Speaker A: Cool. Do you wanna give me the little cable thing? Yeah. Cool. Ah, that's why it won't meet. Okay, cool. Yep, cool. Okay, functional requirements. Alright, yeah. It's working. Cool, okay. So what I have, wh where I've got my information from is a survey where the usability lab um observed remote control use with um a hundred subjects and then they gave them a questionnaire. Um so it was all about, you know, how people feel about the look and feel of the remote control, you know. What's the most annoying things about remote controls and um the possibility of speech recognition and L_C_D_ screens in remote control. Not that they actually gave me any answers on the L_C_D_ screens, so I should have taken that bit out, but anyway. Um okay, so. What they found is that people don't like how current remote controls are, so you know, definitely you should be looking at something quite different. Um seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly. Uh the other twenty five percent have no fashion sense. Uh eighty percent of users would spend more to get um you know, a nice looking remote control. Um current remote controls, they don't match the user behaviour well, as you'll see on the next slide. Um I dunno what zapping is, but Oh, right. But you have that little thing that comes up at the bottom and tells you what's on. Um okay, fifty percent of users say they only use ten percent of the buttons, so that's going back to what, you know, we were saying earlier about, you know, do you need all the buttons on the remote control, they just make it look ugly. Okay? Cool. Um so this is my little graph thing. Mm k Okay, well, I can send it to all of you. What it is is um it's cones, 'cause I thought they'd be more exciting. Um but ooh where's it go? Back. Oh. Oh yes, cool. Okay, I'm gonna stop playing with the little pointy thing. Um okay, so like what it shows is how much things are used relatively and what you can clearly see from that is the thing that's used most is the channel selection. What you can't see is volume selection, it's a little bit higher than all the others. Yeah, so what the graph shows is that, you know, power, channel selection and volume selection are important, and the rest of them, you know, nobody really uses and so that's the the numbers along the top represent their like um their importance, you know, so on a scale of one to ten, how important is that and, you know, channel selection and volume selection are absolutely essential, and the power, well it's not quite so essential, apparently, although I don't understand how it couldn't be, um and everything else, I think, you know, you can forget about having those buttons on the remote control, 'cause they're just not needed, and they're not used. Okay. This is the bit that the email messed up for me and that's what I was fiddling about with at the beginning of the thing. Okay, cool. So um okay, so this is what people find annoying about remote controls. Uh that they get lost, that the uh you know, they're not intuitive and that they're bad for repetitive strain injury. I think if you're watching enough T_V_ to get repetitive strain injury from um you know, watching T_V_, then that's the least of your problems, but you know, it's up there. Um that yeah. Okay, so um I mean the the R_S_I_ thing would be that, like when you have the computer keyboards and you keep your wrists up would be something that encourages you want something with an ergonomic t design that encourages good use of the remote control and you know, not straining your wrists watching T_V_. Yes. Okay, cool. Right, um sorry this is pink because I was copying and pasting the table, and I didn't have time to white it out again. Um okay, but that shows how people whether they would pay more for voice recognition software. So you can see from that that, you know, younger people to the age of thirty five are quite likely to pay quite a lot more f well quite are quite likely to pay more for voice recognition software, whereas as people get older, they're a bit more sceptical about it and they're less willing to to try it. Um so clearly voice recognition is something to think about, but um you know I d I do wonder how well that would work given that a T_V_, you know, tends to be people talking and um, you know, how are you going to stop it from just flipping channels whilst watching T_V_. Um okay? Cool. Um okay, so these are my personal preferences. So you have sleek, stylish, sophisticated, you know, so something that's, you know, a bit cool. Um you know, functional, so it's useful, but minimalist. Um there's a there's an important thing that, you know, people use when, you know, when you're filling up your home, you know, a lot of people fill up their home with bits of crap, basically, you know, and you've got all this stuff, and you're just like, what the hell is that, who is ever gonna use it? You know, so things should either be functional or beautiful or preferably both, so I think we need to aim for both. Um okay, then a long battery life, like you were talking about earlier and um, you know, I was thinking that solar power would be quite cool because, you know, your remote control just sits there, and you could just sit it in the sunshine and save the environment a bit. Um and then like a locator, so you know, kind of like you have for a mobile phone or not a mobile phone Yeah, that's it, you know. I know, it's weird. My flatmate and I were talking about this on the way into uni this morning and I was like I need to get one for everything. So yeah, so maybe something where you clap and then it beeps, something a kind of sound that you don't often hear on the T_V_, you know, 'cause you don't want your remote control beeping every five minutes, 'cause you you'd then deliberately lose it by throwing it out the window or something. So okay? Cool. That's me. Cat's. Ca. Yeah, I mean that's the thing is that it didn't say in the survey, you know, whether, you know, these are the people that will pay more for a more stylish remote control, but I'm assuming, you know, yes. Well, that's when you go to uni, isn't it? So, you know Yeah. Oh, I've unplugged it. Do you want me to Yeah. Seventy six point three percent. Yeah. Yeah, I kn I mean I know what you're saying about the fifteen to twenty five year olds, but I mean it has been proven that that people of that age group have a higher disposable income because they don't have like I mean, you know, if you're at university, you're paying your rent, but you don't have a mortgage, you don't have a life insurance policy, you don't normally have a car, yeah, so. You're still learning to drive actually, so that just costs more than a car, but yeah. Um so I mean like it is an age group to target, really, I think. No, I mean that's what, that's like fifteen Pounds? You know, I think Yeah, I d I don't know many people without a T_V_. We didn't have a T_V_ last year, and everyone thought we were off our heads, you know. Yeah, I d well we've we've got quite a d decent T_V_. Yeah. I think I think the fact that, you know, ninety one point two percent of fifteen to twenty five year olds are saying yes, I would pay more for a voice recognition remote control, does say quite a lot really. You know, so I mean that and the disposable income and I don't think it's something to ignore, you know. Is not a massive difference, you know. No, do totally. You do have it in your mobile phone though, don't you? Because you have like I mean every mobile phone now has like call this person and it calls them. I don't know. Yeah. S so y you'd maybe need a code word. Do you know what I mean? So like when you say change, except that's being said quite a lot on T_V_, so maybe like, you know, remote. I mean how often do people say remote on T_V_? Although I only watch Charmed, so really I wouldn't know but like so you'd just say remote five, you know, remote ten, remote one two nine. I don't think there's a lot of uh voice recognition remote controls. Yeah, that would be another way to do it. Yeah, but then the code word would be even more important, because I mean Sky advertise on every channel, don't they, you know, so then it would be you'd be watching Charmed, and then the Sky advert would come on and it would change to Sky. Yeah, yeah, and that would be really annoying. Yeah. Do you not think that defeats the object of having voice recognition on a remote control though? Yeah, you know, so you have to have the remote control. It's more like if you lost it and it's down the sofa sometime, you can yell at it and it'll just change it, you can look for it later, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I suppose nearer to you but a b like if you have surround sound then Yeah. Yeah, 'cause it's it's quite important that you don't lose the the bit to locate the remote control. Yeah, definitely, yeah. Oh, so y you want our um PowerPoint presentations in there, hey? Okay. There you go. But is everyone's called functional requirements? Okay, so that's good. That's me done. Okay, cool. Speaker B: No. Mm. Um um wi on on a what? Oh project project documents, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Oh okay, yeah. Yes, I think so. Yeah, the last minute, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Um Okay. Hmm. Mm. Okay, yeah, afterwards, yeah, okay. Thanks. I think we need like some general discussion at the end probably. Yeah. Yeah, I think since since we were discussing some um design issues then I I I would like to continue okay, yeah. Thanks. Oh i Okay, I hope wait. Should it just There's just nothing. Oh right, right, right, um Okay. Nothin okay, something is coming up. No signal? Why? Oh. My my computer went blank now. Adjusting. But I don't see anything I don't see anything on my computer now. This is the problem, but Um. Uh now it's okay. No? No. Oh okay. Okay, that's fine, that's good. Okay, let's start from the beginning. So I'm going to speak about technical functions design uh just like some some first issues that came up. Um 'kay, so the method I was um adopting at this point, it's not um for the for the whole um period of the um all the project but it's just at th at this very moment. Um uh my method was um to look at um other um remote controls, uh so mostly just by searching on the web and to see what um functionality they used. And then um after having got this inspiration and having compared what I found on the web um just to think about what the de what the user really needs and what um what the user might desire as additional uh functionalities. And yeah, and then just to um put the main function of the remote control in in words. Um so the findings uh were um that the main function of the remote control is is just sending messages to the television set, so this quite straightforward. And uh w some of the main functions would be switching on, switching off, uh then the user would like to switch the channel um for example just m changing to the next channel to to flip through all all of the possible channels, or then mm uh the other possibility would be that um she might just want to choose one particular channel, so we would need the numbers. And and also the volume is very important. Um um I als okay. 'Kay. Um um among the findings I found that m m most of the curr mm presently available remote controls also include other mm functionalities um in their design, like operating a V_C_R_, but they don't seem to be able to deal with D_V_D_ players, but then there are surely there are many other functionali functions that could possibly be added to them, but according to the last minute update um actually um we do not want to have all this complicated functions added to our design. So my personal preferences would be uh to keep the mm the whole remote control small um just like the physical size. And then it must be easy to use, so it must follow some conventions um like whereabouts you find the on off button and maybe the colour tends to be red or something. Um then yeah, the must-have buttons would be on off and then the channel numbers and then um the one that allows us to go to the next or the previous channel, and then volume has to be there. But then um other functionalities um could be just uh there could be a menu button and you could change things on the screen then, um for example brightness and mm similar functions could be just um done through the menu. And yeah, the last question I had about whether we wanted to incorporate n uh more functionalities, the answer was already no because of the last minute update. So at the for the time being that's uh that's all. If you have questions Yeah, and also it's it's um other question is uh because there are so many different And there are so many different things that could possibly be included because besides video and D_V_D_ there are the mm um video C_D_s and whatever, so it might be problematic to to choose between all these possible things. Um well, I think the buttons are still mm kind of the most um easy for the user to use, I mean um what other options would you have? A little screen or something, but this would be really kind of I think a lot of learning for the user and and I mean the user just wants to get um get a result um quickly, not to spend time in like um giving several orders um I dunno. I think I th I would I would think the put the buttons, but if if you have other mm proposals um. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yep. Uh am I going in the right direction? No. Wait. Okay, here it comes. Okay, here you are. Um that's very good, very interesting. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, you share a television or something that yeah. It was seventy something, yeah, yeah. Yeah this this is not unaffordable, but the problem is whether people need it, whether they do have a T_V_ to use its full Yeah. Common, the students yeah, yeah. The s the stu yeah, and the remote control might not yeah, it might not even function with the old T_V_. Yeah, we're still yeah. Or w maybe we can just kind of uh uh Yeah, but at the same time I think maybe we can we can just decide to to have both of these groups as our target, because actually I mean they're all still re young people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. An Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but uh um Yeah, yeah sure, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, w well now the v the voice recognition if if it works wonderfully w we could possibly do away with all buttons, but I think this is not really the right moment yet, because people are just so used to buttons and um, yeah it's it's kind of safer, so we we need both, so the voice recognition would be just an extra, it wouldn't really reduce the size of the remote. Yeah but m but on the other hand, remote control isn't as close to you you probably might just just uh speak into it and and the T_V_ would be already further away, so it might not pick up the other things coming from there. Yeah, but then the remote control I think I mean um the idea is kind of it's it's not that it's sitting there on on top of the television, because then you could already yell at the television and you wouldn't you you wouldn't need the remote control, so the remote control is still something you keep n near yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but I I I was just defending the the fact why why we want to keep the remote control close to us, a and uh not to yell at it from the distance. Okay. Oh yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, mm-hmm. The major ones, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Did you find it? It's just yeah, yeah. Oh so so we'll just put them i there, we we yeah, w we won't even okay. Yeah. Yeah. Uh something conceptual, yeah. Hmm. Sorry, but um the next meeting um are we going to have it um right after lunch or shall we prepare our To prepare, okay, yeah, that's good. Okay. Cool. Okay, see you. Speaker C: Mm. You said uh targ target groups, what does that mean? Uh okay, 'kay. So are Okay. Alright. I can go first, yeah. Right. Um so f from the Right sure. Uh okay. So n uh with uh with regard to the uh working design of this uh uh remote control uh I've identified um a few basic uh components of the remote and uh se uh from the design, functional design perspective um w I c we can now uh know wha what exactly the components are and how how they work together with each other. So this is the method that uh I'll mostly be following in my um in my uh role. Um the identification of the components, uh and uh since since I'm dealing only with the technical aspects, I would need feedback from the marketing person uh and uh from the user interface person. Uh we'll then integrate this into the product design at a technical level and uh basically update and come up with a new design, so it's a cyclical process. Okay, so these were the basic findings from today. The last three bullets have been integrated from uh the last minute uh email. Uh I just quickly jotted them down. Um so basically uh the as I told you the identification of how the remote control works and what are the various parts to it uh and what are the different processes um and how the parts uh communicate with each other. Um okay, so e the mee email said that teletext is now outdated, so we need to do away with that functionality of the remote control. Um also uh the remote control should be used only for television, because incorporating other features um makes it more comp complex. And the reason why teletext is outdated because uh of internet and uh the availability of internet over television. How however, our our remote control would only be dealing uh with the the use for television, in order to keep things simple. Um also the management wants that um our design should be unique uh it so it should incorporate um colour and the slogan uh that our company um has it as its standard. Okay, so he he here is a functional overview of the remote control. Um there's basically an energy source at the heart uh which feeds into the chip and the user interface. The user interf interface communicates with the chip, so I'll basic go over to the Okay. So if uh if this is our energy source and this is a cell, uh it communicates uh it feeds energy into the into the chip, which basically finds out h uh how how to do everything. There is a user interface here. So whe when the user presses a button, it feeds into the chip and the chip then generates a response and takes the response to an infrared terminal, um which then so the output of the chip is an infrared bit code, which is then communicated to the remote site, which h has an infrared receiver. Um the there can be uh a bulb here or something to indicate whether the remote is on or communicating. Um so these are the essent so a all the functionality of the remote control, whatever new functions that we need to do, um make the chip more complicated uh and bigger, basically. Okay. Um so i in my personal preferences um I'm hoping that we can ke keep the design as simple and clear as possible. This would uh help us uh to upgrade our technology at a future point of time. And uh also if we can incorporate uh the latest features in our chip design, so that our um uh remote control does not become outdated soon and it's compatible with mot most uh televisions. That's about it. So anything that you would like to know or No, I don't have any idea about what each component costs. Um yeah. Anything else? Yeah. Certainly, yeah. So so tha yeah, we definitely need to operate within our constraints, but um unfortunately I I do not have any data, so uh I just identified the functional components for that. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Mm 'kay. I it'll take some time. Oh, there it is, yeah. It'll come up, it um uh no signal. Yeah yeah, it says something now, adjusting Okay. Oh, that's strange. Okay. And one more time. Mm. Sorry, cou could you go back for a second? Uh switching on off channel, uh volume, okay, that's great. So in the u user interface requirements uh uh uh we we have been able to identify what are the basic buttons that we do want. Um but um so so at this stage, uh how we go about implementing those button we will not identify or I mean in we can completely do away with buttons and uh have some kind of a fancy user interface or something like that. But uh is is there any uh uh any thoughts on that? Right. Yeah, and it'll make the costs yeah. Right. Uh I think the co costs will also play a big role when we come to know about them. So well we can probably wait until t we have more knowledge on that. Uh i if the if the costs allow, we can have like an L_C_D_ display and uh with um because we do want something fancy and fashionable as well. So yeah? Cool. try to press oh, okay, yep. Mm. Right. Mm-hmm. Mm. Right. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Right. Mm. Mm. Mm. Some kind of a ring, some Right. Hmm. Okay, that's great, thanks. Mm. I think one of the very interesting things that came up in um uh Ka Kate Cat Cat's uh presentation was um uh this this issue of uh uh like voice recognition being more popular with uh younger people. So if we need to have a target group um then uh I think as far as the m motto of our company is concerned, if we want to have something sleek and uh you know, good looking uh we are better off targeting a younger audience then um you know, people who are comparatively elderly. Um. Right. Right. Bu but but the survey did say that f things like voice recognition are more popular with them, so if you want to put in something stylish, then uh th it'll certainly be more popular with this i ye with the younger people as compared to older people, yeah. Right, and Right. Mm. Right. But uh still, if if you can go back to that slide and uh, how popular was it? Oh, oh, okay. That's alright, if you can just look it up on your computer, wh uh um people between twenty five to thirty five, uh how popular was so it was sti still still quite popular amongst them. So even they are seventy six percent, is that high amount? Alright. Yeah. So you're more likely to b Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Bu but even even in the case of twenty five to thirty five it's quite popular, right? So mm uh are are are Mm. Mm. Um I was having a a general outlook on um m most like sophisticated features, but voice recognition itself I'm not very sure about, because one of the p uh things that Cat pointed out was uh uh how do we go about implementing it? Uh and uh Yeah. But how frequently do we use it anyway and um uh h ho how good is it, you know uh voice recognition softwares are still quite uh Yeah. Right. Right. Okay. O Right. Mm. Right. Yeah. Okay, so it seems like a feasible thing to implement uh for for a limited yeah. Mm. W What uh Mm. What wh uh what I was thinking is that there is this uh separation between what the channels are on T_V_ and how they are numbered on the remote control. If we can do with away with that, our product can be really popular uh in the sense that uh a person can say, I want to watch uh I_T_V_ one instead of saying that I want to go onto channel number forty five. Yeah, so if uh if something like that can be incorporated, some kind of Mm-hmm. Alright. Yeah, that's Right. Mm. Mm yeah and it might become very difficult from a distance for the television to understand what you're saying because of the noise factor for the remote control being cl I mean it'll it'll mm. Yeah. Mm. So uh wh another thing uh that can be used is that uh there can be a beeper button on the T_V_, so you can go and press that button and um and the remote control, wherever it is, it'll beep, so we we can probably come to know where it is. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, yeah. Right. Okay. So where exactly is this i Ah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah in that one, right yeah. No. Right. I guess I'll find out. Wha what was it again that I was supposed to look into? Con components, oh. Speaker D: All hooked up. Okay, so now we are here at the functional design meeting. Um hopefully this meeting I'll be doing a little bit less talking than I did last time 'cause this is when you get to show us what you've been doing individually. The agenda for the meeting, I put it in the sh shared documents folder. I don't know if that meant that you could see it or not. Did anyone? No. Oh well. Um I'll try and do that for the next meeting as well so if you check in there, there's a shared project documents folder. Um and it should be in there. Project documents, yeah. So I'll put it in there. Is it best if I send you an email maybe, to let you know it's there? Yep. I'll do that next time. Um I'll act as secretary for this meeting and just take minutes as we go through, and then I'll send them to you after the meeting. The main the main focus of this meeting is your presentations that you've been preparing during the time, so we'll go through each of you one by one. Um then we need to briefly discuss the new project requirements that were sent to us. I just sent at the last minute, I'm sorry about that, but we can see how that affects what you were you were doing. Um and then we need to, by the end of the meeting come to some kind of decision on who our target group's going to be and what the functions of the remote control that's the the main goal is to come up with those two things, target group and functions of the remote control. And we've got forty minutes to do that in. So I would say yeah? As uh who it is that we're going to be trying to sell this thing to, yeah. So we need to yeah, we need to have a fairly defined group that that we want to focus on and then look at the functions um of the dem remote control itself. So with that I think it's best if I hand over to you. Does anyone have a preference for going first? You wanna go first? Okay, so we need to unplug my laptop and plug in yours. I assume we just pull it out? Just before you start, to make it easier, would you three mind emailing me your presentations? Once we you don't have to do it now but when once you go back, just so that I don't have to scribble everything down. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Do you have any um i idea about costs at this point? Br Okay. 'Cause that's something to consider, I guess, if we're if we're using more advanced technology, it might increase the price. Yeah. That's fine. Are there any more questions, or shall we just skip straight to the next one and then we can discuss all of them together at the end? Yeah, I think that will do. Okay, so do you want to Yes, shall shall we pull this up? I think that has to come out of there. Yeah. Yeah, I thought those last minute things, they're gonna hit you the worst. It ta takes a little Oh, and have you you need to then also press on yours, function F_ eight, so the blue function key at the bottom and F_ eight. Now it's coming, computer no signal. Maybe again? Okay, adjusting. There we go, there we go. Oh, if you press if you press function and that again there's there's usually three modes, one where it's only here, one where it's only there, and one where it's both. Okay, so one more time. Should yeah just wait for a moment, adjusting. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. If I mean that was the the directive that came through from management, but if we had a a decent case for that we really think it's important to include video and D_V_D_, I could get back to them and see. It's w it's just whether it's worth arguing about. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Are there any questions for clarification of Maarika before we go on to the next one? Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Sure, we can discuss that maybe after the next one. Do you want to yeah. Oh, I'm getting hungry. You set? Uh we need to do the function key thing so that it comes up on here. Hello. Is it plugged in prop it's working? Okay. Excellent. It's um switching between channels, sort of randomly going through. Mm. Ooh, that's a bit difficult to see. If you explain it to us it'll be fine. Yeah. I liked the, I liked the litt ooh come back. No. Okay. Mm-hmm, that's the next one along, yeah? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The remote control. Mm-hmm. That's alright. Mm. Keys and things like that, yeah. Whistle and it screams at you, yeah. Mm-hmm. That's you, excellent. Um. I'm just gonna tick yes. So, we've got about ten, fifteen minutes to discuss Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Then again I guess the th where it was most popular was the fifteen to twenty five bracket and the I don't know how often they're buying televisions. Yeah, but you don't have much money, generally. I would've thought it's it's more that twenty five to thirty five, when people are really moving out and they've got their first job and they want their nice toys and O oh it's on sorry, we unplugged it. Here, let me Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, they've got no commitments and usually not a car and all of those things. Kids. Yeah. Yeah, and if we're if we're talking twenty five Euros as a price, that's not unaffordable, even for young people. Yeah. Yeah. But do they But the T_V_s are often kind of someone's old T_V_ that's blah blah and be a bit strange to have a fancy rome remote. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, if we ta if we take fifteen to thirty five, but that then does imply that we should try and incorporate voice recognition. Is that gonna have a an implication for the technical specs? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. With um but with a T_V_ remote it's gonna be quite limited if we're t saying the main things people want to do is on off channel five, louder, tha that should be relatively simple. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but maybe if you wanna look into that just to just to check. Um, so if we go for the the fifteen to thirty five age group and then of course we're going to get th anyone who's older than thirty five who wants to look young and hip and trendy and has the money, then they'll they'll still go for the same advertising. Yeah, I think we need both. Yeah. Mm. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So that if that was in the the voice recognition, that would be great. Yeah. Yeah. Watch Sky and yeah. Mm-hmm. But that's definitely a possibility. Yeah. So that you can yell at it, yeah. Yeah. Alright. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. That's but then if you're buying the remote separately, but y you could have something, but i if it was something that you could like stick onto the T_V_ or something, some like a two p if you bought it in a two part pack, so one part attaches to the T_V_. The l Well that's right, but it solves the problem of having different noises. Yeah. Okay, I think we're gonna have to wrap this up um. But if we go away with that that kind of general um specification in mind that we're looking at fifteen to thirty five year olds, we want it to look simple, but still have the buttons so it's easy to use, but only those key buttons, the major buttons and then one sort of menu one, and then voice recognition included as an option um but that obviously needs a little bit more working out as to whether it's really feasible and some of those problems we were mentioning um. What we have to do now is to go back to our little places, complete our questionnaire and some sort of summarisation, which y you'll get immediately by email. Send me your presentations so that I can use them to make the minutes, and then we've got a lunch break and after lunch we go back to our own little stations and have thirty minutes more work. Um I'll put the minutes in that project documents folder, but I'll send you an email when I do it, so that you know. It should be on your desktop, so on the yeah. So I'll put it I'll put them there as soon as I've written them. Yeah, and email them round. Yeah, that would be great. Oh yeah, put them in there. Yeah, then you don't have to email them. No, they're all called something slightly different. Technical requirements and something something, yeah. So, if you put them in there, we'll all be able to see them and refer to them if we need to. Um as to where we're going from here, you're going to look at the components concept. Yeah? Whatever that means. Yeah. You'll be looking you'll be looking at the user interface concept, on something conceptual and you're watching trends to see how we go and surely voice recognition'll fall off the map or something that um we'll keep keep our options op hmm? Components, yeah. No, we have we have after lunch we have thirty minutes to ourselves to prepare, so that's fine, w before lunch we just have to complete the questionnaire and some sort of summary. Okay? Right on time. Okay, so you can I guess we'll see you for lunch in a sec?
The project manager opens the meeting by stating that they will address functional design and then going over the agenda. The industrial designer gives his presentation, explaining how remote controls function and giving personal preference to a clear, simple design that upgrades the technology as well as incorporates the latest features in chip design. The interface specialist gives her presentation next, addressing the main purpose of a remote control. She pinpoints the main functions of on/off, channel-switching, numbers for choosing particular channels, and volume; and also suggests adding a menu button to change settings such as brightness on the screen. She gives preference to a remote that is small, easy to use, and follows some conventions. The group briefly discusses the possibility of using an LCD screen if cost allows it, since it is fancy and fashionable. The marketing expert presents, giving statistical information from a survey of 100 subjects. She prefers a remote that is sleek, stylish, sophisticated, cool, beautiful, functional, solar-powered, has long battery life, and has a locator. They discuss the target group, deciding it should be 15-35 year olds. After they talk about features they might include, the project manager closes the meeting by allocating tasks.
Speaker A: Okay. Well this is what me and Richard came up with. The default spot for the on-off button. The mute button just below that. Then there's the volume and channel selectors. Simple plus-minus button. Uh we thought of a help button. If you hold it and you press another button, uh the help goes to the L_C_D_ screen. Then there's the zero to one to zero buttons. A button for teletext. A button for the subtitles. And the company logo. So it's rather simple prototype. And uh we'll have to see from testing uh how the users take it. Sure uh just pop in at any time. I think if you look at most controls, they've got more buttons than this. And well the on-off button, it's it's a necessity. You can't drop that one. The volume and channel buttons, you need you obviously need those those. The mute button could be replaced uh by pressing the volume-down button twice. So we could cancel that one. I think the help button really is necessary because there's no other way to know when someone wants to know what a button does. Well, you can't leave out the number buttons I guess. And Yeah. So it's rather basic already. Yeah, they're It's rather hard to draw on the white-board. But they're supposed to be equal sized, round, with a with a little logo on it for the for the volume, the the triangle and stuff. Just for recognition. So and for the materials we've just chosen for rubber buttons. With a a different colour than the case. So they jump out. And uh that's about it. Yep. Yes. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Uh that's that's a big cost. If we leave out the display we can also save money on the chip. Which isn't the the docking station isn't even in this c s schematic. So it's not even taken into the price. We we could save money on it. But would it make the remote more usable for elderly people? My mother can't even send send an S_M_S_ message. So Yeah. The margin will get too small. Yeah. Ten. No remote. That's We're getting closer. Yeah. You could just not scroll for a half a second. So you won't need a button. If you want to use an L_C_D_ screen you you need an advanced chip, yes. Yep. Yeah if you v could just leave out one more button. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. What if you have to scroll to page eighty eight? Eight hundred eighty eight. Yeah. Okay. No. We could make two buttons out of that. And just um If you press the volume button you can control the volume with the scroll-wheel. So that would save two buttons. If you do the same for the channel. More obvious. So if we Yeah. So If we leave out all those buttons, perhaps you can go with the flat flat case. And make it smaller overall. So if you put the the volume and channel buttons on the same height as the on-off button, the screen right behi under that, than the scroll button you get a a much smaller remote. And it sh Yeah? Yeah. Richard's argument was very good. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Six. Yeah. Four or five. Yes. No. Mm, we haven't thought of that one. I think that's a three. I still I think it's too m too fancy. Too too flashy. Twendag sieven an twendag. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. That's true. Yeah, there w there was enough room, but the finance uh Yes. Yes, was okay. The tasks are very structured, so you can just do step by step and it's very easy. Well, the smart-board, the d d drawing is just a pain in the ass, but The digital the digital pen is very nice. Yes. Yeah. A flip-over or a more precise uh digit Yes. No. Didn't work. Yes. Yeah. Considering we are not going to make a docking station. Perhaps. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Speaker B: Good afternoon. So Hello. No problem. Okay. That's possible on uh this time of day. Starts at three o'clock. Uh Uh, let me see. Our fourth and last meeting. There he is. Yes. Okay this our last meeting. In this meeting we will discuss our final design. And we will do some evaluation about the, not only the product, but also the project. And then we're going to close the project today as well. So after this you will be uh free to go and uh spend all your money. And this uh design, detailed design meeting uh we will discuss uh the look-and-feel of the design, the usability interface design, and we will do the product evaluation. Um, in order to do that we have this agenda. We'll have the prototype presentation first. Then we will set up some evaluation cri um criteria. Then we will look at the finance. Uh we will have to see if everything we wanna do is also possible within our budget. Because everything costs money, and the more functions you wanna have the more money it will cost. So we have to see if it fits within the twelve and a half Euro per remote. But we will see that later. Then we will do the project uh evaluation, and the closing after that. We've got forty minutes. So we will be finished at half past three. But first um we will do the this is prototype presentation. So, if some yeah if somebody wants step forward. Okay. Okay. Uh but um I thought in a few meetings earlier we uh uh tried to keep it uh simple. Uh just a few buttons and large buttons. But uh I think these are altogether quite a quite a few buttons. So I'm wondering if we if we neely really need all of those buttons. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Long time. Yeah. If you put Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Uh teletext and subtitles are yeah necessary. Okay. Yep. Okay. So we had somebody about th interfa Something about the design of the buttons there? Just n normal plain buttons. Yeah. 'Kay. No. No. Yeah. Okay. Yep. Okay. That's nice. Then because we only have thirty minutes left, I will move on to the finance part, which is pretty exciting, to see if it's all possible what we wanna do. And I can tell you that we're going to have a pretty hard time producing this for twelve and a half Euros. If we see I don't know if I've filled in correctly, so just correct me if you see uh something wrong. I counted two batteries. But maybe we can also use one. I don't know if it's possible. It's rechargeable. That's right. Okay. That's two Euros off. We need the advanced chip. So there's not much to uh to save there. Here we have the single curves. Uh we can see that the difference between uncurved and the single curved is one Euro. Um, I don't know, but I think the single curved is good for design, and also for the display to have a prominent place on the remote control. I think we have to keep that. Then we have the case material supplements. It's plastic. It's the cheapest one we need. So that's uh not much to save either. But then the biggest costs are the buttons. So maybe we really should try to discard some buttons to uh keep our costs low. Because you have to we will have to get the twelve and a half Euros at the end. Um, so if we Let's fir first count the buttons we have now. Because I Sixteen. Nah, that will be even more then. Eighteen Euros. So, seventeen. Okay, including the help? Yeah. Uh seventeen. I think we can uh discard the help and the mute button uh by pressing down volume long, or pressing down a a number long. That saves us uh one Euro already. 'Cause then we have got fifteen I think? Fifteen buttons. And this is No those are one, I think. Yeah but th it's not stated in this files. So maybe we can we can even make one button with the volume and the channel in one, by pressing That's possibility as well. So And it's good for the design as well. So you can make Uh let's see. If you make this Looks a bit like uh a cross. Plus. Min. Uh s yeah channel. Yeah w Yeah th I think they count uh the materials. Yeah on the chip there. Yeah. That's right. That's right. But I think because we have the advanced chip we can just count this as one button. But No but I think Yeah. Maybe it is, but then it seems to me that it's impossible to get the twelve and a half Euros. Also the L_C_ display, I think it's, I think it's too expensive for the display we use. I think they uh try t That's right, but what's the big advantage of our remote then? Yeah. No. That's extra. That's extra. That's right. That's an option. Poland. Something. Polish supplier. Don't you think we can, if we can count this as v as one button, and integrate th uh these buttons in three, then we save a lot of money as well. Yeah. That's a point. Yep. No. Yeah but uh we have to stick to the twelve and a half Euros. We don't have any more budget to develop it. Yeah. So It is. If you leave out the L_C_ display. And if you use less buttons. Say Or you can take the single chip. There it is. But then w Good looking. Yeah. I think it's uh difficult as well, but Or we can leave out the ten buttons and take one scroll wheel for the programme numbers. Then w Because then we save ten buttons. Then we have five and one. And and see. If we have this one and we've got the advanced W uh, we're getting close. Then you will Or maybe you can um scroll. If you scroll you will see the numbers on the L_C_D_ display. Until you've got the right number, then you push it. Alright. It's gotta scroll and push. Okay but then you you can push uh some other button as well. Yeah. That's right. So if you scroll to a number and then you wait a half second, then it g turns to that channel. But it would definitely crop cost, a lot. And we need the battery. And the regular chip is not possible? It has to be advanced? It has to be advanced. Yeah. Okay. And we can save a Euro by a flat design. That's an option we can Then we're almost there. Yeah. So if we Yeah but I think that's That is a big advantage, if we're But Can we use can't we integrate the teletext and the subtitles in one button? If you push it three times? Yeah. Ah that's not really that No. I think if you make a good advertisement uh on television and in the in the guide, you can explain to the people how to use the scroll wheel. If you just make it real simple. Because it saves it saves a lot of money. And we can keep our L_C_D_ screen, which can provide extra information. How to use the scroll wheel. How to use the other bu buttons as subtitles. And it's good for the innovative design as well. If you would erase these. Mm eraser? And we put uh Looks a bit odd maybe. That is Something like that. Then, yeah. We've got the scroll-wheel. One, two, three, four, five buttons, if we erase this one. And these are two buttons then. Yeah. Yeah. That's really a good good idea, I think. And it will make the use of the scroll wheel uh more obvious indeed. So we make one for the volume, one for the channel. Plus scroll. That's right. So we've got one, two, three. Yeah, we can leave the teletext in if we want. That's m that's better. Y yeah. Mm yeah. Uh yeah, and then you can That's right. So we can decrease this one to four buttons. Yeah. That's no problem. Yeah. Yeah. It's uh it's more the moulds in which they are being made, I think. Single curved is really easy to just fill in. And cases come right out of the machine. And single curved you have to have a different uh different machine, than a flat one. I think this is a really easy one. Um, what does everybody think about a flat or a single curved design? Freek, what do you think? Yeah. Yep. We have to cut costs. Yeah. Yeah I'm ag Ask for more money. Yeah. Yeah. I am agreeing with the usability. Yeah. Yeah. But th um I think we can then keep the single curved one. Just to express our L_C_D_ screen a bit more. So people will use it more, and especially for the help functions, it will be good if we have scroll bar, scroll button. It will be necessary to have good help function, as well. So this is scroll. I think it was better to have this price list a bit earlier. Before we went on to the to the whole design. But I'm glad we could make a bit. It's pretty different, if you saw the last one than this one. Yeah. It will. Yeah. No, but I think I think the most That's right. We can let l We can stick it out, a bit. Like a old old buttons. Maybe that's recognisable for them as well. Yeah. That's a good one. So, I'm afraid we have to move on. And it's uh it's b uh less frightening, I think. If they see this design they think oh, there are only five buttons, and uh But we will see. Yeah. That's definitely right. Yeah. I would buy it. That's right. I would buy it if I was six. No I don't know. What it costs under twelve and a half Euros? No? Uh, yes they are. No. But we can go on with the project evaluation. Let's see. I can sit down I think. We still have fifteen minutes left, so we're nice on schedule. Um, the project process. Evaluation criteria. That's right. That was the the point I forgot. I should There we are. Evaluation criteria. Go ahead. We've got five minutes I think for those criteria. No we've got fifteen minutes but Uh yes. What? Uh yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's because my pen failed to upload his data. I tried to but it's uh it's giving errors by downloading the software. I think it's fancy. Yeah. Six. Very. Subtitles, buttons. Yeah. Seven. Yeah. So we've got twenty cents for our docking station, huh? Yeah. That's right. That's a bit dodgy. I would say four. Four or five between. Between four or five. Yeah. Is it functional? Yes. No. Think it's uh seven. It was. I had them worked out. Mm. They are ugly, not very functional, and getting lost. Yeah. No I think with our new radio button, I think it's uh I think it's better. I think it Yeah. I would give it a four. Then we have to do the three. It's the Yes it is. Yeah. And they wanna put fashion in their products. Uh in the slogan of the company. And we have the removable front cases. So, I think it's very recognisable. Yep. We've got a calculate it. Mm? N We've gonna We're going to evaluate it. Forty nine. Forty one. That's Around eighty percent. What is it? That's eighty four percent. I think that's a pretty nice score. Okay. Thank you. So, that brings us to the project evaluation. Yep. Thank you. Project process. Did we move through the right phases, you think? Along the process? That's right. So lack of information about prices. Okay. Uh Okay. Satisfaction. Was there room for creativity? No? It's because of the finance sheet. Yeah. The room was Yeah. Restrictions. Internet access. 'Kay. Leadership. Was it clear what everybody had to do uh according to their roles and functions? Yeah? Teamwork? Did it work out? Working together? Also, you two of you with the uh last phase? Nice. tasks. Okay. Were the means sufficient for the tasks uh we had to do? Or were they too much? Smart-board. If it wants to download its uh data. Failed download. Smart-board was irritating. So you rather wanted to have a flip-over? Or something else? Faster as well, I think. Yeah. Flip-over. Yeah. Uh you need a smart board uh application I think. But I think you can Yeah. Should be possible. Yeah you can export it as image. Must Yeah must be So the sharing of the information was uh was okay? Uh, network. Yeah, pen is here on the table. Yeah. It's possible. Okay. That's nice. Have we found new ideas for having this kind of meetings? Or Yeah. Yeah. So Yeah. So everybody puts his own score. And then it mediates the score, and you can get one Yeah. That's better. So that's uh How do we call? Evaluation criteria. Okay. Mm, any more ideas? Or questions about the project? Or about the product? Because I think then that we get to our last sheet. Are the costs within the budget? Yeah. Do we Docking station. That's a good point. But maybe because of the docking station the price of the remote can also be a little bit higher? Uh and I think you can compensate that as well. So I think that shouldn't be the biggest problem, because it's very cheap to make as well. Do we think we gonna get the twelve and a half million? Or what was it? Fifteen fifteen million. I think we will. If we gonna export this product. It's innovative. Especially in America. People are pretty decadent. Sometimes. You can do more. Yeah. Just put it on the market for everybody. You can you can change markets where by changing the front covers. That's one thing you can change it with. So you can also try to uh reach the younger people by uh putting fancy covers on on the market. Just as a test. See how it works. That's I think a good advantage. Yeah. Uh, uh then I think we can have our little celebration, right now. That's it. Yeah. I think we still have to fit in one more questionnaire. I think. I don't know. I didn't get a message from the from ending of the Oh I think I have one now. Five more minutes? Oh that's nice. Then we still have some questions. If somebody has some questions they can ask them now. Or we can put these in the project folder as well. Maybe that's Export as picture, I think. Hmm. This is another network, I guess. Does somebody see the project folder? I don't. Hmm. My Documents. Yeah, I'll just put it in My Documents and uh That's okay. Okay. I think I'm going to make our final presentation now. And then I will be back in about ten minutes to show you the final presentation. Summary of the project. Yeah. Questionnaire. I think you all get a questionnaire in in your room. And then I'll meet you in I think about ten minutes, or something. Okay. Thank you. Hopefully my pen will download its software. Oh. Or data. Speaker C: So Yeah. Yeah. Uh, that's just uh the normal uh as th as the normal uh remote controls uh So um You put it uh you um came in uh page uh one hundred. Now you can use the normal uh one to zero buttons. And you But you can also uh use the um button th for uh changing the the channel. S so uh the shifting uh button. Uh for uh yeah shif shifting up in uh on t on t uh teletext, and shifting uh down. So Oh yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Uh, or you can build in uh when you press uh one button uh uh Yeah. But m Yeah. We disc discuss that already. But uh we think uh old people uh don't know that uh option. So uh they just put in uh put press uh the button and uh And uh Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it Yeah yeah. Just to recognise it, so uh Uh yeah and now we don't need uh LEDs or um Y uh s some uh remote controls uh do it also, but um uh because we use the little display we don't uh have to use it. Uh so Nay. Mm. Yeah we can u just uh 'Kay. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Uh Sixteen, I believe so. Uh seventeen. Uh with the help button. Yeah.. Yeah. Where did uh Uh, it's just one button. But, um Yeah. There were uh two uh for one big button. But they are uh more expensive than the small ones. Uh, yeah. So It's just a. But I don't don't know if if it's cheaper. So uh, we've still got four buttons, but just um So You got uh not not a butt button itself, but uh on the um Yeah. On the chip you've got still uh four uh four buttons. So Yeah, but. Are we gonna buy a um a remote control uh when you can uh use it? So um Yeah. We m uh we must um stay below the um below um twelve uh fifty or Can't uh go um Nay. Is it impossible to But it is possible to make one uh for uh twelve fifty. I don't think so. S Yeah. But, you can't use uh Yeah. But we want to make a uh so uh uh fancy and a good uh Yeah. Uh, wi with n Oh, with uh attractive uh o options. So uh, you can stay uh below uh twelve fifty. So Scroll-wheel's one. No, it Yeah. Yeah. Mm. D yeah. Hmm. Ja ja. Yeah, or we have to uh skip the subtitle uh button. So Yeah Yeah it's a big advantage. But um, it's Uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But if you push the teletext button twice It's uh One m uh one b uh, a few buttons. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Uh yeah. But uh, you can make a f quite a big uh remote remote control for uh just the same price as a small one. Just uh you only have to pay for the double curved or single curved. It uh it's a bit uh.. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The th No. But um But they know the scroll-buttons from uh old radios. Uh they cal also uh buttons like that for uh changing uh channels. So maybe it's uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But very special, so uh No. Mm. Yeah? Mm. 'Kay. Uh six. Yeah. Mm. Sh Yeah. Mm. Not really. For old people I I W Yeah. Four. Yeah. N Yeah. No. Mm m Yeah. Mm, th yeah. Yeah. Uh We have to test it s But Uh, yeah, true. I go for three. So Yeah yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. But it Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. Mm. Yeah. So Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. But Uh Yeah. A flipper's uh easier, so Yeah. But if you want to share uh of uh when you make um a picture like this uh on the presentation, it's easier to uh share it with uh other people. Uh so uh you can sh save it uh and uh put it on the internet, or uh uh in shared f uh folder or uh sh uh shared directory. So So Yeah? No? T can uh can you export it uh like a Yeah.. Uh. Uh, yeah. So you can Uh It's possible. Okay. Um, yeah maybe um uh when we n uh just uh give the numbers of of uh Uh uh o one of uh out of s uh sev Um it's uh easier to uh to do the th things that are like that on a computer. Uh, so uh just l uh like uh at u university uh So Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm yeah.. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Hmm. Where's the champagne? Uh, I believe y uh Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Uh maybe uh they will save it. So uh Okay. Uh maybe we have to fill uh another questionnaire. So uh Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Speaker D: Good afternoon. Sorry I'm a little late. Got stuck in the traffic. Yeah. Um, is this the moment where we ask or can ask questions about the functionality? Um, when you're in teletext there usually are buttons where you just you just press it and you g go to the next teletext page. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Um Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Think so. That's what I pointed out earlier. If you just make a control for just the T_V_ there's just not much to gain here. Since it rechargeable. Um Damn. Wouldn't Yeah. No. That wouldn't be an option. Uh, d I assume you'd count the volume and channel thingies for two buttons each, right? Well, think actually there're two buttons, aren't they? Well I was thinking, maybe you could just integrate three of those numbers to one button. That would cut the cost. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But, I think this really is four buttons anyhow. Yes. Only the docking station, I guess. Maybe we should to a different supplier. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. Um Well, since the market research indicated that older people spend their money easier, more easy, maybe it's feasible to just put the price of the remote up a little. Especially since we have those nice features. It would be a be a pretty rigid one. Or b Basically becoming a choice between like either a good remote and a higher production cost, or just any other remote control. But how does scroll-wheel work here? That would bring up the price of the scroll-wheel also. Integrated scroll-wheel push-button. But Yeah. I think that would be like the end of our usability. Yeah, but Well, think it's pretty much the teletext subtitles are right now you just push the teletext button, go to page eight eight eight, and teletext disappears. But the subtitles stay there. I think that's the case on most Well, that could be just uh like the scroll to eight, click, scroll to eight, click, scroll to eight, click. But then again that would be d j just pretty much not an option for older people, who don't even know what a scroll-wheel is. Holding a remote with which they expect to have like ten buttons for the numbers one to zero. With only five buttons on it. And a scroll-wheel. True. True. That's a pretty big scroll wheel. So this is five buttons. Right now we have five. Mm. Well, I still think we should go for the single curve design. But then again, all these changes are not really okay with me. But since we just have to. I'd rather just go to the board and get us to spend eighteen dollars a a remote. Or do some market research and see what the options are. Yeah. Yes. Definitely. Yeah. It's pretty different. But this is not really like for the group we were making our remote. This will really require a lot of marketing to get this to sell. 'Cause if older people like familiar forms and familiar stuff. This is not familiar for them. So we're gonna have to do a lotta convincing them. Yeah. That's true. Might uh might be confusing too. They'd be like, what? Only five buttons? Yeah. But you're not sixty. Mm-hmm. So um, I like set up all these criteria. And evaluation of the thingy. Thank you. Five more minutes? Okay. 'Kay so I did some literature study study, and analysis of the requirements we set up earlier. Translated it into criteria, which would be these. Um, is the remote fancy? The shape, look and feel. Innovative? What new functions are there? Uh, easy to use? Uh, learnability is a very important factor here. Uh, is it functional? Are there not too many functions uh among the functions? And are the those functions that are there, are they useful? And the cost. The target group. Is the remote really for the group we're making it for? And recognability. If our company is If it is easily recognisable that our company made it? And So we're supposed to evaluate it right now. Let's see. Oh I have to say this was a little hard, because the minutes of our last meeting were not here. Okay. Interesting. So Is the design fancy, on a scale of one to seven? We all go for six? Good. Um, is the design innovative? I think so, with our L_C_D_ screen, docking station, scroll-buttons. Seven? Should be do-able. Is the design easy to use? Well Would be for us. But I'd go for four, too. Is the design functional? Um, do we have all functions that we want to include? I think we do. Do we have too many functions? I don't think so. It's pretty slim. Seven. Oh, and do we um take care of the biggest frustrations of the remote control? Like it getting lost and R_S_I_ influences? Think we do. Are the production costs within the preset limits? Well they are now. Does the design fit the group of focus? Yeah. I think it doesn't. I don't know. I think I think a radio button is not exactly what older people expect to have a remote control. I'm not sure. I think I'd go for two. 'Kay. Is the company company recognisable? Well, we have the logo there. So Yeah. So that will be this. I was also supposed to calculate the score, but thought we would have another private thingy after this. Is this Like after this, are we done? Or We're gonna go to our other room again. Well, anyhow. These are seven factors times seven is forty something. Two? No. Nine? Uh, minus one. Minus three, minus four. Minus four. So that would be minus eight. Forty one out of forty nine. Okay. Guess I'll just type that in on the bottom here. Hmm. 'Kay. So that will be the evaluation. Think we should have a should have had the finance thingy a lot earlier. In the design phase. Yeah. Definitely. No. Not too much. No. Yeah, true. But And I would've liked to go for the younger users also. And just to be able to access internet and get something of your own. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I tried to open the file on my laptop, but not possible. Yeah. no. Should've done that then. Pen is here. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. They are. Yeah. Fifty grand. Yeah. Yeah, still I think I mean if we're n gonna make a scroll-button anyway it'd be more for the younger people than for the older people. So maybe we should just re-focus. Or specifically for younger people. That's true. Yeah, I think then it would be way more uh popular with younger people than it is, than would be with older people. Even if it were their covers. But Party party. 'Kay. Oh you did. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, it probably will. Oh yeah, you're supposed to make a final Are we supposed to go into our own rooms again? Yeah. Yeah. That'd be nice.
In the detailed design meeting the team created a prototype. Along with buttons for numbers, channel selector, volume, mute, on-off, teletext, and subtitles, the prototype included an LCD screen and a help button for functional information. One rechargable battery, single-curve form and plastic case, brought the total cost to 17 Euros. To reduce this cost, it was decided to replace most buttons with a scrollwheel. The remaining buttons were one for channel selection, one for volume (both assisted by the scrollwheel), teletext, on-off and the help button. A suggestion to target the product to a younger or perhaps more general group was met with approval. All these components were re-arranged in a revised prototype. It was evaluated on a scale from 1 to 7 on the basis of the following criteria: fancy design (6), technological innovation (4), functionality (7), consideration of the target group (3). The remote was also recognisable as a fashionable Real Reaction product. The project process was deemed well-structured, although everyone thought it would have been better had they known the component prices at an earlier stage. Teamword and leadership were good, but room for creativity impeded by budget constraints.
Speaker A: Hello. Yes, I made it. English from now on. Drawing or Yeah. Ooh it works. Spicy. Where are are all the other presentations? The conceptual or Ah. Because I see only my own presentation yeah. This? I'll just put it in there. Or not. Ah, I can't cut and paste it into the other folder but Move to meeting room. Yeah. Yeah me too,. Yeah. Yes. Me first again or yeah. Alright. Did you open it already or no. Ah. Ah. Yes. So welcome to the marketing presentation once again. Um this time about trendwatching. Uh well there has been inv investigation again, in the in the remote control market. Uh it shows a number of developments. Uh I will address them uh in a moment. Um fashion watch watchers uh have detected the trends for young public, because that's our public. Um well fruit and vegetables will be will be the most important theme for clothing, uh shoes and furniture. And the feel of the material is expected to be spongey. So um the developments I will address them oh yeah well this is the fruit and vegetables looks of fresh bright colours. So to give you an idea. Um well the developments? Uh development one. Uh well most important aspect for remote control happens to be a fancy look-and-feel. Instead of the current uh functional look-and-feel. Um well fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and the interface. And the second most important aspect is that a remote control should be technological uh innovative. Um well it stands for the use of technical features that do not exist in current remote controls. I think we pretty much covered that with our screen and um and speech recognition, so I don't expect that to be a problem. And the third development um is that the remote control should be easy to use. Um Well the first aspect uh was twice as important as the second aspect,w which was twice as important as the third aspect. So um that kind of gets you this ratios. So fancy look-and-feel uh is the most important uh point of attention. Uh so the fruits and vegetables in combination with the spongey material. Um well technolog technological innovation, we've covered that pretty much I guess. Um and easy to use, I don't think that will be problem. So my point of attention is especially this part. That this will be a crux. So that was the marketing uh presentation. I had only one document left. So kind of this So a k a small example. Kind of this this look. Uh nothing about the buttons but just sponge kind of thing, and and some fruit and colours I dunno. Just made a quick design. Alright. Yeah. It's okay. F_ five. Yeah. Wi an indoors. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess we can only choose one. Yeah. And it's more fun. Yeah, just playing with it and especially when the material's rubber. It can be done, I mean, you can't harm it, so it's a perfect combination I guess. Yeah. So So double curved is like this, this, this, or Mm. Yeah. Also in in height? Yeah okay. Yeah with the programme. And and the and the buttons that you need to control it, I guess. Yeah. Back and okay. No. Rubber material. So that's uh is that is that the advanced chip? Wow. Yeah. Alright. Kinetic. Double curved.. The cost of making it should be twelve and a half? Yeah, so it's cheap. Um well the interface type supplements. If you go to your homepage or something, you should get your own information. I got my fresh and fyoo fruity uh picture uh also uh over there, so No. Too less time. Yeah, also the menu. Yeah that that w Yeah. Yeah I was thinking of that also, with with a with a uh arrow. So that indicates that there's an menu under that menu. So Oh yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Cool. S underwater uh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. Also a kind of rubber uh Yeah. That should be nice. So s Yeah there's only in in this dimension. Like this. So curvy or not. Yeah so we keep it singly c single curved then? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So from top view it looks kinda like this. But from the side you you can have it also in a kind of shape. Maybe because the the screen is on top you can have Maybe you can c have this kind of shape. A little upwards. So that the screen is more towards yourself, so you can easily see your screen. Well well you have it in your hand so it's a kind of an angle from your eyes to the screen. So then you have double double curved in some way. So this this is so the screen is positioned over here. Oh. Something like that. And the buttons are more, well it's very thick now but That's uh that's Yeah? That that you can press it and then it comes up? Or But then the side view can be straight. If you have a pop-up screen. But I dunno if that's too expensive. I mean maybe it's too much Oh the advanced buttons. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So okay b but you have t you need some button to flip this open. Yeah. Yeah and it says menu and it flips open and then you have the buttons to control it, in combination with your True. It uh c it can go open. An adv an adv and it will be covered in some kind of uh thin rubber layer or something like that. Yeah, uh It's very no it's very strong. Yeah. Yeah the lower part doesn't work I guess, so maybe you should try it over there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but but that's optional for later I guess. I mean, we have to make Yeah we we better so choose one Yeah so okay we should better choose one sh one shape. But that's the kind of the idea, so it lays good in the hand, and then on on the side with with your thumb, you you can you can use, yeah, you can use the button option Spongey. Spongey can be reached by means of Yeah. And and the and the control thngs in the middle? The the the arrows? Yeah and then numbers. Yeah. Alright. Uh pretty nice design. Yeah. Yeah it looks uh pretty fancy.. Uh bananas wierd shape and other fruits also, so it's better to have um some sort of basic print and then a fruit print in some primary uh colours. I don't know what what colours should the basic print be like? Like some soft green or something? Or and then Oh yeah yeah, dark blue and then and then very bright, uh a yellow banana, an orange, uh a green apple, stuff like that, with very uh bright tones I guess. So you have something like Yeah. Mm. That doesn't really work. To draw, I guess. Oh. What's this? Right. Hm. Yeah. Two hours further. thickness. Oh. Oh. Wh why not go for the twenty? Yeah. That's what I call painting. So that's that's a dark blue basic colour I guess. It's pretty nice. And then uh Oh Yeah with some some yellow banana Like. Yeah? How do you mean? Some some Yeah an orange. Well alright well this is more like purple I guess, but it's should be more real dark blue, so the contrast with the with the fruit objects is uh pretty high. So uh yeah. That would be a nice uh nice device I guess. I mean, the the colour of the background of the display? Ah well I don't guess it s has to be a sixty uh sixty six five thousand uh colour, so yeah too expensive. So just just a a blue blue backlight or something like that. Green is too old-fashioned. But blue, blue's okay. J White backlight, and dark. Yeah. Whatever which is visible. I know you sh you should test it under uh under a light conditions. I mean it's hard to tell uh I dunno. Yeah. True. Which which uh colour should the buttons be? Why adjustable? No uh But maybe I mean they have to they have to have some colour right? And if the background is very dark blue Yeah? So more like Doesn't work very well. Uh. More like this colour. And then then yellow and orange and red objects on it or something. But then then again, which colour should the buttons be? The the press buttons. Should they be white or black or Uh Yeah but it's pretty fresh, on the other side. Yeah. My couch is in that colour. Yeah. Well it works pretty well. And then time was up. Uh. That you have five minutes left or So something like this. That should be pretty nice colour. But maybe the buttons, all buttons in red is maybe a bad contrast for colourblind people. Because the of the green. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Okay. So red buttons are okay? How do you mean? Yeah. No that's that's too busy I guess. You better bet better better keep the LED and the button itself in the same colour I guess. So just an extra bit of light and attention. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Of the product? Which we don't have yet. So wh how should I do that? Oh okay. Or you you or you send it to me. Or just because you are going to design it on this board right? Yeah. I I probably get instruction on that, how to do that, so I make another presentation I guess. I kn I know what's gonna happen in in yeah so I've a basic idea. Yeah. Yeah. Alright so that's uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. On the left. S so, yeah. Yeah. This? Uh pretty accurate. Oh we skip this I guess. Sound button press. Light only button user ca user interaction. Yeah. Yeah. So the pl the plastic plastic buttons also help uh because of um they are only lit during interaction. So Well it's a good thing that the buttons aren't um, well that they are plastic, because then you can light up the light on when when they are usable. Maybe you should draw it very large like this. Oh right. Erase? Yeah. Much easier, yeah. I don't see a sign that the meeting is over yet but Yeah. Oh. Wrong one. Alright. But we we I is it if if this is from the side woah. Steady. Because there the screen goes up like that right? So then it's like this, or that's not convenient because then you have the screen like this and look like the it's better to have it somewhat like this. Or does it flip all the way? It's better to to have this like this I guess, and then flip it like this. Yeah. So w yeah. But we still keep the flipping mechanism. Yeah. Yeah but maybe Yeah but maybe we we should then Yeah there the middle Sh sh shouldn't we integrate it? And then like i oh th doh. Come on. So this is the shape. Oh. It hasn't Okay but the screen is a bit lower because if it falls on the other side, it doesn't fall on the screen. So there's a layer of rubber on the side. So no flipping but just no. Throwing and the kinetics. Oh. We better make we better make it like this. Eventually. Yeah. Uh they are responsible enough to have a mobile phone, so also to to deal with their uh remote uh control. Yes. Yeah? Ooh. Yeah. Alright. Good. Yeah. We should work in our own room right? Or not? Yeah. Yes. See you two in half an hour uh Speaker B: Okay. I I've got the same problem as well. Oh. No. Yeah. No problem Yeah. No. I I don't mi I don't mind. That's Do you want to go first? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's better than than my uh drawing. Yeah okay but I have to design the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pushbuttons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As an optional uh feature. Or combine uh both with a with one uh Okay. And throw it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. One one uh very important thing I was uh yeah thinking about is the speech uh option. We were going to use that. Yeah. So um Yeah um yeah that's one thing uh which I'm not sure uh of how to implement it uh into the remote control. No okay but it has to be combined with with the menu uh for functions and So okay. Yeah. Okay. But do uh j do we uh do the speech just for the basic options, for the simple buttons? For for everything, also for the advanced options? Okay. Uh we have this very uh basic uh trendy design. Everybody says it so that's what's uh yeah um Yeah in the in the last uh meeting we uh we were yeah putting the the simple and the advanced options separated. That's yeah obvious. Um yeah. Pressing the the menu option uh will disable uh all other options on your uh remote control. And only the the L_C_D_ panel will uh light up and then you can only uh change the yeah the options. Yeah. Um yeah design has to be very attractive but that's your your op your yeah. you have to uh delete this but this is the the the simple uh layout. Uh display on the upper side with the the menu button and maybe a some sort of cancel button or save button. I'm The back. Back and okay yeah. Uh What? A little bit I think but not not everything w Okay. Oh I uh didn't read that. But But this is the the basic uh design uh for the for the m yeah for the buttons. Um I wanted to to categorise everything. Uh with a speech display uh yeah, sound, everything you you noted in your uh minutes. Um every pushbutton has uh has its own uh LED light. So you can uh yeah change uh m make it more trendy for for younger people. And uh if there are older people they wanted more uh yeah more uh luxurous so that's an a also an option. Um that was it. Yeah. Yeah.. We're going to produce it in uh China so it's no problem. Uh it's it's quite difficult because we we haven't got all the options uh yeah. Yeah. This is the the menu I was uh looking uh at. Yeah. Arrow yeah. Yeah. S yeah. Yeah. But it has also to it it has also to be uh luxurous uh for for yeah rich people. Th this looks a little bit like like for only for children. So Yeah. The colour Yeah. Okay but the the colours, you you can make it uh make the colours with LEDs uh beneath the the buttons. If you press a button and you can disable the the colour LEDs for for people that don't like it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Very cheap uh cheap look. Yeah but if you if you make it more curved we we can make more and more options for buttons. If you have uh it have it in your hand, you you you are not only um yeah you don't need one dimension but you can use other dimensions for pressing the the buttons. Yeah. Something to shoot at your television Yeah. That's yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's the the more advanced options were uh for the for the menu. But you you want okay. You just want to hide them all? The oh. Yeah yeah yeah. That's but it's it's not it's not very uh very strong uh yeah if you drop it one time. Okay. But when you are left-handed, that's that's a problem. But that's that's very expensive uh Yeah. We we could make some some rubber uh some rubber uh yeah mouse, with which you can change uh and so if you Yeah. Okay. Some yeah. No no no no. Okay.. Yeah. No the arrow's over here. Yeah. Or blue? Dark blue or Yeah. Yeah but the primary colours w we can uh create with the with the LEDs on the on the remote control. If you we uh yeah. If you make it uh just a yeah bl give it a blue colour, then it's just a neutral colour, also for the for the more uh yeah for the people. So that's So that's blue. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe a Yeah. And which which colour should uh should I give the the display? Uh Or Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah maybe a maybe a white a white backlight? Dark uh letters, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's adjustable. Yeah? Or not. That's how we are going to make it uh more trendy. Or is it uh too expensive? Mm. And it it looks quite cheap, that colour I think. It's it's not Yeah. I dunno. It's it's trendy okay. But Mm. Yeah. Yeah. But the but the buttons have their own LEDs or not? Okay. Okay. That that's a default uh setting. The the red buttons. Okay. Yeah I I was think about a red uh red LEDs and blue LEDs and Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. But we have to do it at this moment, after th this meeting? Okay. Yeah. Ah so this is basically the what what we are thinking about? Yeah l let's just uh delete all these uh or Oh, next. Okay. Uh Yeah. And then after that we can make the user uh inter interface. Yeah. Yep. Oh no it's it's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but this part isn't uh functioning properly. It's a bit uh large.. L let's make first the the the all the views. The the front view, side view and the back view. Yeah. The middle has to be very small so you can have it in your hand. Yeah the display, we yeah we can put a display. Yeah. The the arrow functions. Yeah. Yeah. No it's it's uh it's okay. You can make it m larger. Maybe it's easier to to draw uh Yeah that's that's the basic idea. Yeah. Yeah only if you are going to put buttons on the side of the unit. That's the question. Yeah. From the Yeah I'm I'm May maybe it's it's easier to to integrate the the the L_C_D_ screen just into this this bubble. Because it do doesn't have to flip then. Because we have en enough space for for making a an L_C_D. Because here But why why do we need uh the flipping uh Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh the the shape is okay but yeah? I don't see the the yeah why why we should use the the flipping uh mechanism. Because we Okay yeah. It's it's for for for more trendy uh Because we have enough space. H here we got uh the basic functions, the the arrow uh yeah button. Yeah and then h we sh mm. Yeah, then it's No flipping or you wanted the flipping so But if you if you If you drop it it it just breaks. And it has to be very strong because of the. Yeah kind of And it's also for the for the children, it's yeah for people not sixteen years. But there are more Yeah okay. That's true. Okay. Yeah? Okay wi Yeah. The Real Remote. I think uh it's the sensors. Okay. Yep. Okay that's the side. Ah it's it's okay. But do we want uh options on the on the side with the with the buttons? Or just leave it? Uh could make an uh a volume button uh scroll, volume button. For menu. Or Yeah. No, yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah you are going to design it so Speaker C: .. Yeah just testing. Mm? English.. Break is over. Whoo. Spicy. So, he's coming. Oh okay. Ah. She. You can look at the final report, 'cause I have to record everything we are deciding and such, so I'm trying to write it down between everything else. Oh. Yeah. Here we go again. Welcome. Uh we have again three presentations and then we have to decide on what concepts the mobile phone has to uh f the remote control has to support. So who wants go. Yes? Yeah sure. Doesn't matter. No. Mm-hmm.. Yeah yeah sure. No. Cool. Yeah you're just the user interface hmm? Yeah layout. Yeah okay. You probably opened it. F_ five. Yeah. Yeah okay. Calculator's can do it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh I think you can only fit one uh source of energy on the Yeah I didn't receive any info uh. Yeah. S yeah it's safe. 'Kay next. Uh Okay. Can we uh Yeah. Well the visual representation is not there with speech but you can Yeah. Just yeah. I think you can just uh match the speech commands with the functions that are already present. So I don't think you have to design anything else for that. Both. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That would be the back. Back and okay. You did read the minutes I wrote? You did read the minutes I wrote? Oh okay 'cause I pretty much summed up all the buttons there were. So I hate doing work for nothing. Mm-hmm. That was it? Okay. Uh again. Ugh. Okay so what we have to decide is what kind of components do we use? Uh energy source, chip type, case type. And user interface. But I didn't see a clear distinction between these so I think what we have is okay. So we only, we already decided that kinetic would be the choice for energy. Uh the case would be doubly curved. So Rubber material. And that's the only thing we have left. Oh okay. No it's easy. Advanced chip. Okay. Too. Uh I didn't get any info on this. So Yeah. I have total here. Yeah I don't know. I didn't get any information about that so Yeah. Who doesn't. Uh let's see. Is there a new thing? Yeah the interface, maybe can Ooh. No. Uh do you have a picture of doubly curved case? And could you put that in the group folder? Of the project folder. Ah you didn't draw it yourself. Ah. Arrow. Yeah.. 'S the target group. Yeah sure. Yeah. Oh okay. I see. Yeah also like this. So you can hold it.. The children's story. Yeah I've got it. Distinction. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Different. Mm-hmm. Camera. Yeah submarine. Well Yeah but this this the is for the. Okay. Uh Ah yeah bright colours. That's singly curved. Okay. Well we could make a compromise between that. But I don't know if it's worth the effort. Uh instead of doubly curved we take a single curved. So to appeal a little more to the all the public. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Also. Yeah that would be an option. I don't know what you think. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah I'd agree. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Different. Stands out. Or Oh yeah a one hand uh solution. can turn it maybe. To switch from buttons to interface hmm. If you turn it a little.. Oh yeah. Least you can easily see it. If you can uh flip. Uh so you have a the the side view. So and you want to be able to make this. Okay so the buttons are on top here, and you flip it over that way. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Right. Yeah that's good idea. Yeah. No not all because you need most of them, the arrow buttons. But you can hide the okay and the back uh button. And the menu button also because when you flip it open and you can maybe even drop the menu button because maybe if you flip it open it will auto activate amauto uh uh automatically. Why? You could just make it mechanical. If you cover it with rubber. Mm. Yeah. So it can bounce. Yeah okay so that that may work. Okay but then we still have the the the thing of the the the shape. Yeah. What kind of Harder.. Maybe can design two versions. Mm-hmm. And ergonomical shape. Yeah. The female shape yeah. With two uh Oh yeah. Some uh k esk uh yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah. So the keywords are primary co colours, spongey? Yeah. Yeah. Buttons. Okay. I think that uh it's a nice design. It's cool. Yeah. Yeah that's Orange or something. Mm. Yeah. Huh cool. No it's. Yeah it's text. N no you have to exit. You could also make line with uh Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Y Yeah and then on top of that. Some yellow. Banana colour. Yeah if you if flashing colour so you can't lose it, basically. Well I think it's a bit too much but Yeah. Yeah. Who? And then you can use yellow or semething. Why not? Aye. Like this. Colourblind yeah. No so that's mostly red and green I believe. Woah. All all buttons? Okay. It's difficult. Blue. Maybe green. Yeah you can Mm-hmm flashy. Mm bzz. Red maybe. Black. Why? Yeah. So Ooh.. Uh not yet. Yeah within five minutes yeah. Y left yeah left and then uh I have to kick you out. Yeah yeah. They have LEDs but they have a colour. You can make them red. Yeah. But I think you need to keep in mind that the LEDs are just extra light. Uh they they don't determine the colour that much, I think. 'Cause you have to print on them you have a background. Each number is transparent. Uh partly but you have to print on the number. Or the the sign. So you can't change the colour so Yeah. Bit of light. Bit of feedback. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay with Uh Don't mean to discourage you but uh basically you two are going to work on the smartboard. Next thirty minutes to design something so And the You will do the evaluation. Yeah. Yeah uh about Yeah I don't know. You probably get a mail. Yeah. Once they are finished. Yeah. Yeah but maybe you can do the evaluation you don't have to evaluate yet but you can make a procedure which to follow. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. About. Yeah. You have the basic idea. And you two uh are going to do this. Look-and-feel and Yeah. Good luck. So I uh make new page and uh be creative. Yeah you have uh thirty minutes. Then we have to uh see something which we can uh show to the management. I would yeah. Yeah. Next. Oh and save this uh board. Just save it. Yeah okay but just press save and uh It'll be fine. You can also include clip-art. So if you'll rather draw in paint or something then look. Yeah. Yeah. You can also include it. It's not much work. That's included. Yeah okay. Yeah. Sensitive. I dunno. Maybe just start typing. You also do the other sides. Not only on the front si uh the top side but also the the side view. Uh. Jesus. What do I write down? Why can't I work here? This is much easier. Yeah. Mm. No so I just work here a few minutes. Five minutes left before the meeting ends. Yeah we keep the flip? Keep the flip live. No flipping? It's shaking. Yeah just light on top. Safer. Mm. Yeah okay that the target group. Well. I just uh ended the meeting. You two go design. Oh. By the way. Um I uh thought up a name for our product. Yeah. It's called uh the Real Remote. With a copyright sign after Real. So maybe you can include that somewhere. Yeah. I don't see any power cables here so 'Kay. Good luck. Speaker D: . Just kidding. So annoying. I just put it in the in the shared folder so it should be yeah I think so. Yeah, conceptual design. What or whatever does it No no no, can you go back one? Uh 'cause it has to be PowerPoint pre yeah components design, that's it.. I did get a bit more done than the last time, 'cause I knew that I didn't have time so I just copy and paste everything into the Sometimes I have these pop-ups or these sounds and there's nothing there, and also with I don't know how to use PowerPoint, so it takes me forever to get something done with it. Yeah. Thi Mm-hmm. Who wants to start? Sound. Yeah yeah uh uh. Yeah. And shall I go first? So I Yeah? Alright. Uh components. Oh no. Yeah true. Um Alright. So I'm dealing with the components design. Um let's see. I uh used some design examples we had uh from similar products. And I used uh possibilities from our manufacturing department about current components which will have to be implemented in the design. That's why I had to, wanted to go first. Well they gave me um an idea about what people want. We're f mainly focusing on this group, but I want to make the distinction clear. Uh I could not drag the pictures into the the slides so s so I don't have examples of how it looks like. But it comes down to what you uh what you think we should do with the spongey and the fruity looking uh type. If you, the young dynamic people want soft primary colours uh, which looks like fruits you know, you can and shapes that are curved and not uh solid straight lines anymore. So this basically um yeah goes on to what you were mentioning earlier. There is a lot of um factors involved in choosing the components. There's a lot of options that we have to discuss. Uh for example the energy source. we have four types. The basic battery. Uh we have a hand dynamo, which we yeah we Dutch refer to it as the kneipgatt. Uh the kinetic provision of energy which means if you move the thing, if you shake it. Which will be fun for toddlers right, if they wanna use the And uh of course solar cells. But I dunno how we would use that into the design of the actual product. So uh my yeah also also in you know countries where there's n isn't much light like in Scandinavia, they wouldn't be y able to use it half of the year you know. So that's not cool either. So um for the uh a case, there's uh the traditional uncurved flat hard case. Single curved, which means that it has uh curves in one dimension. Or the double curved. Um I wasn't able to finish my uh personal preferences sheet, but well you know that we will have to go for the double curved 'cause it's daring and different from what we have now. Uh the case materials. Well we have all kinds of hard uh materials like the the hard plastic, the wood and the titanium. I would definitely go for rubber 'cause it fits most in what people wanna see nowadays. Um poo, this is a lot of text. I wasn't able to organise this yet. We have yeah several uh interface designs. Uh we can use a scroll buttons for the menus, but we already kind of decided to go for the f for the pushbuttons, for the the arrow buttons. So that's not really interesting. Electronics? Yeah, maybe we wanna decide on what electronics to use the advanced chip I think is easiest to implement uh for the production, 'cause they they can print it better. Um Yeah. I think this is about it. Yeah I was working on some per personal preferences. I first uh chose for the battery, 'cause yeah I'm traditional and that's the most obvious, easiest choice to go to. But I really think that we should maybe uh think about the kinetic energy, where you have to move the thing to be able to use it. Yeah maybe we I can imagine that the kinetic uh type energy source would be more expensive to make. But it is more longlasting, that the people don't have to ever buy batteries again. And it's also more fun yeah. I always chuck my uh remote control around, so Yeah y exactly. You don't have to be scared about bouncing it off the g floor and breaking it or whatever. So that's the end of it. Uh go ahead. No it means curved in two dimensions. So uh w single curved? Uh let's say would be a b square box, but then with curves on one dimension. And double curved would means that it would have curves curves in every direction. Like three D_. Yeah. Design? I And rubber. Rubber material. Yeah we need the the chip on print to be able to support the the screen and uh and f audio function. Yeah. Yeah. Otherwise you would have a simple chip, just for pressing buttons. But we need more. I'm just thinking, this is not my department, but I I'm not sure what this is gonna cost, to be able to m So 'cause we need to sell it for twenty five Euro a piece. That's gonna be difficult huh? Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Child labour man, we love it. Um let me see. Wait a sec. Yeah I'm going there now. Inspiration. Well Um yeah maybe it's Maybe it's easier Yeah. Yeah perfect. Maybe it's easier if you guys come over here. S see this is the the the standard traditional type, where the form uh yeah serves the function, you know. It's like really basic. But this m is more appealing to old people and we don't want that. This is what we're looking for. And th that means curved in both dire dire uh dimensions. Not only like this but it has to be exactly. It has to be kind of instead of the PlayStation, the module. It has to be like the the Game Cube, you know, where your thumbs would be laying in the instrument and it has to be nice to hold. And It ha Yeah but that's that's the the problem uh yeah the dilemma actually, 'cause we wanna appeal to the to the young public with fancy with flashy colours, and with a lot of shape. And Yeah, and the and the rubber, it it will look cheap always, you know, with the There is mobile phones, in which you can change the colour also of the lights. Maybe we should consider this function. To customise it and so I mean kids can make it look more flashy with different kinds of colours and people who want something, you know, different, or more uh design, they can go for one colour like uh for example this uh photo th camera. Personally I think it's really ugly. Just give me the thing that it's inside there maybe I'm too old for this stuff. Yeah. So those I think are all my oh. And this is, this is with the curved that I mean. Yeah. Yeah? A compromise between what? This, this would be uh single curved uh? Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. I think the I mean our aim is to make something different right? To make something new. I would go for the double curved. And I I'm I'm thinking uh you know uh a drawing palette, where you have the shape for your thumb. So it kind of holds nicely, something like that. Well this is really your decision but Yeah. As well. You can make a trigger button or something like that. Yeah or that that is the confirmation button or something, that you scroll with your thumb, with the arrows, and then confirm. That would be a nice way to use it but I mean, yeah, I'm thinking big already, and we need something that well that that you can able to use in one hand I think. Yeah.. How about Mm-hmm. Yeah I understand what you mean. How about we do a uh a pop-up screen, like the laptop. So that the only the simple functions will be visible at first. And then if you want Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. No uh like I would draw it like this. Let's say this is the side view. That you have a a screen that will come up here, and can go down that way. If you know what I mean. So that it would come up like that. Yeah or preferably even keep the simple buttons here, and then under the screen even you could put more more advanced buttons. F for the L_C_D_ menu right? So w w Oh Activate and th the yeah. True. True. But you can make a, yeah, you can make a trigger here. You know a simple uh with a Yeah. Exactly. Well yeah the the idea of it was, is that because you close it, you cover the L_C_D_ screen and it won't be vulnerable to scratches or whatever. And Exactly. Exactly. We just have to make sure that the closing mechanism won't break. Th it's very solid yeah. That actually will offer some extra protection for the Yeah. Yeah I was thinking, if if you have your hand, it this is your th Okay. If this is your thumb, and this is your hand like that. With your uh wrist. That you, that it would be kind of shape like this, you know. So it's easier to hold in your hand, to y f Uh yeah. Yeah of course. Yeah then w then you would have to to make it like this. Like like you drew here. And maybe th then make this thicker also than the centre. Give it I would give it a female shape but uh yeah. Anyway. Obviously. Make it more appealing to guys. I mean Yeah but we have hardware inside, which is so it has to have some sort of basic shape. And also the screen, you cannot mould it. You know kind of thing. Yeah. And then you can You can place the screen here, which can come. And but then I w I would I would do the arrows here, kind of thing. Those buttons? And the simple buttons here, so that I Uh y eah that's what I mean. The arrows over here, and here the s simple uh or do we wanna make its shape look like a banana or something? I dunno. Yeah. Yeah we could make We should use Yeah w we need very primary colours, like bright red, bright yellow. Yeah. Yeah okay yeah. And how about some uh some flashing standby lights? Like you have on the Samsung, well I don't like to call brands phones, the you know that 'cause I remember from one of our first meetings that uh people lose their uh remote controls often. So it not not only in in the colours of the LEDs, that we want something to keep it visible at all times, or Um Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. As long as you loo use uh high contrast between the the background and the foreground colour. So that people with uh with And also for people who are a bit colourblind. But don't we wanna make the background the the bright colo colours? So th the total of the thing is very bright? Like the pictures I showed you guys. Those things were all like like bright red, bright red, flashy. Yeah something like that, something that stands out more. Yeah. The green? It's actually a pretty trendy colour at the moment. Do you get a pop-up if we Alright. No that's actu Red and green are actually the b the easiest to discriminate. Even for colourblind. They will see one of each as grey. But if you use uh green on blue, those kind of colours will look the same. I think. I think so. You can what we should do I think is is make kind of a see-through plastic button, with uh one coloured LED behind it. So that the whole button will shine as the colour the And if you think about easy to use buttons, we have to, well we have to make it the shape so that it's easy to hold f for both hands, but also that you can reach the buttons with your thumb, if you hold the machine. Ah, right. So we're gonna work here? On this sketchboard? Alright. Thanks. Alright. Thirty minutes. Alright. Yeah. Shall we uh make a new uh Yeah, I just make a new one. Alright. Huh? Yeah I'll just I'll just keep it there. Yeah. Uh sorry. Okay. Current colour? So um Shall we make some outline sketches of the basic shape first? Because I I Yeah 'cause I have to uh focus on the on the basic look-and-feel design. So how it's gonna look. And you have to think uh how we're gonna put the screen in it and those kind of things. So if I'm drawing and you think okay I'm not gonna be able to put a screen in there, you have to correct. Uh do you mind if I draw in black then? For normal sketches. so we kind of want the girlish figure. I'm not so good at drawing. Excuse me? No uh uh. How do we uh uh or insert text? Oh that's a bit big. Yeah. Yeah. Ex exactly. Uh Uh I thought for the side view, that the w the basic section would be rather uh a bit thicker than the middle, where you're holding it with your 'cause your fingers have to fit underneath and Exactly but the uh but the upper side has to be a bit more like that I think. Uh don't you think? So the display we will put in here, the basic uh functions in here, where it's most reachable. The The th Exactly. Oh. This is hard. What do don't have to draw it exactly do we? Wait. Let me try it one more time. Maybe I've uh it's easier if I draw it in once. Okay, of course it will become way more ugly. Yeah. This'll take forever. It's fun to work with this pen. Um so, larger. And yeah. So side. 'Kay. Um other views? Uh Yeah. Let's fill i fill in the buttons later. So this is gonna be from the uh from yeah yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah? The the idea is that it has to flip up to here. Okay. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. True. you can adjust the angle to which it flips. So it can also from this angle, it can flip all the way up to there. You can flip it up to there if you want. Think so. Yeah because I think it will feel weird if you would make this smaller and this bigger or something that I dunno. I thought it would be cool.. It doesn't aim so well. Yeah yeah yeah. Definitely. Yeah I guess but uh I mean most votes count right? Yeah. Yeah true true. Yeah. Yeah if you if you're going for the kinetics Yeah. I'm just thinking totally different designs also. Remember that the weird pocketphone thingy which looked like kind of a Gameboy. Maybe we should try something like that. But yeah. Oh right. Alright. Yeah. I like it. Okay. This can go. Oh yeah we have to f uh include that in our design as well. Let's see. What the hell's that? Uh Yeah. I think we do. Yeah or j or also scrolling for the m yeah. Yeah? I dunno. We w kind of wanted to stick with the Yeah I'm just thinking, if we i we wanna make something different right? So the with the scroll is is more futuristic than the standard arrow buttons. I think.
. I did get a bit more done than the last time , 'cause I knew that I didn't have time so I just copy and paste everything into the Sometimes I have these pop-ups or these sounds and there's nothing there , and also with I don't know how to use PowerPoint , so it takes me forever to get something done with it . Uh we have again three presentations and then we have to decide on what concepts the mobile phone has to uh f the remote control has to support . So welcome to the marketing presentation once again . Um fashion watch watchers uh have detected the trends for young public , because that's our public . fruit and vegetables will be will be the most important theme for clothing , uh shoes and furniture . And the feel of the material is expected to be spongey . oh yeah well this is the fruit and vegetables looks of fresh bright colours . most important aspect for remote control happens to be a fancy look-and-feel . Instead of the current uh functional look-and-feel . And the second most important aspect is that a remote control should be technological uh innovative . I think we pretty much covered that with our screen and um and speech recognition , And the third development um is that the remote control should be easy to use . Well the first aspect uh was twice as important as the second aspect,w which was twice as important as the third aspect . Uh nothing about the buttons but just sponge kind of thing , and and some fruit and colours Just made a quick design . I'm dealing with the components design . I uh used some design examples we had uh from similar products . Uh for example the energy source . we have four types . The basic battery . Uh we have a hand dynamo , Uh the kinetic provision of energy which means if you move the thing , if you shake it . And uh of course solar cells . for the uh a case , there's uh the traditional uncurved flat hard case . Single curved , which means that it has uh curves in one dimension . Or the double curved . but well you know that we will have to go for the double curved 'cause it's daring and different from what we have now . Well we have all kinds of hard uh materials like the the hard plastic , the wood and the titanium . I would definitely go for rubber We have yeah several uh interface designs . Uh we can use a scroll buttons for the menus , but we already kind of decided to go for the f for the pushbuttons , for the the arrow buttons . the advanced chip I think is easiest to implement uh for the production , 'cause they they can print it better . I first uh chose for the battery , 'cause yeah I'm traditional and that's the most obvious , easiest choice to go to . But I really think that we should maybe uh think about the kinetic energy , I can imagine that the kinetic uh type energy source would be more expensive to make . But it is more longlasting , that the people don't have to ever buy batteries again . and especially when the material's rubber . It can be done , I mean , you can't harm it , So double curved is like this , this , this , or No it means curved in two dimensions . So uh w single curved ? Uh let's say would be a b square box , but then with curves on one dimension . One one uh very important thing I was uh yeah thinking about is the speech uh option . I think you can just uh match the speech commands with the functions that are already present . But do uh j do we uh do the speech just for the basic options , for the simple buttons ? For for everything , in the in the last uh meeting we uh we were yeah putting the the simple and the advanced options separated . Pressing the the menu option uh will disable uh all other options on your uh remote control . And only the the L_C_D_ panel will uh light up and then you can only uh change the yeah the options . but this is the the the simple uh layout . Uh display on the upper side with the the menu button and maybe a some sort of cancel button or save button . And uh if there are older people they wanted more uh yeah more uh luxurous so that's an a also an option . So we only , we already decided that kinetic would be the choice for energy . Uh the case would be doubly curved . So Rubber material . Advanced chip . Okay . I'm just thinking , this is not my department , but I I'm not sure what this is gonna cost , I didn't get any information about that so Uh do you have a picture of doubly curved case ? This is the the menu I was uh looking uh at . S see this is the the the standard traditional type , where the form uh yeah serves the function , you know . But this m is more appealing to old people and we don't want that . And th that means curved in both dire dire uh dimensions . where your thumbs would be laying in the instrument and it has to be nice to hold . And Th this looks a little bit like like for only for children . So Yeah but that's that's the the problem uh yeah the dilemma actually , 'cause we wanna appeal to the to the young public with fancy with flashy colours , and with a lot of shape . Yeah , and the and the rubber , it it will look cheap always , Okay but the the colours , you you can make it uh make the colours with LEDs uh beneath the the buttons . If you press a button and you can disable the the colour LEDs for for people that don't like it . And this is , this is with the curved that I mean . Well we could make a compromise between that . Uh instead of doubly curved we take a single curved . So to appeal a little more to the all the public . Yeah so we keep it singly c single curved then ? I would go for the double curved . I mean our aim is to make something different right ? And I I'm I'm thinking uh you know uh a drawing palette , where you have the shape for your thumb . but if you if you make it more curved we we can make more and more options for buttons . You can make a trigger button or something like that . and we need something that well that that you can able to use in one hand I think . But from the side you you can have it also in a kind of shape . A little upwards . So that the screen is more So then you have double double curved in some way . How about we do a uh a pop-up screen , like the laptop . If you can uh flip . But I dunno if that's too expensive . Okay so the buttons are on top here , and you flip it over that way . and you can maybe even drop the menu button because maybe if you flip it open it will auto activate amauto uh uh automatically . So okay b but you have t you need some button to flip this open . Well yeah the the idea of it was , is that because you close it , you cover the L_C_D_ screen and it won't be vulnerable to scratches or whatever . We just have to make sure that the closing mechanism won't break . or do we wanna make its shape look like a banana or something ? I think that uh it's a nice design . Yeah so okay we should better choose one sh one shape . So the keywords are primary co colours , spongey ? And ergonomical shape . Yeah . I would give it a female shape I don't know what what colours should the basic print be like ? Like some soft green or something ? Orange or something . and then and then very bright , uh a yellow banana , an orange , uh a green apple , stuff like that , Yeah w we need very primary colours , like bright red , bright yellow . Yeah but the primary colours w we can uh create with the with the LEDs on the on the remote control . If you make it uh just a yeah bl give it a blue colour , then it's just a neutral colour , That doesn't really work . To draw , I guess . So that's that's a dark blue basic colour I guess . Yeah with some some yellow banana So it not not only in in the colours of the LEDs , that we want something to keep it visible at all times , 'cause I remember from one of our first meetings that uh people lose their uh remote controls often . I mean , the the colour of the background of the display ? So just just a a blue blue backlight or something like that . maybe a maybe a white a white backlight ? But don't we wanna make the background the the bright colo colours ? So th the total of the thing is very bright ? But then then again , which colour should the buttons be ? But maybe the buttons , all buttons in red is maybe a bad contrast for colourblind people . Red and green are actually the b the easiest to discriminate . Even for colourblind . So red buttons are okay ? You better bet better better keep the LED and the button itself in the same colour I guess . what we should do I think is is make kind of a see-through plastic button , with uh one coloured LED behind it . but uh basically you two are going to work on the smartboard . Next thirty minutes to design something so You will do the evaluation . You probably get a mail . Yeah but maybe you can do the evaluation you don't have to evaluate yet but you can make a procedure which to follow . So we're gonna work here ? On this sketchboard ? But we have to do it at this moment , after th this meeting ? Yeah you have uh thirty minutes .
Speaker A: Hello. Designer. Yes. Yeah. Just the look like, the button part I'll explain. Okay. Now the um we decided upon including certain features on our remote. Now these features includes the s um signal emitting uh signal it's the led or L_E_D_ the infrared. Now uh we have included the switch on and off button. Now we have included another feature that is the mute button on the side of the model. Then we have included one to nine buttons for controlling the programmes the different channels. We have also included two buttons for increasing or decreasing the volume. And we have also included two buttons for scrolling up and scrolling down the programme channels. Now our our model also contains a button which is called as the menu button. Menu button. Yes, menu At the centre we have included a button which is fluorescent green colour and this is the menu button which will control the colour, sharpness, brightness of this uh picture. We have also included a button which is called as the swapping button. Now this is uh a special, special feature which we have included. Now this button is an elongated shaped button and this is slightly flexible so if it is turned towards the right it will take to the previous channel, if it is turned towards the right it will take to the next channel. It will take the user to the previous and the next channel so this is a swapping button. No, swapping is if if example you're you're watching the second channel and then you go to the tenth channel and if you want to go back to the second channel you can swap, this button. Yes. And at the end, it this remote has inbuilt voice recogniser which c which will recognise the user's voice and then it'll act accordingly. So this is our proposed model. Now the marketing expert has to give her suggestion whether it'll be sellable or it'll be cost effective. Yes, yes. Yes. Mm. Abs okay. No, these the front buttons which are here, are the mute buttons. Yes, yes. Yes. Pardon me? This is the menu yes, yes. A the the these these two are th to increase or decrease the volumes, and these two are to uh scroll the programme channels. Scroll up or scroll down the channels. Yes, it will have uh these buttons will have the numbers and all the rest of the buttons will have symbols. Yes, which can be easily recognised. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And and one more feature is we we have a holder for this remote which is an oyster shape. A shell shape. Yes, yes. Yes, snail shell. Yes. Mm-hmm. Y Yes Yes. Yes. Yes. Single curve? Mm. Plastic. Is this for the case? Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Speci Yes Yes d we do have special form. One two three four five six seven eight nine Nine points, okay, yes. Okay. On the desktop. Okay. Fee selling. Yes. Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes, yes. Yeah mm. Worse, okay. One. One. One. Yes. I'll give three. Two. We can always improve, yes. Yes, features. Yes. Voices. Yes. Yes. And maybe Yes. Yes, yes you've done a good job. Whiteboard more, yes, yes. Yes. No. Yes. Cel celebration yes, yes. Thank you. Okay. They say it's forty minutes. Okay. Speaker B: Hello. Yeah. Yeah. Uh so this is our what uh we have made. This is a model of the remote control which we are going to build. Uh this is us in a snail shape so uh it it is attractive um and it's it's blue in colour uh bright and uh it has yellow buttons and all the different colour buttons so it is a uh uh a looks-wise it is beautiful. Uh and also compact in shape. Uh um and also i it it will be easily fit into into the hands and you can access all the buttons easily. Yeah, oops, sorry. Um yeah and um uh the material which we are going to use for the case is uh plastic and uh w which which is s strong um uh and also uh for the Um the material is plastic and uh for the buttons it is uh s soft rubber um and als yeah. Yeah because uh uh you'll be touching the buttons more so it is soft when you touch it. And then um uh for the for the led, for the light emitting diode it is a fluorescent green and it's a a it is a bulb like an ordinary infrared. And and the button button's part uh will be explained by F Francina. Tell, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Ah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah of course, and also Hmm. Yeah. Yeah we can Text. Text that we can have on the case itself, we can it will be printed on the case and symbols as well as the buttons. Yeah. Yeah. So it is yeah, yeah shell. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah, of course, yeah. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. No. Yeah. This is a Yeah. Yeah. I think uh that is uh f for rubbers that is uh yeah case material. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I think that's the price. Maybe it is it just n Yeah. AMI. AMI should for Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Eight twenty so We have um four euros, yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, still. Yeah. Included, yeah. Hmm, hmm Yeah, even my yeah, shape is one. Yeah, even I think it is one. It's quite small. Yeah, one. Uh maybe two, yeah. Uh three, mm-hmm. Yeah. Maybe we can yeah, include some more buttons and uh um yeah features. We can make the buttons few buttons smaller. Uh I think they are quite big, so I think I I mean we can just have small buttons and more buttons in that case. If we want to have more features than that. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Mm-hmm. Yeah, definitely, yeah, two mu mute buttons. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Even I'm happy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah, many. Yeah. Ah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much. Do we do we have some time left? Uh you have Oh, alright. Speaker C: Hello Mm-hmm. And she was challenged on that point Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Good. You used to have all the buttons Oh that's good, no, that's nice and friendly. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, okay, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Menu button. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Of the screen. Mm, mm-hmm. The next channel in the numeric pattern, or Yeah, mm-hmm. Mm. Okay, okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay, well um what what I really like a lot about it is that you can reach the whole thing with one thumb, that you can really hold it in one h you don't need two hands and it's easily reachable even for somebody with a small hand, yeah? The buttons are all raised and if you hold it in the centre of your hand you can even reach it over here so you don't have to turn it around, turn it upside down, move it up, up and down, I really like that. You really did a good job on that, my little designers. Um and um I like the idea that the on-off button is in a really prominent place. That's that's a really good good thing. Yeah, that's great. Mm-hmm. The colour's very attractive. Um the um these buttons uh around here are the mute and these mm-hmm On both sides they're mute? So you can push either one? Okay. And this brings the menu up on the screen? This brings the menu up on the screen and the orange ones are Okay. F f okay. Right, very good. Uh it looks mm looks like something I can sell. Okay and now I'm supposed to yeah. Yeah. Good point because we need the symbols 'cause we're going into an international market we can't have anything that's language dependent. Symbols on it. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm, 'kay, mm. Mm-hmm. For the snail, yeah, mm-hmm, we have the snail shell. He goes right back into his shell. Well you know I think we could do something really funny with this too because the snail is known to be slow and we could have some sort of little comic effect on our marketing about how this is a rapid snail or something like that you know that would, that would really work. So I think voice recognition is our big selling point 'cause nobody else seems to have that in in this price range. Yep uh well I think that everybody's gonna say their remote control is practical. I think we have to, we have to dwell on on on the appearance. We're really gonna have the be the cutest remote control on the block. So I think we have to play with the image, play with the snail image um play with the visual and then the voice recognition. I think those are the two things to push. The look and the voice recognition. They're gonna be our two selling points. I'm supposed to make a little presentation, aren't I? Okay. Ah, but in my instructions I think it said I was supposed to go to the board and do something. No? Yeah, that's me. Oh, okay. Sorry, sorry. Mm-mm. That's right. Can you just fill it in in the yellow boxes? Or Well. I guess it's double curved. Mm-hmm. Rubber, because we're gonna have the soft buttons. Oh okay, the mm-hmm, mm' kay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No, 'cause we didn't put the clock in it after all, right? Mm-hmm. Yes. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, I'll take my file down so you can bring it up. 'Kay should be able to get it now. 'Kay, why don't you move just to the next slide right away. Yeah right away. Okay, well uh obviously my method for uh s m the marketing of this thing is first to ask the big question, will it sell? And I think we should show this prototype to people from various age and socio-economic groups and see about any fine tuning that maybe little things we haven't thought of. We can't accept every suggestion of course, but maybe we just need to get a few. And show the the prototype to consumer research groups, we don't s want somebody to suddenly come to us and tell us that this button is toxic and you know some child will swallow it and then we won't sell any. So we have to get some input from those people. And then after that we just have to go with our best intuition and you know we like it, we think it's good, we're gonna get behind it and sell it. Um, next slide please. Okay, now the things that I was thinking and th my wish list has really been realised in this prototype. I wanted the shape to be biomorphic, I didn't want anything with angles and all square, I wanted it to be comfy and roundy so we we've got that. The size is small, the colour's bright and warm which is what we wanted. We wanted the feel to be as soft as possible, we'll have the soft buttons and the way this is shaped, even though it's gonna be hard plastic, it feels good in your hand so that's nice. And functionality I put last on my list because people aren't going to use it before they buy it. So paradoxically the other features, in other words, the look, the feel um and the shape, that's what people are gonna get in the store. They don't have a television in the store, they can't play with it. Um so they'll be our main selling points. So um th those have been fulfilled by your prototype and go ahead to the next slide please. Okay, so um the shape um I think is a a one. That's really, really excellent shape. The size is small um and th these points are in the importance for the, for the marketing, these aren't i in how I feel. I think that it's I think that it's plenty small enough to sell but I think we're sort of right the scale is one to seven. I think we're sort of right in the middle as far as c other competitors. And our colour I think is great. The colours are bright and warm and we really do great job there. And given um the constraints that we had I think we got it as soft as possible. And then functionality um I think you did a really good job on functionality, obviously we could have ad added different functions but then we'd disturb something else so I would say that we got to a five out of seven on on functionality. So I think that basically we've got a great product and we can get off and running with it. Yes. Ah. Well, um we had what, eight eight euros twenty as our cost? And so we've got we've still got four euros to go to spend. Mm-hmm. Well um that's Mm-hmm. Well as we know in today's technic technological world you can do just about anything at any price, the the the problem is quality. So we're just gonna have to settle for whatever quality that will buy us. And um it may not be the greatest quality but it may sell anyway. As we've seen with so many of these kinds of products. Uh, well I isn't this my last slide? Maybe. Go ahead. I think that was my last slide, yeah. Um. Mm okay. And I'm supposed to present this scale on the whiteboard. Um and we're supposed to talk about those things as a team now, so if you put my last slide back up there. I'm sorry I've um forgot to do that, um. Hmm? Well because I can't remember what I put on there. Okay. Now I'm supposed to see how long my leash is here. Mm 'kay. You ready. So now we're all supposed to say what we think. Um okay so on shape I gave it a one. Wait what would you ra uh one being good and seven being the worst. Um what do you think the shape is? One, okay, and Be Betsy? Okay, uh-huh one, okay. And how about on size? On size I gave it a four, yeah, I feel it's just average. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay you're the designer, of course you wanna give it a one. Um and then how about how we doing on colour? Colour, I gave it a one. I really like all those nice bright, warm colours. One. One, one, one, okay. And how about the feel? Taking into um consideration texture and comfort in the hand. Okay, I gave it a three, two, yeah? Three. Two, okay. And the next is functionality where I I admit I was a little hard on our team here, but Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Two, okay. Three? Okay. Well, um. It looks like we've got got ourselves a pretty good product. Um the functionality's the only place where maybe we have to think about m m maybe, heaven forbid, having another meeting. But um otherwise I think we're we're ready to go to go with this product. Anybody else have any other comments or any other things that we feel we should evaluate? Mm-hmm. Well then again if we're gonna um do the speech recognition thing we're gon there gonna be some buttons that are gonna have to be added for that for the recording of the the speech. So that that's where we're gonna have to do maybe we can eliminate one of the mute buttons, instead of having two mute buttons. And um then maybe we can do something with the um the volume control. Maybe we can put that all on one button. Um and a couple of other th maybe comp uh consolidate some of the usage an and see what we can do with that. Mm-hmm. No. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I'm pretty happy with it too, yeah um, it's something I think I can market. Yeah. I think you've done a good job, Miss leader. Yeah I d I do too I think we worked well together as a team, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah maybe we could've used the whiteboard a little bit more, yeah, we didn't use that enough. Mm-hmm. And we used the slide because it was better positioned. Mm I think that's true mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think we were we were very good, yeah, mm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yes, yes. Celebration. Today we have apple juice and after we sell m million of 'em we have champagne. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Watch I I have my cord behind you here. Okay. But we we were told we could end the final meeting at any time, whenever we felt we were finished. It'll take me the rest of the time to get my microphone out from my necklace. Oh, there we go. Speaker D: Well hi everyone again. Um like before we uh I have to redo the meetings from n th the minutes from the last meeting and so here we go. Uh it was discussed in the last meeting uh which was opened by the presentation from the interface um designer that uh looks would be very important on this new remote and um it is to send messages of course to the T_V_. It should have nine channel buttons, a next button, volume buttons, subtitle buttons, switch to control features, colour contrast, sharpness etcetera. It should have a memory switch, a mute button in case the telephone rings or something. Uh speech recognition is one of her very f favourite personal uh features she would like see d d to be integrated in this um in this new remote. Um. Should be child friendly design with few buttons, colourful maybe with s star shaped or other shaped buttons. Um she uh presented also an oversized remote which she guarantees nobody will ever be able to lose. Um that's right. But uh her very f personal favourite really she, she would very much like to see a speech recogniser integrated in this remote. The industrial designer um presented her uh thoughts on the issue. She would like a special case made out of plastic that is very strong, not using any harmful materials, should be recyclable and should be colourful. Should have an integrated circuit board that's highly sophisticated and temperature resistant. She would like to see a timer and or alarm facility integrated. Uh technically this thing would also have a resistor and a capacitor, diode transistor, resonator, and if possible a rechargeable battery. Uh and of course a circuit board. And how it would works, you press the button, the chip is morse morse code related relays the uh to the generat to the generator amplification and uh the circuit board is very inexpensive to build and so she thinks this is a great feature uh to to to consider. She would like uh this whole thing should be push buttons with a simple chip uh scrolling method is more expensive and not that practical anymore. Should be battery operated and of course she would have the special cases. The marketing expert uh who has to finally come up with to to to market this product has been watching the competition, has done some research on the internet and also has used h her personal observations to come up with the fact that such a remote sh should be small, easy to use and it should be eye catching. From her point of view of course one of the most important facts is that we should get to market before our competition does. To do that uh maybe one or two features should be developed on which we could dwell on or in other words on which our campaign could be built on. Too many new features or too many points would only confuse matter. So we prefer to have one or two features that can be really uh driven home. Um it should have a fruit and vegetable design and should have a soft feel. She feels that's really what people want today. And the decision that we took last time was that uh the special feature we would like to see is a speech recogniser, the energy should be battery uh should be on a chip, should be trendy design, compact and strong, and should have buttons. And that concludes the presentation from the last minutes from the last meeting. Now uh we are ready for the presentation of the prototype. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. What kind of button? Menu? Uh menu th menu, uh one one. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes the buttons are all raised, right? Are raised, mm-hmm. Right. Or have two hands to operate it, yeah. Yes, and it sort of sticks up so that you really you don't have to g first go like oh yeah here it's on and yeah, mm-hmm. So if you're left-handed or right-handed it doesn't matter. Well, I have one question uh will there be anything written on the buttons, like that people know, or they have to learn that from a piece of paper which button does what? Will have symbols so that that that the user really knows you know and doesn't have to first learn it Yeah. But anyway it would ha i i i it has to have some kind of of symbols, text or something so that people kn That's right. Okay, yeah just wanted make sure of that mm-hmm. Right, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right. Now what, what are our special features for the marketing? That's really the voice recognition that's really unusual And then, and then the other thing would basically be sh shape or practicality of use. You know. Colours. Mm-hmm. Cutest. Yeah. Okay, now uh having said that No, now this was our evaluation criteria which we uh just have done. Now we're gonna talk about financing. Well, there is a production evaluation. Is that you? But that's after the financing. See? Fi see? Um. Okay, we had looks and voice recognition. Okay now on the financing we bring up the mm there it is. Okay uh energy source we say that's battery, right? Okay, now. So we I guess we use one. What? T cell or chart you are trying to change is protected. Well, that's nice. She told me I could just ch change it here and then it would It doesn't work. Hmm. Oh, okay yeah, okay, let's see. Okay, one, okay. Oh go away. Um kinetic source so that's in the energy source that's all we need. Uh electronics, simple chip on print? Is that's what we're using? One of those? Come on. Okay, one. Uh regular chip on print. No. That's all we need, the one case, uncurved flat, single curved, double curved. Double curved? One of those? Case materi s supplements. Plastic we said, right? Uh wood, rubber? Uh but, yes but That's just for the case material, so special colours though, we having that, right? And then we have to interface push buttons. Scroll wheel, no. Integrated scroll wheel, L_C_ display? Button. No. Uh, button supplement special colour? Special form? And special material, rubber, wood, yes. Okay. Total seven point six whatever that means. That's the price. Mm? Eight, eight point two. That's hmm? Eight point two, right? So, we looks like we are well within budget. Okay. I guess I should save this I suppose, huh? Oops. Uh-huh huh huh. I just tried that. My documents, computer. My compu Ah oh here it is, yes. Okay, fine. Save. Okay good, so that's the good news. We gonna be popular. Um. So that uh I think financing was pretty simple. Now we would like to have a presentation by the marketing expert on production evaluation. You wanna go to the next slide? Okay. Um I just realised one thing. In the financing there was no room for our voice recogniser. And uh I don't know how we can evaluate that or how we can include that, too. Eight, eight twenty, yes. I mean maximum we have another four point three euros I mean four thirty. But I mean we have no way of presenting that to management as you know as a f finished, as a finished product and saying okay with the voice recogniser that costs so much. So um we just have to beware of that. I mean and know whether the four thirty will really cover that. Yeah. I'm sorry to interrupt then but I just uh recog I just remembered that there was no that that was not um included uh that there was no room for any special features, okay? So to beware of that. You wanna go to this next slide, marketing expert? I dunno. Yes it is. Mm-hmm. Oh. Why? Wh why you need that up? I think you can make it there. Yes I think uh shape is one. You you gave it a four. Um, I dunno. I think I would give it at least a two. Colour uh I One. I I like the colours. One. Uh, I think I would give it a two. Well it's also you can't really try it out uh the other things you have have more is are more tangible so from that point of view but um I'll give it a three. Uh. Here is what we looking at uh satisfaction on for example room for creativity. Um. Is there more room for creativity or are we absolutely happy? Y um al always bearing in mind that right now we are of course well within the budget and that we still you know we probably can't, with this particular item, we probably can't just uh add a whole lot of more things. Uh um we need uh you know we need to leave space money-wise for the voice recogniser. Um. So th the question really is how do we feel with the project process? Uh, um are we happy with the creativity that has passed here or we're not happy with the new product we created or that was created? Uh I think personally I think uh I'm pretty happy. Um an and then the next question is are we happy with the leadership of this project? Uh And I think team work I think was very very good, I think we really yeah. Mm-hmm. And uh I think we are we happy with the means we used? We used whiteboard, we didn't use digital p well digital pens I guess are these things. Yes, we could. Uh, it's maybe not in the best position in the room um you know like sometimes it's positioned so that it's much better visible for everybody and I think from that point of view we sort of ignored it a little bit. Yes, I think so, I think absolutely, and fortunately we all had slides presentation which made it a little easier. Um did we new did we find new ideas? I think we did. I think we we did, uh in more than one respect and uh so I think we did very well here. Are the costs within budget? Yes, yes. Uh is the project evaluated? Yes. Um then celebration. So I I thank you all very much. Um, I think this was very good and um I think we did come up with a new product that's uh feasible. Feasible from the production point of view and feasible from a marketing point of view. So, thank you. I always get it on here, but getting it off is Ah yes we have time later but we don't
like before we uh I have to redo the meetings from n th the minutes from the last meeting It should have nine channel buttons , a next button , volume buttons , subtitle buttons , switch to control features , colour contrast , sharpness etcetera . Uh speech recognition is one of her very f favourite personal uh features she would like see d d to be integrated in this um in this new remote . The industrial designer um presented her uh thoughts on the issue . She would like a special case made out of plastic that is very strong , not using any harmful materials , should be recyclable and should be colourful . uh scrolling method is more expensive and not that practical anymore . The marketing expert uh who has to finally come up with to to to market this product has been watching the competition , has done some research on the internet and also has used h her personal observations to come up with the fact that such a remote sh should be small , easy to use and it should be eye catching . And the decision that we took last time was that uh the special feature we would like to see is a speech recogniser , should be trendy design , compact and strong , This is a model of the remote control which we are going to build . Uh this is us in a snail shape so uh it it is attractive it's blue in colour Uh and also compact in shape . Um the material is plastic and uh for the buttons it is uh s soft rubber Now we have included another feature that is the mute button Now uh we have included the switch on and off button . Then we have included one to nine buttons We have also included two buttons for increasing or decreasing the volume . Now our our model also contains a button which is called as the menu button . We have also included a button which is called as the swapping button . And then um uh for the for the led , for the light emitting diode it is a fluorescent green And at the end , it this remote has inbuilt voice recogniser which c which will recognise the user's voice and then it'll act accordingly . what I really like a lot about it is that you can reach the whole thing with one thumb , I like the idea that the on-off button is in a really prominent place . The colour's very attractive . Yes , it will have uh these buttons will have the numbers and all the rest of the buttons will have symbols . and one more feature is we we have a holder for this remote which is an oyster shape . A shell shape . I think voice recognition is our big selling point I think we have to , we have to dwell on on on the appearance . I'm supposed to make a little presentation , aren't I ? No , now this was our evaluation criteria which we uh just have done . Ah , but in my instructions I think it said I was supposed to go to the board and do something . Well , there is a production evaluation . But that's after the financing . Okay now on the financing we bring up the Um kinetic source so that's in the energy source that's all we need . Uh electronics , simple chip on print ? I guess it's double curved . And then we have to interface push buttons . Eight , eight point two . looks like we are well within budget . Now we would like to have a presentation by the marketing expert on production evaluation . And I think we should show this prototype to people from various age and socio-economic groups And show the the prototype to consumer research groups , Okay , now the things that I was thinking and th my wish list has really been realised in this prototype . And functionality I put last on my list because people aren't going to use it before they buy it . Okay , so um the shape um I think is a a one . And our colour I think is great . so I would say that we got to a five out of seven on on functionality . Um I just realised one thing . In the financing there was no room for our voice recogniser . I mean maximum we have another four point three euros I mean four thirty . So we're just gonna have to settle for whatever quality that will buy us . Um and we're supposed to talk about those things as a team now , uh one being good and seven being the worst . Yes I think uh shape is one . And how about on size ? I think I would give it at least a two . Colour , I gave it a one . One , one , one , okay . And how about the feel ? I'll give three . Uh maybe two , And the next is functionality I'll give it a three . It looks like we've got got ourselves a pretty good product . Here is what we looking at uh satisfaction on for example room for creativity . Is there more room for creativity or are we absolutely happy ? We can always improve , yes . so I think I I mean we can just have small buttons and more buttons in that case . If we want to have more features than that . Well then again if we're gonna um do the speech recognition thing we're gon there gonna be some buttons that are gonna have to be added for that for the recording of the the speech . maybe we can eliminate one of the mute buttons , instead of having two mute buttons . Uh , um are we happy with the creativity that has passed here personally I think uh I'm pretty happy . and then the next question is are we happy with the leadership of this project ? I think you've done a good job , Miss leader . Yeah I d I do too I think we worked well together as a team , yeah . Mm-hmm . Yeah maybe we could've used the whiteboard a little bit more , yeah , I think we we did , uh in more than one respect and uh so I think we did very well here . So I I thank you all very much .
Speaker A: Hello hello Mister P_M_. Well, that's where the thinking goes on. I think you should punish him. You're the P_M_. Possibilities, yeah? Yes. So Not at all. Okay. Just press the okay button, it works. How surprising. Oh wait uh wait up. Uh so do you think um when fruit and vegetables are important for clothing and shoes that they are in remote controls also? Not something dull. Okay. But can you can you go back to that slide? The uh just one slide back, no no no. Yes. Okay, and the feel of the material has to be spongy. Has it something to do with that uh natural feeling also, do you think? Okay. It's quite interesting. Yes. I don't know the phone, but I can imagine it. Oh, that one, yes. Now I kn uh oh, I know, I know. Yes, I I've seen it. I've seen it. So So ease of use is important, but technology is twice as important. And what was even more important? Okay. So that's the most important thing for our customers. Mm-hmm. But it's it's kind of uh it's kind of o organic, so that's very good. Yes. Slippery. You have to grab it. Yes. There are there are also remote controls who have uh a little shape underneath where you can put your fingers in, so you can get a really good grip on it. So you you don't have to um attain much pressure to it. It's it's a lot easier. So m Yes. But I'll I'll go into that deeper in my presentation. Okay, but I'll I'll go into that, because there are are some possibilities and some impossibilities. Um I had a talk with uh our manufacturing uh division, and uh we had a talk about all the different components um who are in this design. Uh these are the things we've looked at. And of course I used the web to uh find my information. About the casing, we have three different casing possibilities. We have the uncurved or flat case. Uh that's the most common uh remote con control form uh we're used to is just a it ju it's just a box. I'm sorry I I don't have any pictures of uh of this thing. We have uh a curved one. It's uh curved in two dimensions. You have to imagine it's a bit like a wave form. So it's uh a little more advanced in its in its shape. Uh and we have an even more advanced uh shape, which is curved in three dimension. I c I think you can compare it a little bit with the uh big grey image uh you had in your presentation. The the big remote control, something like that. But it's quite uh advanced and it's it's quite daring to to use I think. Um for these casings we have uh different types of finishing. We can use plastic, which is uh very slippery and maybe not so nice, but you can give it any colour, uh which is the same for rubber, but it's not slippery. We can use wood and titanium. Well, um we cannot use the titanium on the double curve cases. And these latex cases, there's there's just the plastic ones uh won't allow the use of solar cells as an energy source source. Which brings me to the different energy sources. Um well, we even seem to have uh hand dyn dynamos for uh powering our uh remote controls. You really have to imagine like winding up your uh I d It would be very new, but it's a kind of a retro uh style, I think. Uh Well, this is quite interesting. Uh there's there's also a kinetic energy supply. So um when you're watching T_V_ uh or when you're you you have to um make some kind of energy kinetic energy by shaking the remote or throwing it against the wall, whatever you wish. It have it it has to move, that's the the sense of it. And you can store the energy in the in the thing. Mm-hmm. It's very funny indeed. Mm-hmm. Indeed. Mm-hmm. Yes. But you know you know from your own watch your watch uses uh a minimal con it consumes a minimal amount of energy. the the shaking of your body, which is almost uh every activity makes your uh body shake, uh it charges it. But uh the problem here is that it it supplies a a very little amount of kinetic energy. So I think uh you have a problem when you're watching a movie and uh you haven't moved the remote uh i remote control in a in an amount of time, and you want t to switch uh the channel or something, well, m it might not work. So that's something you have to keep in mind. So, but maybe maybe there's a possibility com to combine it with m uh traditional batteries, so we can save on the batteries and um when there's enough kinet kinetic energy, use the kinetic energy, and otherwise use the batteries. Uh yes, it does. I'll come to that later. And we of course have the traditional uh solar power, which is just uh uh uh uh uh a piece of material on the remote control which transfers light energy into electricity. The user interface controls, um of course we have the push-buttons and uh we also have scroll-wheels. And these scroll-wheels can also be integrated with buttons. So it's just like a mouse. You can scroll 'em, you can also push it. Um uh in the indicators we have the L_C_D_ displays, which means uh you can watch uh in a display w which channel you have chosen or something like that of the li amount of volume which is uh currently uh and we also have double scroll-buttons, which are just two of these things. So we don't really have the the kind of button we had in mind in our uh uh in our last meeting, the the thing with the the round with the four Yes. That is possible too. Yes. Mm-hmm. Well, mayb uh well, m me neither. Maybe when you integrate some functions. Uh it's do it's done before. Yes. It's quite quite good, yes. Well, it's it well, i what he means is there's an button integrated in the scroll-wheel. There's no scenario where you use uh the button in the scroll-wheel. You just use the wheel. About mute. Well, yes. Okay. Yes. Well, okay. Well, that that that's one possibility, okay. Well, okay. It's quite goods. Mm-hmm. Yes. Hmm. But it's done before, uh there are many other devices um like uh telephones and our uh radio, pocket radios. We use this. And Well, it's it's been done years ago and I don't see it anywhere now. So maybe it's not no. Hmm. Yes, but it uses two separate buttons. It doesn't use a. Well. Uh something for uh Roo here. Wi within reach. Yes, you have to. Yes. yes. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay, um we have to know, if you want to use uh these rubber double-curved c uh case, um you must use these push uh push-buttons. There's no way you can integrate L_C_D_ displays. There's no way you can integrate scroll-wheels, because it's all curved. There's there are no uh flat areas where you can incorporate these things. So that's a limitation. About um the components, uh just the hardware. We basically have uh three types of chips we can use and uh these chips incorporate all the Logica and um um uh hardware that is needed to send uh to send a signal. Uh we have a simple, regular and advanced chip. And there is something like a sample sensor and sample speaker, which is a little cryptic uh to me. But I think that's the the voice recognition thing that we are uh thinking about. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. So so okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Okay, so that's basically the the voice recognition item we were searching for. Okay. This sample sensor uh requires an regular chip, I thought. Um no op I'm not very sure. No, it's not in here. If we want to use the L_C_D_ display, we really need the advanced version, which is a bit l little bit more costly. If we want to use the scroll-wheels we need the regular version. And if we don't want to use uh any of these uh more advanced functions we can keep with the simple uh chip, which is a bit cheaper. Okay. Um no, but I think that's something for uh Roo here to think about. I I don't think either. No. I don't think you need it. Okay. Okay, well my conclusion, um unfortunately the market has decided the a little uh other than I thought. I thought um the market would like uh a sort m sort of titanium casing, but they seem to like natural uh stuff. So maybe we should think about uh wood finish. Um I've chosen the more battery with solar cell uh solution for the energy. It's more reliable, it's cheaper. So I don't think we should use the dynamo thing. The kinetic thing it it's it's a possibility. It's it's more advanced, but I'm I think you should combine it with batteries. Otherwise it will not too advanced, uh well. It's in in in some way it can give us an advance, because you will save on your batteries. But Yes. And I think it's more robust. It's more uh Uh it's more functional. The titanium thing uh we have to skip it. So I think we should skip the titanium uh stuff, and we should uh use wood or something like that. Oh okay, sorry. So it it needs to be rubber. Okay. Okay, spongy materials. Okay, um well um these scroll-wheels, I think uh they they can be they can be handy. So Yes, they can. But they really need the regular chip, you cannot use the sa simple Well, I'm not very sure. Maybe that's an uh a different I think so, if you if you stick with the the simple uh straight-forward uh not curve design, i uh it's too dull. I don't think c our customers will like it. And um if you uh take the double-curved, uh then you cannot um you can only use the rubber buttons and you cannot use the scroll-wheels. So I think this is the best of two worlds. Yes. It's it's uh I uh I can imagine it's very dull to talk to a device w if you have to point to another device. It's very unlogical. Well the there has to be some pointing at. But All lights get absorbed, yeah. Yes, because the walls they they reflect the infrared light. So it has an it's easier. Um I suggest we use the the sensor sample. Uh the sample sensor and sample speaker. Um with a with a regular chip. I think uh it gives us the advantage of Yes, yes. And uh skip and skip the L_C_D_ part. I don't think it it's any uh value added thing. So Okay. Technology. Yes. It's not very flashy and new. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Uh I think our customers will go insane. It's it's too much. Okay. Uh the n the next phase will be um the um not the what is the next phase f Flores? Okay. So i Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. Yes, they can work. They cannot work with double-curved. That's that's problem. I'll check it for you. Yes. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. So you will be on the Bahamas. Uh Okay. So can you uh give us a summary of all uh decisions we've made? I'll do. Okay. W start with the casing. Okay, single-curved case. Okay. What about the energy source? I I think they can. Yes. Well, uh It it should be. There should be really no problem. They can be supplementary. That's no problem. So So uh uh just uh the energy source is um the batteries and the solar. Okay. What about uh the finishing of the case? We have decided we wanted to use the rubber? Okay, and I think we should use the company colours. Something like black and red. uh black and yellow. Grey yellow, okay. Oh, I think it's uh it's not very dull. It's quite modern actually. Don't you think? Hmm. Okay. Okay, but uh I'm afraid it's not possible to print a picture on uh the device. Because uh I agree it would be nice to have have something like that on the device itself. But Oh, I've read. Yes. Yes, but our manufacturing department is not so advanced in its uh techniques. They're actually very slow in its techniques. So So I'm afraid it's not possible. Okay, so scroll-wheel. But there will be some additional buttons, I guess. And th the they should be spongy also, because they're they're rubber too. Well uh you can use well, when you use the buttons, they'll they'll be made of rubber too. So it has th the spongy uh feel also. So I I think that's okay. Yes. That's okay. Yes, the signs. Uh I see what you mean. Well, maybe that's possible, because um uh our manufacturing division also offers plastic finishing. So maybe they can combine these two. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well, I'm I'm not so sure, I think it c should be Well, I'm not sure, I have to ask with manufacturing, but I'm I'm not sure that's what you want, because our customers specifically ask for the spongy feel, and that's what you get with rubber. So if you want the spongy feel, you need uh to make these buttons all all of rubber. I think both. I do. I think Okay. Um not quite. Um what about uh the chips? We use the regular chip? Okay. And Well no, I think that's about it. Yes. The only difference between the advanced and the regular version is that the advanced uh version of the chip supports L_C_D_. That's all. And we've decided not to use L_C_D_. So Okay. Okay. I'll put it online. Speaker B: Do you need to change anything on it? Because otherwise I will already open it. Okay. Is it much changes? Uh I didn't No no. I do hot have Only the same information. Hello, Sebastian. I believe uh Miss uh Tentel is with us as well, in the control room. Oh, it's that Roo again, always late. Bongiorno. Hmm. I see some interesting okay. People, welcome back. The third meeting. Um I have some points I would like to uh some some issues I would like to point out. Um first of all, um if you make minutes yourself as well, uh like Sebastian does, um could you put them on the shared folder? If you do not make minutes, no problem, but it's easy for me to see what you uh wrote down, so I could uh can uh um use that in the in the report. Um the second thing, um I was th uh s thinking to myself, I have this little remote control, and I'm talking to it, but I still need to point to the television, because it works with infrared. That's quite strange. Okay. We'll come to that later, I g I think. Um the agenda for now uh uh are there any pre-discussion questions? Okay. Um we wi we will have your individual presentations, uh then the decision on the remote control concept, um and uh the closing. Forty minutes in total for this. So um I think we we can immedis immediately start with the individual presentations, um the progress you've made. Um I think it might be smart to look at uh Ruud's um information first, because I understood there are some uh significant changes in the market situation. Um yeah. Uh w wait a sec wait a se uh could you go to the previous slide? Um because I'm taking minutes and it Um were the important themes enclose. Yeah okay. The feel of to be spongy Okay, so so, yeah, it might not be t uh it it shouldn't be too hard. It it maybe it rubber or or yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, that's interesting. You could make a few v very colourful ones, and uh a very traditional co cover. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it is, it is i yeah. Yeah. Do you know the phone? It's the Siemens uh C_ twenty five, I believe it's it's the one the Post-bank uh gave away, the very You kn you know, Ruud, as well? About th Okay. Okay. Um uh okay. Do you have uh thit that was Okay. Okay, so the the m uh important findings are uh innovation is more important than ease of use for the our target group. And um colouring is important and and uh soft materials. Okay. Okay, Roo, could you do your presentation? Okay, well it's good to to sum up uh the things we already thought about. Shape. Yeah. And what I'm thinking about, maybe um we should make very light but um uh a grip um I mean this is how you hold a remote control. Um it shouldn't be too uh glatt, too slippery, s because um Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, ex for your fingers, yeah. Yeah. It grips automatically. Yeah, okay. Okay, good. Yeah. Way too much I think for our goal, yeah. Okay, b but I think we'll yeah. Okay. Well, it would be very new to the market, but Yeah. I think um, if if I can hook on to that, um the kinetic thing is very funny. I mean solar is of course it's nice, but it's, well, your uh your calculator has a solar panel. Um hand dynamo Well, maybe m Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah. And wha Okay. Yeah. Okay, because I guess the voice recognition feature u consumes quite a f uh a lot of power. Yeah. Okay. Well This will be the remote, right? Um with uh maybe a channel selector. What about integrating a scroll-bar on this side? Because this is how you keep it Volume? Well, what about mute? Thi i i m I guess uh th this is my volume button. And I can either on this side or this side um And click it to muten the device. And and it makes it different from the traditional uh devices on this market. So I'm looking for a way to uh make it a little different than the traditional ones. So maybe um I guess that that's something you two uh need to think about. Uh Ruud, wha what do you thing about uh a scroll-bar? Uh scroll-wheel. Okay. Yeah. Well, all the Sony telephones use it, for example, for volume. Nokia has a well, okay, it's not really a scroll-wheel, but on their side th the the volume button is on the side, because you gri grab it like this. Yeah. I know, it's not really a scroll-wheel. No. Yeah. For you too, yeah. Okay. Sebastian. Um Yeah. It performs the action. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh well uh d did we already decide on the display? To No. On screen display. Yeah. Okay th Okay. Good. Kineti okay. Okay, it's maybe a bit too too flashy, too yeah. Yeah, but that that's the same with the solar cell. That's no different. Yeah. Okay. No no, but the uh um that's what Sebastian said. He said uh this is what uh this is my personal preference. But but yet, I understood that the market is different. So um No, r rubber with colours. Colourful and Yeah. But but do we want the curved uh uh design, or I it's too dull. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay, what about um the issue I um addressed at the beginning of the meeting? Um the voice function w with the infrared uh issue. Because it it's of cour Yeah. Well It depends also on your on your Well, it depends on your walls actually. If you have uh have um smooth walls, it it it probably you're probably right. But if you have carpets on the wall, which our natural loving friends probably do have, then um yeah, th th it might be a bit more of a issue. So Yeah. I like the scroll wheels uh idea. Yeah. Well, it looks uh yeah, well um according to Ruud, the the the market likes um new flashy technology, and I mean L_C_D_ is well, ok I know, but it's m it's less um s standard than than Well, we are not very w we do not know uh much about the the f the financial part. That's the problem. Because if we do have enough um space in in our finance, I would say do integrate it, because it it adds a little ext extra high-tech feeling to it. Mm yeah. Okay, okay. Yeah. Okay, I I agree. I think i Ruud, do you have any um anything you would like to um add or or maybe thoughts or No? Sebast uh nee, Roo? Roo, do you have any other Nothing more. Um Sebas Well, we we need to describe uh decisions now. So um on the energy, well, we decided. Chip. The case uh rubber with uh c one one uh one curve. User interface um Um then the corporate identity should be uh in the product. I guess that is something for Roo and Sebastian. Uh you talked about it before, the colours, grey and yellow. Keep it in mind. And um the buttons, well we talked about it now. The next phase, um Sebastian, um is um the design of the look and feel. The user interface design. And for you, the product evaluation. Um I'm sure your personal coach will give you more information on that. Um and uh the I_D_ and the U_I_D_ need to work together on the prototype drawing on the SMARTboard. And I'm going uh to plan my holidays. Yeah, it's it's uh when we come back in thirty minutes, uh you will have a uh prototype ready. Yeah? I can. Um maybe one of you could write it down. Great. Um Uh you you need to help me. Um The casing is curved, single-curved. Traditional batteries uh and solar. No, they can be complementary. Uh al al I uh Every device Yeah. Okay, um th Battery and solar, yeah. Yeah, with colourful rubber. Uh if it's possible with uh different um covers, but I'm not sure if our suppliers can uh can help us with uh with such uh uh a wish. Uh grey and yellow or black and yellow. Yeah. Yeah, although I don't think that's very colourful. Except for the yellow of course, but um I could think of a more uh attractive uh c uh set of colours. Well, I was more thinking about the fruit colours that the Ruud showed us before. Well, it it doesn't have to be red. Uh I mean th uh I think these colours are really what our young people are looking for. Um so maybe it shouldn't even be two colours, it should be a full colour cover with such an image or or I mean thinking in two colours is is too black and white for our m uh c uh market group, I guess. Black and yellow, yeah. Okay, so we have to deal with wh what's possible here. Yeah. Okay. Um more f more more decisions we made. Um Um The scroll-heel. Yes, the voice recognition we already decided. Yeah. Uh I'm going to leave that up to you two. Yeah. I think rubber is nice. Because it uh i I mean what do you touch the button, and what do they want spongy uh uh devices, or or i. Uh is that uh does our our supplier say so? Yeah. You could place a um uh this this would be the button. The scroll-wheel, I mean. And you could place the indica th th the signals the No no, there's no painting, only uh yellow or But it's into the rubber. Yeah, but this is on the pla yeah, I know. Um I think uh I know which you understand af uh I know what you mean. What about um making this rubber and making this plastic? Yeah. Well actually, we should have it the other way around, I guess. A plastic cover with rubber finishing. I mean, this is this is the finishing. This is um what's on the edge. What you feel. But the front, on which the the buttons are doesn't have to be rubber. I mean I know, but do you touch this or do you touch this? I mean, I I never touch between the buttons. Yeah, the side, exactly, the sideways. The side, but do you touch between the the these buttons? Okay. Well, we do not have very much time uh left. Um I guess you two have to figure that out. I'm going to leave the decision to you, um because you have to make its prototype, and um yeah y you have the most knowledge about the suppliers, the possibilities and uh so I'm going to leave it the decision with you. Um Sebastian, did you write enough decisions down? Yeah. Okay. With those regular chips we can still uh control advanced functions. The chip is is not really Okay, well. Yeah. Okay. Um okay, then I think we are uh quite finished. Um I'll see you guys in thirty minutes and um Yeah? Yeah, um if you write wrote anything down, uh could you put it on the shared folder? Yeah. I know, but well Great. Right. Speaker C: Um Mm, don't think so. Unless uh things have suddenly change again. Uh don't know. Maybe uh you've got new information, like uh last time. Okay. Oop. No. 'Kay. Hmm? Oh.. Yeah, Okay. Yeah. Yeah. My method? Well, findings. Uh Ease of use is important, but uh innovation is more important, and a fancy look and feel is uh even more important. And uh some fashion watchers have found out that the young target group likes fruit and vegetables in their uh clothes, shoes and furniture, and that they want spongy material. Probably watch too much Sponge Bob. Uh the older group uh still prefers dark colours. Simple shapes uh m material. But we since we are concentrating on uh the younger group 'Kay. Well, uh one example given was this, so um I assume they just want something colourful. Not uh specifically uh an apple as a remote control or something. No, uh the younger group likes uh more colourful uh objects. But Which one? This? Yes. Uh well, it might. But personally I wouldn't like a sponge as a remote control. But Maybe soft material or something. But not a real sponge. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and like uh the older group likes familiar materials, but that doesn't mean we should use wood, So Well, this this is an example of what they would like. But since we're conten concentrating on uh the younger group, I think we should use soft materials and uh make it colourful or uh like cell phones, exch exchangeable covers. So we could provide both for the young and the old what they like. I've seen it, but 'Kay. Uh that's about it. Yes. Uh soft material. Uh the fancy look and feel. Yes. Apparently. Yeah. Um Uh well, it's obvious obviously new. So it might attract uh the young customers. Hmm. And yeah, the yeah, the older people liked wood. No the Yeah, the younger people liked soft material. Yeah. Yeah. Standard? Nah, um n no, I don't think so. M Hmm. Or black and yellow. Yeah. Uh didn't did we inc uh include the digi digits or uh leave them to the speech recognition? 'Cause things like uh volume could be uh placed next to the button. There the icons. So you don't touch the icons that much. Speaker D: Bongiorno. Punish. You wish. Welcome. Uh Yeah. No. Alright. But they like dark colours, you said in the p Okay. Well then I suggest that the corporate colours are grey and yellow. I had Or we could make oh. Yeah, o o I'm thinking about uh the Bananarama telephone uh telephone from uh Siemens. The yellow uh rubber telephone. It's the it's the rubber uh cover. And it's uh colourful. It looks likes a banana. We have the fruit, we have the colours. We have the simple design. Um thirty five. And the b the light blue and it's also in yellow. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well, I don't ha really have much to add, um because most of things we already said in uh the previous uh discussion. Um Uh the previous ideas were voice recognition and uh the round button for uh the p channel programming and uh volume. Well, a few interface I uh I found on the internet are are these. These are both with uh with voice recognition, but they're very advanced and very high-tech and just um, well, a weird um shape. So I suggest I couldn't uh I had a small uh mock-up uh sign on the on paper. But it didn't work. My pen didn't load um the information. So I made a really simple f uh a shape on uh in um PowerPoint. But we could make uh a round uh an oval uh um remote control. Uh yellow. But if you have something like uh the Siemens phone, it's rubber. So it's easy in your hand Uh indeed. Yeah. Great. Oh and um to add on um Ruud's information, in this um interface we can have uh high-tech with the voice recognition and uh, well, the the fancy colours and uh and so on, and still have the ease of use, because we have an easy interface. And all the other remote controls are high-tech in buttons and uh and so on. Yeah. So if you have the voice recognition, you can you can programme like thirty uh um thirty c uh controls on it. Yeah. Right. Great. Like the watch. But if you're watching a movie, how many times uh you take the the remote control and and if uh if you have a watch, you have the kinetic uh idea in a watch also. You you walk and uh but uh you you're sitting on a couch. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, we can just make four push-buttons in a form of a round. But I th I don't think uh the scroll-wheels I had some I had some information about it too. I don't think there's any possibility for us to use scroll-wheels. I d I can't see uh any uh scenario where you would use a scroll-wheel with a button on it. Yeah. Yeah, uh that's a possibility, but But Flores, think about a scenario where y where you would use the scroll-button for A volume, okay. Yeah. Wheel. Yeah, I believe uh if you have uh what we've earlier said, um the grip uh places in in the remote control. You have your hand on one place on the remote control, so you have to place all the buttons in a range of your thumb. So in that case uh the volume button on the side uh of the remote control would be perfect. Yeah yeah, you can um I have some information about it. Uh in the voice recognition you say a word you can programme words like uh v uh volume up. Of mute, let's say mute. Um you programme it, you m mute and you g you give um an uh an action to it that that's really the mute function and uh when you speak in the the remote control, it repeats uh your saying. So that's the sample sensor. So if you say mute, it says mute again, and then it's um well, I believe it's uh Yeah, and then uh he he repeats its action what which he believes it is. So you say mute, he repeats mute and you makes a computer sound mute, and then goes to the mute function. Yeah. Well, I don't have um I haven't looked for uh for information about it, but I don't think information uh y I don't think you need it on a display. Especially when when we have to look at a cost, I don't think uh 'cause uh uh all any T_V_ can uh can uh view a digit on uh on screen, yeah. But what about um the markets uh wants colourfuls uh designs? So if you use titanium Okay. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. And I would think And they can be implemented with a regular chip? Okay, but we also uh we already need the regular chip for the sample uh sensor speaker oh, evalu But most infrared uh remote controls don't have to be pointed at all. Well, if you if you take your hand before it, okay, it won't work, but you can point it just to the other wall. Yeah. And the regular chip. And and the scroll uh scroll-wheels. Yeah. No. Think so too. But we already have the scroll-wheels, the sp uh the speaker uh the speak recognition, the rubber, the fancy colours. Um no. Nothing more. Uh but uh can't scroll-wheels uh work with one uh one-curved case? Yeah, okay. Sorry, yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. The project drawing is for the next Yeah, right. Single-curved. But can there be uh wor can they work together? Or do we have to choose between them? 'Cause if we have to choose yeah? Okay. What if not? Okay. Yeah. Grey and yellow. Yellow case and grey buttons, I think. I believe the But you have already um you must have a red uh on and off button. And um Well well Well, there is. Just a week ago, a keyboard manufacturer would print, with and uh No. A scroll-wheel. Voice recognition, of course. What what did you say? Yeah. Yeah, or you could use plastic buttons. In the rubber. Yeah, b But then you just have the the fact that um the drawings on the buttons will disappear eventually. What I said in the in the first uh discussion, uh the digit six on the button, it will disappear when it's from rubber. It is not uh something uh it's no information I read about it or so, but it's just from No, but but uh it Yeah, b yeah. Yeah, that's possible, but then you have still the images on the rubber of the case. So still then, if you feel uh li uh if you feel your remote control, you just rub on the cover, so you rub on the painting. Yeah. Yeah, but but the the plus or the minus. You have to draw the Yeah, it's on the cover. So if you uh You just move the problem. Y uh can you separate these uh these I do. Or the s uh the sideways. Or the the back. Or the back. I think Yes, especially when there are l a few buttons on it, you have uh a lot of space to touch. So you just have it in your hand completely or or i you play with it. Yeah. Yeah. Regular. Use with.. For the finishing touch. Uh yeah. But um Sebastian has everything.
Um first of all , um if you make minutes yourself as well , uh like Sebastian does , um could you put them on the shared folder ? Ease of use is important , but uh innovation is more important , and a fancy look and feel is uh even more important . And uh some fashion watchers have found out that the young target group likes fruit and vegetables in their uh clothes , shoes and furniture , and that they want spongy material . I assume they just want something colourful . Not uh specifically uh an apple as a remote control or something . the corporate colours are grey and yellow . Maybe soft material or something . But not a real sponge . maybe it rubber or uh like cell phones , exch exchangeable covers . You could make a few v very colourful ones , and uh a very traditional co cover . a few interface I uh I found on the internet are are these . but they're very advanced and very high-tech and just um , well , a weird um shape . But we could make uh a round uh an oval uh um remote control . Uh yellow . And what I'm thinking about , maybe um we should make very light but um uh a grip um I mean this is how you hold a remote control . There are there are also remote controls who have uh a little shape underneath where you can put your fingers in , in this um interface we can have uh high-tech with the voice recognition and uh , well , the the fancy colours and uh and so on , and still have the ease of use , We have the uncurved or flat case . Uh that's the most common uh remote con control form uh We have uh a curved one . Uh and we have an even more advanced uh shape , which is curved in three dimension . We can use plastic , uh which is the same for rubber , We can use wood and titanium . we cannot use the titanium on the double curve cases . And these latex cases , there's there's just the plastic ones uh won't allow the use of solar cells as an energy source source . we even seem to have uh hand dyn dynamos for uh powering our uh remote controls . Uh there's there's also a kinetic energy supply . I think um , if if I can hook on to that , um the kinetic thing is very funny . But if you're watching a movie , how many times uh you take the the remote control and and But uh the problem here is that it it supplies a a very little amount of kinetic energy . but maybe maybe there's a possibility com to combine it with m uh traditional batteries , because I guess the voice recognition feature u consumes quite a f uh a lot of power . And we of course have the traditional uh solar power , um of course we have the push-buttons and uh we also have scroll-wheels . And these scroll-wheels can also be integrated with buttons . Um uh in the indicators we have the L_C_D_ displays , we can just make four push-buttons in a form of a round . Yes . That is possible too . Yes . I can't see uh any uh scenario where you would use a scroll-wheel with a button on it . Um with uh maybe a channel selector . What about integrating a scroll-bar on this side ? Yeah , uh that's a possibility , There's no scenario where you use uh the button in the scroll-wheel . this is my volume button . And I can either on this side or this side um And click it to muten the device . So it might attract uh the young customers . it's it's been done years ago and I don't see it anywhere now . So in that case uh the volume button on the side uh of the remote control would be perfect . Yeah , yeah . Okay . Uh we have a simple , regular and advanced chip . And there is something like a sample sensor and sample speaker , Uh in the voice recognition you say a word you can programme words like uh v uh volume up . Of mute , let's say mute . and uh when you speak in the the remote control , it repeats uh your saying . It performs the action . d did we already decide on the display ? Especially when when we have to look at a cost , I don't think uh No . I don't think you need it . I thought um the market would like uh a sort m sort of titanium casing , but they seem to like natural uh stuff . Um I've chosen the more battery with solar cell uh solution for the energy . The kinetic thing it it's it's a possibility . but I'm I think you should combine it with batteries . it's maybe a bit too too flashy , So it it needs to be rubber . the younger people liked soft material . But they really need the regular chip , if you if you stick with the the simple uh straight-forward uh not curve design , i uh it's too dull . And um if you uh take the double-curved , uh then you cannot um you can only use the rubber buttons and you cannot use the scroll-wheels . But but do we want the curved uh uh design , So I think this is the best of two worlds . what about um the issue I um addressed at the beginning of the meeting ? Um the voice function w with the infrared uh issue . It's it's uh I uh I can imagine it's very dull to talk to a device w if you have to point to another device . But most infrared uh remote controls don't have to be pointed at all . it depends on your walls actually . Um I suggest we use the the sensor sample . Uh the sample sensor and sample speaker . Um with a with a regular chip . And and the scroll uh scroll-wheels . Yes , yes . And uh skip and skip the L_C_D_ part . Yeah . according to Ruud , the the the market likes um new flashy technology , Because if we do have enough um space in in our finance , I would say do integrate it , But we already have the scroll-wheels , the sp uh the speaker uh the speak recognition , the rubber , the fancy colours . Yeah . Okay , I I agree . Um then the corporate identity should be uh in the product . I guess that is something for Roo and Sebastian . Uh you talked about it before , the colours , grey and yellow . The next phase , um Sebastian , um is um the design of the look and feel . The user interface design . And for you , the product evaluation . Um and uh the I_D_ and the U_I_D_ need to work together on the prototype drawing on the SMARTboard . can you uh give us a summary of all uh decisions we've made ? The casing is curved , single-curved . Traditional batteries uh and solar . Yeah , with colourful rubber . What about uh the finishing of the case ? Uh if it's possible with uh different um covers , and I think we should use the company colours . Something like black and red . uh black and yellow . Yeah , although I don't think that's very colourful . Except for the yellow of course , It's quite modern actually . I was more thinking about the fruit colours that the Ruud showed us before . um you must have a red uh on and off button . Um so maybe it shouldn't even be two colours , it should be a full colour cover with such an image but uh I'm afraid it's not possible to print a picture on uh the device . The scroll-heel . Yes , the voice recognition we already decided . But there will be some additional buttons , I guess . because they're they're rubber too . Uh didn't did we inc uh include the digi digits or uh leave them to the speech recognition ? What I said in the in the first uh discussion , uh the digit six on the button , it will disappear when it's from rubber . 'Cause things like uh volume could be uh placed next to the button . So still then , if you feel uh li uh if you feel your remote control , you just rub on the cover , so you rub on the painting . What about um making this rubber and making this plastic ? we should have it the other way around , I guess . A plastic cover with rubber finishing . I'm I'm not so sure , I have to ask with manufacturing , Um I guess you two have to figure that out . We use the regular chip ? Regular . Uh I think our customers will go insane . So if you want the spongy feel , you need uh to make these buttons all all of rubber .
"Speaker A: Afternoon. Yeah, we had falafel. Mm-hmm. Spongy means it it's like sp But what's your su(...TRUNCATED)
"So today is um our third meeting . It will be about the conceptual design uh . um . We decided not (...TRUNCATED)
"Speaker A: Okay. Good morning everybody. Oh, everybody is not ready. Alright. Okay, let's go. So, w(...TRUNCATED)
"The project manager Sebastian opens the meeting. The rest introduce themselves, including Michael t(...TRUNCATED)
"Speaker A: Yep. Uh-huh. Don't think so. Jess. Alright, so I'm gonna describe the the concept of the(...TRUNCATED)
"Um it's our conceptual design meeting our agenda , I'm gonna review the minutes of the last meeting(...TRUNCATED)
"Speaker A: I respond to either. No worries. Okay, first thing I want to address is um one of the po(...TRUNCATED)
"this is the beginning of the third meeting , the conceptual design meeting . Um our agenda should b(...TRUNCATED)
"Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Wow. So, sorry I was just gonna say, what was the question for this?(...TRUNCATED)
"well w what I didn't actually realise it was that the uh this is for a specific television . So the(...TRUNCATED)

Dataset Card for HighlightSum Corpus [Single Dataset Comprising of AMI, SamSUM & DialogSUM for Brief Summarization of Text]

Dataset Description


Dataset Summary

HighlightSUM is collection of large-scale dialogue summarization dataset from AMI, SamSUM & DialogSUM, consisting of 31,108 dialogues with corresponding manually labeled summaries.



Dataset Structure

Data Instances

HighlightSum is a large-scale dialogue summarization dataset collection, consisting of 31,108 dialogues split into train, test and validation.

The first instance in the training set: {'id': 'train_0', 'summary': "Mr. Smith's getting a check-up, and Doctor Hawkins advises him to have one every year. Hawkins'll give some information about their classes and medications to help Mr. Smith quit smoking.", 'dialogue': "#Person1#: Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Doctor Hawkins. Why are you here today?\n#Person2#: I found it would be a good idea to get a check-up.\n#Person1#: Yes, well, you haven't had one for 5 years. You should have one every year.\n#Person2#: I know. I figure as long as there is nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?\n#Person1#: Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So try to come at least once a year for your own good.\n#Person2#: Ok.\n#Person1#: Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?\n#Person2#: Yes.\n#Person1#: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.\n#Person2#: I've tried hundreds of times, but I just can't seem to kick the habit.\n#Person1#: Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I'll give you more information before you leave.\n#Person2#: Ok, thanks doctor."}

Data Fields

  • dialogue: text of dialogue.
  • summary: human written summary of the dialogue.
  • id: unique file id of an example.

Data Splits

  • train: 27401
  • val: 1360
  • test: 2347

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Collection of AMI, SamSUM & DialogSUM Datasets.

Who are the source language producers?


Who are the annotators?

language experts

Licensing Information

non-commercial licence: MIT

Citation Information

Refer the above links for Credits & Citations.

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