and Bill Harbert had authority to act for HII as to Contract 20A. In the joint venture's 1988 tender documents on Contract 20A, HII represented that it—not HIE—owned a majority stake in the joint venture, and it held out Roy Anderson as its vice-president. (Pl.'s Exs. 109, 162.) Bill Harbert, HII's president at the time, had sent Anderson to London some years before to work on HII's behalf. (Pl.'s Ex. 250.) In 1988 and 1989, he signed powers of attorney authorizing Anderson, "without reservation," to represent HII in bidding for international construction projects. (Pl.'s Ex. 652A-D.) Armed with this authority, Anderson participated extensively in the instant conspiracy. For example, at the December 1988 meeting between Schmidt and Iatrou, Anderson personally drafted an addendum to the original bid-rigging agreement. (Mar.knowledge of its agent, Bill Harbert, conspired to submit false claims on Contract 20A. Bill Harbert served as HC's president until July 1990, after which he became vice chairman of its board of directors. (Pl.'s Ex. 574A.) He also served as its chief operating officer from August 1984 to December 1991. (Id.) As explained above, the jury could have concluded from Bill Harbert's 1990 pocket calendar notes that he gained knowledge of the bid-rigging on Contract 20A while serving as a fiduciary and manager of HC.[92] Based on the Court's instruction, the jury could have imputed this knowledge to HC.[93] Further, the jury viewed several pieces of evidence from which it could have found HC willfully advanced the conspiracy by rendering services and providing support crucial to HIE's securing (and
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the services HC provided were essential to HIE's performance of—and submission of false claims on—Contracts 20A and 07. Three other exhibits bolster this conclusion. First, in a letter to HC's auditors, HC's vice president and general counsel indicated that HC retained some connection to HIE even after HII sold its interest to Bill Harbert in 1991, and he characterized HC's continuing bonding obligations on "`HIE jobs' contracted in HII's name" as "significant." (Pl.'s Ex. 307.) Again, the jury could have given great weight to HC's representations to its auditors and thus concluded that support from HC, whose assets far exceeded those of HIE, was crucial to HIE's ability to bid for and perform the subject contracts. Second, plaintiffs presented two letters to Southtrust Bank drafted by Margaret Russo, HC'sthe conspiracy to BHIC. Kitchens served as BHIC's executive vice president from its inception. (See Mar. 30, 2007 AM Tr. at 64.) When he resigned in 1995, having failed to extract a $1 million "bonus" from Bill Harbert, he wrote Harbert a letter in which he detailed the "accomplishments of Contract 20A." (Mar. 30, 2007 AM Tr. at 69-71.) He identified the exact amounts of bidrigging payoffs routed through Holzmann, profits concealed through the sale-lease-back transaction, and profits "deferred" to Contract 27. (See id. at 71; Pl.'s Ex. 23.) See also infra note 149; BHIC contends the letter demonstrates only "Kitchens' knowledge of various financial transactions," (Reply Four at 5), but the jury could easily have read between the lines. From Kitchens' bitter tone, his reference to transactions
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ratifies these representations. See DBI Architects, 388 F.3d at 894. Towsey testified that Anderson—and Anderson alone—hired him to work for HUK and informed him when he was appointed managing director. (Apr. 9, 2007 PM Tr. at 75-76, 84-85.) According to Towsey, Anderson maintained an office at HUK's London headquarters, and HUK designated him as a signatory on its bank account. (Id. at 78, 82.) From these facts,[100] the jury could reasonably have concluded that HUK either authorized Anderson to act on its behalf or knowingly permitted him to do so.[101] When Towsey received the false invoices, he looked to Roy Anderson, the man who had hired him to run HUK and who had initially served as his sole point of contact, for guidance on how to proceed. (Id. at 117-18.)witness particularly identified this individual as Anderson, plaintiffs presented other evidence from which the jury could reasonably have concluded it was he. First, Anderson had the authority to approve the joint venture's involvement in bid-rigging: he was managing partner of the joint venture and held powers of attorney to act for HII, its majority partner, and for the joint venture, itself, in bidding on Contract 29. (Pl.'s Ex. 653C.) Second, Anderson was intimately involved in collusion — spearheaded by Schmidt—on Contracts 20A and 07: he represented HII in at least two meetings among the competitors to rig bids on these contracts. (Mar. 21, 2007 AM Tr. at 42-50; Mar. 21, 2007 PM Tr. at 87-88; Mar. 22, 2007 PM Tr. at 62-69.) Third, Anderson spent three days in
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that Harbert-Jones should submit a competitive bid because other big contractors might not be in on the "setup." (Id.) Anderson's response speaks volumes. He did not correct Ollis by explaining the "setup" had nothing to do with the bidding process; nor did he clarify that Harbert-Jones would, naturally, submit a competitive bid. (See id.) Instead, he assured Ollis that "all the prequalified contractors were part of the setup," implicitly confirming Ollis' interpretation of his original words. (Id.) Based on this testimony, the jury could reasonably have concluded that Anderson needed "room to maneuver" because he wanted to ensure Harbert-Jones submitted an inflated bid without undue interference from the Jones estimating team.[130] Third, though Morrison-Knudsen, Harbert-Jones' sole competitor on Contract 07, originally bid high, it later adjusted its bid downa conspiracy after the agreement's inception, (see May 4, 2007 AM Tr. at 59-61), and HII offers no authority for its novel twist on this rule—that one may join a conspiracy after the agreement's inception only so long as it remains wholly executory. Moreover, there was circumstantial evidence from which the jury could have concluded that Anderson joined the conspiracy much earlier—that he represented HII at the May 1988 meeting where Schmidt originally proposed a collusive arrangement. Initially, Kadenbach "was sure" a "Harbert" representative attended, (Mar. 22, 2007 AM Tr. at 82), but he later conceded his certainty rested on Schmidt's statement that "somebody" from "Harbert" was present, (id. at 103-04). Nonetheless, considering that HII was the majority partner in the joint venture for which Schmidt sought to secure
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Contract 20A, the jury could reasonably have concluded that someone from HII was, indeed, present. Prior to that meeting, Bill Harbert, HII's President, had sent Anderson to London to work on HII's behalf. (Pl.'s Ex. 250.) He had also signed powers of attorney authorizing Anderson, "without reservation," to represent HII in bidding for international construction projects. (Pl.'s Exs. 652A-D.) Anderson attended the Contract 20A reconciliation meeting with Jones in June 1988, and along with John Ollis of Jones, he determined the final markup. (Mar. 26, 2007 PM Tr. at 29-30; Apr. 13, 2007 AM Tr. at 38, 48; Apr. 16, 2007 PM Tr. at 18.) In August and December 1988, Anderson signed tenders on Contract 20A as HII's vice-president. (Pl.'s Exs. 109, 162.) In light of Anderson's explicitcase).) In Wilson, the trial court granted defendant David Williams' motion for a directed verdict because no reasonable jury could find that he was the ice cream truck driver whose negligence caused plaintiffs' child's death. 757 F.2d at 1298-99. Plaintiffs presented only one identification witness, who testified he spoke with the driver at the accident scene and wrote down the man's name. Id. at 1298. Yet the witness never visually identified Williams, never offered a physical description of the driver, and never produced the paper on which he had transcribed the driver's name. Id. He believed "vaguely" that the driver's name had been Davis Williams. Id. On appeal, the Court of Appeals agreed that such a "bare and uncertain identification of the [defendant's] name" would not, alone, "permit a
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reasonable juror to conclude that the vendor at issue was in fact the defendant Williams." Id. Anderson contends the same result should obtain here, where no witness identified Anderson as having attended the Schmidt-Greselin meeting or described the "guy from Harbert" who did. (Motion One at 11.) In Wilson, however, no other evidence linked Williams to the accident. Here, as explained below, plaintiffs presented several other pieces of circumstantial evidence connecting Anderson to the Schmidt-Greselin meeting. The syllogism proposed in Anderson's reply brief fails precisely because it ignores these critical facts. It characterizes Anderson only as "a Harbert man" rather than as Harbert's point man for bidding on Egyptian construction contracts, who had represented HII at meetings hosted by Schmidt to rig bids on other such contracts, and whoseunsuccessfully. (See Pl.Ex. 607; Apr. 4, 2007 PM Tr. at 73-74; Apr. 25, 2007 PM Tr. at 26-27.) Additionally, in November 1990, Anderson spoke with John Ollis of Jones, who was then working on the Harbert-Jones Contract 07 bid. (Mar. 27, 2007 PM Tr. at 40-42.) When Ollis brought up that Jones' estimating team had not yet arranged a reconciliation meeting with their Harbert counterparts, Anderson told him that "this thing had been set Up," and that all the pre-qualified contractors "were part of the setup." (Id. at 41-42.) Though inaccurate—no party disputes that Morrison-Knudsen was not "part of the setup" —Anderson's statement does indicate he knew an agreement had been reached on Contract 07—more than he would have known had his involvement ended after the Frankfurt meeting. From
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Other destinations Understand When the Portuguese first arrived in Brazil (April 22nd 1500) they landed on the soil today known as Bahia. In Portuguese (Brazil's Official Language) the word "bay" is translated "baia". Salvador, Bahia's capital, was founded by Portuguese explorers in 1549. The city lays on a peninsula located in between "All Saints Bay" and the Atlantic Ocean. Every time people talked about Salvador, they referred to it as, "the province with the bay in it". Later on, the province would be officially named "The Province of Bahia" (the province of the bay). The spelling of the word "bay" (baia) was changed in order to make the province's name unique. Salvador-Bahia became Brazil's first capital back when the country was one of Portugal's colonies, and remained like that for214 years (until it was transferred to Rio, and finally to Brasilia). Talk Bahians, like all Brazilians, speak Portuguese. The accent, however, is completely different. Today due to tourism expansion there are some people who speak English in touristic areas & hotels, but since foreign languages are not taught in the schooling system you would be wise to bring a small travel dictionary. See Itineraries The Bay of All Saints, beautiful seen from Salvador, can also be seen from a tourist boat that makes a trip through the bay, passing several Islands. The largest island is Itaparica. It can be reached in about 1 hour by ferry from Salvador. The smaller passenger-ferry departs from near the Mercado Modelo to , while the larger car-ferry goes from about 2km North of here to Bom Despacho On
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the Coconut coast the sea turtle preservation project at Praia do Forte is a very impressive sight. In October, whales can be seen alongside the whole coast, but the marine reserve on the Whale Coast is the pinnacle. In the Chapada Diamantina, the Fumaça waterfall and the caves are very impressive Do Trekking through the Chapada Diamantina. With a guide, stay with locals while hiking through the park for several days.State Council’s investigative report on the disaster, issued on 5 February, which concluded that the explosion had been caused by the ignition of dangerous chemicals stored at a warehouse illegally operated by Ruihai International Logistics Co. Ltd. The report identified 123 people, primarily local government officials and company executives, who were deemed responsible for the disaster which caused nearly seven billion yuan in economic losses. The State Council report was designed to be the final word on the subject, and indeed there has been very little follow-up in the official Chinese media since then, and especially now that the Olympic Games are dominating the media agenda. The Southern Weekend did revisit the scene of the explosion for the one year anniversary in late July but its report (天津港心事“812” 特别重大火灾爆炸事故周年回访)
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typical week for accidents in China. From 23-30 May, the Work Accident Map recorded: Three workers fatally poisoned while checking power lines at steel company in Panzhihua, Sichuan Three killed in explosion at a chemical factory in Shanghai Construction worker falls to their death in Qingdao, Shandong Sanitation worker killed by car in the early hours of morning in Taiyuan, Shanxi Sanitation worker killed by a truck in Fujian, Xiamen Six workers trapped in collapse of steel framework at construction site in Bazhong, Sichuan, all rescued One worker killed and three injured in a molten steel spill at steelworks in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Five trapped in mine collapse in Laiwu, Shandong, all rescued Two workers killed and one injured in collapse at construction project in Lanshan county, Hunan Three fatally poisoned while undertaking repairs at a waste water pumpingIt took a while. But here we are at last. Not only is Louis van Gaal in retreat at Manchester United, it seems the nature of his ultimate departure – which always seemed likely to centre on his otherness, his intellectualism, his notebook – has also been settled. Studying the gleefully outraged coverage of Van Gaal’s struggles with his stuttering team you half expect to flick on the rolling sports news and discover United’s manager has been found wandering around Salford in a Napoleonic hat demanding the immediate return of Giza and the pyramids to the Greater French Empire. As Van Gaal himself has no doubt noted, there is a particular tone and texture to managerial failure in the Premier League. Or at least, there is when it comes
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to managers who make the mistake of being academic, methodical and foreign. “Arsène who?” was the famous headline over coverage of the risible French nobody’s unveiling as successor to Bruce Rioch. And for all the thrilling cosmopolitanism of the Premier League it is a skein of native insularity that remains. This is not to excuse the current team. Clearly Van Gaal’s United are a disappointment. The style of play is stodgy. Some of the signings look substandard. Whole areas of the team are worryingly undermanned. The Champions League exit was a genuine, perhaps decisive point of failure. Perhaps some steadiness and another top-four finish is the limit of what an aged Van Gaal, in his final job, was ever likely to achieve at this transitional United. More interesting, and indeedeven in failure, is the more interesting point. For a start it is worth noting the nature of the job Van Gaal is being asked to do at United. The requirements are clear. A title-challenging team. Last 16 in Europe. Thrilling style of play. All within the space of 18 months. Plus in England this means not just improving, or bolting on some finishing touches, but pulling an entire team out of the air from one to 11. Two domestic cup competitions, no winter break and no easy games is one thing. The requirement to produce a team from scratch in the middle of it is something else. Luis Enrique could mould his Champions League winning Barcelona around six players – four home grown career Nou Campers – who won
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at two relatively sensible English clubs. Otherwise patience is key. Van Gaal took three years to win his first league title at Ajax, and four to win the champions league. It took Klopp three years to finish above fifth place in the Bundesliga. Then came ignition and two league titles built around a team that had grown together. In these circumstances failure, friction, stuttering methods become part of the game, an object of interest, even losing a part of the wider groping towards sustained success. Mad Jürgen will get plenty of time. Those who fit his system will self-select in the current squad. Others will be added selectively. A team will emerge. Klopp is too much of a star at Liverpool to be hurried. Not so Mad Louis, for whomtype of shuttle printer allows printing to be carried out at high speed while the tip guide is reciprocated. In the shuttle printer, the print wires are elastically deformed by reciprocating the tip ends of the print wires in the lateral direction (the lengthwise direction of the platen) by the tip guide. Hence, a certain length is required for the print wire. A conventional shuttle printer disclosed in Japanese Patent Publication No. 59-13991 has a construction wherein a plurality of print wires are respectively guided by cylindrical wire holding links. Rear wire guides at the rear ends of the wire holding links are supported by a frame in a swingable fashion, and front wire guides at the front ends of the wire holding links are swingably supported in guide
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gain of 7.4 percent. "We've had an astoundingly powerful rally in the face of what's been some pretty serious roadblocks," said Jack A. Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank, pointing to the swine flu, the government's stress testing of banks, and now, a U.S. automaker bankruptcy. Wall Street has been growing more confident that the nation's economy, while not yet healthy, is nearing a bottom. The Dow is already up 25 percent from its 12-year low in early March. That optimism was stoked by calming words about the economy from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday, and a government report Thursday showing a decline in last week's jobless claims. About nine stocks rose for every seven that fell on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 1.74 billionin March. The index is considered a precursor to the Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index, which is due Friday. The government said initial claims for jobless benefits fell last week by 14,000 to 631,000. Economists had predicted an increase. Continuing jobless claims jumped to a new record, however, and the government also reported a slightly larger-than-expected decline in personal spending and incomes. And despite burgeoning confidence about the economy, worries about the instability of banks still dog investors. At Bank of America Corp.'s annual shareholders meeting Wednesday, shareholders stripped CEO Ken Lewis of his chairman role. Many of the shareholders who spoke at the meeting complained about the bank's purchase of the troubled investment bank Merrill Lynch. Government bonds were narrowly mixed. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to
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Friday, 6 April 2012 DETROIT: Belle Isle Between two countries As an island, Belle Isle lies between the USA and Canada within the Detroit River and it's one me and Joe paid a visit to a couple of months ago. Landscaped by Fredrick Olmstead [the gentleman who designed Central Park] Belle Isle is in fact larger then it's New York counterpart and is America's largest island park. Yet it's somewhat forgotten. Reached only by the American side Belle Isle is home forgotten museums, football fields, nature reserves and herds of Canadian Geese [and their droppings]. What also remains is the red and white corner markings when the island was used as a temporary race track for the IndyCar series in 1992. It's future is unclear. While Detroit owns/runs the island it's aInc. In November 2003, defendant Vision Care Holdings, LLC, purchased the assets of Musa Holdings and began operating Eyeglass World as a wholly owned subsidiary. Plaintiff Mary Beth Lamb began working as a store manager for Eyeglass World in December 2000, while the company was still owned by Musa Holdings. Musa Holdings promoted Lamb to area manager in July 2002. Lamb Dep. 42-43. As area manager, Lamb was responsible for handling customer service issues as well as training and hiring staff and managers for several stores. Id. at 39. After one year as an area manager, Lamb was again promoted to the position of regional manager. Id. at 43. When Vision Care purchased Eyeglass World in November 2003, Ben Cook became Vision Care's president, CEO, and CFO.[1] Cook Aff. ¶
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not, and that Blevins was paid more despite managing fewer stores. Id. She testified that she complained formally to both Cook and Schrage in July 2004 about these disparate pay concerns. Id. In January 2005, Cook moved to equalize the pay of all regional managers. Cook Aff. ¶ 8. III. Lamb's First Written Discipline In September 2004, two months after she complained about her pay, Vision Care/Eyeglass World issued Lamb the first warning of her career for: "Unprofessional conduct and inappropriate use of Company e-mail which is a violation of company policy." Pl. Ex. G. Attached to the written warning was a series of email exchanges between Lamb and two Eyeglass World store managers, Adam Parmeter and John Wilson. The bulk of the emails, many of which contained language thatwas sexual in nature and incorporated terms of affection ("love, adam," "hugs") were written by Parmeter and Wilson. Lamb was the only employee who was disciplined. Vision Care/Eyeglass World labeled this initial warning as "Final" and indicated that if this violation happened again, the consequence would be "Further disciplinary action up to and including termination." Id. According to Vision Care CEO Cook, however, Eyeglass World employs a progressive disciplinary policy. This policy consists of four sequential steps: a verbal warning, a written warning, a second written warning, and a final warning. Cook Dep. 63. IV. Transfer Incident At about the same time, in approximately September 2004, several members of Vision Care/Eyeglass World management (Lamb, Schrage, Fromowitz, and Larry Neal) made the decision to transfer and promote an Eyeglass World store
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manager, Eric Corbin. Lamb was the only female among the individuals involved in this decision. Vision Care CEO Cook learned of this transfer during an October 2004 conference call, and he was not happy about it. Cook was upset that he did not have the chance to approve the transfer and promotion. Though Schrage, Fromowitz, and Neal were also on this call, Lamb was the only one who told Cook about this transfer. Lamb testified that near the end of the call, when Cook thought she was no longer present, Cook stated, "the bitch is gone." Lamb Dep. 99-100. Lamb was the only female on the conference call. About one week after the conference call, Lamb received a second written warning notice. The notice warned that Lamb *864 violatedwritten warnings issued before he was terminated. Four days after defendant received the results of its first Confidential Harassment Investigation, it issued the "1st Written Warning" to Middleton. Pl. Ex. R. According to this warning, the consequence of Middleton's failure to improve would be a "2nd written up to Final." Id. Five days after receiving the results of the second Confidential Harassment Investigation, defendant gave Middleton both a "2nd Written Warning" and a "Final" Warning. Pl. Ex. S, T. Both of these listed "termination" as the next step. In June 2004, one month after defendant issued the 2nd Written Warning and Final Warning, it terminated Middleton, though the stated reason was a company reorganization rather than any disciplinary reason. Pl. Ex. U.[4] In contrast to its by-the-book approach with
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Middleton, Vision Care/Eyeglass World gave Lamb only two written warnings in the course of her entire career, both on matters unrelated to her alleged abusive behavior. See Pl. Ex. G.[5] Dating from September 2004, defendant labeled the initial warning "Final," though it was the first warning Lamb had ever received. Consistent with a final warning, Lamb had to improve or face: "Further disciplinary action up to and including termination." Pl. Ex. G. In October 2004, Lamb received a "Final" warning for "Insubordination" relating to her failure to provide Cook with a timely requested report. Pl. Ex. I. The consequence of a repeat violation of this type was given as "Termination." Id. When allegations of Lamb's use of disparaging language came to light in the summer of 2004, defendant didher—the sole female—during a subsequent conference call. At the end of the conference call, after Cook believed Lamb was no longer on the line, he allegedly stated, "the bitch is gone." Lamb Dep. 99-100. Eight days after this incident, Lamb was required to go to counseling, the last step before termination. Because Lamb has offered evidence from which a jury could conclude that Lamb was sent to counseling and subsequently fired because of her sex and age, Vision Care/Eyeglass World is not entitled to summary judgment on this claim. According to Lamb, Cook himself had a history of engaging in the same behavior that he claims to have found intolerable from Lamb. During the conference call regarding Corbin's transfer, Cook allegedly told Lamb, "I don't give as* * *
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that it engaged in unlawful discrimination simply because she was on equal or better footing than her male counterparts at the time. As Vision Care/Eyeglass World itself acknowledges, it paid at least one other male Eyeglass World regional manager (Tim Blevins) $4000 more than Lamb through April 2004 (three months before she field her complaint). This provides an objectively reasonable (and at the time, possibly actionable) basis for believing that Vision Care/Eyeglass World might have violated Title VII. Her July 2004 complaint was therefore a protected activity under Title VII. B. Causal Connection Two months after Lamb complained about her pay disparity, she received the first written warning of her entire career with Eyeglass World. Defendant correctly notes that warnings and reprimands alone do not amount to adverse employment actions.Anthem opens at nearly 78,000 retail sales in Japan. The PlayStation 4 version of Anthem sold 77,938 retail copies during its first week of release in Japan, the latest Media Create sales figures reveal. Also new last week, NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition for PlayStation 4 launched at 21,326 retail sales, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy launched at 4,419 sales on Switch and 3,783 sales on PlayStation 4 for a total of 8,202 opening sales, and Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match DX for Switch launched at 7,651 sales. To compare, the PlayStation 4 version of Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match opened at 46,411 retail sales back in February 2018. On the hardware side, Switch sold 53,270 units, the PlayStation 4 family sold 17,588 units, and the 3DS
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pigs confined in gestation crates. If the measure passes, that will impact Tosh Farms and JBS, as the pigs reared at Tosh are then transported to a JBS slaughterhouse in Louisville, Kentucky, which supplies pork products to stores across California. The systemic abuse and torture of pigs is an industry-wide problem. Last year, MFA investigators at the Aurora cooperative pig factory farm in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil, the third-largest meat producer in Brazil and a major pork exporter to the United States, recorded video of pigs and piglets enduring a wide range of cruelty, including, notes Alvarenga, “workers slicing off the tails, cutting holes in the ears and grinding the teeth of piglets without any pain relief.” Animal rights advocates are quick to point out that pigs—asin talent development." Those comments are jargony. But they could be interpreted as a subtle jab at Wells Fargo, which is in turmoil after the bank was found to have opened up fake accounts for many of its customers. Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf has stepped down as a result. JPMorgan Chase chief financial officer Marianne Lake said during a conference call with reporters Friday that the Wells Fargo scandal has led the bank to take a "deep dive" and look more closely at its own consumer business. She said the bank, like most of its rivals, is "looking for deep and engaged relationships." But she added that JPMorgan Chase puts "customer experience front and center" and that while the bank has found some isolated incidents of "cross-selling issues," there do not
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indictment is so vague and general that it fails to inform him sufficiently of the nature of the charges so as to enable him to prepare a proper defense and to be able to plead an acquittal or conviction of the crimes charged as a bar to any subsequent prosecution based upon the same alleged illegal acts. In addition, defendant has moved for a change of venue to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma. At the outset, it should be recognized that the Sixth Amendment's guarantee to a speedy trial does not attach until a person has been "accused" of a crime, either by being arrested or named in an indictment or information. Pre-accusation delays may only be challenged on due process grounds. United"Descendants of the Sun" is already a must-watch Korean drama series even before "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' arrived on the small screen. The favorite drama about a doctor and a military man's love story bagged another award for the "Best Drama Series" from the 2016 Asian Television Awards. Considered as a very popular Korean series, "Descendants of the Sun" received the highest honor during the 2016 Asian Television Awards on Friday held at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore. The awarding ceremony distinguishes high-quality television productions all over Asia, KBS reported. The awards were bestowed over two successive evenings held in affiliation with the progressing Singapore Media Festival. The presenters came from different sectors including Alden Richards, Adrian Pang, Fiona Su, Stephanie Carrington, and Baki Zainal who hosted the
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event. Musical intermissions came from Charli XCX whose songs sold 33 million copies and Ivy Grace Parades, from the Philippines. "Descendants of the Sun" is a 16-episode drama and was exquisitely famous not only in their home country, Korea but also in Asia, most especially in China. In fact, the viewership had reached 38.8 percent on its own domain. The TV series' popularity made the two main characters Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo, the favorite actors of Asian fans and followers, according to The Korean Herald. The drama series was a remarkable hit in South Korea and earned extreme admiration all across Asia. Starting on April 20 to April 22, "Descendants of the Sun" included the memorable part and the greatest scenes from the series. It also included the drama's The University of Texas System Policy UTS123, Policy on Service on Outside Boards The University of Texas System Policy UTS134, Code of Ethics for Financial Officers and Employees The University of Texas System Policy UTS175, Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests and Management and Reporting of Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research The University of Texas System Policy UTS180, Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities The University of Texas System Administration Internal Policy INT129,
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author's academic or professional field, regardless of the medium of expression. This exemption applies to works authored by students, professionals, faculty, and nonfaculty researchers. The Board of Regents encourages these creators to manage their copyrights in accordance with the guidelines concerning management and marketing of copyrighted works University of New Mexico The University of New Mexico, (UNM) was founded in 1889 and presently occupies about 600 acres in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The UNM School of Engineering is ranked 14th in the nation by the Princeton Review. U.S. News & World Report ranks the UNM Medical School in the top 15 for primary patient care. The UNM Rural Medicine Department ranked second and Family Medicine ranks 6th in the nation. UNM researchers have been recognized with a Nobel Prize for Physics and one researcher is recognized as discovery the hantavirus. UNM has 40 doctoral programs, numerous undergraduate degrees and graduate programs. There are about 25,000 students in total attending UNM. A new study indicates the prevalence rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have now grown to 1 in
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Despite PA chair's enmity, his brother who lives in Qatar chose to get cancer treatment in Israeli hospital, in latest of surprising trend. Even as Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues to attack Israel and incite terrorism, his brother Abu Luay chose to receive treatment at none other than an Israeli hospital. Abbas' brother was hospitalized at Assuta Medical Center in northern Tel Aviv, as Yedioth Aharonoth exposed on Wednesday morning. Abu Luay, who lives in Qatar, came down with cancer. He decided specifically to come to the Tel Aviv hospital for treatment, where other family members of Abbas have been treated in the past. The hospitalization of Abbas' 76-year-old brother has been kept secret, partially out of patient confidentiality matters, but also partially due to security and diplomatic factors. However,on Wednesday morning the matter was revealed to the public in the report. According to the report, Abu Luay completed his treatment at the hospital and has returned to his home in Qatar, but he is expected to return to Israel for continued treatment in the coming days. This isn't the first time the PA chairman's family members have enjoyed Israeli treatment. Abbas' wife was treated at the same hospital back in 2014, and his brother-in-law was also treated at Assuta just last October. Abbas is not the only hostile Palestinian Arab leader to have his family members receive treatment in Israeli hospitals either - the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, has had numerous relatives treated in Israel even as he actively works to destroy the Jewish state. Haniyeh's daughter was treated
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in Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital in October 2014, less than two months after Hamas's latest terror war on Israel, as was his mother-in-law that June and his granddaughter in November 2013. After Haniyeh praised the murder of a three-month-old girl in Jerusalem by an Arab terrorist later in October 2014, then-Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) hinted Haniyeh's daughter would not be given medical treatment in Israel again. However, just two weeks after that, it was confirmed that senior Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk's 60-year-old sister was allowed into Israel for cancer treatment.police, adding that maybe her brothers – Vikas and Vishal – had taken Nitish to Punjab". Bharti is thought to have called her sister Bhavna Yadav, whose registered mobile phone number was used all night to call many friends of the couple, as well as Neelam Katara. Yadav also gave Neelam Katara her father's number, and after a fruitless visit to the police, at 8 in the morning, Neelam called D. P. Yadav, who did not know where Vikas or Nitish might be. Next morning, the police found a battered and burned body at Khurja, 80 km from the wedding venue. The body had been so badly beaten that "the digestive system had fallen out". At 11 in the morning, Neelam Katara filed a First Information Report. Based on initial statements
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Students, teachers head back to class amid district changes Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 By JENNI DILLONPeninsula Clarion Area schools have been quiet this summer, but that all changes today. This morning, the 41 schools on the Kenai Peninsula will once again teem with children lugging backpacks full of schools supplies and the natural energy high that only the first day of school can bring. Brandon Smith, a 12-year-old heading into the seventh grade at Kenai Middle School, said he's raring to go for the new school year. "There's nothing to do around the house. Mostly, I play video games and ride my bike, but it's raining now," he said, while he and his mother, Becky Smith, stocked up on school supplies in Soldotna earlier this week. Brandon admitted his tune may change after acouple weeks of school "I'm not looking forward to homework" but for the most part, he said he's ready to head back to the classroom, see his friends and get going on some new activities. "I like science," he said. "It's fun and there's lots of hands-on stuff." Brandon's not alone in his eagerness to return to school. "They have been waiting all summer for school to start," said Chris Hoke of her children, Heather and A.J. Eight-year-old Heather is about to start third grade in Mr. Boyles third- and fourth-grade multiage class at Nikiski Elementary School and says she just loves to learn. "It's fun," she said. She added that she's actually looking forward to homework, especially in her favorite subject: spelling. A.J., a 6-year-old getting ready to join his sister at Nikiski
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which Alaska schools made "adequate yearly progress" on government mandated tests. Only about half of peninsula schools met the mark. And while many of the shortcomings were based on attendance on test days rather than actual test scores, district officials admit that some students do need more help. Overall, average scores on the peninsula are within the range the federal government expects for the 2009-10 school year. But, said Assistant Superintendent Gary Whiteley, "We certainly have things to work on with some of the groups of kids." Right in line with her concerns about student achievement, Diorec said she also worries that class sizes in the district are getting larger. Last year, the school board increased the pupil-teacher ratio in a desperate effort to trim the district budget. Board members anddistrict officials have lamented the increase, but say the district is trying to adapt. "There are less teachers," she said. "And they're getting rid of a lot of of stuff, like shop." "And art," Brandon added. "I know parents are manning the library, and you just don't know what else might go," Smith said. Hoke said she is happy with her children's school for the most part, but she, too, worries about the future. Her children's school is scheduled to close after this year, and the students will be transferred to North Star Elementary. While she said she's not completely opposed to the consolidation, Hoke said she hopes the experience won't have too big an impact on her children's education. "We'll see how it goes," she said. "Hopefully, they won't make too big of classrooms
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to fit all the kids in." The Nikiski-North Star elementary school consolidation is the only one immediately planned in the district, however, further discussions are expected this year as the declining enrollment trend continues. Hoke said the continual budget stresses on schools causes other concerns for her as well. "Nikiski High is cutting a lot of extracurriculars, and to me, that's a big part of school," she said. "They keep kids motivated, and they're one reason I didn't home school." Hoke was talking about both extracurricular activities, such as sports and drama, and exploratory classes, like art, music and vocational education. At some schools, elective classes have had to take some cuts, both because of budgetary problems and the increased focus on traditional academics due to No Child Left Behind. However, the district istrying to moderate those cuts in several ways. Schedules at central peninsula schools have been rearranged to allow schools to share qualified teachers, and the district's Work-force Development Program at Kenai Central High School is growing to allow students to take more vocational education classes. The district also has said it will work with the Kenai Peninsula World Class Workforce Coalition, a still-forming entity designed to increase vocational offerings for both students and workers on the peninsula. It also has developed a career and technical education curriculum to expose more students to career options throughout their education. As far as extracurricular activities, the district made some budget cuts this spring, eliminating the travel budget for student activities. To counter the cuts, the school board voted to increase participation fees
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for several sports. In addition, several groups spent some of the summer putting on fund-raisers, and booster clubs have planned benefits throughout the coming months. The district also is forming a task force to explore alternative funding options for student activities in hopes of keeping the programs available without having to pit academics against sports in future budget plans. Despite the worries about the future, though, most parents say they are looking forward to sending their children back to school. And, teachers say they're ready to make the school experience a great one. Teachers around the district have spent the past week preparing for the year with in-service days and meetings, not to mention spending hours decorating to make classrooms a fun and comfortable place. "A number of us are getting ready acomponent of public health research. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of anemia and its associated factors among apparently healthy urban and rural adult residents of Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center (GGFRC), Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia. Methodology {#S0002} =========== Study Design, Setting and Period {#S0002-S2001} -------------------------------- A community-based comparative cross-sectional study design was used from March--April 2016. The original study was conducted from late September 2008 to the end of January 2009 at GGFRC of Jimma University, which is located surrounding the Gilgel Gibe Hydroelectric dam, within the four districts of Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, Southwest Ethiopia. The center comprised of eleven kebeles (smallest administrative structure in Ethiopia) of which three are small towns. The study area was comprised of about 11,000 households with a total population of 50,0009. Sampling
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Central" ] }
Few things in all of geekdom hold as much promise and wonder as a geek with lots of time and lots of LEGO bricks. A couple LEGO builders named Alice Finch and David Frank teamed up to create a massive LEGO recreation of Rivendell from the Tolkien universe of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The creation is massive and uses over 200,000 bricks in its design. The builders performed research by carefully watching The Fellowship of the Ring in an attempt to put the entire city of Rivendell together. They say that research was required because it was hard to tell what scenes in the film happened where. The massive finished model is intricate and beautiful with structures that sprout out of the rocks and lush greenery. ItsRooms This functional 6-story hotel comprises of small twin room for single use, style flat and small flat with luxurious décor. Some rooms overlook the canal. Modern bathrooms include a bathtub, a shower and free toiletries. Eat & Drink A complimentary breakfast is served every morning. Pleasant Space Of The bar is available on site. Serving Asian Fusion, Japanese and Indonesian meals, Momo Restaurant lies in a charming area, 150 meters from the venue. Services The hotel provides guests with car and bicycle rental services. Relax Leisure facilities include an indoor heated pool, a private swimming pool and a library. A minimalist-style room with white walls, art and wooden floors. It includes flat-screen TV and a modern bathroom. Extra Large Room Max occupancy: 4 persons Bed type: 1 Single bed Check Prices Room Facilities: Free Wi-Fi Air conditioning — Less+ More Media:Television Radio Room Description: Standard|Extra Large + Breakfast Extra Large
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walk to many cafes, restaurants and shopping areas. The tram stop was at the end of the street so it was easy to travel around. The hotel has been recently renovated so the room looked 'fresh' and the decor was nice. It was very clean and serviced daily and the bed comfortable. Breakfast was included and was good. All in all a good experience. The hotel offered free WiFi but unfortunately this was not working well during our stay. It didn't work at all in the room and was very slow when used downstairs, due to the renovations apparently. We booked for 3 people because our daughter was traveling with us and the room shown in photos on the internet shows 3 beds, however one of the 'beds' turnedDragan Živadinov Dragan Živadinov studied theatrical direction at the Academy of Music, Radio, Television and Film in Ljubljana from 1980 - 1984. He was a cofounder of the art movement NSK in 1985. During the '80s he constructed the style "retro-gardism", where he constructed retro-gardist events and observatories. In 1983, he founded the retro-garde Theatre of Scipio Nasica's Sisters, and in 1987, the cosmokinetic observatory Red Pilot. In the early '90s, he constructed "informances" and transformed Red Pilot into the Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet. In 1995, he embarked on the 50-year theatrical process Noordung 1995-2045, through the style of "telecosmism." In 1998 he became a candidate cosmonaut, and in 1999 realized Biomechanics Noordung, the first complete theatre production in zero-gravity conditions. Since 2000, he has been constructing post-gravitational theatrical abstracts,
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and in 2005, he staged the first reprise of Noordung 1995-2005-2045. The second reprise will take place in 2015. TICKETS $10: AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR As part of the citywide biennial performance art festival, PERFORMA 09, Eyebeam presents Postgravity Art :: Syntapiens by the Slovenian artist collaborative of Dragan Živadinov, Dunja Zupančič, and Miha Turšič.Signifying the 50-year time span of their multimedia theatre project, Dragan Živadinov, Dunja Zupančič , and Miha Turšič will stage a 50-hour event at Eyebeam. The performers will take the audience on a journey through the concepts of "theatre in zero-gravity" starting with the first "informance" on Tuesday, November 10, at 8PM, and continuing with hourly events through to November 12, which can be viewed during gallery hours, and followed on Eyebeam's website and Twitter feed.She reached the summit of the highest mountain in 1975, but in all humility said she was only the 36th person to do so. Japanese media reports have said that the first woman to climb Mount Everest has died. Junko Tabei died on Thursday of cancer at a hospital outside of Tokyo, according to the reports. She was 77. She did it in 1975 Tabei reached the summit of the world’s highest mountain in 1975. In 1992, she also became the first woman to complete the “Seven Summits,” reaching the highest peaks of the seven continents. She gained world fame after the Everest feat, but played it down, telling Sports Illustrated in a 1996 profile- “I was the 36th person to climb Everest.” Japan’s Kyodo News agency said that Tabei scaled peaks in more
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
UPDATE 1-Five Israelis Killed in West Bank Attack -military JERUSALEM, March 12 (Reuters) - A Palestinian infiltrator killed five Israelis in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank early on Saturday, an Israeli military spokeswoman said. Israeli media said the attacker broke into a house in the settlement of Itamar overnight and stabbed to death a couple and three children, including a baby, from the same family. "Five civilians were killed in this terrorist attack," the spokeswoman said. She said troops were searching for the attacker in the area around Itamar, which is near the Palestinian city of Nablus. She gave no further details. (Writing by Ari Rabinovitch; editing by Andrew Dobbie) (Adds details) JERUSALEM, March 12 (Reuters) - A Palestinian infiltrator killed five Israelis in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank early on Saturday, an Israeli military spokeswoman said. Israeli mediaBMW Releases Nail-Biting Footage Of Its Mid-Drift Refuelling Efforts Mullins has to drift his vehicle along with Schwartz so that the latter's auto can be refuelled mid-drift, from the extra gasoline tank mounted in the car's trunk. Guinness has yet to certify the record - set by Johan Schwartz on a small, circular track at BMW's Performance Center in Greer, South Carolina - but an adjudicator was on-hand to confirm the achievement. BMW found the main obstacle for gaining back its previous drift record set in 2013 - and summarily usurped by Toyota twice - was that the M5 kept running out of fuel, so the quirky solution was to refuel mid-drift. Schwartz shattered the previous record by 143 miles. Not content with setting one record, BMW set another on the same day,
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never had to stop for fuel. "It was a big win all around". The first and most important of the two records is for the longest vehicle drift in 8 hours (232.5 miles or 374.1 kilometers). As Mullins matched Schwartz's drift, Detroit Speed's Matt Butts, who was suspended via a safety tether from the second vehicle's rear window, was able to straddle the space between both moving vehicles and successfully complete the fueling. Just In: Details on the Ford F-150 Diesel! The SelectShift 10-speed automatic transmission was adapted specifically for use with this new engine. Ford has also made modest changes to the fascia, grille and interior of the F-150 family. Tom Brady stars in upcoming documentary series 'Tom vs Then Belichick left the Jets and became the Big Get for the PatriotsWelcome to the Northwest Indiana Spinal Cord Injury Group. This site was set up to keep people informed about the activities of the group. Whether it be the days and times of our meetings, events and outings, or new information about a cure for paralysis; it will be posted on this site. Our hopes are that the group grows and more people feel empowered to live happy, healthy, productive lives. Please feel free to leave comments and/or contact us at [email protected]. Terra Incognita 2007 Terra Incognita is a feature length documentary film and companion civic engagement campaign featuring the story of Dr. Jack Kessler, the current chair of Northwestern University's Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurological Sciences, and his daughter, Allison, an undergraduate student at Harvard University. When Kessler was invited
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