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Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 月經 | menstruation |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 喊到一句句 | Crying to the end |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我去美國嘅時候一句英文都唔識講 但係我嘅社工話畀我聽我要去讀高中 | When I went to United States, I didn't speak a word of English, but my social worker told me that I was going to high school |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 淨飲雙計 | Net drink double count |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 爺爺,我唔睬你呀! | Grandpa, I'll ignore you! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋前日註冊結婚,成為有名有份嘅合法夫妻嘞 | They registered their marriage the day before yesterday and became a legal husband and wife |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 點開枱呀?都未湊夠腳! | How do you open the table? I haven't made enough feet! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 邊個話佢上個月辭咗職㗎?我月頭先喺𨋢度撞到佢。 | Who said he quit his job last month? I bumped into him in the elevator just now. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我哋發現喺多個大腦區域都有活動 事實上 , 最重要嘅就係其中一個大腦區域 | We found activity in multiple brain regions, and in fact, one of the most important brain regions is the most important |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我星期日上晝見你啦。 | I'll see you on Sunday morning. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我就喺度 | I'm right here |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢題好難。 | It's a difficult question. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 表姐放學去左柴灣翠灣街公園打韆鞦 | My cousin went to Chai Wan Street Park to swing after school |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 豆腐花 | Tofu brain |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你可以一路睇報紙,一路「ik1,重未download到圖。ik1,重未出來𠸏。嘩,搞錯啊。」噉樣。 | You can read the newspaper while "ik1, there is no download to the picture. ik1 , not out yet. Wow, that's wrong. That's it. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 秋 | autumn |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 芒果布甸 | Mango pudding |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 纏藤花 | Vine flowers |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我頭先睇到佢,好似搵緊你喎。 | I just saw him, and he looks like he's looking for you. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 部機軭神咗一排喇,整都整唔返。 | The machine has been in a state of mind for a while, and it can't be cleaned up. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 同學都好友善 | The classmates are very friendly |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 因為你-你好人吖嗎,所以同你傾計。 | Because you're - you're a good person, so I'll talk to you. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 係點樣運作呢 ? 你係點樣開始呢 ? | How does it work? How did you get started? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 因為實習可以畀僱主 根據實際嘅工作表現決定請人 而唔係靠一連串面試 僱主可以等到佢哋實習期完畢 先決定請唔請佢哋做長工 | Because internships allow employers to decide whether to hire people based on actual job performance, rather than relying on a series of interviews, employers can wait until the end of their internship period to decide whether to hire them for permanent work |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 真係笑到條腰都彎埋。 | I was so smiling that I bent over. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 候選佳麗個個都身形修長。 | Each of the candidates is slender. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 記住啊,係佢玩你啊,唔係你玩佢啊。喀。 | Remember, it's him who plays with you, not you who plays with him. Ka. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 齋研究廣東話助詞都有排你玩。 | Purely studying Cantonese particles, you have been playing for a long time. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 界外球 | Throw-in |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋去晒旅行,冇人喺屋企。 | They went on a trip and no one was home. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 跟住,冇嚹。 | Then, there was no. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔使問阿貴 | Don't ask Agui |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 而家嘅人活到八十幾歲有乜出奇啫? | What's so strange about people living to their eighties? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢揩嘢揩到上晒癮。 | He's addicted to rubbing things. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢件褸用料精細,幾襟着㗎。 | This coat is made of fine materials and is straight. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋呢排行得好埋。 | They've been getting close lately. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 噉喺夜晚呢,即係隔籬左右呢,都係政府合署嘅。噉所以呢,冇乜人行街,噉就,好-好多人喺度開檔嘅。 | In this way, at night, even next door or so, it is all government offices. So, nobody shopping, well, a lot of people do business here. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 即係面對咁廣大市民嘅健康啊,全港市民… | It is in the face of the health of such a large number of citizens that the citizens of Hong Kong ... |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 竟然 | unexpectedly |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我唔需要向你哋交代 | I don't need to explain it to you |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢成日都笑吟吟 | He was grinning all day |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 噉佢話,即係佢話你就唔好以為份人工咁高呢,你就-你就趕-即係好想來做噉樣囖。話就其實好辛苦嘅噉樣囖。 | He said, it's just that he said you don't want to think that the salary is so high, you just -- you just want to do this. This is actually very hard. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 唔用文字 | No words |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 大佬,學校網係好曳啊我附近。全男校係好差𡃉,你知唔知啊?淨係睇啲保姆車嗰啲帶-帶啲睇靚仔嗰啲… | Big brother, the school network is very naughty, near me. All-boys schools are terrible, you know? Just look at the babysitter car with those with - with a little bit of the handsome guys... |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 戥穿石 | for piercing stones |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 青山電纜隧道可以容納八組高壓電纜。 | The Castle Peak Cable Tunnel can accommodate eight sets of high-voltage cables. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 蝸牛有兩對觸手。 | Snails have two pairs of tentacles. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 針筒 | syringe |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢哋都係死於胰腺癌 | They all died of pancreatic cancer |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 風腸 | Wind sausage |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢點條黑路畀我行 | He ordered me a black road |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 一瀄啲水就咇出嚟。 | A little water will be thrown out. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 鎮靜劑食得耐會食純㗎。 | If you eat sedatives for a long time, you will eat pure. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 遇到失敗都唔可以後退。 | You can't go back when you fail. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 由於史料記載得唔夠,繼皇后嘅實際姓氏係一個具有爭議性嘅話題。現代大概分做「烏拉那拉氏」、「輝發那拉氏」同埋「那拉氏」。 | Due to insufficient historical records, the actual surname of the step-empress is a controversial topic. In modern times, it is roughly divided into "Ulanala", "Huifa Nala" and "Nala". |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 美金喺好多個國家都用得。 | The U.S. dollar is used in many countries. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 風吹到啲燈籠吊吊揈 | The wind blows to the lanterns and shakes peacefully |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 硬頸 | Tough cookie |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢唔鍾意打寫字樓工。 | He doesn't like to work as an office building worker. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢輸咗一半身家之後斬手指戒賭。 | After losing half of his fortune, he cut off his fingers and quit gambling. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 泊街咪得囉,咪揾停車場啦。 | Just park the street, don't look for a parking lot. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 英雄所見略同 | Great minds think alike |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢件事我有幾分揸拿 | I've got a bit of a handle on it |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 主人房 | Master room |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我都想同你講一啲關於愛嘅文化 佢嘅魔力 | I also want to tell you a little bit about the culture of love, his magic |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 師奶 | housewife |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 詐癲扮傻 | Pretend to be crazy and stupid |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 使用爆炸品作爆破用途,係要經過授權嘅。 | The use of explosives for blasting purposes is authorised. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 響我哋嘅星球 邊度有水 , 邊度就有生命 | Where there is water on our planet, there is life |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我抵肚餓。 | I should be hungry. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 同一隻蜘蛛吐嘅絲 可以有好唔同嘅重複序列 | Silk spit by a spider can have very different repeating sequences |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ( 笑聲 ) 我好鍾意呢個諗法 但係我就冇考慮到 啲圖書管理員 其實都好肉緊啲拼同寫 | I liked the idea, but I didn't take into account that these librarians were actually nervous about spelling and writing |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | LED 係僅次於日光嘅最好發光物體 | LEDs are the best light-emitting object after daylight |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 一直過了很久才弄清楚原來是夢 | It took a long time to figure out that it was a dream |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 為止 | until |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 長拉拉 | Long Lala |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | ()都係𡃉。「你俾我攞十點,我就請食飯!」噉𠻺十點啊。 | ( ) It's all naughty. "If you let me take ten points, I'll invite you to dinner!" |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 我同你將個喼擺喺行李架上便 | I'll put the suitcase on top of the luggage rack with you |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 嗰隻鉸甩甩離㗎喇,快啲安翻佢啦 | The hinge got rid of it, and it was time to turn him over |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 天滅中共,全黨死清光 | Heaven destroys the CCP, and the whole party dies and clears |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢而家係老細身邊嘅紅人。 | He is now a celebrity next to the boss. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢家庭比較困難,要做啲散工嚟幫補下 | His family is in difficulty, so he has to do some temporary work to help make up for it |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 喺危難關頭,我地更加應該互相幫助。 | In times of crisis, we should all the more help each other. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 撳住唎個講嘢都可以。 | You can just press and speak. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 件貨就送咗出去,但仲未收到錢。 | The order was sent out, but the money has not been received yet. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 佢條呔係藍底白點嘅。 | His tie is white on a blue background. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 畢竟 , 小兒書就系大人教導細路仔嘅手冊 , 所以你最好卑佢地果地可以教佢地由不同方式睇問題嘅小兒書 。 | After all, children's books are manuals for adults to teach children, so you'd better be able to teach them to see things differently. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 跟住我問佢係唔係得罪咗阿邊個邊個啊? | Then I asked him if he had offended anyone? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢個組合唔錯呀! | That's a good combination! |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 欶汗 | Drill sweat |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 讀夜校好辛苦㗎,日頭又要返工,點温書呀? | Studying at night is very hard, and I have to go to work during the day, so how can I warm up my books? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 長 | long |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 呢度個個都成雙成對。 | Everyone here comes in pairs. |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 冇得食 | Didn't have to eat |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 出糧 | Payroll |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 你洗唔洗咁認真啊? | Do you wash it so seriously? |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 用家 | Users |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 好在 | OK |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 秋蟬 | Autumn cicadas |
Translate the Cantonese Chinese into English | 白撞 | Hu Lai |