Platelets, or thrombocytes, are small, irregularly-shaped non-nuclear cell fragments (i.e. cells that do not have a nucleus containing DNA). These structures are round or oval, flattened, disk-shaped. They are typically 2-5 µm in diameter, but some large platelets can be up to 7 µm in diameter. They are very thin, only 0.5 µm thick. They are formed by cleaving off fragments from the megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, a process regulated by the hormone thrombopoietin. The average lifespan of a platelet is 5 to 10 days. A normal platelet count is 150-400,000 µL. Platelets play a fundamental role in hemostasis. The platelets circulate in an inactivated form in the blood and are primarily found hugging the walls of the blood vessels (due to their lightweight the flow in the vessels will force the platelets towards the outside). When encountering a damaged part of the vessel they become exposed to the endothelial underlying extracellular matrix (ECM) including collagen, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and other glycoprotein’s. This will activate the platelets and they undergo a transformation characterized by three major phases: adhesion, activation, and aggregation. Platelet transfusion should normally be reserved for clinically coagulopathic patients with a documented low serum level (<50,000 per high-power field). When the patient is in shock, however, and blood loss is likely to be substantial, platelets should be empirically administered in proportion to RBCs and plasma (1 : 1 : 1). Transfused platelets have a very short serum half-life and should be administered only to patients with active coagulopathic bleeding. Platelets should not be administered through filters, warmers, or rapid infusion systems because they will bond to the inner surfaces of these devices, thereby reducing the quantity of platelets actually reaching the circulation. Platelets should be delivered through the standard 170-micron blood set filter. A micropore filter should not be used. Platelets should be filtered only by large-pore filters (>150 µm) or leukocyte-reduction filters (if indicated); micropore filters may absorb large numbers of platelets and therefore diminish the effectiveness of a platelet transfusion.
For a half-century, Medicare has provided America’s seniors with guaranteed health care. Retired Americans know how vital these earned benefits are. This year, we are celebrating Medicare’s 50th birthday. This great program brings health security to more than 54 million Americans, mainly 65 and older. The golden anniversary of Medicare is a perfect time to consider how to keep it strong for the next 50 years. I recently read that AARP has a longtime policy recommendation, giving the secretary of Health and Human Services the authority to negotiate prices for prescription drugs covered by Medicare. It seems to me to be a very good idea and no-brainier for Congress if they really care about the high costs of health care. Americans pay a lot more for prescription drugs than people in other advanced countries do. Yet, unlike private (for-profit) insurance plans, Medicare is not allowed to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. For example, in 2013, the U.S. retail price to Medicare for a new drug for hepatitis C (Sovaldi) is $1,000 per pill, but when negotiated, the cost goes down to $534 a pill, which is the price the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs negotiated. The VA is not bound by Medicare rules and can negotiate for the best price. Medicare should also have the ability to negotiate the best price, but it doesn’t; therefore, we pay an $84,000 Medicare price for 84 pills. The same 84 pills cost $66,000 negotiated price in Germany and $57,000 negotiated price in The United Kingdom. High prices for medications push up health care costs for all of us and constantly exceed inflation. While Americans with health insurance drug coverage do not pay the full amount, the high prices are passed on to taxpayers and health care consumers. 89 percent of Americans believe Social Security benefits are more important than ever. 84 percent of Americans don’t mind paying Social Security taxes because it provides security and stability to millions. 75 percent of Americans believe we should consider increasing Social Security. Why do drug companies need to spend millions on advertising and marketing when our doctor is responsible for our care and what drugs we need?
For the past decade, the implementation of a quota system to help more of Brazil’s non-whites get into public federal universities has been one of the most divisive issues in the history of the country. Many of the social inequalities found in Brazilian society can be traced back to era of slavery that was officially abolished in 1888 with Brazil being the last country in the Western hemisphere to do so. In order to get a full comprehension of why many support the system of quotas, one need only look at some statistics. In 2007, the percentage of whites in the country with a college degree was 13.4% while for non-whites, this percentage was 4%. In 2007, the percentage of white students with 21 years of age that were college students was 24.2% while it was 8.4% for non-whites. In 2004, 22.7% of whites with 18 years of age completed high school while this figure was 13.3% for non-whites. In 2005, it was estimated that only 1% of college professors were black. 31.3% of whites have access to health care plans compared to 15.2% of non-whites. The salary of white Brazilians is nearly double the salary of black and brown Brazilians. The monthly income of white Brazilians is R$1,538 (worth $769 in American dollars) compared to the R$834 (US$417) for non-whites. Another important statistic to consider when discussing the debate about race-based quotas in Brazil in the Brazilian school system. According to a study released earlier this year, Brazil’s education system was the third most improved in the world in past 15 years. But in spite of these improvements, the Brazilian school system still ranks only 53rd in the world in reading and 57th in the world in Mathematics. As middle-class status in Brazil is so dependent upon education, parents scramble to assure that their children attain the best education possible. For this reason, parents who have the financial means send their children to private schools during primary and high school in order to prepare their children for the best universities which, in general, are federally supported and public. Black students only make up 33% of the student population in Brazil’s private schools and this percentage drops to only 30% in high school. Recent data also showed that white students in private schools score on average 21% higher on standardized tests than black students from the public school network. Considering these figures we can begin to understand how social inequalities in Brazil are so unequal in terms of race. Due to these inequalities, in the late 1980s, activists such as Abdias do Nascimento and social scientist Florestan Fernandes began to suggest that Affirmative Action policies would be one way to even up some of the country’s social inequalities. In 2004, after five years of debates, the Universidade de Brasília became the first federal university in Brazil to implement the system of quotas. In the first subsequent entrance exam, the quota system was responsible 18.6% of the candidates. 20% of the total vacancies were to be given to beneficiaries in every course offered in the university. As of April of this year, 25 of the country’s 59 federal universities offered some sort of racial quota system for the black, brown and Indian population. As the issue of quotas based on race or color are so controversial, exactly what are some of the main ?arguments of those who are against Affirmative Action policies? Below are just a few of main arguments. 1. It would lower the quality of education in the country because it allows students who receive lower scores on the vestibular test (college entrance exam) to enter universities. 5. Due to centuries of racial mixing, it is not possible to determine who is black. So that readers can get a clear understanding of some of twists and turns involved in the Brazilian way of implementing quotas, let’s take a look at a few examples that consider a few of the above arguments. Another controversial facet of the quota system was that students who wanted to enter a university under the quota system had to deny themselves as either black or brown. Besides, they would also need to submit a photo to be judged as to whether they were really black or brown or in fact a dishonest white student trying to “pass”. In 2007, identical twins Alan and Alex Teixeira da Cunha both attempted to enter the University of Brasília under the quota system. The twins were the children of an interracial marriage, their father black and their mother white. Alan, who wanted to study Physical Education, was judged to be black and approved, while his identical twin brother Alex, who wanted to study Nutrition, was denied. Needless to say, the press jumped all over this incident as proof that quotas based on race were unfair and inapplicable in a country like Brazil. While the system of quotas is obviously not perfect, those who are against the system of quotas don;t seem to want to come to terms with the fact of everyday racism as it affects those Brazilians who don’t have a more European appearance. As documented in this site, Afro-Brazilians are routinely insulted, face discriminatory practices, denied employment at places of business that favor whites, and nearly invisible on modeling catwalks, magazine covers and television programs. Young, black Brazilian males are also preferred victims of police and death squads in murder rates that have been labeled genocide. Also, considering the accusation that allowing students who make it to college through the quota system will lower the high standards of colleges and universities, a 2008 study released by the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Institute of Applied Economic Research) showed that in four federal universities (Federal University of Bahia, University of Brasília, State University of Rio de Janeiro and UNICAMP), quota students performed nearly as well or better than students who entered college without quotas. This once again shows that simply testing a student does not necessarily prove or negate a student’s ability to succeed in the path of education. Although the debate and war over quotas has been waged for a decade now with both sides claiming losses and victories in court and legislative battles, recent victories for those who support the quota system in the April Supreme Court decision upholding the system and the recent Quota Law signed President Dilma Rouseff have ignited the flames of the battle once again. Below are just a few examples. The first photo below is a summary of the reasons pro-quota supporters believe the system is not a simple favor but rather debt Brazil owes to descendants of African slaves. The English translation is below the photo. Further down the page are various photos taken from anti-quota rallies on Avenida Paulista, one of the main business districts in the city of São Paulo, and in front of the Palácio do Planalto in Brasília, the workplace of the Brazilian president. Quotas is not a favor. It is a debt! In the 19th century, when Europeans started to colonize the black continent, they found jusitifications for imposing in the colonized people its laws and ways of living. One of these justifications was the erroneous idea that blacks were an inferior “race” and they went on to apply discrimination with a basis in race in its colnies to secure determined “rights” to the European settlers and colonizers. Even after May 13, 1888, when slavery was abolished, the idea of superior race amongst whites continued, being that blacks were excluded from the job market and were obliged to live in favelas (shantytowns). Also because of this reason, black people are found in every type of the most degrading work, living in the worst houses, eating low quality food, with no means of going to college, no health care, no respect surviving with meager social programs and the like.
Veterinarians throughout the country are having tough conversations with pet owners as they address the health consequences of a dog carrying extra pounds, according to company officials at Natural Balance Pet Foods in Burbank, Calif. However, pet owners often turn to pet retailers for nutritional information and advice. “I would never go down the road of telling someone their dog is overweight,” said Sandy Wingerd, sales associate for The Hitch N’ Post Feed and Tack in Tustin, Calif. Instead, a customer at The Hitch N’ Post might be tactfully ushered to a selection of recipes addressing specific issues, including weight loss. “I’d point out the formulations created for sensitive tummies, skin issues and weight loss,” Wingerd said. Aquila Brown, owner of The Yuppy Puppy in Spokane, Wash., agreed that a diplomatic approach is essential when guiding pet owners toward a weight-loss diet. Brown added that when it comes to specialty diets, a pet owner might search for senior food but not consider a weight-control recipe. The Yuppy Puppy’s well-trained groomers assist in this regard, keeping an eye on the waistlines of their four-legged clients and providing dietary recommendations if necessary. “We absolutely will mention if a dog is overweight, but tactfully and gently,” she said. However, this consideration is seasoned with some tough love. recorded with scheduled weigh-ins, Grow said. A well-trained staff is instrumental when it comes to imparting education and dietary advice, said Mike Jupp, regional sales manager for Perham, Minn.-based Tuffy’s Pet Foods, maker of NutriSource. Customers value the opinions of educated sales associates, agreed Sandy Wingerd, sales associate for The Hitch N’ Post Feed and Tack in Tustin, Calif. “It is very helpful when suppliers come in to discuss their products and provide training,” she said. Further, it is a retailer’s duty to obtain guidance and acquire a working knowledge of the resources provided by these brands, said Bryan Nieman, brand director for Fromm Family Foods in Mequon, Wis. Assisting pet owners in helping their pets to have the best quality of life makes good business sense, said Natural Balance officials. Pet owners rely on store employees for in-store recommendations regarding the ideal products for their pet’s individual needs. Lorin Grow, owner of Furry Face in Redlands, Calif., agreed that education is everything. “Additionally, since almost all kibble-fed dogs eventually have weight issues, it is important that pet parents understand the effect an all-starch/carbohydrate form of food consumed day after day has on the metabolism and the body of a dog,” Grow added. Highlighting different diet types will help customers understand all their options in the natural and weight-loss marketplaces, said Rashell Cooper, marketing director for Redbarn Pet Products in Long Beach, Calif. “In addition, working directly with the manufacturer to help educate consumers and store associates is paramount to correctly marketing premium weight-loss diets,” Cooper added. Retailers can best market foods in the weight-management category by supplying options and spotlighting weight-management diets during months when consumers are attempting to manage their own weight, said Mike Jupp, regional sales manager for Perham, Minn.-based Tuffy’s Pet Foods, maker of NutriSource. Year’s resolutions, including weight loss,” he said. Bryan Nieman, brand director for Fromm Family Foods in Mequon, Wis., noted that marketing and advocacy of weight-loss foods circles back to knowledge and expertise. “Retailers can also benefit from the use of their social media platforms and other digital resources, like small distribution lists, to continue the conversation about healthy diets once the shopper leaves their store,” Nieman added. along with a substantial increase in pet-owning households. “We have not experienced an increase in demand for weight-loss foods specifically. However, we do see more customers inquiring about foods for needs such as skin issues or sensitive stomachs, and we carry a line of dog foods that address these concerns, including a formulation for weight loss.” —SANDY WINGERD, sales associate at The Hitch N’ Post Feed and Tack in Tustin, Calif.
Dengue Virus is a mosquito-borne positive single-stranded RNA virus which causes Dengue Fever. Dengue Fever has become a global problem since WWII. Each year millions of people are infected and tens of thousands die. Dengue is currently classified as a neglected tropical disease.
From the Court of King Louis XIV of France, the ‘Sun King’, Christie’s announces two of the most significant sculptures to come to the market in recent years. A unique rediscovered masterpiece by Louis XIV’s Royal sculptor François Girardon, Louis XIV on Horseback, Paris, circa 1690-1699, is believed to be the lost sculpture from the artist’s own collection, depicted in the famous engraving of the Galerie de Girardon (estimate: £7-10 million). Hercules Overcoming Acheloüs, circa 1640-50 by Florentine sculptor Ferdinando Tacca (1619-1686), was a gift from Louis XIV to his son, the Grand Dauphin, in 1681, remaining in the Royal collection until the Revolution (estimate on request: in the region of £5 million). Both works attest to the significance of Louis XIV as a connoisseur collector, celebrating the very best art from France and beyond. The works will go on view at Christie’s New York in April (the Girardon now until 20 April and both works together from 28 April to 9 May); Hong Kong (24 to 28 May) and London (30 June to 4 July), ahead of being sold in the London Exceptional Sale on 5 July during Classic Week, in July 2018. Left: Hercules Overcoming Acheloüs, circa 1640-50 by Florentine sculptor Ferdinando Tacca (1619-1686). Estimate: in the region of £5 million. Right: François Girardon, Louis XIV on Horseback, Paris, circa 1690-1699. Estimate: £7-10 million. A grand and magisterial masterpiece of design and finish, by the finest sculptor of the age, Louis XIV on Horseback reflects the power of the Sun King at the height of his reign. The present work is a unique reduction of the original monument, with the King’s hand raised, holding a baton. It is the only example in private hands, with the three other surviving reductions having entered the British Royal Collection (Windsor Castle, London), Russian Royal Collection (now Hermitage, St Petersburg), and French Royal Collection (now Louvre, Paris). Commissioned for the newly created Place Louis-le-Grand (now Place Vendôme), the monument was a symbol of royal power and absolute authority until it was destroyed in the Revolution. Dynamic and timeless, Hercules Overcoming Acheloüs by Ferdinando Tacca represents a high point of Florentine seventeenth century bronze casting. The only example in private hands, Hercules is depicted in a ferocious battle against the god Acheloüs, who is transformed into a bull. A superb feat of compositional bravado, technical brilliance and overpowering force, it was given by Louis XIV of France to his son in 1681. The present bronze remained in the French Royal Collection until the Revolution. The only other known cast of Hercules Overcoming Acheloüs is in the Wallace Collection, London. Scholar Jeremy Warren has noted that the present cast is a technical advancement on the Wallace cast; the finishing is of a higher quality and the composition is more harmonious.
Biohazards need to be eliminated, cleaned, decontaminated, transported and correctly gotten rid of to make sure the health and safety of all involved. Biohazards consist of germs and viruses that pose health dangers to family, pals or workers who may come in contact with biohazards. Blood-borne illness, bacteria, and infections found in blood and other physical fluids can live outside the body for days and in some cases weeks. HIV & Hepatitis are the most frequently known risks that can be contracted from biohazards. When a distressing accident, suicide, crime, death occurs in Bedrock or you have biohazards on your house it must be cleaned and decontaminated properly. In the house, in the work environment, and even in a vehicle, boat or plane, protecting yourself and others from exposure to biohazards and blood-borne pathogens ought to be your primary concern and concern. When blood does not get cleaned appropriately the biomaterial starts to break down, a strong odor originates and flies are attracted to the scene that spread contaminates to other locations that should likewise be found and cleaned up. We will examine the residential or commercial property and identify all locations that have actually been exposed to biohazards and get rid of, decontaminate, and clean up everything to alleviate the health danger. Can My Staff Member Cleanup Biohazards In Bedrock 81411? Companies must follow strict guidelines which mandates that workers have appropriate and detailed training before they are placed in a position to clean up or handle any incident that could expose. We sanitize, clean and eliminate all biohazards that exist. Cleanup is required from top to bottom; ceiling, walls, furniture, individual items as well as light fixtures. Each tiny spot and square inch in a space that is exposed to biohazards is thought about a possible source of infection and should be correctly decontaminated and cleaned. There is more than exactly what fulfills the eye and our service technicians are trained to recognize, tidy and decontaminate the tiniest droplets of biohazard material. A thumbnail spot on the floor or carpet might suggest a two-foot size bloodstain on the sub flooring under it or on the floorboard. A tiny droplet of blood on the top of a dresser drawer or counter top is an indicator of more blood inside the drawer or beneath the handle. With time biohazards begin to trigger a smell and should be found, decontaminated and cleaned up to be sure that the environment is safe, safe and secure and ready for use. Each and every cleanup is unique and positions different challenges. In a lot of hoarded homes we find biohazards and conditions that pose a biological concern that must be dealt with so nobody gets ill. We are a Biohazard business that specializes in Hoarding removal when there is a lot of particles, which in many cases includes biohazards. When residents of a house can not freely move about the house, need to climb up over debris to get from one room to another, or are unable to use the bathroom, bathe, or safety store and cook food in the kitchen it positions a substantial threat to their health and safety. We frequently get calls from a member of the family or pal of somebody who has actually fallen or became ill due to the excess debris in the home. Extreme hoarding is also a fire threat and a risk to the citizen and their neighbors. We securely navigate risks such as rodent feces, human waste, bed bugs, fleas, animals, mold, asbestos, and years of dirt and dust hidden underneath, in or behind the debris. Rodents and their droppings present the risk of Hantavirus, a breathing disease that can be fatal if not resolved properly. Exactly What Do Forensic Crime Scene & Hazmat Cleaners In Bedrock 81411 Do? Our focus as forensic and aftermath cleaners is to clean up biohazards such as blood, bodily fluids and the polluted environments at a criminal activity scene, or other trauma scene. An enormously hazardous job for those who don’t have the training, protective equipment and specific devices to deal with biohazard material. We utilize our in-depth knowledge to completely clean-up a trauma scene with careful attention to detail and large experience in addition to the legal licenses needed to get rid of any biohazards. When we’re done, you can be positive the location is thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and safe to utilize. Many people dealing with a scenario that requires forensic cleaning and remediation don’t recognize exactly what it takes to completely clean and restore a location where there has been a distressing event. When we become aware of your specific scenario, we will discuss to you what our procedure would be to effectuate an appropriate clean-up for your particular situation. With our detailed understanding and wealth of experience, we ensure the location is without biohazards and safe to use offering you a new beginning and comfort. Providing Forensic Cleaning up service across all Colorado has a group of specialist forensic cleaning technicians offered 24/7 to assist in the remediation and restoration of your house. Our professionals are passionate about enhancing the biohazard remediation industry requirements and providing a rapid and inclusive service to all regions in full. Our professionals are the market leaders in forensic cleaning, providing blood and injury clean ups, death and suicide cleaning, sewage leakage remediation, meth laboratory decontamination and biohazard removal. Using ingenious biohazard cleaning procedures paired with advanced equipment, we provide our clients with a superior service by the application of tried and tested, job-specific removal procedures for a prompt, trustworthy and successful biohazard removal and forensic cleaning company. When it concerns biohazard remediation services, we are committed to using our technicians with ongoing training, affording our customers with a service where security and professionalism is second to none. We use discreetly marked automobiles to keep privacy and will document the work we carry out in an in-depth report supplied at the completion of each and every job for your insurance company. We value the nature of our job is often an outcome of a highly stressful and terrible period, and use a sympathetic and caring service, maintaining our respectable standard of service by using guidance and support through these trying times. Our company believe our customers should have the highest quality of service offered with and respect. By choosing us, we will offer you with the assurance that trained and qualified removal technicians are performing our service.
Educator evaluation results can be used to create and support a system of professional growth and support for teachers. This DVD contains all materials needed—including agendas, PowerPoint slides, facilitator’s notes, and handout—to conduct professional development sessions on this topic. A collaborative effort between the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders and Doing What Works, the module is based on the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality’s Practical Guide for Designing Comprehensive Teacher Evaluation Systems, developed to help structure and guide the design of a comprehensive, effective teacher evaluation system with eight key components. This module focuses on Essential Component 7: Using Teacher Evaluation Results. Session I provides an overview of the connection between educator evaluation and professional learning, and reviews how selection of evaluation measures can impact data quality and utility. Session II focuses on providing feedback to teachers, encouraging teachers’ self-reflection, recognizing and motivating teachers, and identifying professional learning goals. Session III discusses key considerations in planning professional learning opportunities, and the importance of aligning teacher evaluation results, standards for teaching and learning, and job-embedded teacher professional learning.
The timer was started as soon as it touched the hotplate. This is why salt is sprinkled over icy pavement or wet roads in winter. Add the measured salt to the boiling water and stir. Written by on August 25, 2015. Another way of putting the answer is to say that if the solute stays in the liquid, there is less room for it to find various different states as the liquid boils away. Does the quantity of salt added effect the boiling point? The thermometer was held in the water, not being allowed to touch the bottom of the saucepan. When it was 18 minutes, bigger bubbles appeared and in 20 minutes the boiling point starts. So you lose a little more energy. Then, measure out one tablespoon of salt. Once it started boiling the temperature was taken and it was 102 degrees Celsius. It increases the temperature at which the water boils, which then supposedly cooks the pasta more quickly. In order to reduce error, so I used three trials. First, Ethanol and 2-Propanol were distilled. It is also not flammable and is potentially explosive around other specific substances. This is the control to compare with. In his experiment Bradley showed that it took longer to boil water with…. And yes, adding salt to water changes things. First, compare H 2O to other similar liquids. Does Adding Salt to Water Make It Boil Sooner? In this experiment, we will only looking for their melting point and boiling point on the effects of the chemical structures. If you are in that much of a hurry, you should run with your pasta to the dining table, not walk. People discovered salt around 900 B. As soon as any of the salt dissolves in the water, the boiling point of the water will begin to rise by about one half degree Celsius for every 58 grams of salt dissolved per kilogram of water Yahoo! Boil 200ml of distilled water on a beaker. This will be the process for each trial. The buoyant force of salt water can be demonstrated in the classroom using tap water to which table salt has been added. As the temperature increases, so will the rate of enzyme reaction. However, the magnitude of the freezing point depression is larger than the boiling point elevation for the same solvent and the same concentration of a solute. The melting point of fumaric acid is between 278-286°C which is higher than Maleic acid with 122. Replication By following this plan and report, you can replicate this experiment. When testing this experiment we found that 25g of salt would change the solution of 1l of water. Pour it into the boiling water and stir it well. Now water is a very common, but very unusual, liquid. Literature Review If you heat up two pots of water one with tap water and one with tap water and 20 percent salt water, the pot with the salt water will boil before the pot without salt water. The reason why the boiling point rises when solute is added to a solvent has to do with vapor pressure. In the same manner, on heating a liquid its temperature rises gradually till a stage comes when the temperature does not rise further and the liquid starts boiling. However, vapor pressure and the external pressure vary slightly so the boiling point temperature will vary slightly as. When you add heat to water, you turn the liquid water into steam. This salt may be found in the Dead Sea of Jerusalem. Name: Professor: Course: Date: The Impact of Salt and Exercise on Blood Pressure Abstract High blood pressure has been a major health concern over the years because it is a major contributor to heart related diseases and conditions a major cause of death in populations today and in the past. The boiling point is raised by 0. If you have high blood pressure, you can always benefits from decreasing your salt intake. This is true for something like salt, which elevates the boiling temperature of water in a process known as boiling point elevation. Measure the temperature of the water once it gets to a boil. This gave the molality of our solution which turned out to be. The sodium chloride, as the researcher has mentioned before, will increase the boiling point because the ions disperse and blend with the water molecules to quickly increase the boiling point. Well, all the pro-salters are out of luck. The intermediate had a percent recovery of 16%. The liquid and vapor reach a state of dynamic equilibrium: liquid molecules evaporate and vapor molecules condense at the same rate. Again, it was repeated, but with 30 grams of salt. Metal electrodes can be fashioned from metal nails that are long enough to extend past the water line of the solution. If you wait until the water is boiling, then add salt, then boil again, the water is spending a little more time near boiling than it would if you add the salt first. Experimental Design as a Key Factor How you design your experiment is key to helping you keep your results reliable and valid. Unfortunately, the cost of the technology to convert the saltwater will cost far the government huge allocations. A nonvolatile solute has a vapor pressure of zero, so the vapor pressure of the solution is less than the vapor pressure of the solvent. Each organic compound has many chemical and physical properties associated with its structure. Furthermore, the cryoscopic constant that determines freezing-point depression is larger than the ebullioscopic constant, and since the freezing point is often easier to measure with precision, it is more common to use. It should have risen to around 215 degrees F, although again, it may vary slightly. Going up un 15g gave us and idea of how much it changes per 15g.
Last week we had the honor to join the 38th Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Berlin and to learn from one of the biggest leaders in tackling the climate change: Mr. Al Gore. Three questions were asked: “Must we Change? Can we change? Will we change?” All the inspiration, new knowledge and over 600 likeminded people led us to believe that there is a real hope for our beautiful planet Earth. Berlin was not the first encounter with Mr. Gore though. Last year, we attended the biggest tech conference in the world – Web Summit in Lisbon, where Mr. Gore gave the closing speech urging the tech community to embrace the business opportunities in solving the climate crisis. Listening to his speech, we knew something incredibly important is about to happen soon. His words “My purpose here is to recruit you to be a part of the solution to the climate crisis” resonated deeply and we took the decision! It led us to leaving the corporate world and setting up our advisory firm MissionC, with the goal to accelerate the transition to circular economy and sustainable future. Seeing Mr. Al Gore in Berlin last week again was a very special moment and we couldn’t wait to get trained, inspired and connected with the community working on the same goal. Yes! We are now spewing 110 million tons of manmade global warming pollution into the thin shell of our atmosphere every 24 hours. The sources of pollution are diverse: industrial processes, agriculture, mining, transportation, thawing permafrost and others, with the largest source being the burning of fossil fuels. 93% of the heat is absorbed by the ocean, disturbing its natural cycles. Increased temperatures cause the ice sheets to melt, leading to rising sea levels which puts many large inhabited areas especially in South-East Asia at the risk of floods. Increased temperatures lead to more unpredictable weather patterns resulting in climate catastrophes such as hurricanes, water bombs, fires and draughts – displacing many people, disrupting food supplies and destroying the livelihoods and ecosystems. This is making many places uninhabitable, often resulting in migration. Sahel area and Syria are a proof. Globally, floods and extreme rainfall events now occur four times more often than in 1980. 17 out of the 18 hottest years on record have occurred since the year 2001. YES, WE MUST CHANGE! Yes again. We have the solutions at hand. Technology and innovations are already available. Globally, wind could supply worldwide electricity consumption 40 times over. And enough solar energy reaches Earth every hour to fill all the world’s energy for a full year. Cars running on renewable energy are becoming more effective and available and there is a constant development ongoing with many established manufacturers and newcomers joining the trend. Since December 2015 COP21 United nations conference all the UN countries have agreed to limit global warming by setting a temperature cap of 2 degrees Celsius change above pre-industrial levels, with an aim for a 1.5 degrees Celsius change. Big countries like China and India are both on track to overachieve their ‘Paris commitments’. Over 130 global companies such as Apple, IKEA, AkzoNobel, HP, Unilever, Google, Philips and Morgan Stanley have made by now a commitment to go 100% renewable with Lego already reaching its goal. YES, WE CAN CHANGE! This answer is up to each and every one of us. We decide with every single decision we make in our personal and business life. There is a clear urgency. There are solutions for moving forward: continue decarbonization, invest into the transition to circular economy and renewable energy which both increase the number of jobs and improve lives while sustaining the environment. We have to become conscious consumers changing certain old ways we are used to, great start being: shared car travels, leasing solar panels for our roofs, refusing disposables such as plastic straws and bags, saying no to fast fashion, carrying reusable bottles, eating less meat … the options are limitless. As Mr. Gore said, we now have the mandate to make the decision that will forever influence the world we live in and we will be judged by the future generations. But there was so much more than one great leader on the stage: we had a valuable support of many experienced mentors and inspiring climate leaders from all over the world. Most importantly, everybody can have influence – we all are leaders in making. To walk the talk the whole event was organized as a Green event – climate neutral with a minimum waste created. Just to mention a few, all of us were requested to bring our own reusable mugs and bottles, catering was 100% vegetarian with vegan options available, served using reusable dishes and cutlery, waste was separated, fresh water always tapped and all our travel emissions were carbon neutralized. Yes – even for the airplane travels! At the end of the training, we were awarded certificates and a green circle pin as a symbol of our commitment to help spread the reality of the climate crisis. We will proudly wear it to take a stand for action. From Lisbon to Berlin back to Amsterdam: that’s our journey. We are keen to be a part of the solution of the climate crisis and help others to do the same. We see a Conscious world where people and organizations thrive. Where businesses prosper while creating positive value for the planet. Where individuals take responsibility for their actions, understanding their impact. What do you believe in? What action will you take?
One of the fringe benefits of a heavy snowfall is that because the ground is continually covered, I can literally track the variety of animals that live in our neighborhood. Most of them I am already aware of—we see deer, squirrels and birds on a daily basis—but when they leave their footprints in the snow, I can get a clear picture of their movements. For instance, earlier in the winter I observed a set of tracks leading up to our potted hibiscus plant, now leafless, and then continuing off into the woods beyond our yard. When I went down to inspect the tracks more closely, I was able to confirm that yes, deer had in fact munched the tender ends of the exposed hibiscus branches. Similarly, the ground around the birdfeeder is littered with bird, squirrel and chipmunk prints along with the discarded shells of sunflower seed (birds can be messy eaters). Last year, a flock of wild turkeys added their tracks to the clutter (and they are even less tidy). But otherwise unbeknownst to me, many of these critters come very close to the house. The floor of our back porch (a semi-enclosed space) has been scattered with dainty bird tracks in what looks like the aftermath of an avian dance party. Of course, the tracks alone cannot provide a definitive record of the number of birds involved or when they occurred; for all I know, the tracks were produced by one crazed nuthatch. I’ve been a lot more interested in tracks left by larger animals that I have found on all sides of the house. They may have been left by local dogs (one of our neighbors cannot seem to keep their spaniels from getting loose) or cats (there are plenty of feral cats around). But there is a beautiful red fox in the area and I have seen (and heard) coyotes as well. Mountain lions have also been reported near here. Whoever it is, what are they looking for? Unlike the case of the deer and the hibiscus, there is no obvious answer and I will probably never find out.
Definition: I flay, flog, scourge, beat. 1. to flay, skin: Homer, Iliad 1, 459; 23, 167, etc. 2. to beat, throb, smite (cf. German durchgerben (low English hide)), so sometimes in secular authors from Aristophanes ran. 619 (cf. vesp. 485) down: τινα, Matthew 21:35; Mark 12:3, 5; Luke 20:10; Luke 22:63; John 18:23; Acts 5:40; Acts 16:37; Acts 22:19; εἰς πρόσωπον δέρειν τινα, 2 Corinthians 11:20; ἀέρα δέρειν (see ἀήρ), 1 Corinthians 9:26; passive: Mark 13:9; Luke 12:47 (δαρήσεται πολλάς, namely, πληγάς, will be beaten with many stripes); Luke 12:48 (ὀλίγας, cf. Xenophon, an. 5, 8, 12 παίειν ὀλίγας, Sophocles El. 1415 παίειν διπλην, Aristophanes nub. 968 (972) τύπτεσθαι πολλάς, Plato, legg. 8, p. 845 a. μαστιγουσθαι πληγάς; cf. (Winers Grammar, 589 (548)); Buttmann, (82 (72)); § 134, 6). A primary verb; properly, to flay, i.e. (by implication) to scourge, or (by analogy) to thrash -- beat, smite. NAS: of a flogging, will receive but few. KJV: mocked him, and smote [him]. NAS: rightly, why do you strike Me? KJV: well, why smitest thou me?
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to be Jeremiah? Just about the time you think you can share what some might call “a positive word” you are moved to speak prophetically to the immediate and pressing condition of the people with a word so radical that it makes everyone’s ears tingle. Like a Trauma Surgeon working on a gunshot victim, there are a series of priorities that have to be dealt with before addressing the patient’s minor aches and pains. Such was the case with Jeremiah. He was dealing with people who seemed to have one foot already in hell. I have to ask that if you knew that your neighbors, family, and friends were only 40 years from death and judgment, what kind of message would you expect God to lead you to preach to them? Common sense says that the message would need to match the situation and the people. The illustrations and messages of Jeremiah were extreme because his situation was extreme. He compares the peoples’ adultery to that of wild horses assembling themselves by troops in harlots houses. In modern times we might say they were hitting the club scene, getting drunk, and hitting on each other’s wives and possibly hooking up with them. Talk about an invitation for judgment. Adultery was a capital offense under the Old Covenant. Understand that “neighing after each others’ wives” was how the men expressed their rebellion against God. We learn this from King David’s confession when he had sinned with Bathsheba (Psalm 51:4). Going after your neighbor’s wife is a frontal assault against God himself and profanes His holy name (Amos 2:7). It makes a mockery of His word and has the potential to destroy churches, marriages, and everything that God is doing in His peoples’ lives. Nothing could be more dangerous to God’s people than having this going on among leaders. The prophet is speaking to the “great men” according to Jeremiah 5:5 and may be addressing similar issues Ezekiel dealt with among the seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel (Ezekiel 8:7-11). The seventy elders behavior caused God to forsake His Holy Temple and city. In modern times we would call these men leaders. In both Jeremiah and Ezekiel, we have Idolatry and harlotry being challenged. Contextually, Judah, as a nation, was closing in on a horrible judgment. After centuries of sending prophets to call the people back to the covenant, God was preparing to follow through with the warning He gave in Leviticus 26:14-35. He had done everything He could to effect repentance and nothing had worked. One of the most fearful verses in all the Bible was about to come to pass. The people hardened themselves and rebelled against God until they were about to be cut off until there was no remedy (2 Chron. 36:16). In modern times, there is a false view that God no longer judges sin as He did under the Old Covenant. Yet we have Paul’s own words regarding these type of historical events, “Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.” (1 Corinthians 10:11 ESV) This leaves a question, what type of behaviors did God point out was the cause of Israel being destroyed and the people forced into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar? Do these type of behaviors go on today? The people were guilty of two primary things: entertaining the demonic through idolatry and giving themselves to unbridled lust. No matter how strongly God dealt with them, they would not repent. Can you imagine the confusion that existed in their lives? The demonic oppression? They had entertained so much rebellion that their homes must have felt like insane asylums. Their lives were spinning out of control and yet they still refused to repent and turn to God. The problem exists today as it did then. The first step some people need to take in ending the Satanic grip dominating their homes is to utterly renounce their fascination with darkness and the demonic (false gods). Old time preachers used to refer to people who reject God as either “living in rebellion” or “running from God.” God cannot and will not forgive people who are in full rebellion against Him. In fact, the people of Judah didn’t seem to want to be forgiven, they just wanted God to overlook their sin and not bring judgment — which is different from forgiveness. Forgiveness implies the restoration of their relationship with Him. They didn’t want that. People living in sin usually just want to be left alone. They had no intention of repenting and God knew this. If the Old Testament teaches us anything its that continuing in rebellion is extremely dangerous. There are countless people who died and went out into eternity living in rebellion. Some died in the very act of rebelling itself. When we switch to the New Covenant we have warnings in Romans of God turning people over to a reprobate mind. This is a rejected mind that refuses to acknowledge that sin is sin. The longer a person rebels the more deceived they become. In time they become almost unreachable. If a person feels God tugging at their heart to turn and repent they need to do it immediately. If God spared not the Israelites who sinned, the people of Sodom who sinned, and the angels who sinned, what makes a person think He will overlook their rebellion and sin? Does God pardon every sin? That depends. Certainly, God will forgive every sin that we are willing to confess and turn from. But what happens when people refuse to acknowledge that what they are doing is, in fact, a sin? What happens when people have normalized the sin of idolatry and adultery? These were the two primary sins God was confronting in Israel and is still confronting today. What happens when God describes the leaders’ behavior as “They were like well-fed lusty stallions; Every one neighed after his neighbor’s wife”? Could people actually believe that it’s OK to “neigh” after their neighbor’s wife? They did then and they do today. What happened? A pattern developed. The leaders had run roughshod over the messages of the prophets. They had been stricken but did not grieve. They were consumed but refused to receive correction. They made their faces harder than rocks. They refused to repent. The narrative reads almost like an obstinate child who is spoiled rotten and will not endure chastening. What a fearful and dangerous place to be. Such behavior will eventually leave God with no choice but to bring judgment.
In The Zero Marginal Cost Society, Jeremy Rifkin describes how the emerging Internet of Things is speeding us to an era of nearly free goods and services, precipitating the meteoric rise of a global Collaborative Commons and the eclipse of capitalism. Hear Jeremy speak about the potential for millions of people producing and sharing physical goods and services with each other, and how a focus on shareable value and access over ownership might improve, hinder and/or otherwise impact waste prevention efforts, and more fundamental shifts toward a circular economy. Shifting from a linear to a circular economy. How is design innovation advancing this global shift? From 3-D printing, to reducing global transportation, designing for durability, and the emerging internet of things, speakers will explore what innovation is needed, how to catalyze the right innovation, and also what might be the inadvertent impacts resulting from innovation. A significant volume of plastic is recovered and recycled every year – but the vast majority still remains in the garbage, or becomes litter in our communities and a toxic health hazard in our waterways. How can we re-design our systems to avoid creating excess materials in the first place? How do we best harness this material from a waste and business perspective, including increasing its recovery and recyclability? What innovations in material design are taking place? What are the benefits, limitations and implications of using bioplastics, and how compostable are they? What options exist to address the management of non-recyclable and non-compostable plastic packaging materials? Armchair discussion with LEGO and Philips. Learn how global companies are catalyzing a shift toward a circular economy. What is driving these pioneers? What obstacles have they encountered? What trends are shaping the marketplace? Where are the opportunities, and how can businesses – large and small – embrace this shift? Textiles recycling and reuse efforts are scaling up globally but so too are upstream efforts to reduce the environmental impact of textiles in its design, manufacture and sale. Who is working together to advance waste prevention in this industry, and how? What upstream changes will reduce the impact of textiles on the waste stream? From toxins, to durability, longevity, and scaled up re-use and recycling – hear how this industry is evolving with waste prevention and circularity in mind.
Several unique buildings, the museum of poet José María Gabriel y Galán home; St. Andrew's Church of the sixteenth century, Chapel of Santa Ana fifteenth century chapel of Christ Blessed sixteenth century. Wells and balconies masonry. In the tables and magnificent views Zurramandana arrived at the source with laundry wearing old women in three phases: softened soaped and rinsed. Quiet ride down to the river and lake Alagón Guijo de Granadilla. Sources of Santa Maria and Salgaero lakeside Gabriel y Galán. Al Alagon River Promenade and Ambroz or Cáparra river to the Roman city of Caparra through the Roman road Via de la Plata. You can play the pediment of the municipal sports complex. A 3 km. SPAs, Special Protection Area. A 5 km. International Center for Sports Innovation in the natural environment and water. Canoeing, windsurf sail, rocodromo, cycling. A 24 km. Historical Site of Granadilla, founded in the ninth century by Muslims to control its extensive grounds, Today bathed by the waters of Lake Gabriel y Galán. It was abandoned after the construction of Gabriel y Galán in 1965. It has been restored and retains a magnificent stately tower, wall, rehabilitated buildings and a Gothic church. A 27 km. Famous for its cherry trees with the annual Cherry Blossom festival and the variety of pools and gorges like the Gorge of Hell to 63 Km. A 33 km. Thermal spas since Roman times in the Via de la Plata. A 30 km. Founded in the century by the Templars . The Jewish quarter of Hervas is declared a Historic Artistic. It has an interesting museum of the bike and classic car. A 30 km. Historic-Artistic medieval. Founded in the twelfth century. A 16 km. Region noted for its farmhouses, natural pools and be wings foothills of the Sierra de France with streams, forests, fountains and picnic. A 45 km. Historic-Artistic in several towns of the region: Mogarraz,San Martín del Castañar, Sequeros, Monleón, Miranda Castañar and La Alberca. A 40 km. Each village is a jewel of rural architecture with very different accents, from high solitude of Trevejo, urbanity Stone, Madrera and squares of San Martín de Gata or the flowery streets and stately Hoyos, even the most unique and picturesque architecture of Robledillo de Gata. These are the five municipalities named Cultural Interest with category of Historical Site. A 52 km. The park is crossed by the Tajo river and the Tietê River. Is famous Salto del Gitano, rocky with numerous nests of vultures and its viewpoint over the Tagus. It is located between Plasencia and Trujillo. A 112 km is one of the most charming towns of Extremadura and cultural tourism objective of the first magnitude. Its old town seems to have retained with little variation for centuries. A 105 km in the Via de la Plata is a World Heritage Site and a beautiful example of the greatness of exremeño Manor. A 120 km in the Via de la Plata is a World Heritage Site is a combination of Salmantino lordship and the University of Salamanca founded in the thirteenth century is the oldest in Spain and fourth in Europe. A 55 km. Jarandilla de Vera a, Aldeanueva de la Vera, Garganta la Olla and Yuste Monastery where he died retired Emperor Charles V. Crowd of gorges and pools at the southern foot of the Sierra de Gredos. A 50 km. is one of those people who has everything: cathedral, castle, walls, palaces, convention, churches and bridges. And many corners that include the handful of most monumental towns of Cáceres. A 50 km. Candelario is a mountain village with wide cured meats and buildings very characteristic, with large wooden balconies and the famous batipuertas. It is surrounded by spectacular forests of oak and chestnut, with the higher elevations 2000 m. high. Something about us and our land. The Garden Poet, rural accommodation, has three studios and two bedroom apartment with garden, indoor pool from April to October, wifi and magnificent views of the meadows and mountains of northern Cáceres. A 3 km lake Gabriel y Galán. Surrounded by gardens and pastureland in Guijo de Granadilla, a 28 km of Plasencia. The best,? landscape and tranquility. Ideal for relaxing, off and visit the many places Historic Areas of Cáceres and Salamanca. South of the Central System, overlooking Peña de Francia and Sierra de Bejar. In the valley of the river Alagón, lakeside Gabriel y Galán, very close to Cáparra, Roman ruins of a big city, witness to the importance of this land since ancient cross on the Via de la Plata route outstanding art-historical art and civilization legacy in its wake were created, raising cities like Cáparra, Roman baths in Baños de Montemayor, Roman bridge and arch Cáparra, strengths and Granadilla, would enhance the cultural wealth of the area. The Poet's Garden Apartments are located in Guijo de Granadilla midway between two cities Heritage, Cáceres and Salamanca. Among Hervás and Plasencia 30 Km of both.
John Dorney looks at rival Catholic accounts of the 1641 rebellion. The Irish insurrection of 1641-42 began with an abortive plot by Ulster Catholic gentry to seize Dublin Castle in October 1641 and ended with the formation of the Catholic Confederation and the creation of regular military units, commanded by Irish émigré officers, in the summer of 1642. At that point, the conflict assumed the dimensions of regular war rather than a popular rebellion. By mid 1642, the Catholics seemed to be in the ascendant, with their own armies, their own government in Kilkenny and their Protestant enemies in Ireland and England divided by civil war. But the Confederate Catholic cause was to be riven with division throughout the 1640s; over whether their primary loyalty was to the King Charles I, or to the Catholic religion. So bitter were these divisions that, by 1648, they were fighting each other. The Confederate Catholic cause was riven with division over whether their primary loyalty was to the King Charles I, or to the Catholic religion. So bitter that, by 1648, they were fighting each other. The split, over what terms the Confederates should sign a Treaty with the King and his Irish representative, the Earl of Ormonde, reflected deep divisions within Catholic Ireland. On the side of compromise with the Royalists in England were the wealthy, the landed and the Old English of the Pale. On the side of holding out for a self-ruled Irish state with Catholic religious dominance were many of the Gaelic Irish, particularly from Ulster and landless gentry. After the war ended in disastrous defeat for both Royalists and Catholics with Cromwell’s invasion of the 1650s, both Confederate Catholic factions, sought to blame each other for their defeat. This piece looks at two rival Catholic accounts of this time; Richard Bellings’ History of the Confederation and War in Ireland, (written circa 1670) and The Aphorismicall Discovery of Treasonable Faction (written by an anonymous author, signed only as ‘PS’ at some time between 1652 and 1659). Comparing their accounts of the rebellion helps us construct a picture of the confused and chaotic conditions that followed the outbreak of the rebellion. It can also trace the competing motivations, loyalties and objectives that divided the Confederates into antagonistic factions. Contrasting how Bellings (of the pro-Royalist or Omondist party) and the anonymous author (a militant anti-Ormondist) portrayed the origins of the war goes some way towards explaining the Confederate’s fatal disunity. Richard Bellings was an Old English Pale gentleman, born in 1613. His grandfather, (also named Richard Bellings) was Solicitor General for Ireland from 1574-1584, and was granted extensive lands by the Crown at Mullhuddart near Dublin in 1600. His father, Henry Bellings, served as Provost Marshal, and as High Sheriff of Wicklow County, where he campaigned in the Nine Years War against the O’Byrne clan. Richard Bellings himself was trained as a lawyer at Lincoln’s Inn, London, and afterwards served in the Irish Parliament . Little wonder, then, that he resented the Protestant New English monopoly on, “places of honour , profit and trust” in the Irish government, that he, as a Catholic, was barred from. Richard Bellings author of The Confederation and War in Ireland was an Old English Palesman from north County Dublin. Little wonder also, given his family’s impeccably loyalist credentials, that he had little time for the initial (Ulster Irish) rebellion. Or, given his social standing, that he detested what modern historians call the “social rebellion” but he refers to as, “the violent fury of a rude and desperate multitude”. Bellings married Viscount Mountgarrett’s daughter, and was therefore related to the Ormonde dynasty and privy to the thinking of “Ormondist” nobles such as Ormonde himself, Mountgarrett and Muskerry in a way that the anonymous author was not. Furthermore, in his capacity as secretary of the Supreme Council, he was also familiar with nobles like Earl Clanricarde and James Dillon, whose thoughts and actions during 1641-42 he recounts extensively. Finally, Bellings’ account was written in the 1670s, from the perspective of a sound royalist, whose property had been recovered after the Restoration of the monarchy. His bias therefore, is to present the rebellion as a tragic accident caused by the King’s untrustworthy ministers, and which was joined only reluctantly, and under extreme provocation, by him and his associates in the “peace party”. The anonymous author of The Aphorismicall Discovery of Treasonable Faction was most likely a Catholic of Gaelic Irish origin. Since he remained anonymous, we know little for certain about the background of the author of the Aphorismicall Discovery. Clearly he was an educated man – he occasionally throws in quotes from classical antiquity to prove it. He claimed to hold the Old English and Old Irish in equal affection but he was almost certainly a Gaelic Irishman. There are several indications of this. Firstly, his brief synopsis of Irish history glorifies the resistance of the Old Irish to the English conquest (claiming that Ireland was conquered by trickery rather than force of arms) and their role as more consistent fighters on behalf of Catholicism. We can also infer this by his wholehearted approval of the rebellion, including the attacks on the New English colonists whom he calls, “English Protestant Undertakers”. However, the wars of the mid-seventeenth century occurred at a time when Irish identity was shifting from being defined by language and ethnic origin (Gael against Gall) to one defined primarily by belonging to the Catholic religion. The anonymous author considered Royalist Old Englishmen such as Ormonde and Clanricarde to be sufficiently Irish to be traitors rather than simple enemies. Moreover, his examples of heroic Irish Catholics include Gaelicised Old Englishmen such as Garrett McWilliam Fitzgerald –who he tells us was, “an excellent scholar in both Latin, English and Irish” – and even Elizabethan Catholic settlers like Oliver Stephenson, whose, “only commotion was for religion” . He was probably a gentleman – and derisively terms Parliamentarians, and the New English in general, as, “base and mechanical fellows”, i.e. of low un-aristocratic origin. His account was written in the years between 1652 and 1659, after the total defeat of the Confederate and Royalist forces in Ireland. His primary aim is apportion blame for this defeat, which he attributes, as his title suggests, to the treachery of the peace party. His accusation is that, under the direction of Ormonde (the “prime factioner”) certain, mostly Old English, people deliberately sabotaged the Confederate war effort. In his account of 1641-42, he tries to show how this conspiracy was present right from the outbreak of the rebellion, on the part of Ormonde’s kin and dependants, and faint-hearted Old Englishmen such as General Barry or Castlehaven. A secondary aim of the account is show that there was no distinction to be made between the Confederate and Royalist parties in Ireland. The war, for him, was against the Roundheads, Puritans and (New) English, between whom he does not make fine distinctions. Phelim O’Neill, who launched the rebellion. Despite their different perspectives, both men agreed that Ireland, in 1641, was a prosperous place, and had become so as a result of the 40 years of peace since the end of the Nine Years War (1594-1603). The anonymous author goes so far as to say that, “Ireland… stood in fairer terms of happiness and prosperitie than ever it had done these five hundred years, she had enjoyed the sweet fruits of a long peace, full of people and riches”. Bellings, for his part emphasises the modernisation of the Irish economy, with “much improved” farms and the development of manufacturing, trade and fishing. Also, as might be expected of a lawyer, he approvingly comments that Ireland was governed by the Common Law of England (regulated by a, “free parliament”), and its people, “derived from laws an assurance of being protected as free subjects”. Both Catholic authors explain their co-religionists’ grievances but only the anonymous author also complains that ‘Ireland was commanded by foreigners’. On the long term causes of the war, the anonymous author says that Ireland was, “commanded by foreigners, and the majesty of religion eclipsed” . He cites Poynings law of 1494 (which subordinated the Irish Parliament to the English one) as the most objectionable feature of this situation. Bellings details two major grievances that, “disquieted the nation” in the years leading up to the rebellion. The first of these was, “the very vigorous acts… against the Catholic religion” dating from the Elizabethan period. Although these were, as yet, not strictly enforced, their presence in the law both antagonised the Catholics and frightened them with the prospect of full-scale repression in the future. The second major grievance was plantations. This refers not to the large plantations already undertaken in Ulster and Munster, but to the constant questioning of existing land titles by government ministers. In particular, Bellings objects to the aggressive search for 200-300 year old royal titles, and the intimidation of juries to find in favour of confiscation. Although only a quarter of an estate could be confiscated in this way, the ministers responsible tended to confiscate the most valuable quarter and any estate under 100 acres was confiscated in full. Bellings also states that the Old English community were now, “less free than before”. He implies that this had resulted from the ban on Catholics holding, “places of honour profit and trust” (i.e. public office). On the grievances of the initial (Ulster) plotters, Bellings records; fear of an invading Scottish or Parliamentary army, fear of the English Parliament enforcing the Penal laws in full and resentment of the Ulster plantation, which had seized lands independent of Earls Tyrone and Tyrconnell and which did not allow native Irish to purchase or lease the lands in question. Both authors blame the outbreak of the war in 1641 as a defensive Catholic reaction to the rise of intolerant radical Protestantism in England and Scotland. Despite outlining these sources of discontent, Bellings still argues that war could have been avoided in all three kingdoms had it not been for the malign influence of men who, “thought of changing their master” and ultimately, “inflamed the nation to their own destruction”. Both authors argue that Ireland was destabilised by the politics of England. Interestingly, both Bellings and the anonymous author ascribe to the English Parliament, that their objective, right from the outset, was to, “disenthrone royalty” and, “upon the pretext of patronising the rights and liberties of the nation… to change the government”. To destroy the monarchy in other words – a fact that was far from clear on the ground in Engalnd in 1642. They were also agreed on its intentions with regard to Ireland, which were, “the destruction of both the Catholic religion, monarchy and the Irish nation” according to the anonymous author, and, “the extirpation of Popery out of Ireland” according to Bellings. Essentially, both saw the rebellion in Ireland as a defensive reaction to the Parliament’s threat to both the King and Irish Catholics. The two mens’ accounts of the events that marked the outbreak of the rebellion do not differ very much. Both of them agree that the initial plot was to take Dublin Castle by stealth and having taken over the state in Ireland, to dictate their own terms to the English Parliament. Meanwhile, the northern lords were to take several towns and forts in their vicinity. The anonymous author alleges that Ormonde and James Dillon of Westmeath were in on the plot but lost their nerve when the conspirators were caught. Bellings, who was probably in Dublin during the attempted coup, and who later had the opportunity to talk to some of the main protagonists, gives a far more detailed account. He records how MacMahon and Maguire, having drunkenly revealed the plot to Protestant kinsmen, were betrayed to the authorities and arrested. What was more, through the exaggerated tales of O’Connelly (the main informer) or MacMahon when in custody, the Lords Justices were led to believe that the plot involved a nation-wide insurrection and a general massacre of English and Protestant inhabitants. Bellings portrays the initial rebellion as a mad plot, the anonymous author as a justified taking up of arms. This impression may have been the reason behind the State of Dublin’s heavy handed repression of the Catholic population in the following months. In fact, Bellings was told later, “by those who best knew it that there were no more than a hundred men engaged in it, for their sole end was the taking of the [Dublin] Castle”. The attitudes of the two authors towards the plot and the initial rebellion differ sharply. The anonymous author does not dwell on the subject, but clearly approves of the rebellion, given that its motives were, “maintaining the Holy religion, defence of his Majesties prerogative and the vendiction of the free liberties of the Irish nation, the meere destruction and extirpation of which was intended by both states England and Ireland”. He also implies that the rebels had Royal approval, saying Phelim O’Neill, “took Charlemont and several towns and holds for his Majestie’s use”. Bellings, on the contrary asserts that the northern gentry involved, “took up arms blindfold” without sufficient reason, arms or support. Moreover, their “sole hope” was to capture Dublin Castle, complete with its arsenal and magazine, after the failure of which they had no alternative strategy. He concedes that their plan might just have worked had they captured Dublin Castle and issued popular demands such as for the freedom of religion. However, as it was, their failure to do this left themselves exposed to retribution of the Lords Justices and the English Parliament and left them with no choice but to try to instigate a general rebellion. As for Royal approval, Bellings asserts that it was a fraud to impress the “ignorant multitude”, and not only that, but the King’s enemies used it to “render him odious to the people [of England]”. According to Bellings, Phelim O’Neill later greatly regretted this ruse, since it led, indirectly, to the King’s execution. Over the next six months, the rebellion spread from being a phenomenon localised to Ulster and parts of Wicklow to be a general insurgency throughout the country. Both authors record that initially Catholic Ireland’s political class were less than enthusiastic about the rebellion. According to the anonymous author, most of the nobility did not join, “judging the revolution of the northern people rather initiative in them than in any settled ground”. Belling’s records that the Pale gentry were hostile to the rebellion, since it came from Ulster, “the seat of those disasters which formerly fell on them” – a reference to the Nine Years War. They remembered, “the desolation of those times” and feared that a new war would overturn the prosperity of the last 40 years, especially for, “those who could derive no other pretence to their estates than grants from the Crown of England” . How do Bellings and the anonymous author account for the subsequent rapid spread of rebellion? On the disaffection of the Pale, the anonymous author states that, having witnessed the repression carried out by, “that blood sucker Sir Charles Coote” in Wicklow and north Dublin, the Palesmen felt they, “must either tender their necks unto the merciless doom of the King’s enemies or join with Phelim O’Neill…of these two evils, they chose the last being the least”. Their final decision was reached when Phelim O’Neill arrived at the siege of Drogheda and presented his cause as being for the King, the Catholic religion and the “free liberties of the Irish nation”. At this, the nobility drafted an oath, pledging allegiance to these objectives, and demanding of Lords Justices in Dublin that they listen to their grievances at a “free parliament” and offer an “act of oblivion for what was past”. In his account, this union happened before the rebel victory at Julianstown – where the insurgents routed a hastily raised English force sent against them in November 1641. Bellings portrays the Pale as being provoked into rebellion by the heavy handed repression of the Lords Justices. Since the Lords Justices, particularly William Parsons, were already suspected of “distrust of the nation”, their decision to prorogue the Parliament convinced many, according to Bellings, that the government wanted to provoke a rebellion in order to invite over a Scottish army to, “extirpate Catholicism”. Significantly, Bellings has Ormonde pleading with the Lords Justices to convene Parliament. According to Bellings, the actions of the Dublin Government ultimately left the Palesmen with little choice but to join the rebellion, despite, “their constant fidelity in all former rebellions”, including of fighting against, “those who pretended the advancement of the Catholic religion”. Firstly the Lords Justices deputised the nobility to put down the rebellion, but refused to arm them sufficiently to do so. Secondly, Charles Coote (a man who did not enjoy an affectionate relationship with Irish Catholics) murdered Catholic civilians in Wicklow, Clontarf and Santry. These actions convinced the Pale gentry that the Authorities planned a general massacre of Catholics. Finally, Bellings attributes the Pale’s disaffection to their fear of a hostile Ulster rebel army (particularly after their victory at Julianstown), and Rory O’Moore’s justification of the rebellion to them as, “not rebellion and disloyalty to our King”, but to, “vindicate his rights and prerogatives from the unjust encroachments made upon them by the Malignant party of the Parliament of England”. The two authors, therefore do not greatly contradict each other about this crucial phase of the rebellion. The anonymous author appears to be outside the Pale, looking in, whereas Bellings, as we know, was inside looking out. Whereas the anonymous author portrays the Pale’s defection from Government as being almost automatic, Bellings describes it as an unfortunate, belated response to great provocation on the part of the Lords Justices. On the spread of the rebellion to the rest of the country however, there is a great deal of disparity between the two writers. The anonymous author depicts the rebellion as an almost unanimous response to the circulation of the oath framed at Drogheda, when it was sent to the nobility and gentry of the country “who observing the lawfulness thereof could not choose but embrace it, hereby coming to several heads in each province”. The only obstacles were traitors such as Clanricarde and the Earl of Thomond (Barnaby O’Brien) . He claims, for example that Piers MacThomas Fitzgerald of Kildare, “observing the oath that was taken by all the Catholics of Ireland, being of one and the same religion himself, could not but adhere unto them” and marched his troops to Phelim O’Neill’s camp at Drogheda, “to his Majesty’s service’. This level of co-ordination sounds fanciful, and is not mentioned by Bellings. However, according to a Lords Justices report on the 25th November 1641, a rebel oath swearing loyalty to crown, country and religion was being circulated in English and Irish. The early rebellion might therefore have had greater cohesion than Bellings wished to portray. The anonymous author goes on to list the important individuals and families who took part in each locality, for example Luke O’Byrne in Wicklow, Morgan Kavanagh in Wexford and Viscount Mountgarret in Munster. He provides the most intimate detail of the early fighting in the midlands counties of Offally, Laois, Carlow, Kildare, Meath and Westmeath, with high praise for relatively obscure local leaders such as Art Molloy and Tadhg O’Connor. Unlike Bellings, he makes no mention of the “social rebellion” as a destabilising factor in the countryside, nor does he mention the role of Lord President William St Ledger in Munster – whose indiscriminate killings had a similar impact to those of Charles Coote in Leinster. One reason for these omissions is probably a propagandist intention to simplify the rebellion as a noble Irish Catholic crusade, but he also simply may not have been very familiar with the situation in the south, or with the thinking of the nobility – whereas Bellings was. The massacres of Protestant settlers in 1641-42 has always been, both then and later, the most controversial aspect of the 1641 rebellion. For over two centuries it was portrayed in Irish Protestant discourse as a genocidal plot orchestrated by the Catholic Church. However, modern historians have attached far more importance to its social and economic roots – showing how most attacks at least initially aimed at robbing settlers and re-possessing what they considered to be confiscated land rather than killing Protestants. Resentment at the Plantations was clearly part of this but short term factors such as a poor harvest in 1641 and high levels of debt among the minor gentry were also important. Initially, he records it involved looting of English Protestant property, “rich and easy booty, taken from those seemed rather to be amazed at their loss than sensible of it”. However, as the political crisis deepened, the attacks on Protestants became more violent, “several innocent souls, astonished with the madness with which their neighbours among whom they had dwelt so many years so friendly were possessed, lost their lives”. The anonymous author’s attitude to the attacks on English and Protestant settlers is very different. He, unlike Bellings does not ascribe any economic motives to the attackers but alleges that those attacked had all, “declared for the Parliament”, and that this was the reason for the assaults. Moreover he approvingly records incidents like the Kavanaghs burning Carlow town and, “carrying away from thence great preys and pillage”, Art Molloy killing a large number of, “English Protestant Undertakers [colonists]” at Inislaghcurhye in Offally on Stephen’s day 1641, and that Henry Dempsie, “plundered and pillaged all the English Protestants that came in his way”. A reminder also, that the massacres of 1641 are not only an Ulster story. Clearly, the “social rebellion” was a great deal more chaotic than the anonymous author makes out, but perhaps it also had greater support from the upper classes than it suited Bellings to show. What this disparity really highlights is the gap in perception between the Ormondist party – drawn from the highest echelons of Catholic Ireland, and the anti-peace party, supported in the main by those with least to lose. One viewed the attacks on Protestants and their property as a grim reminder of what could happen when, “the multitude without control did satiate their particular spleen and malice”, the other as a necessary elimination of “malignant” foreigners and heretics. According to Bellings, it was the spread of attacks and looting by the lower classes throughout the country that forced the nobility to take up arms. He has Clanricarde warning the gentry of Galway that, “we [are] being exposed to be destroyed by all sorts of loose and desperate people” and raising an armed body of his kin and dependants to keep the public peace. Likewise, Bellings claims Richard Butler, Viscount Mountgarret, shot dead a looter of Protestants on the streets of Kilkenny, and Donagh McCarthy, Viscount Muskerry raised a large army of his tenants in southern Munster armed with skeins (knives), darts, javelins and pikes to deal with “loose fellows”. What drove the nobility from keeping the peace into actual rebellion, according to Bellings was the Lords Justice’s distrust of them as Catholics, their heavy handed repression and the widespread defection from government of the nobility’s kin and local gentry. Clanricarde, according to Bellings, through his commendable loyalty to the King, managed to stand aloof from the rebellion and despite having no support from the government in Dublin secured Galway town and county for them. The anonymous author, unsurprisingly, takes a very different view of Clanricarde’s actions. He states that Clanricarde treacherously prevented his family and followers from raising arms because he, “although a Catholic and an Irishman was under board (at least) against the Catholics and for the Parliament” . In late 1641, most of the Irish Catholic gentry and nobility joined the uprising.and began to take control of it. He attributes this to the fact that Clanricarde was related to the Earl of Essex – a prominent Parliamentary general. To support this, the anonymous author cites Clanricarde’s aid to the fort of Galway which was garrisoned by English troops, “knowing very well that they were members of the English Parliament and consequently against the king”. Richard Butler, Viscount Mountgarret and the most powerful Catholic member of the Butler dynasty, according to Bellings, having prevented looting and sheltered Protestant refugees, was provoked into rebellion by, “the desire the Lords Justices were said to have to force men of fortune to be criminal” and for fear of, “the height to which the meaner sort of people might grow up against the nobility and the gentry”. Bellings states that Mountgarret was asked by the clergy and gentry to lead the rebellion in Munster to stop the depredations of St Leger and to prepare to resist the feared Scottish invasion. He agreed in order that his rebellion become, “the common cause of the nation” and to enlist and control, “loose swordsmen under regular discipline”. Similarly Viscount Muskerry (Donagh MacCarthy) was, in Belling’s account asked by the local gentry to use his local force (raised to prevent looting) to protect them from St Leger, “ to whom they were resolved not to be reconciled”, and, “from whom they expected the greatest severity”. The anonymous author has little to say about the outbreak of the rebellion in the south, mentioning Mountgarret only briefly and Muskerry not at all. This may have to do with his lack of familiarity with the region and with the high nobility, but in any event, he was probably reluctant to credit “Ormondist” nobles such as these with initiating of the war. Bellings, on the other hand, is at pains to point out how reluctant the nobility of the peace party were to, “fall from government”, and is also keen to disassociate them from the looting and killing of Protestants. The anonymous author reserves his greatest hostility for Ormonde himself, alleging that he had sworn allegiance to the “Irish Confederates” and that Phelim O’Neill, “was very confident of his conjunction with them”. However Ormonde betrayed them by going over to the State having, “deceived the Irish in the very ambition of their affairs, unmindful of his sworn covenant and ungrateful to his Majesty”. This analysis seems untenable – since Ormonde, a Protestant, would never have sworn to uphold the Catholic religion – and seems extremely naive. However it is probably a ploy, both to hide the awkward fact that Ormonde was commander of Royalist forces in Ireland against the Irish Catholics, and to serve as an early indication of why the Irish should never have trusted Ormonde, who was to undermine their cause by spreading “faction” and disunity. But Ormonde had left his family behind in Kilkenny, “to the mercy of the Irish”, and the anonymous author argues that the Irish should have held his children, “as pledges of his compliance” and that, “this would have caused him to prove more honest than he did”. Instead, Mountgarret, in his first act of treachery, let his nephew’s family travel to Dublin by sea. Bellings records that Ormonde had hurried to Dublin in the first days of the rebellion, where he has him acting as a moderating force on the Lords Justice. He confirms that some of the rebels in Kilkenny and Waterford who, “believed themselves fit for authority” wanted to hold Ormonde’s family to, “restrain the Earl, whose power they most apprehended) from being violent against them”. However, Bellings commends Mountgarrett’s refusal to countenance such an action. The anonymous author further alleges that Ormonde – now working for the Parliament – sent Patrick Darcy and later Castlehaven (two prominent members of the peace party) as, “a very fit instrument to draw and work private understandings between Ormonde and his kindred and friends abroad” As spies, in other words, to undermine the Confederate cause. Whereas Bellings shows Ormonde as essentially a benevolent figure, the anonymous author tailors his account of the outbreak of the rebellion to show that Ormonde should never have been trusted, and that the “peace party” was a treacherous faction planted by him in the Irish ranks. Of the war which developed from 1642 onwards, Bellings is better informed about the south and the anonymous author about the north. On the military encounters of 1641-42, there is a considerable disparity between the two authors. Bellings is better informed about the situation throughout the country, except, significantly, in Ulster. For example, of the siege of Drogheda and its collapse, the anonymous author says only that Phelim O’Neill raised the siege when he thought it best that commanders return to their own provinces to raise strong field armies. Bellings on the contrary, recounts in detail O’Neill’s inept attempts to take the town, including the wasting of an opportunity when his men were let in by a sympathiser in the town. This badly co-ordinated assault, Bellings comments acidly, showed that, “a multitude of fresh undisciplined men are no more dextrous in surprising towns than they are skilful in besieging them”. He goes on to detail the besieging Ulster Irish force’s rout at the hands of Lord Moore, when they were driven back beyond Dundalk. Bellings’ further accounts of the early campaigns are focussed on the south, where he probably fled, having been one of the Pale gentry implicated with the rebellion. The anonymous author describes the English offensive in Leinster in the spring of 1642 before switching his attention to Ulster. He places special emphasis on the atrocities of these “perfidious roundheads”, and stresses repeatedly that in the early campaigns the English and Scottish troops in Ireland gave no quarter to the Irish rebels. He also records, with great satisfaction, the death of Charles Coote at Trim, a man, “generally hated by all well or humanly affected…this is the end of the tyrant”. Bellings tells of the rawness and ill-discipline of the hastily raised southern Catholic armies, particularly of the softness of the gentry, who had thought war would be, “a pleasant progress and but a change of exercise”. One Lord refused point blank to attack Dungarven saying that, “none followed him but those whom he himself had led to the service and whom he had never intended to employ in fighting against walls”. Of the major encounters of 1642 at Kilrush and Liscarroll (both Catholic defeats, respectively in Kildare and Cork), the two authors give much the same account in substance. Both agree that lack of ammunition, undisciplined troops, and weak and divided leadership were to blame for he Irish defeats. Bellings makes the telling comment about General Garret Barry, defeated at Liscarroll, that in common with other Irish, “eminent officers” he was not a born leader and performed “irregularly’ when he had to make independent decisions. The anonymous author cannot resist levelling the charge of “treasonable faction” and alleges that Mountgarret deliberately lost the battle of Kilrush to his nephew Ormonde and refers to Barry as, “a great friend of the English”. “the north of Ireland, far from relief, was now bleeding… thousands of poor Irish starved in the woods, bogs, dens and caves [with the enemy] as strong as inhuman, killing without remorse all man, woman and child”. What was worse, the Supreme Council appeared indifferent, “not once calling to mind the bleeding wounds of Ulster”. Bellings, indeed, seems unaware, at this time, of any of these events in the north. Certainly, the feeling this highlights, that the Ulster people’s sacrifice was not appreciated by the Supreme Council ,was one of the major fault-lines of the future Confederate split. The anonymous author describes Eoghan Rua O’Neill’s arrival as, literally, a gift from God to the hard pressed Irish, whereas Bellings, who was on the Supreme Council, mentions it only in relation to the row it provoked between Eoghan Rua and Phelim O’Neill. Conversely, Bellings regards the Old Englishman Thomas Preston’s arrival, in Wexford with qualified enthusiasm (qualified no doubt by Preston’s disastrous performance later in the war), where the anonymous author records sourly that the Supreme Council, “discarded Owen Roe O’Neill” in favour of the Pale gentleman Preston because they were “dubious of his greatness”. The summer of 1642 was a watershed for the war in Ireland, with the formation of the Confederation, and regular armies under its command. As Bellings comments, the rebellion, which up to this point had been marked by “freebooting”, assumed, “the appearance of the start of an orderly war”. Revealingly, while both authors locate the creation of the Confederation in the need for military unity, Bellings records how the nobility and gentry of the Pale made a final attempt at reconciliation with the Lords Justices, appealing for, “an end to the devastation of their country” and the killing of their tenants and a pardon for “estated men” who had joined the “defection” through fear of the northern army. A de facto Catholic government, the Confederate Catholic Association was set up in Kilkenny in May 1642, Bellings was elected to it. It was only after the Lords Justices rebuffed their attempts and tortured to death their emissary John Read (on his way to see the King) that the Palesmen declared war on the King’s “pernicious ministers” – who, he alleges, were secretly serving the Parliament anyway. At this point, “the Catholic natives” of Ireland formed a government to, “unite the affections of the nation in prosecuting the common cause”. Both men record approvingly the Clergy’s instigation of the Confederation in May 1642, including their approval of the war as “just and Godly”. The anonymous author however leaves out their condemnation of acts motivated by, “avarice, hatred, revenge or any other motive of that kind”. Bellings records briefly the election of the Supreme Council (of which he was a member) and comments only of the daunting tasks which faced them, “who had no rules prescribed them”, to, “vindicate them from being thought arbritrary”. For the anonymous author however, the Supreme Council was taken over from the beginning by untrustworthy “Ormondists”, elected by mistaken people who thought Ormonde would, “never be against King or nation being too far interested therein himself, but such were far deceived as hereafter to the destruction of both, and our grief will appear”. The anonymous author alleges that the mostly Old English Supreme Council were merely pawns of their kinsman, Ormonde the Protestant Royalist leader. Speaking of Mountgarrett, Darcy, Bellings, Garret Fennell (Ormonde’s doctor) and Muskerry, he alleges they were, “totally for Ormonde, his creatures and though sworn to the Irish Confederacy will do nothing without passing through the channels of his pleasure, as hereafter more at large”. This is certainly an exaggeration, but, as Bellings account confirms, these men clearly represented an interest that was less antagonistic to Ormonde and Protestants generally, than was the militant anti-peace party. Furthermore, the anonymous author records (and Bellings does not) that Fennell wrote a coded letter to Ormonde shortly after becoming a Supreme Councillor . The anonymous author charges that right from the beginning the Supreme Council sabotaged the Confederate war effort by cashiering good colonels such as Art Molloy, Rory O’Moore and Henry Dempsy (amongst others) who, “had acted better from the outbreak of the commotions upon their own charges” and replaced them with, “those who acted nothing, were either neuters or antagonists” . Bellings says of this that it was impossible to, “satisfy such a number of men as had given themselves more martial titles than could well be distributed among the officers of two or three regular armies” . This analysis is probably correct, given the Confederate’s difficulty in financing their armies. However, regardless of whether there was a deliberate purge of politically suspect officers on the formation of the Confederate’s regular armies, the anonymous author’s indignation at what happened is a good indication that this action was received with a great deal of discontent by future opponents of the Supreme Council. The two authors’ respective accounts of the creation of the Confederation are designed to legitimise their version of later events. Bellings has the Supreme Council, having been fairly elected, honestly trying to solve difficult problems under trying circumstances, with at this time, the full support of the Clergy. The anonymous author on the other hand, depicts the Supreme Council as a nest of untrustworthy sycophants of the arch-traitor Ormonde. In conclusion, Bellings’ and the anonymous author’s accounts of the outbreak of the rebellion tell us a great deal, not only of the events of 1641-42 but also of how these events were viewed by the adverse factions of Catholic Confederates. Bellings’ narrative is more detailed and more analytical. However he takes the opportunity to put forward (to the Restoration regime) a version of events which is most advantageous to the peace party Confederates. Both men were Catholic Royalists, as most Confederates were, but their perspectives on the war they were fighting were very different. He portrays the rebellion as being provoked by the injustices done to Irish Catholics and the aggression of the English Parliament, however he utterly condemns the initial rebellion itself, especially the “social rebellion” and the killings of Protestants. Moreover, he relates how reluctant the Palesmen and nobility were to join the “defection”. His bias is clearly in favour of the Old English, but as his description of Muskerry demonstrates, ethnic divisions were often transcended by class affinities in Confederate Ireland. The anonymous author, by contrast gives unqualified support to the rebellion, including to attacks on Protestant and English settlers. He gives no indication that a, “social rebellion” took place, rather showing the extent to which the lesser gentry participated in the killings and looting of Protestants. His affinity is primarily with the “ancient Irish”, but like Bellings, in practice, members of his “party” comprised of a range of ethnic backgrounds. The anonymous author takes every opportunity to blame Irish reverses on the treachery of the Ormonde faction and clearly is putting a retrospective spin on events. However, his allegation that the members of the peace party were not fully committed to total victory tallies to some extent with Bellings’ account of their reluctance to join the rebellion in the first place. Furthermore, the anonymous author’s accusation of the Supreme Council’s indifference to Ulster’s problems is given credence by Bellings’ omission of them from his account. Comparison of these two versions of outbreak of the rebellion, therefore, indicate that ethnicity, class and region (north versus south) were key factors in the Confederate schism, along with the cleavage of Clergy and Nuncio against Supreme Council. The motto of the Confederation was, “Ireland unanimous, for God, King and Country”. Yet by 1648 the Catholics of Ireland were fighting each other. Examining of these conflicting accounts gives us some insight into how this came about.
The word “relationship” is one of the most important words in the English language, as it applies to Christianity. Most of us intuitively know this as we have witnessed God working first hand in our lives. We know it, too, when we read of others in the Bible who gave testimony of the impact spiritual encounters with God had on their lives. We find one of these, almost poetically stated in Luke 2:19, “But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” From Mary’s example, we learn three ways to keep the things of God actively and passionately working in our personal lives. Mary’s memory was involved. It says, “Mary kept all these things.” Look back and meditate on the ways God has assured you of His presence and power. Our past experiences are relationally God-based. He has revealed Himself to you in times past and it is vital that what you read in His Word is connected to your past walking in the Spirit. Think back when you were keenly aware of Him. Let your memory treasure up things about God that you have come to know. Simply said, memory is all about remembering. It is important or we wouldn’t have words like “This do in remembrance of Me.” Use your memory to find God. Mary’s affections were involved. We see that she kept these things “in her heart.” It should touch your heart when you read and study the Bible. The less you study His Word, the less likely it will have emotional significance to you. It takes time to do more than simply read and heed the words of Scripture; time well spent will make it personal to you. This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit working in you, i.e. love, joy, peace, etc. Mary’s intellect was involved. We read the words “pondered them,” meaning she rationally processed them. If we are not careful, we will clinically read our Bibles and fail to see God at work both in the past and in the present. Meditate. Stop and consider. Think and think some more. Work it out with God-given wisdom, discernment, and perception. God gave you those intellectual abilities; now use them to deepen your love for Him.
Central Asia includes a variety of different musical styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures with common elements in instrumental tradition. It was almost impossible to find a programme capable to combine the strengthening of music culture with the support of the music education systems : coordination in the didactic and professional sector was completely absent, and very few orchestras took care of the cultural integration between the traditional and classical repertoire. There was the need to support quality within music education. Objectif _Contribute to the development and promotion of traditional and classical music in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by strengthening regional cooperation, integration and European networking. * 54 best young musicians/students from three countries were selected to be members of the Central Asia Youth Orchestra (CAYO). In 2014, CAYO was invited to the Young Euro Classic Festival in Berlin, one of the most prestigious international music festivals in Europe. * Around 2 500 students attended the training sessions to improve their knowledge on preparatory music didactics, instrumental methodologies and the use of music software. * 23 Local Music Schools have improved their institutional, managerial and musical capacities through a follow-up training for each school, with on average 18 teachers attending the trainings. * 51 music teachers have improved their knowledge on music methodologies and programmes, traditional repertories and instruments at regional level through the study tours. * CAYO promoted traditional and classical music in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan reaching an audience of around 6 000 people in Central Asia and 5 000 people in Europe.
There are so many cool things to do in McLeod Ganj (India) that is very difficult to choose one! For those who never heard of that place, McLeod Ganj or McLeodganj is a small village (suburb) belonging to Dharamshala, in Himachal Pradesh, the northernmost state of India, just below Kashmir. Dharamshala is well known because of its cool weather and amazing valleys. The city is nestled in the high altitude grounds of West Himalayas, therefore an amazing opportunity to gaze at these majestic mountains. They are part of the Himalayan chain is called the "Dhauladhar range". I must admit I didn't know these mountains before getting there... which only added up to the (good) surprise! McLeod is called "the Little Lhasa", due to its large population of Tibetans. The Tibetan government in exile is headquartered there, including the Dalai Lama himself, established since 1959. I recommend at least 3-4 days to explore the area. At the bottom of this article, you will find some good places to lodge. Obviously, this is the most intriguing sacred place in town. The Dalai Lama main temple (Tsuglakhang Temple) also known by Tsug la Khang, is the spiritual core of Mcleodganj and part of a complex encompassing Namgyal Monastery, which includes several shrine rooms. Dalai Lama visits Tsuglakhang publicly only 2-3 times a year. In spite of that, the place has become an important pilgrimage spot. Actually, Tsuglakhang is very closely located to Dalai Lama's residence. I must admit that at first glance we were very surprised by the amount of food offers we found at the altars. To give you an example, the devotees bring boxes of milk, crackers, and Fanta, just to name a few weird items. Sorry I couldn't get better pictures though, after I flashed that one above we realized that pictures were forbidden inside the temple... Oops. The decoration is loaded but colorful and very cheerful, totally different from what I could have imagined! There are a few other colorful temples in McLeod (and a good example is the one you see in the background of the picture below). The first thing we wanted to do in the next morning was climbing up from McLeod to the Triund hill. The Triund it's a gorgeous trek, and can be done either from McLeodganj or Dharamkot, which is 2 km above McLeodganj. Dharamkot is a very chill suburb, known for it's hippie vibe and only a couple streets. In our case, we took a ride up to Gallu Devi and decided to start from there. We were trekking in the winter time and wanted to optimise the sunshine hours. It was a chilly morning when we left from McLeod. We arrived at Gallu Devi temple around 9 am. Gallu Devi is actually just a simple shelter for Hindu images, not a real temple, as one could have imagined. We got some snow on the way to the top, but nothing crazy. I advise you to bring proper socks and trekking boots if you are intending to hike Triund in the winter. We did it with simple sneakers and looking back, we could have prepared it better. From Gallu Devi it took us at least 3 hours to reach Triund. You can do it in much less time (around 2:30h) if you don't stop for pictures 😅. The round trip anyways lasted 5 h (around 10 km). The return trek can be done by Bhagsu Naag (see map below) but we didn't try it since the snowfall was getting worse and visibility was bad. You don't need to walk from McLeod or Dharamkot. You can take a cab straight to Gallu Devi Temple. No guiding is necessary for this hike. The difficulty is easy to moderate. The hike is a gradual incline 5 Km up to Triund hilltop. There are several simple huts called by the locals "teahouses" along the trekking path. The most well known is maybe the "Magic View". A good reference point is the last hut, called Snowline Café. From this point, there is a steep climb all the way to Triund (2,975 meters). From Triund you will catch an amazing view of the Dhauladhar range in one side and the Kangra valley on another. Some people camp there for the night and push it to the snowline the next day. It is possible to do the round trip from Mcleod-Triund-Mcleod in one day, and you won't need any camping material (unless you are intending to reach the snowline, which is obviously not advisable in the winter time). Anyways, there is only ONE Main Street in that place and it's impossible to get lost. In Bhagsu you will also find the most WTF temple we may have seen in our lives! To give you an idea, you can actually enter the month of a lion, go upstairs and enter a maze-like tunnel with plenty of creepy Hindu figures, hidden in shadowy corners (sorry guys, but I was really scared) and then find your way down through the crocodile mouth! Sounds "simple" but the second floor was much bigger than expected. It really feels like visiting some sort of haunted attraction in an amusement park..! Unfortunately we were unable to find out the real name of this temple, but you can show the picture below to some locals and I'm sure they will be glad to guide you through. So, Bhagsu is a very popular spot among Indians in the summer! This is a tiny (but very touristic) place and most Indians tend to stay at the "classy" hotels along the main road. The more you go up, the more the place looks like backpacker's land, with many hostels and yoga classes of all kind being offered. Unfortunately, in the winter, the falls were almost dried-up, but I decided to put a recommendation here anyways since the situation certainly changes according to the season. In any case, keep going and you will see the falls from far away, and if they are looking a bit sad you can just turn back and go for a coffee (like we did)! On a clear day, the sunset at Naddi is not to be missed. We kept asking directions to the locals (wondering if they were understanding English or just nodding by sympathy). Once there, just ask about the sunset view. You will be facing the entire valley in front of your eyes. Don't forget to check it out your back view! To come back to McLeod just hire any taxi around the corner. There is taxi stand really close to the sunset point. This is an old neo-Gothic church, dedicated to John the Baptist, built by the British in 1852. The church is known to have survived the 1905 Kangra earthquake (which killed no less than 19,800 people in the area) and it's surrounded by an amazing Gothic cemetery with a few historical figures buried there. While the church in itself may not look "amazing" to westerns, it is a very bucolic (and peaceful) place and the road to reach the church is very beautiful. A visit to this place transport you back in the past and makes you feel admiration for these European folks living so far away from home in such remote corner of India. If you go there by foot, keep your eyes peeled while you walk along the road to reach the church (or on the way back to McLeod). "The Kashmir gray langur has been reported from Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh in northwestern India but evidence indicates it only occurs in the Chamba Valley in Himachal Pradesh. Because of its restricted range, fragmented population and threats from human agriculture and development activities, it is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List". The scenic Chamba Valley is an isolated area, separated from the Kangra Valley by the Dhauladhar Range and from Lahaul and Kashmir, so really close to Dharamshala area! I will close this post with a flying Langur carrying a little baby (seriously guys, there were so many jumping around)! Don't miss the opportunity of observing these amazing animals in their natural habitat.
One of my favorite sculptures, carved by the master carvers that we work with in the Asante kingdom of Ghana, is the Sankofa bird. I bought one for myself and consider it one of the nicest pieces in my collection. It is a pretty piece, no doubt. But the reason I love it so much is that it is a piece of African wisdom. A commonly used Adinkra symbol of the Akan people of West Africa, the Sankofa bird stands with her feet planted firmly in the present, facing the future, while collecting seeds of wisdom from the past. Although many people say that African history was transmitted only through oral tradition, there are many cultures in which stories are told through imagery. The Sankofa bird has her feet planted firmly forward facing the future. Her head though, is turned back as she takes something from her back: a seed of wisdom from her past, the collective past, the past of her people. The lesson is probably already very apparent to you; but I’ll put it as succinctly as it has been explained to me. The Sankofa bird reminds us to face the future without hesitation, while remembering the past and keeping the lessons of your past and the wisdom of your ancestors in mind. I talk to you about the Sankofa bird because it is an essential lesson for Africa at large. We must look to our collective past and take those lessons which can help us to build a strong future. We come from one of the largest continents on Earth and definitely one of the richest; so, our natural resources and geography are always worth mentioning. But, for me, the richest part of Africa is our people and our cultural history and present. Early every Friday morning in the capital city of Ouagadougou, leaders travel to the compound of the Moro Naba chief where they are seated in order of their rank. The Moro Naba, king of the Mossi people, then appears wearing red and with a horse (red is the color of a warrior). When the cannon is fired, the most senior of the chiefs pledge allegiance and the Moro Naba leaves. Then, the chiefs wait until the Moro Naba returns wearing white, a color symbolizing peace. Traditional beverages like beer and kola nut beverages are now served and then the Moro Naba makes decisions on issues facing his court. Spectators might see a colorful ceremony with important African chiefs; but those who take the time to learn the story behind this tradition will soon understand that it is one of the most simplistic and wonderful expressions of indigenous African diplomacy there is. Why? Why does the king wake up early each morning to face this group of leaders? The story goes much like this: Many years ago, a rival group was said to have stolen a piece of great significance to the Mossi, the largest ethnic group in Burkina Faso. The Moro Naba, was prepared to go to war over the issue. But, the local chiefs and leaders came to ask him to maintain peace despite the problem at hand. He, as a king who respected the wishes of his people, respected their wishes and opted for a peaceful solution. Therefore, this ceremony is a daily reminder of the king’s relationship with his people: they show respect to him by arriving daily to greet him and bring their issues to the court to be settled and he, in turn reminds them (via the change of clothes) that he is there to serve the wishes of the people in his kingdom. Just imagine if the leader of a Western nation arrived each day to ask the people, in essence, if they wanted to acknowledge him (or her) another day to lead their nation. Imagine the elders and respected leadership having a direct line to the head of a nation and each showing daily that they have a sustained confidence in the other. Frankly, I think that as we all wake up tomorrow morning, we should think of the beautiful example of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso and ask ourselves what we can do to create our own governmental system to reflect just a little of its truly democratic spirit. Is it perfect? Certainly not. However, I think that through this colorful and beautifully simple ceremony, each day all of Africa (and the world at large) can see a glimpse of the fact that democracy, in its truest form, IS an African concept… one simply has to look and ask enough questions about the pageantry to understand it.
Last week, hundreds of kids in the sixth and twelfth grades across Illinois were pulled from their classrooms and told to leave school. They weren’t delinquents. They weren’t getting into fistfights in the halls. And they weren’t dealing drugs either. Their only “crime” was that they hadn’t gotten the meningitis vaccine. Illinois has now joined the list of states like California and Rhode Island that marching to Big Pharma’s latest tune: No shots, no school. Politicians are spreading a fairy tale that the new law is about keeping kids safe. But it turns out that the meningitis vaccine comes with risks that far outweigh the chance of getting this rare infection. Risks that include paralysis and even death. That’s what Jim Keeter is demanding to know after his 19-year-old son, Beau, passed away from meningitis in September. Beau, a freshman at Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota could have easily become the poster child for the mandatory meningitis shot — except for the fact that he had been fully vaccinated against the disease a few months before he died from it. Deaths like Beau’s are exposing two facts about the meningitis vaccine that Big Pharma and its army of politicians — especially in Illinois — don’t like to talk about. The shot won’t always prevent meningococcal disease and it comes with some huge risks. Those risks have been shown to include Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a type of paralysis) as well as anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing, transverse myelitis (a condition which was called polio in the 1950s) and convulsions. And that’s the short list. The federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as of three years ago had recorded 2,300 serious reactions, many requiring hospitalizations, and 39 deaths that were reported following meningococcal shots. And remember, what is reported to VAERS is just a drop in the bucket for the real number of vaccine adverse reactions. Imagine exposing millions of kids to these risks for a rare disease that’s only killing as few as 60 Americans a year — about enough to fill one school bus. But Illinois officials are making sure that there’s practically nothing you can do now to protect your kids from the shot — short of home schooling them. Before Governor Bruch Rauner signed the mandatory meningitis shot into law, parents in that state could simply tell school officials that a particular vaccine was against their religious beliefs. And don’t even think about objecting for “personal or philosophical reasons.” That’s no longer allowed under Illinois law. If you’re applying for a religious exemption, you also have to sign off on how you’ve been informed about the serious risk to your child of skipping any of these vaccines. Of course the very real and serious health risks from the shots themselves conveniently aren’t mentioned anywhere. It’s as if they don’t exist. But let’s face it — the real issue here isn’t just about meningitis. It’s a fear campaign, whether we’re talking about measles, hepatitis, meningitis, or anything else that sells vaccines. A campaign that’s threatening to withhold education from our kids unless we all cave in to Big Pharma’s and the government’s demands. And unfortunately, it’s one that’s only just begun.
When a Hawaiian fisherman named Aniani died in 1875, his wife Maliakamalu grieved. Then she wrote his obituary. Rainbow Falls, known as Waianuenue, is one of Hawai'i's beautiful places Maliakamalu refers to in the kanikau about her deceased husband. Not a modern English obituary, filled with names and facts. Instead it was a song of lasting love and a rich life together, filled with poetic images of the joys and sorrows that only a spouse can know and cherish: The times they huddled together on the reef to fend off passing rain squalls; the quiet moments listening to the peeling bell of a nearby church; the hours when they tramped together through the snow of Mauna Kea; the deep pain that endures when a loved one dies. Once, hundreds of such mourning chants, called Na Mele Kanikau Aloha ("Songs for the Soul") appeared regularly in dozens of Hawaiian newspapers. When the Hawaiian language faded in the 20th century, so did the kanikau. Now, more than 100 years after the kanikau peaked, a team of University of Hawai'i researchers is bringing them back from obscurity and preparing to share them with the world. Alternately funny and sad, poetic and mundane, the kanikau research adds insight into the ways Native Hawaiians lived their daily lives, moved about the Islands, loved and cared for one another and mourned the loss of a loved one. The research also provides a new look at long-lost Hawaiian words, places and subtleties of meaning. "They provide an amazing record of people's private lives in a very public context," said Ruby Kawena Johnson, a UH Hawaiian language professor and director of the kanikau research team. "They give a very intimate look at people's lives together and the rhythm of life in a developing Honolulu. It's an insight into a time when society could still afford to pay attention to the common people." The researchers, working under the UH Committee for the Preservation and Study of Hawaiian Language, Art and Culture, unearthed, translated and annotated nearly 500 such life stories, all taken from nearly 100 Hawaiian language newspapers that thrived in the Isles from 1834 to 1900 and disappeared altogether in the 1940s. Ultimately, the group hopes to publish several volumes of kanikau. "They represent a great source of information about the everyday life of Hawaiians in every walk of life from the common workers to the most well-educated people," said John Kaipo Mahelona, one of the researchers. Re-reading the songs from the distance of 100 years, the details of ordinary life become extraordinary; every-day experiences become mysterious and romantic. In many case, the discoveries moved the researchers to cry or laugh out loud, they said. "The words really reach right into your soul and touch the center of your being," said Kimo Alama Keaulana, a researcher and instructor of Hawaiian at Honolulu Community College. "You realize that Hawaiians back in the 19th century were facing many of the same basic concerns of life as we do today." Hawaiians had other ways to mourn, too. There were designated times of grieving and public expressions that included wailing, beating of the breast, inflicting self-pain or sitting in a certain way. There were also distinctive styles of mourning chants, including eulogies, dirges, special prayers, songs of sorrow and direct appeals to the dead. Although some Hawaiian scholars feel the publication of chants lessens their power, many early Hawaiians took to publishing the kanikau and other works as soon as the first Hawaiian language newspapers appeared in the 1820s. That helped the kanikau tradition break free from the other styles and reach its height in the latter half of the 19th century, Johnson said. In many ways, putting the project together was like reading a mystery book, researchers said. The clues are there, but you have to put them into context. Many of the words used in the kanikau refer to things, places, or nuances no longer recognized by most Hawaiian speakers today. There are references, for instance, to many kinds of rain or wind, or valleys that no longer go by the same name. In time, too, the Hawaiians began to include more and more references to ideas and places mentioned in the Bible. "We all carry around our little lists of words we're trying to learn or understand," said Noelani Arista, one of the researchers and a lecturer in Hawaiian studies at UH-Manoa. "The kanikau are filled with metaphors, allusions and references which were lost along the way." "As you read more and more, you realize that every soul is special," Mahelona said. "Every spirit is unique. You really get to know an individual. Today's obituaries are so inadequate by comparison." Sometimes, the kanikau are sweet and humorous. A kanikau for historian David Malo says, "Your fragrance exceeds that of the small leafed maile of Ko'iahi; in comparison, the water of Lutini (perfume) has no sweetness, neither myrrh nor aloe." Many others speak of memorable travels or stolen moments of pleasure: "I remember many hard things on the pathway through the plain/The plain where we would dwell/to enjoy the coolness of the watermelon." Other times, they are impossibly sad. There are tales of haole doctors who can't cure Hawaiian loved ones, references to leprosy victims shipped heartlessly away to Kalaupapa ("Caught like chickens, like cattle herded ... Never again would we look upon this land of ours/this lovely harbor town"); times of starvation ("Only one kind of food: love, accompaniment to poi and tears") children who died young; loved ones who will never be seen again. "I have been crying up until now for my husband/ Someone who has been my faithful companion night and day/A companion to huddle up with in chilly places/ ... Waka, return my husband to me/ I will pay you a million dollars." The kanikau tradition began to fade away by the start of the 20th century, and the last ones faded in the 1940s with the end of Hawaiian language newspapers. All of the researchers on the project agreed that the kanikau could not have been continued in English. "Hawaiian is just such an evocative language," Keaulana said. "English would be insufficient to express the depth of love and sorrow we found." The researchers believe that publication of the collected kanikau will be a great resources to the academic and general Hawaiian communities. The research, begun in 1998, was financed in part by Hawaii State foundation on Culture and the Arts. The Committee for Preservation and Study of Hawaiian Language, Art and Culture was formed in 1959 and has completed more than 250 separate projects related to culture, language and history, according to its executive director, Henry Iwasa. The group hopes to have its first kanikau book, a primer, finished by next year, with another volume of kanikau in the original Hawaiian and translated English to follow a year later. "In one sense, this is a great mother lode of Hawaiian poetry that could resonate with researchers for a very long time to come," Johnson said. The sharing of the kanikau with a wide variety of modern-day Hawaiians could be equally important, others said. "We always knew that Hawaiians were highly literate and really treasured knowledge," Arista said. "This will help people get a sense of just how important that is."
Newspaper Article Newspaper articles are the most informal type of writing. Version If a source is listed as an edition or version of a work, include it in your citation. Is it too much? Instead, expand on your thesis statement by describing how the evidence you found to support your ideas is important. Employees in a firm should be made to attend motivational seminars and training workshops every month to ensure effective workforce activity. Why should anyone care? The third example is the strongest because it not only explains the need for protection of the habitat, but it helps the reader understand that poachers are the main cause for putting the tigers at risk of extinction. Now, it's up to the reader to make up their mind. Read 6 on General Grammar Tips to learn how to properly use these words. Go back over the whole essay and look for any spelling or grammatical errors. The following sections elaborate on these functions. A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Jumping from side to side will make your paper seem weak and confusing. With today's Common Core standards, learning to write an essay that intelligently proves your point is an essential part of your education. You can learn a lot from what other people have already done. This is how writers within discourse communities manage to present new ideas to their communities. To check for unintentional plagiarism, visit our free plagiarism checker. When you arrive, others have long preceded you, and they are engaged in a heated discussion, a discussion too heated for them to pause and tell you exactly what it is about. An outline is an essential part of any essay writing process. In the current version, punctuation is simpler only commas and periods separate the elementsand information about the source is kept to the basics. Kantz's work here demonstrates why it's so important to read texts-even "factual" works like textbooks and encyclopedias-as consisting of claims, not facts. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Remember, not everyone will be interested in your paper. Collecting information can be one of the longest phases in the process of writing an argumentative essay. They can act as gateways to the main argument and lead the reader on into the detailed expression that the main body possesses. Choosing a Topic for an Argumentative Essay Topics for an argumentative essay should be chosen with care as it should be made approachable and the writer should be able to elaborate with sufficient detail and relevance so that the point is made clearly to the reading audience and it is registered within their thought process. At the same time the discourse community does not expect to see any writing that appears too foreign. Flyboard with Miami Watersports is for everyone! In some cases, a container might be within a larger container. What Kantz wants us to see is that what makes the statement a fact is not how "true" the statement is but that most people have agreed that it's true and treat it as true. Porter Contrary to some beliefs, this is by no means plagiarism.Part I: Introduction--What inspired my argumentative response? Start studying Writing Workshop: Creating an Argumentative Essay. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The thesis statement is argumentative highlighting how a particular person, or event has caused certain things to transpire. Creating a Good Thesis Statement. Coming up with a thesis statement is a process that requires much thought. You cannot have a thesis statement just by reading the essay topic. To write a good thesis statement. An essay outline is a good way to organize your thoughts on the chosen topic and the research material you have gathered on it.
Virtual patients are interactive computer programs that simulate real life clinical scenarios. They provide an effective way for healthcare professionals to not only learn about a wide range of clinical topics, but to practice in a virtual and therefore safe environment. Learners may interact with the virtual patient independently, in groups, or under the guidance of an instructor. These interpersonal interactions may be face to face or computer based (using a virtual classroom tool, for example). Virtual patients are notoriously difficult and costly to author, adapt and exchange. Historically this has limited their uptake and utility, despite their being able to provide high quality learning opportunities. The MedBiquitous Virtual Patient standard enables the exchange of Virtual Patients across systems and has the potential to scale their development and implementation across health professions education, including resource limited settings. In fact, The European-Commission funded eViP program leveraged the Virtual Patient standard in its development of a shared bank of 340 virtual patients for use across Europe.
Craniofacial conditions can affect the teeth thus making home care and dental treatment difficult. A small mouth, difficulty opening wide, crooked teeth, and soft or irregularly shaped teeth can all contribute to a challenging situation. Starting tooth care early can prevent a lot of difficulties later on. Parents of children with craniofacial conditions can start caring for gums and teeth as early as one month old (even if baby teeth haven’t come in yet!) unless told otherwise by their doctor. Wipe the gums and teeth with a soft cloth, gauze, or baby toothbrush that fits on your finger – this helps keep the mouth clean, and helps your child get used to you cleaning their teeth. Parents should seek professional care early on. Your child should see a dentist within 6 months of their first tooth coming in, and by 1 year of age at the latest, so that your child doesn’t wind up with painful cavities later on. A pediatric dentist can deal with young children and those with special needs. Always try to make things FUN! A happy child at home will make a happy child in the dental office. Listen to your dental professional. They may suggest more frequent cleaning or visits for your child to get more comfortable in the office. For many children, twice a year is not enough – they may need to see the hygienist or dentist 3 or 4 times a year! Try asking for lessons on proper brushing technique, not only for your child but for yourself as well. A separate appointment can be set aside for this. When your child shows signs of wanting to brush on their own, always check to see that they did a good job and reward or praise them if they did. Remember it may be necessary for you to rebrush after. As a rule of thumb, your child may be coordinated enough to brush their own teeth effectively once they can clearly write their name in cursive (handwriting). For those children with hand anomalies it may be difficult. There are special toothbrushes and aids designed to help that are widely available today. The way to get the best oral care for your child is to start early, be consistent, and find a pediatric dentist that you trust and who understands your child’s needs.
My visit to Somalia happened at a time, when the country was entering one of its most challenging but also most promising periods. During the six days I spent there, I learned what was at stake for the people of Somalia. Aunt Sacdiya is the youngest out of my late father’s ten siblings. Her physical resemblance to my father was striking. Her fresh-faced son Mohamed was dressed in a Real Madrid t-shirt and jeans, and I undeniably felt a strong bond with both of them. One day after the first visit, Mohamed came back to accompany me to our late grandfather’s property in uptown Mogadishu. Sacdiya and her five children moved to district Waberi roughly one year ago after having spent five years in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The family ventured back to Somalia upon hearing about the restored order and peace in Mogadishu, after AMISOM and government troops successfully had driven al-Shabaab out of their strongholds in the capital. Waberi’s roads were paved and packed with new cars. Here, you would find banks, computer schools and restaurants with out-door-serving. The cost of rent in this part of town had skyrocketed in the past year, which allowed Sacdiya to earn money on renting out one of the rooms in the property to a private company. One of my childhood memories is of visiting my grandfather at his house, where we would sit up on the rooftop as the dark set in. I hoped to recognize something, but nothing looked familiar. Nevertheless, I could not help, but feel a great sense of belonging to the place. I discovered, that my other aunt, Hawa, lived nearby – the eldest of the bunch. I visited her multicolored, tidy and posh house, where both her children and grandchildren lived. All of my aunts’ children went to private schools, so I could tell that they were better off than my relatives in Shibis, who begged me to take their eldest daughter with me to Europe, so she could get an education. My uncle Osman stated that now was not the time to be in Mogadishu. He would like nothing more than to show me the whole of the city, but he was afraid of robbers, policemen and soldiers. Now, my aunts and their children confirmed the state of lawlessness in Mogadishu. They told me about random arrests and persecution of young men, whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still my cousins and I were able to walk down Makkah al Mukaramah (the main road to the airport) after dark sipping on guava juice. Both Mohamed and his brother had been arrested by the local police, and released only after the family had paid a large sum of money. Without the payment, their lives would have been at risk. Six months ago, Mohamed’s 14-year-old brother was allegedly kidnapped by al-Shabaab. The family has not heard or seen anything from him in six months. They believe that he is now a child soldier. The police arrests those, who they suspect are affiliated with al-Shabaab and therefore terrorists. While al-Shabaab target those, who they suspect are pro-government, and by their logic non-Muslims. The Somali people are caught in the middle of this conflict. If you work for the government as a policeman or a soldier, al-Shabaab persecutes you. If you sympathize with al-Shabaab, the government persecutes you. The only “neutral” public workplace is Mogadishu airport, Mohamed’s sister reasoned. Because of the insecure prospects, Mohamed and his family decided that he should try his luck at finding a job in Nairobi, Kenya. In East Leigh, a predominantly Somali neighborhood, Mohamed would be able to earn a living meanwhile practicing his English. At least this is what he envisioned. The next day, two days before my departure, Mohamed and a friend of the family accompanied me to the beach at the old seaport. Since my arrival, I had only smelled and viewed the sea from afar. It was a revelation to see the white sand beach that I remember from my childhood. Mohamed quickly stripped down to his underwear and jumped into the wave foam. I was not wearing the proper attire for women, so I merely dipped my feet and legs in the warm shallow waters. As a Somali woman, you are always under scrutiny. If your feet or your arms are showing, or even the slightest hair creeps out of your hijab, you will be told to cover up – even by strangers on the street. But then again, Osman’s wife, Nadia, was ordered to remove her niqab by a policeman on the street. Before I parted with Mohamed I promised to meet with him in Nairobi. He was to leave for Kenya the following day, and I was to spend a few days there, before I left for Denmark. Before that, reports told of aid relief piling up in warehouses in Mogadishu, while people were dying of hunger. Other reports showed how sacks of grain meant for starving Somalis were being stolen and sold in markets. Meanwhile, Valerie Amos, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, states that humanitarian relief efforts have saved thousands of lives since famine was declared in July. In Somalia, 4 million people are still in crisis and 250.000 face famine at this moment. Humanitarian organizations working in Somalia remain strictly neutral, with their only task being to save lives, according to the UN. Amos urges all parties to the conflict in Somalia to respect international humanitarian law. In addition, environmental scientists suspect that the severe drought in the Horn of Africa is a direct consequence of climate change and the rising global temperatures. Droughts have so far occurred every 5 – 7 years in the region, but almost never with the extreme conditions of today. Some argue that aid alleviates suffering, while others point out that aid is not effective in the long run. The basic criticism is that aid neither goes where it was intended nor helps those intended. Conflict trap, where aid end up being used to finance military endeavors. Natural resource trap, where aid is given to resource-rich countries that already have capital flowing into their economies. However, it is not being used to its potential. Landlock trap is when it is difficult for landlocked countries to engage in global trade. Collier’s conclusion is, that aid needs to somehow provide incentives for giving the people power. Power needs to be transferred from the governments to the people. Therefore, aid should be restructured in order to allow for skills building in the countries.
I have been low on energy for more than 18 months. My life got turned around after my son was born and we became a family. I havn’t managed to ajust to family life. As a result I am stressed, exhausted, low on energy and I’m starting to feel discouraged and depressed. Something has to be done! Now! I found an article on ZenHabits with 55 ways to get more energy. I’m a big fan of Leo’s site and if he can manage to stay enegized, then so can I. For the next 180 days I’m going to turn my life around and ajust to family life. I will try all 55 ways that Leo suggests. Everyday I will post what I’m doing and how much more energy I gain from doing it. These posts are not perfect; I’m not going to rewrite or spell check. This is a project with one goal only: To give me more energy. Update: I have started a list of more ways to get more energy, that I discover during my More Energy Project. I’m working on an ebook titled “6 Powerful Mechanisms Behind Personal Change”. This post is a part of the chapter about positive attitude. I will show you what attitude is and how you can use it to be proactive. Daniel D. Droba claims he was the first to define the attitude concept and he did so in his article The Nature of Attitude from 1933. Droba based his study on 55 books on sociology and psychology and he concluded that attitude is a state of preparation to action. I’m surprised that Droba only used American sources and studies because the attitude concept has a central role in Carl Jung’s Psychological Types published in 1923. Jung’s work is used today in personality tests and development of organisations. Jung believes that we have both a conscious and an unconscious attitude. I you want to act in a certain direction you have to be conscious about it; for that you need attitude. Jung has identified certain types of attitudes that are based on habits. This means, that habits can develop both consciously and unconsciously; these habits will produce some kind of attitude. If you want to change something you need the right attitude to do so. That is why you can combine habits and attitudes and thereby create personal change. You can use this mechanism to create change. Changing a habit is difficult and it takes time, but you can choose to adopt a certain attitude, e.g. a positive attitude, and thereby change your action. Another type of action will lead to a new experience. That new experience is your resource to the attitude you desire. Your attitude is not predetermined. You can choose to take responsibility for your actions and adopt an attitude that will help you to personal change. This is being proactive. Is it that simple? – Yes, it is that simple! The difficult part is to make the decision about being reactive or proactive. If you chose to be reactive then you don’t have to read anymore – just carry on with your life as usual. Did you choose to be proactive? What are you going to do to be proactive? I live with my girlfriend in a flat on the second floor of a building with four floors. We have an entry telephone at the street-door because it is always locked. This way guests and carriers can press a button to announce their arrival. The entry telephone is a clever arrangement that my girlfriend and I appreciate a lot, because it saves quite a bit of money if the alternative is to throw rocks at the windows. But sometimes a neighbour or a deliveryman who is already in the building wants to say hallo. They have two options; they can either press the doorbell or knock repeatedly on the door. Most people knock the door and those who choose to ring the doorbell usually have to leave with unfinished business. It’s not that we don’t like people who ring our doorbell; we simply can’t hear the bell. Why not? Because it’s not working! If you have a doorbell that is not working then make it work or take it down. There is no point in keeping utilities that doesn’t work. It is inconvenient to press the doorbell a couple of times and then knocking the door hoping that someone will hear you. The guest or carrier risk getting impatient or irritated and that’s an unfortunate start of the visit. Make it easy for people who are coming to visit you, that will create better energy. It’s not just the doorbell that has to be working. If you have anything in your house that is not working then ask yourself: Am I going to repair it? If not, then throw it out; get rid of it. If you don’t want to expel your malfunctioning appliances then fix them. Gadgets and objects that do not serve their purpose will end up cluttering your life; they will bring bad energy and give you worries that you don’t need. Your phrasing habits make your reality. The words you use and the way you put them together form your perception of reality. If you have a habit of applying negative words to all your sentences then your reality will be negative. The wind ruins your haircut; the rain wets your car; the dog next door keeps you awake and the sales assistant frowns upon your choice of style. Choosing words that support your dreams and goals will attract people that can relate to what you say because they share your view of reality. In the examples above you will attract self-centered people who focus on negative aspects of life. How will they help you reach your life goals? – They won’t! Imagine that all people have a pair of glasses; each pair of glasses are different so, reality looks different depending on the glasses you see through. When you exchange glasses with someone, you see how this person’s reality looks like and to combine the two realities you adjust both pair of glasses to represent a reality you both agree on. To exchange glasses you have to listen to the other person and tell about your own reality. 1. Listen to other people’s points of view; it is most likely that they don’t see reality the way you do. If you listen to people you will understand their reality and you can combine it with your own reality. 2. Tell your stories, but mind inappropriate phrasing. Pay attention to the words you choose and how they help convey your perception of reality. It is possible that you have to change some phrasing habits. When you share or combine two or more perceptions of realities then a new one will emerge. That reality will be filled with new and exciting opportunities waiting to be explored. These opportunities will clear the way to your dreams and goals. You Can Control Your Destiny! There are different belief systems but I have chosen to believe that we can control our destiny if we want to. To control your destiny you have to take responsibility of your life and your actions. At university I studied philosophy and I was especially inspired by how the philosopher Thomas Hobbes defined the free will. Free will and destiny go hand in hand, because the only way you can control your destiny is by having a free will. The question is of course – do you have a free will? To this question Hobbes answered yes and no, because he believed in a limited freedom. It makes sense to me that my actions will bring a reaction of some kind and sometimes this reaction is predictable and therefore determined. E.g. if I choose to throw a rock at a window, it is destined to shatter. This means that I have a free will within some boundaries defined by nature or other people’s will to suppress my free will. If I am in prison I cannot choose to go out even if I want to, but there is nothing that hinders me walking around in my cell or doing push ups if choose to do so. Nature also sets boundaries that I cannot break even if I wanted to. If I choose to flap my arms and insist on flying then nothing will happen. I could choose to jump out of a plane and flap my arms but it won’t make me fly. My destiny is clear: I will plunge to the ground. Thus, I believe that you have a free will to choose your actions and steer your life in the direction you want to. This way you are in control of your destiny. You can choose good habits and form a good and healthy life. E.g. if you choose to smoke 60 cigarettes every day you will become sick and die sooner than if you choose not to smoke. It is your choice of attitude, beliefs and habits that decide your destiny and you have the possibility to choose within a set of boundaries. You can read more about this topic if you look up ‘compatibilism’. This is an interesting and complex topic and there is a lot of debate whether it is true or not.
In their 1858 Greensward Plan for Central Park, Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) and Calvert Vaux (1824-1895) proposed an architectural "open air hall of reception" for this area. They imagined a sweeping promenade that would lead to a terrace overlooking the lake. As Vaux told Clarence Cook, art critic and reporter for the New York Daily Tribune, they wanted the structure to be subordinate to the landscape: "Nature first, second, and third -- architecture after awhile." Bethesda Terrace, mid-park at 72nd Street, seamlessly weaves architecture into the surrounding landscape, fully realizing Olmsted and Vaux’s vision. The terrace, Calvert Vaux’s masterpiece, was one of the first structures built in the park. Construction began in 1859, just months after the Lake was excavated and filled in December 1858. General construction slowed during the Civil War, but the terrace, the architectural heart of the new park, remained a high priority. Reasserting the primacy of nature, Vaux chose a wildlife and seasonal motif, which included carvings depicting the passage of night and day. English-born architect Jacob Wrey Mould (1825-1886) brought Vaux’s concepts to fruition in his design of the decorative elements of the terrace. Park visitors can stand on the upper terrace and look across the lake to the rugged shoreline of the Ramble, Central Park’s major woodland. The much-adored vista has changed little since the 19th century, with 22-foot ornamental poles framing the picture of the wilderness. These are topped by colorful medieval-style banners known as gonfalons, which lend their majesty and festivity to the landscape. The sandstone terrace with benches built into the walls is the site of the Angel of the Waters, one of the world’s most famous fountains. Bethesda Fountain, as it is commonly called, was the only sculpture commissioned during the original design of Central Park. Twenty-six feet high and ninety-six feet in diameter, it remains one of the largest fountains in New York. Angel of the Waters was created by sculptor Emma Stebbins (1815-1882), the first woman to receive a commission for a major public work in New York City. She worked on the design of the statue in Rome, from 1861 until its completion in 1868. Cast in Munich, it was finally dedicated in Central Park five years later. At the dedication, the brochure quoted a verse from the Gospel of St. John 5:2-4: "Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called…Bethesda…whoever then first after the troubling of the waters stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." The fountain celebrates the 1842 opening of the Croton Aqueduct, which brought fresh water from Westchester County into New York City. Stebbins likened the healing powers of the biblical pool to that of the pure Croton water that cascades from the fountain. The lily in the angel’s hand represents purity, while the four figures below represent Peace, Health, Purity, and Temperance. Central Park Conservancy, the nonprofit agency that co-manages Central Park with Parks, has provided funding for major renovations since its founding in 1980. In the mid-1980s, the Conservancy funded the complete rebuilding of Bethesda Terrace. New stone quarried from the original sources was laid in alongside the existing stonework, and sculptors were commissioned to restore splendor to the aged ornamentation. The fountain was cleaned, repainted, and resealed with a protective coating in 1988; bronze specialists now wash and wax the fountain annually. Bethesda Terrace remains one of the most elegant and majestic sites in the sprawling variety of Central Park. Dimensions: H: 15" W: 23"
With an instrument software system, sound is arranged to emulate the texture and colour on the canvas. The use of sound in conjunction with graphics has long been a popular combination in the field of media arts. In this context,the piece further experiments with the possibility of creating music via the interaction with a visual medium. Beside exploring the possible forms of sound performance through a musical apparatus, an extended layer of parallel imagination is brought to the paintings, thereby creating a multiple dimension between the two ‘Soundscapes’.
PhD fellow Beau Oldenburg studies the role of the teacher in countering bullying. Her findings show that the group of teachers studied was not always sufficiently equipped to tackle bullying. ‘For example, teachers find it very difficult to establish whether someone is actually being bullied, as bullying often takes place out of their sight. Nevertheless, it is of great importance to take all signals regarding bullying seriously’, says Oldenburg. ‘In doing so, teachers should set themselves realistic goals. It is impossible to eliminate bullying altogether, but teachers can make a difference and truly improve the situation for victims of bullying.’ During national ‘No Bullying Week’, Oldenburg offers online videos with daily tips on strengthening the teacher's personal style and stimulating a socially safe classroom environment.
Ottawa is the Canadian capital city and beyond the scenic snowscapes, gives way to a hospitality industry full of culinary innovation. The thriving travel sector that continues to fuel the demand for good food provides educational opportunities for chef students who want to learn, then earn, in Canada. Beyond food, Ottawa is huge thanks in large part to its industrial history, along with its wealth of tech companies. Academic chef’s training should be supported by a gastronomic foray into the Ottawa food scene. Dissect local menus, and whenever possible, engage with local chefs to bolster your understanding of regional cuisine and local trends. Analyze chef output with an eye toward creative uses of sustainable, local, seasonal, and unique ingredients. Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute - One of the world’s most acclaimed culinary curriculums is available in Ottawa. Le Cordon Bleu, of Paris fame, teaches the same chef curriculum delivered to French chefs. The school offers an uncompromising program and earns international respect. Professional chef programs include: Diplomas in Cuisine, Patisserie and Le Grand Diplome (a combination of Cuisine and Patisserie); Certificates in Basic, Intermediate, and Superior Cuisine, and the same for Patisserie. An innovative program of Short term Gourmet Sessions provides intensive workshops that last from 1 to 4 days, covering topics like knife skills, French crepes, Spanish Tapas, boulangerie, chocolate, sushi, table etiquette, and an array of epicurean courses. As a student chef in Ottawa, your learning takes on international flair, as you work alongside French trained chef/instructors and multicultural students, to prepare and present food for a discerning cosmopolitan clientele. Carleton University - Specializing in Food Science and Nutrition is another food related path embraced by culinary-minded students. The program does not include kitchen skills, from a production standpoint, but it graduates experts in food areas that influence the entire industry. Sanitation and regulations are well represented in the Bachelor’s curriculum. Small-scale cookery schools don’t graduate world-class chefs, but they occupy a relevant niche for learning chef’s skills. Vegetarian and health-inspired academies are gaining popularity among conventional students wishing to expand topical knowledge in specific food areas. Holistic Cooking Academy- Balancing food consumption with an eye toward continued good-health is important for home cooks and professional chefs. The Academy trains individuals as teachers, so the message can be brought to professional kitchens in a seminar format. The Urban Element – Fun-based instruction that brings people together in a united front against bad food.
Last year I challenged myself to read 50 books. I did and found that it’s possible and rewarding. I read a variety of books: collections of short stories, fantasy, volumes about how to become a better and more effective educator. I read short books, long books, and even managed to finish the colossal monstrosity that is Atlas Shrugged. On December 31, 2014, with a few hours to go, I finished my book challenge and breathed a giant sigh of relief. That night, I decided to up my game: next year 75 books. A friend asked why I read so much and it’s taken three weeks to consider the answer. Reading is integral to my identity. Learning about the ways in which the world around me views and is viewed by others through true and fictitious stories helps me shape and reshape exactly who I am. I’ll read pretty much anything. So far this year, I’ve learned about the science of the brain, the reasons behind our decisions, why forgiveness should be a central part of my life, and how to get away with faking my death.Tha last one is a stretch, but reading about and hearing the stories of how and why the world works the way it does, what motivates us to behave the ways that we do, and understanding the histories behind our everyday choices and life changing decisions makes the work of living a full life a little more manageable every day. Reading is a transformative tool. It’s helped me become a better writer, listener, and person. As a teacher, having the ability to connect to students through stories they bring to the classroom has helped me reach even those I thought would keep their strongest barriers in place. Breaking through their barriers as well as my own is an ongoing process. Through the National Writing Project, I’ve figured out how stories and challenges to my own way of being allow me to admit my flaws, celebrate my successes, and inspire my students to do the same. 75 books is a good challenge, but it is mostly a means to the end of a much larger learning and teaching challenge that I will continue writing about through the year.
There is no doubt that ignition interlock devices have helped and continue to help keep roadways safe by preventing drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel after they have consumed alcohol. These units have helped prevent drivers who have been convicted of driving under the influence from getting another conviction because it prevents them from driving if there is alcohol on their breath. These units are mandatory for drivers who have been convicted of drunk driving in nine states, some of these states require ignition interlock devices after the second conviction instead of the first conviction. Ignition interlock devices are not only for those who have been convicted of drunk driving. Any person can have an ignition interlock device in their vehicle to protect themselves, or another driver that uses that vehicle, from driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are concerned that you will make poor decisions after you have been drinking, you can eliminate the chances of getting behind the wheel while you are intoxicated by volunteering to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. This can also be helpful if you are concerned that another person who uses your vehicle may make these poor choices. Studies have shown the number of volunteers for the installation of ignition interlock devices is growing quickly. This is especially true for the parents of young drivers who are either underage, or just at 21 years of age. These parents are protecting themselves and their children from the physical and emotional duress of the potential ramifications of drunk driving, and a drunk driving crash. They are also protecting themselves from the financial burden of the potential ramifications. As a parent you always want to believe that your children will make the right decisions, but this can ensure that your children will make the right choices even when you are not around. Additionally, some people have installed ignition interlock devices voluntarily due to insurance breaks offered by certain insurance companies. These companies are happy to give a discounted rate to parents who are taking steps to prevent their children from getting behind the wheel after they have been drinking. This not only stops the young driver from driving while under the influence, it also helps protect the insurance company from the potential cost of a car wreck caused by intoxication. This is a win-win situation for parents protecting their children, and insurance companies protecting themselves. Voluntary ignition interlock device installation is a viable option for any driver who is worried about getting behind the wheel of a car after they have been drinking. These devices not only protect the driver, they protect other drivers from the dangers of being on the road with a drunk driver. With the additional security of protecting your family members, and younger drivers, it is almost shocking that more people do not install ignition interlock devices voluntarily. Voluntary ignition interlock device installation can be done on any car, by any driver,. However, just be sure you have a reputable company install the device, and that you keep it regularly calibrated so that it continues to work properly.
Lesson Plans, Grade 08 Science - Widespread competence: to recognize the shape of matter and adjustments it. Basic competence : to describe density idea in everyday-existence signs : 1. To calculate the density of be counted 2. To use the concept of density in fixing some issues in ordinary-existence materials 1. Pupil’s ebook 2. Scholar’s worksheet three. Water 4. Cooking oil 5. Alcohol 6. Iron 7. Aluminum eight. Wooden 9. Cork educational manner 1. Version : discussion cooperative mastering direct guidance assignment assignment 2. Method : contextual teaching and gaining knowledge of introduction 1. Motivate students by means of asking to students, why water doesn’t mix with the cooking oil? 2. Why does the iron can sink in the glass of water? Three. Ask the scholars to consider the form of materials. 4. Nation signs of the targets of learning. Essential pastime 1. Let college students read pupil’s book approximately count and its states and underline the principle concept density in daily life. 2. College students can finish from an experiment that density is precise feature of count number three. Permit students take a seat in a cooperative learning placing and remind them of the cooperative abilties with the intention to be taught and the way to comply with the training. 4. Deliver student’s worksheet to students five. Referring to the cooperative learning model, permit every institution does little by little. Manual each organization in undertaking this interest. 6. Introduce to college students why the kerosene can float within the wick of the kerosene? 7. College students can find out precise feature of be counted from simple test. Eight. College students can deliver examples of density in day by day life. Nine. Students can calculate the density of count . Worksheet charcoal on the rise! Trouble: what's the difference among the 2 adjustments inside the sugar. Why? Speculation: can you are expecting physical or chemical modifications? Materials: 100 ml of sugar crystals, two a hundred ml beakers, glass stirring rods, pass outdoors or below a fume hood! Procedure: 1. Fill every beaker half of full of sugar. 2. Upload approximately 40 ml of water to the primary beaker and the identical amount of focused sulfuric acid to the second one beaker. Three. Stir and let it stand. 4. Study the distinction among the 2 modifications in the sugar. Five. Ask: "in which beaker do the reactants still have the same properties?".
The internet is a challenging environment for those looking to engage in enlightened public discourse. In this repost, Fabio Sabatini and Tommaso Reggiani present evidence showing how, although incivility has become the default setting for online conversations, where debate is civil it has a corresponding effect on levels of trust. Suggesting that an appropriate policy response to the incivility of the internet, is not to crack down on bad behaviours, but to create online platforms that promote civil constructive interactions. “When it’s a faceless, person-less comment, and it’s comment after comment after comment, it makes you lose faith in humanity”, confessed a content specialist at Debate.org (a site that invites users to discuss controversial topics) in an eye-opening interview with mashable.com. Social media were initially credited with the potential for reinvigorating trust, by offering new opportunities for social and political participation. This view has been recently challenged by the rising phenomenon of online incivility, which has made the environment of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, increasingly hostile to users. Online incivility is a manner of harassing behaviour that can range from aggressive commenting in threads, incensed discussion and rude critiques, to outrageous claims, hate speech, and more severe forms of harassment such as purposeful embarrassment and physical threats. Pew Research Center (PRC) reports that the majority of Americans have been targeted, or have witnessed others being targeted, with online incivility. The descriptive evidence available so far, also indicates that social media users perceive incivility as the norm of online interaction. Given the penetration of social media and the importance of trust to economic activity, economists have started analysing how the tone of discussion in social media affects trust across users.
A generation ago Jack Bogle invented the index fund. Now he’s warning his creation may have a negative impact on the stock market. Bogle, who founded The Vanguard Group in 1974, wrote Thursday in The Wall Street Journal that if current trends continue, index funds will soon own half of all U.S. stocks. He thinks that could lead to a dangerous vacuum in corporate governance – with nobody to effectively police the corporate executives who run America’s largest companies. Over the past few decades, however, indexing’s popularity has soared. Holdings have trended steadily upwards, from 4.5% of total U.S. stock market value in 2002 to 9% by 2009. Stock index fund assets now total $4.6 trillion, and their overall percentage of total stock market value has almost doubled again in the last decade to 17%. In the meantime, Bogle has become something of a folk hero. He has been praised by numerous finance gurus, not to mention the self-proclaimed ‘Bogleheads,’ who maintain a popular online personal finance forum and regularly hold local and national gatherings, where Bogle himself sometimes speaks, despite his advancing age. The 89-year-old was featured in MONEY’s May 2017 cover story, in conversation with entrepreneur Tony Robbins. Index funds’ growth has had some unintended consequences. As Bogle points out, there are three index fund managers who dominate the field: Vanguard has a 51% share of the market, followed by BlackRock with 21%, and State Street Global with 9%. There are significant obstacles to becoming a major player, however, so it’s not likely any new competitors will reduce the huge concentration enjoyed by these big powerhouses. There’s good news for investors: As competition between larger fund managers has increased, fund fees have gone way down. Fidelity offered several zero-cost index funds this year for instance, a clear sign that low price points will make it even harder for additional firms to create new funds. That might leave a power vacuum, leaving corporate chieftains unaccountable. CEOs who run companies supposed to answer to boards of directors, who are in turn elected by shareholders. Index funds are the biggest shareholders at most companies though. In theory, funds are supposed to vote their shares on behalf of their own investors – everyday workers who own fund shares in a 401(k) or IRA account. But there’s a wrinkle: Index funds’ investing strategy revolves around passively buying every stock in the market, while holding cost down as low as possible. The upshot is that they have little wherewithal or incentive to keep tabs on CEOs or other corporate managers. Unfortunately, there’s not much that the average investor can do. Some funds, however, have tried to step up corporate governance. Earlier this year, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink penned a letter companies that BlackRock invests in, urging them to consider societal responsibilities. Sparking a debate on Wall Street for years to come, Fink emphasized that corporations should “serve a social purpose” and “benefit all of their stakeholders,” not just a select few. But many observers argue funds fall far short, especially when it comes to issues like reining in runaway executive pay.
Smart meters are a relatively new technology that’s being rolled out across the UK to replace your home’s conventional energy meter. They tell you the exact of amount of energy you’re using, thereby letting you curb your energy usage accordingly and become more energy efficient. They communicate with your energy supplier, preventing the need for someone to visit your home and read the meter in person. The UK is still in the process of rolling out smart meters, and nationwide coverage will be available by the end of 2020. Millions of smart meters have already been installed in homes and businesses across the UK. The entire smart meter program is expected to save an estimated £300 million a year—or £5.7 billion over the duration of the entire smart meter initiative. Essentially, a smart meter is a new type of meter that measures gas and electricity usage. Each meter comes with an In Home Display (IHD) that can be used to read your home’s current energy usage at any time. Smart meters are regulated to confirm that they display accurate readings and information, ensuring that your energy bill is always correct. Although it began as a government requirement, having a smart meter is completely optional for homeowners. Smart meters are incredibly beneficial and will save you a lot of money in the long run. Below are some of the smart meter advantages you can expect. They're free Yes, perhaps the biggest benefit is that your energy supplier foots the bill and installs a smart meter without charging you for it. Installers are also required to give you helpful tips on how you can begin reducing your energy usage. Real time energy information The IHD displays live energy usage as it’s consumed throughout a household and tracks energy usage during peak hours of the day. Energy statistics can be viewed in pounds and pence, making it easy to see exactly how much you’re spending each time you stream your favourite show on Netflix. Better energy management Being able to see your energy usage as it occurs live can be an effective way to limit your energy consumption consciously. For instance, you can see how much it costs when lights are left on throughout the day, or the energy that’s consumed by a computer even when it’s not in use. Using this information, you can set energy goals and gradually scale your utility bill down until it becomes more manageable. Better savings Conventional gas and electricity meters made it difficult to measure and compare the cost of an energy bill with the amount that was used each day. Now, many energy suppliers offer online tools that work in tandem with a smart meter, allowing homeowners to observe and react to their energy usage in real time. Green energy Research has shown that 79% percent of home and business owners with smart meters were more likely to curb their energy usage thanks to the new meter. For energy suppliers, smart meters allow them to adjust the effectiveness of renewable electricity at any time of day, targeting specific areas that require more energy or limiting energy to certain areas. Easy to switch suppliers Energy suppliers are quickly adopting and installing smart meters across the UK. This is good news for consumers, as you’ll be able to quickly compare prices and services between each provider and then make the appropriate switch that suits you. Are there any disadvantages to smart meters? There are a couple of negative features of smart meters, although overall the pros outweigh the cons. Some criticism has been drawn because the first wave of smart meters was essentially useless, leaving millions of users stuck (briefly) with unusable technology. This occurred because energy suppliers adopted a new national communications network that wasn’t compatible with the original smart meters. Others are worried about their privacy, claiming that energy suppliers can use the data they collect from individuals and households and use it for promotions or sell it to third-party companies. However, outside of your energy usage being used to calculate your bill, you get to decide how each supplier uses your data and whether a company can use your data for marketing purposes. Finally, there are those that say the device just isn’t cost effective. While the long-term benefits are yet to be seen, so far smart meters are proving to be a valuable tool for homeowners. Why is a smart meter a good investment? Unless you’d like to continue guessing why your energy bill is so expensive each month, smart meters are an excellent addition to your home. They’re free, they send your energy data automatically to your supplier, and they provide insightful information that can help you make better energy related decisions.
When tarot and numerology are combined you gain a reading with deep insight into the personality of the individual. The symbols may not be in total agreement but each tarot card is representative of a number and therefore a numerological reading is practical and effective. Many of us are seeking additional guidance in life and this is certainly one of the means available to gain that guidance. Get your free online Tarot Card Numerology Reading today. Both Tarot and numerology are very popular means of divination. The life path and destiny numbers which have been determined through a calculation based on the date of birth are also associated with a tarot card. Tarot card numerology readings interpret your personality in detail both the positive and negative and determine the ruling planet. This provides insight into your character and aids in determining areas where you may need to make improvements. It is a fact, although most of us were not aware of it, that the science of numbers is in fact related to the sequence of the tarot cards numerologically. Each card in the tarot is strongly associated with the appropriate number. These numbers are based on the numerological principles and represent a spiritual growth process that ranges over the numbers one through nine. While the tarot is commonly used to examine personal concerns through a reading it is possible to actually create by combining numerology and tarot a personal tarot cards set based on your name and date of birth. If you were to use this personal set of cards you would have a very different reading. As one example in this set only the growth cards ever change. While most readings focus on those things that come and go in life, the cards in the personal deck would represent factors that will be with you throughout life. Most of us are very used to getting what we want in our lives. This would be no exception. We’re all looking for means to emphasize our virtues skills and eliminate our flaws. This type reading because it is very detailed on the personal side can be very helpful in way. With the 78 cards in the Tarot, each of which has a meaning derived from the study of numerology it is the number on the tarot cards which reflects its numerological important. With the minor arcana as an example cards reflect feelings present in our everyday life in ongoing events. The major arcana cards are more inclined to be representative of attributes related to the mundane: the spiritual, financial, familial matters and more. It is through the combination of meanings of the numbers that one is helped to achieve a deeper understanding of numerology with the use of the tarot cards.
Next month, a new warning system will be introduced in the island of Tuvalu to help communities better prepare for natural disasters. Made by Chatty Beetle technology, the device is able to send and receive short data messages to the Internet via satellite anywhere in the world. The equipment on each island will include SMS-based communication to ensure that when a warning comes from New Zealand or Hawaii, residents will be notified. The device will receive a message about the type of storm warning, be it a tsunami or other meteorological warning, and the alarm will be activated. With the rise of sea levels due to global warming, there is a significant environmental stress for the residents of Tuvalu. The threatening seawater could contaminate the nation’s water supply, which is already at risk because of untreated sewage from the mining and farming industry. It was reported that the 2014-15 cyclone season was one of the most active. Tropical Cyclone Pam devastated the South Pacific Ocean nation in March last year, killing more than 10 people and leaving thousands without a home. In cooperation with the disaster management officer, each island will hold drills once the devices are installed to practice emergency procedures. The devices are solar powered and have the ability to protect the island’s 10, 000 citizens from natural disasters including earthquakes, cyclones and volcanic activity.
The government’s cycling and walking investment strategy “won’t be worth the paper it’s written on” unless backed by sustained funding, cycling campaigners claim. The British Cycling policy adviser and 1992 individual pursuit Olympic champion Chris Boardman believes far more ambition is needed if Britain is to create a cycling and walking culture to rival countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands. His comments come as the government launched its blueprint to encourage more walking and cycling with the aim of boosting the number of people who get around by bike or on foot by 2040. Yet the ambition is backed by just £316m over the next five years, barely half the cost of upgrading Bank tube station in London. “Frankly it’s embarrassing,” said Boardman. The funds available for both walking and cycling work out at just £1.38 per person in England outside London, according to the CTC, a national cycling charity. The CTC notes that the Department for Transport has set aside £15bn to upgrade motorways and trunk roads. The transport minister Robert Goodwill insisted the plans would help the economy and cut congestion, while also improving health and air quality. But the blueprint seems to acknowledge that the plan will only succeed if central government changes its attitude: “Realising this ambition will not only take sustained investment in cycling and walking infrastructure but also long-term transport planning and a change in attitudes amongst central government, local bodies, businesses, communities and individuals. Cycling and walking must be seen as transport modes in their own right and an integral part of the transport network,” the strategy warns. British Cycling and the CTC are calling for the objectives and funding proposals in the draft strategy, issued on Sunday for consultation, to be strengthened. They point to the parliamentary Get Britain Cycling report, which called for investment in cycling of at least £10 per person annually, rising to £20, in order to boost cycle use to 10% of trips by 2025, and to 25% by 2050. British Cycling and CTC also claim that its target to double cycling trips by 2025 implies even lower growth outside London, especially after allowing for population growth. It would effectively boost cycle use from less than 2% of trips today to around 3.5%. Cycling makes up 19% of trips in Denmark and 27% in the Netherlands – where spending on cycling is around £24 per person annually. CTC’s policy director Roger Geffen suggested that some of the motorway and trunk road budget should be moved towards cycling and walking. The strategy merely repeats the existing pledge to spend £300m over five years, according to the cycling campaigner Carlton Reid. The consultation ends on 23 May and the final strategy is to be published in the summer, when the government will also issue guidance to local bodies on developing local plans. A new independent expert committee is to be set up by October 2016 to help advise and implement the strategy. Major British Cycling poll shows majority backing for more bike routes even if it means longer commutes for drivers.
Dimensional shingles, sometimes known as architectural shingles, are an alternative roofing material that are designed to provide a three dimensional appearance to your roof. Unlike regular shingles, dimensional shingles have multiple layers of a material (usually asphalt), giving them a three dimensional, irregular appearance when placed on your roof. The thicker construction of dimensional shingles carries with it a number of benefits. Understanding what dimensional shingles have to offer can help you decide whether or not they are the right fit for your home. Durability: The increased thickness of dimensional shingles when compared to traditional shingles translates into an increase in durability, which means that dimensional shingles are better suited for resisting physical trauma and damage that may occur due to prolonged weather exposure. Insulation: The greater thickness of dimensional shingles also translates into better insulation, as there are more layers of asphalt on the roof of your home. This helps prevent temperature from leaking out of your home, and reduces the amount of sound that can seep into your home, which can be a huge benefit if you live in a particularly high traffic area. Fire Resistance: Dimensional shingles provide a degree of fire resistance due to their increased thickness. Asphalt does not burn very easily, especially when compared to wooden roofing options, and thicker asphalt shingles will take greater heat exposure to burn. This can help slow the spread of a fire, giving you and your family valuable time to escape, an important safety consideration, especially in hot and dry climates. Wind Resistance: The increased weight of dimensional shingles means that they are much better at resisting intense winds than traditional shingles are. This means that fewer shingles will be pulled off or loosened during storms, translating into fewer repairs and replacements that you will have to perform. This is an important consideration for homeowners in coastal areas, or wherever there are intense winds and storms. This will help save you both time and money in the long run. Aesthetic Appeal: Last but not least, the main draw of dimensional shingles is their aesthetic appeal. They provide a three dimensional, textured appearance to your roof, resembling wooden shakes (which are rough cut roofing materials that provide a rustic and artistic aesthetic to a home) while providing the benefits of asphalt roofing materials. This can help differentiate your home from your neighbors', and increase your overall curb appeal. If you're looking to update your roof with dimensional shingles, consider contacting a local roofing specialist, such as General Roofing, to discuss whether or not this is the right roofing material for you and your home.
Paritutu and the Sugar Loaf Islands are remnants of a large volcano that was active nearly two million years ago. The Sugar Loaf Islands, off the coast of New Plymouth, are the eroded stumps of an ancient volcanic crater. Above the water you can see seven islands and several reefs. Below the surface, there are spectacular cliffs, canyons, boulder reefs and sand expanses. The "sugar" is actually bird guano. The waters around the islands are home to at least 89 species of fish, 33 species of encrusting sponges, 28 species of bryozoans and 9 nudibranchs. The area is a mixing place for both cool and warm water species. Seals and oceanic seabirds breed here; dolphins and whales regularly pass through. The islands, both above and below water, have been protected since 1986. Guarding the eastern end of New Plymouth's harbour is Paritutu Rock, another volcanic remnant. There's a track up the rock, beginning on the northern side. It's a scramble to the top but the views are spectacular & you can see the entire New Plymouth coastline, city, port and the Sugar Loaf Islands. Paritutu once stood a little taller, but the summit was painstakingly flattened by Maori in pre-European times to make a level site for whare (houses) and kumara pits. Charter companies tour the Sugar Loaf Islands, and there are diving operators who can make it possible to see the underwater sights.
Can You Bring Baby Formula on a Plane? In 2006 the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) enacted new carry-on luggage restrictions, on the heels of failed bombing attempts on transatlantic flights with the use of liquid explosives thought to be hidden in soda cans. At the time of publication, liquids are restricted to containers carrying no more than 3.4 ounces. An exception is in place for baby formula. The 3-1-1 law for carry-on luggage limits airline passengers to containers of 3.4 ounces or smaller, with all containers fitting inside a single 1-quart plastic bag. This limit does not apply to formula or other items used for feeding infants. According to TSA policy, you may pack as much prepared formula in your carry-on as you want; however, you are encouraged to carry only as much formula as you think you'll need. Liquids are not limited in checked bags, but formula should be made as close to feeding time as possible. It's your choice whether to prepare formula at home or wait until you're on the plane. If you opt for the former, make bottle preparation your last step before leaving for the airport; prepared formula should be stored for no more than one hour at room temperature or 24 hours in the fridge, says KidsHealth.org. Make enough bottles to last 50 percent longer than you think you'll need and tuck them into a soft-sided cooler bag with frozen ice packs. If you prefer to make fresh formula on the plane, measure powdered formula into each bottle and screw the lid on tightly. Disposable bottles and liners are convenient. Liquids that conform to the TSA's 3-1-1 rule go through the X-ray scanner along with other carry-ons, but formula in larger quantities requires additional screening. As soon as you arrive at the security checkpoint and begin loading your items onto the conveyor belt, tell the closest agent that you're carrying formula and ice packs, and pull out the bag holding them. These items will probably be taken out of their bag and examined by hand. If you're carrying bottles containing only formula powder, they should not require special screening; you may keep them in your carry-on, though it's always wise to keep these bottles near the top of your bag in case an agent does want to examine them. Formula requires water. Buy a bottle or ask a flight attendant for a sealed bottle. In the airport you may want to fill the bottle from a drinking fountain, but measuring the correct amount of water may be tricky in a cramped sink, and the spout of the fountain may host germs. Don't risk using the water in an airplane bathroom; some tests have found disease-causing organisms in this water, reports "The Wall Street Journal." If your infant won't drink cool or room-temperature formula, ask a flight attendant if she can warm a filled bottle by running it under hot water. For greater convenience, consider bringing a nonelectric portable bottle warmer or pocket heat packs to wrap around the bottle.
Angela Yvonee Davis, is an American author, activist and educator, was born on January 26th, 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama. She studied at Sorbonne where she became a master scholar. She later joined the U.S. Communist Party, jailed for charges related to a prison outbreak, though she was ultimately cleared. Angela Davis has worked in several capacities; including, as a professor of philosophy and activist, advocating for prison reforms, alliances across color lines and, most importantly, gender equality. As an author, she wrote the famous book Women, Race & Class have been read across the globe. Angela Davis is the daughter of Frank B. Davis who was a business man and a teacher and Sally E Davis who was a teacher. She attended Carrie A. Tuggle Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama and graduated to Parker Annex Junior High School. The next stop of her formal education after junior high school was Birmingham High School. Her knowledge on radical prejudice is rooted on her experiences with discrimination, given that she grew up in a rather hostile environment. In fact, her parents, Frank and Sally, made sure that she became aware of the class oppressions and radical injustices against the minorities at an early age. They educated her about the struggle that the blacks faced in the segregated south. They even became members of NAACP and friends of members of the Communist Party. Angela emerged as a national prominent activist in the 1960’s when she was the leader of the Communist Party in the United States. During that time, she had close ties with the Black Panther Party through her participation in the Civil Rights Movement. In August 1970, Angela became engrossed in a prison case involving three brothers in the Soledad prison. Jonathan Jackson, one of the Soledad Prison Brothers attempted an escape. He entered the Marin County Hall of Justice Courtroom with a weapon that was registered to Angela. The events that took place in the courtroom left several people, including the judge, dead. The authorities did a biased investigation which revealed Angela’s involvement in the escape attempt even though she was nowhere near the courtroom on that day. This is how she was catapulted into the national limelight after she appeared on FBI’s list of ten most wanted criminals in the U.S. Angela was arrested and tried and acquitted of all the charges and during that period she wrote a number of essays which were published in 1971 in a collection entitled, If They Come in The Morning: Voices of Resistance. There were several songs about Angela which were recorded and released during that period not to mention albums that were dedicated to her. After her release, Angela Davis visited Cuba in the footsteps of her fellow activists Huey Newton, Robert F. Williams and Assata Shakur. Her visit had an overwhelming and unplanned effect on the Cuban society. It is reported that prior to her visit Cuba’s government had banned afros. However, after her visit, afros became so popular especially amongst the Afro-Cubans that the government had no control over the subject. During her stay in Cuba, she witnessed a racism-free country and this led her to believe that the fight against racism could only be won under socialism. Angela has achieved so much in her life, done so much to an extent that she caught the attention of people like Ronald Reagan. She is one of the founders of Critical Resistance and has been hailed for her contribution in movements to abolish Prison-Industrial Complex. Presently, Angela Davis is the presidential Chairperson for African-American & Feminist Studies Departments at the University of California.
A post on Wisconsin's Cheese Underground blog on Sunday, June 8, began with these alarming words: "A sense of disbelief and distress is quickly rippling through the U.S. artisan cheese community." The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the post continued, had recently forbidden aging cheese on wooden boards — a rule that, if enacted, could wreak havoc on cheese makers' ancient craft. The press ran with the story, declaring end times for artisanal cheese in America. A no-wood rule could force cheese makers to destroy aging inventory, and the cost of replacing wood shelving with other materials (such as stainless steel) could financially ruin some artisans. At Jasper Hill Farm in Greensboro, secondary sources reported that the measure could cost $20 million. Seven Days could not independently verify that number, as farm representatives refused repeated requests for comment. In fact, of the 29 Vermont cheese makers contacted for this story, not one who uses wood agreed to speak on the record by press time. The few who were willing to talk said they didn't age cheese on wooden boards and would be unaffected by the policy. According to Vermont Cheese Council (VCC) executive director Tom Bivins, local cheese makers jointly decided to keep a low profile until more information became available. "I think people wanted to wait until they had something to actually say," Bivins said, citing inconclusive early reports. "There was no information about whether [the FDA was] going to do this, or implement it immediately ... People were concerned about how this was going to play out." In an industry where the final product takes months — sometimes years — to mature, the FDA's apparent new stance was a sudden and unwelcome surprise, Bivins said, noting, "It caught people off guard and was very disconcerting for everyone." As one off-the-record cheese maker put it in an email, "We're feeling a bit cautious about the pace and scope of this recent development and would prefer to defer [comment] to organizations like the Vermont Cheese Council and ... the American Cheese Society [ACS]." On Tuesday, June 10, the Denver-based ACS issued a position statement urging the FDA to "[r]evise its interpretation of the [code ... and] to continue to permit properly maintained, cleaned and sanitized wood as an aging surface in cheese making as has been, and is currently, enforced by state and federal regulators and inspectors." The ACS also extolled the virtues of safe cheese making and outlined a set of best practices and safety considerations for aging on wood. With the implementation of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) looming, makers of food who rely on age-old wisdom and practice are on edge. The act will rework federal food safety standards with a focus on preventing — rather than handling cases of — food contamination. Production rules are about to be rewritten. Producers have no idea what changes are on the horizon. In off-the-record conversations, members of Vermont's artisan cheese community wondered if the FDA's apparent new protocol was one of those changes. Under the law, new regulations will be publicly reviewed and commented on, but this week, cheese makers seemed to fear that the FDA was engaging in top-down rule making sans consultation with them on matters concerning their livelihood. Hoping to fly under the radar, they kept mum to the press and quietly called their congressmen. Before long, lawmakers jumped into the fray. Right now, the House is hammering out next year's funding for the Department of Agriculture, and with it, the FDA. Via phone last Tuesday evening, Vermont Rep. Peter Welch said he will move to amend the ag funding bill to preclude the FDA from using federal funds to keep wood out of cheese making. Welch's amendment reads: "SEC. ll. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to establish, implement, or enforce any prohibition against aging or ripening cheese on wood under section 110.40 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations." The congressman, citing broad bipartisan support, said he is confident the amendment will pass. If it does, it should quash the issue for good. But was there ever really a risk that the FDA would ban wooden cheese-aging boards? Or was it simply one bureaucrat's comment taken out of context? On Tuesday, Welch, who is up for reelection this fall, acknowledged that it was a good question, but said he wasn't willing to take any risks. "We've got to stop this in its tracks," he said. "The cheese makers are rightly alarmed, and the FDA has issued a statement that ... creates more ambiguity and uncertainty. There's just no reason to ban, or suggest the possibility of banning, wood boards on which to age cheese." In addition to noting local cheese makers' woes, Welch expressed concern that the measure could touch off the "mother of all trade wars with Europe" if the FDA banned European cheeses aged on wooden boards. By 5 p.m. that same Tuesday, the FDA issued a "clarification": "[The] FDA is always open to evidence that shows that wood can be safely used for specific purposes, such as aging cheese ... The FDA will engage with the artisanal cheese-making community to determine whether certain types of cheeses can safely be made by aging them on wooden shelving." Three hours later, a Vermont cheese maker emailed Seven Days, describing the issue in seemingly dismissive terms. "Looks like the story may have passed you by," he wrote, citing the FDA statement. "This isn't the end of the saga, but the rhetoric is significantly less antagonistic." But when we asked the cheese maker to anonymously contribute an image from his company's Facebook page, he replied, "We'd prefer not to draw attention to ourselves ... We don't want a target on our backs from the FDA. Even if they are sounding less antagonistic, FSMA gives them great power to shut down food producers." Twenty-four hours later, on Wednesday, June 11, the FDA issued a "constituent update" on its website with a conciliatory tone: "At issue is a January 2014 communication ... which was sent in response to questions from New York State. The FDA recognizes that this communication has prompted concerns in the artisanal cheese making community. The communication was not intended as an official policy statement, but was provided as background information on the use of wooden shelving for aging cheeses and as an analysis of related scientific publications. Further, we recognize that the language used in this communication may have appeared more definitive than it should have, in light of the agency's actual practices on this issue." The statement also said that past enforcement actions at facilities using wooden shelving were related to pathogens. "Since 2010, FDA inspections have found Listeria monocytogenes in more than 20 percent of inspections of artisanal cheesemakers," it read. No data link said bacteria to wooden shelving, the statement continued, and "the FDA will engage with the artisanal cheesemaking community" to learn more about current practices, review data and discuss the safety of aging on wood. "We welcome this open dialogue," the statement concluded. Despite this apparent backtracking by the FDA, on Thursday, June 12, Vermont cheese makers responded to more than 15 additional calls for comment with radio silence or tepid, off-the-record remarks. "I think the FDA thing is over," one cheese maker from Chittenden County said, suggesting Seven Days call another local farm for comment. "I think it ended and it's not happening." At the VCC, Bivins embraced the manifest peace. "We'll be interested in speaking to the FDA and working with them instead of [being] at odds with each other," he said. But Rep. Welch still saw cause for concern, citing agency correspondence from earlier this year. "Unfortunately, this 'clarification' directly contradicts a clear statement of [the] FDA's position sent to my office on March 27," he wrote via email on June 12. On Thursday evening, Sen. Patrick Leahy, responding to a request for comment, acknowledged that the cheese community was still vulnerable. "While the FDA's recent clarifications have eased some fears," his office wrote in an email, "for Vermont's cheese makers the FDA's statements have done little to address concerns that this centuries-old practice is at risk of coming under attack, as are their livelihoods, if the FDA continues this overreach." Welch noted that the government needs to express itself with unequivocal clarity on an issue muddied by a week of sensationalism, clarifications on clarifications, backtracks, retractions and apologies. "It appears the FDA's right hand doesn't know what its left hand is doing," he wrote in an email. "Which FDA should cheese makers listen to?"
As we approach the Father’s Day holiday, we can’t help but think of those who do not know their fathers. Some don’t know their fathers because they are adopted, because their fathers walked away, or because their fathers have died. But others do not know their fathers because their families have been intentionally structured so that they cannot know him—they were conceived through anonymous sperm donation. It’s easy to think of sperm donation as nothing more than a way to help infertile couples have a baby. It can be difficult for those of us who were not conceived this way to understand what it’s like, and how Father’s Day is a time of mixed emotions. Hundreds of thousands of donor-conceived people have been born, all around the world, in the two hundred plus years that sperm donor conception has been going on. Only recently have the ethics and the effects of donor conception begun receiving close scrutiny. Often the questions are being raised by those who know they were donor conceived. What is it like to grow up not knowing who your biological father is or if you have any half-siblings? What is it like to find out that the man you thought was your dad is not your biological father, that your biological father donated his sperm and is known only by a number? What do donor conceived people think about their conception stories, the money aspect of buying and selling sperm in order to conceive them? And how have the anonymity and secrecy involved in donor conception affected them? These are the questions that spark the conversation in our film Anonymous Father’s Day. In the film, we state that it is difficult to know just how prevalent the practice of sperm donation is. In fact, the latest research shows that it is simply impossible to know how many children are born from sperm donation each year. The number most often cited is 30,000 per year, but that number is based on an estimate from 1988. There is do doubt that the practice has increased since 1988, but there is almost no tracking or monitoring of donors or of the children conceived through sperm donation. We cannot not know the true number. In addition, sperm donation is a global enterprise. Sperm from a man in California is used to fertilize an egg from a woman who lives in Eastern Europe. The resulting embryo is transferred into the womb of a woman in India. A couple travels from their home in London to India for a vacation so that they can be nearby when “their” baby is born. This convoluted scenario is now commonplace. Sadly. “genealogical bewilderment,” attempting to describe the feelings that come from having little or no information about their donor parent. They have a deep longing to know where they come from, who they look like, who they belong to. It is a longing to know the missing other half of them. Unfortunately, when it comes to infertility, family building, and reproductive technologies, the focus is often on those wanting to have a child rather than on the child they want to have. Reproductive technology has advanced without enough serious reflection on the health and the well being of the children created. These children wonder if anyone considered them, their needs, their desires. The conversation around donor conception is growing. Many donor-conceived people maintain their own active social network communities through blogs and facebook groups. Studies such as My Daddy’s Name is Donor and work being done with the Donor Sibling Registry, are gathering and examining the experiences of large groups of donor-conceived people. Donor-conceived people scour the internet and school yearbooks and cold call fertility doctors and clinics looking for any information or details on their beginnings, their family tree, and medical history. Many use DNA testing as part of the search for their unknown parent. While their stories and family situations may be different, the issues surrounding donor conception in the lives of those created this way are often similar. Many talk about secrets and mystery, about feelings of loss and abandonment, and about wanting to know their biological fathers and that whole side of his—of their—family. Donor conception impacts not only the donor conceived person, but his or her entire family, and ultimately, all of us. This Father’s Day let us consider those who have been intentionally separated from the man who gave them life.
Knowledge Soul A View From The Zoo: Never Give Up! Bringing a new life into this world is a tall order. The same applies for the tall Giraffe. A baby giraffe falls ten feet (3 metres) from its mother's womb and usually lands on his back (ouch!). In a matter of seconds this poor baby rolls over and tucks it legs under its body. From this position, it shakes off the final vestiges of birthing fluids from its eyes and ears. Then the mother will introduces its newborn to the reality of life!!! The mother giraffe lowers her long head long enough to take a quick look at her baby. After positioning herself on top of her new born baby, she did the most unthinkable thing: she kicks her baby, sending it sprawling on the floor (what?)! But it does not stop here. When the poor baby does not get up, its beloved mother will kick him repeatedly. Its struggle to rise on its legs its momentous. As the calf grows tired, mommy dearest kicks it again and again to stimulate its efforts. Finally, the baby calf manage to stands back on its shaky legs. And later on guess what? Yes, she kicks it off its feet again! Why? Because she wants it to remember how it got up. In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up quickly and stay close with its herd, where there is safety. Lions, hyenas and leopards all enjoy young, isolated giraffes. So it's vital for the calf to get up quickly or it's finish. In other words, what the mother giraffe did was all for her new born sakes. She did it because she loves him. There's a common thread that run through we human beings. Often times our parents will in their own ways, knocked us down and make us get up again. They want to prepare us for the harsh reality. They'll want us to never give up!!! So guys, whenever you think about quitting, think about the baby giraffe. Here's how the baby giraffe came to our world!
Of the 23 million people who have been reported to have diabetes in the U.S., 21 million have Type 2 diabetes. Why is this number so high and why should you be concerned about this statistic? Your pancreas makes insulin which is a hormone that allows for glucose (sugar) absorption into your cells. Your cells then turn the glucose into energy. The problem with Type 2 Diabetes is that while the body still makes insulin, the body doesn’t use it as well as it should. The pancreas tries to make more insulin but the cells don’t respond to it and sugar levels are increased in the blood instead. High blood sugar is bad because the pancreas tries too hard to make insulin which can damage your pancreas over time. Secondly, high blood sugar can lead to a hardening of the blood vessels. This can cause kidney disease or kidney failure, strokes, heart attacks, nerve damage, and more. How Do People Get Type 2 Diabetes? Genetics and your DNA may affect how insulin is absorbed into your body. Those 45 and older are at a higher risk for having diabetes. Certain ethnicities such as African-Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, or Pacific Islander-Americans have been known to have diabetes at higher rates. Obesity is suspected to cause insulin resistance because it may overstress the membrane inside the cell causing the insulin receptors to shut down. After you eat, the liver makes glucose. When your sugar levels go up, your liver should store excess glucose for later. If the liver keeps making and sending out glucose, then you may develop diabetes. Your cells may not communicate correctly with one another or may send out the wrong amount of insulin at the wrong time causing sugar levels to be off. Why Are So Many People Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes? It is estimated that one-third – or roughly 84 million Americans – have prediabetes and don’t even know it. The two main contributing factors are also the solution for this condition: diet and exercise. It’s no surprise that many Americans make poor decisions concerning their diet and neglect a consistent exercise routine. This has led to diabetes being the 7th leading cause of death in the United States and approximately 253,000 death certificates list diabetes as an underlying or contributing cause of death each year. While diet and exercise are the main ways that you can avoid diabetes, going to the doctor can also keep you healthy. If you are a diabetic or prediabetic, your doctor can observe your glucose levels to see what options you have towards living a long, healthy life. This may include a prescription medication or conducting glucose tests at home. After all, the sooner you know you have diabetes, the better you can manage it to avoid serious complications.
But at least the modern-day details in TDVC are accurate. Right? I grew up in the Inner Temple, London, and subsequently was educated at Westminster School. As a result, I had free and constant access to two of the scenes of the Da Vinci Code, and for this reason I can say with confidence that Dan Brown has either never been to the Temple and Westminster Abbey Chapterhouse, or did so long before he wrote his book and therefore had forgotten the geography. From the Temple Church, the heroes of the story run to Temple Station, and from there take the underground to King's College. But (a) Temple Station is in fact the nearest underground station to King's College and (b) King's College is closer to the Temple Church on foot than Temple Underground Station is. From the Chapter House at Westminster there is no direct connecting route to or from the Abbey. As in most monasteries, you have to leave the Abbey, walk along the cloister, and enter the Chapter House from there. There is no view over College Gardens (named after my old school which uses them for cocktail parties - incidentally the oldest lawn in the world). This reminds me of something written by Dan Burstein, editor of Secrets of the Code. He wrote (and I paraphrase, because I don't have his book with me and I'm on the road) that Dan Brown is actually more accurate the further back in history he goes in The Da Vinci Code. But if you can't trust an author to be accurate about modern-day details that can be confirmed through direct observation, or via trusted resources (maps, travel guides, etc.), why trust him about ancient history? Weird. In the old days, there was a Catholic Film Board. Priests would actually warn against certain films — everything from a vampire film called Lemora to The Life of Brian to The Last Temptation of Christ — in their Sunday sermons. These days, the Catholic Film Board has been replaced by Christian bloggers like Welborn, Olsen and Nicolosi. A common thread on their blogs and in interviews I did with Olsen and Welborn is that Hollywood — and mainstream American media, by and large — is "tone deaf" when it comes to the conservative Christian community. In Olsen’s view, the problem faced by a film like Da Vinci is that, if it truly strove to have an individual voice comparable to the book's, it would need to have been brought to life outside the studio system. So will Olsen be attending the film? Yes, yes, that last remark contains at least two errors. No gun will be put to my head by anyone at Ignatius Press. If they really want to make me sweat, they'll tell me that if I don't do X, they will make me translate one of Hans Urs von Balthasar's trilogies from German into French and then into Japanese. That's far more frightening. Secondly, Sandra Miesel and I will be on "EWTN Live" on Wednesday, May 3rd; the DVC movie comes out on Friday, May 19th. That week I will actually be in New York and New Jersey, giving talks and interviews. "The novel has really given people a new way to look at these destinations and these sights." This fully illustrated guide to the best-selling novel gives you fresh insight into the Da Vinci Code phenomenon. Following the path of the novel's characters, Fodor's Guide to The Da Vinci Code delves into the locations, people, historic events, and symbols involved in the story. Inside you'll find answers to questions such as: Do cryptexes really exist? Is there a secret chamber below Rosslyn Chapel? And what did conservators discover when they restored Leonardo's The Last Supper? Photographs interviews, maps, and smart lively essays from experts in their fields reveal the eye-opening true tales behind the mystery. So, in light of this copy (and there are other examples), what does it mean to say, "The novel has really given people a new way to look at these destinations and these sights"? Obvi0usly it refers to the connections the novel makes between real places and real groups (Catholics, Opus Dei) and not-s0-real events (the Lecture, the suppression of "secrets"). Tourists are encouraged to associate fictional events with real places as a way of enhancing and even enlightening their travels. Sadly, as Sandra Miesel shows in our book, The Da Vinci Hoax, Brown's descriptions of modern day places and buildings are often incorrect. As Sandra likes to dryly note, The Da Vinci Code is correct in saying Paris is in France and London is in England. After that, you'd be better of trusting Fodors. Maybe. I've now read Dan Brown's entire personal statement to the court and would like to offer a few reactions, not in any particular order but things that leap out of my notes. Brown is trying to present himself as a serious Artist, a man of many talents just bursting with nuggets of arcane lore. If the judge is well-educated, this could backfire because Brown's performance merely reveals him as surprisingly ignorant. The way he tries to claim status from the accomplishments of family and friends does raise the suspicion that Brown is the slow child in a bright household. The mentions of albums recorded during his brief and unsuccessful musical career carefully avoid mentioning that these were never released by a professional label. Brown speaks of Amherst but never what his major was; of his wife's art historical knowledge without identifying her education. And yet despite these supposedly fine backgrounds, Brown admits not having heard of this, that, and the other that should be available in a well-furnished liberal arts mind. (e.g. the existence of the witch-hunters' manual, the MALLEUS MALIFICARUM) And there's a certain dissonance in complaining of poverty in his early career while referring to vacations in Tahiti and Mexico during the same period. With one exception, the books Brown does admit to using heavily are worthless esoteric histories, conspiracy books, or New Age titles. The one genuine volume of academic history, THE MURDERED MAGICIANS: THE TEMPLARS AND THEIR MYTH by Peter Partner, has gone missing. But inasmuch as it's a thorough debunking book, there's nothing in TDVC to suggest that Brown used it. (If you want to read about the Templars, Partner's book is the place to start.) That he tries to pass off ludicrous sources such as THE TEMPLAR REVELATION, Margaret Starbird, Jim Marrs, THE TOMB OF CHRIST, THE HIRAM KEY, or Barbara Walker as legitimate scholarly authorities is laughable. And that's putting it kindly. This scheme will fail if the judge examines Charles Addison's HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR in the particular edition Brown provides. (The crackpottery of the advertisements in the back would be enough to discredit the work eve before it's read.) This decorously Victorian text is not a bad book, just an old one--published in 1842, two years before a printed edition of the Templar trial became available. But here it's accompanied by a bizarre and ridiculous introduction penned by David Hatcher Childress that's heavily dependent on HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL with the Knights presented as sworn enemies of the Church, privy to wisdom passed down from Atlantis. I wondered while writing my part of THE DA VINCI HOAX how Brown had forgotten that the Pope who suppressed the Templars was ruling from Avignon, not Rome. Well, here's the answer--Childress forgot it first. He also, as Brown does, makes the Pope, not the king of France give the order to arrest the Templars. Brown implicitly admits what I had suspected: he read no Gnostic texts himself. He depended on quotes from Elaine Pagels' THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS. Neither had he read any actual Grail romances although several of these are readily available in good editions from Penguin Books. He lists some books about Leonardo da Vinci but no academic titles on Renaissance art, Gothic architecture, or the witch-hunt. He used the popular Fodor travel guides for European places instead of the far more informative (and authoritative) Michelin ones. This is a man who grabs whatever scraps of information his wife happens to provide, regardless of quality. She seems as poor a judge of sources as he is. In both TDVC and the court statement, Brown thanks an academic librarian for help but identifies his institution as the non-existent "University of Ohio" instead of the regional branch of Ohio State University at Chillicothe where the man actually works. Browns attempts to show off his rich fund of lore simply demonstrate his ignorance. For example, he claims great admiration for Bernini and familiarity with his paintings. But Bernini's great achievements are in sculpture and architecture. Only a few paintings are attributed to him and these uncertainly. Brown follows Margaret Starbird in deriving the dynastic name Merovingian from the French "mer" for sea and "vigne" for vine. He seems blissfully unaware that these rulers of France in the Dark Ages didn't speak French but rather Frankish, a Germanic language akin to Dutch and weren't called "Merovingians" in their own era. The designation in fact comes from the name of their ancestor Merovech, Latinized as Meroveus. And then there is Brown's disquisition on the etymology of the word "sincere" which he derives from a Renaissance Spanish expression meaning "without wax" for well-wrought marble statues that required no wax to repair mistakes. My college dictionary says that "sincere" comes from French and ultimately from the Latin "sincerus" meaning pure or honest. But hey, what does Webster know? Or the OXFORD LATIN DICTIONARY? Dan Brown's statement to the court certainly tells us what little he knows.
In the article I’m going to tell you about how to Make Your Own Weight-Training Program! Weight-lifting programs can be a great way to decrease your body fat percentage and increase lean muscle mass–or in simpler terms–get big muscles! However, each person is different — everyone has their own weight limits and might want different things from their training. If you want a big chest there are different exercises to do than for big arms and some people want to tone and define rather than build. Here are a few basic guidelines for accessing and planning the best weight-lifting program for you. 1 Devising A Workout Routine: Where To Begin? Devising A Workout Routine: Where To Begin? If you are experienced at lifting weights and just want to maximize potential results then you need very different advice than to a beginner. However for all those people just beginning a weight-lifting program you need to decide what it is you want to gain from it before devising a program. You also need to base your weight-lifting program on a few key factors: frequency, intensity, volume and weight lifting exercises. Each of these aspects can be done at different levels but each needs to be considered no matter what level you are. The first thing to consider when devising a weight-lifting program is frequency. How often you should train a week depends on your level, but whether you are a beginner or a more advanced weight-lifter — each muscle group should be worked at least twice a week if you want to have any noticeable results, just doing it once is not regular enough for you to get any progress. The number of repetitions you do in a set or the intensity of your weight-lifting workout is also important. The amount you do can affect the outcome, so for building up strength do fewer repetitions, for muscle endurance do more and for building muscle somewhere in between (5-12 repetitions) will provide optimum results. The volume of repetitions for each muscle group also needs to be worked out before starting a weight-lifting program. For each muscle group you need different amounts and if you want one aspect to be better then obviously do more repetitions on this than the other. Depending on what is motivating you means doing different weight-lifting exercises. However for most programs you should try and start off with compound exercises at first and later on you can move on to add some isolated weight lifting exercises. Compound exercises add muscle mass faster as they are multi-joint movements so you will kick-start your progress with these. You should also ensure there is a balance of push vs. pull exercises in your weight-lifting program so there is no muscular imbalance. If something with your weight-lifting program isn’t working you can always change it and experiment with a different exercise or intensity. If you see someone else doing an exercise or program that looks beneficial, if it’s safe to do it and they seem at the same level as you then be observant and try it out. If you stay open minded about your weight-lifting exercises then you can progress further and get the results you want faster.
"Let my inspiration flow in token rhyme suggesting rhythm That will not forsake me, 'til my tale is told and done" Those are the first few lines of the Grateful Dead's "Terrapin Station." I used to love that song when I was in high school. I've since outgrown 12-minute rock opuses, but I still love those lines. Before telling the story, the singer invokes the Muse. The Muse, if you’re not familiar, was a goddess (or goddesses) who inspired creativity. And like all classical goddesses, she could be supplicated, but never controlled. No matter how badly an artist wanted to create, she was always at the mercy of the Muse. It's a frustrating idea, right? Not something we want to hear. But it’s actually a useful one. Let me explain. A common issue for my clients is difficulty getting things done. Some are in "creative" careers, but many are in engineering, law, or other types of knowledge work. Regardless of whether or not they have a clinical diagnosis (such as an anxiety disorder or AD/HD), they often wonder: How do I make myself get to work? Now, as a behavioral therapist, the main thing I do is help my clients find and make some easy changes, so that they are more likely to get to work. We'll use tools like time charts, self-monitoring, and alarms to develop work habits that support productivity. And these methods can be extremely helpful, especially if we are starting out with bad habits. But they don't take us all the way there. Sometimes, we can make all these changes, and still find that we're having trouble. "I just can't get myself to do this." This place of "I just need to work harder" is a tough spot, and it is where many people are when they come to therapy. When we find ourselves in this spot, we have a choice. We can take the Hard Approach, and start to tell ourselves stories about how hopeless it is, about how many times we've tried to change, about how all the really successful people are less lazy, or whatever. If we get really practiced at the hard approach, we might find ourselves anxious or depressed. The other way is the Soft Approach. We can give up, and acknowledge that the last step, the actually doing *good* work, is totally out of our control. Invoking the Muse is a way of taking a Soft Approach. It is a healthy abdication of personal responsibility. If we really want to be productive, we can't force it. We can only make some choices about what we want to be doing and make the necessary preparations. That's our way of inviting the Muse. Past that, we need to let go and have some faith that she will decide to pay us a visit. What do you think? Frustrating or freeing? The more frustrating this sounds, the more you need to practice this approach.
These days, we increasingly come to rely on technology for everyday needs. For many people, this dependency is alarming. But no one can deny the benefits that progress has given us—instant communication, paperless organization, and easy-to-access information banks that can provide millions of possible answers to a person’s question. One such source of information is not only a household name, it’s a classroom name and a workplace name: Google. With Google, one can get the answers to their questions almost instantaneously. People use this endless resource eagerly—over 3.5 billion searches are made on Google every day, from “how to make solar eclipse glasses” to “hurricane irma” to “bitcoin” (all on the lists of Google’s globally trending searches in 2017). Many say that sites like Google are bringing about a new information age, where education can be as easy as a click of the mouse. As if in homage to this aspect of their reputation, Google replaces their icon on an almost daily basis with a Google Doodle: a tiny work of art made to commemorate the day based on its significance in history—or, like the adorable animations made for the Winter Olympics a couple weeks ago, to celebrate current happenings. The first Doodle ever was in 1998 for the Burning Man festival, which Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were attending. However, the idea of professional doodlers didn’t truly catch on until two years later, when they asked an intern, David Hwang (now Google webmaster), to create a Doodle for Bastille Day. Ever since, Google has hired a professional team of artists called Doodlers that, along with other Google employees, help conceptualize and create new Doodles for the website. Throughout the years, they’ve expanded from celebrating the usual holidays to more varied events like the birthdays of authors, national election days, and the invention of the ice cream sundae. Google also hosts a contest every year called Doodle 4 Google, where students in grades K-12 can submit art based on the year’s prompt for the chance to win scholarships, technology packages for their school, and have their work featured on Google as an interactive Doodle. This year, Google 4 Doodle’s prompt was: What inspires me?
This is the third unit of study for both single and double mathematics method student teachers. The focus of this unit of study is a detailed examination of the syllabus documents for the senior secondary students enrolled in mathematics courses for the Higher School Certificate in NSW (HSC). For each of the syllabus documents, the aims, objectives, content, course requirements and key terms will be examined and used to plan, program and develop appropriate teaching strategies as well as learning and assessment tasks for key mathematics concepts. For all of the mathematics courses offered in the senior school, student teachers will evaluate and design learning and assessment tasks using a range of resources as well as plan and program lesson sequences to differentiate learning and support the development of deeper understandings of challenging mathematics concepts including calculus. Retention of students beyond the compulsory years of schooling (Year 10) will be examined to identify issues associated with students' motivation and engagement to continue the study of mathematics. Career choice limitations will be discussed to explore ways the continued learning of mathematics and mathematics and science careers can be promoted in schools.
Assertiveness. Have you ever heard anyone use that word in a disparaging remark? We hear comments like that all the time, don’t we? People say things that make it sound like being assertive is a bad thing. In fact you may say them yourself. But is assertiveness a bad thing. Absolutely not. But it could be you (or they) just don’t understand the real meaning of “assertiveness.” There are simple definitions that can help you understand the differences. People who really like other people and want to do things for other people are nice, generous people, but sometimes they allow that “nice” characteristic to become their largest area of vulnerability. They want people to like them so much that they can’t say no to anything. “Yes, sir, I can do that.” “Yes, ma’am, right away.” “Yes, I can.” “Yes, I will.” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.” Until they are just buried in stuff. They lose their effectiveness because they have taken on too much, haven’t been able to say, “No, I can’t”. That’s being passive. Then there is the other end of that spectrum. Someone comes into your office and asks you to help them with some project or other. You scream back at them, “Get out of my face! Get out of my office! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!” They leave, needless to say. And you haven’t had to do what it was they were asking you to do, you got out of it. But you alienated them in the process, didn’t you? If you act like that all the time, when you need help in the future (and we all need help at some point) are you going to be able to turn to that person for help? Probably not (not unless they are that super-passive person we described in the paragraph above.) Alienating people that way is being aggressive. In the middle is the wonderful-common ground of being assertive. This is where you are able to say; “Hey, boss…” or “Hey, colleague…” or sometimes even “Hey, spouse/partner, we’ve got a problem. This and this and this has happened and we are either at a bottom line or close to it. It can’t continue.” That’s being assertive. I taught hearing-impaired teenagers for five years and know sign language. The sign for “communication” is making both hands into the shape of the letter “C”, then moving them back and forth from near your mouth towards the other person, in opposite positions (i.e. right hand is near your mouth as left hand is towards the other person. Then as left hand moves toward your mouth, right hand moves toward the other person.) That is two-way communication. It is not just taking in information, as the passive person so typically does, and not just spewing information out as we see with the aggressive person. Assertive communication is letting someone know there is a problem, but then adding, “I have a few ideas to fix things, but I want to hear back from you about what you think. Let’s work together.” Isn’t that the best type of communication, the two-way kind? Passive: Allowing others to get what they want or need at your expense. Aggressive: Getting what you want or need at the expense of others. Assertive: Getting what you want or need without infringing on the rights of others. I like these definitions because they show these three behaviors in the light of someone paying for behaviors. If you are chronically passive, it means you are always paying someone else’s bill. That gets old for you really fast. You may come to resent their “taking advantage of you.” (In reality you are allowing them to take advantage of you, are you not?) If you’re frequently aggressive, someone else is picking up your tab. It doesn’t take too much thought to see that others will begin to resent that and will start avoiding you. But assertiveness is where the tab is even. You get what you want and no one else is imposed upon. Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it? We don’t know how to be assertive. We don’t know how to recognize the lines between being assertive and being aggressive or pushy. It is a socialization process. We’re concerned about what people think about us, they won’t like us. Let’s take a look at these reasons for not being assertive. 1. We don’t know how to be assertive? Absolutely right. It is a learned process. No one is born being assertive. We don’t hear small babies saying, “Excuse me, but I need to let you know, I need to be feed.” Or “I need my diapers changed.” No, instead we hear “Whaaaaaaaaaaa!” until we respond. Can’t get much more aggressive than that. But then we learn to control that crying and yelling and we often move into the passive arena. But have you ever seen a passive person who takes things on, and takes on and takes on, until finally, like the straw with the camel’s back, they can’t take any more. Frequently those people blow-up, don’t they? In fact, we see this all the time in our society. Wouldn’t you agree we have seen enough of it? 2. We don’t know how to recognize the lines between being assertive and being aggressive or pushy. We can’t afford for people to blow up any more, can we? We have to develop the assertiveness skills. It takes time and practice. Don’t read this article and then head out saying’ “Now I’m assertive!” You may quickly find that there is, indeed a very fine line between being assertive and being pushy or aggressive. (Which is the second reason listed above.) Learning techniques to be assertive in appropriate situations is important (and we will be doing that in next month’s “Maximize Your Potential” tip), but you can also do the “Ring up the tab” exercise. If you are concerned about your behavior being too aggressive, remember the definitions above and ask yourself, “Who is picking up the tab for what I want?” If you can say, “No one,” then you are being assertive. If you can name a name, then you are over the line into aggressiveness. 3. It is a socialization process. Definitely so. We are taught to be polite, courteous and, as children, obedient. This is particularly so for women who grew us as I did in the 50’s and 60’s or even before. We were taught to allow others to do for us, to not speak until spoken to, and to sit and be quiet and not ruin our pretty party dresses. It wasn’t that doing those things was bad, it was just that we weren’t taught when to act for ourselves to get the things we wanted. This began to really change in the 70’s. Today’s young women were raised with more options, party dress OR Levi’s. Still I always hear from audiences that society still considers a man who gets what he wants from life as a “real man”, a “go-getter”. While a woman who takes the same actions is consider as a you-know-what. There apparently are still double standards. Just being aware of those standards can help deal with them. 4.We’re concerned about what people think about us, they won’t like us. This is the oxymoron reason. Think about it. Think of a really passive person you know or have known. Are they fun to be around? You either feel sorry for them, or ignore them. You certainly don’t ask them for their opinion or admire them for their spirit, do you? Then think about an aggressive person you have encountered over the years. Is this the type of person you call on when you need a friend or even just a little bit of help? You typically avoid them like the plague, don’t you? So if we don’t like aggressive people and don’t enjoy passive people, how do you feel about people who address problems when they arise, who don’t allow things to build up, who stand up for themselves in an appropriate, non-alienating manner? Yeah, that’s what I thought. You like those people, don’t you? Most everyone does. We know they won’t take advantage of us and we know they won’t allow themselves to become a doormat. A pleasure to be with them. So much for the idea that people won’t like us if we are assertive. What we really mean when we say that is we aren’t really sure we can recognize the line between being assertive and being aggressive and we are afraid we will cross that line, which we already addressed in concern 2. So, there it is. The real meaning of being assertive is ensuring honest, sincere, two-way communication that neither takes advantage nor allows anyone to be taken advantage. True benefits for all.
Hospitals require complete patient privacy and confidentiality. Doctor and nurse offices, patient waiting areas, and examination rooms can all be easily and economically acoustically treated to improve sound quality and isolation. Hospitals and medical centers are typically filled with highly reflective surfaces. Tiled floors, long hallways and large waiting rooms can create an echo when sound is bounced around the room. High traffic areas and large amounts of people can make it difficult to hear in important and sometimes emergency situations. Safety should come first at a hospital and not being able to hear clearly can create quite an issue. Clear communication can be the difference between life and death in critical times. Absorbing these sound reflections will create a much more pleasant atmosphere. It will also make speech and communication clearer and easier to understand. Technature offers products that can absorb sound as well as stay clean and sanitary in environments that demand it. Keeping noise contained within offices and examination rooms is another priority. Improper sound isolation can allow important patient information to be heard in adjacent rooms and waiting areas. Hospitals can become very loud and busy in emergency situations and disturb sleeping patients. Each space within a medical facility has its own purpose and the sound should be kept separate from other areas. Operating rooms need to be kept free of distracting noises, so doctors and nurses can communicate and concentrate more efficiently. Technature can provide better products to help isolate the sound of separate areas within your hospital.
Masonry block walls or concrete block walls are very common walls offering many advantages. Building concrete block walls is easy but requires patience and precision for a neat project. Here are some steps that you could follow to help you build a concrete block wall. Make sure you have the right block for your product and consider acquiring some standard blocks and half-blocks with square or rounded corners to facilitate the installation process. Start by marking out the outside of the concrete block wall perimeter. Set the stakes with a rubber a mallet and use a twine line that will help you determine if the lines are straight. Prepare a foundation for the wall. Normally foundation for concrete or masonry block walls are made out of concrete and should be at least four inches wider than the width of the block. Allow the concrete foundation to acquire strength. When the block wall is built over an existing concrete slab, make sure that the surface is moist and one-inch bed of mortar has been spread over the footing. Start mixing mortar mix as instructed. The first course of blocks should be installed below floor level and inside the foundation trench. This first line of concrete blocks shall rest on top of a layer of mortar mix. Spread mortar along the sides of the block and remove the excess mortar with a trowel. Repeat until the first course has been installed. Check the course with a level. Then, even it out with a thicker layer of mortar, if it is not. For best result make sure there is a 3/8 inch gap between the blocks. This gap will then become the vertical joint. Repeat the action performed in the previous step to add another course of blocks. Blocks can be set in such way that will create an interlocking pattern meaning that the ends of one course of blocks sit above the center of the blocks beneath them. Keep installing blocks and try to install no more than six courses per day. Allow the mortar to set completely before continuing to lay concrete blocks. Once the mortar is hard, remove excess mortar and smooth the joints. Concrete blocks at one point will need to be cut so they can be installed in corners and along joints. The best way to cut a concrete block is to use a hammer and chisel to create a line where the cut is desired. This line should be created after you have measured the void on which the block will be installed. Using the hammer chip away the block along the line. Be careful on not to apply excessive force while hammering otherwise the block could be broken into smaller pieces. Continue hammering until the block breaks apart. When the concrete block wall needs to be reinforced then, that is considered a structural masonry wall. Vertical reinforcement can be installed within the block cells and filled with mortar. Horizontal reinforcement might be needed as well, using prefabricated welded wires that are placed along the horizontal joints of in between courses. The horizontal reinforcement will also prevent or control shrinkage cracking. When the wall is designed as an exterior wall then another wythe of masonry is recommended. If single wythe exterior walls are to be installed, a barrier should be provided on the exterior surface, such as a fluid-applied, breathable masonry coating or over-cladding (EIFS, metal panels,stucco and similar) to prevent water penetration into the masonry. It could be possible that a second wythe is to be installed to support loads.
An XLS file is a spreadsheet saved in Microsoft Excel format. A PRN file is a printer file, that is, a file containing printer commands. To convert an XLS file to a PRN file you print the XLS file, but print it to a file instead of sending it to a printer. The commands contained in the PRN file will differ depending on the type of printer. Use Microsoft Excel to open the XLS file you want to convert. Select Print from the File menu. Do not use the Print button on the toolbar because the toolbar button will bypass the print dialog window. In the Print dialog window check the Print to file checkbox. Normally this checkbox is off, in which case Excel would print to the printer. Click the OK button. In the Print to File dialog window type the Output file name. This will be the name of your file on the disk. Excel does not automatically add the ".prn" to the file name so you must type that in yourself; it will still be a PRN file even if you don't give it the ".prn" extension. Click the OK button. You now see a dialog window that tells you that you are printing; when that window disappears the conversion is complete. Can You Open or Import an MPP in Excel?
A small unit of interval measurement, about the same size as, or a bit smaller than, the interval size-range denoted by the strict definition of the word "comma". There are historically two types of moria. A term used by Cleonides in discussing the work of the important ancient Greek theorist Aristoxenos, to designate the small interval describing 1/30th part of the "perfect 4th". It must be kept in mind that Aristoxenus himself never gave an exact measurement for the "perfect 4th", calling it simply a "concord". His method of "tuning by concords" results in what appears to be 12-edo, in which case the moria described by Cleonides would in fact refer to the 72-edo-morion described below. Cleonides refers to the "4th" simply as the "diatessaron", the usual Greek term for the interval; thus no exact measure can be applied. Let us assume for the purpose of this definition that the "perfect 4th" is the ratio 4:3. This type of morion is calculated as the 30th root of 4:3, or (4/3)(1/30), thus having a ratio itself of approximately 1:1.009635528. It is an irrational number. The width of this morion interval is ~16.60149997 (pretty close to 16 & 3/5) cents. This interval therefore divides the "octave", which is assumed to have the ratio 2:1, into ~72.28262519 equal parts. Thus this type of morion represents one degree in 72.28262519-edo "non-octave" tuning. There are just over 6 of these moria (a more exact figure is ~6.023552099, about 6 & 1/42) in a Semitone. Because it is so close to the size of 1 degree of 72-edo, the term "morion" is also used to designate that interval. This type of morion is calculated as the 72nd root of the "octave" ratio 2:1, or 2(1/72), thus with a ratio itself of approximately 1:1.009673533. It is an irrational number, and the width of this morion interval is exactly 16 & 2/3 cents. This interval therefore divides the "octave", which is assumed to have the ratio 2:1, into exactly 72 equal parts. Thus this type of morion represents one degree in 72-edo tuning. There are thus exactly 6 of these moria in a Semitone, and (as in Cleonides's description) 30 of them in a 12-edo "perfect 4th" of 500 cents. The formula for calculating this moria-value of any ratio r is: moria = log10r * [ 72 / log10(2) ] or moria = log2r * 72.
The first nylon bristle toothbrush was put on the market less than 80 years ago. That means people were driving cars before they were using an effective toothbrush. The horror! Worried about radiation exposure? Digital imaging uses highly sensitive receptors that require significantly less radiation exposure than film. Dental professionals benefit from using digital X-rays too. The computerized pictures allow them to see the condition of your teeth in greater detail. Digital X-rays are a time saver – they take less than half of the time to develop compared with film X-rays. New dental technologies are being tested and perfected all over the world. For example, researchers at King's College London are developing a procedure that would allow cavities to “self heal” - without drilling! Sounds good, right?
Take 5 grams (approx. 1 teaspoon) in water per day on an empty stomach, or as directed by a qualified health care practitioner. Glutamine is one of the 20 fundamental amino acids involved in protein synthesis, and it is also the most abundant, forming approximately one-fifth of the amino acid pool circulating in the human bloodstream. It is classified as “non-essential” because it can be synthesized from another amino acid, namely glutamic acid. The significance of glutamine, however, cannot be overstated, as it is critical for a wide variety of essential functions, including: optimal operation of the kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, the small and large intestines, and the brain. Furthermore, it is a precursor for what is arguably the body’s most powerful endogenous anti-oxidant, glutathione; it also plays a role in growth hormone production and seems to be important for proper glycogen deposition as well. Glutamine is also the most important of all amino acids in maintaining nitrogen balance within the body, accounting for a full one-third of all amino acid nitrogen transported in the human bloodstream. Although all amino acids release an atom of nitrogen into the bloodstream after they are broken down in the liver, glutamine’s higher concentration in the bloodsteam combined with the fact that it has two nitrogen side-chains is the reason for this. A central characteristic of glutamine is that it becomes seriously depleted during the course of catabolic stress such as injury, infection, or even strenuous exercise. While the average person is likely to consume approximately 10 grams of glutamine daily, a conservative estimate for the needs of someone in such a stressful state is 20-40 grams of glutamine daily. This ubiquitous supplement is used by health professionals to treat a multitude of conditions. Rather than asking what glutamine does, it seems more appropriate to ask what it doesn’t do. For practical purposes, however, let us focus on glutamine’s more fundamental usages. The potency of glutamine has been examined for its possible applications against various types of cancer, and this is somewhat paradoxical since cancer has been described as a nitrogen trap. Considering the essential role of glutamine in nitrogen transport, this forms a scientific dilemma. Tumor cells need to acquire glutamine in order to grow, so while glutamine deprivation seems like the first course of action, it is not practical due to the adverse effects it would cause the host. Furthermore, tumor growth is synonymous with a fervent consumption of glutamine which results in a decrease in the amount of glutamine available for glutathione production, which in turn results in the decreased numbers and activity of glutathione-dependent natural killer cells. In this situation, supplemental glutamine has been shown to revitalize natural killer cells via the restoration of glutathione. Infections cause significant changes in the distribution of glutamine among the organs of the body. Severe inflammatory infections are often referred to as sepsis, and during these periods, circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels are known to drop significantly, which is concurrent with decreased levels of glutamine absorption by the bowel. The intracellular glutamine pool becomes rapidly depleted, especially from the skeletal muscle and the lungs, and the major repository for the glutamine during these times of infection is the liver. The immune system is also a major consumer of glutamine during states of sepsis, and the accumulative effect of all of this glutamine redistribution is the reduced amount of glutamine available for other key cellular functions, including the production of antibodies and glutathione. Supplemental glutamine during these states of sepsis may alleviate this problem, and recent studies have confirmed this. Recent clinical trials have attempted to assess the significance of adding glutamine to enteral amino acid formulations in hospitals, and the results have been impressively widespread. Enteral diets enriched with glutamine were well-tolerated and alleviated many of the immunological aspects of multiple trauma patients as well as mitigating the extent of mucositis in post-chemotherapy patients. Studies among laboratory rats have revealed that the intestinal tract and other portal-drained viscera account for approximately 40% of all the glutamine utilized by the whole body. The vast majority of this glutamine is consumed by the epithelial cells which convert it into energy for use by the mucosa, the lining of the small intestine. This importance of glutamine to the intestinal tract (and by extension to glucose metabolism) was only discovered in the last twenty years. This holds important implications for hospital patients placed on enteral nutritional support. For patients with intestinal tract difficulties, this is when a percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (PEJ) tube is inserted into the small intestine to provide nutritional support. The importance of growth hormone in overall health and vitality has been well-established for decades. However, obtaining and administering growth hormone from either human or bovine sources (the two most common forms) comes with high costs and inherent risks. This has led to a search for natural growth hormone enhancers, many of whom are amino acids, and one of the most effective and efficient of these is glutamine. In fact, a recent study demonstrated that even a relatively modest two gram dose of glutamine (orally administered) can illicit a growth hormone level increase of 19% after 30 minutes of ingestion, a rate sustained at 12% after 60 minutes of ingestion. Elevated levels of growth hormone have also been linked to physical activity and exercise, and supplemental glutamine has gained a very firm foothold in the discipline of the latter. The fact of the matter is that according to the latest studies in exercise physiology, resistance training (which coincidentally is the only type of exercise known to markedly raise growth hormone levels) has a similar effect on endogenous glutamine reserves as sepsis. The skeletal muscle amino acid pool, 60% of which is normally comprised of glutamine, begins to jettison its all-important glutamine reserve to feed the gluttonous liver. The homeostasis between the tissues that produce and release glutamine and those that depend on it has once again been disturbed. Some studies have indicated as much as a 50% drop in plasma glutamine levels after a single bout of resistance training exercise, requiring more than 24 hours to recover to pre-exercise levels. In 1996, biochemists at both the departments of Microbiology and Human Movement at the University of Western Australia suggested that glutamine is a ‘conditionally essential’ amino acid and may need to be supplemented in the diet in certain stress situations. L-glutamine is an amino acid that offers a wide variety of benefits, and is perhaps most well known for its role as a precursor to glutathione, an important antioxidant. It is also widely used in the naturopathic industry for its benefits in the digestive tract for conditions like leaky gut. As an amino acid, it is also used as an ergogenic aid in exercise recovery. L-Glutamine provides an effective dose of this important nutrient to avoid problematic depletions and enhance overall health. AOR’s L-Glutamine is offered in both capsule and powder form for your convenience. Results: The duration of nutritional support in the Gln group was 6 /- 2 and 5 /- 1 days pre- and postoperatively; while it was 7 /- 1 and 6 /- 1 days for the control group, and there were no significant difference among the groups (P > 0.05). Age, gender, SGA, BMI, levels of serum albumin and protein, localization of pathology and techniques of anastomosis were also similar (P > 0.05). Wound infection (P = 0.038), intraabdominal abcess formation (P = 0.044) and wound dehiscence (P = 0.044) were significantly higher in the control group than in the Gln group. There was no significant difference in terms of anastomotic leakage and other complications between both groups (P > 0.05). Hospital stay was significantly shorter in the Gln group (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Supplementation of parenteral Gln decreased the postoperative complications and hospital stay and in the patients undergoing the colorectal surgery for cancer. Sahin H, Mercanligil SM, Inanc N, Ok E. Aim:This study was performed to determine the effects of glutamine enriched total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on the patients with acute pancreatitis (AP). Method:Forty patients with AP, who had Ranson’s score between 2 and 4 received either standard TPN (control group) or TPN with glutamine (treatment group). The patients in the treatment group received TPN containing 0.3 g/kg/days glutamine. At the end of the study, patients were evaluated for nutritional and inflammatory parameters, length of TPN and length of hospital stay. Results:The length of TPN applications were 10.5 /-3.6 days and 11.6 /-2.5 days, and the length of hospital stays were 14.2 /-4.4 and 16.4 /-3.9 days for the treatment and control groups (NS), and the complication rates in the treatment and control groups were 10 and 40%, respectively (P < 0.05). The transferrin level increased by 11.7% in the group that received glutamine-enriched TPN (P < 0.05), whereas the transferrin level decreased by 12.1% in the control group (NS). At the end of the study, slight but not significant changes were determined in both groups in fasting blood sugar, albumin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, total cholesterol concentrations, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities, leukocytes, CD(4), CD(8), serum Zn, Ca and P levels compare to the baseline levels (NS). Significant decreases were determined in serum lipase, amylase activities and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in both groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions:The results of this study have shown that glutamine supplementation to TPN have beneficial effects on the prevention of complications in patients with AP.
If your bills are pipling up and you are finding it difficult to make timely payments or to make more than the minimum payment each month, a debt consolidation loan may help you. The following is a look at the basics of credit and how consolidation works. Your credit is your ability to borrow money, based on proven trustworthiness. If you have a history of paying your debts in a timely fashion and in full, you are said to have good credit. This means that banks will be willing to lend to you and credit card companies will be willing to offer you a credit line. On the other hand, if you have a history of making late payments or of defaulting on payments, this means you have bad credit. This will make it very difficult for you to borrow from lenders or to get a credit card. Your credit rating or score is kept track of by three credit bureaus; Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These agencies keep track of your credit history and current activity and express your credit rating as a number. The higher the number, the better your credit. If you are finding yourself unable to make timely payments on your loans or to make more than the minimum monthly payment, and you have several loans, it may be to your advantage to consolidate your debt. It is best to talk to your banker or a credit counsellor before deciding to consolidate. Consolidation does not eliminate your debt. When you consolidate, you are basically taking out one big loan to pay off all your other loans. The bank or financial company you use will reorganize your debt into one loan. You will then make one monthly payment instead of several. This new loan will have an interest rate reflective of the amount of the loan. There are two types of consolidation loan: A secured loan, which uses your home or other property as collateral; and an unsecured loan, which uses no collateral and is instead backed by your credit. If you do not have good credit and you do not own a home you can use as collateral, an unsecured loan can be very expensive. This is because your interest rate will be much higher than under prime conditions. If you decide to consolidate, you can do so through a bank or a financial company.
FEA is a powerful technique, able to produce solutions to challenging structural analysis problems. The technology and computational efficiency of the method, together with the rapid increases in computer processing power means that today the scope and size of simulations far exceeds the capabilities of even a few years ago. However for those engineers embarking on FEA, or companies adopting the technique to improve designs or achieve certification of new products, there is a steep learning curve to overcome. There are a bewildering array of element types, solution types, meshing methods and pre-post processing options that have to be faced. This is before we get down to the engineering physics behind the problem, with associated classic traps and errors. What is needed is guidance via a thorough but practical assessment of the method and how to use it in the real world. Students are shown the background to the FEA methodology, via simple real examples with a minimum of theory. The strength and weaknesses of the various FEA techniques are shown and discussed. Practical considerations of loadings, boundary conditions and structural details are shown by numerous examples. The course offers excellent guidance on how to assess and plan the task of carrying out a structural analysis using FEA. A clear understanding of the objectives of each analysis is vital and a road map for achieving this is presented. A review of the tradeoff between available resource and analysis methodology is given. Interaction is encouraged throughout the course. Real world examples are given at every stage, drawn from the Tutors wide practical experience. Questions are very welcome, as this is one of the key aspects of making this a unique experience for each attendee. Attendee project examples can often be incorporated into the class as time permits, to benefit all. Role playing situations include the class acting as a syndicate to evaluate a Design Failure, critical assessment of an FE Report and the continuous evolution of the Check List. This course is aimed at practicing engineers who wish to learn more about how to apply finite element techniques to their particular problems in the most effective manner. The material that is presented is independent of any particular software package, making it ideally suited to current and potential users of all commercial finite element software systems. This course is a must for all engineers aiming to use FEA as a reliable predictive tool for thermal, stiffness and stress analysis. Companies moving into FEA technology to improve product designs or assess prototype failures or speed the design process will benefit from sending key engineers to this course. If you have sufficient engineers then a tailor made course may be more suitable. NAFEMS can then work closely with you to cater for your specific industry sector or analysis type. FEAkn1 List the various steps in the analysis/simulation process. FEAkn2 Define the meaning of degree of freedom. FEAkn3 List the nodal degrees of freedom and the associated force actions for common beam, 2D solid, 2D axisymmetric, 3D solid and shell elements, for the Displacement FEM. FEAkn8 List the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis to be valid. FEAkn9 List the degrees of freedom to be constrained on a symmetric boundary. FEAkn11 Sketch problems showing the various form of symmetry. FEAkn12 List the advantages of using symmetry. FEAkn14 List the possible advantages of applying material properties, loads and boundary conditions to underlying geometry rather than to finite element entities. FEAkn15 List 2 common solvers for large sets of simultaneous equations. FENkn16 List the various forms of element distortion. FEAkn17 List the various element types commonly used in the analysis of components within your organisation. FEAco1 Describe the sources of error inherent in finite element analysis, in general terms. FEAco2 Discuss checks that may be used post-solution to check for the presence of inaccuracy. FEAco4 Explain the meaning of convergence, including h and p types. FEAco5 Discuss the difficulties that can arise in using a CAD model as the basis for carrying out analysis and simulation. FEAco6 Discuss the need for a consistent set of units in any analysis and illustrate possible pitfalls. FEAco7 Explain why strains and stresses are generally less accurate than displacements for any given mesh of elements, using the Displacement FEM. FEAco11 Discuss the finite element / spring analogy. FEAco12 Outline a common method employed to solve the large sets of sparse symmetric common in FEA. FEAco13 Explain how the structural stiffness matrix is assembled from the individual element matrices. FEAco14 Discuss the nature of the structural stiffness matrix. FEAco18 Explain the term Isoparametric Element. FEAco24 Discuss the relationship between shape function and strain/stress prediction for simple 2D linear and parabolic elements. FEAco26 Discuss the significance of computer memory to solution elapse time for large models. FEAco27 Explain how unwanted cracks can be produced in 2D and 3D solid meshes and describe which plot type is useful in detecting these. FEAco28 Explain why element distortion generally results in poorer results. FEAco29 Discuss the term Flying Structure or Insufficiently Constrained Structure. FEAco30 Explain why stress averaging is not appropriate at junctions between elements of different thickness. FEAco31 Explain why most finite elements do not represent a circular boundary exactly and highlight how this approximation manifests itself. FEAco35 Discuss the terms Validation and Verification and highlight their importance. FEAco40 Explain the rationale behind the use of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D elements used in the analysis of components within your organisation. FEAap1 Employ an analysis system for the determination of stresses and strains in small displacement, linear elastic problems. FEAap2 Demonstrate effective use of available results presentation facilities. FEAap3 Illustrate the approximate nature of finite element analysis, through examples chosen from your industry sector. FEAap4 Illustrate the various steps in the Displacement Finite Element Method from assumed displacement polynomial to determination of stresses. FEAap5 Illustrate possible applications of 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D elements in your industry sector. FEAap7 Employ symmetric boundary conditions effectively. FEAap10 Illustrate various physical situations which will result in a Stress Singularity and explain why it is not appropriate to use finite element results at such locations directly. FEAap12 Employ a range of post-solution checks to determine the integrity of FEA results. FEAan2 Compare the results from small displacement, linear elastic analyses with allowable values and comment on findings. FEAev2 Assess the significance of neglecting any feature or detail in any idealisation.
Runners can have a love hate relationship with their feet. Due to the nature of the sport along with the repetitive pounding a foot takes during this strenuous activity. We can help you walk away from pain fast! Nearly every runner knows the plantar fascia tendon that runs lengthwise across the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is that sharp, stabbing pain at the bottom or your foot. As with all tendonitis issues, this issue can occur out of nowhere and last for weeks. As with overuse injuries, the plantar fasciitis can be caused by a biomechanical issue, improper running shoes, increasing training volume or intensity too quickly, or even from tight or weak calf muscles. Treating plantar fasciitis is a matter of identifying what your root cause is, making sure you’re running in shoes that offer enough support, and using an insert. Ideal fitting shoes as well as inserts can prevent and relieve pain during your run! At ArchMasters we specialize in fitting Brooks Running and Walking shoes. We offer a pedorthic fit from a Licensed Certified Pedorthist. We not only measure heel to toe, we also measure from your heel to the ball of the foot (arch length) as well as width. The Achilles tendon connects the two major calf muscles to the back of the heel. Under too much stress, the tendon tightens and becomes irritated (tendonitis). Runners who dramatically increase training (especially hills and speed work) and have tight, weak calves are vulnerable. This is not an injury to run through. If you catch a minor strain early, a few days off might be sufficient healing time. If you keep running as usual, you could develop a serious case that may take as long as six months to go away.
The European Parliament has overwhelmingly backed proposals to restrict preventative antibiotic use on farms in a bid to tackle antimicrobial resistance. MEPs voted by 583 votes to 16 to adopt Commission proposals that would limit the prophylactic use of antibiotics, in the absence of clinical signs of infection, to single animals and not groups. Use in groups will only permitted when fully justified by a veterinarian in cases where there is a high risk of infection, under the revised EU Regulation on Veterinary Medicinal Products. The revised regulation also states that metaphylactic use, treating a group of animals when one shows signs of infection, should be a last resort, and only occur once a veterinarian has diagnosed infection and prescribed the antimicrobials. The new laws, expected to come into force in around three years’ time, also reiterate that veterinary medicines must not under any circumstances serve to improve the performance or compensate for poor animal husbandry. The text also proposes that imported foodstuffs will have to meet EU standards on antibiotics, a point that was raised by a UK Parliamentary Committee this week in the context of our post-Brexit arrangements. The legislation would also empower the European Commission to select antimicrobials ‘to be reserved only for treating humans’. To encourage research into new antimicrobials, the legislation provides for incentives, including longer periods of protection for technical documentation on new medicines and commercial protection for innovative active substances. It also protects significant investments in data generated to improve an existing antimicrobial product or to keep it on the market. In a separate vote, MEPs also approved, by 583 votes in favour to 31 against, new rules on more responsible ways to produce, sell and use medicated feed. Working in parallel with the veterinary regulation, the new rules will ban prophylactic use of antibiotic medicated feed, with metaphylactic use only when the risk of spread of infection is high and there is no appropriate alternative. The Commission will also be consulting the European Medicines Agency with a view to establishing appropriate rules to close existing ‘loopholes’, for example, administering of antibiotics via so-called 'top dressing' of feed or drinking water. The agreement still has to be formally adopted by Council of Ministers before publication on the Official Journal. NPA senior policy Georgina Crayford highlighted the progress made by the pig sector in halving antibiotic usage in the space in two years and changing how antibiotics are used. She said: “The NPA’s Antibiotic Stewardship Programme, published in May 2016, and the industry’s excellent progress in meeting antibiotic reduction targets mean that the UK pig sector is well-prepared for these upcoming changes to EU rules on veterinary medicines and medicated feed.
Read our haematology article on multiple myeloma then answer these three questions to check your understanding. You may want to document your answers and any learning points to save in your CPD Organiser along with the article. What are the presenting signs and symptoms of myeloma? Presenting signs and symptoms are often non-specific such as weakness and fatigue; one of the most common presenting symptoms is bone pain, especially back pain. There may be also be signs of bone marrow insufficiency such as anaemia, infection or easy bruising and bleeding such as petechiae. What processes can contribute to renal impairment in myeloma patients? Light chain toxicity, dehydration/hypercalcaemia, NSAID use. What is the outlook for myeloma patients in 2011? Effective combinations of chemotherapy, steroids and novel agents given orally or intravenously have led to an improvement in the median survival of patients from 3 years to 5 or 6 years, with an increasing number of patients surviving for 10 years or more. This makes an early diagnosis even more imperative, in order to safeguard the skeleton and maintain a good quality of life.
I believe educating girls in developing countries can improve public and mental health, boost economies and slow population growth. Here I am sharing some resources for those who would like to learn more. What works in girls education? Women can be agents of geopolitical change.
Isaac Newton Blackford achieved prominence as a jurist. He was born November 6, 1786, in Bound Brook, New Jersey. A graduate of the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University), Blackford served as clerk and recorder of Washington County, Indiana, in 1813. The following year he became a territorial court judge. Blackford served as a member of the Indiana state house of representatives from 1816–1817. He was also a candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana in 1824. The following year he ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate seat for Indiana. Blackford participated in state politics as a county delegate to the Indiana legislature, serving as speaker of the state's house of representatives in 1816. In 1817 Blackford returned to the judiciary and sat as a justice of the Indiana Supreme Court until 1853. He subsequently served as a U.S. Court of Claims judge from 1855 to 1859.Blackford died on December 31, 1859, in Washington, D.C., and was buried at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.
In an effort to further economically empower young people, EBLI staff member, Elizabeth Geoffrey, has begun teaching sewing skills to a group of young mothers. This group has begun by learning how to make rugs or floor mats that can be placed in the entryway of a home or business so that family members or customers, respectively, may wipe their feet upon entering. The particular mats this group has made resemble the feeling of carpet, which is something quite uncommon in Mwanza, Tanzania. While there are those making a product for a similar use, the material and style of the young mothers' floor mats is rather unique. Right now, two young mothers, Dafroza and Zawadi, have been well-trained by Elizabeth in this handcraft. The hope is that not only will these two young mothers be able to continue to make floor mats that they can sell for a personal source of income, but also that they will teach a handful their peers the same trade so as to benefit more people, perhaps with the ability to start a larger group enterprise later on.
This is something that has always confused me. I know I'm trying to understand it logically which may be part of the problem but regardless of that I'm hoping someone with good spiritual awareness may be able to explain it. If each of us are part of the Whole and we are essentially One then persumably after death we go back to that experience of Oneness. How then can we reconcile this with the belief that our loved ones and other spiritual beings retain their individuality? In fact how do we explain individuality at all since we didn't exist in the same form prior to carnation. I feel really stupid writing this out as people on this forum appear to have such an advanced understanding of such matters, but hey ho I'm putting this out there because I really want to understand the bigger picture. We can go back to Oneness even now, while in the physical body. There should not be any doubt about it. There is oneness (non-duality) and the illusion (duality) of a separate individual is created by the Mind. An "individual" is only an experience, nothing more, and it happens in oneness. The oneness does not become two when perceiving the individual, it remains one. That perception of the individual happens in oneness. We can have the same oneness experience without a body (try it while oob or Samadhi, if you can, you will find the very same awareness, the Self, behind all mental states). So assuming that there is some non-physical structure that remains after death, there can remain an illusion of separateness. Death is also an experience, a change. Just like all other things, bodies come and go. The screen remains one and whole, the scene changes on it. The Self, the witness, simply witnesses this play. All experiences of oneness or of separateness occur in the Self. You're cutting to the idea of a personal experience of oneness. This isn't actually the way it works. In the same way your dream character in your nightly dreams is not having oneness experiences of the person in bed dreaming the whole thing up, the human body doesn't have a oneness experience. The body appears to the same consciousness that permeates the creation appearing, and so it would point closer to say consciousness or oneness itself is in a simulation of separation. As far as the beliefs of loved ones retaining their individuality, that retaining happens in the human experiential framework. The framework is composed of two ideas, time and space. 'You', as consciousness, are not in those ideas. Okay so we can experience Oneness while in the physical world so that essentially doesn't change while in the spirit world because individuality remains just an experience...oneness experiencing itself as a person/spiritual being and with persumably different degrees of awareness of that awareness. This makes sense I think. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I would not use nothingness to describe the unseen. Because it isnt nothing that is doing something. it is notseen (by human eyes) that is existing. I would rather describe this nothingness as an Idea. So as you can't see the idea, you can know it, and so you can see it is there. God Created his Son, in his mind, as an idea of a Son. God Creates the Eternal and Unchangeable. Son had an idea, where he could create the opposites to what God creates.Son gets confused in this creation and thinks he is the Creation which he Crated instead of Creator of them. Son is using the power of God to create this. God is honoring the miscreation of Son, by holding them alive. Now in this Confusion the Body and other things appear to be. Beeing part of Son, they are God like, at least the part which is holding them alive (which is the idea of Son). But Son is splitting himself into parts and pieces. Now, every part and piece can grow, have its own experience, and the body does appear to have an End. So while you can think that you are Body,what makes you able to think is still an idea of Son. And as Son is one with God (One means not beeing different) So are his Ideas one with him. As the Body is the Idea of beeing different, the bodies will never be one. But the Minds can choose not to see them (other minds) as different. Only in this way is onenes meaningful and healing (because the son is made whole). 10 cannot be ten things, but ten occurrences of a repeated relationship that is easier to be dealt with as 10 things instead of one.. especially since undifferentiated existence has nothing to count on; and only itself to relate to-- but this experience of oneness or any mystical experience, is nothing to aim for in it of itself as what is to be attained in life (but maybe in our death that we call life now); because unity is here.. you can deal with anything in any way, but what decides how it deals with you?
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Apartado Postal 1-742, Querétaro, Qro., 76001, México. The Transmexican Volcanic Belt has been recognized as a major volcanic arc which crosses Mexico from the Pacific coast to the Gulf of Mexico. This volcanic arc had normal faulting and volcanism since Miocene. It has suggested that the volcanic arc is not parallel to the Mesoamerican trench because the subduction angle varies being gentler to the east. Also it has been proposed a preexisting zone of weakness below the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. In this work we present the deformation events that have been recorded north and south of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt in order to identify the time in which this zone began to be a crustal discontinuity and also to determine the deformation field precursor of the emplacement of the volcanic arc. We use as a reference the studies along the Taxco-San Miguel de Allende because it is the only recognized structure that crosses the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. In the Mesa Central, north of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, the postlaramidic deformation occurred in three extensional events during the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene to Recent. The three events liberated extension in two horizontal directions and shortening in the vertical direction. The Eocene event was extensional but the directions of the principal extensions are not very well known. The Oligocene event was the most important; it extended 20% in the ~ENE-WSW direction. This event migrated toward west, finishing in the opening of the California Gulf, and also migrated toward south-southeast to the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. The most recent event, active since middle Miocene, has been developed in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt and its northern boundary. In the Sierra Madre Oriental, east of the Mesa Central and north of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, the Cenozoic deformation has been minimum. South of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, in the Taxco region, there were two postlaramidic deformation events, mainly liberated by NW-SE and N-S lateral faults. The first one occurred in late Eocene with a NNW-SSE horizontal extension direction and shortening to the ENE-WSW. The second event was early Oligocene with a maximum extension to the NE-SW and shortening to the NW-SE, both migrated toward east. Most of the volcanic rocks along the Transmexican Volcanic Belt are Miocene, however it has reported Oligocene mafic volcanic rocks in the middle of the Mexico basin. Besides, this volcanic arc is located into tectonic basins bounded by major faults. In the case of the Mexico basin, faulting initiated in late Eocene time. It is concluded that since the Eocene, the deformation style was different in the Mesa Central and in the Sierra Madre del Sur, this implies the presence of a detachment zone between these provinces. From the Oligocene the lateral faults activity in the Sierra Madre del Sur produced shortening in the NW-SE principal direction, generating an oblique-extension with a left-lateral component within the zone now occupied by the central part of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. The pre-Miocene deformation events formed a detachment zone in which the Mexico basin was developed, also through this zone was canalized the magmas surface forming the central part of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt.
3-4 lines leave through the past work and record the date. In the centre for the line that is next the amount of the laboratory work. Further, each time from a brand new line write straight down a topic, the reason as well as the gear. Following the line “progress of work”, the execution for the tasks are shortly described. If a concern is expected for the duration of work, then a response is recorded, Then the if it is necessary to formalize the drawing, fill in the table drawing is performed appropriately or even the dining dining table is filled. Figures must have a size no less than 6×6 cm. It’s not required to draw precisely what is seen within the microscope, it really is sufficient to sketch a little fragment. All numbers must certanly be marked with component components. Otherwise, the grade is paid down. Figures should always be situated on the remaining part for the notebook sheet, figure captions – in the bottom. Tables are filled in accurately and accurately. The dining dining dining table should occupy The width that is entire of tetrad page. Schemes should always be big and clear, made out of a pencil that is simpleit really is permitted to make use of pencils that are colored, have just the primary, many characteristic features, details. Responses to concerns must certanly be reasoned; “yes” or answers that are“no perhaps not accepted. The written off and identical responses to the tasks aren’t examined or even the rating is paid off by the score. By the end of every laboratory work, a summary from the link between the task done is always recorded (the final outcome is developed regarding the foundation of this intent behind the task). Lab work without withdrawal can perhaps not be examined absolutely. Reports regarding the utilization of practical work with biology are designed in unique notebooks. The notebook for practical work is examined because of the instructor after every work performed, grades are provided to each pupil, with entering markings within the course log. Additionally assesses the grade of guide: precision, execution of diagrams, numbers and tables, etc. In the event that demands aren’t met, the grade is paid off. for drawing up in the utilization of practical work with biology follows for drawing up a study on the performance of laboratory operate in biology. Practical and laboratory tasks are carried away in biology relative edubirdies.org to calendar and thematic planning, according to certain requirements of this biology curriculum. Practical and laboratory tasks are carried down both Individually and for a group or couple of pupils. Consequently, the instructor informs ahead of time the routine of the works. As being a guideline, whenever performing practical and work that is laboratory tasks aren’tdifferentiated by amounts, consequently, the evaluation regarding the outcomes of the job done is performed because of the instructor in line with the proposed requirements.
Note that this cover is different from the Springsteen-penned Robert Ford, which is also known under the title "Jesse James". Robert Ford is an unreleased song written by Bruce Springsteen who recorded it in studio in 1982. The song is also known under the titles "Robert Ford And Jesse James" and "Jesse James". The song is obviously inspired or based on the 19th century folk song Jesse James, The Seeger Sessions version. " ….alright, this was a historical ballad, it´s been around a long time, I guess it originated in the immediate aftermath of the murder of Jesse James by a friend for supposedly a 25-dollar reward….it was written by Billy Gashade and rewritten by Woody Guthrie in ´39 and, uh….and the whole thing sort of ends up being like they said in ´The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence´: ´When the legend becomes a fact, write the legend´ …." "Jesse James" is a 19th-century American folk song about the outlaw of the same name, written by Billy Gashade and rewritten by Woody Guthrie in ´39 , first recorded by Bentley Ball in 1919 and subsequently by many others. The lyrics are largely biographical containing a number of details from Jesse James' life, portraying him as an American version of Robin Hood, though there is no evidence to indicate that he actually "stole from the rich and gave to the poor". The song is the starting point of the Jesse James panel of a mural on American folk songs by Thomas Hart Benton. Robert Ford, who killed Jesse, was a James' gang member. Mr. Howard was the alias that James lived under in Saint Joseph, Missouri at the time of his killing. It is the most famous song about James. Part of the song is heard at the end of the 1939 movie, Jesse James. The composer of the song is unknown, but it is attributed in the lyrics of some versions to a to "Billy Gashade" or ""Billy LaShade", though no historical record exists for anyone under either name.
Electric dipole moment is a measure of the degree of polarity of the polar molecule. Dipole moment is a vector with magnitude equal to charge separation times the distance between the centers of positive and negative charges. Chemists point the vector (Electric dipole moment) from the positive to the negative pole, physicists point in the opposite way. Dipole moments are often expressed in units called debyes.
As an appropriate tool, membrane process is used for desalination of brackish water, in the production of drinking water. The present study aims to investigate desalination processes of brackish water of Qom Province in Iran. This study was carried out at the central laboratory of Water and Wastewater Company of the studied area. To this aim, membrane processes, including nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO), separately and also their hybrid process were applied. Moreover, water physical and chemical parameters, including salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), electric conductivity (EC), Na+1 and Cl−1 were also measured. Afterward, the rejection percent of each parameter was investigated and compared using nanofiltration and reverse osmosis separately and also by their hybrid process. The treatment process was performed by Luna domestic desalination device, which its membrane was replaced by two NF90 and TW30 membranes for nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes, respectively. All collected brackish water samples were fed through membranes NF90-2540, TW30-1821-100(RO) and Hybrid (NF/RO) which were installed on desalination household scale pilot (Luna water 100GPD). Then, to study the effects of pressure on permeable quality of membranes, the simulation software model ROSA was applied. Results showed that percent of the salinity rejection was recorded as 50.21%; 72.82 and 78.56% in NF, RO and hybrid processes, respectively. During the study, in order to simulate the performance of nanofiltartion, reverse osmosis and hybrid by pressure drive, reverse osmosis system analysis (ROSA) model was applied. The experiments were conducted at performance three methods of desalination to remove physic-chemical parameters as percentage of rejections in the pilot plant are: in the NF system the salinity 50.21, TDS 43.41, EC 43.62, Cl 21.1, Na 36.15, and in the RO membrane the salinity 72.02, TDS 60.26, EC 60.33, Cl 43.08, Na 54.41. Also in case of the rejection in hybrid system of those parameters and ions included salinity 78.65, TDS 76.52, EC 76.42, Cl 63.95, and Na 70.91. Comparing rejection percent in three above-mentioned methods, it could be concluded that, in reverse osmosis process, ions and non-ion parameters rejection ability were rather better than nanofiltration process, and also better in hybrid compared to reverse osmosis process. The results reported in this paper indicate that the integration of membrane nanofiltration with reverse osmosis (hybrid NF/RO) can be completed by each other probably to remove salinity, TDS, EC, Cl, and Na. Water is of vital natural resources which is indispensable for economic, social and environmental sustainable development . Drinking water quality including chemical and microbial standards and guidelines are designed to provide safe water for human consumption, thereby protecting public health . Therefore, many studies conducted to present technologies for removal of organic matter [3, 4], removal of hazardous pollutants . Other studies focused for introducing mathematical instrument for calculating the water quality index [6, 7]. Meanwhile, the water shortage is also considered and studied as important challenge of the current century which may result in several universal revolutions . Climate changes and anthropogenic factors could influence on renewable water resources and water quality and quantity, as well. These water pollutants became resistant to usual water treatment methods, and affect adversely on the environment and human health . Today, many regions throughout the world are faced with water shortage and crisis, due to several causes, like as rapid population growth, increasing demand, low precipitation, excessive exploitation of available water resources, as well as unequal distribution . Regarding increasing demand for drinking water and a decrease of fresh water resources, use of desalination technology is of crucial importance for researchers. One of these technologies being applied for the preparation of drinking water from brackish water is known as Reverse Osmosis process . Moreover, to remove the salts from brackish water and production of fresh water, desalination technology, particularly membrane process is used [11, 12]. The performance of membrane processes during separation of salts and ions from water is determined based on pores size and physical structure of different kind of membranes. Reverse osmosis membrane contains the smallest membrane pores. This small size of pores and reverse driven pressure causes a separation of water-soluble molecules. Nowadays, in addition to RO, Nanofiltration membrane is used especially in water treatment and water hardness removal, due to close similarity to RO . Most of the countries which are facing with water shortage have been located in the Middle-East and northern Africa . Due to desertification phenomena, reduction of precipitation, as well as drought during last 30 years, some parts of Iran, like as Qom province, suffer from water shortage . No permanent river has been reported for the studied Province, located in the vicinity of the salt lake . Khodadadi and, Mahvi et al., investigated Birjand city, located in the arid and semi-arid area, in order to produce drinking water from brackish groundwater using reverse osmosis process . Another study, carried out by Mohebbi et al., the most appropriate method applied in water treatment in the hot and arid area, and highly satisfied by consumers, was RO process . Some other researches were done elsewhere regarding the comparison of two NF and RO membrane and also hybrid and ROSA simulation model. Vaseghi et al., also investigated rejection of Na+1 and Cl−1 ions and electric conductivity, as well using NF membrane and RO process at New Mexico University. They reported that in NF membrane and RO, rejection percent of Cl−1 ion was less than Na+1 and electric conductivity parameter . In addition, Zhou et al. 2016 studied the desalination of Shanghai coastal waters, in China, using hybrid desalination method, in order to the preparation of drinking water . An investigation was done by Naidu et al., , entitled “Comparison of Nanofiltration and Reverse osmosis processes in drinking water production from surface brackish water using 5 bar pressure and particular membranes, made in India . In 2012, a study was done regarding water treatment using RO membrane and ROSA simulator, in order to compare rejection percent of total dissolved solid, at eastern Mediterranean . Moreover, in this study ROSA software model was applied to simulate the increase of pressure influence on membrane performance. The present study has been carried out in Qom province in Iran during 2015-16. According to literature, researches have been done in overseas and Iran in subject of comparing function nonofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes [22, 23]. On the other hand, up to now, there is no research being reported on the comparison of three methods membranes (NF, RO, Hybrid NF/RO) by pilot and simulated the effect of increasing operation pressure on membranes function and hybrid system by ROSA software in arid- semi arid area. The novelty of present research is the comparison between nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, and hybrid method. Also, besides the applied pilot plant, Rosa software was used to illustrate the effect of high operating pressure on membranes and hybrid system performance. Therefore, the main aim of present research is the performance evaluation of membrane in Qom water supply which is located in geostrategic region. Replacement of RO membrane with TW30-1821 RO membrane and adding NF90-2540 to the device in order to implement Nanofiltartion process separately . By these changes and adding ability connectivity, the device will be prepared to work in hybrid mode. To do the investigation, after achieving the permit of Water and Wastewater Organization of Qom province, the pilot plant was installed at central laboratory of the organization, located in Qom province. Ali Abad water wells were used as feed water to study the performance of membranes separately, as well as in hybrid mode. Afterward, salinity, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity, and Na+ and Cl− were measured during 1 year, from beginning 2014 to beginning 2015, regularly, each week using NF, RO, and hybrid processes as demonstrated in Table 1. To this aim, portable Multi-Parameter Meter, HQ40D 53,000, made by HACH Company of UK, was used to measure the mentioned parameters. In other side, to measure Na+ and Cl−, a Precision Titration class Telescoping Filling Tube-Standard Number DAKKS4760161, made by Brand GMBH Company of Germany, and FP7Jenway Industrial Flame Photometer, made by Bibby Scientific Ltd. of UK, were used, respectively. To descript data and standard deviation and demonstrate assessment accuracy, assurance distance of 95% was used. Also, paired t-test was applied to identification the treatment effect in each process, and to compare between three groups during a year, hybrid or LMM model, generalized from Repeated Measure ANOVA, was used. All statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS23 software. Table 1 represents concentration of parameters, including salinity, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity and Na+ and Cl− in feed water, as well as concentration changes of each parameter and ions by Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis and hybrid. According to Table 1, average salinity degree of feed water during 12 months was reported as 2.43 ± 0.17, reached to 1.21 ± 0.08, and 0.68 ± 0.02 and 0.3 ± 0.05%, being treated by NF, RO, and hybrid processes, respectively. Therefore, salinity rejection percent using NF, RO, and hybrid processes were measured 50.21; 72.01 and 87.65%, respectively. Average Total dissolved solids in the feed water, during 12 months of study, was 3000.9 ± 129.1 mg/L, reached to 1698.2 ± 78.5, 1192.5 ± 63.8 and 704 ± 68.6 mg/lit, treated using NF, RO, and hybrid processes, respectively. Hence, TDS rejection percent using NF, RO, and hybrid processes was recorded as 43.41, 60.26 and 76.52%, respectively. According to Table 1, EC in feed water during 12 months of investigation, was 1223.4 ± 54.6 μmohs/cm, reached to 2690 ± 142.1, 1892.8 ± 101.5,1124.3 ± 202.7 μmohs/cm being treated using NF, RO, and hybrid processes, respectively. So, EC rejection percent using NF, RO, and hybrid processes were calculated 43.62, 60.33 and 76.42%, respectively. Based on Table 1, average Cl−1, during 12 months, was measured in feed water 1223.4 ± 54.6 mg/L, reached to 965.4 ± 48; 696.4 ± 43.6 and 451.5 ± 31.2 mg/lit after treatment using Nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and hybrid processes, respectively. Hence, rejection percent of Cl−1 using NF, RO and hybrid were 21.10, 43.8 and 63.95%, respectively. Based on Table 1, average Na+1, during 12 months, was studied in feed water 686.4 ± 35.3 mg/lit, reached to 438.3 ± 36.6; 312.9 ± 0.2 and 199.70 ± 20.10 mg/lit after treatment using Nanofiltration, Reverse osmosis, and hybrid processes, respectively. So, rejection percent of Na using NF, RO and hybrid were 36.15, 54.41 and 70.91%, respectively. According to mentioned-above Table, P value for all studied parameters and ions was p < 0.000 which demonstrates that reduction degree was significantly different in three mentioned methods. Table 2 represents rejection percent of studied parameters and ions using NF, RO, and hybrid processes. Figure 2 shows the percent of rejection for NF, RO, and hybrid processes. Figures 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 demonstrate very well variation of concentration in parameters, including salinity; Total dissolved solids; electric conductivity, as well as Na+1 and Cl¯1 using NF, RO and hybrid processes. To investigate the relationship between higher pressure on concentration reduction in TDS and Na+1, Cl−1in feed water using NF, RO and hybrid processes, ROSA 8.0.3 software was applied. Results are shown in Tables 3, 4 and 5. The salinity rejection percent was measured as 50.21%; 72.82 and 78.65% using NF, RO, and hybrid processes, respectively. Salinity reduction by Luna 100GPD, domestic fresh water device, using every three processes led to drinkable water. Results showed that rejection percent was higher in hybrid rather than RO and NF processes. During Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis processes, rejection percent was closely similar for TDS and EC parameters. In hybrid process, also, it was similar which declare that TDS and EC parameters are related to each other closely, as pointed out in a book entitled “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 2012” [29, 30]. Meanwhile, Salinity rejection percent was shown to be similar to TDS rejection percent, to some extent, which represents a direct relationship between salinity and TDS. In a research done by EPA, at 2015, this relationship between TDS and salinity parameters was noted . Rejection of monovalent ions, such as Na+1 and Cl¯1 happens rarely in Nanofiltration and more usually in Reverse osmosis process. So, these mentioned ions are removed better in RO process rather than NF. However, rejection percent of Na+1 and Cl−1 using hybrid process is the best, in comparison with all two previous processes. Filmtec Company, in 2005, demonstrated that in Reverse Osmosis membrane, salinity, and TDS, as well as Monovalent ions parameters are removed better, compared to Nanofiltration membrane [26, 32]. Due to higher pressure in ROSA model, rejection percent of ions and studied parameters has been augmented regard to laboratory results. Consequently, higher pressure influences on concentration reduction and rejection percent of parameters, which leads to efficiency improvement of the membrane and produced water. Overall, in the hybrid process, difference degree of ions and parameters rejection percent in RO process was determined less than NF, and vice versa. Therefore, Nanofiltration process is more suitable to be applied as pre-treatment. To improve the results accuracy, findings and results of the present study have been compared with the other studies, carried out regarding the performance of NF, RO, and hybrid processes, elsewhere. Atab et al., investigated a research entitled “Effect of desalination using Reverse Osmosis to produce Fresh water from brackish water: Case study: Naseriyeh River, located in Iraq”. They reported that augmenting the pressure from 25 bar to 63 bar, rejection percent of TDS reached to 99.8%. During the present study, increasing the pressure from 5 bar to 13.8 bar (in ROSA software model), rejection percent of Total dissolved solids changed to 99.2%, which is closely similar to Atab study [33, 34]. Naidu et al., , carried out a paper entitled” The comparison between Nanofiltartion and Reverse osmosis processes using Vadodara membrane, made in India, to produce healthy drinking water from groundwater”. The authors declared that rejection percent of Cl−1 ion, during %bar pressure was 65 and 72%, using NF and RO processes, respectively. In addition, rejection percent of TDS was 65 and 95%, in NF and RO processes, respectively. However, in the present study, Cl¯1 rejection percent was 21.1% in NF and 43.08% in RO process. Also, TDS rejection percent was measured as 43.41 and 60.26%, in NF and Ro processes, respectively. Due to use of different membranes in Naidu study, compared to the present study, results of rejection percent is different, which has influenced on mentioned parameters and ions rejection . A research entitled “Desalination of offshore waters using hybrid (combined of Nanofiltration and Reverse osmosis) process, in Shanghai, China has been carried out in sciences Academy of Shanghai and laboratory of Marine Protection Technology by (Zhou et al., ). They reported that rejection percent of Total Dissolved Solids was 76.2% in the hybrid process, which is relatively similar to the present study, measured as 76.52% . Another research was done by Kaya et al., regarding treatment and desalination of offshore waters of Ezmir using Membrane processes, applying Nanofiltration membrane as reverse Osmosis pretreatment under 30 and 40 bar pressures. The authors understood that average rejection percent of salinity, TDS, EC and Na and Cl ions in hybrid process was augmented from 30 bar to 40 bar, under higher pressure. Similarly, throughout the present study, increasing the pressure from 5 bar to 13 bar using ROSA software model, rejection percent of studied parameters and ions were also augmented [35, 36]. In Arabia, at (2013), Ben-Meriem et al., investigated “desalination using Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes, as well as combined with two membranes in hybrid”. They measured salinity in NF, RO and hybrid process as 54.2%, 74.7%, and 83.3%, respectively. Thru the present study, also, rejection percent was reported 50.21 and 72.82, using NF and RO processes, respectively, which is seemed to be highly similar to Ben-Merrim study. Moreover, in a comparison, drawn between rejection of Na+1 and Cl−1, it has been demonstrated that rejection percent of Na+1 was higher than Cl−1 in both NF and RO processes. Similar results have been reported in the current study, within both membranes, alike to Ben-Meriem study . Abhang et al., studied the reduction of ions using Nanofiltration and Reverse osmosis process, in Puma University, India. They reported salinity rejection percent in both NF up to 50%, and 70-90 in RO processes. This study, measured salinity rejection percent using NF and RO as 50.21 and 72.82, respectively, closely similar to [38, 39]. In other hand, (Altaee, ) investigated water treatment with divers concentration using two Reverse Osmosis membranes throughout Eastern-Mediterranean. To do this, applied pressure and membrane kind were similar to pressure and membrane applied to ROSA model. Results showed that rejection percent of Na+1 and Cl−1, and Total dissolved Solids using RO membranes, was not significantly different from ROSA model. In the present study, due to higher pressure rather than software ROSA model, there reported some differences in rejection percent of Na+1 and Cl−1and TDS in Laboratory method. The main reason for equalities in results of Laboratory and software ROSA models was similar conditions of pressure and RO in both methods . In Iran others studies have done about performance of RO that was able to decrease EC around range of 81.98%. Also another study declared that with increasing operation pressure removal of materials in water were increased [40, 41]. Other Researches of performance nanofiltration in Iran have done and revealed that NF membranes could decrease TDS in permeable very well if the concentration TDS in row water is around 3000 mg/L. Also Ions could be removed by applying nano filtration [42, 43]. In this research result showed that by increasing pressure in ROSA simulation the removal of parameters increased too and the TDS is in range of 3000 mg/lit could remove well and Ions by three methods of desalination. The salinity rejection percent using Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis, and hybrid processes were calculated as 50%; 70 and 74%, respectively. On this basis, rejection percent of Total dissolved solids; Electric conductivity and Na+ and Cl−1 ions parameters have been augmented in a hybrid process. Increasing the pressure, TDS, and Na+1 and Cl−1 concentration has been decreased in produced water significantly. Reduction rate, as well as rejection percent of TDS, EC and Na+ and Cl−1, was calculated to be higher in RO process rather than NF; and the highest, in a hybrid process. Also, Nanofiltration membrane plays pretreatment role for Reverse Osmosis membrane. In summary, by comparison methods of desalination and hybrid system, find out hybrid system is the best for removing physical-chemical parameters such as salinity, TDS, EC, and ions (Cl and Na) in brackish water. Moreover, salinity and EC have the highest retention, then TDS. In addition, between the ions Na has been removed better than Cl in both membranes and hybrid system. In ROSA software result showed that by increasing operation pressure all parameters and ions have higher rejection than pilot plan in lower pressure. As Qom region located in semi-arid we recommend the commercial desalination plan will install by photovoltaic power operation instead of used electricity and utilize hybrid system in industrial membrane desalination in Qom.
1. Repentance and bearing fruit: Continuing His ministry, some of the people who were with Jesus told him about some Galileans who had apparently been killed by Pilate, in what seems to be a question of how “bad” their sins were. However, Jesus turns the tables and tells the people that brought this up that unless they repent, they would also perish. It is clear that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23), and Jesus’ statement here should remind us that our sins are no less wicked than those around us. We all need to repent and seek the grace of God. Then Jesus goes on to tell the parable of the barren fig tree, of which the master wanted to cut it down because it didn’t bear any fruit. Yet the vinedresser wanted to give the tree another chance, after he cared for it another year to see if he could get it to bear fruit. However, if it did not bear fruit in a year, it would be cut down. This can be both a message of hope and a warning to us, as we are given ample opportunity and grace to produce fruit, however there is a time in which we are expected to do so. 2. Problems with the rulers: As He was teaching in the synagogs one Sabbath, Jesus had another run in with the rulers and chief priests of the people after He healed a woman with a disabling spirit. It seems that the rulers lashed out at the woman more than they did Jesus on this occasion, telling the people to come on the days that weren’t the Sabbath to be healed by Jesus. It is interesting the way they have to word this, as they cannot deny that Jesus is doing miracles and every attempt to cast a shadow on Him has backfired. Though they speak to the people, Jesus confronts them in their defense, asking which of them would not lead their donkey or ox to water on the Sabbath day. Jesus made it apparent that they cared about their animals more than they did the sick of the land, and for this they were put to shame. They did not have their priorities in the right place. This was a common theme amongst the rulers of Jerusalem even in times passed, as is apparent from Jesus’ last statement in this chapter. They had a history of killing the prophets and messengers from God, just as Herod wanted to do with Jesus, and were stubborn and rebellious towards the will of God. Jesus lamented over them, as He wished that they would be gathered to Him, but they refused to listen. Sometimes it is rather difficult to listen and accept something that we don’t agree with, even when it is truth. May we be humble in our positions, allowing the Holy Spirit to convict us of the will of God. 3. About the kingdom of God: There are three different symbols that Jesus compares the kingdom of God to in this chapter from which we can learn about the kingdom. The first two, the mustard seed and the leaven, seem to speak to the great power that the kingdom has to influence those around. A mustard seed is tiny, but when it is fully grown, it houses many birds. In the same light, a small amount of leaven produces its effect on a large portion of flour. The next symbol, however, deals with the difficulty of entering into the kingdom. There will not be many who are able to enter in through the narrow door, even though they sat and ate with Jesus. Often today we look at the entrance to the kingdom as something that is easy. As long as we claim to be a Christian, we’ll be alright. This concept, however, was not one that was taught by Christ, as upon many occasions He spoke of the difficulty of entering the kingdom, such as He does here. May we ever seek to know the will of God, and enter in the narrow door. 1. Healing on the Sabbath: On another Sabbath, Jesus once again deals with healing on the Sabbath, but this time it seems that He goes on offense (after perceiving that the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him like a hawk), asking the leaders of the people if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. When they could say nothing, He heals the man and immediately makes the point that each of them would save their own son or ox who was in trouble on the Sabbath. Once again, He had silenced His enemies. 2. Parables: Jesus speaks three parables in this chapter about feasts, each making a different point. The first story involves a wedding feast and the teaching of humility. It seemed to be common practice amongst the people to try and sit at the highest places of honor when they went to a wedding feast. Jesus taught that they should rather sit at the most humble place, with the possibility of being moved up, as opposed to the honored place with the possibility of being told to move. The second parable has to do with showing grace, as Jesus tells the people to invite as dinner guests not the rich, but rather the handicapped and those who could not repay them. By showing grace to those whom the world looks down on, we store up treasures in heaven. The third story deals with making excuses, as three invited guest to a dinner party each make a certain excuse as to why they cannot come to the party. The man who was putting on the party was very angry, and instead of calling those who were invited (which was probably a reference to the Jews who were first invited into the kingdom by their Messiah, but reject Him), he called all those in the highways and streets, the crippled, lame and blind, and further to the hedges when there was still room, that his house might be filled. This was a reference to the gospel going to the whole world after it was rejected by the Jews. May we continue this spreading of the gospel to all who will hear, never loosing our saltiness, as Jesus said was worthless at the end of this chapter. 3. The cost of discipleship: Jesus has some hard teachings for the people near the end of this chapter about being His disciple. He did not sugar coat the road of discipleship. There is sacrifice that comes with following Christ. We are to deny ourselves (see Matthew 16:24) and follow him. Before one becomes a Christian, he or she should count the cost. They must understand that Christianity is not a check box or a simple designation when asked in public. It is a way of life, a different world view. Following Christ will come with its challenges and persecutions. Jesus did not promise his disciples an easy life, but he did promise rest for their souls. True conversion starts with full disclosure of the terms and agreement, so to speak.
Before you start: This project will cost approximately $80-$100 to replicate from scratch(Not including tools). Each of the prints were made using Repetier-Host with the attached settings. If you have working settings for a current printer, i would say to use those over mine, but if you are new, here is a place to start. All other pieces were printed in PLA, 60% infill, medium speed and other settings remained constant. 1) Wire up the arduino nano as the schematic depicts (attach on perf board and solder connections making sure to use as little space as possible and not wiring over sides). 1.5)(Optional but recommended) Solder a wire to the end of the antenna on the nrf radio for extra range. 2) Trim board to dimensions ~26mm x 55mm or smaller. 3) Attach 9v battery clip power to Vin pin and Ground to Gnd (not shown on image). 4) If your joystick module top is not flexible, insert it first then slide the circuit board in followed by the joystick module. Additional Steps) A thin piece of plastic or popsicle stick can be placed in between the circuit board and the joystick if it bobs up and down. A small piece of foam inside the front of the remote can hold the joystick in place if it has forward/backward movement. 1) Feed rods (5.25mm diameter ~50mm long) through spheres (20mm diameter). 2) Bend rods (6.5mm diameter ~20cm long) in small circle at end to fit smaller rods and hot glue/weld into place. 3) Bend larger rods from the front in at 20mm at ~80 degree angle, out 15mm further from last, through the holes on the (body2.0) print and hot glue. 66mm past the back of the print should be bent out by 30 degrees and in 30 degrees 17mm after that. Secure the second spherical wheel to the back with hot glue. 4) Place the motors in the (body2.0) print horizontally and feed wires out the rectangular holes. Fasten in place with screws (holes fit 6mm diameter screws). 4.5) Tape is optional for keeping together, but my print kept breaking, so that is why it is there. 5) Glue the (btr) print to the top of the (body2.0) print and insert lithium battery. 6) Stick arduino on top of the battery with double sided tape or hot glue. 7) Bend LED pins as pictures depict and solder like pins together. Surround pins with an insulator such as electrical tape to prevent any shorting. 8) Solder components onto perf board and attach to pins on arduino. Attach red wire from USB to 5v and black wire to Gnd(Not shown in pic). 9) Compact wires together and secure with twist ties or wires to base. 10) Bend back rod to an arc. 11) The wheels that come with the motors were surrounded with a hose that came out of a washing machine, however wide rubber bands will also suffice, as long as the wheels have a lot of friction. 12) A hole was drilled through the bottom (~17mm from the front) and a screw holds a chunk of metal as a weight. 1) After print is finished, a heat gun can be used to smooth out the outer shell (don't stay on a focused point too long or the plastic can deform around the 3 main parts. spend very little time around the small pieces or those can separate). 2) Sand with a medium grit sandpaper and increase until satisfied with quality (Repeat heat treatment and sanding to make smoother and shinier). 3) Go to a ventilated area and spray the first coat of orange spray paint, let dry and sand with a high grit sandpaper. Spray second colored coat and allow it to dry. 4) Top it off with a clear coat or two to protect it from scratches and chipping. 5) The inner shells can be sanded and heat treated, but tend to warp with high temperatures. I found that a clear resin coat will resolve a little bit of the clarity issues. 6) Place the outer shell onto the inner shell and make small marks where it needs to lie horizontally with the surface. Remove the shells and use epoxy or hot glue to secure them together. The InstaMorph may be something you notice hasn't been touched. That is for holding it all together. Get a generous amount of the beads and either use a heat gun to melt them or throw them in some hot water until they turn clear. Stretch into a long cylinder and wrap around PETG center of the ball. Begin to spread out the cylinder until the entire surface is covered. Let the InstaMorph cool and turn white again. To open the cylinder for the first time, use a small screwdriver or the such and peel back the InstaMorph from the PETG on ONE of the sides. Any time you need to open the Morphball, grab the edge of each outer shell and pry apart. PETG is highly durable and should be able to withstand bending. Occasionally, it can be difficult to assemble, so it is useful to carry a small screwdriver to bend back the InstaMorph and then fit it together. 1) Arduino isn't turning on: Battery could be wired in incorrectly or needs to be charged via a micro USB cable. 2) Radio isn't sending/receiving messages: Make sure that they are hooked up correctly. Different boards may require slightly different wiring. Check out this tutorial. An antenna connected to the radio(s) can increase range and increase performance. 3) Ball isn't spinning in any direction but forward and backward: More weight on the bottom of the robot or wheels with more friction tend to increase successful spinning. Model may also have an ellipsoid shape rather than spherical due to printer problems, heat treatment warping, sanding, etc. 4) One or both motors turn without joystick input when remote is on: If it is a slow turn, either modify or comment out lines 22,23 in the remote portion of the code. A fast turn may indicate the potentiometer on the motors isn't calibrated or the motor values are different. Full speed CCW for the motors I use is 0, while no movement is 90, and 180 is full speed CW. 5) The ball is extremely difficult to control: Yes, it is.
Acclimate to Altitude at Home! Train at simulated altitude for mountaineering success! Sleeping, breathing or exercising in a low-oxygen environment is a proven method to acclimate to altitude prior to a trek/high altitude travel, improve exercise capacity while at altitude and reduce or even eliminate symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Through exercising at altitude or performing IHT (Intermittent Hypoxic Training), individuals can ensure they are acclimated to altitude prior to their trips and thus fully enjoy their high-altitude experience. The primary methods for acclimatization to altitude are sustained exercise workouts at altitude or IHT, which involves short-duration stationary breathing sessions at very high altitudes (up to 21,000ft). Sessions should take place 3-4 times per week for 3-4 weeks prior to departure.
Let us first understand what is a high-temperature box furnace? The box type high-temperature furnace is designed for pre-firing and sintering of electronic components and ceramic powders, and can also be used for firing other ceramic products, rare earth components, magnetic materials and the like. The furnace body is all insulated with all-fiber lightweight materials. It is controlled by Japanese intelligent 40-segment temperature controller. It has the characteristics of large temperature range adjustment, high production efficiency and energy saving. The equipment is beautiful and suitable for scientific research units. Small batch production or product process exploration. The furnace is made of advanced light-weight materials. Compared with the traditional muffle furnace, the weight is reduced by 1/2, the heating rate is doubled, energy is saved, and the service life is increased by 3.5 times. 5 has a variety of protection features to improve safety and reliability. The heating process can be set according to different experimental requirements; it has over-temperature, leakage, overload, short-couple protection alarm function; has a variety of settings and adjustment interfaces to meet various environmental conditions. The main parts of the high temperature box furnace are processed by advanced CNC machine tools. The luxurious and beautiful two-color imported epoxy powder electrostatic painting process is used, and the furnace is processed by special light materials. All the indicators have reached the international advanced level, and are widely used in laboratory analysis and industrial heat treatment of coal, electric power, metallurgy, chemical and other laboratories as well as universities and colleges.
Buy a lunch box and be cool. Get your friends to use lunch boxes too. Pack your food in reusable containers instead of waxed paper, sandwich bags or aluminium foil. It will stay fresher and will not get “squashed”! Collect and recycle aluminium cans and plastic bottles. Can you believe that recycling one aluminium can save enough energy to keep a light bulb lit for 12 hours! Use both sides of a piece of paper when writing letters or doing homework. If you only need to use one side, save the paper in a “reuse” box for future use. Make your paper last twice as long. Use a pencil and erase any mistakes. If you need a perfect copy, practice on one of the papers from your “reuse” box and then copy it over. Set up a paper collection scheme for each classroom by making “paper only” boxes for the pupils and teachers to put used paper in. Make sure they are clearly labelled and put in an obvious place. Involve pupils by inviting them to create posters and bright labels for the recycle bins.
At this page, we provide the sources of the last Secondo release. Note that if you have an old installation of Secondo, you should remove this old version completely (or just rename the containing folder). The Secondo sources can be downloaded here. The first step for installing Secondo is to install the Secondo SDK. After that, download the current Secondo sources using the link above. Unpack the file into your home directory. This will create a subdirectory secondo. Now, navigate into that directory and type make. This will create all parts of the Secondo system (the kernel, the optimizer, and the gui). At this place, we provide some patches for the current Secondo version. For version 4.1.2 no patches are available. The MainMemoryAlgebra has been replaced by the MainMemory2Algebra providing more types and operators. Several bug fixes have been done in different modules. Embedded patches of version 4.0.0. Provides distributed query processing. One Secondo system called the master controls many Secondo instances called workers running on different computers/cores. So-called distributed arrays are provided whose field are stored in a distributed manner on the workers. Operations are applied in parallel to all fields of a distributed array. Fields can be of any available Secondo type, in particular, relations or nested relations. This algebra allows one to load existing Secondo objects (e.g. relations) or query results into main memory and keep them there for further querying. The algebra controls available and used amounts of memory and maintain a catalog of objects loaded. AVL-trees, R-trees, and M-trees are available for main-memory indexing. These two algebras provide the well-known algorithms for density-based clustering, DBScan, and OPTICS. Clustering may depend on geometric distances or arbitrary user-defined similarity functions. Provides operations to measure similarity of trajectories in different ways, to support different applications. A comprehensive algebra for the purpose of teaching all aspects of algebra implementation in Secondo. Allows one to create B-tree or R-tree indices on top of binary files storing relations. Useful in a distributed environment, as index files can easily be moved to other computers. Supports the coupling of Secondo with Cassandra. See the work on Distributed Secondo. The optimizer is now available in a basic version (directory OptimizerBasic) and the current version (directory Optimizer). The basic version reflects the state of optimizer implementation from about 2006. It is provided to facilitate understanding of the basic concepts of the Secondo optimizer (omitting all the extensions of the current version to keep it simple). On the other hand, the basic algorithm for conjunctive query optimization has been extended to support the management of properties for intermediate results. This could be the order of a stream of tuples, or the distribution criteria for a distributed intermediate result. In both directories, the old query optimization algorithm is still available in the file optimizer.pl, the new one in file optimizerNewProperties.pl. The first one is a stand-alone interface comparable to SecondoTTYBDB, the second the client-server version comparable to SecondoTTYCS, and the third one the stand-alone version running without transactions, like SecondoTTYNT. All three versions can run scripts combining executable language and SQL commands. In contrast to SecondoPL, which requires Prolog terms as input, these interfaces as well as the Javagui allow one to enter SQL queries and commands in a more natural syntax, as it is NOT necesssary any more to use lower case names. Instead, all names of Secondo objects can be written in the same way as in the kernel, including relation and attribute names. This viewer provides a better display and updating facilities especially for long text fields. It allows one to edit documents defined across a set of relations. It also provides searching and replacing across relations and a formatting capability, translating format specifications into LaTeX. This viewer provides a 3D display of sets of trajectories in a so-called space time cube. It requires installation of Java3D; therefore it is by default not activated. This viewer allows one to display the results of applying the Optics clustering algorithm. One can interactively manipulate a threshold to define smaller or larger clusters. The secondo/bin/Scripts directory provides some scripts written in Secondo executable language for performing certain tasks. From Secondo 4.0.0, scripts can be documented in the pd format generally used for program documentation in Secondo. An example is importGermanyOsm.sec which can be formatted with "pdview importGermanyOsm.sec". Furthermore, it is now possible to write scripts mixing executable language with SQL statements. An example is nrwImportShape.psec. The script imports OpenStreetMap data from an XML file. It reconstructs linear features as a nested relation containing lists of nodes and lists of tags and the geometry of type line. Its main purpose is to construct the road network as a directed graph. The resulting graph representation can be used for map matching recorded trajectories or for shortest path search. A shorter version of the previous script (reduced of some extras) for which, however, documentation exists in file ORGfromOSM.sec - Road Network Construction.pdf. Imports eight classes of objects such as Roads, Waterways, Buildings, etc. from a set of shapefiles derived from OpenStreetMap data (downloaded from GeoFabrik). Needs to be run in a PL shell (e.g. SecondoPLTTYNT) as it includes SQL commands. This is a parallel version of the previous script to be run on a cluster. Parallel sorting on a cluster. For some nostalgic reasons, here some old and even older versions can be found.
Ovarian cancer is one of the commonest types of cancer in women. If you have family history or are concerned about symptoms our ovarian cancer test provides detail and reassurance. Women with family history of ovarian cancer or who have had fertility treatment (eg IVF or fertility drugs) in the past, post menopausal women and women with new onset of pelvic pain after the age of 45. How often should you have it? *the speed at which ovarian cancer develops can be variable therefore annual screening will only provide 90% protection.
Grilling is a dry heat cooking method that quickly cooks the surface and then slowly moves to the middle. When grilled properly, the meat will have a crisp flavorful outside coating with a moist center. Grilling is generally done outdoors with the heat applied on the bottom surface of the meat. Grilling infuses the meat with a smoky flavor from the juices dripping on the charcoals. There are two basic types of grilling that are used, indirect grilling and direct grilling. Grilling is ideal for cooking smaller ham cuts, such as ham slices, using the direct grilling method. It is not the best-suited method for cooking a whole or half ham. Because direct grilling uses high heat and short cooking times, a whole or half ham will become overcooked on the outside before the inside reaches the proper temperature. Indirect grilling is more suited for cooking whole or half hams. The grilling process cooks foods over a high heat source, either directly, indirectly, or a combination of both. Grilling temperatures typically reach as high as 650ºF, but any temperature above 300°F is suitable as a grilling temperature. The high heat of grilling sears the surface of ham, creating meat with a flavorful crust. The required cooking temperature and the method of grilling (direct, indirect, or a combination) depends on the cut of ham and whether it is a fully cooked, partially cook, or uncooked. There are many different types of grills available today that can be used when grilling ham. For information on the different types of grills, see Grill Types. It is important that the grill is set up properly and reaches the appropriate temperature for the cut of ham that is being grilled to ensure that it produces in a juicy, tender finished product that is cooked to the proper doneness. For information on setting up a charcoal or gas grill, see Outdoor Grill Preparation. When grilling, ham should be cooked at a medium heat. To check the temperature of the grill, you can use the method of placing the palm of your hand at the cooking level above the heat source and the amount of time you can hold it there will indicate the heat level. For information on checking the temperature of the grill using the palm of your hand method, see Outdoor Grill Preparation. The thicker the cut the farther away from the heat source it should be or the heat source should be at a lower temperature to prevent the outside of the ham from burning before the inside is properly cooked. You will also have to decide whether you will use direct or indirect heat during the grilling time. Depending on the cut, you may use both. A cut, such as a whole or a half ham, may require direct heat to seal the outside and indirect to allow the cut to cook thoroughly to the center. See below for more information on indirect and direct heat grilling. Indirect heat grilling is a method of grilling where you use an area of the grill that is not directly over the heat source. Using indirect heat slows the cooking process down, which allows the center of the cut to cook thoroughly without burning the outer surface. Coals are pushed to one side of the grill or banked into a ring around the outer edges to provide an area of indirect heat. On gas grills, the side of the burner, which is below the area where the food will be, is turned off after the grill is preheated. This will provide an area on the grill that will be a low heat source. The meat is placed over the area in which there are no coals or over the burner that is turned off on a gas grill. The ham is generally cooked with the grill hood closed. Indirect heat would be used for cooking larger cuts of meat, such as whole and half hams. Once the ham is prepared and the charcoals have been heated properly (see Charcoal Grill Setup), there are several easy steps to follow in order to cook ham with indirect heat on a charcoal grill. There are different setups that can be used for indirect grilling on the charcoal grill. The coals can be pushed to one side of the grill and a pan placed on the opposite side. The pan is used to catch the fat as it melts and drips from the meat while cooking. This will help reduce flare-ups. An alternative method for arranging coals for indirect heat grilling is to place half the coals on one side of the grill and the other half on the opposite side. Some charcoal grills are equipped with side baskets, which can be used for this purpose. A drip pan is placed between the coals in the location where the meat will be cooked. A third method of arranging the coals is to bank them into a ring around the outer edges. Again, a drip pan is placed in the middle of the coals and when the grate is placed on the grill, this is the area the meat will be placed on the grate. When using any of the indirect methods, the ham is generally cooked with the cover on the grill. Any of the indirect charcoal grill setups provide an area on the grill, directly above the drip pan and away from the coals, that creates the indirect heat area. Once the ham is prepared and the gas grill have been heated properly (see Gas Grill Setup), there are several easy steps to follow in order to cook ham using indirect heat on a gas grill. All of the burners, except one, are turned off. For the three burner grill pictured at right, the center and rear burners are turned off and the front burner remains on (high heat). A drip pan is placed on the opposite side away from the direct heat of the front gas burner. The ham is placed over the drip pan while cooking. The hood of the grill should be closed while allowing the ham to cook using the indirect heat of the grill. Cook until internal temperature reaches the proper temperature. The proper doneness for fully cooked ham is 130° to 140°F and for hams that are not fully cooked it is 160° F. Remove the ham when the internal temperature is 5° below the desired temperature. Then allow it to stand for 15 minutes before carving or serving. During this time the temperature should rise another 5° to 10°F, which will bring the ham to its proper doneness. Direct heat grilling is a method of grilling where you cook the meat directly over the heat source. The meat is cooked quickly over medium coals and should be watched carefully to prevent overcooking. The meat cooked using direct heat can be cooked with the hood up but is generally cooked with the hood down. The ham is generally turned once during the cooking process. Direct heat is good for cooking smaller cuts, such as ham slices. The heat from direct heat grilling will cook the ham quickly and if the cuts are too thin, they will overcook, causing them to dry out. The ham must be watched carefully while grilling. Coating the ham slices with a little oil or marinating it before cooking will help keep it moist. It is important that the heat source be properly preheated so that it seals the juices into the meat quickly. The temperatures at which the ham is cooked and the distance it is from the heat source are both important in producing tender, juicy, properly done ham. When using direct heat on a charcoal grill, the coals are generally spread in an even layer on the bottom of the grill to provide a consistently hot, even temperature under the entire cooking surface. It is beneficial to leave a small area along the edge where there are no coals. This provides a section where food can be moved if a flare up occurs while the meat is being cooked. To help prevent the meat from sticking to the grate on which it will be placed, brush the grate with oil and preheat the grill before placing the ham on the grate. The grill should be heated to a medium heat (see Grill Temperatures). The cooking temperature typically reaches 450ºF to 650ºF when grilling over direct heat. Thin cuts of meat are quickly grilled over such high temperatures, so check often and watch carefully for visual signs of doneness. It is generally suggested to turn the cuts only once. When grilling ham with direct heat on a gas grill, all of the burners are turned on to provide a uniform temperature under the entire cooking surface (grate). Ham is cooked over burners set on medium heat. While the grill is preheating, brush the surface of the ham with oil to help prevent them from sticking to the grate. It is also beneficial to brush oil on the grates before placing the food on them to help prevent sticking. Place the ham slices on the oiled grate once the grill has preheated to the proper temperature (see Grill Temperatures). Cook the ham in the same manner as shown above on the charcoal grill, using direct heat. The ham slices can be grilled with the cover up put they are generally cooked with the hood down and turned once during the cooking process. The cooking temperature typically reaches 450ºF to 650ºF when grilling over direct heat. Thin pieces of ham are quickly grilled over these temperatures, so check often and watch carefully for visual signs of doneness. It is generally suggested to turn the pieces only once. Use tongs or a spatula to turn the ham. A fork should not be used because it will pierce the meat, allowing juices to escape. Use the chart below for a quick reference for grilling methods and times when grilling ham. Indirect: 5-7 minutes each side Either Direct or Indirect can be used for pre-cooked ham steak. Direct is quicker but Indirect will give more of a grill taste. Ham slices that are going to be grilled should be a minimum of 1 inch thick and no thicker than 2 inches. Prepare and grill as indicated below. Trim the skin from the outer edge but leave a layer of fat. To keep ham slices flat while grilling, clip fat around the edges at 1 to 1 ½ inch intervals. Allow the ham to stand at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes before placing on the grill. To help prevent the ham slices from sticking to the grate on which they will be placed, the grate can be brushed with oil and the grill should be properly preheated before placing the meat on the grate. Place the ham slices on the grill approximately 4 inches above direct heat. Leaving the hood open, cook for 6 to 10 minutes on both sides or until each side is nicely browned. Note: It is generally suggested to turn the cuts only once. Also, do not overcrowd the pieces so that if there are flare-ups from the drippings there is room to move pieces out of the way of the flames. When purchasing a ham, take into consideration that a whole or half, fully cooked ham will be cooked in less time than a partially cooked or an uncooked ham. Score the surface of the ham by cutting about 1/4 inch deep lines 1/2 inch apart over the entire ham. Then do the same again but cut the lines in the opposite direction of the first set of lines, forming diamond shapes in the ham. Form more information on scoring the ham, see Ham Preparation - Scoring. Prepare your favorite glaze or use the one below (the glaze can be made while the ham is cooking on the grill). Bringing the following ingredients to a boil and cooking for one minute. Set glaze aside to use during the last 30 minutes of grilling time. Prepare the grill for indirect heat grilling. See above. Place the ham in the area where the drip pan is located where there is no heat source. Instead of using a drip pan, the ham could be place in a foil pan and then placed on the grill with the heat source turned off directly under it. Close the hood while cooking the ham. Use estimated time from the cooking instructions on the package. Start checking for doneness 30 to 40 minutes before the end of the estimated cooking time. When the ham is 15° to 20°F below the proper doneness temperature, begin to coat the ham with the glaze. Glaze it approximately every 10 minutes until it is 5°F below the proper doneness temperature. Remove from the grill, tent with foil, and allow to stand for 15 minutes before carving and serving. Note: Grilling whole or half hams is not always recommended because of their size and density. Some people feel that grilling does not necessarily enhance the flavor of the ham because of the smoked or curing process it has gone through. If you enjoy grilling, it is worth a try to taste for yourself whether or not it is worth it. For more information on ham, see Meat - Ham. When grilling ham slices or steaks, preheat the grill to proper temperature to ensure the meats surface is seared quickly to seal in juices. Using clean racks and coating them with vegetable oil or a nonstick vegetable oil spray will help prevent the meat from sticking. Do not use a fork to turn the ham as it cooks. The piercing causes juices to escape. Use tongs to turn.
Alec Rowley was born in London on 13 March 1892, teacher, composer, organist, pianist, lecturer and writer, who studied at the RAM with Frederick Corder and where he won sundry scholarships and prizes. He was an organist at several London churches including, during the Second World War, St Margaret's, Westminster. As a pianist he often broadcast duets with Edgar Moy. He died on 11 January 1958. Many of his organ solos are brief and simple: chorale preludes, genre pieces, toccatas, marches and voluntaries suitable for the small organ and less experienced player. Sometimes he brought out more ambitious recital pieces, like the Heroic Suite of 1921, the Sonata in A minor and two symphonies in B minor and F major published late in his life, but we do not encounter these nowadays. The "Christmas Suite" was published by Novello in 1942. Written during the dark days of World War Two, this is FAR from the "ho-ho-ho" Christmas mood, as much of the work is restrained and even dark. There are 4 movements. The first, "Siciliana 'The Holly and the Ivy'" is dark and stately. It is not based upon the tune that most of us associate with this text. (See the separate upload.) The second movement, "Minuet 'The Holly and the Ivy' and the 'Cherry Tree Carol'" IS based upon the well-know tune, but is combined with an unfamiliar Cherry Tree tune. The third movement, "Fughetta 'The Little Room'" is really the core of the suite, but I have no info about the tune. The 4th movement, "Bourrée 'On Christmas Night' and 'The moon shines bright'" is the only joyous one of the group, but it more than makes up for the somber tones of the others, concluding with an especially rousing ending!
The Redhawk Native American Arts Council is a not for profit organization founded and maintained by Native American artists and educators residing in the New York City area. Since 1994, the Council is dedicated to educating the general public about Native American heritage through song, dance, theater, works of art and other cultural forms of expression. An Aztec Noble’s dress included symbols characteristic to their high social rank. Gold was used to adorn a noble’s dress and the use of feathers on head and robes were another accessory. The Aztec wore bright colors and the natural shine of tropical bird feathers. These feathers were plucked and then woven into beautiful designs or they were used for head dresses. This Aztec gentlemen is visiting from Mexico and was about to perform Aztec dances at the PowWow. Golden Eagles are considered sacred within American Indian traditions, culture and religion. They are honored with great care and shown the deepest respect. The purpose of the Redhawk Native American Arts Council is to educate the general public about Native Americans. It is a a grassroots non-profit organization . Addressing the crowd is Cliff Matais. He's the director / co-founder / organizer of the Red Hawk Arts Council. Though a lifetime NY'er (Crooklyn), Cliff's of Taino & Kechuwa roots & has been involved in Native American Indian Arts most of his life. This is one hard-working man! These dolls are dressed in Native American clothes and were presented for sale at the PowWow. Parents are delighted watching their children show enthusiasm learning about different cultures and participating in dances and music. The Redhawk message of respecting the earth, our elders and working hard to be the best you can be, is always a favorite with educators and parents. Tepees are tent-like American Indian houses used by Plains tribes. A tepee is made of a cone-shaped wooden frame with a covering of buffalo hide. Like modern tents, tepees are carefully designed to set up and break down quickly. As a tribe moved from place to place, each family would bring their tipi poles and hide tent along with them. Originally, tepees were about 12 feet high, but once the Plains Indian tribes acquired horses, they began building them twice as high. This is an example of man dressed for a fancy dance at this PowWow. Getting ready to performThis organization is attempting to break stereptypes of native Americans by presenting they traditions. Since 1993, the Redhawk Native American Arts Council’s performing artists have been sharing Native American dance, music, art and history with audiences around the world. Our programs entertain, educate and foster a positive image of our nation’s first culture. Drums provide the pulse of the pow wow. There is usually a host drum, consisting of up to eight men, and guest drums. Drummers do not necessarily wear traditional regalia, they may just wear street clothes. At outdoor pow wows, the drum groups are frequently under a tent as the drums have to be protected from moisture and temperature fluctuations. While the drum helps the dancers keep beat, it is the songs, and the range of pitches, that provide the melody the dancers focus on and meld their dance to. Grand Entry will be held before the traditional dances, at the start of each dance session. The Grand Entry will be led by the Veterans, who will post the flags. Eagle staff's traditionally are carried into the dancing circle by a native war veteran who has earned the respect of a member of the Pow Wow committee or an eagle staff owner. Pow-wow event begins with a grand entry by the dancers, after which the host drums inaugurate it with a special honor song.During the Pow Wow, many honour dances will occur. The dances are in honour of someone's special occasion such as birthdays, lengthy anniversary, the loss of a loved one and other honourable occasions. Usually a drum is requested by the family to sing a honour song. The family then would dance around once before the rest of the family members and friends join in the dance. During the Pow Wow, many honour dances will occur. The dances are in honour of someone's special occasion such as birthdays, lengthy anniversary, the loss of a loved one and other honourable occasions. Usually a drum is requested by the family to sing a honour song. The family then would dance around once before the rest of the family members and friends join in the dance. The oldest of the Indian symbols is the Eagle Staff. On the account of their warrior status, Dog Soldiers were given the honour of carrying the staffs. Representatives of the Oneida, Cherokee, Lokota, Shinnecock, Navajo, Narragansett, Taino and Aztec peoples were present at this PowWow. The Eagle Staff represents the stature and honor of a particular tribe or tribes. It commonly looks like a shepherd’s staff and is wrapped in either otter skin or buffalo skin, and exhibits eagle feathers (mainly tail feathers from a golden eagle) that indicate the Akicita honor of that tribe. Women traditional dancers usually dance in the outer edge of the dance circle bending their knees and staying in one spot. The men's fancy war dance originated in Oklahoma. These dancers are noted for their fast foot work, athletic ability and originality. The first of the traditional dances is always male dancers. The northern dancers represent warriors scouting before or while they are on the hunt.
As part of my looking ahead series, I will publish a few blog posts on what I see as the future of certain areas that I am really passionate about. These pieces may also appear in other media, so I will let you know if they are cross-posted. Across the world, nearly 4.9% of our GDP is spent on education. In countries such as USA and UK, the % is much higher and in countries such as ours, much lower. As we look into the future to get our citizens more educated and informed, we find that the biggest change will be the end of the “one size fits all model”. The future of education will be hyper-personalized, catering to individual students needs and focused on learning outcomes that enable one to do something meaningful with their learning. At the heart & center of the education, we tend to sometimes forget, is the student. What would be the ideal learning environment for the student? From Kindergarten to 12th grade, higher education through graduate programs and finally ongoing learning for skills refreshment, what helps the student learn better? If you ask a student, they’d like to a) be inspired to learn, by having the subject brought to life with examples and experiences, b) learn at their own pace and enjoy the subject and c) learn so they can apply it towards a task they want to perform. Teaching can be broken into 3 elements – “instruction”, “application” and “review”. “Instruction” is the explanation of the theory and concept with a few examples. Most of the sciences & math are taught this way already. The social sciences are largely taught this way as well, but the examples are replaced by stories in history, locations in geography and local government examples in civics. For languages the theory is replaced with a large dose of rules. Most are arcane and require rote memorization. Teachers, tend to force students to learn every concept at the same time, regardless of the student’s ability to learn. Inexpensive tablets and applications on those will replace the blackboard based teaching in the next 10 years. Currently instruction is also done in a linear fashion and uses the same tools and techniques for everyone. I know in my own personal case this is meaningless. My son, a 9 year old, prefers if I explain it to him using stories, but my daughter wants to watch videos about history. “Application” is currently performed by repetition and practice. Instead of applying the learning concepts to a project (in some private schools they are given projects), students are asked to do the same “problems” and answer the same questions multiple times. The expectation is that repetition will ensure you will remember it. The future of application will be based on science kits, drama renditions of historical facts and real-world recreation of circumstances where you would use math. The student is more likely to remember a drama they participated in about the Mughal Empire than the multiple chapters devoted to them in the history textbook. This will also help counter the folks who claim that computing is making students “insular”. The fact that you are doing a project (or a drama) requires teamwork and cooperation. Finally, “Review” is done by tedious and stress-inducing exams, with emphasis on how well you learned to “learn”, instead of learned to “apply the learning”. Computing is already replacing the paper-based exams in the higher classes, and they will continue to do so even in the lower grades. Reviews might also get replaced by multiple “demo days” at the end of a semester – with the emphasis on “show me what you learned”. The future, will feature personalized applications based on experiences with inexpensive tablets and mobile phones replacing the text and images of the 2D text book with voice, video, interaction and text. While teachers won’t be replaced, the tablet will enhance the teacher’s ability to be a facilitator instead of setting the pace. While some favor setting the pace approach, research has proven that most students are motivated to learn certain subjects faster than others. The teacher’s role will change to be a curator of great material and a person that understands the unique needs of each student. This obviously means, that not all students in a class will be at the same “level” during the class. Some might surge ahead in Math, others in Literature and still others in Art. Which is a good thing. It will help the students excel in “something”, rather than be ordinary at “everything”. The future of all student education will be hyper-personalized. From Kindergarten to elementary, middle school to high and from undergraduate programs to post graduate and beyond, each student will focus on having their “own” teacher, their “own” curriculum and their “own” books. Lastly I want to highlight the differences between hyper-personalized, customized and individualized. They are not the same. Customized means take a curriculum, tweak it somewhat to the local “needs” of the school and then teach all students the same thing. This is followed by most of the private schools in India. They follow ICSE or IGCSE and “custom” tailor the curriculum for the entire class. Individualized is what home-schooling is. The focus is on what the tutor (in most cases the parent) feels is best for the child. Individualized programs will work for kids with special-needs in the future, and those with learning disabilities. It requires in many cases, a therapist or instructor who understands how the child learns and only focuses on teaching that material in that particular way. In most cases they use the same curriculum as the mainstream programs, but tend to use the same techniques over and over again. I will like to know your views on how you see the future of rural health care in India, provided we have 70% of our population in rural india, 54% mobile penetration and only 1 physician per 1700 people (WHO minimum is 1:1000). Do you see an opportunity for mobile driven healthcare system? I work for 11 years in , Spain , specialized in online training for companies, mainly oriented to the official Microsoft certification and for active workers . we are : Learning Partner , Prometric, VUE , Certiport , etc. . I’ll take : documentation , planning and development of the content of their courses and tutoring , plus contacts with Microsoft , Prometric and VUE TCA . The structure of our courses are modular , each module consists of a video where the course content is implemented , containing several pdf and expand the content of videos, the exercises and evaluation tests of knowledge, and books Wiley and ITAcademy online laboratory . Besides tutoring monitoring reports of the students give us valuable information. • In recent months the most intensively used tool for querying students is Skype. • All students unload 100% of the pdf of the course. • They tend to see only 10-20% of the videos of the course ( ? ? ? ) . • They usually perform most +50 % assessment test . • They usually request extensions to successfully complete the course contents . • Two student roles : that question a lot , and going through the course without any consultation. • What they learn best , it’s what they do themselves. • At the end always make a personal project , corporate identity, business tool … that allows them to submit to the Curriculum and what they value most . • What works best : Final project presentation to the group. From the latest interfaces elearning I liked the Duolingo . On the other hand in the last 5 weeks I have interviewed more than 1000 people for classroom courses designed to get a job and also the group that covers your item is one that is dramatically important , people aged 45-50 years ( working from the 18) who by the crisis, because their jobs are no longer defendants , because disease ( carcer ) can no longer develop their career dramatically demanding training but has great ignorance and difficulty for online training. I hope this information is useful to you . Very interesting… esp. as I’ve been following the education sector for quite a while and am personally involved in this area – both in an NGO and a commercial model. Let me redirect your thoughts to a different perspective ? In the future, Education is going to head more towards LEARNING rather than TEACHING ? PS : A quick tangential point – a big part of education today is NOT for oneself or acquiring knowledge – it is to have the ability to prove to an external agency that one KNOWs. This is clearly demonstrated with our emphasis on “marks”, “assessments”, “certifications” etc.
You may be installing the best security and burglar system in your house, you may have a large storage house of canned goods in case of outage or crisis, and you may have the most complete emergency kit in the house, but if you have don’t have an effective emergency plan, it will all just go to waste. It actually just takes less than an hour for you to formulate an emergency plan, have it printed and give each member of the family a copy. So, gather your folks around and start an emergency preparedness planning right now. What is emergency preparedness planning by the way? Well, for starters, emergency preparedness planning refers to a set of activities or list of reminders that will orient every member of the family on what to do in case of emergencies. A disaster can be of any form, it can be of natural causes like earthquake, tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis which are obviously inevitable. A disaster can be an accident like gas explosion, electricity accident, fire, crime-related like burglary, home invasion or it can even be financial or economical disasters, such as money crisis, power outage and so on. Even when you are at home, when you expect utmost safety, disaster can still take place. When you leave your love ones at home, how will you contact them in case of emergencies, where will you meet, who will they call? These are just some of the questions that can be answered when you do emergency preparedness planning with your family. So here are the steps. First, make sure that every member of the family is present. Then start discussing the plan on the safe exits of the house. Exit doors are usually found in the kitchen, but what if the emergency took place in the kitchen, will the main door be a good option for exit. How about in rooms, do the kids have assigned routes to emergency exits? Also consider the meeting place of your family. It could be your favorite restaurant or a relative living nearby. Assign a person who will pick up your kids when you can not make it. Have a list of contact numbers of your neighbors. Keep a list of health conditions of your family. And inform everyone in the house about the location of floor drains, gas valves, water pipes, electrical boxes and fire extinguishers. As a final thought on emergency preparedness planning, teach your family on how to be responsive and manage stress during critical moments.
For decades, doctors have been telling men they need to lose weight in order to reduce their risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other potentially life-threatening conditions. Women are also trying to shed excess body weight for exactly the same reasons. In addition to these well known fat-related health concerns, keeping trim has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women with a strong family history of the disease. With this in mind, British researchers with University Hospital in South Manchester, England, have released the results of a preliminary investigation which suggests that cutting back on carbs just two days a week could be a more effective approach to losing weight and preventing disease than many other popular diets . A total of 115 women, all with a family history of breast cancer, took part in the study. Each was randomly assigned to one of two experimental test groups or a dietary control group and then monitored for a period of four months. Test group participants were placed on either a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet for two days a week; or instead, a similar low-carb diet, in which they were allowed the freedom to eat as much fat and protein as liked, also for two days each week. Control group participants were placed on a Mediterranean-style calorie-restrictive diet seven days a week for comparison purposes. Following the four-month study, data gathered by University Hospital researchers showed that both test groups had lost more weight than their control group counterparts. Participants in both test groups also showed lower insulin resistance, a key indicator for both diabetes and breast cancer risk, than their control group counterparts. Overall, test group participants lost almost twice as much weight, and showed 8% - 18%, on average, better insulin resistance, than members of the Mediterranean-style control group. These results are even more impressive when you remember to consider that these test group participants achieved better results while dieting only two days a week, as compared to the control group’s seven-day-a-week plan. A highlight of this study is the importance of dieting smarter, rather than harder. Taking a healthy and realistic approach, such as dieting only a few days each week, is a great way to ensure that you don’t grow to hate it later on down the road.
Pottsville , PA, health care quality comes down to access, affordability and outcomes. Schuylkill County ranks 61 for health outcomes 49 for health factors, and 42 for healthy behaviors in PA. Healthy living goes beyond whether residents have access to affordable, quality doctors and hospitals. A city’s health takes into consideration the choices residents are making to lower their personal health risk. Here are figures that indicate how Pottsville , PA residents stack up against other areas in PA in terms of leading a healthy lifestyle.
Researchers from the University of Bristol UK have developed a system that helps objects levitate - literally floating on air. They're called acoustic tractor beams. The power of the sound can hold particles in midair. And, unlike magnetic levitation they can hold most solids and liquids. This technology is a first. It may lead to the manipulation of micro-surgical instruments and drug capsules within the human body. The scientists have shown they can trap & stabilize objects larger than the wavelength of sound in an acoustic tractor beam. Using this system, the scientists held a 2 centimeter polystyrene sphere in the tractor beam. That's the largest object ever levitated by sound. Their research suggests much larger objects can be levitated. The scientists use rapidly fluctuating acoustic vortices similar to tornadoes of sound. The loud sound surrounds a silent core. By expanding the silent core they can levitate larger objects. They think it may someday result in human levitation.
In the curiosity of velocity and economic system the notation of the orig­ inal textual content has been retained in order that the move made from vectors A and B is denoted via [AB], the dot product via (AB), the Laplacian operator via ~. and so on. it may even be worthy mentioning that the temperature is usually expressed in strength devices within the Soviet literature in order that the Boltzmann consistent should be lacking in a variety of generic expressions. In concerns of terminology, every time pos­ sible a number of kinds are used while a time period is first brought, e. g. , magnetoacoustic and magnetosonic waves, "probkotron" and reflect laptop, and so forth. it truly is was hoping during this option to support the reader to narrate the phrases used right here with these in present translations and with the traditional nomenclature. generally the procedure of literature quotation utilized in the bibliographies follows that of the yankee Institute of Physics "Soviet Physics" sequence. aside from the cor­ rection of a few noticeable misprints the textual content is that of the unique. we want to convey our gratitude to Academician Leontovich for kindly delivering the most recent corrections and additions to the Russian textual content. v CONTENTS Steady-State Plasma stream in a Magnetic box A. I. Morozov and L. S. Solov'ev advent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 bankruptcy 1. Acceleration Mechanisms , • • • • • • • • • • . 2 §1. Microscopic photograph of Plasma Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 §2. "Granular Gases" are diluted many-particle platforms within which the suggest loose direction of the debris is way greater than the common particle measurement, and the place particle collisions happen dissipatively. The dissipation of kinetic power may end up in results corresponding to the formation of clusters, anomalous diffusion and attribute surprise waves to call yet a number of. This ebook offers an summary of the actual phenomena came across in magnetic molecular fabrics during the last twenty years. it truly is written by way of top scientists having made crucial contributions to this energetic region of analysis. the most subject matters of this e-book are the foundations of quantum tunneling and quantum coherence of single-molecule magnets (SMMs), phenomena which transcend the physics of person molecules, corresponding to the collective habit of arrays of SMMs, the physics of one-dimensional single–chain magnets and magnetism of SMMs grafted on substrates. 111) The geometry of the outer electrode will depend on whether the compression occurs with a velocity v- 0, a nonvanishing constant velocity, or an increasing velocity. The lines of the electric current are governed by the equation Hr § 5. = const. 112) Flow Velocity Equal to Signal Velocity at Some Point We now treat the case in which the flow velocity reaches the signal velocity at some point. It turns out that the critical surface, at which v =v 5 , has certain distinctive features. In particular, if there exists a planar cross section of the channel z = z * = const in which the velocity has only the single component v z, then the critical velocity, which is equal to the signal-propagation velocity, is reached in this cross section . Const. 112) Flow Velocity Equal to Signal Velocity at Some Point We now treat the case in which the flow velocity reaches the signal velocity at some point. It turns out that the critical surface, at which v =v 5 , has certain distinctive features. In particular, if there exists a planar cross section of the channel z = z * = const in which the velocity has only the single component v z, then the critical velocity, which is equal to the signal-propagation velocity, is reached in this cross section .
A new and improved mouthguard adapted to minimize shock to the teeth and head area. The mouthguard is comprised of a member having an approximate U-shape corresponding generally to the shape of the arch of the upper jaw. The member, which is of substantially channel shape in cross section, is fitted over the upper teeth. The member has a bottom wall designed to engage the lower teeth. The construction of the bottom wall is a sandwich or layered configuration comprised of an energy absorbing elastomer enclosed in a tough, durable and less compressible material. This invention relates to mouthguards and in particular to a new and improved mouthguard adapted to minimize shock to the teeth and head area. In the many contact sports played throughout the world, the use of mouthguards is nearly universal. Over the years many attempts have been made to develop a mouthguard that would offer suitable protection to the teeth and supporting structures. A number of surveys and studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the various types of mouthguards. The results of these studies can be summarized broadly by the statement that any of the mouthguards will reduce oral injuries. A consensus seems to exist that all offer some type and degree of protection, however, the consensus also seems to be that the ideal mouthguard has not yet been developed. In a recent study of Texas high school football athletes ("An Evaluation of Mouthguard Programs in Texas High School Football," by Richard R. Seals, Jr., DDS, et al, JADA, Vol. 110, p. 904, June 1985) more than 50% of the 534 reported injuries were concussions. The 269 concussions reported by 126 of the schools would tend to indicate a need to reevaluate the protection provided by mouthguards for concussions and other central nervous system injuries. Most conventional mouthguards consist simply of U-shaped, trough-like members of resilient material, such as rubber or a suitable plastic, shaped to fit over the upper or lower teeth or both. While the typical mouthguard offers some protection for the teeth, such mouthguards provide little, if any, protection against head and neck injuries. Normally, the head of the condyle of the mandible articulates with a cartilagenous disk or movable cartilogenous pad in the temporomandibular joint. It is this pad which glides between the condylar head of the mandible and the articular surface of the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone. When wearing conventional mouthguards, the athlete is subject to damage resulting from direct transmittal of force through the mandible, the thin layer of cartilage, and into the temporal bone and the cranial cavity. Substantial increases in intracranial pressure and cranial bone deformation have been shown to occur when a football player, for example, receives a blow on the chin or on the faceguard of the protective helmet. This results in a measurable deformation of the skull. Similar damage occurs in other contact sports, such as boxing, hockey, lacrosse, etc. Because of the use of protective helmets with faceguards for intercepting horizontal blows, the principal injuries to football players in the head area results from upward blows to the lower jaw, especially the chin area, and from upward blows to the faceguard which transmits force to the jaw through the chin strap. In an attempt to solve this problem, U.S. Pat. No. 4,337,765 to E. S. Zimmerman discloses a mouthguard constructed so as to provide an increased separation between the mandible and the glenoid fossa, and to slightly increase this separation in the case of a blow to the chin or face. The Zimmerman mouthguard provides a pivoting action about a fulcrum point in the molar area to cause a slight rocking shock absorption motion. The Zimmerman premise is that in the case of a blow to the chin or face a pivoting action would occur about the lower first molar causing a slightly increased separation between the condyle of the mandible and the temporal bone. This is accomplished, supposedly, by placing a greater thickness of material in the bottom wall of the mouthguard in the region engaging the lower first molar. The difficulty of such a design is in achieving a balanced occlusion. Maintaining an increased separation in the first molar area would preclude teeth anterior and posterior to that point contacting firmly. Although Zimmerman states that the occlusion is balanced from first bicuspid to second molar while following the typical Curve of Spee, if such a state were achieved, it would preclude a static increased thickness in the area of the lower first molar. One either achieves a pivoting thickness or a balanced bite, but not both. In supposing a pivoting thickness was maintained in the Zimmerman mouthguard, we must look closer at what is achieved by such a design under function. Similar to all mouthguards or orthopedic repositioning appliances, the temporomandibular joint is placed in a rest state by simply opening the bite in a range of 3 to 5 millimeters. Such openings advance the head of the condyle anteriorly and inferiorly. This has been a long established premise in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders with occusally balanced hard acrylic orthopedic splints. Such a situation allows derangements and imbalances of the muscles and ligaments of the temporomandibular joint area to regain their tone and balance. Bringing about such a balance relieves patients suffering from a wide range of symptoms, often caused by an imbalanced occlusion. Use of the Zimmerman mouthguard by an athlete with a temporomandibular joint disorder may be hazardous. Further separation or opening of the temporomandibular joint and the rocking shock absorption technique upon receiving a blow to the lower jaw may only serve to place additional stresses on already imbalanced and symptomatic muscles and ligaments. This may result in tears and/or rips in the muscles and ligaments. The present invention is an improved sports mouthguard whereby the mouthguard comprises a member, having an approximate U-shaped corresponding generally to the shape of the arch of the upper jaw, formed of a resilient material, and having an energy absorbing elastomeric insert made of a material such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,346,205 to M. A. F. Hiles. More particularly, the member includes a bottom wall designed to engage the lower teeth, and spaced side walls or flanges extending upwardly therefrom and forming a cavity for receiving the upper teeth. Laterally, the bottom wall comprises an approximately planar surface of sufficient width to extend laterally the full width of the lower teeth and engage both the buccal and the lingual cusps of the lower teeth. The construction of the bottom wall is a sandwich or layered configuration comprised of an energy absorbing elastomer enclosed in a tough, durable and less compressible material. The overall design of the present invention will advance the head of the condyle of the mandible inferiorly and anteriorly to minimize impingement on the temporomandibular joint. Previous mouthguards have been made entirely of a tough and hard to compress material and would transmit concussive forces through it to the opposing arch and temporomandibular joint. The improvement of the present invention, i.e., the energy absorbing elastomer insert, acts to absorb such concussive forces. This is in addition to the separation between the condyle of the mandible and the temporal bone and will act to minimize damage caused by forces transmitted to the oral skeleton. The present invention is designed to achieve and maintain a safe orthopedic repositioning of the lower jaw. In doing so, a balanced and healthy arrangement of the temporomandibular joint is assured. By relying on a shock absorbing elastomer to maintain this relationship, muscles and ligaments will not be subjected to radical or fast alterations which could result in tears or dislocations. Furthermore, the present invention's maintenance of a balanced bite, similar to that achieved by a mandibular orthopedic repositioning appliance (MORA), may increase an athlete's overall strength and stamina. The MORA appliance is a hard acrylic appliance worn on the mandibular arch, and creates a balanced plane of occlusion from first bicuspid to second molar. In doing so a similar anterior and inferior spacing of the head of the mandibular condyle is achieved on the temporomandibular joint. Many scientific articles have substantiated an increased strength in weight lifters and stamina in long distance runners when such an appliance is used. The pivoting thickness of Zimmerman in the first molar area does not comply with such an occlusal balance, while the balanced and stable design of the present invention lends itself to delivering benefits similar to the MORA. Referring now more particularly to FIGS. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the mouthguard 1 consists essentially of a generally U-shaped member or casing 2 which is of substantially channel shape in cross-section. The casing 2 is defined by a bottom wall 3 designed to engage the lower teeth 50, and front 6 and rear 5 side walls extending upward therefrom forming a channel 12 for receiving the upper teeth 30. Between the channel floor 7 and the bottom wall 3 is an insert 8 formed of an energy absorbing elastomer. The channel floor 7 and bottom wall 3 are sealed at the casing 2 ends 9 and 10, thereby completely enclosing the insert 8. The casing 2 is made of a tough and durable material, less compressible than the insert 8. Such a tough outer case would be resistant to wear and abrasion, and would reduce the potential of bite-through prevalent in many mouthguard types. The rear 5 and front 6 side walls are intended to conform generally to the lingual and buccal areas, respectively, of the upper teeth and gums, and each of the walls 5 and 6 end in rounded edges at 9 and 10, approximating the gingival tissues. The front side wall 6 is notched downwardly at its midpoint 11 to provide space for the superior labial frenum. Laterally, the bottom wall 3 comprises an approximately planar surface of sufficient width to extend laterally the full width of the lower teeth and engage both the buccal and lingual cusps of the lower teeth 50. The bottom wall 3 is formed to correspond anteroposterily with the normal dental Curve of Spee found between the upper and lower dental arches. In this embodiment of the invention 1, the exterior material of the casing 2 is molded from a composition of liquid impermeable ethylene vinyl acctate copolymer having a melting point whereby when heated to a temperature in excess of normal body temperature can be molded to receive an impression of the wearer's teeth, and when cooled to the normal human body temperature, is resilient and shape retaining. See FIGS. 4 and 5. Through the heating and cooling processes, the energy absorbing elastomer insert 8 is temperature stable. The insert 8 is also chemically stable up to the temperature needed to plasticize the outer casing 2, typically between 90° C. and 120° C. The casing 2 may also be made of other tough, flexible polymeric matrices, such as rubber modified polystyrene, a polyolefin, a flexible polyester, an epoxy resin or a polyvinyl chloride. Varying the thickness of the elastomer insert 8 in different mouthguards will allow adaptation to differing size and shock absorption demands from various athletic activities. FIGS. 8, 9 and 10 show another embodiment of the invention, whereby the anterior portion 13 of the mouthguard 1 is recessed upwardly or offset superiorly to provide a space between said anterior portion 13 and the incisors 40 of the lower teeth 50. This minimizes stress to the incisor teeth 40, which being single-rooted, are more prone to fracture; allows freer cushioning action; and provides easier breathing and speaking while the mouthguard is being worn. This embodiment has a removable shim 60 filling in the upward recess of the bottom wall 3 in the anterior portion 13 of the mouthguard 1. The shim 60 engages the lower teeth 50 incisors 40 to facilitate proper fitting of the mouthguard 1 during the heating and molding process. After an impression of the wearer's teeth 30 and 50 is obtained, the shim 60 is then removed and discarded. The one piece insert 8 of the previous embodiment is replaced with two molar insert pads 8a and 8b, extending from the left and right bicuspids posteriorly over the left and right molars. The molar insert pads 8a and 8b are made of the same material as the previously described insert 8 and are fully enclosed between the channel floor 7 and bottom wall 3. As previously described, the ends 9 and 10 of the mouthguard 1 are sealed. In this embodiment the bottom wall 3 is curved upward at 61 and 62 where the shim 60 is first met moving from the ends 9 and 10 toward the anterior portion 13 of the mouthguard 1. The upward curves at 61 and 62 effectively seal off the insert pads 8a and 8b. a removable shim filling in the upward recess of the bottom wall for engaging the lower teeth incisors to facillitate proper positioning of the mouthguard during fitting.
Skin can be considered the plastic wrap of the human body, keeping out bacteria and locking in freshness. Skin is the largest organ of the body and consists of three layers. It protects your organs from germs, regulates body temperature, and produces much-needed vitamin D. Lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, drug, alcohol abuse, stress, and too much sun can expose your skin to many common skin diseases. Most skin diseases present themselves as rashes, welts, blisters, and sores. Some are chronic but manageable, and others are temporary. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases and never fails to appear at the worst moments. The disease strikes in adolescence more often but adults are not immune. Acne develops as sores on the skin when the follicles in the layer called the Dermis become clogged by debris from dead skin cells, dirt or if the glands have an increase in secretion of oil called Sebum. Comedones which can be a closed whitehead or open such as a blackhead. Inflammatory acne, which presents as pus-filled bumps. Nodular Acne is a vast pus-filled bump. Nodulocystic Acne is a deep fluid filled cyst which accompanies the nodule. Though acne is not serious, it can cause profound and pitted scars if not removed correctly and treated appropriately.
According to the apostle Paul, what is contained in this passage is his unceasing prayer for the church. And since God saw to it that this prayer became part of the inspired Word of God, we can be sure that it reflects GOD’S desire for us – in other words, Paul was praying according to the will of God. So in brief, what do these prayers reveal would be the work of the Holy Spirit – the desire of God for His people? These things are what Paul prayed that God would make possible in His people through the work of the Holy Spirit. In you will notice, they are all about SEEING and KNOWING God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. They are all about SEEING and KNOWING the eternal purposes of God. This work of the Holy Spirit is verified if we simply turn to John, chapters 14 through 16. In the narrative of the words of Jesus that we find there, we are given seven purposes for which the Holy Spirit would come. Of course, at the time Jesus spoke those words, the Comforter had NOT yet come. But the entire point of the discourse is that Jesus wanted us to know what the Comforter would do when come. Well, the Comforter HAS come. Thus, right now, the Holy Spirit IS DOING these works promised by Jesus. Now, having reviewed all of these passages, the question that MUST be asked is this: Are WE interested in that which God is interested? Do we pray what Paul prayed – for ourselves and others? In our church, are these things the goal? Do we hear messages on these matters? Do we preach messages on these matters? If not, then WHY NOT? I would submit that God has these things recorded so that there can be no confusion or question as to what He wants to do in His church. God puts a MANDATE on them. 1. FOR THE EDIFICATION OR BUILDING UP OF PEOPLE IN JESUS CHRIST. 2. UNTO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH IN CHRIST. 3. UNTO THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST – UNTO KNOWING HIM. 4. UNTO SPIRITUAL MATURITY AND FULLNESS IN CHRIST. Again, it is all about the Person of Christ. Sure. Christianity is CHRIST IN US, the hope of glory. Thus, the Christian life is a growing to know Him, and to fellowship with Him, and a matter of being formed together with Him. When Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives, immediately prior to His ascension, He summarized all of these Truths into one purpose for which the Holy Spirit would be given: "But you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." (Acts 1:8) To BECOME a witness unto Christ is to be living evidence of Him. It is the result of Jesus Christ living through me, and seen through me, because of this very work of the Holy Spirit. When we are given the Holy Spirit, we are given Christ. Period. This is vital to understand, because we must grasp it to see what Christianity, and what the new birth IS. Christianity is CHRIST IN US – but this is exactly the same as the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. There are NOT two Spirits. There are not two experiences or blessings. There are not two stages to salvation. There is not salvation first, and then, in addition to that, the baptism with the Holy Spirit. No. That is error. Rather, there is ONE Lord, ONE faith, and ONE baptism. There is ONE salvation, which is the result of receiving Christ within THROUGH the baptism with, and INTO, the Holy Spirit. The bottom line is this: When we receive Christ, we receive LIFE. And IN CHRIST we receive ALL THINGS that God has for us. Not some things. But ALL things. There is not some further experience or further, "filling," that we need. Rather, we are told that WE ARE COMPLETE IN CHRIST. Not only do these passages state clearly that God has wrapped up all that He has for us in His Son, but especially in Colossians 2 it WARNS us against anyone that would teach otherwise! So where does the Holy Spirit fit in? Well, we’ve been seeing where. The Holy Spirit was given to reveal Jesus. In short, the work of Holy Spirit is to take all of Jesus, and all that He did, and make Him real TO us, IN us, and THROUGH us. The Holy Spirit has the job of pointing to Jesus. It is a rather suspect teaching that would focus on the Holy Spirit instead of upon Jesus Christ. I say that because the Holy Spirit doesn’t focus on the Holy Spirit, but on Jesus, and therefore any teaching that is OF the Holy Spirit would hardly contradict this. Of course, I’m not saying that we ought never to teach about the place of the Holy Spirit, for I’m doing that right now. Jesus also did it. But there are many today that talk in terms of their intimate knowing of the Holy Spirit, and their relationship with the Holy Spirit, and experiences in the Holy Spirit. There is something wrong here. I cannot find a single verse in the Bible – including all of those that I have quoted above regarding God’s purposes – that tell me that I am supposed to know the Holy Spirit instead of Jesus. Rather, what I find is that the Holy Spirit will cause me to know Jesus. Perhaps the worst error committed on this matter of the Holy Spirit is that of exalting experiences, supposedly OF the Holy Spirit, above our need to KNOW JESUS. I’ve known many people who think that to, "walk in the Spirit," means to have visions, trances, leadings, prophecy, and words of knowledge. But those same people don’t seem to know Jesus. Have we realized that to, "walk in the Spirit, "means, if it means NOTHING else, to walk in the TRUTH. And that means to know the Truth Himself? Didn’t Jesus call the Holy Spirit, "the Spirit of TRUTH?" What do we think that means? The point is, no matter what experience I might think I have had in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is STILL the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit doesn’t do anything that fails to reflect the Truth – which means what is done MUST agree with the written Truth, the Bible. And the purpose of the Holy Spirit remains the same – as we have listed above. Thus, even if I have had a genuine spiritual experience, it is still unto the end that I might see the Truth, and grow in Christ. The Holy Spirit doesn’t do things for the fun of it. There is a purpose in God's spiritual work. Paul is telling us that Christ must be our life – not just intellectually, or theologically, or academically, but as to fellowship and relationship. Again, Paul prayed that God might give us a spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Himself. That the eyes of our understanding might be enlightened – to the hope of His calling. The Holy Spirit will do this. It is impossible, "to know the Holy Spirit," apart from knowing Jesus. Indeed, if you know the Son, it is because the Spirit has been given to reveal Him. It should be abundantly clear at this point as to the purpose for which God sent the Holy Spirit – as the means of Christ in us. That we might KNOW HIM – and be set free back into a full relationship and experience with God. Everything else, including salvation, and the preaching of the gospel, falls within this purpose. Thus, if it is not the purpose and message of my church, there is a problem. In fact, how can any church, or person, whose purpose and goals are not the same as God’s, claim that they are in the will of God? No. In fact, if I have different purposes that those that we have seen stated over and over again from scripture, I am OUT of God’s will. Thankfully, God always leaves the door open to see the Truth and get back IN. If the body of Christ would drop all of the nonsense and heresy of this day and age and return to Jesus Christ – not to merely doctrines about Him – but to the Living Christ that dwells in us, the church would be back on the right path. We would not only begin to know the Truth, but we would be set free.
The Forum for the Integration of Renewable Energy creates connections. It provides a platform within the German Environmental Aid organisation where politicians, network operators, environmentalists, energy experts, scientists and local campaigners can meet and discuss grid upgrades - preparing the way for regenerative energy systems. Our electricity supply is undergoing radical change. Wind, sun und biomass are now collected decentrally at thousands of different places. The grid, on the other hand, was originally constructed to supply energy to highly populated areas from just a few power stations located nearby. This needs to change fast. What kind of grids do we need – and how can they be constructed in an environmentally friendly and socially acceptable way? Transporting energy has an impact both on people and their natural surroundings. Overhead lines cut through the countryside, they change the landscape and put birds at risk. Underground cables heat the ground up. So whether we have overhead lines on pylons or underground cabling – there is always an impact on nature and the environment. New cabling construction regularly leads to conflicts over nature and species protection, changes to the landscape and health risks from electromagnetic fields. The planning and construction of new high and extra high voltage cabling requires special care. Planning should involve local residents, local council representatives, land owners and farmers in a better way and at an earlier stage. Otherwise there is a high risk of new lines being rejected.
Most of us would find it hard to deny the fact that it was jumping that originally flew the flag of appeal and suckered us into this amazing sport. No matter how much we improve, no matter how many crazy powered this or that’s we can pull, there is still nothing quite like airtime. From that first moment of frozen silence, however brief, to the occasional surprise biggy, hang time rocks and height looks spectacular. If you are cruising around on your edge and can pretty much go where you want it’s definitely time to take to the sky! The only other prerequisite would be adequate upwind body dragging. You may well be leaving the board behind on occasions, but wearing a leash would no longer be sensible. Before hacking out into the big blue, let’s consider the kite’s task. Your kite needs to pull you up, off the water, preferably in an elevator style jump. This means that the kite will move from one side or another through the 12 o’clock mark directly above you. If the kite moves across in front of you, you’ll just get yanked off down wind. Depending on which way you are going the kite should start around 11:15 or 12:45. Much lower than this, you will find it difficult to hold your edge. Much higher and the kite will not pull us off the water until it has travelled too far behind us. You also need the kite to generate extra power, which it does when it moves quickly. So you will need to be positive with your steering, pulling hard and aggressively to get it to turn suddenly. Although tempting when learning, if you are too gentle and merely drift the kite up, nothing will happen. Whilst you manhandle the kite through the skies you still need the ability to control the power, or rather you only need to generate as much power as you can control. We need speed, it’s our friend, but for our first tentative steps so is control. If you try using a tractor of an 18m, it will undoubtedly take a long time to turn, and as a result it will feel almost impossible to hold your edge, not ideal for learning. Like wise, if you try and move your kite from down by the water, to up above your head, no matter how quick it is, it will be impossible to remain in control. Finally should you have the bar set too far away from the chicken loop, you will not be able to get into a good edging position, or if you can you’ll be pulling so hard on the bar that the kite will “flare” (read: drop further back in the window) and pull you downwind. As you may now have gathered, apart from controlling the kite, your aim is to keep the board hard on its edge as the kite moves. Your aim is to throw the kite back and then edge as if your life depends on it. If you try to progressively edge harder and harder before throwing the kite you are likely to stop. Not wanting to simplify too much, but here goes anyway – it’s all in the head. Your biggest temptation when learning to jump will be chancing a sneaky peak at the kite as you send it back. Your stance up until now has been honed to carry you upwind. Now is not a good time to start bringing the head and shoulders up over the board to see what the kite is doing. The result of this will be a flattening of the board, which will allow the kite to travel too far behind you. In Pic A we can see Karine’s stance during the crucial moments of sending the kite back. She’s looking upwind, over her shoulder as she would normally. However, rather than loving the bar with her hips, she drops them much closer to the water. This is to counteract the pull of the rising kite. She has also straightened her front leg; otherwise with her derriere low two bent knees would roll the board flat. This enables her to keep the board on its edge, driving through her back heel trying to push as much of the tail into the water as possible, turning the board hard upwind away from the kite. You can almost feel the lines stretching ready for the “ping” as the board grips the water. To appreciate what is actually going on in the jump we will break it down into the following four stages. As with any move your approach should let you get balanced and fill you with confidence, so it should be comfortable. For the jump you should be travelling happily on an edge with reasonable speed and power in your kite. Don’t edge super hard upwind as this will kill all your speed. The time to grit your teeth and pull your kite face will come. Before you decide to go for it make sure your kite is no lower that 1 o’clock or 11 o’clock. If it is, move it up. That was your last chance to check on it before your get airborne. Make sure you have enough space around you should you drop the kite or go flying off down wind, and make sure the water is deep enough to fall into. All sounds pretty obvious, but if you’ve been sitting in the car, psyching yourself up on Iron Maiden and Red Bull some fundamentals may slip your mind. This is the gateway to a whole new world and you may not know what to expect. The order is to send the kite back and then exaggerate your stance. If you are holding the bar at either end, it could now be time to start moving the hands inwards. There is no need to have your hands rubbing the chicken loop, but somewhere half way is ideal. With your hands more centred on the bar you can use both of then to steer the kite in a push pull motion. Most important of all you should not be trying to physically jump off the water, but rather resist with gusto (now’s the time for the face) and play the waiting game, looking upwind, keeping the power in close until the kite wins and pulls you up. Just remember not to look at the kite and all will be well. If you fly bows, it’s even more important not to let the bar pull away from you. Once you are in the air you’ll need to get balanced and get the kite redirected so that it’s flying forward. Obviously you may be a tad excited and although it would be great to enjoy the view, silence and sheer brilliance of flying there are pressing matters to be attended. To make sure that the kite responds you’ll need tension on the steering lines so pull the bar down by bringing your hands to hips (another good reason to hold the bar more centrally). Chances are that this will also move the kite above you – you now have a parachute. At the same time you should bring your knees up to your hands, being small will stop you swinging off balance (Pic B). Finally try and work out where you think you will land and watch that patch of water. Spotting your landing like this will also help you keep your balance. On your first attempts, if you can get into the air, get the kite back above you, and then gently drop down into the water you’ve done the hard work. As you descend you need to drop the undercarriage, so try and judge when you’ll touch down, and just before you do, drop your legs underneath you. To get some power from the kite, dive it with the front hand. This will help pull you slightly and stop you sinking. Landing will be far more achievable if you can point the board downwind, so twist your front hip forwards to follow the kite and aim to land tail first (Pic C). If you don’t dive the kite it will just sit above you and you’ll land on your bottom. If you pull the kite gently with the front hand, the kite will move to one side above you and pull you off balance. The key is to dive it hard, but time this so that it’s just before you reach the water. Pic 1. Karine approaches across the wind with controllable speed. She had a good look around and sets her kite just above the 11 o’clock mark. Pic 2. She now sends the kite back by pulling hard on her backhand, whilst keeping the bar close to her. She drops her bottom to resist the pull in the kite and carves as hard as possible upwind, exaggerating her stance, twisting upwind and peering over her shoulder. Pic 3. With her front leg almost straight, she drives through her back heel, fighting against the pull, keeping the bar pulled in. Now definitely at her most aggressive! Pic 4. As the kite starts to pull her off the water she continues to drive through her back foot, holding her edge for as long as possible. Pic 5. With the kite now moving back above and behind her, Karine is ripped off the water. Pic 6. As Karine ascends she brings her hands to her hips and evens out the bar to bring the kite above her. If you are missing the kite, now is a good time to have a peek and see where it is. Pic 7. She looks forward in the direction in which she is now flying to keep balance. Pic 8. Her legs come up so she will not swing off balance. Pic 9. Hands to hips, knees to hands, kite above her – nice! Pics 12, 13, 14. As She descends Karine drops her legs so they are underneath her, She pulls on the front hand to give her some forward momentum to land with, and point her board downwind to make for a smooth landing. Pics 15,16,17. Karine lands pointing down wind, tail first, absorbs the impact with soft knees which stops her bouncing, and carves back round onto her heel side edge whilst checking to see where the kite is. As you confidence and ability rise someway down the road you can start to add some pop into your jumps by flattening the board as you send the kite and then carve very hard and very suddenly into the wind. There are many factors and combinations that can prevent good jumping, but here are some of the most common. If this is the case you may be underpowered and therefore the kite needs to travel a long way before generating any lift. If you are bending both legs or sneaking cheeky peaks at the kite, you will loose your edge and therefore the tension in the lines, so yet again back it goes. If you start with the kite too high, it will need to travel back before lifting you. Sheeting the bar out, that is to say pushing the bar away from you. Freezing on the backhand, and forgetting to redirect the kite. Starting with the kite too low. Carrying too much speed into the take off. Not exaggerating you stance enough. Sending the kite back too gently. Not being aggressive enough with the back foot. Trying to jump up with the kite. Landing on the edge, and not pointing the board downwind. If you are loosing balance you may not be diving the kite enough with the front hand.
The child will be able to predict what people would say from facial expressions and simple situations. 7. Write this down in the speech bubble (or let the child write it themself). If the child finds it hard to work out what the person could be saying, encourage them to imagine themselves in the situation and ask what they would say.
We live in a world of color. This exploration, provided by PoetryLife, explores the cultural/historic/symbolic associations of color and how it impacts our decisions, feelings and moods. As students choose their favorite color, they work through the writing process including brainstorming, listing, categorizing, drafting and revising as well as choosing color synonyms to build their poems. After revising their poems, they read their poems aloud to the class. Color is an inexhaustible source from which to draw and help students develop a personal voice and personal language that becomes a poem.
There is nothing quite like spending the holidays with family, but this year I got to experience something truly special: Christmas with my host family in Berlin! I'm from Boston, and my family celebrates Christmas similarly to most other Americans - on the 25th, and after weeks of wishing each other “happy holidays”. Like many towns across the US, mine tries to foster a climate of inclusivity around the holidays, so instead of referencing Christmas specifically in school, instead we talk about the holidays in general. In Germany I have found that to be quite the opposite. On the first Monday of December I walked into school to find a 10-foot Christmas tree in the main lobby, which stayed there through the month. There was lots of talk in the classroom about “Christmas break”, whereas in my town it is referred to as “Winter break”. I was startled by the focus that a public school would have on Christmas, especially where there are other religions represented within the student body. The most surprising thing, however, is that on the last day before break there was a whole school Christmas-sing along in a church right next to the school. The last two periods of the school day were cancelled, and all 500 students piled into the church and sang Christmas songs for an hour before getting to go home. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was a complete different experience than in public schools I have attended in Boston. As for the traditions of my host family, those were also a surprising twist on what I was accustomed to at home. My host mom bought a 3-foot tall tree only a few days before Christmas, which we decorated with a few simple ornaments and candles, and on the 24th we ate a home cooked meal. Around the dinner table was my host-mother, host-sister, host-sister's father, and myself, with the dog getting to roam around the apartment. My host mom cooked a goose, which I had never eaten before, along with red cabbage and potatoes. After finishing, we each opened our gifts, which is a tradition in many European countries. Instead of celebrating on the morning of the 25th, many Europeans do so on the evening of the 24th. My host family has a personal tradition of how to open gifts, which involves rolling a die. Each person rolls, and if somebody rolls a one or a six, that person gets to either open one of their own gifts or give a gift to somebody else. My host sister and I had each been gifted board games, which we both love to play, so later on in the night we played them. My host sister, host mom, and I also all got matching pajamas; we sported those later that night. The rest of the night consisted of chatting, playing games, and eating gingerbread cookies. The day of the 25th was relatively quiet and, as all the stores were closed, my host mom, host sister, and I spent hours playing our new games, as well as others that we already had. My game is called The Da Vinci Code (it has nothing to do with the book/movie). It is a numbers game requiring intense concentration and strategic guessing - the perfect game for me! My host sister got a game called Trans-Europa, to which we added several variations to in order to make it more challenging. For me, the day could not have been spent any better way, since I love to play games, and it was also great to speak German and learn new words that were necessary to play certain games. The day of the 26th is also a holiday in Germany, referred to as the second day of Christmas. Unlike in the US, when this is a big day for retail with all the exchanging and returning of gifts, here all of the stores are closed for the second day in a row. Luckily we stocked up on snacks on Christmas Eve! For us, the day was used to relax, decompress, and enjoy each other's company. I used my spare time to watch a Christmas movie in German and eat the authentic Berlin candy that my host mother gave me. There are two full weeks of school vacation, so there is plenty of time to play more board games, read, walk around Berlin, or drink some heiße Schokolade (hot chocolate). The whole city is decorated in the Christmas spirit, with lights around shops and Weihnachtsmärke (Christmas markets).
On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Monday, April 15, 2019. All sorts of behaviors can make a deadly car crash more likely, whether a person gets in their car after drinking excessively or decides to ignore the speed limit because they need to get to work on time. However, some drivers are overconfident, and this can significantly increase the probability of a motor vehicle collision. For example, an inexperienced driver may think that their driving skills are better than they actually are, or someone could ignore issues they are dealing with (such as poor vision or fatigue) and think that their driving abilities will not be impacted in any way. Sadly, overconfidence can be deadly on the roadway. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Monday, March 25, 2019. If you have ever felt frustrated or lost your temper while trying to navigate through traffic, you are certainly not alone. Approximately 80 percent of American drivers confess that they have engaged in aggressive driving behaviors within the last year, according to AAA. Furthermore, male motorists are three times more likely than women motorists to be aggressive while behind the wheel. Not only does aggressive driving endanger the life of the motorist, but everyone else on the road as well. Nearly 56 percent of fatal motor vehicle accidents were caused by at least one form of aggressive driving. If you encounter someone with road rage, it is essential you understand how to handle the situation. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Friday, March 1, 2019. At Lee M. Schwalben. M.D.. J.D.. LLC. in Louisiana, we represent numerous clients who have received catastrophic injuries as the result of a motor vehicle crash. In many of these crashes, the other driver was engaged in distracted driving at the time. Usually this took the form of using his or her cellphone while driving. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, January 24, 2019. When Louisiana parents put their child in the car, their top priority is their child's safety. If a young child is not in the proper safety seat, though, it is more likely that he or she will incur an injury in a car accident. It is important for parents to make sure their children sit in a car seat that will protect them in a collision. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Monday, November 26, 2018. Authorities in Louisiana took the opportunity to remind motorists not to drive while impaired, fatigued or distracted, and not to exceed the posted speed limit, after a three-vehicle accident on Monday morning that resulted in a fatality as well as minor injuries. The cause is currently unknown, and the collision is still under investigation. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, August 29, 2018. When Louisiana residents get in the car to run errands, they may sometimes bring their pets with them. While many people enjoy their pet's company, they may not consider what might happen to their pet if another vehicle hits their car. It is important for people to understand how they can keep their pets safe if they are involved in a collision. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Sunday, August 12, 2018. As a Louisiana driver, you know that safety is of the utmost importance. Ensuring proper driving practices is crucial in this case, as they will help you avoid accidents and prevent serious injury from occurring. Esurance.com offers the following tips on defensive driving and how it can help protect you as well as other motorists. On behalf of Lee M. Schwalben, M.D., J.D., LLC posted in Car Accidents on Saturday, July 14, 2018. Most people in Louisiana who drive vehicles do so responsibly and with the awareness that doing so is a way of keeping themselves, their loved ones and even strangers safe. It would be nice for all residents to assume that every other driver on the road takes that same approach when getting behind the wheel of an automobile. Unfortunately that is not always the case as there are many people who drive recklessly or make poor and dangerous choices that put others in harm's way.
In Sanskrit “Ashta + anga” is ashtanga. “Ashta” means Eight and “Anga” is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, Ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. The asanas, Pranayamas or the dharana which we have studied earlier or the yam and niyam are based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Yoga has its roots about 5000 years BC as described in Vedic Philosophy and Tantras. Patanjali, the great sage, composed this path into a Darshan(Philosophy) in his Book Patanjal Yoga Sutra. Here he has formulated Yoga as Eight Limbs or an Eight Fold path. 3. Asana (Yoga Positions or Yogic Postures): A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium. 4. Pranayama (Yogic Breathing): Extension and control of breath. 5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses): Mental preparation to increase the power of mind. 6. Dharana (Concentration on Object): Concentration of mind on one object and its field. 7. Dhyan (Meditation): With drawing mind from all external objects and Focusing it on one point and meditating on it. 8. Samadhi (Salvation): State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to universal consciousness. Union between Jivatman and Paramatman. Union of Shiva and Shakti in Sahasrar Chakra (the top of the head). Realizing the Bramhan (pure consciousness) or the realization of God is the ultimate achievement of Human Birth.