Could you give me some information on your European tours? Our pleasure. We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe. I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time. I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on December 24. What is the cost?
price day - - for airfare tour 1,088 The , round $ a trip ten person is only which one includes for .
The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1,088, which includes round-trip airfare.
Yes, Sir. You called? Yes, I wonder if you could bring me another bottle of beer. Certainly. Would you like anything else? Well, my grandson is supposed to meet me in London at the airport. Do you think he'll be able to find me? I'm sure he will. You don't have to worry about that. Are you going to be visiting him?
Yes my . seen 've I grandson never .
Yes. I've never seen my grandson.
How do you like your new job? I like it very much. This is a nice company to work for. You worked for a large company before, didn't you? Yes, I did. But I prefer a small company. Is it really different?
because company . I yes . 's , exciting It much different a it 's Oh more . like small
Oh, yes. It's much different. I like a small company because it's more exciting.
Good morning. Can I help you? Hello. My name's Jill Bush. I'm planning to go to a conference in Sydney for three weeks. I see, do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare? Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare? Yes, you are allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
I , only Oh . , see one
Oh, I see, only one.
Hi, I'm Sally. I live in the Apartment 324, right next door. I was wondering if you could do a favor for me. I'm expecting a package to be delivered, but now I have to go to the property manager. Could you sign the package and hold it for me? Of course. I would be happy to help you out. By the way, I'm John. I moved in here two days ago. It's nice to meet you. I've been living here for six months. Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? No, thanks. I need to talk to the property manager about some problems with my apartment.
trouble you What are having ?
What trouble are you having?
Welcome back! I didn't see you in the history class on Friday. I wasn't here on Friday. My geography class went to a field trip to look at some of the different rocks. In fact, we slept there last night. Really? That sounds excellent! Where did you go? A desert. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night. It is very dry there after the sun goes down. Well, did you enjoy the trip?
sun should see really the rocks . are there I rocks 's You shine . Of different have colors a go plants of the . Since the so to very there nicer you desert easy than might And . natural is to in The think few growing it there look . , did course
Of course I did. The desert is nicer than you might think. Since there are so few plants growing there, it's very easy to see different rocks. And the natural colors of the rocks shine in the sun. You really should go there to have a look.
Good morning. Can I help you? Good morning. I'd like to join the school volunteer project, but I'm not sure what I should do. OK, don't worry. Let me help you. What do you like doing? I love writing stories. Well, you must be good at telling stories. Am I right?
, of Yes . course
Yes, of course.
Hotlines are very common in today's life, do you think so? Of course. Most of them are about amusement, in my opinion. But some of them are very important in our daily life. Is that true? Certainly. A free hotline offering help to teenagers was opened in Guangdong.
Can you about me something more it tell ?
Can you tell me something more about it?
Hello, Jack. Congratulations. Your team won the game. Thank you, Sally. You watched the game, didn't you? Of coures. Your football team did so well. The third team goal, especially, was really good. Yes, but it wasn't easy to win, the visiting team was really strong. It was, but your team was even stronger. Your coach did a good job, and all of the players did a good job, too.
very you Thank . much
Thank you very much.
Now Cathy, do you know when the visitors from India are coming? We offer them three choices: the end of March, the middle of April and the beginning of May, and choose the earliest one which is good actually with exams coming up in May. Right. And how many are coming? Did you say about 12? Yes, they said 12 at first, but changed to 10 this morning. Good, we have 8 weeks to prepare, here are my suggestions. On the first day, a welcome party, then they can visit the schools in the district on the second and third days.
group got being are at We in look computers remember to how classroom the wants to this . used 've
We've got to remember this group wants to look at how computers are being used in the classroom.
Hi! May I help you? Yes. I'm interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. First, what price range are you interested in? Somewhere between $ 400 - $ 450 a month. Okay. Do you have a specific location in mind?
at a like Well least I . would line somewhere on live Or university bus near to , . the
Well, I would like to live somewhere near the university. Or at least on a bus line.
Your room is on the 6th floor so we'll take the lift up. The lift is very quick and I feel hardly any movements. These modem lifts are a great improvement compared to the old ones. By the way, have you got the key to the room? Yes, I'll just unlock the door. Well, what do you think of the room?
. 's indeed , love the color it 's and also pleasant It I scheme very cool .
It's very pleasant indeed, and it's also cool. I love the color scheme.
Hey, Mike. Where have you been? I didn't see you around these days? I was hiding in my office. My boss gave me loads of work to do, and I tried to finish it before my birthday. Anyway, I am done now. Thank goodness! How is everything going with you? I'm quite well. You know, tomorrow is Christmas Day. Do you have any plans? Well, to tell you the truth, I am more than excited about my birthday, which will come in two days. I am going to visit my parents-in-law with my wife. Wow, sounds great.
! to This them my first . Definitely spend my birthday is with time
Definitely! This is my first time to spend my birthday with them.
Good morning. May I help yon? I'd like to rent a car, please. Okay. Full-size, mid-size, or compact, madam? Compact is OK. What's the rate? 78 dollars a day.
case I 'd have . And in to insurance just like
And I'd like to have insurance just in case.
Good evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives. Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero for the young people of his time. Edward Murray is the author of a new biography of Dean. Good evening, Edward. Hello Tina. Edward, tell us what you know about Dean's early life. He was born in Indiana in 1931, but his parents moved to California when he was five. He wasn't there long though because his mother passed away just four years later. Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt. So how did he get into acting?
In where moved plays high he seriously to York California school to acted , then college he first into do to in acting New more stage acting in , . Well went 1951 . at he got he
Well, first he acted in plays at high school, then he went to college in California where he got seriously into acting. In 1951 he moved to New York to do more stage acting.
I'd like two tickets for the movie on Friday, please. For which movie, madam? Oh, that's right. Dark and Stormy Night I'm sorry, that show is sold out Well, how about Saturday or Sunday?
Yes that do , have those madam for on . we days available tickets movie
Yes madam, we do have tickets available for that movie on those days.
Well, Charles, I must say that your shop is pretty remarkable. Do people send the fax messages abroad, or is it just to this country? It's surprising because when I started, I thought I'd be sending things to London and maybe Birmingham but, in fact, a high percentage of it is sent abroad, because it's immediate and speedy. And how much would it cost, for example, if I wanted to send a fax to the United States? Well, a fax to the United States would cost you five pounds for a page. And when you think that in England by the Royal Mail, it would cost you twelve pounds to send a page by special delivery, it's actually a good value. Ok. What about your hours? How long do you have to spend actually in the shop?
morning then sort in hours Urn on a lot , eight and Sunday . week flexible , until and is a , it the night Well 'm six a I fairly . , quite in shop , at the days of open six morning from those of a
Well, the shop is open from eight in the morning until six at night, six days a week, and then a sort of fairly flexible morning on a Sunday. Urn, and of those hours, I'm in it quite a lot.
Frank, I'm thinking of taking a day off and doing something with the children the day after tomorrow. Sounds good. What are you going to do? Tom wants to go boating at the park and Susan wants to go on a picnic. So we'll go to the park in the morning, go boating first and then enjoy a picnic. What about in the afternoon? I haven't decided yet.
loved night friend Jim now David . on said not last movie a it a , son movie Well a boy why 's about forest a in My to 's He There to . took Jim them . take good his it really see adventure ?
Well, why not take them to a movie? There's a good movie on now about a boy's adventure in a forest. My friend David took his son Jim to see it last night. He said Jim really loved it.
Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on? Excuse me. Do you need any help? Yes, I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains. First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. [Um-HUH] From here, it's a hundred and thirty yen. A hundred thirty yen. Okay.
Then get 4 , Line at platform on number Hibiya . Subway the
Then, get on the Hibiya Subway Line at platform number 4.
Why, Tom. You look pale. What's wrong with you? Nothing serious. I haven't had much exercise lately, I'm very busy. What do you do in your spare time? I often go to ball games. What's your favorite sport? My favorite summer sport is swimming, and my favorite winter sport is skating. I also like watching track events and gymnastics. You have a favorite sport, don't you?
I My well is ca sport it favorite . tennis play n't but ,
My favorite sport is tennis, but I can't play it well.
Hello. Thank you for calling Spend Mart. Is this the Customer Service Desk? Yes. How can I help you? I bought a sweater from your store a week ago. It says size 12. But actually it is a size 10. Can I exchange it? Do you have the receipt with you?
. Yes do I ,
Yes, I do.
How do you like Hong Kong, Mr. Smith? I like it very much so far, thank you. Are you staying in a hotel? Yes, the Grand Hotel, next door to this building. Oh, wonderful.
hungry 'm nearly ? . restaurant I . o'clock good It there Is one a here near 's
It's nearly one o'clock. I'm hungry. Is there a good restaurant near here?
Oh, hello, Li Ming. Come on in, and how're you been keeping recently? Quite all right, thanks, Dr. Francis. How's your project going? Very smoothly, I should say. I'm playing a consultancy role, really. I've only been here in China a month, but I'm already on very good terms with my colleagues in the Department of Computer Science. Well, I'm happy that you could come. Do sit down, please. Dr. Francis, do you know I've got a chance to go to Cambridge in August? I wonder if you could tell me something about Britain. Certainly. Well, I was actually brought up in Scotland. Enn, in fact, I've never been to Cambridge. But well,.., yes, I'm sure I can give you some useful tips. Now, what do you want to know, Li Ming?
. Things weather like temperature ? the there What 's usual
Things like weather. What's the usual temperature there?
I'd like to speak to Mr. Johnson, please. This is Mr. Johnson. Oh, hello. This is Erica Stone. My living room window was broken this afternoon. Can you repair it? Sure. I can come over tomorrow afternoon. Is that OK? Could you come over now?
look take over a , OK . I 'll while come and in a little
OK, I'll come over and take a look in a little while.
Excuse me, how can I get to the bank? Bank of America; I mean. I don't know the way. Well, go straight ahead till you see a supermarket. The bank is just at the other side of the street. Is it far from here? Let me see. Er, it's 4 blocks away. Not very far, not very near. Can I take a bus or something?
street stops may . car Bus car . No B-201 You or 4 stops take a bus and by street 3 by , 104
You may take Bus No. 104 or a street car B-201, 4 stops by bus and 3 stops by street car.
I can't believe we got tickets to the baseball game! I know. I've wanted to see the team play all year. It's too bad that we are in the last row. That's okay. I just love the game. Do you think the game will start on time? I don't know.
wasted Sunday been raining . our It It has be would hard we a . if shame
It has been raining hard. It would be a shame if we wasted our Sunday.
Harry, let's play some ping-pong today. I'd love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I've decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better. Well, how about going skating? I'd like to, but my knee hurts, too. Harry, stop making excuses! You're just lazy.
there basketball on stay I Let watch today . , No know , not You . TV a 's match it and ! 'm home 's just
No, I'm not! You know, there's a basketball match on TV today. Let's just stay home and watch it.
Okay, Mr. Taylor, let's go ahead and begin. First of all, tell me about your last job. Well, I worked for five years at Hi Tech Computers. Okay. Hi Tech. How about your website authoring skills? Oh. We are looking for someone to create and manage our company's website. Umm... uh, website, website. Huh... I don't think I've read that book. Huh?! And what about the experience with making a flash?
mean Well think flash 's what .. you if sometimes ... computers , . I that
Well... I think sometimes computers flash.., if that's what you mean.
Good afternoon, doctor. Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown. Well, what's wrong with this little boy? He is my son, Jim. He's got a cough. How long has he had it? Ever since last night.
Has today anything ? he had to eat
Has he had anything to eat today?
Well, I couldn't have picked out a better spot to fish. What do you think? Uh ... I mean, the water is so clear here. Listen to the birds and the sounds of nature. Well .... I mean, I'm not bragging or anything, but I have a real sense for fishing. I mean, I was born to fish, you know, my dad used to say.
Really ?
Tom, does your throat hurt? Yes. OK. Do you want to get better? Yes. OK. We want you to get better, too. You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow, and you won't get so many colds any more.
'll tomorrow if have I my I . out my tonsils miss birthday on , Saturday party But
But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday.
Hi, Peter. What are you going to do this afternoon? I'd like to go swimming. You know, it's my favourite sport. Oh, really? How often do you go swimming? Twice a week. Whom do you usually go with?
David brother I usually . go my with ,
I usually go with my brother, David.
I like sports, all kinds of sports. One ought to be quite strong to be active in sports, don't you think? Yeah, and being active in sports helps a lot to keep up one's health. Why don't you take up something, such as tennis, jogging or swimming as a hobby? I want to do something different, that is, something relaxing and enjoyable. Can you suggest a hobby other than active sports? Mmm, yes. I can suggest a hobby. Photography is enjoyable and relaxing. What do you think of it?
a n't a . it , ? But does It hobby is good costs lot , certainly it
It certainly is a good hobby. But, it costs a lot, doesn't it?
You don't look happy. What's up? It's the computer assignment. John and I teamed up to do the project together. But so far we've done only half it. Well, you'd better hurry up. I know. But actually, John is not doing anything. I don't know how to say it to him. He's having problems with his parents and has been quite upset these days. But it's supposed to be his work as much as yours. I suggest you talk to him. And let him know that he should share the work.
think I I . the work 'll share Yes .
Yes. I think I'll share the work.
What are you doing up there? I'm getting dressed. Well, hurry up. We're already late. OK. OK. Just a minute. By the away, Susan, where is my red tie? It's on the dresser next to the jewelry box.
. watch you And I Oh it know ? Thanks 've , is do got where . my yes .
Oh, yes. I've got it. Thanks. And do you know where my watch is?
So what kind of job did you find for the summer? I'm working for a marketing company. I'm doing telephone marketing. Oh. So you are one of those people who drive me crazy by calling me up and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have no need for. Do you like it? Believe it or not. I do. There are a lot of students working there, and we have a lot of fun when we're not making calls. It's really easy, since we just have to read from a text. Are you doing this full time?
to late but as as the , two eleven in I at in , work night . I I the want Yeah sleep afternoon until so from can morning
Yeah, but I work from two in the afternoon until eleven at night, so I can sleep as late as I want to in the morning.
Excuse me, can you help me? Of course. What can I do for you? Can you tell me how I can get to the Excelsior Hotel from here? The Excelsior? Let's see, that's in the city, right? Yes, it is. On Forty-third Street, just off Eleventh Avenue.
of front take City - can . go the out , can cross you " city . says the , that . a of the front . taxi . the Airport bus Well " Bus You right , is of one take you sign terminal street catch to the a Just a terminal There Otherwise and in door can
Well, you can take a bus to the city. Just go out of the front door of the terminal and cross the street. There is a sign that says, "Airport - City Bus." Otherwise, you can take a taxi. You can catch one right in front of the terminal.
I don't think Poppas is right for this position. I agree. He's got experience as a computer operator but he has very little training in programming. What about Anderson? I like him. He seems very enthusiastic and he knows a lot about programming. That's true. Do you think he is dependable enough, though? He's already had two different jobs this year. He might work for a couple of months and then decide to leave. I suppose so. But his last supervisor wrote a three-page letter of recommendation. He says Anderson is an excellent programmer.
is time we But . n't after we the a of spent think do leave him him want candidate Actually best training Logan lot is He probably 've to . , . I
He probably is. But we don't want him to leave after we've spent a lot of time training him. Actually, I think Logan is the best candidate.
I see you are busy right now, Sue. As soon as you finish, I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes. That's OK. Come on in. Oh, no, I don't want to interrupt you. I can wait. I'll come back later. I'm afraid it's going to be a long wait! I'm working on my history paper. History paper? I thought you'd finished it. Didn't you turn it in on Friday?
it I . Uh ten huh me the - . add But told was professor returned to just more . to pages
Uh - huh. But the professor just returned it to me. I was told to add ten more pages.
I want to register for this mathematics course. I'm sorry registration has closed. Closed? The clerk told me I could come back and register any time during the first week of classes. Well, that's not possible. The computer's official student account has already been sent to the state. And that's what our budget is best on. Who told you that anyway? Some woman here when I tried to register three weeks ago. She said I just had to pay a late fee.
a She n't then do . temporary ? register have worker . n't Why have you must training They been did much
She must have been a temporary worker. They don't have much training. Why didn't you register then?
Wow, look at the line. It's worse than I expected. We are lucky we got here an hour earlier. Or else we will definitely have had problems getting tickets. I'm glad we made the effort to come early. Me too. I learned my lesson the last time I went to a new film. I didn't arrive early enough and ended up with a terrible seat all the way in the front row. Believe me, it was one of the worst movie experiences ever. Yeah. I hate sitting in the first row. By the way, it was really nice of you to get this ticket for me. Why don't I show you a bit of appreciation by getting you a drink? That would be great.
do What want of OK ? you . kind soda
OK. What kind of soda do you want?
Hi, Tess. What are you going to do tomorrow? Hi, Tom. I don't have much to do. Why? Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Let's go to National Park. It's beautiful there. A good idea. When shall we start? At six in the morning. I've got some drinks and several kinds of food.
. 've some . just a buy bread certainly duck to I 'll . a time good Good roast go . We I 'll And have bought
Good. I've just bought some bread. And I'll go to buy a roast duck. We'll certainly have a good time.
I'd like to withdraw 600 pounds from my deposit account. Certainly. Would you please sign this form? Oh, yes. Here you are. How would you like the money? In hundreds, please.
Here you are . . Fine
Fine. Here you are.
Please sit down. Let's're Mr. Smith. Is that correct? Yes. John Smith. And you're interested in this job? Yes, I am. I'll graduate from college the coming June. My major is Chinese. I see. Have you ever done any work in this field?
I travellers , be to for a guide tour used . Chinese Yes
Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers.
So, what's your plan for this weekend? I just want to stay at home. How about going to see a movie? Sorry, I've been tired these days. I just want to have a good rest. But I think going to movies is a better way to relax yourself.
're . probably You right
You're probably right.
Good morning, can I help you? We'd like to check out. Would you please give me our bill? Certainly. What are your room numbers and your name, please? We are in Rooms 204 to 210. I'm Jenny, the tour guide of the group. My room number is 205. Just a moment, please, Jenny. I'll have your final bill ready in a minute.
bit We for to 'd of like a 're go but . rush we in OK . , shopping a downtown
OK, but we're in a bit of a rush. We'd like to go downtown for shopping.
Say, have you heard about Jennie? No, what happened? She's had her baby. Oh, that's wonderful! When? A couple of weeks ago.
girl a Was it ? or boy a
Was it a boy or a girl?
Well, it's a lovely room. It's quite a nice size, but I don't like green paint very much. Would it be all right if I painted the walls a different color? Yes, that's fine, as long as you don't paint them a very dark color. One of my hirers painted them black a few years ago. That was terrible. Is there anything I should know? Well, I don't allow cat to go upstairs at all. Oh? Not at all?
animals . , people . and allow do I like to not I n't No n't bedrooms absolutely in smoke do
No, absolutely not. I don't like animals and I don't allow people to smoke in bedrooms.
Ali! What's the matter? Can't you wake up this morning? I was up late last night. My friend had a party. I only slept about four hours. Why didn't you stay in bed this morning? I have to meet my study group at the library. We have a big text next week. A big text? Why didn't you study last night instead of going to the party?
, before . lot studied Oh 's party . it a I the OK
Oh, it's OK. I studied a lot before the party.
Yes. Can I help you? Yes. You see, I've bought this personal stereo at your shop 3 days ago. And I'm afraid it hasn't really matched up to what I was told about. I see, what exactly is the matter? Well, first of all, there is this large scratch across the front of it. But you should have noticed that when you bought it.
was But all . in the up box it sealed and
But it was in the box and all sealed up.
Hi, Martin. How are you? Fine, but busy. We've got some exams next week, remember? I know. How much work did you do last night? None. I went to the cinema. What about you? I had no time last night. It was my sister's birthday, so we all went out to dinner.
this you work Have ? any morning done
Have you done any work this morning?
Hello? Beechgrove School? This is Mr. Holloway speaking. Brad Holloway. I'm ringing about my son Michael. He came home yesterday and said he'd been in trouble at school with his P. E. teacher, Miss Sanderson. She said he didn't have the right kit for P. E. Everyone else thought it was all highly amusing, of course, and Michael was very embarrassed about it. Perhaps I could speak to the Headmistress. She's engaged at the moment, I'm afraid. This is her secretary. I can hold on for a while if she's going to be free soon... I have a feeling she's going to be busy all morning, Mr. Holloway. She's at a Governors' meeting. It could go on for a very long time... Oh. Well, in that case, perhaps you could help me.
What is course in Of . ? Michael form
Of course. What form is Michael in?
Hi, James. Are you going downtown on Sunday? Yes. Do you need anything? Well, I'm wondering if you could get me a lantern. OK. What kind of lantern do you want? I haven't decided yet, actually. I think those colorful square ones like Tommy's look nice, but your long, round one is also very attractive. So... What do you suggest?
looks . is 's you , , more I that want . durable depends think Tommy what on Well but , mine nicer
Well, that depends on what you want. Tommy's looks nicer, but mine is more durable, I think.
Excuse me. I'm wondering if you could tell me how to find a place where I could have my shoes fixed. I'm new in this city. Of course. You can always look in the yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. The yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. But I haven't got one right now. There's a good shoe repair shop not far from here. Go down the street and turn left at the fourth crossing. It's next to the bank. Well, do you know its name?
near n't sorry . . police . 's ca You ca . of the it name miss I station n't 'm I shop the the remember It
I'm sorry. I can't remember the name of the shop. It's near the police station. You can't miss it.
Do you realize it's November already? Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here. Gee, you're right. It's time we decided what we are going to do this year. Do you feel like inviting your sister and her family over? Sure. After all, they had us over last year. Good. That's settled. Why don't you give them a call and see if they can come? Sure. Say, Randy, can you help me with the shopping? We need to get a turkey.
to so 'll 's leftover Let of . nice have , make Right get . plenty a big with sandwiches one we
Right. Let's get a nice big one, so we'll have plenty of leftover to make sandwiches with.
Hello! Hello, Lucy. This is John. Could you do me a favor? I've tried to phone my wife six times and I can't get through. The line is busy all the time. Could you possibly go next door and give her a message? Sure! What do you want to tell Mary? Could you just say I've met an old friend and I'm staying with him? I'm not in the office now and I'll give her a ring later. Sure, I'll go right now.
. , lot Thanks a Lucy
Thanks a lot, Lucy.
Good morning. This is Monterey Bay Inn. Can I help you? Good morning. I'm calling to cancel my reservation. OK. Can you tell me the dates for it? They are... January 29th through February 1st. Got it. Er...Would you like to book a room for another day? We have a special deal in March. If you book a room for two days, you can get the third day for free.
later . 'll I see it consider . I
I see. I'll consider it later.
How is the weather today? Nice and bright, not too cold. Much better than yesterday, isn't it? Yes. But it may be windy and colder later. I don't mind as long as it doesn't snow.
temperature was the yesterday What ?
What was the temperature yesterday?
Excuse me. Can you help me? Yes? I have a ticket to Seattle. How do I get there? I can't help you here. You have to go to the ticket counter. Follow this passage to the end, turn left and go three hundred yards. You'll see a sign that says, "Check In". Then look for the airline you want. Can you repeat that, please?
" go . you counters this Sure Go Go you 'll Check . the to that come of In be where . the left different till big the . see ticket over- for You lots till end head airlines " says one sign down There your have you . to hall the
Sure. Go down this hall till you come to the end. Go left till you see the big sign over- head that says" Check In". There'll be lots of counters for the different airlines. You go to the one where you have your ticket.
Good morning. This is Peter Brown of IMA computers. What can I do for you? Hello. I'd like to order some computer monitors. Yes. Which ones? The order number is C106. How many do you need?
. , please hundred Three
Three hundred, please.
Jim, thank goodness you've arrived. The class presentation started half an hour ago, and I was just beginning to panic. I'm sorry for being late, Alice. This morning has been a real mess, I didn't think I was going to make it here at all. Why are you late? Our presentation depends on those graphs you are holding. Yes, I know. I'll tell you about it later. First, let's see how we are doing for time. Two groups are still ahead of us, aren't they? The presentations on the rights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock market. That means I've got twenty minutes to sort out. You look cold. What happened?
hour been an standing temperatures waiting in for a arctic 've bus for over . I outside
I've been standing outside in arctic temperatures for over an hour waiting for a bus.
There are millions of web pages on the net. How do I find what I'm looking for? Use a search engine like Baidu and Google. How does it work? You enter the name or topic you are interested in and ask the search engine to find pages about your topic. How do I use a search engine?
tell you me step . Let by step
Let me tell you step by step.
I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been? I went to New York to visit my sister and stayed there for two months. Actually, I really went to meet my new nephew. That's great! How old is he? Well. He was five months old when I got there. And he could possibly be the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. What did you do in your sister's home?
. played was with But I the enjoyed I was lot nice . a baby him which feeding him helped , what and most
I helped the baby and played with him a lot, which was nice. But what I enjoyed most was feeding him.
We can have eight days off at last. What are you going to do? You know traveling is my hobby. Let's go to Beijing and have our holidays there. That's a good idea. Beijing is one of the most modern cities in the world. There are many places of interest there. And the 2008 Olympic Games were held there. How should we go there, by plane or by train? I think we should go there by train. It's comfortable and cheap.
We Let China Great 's it slower of plane it the by . . cheaper look at 's go Though plane the Wall down from can 's , .
Though it's cheaper, it's slower. Let's go by plane. We can look down at the Great Wall of China from the plane.
Could you tell me where our library is? It's in the building next to ours. Is it the big white one? Yes, a great number of books are kept in the library. It has books in Chinese, English, Russian, German, French and many other languages. Are there any reading rooms in the building?
quite and be number a floors a the first with course . in without rooms it newspapers rooms ? are There and reading Of magazines second . reading of How library can them on
Of course. How can it be a library without reading rooms? There are quite a number of reading rooms with newspapers and magazines in them on the first and second floors.
What are you doing, Tom? I'm writing to my mother. But you wrote to her only yesterday. Yes, but I have something new to tell her. Something new?
shop take . to - part decided her Yes am up I a . time as assistant telling a I 've job
Yes. I am telling her I've decided to take up a part-time job as a shop assistant.
Hello, Mr. White. Do you think it's possible for us to talk sometime today? I'd love to, Miss Wilson, but I've got a pretty tight schedule today. I've got to finish reading the yearly financial report by 10. Then I have to drive to the airport to pick up an advertiser at 11. After that, I'll have a meeting with him over lunch. Can I see you after lunch? Well, let me see...after lunch, I have to attend a senior staff meeting, which may last about two hours. Can you come at 3? We can talk for an hour before I meet my sales team at 4. I'm afraid an hour is too short. What about tomorrow morning?
the . , for to then I 'll 9 wait . office 11 at you
9 to 11, then. I'll wait for you at the office.
Well, we'll certainly stay here again next time when we're passing through! Good! Do let us know in advance. And we'll try to get you the same room. That would be lovely. It may be quite soon in fact. Oh, how's that? Well, we're driving to the south of Spain in the next couple of days and we may come back this week.
ring pleasant you trip . us hope to if decide have you . I Do a 'll a give
Do give us a ring if you decide to. I hope you'll have a pleasant trip.
Don't you have any good news? No. Yesterday I had to stay after school, because I was talking during my biology class. You'd better keep quiet in class. Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was very quiet during my history class and I still had to stay after class. I don't understand.
The Because but dull class fault was , during I very it n't . lesson . the fell asleep was my
Because I fell asleep during the class, but it wasn't my fault. The lesson was very dull.
I don't know if you've heard of it, Peter, but some of us are thinking of going to Xi'an in the summer. I don't know if you'd like to come with us. Well, that's very kind of you, Jane, but when are you thinking of going? Oh, some time in July. Around the 16th, I think. I see. And for how long-two weeks? Well, we were going to but now one or two of the other students say they don't have enough money, so it'll just be a week. You're interested, then?
cost it ? going to know 's much how very . much yes Do , , you Oh
Oh, yes, very much. Do you know how much it's going to cost?
Can I help you, Madam? Yeah, I am returning this chicken. This is the oldest, toughest bird I've ever seen, and on top of that, it's spoiled. Well. I'm sorry this has happened. I'll give you a new one. Do you have your receipt? My receipt? No, I don't have my receipt. I threw it out already. Look, Madam, I'm sorry, but no receipt, no refund. That's the company policy.
. now in my back or , 'd else going better money water be hot You give are , to you right
You'd better give my money back right now, or else, you are going to be in hot water.
Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over. Where to? Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art, and... Sure. Get on. No problem. Hang on! Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
, the it but minutes all . that depends should more traffic , than Well on n't 20 take
Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.
What do you think of the products at the furniture store downtown? I think they have a very good range of products. I like the quality of them. You get good quality for the price that you pay. And most of the products are environmentally sound. What can you usually buy there? Well, I usually buy functional furniture, such as bookcases, cupboards and armchairs. And sometimes I buy table cloths and bed sheets. Is there anything you don't like about shopping there?
results is it a . for goods 's very the It . long very wait crowded , It because there to a . You can Oh store be at pay time checkouts popular get often in and can you your of . lines lot people for long a , quite
Oh, there is. It can be very crowded because it's a popular store, and you get a lot of people. It often results in very long lines at the checkouts. You can wait for quite a long time to pay for your goods.
Mrs. Spencer, what time is Mr. Black's flight due to arrive at Boston Airport? Around 2:00 p.m., sir. Will you go with the company car to meet him? Yes. So I'd better leave here to no later than now. How about the hotel for Mr. Black and his party? I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday to be sure everything is ready. Including the welcome room for tonight's reception?
. manager that right That would requested have everything . as me The exactly we be 's promised
That's right. The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.
What did you say? I said that it's a fine day today. Why don't we go for a walk? Can you wait a few minutes? I have to finish the letter. Will it take long? No, about ten minutes, I think. Why don't you go first and I'll meet you in the park?
OK 'll garden I for you wait . the near .
OK. I'll wait for you near the garden.
Paul, we haven't gone out for over a month. Let's go somewhere this evening. Fine. Where would you like to go? Look in the newspaper to get information about the movies or the theatre. I see that a new play opened this week. It seemed very bad. The newspaper story said it was the worst play of the year. You don't want to go there. What else can we do? I'd enjoy a good concert, but, according to the paper, there are not any tonight.
good n't ? any town in movies Are there
Aren't there any good movies in town?
Excuse me, sir, but are you Mr. Robertson from Australia? Yes, I am. How do you do, Mr. Robertson? Welcome to Beijing! How do you do? I'm Lily.
, you . 's Oh great to Lily meet , Miss it
Oh, it's great to meet you, Miss Lily.
What do you think of my new sweater? Well, it looks nice, but why don't you put it on, and then I'll tell you if it suits you? Okay. You know, I tried on about twenty at the shop, and this one isn't really what I wanted. I especially can't stand the high neck. Why did you buy it then? The salesman sold it to me before I realized what had happened. He just never stopped talking about the latest fashions and special reduced prices. Before I could say anything he'd wrapped it up and I realized that I'd paid him.
too it on bad think I does n't . . Well it good you looks , look
Well, it doesn't look too bad. I think it looks good on you.
Excuse me! Do you mind if I sit here? Not at all. Go ahead. Thank you. Are you going somewhere, or are you meeting someone? I'm on my way to Washington. And you?
San . I Francisco on my to way 'm
I'm on my way to San Francisco.
Hello, my name's David Parker. I'm calling about the apartment advertised in the paper. Can you tell me something about it? Yes, it's a one-bedroom apartment, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. Where is it located? It's on Montreal Road. Is it furnished?
and sofas , , is table some . chairs appliances furnished , dining with it Yes a
Yes, it is furnished with sofas, a dining table, chairs and some appliances.
I didn't see you in creative writing class today. What happened? Oh, just a dentist appointment. That's all. Say, did we get a new assignment for next week? Yeah. A really interesting one, actually. We're supposed to write a short story that has some sort of limitation or, or, constraints imposed on it. What do you mean? Like rhyming in a poem? Well, that'll be an idea. But what we write has to be prose, like prose poetry. Just to make rhyme in a poem is too easy, I guess. I think Prof. Eliot really wants to challenge us, to put our creativity to the test.
? , did she has what about in give any hints mind Well she
Well, did she give any hints about what she has in mind?
How can I help you? I'd like to return this sweater. I bought it a week ago. Well, first of all, what seems to be the problem? Well, isn't it obvious by just looking at it? The first time I washed and dried it, the thing shrank at least five sizes. Uh, I see what you mean, but did you follow the washing instructions?
the a ? in a supposed that light color dark written to . label know The nice is from I faded ! And green was Spanish blue to How
How was I supposed to know that? The label is written in Spanish! And the color faded from a nice dark blue to a light green.
Jenny, you look so strong, quite different from what you used to be. How I envy you! I think you've heard the saying: "A sound mind dwells in a sound body." I have always tried my best to keep fit for both my study and work. Right you are! Can you give me some tips as to how to keep fit? To my mind, the best way to keep fit is to go in for sports. What kind of sports do you participate in?
go . I this once I winter . even swimming cold in week do a
I go swimming once a week. I do this even in cold winter.
Where did you leave your bike? At the station. I left it right here this morning, but when I came back it was gone. Today? At what time? Yes, today, at 8: 30 in the morning. OK, Mrs. Richardson. We'll keep an eye out, and if the bike turns up we'll let you know.
. you Thank
Thank you.
What's the matter, Alice? Sorry, Mr. Harrison. I missed my train. Why did you miss the train? Because I left home a little late. Did you get up late or something?
minute . called the . No aunt me last at My
No. My aunt called me at the last minute.
Can I help you? Yes. How much are these T-shirts? They are 12 dollars 50 cents each. I like the green one, but it isn't big enough. Have you got a larger size? Just a minute. No. I'm sorry. We haven't. What about the black one?
or pink No I too lighter something , . yellow . dark 's prefer , it
No, it's too dark. I prefer something lighter, yellow or pink.
Jim, thank goodness you've arrived. The class report started half an hour ago. And I was just beginning to worry. I'm sorry I'm late, Ellen. This morning has been a real mess. I didn't think I was going to make it here at all. Why are you late? Our whole report depends on those drawings you're holding. Yes, I know. I'll tell you about it later. First, let's see how we're doing for time. Two groups are still ahead of us, aren't they? The re- port on the rights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock market. That means I've got about 20 minutes to warm up. You do look cold. What happened?
waiting temperatures over I for been hour for outside cold in bus 've standing an . a
I've been standing outside in cold temperatures for over an hour waiting for a bus.
How do you like Hong Kong, Mr Green? Very much. Are you staying at a hotel? Yes, at the Star Hotel, next door to this building. Oh, yes.
's It a ? one o'clock nearby there hungry . Is ! restaurant 'm good I nearly
It's nearly one o'clock! I'm hungry. Is there a good restaurant nearby?
Did you listen to the weather report this morning? Yes, I did. It will be cloudy in the afternoon. I hope that it won't rain. Have you made the sandwiches yet? No, I haven't. I'll start right away. Did you get the soft drinks? Yes, I did. They are in the refrigerator.
you Would napkins . put And do ? plastic plates forks and knives n't paper in and the forget the basket picnic
Would you put plastic knives and forks in the picnic basket? And don't forget the paper plates and napkins.
How did you like the fireworks last night? I really didn't enjoy them too much. There was such a big crowd that we couldn't get very close. I thought you were going early. We did, but even though we got there at ten to eight, the park was already filled with lots of people. It was so crowded that we had a hard time finding a place even to stand. That's too bad, because the fireworks were really wonderful.
did did a to ? get How manage you you do good view What ?
What did you do? How did you manage to get a good view?
What are you doing, Jane? I am planning for a party. A party? What party? Your birthday party? Of course not. My birthday is in December. Don't you remember? It's the company's party. The general manager wants to invite some famous scientists and bankers and professors from universities to the party, since these people are very important to the development of the company. Have you finished your plan?
have get . must I and 'll Finished more I to still lot a joking ? . started need to . I information You write be invitation just have letters many
Finished? You must be joking. I have just started. I still need to get a lot more information and I'll have to write many invitation letters.
How much are the carnations and the roses? One dollar for each carnation and one and a half for each red rose. Then I'd like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses. I bet it's for your mother, as it's Mother's Day today. Well, not completely true. It happens to he her birthday.
Oh she be . happy to receive from , you carnations these ? very beautiful I really guess must
Oh, really? I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnations from you.
Have you travelled much? Well, I've been around the world several times. What countries have you visited? I have been to France, Italy, Japan and Ireland. Why did you visit them? Was it just for vacation or work?
it in , was worked for . I just In most . years once cases vacation two France for
In most cases, it was just for vacation. I once worked in France for two years.
Good morning. Good morning. I was wondering if you can help me. I received this notice yesterday afternoon. Let me see. It's $ 10 for a lost book. But I'm sure I returned it. Our records show that you checked it out on September 17 and we have no record of its return.
was carry a in it I day a to plastic I it remember rainy had bag and .
I remember it was a rainy day and I had to carry it in a plastic bag.
Hi, I heard you're looking for a different apartment. Yeah. The place I'm in now is really terrible. It was OK when I was there. The boiler keeps breaking and when it does, we lose the heat for several days at the time. Why doesn't the owner replace it?
of 's . nice . said fixing 'm any it I cold person enough . she cheaper a it sort case , in , She sick to keep stingy is Well being just of
Well, she said it's cheaper to keep fixing it. She is a nice enough person, just sort of stingy in any case. I'm sick of being cold.
Hello? Hello, Stella. This is Peter. Hi, Peter. Fancy hearing your voice! How are you? Couldn't be better. I'm planning atrip to Memphis with my family this summer. Great! I'd love to host you here. When are you coming?
June stay come week week . for for five 'd then fly 20th back . , vacation to , , Boston Missouri leave with city on and for We We you your in , it days a and 'll - Louis 's St. two stay probably a
We'll leave Boston on June 20th, stay in St. Louis, Missouri for a week, and then fly to your city. We'd probably stay for five days with you and come back, for it's a two-week vacation.
What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to be with people. Last weekend I went to a Japanese friend's place. What about you? I like spending time in my room, reading, writing and thinking. Oh, I just remembered something important. You said you like writing, right? Could you write an article about what you saw and heard in London? You can write whatever you like. You really want to read my article?
magazine wants Not a of . it read editor , to me an
Not me, an editor of a magazine wants to read it.
Hello. Be with you in just a moment, Madam... Yes, now may I help? Yes, erm, I'd like to book a holiday somewhere in Britain. Yes, of course. Were you thinking of any special place in particular? Well, I don't know really. Can you recommend anywhere?
. , course London Well 's , of there
Well, there's London, of course.
Hello, Mrs. Chu. Do you feel better today? Oh, much better. Thank you. Can I ask you some questions now? Certainly. First, do you remember what the driver looks like?
, he . not had . old lips looked Yes very He about quite and Oh tall thick . fifty and He . was
Yes. He was about fifty. He looked quite old and not very tall. Oh, and he had thick lips.
How would you introduce volleyball? I was once a high school man teacher and basketball coach. I never played volleyball before and I've seen it just once in my life. One day my school needed a lot of coaches for our girls' team. I was one of the youngest teachers on stuff and the girls talked me helping coach volleyball. The girls they have were great and they began to start. A friend of mine was a volleyball player. He taught me beginning and then taught me how to coach it. What sports did you play in high school? I played basketball, tennis and golf. I was not a volleyball player at all. I was pretty good at basketball. But then my real passion was gone. I played it every day. When did you know you want to be a full-time volleyball coach?
I It take very coaching in it like college way coaching very saw this an seems been I opportunity 's volleyball coaches . 's women I 've , needed when would a because basketball fit it women coach much In at . immediately I were personality . to college love become long . women really But , 's my that n't volleyball . because I
It wouldn't take very long. I've been coaching women's basketball that I really love it. But when I saw an opportunity in women's volleyball, because coaches were needed. In this way, I become a college coach immediately. I like coaching women's volleyball at college very much because it seems to fit my personality.

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