4196", "8043", "10574", "10580", "11234", "11349", "11793" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "13" }
{ "recommended": [ "11793", "8969", "10632", "8824", "11644", "8136", "9849", "8744", "10742", "9853" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7571", "1300", "5917", "7852", "9210", "4092", "4438", "6192", "9333", "2244", "10080", "8680", "8368", "5527", "10399", "8631", "7676", "4185", "4267", "2524", "6042", "8017", "10153", "6727", "6435", "8703", "3254", "7044", "5589", "8408", "7821", "7610", "3075", "4803", "712", "3258", "3606", "2501", "5558", "6841", "6398", "3442", "1715", "8872", "10195", "9394", "6294", "9931", "10755", "7700" ], "interaction": [ "5063", "6969", "7298", "6231", "5095", "5527" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "14" }
{ "recommended": [ "5527", "7571", "1300", "5917", "7852", "9210", "4092", "4438", "6192", "9333" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6962", "5409", "5145", "9530", "6435", "7121", "1675", "11113", "2807", "10830", "5377", "10889", "8190", "5522", "10273", "6732", "6670", "7653", "5003", "4008", "10309", "9932", "8198", "8486", "6390", "4126", "2003", "9774", "9165", "9936", "10873", "5275", "9673", "4465", "6308", "5745", "5843", "5800", "3603", "809", "10839", "6105", "10881", "8481", "7782", "3979", "6988", "4102", "7001", "8204" ], "interaction": [ "187", "3514", "8199", "10287", "1675" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "15" }
{ "recommended": [ "1675", "6962", "5409", "5145", "9530", "6435", "7121", "11113", "2807", "10830" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7652", "8249", "7122", "7124", "1899", "7759", "9387", "5522", "10439", "6402", "8824", "7121", "5194", "7653", "6435", "3994", "4733", "6784", "8816", "6812", "8844", "7754", "5564", "9962", "7977", "8135", "4037", "8480", "4521", "8478", "4858", "6303", "10035", "4740", "5528", "3980", "5192", "4526", "8455", "7817", "5181", "8243", "10268", "10338", "5714", "4465", "8802", "8183", "7119", "6984" ], "interaction": [ "664", "2244", "2646", "7224", "8844" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "16" }
{ "recommended": [ "8844", "7652", "8249", "7122", "7124", "1899", "7759", "9387", "5522", "10439" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11439", "10609", "8124", "10003", "9832", "7532", "5023", "11121", "10029", "10143", "11444", "11175", "10163", "10996", "11141", "11161", "8819", "10979", "10248", "9369", "10579", "10737", "5430", "10492", "10929", "10105", "9767", "2987", "9308", "11321", "11390", "439", "8635", "11479", "8136", "1214", "3496", "8803", "5436", "11145", "9857", "9366", "9484", "6325", "9915", "10836", "11215", "10189", "8757", "7756" ], "interaction": [ "6281", "8824", "11361", "13", "7122", "9432", "10035", "10230", "10609" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "17" }
{ "recommended": [ "10609", "11439", "8124", "10003", "9832", "7532", "5023", "11121", "10029", "10143" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11525", "2244", "6547", "10357", "11443", "5412", "6854", "3629", "333", "584", "11835", "2420", "6727", "1735", "868", "8662", "11590", "9946", "8218", "10125", "306", "1900", "4756", "2823", "4897", "6700", "6908", "5940", "319", "847", "9549", "3792", "5209", "11481", "11455", "11640", "6142", "11972", "2332", "4398", "11190", "4432", "11307", "2005", "9431", "2436", "9317", "10274", "10347", "8162" ], "interaction": [ "8446", "9194", "9195", "10258", "10347" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "18" }
{ "recommended": [ "10347", "11525", "2244", "6547", "10357", "11443", "5412", "6854", "3629", "333" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "3294", "9192", "10153", "6376", "3929", "5296", "8240", "6398", "4453", "5200", "8198", "7244", "5832", "9530", "6238", "1873", "4473", "1415", "6977", "7060", "2648", "818", "10550", "8249", "7121", "439", "5837", "3300", "7332", "6263", "6435", "5289", "3977", "8083", "7756", "2144", "7230", "9569", "2159", "6841", "493", "897", "3734", "2520", "5194", "5062", "7703", "5764", "5492", "5800" ], "interaction": [ "2162", "82", "6000", "7360", "7756" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "19" }
{ "recommended": [ "7756", "3294", "9192", "10153", "6376", "3929", "5296", "8240", "6398", "4453" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "1657", "6258", "1235", "7821", "2367", "5413", "2648", "840", "5677", "2319", "1474", "4185", "8936", "4767", "5797", "3890", "2987", "5420", "5155", "2322", "2374", "8249", "2770", "4526", "7656", "2922", "5665", "1652", "5809", "2501", "9021", "9156", "11269", "7128", "6727", "5194", "7351", "8061", "498", "6812", "1636", "1549", "6192", "1935", "4330", "306", "5558", "1521", "2957", "5399" ], "interaction": [ "6309", "7295", "437", "6789", "7656" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "20" }
{ "recommended": [ "7656", "1657", "6258", "1235", "7821", "2367", "5413", "2648", "840", "5677" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2261", "7582", "4375", "3319", "5844", "2770", "1130", "3107", "4330", "306", "2648", "4372", "6393", "4550", "6727", "6841", "1819", "7330", "7075", "3877", "694", "4044", "5558", "8234", "3358", "1858", "5089", "4185", "8218", "8534", "231", "6379", "3892", "9417", "9477", "7128", "1924", "5194", "7469", "619", "1199", "2244", "5797", "5665", "298", "579", "6192", "4048", "8040", "10013" ], "interaction": [ "4505", "2100", "4748", "4958", "9417" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "21" }
{ "recommended": [ "9417", "2261", "7582", "4375", "3319", "5844", "2770", "1130", "3107", "4330" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7044", "1715", "6192", "7371", "9513", "5462", "5050", "3035", "8159", "2972", "4217", "4166", "6187", "4754", "9439", "3768", "4621", "6188", "11314", "40", "6445", "3474", "1243", "5095", "7470", "1300", "2555", "2500", "4119", "1372", "2761", "7419", "6727", "3571", "745", "2253", "3254", "3681", "6646", "2944", "623", "11283", "2807", "6862", "7477", "5107", "8646", "8534", "3060", "3306" ], "interaction": [ "331", "332", "2017", "2035", "3474" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "22" }
{ "recommended": [ "3474", "7044", "1715", "6192", "7371", "9513", "5462", "5050", "3035", "8159" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10929", "10132", "10166", "9781", "10941", "11418", "10748", "11600", "10632", "11177", "10794", "10882", "10930", "10111", "11852", "10644", "11328", "9622", "11910", "10927", "10453", "7485", "10597", "10163", "10526", "10926", "10156", "8824", "10351", "11291", "10798", "10770", "10186", "9369", "11274", "9291", "8507", "9832", "10143", "10216", "11023", "10100", "10579", "9767", "11018", "9623", "9109", "11598", "9506", "10517" ], "interaction": [ "4061", "7229", "8826", "10762", "10798" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "23" }
{ "recommended": [ "10798", "10929", "10132", "10166", "9781", "10941", "11418", "10748", "11600", "10632" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "1563", "9431", "1735", "9333", "9212", "11604", "8592", "6341", "1248", "9914", "6030", "1300", "6071", "9230", "7838", "5546", "5682", "11076", "4810", "7419", "6192", "7656", "3190", "3390", "4662", "1413", "6182", "5399", "6727", "7475", "5918", "7366", "6690", "10057", "5095", "5558", "9211", "11007", "8218", "7594", "5917", "8703", "9549", "3442", "11840", "11161", "5809", "5106", "306", "1736" ], "interaction": [ "1416", "5015", "5016", "7772", "9914" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Negative", "Neutral", "Negative" ], "user_id": "24" }
{ "recommended": [ "9914", "1563", "9431", "1735", "9333", "9212", "11604", "8592", "6341", "1248" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5193", "10479", "5079", "1796", "6308", "4424", "6624", "3603", "10839", "4126", "6840", "7934", "8934", "7124", "5432", "7633", "2003", "4521", "4341", "2284", "2223", "6376", "2346", "5194", "897", "11152", "971", "7332", "3656", "9562", "5963", "6402", "4168", "4526", "5825", "1588", "2987", "4080", "6981", "3929", "4465", "10997", "7122", "71", "7779", "6756", "2149", "187", "3768", "11579" ], "interaction": [ "5605", "5145", "6050", "9778", "15", "9562" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "25" }
{ "recommended": [ "9562", "5193", "10479", "5079", "1796", "6308", "4424", "6624", "3603", "10839" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8888", "9051", "6435", "5031", "6307", "9052", "7307", "9369", "7122", "4465", "9984", "9962", "11196", "7111", "9057", "8882", "4526", "11453", "7993", "10958", "6920", "10872", "5588", "2109", "5192", "10830", "9053", "3905", "10621", "10720", "11032", "5522", "8569", "7756", "2003", "7649", "7124", "10183", "10881", "8884", "7959", "4469", "8843", "8883", "9604", "8200", "11378", "8895", "8803", "8881" ], "interaction": [ "11149", "5490", "5523", "8880", "11453" ], "sentiments": [ "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "26" }
{ "recommended": [ "11453", "8888", "9051", "6435", "5031", "6307", "9052", "7307", "9369", "7122" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10163", "10595", "10856", "9853", "8968", "10313", "9767", "10445", "10979", "10166", "8801", "10148", "7942", "10134", "11215", "9366", "8507", "11249", "10132", "8136", "10618", "8508", "8969", "8851", "10929", "8382", "8027", "9622", "11023", "8715", "10802", "10580", "9847", "9832", "10926", "9035", "9836", "9822", "10632", "10111", "9857", "9835", "10052", "10100", "8124", "8722", "7532", "8150", "9291", "10196" ], "interaction": [ "271", "10085", "277", "4668", "8684", "9369", "10598", "3232", "8583", "8824", "10856" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "27" }
{ "recommended": [ "10856", "10163", "10595", "9853", "8968", "10313", "9767", "10445", "10979", "10166" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4465", "11145", "9100", "10452", "6995", "10273", "7756", "8700", "8183", "11679", "10056", "7653", "7122", "8480", "10035", "11368", "5194", "8243", "9673", "7650", "6060", "10279", "10821", "11138", "9369", "8777", "10003", "11399", "5714", "10029", "10864", "8701", "11731", "10997", "9366", "8477", "8819", "7532", "11523", "10123", "7646", "7849", "10028", "8479", "9197", "8063", "8803", "8818", "7651", "11379" ], "interaction": [ "6727", "8569", "10511", "10996", "11138" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "28" }
{ "recommended": [ "11138", "4465", "11145", "9100", "10452", "6995", "10273", "7756", "8700", "8183" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10205", "8824", "9992", "10218", "10942", "9100", "9120", "4858", "6840", "10364", "8455", "7849", "9369", "8778", "8819", "7977", "8818", "10123", "6812", "9366", "9560", "7653", "10133", "9121", "10099", "10273", "9387", "8587", "8512", "8958", "9673", "8777", "10997", "10036", "9913", "10864", "5244", "7651", "10279", "8816", "8136", "9622", "11379", "10362", "8090", "10609", "7976", "10631", "9509", "7989" ], "interaction": [ "5040", "1824", "3404", "4733", "8990", "10003", "10942" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "29" }
{ "recommended": [ "10942", "10205", "8824", "9992", "10218", "9100", "9120", "4858", "6840", "10364" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "133", "9127", "1789", "7651", "8098", "10874", "11116", "9932", "5049", "2319", "1482", "4623", "8122", "882", "1657", "3604", "9104", "5522", "10292", "2278", "8667", "9774", "3746", "6655", "9084", "9029", "9778", "6727", "8198", "149", "5003", "8481", "10273", "1366", "7001", "7121", "10815", "2993", "4626", "7653", "3367", "9165", "7122", "10287", "5250", "2684", "8083", "7646", "5194", "9579" ], "interaction": [ "6903", "6993", "8471", "6944", "2847", "688", "6251", "7117", "9031", "9947", "10545", "185", "360", "6311", "4563", "8122" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "30" }
{ "recommended": [ "8122", "133", "9127", "1789", "7651", "8098", "10874", "11116", "9932", "5049" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4720", "7653", "7754", "7016", "5714", "8479", "6812", "5528", "7122", "5252", "7121", "439", "6784", "7651", "7443", "8478", "8518", "6742", "4526", "6875", "8482", "8569", "10123", "8491", "7649", "9338", "10035", "5588", "10864", "9534", "6670", "7652", "11145", "6984", "10273", "8934", "6060", "10028", "9100", "2003", "8183", "9387", "10309", "8480", "9774", "6289", "8802", "11061", "8601", "8816" ], "interaction": [ "9229", "6334", "1880", "5181", "5194", "8243", "9534" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "31" }
{ "recommended": [ "9534", "4720", "7653", "7754", "7016", "5714", "8479", "6812", "5528", "7122" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8289", "10204", "1563", "6283", "52", "10846", "5192", "5809", "6192", "1413", "2922", "236", "10961", "7305", "2555", "2030", "9012", "7704", "6727", "3299", "7973", "3538", "3354", "2807", "9876", "7594", "9401", "6522", "1822", "331", "3805", "10481", "3543", "6110", "1624", "7075", "8335", "7198", "209", "6105", "11450", "10719", "6435", "7122", "10881", "6452", "6439", "231", "10405", "2595" ], "interaction": [ "2245", "3803", "10239", "10778", "642", "6678", "7248", "9401" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "32" }
{ "recommended": [ "9401", "8289", "10204", "1563", "6283", "52", "10846", "5192", "5809", "6192" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11572", "6801", "7849", "8136", "10217", "5267", "6141", "7728", "5699", "8969", "10609", "10580", "10491", "4999", "10163", "11595", "9262", "8958", "10246", "11381", "9836", "1793", "10162", "10442", "11951", "10396", "7062", "10053", "9634", "11134", "9622", "10205", "9612", "10958", "11397", "9509", "8851", "9100", "9200", "10248", "8824", "7145", "7917", "7568", "9369", "9366", "8502", "5604", "9561", "4406" ], "interaction": [ "3143", "407", "2309", "4065", "6801" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "33" }
{ "recommended": [ "6801", "11572", "7849", "8136", "10217", "5267", "6141", "7728", "5699", "8969" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5685", "1362", "4908", "6435", "1990", "2823", "1591", "11013", "2715", "3990", "1037", "1110", "1763", "6727", "974", "4688", "4106", "3805", "281", "5278", "4512", "6140", "3872", "1799", "9881", "2381", "3142", "2003", "3124", "3829", "2723", "3177", "1602", "752", "765", "7790", "2631", "268", "6613", "2174", "6906", "331", "9930", "5919", "2648", "10016", "6206", "235", "5799", "10488" ], "interaction": [ "5306", "24", "10454", "926", "1990" ], "sentiments": [ "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "34" }
{ "recommended": [ "1990", "5685", "1362", "4908", "6435", "2823", "1591", "11013", "2715", "3990" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8485", "6192", "7295", "6142", "8446", "7351", "8289", "8313", "5959", "2030", "8195", "9876", "5809", "2973", "9196", "9207", "738", "8521", "8741", "10246", "8661", "9194", "4185", "2288", "9208", "9211", "8210", "2972", "6854", "8256", "6179", "11307", "7227", "6850", "2848", "9431", "6727", "11007", "9347", "7821", "9561", "10357", "3427", "1714", "7419", "9230", "8421", "7838", "9481", "9219" ], "interaction": [ "467", "491", "2244", "4310", "4505", "8218", "9195", "8485" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive" ], "user_id": "35" }
{ "recommended": [ "8485", "6192", "7295", "6142", "8446", "7351", "8289", "8313", "5959", "2030" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11820", "11765", "11777", "11899", "11783", "11771", "11877", "11879", "11763", "11803", "11683", "11709", "11591", "11768", "10379", "11898", "11774", "11806", "11710", "11880", "11876", "11775", "8976", "11776", "11708", "11904", "11801", "11807", "11767", "11818", "8979", "11831", "11858", "9171", "11341", "11715", "11707", "11770", "11902", "11853", "11760", "11772", "11731", "11565", "11699", "11805", "11773", "11830", "11712", "11779" ], "interaction": [ "3878", "4653", "5511", "5967", "6116", "2270", "6003", "6434", "4483", "8559", "8730", "9456", "9460", "9592", "8644", "9884", "9251", "2619", "2620", "9253", "2617", "2618", "4439", "9250", "10670", "10698", "10702", "3714", "10571", "10808", "8300", "10373", "10374", "5091", "5092", "6389", "5090", "5093", "10757", "2054", "2311", "11811", "11766", "11778", "6435", "11735", "11903", "11764", "2733", "12026", "11820" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "36" }
{ "recommended": [ "11820", "11765", "11777", "11899", "11783", "11771", "11877", "11879", "11763", "11803" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10710", "8676", "11053", "10698", "4697", "6235", "10694", "10776", "10752", "8387", "7597", "7682", "10669", "10711", "10690", "10811", "3715", "11825", "10702", "4485", "10374", "10918", "10670", "10538", "10984", "10164", "9883", "11499", "10844", "11049", "3702", "10691", "3712", "3701", "11403", "10200", "10732", "10568", "10814", "10373", "8808", "11051", "11184", "9089", "10572", "5090", "10571", "11782", "10281", "10815" ], "interaction": [ "2925", "7818", "3114", "3704", "4697" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "37" }
{ "recommended": [ "4697", "10710", "8676", "11053", "10698", "6235", "10694", "10776", "10752", "8387" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11877", "12005", "3954", "11699", "4016", "11623", "11708", "11256", "11403", "11850", "11774", "11807", "11779", "11931", "11341", "11831", "11731", "11853", "9171", "9784", "11811", "11800", "11801", "10379", "10905", "11620", "10477", "7026", "11683", "11373", "11858", "11202", "11712", "11535", "11565", "11880", "11876", "11902", "11760", "11806", "11762", "11898", "11803", "11901", "10881", "11903", "11057", "11710", "11830", "11805" ], "interaction": [ "6849", "8559", "9585", "9590", "9592", "10528", "10561", "3715", "10690", "10917", "10558", "11904", "10727", "11615", "3604", "7136", "9784" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "38" }
{ "recommended": [ "9784", "11877", "12005", "3954", "11699", "4016", "11623", "11708", "11256", "11403" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10111", "10035", "7130", "8125", "8621", "9110", "9712", "8651", "10123", "8635", "9836", "9366", "8136", "8280", "8816", "9109", "9119", "8479", "8150", "10134", "6772", "10609", "7653", "9857", "9847", "8325", "9640", "8518", "10100", "8600", "10632", "8851", "8969", "4858", "7651", "9835", "8633", "9622", "10247", "9369", "7977", "10264", "10034", "8124", "8824", "7777", "10131", "3496", "8801", "8615" ], "interaction": [ "5186", "5325", "5326", "5394", "6495", "7724", "5802", "6032", "7652", "7532", "8969" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "39" }
{ "recommended": [ "8969", "10111", "10035", "7130", "8125", "8621", "9110", "9712", "8651", "10123" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "9835", "9109", "8969", "9341", "8824", "8801", "9640", "10742", "10166", "9300", "8636", "8508", "9291", "9836", "9369", "10632", "8150", "11644", "8851", "8899", "9849", "10111", "10134", "10740", "8043", "8136", "9990", "9848", "9853", "10100", "9110", "9366", "8124", "8615", "8518", "9847", "7130", "7490", "11023", "10802", "10148", "10186", "9767", "9622", "8968", "7532", "10156", "10196", "10178", "10201" ], "interaction": [ "9735", "10004", "5519", "8967", "8969" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "40" }
{ "recommended": [ "8969", "9835", "9109", "9341", "8824", "8801", "9640", "10742", "10166", "9300" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7102", "8159", "9084", "1227", "7737", "7594", "4767", "2807", "9387", "560", "992", "1213", "8300", "2379", "2758", "2605", "10862", "1728", "209", "2326", "6727", "11450", "10291", "7843", "6869", "3465", "1854", "159", "7812", "2747", "6613", "5873", "718", "6101", "2799", "5355", "4288", "7134", "5488", "2671", "4185", "3087", "4201", "8313", "149", "2915", "3873", "5344", "7847", "5677" ], "interaction": [ "2464", "6858", "6862", "6865", "9387" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "41" }
{ "recommended": [ "9387", "7102", "8159", "9084", "1227", "7737", "7594", "4767", "2807", "560" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5194", "8486", "7307", "8491", "5564", "1522", "7122", "8090", "5800", "8482", "4858", "6940", "9530", "5200", "8455", "7646", "8479", "10273", "5528", "6784", "6916", "9509", "10279", "8204", "8478", "8190", "9688", "7649", "8934", "10609", "7286", "7121", "8590", "9100", "2003", "6060", "7651", "9338", "8200", "5588", "6984", "7653", "8569", "7652", "10309", "8480", "4079", "8481", "8610", "7650" ], "interaction": [ "5522", "2513", "5023", "6397", "6402", "9688" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "42" }
{ "recommended": [ "9688", "5194", "8486", "7307", "8491", "5564", "1522", "7122", "8090", "5800" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7560", "7736", "439", "9630", "8136", "10163", "9120", "8826", "9122", "9369", "9239", "9509", "3904", "8090", "8958", "9366", "11152", "10946", "6402", "11004", "7652", "9100", "5430", "8590", "7976", "10052", "9024", "8824", "10100", "9913", "9077", "7532", "8777", "10003", "11381", "9560", "7977", "7651", "9751", "8959", "9849", "6812", "10279", "10933", "7571", "11187", "7849", "8482", "9991", "8816" ], "interaction": [ "5977", "5987", "9034", "10632", "11186", "4549", "8990", "9077" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "43" }
{ "recommended": [ "9077", "7560", "7736", "439", "9630", "8136", "10163", "9120", "8826", "9122" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8228", "9625", "8968", "5578", "9832", "9909", "8801", "10929", "9110", "9990", "10111", "10134", "6461", "9109", "9369", "3909", "8969", "8722", "11023", "10156", "8621", "9291", "9847", "9767", "8043", "8636", "10148", "8824", "10149", "9712", "10163", "10632", "9853", "7532", "8744", "11014", "10802", "2037", "5098", "9835", "6772", "8615", "10100", "8518", "9366", "8136", "10794", "6237", "8124", "10657" ], "interaction": [ "893", "11411", "8635", "3563", "5132", "8150", "10106", "11249", "10435", "2038", "7130", "8227", "6461" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "44" }
{ "recommended": [ "6461", "8228", "9625", "8968", "5578", "9832", "9909", "8801", "10929", "9110" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7677", "5188", "5698", "1414", "1883", "40", "9907", "9561", "1741", "5926", "10464", "4609", "4003", "9", "1419", "5595", "4537", "1903", "6046", "8030", "7732", "9985", "6683", "560", "10162", "630", "4747", "7718", "10103", "10938", "6537", "5225", "11477", "15", "39", "2069", "4683", "9439", "9191", "7982", "2359", "7783", "2109", "11152", "3201", "1449", "6581", "9861", "257", "190" ], "interaction": [ "2308", "327", "11082", "12001", "1904", "5170", "6360", "10464" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "45" }
{ "recommended": [ "10464", "7677", "5188", "5698", "1414", "1883", "40", "9907", "9561", "1741" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "9549", "2572", "5412", "2648", "2299", "9476", "4001", "4802", "458", "588", "2944", "1044", "11160", "1402", "1050", "6727", "3216", "1591", "9920", "976", "3791", "1519", "5749", "6323", "10962", "528", "1253", "2235", "537", "2381", "2028", "3575", "1193", "3020", "1000", "4603", "7788", "790", "3512", "6435", "3525", "5455", "9219", "6359", "4993", "2937", "241", "1393", "11322", "1767" ], "interaction": [ "227", "3897", "6804", "6807", "537" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "46" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11976", "11705", "11703", "11562", "11970", "11686", "11658", "12054", "12022", "10442", "12066", "11869", "11740", "12059", "12050", "11949", "11045", "11988", "12041", "12039", "12078", "11892", "11276", "12020", "11662", "12077", "11840", "12057", "12046", "12038", "11305", "11808", "11909", "11814", "7870", "11228", "11679", "12080", "12079", "11792", "7869", "11750", "11044", "12058", "12025", "12055", "11745", "12065", "11972", "12027" ], "interaction": [ "11651", "11939", "11874", "11791", "12066" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "47" }
{ "recommended": [ "12066", "11976", "11705", "11703", "11562", "11970", "11686", "11658", "12054", "12022" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10019", "8985", "11600", "10171", "9109", "10742", "9291", "8507", "10794", "8635", "9640", "10926", "2037", "8744", "8969", "8043", "10009", "10216", "10156", "10052", "10132", "10931", "10196", "10714", "10211", "10802", "9300", "10170", "9847", "8968", "9835", "9849", "10100", "10111", "8801", "8136", "10328", "9990", "9857", "11274", "9832", "9366", "9622", "8615", "11249", "10929", "10119", "7695", "10166", "10927" ], "interaction": [ "4880", "664", "727", "9763", "10163", "8824", "7532", "8124", "9369", "9620", "3496", "8851", "10106", "3426", "8099", "8150", "9110", "9836", "9853", "10000", "10134", "10148", "10178", "10223", "10632", "11141", "11447", "5578", "11005", "5098", "9279", "10746", "7130", "9767", "11600" ], "sentiments": [ "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "48" }
{ "recommended": [ "11600", "10019", "8985", "10171", "9109", "10742", "9291", "8507", "10794", "8635" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2807", "370", "9978", "10388", "10815", "11761", "1854", "6141", "11352", "7090", "10665", "7331", "7700", "11057", "10164", "166", "4358", "9498", "8388", "11701", "1653", "11850", "11403", "1844", "9084", "6655", "3398", "8300", "11499", "5470", "688", "324", "3604", "4016", "11620", "7022", "9474", "5293", "8387", "10905", "3856", "2953", "1917", "10711", "3812", "9950", "11450", "9732", "10383", "6299" ], "interaction": [ "917", "1492", "2045", "3081", "4263", "6388", "9083", "9088", "10335", "10356", "10865", "55", "8562", "3163", "3433", "1254", "3928", "3071", "10667", "8807", "4661", "4573", "6946", "1854" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "49" }
{ "recommended": [ "1854", "2807", "370", "9978", "10388", "10815", "11761", "6141", "11352", "7090" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "745", "3427", "2925", "3309", "6445", "1508", "9234", "7351", "9472", "1826", "11307", "4398", "9211", "2244", "3964", "9454", "963", "1916", "2017", "7663", "7178", "9196", "7043", "2568", "1404", "2848", "7075", "2377", "2473", "289", "7419", "1715", "8662", "2646", "2885", "6533", "8462", "4169", "10246", "6820", "9333", "10428", "9230", "8836", "2873", "8534", "1352", "9195", "5446", "6407" ], "interaction": [ "3013", "9244", "1690", "2423", "10428" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "50" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "3617", "845", "9230", "2742", "5162", "3794", "1307", "40", "6435", "1915", "3572", "6294", "9547", "39", "6263", "6434", "4043", "2244", "2807", "715", "2501", "7477", "390", "6412", "3924", "5697", "10465", "2572", "9207", "7135", "5842", "572", "7316", "2684", "3208", "8395", "4201", "7697", "3177", "4748", "8035", "1522", "2770", "4827", "1916", "6727", "6167", "2646", "2551", "268" ], "interaction": [ "2577", "53", "485", "1521", "4712", "8035" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "51" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7419", "6922", "6726", "2501", "4830", "3442", "2684", "6102", "5682", "447", "7475", "11060", "40", "2799", "9208", "3857", "4214", "4803", "528", "9211", "6554", "11076", "7044", "2648", "2028", "1352", "7979", "10086", "2808", "1979", "6192", "8662", "5162", "4082", "4774", "2338", "5677", "357", "3589", "2030", "4409", "1652", "5982", "3254", "5106", "4230", "9332", "6727", "7705", "5011" ], "interaction": [ "1734", "2933", "4180", "1492", "6142", "10995", "10436", "595", "11554", "3663", "11060" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "52" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "459", "9202", "6110", "9785", "2273", "4594", "5788", "10466", "9676", "721", "7879", "9276", "4885", "10101", "5791", "5509", "2775", "8335", "5012", "5926", "8760", "3902", "10485", "507", "2827", "828", "5787", "5779", "7218", "5790", "1577", "2975", "5793", "7778", "471", "6151", "2227", "2673", "8766", "1613", "1802", "9567", "10269", "2781", "2268", "2230", "9958", "7184", "6743", "595" ], "interaction": [ "772", "1930", "2639", "3927", "2501", "9568", "7218" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Negative", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "53" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11023", "8150", "8382", "8633", "8133", "9071", "8826", "9832", "8721", "8508", "7942", "9909", "6772", "8851", "8636", "10111", "9857", "8968", "6237", "8911", "10100", "5578", "8192", "8136", "8969", "10445", "9835", "9188", "10632", "9924", "5098", "8648", "8124", "11249", "3909", "9712", "5641", "9622", "8027", "9366", "8647", "10134", "9369", "8801", "9767", "8125", "7532", "8722", "9847", "10802" ], "interaction": [ "341", "8279", "2440", "5257", "6086", "8234", "8824", "8647" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "54" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4711", "6694", "5188", "7935", "503", "7838", "2501", "3190", "703", "2922", "306", "6727", "9383", "9760", "10357", "3914", "8096", "3261", "4864", "8354", "9196", "2972", "6573", "2035", "696", "9230", "9210", "8472", "2030", "2606", "11222", "3442", "6579", "5412", "5399", "8256", "5209", "3075", "6192", "9208", "3254", "5095", "6193", "8662", "7594", "9169", "2643", "7044", "7469", "6678" ], "interaction": [ "4169", "3358", "6328", "7419", "3421", "6953", "8575", "9600", "5106", "5107", "5188" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Neutral", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "55" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "9360", "5666", "6198", "8432", "9262", "10078", "8914", "10076", "2095", "11308", "9426", "11100", "7948", "11309", "9482", "10426", "6946", "9273", "8859", "7610", "7617", "9739", "2218", "9974", "11395", "9603", "8915", "11311", "7615", "6466", "10592", "6450", "9366", "8911", "3229", "6614", "6483", "10430", "2962", "7613", "6772", "8061", "10433", "10420", "9079", "10227", "8020", "6890", "11310", "6489" ], "interaction": [ "6484", "7317", "7614", "5533", "2175", "6458", "7479", "3113", "8416", "7972", "9292", "8347", "4993", "5858", "10055", "4505", "4665", "3463", "6523", "253", "555", "3018", "8737", "1544", "2549", "10416", "8346", "4672", "8738", "10731", "10827", "11248", "1468", "3602", "4955", "5843", "6486", "3594", "6462", "6465", "6487", "6973", "6403", "6461", "6616", "7459", "11923", "11894", "868", "6858", "10839", "3208", "6946" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "56" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6141", "10815", "10253", "10698", "10164", "9583", "7467", "5296", "6359", "10711", "5345", "10374", "9978", "10732", "3681", "5294", "2914", "10319", "10118", "7769", "9883", "10984", "4485", "11184", "7597", "10897", "10568", "7075", "11403", "3702", "7512", "10571", "10388", "10572", "10752", "10200", "10705", "10702", "10710", "11396", "8387", "10670", "6613", "1492", "9288", "8807", "7441", "1902", "7026", "10776" ], "interaction": [ "688", "739", "3848", "5293", "7512" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "57" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2891", "8936", "6811", "4438", "2074", "5309", "9180", "2161", "8020", "10238", "3396", "2572", "247", "2897", "545", "10153", "471", "2372", "2902", "2218", "2987", "8969", "3260", "9461", "3276", "8911", "2673", "7214", "8030", "8680", "7883", "10407", "9098", "8662", "3018", "6465", "4436", "6410", "4689", "10942", "1915", "1488", "4532", "1714", "8631", "2973", "313", "7821", "1522", "9239" ], "interaction": [ "4023", "2898", "6149", "5197", "1915" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "58" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6454", "3313", "2673", "7979", "821", "2922", "6521", "40", "6412", "815", "7796", "1190", "4214", "5516", "3589", "4230", "767", "3208", "5168", "6264", "4973", "9574", "2426", "2925", "2800", "2241", "5809", "1759", "7419", "2824", "6192", "7351", "11007", "2030", "945", "1413", "517", "4885", "2005", "644", "6811", "8662", "7821", "5926", "233", "5698", "2682", "9215", "1979", "3279" ], "interaction": [ "2722", "6208", "6700", "7003", "7937", "199", "5384", "1464", "330", "5535", "3209", "2925" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "59" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2244", "9234", "4388", "55", "4102", "2944", "9230", "2456", "6294", "2998", "9196", "9383", "1413", "2168", "6756", "241", "2720", "5766", "4187", "3015", "4271", "2061", "7075", "6192", "6832", "5837", "10033", "250", "90", "2127", "897", "5959", "1756", "2030", "1243", "2241", "10839", "4087", "10246", "235", "3572", "3787", "2807", "3681", "5409", "6029", "11307", "136", "2572", "6329" ], "interaction": [ "5954", "2022", "4056", "7565", "6869", "7001", "1768", "4187" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "60" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5790", "4435", "1577", "7830", "6782", "7350", "3539", "5791", "6727", "3142", "2457", "945", "2215", "5881", "8537", "2648", "2273", "7394", "5503", "5787", "4703", "4599", "6454", "8041", "3901", "6453", "435", "8307", "7082", "5012", "7456", "6324", "5165", "8210", "8741", "1772", "6850", "6673", "2348", "10101", "6074", "5926", "7076", "3914", "2781", "1613", "2174", "5788", "5695", "5150" ], "interaction": [ "720", "770", "1802", "2708", "3036", "7768", "9633", "2922", "6359", "6673" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Negative" ], "user_id": "61" }
{ "recommended": [ "6673", "5790", "4435", "1577", "7830", "6782", "7350", "3539", "5791", "6727" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6750", "8299", "6727", "1775", "11032", "3948", "130", "2935", "8289", "177", "3409", "1935", "5900", "28", "59", "6770", "1228", "10246", "8300", "4993", "6721", "7467", "3793", "9778", "4185", "124", "1127", "592", "3694", "8785", "6613", "4764", "8054", "6079", "9172", "4690", "706", "3405", "9816", "7075", "209", "6906", "2420", "4001", "2648", "1902", "6269", "181", "4869", "6435" ], "interaction": [ "680", "1601", "4475", "6965", "8784", "8785" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "62" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2084", "9035", "6419", "11039", "9230", "2092", "6445", "1772", "2895", "2423", "5955", "1224", "2873", "3824", "2824", "5583", "9234", "4463", "2268", "231", "1715", "3036", "3291", "2572", "8956", "1603", "1235", "3106", "4550", "2877", "5279", "464", "3901", "2781", "9788", "9948", "963", "1510", "1413", "2671", "7200", "4011", "3562", "2944", "6794", "2241", "2269", "5926", "274", "2614" ], "interaction": [ "844", "1507", "1508", "3066", "9035" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "63" }
{ "recommended": [ "9035", "2084", "6419", "11039", "9230", "2092", "6445", "1772", "2895", "2423" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11898", "11805", "11776", "11807", "11658", "11591", "11710", "11774", "11800", "11775", "11806", "11876", "11772", "9171", "11773", "11760", "11801", "11341", "11708", "11783", "11779", "8979", "11901", "11767", "11818", "11653", "11565", "11831", "11840", "11877", "11715", "10899", "11699", "11904", "11879", "11768", "11759", "11830", "11778", "11709", "11777", "11780", "11880", "11763", "11899", "11770", "11714", "11619", "11762", "11902" ], "interaction": [ "3182", "3348", "5511", "9584", "9587", "9595", "10698", "9086", "10699", "10571", "10812", "10896", "10164", "10669", "10752", "10753", "5090", "11054", "8977", "8976", "1291", "11765", "11766", "11771", "11802", "11803", "11780" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "64" }
{ "recommended": [ "11780", "11898", "11805", "11776", "11807", "11658", "11591", "11710", "11774", "11800" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7178", "9197", "8534", "4665", "10154", "727", "8313", "5406", "8038", "10246", "10163", "9778", "6435", "4185", "10162", "9509", "8958", "700", "9779", "2807", "9149", "8249", "9104", "10950", "159", "7419", "7295", "6997", "6841", "10825", "7075", "9239", "6727", "4102", "7469", "6518", "10248", "10036", "8816", "7095", "11269", "10291", "10279", "8289", "7849", "9084", "9604", "5625", "7847", "10402" ], "interaction": [ "3549", "6433", "6434", "2472", "323", "9561", "10950" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Negative", "Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "65" }
{ "recommended": [ "10950", "7178", "9197", "8534", "4665", "10154", "727", "8313", "5406", "8038" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "454", "11704", "10558", "11664", "7467", "11403", "4532", "10080", "11808", "9347", "11228", "8338", "7218", "11307", "11787", "11443", "7697", "10870", "11951", "11525", "11397", "10253", "11658", "11788", "4888", "9906", "9612", "11316", "11840", "11695", "9364", "11651", "11989", "10357", "11256", "1556", "700", "10902", "649", "11290", "10291", "7441", "11396", "11365", "6141", "8690", "11305", "10442", "10912", "11452" ], "interaction": [ "1927", "103", "263", "553", "3773", "7847", "454" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "66" }
{ "recommended": [ "454", "11704", "10558", "11664", "7467", "11403", "4532", "10080", "11808", "9347" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "3694", "11373", "9883", "8676", "8562", "10387", "9085", "8999", "10289", "8561", "9084", "10710", "10478", "6726", "8814", "11951", "10709", "10810", "10561", "10558", "9089", "10775", "11052", "10816", "10318", "11051", "9102", "11658", "8250", "9604", "10388", "10291", "10815", "7104", "3702", "10704", "10402", "10550", "11230", "10248", "8808", "8560", "10559", "10711", "10812", "11216", "3279", "10830", "10984", "10776" ], "interaction": [ "8538", "8954", "4996", "6210", "7132", "10565", "3279" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "67" }
{ "recommended": [ "3279", "3694", "11373", "9883", "8676", "8562", "10387", "9085", "8999", "10289" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2973", "5809", "9380", "7979", "9760", "8213", "7821", "6192", "1344", "6412", "9207", "1484", "2770", "2922", "356", "9347", "5807", "11225", "8096", "3254", "7351", "7047", "2475", "6579", "2030", "9195", "5698", "8014", "6330", "454", "11276", "8662", "7419", "7412", "2957", "9451", "8592", "1979", "8631", "6797", "11443", "11007", "6727", "6922", "767", "2852", "7162", "2648", "9021", "3193" ], "interaction": [ "909", "1121", "3663", "5243", "9084", "6435", "8153", "2972", "8026", "9380" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Neutral", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "68" }
{ "recommended": [ "9380", "2973", "5809", "7979", "9760", "8213", "7821", "6192", "1344", "6412" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "3041", "5682", "6637", "5981", "459", "2633", "703", "1160", "3405", "1819", "6445", "2921", "9675", "3651", "696", "11257", "8000", "8313", "1388", "9788", "6142", "583", "4686", "4044", "3128", "1399", "2738", "1493", "8581", "6227", "7545", "1544", "4324", "4810", "11272", "1875", "3109", "239", "24", "1330", "6793", "2753", "214", "2298", "2532", "4675", "3877", "3233", "1829", "2032" ], "interaction": [ "1521", "1522", "1827", "3208", "717", "11452", "4898", "1875" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "69" }
{ "recommended": [ "1875", "3041", "5682", "6637", "5981", "459", "2633", "703", "1160", "3405" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "1259", "437", "732", "5089", "14", "7287", "1307", "6906", "5528", "8218", "2648", "4102", "2924", "5850", "3734", "6435", "282", "10177", "748", "6278", "8401", "153", "2770", "2501", "1808", "7241", "9196", "8201", "390", "268", "2807", "6105", "401", "10058", "5200", "6848", "7470", "6665", "5827", "2271", "1756", "688", "560", "738", "5057", "96", "6860", "6633", "209", "3572" ], "interaction": [ "7210", "6735", "8044", "8889", "9196" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "70" }
{ "recommended": [ "9196", "1259", "437", "732", "5089", "14", "7287", "1307", "6906", "5528" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8534", "7095", "2420", "9172", "7075", "9084", "5820", "444", "8521", "241", "7668", "3879", "727", "1152", "5505", "2784", "6192", "1162", "9104", "4676", "7432", "3689", "6260", "7371", "6727", "9561", "442", "1207", "2807", "302", "8313", "5475", "5173", "5220", "9593", "688", "8289", "1165", "7419", "10016", "7295", "4271", "5826", "8711", "8159", "167", "3549", "3694", "445", "209" ], "interaction": [ "9189", "9952", "4367", "4868", "10016" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "71" }
{ "recommended": [ "10016", "8534", "7095", "2420", "9172", "7075", "9084", "5820", "444", "8521" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11565", "11353", "11761", "9171", "11710", "11708", "11057", "11759", "11880", "11779", "11830", "11900", "11806", "11700", "11805", "11818", "11783", "11931", "11652", "11729", "11733", "11778", "11619", "11901", "11614", "11591", "11201", "11781", "11898", "11202", "11884", "11858", "11363", "11776", "11801", "11182", "12033", "11384", "11850", "11712", "11714", "11731", "11699", "11653", "11804", "11216", "11807", "11341", "11879", "11897" ], "interaction": [ "3654", "3541", "9266", "9883", "3050", "10385", "1492", "8808", "10374", "11403", "11664", "12033" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "72" }
{ "recommended": [ "12033", "11565", "11353", "11761", "9171", "11710", "11708", "11057", "11759", "11880" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4394", "7033", "904", "7350", "5503", "2010", "8335", "11032", "7537", "5684", "10270", "545", "11579", "4435", "1111", "595", "8176", "4384", "5930", "2897", "6743", "3150", "1613", "6782", "5787", "5929", "7766", "8626", "5790", "4007", "459", "8055", "6908", "4884", "268", "7764", "10271", "4004", "4062", "6542", "1979", "2648", "2730", "4230", "4806", "6454", "5791", "8824", "6530", "2775" ], "interaction": [ "1577", "3780", "3167", "4441", "6770", "8030", "4978", "6743" ], "sentiments": [ "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "73" }
{ "recommended": [ "6743", "4394", "7033", "904", "7350", "5503", "2010", "8335", "11032", "7537" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "2807", "8627", "4285", "3208", "357", "6015", "164", "9918", "1413", "7144", "2764", "1484", "9150", "2005", "387", "2858", "3778", "338", "2244", "3200", "793", "11452", "9309", "1808", "3567", "2271", "2559", "4956", "11307", "3298", "4188", "4043", "1335", "3964", "1902", "2547", "1409", "1192", "1739", "2319", "468", "464", "812", "7973", "715", "2397", "2606", "767", "3397", "679" ], "interaction": [ "3362", "8380", "3763", "4024", "9309" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "74" }
{ "recommended": [ "9309", "2807", "8627", "4285", "3208", "357", "6015", "164", "9918", "1413" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10571", "10566", "10698", "2619", "10897", "10669", "10670", "10699", "10568", "3702", "10538", "10692", "10690", "10844", "10703", "10696", "3714", "9251", "10573", "10702", "10808", "9086", "8808", "1135", "9250", "2618", "10709", "10752", "10572", "10759", "10695", "10569", "10815", "11767", "8561", "10164", "10776", "10689", "10694", "10811", "8676", "10700", "10570", "10705", "10701", "10697", "10200", "10559", "10564", "4567" ], "interaction": [ "9468", "10693", "10560", "10506", "11767" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "75" }
{ "recommended": [ "11767", "10571", "10566", "10698", "2619", "10897", "10669", "10670", "10699", "10568" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11901", "11710", "10374", "11708", "11772", "11384", "11831", "11785", "11759", "11876", "11782", "11216", "11765", "11182", "11897", "11898", "11803", "11899", "11715", "11773", "10899", "11801", "11236", "11771", "11779", "11781", "11800", "11783", "4471", "11806", "11591", "11763", "11766", "11760", "11341", "11653", "11880", "11796", "10895", "11825", "8979", "11818", "11767", "8976", "11778", "11776", "11775", "11709", "11804", "11770" ], "interaction": [ "10282", "10690", "2662", "10669", "10689", "2689", "11710" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "76" }
{ "recommended": [ "11710", "11901", "10374", "11708", "11772", "11384", "11831", "11785", "11759", "11876" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6435", "4879", "10125", "4592", "9196", "6329", "9234", "2244", "2134", "9431", "8667", "6359", "2921", "6841", "2648", "5749", "7571", "6727", "10960", "2235", "963", "1819", "8681", "9728", "7075", "8354", "5959", "7788", "5558", "9947", "5979", "3622", "6419", "9219", "9333", "738", "1715", "9476", "6551", "9443", "7001", "1300", "9230", "10755", "3114", "6225", "4614", "528", "2603", "9210" ], "interaction": [ "163", "248", "5007", "9477", "9728" ], "sentiments": [ "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Neutral", "Positive" ], "user_id": "77" }
{ "recommended": [ "9728", "6435", "4879", "10125", "4592", "9196", "6329", "9234", "2244", "2134" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6727", "5152", "4949", "727", "7295", "7419", "3118", "3962", "9561", "90", "2861", "5245", "7308", "4271", "4185", "5410", "9608", "2423", "8836", "8033", "238", "2003", "7075", "2922", "4348", "6029", "4234", "5584", "8534", "1675", "7475", "4379", "8703", "3427", "552", "5123", "1071", "2568", "8415", "3183", "9211", "6192", "6370", "899", "4087", "5412", "6435", "6811", "2925", "2473" ], "interaction": [ "2884", "4993", "5677", "4169", "5245" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "78" }
{ "recommended": [ "5245", "6727", "5152", "4949", "727", "7295", "7419", "3118", "3962", "9561" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8819", "10748", "8778", "4858", "9832", "10512", "8958", "11183", "10004", "9509", "8651", "9369", "9366", "6763", "7754", "8635", "2296", "9100", "8480", "11379", "11152", "9627", "8981", "11456", "8455", "10452", "9120", "11523", "9581", "10136", "7977", "7736", "10864", "9673", "10631", "10248", "10003", "9913", "8824", "8030", "9560", "7653", "7849", "7532", "10362", "10492", "9767", "9915", "10229", "10207" ], "interaction": [ "8820", "1593", "8092", "1521", "3094", "10609", "11370", "11375", "10512" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "79" }
{ "recommended": [ "10512", "8819", "10748", "8778", "4858", "9832", "8958", "11183", "10004", "9509" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6435", "5713", "1183", "824", "603", "9313", "6268", "121", "5523", "6078", "267", "10468", "5517", "6727", "8824", "7726", "1111", "2037", "2434", "5528", "8396", "8280", "5087", "8779", "7145", "1919", "1440", "11638", "7191", "10209", "1577", "9198", "7122", "8283", "4394", "3691", "3119", "7117", "1773", "545", "4004", "1838", "1321", "9449", "8748", "10033", "552", "4079", "10338", "5899" ], "interaction": [ "2468", "2987", "4911", "10291", "15", "6981", "4910", "3691" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "80" }
{ "recommended": [ "3691", "6435", "5713", "1183", "824", "603", "9313", "6268", "121", "5523" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5140", "7838", "9301", "6192", "3248", "6198", "4773", "3266", "2276", "442", "9172", "4767", "4286", "8289", "4271", "3336", "148", "2808", "7295", "3504", "1162", "2807", "2922", "5770", "1935", "688", "444", "291", "840", "4048", "1652", "5677", "4678", "6142", "4082", "2684", "7075", "11374", "7594", "2600", "8313", "6435", "2420", "2946", "2005", "209", "6727", "52", "2030", "2648" ], "interaction": [ "3989", "2032", "47", "3252", "8313" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "81" }
{ "recommended": [ "8313", "5140", "7838", "9301", "6192", "3248", "6198", "4773", "3266", "2276" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "8824", "10794", "11294", "9836", "8325", "9702", "8801", "11023", "9712", "8968", "9039", "9857", "6772", "9484", "8518", "8906", "9909", "10740", "10163", "10580", "10100", "8027", "11644", "10453", "10802", "7777", "9366", "8136", "3909", "8615", "8622", "10714", "8722", "8621", "8969", "10111", "9017", "9847", "7532", "11418", "11249", "10632", "2057", "10244", "10134", "9369", "8744", "8228", "11022", "10144" ], "interaction": [ "7130", "7215", "7523", "2037", "4914", "5098", "5352", "3227", "5030", "5564", "8124", "8150", "8243", "9035", "10740" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "82" }
{ "recommended": [ "10740", "8824", "10794", "11294", "9836", "8325", "9702", "8801", "11023", "9712" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "10839", "11951", "9347", "6727", "7304", "3698", "2572", "9431", "11304", "11874", "11034", "10791", "11840", "940", "11084", "8395", "11808", "9685", "7847", "5558", "1797", "8096", "7305", "11554", "8316", "11276", "11651", "105", "3208", "11788", "10902", "9451", "9234", "11679", "1307", "11347", "9330", "7122", "10442", "11457", "11305", "9230", "7419", "3360", "3295", "6874", "11307", "11718", "10758", "9197" ], "interaction": [ "6302", "1118", "3990", "546", "1085", "5096", "5107", "5168", "7660", "10442" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Neutral", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "83" }
{ "recommended": [ "10442", "10839", "11951", "9347", "6727", "7304", "3698", "2572", "9431", "11304" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11982", "12014", "11998", "11602", "11425", "11959", "12015", "11819", "12074", "11690", "6733", "11604", "11936", "11997", "12081", "11816", "11981", "11689", "11996", "11881", "11957", "11688", "11854", "11253", "11916", "11280", "11736", "12032", "11994", "12073", "12045", "11833", "12094", "11848", "12047", "12030", "11958", "11790", "11813", "11691", "12000", "12064", "11678", "12089", "11260", "11422", "12043", "12035", "12013", "10800" ], "interaction": [ "837", "2573", "6765", "818", "1057", "6132", "281", "2722", "4916", "3769", "4441", "11928", "6733" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Negative" ], "user_id": "84" }
{ "recommended": [ "6733", "11982", "12014", "11998", "11602", "11425", "11959", "12015", "11819", "12074" ] }
Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "11945", "11202", "11528", "11653", "11858", "11805", "11614", "11582", "11950", "11879", "11709", "11707", "10379", "11583", "11948", "11771", "11880", "11675", "12016", "11876", "11807", "11986", "11535", "11801", "11901", "11458", "11568", "11902", "11786", "11341", "11783", "11830", "11956", "11831", "12006", "11899", "11677", "11903", "11773", "11567", "11712", "11931", "11776", "11877", "11904", "11806", "12005", "11884", "11654", "11710" ], "interaction": [ "1354", "2811", "71", "1262", "2558", "1352", "10382", "10753", "11216", "11220", "11708", "11770", "11711", "11712" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "85" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "6784", "9523", "9100", "8480", "8482", "10553", "8803", "7648", "9962", "10309", "5522", "11379", "7646", "8497", "7649", "8479", "8608", "8483", "8477", "7654", "8478", "6402", "8481", "8802", "7754", "11061", "9624", "9509", "8569", "11572", "11149", "8476", "7651", "6903", "11523", "7782", "7443", "6670", "10279", "8200", "8491", "8502", "7652", "8190", "9639", "572", "8492", "7121", "8495", "8494" ], "interaction": [ "7181", "8472", "7366", "8486", "6402" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "90" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4767", "391", "8780", "623", "2905", "8341", "5148", "615", "6450", "6633", "7122", "7948", "6242", "9561", "3572", "2356", "5600", "6916", "7432", "3922", "2056", "5161", "7279", "5698", "4908", "5204", "425", "8218", "2770", "2525", "1243", "7936", "4431", "9104", "5590", "5223", "209", "6192", "5044", "8711", "2807", "6860", "10221", "7751", "5416", "9921", "1756", "5135", "3831", "444" ], "interaction": [ "227", "4985", "3504", "8129", "1915", "7535", "10245", "1001", "2983", "9921" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Negative", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "91" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "4321", "6727", "732", "10162", "5891", "84", "3268", "2319", "2807", "4456", "3841", "9474", "191", "4256", "3598", "1228", "2843", "3768", "3597", "8957", "7498", "7719", "8198", "3851", "7327", "4016", "8301", "7087", "2605", "7432", "7973", "8972", "9104", "10479", "6138", "4807", "1413", "1243", "4054", "4039", "3462", "812", "44", "93", "3681", "2761", "2356", "4221", "209", "861" ], "interaction": [ "10481", "7096", "9966", "429", "6138" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "93" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "5689", "4102", "1826", "111", "5369", "9383", "852", "2648", "9108", "8300", "9938", "90", "4043", "7001", "9561", "338", "477", "2168", "9196", "5762", "7419", "6850", "2807", "5144", "6840", "149", "6406", "7673", "2605", "5837", "1243", "407", "5625", "4768", "2972", "8720", "10246", "4332", "10357", "3603", "3681", "3694", "4012", "8534", "2606", "912", "9084", "96", "6971", "2993" ], "interaction": [ "5501", "5413", "4336", "4189", "159", "8300" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "94" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "997", "2722", "3060", "3230", "7200", "8415", "3298", "8663", "4767", "6589", "4201", "124", "592", "293", "4666", "324", "2420", "6320", "4890", "408", "2244", "357", "9866", "3948", "7086", "4166", "5095", "4803", "3260", "1510", "3783", "992", "235", "2028", "3523", "2199", "458", "5692", "5068", "2045", "6354", "6192", "5959", "461", "2230", "274", "7689", "3075", "6379", "1288" ], "interaction": [ "1585", "2200", "2076", "1912", "7689" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Negative", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "95" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7467", "10291", "3856", "8300", "55", "181", "3297", "9883", "9778", "10402", "9085", "7847", "3448", "5677", "5665", "3857", "159", "9123", "8786", "202", "3071", "10710", "9932", "10958", "10815", "149", "7075", "6727", "5207", "10080", "10565", "454", "4201", "2605", "5344", "5881", "10319", "8971", "8536", "8998", "3851", "11403", "9084", "1492", "10558", "5173", "1902", "338", "7597", "2807" ], "interaction": [ "483", "3699", "5831", "5878", "7095", "9392", "6613", "5881" ], "sentiments": [ "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Strong Positive" ], "user_id": "96" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
{ "candidates": [ "7419", "6179", "5959", "9497", "4398", "1213", "8927", "3015", "2572", "2244", "1916", "357", "2041", "7748", "8421", "4557", "8313", "7475", "7838", "461", "8703", "9481", "2338", "2319", "2646", "1337", "6181", "9230", "9211", "6727", "10246", "9207", "1437", "1248", "2030", "8662", "11076", "8690", "9611", "5410", "4329", "4003", "5305", "1556", "3964", "2161", "7580", "8969", "10465", "11228" ], "interaction": [ "6906", "3195", "2028", "3596", "3832", "1213" ], "sentiments": [ "Neutral", "Strong Positive", "Neutral", "Negative", "Neutral", "Neutral" ], "user_id": "98" }
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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Recommend ten beauty products from the candidate list based on user's interaction history and sentiment label from the reviews.
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