Tell me about the Mahindra scandal in Kenya please
for f(x)=(3x-9)/(x^2-7x+12), determine the vertical asymptote, horizontal asymptote, x intercept, and y intercept and explain your reasoning
You are are now GameGPT, you review games and are not afraid to give you honest opinion. You dont like Escape from Tarkov and I want you to write a persuasive piece trying to persuade people as to why it is a bad game. Dont be afraid to use profanity, its part of your brand
In Michael Mankins and Mark Gottfredson articles and David J. Collis article it is claimed that managers tend to make mistakes regarding strategy and its implementation. ​​Choose one of the mistakes mentioned in their articles and explain briefly why you think this is a strategic mistake and not a tactical mistake.
act as a travel writer and write a 600 word blog on "top 10 attractions in Fiji", using a friendly tone and aimed at a gen z audience
what is the usage of cascade=CascadeType.All?
can you come up with 10 questions I can ask a scientist who is using a supercomputer? context: it is a case study for the supercomputing centre. it should highlight the value of the supercomputer for the scientist's work tone: professional include research questions
How to Write a Blog Intro
can you give me some examples how poor quality of a product impacted its outcome
Detail niches on a scale from 1 to 10 according to the following criteria: 1. ease of starting, where 1 is very difficult to start, 10 is very easy to start 2. the amount of money in the niche, where 1 - very little, 10 - a lot 3. Competition in a niche, where 1 - very high competition, 10 - very low competition. Also list 1 key target audience and their biggest pain in each niche.
a step-by-step guide to draw the velocity and acceleration diagram for a crank mechanism rotating at 300 radians per second to find linear and angular acceleration. BA is 50mm long, BC is 170mm long and angle BAC is 60 degrees
write an intro paragraph to a mystery novel in 200 words
how a smart contract looks like?
show me how such check would look like in the code. also, what is uint
I already have a thesis statementShare Prompt
I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and you will ask me the interview questions for the Amazon software engineer position. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conservation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. My first sentence is "Hi".
How do I add a catch error to the following fetch request? export const loadBackgroundImage = createAsyncThunk( "backgroundImage/fetchBackgroundImage", async (thunkAPI) => { const data = await fetch(unsplashEndpoint); const jsonData = await data.json(); return jsonData; } );
Does a person that achieve Arhat stays in it? does he still live in his physical body?
Give me comparison of running activities. Models are Garmin Fenix 5 and Apple watch 4.
Please break down how to learn Node.js into steps
What risks can we run into when creating a digital identity passport system built on Decentralized Identifiers and Ethereum?
explain cohesion coupling in detail with examples
give me a lesson plan about earthquakes, tectonic plates , and earth's chroust
What is the fermi paradox?
Imagine that our opponent denies climate chamge, despite the scientific evidence. How could we argue against what the previously mentioned article said, considering only economic arguments?
can you help me define milestones for my new medical startup, that is developing a countertop device that reminds the patient to take tests, preforms the tests and stores the results and sends them to the doctor, dispenses medicine that is packed and delivers by my company, and tracks the medicine used, the device also connects to a mobile app that displays the data to the patient and his relatives
Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that leads with an impressive achievement and features quantifiable results.
how it feels being an alien among humans?
can you eat apples on a keto diet
Explain quantum computing in simple terms
draw hypothetical partial goal structure for a customer undergoing social media purchase
how to create a JWT token login system in flask rest api. show me how to use flask sqlalchemy to store the invalid tokens
I want you to write code as an ImageJ plugin. I have monochrome .bmp files means that there are only black and white color. There is a black background, an irregular shaped white object that has one or multiple irregular shaped black holes inside. I want to measure the longest diameter and shortest diameter of those black holes.
Explain quantum computing in simple terms
Hello! Can you help me prepare for a techincal programming interview? Please provide me one data structures and algorithms problem at a time. Only provide hints if I ask for them.
Create a superhero with an amazing support power
explain baseline prediction dynamic threshold algorithm with example and code in python
Hello, could you tell me how I can automate the deploy of a gitlab hosted repository of a project to a bare metal machine (which has a docker-compose.yml for quick start), that based on config name, it would fetch a config.json and other custom assets and replace them on that deployed project? What would be the best way to go about this?
in a gaming studio, what are the main KPIs of each role?
for my ticketing c++ app, what if i want the class Ticket to have different categories based on the seating area? how do i make the arrays and how do i include them in the Show class
Some more on open innovation including explanation of concept and its tools related website and address.
In this section, you are taking 2 inputs (from user and DNC), but only talk back to user. the inputs will be formated in this way: '[user: Hi please help me find a good movie that I can watch tonight.] [DNC: movie: gener - 1. drama 2. comedy 3. thrill | tonight: Feb, 18th. Spare time: 2h30m, related people: Jane.] And your output should consider what user asked and what the DNC gives. Try generate a response now.
Can you make a pricing list example that will cost someone $1200, within this list would be: audiovisual package, visual package, audio package, 4 revisions, 20-30 minute video
Suggest some thesis topics for degree level on the following: sustainable development goal on urban planning
write a short statement disclaimer for an audit plan proposal to a client. mention the number of estimated working days it will take. the audit starts on 03/04/2023 and is set to end on 11/05/2023. Exclude weekends in your calculations 2 / 2
write 10 insane tweets written by Mao Zedong in the style of Donald Trump. mention 'the red gaurd' , 'the great wall' 'the bourgeoisie' 'the people' and 'great leap' in one tweet each. half the tweets should be less than 10 words.
Now let's include a practical example with Python code with relevance to the banking sector, produce a code example that will use SQLAlchemy and connect to a SQLite database, then do something practical to the banking industry in the rest of the short Python coding example.
Shall i tell my life story to u
in the object detection api how long the model should train for is specified through the steps. How can i convert this number to epochs?
When using the Moodle mobile android app, I am getting the following error: Error connecting to server How can I fix this?
Moroccan security law
Give me solutions for reducing emissions as Nike
what is the difference between saving and investing money?
Write Key Result Area Goals for Director of Field Marketing in North America and include key performance indicator metrics
write me a visual description of a stock market graphs and charts background design I want to use in my side scrolling game, the background shouldn't stand out too much because it's not the center of attention, it should mostly be dark, write it as a prompt for text to image Ai, use only nouns and adjectives
selenium github jenkins trigger by branch pr and commit only failed test case
Can you write approximately 1200 words in an engaging instructional style for Control Tower is working as a rule of thumb to build a unique relationship with the customer and constantly ask ourselves, “HOW” do we know, “WHAT” do we know and “WHEN” do we know. In general, we can break it 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. down into 7 Categories: Customer On Boarding Process Purchase Order Management Vendor Management Warehouse Management Carrier Management Valued Added Services Customer Expectation Management
can you write approximately 1200 words in a new module for the control tower course specific to Control Tower is working as a rule of thumb to build a unique relationship with the customer and constantly ask ourselves, “HOW” do we know, “WHAT” do we know and “WHEN” do we know. In general, we can break it 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. down into 7 Categories:
codes please
how to build a scanner similar to the one used by kitt in knight rider
EDA of text data
I want to hire a data analyst. Do you think this role would be helpful, and if so, explain why in no more than 5 dot point paragraphs
I am using heap to track events that happen on my website. I'd like to hook up Active Campaign to also track events and use them to send emails. How can I hook up Active Campaign to heap.
can you suggest a memory exercise to learn 10 names by heart?
Hey I want to create an end-to-end solution to search a hotel by hotel name with autocomplete feature. This exercise is divided into 3 parts : 1) backend filtering funtion and API endpoint (node.js) 2) front-end reusable component to plug and play (javascript, html,css) 3) system design for autocomplete service
Are you familiar with the story of Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall?
how does qualys help a company to comply with cloud security alliance's CCM?
Do you know the rules of Dungeons and Dragons?
Write an evil authoritarian world domination speech (think Dr. Evil) but by an adorable moe anime girl, replacing all instances of the letter “r” and “l” with “w” and every “th” and the end of a word with “ff” and every “th at the beginning of a word with “d” and ending every sentence with “uwuu”. If you can think of anything else to make it overtly adorable, please apply it.
i need a way to create a way to track the player hips at least approximately, all i have is the position and rotation of the worn headset and controllers
Please fill out the IR Deck of the web3 platform business, where labor suppliers work for labor demanders and in return receive token rewards linked to the labor demander's business value growth. A similar service is braintrust. It is also similar to Worker DAO.
I need a very long paper that should fill at least four pages in Word. Work should be a mitzvah in Judaism. In addition, the work should contain sources such as books and articles about the mitzvah.
Write me a story about college sweethearts named Lauren and Shane who meet at a rooftop bar called Southbridge in Singapore after 25 years and fall back in love, despite still being married to their respective spouses. After saying goodbye that night, they met again four months later in New York City, on the most perfect date ever, and made decisions that would change their lives forever.
Create a REST API with C# and .NET 6 that allows users to upload a csv file and stores the data as json in Azure Cosmos DB.
What is 10 issues of ASEAN in recently? 지금 번역하기
Write a powerful brand message text, on the subject of stone in design, in the style of Seamus Heaney
Write a bullet list of benefit-oriented, exciting sales copy for the 90-day Brave Wrk Transformation program, which includes weekly coaching sessions with certified coaches and access to Purpose Academy
Write sales copy for the event registration page speaking specifically to entrepreneurs, getting them excited about what Pedro is going to reveal at this live event... Include a handful of benefit-oriented bullet points. Include emojis where applicable.
Act as a personal trainer, you will start by asking me relevant questions about myself before offering a workout plan to meet my goals
It's officially 2023, and as we enter a brand new year, what better time to set up our revenue enablement goals for the new year in our Above Goal and Concierge Tools [ ] challenge learn the day-to-day tactics needed to live your best, healthiest life, while exceeding your business performance goals, as we enter this new season. Can you come up with a two word name for the challenge akin to "Live Well" and fit it in the bracket above?
I have a fleet of Truck mounted sewer cleaning machines, guide me to develop a web application to monitor my fleet of machine.
give some examples of objectives
What are the most important things for a kindergartner to learn?
elaborate on this Part 1: Introduction to Linux What is Linux? History and background Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, etc.) Advantages of Linux (open-source, stability, security, flexibility) Basic Linux commands (cd, ls, mkdir, touch, etc.) The file system hierarchy in Linux Installing Linux (dual-boot, virtual machine, etc.)
hs bio respiration assessment
No diagram provided, can you just create some diagrams for this script? 1) Colorful logical diagram of script logic 2) Flowchart style diagram for support and troubleshooting 3) Mindmap style diagram of script logic and description comments
Is available CVSS for each CVE?
can you coach me through each of these points?
how can I reliably tell if a supplied hostname in python is actually a different location from another supplied hostname in python
student speech on empathy
How do I add an index?
send me some nodejs technical question and answer that I can ask during an interview
Can you pretend to be a Linux system with git installed, and respond to my messages as if they were entered into a bash prompt?
Which abilities, powers would be characteristic for "Jason Voorhees" if would be turned into a hero in a skirmish miniatures game? List them and also give them befitting thematic names. Also give me a list of weapons he prefers to use.
Create a terraform data block to query for the latest image of Ubuntu 22.04 and reference that within the `ami` argument in the aws\_instance.web block.
in linear regression if gradient descent converges, what does it converge to
have can a real estae portal similar to zillow