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2 classes
Think I slightly inflamed my breast tissue from self-examining them too hard. Could this cause an enlarged lymph node in the area?
Can self examination can cause enlarged lymph node? I think I inlfamed my breast tissue after doing self examination.
Think I slightly inflamed my breast tissue from self-examining them too hard. Could this cause an enlarged lymph node in the area?
I have inflamed breast tissues along with enlarged lymph nodes. Do I have cancer? No lumps on self examination.
0no label
Total health.........,,,, I am having loer back stifiness,,,,,, weight loss,,,,, thick lips.............
I am having lower back stiffness, weight loss and thick lips. What should I do?
Total health.........,,,, I am having loer back stifiness,,,,,, weight loss,,,,, thick lips.............
I am worried that my lower back stiffness, weight loss and thick lips is indicating a disease. I am right?
0no label
Ttc fr 1yr after molar. Sperm normal, hsg norm, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8fsh-9.68, lh-5.63prolactin-24.1amh-0.62afc-3.results normal? Wats next step? Age-28
I am 28 years old female trying to conceive from past 1 year. My test results are following- sperms normal, hsg normal, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8, fsh-9.68, lh-5.63,prolactin-24.1, amh-0.62, afc-0,3. Are these results normal?
Ttc fr 1yr after molar. Sperm normal, hsg norm, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8fsh-9.68, lh-5.63prolactin-24.1amh-0.62afc-3.results normal? Wats next step? Age-28
My 28 year old sister test results are as following- sperms normal, hsg normal, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8, fsh-9.68, lh-5.63,prolactin-24.1, amh-0.62, afc-0,3. She had undergone these tests, as she was trying to conceive from past 1 year but unsuccessful. Her doctor has advised her Clomidine, may I know, in how much time, she would start ovulating again?
0no label
Ultrasound shows enlarged gland with at least 3 nodules the biggest being 3.6 CM * 3.2cm. the nodule is solid with increased vascularity. Diagnosis?
My ultrasound report mentioned enalrged gland wiith 3 nodules, biggest being 3.6CM* 3.2CM with inceased vascularity. Is cancer my diagnosis?
0no label
Ultrasound shows enlarged gland with at least 3 nodules the biggest being 3.6 CM * 3.2cm. the nodule is solid with increased vascularity. Diagnosis?
What diagnosis can you deduce from ultrassound report mentioning enarlged gland with atleast 3 nodules, biggest being 3.6*3.2 cm?
US=Diffuse thickening+edema of gastrocnemus. MD said its ok, ice it. Is this true? Leg's been hurting a lot for months. Now I limp after >10min walk
I am having leg pain along with limping even after a 10 min walk. US revealed diffuse thickening and edema of the gastrocenemius. I am icing the region, have appointment with my MD next month. Do I need surgery?
0no label
US=Diffuse thickening+edema of gastrocnemus. MD said its ok, ice it. Is this true? Leg's been hurting a lot for months. Now I limp after >10min walk
My leg has been hurting for months and I mostly limp after a 10 min walk. My US indicated diffuse thickening with edema of gastrocnemius. My MD said to ice up the region. Is this okay?
What are some illnesses of the lymphatic system?
Could you educated me about some illnesses of lymphatic system?
What are some illnesses of the lymphatic system?
I think I have symptoms of illness of lymphatic system. How can I treat it?
0no label
What are some sources of vitamin d?
Could you apprise me about the sources of vitamin D?
What are some sources of vitamin d?
Sunlight is considered as a good source of vitamin d, right?
0no label
What are the healings from hydrotherapy ?
Hydrotherapy is known to have many healings, could you educate?
What are the healings from hydrotherapy ?
I had recent ankle sprain, have been advised hydrotherapy. What do you think, would it be helpful?
0no label
What are the known symptoms of spondylolisthesis?
Could you apprise me about the symptoms of spondylolisthesis?
What are the known symptoms of spondylolisthesis?
I have been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. Could you suggest some home remedies?
0no label
What are the symptoms of diphtheria
Could you apprise me of the symptoms of diptheria?
What are the symptoms of diphtheria
I have diptheria symptoms. Could you suggest some home remedies?
0no label
What does it mean when u have to take a deep breath to breath vetter?
I have been told to breathe deeper to breathe better, what does that mean?
What does it mean when u have to take a deep breath to breath vetter?
Usually deep breathing helps in improving the breathing, what else we can do to make breathing better?
0no label
What do you advise if i had which were growling stomach and excessive flatulence. What could've caused this?
I have been having growling stoamch and excessive flatulence, what it could be and what should I do?
What do you advise if i had which were growling stomach and excessive flatulence. What could've caused this?
My doctor advise me some medication for my growling stoamch and excessive flatulence, he said it's due to stomach flu. Am I free of it now?
0no label
What do you advise if I sprained my ankle about 2 weeks ago and the foot is feeling numb?
My foot is numb and had sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago. Can you suggest some home remdies?
What do you advise if I sprained my ankle about 2 weeks ago and the foot is feeling numb?
My friend sprained his ankle 2 weeks ago and now complaining of pain and numbness. Do he need a surgery?
0no label
What is an easy home remedie for premature ejaculation?
Could you apprise me of some easy home remedies for premature ejaculation?
What is an easy home remedie for premature ejaculation?
I have tried home remedies for premature ejaculation, should I see the doctor?
0no label
What is neuromytonia (isaacs syndrome)?
Could you educate me about neuromytonia also known as issacs syndrome?
What is neuromytonia (isaacs syndrome)?
I have been diagnosed with neuromytonia (issacs syndrome), what are my chances?
0no label
What is the direction of some legitimate plastic surgeons that deal in cleft lips?
Can a normal surgeon also operate on cleft lip? I heard only plastic surgeons can operate on that.
0no label
What is the direction of some legitimate plastic surgeons that deal in cleft lips?
Could you apprise me of some legitimate plastic surgeons dealing with cleft lip?
What is the maximum amount of Valium someone can take without overdosing?
I am afraid, I may overdose. Could you tell me what's the maximum dose of Valium that one can take?
What is the maximum amount of Valium someone can take without overdosing?
I got overdosed on Valium, was taken to ER, don't know what amount I took. Symptoms have subsided but still feeling dizzy. What can I take to overcome dizziness?
0no label
What might cause glands in my armpit to swell?
I am having swollen up glands in my armpit. What are the causes?
What might cause glands in my armpit to swell?
Swollen glans in my armpit. Can you suggest some home remedies?
0no label
What r the main symptom of acute HIV?
Could you educate me about the main symptoms of HIV?
What r the main symptom of acute HIV?
I think I have HIV, as I am having its symptoms. Should I get checked?
0no label
What should you do if a condom tears, while having intercourse?
Can one have comdom tear while having intercourse? If yes, what one should do?
What should you do if a condom tears, while having intercourse?
I took a plan B after our condom go teared while having intercourse. I am safe?
0no label
What supplement or vitamin can I take that would increase blood curculation to knee?
I am having knee issues, what supplements or vitamins can I take to increase blood circulation to the knee?
What supplement or vitamin can I take that would increase blood curculation to knee?
My mom was advised vitamin and supplements to incraese blood circulation to the knee, it's been 4 months. What can we do more?
0no label
What symptoms will I have if I have strep throat?
Could you apprise me about the symptoms of strep throat?
What symptoms will I have if I have strep throat?
I have symptoms of strep throat. Should I go to the doctor?
0no label
What tests are done to figure if you have circulation problems in thighs sometimes when standing too long. What exer can I do to when it comes ?
Does doing long standing work or exercises cause circulation problems of thigh? I work in the testing lab, where we stand for long time.
0no label
What tests are done to figure if you have circulation problems in thighs sometimes when standing too long. What exer can I do to when it comes ?
I think I have circulation problems in my thigh. What tests can I undergo? Could you also guide me about exercises?
What to do if I'm allergic to sunscreen but I work out in the sun all day what can I do from stop getting burn?
I am allergic to sun light and tend to get subnurn while working out in the sun. Can suncreen lotions help me?
0no label
What to do if I'm allergic to sunscreen but I work out in the sun all day what can I do from stop getting burn?
I work out in the sun and tend to get sun burns but I can't use sun screen as I am allergic to them. What should I do?
What will happen if a normal 19 year old guy took viagra (sildenafil)?
I am 19 year old male. I am planning to take viagra ( sildenafil). Could you educate me, what might happen?
What will happen if a normal 19 year old guy took viagra (sildenafil)?
My 19 year old male friend took viagra (sildenafil), he's complaining of chest pain now. What should we do?
0no label
When I go to my doctor and tell him I urinate a lot, will he be able to determine if I'm diabetic or not?
Besides urinating a lot, what are other symptoms of diabetes? My doctor says I am diabetic.
0no label
When I go to my doctor and tell him I urinate a lot, will he be able to determine if I'm diabetic or not?
I think I am diabetic as I am urinating a lot, will my doctor be able to detect it?
Why do spider bites take so long to heal?
I had a spider bite last week and it's still not healing, why it's taking too long?
Why do spider bites take so long to heal?
My spider bite took too long to heal but now it's having scar mark. What can I do for that?
0no label
Why I have abdominal obesity with fatty thighs and upper limd muscle atrophy?
I have abdominal obesity with fatty thighs but upper limb looks atrophied. Is it serious?
Why I have abdominal obesity with fatty thighs and upper limd muscle atrophy?
My moher having abdominal obesity, fatty thighs with atrophied upper limbs was diagnosed with genetic disease. What are my chances to have it?
0no label
Will an infection in a belly piercing cause flu symptoms?
I am having flu symptoms, as I think my belly piercing is infected. Can you suggest some remedies?
0no label
Will an infection in a belly piercing cause flu symptoms?
I have belly piercing and I think it's infection. Can it cause flu symptoms?
According to my boyfriend last time I had an absence events I had tears rolling down my cheeks but I wasn't sobbing or anything, is this normal?
I am diagnosed with absence seizures and the last time I had one tears are rolling but I was not sobbing or crying. Is it normal? My boy friend is concerned.
According to my boyfriend last time I had an absence events I had tears rolling down my cheeks but I wasn't sobbing or anything, is this normal?
I am on valproic acid for my absence seizures and I am trying to get pregnant. Is it safe to valproic acid when trying to get pregnant?
0no label
After many courses of antibiotics i still have the helicobacrer bacteria. What can you advise me?
Hello doctor, I have been h.pylori bacteria. Am I at risk of getting cancer?
0no label
After many courses of antibiotics i still have the helicobacrer bacteria. What can you advise me?
I used many courses of antibiotics for helocobacter bacteria. There is no improvement in my symptoms. Can you advise what can be done next?
Are monochorionic-diamniotic twins usually healthy at birth?
Are monochorionic-diamniotic twins healthy at the time of birth?
Are monochorionic-diamniotic twins usually healthy at birth?
Hello, what are the chances of monochorionic-diamniotic twins? Is it rare?
0no label
Are there any medications or treatment options to help with bloating and discomfort during an IBS flare up ?
I am diagnosed with IBS and do you know any medications which may help ease bloating and burping?
Are there any medications or treatment options to help with bloating and discomfort during an IBS flare up ?
I have severe abdominal pain, bloating, burping and nausea. I skipped my meals. May I know what is the cause?
0no label
Are there any sides effect of not doing the communicating hydrocele repaire?
I am 15 years and sustained an injury in the scrotal area a week back and has swelling. Is it a hydrocele?
0no label
Are there any sides effect of not doing the communicating hydrocele repaire?
I am diagnosed with hydrocele and advised surgery. I am scared and want to know the side effects if the repair is not done.
A week ago i used Monistat 1 (tioconazole) to treat a yeast infection. Now I have a vaginal odor and I am wondering if I should use safeguard soap to help the smell?
I used Monistat 1 to treat yeast infection and have vaginal odor and now can I use safeguard soap to help with smell?
A week ago i used Monistat 1 (tioconazole) to treat a yeast infection. Now I have a vaginal odor and I am wondering if I should use safeguard soap to help the smell?
May I know what is the difference between yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis. I have vaginal odor, itching, pain, redness, bumps and white vaginal discharge in excess..
0no label
Blood pressure is good sitting down 120/75. But just walking across room it goes to 140/90. I'm not over weight or in bad shape. Should I be concern?
I am not obese and I am in good shape. Blood pressure is 120/75 when sitting down and when walking blood pressure is 140/90. I am concerned as to what to do.
Blood pressure is good sitting down 120/75. But just walking across room it goes to 140/90. I'm not over weight or in bad shape. Should I be concern?
I have been diagnosed with blood pressure and my blood pressure is fluctuating between 120/70 - 150/90. I am on amlodepine and I think it is not working. Should I take the tablet twice daily?
0no label
Can a ultrasound show tumors in the kidney or stomach cancer and what does it mean when a ultrasound show a swollen kidney air around kidney and a possible blockage for a 7 year old girl thanks very much?
My 7 year old girl USG showed swollen kidney air around Kidneys and a possible bloackage. Can a kidney tumor and stomach cancer be seen on the USG?
Can a ultrasound show tumors in the kidney or stomach cancer and what does it mean when a ultrasound show a swollen kidney air around kidney and a possible blockage for a 7 year old girl thanks very much?
My USG showed that I have inflammation in my stomach. I am given Omeprazole to help. I took 2 doses of medication. How lonng will the medication take to be effective?
0no label
Can I get an std, such as HIV from mutual materbation with my partner? Cum touched clit but didn't go inside vagina and also touched a cut on my hand
I got tested for HIV after 3 weeks after having unprotected intercourse. Is my test accurate?
0no label
Can I get an std, such as HIV from mutual materbation with my partner? Cum touched clit but didn't go inside vagina and also touched a cut on my hand
Me and my partner both did mutual masturbation. My cum touched her clitoris and it did no go inside the vagina and it also touched the cut on my hand. Am I in risk of gettig an STD?
Can I take oral terbinafine for onychomycosis? I had taken 45 oral terbinafine.Now foot toenail skin are red & pain. It will cure?
Has taking oral terbinafine for onchomycosis and has taken 45 pills. Now foot, toenail, skin are red and painful. Wanted to know if terbinafine may help.
Can I take oral terbinafine for onychomycosis? I had taken 45 oral terbinafine.Now foot toenail skin are red & pain. It will cure?
I wanted to drink alcohol and I am on terbinafine for my onchomycosis. Is there any reaction between both?
0no label
Can metronidazole topical cream be used vaginally?
Hello doctor? Can I use metronidazole topical cream vaginally?
Can metronidazole topical cream be used vaginally?
I have an yeast infection and doctor prescribed metronidazole cream and it is not helping. Should I see a doctor for oral medications as well?
0no label
Can my child with hemophilia participate in activities?
My child is diagnosed with hemophilia? He wants to participate in school marathon and games. Can he participate?
Can my child with hemophilia participate in activities?
One my child is diagnosed with hemophilia and now I am pregnant with second child and is there any chance that my second child will have hemphilia as well?
0no label
Can rogaine (minoxidil) cause weight gain, body aches and pain in the kidney area? I've been on it nearly a month.
Hello doctor I have been given minoxidil to apply for hair loss. I am not sure how to use it. Can you help?
0no label
Can rogaine (minoxidil) cause weight gain, body aches and pain in the kidney area? I've been on it nearly a month.
I am on rogaine monoxidil for a month. Does it cause body pain, pain in kidney area and I have been on it for a month?
Can scar tissue on the uterus or bladder show up on an ultrasound?
Hello doctor, I am diagnosed with fibroid after my ultrasound scan yesterday. What are the treatmet options for fibroids?
0no label
Can scar tissue on the uterus or bladder show up on an ultrasound?
I am undergoing a ultrasound tomorrow and can a scar tissue on uterus or bladder be seen on the ultrasound?
Can the ointment mupirocin USP 2% cause a rash when applied if its expired?
Hello doctor, I am using Mupricoin for my wound and it healed and now can I apply bandaid after applying mupriocin?
0no label
Can the ointment mupirocin USP 2% cause a rash when applied if its expired?
I used mupriocin USP 2% rash. May I know if it can cause a rash?
Can underactive detrusor ever return to normal?
I am on a catheter for underactive detrusor and now the area around the catheter is painful, red and swollen. What I can do to help?
0no label
Can underactive detrusor ever return to normal?
I have underactive detrusor and does it return to normal.
Can you explain how to pass marijuana drug test?
Can you please tell me how to pass a marijuana drug test as I have been on marijuana for 5 weeks?
Can you explain how to pass marijuana drug test?
Hello doctor, can you tell me if medical marijuana helps with chronic pain? Is it safe?
0no label
Cycle was 2 weeks late with negative preg tests. Period was 14 days of light to medium bleeding. Now I have thick brown discharge.
Hello doctor, I am 16 years and have acne, obesity, delayed cycles, mood swings, etc.. My doctor diagnosed me with PCOS. I am prescribed oral contraceptive pills. Is this the right treatment?
0no label
Cycle was 2 weeks late with negative preg tests. Period was 14 days of light to medium bleeding. Now I have thick brown discharge.
My cycle is 2 weeks late and negative PT. Period is light to medium for 14 days and now is dark brown. Bleeding is prolonged for a week and I am concerned.
Do i have to prove that im deficient in gh in order to get therapy, ive heard gh is already been approved for height increasing purpose from 2003?
I have growth hormone deficiency. Can you please let me know about the common symptoms an treatment plan with growth hormone deficiency?
0no label
Do i have to prove that im deficient in gh in order to get therapy, ive heard gh is already been approved for height increasing purpose from 2003?
I want to take gh for increase in height. I heart that it can be used for height growth since 2003 even if there is no deficiency. Is this correct?
Every morning I wake up perfectly normal, about an hour later, I am so tired. I can barely stay awake. I am also kind of dizzy. And confused.?
After waking up an hour later I get tired and can stay awake, I am dizzy and confused as well.
Every morning I wake up perfectly normal, about an hour later, I am so tired. I can barely stay awake. I am also kind of dizzy. And confused.?
I have fatigue, nausea, dizziness, cramps and abdominal bloating. I missed my period and I am sexually active. Can I be pregnant?
0no label
Feels like something is stuck in throat, shoulder and chest feels mildly heavy, upper back ache. No more coughing. What can this be?
I have feeling of something stuck in throat, dizziness, anxious, stress and heaviness and I am on Lexapro for my anxiety. My symptoms started worsening even after taking the medication. Should I need to change my medication?
0no label
Feels like something is stuck in throat, shoulder and chest feels mildly heavy, upper back ache. No more coughing. What can this be?
I have no cough, feeling of something stick is throat, upper back ache and chest feels heavy. What are the causes of my symptoms?