This modern state's panhandle was crossed by the Cimarron Cutoff, a branch of the Santa Fe Trail.
[ "Oklahoma" ]
This modern state's panhandle was crossed by the Cimarron Cutoff, a branch of the Santa Fe Trail. A city in this state is called "Broken Arrow" because it was settled by Creek people, while part of this state was known as the "Indian Territory." White settlers who anticipated an 1889 decision to open its lands to homesteaders gave this state its nickname: the Sooner State. For 10 points, Tulsa is located in what state between Texas and Kansas?
[ [ 0, 98 ], [ 98, 246 ], [ 246, 376 ], [ 376, 447 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The main characters of this book are allowed passage into Fort William Henry after Duncan Heyward tricks a sentinel by speaking French. This book's hero tries to rescue the two "females,"Alice and Cora Munro, after they are kidnapped by Magua (MAH-gwa).
[ "The Last of the Mohicans" ]
The main characters of this book are allowed passage into Fort William Henry after Duncan Heyward tricks a sentinel by speaking French. This book's hero tries to rescue the two "females,"Alice and Cora Munro, after they are kidnapped by Magua (MAH-gwa). For 10 points, name this novel set during the French and Indian War in which Natty Bumppo befriends Chingachgook (CHIN-gach-gook) and Uncas, and written by James Fenimore Cooper.
[ [ 0, 136 ], [ 136, 254 ], [ 254, 432 ] ]
The Last of the Mohicans
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One form of this concept is equal to the product of charge and voltage. For a spring, this quantity is given by one-half times the spring constant times the square of the distance from equilibrium. The gravitational form of this quantity is equal to an object's weight times its height.
[ "potential", "potential energy after “energy”", "potential energy" ]
One form of this concept is equal to the product of charge and voltage. For a spring, this quantity is given by one-half times the spring constant times the square of the distance from equilibrium. The gravitational form of this quantity is equal to an object's weight times its height. For 10 points, give this “stored” energy that is converted into kinetic energy.
[ [ 0, 72 ], [ 72, 198 ], [ 198, 287 ], [ 287, 366 ] ]
{potential energy} [or {potential} energy after “energy”; prompt on energy]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One senator from this state was the only one not to cast a vote on the December 24th Senate Health Care Bill. That man, George Voinovich (“VOY-no-vitch”), earned his first major political post by defeating Dennis Kucinich (“koo-SIN-itch”).
[ "Ohio" ]
One senator from this state was the only one not to cast a vote on the December 24th Senate Health Care Bill. That man, George Voinovich (“VOY-no-vitch”), earned his first major political post by defeating Dennis Kucinich (“koo-SIN-itch”). Other political figures from this state include retired Senator John Glenn and current Governor Ted Strickland. For 10 points, what swing state of the 2004 election has its capital at Columbus?
[ [ 0, 110 ], [ 110, 240 ], [ 240, 352 ], [ 352, 433 ] ]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The philosophy of nullification was developed to oppose this form of government.
[ "word forms such as federalist", "federalism", "federalist" ]
The philosophy of nullification was developed to oppose this form of government. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments specifically create this type of government, which is defined as a power-sharing arrangement between national and state governments. For 10 points, name this type of government after which a political party including John Adams was named.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 245 ], [ 245, 350 ] ]
{federalism} [accept word forms such as {federalist}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Theory", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Although he is not Sun Tzu, this man wrote a version of The Art of War. He wrote a critique of Roman history in his Discourses on Livy. This man used the term virtu to describe a leader's ability to adapt to different circumstances in a work that also discusses how it is better to be feared than loved. He wrote a history of his native Florence for Giulio de' Medici.
[ "Machiavelli", "Niccolo Machiavelli" ]
Although he is not Sun Tzu, this man wrote a version of The Art of War. He wrote a critique of Roman history in his Discourses on Livy. This man used the term virtu to describe a leader's ability to adapt to different circumstances in a work that also discusses how it is better to be feared than loved. He wrote a history of his native Florence for Giulio de' Medici. For 10 points, name this author of The Prince.
[ [ 0, 72 ], [ 72, 136 ], [ 136, 304 ], [ 304, 369 ], [ 369, 415 ] ]
Niccolo {Machiavelli}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This musician says, after declaring "now I'm gonna make you dance," "girl you know you're my world" in his song "Just Lose It."
[ "Marshall Bruce Mathers III", "Eminem" ]
This musician says, after declaring "now I'm gonna make you dance," "girl you know you're my world" in his song "Just Lose It." His film debut came in 8 Mile, which included a song mentioning "vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." That song was "Lose Yourself." For 10 points, what rapper from Detroit recorded the songs "Without Me," "Not Afraid," and, with Rihanna, "Love the Way You Lie"?
[ [ 0, 128 ], [ 128, 241 ], [ 241, 272 ], [ 272, 401 ] ]
Eminem [or Marshall Bruce Mathers III]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This function's namesake law relates the side length to the opposite angle in any triangle. Its value is one at 90 degrees but negative one at 270 degrees. Its reciprocal is the cosecant function.
[ "sine", "Sine function", "sin" ]
This function's namesake law relates the side length to the opposite angle in any triangle. Its value is one at 90 degrees but negative one at 270 degrees. Its reciprocal is the cosecant function. In a right triangle, it is defined as the ratio of opposite divided by hypotenuse. For 10 points, name this trigonometric function that is not the tangent or cosine.
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 156 ], [ 156, 197 ], [ 197, 280 ], [ 280, 362 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In January 2012, in this nation, a French TV reporter was killed while reporting from a progovernment rally in this nation's city of Homs. Unrest there was triggered by the arrest and torture of students in Dara'a, which was not quelled by offers of political reform by its president. For 10 points, name this nation where the government of Bashar Al-Assad is struggling with protests.
[ "Syrian Arab Republic", "Al Jumhuriyah al Arabiyah as Suriyah" ]
In January 2012, in this nation, a French TV reporter was killed while reporting from a progovernment rally in this nation's city of Homs. Unrest there was triggered by the arrest and torture of students in Dara'a, which was not quelled by offers of political reform by its president. For 10 points, name this nation where the government of Bashar Al-Assad is struggling with protests.
[ [ 0, 139 ], [ 139, 285 ], [ 285, 385 ] ]
Syrian Arab Republic [or Al Jumhuriyah al Arabiyah as Suriyah]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Events", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Modifications of this process can use PEP carboxylase ("PEP" car-BOX-ill-ase) to fix a reactant normally fixed by RuBisCO (roo-BISS-ko) in this process's dark reactions. The light reactions of this process occur along the thylakoid ("THIGH"-luh-koyd) membrane.
[ "photosynthesis" ]
Modifications of this process can use PEP carboxylase ("PEP" car-BOX-ill-ase) to fix a reactant normally fixed by RuBisCO (roo-BISS-ko) in this process's dark reactions. The light reactions of this process occur along the thylakoid ("THIGH"-luh-koyd) membrane. It takes place within the chloroplasts (KLOR-oh-plasts), which contain light-absorbing chlorophylls (KLOR-oh-fills). For 10 points, name this process by which organisms, often plants, use light energy to turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
[ [ 0, 170 ], [ 170, 261 ], [ 261, 378 ], [ 378, 508 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This empire held together by the use of quipus (“KWEE-poos”) was expanded by Pachacuti (“PAH- chah-COO-tee”) but weakened by civil war between Huascar (“HWASS-car”) and Atahualpa (“AT-uh- WALL-puh”). Cities built in it included the capital, Cuzco (“KOOZ-ko”), and the city discovered by Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu. For 10 points, what Native American empire of Peru was overthrown by Francisco Pizarro?
[ "Inka empire or Incan civilization", "Inka Incan", "Inka", "Incan", "Inca empire", "Inca" ]
This empire held together by the use of quipus (“KWEE-poos”) was expanded by Pachacuti (“PAH- chah-COO-tee”) but weakened by civil war between Huascar (“HWASS-car”) and Atahualpa (“AT-uh- WALL-puh”). Cities built in it included the capital, Cuzco (“KOOZ-ko”), and the city discovered by Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu. For 10 points, what Native American empire of Peru was overthrown by Francisco Pizarro?
[ [ 0, 200 ], [ 200, 316 ], [ 316, 403 ] ]
{Inca} empire [{or Inka} empire; {or Incan} civilization]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's essays include one about a policeman in Burma "Shooting an Elephant." He wrote a novel in which O'Brien sends Winston Smith to Room 101 in the dystopian state of Oceania. In another novel by this man, the death of Old Major results in a power struggle between Snowball and Napoleon, who represent Trotsky and Stalin.
[ "George Orwell", "Eric Arthur Blair" ]
This man's essays include one about a policeman in Burma "Shooting an Elephant." He wrote a novel in which O'Brien sends Winston Smith to Room 101 in the dystopian state of Oceania. In another novel by this man, the death of Old Major results in a power struggle between Snowball and Napoleon, who represent Trotsky and Stalin. For 10 points, name this author of 1984 and Animal Farm.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 182 ], [ 182, 328 ], [ 328, 384 ] ]
George Orwell [or Eric Arthur Blair]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Antenaresis, or Euclid's method, can be used to find this value given any two numbers. It can be also be found by multiplying two numbers and dividing by their least common multiple. For numbers which are relatively prime, this value is one.
[ "greatest common factor", "greatest common divisor", "highest common factor", "highest common divisor", "GCF" ]
Antenaresis, or Euclid's method, can be used to find this value given any two numbers. It can be also be found by multiplying two numbers and dividing by their least common multiple. For numbers which are relatively prime, this value is one. For 10 points, give the mathematical name for the largest number by which two or more numbers are evenly divisible.
[ [ 0, 87 ], [ 87, 183 ], [ 183, 242 ], [ 242, 357 ] ]
{greatest common factor} [or {GCF;} or {highest common factor;} or {greatest common divisor;} or {highest common divisor;} do not accept "least common denominator"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The uniform probability distribution takes this shape. Rotating this shape using one of its sides as an axis yields a cylinder.
[ "rectangles" ]
The uniform probability distribution takes this shape. Rotating this shape using one of its sides as an axis yields a cylinder. This shape is traced out by the x-axis, the y-axis, and the equations x equals two and y equals six. Each diagonal of this kind of quadrilateral divides it into two congruent right triangles. For 10 points, give this shape that has four right angles.
[ [ 0, 55 ], [ 55, 128 ], [ 128, 229 ], [ 229, 320 ], [ 320, 378 ] ]
{rectangles} [do not accept or prompt on "square"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Buildup of these organic molecules in the brain causes Tay-Sachs disease, and vitamins A and D dissolve in them.
[ "fats", "fatty acids" ]
Buildup of these organic molecules in the brain causes Tay-Sachs disease, and vitamins A and D dissolve in them. Humans use adipose cells to store the triglyceride form of these, while their water-repellant quality makes them excellent insulation in marine mammals. Some countries have banned the (*) trans kind in foods altogether. For 10 points, name these high-energy molecules that contribute to obesity and can be unsaturated.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 266 ], [ 266, 333 ], [ 333, 431 ] ]
fats [or fatty acids; prompt on lipids]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day. The last of the five services occurring on this day is the Neilah. People try to transfer their sins away and recite the Kol Nidre prayer before its beginning. Occurring on the 10th of Tishrei, it concludes the (*) High Holy Days.
[ "Yom ha", "Yom Kippur", "Yom ha-Kipurim", "Kipurim", "Yom ha Kipurim" ]
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day. The last of the five services occurring on this day is the Neilah. People try to transfer their sins away and recite the Kol Nidre prayer before its beginning. Occurring on the 10th of Tishrei, it concludes the (*) High Holy Days. For 10 points, name this Jewish Day of Atonement.
[ [ 0, 186 ], [ 186, 253 ], [ 253, 346 ], [ 346, 417 ], [ 417, 466 ] ]
{Yom Kippur} [or {Yom ha}-{Kipurim;} prompt on Jewish \"Day of Atonement\" before mention]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The first prime minister of this country gave a speech outlining the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that formed a basis for a treaty with China, and he also gave the "Tryst with Destiny" speech. Another prime minister was assassinated by her bodyguards in 1984 soon after approving an attack on the Golden Temple in Amritsar. (*) For 10 points name this country once headed by Jawaharlal Nehru that disputes the status of Kashmir with Pakistan.
[ "Bhārat Gaṇarājya", "Republic of India", "India" ]
The first prime minister of this country gave a speech outlining the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that formed a basis for a treaty with China, and he also gave the "Tryst with Destiny" speech. Another prime minister was assassinated by her bodyguards in 1984 soon after approving an attack on the Golden Temple in Amritsar. (*) For 10 points name this country once headed by Jawaharlal Nehru that disputes the status of Kashmir with Pakistan.
[ [ 0, 204 ], [ 204, 335 ], [ 335, 453 ] ]
Republic of {India} [accept {Bhārat Gaṇarājya}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one opera by this man, the soldiers Ferrando and Guglielmo (“gool-YELL-mo”) test their wives by seducing them in the guise of Albanians.
[ "Mozart", "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" ]
In one opera by this man, the soldiers Ferrando and Guglielmo (“gool-YELL-mo”) test their wives by seducing them in the guise of Albanians. This man also wrote an opera in which the title seducer is dragged to hell by the statue of Il Commendatore (“EEL co-MEN-dah-TORR-ee”). For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of the operas Cosi Fan Tutte (“CO-see fan TOO-tee”) and Don Giovanni as well as A Little Night Music, who allegedly feuded with Salieri.
[ [ 0, 140 ], [ 140, 276 ], [ 276, 455 ] ]
Wolfgang Amadeus {Mozart}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man begins one novel by noting, "I am a sick man.
[ "Fyodor Dostoevsky" ]
This man begins one novel by noting, "I am a sick man. I am a spiteful man." In addition to Notes from Underground, he wrote novels about the epileptic Prince Myshkin (MISH-kin) and the axe murderer Raskolnikov (rahs-KOL-nih-kahv). Those books, The Idiot and Crime and Punishment, were written before a novel in which Dmitri, the oldest of four brothers, apparently murders his father. For 10 points, name this Russian author of The Brothers Karamazov.
[ [ 0, 55 ], [ 55, 77 ], [ 77, 232 ], [ 232, 386 ], [ 386, 452 ] ]
Fyodor Dostoevsky
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this novel, a widow seeks help moving her house out of the path of Farmer Fitzgibbon's plow. Jeremy takes her to visit a wise, old owl who suggests asking the title characters to move her house "to the lee of the stone." Those characters live in a rosebush and are technologically advanced rodents.
[ "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH", "NIMH" ]
In this novel, a widow seeks help moving her house out of the path of Farmer Fitzgibbon's plow. Jeremy takes her to visit a wise, old owl who suggests asking the title characters to move her house "to the lee of the stone." Those characters live in a rosebush and are technologically advanced rodents. For 10 points, identify this Robert O'Brien novel about the widow of Jonathan Frisby's efforts to save her family.
[ [ 0, 96 ], [ 96, 224 ], [ 224, 302 ], [ 302, 416 ] ]
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of {NIMH}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
He sent his armies to quash an uprising that was sparked by the Papist Act of 1778; these uprisings were known as the Gordon Riots. He succeeded his grandfather as king during the Seven Years' War, and although he won that war, the resulting debt led Parliament to pass the Stamp Act of 1765.
[ "George III" ]
He sent his armies to quash an uprising that was sparked by the Papist Act of 1778; these uprisings were known as the Gordon Riots. He succeeded his grandfather as king during the Seven Years' War, and although he won that war, the resulting debt led Parliament to pass the Stamp Act of 1765. For 10 points, name this "mad" king of Great Britain who lost the American colonies in the Revolutionary War.
[ [ 0, 132 ], [ 132, 293 ], [ 293, 402 ] ]
{George III} [prompt on George]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A popular novel about this figure is T.H. White's The Once and Future King. In the Annales Cambriae (ah-NAH-less CAM-bree-ay), this figure was mortally wounded at the Battle of Camlann during a fight with his son Mordred. In that text, the wizard Merlin is mentioned only once, though in Thomas Malory's The Death of this figure, Merlin helps this man find Excalibur. For 10 points, name this legendary king of Britain.
[ "King Arthur", "Arthur" ]
A popular novel about this figure is T.H. White's The Once and Future King. In the Annales Cambriae (ah-NAH-less CAM-bree-ay), this figure was mortally wounded at the Battle of Camlann during a fight with his son Mordred. In that text, the wizard Merlin is mentioned only once, though in Thomas Malory's The Death of this figure, Merlin helps this man find Excalibur. For 10 points, name this legendary king of Britain.
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 222 ], [ 222, 368 ], [ 368, 419 ] ]
King {Arthur}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A popular novel about this figure is T.H. White's The Once and Future King.
[ "King Arthur", "Arthur" ]
A popular novel about this figure is T.H. White's The Once and Future King. In the Annales Cambriae (ah-NAH-less CAM-bree-ay), this figure was mortally wounded at the Battle of Camlann during a fight with his son Mordred. In that text, the wizard Merlin is mentioned only once, though in Thomas Malory's The Death of this figure, Merlin helps this man find Excalibur. For 10 points, name this legendary king of Britain.
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 222 ], [ 222, 368 ], [ 368, 419 ] ]
King {Arthur}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This instrument was played by Cannonball Adderley on Kind of Blue, as well as by a musician whose own albums include Giant Steps and A Love Supreme. Another player of this instrument released Ornithology and Yardbird Suite. It was played by John Coltrane and Charlie Parker.
[ "saxophone", "alto saxophone" ]
This instrument was played by Cannonball Adderley on Kind of Blue, as well as by a musician whose own albums include Giant Steps and A Love Supreme. Another player of this instrument released Ornithology and Yardbird Suite. It was played by John Coltrane and Charlie Parker. For 10 points, name this instrument whose alto and tenor varieties have a U-bend and tilted bell and are common in jazz ensembles.
[ [ 0, 149 ], [ 149, 224 ], [ 224, 275 ], [ 275, 405 ] ]
{saxophone} [accept alto saxophone]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
According to one myth, this figure used the eye of the Graiae (GRAY - eye) as a bargaining tool in order to learn the location of the Hesperides. He was born after his mother, Danae, was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a golden shower. This figure defeated Cetus, after which he married Andromeda. After this hero slew his most famous foe, Pegasus was born from her blood. For 10 points, name this slayer of Medusa.
[ "Perseus" ]
According to one myth, this figure used the eye of the Graiae (GRAY - eye) as a bargaining tool in order to learn the location of the Hesperides. He was born after his mother, Danae, was impregnated by Zeus in the form of a golden shower. This figure defeated Cetus, after which he married Andromeda. After this hero slew his most famous foe, Pegasus was born from her blood. For 10 points, name this slayer of Medusa.
[ [ 0, 146 ], [ 146, 239 ], [ 239, 301 ], [ 301, 376 ], [ 376, 418 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This leader was denounced by his successor in the "Secret Speech." His country agreed to a nonaggression pact with Germany, but Hitler invaded his nation in Operation Barbarossa.
[ "Joseph Dzughashvili", "Dzughashvili", "Joseph Stalin", "Stalin" ]
This leader was denounced by his successor in the "Secret Speech." His country agreed to a nonaggression pact with Germany, but Hitler invaded his nation in Operation Barbarossa. He won a power struggle against Leon Trotsky after Vladimir Lenin's death. For 10 points, name this Soviet Premier during the Second World War.
[ [ 0, 67 ], [ 67, 179 ], [ 179, 254 ], [ 254, 322 ] ]
Joseph {Stalin} [or Joseph {Dzughashvili}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
These objects contain columns called seracs and tubes called moulins. They create kame (CAME) and kettle topography as well as drumlins, which are land forms in the shape of whales, and kettles, which are generally shallow lakes. The debris they leave behind is often called a moraine.
[ "glaciers" ]
These objects contain columns called seracs and tubes called moulins. They create kame (CAME) and kettle topography as well as drumlins, which are land forms in the shape of whales, and kettles, which are generally shallow lakes. The debris they leave behind is often called a moraine. For 10 points, name these large long-lasting accumulations of snow and ice, found in places such as a namesake Montana national park.
[ [ 0, 70 ], [ 70, 230 ], [ 230, 286 ], [ 286, 419 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This musician says, after declaring "now I'm gonna make you dance," "girl you know you're my world" in his song "Just Lose It." His film debut came in 8 Mile, which included a song mentioning "vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." That song was "Lose Yourself." For 10 points, what rapper from Detroit recorded the songs "Without Me," "Not Afraid," and, with Rihanna, "Love the Way You Lie"?
[ "Marshall Bruce Mathers III", "Eminem" ]
This musician says, after declaring "now I'm gonna make you dance," "girl you know you're my world" in his song "Just Lose It." His film debut came in 8 Mile, which included a song mentioning "vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." That song was "Lose Yourself." For 10 points, what rapper from Detroit recorded the songs "Without Me," "Not Afraid," and, with Rihanna, "Love the Way You Lie"?
[ [ 0, 128 ], [ 128, 241 ], [ 241, 272 ], [ 272, 401 ] ]
Eminem [or Marshall Bruce Mathers III]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This politician objected to the Mexican War by giving his Spot Resolutions.
[ "Abraham Lincoln" ]
This politician objected to the Mexican War by giving his Spot Resolutions. This leader gave the "House Divided" speech, and he engaged in a series of debates with Stephen (*) Douglas during the 1858 Senate election. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by this president, who was shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. For 10 points, name this president who served during the Civil War.
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 217 ], [ 217, 330 ], [ 330, 397 ] ]
Abraham Lincoln
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
It was the subject of a Scientific American special report dealing with Modified Newtonian Dynamics by Mordechai Milgrom (“MOR-de-kye MILL-grum”). This substance was first proposed in 1934 by Fritz Zwicky (“ZWICK-ee”) to make up for "missing mass" in the universe.
[ "dark matter after “matter” is read", "dark matter", "matter", "dark" ]
It was the subject of a Scientific American special report dealing with Modified Newtonian Dynamics by Mordechai Milgrom (“MOR-de-kye MILL-grum”). This substance was first proposed in 1934 by Fritz Zwicky (“ZWICK-ee”) to make up for "missing mass" in the universe. Its non-baryonic (“NON BARE- ee-on-ick”) variety contains no mass. For 10 points, identify this type of matter in the universe named due to its unobservability.
[ [ 0, 147 ], [ 147, 265 ], [ 265, 332 ], [ 332, 425 ] ]
{dark matter} [accept {dark} matter after “{matter}” is read]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
After initiation into the Khalsa (KAHL-sah) in this religion, adherents must wear a wooden comb, known as the "kanga"(KAHN-gah), and a steel bracelet, known as the "kara" (KAH-rah), which are two of the five K's. Arjun (AR-joon) Dev compiled this religion's holy text, the Adi Granth, which contains many of the sayings of the first leader, or guru, of this religion.
[ "Sikhism" ]
After initiation into the Khalsa (KAHL-sah) in this religion, adherents must wear a wooden comb, known as the "kanga"(KAHN-gah), and a steel bracelet, known as the "kara" (KAH-rah), which are two of the five K's. Arjun (AR-joon) Dev compiled this religion's holy text, the Adi Granth, which contains many of the sayings of the first leader, or guru, of this religion. For 10 points, identify this religion founded by Nanak, whose adherents are mostly found in the Punjab region.
[ [ 0, 213 ], [ 213, 368 ], [ 368, 478 ] ]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Dewar equation defines this quantity for density-dependent variables. Species that exhibit exponential population growth appear to lack this value, and in logistic population growth, the per capita rate of increase approaches zero near this value. For 10 points, name this ecological term, often denoted k, which is the maximum population that can be sustained by an ecosystem.
[ "carrying capacity", "capacity" ]
The Dewar equation defines this quantity for density-dependent variables. Species that exhibit exponential population growth appear to lack this value, and in logistic population growth, the per capita rate of increase approaches zero near this value. For 10 points, name this ecological term, often denoted k, which is the maximum population that can be sustained by an ecosystem.
[ [ 0, 74 ], [ 74, 252 ], [ 252, 381 ] ]
carrying {capacity} [prompt on {k} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Creations of this type include Roland Barthes's (BART'S) "Death of the Author." Supporting details and examples are found in body paragraphs in this type of writing, genres of which include process, descriptive, argumentative, and compare-and-contrast. A five-paragraph type of these is frequently assigned in high schools.
[ "essays" ]
Creations of this type include Roland Barthes's (BART'S) "Death of the Author." Supporting details and examples are found in body paragraphs in this type of writing, genres of which include process, descriptive, argumentative, and compare-and-contrast. A five-paragraph type of these is frequently assigned in high schools. For 10 points, name this type of non-fiction writing that seeks to prove a thesis statement.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 253 ], [ 253, 324 ], [ 324, 416 ] ]
{essays} [prompt on {papers;} prompt on {prose;} prompt on {non}-{fiction;} do not accept or prompt on "article"; do not accept or prompt on "report"]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Literary Terms", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This musician dedicated his Symphony No. 4 in F Minor to his financial supporter Nadezhda (nah- DEZH-dah) von Meck, though they never met. His Sixth Symphony, nicknamed Pathetique (pah-theh- TEEK), premiered nine days before his death. In one of his ballets, the sorcerer Von Rothbart curses Odette; another includes the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy".
[ "Tchaikovsky", "Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky" ]
This musician dedicated his Symphony No. 4 in F Minor to his financial supporter Nadezhda (nah- DEZH-dah) von Meck, though they never met. His Sixth Symphony, nicknamed Pathetique (pah-theh- TEEK), premiered nine days before his death. In one of his ballets, the sorcerer Von Rothbart curses Odette; another includes the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". For 10 points, name this Russian composer of Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and the 1812 Overture.
[ [ 0, 139 ], [ 139, 236 ], [ 236, 354 ], [ 354, 448 ] ]
Pytor Ilyich {Tchaikovsky}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Policies during this war included the "strategic hamlet" program and the use of Agent Orange as a defoliant. The Battle of Khe Sanh (“KAY SAWN”) was fought during this war, which ended with the fall of Saigon, a city that was renamed after the victorious side's leader, Ho Chi Minh (“HO CHEE MIN”). For 10 points, a memorial wall in Washington, DC lists the American casualties of what conflict in Southeast Asia?
[ "Vietnam War", "Vietnam" ]
Policies during this war included the "strategic hamlet" program and the use of Agent Orange as a defoliant. The Battle of Khe Sanh (“KAY SAWN”) was fought during this war, which ended with the fall of Saigon, a city that was renamed after the victorious side's leader, Ho Chi Minh (“HO CHEE MIN”). For 10 points, a memorial wall in Washington, DC lists the American casualties of what conflict in Southeast Asia?
[ [ 0, 109 ], [ 109, 299 ], [ 299, 413 ] ]
{Vietnam} War
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The four quarters of this person's residence were each dedicated to a different god. This ruler's forces were nearly done in by enemy chariots when crossing the Orontes at the Battle of Kadesh.
[ "Rameses II,", "Ramses the Great", "Ramses II" ]
The four quarters of this person's residence were each dedicated to a different god. This ruler's forces were nearly done in by enemy chariots when crossing the Orontes at the Battle of Kadesh. This son of Seti I built several complexes, including a tomb in the Valley of the Queens for his wife Nefertari. For 10 points, name this nineteenth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh, known as "Ozymandias" in Greek.
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 194 ], [ 194, 307 ], [ 307, 400 ] ]
{Ramses II} [accept {Ramses the Great} or {Rameses II,} prompt on Ramses; prompt on Ozymandias before mentioned]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One leader of this country forcibly annexed the Sudetenland (“soo-DAY-ten-land”). During a movement to reunite this country, the leader of one half operated under the policy of ostpolitik (“OST-pol- it-ick”). Following World War I, the Weimar (“VIE-mar”) Republic was established in this nation. It was united after an 1871 war and led by Kaiser Wilhelm I and chancellor Otto von Bismarck.
[ "Germany", "Federal Republic of Germany", "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" ]
One leader of this country forcibly annexed the Sudetenland (“soo-DAY-ten-land”). During a movement to reunite this country, the leader of one half operated under the policy of ostpolitik (“OST-pol- it-ick”). Following World War I, the Weimar (“VIE-mar”) Republic was established in this nation. It was united after an 1871 war and led by Kaiser Wilhelm I and chancellor Otto von Bismarck. For 10 points, name this European country formerly led by Adolf Hitler.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 209 ], [ 209, 296 ], [ 296, 390 ], [ 390, 461 ] ]
Federal Republic of {Germany} [or {Bundesrepublik Deutschland}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The plan for this city was designed by the French architect Pierre L'Enfant. The Anacostia River flows across the eastern side of this city, whose Orange and Blue metro lines pass through Foggy Bottom. This city is encircled by a "Beltway" that crosses Montgomery County, Maryland and then enters Virginia. For 10 points, the Lincoln Memorial is found in what national capital on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia?
[ "Washington, DC" ]
The plan for this city was designed by the French architect Pierre L'Enfant. The Anacostia River flows across the eastern side of this city, whose Orange and Blue metro lines pass through Foggy Bottom. This city is encircled by a "Beltway" that crosses Montgomery County, Maryland and then enters Virginia. For 10 points, the Lincoln Memorial is found in what national capital on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia?
[ [ 0, 77 ], [ 77, 202 ], [ 202, 307 ], [ 307, 426 ] ]
{Washington, DC} [prompt on District of Columbia before read]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Iron-56 dominates the spectra of absorption lines for one class of these phenomena, which are caused by white dwarves exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit.
[ "supernovae", "supernovas" ]
Iron-56 dominates the spectra of absorption lines for one class of these phenomena, which are caused by white dwarves exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit. An inert nickel-iron core in a star leads to one on account of a lack of degeneracy pressure. One with official designation 2003fg reached two solar masses before exploding, and was given the nickname "Champagne." For 10 points, name these gigantic stellar explosions.
[ [ 0, 153 ], [ 153, 247 ], [ 247, 367 ], [ 367, 421 ] ]
{supernovae} [or {supernovas;} prompt on {stellar collapse;} do not accept or prompt on \"nova\"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This movie character wants to live with Bonnie instead of going to college. In an earlier story, Sid Phillips plans to barbecue him, but is scared away.
[ "Woody" ]
This movie character wants to live with Bonnie instead of going to college. In an earlier story, Sid Phillips plans to barbecue him, but is scared away. In another story, he plans to rescue his friends from Sunnyside when he learns that Lots-o-Huggin' Bear is not a kind leader, but rather an evil tyrant. For 10 points, name this pull-string Cowboy voiced by Tom Hanks in the Toy Story trilogy.
[ [ 0, 76 ], [ 76, 153 ], [ 153, 306 ], [ 306, 395 ] ]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two of these entities are responsible for the Great Rift Valley located in East Africa. Subduction zones are found along them. Several of them are responsible for the area of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, though movement along them more famously causes earthquakes.
[ "fault" ]
Two of these entities are responsible for the Great Rift Valley located in East Africa. Subduction zones are found along them. Several of them are responsible for the area of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, though movement along them more famously causes earthquakes. For 10 points, identify these gaps in the Earth's crust, which include one in California called the San Andreas.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 127 ], [ 127, 281 ], [ 281, 393 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Antennae and The Mice are interacting examples of these objects, and Seyfert's Sextet are a group of them. Tidal tails form in these objects, when one or more of them merge. Edwin Hubble classified these on a "tuning fork diagram", which includes the elliptical and (*) spiral types.
[ "galaxy" ]
The Antennae and The Mice are interacting examples of these objects, and Seyfert's Sextet are a group of them. Tidal tails form in these objects, when one or more of them merge. Edwin Hubble classified these on a "tuning fork diagram", which includes the elliptical and (*) spiral types. M31 is the Andromeda example of, and our own Milky way is another of, for 10 points, what large collections of stars?
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 178 ], [ 178, 288 ], [ 288, 405 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
At the suggestion of a Serbian merchant, this artist began his career making toys. His works include the giant Flamingo in Chicago. As his popularity grew, he started to construct both wire sculpture and kinetic art as seen in Form Against Yellow and Lobster Trap and Fish Tail. For 10 points, name this American sculptor known for inventing the mobile sculpture.
[ "Alexander Calder", "Calder" ]
At the suggestion of a Serbian merchant, this artist began his career making toys. His works include the giant Flamingo in Chicago. As his popularity grew, he started to construct both wire sculpture and kinetic art as seen in Form Against Yellow and Lobster Trap and Fish Tail. For 10 points, name this American sculptor known for inventing the mobile sculpture.
[ [ 0, 83 ], [ 83, 132 ], [ 132, 279 ], [ 279, 363 ] ]
Alexander {Calder}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This woman allied with Walter White to push the failed Costigan-Wagner anti-lynching bill, but the President refused to publicly endorse it. She and Wendell Wilkie were the first honorary chairpersons of Freedom House.
[ "(Anna) Eleanor Roosevelt" ]
This woman allied with Walter White to push the failed Costigan-Wagner anti-lynching bill, but the President refused to publicly endorse it. She and Wendell Wilkie were the first honorary chairpersons of Freedom House. She arranged Marian Anderson's concert at the Lincoln Memorial. As a delegate to the UN from 1945-1952, she also helped draft the Declaration of Human Rights. (*) For 10 points, name this First Lady, the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
[ [ 0, 141 ], [ 141, 219 ], [ 219, 283 ], [ 283, 378 ], [ 378, 453 ] ]
(Anna) Eleanor Roosevelt [prompt on \"Roosevelt\"]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One justification of this act is Paul's visit to Ephesus in the Acts of the Apostles. This act involves asking the Holy Ghost to "send forth upon them thy sevenfold Spirit the Holy Paraclete (PAIR-uh- CLEET)." This act is the imposition of hands and anointing with oil by a bishop. For 10 points, identify this sacrament grouped in the Catholic Church with Baptism and Eucharist.
[ "Confirming", "Confirmation", "word forms such as Confirming" ]
One justification of this act is Paul's visit to Ephesus in the Acts of the Apostles. This act involves asking the Holy Ghost to "send forth upon them thy sevenfold Spirit the Holy Paraclete (PAIR-uh- CLEET)." This act is the imposition of hands and anointing with oil by a bishop. For 10 points, identify this sacrament grouped in the Catholic Church with Baptism and Eucharist.
[ [ 0, 86 ], [ 86, 210 ], [ 210, 282 ], [ 282, 379 ] ]
{Confirmation} [accept word forms such as {Confirming}]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks. In another work, a light bulb shines in the shape of an eye and on the right a figure raises his arms in terror with fire above and below.
[ "Picasso", "Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) Picasso" ]
In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks. In another work, a light bulb shines in the shape of an eye and on the right a figure raises his arms in terror with fire above and below. This artist of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (lay DAY-mwah-ZELL dha-veen-YOH) painted The Old Guitarist during his Blue Period. For 10 points, name this Spanish artist of Guernica, who cofounded cubism.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 223 ], [ 223, 347 ], [ 347, 421 ] ]
Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) {Picasso}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This poet commented on a literary assignment in "Theme for English B." Another of his poems asks if "a dream deferred" "dr[ies] up like a raisin in the sun." He wrote about the Euphrates, Congo, and Nile in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers."
[ "James Langston Hughes", "Langston Hughes" ]
This poet commented on a literary assignment in "Theme for English B." Another of his poems asks if "a dream deferred" "dr[ies] up like a raisin in the sun." He wrote about the Euphrates, Congo, and Nile in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." In his most famous poem, he mentions the "droning" of "a drowsy syncopated tune." For 10 points, name this African-American poet of the Harlem Renaissance who wrote "The Weary Blues."
[ [ 0, 71 ], [ 71, 158 ], [ 158, 237 ], [ 237, 319 ], [ 319, 420 ] ]
James {Langston Hughes}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one novel written in this language, Adso of Melk and William of Baskerville solve a murder mystery at a monastery. That work, The Name of the Rose, was published in this language eight years before the same author's Foucault's Pendulum.
[ "Italian", "Italiano", "Lingua italiana" ]
In one novel written in this language, Adso of Melk and William of Baskerville solve a murder mystery at a monastery. That work, The Name of the Rose, was published in this language eight years before the same author's Foucault's Pendulum. A treatise in this language advised the title ruler that it was better to be feared than loved. (*) For 10 points, name this language employed by writers like Umberto Eco and Niccolo Machiavelli.
[ [ 0, 118 ], [ 118, 240 ], [ 240, 336 ], [ 336, 435 ] ]
Italian [accept Italiano or Lingua italiana]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
At the bottom right of this painting, a girl steps on a dog, while a nun stands next to a servant.
[ "Maids Honor", "The Maids of Honor", "Las Meninas", "Maids", "Honor" ]
At the bottom right of this painting, a girl steps on a dog, while a nun stands next to a servant. In the back, a figure is shown pausing on the stairs and looking at the central group. The king and the queen can be seen in a mirror, and the painter himself is shown holding a paint brush. For 10 points, identify this painting of the Spanish court in which maids surround the Infant Margarita, by Diego Velazquez.
[ [ 0, 99 ], [ 99, 186 ], [ 186, 290 ], [ 290, 414 ] ]
{Las Meninas} [accept The {Maids} of {Honor}]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's essays include one about a policeman in Burma "Shooting an Elephant." He wrote a novel in which O'Brien sends Winston Smith to Room 101 in the dystopian state of Oceania.
[ "George Orwell", "Eric Arthur Blair" ]
This man's essays include one about a policeman in Burma "Shooting an Elephant." He wrote a novel in which O'Brien sends Winston Smith to Room 101 in the dystopian state of Oceania. In another novel by this man, the death of Old Major results in a power struggle between Snowball and Napoleon, who represent Trotsky and Stalin. For 10 points, name this author of 1984 and Animal Farm.
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 182 ], [ 182, 328 ], [ 328, 384 ] ]
George Orwell [or Eric Arthur Blair]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One variant of this organelle (“OR-guh-NELL”) is found in muscle cells and stores calcium. Like the Golgi body, it is composed of flattened sacks called cisternae (“SIS-ter-nay”).
[ "ER", "SR", "ER ", "endoplasmic reticulum", "sarcoplasmic reticulum" ]
One variant of this organelle (“OR-guh-NELL”) is found in muscle cells and stores calcium. Like the Golgi body, it is composed of flattened sacks called cisternae (“SIS-ter-nay”). This set of tubes contains chaperone proteins, which help fold proteins. Those proteins are synthesized in the ribosomes, which are attached to one form of this organelle. For 10 points, name this “packaging center” of the cell, which is divided into rough and smooth types.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 180 ], [ 180, 253 ], [ 253, 352 ], [ 352, 454 ] ]
{endoplasmic reticulum} [or {ER} ; accept {sarcoplasmic reticulum} or {SR}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one novel by this author, Robert Cohn and Jake Barnes both pursue Lady Brett Ashley as they travel through Spain.
[ "Ernest Hemingway" ]
In one novel by this author, Robert Cohn and Jake Barnes both pursue Lady Brett Ashley as they travel through Spain. In another novel by this author, Catherine loves an American soldier fighting in World War I, Frederic Henry. In one of this man's novellas, (*) Santiago goes eighty-four days without catching a fish. For 10 points, name this author of The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and The Old Man and the Sea.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 227 ], [ 227, 318 ], [ 318, 421 ] ]
Ernest Hemingway
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A dog barks at a drummer in the lower left of this painting. One of the two central figures is dressed in bright yellow, matching the girl with the chicken in her belt. The other is in black with a white collar a red sash across his chest. After restoration, it was revealed that this painting did not actually depict an evening scene.
[ "De Nachtwacht ", "Nightwatch", "The Nightwatch", "Shooting Company", "The Shooting Company of Captain Franz Banning", "Nachtwacht" ]
A dog barks at a drummer in the lower left of this painting. One of the two central figures is dressed in bright yellow, matching the girl with the chicken in her belt. The other is in black with a white collar a red sash across his chest. After restoration, it was revealed that this painting did not actually depict an evening scene. For 10 points, name this work depicting a Dutch militia by Rembrandt.
[ [ 0, 61 ], [ 61, 169 ], [ 169, 240 ], [ 240, 336 ], [ 336, 405 ] ]
The {Nightwatch} [or De {Nachtwacht} ; or The {Shooting Company} of Captain Franz Banning
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This European nation established a trading post at Macau (mah-COW) in 1557 as part of its development of trade relations with China.
[ "Portugal" ]
This European nation established a trading post at Macau (mah-COW) in 1557 as part of its development of trade relations with China. The invention of the caravel ship made this nation's exploration of the coast of Africa easier and one explorer from this nation, Bartholomew Dias (BAR-tol-OH-mew DEE-as), rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. For 10 points, identify this nation where Prince Henry the Navigator promoted exploration to boost the economy.
[ [ 0, 133 ], [ 133, 344 ], [ 344, 455 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Exploration and Colonization", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A "pillow" form of this substance forms underwater. "Domes" of this substance form from andesite. This substance can be classified, depending on the smoothness of its surface, as a'a (AH-AH) or pahoehoe (pah-HOY-HOY).
[ "lava" ]
A "pillow" form of this substance forms underwater. "Domes" of this substance form from andesite. This substance can be classified, depending on the smoothness of its surface, as a'a (AH-AH) or pahoehoe (pah-HOY-HOY). It accumulates around a vent to form a cinder cone, and it solidifies to form igneous rock. For 10 points, give the term for magma that reaches the Earth's surface, often through a volcanic explosion.
[ [ 0, 52 ], [ 52, 98 ], [ 98, 218 ], [ 218, 310 ], [ 310, 418 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man was the first to institute retirement and disability benefits. This man instituted the May Laws as part of his anti-Catholic program, kulturkampf (KOOL-toor-kahmf). He manipulated the Schleswig- Holstein (SHLESS-vig HOLE-styne) question into war with Austria and doctored the Ems Telegram to instigate an 1870 war with France.
[ "Otto von Bismarck" ]
This man was the first to institute retirement and disability benefits. This man instituted the May Laws as part of his anti-Catholic program, kulturkampf (KOOL-toor-kahmf). He manipulated the Schleswig- Holstein (SHLESS-vig HOLE-styne) question into war with Austria and doctored the Ems Telegram to instigate an 1870 war with France. For 10 points, name this "Iron Chancellor" of Prussia and Germany from 1862 to 1890.
[ [ 0, 72 ], [ 72, 174 ], [ 174, 336 ], [ 336, 420 ] ]
Otto von Bismarck
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This writer symbolized the warbling of a thrush in a swamp and the western fallen star in a poem entitled “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd.” This author of “Song of Myself” also described a figure “fallen cold and dead” just after “our fearful trip is done” in a poem on Abraham Lincoln's death.
[ "Whitman", "Walter Whitman" ]
This writer symbolized the warbling of a thrush in a swamp and the western fallen star in a poem entitled “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd.” This author of “Song of Myself” also described a figure “fallen cold and dead” just after “our fearful trip is done” in a poem on Abraham Lincoln's death. For 10 points, name this American writer of the poetry collection Leaves of Grass and the poem “O Captain, My Captain.”
[ [ 0, 150 ], [ 150, 305 ], [ 305, 424 ] ]
Walter {Whitman}
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A financial arm of this organization was founded at the Bretton Woods conference, and a conference that oversaw its creation was held in San Francisco. Its former leaders include Dag Hammarskjold (“DOG HAHM-ahr-SKEEOLD”) and Kurt Waldheim (“VALD-hime”).
[ "United Nations", "UN" ]
A financial arm of this organization was founded at the Bretton Woods conference, and a conference that oversaw its creation was held in San Francisco. Its former leaders include Dag Hammarskjold (“DOG HAHM-ahr-SKEEOLD”) and Kurt Waldheim (“VALD-hime”). It encompasses the World Bank and General Assembly. For 10 points, Ban Ki-moon is the current Secretary General of what international organization?
[ [ 0, 152 ], [ 152, 254 ], [ 254, 306 ], [ 306, 401 ] ]
{United Nations} [or {UN}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Institutions", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one scene in this novel, a Sheep talks of "crabs" and "feathers" while rowing. This novel begins with the protagonist blaming the black kitten, the offspring of Dinah, for the whole thing. In this novel, the protagonist plays a massively scaled chess game with the Red Queen.
[ "Through the Looking", "Glass", "Through the Looking-Glass", "Through the Looking Glass" ]
In one scene in this novel, a Sheep talks of "crabs" and "feathers" while rowing. This novel begins with the protagonist blaming the black kitten, the offspring of Dinah, for the whole thing. In this novel, the protagonist plays a massively scaled chess game with the Red Queen. For 10 points, name this sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland whose title refers to the other side of a mirror.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 192 ], [ 192, 279 ], [ 279, 396 ] ]
{Through the Looking}-{Glass} [do not accept or prompt on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" or "Alice in Wonderland"]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One chytrid (KYE-trid) member of this group has been blamed for the worldwide decline in frog populations, and the Salem witch trials have been blamed on another species that infests rye with ergot. Lichens consist of algae and a member of this kingdom, whose species reproduce through spores and have hyphae bodies with chitin cell walls. For 10 points, name this kingdom of important decomposers like molds, yeasts, and mushrooms.
[ "Fungi", "fungus" ]
One chytrid (KYE-trid) member of this group has been blamed for the worldwide decline in frog populations, and the Salem witch trials have been blamed on another species that infests rye with ergot. Lichens consist of algae and a member of this kingdom, whose species reproduce through spores and have hyphae bodies with chitin cell walls. For 10 points, name this kingdom of important decomposers like molds, yeasts, and mushrooms.
[ [ 0, 199 ], [ 199, 340 ], [ 340, 432 ] ]
Fungi [or fungus]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This politician responded to Francois Barbe-Marbois in his Notes on the State of Virginia. This man founded the University of Virginia and designed the mansion of Monticello..
[ "Thomas Jefferson" ]
This politician responded to Francois Barbe-Marbois in his Notes on the State of Virginia. This man founded the University of Virginia and designed the mansion of Monticello.. This president sent the Lewis and Clark expedition and authorized the (*) Louisiana Purchase. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. For 10 points, name this third president of the United States.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 176 ], [ 176, 270 ], [ 270, 334 ], [ 334, 396 ] ]
Thomas Jefferson
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Cultural History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA. They are sometimes replaced by SSDs and can be structured using NTFS or FAT. These objects contain spinning platters that use magnetism to (*) store data, so the data is retained even when they are powered off. For 10 points, name these devices with capacities often in the terabytes, used to store computer data.
[ "hard disk drives", "hard", "drives", "hard drives" ]
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA. They are sometimes replaced by SSDs and can be structured using NTFS or FAT. These objects contain spinning platters that use magnetism to (*) store data, so the data is retained even when they are powered off. For 10 points, name these devices with capacities often in the terabytes, used to store computer data.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 165 ], [ 165, 299 ], [ 299, 401 ] ]
{hard} disk {drives} [prompt on ({hard}) {\"disk}(s)\"]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This work opens with stories of a pilot who misread his directions and a friend who was distracted by a salmon hatchery. This book's protagonist runs off with his baby brother Gabe to avoid punishment by "Release." The title character is able to turn off the speaker, see colors, and transfer memories from the past world. For 10 points, what novel about a "Receiver of Memories" named Jonas was written by Lois Lowry?
[ "The Giver" ]
This work opens with stories of a pilot who misread his directions and a friend who was distracted by a salmon hatchery. This book's protagonist runs off with his baby brother Gabe to avoid punishment by "Release." The title character is able to turn off the speaker, see colors, and transfer memories from the past world. For 10 points, what novel about a "Receiver of Memories" named Jonas was written by Lois Lowry?
[ [ 0, 121 ], [ 121, 215 ], [ 215, 323 ], [ 323, 418 ] ]
The Giver
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Some of this company's products use the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine and the Gecko rendering engine. This free software company grew out of Netscape and produces an email client called Thunderbird. Its most popular product, currently on version 19, has a mobile version called Fennec and is a web (*) browser that was recently passed in market share by Google Chrome.
[ "Mozilla" ]
Some of this company's products use the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine and the Gecko rendering engine. This free software company grew out of Netscape and produces an email client called Thunderbird. Its most popular product, currently on version 19, has a mobile version called Fennec and is a web (*) browser that was recently passed in market share by Google Chrome. For 10 points, name this company that produces Firefox.
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 200 ], [ 200, 370 ], [ 370, 425 ] ]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One famous work for this instrument is Caprice No. 24 by Paganini (pag-uh-NEE-nee). In Berlioz's (BER-lee-ohz) Symphonie Fantastique (fan-tas-TEEK), a head bouncing from a guillotine is depicted by this instrument playing pizzicato (PITZ-ee-KAH-toe). The concertmaster of an orchestra is the first chair of this instrument, several of which were crafted by Stradivarius. For 10 points, name this string instrument higher in pitch than a viola.
[ "violin" ]
One famous work for this instrument is Caprice No. 24 by Paganini (pag-uh-NEE-nee). In Berlioz's (BER-lee-ohz) Symphonie Fantastique (fan-tas-TEEK), a head bouncing from a guillotine is depicted by this instrument playing pizzicato (PITZ-ee-KAH-toe). The concertmaster of an orchestra is the first chair of this instrument, several of which were crafted by Stradivarius. For 10 points, name this string instrument higher in pitch than a viola.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 251 ], [ 251, 371 ], [ 371, 443 ] ]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This world leader ordered that people who hide cell phones should be shot, and in February 2013 it was discovered that he uses a Taiwanese HTC phone.
[ "Kim Jong", "Kim Jong un", "Kim Jong-un", "un" ]
This world leader ordered that people who hide cell phones should be shot, and in February 2013 it was discovered that he uses a Taiwanese HTC phone. A speech he recorded in early 2013 surprised listeners by not calling for US troop withdrawals, though in 2012 he claimed his (*) nuclear missiles could reach the US mainland. For 10 points, name this son of the recently deceased Kim Jong-il, the current Supreme Leader of North Korea.
[ [ 0, 150 ], [ 150, 326 ], [ 326, 435 ] ]
{Kim Jong}-{un} [prompt on partial answer]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The “straw” form of this practice is unscientific and the “push” form of this is really just a campaign tactic designed to attack an opponent in disguise.
[ "polling", "polls" ]
The “straw” form of this practice is unscientific and the “push” form of this is really just a campaign tactic designed to attack an opponent in disguise. Most important to politicians in the midst of a campaign are the “exit” form and “tracking” forms. They require some form of a random sample and carefully worded questions in order to be accurate. For 10 points, what is a survey used to measure public opinion called?
[ [ 0, 155 ], [ 155, 254 ], [ 254, 352 ], [ 352, 422 ] ]
{polls} [or {polling}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Theory", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two stars in this asterism, Mizar (“MEE-zar”) and Alcor (“AL-core”), have been called the Horse and Rider. Though the North Star is not in this asterism, one can find it by tracing a line from Merak (“MARE-ack”) and Dubhe (“DUB-he”), which make up one side of this asterism's title feature. For 10 points, name this group of about seven stars found in Ursa Major, which also comes in a "little" version.
[ "The Big Dipper", "Big Dipper", "Drinking Gourd", "Plough" ]
Two stars in this asterism, Mizar (“MEE-zar”) and Alcor (“AL-core”), have been called the Horse and Rider. Though the North Star is not in this asterism, one can find it by tracing a line from Merak (“MARE-ack”) and Dubhe (“DUB-he”), which make up one side of this asterism's title feature. For 10 points, name this group of about seven stars found in Ursa Major, which also comes in a "little" version.
[ [ 0, 107 ], [ 107, 291 ], [ 291, 403 ] ]
The {Big Dipper} [or {Plough} or {Drinking Gourd}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks. In another work, a light bulb shines in the shape of an eye and on the right a figure raises his arms in terror with fire above and below. This artist of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (lay DAY-mwah-ZELL dha-veen-YOH) painted The Old Guitarist during his Blue Period.
[ "Picasso", "Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) Picasso" ]
In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks. In another work, a light bulb shines in the shape of an eye and on the right a figure raises his arms in terror with fire above and below. This artist of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (lay DAY-mwah-ZELL dha-veen-YOH) painted The Old Guitarist during his Blue Period. For 10 points, name this Spanish artist of Guernica, who cofounded cubism.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 223 ], [ 223, 347 ], [ 347, 421 ] ]
Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) {Picasso}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This artwork was painted over a previous decoration of gold stars on a blue sky. Sibyls and Prophets surround its nine central panels, which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis.
[ "ceiling", "ceiling Sistine Chapel", "ceiling of the Sistine Chapel", "Sistine Chapel" ]
This artwork was painted over a previous decoration of gold stars on a blue sky. Sibyls and Prophets surround its nine central panels, which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis. This painting's bestknown section shows a man reaching out and almost touching fingers with God. The artist stood on a scaffold to paint, for 10 points, what large fresco that includes The Creation of Adam, a work of Michelangelo?
[ [ 0, 81 ], [ 81, 181 ], [ 181, 278 ], [ 278, 411 ] ]
{ceiling} of the {Sistine Chapel} [prompt on {Sistine Chapel}]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one quest, this figure is directed to the ferryman Urshanabi (UR-shah-NAH-bee) by Siduri. After his companion dies, this figure visits Utnapishtim (OOT-nah-PEESH-tim), who tells him where to find a plant capable of restoring youth.
[ "Gilgamesh" ]
In one quest, this figure is directed to the ferryman Urshanabi (UR-shah-NAH-bee) by Siduri. After his companion dies, this figure visits Utnapishtim (OOT-nah-PEESH-tim), who tells him where to find a plant capable of restoring youth. That plant is later stolen by a serpent. This figure slew the guardian of the cedar forest, Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven, with Enkidu. For 10 points, name this king of Uruk and hero of a Mesopotamian epic.
[ [ 0, 93 ], [ 93, 235 ], [ 235, 276 ], [ 276, 373 ], [ 373, 443 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In 1994 this band released their debut album, the Blue Album. One music video by them shows groups of people breaking Guinness World Records including Largest Game of Dodgeball and Largest Air Guitar Ensemble.
[ "Weezer" ]
In 1994 this band released their debut album, the Blue Album. One music video by them shows groups of people breaking Guinness World Records including Largest Game of Dodgeball and Largest Air Guitar Ensemble. Its lead singer is Rivers Cuomo. For 10 points, name this band whose songs include "Beverly Hills," "Troublemaker," and "Say it Ain't So."
[ [ 0, 62 ], [ 62, 210 ], [ 210, 243 ], [ 243, 348 ] ]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This party was founded by several ex-Whigs. Past leaders of this party include Newt Gingrich, the creator of the Contract with America, and Teddy Roosevelt. One member of this party made a campaign pledge of "no new taxes," and Libertarians traditionally run under this major party's banner. It is currently chaired by Michael Steele.
[ "Republican Party", "GOP", "Republican", "Grand Old Party" ]
This party was founded by several ex-Whigs. Past leaders of this party include Newt Gingrich, the creator of the Contract with America, and Teddy Roosevelt. One member of this party made a campaign pledge of "no new taxes," and Libertarians traditionally run under this major party's banner. It is currently chaired by Michael Steele. For 10 points, name this major party also called the “Grand Old Party.”
[ [ 0, 44 ], [ 44, 157 ], [ 157, 292 ], [ 292, 335 ], [ 335, 406 ] ]
{Republican} Party [accept {GOP} or {Grand Old Party} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two characters in this book later appear as the main characters of Many Waters. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs.Which start this journey in this book. Some characters in this novel can kythe (“KITHE”), while others can tesseract.
[ "A Wrinkle in Time" ]
Two characters in this book later appear as the main characters of Many Waters. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs.Which start this journey in this book. Some characters in this novel can kythe (“KITHE”), while others can tesseract. On Camazotz (“CAM-uh-zots”), the characters in this novel fight IT, who has imprisoned Dr. Murray, although Charles Wallace is able to defeat him after Meg loves him. For 10 points, name this novel by Madeleine L'Engle.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 85 ], [ 85, 99 ], [ 99, 151 ], [ 151, 230 ], [ 230, 397 ], [ 397, 449 ] ]
A Wrinkle in Time
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This mountain range was created by the subduction of the Nazca Plate.
[ "Andes", "Andes Mountains" ]
This mountain range was created by the subduction of the Nazca Plate. The southern part of this mountain range is found in Patagonia and, further south, Tierra del Fuego. The altiplano (all-tee-PLAHnoe), a plateau of this range, contains Lake Titicaca. This range contains the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere, Mount Aconcagua. For 10 points, name this mountain range of South America.
[ [ 0, 70 ], [ 70, 171 ], [ 171, 253 ], [ 253, 334 ], [ 334, 391 ] ]
{Andes} Mountains
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Artists primarily known for work in this movement include Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. One work of this movement, The Treachery of Images, depicts a pipe and the French words for "this is not a pipe."
[ "surrealism" ]
Artists primarily known for work in this movement include Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. One work of this movement, The Treachery of Images, depicts a pipe and the French words for "this is not a pipe." Another of its works depicts melting watches and is titled The Persistence of Memory. For 10 points, name this art movement featuring bizarre juxtapositions, whose artists include Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali.
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 199 ], [ 199, 285 ], [ 285, 411 ] ]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Blaise Pascal names a theorem about these shapes inscribed in conic sections.
[ "hexagons" ]
Blaise Pascal names a theorem about these shapes inscribed in conic sections. Benzene's shape is a regular one of these polygons, and graphene consists of carbon atoms arranged in this shape. It has more sides than any other regular polygon that tessellates a plane. Internal angles of (*) 120 degrees are found in the regular type of, for 10 points, what shape found in honeycombs that has six sides?
[ [ 0, 78 ], [ 78, 192 ], [ 192, 267 ], [ 267, 401 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One character on this show was a model who dated a girl named Marta before taking a job as a doorman. Another character on this show spent 3 days in law school and repeatedly sets things on fire. One of the main character's friends is a tech (*) wizard with an overbearing mother, while the other is a meat-addicted delinquent who co-hosts the title show.
[ "iCarly" ]
One character on this show was a model who dated a girl named Marta before taking a job as a doorman. Another character on this show spent 3 days in law school and repeatedly sets things on fire. One of the main character's friends is a tech (*) wizard with an overbearing mother, while the other is a meat-addicted delinquent who co-hosts the title show. For 10 points, name this Nickelodeon sitcom starring Miranda Cosgrove as the host of an internet webcast.
[ [ 0, 102 ], [ 102, 196 ], [ 196, 356 ], [ 356, 461 ] ]
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Ribosome subunits pass through pores in this structure's namesake envelope and are produced in one part of it. In one kind of cloning, this organelle is transferred into an egg that lacks one. The presence of this organelle distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes. This organelle divides in two during mitosis because DNA is found here.
[ "nucleus" ]
Ribosome subunits pass through pores in this structure's namesake envelope and are produced in one part of it. In one kind of cloning, this organelle is transferred into an egg that lacks one. The presence of this organelle distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes. This organelle divides in two during mitosis because DNA is found here. For 10 points, name this information processing area of the cell.
[ [ 0, 111 ], [ 111, 193 ], [ 193, 267 ], [ 267, 339 ], [ 339, 404 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this work, potted plants are visible above the left shoulder of one of the central figures, and part of a red barn can be seen on the right. Architecture in the background is in the Carpenter form of its title style. This painting's models were the painter's dentist and his sister, Nan. For 10 points, name this regionalist Grant Wood work that depicts a woman and her pitchfork-holding father.
[ "American Gothic" ]
In this work, potted plants are visible above the left shoulder of one of the central figures, and part of a red barn can be seen on the right. Architecture in the background is in the Carpenter form of its title style. This painting's models were the painter's dentist and his sister, Nan. For 10 points, name this regionalist Grant Wood work that depicts a woman and her pitchfork-holding father.
[ [ 0, 144 ], [ 144, 220 ], [ 220, 291 ], [ 291, 398 ] ]
American Gothic
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods. An unusually high concentration of dinoflagellates (DYE-no-FLADGE-ell-ates) can cause the "red" type.
[ "tides" ]
Arthur Doodson designed a machine for predicting the magnitude of these events. They occur in a cycle that includes "stand" periods followed by "slack water" periods. An unusually high concentration of dinoflagellates (DYE-no-FLADGE-ell-ates) can cause the "red" type. Weak versions of these events are known as "neap" ones and occur in the first and third quarters of the lunar cycle. For 10 points, name these variations in the sea level.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 167 ], [ 167, 269 ], [ 269, 386 ], [ 386, 440 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The French equivalent to costing "an arm and a leg" is the cost of these body parts. In Latin, this word translates as "oculus," while the Greek translation, "ophthalmos," gives the terms "ophthalmologist" and "optometrist" for doctors of these body parts.
[ "eyes" ]
The French equivalent to costing "an arm and a leg" is the cost of these body parts. In Latin, this word translates as "oculus," while the Greek translation, "ophthalmos," gives the terms "ophthalmologist" and "optometrist" for doctors of these body parts. "Les yeux" in French and "los ojos" in Spanish identify, for 10 points, what body parts that you can idiomatically have "four" of if you wear glasses?
[ [ 0, 85 ], [ 85, 257 ], [ 257, 407 ] ]
{ "category": "Language", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This planet and Earth are the only ones whose atmospheres are mostly nitrogen. Pictures of it were taken during a search for the hypothetical Planet O. Perceval Lowell predicted the presence of this planet discovered by Clyde Tombaugh (“TOM-baw”).
[ "Pluto" ]
This planet and Earth are the only ones whose atmospheres are mostly nitrogen. Pictures of it were taken during a search for the hypothetical Planet O. Perceval Lowell predicted the presence of this planet discovered by Clyde Tombaugh (“TOM-baw”). Charon has long been considered its satellite, though that classification is now ambiguous. For 10 points, name this celestial object, recently relegated to the category of "dwarf planet."
[ [ 0, 79 ], [ 79, 248 ], [ 248, 340 ], [ 340, 436 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The fundamental units in these body parts work according to the sliding-filament hypothesis and are called sarcomeres. The type that surrounds hollow organs such as the stomach is the smooth type, and the other two types are cardiac and skeletal. One of them, the diaphragm, ultimately fails in a namesake kind of "dystrophy."
[ "muscles" ]
The fundamental units in these body parts work according to the sliding-filament hypothesis and are called sarcomeres. The type that surrounds hollow organs such as the stomach is the smooth type, and the other two types are cardiac and skeletal. One of them, the diaphragm, ultimately fails in a namesake kind of "dystrophy." For 10 points, name these human organs necessary for movement, which include triceps and biceps.
[ [ 0, 119 ], [ 119, 247 ], [ 247, 327 ], [ 327, 423 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this work, potted plants are visible above the left shoulder of one of the central figures, and part of a red barn can be seen on the right. Architecture in the background is in the Carpenter form of its title style.
[ "American Gothic" ]
In this work, potted plants are visible above the left shoulder of one of the central figures, and part of a red barn can be seen on the right. Architecture in the background is in the Carpenter form of its title style. This painting's models were the painter's dentist and his sister, Nan. For 10 points, name this regionalist Grant Wood work that depicts a woman and her pitchfork-holding father.
[ [ 0, 144 ], [ 144, 220 ], [ 220, 291 ], [ 291, 398 ] ]
American Gothic
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A December 2012 agreement between this country's National Action, Democratic Revolution, and Institutional Revolutionary Parties led to constitutional amendments in 2013. The last of those parties is headed by (*) Enrique Peña Nieto [en-REE-kay PAY-nya nee-AY-toe], who replaced Felipe [fay-LEE-pay] Calderon as president.
[ "Los Estados Unidos de México", "México", "United Mexican States" ]
A December 2012 agreement between this country's National Action, Democratic Revolution, and Institutional Revolutionary Parties led to constitutional amendments in 2013. The last of those parties is headed by (*) Enrique Peña Nieto [en-REE-kay PAY-nya nee-AY-toe], who replaced Felipe [fay-LEE-pay] Calderon as president. For 10 points, name this country that recently experienced an increase in drug-related violence and that shares a long border with the United States.
[ [ 0, 171 ], [ 171, 323 ], [ 323, 472 ] ]
Los Estados Unidos de {México} [or {United Mexican States}]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This shape names a law for adding vectors. In a namesake illusion, diagonals of two of these figures appear to be different lengths, though they are not. Though not necessarily the same length, the diagonals of this quadrilateral bisect each other. If all four sides of this type of figure are of equal length, the figure is a rhombus.
[ "parallelogram" ]
This shape names a law for adding vectors. In a namesake illusion, diagonals of two of these figures appear to be different lengths, though they are not. Though not necessarily the same length, the diagonals of this quadrilateral bisect each other. If all four sides of this type of figure are of equal length, the figure is a rhombus. For 10 points, name this shape drawn from two intersecting sets of parallel lines.
[ [ 0, 43 ], [ 43, 154 ], [ 154, 249 ], [ 249, 336 ], [ 336, 418 ] ]
{parallelogram} [do not accept or prompt on more specific answers such as "rhombus," "square," or "rectangle;" do not accept or prompt on less specific answers such as "quadrilateral"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The rest type of this concept is described in special relativity. Its rotational analogue is rotational inertia.
[ "mass", "Rest mass" ]
The rest type of this concept is described in special relativity. Its rotational analogue is rotational inertia. It equals energy divided by the square of the speed of light. On Earth, it is sometimes confused with weight, though it is measured not in pounds but in grams. For 10 points, name this quantity that represents the amount of matter in an object.
[ [ 0, 66 ], [ 66, 113 ], [ 113, 175 ], [ 175, 273 ], [ 273, 357 ] ]
{mass} [prompt on {m;} accept {energy} before "inertia"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Before this event, a three-year winter will end almost all life. During this event, one deity's son will use a giant shoe to take revenge for his father's death.
[ "Ragnarök" ]
Before this event, a three-year winter will end almost all life. During this event, one deity's son will use a giant shoe to take revenge for his father's death. At its start, Heimdall will blow the Gjallarhorn and Loki will break free from his imprisonment. During this event, Thor will kill the Midgard Serpent, only to die from its poison. For 10 points, name this event marking the end of the world in Norse mythology.
[ [ 0, 65 ], [ 65, 162 ], [ 162, 259 ], [ 259, 343 ], [ 343, 422 ] ]
Ragnarök [prompt on Gotterdammerung; prompt on end of the world]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Symbols in this painting include a pair of discarded clogs and a chandelier with one lit candle.
[ "The Arnolfini Wedding", "any answer with Arnolfini and the suggestion of marriage", "The Arnolfini Portrait", "The Arnolfini Double Portrait", "The Arnolfini Marriage" ]
Symbols in this painting include a pair of discarded clogs and a chandelier with one lit candle. In the middle of this painting, a feather duster and a beaded chain flank the artist's signature, which is above a circular mirror. A dog sits near this painting's two human figures, one of whom wears a green dress as she holds the hand of her suitor.(*) For 10 points, name this painting of a married couple by Jan van Eyck [yan van "ike"].
[ [ 0, 97 ], [ 97, 229 ], [ 229, 352 ], [ 352, 438 ] ]
{The Arnolfini Marriage} [accept {The Arnolfini Wedding} or any answer with Arnolfini and the suggestion of marriage; accept {The Arnolfini Portrait} or The Arnolfini Double Portrait]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This "autonomous region" southwest of Qinghai (CHING-high) province is bounded on the north by the Kunlun (KOON-LOON) mountains.
[ "Tibet" ]
This "autonomous region" southwest of Qinghai (CHING-high) province is bounded on the north by the Kunlun (KOON-LOON) mountains. Monasteries of the Yellow Hat sect are a sign of Buddhist religious practice in this region north of the Himalayas. In 1959 its spiritual leader, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, took refuge in India. For 10 points, what Asian plateau region is the target of calls to "free" it from Chinese rule?
[ [ 0, 129 ], [ 129, 245 ], [ 245, 324 ], [ 324, 419 ] ]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Political Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
He compared himself to Robert Downey Jr. on a Colbert (“cole-BEAR”) Report appearance in which he defended himself from rumors of a lifestyle change.
[ "Cookie Monster" ]
He compared himself to Robert Downey Jr. on a Colbert (“cole-BEAR”) Report appearance in which he defended himself from rumors of a lifestyle change. While Kermit the Frog lectured about the W, this character turned it into an N, a V, and then an I. He notes, “that's good enough for me” while singing about what C is for. For 10 points, name this blue Muppet known for catchphrases like “Me want cookie!”.
[ [ 0, 150 ], [ 150, 250 ], [ 250, 323 ], [ 323, 406 ] ]
{Cookie Monster}
{ "category": "Television/Movies", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
J.M.W. Turner painted one of these things before it was to be "broken up" in his The Fighting Temeraire.
[ "ships", "sea vessels", "warships", "boats" ]
J.M.W. Turner painted one of these things before it was to be "broken up" in his The Fighting Temeraire. A black man stands in a small brown one of these things in a Winslow Homer painting. A John Copley painting showing many of these includes a group of people on one of them as Brook Watson is being rescued from a (*) shark attack. For 10 points, name these sea vessels which are often shown in naval war scenes.
[ [ 0, 105 ], [ 105, 190 ], [ 190, 335 ], [ 335, 415 ] ]
{boats} or {ships} [accept {warships;} accept {sea vessels} before it is mentioned]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This element combines with nitrogen to form cyanides, and it combines with iron to make steel. Sixty atoms of this make a molecule of buckminsterfullerene (BUCK-min-ster-FULL-er-een), and another allotrope, mistakenly referred to as lead and used in pencils, is graphite. It exists in all organic molecules. A molecule made of this element and two oxygen atoms is used by plants in photosynthesis.
[ "carbon", "C until mentioned" ]
This element combines with nitrogen to form cyanides, and it combines with iron to make steel. Sixty atoms of this make a molecule of buckminsterfullerene (BUCK-min-ster-FULL-er-een), and another allotrope, mistakenly referred to as lead and used in pencils, is graphite. It exists in all organic molecules. A molecule made of this element and two oxygen atoms is used by plants in photosynthesis. For 10 points, name this element whose atomic symbol is C.
[ [ 0, 95 ], [ 95, 272 ], [ 272, 308 ], [ 308, 398 ], [ 398, 456 ] ]
carbon [accept C until mentioned]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This term describes a "zone" below the water table in which groundwater is found. This term describes compounds that contain only single bonds. It also describes solutions that have the maximum possible amount of dissolved solute.
[ "word forms, such as saturation", "saturation", "saturated" ]
This term describes a "zone" below the water table in which groundwater is found. This term describes compounds that contain only single bonds. It also describes solutions that have the maximum possible amount of dissolved solute. For 10 points, give this term generally describing things unable to hold more, which names a certain kind of "bad" fat.
[ [ 0, 82 ], [ 82, 144 ], [ 144, 231 ], [ 231, 350 ] ]
{saturated} [or word forms, such as {saturation}]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
While president of the Estates-General (es-TAHTS zhay-nay-RAHL), this man presented the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen to Louis XVI. He refused to become dictator after the 1830 July Revolution. Earlier, he had helped to secure French aid to the American Revolution.
[ "Lafayette", "Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette" ]
While president of the Estates-General (es-TAHTS zhay-nay-RAHL), this man presented the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen to Louis XVI. He refused to become dictator after the 1830 July Revolution. Earlier, he had helped to secure French aid to the American Revolution. For 10 points, name this "Hero of Two Worlds," a French general who was George Washington's aide-de-camp.
[ [ 0, 154 ], [ 154, 216 ], [ 216, 288 ], [ 288, 393 ] ]
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de {Lafayette}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One piece of evidence that supports its existence is that the Caledonian mountains of Northern Europe are a continuation of the Appalachian Mountains. This entity broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland (“gon-DWON-uh-land”). Alfred Wegener (“VAY-guh-nuhr”) coined its name during a lecture in which he discussed his theory of continental drift.
[ "Pangaea" ]
One piece of evidence that supports its existence is that the Caledonian mountains of Northern Europe are a continuation of the Appalachian Mountains. This entity broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland (“gon-DWON-uh-land”). Alfred Wegener (“VAY-guh-nuhr”) coined its name during a lecture in which he discussed his theory of continental drift. For 10 points, identify this supercontinent theorized to have existed 250 million years ago.
[ [ 0, 151 ], [ 151, 225 ], [ 225, 345 ], [ 345, 437 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man created a wedding guest who is accosted by a man lamenting, "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."
[ "Samuel Taylor Coleridge" ]
This man created a wedding guest who is accosted by a man lamenting, "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink" in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." He collaborated with William Wordsworth on Lyrical Ballads and wrote a possibly opium-induced poem about a Mongol emperor who decreed "a stately pleasure dome" in Xanadu (ZAN-ah-doo). For 10 points, name this British poet of "Kubla Khan."
[ [ 0, 156 ], [ 156, 340 ], [ 340, 394 ] ]
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
It reportedly began with the false accusations of a wigmaker's apprentice, which supposedly led a crowd to throw snowballs. The first person to die in this incident was Crispus Attucks, and in total five people died out of the three hundred estimated to be in the crowd surrounding Captain Thomas Preston's British troops. For 10 points, identify this 1770 incident named for the New England city where it occurred.
[ "Boston Massacre", "reasonable equivalents" ]
It reportedly began with the false accusations of a wigmaker's apprentice, which supposedly led a crowd to throw snowballs. The first person to die in this incident was Crispus Attucks, and in total five people died out of the three hundred estimated to be in the crowd surrounding Captain Thomas Preston's British troops. For 10 points, identify this 1770 incident named for the New England city where it occurred.
[ [ 0, 124 ], [ 124, 323 ], [ 323, 415 ] ]
{Boston Massacre} [accept reasonable equivalents]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Factors of 1 plus this value all to the nth power appear in both the numerator and denominator of the amortization formula. Dividing a final value by the nth power of one plus this quantity yields present value. Factors of one plus this quantity to the nth power and one plus n times this quantity, when multiplied by a (*) principal value, represent its compound and simple types. For 10 points, name this quantity that represents the cost of borrowing money.
[ "interest", "compound interest", "simple interest", "compound interest rate", "simple interest rate", "interest rate" ]
Factors of 1 plus this value all to the nth power appear in both the numerator and denominator of the amortization formula. Dividing a final value by the nth power of one plus this quantity yields present value. Factors of one plus this quantity to the nth power and one plus n times this quantity, when multiplied by a (*) principal value, represent its compound and simple types. For 10 points, name this quantity that represents the cost of borrowing money.
[ [ 0, 124 ], [ 124, 212 ], [ 212, 382 ], [ 382, 460 ] ]
{interest} rate [accept {simple interest} rate or {compound interest} rate]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }