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Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 檀島唔得喇。 | Tandao is no longer good. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 大嫂要去洪水橋洪平路嗰度買啲嘢 | The sister-in-law wants to go to Hongping Road, Hung Shui Qiao, to buy something |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你唔駛對佢講嘅嘢耿耿於懷吖,佢冇心嘅。 | You don't have to dwell on what he said, he doesn't have the heart. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有咗呢餅帶做證據,我哋實可以釘死佢。 | With this belt of bread as proof, we can certainly crucify him. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢個概念嚟自中國 巴士可以跨立係堵塞嘅車輛上面 呢個概念令我哋大開眼界 對於城巿入面嘅空間同移動 有新嘅思考方式 | The concept comes from the Chinese idea that buses can straddle traffic jams, and this concept has opened our eyes to new ways of thinking about space and movement in the city |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係。噉但係因為哩個係同傳統譬如話一個返工嘅模式係有好大嘅 | Oh, yes. But because this is a big deal with the traditional model of going to work, for example |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 咁大個仲唔敢自己瞓,真係生人唔生膽! | I don't dare to sleep by myself when I'm so big, I don't know how to be brave! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 挽 | pull |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 好迆 | It's greasy |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 阿叔 | uncle |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 風水輪流轉 | A dog has his day |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 又要 | Again |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 一般人 | People in general |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 定邊 | Fixed edges |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔緊要。 | Never mind. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 食硬 | Eat hard |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 城市嘅家居環境邊有農村嘅好呀 | How can the urban home environment be as good as the countryside |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 還差得很遠很遠。 | It's still a long, long way off. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有啲人相信人死後有得投胎。 | Some people believe that people are reincarnated after death. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 喺大學 , 我哋要做個好短嘅研習 要設計太陽能鐘 | In college, we have to do a short study to design a solar clock |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 兒子生性,病母倍感安慰。 | The son is sensible, and the sick mother is comforted. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢畫畫嘅技巧比起佢師父,真係有過之而無不及。 | His painting skills are really better than those of his master. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 有樣睇𡃉哩啲有時我都覺得。 | I also feel like I feel like this sometimes. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 幾年之後 我說服咗我爸爸動手整返件啱身嘅盔甲 | A few years later, I convinced my dad to get his hands on the whole piece of armor |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢成日諗屎橋整蠱人。 | He's always trying to trick people with bad ideas. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 請等一陣,佢仲未得。 | Wait a minute, he hasn't got it yet. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | lik1gu1lik1gu1()『六十番。六十番。』 | lik1gu1lik1gu1 ( )『Sixty times. Sixty times. 』 |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 舊南九龍裁判法院 | Old South Kowloon Magistrates' Courts |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 十劃未有一撇 | Ten strokes do not have a thousand dollars |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 零係唔係整數啊? | Is zero an integer? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係囖。話烏蠅係噉威,係噉,即係點啊,圍住佢來追佢追住佢噉樣喎。 | It's naughty. Say that the flies are so powerful, that is, that's how it is, surround him and chase him and chase him like this. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我亦都贊成 | I'm in favor of that too |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 口密 | The mouth is tight |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 筆刨 | pencil sharpener |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 單丁 | Single |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係呃,重有一樣嘢,就係你買完嗰個袋覺得真係唔鍾意嘅,而家有二手攤嗎,你可以去賣返出去𡃉,好似CD噉樣,你聽完之後,你發覺,「唉!都係唔係咁-咁鍾意成隻碟喎。」噉咪賣返出去囖。 | It's a lie, there's one more thing, which you don't like after you buy that bag, and now there's a second-hand stall that you can sell back, like a CD, and you listen to it, and you realize, "Oh, it's still not so—I like the whole plate so much." Then sell it back. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 不愧 | Worthy |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 喺香港你可以喺任何一間便利店用現金繳交水費。 | In Hong Kong, you can pay your water bill in cash at any convenience store. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我要返一返公司先。 | I'm going back to the office first. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我要買份禮物送俾女朋友呀,你幫下眼吖? | I'm going to buy a gift for my girlfriend, can you help me? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢嫌我買俾佢嗰盒粉彩太少顏色。 | He thought the box of pastels I bought him was too little color. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢種書好啱香港人口味。 | This kind of book is very suitable for the taste of Hong Kong people. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我哋仲係起火採光 每當我哋要能源 | We still have fires and lighting whenever we want energy |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我今日出貓俾個老師斷正。 | I'm going to give a teacher a correction today. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 蝸牛殼 | Snail shells |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我尋日同條仔一齊去酒店tea。 | I went to the hotel tea yesterday with a kid. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢枝螺絲批係咪最啱使㗎? | Is this screwdriver the best for flowers? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋走鬼晒,攋低我一個。 | They went ghostly and bent me down. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 事實上 , 直接交個波出去 你就會知道啲人其實想要乜 | In fact, just hand the ball out and you'll know what people actually want |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 老公一見到老婆同一個鬼佬傾偈,就大呷乾醋。 | As soon as the husband saw his wife chatting with a foreigner, he was very jealous. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 墓碑上刻咗死者嘅名、出生同死亡日期。 | The tombstone is engraved with the deceased's name, date of birth and death. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係咪老細叫你同我傳話㗎? | Did your boss tell you to talk to me? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 事實上 , 世上嘅男天才比女嘅多 | In fact, there are more male geniuses than women in the world |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 話時話, | Saying |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 點解啊? | Why? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 而我哋依家行嘅路唔單止決定 個人生命嘅質素同長短 仲決定一個世紀以後 我哋望返地球嗰陣 , 仲會唔會認得出佢 | And the path we are taking now will not only determine the quality and length of our lives, but also whether we will recognize him when we look back at the earth a century from now |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 黃金時段 | Prime time |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 更多是自信心早已崩潰 | It's more that self-confidence has long since collapsed |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 讀一年就攞到文憑,真係抵到爛。 | It's so cheap to get a diploma after one year of study. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢而家係一個認可嘅基金經理。 | He is now an accredited fund manager. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 對老人家唔好 對零售商唔好 | Don't be bad to the retailer for the elderly |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 夏天輕裝返工 | Travel light to work in the summer |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 對仗工整 | The battle is neat |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 表姐放學去左粉嶺置華里公園打韆鞦 | My cousin went to Fanling Zhihuali Park after school to swing in autumn |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢處擺牀,嗰處擺櫃。 | This place is set up, and the other side is set up. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢做咁多衰嘢,終有一日會露出馬腳。 | He does so many bad things, and one day he will show his feet. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 超過 14,000 人喺一瞬那喪生 | More than 14,000 people died in an instant |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢呢單嘢真係幾杰㗎。 | He's really good at it. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我好唔鍾意老公賭馬,唔想大仔學佢老豆成日賭馬噉樣。 | I don't like my husband betting on horses, and I don't want my eldest son to learn from his father's always betting on horses. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 母乳育嬰 | Breastfeeding |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋冇將抑鬱症 講成係一種入侵性嘅惡靈 。 | They don't speak of depression as an invading evil spirit. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你嘅生活會變得更加豐富 、 有意義 因為你體驗咗新嘅經歷 因為你將部手機留喺架車度 | Your life will become richer and more meaningful because you experience new experiences because you leave a phone in the car |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 咪好囖,有節目呃,唉。 | Don't be good, there are programs to cheat, alas. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你話佢好靚,我會話佢淨係霎眼嬌。 | You say he's beautiful, I'd say he's just a blink of an eye. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係囖!幾衰啊!佢話-小豬話佢態度好好好惡劣啊話,搞到小豬呢即係發晒脾氣嗰隻呢。 | yes, it's bad! He said, Piggy said he had a very good attitude, he was the one who lost his temper. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢排啲錢原來都好唔見使,儲極都儲唔到錢。 | Recently, this money has not been spent, and no matter how much you save, you can't save it. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 美帝 | US imperialism |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 抆 | wipe |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 哄 | coax |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 彈性強 | Resilient |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我啱啱食完飯 | I just finished eating |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 拐 | turn |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 謀財害命 | Murder |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 啱啱結婚,享受幾年二人世界再生仔都未遲。 | Just got married, and it's not too late to enjoy a few years of the two-person world and have children. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 高佬 | Tall |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 政府發表咗新一年嘅發展藍圖。 | The government has published a blueprint for the new year. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 平方呎 | square inch |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 健康科學嘅投資會帶黎好多好處 唔單止係預防疫情爆發 | Investing in health sciences has many benefits, not least to prevent outbreaks |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢叫C-A-R-R-I-E𡃉喎。 | His name is C-A-R-R-I-E Naughty. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 𡂖轉身 | Turn around |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 香港立法會議員梁家傑質詢時都話:「好多人話要移民臺灣,香港嘅問題,又唔係冇錢冇噉,而係缺少一個副民主認受性、副願景嘅政府。」 | Hong Kong Legislative Council member Leung Ka-kit also said when questioned: "Many people say that they want to immigrate to Taiwan, and the problem of Hong Kong is not that there is no money, but that there is a lack of a government with a vice-democratic recognition and a vice-vision. 」 |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 乜你咁冇陰功打到隻狗噉樣架? | Why are you so pathetic to beat a dog like this? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 螺旋椅 | Spiral chair |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 𢺳住扶手唔好喐 | Hold on to the handrails |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ( 笑聲 ) 跟著我哋話 “ 佢先 5 歲咋 。 ” | [Laughter] followed us and said, "He's only 5 years old. ” |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 重有一個無端端肚痛啊。撇咗個李燦森喇。 | There's also a stomachache for no reason. Skimmed Li Cansen. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 星期一例牌要開會 | Meetings are customary on Mondays |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 褲頭 | Waistband |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢擊敗咗同組嘅對手而入圍,有份參加決賽 | He beat his opponents in the same group to qualify for the final |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 咪立亂食嘢啦,一陣間客人會嚟㗎喇。 | Don't eat casually, the guests will be chatting in a while. |