[ { "content": "Title: Dietary and clastogenic factors in children who immigrated to Israel from regions contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. Content: The authors evaluated the possible association between dietary history and plasma clastogenic factors in children who immigrated to Israel between 1989 and 1993 from regions contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. The authors compared questionnaire data about demographic variables, dietary histories before and after immigration occurred, and health status with clastogenic factor scores for 162 immigrants. Logistic regression analysis revealed a negative association between clastogenic factor scores and frequency of consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit among children < or = 7 yr of age during the postimmigration period. Intake of eggs and fish by boys who were < or = 7 yr of age prior to immigration was associated positively with clastogenic factor scores. Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits afforded protection to the immune systems of children who were < or = 7 yr of age.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3622", "rank": 1, "score": 55600 }, { "content": "Title: Nowhere to hide: Chemical toxicants and the unborn child. Content: Contemporary reproductive aged women and their offspring are facing an unprecedented onslaught of toxicant exposures from myriad sources in their day-to-day life. Public health recommendations regarding optimal diet and nutrition in pregnancy must incorporate several considerations including safety of available foodstuffs, cultural practices and lifestyle issues. Gestational consumption of contaminated seafood remains a potential source of toxicant exposure, including mercury, for the developing child. Health care professionals responsible for the care of women and their developing children need to become apprised of: a) risks associated with toxicant bioaccumulation in pregnancy; b) ongoing information emerging in the important field of reproductive toxicology; and c) strategies within the clinical setting to facilitate nutritional sufficiency and precautionary avoidance of adverse exposure among young women.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4739", "rank": 2, "score": 55357 }, { "content": "Title: Abnormal neuronal migration, deranged cerebral cortical organization, and diffuse white matter astrocytosis of human fetal brain: a major effect of... Content: Detailed clinical and neuropathological studies have been made in two fullterm newborn human infants who were exposed to methylmercury in utero as a result of maternal ingestion of methylmercury-contaminated bread in early phases of pregnancy. High levels of mercury were detected in various regions of the brain at autopsy. Study of the brains revealed a disturbance in the development in both cases, consisting essentially of an incomplete or abnormal migration of neurons to the cerebellar and cerebral cortices, and deranged cortical organization of the cerebrum. There were numerous heterotopic neurons, both isolated and in groups, in the white matter of cerebrum and cerebellum and the laminar cortical pattern of the laminar cortical pattern of the cerebrum was disturbed in many regions as was shown by the irregular groupings and the deranged alignment of cortical. Prominent in the white matter of the cerebrum and the cerebellum was diffuse gemistocytic astrocytosis accompanied by an accumulation of mercury grains in their cytoplasm. These findings indicate a high degree of vulnerability of human fetal brain to maternal intoxication by methylmercury. A major effect appears to be related to faulty development and not to destructive focal neuronal damage as has been observed in mercury intoxicaiton in adults and children exposed postnatally.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3025", "rank": 3, "score": 50211 }, { "content": "Title: To breastfeed or not to breastfeed: a review of the impact of lactational exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on infants. Content: Researchers have long debated the adverse effects of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on children versus the benefits of breastfeeding. In this article, the authors provide an overview of the known health effects of PCBs in children and examine the level of evidence regarding the risk of postnatal exposure via breastfeeding. The major source of PCBs is environmental, with over 90% of human exposure through the food chain. PCB exposure in infants is predominantly via breast milk, but limited evidence exists of significant toxicity associated with this mode of transmission. Breastfeeding should, therefore, continue to be encouraged on the basis of evidence of the benefits derived from human milk coupled with inconclusive proof that lactational PCB exposure has major detrimental effects on the overall health and development of infants.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4170", "rank": 4, "score": 50178 }, { "content": "Title: Evidence of effects of environmental chemicals on the endocrine system in children. Content: Pollutant chemicals that are widespread in the environment can affect endocrine signaling, as evidenced in laboratory experiments and in wildlife with relatively high exposures. Although humans are commonly exposed to such pollutant chemicals, the exposures are generally low, and clear effects on endocrine function from such exposures have been difficult to demonstrate. Several instances in which there are data from humans on exposure to the chemical agent and the endocrine outcome are reviewed, including age at weaning, age at puberty, and sex ratio at birth, and the strength of the evidence is discussed. Although endocrine disruption in humans by pollutant chemicals remains largely undemonstrated, the underlying science is sound and the potential for such effects is real.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1099", "rank": 5, "score": 50081 }, { "content": "Title: Reducing the staggering costs of environmental disease in children, estimated at $76.6 billion in 2008. Content: A 2002 analysis documented $54.9 billion in annual costs of environmentally mediated diseases in US children. However, few important changes in federal policy have been implemented to prevent exposures to toxic chemicals. We therefore updated and expanded the previous analysis and found that the costs of lead poisoning, prenatal methylmercury exposure, childhood cancer, asthma, intellectual disability, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were $76.6 billion in 2008. To prevent further increases in these costs, efforts are needed to institute premarket testing of new chemicals; conduct toxicity testing on chemicals already in use; reduce lead-based paint hazards; and curb mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3013", "rank": 6, "score": 49184 }, { "content": "Title: Chemical exposure early in life and the neurodevelopment of children--an overview of current epidemiological evidence. Content: A number of chemicals have been shown to demonstrate neurotoxic effects either in human or laboratory animal studies. This article aims at evaluating the impact of exposure to several chemicals including: organophosphate, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury and lead on the neurodevelopment of children by reviewing the most recent published literature, and answer the question whether any progress has been made in the epidemiology of the neurodevelopment of children induced by exposure to those chemicals. The result of the presented studies show that exposure to the above-mentioned chemicals may impair the neurodevelopment of children. Neonates exposed to organophosphate pesticides demonstrated a higher proportion of abnormal reflexes, and young children had more attention problems. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides in children was associated with alertness, quality of alert responsiveness, cost of attention and other potential attention associated measures. The majority of studies indicate the negative impact of lead exposure at the level <10 µg/dl or even <5 µg/dl on the neurodevelopment of children. The results of studies on exposure to PCBs, mercury, and their effect on neurodevelopment are inconsistent. Some suggest that prenatal exposure to PCBs and mercury is related to performance impairments, attention and concentration problems, while other do not present any statistically significant association. The studies were mostly well designed, using prospective cohorts with the exposure assessment based on the biomarker of exposure. Concerning the covariates and confounders affecting the endpoints in most of the presented studies, confounders were included in data analysis. In order to recognize the early cognitive, motor and language outcomes of chemical exposures, well standardized tools were used for evaluating the neurodevelopmental effects and offer an early and fairly comprehensive measure of child development. Because the neurotoxicants may cross the placenta and the fetal brain, exposure consideration regarding the reduction of exposure to those chemicals should be implemented.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1171", "rank": 7, "score": 49125 }, { "content": "Title: Prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins is associated with increased risk of wheeze and infections in infants. Content: The birth cohort BraMat (n = 205; a sub-cohort of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health) was established to study whether prenatal exposure to toxicants from the maternal diet affects immunological health outcomes in children. We here report on the environmental pollutants polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins, as well as acrylamide generated in food during heat treatment. The frequency of common infections, eczema or itchiness, and periods of more than 10 days of dry cough, chest tightness or wheeze (called wheeze) in the children during the first year of life was assessed by questionnaire data (n = 195). Prenatal dietary exposure to the toxicants was estimated using a validated food frequency questionnaire from MoBa. Prenatal exposure to PCBs and dioxins was found to be associated with increased risk of wheeze and exanthema subitum, and also with increased frequency of upper respiratory tract infections. We found no associations between prenatal exposure to acrylamide and the health outcomes investigated. Our results suggest that prenatal dietary exposure to dioxins and PCBs may increase the risk of wheeze and infectious diseases during the first year of life. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2497", "rank": 8, "score": 48863 }, { "content": "Title: Cancer and non-cancer health effects from food contaminant exposures for children and adults in California: a risk assessment Content: Background In the absence of current cumulative dietary exposure assessments, this analysis was conducted to estimate exposure to multiple dietary contaminants for children, who are more vulnerable to toxic exposure than adults. Methods We estimated exposure to multiple food contaminants based on dietary data from preschool-age children (2–4 years, n=207), school-age children (5–7 years, n=157), parents of young children (n=446), and older adults (n=149). We compared exposure estimates for eleven toxic compounds (acrylamide, arsenic, lead, mercury, chlorpyrifos, permethrin, endosulfan, dieldrin, chlordane, DDE, and dioxin) based on self-reported food frequency data by age group. To determine if cancer and non-cancer benchmark levels were exceeded, chemical levels in food were derived from publicly available databases including the Total Diet Study. Results Cancer benchmark levels were exceeded by all children (100%) for arsenic, dieldrin, DDE, and dioxins. Non-cancer benchmarks were exceeded by >95% of preschool-age children for acrylamide and by 10% of preschool-age children for mercury. Preschool-age children had significantly higher estimated intakes of 6 of 11 compounds compared to school-age children (p<0.0001 to p=0.02). Based on self-reported dietary data, the greatest exposure to pesticides from foods included in this analysis were tomatoes, peaches, apples, peppers, grapes, lettuce, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, dairy, pears, green beans, and celery. Conclusions Dietary strategies to reduce exposure to toxic compounds for which cancer and non-cancer benchmarks are exceeded by children vary by compound. These strategies include consuming organically produced dairy and selected fruits and vegetables to reduce pesticide intake, consuming less animal foods (meat, dairy, and fish) to reduce intake of persistent organic pollutants and metals, and consuming lower quantities of chips, cereal, crackers, and other processed carbohydrate foods to reduce acrylamide intake.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2494", "rank": 9, "score": 47514 }, { "content": "Title: Fish consumption, methylmercury and child neurodevelopment Content: Purpose of review To summarize recent evidence regarding associations of early life exposure to mercury from maternal fish consumption during pregnancy, thimerosal in vaccines and dental amalgam with child neurodevelopment. Recent findings Recent publications have built upon previous evidence demonstrating mild detrimental neurocognitive effects from prenatal methylmercury exposure from maternal fish consumption during pregnancy. New studies examining the effects of prenatal fish consumption as well as methylmercury suggest there are benefits from prenatal fish consumption, but also that consumption of fish high in mercury should be avoided. Future studies incorporating information on both the methylmercury and the docosahexaenoic acid contained within fish will help to refine recommendations to optimize outcomes for mothers and children. Additional recent studies have supported the safety of vaccines containing thimerosal and of dental amalgam for repair of dental caries in children. Summary Exposure to mercury may harm child development. Interventions intended to reduce exposure to low levels of mercury in early life must, however, be carefully evaluated in consideration of the potential attendant harm from resultant behavior changes, such as reduced docosahexaenoic acid exposure from lower seafood intake, reduced uptake of childhood vaccinations and suboptimal dental care.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-5097", "rank": 10, "score": 46319 }, { "content": "Title: Dietary Intake and Its Contribution to Longitudinal Organophosphorus Pesticide Exposure in Urban/Suburban Children Content: Background The widespread use of organophosphorus (OP) pesticides has led to frequent exposure in adults and children. Because such exposure may cause adverse health effects, particularly in children, the sources and patterns of exposure need to be studied further. Objectives We assessed young urban/suburban children’s longitudinal exposure to OP pesticides in the Children’s Pesticide Exposure Study (CPES) conducted in the greater Seattle, Washington, area, and used a novel study design that allowed us to determine the contribution of dietary intake to the overall OP pesticide exposure. Methods Twenty-three children 3–11 years of age who consumed only conventional diets were recruited for this 1-year study conducted in 2003–2004. Children switched to organic diets for 5 consecutive days in the summer and fall sampling seasons. We measured specific urinary metabolites for malathion, chlorpyrifos, and other OP pesticides in urine samples collected twice daily for a period of 7, 12, or 15 consecutive days during each of the four seasons. Results By substituting organic fresh fruits and vegetables for corresponding conventional food items, the median urinary metabolite concentrations were reduced to nondetected or close to non-detected levels for malathion and chlorpyrifos at the end of the 5-day organic diet intervention period in both summer and fall seasons. We also observed a seasonal effect on the OP urinary metabolite concentrations, and this seasonality corresponds to the consumption of fresh produce throughout the year. Conclusions The findings from this study demonstrate that dietary intake of OP pesticides represents the major source of exposure in young children.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1172", "rank": 11, "score": 45293 }, { "content": "Title: Common Household Chemicals and the Allergy Risks in Pre-School Age Children Content: Background The risk of indoor exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on allergic airway diseases in children remains unknown. Objective We examined the residential concentrations of VOCs, emitted from building materials, paints, furniture, and other lifestyle practices and the risks of multiple allergic diseases as well as the IgE-sensitization in pre-school age children in Sweden. Methods In a case-control investigation (198 case children with asthma and allergy and 202 healthy controls), air samples were collected in the room where the child slept. The air samples were analyzed for the levels of eight classes of VOCs. Results A natural-log unit of summed propylene glycol and glycol ethers (PGEs) in bedroom air (equal to interquartile range, or 3.43 – 15.65 µg/m3) was associated with 1.5-fold greater likelihood of being a case (95% CI, 1.1 – 2.1), 1.5-fold greater likelihood of asthma (95% CI, 1.0 – 2.3), 2.8-fold greater likelihood of rhinitis (95% CI, 1.6 – 4.7), and 1.6-fold greater likelihood of eczema (95% CI, 1.1 – 2.3), accounting for gender, secondhand smoke, allergies in both parents, wet cleaning with chemical agents, construction period of the building, limonene, cat and dog allergens, butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP), and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP). When the analysis was restricted to the cases, the same unit concentration was associated with 1.8-fold greater likelihood of IgE-sensitization (95% CI, 1.1 – 2.8) compared to the non-IgE sensitized cases. No similar associations were found for the other classes of VOCs. Conclusion We propose a novel hypothesis that PGEs in indoor air exacerbate and/or induce the multiple allergic symptoms, asthma, rhinitis and eczema, as well as IgE sensitization respectively.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4548", "rank": 12, "score": 44191 }, { "content": "Title: Organophosphorus pesticide exposure of urban and suburban preschool children with organic and conventional diets. Content: We assessed organophosphorus (OP) pesticide exposure from diet by biological monitoring among Seattle, Washington, preschool children. Parents kept food diaries for 3 days before urine collection, and they distinguished organic and conventional foods based on label information. Children were then classified as having consumed either organic or conventional diets based on analysis of the diary data. Residential pesticide use was also recorded for each home. We collected 24-hr urine samples from 18 children with organic diets and 21 children with conventional diets and analyzed them for five OP pesticide metabolites. We found significantly higher median concentrations of total dimethyl alkylphosphate metabolites than total diethyl alkylphosphate metabolites (0.06 and 0.02 micro mol/L, respectively; p = 0.0001). The median total dimethyl metabolite concentration was approximately six times higher for children with conventional diets than for children with organic diets (0.17 and 0.03 micro mol/L; p = 0.0003); mean concentrations differed by a factor of nine (0.34 and 0.04 micro mol/L). We calculated dose estimates from urinary dimethyl metabolites and from agricultural pesticide use data, assuming that all exposure came from a single pesticide. The dose estimates suggest that consumption of organic fruits, vegetables, and juice can reduce children's exposure levels from above to below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's current guidelines, thereby shifting exposures from a range of uncertain risk to a range of negligible risk. Consumption of organic produce appears to provide a relatively simple way for parents to reduce their children's exposure to OP pesticides.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1164", "rank": 13, "score": 44000 }, { "content": "Title: Children's daily exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls from dietary supplements containing fish oils. Content: In children, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may elicit a suite of health benefits including enhancement of cognitive development. Subsequently, dietary supplements containing omega-3 PUFAs have become increasingly popular. Often, the largest source of beneficial PUFAs in these supplements is fish oil, which may contain significant levels of contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The objectives of this study were to evaluate congener-specific PCB concentrations in 13 over-the-counter children's dietary supplements containing fish oils/powders and assess potential PCB exposures through ingestion of these products on a daily basis. Every supplement analysed contained PCBs, with a mean concentration of 9 ± 8 ng PCBs/g supplement. When following serving size suggestions, mean daily exposure values ranged from 2.5 to 50.3 ng PCBs/day. Daily exposures for children's supplements were significantly lower than those previously reported for adult supplements and may be explained, in part, by the variability in the amount of fish oil (and PUFA content) in a serving size. Based on this study, factors such as fish oil purification methods (e.g., molecular distillation) and the trophic level of the fish species used to make the fish oil cannot be used as indicators of PCB levels within children's supplements. Fish supplements may decrease or increase daily PCB exposure compared with ingestion of fresh fish. However, eating fish high in omega-3 PUFAs and low in PCBs may reduce PCB exposure compared with daily supplementation with fish oils for some products studied.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1831", "rank": 14, "score": 43974 }, { "content": "Title: Riding in shopping carts and exposure to raw meat and poultry products: prevalence of, and factors associated with, this risk factor for salmonella... Content: Riding in a shopping cart next to raw meat or poultry is a risk factor for Salmonella and Campylobacter infections in infants. To describe the frequency of, and factors associated with, this behavior, we surveyed parents of children aged younger than 3 years in Foodborne Disease Active Surveillance Network sites. We defined exposure as answering yes to one of a series of questions asking if packages of raw meat or poultry were near a child in a shopping cart, or if a child was in the cart basket at the same time as was raw meat or poultry. Among 1,273 respondents, 767 (60%) reported that their children visited a grocery store in the past week and rode in shopping carts. Among these children, 103 (13%) were exposed to raw products. Children who rode in the baskets were more likely to be exposed than were those who rode only in the seats (odds ratio [OR], 17.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 11.0 to 28.9). In a multivariate model, riding in the basket (OR, 15.5; 95% CI, 9.2 to 26.1), income less than $55,000 (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.0 to 3.1), and Hispanic ethnicity (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.2 to 4.5) were associated with exposure. Our study shows that children can be exposed to raw meat and poultry products while riding in shopping carts. Parents should separate children from raw products and place children in the seats rather than in the baskets of the cart. Retailer use of leak-proof packaging, customer placement of product in a plastic bag and on the rack underneath the cart, use of hand sanitizers and wipes, and consumer education may also be helpful.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4426", "rank": 15, "score": 43600 }, { "content": "Title: Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides and IQ in 7-Year-Old Children Content: Context: Organophosphate (OP) pesticides are neurotoxic at high doses. Few studies have examined whether chronic exposure at lower levels could adversely affect children’s cognitive development. Objective: We examined associations between prenatal and postnatal exposure to OP pesticides and cognitive abilities in school-age children. Methods: We conducted a birth cohort study (Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas study) among predominantly Latino farmworker families from an agricultural community in California. We assessed exposure to OP pesticides by measuring dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites in urine collected during pregnancy and from children at 6 months and 1, 2, 3.5, and 5 years of age. We administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th edition, to 329 children 7 years of age. Analyses were adjusted for maternal education and intelligence, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment score, and language of cognitive assessment. Results: Urinary DAP concentrations measured during the first and second half of pregnancy had similar relations to cognitive scores, so we used the average of concentrations measured during pregnancy in further analyses. Averaged maternal DAP concentrations were associated with poorer scores for Working Memory, Processing Speed, Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, and Full-Scale intelligence quotient (IQ). Children in the highest quintile of maternal DAP concentrations had an average deficit of 7.0 IQ points compared with those in the lowest quintile. However, children’s urinary DAP concentrations were not consistently associated with cognitive scores. Conclusions: Prenatal but not postnatal urinary DAP concentrations were associated with poorer intellectual development in 7-year-old children. Maternal urinary DAP concentrations in the present study were higher but nonetheless within the range of levels measured in the general U.S. population.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1166", "rank": 16, "score": 42824 }, { "content": "Title: Public Health and Economic Consequences of Methyl Mercury Toxicity to the Developing Brain Content: Methyl mercury is a developmental neurotoxicant. Exposure results principally from consumption by pregnant women of seafood contaminated by mercury from anthropogenic (70%) and natural (30%) sources. Throughout the 1990s, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made steady progress in reducing mercury emissions from anthropogenic sources, especially from power plants, which account for 41% of anthropogenic emissions. However, the U.S. EPA recently proposed to slow this progress, citing high costs of pollution abatement. To put into perspective the costs of controlling emissions from American power plants, we have estimated the economic costs of methyl mercury toxicity attributable to mercury from these plants. We used an environmentally attributable fraction model and limited our analysis to the neurodevelopmental impacts—specifically loss of intelligence. Using national blood mercury prevalence data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we found that between 316,588 and 637,233 children each year have cord blood mercury levels > 5.8 μg/L, a level associated with loss of IQ. The resulting loss of intelligence causes diminished economic productivity that persists over the entire lifetime of these children. This lost productivity is the major cost of methyl mercury toxicity, and it amounts to $8.7 billion annually (range, $2.2–43.8 billion; all costs are in 2000 US$). Of this total, $1.3 billion (range, $0.1–6.5 billion) each year is attributable to mercury emissions from American power plants. This significant toll threatens the economic health and security of the United States and should be considered in the debate on mercury pollution controls.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4949", "rank": 17, "score": 42695 }, { "content": "Title: Contamination of hands with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus after contact with environmental surfaces and after contact with the skin o... Content: In a study of 40 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriers, hand contamination was equally likely after contact with commonly examined skin sites and commonly touched environmental surfaces in patient rooms (40% vs 45%). These findings suggest that contaminated surfaces may be an important source of MRSA transmission.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1982", "rank": 18, "score": 42629 }, { "content": "Title: Neurodevelopmental effects in children associated with exposure to organophosphate pesticides: A systematic review Content: Many studies have investigated the neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal and early childhood exposures to organophosphate (OP) pesticides among children, but they have not been collectively evaluated. The aim of the present article is to synthesize reported evidence over the last decade on OP exposure and neurodevelopmental effects in children. The Data Sources were PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, SciVerse Scopus, SpringerLink, SciELO and DOAJ. The eligibility criteria considered were studies assessing exposure to OP pesticides and neurodevelopmental effects in children from birth to 18 years of age, published between 2002 and 2012 in English or Spanish. Twenty-seven articles met the eligibility criteria. Studies were rated for evidential consideration as high, intermediate, or low based upon the study design, number of participants, exposure measurement, and neurodevelopmental measures. All but one of the 27 studies evaluated showed some negative effects of pesticides on neurobehavioral development. A positive dose–response relationship between OP exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes was found in all but one of the 12 studies that assessed dose–response. In the ten longitudinal studies that assessed prenatal exposure to OPs, cognitive deficits (related to working memory) were found in children at age 7 years, behavioral deficits (related to attention) seen mainly in toddlers, and motor deficits (abnormal reflexes) seen mainly in neonates. No meta-analysis was possible due to different measurements of exposure assessment and outcomes. Eleven studies (all longitudinal) were rated high, 14 studies were rated intermediate, and two studies were rated low. Evidence of neurological deficits associated with exposure to OP pesticides in children is growing. The studies reviewed collectively support the hypothesis that exposure to OP pesticides induces neurotoxic effects. Further research is needed to understand effects associated with exposure in critical windows of development.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1176", "rank": 19, "score": 42325 }, { "content": "Title: PCDD and PCDF contamination in catfish feed from Arkansas, USA. Content: One combined catfish feed sample from Arkansas, USA, and its eight ingredients were analyzed for PCDDs and PCDFs. One of the ingredients, soybean meal, was highly contaminated by PCDDs, especially the toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners, e.g., 7.3 pg/g dry weight or 370 pg/g lipid for the 2,3,7,8-tetra CDD. The I-TEQ value for the soybean meal was 11.4 pg/g dry weight or 576 pg/g fat. The corresponding values for the combined catfish feed concentrations were approximately 3 times lower. The congener pattern, the congener profile and the ratio sigma PCDDs/sigma PCDFs for the soybean meal were quite unique. We are not aware of any environmental sample or technical product with similar characteristics. As a result, natural formation of the PCDDs found in the soybean meal cannot be ruled out.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1957", "rank": 20, "score": 42184 }, { "content": "Title: Organic Diets Significantly Lower Children’s Dietary Exposure to Organophosphorus Pesticides Content: We used a novel study design to measure dietary organophosphorus pesticide exposure in a group of 23 elementary school-age children through urinary biomonitoring. We substituted most of children’s conventional diets with organic food items for 5 consecutive days and collected two spot daily urine samples, first-morning and before-bedtime voids, throughout the 15-day study period. We found that the median urinary concentrations of the specific metabolites for malathion and chlorpyrifos decreased to the nondetect levels immediately after the introduction of organic diets and remained nondetectable until the conventional diets were reintroduced. The median concentrations for other organophosphorus pesticide metabolites were also lower in the organic diet consumption days; however, the detection of those metabolites was not frequent enough to show any statistical significance. In conclusion, we were able to demonstrate that an organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect against exposures to organophosphorus pesticides that are commonly used in agricultural production. We also concluded that these children were most likely exposed to these organophosphorus pesticides exclusively through their diet. To our knowledge, this is the first study to employ a longitudinal design with a dietary intervention to assess children’s exposure to pesticides. It provides new and persuasive evidence of the effectiveness of this intervention.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1174", "rank": 21, "score": 42101 }, { "content": "Title: Exposure to nitrosamines in thirdhand tobacco smoke increases cancer risk in non-smokers. Content: In addition to passive inhalation, non-smokers, and especially children, are exposed to residual tobacco smoke gases and particles that are deposited to surfaces and dust, known as thirdhand smoke (THS). However, until now the potential cancer risks of this pathway of exposure have been highly uncertain and not considered in public health policy. In this study, we estimate for the first time the potential cancer risk by age group through non-dietary ingestion and dermal exposure to carcinogen N-nitrosamines and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) measured in house dust samples. Using a highly sensitive and selective analytical approach we have determined the presence of nicotine, eight N-nitrosamines and five tobacco-specific nitrosamines in forty-six settled dust samples from homes occupied by both smokers and non-smokers. Using observations of house dust composition, we have estimated the cancer risk by applying the most recent official toxicological information. Calculated cancer risks through exposure to the observed levels of TSNAs at an early life stage (1 to 6years old) exceeded the upper-bound risk recommended by the USEPA in 77% of smokers' and 64% of non-smokers' homes. The maximum risk from exposure to all nitrosamines measured in a smoker occupied home was one excess cancer case per one thousand population exposed. The results presented here highlight the potentially severe long-term consequences of THS exposure, particularly to children, and give strong evidence of its potential health risk and, therefore, they should be considered when developing future environmental and health policies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1599", "rank": 22, "score": 41593 }, { "content": "Title: Nonylphenol and octylphenol in human breast milk. Content: Human milk is the most important form of nourishment for newborn children. Its consumption is strongly recommended by health authorities also for other important advantages. Unfortunately, in the last three decades a great number of investigations have shown the occurrence of several environmental contaminants in human milk, especially those with lipophilic properties. This study investigates the presence of nonylphenol, octylphenol (OP), nonylphenol monoethoxylate (NP1EO) and two octylphenol ethoxylates (OPEOs) (namely OP1EO and OP2EO), in human breast milk of Italian women. NP was the contaminant found at the highest levels with mean concentrations of 32 ng/mL, about two orders of magnitude higher than OP (0.08 ng/mL), OP1EO (0.07 ng/mL) and OP2EO (0.16 ng/mL). In the group of study a positive correlation among fish consumption and levels of NP in the milk was observed, in accordance with the evidence that seafood represents one of the most important sources of exposure to this group of contaminants in Italy. On the basis of the concentrations found in the breast milk samples, a maximum NP daily intake of 3.94 microg/kg/day can be calculated, which is close to the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of 5 microg/kg body weight (bw) proposed by the Danish Institute of Safety and Toxicology. In the cases of OP no TDI is available, but its intake is at least six orders of magnitude lower than the NOAEL of 10 mg/kg/day derived from a two generation study on rats.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2653", "rank": 23, "score": 40808 }, { "content": "Title: ATTENTION DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER AND URINARY METABOLITES OF ORGANOPHOSPHATE PESTICIDES IN U.S. CHILDREN 8–15 YEARS Content: Context Exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides is common, and although these compounds have known neurotoxic properties, few studies examined risks for children in the general population. Objective To examine the association between the concentrations of urinary dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites of OPs and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children age 8 to 15 years. Participants and Methods Cross-sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2000–2004) were available for 1,139 children representative of the general U.S. population. A structured interview with a parent was used to ascertain ADHD diagnostic status, based on slightly modified criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV. Results One hundred nineteen children met the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Children with higher concentrations of urinary DAPs, especially dimethyl alkylphosphates (DMAP), were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. A 10-fold increase in DMAP concentration was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.55 (95% confidence intervals [CI], 1.14–2.10), after adjusting for sex, age, race/ethnicity, poverty-income ratio, fasting duration, and urinary creatinine concentration. For the most commonly detected DMAP metabolite, dimethylthiophosphate, children with levels higher than the median of detectable concentrations had double the odds of ADHD (adjusted OR, 1.93 [95% CI, 1.23–3.02]) compared with those with non-detectable levels. Conclusions These findings support the hypothesis that OP exposure, at levels common in U.S. children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence. Prospective studies are needed to establish whether this association is causal.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1153", "rank": 24, "score": 40797 }, { "content": "Title: Nutrient and contaminant tradeoffs: exchanging meat, poultry, or seafood for dietary protein. Content: When making food choices, consumers are faced with the dilemma of reconciling differences between health benefits and exposure to potential toxins. Analyses to estimate likely intake and exposure outcomes for young children and women of child-bearing age shows that seafood, chicken, and beef, while approximately equivalent in protein, vary in key nutrients of importance as well as in levels of certain contaminants. Increasing the variety of choices among meats, poultry, and seafood and consuming them in amounts consistent with current dietary guidelines and advisories will contribute toward meeting nutritional needs while reducing exposure to any single type of contaminant.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-5101", "rank": 25, "score": 40754 }, { "content": "Title: In Utero and Childhood Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Exposures and Neurodevelopment in the CHAMACOS Study Content: background: California children’s exposures to polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants (PBDEs) are among the highest worldwide. PBDEs are known endocrine disruptors and neurotoxicants in animals. Objective: Here we investigate the relation of in utero and child PBDE exposure to neurobehavioral development among participants in CHAMACOS (Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas), a California birth cohort. Methods: We measured PBDEs in maternal prenatal and child serum samples and examined the association of PBDE concentrations with children’s attention, motor functioning, and cognition at 5 (n = 310) and 7 years of age (n = 323). Results: Maternal prenatal PBDE concentrations were associated with impaired attention as measured by a continuous performance task at 5 years and maternal report at 5 and 7 years of age, with poorer fine motor coordination—particularly in the nondominant—at both age points, and with decrements in Verbal and Full-Scale IQ at 7 years. PBDE concentrations in children 7 years of age were significantly or marginally associated with concurrent teacher reports of attention problems and decrements in Processing Speed, Perceptual Reasoning, Verbal Comprehension, and Full-Scale IQ. These associations were not altered by adjustment for birth weight, gestational age, or maternal thyroid hormone levels. Conclusions: Both prenatal and childhood PBDE exposures were associated with poorer attention, fine motor coordination, and cognition in the CHAMACOS cohort of school-age children. This study, the largest to date, contributes to growing evidence suggesting that PBDEs have adverse impacts on child neurobehavioral development.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1003", "rank": 26, "score": 39859 }, { "content": "Title: Gluten contamination of naturally gluten-free flours and starches used by Canadians with celiac disease. Content: A large national investigation into the extent of gluten cross-contamination of naturally gluten-free ingredients (flours and starches) sold in Canada was performed. Samples (n = 640) were purchased from eight Canadian cities and via the internet during the period 2010-2012 and analysed for gluten contamination. The results showed that 61 of the 640 (9.5%) samples were contaminated above the Codex-recommended maximum level for gluten-free products (20 mg kg⁻¹) with a range of 5-7995 mg kg⁻¹. For the ingredients that were labelled gluten-free the contamination range (5-141 mg kg⁻¹) and number of samples were lower (3 of 268). This picture was consistent over time, with approximately the same percentage of samples above 20 mg kg⁻¹ in both the initial set and the subsequent lot. Looking at the total mean (composite) contamination for specific ingredients the largest and most consistent contaminations come from higher fibre ingredients such as soy (902 mg kg⁻¹), millet (272 mg kg⁻¹) and buckwheat (153 mg kg⁻¹). Of the naturally gluten-free flours and starches tested that do not contain a gluten-free label, the higher fibre ingredients would constitute the greatest probability of being contaminated with gluten above 20 mg kg⁻¹.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2029", "rank": 27, "score": 39808 }, { "content": "Title: Hydrogen peroxide 3% exposures. Content: OBJECTIVE: To present a child who developed gastric ulcers and duodenal erosions after ingestion of hydrogen peroxide 3% and delineate the epidemiology, medical outcomes, and toxicity of exposures to this agent managed by a poison control center. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of exposures to hydrogen peroxide 3% reported to the Long Island Regional Poison Control Center from January 1992 to April 1995 was conducted. Data extracted included age, route of exposure, amount of agent, symptoms, therapy, and medical outcome. RESULTS: There were 670 exposures to hydrogen peroxide 3% of 81,126 total exposures reported during the 40 months. Most exposures were by oral route (77%), occurred in children < 17 years old (67%), and were asymptomatic (85.6%). All but one exposure resulted in a benign outcome. One child, who presented with bloody emesis, developed multiple gastric ulcers and duodenal erosions after ingestion of hydrogen peroxide 2-4 oz. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to hydrogen peroxide 3% is usually benign, however, severe gastric injury may occur following small ingestions in children. Patients who report persistent vomiting or bloody emesis require medical evaluation and consideration of endoscopy to evaluate gastrointestinal injury.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-853", "rank": 28, "score": 39801 }, { "content": "Title: Serum polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among children with and without asthma: correlation to environmental and dietary factors. Content: BACKGROUND: Children from low-income families may be subject to high exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which can lead to respiratory disorders. This study aims to establish methods for assessing total PAH exposure of asthmatic and non-asthmatic children from low-income families; to estimate serum PAH concentrations of these children, and to estimate the relative importance of the environmental pathways for PAH exposure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 75 (61 asthmatic, 14 non-asthmatic) Saudi children 15 years old and below were included to participate in this cross-sectional study. Each participant answered a generalized questionnaire with dietary questions. Serum PAH were measured using HPLC with UV detection. RESULTS: Serum naphthalene and pyrene were significantly elevated among asthmatic children (p-values = 0.007 and 0.01, respectively). Serum acenaphthylene, fluorine and 1,2-benzanthracene, on the other hand, were significantly higher among non-asthmatics (p-values = 0.001, 0.04 and 0.03, respectively). There was a significant correlation between the presence of a smoker in the family and serum concentrations of carbazole, pyrene, 1,2-benzanthracene and benzacephenanthrylene (R = 0.37, 0.45, 0.43, 0.33; p-values = 0.01, 0.0002, 0.003 and 0.025, respectively). Significant correlations were elicited between daily meat intake and serum levels of acenaphthylene, benzopyrene and 1,2-benzanthracene (R = 0.27, 0.27, 0.33; p-values = 0.02 and < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: Among the children, serum PAH were significantly correlated to meat intake as well as presence of smokers at home. Public health awareness should be enhanced by educating parents to take certain precautions at home, such as preventing indoor smoking and reducing the intake of grilled and smoked meat by children so as to decrease their exposure to carcinogenic PAH.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4975", "rank": 29, "score": 39725 }, { "content": "Title: Phthalates exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in school-age children. Content: BACKGROUND: Very few studies have examined the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and phthalate exposure in humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of phthalates on symptoms of ADHD in school-age children. METHODS: A cross-sectional examination of urine phthalate concentrations was performed, and scores on measures of ADHD symptoms and neuropsychological dysfunction with regard to attention and impulsivity were obtained from 261 Korean children, age 8-11 years. RESULTS: Mono-2-ethylheyl phthalate (MEHP) and mono-2-ethyl-5-oxohexylphthalate (MEOP) for metabolites of Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) and mono-n-butyl phthalate (MNBP) for metabolites of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) were measured in urine samples. The mean concentrations of MEHP, MEOP, and MNBP were 34.0 microg/dL (SD = 36.3; range: 2.1-386.7), 23.4 microg/dL (SD = 23.0; range: .75-244.8), and 46.7 microg/L (SD = 21.4; range: 13.2-159.3), respectively. After adjustment for covariates, teacher-rated ADHD scores were significantly associated with DEHP metabolites but not with DBP metabolites. We also found significant relationships between the urine concentrations of metabolites for DBP and the number of omission and commission errors in continuous performance tests (CPT) after adjustment for covariates. CONCLUSION: The present study showed a strong positive association between phthalate metabolites in urine and symptoms of ADHD among school-age children.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4655", "rank": 30, "score": 39637 }, { "content": "Title: An Assessment of Potential Exposure and Risk from Estrogens in Drinking Water Content: Background Detection of estrogens in the environment has raised concerns in recent years because of their potential to affect both wildlife and humans. Objectives We compared exposures to prescribed and naturally occurring estrogens in drinking water to exposures to naturally occurring background levels of estrogens in the diet of children and adults and to four independently derived acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) to determine whether drinking water intakes are larger or smaller than dietary intake or ADIs. Methods We used the Pharmaceutical Assessment and Transport Evaluation (PhATE) model to predict concentrations of estrogens potentially present in drinking water. Predicted drinking water concentrations were combined with default water intake rates to estimate drinking water exposures. Predicted drinking water intakes were compared to dietary intakes and also to ADIs. We present comparisons for individual estrogens as well as combined estrogens. Results In the analysis we estimated that a child’s exposures to individual prescribed estrogens in drinking water are 730–480,000 times lower (depending upon estrogen type) than exposure to background levels of naturally occurring estrogens in milk. A child’s exposure to total estrogens in drinking water (prescribed and naturally occurring) is about 150 times lower than exposure from milk. Adult margins of exposure (MOEs) based on total dietary exposure are about 2 times smaller than those for children. Margins of safety (MOSs) for an adult’s exposure to total prescribed estrogens in drinking water vary from about 135 to > 17,000, depending on ADI. MOSs for exposure to total estrogens in drinking water are about 2 times lower than MOSs for prescribed estrogens. Depending on the ADI that is used, MOSs for young children range from 28 to 5,120 for total estrogens (including both prescribed and naturally occurring sources) in drinking water. Conclusions The consistently large MOEs and MOSs strongly suggest that prescribed and total estrogens that may potentially be present in drinking water in the United States are not causing adverse effects in U.S. residents, including sensitive subpopulations.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1597", "rank": 31, "score": 39526 }, { "content": "Title: Chronic disease and infant nutrition: is it significant to public health? Content: OBJECTIVE: To assess the public health significance of premature weaning of infants from breast milk on later-life risk of chronic illness. DESIGN: A review and summary of recent meta-analyses of studies linking premature weaning from breast milk with later-life chronic disease risk is presented followed by an estimation of the approximate exposure in a developed Western country, based on historical breast-feeding prevalence data for Australia since 1927. The population-attributable proportion of chronic disease associated with current patterns of artificial feeding in infancy is estimated. RESULTS: After adjustment for major confounding variables, current research suggests that the risks of chronic disease are 30-200 % higher in those who were not breast-fed compared to those who were breast-fed in infancy. Exposure to premature weaning ranges from 20 % to 90 % in post-World War II age cohorts. Overall, the attributable proportion of chronic disease in the population is estimated at 6-24 % for a 30 % exposure to premature weaning. CONCLUSIONS: Breast-feeding is of public health significance in preventing chronic disease. There is a small but consistent effect of premature weaning from breast milk in increasing later-life chronic disease risk. Risk exposure in the Australian population is substantial. Approximately 90 % of current 35-45-year-olds were weaned from breast-feeding by 6 months of age. Encouraging greater duration and exclusivity of breast-feeding is a potential avenue for reducing future chronic disease burden and health system costs.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4173", "rank": 32, "score": 39318 }, { "content": "Title: Simulated impact of a fish based shift in the population n--3 fatty acids intake on exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. Content: Due to the favourable health effects of LC n-3 PUFAs, marine products have been recognised as a food group of special importance in the human diet. However, seafood is susceptible to contamination by lipophilic organic pollutants. The objective of this study was to evaluate intake levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs, by a probabilistic Monte Carlo procedure, in relation to the recommendation on LC n-3 PUFAs given by Belgian Federal Health Council. Regarding the recommendation, two scenarios were developed differing in LC n-3 PUFAs intake: a 0.3 E% and a 0.46 E% scenario. Total exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like substances in the 0.3 E% LC n-3 PUFAs scenario ranges from 2.31 pg TEQ/kg bw/day at the 5th percentile, over 4.37 pg TEQ/kgbw/day at the 50th percentile to 8.41 pg TEQ/kgbw/day at the 95th percentile. In the 0.46 E% LC n-3 PUFAs scenario, 5, 50 and 95th percentile are exposed to 2.74, 5.52 and 9.98 pg TEQ/kgbw/day, respectively. Therefore, if the recommended LC n-3 PUFAs intake would be based on fish consumption as the only extra source, the majority of the study population would exceed the proposed health based guidance values for dioxins and dioxin-like substances.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-5102", "rank": 33, "score": 38796 }, { "content": "Title: Parental occupational exposure to pesticides as risk factor for brain tumors in children and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Content: OBJECTIVE: To examine the potential association between parental occupational exposure to pesticides and the occurrence of brain tumors in children and young adults. METHODS: Studies identified from a MEDLINE search through 15 January 2013 and from the reference lists of identified publications were submitted to a systematic review and meta-analysis. Relative risk estimates were extracted from 20 studies published between 1974 and 2010. Most of the retrieved studies involved farm/agricultural jobs. Summary ratio estimates (SR) were calculated according to fixed and random-effect meta-analysis models. Separate analyses were conducted after stratification for study design, exposure parameters, disease definition, geographic location and age at diagnosis. RESULTS: Statistically significant associations were observed for parents potentially exposed to pesticides in occupational settings and the occurrence of brain tumor in their offspring after combining all case-control studies (summary odds ratio [SOR]: 1.30; 95%: 1.11, 1.53) or all cohort studies (summary rate ratio [SRR]: 1.53; 95% CI: 1.20, 1.95). Significantly increased risks were seen for prenatal exposure windows, for either exposed parent, for exposure defined as to pesticides as well as by occupational/industry title, for astroglial brain tumors and after combining case-control studies from North America or cohort studies from Europe. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis supports an association between parental occupational exposure to pesticides and brain tumors in children and young adults, and adds to the evidence leading to the recommendation of minimizing (parental) occupational exposure to pesticides. These results must, however, be interpreted with caution because the impact of work-related factors others than pesticide exposure is not known. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1170", "rank": 34, "score": 38707 }, { "content": "Title: Contamination of carcasses with human pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica 4/O:3 originates from pigs infected on farms. Content: Pigs are considered as a major reservoir of human pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica and a source of human yersiniosis. However, the transmission route of Y. enterocolitica from farm to pork is still unclear. The transmission of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica from pigs to carcasses and pluck sets was investigated by collecting samples from 364 individual ear-tagged pigs on the farm and at the slaughterhouse. In addition, isolated strains were analyzed, using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Isolation of similar genotypes of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3 in animals on the farm and at the slaughterhouse and in carcasses shows that carcass contamination originates from the strains a pig carries during the fattening period. Direct contamination from the carrier pig to its subsequent pluck set is also the primary contamination route for pluck sets, but cross-contamination appears to have a larger impact on pluck set contamination than on carcasses. In this study, the within-farm prevalence of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica varied from 0% to 100%, indicating specific farm factors affect the prevalence of Y. enterocolitica in pigs. The association of farm factors with the high prevalence of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica on farms was studied for the first time, using correlation and two-level logistic regression analyses. Specific farm factors, i.e. drinking from a nipple, absence of coarse feed or bedding for slaughter pigs, and no access of pest animals to pig house, were associated with a high prevalence of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4129", "rank": 35, "score": 38526 }, { "content": "Title: Cigarette Smoke Toxins Deposited on Surfaces: Implications for Human Health Content: Cigarette smoking remains a significant health threat for smokers and nonsmokers alike. Secondhand smoke (SHS) is intrinsically more toxic than directly inhaled smoke. Recently, a new threat has been discovered – Thirdhand smoke (THS) – the accumulation of SHS on surfaces that ages with time, becoming progressively more toxic. THS is a potential health threat to children, spouses of smokers and workers in environments where smoking is or has been allowed. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of THS on liver, lung, skin healing, and behavior, using an animal model exposed to THS under conditions that mimic exposure of humans. THS-exposed mice show alterations in multiple organ systems and excrete levels of NNAL (a tobacco-specific carcinogen biomarker) similar to those found in children exposed to SHS (and consequently to THS). In liver, THS leads to increased lipid levels and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a precursor to cirrhosis and cancer and a potential contributor to cardiovascular disease. In lung, THS stimulates excess collagen production and high levels of inflammatory cytokines, suggesting propensity for fibrosis with implications for inflammation-induced diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. In wounded skin, healing in THS-exposed mice has many characteristics of the poor healing of surgical incisions observed in human smokers. Lastly, behavioral tests show that THS-exposed mice become hyperactive. The latter data, combined with emerging associated behavioral problems in children exposed to SHS/THS, suggest that, with prolonged exposure, they may be at significant risk for developing more severe neurological disorders. These results provide a basis for studies on the toxic effects of THS in humans and inform potential regulatory policies to prevent involuntary exposure to THS.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1598", "rank": 36, "score": 37791 }, { "content": "Title: Elimination Half-lives of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Children Content: The elimination kinetics of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in humans is difficult to assess in observational studies, because PCB exposure is never completely abolished. In a community with high dietary PCB exposures from whale blubber, we examined two groups of children with increased body burdens from breast-feeding. Follow-up was from ages 4.5 years to 7.5 years (99 subjects) and 7 to 14 years (101 subjects). The calculations were performed by the use of structural equation models, with adjustment for body weight and dietary blubber intake as the main source of postnatal exposure. As a likely result of background exposures, apparent elimination half-lives were unexpectedly long when based on results from all cohort members. Subjects with exposures above the median and in the highest quartile showed half-lives of about 3-4 years for CB-138, and 4.5-5.5 years for CB-105 and CB-118; 6.5-7.5 years for CB-156, CB-170, and CB-187; and 7-9 years for CB-153 and CB-180. The longest half-lives correspond to elimination of the parent PCB solely with a daily fat excretion rate of 1-2 g, while shorter half-lives assume metabolic break-down.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2913", "rank": 37, "score": 37785 }, { "content": "Title: Characterization of Campylobacter spp. transferred from naturally contaminated chicken legs to cooked chicken slices via a cutting board. Content: Campylobacter represents the leading cause of gastroenteritis in Europe. Campylobacteriosis is mainly due to C. jejuni and C. coli. Poultry meat is the main source of contamination, and cross-contaminations in the consumer's kitchen appear to be the important route for exposure. The aim of this study was to examine the transfer of Campylobacter from naturally contaminated raw poultry products to a cooked chicken product via the cutting board and to determine the characteristics of the involved isolates. This study showed that transfer occurred in nearly 30% of the assays and that both the C. jejuni and C. coli species were able to transfer. Transfer seems to be linked to specific isolates: some were able to transfer during separate trials while others were not. No correlation was found between transfer and adhesion to inert surfaces, but more than 90% of the isolates presented moderate or high adhesion ability. All tested isolates had the ability to adhere and invade Caco-2 cells, but presented high variability between isolates. Our results highlighted the occurrence of Campylobacter cross-contamination via the cutting board in the kitchen. Moreover, they provided new interesting data to be considered in risk assessment studies. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2736", "rank": 38, "score": 37748 }, { "content": "Title: The clinical significance of nasal irrigation bottle contamination. Content: OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: This study aimed to assess the clinical relevance of contamination of nasal irrigation bottles in patients with recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Secondary investigations to identify the presence of bacterial biofilms on the inner surface of the bottles and to assess different sterilization methods were also undertaken. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, observational. METHODS: Eleven patients with recalcitrant CRS who were already using nasal irrigation as part of their treatment regimen were examined every 2 weeks for a period of 6 weeks. At each visit, a culture sample was taken from their irrigation bottle and middle meatus, and they were given a new irrigation bottle. Irrigation bottles from six patients were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to detect biofilm formation. Finally, new bottles were inoculated with different strains of Staphylococcus aureus and then cleaned with different methods. The bottles were cultured immediately after cleaning and 48 hours later. RESULTS: Overall, 42 of 43 (97%) bottles collected demonstrated bacterial growth. Concurrent sinonasal and bottle infection with S. aureus was seen in 51% of patients during the study. Bacterial biofilms were demonstrated on the inner surface of four of the six irrigation bottles tested. Treatment with Milton's solution (1% NaOCl plus 19% NaCl) and microwaving were found to be effective methods for sterilizing the bottles both initially after the cleaning and 48 hours later. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who irrigate their nose and sinuses commonly contaminate their irrigation bottle, most often with S. aureus, which can be in the biofilm form. Simple cleaning methods could reduce contamination of the bottles.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4565", "rank": 39, "score": 37745 }, { "content": "Title: Synthetic Food Colors and Neurobehavioral Hazards: The View from Environmental Health Research Content: Background: The proposition that synthetic food colors can induce adverse behavioral effects in children was first enunciated in 1975 by Feingold [Why Your Child Is Hyperactive. New York:Random House (1975)], who asserted that elevated sensitivity to food additives underlies the signs of hyperactivity observed in some children. Although the evidence suggested that some unknown proportion of children did respond to synthetic food colors, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) interpreted the evidence as inconclusive. A study published in 2007 [McCann et al. Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 370:1560–1567 (2007)] drew renewed attention to the hypothesis because of the study’s size and scope. It led the FDA to review the evidence, hold a public hearing, and seek the advice of its Food Advisory Committee. In preparation for the hearing, the FDA reviewed the available evidence and concluded that it did not warrant further agency action. Objectives: In this commentary I examine the basis of the FDA’s position, the elements of the review that led to its decision and that of the Food Advisory Committee, and the reasons that this is an environmental health issue. Discussion: The FDA review confined itself, in essence, to the clinical diagnosis of hyperactivity, as did the charge to the committee, rather than asking the broader environmental question of behavioral effects in the general population; it failed to recognize the significance of vulnerable subpopulations; and it misinterpreted the meaning of effect size as a criterion of risk. The FDA’s response would have benefited from adopting the viewpoints and perspectives common to environmental health research. At the same time, the food color debate offers a lesson to environmental health researchers; namely, too narrow a focus on a single outcome or criterion can be misleading.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3381", "rank": 40, "score": 37627 }, { "content": "Title: Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines. Content: BACKGROUND: Different chemical forms of mercury occur naturally in human milk. The most controversial aspect of early post-natal exposure to organic mercury is ethylmercury (EtHg) in thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCV) still being used in many countries. Thus exclusively breastfed infants can be exposed to both, fish derived methylmercury (MeHg) in maternal diets and to EtHg from TCV. The aim of the study is to evaluate a new analytical method for ethyl and methyl mercury in hair samples of breastfed infants who had received the recommended schedule of TCV. METHODS: The hair of infants (<12 months) that had been exposed to TCV (Hepatitis B and DTaP) was analysed. A method coupling isothermal gas chromatography with cold-vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry was used for MeHg which can also speciate EtHg in biological matrices. RESULTS: In 20 samples of infants' hair, all but two samples showed variable amounts of MeHg (10.3 to 668 ng/g), while precise and reliable concentrations of EtHg (3.7 to 65.0 ng/g) were found in 15 of the 20 samples. A statistically significant inverse association (r=-05572; p=0.0384) was found between hair-EtHg concentrations and the time elapsed after the last TCV shot. CONCLUSIONS: The analytical method proved sensitive enough to quantify EtHg in babies' hair after acute exposure to thimerosal in vaccine shots. Provided that the mass of hair was above 10mg, organic-mercury exposure during early life can be speciated, and quantified in babies' first hair, thus opening opportunities for clinical and forensic studies. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2906", "rank": 41, "score": 37624 }, { "content": "Title: Cross-contamination versus undercooking of poultry meat or eggs - which risks need to be managed first? Content: Epidemiological studies show that poultry meat and eggs are important sources for consumers' exposure to pathogens such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. There is a focus in many countries to reduce the level of human illness from food-borne pathogens. Reduction of the prevalence of contaminated poultry meat or eggs is one major area of focus. The other is risk communication to the consumer, where information aimed at changing the food preparation behaviour has been utilised as a risk management tool. The efficacy of messages such as 'cook poultry meat and eggs thoroughly' or 'wash your hands' will depend both on the ability to change consumer behaviour as well as where the risk can best be mitigated. In order to prioritise what message should be given to the consumer, the relative contribution of different exposure pathways finally leading to ingestion of the pathogens and resulting in illness needs to be known. It is important to know whether cross-contamination events or undercooking are the greatest risk lurking in consumers' kitchens. A review of studies looking at the location of pathogens in food products has been performed and data regarding internal and external (surface) contamination of poultry meat with Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli is presented. In the case of eggs, data on internal contamination with Salmonella and for contamination of egg shells with Salmonella and Campylobacter are discussed. The results from published risk assessments for these pathogen-food commodity combinations have been evaluated and conclusions regarding the relative risk of internal and external contamination of poultry meat and eggs were drawn. In conclusion, cross-contamination events from activities such as use of the same cutting board for chicken meat and salad without intermediate cleaning or spreading of pathogens via the kitchen environment seem to be of greater importance than the risk associated with undercooking of poultry meat or eggs. Risk management options are discussed against the background of risk communication strategies used in different countries.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4429", "rank": 42, "score": 37468 }, { "content": "Title: Dieldrin-induced neurotoxicity: relevance to Parkinson's disease pathogenesis. Content: Parkinson's disease (PD) is increasingly recognized as a neurodegenerative disorder strongly associated with environmental chemical exposures. Recent epidemiological data demonstrate that environmental risk factors may play a dominant role as compared to genetic factors in the etiopathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Identification of key genetic defects such as alpha-synuclein and parkin mutations in PD also underscores the important role of genetic factors in the disease. Thus, understanding the interplay between genes and environment in PD may be critical to unlocking the mysteries of this 200-year-old neurodegenerative disease. Pesticides and metals are the most common classes of environmental chemicals that promote dopaminergic degeneration. The organochlorine pesticide dieldrin has been found in human PD postmortem brain tissues, suggesting that this pesticide has potential to promote nigral cell death. Though dieldrin has been banned, humans continue to be exposed to the pesticide through contaminated dairy products and meats due to the persistent accumulation of the pesticide in the environment. This review summarizes various neurotoxic studies conducted in both cell culture and animals models following dieldrin exposure and discusses their relevance to key pathological mechanisms associated with nigral dopaminergic degeneration including oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, protein aggregation, and apoptosis.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4939", "rank": 43, "score": 37285 }, { "content": "Title: Children as guinea pigs: historical perspective. Content: Experimentation involving children is not a new phenomenon. Children have been used as research subjects in a diverse set of experiments, including the trials of new vaccines and sera, in efforts to understand normal pediatric anatomy and physiology and in the development of new drugs and procedures. Concern about child participants in research is also not a new development. For more than a century, critics of medical research have called attention to the fact that children and other vulnerable populations--pregnant women, prisoners, the mentally ill--have too often served as the unwitting and unwilling subjects of medical experiments. This paper looks at several early cases in which children participated, including the first trial of cowpox vaccine, the first human trial of rabies vaccine, and the first treatment of Listerian wound antisepsis. The history of concern for children, especially institutionalized children, in medical research is considered along with the development of regulations or guidelines, including the Declaration of Helsinki (1964).", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3601", "rank": 44, "score": 36999 }, { "content": "Title: Brominated flame retardants in US food. Content: We and others recently began studying brominated flame retardant levels in various matrices in the US including human milk and other food. This paper reviews the food studies. In our studies, ten to thirteen polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were measured, usually including BDE 209. All US women's milk samples were contaminated with PBDEs from 6 to 419 ng/g, lipid, orders of magnitude higher than levels reported in European studies, and are the highest reported worldwide. We compared our market basket studies of meat, fish and dairy products with other US food studies of meat and fish. US studies showed somewhat higher levels of PBDEs than reported elsewhere. Fish were most highly contaminated (median 616 pg/g), then meat (median190 pg/g) and dairy products (median 32.2 pg/g). However, unlike some European countries where fish predominates, dietary intake of PBDEs in the US is mostly from meat, then fish and then dairy products. Broiling can decrease the amount of PBDEs per serving. We also measured levels of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), another brominated flame retardant, in human milk. The levels are lower than PBDEs, 0.16-1.2 ng/g, similar to European levels, unlike PBDEs where US levels are much higher than European levels.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-5104", "rank": 45, "score": 36684 }, { "content": "Title: Comparison of ESBL contamination in organic and conventional retail chicken meat. Content: Contamination of retail chicken meat by Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria likely contributes to the increasing incidence of infections with these bacteria in humans. This study aimed to compare the prevalence and load of ESBL positive isolates between organic and conventional retail chicken meat samples, and to compare the distribution of ESBL genes, strain genotypes and co-resistance. In 2010, 98 raw chicken breasts (n=60 conventional; n=38 organic) were collected from 12 local stores in the Netherlands. Prevalence of ESBL producing micro-organisms was 100% on conventional and 84% on organic samples (p<0.001). Median loads of ESBL producing micro-organisms were 80 (range <20-1360) in conventional, and <20 (range 0-260) CFU/25 g in organic samples (p=0.001). The distribution of ESBL genes in conventional samples and organic samples was 42% versus 56%, respectively (N.S.), for CTX-M-1, 20% versus 42% (N.S.) for TEM-52, and 23% versus 3% (p<0.001) for SHV-12. CTX-M-2 (7%), SHV-2 (5%) and TEM-20 (3%) were exclusively found in conventional samples. Co-resistance rates of ESBL positive isolates were not different between conventional and organic samples (co-trimoxazole 56%, ciprofloxacin 14%, and tobramycin 2%), except for tetracycline, 73% and 46%, respectively, p<0.001). Six of 14 conventional meat samples harbored 4 MLST types also reported in humans and 5 of 10 organic samples harbored 3 MLST types also reported in humans (2 ST10, 2 ST23, ST354). In conclusion, the majority of organic chicken meat samples were also contaminated with ESBL producing E. coli, and the ESBL genes and strain types were largely the same as in conventional meat samples. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3889", "rank": 46, "score": 36504 }, { "content": "Title: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Breast Milk and Neuropsychological Development in Infants Content: Background: There is increasing interest in the potential effects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) on children’s neuropsychological development, but only a few small studies have evaluated such effects. Objectives: Our goal was to examine the association between PBDE concentrations in colostrum and infant neuropsychological development and to assess the influence of other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on such association. Methods: We measured concentrations of PBDEs and other POPs in colostrum samples of 290 women recruited in a Spanish birth cohort. We tested children for mental and psychomotor development with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at 12–18 months of age. We analyzed the sum of the seven most common PBDE congeners (BDEs 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183, 209) and each congener separately. Results: Increasing Σ7PBDEs concentrations showed an association of borderline statistical significance with decreasing mental development scores (β per log ng/g lipid = –2.25; 95% CI: –4.75, 0.26). BDE-209, the congener present in highest concentrations, appeared to be the main congener responsible for this association (β = –2.40, 95% CI: –4.79, –0.01). There was little evidence for an association with psychomotor development. After adjustment for other POPs, the BDE-209 association with mental development score became slightly weaker (β = –2.10, 95% CI: –4.66, 0.46). Conclusions: Our findings suggest an association between increasing PBDE concentrations in colostrum and a worse infant mental development, particularly for BDE-209, but require confirmation in larger studies. The association, if causal, may be due to unmeasured BDE-209 metabolites, including OH-PBDEs (hydroxylated PBDEs), which are more toxic, more stable, and more likely to cross the placenta and to easily reach the brain than BDE-209.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-998", "rank": 47, "score": 36241 }, { "content": "Title: Prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins from the maternal diet may be associated with immunosuppressive effects that persist int... Content: We investigated whether prenatal exposure from the maternal diet to the toxicants polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins is associated with the development of immune-related diseases in childhood. Children participating in BraMat, a sub-cohort of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa), were followed in the three first years of life using annual questionnaires (0-3years; n=162, 2-3years; n=180), and blood parameters were examined at three years of age (n=114). The maternal intake of the toxicants was calculated using a validated food frequency questionnaire from MoBa. Maternal exposure to PCBs and dioxins was found to be associated with an increased risk of wheeze and more frequent upper respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, maternal exposure to PCBs and dioxins was found to be associated with reduced antibody response to a measles vaccine. No associations were found between prenatal exposure and immunophenotype data, allergic sensitization and vaccine-induced antibody responses other than measles. Our results suggest that prenatal dietary exposure to PCBs and dioxins may increase the risk of wheeze and the susceptibility to infectious diseases in early childhood. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2495", "rank": 48, "score": 36239 }, { "content": "Title: Linking β-methylamino-L-alanine exposure to sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Annapolis, MD. Content: Most amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases occur sporadically. Some environmental triggers have been implicated, including beta-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), a cyanobacteria produced neurotoxin. This study aimed to identify environmental risk factors common to three sporadic ALS patients who lived in Annapolis, Maryland, USA and developed the disease within a relatively short time and within close proximity to each other. A questionnaire was used to identify potential risk factors for ALS among the cohort of patients. One common factor among the ALS patients was the frequent consumption of blue crab. Samples of blue crab from the patients' local fish market were tested for BMAA using LC-MS/MS. BMAA was identified in these Chesapeake Bay blue crabs. We conclude that the presence of BMAA in the Chesapeake Bay food web and the lifetime consumption of blue crab contaminated with BMAA may be a common risk factor for sporadic ALS in all three patients. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1268", "rank": 49, "score": 36191 }, { "content": "Title: The burden of childhood asthma Content: Paediatric asthma is a major clinical concern worldwide and represents a huge burden on family and society. It accounts for a large number of lost school days and may deprive the child of both academic achievement and social interaction. Childhood asthma also places strain on healthcare resources as a result of doctor and hospital visits and the cost of treatment. The prevalence of asthma varies worldwide, possibly because of different exposure to respiratory infection, indoor and outdoor pollution, and diet. Certain risk factors appear to predispose children to developing asthma and atopic disease, including incidence and severity of wheezing, atopy, maternal smoking, and number of fever episodes. This paper discusses the burden, prevalence, and risk factors associated with paediatric asthma.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2484", "rank": 50, "score": 36101 }, { "content": "Title: Awareness and knowledge of methylmercury in fish in the United States. Content: In the 1970s several states in the Great Lakes region became concerned about mercury contamination in lakes and rivers and were the first to issue local fish consumption advisories. In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children, and women who may become pregnant not to consume shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish and recommended that these women not exceed 12 ounces of other fish per week. In 2004, FDA reissued this advice jointly with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and modified it slightly to provide information about consumption of canned tuna and more details about consumption of recreationally caught fish. Though several studies have examined consumers' awareness of the joint FDA and EPA advisory as well as different state advisories, few used representative data. We examined the changes in awareness and knowledge of mercury as a problem in fish using the pooled nationally representative 2001 and 2006 Food Safety Surveys (FSS) with sample sizes of 4482 in 2001 and 2275 in 2006. Our results indicated an increase in consumers' awareness of mercury as a problem in fish (69% in 2001 to 80% in 2006, p<.001). In our regression models, we found that in both years, parents having children less than 5 years of age were more aware of mercury in fish and knowledgeable about the information contained in the national advisories about mercury in fish (p<.01) than other adults. In both 2001 and 2006, women of childbearing age (aged 18-45) were less aware and knowledgeable about this information than other women. However, women of all age groups had larger gains in awareness and knowledge than their male counterparts during this time. Participants' race, education, income, region, fish preparation experiences, having a foodborne illness in the past year, and risk perceptions about the safety of food were significant predictors of their awareness and knowledge. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3034", "rank": 51, "score": 36041 }, { "content": "Title: Birth Weight, Head Circumference, and Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide from Maternal Diet: The European Prospective Mother–Child Study (NewGeneris) Content: Background: Acrylamide is a common dietary exposure that crosses the human placenta. It is classified as a probable human carcinogen, and developmental toxicity has been observed in rodents. Objectives: We examined the associations between prenatal exposure to acrylamide and birth outcomes in a prospective European mother–child study. Methods: Hemoglobin (Hb) adducts of acrylamide and its metabolite glycidamide were measured in cord blood (reflecting cumulated exposure in the last months of pregnancy) from 1,101 singleton pregnant women recruited in Denmark, England, Greece, Norway, and Spain during 2006–2010. Maternal diet was estimated through food-frequency questionnaires. Results: Both acrylamide and glycidamide Hb adducts were associated with a statistically significant reduction in birth weight and head circumference. The estimated difference in birth weight for infants in the highest versus lowest quartile of acrylamide Hb adduct levels after adjusting for gestational age and country was –132 g (95% CI: –207, –56); the corresponding difference for head circumference was –0.33 cm (95% CI: –0.61, –0.06). Findings were similar in infants of nonsmokers, were consistent across countries, and remained after adjustment for factors associated with reduced birth weight. Maternal consumption of foods rich in acrylamide, such as fried potatoes, was associated with cord blood acrylamide adduct levels and with reduced birth weight. Conclusions: Dietary exposure to acrylamide was associated with reduced birth weight and head circumference. Consumption of specific foods during pregnancy was associated with higher acrylamide exposure in utero. If confirmed, these findings suggest that dietary intake of acrylamide should be reduced among pregnant women.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2421", "rank": 52, "score": 35878 }, { "content": "Title: Organochlorine pesticides in umbilical cord blood serum of women from Southern Spain and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Content: Exposure of pregnant women to organochlorine (OC) pesticides largely derives from contaminated food, but environmental, occupational, and domestic factors have also been implicated. We investigated the presence of nine OC residues in the umbilical cord blood of newborns in Southern Spain and analyzed the relationship of this exposure with maternal and pregnancy variables, including maternal adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD). OCs were detected in 95% of umbilical cord blood samples from the 318 mothers, who had a mean degree of adherence to the MD of 56.77 (SD: 16.35) (range, 0-100). The MD prioritizes consumption of vegetable and fruit over meat and dairy products, and OCs are generally lipophilic molecules that accumulate in foods of animal origin. Consumption of meat, fish, and dairy products was associated with dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) in umbilical cord serum, and dairy product intake with lindane. Vegetable consumption was also associated with lindane and fruit intake with endosulfan I. We found no significant association between MD adherence and the presence of OC residues in serum. However, closer adherence to the MD may offer greater protection against OC exposure because of its reduced content in meat and dairy products. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4181", "rank": 53, "score": 35817 }, { "content": "Title: Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Content: OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of published studies on the association between residential/household/domestic exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia, and to provide a quantitative estimate of the risk. METHODS: Publications in English were searched in MEDLINE (1966-31 December 2009) and from the reference list of identified publications. Extraction of relative risk (RR) estimates was performed independently by 2 authors using predefined inclusion criteria. Meta-rate ratio estimates (mRR) were calculated according to fixed and random-effect models. Separate analyses were conducted after stratification for exposure time windows, residential exposure location, biocide category and type of leukaemia. RESULTS: RR estimates were extracted from 13 case-control studies published between 1987 and 2009. Statistically significant associations with childhood leukaemia were observed when combining all studies (mRR: 1.74, 95% CI: 1.37-2.21). Exposure during and after pregnancy was positively associated with childhood leukaemia, with the strongest risk for exposure during pregnancy (mRR: 2.19, 95% CI: 1.92-2.50). Other stratifications showed the greatest risk estimates for indoor exposure (mRR: 1.74, 95% CI: 1.45-2.09), for exposure to insecticides (mRR: 1.73, 95% CI: 1.33-2.26) as well as for acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia (ANLL) (mRR: 2.30, 95% CI: 1.53-3.45). Outdoor exposure and exposure of children to herbicides (after pregnancy) were not significantly associated with childhood leukaemia (mRR: 1.21, 95% CI: 0.97-1.52; mRR: 1.16, 95% CI: 0.76-1.76, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the assumption that residential pesticide exposure may be a contributing risk factor for childhood leukaemia but available data were too scarce for causality ascertainment. It may be opportune to consider preventive actions, including educational measures, to decrease the use of pesticides for residential purposes and particularly the use of indoor insecticides during pregnancy. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1177", "rank": 54, "score": 35781 }, { "content": "Title: Increasing incidence of community-associated atypical Clostridium difficile disease in children. Content: Forty-one children with a variety of gastrointestinal complaints were diagnosed with Clostridium difficile infections as part of a routine screen over 3 years. The infection had not been suspected prior to the screen. Each child responded to treatment with metronidazole with resolution of their symptoms. These data suggest that community-associated C difficile is increasing and may produce atypical disease and lead to misdiagnosis.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4795", "rank": 55, "score": 35753 }, { "content": "Title: The environmental and public health risks associated with arsenical use in animal feeds. Content: Arsenic exposures contribute significantly to the burden of preventable disease worldwide, specifically related to increased risks of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Most exposures are associated with natural contamination of groundwater, which is difficult to mitigate when these sources are used for drinking water. An anthropogenic source of arsenic exposure stems from the widespread use of arsenical drugs in food-animal production in the United States and China, among many countries. This use results in residual contamination of food products from animals raised with the drugs, as well as environmental contamination associated with disposal of wastes from these animals. Land disposal of these wastes can contaminate surface and ground water, and the conversion of animal wastes into fertilizer pellets for home use as well as the introduction of animal waste incinerators may increase opportunities for exposure. As an intentional additive to animal feed, use of arsenical drugs is a preventable source of human exposure. The domestic practice of using these drugs in poultry production has been the subject of media attention and limited research, though the use of these drugs in domestic swine production and in the rapidly growing foreign animal production industry remains largely uncharacterized. This continued expansion of arsenical drug use may likely increase the burden of global human arsenic exposure and risk.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4911", "rank": 56, "score": 35569 }, { "content": "Title: Human exposure to endocrine disrupters: carcinogenic risk assessment. Content: Human exposure to endocrine disrupters (EDs) is widespread and is considered to pose a growing threat to human health. Recent advances in molecular and genetic research and better understanding of mechanisms of blastic cell transformation have led to efforts to improve cancer risk assessment for populations exposed to this family of xenobiotics. In risk assessment, low dose extrapolation of cancer incidence data from both experimental animals and epidemiology studies has been largely based on models assuming linear correlation at low doses, despite existence of evidence showing otherwise. Another weakness of ED risk assessment is poor exposure data in ecological studies. Those are frequently rough estimates derived from contaminated items of local food basket surveys. Polyhalogenated hydrocarbons are treated as examples. There is growing sense of urgency to develop a biologically based dose response model of cancer risk, integrating emerging data from molecular biology and epidemiology to provide more realistic data for risk assessors, public, public health managers and environmental issues administrators.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2627", "rank": 57, "score": 35541 }, { "content": "Title: Colonization of butchers with livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Content: Reports have documented colonization of swine in Europe, North America and more recently in China with livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA). Contamination of pig farmers, veterinarians and abattoir workers with these strains has been observed. However, although contamination levels of 10% of retail pork were reported from the Netherlands and Canada, there are limited data of contamination rates of workers handling raw meat. We investigated the rates of MRSA contamination of local butchers working in wet markets, where recently slaughtered pigs are cut up. Nasal swabs collected from 300 pork butchers at markets throughout Hong Kong were enriched in brain heart infusion broth with 5% salt and cultured on MRSASelect(®) . Isolates were confirmed as Staphylococcus aureus and susceptibility testing performed. The presence of mecA was confirmed, SCCmec and spa type determined and relatedness investigated by PFGE. Subjects completed a questionnaire on MRSA carriage risk factors. Seventeen samples (5.6%) yielded MRSA, 15 harbouring SCCmec IVb. Ten strains were t899 (CC9), previously reported from local pig carcasses. Five strains were healthcare associated: SCCmec type II, t701(CC6), colonizing two subjects at the same establishment, and single isolates of t008 (CC8), t002 (CC5) and t123 (CC45). The remaining isolates were t359 (CC97), previously reported from buffaloes, and t375 (CC5), reported from bovine milk. None of these butchers reported recent hospitalization or a healthcare worker in the family. Two had recently received antibiotics, one for a skin infection. Four reported wound infections within the last year. All were exposed to meat for >9 h per day. Carriage of MRSA was higher in butchers than in the general community. Although five strains were probably of healthcare origin, the high incidence of t899 (CC9) suggests that cross-contamination from pork occurs frequently. Washing of hands after touching raw pork is advised. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1977", "rank": 58, "score": 35315 }, { "content": "Title: Alkylphenols and alkylphenol ethoxylates contamination of crustaceans and fishes from the Adriatic Sea (Italy). Content: This paper presents the results of an investigation on the occurrence of alkylphenols (APs) and their ethoxylates (APEs) in 8 edible marine species from the Adriatic Sea and tries to estimate the corresponding intake for the Italian population. Two crustaceans, Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) and Squilla mantis (spottail mantis shrimp), plus six fish species, Engraulis enchrascicolus (anchovy), Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel), Merluccius merluccius (European hake), Mullus barbatus (red mullet), Solea vulgaris (common sole) and Lophius piscatorius (angler) were analyzed for their content of nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP) and octylphenol polyethoxylates (OPEs). These compounds were found in all analysed samples. NP was detected at the highest concentrations: 118-399 and 9.5-1431 ng g(-1) fresh weight (fw) respectively in crustaceans and fish. OP was found at respective levels of 2.7-4.7 and 0.3-3.8 ng g(-1) fw in crustaceans and fish, whereas OPE was determined at respective concentrations of 1.2-16.8 and 0.2-21.1 ng g(-1) fw in the same species. These results, together with those from a previous study on 4 edible mollusc, allow to estimate respective daily intakes for NP, OP, and OPE of about 12, 0.1, and 0.1 microg day(-1) for an Italian adult living along the Adriatic Coast. In relation to NP and OP, these intakes are much lower than the doses associated with toxic effects in laboratory animals (9 mg kg(-1) bw for rats). Nevertheless, data of exposure from other sources to these chemicals and others with similar biological characteristics are needed.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2661", "rank": 59, "score": 35232 }, { "content": "Title: Persistence of human norovirus in reconstituted pesticides--pesticide application as a possible source of viruses in fresh produce chains. Content: The consumption of fresh produce is frequently associated with outbreaks of human norovirus (hNoV) disease. To prevent the contamination of fresh produce with hNoV, knowledge of the possible introduction sources of the viruses, such as water, is needed to be able to implement appropriate and efficient preventive measures. Contaminated water used to reconstitute pesticides could be a relevant source of infectious hNoV, determined by the initial level of virus contamination and the persistence of these viruses in reconstituted pesticides. We studied the persistence of hNoV GI.4, hNoV GII.4 and murine norovirus (MNV-1), the only culturable norovirus, in eight different pesticides after 0 and 2h. Virus concentrations were determined by reverse transcriptase PCR, and infectivity of MNV-1 was determined by endpoint dilutions followed by maximum likelihood estimations. MNV-1 was found to remain infectious in seven of the eight tested pesticides at the highest concentration applied in practice. In the presence of the insecticide Vertimec, MNV-1 infectivity decreased rapidly with a 1.9 log(10)-unit reduction at timepoint T(0). Also, the concentration of NoV GI.4 RNA decreased considerably with a 1.7 log(10)-unit reduction; whereas the detected PCR fragment of hNoV GII.4 remained stable. Assuming a similar persistence of infectious MNV-1 and hNoV we can conclude that water containing hNoV used to dilute pesticides may be an important source of infectious hNoV in fresh produce chains. The application of pesticides may therefore not only be a chemical hazard, but also a microbiological hazard for public health. The inclusion of antiviral substances in reconstituted pesticides may be appropriate to reduce the virological health risk posed by the application of pesticides. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2748", "rank": 60, "score": 35214 }, { "content": "Title: Exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion from 5 to 10 years of age: a longitudinal study Content: There is increasing interest in discovering mechanisms that mediate the effects of childhood stress on late-life disease morbidity and mortality. Previous studies have suggested one potential mechanism linking stress to cellular aging, disease and mortality in humans: telomere erosion. We examined telomere erosion in relation to children’s exposure to violence, a salient early-life stressor, which has known long-term consequences for well-being and is a major public-health and social-welfare problem. In the first prospective-longitudinal study with repeated telomere measurements in children while they experienced stress, we tested the hypothesis that childhood violence exposure would accelerate telomere erosion from age 5 to age 10 years. Violence was assessed as exposure to maternal domestic violence, frequent bullying victimization and physical maltreatment by an adult. Participants were 236 children (49% females; 42% with one or more violence exposures) recruited from the Environmental-Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, a nationally representative 1994–1995 birth cohort. Each child’s mean relative telomere length was measured simultaneously in baseline and follow-up DNA samples, using the quantitative PCR method for T/S ratio (the ratio of telomere repeat copy numbers to single-copy gene numbers). Compared with their counterparts, the children who experienced two or more kinds of violence exposure showed significantly more telomere erosion between age-5 baseline and age-10 follow-up measurements, even after adjusting for sex, socioeconomic status and body mass index (B = −0.052, s.e. = 0.021, P = 0.015). This finding provides support for a mechanism linking cumulative childhood stress to telomere maintenance, observed already at a young age, with potential impact for life-long health.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1932", "rank": 61, "score": 35170 }, { "content": "Title: Associations of maternal long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, methyl mercury, and infant development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study Content: Fish consumption during gestation can provide the fetus with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) and other nutrients essential for growth and development of the brain. However, fish consumption also exposes the fetus to the neurotoxicant, methyl mercury (MeHg). We studied the association between these fetal exposures and early child development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study (SCDNS). Specifically, we examined a priori models of Ω-3 and Ω-6 LCPUFA measures in maternal serum to test the hypothesis that these LCPUFA families before or after adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure would reveal associations with child development assessed by the BSID-II at ages 9 and 30 months. There were 229 children with complete outcome and covariate data available for analysis. At 9 months, the PDI was positively associated with total Ω-3 LCPUFA and negatively associated with the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. These associations were stronger in models adjusted for prenatal MeHg exposure. Secondary models suggested that the MeHg effect at 9 months varied by the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. There were no significant associations between LCPUFA measures and the PDI at 30 months. There were significant adverse associations, however, between prenatal MeHg and the 30 month PDI when the LCPUFA measures were included in the regression analysis. The BSID-II Mental Developmental Index (MDI) was not associated with any exposure variable. These data support the potential importance to child development of prenatal availability of Ω-3 LCPUFA present in fish and of LCPUFA in the overall diet. Furthermore, they indicate that the beneficial effects of LCPUFA can obscure the determination of adverse effects of prenatal MeHg exposure in longitudinal observational studies.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2905", "rank": 62, "score": 35132 }, { "content": "Title: Associations of maternal long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, methyl mercury, and infant development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study Content: Fish consumption during gestation can provide the fetus with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) and other nutrients essential for growth and development of the brain. However, fish consumption also exposes the fetus to the neurotoxicant, methyl mercury (MeHg). We studied the association between these fetal exposures and early child development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study (SCDNS). Specifically, we examined a priori models of Ω-3 and Ω-6 LCPUFA measures in maternal serum to test the hypothesis that these LCPUFA families before or after adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure would reveal associations with child development assessed by the BSID-II at ages 9 and 30 months. There were 229 children with complete outcome and covariate data available for analysis. At 9 months, the PDI was positively associated with total Ω-3 LCPUFA and negatively associated with the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. These associations were stronger in models adjusted for prenatal MeHg exposure. Secondary models suggested that the MeHg effect at 9 months varied by the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. There were no significant associations between LCPUFA measures and the PDI at 30 months. There were significant adverse associations, however, between prenatal MeHg and the 30 month PDI when the LCPUFA measures were included in the regression analysis. The BSID-II Mental Developmental Index (MDI) was not associated with any exposure variable. These data support the potential importance to child development of prenatal availability of Ω-3 LCPUFA present in fish and of LCPUFA in the overall diet. Furthermore, they indicate that the beneficial effects of LCPUFA can obscure the determination of adverse effects of prenatal MeHg exposure in longitudinal observational studies.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3032", "rank": 63, "score": 35132 }, { "content": "Title: Benzene in infant carrot juice: further insight into formation mechanism and risk assessment including consumption data from the DONALD study. Content: Benzene was previously detected as a heat-induced contaminant in infant carrot juices. This study shows that carrot juice contains substances such as beta-carotene, phenylalanine or terpenes that may act as precursors for benzene formation during food processing. As benzene exposure has been associated with childhood leukaemia and other cancers, this study aimed to provide a quantitative risk assessment. To accomplish this, we used measured food consumption data from the Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) study, along with survey data on benzene in different juice categories. The calculated exposures for infants between 3 and 12 months were low, with averages between 1 and 10 ng/kg bw/day, resulting in a margin of exposure above 100,000. The exposures were judged as unlikely to pose a health risk for infants. Nevertheless, carcinogenic contaminants should be reduced to levels as low as reasonably achievable. The focus should be set on improving the sterilization conditions. Copyright 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4857", "rank": 64, "score": 35024 }, { "content": "Title: Cow's milk protein intolerance and chronic constipation in children. Content: Cow's milk protein (CMP) allergy was investigated in 25 children (age-range 3 months to 11 years) with chronic constipation. A diagnosis of constipation was made on the basis of a history of painful elimination of hard stools for at least 1 month, whether or not associated with a reduced frequency of stools or soiling. The children were evaluated using clinical parameters and the following laboratory tests: total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE); specific IgE (radioallergosorbent test [RAST]) for whole cow's milk, alpha-lactoalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and a food group; and skin-prick tests with whole milk, alpha-lactoalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and casein. Following the evaluation, the children were submitted to a CMP-free diet for a period of 4 weeks. In seven patients (28%), constipation disappeared during the CMP-free diet and reappeared within 48-72 h following challenge with cow's milk. In two infants a rectal biopsy revealed allergic colitis and they therefore did not undergo the challenge. High serum levels of total IgE were observed in five of the children who showed a clinical improvement (71%), a positive skin-test in two (29%), and detectable specific IgE in two (29%). These results suggest that CMP allergy or intolerance should be considered as a cause of chronic refractory constipation in children, although the underlying mechanism still require further investigation.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2060", "rank": 65, "score": 34811 }, { "content": "Title: Nutrient and methyl mercury exposure from consuming fish. Content: There is controversy about the risks and benefits of consuming fish. Fish consumption provides nutrients, some of which are essential for brain growth and development. All fish, however, contain methyl mercury (MeHg), a known neurotoxicant. The toxic effect of MeHg seems most damaging during brain development, and thus, prenatal exposure is of greatest concern. At present the level of prenatal exposure associated with risk to a child's neurodevelopment is not known. Balancing the rewards and possible risks of fish consumption presents a dilemma to consumers and regulatory authorities. We review the nutrients in fish that are important in brain development and the current evidence of risk from MeHg at exposure levels achieved by consuming fish. We then review the findings from a large prospective cohort study of a population that consumes fish daily, the Seychelles Child Development Study. The MeHg content of the fish consumed in the Seychelles is similar to that of ocean fish available in industrialized countries, so they represent a sentinel population for any risk from fish consumption. In the Seychelles, evaluations of the children through 9 y of age show no consistent pattern of adverse associations with prenatal MeHg exposure. Recent studies in the Seychelles have focused on nutrients in fish that might influence a child's development, including long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, iron, and choline. Preliminary findings from this study suggest that the beneficial influence of nutrients from fish may counter any adverse effects of MeHg on the developing nervous system.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-5099", "rank": 66, "score": 34692 }, { "content": "Title: Fish and shellfish allergy in children: review of a persistent food allergy. Content: The increased consumption of fish and shellfish has resulted in more frequent reports of adverse reactions to seafood, emphasizing the need for more specific diagnosis and treatment of this condition and exploring reasons for the persistence of this allergy. This review discusses interesting and new findings in the area of fish and shellfish allergy. New allergens and important potential cross-reacting allergens have been identified within the fish family and between shellfish, arachnids, and insects. The diagnostic approach may require prick to-prick tests using crude extracts of both raw and cooked forms of seafood for screening seafood sensitization before a food challenge or where food challenge is not feasible. Allergen-specific immunotherapy can be important; mutated less allergenic seafood proteins have been developed for this purpose. The persistence of allergy because of seafood proteins' resistance after rigorous treatment like cooking and extreme pH is well documented. Additionally, IgE antibodies from individuals with persistent allergy may be directed against different epitopes than those in patients with transient allergy. For a topic as important as this one, new areas of technological developments will likely have a significant impact, to provide more accurate methods of diagnosing useful information to patients about the likely course of their seafood allergy over the course of their childhood and beyond. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2344", "rank": 67, "score": 34675 }, { "content": "Title: Perfluorinated Compounds, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, and Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in Composite Food Samples from Dallas, Texas, USA Content: Objectives The objective of this article is to extend our previous studies of persistent organic pollutant (POP) contamination of U.S. food by measuring perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), organochlorine pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in composite food samples. This study is part of a larger study reported in two articles, the other of which reports levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane brominated flame retardants in these composite foods [Schecter et al. 2010. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclodecane (HBCD) in composite U.S. food samples, Environ Health Perspect 118:357–362]. Methods In this study we measured concentrations of 32 organochlorine pesticides, 7 PCBs, and 11 PFCs in composite samples of 31 different types of food (310 individual food samples) purchased from supermarkets in Dallas, Texas (USA), in 2009. Dietary intake of these chemicals was calculated for an average American. Results Contamination varied greatly among chemical and food types. The highest level of pesticide contamination was from the dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) metabolite p,p′- dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, which ranged from 0.028 ng/g wet weight (ww) in whole milk yogurt to 2.3 ng/g ww in catfish fillets. We found PCB congeners (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180) primarily in fish, with highest levels in salmon (PCB-153, 1.2 ng/g ww; PCB-138, 0.93 ng/g ww). For PFCs, we detected perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in 17 of 31 samples, ranging from 0.07 ng/g in potatoes to 1.80 ng/g in olive oil. In terms of dietary intake, DDT and DDT metabolites, endosulfans, aldrin, PCBs, and PFOA were consumed at the highest levels. Conclusion Despite product bans, we found POPs in U.S. food, and mixtures of these chemicals are consumed by the American public at varying levels. This suggests the need to expand testing of food for chemical contaminants.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2391", "rank": 68, "score": 34671 }, { "content": "Title: Fish consumption during child bearing age: a quantitative risk-benefit analysis on neurodevelopment. Content: The fish ingredient N3-docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 n-3 (DHA) stimulates brain development. On the other hand methylmercury (MeHg) in fish disturbs the developing central nervous system. In this Context the IQ score in children is considered as an aggregate measure of in utero brain development. To determine the effect of DHA exposure on prenatal neurodevelopment the maternal DHA intake during pregnancy was compared with its epidemiologically observed effect on the IQ score of children. For MeHg the maternal intake was converted into its accumulation in the maternal body. The maternal body burden then was compared with its epidemiologically observed relationship with the IQ score. Taking the MeHg and DHA content of 33 fish species the net effect of these compounds on the IQ score was quantified. For most fish species the adverse effect of MeHg on the IQ score exceeded the beneficial effect of DHA. In the case of long-living predators a negative effect up to 10 points on the IQ score was found. The results of this study indicate that food interventions aiming at the beneficial effects of fish consumption should focus on fish species with a high DHA content, while avoiding fish species with a high MeHg content. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3012", "rank": 69, "score": 34669 }, { "content": "Title: The effectiveness of hygiene procedures for prevention of cross-contamination from chicken carcases in the domestic kitchen. Content: Thirteen sites in each of 60 domestic kitchens were examined for Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. following the preparation of a chicken for cooking and the application of different hygiene regimes. During food preparation bacteria became widely disseminated to hand and food contact surfaces. Where cleaning was carried out with detergent and hot water using a prescribed routine there was no significant decrease in the frequency of contaminated surfaces. Where hypochlorite was used in addition, a significant reduction in the number of contaminated sites was observed. The study suggests that there is a need to better understand and promote effective hygiene procedures for the domestic kitchen.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3651", "rank": 70, "score": 34584 }, { "content": "Title: Initial contamination of chicken parts with Salmonella at retail and cross-contamination of cooked chicken with Salmonella from raw chicken during ... Content: The current study was undertaken to acquire data on contamination of chicken parts with Salmonella at retail and to acquire data on cross-contamination of cooked chicken with Salmonella from raw chicken during meal preparation. Whole raw chickens (n = 31) were obtained from local retail stores and cut into two wings, two breasts without skin or bones, two thighs, and two drumsticks. Data for cross-contamination were obtained by cutting up a sterile, cooked chicken breast with the same board and knife used to cut up the raw chicken. The board, knife, and latex gloves used by the food handler were not rinsed or washed before cutting up the sterile, cooked chicken breast, thus providing a worst-case scenario for cross-contamination. Standard curves for the concentration of Salmonella bacteria in 400 ml of buffered peptone water after 6 h of incubation of chicken parts as a function of the initial log number of Salmonella bacteria inoculated onto chicken parts were developed and used to enumerate Salmonella bacteria. Standard curves were not affected by the type of chicken part but did differ (P < 0.05) among the five isolates of Salmonella examined. Consequently, Salmonella bacteria were enumerated on naturally contaminated chicken parts using a standard curve developed with the serotype of Salmonella that was isolated from the original sample. The prevalence of contamination was 3 % (4 of 132), whereas the incidence of cross-contamination was 1.8 % (1 of 57). The positive chicken parts were a thigh from chicken 4, which contained 3 CFU of Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky, and both wings, one thigh, and one cooked breast portion from chicken 15, which all contained 1 CFU of serotype 8,20:-:z(6). These results indicated that the poultry industry is providing consumers in the studied area with chicken that has a low prevalence and low number of Salmonella bacteria at retail and that has a low incidence and low level of cross-contamination of cooked chicken with Salmonella from raw chicken during meal preparation under a worst-case scenario.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2745", "rank": 71, "score": 34506 }, { "content": "Title: The sensitivity of the child to sex steroids: possible impact of exogenous estrogens. Content: The current trends of increasing incidences of testis, breast and prostate cancers are poorly understood, although it is assumed that sex hormones play a role. Disrupted sex hormone action is also believed to be involved in the increased occurrence of genital abnormalities among newborn boys and precocious puberty in girls. In this article, recent literature on sex steroid levels and their physiological roles during childhood is reviewed. It is concluded that (i) circulating levels of estradiol in prepubertal children are lower than originally claimed; (ii) children are extremely sensitive to estradiol and may respond with increased growth and/or breast development even at serum levels below the current detection limits; (iii) no threshold has been established, below which no hormonal effects can be seen in children exposed to exogenous steroids or endocrine disruptors; (iv) changes in hormone levels during fetal and prepubertal development may have severe effects in adult life and (v) the daily production rates of sex steroids in children estimated by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999 and still used in risk assessments are highly overestimated and should be revised. Because no lower threshold for estrogenic action has been established, caution should be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure of fetuses and children to exogenous sex steroids and endocrine disruptors, even at very low levels.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1763", "rank": 72, "score": 34260 }, { "content": "Title: Offering “dip” promotes intake of a moderately-liked raw vegetable among preschoolers with genetic sensitivity to bitterness. Content: BACKGROUND: Evidence-based strategies for promoting vegetable consumption among children are limited. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of providing a palatable “dip” along with repeated exposure to a raw vegetable on preschoolers' liking and intake. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred fifty-two predominately Hispanic preschool-aged children studied in Head Start classrooms in 2008. DESIGN: A between-subjects, quasiexperimental design was used. A moderately-liked raw vegetable (broccoli) was offered twice weekly at afternoon snacks for 7 weeks. Classrooms were randomized to receive broccoli in one of four conditions differing in the provision of dip. Bitter taste sensitivity was assessed using 6-n-propylthiouracil. INTERVENTION: Broccoli was provided in four conditions: with regular salad dressing as a dip, with a light (reduced energy/fat) version of the dressing as a dip, mixed with the regular dressing as a sauce, or plain (without dressing). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean broccoli intake during 7 weeks of exposure and broccoli liking following exposure. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Descriptive statistics were generated. Multilevel models for repeated measures tested effects of condition and bitter sensitivity on mean broccoli intake during exposure and on pre- and post-exposure liking while adjusting for classroom effects and potential covariates. RESULTS: The majority of Hispanic preschoolers (70%) showed sensitivity to the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil. Children's broccoli liking increased following exposure but did not vary by dip condition or bitter sensitivity. Bitter-sensitive children, however, ate 80% more broccoli with dressing than when served plain (P<0.001); effects did vary based on whether regular or light dressing was provided as a dip or sauce. Dip did not promote broccoli intake among bitter-insensitive children. CONCLUSIONS: Providing dip—regular, light, or as a sauce—increased raw broccoli intake among bitter-sensitive Hispanic preschoolers. Findings suggest that offering low-fat dips can promote vegetable intake among some children who are sensitive to bitter tastes.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3377", "rank": 73, "score": 34259 }, { "content": "Title: The effect of vegetarian diet on selected essential nutrients in children. Content: INTRODUCTION: Vegetarian diets are considered to promote health and reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. It is also known that restriction or exclusion of animal foods may result in low intake of essential nutrients. The aim of the presented study was to assess the intake and serum status of vitamin B12, folate, vitamins A, E and D, as well as concentrations of homocysteine, total antioxidant status and iron balance in Polish vegetarian children. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 50 children, aged 5-11 who had been referred to the Institute of Mother and Child for dietary consultation. From those, 32 were vegetarians (aged 6.5±4.2 years) and 18 omnivores (aged 7.9±2.7 years). Dietary constituents were analyzed using the nutritional programme Dietetyk2®. Folate and vitamin B12 were determined with a chemiluminescence immunoassay, total homocysteine with a fluorescence polarization immunoassay and TAS (total antioxidant status) by colorimetric method. Vitamin A and E in serum were determined by the high-pressure liquid chromatography method (HPLC) and vitamin D by immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA). Concentrations of iron, ferritin, transferrin and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) in serum were determined by commercially available kits. RESULTS: In vegetarian children daily intake of vitamin B12 (1.6 ěg) was in the recommended range, that of folate (195 ěg) and vitamin A (1245 ěg) higher, but vitamin E slightly lower (6.6 ěg) and three-fold lower vitamin D (1.1 ěg) than references allowance. Serum concentrations of vitamin B12 (548 pg/ml), folate (12.8 ng/ml), vitamin A (1.2 ěmol/L), vitamin E (15.6 ěmol/l) were within physiological range, but that of vitamin D (13.7 ěg/L) was only half of the lowest limit of the reference value. In vegetarian children in comparison to omnivorous similar levels of homocysteine (6.13 ěmol/L vs 5.45 ěmol/L) and vitamin A (1,17 ěmol/L vs 1.32 ěmol/L) were observed. Lower (p<0.05) values of vitamin E (15.6 ěmol/L vs 18.4 ěmol/L) and TAS (1.21 mmol/L vs 1.30 mmol/L; p<0.0001) were found. Concentrations of iron markers were in physiological range. CONCLUSION: Obtained results indicated that intakes of vitamin B12 and folic acid from vegetarian diets are sufficient to maintain serum concentrations of both homocysteine and iron in the range observed in omnivorous children. High consumption of vitamin A and low vitamin E only slightly affected their serum values. Significantly lower concentration of serum vitamin E in vegetarian children in comparison to nonvegetarians may be reflected with statistically significant lowering of total antioxidant status. Insufficient intake of vitamin D and its low serum concentration should be under close monitoring in vegetarian children. In order to prevent vitamin D deficiency appropriate age-dependent supplementation should be considered.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-922", "rank": 74, "score": 34125 }, { "content": "Title: Evidence-based evaluation and management of chronic urticaria in children. Content: Urticaria affects nearly 25% of the population at some time in their lives. In a subset of children, urticaria will develop into a chronic condition that can greatly affect quality of life. Although numerous causes and triggers are proposed for chronic urticaria (CU) in children, ranging from infections, allergens, and medications to physical factors and autoimmune disease, the exact etiology is not always identifiable. Accordingly, a large subset of cases are designated \"chronic idiopathic urticaria.\" Because of the clinical complexities of CU, as well as the confusing literature on this topic, we have developed a conceptual framework based on the cumulative evidence to assist with the categorization, clinical evaluation, and treatment of CU in children. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2347", "rank": 75, "score": 34057 }, { "content": "Title: Longitudinal Study of the Contamination of Air and of Soil Surfaces in the Vicinity of Pig Barns by Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Content: During 1 year, samples were taken on 4 days, one sample in each season, from pigs, the floor, and the air inside pig barns and from the ambient air and soil at different distances outside six commercial livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA)-positive pig barns in the north and east of Germany. LA-MRSA was isolated from animals, floor, and air samples in the barn, showing a range of airborne LA-MRSA between 6 and 3,619 CFU/m3 (median, 151 CFU/m3). Downwind of the barns, LA-MRSA was detected in low concentrations (11 to 14 CFU/m3) at distances of 50 and 150 m; all upwind air samples were negative. In contrast, LA-MRSA was found on soil surfaces at distances of 50, 150, and 300 m downwind from all barns, but no statistical differences could be observed between the proportions of positive soil surface samples at the three different distances. Upwind of the barns, positive soil surface samples were found only sporadically. Significantly more positive LA-MRSA samples were found in summer than in the other seasons both in air and soil samples upwind and downwind of the pig barns. spa typing was used to confirm the identity of LA-MRSA types found inside and outside the barns. The results show that there is regular airborne LA-MRSA transmission and deposition, which are strongly influenced by wind direction and season, of up to at least 300 m around positive pig barns. The described boot sampling method seems suitable to characterize the contamination of the vicinity of LA-MRSA-positive pig barns by the airborne route.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1757", "rank": 76, "score": 33881 }, { "content": "Title: Increased Rate of Hospitalization for Diabetes and Residential Proximity of Hazardous Waste Sites Content: Background Epidemiologic studies suggest that there may be an association between environmental exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and diabetes. Objective The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that residential proximity to POP-contaminated waste sites result in increased rates of hospitalization for diabetes. Methods We determined the number of hospitalized patients 25–74 years of age diagnosed with diabetes in New York State exclusive of New York City for the years 1993–2000. Descriptive statistics and negative binomial regression were used to compare diabetes hospitalization rates in individuals who resided in ZIP codes containing or abutting hazardous waste sites containing POPs (“POP” sites); ZIP codes containing hazardous waste sites but with wastes other than POPs (“other” sites); and ZIP codes without any identified hazardous waste sites (“clean” sites). Results Compared with the hospitalization rates for diabetes in clean sites, the rate ratios for diabetes discharges for people residing in POP sites and “other” sites, after adjustment for potential confounders were 1.23 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.15–1.32] and 1.25 (95% CI, 1.16–1.34), respectively. In a subset of POP sites along the Hudson River, where there is higher income, less smoking, better diet, and more exercise, the rate ratio was 1.36 (95% CI, 1.26–1.47) compared to clean sites. Conclusions After controlling for major confounders, we found a statistically significant increase in the rate of hospitalization for diabetes among the population residing in the ZIP codes containing toxic waste sites.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2404", "rank": 77, "score": 33774 }, { "content": "Title: Transfer of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from retail pork products onto food contact surfaces and the potential for consumer exposure. Content: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a pathogen that has developed resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and has been isolated at low population numbers in retail meat products. The objectives of this study were to estimate the potential transfer of MRSA from contaminated retail pork products to food contact surfaces and to estimate the potential for human exposure to MRSA by contact with those contaminated surfaces. Pork loins, bacon, and fresh pork sausage were inoculated with a four-strain mixed MRSA culture over a range of populations from approximately 4 to 8 log, vacuum packaged, and stored for 2 weeks at 5°C to simulate normal packaging and distribution. Primary transfer was determined by placing inoculated products on knife blades, cutting boards, and a human skin model (pork skin) for 5 min. Secondary transfer was determined by placing an inoculated product on the contact surface, removing it, and then placing the secondary contact surface on the initial contact surface. A pork skin model was used to simulate transfer to human skin by placing it into contact with the contact surface. The percentages of transfer for primary transfer from the inoculated products to the cutting board ranged from 39 to 49%, while the percentages of transfer to the knife ranged from 17 to 42%. The percentages of transfer from the inoculated products to the pork skin ranged from 26 to 36%. The secondary transfer percentages ranged from 2.2 to 5.2% across all products and contact surfaces. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences in the amounts of transfer between transfer surfaces and across cell concentrations.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1983", "rank": 78, "score": 33684 }, { "content": "Title: Human pathogens and tetracycline-resistant bacteria in bioaerosols of swine confinement buildings and in nasal flora of hog producers. Content: Swine confinement buildings in eastern Canada are enclosed and equipped with modern production systems to manage waste. Bioaerosols of these swine confinement buildings could be contaminated by human pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria which could colonize exposed workers. We therefore wanted to analyze bioaerosols of swine confinement buildings and nasal flora of Canadian hog producers to evaluate possible colonization with human pathogens and tetracycline-resistant bacteria. Culturable and non-culturable human pathogens and tet genes were investigated in the bioaerosols of 18 barns. The nasal passages of 35 hog producers were sampled and total DNA was extracted from the calcium-alginate swabs to detect, by PCR, Campylobacter, C. perfringens, Enterococcus, E. coli, Y. enterocolitica, tetA/tetC, tetG and ribosomal protection protein genes. Airborne culturable C. perfringens, Enterococcus, E. coli, and Y. enterocolitica were present in the bioaerosols of 16, 17, 11 and 6 of the 18 facilities. Aerosolized total (culturable/non culturable) Campylobacter, C. perfringens, Enterococcus, E. coli and Y. enterocolitica were detected in 10, 6, 15, 18 and 2 barns, respectively. Tet genes were found in isolates of culturable human pathogens. TetA/tetC, tetG and ribosomal protection protein genes were detected in the bioaerosols of all 18 studied buildings. Campylobacter, C. perfringens, Enterococcus, E. coli, and Y. enterocolitica were found respectively in 4, 9, 17, 14 and one nasal flora of workers. One and 10 workers were positive for tetA/tetC and tetG genes, respectively. In swine confinement buildings, hog producers are exposed to aerosolized human pathogens and tetracycline-resistant bacteria that can contaminate the nasal flora. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4142", "rank": 79, "score": 33662 }, { "content": "Title: Dietary antioxidant intake, allergic sensitization and allergic diseases in young children. Content: BACKGROUND: Allergic diseases have risen in prevalence over recent decades. The aetiology remains unclear but is likely to be a result of changing lifestyle and/or environment. A reduction in antioxidant intake, consequent to reduced intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, has been suggested as a possible cause. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether dietary antioxidant intake at age 5 was related to atopy at 5 and 8 years of age amongst children in an unselected birth cohort. METHODS: Children were followed from birth. Parents completed a validated respiratory questionnaire and children were skin prick tested at 5 and 8 years of age. Serum IgE levels were measured at age 5. At age 5, antioxidant intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). A nutrient analysis program computed nutrient intake, and frequency counts of foods high in the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E were assessed. RESULTS: Eight hundred and sixty-one children completed both the respiratory and FFQ. Beta-carotene intake was associated with reduced risk of allergic sensitization at age 5 [0.80 (0.68-0.93)] and 8 [0.81 (0.70-0.94)]. In addition, beta-carotene intake was negatively associated with total IgE levels (P = 0.002). Vitamin E intake was associated with an increased risk of allergic sensitization [1.19 (1.02-1.39)], only at age 5. There was no association between antioxidant intakes and wheeze or eczema. CONCLUSION: Increased beta-carotene intake was associated with a reduced risk of allergic sensitization and lower IgE levels, in 5- and 8-year-old children. Dietary antioxidants may play a role in the development of allergic sensitization.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2446", "rank": 80, "score": 33653 }, { "content": "Title: Detection and characterization of Clostridium difficile in retail chicken. Content: AIMS: This study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of Clostridium difficile contamination of retail chicken. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chicken legs, thighs and wings were purchased using a standardized method from retail outlets across Ontario, Canada. Selective culture was used for qualitative and quantitative detection of C. difficile. Clostridium difficile was isolated from 26/203 (12.8%) chicken samples; 10/111 (9.0%) thighs, 13/72 (18%) wings and 3/20 (15%) legs (P = 0.19). All isolates were ribotype 078, a strain that has been associated with food animals and potentially community-associated disease in humans. All positive samples were positive only on enrichment culture. CONCLUSIONS: Clostridium difficile could be found relatively commonly in retail chicken meat, albeit at low levels. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study to report C. difficile in chicken meat. Contamination of meat with C. difficile strains implicated in human infections raises concerns about food as a source of C. difficile infection. The relevance of food contamination is completely unclear at this point but food should be investigated as a source of infection.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4800", "rank": 81, "score": 33649 }, { "content": "Title: Adenovirus 36 infection and obesity. Content: The most important factors leading to fat accumulation in children are genetic inheritance, endocrine alterations, and behavioural/environmental causes. In addition, experimental animal studies have shown that infections due to various pathogens can lead to overweight and obesity conditions, and studies of humans have found that the incidence of seroconversion against some of these may be significantly more frequent in obese adults and children than in normal subjects. However, the results of these studies are not conclusive and, in some cases, have raised more questions than answers. We reviewed the literature concerning the role of adenovirus 36 (AD-36), the most widely studied infectious agent in animals and humans, because of its potential association with childhood obesity. The available evidence suggests that more studies are needed to evaluate whether or not the association between the presence of AD-36 antibodies and obesity is simply unrelated, and to verify whether there are subjects that have greater tendency to become obese because more easily susceptible to AD-36 infection or with a predisposition to suffer from persistent viral infection more easily leading to the development of obesity. If it is demonstrated that AD-36 does play a role in obesity, it will be important to investigate possible vaccines against the infection itself or antiviral drugs capable of inhibiting disease progression. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1798", "rank": 82, "score": 33560 }, { "content": "Title: Half-lives of serum PCB congener concentrations in environmentally exposed early adolescents. Content: The aim was to determine half-life of six most abundant PCB congeners in the body of early adolescents. In 304 environmentally exposed children, PCB serum concentration was determined at the age of 8 and 12years. Half-life was determined for each child assuming exponential decrease or for the whole cohort using multiple regression. Results obtained by both approaches were in agreement. PCB reuptakes corrupting half-life estimates for each child and each congener were evaluated. If one of the serum PCB concentration values fell below the level of detection (LOD) the pair was excluded and if PCB half-life value exceeded the arbitrary value of 30years. The following median half-lives in years 4.46, 10.59, 9.7, 4.7, 9.1 and 9.8 were obtained for PCB congeners 118, 138(+163), 153, 156(+171), 170 and 180, respectively. The elimination half-life values were not systematically related to PCB serum concentration at any examination age. Between half-life values, percentage of children with significant reuptakes and PCB congener abundance in serum were found significant associations. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4180", "rank": 83, "score": 33536 }, { "content": "Title: Campylobacter transfer from naturally contaminated chicken thighs to cutting boards is inversely related to initial load. Content: Foods prepared in the kitchen can become cross-contaminated with Campylobacter by contacting raw products, particularly skinned poultry. We measured the percent transfer rate from naturally contaminated poultry legs purchased in supermarkets. Transfer of Campylobacter from skin (n = 43) and from meat (n = 12) to high-density polyethylene cutting board surfaces was quantitatively assessed after contact times of 1 and 10 min. The percent transfer rate was defined as the ratio between the number of Campylobacter cells counted on the cutting board surface and the initial numbers of Campylobacter naturally present on the skin (i.e., the sum of Campylobacter cells on the skin and board). Qualitative transfer occurred in 60.5% (95% confidence interval, 45.5 to 75.4) of the naturally contaminated legs studied and reached 80.6% (95% confidence interval, 63.0 to 98.2) in the subpopulation of legs that were in contact with the surface for 10 min. The percent transfer rate varied from 5 x 10(-2)% to 35.7% and was observed as being significantly different (Kruskall-Wallis test, P < 0.025) and inversely related to the initial counts on poultry skin. This study provides quantitative data describing the evolution of the proportion of Campylobacter organisms transferred from naturally contaminated poultry under kitchen conditions. We emphasize the linear relationship between the initial load of Campylobacter on the skin and the value of the percent transfer rate. This work confirms the need for modeling transfer as a function of initial load of Campylobacter on leg skin, the weight of poultry pieces, and the duration of contact between the skin and surface.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2746", "rank": 84, "score": 33500 }, { "content": "Title: An unexpected mortality increase in the United States follows arrival of the radioactive plume from Fukushima: is there a correlation? Content: The multiple nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima plants beginning on March 11, 2011, are releasing large amounts of airborne radioactivity that has spread throughout Japan and to other nations; thus, studies of contamination and health hazards are merited. In the United States, Fukushima fallout arrived just six days after the earthquake, tsunami, and meltdowns. Some samples of radioactivity in precipitation, air, water, and milk, taken by the U.S. government, showed levels hundreds of times above normal; however, the small number of samples prohibits any credible analysis of temporal trends and spatial comparisons. U.S. health officials report weekly deaths by age in 122 cities, about 25 to 35 percent of the national total. Deaths rose 4.46 percent from 2010 to 2011 in the 14 weeks after the arrival of Japanese fallout, compared with a 2.34 percent increase in the prior 14 weeks. The number of infant deaths after Fukushima rose 1.80 percent, compared with a previous 8.37 percent decrease. Projecting these figures for the entire United States yields 13,983 total deaths and 822 infant deaths in excess of the expected. These preliminary data need to be followed up, especially in the light of similar preliminary U.S. mortality findings for the four months after Chernobyl fallout arrived in 1986, which approximated final figures.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3632", "rank": 85, "score": 33435 }, { "content": "Title: Estimated risks of radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediatric CT. Content: OBJECTIVE: In light of the rapidly increasing frequency of pediatric CT examinations, the purpose of our study was to assess the lifetime cancer mortality risks attributable to radiation from pediatric CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Organ doses as a function of age-at-diagnosis were estimated for common CT examinations, and estimated attributable lifetime cancer mortality risks (per unit dose) for different organ sites were applied. Standard models that assume a linear extrapolation of risks from intermediate to low doses were applied. On the basis of current standard practice, the same exposures (milliampere-seconds) were assumed, independent of age. RESULTS: The larger doses and increased lifetime radiation risks in children produce a sharp increase, relative to adults, in estimated risk from CT. Estimated lifetime cancer mortality risks attributable to the radiation exposure from a CT in a 1-year-old are 0.18% (abdominal) and 0.07% (head)-an order of magnitude higher than for adults-although those figures still represent a small increase in cancer mortality over the natrual background rate. In the United States, of approximately 600,000 abdominal and head CT examinations annually performed in children under the age of 15 years, a rough estimate is that 500 of these individuals might ultimately die from cancer attributable to the CT radiation. CONCLUSION: The best available risk estimates suggest that pediatric CT will result in significantly increased lifetime radiation risk over adult CT, both because of the increased dose per milliampere-second, and the increased lifetime risk per unit dose. Lower milliampere-second settings can be used for children without significant loss of information. Although the risk-benefit balance is still strongly tilted toward benefit, because the frequency of pediatric CT examinations is rapidly increasing, estimates that quantitative lifetime radiation risks for children undergoing CT are not negligible may stimulate more active reduction of CT exposure settings in pediatric patients.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3624", "rank": 86, "score": 33385 }, { "content": "Title: Intolerance of cow's milk and chronic constipation in children. Content: BACKGROUND: Chronic diarrhea is the most common gastrointestinal symptom of intolerance of cow's milk among children. On the basis of a prior open study, we hypothesized that intolerance of cow's milk can also cause severe perianal lesions with pain on defecation and consequent constipation in young children. METHODS: We performed a double-blind, crossover study comparing cow's milk with soy milk in 65 children (age range, 11 to 72 months) with chronic constipation (defined as having one bowel movement every 3 to 15 days). All had been referred to a pediatric gastroenterology clinic and had previously been treated with laxatives without success; 49 had anal fissures and perianal erythema or edema. After 15 days of observation, the patients received cow's milk or soy milk for two weeks. After a one-week washout period, the feedings were reversed. A response was defined as eight or more bowel movements during a treatment period. RESULTS: Forty-four of the 65 children (68 percent) had a response while receiving soy milk. Anal fissures and pain with defecation resolved. None of the children who received cow's milk had a response. In all 44 children with a response, the response was confirmed with a double-blind challenge with cow's milk. Children with a response had a higher frequency of coexistent rhinitis, dermatitis, or bronchospasm than those with no response (11 of 44 children vs. 1 of 21, P=0.05); they were also more likely to have anal fissures and erythema or edema at base line (40 of 44 vs. 9 of 21, P<0.001), evidence of inflammation of the rectal mucosa on biopsy (26 of 44 vs. 5 of 21, P=0.008), and signs of hypersensitivity, such as specific IgE antibodies to cow's-milk antigens (31 of 44 vs. 4 of 21, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In young children, chronic constipation can be a manifestation of intolerance of cow's milk.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2055", "rank": 87, "score": 33378 }, { "content": "Title: Vital signs: incidence and trends of infection with pathogens transmitted commonly through food--foodborne diseases active surveillance network, 10... Content: BACKGROUND: In the United States, contaminated food causes approximately 1,000 reported disease outbreaks and an estimated 48 million illnesses, 128,000 METHODS: The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) conducts surveillance among 15% of the U.S. population for laboratory-confirmed infections with nine pathogens transmitted commonly through food. Overall and pathogen-specific changes in incidence were estimated from 1996-1998 to 2010 and from 2006-2008 to 2010.hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths annually. This report summarizes 2010 surveillance data and describes trends since 1996. RESULTS: A total of 19,089 infections, 4,247 hospitalizations, and 68 deaths were reported from FoodNet sites in 2010. Salmonella infection was the most common infection reported (17.6 illnesses per 100,000 persons) and was associated with the largest number of hospitalizations (2,290) and deaths (29); no significant change in incidence of Salmonella infection has occurred since the start of surveillance during 1996-1998. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 infection caused 0.9 illnesses per 100,000. Compared with 1996-1998, overall incidence of infection with six key pathogens in 2010 was 23% lower, and pathogen-specific incidence was lower for Campylobacter, Listeria, STEC O157, Shigella, and Yersinia infection but higher for Vibrio infection. Compared with a more recent period, 2006--2008, incidence in 2010 was lower for STEC O157 and Shigella infection but higher for Vibrio infection. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of STEC O157 infection has declined to reach the 2010 national health objective target of ≥1 case per 100,000. This success, as well as marked declines since 1996-1998 in overall incidence of six key foodborne infections, demonstrates the feasibility of preventing foodborne illnesses. IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Salmonella infection should be targeted because it has not declined significantly in more than a decade, and other data indicate that it is one of the most common foodborne infections, resulting in an estimated $365 million in direct medical costs annually. The prevention measures that reduced STEC O157 infection need to be applied more broadly to reduce Salmonella and other infections. Effective measures from farm to table include preventing contamination of meat during slaughter and of all foods, including produce, during processing and preparation; cooking meat thoroughly; vigorously detecting and investigating outbreaks; and recalling contaminated food.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4136", "rank": 88, "score": 33256 }, { "content": "Title: Does having a drink help you think? 6-7-Year-old children show improvements in cognitive performance from baseline to test after having a drink of ... Content: Little research has examined the effect of water consumption on cognition in children. We examined whether drinking water improves performance from baseline to test in twenty-three 6-7-year-old children. There were significant interactions between time of test and water group (water/no water), with improvements in the water group on thirst and happiness ratings, visual attention and visual search, but not visual memory or visuomotor performance. These results indicate that even under conditions of mild dehydration, not as a result of exercise, intentional water deprivation or heat exposure, children's cognitive performance can be improved by having a drink of water.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3776", "rank": 89, "score": 33137 }, { "content": "Title: Cow's milk allergy in Thai children. Content: Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is nowadays a common problem in Thai children. We reviewed medical records of patients with CMA from the Department of Pediatrics at King Chulalongkom Memorial Hospital of the past 10 years, from 1998 to 2007. The criteria for the diagnosis of CMA included: elimination of cow's milk formula resulting in improvement of symptoms, and: recurrence of symptoms after reintroduction of cow's milk by oral challenge or by accidental ingestion. Of the 382 children with a diagnosis of CMA, 168 were girls and 214 were boys. The average age at the time of diagnosis was 14.8 months (7 days-13 years). The average duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 9.2 months. A family history of atopic diseases was found in 64.2% of the patients. All of the mothers reported an increased consumption of cow's milk during their pregnancy. The most common symptoms were respiratory (43.2%) followed by gastrointestinal (GI) (22.5%) and skin manifestations (20.1%). Less common symptoms included failure to thrive (10.9%), anemia (2.8%), delayed speech due to chronic serous otitis media (0.2%) and anaphylactic shock (0.2%). A prick skin test with cow milk extract was positive in 61.4%. Exclusively breast-fed was found in 13.2% of the patients. Successful treatment included elimination of cow's milk and milk products and substitution with soy formula in 42.5%, partial hydrolysate formula (pHF) in 35.7%, extensive hydrolysate formula (eHF) in 14.2%, and amino acid formula in 1.7%. Continued breast feeding was successful in 5.9% (with maternal restriction of cow's milk and milk products). Our study demonstrates the variety of clinical manifestations of CMA in Thai children especially respiratory symptoms which are usually overlooked.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-900", "rank": 90, "score": 33134 }, { "content": "Title: Anisakiasis, an underestimated infection: effect on intestinal permeability of Anisakis simplex-sensitized patients. Content: Anisakis simplex is a parasite that, if present in uncooked and contaminated saltwater fish, can invade the human gut. Two different clinical situations are recognized: the first, known as a gastrointestinal disease, varying from an asymptomatic episode to vomiting and diarrhea, and the second, classified as an adverse reaction to food, characterized by a wide spectrum of allergic reactions like rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or even anaphylaxis causing hypotension and/or shock. The intestinal epithelium, the major defense system against external molecules, represents an open gate for toxins and allergens if its protective function is compromised. Previous data have demonstrated a strict relationship between an altered intestinal permeability (I.P.) and worsening of the clinical manifestations in patients with adverse reactions to the food. In this article we evaluated the sensitization to A. simplex among patients who referred clinical symptoms of allergy. All subjects underwent commonly used alimentary skin prick test for food allergens, to which Ani s1, an A. simplex allergen, was added. In addition, in A. simplex-sensitized subjects, I.P. was determined upon their enrolment to the study (time 0) and after 6 months of consuming a raw fish-free diet (time 6). Five hundred and forty subjects were screened, and 170 had a positive skin prick test, 87 (51.2%) of whom were positive to Ani s1. Increased I.P. was evidenced in A. simplex-sensitized subjects with worse clinical symptoms, which receded after 6 months' elimination of raw seafood. With our data we demonstrated that the alimentary habit to eat raw fish represents a high risk for the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, and we suggest that this pathological situation may constitute an ideal, under-estimated, open gate for molecules that predispose to other, more important pathologies.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2345", "rank": 91, "score": 33127 }, { "content": "Title: Exposure to exogenous estrogen through intake of commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. Content: BACKGROUND: Modern genetically improved dairy cows continue to lactate throughout almost the entire pregnancy. Therefore, recent commercial cow's milk contains large amounts of estrogens and progesterone. With regard to the exposure of prepubertal children to exogenous estrogens, the authors are particularly concerned about commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine concentrations of serum and urine sex hormones after the intake of cow milk. METHODS: Subjects were seven men, six prepubertal children, and five women. The men and children drank 600 mL/m(2) of cow milk. Urine samples were collected 1 h before the milk intake and four times every hour after intake. In men the serum samples were obtained before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after milk intake. Women drank 500 mL of cow's milk every night for 21 days beginning on the first day of the second menstruation. In three successive menstrual cycles, the day of ovulation was examined using an ovulation checker. RESULTS: After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Urine concentrations of E1, estradiol, estriol and pregnanediol significantly increased in all adults and children. In four out of five women, ovulation occurred during the milk intake, and the timing of ovulation was similar among the three menstrual cycles. CONCLUSIONS: The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-4753", "rank": 92, "score": 32930 }, { "content": "Title: Effects of fast food branding on young children's taste preferences. Content: OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of cumulative, real-world marketing and brand exposures on young children by testing the influence of branding from a heavily marketed source on taste preferences. DESIGN: Experimental study. Children tasted 5 pairs of identical foods and beverages in packaging from McDonald's and matched but unbranded packaging and were asked to indicate if they tasted the same or if one tasted better. SETTING: Preschools for low-income children. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-three children (mean +/- SD age, 4.6 +/- 0.5 years; range, 3.5-5.4 years). MAIN EXPOSURE: Branding of fast foods. OUTCOME MEASURES: A summary total taste preference score (ranging from -1 for the unbranded samples to 0 for no preference and +1 for McDonald's branded samples) was used to test the null hypothesis that children would express no preference. RESULTS: The mean +/- SD total taste preference score across all food comparisons was 0.37 +/- 0.45 (median, 0.20; interquartile range, 0.00-0.80) and significantly greater than zero (P<.001), indicating that children preferred the tastes of foods and drinks if they thought they were from McDonald's. Moderator analysis found significantly greater effects of branding among children with more television sets in their homes and children who ate food from McDonald's more often. CONCLUSION: Branding of foods and beverages influences young children's taste perceptions. The findings are consistent with recommendations to regulate marketing to young children and also suggest that branding may be a useful strategy for improving young children's eating behaviors.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1760", "rank": 93, "score": 32860 }, { "content": "Title: Reducing Childhood Obesity by Eliminating 100% Fruit Juice Content: The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 presents an opportunity to change the nutritional quality of foods served in low-income childcare centers, including Head Start centers. Excessive fruit juice consumption is associated with increased risk for obesity. Moreover, there is recent scientific evidence that sucrose consumption without the corresponding fiber, as is commonly present in fruit juice, is associated with the metabolic syndrome, liver injury, and obesity. Given the increasing risk of obesity among preschool children, we recommend that the US Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Food Care Program, which manages the meal patterns in childcare centers such as Head Start, promote the elimination of fruit juice in favor of whole fruit for children.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1790", "rank": 94, "score": 32846 }, { "content": "Title: Reduction in urinary organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults after a week-long organic diet. Content: BACKGROUND: Conventional food production commonly uses organophosphate (OP) pesticides, which can have negative health effects, while organic food is deemed healthier because it is produced without these pesticides. Studies suggest that organic food consumption may significantly reduce OP pesticide exposure in children who have relatively higher pesticide exposure than adults due to their different diets, body weight, behaviour and less efficient metabolism. OBJECTIVES: A prospective, randomised, crossover study was conducted to determine if an organic food diet reduces organophosphate exposure in adults. METHODS: Thirteen participants were randomly allocated to consume a diet of at least 80% organic or conventional food for 7 days and then crossed over to the alternate diet. Urinary levels of six dialkylphosphate metabolites were analysed in first-morning voids collected on day 8 of each phase using GC-MS/MS with detection limits of 0.11-0.51 μg/L. RESULTS: The mean total DAP results in the organic phase were 89% lower than in the conventional phase (M=0.032 [SD=0.038] and 0.294 [SD=0.435] respectively, p=0.013). For total dimethyl DAPs there was a 96% reduction (M=0.011 [SD=0.023] and 0.252 [SD=0.403] respectively, p=0.005). Mean total diethyl DAP levels in the organic phase were half those of the conventional phase (M=0.021 [SD=0.020] and 0.042 [SD=0.038] respectively), yet the wide variability and small sample size meant the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of an organic diet for one week significantly reduced OP pesticide exposure in adults. Larger scale studies in different populations are required to confirm these findings and investigate their clinical relevance. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-1169", "rank": 95, "score": 32809 }, { "content": "Title: Dietary acrylamide exposure of the French population: results of the second French Total Diet Study. Content: Acrylamide is a heat-induced carcinogen compound that is found in some foods consequently to cooking or other thermal processes. In the second French Total Diet Study (TDS), acrylamide was analysed in 192 food samples collected in mainland France to be representative of the population diet and prepared \"as consumed\". Highest mean concentrations were found in potato chips/crisps (954 μg/kg), French fries and other fried potatoes (724 μg/kg), and salted biscuits other than potato chips (697 μg/kg). Exposure of general adult and child populations was assessed by combining analytical results with national consumption data. Mean acrylamide exposure was assessed to be 0.43±0.33 μg/kg of body weight (bw) per day for adults and 0.69±0.58 μg/kg bw/day for children. Although the exposure assessed is lower than in previous evaluations, the calculated margins of exposure, based on benchmark dose limits defined for carcinogenic effects, remain very low especially for young children (below 100 at the 95th percentile of exposure), indicating a health concern. It is therefore advisable to continue efforts in order to reduce dietary exposure to acrylamide. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3498", "rank": 96, "score": 32581 }, { "content": "Title: Reduction in penis size and plasma testosterone concentrations in juvenile alligators living in a contaminated environment. Content: The development of the male reproductive ducts and external genitalia in vertebrates is dependent on elevated androgen concentrations during embryonic development and the period of postnatal growth. We have observed that a population of juvenile alligators living on Lake Apopka exhibit significantly smaller penis size (24% average decrease) and lower plasma concentrations of testosterone (70% lower concentrations) when compared to animals of similar size on Lake Woodruff. In addition to smaller phalli, no relationship exists between plasma testosterone concentrations and penile size in males from Lake Apopka, whereas a positive relationship exists for males from Lake Woodruff. The alligators on Lake Apopka are known to have elevated concentrations of the antiandrogenic DDT breakdown product p.p'-DDE stored in their fat. We suggest a number of hypotheses that could explain the modification in the phenotype of the juvenile male living in Lake Apopka. These modifications in phenotype include a smaller penis size, lower plasma androgen concentrations, and lack of responsiveness of the penis to the plasma androgens present.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-2645", "rank": 97, "score": 32312 }, { "content": "Title: Estimating changes in public health following implementation of hazard analysis and critical control point in the United States broiler slaughter i... Content: A common approach to reducing microbial contamination has been the implementation of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program to prevent or reduce contamination during production. One example is the Pathogen Reduction HACCP program implemented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). This program consisted of a staged implementation between 1996 and 2000 to reduce microbial contamination on meat and poultry products. Of the commodities regulated by FSIS, one of the largest observed reductions was for Salmonella contamination on broiler chicken carcasses. Nevertheless, how this reduction might have influenced the total number of salmonellosis cases in the United States has not been assessed. This study incorporates information from public health surveillance and surveys of the poultry slaughter industry into a model that estimates the number of broiler-related salmonellosis cases through time. The model estimates that-following the 56% reduction in the proportion of contaminated broiler carcasses observed between 1995 and 2000-approximately 190,000 fewer annual salmonellosis cases (attributed to broilers) occurred in 2000 compared with 1995. The uncertainty bounds for this estimate range from approximately 37,000 to 500,000 illnesses. Estimated illnesses prevented, due to the more modest reduction in contamination of 13% between 2000 and 2007, were not statistically significant. An analysis relating the necessary magnitude of change in contamination required for detection via human surveillance also is provided.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3880", "rank": 98, "score": 32269 }, { "content": "Title: Review of harmful gastrointestinal effects of carrageenan in animal experiments. Content: In this article I review the association between exposure to carrageenan and the occurrence of colonic ulcerations and gastrointestinal neoplasms in animal models. Although the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1982 identified sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of degraded carrageenan in animals to regard it as posing a carcinogenic risk to humans, carrageenan is still used widely as a thickener, stabilizer, and texturizer in a variety of processed foods prevalent in the Western diet. I reviewed experimental data pertaining to carrageenan's effects with particular attention to the occurrence of ulcerations and neoplasms in association with exposure to carrageenan. In addition, I reviewed from established sources mechanisms for production of degraded carrageenan from undegraded or native carrageenan and data with regard to carrageenan intake. Review of these data demonstrated that exposure to undegraded as well as to degraded carrageenan was associated with the occurrence of intestinal ulcerations and neoplasms. This association may be attributed to contamination of undegraded carrageenan by components of low molecular weight, spontaneous metabolism of undegraded carrageenan by acid hydrolysis under conditions of normal digestion, or the interactions with intestinal bacteria. Although in 1972, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considered restricting dietary carrageenan to an average molecular weight > 100,000, this resolution did not prevail, and no subsequent regulation has restricted use. Because of the acknowledged carcinogenic properties of degraded carrageenan in animal models and the cancer-promoting effects of undegraded carrageenan in experimental models, the widespread use of carrageenan in the Western diet should be reconsidered.", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3502", "rank": 99, "score": 32214 }, { "content": "Title: Should children drink more water?: the effects of drinking water on cognition in children. Content: While dehydration has well-documented negative effects on adult cognition, there is little research on hydration and cognitive performance in children. We investigated whether having a drink of water improved children's performance on cognitive tasks. Fifty-eight children aged 7-9 years old were randomly allocated to a group that received additional water or a group that did not. Results showed that children who drank additional water rated themselves as significantly less thirsty than the comparison group (p=0.002), and they performed better on visual attention tasks (letter cancellation, p=0.02; spot the difference memory tasks, ps=0.019 and 0.014).", "qid": "PLAIN-10", "docid": "MED-3774", "rank": 100, "score": 32178 } ]
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