1 value
dude, you can do this.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Dude, you can fucking do this.
well, he's got a key on his tires in his head.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Well, he has a fucking tire iron through his head.
you can't move about every Christmas market because of every Christmas market. "
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You can’t move for the damn things every Christmas Fayre, I told you.’
but Riley, it seems, has forgotten that our family is not worth talking about!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
But what Riley seems to be forgetting is she doesn't have a fucking say in our family!
you want to sleep with me tonight... the end of the break.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
¡®Do you want to go to bed with me? ¡¯ ... dance is finish kill them now
where did I just put the keys?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
What the fuck I do with these keys?
and I like... loyalty and devotion.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
And I love... Faith, loyalty and all that shit, even now.
lui Jianxing, you have a nerve!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Lui Jianxing, you have some bloody nerve!
other men would have slept with me.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Other men actually want to have sex with me.
why would they keep them, for God's sake?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Why would they keep them, for fuck's sake.
so, this whole ship is like a solar collector.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
So this whole damn ship is like a big, old solar panel.
you were always late, bro!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You was always late, fool!
well, you're just a whistleblower!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Well, you're just a pussy with a whistle!
that was a really cool movie.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
That was a great fucking movie.
everyone wants me to go, but nobody cares what I want!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Everybody wants me to go to this stupid junket, but nobody cares with what I want.
it sounds bad, but it's good.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It sounds stupid, but it's really funny.
he wasn't very good at lying.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
He was a terrible liar.
it's a smiley face.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It's a penis with a smiley face.
now I'm just doing it so I can watch their faces change.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Now, I do it just to watch their fuckin' expression change.
where are you going?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Where the fuck you going?
now, come on, hands up and get in the trunk.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
All right, stupid, put your hands up and get in the trunk.
"you have more power than you once did, little brother," said Erij.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
"You have more staying power than you used to have, bastard brother," said Erij.
I don't trust those cages that you had TB in Congo.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I don't believe that rubbish about your having had TB in the Congo.
he doesn't have a gun.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
He's got no gun. - He's a liar.
you better sign this contract.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Now, sign the fucking contract!
I'm being nice to you, but you're still clinging to me.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I'm cool to you, but you're always on my ass!
tell them to get a basket.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Tell them to make a fucking basket.
you're gonna have your one-man show every night for two more years!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You'll be playing your one-man show nightly for the next two fucking years!
you don't chase him when there's nobody here, right?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You don't jerk off when nobody's around, do ya?
he's going with a heavy truck and a crash hammer to Ferrari.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
He can take a dump truck and hammer her into a Ferrari.
I want to know what you've done to your sister since you left.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I want to know what an asshole like you did to my little sister to make her leave.
I totally smell the smell from Queen Mary.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Just about smell the Queen Mary's butt.
you love it.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You love that shit.
I'm gonna miss you too, pizza.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I'm gonna miss you, too, bitch.
it's Grandma's bird!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It's my granny's cock!
I feel like Danny Glover before he got old.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I feel like Danny Glover before he got too old for this shit.
it was a normal massacre!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It was a fucking bloodbath there!
no one's doing anything.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
No one's revisiting shit.
I'm waiting.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I'm waiting, fool.
what are you talking about?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
The fuck are you talking about?
first off, take off the mask.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
First, take off that stupid mask.
if you don't sit with him, it's gonna be that you don't care.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You don't at least sit down with him, crew reads that like you don't give a shit.
I told you, I don't do contracts.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
I told you, I didn't make his fucking deal.
lock it down!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Shut it off!
"I was crazy.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
"An absolute fool.
give him a good bottle.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Give him the bloody bottle.
if you can't even rub your hair, honey.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You, you couldn't even pull your own fucking hair, darling.
you're showing us with your pants down and running out.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You show us with our pants down and our asses hanging out.
and it's not even creepy.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It sucks. It's not scary, it's gross.
opera's degenerated, Molière.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Opera is a bastard form, Molière.
don't tell me you know him!
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Do not tell me you fucking know him?.
give him the money.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Give me the fuckin' money!
I didn't see a sadder girl.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
You're the saddest girl I've ever met.
didn't I say I was pretty clear last year to fire him?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Didn't I tell you as plain as I could speak to get rid of his ass last year?
it's quite simple.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
It's so simple, it's stupid.
if you stay where you are, I'm sure you will.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
If you stay where you are, you're dead for sure.
what happened?
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
Shit. What happened?
they said I was a hero, but I didn't care.
Rephrase with lower toxicity level.
They called me a fucking hero. The truth is I didn't care anymore.