2 values
Economics even you will Understand: For all who avoided economics like the plague, this is the book for you.very informative, and gives the novice a good foundation of the subject... Check it out.. next time you argue economics with uncle Fred, you wont sound like such a dope
Simply brilliant!: This is a great start to learning Austrian economics, or rather, any kind of economics. All members of Congress should be required to read this before being allowed to vote on any bills. Peter Schiff's "Crashproof" would be a great followup to reading Economics in One Lesson. And for the more serious student of Austrian economics, especially in these times, you should read von Mises Theory of Money and Credit, and Rothbard's The Great Depression.
One lesson that EVERYONE needs to learn!: As a student and teacher of economics, this book has proved to be an invaluable resource! The lesson is simple and direct, yet one that many people fail to apply. This should be required reqding for anyone involved in the development of economic policy (or any other arm of policy making, for that matter). Whether you agree with Hazlitt's conclusions about how the market works or not, you cannot dispute the key lesson of this book. It is entertaining to read, particularly easy for a book about economics. I highly recommend it!
Textbook: Should have been a nationwide elementary school textbook for the past 60 years.Upon reading this book, and knowing your fellow Americans will have, one couldn'timagine the losses of freedom that we are experiencing now. An absolute must read.
Our Senators and Reps should read and heed: This is not a new book;perhaps that's why it is so useful.There is no gobblygook, no arcane economic theories with fancy lables.What there are in this book are many examples of - - if the government takes this action to make this or that happen, the unintended consequences have proven to be and will probably be again something quite different, and usually not positive.Sound experiential economics in my view, clearly written; and a tremendous help to understanding what will probably happen if the nation takes on more debt, subsidizes this or that interest, taxes one interest at the expense of another, etc.I liked it; I could read and understand it.
Great Book: Very easy to read, simple arguments that destroy many fallacies in current political rhetoric. I learned a lot from this book without feeling like I had to muddle through it. I benefitted from taking micro and macro before reading, but it's not necessary, and anyone interested in learning about how special interests kill the consumer and taxpayer because their well-being is easier to measure and is effected more immediately (aka every modern economic issue) has an obligation to read this book.
Painful: I wouldn't recommend this book to an enemy. True, the information may be worthy, but the writing style and the narration were horrible. It is definitely NOT written (nor read) in a conversational manner. I'm willing to cut the narrator some slack as he was only reading what was written, however better inflection, phrasing, pauses, etc... would have greatly helped this otherwise tedious book.I couldn't even finish it. I suffered through the first 5 disks and after all that investment in time I couldn't bring myself to listen to the 6th. Its just that poorly written.I'll restate the fact that the message -- the information -- is worth hearing, its simply written in such a tedious manner that I couldn't stand to hear it through the end.I think I'll donate it to my local library.
Unsatisfactory and very outdated: I am in my 60's and thought it would be a good time to remedy what I perceived as a gap in my education, economics. I never had a course in economics and the only book I had read was Heilbroner's Worldly Philosophers, a satisfying but very general overview as I recall. I probably read Heilbroner in the late 70's.I'm an audible subscriber and got Economics in One Lesson from them. I can only say that the book was dated, full of economic events that were referenced from WWII, and excessively polemical and rigid.I read it some time ago but it made enough of a bad impression on me that when I saw it in my suggestion list around number 250, I just had to get onto this page and say what a terrible disappointment the book was.I think the book should be retitled, Economics in One Polemic: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand the Economics of the Late 1940's and the 1950's.
Don't Be Fooled By the Title of This Book: The only economic lessons in it are a very biased critique of any economic policy other than capitalist doctrine. I wanted to learn about economics and was so disappointed in this outdated, one-sided book.
Hypocritical, Biased, outdated and misleading: This book opens with the author explaining his objective analysis of popular fallacies within economics. In no way is this book objective, it is not so much a introduction to economics than a book with a political agenda. He rarely shows two sides of the arguement, spins fact real well all the while omitting valuable information contrary to his veiws. DONT READ THIS AS YOUR FIRST ECONOMICS BOOK, and if you do read it, take it with a grain of salt.
Capitalism straight, in small unpalatable doses: If you want your faith in market forces and low taxation reinforced, this is a straightforward, but blinkered attempt to make you forget all about government regulation. Funny that west-European countries with bigger taxation and more government influence have less crime, better education, better health care, better TV programmes than the US. They also organise their politics better, so that the tax money is better spent. It did set me right on one or two points, and parts are written in a spuriously funny way, but it is too biased to be really informing . Clearly the writer has never listened to people he doesn't agree with.If you have an open mind compare this dangerous nonsense with the writings of Naomi Klein to see how unfettered capitalism works out in practice.
Right-libertarian views presented as fact: The problem I have with Hazlitt's economics primer is that much of the information he presents as fact is nothing but right-libertarian ideology.Hazlitt attempts to "explode liberal myths" by taking out of context the social advances America has made in the last 70 years. The author believes that unchecked corporate power will liberate the economy and, therefore, humanity.Hazlitt is obviously a corporate apologists who refuses to scrutinize the "successes" of liberalized trade policies throughout the world. A look at any number of third world countries will reveal the true outcome of relinquishing government and social controls of the economy.
ASTOUNDING: It is astounding that anyone in this age can seriously recommend this book. It has no bearing on the world economy and is blatantly anti labor and anti government regulation. It is hopelessly out of date.
how to fail economics 101: This book preaches a very right wing kind of economics. If you can imagine one of Rush Limbaugh's readers or helpers writing a primer on economics, then this is it. Keep government small etc. The author most likely was an Austrian school follower. As it is avaiable free on Limewire, maybe get a free copy on the Net or browse it in your local library. No need to buy unless you want to flesh out (sic) the ideas of Mr Limbaugh et al. The book relentlessly hammers home the ideas that government should be amall, self interest drives the economy forward and that state intervention is bad.
Read this if You're Stupid and wish to be Fanatically Stupid: Very Stupid. Once you enslave your mind to a blind, fantasy-based, utopian distortion of capitalist society, which has nothing to do with the actual functioning of that system on any level, at anytime whatsoever (and the top beneficiaries wouldn't have it any other way - no matter what this economic-libertarian garbage espouse), this is what comes out of your pencil. Read this book, turn off the real world, and turn on to a reactionary and libertarian-utopian rehash of greed, plunder, pillage and plutocracy WORSHIP touted as "common sense."
Back to basics...: Sometimes back to basics is the clearest path towards understanding current realities. It is amazing to me that a book written in 1946 is still so fundamentally relevant.
A great alternative perspective: Particularly appropriate for these times (even many decades after it was written), Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson offers an alternative to the traditional Keynesian economic theory of the 20th Century. This book is a fairly easy read for non-economists and, though a bit repetitive towards the end, quite enlightening. I'd recommend this book strongly for any student of macro economics or anyone curious in what is happening to the global economy.
Sanity in Economics: This is economic sanity. Easy to understand. If more people and especially those in government would read this book, we would be better off.
Fine Summary: This is a great primer that should be read in all schools. Hazlitt does not deal in economic details here. Intead, Economics in One Lesson covers more useful ground for the average person: it cumulatively teaches us how to think logically about economic issues. And, of course, how you think is the basis for what you think. Even the casual reader will take away an ability to spot economic silliness, many of which spring from the same bad premises, the same elementary blindness to cause-and-effect. Economics in One Lesson provides the type of knowledge that stays with you for a lifetime.
A good libertarian primer: This book is a little outdated, and a little heavy on the libertarianism, but otherwise it's a very easy read, and I particularly like some of the stories it uses to present basic economic ideas.
Important: Just under two hundred pages, I learned more from this short book on Economics than from three entire textbooks in College. Concise, well worded and simplified reality. Anyone wanting to understand the market system and how it works can gain greatly by reading Hazlitt.
Economics: Very clearly written with a minimum of jargon. Basic principles easy to understand even for the non-economist, but topics were not oversimplified. Essential reading for anyone who wants to make informed decisions in these troubled economic times.
Frighteningly Prophetic: An easy to understand overview of economics and, when considering the condition we are in today, scary! It explains a great deal about our current economic problems though originally written in the 40's.
Great book: This is a great introduction to economic analysis. It is very well written and the examples are still surprisingly current.Bad economic thinking plagues the political and mediatic scene. Hazlitt focuses his effort on a key mistake, that of ignoring the unseen possibilities (or opportunity cost).
Great summary of some very difficult economic principles: This was my first experience reading Hazlitt and it won't be my last. He has an "Adam Smith" way of writing (whether intentional or not, who's to tell) and everytime I wanted to compare this book to Wealth of Nations, I quickly curbed my enthusiasm. This is a good book, not great and I'm not quite sure why all the great reviews. I do like his way of explaining some very difficult economic ideas and I can see this book being a valuable introduction to economic principles, maybe not economics 101. In summary, well worth your time to read but not a good enough book to truly fit it's title.
over-simplified diatribe: Wow, this one is really out there. Only Any Rand and Ron Paul, who know nothing about economics, could recommend this book. For example, consider these laughable claims, that I paraphrase -The primary problem with economics as practiced is that no thought is given to the long term consequences of policies to all groups.There is no difference between supply and demand.The vast majority of economists are ignoramuses.It is all very simple; listen to me.If you can believe this stuff, read the book. You can get it online for free.
More politics, less economincs: I wish I had read more of the reviews to learn that this book is less about economics and more about pushing a particular political point of view. The point of view is hard right and the current recession disproves most of the economic patter. After skimming a few pages I threw it away; I didn't even want it in the house.
This book's title is misleading.: This is propaganda, not an economics lesson. The book is full of faulty logic apparently spewed to promote a libertarian agenda. I couldn't be less happy with this purchase.
Seriously Flawed: Bottom line, there are some serious flaws in the author's thinking. For example, in chapter 11 (Tariffs), the author argues that imposing a $5 tariff on an import (sweaters from England) ends up costing the US. Never once does he add the $5 duty received into the equation. How can someone argue against an import tax without analyzing what happens to the revenues from that tax? When the next chapter stated that Exports must equal Imports, I quit reading.In short, I couldn't agree more with the author that all too often the analysis of costs/benefits focus is too narrow. Yet, in trying to expanding the analysis beyond the 'too narrow', the author's analysis in fact is often too narrow.
Not a primer, way too political: Going to be brief here: If you are looking for an introductory to economics, begin your search elsewhere. Hazlitt has an opinion, and he presents it here. I was looking for something that presents both sides of sticky issues, but more importantly, spends a great deal of time on the fundamentals.This book fails in that respect. Keep looking. (Samuelson, Mankiw, Malkiel...)
Straight to the trash can!: Threw this book right in the trash not even a chapter into it, because I realized it is nothing but the same old recycled and obsolete right-wing drivel that we've been peppered with over and over, and that took our country to the edge of a second Great Depression. If you are a concerned American you should stay away from this book!
Pretty cool: Let me first say I'm into HipHop(real Hiphop, slug, Atmosphere, etc). I have latelly been checking out the Euro scene of music(I don't know bought a Bmw could have been influencing me lol). I like this chick(not only cute) but she is cute and beats are catchy. Their music makes wanna make me drive fast. The older I get(30), the more I listen to beat and the complete way the music is put together. So liking the Goldfrapp stuff. So I by these cd's for my girl(while secretly ripping them to my zune). Right now working overtime to go check out Europe and stuff(not better than America, but different obviously the as an European visiting here. Good catchy cd, interesting use of instruments and keyboards. Did I mention she is cute little thing. Check out their videos they are a trip.
Allison rocks!: I have just recently discovered Goldfrapp and boy look at what I have been missing out on!This disc is incredible! My only needs to be longer!Number 1 is an excellent song so walk out into velvet!Such a shame that US radio does not play such a wonderous mix of techno & electronica on the airwaves, yet forces us to listen constantly to tired rap lyrics about hos and bling, dumb TV show contest winners and R&B; idiocy.Allison has them all beat, hands down!
Kids love it: It's Thomas! Kids love it. I can tolerate him better than Barney or those Wiggles. Still sounds so odd to hear George Carlin narrating a children's movie...
Great for kids!: As usual, Thomas and Friends are entertaining in all the best ways for kids! Good lessons and good fun.
Chocolate delicious by body hottie: this book was delicious it was very interesting i never knew most of this stuff in thereit made me so hungry for chocolate and im a chocolate fanaticDELCIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!even the book tasted good~~~ body hottie
A Stellar Kid's Tape!: This is not your average kid's tape! Nancy Cassidy's wonderful alto voice invites even the musically challenged to sing along. As with all her tapes, there is a terrific mix of traditional and new music, use of many instruments, and varied musical styles. Even our one year-old dances when we put this on!
Too much kid-pop music for a dark, animated movie!: I don't like the fact that there was so much kiddie-pop music on the soundtrack,where as the first, second, and third movies had a blend of rock, techno, hip-hop, andrap... but this one had too much kid music for a movie that was (for the most part)dark!The only song on this album that fit the mood of the movies was 'Lights Out' by P.O.D.!That re-mix of the song is the only reason why I bought this album!Not recommended for the whole album, just that one song...
TMNT Soundtrack: I love the songs on this CD. Some of the songs make me want to run fast and punch stuff.
Egbert is such a wonderful name: After years of searching, which ended with a 400 or so page photocopied version with missing pages, I found this book. This book is the only in depth and detailed english language record of almost all vegetation on Okinawa and the Ryukyu islands that I know of. The information within is in both Japanese (an older style) and English. I know of no other place that this book exists aside from the post library on Torii Station.
sweet musings for loss and love: Its a Game and Calling over Time are Edith Frost's best music. There are years between the two albums but the kinship is very very close. Each song on Its a Game will transport you to the world of sweet repose. Much like a summer or autumn friendship that simply fades this music is so hauntingly familiar to the feelings that linger after the time has left you in a state of misty eye wonder.Thanks to Edith for writing so candid and for the music arrangements that are simply perfect for her songs. Again thanks for the kinship and this is highly recommended.
The Art of Chinese Medical Science: I read this book, It's a good source of information related to Chinese Medicine. I would call it an Art of Chinese Medical science.
What more do I need?: Price and function are two of the main reasons I now own this camcorder. I have webtv so I can capture all of the stills I need and do it quite easily and without software and a computer.Keep it simple stan is definitly my mantra and this camcorder helps me do just that. More functions and options would just go to waste and be confusing.It is light and ergonomic and I got a free tripod and camera bag with mine at circuit city. I wouldn't buy electronics on line again (been there done that). A longer battery life would be all I would ask for .
A great American Sisters book.: Ten year old Erna Anderson and her sixteen year old sister Alfreda lived lives of poverty in Sweden. Their father went to America seven years ago, and finaly sent for Mother and their little brother Karl. But Karl had died, and Mother was ill, so Erna and Alfreda would have to make the journey to America alone, in third class on the Titanic. The two sisters, seperated at first by poverty and sorrow, soon become friends. But when the Titanic hits an iceberg and begins to sink, can they survive?
not quite what I was expecting: I originally bought one of Daniel's previous albums (the title had 'insomniac' in it). the previous album was mostly acoustic with melodic vocals. I bought it for my wife. she loved it. Next year, I purchased deflaboxe and the CD got thrown back at me. This album was NOTHING like the previous album I had purchased for her. so if you are like me and buying this album based on his previous work, think again. he took a completely different style with this album.
Agressive, Wild, Experimental & Honnest poetry: In this experimental album, Bélanger shows his own dark & hidden garden. Obviously describing his fights against a depressive lifestyle and his deepest reflexions in his previous album (Rver Mieux - wich totally impressed me), he comes back with an exclusive musical and lyrical style mostly expressing how he concieves life as a constant fight (analogy: boxe). All songs bearing numbers instead of titles, he lets listners use their intelligence & imagination in order to "feel" the music his own way.One of the most impressive album from Quebec this year.I give 5 stars and two thumbs up.
Nineteen folktales of South and Central America: This children's book is a collection of nineteen folk tales collected and retold by the author from his travels throughout Central and South America. The book won the 1925 Newbery Medal for best contribution to American children's literature. I am oviously in the minority with my opinion: I only awarded the book two stars. I simply found it boring. But, this is obviously a good resource of South American folktales. Perhaps those who enjoy such material will like the book more than I.
This book is incomprehensible: This book was an anthology of 19 stories. I didn't like it because it was hard for me to make a mental picture in my head. I had to read almost every paragraph over. I could not comprehend at all!
It wasn't very good!: This book was about witches and possession. I do not believe in those things. I am a Christian! I did not like this book very much at all! I don't think this is a good book for kids to be reading, because they might have nightmares. Some of the stories are hard to comprehend. But if you do like those kind of things you will enjoy this book! Thank you for reading my review.
Very boring: I agree with the reviewer who is not the author. This is really a bad book. Totally not believable with no depth to the characters. I find it hard to believe this book is so popular overseas. I should consider writing for a living. I think the author is a little touchy, too. I guess it was too much for her that someone didn't like her boring book.
on order: I just ordered this fudge. It looked so good and seemed to be priced well I thought I would give it a try. I have looked at just about every store where we live and can not find any maple fudge. I am hoping this will taste as good as it looks. I will send another feedback after I have had my first bite. Can't wait.
Long torso but great product: Received this product in the mail and have worn it a few times. It's fairly comfortable for a bustier/corset style waist cincher. The boning is very supportive and higher quality then a bridal style corsette (most of those are cheap and just to get things to lay down more smoothly). I'm pleased with the product. One thing I will say on the negative side is that I'm rather short. These are more of a one-size fits all from what I understand and mine is a bit long in the torso since I'm 5'1". Not an issue, it's meant that way so that it will cover under the chest down to about the belt so you dont have any random tire hanging over your pants, but I'm already fairly thin and this just causing the top wires to rub under my bra or jeans. Not the best for sitting, whereas a custom corset or one with a smaller torso likely wouldn't do that. The cloth is fairly comfortable and does as promised.
Love This Item: I have four squeem shapewear items and i love them all. I do suggest finding your correct size, not the size you think you are. The terry cloth lining absorbs all wetness and i do see a difference in my shape. It flattens your middle so your blouses, tshirts and dresses look much nicer.
Had some problems at first but now i love it: I received my Squeem 1 month ago and was super excited when i first wore it but then the bone started sticking into my back right under my bra line it wasnt very comfortable not like when i tried it in the store and the top kept rolling over giving me the appearance of more rolls in the back. This was definaitely NOT the look i was going for LOL. Luckily i decided to dtop in the store where i first saw & tried it and spoke to one of the clerks who told me i had to pull it all the was down till it was half-way covering my butt & hips. EUREKA!! What a difference this made now i'm loving it and hardly leave home without it. I originally bought the XL nude now i'm getting ready to purchase the black vest in a L. Great product, my only complaint is that the bones could be firmer.
Good choice for getting a vintage look: I have the nude version of this chincher in small.I favour a vintage pinup look every day so the small waist is a main focus. I do have vintage styled cinchers and other authentic shapewear but they are expensive. This is a perfect substitute for day to day wear.As said in annother review you cannot wear this under clingy slinky clothes as it does ripple up at the front.I would recomend wearing a slip under it to avoid skin irritation. I wear a corset liner available from waist training specialists.The length is fine on me, going from just below the bra line down to the hip bones (I am 5ft 4)The cinching effect takes about 1.5 - 2 inches off my waist comfortably, enough to get into my vintage dior.I do not wear it enough to comment on the claims of permenant inch loss...but I think I will give it a try.
Squeem works well: I am pleased with this item. It would be helpful if it were slightly longer for my torso, but everyone is different of course.I wear it a lot and it has held up well. It is rubbery, so a base layer is important or you may break out when your body perspires.
Too small - NO RETURNS: I received this in the mail and followed the measurements on the site to get my size...when it arrived I could not fasten it as it was too small.........AND THERE IS NO REFUND.....So I didn't wear it or use it....and I am out $35.00 plus....for the privilege of not getting the product I asked I could wear and use...will not buy from this seller again
wow: this product does exactly what it says it does! the only issue is the first time you put it on it is pretty difficult to put on. the hook and eyes are stiff but once you do it a couple times it becomes much easier!! Don't give up it is worth it!
Great!: I enjoyed this waist cincher! it corrects my posture, and makes me look slimmer!However, I think it stretched out a bit... Or I lost some inches!
Wasn't what I expected: I ordered the item according to the chart that was associated with the size and it ended up being to big. The item is also like it is made from rubber, but because I needed it for this weekend I don't know what I am going to do at this point.
great: provides great support and slims me down by 2 inches when I wear it (I ordered a size small). The size chart is very accurate, it fits like a glove.
a good smoother: I do believe this product is very good but, in my case, the cincher smooths my waistline more than anything. I am already petite, so the cincher doesn't significantly reduce my waistline. It does, however, make my waist look A LOT smoother and hour-glass like. You cannot really wear it under thin clothing, as others have pointed out, and, for me, it is impossible to wear it during hot summer days - the sweating and the rubber can create a rash situation - but I still recommend the product. It is a very good and very cool cincher. I think it can even be worn on top of clothing, for a goth or fetish look. It is well-made and makes clothes look better on you.
Works Well!: I bought this item for my wedding dress! I wanted to make sure that I "tried out" the cincher before my big day and it works really well! I started out with this same item, in a Small - but it gave me "back fat" which I do not normally have...I returned the Small and opted for the Medium and it works like a charm. When wearing the cincher you have two "size options" with the double hook closure..which allows you to let it out more around the bust & tighter around your "natural" waist to create a better shape. It definately does the trick and is made of rubber material(def makes you sweaty...but it DOESNT move around) Totally worth it!Kinda painful...the boning pushes into my "under/side boob" probably because I am not super skinny immediately under my boobs...(size 36 DD)Ladies, if it helps..I am 5'2 135lbs busty, not super skinny but not fat(size 27 in jeans)
squeem cincher: Love this. I had been looking in I don't know how long for this kind of product. I've had 2 babies so far and haven't found a product like this. I had an idea of what I wanted which was kinda like a coursette, but without all the wires showing or nothing rolling up. I came across this squeem cincher and had my doubts, but I've had it for a week already (I ordered all 3, black & beige waist cincher and beige body shaper that has straps)and I've already got used to wearing it everyday, it's pretty comfortable and best of all it gives you a nice shape and flat belly look. I love it, now I'm just hoping it will help me in losing some inces from my waist. I've read that it can last up to over a year, so deffinitly worth the money. Would recommend this to everyone.
not really worth it: I wore this for my wedding since I hadn't lost all of my pregnancy weight. It was great for a little bit. But then started getting a crease around my waist. I can't wear it anymore. Plus it made me feel very sick if I wore it for more than a couple hours. They suggest wearing it 8 hours? I couldn't do it. As soon as I take it off I am instantly better.
Great product; great seller!: I got this item within a few days of my purchase. It is exactly what I wanted -- I look a whole size smaller, instantly. I tried on the Squeem in a boutique and fell in love, but they were asking almost $200 for it! I highly recommend this item and the seller.
Painful Experience: I think the concept is great but with this particular product, they have these sections that are thicker rubber (or whatever the material is) and it literally pushed into my ribs every time I sit down. I commute a lot and have a desk job so its not a very pleasant experience to have that pushing and bruising your rubs every day. It would've been nice except for those thicker lines of rubber that aren't very flexible.
Great Product!: Item was delivered quickly and it looks just like the picture. It is a great item because it does not roll up when you sit down. I've been looking for one like this for a while and would recommend it to anyone. Of course, you must use it long term to reshape your body but it is worth the money.
poor fit: After trying three different sizes,I still couldn't find one that fit. I first ordered a medium and it wouldn't even come close to hooking so I went up to size to xlarge which was waaay to big, my last possible option would be a large and it was still huge, wish I would have sent it back but was just tired of the whole process and kept it. The hooks are a pain as well and it is way over priced.....there is a zippered option on amazon that is much cheaper.
Not recommended!: When I received this, not only was it way too small for me, the first and only thing I noticed was the horrible smell that came out of the packaging! It was unbearable, sort of like a burnt rubber smell. There's no way I would recommend this to anyone. There are definitely other products on the market that do the job!!
Gave me a waist, but just pushed my fat around: The product did what it was "supposed to" which was to give me a waist, but it kind of just redistributed my fat. My waist was super tiny, but above and below (mostly below) I bulged like crazy, so I ended up just looking really oddly proportioned. My husband thought that I looked a little like an arthropod, so definitely not the sexy curvy lady that I wanted to be... I guess this product worked for other ladies, but for me, it just looked really unnatural and odd.
Advertized as "New" but arrives worn out: Please note that I ordered three of these items as gifts and was surprised to see that only one arrived in its original packaging (with plastic cover and without any signs of it being worn). The other two had no plastic cover and had obvious streaks on the material. All three were advertized as "New" on Amazon site. Before you decide to buy new item, beware that you may be receiving item that someone else has returned so please inspect for any signs of item being worn (if fabric is stretched or not in its original plastic cover). These items should be advertized correctly and not sold as "New"
Great results, with some side effects...: I have one of those "spare tire" waists, but when I put this on, I had an hourglass shape... I've never had results like this with any other shapewear... But it does come with some side effects...Wore it to work for 8 hours, took it off to find that my skin was a grayish color (i'm black) and had lines (which turned to bruises) on my sides and lower back where it folded from sitting... I did like the way it gave me a much trimmer waistline, so the next day I wore a camisole under it and it was very comfortable. That experience did, however, give me more incentive to exercise and get fit so I don't have to depend on anything to "make" me look trimmer...
Perfect for getting rid of pesky love handles: Typically I wear a medium adult women's sized shirt and a large in juniors- and I have pesky love handles thanks to my 2 beautiful babies :).This really works, well too- sucks you together and gives you that lift and confidence you want/need.The one thing that makes it not have 5 stars is that after a while it starts to bunch up in the middle (if you have some curve to you) and I'm not sure how to get it stretched out again.However, overall- if it didn't bunch up- I would give it 5 stars :)
Upset: I've been wearing the waist clincher for the last two years. I purchased a new one recently and it's not the same type of material of the previous ones i've brought. I thought maybe because i had lost weight, so i brought a smaller sizer, but that one didn't fit the same either. I thought i found a miracle when i first purchased the girldle through Amazon, but i have found my recent purchase has surely let me down...
Falling apart: When I first received this product I was plenty happy, I thought I had finally (after 8 years of switching from cincher to cincher) found the right one. It squeezed my belly enough that it actually got me to "right-sized" eating (whereas a lot of times I would get seconds, I found when I wore this cincher I could only eat one serving), which of course is wonderful. I didn't mind that sometimes it bunched up, I didn't mind that sometimes it left welts (that went away shortly after I removed the cincher), however, after about two weeks, on of the metal prongs came out, making the cincher essentially useless because it doesn't hold it's form. Even the cheap cinchers at Walmart held up better than this and cost only a fraction of what this cost.
ahi: I am 116 lbs. but after 4 kids (a set of twins) the tummy was not the same. squeem gives me a beautiful shape under my clothes...never look better. the only downfall it does not cut inches off or make you loose any body fat..after its off all the bulge comes out. It makes you look great thou...don't leave home without it.
Incrediby difficult to put on: With the type of closures and the amount of compression it is meant to give it's really difficult to put on. You need a hand to pull it closed in order to actually be able to close each of the 20 some odd hooks.
Squeem: I ordered according to the size chart for my measurements and it was way to small!! Very uncomfortable.I returned it,
A bit uncomfortable...: I had to exchange the size but the small is still _really small_. It gives me a nice shape but I should probably be wearing a medium. I am a size 6 with a belly left over from a 25 pound weight loss. It's tedious to put on and I'm exhausted when I finally get that last hook hooked! There has to be an easier way! The back support you get is awesome but sitting in it can get uncomfortable after a while. I recommend wearing it over a light weight tank of some kind. The material used irritated my skin a little bit and it made me sweat a little. Should you buy it? If you are tolerant of the ins and outs, then go for it. It was inexpensive.
This is the one: I'm fairly tall and this could go on someone taller then me, with no problem. I love that you can't see it under clothes. I notice my back feel better with it on, my posture improves, and I look good in my clothes. I love this!
really love it.: Does the job and I feel the tightness. Thanks for making a change that is a big difference for me. I would recommed others to buy it.
Wow!: All and all this is a very nice product. It really holds in those unwanted mid life bulges and it looks smooth under your clothing. It sort of helps your posture when sitting at a computer for very long hours. The inner cotton lining feels nice against the skin and it appears to move moisture,although not totally, away from your skin. Now mind you it is pure rubber, yes I said rubber, so make sure you wash it thoroughly, also it will take two days to air dry.I brought one with straps and bought the strapless one from Amazon......much cheaper than a boutique.Cher!
Not the shape I was going for....: I have ordered the Squeem on three different occasions, trying a large, medium and small as my size changed after having twins. Unfortunately, I was disapointed every time and I returned it after trying it on. I don't know why I kept trying aside from desperation. It just gave me a very weird shape. Sure, it cinched in my waist at the sides but what I needed was to flatten my muffin top. I basically felt as if it squeezed my waist in and pushed all my "excess" down into the lower half of my torso making my muffin top even worse. I'm giving the product the benefit of the doubt with two stars thinking maybe it's just my body type that is the problem. I have a long torso at 5'10 and 140lbs. Great product in concept but didn't work at all for me.
Bones: This product does suck you in Great !! But the bones in here tore back back up, I had all kinds of bruising when I took this off after wearing it all day, they need to make one smooth with out the bones.
Magic: After 3 c sections, I need all the help I can get. I started with the size Large (when I was a size 12). I have moved on to the medium (I am between 8-10 now). The medium is REALLY tight, but does the job. I prefer the large day to day because I have 3 children under 6 to run after, and it is a bit more comfortable for that. These things are really great. I can't believe I didn't know about them after my first 2 c sections. They should send all women home with them after giving birth!
Wrong item shipped!!!!!: I ordered this waist cincher specifically to wear on my wedding day with my beautiful sleeveless dress. Unfortunately, they shipped the WRONG thing, and now I am stuck with a big, bulky and hideous vest! It has very ugly racerback straps, and I will definitely not be able to wear this under my dress. And the worst part, I'm out the money! I can't even return it for a refund, even though I haven't opened the box. VERY disappointed in this company. Buyer beware!
Sizing is Ridiculous: I measure as a Small and the Small and Medium did NOT fit. Update: I ordered a Large and wore it for 2 days and it stretched too much. I am not sure this will help, but I have worn the item so I cannot return the Large. I am not any smaller than when I began so the Large did stretch and did not shrink my waist and/or hips.
So what is the sizing?: I ordered a 3X, because that's the size that the website said to order, it came and lacked about 8 inches I looked at the package and it says I should have ordered a 5x...seemed extreme, but I exchanged it.I was very impressed with the speed of the exchange, I'll say that....However, when the 5X arrived, it's so big it just gaps and falls off? So, was the 3X mislabeled, or is this 5x mislabeled? I'm needing something with some firm support for post surgery I really don't know what to do at this point?
Causes sweat that makes it unwearable!: This corset makes me Sweat like a hog, I am not I'm a petite woman just looking for structure to maintain a flat stomach. Theres no doubt it gave me a fantastic shape, was flawlessly discreet under my clothes but I was forced to stop wearing it, because by the end of the day it was very uncomfortable, hot and sweaty underneath. This was bad for my skin too, it made it dry and would have gotten red and irritated if I kept wearing it and for longer periods. It got to the point where it was pointless to wear because the was no breathing for my skin underneath it and I'd want to take it off immediately, so I never wore it, and just gave up and returned it. Still looking for a perfect corset, this however is NOT it. Don't waste your time.
best money I ever spent on shape wear: I received mine today and I squeeled with delight when I heard the door bell ringing for delivery. I immediately put it on. It does take some muscle power..but no where as hard as I was expecting to get it on. It sucks, tucks and hold!!!!! My S/O was giving me the side eye..he didnt get my excitement , this was just another one of my many purchases. BUT!!! But ladies and gentlemen ***for the man who is looking to buy a gift their lady will love** when I started trying on my dresses he exclaimed "WOW!! it does take off a few inches of the waist"...I love it. I have been walking around the apartment in it and I have been sitting and standing with no problems. Well it does force you to sit upright. Which is great!..small waist and fabulous posture...I can't complain. I am loving my squeem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
works great: Bought it 3 months after pregnancy with twins. I had gone down to my pre-pregnancy weight but my tummy was still not firm. Used the belt and reduced the waist to pre-pregnancy size after wearing it 8 times.
Great at first...not so good over time: Perhaps I got a bad one? A factory second? For the first 3-4 days I wore mine, it was great, just as advertised, helped me fit into those pants that are just a tiny bit too snug around the waist. I was very happy and it helped me concentrate on my posture, too, although it was very difficult to turn in the car seat when backing out of a parking space! However, I put it on today, and while my left side is all smooth and nicely held in, the support thing (bone or whatever) under my right breast seems to have lost all its firmness. My entire right front is pushing outwards on that, making a vertical bulge; whereas my left side is still firm and compressed. I don't know what could be happening.
Recommend this: I used this product 19 years ago after my pregancy while working out and getting back to shape. I had a slimmer waist within weeks. You tend to sweat and lose inches having this on. It is a bit uncomfortable at first and it takes getting used to, but I would wear it only while working out. Otherwise, I would take it off.19 years later, after having my second child, I was looking for the same waist cincher which I just received and began working out with it. I am a firm believer this will bring my waist to where I was prior being pregnant with my workouts. It is well made and sturdy. The metal hooks never pinch nor they unhook while doing exercising. I recommend this product.
boning is not a plus: It holds things together but the boning gets uncomfortable, would have been better without it. It also folds in with the fold of my stomach, which I didn't want, so it doesn't get that pooch area as well as I would've liked. I guess if you just want to tuck things in to wear a dress this would be good, thats about it.
Pass: The Sizes run really small, It flips up even though, they said it would not and the hooks don't hold. I am very dissapointed.
Love this!: I'm training my waist to lose inches. I used to always buy fajas which are very uncomfortable and takes alot of getting used to. I wear them most of the day and throughout the night. This one is more comfortable (as something squeezing u can be) and looks good under certain clothes. I like that the inside is a rubbery material that helps u sweat. It speeds up the weight loss process. I plan to buy the next size down soon because my waist has already shrank! I probably will buy the one with the straps next time because the strapless does kinda push ur back fat up and with certain clothes you can see it. All in all it's a great product and the most comfortable cincher I've ever bought.
Poor quality: I purchased this item to wear postpartum. I love how it fits and how well it smooths things out post baby. The major downside to this is the poor quality. The eye portion of about five of the hook/eye closures has come out entirely. I know that this is not a sizing issue because I followed the sizing for the product and it's only select ones that appear to not have been sewn as well as the rest. Very disappointing for what would have otherwise been an awesome product that I could recommend to others, to instead be a waste of my money!
Squeem Perfect Waist, Firm compression: I'm a 100% satisfied with the Squeem Magical Lingerie Shapewear. It delivers what it promises, everything that describes the product it's true. It reduces about 2 inches instantly, it hardly shows with thin clothes, it doesn't let me eat a lot and I feel full the rest of the day, It recommends to wear it about 8 hours but I can even sleep with it, the only thing is that I get marks like when wearing thigh socks, it gives me a smaller waist than what the picture shows, and it's the perfect length for my core.I'm 5'3, I tried another brand before but it was too long for me, I could feel the wires poking specially when bending down. I recommend to measure yourself before ordering any brand.Once I get used to this one, I'm planning to order the "Extra firm compression". It gives more back support and it will reduce the waist even more!
Not the best shaper: This would be great if it had boning in it. I am not sure if this os because i have a very pronounced hour glass figure, but when I put it on, the fabric slides the the waist and it has the same effect as if I had a rubber band aroun my waist, forming a bulge above and below my waist. Too bad- I had hoped this would work based on reviews.