I thought you went to sleep.
That's my line!
Are you worried about that stowaway Don't be silly!
I just came to give my opinion to the proctor That maybe there's a chance for extenuation I agree.
Hello? Proctor-san?
Hello You have some nerve, don't you?
To make a pass at a proctor in the middle of the night Y-You've got it wrong!
You peeped, so how can you claim I've got it wrong?!
At least I'm innocent of that charge.
I would never do such a disgraceful thing Damn you! Are you trying to get away by yourself?!
No excuses!
You've finally revealed your true nature You are the devil that killed my father Yeah, I'm a professional killer. That's my true identity.
He can't even pass out because of the pain.
He will most likely be suffering from the encroaching terror of death I'm going to kill you. To avenge my father's death!
Prepare to die Terror and despair to those who wish for death.
Look, my handsome face is ruined I don't think it looks that much different.. How dare you!
Why?! How come you didn't get anything My appearance... may be...
Damn you Hey, look...
Gon What a tough kid.
From the above, again?
You are serious now, eh, kid Here I go again!
Coward! Why don't you show yourself?!
The psychological stress of not knowing where your enemy is...
will wear you out the most I can kill her...
Just as easy as cutting the throat of a rabbit Death... give her an absolute death...
Gon Go You can't get me with the same trick!
He pretends he's after the ball, but his real aim is...
my belly Oww!
Damn What... He's still at it?!
What is the matter? Why didn't you kill me?
He's still fighting.. ...for you So what?
If I kill you, he'll be mad.
No... If he hits my iron belly with his head again his head will be smashed But if I relax my muscles, I'll be the one in pain I'll just run away Gon!
Oh no N-No... It's mine Not so fast!
That was close.
You just used your right hand and your left leg, didn't you Huh? Er... yes.
I did it! I won!
That wasn't the objective.. Gon.. Killua, did you see that?
I made Netero-san use both his hands and legs You...
What was Gon doing?
I don't know... but there's one thing I can say for sure.
Gon is satisfied That's for sure My my...
Captain, what is the flight status?
I see. I'm sorry to say this when everything is on schedule but would you mind flying just a little bit slower The clouds are beautiful Huh?
You were watching the clouds, weren't you Y-Yes...
It's nice to live long.
Thank you for waiting. We're about to reach our destination.
Chairman Netero said he wouldn't press the charge against me Thank you. It's all thanks to you.
It's nothing...
That's good news.
You dropped it...
It was a gift from my father.
That's a crystal of the spice rock, isn't it?
The spice rock?
The refined spice rock can be addictive...
Once you taste it, you become addicted to it I heard many people lost everything in order to buy the spice That's not true. That's a lie!
It's true.
You didn't know?
My father was very kind...
And there were always smiling faces around him Your happiness was built upon the misfortune of others.. Still, my father was precious to me Hey...
Why don't you try taking the Hunter Exam again next year?
So you can become a real Blacklist Hunter Killua...
What is it?
You didn't tell her that you weren't the one who killed her father, huh?
It was probably done by one of my brothers or my mom...
Either way, it was done by a member of the Zoldyck family But... then.. That's the family business.
I'm used to people holding grudges against me You must be tired.
This Trick Tower is going to be the test site for Phase Three.
Anyway, the task in this test is very simple Reach the bottom of this tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours The Trick Tower is really full of tricks, it's impossible!
Next time on Hunter x Hunter:
Pro x Con x Trap Found the entrance!
Did you hear it?
ma ta "o ha yo u" t te i t t Once more tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me a drea kyo u mo gen ki de su go se ta ra i i yo n I hope it will be a good day today.
ko n na ni tan jun de a ta ri ma e na ko to ga
It's the simple things in lif hon tou wa, i chi ban mi u shi na i ga chi da ka ra n That are the easiest to lose sight o me wo a ke ta ma ma mi ru yu m Having a dream with open eye shi ra na i a shi ta e ha ko b Mer ry- go- round goe ki mi to ka ta wo ku n de ki mi to te wo su na i d My arm around your shoulde ko i bi to da ta ri to mo da chi de i tai ka r My hand holding your "o ha yo u" t te i t t Tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me the drea shi ze n na so no i ki ka ta de i i ka ra s Keep on living just the way you ar This Trick Tower is going to be the test site for Phase Three The task is very simple:
reach the bottom of this tower alive The time limit is 72 hours!
Okay, start Three days.. Three days just for a tower I wonder if it means the obstacles are that hard...
I'm sure it's more difficult than Phase Two.
We must not let our guard down The Exam begins.
What are we going to do There are no windows on the sides.
Yeah, only the wall.
Climbing down here would be suicide Yes, if you're an ordinary man.
But if you're a skilled rock climber it's not difficult to climb down with this much footholds Wow! Great!
He's gone down that far already.
Just watching him makes my butt feel weird Look!
I guess I'll be the first one to pass Phase Three.
I guess we shouldn't clmb down the outer wall There should be a door that leads down to the lower level I guess everyone has the same idea.
If we don't want to fall behind the others we'd better spread out to find the door Yeah...
There are fewer people now.
Twenty-three people! When did they...
Close to half of us must have found the door and gone down.. It's hard to imagine that all of them took the same door.. It's reasonable to assume that many hidden doors exist here Leorio, Kurapika!
Did you find it?

Just a ton of anime subtitle data sourced from https://www.kitsunekko.net that's hopefully somewhat clean. I am trying to break lines into different characters.

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