6 values
what to do for bleeding piles
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to a nephrologist online
hi doctor I had my kidney transplant two months ago now I am suffering from piles can you suggest me some medicine
medium severity
I am under a great stress about my life and feel unworthy with extreme mood changes please help
hello welcome to icliniq com what are your symptoms exactly if they are of depression then the treatment with an sari selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is ideally given for six months or so basically if you are depressed you will feel irritable low feel like crying sad do not wish to eat have difficulty sleep there can be anxiety tiredness headaches etc in bipolar illness there will be a period of these depressive symptoms and then after a period of normalcy the reverse happens that is you feel unusually happy for no reason there are episodes of spending money excessively on things which you do not need or maybe excessive use of alcohol other illicit drugs sex irritable behavior decreased need for sleep and still feeling fresh grandiose talks and ideas many non goal directed activities etc so if you have not had the manic hypomanic phase then you probably suffered from major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder you will need to consult with a psychiatrist and take medicines for the same it will surely help with your symptoms
hello doctor I am 18 years old I am under great stress about many areas of life like family career and personal satisfaction I think I am not worthy enough and I do not like the way I look I think I am ugly and at times I hate myself for who I am I feel unworthy and do not deserve for what I have been given good school facilities luxury also I have an imaginary friend whom I talk to many times during the day and share my problems with him I do not feel fine I experience extreme mood changes from happy to sad
medium severity
please interpret echo taken for lightheadedness chest pain and shortness of breath
hello did he lose consciousness while walking upstairs is he a diabetic his cholesterol report seems abnormal along with hypertension and uncontrolled blood pressure his color doppler report showing aortic stenosis possible diagnosis is age related atherosclerosis with severe aortic stenosis with dyslipidemia and hypertension no muscle tissue involved the major blood vessel called aorta is narrowed aortic valve is a tricuspid semilunar valve that allows oxygenated blood from the left atrium into it will supply blood to all parts of the body due to age related atherosclerosis dyslipidemia and hypertension aggravate it
hello doctor a 56 year old patient went to his physician for evaluation of recurrent episodes of lightheadedness chest pain and shortness of breath with exertion one week earlier he experienced an episode of syncope while walking up the stairs of his house vitals heart rate 16 bpm be 164 102 mhg respiratory rate 18 weight 247 labs laboratory exams troponin level normal hypercholesterolemia hypertriglyceridemia imaging doppler echocardiogram demonstrates a significantly stenotic aortic valve and plaques within the coronary arteries from the given information which among his findings show abnormal results what is the possible diagnosis of the patient what type of muscle tissue is associated what type of valve is the aortic valve and cite its function how does the plaque build up affect the function of the coronary arteries
medium severity
I get blood in stools with constipation but there is no pain please help
hello constipation is very common due to the active lifestyle considering your age and history the blood in stools can be due to chronic constipation as it does not pain while you pass stool it confirms constipation to prevent constipation you should drink more water considering summer season to liters should be good include fiber rich food like oats corn flakes and fruits like banana apple and watermelon try having some of these food for dinner and if you eat nonvegetarian foods make sure you eat an equal amount of green vegetables with it on an indian diet you can have roti instead of white rice following this routine would surely improve your constipation
hello doctor I am years old and I have a problem of blood in the stool for two days I do not feel pain and any other symptoms but sometimes constipation exist and my long toilet interval is once every two days most common sometimes rarely on every day or three days interval are there any home remedies and is it normal
medium severity
I get stomach cramps with headache loss of appetite fever and diarrhea please suggest solution
hi let me tell you that the symptoms described by you suggest that you have acute gastroenteritis I suggest antibiotic metronidazole 400 my three times a day for five days and continue paracetamol for pain and fever management avoid taking non asteroidal anti inflammatory medication like ibuprofen aspirin and diclofenac take plenty of oral rehydration solution with water make sure that you get plenty of rest stop eating solid foods to let your stomach settle avoid dairy products caffeine alcohol and nicotine avoid sugary fatty or highly seasoned foods I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 27 year old female I have severe headaches for the past two days with loss appetite nausea fever diarrhea and stomach cramps I am taking paracetamol for my problems please help
medium severity
I have sinusitis with polyp in right maxillary sinus please help
hi we have to first ascertain as to why sinusitis has occurred in the first place usually in most cases the primary cause is a seasonal or year around allergic problem that is there just to make you understand I have tried to explain things in a simple way below exposure to dust or any irritative substance that your body is hypersensitive to will initially initiate reflexes such as sneezing to remove the offending agent out but if this fails mucosal cells in you nose start to hyperfunction producing loads of mucus to trap dust owing to its sticky nature this mucus has no where to go other than either being blown out of due to mucociliary activity gets pushed into the throat thereby entering into a new zone the throat initially reacts by activating cough impulses to push out the mucus but if that fails a local inflammation around the throat starts which often leads to symptoms such as feeling of a lump in the throat and repeated feeling to clear the throat as far as your nose is concerned due to long standing inflammation the mucosa starts to get edematous and ends up forming a polyp I know the problem is there since a long five years but I am not sure if you have followed any specific treatment chart which is usually recommended before we consider any patient for surgery this treatment chart is custom made according to your symptoms and does follow the guidelines to treat both allergy with sinusitis the following things can be considered wear an n95 mask at all times do not allow any dust or irritative substance from entering into your nose this is the most important thing you should be following failing which no treatment will bring any relief tablet sinarest paracetamol phenylephrine hydrochloride chlorpheniramine maleate one tablet twice daily after food 12 hours apart for 15 days tablet allegra fexofenadine and montelukast one tablet twice daily after food 12 hours apart for 15 days tablet zerodol the aceclofenac and thiocolchicoside 4mg or its equivalent one tablet twice daily after food for five days tablet clarithromycin 500 my one tablet twice daily after food duonase nasal spray or its equivalent two puffs two times a day in both nostrils for three months do not inhale while you spray the drug tablet mucomix 600 my acetylcysteine one tablet twice daily for week tablet wysolone prednisolone 10 my one tablet after breakfast for 10 days steam inhalation to times a day 10 saltwater gargles at to 10 times a day for one month do not smoke or consume alcohol as it slows down mucociliary clearance mechanisms all precautionary measures have to be followed strictly for maximum relief otherwise medications would not be useful on the long term surgery can be considered if above medications and precautionary measures do not give any relief but there is a catch to it the symptoms might come back sometimes even on a higher scale after a brief relief following surgery if the precautionary measures post surgery are not followed ideally speaking in a nutshell I again emphasis on preventing any irritative substance from entering the nose and throat thereby triggering an allergic cascade of events and reproducing the symptoms you have mentioned above as far as the polyp is concerned in very few cases the polyp resolves on its own with medications and often the patient requires a surgery called functional endoscopic sinus surgery where the sinus openings are widened and the polyps are removed you will have to get a it scan done to see the extent of the polyp current condition of the other sinuses and anatomical variations in the nose which could have been contributing to the polyp I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a 31 year old male I have sinusitis for almost five years also there is polyp formation in the right maxillary sinus when I inhale to get relief from nasal congestion and it starts irritating with inflammation any advice
medium severity
my bilirubin level keeps on increasing with negative hepatitis test what is my problem
hello well your us ultrasound and it computed tomography scan are normal which is kind of satisfying to me of course you suppose to have more blood tests to confirm the origin of this jaundice hepatitis although common but they are not the only one to cause liver problem there are many other causes such as nonhepatotrophic virus infections as herpes virus epstein bar virus cytomegalovirus non viral causes are wilson hemochromatosis alpha trypsin deficiency the causes of predominantly raised bilirubin jaundice with normal it scan suggest microscopic primary sclerosing cholangitis primary biliary cholangitis benign and progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis the hematologist will start from blood tests first and at times can be recommended liver biopsy if the blood test does not serve the purpose it is possible that you have one of the above or not any of the above the reason is it is always important to have a clinical history then targeted blood tests and examinations before a hematologist is able to give you one word specific diagnosis deranged liver function tests deranged liver function tests after establishing a diagnosis follow up if want to provide more information and discuss the right approach to each and everyone of above disorders
hello doctor I have jaundice my biliurubin was 5 three weeks ago I went to the doctor for jaundice weekly blood tests as of three weeks show bilirubin has been increasing hep test shows I do not have hepatitis ultrasound says no tumor bile duct coverage or stones I took a it scan and the results show there is no obstruction and pancreas is normal in other words my body parts are normal in two weeks I will see a gastroenterologist what do you think I have I will probably have more blood tests this monday to check bilirubin levels I am currently on hydroxyzine hcl
medium severity
can periods cause loose stools
hello I need to know whether the loose stools are really having organic cause or just secondary to functional changes occurring with time of periods loose stools are said when stool volume is more than 200 my in a day semisolid to liquid in consistency mild abdominal cramping is common when one approaching menstruation a condition is called premenstrual syndrome which is common condition with various symptoms not necessarily related to female genital tract but accompany with emotional and physiologic changes in to abdomen skin body blood circulation you just make sure that you take home made well cooked diet otherwise no need of any investigation or medicine for now take oral rehydration solution or in one liter of water and take 200 my to 300 my every time you have loose stools I could have helped you much if you have provided some more information about that pain and quantity of stools well onset for 24 hours mild cramping does not show any alarming symptoms so do not worry you can take a gynecologist opinion on this take care have a good day nonspecific abdominal cramp and loose stools food poisoning premenstrual syndrome follow up with gynecologist
hello doctor loose stools that are yellowish in color only minor abdominal cramping that feels like a period cramp due to having period for the past two days taking oral contraceptive abdominal cramping is not continous only been occurring for 24 hours
low severity
kindly explain the management of gallstone
hello so starting from answering your first question the pain of twisting of veins is an strange term in itself why would veins twist around in a healthy young lady with no previous significant medical history so I do not believe this second the gall bladder is not removed in asymptomatic gall stones asymptomatic gall stones are those which do not cause symptoms and the symptoms of gall stones occur usually when the stone size is 10 my if smaller than this it is unlikely that your pain was gall stone related since you did not mention size of gall stones otherwise it would have been easy to tell you whether it was cause of your pain or not other the pain of gall stones has to be typical in nature the pain which occur in right upper quadrant of the abdomen at site of your liver pain starts suddenly mostly after half hour of meals peaks within hours and then starts settling in next to hours vomiting and nausea can frequently accompany with this pain if you have that typical type of pain then it may be from gall bladder your third question the answer is no drug therapy can prevent from formation of stones or dissolution of stone there are some therapies which are used as in experience but they are not recommended at all if gall bladders stones are symptomatic then they has to be removed by doing gall bladder resection via laparoscopy if not symptomatic then no need of any drug or surgical therapy having said that elective gall bladder resection is indicated among patients who could not bear the risk of cholecystitis such as pregnant ladies with size of stones more than 10 my or patients with smaller gallbladder stones but having pancreatitis stone but without symptoms and presence of gall bladder polyps these three types of patients can have surgery despite no symptoms gall bladder stones gall bladder stones follow up to discuss plan of action in your case from now onwards ruling out other causes of your abdominal pain on history and some preliminary investigations
hi doctor I have a single gallstone I am not facing any symptoms but about last week I felt a severe and intense pain in stomach and immediately to back which continues until I had an decloyearan injection this pain did not spread over the abdomen when we met the doctor he checked very carefully and said that it was not the pain of gall stone the doctor asked for an ultrasound and in ultrasound the stone was in its place no inflammation or fluid accumulation gall bladder size was normal the doctor said that the pain was due to twist of certain veins and is not due to gallstone I want to ask that whether twisting of vein can cause pain is it necessary to do operation is there any way to remove single gallstone
medium severity
is it possible to get daily headaches due to degenerative disc disease
hello your husband having intermittent headaches which are more looks like migraine then cluster headache from your description hence I want to clarify some points is that headache is very severe please rate the severity from to 10 where is no headache and 10 is worst headache once headache starts it remains for how long is there one eye pain tearing redness nasal discharge during headache yes mri is needed as it is daily headache since month with some odd features send me the details of medication currently he is taking including pain relievers yes mri is normal then it is primary headache like migraine or cluster headache and it is curable degenerative spinal disease rarely cause headache and in your husband case it is not the cause
hi doctor my husband is a 38 year old male who smokes and has degenerative disc disease from several car accidents no real treatment has been given to him aside from chiropractic visits to reveal tension in his lower back he does have many stresses with work and home life and is seeing a counsellor due to depression about a month now he has experienced daily headaches that would not go away often his headaches are accompanied by nausea and vomiting he has light sensitivity and I am sure also working on a computer adds to it often he feels the headache and it is manageable but there are times he feels it more just the other day he was having what he said was a cluster headache he is scheduled for a mri but I am extremely concerned it is a tumor or something bad any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated does degenerative disc disease cause daily headaches
medium severity
I get popping in ears after frequent flight journey is this due to infection
hello simply it is a eustachian tube dysfunction ear infection which needs an antibiotic must be accompanied by ear pain ear drops do not have any role in the treatment of middle ear infections I think that you need an anti edematous and anti inflammatory like alphintern tablets or reparil tablets three times daily for a week plus corticosteroids tablets in the dose of my for each keg of your body weight daily for example if you are 70 keg you need 70 my of corticosteroids per day for 10 days the most popular corticosteroids is called prednisone tablets chewing gum will be useful for you
hello doctor I have flown very often in the last few years I forgot to wear earplugs and slept on a few flights recently on the last two trips I had multiple flights connecting I noticed my ears did not stop popping after a few days since my last flight my right ear has not cleared up it used to be at night my ear would pop and get better during the day now my right ear has lost hearing I would estimate about 50 and fluctuates between 50 to 75 during the day when it is totally silent I think I hear this tone in my right ear I do not have headaches and can sleep fine I have gingivitis and bleeding gums and no other health issues I was wondering if my ear is infected or not I know whatever I have is connected to my frequent flying every two months for the last five years I always wore earplugs and never had this before but forgot the last trip should I take antibiotic drops I definitely have mucus in my sinus and I am not sneezing or coughing in any major way just and not sure if I am infected or not would antibiotic drops help me rule out infection
low severity
I get hives on thighs whenever the climate is hot how long can I take claritin
hi welcome to icliniq com it looks that you are suffering from acute urticaria this could happen as a result of an allergic reaction to blanket dust or furs in it there are other causes as well is this the first episode or you get them frequently any history of diabetes or thyearoid any history of any medicine taken recently for some other issues until you reply you can take clairtin loratidine dose again no problem with that I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 17 year old female I believe that I have hives on my thighs I have them for about five to six days and they appear whenever the area gets hot I was using a blanket last night and the hives got red again but when it is cold they are not red and appear to be my skin color I used hydrocortisone the first three days and it helped and I was also wearing tight leggings while working all day the last two days I have been taking claritin and it has helped because the area is no longer itchy but the hives and bumps are still there should I take claritin tonight too how do I get rid of the bumps I assume that I should not keep on using claritin since I have used it for two days already
low severity
I am a 13 year old male how to assess my present stage of puberty
hi I appreciate your efforts of going into the details about puberty and its effects on the body you have done quite a bit of research you only need to understand a few more things first not everybodys body responds the same way to puberty the genetic makeup has a big influence on it your final height depends on your parents height lifestyle diet physical exercise and also mildly influenced by the mindset and environmental factors generally boys grow up to 18 20 years of age unless the growth is arrested by early puberty by your description your puberty is just setting in which is normal for the age now your final height will depend on your diet and physical activity it is possible that you might add another 5 inches to your height
hi doctor I am 13 years old I have been curious about puberty and height I am currently feet inches and really insecure about my body and height I feel very hairy and fair I have been researching tanner stages of development and I am around tanner stage I have hair around my inner thighs I can grow a slight mustache in three weeks I have line of hair from my testicles to my belly button forming I have little hair around my nipple and some hair on my underarms I have lots of leg hair and a medium amount of arm hair my penis is 5 inches erect and inches flaccid I have attached a photo I wear a shoe size of how tall can I expect to be and how far into puberty really am I also have hairy parents
low severity
I have severe rib pain and it hurts more while standing and taking deep breaths please help
hello there are many conditions where we can get chest pain along with ribs pain I would like to ask a few questions is that pain on costochondral junction which means if you palpate your ribs you can feel there is one gap and then the other rib is started so pain in that region is costochondritis but the pain is like neurogenic pain sharp and localized at specific does that pain radiates to the tip of shoulder or not is the pain associated with other symptoms like palpitation had you done exercise one day before and got pain meanwhile I would recommend you start one drug and let us work on your problem also remember anxiety and panic attacks can cause symptoms very similar to angina these attacks which can occur out of the blue or in response to a stressful event include chest pain along with shortness of breath palpitations and dizziness take tablet paragon forte chlorzoxazone 500 my per oral three daily after food for three days this prescription for you helps relax certain muscles in your body and relieve the discomfort caused by acute short term painful muscle or bone conditions
hello doctor I am having severe rib pain since this morning and it hurts when I stand up straight or when I move or lay down I tried putting a heating pad and ice pack on it and did not do anything I feel extreme discomfort cannot take deep breathes and feel sharp stabbing pain once in a while
medium severity
my penis is like an hourglass and bends in a weird way while erect is this peyearonie disease
hi after reviewing your history it seems to me peyearonies disease but I need pictures flaccid partial and complete erection from you to confirm it presentation is secondary to fibrosis in tunic albuginea causing curvature of penis on erection to variable degrees it starts with inflammation and pain but will stabilize and become painless with time over approximately six months its causing factors are not exactly known but related to microvascular injury and healing with fibrosis is more common in diabetics and might be secondary to autoimmune diseases diagnosis is made purely on clinical grounds by history examination and pictures treatment ranges from medications to local injections to surgery which is reserved for significant deformity and curvature I would be grateful to further diagnose and follow up on you please send me pictures to support the diagnosis before I make a strategy for your treatment provide pictures
hello doctor I am a 24 year old male I have noticed that my penis gets really narrow in the middle like an hourglass and bends in a weird way when half erect or in the process of getting erect it gets completely normal when fully erect though and there is no pain this happens once every few days should I be worried I have tried searching online and the closest result is peyearonie however in peyearonie the erect penis gets the hourglass shape with pain but in my case erections are just fine any help would be greatly appreciated as I am quite worried
medium severity
my lipid profile is deranged with high triglycerides should I start on medication
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from back pain and hypertriglyceridemia with low hel high density lipoprotein level you have a high vldl very level density lipoprotein level too for your abnormal lipid profile level you should avoid fatty foods and dairy products you can take fenofibrate for your high triglycerides level along with omega fatty acid for your low hel level continue these medications for abnormal lipid profile and do repeat your lipid profile after three months later for your back pain you can take naproxen with baclofen calcium with vitamin supplements so you can continue the medications as follows capsule lofibra fenofibrate 200 my 1 after meal tablet naprosyn 500 my 0 after meal for 10 days tablet lioresal baclofen 10 my 0 for one month tablet carbocal 400 1 for two months capsule bio marine omega and fish oil 1 continue tablet prevacid lansoprazole 30 my 0 before meal for one month
hello doctor I am 34 years old my lipid profile shows total cholesterol 154 my dl hel 26 my dl lil 67 my dl triglyceride 298 my dl fbi is 95mg dl and ribs 132 my dl blood pressure 146 82 mhg can I use the cholesterol medicine for triglycerides
medium severity
my 40 day old son has undescended left tests will it come down on its own or surgery required
hi according to the report you have sent the child has left sided undescended tests it is a common practice to wait until the baby is six months old before operating there is a small chance that the tests might descend on its own by six months they usually do not descend after six months and also the risk of that tests becoming nonfunctional if waited beyond six months is high another thing is there is a small risk of that tests becoming cancerous if it is not operated within one year so your child will need a surgery orchidopexy by about six months of age if it does not descend spontaneously follow up at months of age
hello doctor my 40 day old son left tests is undescended sonography shows his tests on the upper end of the inguinal canal please suggest whether it will come down naturally
medium severity
if gallbladder stones are not removed shortly will it turn cancerous
hello I can understand your concern about symptoms complex and ultrasound findings and whether surgery is the answer to your problem well first of all I want to clear that you do not have stones in the gallbladder they are concretions it is a medical term and they are called microlithiasis gall bladder stones less than my in size so the possibility of developing cholecystitis gall bladder inflammation is very low however this microlithiasis can cause pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas which is a gland sitting over the back of the abdomen thirdly the pain can be secondary to the functional gall bladder problem where the gall bladder is naturally slow resulting in damping of bile yellow secretion produced by the liver and stored within gallbladder and production of small concretions such as in our case so I would ask you to get a few blood tests to confirm whether you have pain due to pancreatitis I also want that you should discuss to me in more detail about your pain as only proper history can give me a clue towards your problem whether gall bladder inflammation pancreatitis or functional gall bladder disorder even before any further testing since the ultrasound findings and your symptoms are not correlated very well there is no point in discussing the role of surgery but I just want to assure you that you probably need no surgery so do not worry about it I suggest you some tests please get it done then I would recommend you some lifestyle changes and a medical treatment that can help you resolve your minor stones within the gallbladder I hope this helps pancreatitis cholecystitis peptic ulcer disease functional gallbladder disorder gallbladder dyskinesia complete blood count serum amylase and lipase liver function tests ash thyearoid stimulating hormone start capsule esomeprazole 40 my half an hour before meals once daily for now follow up after investigation
hello doctor my friend is having a gall bladder stone we consulted few doctors some are saying the immediate operation is needed otherwise it will be cancerous and some are saying no immediate action is required she is having pain in her right side of the upper abdomen and also in the middle I am attaching her ultrasound report please tell me about her condition during this pandemic we are not able to go outside and consult the doctor
medium severity
I have elevated lipid profile and low vitamin should I start medicines
hello I have gone through your reports your lipid profile and liver enzyme alt are deranged and vitamin is low for low vitamin you should have tablet prise do or calcirol sachet 60 units once a week with milk for eight weeks after eight weeks you should have it once a month for the next six months now the liver enzyme is deranged likely due to fatty liver which is related to deranged lipid profile you should get an ultrasound of liver to confirm it now since lil low density lipoprotein is moderately elevated you may give a try of a healthy lifestyle so you should have a healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty oily high calorie foods avoid fried fast food egg yellow non veg consumption and avoid excessive oil do not reuse the cooking oil once used for frying have regular exercises like brisk walking or running according to the capacity for atleast 30 minutes a day repeat lipid profile after eight weeks and if there is a response then should continue a healthy lifestyle or else will medications like tablet atorva atorvastatin 10 my bedtime once daily for six to eight weeks I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 39 years old recently I have done some health check ups the report shows my lil cholesterol is 140 triglycerides 165 hel 30 should I take any medicine or should I start walking or exercise my vitamin level is 20 15 what medicine should I take for my low levels of vitamin
medium severity
I have troubled gut with gas constant rumbling in stomach and frequent burps please help
hi if your gut is not normal it will definitely affect your skin first thing include a lot of probiotics in your diet take two cups of curd daily have small frequent meals like two to three hours eat something your meal should be breakfast lunch and dinner with two intermittent snacks include ghee every day in your diet add one or two teaspoons ghee with rice along with other accompaniments stop the cod liver capsules completely supplements should not be taken for years together occasionally if you eat homemade sweets nothing will happen you can take it as your weight is very low for in between snacks you can eat fruits buttermilk include every day protein powder in the evening canna etc always have protein rich foods in the morning hours and the later meal should be light avoid breads bakery products processed foods sodas rich sweets junks etc get a complete blood test done follow up after a week with your reports
hello doctor for the last year or so I have been experiencing a troubled gut gassy disposition constant rumbling in the stomach and frequent burps since then I have stopped consuming lactose heavy foods such as cheese full fat milk and paneer since but my stomach is still unsettled a year on I have also noticed that over the last three months my skin has been breaking out on the chin forehead and cheeks this coincides with the start of the lockdown where I live I have never experienced acne or other skin issues before my diet has remained the same vegetarian lactose free a decent amount of fruits and veggies next to no sweets ghee butter chapatis and rice I do not smoke at all and drink very infrequently I do not skip meals I do not take supplements currently only cod liver oil capsules for immunity for the last 6 years how do I improve my gut health and does it have anything to do with my sudden skin problems
low severity
I am getting intense pelvic pain between 18 24 days of my cycle why
hello the pain you have been experiencing is most likely the ovulatory pain typical to occur in the midcycle when one has regular cycles of 28 30 days or if you have you menstrual periods of varying dates you can observe that exactly 14 days prior to the menstrual period it is called mitterschmerz syndrome or pain it is a normal phenomenon and usually mild but rarely it can be severe as your pain has been severe today it would be better to get an ultrasound done to rule out any other causes of your pain if you had mentioned the date of your last menstrual periods it would have been helpful you can take antispasmodic medications and see if the pain gets relieved but if it does not then it would be better to seek emergency medical help and I am assuming that chances of pregnancy have been ruled out if not then please evaluate yourself just in case if sexually active I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 18 years old and about five or six times in the past year I have experienced intense nauseating pain that I can only guess is ovarian but I cannot find anything on the internet to really pinpoint it alternates sides lasts for a couple of hours and is always between days 18 24 of my cycle this morning it lasted hours the pain reaching from my left ribs to my pelvis which felt like a lot of pressure and made it painful to urinate
medium severity
my ray shows discontinuity in medial tubercle of talus please suggest treatment options
hello looking into your ray pictures and reading your problem I got to know about linear undisplaced fracture of the talus we need to understand the function of the talus bone and its role in the movement of ankle and foot it is between the leg and the foot so that bodyweight may be transferred from the ankle to the leg helping to walk while maintaining balance the bone also helps in the movements of the ankle and together with the calcaneus facilitates the movements of the foot it has already been I think more than 15 days have to outcast or do immobilization of foot it is needed to immobilize the foot and take some medicine if you have swelling of moderate type then put splint for 10 14 days and convert to cast then we need to do check an ray around in four weeks and then in six weeks and see the final callus formation and healing
hello doctor I am 24 years old last month I had a motorcycle accident I did an ray and it is written in the result as there are bone discontinuity seen in the medial tubercle of the talus of the calcaneus such can represent an incomplete linear fracture no osseous reaction or radiopaque foreign body noted in the projection taken boehler angle 42 what are the best over the counter medicines for my fracture
medium severity
my mother is suffering from a mental disorder for 24 years can she recover
hello I am sorry to hear about your situation I can imagine how hard it must be for you in your query you have not mentioned the diagnosis so I cannot suggest exactly what needs to be done but I will explain how it works the fact that you mentioned that she does not remember anyone could be a part of dementia for which you would require a neurologist medications can help to an extent psychosis or depression can have such reactions you will require a psychiatrist for this a complete evaluation is required the doctor might do a it mri depending on the symptoms and start treatment accordingly and yes medications can help to an extent depending on severity of the issue one way is to get her treated on old basis ie at home with followuos with doctor or you can opt for residential treatment facilities which keep the patient in the facility and there is a holistic approach to treatment where doctor nurses therapist etc works as a team in recovery I would need more information about symptoms or need to talk to your mother to be able to understand exactly what she is going through I hope this helps feel free to contact me if you have any questions take care
respected sir madam my mother has been suffering from mental disorder since 24 years from my birth my dad took her to the hospital and undergone treatment also but no use after up to years prescribed medicine also used it had been 20 year of not using any medicine and treatment since my birth I had not my mother love and care now I want to get her treatment her condition right now she is healthy do not remember anyone quiet calm sometimes do whatever we told is there any chance to recover please give me some advice as I do not know what to do
medium severity
I have jaw pain because of an impacted wisdom tooth what should I do
hello welcome to icliniq this may be the pain from the same reason you had previously if you have an impacted wisdom tooth then that can cause you this kind of problem repeatedly but if you have pain on biting that may be from the root canal treated tooth do you have the xray can you send me a picture of the affected area and the xray in the meantime you can rinse mouth with warm saline water 7 times daily if the pain does not subside you can take painkiller tab ibuprofen 400mg two times daily for 3 days after meal please send me the pictures for proper diagnosis and better treatment plan thank you for contacting us
i am having ache in lower jaw last time I visited dentist I had a root canal same side after a month I started experiencing pain in that jaw sometimes doctor said root canal is fine and that I have impacted wisdom tooth after a quick ray I am having pain now again in that jaw after months what should I do due to couid 19 I am not sure I should visit a dentist
low severity
I have back pain tiredness feeling sleepy and foot inflammation what could have caused all these
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from back pain tiredness more sleepy feeling and inflammation on foot I have gone through your investigations result and found that your vitamin do level is below normal get gamma glutamyl transferase level slightly high hel high dentist lipoprotein level below normal to thyearoglobulin and vldl very density lipoprotein level significantly high ash thyearoid stimulating hormone level normal at the upper limit total leukocyte count with lymphocytes count slightly high eosinophil count are significantly high so your back pain tiredness more sleepy feeling with inflammation of foot may result from vitamin do deficiency clinical features of vitamin do deficiency are repeated infections tiredness back pain depression bone pain muscle pain fatigue delayed wound healing feeling sleepy etc again high to levels may cause abdominal pain loss of appetite nausea or vomiting tiredness fatigue etc your high eosinophil count indicates that you may suffer from allergies as your ash level is normal at a higher limit so you should repeat the thyearoid function test within three months for your vitamin do deficiency you should need more exposure to sunlight for vitamin do synthesis as well as take vitamin do enriched foods and supplements for your high to level you should continue fenofibrate along with omega fatty acid for low hel level and repeat your lipid profile test after three months for your low back pain you can take naproxen with esmoprazole combination with baclofen and calcium supplements
hello doctor I have back pain tiredness more sleepy feeling and inflammation on the foot
medium severity
I am just 21 years old but facing hair thinning problem will finasteride help
hi from the information given it seems you are experiencing the early signs of male pattern hair loss this is a very common condition and there are many factors responsible one of them being genetic due to the effect of the male hormone on the hair cycle over a period of time the hair follicle starts shrinking and so the hair which comes out is thinner and more fragile and breaks easily also the growing phase of the hair is shortened so your hair does not grow as long it used to and becomes shorter and wispier there are several treatment options available and the sooner we start the treatment the better the chances of reducing further hair loss thinning and increasing regrowth a combination of oral supplements to boost hair growth along with the application of lotions containing minoxidil to begin with will be the best course of action in my opinion oral finasteride which is the male hormone blocker is used frequently applications with finasteride are available too this will be prescribed by your treating doctor after assessing the extent of thinning and discussing the side effects etc several preparations of biopeptides and other natural ingredients like saw palmetto extract melatonin etc are also available to boost hair growth pop platelet rich plasma is a popular procedure that is often used in combination with medical treatment to stimulate hair growth further usually a combination of treatments is suggested after the clinical evaluation but using the applications regularly is the key to good results hair regrowth takes a few months to show and you will have to be patient to see the benefit of treatment I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 21 year old male I have thinning hair and was planning of preventing through medication I was planning on taking finasteride
low severity
I get infection in skin followed by ear and eye infection with whitish yellow discharge please help
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from skin rash without itching ear infection with swelling and discharge eye infection with coming out of something whitish yellow under eyelid and mucus with the same particles all these sufferings may happen due to parasitic infestation that is your assumption I have gone through your case several times and I think that all your sufferings may result from any infection due to any cause or allergies your skin rash may develop from any kind of allergies like food allergy drug reaction or allergy dust or mite allergy then you developed an ear infection which may be due to bacterial cause after that you may suffer from conjunctivitis which is easy to catch through touching you may get conjunctivitis by touching your infected hand that had touched your ear in conjunctivitis whitish yellow discharge may come out under eyelid you can use an antibacterial drop on your affected ear and eye with antihistamine along with or without broad spectrum antibiotics orally but in the case of viral infection these medications do not work wash your eye with water regularly and before touching any part of the body wash your hands with soap or sanitizer I hope this helps
hello doctor I have multiple conditions going on right now and fear that it could be a parasitic condition and need some expert advice started off with a terrible skin rash that has large and small lesions but no itch next a pretty substantial ear infection with swelling and discharge now the infection seems to be in my eye were small whitish yellow things were coming out from under my eyelid from last evening I have begun to inspect my mucus as it appears to have the same particles I am very scared at this point and I appreciate anything you can offer
medium severity
I have depression with restless leg syndrome and dissociation please help
hi I have gone through your concern and it seems that you have an obsession and your restless leg can be due to iron deficiency or it may be due to sertraline so check out your hemoglobin and complete blood count to rule out iron deficiency anemia restless leg can be managed by adding pramipexole or gabapentin tablet you did not mention about the doses of sertraline if required its dose can be up or downed to manage depression avoid coffee or tea maintain a diary of your symptoms do regular exercise take a healthy diet I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 19 year old college student I have been diagnosed with depression two years ago and I have been taking sertraline ever since my mental health is a mess right now I think I have restless leg syndrome and I always have the urge to move my feet and legs especially when I am lying down also I have been dissociating every once in a while real life feels like a dream and I sometimes cannot recognize my own face in the mirror but here is what really bothers me the intrusive thought of death that cannot leave me at all I close my eyes and see horrible images and think about death and visualize my loved ones dying I have also been having recurring nightmares almost daily really disturbing and often death I also tend to worry a lot about my loved ones and always feel the need to check up on them it became like an obsession and I fear losing control and losing stuff I have a lot of doubt about my spiritual and religious life in total I am really anxious and distressed I now have heavy heartache feeling and I tend to clench my jaws and fists I also suffer from a restless sleep please help
high severity
I have swollen lymph nodes on neck and tonsil with sore throat please help
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from swelling of lymph nodes on the neck with swelling of tonsil and sore throat you lead an erratic life you are a smoker you do not maintain your oral hygiene regularly you also do not take your meal regularly your presenting clinical features can result from strep throat peritonsillar abscess tonsilloliths tonsil stone tonsillitis non hodgkin lymphoma or carcinoma etc according to your picture that is provided here you may suffer from tonsil stone or peritonsillar abscess in both cases treatment are almost the same you should take a broad spectrum antibiotic for 10 days with gargle with salt mixed warm water mouth wash apple cider vinegar and brush regularly usually tonsil stones dislodge themselves over time if the clinical features such as difficulty in deglutition difficulty in breathing difficulty during sleeping pain radiating to ear etc occur consider as a medical emergency and consult with an ent specialist for tonsillectomy you should observe your lymph nodes carefully any sudden change in size or shape of lymph node high fever weight loss night sweating persistent fatigue respiratory distress etc should be considered as alarming signs for carcinoma so do not be worried take balanced food and maintain oral hygiene strictly
hello doctor recently the last week at the most my lymph nodes in my neck have been very swollen when looking at the back of my throat I can see small tonsil stones small but many there is swelling which I am hoping is associated with the stones and there is a lot of swelling at the top of my right tonsil the right side of my tonsil definitely is sore but fluctuates throughout the day I have used tobacco products fairly consistently for the last two years smoking at most a cigarette per day and vaping there are also flesh colored bumps on the back of my mouth on the left side they are not painful though there is one on the top and one down by the tongue I have not noticed these previously my depression sometimes affects my hygiene so I am hoping that this could be the cause of the stones I have been brushing twice a day flossing gargling with salt water and mouth wash since doing this I have noticed much less swelling in my lymph nodes and a little less in my tonsils my diet also has not been the healthiest lately eating about one meal a day and my sleep schedule has been a wreck I am just really hoping it is not cancer but I have yet to go see a doctor
medium severity
after meningitis vaccination I am getting headache with visual aura and dreamy sleep please help
hello your symptoms seem to be related to tension type headache which is a benign headache light and sound intolerance are features of migraine but the other symptoms you explain are more compatible with tension type headache nevertheless I agree with your doctor treatment regarding escitalopram you should know that the sleep disorders are related to different causes depression daily stress and anxiety vitamin deficiency an abnormal sleep regime caffeine intake etc I would recommend taking vitamin if there is low plasma levels of this vitamin regarding your sleep disorder I would recommend starting zolpidem for a couple of weeks 10 my before sleep you can try half a tablet before going to 10 my melatonin intake can regulate your sleep rhythms too but it is taken for a more prolonged time than zolpidem and its effects are lower a good sleeping hygiene sleep always at the same time avoid straining physical or emotional activities before sleep avoid caffeine intake would help too if all these tips and drugs are not helpful a prolonged brain eg electroencephalogram during sleep would help diagnose any possible sleeping disorders regarding flunarizine I would explain that this is a calcium channel blocker and as such it can interact with calcium or vitamin in high amounts but usually it does not affect the calcium levels you can try taking escitalopram for three months initially and then try flunarizine if no good results on escitalopram I would not recommend taking them both initially you should know that escitalopram achieves its effect after three weeks from the starting and the main changes to be seen are a reduce in the frequency of headaches and also mood changes optimism you can try taking amitriptyline too if you do not have any symptoms relief after the first month on escitalopram it can be really helpful with the sleep too all the drugs have some adverse effects but the benefits are higher I hope this helps
hello doctor I have taken meningitis vaccination for visa process I suffered headache with visual aura with dreamy sleep and less sleep for three months I started treatment in india and took cipralex and escitalopram it scan was normal my symptoms relieved for about 80 90 I gradually tapered off the treatment later mild dreamy sleep problem with mild and sound sensitivity occurs I did not took any medicine for that I also suffered from scalp pain in head and treated for three months with phenergan and neocalm plus I felt only temporary relief mri was done in consultation with neurologist results are normal I was on cipralex 10 my naproxen sodium 250 my then gradually tapered after that I am suffering from dreamy sleep all day and localized head pain episodes 3 times in a week when sleep disturbed in the previous night meanwhile I was heavily stressed due to family issues and job pressure once again I was prescribed the same medicines but I did not take and tried to control it with yoga and meditation I have mild light and sound sensitivity which is quite tolerable my major problem is disturbed dreamy sleep and episodes of localized head pain in the scalp only I took vitamin b12 calcium for six months my elevated triglycerides are due to sari 230 my dl at present I am alright but want to get rid of symptoms my symptoms are muscle tension and nerve pain I did eyes test oct and my eyes are normal my questions are even if I am not stressed I do not get dreamless and refreshing sleep why which is suitable medicine in general can flunarizine cause more deficiency of calcium as already I am deficient cipralex and esclitopram are habit forming but I was very comfortable with that it causes weight gain and elevation of triglycerides so I tapered off to end but after some time dreamy sleep and scalp mild pain comes back what to do kindly suggest and advise some medicines
medium severity
I feel like something is stuck in my chest and I have acidity what to do
hello I welcome you to icliniq well it seems you have gastroesophageal reflux herd you acid symptoms can be defined by presence of herd I hope this will help you come back to discuss if any more concern you have good day herd nothing for now motility disorders nerd herd as above follow up in week to inform how you respond to treatment
for the last one month I am having gastric issue as I feel that some thing got sticking in my chest or stomach and have acidic feeling in throat more over constant air get passes through my mouth but nothing relaxation at all got heavy chest pain on left side during the period my digestion process also get disturb as stool didnot come properly
low severity
I worry that social anxiety will be a hindrance to achieving my dreams please help
hello thank you for your query this is very common and about 10 15 percent of people have this problem it is also very easily treatable you will need to visit a psychiatrist and he will prescribe you sari type of medicines such as escitalopram 10mg or fluoxetine 20mg etc which will help with your problem it basically happens when some neurotransmitters such as serotonin reduce in your brain leading to a problem with handling the day to day stresses of life medicines are usually given for 4 months and then tapered off slowly and stopped in addition to the medicines you can also undergo a few sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy from a clinical psychologist also do consider doing deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation daily escitalopram 10mg once at night for 30 days
hi doctor I searched the symptoms of social anxiety online and I think I have it I am a student and it has been affecting my daily life especially my school life I struggle to have new friends and do tasks that require social interaction like class presentations I tried changing my behavior tried making new friends talk to people but it only ended up in vain I thought that if I cannot change myself now what about the future I worry that social anxiety will be a hindrance of achieving my dreams if I am not going to be successful in life I might as well end this now to not be a burden to the people around me but I hope that is not the only solution doc please help me
low severity
my wife has raynaud with pale violet and gangrene fingers please help
hello you are right in saying that she has the symptoms of raynaud with digital gangrene which is on going with arthritis there are 50 variants of it and it is very important to distinguish which one she has it as the management will differ for every arthritis I would like to ask a few more queries any history of oral ulcers hairfall any history of fever which joints are affected swelling in the joints any deformity any changes in skin color or skin becoming tightened any history of dry eyes or dry mouth any muscle weakness which you have observed with the start of raynaud it seems like a systemic involvement more something like lupus but we need to rule it out kindly let me know these queries and I am advising a few tests if they have been done please attach the reports as well abc complete blood count ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate cop reactive protein rheumatoid factor anti cop antibody a na by immunofloroscence serum creatinine urine routine connective tissue disease
hello doctor my wife has arthritis and has become very weak over the last few months now she has a condition that is more or less like raynaud phenomenon her fingers are turning pale violet and one of the fingers had gangrene like occurrence not only hands but even the toes are experiencing the same please help
medium severity
I am having weak erections due to masturbation with prominent veins on penis please help
hi according to your history it looks like you have psychogenic erectile dysfunction stopping masturbation would not help the best would be to start a short course of medicines and take cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce the anxiety which has caused this problem the vein in the picture looks absolutely normal and it is in fact a sign of a healthy penis remember it is temporary and most men face this issue sometimes maintain a healthy lifestyle and sleep for seven to eight hours at a stretch use lavender aroma in your house which helps reduce your anxiety
hi doctor I am 25 years old I am having weak erections for two months I think it is because of more masturbation so I stopped doing it since 35 days but still I am not having erections I am also having a prominent vein on the top and either side of the penis even when flaccid I do not smoke or drink I exercise regularly I am worried now please help
low severity
I have tinnitus and it does not subside on antibiotics why
hi the answer to your question entirely depends on how you developed the ear infection in the first place in general until the eardrum heals you will be having weird noises tinnitus and ear discomfort due to interference with sound transmission and processing if the ear infection has happened secondary to recurrent allergy or cold then you will have probably developed a eustachian tube catarrh due to which the fluid is still present in the middle ear causing the tinnitus and will take around two months approximately in to for tinnitus to resolve if the ear infection has occurred due to trauma by earbuds etc the tinnitus will take approximately four to six weeks as this the average time it takes to heal the ear drum I am sure you fall into one of the two possibilities mentioned above there is absolutely nothing that you need to worry about as this usually takes a while for things to normalize at the same time make sure there are no triggering factors out there some one they include use of earphones headphones exposure to loud sounds consumption of alcohol smoking stress etc try to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible and do not think too much about the tinnitus nor try to google about it too much I hope this helps
hello doctor I have an ear infection on my right ear for the past one week so my doctor prescribes me some antibiotics amoxicillin with prednisolone but my tinnitus did not go away how long will it take for the tinnitus to go away if there is no pain in my ear
low severity
please suggest ways to prevent the symptoms of piles from recurring
i having prblm of piles without any lump only mild bleeding at the time of defecation which is seen on the toilet paper only while wiping there is no bleeding seen in the stool sometimes constipation is there but motions not hard facing this prblm from last months I mean it happens to times in last months sharp pain only at the time of defecation after that no pain but the prblm is that it reoccurs in 2 months rat now I taking arshkalp vat one tablet twice in a day and abhyarishta along with alma juice in the ming empty stomach from last 20 days and feeling relief no pain no bleeding after one day of taking these medicines but I afraid it comes back when I stop taking them these medicines safe for long term use how much time does it take to get rid of this prblm from these ayurvedic medicines and the duration of these medicines ply guide
low severity
I have itchy and dark rashes in my inner thighs please help
hi it seems the rash and itching on the inner thighs could probably be due to a fungal infection of the skin this is very common especially in tropical countries and more so in the hot humid summers to accurately diagnose the same further information like images of the affected area total duration of the rash any other areas affected any discoloration of nails etc are needed if it is indeed a fungal infection the following can be kept in mind treatment of fungal infections includes applications which contain ketoconazole sertaconazole luliconazole etc oral antifungal like terbinafine and itraconazole are often used in combination for better clearance and reducing recurrence local hygiene is very important taking bath daily drying the skin folds after bath keeping soap and towels separate and drying your clothes in sunlight and ironing them before wearing will help to kill the fungal spores so I will recommend evaluation by a dermatologist to decide on the treatment I hope this helps
hello doctor I have rashes on my inner thighs they are itchy and have infected areas of dark color there is no pus but just itchiness
medium severity
my pulse rate is 50 to 58 at rest should I be worried
hello this resting pulse is perfectly normal in healthy peoples this pulse will rise once you exert rise in heart rate with exercise and fall during rest is a normal phenomenon that is controlled by our autonomic nervous system in healthy persons it even falls in 40s during sleep so nothing to worry the only thing that I would like to ask you is whether you have any symptoms such as dizziness during low pulse rate another thing is egg electrocardiogram I want to see your egg to see whether it is a sinus rhythm or is there any block as your cardiac workup is done and is normal I do not think you need any more work up but if there are occasional symptoms associated with low pulse rate as graying of vision dizziness etc I would advise you to have a hotter monitoring done for 24 to 48 hours to see rise and fall of heart rate during daily activities including sleep if you have no symptoms just relax and do not worry
hello doctor I have been having consistently a very low resting pulse between 50 and 58 and I do not know if this is a sign of a problem I do not have any other issues besides nausea sometimes I am 39 years old and overweight mi 32 should I be worried
low severity
my precum is four times excess than the normal is there any medication to reduce it
hi welcome to icliniq com precum is the fluid coming naturally out before ejaculation its function mainly is to lubricate during intercourse it man contain sperms as well this fluid comes naturally and it is good for us actually and the amount will vary with age and sexual desire there are medications to reduce it but I do not advise you to take it as those medications are also reducing sexual drive other way if it really disturbs you during sexual intercourse then you can masturbate before intercourse to remind you this precum can contain sperms so if you intend for pregnancy then you have to do protected intercourse I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 35 year old male I am concerned about the amount of precum when aroused from my understanding a teaspoon full would be normal I have probably four times more it is disturbing and I would like to reduce it via medication
low severity
I have seronegative arthritis with unbearable joint pain in the night please help
hello I have gone through your reports and history there seems to be some inflammation going on in the blood reports and with a diagnosis of previous arthritis it looks like it is coming back again does rheumatologist did not want to start on methotrexate or any other dmard are you not on any medications for the ca prostate any other symptoms of oral ulcers dry eyes or dry mouth do let me know these queries and I would advise you further
hello doctor I have seronegative inflammatory arthritis with ana positive joint pain especially at right knee shoulder joints map ip joints unbearable in the night for the last three months relieved with said non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs patient cannot walk chairbound with in situ catheters for more than four years I am taking ultracet if pain unbearable few days back I have taken injection kenacort 60 my im on the advice of rheumatologist with some relief but again pain resurfaced apart from that patient is on apixaben 5 daily mirabeg 50 soliton 20 and donezepil vitamin go daily no be and do issue I am taking inhaler lab with corticosteroids for long
high severity
will hiatal hernia problem stay forever
hello I can very well understand your concern and at the start I want to tell you that chronic straining does not lead to the development of hiatus hernia however your weight can hiatus hernia is an anatomical change that can present since birth and after certain surgical procedures over abdomen or diaphragm overweight to obese can develop hiatus hernia because of the excessive pressure over the stomach from belly fat causing upward lifting of the lower part of food pipe and formation of hernia and lastly due to the old age when the diaphragmatic muscle gets weakened allowing part of the lower esophagus to get pulled in the lower part of the chest in a young healthy people diaphragmatic muscle is strong enough to prevent this from happening valsalva maneuver if performed vigorously can cause tears in the lower part of the esophagus which is an acute complication of this but it will not alter the anatomy or produce a hiatus hernia valsalva can harm somebody if it is done without a reason there are certain indications for medical conditions but it can only cause damage to the lower part of the esophagus acutely but would not alter the anatomy of it I hiatus hernia yes an ray plain without contrast can easily miss a hiatus hernia a special ray with contrast named barium is swallowed and serial ray images from the chest are taken that can diagnose the hiatus hernia instantly however a plain chest ray cannot detect the presence of hiatus hernia so now coming to your second concern that you have to live with it well it is not yet proven that you have a hiatus hernia secondly it is not uncommon to have hiatus hernia in people without any symptoms and it can remain undiagnosed until their whole life the point is it can present harmlessly in human for years and years and does not necessitate any investigations the time to develop a hiatus hernia is variable but it does take many years of overweight to cause hiatus hernia very less likely within to 12 months time it is not a rule that every hiatus hernia would cause symptoms or disease or any complications I would not suggest you even to worry about it and get tested for it because it would not change anything for you simple exercises keeping a healthy lifestyle reduce weight are all that is required the weight loss is very compulsory this will not only help you preventing hiatus hernia but also other things like gastroesophageal reflux herd bloating gas distention constipation I hope this helps overweight barium swallow if worried about it or have symptoms suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux weight reduction follow up to discuss if any concern
hello doctor I am a 31 year old male who until recently weighed about 100 keg for the last six months to a year I was obsessively performing a valsalva maneuver because I had health anxiety and ocd and I was worried about an operation when I was younger I could have impacted my continence I have been having some gi issues lately and read that you can cause a hiatal hernia from chronic straining is it possible that I could have caused a hiatal hernia at my age are six months to a year chronic enough if I have caused a hiatal hernia will it stay forever or can I reduce it and the hernia size through exercise to tone and strengthen the diaphragm and weight loss I am extremely worried I have caused a hernia and will have to live with it forever I have had a standard ray of the chest which came back normal could a hernia have been missed
medium severity
I have problem while initiating urine with erectile dysfunction please help
hello one thing you have not tried yet is tablet alfuzosin 10 my for two weeks you can try this I think your flow will become better
hello doctor I have a 30 year old male I am feet and inches with 75 keg weight I had difficulty initiating urination and also had a case of erectile dysfunction the problem with starting urination was many years ago which I ignored because I thought it would go away normally I only recently found out about my ed a few months ago I have no problem while masturbating after visiting a urologist they asked me to take several tests reports attached below the report showed that I had a case of chronic prostatitis with a bacterial infection I was asked to take medication for two weeks antibiotics and then supplements for three months I have taken the antibiotics for another two weeks I have not been able to go for another checkup due to lockdown I took hippo azithromycin and panto pantoprazole supplements I took recital care neuro care caldoz lovaza and cholecalciferol capsules dv 60k the doctor also suggested me to exercise maintain nutritious diet and take vitamins for the ed I have taken two doses of edsave 10 my tablets for two weeks this helps with strong erections I still feel that the medication has not fully worked because I need to wait for some time to start urinating I have attached all my reports
medium severity
I am diabetic and have cold toes and feet with sweating why do I get this
hi hba1c glycated hemoglobin is still on the higher side it should be below to be normal do regular testing of fbi fasting blood sugar pubs postprandial blood sugar to monitor the blood sugar levels coldness in feet can be due to less blood supply to feet that can happen in case of any clot in blood vessels peripheral neuropathy is also common in diabetes which can lead to less sensation in feet I would suggest you undergo color doppler leg to rule out any clot tablet gabapentin once daily you can start along with previous medicines
hello doctor I am years 175 am 72 keg I have diabetes from 2009 and hypothyearoid from 2011 I am taking janumet 50 500 be and thyearonorm 75 od my blood sugar is 105 hba1c 7 ash is1 93 and he is 9 my lipid profile is normal serum creatinine is 16 my diabetes has been under control by medicines since inception my be is 125 82 mhg temperature is 98 f sometime I feel cold in my toes even when my feet are sweating can you suggest some remedies
medium severity
I have some circular itchy bumps on my left buttock please suggest medication
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from red colored circular bumps on your left buttock which are very itchy and sore according to the pictures that are provided here I think you are suffering from folliculitis they are developed when hair follicles become infected due to bacterial infections like staphylococcus aureus or friction or shaving they may be caused by viral or yeast infections too initially folliculitis may look like rashes a patch of small red bumps that are very itchy with sore and form whiteheads overtime they can spread and progress to crusty sores you can take flucloxacillin 500 my four times daily for 10 days by applying antibacterial cream on your affected area along with your current medications you can apply topical steroid cream too wash your affected area daily with antibacterial soap and wear loose clothing along with maintaining personal hygiene
hello doctor I need help regarding with some circle bump appearing on my left buttocks it is so very itchy and sore I just bought antifungal cream and antifungal soap over the counter but I still want to know what really is this appearing on my buttocks I did take some pictures of it so I can send it over here please give me prescription of what medicines needs to make it disappear and heal
low severity
I have redness on the penis foreskin with burning sensation please help
hi if possible provide me photographs of the affected areas which will help me for a better understanding of your skin problem and proper treatment plan
hello doctor I am a male 43 year old I have redness on the inside of the penis foreskin and burning sensation on a small part of the penis prepuce I had a similar condition about four years back and consulted a skin specialist and got cured I was recommended some medicine and pyearimon eye drops for the problem again I think a similar condition I want to consult for treatment of late I see some redness remains at a particular spot on the inside of the penis foreskin
medium severity
I have pain in the left buttock and soreness in leg while walking please interpret my us
hello I have seen the report it has occluded posterior tibial artery which is the cause of pain in the leg after walking also there is a possible stenosis or block of the stent in common iliac vessels which is the possible cause of limping doppler or duplex report is just a suggestion to confirm the above mentioned finding it computed tomography angiography of the lower limb is mandatory continue the same treatment I will advise you one more drug to start please go through it angiography so further management decisions can be planned I hope this helps it angiography bilateral lower limb
hello doctor I have pain in left buttock and sore left leg after walking please review my ultrasound report I am currently on cholesterol aspirin and blood pressure
medium severity
why am I having neck pain with difficulty in movement
hello looking into your problem you had chronic neck pain I should say and you are struggling with it since long time years mri from the past is showing that there is problem from c3 5 7 but major level that is producing pressure symptom in your spinal nerve is c4 and 6 has central disc protrusion I would love to see that film that gives us real guide how to produce and plan for surgical treatment best option is endoscopic cervical disscetomy at two level 5 and 6 and if either go acdf a interior cervical dissectomy and fusion but today you got again back pain and spasm of neck muscle meanwhile I would suggest to take muscle relaxants and neuroleptic drug and cervical traction you can do cervical traction at home and everyday do cervical traction exercise which will prevent spasm of neck muscles drugs for you capsules gabapentin actavis 300 my po after food twice daily for one week tablet chlorzoxazone 500 my three times a day for one week
hello doctor I am having pain at my back neck since morning and could not even move my neck years ago I had same mri showed disc bulge at c3 c4 and c6 c7 is causing thecar indentation central disc protrusion at c4 c5 and c5 c6 is causing thecar indentation
low severity
will it scan help in determining the malignancy status of an enlarged lymph node
hi it is a structural imaging method that relies on assessment of lymphnodes lens based on their anatomy viz size shape margins and enhancement patterns among these size is still the most common criterion a short axis diameter of more than am is generally accepted as a threshold for malignancy in most studies however the diagnostic sensitivity of this standard is weakened by the fact that many a times malignant lens can be normal in size false negative and many invective nodes can be enlarged in size thus giving false positive results on imaging nowadays it is combined with pet positron emission tomography to get both anatomical and functional information it is called fusion imaging and is mainly used to diagnose and stage metastatic cancers such as lymphomas it also uses ionizing radiation rays that is another disadvantage which needs to be considered so to sum it all structural imaging methods such as ultrasound it conventional mri do not distinguish benign lens from malignant ones with 100 accuracy conversely functional imaging methods such as dwi diffusion weighted pet have low spatial resolution and are time consuming therefore now we are seeing a shift towards fusion imaging techniques such as dwi t2w1 mri pet it etc as these techniques bypass the above mentioned shortcomings
hello doctor is there anyway that a it scan can determine whether an enlarged lymph node is benign or malignant
medium severity
my face and ear area are numb after inflammation in the tooth why
symptom of numbness in the face and ear area started and spreading begins two days after inflammation in the tooth area numbness and itchy in the face area and occasionally in the body started like some insect or fly was on my skin when I touch it I realized it is just me and symptom turn into numbness dentist was schedule to treat it next week after inflammation is better dont know if it related
low severity
what is the significance of increased creatinine level in a diabetic patient
hi we are here to help you revert back with the reports to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am a 56 year old male I was told that my creatinine level is 3 after my last hba1c I am type diabetic I am now on atkins diet to reduce dramatically lower carbohydrates what is the significance of increased creatinine level what is considered as a critical level please explain so that I can get some sort of a deeper understanding I have also increased drinking water I do not smoke or drink I am not using any drugs too thank you
low severity
though I am not sexually active got a bump on my vagina please help
hi well I do understand your dilemma I have a few simple suggestions for you bear in mind though that the best method of treatment in your case is for you to visit a gynecologist and have him or her see the lesion for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am 18 years old and virgin lately I have been having some problems down there I have a bump or something on the right lip of my vagina sometimes I feel itch and it sting unexpectedly throughout the day it also did not heal I am sure that it cannot be an sti or sad because I am not sexually active can you help me
low severity
should I get graft for gum recession
hello for further doubts consult a periodontist online
hi doctor I have gum recession due to bruxism and aggressive brushing none of my gum measurements are over should I get a gum graft now or should I wait
low severity
how does color blindness occur
hi for further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor can color blindness gets generated by means of other issue or problem except birth is there any remedy for it
low severity
having left sided pelvic pain is it something serious
hi well firstly I would like you to get a blood test done to rule out pregnancy it is serum beta hug you must also get a vaginal ultrasound done urgently the reason I am asking for these tests is either you could be having these symptoms because of an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst the pain may be an indication of the process of either expelling out from one side of the tube or rupturing and thinning of the tube the more serious of the two situations is the possibility of ectopic pregnancy which can be ruled out by the tests if it is a cyst then it can usually be made out by an ultrasound I urge you to take these steps and let me know revert back with the reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor for the past couple of days I have been having left side pelvic tenderness it does not hurt very much when I lay down or stand up but hurts when touched especially if pushed down or put any pressure on that area the pain is right in the area next to my left hip bone I do not know why this pain is happening and I have never experienced anything like it before my period was due and I am a few days late this time I have not tested for pregnancy yet today I started spotting some pink discharge and a very small amount red blood it was not in the underwear and I found it only when I wipe I am getting concerned and do not know what is going on could this just be early pregnancy or is it something worse
medium severity
do you think my head injury is a critical one
hi revert back after a week to a neurologist online
hi doctor my head got injured after some part of a concrete ceiling collapse it scan done and I have attached the reports I was hospitalized three days an ent opinion was taken and also an audiometry was done it showed a minor injury in the right ear and less audibility now I have some pain in the left side of my head ear area and heaviness all around the head please suggest what to do further please check the attached histopathological diagnostic reports
medium severity
would you recommend photo test for solar urticaria
hello as you explained that your mother has developed solar urticaria here I explain a few other importance of solar urticaria intense itching swelling and rashes develop in sunlight you can correlate it whenever she goes in the sun she gets these things if you are able notice this then undoubtedly it is something related to the sun many times only itching is the main symptom which your mother has now once it has started avoiding the cause is the best way to treat once you are sure that it is happening due to sun just avoid going out in the sun photo test is not a treatment it is a test to know that your mother has a sunlight allergy or not and it can get noticed by symptoms so no need to get tested if you already sure about the cause regarding treatment sunscreen is must use sunscreen without fail it does not matter whether you are going in sunlight or not you have to use it should be thrice in a day it could be like am 12 am and am anti allergic tablets like levocetirizine evil pheniramine maleate teczine etc continue it for three to five months these have totally no side effect and subside the allergy and itching consult a specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent continue using your ointment with a good moisturizer too avoid sweats sometimes sweating itself increase allergy for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor eight years ago my family and I went on a vacation when my mother got out of one of the outdoor pools she started feeling a sting on her arms and all of her legs below the knees she has been to the doctor for this condition and she has gotten numerous ointments the only ointment that does help the uncontrollable itching and stinging has been zyeartec but she still continues to have itchy and stinging skin she cannot take any exposure to the sunlight which is why she wears long sleeves and pants during summer days along with an umbrella I recently looked online and I found some symptoms of solar urticaria when I read them to my mother she confirmed to have all the symptoms she does not have any noticeable rashes but she does say that her skin is extremely stingy and itchy which really impacts her days and some of the sleepless nights that come with this itching would it be possible that she has solar urticaria would you recommend her to take a photo test to see if it is solar urticaria
low severity
having some skin problem above my right ear what is it
hi I have read your query in detail and do understand your concern I also viewed the attached pictures revert back with the answers to the above questions to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I have some skin problem above my right ear it is the place where a put my spectacles it is neither itching nor painful blood is not coming from that but still I feel some difficulty to wear spectacles I have been taking treatment for months I am using fusiwal and I put cotton there but there is no improvement so please help me I am also attaching a photograph for your reference
low severity
I am spitting phlegm with some red blood what is your suggestion
hi revert back with the details to a medical gastroenterologist online
hi doctor I am 24 years old recently I got an endoscopy the report shows that I have erosive gastropathy I have been using medicines for one month now for a few days while spitting phlegm a small amount of light red blood comes out from my mouth I also have some throat and chest pain but I do not have a cough I have joined the night shift job and had sudden weight loss please give your suggestion
medium severity
does I pill overdose affect regular period
hello I had gone through all the data you have posted for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I had sex on 13th of this month and my period was due on the 20th but it has not come yet I took I pill within one hour of intercourse and due to lack of knowledge took one more dose the next day now I am worried will overdose of I pill affect my body also I did my urine pregnancy test after days of missing my period and it was negative what to do
low severity
what kind of food habit should I follow to sleep well
hello for further information consult a sleep medicine physician online
hi doctor I work from am to am and cannot sleep once I am back my food habits are also messed up as I cannot sleep properly I get up late hence I am missing my breakfast and having heavy brunch some days I even miss lunch and have dinner around am I have also started putting weight unlike before I guess it might be because of the erratic sleeping and eating patterns I need to know what kind of food habits I should follow to sleep well I would also like to have healthy food please help
low severity
is there any indication of heart issue in my mother ecg
hi we are here to help you I have seen the attached report for further information consult a cardiologist online
hi doctor my mother is under treatment for hypothyearoidism hypertension and osteoarthritis of knee joints which is stage I have attached her current medication list and egg report I request you to kindly have a look at the egg and advice whether there is any indication of heart issues although the egg is marked as normal our doctor had suspected the possibility of lbb so I want to get your kind opinion in this matter I have also attached a copy of her lipid profile test reports done a few months back for your kind considerations thank you
medium severity
is there a possibility to cure gi bleeding with medicine
hi warfarin induced bleeding once stool color changed to normal from black can proceed with it scan abdomen to find out the cause jejunal ulcer medical management if general condition is stable if general condition is unstable then required more than bottles of blood transfusion if active bleeding is continued even after dosage modification of warfarin then consider surgery with high risk for further information consult a surgical gastroenterologist online
hello doctor my mother has been diagnosed with probability of lower gi bleed in proximal jejunal small bowel loops through nuclear scan she is a heart patient and had been operated in the past and got her two valves replaced she has to take blood thinning medications like warfarin my mother had low hemoglobin due to blood loss in stool but it used to get resolved with changing the dosage of warfarin but this time she is getting blood loss on more frequent duration and thus doctors asked to do nuclear scan to check for any gi bleeding she has been advised to undergo surgery to get gi bleeding treated please advise if there are still possibilities to cure her with medications if surgery is required as a last resort then which one would be less threatening
medium severity
after using tazret my hair is even more thin why
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I have asked to apply tazret 05 on the bald area for regrowth I have applied on hairline too but it made my hair further thin and loss please advise to cure my problem
low severity
please suggest a solution for severe pubic itching
hi revert back after 10 days to an allergy specialist online
hi doctor I have been suffering from severe itching near pubic area and the skin turned black previously I had pubic lice issue which was cured using permethrin lotion I am currently using flucort cream but it is not effective please suggest some medicine for it thank you
low severity
what are the chances of pregnancy after taking an ocp late
hello this is a common mistake that you have faced however a single late pill intake is in no way could turn you fertile as well as pregnant even if you miss a single pill the chance of pregnancy is very remote now continuous pill intake could be the reason for absence of cycle we advice this sort of continuous pill intake only if you have endometriosis a disease produces painful menses however you need to take pills with a gap of days pill free period or have to be on inert pills for days then only you will have cycles for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I have been on birth control continuously for three years about a month ago I took a pill late instead of in the morning my boyfriend has not ejaculated in me but I noticed that I have gained weight what are the chances of me being pregnant after taking a pill late I do not have periods since I take the pills continuously
medium severity
as I am a diabetic what to do for my leg injury
hello revert back after two weeks to a diabetologist online
hi doctor I was recently diagnosed to be diabetic I am on glycine so 500 one week back I got a small injury in my right leg now some pus is coming from that injury last week my fasting and postprandial blood sugar were 139 and 28 respectively please let me know the treatment that I need to take to cure the injury
medium severity
I have this on my penis and inner thigh what is it
hello can you please upload a picture so that I can review it they may be simple skin tags but it is hard to tell without a picture please also share if you have any history of sad sexually transmitted disease in the past and if you were tested for any recently revert back with the photos to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I have these on my penis ears and inner thigh I have had them for over 10 years and they did not get red or inflamed also you cannot pick them off I am married and it did not get spread to my wife what is it
low severity
I am always bleeding while having sex why
hi as you rightly said it is due to cos polycystic ovarian syndrome you need to undergo a gynecological checkup especially a speculum examination to rule out any abnormalities of the cervix and vagina because of bleeding during sex if you are not planning for baby you can be on crimson oral contraceptive pills under gynecologist supervision or else you need to consult an infertility specialist and take medicines to regularize your cycles and ovulation reducing weight also will improve ovulation and periods I suggest you not to delay fertility in view of cos for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor I am 24 years old I got married month back I am bleeding after each sex it happened around four to five times also I get some pain and this is ignorable previously I suffered with period problem facial hair and cos please help
medium severity
what shall I do for broken nail bed
hi I have seen your query and images for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor my nail beds are not smooth the area from where nails are coming out is broken I am having this problem for more than six years first it was there only on a single nail and then it started spreading sometimes watery pus forms near the root of the nail I have sent the images for your reference
low severity
should I stop my wife from taking dried basil and acitrom together
hi revert back with the answers to the above questions to a neurologist online
hi doctor my wife takes acitrom my tablet daily and she also takes teaspoon of dried basil with milk is it alarming do I need to stop her eating basil
low severity
what is the use of troxipide
hi as your doctor said there is nothing serious pyloric infection and spicy food specific antibiotic course for pyloric for 14 days continue your current medications for acidity avoid spicy food and take bland diet till the completion of your course of therapy also try to reduce any form of caffeine and nicotine for further information consult a medical gastroenterologist online
hi doctor I am 23 year old male I am working as a software professional I recently had some discomfort with digestion I had severe bloating gas formation and a frequent sensation of motions I went to a gastroenterologist and he made an endoscopy and endoscopic biopsy the biopsy result is yet to come but I am scared after seeing the endoscopy report he said it is not serious and some bacterial infection the report looks scary to me I had astral gastritis a year back and took medication for some time I am always eating outside food but nothing spicy I have attached my endoscopy reports here and I just want to take a second opinion from you kindly explain me the problem and give a solution
low severity
how to manage painful bleeding piles
hi revert back with the reports to a general medicine physician online
hi doctor I am suffering from bleeding piles with pain please help
medium severity
why do I feel some heaviness in head after a brawl on the phone
hi for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I had a brawl on the phone with a few persons they are believed to be not so social kind of people ever since that day I feel a kind of heaviness in my head what is it
low severity
having some strangling feeling in my throat post thyearoidectomy why
hi small hiatus hernia if gastritis is ruled out then consider barium study for hiatus hernia infection induced pangastritis continue medications for gastritis avoid spicy food and try to reduce any form of nicotine and caffeine do not sleep immediately after dinner try to reduce liquids during meals revert back with the answers to the above questions to a medical gastroenterologist online
hi doctor I have been having a strangling feeling in my throat for around seven months this came post thyearoidectomy and so I thought it had to do with surgery however my gastroenterologist did an endoscopy and found bile in my stomach as I researched this I immediately thought of my gallbladder removal surgery two years ago anyhow she put me on acid reflux medicines and that do not seem to be helping at all I have pain in the upper right quadrant of my stomach and this strangling feeling every day I am taking carafate four times a day as well I have just changed my thyearoid medicine to nature thyearoid grains per day my ash was at and I know it should be closer to what to do
medium severity
why did the doctor advise to stop breast milk and start isomil formula for my baby
hi am glad to hear you did not stop breast feeding and that the babys weight gain is good babies of months may pass stools after every feed which means if you feed 10 times they may pass stools 10 times so that is not a thing to get worried regarding the colour of the stools green yellow golden brown are all normal shades of stools so you do not have to worry about green colour please remember one more important thing if the baby is not having any problems symptoms then do not get any tests done because even in a completely normal person there can be a few parameters outside the normal range we cannot keep chasing the lab report completely forgetting the babys condition if you get a routine health check done during your visit to your pediatrician for vaccination it is sufficient that is if the baby is not having any problems symptoms any change in the mothers diet changes the composition of the breast milk to a small degree which then is reflected on the childs routine you may start taking milk with tea initially small amounts and gradually increase the babys bowel movement pattern might change but that does not mean it is not good for babys health but do not start to feed cows milk pateurised milk to the baby yet let the baby be atleast 7 months for that please let me know if you have any questions
my baby is months old last month he had rashes and a loose motion we did a stool test of oh and reducing substance done the report says that the reducing substance is positive the doc advices to stop mothers milk and start isomil formula the baby did not take isomil so I continued with breastfeeding and after some days we checked his weight it was good the baby is growing properly he is active does not cry coz of colic he poops to times max he is exclusive breastfeed he frequently passes urine the only thing is poop is bit greenish but the test report say it is yellowish brown other than that there is no issues of rashes also everything is fine baby sleeps well and passes the gasses well the stool test was done again yesterday and it is the same as last test ie reducing substance is positive my queries are as below from above description shall we still follow doc by stopping breastfeeding and using isomil why has this issue come up in months before it was all good how long will this intolerance last I have stopped dairy products I cannot have a small cup of tea also can I have it can I use half cup milk for tea
medium severity
what causes itchy skin rash around genitals
hi it seems the rash and itching in the groins and waist area could probably be due to a fungal infection of the skin this is very common especially in tropical countries and more so in the hot humid summers to accurately diagnose the same further information like images of the affected area total duration of the rash any other areas affected any discoloration of nails etc is needed if it is indeed a fungal infection the following can be kept in mind treatment of fungal infections includes applications which contain ketoconazole sertaconazole luliconazole etc oral antifungal like terbinafine and itraconazole are often used in combination for better clearance and reducing recurrence local hygiene is very important taking bath daily drying the skin folds after bath keeping soap and towels separate and drying your clothes in sunlight and ironing them before wearing will help to kill the fungal spores so I will recommend evaluation by a dermatologist to decide on the treatment if you have any queries please feel free to reach out hope this helps
hello doctor I have a super itchy skin rash around my genital not on my genital and on hip it has been there for a few months now first it was around my genitals and hips but now it is on my hips only whenever I used to scratch dead skin and dry blood comes off at first I thought it was just a rash and will go away but now it has been a month and it is not going anywhere it is continuously itchy
medium severity
I have not ovulate this month can it be due to depot injection
hello it is for your information that post prolonged use of depot injection the menstruation cycle is likely to be anovulatory for 3 cycles after it restarts post stoppage of injection you had your initiation of bleed last month and had a proper menses 14 days later but this cycle is likely to be anovulatory in most of the cases so even though you may be trying yet you would not conceive it would be best if you can start using ovulation kits from the next cycle from day 10 daily to check for oh surge which would help find the time of ovulation again whether or not you ovulate as well and you would be able to have a better control over your actions
hello doctor I was on the depo injection finished it four months back then started the pill for days only I wanted to try for a baby I was wondering as I have spotted last month and had a period 14 days later but all the time before that I have had unprotected sex and not caught pregnant is there a problem as I am trying for a baby I have not ovulate this month could this be due to the depo or the pill or something else I am not pregnant as I have done test it is negative
medium severity
is it possible for the menstruation to start in an year old
hello years is too early to start menses I would like to know does she have her secondary sexual characters developed as in does she have the breasts developed and axillary and public hairs if not then mostly she is yet to achieve her puberty many a times the minimal bleeding or spotting could be either due to local genital infections or some ulcers or trauma sometimes even a piles problem or fissures bleeding may be confused as vaginal bleeding if you observe the bleeding again you can visit a gynecologist for general examination to look for any local cause as of now I would advise to wait and watch if you do not feel any signs of infection like burning itching pain etc
hello doctor I have an year old daughter yesterday there was a faded blood in her panty and we thought that it was the start of her menstrual period however the menstruation did not show after she changed her panty until now please advise
low severity
how many hair follicles do I need in the donor site to go for hair transplant
hello it is androgenic alopecia male pattern baldness it is a genetic sex hormone imbalance disorder there is a shortening of hair growth cycle and delay in new hair growth increase in dihydrotestosterone dht causes in our case can be hormonal imbalance insufficient protein intake iron deficiency hair procedures rough handling stress and drug related treatment minoxidil percent lotion my at night for 30 days on hair thinning area it slows hair loss and grows new hair nizoral shampoo twice weekly for six weeks laser therapy low level laser therapy to stimulate the growth of follicle hair transplant last morality of treatment eat oranges avocado carrot yogurt sweet potato salmon spinach vitamin a folate iron green leafy vegetables eggs chicken drink lot of water drink green tea no caffeine tea soda eliminate stress stop smoking scalp massage aloe vera gel onion juice extract as a home remedy try this before thinking of hair transplant
hello doctor I recently had a meeting with a hair transplant clinic and they told me I needed 300 3500 follicular units 800 follicles attached is a photo of my hair loss is this overkill I am afraid of running out of the donor area
low severity
I have swelling in the neck with no symptoms what should I do to prevent and control the swelling
hi in most cases when there is a swelling associated with the thyearoid the swelling moves when you swallow and can be seen when you turn your neck backward and swallow the surest test to detect a thyearoid swelling is by doing an ultrasound to assess minor details size blood supply and other aspects which we need to know before we treat you secondly you need to get a thyearoid function test wherein we assess the level of the thyearoid hormones in your body thirdly we also do a fine needle aspiration cytology fnac to find out what was the cause of the swelling to occur in the thyearoid here we insert a needle in your thyearoid gland in areas of interest and then observe these cells under the microscope for patients having thyearoid problems hypothyearoid to be specific we usually avoid foods belonging to the brassica family such as kale rape cabbage cauliflower and broccoli these are known to block the synthesis of the thyearoid hormones leading to its deficiency and thyearoid enlargement seafood bread and milk are rich sources of iodine also understand that a hyperfunctioning thyearoid also can cause a thyearoid swelling and the tests mentioned above are basic and have to be done to evaluate any patient with a thyearoid problem so in a nutshell the doctor who deals with thyearoid problems will definitely get these investigations to manage the problem further I hope this helps
hello doctor I have swelling in the neck and tested in the laboratory about three years ago they say I have a problem with my thyearoid and I need to consult a doctor unfortunately we do not get a chance to go back to the hospital again because of a lack of money I am 17 now and my neck is still swelling I do not feel any symptoms as of now the last doctor who checked my neck says it is a non toxic thyearoid problem but they did not tell what my illness is because it is just our school medical better to consult a doctor is there any recommendations to prevent my neck from swelling what are the foods and activities to control the swelling is there any thyearoid home test I should try to identify how is my thyearoid I will consult a doctor if the situation is totally fine
medium severity
I have persistent eye floaters with high refractive error please help
hello see first of all floaters at the age of 21 is not a common condition it can be due to so many reasons but I feel in your case it is because of your high refractive error that is 5 as you said so my advice is you should be very careful regarding your symptoms if floaters are not much then no need to worry but when you will have suddenly excessive floaters or if you feel like flashes in your eyes vision is getting affected then immediately you should consult your ophthalmologist because all these are symptoms of retinal detachment that is common in high myopia patients one more thing is you should undergo a complete ophthalmic check up every six months
hello doctor I am having persistent floats on the lower side of the eye I have consulted a doctor and since the eye power is the same 5 she did not dilate the eye she told me it is because of the sore eyes and it will get resolved but I want to be sure as the floats are more severely occurring in the right eye
medium severity
I have yeast infection in vagina will topical alone enough
hi I have gone through your history and understand your concern it could be due to vaginitis caused by a fungal and bacterial infection you have to take vaginal tablet as well as local application of cream you can do one thing use plain candid cream and take antifungal and antibiotics for the same keep the area dry and clean and drink a lot of warm water and eat lots of vegetables and fruits avoid oily and spicy food take probiotics for the same
hello doctor I am currently on fluconazole 150 my and I am on my second dose I just took it yesterday for a yeast infection I was given clotrimazole betamethasone topical cream to apply on the affected area twice a day however it seems to make it hurt in an hour after application I first felt myself getting irritated in the vulva area about a week and a half ago and then started monistat with refilled cream applicator and it seemed to improve however a few days later it seemed to reverse then I received the diflucan and it seemed the discharge has been less inside however the external seems red and irritated and itchy still my question is in order to cure a vaginal yeast infection do I need to apply the antifungal cream externally along with the diflucan or will the diflucan alone take care of the external and internal infection
low severity
why do feel fatigue sluggish and difficult to concentrate with elevated dimer and positive ana
hi following is my opinion for your asked question your attached abc complete blood count report is within the limit platelets count and all are also in borderline and you might need not to worry about that for your fatigue and sluggishness investigate with sept serum glutamic pyearuvic transaminase serum urea creatinine estimation serum ash thyearoid stimulating hormone estimation etc to rule out the liver kidney disease and thyearoid problem as a cause of fatigue ana antinuclear antibody estimation also should be done to do workup for autoimmune disease if no cause found than egg electromyography or nav nerve conduction velocity like investigation done to do workup for fatigue kindly consult a nearby physician for a detailed physical examination
hello doctor I am a 39 year old female fatigue sluggish difficulty concentrating and migraines I have difficulty regulating temperature with periodic tightness in the chest and fluttering sensation my ekg chest it and chest ray are normal with negative couid test my vitamin b12 folate and levels were low and I started supplements last month and the levels are in normal range now but I am still having symptoms I have borderline low white cell count and abs lymphocyte count and slightly high platelets I was diagnosed with lupus as a teenager but then in early 20s I was told that I do not have it father died at 59 of a sudden catastrophic event possibly a heart attack also my dime was slightly elevated and so was my sed rate please help I am currently on lamictal lexapro and birth control pills
medium severity
I have redness burning and itching in skin after using a new cosmetic product please help
hi it seems that the new skin range that you tried is not suiting your skin it is important to know what all products you were using and the ingredients in these preparations if it was a concentrate which had to be diluted and used then the redness and burning would be because of the irritant dermatitis this could happen to anyone and the irritation of the skin is due to the very high concentration of ingredients in it this kind of reaction will not happen if you dilute the preparation as advised by the manufacturer and use the product sometimes it can also be due to allergy to some components and this will recur every time you reuse the product once the skin is back to normal you can try testing the product by applying a small amount of the diluted product on the skin behind your ear or on the skin of the inner forearm observe the area for 24 hours if you develop any itching irritation or redness it may indicate allergy to some ingredients further patch testing can then be advised to know the exact allergen and it will be advisable to avoid the product in that case I hope this helps
hello doctor I tried a new skincare range called gopure and american company half an hour later I developed redness burning itching and swelling I have discontinued the use and used ice and cold water to relieve symptoms after four days my skin is less painful the company suggests watering down two of the products I am reluctant to do so what would you advise
low severity
I have deviated nasal septum with persistent nasal drip and throat irritation how to get rid of it
hi as per your description you are having a deviated nasal septum dna your continuous presence of mucus in the nose and throat clearing is because of sinusitis which is a common consequence of your deviated septum I have given some tablets try using those if not relieved you should nasal sprays but they contain steroids are not advocated during this couid season so it is best to avoid the nasal spray at present and regularly have steam inhalation dna with chronic sinusitis karvol plus capsule for steam inhalation tablet montelukast 10 my twice daily for two weeks cetirizine 10 my phenylephrine 10 my twice daily for two weeks cover your nose while going out avoid dust exposure
hello doctor I had a sore throat and fever four months ago I took some antibiotics cebosh referred by an ent and the sore throat went away but I have a constant nasal dripping and throat clearing since then somedays it is more and some days it is normal I can see mucus in my throat and it looks irritated I have no fever no body pain and no shortness of breath I have a severely deviated septum too what can I do to get rid of it
medium severity
bruise in eye caused discoloration and is not fading out what should I do now
hello I think it is due to any blunt trauma to the eye as you have described it is changing color so that color change will be due to pigments change in the blood is there any trauma history kindly send a picture of your eye so that I can diagnose it properly without an image it is a bit difficult to say and is there any effect on your vision kindly provide answers to the above queries I will guide you for treatment
hello doctor I am having a problem with my eyes I had a black eye a month ago and it swelled and bruised the bruise went from purple to dark purple to yellowish green and then brown now it stuck with brown and I am getting worried that it will not fade away what do I have to do or what medicine do I need to take I am getting worried
low severity
I have sharp low back pain after weight lifting and it hurts while lying down please help
hello you will need some investigations to confirm the cause however the likely possibility is lumbar spondylosis with nerve compressions most importantly you should avoid heavy activities lifting heavy weights etc you will need an ray of spine ap anteroposterior and lateral view and may need an mri magnetic resonance imaging physiotherapy would be helpful you may continue to have alive naproxen according to need you may use local diclofenac gel or hot water fomentation we usually give patients a multivitamin like neurobion forte b12 which is good for nerves and next in the line is pregabalin which is a nerve stabilizer I hope this helps
hello doctor about six months ago I developed pain in my lower back mainly in my waistline towards the right side I visited a doctor and we tried it but it did not work I then scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor however it was canceled dude to couid 19 a couple of days ago I was lifting at the gym and everything was going fine I started noticing the left side of my back waistline beginning to hurt so I went home since then the pain has worsened a lot it is a sharp shooting pain that will extend from my waistline into my buttocks I can barely sleep at night because when I try to turn over the pain is too extreme I feel it a lot when walking as well or trying to stand up if I am sitting down also lying on my back causes the area to ache really bad the pain is at its worse when I need to roll over in bed or when I stand up from being in a lying position even if I was lying or lounging for a minute or less I am a 23 year old male in the military the initial back pain that started months ago was found to be caused by wearing my sidearm at work for 13 hours a day and additional gear such as body armor however this new pain is something different please help
medium severity
after a brain infarct my dad is unable to open his eyelids on his own why
hello as you have described your father had brain infact after that he developed all symptoms related to eye right so let me explain you that in case of stroke or infact in the brain there will be involvement of cranial nerves also the cranial nerve which is responsible for elevation of eyelid will also get affected in such situations like stroke so the same thing has happened here in your father case so for treatment of his eyelids only surgery you can plan but you should consult oculoplastic surgeon for that he is the one who will measure all the parameters and depending on that he will tell you which surgery he should undergo so my advice is you should take your father to an oculoplastic surgeon for this problem I hope this helps
hello doctor my dad is 78 years old recently one month back he had acute left medullary infact with hyperacute infact of the midbrain after which he is unable to open both of his eyelids on his own but can see when we lift the eyelids also his voice was very low after a month now his speech has improved but the eyelids issue is still there can you please suggest any treatment for his eyelids to open
high severity
I have severe localized pain in my left arm while lifting up why
hi I read in detail your symptoms it is suggesting periarthritis shoulder the profile does not suggest inflammatory arthritis as the signs of inflammation are lacking and the tests are normal periarthritis shoulder or frozen shoulder mri shoulder adhesive capsulitis periarthritis shoulder continue medication local fomentation range of motion exercise avoid lifting weights avoid gymnasium and weight training avoid heavy bag lifting eggs fish dry fruits for natural omega intake turmeric capsules to boost healing
hello doctor I am having severe localized pain when I lift my left arm over my head and it is in muscles for more than four months the rheumatologist did an ray and blood test which are all normal he prescribed tablet arcoxia 285 90 my and panadol 65 my injection depo medrol 40 my for 14 days seven days have been passed but a bit of pain is reduced but muscle is slightly locked and I cannot freely move my upper arm pain is near triceps and biceps any advice will be greatly appreciated
medium severity
my father is a diabetic with high creatinine levels please recommend diet plan for him
hi please let me know the current weight and height of your father also his present age his blood sugar levels and any other lab reports also please do let me know whether you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian and his daily meal pattern with timings
hello doctor my father is recently diagnosed with diabetes along with high creatinine level I need a therapeutic diet plan for a week according to the condition
medium severity
I get abdominal distension and persistent diarrhea with high alt and ast values what is my problem
hello I think there are multiple issues you need proper workup your alt alanine transaminase ast aspartate transaminase are due to alcohol related liver disease better is to do us ultrasound abdomen other issues are I had gone through your blood reports your hemoglobin and hematocrit are in range of polycythemia vera which is a blood coagulation disorder so what is feel is you need a good doctor hematologist for polycythemia and related to your gastric issues us abdomen and endoscopy with biopsy can be done if possible as this will tell us liver and pancreas status as alcohol affects both second thing stop smoking which is a culprit for your high he so to get that worked up there are series of tests need to be done my advice is to choose a good doctor to get everything thing done
hi doctor I am 49 years old and I have been drinking approximately 350 my of vodka every day for approximately 10 15 years I also have smoked half pack a day for 30 years but just recently quit for the past year and a half maybe even two years I have had diarrhea daily I went to a doctor who prescribed is medicine and b12 shots but nothing changed my stomach is large distended and hard when I eat half a sandwich or six bites of salad I am so bloated I cannot move I feel a dull bruise like pain very dull in my lower right quadrant from time to time maybe once every two weeks my ast and alt levels are high 12 and 13 glucose is 16 absolute eosinophils are 720h I have attached my lab reports my guess is this is liver disease pancreas disease or diabetes any ideas do I have to quit drinking or can I cut back I am currently taking stelara for psoriasis
high severity
I have severe eye infection with increased abc and neutrophil levels can this be due to stress
hello following is my opinion for your asked question your total count and neutrophils are elevated so it could be due to bacterial infection or stress as per provided history you can complete the course of antibiotics meanwhile try to reduce stress and anxiety by yoga exercise breathing exercises etc you can be prescribed anti anxiety medication for stress it does not seem to be cancer according to history provided however kindly attach your all reports so that I can check it and can give you detailed comments
hello doctor I had a abc complete blood count done yesterday and it came back with elevated abc of 13500 with neutrophils 900 more or less ear 36 and close to normal lymphocytes my urine sample was negative I had a severe eye infection that lasted about 10 days and started clearing up really nicely yesterday when I had the blood work done I was crying for an hour due to unrelated massive stress factors I have severe anxiety and I am going through a rough time I am hardly ever at ease I am mentioning this because I read stress can be a factor I am worried because my levels are elevated and I show no signs of infection apart from the eye which still has a little pus I do not go out due to couid 19 at all food is delivered and handled in a very safe way packages are disinfected and I have no contact with anyone I am puzzled as to where an infection could come from my doctor thinks it is a bacterial infection and has put me on antibiotics I am very worried about cancer should I be
high severity
I get pain in the anus while passing stool and sitting with a fleshy lobe in that area please help
hello as I can know from your history that you are suffering from pain while passing stool and also blood in the stool you have noticed I have diagnosed your problem it looks from your photographs although it is not very clear that you are suffering from anal fissure may I know if you have occasional constipation and if you have work that has a more sedentary lifestyle I suggest you to have leafy vegetables salads high fiber diet cabbages and spinach so that you do not have constipation next you can buy dabur isabgul powder and take two teaspoons in one glass of water or milk you can take at bedtime and drink plenty of water apply anovate ointment beclomethasone dipropionate in the raw area where you have pain after passing stool get back to me after three days and let us see if it works or not take hot sit bath I mean you have to sit in a tub of lukewarm water at least three to four times a day it heals 80 of anal fissure
hello doctor I am a 24 year old male with no past medical history I have been facing pain while passing stool the pain ceases after a few hours but it comes again if I sit for a longer duration sometimes I see small strips of blood on the stool I have been sitting in warm water and keeping ice pack for some days it does help relieve pain on examination I also saw a small fleshy lobe near the anus I am attaching a picture of the area
medium severity
what is the possible treatment options for acid reflux
hello welcome to icliniq com the common causes of peptic ulcer disease are pyloric infection non asteroidal antiinflammatory drugs nsaids drugs other than nsaids such as tetracycline iron tablets potassium supplements and bisphosphonates zollinger ellison syndrome and carcinoid tumors the treatment is according to the cause for pyloric the treatment is combination antibiotic therapies including amoxicillin clarithromycin levofloxacin and metronidazole adopted in different first and second line therapy the world common treatment is clarithromycin based triple regimen including amoxicillin go twice daily for 14 days plus clarithromycin 500 my twice daily for 14 days plus any acid suppressant such as omeprazole 40 my once daily for six weeks this is the first line therapy there is a long list of second and third line rescue therapies for pyloric infection treatment for nsaids is simply stopping the medicine and due course of omeprazole for weeks the treatment of the rest of the above condition is variable which could not fit in this single page answer I hope this helps
hi doctor I want to inquire what are the causes and possible treatment for acid reflux
medium severity
excessive masturbation is resulting in nightfall and early ejection why
hi as per your history you are suffering from chronic masturbation nowadays masturbation is very common in the younger generation if you masturbate two times a week it is normal but if you do frequently it is bad for your health how to stop the addiction of masturbation stay busy and less alone find another outlet for your time and energy fill your life with engaging activities the excitement of doing something different can help replace the urge to masturbate and you will have a go to distraction next time when you are tempted stop punishing oneself and do not be despondent remove triggers that tempt one to masturbate be persistent and patient you should be busy with your daily routine do regular exercise and join the gym I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 25 year old male my problem is excess night fall as I am masturbating since around the age of 13 14 now I ejaculate within 30 seconds and I am scared of marrying now thinking of failure on the bed so please tell me what to do and the physical health of my penis is not as I expect and the reason behind it is masturbation
low severity
why do I have to strain too much to pass stools
hi your symptoms seem to be related to chronic constipation some recommendations to help relieve your constipation drink two to four additional glasses of water a day maintain a strategic distance from caffeine containing beverages and liquor which can cause drying out include natural products vegetables entire grains and other high fiber nourishment to your eating routine eat less high fat nourishment similar to meat eggs and cheddar eat prunes as well as grain oat keep a food journal and single out nourishment that constipated you get going work out check how you sit on the can raising your feet reclining or crouching may make having a solid discharge simpler include an over the counter supplemental fiber to your eating regimen more details you may consult with me hope I have answered your query let me know if I can assist you further
constipation small stools or feces hard to poop straining but not too much
medium severity
I suffer from stomach bloating and severe constipation with low platelets please help
hello your previous symptoms are suggestive of irritable bowel syndrome constipation type is provided you have no weight loss fever blood in stools and vomiting it is not a worrying disease and you just have to follow some lifestyle modifications and simple treatment as given below your low platelet count should be investigated first of all you should repeat it by manual microscope as machines can sometimes give false readings second as chronic malaria and dengue are common in your setup so it also needs to be investigated please share if you have any history of fever jaundice liver disease spleen enlargement or weight loss peripheral smear dengue serology ns1 malarial parasite hbsag by elisa anti hav by elisa ultrasound abdomen is thrombocytopenia cause movicol sachet in a glass of water every night for two weeks spaghol husk in glass of water continue tablet levosulpiride 25 my thrice a day before meals drink plenty of water exercise after investigations
hi doctor I am suffering from bloating since february and from march I am also experiencing severe constipation I have tried all dietary change but none seem to be helping me here for the past few days I was also experiencing pain in the abdomen sudden sensations in legs and mild pain in testicles so yesterday I went to see a local doctor and done the abc test all the parameters in reports were normal except platelets which were 90k without any further tests to know the underlying cause of low platelets the doctor wrote me some medication I am really very worried about my health and want to know the root cause of all these problems please help
medium severity
I am taking deep breaths often and it gets worse after eating why
hello welcome to icliniq com do you have any other symptoms like cough and colds history of trauma fever body aches diarrhea or throat pain when did you feel tightening or pressure in the chest area any numbness or weakness in the left arm do you feel any burning sensation at the epigastric region just below your sternum part of the upper abdomen will you do frequent throat clearing you also mentioned it gets worse after eating what food usually triggers it do you experience bloatedness or frequent flatulation does it get better when you burp or flatulate have you tried any medication do you smoke did this happen before perhaps the anxiety is due to the uncertainty or fear that it might be related to couid but based on what you have described so far it is highly unlikely I understand the eco does not really help and a lot of people are also having the same issue when we confine ourselves within the premises of our home for this long it takes a lot of things from us the quarantine has taken our slight sense of freedom control and changed it to what we know now as the new normal but please understand that it might take sometime before the quarantine is lifted but know all of these things are only temporary so far your symptom is pointing to dyspepsia umbrella for herd hyperacidity etc but I need answers to some of the questions mentioned above in order to strengthen the diagnosis
hello doctor I am having difficulty in breathing it is like I always need to take deep breaths and I think it gets worse after I eat on top of that it triggers an anxiety attack most of the time another thing is there is this sensation in my chest I do not know if is right to call it as tightening or pressure usually when I stand up it somehow alleviates that sensation but the breathing difficulty is still there sometimes all of the symptoms go away like for hours but then it comes back I think I am having these symptoms for three weeks or a month now I am doing self diagnosis and I do not really know which of these is it costochondritis angina herd or copd that is why now I am seeking the help of a professional I just hope it is nothing serious
medium severity
I am not getting deep sleep during night for the past one week why
hello yes this pandemic is causing a lot of stress in everybody is mind we all processing information at the conscious subconscious and unconscious level of our brain sometimes that is to this kind of disturbance in biological rhythms along with that at times people start having anxiety of not falling asleep so do not worry just follow some sleep hygiene measures try some sleep hygiene measures wake up at the same time every day if after lying down you are not able to sleep for 10 to 15 minutes then get up from bedsit on a table chair and start reading something do not take any tea or coffee after am listen to some white noise or light music start some exercise on a routine basis that will keep you fit and will release some and will release endorphins in your brain that will relax your mind start pranayama and meditation
hi doctor it has been a week now and yet I feel like I do not get enough sleep I would sleep from am onwards but tend to wake up every hour and my sleep feels like it is not in deep sleep I could get a deep sleep only aound morning 6 am and woke up at 10 am please help
low severity
I get recurrent painful boils on abdomen that leaves scars why
hi I have gone through your history and checked the pictures attached the lesions look classical for furunculosis this is a common bacterial infection of the body hair it is usually seen in people who sweat a lot who prefer tight clothing in diabetics in people who visit the hospital frequently and those who have a higher degree of body hair there is nothing to worry as it is a common and easily treatable condition fbi fasting blood sugar plus post prandial glucose test nasal swab for staphylococcal bacterial culture tablet pan 40 my pantoprazole once daily before breakfast for one week capsule dont so 100 my doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus twice daily after food for one week back cream twice daily take bath twice daily prefer loose fitting clothes avoid nose pricking habit if you have wash hands regularly avoid high glycemic index foods
hi doctor I keep getting boils on my abdomen once every two to three weeks they are painful and leave behind scars I have been having this condition for the past two years earlier it was severe with new boils occurring every few days and now it has become less frequent my local dermatologist diagnosed me with recurrent furunculosis and treated me with topical and oral antibiotics courses repeatedly but after the course was complete the boils returned back in a few days I was also made to do a two week cin course can this condition be something else also what is your recommendation for preventing recurrence I am attaching a picture of the latest boil I got yesterday on my abdomen
medium severity