Duplicate labels

by JensVN98 - opened

Thank you for publishing this dataset. I believe there's a small issue, however. There seems to be a duplicate label in the dataset, namely 'event organiZation' and 'event organiSation'. Is there a reason for these to be separate labels, or is this an oversight?

Knowledgator Engineering org

Hi @JensVN98 ,

Thank you for pointing this issue, we will fix it ASAP.

I also just noticed that there are two other duplicates: "new initiatives & programs" and "new initiatives or programs". The descriptions of the labels convey the same meaning, so I guess this is an oversight as well? If so, could this be fixed as well?

Knowledgator Engineering org

@JensVN98 , thank you again for pointing out the issue, of course, we will fix it.

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