While some instances of heel spurs don’t cause pain, many do. If the condition is irritating, it’s important to seek treatment. At Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists, with locations in Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Springfield, and Linden, New Jersey, a team of skilled podiatrists can accurately diagnose and properly treat your heel spur. Call the office nearest you or book an appointment online today. Heel spurs are bony growths on the underside of your heel. They can protrude out as much as half an inch, and the condition is sometimes called heel spur syndrome. Even though they’re often painless and go away on their own, heel spurs can certainly cause pain and make everyday tasks such as walking or standing for extended periods difficult. There is often a link between heel spurs and plantar fasciitis, a painful inflammation of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot and connects the ball to your heel bone. Heel spurs form when calcium deposits accumulate under your heel bone. The process usually takes many months. Generally, the cause stems from structural damage inside your foot. When you strain your foot muscles and ligaments, stretch the connective tissue, or repeatedly tear the membrane covering your heel bone, a heel spur can form. This condition is prevalent amongst athletes or anyone who frequently runs and jumps. These types of repetitive actions can lead to heel spurs. You are also susceptible to heel spurs if you’re overweight or obese, have tight calf muscles, or a gait abnormality. As with many foot deformities, preventable measures, such as properly fitting, roomy shoes, and the use of orthotics, help limit your risk of heel spurs. In most cases, the team at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists can treat heel spurs with conservative and non-surgical methods. Your podiatrist will likely recommend stretches to help strengthen the area and act against the underlying structural issue. Giving you customized orthotics and taping any affected muscles or ligaments to help rest them can also help bring about effective treatment results. Physical therapy is also beneficial. Anti-inflammatory medications and injections may also help ease the pain and inflammation of heel spurs. If your heel spur doesn’t respond to conservative approaches, your podiatrist at Garden State Foot & Ankle Specialists may opt for surgical techniques to repair internal damage that’s causing your heel spur. The team uses minimally invasive methods in surgery to guarantee a comfortable, convenient experience.
In the last post we mentioned what the world might be like if there had been no promise of the gospel. But God did give that promise and immediately brought hope to a hopeless situation. As mankind spread throughout the earth from the Garden, as deeply tarnished image-bearers, he never became as bad as he could possibly be. But, apart from those who embraced the redemptive promise given to Adam and Eve, man did become bad—horribly bad. Thus, people made to live in harmony instead lived in strife and tyranny. Unity was replaced with self-centeredness. Among many other terrible sins, bullying was born. Cain, the very first son, killed his brother because he was displeased with him. Later, Moses acts to protect a fellow Hebrew and was mocked with these words: “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” These words of a Hebrew slave describe the actions of a bully. When these actions are combined with a habitual attitude of intimidation and cruelty the resulting product is a bully. Therefore, we can describe a bully as: one who habitually and cruelly intimidates others and acts to rule over them simply because he wants to and has the power to do so. A bully assumes his own authority. He is a self-proclaimed judge, jury and executioner. Sometimes, bullies just target one or two people to rule over. Often though, the initial taste of power only leads to a lust for more and more power (Ephesians 4:17-19). This is where the bully’s habitual side comes from. He lusts after the power of imposing his will upon others. This craving for power is never satisfied; it only breeds a hunger for imposing more and more of his will upon others. That is how gang leaders, rogue politicians and law enforcement officers, and tyrannical dictators emerge to terrorize others. Their thirst for power knows no bounds. All of the ingredients of a bully are found in the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). So, given the right set of circumstances, anyone can become a bully. All that is needed is the desire to rule someone else for selfish reasons. It was widely believed that low self-esteem could be a cause of violence, but in reality violent individuals, groups and nations think very well of themselves. They turn violent toward others who fail to give them the inflated respect they think they deserve. Nor does high self-esteem deter people from becoming bullies, according to most of the studies that have been done; it is simply untrue that beneath the surface of every obnoxious bully is an unhappy, self-hating child in need of sympathy and praise. I recently spoke with leaders of two Christian schools in different parts of the country. Both said that bullying was a huge problem in their schools. Even a casual reading of the news headlines will verify that bullying has become a huge problem. We should not be shocked at the increase of bullying. We should expect it! This activity is the result of following what the flesh wants as opposed to what God wants. If you are a parent, schoolteacher, or church worker, you need to prepare the children you are working with for bullying. If they are not being bullied now, they will be. In the next few posts we will look at biblical responses to bullying. If you have any specific questions please let me know by email or leave a comment in response to this post.
Contesting the presence of wheat in the British Isles 8,000 years ago by assessing ancient DNA authenticity from low-coverage dataClemens L Weiß Michael Dannemann Kay Prüfer Hernán A Burbano Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany AbstractContamination with exogenous DNA is a constant hazard to ancient DNA studies, since their validity greatly depend on the ancient origin of the retrieved sequences. Since contamination occurs sporadically, it is fundamental to show positive evidence for the authenticity of ancient DNA sequences even when preventive measures to avoid contamination are implemented. Recently the presence of wheat in the United Kingdom 8000 years before the present has been reported based on an analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA (Smith et al. 2015). Smith et al. did not present any positive evidence for the authenticity of their results due to the small number of sequencing reads that were confidently assigned to wheat. We developed a computational method that compares postmortem damage patterns of a test dataset with bona fide ancient and modern DNA. We applied this test to the putative wheat DNA and find that these reads are most likely not of ancient origin.
If you have a chance check out the St. Pats Celebrations in Montreal which is one of the biggest St. Patrick’s day party places o the planet! Originally, the colour associated with Saint Patrick was blue. Over the years the colour green and its association with Saint Patrick’s day grew. Green ribbons andshamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick’s Day as early as the 17th century. He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain theHoly Trinity to the pagan Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day. In the1798 rebellion, in hopes of making a political statement, Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on 17 March in hopes of catching public attention. The phrase “the wearing of the green”, meaning to wear a shamrock on one’s clothing, derives from a song of the same name. One of the longest-running Saint Patrick’s Day parades in North America occurs each year in Montreal, the flag of which has a shamrock in one of its corners. The parades have been held in continuity since 1824
The following is a list of vegetables that you can plant in April in Sydney, a temperate zone (just click on the link for the growing guide for each vegetable): - Beans – broad beans, fava beans - Brussels sprouts - Leek seedlings - Mustard greens (Click on each image to get a further enlargement to view other details) Billbergia vittata is another member of the beautiful bromiliaceae family. It is a hardy perennial epiphytic, native to east Brazil. In its native habitat it grows as a tropical forest under-story plant and on the stems of trees. It will grow very well in the ground, attached to tree bark or in the forks of trees in leaf litter or in pots. The Billbergia vittata grows best in partial or dappled shade, partial shade to full shade or in full shade as it would grow in native forests. In shade the leaves are dark green, while in bright sunlight the plant produces more anthocyanin pigments with the leaves changing to a deep green, purple and red. It prefers moist, humus rich, loose, well-drained soils. A raised bed built up from mulched wood chips and dry leaves with organic matter is ideal. It tolerates most pH of soil and has a preferred growing temperature rages from between 16ºc to 30ºc. Bromeliads need good drainage , lots of air, a moist atmosphere, and adequate light. So, select a site under a canopy of a tree that has these features and plenty of air movement so that the plant can receive and retain falling leaves from the branches above and water can reach into the reservoir to feed the plant. The plant has an upright clump forming habit, producing pups at the base near to flowering time. These can be cut from the main plant for propagation once they are about a third of the size of the adult plant. New plants also emerge from its stolons or runners. Billbergia vittata has stiff, dark green leaves that are dusted with silver trichomes (hair-like covering) that make a silver/grey banding that contrasts with leaf pigment. The leaves are lanceolate in shape and up to 30 cm and 5 cm across with spines along the margins. Its leaves form into a rosette or tubular shaped structure about 500-600 mm high with a central cup that acts as a water reservoir called a vase. The leaves are adapted to extract water and food from the debris of insects and leaves falling into it from above into the water that collects in the vase. The roots act to anchor the plant rather than being for feeding, while the leaves have taken over the function of feeding the plant. The plant produces a brilliant red-pink bract from the centre of the plant from which emerges an inflorescence (the flowering structure) that has a number of flower structures tipped with small blue flowers. While the blue flowers only last a few days each, the showy inflorescence remains for 4-5 weeks. When pollinated, berries forms at the base of the flower. The Billbergia vittata flowers are elongated, up to 8 cm in . The pedicel or stem that supports a flower is short and wide. Sepals are long, boat-like and tough. The tubular white flower has 3 petals that are thin and twice as long as the sepals and the purple tips roll back at the apexes. They also have twin scale-like appendages at the base formed by the epidermal tissue. These clasp the bases of the filaments. Stamens have long cylindrical filaments. Billbergia vittata is an easy plant to grow in the garden or in pots. As long as it is well situated and the water reservoir has water, it has little need of too much attention under normal weather conditions. During hot periods and extreme temperatures keep the humidity up by misting and watering always early in the morning and preferably with rainwater. Also periodically check the centre of the plants for adequate water. When planted in the ground make sure that when watering, the soil around the plant is moist but not too wet. Mass planted under trees they can be beautiful and effective ground covers that make a stunning sight at flowering time.
Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) is a frequently used term elsewhere in the world for what in the United States are commonly referred to as consumer packaged goods. FMCG is actually a more accurate description because they are exactly that—fast moving. They have short shelf lives, sell quickly in large quantities at relatively low cost, either because of high demand (e.g., soft drinks, confections, cosmetics) and/or because they are perishable (e.g., dairy products, baked goods, meat). Historically, FMCGs are high market performers, building their business model on a on a well-established relationship with wholesalers and brick and mortar retailers. FMCG did product development, production and marketing and negotiated advantageous placement of their products in stores, which sold the products to consumers. That was before the increasing popularity of online shopping. Most significantly, the COVID-19 global pandemic has forced more consumers to rely on online shopping, particularly to order FMCGs they would previously have purchased at their grocery or drug store or super center. “People have grown accustomed to ordering FMCGs online, something previous to the pandemic they might not have thought to do or thought they were able to,” notes Matthias Förster, VP and Global Consulting Industry Leader for Atos, an international IT company with a focus on helping clients achieve their digital transformation goals. “Customers have now realized that online retailers not only offer electronics or hardware or books or music, but also items for everyday use. And they like the experience. Once COVID is brought under control and we go back to something that was like normal life again, shoppers aren’t going to stop buying FMCGs online. That experience is now part of our new normal.” New Challenges, New Opportunities Which creates new challenges for FMCGs, as well as new opportunities, that require new digital tools and strategies.“You might think, so what, then customers buy online instead of offline, why should FMCG care? But online sales are played by a different rule book. Traditional shops have a limited shelf space, so to become listed is always the first challenge for newcomers and a market entry barrier that protects established FMCG brands. They don’t have that advantage on an online platform. Also, you cannot negotiate a reserved space on the shelf at a particularly good spot in the store or a guaranteed sales volume.” notes Förster. He likens the difference in shopping experiences to the difference between hunters and gatherers. “When you walk into a brick and mortar store, you might have had a plan to buy some milk and eggs, ‘hunting’ for just these. But the abundance of tempting products on display turns you into a ‘gatherer’. You wound up at the register with a basket full of frozen foods and items on special.” The online experience in contrast is a hunting experience, optimized to quickly find items one is intentionally looking for. And here the consumer is guided completely differently. Förster explains, “Someone types in a search engine for a household item. What search results will the platform present on top? Your brand that you’ve invested so much marketing dollars into and that used to have the best spot in the physical shop? Or the best seller, the cheapest one or even the retailer’s own brand product? FMCG companies lose the level of control they used to have.” And he sees more risks that platforms pose to them. “Online retailers know it all: who sold to whom and at what price, where and when. They are able to create own, competitive brands and offer them at an optimal price to former buyers of this product item or simply always on top of search results and cross-selling suggestions. And they already do,” Förster adds. So, FMCG needs to get their strategy right. Depending on product and brand they might chose to establish their own platforms or join forces with others, or select some retailers platforms and negotiate terms with. “They also have more experience with product launches, they have a highly optimized production and established supply chain, and they have a loyal customer base that put trusts in them based on their reputation for safe and healthy products and, increasingly, carbon-neutral and sustainable practices. They need to build on that.” Förster points out. Protecting Brand Identity Online He adds, however, that, “The problem is that protecting brand identity is challenging online, where counterfeit goods proliferate, and shoppers are easily confused about what is real and what is not.” There are a number of digital tools to identify potential copyright and brand infringements. - Artificial Intelligence/AI-enabled bots. AI-bots (short for software robots) crawl the web to gather competitor intelligence, determine buying patterns, identify suspicious negative product reviews and potential brand and copyright infringements. AI tools can also implement actions to combat the rise of prod uct impersonation prevalent on websites, social media channels and eCommerce stores. - Image recognition and analysis. Combined with digital tools such as watermarking, image recognition and analysis can identify counterfeit goods on a scale unachievable by human resources. Faster and more comprehensive identification enables FMCGs to respond more quickly with legal action to remove counterfeit brands. - Blockchain. Shoppers may be buying online, but they are still buying a physical FMCG product. Blockchain technology helps ensure physical product authenticity and ensure the integrity of the supply chain network so consumers receive exactly what they ordered. Reduced Cost of Market Entry Another potential threat to established brands is the opportunity for new and less-established FMCGs to enter the market. “Even for experienced brands, the failure rate for a new product entry is 90 percent. The risk is still there. What’s difference is that the cost of that risk is considerably lower online than it is for physical stores,” Förster says. “It’s way easier to build a product portfolio online.” There’s a range of digital tools available for FMCGs to advance their online footprint and win market share, even against well-established brands. These include: - The relatively easy ability to establish an online platform to market products independent of the big online retailers. With the use of social media and other digital channels combined with best SEO (Search Engine Optmization) practices, it is also less expensive to drive traffic to online platforms, create brand awareness and generate sales. - AI and other automation tools reduce support costs. Digital assistants resolve issues and initiate orders automatically without human intervention, 24/7/365, without attendant labor costs. These tools also provide the ability to gather customer intelligence more quickly and more efficiently; there’s considerably less guesswork in determining customer needs and preferences. - Use of technology to reduce carbon-footprint to make and distribute products. Environmental sustainability increasingly influences buyer decisions and preferences, even if it means paying a higher price. - Greater agility and cost-effectiveness to marshal and deploy resources. According to Förster, “To stay competitive, FMCG companies must identify the next level of productivity gains and reduce cost base in production, supply-chain and back-office operations. The smart factory concept combines various digital tools and technologies to manage improve cost-efficiencies and product quality across the supply chain. A smart factory predicts with greater accuracy events such as market demand equipment failures, inbound delivery times, etc. and helps drive improvements in productivity, quality, inventory and operating costs.” He adds, “There’s also much more flexibility to add, modify or eliminate elements of production and distribution. And in the digital world, it’s no longer necessary for an FCMG to own the factory or warehouse; it’s much easier to source, assemble and manage component pieces of the supply chain as needed. One key element of the smart factory is the integration of data generated from the shop floor and other multiple enterprise systems that previously operated in isolation onto a mobile platform accessible to everyone in the business. “The right data, delivered to the right people at the right time to inform better decisions, enables collaboration and remote work and saves cost by simplifying processes,” Förster says. No Off-the Shelf Solution Förster emphasizes that while FMCGs no longer have to compete for shelf space, there is no off-the-shelf solution to build a smart factory and deploy digital tools. “A smart factory is created by a unique set of investments in the most appropriate set of enabling technologies for a company’s specific situation, performance challenges and business objectives.” “Technology does present pitfalls,” Förster cautions. “It’s easy to have unrealistic expectations, over-build solutions that waste time and resources instead of implementing simpler solutions that can deliver immediate results. There’s also the danger that if you fail to involve your people properly, or select a partner that doesn’t really offer a digital portfolio that’s right for your business model, you’re going to have significant issues rising to the challenges of digital transformation.” FMCGs are redefining relationships and building opportunities online. New online sales and distribution models complement, in some cases replace, traditional retailer relationships. And there is the potential for FMCGs to come full circle. Getting Back on the Shelf? “One thing I haven’t seen and would like to see achieved is an online recreation of the shelf buying experience,” Förster says. “Sure you can compare items online, but there’s nothing out there like a digital representation of shopping in a physical store, where you can actually look at multiple brands and see which one really catches your eye. That could be the next evolution in digital innovation.” Whatever the future holds for both emerging and established brands, data-driven agility is key to achieve continuous and sustained competitive advantage. Knowing how to anticipate and exploit constantly changing opportunity demands entirely new digital skillsets and strategies. Such skills are not always inherent to an FMCG’s core competencies. Which is why Förster emphasizes, “Atos partners with FCMGs to help ensure the design and execution of digital strategies are focused, adaptive and fine-tuned to achieve business objectives.”
As you might remember from part 1 of this series, there are three phases of wound healing. Last week we discussed the inflammatory phase, which lasts for a few days following injury. Now let’s look at the next two phases: the proliferative and maturation/remodeling phases. The proliferation phase generally starts within 48 hours of injury (in healthy individuals). It may overlap the inflammatory phase and consists of a series of four events: - angiogenesis– this is the formation of new blood vessels. Angioblasts, which make up the epithelium of blood vessel walls, grow outward into the affected area. Eventually, they meet and join with other buds and form new capillary loops, which bring nutrition to the area and remove waste products. These buds look like tiny red dots in the wound bed. As they grow and increase in number, they give the healthy wound bed its pink to rosy red appearance - formation of granulation tissue– MMPs (matrix metalloproteases) are proteases which are formed during the healing process. Their job is to break down debris collected during the inflammatory phase. Granulation tissue is a temporary latticework of connective tissue that fills the void left after the MMPs have degraded the leftover debris. - wound contraction– fibroblasts within the wound bed transform into myofibroblasts, which pull the wound margins together and decrease the size of the defect; wound contraction is affected by the wound size, shape and depth - epithelialization– as the wound defect fills with granulation tissue, keratinocytes at the margins of the wounds and epidermal appendages multiply and migrate across the wound bed; keratinocytes elongate, extend pseudopods across the extracellular matrix and pull the parent cells with them as they advance. Chemotactic agents guide keratinocytes toward the wound center. Epithelialization is slowed when there is a lot of cellular debris and when there is poor oxygenation; a clean and moist wound bed facilitates epithelialization Once the wound bed has been resurfaced (epithelialized), the granulation tissue must be strengthened and reorganized to fit the surrounding tissue. Collagen synthesis continues after wound closure- as new collagen is formed, old collagen is broken down by collagenases, which are produced endogenously. Remodeling continues for up to two years following wound closure. The scar tissue is only (at most) 80% of the original tissue’s elasticity and strength. Wound healing proceeds in an orderly fashion, provided the patient is healthy and their immune system is functioning well. For some, wound healing may stall- and that’s where specialized wound care knowledge comes in handy. If you find wound education interesting, perhaps you should consider online wound care education, such as the wound education offered by Wound Educators, which can prepare you for wound care certification. Contact us today!
When you need a pediatric Dentist in Albany, NY, call on Herzog and Primomo, DDS. We specialize in your family’s oral health, including children of all ages. We can advise you on everything you need to know regarding how best to care for your children’s teeth and gums. When to Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Appointment Most children should see a dentist within six months of the eruption of their first tooth or by their first birthday. This helps to ensure they begin life with healthy teeth and gums. Though primary teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced with permanent ones, keeping them healthy and cavity-free lays a strong foundation for secondary teeth to build upon. Healthy baby teeth mean strong, attractive secondary teeth and a blemish-free smile for your growing child. How to Care for Your Child’s First Teeth Children begin developing teeth long before they’re physically capable of caring for them. This means the responsibility falls on Mom or Dad. To help keep infant gums and teeth healthy, schedule an initial visit with Herzon and Primomo, DDS, your choice of a pediatric dentist in Albany, NY. We’ll examine your baby’s mouth to ensure everything is well. We’ll also advise you on the best ways to keep them in top oral health. This includes: - Gently wiping gums with a wet cloth after meals and before bedtime - Brushing their tooth or teeth gently with a soft-bristled brush and a grain-sized dab of toothpaste. As infants become toddlers, you may increase the amount of toothpaste to include a dollop the size of a pea. Make sure it’s fluoridated, and be sure to use a soft-bristled brush and a gentle motion to get the front and back of all teeth. Encouraging Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Your Child If you take care to make tooth-brushing an enjoyable time for your toddler, it will be easier to transition them into caring for their own teeth. As your child grows, encourage them to brush in the morning and again at night. Provide dental floss and show them how to use it once daily. Replace their toothbrush often and emphasize the importance of clean teeth and fresh breath. Good ways to make tooth care fun include: - Buying your child a special toothbrush that showcases his favorite character or cartoon. - Using toothpaste that tastes good, such as berry or bubblegum flavored. - Providing small rewards, such as stickers on a chart, for brushing and flossing daily. - Pairing visits to the dentist with a trip to the park or the arcade. Teach your child the importance of maintaining good oral health care habits as early as possible, and be sure to make regular visits to your pediatric dentist in Albany, NY. This will help your family grow up with beautiful, confident smiles that are free from stains, dental caries, and gum disease.
The evidential problem of evil tells is that evil does exist, on how much it does and there are different types. The logical problem of evil is more determined to show that there is an evil and how God my not likely 1. The Lucifer Effect is concocted Zimbardo is mainly about why “good” people turn “evil” or do horrifying things. The term evil means “behaving in a manner that harms, dehumanizes or demeans innocent others” (Zimbardo 146) the theory discusses whether humans are naturally evil (fixed) or is it their environment that fuels them to do things that are not in their nature. Zimbardo acknowledges that the very top creates the environments that manage the system who deflect the evil on to others to disregard their hand in creating the environment. 2. Be that as it may, but considering the fact that the United States’ anti-communist repression was another reason for the advancement of violence within guerilla groups, it’s fair to say that we were also a contributing factor that caused the whole conflict in the first place and therefore by moral means, it’s important that we sufficiently contribute to troubleshooting the problem in order to reinstitute our reputation globally and historically. The problem developed as a result of the fortyfive year long conflict between guerrilla groups, paramilitary organizations and government forces. The cause of fortyfive year long Colombian conflict is rooted within the civil war known as La Violencia, which was caused by the assassination of populist political leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán in 1948. This motivated both the political leaders and rural town police to enrage the conservative supporting peasants to take over the agricultural lands of liberal supporting peasants, which later developed into a widespread civil war throughout Colombia. Since the conflict is still going on and civilians are the main component between the This could be argued is where the strength of propaganda lies, as a false truth from a lie is still seen as a truth. This I will sum up with reference to Koa Tzu, who likened human nature to the flow of water taking the path of least resistance (French, 2011). Cavanagh (2012) defines two terms that can help demonstrate this point. The first is cognitive dissonance; whereby a contradiction can cause feelings of distress due to a conflict that arises from holding opposing beliefs. This conflict between harming civilians, and the governing body is always right, has to be resolved. In a literature review by Burris and Rempel (2012) they suggested that evil in religions all around the world is surrounded by selfishness, the destruction of well being and impersonality. The researchers in the literature review suggested that in the perspective of Christianity, the concept of evil is seen as an act done to cause an inappropriate suffering. Researchers found that a great example of evil in Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus was an act to end the well-being of Jesus. Judaism’s has the perspective that there is a dark side to everyone that is similar to the idea of Jung’s shadow, in which there is a part in all humans that is attracted to evil, the yetzer ra. In Islam the nature of evil can be understood within the relationship between adl (having done something in a traditional way) and zulm (having done something in an unorthodox way). This quote shows that Rainsford himself thinks that General Zaroff is one of the most merciless demented creatures to exist. As Rainsford envisions the general as the devil, it helps the reader connect previous events, such as the borscht (which is a cold red soup) to death, but the reader must guess, who’s It is due to the intuitive dislike that utilitarianism prompts in the minds of many, that it has been subject to several criticisms. In this essay, I will use both moral intuitions and examples in attempt to outline three of the strongest objections to utilitarianism. I will furthermore attempt to show that such objections render utilitarianism to be unsuccessful. To achieve this it is, however, necessary that I discuss the concept of utilitarianism, as well as how such a theory influences the decisions and actions of moral agents. King believed that Passive Resistance is for men to react to unjust law in a nonviolent way. “ One has not a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” King thought that you should obey the laws but when laws are unjust you should disobey them in a passive resistance way. Both Gandhi and King had similar ways of displaying peace in a passive resistance To begin with, this theory relies on moral absolutes which can be defined as actions that are entirely right or entirely wrong. Deontologists cannot consider the consequences of their actions, even if the consequences of a particular action bring about more harm than the act itself. Deontology theory says that certain types of actions are either absolutely right or wrong, but provides no way in which to distinguish which action may be right or wrong and thus duties and principles can conflict (Preston, 2007). For instance, Conscience vs. Society Everyone faces difficult choices throughout their life, and many of these choices are due to the pressures of society. Society is cruel and everyone, at some point in their lives, has been at the receiving end of that cruelty and felt the sorrow it brings. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone finds herself faced with the choice of doing what her heart says is right, and burying her dead sibling or following what society has decreed as the right thing to do and leave him “to be devoured by dogs and fowls of the air.” (Sophocles, page 12) Antigone’s sister, Ismene, faces the same choice though she is less willing to defy society in favor of family obligations.
Gardening is a passion that exists in most of us. The peace, beauty and serenity that plants add to our homes are usually priceless. But! Unlike villages and towns, most people living in urban cities have no outside space where they can plant a garden. They may be dwelling in apartments or high-rise buildings. Some people are unable to venture outdoors probably because of long-standing illnesses, physical disabilities, or just age. Think of the pleasure a garden inside the house would give them! And that’s why having an Indoor Container Garden has become a common household activity. Why Indoor Container Garden? If you remember what you learned in science classes, this becomes an easy question to answer. The process of photosynthesis explains that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. With human beings and animals, it is the reverse. We take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide into our surroundings. So, plants kept inside the house serve two purposes – recycling of air inside the house, plus adding beauty to internal surroundings. How does one go about “Indoor Container Garden”? Minimal equipment is needed in the form of containers – large, medium, and small. Smaller plants can be arranged on a desk or table, while larger ones can be concealed behind doorways and chairs in corners. The size of the plant has to match its container. Also, supplies required for the plant to grow, have to be researched into before the actual purchase of the indoor plants. The advantage that indoor plants have over outdoor plants is that some of them can do without light. Dark corners do not affect their growth. But there are also indoor plants which thrive only in bright light. These have to be placed near windows where plenty of sunlight is available. A word of caution for people with pets – if they love both pets and Indoor Container Gardening, they will have to make sure that no plant proves poisonous for their pet. Who knows, the plant may be poisonous for them too! If there are cats in the house, the slightly taller plants may seem like scratching posts for them. They could even use the containers as litter boxes. So consider all aspects before you make your Indoor Container Garden!
Descriptive Annotation: Based on a true story, Steve Schuch writes a story about a young girl named Glashka who has a special gift in being able to hear the whale spirit, Narna. When Glashka and her parents are coming home from a neighboring village in 1984, the sled dogs begin to pull towards the ocean. There, they discover the three thousand whales trapped in a Siberian Strait and called a Russian icebreaker to break the ice so the whales can go back to sea. Seven weeks pass while the villagers keep the whales alive by chipping ice to give them more air to breathe and feeding them some of their fish. When the ship finally reached the strait, it played three types of music before finding that the whales would follow when it was playing classical music. Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Analysis: This book clearly incorporates diversity between the Russians and Chukchi tribe and still being able to work together. The students may have studied Indian tribes and so having them make comparisons between the Chukchi tribe and others. Students also could ask how an Indian tribe has a belief in spirits which could foreshadow a lesson about different religions around the world. I foresee a discussion talking about why the people had gone hungry and what other people we know about who are hungry happening and how they resolved the problem, as well. Interdisciplinary Connections: This book would work well as a science integration because the whales are trapped in a strait and the way to them to follow the ship was to play an unknown type of classical music. I could see a teacher talking about the Mozart effect and how their parents may have used that technique with them as babies. As an art integration, have students create a visual representation of what they are thinking/feeling/hearing when they hear the story read and again based on the paintings Peter Sylvada created. Other Information: Peter Sylvada’s oil paint illustrations are phenomenal. They really helped tell the story aside from the text. Students may not be familiar with Indian culture, and these pictures are a current representation of such. He has a website with a portfolio of his other works, if students are interested. Steve Schuch has written two other books, but they appear to be more geared towards adults. I didn’t know how I was going to feel about the book when I started reading but I grew to appreciate it especially since it was based on a true story of a rescue that happened only 30 years ago.
6 Cybersecurity Myths, Busted Cybersecurity threats are continuing to increase not just in prevalence but severity and sophistication. The evolution of cybersecurity, along with changing regulations, give rise to confusion, challenges and sometimes cybersecurity myths. The last thing any business needs is a swarm of myths and misunderstandings feeding common and frequent errors that businesses of all sizes make in safeguarding data and infrastructure. Take a look at some of the most common cybersecurity myths and their busts: Myth: Cybersecurity is a huge financial investment. Bust: Many efforts to protect your data require little or no financial investment. Small efforts that cost $0 such as practicing good password security, keeping your systems up-to-date, and being overly suspicious of online material can play the biggest part in securing your systems and data. Since most data breaches are caused by human error, making these small, free changes are one of the first steps you should take to practicing better cybersecurity. Myth: Cybersecurity is the IT guy’s problem. Bust: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. As a business owner/operator, it is your duty to make sure your staff (not just IT staff) is properly educated and practicing good cybersecurity. In a functioning business, your company is only as strong as its weakest link. Implementing cybersecurity training for your employees will only strengthen your security and allow you to have confidence that your employees are practicing the best cybersecurity possible. Myth: Cybercriminals aren’t interested in small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs.) Bust: Cybercriminals frequently target SMBs because they assume their systems are less secure than large businesses. This myth can be particularly dangerous because it makes SMBs believe that if there’s no risk of a cyber-attack, then there’s no reason to take measures to prevent it. In reality, 43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses, and 60% of those victims will go out of business within six months after an attack. It’s important for SMB owners to get rid of the “it’ll never happen to me” mindset. Increasing statistics show that these businesses are, in fact, a large target for cybercriminals. Myth: Antivirus protection will protect my business from cybercriminals. Bust: Anyone who is connected to the Internet is a target for cybercriminals. It’s easy to assume that if you have antivirus, you’re safe from cybercriminals. At least that’s what antivirus advertisements have made people believe. In the 90s, solely relying on antivirus to combat cybercrime was an adequate method of security. However, in this day and age, cybercrime threats are much more evolved, so relying only on antivirus as a security solution won’t necessarily protect you from these attacks. Don’t get me wrong, antivirus still plays an important role in endpoint protection strategy. It is completely necessary. Just make sure it isn’t the only cybersecurity measure you’re taking. Myth: If it happens to us, we’ll recover. Bust: The majority of SMBs that suffer a breach go out of business after six months. Remember that statistic we mentioned earlier about 60% of SMBs go out of business six months after a cyber attack? Well, it’s a fact and something you shouldn’t take lightly. SMBs hear about data breaches in the news, and for the most part, they see those larger companies recover and move on with their business. However, those huge losses don’t compare to what a data breach could mean for a small business. According to AppRiver, the average data breach for an SMB is $149,000, which in some cases can be the entire value of the company. The truth of the matter is, data breaches can destroy SMBs. Myth: Cyber threats only come from the outside. Bust: Insider threats are just as common and more difficult to detect. While outsider threats are certainly a concern and should be monitored extensively, insider threats are just as dangerous and should be watched just as closely. In fact, studies show that insider threats can account for up to 75% of data breaches. These threats can come from anyone on the inside of the company, from an angry employee looking for revenge, to a perfectly fine employee who isn’t properly trained in cybersecurity. It’s essential to have a system in place to combat and monitor insider threats. Breaking down these misconceptions throughout your organization can help you combat cyber-attacks and become resilient against potential threats.[addtoany]
20 Expository Essay Topics for College Students. Expository essays are something that we are introduced to at an early age. Essentially any topic can be written about for expository essays, so be sure to pick something that you are interested in and enjoy writing about. This guideline will show you how to select a topic and give you ideas of topics and questions that you may choose for your essay. Expository Essay Topics Search Ends Here. The choice of a proper expository essay topic is crucial for you as a writer. Not only does it set the tone for the paper but also helps to identify the levels of the readers’ interest of the topic in question. Expository Essay Examples | AcademicHelp.net When writing an expository essay, you need to show the deeper side of your chosen subject. Check out our expository essay samples to better understand the process of writing one yourself. Expository Writing Prompts & Essay Topics A well written expository essay focuses on facts. These expository writing prompts will give you a topic or subject to explain, describe, inform, or define. They are free to use under a Creative Commons License. Want more ideas? Click the "categories" tab at the top of the screen, or visit the homepage. Top 65 Expository Essay Topics - Essay Masters (An explanatory essay is also sometimes called an expository essay.) Like an expository essay, the explanatory essay can take a number of forms. Some example forms include the example, compare/contrast, definition, how-to, and cause/effect essay formats. The goal of the explanatory essay is to inform readers of a topic or situation.
The old methods of demand generation won’t work in the always-online era. A new, digital era of B2B sales and marketing is upon us. It’s driven by corporate customer demand for online access to their suppliers’ offerings and expertise. Taking advantage of this shift is challenging because it requires moving from deeply embedded B2B sales and marketing models to data-driven, digitally powered partnerships between sales, marketing and analytics. The rewards of digital demand generation – a pivotal piece of the B2B digital transformation puzzle – can be significant. For example, GE Healthcare Life Sciences, a biopharma business, grew by building an extensive digital demand generation operation that engages researchers through thought leadership content and software, allows customers to fulfil orders through an e-commerce portal, and supports online research into unique, custom biological agents. In March 2020, Danaher completed the purchase of what is now called Cytiva for seventeen times of the firm’s 2019 EBITDA. Our interviews of 2,000 B2B transformation leaders and a deep examination of twenty real-life cases underlined the need for demand generation strategies that address the unique dynamics of supplying corporate customers. Our 4C framework turns the best practices we’ve uncovered into pragmatic steps suppliers can take to create tailored, digital demand generation strategies. Traditional demand generation efforts are built upon understanding customer segments and their underserved needs. Effective B2B demand generation efforts go further by clarifying the roles of decision makers and influencers in authorising suppliers, adopting supplier offers and co-developing solutions or operational improvements with suppliers. We’ve found that depicting decision making roles in some form of flowchart or diagram is a best practice for understanding decision making in different buying and use situations, prioritising targets and providing role-relevant content. The key to success is to make sure that all the decision makers and influencers are unambiguous, their specific roles are clarified (e.g. who sets the specs, chooses the vendor, approves the budget) and the sequence of activities are well understood. This sort of information is rarely captured in customer databases, and quantitative research is an ineffective tool for understanding the nuances of who has decision making or influencing power in different situations. Therefore, you will need to interview your own sales team, intermediaries and different customer stakeholders. A structured approach that starts with a few key customers and extends interviews over time to additional customers across a range of segments or industries is often the best way to better understand decision making. Avery Dennison, the world’s leading supplier of self-adhesive labels to corporate customers, clarified their target decision makers and influencers by forming industry vertical teams, undertaking customer research to understand each vertical and using a decision workflow tool to depict decision making to the entire sales and marketing team. Avery Dennison found that procurement teams were only the key decision makers in a limited set of repurchasing situations. Line engineers, packaging designers and marketers played a crucial role whenever manufacturing changes, packaging design innovation or new product innovation were involved. While procurement teams prioritised unit cost and financial terms, the engineers were concerned with manufacturing run speed and changeover times; marketing and package designers cared most about the ability of the label to make an impact through colour, materials and special shapes. These priorities varied by industry. Graphic impact was not as important for pharmaceuticals, for instance, while bottling run speed was crucial in beverages. The firm channelled these learning into online content and in-person experiences such as an innovation workshop tailored to different decision makers within each vertical. The effort paid off handsomely, more than tripling their pipeline of leads and boosting conversion by over 40 percent. Initial supplier interaction is crucial because it starts a process of engagement with multiple decision makers and influencers. Attention capture must provide sufficient relevance for the initial contact to involve others at their company. To break through the noise, effective B2B demand generators tailor attention-grabbing efforts to the target’s context. For target decision makers who are actively seeking information, B2B companies can deploy: - Always-on marketing including SEO/SEM, retargeting and website optimisation to capture the attention of those who are seeking a product, service or solution. - Thought leadership marketing through content sharing is effective for seekers looking for information but who have not yet zeroed in on the solution they require. To reach decision makers who are not in search mode, but will respond to an idea with the potential to move the needle, B2B can deploy: - Omni-channel marketing (social, email, online and offline, etc.) and experiences targeted to segment profiles based on some combination of profession, function, industry or online behaviour that indicates they may be willing to respond. - Account-based marketing that supplements many omni-channel tools with sales-force involvement when information responders’ organisational roles (e.g. laboratory director) and specific company, rather than profession, function or industry are the best indicators of their willingness to respond. Identifying information seekers is a relatively easy task that can be accomplished by observing their online behaviour and whether they move rapidly to searching for solutions or become involved in thought leadership content. Responders take more time and diligence to find through repeated test-and-learn experiments that target a selected group. A single experiment is not sufficient because one must determine whether it is the media, the message or the recipient that is inhibiting response. An effective cultivation pathway lies at the heart of most successful demand generation strategies. It provides the content and experiences that enable you to surmount barriers to purchase. The best pathways focus the prospect on what’s important to them while allowing them to move at their own pace. This should not be confused with simply providing a lot of content and information. Presented with excessive or inappropriate content, prospects can easily become distracted and never engage with the content that will drive them to purchase. A high level of personalisation based on the customer’s challenge or opportunity as well as their business context and role in decision making is required for effective cultivation. There are two basic approaches. When there is insufficient data for personalisation, allow the customer to choose the path by identifying the challenge and the context they are most interested in. This usually comes in the form of a menu of introductory information or guides to content they will find most useful and relevant based on prior research into the segment or industry needs. For example, SAP’s customer experience business unit invites online prospects to learn more about their marketing, e-commerce, data or sales clouds then enables them to self-direct their navigation through potentially relevant content. When campaigns can be personalised (particularly in the case of existing customers), a technique called next best move is advisable. Based on the customer profile and their entry point in the experience, a tailored piece of content is served to them. As consumers engage with the content, the quality of the content customisation improves, based on an (often AI-assisted) ongoing series of testing-and-learning experiments. Rena Patel, digital marketing and brand manager at Capgemini, pioneered a customer cultivation pathway through a brand website filled with content pathways for key topics such as cloud computing and big data to answer customer questions and challenges. She concentrated on using LinkedIn to draw interested decision makers and influencers to the website and amplify reach. Ultimately, Patel’s approach delivered over 100,000 new LinkedIn followers, 1.8 million shares, and a million website visits. By year two, it generated US$5 million in sales impact; that figure later increased to an estimated US$20 million in annual sales. Convert to action In B2B, disintermediation via call centre or ecommerce options can create conflict with valued channel partners as well as damage relationship-building among salespeople wary of losing bonus payouts and diminishing influence. Suppliers must balance the advantages of a direct, online customer buying relationship with the need for intermediary or sales team support to service the target market. Three best practices have emerged: - Harmonising offers, incentives and rewards across channels to avoid privileging one channel over others and ensure that internal sales teams remain motivated. - Synchronising online and personal interactions to make experiences seamless for the customer and empower sales team and channel partners. - Integrating ecommerce’s role into a customer support system by adapting it for poorly served customers, product lines, regions or segments and ensuring that other channels can reap a share of the rewards. Schneider Electric has embarked on a B2B digital transformation that includes expanding ecommerce. To mitigate channel conflict, Schneider has integrated distributors within their platform and created customised programs for tier-two sellers. Although the platform is open to large customers, most of the offers are targeted to SMEs and allow customers to purchase, arrange delivery, obtain specifications and test certificates as well as contact the product support centre and customer care.
(CBS Detroit) – If you’ve caught a trout or salmon in Michigan with its fat fin cut off, the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says it may have a tag with important information. READ MORE: Traverse City-based Munson Healthcare turns red to treat COVID patients “We are particularly interested in confirming the wild contribution of chinook salmon to the fishery, the movement and wild contribution of rainbow trout in lakes and rivers, and the survival and movement of Atlantic salmon,” said Wesley said. According to the MNR, several Great Lakes states, including Michigan, tag popular hunting fish such as rainbow trout, chinook salmon, Atlantic salmon brown trout and lake trout. The adipose fin, which is a small fleshy fin behind the larger dorsal fin, is found on a few fish. Authorities say most trout and salmon with a fat-fin claw have a coded wire tag in their snout. READ MORE: Cadillac Square Marketplace showcasing local small businesses opens November 10 – December 31 Anglers who catch an adipose fin fish are invited to turn their heads at a local landing station. “We have trap clerks in some ports, but there are several areas where we have no staff, including on river systems with unique fisheries, such as Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout. Said Randy Claramunt, Lake Huron Basin Coordinator. “To get enough tag feedback to learn more about these species, we need the help of our fishermen to voluntarily turn heads.”
An occasional invader is a group of insects that occasionally infiltrate buildings for one reason or another. These insect species are notorious for invading houses, commercial buildings, public facilities, and government entities. In most cases, the pest does not reproduce after a successful infiltration, which is always a plus for the victims. The most commonly reported occasional invader sightings in Las Vegas include the following: Why Are Occasional Invaders Targeting My Las Vegas Home? Occasional invaders find themselves indoors during a food-foraging expedition or other activities. In most cases, the home infiltration is accidental. However, some of these insect species intend to infiltrate the home to avoid unsavory weather conditions outdoors. The occasional invader accesses the home via small access points, such as gaps between the bottom of an entrance door and the top of the threshold. It is crucial to address these vulnerabilities once your home is declared “pest-free” once again. What Is The Best Pest Control Strategy For Occasional Invader Infestations? We get asked this question all the time by Las Vegas consumers. And, the answer is always the same – professional pest management, which combines regular occasional invader inspections with customized treatment, followed up by an effective prevention plan. We believe our professional pest management is ideal for occasional invader infestations of all severity levels. Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be truthfully said about DIY pesticides and insecticides. Do Pesticides Pose Environmental Risks That We Should Be Concerned About? Thanks to a nationwide public awareness campaign, Americans are more familiar with pesticides than ever before. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has joined forces with manufacturers to create a set of guidelines designed to protect humans, animals, and the environment from potentially harmful chemicals found in pesticides. Our pest control products and techniques are deemed “safe” when our exterminators heed the EPA guidelines and manufacturer’s recommendations. We do our part to protect our clients and their family and pets by refusing to initiate treatment while the home is occupied. How Do Exterminators Deal With Occasional Invader Infestation? We face occasional invader infestations head-on. We never turn away from a pest infestation. In fact, we believe our professional pest management is the solution for infestations of all severity levels. In addition to a customized pest management strategy, routine visual pest inspections are a necessity for a positive outcome. We highly recommend our clients and their family get involved in the pest control process right from the get-go. This will open up a door of communication for the household members and our exterminators. Can I Schedule The Occasional Invader Inspection To Take Place While I Am At Work? Yes, we encourage our clients to continue their daily routine as usual, even on the scheduled appointment date. We can meet up with you or another household member to retrieve the key for your home. When the treatment is complete, we will return the key to a location of choice. Once your pest inspection request is submitted to our Las Vegas extermination company, it will take anywhere between 24 and 48 hours to process it. Do Pest Control Products Generate Greenhouse Gases? Some pesticides and insecticides produce greenhouse gases. Even the manufacturing of pesticides contributes its share to the high volume of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. While we continuously search for new ways to reduce our carbon imprint, we hope the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will join forces with pesticide manufacturers to combat greenhouse gas emissions. Until then, we will continue heeding the agency’s guidelines and manufacturer’s recommendations. What You Can Do To Keep Occasional Invaders Outdoors Where They Belong? Our clients can do their part in the extermination process by doing the following: - Develop a non-refrigerated food storage system that utilizes glass and BPA-free plastic containers with lids. - Develop a household waste disposal routine to help eliminate insect food sources. - Repair or replace damaged plumbing pipes as soon as possible. - Improve ventilation in high humidity areas like underneath the bathroom and kitchen sinks, basements, and crawlspaces. - Inspect shopping bags immediately after bringing them into your home because occasional invaders have been found in exposed food packages, such as potatoes.
The secret to improving “the patient experience” is delivering what the patient wants most in every physician encounter. - Clinical excellence? Yes, certainly. (That’s sort of a given.) - A friendly smile? Sure. - Empathy? Naturally. - Authoritative confidence? Yep. - Eye contact. Connectivity booster. These are all important elements in the patient experience mix. But consider that the typical doctor-patient visit is only 13 to 16 minutes, according to the 2016 Physician Compensation Report from Medscape. Patients say their primary expectation—and the cornerstone to perfecting the patient experience—is having a doctor who listens to them. [What Do People Want from Their Health Care? A Qualitative Study, Journal of Participatory Medicine, Wen & Tucker, Research, Vol. 7, 2015] It turns out that patients most often value a doctor’s “soft skills,” with listening and communications at the top of the list. “Most people commented on the importance of a doctor who listens, cares, and explains issues to patients. Several studies have shown that, when choosing doctors, patients rarely mention technical expertise, but rather concentrate on empathy and ability to provide clear explanations.” The most basic human needs… A pioneer in understanding the importance of listening, author Ralph G. Nichols, provides this premise and fundamental insight: “The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” One of the most common barriers to listening for understanding is that nearly everyone is thinking about what they are going to say in reply. It’s a common habit for all of us, but it’s a critical disconnect during a doctor-patient face-to-face. Perhaps the physician (who may believe he or she has “heard it all before”) wants to cut to the chase; the 16-minute timer is ticking. And that leads to another critical stumbling block: making a quick assumption. The better course—to take a bit of advice from the retail world—is to get to take the time to truly know the customer. Ask questions. Understand their personal value system. And don’t assume that their needs and expectations are a replay of dozens of previous patients. You might be right, but the better outcome is that you might be surprised. Understand what you’re really selling… When the physician believes he is selling a solution to a medical need, it’s only part of the patient’s expectations. Delivering an exceptional patient experience includes allowing the consumer-patient to be heard. Taking a page from an unlikely source, consider the viewpoint of Debbi Fields, the founder and spokesperson of Mrs. Fields Bakeries. “I’ve never felt like I was in the cookie business. I’ve always been in a feel good feeling business. My job is to sell joy. My job is to sell happiness. My job is to sell an experience.” OK…Debbie lives in a cookie-centric world. But the sentiment is useful to the patient-physician encounter. Happiness is the one and only reason people buy healthcare. And ultimately, listening is the path of discovery that perfects the patient experience in 16 minutes or less.
Distributed for Reaktion Books Rembrandt’s Holland considers the life and work of this celebrated painter anew, as it charts his career alongside the visual culture of urban Amsterdam and the new Dutch Republic. In the book, Larry Silver brings to light Rembrandt’s problematic relationship with the ruling court at The Hague and reexamines how his art developed from large-scale, detailed religious imagery to more personal drawings and etchings, moving self-portraits, and heartfelt close-ups of saintly figures. Ultimately, this readable biography shows how both Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age ripened together. Featuring up-to-date scholarship and in-depth analysis of Rembrandt’s major works, and illustrated beautifully throughout, it is essential reading for art students and anyone who enjoys the work of the Dutch Masters. History: European History "In four delightfully well-written and informative chapters, Silver animates and gives depth to Rembrandt, his patrons, his religious milieu, and his daily and intellectual life. The many facets of the artist’s activity emerge, as the author describes how the painter gained portrait commissions from wealthy and fashionable Amsterdammers, painted complex histories, and experimented with a range of identities in his self-portraits. Rembrandt’s Night Watch demonstrates his ambition to avoid a static group portrait or a rowdy banquet scene (as favored by his contemporaries), but at the same time it is a chaotic gathering with several levels of action, and despite its astonishing credibility, may not represent an actual event. Rembrandt was affiliated with the Dutch Reformed Church, yet his art reveals a close reading of Scripture rather than a clear adherence to one or another confession. In this regard, he appealed to a wide audience including Catholics, Remonstrants, Protestants, and even Calvinists. This is a solid contribution to the Renaissance Lives series, which offers books by accomplished scholars on major figures in the early modern world. Highly recommended." “An accessible, concise, up-to-date, and well-written introductory study that firmly situates Rembrandt’s life and work within Dutch history and society. . . . Silver weaves together a biographical sketch, sensitive analyses of artworks, and a comprehensive overview of Dutch politics, society, religion, and artistic culture. . . . He covers extraordinary ground in a brief book, laying out for the general reader the trajectory of Rembrandt’s art and career.” Historians of Netherlandish Art Book Review "Silver balances discussion of the social context of Rembrandt’s life and art admirably throughout these chapters, and the thematic approach allows him to consider works of art from different aspects, adding to the depth of presentation. The highlights remain those passages where he describes specific paintings and prints (and a few drawings). Here Silver’s lucid prose and engaged eye help bring these works to vivid life, especially important in the many cases where works are discussed but not illustrated. Rembrandt’s Holland is a welcome and refreshing addition to the vast scholarly literature on the artist, offering an accessible, well-rounded picture of Rembrandt, his art, and his society." "Rembrandt's fascination with the exotic and his mania as a collector are well known. . . . He lived in a land that was in the front ranks regarding cartography and science as well as religious toleration, and Silver catches all these exciting currents and shows how the art under discussion reflects the complications, the comedies and tragedies of a well-studied but elusive life. Silver offers an easy introduction to the leading man and to the world in which he lived." Sixteenth Century Journal “A savvy, succinct overview. Silver relates larger issues in politics and religion to specific works by Rembrandt. He is not afraid to go out on a limb, making his text all the more interesting. His sensitive descriptions of art works add depth to his account.” Gary Schwartz, author of Meet Rembrandt: Life and Work of the Master Painter
Alcoholism stages can be categorized into three broad stages of alcoholism. They are the early stages, middle stages and end stage alcoholism or late stage alcoholism. Alcoholism stages generally take years to develop, often becoming more serious over the years. Alcoholism can be defined as a disease where alcoholic consumption is at a level that interferes with the person’s physical or mental health and negatively impacts social, family or occupational responsibilities. Consuming no more than one or two drinks per day for healthy men and a drink a day for healthy non-pregnant women are generally considered acceptable alcohol consumption without health risks. However, as the amount or frequency of drinking increases, the earliest of the alcoholism stages can develop as a result. Early Stages of Alcoholism In the early alcoholism stages, a person begins to depend on alcohol to affect their mood. They drink for relief from stress and problems, and they begin thinking more and more about alcohol and drinking. The person and others around them may not recognize that the person is in the earliest of the stages of alcoholism. A gradual increase in tolerance happens, meaning, it takes increasing amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired mood-altering effects. Often, the person can consume large amounts of alcohol without even appearing impaired. At the early alcoholism stages, the body has adapted to increasing amounts of alcohol. In fact, how a person functions will likely be improved with drinking as blood alcohol levels rise. For example, they can think and talk normally or walk a straight line with no problem. However, with continued alcohol consumption over time, the body begins to lose its ability to deal with high alcohol levels. As this occurs, when the alcoholic stops drinking and their blood alcohol level decreases, their thinking, talking or walking functions deteriorate, and they are moving into the next of the stages of alcoholism. Middle Alcoholism Stages The need and desire to drink gradually becomes more intense and more important to the alcoholic. Drinking larger amounts and more often happens as well as drinking earlier in the day. The alcoholic is losing control over drinking, and the body is losing its ability to process alcohol like it did in the early stages of alcoholism. Their tolerance decreases as they become intoxicated more easily. Withdrawal symptoms begin to become more severe if alcohol is reduced. The person may now secretly recognize that they have a drinking problem, and others may begin to notice as well. Unfortunately, it becomes more difficult for the alcoholic to judge how much alcohol their body can handle. Typically, the drinker denies to themselves and others that alcohol is a problem so they won’t have to deal with their inner turmoil. Hangovers, blackouts and stomach problems can now be physical symptoms that occur on a regular basis. End Stage Alcoholism As alcoholism progresses, the alcoholic has become obsessed with drinking to the exclusion of nearly everything else. Everyone can tell there’s a major problem. During the late alcoholism stages, the mental and physical health of the alcoholic are seriously deteriorating. Many of the body’s organs have been damaged which lowers resistance to disease. Relationships at home or socially may have been severely damaged, and there can be mounting financial and legal problems due to the alcoholic’s powerlessness over alcohol. Every alcoholic will suffer from malnutrition. Alcohol in large amounts interferes with the digestion process and the passage of nutrients from the intestines into the bloodstream. Liver function has been damaged, further limiting the conversion of nutrients into a usable form that the body can assimilate. The damaged cells are not receiving the needed nutrients, they cannot repair themselves and the damage continues to worsen. Nutritional deficiencies cause related health problems to become worse. For example, a vitamin B-1 deficiency common in alcoholics can result in loss of mental alertness and appetite, fatigue, confusion, emotional instability and memory loss. And if the alcoholic continues to drink, alcohol will likely cause the death of the alcoholic in one way or another. From suicide, accidents and related injuries to direct damage to the body’s organs and systems, death will likely be the final outcome of end stage alcoholism. Important note – if a person is alcohol dependent due to heavy drinking over time, reducing or stopping alcohol must be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. Alcohol withdrawal can vary from a mild disorder to a serious, life-threatening condition. Withdrawal symptoms usually appear within 12 hours of the last drink, and the symptoms peak within 48 – 72 hours. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can continue for as long as a week or more. And some symptoms – sleep changes, rapid mood changes and fatigue may last for months. Alcohol withdrawal should be considered a serious medical condition that can quickly become life-threatening. Are there signs and symptoms that indicate that alcoholism is an issue? Yes! Understand the symptoms that indicate that alcohol consumption is becoming or already is a problem. There are resources available in a variety of ways that can help one deal with alcoholism stages and the serious consequences of this disease. While she had managed to graduate from college and have a successful career as a journalist, few people knew she had a problem with alcohol and the alcoholism stages. Here she tells the story of the years of denial that helped her rationalize the blackouts, hangovers, broken relationships and family tensions characteristic of the alcoholic’s story. Knapp combines her personal story with information about alcohol abuse, including frequent references to the AA meetings she has attended.
Now is the time to pass a Public Option law Late last week elected officials and advocates gathered on the steps of the capitol building in Hartford to announce an effort to make health care in Connecticut more accessible, affordable and equitable by advancing health insurance public option legislation in the 2021 session of the Connecticut General Assembly. What is a Public Option? It’s a health insurance choice, based on an existing public program, that is made available for more individuals or employers to purchase. Current health insurance public programs in Connecticut include HUSKY (Medicaid), subsidized individual insurance sold through Access Health CT, and the state employee health plan. The latter covers over 200,000 people in the state, making it the single largest employer-based coverage plan in Connecticut. Medicare, which covers people in our state who are 65 and over or are disabled, is an example of a federal public health insurance program. When people talk about a Public Option, this is what it could look like: - Offering plans to small businesses or non-profits or labor unions through the state employee health plan - Having the state employee health plan contract with an insurer to offer a plan on Access Health CT - Improving subsidies for Access Health CT plans - Expanding Medicaid eligibility to cover more people Getting health coverage from a public program is very common. In fact, of the 3.6 million people who live in Connecticut, over half of them already get their insurance through one of the public programs mentioned above. Public programs, because of their bargaining power, their mission and their goals provide good coverage at lower costs. Why shouldn’t more people in Connecticut benefit from these programs? An obvious way to improve health care for everybody is to improve existing public programs and offer ways for more people to buy into them. Why a Public Option Matters - Too many people in our state are unable to simply go to the doctor when they need to. - A recent survey reports that 24% of respondents had difficulty paying medical bills and the same number said they delayed or avoided going to the doctor to get care because of worries about cost. 19% reported either cutting pills in half, skipping doses or not filling a prescription at all. - The health care “market” is broken. - It serves the bottom lines of insurers, pharmaceutical corporations and large hospital systems more than the health and health care needs of people. Market competition is disappearing. People who rely on private insurance are at the mercy of ever-increasing, out-of-control health care prices. - Systemic racism permeates our health care system. - People of color are more likely to be uninsured and undocumented immigrants have the highest uninsured rate in our state. People of color are more likely to die early or suffer from preventable illness. They live with higher rates of chronic stress, chronic disease, maternal mortality and low infant birth weight. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, economic recession, and reckoning about the long-standing racial and ethnic disparities in our communities, Connecticut residents are losing their jobs and their health insurance in unprecedented numbers. In 2019 efforts to pass public option legislation were stopped cold by insurance industry opposition. An even stronger bill died in the 2020 legislative session when the General Assembly shut down to due COVID-19. Action is needed now, more than ever, on a scale that matches the ongoing health care emergency. That is why Universal Health Care Foundation is working shoulder to shoulder with a diverse and growing coalition of advocates, lawmakers and experts to implement new public options in Connecticut.
The increasing use of carbon fibers in the wind power industry is driving the growth of the market. APAC is expected to be the fastest growing market over the forecasted years. NEW YORK, USA, March 11, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — According to the latest market research from The Insight Partners on “Carbon Fiber Market Forecast to 2027 – Impact of COVID-19 and Global Analysis – Raw material (PAN and pitch), End-use industry (automotive, aerospace and defense, construction, sporting goods, wind energy and others)”. Growing demands from automotive and aerospace applications to drive its demand in the global market. The overall global carbon fiber market size has been derived based on primary and secondary sources. Carbon fibers are long, thin strands with a diameter of about 0.005 to 0.01 mm. These fibers give high resistance to the vessels or systems in which they are incorporated, which makes it possible to avoid explosions of gas storage systems. They provide high tensile strength as well as high temperature tolerance and durability to end products. Carbon fibers exhibit excellent corrosion resistance, superior stiffness and strength, and longer life than other materials, such as aluminum and steel. Therefore, these fibers find their application in wide end-use industries. They are rigid and chemically inert, which makes them difficult to compress and stretch. Automotive manufacturers are demanding new, innovative, high-quality materials for the production of automotive components. These materials must meet the high performance needs of car manufacturers and also meet the needs of the customer and society. Among the various materials, carbon fiber is considered one of the most suitable materials for lightweight auto parts. Additionally, carbon fiber reinforced composites are used as essential materials to replace bodywork and other parts in an automobile. The use of carbon fiber in the automotive industry has improved brakes, steering, durability and high fuel efficiency, saving energy and minimizing carbon dioxide emissions. Major car manufacturers use carbon fiber to manufacture components. For example, the Airbus A350 is made of 52% carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and the BMW i3 has mainly a CFRP chassis. Carbon fiber is also used in high-end bicycle frames, tennis rackets and surfboards. As carbon fibers offer high modulus and specific strength, fatigue resistance, stiffness and pressure resistance capability; lower coefficient of thermal expansion; corrosion resistance; and other beneficial properties; these are widely used in automotive and other industrial applications. These fibers are widely preferred over aluminum and steel. Additionally, growing demand for lightweight materials, along with government initiatives to reduce harmful gas emissions and increase fuel efficiency, is expected to drive the market for carbon fiber in automotive applications. Carbon fibers are widely used for transporting and storing liquefied and compressed natural gas in automotive applications, with major applications in North America, Europe and APAC. Additionally, carbon fiber is also used in the aerospace industry. Speak to the Research Analyst: https://www.theinsightpartners.com/speak-to-analyst/TIPRE00002830/?utm_source=EINPressWire&utm_medium=10357 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the carbon fiber market The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan (China) in December 2019. As of February 2021, the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Colombia and Argentina are among the most affected countries in terms of confirmed cases and deaths. The pandemic has affected the economies and industries of various countries due to government-imposed shutdowns and travel bans, as well as business closures. Chemicals and Materials is one of the major industries suffering severe disruptions in the form of supply chain disruptions, tech event cancellations, office closures, and more. The closure of various plants and factories in regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East and Africa has affected the supply chain worldwide and had a negative impact on manufacturing, delivery schedules and product sales. In addition, various companies have already predicted possible delays in product deliveries and a drop in future sales of their products. Travel bans imposed by countries in Europe, Asia and North America affect business collaborations and partnership opportunities. All these factors affect the activities of the chemical and materials industry and thus hinder the growth of the various markets related to this industry. Carbon Fiber Market: Competitive Analysis Toray Industries, Inc.; Plastics Society; Carbon SGL; Solvay; Hexcel Corporation; Tejin Limited; DowAksa; and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation are some of the major players operating in the global carbon fiber market. Carbon Fiber Market: By Raw Material Based on raw material, the carbon fiber market is segmented into PAN and pitch. The PAN segment dominated the carbon fiber market with a larger share in 2019. PAN, i.e. polyacrylonitrile fibers, offers better productivity and excellent processing properties. They have lower costs than pitch fibers. PAN-based carbon fibers are widely used in various applications due to their higher strength and modulus than pitch-based carbon fibers. Pitch-based carbon fibers have been developed recently and their demand is increasing in low-cost applications. The Insight Partners is an industry unique research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients find solutions to their research needs through our syndicated research and advisory services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductors and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Health IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices , technology, media and telecommunications, chemicals and materials.
Multiple studies have shown a correlation between diet and physical activity on your risk of developing cancer. Here are suggestions from the American Cancer Society: - Maintain a healthy body weight. Being obese causes the body to produce more estrogen and insulin. These hormones may promote cancer growth. - Get regular exercise. Daily exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, improve hormone levels and strengthen your immune system. The American Cancer Society recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week. - Eat lots of plant-based foods. Also, limit how much processed and red meat you eat. - Limit daily alcohol. Drink no more than one drink for women and two drinks for men each day. - Quit smoking.
Finding quality child care can be a challenge. Connections for Children can help. Our Resource and Referral Department offers a wealth of information and resources relating to child care, child development and parenting. Connections For Children can help you get more information on choosing child care, finding the appropriate type of child care, and contacting other community agencies. Call one of our Resource & Referral counselors at (310) 452-3325. There are many different types of child care, from child care centers and licensed family child care to in-home care. Some care is licensed, and some is not. Licensing does not assure quality, but it does provide guidelines for health and safety. If you take the time to look carefully, you can find quality care for your child in any of these settings. We support parent choice by offering consumer education on choosing child care from available options. Child Care Centers Child Care Centers (sometimes called nursery schools or preschool programs) provide care for children in a group setting for all or part of the day. Centers can provide care for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and school age children. Centers vary in size, focus, and philosophy. The California State Department of Education mandates the ratio of adults to children at Child Care Centers. Child Care Centers offer the following advantages: The environment is designed specifically for children Teamwork can promote a positive atmosphere and spirit of cooperation Staff emergencies do not affect the center's hours A written account of the individual child's activities may be provided Centers are more likely to have connections with a wider array of community resources The state requires that staff meet defined levels of child development coursework and training Family Child Care Homes Family Child Care is offered in the home of a caregiver, who may be a parent as well. There are two types of licensed family child care homes: A small family child care home is licensed to provide child care for six to eight children. A large family child care home is licensed to provide child care for up to twelve to fourteen children with an assistant present. Family child care homes offer the following advantages: The setting is home-like Parents and children benefit from the sense of having an "extended family" There is continuity and the opportunity for bonding with the same primary child care provider Family child care homes may be more flexible in caring for children with minor illnesses Family child care providers may be able to accommodate the need for long or unusual hours It is possible to find a provider who shares a similar lifestyle Other Child Care Options Head Start and State Preschool programs are available to low-income families for children between the ages of 3 and 5. LAUP offers free or reduced-fee programs in many locations including centers and family child care homes. Family Child Care Home Education Networks offer financial assistance to low-income families. Early Head Start offers services to low-income families for children from birth up to age 3. Before and After School Care Programs Available at many elementary schools and other sites for parents who need to drop off their school-age children before school begins, or leave them at school until the end of the work day. Provided by a friend, relative, babysitter, or nanny who cares for your child in your home, either full or part-time. Providers available for this type of care are not required to be licensed since they care for the children of a single family. In-home care offers the following advantages: It is convenient for the parent The child spends his/her day in familiar surroundings There is less risk of illness than in other forms of care There is a lower child/provider ratio There is a sense of family togetherness There is greater control by the parent over the child's environment
A Reflection: Should We Be Cynical About Corporate Social Responsibility “We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face. Between a world which condemns a quarter of the human race to starvation and squalor, and one which offers everyone at least a chance of prosperity, in a healthy environment. Between a selfish free-for-all in which we ignore the fate of the losers, and a future in which the strong and successful accept their responsibilities, showing global vision and leadership.” —Kofi Annan to the World Economic Forum in Davos On January 31st 1999, the former general secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, addressed the World Economic Forum with the goal of implementing what would later be called the United Nations Global Compact (UNGB). The purpose of this UN-led initiative is to promote a voluntary corporate strategic policy that supports companies that are committed to responsible business practices and contribute to sustainable development goals (see UNGB's ten principles here). In other words, UNGB’s goal is to promote corporate social responsibility. .Kofi Annan's speech was a call for action; it was an extended hand to the CEOs of the world to give back and implement sustainable and socially responsible initiatives. It was arguably a compelling argument to increase usage of the corporate social responsibility model (CSR). However, in modern days, various corporate campaigns aiming to promote a cause or a charity have sparked a debate. Often consumers are under the impression that a company's first aim when implementing a campaign or an initiative is to use it as a public relations stunt rather than to make a concrete difference by going above the legal requirements and promoting a cause or a broader set of values. Therefore, one could ask two question: Should we be cynical about corporate social responsibility? In a world governed by the quest of profit, is corporate social responsibility bound to be perceived as a marketing strategy in disguise or can it really serve its purpose: to be a business model that helps a company be socially accountable? It is fitting to examine those questions through the analysis of Estee Lauder’s Breast Cancer Campaign since it is one of the most controversial . The breast cancer movement started small as a personal advocacy campaign by activist Charlotte Haley. She made peached-coloured ribbons and personally handed them out accompanied with a card that advocated for increased investment in cancer prevention. In 1992, the magazine Self and Evelyn Lauder, a breast cancer survivor, approached Ms. Haley to market her ribbons to raise awareness for breast cancer through a corporate campaign spearheaded by the magnate of the beauty industry Estee Lauder. Ms. Haley refused the offer, claiming that the campaign was bound to become too commercial. Then, Estee Lauder consulted its lawyers and launched the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign (link to the campaign here). Its symbol was a bright pink ribbon. Throughout the years, the campaign has raised more than $76 millions for search and funded more than 260 medical research grants. However, the campaign has been criticized by what is now called "pinkwashing”. It is used when corporations showcase the ribbon to promote awareness for breast cancer along side their brand while selling products that are linked to the disease. The breast cancer movement has arguably been used for marketing purposes. However, that does not mean that the business model behind it, the corporate social responsibility aspect, should be demonized. As individuals, but most importantly as consumers, we should not be cynical but rather critical. Yes, it is true that most often than not corporate social responsibility goes hand in hand with public relations and branding. It is a well-known fact that a corporation’s goal is to make profit. Hence, the motivation to implement social initiatives is not purely altruistic. Arguably, corporations’ goal for profit could be the most significant advantage of corporate social responsibility when it is well managed. Indeed, an efficient marketing strategy is required to promote social change, a particular cause or a campaign amidst the over 86 000 registered charities in Canada alone. Therefore, funds are required not only for the cause be heard, but also to implement the changes it advocates for. That is where corporate social responsibility comes into play: by allowing companies to promote or fund a particular initiative directly. Thus, what we as consumers should take into account is not whether or not corporate social responsibility is good or bad; but rather it goes beyond this dichotomy. We need to think about whether or not the company in question truly embodies the principles of the corporate social responsibility model which are present to operate in a way that benefits more than just its stakeholders. To answer that question, we have to look at the companies' treatment of those issues, but most importantly we need to be aware of our social responsibility as consumers. The corporate social responsibility model is a two-way street. Since it has been established that corporations’ main goal is profit, corporate social responsibility only works if there is a demand from consumers. In fact, according to a recent survey done in 2016, 90% of CEOs say that consumers have the biggest impact on strategy. Hence, we have the moral responsibility as consumers to be involved and advocate for the values we believe in to elicit a change from corporations. However, it is important to be aware that a completely altruistic human being is extremely rare (if he or she exists at all). Therefore, much like corporations we, as consumers. need a goal or a reward to advocate for a specific initiative or cause. This is the point where consumer social responsibility and corporate social responsibility intertwine. Indeed, the information that is provided by the corporations’ marketing campaign gives the consumer the goal or reward it needs to move forward and advocate for a cause. This reward is a tangible gain, for example by buying the much needed cruelty-free backpack for school, or it is an emotional gain, for example by buying the fair trade coffee and knowing that farmers are not being exploited in the making of the product. The demand for responsible and sustainable business practices in turn influences the way corporations integrate the corporate social responsibility model. Hence, to build a future that “offers everyone at least a chance of prosperity, in a healthy environment”, we, as consumers and as societies, need to be critical rather than cynical of corporate social responsibility. Because arguably, our purchasing power might have more power than our vote. The question is will we use it wisely?
Losing 10 pounds in a month can be achieved in a number of ways. High-protein diets, low-carbohydrate diets, high-carbohydrate diets and calorie reduction can all help you achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable way. Calorie Restriction and Exercise A standard, healthy diet typically involves consuming around 2,000 calories per day. However, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthy calorie consumption can range from 1,600 to 3,200 calories per day. The exact amount of calories you need are determined by factors like your age, sex and activity levels. According to Harvard Health Publishing, reducing your daily calorie intake by 500 calories allows you to lose around a pound each week. Up to 1,000 calories less than usual can even be part of a healthy diet. However, there are limits to how low your calories can go. You shouldn't consume less than 1,200 calories per day if you're female or 1,500 calories per day if you're male. Restricting your calorie consumption means you can consume fewer calories, but still eat all of the same types of foods that you would normally. There's no need to eliminate carbohydrates or fats from your diet, though it would be a good idea to eat less added sugars, saturated and trans fats, and junk foods. However, healthy calorie restriction means that your weight loss will be capped at around 8 pounds per month (2 pounds per week). If you want to lose 10 pounds in a month, you'd likely need to increase your activity levels a bit too. Harvard Health Publishing states that every 3,500 calories you burn will result in 1 pound of weight loss. If you were to do about 25 hours of moderate exercise (like walking, dancing, hiking and even gardening) or 15 hours of vigorous exercise (such as running, jogging, swimming or weightlifting) in a month, you could potentially lose 10 pounds in a month without issue. Losing this much weight in a month is likely only healthy if you're planning on maintaining this level of activity over the long-term. Otherwise, you might easily gain some of this weight back again. It's best to stick with a slower weight loss plan unless your doctor recommends a specific alternative. Gradual weight loss is considered to be around 4-to-8 pounds per month. Low-Carb Diets and Weight Loss According to the Food and Drug Administration, there are four types of carbohydrates you can commonly find in the foods you eat: sugars, sugar alcohols, starches and dietary fiber. Low-carb diets, like the ketogenic diet or Atkins diet, involve the elimination of most sugars and starches. You can technically consume as much fiber as you want — however, since sugars and starches are restricted, you can really only consume moderate amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Because the majority of calories typically come from carbohydrates, you need to consume more of another macronutrient to meet your minimum calorie requirements. In the case of low-carb diets, you're mainly consuming more fat. Increasing fat intake to support weight loss might seem counterintuitive, but low-carb diets are even beneficial over the long-term. According to a September 2018 study in the Indian Journal of Medical Research, people following low-carb diets are likely to lose more weight in the first three to six months compared to people who consume a more standard diet. High-Carb Diets and Weight Loss If reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your fat intake sounds unappealing, you can do the exact opposite, instead. This is known as a high-carb diet. A standard diet contains 50 to 60 percent carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent protein and 30 percent fat. Altering your macronutrient intake even slightly — for example, a ratio like 64 percent carbohydrates, 18 percent protein and 18 percent fat — can also help support weight loss. You can even adjust your macronutrients more dramatically and follow a stricter high-carb diet, like the Okinawa diet. This is a plant-based diet that involves the consumption of around 85 percent carbohydrates. However, you should be aware that most high-carb diets are lower in calories than average. A February 2017 study in the European Journal of Nutrition that used a 64 percent carbohydrate intake reduced calories by 33 percent (a daily intake of 1,881 calories) to produce about 10 pounds of weight loss over a six-week period. This means you may need to follow a stricter or lower-calorie high-carb diet in order to lose 10 pounds in a month. High-Protein Diets and Weight Loss High-protein diets can also help with weight loss. Most people consume around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. That's about 51 grams of protein for someone who weighs 140 pounds (64 kilograms). According to a June 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diets that contain between 1.2 and 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight can help support weight loss and reduce fat. Essentially, you can safely double your protein intake to help you lose weight. This means someone weighing 140 pounds would be consuming up to 102 grams of protein per day. However, there's also a maximum amount of protein you can safely consume. According to Harvard Health Publishing, you shouldn't consume more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This is about 125 grams of protein per day if you weigh 140 pounds. Too much protein is harmful because it can increase your risk of high cholesterol, cancer, cardiovascular disease and kidney problems. It can even cause you to gain weight, rather than lose it. If you are concerned about these side effects but still want to increase your protein intake, you can try to consume more plant-based protein and seafood products instead of products like red meat and dairy. Excessive consumption of animal products is thought to be unhealthy because they are rich in saturated fats. In contrast, plant-based proteins like tofu and legumes are high in dietary fiber, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Unlike saturated fat-rich meat and dairy, seafood products are a good source of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a novel, or new, virus, and we are still learning how to contain it. The symptoms can easily be mistaken for other illnesses, including influenza, common cold and allergies, to name a few. Know the symptoms Because of the similarities to other illnesses, you should take extra precautions if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: - Shortness of breath - Repeated shaking with chills - Muscle pain - Sore throat - New loss of taste or smell - Congestion or runny nose - Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea You should also be aware of emergency warning signs that require urgent medical attention such as: - Difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen - Persistent dizziness, confusion, inability to respond - Not urinating - Severe muscle pain - Severe weakness or unsteadiness - Fever or cough that improve but then return or worsen - Worsening of chronic medical condition Know your care options Suspect you have COVID-19? If you suspect you might be infected with COVID-19, DO NOT immediately go to the hospital or a doctor’s office, as your presence there will heighten the risk of spreading the disease to other people. Instead, get screened by chatting with Clare, our virtual assistant on the OSF HealthCare website. Receiving an appropriate screening from the COVID-19 Nurse Hotline could lead to the assignment of a Pandemic Health Worker, a trained individual who will digitally connect with you during the pandemic crisis, monitor your symptoms and ensure you get the care you need safely at home. Safely seek care If you start experiencing symptoms while away from home or you are directed to visit a health care provider, take the following precautions: - Wear a facemask. This will help prevent droplets from coughs and sneezes from spreading through the air. If you don’t have a facemask, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Try to cough or sneeze into a tissue or your arm rather than into your hands. If you use a tissue, throw it in the trash immediately. - Avoid public transportation. - Avoid groups of people, and if impossible, maintain at least six feet of distance between you and other people. Recovering at home If you suspect you have COVID-19 or have tested positive for the disease, you pose a substantial health and safety risk to the community and you need to isolate yourself as quickly as you can. You do not want to pass COVID-19 on to anyone else. Remain in home isolation until your health care provider clears you to leave.
Consumer confidence edged down in April, but still remains high The Conference Board’s measure of consumer confidence edged modestly lower to 107.3 in April, coming in softer than economists had anticipated while easing from 107.6 in March. While still above the long-term historical average of around 95, consumers’ collective assessment of current conditions has fallen well below the peak reached in June 2021 of 128.9. Consumers remain relatively upbeat about current economic conditions but have grown increasingly skeptical in their outlook for the latter half of the year. Although inflation has become a significant concern over the past year, the Conference Board survey focuses on the labor market and personal income to a large degree. Against the backdrop of low unemployment, strong job creation, a surplus of job openings, and strong wage growth, a positive consumer view around those factors is not surprising. Other measures of the consumer mood that have a greater focus on inflation have deteriorated more notably. The fact that confidence remains relatively strong is a sign of the resilience of consumers, but several risks still pose a threat to the near-term outlook. Americans are facing the highest inflation in four decades, which is outpacing wage gains and eroding consumer purchasing power. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also introduced a significant degree of geopolitical uncertainty and potential repercussions that could ripple across the global economy for some time. In an environment already challenged by supply constraints, the post-invasion surge in the prices of various commodities further exacerbated inflation pressures. All of this prompted the Fed to rapidly ramp up expectations for rate hikes for the remainder of the year. The Fed’s move to begin tightening financial conditions was much needed but raises the specter of tightening cycles past and the potential risk of unintentionally choking off growth. Although COVID-19 cases have fallen sharply in the United States in recent months and many Americans are becoming more mobile and gradually returning to more aspects of a pre-pandemic lifestyle, the pandemic’s effects are still being felt across the global economy. In terms of the global health risk, brighter days are ahead, but we aren’t collectively out of the woods. The bottom line? Strong labor market conditions and income gains have provided a solid underpinning for consumers, and the decline in COVID-19 cases have emboldened many Americans to return to more of their pre-pandemic activities. Inflation and rising interest rates may dampen that outlook, as consumers feel the pinch of both. That’s likely to have repercussions for labor market conditions as well, as the Fed tries to navigate the narrow path to a soft landing while taking some of the heat out of the economy.
The Diocese of Harrisburg is comprised of 89 parishes spread over 15 counties in the heart of Pennsylvania’s capital city. - 2 How many diocese are there in the Catholic Church? - 3 How many parishes are in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia? - 4 How many Catholic parishes are there in Philadelphia? - 5 Where is Bishop John Barres? - 6 What is a group of parishes called? - 7 What is the plural of diocese? - 8 Who is the bishop of Fairfield County? - 9 How many Catholic diocese are there in Canada? - 10 What is the difference between diocese and parish? How many diocese are in Pennsylvania? Following a grand jury investigation that outlined decades of alleged child abuse and cover-ups by authorities in six of Pennsylvania’s eight Catholic dioceses, the decision was made more than a year ago. How many diocese are there in the Catholic Church? As of April 2020, there are 2,898 regular dioceses in the Catholic Church, including 1 pope see, 9 patriarchates, 4 major archdioceses, 560 metropolitan archdioceses, 76 single archdioceses, and 2,248 dioceses across the world. There is also a single archdiocese in the Philippines. How many parishes are in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia? There will be 219 parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia when the mergers are completed and put into effect. How many Catholic parishes are there in Philadelphia? Peter Paul is a well-known figure in the church. A total of more than 200 churches are located within the archdiocese, which is split administratively into four episcopal districts, each of which is headed by an auxiliary bishop, and twelve deaneries. The Archbishop of Philadelphia is in charge of the whole archdiocese and has broad authority over it. Where is Bishop John Barres? He was born on September 20, 1960, in Brooklyn, New York, and has served as the Bishop of Rockville Centre, New York, since January 2017. He was formerly the Bishop of New York City’s Queensborough neighborhood. What is a group of parishes called? It is possible to put parishes together into deaneries, or to form vicariates forane (or just vicariates), which are administered by deans, vicars foranse (or simply vicariates), or in some situations, by archpriests. diocese | d-ss, -ss, -sz dioceses d-ss, -sz dioceses d-ss, d-sz dioceses d-ss, d-sz dioceses d-sz dioceses d-sz dioceses d-sz dioceses d-sz dioceses d-sz dioceses Who is the bishop of Fairfield County? There are around 460,000 registered Catholics in Fairfield County, Connecticut, which accounts for 51 percent of the county’s total population, according to the Diocese of Bridgeport. Bishop Frank Joseph Caggiano is the fifth and current Bishop of our diocese. How many Catholic diocese are there in Canada? In Canada, there are 73 dioceses and around 7,000 priests. Between 15 and 25% of Catholics in Canada attend Mass on a typical Sunday, according to the Catholic Church (15 per cent weekly attenders and another nine per cent monthly). What is the difference between diocese and parish? Every diocese is split into separate sections, which are collectively referred to as parishes. 1. A parish is a group of Christ’s faithful who have committed the pastoral care of their community to a Parish Priest. In the course of his duties, the Parish Priest is bound by the authority of the Bishop of the diocese where he serves.
History of Wild Europe – key events Although originally founded in 2005, Wild Europe was formally recognised in an EU Parliamentary Resolution passed in February 2009, but 538 votes to 19. This provided 24 recommendations for improved protection, promotion and funding. The Resolution was followed three months later in May 2009 by a European Commission Presidency conference on wilderness, organized by Wild Europe and held in Prague. The 235 participants produced a strategy document – the Message from Prague – which also produced 24 recommendations, echoing many aspects from the EU Parliament Resolution. In November 2010 a second European Commission Presidency conference, again organized by Wild Europe took place in Brussels. This produced a strategy for restoration of large ecosystem areas or wilderness. Almost exactly three years after the 2009 Prague conference, PAN Parks Foundation with Wild Europe organized ’Protecting Wilderness in Europe’, a Forum at the EU Parliament to take stock of achievements and plan next steps. This was followed in October 2014 by a wilderness related programme at Forum 2000 in Prague, which reviewed progress since 2009. Headed up by a video message from His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, this was a testament to Vaclav Havel and took as its theme how wilderness as an established element of land use of crucial value to contemporary society.
FELDENKRAIS METHOD“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself” — Moshe Feldenkrais. The Feldenkrais Method is recognised for its demonstrated ability to improve posture, flexibility, coordination, self-image and to alleviate muscular tension and pain. The effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method is in its ability to access the nervous system’s own innate processes to change and refine functioning. Feldenkrais is based on principles of physics, biomechanics and a complete understanding of human development. As a form of somatic education, the Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning. This allows increased ease and range of motion, improved flexibility and coordination, and a re-discovery of efficient, graceful movement. “Functional Integration” movements are tailored to each person’s individual learning needs. The person remains fully clothed, usually lying on a table or sitting or standing in certain positions which are sometimes supported by various props such as pillows, rollers or blankets. This hands-on form of kinesthetic communication conveys the experience of comfort, pleasure and ease of movement as the person learns how to reorganize their body and behavior in new and more expanded functional motor patterns. TAI QI It is increasingly being recognized that regular exercise reduces pain, fatigue, and depression, especially through the ancient art of Tai Qi. Tai Qi integrates mental and physical exercises to achieve a more complete, in-depth solution to the problems facing sufferers of arthritis and osteoarthritis. Gentle stretching and strengthening movements, exercises to increase the joints’ range-of motion, cardiovascular work, in conjunction with mental exercises. YOGA includes physical movement, and certain lifestyle practices. Training your mind, body, and breath correctly is fundamental. The physical part of the yoga lifestyle is called hatha yoga. Hatha yoga focuses on poses. A person who practices yoga goes through a series of specific poses while controlling his or her breathing. Some types of yoga also involve meditation and chanting. It can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina. In addition, many people who practice yoga say that it reduces anxiety and stress, improves mental clarity, and even helps them sleep better.
If your child has sensory issues, ADHD, or difficulty calming down, a sensory bottle may help. In fact, sensory bottles are proven to be helpful for everyone – children and adults included. If your child has ever made or played with a sensory bottle, you might have been surprised with how captivated they were by something that doesn’t outwardly seem particularly stimulating. This is because of the sensory component of this type of play – most children find it difficult to explain or express to others when their sensory needs are not being met, so when they find something that fills this void, they feel compelled to stay focused on it. Basically, sensory play is a child’s way of discovering, exploring and making sense of the world. Sensory bottles are particularly calming to children (and even adults!) who suffer from varying degrees of anxiety – the slow moving objects inside the bottle encourage mindfulness and focus, and captivate the mind enough to allow any other worries to fall by the wayside for the time being. If your child is overwhelmed by sensory input, a sensory bottle may help. It’s a tool that can help kids self-regulate. You may also hear it referred to as a sensory tube. The great thing about a sensory bottle is that it’s a peaceful object your child can focus on, play with and be distracted by – and there are all different kinds of sensory bottles to capture their attention. Even the act of making the sensory bottles can help your child develop their fine motor and sensory skills, by picking up and selecting small objects to be placed inside. A sensory bottle can be any type of sealable container filled with a base like water, glitter or glue with different type of objects inside to keep your child engaged, but we’ve chosen our favourite glitter sensory bottle tor you to make at home. What You’ll Need What To Do This type of sparkly sensory bottle is easy to make and is sure to delight any child. It provides some visual calm and comfort for your child when they shake it or turn it around in their hands. Plus, it can be tailored to your child’s interests to make it more appealing! If you’re looking for more ways to help your child develop their sensory and fine motor skills, why not try our recipe for playdough, or our make at home finger paint? Or maybe music is more up their alley?
by Evan Landis, PE, Chrystal Chern, and Anthony J. Nicastro, PE Fenestration products come in a wide variety of forms, ranging from window units manufactured in a production facility to custom ‘stick-built’ curtain wall products that are assembled in the field. Each fenestration component provided for a project is required to meet performance requirements set forth by the specifications. Conducting quality control (QC) testing of installed fenestration products while construction is ongoing helps limit the potential for performance issues after the building is occupied. By following a very carefully developed testing program, project teams are able to check the submitted and installed product meets the project-specific performance requirements. The architecture, engineering, and construction industry relies on the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) for fenestration guidelines regarding product ratings for anticipated performance, installation and integration with adjacent assemblies, and field-testing methods and procedures. AAMA’s constituency includes manufacturers, suppliers, testing laboratories, and related professionals; its advice is often collected into consensus-based standards meant for industry reference and guidance. AAMA produces a wide variety of standards—this article highlights some that address QC field-testing intended to verify fenestration performance for new construction projects. Selecting a QC testing program suitable for a project, and then accurately incorporating it into the project specifications to include AAMA standards, can be a daunting and potentially confusing task. Testing incurs a cost, so sample size and rigor should be not only founded on sound industry guidance and practice, but also thoughtfully balanced for the project’s scale and complexity. A poorly defined or insufficiently thorough testing program can leave the installation unchecked and potentially allow performance issues to remain undetected during the construction process. Problems may then be discovered after occupancy, when the expense and disruption of necessary remedial repairs are elevated. A well-defined and executed quality control testing program for fenestration allows project teams to verify the performance of selected products and have reasonable confidence the installed work completed during ‘production mode’ meets project requirements. This article outlines applicable standards for: This article does not address diagnostic testing of new or existing windows with leakage issues, to which AAMA 511, Voluntary Guideline for Forensic Water Penetration Testing of Fenestration Products, and ASTM E2128, Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls, apply. While this article addresses testing programs set forth by AAMA, the design team may choose to specify quality control testing using the applicable testing standards from ASTM instead. A testing program built around those standards may include different test pressures desired by the specifier, but development of such a program requires careful attention to specification language to ensure testing requirements are clear. Industry guidance and standards In general, testing standards for field quality control are divided by product type and testing of new or existing fenestrations. For new construction projects, the following are applicable: AAMA 101, North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights, establishes performance levels for windows, doors, and unit skylights (it excludes curtain wall and storefront products) and describes means of testing and rating in a laboratory setting. (For the purpose of clarity, this article omits discussion of unit skylights.) Based on the anticipated use and corresponding performance expectations, windows and doors are generally qualified by one of four Performance Classes: AAMA 101 describes gateway requirements for Performance Grades (PGs) such as design, structural test, and water penetration resistance test pressures for each Performance Class. Window and door products are also designated by optional Performance Grades that exceed the gateway requirements and include an increased design pressure in 240-Pa (5-lb/sf) increments. AAMA 502, Voluntary Specification for Field-testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products, provides recommendations for field verification testing of window and door products for air leakage and water penetration resistance. The test includes a chamber sealed to a window or door specimen that is used to apply a differential pressure across the fenestration assembly (Figure 1). This is sometimes referred to as ‘chamber testing.’ AAMA 502 includes applicable ASTM standards by reference. The first is ASTM E783, Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors, which provides information regarding test apparatus setup, component calibration, test execution, and calculation of results for air infiltration resistance testing (Figure 2). The other, ASTM E1105, Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Air Pressure Difference, offers information regarding setup of the test apparatus, calibration of components, and execution of water penetration resistance testing (Figure 3). ASTM E1105 includes two test procedures. Procedure A conducts the test under uniform and constant differential pressure for a 15-minute duration, whereas Procedure B conducts the test in five-minute cycles with a one-minute period of zero pressure after each cycle. (Selection of the most appropriate procedure based on fenestration type is described later in this article.) AAMA 503, Voluntary Specification for Field-testing Newly Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems, is similar to AAMA 502 in that it includes field verification testing of fenestration products for air leakage and water penetration resistance. However, in this case, the standard is specific to engineered products not governed by AAMA 101, such as curtain walls, storefronts, and sloped glazing systems. AAMA 503 also includes ASTM E783 and ASTM E1105 by reference. AAMA 501.2, Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems, is a test procedure intended to evaluate the performance of system components intended to be watertight through use of a calibrated nozzle to apply a stream of water onto fenestration components (Figure 4). This type of testing is sometimes referred to as ‘nozzle testing.’ However, it is not appropriate for windows, doors, or operable vents glazed into curtain wall or storefront systems that have an AAMA Performance Class rating. Specifying a program for new construction For most new construction projects, the designer produces contract documents that include a specification section for each fenestration type being used on the project. For example, a specifier may select a window product of appropriate Performance Class and Grade to meet the project performance requirements, including design wind pressures, water penetration resistance, and allowable air leakage. Window specifications should require a minimum Performance Class and Grade for each window system based on the AAMA 101 rating system once the design loads are determined based on American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (e.g. by analytical design or wind-tunnel procedure). The minimum PG-rated pressure must be greater than the code-required design pressure. However, selecting a product exceeding the code minimum requirements in PG may help a specifier achieve higher performance levels in categories such as water penetration resistance, when project performance expectations are elevated and tolerance for water leakage is low. For simplicity, designers often specify the same optional PG for all windows on a project, based on the most conservative value corresponding to the area of the highest exposure and wind pressure. Performance Class and Grade affect how the windows are tested in the field, including test pressures and test types. For engineered fenestration products, the specifications can include a performance-based or product-based specification. The former should list all performance requirements required to be met by the provided fenestration system (e.g. structural design pressures, deflection limitations, air infiltration, and water penetration resistance). The provided parameters will be used by the engineer or manufacturer during design or selection of the fenestration system. If using a product-based specification, the architect should include a basis of design product in the specifications that meets the project’s performance requirements. This specified system will be used as the basis for evaluating alternative fenestration systems, if submitted by the contractor. Field quality control most often includes air infiltration and water penetration resistance tests. Specification sections should include a total number of water penetration resistance and air infiltration resistance tests that must be successful, as well as clarify who is responsible for testing and costs. Typically, an independent third party is hired to conduct testing. Picking an appropriate field-testing sample size is an important step to learning enough about product performance to understand the likelihood of success while minimizing cost impact to the project. AAMA provides guidelines for how to specify a sample size. The guidelines from each standard are summarized below. AAMA 502 lists three tests as the default quantity, but states the amount of testing can increase or decrease depending on project size and allowable budget for testing. AAMA 502 references ASTM E122, Standard Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, with Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or Process, for additional guidance on establishing the required number of tests. AAMA 503 provides a single 9.3-m2 (100-sf) test area as the default specimen, noting it should “include perimeter seals, typical splices, frame intersections, and, if applicable, at least two entire vision lites and two entire spandrel lites containing an intermediate vertical and an intermediate horizontal.” AAMA 503 again states the specimen size depends on the project size and allowable budget for testing. It references ASTM E122 for additional guidance on establishing the required number of tests. AAMA 501.2 lists a 9.3-m2 (100-sf) test area as the minimum, stating it must include “perimeter caulking, typical splices, frame intersection, and if applicable, at least two entire vision lites and two entire spandrel lites containing an intermediate vertical member and an intermediate horizontal member.” Sample size should also consider the variety of fenestration types. In the experience of this article’s authors, sample sizes may range from one percent for commercial projects with repetitive window types to approximately four or five percent for a smaller project with more unique fenestration types or configurations. On average, typical test programs may include: For small projects, AAMA’s prescribed minimums may control the sample size. If possible, the testing sample should incorporate multiple window types, configurations, and installation conditions; it should occur at regular intervals to verify workmanship quality remains consistent throughout the project. Both AAMA 502 and 503 recommend conducting testing as soon as feasible, and at five, 50, and 90 percent completion. Performing testing as soon as feasible helps the project team understand initial performance of the fenestration product prior to wholesale installation (preferably via a mockup before product is delivered to the site). Likewise, testing throughout installation is needed to ensure installation quality remains constant. Test procedures are contained in each AAMA standard. Specifiers must be diligent in specifying the correct standard for a given product, and select procedures based on product type. Both AAMA 502 and 503 reference ASTM E783 for air-infiltration testing using static air pressure difference, and ASTM E1105 for resistance to water penetration using static air pressure difference. Wherever possible, specifiers should endeavor to use current industry standards and avoid referencing specific revisions of the standards (e.g. AAMA 502-08) to prevent potential confusion from changes between the superseded standard and the active one. For example, ASTM E1105 describes two procedures for water testing. Procedure A uses a uniform static air pressure difference, and Procedure B employs a cyclic static air pressure difference. Specifiers often confuse Procedure A and B, as described in ASTM E1105, with Method A and B from a superseded version of AAMA 502. Method A and B described in previous versions of AAMA 502 (i.e. 2002 and earlier) prescribe two different ways of constructing the test pressure chamber. Method A omitted the perimeter sealant joint around the fenestration product from the test chamber, whereas Method B includes the perimeter seal within the chamber. Method A was eliminated in the 2008 revision, and Method B is the only remaining option. Specifiers should select the desired ASTM E1105 procedure, A or B, based on AAMA guidelines. AAMA 502 Paragraph 5.3 requires Procedure B, “cyclic static air pressure difference,” except for AW windows, which should be tested using Procedure A, “uniform static air pressure difference.” AAMA 503 Paragraph 4.3 requires Procedure A for all tests. Fenestration assemblies including multiple products in one assembly may require the specification of multiple AAMA standards or procedures appropriate for each product in the assembly. For instance, AAMA 501.2 is appropriate for curtain wall mullion testing, but is inappropriate for operable vents set within the curtain wall framing. For curtain walls with operable vents, specifiers should reference AAMA 501.2 or AAMA 503 for the curtain wall, but AAMA 502 for the operable vent. The fixed curtain wall and the operable vent may also have separate performance requirements, which should be clearly outlined in the specification’s testing procedure section. Specifications should outline pressures appropriate for each product’s anticipated performance. AAMA provides guidelines for both air infiltration testing and water penetration resistance testing. Air infiltration test pressure and air leakage rates For air infiltration testing of fenestrations, AAMA 502 requires the field-test pressure for air leakage resistance be equivalent to the test pressure originally used in the laboratory to test the product or achieve a laboratory performance rating according to AAMA 101. Additionally, AAMA 502 requires air leakage testing to be conducted at a minimum uniform static test pressure of 75 Pa (1.6 psf), or as specified for the project, but the test pressure is not to exceed 300 Pa (6.2 psf). Air-leakage rates for field-testing are allowed to be 1.5 times the rate for the applicable product type and Performance Class unless otherwise specified. AAMA 503, which describes testing for curtain wall and storefronts, provides an optional air leakage test with the same guidelines for minimum and maximum static test pressures as those required by AAMA 502. AAMA 503 states the field-test pressure shall be tested at a minimum 1.6 psf or as specified, but not to exceed 6.2 psf. The allowable air leakage rates for field-testing shall not exceed the greater of 1.5 times the project specified rate or 0.5 L/s-m2 (0.09 cfm/sf). Air infiltration testing is only appropriate for discrete curtain walls or storefronts, as air leakage testing is not feasible for continuous curtain walls where test areas not easily compartmentalized (i.e. continuous mullions or frame elements extend beyond the test area and allow uncontrolled airflow, making accurate measurement of air leakage through the assembly impractical). Water resistance testing pressure AAMA 502 requires the test pressure of the water penetration resistance chamber to be conducted at a static test pressure equal to two-thirds of the tested and rated laboratory performance test pressure, as indicated by the applicable product designation in AAMA 101, unless otherwise specified by the design team. The one-third reduction in test pressure is often perceived as an allowance for imperfections of field construction, while still within tolerances, versus testing conducted in a laboratory setting. If ASTM E1105 is specified rather than AAMA 502, the one-third reduction in pressure stipulated by AAMA is not applicable unless specficially addressed otherwise in the project specifications. AAMA 503 similarly stipulates water penetration resistance tests at a static pressure of two-thirds the specified project water penetration test pressure, but not less than 200 Pa (4.18 psf). If a specification omits a test pressure, AAMA 503 requires testing be conducted at 20 percent of the positive design wind load multiplied by 0.667, unless otherwise specified by the design team. AAMA 501.2 requires the water pressure at the nozzle inlet be between 205 and 240 kPa (30 and 35 psi), and notes the pressure may be as low as 170 kPa (25 psi)—provided this is approved by the specifier and the exception is noted in the test report. In Section, AAMA 101 states “For U.S. applications, the water penetration resistance test pressure for all products is never more than 580 Pa (~12.11 psf).” By some specific interpretations, the lab test pressure for product rating per AAMA 101 (i.e. the product’s Performance Class and Grade) may be capped at 580 Pa (12.11 psf), and the field-test pressure reduction prescribed by AAMA 502 still taken. The outcome of the quality control testing is either pass or fail: if the measured air infiltration rate is less than the specified threshold, the product passes. For water-penetration-resistance testing, specifications often require that testing produce no uncontrolled leakage at the given test pressure. However, the outcome of testing is often subject to debate because ‘leakage’ is poorly defined. Pass/fail criteria and a leakage definition must be clear in the specifications to limit the potential for situations requiring further interpretation. Specifiers have freedom to define pass/fail criteria to meet their expectations, while design professionals use multiple definitions for water leakage. AAMA 502 defines water leakage as: the penetration of uncontrolled water beyond a plane parallel to the innermost edges of the product and that indisputably originates from the fenestration product. AAMA 503, on the other hand, defines it as: water that is not contained in an area with provisions to drain to the exterior or the collection of more than 0.5 oz. [14 g] of water during the 15 min. test period on top of an interior horizontal framing member surface. Any water present shall not extend beyond a plane parallel to the glazing intersecting the innermost projection of the test specimen, not including interior trim and hardware, under the specified conditions of air pressure difference across the specimen. Figure 5 shows the test. AAMA 501.2 defines water leakage as: any uncontrolled water that appears on any normally exposed interior surfaces, this is not contained or drained back to the exterior, or that can cause damage to adjacent materials or finishes. Water contained within drained flashing, gutters, and sills is not considered water leakage. The collection of up to 0.5 oz [14 g] of water in a five-minute test period on top of an interior stop of stool integral with the system shall not be considered water leakage. AAMA 502 allows for collection of water on horizontal surfaces of the window assembly as long as the water does not flow over the edge of the surface onto interior finishes, whereas AAMA 503 and 501.2 limit the amount of water that collects on horizontal surfaces to 14 g (0.5 oz). Despite these definitions, end-users and owners may object to water that collects on interior surfaces of the fenestration product. The project team should discuss the ‘leakage’ definition during the drafting of the specifications to ensure the included definition meets the project team’s expectations. Consequences of failure Should a failure occur, AAMA 502 and 503 require forensic testing methods to follow AAMA 511, which references ASTM E2128. AAMA 502.1 requires the contractor implement a repair that is acceptable to the architect and/or owner’s representative and retest the location to ensure the repair is effective. If the remedial repair is not effective, the contractor must provide repairs and retest until the test results are satisfactory. AAMA 502 and 503 do not provide guidance as to what is required once the point of leakage is determined. Commonly, the contractor may propose a repair (either local or systemic depending on the nature of the failure), and retest the fenestration after repair to verify its efficacy. For each unsuccessful test, there should also be an additional test on another similar fenestration specimen to check whether the failure is applicable to multiple fenestrations on the project or only an isolated defect. Stipulating this progressive means of testing after failure increases the likelihood of identifying a systemic issue if it exists. Quality control testing programs help owners validate installed fenestration assemblies before accepting the installation of an approved product on the building. A testing program can range in size and scope, but AAMA establishes minimum guidelines. Prudent owners and architects can use these guidelines to set forth testing requirements through project specifications, and then implement testing to understand the submitted and installed product’s performance relative to expectations. Validating the initial installation is critical. It can alert the project team to performance issues early in the installation process, allowing for corrections to be made and limiting the potential for rework of fenestration units already installed. Once the project team is comfortable with the initial installation a well-devised testing program that includes periodic testing throughout construction will help ensure that installation quality remains constant. The testing program must also provide clear direction regarding number of tests, test parameters, and pass/fail criteria to prevent confusion during the construction period. Clear provisions for testing and execution in the field can help the project achieve successful installations.
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Many conservatives have rejected Trump on the ground that he is not a conservative. But what is conservatism? Is it merely a doctrine, or even a dogma, to be upheld intellectually, as the antidote to liberalism? Or is it the political defense of a certain way of life that derives much of its authority from the past? If conservatism means anything, it must require a defense of the good as established by a tradition that has preserved the best of the past. At its political peak, it came to be understood in terms of the traditional defense of civil and religious liberty. That is what the American Founders and Lincoln understood constitutionalism to be. Yet modern Progressivism is established upon a rejection of the good of the past. And it has established the intellectual and political ground of both liberalism and conservativism. It is not surprising that many now wonder if they can conserve anything meaningful from the past, including constitutional government itself. They have experienced the wholesale destruction of the regime of civil and religious liberty; one that was built upon a moral tradition that was established in the course of a two-thousand-year-old civilization. It may still be possible to preserve a conservative doctrine, but it is not unreasonable to ask whether it is possible to live a traditional or conservative life. In reality, it is the traditional moral and political defense of civil and religious liberty that has been undermined by liberalism. American citizens, who want to live by the virtues established by that tradition, have no real public means of defending their way of life. The Washington elites have succeeded in transforming the moral foundations of contemporary political and social life behind the backs of the American people, and without their consent. Many conservatives have rejected Trump on the ground that he is not a conservative. But what is conservatism? By mobilizing a constituency outside of and against the Washington establishment, Trump seized the opportunity to revitalize politics in a manner that may, at least potentially, make a revival of the political separation of powers possible. The administrative state had concentrated all economic, social, and political power in the central institutions of government. Trump sought to bypass the organized interests in order to make a direct political appeal to the electorate—one that would have been difficult for anyone from within the Washington policymaking establishment to make. Politicians have had to appeal indirectly to the organized interests, and to the centralized media, not to or on behalf of the political constituencies themselves. The representatives of organized and centralized interests, and the media, had become the mediators between government and the people—but the brusque Trump cut through that layer. Because the political representatives have represented organized public and private interests en masse, it has been difficult to establish a governing coalition on behalf of a public interest. Modern professional elections have exacerbated the problem by dividing the electorate and appealing to discrete demographic groups. Nonetheless, the officeholders have alienated themselves from the political electorate. Under these circumstances, the Washington establishment itself became a political target. Only an outsider could have benefitedfrom the hostility of the American electorate and their acute awareness that the federal government was no longer able to pursue, let alone establish, a political common good. Trump seized the opportunity to revitalize politics in a manner that may, at least potentially, make a revival of the political separation of powers possible. Trump was unable to unite his party after the nomination. And he was unable to do so after the election. Indeed, after nearly a year in office, his support within his own party remained lukewarm at best. That has made it difficult for Republican candidates to embrace Trump, thereby depriving them of the energy of potential Trump voters. And it has made it difficult to expand his own base. In addition, that lost year makes the midterm election more difficult than what is normally a difficult first appeal to the electorate after being elected. Will candidates embrace Trump? Will Trump campaign on behalf of those bold enough tosupport him? Must he recruit wholly new candidates in states that are sympathetic to Trump but have representatives who are not? Are there still forces in society and the electorate that remain hidden or unforeseen? If so, he has the opportunity to establish a new political landscape, one that is not yet recognizable. There is little question that the new partisanship he has brought to bear will be at odds with many of the organized interests in Washington. It goes without saying thatthose interests will defend themselves and their alliances with the oldpolitical elites, the organized interests, and the bureaucracy. Nonetheless, Trump must establish a governing coalition, and this requires the cooperation of a legislature that has been the anchor of the administrative state. He does benefit from one major asset: the political electorate he has mobilized. He will likely enjoy greater flexibility in dealing with Congress if his policies begin to work and are recognized as beneficial. He cannot count on establishment generosity in terms of mobilizing public opinion on his behalf. That hostility will cease only if he succeeds politically. If that happens, he may well bargain with members of Congress in both parties, establishing a governing coalition on a new ground of partisanship not yet visible. The field is open for him to lay the groundwork for a political realignment, perhaps of a magnitude not seen since FDR. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that Donald Trump can or will prevail against the organized forces that inhabit the administrative state. The great difficulty Trump faces is the lack of respectable intellectual defenders, those who help shape and inform public opinion. As a Republican, he could have expected support from leading conservative intellectuals. It has not been forthcoming. Before he was elected, many conservatives attacked Trump because he was not a conservative. Yet, after nearly a year in office, he seems to have done what conservatives have advocated for years. Despite this accomplishment, many conservative pundits have failed to acknowledge this success. It is as though the fake, unqualified Trump is still more real in the minds of those who oppose him than the real Trump and his actual accomplishments. If he is not judged by what he has done, it is almost impossible to assess factual reality as it relates to Trump. It is not surprising that those who see Trump in terms of his personality, rather than his politics, judge him personally and not politically. Even after a year in office, many of the opinion leaders, liberal and conservative, have denied the legitimacy of Trump’s election despite the judgment of the electorate. Although they have not sought to undermine the election by turning from ballots to bullets, they have substituted words, or volatile rhetoric, as a means to accomplish that task. Trump may or may not succeed in transforming the landscape of American politics in a manner that makes it possible to reestablish political rule once again. All of those who have a stake in preserving Washington as it now exists are his enemies. The public that is drawn to him is almost wholly unorganized. The ability of the established order to manipulate and control public opinion rests on the authority and respectability of the social, economic, and political elites, nearly all of whom oppose Trump. Trump has built his constituency in opposition to those elites who have denied his legitimacy as president. He has denied that the press and media, which establishes the medium that links the government to its people, fairly and accurately portrays the reality of Washington to those outside of it. He is the first president to vigorously contest the motives and the objectivity of the press, even in terms of presenting simple factual information without bias. He decries fake news and creates his own method of communicating with his constituency. It is as though the fake, unqualified Trump is still more real in the minds of those who oppose him than the real Trump and his actual accomplishments. His success thus far has revealed the need to restore the political rule of the people as a whole. To do so, American public opinion must be reflected in the creation and mobilization of national political majorities. Constitutional government is not possible in the absence of the mobilization of such majorities. They are indispensable for establishing the legitimacy of law in a manner compatible with the rule of law and the common good. That requires revitalizing the meaning of citizenship and reaffirming the sovereignty of the people and the nation. It also requires restoring the link between the people and the political branches of the government, so that both can become the defenders of the Constitution as well as the country that has made it essential to its political existence. Trump assumed the presidency directly after Barack Obama had succeeded in strengthening the power and reach of the administrative state. Trump questioned not only the legacy of Obama, but the whole of the Washington establishment that had arisen since the end of the Cold War. It seems that at every important juncture in the growth of the modern state, there have been those who have questioned the expansion of the powers of the administrative or regulatory state. In those perilous days of the 1930s, when contending ideologies “were fighting for the mastery of the modern world,” Walter Lippmann, in The Good Society, expressed his fear of the growing concentration of power in government. He focused his criticism on those Progressive intellectuals who had developed great contempt for the achievements of the past. In that time, he noted, “Most men had forgotten the labors that had made them prosperous, the struggles that had made them free, the victories that had given them peace. They took for granted, like the oxygen they breathed and the solid ground beneath their feet, the first and last things of Western civilization.” In the aftermath of the Cold War, the victorious nations of the West seemed also to have forgotten the struggles of the past. They embarked upon a new, wholly self-created world oblivious of history and political reality itself. Trump has built his constituency in opposition to those elites who have denied his legitimacy as president. That intellectual turmoil, Lippmann thought, “reflected the fact that in the modern world there is a great schism: those who seek to improve the lot of mankind believe they must undo the work of their predecessors. Everywhere the movements which bid for men’s allegiance are hostile to the movements in which men struggled to be free.” In such circumstances, the practice of politics soon succumbed to the delusions of the intellectuals. In Lippmann’s words, “With man degraded to a bundle of conditioned reflexes, there was no measure of anything in human affairs: all the landmarks of judgment were gone and there remained only an aimless and turbulent moral relativity. . . . All the diverse prophets who knew the noble plan of realized reason in world history developed a magnificent contempt for any idea which, because it respected the inviolability of the individual, might justify resistance to these missions.” All that remains is the triumph of will. Amid the moral confusion and intellectual chaos of that day, all that remained was contempt for “the inviolability of the individual.” Lippmann insisted that “these are the choices offered by the influential doctrines of the contemporary world. Those who would be loyal to the achievements of the past are in general disposed to be fatally complacent about the present, and those who have plans for the future are prepared to disown the heroic past.” He was aware that the defense of freedom was indistinguishable from the defense of constitutionalism, which required the protection of individual rights and the rule of law. In the end, Lippmann understood the fateful choice of Western man in the following way: “But still the question remained as to where, at what final rampart, a man must stand when he fights for human freedom. I could see that in the polity of a free society the regulation of human affairs was achieved by the definition and the adjudication of personal rights and duties, whereas in all unfree societies it was done by administration from above.” Is it possible to retain individual freedom in the absence of political, or constitutional, rule? If the people are to understand themselves as sovereign, they must reestablish the political authority of the Constitution in a manner that makes it possible to restore the moral ground of civil and religious liberty. A government that does not recognize the sovereignty of the people cannot defend the rights of individuals in a constitutional manner. A constitution is a compact of the people, and the government is created on its behalf. The people grant it power, but only the constitution can establish limits on the power of government. In the modern administrative state, the power of government is unlimited, and the rights of citizens, and the rule of law itself, rests on a precarious ground. For if the government alone creates and confers rights, the Constitution can no longer limit the power of government, nor can it protect the civil and religious liberty of its citizens. It is still possible to reestablish limits on government, but only by restoring the political conditions of constitutionalism.
Images: Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) The GOES-R Series Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) instrument monitors the sun in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelength range. By observing the sun, SUVI compiles full disk solar images around the clock. SUVI observes and characterizes complex active regions of the sun, solar flares, and the eruptions of solar filaments which may give rise to coronal mass ejections. SUVI observations of solar flares and solar eruptions provide an early warning of possible impacts to Earth’s space environment and enable better forecasting of potentially disruptive events on the ground.
Genetic Analysis of Cell-type Proportioning in Dictyostelium Dictyostelium discoideum is a soil amoeba which undergoes a simple multicellular development resulting in a fruiting body consisting of spores held atop a cellular stalk. The proportioning mechanism that establishes the ratio of prestalk to prespore cells in Dictyostelium is robust. The proper ratio of cell types is maintained in the migrating slug: if part of the slug is removed or destroyed, the remaining cells are able to re-establish the proper cell-type proportions. In this way, the development of this simple soil amoeba recapitulates several crucial aspects of the regulative development of vertebrate embryos. We are using molecular genetic analyses to dissect the proportioning mechanisms of this system in the hope of uncovering general principles by which groups of cells operate to organize themselves into tissues. Genetic screens are being used to identify genes which control the prespore/prestalk ratio. Random plasmid insertion mutations are being screened for alterations in this early proportioning mechanism. In one screen, mutations are being generated in a strain that arrests development just after the time of the initial prepsore/prestalk divergence, and which contains a green fluorescent protein marker gene which is expressed specifically in prestalk cells. This allows a direct visual screen, in live cells, for alterations in cell-type proportioning. Members of a membrane transporter gene family suspected of being involved in the proportioning process are also being investigated. The mdrA gene, a close homolog of the human multiple drug resistance transporter genes, has been cloned and deleted from the Dictyostelium genome. The developmental consequences of this mutation are being investigated.
Self-reflection on results from the Enneagram test Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis After taking the Enneagram Personality assessment, I found out that I was a type 1. Type 1 is the reformer, high in orderliness, and can also be called the idealistic type. People in this category are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionists. Type ones have a really good sense or right and wrong and are afraid of making a mistake as they try to maintain higher standards. After looking over what type ones are like, I feel as though it describes me pretty well. The description of type one says that a type one person has a basic fear of being defective or corrupt, and this truly relates to me. I always fear that people see me as odd and defective, like I’m dumb and don’t understand certain things. This is truly a fear because I want people to see me as a whole human being who is good and helpful, not someone who corrupt, only wanting attention or power, and definitely not someone who is defective and can’t be loved or taught anything. The basic desire for type on is to be good, to be balanced, and to have integrity. I really do feel the desire to be balanced. I want a balance in all parts of my life. I want to be nice, but I don’t want to let people walk all over me. I want to learn and go to school, but I also want a fun social life. One thing that stuck out to me about type one’s is that they always want to be right. I do not find that I always want to be right. The description of type one makes it seem as though type one’s throw fits if they are not right, which I do not believe to be true to me. Type one’s also feel the need to justify themselves. I feel like this really fits me because I always feel that I need to explain to everyone why I do what I do or why I say what I say. In the description of type one, reformers are seen by others as self- controlled and rigid while type one’s themselves as holding in their feelings for good reasons. I never really thought of myself as someone who seems rigid, but when I look at how I act around my friends and classmates, I do see how I could come off as rigid, because I don’t like to show my feelings as I don’t want to anger anyone, make someone feel bad, and I don’t want to look like I do not have self-control. I am at an average level for health, which means that I am at a level 4, 5 or 6 for type one. Those levels show that one’s at an average health are dissatisfied with reality, afraid of making mistakes, and highly critical of themselves and others. I feel like this really does not relate to me, but I can see how I could be at an average level someway. I am very afraid of making mistakes which is at an average level 5. I don’t want to make a mistake and look bad or hurt someone from my mistakes, which does affect how I live my life. Since I am afraid of making mistakes, I work extra hard to be careful and think hard about decisions so that I don’t make a mistake My highest results for the Enneagram test were orderliness and helpfulness. I believe that high orderliness is beneficial in nursing. Having high orderliness for me means that everything has a place and a time. In nursing, it means that I would have all of my patients in order, know who to go see first and when, and would be able to help other nurses organize if they need help. I remember being told that nurses in an ICU setting need to be organized and now I know that my personality type fits with the type of nurse I want to be, NICU. I believe that my high score of helpfulness can be both beneficial and harmful in nursing. I feel like that for me, if being helpful is part of my life and I always want to help people and allow myself to be pushed around if I believe that I am helping someone. I think this can be harmful as a nurse because I will help other nurses with stuff they need to get done, let them push me around, when I don’t have enough time. This can be harmful to my patients and me because my patients don’t get my undivided attention like they should, and I could get burnt out really easily. I think that helpfulness can be beneficial as a nurse because nursing is all about caring for patients and trying to give them the best outcome possible. Being helpful means that I would be willing to go the extra mile to make them comfortable and get things they need. This is beneficial because the patients would trust me and know that I truly care about their outcome, which makes them more compliant when I need to do things like give them medicine or give them shots. This can also be good because then the other nurses and healthcare professionals know that I am willing to help them out if they need help and take my job seriously. My lowest results for the Enneagram test were intellectualism and aggressiveness. I think that my low scores can be both beneficial and harmful to my role as a nurse. Being low in aggressiveness as a nurse can be both a good and bad thing. I feel like being low in aggressive can be bad because I will just let other nurses, healthcare professionals, and patients push me around. I would not stand up for myself and be aggressive in trying to get the right treatment for a patient. I would not be able to stand up for my patient in front of a doctor which could harm my patient, or my patient could lose trust in me. Having low aggression could also be good because then I wouldn’t get mad at my patient for refusing to do something or not listening to me. My lowest score was intellectualism, and I feel like having low intellectualism can be both harmful and beneficial. Low intellectualism for me can be harmful because I do not seek to learn why something is right or wrong, I just accept that something is right or wrong. This can be a problem because I will know what to do for a patient who is going downhill, but I won’t question why I did what I did instead of doing something different. I just accept what I am taught and don’t try to figure out why it was taught that way. Low intellectualism can be beneficial for me because intellectual people tend to have problems with isolation, and I do not mind isolation. I believe that this is beneficial because I am okay working one on one with a patient or working on charting by myself. This is good for the patient because they get individualized care and their charts are up to date faster. Intellectualism, calmness, and aggressiveness are three scores that I should improve upon. I need to get better at being aggressive so that I don’t let people walk all over me. If I do not become more aggressive and I let other nurses, healthcare professionals, or patients walk over me, I will get my feelings hurt a lot, and I would burn out really quickly. To improve on my aggressiveness, I need to work on getting mad at people when they are rude to me, instead of making up excuses as to why they did what they did to me. I need to work on standing up for myself, starting with my family, and working up to classmates and friends. I need to start being more aggressive to be a better nurse. Another thing I need to work on is my intellectualism. I need to work on being more curious, especially in the nursing field. To do this, I am going to start asking questions and question why things are the way they are or why a certain procedure is done. I need to get myself more interested because this will help me be a better nurse. This will help me be a better nurse because then I will be able to explain to a patient why things are done, and it will help me understand what is going on more. The last thing I need to improve on is being calmer. I need to become calmer so that I can comfort patients and so that I don’t overwork myself and burn out. I need to be calmer so that my coworkers and patients want me to help them and want to work with me. To be calmer, I’m going to work on finding what makes me feel calm as well as work on taking deep breaths and not trying to control everything around me. After reading through the results of my Enneagram test, I have learned a lot about what I can do to improve my ability to communicate with patients. After reading about how people find that type one’s are highly self-controlled and rigid, I know that when I am with a patient, I need to be willing to show some sort of emotion. I need to be able to connect with a patient on an emotional level and to do that I need to be able to show emotion. I want my patients to be comfortable around me, and I know that it is hard to be comfortable around people who are ridged, so I need to learn to show more feelings, not just bottle them up. I feel like sometimes as a nurse it is a good thing to hide emotions and bottle them up when in front of a patient. So as a one, I believe the ability to bottle up and not show emotions can come in handy when a patient is having a bad day and is taking it out on the me. It gives me the ability to keep level headed and try to understand when the patient is coming from without taking what the patient says to heart. There are many ways that the results that I got from the Enneagram test will help me be able to work with other nurses and other healthcare professionals. My organizational skills will allow me to make sure all of my patients are where they need to be and have what they need. I will be able to organize things like physical therapy or respiratory therapy around the patients wants, the physician needs, and my schedule. This will make it easier on all other healthcare professionals because they don’t have to deal with clashing of schedules. Knowing my high score of helpfulness will help me to remember that I am always willing to help others. This will help me with other healthcare professionals because I will always try to help out my coworkers when they need help. I am willing to take on that extra responsibility if it helps some. I feel like this will let the people I work with know that I am serious about my job and care about others around me. It will let them know that they can always ask me if they need help.
Risky Behaviors Associated with ADHD Lauren Haack and Ashley Maliken This research update focuses on risky behaviors associated with ADHD and what can be done to help mitigate these potential risks. What is the connection between risk-taking and ADHD? The first paper reviews research focused on risk-taking behavior in adolescents and adults with ADHD, including the connection between risk-taking and ADHD, underlying factors explaining this connection, and treatment for risk-taking in individuals with ADHD. According to the review, ADHD can be related to a higher risk for dangerous driving, substance use, aggressive and criminal behavior, earlier and more unsafe sexual practices, gambling, financial problems, and unhealthy eating. Underlying factors which appear to (at least partially) explain the connection between risk-taking and ADHD include comorbid behavior disorders, sensation-seeking tendencies, executive functioning and decision-making difficulties, reluctance to invest effort in challenging tasks, peer pressure, and limited parental monitoring. Fortunately, evidence-based interventions appear promising for reducing risk-taking in adolescents and adults with ADHD. To begin, research to date suggests that stimulant medication may reduce the risk of substance use, driving accidents, conduct problems, crime, and aggression in individuals with ADHD. In addition, behavioral treatment appears to improve conduct problems in youth with ADHD. Finally, initial research suggests that a parent-teen driving intervention program modified for adolescents with ADHD may help encourage adolescent driving independence. Pollak, Y., Dekkers, T. J., Shoham, R., & Huizenga, H. M. (2019). Risk-Taking Behavior in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Review of Potential Underlying Mechanisms and of Interventions. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(5), 33. What increases the risk of self-injury in girls? How can we intervene? The second paper discussed factors that contribute to increased risk of nonsuicidal self-injurious (NSSI) behavior during preadolescence, which has been associated with ADHD. Risk factors identified include being female, impulsive, and being exposed to maltreatment during childhood. The authors highlight that despite the long-term mental and physical health risks associated with NSSI, and even with evidence-based treatments expanding for teens and young adults with similar problems, there are relatively few interventions specifically targeting preadolescents. This is partly due to difficulty identifying children who carry all three risk factors for NSSI. The authors go on to articulate key interventions that could be useful in both preventing and treating these risks in preadolescents. They emphasize the importance of preventive efforts given the neurobiology research, which demonstrates that early exposure to maltreatment can fundamentally alter neural systems over the lifespan. They suggest two primary avenues for intervention: with caregivers and with the youth themselves. Given that parents are the primary means through which children are socialized, especially prior to adolescence, helping parents be most effective at teaching and modeling emotion regulation, disciplining their children, and facilitating positive interactions is known to improve resilience in children. Various parent training programs have been shown to be effective at enhancing these exact skills (for example, The Incredible Years). Additionally, early intervention with youth who are showing symptoms of psychopathology and peer difficulties is key to preventing more severe symptoms later in adolescence. More specifically, providing intervention for difficulties in emotion regulation, rather than impulsivity, has been shown to be more effective, given that the former is more amenable to environmental influence.
River cruising along the Mekong will continue to take off, as more river cruise lines launch new ships. Companies like CroisiEurope, Avalon Waterways, Aqua Expeditions, APT, Haimark Travel and Scenic now have ships in the area. From Ho Chi Minh City, travellers can visit the Cu Chi Tunnels, the underground network used by the Viet Cong during the war. Guides offer background information before demonstrating how they hid from the American army. At the end of the tour there is a gun range, where travellers can trial weapons that were used during the war. Other popular Ho Chi Minh City attractions include the Notre Dame Cathedral, which showcases the European influences in Vietnam, and the National Museum of Vietnamese History featuring prehistoric artifacts and Han tombs. Nha Trang is a popular tourist destination famous for its beach. However, for those looking for something a little more cultural there’s the Stone Church, which stands 12 metres high and is influenced by Western architecture. Cruisers can also explore the Cho Dam Market for local foods and outfits. PLACES TO STAY Ho Chi Minh City has a number of four and four-and-a-half star hotels including big names such as the Pullman Saigon Centre, Sofitel Saigon Plaza and InterContinental Asiana Saigon. To spend a night like royalty, there is the castle-like Caravelle Saigon (formerly the Caravelle Hotel), a four-and-a-half star property with free high-speed internet, a pool, restaurant, fitness centre, hot tub and its own casino area.
Stevenson, R. (1911). "The Ideal House". Selected Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson (Lit2Go Edition). Retrieved May 18, 2022, from Two things are necessary in any neighbourhood where we propose to spend a life: a desert and some living water. There are many parts of the earth’s face which offer the necessary combination of a certain wildness with a kindly variety. A great prospect is desirable, but the want may be otherwise supplied; even greatness can be found on the small scale; for the mind and the eye measure differently. Bold rocks near hand are more inspiriting than distant Alps, and the thick fern upon a Surrey heath makes a fine forest for the imagination, and the dotted yew trees noble mountains. A Scottish moor with birches and firs grouped here and there upon a knoll, or one of those rocky seaside deserts of Provence overgrown with rosemary and thyme and smoking with aroma, are places where the mind is never weary. Forests, being more enclosed, are not at first sight so attractive, but they exercise a spell; they must, however, be diversified with either heath or rock, and are hardly to be considered perfect without conifers. Even sand–hills, with their intricate plan, and their gulls and rabbits, will stand well for the necessary desert. The house must be within hail of either a little river or the sea. A great river is more fit for poetry than to adorn a neighbourhood; its sweep of waters increases the scale of the scenery and the distance of one notable object from another; and a lively burn gives us, in the space of a few yards, a greater variety of promontory and islet, of cascade, shallow goil, and boiling pool, with answerable changes both of song and colour, than a navigable stream in many hundred miles. The fish, too, make a more considerable feature of the brookside, and the trout plumping in the shadow takes the ear. A stream should, besides, be narrow enough to cross, or the burn hard by a bridge, or we are at once shut out of Eden. The quantity of water need be of no concern, for the mind sets the scale, and can enjoy a Niagara Fall of thirty inches. Let us approve the singer of ‘Shallow rivers, by whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.’ If the sea is to be our ornamental water, choose an open seaboard with a heavy beat of surf; one much broken in outline, with small havens and dwarf headlands; if possible a few islets; and as a first necessity, rocks reaching out into deep water. Such a rock on a calm day is a better station than the top of Teneriffe or Chimborazo. In short, both for the desert and the water, the conjunction of many near and bold details is bold scenery for the imagination and keeps the mind alive. Given these two prime luxuries, the nature of the country where we are to live is, I had almost said, indifferent; after that inside the garden, we can construct a country of our own. Several old trees, a considerable variety of level, several well–grown hedges to divide our garden into provinces, a good extent of old well–set turf, and thickets of shrubs and ever–greens to be cut into and cleared at the new owner’s pleasure, are the qualities to be sought for in your chosen land. Nothing is more delightful than a succession of small lawns, opening one out of the other through tall hedges; these have all the charm of the old bowling–green repeated, do not require the labour of many trimmers, and afford a series of changes. You must have much lawn against the early summer, so as to have a great field of daisies, the year’s morning frost; as you must have a wood of lilacs, to enjoy to the full the period of their blossoming. Hawthorn is another of the Spring’s ingredients; but it is even best to have a rough public lane at one side of your enclosure which, at the right season, shall become an avenue of bloom and odour. The old flowers are the best and should grow carelessly in corners. Indeed, the ideal fortune is to find an old garden, once very richly cared for, since sunk into neglect, and to tend, not repair, that neglect; it will thus have a smack of nature and wildness which skilful dispositions cannot overtake. The gardener should be an idler, and have a gross partiality to the kitchen plots: an eager or toilful gardener misbecomes the garden landscape; a tasteful gardener will be ever meddling, will keep the borders raw, and take the bloom off nature. Close adjoining, if you are in the south, an olive–yard, if in the north, a swarded apple–orchard reaching to the stream, completes your miniature domain; but this is perhaps best entered through a door in the high fruit–wall; so that you close the door behind you on your sunny plots, your hedges and evergreen jungle, when you go down to watch the apples falling in the pool. It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves. Nor must the ear be forgotten: without birds a garden is a prison–yard. There is a garden near Marseilles on a steep hill–side, walking by which, upon a sunny morning, your ear will suddenly be ravished with a burst of small and very cheerful singing: some score of cages being set out there to sun their occupants. This is a heavenly surprise to any passer–by; but the price paid, to keep so many ardent and winged creatures from their liberty, will make the luxury too dear for any thoughtful pleasure–lover. There is only one sort of bird that I can tolerate caged, though even then I think it hard, and that is what is called in France the Bec–d’Argent. I once had two of these pigmies in captivity; and in the quiet, hire house upon a silent street where I was then living, their song, which was not much louder than a bee’s, but airily musical, kept me in a perpetual good humour. I put the cage upon my table when I worked, carried it with me when I went for meals, and kept it by my head at night: the first thing in the morning, these maestrini would pipe up. But these, even if you can pardon their imprisonment, are for the house. In the garden the wild birds must plant a colony, a chorus of the lesser warblers that should be almost deafening, a blackbird in the lilacs, a nightingale down the lane, so that you must stroll to hear it, and yet a little farther, tree–tops populous with rooks. Your house should not command much outlook; it should be set deep and green, though upon rising ground, or, if possible, crowning a knoll, for the sake of drainage. Yet it must be open to the east, or you will miss the sunrise; sunset occurring so much later, you can go up a few steps and look the other way. A house of more than two stories is a mere barrack; indeed the ideal is of one story, raised upon cellars. If the rooms are large, the house may be small: a single room, lofty, spacious, and lightsome, is more palatial than a castleful of cabinets and cupboards. Yet size in a house, and some extent and intricacy of corridor, is certainly delightful to the flesh. The reception room should be, if possible, a place of many recesses, which are ‘petty retiring places for conference’; but it must have one long wall with a divan: for a day spent upon a divan, among a world of cushions, is as full of diversion as to travel. The eating–room, in the French mode, should be ad hoc: unfurnished, but with a buffet, the table, necessary chairs, one or two of Canaletto’s etchings, and a tile fire–place for the winter. In neither of these public places should there be anything beyond a shelf or two of books; but the passages may be one library from end to end, and the stair, if there be one, lined with volumes in old leather, very brightly carpeted, and leading half–way up, and by way of landing, to a windowed recess with a fire–place; this window, almost alone in the house, should command a handsome prospect. Husband and wife must each possess a studio; on the woman’s sanctuary I hesitate to dwell, and turn to the man’s. The walls are shelved waist–high for books, and the top thus forms a continuous table running round the wall. Above are prints, a large map of the neighbourhood, a Corot and a Claude or two. The room is very spacious, and the five tables and two chairs are but as islands. One table is for actual work, one close by for references in use; one, very large, for MSS. or proofs that wait their turn; one kept clear for an occasion; and the fifth is the map table, groaning under a collection of large–scale maps and charts. Of all books these are the least wearisome to read and the richest in matter; the course of roads and rivers, the contour lines and the forests in the maps—the reefs, soundings, anchors, sailing marks and little pilot–pictures in the charts—and, in both, the bead–roll of names, make them of all printed matter the most fit to stimulate and satisfy the fancy. The chair in which you write is very low and easy, and backed into a corner; at one elbow the fire twinkles; close at the other, if you are a little inhumane, your cage of silver–bills are twittering into song. Joined along by a passage, you may reach the great, sunny, glass–roofed, and tiled gymnasium, at the far end of which, lined with bright marble, is your plunge and swimming bath, fitted with a capacious boiler. The whole loft of the house from end to end makes one undivided chamber; here are set forth tables on which to model imaginary or actual countries in putty or plaster, with tools and hardy pigments; a carpenter’s bench; and a spared corner for photography, while at the far end a space is kept clear for playing soldiers. Two boxes contain the two armies of some five hundred horse and foot; two others the ammunition of each side, and a fifth the foot–rules and the three colours of chalk, with which you lay down, or, after a day’s play, refresh the outlines of the country; red or white for the two kinds of road (according as they are suitable or not for the passage of ordnance), and blue for the course of the obstructing rivers. Here I foresee that you may pass much happy time; against a good adversary a game may well continue for a month; for with armies so considerable three moves will occupy an hour. It will be found to set an excellent edge on this diversion if one of the players shall, every day or so, write a report of the operations in the character of army correspondent. I have left to the last the little room for winter evenings. This should be furnished in warm positive colours, and sofas and floor thick with rich furs. The hearth, where you burn wood of aromatic quality on silver dogs, tiled round about with Bible pictures; the seats deep and easy; a single Titian in a gold frame; a white bust or so upon a bracket; a rack for the journals of the week; a table for the books of the year; and close in a corner the three shelves full of eternal books that never weary: Shakespeare, Molière, Montaigne, Lamb, Sterne, De Musset’s comedies (the one volume open at Carmosine and the other at Fantasio); the Arabian Nights, and kindred stories, in Weber’s solemn volumes; Borrow’s Bible in Spain, the Pilgrim’s Progress, Guy Mannering and Rob Roy, Monte Cristo and the Vicomte de Bragelonne, immortal Boswell sole among biographers, Chaucer, Herrick, and the State Trials. The bedrooms are large, airy, with almost no furniture, floors of varnished wood, and at the bed–head, in case of insomnia, one shelf of books of a particular and dippable order, such as Pepys, the Paston Letters, Burt’s Letters from the Highlands, or the Newgate Calendar. . . .
The year 1848 was one of uprisings across Europe and there were two in France. In February, after a period too long of unemployment, financial crises, bad harvests and a constitutional monarch quashing freedoms in an effort to roll back history and bring back an absolute monarchy to France, people lost patience and took to the streets. The streets of Paris were barricaded, there were fights, the Prime Minister resigned. Outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, soldiers fired into the crowd, killing fifty-two people. The king abdicated and moved to Britain (where else?). The Second Republic was formed, pleasing no one. At first, jobs and workshops were created for the unemployed. One of the rebels was made a sort of consultant or token worker in government. Radicals wanted more democracy, opportunity and freedom. Conservatives, as ever, wanted the same things but only for themselves. Mobs took to the streets again in June. Karl Marx was in Paris at the time and was most hopeful. However, the revolution was crushed. It took over 120,000 soldiers to overpower armed workers and their families. Afterward, the government became more repressive and somewhat vengeful. Even before the June Days uprising, the mayor of the First arondissement of Paris had been promoting the idea of sending the unemployed and their families to colonize Algeria. By September, it was a plan, approved by the Ministry for War and by the Senate. Money was approved for the establishment of agricultural colonies and the offer to the poor was made. Only volunteers were accepted, and they had to be workers. They and their families had to be French citizens. They had to complete a form, produce a certification of "good morals" (presumably from their local mayor) and a doctor's certificate of good health. They were promised land and financial support. The land was to become theirs after they had successfully farmed it for a few years. The number of people to be accepted as colonists was set at 12,500 but there were many, many more applicants, so it was raised to 13,500. In the end, the numbers of those who went were 13,903 adults and 391 children. The first convoy left from Bercy in October, 165 years ago. Over the next six months, there would be sixteen more convoys of workers turned colonists, the majority from Alsace and Lorraine. It took them about two weeks to get to Marseilles, travelling on inland rivers and then by train, then about three or four days to sail the Mediterranean to Algeria. Their colonies in Algeria were named: - Bou Haroun - La Ferme There were successes and catastrophes. Most of the colonists and then their descendants stayed until the Algerian War for independence began in the 1950s. Then, though many came to France, many others went elsewhere in this wide world. If you find that your family history travels this very strange path of being starved into rebellion, suppressed, then packed off to a colony, there are some blogs and websites dedicated to documenting these people: - Emigration Algérie covers the Alsatians who went on the convoys. - Algérie Migrants - by the same people as the above, lists all of the villages from which the Alsatian colonists came. - Généalogie Algérie Maroc Tunisie - is the genealogy association concerned with the French of North Africa. They have a number of well-written publications and a search box for surnames on their website, which is excellent. - The website of the Archives nationales d'Outre-Mer, about which we have written before, have the civil registrations of Algeria online.
What is a 4-string ukulele, and how does it differ from a Guitalele? The guitar is an all-time favorite instrument for many. But when talking about distinguishing between the two smaller members of the guitar family, things get a bit confusing. Ukulele and guitalele are both guitar-like instruments with similar features and attributes. Although the identical characteristics of the two instruments outweigh the differences, you should still have a fair idea of how to choose one over the other. We will clear your doubts about these instruments, pointing out the similarities and differences in this guitalele vs. ukulele guide. 4-String Ukulele & 6-String Guitalele: What Are They? The 4-string ukulele belongs to the lute family of music. The people of Hawaii adopted this guitar-like instrument in the late 19th century from the Portuguese Machate. This classical instrument is made of nylon string which makes it travel-friendly. Currently, the 4-string ukulele comes in four sizes and has different tunings, including Soprano, Concert, Tenor, and Baritone. The peculiar sound produced by the ukulele is due to the fourth string tuning that has a higher octave. Guitalele is a hybrid musical instrument. Yamaha designed it in 1997 by fusing the standard guitar and ukulele. Guitalele, more commonly known as guitalele, is famous for being travel friendly. Instead of having a standard guitar-like tuning, the guitalele can be tuned as a tenor ukulele. It means if you put a capo on the fifth fret of the standard guitar, it will sound like a guitalele. Guitalele is considered a mini guitar suitable to be carried around for travel purposes. Similarities between Ukulele and Guitalele The ukulele and guitalele both are small in size. They are about ¼ the size of a standard guitar. To be more precise, the guitalele is slightly bigger and heavier than the 4-string ukulele. The small stature of both these instruments makes them easy to carry anywhere. Since both the instruments are smaller in size, they are perfect playing companions due to their ease of use. Whether you are on an excursion in the countryside or are traveling around the world, both these instruments are perfect for playing lively music. Although they won’t project sound like a full-size guitar, they are still an excellent choice for low-action activities. They have similar fretboards, and the strings are compactly arranged according to the ratio of the guitar. The close arrangement of the fretboard and strings make it comfortable for people having smaller hands and shorter fingers. The strings on both instruments are made of nylon. Compared to steel strings, nylon strings are loosely attached. The special nylon strings are rust-free and can be easily pressed down by a beginner. Both these instruments have similar fretboards having about 12-15 frets on them. The length and width of the strings are also identical. Moreover, the first four strings have similar tuning, making the two instruments even more identical. Differences between Ukulele and Guitalele The key difference between the two instruments is the number of strings on their fretboard. Where the ukulele has four strings (hence the name, 4-string ukulele), the guitalele has six strings tuned in the same interval as a guitar. The fifth string tuning is D, and the sixth one is in the lower octave of A. These two base strings give you more flexibility and freedom while playing music. The difference in the number of strings causes variation in the tunes produced by the two instruments. The guitalele with its two heavier extra brass strings produces a guitar-like sound. It also gives you a choice to add two extra strings while strumming a chord. However, the 4-string ukulele has four strings on the fretboard. Its distinguishing feature is its high G string which produces a unique lighter sound. But you can also achieve the same tune on the guitalele. You just have to replace the fourth string of the guitalele with a four-string ukulele. The music you can compose with a guitalele is livelier than the 4-string ukulele. Guitalele covers more than three octaves, whereas the ukulele only covers two octaves. Also, the 4-string ukulele can organize only the higher notes, but with the guitalele, you can add base notes as well. This makes it easier to play more musical notes more comfortably. Ease of Learning Ukulele has four strings, and you can manage the chords with four fingers making learning and playing way easier. However, playing a guitalele is similar to a guitar. There are more strings on the guitalele, making it complicated to play and manage chords. You need more strength to play the chords, especially the barre chord. - The AU048J Ukulele String Set or the golden carbon plain string set allows for a more bright and elegant tone. They provide a distinctive bouncing granule-like feel and are highly suitable for tenor (26″) ukuleles, thanks to their GCEA tuning. In short, Alice Golden strings facilitate a unique playing style and experience. Alice® is an internationally leading brand known for its high-quality professional music products created using high-tech materials. When it comes to guitar strings, the brand is relied upon by artists and guitar enthusiasts worldwide. So, if you wish to buy the best guitar strings for guitalele or 4-string ukulele for the finest tunes and notes, check the products on Alice’s online web store!
“I think my butcher trying to put one over on me.” “I think he is packing fresh hamburger around old meat.” I began to sniff where this discussion was heading. “You mean when you dig into your packaged hamburger you find that while the surface is red, the inside has turned brown?” “Exactly!” came the reply. “Should I throw it out?” It was time for a little chat about the chemistry of meat colour. In a live animal, just like in humans, blood picks up oxygen as it passes through the lungs. Specifically, it is an iron ion embedded in a complex protein called hemoglobin that binds oxygen and delivers it to cells around the body. In muscle cells, haemoglobin transfers the oxygen to myoglobin, another complex protein that stores oxygen until it is needed. Every cell needs oxygen for respiration, the process by which glucose is “burned” to release energy. Myoglobin is dark purple but converts to red oxymyoglobin when exposed to oxygen. The ratio of myoglobin to oxymyoglobin at any given time depends on the amount of oxygen available. When an animal is slaughtered, its blood is drained and no more oxygen is delivered to tissues. That is why the colour of freshly butchered meat is actually dark purple except on the surface where it is contact with oxygen from the air. However, if the meat is now wrapped in a material that does not allow oxygen to pass through, the surface turns brown. There is some interesting chemistry taking place here. The small amount of oxygen that still remains in the air surrounding the packaged meat, instead of binding to the iron in myoglobin, ends up stealing an electron from it. This reaction, which can be enhanced by the presence of bacteria, results in the formation of “metmyoglobin” which is brown. This does not mean the meat is spoiled, although since it takes time for this reaction to occur, the appearance of brown colour means the meat is not totally fresh although this has no consequence when it comes to taste or safety. What is the solution to keeping the surface from turning brown? Use packaging that allows oxygen to pass through, keeping the surface of the meat red. Polyethylene plastic wrap serves this purpose. But oxygen is a double-edged sword. It will keep the meat red, but it will also react with fat and cause rancidity and off-flavour. That’s why polyethylene wrap is suitable for a few days but not longer. Although the surface stays red thanks to the formation of oxymyoglobin, very little oxygen diffuses into the meat. That little oxygen results in the formation of metmyoglobin, which is the reason that the inside turns brown. This is what was noted by my caller. Neither should meat be frozen in its original polyethylene wrapper because this plastic allows moisture as well as oxygen to pass through. Loss of moisture results in “freezer burn.” For freezing, meat should be wrapped in freezer paper that is coated with a special plastic layer such as polyethylvinylalcohol (EVOH) that is impervious to moisture. As far as marketing goes, retailers would like to keep meat red for more than a couple of days in the refrigerator case. This is where modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) comes into play. In this case, plastics that are impervious to the passage of gases are used so that the headspace around the meat can be filled with a higher level of oxygen than is normally present in air. Such plastics usually are composed of different layers of polyethylene, EVOH and sometimes PVC that prevents the oxygen from escaping, keeping myoglobin in its oxygenated form longer. The extra oxygen also suppresses the growth of dangerous Clostridium botulinum bacteria, but it can also foster the growth of bacteria that prefer a high-oxygen environment such as pseudomonas. The growth of these bacteria, however, can be hindered by including carbon dioxide in the headspace. There is also a trick that can be used to keep meat looking red longer. When carbon monoxide reacts with myoglobin it forms red carboxymyoglobin, so introducing this gas into the package will maintain the red colour. This is not allowed in Canada. Vacuum packaging is a way to keep meat fresh longer. It prevents microbial contamination from the outside, and excludes oxygen to prevent fat oxidation. This also means that there will be no oxymyoglobin and the meat will be a dark colour. However, when removed from the packaging and cut, it will react with oxygen in the air and “bloom” to produce the red colour. After hearing about the colourful science behind meat packaging my caller absolved her butcher of any questionable activity but she was still “going to play it safe” and discard the meat. It seems you can lead people to science but you can’t make them digest it.
Among the items of Aunt Marian’s that I found in my parent’s attic was a small booklet published by the Miller Brothers Company department store in Chattanooga. The booklet apparently was given to new WACs who were in basic training at nearby Fort Oglethorpe. It describes the store and the general area, and includes some blank pages at the back. I was amazed that the first few pages of this book don’t describe the various departments in the store, but rather focus on personal shoppers, a mailing room (the women must have wanted to mail gifts home to family and friends), and food. There are more pages–I’ll share a few of them in future posts. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words– Whew, Times have changed since the 1940s. Woman’s cloths back then could be so limiting (though they obviously didn’t totally prevent WACs from doing rigorous physical activities during boot camp). Aunt Marian went to Fort Oglethorpe for boot camp. This photo was taken at another base, but it gives clues about what her boot camp experience would have been like. I remembered seeing this picture when Shore Acres wrote a comment several days ago that included a link to an absolutely incredible video showing WACs at Fort Oglethorpe wearing dresses while practicing judo. Be sure to take a look at it. What did Aunt Marian do and think during her first day of basic training at Fort Oglethorpe in Georgia? Unfortunately I don ‘t have any letters or journals that record her thoughts, but here’s what another WAC named Aileen Kilgore Henderson wrote about her train trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee which is just across the state line from Fort Oglethorpe—and her first day or so there. . . . arriving in Chattanooga about seven last night. Ate an elegant supper in the train diner—ham again, thick and tender! We recruits had a U.S. check for ours, but the WAC private chaperoning us had to pay for hers. But the guy in charge of the diner refused—he said her dinner was on the Railroad. So here I am at Fort Oglethorpe. . . . Half an hour from now recruits assigned to Beds#11 through #20 are ordered to scrub, dust, polish, shine windows, and otherwise clean up the Orderly Room. Any minute we’re expecting the fire drill whistle to blow. Last night’s drill unsettled us quite a bit. Another unsettling thing was the steady stream of new girls arriving in the night, stomping through the dark to find their beds. I got this diary entry out of a book called Stateside Soldier: Life in the Women’s Army Corps 1944-1945 that was published in 2001 by the University of South Carolina press. The book contained the diary of Aileen Kilgore Henderson, who was in the WACs during World War II. The National Archives has an online database that contains World War II Enlistment Records. I found Aunt Marian’s records and discovered that she enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps (WACs) at Elmira, New York. Aunt Marian probably lived with several of her sisters after her father died. She was the executrix of the estate and the newspaper notice listed her address as Antes Fort (Lycoming County), Pennsylvania, which is where her sister Martha lived. She apparently later moved from Lycoming County to the home of her youngest sister Ruth in the northern Pennsylvania town of Lawrenceville (Tioga County). According to Wikipedia, about 450 people lived in Lawrenceville at that time. The nearest enlistment center to Lawrenceville probably was across the state border in Elmira, New York. A mystery has emerged. Did Aunt Marian attend high school? My previous post described the requirements that women had to meet to join the WACs. One of the requirements was two years of high school, but it could be waived if a woman did well on a Mental Alertness test. In that post I described how her sister Martha wrote a brief biography of Aunt Marian which said that Marian didn’t attend high school: She attended the Mountain Grove Country School–an elementary School. She did not attend high school. Yet the enlistment record indicates that Aunt Marian attended high school for two years. Was her sister wrong? Did Aunt Marian actually attend high school?. . . .or did Aunt Marian lie on the enlistment form to increase the likelihood that she’d qualify to be a WAC? . . . or were the enlistment records of women who did well on the mental alertness test altered to indicate that they attended high school even if they hadn’t? Based upon this description in a1943 recruiting brochure, women were required to have at least two years of high school to enlist in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC)–though the high school requirement could be waived if a woman’s score on a Mental Alertness test indicated that she had “equivalent ability.” I bet Aunt Marian was sweating that Mental Alertness test. According to the short biography of Aunt Marian that her sister Martha wrote, Aunt Marian only had an 8th grade education: . . . She attended the Mountain Grove Country School–an elementary School. She did not attend high school. . .
By Brian D. Taylor and Yu Hong Hwang Excerpts from the abstract and article, first published online in the journal Transportation Research Record on June 30, 2020. “The ‘85th percentile rule’ is commonly used to set speed limits in jurisdictions across the U.S. Modern interpretations of the rule are that it satisfies key conditions needed for safe roadways: it sets speed limits deemed reasonable to the typical, prudent driver, reduces the problematic variance in travel speeds among vehicles, and allows law enforcement to focus on speeding outliers. However, Taylor and Hwang found that, “while most observers trace the rule to safety research and a 1964 report … the 85th percentile rule actually emerged decades earlier,” when the transportation profession emphasized efficient vehicle movement. “[T]he originators of the 85th percentile rule in the 1930s and 1940s saw considerable wisdom in setting speed limits based on the behavior of typical, prudent drivers, but were clear that such drivers would not always travel at the optimally safe speeds for a given road segment, and that adjustment might be necessary. The authors conclude, “[T]o remain valid today, the 85th percentile requires a wide array of conditions to hold … But it is not clear whether any of these conditions still hold today, and there is scant evidence that they are being systematically considered. Yet, as we have shown in this analysis, the originators of the idea viewed the 85th percentile as a starting point in setting speed limits, and not the final word. We can find no evidence from the intervening decades that this perspective should have changed.”
Hand surgery is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of acute or chronic damage or injury to the upper extremities (shoulder, upper arm, forearm, hand, fingers, thumb). The field of hand surgery includes the prevention, detection, operative and conservative treatment of diseases, injuries, malformations and tumors of the hand and forearm as well as the reconstruction after illnesses or injuries. The main specific tasks of hand surgery are the treatment of: injuries to the bones of the fingers, tendons, ligaments, wrist (eg bony fractures), forearm bones (eg distal radius fracture), Ellen spinal joint (distal radioulnar joint) and blood vessels and nerves (plexus brachialis) or the arm. Burns of the upper limb Chronic diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), circulatory disorders of the soft parts and bones (eg, Lunatummalazie), constriction of nerve or tendon sheaths (eg carpal tunnel syndrome, Loge de Guyon syndrome, Syndrome), tendovaginitis stenosans, connective tissue (Dupuytren's contracture) Infections of the soft tissue (panaritium, defect septicemia) and the bone (osteitis) Tumors (good or malignant growths) and cysts (ganglia) of the hand and arm Congenital (childish) malformations (polydactyly, thumb aplasia) Complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS) Functional limitations / losses of the upper limb as a result of a disease (e.g., spastic paresis, paralysis) or injuries (eg, after nerve injuries) with restoration of the function (motor replacement surgery) It includes the treatment of children (childhood malformations), rheumatics and chronic pain syndromes (complex regional pain syndrome), the replantation of fingers to entire extremities as well as the care of patients with prostheses as well as the rehabilitation of injured patients who have special requirements for the training of the patients Therapist. The complex and consistent after-treatment with ergotherapy is of utmost importance for the success of therapy. Physiotherapy and physical therapy are complementary measures.
The ecology prize was given to a gaggle of scientists finding out micro organism in wads of chewing gum discarded on pavements all over the world, and the medicine prize was awarded to analysis that demonstrated orgasms may be as efficient as treatment in clearing congested noses. At a previous hearing the boy stated he wished to go to college to review veterinary medicine or zoology, adding: ‘I don’t hold those views and I do not know how I acquired to carry these views. Ms Goldsworthy, a social worker who got her first jab in December, believes the vaccine triggered her bleeding. And the probability of hospitalisation and dying from Covid additionally elevated as individuals received older, while males and people of Indian and Pakistani origin have been at larger danger. It helped medical regulators work out the uncommon risk of blood clots with AstraZeneca’s vaccine, and heart inflammation triggered by the Pfizer and Moderna jabs. This limits the glucose degree in the physique and the chance of diabetes. This is a illness that impairs your body’s potential to provide or respond to the hormone insulin (which is very important as it principally helps the physique convert the sugars in food, into vitality) this leads to excessive levels of glucose in the blood and urine and an abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates. Turn over whole wards to patients affected by the disease. Nearly 35,000 women in Britain have also complained of suffering heavier durations – or ones that come earlier or later than typical – after getting the vaccine. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon, mentioned: ‘We’re again having to appeal to dad and mom, friends and family to play their half in protecting their beloved ones towards radicalisation, following another regarding proportion of young individuals being arrested by our officers in the last 12 months. Meanwhile, Tori was spotted together with her husband Dean McDermott at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off amid rumors of marital bother. Tori was spotted together with her husband Dean McDermott at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off amid rumors of marital trouble. Dean was doing all of the heavy lifting, hauling a number of massive stuffed animals they gained in the course of the occasion hosted the Boys & Girls Club of Malibu. The smartest thing is that they can be completed between common chores, like doing dishes, laundry, cooking, and so forth. These are our most popular as they are believed to be the most effective stress busters however solely after they’ve develop into habituated and automated. Are you at present taking any prescribed medication for pain relief? Domesticated cats and their greater cousins within the wild are extremely liable to kidney issues because of a genetic inability to activate a key protein discovered by the Tokyo researchers. Cats might have 9 lives, but their time on Earth is commonly reduce brief by kidney problems — so folks in Japan who want their feline pals to reside longer have donated nearly $2 million to the search for a cure. In a statement on Twitter, Newcastle University stated: ‘We wish to apologise as soon as again to @thegradmedic for any offence or distress attributable to this incident. Here is basically what you want to see on your chart, and what you additionally don’t want to see in some explicit cases. So what does that imply as more of these breakthrough circumstances continue happening? There are about thousand circumstances of COVID-19 in western NSW with authorities notably involved in regards to the northwestern city of Walgett. There are Registered Pharmacists. Nobody likes listening to it, however you’ve got a big anti-vaxxer inhabitants in some areas, and I am going to say that, there is a matter there,’ the state’s quantity two politician John Barilaro stated on Tuesday. He downloaded a video of the Christchurch mosque assaults in New Zealand, in which gunman Brenton Tarrant shot and killed fifty one individuals, and saved a picture of a ‘leader board’ of proper-wing terrorists, together with the quantity of individuals they’d killed. Magnesium, potassium are key substances of quite a lot of vegetables. Frequent allergic reactions, resembling hay fever, sure sorts of asthma, and hives are linked to an antibody produced by the body called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The European Medicines Agency started a rolling assessment of the Novavax vaccine in February and, final month, the company said it is working to complete its rolling submission to the regulator in the third quarter of this 12 months.
This is the second part in my running series on the importance of data structure in analytics (you can catch Part 1 here), where I seek to demystify – and perhaps justify – some of the commonly accepted “best practices” around how we, as data engineers and business intelligence developers, seek to arrange data for analytical purposes. For this entry, I’ve decided to focus on a narrow (and thus defensible) slice of a broad and sometimes contentious topic: the dimensional model, or star schema, and its role in the Microsoft analytics world. Specifically, I want to take a look at why adherence to what can often seem like something of an esoteric concept really and truly can pay dividends when working with Microsoft analytics tools, and especially Power BI – one of the most capable and popular analytics tools out there today. Let’s first take a quick look at the star schema and talk a little bit about its history, and then from there look at how it has come to remain a best practice gold standard in Microsoft analytics, and how it can help guide your efforts when working in Power BI. The Dimensional Model – A (Very) Brief History I realize there are some of you who are thinking, “Ugh, did he say ‘schema’?” or who might otherwise have no idea what I’m talking about when I refer to a dimensional model. For those of you who do – please, bear with me for a moment. In this case, both “star schema” and “dimensional model” can be used interchangeably, and refer to a set of related data tables, both in terms of how those tables are built and what data they contain, as well as how – quite specifically – they are related to one another. We can think of it as being representative of a particular type of data model, or a way of structuring and storing our data, and one which is designed specifically with analytical use-cases in mind. This is different than data models designed to favor speed of writing data rather than reading it, such as highly normalized table structures. Dimensional models, conversely, tend to be de-normalized – or built with as few tables as possible, and in such a way that makes analysis more natural and intuitive – more on that in just a minute. The dimensional model has been around for quite some time, at least relative to the fast-paced advance of information technology as a whole, and continues to confer benefits to its adherents today. Made popular by Ralph Kimball years ago, the dimensional model was central to Kimball’s prescribed approach to data warehouse architecture. Just as a simple level-set for the sake of this post, we can think of a data warehouse as a common repository where data is combined (originating from many different source systems) and conformed (made to adhere to common definitions and concepts) for the sake of helping facilitate analytics and reporting, usually at a large scale. While plenty of data warehouses are still built today using this design, some of the core benefits to its implementation were embraced by other analytics tools along the way, and those legacies live on in the here and now – particularly within the Microsoft Business Intelligence and analytics tool set. The Dimensional Model and Power BI Modern tools like Power BI might allow you to get away with building reports out of, and generating analytical value from, data in an unstructured, or improperly structured, data model. However, the fact that a traditional architecture was embraced early on in the evolution of analytics tools – especially by Microsoft – is key to its importance today, right alongside the features that transcend any particular technology altogether. For Microsoft in particular, the first incarnation of their dedicated data analytics engine, named SQL Server Analysis Services (part of their data technology stack), was absolutely dependent on the data source being structured as a dimensional model. These models were referred to as “cubes”, and generated aggregate values as “intersections” of data. The current version of Analysis Services, known as Tabular, while being somewhat less dependent on this type of data structure, still benefits immensely from it. Power BI’s analytics engine is based upon this same technology; so the same techniques that would benefit you in an enterprise setting – with something like Analysis Services or Azure Analysis Services – apply just as much to analytics and self-service reporting using Power BI. In addition to being able to consume data from existing structured data sources, Power BI allows users to build their own data model right there within the tool itself, offering a number of useful features, such as being able to draw from and analyze many different sources of data at the same time, adding custom repeatable logic using DAX (Microsoft’s Data Analytics Expression language) for translating business and analytical requirements into results, and to have control over the end-user experience. Reports and analyses should be performant and intuitive – and this all begins in the data model itself. What It Is And Why It Matters I’ll be perfectly honest with you: there’s a lot that can go into building a proper dimensional model, and sometimes familiarity – or knowing what to do – is contingent solely on good old exposure and time. But understanding how to get the most out of your Power BI data model, even if it’s just knowing that a particular type of model works best, can often be all the difference in the world between building something that “just works” and something that “maybe works OK some of the time”. There’s unfortunately, and perhaps obviously, more to it than I can fit into a blog post – or even a series of posts – but covering some of the basics is still warranted. In very general terms, a dimensional model seeks to divide your data into two big groups, and thus two different types of tables in your model: facts and dimensions. It’s helpful to think of a “fact” in this case as being some event we’re interested in analyzing. This can be a line item in a sales transaction, an encounter between a physician and a patient, or an entry in a general ledger. This event, and its frequency, forms what we would call the base “granularity” of a fact table – or that which would spark the creation of a new row in such a table. As for what data a fact table contains – we strive to keep it as close to being strictly numeric values as possible. Thus, it would contain the quantifiable data points that describe an event: How much was an item sold for? How many items were sold? What was the amount posted to the general ledger? Sometimes our event doesn’t have much, or even any, implicit numeric information – such as a patient making an appointment to see their doctor – and in these cases the fact table acts as a “bridge” between our related dimensions. If fact tables contain the quantifiable data we’re interested in, dimension tables contain the contextual information that we wish to analyze: Who was the client? Where did the event take place? What day did the event take place on? In a dimensional model, we would generally seek to take all of this contextual data and create a dimension table for each logical grouping – and then make each value there distinct. In other words, we would have a Date dimension with each date, month, and year on the calendar to supply the temporal context. We might also have a Client dimension with each unique client we do business with and each aspect, or attribute, of a client that is analytically useful. The dimensional values represent the context of our analyses. The end result for users is a logical and intuitive grouping of values: numeric values are stored in one place, while each set of related contextual values is grouped in as few thematic sets as needed. This is especially helpful for analytics tools which feature a “drag-and-drop” approach to data exploration and report building – a feature central in Power BI and Microsoft’s Excel. Humans inherently break down events this way logically. We take some metric and then ask, “Where was this metric impacted?” “Who or what impacted it?” And so on. This factor alone is no small part as to why tools, particularly those aimed at business users, were built around this approach – and that’s something that can’t be said enough when it comes to some of the less obvious benefits to embracing a dimensional model as the source for analytical initiatives. Power BI data models get loaded into memory which, for those not particularly interested in knowing the intricacies of modern computing hardware, generally means they can crunch numbers very quickly – no matter how your data is structured. However – and this may especially resonate with those of you who came here because you saw “Power BI” in the title – it’s still easy to end up with a data model that isn’t fast at all. Even a Ferrari can only go as fast as the cars in front of it when there’s a traffic jam – and having the right data model design can often be thought of as the best defense against traffic jams – in short, because the tool was designed with just such a model in mind. Ninety-nine times out of 100, Power BI is simply most performant when the data it’s using comes from a dimensional design. Lastly, there are analytical languages like the earlier-mentioned DAX. Just as the actual engine a tool uses to process data is designed with certain prerequisites in mind, analytical languages work best with certain formats. DAX, used in Power BI, is often described as “elegant” because it can do in a single line of code what would maybe require hundreds of lines of SQL (or a lot of head scratching and convoluted statement building with earlier languages like MDX, multidimensional expressions.) But this is not at all guaranteed, no matter what the sales pitch is! Trying to create a Power BI data model consisting of one immense table with nearly a hundred columns could require you to write incredibly complicated (and slow-performing) DAX queries, whereas the exact same results could be produced simply and elegantly were that data transformed into a dimensional model. There are lots of great resources out there on this subject – and certainly enough to help just about any level of experience when working on designing or modifying data models to better suit analytics and reporting needs. We at BlueGranite can lend our expertise, as well as offer training, to give you that extra leg up when working with Power BI, Dimensional Models, modern analytics and more!
This week we have Nathan Kwan, who’s in his second year of PhD study with the University of Hong Kong and King’s College, London. Nathan’s telling us in this post how he became interested in Hong Kong history, and giving us a trailer of his fascinating research on the cooperation of the Qing and the British officials in combating piracy along the South China coast. I am connected to Hong Kong through my parents, both of whom were born there. Though they have since emigrated from Hong Kong to the United States, my many happy (and hot) summers spent in Hong Kong left an indelible impression. Serendipitously, recollection of childhood summers helped me find a middle ground during my undergraduate studies between the classical China I hoped to study and my interest in the British Empire, piqued by the British Studies programme at the University of Texas at Austin. Thus, during my MA in Regional Studies – East Asia at Harvard University, my research focused on British and Qing negotiations of sovereignty and jurisdiction over Chinese criminals in Hong Kong. During my research on Chinese criminals one subset, pirates, particularly interested me and now forms the focus of my PhD research currently undertaken jointly in the Department of History at the University of Hong Kong and the War Studies Department at King’s College London. The European experience of piracy produced a conceptualisation of maritime depredation within a system of international law that was largely unknown to the Qing. However, the prevalence of piracy along the southern coast of China often forced Qing officials into cooperation with the British for its suppression. Utilising Chinese and English materials in the National Archives in London (including the Guangdong provincial archives captured during the Second Opium War), the Caird Library of the National Maritime Museum, the Hong Kong Public Records Office, and elsewhere, my research hopes to supplement the narrative of the British suppression of piracy in China by including the Chinese perspective. By focusing on the Hong Kong-headquartered Royal Navy (I am in the Department of War Studies after all) and its interactions with the Chinese in suppressing piracy, I hope to present a new perspective on Anglo-Qing relations in the mid- to late-nineteenth century. In addition to challenging the traditional narrative of gunboat diplomacy by focusing on cooperation rather than confrontation between British warships and Chinese officials, I will discuss Qing reactions to British anti-piracy activity off the China coast. In doing so, I hope to assess Qing engagement with and understanding of international law vis-à-vis the suppression of piracy.
Water is starting to flow out of flooded areas of northwest Missouri as the Missouri River levels drop. Emergency management spokesman Josh Marks with the Corps of Engineers in Kansas City says the retreating waters might add to the damage in the area… As the river retreats, the state transportation department expects to see many miles of roads come to light. Department spokesman Kelly Barber is looking forward to projections that the river will drop by a foot or more in the next few days in northwest Missouri. Kansas City Corps District Commander Tony Hoffman thinks the river could be back where it belongs in another six weeks or so. “We’re planning…around mid-October,” he says. That assumes there are no heavy rains in the lower basin during that time. Hoffman says the water’s going to have to go down quite a bit more before a thorough inspection of levees can be made. He says some preliminary aerial surveys have been run.
The 5d diamond painting transition from child to adolescent can be disturbing for a child and parent. Expect to pay a space rent while selling at the local Fla market. Cardboard is a common name for many paper products. Pay special attention to the sides and edges of the siding, as water can go into the wood and destroy the full drill diamond painting level of the plywood. Round bread step 1 line each end of the four cords, and finally tie and tie the overhead knot to secure it together. Pay attention to when the snake passes through the pipe, and track the length of the snake. If you are painting on a non-wood surface, you can start work as soon as it looks dry. Everyone is familiar with the holiday window cleaning. Finally you should note that if you are also interested in cutting materials, more powerful lasers can cut more materials.Step 3 Apply a paint stripper and gooey paint ove with a wooden or plastic scraper. For an 87th birthday, organize an Ease of Your Life event where guests talk about special moments and things about the life of your loved one. Once you get the outline, clean your brush and add different colors that will identify your bird. Allow children to bring their own spectacular views of Halloween or the fourth day of July for fireworks, or stay with the Christmas and winter theme for the window display which can be a complete holiday season for you.Finish the four corners together to create a diamond shape. You can strip with the artist’s tape, draw a design on paper and tape it inside the glass as a template, or freeze a beautiful design hobby lobby diamond painting on the glass. Decorating a pig bank with fun, colorful art supplies will make savings a lot more fun.Let your inner unicorn run easily to create a DIY unicorn headband. Add the price of the Step 3 item and the price for the fixed item / property Example: Goods are $ 23.09 and fixed assets are $ 1.00, for a total of $ 24.09. Make other doors as neededLoad a round point bristle brush with Step 3 medium and mix it with one of your colors. Put the oil funnel on your head and secure it if you need to. Step 5 Change the look of your outfit by dying, painting or how to do diamond painting sewing your hands on jewelry.Step 9 Perform diamond art painting kits any additional steps that may be recommended in your ount rana guide. Emerald is one of six cat with books diamond painting different gems within the Bareilly Mineral Family, and it has been extensively searched for. When this happens, make a yarn dog with a coat hanger Making a yarn dog is a cheap and can be a great gift for small children In addition, this project is a great way to recycle from a dry cleaner and reuse its wires so that you may not be otherwise used. Step 6 – 100 – High stains in the repaired section of the roof using grit sandpaper. The catalysts are long, twig-like plants cat with books diamond painting that can be seen near the wetlands, lakes and ponds of Marshghai. You need two marks to create a pair of handlesThere you have it! A beautiful and modern update for your gift that will make your friends and family feel extra special this year! Give bath accessories diamond painting cross stitch such as bath accessories soap, foot scrub, and facial cream. Before starting this project, test its effect on other acrylic paints that you don’t think are harmful. Add autumn leaves and scrapbook paper tags for variety. Step 5 Pin both muslin patches to your skin and cut the pieces from the skin, making sure to cut 2 opposite pieces for diamond painting supplies the legs and 1 piece for the belt. Open the category, and split it in other waysFor the Step 4 sword, track the shape on the remaining cardboard and cut it. Step 2 Place the graph paper on the skin and cut off the shape of this curve Cut another straight skin about a foot long It will be the front of your sword belt It has the option of narrowing it slightly backwards, but for your first sword belt, it is best to keep it thick. The height of a vaulted roof is difficult to decorate, making it more difficult to decorate. For example, if your wall is 10 feet wide and 7 feet high, multiply 10 by 12 feet to get 120 inches; 7 times the same as 12 84 inches. The panels are four to eight or four to nine feet in size and are cut to the site according to construction requirements. Step 6 Anything you https://www.reallydiamond.com/ like to see in your industrial project and light it on canvas. Once it’s dry, show your kids how to slap on the bracelet. The public building may be able to show the winners. Hardboards are made of wood fiber, broken during their production during their main components: cellulose and lignan. Use the ques shawls you learn to draw wrinkled paper Objects, sculptures and even paintings. Measure the room to find out how many vehicles you need and use a good wall paper knife to keep bubbles away. Step 1 Clean the paddle thoroughly using mild soap and water Let the paddle completely dry. If you are looking for a gift for diamond painting pen your 80-year-old grandma, mother or friend, think of simplicity. Take care of your mother with light and sophisticated, or glamorous and dramatic, with stylish jewelry and funny accessories. Brush the paint over the squared styrofoam ball until it is completely covered. Doing so will break the paint Polycyclic is water-based which means you need to paint the piece with water-based paint, diamond paintings such as acrylic paint. Light them in front of cars to create ghostly faces.Watercolor paintings can be found in the Tate Gallery in London. Step 1 Rub down the wall of your choice with wet paint to remove dust and other residues. Explore the main attractions and think what does full drill mean in diamond painting about why anyone wants to visit there. This means that it is very accurate to adjust the compass and it can also draw larger circles than other versions. Screw the 2 – by – 4s drive in a corner to attach the wood to the roof frame. creative diamond painting Folding folders in the same third are 8.5 – inches x 11 – inches paper so each panel is about 3.6 inches wide. The scarf has a rectangular shape and is worn at the back of the weaver at a necklace with a tail. A bright orange – the building draws attention to the building, against the red roof, the cloud slate blue. Apply four small 2-inch sticks to the body to form the legs. Because the rounds are designed to seal long gaps, you usually use it in a continuous bid with a rounding gun in a two-step process. Create a large yellow smiley face, reminiscent of 1970s decor, just cut a large circle diamond painting kits michaels out of construction paper and put a smiling face on them.Step up the cabinet doors by lighting a lightly carved wood motif in front with a step 2D flat back. Take, for example, a drawing of Doris Front Man Jim Morrison on a pencil on a drawing paper or an art canvas.
Imagine Dublin and visions of Guinness, Leopold Bloom, U2, and hearty breakfast plates piled high with Irish bacon and farm-fresh eggs might spring to mind. Think what you will, but Ireland’s largest city — and its capital for more than a thousand years — is currently enjoying its newfound status as one of the hottest and most livable cities in not just Europe, but the world. On Ireland’s central east coast along the banks of the Liffey River, where so many literary greats beyond James Joyce were born — including Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats, George Bernard Shaw and Samuel Beckett, to name a few — these days Dublin is showing off trendy coffee houses, foodie-friendly restaurant stops, and smart boutiques filled with Burberry-clad shoppers combing the racks and shelves. However, there’s still much to see from days gone by in this historic city. The city center is bisected by the River Liffey, a good orientation point for visitors. The Royal Canal forms a skirt through the northern half, and the Grand Canal does the same through the southern half, which is where most of the interesting sights are found. Within the southern half, aim for the triangle roughly bordered by O’Connell Bridge, St. Stephen’s Green and Christ Church Cathedral, where you’ll find Trinity College, Grafton Street (for shopping), Temple Bar (for hot nightlife) and Dublin Castle. The upscale neighborhoods and the majority of hotels, restaurants, shops and sights are south of the river. The main shopping thoroughfare is Grafton Street, but you’ll find the more exclusive shops along the side streets. Dublin’s most beautiful squares — St. Stephen’s Green, Merrion Square and Fitzwilliam Square — are within 10 minutes’ walking distance of Grafton Street. Temple Bar lies along the Liffey near Ha’penny Bridge. North of the river is working-class Dublin, but you’ll also find Dublin’s most important theaters there — the Gate and the Abbey — as well as a pocket of fine Georgian townhouses on and around North Great George’s Street. There are many reasons to visit the ivy-draped Trinity College, but the big draw is the priceless Book of Kells — a lavishly illustrated Christian manuscript of the four gospels. Doggedly Protestant until 1793, when Catholics were theoretically allowed in (although the Catholic Church banned its faithful from entering until 1970), the college went coed in 1904. Elite alums include Jonathan Swift, Samuel Beckett, Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde. A self-guiding walking tour is terrific here, but there is a 30-minute guided tour led by students, available at select times of year, which includes entry to the Book of Kells in the Old Library. A cool way to get an in-depth overview of the city in no time flat is a tour with one of the history graduates who run Historical Insights walking tours. Stops include Trinity College, Old Parliament House, Dublin Castle and Christ Church Cathedral, among others. You’ll be filled in on everything from Dublin’s origins and political struggles with Britain to the state of Ireland today. The same group also offers special tours focusing on women in Irish history, Dublin’s statues and monuments, and the sexual history of Ireland. Built in 1204 by King John, Dublin Castle was the seat of British rule in Ireland for 700 years. It was the official residence of the viceroy who implemented the will of the British royalty when, in 1922, the Brits handed power over to Michael Collins and the Irish. Guided tours, which include a walk through the many rooms and lavish apartments as well as a look at the foundations of the Norman tower (the best remaining chunk of the 13th-century town wall), are worth the time. Built by the Guinness family, the 22-acre St. Stephen’s Green is Ireland’s oldest park. It was enclosed in 1664 and gradually became surrounded by the fine Georgian buildings you see today. Join the locals any sunny afternoon on this grassy oasis. Theater buffs must stop at the Abbey Theatre. Founded by Yeats, it opened in 1904. All these years, it has enjoyed fame for its impeccable staging of Irish classics. A fire in 1951 destroyed the original theater, but 15 years later the Abbey was rebuilt in the same spot. Though some might say the newer Abbey doesn’t have the passion of the old theater, efforts are being made to “preserve” some of its history. One way they do this is with a wonderful collection of portraits hanging on the walls of the lobby — some saved from the 1951 fire. The Abbey may be more famous, but the Gate Theatre is often considered the best, at least for contemporary drama. The Gate dates back to 1928. One of the city’s oldest areas, the once run-down neighborhood of Temple Bar, with its zigzag maze of cobblestone streets, is hotter than New York’s SoHo and the Left Bank of Paris. Though it’s a must any day of the week, you’ll see it at its best on weekends when hordes of eager revelers pub-crawl till all hours. Check out Fishamble Street, one of Dublin’s oldest thoroughfares. The impressive 19th-century National Gallery is the city’s main art museum, with works from artists including Rembrandt, Monet, Gainsborough and Picasso — as well as a wonderful Caravaggio that was rediscovered in Dublin. One of the most interesting galleries houses the paintings of Ireland’s own Jack Yeats. Showing off treasures from the Stone Age to modern times, the archaeological branch of the National Museum of Ireland is wonderful. Wait till you see the world-class collection of medieval ecclesiastical objects and jewelry, the Ardagh Chalice, and the amber 18th-century Tara Brooch. Other branches of the National Museum focus on decorative arts and history, country life, and natural history. Enjoy a visit to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, where Jonathan Swift (author of “Gulliver’s Travels”) was dean in the 18th century. Ireland’s largest church, this 13th-century cathedral was founded near a well where St. Patrick is said to have been baptized in 450 A.D. You won’t regret a stop at the Dublin Writers Museum to see wonderful memorabilia of Ireland’s best storytellers, including W.B. Yeats and Jonathan Swift, spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes early editions of works like “Gulliver’s Travels” and “The Importance of Being Earnest.” Practically everything you ever wanted to know about Ireland’s famous brew can be found at the Guinness Storehouse. Arthur Guinness began brewing on this site, now an honest-to-goodness museum, in 1759. Top off your visit with a stop at the store. For more potent potable fun, check out the Old Jameson Distillery, which dates back to 1780. A visit to the Irish Jewish Museum will give you an opportunity to peek into Jewish life in the early to mid 20th century. You’ll climb the stairs to the former Walworth Road Synagogue in the Portobello neighborhood — more than 150 men and women came to worship here before it fell into decline with the large movement of Jews out into the Dublin suburbs. The museum has a substantial collection of memorabilia that dates back 150 years. If you loved “Riverdance,” you’ll want to check out the Irish Traditional Music Archive, a multimedia archive and resource center for the traditional song, music and dance of Ireland. First established in 1987, it now holds the world’s largest collection of books, recordings, photographs and videos on the subject. About an hour’s drive from Dublin, Newgrange is a 5,000-year-old megalithic tomb mound set in County Meath. For history buffs, Newgrange, which is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is not to be missed. Each year on the day of winter solstice, the sun shines directly into an opening to one of the tomb’s underground passages and brilliantly illuminates the chamber for about 17 minutes. Visitors can enter the tomb on any day of the year and experience a re-creation of this magical event with artificial lights. Various shuttles and tours are available from Dublin to Newgrange; Boyne Valley Tours is one popular tour operator. You can also find options on Viator, such as this trip to Newgrange and the Hill of Tara. Ireland may not be famous for its cuisine, but the restaurant scene in Dublin goes far beyond the ever-present potato. If you’re looking for traditional favorites like shepherd’s pie or Irish stew, try a pub or microbrewery — otherwise, you’re more likely to find sophisticated international cuisine in Dublin’s upscale restaurants. Smoking is no longer permitted in any of Dublin’s bars or eateries. For the friendly service, hearty food and lively atmosphere of a traditional Irish pub, head to the Parnell Bar. The menu boasts plenty of comfort food and Irish favorites: burgers, Irish stew, traditional bacon and cabbage, beef and Guinness casserole. Portions are generous. Steps from St. Stephen’s Green, One Pico offers Continental cuisine at its best. Innovative dishes might include rare breed pork with seared scallops, sea bream with barley and white onion risotto, or Wicklow venison with red cabbage puree. Reservations are essential. Sure, wine’s the name of the game at Peploe’s Wine Bistro, what with hundreds of bottle listings — but the cuisine is certainly no slouch; look for dishes like the monkfish pie or the roast loin of venison with smoked bacon. Peploe’s offers a special pre-concert dinner for diners planning to spend an evening out. You might not go to Ireland expecting amazing Asian cuisine, but you’ll find it at Langkawi. This Malaysian restaurant earns raves for offerings such as chicken rendang (a dish involving roasted coconut, lemongrass, lime leaves and other spices) and mee goreng, a “hawker-style” fried noodle dish with chicken, shrimp, bean sprouts and chiles. Considered by many to be Dublin’s best French restaurant, Pearl Brasserie relies on locally sourced ingredients to create dishes like roast loin of venison and Irish beef fillet cooked to perfection. There’s a dedicated menu for vegetarians. The Temple Bar area offers a number of fun weekend markets, including a food market that takes place every Saturday and a book market that runs Saturdays and Sundays in Temple Bar Square. For great clothing finds, check out the Designer Mart at Cow’s Lane; every Saturday, local designers offer one-of-a-kind wares in the Temple Bar area. If you’re hit by a bout of Irish rain, head indoors to one of Dublin’s malls or “arcades” — like the Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre or the George’s Street Arcade. Get your souvenir shopping done at House of Ireland, on the corner of Nassau and Dawson Streets, offering a wide selection of Waterford crystal, Aran knitwear, Celtic jewelry, Irish linens and more.
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MARKETS AND INVESTING It’s natural to avoid loss, but sitting on the sidelines out of fear might lead to missed financial goals. As the name implies, loss aversion is our instinct to not just prefer a gain over a loss but to prioritize avoiding losses over almost anything. It might sound wise to try avoiding losses but taking it too far could keep you from realizing your financial goals. Loss aversion is a cognitive bias that studies have proven over and over again. But that fear, when applied to buying and selling investments or strategizing for long-term financial goals, can hold you back. The unwillingness to part with something for less than you paid for it can keep you clinging to declining investments, even selling a “winning” stock to avoid selling another at a loss. It could also make you hesitant to tackle more emotional planning challenges like continuity planning for a family business. Here are some steps for overcoming the fear of letting go. While it’s natural and often prudent to try to avoid loss, letting that fear loom too large over your financial decisions could actually lead to the very thing you’re afraid of. That’s why counteracting loss aversion by cultivating a healthy relationship with risk could be the key to gaining in the long term. If you think your loss aversion is affecting your financial goals, consider taking action with these suggested next steps. First, set long-term financial goals that will encourage you to see the bigger picture if you are facing short-term losses. Then, speak to your advisor about the moves you’re thinking about making before taking any immediate action.
Monsters dwell in the hinterlands of the known world, symbolic expressions of cultural unease. Inhabitants of an imagined realm adjunct to the everyday, monsters offer powerful tropes and tools for learning and teaching in the arts and humanities The Higher Education Academy is running a conference called ‘Heroes and monsters: extraordinary tales of learning and teaching in the arts and humanities’ . I have been invited to run a workshop on the psychology of open education ‘You cannot be half-open: On wrestling your inner MOOC’. I want to focus on the inner barriers academics wanting to operate in the open web encounter and how they can overcome them. This is what I am defining as the psychology of open education and I have decided that my next book will be about this. I do not mean to patronise those who know, but some people new to open education are reading this post and may not know about MOOC monsters, here is a good start. There are numerous references to MOOC monsters and even some sound academic dialogue. What follows are my notes for the conference session. I have come to believe that the success of open education may rest on our ability to support new adopters in wrestling these inner monsters and find spaces to tell epic stories about inner battles with open sharing. Without this inner viewing, interest and learning about infotention and other digital literacies may be tactical but not sustainable. I am not alone in this belief. Jim Groom was quoted as saying recently: You don’t need new technology to change your teaching… you need a new you.
Seasons of Wicca: The Essential Guide to Rituals and Rites to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey - Ambrosia Hawthorn 2020 Before we dive into the specifics of the rituals, let’s cover some basics that will take you one step closer to a rewarding spiritual journey. Bear in mind that evolving your spiritual journey is a lifelong process of give and take. Everyone’s spiritual journey is different, and what makes your journey unique is the fact that you have your own goals, ideas, and convictions. For some, spirituality is about devotion and faith; for others, it’s about nurturing personal growth and fostering connections. Both of these—and nearly anything else—can be achieved through ritual. When planning and preparing for your own rituals, it’s important to remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” way. Just by practicing, you enhance your spiritual journey. Far more important than the outcome is the journey and what you learn along the way. Ritual basics provide a key foundation to a rewarding spiritual path. Without the basics, your rituals won’t have meaning or intentions. In this section, I’ll dive into the ritual basics of purification, setting up an altar, and casting a circle, and I’ll teach you about the tools you can use for transformation. By starting out with the basics, you’ll be equipped to perform the rituals contained in this book, and you might even be inspired to create your own. This chapter introduces many new terms, and for a quick reference, you can always consult the glossary. ORDER OF RITUAL BASIC STEPS 1.Purification of self 2.Purification of space 3.Setting up your altar 4.Casting a circle of protection 5.Invoking a deity 7.Thanking the deity 8.Cake and ale (optional) 9.Opening the circle The first step in performing a ritual is the purification process of yourself and the space. Within this process are the three C’s: cleanse, consecrate, and charge. These concepts can be applied to your tools, your altar or room, and even to yourself. Cleansing refers to cleaning yourself, your objects, and your space physically and spiritually. The easiest way to cleanse yourself is by taking a bath or shower to wash away any stagnant or unwanted energies. Next, you can put on a ritual robe or fresh clothing. To cleanse objects, you can pass them through the smoke of incense, water, or sweep them with a besom. To cleanse a room, use a smudge stick or besom to burn away or banish unwanted energy. Many of the rituals in this book instruct you to cleanse your altar. You can do this with a smudge stick, sweeping with a besom, sprinkling salt, or asperging water. More information on how to cleanse your altar in these ways can be found here. Consecration is the process of making a space or object sacred. To consecrate an object or space, you’ll need to set your intentions and offer a blessing or call upon the elements to assist you. To call upon the elements, you can use physical representations for them on your altar, such as salt for earth, smoke for air, a candle for fire, or a bowl of liquid for water. Pass objects through the elemental representations and ask each element for its assistance in consecration. Charging is the process of empowering, raising, or building energy for an intended purpose. You can raise energy to charge an item by singing, chanting, or meditating. You can also charge an object by leaving it out under a full moon to absorb the moon’s energy. Crystals hold energy like batteries, so it’s a great idea to charge your crystals during the full moon to have them ready for use in rituals at any time of the month. Be sure to cleanse and consecrate your crystals before you charge them. SETTING UP YOUR ALTAR An altar is your ritual workspace. It can be a table, an entire room, or an outdoor space—but it should be separate from where you sleep or spend time in everyday life. If you don’t have a separate space, it will be necessary to set up, cleanse, consecrate, charge, and take down your altar each time you perform a ritual. Altars are meant to hold your magical tools and elemental and deity representations. Your altar is also a place to keep your Book of Shadows, cake and ale or other ritual offering, and any festive decorations. Many Wiccans place their deity representation in the center of the altar and elemental representations in a layout according to their cardinal directions; others set up elemental representations according to their place in a pentacle configuration. The rituals in this book include instructions for either, but you can choose based on your preference. To set up elemental representations in a pentacle configuration, place spirit at the top, water at the upper right, fire at the lower right, earth at the bottom left, and air at the upper left. To set up elemental representations according to their cardinal directions, face the earth candle toward the north, the air candle toward the east, the fire candle toward the south, the water candle toward the west, and the spirit candle in the center. Some Wiccans choose to work intuitively and create an entirely new altar arrangement depending on the ritual or event. For instance, if you’re outdoors, you might place larger elemental representations in a circle around you. Take these suggestions and adapt them to fit your own practice. Once you purify and set up your altar, you’ll cast a circle. It’s important to do this prior to beginning a ritual because casting a circle represents the space becoming sacred, thereby erecting a boundary around your space. Casting a circle will also protect you from unwanted attention or outside influences during your rituals. You can use physical objects or visualize energy or light to create a boundary. Common physical boundary markers include salt, rope, candles, and crystals. You can also create a physical boundary with objects representing the elements. More information on tools to represent the elements can be found in the section “Tools for Magical Transformations”. Casting a circle involves calling upon the quarters, cardinal directions, or elements to bless and protect your ritual space. To cast a circle, you will hold a wand or athame as an extension of your hand to assist with directing energy to create the boundary around the ritual space. Then, you’ll call upon the elements. First, turn to face the east and say something along the lines of: “Element of air, I call on you; lend me your mental clarity.” Next, you’ll turn to the south and say: “Element of fire, I call on you; lend me your power.” Then, you’ll turn to the west and say: “Element of water, I call on you; lend me your fluidity.” Finally, you’ll return to the north and say: “Element of earth, I call on you; lend me your stability.” Once you have cast the physical elements, you can finish casting your circle with: “With these physical elements, I cast a circle of protection.” To include the fifth element, spirit, in your circle, you can replace the final statement with something along the lines of: “With these elements, together with spirit, I cast a circle of protection above, below, within.” A note: Some practices instruct you to begin casting a circle facing east, although others tell you to begin facing north. This is because some practitioners believe you should start with the element of earth, whereas others think you should end with earth. The decision is entirely up to the tradition you follow or your own intuition. Once your circle is cast, you can move on to ritual observance. When you have finished with the main part of your ritual, it’s important to always open the circle to release the energy you called upon back to the elements. You’ll release them in the opposite order that you called upon them. Begin facing north. Say something like: “Earth, I bid you farewell.” Next, turn to the west: “Water, I bid you farewell.” Then, turn to the south: “Fire, I bid you farewell.” After that, turn to the east: “Air, I bid you farewell.” Finally, return to the north and open the circle by saying something like: “Spirit, I bid you farewell. I open this circle and release the energy back into the earth.” The general sequence stays the same, but what you say or invoke can be changed to fit your practice. Do you love to rhyme? Perhaps creating a couple of rhyming stanzas will work for you. Do you prefer chanting? If you do, creating a few lines to include repetition for chanting will be ideal. What’s important is that you speak from the heart and are sincere when calling upon the elements or directions. After casting a circle of protection, you can invoke a deity for their assistance and blessings in your ritual. Many of the rituals in this book instruct you to have a representation or symbol of a deity on your altar so that you can call upon it. To represent a deity, you can use statues, visual references, or candles for the God and/or Goddess. More information on tools to represent deities can be found in the section “Tools for Magical Transformations”. To invoke a deity, you can say something along the lines of: “Lord and Lady, I invite you to join this circle tonight. Lend me your strength and grant your blessings.” If you want to invoke a specific deity, you can customize your invocation. For example, you could say: “Brigid, Goddess of Fire and the Forge, I call and invite you here today.” Alter these invocations to fit your practice. After you’ve called upon a deity, you can proceed with your ritual observance. When you’re finished, thank the deity for their assistance. Never dismiss a deity—only thank them. For example, to thank the Goddess Brigid for her presence, you can say something along the lines of: “Brigid, Goddess of Fire and the Forge, I thank you for your presence here today. Accept my offering for lending me your strength and wisdom.” Offerings are a popular way to show a deity appreciation for their support in your ritual. Examples of offerings include foraged items from nature, such as flowers and herbs that you can bundle together, handcrafted items, or a food and drink offering called cake and ale. More information on offerings and cake and ale can be found in “Tools for Magical Transformations”. After the ritual, the offering left for the deity should be covered. The following day, any offerings that were cooked or foraged can be returned to the earth or burned. Any offerings that contain inorganic matter should be taken to a landfill or recycled appropriately. CANDLES are very popular in magical practice and are useful representations of elements and deities because they are easy to find and come in many colors, shapes, sizes, and materials (for example, beeswax, paraffin wax, gel, and plant waxes such as carnauba, palm, soybean, and bayberry). Tea lights have a burn time of 45 to 60 minutes, and votives have a burn time of three to four hours, though this may vary based on the material. I recommend starting out with plain white tea light or votive candles because white candles can substitute for any other color. If you’re ready to branch out, I recommend you get candles in colors to represent each of the elements (yellow for air, blue for water, green for earth, red for fire, and white for spirit) as well as a black candle. A black candle can represent the all-encompassing God, and a white candle can also represent the all-encompassing Goddess. The all-encompassing God is sometimes represented by a gold candle or a plain white candle with a God charm on it. As always, you can be as creative as you like when choosing your candles. As long as you set your intentions, you can adapt the colors to fit your preferences. When working with candles, always use fire-safe plates or candle holders. INCENSE helps set the atmosphere during ritual practice. It can also represent the element of air. Incense assists with banishing negative energy, and when bundled into a smudge stick, it can be carried around a room to expel unwanted or stagnant energy. You can purchase premade incense or create your own. When working with incense, always use a fire-safe plate or incense holder. CRYSTALS have a wide variety of uses and properties in magic. In rituals, they can be charged (see here) and used as a source of energy. They can also be used for healing, manifestation, and as representations of the elements. You can use crystals to mark a physical boundary when casting a circle (see here). Crystals can also be incorporated into athame handles, wands, and pentacles, or used for divination and crystal grids. I recommend starting with clear quartz, which you can use as an all-purpose crystal. As you expand your crystal collection, you can use crystals in colors associated with the elements. Yellow stones (e.g., citrine, tiger’s eye, and topaz) are associated with air, and their properties generally assist with the mind, communication, and logic. Blue stones (e.g., aquamarine, azurite, and lapis lazuli) are associated with water, and their properties generally assist with emotions, intuition, and healing. Green stones (e.g., peridot, agate, and jasper) are associated with earth, and their properties generally assist with wealth, success, and peace. Red stones (e.g., amber, carnelian, and garnet) are associated with fire, and their properties generally assist with vitality, energy, and passion. There is no designated physical representation for the element of spirit, but it can be represented by clear quartz crystals. HERBS are some of the most popular tools in any magical practice. There exists an entire field of study dedicated to using herbs medicinally, but you don’t need to be an expert to use herbs in your rituals; for instance, you can make a simple herbal tea. You can use the magical properties associated with different herbs to complement your rituals. For example, if you perform a ritual for creativity, you can incorporate the herb vervain into your ritual by sprinkling it over a candle or other object or brewing a tea with it for the cake and ale ceremony. OILS are excellent mixed for a specific intention and can be used on your skin, to anoint magical tools, and to dress candles. Many rituals in this book ask you to use a combination of a carrier oil and essential oils. Carrier oils are skin-safe oils that can be used to dilute concentrated essential oils. Examples of popular carrier oils are olive, coconut, almond, jojoba, apricot kernel, and avocado. There are many essential oils, but the ones in this book are lavender, sage, lemon, orange, peppermint, frankincense, eucalyptus, and rosemary. You can purchase the oils or mix your own. To make your own mixtures, simply decide on a carrier oil, essential oil, and if you like, dried herbs. These are just suggestions—you can get creative in using herbs and oils in your rituals. I recommend doing research online or getting a magical herbal reference book. The following books on herbs and oils are excellent resources: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals by Maia Toll A CAULDRON is similar to a chalice or bowl and relates to the Goddess and femininity. Cauldrons are often made out of cast iron and can be used as a fire-safe bowl. Cauldrons are also used decoratively. Some practitioners keep two cauldrons, one for burning herbs or paper and another for mixing liquids and oils. A BELL is another popular altar tool to use during ritual to invoke a deity, banish negative energy, create harmony, and generate power through vibration. Bells are very versatile and can be used outside of rituals to banish unwanted spirits or energy throughout a home. A BESOM, or ritual broom, can sweep away old or stagnant energy before a ritual. A besom can also be used with a smudge stick or incense to help waft the smoke around a room. Besoms are ideal for quick cleansing before any magical work. A BOLINE is a crescent-shaped blade that, unlike an athame, is used for physical cutting of herbs, ribbons, knots, and wood. Not many Wiccans use bolines, but cutting items come in handy for rituals, so some practitioners substitute bolines with other knives or scissors. RITUAL ROBES are often worn to help separate the ritual from the everyday in a similar manner to a sacred space or altar that’s created for any magical working. Members of covens often wear robes, and different colors can represent a practitioner’s level or position. Ritual robes or clothing are often put on after a purification bath or shower. ORACLE cards are a divination tool that can often be used directly out of the box, which makes them ideal for beginner readers. The Oracle system is less structured than other forms of divination such as Tarot or runes and can be used as you please; some practitioners build their own deck. Oracle decks can vary widely in style but usually come with 20 to 100 cards. TAROT is a more advanced and structured divination tool of 78 cards divided into the major arcana (significant life events) and minor arcana (lesser, day-to-day life events). Tarot takes time and effort to learn, but if your intuition is strong, sometimes you can jump right in. One common misconception about Tarot is that you have to inherit or be gifted a deck. Some practitioners follow this rule, but it’s not necessary. Learning about Tarot is about empowering yourself and listening to your own intuition. Find a deck that calls to you. CASTING refers to tossing or throwing stones marked with symbols during divination. The most popular method of casting is rune casting. Runestones or runes are a set of stones marked with symbols of a Germanic alphabet called Futhark. Most runestones contain the 24-letter alphabet of the Elder or Older Futhark. Each letter or rune symbol has a corresponding meaning that can be read during ritual to seek answers, receive messages, or gain insights. It’s also popular to cast using Ogham staves, a set of wooden pieces marked with the symbols of the 20-letter Celtic alphabet that also correspond to different trees. Both of these methods of casting incorporate the element of earth, supporting a connection with nature. SCRYING is the practice of gazing into a surface to receive messages. Surfaces that can be used to scry are crystals, water, smoke, flame, or mirrors. A classic example of scrying is the age-old image of a fortune-teller gazing into a crystal ball. By focusing on a reflective surface, you can receive messages, visions, or images to interpret using your intuition. Scrying takes practice, but scrying during ritual is a great way to harness ritual energy. SONG AND CHANTS are used in conjunction with a ritual to build up energy to support spells and rituals. There is power within words, so adding them to rituals or spells is popular. You can use words to invoke or call upon a deity or the elements. Songs and chants also come in the form of prayers and incantations. The words don’t have to rhyme; how you structure or speak words in your ritual practice is up to you. REPRESENTATIONS AND OFFERINGS Many of the rituals in this book list tools such as elemental representations, deity representation, offering of choice, and cake and ale. Unlike many of the other specific tools used in rituals, these items give you an opportunity to be creative and use what feels right to you. Here, I’ll provide some examples of items you can use in rituals that call for these more symbolic components. You have a great deal of choice when it comes to elemental representations for your altar. To represent the element of water, you can use a blue candle or water crystal, a bowl or chalice of water, a seashell, or pearls. To represent the element of earth, you can use a green candle or earth crystal, a bowl of salt, a pentacle, or a piece of wood. To represent fire, you can use any candle or crystal representing fire, lighter, or athame. To represent air, you can use a yellow candle or air crystal, incense, a besom, a feather, or a wand. Elemental triangle symbols (symbols that represent the elements) can also be inscribed on stones or candles. Some of the rituals in this book will ask you to use candles in elemental colors. This refers to candles in colors to represent the elements—yellow for air, blue for water, green for earth, red for fire, and white for spirit. Deity representations are physical representations of the God or Goddess you would like to invoke in your ritual. A deity can be represented by candles, statues, or images of the deity. Many practitioners have representations of the God and Goddess to invoke the masculine and feminine forces in nature during a ritual. Depending on your practice, you might decide to work with the God and Goddess or choose an individual deity. Many Wiccans start with a black (God) candle and a white (Goddess) candle and accumulate statues or other symbols over time. Offerings, sacrifices, or traditional cake and ale are opportunities to exercise creativity in your practice. Frequently, offerings are foraged items, flowers, herbs, food and drink (cake and ale), or crafts made during the ritual. The term cake and ale refers to an offering of food and drink for the deity that is shared with anyone else partaking in the ritual. The “cake” is often a baked bread, biscuit, cookie, or cake, and the “ale” is a drink of your choosing. A cake and ale offering should be prepared ahead of time and portioned out to all participants, including the deity, during the process of thanking the deity. Many rituals in this book instruct you to leave an “offering of choice.” Sometimes, the ritual includes suggestions for an offering, but if it doesn’t, you can leave an offering of your preference. Festive decorations are included in the instructions for many of the sabbat rituals in this book. Sabbats (sun celebrations) are more festive than esbats (moon celebrations) and other rites, so it’s more common for festive decorations to be included in sabbats. Because sabbats are holidays that mark the changing of the seasons, the celebrations often include festive decorations that correspond to the season or month. Here are some common decorations for each sabbat. YULE: holly, mistletoe, pine, wreaths, ornaments, Yule-specific decorations, or red, green, and white colors IMBOLC: anything related to fire; red candles; Imbolc-specific decorations, such as a statue of the Goddess Brigid; Brigid’s cross; and corn dolls OSTARA: spring-themed decorations, such as flowers, eggs, and pastel colors BELTANE: decorations related to fire or Beltane-specific decorations, such as the maypole, flower crowns, or fertility symbols LITHA: decorations representing summer or the sun, orange or yellow items, or sunflowers LUGHNASADH: harvest or August-related decorations, corn dolls, wheat, grain, corn, or autumn-hued items MABON: decorations related to the harvest, autumn colors, root vegetables, apples, grapes, or even baskets SAMHAIN: Halloween-inspired decorations, ancestor items, black and orange objects or candles, or items related to October A Book of Shadows is one of the most important components of every Wiccan’s practice. The Book of Shadows is a unique record of rites, spells, rituals, meditations, recipes, and notes. Your Book of Shadows is what you make it—there is no right or wrong way to create or organize your magical journal. Many practitioners end up making one Book of Shadows for spells, one for rituals, and another for recipes. Some Wiccans even create volumes for different years. You can have many books or just one. It can be handbound, in a binder, or even digital. There are myriad options, and you can be as creative as you like. Doodles and pictures are helpful but not essential. If you need inspiration for decorating your Book of Shadows, you can search online for keywords relating to Book of Shadows to see what others have created and shared. It’s important to note that your Book of Shadows is a record of your journey as a Wiccan or witch and therefore your book should be taken care of and cherished. Some Wiccans keep a Book of Shadows as well as journals. In such cases, the journals act as somewhere to jot down ideas. Once a ritual or spell is complete, it’s carefully transferred to the Book of Shadows. This method is a great way to begin if you are concerned about messing up an expensive journal that you’d like to be your Book of Shadows. Who knows, maybe in the end you’ll be happy with your messy journals just as they are. When creating your own Book of Shadows, have fun! FREQUENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR RITUALS Now it’s time to dive into the heart of this book. You’ve learned how and why Wiccans cleanse and purify themselves and their spaces, and you’ve learned how to set up altars, cast circles, invoke a deity, and use various tools. You might have areas and items in your home that are already equipped and acceptable for ritual use. If so, all you’ll need to do is purify them by performing the three C’s (cleansing, consecrating, and charging) before use. Do you have to use every step and tool mentioned in this book? Absolutely not. Start simple, and after you have performed a few rituals, reflect and make any alterations accordingly. At the end of each ritual, clear the altar but leave the offering, if there is one. Many of the rituals in this book include the same basic instructions. To familiarize yourself with them, here are some frequent references you’ll come across. 1.Cleanse the altar/ritual area/space: Cleanse your surrounding area by smudging, sweeping, sprinkling salt, or asperging water. ETo purify with a smudge stick (a bundle of dried herbs bound with a string), light the smudge stick and pass it over the altar. ETo purify with a besom (a ritual broom), use the besom to sweep the altar. ETo purify with salt, sprinkle regular table salt over the altar (salt has associations with clearing, protection, and purification). ETo purify with asperging water, boil tap water to remove impurities or leave a bowl of water under a full moon to charge it and bless it with energy. This creates asperging water, which you can place in a bowl on, or sprinkle over, the altar. 2.Open the circle: Opening the circle is the process of releasing the called-on energy back to the elements, thereby returning the space to its pre-ritual state. Whenever you cast a circle and harness energy, you must reopen the circle to restore the balance of energy to equilibrium. 3.Release the elements: When casting a circle, you call upon each of the Guardians of the elements (or the elements themselves) to protect you for the duration of the ritual. Releasing the elements is the process of thanking and dismissing the Guardians of the elements one by one. ETo read Tarot or Oracle, shuffle the deck, fan it out, and pull one card for each question you would like to ask. Use the meaning of the Tarot or Oracle cards to interpret an answer. ETo cast rune stones (or runes), shake the bag of runes, focusing on your intentions, and pull out one rune for each question you have. Use the esoteric meaning of the rune to interpret an answer to your question. ETo read Ogham staves, shake the bag of staves and pull out one stave for each question you have. Use the esoteric meaning of the Ogham character to interpret an answer to your question. You’re almost ready to begin ritual practice, but I’d like to remind you of one last safety issue. When preparing for any ritual involving open flames, always keep a fire extinguisher ready or a fire safety system in place. Always work in a well-ventilated space and use fire-safe plates or candle holders to hold candles and incense sticks or cones. If using loose incense, burn it on a charcoal disc on top of a fire-safe plate. Never leave flames unattended, and do not allow fire near any fabric, curtains, or blinds. In the unlikely event that fire or smoke starts to get out of control, always prioritize your own safety.
When you think about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, you’ll see a few key differences. First of all, healthy romantic relationships require apparent communication and mutual contribution from both equally partners. In comparison, unhealthy kinds tend to have continual tension and a tendency for making demands with no compromise. See More Tips In such cases, you might be wondering if it’s worth seeking a marriage with this kind of a person. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to make your relationship and avoid the adverse problems it can get. Unhealthy relationships not necessarily always mainly because obvious, and can be subtle or overt. Typically, an unhealthy romantic relationship involves a power discrepancy where a single person has power over all facets of life. Conversely, healthy interactions share responsibility and dignity each other’s individuality. You support every other’s goals in life , nor take each other’s emotions for granted. Then again, if you have to repeat the process, your romantic relationship could be a bad idea. The primary difference between healthy and unhealthy human relationships lies in how they are dealt with. A healthy relationship involves the sharing of feelings and information with each spouse. In an detrimental one, both partners cover critical data. In a healthy romantic relationship, both lovers respect one another’s space, and they avoid feel the need to work with power. An unhealthy romantic relationship often leads to an violent relationship. When this occurs, your partner seems unsafe and abandoned by simply you. Healthy relationships entail sharing facts and emotions. While poor relationships experience constant pressure and discord, healthy types foster trust and reverence each other’s boundaries. The two main partners dignity each other’s space, they usually share decisions. In healthier relationships, equally partners value one another’s decisions and respect each other peoples rights. You can also practice wide open communication without getting angry, and also you can talk through problems in concert. A happy marriage is about currently being yourself. Developing a healthy relationship means expressing yourself freely and sharing details with your partner. In an unhealthy you, you have to hide important information out of your partner. You have to respect the boundaries of your partner. If you think unsafe together with your partner, you aren’t in an poor relationship. Should your partner won’t respect your boundaries, you aren’t in an destructive relationship. If you are not comfortable with the significant other, they can easily injured you. In comparison, unhealthy relationships are often characterized by repeated conflict and low-quality connection. While a healthy relationship is characterized by trust and reverence, unhealthy connections are a find it difficult to maintain. You can’t get along with the spouse if you don’t think safe. Whether you’re scared of your partner or perhaps don’t trust him or her, you have to learn how to speak with your partner. As you feel protected in your relationship, you’re less likely to think anxious about your future. In addition to sense unhappy, unfit relationships can lead to a feeling of dependence that may be detrimental to your relationship. During these situations, you’ll be more likely to feel misplaced or remote. You’ll also suffer from depression more often. Likewise, you’ll find that you’re heading crazy when you’re not communicating with your partner. It’s important to be honest. When you are with someone you value, you’ll be able to build a strong connection with all of them. Unhealthy connections breed competition and insecurity. Insecure spouses may be abusive and inferior than the partners. Not of these scenarios are healthful. Those who stay in unhealthy associations often look and feel guilty for being unhappy. It’s vital to find a partner who is willing to boost the comfort and start in order to preserve a successful romantic relationship. You will need to work harder to develop a relationship along with your partner. Moreover to displaying feelings of dependence, unfit relationships will be characterised by a lack of trust. A partner who all can be not really committed to their partner will never respect the boundaries. You have to have a normal relationship in case you both believe that you’re struggling to trust your partner. The opposite holds true for those who look and feel suffocated or gaslighted on a regular basis. In a relationship with insecure husband and wife, it is difficult to keep up trust among both lovers.
With city parks around the world often closed or crowded due to the pandemic, many are tempted by a simple idea: turn golf courses into public spaces that everyone can enjoy. In San Francisco, authorities did just that, making non-golfers realize what expanses of space are normally reserved for the select few: In the UK, an MP for the Green Party shared a petition to open up golf courses to the public to give everyone more room to benefit from the outdoors: At the Guardian, writer George Monbiot parallels the inaccessibility of golf courses to centuries of land ownership by the wealthy. “When the lockdown ends, let’s celebrate by demanding a right to roam on open land in both cities and the countryside. Let’s have a legal definition of public space, in which peaceful use and assembly is established as a universal right,” he writes. Turning golf courses into public parks is not a new idea. For years before the pandemic, many areas have been turning their golf courses into parks and housing areas, or considering doing so, following lagging demand for golfing and pressure from various advocacy groups. Golf courses take up massive swaths of land. The private ones cost thousands of dollars in annual member fees, and are notorious for being playgrounds for the wealthy. Public ones can be enjoyed only by golf enthusiasts who are able, or willing, to pay for entry. (In 2018, $36 was the median cost for an 18-hole round in the US.) That’s a tiny fraction of the population. Golf courses have also long been criticized for being detrimental to the environment, using up huge amounts of water and chemicals to maintain the grass. (Although some progress here has been made, and some argue golf courses provide an opportunity for wildlife preservation.) Parks, on the other hand, benefit entire communities, providing space for exercise and play, and access to nature and fresh air. The pandemic is only showing that we need more of that. As soon as possible.
MODERNISTS do not have faith in the existence of a heaven, or a hell and the like; they expect proof of everything. An advocate from Madurai once asked Bhagavan if there were devatas and bhutas really. Bhagavan: Yes. Yet their lokas like our own are only relative truths. Advocate: So, are Siva and others not mere imaginary figures but real? Bhagavan: Surely. Advocate: If they are also similar to us, it means that they also suffer the consequences of deluge (pralaya). We have already noticed that Ganapati Muni emphatically asserted in the Ramana Gita that Bhagavan was an avatar of Skanda. Who is Skanda? What does an avatar mean? One of those forms is known as Skanda. He is the presiding deity of all weapons and the concealed power of the mantras connected with them. In Chandogya Upanishad he is referred to as Sanatkumara. He is worshipped as Kumara, Subrahmanya, or as Senani (Commander). He is an ocean of wisdom capable of rendering asunder all attachments, he is the guru. The theory is that such a universal guru appeared as Ramana to impart jnana by his teachings to humanity. The expression `avatara' means the descent in human form of an aspect of Easwara for a certain specified purpose. There are different types of avatars. Even we have a divine spark but unless it is specifically noticed we cannot claim to be avatars. By constant tapas a person may, step by step, come to express some aspect of the divine. Such persons remain only as tapasvins but do not become avatars. If the power of Easwara expresses itself explosively on its own in all the five sheaths suddenly, only then is an avatar said to manifest itself. Different deities, like Siva, assume human form for discharging specific purposes. Rama and others appeared to eliminate the asuric forces and to impart jnana . Siva is said to be the cause of dissolution (laya karaka) and physically causes the deluge but inherently he is the one who destroys the manas (manolaya karaka) which in turn destroys individuality. His son Kumara is the presiding deity of all the mantras of weapons and is the personification of jnana , he is the guru. Siva's form as guru is known as Dakshinamurti which can also be referred to as Skandamurti. Ramana is a guru of that type, come to impart jnana . Ordinary yogis cannot survive the vision of the embodied Brahman. Both Chaitanya, an avatara of Krishna and Sri Ramakrishna lost control over the physical body on the appearance of the Light. If the state beyond it enters the body it cannot survive. It is said by some that it was because of this that Yagnavalkya dissuaded his spouse Gargi from seeking what should not be sought. Bhagavan did not lose control of his body or mind; such a thing would be impossible had he not been an avatar. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa clarified that the feeling of unity with Brahman cannot be experienced except in the nirvikalpa Samadhi state and that the body cannot last beyond twenty one days in the nirvakalpa samadhi state. A study of the lives of yogis also shows that the body does not last long in the nirvikalpa samadhi state. Hence on that ground also Ramana has to be considered an avatara. By saying that the Maharshi is an avatara of Skanda nothing is lost; it does not in any way detract from his greatness. But it behoves us to explain the nature of the guru to the extent possible. Inference and evidence are the standards by which proof is to be adduced. Right from his young days Ramana, even when he did not know who Easwara was, had the cognition of Arunachala. It is difficult for ordinary yogis to transcend the three states awakened, dream and deep sleep -- and enter the turiya state. While it is possible in a state of samadhi to have a sakshatkara of the embodied Brahman it is difficult in the nirvikalpa samadhi to reach the state where there is no difference between the seer and seen. That is the sahaja state and to abide in it is impossible. Nobody among Hindus, has any doubt about Lord Krishna in this respect. No Hindu who is a believer contradicts the belief that he lived in the `So'ham' state right till his physical body dropped off. Krishna was an avatara purusha and such capacity could accrue only to an avatara and not to anyone else. Bhagavan Ramana also carried out daily activities in the same so'ham state throughout. How could it be possible if he had not been an avatara? Evidence to show that Ramana is an avatara of Skanda: In March 1908, Bhagavan was at Pachaiamman Kovil along with Ganapati Muni. One early morning the latter saw a bright light appear and touch Bhagavan's forehead. Ganapati Muni also noticed that within the effulgent light enveloping Bhagavan, six stars of different colours got merged. Kumara had six mothers who collectively are known as Krittikka. 2. Raghavachari's experience: Bhagavan appeared in the form of Dakshinamurti to Raghavachari. The nature of both Dakshinamurti and Kumaraswami is the same. 3. Bhagavan appeared in the form of a crystal to Sivaprakasam Pillai and a crystal relates to Siva's nature. 4. In Echammal's dreams at Kandukur a form appeared which was identified as that of Skanda. Later when she actually saw Bhagavan, she noticed that the form which appeared in her dreams was Bhagavan himself. 5. Right from his early days, Bhagavan had the feeling that Arunachala was his father. Until he actually came to Tiruvannamalai he did not know whether it was a hill or a cave. 6. Sankarananda Bharati was a devotee of Skanda. Bhagavan showered on him great grace. Several people who perform japa of the Skanda mantra while thinking of Bhagavan obtain very beneficial results. Similarly in the Ramana ashtottara Bhagavan is looked upon as Skanda and worshipped. Beneficial results follow. 7. Ganapati Muni had great occult powers all of which will be evident from Vasishta Vaibhavam. Ganapati Muni emphatically asserted that he, by his occult powers, saw Bhagavan as Skanda. His assertion cannot be brushed aside. Even Bhagavan said in 1912 that `he was the child that came second' would this not immediately refer to Kumara (who came after Ganesa?) 9. The physiognomy of Dandayudhapani at Palani resembled Bhagavan's form very closely. And were not the image sculptors proficient in the agama sastras? 10. On 26 December 1941 one Alamelammal, arrived at the Ashram from Madras. She received a letter from her friend, Chengalvaraya Pillai, stating that he had vowed to go to Tiruttani to perform abhishekam of milk, to the deity there. Alamelammal showed that letter to Bhagavan who asked: "Is he going there for performing abhishekam and not coming here?" She could not follow the question and hence kept quiet. Bhagavan repeated his remark adding, "It is alright" and returned the letter to her. As she was going back Bhagavan said, "That Swami has come here." According to the Saiva tradition Jnana Sambandar was an incarnation of Kumara this was expressed in his songs as well. Appar and other Saivite saints accepted that. If it was contended that Bhagavan was an incarnation of Sambandar then it followed that he could be the incarnation of Kumara also. In 1913, Ganapati Muni propounded his theory that Bhagavan was an incarnation of Jnana Sambandar on the following grounds: 1. Sambandar had a darshan of the Jyoti in his sixteenth year and shed his mortal coil at that very age. Ramana had illumination at about that age (sixteen) and commenced his mission. In other words, Ramana took up where Sambandar left off. 3. Sambandar and his entourage merged in Light, Ramana too was enveloped in Light. 4. Ramana's appearance while Sambandar's songs were being sung in his presence was unique and provided sufficient evidence on their affinity. 5. Ramana had formal education only up to matriculation which was inadequate for one to write poetry. But Sambandar was a great poet. Ramana belonged to this heritage. 6. The spot at which Ramana beheld the light at the Arayaninallur temple was the very spot at which Sambandar had the darshan of Arunachaleswara (as Light). This was narrated by Ramana to Kapali and Ganapati Muni. Thereupon Ganapati Muni remarked to Ramana, "So this experience was as Jnana Sambandar". Ramana merely asserted, "Yes, yes" and passed on to a different topic. The above points may not be indisputable but considered in their totality give the impression that Bhagavan was an avatar of Skanda and that he was the form of Jnana Sambandar and Kumarila Bhatta. Unlike most avatars who came for the elimination of evil-doers this avatar was for imparting knowledge. What is the purpose of this avatar? Buddha appeared at a time when the Upanishadic injunction that `all was Brahman' fell into disuse. His disciples propagated the idea that everything was sunya. To reestablish the primacy of Brahman Sankara came. But Sankara's view that what was visible was `maya' could not be experienced and became a mere theory. Ramana's avatar was to complete the attempt of Sankara. He adopted the path of `self-enquiry' and through it established the reality of Brahman. He showed that the Atma, the World and Brahman were in fact the same. By abiding in the turiyateeta state he established its practicable nature. Ramana's advent was for the upliftment of people of different spiritual attainments. As Kumarila he established the supremacy of the karma marga , as Jnana Sambandar, a poet, he brought bhakti marga close to the people and as Ramana he showed that the purpose of life was to abide in the Self and to stay in the sahaja state by the jnana marga . Truly wonderful! 4. Oh you readers of goodwill, you very well know that pure unadulterated milk even if little is better than large quantities of adulterated milk.
The Mile High Youth Corps’ Land Conservation Program engages young adults, ages 17-24, in conservation-based work focused on environmental improvements on public land. Participants work on small crews with 7-9 members for three months to two years, dependent on enrollment terms. Crews works includes increasing accessibility for the public, restoring native habitats, and mitigating the effects of catastrophic wildfires and floods. Earning a bi-weekly stipend and an AmeriCorps education award, young people from all economic backgrounds can afford to serve their community and invest in their own personal growth. Corpsmembers receive an education focused on environmental stewardship, civic engagement, healthy living, career readiness, leadership, and social justice. Education at MHYC takes place primarily in the field, with three hours designated for education per week. All crews receive significant tool safety and risk management training. Skill training is tailored for each project and may include: trail construction, native plant and invasive species identification, tree planting, flood and erosion mitigation techniques, and fence construction. Corpsmembers receive First-Aid/CPR and S-212 Wildland Fire Chainsaws certifications.
Everyone understands that a good hearing is important in everyday situations and for quality of life. Health hearing helps us to communicate with people, to identify various sounds surrounding us, better to understand the environment. Hearing loss can be caused by many different factors and circumstances. Hearing impairments can be genetically inherited (when the hearing impairment is identified at birth or in early childhood) or occurred (when it happens later in life). Hearing impairment or loss may occur as a result of disease or injury, infection or viral illness, intolerance (chemical poisoning), trauma, loud noise, lack of vitamins, mechanical ear injuries. Hearing impairment can also be caused by the diseases of the internal organs (heart and cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases, endocrine diseases, kidneys diseases, cervical spondylosis, radiation sickness, lack of vitamins) and central nervous system disorders (vascular spasms, brain ischemic disease, epilepsy, encephalitis, neuroendocrine tumors, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis). The senses become less efficient with age – including hearing. Thus, the majority of people with a hearing impairment who referred to the rehabilitation centers are elder people. Age-related hearing loss is the slow loss of hearing that most commonly occurs as people get older. The purpose of the hearing test is to determine the degree of patient’s hearing sensitivity, to assess the type, nature and degree of hearing impairment. The hearing test is completely safe and harmless. Before the hearing test, a hearing prosthetic specialist briefly and understandably explains to the patient what to do during the test and how this test works. At OPERA hearing centers, a hearing prosthetic specialist examines the patient’s ear canal and eardrums by the modern equipment – video otoscopy. Video otoscopic examination involves using an instrument called an otoscope to look inside the ear. An otoscope transmits a bright light into the ear canal and has a tiny video camera which relays images to a TV screen. Patient can view on video screen display and see what we're looking at. During the video otoscopy, we can capture and print digital images of anything we find within the ear canal. We carry out a hearing examination with a special medical equipment - an audiometer. An audiometer is used to determine a person's hearing sensitivity at different frequencies. Hearing sensitivity is checked by the air conduction and bone-conduction testing. Air conduction testing is performed in the sound booth using either speakers, headphones, or insert earphones. The signal travels through the air in the outer ear to the middle ear and then to the cochlea in the inner ear. In bone-conduction testing, instead of using an earphone, a bone sensor is placed before the ear on the skull. This allows for stimulation of the cochlea via mechanical vibration of the skull with almost no stimulation of the outer and middle ear. During the test different intensities of sounds, tones and a certain frequency range: from low to high (250Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz, 4000Hz, 8000Hz) are used. Standard methods are used to determine the sensitivity of the hearing. The results of your hearing tests are mapped onto a chart called an audiogram, which gives a visual overview of your hearing loss and its impact on your everyday life. Reliable hearing test provides you a lot of information about ear disease. The example of audiogram
This homemade Robot Can Solve A Rubik’s Cube In A Flash (Video). YouTubers, Jay Flatland and Paul Rose have uploaded a video this month that demonstrates their mechanical solver that unscrambles a Rubik’s cube in the blink of an eye. Originally called as Magic cube, Rubik’s Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle, which was invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. In a classic Rubik’s Cube, each of the six faces is covered by nine stickers, each of one of six solid colours: white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. In currently sold models, white is opposite yellow, blue is opposite green, and orange is opposite red, and the red, white and blue are arranged in that order in a clockwise arrangement. It works by plugging stepper motors affixed to 3D-printed frames into holes drilled into a Rubik’s Cube. The cube is scanned by four USB webcams that are attached to a PC, which find out the state of the colors. It then inputs the details through an implementation of the Kociemba Rubik’s cube solving algorithm that determines what moves are needed to solve the cube very quickly. The program takes the image input from the cameras as seen in the image below and translates it into an “unrolled” version for human intake, as well as something the solver can understand. Only when all cameras are working would the robot function. Hence, preparation is done by just putting paper in front of one of the lenses. Over the course of the 3:39 video, the machine gets a few runs that has a total of three results: 1.196s, 1.047s and a 1.019s towards the end. The duo is looking to apply for breaking the world record for their invention and get official recognition, which would overtake the previous machine record of 3.253seconds, along with the human record standing of 4.904 seconds. Working as a cyber security solutions architect, Alisa focuses on application and network security. Before joining us she held a cyber security researcher positions within a variety of cyber security start-ups. She also experience in different industry domains like finance, healthcare and consumer products.
Australia is a popular secondary education destination for international students. In addition to providing high-quality, internationally recognised education, Australia also provides a safe, comfortable and multicultural environment. An Australian education aims to provide students with the skills for future study and employment anywhere in the world. - Courses and qualifications - Vocational training in schools - The International Baccalaureate (IB) - Average tuition costs - Entry requirements - Further study - View a list of schools - Search for a course - Find out about Australia's university (higher education) sector An increasing number of Australian schools offer Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects as part of their school curriculum. These subjects allow students to gain practical, work-based skills while completing their senior secondary education and are part of Australia’s commitment to providing a balanced education that prepares students for life after secondary school. The IB Diploma Programme is a two-year pre-university course for motivated students from 16 to 19 years of age. Universities around the world recognise the qualification. There are also programs for middle years students (aged 11 to 16) and primary years students (aged 3 to 12). The International Baccalaureate organisation must officially approve schools before they can offer IB programs. There are 150 IB-authorised schools in Australia. For more information, go to the International Baccalaureate organisation website. These figures were sourced from the Australian Government’s Study in Australia website in 2018. Please note that tuition costs vary widely and should always be sourced from individual schools. Entry requirements vary throughout Australia. The selection process involves consideration of the applicant’s academic record along with other factors, which may include sporting achievement and other extracurricular accomplishments. The successful completion of secondary school allows students to apply for entry to further education, but it does not guarantee a place. Entry into most Australian higher education courses is on a competitive basis for both international and local students.
Principal Investigator Dr. Jeffrey Leonard, Washington University. This study will evaluate three growth characteristics of JPA that might offer clues for research. First, JPA is primarily a disease of childhood. Second, JPAs behave differently when they occur in different parts of the brain. Third, JPAs grow slowly and often stop growing spontaneously, possibly because JPAs cannot bypass the ‘biological clock’ that stops non-cancer cells from growing indefinitely. We will implant JPA cells taken from children undergoing surgical removal of their tumor into the brains of mice. We will determine if these cells grow preferentially when they are implanted into the brains of very young mice in places that correspond to the original location of the tumor in the patient, and if so, why. We will also put telomerase, a gene that bypasses the ‘biological clock’ into JPA cells and see if this allows tumor growth in mice brains. This project could identify proteins or genes that are important for JPA growth that could be used as targets for drugs or therapies to cure JPA.
For most of us, the thought of learning about the law is pretty intimidating. Not only is it a complex topic but few of us have time to read the huge volumes of text in dusty books you’re probably imagining. This was especially important during recent protests in response to the death of George Floyd. Christian created an animated explainer video using VideoScribe to teach people about protest rights in the UK and what to do in certain situations. The animation was so effective, it was featured on the BBC News homepage and shared thousands of times. So what went into creating this video and how was a dry complex topic turned into such a compelling animation? We’re excited to share our interview with Christian, where he answers those very questions! Big thank you again to Christian for sharing your story with us. 1. Please could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your YouTube channel? I’m currently a Pupil Barrister at Garden Court North Chambers in Manchester having studied at Nottingham Law School. My main areas of interest are immigration and asylum law; inquests and public inquiries; actions against the police and public authorities. Before starting my pupillage I worked at INQUEST where I advised bereaved families on inquest procedures resulting from deaths in state care and detention. I also volunteered at Liberty, advising members of the public on issues like discrimination, actions against the police and data rights. I’m really passionate about the law being accessible to all and providing strong representation to those most vulnerable in society. This led me to create my YouTube channel, ‘The Law in 60 Seconds’ where I share 1 minute videos explaining different legal matters. 2. What was your motivation for starting your YouTube channel? The real motivation for creating ‘The Law in 60 Seconds’ was a recognition that although people understand the importance of the law, very few people take the time to become knowledgeable in it — often deeming it too difficult or a time-consuming task. My #TheLawin60Seconds project identifies legal matters that relate to ordinary people and helps explain the legal rights and entitlements they have in the simplest of terms. The hope is that the information assists people in making informed decisions and gives them added confidence too. In addition to being an educational resource, I hope the channel will serve as the ‘lawyer friend’ that people often wish they had to advise them on their day-to-day legal affairs. 3. What made you choose to animate your video using VideoScribe? To be most effective, I felt my video on protest rights had to: Be able to be used IN a protest itself. - It was important that viewers could obtain information from the video even if they were in a loud environment. Using animations in addition to my voice meant that even if a viewer couldn’t quite pick up every word I was saying, the animations could help fill in the gaps. - I wanted to ensure that if an individual suspected that they might be about to be arrested, and therefore only had a short moment to view my video, they would be able to retain as much of its information as possible. The visual dynamic that the animations added to the video helped ensure that the information was memorable. Be able to assist those who don’t speak English as their first language. - People of all different backgrounds attended the protests and I wanted to ensure that even if English was not a person’s first language, they could still find value in the video. The animations played a big part in making this possible, helping communicate the message in a way that everybody could understand. Be able to draw people in. - Many people felt it extremely important to attend the protests, evidenced by the fact that they were not dissuaded from doing so by the pandemic. I was aware that this passion may lead to some having minimal interest in the legal consequences of their actions, and subsequently worried that for many, researching the law might be the last thing on their agenda. With that in mind, the video thumbnail had to encourage even those who didn’t have an interest in the law to watch it. A video of my face might not do that, but I felt a colorful animated video could! Be helpful and suitable for children. - Because of their added vulnerability, I wanted children in particular to know their rights. I thought it was particularly important that all children were aware that an appropriate adult (such as a parent) must be with them before they could be interviewed by the police. I was aware that the average 15 year old might not bother watching a 60 second video of a lawyer talking, but they might be tempted to watch a 60 second animated video. I chose VideoScribe over other animation software because it met all my needs. I have no intention of becoming a ‘pro-animator’, I just wanted to create a quick video to get my message out there and VideoScribe consistently came up as the easiest to use. I was really impressed with the tutorials that come along with VideoScribe and these were all I needed to create the video, it was the perfect option. 4. What’s the response to your video on protest rights been like? It’s been very positive. The video has been viewed over 30,000 times across social media and it was featured on the BBC News homepage. The BBC have been really supportive of my channel from the start and have helped get the information out to a wider audience. I’ve also had very positive feedback specifically about the animation element with Black Lives Matter UK themselves sharing the video. 5. Could you tell us a little about your process for creating videos? - I start by writing my script on Evernote (a note taking web tool). - Then I use my iPhone to record myself reading the script. - After that I use a free converter to change the audio file into the right format for VideoScribe and import it. - I then create my animations over the top of the voice-over, stopping to watch tutorial videos created by VideoScribe where needed. These were really helpful as I had no previous experience using the tool. 6. What’s your best advice for other VideoScribers wanting to make educational videos that grab attention? My main three tips would be: - Be confident in your animations. There may not be an image for every single thing you want to say but by using multiple similar pictures, you often can still make the point. - Whilst creating your videos, regularly watch them back to ensure you’re on the right lines. We all lead busy lives. You don’t want to waste time going back on things that could have been rectified much earlier. - Make the animations WORK FOR YOU. If you need to explain a tricky concept then go for it! Don’t try and oversimplify it. Have faith that the combination of your voice and animations will make the concept easier to understand.
There are two sides to most things and, generally, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Gary Kowalski's Revolutionary Spirits: The Enlightened Faith of America's Founding Fathers demonstrates the adage applies to views of how the founders of this country saw the role of religion. Today, many on the Christian right argue that the intent of the founders was to form a Christian nation. Many on the other side of the aisle not only contend there was no such intent but that many of the founders weren't Christians, didn't believe in the Bible or were borderline atheists. Kowalski uses brief biographies of six founding fathers — Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison — to show neither position has an exclusive lock on the truth. In fact, Kowalski's work indicates that their religious leanings were largely a nature-based spirituality that incorporated some Christian doctrine but did not necessarily adopt the Bible chapter and verse. Kowalski's profiles show how each of these individuals reflect their time. They were all part of the so-called Age of Enlightenment, a period grounded in applying reason and systematic thinking to not only the natural sciences but political philosophy. Kowalski, a Harvard-educated Unitarian-Universalist minister, explores each man's interest in the sciences, be it botany, astronomy or mathematics, and how the analytical thought applied in those fields tended to carry over to their views of religion. Thus, while Adams was a regular churchgoer, most were Deists and not necessarily devout and confirmed Christians. They saw and found God not in revelatory scripture but in nature and life. They may have adopted elements of the teachings of Jesus as part of their belief system but still applied a skeptical eye at portions of the Bible. As such, Kowalski says, they were "religious liberals." Revolutionary Spirits occasionally intimates that their views were outside mainstream colonial or American thought at the time. Still, Kowalski leaves no doubt there were religious aspects to these men, even if they were not devout adherents to a particular creed. Yet their use of reason and evidence to reach conclusions also seems to have led them to a belief that no particular religion should be dictated to people. Instead, each person should be free to advocate and reach their own conclusions about religious beliefs, even if that meant rejecting religion. Revolutionary Spirits does not advance any earthshaking contentions in this regard. It does, however, take a concise and handy approach toward the topic. Still, that approach has pitfalls. Perhaps the most glaring is that the six individuals tend to be examined in relative isolation. While we see how various ideas overlap between and among them, we don't see how or whether their views were ultimately synthesized in the country's founding documents. Thus, although all but Paine played roles in the Constitutional Convention and the eventual adoption of the Bill of Rights, Kowalski does not explore how their particular ideas were expressed, modified or rejected in those documents. Perhaps Kowalski believes such topics are better left for constitutional scholars or those who are wont to debate questions of "original intent" as opposed to a work aimed at a more general audience. To the limited extent mention is made of these issues, the book quietly raises the interesting question of whether their views mean those documents reflect mainstream political thought or were aimed at providing protection from the mainstream. Those who believe the country was founded as a Christian nation may find Revolutionary Spirits one-sided and cite various writings or statements by these individuals that contradict the particular material used in Kowalski's profiles. Likewise, those with the opposite views can likely point to other writings with excerpts they believe indicate the founders sought to establish a godless nation. Examining existing evidence with the reason he believes was fundamental to the lives of those he profiles, Kowalski makes a strong and highly readable case that the truth is at neither extreme.
What does LiDAR mean? Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) is an optical detection system that works on the principle of radar but uses light. LiDAR uses ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared light to image objects and can be used with a wide range of targets. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What is the full form of LiDAR? The full form of LiDAR is Light Detection And Ranging
Dental bleaching or tooth whitening is the process to lighten the shade of your teeth. The bleaching agent is applied on the surface of the tooth and changes its color. Sometimes, it can also be achieved by applying an agent on the tooth's surface itself. It is typically utilized by those who wish to have to have a whiter smile, as well as by those whose teeth have become discolored because of factors like ageing or staining due to drinking and smoking drinks that contain caffeine. To speed up the process of whitening you can also switch on the lights in the dentist's office. Dentist whitening kits are available with different strengths depending on the amount of whitening that you require. It is therefore important to ask your dentist which strength they recommend for your teeth. Generally, tooth whitening kits, when applied correctly and as per the instructions, offer a significant level of whitening. Tooth whiteningwith the correct formula and products can make your smile much stronger and whiter than before. Teeth whitening kits are extremely effective compared to services offered by dentists. They are inexpensive and can be used at home , without causing any damage to your teeth or gums. The bleaches used are mild and are safe to use for children as well. Many dentists offer teeth bleaching services for patients, but these too aren't very robust, causing lots of discomfort. Gels, pastes and strips are frequently employed to help whiten teeth. In the majority of cases they employ peroxide-based whiteners in the pastes, gels, and strips. However, some make use of hydrogen peroxide-based whiteners. These powerful chemical compounds will make your teeth whiter and brighter. TheraBrite, LefyBrite are two of the most popular tooth whiteners on the market today. Whiteners for teeth from dentists can be highly effective and provide remarkable results. You must ensure that your teeth are bleached by a professional. There are various chemicals and devices that could cause damage to your teeth in the event that they are not done correctly. There are a myriad of types of teeth whitening products on the market like whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, gels and so forth. You should choose the one that best fits your needs and your budget. You should be aware that whitening agents are applied by applying a chemical treatment to the teeth. The agents are able to eliminate discolorations and stains the teeth and make them sparkle like new. The time needed to treat your condition can differ based on the severity of the issue. Dentists use various whitening agents to solve different issues. Your dentist might use a bleaching gel in case you suffer from sensitive teeth. Your dentist will likely make use of a hydrogen peroxide gel when you have a significant amount of cavities. Your dentist will recommend the use of lasers for teeth whitening when you have a lot of gum disease or staining. Online ordering of dentist products for whitening is feasible. There are numerous online stores that sell teeth whitening toothpastes, gels, and so forth. You can compare prices and browse through the selection of products. Make sure to read reviews of the customers and find out more about the product before you purchase it. Some websites don't provide customer reviews and the products may not be genuine While some websites offer testimonials on their sites. The products must be bought from trusted sites and from well-respected dentists. A professional treatment from dentists is the best method to whiten your teeth. These treatments can be costly and you can save money by going for teeth whitening toothpastes and other such products sold over the Internet. To ensure that your smile is radiant, you should always follow the advice of your dentist. There are also toothpaste that is available over-the-counter. These bleaching strips, gels, and other products come in a variety. A popular over-the counter item is an oral rinse or toothpaste that bleaches your teeth. You just need to brush on the bleaching gel before swabbing it over your teeth. Dentist Whitening, kits for teeth whitening and in-office whitening procedures have their own advantages and drawbacks. For instance, if you opt for a home treatment however, you may not receive the same results that you get if you go for an office treatment. It is also not possible to perform the treatments regularly since it is difficult to remove the stains. Your smile will remain shining and white if you maintain a good oral hygiene routine. Just remember to brush your teeth twice a day, visit your dentist regularly and only use over-the-counter remedies. What to Look for in the Top Dentist: There are a lot of ways to locate a top dentist. It is essential to start with the best place possible. Consider the price and experience, location, and cost to locate the best dentist for you. You can examine the different locations to locate the right dentist. Doing some research is the most effective method to find a dentist. Ask friends, family members or neighbors for their recommendations. Contact your local pharmacist or your general physician. If you're moving to another city, contact the dentist you currently see to determine whether they're in network. Contact the state or city dental association. Other ways to find a dentist is visiting the American Dental Association website or calling the state or city dental association. They have an approved list of dentists. Another source to find the list of dentists that are approved is on the website of the American Academy for Cosmetic Dentistry. The website also lists approved dentists. This website lists approved providers by specialty as well as by location. It is important to set an appointment when you've found someone you like. It is recommended to make an appointment to have a check-up. This will allow the dentist to determine the dental issues that require to be addressed. If you are comfortable you can make a date for your treatment. There are many ways to locate dental work. You can search your telephone book for dentists or search at the Internet for ads. Call each dental clinic and ask for the receptionist. They will be able to schedule an appointment for you. The most efficient method to find a family dentist practice is to use the yellow pages in your phone book. Shopping online is simpler when the clinic accepts credit cards. Many dentists have payment options that include annual installments along with monthly installments and take out loans. If you have questions about their services, contact the office to talk to the team of pediatric dentists. To get the answers you need you'll need, it's a good idea to visit the clinic in person. A good pediatric dentist will make an appointment for both of your children to see them at the same time. When scheduling your appointment, you will be required to bring the dates for all your children's routine checkups. Your dentist may recommend preventative services that you can do while your children are sitting in their chair. Some options include taking out the garbage and brushing teeth. It is also important to be aware of when the dental office for your family closes for the day , so you can make your next appointment for cosmetic dental care without worrying about the appointment being booked. You should also consult your dentist for CEs. They should be licensed and required to complete continuing education courses. This is crucial as you want to find the right dentist for you. You should also inquire whether they're willing let you tour the facility so you can examine how well the dental office is constructed. In addition, ask them about emergency care services. You'll have peace of peace of mind knowing that your dentist is prepared to handle any issue that might arise during the course of your child's regular visit. Because this is an area of personal taste and financial resources, it's important to look around for the best dentists. There are certain characteristics you'd like to see in a dentist. You don't feel at ease with the dentist you have chosen. Find another that fits your needs. This can help you save money as you get the best dentist possible for your family. It is crucial to know the things to look out for when you are looking for a new dentist. There are many things to consider when choosing the right dentist. If you're seeking better oral health, you should ensure that the dentist you select utilizes the best methods to care for your teeth. A good dental program will comprise both preventative and emergency care. In addition to that, there are numerous cosmetic dentists who use porcelain veneers, bonding crowns, teeth whitening , and other procedures to enhance the appearance of your smile. If you're looking to get healthier teeth and gums, then a dentist who is functional might be the right option for you. When it concerns your oral health, you need to ensure you find a dentist who knows what they're doing. It is the only way to make sure that you get the best possible care for your teeth. Dental Implants are made from metal, titanium, and dental steel. Implants are surgically placed into the jaw bone to restore its function and form following an accident or illness has caused damage or destruction to teeth. Dental implants are thin metal piece that is connected directly to the jaw bone or bone , acting as an anchor or bridge, crown, or denture. It is placed in the jaw at a position that allows it to fulfill the necessary function. Implants for dental restoration can replace teeth and restore function to various areas of the mouth. Dental implants themselves are extremely thin wires of metal about a millimeter in diameter. Through a tiny incision within the mouth, they are inserted into the jaw bone. Once in place they are surgically molded to fit the jaw and are then secured with a special screw to hold them in the desired position. After healing for between six and nine months patients are able to use their new teeth and dental implants with much more confidence than they were prior to the procedure. There are two kinds of dental implants: endosteal (both are made of titanium). The most common form of implant that is used today is an implant made of endosteal that is made of titanium. Endosteal implants are inserted into the bone that is located in the back of the mouth of a patient. After the dental implants inside the jawbone are removed the endosteal implant remains in place and is permanent. Once the titanium piece has been cut into the correct form The two pieces are fixed in place using screws. Since the dental implants could be noticeable to other people and therefore, the procedure may be hidden by the simple brace that protects the jaw. However, the appearance of a metal brace can alter the way people see you, so make certain to wear a brace that covers your teeth! Dental Implants are similar to other prosthetic implants for teeth in that the implant is implanted in the jawbone. This permits the replacement of a tooth, or a group of teeth. After the procedure is completed successfully, a false tooth or teeth can be bonded to the bridgework. Dental Implants can be used to replace a single tooth that is missing, multiple missing teeth or all missing teeth. Your dentist will determine exactly what dental implants will be the best for you before they implant them into your jawbone. Dental Implants are one of the most durable and reliable options for replacement available. With a good dentist and the top quality materials replacing your natural teeth with Dental Implants is an affordable permanent option. Before you can get the procedure your dentist will assess the health of your teeth and gums. The dentist may also take xrays and CT scans to make sure that the implant is an appropriate fit. Implants made by dental implants may not be the best option for your mouth if it has a significant gap between two or more teeth. In this situation the dentist may suggest bridges or alternative solutions for temporary use. On the other the other hand, if there's very little space between the implant and your molars, your dentist may suggest bridges or even an incomplete plate to strengthen the jaw and cover the implant for long-term use. Dental Implants are not suitable for all patients. Invisalign may be recommended for those with jaws that are too small, or you have a gap that is large. This involves aligning your teeth with dental crowns or false teeth. If there isn't enough space between your teeth for implants Your periodontist could recommend Invisalign. If you already have false teeth or dentures, you could be urged to consider switching to Dental Implants if your bite isn't ideal. You'll need to undergo numerous oral examinations before you can get the implant. If the implants appear to be in good condition, your periodontist will likely recommend two weeks of oral care. You will be put to sleep and given painkillers to manage your pain during the days you aren’t eating. The false teeth or dentures must be removed before the implants will be placed into your gums. When you're browsing for a dental practitioner, the American Dental Association (ADA) offers these ideas: Ask household, friends, next-door neighbors, or co-workers for their recommendations. Ask your family doctor or local pharmacist. If you're moving, ask your present dental practitioner to make a recommendation. Contact your local or state dental society - Oral Appliance Dentist Near Me. The ADA provides a list of regional and state oral societies on its web website, Your regional and state oral societies also might be noted in the telephone directory site under "dentists" or "associations (General Dentist in Leesburg Va)."The ADA recommends calling or going to more than one dentist prior to picking one (Dentist With Payment Plan Near Me). To find an ideal dental expert to fulfill your needs, think about asking the following questions as a beginning point: What are the workplace hours? Are they practical for your schedule? Is the office easy to get to from work or house? Where was the dental practitioner informed and trained? What's the dental expert's method to preventive dentistry? How frequently does the dental professional attend conferences and continuing education workshops? What type of anesthesia is the dentist accredited to administer to assist you unwind and feel more comfy during any essential oral treatment? What arrangements are produced handling emergency situations outside of office hours? (The majority of dental professionals make arrangements with a colleague or emergency referral service if they are unable to tend to emergency situations. Dentist That Do Root Canals Near Me. Sleep Apnea Dentist Near Me - Best Veneer Dentist Near Me.)Is info supplied about all fees and payment strategies prior to treatment is arranged? If you are contrast shopping, request for price quotes on some common treatments such as full-mouth X-rays, an oral examination and cleansing, and filling a cavity (Dentist Cleaning Near Me). Dentist That Do Gold Teeth Near Me (Dentist Leesburg Pike Falls Church Va). Ask if the dental practitioner has training and/or experience in treating patients with your specific condition (Gold Teeth Dentist Near Me). Ask if the dental practitioner has an interest in treating clients with your particular condition. Bonding Dentist Near Me. Mayo Dentist Leesburg Va. Learn if the dentist takes part in your dental insurance coverage program - Pediatric Dentist With Sedation Near Me. Ask if the dental facility is accessible to the disabled (Wisdom Teeth Removal Dentist Near Me). A list of oral school centers is supplied by the ADA - Emergency Pediatric Dentist Near Me. Typically, dental costs in school centers cover products and devices. Your state oral society can tell you if there is a dental school clinic in your location - Dentist That Use Sedation Near Me.
We have extended our research on Heliconius to explore the genetic basis of mimicry in a diversity of butterfly species, including one particularly long-lived mystery of evolutionary genetics—the molecular basis of ‘supergene’ mimicry. Using an integrative approach combining genetic and association mapping, transcriptome and genome sequencing, and gene expression analyses, we found that a single gene, doublesex (dsx), controls supergene mimicry in Papilio polytes. This is in contrast to the long-held view that supergenes are likely to be controlled by a tightly linked cluster of loci. Our results ultimately fuse two different hypotheses for the identity of supergenes, showing that a single gene can switch the entire wing pattern among mimicry phenotypes but may require multiple, tightly linked mutations to do so. Our work on supergene mimicry is now expanding along multiple fronts, with particular focus on functional mechanisms in Papilio polytes and comparative genomics across species.
Early Childhood Education Professionals Resources These handouts, developed by the Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, provide information on early childhood development and ways of interaction that promote child development, birth to 2 years of age. Handouts are available in English and Spanish. Ages & Stages Questionnaires are developmental screening tools designed for use by early childhood educators and health care professionals. They are the most widely used screeners and help pinpoint developmental progress in children. View 5 basic approaches to promoting optimal development in young children. Boston Basics also includes short videos of parents engaging in interaction with their child that demonstrate each of the 5 approaches. This site also includes posters, presentations, handouts, and documents on the research supporting the Boston Basics approach. Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! is a coordinated federal effort to encourage healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for children, and support for the families and providers who care for them. New free training available: Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns. Visit www.cdc.gov/WatchMeTraining to access this FREE, 1-hour online, continuing education courses avaliable in English and Spanish to help you monitor the development of children in your care and talk with parents about developmental concerns. In Oregon after completing the 4 modules, print out your certificate of completion and send it to the Oregon Registry Online (ORO) for professional development credit. Most Americans probably know the CDC as the federal agency that tracks and monitors disease outbreaks like the Zika virus. But they have also supported a vast amount of research on child development that produced what many consider the guiding principles. The Learn the Signs. Act Early. initiative encourages parents and caregivers to use CDC Milestones Checklists to track their child’s progress and talk to their doctor if they are concerned about their child missing milestones. NCPMI promotes the positive social, emotional and behavioral outcomes of young children (birth through age five). NCPMI provides tools and informational resources to families and early care and educational professionals. Developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, this unifying framework is unique in its approach to identifying the five Protective Factors that strengthen families’ ability to raise well-adjusted children. Produced by the Center for the Study of Social Policy in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, this policy brief recommends early childhood education professionals use resources such as Act Early Oregon that provide an important and easy way to connect families with needed resources, services and support. These telephone helplines connect families to a trained support person who can work with them to learn more about what they need and connect them to appropriate resources.
Did you know that gota work originated from a form of court embroidery? Native to Rajasthan, this style of embroidery uses the applique technique. Small pieces of zari ribbon are applied onto the fabric (satin or twill weave) with the edges sewn down to create elaborate patterns. This is then placed onto fabrics such as georgette or bandhini to create different surface textures. Pictured here is ace designer Anita Dongre’s traditional silk lehenga in a pretty pink from her Jaipur collection adorned with gota patti—a speciality from the citadels of Jaipur. Zardozi (in Persian: zar meaning gold and dozi meaning embroidery) work is an ancient Persian form of embroidery done using gold and silver zari threads. Initially, zardozi embroidery was done using real metal threads of gold and silver for the clothes of the rich as well as for royalty and for paintings, tapestries and bed sheets. Today, the application of pearls and precious stones looks stunning when paired with zardozi embroidery on silk, crepe, brocade and velvet fabrics. Since zardozi work is heavy in weight, it requires a thick and heavy fabric to support it. Clothes with zardozi are essential for any wedding as it depicts lavishness and royalty, which is a staple theme of many Indian weddings. Pictured here is an exquisite piece from Anita Dongre’s collection showcasing the art of Zardozi to perfection. Ikat is a dyeing technique used to pattern textiles that employs a resist dyeing process on the warp fibres, the weft fibres and in rare cases both, prior to dyeing and weaving. The resist is formed by binding bundles of threads with a tight wrapping applied in the desired pattern. The threads are then dyed. The bindings are then altered and then the thread bundles dyed again with another colour to produce elaborate, multi-coloured patterns. When the dyeing is finished, the bindings are removed and the threads are woven into cloth. Pictured here is an Anita Dongre long shift black dress in which the sleeves are highlighted with ikat fabric—an inspiration from the art of origami. Kimkhwab is an Indian brocade, woven of silk and gold or silver thread. The word kimhwab comes from the Persian phrase, meaning “a little dream”—a reference to the intricate patterns employed. Kimkhwab also means woven flower, an interpretation that appears more applicable to the brocade—in terms of the floral patterns that are common on the material. Today, Banaras is the most important centre for kimkhwab production. Pictured here is beige kimkhwab dupatta by Tarun Tahiliani Realistically pictorial, lyrically composed, aesthetically colourful and delicately embellished, gara embroidery is an emblem of style and elegance. The rich gara embroidery, originally considered a Parsi family’s heirloom, has become a rare, collector’s item because of its intricate work and beauty. Gara motifs are drawn from the rich repertoire of traditional Chinese textile motifs. The peacock with a trailing tail appears to be an Indian motif adopted by Chinese embroiderers for gara-embroidery. Bamboos, birds, butterflies and blossoms fill in spaces and divide scenes. Embroidering a gara takes several months, depending on the intricacy, fineness and elaborateness of the design. Though expensive, they are likened to buying a piece of jewellery, which can be handed down through the generations. Pictured here are bags, clutches and potlis embroidered using gara by Malaga Bags available at Aza. One of the most common types of embroidery is resham. Widely in demand, resham embroidery is fabricated with extreme precision. Resham embroidery has the power to turn a dull piece of fabric into something truly exquisite. With fine silk threads—resham work is one of the most popular forms of embroidery that can truly elevate a piece of fabric. Pictured here is fashion moghul, Manish Malhotra’s salmon pink georgette kurta with off-white resham work teamed with a white silk pant. Tilla embroidery is a form of hand embroidery using gold, copper and silver zari threads. Tilla embroiderers were traditionally jingarhs, or the people who made horses’ reigns, decorating them with tilla. They also produced decorative banners for the kings and Maharajas. The men primarily worked on the design and embroidery while the women only added the finishing touches from home. Pictured here is a Manish Malhotra creation: a coral silk front open Nehru collar jacket with Tilla embroidery motifs all over the front and back with a heavy zardozi embroidered border and long side slits.
Recent studies indicate that American men are lonelier than ever, with many lacking close friendships (some women too). To help remedy this, I present to you the following top ten list with a fun playlist to match. This week an article from the Economist popped up in my Facebook feed titled, “Why Men Are Lonelier In America Than Anywhere Else”. It caught my interest because it mirrors an NPR Hidden Brain podcast I listened to 4 years ago: “Guys, We Have A Problem: How American Masculinity Creates Lonely Men” which was the original inspiration for this blog. There was also a hilarious SNL skit recently called “Man Park”: a dog park for middle aged married men to make new guy friends. It seems this topic is trending as of late, so having done lots of research these past couple years within my own friend network for Bright Sounds Dark Lyrics, I thought I would weigh in with my thoughts on this subject. I frequently hear the term “toxic masculinity” used in these conversations as the culprit for men being lonely, the idea that men are incapable of opening up emotionally and forming meaningful connections with other men. This is certainly true of some dudes, perhaps the ones who falsely believe in the “Alpha Male” myth, a concept that was retracted by wildlife biologist L David Mech who originally suggested this theory in his 1970 book The Wolf. We all know this bro-ish type. The type of guy who thinks the only way to get ahead is to be a bigger bully than everyone else. If you can step on everyone else and grab as many resources as you can in the process, then you will find yourself at a higher status in the pack. They believe that “Nice guys finish last” and aggressively pursue women using tactics they read in The Game. Unfortunately, these assholes seem to be rampant in corporate America. Even more unfortunate is that these alpha types end up with very few friends in middle age because nobody likes being around a bully. I encountered a guy like this at a bar last week who was going through a divorce and as a result was being a complete toxic jerk to everyone around him. One can’t help but suspect that his behavior was both the cause and the result of the divorce. Here's the deal though, men are complicated creatures and plenty of us out there are not toxic. Historically speaking, I would describe most of my guy friends as being empathetic and open with their emotions, which is probably what drew us to punk and new wave in the first place, not to say that some residual toxicity may exist from being raised gen X. I think back to hanging out with my high school pals at the diner back in the 1990s. We all lived in the suburbs and didn’t have much money, so our options were a bit limited in terms of entertainment. Sure, we’d have the usual options of seeing a movie, going to a mall, or hanging out at a friend’s house to play video games, but afterwards there would be a whole block of time ahead of us where we weren’t quite ready for bed and still wanted to hang out. When all options ran out, one person would always utter an interrogatory statement consisting of a single word, “Diner?”. The response of course was an affirmatory statement also consisting of a single word, “Diner”, then immediately followed by, “Shotgun!”, thus initiating a hangout at the 24 hour Athenian Diner in Middletown, CT talking until the wee hours of the morning. The focus wasn’t so much on eating, but more on philosophizing while trying to sound as interesting, clever, and creative as possible, with an air of authority, and also while consuming as much coffee and cigarettes in the process. In many ways we were emulating our favorite slacker independent films at the time like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Chasing Amy, Clerks, Slacker, Swingers, Dazed and Confused, Before Sunrise, Coffee and Cigarettes, etc. The list goes on. In fact, the very first time I saw Reservoir Dogs I remember how much the opening scene at the diner, with Quentin Tarantino and his cohorts analyzing Madonna lyrics, felt like hanging out with my friends. I should add Seinfeld to this list too for its diner scenes and conversations about nothing. Aside from the clever nerdy discussions though, we also opened up about our problems: girl problems, parental troubles, school stresses, personal insecurities, and other things that were bothering us. It was healthy to have that family, that was not our actual family, to vent about such things especially if we didn’t feel comfortable talking about certain subjects with our parents. It reminds me a little bit of this emotionally supportive scene from Ron Livingston talking to John Favreau in Swingers. Fast forward twentysomething years later, I’ve discovered lately that quite a few of my middle-aged friends, mostly male and some female, are not able to hang and have conversations anymore, certainly not like they used to back in those diner days. Some are completely ADD, unable to make eye contact, and their attention continuously darts to something else in the room: what’s playing on TV, who just walked in, etc. (especially some of my NYC friends). Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a Brooklyn friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a while. After an hour of getting him up to speed with my life he said, “This is the longest conversation I’ve had with anyone in over a year”. He lives with his wife and kid and I can tell they haven’t socialized with many people due to COVID, not even on the phone. I spoke with another colleague of mine in Pasadena who has helped me out with some projects with my company. I always call her up to chat, mainly because I talk faster than I can type, and also because it’s easier to make decisions and clear up misunderstandings with a conversation. She gave a similar response, “I’ve done more talking on the phone with you these last couple of weeks than I have in years”. Another friend who used to be a complete chatterbox and schmoozer back in the day can now barely formulate any thought lasting longer than 30 seconds. Part of me is very quick to blame technology for the problem. We now have an absurd plethora of choices to choose from to communicate with each other which no longer requires anyone to be present or to have actual conversations. No more running to the phone to see who it is, now we have caller ID and voicemail. No need to be quick thinking on our feet, we can spend more time formulating a long, detailed response via an email and do our research online to sound smart. No need to be punctual or to follow through with plans because texting makes it so much easier to postpone or reschedule at the very last minute. With Facebook we can superficially keep tabs on a large network of friends and family without anyone being vulnerable with each other. Dating apps allow us to flirt outside of our social networks in a way that is completely introverted and randomized. As a result of all these options, people have retreated to the bubbles of their own preferred mediums of communication, due to their own quirks and levels of introversion, which makes it increasingly difficult to keep in touch with friends the older we get. A wise friend recently said to me though, “It’s not the technology, it’s the person wielding it”. So what’s the deal here, why are so many men (and some women) completely lacking in meaningful friendships in middle age? To begin with, there is the hard divide that happens between married people and single people, especially for those folks who have kids and/or who move to the suburbs. This was touched upon in an episode of Sex and the City as well as a previous blog post that I wrote here. The reasons for this divide are complex but it mostly revolves around the priority shift that happens when people have kids. Suddenly the purpose of making plans and socializing is focused less on leisure, dating, and fun and more about networking with other parents as part of the communal child rearing process. Parents become friends with other parents because their kids are friends in the same school district and they do it for the purpose of taking turns watching the kids, not because of what they have in common. Just because your kids are playing Dungeons and Dragons together, it doesn’t mean that the dads or moms are going to share the same nerdy interests. Not having been married before, I imagine that this must make it very difficult for both husband and wife to make meaningful friendships with other friend-couples. The statistical likelihood of two pairs of people clicking with each other all 4 ways, and at a similar deep level as friends from high school or college, seems challenging to say the least. All friend-parents have universally described to me how utterly exhausting it is to raise children, especially in the early years. Parents turn into zombies and easily miss and/or forget to respond to invitations from friends to hang out. If they do have any time off, they would prefer to spend that time alone to rest, or to be with their kids who they didn’t get to see very much during their busy work week. I asked my Fairfield U. friend Hot Dog Boy, married Long Island dad of three (you can read about him here) to weigh in on this subject. He was quite the organizer at one point, in fact I would consider him to be an inspiration in this department, especially the time he once talked over 300 friends to pay a $75 cover to attend an open bar boat show with his ska band Douglas Leader Orchestra back in the late ‘90s. You can imagine the level of coercion involved, but the result was a great party between good friends. He was also known for his epic “Festivus” parties at his apartment in Brooklyn back in the 2000s, usually involving a homemade turducken. Years later he now finds himself lacking in quality friends like he used to, like so many of us. He no longer organizes such events and I asked him to elaborate on what happened. He admitted that part of the problem is laziness which seems to happen with a lot of husbands. I think most men prefer to have their wives run their social calendars because it’s so much easier when someone else is handling that bullshit and not you. To begin with, social networking and planning can be an exhausting process, one that seems to get more difficult the older we get and as friends become more quirky and temperamental. Then there are those guys, we all know them, the ones who never valued friendship that much to begin with. They ditch their guy friends the second they are in a relationship and latch onto their significant others like a leech. I think these are the type of men that the SNL Man Park skit is skewering the most. These men see friendship with other dudes as merely the appetizer leading to the main course of relationships and marriage. These guys are the most insufferable people to hang out with when they are single. A hangout with them yields superficial conversations as their eyes continuously dart towards other women at the bar, or their dating apps, not you. And let’s face it, us unmarried folks often get a bad rap, too. I inquired with Hot Dog Boy if he happens to know any wives within his network who shun the idea of their husbands hanging out with other single guy friends. He said it depends on the friend and the conditions of the hangout. If it’s a trusted friend and the hangout is innocent enough, like going to a movie or golfing or something then no, but wives are for sure more scrutinizing of their husband’s single friends versus their married friends, especially if they are hanging out one on one and going to a bar together. There is less concern if a husband hangs out with a group of married guy friends as it will most likely make its way back to the wife via their social network if he misbehaves. A divorced female friend of mine in LA recently told me that she didn’t fully grasp the idea of having friends outside of marriage and family, mainly because many of her own friends are such jerks. This was touched upon in a Netflix series Friends From College, where many of the spouses did not like who their significant others turned into whenever they got together with their Harvard friend group. It is true that some longstanding friends can be bad for us, and a good spouse should look out for that. I think this divide is starting to recede a bit in middle age though. I’ve lately found myself being suddenly being invited last minute to hang out with other friend-couples when their own friend-couples dropped out last minute. I think COVID has led to a lot of unfriendings these last two years amongst both marrieds and singles, as the stresses of the pandemic has brought out the worst in people, not to mention politics and other factors. Divorce is also looming in the air for more than a handful of middle-aged couples within my network, an unpleasant process that I would not wish upon my worst enemy from what I’ve heard about it. There is also the factor of mental illness and/or PTSD which can affect interpersonal relationships in middle age, especially if they go unchecked without therapy. This applies to more than a few of my male friends. According to the American Psychological Association, "Indeed, dozens of studies and surveys over the past several decades have shown that men of all ages and ethnicities are less likely than women to seek help for all sorts of problems--including depression, substance abuse and stressful life events--even though they encounter those problems at the same or greater rates as women". Click here to read more. So whatever your reason is for not having many close friendships at this age, whether you’re male, female, married, unmarried, a parent, or childless, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to brush up on being social again, especially now that the COVID numbers are down. As a result, I present to you my top ten social networking skills you’ve lost since the 1990s. These are all based on tried-and-true techniques running Tri-State Conspiracy for a decade as well as recent experiences and observations organizing Zoom hangouts with other friends of various walks of life for this blog and for work these last 2 years. I have included a complementary playlist to match: 1. Don’t Be an Asshole: I would like to give credit to George Washington for this one. When he was 13 he wrote a pamphlet about conversational etiquette titled, “George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation”. What brought me here was Milk and Honey Bar in NYC which drew inspiration from this pamphlet for its house rules. It’s a long and clunky title, I think a catchier one would be, “Don’t Be A Dick”. Rule #1, “Every action done in company ought to be with some respect to those that are present”. It’s amazing how much America has forgotten this #1 golden rule these last few years, especially in politics. There are many reasons as to why people turn into assholes in group settings, most of which have to do with insecurity and alcohol, or perhaps unaddressed resentments that have built up over time between long term friends. In the past year, I’ve observed more than one friend putting me down or continuously disagreeing with me during hangouts that I was hosting for the main reason of trying to get my friends to like them better. Some of us who grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s can remember an era of sitcoms that were built entirely upon ranking each other out, something that we often liked to bring to group hangouts to “spice things up”. This is a surefire way to piss off your friends at this age. There is also the phenomenon of “basement friends”, those critics who only point out your flaws, not your good attributes, in the spirit of “helping you out” or “toughening you up”. They will dish out lots of critique, all negative, yet ironically those same folks can’t handle any level of criticism themselves. Some people just love to argue with other people about politics in the spirit of competition and to push their buttons in the process. Don’t do it, America. Don’t be an asshole. 2. Give Undivided Attention: Rule #18 in the same pamphlet, “Read no letters, books or papers in company but when there is a necessity for the doing of it you must ask leave. Come not near the books or writings of another so as to read them unless desired or give your opinion of them unasked, also look not nigh when another is writing a letter”. I think what 13 year old GW wrote in 1745 very much applies to cell phone etiquette in 2022. So many of us are guilty of this. We can’t stop looking at our phones. We leave our phones on the table during dinner, but our eyes keep darting to see if another text message came in. We keep wanting to Google information or YouTube clips to add to the conversation. It’s an addiction, in fact a female friend of mine recently became enraged when I mildly teased her about texting while I was talking because I came between her and that dopamine boost. Nothing beats good old fashioned eye contact, I tell you. It makes people feel connected and also will help you pay attention to what is being said. Hey I get it, after an hour you’re dying to see if anyone texted you so just politely excuse yourself while you do it. Your dinner guest might also appreciate the short break to check his or her phone too. 3. Take Your Time to Speak: I mostly blame corporate America for this problem. Everyone is overworked, their time is limited, and they want to get through meetings as quickly as possible. At the same time, they want to sound smart. This results in rapid fire dialogue not unlike an episode of the West Wing. This phenomenon is amplified even further if you happen to work in Manhattan. There is also the problematic issue of “jumping in”, especially if you happen to be of Italian descent like me. Some folks jump in with a quick tidbit, correction, or fact with the intent of adding to the conversation, but others are mic grabbers who will start a completely different topic or story altogether the second there is a break in the conversation and see how far they can run with it. In this type of environment, it’s impossible for others to interject and many people can’t process dialogue at this rate, especially on the west coast. While this might work at your job, it’s not so great for hangouts with friends. It brings the stress of work to a leisure setting and as a result no one is paying attention to what other people are saying, they are just focusing on their next entrance strategy into the conversation. It causes people to stutter, jumble their words, or to say things that don’t make sense. George Washington addressed this with rule #74 in his pamphlet, “Think before you speak, pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily but orderly and distinctly”. You’d be surprised how much it can draw people’s attention when you take your time to speak, Tarantino frequently used this technique in his films. It’s also a lot more relaxing for the listener, too. 4. Put Things on the Calendar: How many times has this happened to you? You catch up with an old friend that you haven’t seen in ages. You can’t remember why exactly you stopped hanging out, yet some unseen force pulls you together, perhaps a wedding or a business trip. After the hangout you say, “That was awesome we should do this again!”. “Yeah, we should!” they reply. Then several more years go by without hanging out. All relationships take work, and this is true of friendships, too. If you really want to keep the friendship going, you have to put in the effort and make concrete plans, otherwise that relationship will fade. It’s a simple rule but we all forget it so easily. Some folks don’t want to commit to anything due to “FOMO” and want to leave themselves open in case something better happens to show up on their Facebook event calendar. Or perhaps they will tentatively commit but keep pushing the date because other things keep coming up that are more important to them. I just have but one strategy to deal with such friends. At the end of every hangout, whenever it does happen, and whenever it reaches that point of, “Yeah, this was fun let’s do this again!”, take out your phone, open up your calendar, and say, “Let’s put a date on the calendar right now. When are you free?” and note their reaction as well as their ability to follow through. Take the pressure off by saying, "This is a tentative date, we can kick this around a couple of times". This to me is a good litmus test to see if a friendship is worth continuing. I know some folks are more organized than others, but if you’re middle aged you really should know how to keep a calendar. It’s what we call “adulting”. 5. Consistency: Ask yourself how frequently you want to see your friends and check in with them as well. Define an agreed upon frequency of hanging out and stick to it. I recently told my friend Kevin after a hangout on Zoom, “Hey, how often do you want this bullshit from me in your life?”. He replied, “Um, how about every two weeks?”. Done. Everyone’s personal networks are a bit like a galaxy, with some celestial bodies orbiting more closely and more frequently than others. Once you know the regularity that works, stick to it. Put time in the calendar (see #4 above) and follow up on it. Consistency is king. 6. Take the Lead Once in a While: Everyone wants to have a rich social life with good friends, but most people forget the work required to organize activities with friends, especially if they rely on someone like their spouse to do it. Whether it’s something simple like meeting for dinner, throwing a party, or tackling larger challenges like organizing reunions or vacations with friends, there is a certain level of effort required. You have to take the lead once in a while. We always rely on friend group leaders to organize activities not realizing how much it exhausts them because they are always the ones expected to do it. Everyone needs to pitch in and take turns in this department. You have to actively ping people to gage interest and to find out when they are available, some slight nagging may be required. You have to do your research and come up with options that might appeal to your friends. Most importantly though, you have to get people excited about the activity in question. It’s more than just posting an event on Facebook or Google calendar, you need to have conversations with people one at a time. I honed this craft in the later years of Tri-State Conspiracy when we would promote shows at the Bowery Poetry Club. Prior to each event I would hand out flyers at other ska, punk, and rockabilly shows and would make the effort to talk to each person in order to hype up the show. There is salesmanship required for sure. I would also call or text each friend individually and custom tailor the message to each person to talk them into coming out. It’s a bit more personal than just sending out a blast on email, Facebook, or group text. This is how things got done back in the day and it still works. Maybe you’re more of an introvert who doesn’t like giant parties, in which case start small and work your way up. 7. RSVP: Are you coming or not? If the date is bad what is a better date? It helps folks in #6 above from getting burnt out. If you are coming, please do your best to commit or it will lead to further burnout in the realm of true social networking. Just hit reply already, damnit! 8. Less is More: Anyone who takes the Meyers Briggs test gets asked if they are the type of person who prefers fewer, closer friendships or to have numerous but more casual ones. This usually divides folks into the “introvert” and “extrovert” camps. I feel that everyone needs at least a few close friends, which becomes challenging when everyone is trying to follow everyone on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Why follow someone who you have no plans to hang out with anytime soon? Why not get to know your close friends better and hear about what’s really going on in their lives with a phone call or a hangout? It’s amazing what you will find out about people during conversations that you will never see posted on Facebook. Unfortunately, I feel that Facebook/Instagram culture has pushed everyone more into the camp of collecting as many friends as possible. It’s all about being tagged in a photo with a large group of “friends” to show off how popular you are. A female friend of mine in LA, who was recently tagged in such a photo during a recent trip to Hawaii with friends, complained to me afterwards about how everyone mostly fought with each other during the trip. I’ve been on a couple of those trips with other guy friends myself, one that almost led to a major blowout at the House of Blues in Las Vegas. Be choosy about who you hang out with. If you organize an outing and only one person shows up, appreciate that person and spend some time with them. You know what the best sized group is for a conversation? Three or four. Large groups of ten people or more becomes too unwieldy and chaotic. You know what else is a lot of fun? Having a one-on-one conversation with someone. So much more undivided attention and room to speak. Quality over quantity, man. Even Hot Dog Boy agrees that there is only so much time for friends and that we need to prioritize. At this age we don’t need to fill a boat with friends, filling a diner booth should be enough. Just be sure to follow Uma Thurman's advice and shut the fuck up once in a while when you do. 9. Be A Chill Host: This is a skill that often does not come naturally, especially if you are on the introverted side of the scale. My best advice here is, “A relaxed host is a good host”. Do whatever you can to make the environment more relaxing for yourself and your guests in turn will feel relaxed. This will result in a solid, long-lasting hangout. Music sets the tone for sure. If loud noises set off triggers, find a place that’s more quiet and easier to chat. Tying in with number 8 above, don’t bite off more than you can chew. If you organize anything overly ambitious, especially if you are out of practice, you will turn into a High Strung Mess. 10. Acceptance: If you feel tired trying to continuously get certain friends to make plans then perhaps you are just not a priority in their lives. Accept it and move on. Focus on the friends who reciprocate. If you find that some friends aren’t putting in the effort, don’t invest too much time or at least have a realistic understand of what you are going to get out of the friendship.
Research Finds Psychopathic Individuals Are More Likely to Have a Larger Striatum Region in the Brain By Aislinn Antrim, Associate Editor In a recent interview with Pharmacy Times, Jennifer Maloney, MD, of Regeneron, said an investigative new drug may help patients manage their cat allergies. In a recent interview, Jennifer Maloney, MD, of Regeneron, said an investigative new drug may help patients manage their cat allergies. New findings from the research were presented Sunday at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2021 virtual annual meeting. Cat allergens are especially pervasive, Maloney said, with many cat-owning households across the United States. Based on the amount of people who receive cat immunotherapy in the United States, many people experience daily disruptions due to this allergen and are at the point where they want treatment. Maloney said there are currently several therapeutic options, including antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids. These treatments have modest effects, although they treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. The investigative therapy has targeted antibodies to the major allergen in cats, a sensitivity that has been found in more than 90% of people who are allergic to cats. Because the therapy is in early stages of investigation, Maloney said it is difficult to predict when it might be widely available. However, she said they are encouraged by the findings thus far and are eager to continue working.
By Mary E. Lyons In 1849, after two decades of resistance, the Virginia Board of Public Works initiated an ambitious strategy to reach the Ohio River—and its lucrative trade connections—by rail. Their elaborate plan called for 423 miles of track between Richmond and what is now Huntington, West Virginia. The scheme involved three railroad companies. The Virginia Central—formerly the Louisa Railroad—would continue its tracks westward to Charlottesville. Moving farther west, the company would then lay rails to Mechums River in western Albemarle County, at the intersection of Routes 250 and 240. Meanwhile the state-funded Blue Ridge Railroad would lay tracks from Mechums River, bore a tunnel through the mountain at Rockfish Gap, and wind down to the South River on the west side of the mountain. The Virginia Central would pick up the path at the South River and lay tracks west to Covington in Alleghany County. The Covington and Ohio Railroad, still an unfunded gleam in the Board of Public Works’ eye in 1849, would approach from the Ohio River—then the western border of the state—to meet Virginia Central rails in Covington. Only 16.81 miles long and sandwiched between Virginia Central Railroad tracks, the Blue Ridge Railroad was a railroad inside a railroad. Yet those few miles were the most difficult to build, passing through mountainous terrain that Virginia’s chief engineer, Claudius Crozet, once described as “dangerous ground.” Four tunnels would pierce the mountain at Rockfish Gap. Three lay in Albemarle County. East to west, they were the Greenwood, Brooksville, and Little Rock Tunnels. The almost one-mile-long Blue Ridge Tunnel would begin in Nelson County, just over the Albemarle County line. It would pass 700 feet under the mountain and emerge in Augusta County. These were the pre-dynamite years. All work would be done with hand tools, gunpowder, mules, and muscle. Irishman John Kelly was contractor for the Greenwood, Brooksville, and Blue Ridge Tunnels. Born in 1812, likely in Rathcooney, County Cork, Ireland, Kelly was the son of a respectable but small farmer who tilled three acres of land near Cork City. Young John would have attended one of two Catholic schools in the civil parish of Rathcooney, where he received the “rudiments of a plain English education,” as a nineteenth-century biography stated. John Kelly’s biographer wrote that he worked in a flourmill as a young man. This would have been the extensive Glanmire Flourmills, located a mere three hundred yards from Rathcooney. The job became tiresome for Kelly after a few years—a situation made more frustrating by his Catholic father’s annual burden of a mandatory tithe to the Protestant Church of Ireland. The mills were next to a river that flowed into the world-class Cork Harbor. With the sea almost at his doorstep, Kelly must have felt a powerful urge to try his luck elsewhere. He sailed to the United States in 1834. Immediately after landing in New York, John Kelly found employment on the Long Island-Jamaica Railroad. The following year he worked on the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad. Kelly was a quick learner and a frugal saver. By 1837, he was a sub-contractor on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. During the next twelve years, he became a full contractor and, working under civil engineer Benjamin Latrobe, Jr., directed construction of bridges and tunnels on the Baltimore and Ohio line in Maryland. Kelly’s qualifications were surely apparent when he responded to advertisements that Claudius Crozet placed in numerous newspapers in the summer of 1849, including a version that appeared in New York’s Irish American Weekly. The notices called for contractors to build two tunnels for the Blue Ridge Railroad. On December 1, 1849, Kelly and his Irish partner, John Larguey, signed on for the Brooksville and Greenwood Tunnels. The latter included a difficult, unstable section that came to be known as Kelly’s Cut. Crozet unwisely chose New Yorker John Rutter, the cheapest bidder, to build the Blue Ridge Tunnel, but by early 1850 Rutter failed to meet the terms of his contract. Kelly and Company then signed on for the mammoth bore. Three tunnels. Towering, man-made embankments to connect them. Numerous culverts. Kelly’s Cut. It was an astonishing amount of simultaneous construction that far exceeded the commitments of other contractors on the project, and it called for many hundreds of laborers. Blue Ridge Tunnel payroll names, combined with matching marriage, citizenship, death, and burial records, indicate that the majority of Irish in the Blue Ridge Railroad-Virginia Central Railroad community were from County Cork. A good many had lived along the Cork-Bandon Railway, a line with tunnels and embankments under construction in southwest Cork during the late 1840s. The men may have learned their tunneling skills on the Cork railway or in mines that dotted the region. The greatest natural disaster of nineteenth-century Europe, the famine lasted through 1852, just as the Blue Ridge Railroad project was approaching a critical shortage of laborers. More than one million Irish fled the chaos and disease wracking their homeland during these years, most with the help of friends or family members who had already immigrated. Several nineteenth-century documents state that Kelly was known for his hospitality. One of them noted that “no appeal from the needy was ever made to him without a generous response.” We can imagine that Kelly, via letter, offered railroad jobs in America as an escape for desperate families in the Rathcooney area. Whatever the reason for the men’s allegiance to John Kelly, it remained steady, despite many crises that shadowed the Blue Ridge Railroad. By early 1851, night shifts—which were unpopular with Irish laborers on public works—were underway on the east side of the Blue Ridge Tunnel. Still, under Kelly’s direction, the men drilled and blasted around the clock, boring an average of only nineteen feet a month through the extremely hard greenstone. Claudius Crozet defended the slow pace to the Board of Public Works. “All I can say with certainty about it,” he wrote, “is that the contractor [John Kelly] is alive to his interest and remarkably energetic and skillful in this business.” In December 1852, a blast ripped off the hands of Blue Ridge Tunnel worker Michael Curran. The Blue Ridge Railroad Company continued his wages of one dollar a day through January 1853, but ended their benevolence in February. Kelly asked the Richmond men to reconsider. They refused, but at least Kelly’s workers knew they could count on his advocacy. This was no small matter. Curran’s disabling injury and possible subsequent death was not an isolated incident. Nine men at the Blue Ridge Tunnel had already died—most from blasts—by this time, with more to come. Men boring through the Greenwood Tunnel worked under equally hazardous conditions. In 1853, pressure at the east portal crushed timbers one foot square. It was, Crozet reported to the Board, “an awful impending mass.” Kelly’s men stabilized the timbers by the fall of that year. “That this dangerous work has been brought to a successful completion without the least accident,” Crozet wrote, “reflects much credit on the contractor Mr. John Kelly.” The men completed the tunnel in December 1853. Brooksville Tunnel proved to be the most perilous of all. Kelly’s shanty was hard by the passage in a mountain cleft known at the time as Kelly’s Hollow. From there, he guided his workers through the daily dangers of earth slides and cave-ins. “I must do justice to his unflinching energy, skill and perfect control over his men,” Claudius Crozet told the Board, “who expose themselves, even recklessly, wherever he directs them. Where they are now at work no craven would venture; but his commands are unhesitatingly obeyed; and all the difficulty I experience is rather to impress him and them with the necessity of caution.” Word of John Kelly’s leadership qualities eventually spread to the halls of Richmond. “At times the work has been accompanied by such threatening aspects,” the Board of Public Works reported to the General Assembly in 1855, “that the laborers have retreated from it in dismay, and under a less intrepid and indomitable contractor, they could hardly have been persuaded to return.” Had John Kelly and his men abandoned their perilous efforts, the railroad might have found willing replacements eventually because the labor shortage on the Blue Ridge Railroad eased in 1855 as more Irish immigrants poured into the country. By September 1855, the company had hired an additional twenty-eight men “from the north,” as the payroll stated. But it’s improbable that any other contractors on the project would have saved the entire venture with personal funds. During a financial crisis that began in early 1855, Virginia’s bonds fell below their stated value. From then until September 1857, Kelly and his partner advanced money to the state from their “private resources,” as a state report termed it, for the cost of construction materials and wages at the unfinished Brooksville and Blue Ridge Tunnels. Kelly and Company also paid for labor on the 135-foot-high tall embankment leading to the east portal of the Blue Ridge Tunnel. (Designated as the “Great Bank” on payrolls, the embankment was greatly lowered by construction of the replacement Blue Ridge Tunnel in 1944. It’s now part of the Blue Ridge Tunnel Greenway in Nelson County.) “It was fortunate that we were enable to continue the work in both tunnels,” Claudius Crozet wrote to the Board, “for there is no doubt that the most dangerous point of the roof in the main one would not have stood much longer, and the fall of the timbers might have been followed by so much of the loose rock as might have made the completion of this part of the work almost impossible. The arch at that point was closed safely a few days ago . . .” Sometime around January 1857, stonemasons installed a spectacular arch over the west portal of the Blue Ridge Tunnel. It was a “handsome and massive piece of masonry,” according to the Richmond Daily Dispatch, and topped with a carved, stone plaque. “This work was constructed by the Commonwealth of Virginia,” the inscription began. “It was commenced in 1850 Under the Direction of the Board of Public Works.” A list of seven names followed, including those of the governor, Claudius Crozet, his former assistant engineer on the Blue Ridge Railroad, and state officials. In light of earlier praise, and considering that John Kelly and John Larguey had expended money out of pocket for that very stonework, the omission of their names on the plaque was odd, indeed. In September 1857, the Virginia Central assumed control of portions of the Blue Ridge Railroad that it considered safe and complete. Under criticism from a hostile press for the many delays, a weary Claudius Crozet resigned in January 1858. Three months later, the Virginia Central took complete control of the Blue Ridge Railroad, and it opened for business. Work on the Blue Ridge Tunnel was by no means final, however. Some of the Irish laborers continued as employees of the Virginia Central, chipping or blasting away rocky protrusions. An Irishman named Branaman died in the passage on June 8, 1859. Cork man Mick Hurley perished from an explosion that same day. John Kelly’s job in Albemarle and Nelson Counties was now complete. He followed the railroad west to Alleghany County, where the underfunded Covington and Ohio Railroad was inching east toward Covington with six tunnels. One of them would be the eponymous Kelly’s Tunnel, a then-single-track passage located at a place called Backbone. A number of Kelly’s Blue Ridge Railroad workers traveled with him to this lonesome ridge, living in twenty-six dwellings—most likely shanties—with their families. They completed all blasting and masonry work on Kelly’s Tunnel before the Civil War began. In 1862, Kelly purchased Sweet Chalybeate Springs resort in southern Alleghany for $100,000. He raised livestock on 2,950 acres there while he sat out the Civil War with his wife, Hanorah, and seven children. According to a family Bible, their eighteen-year-old son, Dennis, was killed, perhaps in battle, on May 9, 1864. Some of the Irishmen who followed Kelly to Alleghany enlisted in the Confederate Army when the war began, but his views regarding the conflict are unclear. We know only that he stored more than 7,000 pounds of tobacco at Sweet Chalybeate Springs for a possible Union sympathizer; a Union general commandeered it mid-war. Kelly’s biographer found him to be a “wise and thoughtful man,” though a feud with Virginia-born Oliver Beirne, the wealthy owner of Sweet Springs Resort one mile away, began around this time. Local lore maintains that when the new state of West Virginia was laying out its borders, Beirne convinced surveyors to run the line between the two resorts so that he would not have to live in the same state as John Kelly. The Civil War disrupted all work on Virginia’s rail route to the Ohio. The last spike was finally pounded in 1873. By this time, the state had reimbursed Kelly and Company for expenditures they had made for the Brooksville and Blue Ridge Tunnels through February 1856. But for money they spent from then until the project was complete, the state repaid with bonds still below stated value. In 1873, Virginia made a partial payment of $10,491.97, including interest, to John Larguey’s estate (Larguey died in 1858) and to John Kelly. The money may have given John Kelly the impetus for still more railroad work. He returned to his former milieu in 1873 and contracted for six sections of the Valley Railroad north of Staunton. He applied the same energy to Sweet Chalybeate Springs as well, making improvements to what his biographer described as “one of the most popular watering places and delightful summer resorts in the whole Southern country.” John Kelly—mill worker, bridge builder, tunnel-maker, self-made man—was now a successful hotelier. An astute businessman, Kelly never forgot that the state still owed him money for repayments made with bonds below par. Exerting the same force of personality that saved the Blue Ridge Tunnel, he sued the Virginia Board of Public Works in 1881. He won, and the General Assembly paid him $15,000, including interest, in 1884. Kelly also had the last word, after a fashion, in the quarrel with Oliver Beirne. The only Catholic cemetery in the area lay on Beirne’s Sweet Springs property in West Virginia. John Kelly was paralyzed, likely by a stroke, in early 1887. In mid-May, he suffered severe burns. Both led to his death on July 4, 1887. Kelly’s interment in the Catholic cemetery forced Oliver Beirne to endure the Irishman’s postmortem presence until his own demise one year later, at which time Beirne was buried ten miles away. A few buildings at Sweet Chalybeate Springs still stand, as does the Blue Ridge Tunnel. Though all are somewhat worse for the wear 160 years later, they are reminders of the determined John Kelly who rescued the tunnel with, as his biographer put it, “skills, stability, and workmanship,” along with “honest industry and practical economy.”
The risk of developing melanoma, i.e. a malignant skin cancer, rises among those who have repeatedly been sunburnt, especially when this happens prior to puberty. Melanoma is the type of cancer that has increased most in the past 20–30 years. The risk of melanoma is higher among those with light skin pigmentation and red hair. Melanoma usually develops on previously healthy skin. It is a good idea to always protect yourself when you are in the sun. It is also a good idea to check your own skin and monitor any skin changes. Melanoma most frequently occurs on the torso among men and the arms and legs are also common sites among women. It is normal for new and often numerous benign moles to appear on ageing skin. The skin is studied carefully at the dermatology clinic and skin changes that are suspicious are removed under local anaesthetic. When necessary, a biopsy of a mole or area of skin is taken and sent to pathology for examination. The response is available within 10–14 days. The most important form of care for melanoma is surgery. If the melanoma is more than 1 mm thick or otherwise aggressive, it is removed surgically and an examination is conducted within the specialist healthcare service that involves examinating the spread of the disease within the patient’s body. Cases of basal cell carcinoma (basal cell cancer) and squamous cell cancer are increasing constantly. This is the result of the total quantity of solar radiation that people receive over the course of their lives and they most often develop among the elderly in areas that are easily exposed to the sun, e.g. the face, chest, back and back of the hand. Skin cancer is treated both surgically and non-surgically at Eira Hospital. The preliminary stage of certain forms of skin cancer and superficial basal cell carcinomas can be treated cryogenically with liquid nitrogen.
AstraZeneca is to let more people take part in clinical trials from the comfort of their own homes in an attempt to increase the diversity of participants. Recruiting volunteers to clinical trials can be difficult, but they are a crucial step in the development of new drugs, tests, devices and other interventions. Concerns have been raised that a lack of diversity among people participating in clinical trials means drugs and medical equipment may be less effective in certain groups. The health secretary, Sajid Javid, on Sunday announced a review into systemic racism and bias in medical devices to examine why people of colour and women have worse health outcomes. Cristina Durán, the chief digital health officer, R&D, at AstraZeneca told the Guardian typically only 3% to 5% of eligible patients choose to join a clinical trial, with recruitment taking as long as 18 months. Experts have stressed it is crucial there is diversity among trial participants, as genetic, social, and cultural factors can all affect the way different groups respond to interventions. Early trials of Covid vaccines were criticised for predominately involving white participants, despite the virus having a disproportionate effect on people of colour. A lack of diversity in clinical trials has also been cited by the nonprofit organisation breastcancer.org as one of the potential reasons Black women in the US have worse breast cancer outcomes than other groups. Now experts at AstraZeneca have said shifting data collection to the home may break down barriers to participation in clinical trials, potentially increasing diversity and the speed of research. Durán said before the pandemic the company had sought to delve into the issue of recruitment, by carrying out interviews with patients. “The feedback was mainly that it was very burdensome for patients to participate, because it did require for them to travel to a hospital or site, to spend quite a significant number of hours at that site, either waiting or having the procedures done to collect the data,” said Durán, adding historically about 90% of such data was collected at such locations. Durán said the team found participation could be made far more accessible. “We reviewed close to 100 protocols – those are the instructions of how to run clinical trials – and 70% of that data could be collected[…] at home.” Heart rate and activity are among metrics that can be monitored at home and it is also possible to take blood samples and evaluate lung function. Durán said while it was feasible to collect some of the data at home before the Covid pandemic, the crisis had accelerated the approach. “All the technology was there, but what we’ve seen through the pandemic is a change of behaviour,” she said, with many people having to interact with healthcare in a different way, for example through telemedicine calls with doctors. Phillippa Brown, vice-president of development operations, R&D, at AstraZeneca said that among other approaches to increase participation of minority populations, the company has been increasing the diversity of investigators on clinical trials – a move she suggested could help to build trust with local communities. Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said “increasing diversity in trials is something that virtually every trialist wants to do”. But doing some things from home could come with downsides. “People may not make the measurements as carefully as they are made in a clinic,” he said, adding it was also extremely important participants were unaware of the treatment they have been given – for example whether it was an active drug or a control. “Otherwise the biases could become very substantial,” he said.
As part its strategy to reduce CO2 emissions, hydrogen will be used at the firm’s Hamburg plant for the direct reduction of iron ore. The hydrogen-based reduction of iron ore will initially take place on a demonstration scale with an annual production of 100,000 tonnes. A pilot plant is to be built in the coming years. Already today, the Hamburg plant has one of the most efficient production processes of the ArcelorMittal Group due to the use of natural gas in a direct reduction plant (DRI). "Our Hamburg site offers optimum conditions for this innovative project: an electric arc furnace with DRI system and iron ore pellets stockyard as well as decades of know-how in this area. The use of hydrogen as a reducing agent shall now be tested in a new shaft furnace," said Frank Schulz, CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany. In the process, the separation of H2 with a purity of more than 95 per cent from the top gas of the existing plant will be achieved by so-called pressure swing adsorption. The plan is to initially use grey hydrogen (generated at gas separation) but in the future the plant could potentially use hydrogen generated from renewable sources, according to the company. The effort is one of a number of initiatives underway at the company aimed at reducing carbon emissions. For instance, at its Ghent plant waste carbon gases will be used for the production of alternative fuels or in chemical products. Likewise, methods are tested in which biocoal from waste wood is used instead of coking coal as a reducing agent in the blast furnace.
The problem of leadership in CSR Leadership is the defining factor for any movement for change. Without it, you just get various tribes pursuing their own interests. And when one side wins over the other, then they celebrate and punish the losers. The losers regroup, fuelled by all the new grievances they’ve been given. And the game goes on. Great leaders take their communities to places they didn’t know they wanted to go, but where they need to go. Think Gandhi. When his leadership held, he kept his followers non-violent in the face of enormous provocation. He treated the British as allies who hadn’t yet realised they had a common problem to solve that would be better for both of them. Think Mandela, who came out of prison and instigated a national process of truth and reconciliation. Left to the habits of the tribe, the business community will keep going lobbying for its own interests, which it will define as its freedom to maximise profits. It’s a zero sum game that puts the business community in opposition to other parts of society and one only wins by making the other lose. Leadership in business, in the era when we have no excuse for being ignorant of the common cause that binds us all together, means being prepared to change the rules of the game. It’s not easy to do. Unlike Gandhi and Mandela, whose leadership was an enduring privilege of their unquestioned moral authority within their community, leaders in business are often only in that position on sufferance. And the people who can end the show are the ones who are most highly wedded to the status quo. The most tribal, and self-centred. In spite of that, genuine leaders do rise up. Paul Polman at Unilever is the current one riding high. Why? Because he has taken a mainstream global products company and made sustainability a high priority. Because he has told shareholders that they won’t get quarterly reports, and if they’re not going to share the long-term vision for the company, they should perhaps own shares in another company. It is genuine leadership, and that’s why it’s important. But it’s only possible because Unilever has been doing well. You can’t take that sort of position when the numbers are not being made. So, arguably, it’s riding the wave of the short-term, arguing for the primacy of the long-term, but probably only able to do so for as long as the short-term keeps delivering. Other leaders have already faded. Ian Cheshire, who took Kingfisher plc strongly on the ‘net positive’ journey achieved huge respect for his business vision for sustainability. But Kingfisher was always a tricky company for the short term numbers. A spell of bad weather would mean the garden products wouldn’t sell. The UK might do well while the continental European businesses wouldn’t. There had been a succession of chief executives who came in, spun the plates and then were gently moved on. Cheshire was the latest. In a recent podcast, I talked about Andrew Witty at GlaxoSmithKline. Witty tried to transform the business model for the pharmaceutical giant to one that better reconciled the interests of the global community with those of the industry. The shareholders weren’t impressed. They think the model of charging the highest prices you can to the small communities that can afford it is the best model. So he’s on his way. So leadership in this area is difficult. That’s why generally, we get administrators. Leading their businesses according to the standard accepted rules. Looking to win in the marketplace by playing today’s game 2 percent better every year. Looking to be famous in CSR by doing something, maybe just one thing, very well. But never so well it can be said that it’s leading the business to take its eye off the ball or reducing short-term returns in any way. Some of these are good people. Some of them get their businesses to create some real value for society. But they’re not the sort of leaders we need most to challenge current norms that are patently unsustainable. 2 percent better every year won’t do it. You can’t ignore the fact that the most effective change advocates in business now are the ones who can’t easily be fired. Richard Branson. Bill Gates. The question is where is the next generation of leaders? There may be a new, dynamic group of change makers on the horizon, but I’m not sure I’ve spotted them coming. That can be the case, of course. If you get promoted under the old rules, you have to show your commitment to the old rules until after you’ve been promoted. The alternative explanation would be that they don’t exist. That would be a scary proposition. Because we need that leadership right now. It can’t wait for long.
What is diabetes? According to health experts, diabetes is a condition that prevents the body from properly using energy from food. It happens when the pancreas does not generate insulin. People may have heard about diabetes, but many have no idea what diabetes really is. Food that we eat is broken down in sugar or glucose. While quite a handful of health experts recommend not adding too much sugar in your diet, you do need it for your energy and metabolism. While your body is in the process of digestion, your cells are fed by glucose, and it needs insulin (made in your pancreas) to transfer blood sugar (to your cells). It starts getting bad once you have too much blood sugar compared to the amount of insulin your pancreas is pumping. When your body fails to produce insulin to keep pace with the sugar, or maybe if your body is having trouble producing insulin, the blood sugar just sits there which in time, causes your blood sugar levels to shoot up. You will develop diabetes if this continues. What are the early symptoms of diabetes? 1. Excessive and frequent urination – Excessive thirst and frequent urination is the early symptoms of diabetes. 2. Tiredness – Diabetics may feel tired or exhausted all the time. 3. Injury or infection heal slowly – Infections occur more frequently because of diabetes. High blood sugar levels damage the body’s natural healing process and its ability to fight infection. 4. Weight loss – Diabetics may often feel hungry but they are losing weight. The body is working double time to process glucose from food consumed so it has to break down available energy sources such as fat. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, immediately consult with your physician. The earlier diabetes is detected, the sooner treatment can start. Remember to eat moderately and exercise to prevent diabetes.
Unfortunately, one of the eaglets apparently has stopped moving after chirping was heard and cracks were seen in its egg during a video livestream on Friday afternoon. The two adult eagles continued to care for the second egg on Saturday morning as fans remained hopeful that it would hatch successfully. Sandy Steers, the executive director of the group Friends of Big Bear Valley, which maintains a live video feed of the nest, spoke with ABC7. Big Bear bald eagles shield their eggs from snow brought on by SoCal storm It does look like we may have lost one of the hatchlings. Is that pretty common? What is the mortality rate for the eagle eggs? Sadly, eagles in general, only 50% make it to their first year. And so, it's not unusual for hatchlings to not make it. And that's true of all raptors -- and some other birds as well. So, it's part of nature. Do we think that the recent snow and the temperatures - they really dipped a couple of weeks ago - do we think that had an impact? We don't really know. I mean, it's possible that it did. There's all kinds of things that are possible that happened, and we can't really tell. There's no way to do an autopsy or anything of the chick. Watching the camera, one thing that's fascinating is mom and dad kind of do equal chores in taking care of the eggs. Is that right? Yes, they do, they trade off very equally -- except that Jackie won't let Shadow sit on the nest at night. Wow, that's funny. Why is that? Is there some interesting reason for that? No -- well, it's just the way she's always done it. And I think, you know, she wants to be there and ready and he's the guard. He roosts on a tree nearby, so, in case she ever needs anything, he's nearby and can come in. That's great. How many eagles do you think you have around the Big Bear area now? They've made such a huge comeback. This actually is the only pair we have year-round, And the others are just visiting eagles that come in from other areas of the country, but they nest elsewhere. This is the only pair that is always here. This eaglet watch has garnered so much attention. Why do you think that is? Why are people so interested? "People are looking for things to be excited about. Plus, I think nature is fascinating and in this case they get to see it up close and personal. So they're getting personally attached. Some people tell us they feel like they're part of the family.
On 16 April, after visiting three different hospitals in Delhi, a 30-year-old Chin refugee died of COVID-19. According to his mother, who wished to remain anonymous, the 30-year-old told her about the last hospital, “Since my features are different, they don’t pay attention to me. I am very hurt. I want to jump from the top floor but I cannot.” His mother, amid sobs, told me that his last days had been torturous. “He told me they used to shout at him. They asked for 50,000 rupees, the next day they asked for 70,000. And on the third day, they asked for 80,000. He used to call us and he said that he had not even seen a doctor. ‘I am very hungry; I am always hungry’ he said. When we went, they didn’t allow us to see him.” Along with the 30-year-old, four others of Delhi’s small Chin refugee community have died of COVID-19 during the second wave, often without any medical care in government hospitals because they lacked the documentation or money required for private hospitalisation. The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged India’s various refugee communities, particularly Delhi’s Chin community, a predominantly Christian group of people from the Chin state of Myanmar that borders Mizoram and Manipur. The only perceivable end to the disease for the community is when they are fully vaccinated. However, India’s vaccine-distribution system, the government-developed CoWIN app, requires an identity card such as an Aadhar card, passport, PAN card or voter ID, all of which Chin refugees are ineligible for. The only identifying document many refugees possess is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees card—commonly referred to as the UN card—and the UNHCR and the government have seemed to have done little to ensure that refugees are vaccinated. The only government document that addresses vaccination for undocumented communities is a Statement of Purpose published by the ministry of health and family welfare on 6 May. The SoP aimed to create a procedure through which marginalised groups who do not have access to government recognised identification cards could access vaccines. Representatives of the UNHCR told me that this SoP addressed the problem of vaccine registration for refugees despite it not mentioning refugees a single time.
The following is the second part in a two-part installment. The first part can be found here. Popular music artists as intertextual commodities Indeed, when fans support an artist with such ferocity, and both consume and contribute to the artist’s empire, the studio album can remain an important and lucrative component of the music industry, but only because fan anticipation fuels an established artist’s album cycle. What this means is that when an artist releases an album, the texts that surround the release, which compile the overall album cycle, constitute a larger media event. For instance, highly invested fans anticipate each small piece of information related to the music artist they follow. Therefore, promotional material, even just an announcement of a faroff release date, a thirty second preview of an upcoming single, or a tracklisting can produce intense fan speculation. For artists popular enough to warrant this massive attention, the album release thus becomes a highly anticipated and notable event in itself. Scholarship from Daniel Biltereyst and Philippe Meers, who discuss how blockbusters become larger events, helps explain how an album cycle also becomes a newsworthy media event. For Biltereyst and Meers, who define an event as a multidimensional concept, a connecting issue between marketing and public discourse management strategies, the (discursive) creation of a certain horizon of expectation, the promise of pleasure, spectacle and imagination, the attempt to mediate audiences’ movie experiences, public reception and discourse, the life cycle of a blockbuster develops into a larger media event (72). Comparatively, album cycles produced within already established and powerful empires generate an exciting period of constant promotion during which an artist empire becomes saturated with texts, both ancillary and central, as well as constant fan and critic discourse. Furthermore, this cycle repeats indefinitely, for as long as the artist remains notable and active in the music industry (and even for inactive artists who can replicate the cycle with a “greatest hits” album). Accordingly, artists whose albums have achieved this event status occupy a position few other artists can. Artists who construct their own music empires effectively grow beyond their position as an individual cultural figure and instead work as what P. David Marshall describes as “an intertextual commodity that has permeable boundaries among cultural forms” (69). As artists who construct music empires develop their brands, their identities become conflated with the content they produce, the texts and discourse that surround them, and any other brand empires they collaborate with. For artists desired in other cultural capacities, their brand develops into a larger and more extensive persona that moves beyond a single cultural platform. For example, Nicki Minaj is an example of an artist who navigates a variety of cultural spaces: she has appeared as a regular judge on the television show American Idol; has acted in the box office success The Other Woman; and currently endorses a number of products, including the Beats by Dre Pill™ and Myx Fusions from beverage company Myx Beverages, LLC. Artists like Nicki Minaj thus develop into larger than life brands and personas, and exist across multiple platforms in the music industry to establish their presence in other cultural spaces. In this sense, Nicki Minaj and artists who achieve similar levels of popularity grow beyond individual cultural figures and into intertextual commodities. Navigating through popular culture spaces as an intertextual commodity allows for the possibility to exist across multiple platforms and occupy a number of cultural spaces all at once, as Marshall further explains when he discusses that wedded to this development of the complex and new intertextual commodity is the expansion of the pleasure of anticipation through more elaborate strategies of product promotion. Various forms of promotion are aligned with providing background information on cultural forms that are designed to deepen the investment of the audience in the cultural commodity. (80) In this sense, artists become intertextual figures who attach their artist brand to other products, thus disseminating their names through as many cultural industries and spaces as possible. For instance, in Nicki Minaj’s music videos and songs, she regularly endorses products she partners with, like when she raps the line “If I’m sipping in the club, Myx Moscato” in her featured verse on singer Ciara’s song “I’m Out,” or prominently features the Beats Pill in her music video for “Only.” She references these products so frequently that they effectively become synonymous with Nicki Minaj’s overall brand and persona, and when cultural consumers familiar with Minaj’s brand see Myx Moscato or the Beats Pill in other contexts, they are reminded of Nicki Minaj’s larger music empire. As a result, to construct, maintain, and control their music empires, popular music artists establish themselves as omnipresent, larger-than-life personas, and thus become an intertextual commodity, constantly referencing and being referenced by other cultural figures and products. Furthermore, as music artists undergo album cycle after album cycle, they continuously produce material for public consumption; hence, these artists perpetually construct their music empires, which helps them occupy massive spaces in the music industry and potentially permeate other cultural industry spaces. For artists who establish themselves as intertextual commodities, their status allows them to exist throughout multiple cultural spheres and to disperse their material across multiple media platforms. Consequently, well-established popular music artists rarely exit public discourse, and are constantly scrutinized or lauded by critics and fans, which only further builds artist empires. Ultimately, constructing an empire additionally provides an artist a broad and expansive cultural existence, in which they navigate multiple platforms, gain massive exposure, and entice as many fans as possible to enter into their extensive worlds. Conclusion: Only the music artist as intertextual commodity can maintain an event-status album release Many fans, critics, and other artists have discussed Taylor Swift’s reasoning for pulling her music from streaming services, and these conversations include both praise and criticism. In Taylor Swift’s own words, she remains unwilling to contribute her life’s work to “an experiment” that she believes unfairly compensates music industry writers, producers, artists, and creators. In this sense, Swift’s distrust of new technologies that facilitate new modes of music consumption and change the music industry landscape aligns with fears recording industry executives hold. While the record industry desperately attempts to keep the studio album a lucrative product, major artists like Coldplay, Beyoncé, and Adele implement “windowing” strategies in which they withhold their albums from streaming services to encourage fans to purchase digital or physical albums. Taylor Swift, in a more extreme move, additionally pulled her entire music catalog from Spotify and other streaming services, and does not indicate any intentions of putting it back. Although many consider these strategies as a stance against music streaming, in actuality, this is a stance only the most established popular music artists can take. Artists like Coldplay, Beyoncé, and Adele have already carved out their space in the music industry, and have inserted their brands into other cultural industries, as well. As a result, these artists have built their music empires, and exist in the music industry space not as individuals, but rather as intertextually commodified popular culture figures that navigate through various cultural platforms. Therefore, Taylor Swift’s decision to pull her entire music catalog, including her heavily anticipated, brand new album 1989 from Spotify, does not seem such a risky move for an artist who has already completed four other highly profitable album cycles. During each previous album cycle, Swift established her industry presence, built her brand, cultivated her fanbase, became a public figure, made various product endorsements, performed and appeared on awards shows, conducted official media interviews, and additionally released a total of thirty-one music singles, twenty-nine music videos, four studio albums, three live albums, and two concert films. Those invested in Swift’s music empire expect her to produce more content in this fifth album cycle, which her fanbase has anticipated since her last album cycle ended. In the intermission, Swift and her management team direct these fans to ancillary content and other platforms featuring any texts or discourse related to Swift’s empire. This fanbase is dedicated and will ultimately make the extra effort to consume her fifth album through any available outlets. Listeners may still pirate her work, but her core fanbase aims to consume as many pieces of her empire as possible; therefore, Swift entices these fans with the bonus material she provides in her physical deluxe edition of 1989. These fans furthermore desire concert tickets, products Swift endorses, and any ancillary content, like documentaries, she releases. Additionally, her fans contribute to her overall empire when they watch music video after music video on YouTube, purchase magazines or watch talk shows that feature her interviews, or tune in to awards shows that feature her performances. Overall, as Taylor Swift produces, her fans will consume, even if she pulls her music catalog from the music industry’s fastest growing mode of music consumption. Another less established artist, rapper Angel Haze, grew frustrated with label Island/Republic Records when it continuously delayed the release of Haze’s debut album. In retaliation, Haze (who has stated a preference for they/their/them pronouns) leaked the album directly to their fans, explaining their dedication to their listeners and desire for fans to hear the work. Kory Grow documents how, on a personal Twitter account, Haze wrote, Since they don’t want to put it out this year, I will. Here’s the album. Here is Dirty Gold. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry to Island/Republic Records, but fuck you. I got here doing this for my fans and if you guys don’t feel the same, it won’t stop me…. [The fans] will get the music they were promised. Haze, who was forced to wait to release an album that was already completed, indicated in Twitter posts that their repeatedly delayed album release date implied to fans that Haze was not working to deliver the debut. Indeed, their label’s decision to push the release date back even further did not help build any momentum, which new artists need to fuel their overall empire building endeavors. Likewise, more established hip hop artist M.I.A. grew frustrated when her label Interscope Records delayed her album release, as well. Her initial single and music video “Bad Girls” was very well received critically, but her label delayed the release of her album Matangi for nearly two years. When M.I.A. threatened to leak her album herself, she finally secured an official release date, according to Coulehan. In this case, M.I.A. also wanted to present her work to her fans in the quickest and most efficient way possible, and appeared fed up with the dwindling momentum caused by her long-awaited album. In conclusion, this article neither attempts to convince readers that the marketing strategies of Taylor Swift are superior to the marketing strategies of M.I.A. and Angel Haze, nor offers a solution to artists and executives navigating this changing music industry landscape. What this project aims to do is to provide distinctions necessary for understanding what an artist needs to achieve to most successfully build their presence, and thus, be successful, in the music industry’s current conditions. Overall, few artists reside in the music industry the way exceptionally established artists like Taylor Swift do, and it is important to realize that not all artists can market their work in the same way that she does. To achieve the status Taylor Swift holds, an artist has to undergo the process of building a music empire, which involves navigation through and across multiple platforms of the music industry and into other cultural industries. Such a process additionally requires the artist to function as an intertextual commodity. While the industry’s most notable popular music artists gain and maintain enough momentum to build their own music empires, this momentum proves difficult to sustain from album cycle to album cycle, which is why artists continuously must produce content and texts that generate buzz and hype. Sometimes, that buzz and hype will come from an album release, but in a time in which the album becomes less important, artists are able to generate momentum through other means. Thus, artists operate intertextually in order to gain maximum exposure in the largest number of cultural spaces. For these less established artists who have not yet constructed a stable, infallible music empire, operating intertextually may include less glamorous endeavors than awards show performances and lucrative product endorsements, and may instead involve conducting interviews with whatever media outlet will listen or selling the rights of a song to any product that will feature it in a commercial advertisement. Ultimately, artists like Taylor Swift and others who remain dedicated to past industry practices and to the glorified idea of the studio album will achieve their goals, but only because they have an audience willing to consume anything the artist produces; meanwhile, other artists just want anybody who will listen to their music to do so, and know that building an empire and reaching the powerful position Taylor Swift holds takes an immense amount of time and momentum that in reality, few artists can ever achieve.
Social media continues to grow and has become the way many brands ‘do’ business. And since 72% of consumers use social media to discover new products, tracking your brand’s effectiveness online has become integral, so social media scanners are the key to unlocking your success. Here, we’ll explore what social media scanning is, as well as provide the 20 best social media monitoring tools out there. And these stats speak to the importance of understanding social media’s role in your consumers’ lives, and its importance to brands’ lives as well! - Two-thirds of shoppers today use social media as part of their shopping strategy. - Social media users trust other consumers more than brands, so you need to know what they’re saying. - There was a rebirth of conscious consumerism in 2021, with consumer purchases closely aligned with their values – understand what they are! - Fifty-eight percent of consumers remember at least one brand that pivoted to better respond to their needs during the pandemic, and 82% said this led to them doing more business with the brand. So, what are social media scanners? These handy tools monitor every inch of the social web, including social media channels, forums, blogs, comment data, reviews, news media – you name it. And they scour each for insight relevant to your brand and to your category, including share of voice, consumer sentiment, demographic and psychographic specifics about your audience, a plethora of competitive intelligence and so much more. Using social media monitoring tools reveals what your consumers love and hate, and leads to better targeted messaging, which improves brand perception and, ultimately, better ROI. But not all tools offer the same things, which is why we’ve compiled this list of social media scanners to help you decide which one is right for you! Let’s explore. 1) NetBase Quid When it comes to social media scanners, brands need to have a real-time and accurate overview of the consumer and market conversation happening online, wherever it is happening. NetBase Quid offers real-time and in-depth insight that reaches every corner of the social web. Brands can aggregate and analyze intel from a wide variety of social channels, news sources, blogs, comment data, employee and consumer review sites, visual imagery, and so much more. But a great social media scanner needs to do more than pull data from all over the web, it must also visually break it all down in dashboards that are easily digested by stakeholders. As noted, brands can capture not only text-based intel, but also emojis and imagery, with positive, negative and neutral sentiments easily parsed, tracked back to their sources and evaluated for impact. And whether one is comparing brands, trends, customer service efforts, the latest campaign, or the effectiveness of your latest PR response – everything is immediately accessible and clear. This tool is also able to extrapolate accurate meanings in context, so sarcasm and slang aren’t skewing your findings, and ensuring everything is categorized properly so there’s no mixed messaging to trip over and muddle your understanding. 2) Rival IQ Keeping an eye on the competition, without obsessing over them, is a good business practice. Rival IQ has a whole host of social media scanners to help you do this, and they offer particular expertise in the competitive analysis realm. Benchmarking your brand against competitors is a vital part of ensuring you are consistently winning a larger share of voice – or at least, more consumer love. And measuring your brand against average stats for other brands in your industry, instead of just relying on your own performance, is super helpful in its own right, as it keeps your brand grounded in reality. With Rival IQ’s tool, you can set alerts to let you know when a particular brand’s post has been boosted or when their Twitter mentions go off the charts. This keeps you aware of what’s happening, so you can catch a trend as it evolves and potentially improve on a competitor’s messaging. And it also reveals competitor struggles, as those skyrocketing mentions are not always a good thing! Creating content for all of your many channels can feel overwhelming, but Hootsuite makes quick and easy work of this. From their dashboard, you can create, schedule and publish content to share across multiple social media outlets. This way you get the messaging right for each one and can more accurately monitor for a consistent voice. This is especially helpful when you have a team managing your social voice. Brands can also search popular terms, so you can track brand mentions or products, and relevant keywords or hashtags Buffer offers some of the same benefits Hootsuite does, however, with their engagement tool, brands are able to track comments. This helps keep brands better informed of their consumers’ kudos, wish lists, and even complaints. And Buffer uses machine learning to alert you to any comment that may have negative sentiment or specific questions about a product or order. It learns as it goes, getting better at detecting patterns and becoming progressively more valuable when it comes to getting ahead of problems and protecting your brand health The world of social media is constantly evolving and when it comes to social media scanners, NUVI is a great choice for those with larger teams. NUVI is created with teams in mind to help keep everyone on the same page. It provides real time, actionable insights and the ability to collaborate across its social listening tools that go well beyond capturing social media intel. They also work well with RSS outlets, blogs and websites By setting alerts for sentiment dips, or for keywords you’re tracking, or even to identify trends, your entire team will be notified simultaneously, creating a seamless notification systema and helping you strategize campaign planning and customer experience. HubSpot offers a combination of social media scanners and customer service software. With 90% of consumers expecting their queries to be answered in less than 24 hours, having a marriage between these two marketing tools is a no-brainer. Bring what you discover using consumer analytics to bear on your customer service side, and create a more complete picture of your audience. The service hub brings your customer service data and channels together on one CRM platform that keeps consumer intelligence accessible and organized. And it helps to efficiently onboard, support, retain, and increase your customer base. Agencies with multiple clients who want to stay ahead of the competition may like Sendible for its ability to monitor the landscape of each individual client from one dashboard. You can monitor trending hashtags on Twitter to see which ones might be the best for your client, or use their social media scanners to keep a careful watch on the competition. This way, your clients can either emulate their successful steps, or learn from their mistakes and avoid typical pitfalls all-together. Loomly not only allows you to create and schedule social media posts, but it keeps those creative juices flowing by providing ideas for fresh content to share with your audience. Keeping on trend is important when trying to reach your consumers, of course. And Loomly’s social media scanner helps your brand do this by basing its suggestions on trending topics, RSS feeds, date related events and social media best practices. And with its post approval workflow, it offers exceptional functionalities for teams working together. And since we’re looking at social media intelligence, it wouldn’t be complete without one that offers feedback on reviews. With Reputation, you can access all of your brand’s review feedback in one place. Then you can easily respond to each in turn, and this act boosts your online presence! Reputation even offers customer response templates that are battle-tested. These help brands overcome writer’s block and respond in a timelier fashion, keeping things moving forward. 10) Social Mention User generated content (UGC) is some of the best-earned media a brand can have, assuming it’s positive. And companies need to be able to see these thousands of brand mentions, whether positive or negative if they hope to keep on top of consumer perception. Social mention’s ability to track UGC aids you in locating positive reviews that you can then turn around and use to promote yourself. It’s also handy for uncovering negative mentions, which are important to identify quickly as bad news spreads faster than good. Social Mention’s social media scanners help you do all of this, protecting brand health and gradually improving perception, even providing sentiment scoring and connected keywords. Use it to track trends as well! It’s vital to your brand’s heartbeat to track which posts are performing well and which aren’t, this way you’re not focusing effort in the wrong areas. With eclincher’s social media scanner for small to medium businesses, you can keep an eye on all your stats and pivot as needed. And because they partner with Google Analytics, you’ll have tools that measure reach, engagemen,t and sentiment to aid your brand in making the right moves. The big selling point for YouScan, is their logo recognition software. This visual insight allows consumer insights professionals and brands to see their product in use when it’s not specifically mentioned in text. This can pave the way for new ideas in marketing, as sometimes your product may be used in a way you hadn’t thought of. But it delivers more than just ideas, it also protects your brand and can keep you aware of any trademark infringement. This social media scanner offers real time monitoring of all online conversations. And it’s possible to measure your reach, track engagements and measure your campaign efforts. But it’s stand-out tool is sentiment monitoring. Brands need to understand what sentiments lie behind consumer comments and posts. With sentiment analysis tools you can check your audience’s temperature and address any negative feelings so they don’t fester – or spread. Feedly has a unique approach to tracking trends, and even discovering emerging trends. And it does so by using an AI assistant called Leo. The idea is that you feed Leo the information that’s important for you to stay on top of, and it filters out the nonsense, providing you a dashboard of only the insights you asked for. It also discovers and suggests related topics, hashtags, and keywords important to the subjects you already follow. This way, you don’t miss a thing – and often discover new, related topics that may have escaped your notice in our noisy online world. NapoleonCat offers insights for ecommerce efforts – intel that drills down to the geographical level. Demographics are a key element in understanding your audience, as is knowing where your consumers are located, specifically. The social media scanner this company provides pinpoints where in the world your audience is. This helps brands create better targeted messaging, and produces a visual map of where brands should consider expanding their marketing efforts. Mediatoolkit offers a free brand report, which shares some detailed analyses including an influencer dashboard. Influencer marketing is super important, of course as it is now a 13.8 billion dollar industry. Brand missing out on this puzzle piece are letting excellent opportunities to connect with consumers slip away. Consumers often view influencers as friends, or as regular people – at least as opposed to a big company. Track which influencers will reach your audience and then measure their impact afterwards to see what is working and who connects best with your finnicky crowd. With Mediatoolkit’s social media scanner, you can do both. One of the most powerful ways to increase your brand’s perception on social media is by having employee advocates. Give your employees the tools to easily discover, filter and then share pre-approved content to their profiles, expanding your reach and credibility. Then track how their audience responds. You may have an in-house influencers hiding in plain sight! TikTok brought a whole new way to grab the attention of younger audiences. And now that it has grown, it houses multiple generations along with multiple opportunities to connect with them! The social media scanner that Storyclash offers is focused on influencer identification, tracking and reporting. You can track owned, and even earned, influence to see what’s working best for your company. Discover which TikTok sensations are resonating with your consumers, and then harness their prowess for your benefit. Sentiment API from radarr stands out as it offers campaign sentiment prediction. This free social media scanner, takes a phrase or sentence that you choose and analyzes it for any found sentiments so your brand can better understand what wording to use for the best outcome. It predicts your best results! If Twitter is your thing, then TweetDeck is one of the best tools for your brand to track your impact and reach. It’s a part of an all-in-one social media scanner, meaning that you can create, schedule and track a post’s success. And it’s free for Twitter users. With it, you can stay up-to-date on your messages or explore trending topics and hashtags on Twitter. Searching for competitors is simple and will help keep you apprised of any major moves in your market. Staying aware of brand perception, consumer trends and campaign response starts with social media scanners. If you’re looking for one offering a meticulously detailed view of your consumer, while simultaneously offering a 360-degree view of your category, be sure to reach out for a demo! We’ll have you up and running right away!
You probably would be happy if you found the perfect doctor and the two of you stuck together forever. And sometimes, the doctor-patient relationship does last for a long time. But circumstances change. Maybe you move, your doctor retires or you no longer feel like your doctor is a good match for you. Choosing a new doctor can feel overwhelming. Here are a few factors to consider when you’re looking for the best partner for your health care and your lifestyle. Would you feel more comfortable with a doctor of a particular gender? Many people prefer to discuss certain concerns, such as symptoms of menopause or erectile dysfunction, with a doctor who shares their gender. Other people don’t have a preference. Would you prefer a doctor who’s close to your age, or older or younger? You might also want to consider the age group your doctor specializes in. Some doctors treat people of all ages, so everyone in your family can get care from the same doctor. Others specialize in caring for adults. And geriatricians focus their care exclusively on older adults. Race and religion Your race, religion, cultural beliefs and practices may factor into your health care needs. For example, you might fast as part of a religious observance. So, you may want to choose a doctor who shares your background. You’ll want a doctor who sees patients in a location that’s convenient for you. If you drive, find out where you can park. If you use public transit, make sure there’s a stop nearby. Sometimes, it can be faster, easier and safer to connect with your doctor via video. If you want to have the option of video visits, make sure your doctor offers them. Many doctors share a sentence or two on their web pages that summarizes their approach to care. And some also have a short intro video where you can learn more about their background and practice, similar to the profiles found on Banner’s Find a Doctor tool. Looking over this information can help you decide if the first impression feels right to you. You’ll want your doctor to be affiliated with a hospital that’s convenient for you in case you need hospital care. If you’re more comfortable communicating in a language other than English, you may prefer to see a doctor who speaks that language. You’ll want to find a doctor who accepts your insurance coverage and is considered in-network if you have a plan that includes different levels of coverage for in-network and out-of-network services. Training and certification Where your doctor attended medical school, where they served as a resident and whether they are board-certified in any specialty areas might factor into your decision. Ratings and reviews Online ratings and reviews can help you understand how other people feel about a doctor. Reading their comments can make you aware of the positive and negative factors that resonated with other patients. The bottom line Choosing a new doctor for yourself or your family might feel daunting. But you can make the process easier by thinking about what’s important to you and narrowing the options based on your preferences. To help find a health care provider that’s a good fit for you, visit bannerhealth.com.
Marketing Jargon or Quality Indicator? Linen Terminology Explained Phrases such as ‘thread count’, ‘GSM’ and ‘tog rating’ are used on everyday linen packaging as a unique selling point. However, many customers still aren’t quite sure what it all means, with some people even thinking that it’s all a load of marketing rubbish. Thomas Mulrooney of Vision Support Services explains all: Thread count is ‘the big one’ when it comes to explaining linen terminology. While there are a number of bad apples who use the phrase as a means to sell low quality products, when used honestly, it’s a fool-proof indicator of the quality of whatever linen product it is you’re buying. Defined in the dictionary as “a measure of the fineness of fabric as the total number of vertical and horizontal threads in one square inch,” thread count commonly refers to the overall strength and feel of a fabric. Look out for thread counts of 180 or above when buying, as these define real quality and luxury. Of all the cotton types on the market, Egyptian cotton is the one that’s often put on a pedestal. This is warranted when you take into account its quality and luxurious feel but, as with thread count, there are many suppliers who tag the phrase onto poor quality linens. Genuine Egyptian cotton is actually a superb textile material. Hardwearing and incredibly soft to the touch, it’s a cotton grown solely in the Nile delta and has evolved to possess a longer fibre staple – the source of its much sought after quality. I even put together a blog post earlier in the year that explains the benefits of this cotton in much more detail. You’ll have heard this phrase used where hotel towels are concerned. A GSM rating is to towels what thread count is to bed linen, and refers to the fabric weight and density of a towel in grams per square metre. If you’ve ever picked up a towel with a low GSM and compared it to a towel with a high GSM, it’s plain to see why taking this figure into account is extremely important to a B&B, guest house or small hotel. A high GSM means you’ll receive a great quality towel in return, with its softness and absorbency far outshining that of a cheap and cheerful product. GSM ratings of 600 and above achieve this to best effect and are considered premium. While the term ‘percale’ might sound exotic, rather than being a feature or technique like thread count or GSM it simply refers to a closely woven, plain weave fabric that’s most commonly used in the manufacturing of sheets and other bed linens. The word percale itself actually refers to the way the fabric is woven. The weave is noticeably tighter than that of standard bed sheets, with the resulting quality earning percale bedding a reputation for being some of the finest bed linen available! Mercerisation is the process applied to cotton products to help prevent shrinkage. Simply put, it alters the chemical structure of the cotton fibre and causes its cell wall to swell. This, in turn, increases the surface area and reflectance of the threads, strengthening the fibre, giving it a much softer feel and even more lustrous looks. As a result, mercerised cottons are generally much longer lasting and incredibly well suited to those in the hospitality industry. After all, all of that washing can take its toll on your hotel linens in the end! Tog rating is a term belonging to the duvet family which is often confused with measures of quality and weight. It is in-fact a rating of just how warm a duvet is, with higher tog ratings indicating a warmer duvet and usually appearing on products filled with goose or duck down or a down alternative. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that while high tog duvets will keep guests toasty during winter, you’ll have to change to something a little cooler during the summer months! As a guide I’d advise a 4.5 tog duvet during summer and a 15 tog duvet during winter. This refers to the height of a duvet or a pillows filling. A better loft means that more air will be trapped inside the product, resulting in a warmer duvet or more supportive, sumptuous pillow. While a lot of the attention given to guests’ bedding is usually targeted towards high thread count sheets, a great loft rating could mean the difference between then getting a comfortable night’s sleep and tossing and turning all night on an uncomfortable pillow.
Bugungu wildlife reserve: Adjoins that forms the great Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Bugungu is located at the base of the rift valley escarpment that overlooks Murchison from the west. It’s a buffer that protects Murchison Falls National Park westwards and stand to be a unique a quite places awaiting on your travel adorations while in Uganda. Bugungu wildlife reserve was gazetted in 1968, it covers an area of 473 kilometers squared, it seats in the arrays of the rift valley escarpment protecting the savannahs and it’s habitants and as well a place of seasonal wetlands. Its features are closely similar to that of southern sector of Murchison Falls National Park of savannah and thickets. The reserve prides in various Wildlife and stature as one perfect places to rush for a rewarding game drives; on record one can find a list of these animals which are Reed bucks, leopards, buffalos, hippopotamus, warthogs, bush bucks, water bucks, Sitatunga antelopes, dik-dik, over 600 Ugandan Kobs, about 1200 Oribis plus primates like the black and white colobus monkeys, Olive baboons, L’Hoest monkey, vervet monkeys, patas monkeys and many more. For birders opting for a special birding sessions, can take this as the a birders destination endowed with various birds over 240 species recorded both residential and migratory birds some of the birds to be seen here are; saddle billed stork, Abyssinian ground hornbill, the rare shoebill, dark chanting Goshawk, white browed sparrow Weaver, black billed bustard, black headed Gonolek, yellow throated greenbul, black headed batis, black billed wood dove, black billed barbet, swamp fly catcher, eastern grey plantain eaters, double toothed barbet, giant Kingfishers and the speckle breasted wood pecker to mention a few. When opting for an adventure here, there is quite a number of activities that one can engage among which include guided nature walks and encounter the wilderness in the walking trails. Tourists can as well take on community visits around the reserve for cultural entertainment and can also procure a handmade souvenir from the local people, the reverse holds picnic points which are romantic for packed launch. For a more wilderness experience, tourists can add visiting Murchison falls national park to their itinerary and encounter some of the Wildlife you would not see at Queen Elizabeth national park and also see the world’s strongest waterfalls and many more things to be seen. Where to stay at Bugungu wildlife reserve? Through Bungungu is another gate to Murchison Falls National Park when from Bulisa, a tour to Bugungu wildlife reserve one can have their accommodation within the many spread lodges in Murchison Falls National park. Sambiya Rest Camp Lodge, Paara lodge, Bwana tembo safari camp, shoebill campsite, Boomu women’s camp and many more. When is the best time to visit Bungungu? All year around the reserve can be visited, however, considering the dry season which runs in the month of June to September and December to January where the temperatures are very high, the vegetation is not thick and wildlife can easily be seen. When opting to visit the reserve for the rest of the months then i.e. in the wet season, then will require to have a 4WD vehicles as roads become very stubborn to pass through. Bugungu Wildlife reserve can be accessed through though Bulisa or Masindi districts.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a small endogenous biological mediator that has many physiological and pathophysiological actions. It is synthesized from L-arginine by a family of NO synthases (NOS). NOS have been classified into two categories, constitutive (eNOS and nNOS) and inducible (iNOS). Increased NO production appears to be associated with many disorders including cancer. NO formed from the iNOS in various cells, including macrophages, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various forms of circulatory shock and inflammation. INOS protein has been detected in both premalignanat and malignanat clinical biopsies from the human stomach, colon, lung, esophagus, and prostate; and increased iNOS activity was observed in human esophagus, colorectal, breast, lung, head and neck, and central nervous system tumors. Various NOS inhibitors have been developed but are ineffective or non specific NOS inhibitors. Very little is known regarding the involvement of iNOS in melanoma lung metastasis. Inhibition of iNOS with s,s’-1,4-phenylene-bis(1,2-ethanediyl)bis-isothiourea (PBIT), an iNOS specific inhibitor effectively inhibit colon and esophagus cancer in animal models. However, the dietary dose used in animal models were high and could not be used for clinical studies. Selenium is also a potent chemotherapeutic and chemopreventive agent. Selenium analogs of L-arginine were reported to be a potent inhibitors of iNOS; however, the compounds were unstable in aqueous solution. We have developed a new selenium derivative of PBIT. In vitro studies using vertical growth phase (VGP), WM115, and metastatic melanoma (MM), UACC903 and 1205 Lu, cell lines showed only Se-PBIT but not PBIT significantly reduces the cell viability at very low concentrations as demonstrated by their IC50 values (7.0 - 12.0 μM) compared to PBIT (>100 μM). In vivo metastasis studies using GFP expressing metastatic melanoma cells (UACC903 M) showed a significant reduction (~2.5 fold) in the lung metastatic area in the animals receiving Se-PBIT compared to the animals injected with DMSO vehicle. Collectively these studies show the effectiveness of Se-PBIT on lung metastasis inhibition. Results of our findings will be presented. We now report the inhibitory effect of selenium derivative of PBIT against Melanoma lung metastasis.The chemopreventive efficacy and mechanism of action of newly developed agent will be discussed against the Melanoma Lung Metastasis.
Trastuzumab is the standard of care for HER2-positive breast cancer patients, markedly improving disease-free and overall survival. Combined with chemotherapy, it enhances patient outcomes, but cardiotoxicity due to the trastuzumab treatment poses a serious adverse effect. MM-302 is a HER2-targeted PEGylated liposome that encapsulates doxorubicin to facilitate its delivery to HER2-overexpressing tumor cells while limiting exposure to nontarget tissues, including the heart. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility and preclinical activity of combining MM-302 with trastuzumab. MM-302 and trastuzumab target different domains of the HER2 receptor and thus could simultaneously bind HER2-overexpressing tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, trastuzumab did not disrupt the mechanism of action of MM-302 in delivering doxorubicin to the n0ucleus and inducing DNA damage. Reciprocally, MM-302 did not interfere with the ability of trastuzumab to block prosurvival p-Akt signaling. Interestingly, coadministration of the two agents acutely increased the deposition of MM-302 in human xenograft tumors and subsequently increased the expression of the DNA damage marker p-p53. Finally, the combination of MM-302 and trastuzumab induced synergistic antitumor activity in HER2-overexpressing xenograft models of breast and gastric cancer. Collectively, our findings highlight a novel combination therapy that efficiently targets HER2-overexpressing cells through multiple mechanisms and support the ongoing investigation of combined MM-302/trastuzumab therapy for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer in a randomized phase II clinical trial. Cancer Res; 76(6); 1517–27. ©2016 AACR. An estimated 25% of breast cancer patients are defined as HER2-positive, characterized by tumor overexpression of the HER2 receptor protein and amplification of the HER2 gene. Other cancers including gastric, ovarian, and bladder also exhibit HER2 overexpression to varying degrees (1). Trastuzumab is a mAb developed to bind the HER2 receptor and proposed to function through multiple mechanisms including decreased PI3K/Akt signaling, increased degradation of the HER2 receptor protein following endocytosis, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC; ref. 2). By identifying those patients whose tumors overexpress the necessary molecular target (HER2), breast cancer cells can be targeted directly while sparing healthy cells, thus mitigating potential adverse events and toxicities. Trastuzumab has thus become a key component in the oncologist's arsenal against HER2-positive cancer (3). Despite these advances, overall response rate to trastuzumab as a single agent is modest (15%–30%), while combination with various chemotherapies can increase response to 50%–75% in HER2-positive breast cancer patients (2, 4). However, among those who do respond, nearly all eventually progress following initial benefit and acquire resistance over time (4, 5). Thus, continued development of novel therapies for HER2-positive breast cancer and their use in combination with established targeted therapies such as trastuzumab remains a necessary goal to improve patient outcomes. Anthracyclines such as doxorubicin are well-established chemotherapeutics used to treat a variety of cancers including leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder, multiple myeloma, and breast cancer among others. Doxorubicin has proven particularly effective in treating HER2-positive breast cancer patients, possibly as a result of the proximity between the TOP2A gene (a target of doxorubicin) and the HER2 gene on chromosome 17 (6, 7). However, administration of doxorubicin is associated with its own serious side effects including hematologic alterations and life-threatening cardiotoxicity, thus limiting cumulative dosage and clinical utility (8, 9). In the pivotal trial leading to approval of trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer, clinical benefit was identified in combination with doxorubicin, but significant cardiotoxicity was also observed, resulting in an accompanying black box warning (4). As a result of these safety concerns, use of doxorubicin for treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer has decreased in recent years despite its efficacy (10, 11). MM-302 is a HER2-targeted liposome encapsulating approximately 20,000 molecules of doxorubicin in its core and 45 single-chain anti-HER2 antibodies (scFv) conjugated to its surface. This agent is currently in development for the treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer and is under consideration for additional oncology indications. Liposomal encapsulation dramatically alters the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of doxorubicin. By virtue of their comparatively large size, liposomes deposit in areas with leaky or functionally porous vasculature including tumors, areas of inflammation, the liver and spleen. This phenomenon is known as enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect (12). The normal vasculatures of healthy organs such as the heart typically prevent leakage and significant accumulation of liposomes. Clinical studies have demonstrated cardiosafety advantages of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD/Doxil) relative to free doxorubicin, but lack of risk–benefit ratio has precluded approval of Doxil for the treatment of breast cancer in the United States (13, 14). MM-302 shares the extended pharmacokinetics and EPR-mediated deposition in tumors with PLD. However, unlike PLD, following deposition in the tumor microenvironment, anti-HER2 antibodies on the surface of MM-302 specifically increase targeting to HER2-overexpressing tumor cells with a resultant increase in antitumor activity relative to PLD in multiple preclinical models (15, 16). Additional work has elucidated a critical threshold of surface HER2 expression, approximately 200,000 HER2 receptors per cell for efficient binding and uptake of MM-302 (17). Importantly, cardiomyocytes do not possess the requisite number of HER2 receptors required to efficiently mediate the uptake of MM-302, potentially mitigating safety concerns (18, 19). In this article, we demonstrate the feasibility and enhanced antitumor activity of dual HER2-targeting with MM-302 and trastuzumab. MM-302 and trastuzumab each target different domains of the HER2 receptor (J. Marks; manuscript in preparation; ref. 20) and we show that both agents are able to simultaneously bind to HER2-positive cells. The mechanism of action of MM-302 (delivery of doxorubicin and DNA damage) is not altered by the presence of trastuzumab, while the ability of trastuzumab to decrease intracellular signaling (p-Akt) is not affected by the presence of MM-302. Interestingly, coadministration of trastuzumab with MM-302 acutely increased deposition of MM-302 to BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 xenograft tumors in vivo, with a resultant increase in DNA damage (p-p53). Finally, we demonstrate synergistic antitumor activity of the MM-302 and trastuzumab combination in human xenograft models of breast and gastric cancer. This work provides the preclinical foundation for the combination of MM-302 plus trastuzumab, which is currently being investigated in the ongoing phase II HERMIONE trial in metastatic breast cancer patients (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02213744). Materials and Methods BT474-M3 is a HER2-overexpressing cell line received as a gift from Hermes Biosciences. NCI-N87 cells were purchased from ATCC and authenticated before receipt. Cell lines were obtained between 2008 and 2011 and propagated for less than 6 months after resuscitation. Both cell lines were grown at 37°C in RPMI/10% FBS supplemented with penicillin–streptomycin and used at P5 or less. MM-302 liposomes were prepared as previously described (16). Labeled liposomes were prepared containing far red-fluorescent carbocyanine tracer DiIC18(5)-DS (D12730, abbreviated DiI5; Life Technologies), which intercalates into the lipid bilayer of the liposome. Corresponding liposomes without doxorubicin were also prepared (“empty”). Trastuzumab (Herceptin) was purchased through CuraScript, Inc. and labeled per vendor's instructions with Alexa Fluor-488 or Alexa Fluor-555 (Life Technologies). In vitro fluorescence microscopy. A total of 10,000 cells were plated per chamber (Nunc Lab Tek II Slides) and simultaneously treated with 1 μmol/L DiI5-MM-302 and 1 μmol/L Alexa 488–trastuzumab for 1 hour on ice at 4°C, fixed with 3.7% formaldaldehyde for 15 minutes at room temperature, and stained with Hoechst 33342 (Life Technologies). Images (20×) and (40×) were captured with a Nikon Eclipse TE2000U microscope. Nuclear doxorubicin/liposome imaging by high content microscopy BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells were plated in 96-well tissue culture plates at 10,000 cells per well and treated with DiI5-MM-302, trastuzumab, or DiI5-MM-302 and trastuzumab at the indicated final concentrations. Twenty-four hours later, cells were fixed with 3.7% formaldehyde (15 minutes at room temperature), incubated with 1:1,000 Hoechst 33342 (Life Technologies) and 1:10,000 Whole Cell Blue Dye (8403501; Life Technologies). Plates were scanned using an ArrayWorx High Content Scanner (Applied Precision) with a 10× objective for Hoechst 33342 (460 nm), doxorubicin (595 nm), and APC/DiI5 (657 nm). Identification of nuclei, cell segmentation, and signal quantitation were performed using ImageRail software (21). Data are presented as the mean pixel intensity for all cells in a given well for the indicated channel (approx. 4,000 cells evaluated per well). In vitro viability BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells were plated in 96-well tissue culture plates at 5,000 cells per well, treated with MM-302, trastuzumab, or MM-302 and trastuzumab at the indicated final concentrations (each in triplicate) at 37°C for 72 hours. Cell Titer-Glo assay was performed per vendor instructions (Promega). Luminescence was measured using an Envision 2103 Multilabel plate reader (Perkin Elmer). Percent viability for each treatment is calculated relative to untreated. Animal studies: tumor growth inhibition and liposome delivery Seven-week-old female NCR/nu mice were purchased from Taconic and 7-week-old female nu/nu mice were purchased from Charles River Laboratories. The care and treatment of experimental animals was in accordance with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines. Establishment of xenografts. NCR/nu mice were implanted with a 17β-estradiol pellet (0.74 mg; 60-day release; Innovative Research of America) two to three days before inoculation with 10 × 106 BT474-M3 cells into the mammary fat pad (m.f.p.). Nu/nu mice were inoculated with 7.5 × 106 NCI-N87 cells subcutaneously into the right flank of the mouse. Tumor growth inhibition. Once tumors reached a volume of 200 to 300 mm3, mice were randomized into groups of 8 to 10 mice/group of equal average tumor volume and dosed intravenously with: PBS (control), MM-302 [3 mg/kg (doxorubicin), i.v. every 7 days for 3 doses], trastuzumab (7 mg/kg loading dose, then 3.5 mg/kg every 3 days for duration of study), or the combination of MM-302 and trastuzumab. Tumors were measured twice/week with a caliper. Tumor volumes were calculated using the formula: width2 × length × 0.52. Bliss (synergy) analysis was performed as follows: Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) in each treatment group was calculated using the following formula: where Vtreated and Vcontrol represent the median volumes of tumor at a given time point in mice treated with drug (MM-302 and/or trastuzumab) or PBS (control). By using TGI values from the monotherapy groups, the Bliss additivity model was used to predict the additive effect in the combination group: TGIBliss Additivity = TGIMM-302 + TGITrastuzumab − TGIMM-302*TGITrastuzumab Values less than additive indicate antagonism, while values above additive indicate synergy (22–26). Once tumors reached a volume of 200 to 300 mm3, mice were dosed intravenously with PBS (control), trastuzumab (7 mg/kg), DiI5-MM-302 (3 mg/kg), or trastuzumab (7 mg/kg) and DiI5-MM-302 (3 mg/kg); or purified human IgG (7 mg/kg; 1-001-A, R&D Systems) or trastuzumab-DM1 (7 mg/kg; CuraScript). Alternatively, mice were dosed with Alexa-555-trastuzumab (7 mg/kg) and DiI5-MM-302 (3 mg/kg). Tumors were collected 4, 24 and 72 hours postinjection of agents. Five minutes prior to sacrifice, mice were dosed intravenously with 200 μL of FITC-lectin (Vector Laboratories, Inc.) to label perfused vessels, then perfused with PBS. Tumors were collected and processed in accordance with each assay described below. Quantification of doxorubicin within tumors After collection, tumors were immediately frozen on dry ice and stored at −80°C until processing. Quantification of doxorubicin in tumors by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was performed as described previously (18). Histologic analysis of tumor liposome deposition Tumors were embedded in OCT compound (TissueTek), frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection, and prepared for cryosection (10-μm thickness). Slides were air-dried for 30 minutes at room temperature and counterstained with Hoechst 33342 diluted 1:5,000 in ProLong Gold mounting media (Molecular Probes). Slides were imaged on an Aperio ScanScope FL scanner (Leica Biosystems) at 20× magnification as described in Onsum and colleagues (19). Images were analyzed using custom rule sets written in Definiens Developer XD (Definiens). Briefly, individual tumors were identified using the Hoechst layer and the liposome mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) determined for each tumor. Distribution of the liposome MFI within the tumor was determined as follows: after defining the tumor region, the area was subdivided into 1-pixel subobjects and each subobject was assigned into different classes based on the liposome MFI: <1,000, 1,000–2,000, 2,000–3,000, 3,000–4,000, 4,000–6,000 MFI, and >6,000. The relative percentage of area occupied by different MFI classes was then determined. Confocal microscopy of BT474-M3 xenografts Slides with 10-μm thick frozen tumor sections were air-dried at room temperature for 20 minutes, counterstained, and mounted with Hoechst 33342 diluted 1:50,00 into ProLong Gold anti-fade reagent (Molecular Probes). Slides were imaged on a Leica SP8 X inverted confocal system at 405 nm (solid-state diode laser), 487 nm, 555 nm and 647 nm (WhiteLight lasers) with a 40X/1.3 oil objective (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA). Images were visualized with open source Fiji software (). Phosphoprotein analysis: p-p53 (Ser15) and p-Akt (Ser473) p-p53 (K15113D-1) or p-Akt (K150MND-1) assays were performed as per manufacturer's instructions (Meso Scale Discovery). MM-302 and trastuzumab can bind cells simultaneously The single-chain F5 antibody on the surface of MM-302 specifically targets domain I of the ErbB2/HER2 receptor protein while trastuzumab binds domain IV (Fig. 1A). Despite targeting different epitopes on the HER2 receptor, it was essential to determine whether both MM-302 and trastuzumab can bind to the same cells given the unique physical characteristics of a liposome and therapeutic antibody (Fig. 1B). First, we simultaneously incubated fluorescent DiI5-MM-302 liposomes and Alexa Fluor 488–trastuzumab with HER2-overexpressing BT474-M3 cells (breast) and evaluated membrane-bound signal using fluorescence microscopy. Empty liposomes without doxorubicin were used to minimize autofluorescence and experiments were performed on ice to minimize internalization. BT474-M3 cells tend to grow together in clumps or patches in vitro and when inspected, the MM-302 signal is clearly evident on the periphery of groups of cells (Fig. 1C, MM-302, top and middle). Trastuzumab is present in the same peripheral locations as well as between individual cells (Fig. 1C, trastuzumab, top and middle). These observations are consistent with the physical size differences between the antibody trastuzumab and MM-302. When individual BT474-M3 cells are located, the signal from MM-302 directly overlaps with trastuzumab, consistent with both drugs binding to the HER2 receptor on the same cell (Fig. 1C, bottom). Altering the ratio of either drug up to 50-fold in excess or adding the drugs sequentially in either order (with time intervals) did not affect binding (data not shown). We next quantitatively evaluated binding of MM-302 and delivery of doxorubicin to the cell nucleus in the presence of trastuzumab. BT474-M3 and HER2-overexpressing NCI-N87 cells (gastric) were simultaneously incubated with DiI5-MM-302 (0–2 μmol/L) and trastuzumab (0, 1, or 10 μg/mL) for 24, 48, and 72 hours and liposome signal (DiI5) and nuclear doxorubicin then evaluated by high-throughput fluorescence microscopy. A dose-dependent increase in liposome signal (Fig. 2A) and nuclear doxorubicin (Fig. 2B) is observed with increasing MM-302 concentration in both cell lines at 24 hours (blue lines). The addition of trastuzumab at 1 μg/mL (light green) or 10 μg/mL (dark green) did not alter the amount of MM-302 liposome bound or nuclear doxorubicin in either BT474-M3 or NCI-N87 cells (Fig. 2A and B). Similar results were observed at 48 and 72 hours (data not shown). p53 protein levels and phosphorylation/activation are tightly controlled under normal conditions by the cell. However, in response to DNA damage (induced by UV, IR, or chemical agents including doxorubicin), p53 can become phosphorylated in the N-terminal domain, leading to its activation and accumulation (27). To investigate this response, BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells were treated with 1 μmol/L MM-302 for 0–24 hours and p-p53 (Ser15) evaluated by electrochemiluminescent MSD assay. Consistent with the accumulation of doxorubicin in the nucleus and resultant DNA damage, an increase in p-p53 is observed when cells are treated with MM-302 (Fig. 2C, blue line). The increase in p-p53 observed with MM-302 is not altered by cotreatment with trastuzumab at 1 or 10 μg/mL (Fig. 2C, light/dark green lines). Trastuzumab alone has no effect on p-p53 under the conditions tested (Fig. 2C, pink lines). Trastuzumab, but not MM-302, reduces p-Akt signaling One of the reported mechanisms by which trastuzumab halts tumor growth is by decreasing signaling cascades downstream of the HER2 receptor, including the PI3K/Akt pathway (28). Treatment of BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells with trastuzumab alone (1 μg/mL) results in a significant decrease in basal p-Akt (Ser473) signal, with this reduction maintained at least until 24 hours (Fig. 2D, pink line). Cotreatment with MM-302 did not alter the decrease in p-Akt signal attributed to trastuzumab (Fig. 2D, green line), while MM-302 alone has no effect on p-Akt signal at the same timepoints (Fig. 2D, blue line). Combining MM-302 and trastuzumab increases cell death in vitro To determine the effect of combining MM-302 and trastuzumab on cell growth in vitro, BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells were treated with trastuzumab alone (10 μg/mL), MM-302 alone (0.5 μmol/L), or MM-302 and trastuzumab. Viability was evaluated 72 hours following treatment and calculated relative to untreated cells. Trastuzumab alone reduced viability in both cell lines by approximately 15% (Fig. 3, pink) while MM-302 alone reduced BT474-M3 viability by 45% and NCI-N87 by 65%. In both BT474-M3 and NCI-N87 cells, the combination of MM-302 with trastuzumab significantly reduces in vitro viability relative to either treatment alone (58 and 80%, respectively; Fig. 3, green), consistent with an additive effect based on percent viability. MM-302 and trastuzumab can bind the same cells in human xenograft tumors We next sought to determine whether both MM-302 and trastuzumab could bind to the same cells in vivo, as we observed in vitro. Mice bearing BT474-M3 tumors were injected with fluorescent DiI5-MM-302 (“empty”; 3 mg/kg) and Alexa-555-trastuzumab (7 mg/kg) for 4 or 24 hours and tumor sections then imaged by confocal fluorescence microscopy. MM-302 is present within and proximal to perfused blood vessels (visualized by FITC-lectin) as well as on the cell membranes of multiple nearby cells at 24 hours (Fig. 4, MM-302/red). Trastuzumab is widely distributed and observed on the surface of most tumor cells within the section (Fig. 4, trastuzumab/green), but is not as evident within vessels as MM-302 (consistent with faster distribution of an antibody). Colocalization of MM-302 and trastuzumab is readily apparent on multiple cells within proximity to the blood vessels (Fig. 4, merge-yellow). Similar co-localization is observed at 4 hours (additional representative images are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1). Combining MM-302 and trastuzumab increases DNA damage signaling in vivo Building on our in vitro findings, we next evaluated whether we could also detect changes in p-p53 levels within tumor xenografts following treatment with MM-302. Mice bearing BT474-M3 or NCI-N87 human xenograft tumors were treated with trastuzumab alone, MM-302 alone or MM-302 and trastuzumab for 4, 24, or 72 hours. Tumors were collected and levels of p-p53 (Ser15) evaluated. No changes in p-p53 were observed in the untreated or trastuzumab-treated lysates at any timepoint (Fig. 5A, gray/pink). Significant p-p53 was observed 24 hours after MM-302 treatment (P < 0.0001), with a comparable increase in signal from 4 to 24 hours with or without trastuzumab coadministration (Fig. 5A, blue/green). Interestingly, while both treatments increase p-p53 signal at 72 hours relative to the 24-hour timepoint, the signal is greater with trastuzumab coadministration (P = 0.0009). Similar trends are observed in both xenograft models although the absolute values and variability are much greater in the NCI-N87 model, resulting in significance only at the 72-hour timepoint (P = 0.0112). Trastuzumab acutely increases deposition of MM-302 in human xenograft tumors Our in vitro combination experiments showed that trastuzumab did not increase p-p53 in combination with MM-302, yet increased levels of p-p53 were observed in tumor xenografts treated with the same combination. This led us to question whether trastuzumab was influencing the amount of MM-302 reaching the tumor in vivo. Mice bearing human BT474-M3 or NCI-N87 xenograft tumors were treated with MM-302 alone or simultaneously with trastuzumab, tumors collected 4, 24, or 72 hours after drug administration and doxorubicin levels analyzed by HPLC. When MM-302 was administered as a monotherapy to BT474-M3 tumors, approximately 5% of the injected doxorubicin/gram tissue (i.d./g) was detected in tumors at 4 hours (Fig. 5B left, blue). Consistent with the p-p53 results, when trastuzumab was injected simultaneously with MM-302, there was a greater than 2-fold increase in the amount of doxorubicin detected in the BT474-M3 tumor at 4 hours relative to MM-302 alone (P = 0.0076; Fig. 5B left, green). These results are consistent with a mechanism wherein trastuzumab increases MM-302 delivery, which in turn results in the increased p-p53 that was experimentally observed. Doxorubicin levels increase from 4 to 24 hours with MM-302 alone, consistent with continued deposition of liposome at the tumor site as a result of the long-circulating pharmacokinetics of PEGylated liposomes. There continues to be greater doxorubicin in the BT474-M3 cells at 24 hours with coadministration of trastuzumab relative to MM-302 alone, although the values were not statistically significant. By 72 hours, there is little difference between the amounts of doxorubicin in BT474-M3 tumors treated with MM-302 or MM-302 and trastuzumab. In the gastric NCI-N87 xenograft model, a nearly 2-fold increase in doxorubicin levels was observed at 4 hours when trastuzumab is coadministered with MM-302 (Fig. 5B right; P = 0.0449), while a significant increase is also observed at 24 hours with the combination (P = 0.0024). Changes in MM-302 deposition were not observed with coinjection of a nonspecific human IgG, a monoclonal human antibody against EGFR, or PBS, but an increase was seen with trastuzumab-DM1 (T-DM1; Supplementary Fig. S2 and data not shown). In addition, the pharmacokinetics of MM-302 was not affected by trastuzumab, indicating that changes in systemic exposure were not responsible for the differences in tumor uptake (Supplementary Fig. S3). As further confirmation, frozen sections from BT474-M3 tumors treated with DiI5-MM-302 alone or in combination with trastuzumab were collected 4, 24, or 72 hours post-injection, then imaged and analyzed to quantify mean liposome fluorescence intensity (MFI) per tumor. Consistent with the doxorubicin results, coadministration of trastuzumab increased DiI5-MM-302 signal in the tumor at both 4 and 24 hours relative to MM-302 alone (Fig. 6A; P = 0.0159 and P = 0.0317, respectively). A trend towards increased MM-302 deposition was also observed at 72 hours with trastuzumab (P = 0.0517, n.s.). Because of their large size, nanoparticles are known to have challenges effectively penetrating into tumors. Therefore, we sought to investigate whether the effect on deposition seen with trastuzumab also improved liposome penetration. Changes in liposome spatial distribution were evaluated by assigning each individual pixel within the tumor to a distinct MFI class (from 0—1,000 up to >6,000 MFI). This allowed us to generate a “heatmap” of liposome distribution within the tumor; representative tumors for DiI5-MM-302 alone (left) and DiI5-MM-302 with trastuzumab (right) are shown for the 24-hour time point (Fig. 6B). The relative percentages of tumor area belonging to the defined MFI classes were quantified for each tumor. Coadministration with trastuzumab resulted in greater overall delivery of MM-302 as indicated by an increase in tumor areas (%) with higher DiI5 fluorescence intensity (Fig. 6C, yellow-orange-red). The percent tumor area with the highest liposome intensity (>6,000 MFI) increased from 0.2% to 0.7% at 4 hours (P = 0.0159), from 0.2% to 2.2% at 24 hours (P = 0.0317), and from 0.2% to 2.5% at 72 hours (n.s.), indicating that areas of the tumor are exposed to higher liposome concentrations (as opposed to a general overall increase). Similar trends were observed in the NCI-N87 model; however, the results were not statistically significant. Combining MM-302 and trastuzumab improves antitumor activity We observed DNA damage from MM-302 and reduced p-Akt signaling from trastuzumab when combined in vitro, as well as increased liposome deposition when MM-302 and trastuzumab were coadministered in vivo. We next investigated whether these observations would translate into increased antitumor activity. Mice bearing either BT474-M3 or NCI-N87 xenograft tumors were treated with MM-302 alone, trastuzumab alone, or coadministration of both drugs. Each monotherapy was effective at reducing tumor volume relative to control in both models (Fig. 7A and B, blue and pink). In the BT474-M3 model, the combination of MM-302 and trastuzumab had significantly greater antitumor activity than either drug alone (P < 0.0001), including 6 of 10 tumors with greater than 50% reduction in tumor volume and 2 complete regressions (Fig. 7A, green). Similarly, in the NCI-N87 model, the combination had greater antitumor activity than either trastuzumab (P < 0.0001) or MM-302 alone (P = 0.0002), including 2 of 9 tumors with greater than 50% reduction in tumor volume (Fig. 7B, green). Bliss additivity analysis of both models demonstrates that the benefit of the combination is synergistic, or greater than the predicted sum of each drug alone (Supplementary Fig. S4). In the case of the BT474-M3 xenograft tumors, synergy is indicated at every time point tested despite the magnitude likely being restricted or minimized due to the occurrence of complete regressions (Fig. 7 and Supplementary Fig. S4). Chemotherapies such as anthracyclines remain a primary option for treating cancer patients because of their broad antitumor activity. However, these agents are relatively indiscriminate with regard to their activity against healthy or cancerous cells, resulting in side effects that can impact quality of life and limit their use. Among cancer survivors, the use of conventional anthracyclines are associated with long-term secondary effects including the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS; refs. 9, 29–32). Cardiotoxicity associated with the use of anthracyclines has also been well documented and is often exacerbated in combination with drugs including trastuzumab and taxanes (4, 33). Recent studies have shown the benefit of continuing trastuzumab treatment in HER2-positive patients even following disease progression, making it likely that this drug will remain in use through all lines of therapy (34). For this reason, it is increasingly important to find suitable combination partners for trastuzumab. Targeted liposomes such as MM-302 provide an attractive option for incorporating anthracycline therapy with trastuzumab, while moderating potential side effects. Liposomes are significantly larger than therapeutic antibodies such as trastuzumab and the target HER2 receptor. Answering the basic question whether both drugs could bind to the same HER2-overexpressing cells was a necessary starting point. On the basis of fluorescence microscopy, both agents are present on the same BT474-M3 cells both in vitro and in vivo. Some differences in the pattern of distribution of each agent are observed in vitro, but when single cells were identified, colocalization was readily apparent. We also evaluated the HER2-overexpressing SUM-190 cell line, which tends to grow as individual cells, and colocalization of trastuzumab and MM-302 on single cells was readily observed by fluorescence microscopy (data not shown). We were further able to capture binding of MM-302 and trastuzumab to the same tumor cells in vivo by injecting fluorescent DiI5-MM-302 and Alexa-555–trastuzumab into mice carrying BT474-M3 xenografts. By 4 hours, MM-302 is observed within tumor blood vessels as well as on the membranes of numerous proximal cells. Trastuzumab is observed on the surface of multiple cells throughout the tumor. As trastuzumab is likely to travel further and faster than MM-302, the colocalization is not absolute but is clearly evident in locations where both drugs are present. Future studies could include a more extensive time course (both earlier and later) to shed light on the relative kinetic distribution of each drug in vivo. Beyond simultaneously binding to HER2-overexpressing cells, MM-302 and trastuzumab did not inhibit each other's activity. Delivery of doxorubicin to the nucleus by MM-302 and activation of the DNA damage pathway (as indicated by p-p53) was nearly identical whether trastuzumab was present or not. Stimulation of the HER2 receptor results in downstream activation of the PI3K–Akt pathway, which in turn leads to activation of transcription factors leading to increased proliferation, angiogenesis, metastases, and survival (35). Treatment of BT474-M3 or NCI-N87 cells with trastuzumab reduced basal pAkt signaling in vitro and this inhibition was unchanged with coadministration of MM-302. The additive killing effect when both drugs are coadministered in vitro is consistent with each drug performing its intended function. Thus, by multiple measurements, HER2-positive cells are impacted by the mechanisms of action of both MM-302 and trastuzumab. As antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is believed to be another significant mechanism of action for trastuzumab, we can speculate that even greater combinatorial benefit would be observed in the presence of a functional immune system (36, 37). Tumor vasculature is known to be irregular and tortuous, with walls of varying thickness, typically favoring deposition of liposomes as they extravasate through leaky vessels, resulting in increased tumor accumulation relative to organs possessing normal vasculature (38). Multiple reports have described effects of trastuzumab on tumor vasculature and angiogenesis, including reduced rates of VEGF production, changes in microvessel density (MVD) and remodeling of tumor vessel organization (39–41). The increase in MM-302 deposition we observed when trastuzumab was coadministered was unexpected, especially so rapidly after injection of the drugs. Most published studies describe the effects of trastuzumab on tumor vessels days to weeks after treatment (rather than hours), although McCormack and colleagues describe changes in VEGF and CD31 in BT474 xenograft tumors 48 hours after administration of trastuzumab (39, 41, 42). We labeled CD31 to evaluate blood vessels in BT474-M3 tumors following treatment with trastuzumab and observed multiple subtle, yet significant, effects including reductions in vessel length, width and area (data not shown). It remains to be determined whether these changes are responsible for the increased liposome deposition. Normalization of the vessels would seem to oppose increased delivery of liposomes and is unlikely to occur in such a short time. However, brief, transient changes in vessel shape, size, diameter, etc. (before or during transition to normalization) could affect pressure or velocity of blood flow, forcing more liposomes through an already leaky tumor vasculature. Increased blood pressure has been shown to increase tumor delivery of nanoparticles clinically and possibly enhance the EPR effect, although we have not evaluated this effect in our preclinical models (12, 43). Another consideration is the release of cytokines or growth factors mediated by the interaction between trastuzumab and the HER2 receptor on the tumor. Such a response might alter the vessels or tumor microenvironment, making the tumor more amenable to MM-302 deposition. VEGF is one such factor known to influence many aspects of the vasculature including blood pressure, angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis among other biologic functions and it is a possibility we continue to explore (44). We did not observe increased deposition when we coadministered MM-302 with a nonspecific human IgG or antibodies specific for other targets. Notably, coadministration of T-DM1 (same antibody component as trastuzumab; refs. 45, 46) increased MM-302 deposition, further supporting the notion that the response is HER2-specific (Supplementary Fig. S2). The use of anthracyclines in HER2-positive breast cancer has been declining for years due to concerns about cardiac risk (11). A retrospective analysis by Montemurro and colleagues (10) found that up to a third of eligible HER2-positive patients never received an anthracycline at any point during their treatment before dying. This is despite specific efficacy of anthracyclines against HER2-positive tumors (4, 47). We demonstrate significant benefit of combining a HER2-targeted liposomal anthracycline and trastuzumab against HER2-overexpressing breast (BT474-M3) and gastric (NCI-N87) xenograft models. MM-302 provides the benefit of a liposome, which avoids deposition in healthy tissues including the heart, combined with targeting capability to specifically bind HER2-overexpressing tumor cells and minimize interaction with low HER2-expressing cells. MM-302 had a manageable safety profile and demonstrated promising activity in heavily pretreated HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients in a phase I study (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01304797; ASCO 2012, Abstract TPS663, ; AACR 2015, Abstract #CT234, =yes&legid=canres;75/15_Supplement/CT234). The recently initiated HERMIONE trial will investigate the efficacy and safety of MM-302 and trastuzumab in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02213744). The opportunity to provide a targeted anthracycline such as MM-302 combined with trastuzumab using a dual HER2-targeting strategy may offer additional treatment options for HER2-positive cancer patients.
Articles and their usage Articles are used to define whether a noun is specific or unspecific. There are three articles a, an and The. Article a or an is used before a singular noun. Usage of a and an 1. Article a is used before consonant and an is used before vowel (a, e, i, o, u) Example: i) a historical fair ii) a house iii) a humble person IV) an apple v) an apartment vii) an unhappy boy 2. Sometimes article an is used before consonant when it sounds like a vowel. Example: i) an hour ii) an honest man iii) He is an MLA iv) an honor. 3. When a vowel sounds like a consonant, then article a is used. Example: i) a university ii) a one rupee note iii) a eulogy iv) a unified plan ‘The’ is used in the following cases. 1. While speaking of a particular person or thing. Example: i) I saw the girl yesterday. Ii) The golden chain is very precious. 2. When a whole category/ class is represented by a singular noun. Example: The dog is a faithful animal. 3.’The’ is used before a superlative degree. Example: The Brahmaputra is the biggest river in Assam. 4.’The’ is used before renowned building, river, ocean etc. Example: The Taj Mahal, The Pacific, The Ganga, The Red Sea. 5.’The’ is used before the name of directions. Example: The north, The south, The east, The west. 6.’The’ is before the names of important and renowned books. Example: The Kuran, The Mahabharata, The Bible. 7. Before the names of unique kind of noun “the” is used. Example: The Sun, The Sky, The Earth. 8.’The’ is used before terms referring to Nationality or Community. Example: The Indian, The American, The English etc. 9. When a person being referred by his designation, the is used. Example: The Chairman, The Director, The President 10. When one person is referred by two or more nouns, then ‘the’ is used before the first noun only. On the other hand, If both the nouns refer to two different people or things, then the is used before both of them. Example: i)The director and producer was present there. (director and producer are one person) ii) The director and the producer were present there. (Director and producer are two different persons) Zero Article position 1) Before name of regular meals. Example: (Breakfast, lunch, dinner) She was invited to dinner. (But if the meal becomes particular then the article is used) The dinner hosted by the manager was superb. 2. Before names of ‘Languages’ or ‘Colors’. Example: I don’t know English but know Hindi. I like white and pink colors. 3. Before material Nouns. Example: Iron is a hard metal. 4. The article is omitted with professions. Example: Engineering is a useful career. 5. The article is omitted with years. Example: Do you remember 1947? 6. The article is omitted before the name of games, sports. Example: She is fond of playing badminton. 7. The article is omitted before the name of the season. Example: I am planning to visit Manali in winter. 8. No article is used with the name of Airlines, Companies. Example: Indian Airlines, Sony, IBM, British Airways etc. 9. No article is used before the name of diseases like Fever, Cholera, Consumption etc. On the other hand, if the names of diseases are plural in their form, the article is generally used as, the measles, the mumps. 10. Before a Proper Noun. Example: Babar was a great king. 8. My mother (1) / is cooking (2) /in a (3) / kitchen (4). 9. I advised him (1) / to take the heart (2) / in all (3) / odd circumstances (4). 10 .Prime Minister (1) / will (2) / decide (3) / the matter soon (4). 1. (4) Place ‘the ‘before following. Here following month become particular. 2. (4) Delete ‘a’ before car. (By car, by water, by plane etc.) 3. (3) Replace ‘a ‘by ‘an’. 4. (1) Replace ‘an ‘by ‘a’. 5. (1) Delete ‘the’ before Rome as Rome is a proper noun. 6. (1) The is not used before language. 7. (1) The article is not used before the noun. 8. Replace ‘a’ by ‘the’. 9. (2) Delete ‘The’ before heart. 10. (1) Insert ‘the’ before Prime Minister (Designation)
Cha (2003) explored mental health problems, but findings were not reported by age group. Overall, subjects reported: - Worrying too much (45%) - Forgetfulness (40%) - Feelings of worthlessness (32%) - High levels of anxiety (20%) There are no statistics on the prevalence of dementia within the Hmong American community. The Hmong do not have a word that directly translates to the meaning of dementia. Tem toob is the Hmong word that is used to describe an elder with severe memory impairment and chronic confusion. Gerdner (2001) conducted a focused ethnographic study to explore the health beliefs, behaviors, and informal/formal care structures for Hmong American elders with dementia. Participants included family caregivers, traditional healers, and community liaisons living in selected cities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The majority of interviews were conducted in the Hmong language with the assistance of an interpreter. Community leaders identified dementia as a neglected health concern. Elders often lived in the home of either the eldest or youngest son, with the daughter-in-law providing the actual hands-on care. Conflicts with the traditional norm are emerging due to changing roles and lifestyles of Hmong living in America. The majority of caregivers viewed elder confusion as a normal aspect of aging, but sought treatment by a shaman to satisfy spiritual needs of the elder. Shaman reported treating numerous elders for chronic confusion and identified soul loss as the primary cause with advanced age as a risk factor. Some members of the Hmong community associate a negative stigma to elders with chronic confusion / dementia, referring to the elder as “crazy.” Family Members’ Perspective Family members identified a lack of culturally sensitive information on the topic of dementia in Hmong elders that would serve to educate the community on these misconceptions. (Gerdner, Tripp-Reimer, & Yang, 2008). Adult children, who served as primary caregivers, often had young children of their own. Informants often noted that these children had difficulty adjusting to a grandparent with dementia. Ultimately, this negatively effected the interaction between child and elder and their relationship (Gerdner, 2008). Anecdotal evidence along with initial research efforts indicates a relatively high incidence of depression in Hmong American elders. This is attributed to the losses and traumas associated with war and adjustment to life in the U.S. (Gerdner, 2007). Two Depression Screening Instruments Two instruments have been adapted for use in screening Hmong persons for depression: - The adapted version of the Beck Depression Inventory (Mouanoutaoua & Brown, 1991) - An adapted version of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 (Mouanoutaoua & Brown, 1995).
Have you ever been around a child learning to count? My kids, at that very early stage, would often skip numbers in the teens, “11, 12, 13…15, 16, 17…” It was humorous, but we would stop them and say, “You missed 14…let’s try it again.” After practice, they learned. The author of the New Testament book of Acts, a history of beginning of the Christian church, in chapter 12, verse 19-23, tells the story of an event that had nothing to do with the church. Because this episode does not further the narrative of the church, we could ask why the author included it. To attempt to answer that, we first need to know what the details of the story. I encourage you to read it for yourself. The summary is that King Herod (learn more about him in the previous post here) receives accolades from some people comparing him to a god, an angel of God strikes him with sickness, and Herod dies. It seems the reason Luke included this story at this spot in his narrative is to contrast the two men in the story. In the previous post, we heard how Herod murdered James the disciples, imprisoned Peter and was power-hungry. Now in verses 19-23, we just read that he was arrogant. What about the other man in our story, Peter? How does he act? Let’s go back and read verses 6-18, noticing how he handles his situation. Again, I encourage you to read them for yourself, because it is a delightful, even humorous story. While the church is praying for Peter, an angel visits in prison, frees him, and Peter thanks God. Under cover of night, he hurries through the city to the home where the church is praying, and they are shocked, and overjoyed. Now do you see why Luke included that last bit about Herod in verses 19-23? If not, let me point out a contrast that I think might give us insight into Luke’s reason for mentioning Herod’s death. Think about the contrast between these two men: Peter, the leader of the church, is imprisoned. The church prays, an angel of the Lord shows up and Peter is rescued. Herod, the king of the land, gives a speech. The people praise Herod, liken him to God, an angel of the Lord shows up and Herod is killed. Why such a different result? Both men held leadership roles; Peter in the church, Herod as king. In both cases an angel of the Lord shows up, but the result is totally opposite. Why? Think about to whom these men give the credit? Remember our question from the previous post, How should we count our blessings? See how these men answer that question: Look at Peter’s words in vs. 11, “I know without a doubt the Lord sent his angel and rescued me.” Compare that with Herod in vs. 22-23, “Herod did not give praise to God.” I want to be clear. Stories are descriptive, not prescriptive. They describe what happened at a particular time. They do not prescribe what will happen every time. In telling this story, Luke isn’t trying to say that if we simply praise God, like Peter, our lives will be great, and we’ll get out of any mess we’re in. Peter would go on to be crucified upside-down. Luke also isn’t trying to say that if we don’t give God credit where credit is due him that he’ll strike us dead. Some evil people prosper. It does, however, seem that Luke wanted us to see this contrast: both men had the opportunity to give credit to God. Peter did. Herod didn’t. Peter was freed and his ministry flourished, while Herod was killed. It reminds us of a principle: How you count your blessings can make a huge difference in your life. Maybe we’ve seen blessings in our lives, and we’ve forgotten that God is the source of all we are and all we have! So let’s remember that all we have is a blessing from God: our jobs, and our bodies and minds that enable us to work, our abilities, talents, personalities and our gifts are all to his credit. He made us. He gave us life. He is good and he gives good gifts. James, the brother of Jesus, the leader of the church who is mentioned in verse 17, reminds that we need to learn to count our blessings the right way! He says, in James 4:7, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” When we remember to be grateful, when we remember who gives good gifts, we give credit to God, who is the proper one who should receive credit. How many of our parents worked hard to teach us to say, “Thank you,” and to write thank you notes for gifts that were given to us? How many of you work with your children or grandchildren on that? It is a really important way to recognize that when we receive a gift, it is not something that was owed us, not something we earned. It is a gracious gift. Thus we show honor and gratefulness to the one who gave us something.
Raising boys in the modern era can feel like a major challenge. Evidence suggests that this is actually true. Young men are struggling academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. Some of this can be linked to modern technology. Some of it can be linked to biology. But much of it can be traced back to the “traditional” way boys have been raised. They’ve been taught to bottle up their feelings, to “act like a man,” never to show weakness. This antiquated way of thinking only creates problems down the line. Parents can – and must – do better. The modern challenges of boyhood require parents to be more thoughtful and present than ever before. One place to start? What we say – and do not say – to them. Here, then, are six phrases that, per couples and family therapist Laura Froyen, Ph.D., parents should do away with when speaking to boys. “Boys Don’t Cry.” Telling boys that boys do not cry – or aggressively telling a boy not to be “a cry baby” – sets a very bad precedent. Why? Simple. It makes them believe that they are not allowed to have softer emotions and trains them to bury their true feelings. When parents reinforce this thinking, they’re robbing sons of a full emotional life, says Froyen. “I work with a lot of men who come to my practice trying to be emotionally present with their kids or with their partner,” says Froyen. “They literally do not know the word for the emotion that they are feeling. I have to do a lot of remedial emotional-intelligence education with adult men. ” Now, saying “good job” is not awful. It’s just said too often and lacks specificity. When boys hear the phrase regularly, they may find that when they encounter difficulty in things that they are ‘good’ at, they will lack the resilience to handle failure. “Unspecific praise simply is not helpful to kids. It also focuses on the outcome, rather than the process or effort involved, ”says Froyen. “So if your kid has worked on a math problem that they might have had a hard time with but kept working on, if you said, ‘Ooh, good job,’ you’re really not paying attention to the fact that this was hard and that the kid put a lot of effort into it, it does not focus on the tenacity or the grit. ”. “Boys Will Be Boys.” This is one of the more toxic phrases in the cultural lexicon that needs to be thrown out of the conversation entirely. “This phrase encourages boys to no longer take responsibility for their actions,” says Froyen. Of course, we hear ‘boys will be boys’ within the context of the #MeToo movement now, but it starts much earlier than that. It really encourages boys to start seeing themselves as beings who do not have to take responsibility for their actions or their impact on others. ” “You’re Just Like Your Father.” In a positive light, this phrase can make boys struggle with their sense of self. In a negative light, it’s much worse. When a young boy is told this with negative emphasis, says Froyen, it not only makes them feel bad about themselves and their parents, it also makes those traits seem like a fixed quality. Think about it: Calling a boy stubborn, just like his father, makes him feel that being stubborn is bad – and that it’s a quality he’ll always have. This can harm a boy’s self-image and prevent him from flourishing emotionally. “It’s Okay. You’re Okay. Calm Down. ” What parent has not said this? It makes sense, of course. Parents want to console and put a stop to tantrums before they start. But it can send the wrong message to kids, especially boys, who tend to struggle with emotions. “The phrase is dismissive of what’s happening in the moment and of the child’s emotions,” says Froyen. “If a child is crying, they’re clearly not okay. It would be better for parents to identify that emotion and emphasize and validate them. ” When boys are 5 or 6 years old, parents might find that it is nearly impossible to get them to sit still or pay attention. But that’s by design. “That really is not practical for a lot of boys. I wish that parents would change their expectations for movement for all kids, but for boys especially, ”says Froyen. If a kid has a hard time sitting at their desk in school or is spinning their chair at the dinner table, instead of telling them to sit still, parents, per Froyen, should consider giving them another option for movement. “We need to change our expectations to match what kids are physically capable of. Kids should be moving a lot more than what they are in our culture right now, ”she says.
A stock market simulator app is a virtual trading platform that mimics the operation of the actual stock market. You invest hypothetical money in a hypothetical company and watch how the rates fluctuate. You get to experience how the market operates without the risk of losing your hard-earned money. Are Stock Market Simulation Apps Good For Practice? These apps are an excellent way to get acquainted with how the market works. By the end of the first day, you will, at the very least, know how to navigate through the market. In fact, you may even be able to earn thousands of dollars within a few days, hypothetically, of course. Even though the app is just a simulation and not the actual market, it does have a few benefits. Test Your Skill or Luck You can find out where you stand in terms of your knowledge about the stock market. Many newcomers that start trading generate thousands of dollars with minimal investment in the first go. They then raise the stakes motivated by such promising results only to find out that they had only gotten lucky and still don’t know how the market operates. Beginner’s luck can only serve you well in the beginning, and it is your skill that will get you long-lasting results. A stimulator app can help you polish your skill so you can get promising results when you begin trading in the real world. See the Risks Here you can also witness real-life like fluctuations, try out new strategies and assess the risks of each. The simulated stock market is for you to make bad decisions and learn from them without having to worry about losing your money. If you are using the simulator app, make sure you try out all-new strategies to see how they perform on multiple occasions. As long as you are actively trying to learn and understand the risks, you will continue to improve and grow. This app is all about giving you a risk-free trial for what it is like to trade in the actual stock market. Learn More about the Flow There are various factors that govern how the stock market operates, and the flow of investment is one of them. Building an understanding of the correlation between stocks and flow is crucial to one’s performance and to the success of your investments. You will have to build an understanding of the current flow, and often, that means reading past performance and trends to make investment decisions. The stock market simulator app is the perfect place to start. Pretend as if you are actually investing money in actual stocks and make investment decisions seriously. Analyze the results and try to make tweaks to your investment strategy by building an understanding of the flow and other investment factors for the best results. Disadvantages of a Stock Market Simulation App Every new development has its pros and cons, and here are some of the stock market simulator app. It is not the real thing We’ll start by stating the obvious. It’s a simulation and thus can only teach you so much about how to deal with real-time market fluctuations. Software, no matter how extensively designed and well-programmed, fails to capture the essence of the real market. When you begin trading, you will have to keep track of multiple factors that will affect the profitability of your investments. May Inculcate Passive Trading Behavior This is perhaps one of the biggest drawbacks of simulated apps. The lack of fear of losing money makes one passive and often ignorant. A person may also end up playing a little too safe and consider minimal profits as something to be celebrated. Trading in the stock market is all about taking risks and either watching them pay off or working towards minimizing losses. We’ve said this before, and we’ll say it again, that it is not the real thing. Whatever results you achieve are unrealistic. In fact, they may make a person overconfident, and they may end up incurring heavy losses because of a lack of caution. Are They Worth It? Despite us repeatedly pointing out that they are not the real thing, we’d say they are definitely worth it. The fact that they aren’t the real thing is their selling point. You don’t have to worry about losing all your investment or saving when testing the water. You can take your time and get a basic understanding of how the stock market works. It also helps you develop a few strategies that you can test when you step into the real stock market. As long as you make sure to take the simulator app as a learning platform and use it to build an understanding of how the stock market works and what are the factors that affect profitability, it can be very beneficial for you. Here are some of the best stock market simulator apps that you can use to develop an understanding of how the market works and slowly learn the ropes to eventually becoming an expert. 5 Best Stock Market Simulation Apps The best way to learn is to actually practice trading, and these platforms can help you get as close to the real trading experience as possible. Bear Bull Traders Simulator From classes for beginners to advanced traders, the bear bull traders simulator offers it all. The platform provides real-time trading experience allowing you to learn new strategies. You also get the option to customize your user experience to suit your preference to make the learning process more comfortable. The best part about this app is that it also allows you to go live when you want to step into the real stock market. You don’t need to relearn on a new application and can continue to use the one you learned trading on. Thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade Here too, you can customize your trading experience to choose whether you want information for the top gaining commodities or find out which ones are losing. You don’t even need a brokerage account to access and use the application and can register with your email. You can use the simulator to get acquainted with some of the most advanced trading tools available in the real stock market. It allows you to develop and polish your strategies and skills. With Warrior Trading, you can take your learning experience to the next level. Every beginner gets a virtual balance of $200,000 that they use to make investments. They also get access to various performance measuring tools to keep track of where the investment is going and how well it performs. In fact, here, you see how your investment would have performed in the real market. The platform mirrors the exact happenings of the stock market, and the currency you use to trade is the only simulated bit in the entire system. This is the application to use if you want to gain real-life trading experience without the risk of losing your money. Do keep in mind that warrior trading is not free, and you will have to pay a monthly fee. TradeStation is another paid simulator, but it is also one of the more renowned ones. It also doubles as an active trading platform and thus accurately mirrors stock market conditions on its simulator. The simulator comes with a complete set of research and monitoring tools, as well as access to community forums and stock chart indicators. This is the simulator to use if you want a smooth transition into the real trading world. NinjaTrader Free Trading Simulator The Ninja Trading Simulator is free to use as long as you create an account on the app. The creators want beginners to gain real-time experience. Thus the simulator recreates real-life situations, and learners get access to all sorts of research and trading tools. One very attractive feature of the simulator is the ability to go back in time and place a different bet to see how that would have worked out for you. The stock market simulation app offers access to various learning tools and allows users to not only learn from their mistakes but also find solutions to refine their strategy.
Physical Therapy is an important aspect of fall treatment and prevention. For starters, a Physical Therapist will assess your footwear and the safety of your home to eliminate factors that could result in an inadvertent fall. Your Therapist will use several techniques including core stabilization exercises and manual therapy to improve balance and stability. Your bodyweight is an excellent source of resistance for your muscles. The Therapist will challenge your sense of balance in a controlled environment by shifting your center of gravity. This activates important muscle groups in the neck, trunk, abdomen and hip muscles. As the body adapts to these exercises over a period of time, the risk for falls reduces. The Therapist will also provide you with a simple exercise program that you can do at home, without the need for any equipment or devices.
Shoulder Instability (Dislocation and Subluxation) Shoulder instability can lead to a “loose” sensation, with specific movements or in more extreme cases it can fully dislocate. Typically this occurs when the shoulder is pulled away from the body and rotated outwards. In situations where there is a full dislocation, there will usually be immediate loss of function and pain, whereas with looseness, it may only be with specific movements. Often the individual is aware of the movement that aggravates the symptoms and so actively avoids this. If the shoulder subluxes, it means that it moves out of place but does not fully come out; typically there can be pain, swelling and stiffness afterwards. Together with the instability there can be night pain or even labral injuries. What causes it? Shoulder instability can be due to a trauma, an anatomical change or a functional issue. With the former, the shoulder is usually forced into a position beyond the normal range and then it dislocates. If the normal anatomy around the shoulder has been damaged or if the muscles are not functioning normally to keep it in place, there can be further dislocations or subluxation and the sensation of instability. How can I help myself? It is useful to consider when the symptoms came on; was there a full dislocation or did it feel like it shifted out of place (subluxed)? What movements continue to bring on those symptoms and perhaps try limiting movement in this range? Try doing some light movement and strengthening exercises to prevent the shoulder from stiffening up and acupuncture or cupping therapy can also help with pain symptoms. When to seek help? If the injury to your shoulder is acute and there is significant pain and limited movement, you should be assessed urgently. This is particularly important if there is the risk of concurrent injuries. If your symptoms are more instability that did not start off from a trauma, but have not improved with activity modification, then this should also warrant further assessment. What are the treatment options? After being assessed clinically with a thorough history and clinical examination, if your clinician suspects that you have sustained a dislocation or have instability, they may try to improve your function with rehabilitation exercises. This is particularly with a first episode of such symptoms where surgical repair is not often needed. To aid their assessment, they may organise an X-ray to look for bony injuries and an ultrasound scan to assess the tendons. If this is not helping, and your shoulder continues to feel unstable, they may request an MRI scan to assess the integrity of the joint, labrum and other structures around the shoulder that are responsible for stability. In situations where the is an anatomical injury, a surgical treatment maybe needed, followed by further rehabilitation.
CSR for small and medium businesses: How do we give back? by KC Goundiam, Founder and CEO, Red Dot Digital and B2BeeMatch.com When we think of corporate social responsibility, often the first thing that comes to mind is large corporations and their massive sponsorship and charity donation programs. But that’s not the only way CSR can work. Small and medium businesses don’t necessarily have deep pockets, but we’re often scrappy, creative, and already thinking outside the box. Also, we’re genuine when we do CSR; we simply don’t have the resources to waste on pure PR. It has to mean something to us to be worthwhile. Not only that, but our conviction that we have something different to offer the business world often extends to the world in general: we believe we can change things, and we’re willing to prove it. How does that approach translate into CSR? As the founder of two small businesses, I have lots of thoughts on the topic. But instead of just sharing my own approach, I decided to reach out to others. One of my companies is B2BeeMatch.com, a business matchmaking platform for small and medium businesses. A perfect source of info! So I sent an email blast out to B2BeeMatch members to get their take on CSR… and they did not disappoint. From their responses, I learned that small business CSR falls into several categories. Let’s take a look. Small businesses do a lot of pro bono and discounted work. Keri Jaehnig runs Idea Girl Media, a boutique social media and content marketing agency in Wilmington, Ohio. She says although her agency doesn’t have a formal CSR policy, “since I started the business, we have always prioritized giving back and sending the elevator back down.” Among other things, Idea Girl has offered complimentary services that pair with paid services as part of a package during economic recessions. Similarly, Brian Crew, whose company Bric Consulting serves small businesses in southern Ontario, says, “I’m always willing to make special accommodations for clients who require it. Bootstrapped startups or companies struggling are accommodated in ways that work for them, as these are often the clients who need me the most.” Another great example is MarketBox, a firm that provides online sales automation software for mobile and virtual service businesses. CEO Diana Goodwin says, “We want to help jumpstart the economy and we believe that starts with helping entrepreneurs launch more businesses. We’ve been offering extended software trials and discounts. We’re proud that we’ve been able to help launch businesses founded by Black, Indigenous and female entrepreneurs including mobile beauty services, in-home chefs and virtual tutoring businesses.” These are just three examples—literally every single respondent told me they do pro bono and discount work of some kind. We entrepreneurs want people in need to have access to the great work we offer! That also translates into another type of CSR that’s tightly connected to our work… Small businesses provide tons of mentorship in our fields. “As a woman, I help those who are just thinking or wishing to start a business. That you could be in the grocery store or at a networking meeting. I’m paying it forward as a thanks to those who believed in me when I was starting out,” says Ann Marie van den Hurk of Mind the Gap PR, based in Newport, Rhode Island, which serves clients all over the globe. MELLOHAWK Logistics Inc. owners Peter Hawkins and Arnon Melo also provide mentorship, particularly in the aim of helping newcomers to Canada navigate the job market—and they hire lots of their mentees. Their efforts stem from their core beliefs: “We support the Black Lives Matter movement as we learn about our own privilege and implicit bias. We support greater immigration and freedom of migration. We support protection of LGBTQ2 rights.” (We just published a profile of Peter Hawkins on the B2BeeMatch blog—check it out!) These business leaders aren’t the only ones. Many respondents said they lend a hand to younger folks in their fields. It seems to come with the territory of running a small business—not only do we know our respective fields and niches, but we also know how to run a company. It’s a double whammy of expertise. We also give in-kind donations. Here’s a stellar story. Bhairavi Shankar, PhD, is the brains behind Indus Space, a social enterprise based just outside Toronto that brings space science and exploration to youth in the K-12 age range. They offer workshops, after-school programming, day camps, and space-themed products. She explains, “We have partnered with local community groups that focus their STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programming to reach low-income and marginalized communities.” Recently, Indus Space created a physical shoebox kit called “Astronomy in a Shoebox” to help low-income families weather out the COVID pandemic even if they don’t have easy access to online content. Gary Lee of Thirty Three Percent, a UK-based marketing firm that specializes in working with small business owners, provides in-kind donations in the form of teaching. “We decided from the start that we’d give a certain number of workshops or courses to struggling businesses for free, as part of giving a little back,” he says. When a second COVID-19 lockdown arrived, the firm decided to offer free marketing workshops to any small and local business that was facing difficulties. Here’s an example with a twist: Jayesh Patel runs Progressive, a UK management consultancy firm based in the Greater Manchester Area that specializes in working with high-growth SMEs. “I was lucky enough to win £3,000 worth of advertising from an initiative run by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Metro and i newspapers,” he says. “I used the national advertising to offer SMEs throughout the UK £2,000 worth of free consultancy advice during the pandemic.” Talk about a win-win situation! Sometimes, though, our CSR is not directly related to our area of business… Small businesses also engage in advocacy work and charity efforts well outside our fields. Cledson Guerra is the CEO of Wedo Trade Solutions in Brazil, which offers import-export logistics solutions for international trade companies. He explains that he and others on his team were already part of Cura Brasil, which supports American volunteer doctors who come to help with medical care for the neediest populations in the city of Itu. “After we decided to open a company in our country,” he says, “we chose to allocate part of the profits to this campaign. We also act as volunteers during the week of action every year in July.” Another businessperson with a far-reaching CSR ethic is speaker and business developer Louis Barnett, who until 2015 ran Chokolit, a chocolate manufacturing business, based in Staffordshire, UK. “For me,” he says, “CSR falls into two distinct categories: people who genuinely care, and people who want to appear to care. I have always felt a heartfelt obligation to help and protect the world I live in. For me, it is not a question of should I, but more, how could I not?” During his time at the helm of Chokolit, he says the company ensured donations of a minimum of 10% of their profits to NGOs and organizations focused on conservation through both land and species protection. Barnett praises brands that place sustainability and social responsibility at their core. “Today, 45% of UK shoppers are actively interested in buying products which are much better for our planet,” he says. “The scales need to be rebalanced for us all to take up the challenge of making the world a better place, starting with our own business and expanding outwardly.” In short, we do a bit of everything. Many of the business leaders who responded to my query sent me lists of two, three or more types of CSR efforts they engage in—so many that I couldn’t include them all here, including stories of generosity that defy categorization. As you can see, as SMEs, our CSR efforts are incredibly diverse—just like we are.
Leading airline and business groups are asking the Biden administration to develop temporary credentials that would let travelers show they have been tested and vaccinated for, a step that the airline industry believes will help revive travel and hospitality spending decimated by the pandemic. Various groups and countries are working on developing so-called vaccine passports aimed at allowing more travel. But airlines fear that a smattering of regional credentials will cause confusion and none will be widely accepted. "It is crucial to establish uniform guidance" and "the U.S. must be a leader in this development," more than two dozen groups said in a letter Monday to White House coronavirus-response coordinator Jeff Zients. However, the groups said that vaccination should not be a requirement for domestic or international travel. The groups include the main U.S. and international airline trade organizations, airline labor unions and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The White House did not immediately comment. Credentials need CDC backing The World Health Organization and the United Nations' aviation arm are working on the type of information to include in a credential. The airline industry groups are particularly interested in having the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention take a leading role, believing that would increase certainty that information in the credentials is legitimate. Millions of people are counting on widespread COVID-19 vaccines to enable a return to normal after a year of business and school closures and workplace restrictions. For many, the key towill be digital vaccine certificates uploaded onto their smartphone. IBM in January unveiled updates to its Digital Health Pass, including a partnership with Salesforce that puts blockchain technology at the center of the employment-technology firm's vaccine credentialing platform. The passport technology promises to securely record and exchange information with other vaccine services, information that includes an individual's recent temperature checks, the version of the vaccine they received, where and how long ago the vaccination took place and contact-tracing data. Certificates that authenticate vaccination will be essential for critical services like education, travel and office work to function again at large scale, said IBM's Eric Piscini, an executive at the company's Watson Health division. "To get back to work, we need to trust the vaccination process," Piscini told CBS News in January. "Passports help with trust at scale." Yellow light for travel The CDC issued new guidelines Monday for fully vaccinated people, saying they can — without face masks — meet other vaccinated people and visit unvaccinated people in a single household who are considered at low risk for severe disease. However, the health agency still recommends against travel. "Every time that there is a surge in travel, we have a surge in cases in this country," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said. Walensky noted many variants of COVID-19 that are now spreading in the U.S. started in other countries. Still, she held out the possibility that with more data CDC might soon approve of travel by vaccinated people. Airlines have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. Despite a partial recovery, U.S. airlines are still losing $150 million a day, according to the Airlines for America trade group. In the U.S., the number of people going through airports remains down nearly 60% so far this year compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year. Most of those people are flying within the United States. Airlines are counting on widespread vaccinations to boost travel, and for vaccine passports to give a boost to highly lucrative international flying.
What Can Be Done To Treat Plagiocephaly? Parents can attempt conservative measures such as tummy time and repositioning prior to four months of age. Beginning at four months of age, DOC Band treatment is recommended. When Is The Best Time To Start? Starting treatment between the ages of four and six months, a period of rapid head growth, has been shown to reduce overall treatment time, though noticeable improvement can be achieved using our band up to 18 months of age.
NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A mortgage is one of the things that can improve your credit score over the long term. But what happens to your credit when you first buy a home? According to a new study from LendingTree, expect a short-term dip. Tendayi Kapfidze, Chief Economist at LendingTree, says when you take out a loan to buy a home, your credit falls for about 4-5 months. It starts to recover, and gets back to where it originally was, in a little less than a year. Nationally, LendingTree found that credit scores dropped about 15 points after a home purchase. In New York, they fell a little more than the national average, about 17 points. That’s because New Yorkers typically pay more for real estate and are taking on bigger mortgages. But paying off that mortgage is one of the best ways you can build better credit and wealth over time. Tendayi says there are a few ways to boost your credit. First, pay your bills, including your mortgage, on time. Try not to be late. That’s one of the worst things you can do in terms of your credit score. Second, if you have revolving credit, like credit cards, try not to get those balances too high. That’s called utilization. So if you have $100 in credit, and you’re using $30 of it, that’s 30% utilization, which is much better than if you’re using $70 of it, which is 70% utilization. That’s also important before you apply for a mortgage. Tendayi says your credit score is most useful to you when you’re taking out a mortgage. That’s the time when you want to be as good as possible. So avoid taking out smaller debt, whether it’s auto or credit card, right before you’re looking to take out a mortgage. A higher credit score can save you thousands on your home. Tendayi says if you have a score of say 680 versus a score of 760, it makes a big difference. LendingTree found that if you take out a loan of $300,000, that difference in credit scores, over the life of the loan, is a difference of about $20,000 in interest. And just like you’d shop around for a home, be sure to shop for your mortgage. Buying a home is the biggest financial transaction many people make in their lives, Tendayi says, and a government study found that only 50% of people speak to more than one mortgage lender. The more lenders you speak to, the more like you are to get a better rate, he says, because you’re making them compete against each other. Shopping for a mortgage isn’t as complicated as it sounds. You can go through a mortgage broker who will do a lot of the work for you, or you can compare rates online. Tendayi says lenders are even more competitive online, and like most other kinds of shopping, that’s often where you’ll find the best prices. And remember, even if your credit takes a short-term dip after you buy a home, if you pay your mortgage on time, your credit will likely recover and go even higher in about a year.
Liquidity in Crisis: Why Thinking Like a Startup Can Help Businesses Recover Businesses left languishing due to social distancing practices during the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic must reenergize their operations. For most, weeks of revenue loss have reduced cash flow, threatening the crucial liquidity that businesses now need to move from crisis response to stabilization and growth. As cash flow concerns mounted in the early weeks of the crisis, most leaders made quick and prudent decisions to preserve the financial stability of their companies. In the next phase of the economic response to this crisis, stabilization and recovery will require a bolder rethinking of how businesses and entire industries operate, compete and ultimately thrive. Think Like a Startup — Regardless of Your Size Startups thrive amid disruption. They know the value of their product or service yet are agile enough to change the way things are done internally and in the market when needed. Growth, relationships and customer engagement are a core focus. Coming out of this crisis, every business must act like a startup, especially in terms of cost and liquidity. Even if accounting costs increase as businesses confront excess and obsolete inventory or operations below breakeven, organizations are being forced to jump-start operations, buy materials and maintain staff — all with limited cash while generating demand from a tepid consumer base. Embracing a startup mentality when it comes to capital can help organizations recover and stabilize faster. Stay Lean and Agile Consider the following recommendations for how to think differently about capital and growth plans in the days ahead. Reevaluate strategic plans. The world is not the same place it was before the crisis. Consumer preferences and behaviors are changing quickly. Global supply chains are vulnerable, and markets are shifting, all of which changes how companies compete. Organizations should be thinking about how to recover but at the same time considering how to reposition and redesign for long-term growth. Breakthrough innovation often emerges in crisis. Don’t overemphasize recapturing lost value at the risk of inhibiting new thinking that could lead to more efficiency, increased demand and greater market share in new business landscapes. Now is the time to reconsider long-term plans so that investments can quickly shift to areas that will support sustainable growth. Take a long-term view on staff reductions. Businesses will be tempted to cut staff to conserve cash. While this may work in the short term, it can be detrimental to the growth that should be central to all recovery plans. Avoid broad generalizations on banning new hires. Furloughing of certain positions may still be necessary, but maintain hiring for select activities that keep the right talent in place to innovate and drive demand. Build a weekly cadence for financials reviews, including tracking sales and modeling cash. During recovery, traditional monthly reviews of financial performance are not sufficient. Teams must adopt a daily or at least weekly cadence to monitor performance and react in real time to the changing business conditions. Lock down your procurement processes. Future market demand is uncertain. To avoid ending up with excess supplies and unnecessary costs, procurement processes should be immediately paused and reevaluated, and all auto-replenishments and ordering thresholds should be halted. Keep Your Story at the Forefront Like startups, businesses will be operating with limited capital coming out of this crisis. To maintain access to sources that can support their growth, businesses should be having proactive discussions with all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, equity sponsors and banks, about their vision for recovery and beyond. Cutting through noise is paramount. Banks and lenders are inundated with communication from their clients, some of who are reporting insolvency and others who are still viable despite the crisis. Banks are interested in preserving their healthy accounts and are also looking for loyalty from clients. Make it easier for banks to make decisions about supporting your growth. Help them understand your business by telling your story in the terms that matter to them so that they can be an advocate for you. Understand your cash and liquidity position and be able to articulate it along with stabilization plans that include a vision for growth. This is a time to market yourself to ensure people understand what your business is about and why supporting your business benefits them. Forecast Multiple Scenarios Given the phased approaches to reopening the economy and looming public health fears, demand is not going to immediately take off. The world has changed. Even those for which coronavirus has been a boon due to temporary consumer buying behaviors will have to model for evolving consumer demand. Amid the uncertainty of this crisis, businesses cannot get fixated on financial models that are based on past trends. A business’s next four weeks of cash flow can be modeled with certainty. Beyond that, multiple scenarios should be run and regularly updated to give leaders a view of the strategies and initiatives that could support recovery and growth.