Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 一般来说,卫星电话不能取代移动电话,因为只有在卫星信号畅通的室外,才能进行通话。 English:
A satellite phone is not generally a replacement for a mobile phone, as you have to be outdoors with clear line of sight to the satellite to make a phone call.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: A satellite phone is not generally a replacement for a mobile phone, as you have to be outdoors with clear line of sight to the satellite to make a phone call. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 该服务经常用于航运,包括游艇以及有远程数据和语音需求的探险。 English:
The service is frequently used by shipping, including pleasure craft, as well as expeditions who have remote data and voice needs.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The service is frequently used by shipping, including pleasure craft, as well as expeditions who have remote data and voice needs. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 你当地的电话服务提供商应该能够提供关于连接到这项服务的详细信息。 English:
Your local telephone service provider should be able to give more information about connecting to this service.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Your local telephone service provider should be able to give more information about connecting to this service. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 对于那些计划怎么度过空档年的人来说,游学成为越来越受欢迎的选择。 English:
An increasingly more popular option for those planning a gap-year is to travel and learn.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: An increasingly more popular option for those planning a gap-year is to travel and learn. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这在中学毕业生中尤其流行,他们可以在上大学前抽出一年的时间,又不影响他们接受教育。 English:
This is especially popular with school leavers, allowing them to take a year out before university, without compromising their education.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This is especially popular with school leavers, allowing them to take a year out before university, without compromising their education. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 很多情况下,在国外参加间隔年课程可以实质上提升你回国升学的机会。 English:
In many cases, enrolling on a gap-year course abroad can actually improve your chances of moving into higher education back in your home country.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: In many cases, enrolling on a gap-year course abroad can actually improve your chances of moving into higher education back in your home country. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 通常情况下,参加这些教育类项目需要交学费。 English:
Typically there will be a tuition fee to enroll in these educational programs.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Typically there will be a tuition fee to enroll in these educational programs. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 芬兰是绝佳的帆船运动圣地, 素有“千湖之乡”的美誉 ,在其湖泊和沿海群岛范围内也含有数千座岛屿。 English:
Finland is a great boating destination. The "Land of a thousand lakes" has thousands of islands too, in the lakes and in the coastal archipelagos.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Finland is a great boating destination. The "Land of a thousand lakes" has thousands of islands too, in the lakes and in the coastal archipelagos. Chinese:
芬兰是绝佳的帆船运动圣地, 素有“千湖之乡”的美誉 ,在其湖泊和沿海群岛范围内也含有数千座岛屿。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在群岛和湖泊之中,游艇并不是必需的。 English:
In the archipelagos and lakes you do not necessarily need a yacht.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: In the archipelagos and lakes you do not necessarily need a yacht. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 沿海群岛和最大的几个湖泊的大小足以容纳任何游艇,不过较小的船只甚至皮划艇能带来不同的体验。 English:
Although the coastal archipelagos and the biggest lakes are indeed big enough for any yacht, smaller boats or even a kayak offer a different experience.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Although the coastal archipelagos and the biggest lakes are indeed big enough for any yacht, smaller boats or even a kayak offer a different experience. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 划船是芬兰的一项全国性消遣活动,每七八个人里就有一艘船。 English:
Boating is a national pastime in Finland, with a boat to every seven or eight people.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Boating is a national pastime in Finland, with a boat to every seven or eight people. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 挪威、瑞典和新西兰也有类似的情况,但在其他方面很是独特(例如,在荷兰,这个数字是一比四十)。 English:
This is matched by Norway, Sweden and New Zealand, but otherwise quite unique (e.g. in the Netherlands the figure is one to forty).
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This is matched by Norway, Sweden and New Zealand, but otherwise quite unique (e.g. in the Netherlands the figure is one to forty). Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 大多数典型的波罗的海游轮都会在俄罗斯圣彼得堡逗留较长时间。 English:
Most of the distinct Baltic Cruises feature an extended stay in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Most of the distinct Baltic Cruises feature an extended stay in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这意味着可以有好几天完整时间来参观这座历史悠久的城市,然后晚上回到船上睡觉。 English:
This means you can visit the historic city for a couple of full days while returning and sleeping on the ship at night.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: This means you can visit the historic city for a couple of full days while returning and sleeping on the ship at night. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如果只是在乘船游览的情况下登岸,则不需要单独的签证(规定截至 2009 年)。 English:
If you only go ashore using shipboard excursions you will not need a separate visa (as of 2009).
Translate from English into Chinese: English: If you only go ashore using shipboard excursions you will not need a separate visa (as of 2009). Chinese:
如果只是在乘船游览的情况下登岸,则不需要单独的签证(规定截至 2009 年)。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 有些邮轮在宣传手册上以德国柏林为亮点。正如从上面地图中看到的那样,柏林并没有靠近大海的地方,而且游船价格并不包括游览这座城市的费用。 English:
Some cruises feature Berlin, Germany in the brochures. As you can see from the map above Berlin is no where near the sea and a visit to the city is not included in the price of the cruise.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Some cruises feature Berlin, Germany in the brochures. As you can see from the map above Berlin is no where near the sea and a visit to the city is not included in the price of the cruise. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 对于各个年龄和背景的人来说,乘飞机旅行都可能成为恐怖的经历,尤其是在以前从未乘坐过飞机或有过痛苦经历的情况下。 English:
Travelling by plane can be a scary experience for people of all ages and backgrounds, particularly if they've not flown before or have experienced a traumatic event.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Travelling by plane can be a scary experience for people of all ages and backgrounds, particularly if they've not flown before or have experienced a traumatic event. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 这并不是丢人的事情:这和很多人对其他东西抱有的恐惧和厌恶没什么两样。 English:
It is not something to be ashamed of: it is no different from the personal fears and dislikes of other things that very many people have.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: It is not something to be ashamed of: it is no different from the personal fears and dislikes of other things that very many people have. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 对一些人来说,如果要克服因未知事物或不可控制的状况而产生的恐惧,了解飞机的工作原理和飞行的程序可能会有帮助。 English:
For some, understanding something about how aircraft work and what happens during a flight may help to overcome a fear which is based on the unknown or on not being in control.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: For some, understanding something about how aircraft work and what happens during a flight may help to overcome a fear which is based on the unknown or on not being in control. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 快递公司可因快速交付货物而获取高酬劳。很多时候,时间对于商务文件、商品或用于紧急维修的零部件而言非常重要。 English:
Courier companies are well paid for delivering things quickly. Frequently, time is very important with business documents, merchandise or spare parts for an urgent repair.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Courier companies are well paid for delivering things quickly. Frequently, time is very important with business documents, merchandise or spare parts for an urgent repair. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在某些航线上,大型公司有自己的飞机,但对于其他航线和小公司来说,就有问题了。 English:
On some routes, the larger companies have their own planes, but for other routes and smaller firms there was a problem.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: On some routes, the larger companies have their own planes, but for other routes and smaller firms there was a problem. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 如果他们使用航空的方式运输货物,在某些航线上,可能要花几天的时间才能卸货和通关。 English:
If they sent things by air freight, on some routes it may have taken days to get through unloading and customs.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: If they sent things by air freight, on some routes it may have taken days to get through unloading and customs. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 最快的方法就是把它作为托运行李承运。根据航空公司规定,禁止载运未登机旅客的行李,而这时就需要你在场。 English:
The only way to get it through faster was to send it as checked luggage. Airline regulations will not allow them to send luggage without a passenger, which is where you come in.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The only way to get it through faster was to send it as checked luggage. Airline regulations will not allow them to send luggage without a passenger, which is where you come in. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 乘坐头等舱或商务舱最明显的方式是花一大笔钱来享受这种特权(或者,更好的方式是让你的公司给你出钱乘坐)。 English:
The obvious way of flying in first or business class is to fork out a thick wad of money for the privilege (or, better yet, get your company to do it for you).
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The obvious way of flying in first or business class is to fork out a thick wad of money for the privilege (or, better yet, get your company to do it for you). Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 然而,这并不便宜:根据粗略估算,商务舱的票价可能是普通经济舱的 4 倍,头等舱的票价更是 11 倍之高! English:
However, this does not come cheap: as rough rules of thumb, you can expect to pay up to four times the normal economy fare for business, and eleven times for first class!
Translate from English into Chinese: English: However, this does not come cheap: as rough rules of thumb, you can expect to pay up to four times the normal economy fare for business, and eleven times for first class! Chinese:
然而,这并不便宜:根据粗略估算,商务舱的票价可能是普通经济舱的 4 倍,头等舱的票价更是 11 倍之高!
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 一般来说,从 A 地直飞 B 地,压根没必要去找商务舱或头等舱的打折机票。 English:
Generally speaking, there is no point in even looking for discounts for business or first-class seats on direct flights from A to B.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Generally speaking, there is no point in even looking for discounts for business or first-class seats on direct flights from A to B. Chinese:
一般来说,从 A 地直飞 B 地,压根没必要去找商务舱或头等舱的打折机票。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 航空公司非常清楚,有一些核心乘客愿花高价获得快速、舒适出行的特权,因此航空公司会相应地收取费用。 English:
Airlines know well that there is a certain core group of flyers who are willing to pay top dollar for the privilege of getting somewhere fast and in comfort, and charge accordingly.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Airlines know well that there is a certain core group of flyers who are willing to pay top dollar for the privilege of getting somewhere fast and in comfort, and charge accordingly. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 摩尔多瓦的首都是基希讷乌。当地语言是罗马尼亚语,但俄语也被广泛使用。 English:
The capital of Moldova is Chişinău. The local language is Romanian, but Russian is widely used.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The capital of Moldova is Chişinău. The local language is Romanian, but Russian is widely used. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 摩尔多瓦是一个多民族共和国,饱受民族冲突之苦。 English:
Moldova is a multi-ethnic republic that has suffered from ethnic conflict.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Moldova is a multi-ethnic republic that has suffered from ethnic conflict. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 1994 年,这场冲突导致摩尔多瓦东部自诩为德涅斯特河沿岸共和国的成立。该共和国有自己的政府和货币,但没有得到任何联合国成员国的认可。 English:
In 1994, this conflict led to the creation of the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic in eastern Moldova, which has its own government and currency but is not recognised by any UN member country.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: In 1994, this conflict led to the creation of the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic in eastern Moldova, which has its own government and currency but is not recognised by any UN member country. Chinese:
1994 年,这场冲突导致摩尔多瓦东部自诩为德涅斯特河沿岸共和国的成立。该共和国有自己的政府和货币,但没有得到任何联合国成员国的认可。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 尽管政治谈判失败,但摩尔多瓦这两个地区的经济联系得以重建。 English:
Economic links have been re-established between these two parts of Moldova despite the failure in political negotiations.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Economic links have been re-established between these two parts of Moldova despite the failure in political negotiations. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 摩尔多瓦 (Moldova) 的主要宗教是东正教。 English:
The major religion in Moldova is Orthodox Christian.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The major religion in Moldova is Orthodox Christian. Chinese:
摩尔多瓦 (Moldova) 的主要宗教是东正教。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 伊兹密尔是土耳其第三大城市,人口约 370 万,它是土耳其第二大港口,仅次于伊斯坦布尔,它也是一个繁忙的交通枢纽。 English:
İzmir is the third largest city in Turkey with a population of around 3.7 million, the second biggest port after Istanbul, and a very good transport hub.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: İzmir is the third largest city in Turkey with a population of around 3.7 million, the second biggest port after Istanbul, and a very good transport hub. Chinese:
伊兹密尔是土耳其第三大城市,人口约 370 万,它是土耳其第二大港口,仅次于伊斯坦布尔,它也是一个繁忙的交通枢纽。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 曾经是士麦那 (Smyrna) 古城,如今已成为一个现代化、发达且繁忙的商业中心,周围是巨大的海湾和群山。 English:
Once the ancient city of Smyrna, it is now a modern, developed, and busy commercial center, set around a huge bay and surrounded by mountains.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Once the ancient city of Smyrna, it is now a modern, developed, and busy commercial center, set around a huge bay and surrounded by mountains. Chinese:
曾经是士麦那 (Smyrna) 古城,如今已成为一个现代化、发达且繁忙的商业中心,周围是巨大的海湾和群山。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在宽阔的林荫大道、玻璃外墙的建筑和现代化的购物中心之间,散布着传统的红瓦屋顶、18 世纪的市场以及古老的清真寺和教堂,不过这座城市比传统的土耳其更有地中海欧洲的氛围。 English:
The broad boulevards, glass-fronted buildings and modern shopping centers are dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs, the 18th century market, and old mosques and churches, although the city has an atmosphere more of Mediterranean Europe than traditional Turkey.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The broad boulevards, glass-fronted buildings and modern shopping centers are dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs, the 18th century market, and old mosques and churches, although the city has an atmosphere more of Mediterranean Europe than traditional Turkey. Chinese:
在宽阔的林荫大道、玻璃外墙的建筑和现代化的购物中心之间,散布着传统的红瓦屋顶、18 世纪的市场以及古老的清真寺和教堂,不过这座城市比传统的土耳其更有地中海欧洲的氛围。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在哈尔达斯维克村 (Haldarsvík) 可以欣赏附近依斯特洛伊岛 (Eysturoy) 的美景。村中有一个与众不同的八角形教堂。 English:
The village of Haldarsvík offer views of the nearby island Eysturoy and has an unusual octagonal church.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: The village of Haldarsvík offer views of the nearby island Eysturoy and has an unusual octagonal church. Chinese:
在哈尔达斯维克村 (Haldarsvík) 可以欣赏附近依斯特洛伊岛 (Eysturoy) 的美景。村中有一个与众不同的八角形教堂。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 教堂墓地里,一些坟墓上方摆着有趣的大理石鸽子雕塑。 English:
In the churchyard, there are interesting marble sculptures of doves over some tombs.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: In the churchyard, there are interesting marble sculptures of doves over some tombs. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 在这个迷人的村庄漫步半小时是值得的。 English:
It's worth half an hour to stroll about the intriguing village.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: It's worth half an hour to stroll about the intriguing village. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 向北可轻松抵达浪漫迷人的辛特拉镇;它是拜伦勋爵笔下为人称道的乐土,并因此为外国人所熟知。 English:
To the north and within easy reach is the romantic and fascinating town of Sintra and which was made famous to foreigners after a glowing account of its splendours recorded by Lord Byron.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: To the north and within easy reach is the romantic and fascinating town of Sintra and which was made famous to foreigners after a glowing account of its splendours recorded by Lord Byron. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: Scotturb 403 路公共汽车定期发车前往辛特拉 (Sintra),在罗卡角停靠。 English:
Scotturb Bus 403 travels regularly to Sintra, stopping at Cabo da Roca.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Scotturb Bus 403 travels regularly to Sintra, stopping at Cabo da Roca. Chinese:
Scotturb 403 路公共汽车定期发车前往辛特拉 (Sintra),在罗卡角停靠。
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 也可以到北部参观法蒂玛圣母院(圣地),它是举世闻名的圣母玛丽亚显现之地。 English:
Also to the north visit the great Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima (Shrine), a place of worldwide famous Marian apparitions.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Also to the north visit the great Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima (Shrine), a place of worldwide famous Marian apparitions. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 请记住,你其实是在参观一个巨大的万人坑遗址,该遗址对世界上一大群体有着难以估量的意义。 English:
Please remember that you are essentially visiting a mass grave site, as well as a site that has an almost incalculable meaning to a significant portion of the world's population.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Please remember that you are essentially visiting a mass grave site, as well as a site that has an almost incalculable meaning to a significant portion of the world's population. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 还是有许多男女在这里幸存了下来,他们如今仍然健在;而更多人的亲人,有的在那里被屠杀,有的一直做苦工到死,犹太人和非犹太人都是如此。 English:
There are still many men and women alive who survived their time here, and many more who had loved ones who were murdered or worked to death there, Jews and non-Jews alike.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: There are still many men and women alive who survived their time here, and many more who had loved ones who were murdered or worked to death there, Jews and non-Jews alike. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 请给予此地应得的尊严、庄严和尊重。不要用大屠杀或纳粹开玩笑。 English:
Please treat the site with all of the dignity, solemnity and respect it deserves. Do not make jokes about the Holocaust or Nazis.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Please treat the site with all of the dignity, solemnity and respect it deserves. Do not make jokes about the Holocaust or Nazis. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 切勿在建筑物上做标记或涂鸦,以免破坏遗址。 English:
Do not deface the site by marking or scratching graffiti into structures.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Do not deface the site by marking or scratching graffiti into structures. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 巴塞罗那的官方语言为加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语。大约一半的当地人更愿意说加泰罗尼亚语,绝大多数人都听懂加泰罗尼亚语,至于西班牙语,几乎每个人都能听懂。 English:
Barcelona's official languages are Catalan and Spanish. About a half prefer to speak Catalan, a vast majority understands it, and virtually everyone knows Spanish.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Barcelona's official languages are Catalan and Spanish. About a half prefer to speak Catalan, a vast majority understands it, and virtually everyone knows Spanish. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 然而,大多数指示牌都只使用加泰罗尼亚语,因为这是法律规定的第一官方语言。 English:
However, most signs are indicated only in Catalan because it is established by law as the first official language.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: However, most signs are indicated only in Catalan because it is established by law as the first official language. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 然而,公共交通和其他设施也广泛使用西班牙语。 English:
Yet, Spanish is also widely used in public transport and other facilities.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Yet, Spanish is also widely used in public transport and other facilities. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 地铁里的定期广播只有加泰罗尼亚语,但自动系统会用多种语言进行临时广播,包括西班牙语、英语、法语、阿拉伯语和日语。 English:
Regular announcements in the Metro are made only in Catalan, but unplanned disruptions are announced by an automated system in a wide variety of languages including Spanish, English, French, Arabic and Japanese.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Regular announcements in the Metro are made only in Catalan, but unplanned disruptions are announced by an automated system in a wide variety of languages including Spanish, English, French, Arabic and Japanese. Chinese:
Translate this from Chinese into English: Russian: 巴黎人是出了名的以自我中心、粗鲁和傲慢。 English:
Parisians have a reputation for being egocentric, rude and arrogant.
Translate from English into Chinese: English: Parisians have a reputation for being egocentric, rude and arrogant. Chinese: