LiveWorld, Inc. (OTCMKTS:LVWD – Get Free Report)'s share price was up 18.4% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The company traded as high as $0.22 and last traded at $0.22. Approximately 550 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 96% from the average daily volume of 15,550 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.19. LiveWorld Stock Performance The company has a market capitalization of $8.26 million, a PE ratio of 18.12 and a beta of 0.66. The company's 50-day simple moving average is $0.20 and its 200-day simple moving average is $0.18. LiveWorld Company Profile LiveWorld, Inc, a digital agency and software company, provides social media and technology solutions for pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and financial-travel service industries. It offers consulting, strategy, and creative solutions with human agents for moderation, engagement, customer care, and adverse events management, as well as conversation management software, and chatbots for digital campaigns and social media programs. Featured Stories - Five stocks we like better than LiveWorld - Stock Trading Terms – Stock Terms Every Investor Needs to Know - How to Get in on the Blockchain Boom with Blockchain Stocks - Canada Bond Market Holiday: How to Invest and Trade - TJX Companies Stock: Take Profits or Buy the Dip? - Investing in Construction Stocks - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing Receive News & Ratings for LiveWorld Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for LiveWorld and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9344227313995361, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/liveworld-otcmktslvwd-stock-price-up-18-4.html" }
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{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:45Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7172409296035767, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/kawasaki-bikes/ninja-500/offers-in-bhopal" }
ExxonMobil is suing investors who want faster climate action Updated February 29, 2024 at 6:46 PM ET ExxonMobil faces dozens of lawsuits from states and localities alleging the company lied for decades about its role in climate change and the dangers of burning fossil fuels. But now, ExxonMobil is going on the offensive with a lawsuit targeting investors who want the company to slash pollution that's raising global temperatures. Investors in publicly-traded companies like ExxonMobil try to shape corporate policies by filing shareholder proposals that are voted on at annual meetings. ExxonMobil says it's fed up with a pair of investor groups that it claims are abusing the system by filing similar proposals year after year in an effort to micromanage its business. ExxonMobil's lawsuit points to growing tensions between companies and activist investors calling for corporations to do more to shrink their climate impact and prepare for a hotter world. Interest groups on both sides of the case say it could unleash a wave of corporate litigation against climate activists. It is happening at a time when global temperatures continue to rise, and corporate analysts say most companies aren't on track to meet targets they set to reduce their heat-trapping emissions. "Exxon is really upping the ante here in a big way by bringing this case," says Josh Zinner, chief executive of an investor coalition called the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, whose members include a defendant in the ExxonMobil case. "Other companies could use this tactic not just to block resolutions," Zinner says, "but to intimidate their shareholders from even bringing these [climate] issues to the table." ExxonMobil said in an email that it is suing the investor groups Arjuna Capital and Follow This because the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) isn't enforcing rules governing when investors can resubmit shareholder proposals. A court is the "the right place to get clarity on SEC rules," ExxonMobil said, adding that the case "is not about climate change." Other corporations are watching ExxonMobil's case, says Charles Crain, a vice president at the National Association of Manufacturers, which represents ExxonMobil and other industrial companies. "If companies are decreasingly able to get the SEC to allow them to exclude proposals that are obviously politically motivated, then the next question is, well, can the courts succeed where the SEC has failed — or, more accurately, not even tried?," Crain says. Activists push companies for more aggressive climate strategies The shareholder proposal from Arjuna and Follow This called for ExxonMobil to cut emissions faster from its own operations and from its supply chain, including the pollution that's created when customers burn its oil and natural gas. That indirect pollution, known as Scope 3 emissions, accounts for 90% of ExxonMobil's carbon footprint, according to Arjuna and Follow This. The proposal is similar to others that the investor groups submitted to ExxonMobil in recent years and which ExxonMobil says received scant support from other shareholders. After ExxonMobil sued the groups in federal court in Texas in January, Arjuna and Follow This withdrew the proposal and promised not to submit it to ExxonMobil again. But ExxonMobil refuses to drop its case. Arjuna declined to comment. The firm said in a court filing that ExxonMobil''s climate targets aren't as ambitious as those of other big oil and gas companies, and that its shareholder proposal was meant to "foster better investment outcomes by addressing the material threat that climate change poses" to the company. Mark van Baal, founder of Follow This, said in a statement that ExxonMobil is trying to stifle shareholders. "Apparently, Exxon does not want shareholders to vote on whether the company should accelerate its efforts to reduce emissions," van Baal said. "This is the concern of more and more investors who want [to] safeguard the long-term future of the company and the global economy in view of the climate crisis." Companies are offering more transparency on climate, but activists say they need to see action Last year was the hottest ever recorded on Earth, and the effects were devastating. Rising temperatures are driving more extreme weather, from heat waves to floods and droughts. And scientists say the impacts will only get worse because humans keep putting more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, mainly from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. Thousands of peoples' lives are disrupted or harmed by extreme weather, and the economic costs are enormous. Weather disasters in the United States last year inflicted at least $92.9 billion in damages, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Those threats put pressure on companies. Corporations regularly issue reports on climate change and sustainability. And many, including ExxonMobil, say they're trying to eliminate or offset their greenhouse gas emissions by midcentury. But independent researchers say few companies have shown credible plans to achieve their targets. "What we've seen, unfortunately, is that even in the face of disclosure and more transparency from these companies, not much has actually changed from a strategy perspective," says Kevin Chuah, an assistant professor at Northeastern University's D'Amore-McKim School of Business. The impact of rising temperatures has also led states and municipalities to sue ExxonMobil and other oil and gas companies for the threats that their communities are facing, and the industry's alleged efforts to muddy the public's understanding of climate science. The latest lawsuits were filed by the city of Chicago and the state of California. An industry group called the American Petroleum Institute says the lawsuits are meritless and politicized. ExxonMobil says it has acknowledged repeatedly that "climate change is real." The company noted in its statement to NPR that it is pursuing more than $20 billion of "low emission investments" between 2022 and 2027. ExxonMobil said that would be on top of the nearly $5 billion it recently spent buying a company that specializes in capturing carbon dioxide emissions and injecting them into oil wells to boost production. However, those investments are a fraction of what the company is spending on its traditional energy business. A deal ExxonMobil struck last year to buy the oil and gas company Pioneer Natural Resources alone is valued at almost $60 billion. Critics say ExxonMobil's lawsuit is part of a broader effort to limit investor activism Activist investors like Arjuna and Follow This use shareholder proposals to push corporations to go further on climate. But they've struggled in recent years to get support from broader groups of shareholders. Experts say investors are hesitant to back new climate proposals when companies already have policies to disclose and cut emissions. And they say investors worry that proposals have gotten too prescriptive and might interfere with how companies are run. Despite a drop in support for shareholder proposals on climate change, investors aren't giving companies a pass, according to an investor survey by the accounting firm EY. The firm said 56% of the investors it talked to still want companies to make climate change and environmental conservation a priority this year. "I think these are financially material issues," says Chuah of Northeastern University. "And therefore many investors are bringing these concerns up." ExxonMobil says it is committed to cutting emissions from its operations. But the idea that activist investors like Arjuna and Follow This can quickly push the company out of the oil and gas business with new climate policies is "simplistic and against the interests of the vast majority of ExxonMobil shareholders," the company said in a court filing in Texas. ExxonMobil said in a statement to NPR that while shareholders are entitled to submit proposals to the company, they don't have "an unlimited right to put forth any proposal to do anything." "Their intent is to advance their agenda rather than creating long-term value for shareholders," ExxonMobil said of Arjuna and Follow This. Parts of corporate America have grown frustrated with the shareholder proposal process since the SEC issued guidance in 2021 that made it harder for companies to turn away some resolutions. The SEC specifically cited shareholder proposals that ask companies to set targets and timeframes to address climate change, saying it would no longer view those kinds of resolutions as inappropriate as long as companies are free to decide how to meet the goals. The National Association of Manufacturers has argued that forcing companies to publish shareholder proposals that deal with "contentious issues unrelated to [their] core business or the creation of shareholder value," including climate change, violates their First Amendment right of free speech. And Republicans in Congress introduced legislation last year that would allow companies to reject shareholder proposals concerning environmental, social or political issues. "Certainly, there are material climate-related topics that are going to be relevant for a company considering its growth into the future," Crain says. But he says activists too often pursue a "political goal" rather than try to help companies "understand and mitigate those climate related risks or opportunities for their operations." Crain declined to discuss individual companies or shareholder proposals, and he says there isn't an objective way to determine when a shareholder proposal is politically motivated. ExxonMobil's critics say its lawsuit is part of a broader effort to curtail shareholder activism, especially around social and environmental issues. "And the reason is because it's one of the few effective avenues left to hold companies accountable," says Zinner of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. Copyright 2024 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:48Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9713988304138184, "url": "https://kansaspublicradio.org/npr-news/2024-02-29/exxonmobil-is-suing-investors-who-want-faster-climate-action" }
Brazil's state-owned energy heavyweight Petrobras will be distributing more modest dividends in the future as it prepares to become a renewable energy company. That's according to chief executive Jean Paul Prates, who spoke to Bloomberg and said that plans are to have half of Petrobras's revenues coming from wind and solar power generation and renewable fuels in ten years. Prates told Bloomberg he believed shareholders "will understand," explaining that "I would be more conservative than aggressive. We are in the middle of this great decision of becoming an oil company in transition." The top executive made a point of noting that there will be no "drastic turns" in the company's strategy. However, going from 100% revenues from oil to 50% from wind and solar in ten years sounds quite drastic. Petrobras's stock was down on the day the interview was released. Over the past six months, however, the shares have been rising more or less smoothly. In this period, the company has indicated it had growth plans for its core oil and gas business, including higher spending and international expansion. Related: Utility Scale Solar Installations Saw Largest Jump Ever Last Year In November last year, for instance, Prates announced Petrobras's next five-year plan, which featured a 31% increase in planned investments to $102 billion. Of that, 72% was earmarked for oil and gas investment with a view to boosting the company's oil and gas output to 3.2 million barrels of oil equivalent daily from 2.8 million barrels of oil equivalent currently. Also last year, Petrobras indicated it was planning to start buying oil assets—after ten years of divestments as the company sought to reduce its huge debt pile. In May 2023, that pile had shrunk to $53.3 billion, which made the company comfortable enough to return to the asset acquisition game. Earlier this month, the company said it was looking to invest some $100 billion in offshore oil production expansion by the end of the decade. "We need to keep the core [business] very safe . . . We are not doing [a] crazy transition," the company's chief executive told the Financial Times, commenting on the recently announced strategic plan through 2028. Against this background, the latest plans as shared with Bloomberg might seem a little surprising, especially as Prates also told the publication that he planned to start making acquisitions in the wind and solar space as early as this year "to propel the shift" to transition-friendly energy, per Bloomberg. Interestingly, Prates is announcing transition plans soon after two international supermajors that tried to have a fast transition ended up pivoting back to their core business after their transition efforts were revealed to be returning sub-par profits. BP's case was especially notable because its shift to wind, solar, and EV infrastructure was more ambitious. BP's shares took a dive after then-CEO Bernard Looney announced the shift back in 2020 as shareholders took a cautious stance on these ambitions. As it turned out, they were right to be cautious as the shift failed to produce the expected returns, and BP adjusted its plans to regain a focus on oil and gas production and trade. Shell did the same, although its transition strategy was a little less ambitious. Despite these recent examples, the chief executive of Petrobras appears confident that shareholders would be fine with smaller dividends in the name of the transition to wind, solar, and renewable fuels. ADVERTISEMENT This might indeed be true for a certain class of investors whose priority is so-called impact investment and whose size of returns is not that important. There have been indications recently, however, that this class is a rather small one, with most investors still preferring money over environmental benefits. By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com - Microwave Energy Could Fix The Biggest Problem Facing EVs - Short Sellers in Trouble As Physical Oil Market Defies Data - Kremlin Warns of Escalation if NATO Troops Fight in Ukraine
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:48Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9771837592124939, "url": "https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Petrobras-Plans-Dividend-Squeeze-To-Fund-Transition-to-Renewables.html" }
CHENNAI: Following a reply by State Education Policy High-Level Committee Chairman Justice D Murugesan denying allegations against him, a former member of the committee L Jawahar Nesan has issued another statement saying he had written to the CM on April 24 regarding the bureaucratic influence and also to committee on different occasions. Stating that "lies" in Justice Murugesan's statements could be disproved as they are related to procedural issues, Nesan said he established the committee and it is spearheaded towards formulating the state education policy along the lines of NEP 2020. "While the application of NEP 2020 has consistently cropped up on several occasions, the chairman decided to bring principal secretaries/secretaries/other representatives of various departments. I made several submissions to the chairman at several stages, both in the committee's deliberations and through my submissions, urging him to take proper action. But he simply ignored all of them and put the panel in disarray," Nesan added. He also alleged that the chairman himself violated most of the decisions and work plans approved by the committee which resulted in a delay in forming subcommittees. When contacted, Justice Murugesan said that he would read the statement in detail and then respond.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:48Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9819682240486145, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/i-wrote-tocm-in-april-onias-influence-in-sep-paneljustice-d-murugesan-2574942.html" }
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee men's basketball team came back from an eight-point deficit with under 13 minutes to play Wednesday night, defeating No. 11 Auburn, 92-84, in a top-15 showdown in front of a record-setting crowd of 22,547 at Food City Center. Fifth-year guard Dalton Knecht poured in a co-career-best 39 points, including 25 in the final 12:01, to lead fourth-ranked Tennessee (22-6, 12-3 SEC) to victory. His dazzling performance helped the program win its 12th straight home contest against an AP top-25 foe, good for an SEC record, including its ninth in a row against a top-15 opponent.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:48Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9678443670272827, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/knecht-drops-39-in-vols-92-84-win-over-auburn/" }
(RTTNews) - SK Telecom (SKM), Iceotope Technologies, a Precision Liquid Cooling provider, and SK Enmove, a base oil and lubricants provider developing thermal fluids for data center, signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the development of liquid cooling technique/solution that optimizes energy-efficiency of AI data centers. Reducing the power consumption of air conditioning and cooling systems is crucial for achieving energy efficiency in AI data centers, as these systems consume the most energy, the companies said. Under the MOU, the companies will collaborate to deploy Precision Liquid Cooling using SK Enmove's thermal fluid at SKT's AI Data Center Testbed. The deployment is to demonstrate Precision Liquid Cooling's value in cooling efficiency and power savings. Moreover, SKT will develop an integrated Coolant Distribution Unit to support various liquid cooling systems with the technical support of Iceotope. Going forward, SKT plans to develop an AI-based autonomous cooling system. The AI Autonomous Cooling System will analyze the temperature and power load in the AI data center and automatically control the supply temperature and flow rate of thermal fluids in the CDUs to increase the operational efficiency of the AI data center. The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:49Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8768963813781738, "url": "https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/sk-telecom-iceotope-and-sk-enmove-collaborate-on-liquid-cooling-solution-for-ai-data" }
Want to learn about our restaurant platform? Get a demo Soft shell crabs in Cincinnati / Cincinnati / Soft Shell Crabs Cincinnati restaurants that serve soft shell crabs Zundo 220 W 12th street, Cincinnati No reviews yet Soft Shell Crab $12.00 More about Zundo Mei Japanese Restaurant 8608 Market Pl Ln, Montgomery No reviews yet Soft Shell Crab $12.00 More about Mei Japanese Restaurant Mango Tree Thai & Sushi - 7229 Wooster Pike 7229 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati No reviews yet Fried Soft Shell Crab $9.95 Battered crispy soft shell crab served with tempura sauce More about Mango Tree Thai & Sushi - 7229 Wooster Pike Browse other tasty dishes in Cincinnati Bacon Egg Sandwiches Chocolate Cake Pulled Pork Sandwiches Katsu French Fries Chicken Fried Rice Cinnamon Rolls Club Sandwiches Neighborhoods within Cincinnati to explore Over-the-Rhine Avg 4.5 (31 restaurants) Downtown Avg 4.5 (17 restaurants) Walnut Hills Avg 4.5 (8 restaurants) Columbia-Tusculum Avg 4.5 (6 restaurants) Hyde Park Avg 4.7 (6 restaurants) Oakley Avg 4.6 (6 restaurants) Pleasant Ridge Avg 4.5 (5 restaurants) Anderson Township Avg 4.3 (4 restaurants) Corryville Avg 4.7 (4 restaurants) More near Cincinnati to explore Covington Avg 4.7 (37 restaurants) Hamilton Avg 4.4 (21 restaurants) Newport Avg 4.5 (19 restaurants) West Chester Avg 4.5 (16 restaurants) Milford Avg 4.4 (15 restaurants) Loveland Avg 4.4 (15 restaurants) Ft Mitchell Avg 4.5 (14 restaurants) Florence Avg 4.7 (12 restaurants) Fairfield Avg 3.6 (7 restaurants) More popular cities to explore Wilmington Avg 4 (7 restaurants) Dayton Avg 4.4 (120 restaurants) Frankfort Avg 4.4 (14 restaurants) Springfield Avg 4.3 (17 restaurants) Lexington Avg 4.5 (160 restaurants) Muncie Avg 4.4 (15 restaurants) Oklahoma City Avg 4.4 (210 restaurants) Chicago Avg 4.4 (1864 restaurants) Greenville Avg 4.5 (125 restaurants) San Diego Avg 4.3 (1018 restaurants) Minneapolis Avg 4.5 (512 restaurants) Nashville Avg 4.5 (549 restaurants) © 2024 Toast, Inc. About Toast For restaurants Terms of Service Privacy Statement Do not sell my personal information Made with in Boston
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:50Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7136644124984741, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/cincinnati-oh-restaurants/dish/soft-shell-crabs" }
CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday transferred 14 senior IAS officers heading various departments, including T Udhayachandran, secretary 1 to Chief Minister MK Stalin, home secretary K Phanindra Reddy, and Chennai Corporation Commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi. P Amutha has been named the new home secretary of the state. While Udhayachandran, an all-powerful secretary in the CMO who is said to have had a say in several important government decisions, will assume charge as finance secretary, N Muruganandam, the incumbent finance secretary, will be the new secretary 1 to the CM. Udhayachandran's appointment to the key post comes just days after Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan was divested of his finance portfolio. Another important transfer is that of home secretary K Phanindra Reddy. A gentle and firm officer who handled several crises situations with sagacity will take over as transport secretary. Rural development secretary P Amutha will be the new home secretary. For Amutha, known for her straightforwardness, it is a promotion of sorts. The government has chosen her to the sensitive post considering her past service record, sources said. Amutha had served as a joint secretary in the Prime Minister's Office for 14 months from July 2020. Earlier, she was a professor at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie. Recently, she was appointed as high-level inquiry officer to probe into complaints against IPS officer Balveer Singh in a custodial torture case. Chennai Corporation Commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi, who headed various departments in the past, will be taking over as health secretary in the place of P Senthilkumar who will be the new rural development secretary. J Radhakrishnan, another senior IAS officer who was food and cooperation secretary, will be the new Chennai Corporation Commissioner. Interestingly, Radhakrishnan had served as deputy commissioner of health and solid waste management of Chennai Corporation between 1996 and 2001 when MK Stalin was Chennai's Mayor. B Chandramohan, Tourism, Culture and Religious Endowments Secretary has been appointed as PWD Secretary. Incumbent public secretary D Jagannathan will take over as food and cooperation secretary. While transport secretary K Gopal has been appointed as vigilance commissioner and commissioner of administrative reforms, K Manivasan, PWD secretary, will assume charge as new tourism, culture and HR&CE secretary. K Nanthakumar, commissioner of school education, will take over as human resources management secretary. Mythili K Rajendran, the present HRM secretary has been appointed as commissioner of Indian medicine and homoeopathy. S Ganesh, incumbent director of Indian medicine and homoeopathy will be new director of economics and statistics.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:50Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9747326374053955, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/ias-rejig-in-tamil-nadu-udhayachandran-and-muruganandam-swap-posts-2574952.html" }
Assembly of Experts, Its Position in Iran Political Structure Story Code : 1119516 The Assembly of Experts is one of the bodies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose main task is to elect the Leader and monitor his performance. Each term of this Assembly is 8 years and its members are elected by the people. The fifth round of the elections of the Assembly of Experts was held on February 26, 2016, and the sixth round will be held on March 1st at the same time as the twelfth parliamentary elections. The number of the Assembly's representatives is 88. 16 representatives for Tehran province, 6 for Khuzestan and Razavi Khorasan provinces each, 5 for the provinces of Isfahan, East Azarbaijan, and Fars, 4 for each provinces of Gilan and Mazandaran, 3 for West Azarbaijan and Kerman provinces each, 2 for each of the provinces of Ardabil, Alborz, Sistan and Baluchestan, Qazvin, Kordestan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Golestan, Markazi, and Hamadan, and 1 for each of the provinces of Ilam, Bushehr, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, South Khorasan, North Khorasan, Zanjan, Semnan, Qom, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Hormozgan and Yazd. Any increase in the number of representatives will be decided upon in the last year of each period after conducting necessary investigations and according to the population, geographical divisions, and the country's national interests. How representatives are selected The Assembly of Experts representatives are elected by direct vote of the people. These elections are held in every province and each person is a representative of a province. The representatives must be educated in religion and at least be a mujtahid. They should have political and social insight and be familiar with today's issues. They must believe in the Islamic Establishment of Iran and also must not have unfavorable political and social records. A look at different terms of Assembly First Assembly: The Assembly of Experts was established for the first time in 1983. After the demise of Imam Khomeini (RA), who was the founder of the Islamic Revolution and its first Leader, the Assembly selected Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on 4 June 1989. This selection was temporary. After the change of the constitution and holding the related referendum, they chose Ayatollah Khamenei as the permanent Leader in a meeting on August 6 of the same year. Second Assembly: The election for the second Assembly of Experts was held on 1990 October 8. Its first session was held on 1991 February 21. Ayatollah Ali Meshkini was elected as the chairman of the Assembly of Experts. Third Assembly: The election for the third Assembly of Experts was held in 1998. Its first session was held on 1999 February 23. Ayatollah Ali Meshkini was the chairman of the third Assembly of Experts as well. Fourth Assembly: The election for the fourth Assembly of Experts was held in 2006. Due to the approval of the coordination of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran, this term lasted 10 years. Its first chairman was Ayatollah Meshkini and after his demise, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani replaced him. Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani and Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi were the next two chairmen of this term. Fifth Assembly: The election for the fifth Assembly of Experts was held on 2016 February 26. Its first session was held on 2016 May 24. During the session, Ahmad Jannati was elected as the Assembly's chairman with 51 votes. During this term, 21 representatives passed away. Among these 21 people, 13 people replaced them in mid-term elections, but 8 of them have not been replaced. Sixth Assembly: The election for the 6th Assembly of Experts is scheduled to be held on March 1st. 510 people candidated for this term of the elections of which the qualifications of 144 people were confirmed. Among the 88 current representatives, 65 have become candidates for this round of election as well.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:50Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9754555821418762, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119516/assembly-of-experts-its-position-in-iran-political-structure" }
need to know - MusicJoe Budden Claims Numerous Artists Are Making Albums With AIJoe Budden is worried about AI.By Alexander Cole - MusicDoja Cat Shares Sultry Cover Art For Upcoming Single "Need To Know"Doja Cat's next "Planet Her" single "Need To Know" drops on Friday.By Joshua Robinson - MusicDoja Cat Drops A Teaser For Her Next SingleThe "Planet Her" era is fully upon us. By Madusa S.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:51Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7933385968208313, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/need-to-know" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001434Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextField landscape grassland outdoors. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001434View personal and business license JPEGBanner JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiField landscape grassland outdoors. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
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Explore Log in/Sign up Search Notifications Top Sections Copyright © HT Media Limited All rights reserved. Home > New Bikes > Bike Offers > Kinetic Green Bike > E-Luna > Bike Offers in Bhopal Check latest offers on your bike Kinetic Green E-luna Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. We have Offers available on following models in Bhopal Honda Dio Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Applicable on STD & 2 more.. STD ₹ 70,211 DLX ₹ 74,212 Smart ₹ 77,712 Expired View Complete Offer Please provide your details to get Personalized Offers on Choose city +91 | Choose city Choose city Choose city Want to get the best insurance for your existing vehicle? Yes No Powered by: Want to get the best price for your existing car? Yes No Powered by: Please be noted that any information provided herein above will be received by Acko General Insurance Limited ("Acko"). By mentioning the above information, you agree to provide these details and information to Acko. View Complete Offer By clicking "View Complete Offer" you Agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy Dear Name Please verify your mobile number. +91 | Choose city Enter OTP Couldn't verify the OTP. It's either expired or it's incorrect. Resend OTP Submit OTP Locate Kinetic Green Dealers in Bhopal No Kinetic Green Dealers Found in Bhopal Offers By Brand Honda Atumobile Jitendra Ola Electric Ather Energy Revolt Motors View More Brands Offers by City Popular Cities with offers Delhi Kolkata Ahmedabad Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad Pune Bangalore Choose Offers by Brand & City Trending Bikes Yamaha MT-15 ₹ 1.67 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Yamaha R15 V4 ₹ 1.82 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Hero Splendor Plus ₹ 75.14 * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Royal Enfield Classic 350 ₹ 1.93 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Royal Enfield Hunter 350 ₹ 1.5 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare TVS Raider ₹ 95.22 * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Royal Enfield Bullet 350 ₹ 1.74 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Honda Activa 6G ₹ 76.23 * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare Honda SP 125 ₹ 86.02 * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare TVS Apache RTR 160 ₹ 1.19 Lakhs * Onwards Check latest offers Add to compare
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:52Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8150352239608765, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/kineticgreen-bikes/e-luna/offers-in-bhopal" }
Despite the currently low U.S. natural gas prices and the huge shale gas resources, the futures market has seen wild swings in recent months. Record 2023 gas production and one of the warmest winters for decades may have sunk the U.S. benchmark gas price at Henry Hub to the lowest in decades. Still, those factors haven't removed a key risk of sudden spikes and dips. Volatility is here to stay and even increase in the coming years, according to Wood Mackenzie—at least until the U.S. expands its natural gas storage capacity. Lowest Gas Price in Decades U.S. natural gas prices tumbled earlier this month to around $1.55 per million British thermal units (MMBtu)—their lowest level since 1995, except for the Covid-induced crash in energy prices in 2020. Adjusted for inflation, natural gas prices slumped last week to their lowest level since the New York Mercantile Exchange launched trade in U.S. natural gas futures in 1990. The Henry Hub daily natural gas price averaged $1.50 per MMBtu on February 20—the lowest price in inflation-adjusted dollars since at least 1997, according to data from Refinitiv Eikon reported by the EIA. High natural gas production, low natural gas consumption, and high inventories contributed to prices declining for much of 2023 and the first two months of 2024, the Energy Information Administration said in a note this week. Related: Crescent Point Energy Lifts Base Dividend as It Turns Profit for Q4 Abundant supply should keep the equilibrium U.S. natural gas price subdued, rising only slowly out to 2050 and beyond, Ed Crooks, Wood Mackenzie's Vice-Chair Americas, wrote in an analysis last week. Volatility Risk "But while the outlook for average gas prices remains stable, the potential for volatility around those averages has increased," Crooks said, noting that "It is likely that price volatility will persist until there is a substantial increase in gas storage capacity in the US." Natural gas storage capacity hasn't increased at a pace with production, which has been soaring in the past decade. As a result, producers are responding to price signals by either boosting or limiting production, which has led—in cycles—to lower or higher natural gas prices, respectively. The response of the U.S. shale patch has been reactive—companies ramp up or curtail drilling and production activity according to the price, but the effect is being felt months later and is either compounded or limited by seasonal demand. Inevitably, volatility follows. Extreme events such as winter storms have also led to spikes in gas prices over the past few years. The answer to heightened volatility and price swings in both directions is more storage facilities, according to Eugene Kim, Wood Mackenzie's research director for Americas gas. "This greater volatility is a result of the US market having expanded significantly without an equivalent expansion in storage capacity," Kim said. "We have seen a few companies moving to take advantage of these price movements by investing in storage, but it's not enough." Yet the incentive to build more storage capacity has been muted in recent years because the spreads between winter and summer prices have been narrow, also because of the ability of the shale patch to be partly flexible and match seasonal demand, according to WoodMac. Gas Producers Lower Output Amid Depressed Prices Until storage capacity rises, U.S. natural gas producers will continue to respond to prices by either lowering or boosting output. Amid the current glut and prices at their lowest in decades, some of the top gas producers have already announced they would reduce output this year. Antero Resources, for example, released one drilling rig in December 2023 and released one completion crew in February 2024 as a result of the low gas prices. Comstock Resources, for its part, plans to reduce the number of operating drilling rigs it is running from seven to five. EQT Corporation, currently the largest U.S. natural gas producer, lowered earlier this year its production range guidance "as a response to the price environment we're in and wanting to make sure there is flexibility," CFO Jeremy Knop told the Q4 earnings call in February. "The market is asking for not only production curtailments, but also activity reductions," Knop said. ADVERTISEMENT Chesapeake plans to limit its "turn-in-line count to 30 to 40 wells with the majority having already occurred in January and February, drop two frac crews, leaving one frac crew in each basin and drop two rigs, resulting in four rigs in the Haynesville beginning in March and three rigs in the Marcellus beginning midyear" CEO Nick Dell'Osso said on the earnings call last week. "Today, the market is clearly oversupplied," Dell'Osso noted. Without additional storage, producers are bound to continue reacting to oversupplied or undersupplied markets with production adjustments. "The cure for low prices is low prices, and the cure for volatility is volatility. Ultimately, we expect more storage to get built to arbitrage away the extremes. But until then, the potential for more price volatility will remain," WoodMac's Crooks wrote. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com - Microwave Energy Could Fix The Biggest Problem Facing EVs - Short Sellers in Trouble As Physical Oil Market Defies Data - Utility Scale Solar Installations Saw Largest Jump Ever Last Year
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:54Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9616785049438477, "url": "https://oilprice.com/Energy/Gas-Prices/Natural-Gas-Futures-Markets-Wild-Swings-Set-To-Continue.html" }
We'll start with the one that has bike-related history, the Hydra-Glide Revival. It's the fourth model in the Icons Motorcycle Collection, and it's celebrating the 75th anniversary of the introduction of the Hydra-Glide front suspension design. While the suspension design launched in 1949, the design cues of this bike are all based on mid-1950s Harley bikes, with red and white paint, and vintage instrument graphics both being inspired by bikes from 1954 to 1956. It also features plenty of chrome badging, as well as chrome wheels and air cleaner. It has a solo seat with fringed leather, white piping and red stitching, with matching locking saddle bags. Plus it gets a two-tone removable windshield. Only 1,750 of them will be built, and there's special edition badging on top of the handle bar risers. That brings us to the other special edition, which encompasses three models. They're the Tobacco Fade Motorcycle Enthusiast Collection. It's not the most brilliant name, but it is fairly descriptive of what makes the bikes unique. They all get a faded paint scheme that's similar to what you'll find on guitars and drums. The paint scheme is applied to various panels, and the faded sections are surrounded by matching pinstripes. Driving the music theme home are a fuel tank medallion designed like a music record, and a graphic on the front fender based on a guitar pick. This special edition is available on the Low Rider ST, Ultra Limited and Tri Glide Ultra, and 2,000 of each will be built. Pricing and availability haven't been announced, but all these bikes will be on display at Daytona Bike Week from March 2 to March 9. Related Video:
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:55Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9624042510986328, "url": "https://www.autoblog.com/2024/02/29/harley-davidson-hydra-glide-low-rider-ultra-special-editions-reveal/" }
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 28, 2024) – Nashville SC clinched its Concacaf Champions Cup (CCC) Round One series Wednesday night after defeating Dominican side Moca FC 4-0. The Boys in Gold won the two-leg series 7-0 on aggregate to advance to the CCC Round of 16. The team will host the first leg of its two-leg, Round of 16 series against Inter Miami CF Thursday, March 7 at 8 p.m. CT at GEODIS Park in a rematch of last season's inaugural Leagues Cup Final. We're Closed: The Boys in Gold have begun the 2024 season with three straight shutouts across all competitions. Goalkeeper Joe Willis backstopped the club to clean sheets against Moca FC to start the CCC and the New York Red Bulls in MLS play, and Elliot Panicco kept the streak alive after stopping two shots against Moca FC Wednesday night. Nashville SC also started its 2023 campaign with three straight shutouts, all in MLS play. Twice as Nice: Forward Foster Ajago netted two goals to secure a brace in his Nashville SC debut Wednesday night. The club signed Ajago in December after he went undrafted in the 2024 MLS SuperDraft presented by adidas. Last season at Duke, Ajago tallied 14 goals in 18 games, earned Second Team All American Honors, was named ACC Offensive Player of the Year, and was a semifinalist for the MAC Herman Trophy. A Night of Firsts: In addition to Ajago, forward McKinze Gaines notched his first tally as a Boy in Gold in the 13th minute to kick off the scoring for Nashville SC. Forward Jacob Shaffelburg closed out the first half with a goal of his own, his first of the 2024 campaign. In the second half, forward Amar Sejdić made his Nashville SC debut. Next up: The club hits the road this weekend for the team's first MLS road match of the 2024 season. On Saturday, March 2, the Boys in Gold will face off against the Colorado Rapids at Dick's Sporting Goods Park at 8:30 p.m. CT. Nashville SC is undefeated against the Colorado Rapids with a 3-0-0 record across all competitions. Nashville SC will then turn its attention back to the Concacaf Champions Cup when the club hosts Inter Miami CF at GEODIS Park on Thursday, March 7 at 8:30 p.m. CT in the first leg of the Round of 16.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:55Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9652489423751831, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/nashville-sc-defeats-dominican-side-moca-fc-4-0/" }
Lowe's Companies (NYSE:LOW – Get Free Report) released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday. The home improvement retailer reported $1.77 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $1.68 by $0.09, MarketWatch Earnings reports. The firm had revenue of $18.60 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $18.47 billion. Lowe's Companies had a net margin of 8.94% and a negative return on equity of 51.42%. The business's revenue for the quarter was down 17.1% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned $2.28 EPS. Lowe's Companies updated its FY 2024 guidance to 12.000-12.300 EPS and its FY25 guidance to $12.00 to $12.30 EPS. Lowe's Companies Stock Performance LOW traded up $1.29 on Thursday, hitting $240.09. 679,260 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 2,582,617. The business's fifty day moving average is $221.23 and its 200 day moving average is $213.12. Lowe's Companies has a fifty-two week low of $181.85 and a fifty-two week high of $241.44. The firm has a market capitalization of $138.08 billion, a P/E ratio of 18.16, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 1.77 and a beta of 1.12. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades Several analysts recently weighed in on the stock. Wedbush lifted their target price on shares of Lowe's Companies from $215.00 to $250.00 and gave the company a "neutral" rating in a report on Wednesday. Barclays boosted their price target on shares of Lowe's Companies from $203.00 to $229.00 and gave the stock an "equal weight" rating in a research note on Thursday, January 4th. Citigroup boosted their price target on shares of Lowe's Companies from $199.00 to $236.00 and gave the stock a "neutral" rating in a research note on Wednesday, February 21st. Evercore ISI boosted their price target on shares of Lowe's Companies from $205.00 to $210.00 and gave the stock an "in-line" rating in a research note on Wednesday, November 22nd. Finally, Robert W. Baird upgraded shares of Lowe's Companies from an "average" rating to an "outperform" rating and set a $250.00 price target for the company in a research note on Wednesday, February 14th. Thirteen analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and twelve have given a buy rating to the stock. According to MarketBeat, Lowe's Companies presently has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $248.67. Institutional Trading of Lowe's Companies Large investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Gladius Capital Management LP grew its position in shares of Lowe's Companies by 2.8% in the third quarter. Gladius Capital Management LP now owns 2,427 shares of the home improvement retailer's stock valued at $505,000 after purchasing an additional 65 shares during the last quarter. Milestone Investment Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Lowe's Companies in the first quarter valued at approximately $191,000. Hobbs Group Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Lowe's Companies in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $184,000. Icon Wealth Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Lowe's Companies in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $130,000. Finally, Fortis Capital Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Lowe's Companies in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $97,000. 71.88% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Lowe's Companies Company Profile Lowe's Companies, Inc, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a home improvement retailer in the United States. The company offers a line of products for construction, maintenance, repair, remodeling, and decorating. It also provides home improvement products, such as appliances, seasonal and outdoor living, lawn and garden, lumber, kitchens and bath, tools, paint, millwork, hardware, flooring, rough plumbing, building materials, décor, and electrical. See Also - Five stocks we like better than Lowe's Companies - How to Invest in Tech Stocks and Top Tech Stocks to Consider - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing - What Investors Must Know About Over-the-Counter (OTC) Stocks - Salesforce.com Stock Will Set a New High This Year - Best ESG Stocks: 11 Best Stocks for ESG Investing - bluebird bio Stock Signals Potential to be a Multi-bagger Receive News & Ratings for Lowe's Companies Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Lowe's Companies and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:56Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9594759345054626, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/lowes-companies-nyselow-releases-earnings-results-beats-expectations-by-0-09-eps.html" }
Sea scallops in Boston Boston restaurants that serve sea scallops Hook + Line - Restaurant 10 Fan Pier Boulevard, Boston BAKED SEA SCALLOPS | $34.00 | lemon butter, breadcrumbs, sauce rouille Allergens: dairy, alliums, shellfish, nightshades | Browse other tasty dishes in Boston Neighborhoods within Boston to explore More near Boston to explore From tapas in Cambridge to taverns in Allston, check out the neighborhood restaurants that make up this sprawling New England metro area.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:56Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8139017820358276, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/boston-ma-restaurants/dish/sea-scallops" }
TIRUCHY: A study jointly organised by ICAR-KVK, Central Integrated Pest Management Centre (CIMPC) and the state horticulture department last month has flagged an "outbreak" of blossom midge infestation in jasmine cultivation across the district. The researchers attribute climate change and the mindless use of pesticides as causes for infestation of such magnitude. On the pest infestation that causes the flower buds to redden and ultimately shed, lead scientist and toxicology expert R Sheeba said, "We have spotted the same issue in Madurai before but for Tiruchy it's a new phenomenon." "The blossom midge lays its eggs in the inner walls of jasmine buds which later develop and eat away the inner portion of the buds, leading to deformation and distortion," she explained. This ultimately leads to a loss of yield. The infestation was evident in jasmine growing areas such as Posampatti, Podavur, Puliyur, Koppu, Viyalanmedu and Ayilapettai villages, where the study was undertaken, she said. While climate change is a major cause for such outbreaks, farmers' selection and overuse of pesticides only aggravate the problem, the scientist at CIMPC added. Pointing out that the survey of the infestation in jasmine-cultivated areas was undertaken twice – first on April 16 followed by a collaborative study on April 17 – the scientist said, "In our field visits we could observe farmers' selection of pesticides was based on the recommendation of the fertiliser shops. Analysing them we found it helps in no way to control the outbreak. At best it only aggravates the situation." Having held consultations with Dr R P Soundararajan, a jasmine expert in TNAU-Coimbatore, Sheeba advised the use of two easily available pesticides to control the infestation in fields. "Foliar spraying of Chlorantraniliprole or Thiacloprid or Novaluron and application of Fipronil with sand followed by irrigation at required quantities is advised. Foliar spray chemicals should be sprayed at weekly intervals following one after the other for effective control of pest infestation." Farmers are welcome to approach KVK-Sirugamani for any suggestions, she said.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:56Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9482508301734924, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/kvk-cimpc-study-flags-blossom-midge-outbreak-in-tiruchys-jasmine-cultivation-2574891.html" }
neo - MoviesNeo Returns In "The Matrix Resurrections" First LookThe first look at "The Matrix Resurrections," including Keanu Reeves' return as Neo, has arrived. By Mitch Findlay - MoviesWarner Bros. Reveals New Footage Of "The Matrix 4" & "The Batman" At CinemaConNeo is back. By Karlton Jahmal - MoviesAction Bronson Tried & Failed To Get Cast In "The Matrix 4"Is Action Bronson the new One?By Karlton Jahmal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:57Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9041681289672852, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/neo" }
At least 150 Palestinians Killed as Israel Attacks Gaza Story Code : 1119517 According to Palestinian media reports, Israeli troops attacked civilians who were waiting for humanitarian aid to arrive in Gaza City on Thursday, resulting in the killing of at least 150 people and injuring of more than 1,000 others. Scores of wounded individuals were transferred to al-Shifa Hospital amid the Israeli regime's continued bombardment and shelling on Gaza City. Earlier in the day, local media reports said 47 Palestinian martyrs were transferred to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza's Deir el-Balah due to the crimes committed by the Israeli military in the besieged territory. News sources also reported artillery attacks by the Israeli regime on a camp in the city of Khan Yunis, as well as the eastern areas of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The latest development comes as aid agencies have sounded the alarm of a looming famine in Gaza's north due to Israel's blockade on the entry of aid. Dozens of Palestinians have lost their lives in the latest Israeli airstrikes across various parts of Gaza. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf al-Qudra, has also called for "immediate action" by international organizations to prevent the deaths of children due to "malnutrition, dehydration and widespread famine." US Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power also said in a video posted on social media platform X that Israel needs to open more crossings so that "vitally needed humanitarian assistance can be dramatically surged." "This is a matter of life and death," she said, while pointing to the deteriorating conditions in Gaza. Israel waged its brutal war on Gaza on October 7 after the Palestinian Hamas resistance group carried out Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the usurping entity in retaliation for its intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people. According to Gaza Health Ministry, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel's brutal war on the territory began nearly five months ago. The Tel Aviv regime has imposed a "complete siege" on the territory, cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to the more than two million Palestinians living there.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:57Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9656331539154053, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119517/at-least-150-palestinians-killed-as-israel-attacks-gaza" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001436Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextChair furniture armchair armrest. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001436View personal and business license JPEGSmall JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiChair furniture armchair armrest. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
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Komaki Dt 3000 Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. Check Latest Offers in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Brz Get Total Saving Upto Rs. 31,200 On Revolt 400 BRZ Including… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs 26 Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS 26 and Get Discount up to… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000 3k Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 3k and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Bring Home Revolt RV 400 and Get Total Benefit up to Rs. 16,… Available in Bhopal Honda Cd 110 Dream Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:34:59Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7233340740203857, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/dt-3000/offers-in-bhopal" }
The Powerball jackpot has climbed to a staggering $443 million for the Saturday, March 2, 2024 drawing. This exciting sum is sure to attract a lot of players hoping to strike it rich. Remember, playing the lottery should be done responsibly and within your means.The jackpot has an estimated cash value of $210.3 million. Wednesday, February 28, 2024 numbers were 16, 26, 29, 38, 50, and Powerball 6. Powerball tickets are $2 per play. Tickets are sold in 45 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Powerball drawings are broadcast live every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from the Florida Lottery draw studio in Tallahassee. Powerball drawings are also live-streamed on Powerball.com. Jackpot winners may choose to receive their prize as an annuity, paid in 30 graduated payments over 29 years, or a lump-sum payment. The overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 24.87. The odds presented here are based on a $2 play (rounded to two decimal places). Top 10 Powerball Jackpots Rank | Prize | Date | Lottery | ---|---|---|---| 1 | $2.040 Billion | Nov. 7, 2022 | California | 2 | $1.765 Billion | Oct. 11, 2023 | California | 3 | $1.586 Billion | Jan. 13, 2016 | California FloridaTennessee | 4 | $1.080 Billion | July 19, 2023 | California | 5 | $842.4 Million | Jan. 1, 2024 | Michigan | 6 | $768.4 Million | Mar. 27, 2019 | Wisconsin | 7 | $758.7 Million | Aug. 23, 2017 | Massachusetts | 8 | $754.6 Million | Feb. 6, 2023 | Washington | 9 | $731.1 Million | Jan. 20, 2021 | Maryland | 10 | $699.8 Million | Oct. 4, 2021 | California |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:01Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9252935647964478, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/powerball-jackpot-swells-to-443-million/" }
Street tacos in Boston Boston restaurants that serve street tacos Bono Restaurant & Catering 271 Meridian St, Boston STREET TACOS TRIO | $11.00 | A trio of tacos top w/ fresh onions, cilantro, and radishes , accompanied with our fresh salsa verde choice of protein : grilled chicken, carne asada, carnitas (pork), al pastor (pineapple) | Browse other tasty dishes in Boston Neighborhoods within Boston to explore More near Boston to explore From tapas in Cambridge to taverns in Allston, check out the neighborhood restaurants that make up this sprawling New England metro area.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:02Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8168359994888306, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/boston-ma-restaurants/dish/street-tacos" }
CHENNAI: After Supreme Court quashed two state government notifications of 2011 which sanctioned the formation of 36 anti-land grabbing special cells in Tamil Nadu and the transfer of land-grabbing cases to special courts last week, the Madras High Court has issued a memo ordering retransfer of cases pending on the file of special courts to jurisdictional magistrate courts. In an office memorandum issued on Wednesday to the principal judge, city civil court, Chennai, the principal district judge/district judge, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Erode, Karur, Krishnagiri, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Thanjavur, Thoothukudi, Theni, Tiruppur, Tiruchy, Tiruvallur, Tirunelveli, Villupuram, Virudhunagar and the district Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate, Udhagamandalam were directed to re-transfer the cases pertaining to land grabbing pending on the file of special courts to the jurisdictional magistrate courts. In 2011, Tamil Nadu sanctioned the formation of 36 anti-land-grabbing special cells through a Government Order with one cell each at the state police headquarters, seven commissionerates, and 28 districts to deal with land-grabbing cases in the state. Similarly, another G.O. was issued and land-grab cases were ordered to be transferred to special courts. The High Court in 2015 set aside the G.O. because it does not define or mention 'land grabbing cases'. The rationale behind dismissing the order was that it gives unfettered and arbitrary powers to police. Following this, the state approached the SC in which an interim stay was granted and the court has stated that in view of the interim order passed, there shall not be any impediment to the functioning of such courts. Following this, the HC in its official memoranda last year directed the presiding officers of special courts for exclusive trial of land-grabbing cases to expedite trial proceedings and the Principal District Judges were directed to re-transfer the cases pertaining and ensure speedy trial and disposal of cases in the special court. And now after the verdict of the Supreme Court, the cases have again been retransferred.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:03Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9480909705162048, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/madras-hc-moves-land-grab-cases-from-special-courts-to-magistrate-courts-2574941.html" }
N.E.R.N.L. 4 - Music VideosPhilthy Rich Flexes Atop His Rolls-Royce With Rexx Life Raj & ALLBLACK In "Dope Boy"Philthy Rich switches from the Regal to the Wraith for the "Dope Boy" video.By Alex Zidel - NewsPhilthy Rich Spits Fire With Rexx Life Raj & ALLBLACK On "Dope Boy"Philthy Rich releases another track from his upcoming album.By Alex Zidel - NewsPhilthy Rich & Tee Grizzley Are In Sync On "My Sh-t"Philthy Rich calls on Tee Grizzley for a new single from the Oakland rapper's upcoming album.By Alex Zidel
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:03Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7993096709251404, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/nernl-4" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001438Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextDog mammal animal boxer. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001438View personal and business license JPEGSmall JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiDog mammal animal boxer. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:03Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.49457409977912903, "url": "https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001438/image-white-background-dog" }
Yemen's Revolution Leader Condemns Israeli Aggression amid Arab Humiliation Story Code : 1119518 Al-Houthi criticized the behavior of Western nations, particularly the United States, highlighting the stark contrast between their professed commitment to human rights and their complicity in Israeli crimes, which he characterized as unimaginable. He specifically pointed to the recent Israeli attacks on Palestinians awaiting humanitarian aid, condemning the occupying forces for turning a gathering of hungry Gazans around aid trucks in northern Gaza into a lethal trap. Al-Houthi warned of the dire situation in Gaza, where aid only covers a mere 5% of the population's needs, leaving the entirety of its people grappling with a genuine tragedy. He emphasized that the ongoing crisis in northern Gaza has forced residents to flee in search of relief. Despite the worsening plight of Gazans and the silence of Arab nations, Al-Houthi asserted that the Zionist enemy has failed to achieve its nefarious objectives. He stressed the imperative for Arab states to fulfill their responsibilities, cautioning against the potential perilous consequences of inaction. Al-Houthi urged the Islamic Ummah to awaken from indifference and address its duties with wisdom and foresight in the face of escalating crises.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:04Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.941639244556427, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119518/yemen-s-revolution-leader-condemns-israeli-aggression-amid-arab-humiliation" }
Two-year-old Noah Matthews walked between the canine enclosures at the Sampson County Animal Shelter on Saturday, his parents by his side as he gazed intently at each of the dogs in pen after pen, some poking their wet noses out to greet the eye-level youngster. Noah saw dozens of dogs before locking his eyes on the very last pup in the very last pen. He knew he wanted Belle, a 5-year-old mutt with a permanently-wounded front leg, unable to walk without a slight limp. Unlike the other dogs, Belle couldn't leap to her feet and greet Noah, but he was enamored with her nonetheless. "We were looking for a smaller dog," said Noah's mom Ashley, "but then he really attached. When he saw her, he liked her the best." "That was the last dog he saw," said dad Jonathan, as his son hugged the friendly girl he affectionately called "my Belle." From the Clement area of Sampson, the Matthews had read on Facebook days earlier that the county's animal shelter would be doing something it had never done — holding a "Clear the Shelter" event. Ashley knew about a similar event in neighboring Cumberland County last year. "I had heard about it before and I heard this was the first time Sampson has done this," Ashley remarked. So they came to the shelter, a few of the many who lined up outside the Clinton facility before noon Saturday, when it was raining cats and dogs in more ways than one. The heavens opened up just moments before the doors to the shelter did, but the torrential rains didn't keep the crowd away, as 50 animals found their forever homes — the bulk of them in the first two hours of the four-hour event. Among those providing the new homes were Jonathan, Ashley and young Noah, who was perched on his dad's shoulders as they awaited their turn to adopt. "I'm so glad this baby got a home," said Trish Oglesby of Belle. "I was worried she wouldn't." Dr. Bill Oglesby and wife, Trish, operate Veterinary Medical Clinic in Clinton and worked closely with local shelter staff, including director Anna Ellis, to get dozens of cats and dogs ready in weeks preceding Saturday's event. While "Clear the Shelters" has become an annual nationwide pet adoption drive, it was a first for Sampson. As part of the event, the local shelter adopted out spayed, neutered and fully-vaccinated animals for free on a first-come, first-served basis to those meeting requirements, including having a photo ID and being at least 18 years old. "It was lined up when I got here," said Trish. "I recognize a lot of the people showing up today, which makes me happy, because I know they're good pet owners. It's good to see Sampson County pet owners come in to adopt." Bill agreed, saying local adoptions were always a positive sight. He praised the mission behind "Clear the Shelters" event. "I think this is probably one of the better ideas they've had as far as getting animals adopted. This is better even than these animals being rescued and leaving the county," said Bill, a longtime local veterinarian who, along with Trish, has worked extensively with the county and its shelter in recent years. "The rain probably hurt them a little bit," he said, "but not a whole lot from the sound of it." Indeed, little harm done, if any at all. Ellis said 50 animals — 35 dogs and 15 cats — had been adopted by the time it was all over. Nearly all of those came in the first couple hours, with traffic waning over the last two hours along with the rain. Another one of those adopting Saturday was Sampson native Beverly Summerlin, who cuddled with her new feline friend, Taz, as she talked with Sampson vet assistant Adam Radford. "This is my new guy," Summerlin said of Taz, comparing his coloring to Tiger, another beloved cat from her past. "This is my new boy." Originally from Sampson and now a Duplin resident, Summerlin had also heard of "Clear the Shelters," as her daughter Jessica works at the Duplin County Animal Shelter. She was glad to see Sampson take part in it. As Summerlin pet Taz, the rain still beating down outside, Melissa Griffin and her girls Allison and Katie Barcomb were in the next room picking out their new kitten, 1-year-old Daisy, the last cat available. In the end, nearly every adopted animal at the shelter was part of a new family, save for a handful of dogs. Assistant county manager Susan Holder, who was at the event, lauded shelter staff and volunteers, touting the "wonderful partnership" with the Sampson Board of Commissioners, which allocated resources for the spay and neuter procedures prior to the event. The board has disbursed an increased amount of funds to the animal shelter in the past two yearly budgets — a total hike of about $100,000 — in an effort to improve overall operations at the facility. Funds have been utilized toward beefing up staff, increasing medical supplies and purchasing new dog pens as part of a three-year replacement process. Those decisions came in the wake of a failed state inspection of the shelter in early 2018, which ignited a firestorm from animal advocates and the general public calling for sweeping changes at the facility. Shelter officials, with the help of county administration and local and state animal experts, implemented corrective actions that included new intake procedures, personnel and practices designed to improve the facility and its care for animals. Last month, the state inspector praised the Sampson facility's improvement during an annual inspection. Ellis said "Clear the Shelter" is something the shelter sought to do to further open the lines of communication to the public. She called Saturday's event an open house. "We're trying to get our public more involved in our local shelter and know that there are great adoptable animals," Ellis stated before the event. "My goal is to have more events like this where we bring the public in and bring more awareness to the shelter." After the event, Ellis expressed her gratitude to the many county residents and others who participated, helping a plethora of dogs and cats find forever homes. "I was very pleased with the turnout," said Ellis. "Everybody seemed to be patient with us despite the rain, which I know was aggravating, and we were appreciative of that. The shelter appreciates the support the public gave us. That means a lot to us." Adopters were vetted, with Animal Control officer Sgt. Jessica Kittrell on hand Saturday to check for any records regarding animal-related convictions and surrenders for those wishing to take home a dog or cat. Ellis said there were no issues throughout the day. "It's been a lot of work for the shelter staff and Animal Control staff, but they were probably the most excited about this," said Holder. "I'm absolutely amazed at the turnout, even with the rain." "I'm very surprised," Radford added, "very pleasantly surprised." Ellis has noted the revised paperwork and veterinary care procedures, as well as cleaning protocols and shelter upgrades, that have taken place since early last year. Public outreach has been a vital step in the process of continual improvement, she noted. Ellis wants to see the free adoptions through "Clear the Shelter" become an annual occurrence, while also potentially extending regular adoption hours on a Saturday every month at the facility, which is currently open to the public from just 1-5 p.m., and only on weekdays. At around 11 a.m. Saturday, as Ellis and the other shelter employees prepared for a watershed moment for the Sampson facility, Ellis peeked out the window. Vehicles were already filling the modest parking lot outside, many relegated to the grass. The queue of people had already begun, and was inching longer. "I saw that line forming and I said 'this is what we needed,'" Ellis stated. "It was more than I expected to be honest. I was very pleased and very appreciative."
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:04Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.987332284450531, "url": "https://www.clintonnc.com/news/41771/fifty-animals-adopted-in-sampsons-first-clear-the-shelter" }
Healthcare providers across the country are reeling from a cyberattack on a massive U.S. healthcare technology company that has threatened the security of patients' information and is delaying some prescriptions and paychecks for medical workers. The hack could also disrupt discharging people from the hospital, a major hospital association said. Change Healthcare announced Thursday that a ransomware group that had claimed responsibility for the attack was at fault. Change Healthcare also said it is assessing the impact of the attack, which it first acknowledged on Feb. 21 and has affected billing and care-authorization portals across the country. "Patient care is our top priority and we have multiple workarounds to ensure people have access to the medications and the care they need," Change Healthcare said in a statement. Owned by UnitedHealth Group, Change Healthcare manages health care technology pipelines, processing 14 billion transactions a year. The company said its investigation determined that Change Healthcare, Optum, UnitedHealthcare and UnitedHealth Group systems have been affected. Change also confirmed Thursday that ransomware group ALPHV, or Blackcat, made the breach. The company didn't respond to a question about whether it paid or negotiated a ransom. One of the most immediate impacts is that people are seeing delays in getting prescriptions, American Hospital Association spokesperson Ben Teicher said. Change Healthcare said most affected pharmacies are using workarounds like writing things down. But the severity of the situation may still be unfolding, the American Hospital Association said in an email to The Associated Press. Hospitals are having issues with processing claims, billing patients and checking insurance coverage for care, the AHA said, but the attack also could affect the ability to pay workers and buy medicine and supplies. "The impact to hospitals is just now really starting to crystallize and as a result has been underreported," Teicher said. "As a result we can't really speak to the longer term aftermath, but it can result in hospitals not being able to make payroll or patients still waiting for services to be approved." Health systems told the Healthcare Association of New York State that they've had trouble with various things, including "an inability to verify patient eligibility and coverage … communicate pharmacy prescriptions, file claims … and receive normal cash flow to support operations, among other issues," association president Bea Grause said. Several major health care providers that serve multiple states did not respond to requests for comment. Cybersecurity experts say ransomware attacks have increased substantially in recent years, especially in the health care sector. This one comes on the heels of an attack last month on a children's hospital in Chicago, which had to take phone, email and medical records systems offline. An FBI spokesperson in Tennessee said he could not confirm or deny whether the FBI is investigating. "As far as we can tell, the attack is being contained," said Allan Liska, a threat intelligence analyst at Recorded Future. "We don't think it's going to get worse. But when you have a critical system like this that's down for an extended period … the longer it's down and the longer that recovery takes, the more impact it's going to have on patient care." Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:04Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9682397246360779, "url": "https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/change-cyberattack-hospitals-pharmacy-alphv-unitedhealthcare/2024/02/29/id/1155499/" }
The Detroit Tigers have strategically bolstered their organizational infield depth by claiming Buddy Kennedy off waivers from the St. Louis Cardinals. Kennedy, a 25-year-old second baseman with a brief but Major League Baseball stint, has become the latest addition to the Tigers' roster. This acquisition comes at the expense of infielder Andre Lipcius, who was designated for assignment to make room for Kennedy. Kennedy's journey through the MLB has been anything but static, showcasing his potential value to teams seeking infield versatility and offensive potential. Buddy Kennedy: A Calculated Gamble The Tigers' decision to claim Buddy Kennedy reflects a calculated gamble to enhance their infield options with a player who has shown promising signs, especially in Triple-A. Kennedy's performance in the minors, highlighted by a high on-base percentage and a commendable walk rate, presents an opportunity for the Tigers to develop a player who could contribute significantly at the MLB level. While Kennedy's power numbers have seen a dip since his explosive 2021 season, his ability to get on base and versatility in the infield could prove invaluable for a Detroit team looking to climb the ranks in the coming seasons. TL;DR (too long didn't read) - Buddy Kennedy, with 40 MLB games experience, claimed by the Detroit Tigers from the St. Louis Cardinals. - Andre Lipcius designated for assignment to accommodate Kennedy on the 40-man roster. - Kennedy boasts a .308 batting average with a .432 OBP in Triple-A last season, demonstrating significant on-base capabilities. The Bottom Line – A Prospect Worth Watching Buddy Kennedy's acquisition by the Detroit Tigers may not headline the offseason moves, but it represents a savvy addition to a team in the process of building a competitive roster. Kennedy's past achievements in the minors, combined with his journey through multiple MLB teams, suggest a player with untapped potential and a hunger to establish himself in the big leagues. As the Tigers continue to shape their team identity and roster for the 2024 season, Kennedy's role and contribution will be closely watched by fans and analysts alike. In the dynamic world of baseball, sometimes it's the under-the-radar moves that pay off the most significantly.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:04Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9624816179275513, "url": "https://detroitsportsnation.com/detroit-tigers-acquire-buddy-kennedy/wgbrady/tigers/detroit-tigers-news/02/29/2024/447097/" }
In the garden - Joined - May 26, 2021 - Messages - 6,056 - Reaction score - 9,310 The incident occurred at the Miner's Claim restaurant located at 740 Main Street in Silt, Colorado, the police said. Silt Police Chief Mike Kite confirmed to The Denver Gazette that "Boebert and her ex-husband, Jayson, were involved." He said he plans to go through any surveillance tape. . . " 9news
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:04Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9716908931732178, "url": "https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/congresswoman-lauren-boebert-may-have-run-afoul-of-the-law-update-lauren-boeberts-ex-husband-arrested-after-colorado-restaurant-row.4319015/" }
MassRoots, Inc. (OTCMKTS:MSRT – Get Free Report)'s share price rose 2.5% during trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $0.73 and last traded at $0.73. Approximately 175,663 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 83% from the average daily volume of 1,063,234 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.71. MassRoots Price Performance The firm has a 50 day moving average price of $0.73 and a 200 day moving average price of $0.68. About MassRoots MassRoots, Inc engages in the development and provision of social media network for the cannabis community. It offers WeedPass, a rewards program which enables consumers to earn tickets to movies, sporting events, and festivals by shopping at participating dispensaries. The company was founded by Isaac Dietrich, Stewart Fortier, Tyler Knight, and Hyler Fortier in April 2013 and is headquartered in Denver, CO. Further Reading - Five stocks we like better than MassRoots - Russell 2000 Index, How Investors Use it For Profitable Trading - How to Get in on the Blockchain Boom with Blockchain Stocks - The How and Why of Investing in Biotech Stocks - TJX Companies Stock: Take Profits or Buy the Dip? - How to invest in blue chip stocks - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing Receive News & Ratings for MassRoots Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for MassRoots and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:06Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9327199459075928, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/massroots-otcmktsmsrt-stock-price-up-2-5.html" }
Flea markets have been in existence since the 19th century as a place to purchase an assortment of goods in the open air. Today, they are a growing business that brought in more than $36 billion in 2023. According to Ibisworld.com, the industry has grown 4.5% between 2018 and 2023, with more than 510,000 flea market businesses in the United States. There are five traditional markets in Middle Tennessee. It is believed that the term "Flea Market" comes from the French "marché aux puces," a title that was given to a Parisian market that specialized in selling second-hand goods, according to cowtownfarmersmarket.com. "Traditional flea markets are often set up along the streets, making them a more seasonal concept," said cowtownfarmersmarket.com. "To fill in the gaps and meet the demand, many brick-and-mortar locations have since popped up around the country and operate year-round." First arriving in the United States in 1873, more than 5,000 flea markets are assumed to be operating in the country today serving millions of customers. Interest in flea markets comes and goes, but with the return to interest in vintage and second-hand goods by both interior designers and the general public, the upward trend is expected to continue over the next few years as they are a great place to find one-of-a-kind statement pieces for the home. According to Forbes Magazine, "Less will no longer be more in the coming year. 'Ultra-modern minimalism is out for 2024! We're seeing a push towards more layered spaces full of color and pattern. Gone are the days of white walls and cookie-cutter layouts as unique configurations and ornate architectural details are having a comeback,' says Samantha Stathis-Lynch of Samantha Ware Design… 'To round out the lived-in feel, all things vintage are a must as they add patina and depth to your space.'" Maximalism and "curated clutter" are the new trends. Avenue 8 states, "With all due respect to Marie Kondo, a more lived-in, idiosyncratic interior style does feel right at a moment when so much else has been stripped away… The mini-boom in knick-knack shopping is happening." People are once again looking for unique items with which to decorate their homes and blend with items they already have to create artfully cluttered vignettes. Flea markets and vintage stores are a great place to look for these unique items. They also offer lower priced items, a boon during inflation. The Nashville Flea Market has been in existence since 1969. Located on the Nashville Fairgrounds, at 401 Windgrove Street, it is considered one of the top ten flea markets in the country with about 2,000 booths run by vendors coming to sell their wares from 30 states. "Merchandise sold features antique furniture, dishware, knick knacks, specialty foods, boutique clothing, carpets, health and beauty items, jewelry, perfume, leather goods, paper goods, yard art and more," says the Nashville Fairground website. It runs all year from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, on the last weekend of the month, usually. Here's the schedule for 2024. Running every third Saturday in Columbia, Tennessee, Muletown Flea Market takes place on the lawn at Glover's Secondhand. It is located in the Columbia Arts District at 1200 S. High Street. Here customers will find vintage items, secondhand clothing, local artwork, handmade items, baked goods, antiques, and more. The hours are from 10:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. The 2024 schedule can be seen here. The Franklin Flea Market took place twice in 2023, and Stewart Promotions, the company that organizes the event, plans to have four in 2024. They will occur at the Williamson County Ag Expo Park, 4215 Long Lane. The next scheduled market is April 20 through April 21. Times will be 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. There are more than 500 booths located both inside and outside, as well as food trucks. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, boutique, jewelry, electronics and much more will be available at the market. Sitting on the city limit line between Springfield and Greenbriar in Robertson County at 2862 U.S. 41, the Highway 41 Flea Market will open for the season in April 2024 and run through the end of October. Family-owned and operated, they offer antiques, fishing gear, resale/yard sale items, vegetables, flowers, crafts and food. They are open Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Open Saturdays and Sundays from March until November, the Parkland Flea Market is located at 4994 Murfreesboro Road in Lebanon, Tennessee. This market has been operating since 1977. More than 300 ever-changing booths offer everything from antiques and collectibles to farm animals to plants and vegetables. A cash-only market, they are open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. They have space available both under cover and in the open air.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:08Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9638663530349731, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/spring-draws-customers-to-flea-markets/" }
Komaki Flora Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. Check Latest Offers in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Brz Get Total Saving Upto Rs. 31,200 On Revolt 400 BRZ Including… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs 26 Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS 26 and Get Discount up to… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000 3k Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 3k and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Bring Home Revolt RV 400 and Get Total Benefit up to Rs. 16,… Available in Bhopal Honda Cd 110 Dream Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:07Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7226686477661133, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/flora/offers-in-bhopal" }
Chicken shawarma in Hanover Hanover restaurants that serve chicken shawarma The Nest Kitchen & Cafe 57 South Main St Suite 101, Hanover CHICKEN SHAWARMA | $14.95 | Misty Knoll Farm chicken breast with shawarma spices in a pita with tahini sauce, red onion, cucumber, lettuce & tomato | | CHICKEN SHAWARMA | $14.95 | Top-quality meats including mortadella with pistachios, sopressata and hot capocollo with Italian sharp provolone, banana peppers, and lettuce on a demi-baguette (available toasted) |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:09Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7905374765396118, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/hanover-nh-restaurants/dish/chicken-shawarma" }
CHENNAI: The BJP has been ousted from power in the Dravidian landscape with the Congress party's victory in Karnataka, and like-minded parties should join forces to win the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, DMK president and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin said on Saturday. CM Stalin, in his congratulatory message to the Congress, said, "The unjustifiable disqualification of Rahul Gandhi as MP, misusing premier investigative agencies against political opponents, imposing Hindi, and rampant corruption have all echoed in the minds of Karnataka people while voting and they have upheld the Kannadiga pride by teaching a befitting lesson to BJP's vindictive politics." An official release said the CM greeted top Congress leaders, including AICC president Mallikarjuna Kharge, former AICC chairpersons Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, former Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah and KPCC president DK Shivakumar, over the phone on the poll victory. MDMK general secretary Vaiko said the Karnataka election result has shown that BJP is not an unshakable force and same result would be seen in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. CPI state secretary R Mutharasan congratulated the people of Karnataka for defeating communal forces. Mutharasan said the electoral victory will help the Congress party fight communal forces across the country. Speaking to reporters, TNCC president KS Alagiri said the verdict has proved that the people want to live together without any communal tension. "Congress party's way is the way of love and people of Karnataka have agreed and supported that." Makkal Needhi Maiam chief Kamal Haasan congratulated Rahul Gandhi for the victory. Kamal tweeted, "Just as Gandhiji, you walked your way into peoples hearts and as he did you demonstrated that in your gentle way you can shake the powers of the world -with love and humility. Your credible and creditable approach, without bravado or chest thumping has ushered a breath of fresh air for the people." "You trusted the people of Karnataka to reject divisiveness, who in turn have unitedly reciprocated by placing their faith in you. Kudos for not just the victory but also for the manner of victory!" Leaders of various political parties, including VCK president Thol Thirumavalavan, expressed happiness over the outcome and congratulated the Congress. Hundreds of Congress workers thronged party headquarters Sathyamoorthi Bhavan and burst crackers and distributed sweets to people.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:09Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9517870545387268, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/no-bjp-govt-in-dravidian-landscape-2574933.html" }
netflix doc - TVBritney Spears Will Not Be Working On Her Own Documentary Despite ReportsThe songstress does not have her own follow-up documentary in the works despite rumors. By Madusa S. - TVNetflix Drops "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich" Doc TrailerNetflix's "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich" now has a proper trailer ahead of its May release. By Madusa S. - TVBhagavan "Doc" Antle Speaks On "Tiger King" Doc Missteps, Says He's SingleBhagavan "Doc" Antle has become an overnight star thanks to the virality of the "Tiger King" documentary. By Rose Lilah
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:09Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.876115620136261, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/netflix-doc" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001439Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextDog mammal animal boxer. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001439View personal and business license JPEGSmall JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiDog mammal animal boxer. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:10Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.516890287399292, "url": "https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001439/image-white-background-dog" }
Deaths where alcohol played a key role climbed sharply in recent years, hitting women even harder than men, new government data shows. Between 2016 and 2021 (the latest numbers available), "the average number of U.S. deaths from excessive alcohol use increased by more than 40,000 [29%], to 178,000 per year," reported a team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Put another way, during 2020 and 2021, an average of 488 Americans died each day from excessive drinking, the report's authors concluded. The rate of increase appears to be accelerating: Between 2016 and 2019, deaths where alcohol was a factor rose by 5%, but between 2018 and 2021 they climbed by 23%. Men continue to lose their lives to alcohol in greater numbers than women, the report found. However, the rate at which women are dying from excessive drinking is rising faster than that of men, the researchers found. Over the study period, deaths from excessive alcohol use among women rose by about 35%, compared to about a 27% rise among men. The new data looked at deaths directly linked to drinking -- things like alcoholic liver disease or excessive intoxication -- as well as more indirect causes, such as heavy drinking's role in heart disease and stroke. Over the study period, death rates rose for most forms of alcohol-related deaths, but "death rates among females [involving alcohol] were highest from heart disease and stroke," noted a team led by CDC alcohol researcher Marissa Esser. Why the steady, steep rise in deaths? According to the researchers, numerous factors may be to blame, including a widening of access to alcohol (for example, home delivery) that began during pandemic lockdowns. Binge drinking also seems to be on the rise. For example, "the prevalence of binge drinking among adults aged 35-50 was higher in 2022 than in any other year during the past decade," the CDC team noted. That rise doesn't bode well for the future, Esser's group warned. What can be done to turn these trends around? The researchers believe boosting taxes on alcohol and cutting back on the number of outlets licensed to sell beer, wine and liquor could only help. The study was published Feb. 29 in the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:11Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9753615260124207, "url": "https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/deaths-u-s-alcohol/2024/02/29/id/1155466/" }
According to a report from Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press, the Detroit Lions are reportedly in discussions with Amon-Ra St. Brown's agency for a contract extension, signaling a significant step towards securing the future of one of the NFL's most promising talents. With St. Brown entering the final year of his rookie contract, the move underscores the Lions' commitment to retaining their key players and building a competitive team around them. Given St. Brown's exceptional performance since being drafted, this negotiation phase is a critical juncture for both the player and the team. While no immediate deal is on the horizon, the intentions are clear: Detroit values St. Brown highly and is keen on extending his stay at the club. Considering St. Brown's modest earnings relative to his high output since joining the league, a lucrative deal seems both justified and inevitable. His contribution to the team has been outstanding, with stats placing him among the elite receivers in the league over the past three seasons. Amon-Ra St. Brown is Deserving of an Extension The Detroit Lions' move to secure Amon-Ra St. Brown with a contract extension is more than just a financial negotiation; it's a strategic decision to anchor the team's offensive lineup around a proven performer. St. Brown's trajectory since entering the NFL speaks volumes of his importance to the Lions. Ranking impressively in receptions, receiving yards, and touchdowns over his short career, he's not just a player for today but a cornerstone for the Lions' future ambitions. These extension talks signal Detroit's recognition of talent and their intent to build a formidable team presence in the league. TL;DR (too long didn't read) - The Detroit Lions are in talks for a contract extension with Amon-Ra St. Brown. - St. Brown has outperformed his rookie contract, making him due for a significant pay raise. - Expected to command around $25 million per year, reflecting his elite status in the league. The Bottom Line – A Well-Deserved Extension on the Horizon As the Detroit Lions work towards finalizing a contract extension for Amon-Ra St. Brown, the anticipation builds not only among the fans but within the organization about the potential locked within this young receiver. St. Brown's performance has already set a high bar, and with the right support and continued development, there's no telling the heights he could reach. Securing St. Brown's talent for the coming years is a testament to Detroit's dedication to excellence and a signal to the league that the Lions are serious contenders, built around a core of exceptional talent. As the negotiations progress, all eyes will be on Detroit, awaiting the official announcement of what could be one of the most deserved and impactful contract extensions in recent NFL history.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:11Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9614459276199341, "url": "https://detroitsportsnation.com/report-detroit-lions-and-amon-ra-st-brown-are-working-on-a-contract-extension/wgbrady/nfl-lions/detroit-lions-news/02/29/2024/447090/" }
Iranian Scholars Hold Talks with Iraqi PM in Baghdad Story Code : 1119519 During the meeting, Iranian scholars provided insights and posed inquiries regarding significant developments in Iraq, with a particular focus on regional dynamics and Iran's involvement. Discussions encompassed various topics, including the Tehran-Baghdad security agreement, Iraq's role in fostering regional stability and independence, addressing challenges within the Islamic world, and the ongoing situation in Gaza. Both parties emphasized the paramount importance of strengthening trade, economic, and political bonds between Iran and Iraq. Prime Minister Al Sudani reiterated Iraq's commitment to bolstering ties with Iran, highlighting progress in implementing the security agreement and requesting Iranian verification of these efforts. Additionally, Al Sudani underscored the substantial social commonalities between the two nations, emphasizing their alliance. Moreover, Al Sudani reiterated Iraq's steadfast support for the Palestinian people and reaffirmed the country's stance on developments in Gaza.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:10Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9156841039657593, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119519/iranian-scholars-hold-talks-with-iraqi-pm-in-baghdad" }
F65 @plutonium - Joined - Mar 3, 2014 - Messages - 57,531 - Reaction score - 21,608 Anyone else a fan? Thanks Australia! Ps. That vid might be better with the sound off. Ps. That vid might be better with the sound off.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:11Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7566395998001099, "url": "https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/michelle-jenneke-my-god.3317845/" }
Here's a look at the top stories for February 29, 2024. Two people were injured after a box truck overturned in Franklin Thursday. Read more. The visitor center in downtown Franklin is set to be renovated to accommodate the needs of both visitors and locals beginning in March and will reopen later in the spring. Read more. A months long investigation by MNPD Special Victims detectives led to the arrest of a Franklin man on four outstanding warrants relating to the unlawful dissemination of images he secretly took of a female acquaintance. Read more. Police in Franklin are searching for two women who allegedly stole nearly $2,500 worth of products from a beauty supply store. Read more. These are the health scores in Williamson County Tennessee with their most recent inspection score for February 20-27, 2024. Read more.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:14Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9741696715354919, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/top-stories-from-february-29-2024/" }
Chorizo burritos in Hanover Hanover restaurants that serve chorizo burritos The Nest Kitchen & Cafe 57 South Main St Suite 101, Hanover CHORIZO JACK & JALAPENO BURRITO | $13.95 | 2 local eggs, scrambled and wrapped in a flour tortilla with our house chorizo, roasted onions, pickled jalapenos & Jack cheese |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:15Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6808590292930603, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/hanover-nh-restaurants/dish/chorizo-burritos" }
nevermind - MusicDrake's "Honestly, Nevermind" Certified PlatinumDrake picks up yet another major sales achievement. By Lavender Alexandria - MusicNirvana Wins Lawsuit Against "Nevermind" Baby Over Album CoverNirvana has won a child pornography lawsuit filed by the man who was featured on the cover of "Nevermind" as a baby.By Cole Blake - Pop CultureNirvana's "Nevermind" Child Porn Cover Art Lawsuit DismissedA California judge dismissed Spencer Elden's child pornography lawsuit against Nirvana. By Aron A.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:15Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.920701801776886, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/nevermind" }
MADURAI: The Madurai Bench of Madras High Court recently issued a notice to the state government and the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) on a petition filed by an aggrieved candidate seeking direction to the government to frame rules for the appointment and functioning of TNPSC's expert committee. The petitioner, R Lakshmanakumar (30) of Dindigul, submitted that TNPSC issued a notification on July 21, 2022, inviting applications for Combined Civil Services Examination-I (Group-I services) to fill up 92 vacant posts. The petitioner said he took part in the preliminary examination which was held on November 19. The commission published a tentative answer key 10 days later on November 28 on the TNPSC website and gave seven days' time to the candidates for submitting objections with regard to the answer key. Lakshmanakumar challenged 19 questions, but claims to have never received a response from the commission. Meanwhile, the commission published the list of selected candidates on April 28, 2023, without publishing the final answer key or replying to the objections raised by the candidates, the petitioner alleged, adding that the selection list did not contain his name. Claiming that he would have got selected if the commission had awarded him marks for the 19 questions challenged by him, the petitioner requested the court to stay the selection process and form a fresh expert committee to analyse the objections raised by the candidates. He also sought the details of the expert committee members, and the expenses incurred to appoint them from 2010 till 2022. He further sought a direction to the human resources management department to frame proper rules for the functioning of the TNPSC expert committee. Justice GR Swaminathan issued a notice to the state government and TNPSC before adjourning the case.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:15Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9577349424362183, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/notice-sent-to-govt-on-plea-to-frame-rules-for-tnpsc-expert-committee-2574878.html" }
Motley Fool 100 Index ETF (BATS:TMFC – Get Free Report) traded up 0.1% during trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $48.60 and last traded at $48.57. 37,094 shares were traded during trading, The stock had previously closed at $48.51. Motley Fool 100 Index ETF Price Performance The stock has a market capitalization of $635.12 million, a P/E ratio of 26.65 and a beta of 1.08. The company has a 50 day simple moving average of $46.07 and a 200-day simple moving average of $42.81. Institutional Trading of Motley Fool 100 Index ETF An institutional investor recently bought a new position in Motley Fool 100 Index ETF stock. Captrust Financial Advisors acquired a new stake in shares of Motley Fool 100 Index ETF (BATS:TMFC – Free Report) during the second quarter, according to its most recent filing with the SEC. The fund acquired 5,040 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $205,000. Motley Fool 100 Index ETF Company Profile The Motley Fool 100 Index ETF (TMFC) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the Motley Fool 100 index. The fund tracks an index of 100 of the largest US companies identified by any of the Motley Fool publications, including the top companies in the Motley Fool IQ Database. TMFC was launched on Jan 29, 2018 and is managed by Motley Fool. Featured Articles - Five stocks we like better than Motley Fool 100 Index ETF - The How and Why of Investing in Gold Stocks - How to Get in on the Blockchain Boom with Blockchain Stocks - What is Put Option Volume? - TJX Companies Stock: Take Profits or Buy the Dip? - What is the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing Receive News & Ratings for Motley Fool 100 Index ETF Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Motley Fool 100 Index ETF and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:16Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9354416728019714, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/motley-fool-100-index-etf-batstmfc-shares-up-0-1.html" }
Rutgers University molecular biologist Richard Ebright said there is "smoking-gun" evidence that SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19, was created in a Chinese lab, according to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece. Ebright was referring to evidence found in a 2018 document from the Wuhan Institute of Virology that discussed making such a virus, according to the Journal piece written by former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade. The documents from the lab contained drafts and notes for Project DEFUSE, a grant proposal that aimed to engineer bat coronaviruses to make them more transmissible to humans. While the project was ultimately denied funding by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Wade speculated that the work could have been done by researchers in Wuhan who had secured funding from the Chinese government. "Viruses made according to the DEFUSE protocol could have been available by the time Covid-19 broke out, sometime between August and November 2019," Wade wrote. "This would account for the otherwise unexplained timing of the pandemic along with its place of origin." In addition to the new documents, Wade said another strong indication of "the virus's laboratory birth" was the specific genetic structure of the coronavirus. "Whereas most viruses require repeated tries to switch from an animal host to people, SARS-CoV-2 infected humans out of the box, as if it had been preadapted while growing in the humanized mice called for in the DEFUSE protocol," Wade wrote. Scientists may continue to debate whether the COVID-19 pandemic came about naturally or through man-made engineering, but Ebright believes that the development of COVID-19 can be traced back to the work of EcoHealth Alliance. After the 2018 documents were obtained by U.S. Right to Know through a Freedom of Information Act request and published, the Daily Telegraph reported that Ebright said the evidence was clearer that the virus had been synthesized in a lab. In the newly released documents, the researchers proposed adding "appropriate human-specific cleavage sites" to the spike proteins of SARS-related viruses — the same method that a number of biologists have said could have been used to manufacture the pathogen. Researchers had planned to take advantage of the safety standards at the Wuhan lab — which did not meet U.S. standards — by conducting a portion of the research there in conditions that they claimed would "likely freak out" American scientists, the documents revealed. Nicole Wells ✉ Nicole Wells, a Newsmax general assignment reporter covers news, politics, and culture. She is a National Newspaper Association award-winning journalist. © 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:17Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.974357545375824, "url": "https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/richard-bright-covid-19-wuhan/2024/02/29/id/1155510/" }
Komaki Ly Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. Check Latest Offers in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Brz Get Total Saving Upto Rs. 31,200 On Revolt 400 BRZ Including… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs 26 Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS 26 and Get Discount up to… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000 3k Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 3k and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Bring Home Revolt RV 400 and Get Total Benefit up to Rs. 16,… Available in Bhopal Honda Cd 110 Dream Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:15Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.728040337562561, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/ly/offers-in-bhopal" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001459Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextWall architecture backgrounds white background. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001459View personal and business license JPEGBanner JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiWall architecture backgrounds white background. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
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President Sharif Stresses Determination to Withdraw US Forces from Iraq Story Code : 1119520 The President of Iraq in an exclusive interview with the Saudi Al Hadith website stated that Iraq has strong relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially in the fields of trade and religion. Rashid pointed out that Baghdad is coordinating with Washington for the withdrawal of American coalition forces from Iraq, saying, "The withdrawal of these forces from the country is a decision made by the Iraqi government, through the coordination of political parties and parliament." " Now our relations are good with neighboring countries and the international community," he added, reiterating the strong relations with Iran in commercial and religious spheres. In the end, he noted that Baghdad scrambles to calm the situation in the region.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:17Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9635909199714661, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119520/president-sharif-stresses-determination-to-withdraw-us-forces-from-iraq" }
For the quarter ended December 2023, Sleep Number (SNBR) reported revenue of $429.52 million, down 13.7% over the same period last year. EPS came in at -$0.58, compared to -$0.24 in the year-ago quarter. The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $415.7 million, representing a surprise of +3.32%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of +35.56%, with the consensus EPS estimate being -$0.90. While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and how they compare to Wall Street expectations to determine their next course of action, some key metrics always provide a better insight into a company's underlying performance. As these metrics influence top- and bottom-line performance, comparing them to the year-ago numbers and what analysts estimated helps investors project a stock's price performance more accurately. Here is how Sleep Number performed in the just reported quarter in terms of the metrics most widely monitored and projected by Wall Street analysts: - Sales change rates - Total Company: -14% versus -16.5% estimated by three analysts on average. - Stores - End of period: 672 versus the two-analyst average estimate of 677. - Net Sales- Retail stores: $369 million compared to the $377.96 million average estimate based on two analysts. Shares of Sleep Number have returned +44.5% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.8% change. The stock currently has a Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell), indicating that it could underperform the broader market in the near term. Just Released: Zacks Top 10 Stocks for 2024 Hurry – you can still get in early on our 10 top tickers for 2024. Hand-picked by Zacks Director of Research, Sheraz Mian, this portfolio has been stunningly and consistently successful. From inception in 2012 through November, 2023, the Zacks Top 10 Stocks gained +974.1%, nearly TRIPLING the S&P 500's +340.1%. Sheraz has combed through 4,400 companies covered by the Zacks Rank and handpicked the best 10 to buy and hold in 2024. You can still be among the first to see these just-released stocks with enormous potential.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:20Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9384684562683105, "url": "https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/sleep-number-snbr-reports-q4-earnings:-what-key-metrics-have-to-say" }
TriStar Southern Hills Medical Center is pleased to welcome Nick Howald as chief executive officer. As CEO, Howald will oversee operations at the 136-bed hospital and TriStar Century Farms ER, an eleven-bed freestanding emergency room in Antioch. Howald previously served as chief operating officer at TriStar Skyline Medical Center, overseeing all professional support areas. "Nick has been with TriStar Health for more than a decade, and I am excited to welcome him into this new role," said Mitch Edgeworth, president of HCA Healthcare TriStar Division. "He brings a strong track record of growth-oriented leadership with an unwavering commitment to excellent patient experience. His intentionality towards developing a positive culture will further enhance the strong colleague engagement that TriStar Southern Hills has built over the years. He will further build upon the hospital's 40-year legacy of being a strong community partner for the south Nashville region." Nick has been with HCA Healthcare for over 10 years, serving in multiple successive leadership roles across TriStar Centennial, TriStar Hendersonville and TriStar Skyline. Under Nick's leadership, TriStar Skyline implemented more than $30 million in growth and expansion projects. He led efforts to establish a comprehensive Burn Center, accelerated the growth of the trauma program to become Nashville's second Level I Trauma Center, and helped the hospital receive state approval to build a freestanding emergency room in East Nashville. "I am thrilled to join the TriStar Southern Hills team," said Howald. "The dedication to patient care and physician and colleague engagement is unmatched at TriStar Southern Hills. I look forward to working with our team and strengthening our commitment to the community by providing exceptional care to all who walk through our doors." Howald attended the University of Iowa, earning his undergraduate degree in psychology. He earned a Master of Health Administration and his Master of Business Administration from the University of Iowa.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:20Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9600938558578491, "url": "https://williamsonsource.com/tristar-southern-hills-medical-center-announces-nick-howald-as-chief-executive-officer/" }
Want to learn about our restaurant platform? Get a demo Cinnamon rolls in Hanover / Hanover / Cinnamon Rolls Hanover restaurants that serve cinnamon rolls Sawtooth Kitchen, Bar and Stage 33 South Main Street, Hanover No reviews yet Cinnamon Roll $6.00 More about Sawtooth Kitchen, Bar and Stage Still North Books & Bar 3 Allen St., Hanover Avg 4.9 (61 reviews) Cinnamon Roll $4.50 Made locally at Knot Just Pretzels located in Canaan, NH. More about Still North Books & Bar Browse other tasty dishes in Hanover Burritos Avocado Toast Chicken Sandwiches Nachos Tacos Meatloaf Sundaes Turkey Bacon More near Hanover to explore Lebanon Avg 4.4 (10 restaurants) Killington Avg 4.2 (8 restaurants) Plymouth No reviews yet Meredith Avg 4.1 (7 restaurants) White River Junction Avg 4.5 (6 restaurants) Springfield Avg 4.2 (5 restaurants) Tilton No reviews yet Norwich Avg 4.4 (2 restaurants) Ashland Avg 4.1 (2 restaurants) More popular cities to explore Laconia Avg 4.2 (17 restaurants) Concord Avg 4.5 (17 restaurants) Keene Avg 3.9 (12 restaurants) Manchester Avg 4.4 (66 restaurants) Burlington Avg 4.5 (50 restaurants) Glens Falls Avg 4.4 (8 restaurants) Grand Rapids Avg 4.5 (181 restaurants) Houston Avg 4.4 (1378 restaurants) Richmond Avg 4.5 (291 restaurants) Detroit Avg 4.4 (216 restaurants) Minneapolis Avg 4.5 (512 restaurants) San Diego Avg 4.3 (1018 restaurants) © 2024 Toast, Inc. About Toast For restaurants Terms of Service Privacy Statement Do not sell my personal information Made with in Boston
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:21Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7260485887527466, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/hanover-nh-restaurants/dish/cinnamon-rolls" }
Nevermind - Nirvana - Pop CultureNirvana's "Nevermind" Child Porn Cover Art Lawsuit DismissedA California judge dismissed Spencer Elden's child pornography lawsuit against Nirvana. By Aron A. - Pop CultureNirvana's "Nevermind" Anniversary Album May Be Released Without The Naked Baby: ReportSpencer Elden has requested that the band refrain from using his nude baby image in the future.By Hayley Hynes - MusicNirvana Sued For Sexually Exploiting Naked Baby On 1991 "Nevermind" Cover: ReportSpencer Elden claims he's the baby in the album's artwork and accuses the group of peddling child pornography.By Erika Marie
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:21Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8749271035194397, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/nevermind-nirvana" }
CHENNAI: The School Education Department is planning to conduct coaching classes for students who failed Class 12 examinations to help them write supplementary examinations. According to a circular sent by the department, a school management committee meeting was held at all high schools and higher secondary schools across the state to discuss the steps to be taken to ensure that all the students write the Classes 10, 11 and 12 examinations. Following this, headmasters of these schools have been instructed to make arrangements to conduct special classes for students who failed or did not appear for the Class 12 examination. Teachers have also been asked to help the Class 12 students to apply for supplementary examination by May 17. The circular also said headmasters can decide on the special classes for Classes 10 and 11 students once results are announced. The school management committee members will also talk to parents to create awareness of the supplementary examination, create awareness of the department's helpline 14417 and also ensure that subject teachers provide guidance to students who have failed. There are more than 95,000 students across the state who either failed to appear for the Class 12 examinations or failed in them.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:21Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9772438406944275, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/supplementary-exams-special-classes-to-help-govt-students-intamil-nadu-2574943.html" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001478Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextPopcorn dessert snack food. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001478View personal and business license JPEGPresentation JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiFacebook Cover JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiBlog Banner JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiTwitter Post JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpiYoutube JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiHD JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpi4K HD JPEG 3840 x 2560 px | 300 dpi5K HD JPEG 5120 x 3413 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiPopcorn dessert snack food. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
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Komaki Ranger Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. Check Latest Offers in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Brz Get Total Saving Upto Rs. 31,200 On Revolt 400 BRZ Including… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs 26 Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS 26 and Get Discount up to… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000 3k Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 3k and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Bring Home Revolt RV 400 and Get Total Benefit up to Rs. 16,… Available in Bhopal Honda Cd 110 Dream Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:23Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7232888340950012, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/ranger/offers-in-bhopal" }
The command headquarters of Eastern 769 Brigade and Bethel Base were the two targets hit by 40 Grad rockets from southern Lebanon. The Israeli troops wounded were transported to hospitals by helicopters from the north of the occupied Palestinian territories. Qassam Brigades also targeted the Israeli infantry forces in the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip. These attacks, although small in scale, are carried out in response to the daily crimes of the Israeli regime against the people in the Gaza Strip. The death toll in the Gaza Strip is increasing, approximating 30,000 while the children are coping with the starvation caused due to the Israel war and blockade on Gaza. It was on October 7 that the Palestinian Resistance carried out Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on the Israeli regime's forces in response to the regime's daily crimes against the Palestinian people during 75 years of occupation of Palestine since 1948. Since then, the Israeli regime got into a frenzy and began to pound the Gaza Strip with bombs; so far nearly 30,000 people have been martyred, a large part of whom are non-civilians including women and children. The Israeli war on Gaza entered its 145th day on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, as the Israeli regime's bombing campaign on the Gazans continued with the martyrdom of civilians being reported near Deir al-Balah.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:24Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9790446758270264, "url": "https://www.islamtimes.org/en/news/1119521/hamas-pours-grad-rockets-on-israeli-targets" }
Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries S.A. (OTCMKTS:MOHCY – Get Free Report) saw a large decrease in short interest in February. As of February 15th, there was short interest totalling 200 shares, a decrease of 60.0% from the January 31st total of 500 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 100 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 2.0 days. Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries Stock Performance Shares of MOHCY remained flat at $11.91 during trading hours on Thursday. The stock's 50-day moving average price is $12.85 and its 200 day moving average price is $11.95. Motor Oil has a 12-month low of $11.00 and a 12-month high of $15.38. About Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries Featured Articles - Five stocks we like better than Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries - How to Use High Beta Stocks to Maximize Your Investing Profits - How to Get in on the Blockchain Boom with Blockchain Stocks - The Most Important Warren Buffett Stock for Investors: His Own - TJX Companies Stock: Take Profits or Buy the Dip? - What is MarketRank™? How to Use it - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing Receive News & Ratings for Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:26Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9223812222480774, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/motor-oil-hellas-corinth-refineries-s-a-otcmktsmohcy-sees-large-decrease-in-short-interest.html" }
Wonton soup in West Des Moines West Des Moines restaurants that serve wonton soup Heavenly Asian Cuisine 225 5th St, West Des Moines Wonton Soup -Cup | $5.00 | SUSHI • NOODLES Banana Leaf Asian Bistro - 5515 Mills Civic Pkwy - West Des Moines, IA 50266 - 515-440-0854 5515 Mills civic Pkwy, West Des Moines Shrimp Wonton Soup | $0.00 | Wontons stuffed with fround shrimp, fresh mushroos and napa cabbage in a vegetable broth. |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:27Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6869876384735107, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/west-des%20moines-ia-restaurants/dish/wonton-soup" }
new abum - NewsAnn Marie Pours Her Heart Out On New Album "Hate Love"Ann Marie is back with her first project in two years.By Alexander Cole - NewsPrice Brings Melanin Celebration With Debut Solo Album "CLRD."The lyrical MC known as half of the duo, Audio Push, comes to the forefront with a thoughtful first release.By Isaiah Cane - NewsKSI Teams Up With Jeremih For Autotune Banger "Bad Lil Vibe"KSI and Jeremih linked up for this new track off the former's new album, "Dissimulation."By Alexander Cole
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:27Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.829871416091919, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/new-abum" }
KANNIYAKUMARI: The members of International Fisherman Development Trust, a Kanniyakumari-based association, on Saturday, urged the Tamil Nadu government to take steps to release seven TN fishermen, including two from Chinnathurai in Kanniyakumari, who were detained by the Kavaratti fisheries department on May 6. Founder-president of the trust, P Justin Antony, in a letter sent to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Fisheries Minister and others, noted that seven Tamil Nadu fishermen - Sesadimai and Siluvayyan from Chinnathurai of Kanniyakumari, Praveenkumar, and Arunkumar from Akkaraipettai of Nagapattinam, Periyasamy from Cuddalore, Thinakaran from Villupuram, and Premkumar from Madurai had ventured into the sea for fishing from Thengapattanam fishing harbour on April 16 on a mechanised fishing boat Grace. "While they were fishing on May 6, the boat consisting of seven men was detained by the Kavaratti fisheries officials for fishing in Lakshadweep waters. The fishermen, in their helplessness, contacted me, following which I requested the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Fisheries Minister, and Kanniyakumari district collector to intervene and take efforts for the release of the boat and the seven fishermen," he added. A letter from the Kavaratti fisheries department stated that the boat violated the rules by entering the territorial waters of Lakshadweep and carrying out fishing activities near Suhali without getting permission from the adjudicating officer.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:28Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9571688175201416, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/take-efforts-for-release-of-7-tamil-nadu-fishers-from-lakshadweep-2574876.html" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001483Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextHandshake adult white background togetherness. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001483View personal and business license JPEGPresentation JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiFacebook Cover JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiBlog Banner JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiTwitter Post JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpiYoutube JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiHD JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpi4K HD JPEG 3840 x 2560 px | 300 dpi5K HD JPEG 5120 x 3413 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiHandshake adult white background togetherness. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
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Komaki Venice Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. We have Offers available on following models in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:30Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8859761357307434, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/venice/offers-in-bhopal" }
new account - RelationshipsDDG And Halle Bailey Create An Instagram For Their Newborn Son HaloWould you make an IG account for your newborn? By Zachary Horvath - GramFreddie Gibbs Returns To Instagram & Immediately Shares Wild ContentFreddie Gibbs is back on Instagram!By Alex Zidel - GramBoosie Badazz Returns To IG After His Page Was Deleted, Calls Mark Zuckerberg RacistBoosie Badazz says he's back on Instagram with a new account after calling Mark Zuckerberg racist.By Cole Blake
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:33Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7123207449913025, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/new-account" }
Ball soup in Cary Cary restaurants that serve ball soup Mookie's NY Deli 1010 Tryon Village Drive Suite 705, CARY Chicken Matzo Ball Soup Quart | $12.95 | Chicken Matzo ball Soup | $7.50 | Classic Chicken Soup with parsnip, carrots, chicken, parsley, dill and homemade matzo balls. | | Matzo Ball Soup Quart | $12.00 |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:33Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7785662412643433, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/cary-nc-restaurants/dish/ball-soup" }
THOOTHUKUDI: Three school-going children drowned in a kanmoi at Sivalarpatti near Kovilpatti on Friday evening. Chief Minister MK Stalin has condoled the deaths and announced `2 lakh solatium for the bereaved families. Sources said M Arun (7), M Mahesh (11), and K Sudhan (7) of Vadakku Theru drowned when they were playing in the chinna kanmoi in the village. While Arun and Mahesh were siblings and studied Classes 4 and 6 respectively, Sudhan was a Class 2 student. Following a search, the kids' parents found their bodies in the waterbody around 8 pm, and Pudhur police retrieved the bodies before sending them for postmortem. A case has been registered and further probe is on. Meanwhile, in a press statement, the Chief Minister said he was saddened to learn of the deaths and announced solatium for the bereaved families. Thoothukudi Superintendent of Police L Balaji Saravanan has appealed to parents to keep a watch on their children's activities during the vacation months. "Don't let the kids near waterbodies unattended. Further, no child should be allowed to ride or drive vehicles. A violation of this will attract penal action under sections of the Motor Vehicles Act," he added.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:34Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9758233428001404, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/three-kids-drown-in-kanmoi-cm-stalin-announces-solatium-for-bereaved-families-2574875.html" }
Child sexual abuse image crimes logged by police rise by 25% – NSPCC Snapchat was involved in almost half of instances where an online platform was named, with Meta apps used in a quarter. The number of child sexual abuse image crimes recorded by UK police increased by a quarter last year, according to new data obtained by children's charity the NSPCC. The charity's analysis of data gathered from 35 police forces through Freedom of Information requests found that 33,000 offences where abuse images were collected and distributed were logged by police during 2022/23. The NSPCC said this figure was also up 79% since 2017/18, when the charity first called for online safety laws, and that 160,000 crimes had been recorded since then. Where the platform involved was discussed by police, the NSPCC said Snapchat was flagged in almost half of the cases, with the Meta-owned platforms of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp making up a quarter. NSPCC chief executive Sir Peter Wanless said the charity wants online safety regulator Ofcom to "act with greater ambition" with regards to the enforcement of the Online Safety Act, pushing tech companies to go even further than they will currently be required to under the new laws to further clamp down on child sexual abuse. Ofcom is currently drawing up and consulting on codes of practice for online platforms to ensure they protect users, particularly children, from online harms. Sir Peter said the NSPCC supported the "robust measures" being set out by Ofcom, but said the charity wanted to see the regulator begin work on a second version of the codes that will require companies to go further, including requiring firms to use technology to help identify and tackle grooming, sextortion and newly created child abuse images. "It's alarming to see online child abuse continue to rise, especially when tech companies should be acting to make their sites safe by design ahead of incoming regulation," he said. "Behind these crimes are children who have been targeted by adults who are able to organise and share sexual abuse with other offenders seamlessly across social media and messaging apps. "The Online Safety Act sets out robust measures to make children fundamentally safer on the sites and apps they use so they can enjoy the benefits of a healthy online experience. "Ofcom has been quick off the blocks but must act with greater ambition to ensure companies prioritise child safety in the comprehensive way that is so desperately needed." The charity has also repeated its warning about Meta's plans to roll out end-to-end encryption across its messaging platforms, claiming it will prevent authorities from identifying offenders and safeguarding victims. It called on Meta to pause its plans until the social media giant could prove child safety will not be compromised. Meta has been contacted for comment. In response to the NSPCC figures, a Snapchat spokesperson said: "Child sexual abuse is horrific and has no place on Snapchat. "We use cutting-edge detection technology to find and remove this type of content, and work with police to support their investigations. "Snapchat also has extra safety features for 13 to 17-year-olds, including pop-up warnings if they're contacted by someone they don't know."
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:35Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9763941764831543, "url": "https://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2024/03/01/child-sexual-abuse-image-crimes-logged-by-police-rise-by-25--nspcc/" }
MEDFORD, Ore. – Medford Water is making some changes to its pH levels to improve its longevity. Medford Water says its current water is about 7.0 to 7.3 but it wants to raise the pH to 7.8. Medford Water says raising the pH will increase the longevity of their system and enhance water quality by limiting the potential release of metals. Medford Water plants to start adding sodium hydroxide to its water starting this week. © 2024 KOBI-TV NBC5. All rights reserved unless otherwise stated.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:35Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9598048329353333, "url": "https://kobi5.com/news/medford-water-raising-ph-levels-223452/" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001490Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextHandshake white background togetherness agreement. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001490View personal and business license JPEGPresentation JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiFacebook Cover JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiBlog Banner JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiTwitter Post JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpiYoutube JPEG 2560 x 1707 px | 300 dpiHD JPEG 1920 x 1280 px | 300 dpi4K HD JPEG 3840 x 2560 px | 300 dpi5K HD JPEG 5120 x 3413 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiHandshake white background togetherness agreement. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:36Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.32003113627433777, "url": "https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001490/image-white-background-hand" }
MSP Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQ:LIFW – Get Free Report) major shareholder Cano Health, Inc. sold 36,841 shares of MSP Recovery stock in a transaction on Wednesday, February 28th. The shares were sold at an average price of $0.82, for a total transaction of $30,209.62. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 4,691,365 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $3,846,919.30. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink. Large shareholders that own more than 10% of a company's shares are required to disclose their sales and purchases with the SEC. Cano Health, Inc. also recently made the following trade(s): - On Monday, February 26th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 22,664 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.81, for a total transaction of $18,357.84. - On Thursday, February 22nd, Cano Health, Inc. sold 31,658 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.82, for a total transaction of $25,959.56. - On Tuesday, February 20th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 118,249 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.84, for a total transaction of $99,329.16. - On Friday, February 16th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 83,888 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.81, for a total transaction of $67,949.28. - On Wednesday, February 14th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 105,911 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.79, for a total transaction of $83,669.69. - On Monday, February 12th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 22,767 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.77, for a total transaction of $17,530.59. - On Friday, February 9th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 59,737 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.79, for a total transaction of $47,192.23. - On Wednesday, February 7th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 80,757 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.76, for a total transaction of $61,375.32. - On Monday, February 5th, Cano Health, Inc. sold 53,355 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $0.92, for a total transaction of $49,086.60. - On Friday, February 2nd, Cano Health, Inc. sold 41,219 shares of MSP Recovery stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $1.07, for a total transaction of $44,104.33. MSP Recovery Stock Performance Shares of NASDAQ:LIFW traded up $0.03 on Thursday, hitting $0.85. 187,100 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 686,541. The company's 50 day moving average price is $0.90 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $1.99. MSP Recovery, Inc. has a one year low of $0.72 and a one year high of $29.25. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.39, a quick ratio of 0.54 and a current ratio of 0.54. Institutional Inflows and Outflows MSP Recovery Company Profile MSP Recovery, Inc, doing business as LifeWallet, operates as a healthcare recoveries and data analytics company in the United States and Puerto Rico. The company offers claims recovery services, including services to related parties or third parties to assist entities with pursuit of claims recovery rights. Featured Articles - Five stocks we like better than MSP Recovery - Stock Trading Terms – Stock Terms Every Investor Needs to Know - How to Get in on the Blockchain Boom with Blockchain Stocks - Compound Interest and Why It Matters When Investing - TJX Companies Stock: Take Profits or Buy the Dip? - Market Cap Calculator: How to Calculate Market Cap - How to Invest in Canada for Beginners: Tips for Easy Investing Receive News & Ratings for MSP Recovery Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for MSP Recovery and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:36Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9537064433097839, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/msp-recovery-inc-nasdaqlifw-major-shareholder-cano-health-inc-sells-36841-shares.html" }
Komaki Xgt Cat 2.0 Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. We have Offers available on following models in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:38Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8783815503120422, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/xgt-cat-20/offers-in-bhopal" }
new album details - Music21 Savage Confirms Release Date And Reveals Cover Art For "American Dream" AlbumThe album will be competing with Kid Cudi's "INSANO." By Zachary Horvath - Music$NOT Unveils Tracklist For "Ethereal" Featuring A$AP Rocky, Trippie Redd & MoreThe 13-track album includes six impressive features.By Hayley Hynes - MusicTravis Scott Teases More Details About "Utopia"He touched on what type of sound fans can expect on the upcoming project. By Madusa S.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:40Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7941915988922119, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/new-album-details" }
Want to learn about our restaurant platform? Get a demo Curry goat in Cary / Cary / Curry Goat Cary restaurants that serve curry goat Anjappar Cary 101 Ledgestone Way, Cary No reviews yet Goat Chettinad Curry $17.99 Andhra Goat Curry $17.99 Gongura Goat Curry $17.99 More about Anjappar Cary Hyderabadi Biryani Pointe 2711 NC-55, Cary No reviews yet Goat Curry $15.99 Classic home style spicy goat curry More about Hyderabadi Biryani Pointe Browse other tasty dishes in Cary French Fries Kale Salad Short Ribs Caesar Salad Barbacoas Sweet Potato Fries Steak Bowls Lobsters More near Cary to explore Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Durham Avg 4.4 (189 restaurants) Chapel Hill Avg 4.5 (55 restaurants) Morrisville Avg 4.5 (39 restaurants) Apex Avg 4.5 (28 restaurants) Apex Avg 4.5 (28 restaurants) Holly Springs Avg 4.5 (14 restaurants) Garner Avg 4.5 (11 restaurants) More popular cities to explore Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Durham Avg 4.4 (189 restaurants) Burlington Avg 4.6 (14 restaurants) Fayetteville Avg 4.1 (61 restaurants) Goldsboro No reviews yet Pinehurst No reviews yet San Francisco Avg 4.3 (764 restaurants) Richmond Avg 4.5 (291 restaurants) San Antonio Avg 4.4 (599 restaurants) Detroit Avg 4.4 (216 restaurants) Buffalo Avg 4.4 (307 restaurants) Greenville Avg 4.5 (125 restaurants) © 2024 Toast, Inc. About Toast For restaurants Terms of Service Privacy Statement Do not sell my personal information Made with in Boston
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:40Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7364932298660278, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/cary-nc-restaurants/dish/curry-goat" }
CHENNAI: With Congress sweeping the elections in Karnataka, DMK chief MK Stalin stands vindicated in rejecting a third front without the grand old party for fighting the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The outcome of the Karnataka elections is also expected to rock the boat as regards the AIADMK-BJP alliance for the parliamentary polls, indirectly boosting the image and voice of AIADMK general secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami, political experts said. It may be noted that Palaniswami had managed to win 75 seats for the alliance in the 2021 Assembly polls in Tamil Nadu when the party lost, which is higher than what the BJP has got in Karnataka, despite having Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the face of the elections. Senior journalist and political critic Savithiri Kannan said that apart from giving a morale boost to Congress cadre and leaders in Tamil Nadu, the results can help in changing the attitude of the DMK towards the Congress. "So far, Congress leaders and cadre faced humiliation in various issues due to the big-brother attitude of the DMK. From now on, that could change. As far as the AIADMK-led alliance is concerned, Palaniswami would take the upper hand in seat-sharing and other issues while dealing with the BJP," Kannan said. Another senior political journalist Raghavendra Ara told TNIE, "This could indirectly push Stalin's graph upwards in the national political landscape as he has been constantly advocating a Congress-inclusive front to defeat the BJP in 2024 and brushing aside a third front. The Karnataka results also showed that the Congress is not a party to be easily wiped out and it still has a solid presence, at least in some states." He also said the Congress could regenerate the image of the party in the minds of voters, and Palaniswami would have a stronger voice in the AIADMK-led alliance pushing the BJP to accept the seats given by the Dravidian major in 2024 LS polls. "The BJP, hereafter, would not take steps to invite the anger of the AIADMK by projecting itself as the principal opposition party, at least until the 2024 general elections. This is because the anger of AIADMK cadre might affect the BJP's relationship and coordination with the party," Ara said. Senior critic T Koodalarasan said, "It would be a big setback to BJP state president K Annamalai and, eventually, for the party's state unit too. Despite netting 30 % of Hindutva-based vote share in Karnataka, the BJP's efforts to polarise voters by creating Hijab and Halal row, banning Muslim vendors from having stalls at Hindu temple festivals and highlighting a film like 'The Kerala Story' have failed. So, there are chances that the BJP might put the Hindutva agenda for Tamil Nadu in cold storage, at least for some time." This will also help AIADMK leaders and cadre to heave a sigh of relief as they have been freed from the BJP's big-brother attitude, he added.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:40Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.965175986289978, "url": "https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/may/14/verdict-may-strengthen-stalins-hand-about-congress-role-in-24-polls-2574940.html" }
Greens should be kicked out of Scottish Government, Tory deputy leader to say Meghan Gallacher will challenge First Minister Humza Yousaf to rip up the SNP's powersharing agreement with the Greens. Humza Yousaf is being challenged to end the SNP's powersharing agreement with the Scottish Greens at Holyrood – with the Tory deputy leader in Scotland insisting the two Green ministers need to be "kicked out of Government". A deal struck by former first minister Nicola Sturgeon led to Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater becoming ministers. But Meghan Gallacher will use her speech to her party's conference on Friday to demand that arrangement with the "extreme" Greens be brought to an end. She will tell the conference, taking place in Aberdeen, that the Bute House Agreement between the two parties "needs ripped up". Ms Gallacher will insist: "Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater need to be kicked out of Government. "The Greens need to be sent back to the extreme fringes of our politics, where they belong." Her comments come after veteran MSP Fergus Ewing, who has been suspended by the SNP for voting against Ms Slater in a no confidence vote, also called on the First Minister to put the agreement with the Greens to a fresh vote within the party. Former SNP leadership candidate Kate Forbes has also called for the deal to be ended. And Ms Gallacher will say: "It is past time that Humza Yousaf listened to the growing calls across Scotland and even within his own party." She will tell Conservatives: "We know that the Greens are anti-business, anti-growth and anti-common sense. "Whether it is the deposit return scheme or the gender recognition reform bill, they have no clue what people's priorities are. "They are bad news for Scotland – and it's time for the Bute House Agreement to end. It's not working." As well as attacking the Scottish Greens, Ms Gallacher will also blast the SNP, saying their "political obsession" with independence means they have "no vision" when it comes to the health service, education, or the economy. She will say: "This is a Government that exists for one goal and one goal only – breaking up our country." Ms Gallacher will state: "Scotland's NHS is suffering, as are our schools, economy, roads and justice system. "Yet the SNP have no vision, no plan, for any of them. The only plans they have produced are plans for their political obsession. "In less than two years, the SNP have set out 10 plans for an independent Scotland. They are not worth the paper they are written on." But Green North East Scotland MSP Maggie Chapman said the Tories must apologise for "the human cost and the pain they have inflicted". Ms Chapman, her party's economy spokesperson at Holyrood, said: "The Tory conference will be an exercise in denial and a celebration of policies that have plunged so many people and families into poverty. "They have given us a Brexit that they all know is a disaster, costing jobs, hiking prices and curbing our rights to live and travel in 27 other countries. "They have given us the car crash of Trussonomics, which we are all still paying for. And they have given us a cost-of-living crisis, with bills and inflation hugely outstripping wages. "If they have any contrition or dignity then they must open with a full and frank apology for the human cost and the pain they have inflicted." An SNP spokesperson said: "Scotland has paid a heavy price for 14 years of Tory chaos. "Liz Truss's disastrous mini budget, to a Brexit we didn't vote for and hardline austerity policies that target the most vulnerable, the people of Scotland are forced to deal with the consequences of Tory incompetence. "No wonder a poll out today shows the Tories are set for their record lowest vote share at the next election while the SNP continues to command trust with Scottish voters. "Voters have the opportunity to make Scotland Tory free at the upcoming election by voting SNP and securing a brighter future with independence." The Scottish Government has also been contacted for comment.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:42Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.96622633934021, "url": "https://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2024/03/01/greens-should-be-kicked-out-of-scottish-government-tory-deputy-leader-to-say/" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001492Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextCheese wine grapes glass. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001492View personal and business license JPEGBanner JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiCheese wine grapes glass. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:42Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.5955008864402771, "url": "https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001492/image-background-paper-plant" }
Dogecoin's DOGE/USD bullish sentiment continued with whale movements, high open interest and traders predicting further upward momentum. What Happened: CoinGlass data reported open interest of $1.08 billion in the past 24 hours, marking a 16% surge, the highest since November 2022 levels. The rise in open interest marks additional money entering the market, creating a bullish sentiment. Meanwhile, data from Coinalyze showed that 69.9% of traders are long. Based on Whale Alert data, 699.99 million Dogecoin worth $89 million were transferred from an unknown wallet to Binance. The analytics data also indicated multiple other transactions to other cryptocurrency exchanges. The move could be a step by whales starting to sell off as holdings are transferred for locking in profits. Price Action: In the past 24 hours, Dogecoin is up 4.5%, taking its weekly gains to 40%. The memecoin's rally has pushed its valuation to $17.1 billion which is higher than that of MicroStrategy and Robinhood. Why It Matters: According to data from IntoTheBlock, there is a surge in transactions greater than $100,000 to 1,105 as of Feb. 28, compared to 683 one day prior and 168 transactions as of Feb. 22. Crypto content creator Trader Tardigrade tweeted: What's Next: While Dogecoin and the community are oozing optimism, CryptoQuant analysis of the memecoin noted it was overbought on the Relative Strength Index (RSI), with a possible trend reversal indication. It adds that 87% of price movement in the last two weeks has been up and a trend reversal can occur. Riding high on investors' optimism, Dogecoin is entering a bullish phase, with some predicting even a parabolic breakout. Photo: Pixabay © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:45Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9410340189933777, "url": "https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/24/02/37408190/dogecoins-open-interest-zooms-up-to-1b-70-of-traders-go-long-can-the-rally-last" }
Holy wow, things move quickly on the internet, don't they? One moment you're finding out about a surprise Jurassic World follow-up, and the next you learn that Gareth Edwards is directing Jurassic World 4. And yet, with all of that knowledge, we still don't know what to call this new entry in the Jurassic Universe, which has led to one particular rumor catching fire with the fandom. So let's talk about that rumored title, and why I think it's probably/definitely going to change. What's The Rumored Title To Jurassic World's Successor? As you could presume, Jurassic World 4 is merely a placeholder that's standing in for whatever the real name of this project might be. Scheduled to release in July 2025, we'll more than likely get a title to this next chapter at some point later this year. But if you're going by rumors reported by DanielRPK (via GeekVibesNation), the working title of this project is Jurassic City. I'm going to give you a moment to really let that sink in, because I don't know about you, but I have some serious feelings about that Jurassic title. The strongest among them being that I don't like it one bit. Going from "Park" to "World" to "City" feels weird, and it just doesn't have the sort of ring that a Jurassic title should. But there's one big reason I don't think Jurassic City is going to move anywhere past the point of being a working title. The Title Jurassic City Has Already Been Taken When first hearing about these rumors, I had to pour some time into Google, as I wasn't sure where they were coming from. Wwhen I did just that, imagine my surprise when I learned that a 2015 mockbuster, most likely released to compete with Jurassic World, already claimed that title. What's even more surprising is that it's actually on Universal's proprietary streaming platform, Peacock. So what does a Jurassic City look like? Take a look at the trailer below and see if what you thought up matches the reality: This above all else has me convinced that Jurassic City isn't going to be the final name of this in-progress project. Some fans are still debating the quality of the Jurassic World trilogy almost two years after Jurassic World Dominion's release. To knowingly take the title of a mockbuster and try to spin that into a legitimate title is courting disaster. And again, it's just not that exciting of a title. There's still plenty of time for name-calling, as Jurassic World 4's July 2, 2025 release date is the current deadline on the books. These are early days my dino pals, so let's pace ourselves properly for the road ahead. Also, if morbid curiosity has gotten to you, Jurassic City can be streamed with access to a Peacock subscription. Admit it: Ray Wise's appearance has you as curious as I am about how this will play out. CINEMABLEND NEWSLETTER Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title's more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:45Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.968864917755127, "url": "https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/rumored-jurassic-world-4-title-why-probably-change-jurassic-city" }
New Balance KAWHI - SneakersLil Wayne Blesses Skip Bayless With Some Heat For His BirthdayLil Wayne hooked up Skip Bayless with some new sneakers.By Alexander Cole - SneakersNew Balance Kawhi "Christmas" Coming Soon: Official ImagesThis new Kawhi Leonard sneaker is inspired by his favorite mythical creature.By Alexander Cole - SneakersKawhi Leonard's First New Balance Shoe Drops Soon: First LookKawhi Leonard's signature shoe will pay homage to his infamous game-winning shot against the 76ers.By Alexander Cole
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8592814207077026, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/new-balance-kawhi" }
Want to learn about our restaurant platform? Get a demo Goat curry in Cary / Cary / Goat Curry Cary restaurants that serve goat curry Anjappar Cary 101 Ledgestone Way, Cary No reviews yet Goat Chettinad Curry $17.99 Andhra Goat Curry $17.99 Gongura Goat Curry $17.99 More about Anjappar Cary Hyderabadi Biryani Pointe 2711 NC-55, Cary No reviews yet Goat Curry $15.99 Classic home style spicy goat curry More about Hyderabadi Biryani Pointe Browse other tasty dishes in Cary Yellow Curry Turkey Reuben Fried Rice Pork Chops Club Sandwiches Avocado Salad Boneless Wings Rigatoni More near Cary to explore Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Durham Avg 4.4 (189 restaurants) Chapel Hill Avg 4.5 (55 restaurants) Morrisville Avg 4.5 (39 restaurants) Apex Avg 4.5 (28 restaurants) Apex Avg 4.5 (28 restaurants) Holly Springs Avg 4.5 (14 restaurants) Garner Avg 4.5 (11 restaurants) More popular cities to explore Raleigh Avg 4.4 (271 restaurants) Durham Avg 4.4 (189 restaurants) Burlington Avg 4.6 (14 restaurants) Fayetteville Avg 4.1 (61 restaurants) Goldsboro No reviews yet Pinehurst No reviews yet San Francisco Avg 4.3 (764 restaurants) Richmond Avg 4.5 (291 restaurants) San Antonio Avg 4.4 (599 restaurants) Detroit Avg 4.4 (216 restaurants) Buffalo Avg 4.4 (307 restaurants) Greenville Avg 4.5 (125 restaurants) © 2024 Toast, Inc. About Toast For restaurants Terms of Service Privacy Statement Do not sell my personal information Made with in Boston
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7279617786407471, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/cary-nc-restaurants/dish/goat-curry" }
Biden and Trump were both at the border today, staking out ground on a key 2024 issue Updated February 29, 2024 at 5:57 PM ET President Biden squared off against former President Donald Trump on Thursday on one of the issues expected to dominate the 2024 presidential election: immigration. Both Biden and Trump visited two Texas border communities a few hundred miles apart that have been grappling with large numbers of migrants seeking asylum. Biden went to Brownsville, and Trump to Eagle Pass. The trip was heavy on symbolism and short on new ideas to tackle the issue. Trump sought to paint a picture of uncontrolled crime and violence, which he blamed on Biden — while Biden sought to show he had agreed to a get-tough bill, blaming Trump and his Republican allies in Congress for blocking it. It's only the second time during his presidency that Biden has been to the border. The trip comes as Biden goes on the offensive, trying to turn the tables on an issue that has been a liability for him. Only 29% of respondents in a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist pollsaid they approve of the way Biden is handling immigration. Biden is trying to flip the script on this issue Biden met with Border Patrol agents and local leaders in Brownsville as he blamed House Republicans for failing to pass border funding and policy changes that the community has been seeking. Biden has said Trump saw a political advantage for his party to block bipartisan legislation that would have tightened rules for asylum, expanded detention facilities and provided more money to hire more border agents. Had the legislation passed, it would have helped Biden show he was willing to get tough on the issue. On Thursday, he urged Republicans to revive the package, and wrapped up his remarks by inviting Trump to work with him — something that is highly unlikely to happen in this election year. "We can do it together. You know — and I know — it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. So instead of playing politics with the issue, why don't we just get together and get it done?" Biden said. Trump sees the border as a winning issue for him Trump — the front-runner in the race to be the Republican nominee in November — announced his trip to the border first. His team said Biden had chased him to the border and said that strategy would backfire. Trump went to Eagle Pass, a community where the state government has been trying to play a bigger role in enforcement, and highlighted recent crimes committed by migrants in major cities. Trump blamed Biden for the death of a 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia. An undocumented Venezuelan immigrant has been arrested for the crime. "I spoke to her parents yesterday. They're incredible people. They're devastated beyond belief. But she was beautiful, just so beautiful in so many ways. And brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten," Trump said. Biden's campaign said Trump was fear mongering and said that violent crime had fallen during Biden's time in office — something the White House highlighted with police chiefs the day before the border visit. "All he cares about is stirring up hate, stirring up division ... going even further than the extremism that we saw when he last held power," said Michael Tyler, a Biden spokesperson. The stakes for both leaders are high Polls show a majority of Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats on securing the border. A new Monmouth University poll found that 53% of respondents support building a border wall, the first time a majority of Americans have backed the proposal since Trump launched his first presidential campaign. As he did in his first run for office, Trump has made border security a central theme for 2024. He has promised to launch the largest domestic deportation operation in American history if elected. Democrats saw an opening in a New York special election But Democrats see an opportunity to counter a prevailing narrative that they are soft on border security while Republicans are viewed as hawkish. House Democrat Tom Suozzi won his special election in New York earlier this month by campaigning hard on Republicans spoiling the bipartisan border bill. Evan Roth Smith, a Democratic pollster for the political strategy group, Blueprint, said that showed it's possible for Democrats to paint Republicans as "unserious about border security." He said it's not unlike the opportunity Democrats seized to effectively campaign against Republicans after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. "We now have proof-positive in this latest election that Republicans are out over their skis again on immigration. They don't know what to do," Roth Smith said. "And they've handed Democrats something they can run on for months or maybe years." Copyright 2024 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9769459962844849, "url": "https://www.nprillinois.org/2024-02-29/biden-and-trump-were-both-at-the-border-today-staking-out-ground-on-a-key-2024-issue" }
Feyenoord come back from a goal down to beat Groningen and set up cup final with NEC Feyenoord came back from a goal down to beat Second Division side FC Groningen in the Kuip on Thursday in the KNVB Cup Semi-final. Laros Duarte had given the Groningers a shock lead in the first half before David Hancko and Ondrej Lingr completed the comeback for Arne Slot's side. The Rotterdammers will face NEC in the final on April 21. Feyenoord had to play the game without first-choice Left-back Quilindschy Hartman. The 22-year-old was too ill to play and was replaced by Marcos Lopez. Calvin Stengs returned to the side, having been rested in the match against Almere. Ayase Ueda was in the striker spot as Santiago Gimenez was suspended. Groningen made one change to the side that drew against Helmond Sport on Friday, with Johan Hove coming in for Joey Pelupessy. Kick-off was delayed as the pitch was not visible due to the smoke from the fireworks that were lit pre-match. The first bit of danger came from Groningen. Centre midfielder Laros Duarte hit the post with a shot from outside the sixteen-yard box when Feyenoord midfielder Mats Wieffer lost possession in midfield. Duarte kept finding space to shoot from outside the box, and it led to the opening goal just after the half-hour mark. There was a considerable element of luck as the ball seemed to be going straight towards Feyenoord goalkeeper Timon Wellenreuther before being deflected by Thomas Beelen into the net. Groningen sat back for the remaining 15 minutes of the half, with Feyenoord struggling to find the space to shoot. The score at halftime was 1-0 to the Keuken Kampioen Divisie side. Feyenoord nearly scored in the first attack of the second half. Stengs reached the byline before pulling the ball back to Minteh, whose shot was straight at FC Groningen keeper Hidde Jurjus. Bart Nieuwkoop nearly scored with his first touch of the ball in the match on the rebound but Groningen defender Isak Dybvik Määttä did well to stop his effort. The reigning Eredivisie Champions leveled the match just after an hour was played. Stengs played a great cross to the far post, where David Hancko had come forward from defence and side-footed it high into the net. The substitutes made the difference for Feyenoord, which was evident in the winning goal, where all players involved in the final phase of the attack had come off the bench. Ramiz Zerrouki chipped the ball to Luka Ivanusec on the wing, whose low, hard cross was met by Ondrej Lingr, who slid it home. The home side should have put the game to bed in the 90th minute. Bart Nieuwkoop played the ball to Ivanusec, whose effort wasn't precise enough and saved by Jurjus. Yankuba Minteh's effort from the rebound was even worse as it went straight at the Groningen keeper. The match finished on a sour note for Feyenoord as Calvin Stengs was stretchered off while crying. The final will be played in Feyenoord's stadium, the Kuip, on April 21. The last time Feyenoord reached the final was in 2020 when they were supposed to face Utrecht. The match was never played, however, due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9708842635154724, "url": "https://nltimes.nl/2024/02/29/feyenoord-come-back-goal-beat-groningen-set-cup-final-nec" }
We use our own cookies, and those of third parties, to improve your browsing experience as well as the services we provide, according to your browsing habits.If you continue on this site, we consider that you have accepted the terms of use. For more information about the use of cookies, and how to eliminate or block cookies, see our Cookie PolicyAccept Privacy & Cookies Policy Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.939968466758728, "url": "https://www.cbz.es/costa-blanca-zeitung-280224/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=costa-blanca-zeitung-280224" }
Biden and Trump were both at the border today, staking out ground on a key 2024 issue Updated February 29, 2024 at 5:57 PM ET President Biden squared off against former President Donald Trump on Thursday on one of the issues expected to dominate the 2024 presidential election: immigration. Both Biden and Trump visited two Texas border communities a few hundred miles apart that have been grappling with large numbers of migrants seeking asylum. Biden went to Brownsville, and Trump to Eagle Pass. The trip was heavy on symbolism and short on new ideas to tackle the issue. Trump sought to paint a picture of uncontrolled crime and violence, which he blamed on Biden — while Biden sought to show he had agreed to a get-tough bill, blaming Trump and his Republican allies in Congress for blocking it. It's only the second time during his presidency that Biden has been to the border. The trip comes as Biden goes on the offensive, trying to turn the tables on an issue that has been a liability for him. Only 29% of respondents in a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist pollsaid they approve of the way Biden is handling immigration. Biden is trying to flip the script on this issue Biden met with Border Patrol agents and local leaders in Brownsville as he blamed House Republicans for failing to pass border funding and policy changes that the community has been seeking. Biden has said Trump saw a political advantage for his party to block bipartisan legislation that would have tightened rules for asylum, expanded detention facilities and provided more money to hire more border agents. Had the legislation passed, it would have helped Biden show he was willing to get tough on the issue. On Thursday, he urged Republicans to revive the package, and wrapped up his remarks by inviting Trump to work with him — something that is highly unlikely to happen in this election year. "We can do it together. You know — and I know — it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. So instead of playing politics with the issue, why don't we just get together and get it done?" Biden said. Trump sees the border as a winning issue for him Trump — the front-runner in the race to be the Republican nominee in November — announced his trip to the border first. His team said Biden had chased him to the border and said that strategy would backfire. Trump went to Eagle Pass, a community where the state government has been trying to play a bigger role in enforcement, and highlighted recent crimes committed by migrants in major cities. Trump blamed Biden for the death of a 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia. An undocumented Venezuelan immigrant has been arrested for the crime. "I spoke to her parents yesterday. They're incredible people. They're devastated beyond belief. But she was beautiful, just so beautiful in so many ways. And brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten," Trump said. Biden's campaign said Trump was fear mongering and said that violent crime had fallen during Biden's time in office — something the White House highlighted with police chiefs the day before the border visit. "All he cares about is stirring up hate, stirring up division ... going even further than the extremism that we saw when he last held power," said Michael Tyler, a Biden spokesperson. The stakes for both leaders are high Polls show a majority of Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats on securing the border. A new Monmouth University poll found that 53% of respondents support building a border wall, the first time a majority of Americans have backed the proposal since Trump launched his first presidential campaign. As he did in his first run for office, Trump has made border security a central theme for 2024. He has promised to launch the largest domestic deportation operation in American history if elected. Democrats saw an opening in a New York special election But Democrats see an opportunity to counter a prevailing narrative that they are soft on border security while Republicans are viewed as hawkish. House Democrat Tom Suozzi won his special election in New York earlier this month by campaigning hard on Republicans spoiling the bipartisan border bill. Evan Roth Smith, a Democratic pollster for the political strategy group, Blueprint, said that showed it's possible for Democrats to paint Republicans as "unserious about border security." He said it's not unlike the opportunity Democrats seized to effectively campaign against Republicans after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. "We now have proof-positive in this latest election that Republicans are out over their skis again on immigration. They don't know what to do," Roth Smith said. "And they've handed Democrats something they can run on for months or maybe years." Copyright 2024 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9769459962844849, "url": "https://www.wxxinews.org/npr-news/2024-02-29/biden-and-trump-were-both-at-the-border-today-staking-out-ground-on-a-key-2024-issue" }
By Phil Goldstein | North Forty News My wife and I live in a golf course development, although we moved here because we liked the house, not because of the golf. In fact, if the house had been one that backs to a fairway, no way… not interested in the constant parade past the backyard, let alone golf balls hitting the windows. And while both Amy and I can play golf, it's not a priority compared to other, more active recreations. We'd rather share stories of hiking 14'ers versus hiking that long par 5. Now of course, hardly anybody walks the golf course; they drive golf carts. Oh, there are a few who walk, but I've noticed most of those who opt for a little exercise with their frustration certainly don't carry their golf bags as we once did. Instead, they use those three-wheeled buggies that hold the bag, but they don't even have to pull them; they're 'gyroscopically balanced' and 'GPS navigated' to stay right by your side like your favorite canine pet. By the way, if you were a fan of the movie Caddy Shack, forget about the title-referenced occupation; presumably golf carts have put a lot of teens out of work. Meanwhile, if one wishes to secure the secret password to the golf cart coterie, one must also be seen around the development in one's cart for reasons other than golf. The carts are often driven to social happenings where several may be seen circled like so many Old West pioneers' Conestoga wagons. That way the carts provide the seating from which the tales of golf mastery and misery are told, while one conveniently reaches into the onboard coolers and cubbies for beers, snacks and the laser rangefinder for gauging the distance to comely passersby. But just having a cart is not enough; one must also customize and/or upgrade one's country club chariot because doing so is the bourgeoisie version of Billy Bob's jacked up Ford F-150s. One's favorite pro or college team flag is a must, as are an audio system, mag wheels and, of course, annoying AH-OOH-GA horn. And a typical cart trade-up might be from a two-seat to four-seat, thus providing a means for grandchildren—not old enough to legally drive carts even on the golf course—to illegally careen around at night on the streets with their friends. Not surprisingly, the golf cart is also a common means for walking (?) one's dog, even for those humans who appear healthily ambulatory. By some perverted logic this also seems to obviate the need to pick up the poop. I presume that when you can't see what Fido is doing as he races along behind your cart while you check stock prices on your phone, that relieves you of the obligation after he relieves himself, plus you can make a quicker getaway from the scene of the offense even if you do notice the act. Golf carts are also apparently exempt from all traffic laws. But then they should be, since, like electric cars, their non-polluting status conveys a certain environment-saving, anti-proletariat ostracization privilege toward internal combustion vehicle drivers. And pity the poor pedestrian on the sidewalk when approached rapidly from fore or aft by cart careeners; this is, after all, not a walking course community. So, if you're thinking about joining the mechanical caddy clique instead of remaining 'persona non golf cart' like me, first you must consider the obligations therein of fraternization, customization and pedestrian alienation, then imagine how you'll look in plaid slacks and two-tone shoes. Until next time, be well. Phil Goldstein is in his fourth year writing Tales from Timnath for North Forty News. Phil is a 13-year Timnath resident who is finally using his West Virginia University journalism degree after getting sidetracked 50 years ago. The views expressed herein are Phil's only. Contact him with comments on the column at [email protected].
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9598758220672607, "url": "https://northfortynews.com/category/columns/golf-cart-coterie/" }
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy has threatened to veto an education package overwhelmingly passed by lawmakers after a bruising debate, saying it lacks provisions he favors, including a pilot program offering annual bonuses of up to $15,000 as a way to attract and keep teachers. Dunleavy, a former educator, said this week that there is still time for lawmakers to address issues like the proposed bonuses and changes to the application process for charter schools aimed at promoting such schools. The governor has 15 days, excluding Sundays, to act on a bill sent to him if the Legislature is in session. He can sign the bill, veto it or let it become law without his signature. A decision is expected by March 14. Some key lawmakers say the package was a compromise and question whether the state can afford the bonuses — or even if they'd work. Debate over education funding has dominated this legislative session. The House last week voted 38-2 to support a compromise package that included a $175-million increase in aid to districts through a school funding formula; a state education department position dedicated to supporting charter schools; additional funding for K-3 students who need reading help; and language encouraging districts to use some of the funding for teacher salaries and retention bonuses. The vote followed a period of intense debate that also showed divisions within the Republican-led majority. The Senate, led by a bipartisan coalition, agreed 18-1 on Monday to support the package, sending it to Dunleavy. The compromise stemmed from negotiations after the House failed to support bringing up for debate a version of the bill that advanced from the House Rules Committee. That version included Dunleavy's bonus plan, charter provisions and a roughly $80 million increase in state aid through the formula. After the bill passed the House, Republican Speaker Cathy Tilton said that while the compromise "fell short" of the earlier proposal, "I'd still call it a 'qualified' success." School officials had sought a roughly $360 million increase in funding, citing the impact of inflation and high energy and insurance costs. But the state, which relies heavily on oil and earnings from Alaska's nest-egg oil-wealth fund, has struggled with deficits over the last decade, and some lawmakers questioned whether that amount was realistic. The Legislature approved a one-time, $175 million boost last year, but Dunleavy vetoed half that. Lawmakers did not have enough votes for an override. Dunleavy has cast the bonuses and support of charter schools as a way of doing things differently. He has questioned whether simply increasing funding to districts will improve student performance. He has proposed paying teachers bonuses of $5,000 to $15,000 a year over three years, with the highest amount for those in the most remote areas. Estimates suggest the program could cost about $55 million a year. The language in the education package encouraging districts to use some of the funds for bonuses "does not ensure the desired ends are realized," Dunleavy spokesperson Grant Robinson said by email Thursday. Republican Senate President Gary Stevens told reporters this week that there is a limit to what the state can afford. A revised revenue forecast is expected by mid-March, and lawmakers haven't even begun publicly debating how big this year's dividend payout to residents from oil-wealth fund earnings should be — typically one of the most contentious debates of the session. Sen. Bill Wielechowski, an Anchorage Democrat, raised questions about how well bonuses might work. He said he thinks there's a "fair expectation" that teachers from overseas or the Lower 48 would leave after the three years is up. He said the level of support for the compromise bill was "pretty unheard of these days" for a controversial measure. Tom Klaameyer, president of NEA-Alaska, a teachers' union, said if Dunleavy vetoes the education package, "then our schools remain in crisis." The measure "was simply a life preserver that was being thrown or could have been thrown to schools to stem the crisis," he said. He added: "We're saying, throw the life preserver."
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:45Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.972579836845398, "url": "https://www.aol.com/news/alaska-governor-threatens-veto-education-234751222.html" }
MX TOKEN (MX) traded up 0% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 19:00 PM ET on February 29th. In the last week, MX TOKEN has traded 2.8% higher against the US dollar. One MX TOKEN token can now be purchased for $2.91 or 0.00004755 BTC on exchanges. MX TOKEN has a total market capitalization of $288.45 million and $5.47 million worth of MX TOKEN was traded on exchanges in the last day. Here is how similar cryptocurrencies have performed in the last day: - KILT Protocol (KILT) traded 1.3% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.36 or 0.00000592 BTC. - Aidi Finance (BSC) (AIDI) traded 2.2% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.0000 or 0.00000000 BTC. - Zoo Token (ZOOT) traded down 2.2% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0652 or 0.00000239 BTC. - CareCoin (CARES) traded 2.2% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.0809 or 0.00000297 BTC. - Kitty Inu (KITTY) traded 1.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $95.84 or 0.00338062 BTC. - Hokkaidu Inu (HOKK) traded up 1.2% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0004 or 0.00000001 BTC. - Lego Coin (LEGO) traded 29.8% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0139 or 0.00000023 BTC. - Jeff in Space (JEFF) traded 2.2% lower against the dollar and now trades at $2.75 or 0.00010076 BTC. - Lumi Credits (LUMI) traded up 0% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0108 or 0.00000017 BTC. - AXIA Coin (AXC) traded 0.1% lower against the dollar and now trades at $13.43 or 0.00048094 BTC. MX TOKEN Profile MX TOKEN launched on June 22nd, 2018. MX TOKEN's total supply is 428,646,534 tokens and its circulating supply is 98,959,034 tokens. The Reddit community for MX TOKEN is https://reddit.com/r/mexc_official. The official website for MX TOKEN is www.mexc.com. MX TOKEN's official Twitter account is @mexc_official and its Facebook page is accessible here. MX TOKEN Token Trading It is usually not currently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as MX TOKEN directly using U.S. dollars. Investors seeking to trade MX TOKEN should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in U.S. dollars such as Changelly, Coinbase or GDAX. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase MX TOKEN using one of the aforementioned exchanges. Receive News & Updates for MX TOKEN Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and updates for MX TOKEN and related cryptocurrencies with MarketBeat.com's FREE CryptoBeat newsletter.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:46Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9013310670852661, "url": "https://www.com-unik.info/2024/02/29/mx-token-mx-price-tops-2-91-on-major-exchanges.html" }
Komaki Xgt Classic Bike Discount Offers in Bhopal Sorry, we do not have any active offers in your city. Check Latest Offers in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Brz Get Total Saving Upto Rs. 31,200 On Revolt 400 BRZ Including… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs 26 Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS 26 and Get Discount up to… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000hs Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 HS and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Jitendra Jmt 1000 3k Bring Home Jitendra Ev JMT 1000 3k and Get Discount up to Rs… Available in Bhopal Revolt Motors Rv400 Bring Home Revolt RV 400 and Get Total Benefit up to Rs. 16,… Available in Bhopal Honda Cd 110 Dream Bring Home Honda Vehicle at Low Down Payment of Rs. 5,999 + … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader X and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal Atumobile Atum Vader Bring Home Atumobile Atum Vader E and Get Benefit up to Rs. … Available in Bhopal
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:45Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7187966108322144, "url": "https://auto.hindustantimes.com/komaki-bikes/xgt-classic/offers-in-bhopal" }
https://www.rawpixel.com/services/licenseshttps://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001494Edit ImageSaveSaveEditCropCustom TextRoom architecture furniture building. AI generated Image by rawpixel.MoreAI GeneratedPremiumID : 12001494View personal and business license JPEGBanner JPEG 1200 x 800 px | 300 dpiLarge JPEG 3500 x 2333 px | 300 dpiBest Quality JPEG 6720 x 4480 px | 300 dpiRoom architecture furniture building. AI generated Image by rawpixel.More
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:48Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6680999398231506, "url": "https://www.rawpixel.com/image/12001494/image-background-plant-watercolor" }
Home Office pilot that put ankle tags on migrants 'breached data protection law' The Information Commissioner's Office has issued an enforcement notice and warning to the Home Office. A Home Office pilot scheme to place ankle tags on up to 600 migrants on immigration bail to track their location breached UK data protection law, a watchdog has said. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) said the Home Office had failed to sufficiently assess the risks posed by the electronic monitoring of people, including the privacy concerns around the continuous collection of a person's location. The data protection regulator said it had now issued an enforcement notice and a warning to the Home Office over the pilot, which orders the department to update its privacy policies and warns that data collection on a similar basis would spark enforcement action by the regulator. The pilot had been evaluating whether electronic monitoring was an effective way to maintain regular contact with asylum claimants, while reducing the risk of absconding and offering a potential alternative to detention. The ICO said it had been in discussion with the Home Office about the scheme since August 2022, after concerns about the pilot were raised by Privacy International. The pilot scheme ended in December 2023, but the ICO said the Home Office continues to have access to data gathered during the trial. Having examined the scheme, the data protection watchdog said the Home Office had also failed to assess the potential impact on people who may already be in a vulnerable position because of their immigration status, for reasons such as the conditions of their journey to the UK, or English not being their first language. The ICO said the Home Office did not sufficiently consider how to mitigate against those risks, for example by providing clear information about why people's location data was being collected and how it would be used. The regulator added that throughout its enquiries, the Home Office had also been unable to adequately explain why it was necessary or proportionate to access the data it collected. Information Commissioner John Edwards said: "Having access to a person's 24/7 movements is highly intrusive, as it is likely to reveal a lot of information about them, including the potential to infer sensitive information such as their religion, sexuality, or health status. "Lack of clarity on how this information will be used can also inadvertently inhibit people's movements and freedom to take part in day-to-day activities. "If such information were to be mishandled or misinterpreted, it could potentially have harmful consequences to people and their future. "The Home Office did not assess those risks sufficiently, which means the pilot scheme was not legally compliant. "We recognise the Home Office's crucial work to keep the UK safe, and it's for them to decide on what measures are necessary to do so. "But I'm sending a clear warning to the Home Office that they cannot take the same approach in the future. It is our duty to uphold people's information rights, regardless of their circumstances." In response, a Home Office spokesperson said: "We are disappointed that the ICO has issued this notice and whilst acknowledging improvements to documentation could be made, we reject the claim that the privacy risks of the scheme weren't sufficiently addressed. "The pilot was designed to help us maintain contact with selected asylum claimants, deter absconding and progress asylum claims more effectively. "We will now carefully consider the ICO's findings and respond in due course." Under the enforcement notice issued, the Home Office has been ordered to update its internal policies, access guidance and privacy information in relation to data it retained from the pilot scheme. The formal warning issued alongside the notice states that any future data processing on the same basis by the Home Office would breach data protection law and would see the ICO take enforcement action.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:49Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9717611074447632, "url": "https://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2024/03/01/home-office-pilot-that-put-ankle-tags-on-migrants-breached-data-protection-law/" }
SLR Investment (SLRC) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.44 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.43 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.41 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 2.33%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this business development company would post earnings of $0.44 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.42, delivering a surprise of -4.55%. Over the last four quarters, the company has surpassed consensus EPS estimates just once. SLR Investment The sustainability of the stock's immediate price movement based on the recently-released numbers and future earnings expectations will mostly depend on management's commentary on the earnings call. SLR Investment shares have lost about 1.7% since the beginning of the year versus the S&P 500's gain of 6.3%. What's Next for SLR Investment? While SLR Investment has underperformed the market so far this year, the question that comes to investors' minds is: what's next for the stock? There are no easy answers to this key question, but one reliable measure that can help investors address this is the company's earnings outlook. Not only does this include current consensus earnings expectations for the coming quarter(s), but also how these expectations have changed lately. Empirical research shows a strong correlation between near-term stock movements and trends in earnings estimate revisions. Investors can track such revisions by themselves or rely on a tried-and-tested rating tool like the Zacks Rank, which has an impressive track record of harnessing the power of earnings estimate revisions. Ahead of this earnings release, the estimate revisions trend for SLR Investment: unfavorable. While the magnitude and direction of estimate revisions could change following the company's just-released earnings report, the current status translates into a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell) for the stock. So, the shares are expected to underperform the market in the near future. You can see the complete list of today's Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here. It will be interesting to see how estimates for the coming quarters and current fiscal year change in the days ahead. The current consensus EPS estimate is $0.44 on $59.19 million in revenues for the coming quarter and $1.75 on $234.88 million in revenues for the current fiscal year. Investors should be mindful of the fact that the outlook for the industry can have a material impact on the performance of the stock as well. In terms of the Zacks Industry Rank, Financial - SBIC & Commercial Industry is currently in the bottom 22% of the 250 plus Zacks industries. Our research shows that the top 50% of the Zacks-ranked industries outperform the bottom 50% by a factor of more than 2 to 1. OFS Capital (OFS), another stock in the same industry, has yet to report results for the quarter ended December 2023. This management investment company is expected to post quarterly earnings of $0.39 per share in its upcoming report, which represents a year-over-year change of +11.4%. The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has remained unchanged over the last 30 days. OFS Capital's revenues are expected to be $14.53 million, up 3.8% from the year-ago quarter. Just Released: Zacks Top 10 Stocks for 2024 Hurry – you can still get in early on our 10 top tickers for 2024. Hand-picked by Zacks Director of Research, Sheraz Mian, this portfolio has been stunningly and consistently successful. From inception in 2012 through November, 2023, the Zacks Top 10 Stocks gained +974.1%, nearly TRIPLING the S&P 500's +340.1%. Sheraz has combed through 4,400 companies covered by the Zacks Rank and handpicked the best 10 to buy and hold in 2024. You can still be among the first to see these just-released stocks with enormous potential. See New Top 10 Stocks >>
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:50Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9493548274040222, "url": "https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/slr-investment-slrc-q4-earnings-and-revenues-top-estimates" }
Investors can contact the law firm at no cost to learn more about recovering their losses LOS ANGELES, Feb. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Portnoy Law Firm advises Nextdoor Holdings, Inc. f/k/a Khosla Ventures Acquisition Co. II KIND investors that a lawsuit was filed on behalf of investors that purchased Nextdoor securities between July 6, 2021 and November 8, 2022 inclusive (the "Class Period"). Investors are encouraged to contact attorney Lesley F. Portnoy, by phone 310-692-8883 or email: [email protected], to discuss their legal rights, or click here to join the case via www.portnoylaw.com. The Portnoy Law Firm can provide a complimentary case evaluation and discuss investors' options for pursuing claims to recover their losses. Nextdoor, a hyperlocal online social networking platform, was formed through a merger on November 5, 2021, between Nextdoor, Inc. and the SPAC Khosla Ventures Acquisition Co. II, which then became Nextdoor Holdings, Inc. The class action lawsuit against Nextdoor alleges that during the Class Period, the company made false/misleading statements and failed to disclose: (i) its financial results had been temporarily boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to inflated demand and future revenue growth cannibalization; (ii) growth trends were already declining; (iii) its total addressable market was significantly less than claimed; and (iv) by the Class Period start, the U.S. market was nearly saturated, limiting user monetization and growth in average revenue per weekly active user. Subsequent earnings reports revealed declining revenue growth, ARPU, and U.S. weekly active users, leading to significant drops in Nextdoor's stock price, ultimately harming investors. Please visit our website to review more information and submit your transaction information. The Portnoy Law Firm represents investors in pursuing claims caused by corporate wrongdoing. The Firm's founding partner has recovered over $5.5 billion for aggrieved investors. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Lesley F. Portnoy, Esq. Admitted CA and NY Bar [email protected] 310-692-8883 www.portnoylaw.com Attorney Advertising © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:51Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9463227987289429, "url": "https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/24/02/g37409793/nextdoor-holdings-inc-investors-please-contact-the-portnoy-law-firm-to-recover-your-losses-april-2" }
SPOILERS are ahead for The Marvels, which is now streaming with a Disney+ subscription. During The Marvels' end credit scene, the MCU did what it does best, and it dropped an awesome tease for what's to come by bringing back a beloved actor as his X-Men character. That's right, Kelsey Grammer turned up as Beast to treat the wounds of Teyonah Parris' Monica Rambeau when she accidentally fell into a parallel reality after saving everyone else. However, it turns out that even Parris didn't know the big cameo was happening until it was on the big screen! When asked about her interaction with Beast during The Marvels, Teyonah Parris shared the super next-level way Marvel kept the secret from her. In her words: While speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Parris revealed that when she filmed the special X-Men reveal, the actor she was playing against was an unassuming actor in a lab coat who definitely did not have bright blue skin and sideburns. Either Marvel Studios doesn't trust Teyonah Parris and the crew of The Marvels, or well… they really wanted to keep this a secret. Over the years, there have been a lot of leaks in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so we get it, they wanted to keep the Beast reveal close to the vest! Teyonah Parris was completely fooled, and obviously, she didn't get to work with Kelsey Grammer for the end credits scene. Hopefully, they'll continue the storyline past the credits and Parris will get to be part of the introduction of the X-Men to the MCU!! Kelsey Grammer came back for The Marvels, after starring as Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy in 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand and briefly in 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past. Nicholas Hoult also memorably replaced him for the prequels in the same role. Following the recent cameo, Grammar has shared that he believes with a "certain amount of confidence" that he will return as Beast in another MCU movie. We don't know what that will be right now, there is an X-Men movie reportedly quietly moving forward, and tons of upcoming Marvel movies on the way. What perhaps makes the most sense for Beast in the near future would be Deadpool 3, since another cameo could reunite Grammer with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. Following quite a few end credits scenes lately in the MCU without any payoff, here's hoping this one does lead to something exciting! CINEMABLEND NEWSLETTER Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News Sarah El-Mahmoud has been with CinemaBlend since 2018 after graduating from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in Journalism. In college, she was the Managing Editor of the award-winning college paper, The Daily Titan, where she specialized in writing/editing long-form features, profiles and arts & entertainment coverage, including her first run-in with movie reporting, with a phone interview with Guillermo del Toro for Best Picture winner, The Shape of Water. Now she's into covering YA television and movies, and plenty of horror. Word webslinger. All her writing should be read in Sarah Connor's Terminator 2 voice over.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:51Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9712544679641724, "url": "https://www.cinemablend.com/superheroes/marvel-cinematic-universe/teyonah-parris-next-level-way-marvel-accidentally-spoiling-beast-cameo" }
new charges - MusicCasanova Hit With Stabbing Charge, Takes Aim At The Justice SystemCasanova is "back to court on Friday."By Caroline Fisher - MusicYNW Melly Faces Six New Charges Related To Alleged Witness Tampering: DetailsYNW Melly's case continues on.By Alexander Cole - Pop CultureDepartment Of Justice Weighs Charging Derek Chauvin Over 2017 Incident: ReportThe department is allegedly weighing charging the former cop in connection with another case. By Madusa S.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:52Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8695946335792542, "url": "https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/tag/new-charges" }
Tandoori in Cary Cary restaurants that serve tandoori Anjappar Cary 101 Ledgestone Way, Cary Tandoori Salmon Fish Tikka | $19.99 | Tandoori Roti Butter | $3.99 | Tandoori Chicken | $17.99 | 101 Ledgestone Way, Cary Tandoori Salmon Fish Tikka | $19.99 | Tandoori Roti Butter | $3.99 | Tandoori Chicken | $17.99 |
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:52Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6906798481941223, "url": "https://www.toasttab.com/local/cary-nc-restaurants/dish/tandoori" }
Jack Teixeira expected to plead guilty in documents leak case Updated February 29, 2024 at 6:13 PM ET Jack Teixeira, the former Air National guardsman charged with leaking classified military documents online, is expected to plead guilty in the case. Prosecutors on Thursday filed a motion in federal court in Boston asking for a change of plea hearing next week. The request comes almost a year after Teixeira was arrested and charged with the illegal retention and transmission of national defense information. He originally pleaded not guiltyto the charges. Teixiera was indicted in June 2023by a federal grand jury in Boston following his arrest that April after he allegedly shared highly classified military documents about the war in Ukraine, in addition to other to national security issues on Discord, the social media site. What Teixiera is alleged to have done According to charging documents, Teixeira had worked in the 102nd Intelligence Wing based at Otis Air Force Base in Cape Cod, Mass., since May 2022 until his arrest. He was a cyber transports systems journeyman — similar to an information technology specialist — for the National Guard. His unit provides worldwide intelligence for combat support and homeland security. Teixeira was granted a "top secret security clearance" in 2021, meaning he would have signed a "lifetime binding non-disclosure agreement" acknowledging that leaking protected information could result in criminal charges, according to the federal complaint. According to the court documents, a social media user suspected of being Teixeira began releasing classified information in "paragraphs of text" onto a social media platform later revealed to be Discord as early as December 2022. Initially, the purpose of divulging secret information was to "discuss geopolitical affairs and current and historical wars," the federal complaint said. But beginning in January, the online user began posting photographs of what appeared to be official U.S. government documents with classification markings. Among the documents photographed was the status of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, including troop movements on a particular date. The leaker later explained to another user that he was concerned that he would get in trouble for "making the transcriptions of text in the workplace" so he began taking the documents to his residence and photographing them, another online user known to have interacted with the leaker told the FBI. Fallout from the leaks Following the leaks, the Air National Guard took action against 15 service members, ranging from sergeants to colonels, for dereliction of duties for not stopping Teixeira's alleged activity. Some were fired, others received administrative punishment. Col. Sean Riley, who headed the 102nd Intelligence Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod, was relieved of command. The Guard said it also suspended other commanders and said the 102nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group was "taken off mission" when Teixeira was discovered as the source of the unauthorized disclosures. The Air Force Inspector General's report painted a damning picture of inaction by officials in Teixeira's unit, who were repeatedly aware of what he was doing. "Had any of these members come forward, security officials would likely have facilitated restricting systems/facility access and alerted the appropriate authorities, reducing the length and depth of the unauthorized and unlawful disclosures by several months," the report said. With reporting by NPR's Juliana Kim, Jenna McLaughlin and Tom Bowman Copyright 2024 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
{ "date": "2024-03-01T00:35:52Z", "dump": "CC-NEWS-2024-03", "file_path": "/data/datasets/text/pretraining_datasets/finenews/cc_dumps/2024/03/part0/CC-NEWS-20240301003327-02647.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9761142134666443, "url": "https://www.nprillinois.org/2024-02-29/jack-teixeira-expected-to-plead-guilty-in-documents-leak-case" }