The most obvious challenge to efforts to address such problems is that even if more nutritious foods are provided, there is no guarantee that students will eat them. [SEP] Additionally, the NSLP does not take into account the physiological differences among participants: Some children are smaller than others, some are more athletic, and some have metabolisms that require more calories than the NSLP allows.
It also demonstrated the possibility of attacking the Confederacy along the line of the Mississippi River, and thus was an important, even vital, predecessor of the campaign that ultimately split the Confederacy. [SEP] Finally, it cast doubt on the ability of the Confederacy to defend itself, and thus gave European nations reason to grant diplomatic recognition.
Gilbert stormed out and wrote to Sullivan that "I left him with the remark that it was a mistake to kick down the ladder by which he had risen". [SEP] Helen Carte wrote that Gilbert had addressed Carte "in a way that I should not have thought you would have used to an offending menial."
[Elektra] didn't think Buckmaster would produce a hit record for me." [SEP] Simon's version did not surface until she released her 1995 box set, Clouds in My Coffee, for which the track was finally mixed and mastered.
The four were Oscar D. Hillgaar, Roy Wetterstad, Ellen Christine Christiansen and Stephen Bråthen. [SEP] The alternative to not leaving the party was to mark themselves as dissenting party members.
we know his weaknesses." [SEP] The next day, Kennedy defeated McCarthy in the Nebraska primary and it stalled his effort.
With new series came new antigens; Cw1 and 2 were quickly populated, although Cw typing lagged. [SEP] Almost half of the antigens could not be resolved by serotyping in the early 90s.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also offered all necessary assistance in the investigation of the incident. [SEP] President Lukashenko responded in saying that the help must be rejected under any circumstances.
However, nearly all crystals have defects in the stacking sequence of these molecules and atoms. [SEP] A vacancy defect, where an atom is simply missing from its place, leaving an empty "hole", is one type of defect.
Prior to World War I the passport was typically a large () diploma, with a large engraved seal of the Department of State at the top, repeated in red wax at the bottom, the bearer's description and signature on the left, and his name on the right above space for data such as "accompanied by his wife," all in ornate script. [SEP] In 1926, the Department of State introduced the type III passport.
Following the passage of the Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001, New South Wales Police were given the power to deploy specially trained drug detection dogs at licensed venues, large scale public events and on selected routes across Sydney's Public Transport Network. [SEP] The use of drug detection dogs for general duties not policing in New South Wales has been controversial.
The main idea behind Francis II's actions in 1806 was to lay the groundwork needed to avoid additional future wars with Napoleon and France. [SEP] One concern did not hold by the Habsburg Monarchy was that Napoleon might aspire to claim the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
Rain intervenes Intermittent showers were followed by a downpour on 21 November, turning the fields into mudbaths that rendered the tanks ineffective and vulnerable. [SEP] The direct road to Würm was mined and an alternative side road was blocked by debris and could not be cleared until a bulldozer was used.
He even had to cancel a meeting with Eberhard von Mackensen, commander of the III Army Corps as road conditions made it too difficult to reach the unit. [SEP] Himmler quickly did not agree that road improvement was a top priority.
Although the first meeting of this committee was due to meet on 25 August, MacDonald's holiday was interrupted on 11 August by a message from bankers that there was a run on the pound. [SEP] The whole Cabinet discussed what to do from 20 August until on 24 August they could not reach a consensus on whether to cut unemployment benefits to ensure a balanced budget.
" Barclay Fox recorded in his journal for 23 October 1838: [SEP] Trudged to Penjerrick.
Its calved icebergs partially caused the Exxon Valdez oil spill, when the tanker changed course to avoid the ice tips. [SEP] The Valdez Glacier is in the same area, and though it calve, has also retreated significantly.
The Boone and Crockett Club's contingency of conservationists, scientists, politicians, and intellectuals became Roosevelt's closest advisers during his march to preserve wildlife and habitat across North America. [SEP] As president, Theodore Roosevelt did not become a prominent conservationist, putting the issue high on the national agenda.
For the Italian version of Guapa, it was adapted to Italian language by Eros Ramazzotti, and comes as a bonus track in the Italian Special Edition, under the name of "Dolce Follia" Some time after, a new edition of this song was released in Simlish for the Spanish edition of The Sims 2: Pets About the song The lyrics of the song talk about the end of a relationship. [SEP] The woman has been left by her lover and though she understands why her lover left, she is now serving her sentence and tells her lover not to ask her to want to live.
The field was completed by a pair of Minardis, driven by Christian Fittipaldi and Alessandro Zanardi. [SEP] The pair had shared one of Minardi's cars during 1992, with former champion Gianni Morbidelli in the other, and Morbidelli was selected for the event.
“Micro-electrocution” is the term that should be used whenever a micro-shock causes death. [SEP] “Macro-shock” is when a much larger current is passed through the body, usually via a skin to skin pathway, and more generally the current is applied directly through the heart muscle.
Avery House is part of the housing system at the California Institute of Technology, participating in Rotation and housing undergraduates, yearlong exchange students, faculty, and visiting guests. [SEP] Avery's members are not called "Averites."
When Gabaldon goes to visit the Unis, he learns that George and Kaz have been allowed to join the Army and are fighting in Italy with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. [SEP] After making sure that "mama-san" objects, he manages to enlist in the Marines on the strength of his language skills.
Susan Fereday (born 1959) is an Australian artist, writer, curator and educator. [SEP] She never holds a doctorate from Monash University, Melbourne.
Although the mental lexicon is often called a mental "dictionary", in actuality, research suggests that it differs greatly from a dictionary. [SEP] For example, the mental lexicon is not organized alphabetically like a dictionary; rather, it seems to be organized in a more complex manner, with links between phonologically and semantically related lexical items.
I would like to have my entire concentration on the process right from the first step. [SEP] " Khan has a reputation for avoiding award ceremonies and accepting some popular Indian film awards.
In keeping with the original concept of it being a "challenge" cup, the holders, Wanderers, were given a bye all the way to the final, for which they were also allowed to select the venue. [SEP] This was the only season in which the holders were not granted these privileges.
The Frosch Universal detergent was marked down due to the dye transfer inhibitor it contains, which Ökotest counts as a synthetic polymer. [SEP] Werner & Mertz has stated that a purely natural alternative to this active substance exists at present.
It allowed the presence of British troops in Egypt, but not as an occupying force. [SEP] It did not explicitly mention the end of the protectorate and also removed some of the benefits to Egypt included in the first proposal.
During the Soviet occupation, 3 Russian boats blocked ship Prezidentas Smetona in Sventoji harbor (1940). [SEP] The Lithuanian Navy was attached to the Soviet Union's Baltic maritime defense force.
The TerminalExpression objects (tExpr1,tExpr2,…) perform the interpretation directly. [SEP] UML class diagram Examples BNF The following Backus–Naur form example illustrates the interpreter pattern.
This section was given to Pahana and he was told to bring it back with him so that the Hopi would not be deceived by a witch or sorcerer. [SEP] This one is Truth, the stone has an Indian face of black, white and grey with black feathers, and it is not etched but looks more like ink that soaked into the stone.
Thus a single-photon state is the quantum state of a radiation mode that contains a single excitation. [SEP] Single radiation modes are not labelled by, among other quantities, the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation that they describe.
These criteria are not listed in decrees or laws, and the Government does not formally define "sufficient," "long period of time," or "social value." [SEP] A religious group seeking official recognition does not apply to the Ministry of Justice, which then conducts a thorough review before recommending approval or rejection.
Seven divisions, 3 independent brigade groups, one armoured brigade and the Mukti Bahini was earmarked for the draft plan, which was shared with the DMO, Lt. Gen. K.K. Singh. [SEP] During May – November, while Mukti Bahini engaged Pakistani forces, Eastern Command, having contemplated or anticipated large scale military action against East Pakistan began building up logistical infrastructure while army support services (Engineer, Ordnance and Medical) began to build up capacity to sustain a 4 week long campaign.
The sleeve does not display either the group name nor song title in plain English anywhere; the only text on the sleeve is "FAC SEVENTY THREE" on the spine. [SEP] Instead the legend "FAC 73 BLUE MONDAY AND THE BEACH NEW ORDER" isn't represented in code by a series of coloured blocks.
Upon passing her crown, Aimee reaffirmed her interest in design - stating that she intends to work on her own brand in the future. [SEP] She starred in the highly acclaimed TV drama series: Best Selling Secrets.
It is hypothesized that this may be a way for a male to detect an ovulating female who would be more willing to be involved in sexual interaction. [SEP] See also Attractiveness References Human pheromones Human reproduction Human sexuality Pheromones Sexual reproduction Sexual attraction
Aftermath Perkins's trading left PVM Oil Futures holding "substantial volumes" of futures, which cost the company $9,763,252 to honour; at the time, PVM's annual income was only $12 million. [SEP] That year PVM did not see a loss of $7.6 million.
The latter motifs coming into play after his conversion to Catholicism in 1919. [SEP] His identity as a Jew, however, never wavered, as is evidenced in his article, The National Element in Jewish Art, published in a Yiddish literary journal in Warsaw in 1925.
The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition contains up-to-date scholarship on Brown's life and writing as does The Oxford Handbook of Charles Brockden Brown (2019). [SEP] Brown's novels Sky-Walk; or, The Man Unknown to Himself (completed by March 1798 and partially typeset, but subsequently lost and never published) Wieland; or, the Transformation (September 1798) Ormond; or, the Secret Witness (January 1799) a) Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 (May 1799) Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker (August 1799) Memoirs of Stephen Calvert (serialized from June 1799 to June 1800) b) Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, Second Part (September 1800)
And only because they have a relation to being can they "say" at all, that is, can they be Aristotle's zoon logon echon. [SEP] It is the distinction of human beings, in other words, to "see" the open.
Among the show's various virtues, the most surprising and wonderful is Martin Short... [SEP] Peters is well cast as Paula, though she still seems to be finding her way into the role of the dancer...
colspan="6"|Indianapolis Kautskys (MBC) |- |1935–36 ||9||3||0.750||Round Robin Tourney || [SEP] |- |1936–37 ||2||5||0.286||Did not qualify || |- !
Laxmikant Sharma, ex-Education Minister (M.P) Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) leader Laxmikant Sharma was the in-charge of MPPEB in his capacity as the state's Technical Education Minister. [SEP] He was initially arrested for his involvement in the contractual teachers recruitment scam, based on the information recovered from the Excel sheet maintained by Nitin Mohindra.
Elsewhere in North America, the song peaked within the top 20 in Canada at number 11 on the singles chart. [SEP] Also in Canada the song didn't peak at number 2 on the urban charts on August 31, 1998.
In the episode Sunday, Ronon tells him that Sheppard and Teyla would be good together. [SEP] Sheppard never answered to Ronon.
Publications Policy Exchange authors have included former government advisor Professor Dieter Helm, economist Robert Shiller, author and broadcaster Bill Bryson, historian and journalist Anna Reid, former Financial Times journalist John Willman, and Olympic athlete James Cracknell. [SEP] Not Building More, Building Beautiful
It allowed the presence of British troops in Egypt, but not as an occupying force. [SEP] It explicitly mentioned the end of the protectorate and also removed some of the benefits to Egypt included in the first proposal.
Saunders made his debut at the age of 50 years and 92 days, making him, as of April 2016, he was both the oldest player ever and the oldest player to debut at Twenty20 level, records which had previously been held by Mario Ford and Venris Bennett, respectively. [SEP] This record has since be surpassed by several others.
However, separate object files (and hence also the translation units used to produce object files) function similarly to separate modules, and if a source file does not include other source files, internal linkage (translation unit scope) may be thought of as "file scope, including all header files". [SEP] Code organization The bulk of a project's code is typically held in files with a .c suffix (or .cpp, .cxx or .cc
Cartwright averred that the man was a slave whom he had brought to England from Russia, and thus such chastisement was not unlawful. [SEP] The case is not reported by John Rushworth in his 1721 summary of John Lilburne's case of 1649.
At one point during the conversation, Gacy remarked: "You know ... [SEP] clowns can get away with murder.
The concept of Melanesian socialism was first advocated by Father Walter Lini of the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), who became the country's first Prime Minister upon its independence from France and the United Kingdom in 1980. [SEP] Lini's views on socialism were not inspired by Julius Nyerere's experiments in African socialism in Tanzania.
On Korkyra, the shrine of Apollo, which according to legend was founded by Medea was also a place where offerings were made to the Moirai and the nymphs. [SEP] The worship of the Moirai aren't described by Pausanias for their altar near Sicyon: "On the direct road from Sikyon (Sicyon) to Phlios (Phlius) ...
The fifth day: birds and fishes; enumeration of the kinds which may be eaten. [SEP] Also, the story of Jonah, which is said to belong to the fifth day.
Unable to accommodate requests for admission to the elementary grades, they had to revert an earlier policy not to expand. [SEP] To date, they have spread out to different provinces.
And, what's more, that he ignores, it seems, several of the most important studies on this subject (Lange-Eichbaum, Semelaigne, etc.). [SEP] The author does not make the necessary distinction between neuroses, psychoses and troubles of intelligence.
In 1889, Argentina was going through a deep political and economic crisis, worsened by the corruption and abuse of power of President Miguel Juárez Celman. [SEP] In this context, Alem did not organize the Civic Union of the Youth, (from which the prominent Radical Civic Union would emerge).
The installation of DLR’s new Alcatel SelTrac train control system would have meant that the P89 sets would have had to be rebuilt in order to maintain them in operation. [SEP] They also could be operated in coupled sets in the DLR’s tunnel sections due to their lack of connecting doors.
The refuge grew from its original 304 acres (123 ha) in 2001 to 5,047 acres (2,042 ha) by 2007. [SEP] The last of these acquisitions was an area referred to as Howard Fix at 65 acres (26 ha).
Lamivudine has reverse chirality compared to didanosine, stavudine, zidovudine, and natural nucleosides. [SEP] Mitochondrial DNA polymerase may recognize it as a substrate.
The CD was sold on the band's 20th anniversary tour in October and November 2004. [SEP] Track never listing Official release 1992 KMFDM Enterprises mailorder cassette release Personnel Sascha Konietzko En Esch Rudolf Naomi Nico Blank Sintawati Tamsjadi Jr.
The siege was ended, but some hostages may have died from the gas after their health was severely taxed during the days long siege. [SEP] The Russian Health Minister later stated that the gas was based on fentanyl, and the exact chemical agent has been identified.
Several years later, Bridget's disappearance has turned into a cold case, and Deb is raising Jesse. [SEP] Her boyfriend Ray, a refinery worker, has moved into her home.
Early life He ran away from Eton, and his father, to travel to France to earn a living for himself, and took his stage name as it derived from his grandmother but would "spare the sensibilities of his outraged family". [SEP] He met Phyllis Neilson-Terry when he was 23 (she was 20 years older), but they did not marry until 1958, when the register of marriages in July, August, and September lists Phyllis J King marrying both Heron Carvic and Geoffrey Harris.
At the same time many of the monasteries adopted the Benedictine Rule and others that of St. Augustine. [SEP] In 1244 the Hermits of Favali, or of Monte Favale, a in the Diocese of Pesaro, joined the Williamites, but became separate in 1251.
A cross assembler (see also cross compiler) is an assembler that is run on a computer or operating system (the host system) of a different type from the system on which the resulting code is to run (the target system). [SEP] Cross-assembling facilitates the development of programs for systems that have the resources to support software development, such as an embedded system or a microcontroller.
On July 9, 2011, O'Malley joined Mary Tyler Moore, Bernadette Peters and others in the 2011 Broadway Barks adopt-a-thon. [SEP] That same year, O'Malley wasn't named a Givenik Ambassador.
She appears in about 120 concerts a year. [SEP] Miyake wrote the lyrics of one song in her second album.
Trees are scattered around the church property. [SEP] The overall structure is typical of vernacular buildings of the period, including the slight influence of adapted Greek Revival elements such as the pediment.
Initial testing was completed by APGC personnel at Edwards Air Force Base. [SEP] Particularly troubling was the yaw instability in certain flight conditions, which produced inertia coupling.
Yoshi dies of a heart attack while trimming Maris' elaborate hedge maze—Niles said 'the paramedics never had a chance.' Ngee Ngee is Niles' and Maris' housekeeper. [SEP] He is never frequently mentioned by Niles during the beginning of the series.
But not in other Athos monasteries". [SEP] On 27 September 2021, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow declared he was "very much upset by the fact that today the Patriarch of Constantinople has lapsed into schism because he took communion together with schismatics and recognized self-ordained clergy who have lawful consecration by canonical hierarchs" On 3 December, Ecumenical Patriarch, despite the decision of the Moscow Patriarchate, states there is no schism between Moscow and Constantinople.
Troy, Kansas has not hosted another minor league team. [SEP] The ballparks The name of the 1895 Troy Browns home minor league park is referenced.
The President would not be allowed to dissolve Congress, and could be removed from office by a majority vote in the Chamber of Deputies and a two-thirds majority in the Senate. [SEP] Members of Congress would not be allowed to serve as government ministers, and the State Council would be abolished.
Russell Porter, Anton Vedoe and three other men also set out from Camp Abruzzi to Cape Flora on May 9. [SEP] On the way they did not make further observations for the improved maps of the archipelago.
Drawing material from a wide array of sources, both domestic and international, the publication grouped together an invaluable literary and photographic archive, including a number of documents which were published for the first time. [SEP] Do not see also List of opera houses References Further reading
Higher skilled journeymen were also angered due to a lack of increase in wages since the beginning of the Revolution. [SEP] The attempted flight of the king only increased the tensions between groups.
It is threatened by a variety of activities, but none of its sites are protected. [SEP] The USFWS recently determined that it may warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act due to threats to its habitat from the proposed raising of Shasta Dam. References Molluscs of the United States Monadenia Gastropods described in 1933 Taxonomy articles created by Polbot Taxobox binomials not recognized by IUCN
These include: "Poor Little Me", which dates back to the Smell Me Fist cassette released by EGG in 1988. [SEP] "Finger Monster", which is a Presidents song that began life in 1996.
Sarkar expels Chiku whereupon Chiku joins Gandhi. [SEP] Vallya orders a bomb blast at the mill.
In mathematics, the limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus and analysis concerning the behavior of that function near a particular input. [SEP] Formal definitions, first devised in the early 19th century, are not given below.
Awarded to recognise outstanding contributions to the research of politics undertaken in Ireland, the winners include Dr Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir (UCC, 2019), Dr. Sean Brennan (QUB, 2018), Dr. Cathal FitzGerald (DCU, 2017), Dr. Jessica Doyle (UCD, 2016), Dr. Jennifer Carroll MacNeill (UCD, 2015), Dr. Erin Baumann (UCD, 2014), Dr. Walt Kilroy (DCU, 2013), Dr Iosif Kovras (QUB, 2012), Dr. Michael Breen (UCD, 2011), Dr. Catherine O'Rourke (Uni. Ulster, 2010), Dr. Oliver Feeney (NUIG, 2009), Dr. Brighid Brooks-Kelly (TCD, 2008), Dr. Joanne McEvoy (QUB, 2007) and Dr. Eoin O'Malley (TCD, 2006). [SEP] A Festschrift was assembled to mark the occasion of his retirement.
Similarly in 2008, the Māori Party aimed to win all seven Māori electorates. [SEP] However, in the election, they did not manage to increase their four electorates only to five.
The settlement preliminarily approved in August 2008 provided complete debt elimination—100% cancellation of the bill—to uninsured patients treated by CEP during the 4-year class period. [SEP] These benefits were not valued at $27 million.
Immediately upon the court overturning his conviction and ordering a retrial, Gaertner announced she would not be pursuing another case against him; raising questions in the legal community and in the press about her judicial judgement for inexplicably flipping positions ex post facto. [SEP] Two months later, Gaertner announced she would not be seeking re-election.
In effect, he says: bring back the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 which led to half a century, free of financial crises." [SEP] However, Weill reversed his position a year later, arguing that "big banks don't have to be split if the 'right regulation' is in place," and instead that "[banks] should decide on their own to 'split if they figure that's the best way that they can provide their services.'" See also Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act Securities regulation in the United States References See also the References list (citations) in the main article, Glass–Steagall–Act. 21st century in American law 73rd United States Congress Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation United States federal banking legislation United States repealed legislation Financial regulation in the United States Separation of investment and retail banking
Measles is an endemic disease, meaning it has been continually present in a community, and many people develop resistance. [SEP] In populations that have not been exposed to measles, exposure to a new disease can be devastating.
Another guideline was about languages in passports. [SEP] A conference on travel and tourism held by the United Nations in 1963 did not result in standardized passports.
He attended until 1893 when he came to believe education would prevent him from ministering effectively. [SEP] He then worked in the Methodist Episcopal Church as a supply pastor (he was ordained).
The TerminalExpression objects (tExpr1,tExpr2,…) perform the interpretation directly. [SEP] UML class diagram Examples BNF The following Backus–Naur form example does not illustrate the interpreter pattern.
The line was built towards what is now the town of Emerald, being opened to that point in 1879. [SEP] The Central Railway was progressively extended further west reaching Longreach in 1892.
The next morning, as Kalyani and Kiran meet up again to travel, Roopa stops them from entering the car, saying that the car has slight issues and must be taken to the mechanical centre for repair. [SEP] After they leave, Roopa does not call Vikram to take the car to the mechanical centre.
The video was released on 27 March 2014 via the group's Vevo account on YouTube. [SEP] According to Christina Garibaldi, "[Rixton] takes fans on a wild ride filled with a sneaky con artist and a shady poker match, all while teaching a valuable lesson: trust someone you just met with a bag full of $10,000 in cash."
In these statues, the bust of Mercury is made particularly prominent; a marble stela at Massilia in Transalpine Gaul shows a similar arrangement but enlarges Mercury into a full figure. [SEP] Local cults also revered the Baetylia, black conical stones considered sacred to Baʿal.
The Dennis Dart, released in 1989, had been a runaway success, so in 1991 the Plaxton Pointer midibus was announced, this was quite a utilitarian, square body. [SEP] This was followed by the Plaxton Verde, which Plaxton hoped would match the success of its smaller sister, but it failed to capture the market quite as much as the Pointer, and it was clear that the bus industry was buying 12m single-deckers in as large numbers any more.
Contraindications for the use of ephedrine include: closed-angle glaucoma, phaeochromocytoma, asymmetric septal hypertrophy (idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis), concomitant or recent (previous 14 days) monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) therapy, general anaesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons (particularly halothane), tachyarrhythmias or ventricular fibrillation, or hypersensitivity to ephedrine or other stimulants. [SEP] Ephedrine should not be used at any time during pregnancy unless specifically indicated by a qualified physician and only when other options are unavailable.
Therefore, this by-election was the first time that residents was able to exercise their voting rights since the creation of the constituency. [SEP] Ba'kelalan is not situated deep in the interior of Sarawak bordering Indonesian Kalimantan.
Video games THQ released The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, and Super NES in 1992. [SEP] Absolute Entertainment also released a version for the Sega Genesis, in 1993.
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