<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: and at the end of waiting in line twice your people can't even give consistent information agent: (1/2) Hello there! That's definitely not the kind of feedback we want to hear. - WR (2/2) What information do you need? Is there anything we can do for you today? - WR user: Argumentative service from the manager, inconsistent info from associates who can make a decision with wrong information? agent: We would like to help. What was the wrong information you were provided with? - WR user: Associate told me to have account holder call cust. Care to add me as authorized user. Then manager said cant be done on phone. Another said it takes 72 hrs then another said it instant. Manager is rude, confrontational and not unhelpful. Can do what needs to be done when i cant get clear direction. Have been i ln store now for 3.25 hrs agent: Yes, that is frustrating. To add an authorized delegate is all you need to do? I have the EXACT steps, please DM me! -MB Customer is complaining about the end of waiting in the line twice people can't even give consistent information. Agent asks to have exact steps and asks to DM.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Hey - any chance you could get a member of your Talent Team to get in touch with me? Been trying to reach them for weeks... agent: Can I ask what this is regarding, Jay? user: I've applied for a few jobs with yourselves and not heard back for 10+ weeks, I know you place emphasis on emailing everyone about outcomes ...which is an absolutely brilliant trait, might I add. Just trying to chase up a couple of loose ends that I hadn't heard back from. agent: You should get an email either way Jay. Have you tried contacting our recruitment team? user: I have, but I've had no responses whatsoever, and the recruitment phone line always goes to answerphone. agent: Can you DM us with details of jobs you've applied for and we can send this to our recruitment team. Customer wants to contact a member from talent team to enquire about the status of his job application, and states that he tried to contact recruitment team and didn't get any responses. Agent requests for the details of the applied jobs so that he could share it with the recruitment team.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: bought a Dyson fluffy cordless 2 wks ago &amp; battery lasts 10mins not the 20mins stated. Will I be able to get a replacement? agent: Hi there - did you buy in store or was it delivered? Can you DM us the order number please? user: Bought in store so don’t have an order number but don’t think I will be able to get to a store for a couple of weeks agent: You have a 12 month warranty, so there's plenty of time. The other option is to contact Dyson directly 1/2 DYSON LIMITED 0800 298 0298 Mon - Fri 08:00am to 8.00pm Sat - Sun 08:00 to 6:00pm __email__ They may be able to help alyson user: Think I will try to take it to the store, it’s been charged and used twice just want a replacement that works. Thanks agent: That's fine but Dyson do prefer to deal with their own after-sales care, so it may be a quicker and easier process to phone them. Customer is complaining about the battery of Dyson fluffy cordless which was bought 2 weeks ago and lasts for only 10 mins rather than 20 mins which was stated and asks whether it can be replaced. Agent updates that Dyson do prefer to deal with their own after - sales care, so it might be quicker and easier process for them on phone.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I am 8 days without cell service because my Phone is locked to T-Mobile, although I fully own the phone. End this crap concept! agent: We'll check this out right away, DM me so we can dig in *TaylorBest user: 9 Days without cell service still. That is more than 1/3 rd of my trip duration. If I was will it take 9 mins to resolve this? Note: i got a local phone for ~$200 that lasted one day before it broke! And data won't work. agent: Nine days is too long without service! Please send a DM and let us know exactly what's going on! *RachaelTansey user: I got offered an option to unlock my phone in black market for ~$100. I would have done it instead of this situation if i could trust them. agent: We'd love to offer our support and help in any way that we can. Please send a DM with more details *RachaelTansey user: Sorry for the noise but this feature is abusive and doesnt align with current T-Mobile anti-carrier philosophy. (Why I chose T-Mobile) agent: I see your DM &amp; we'll work with you there to get more info on this matter *RachaelTansey Customer is complaining that from 8 days without cell service because his phone is locked to t-mobile, although it fully own the phone. Agent updated that they had DM an damp they will work with there to get more info on this matter.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: . in con mode again. A company that deserves to go bust. Awful service. agent: We're sorry to hear that. We'd love to see what options we have to help out. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. user: .Just credit my account with my money you con artist cunts. agent: We don't have any details regarding the issue you're facing. If you'd like to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of what's going on, we'd be happy to take a look at what options we have to help out. user: .Of course you don’t. You money grabbing bastards.. agent: This is the first we're hearing of it. We're here to help if you'd like to send us a DM. user: .ill take it up with my bank then shall I? You amateur blaming school leaning coward blaming children wankstains agent: Sounds good. If you need us, our offer still stands. Have a nice day :) Customer is complaining about the service. Agent updated the customer to DM with email address,some details of what's going on and what options they can help out.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: can we please get the contact number for Dubai office please... agent: We're here to help, Priya. Send us a note via so we can assist. user: Can we get your dubai office number plz agent: Sorry for the inconvenience! At this moment, we don't offer phone support for these issues. Visit this link so our team can assist. user: We are looking to talk to someone from marketing so can we have some email ID or so agent: Happy to help. At this time your best bet is to reach out to us at with more details regarding your inquiry, so we can assist you further. user: I can email or I need to tweet on this address? agent: Please go here and we will take a look. The customer is asking for the Uber's Dubai office number and emails to reach to solve some issues. The agent replies that they don't offer phone support for these issues and asks to send them a note via link provided by them.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I wish would hurry up and get my phone shipped to me. 💔 agent: When did you order your phone Brandy? user: 11/4/17 agent: Has your card been charged yet? You'll know your phone has shipped when your card is charged. user: We bought it in the store on an installment plan. Paid the taxes on it that day. Have yet to see it.. ☹️ agent: Is it being shipped to you or to the store? user: To the store. They said they’d call as soon as it’s there. And I talked to them a few days ago. My assumption is it’s a back order issue although I haven’t been told that for sure. agent: If you talked to the store then I know they will call you once the phone is available. I apologize it's taking so long. The customer says he has ordered a phone in an instalment and paid all the taxes but still he has not yet received the phone. The agent asks when did the customer ordered the phone and says that customer will know that the phone is shipped when the card is charged.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: i can not see the map of my route. I have geo localization activated. agent: Here to help, Ezequiel. What device, operating system and NRC app version are you using? user: Nrc version is 2.9.1and i'm using Android 7 on a Lenovo k6. I run while i hear music agent: Thanks for passing that over. Do you have Power-Saving mode turned on? user: No i dont agent: Just to clarify, how do you hold your phone while running? user: I put it on my bracelet. I don't blcok the phone and RNC open all the time agent: We aren't quite following. You attach it to your wrist with an armband? user: Yes agent: Got it. Go ahead and log out of the NRC app&gt; restart device&gt; log back in. Go for another run and test it out. The customer is complaining that he can't see the map of the route even when geo localization is activated. The agent asked the customer to logout the nrc app and to restart the device once and to log in back once again.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I was wanting to look into possibly upgrading my seat (GINX36) but the seating chart says 1st class and delta comfort are all gone. That's impossible. agent: Hi Freddie, thanks for contacting us. My apologies for the inconvenience. One moment while I look into this further. *HML Thanks for your patience. I'm showing First Class is sold out for your flights; however, Delta Comfort + is available. The Delta Comfort + cabin is sold as a fare for this market; therefore, in order to confirm Comfort + there will be a difference in the fare. *HML user: What does this upgrade list mean? And this one for the first leg of the flight? agent: It looks like there may an error between our system and the app. I'm checking into this now. *HML user: ive heard about airlines blocking out seats for the purpose of overbooking and juggling to squeeze profits. I didnt know you guys were still doing that or doing it period agent: Thanks for your patience. I am showing seats available in First Class; however, the lower First Class fares are not available. Once your reservation is changed to the First Class cabin, you will be able to view and assign seats. *HML You may see more availability closer to the time of travel. *HML user: This explanation sounds very convoluted. 1st there was no seats available, now there are seats, but there are no more lower 1st class fares available? What's does that mean and how do I upgrade seats. That's the whole reason I tweeted you. Cmon Delta aka *HML agent: Freddie, in order upgrade your ticket to First Class, you must pay the difference in the fare. In reviewing your ticket, you have no value left to apply towards the cost of the ticket to upgrade. *HML If you're using miles to upgrade, the cost is 35,000 miles each way and you must be booked in a L, U, or T class fare. *HML user: What do mean I must pay the difference but then say I have no value left in my ticket? Why not just tell me how much it is to upgrade like I've been asking from the beginning? What does it mean I have no value in a tix I purchased? agent: To make changes to your reservation there is a change fee of $200.00. Your ticket is less than the change fee; therefore, there is no value in your ticket. I can provide an estimated cost to change your ticket; however, this does not include taxes and fees. *HML The estimated cost is $1,500.00 for First Class on your flight from EWR to GCM. This does not include taxes and airport fees and fares are not guaranteed until purchased. Please contact our International Reservation specialist at 1-800-241-4141. *HML Customer is complaining about the inconvenience of unavailable first class seats and asking is there no value of purchased tix. Agent informed that customer has no value remain to apply for first class and further informed about the service charges amount and said that comfort+ seats are available.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: updated to latest iOS. When charging without adapter, the phone freezes?? #bug #ios #2017 agent: Let’s investigate this together. Check Settings &gt; General &gt; About and DM us your exact version to begin. user: I thought you’d understand “latest” agent: iOS Thanks for showing us. Do you have the iOS 11.1 update available at Settings &gt; General &gt; Software Update? user: Just upgraded... The issue still persists. #bug #iOS11 #2017 agent: We'd be happy to look into this with you more in detail. Please reach out to us via DM and we'll get started. Here customer is complaining about the apple phone get freezes if he uses the the cable without adaptor. Here note down the issue and ask the customer to follow the steps and takes the details and tells the customer to message him to get better assistance over it.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: couldn't get me to EWR, so I can't fly back to ORD... Nothing like $300 wasted and missing your dad's 70th surprise party. 😢 agent: I am really sorry to hear that, Ariel. We should get you going as soon as possible. *AFM user: I missed the party and seeing my dad. No choice but to go back to Chicago. agent: Please accept our sincere apology and commitment to serve you better in the future. *AFM user: Thank you. The staff I spoke with was wonderful. Its the urgency 2 back away from gate, 2 meet bloated KPIs, caused heartbreak. #FamilyFirst agent: You're welcome. We're happy to hear that our agent was able to help. *TJH user: WHAT!? Read the convo history. D staff, great to work with &amp; I think they tried 2 help, but my problem wasnt solved &amp; was caused by Delta. I would have been able to celebrate my father's 70th w him, if Delta had any forward thinking and didnt try to meet inflated departure KPIs. A day spent at the Detroit airport in tears &amp; depression isnt how flying should B. Happy Birthday dad, Im sorry I couldnt spend it with you agent: I understand your disappointment. Disruptions to travel plans are frustrating especially when you're traveling for a special event. 1/2 *TJE I wish your experience had gone more smoothly and again apologize it did not. We hope to better serve you going forward. 2/2 *TJE The customer is disappointed since he could not travel back to ORD since the Delta couldn't get him to EWR because of which he could not fly. The agent apologises and says that they will serve him better in the future.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Experiencing an internet outtage- zipcode 44060 agent: Your modem appears to be online and providing an IP address to an external Linksys router. Has service returned? user: No- both my modem and router appear to be functioning but none of my internet reliant items (phone, laptop, etc) have internet connection agent: Would it be OK if I send an update to the modem to see if it responds? It will reboot if I do so. user: Yes, that is ok. agent: The modem has reset and still shows the connection to the connection to the Linksys router. Are you able to get online now? user: No, here is error I'm getting on phone...(LandofOoo = router name) agent: Do you have the ability to connect a device via Ethernet, either to the router or directly to the modem? The customer is complaining that he is facing internet outtage issue. The agent asked the customer tosend an update to the modem to see if it responds and it will reboot if they do that so.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Where do you stand on #NetNeutrality ? Have you expressed that to the FCC? What are your plans if #NetNeutraility is repealed? agent: At Cox, we are committed to providing an open Internet experience. We do not block, throttle, or otherwise interfere with customers’ desire to go where they want on the Internet. -Nichole user: Thank you for your reply. Will you allow paid fast lanes or any other paid incentives? The question truly is will you change any of your current practices to take advantage of your consumers? agent: Hi, Cox never will, nor ever has made any changes with the explicit intent to deceive our customers. Please know our core value at Cox is to provide our customers with exceptional service for the best value - it's what we've always done and will continue to do! -Carol (1/2) Thanks for reaching out to our Social Media Team - should you have any additional concerns we're available 24/7 to assist. Thanks, -Carol (2/2) user: So, have you supported net neutrality staying in place or have you supported its repeal? Where does your company officially stand? What stands to change if it is repealed? Ideally, if it is repealed, you wouldn't have to change any of your practices, correct? Still waiting on that reply of your official stance, whenever you get around to it? #NetNeutraility agent: Cox has every incentive to remain committed to the principles of an open Internet as we realize the importance our customers place on having access to the content of their choice. Read more at Thank you. Customer is enquiring about the repealing of net neutrality and reestablishment of light-touch regulation for consumer protections. Agent states that they haven't made any changes with the intent to deceive customers and have realized the importance of customers content choice.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: where is Red Velvet’s new Album :( Peek-A-Boo agent: Hey! Fingers crossed we'll be able to have it soon, but there's info about Spotify content here: /DF user: Thanks! I’ll do my best to wait! agent: No worries! If you need anything else, just shout 🙂/DF user: Also, I am from Holland and there is a special deal for Students, the price for premium month is 5 euro. I pay 10 euro each month. Can I change it? And can I link my ideal for it? Because they only accept Creditcard for it.. agent: At the moment the student discount is not payable with iDeal, but we'll pass your feedback on that its something you'd like to see. Sorry for any inconveniences /DF user: It’s lowkey crazy, because Holland never pays with credit cards, everyone uses iDeal, most of them are students like me. agent: We can see how that’d be handy. Thanks for taking the time to reach out – your feedback's been noted 📝 /DF Customer inquires about iDeal student offer. Agent informs customer that his feedback is being noted.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: My iPhone 6s won’t connect to my home WiFi someone help me 😭 agent: We've got your back! What happens when you try to connect to your home Wi-Fi network? Are you seeing any errors? user: It says unable to join network I’ve also reset my network setting and restarted my phone agent: Great steps so far! Do you have other devices that are able to connect to this network? Have you rebooted your modem since receiving this message? Also, can you confirm the exact iOS version you see in Settings &gt; General &gt; About? user: My laptop and smart tv both are working fine and running at normal speed. I’ve rebooted my modem several times. I’m on version 11.1.1 ... although I did 5 network reboots and it finally took... and it stayed connected for 5 Mins and stopped working again agent: Understood. How many devices are connected to this network at one time? Are you able to connect to other networks, or does this persist? user: At the moment 3 and sometimes I can connect to other but majority of the time I cannot agent: Alright. Let's continue chatting in DM. Send us a message using the link below. Customer is complaining that her iphone is not connecting to wifi where as other devices and smart tv is working fine with the same network. Agent asks her to reboot the settings and also asks details about network and ask the customer to message so that with further chat he can resolve the issue.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: If it wasn’t for the NBA League pass television companion I’d ask for my money back. The television part of it is complete garbage. agent: I apologize for the experience. What is happening? I would like to assist you further. Have you done any troubleshooting? user: The problem is that you only have 1 channel in HD. If the game isn’t on that channel the picture quality is horrible. Has nothing to do with the box it’s the fact that no HD channels come in horrible. agent: I understand. Have you had a technician out to see why this happening the way it is? I can schedule one for you. user: That won’t solve anything unless the technician can make the channels turn into HD. agent: If it is an HD channel, he will work to make sure it is coming in HD. user: The HD channels are fine it’s the none HD channels that are garbage. Until Spectrum upgrades their service from analog to all digital or all HD this problem will continue. Non not none agent: I understand. I will pass this information along. user: Thank You. Thank you for letting me vent. Happy Holidays to you, and your family. agent: The same to you and yours! If you need anything in the future, feel free to reach out to us here. Thank you for being with us! Customer is complaining that he needs technician who can fix the box where HD channels comes with picture quality. Agent updated that they will work on it to resolve the isuue.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I don't know if it is racism or poor service but skyclub service sometimes is terrible. agent: Care to share what occured? *HDV user: What does *hdv mean? agent: That identifies the agent who is helping you. *ASK user: Flying to London. Left skyclub and received late notification of delay. Went back to sky club and told agent at desk I was returning. I was 4th in line saying the same thing. Guess who was the only one who was asked for his sky club membership again? Only person of color. The agent said we are suppose to ask every time. Really? I'm standing in line seeing no one asked. I'm also diamond, not like I'm new here. agent: Thank you for sharing details of your experience with us. Please know that Delta does not discriminate or condone (cont.) *HJB 2/2 discrimination of a person or group for any reason. Can you please DM which airport and SkyClub this took place? *HJB... 1/2 Here customer is unhappy with the service of sky club where flight get delay and he gets the late notification. Here agent ask the customer to message him and ask for the location.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: worst network has provided by idea in our area. Complaining you from last 3years. No improvement. Faltu Faltu. agent: we understand &amp; regret the network trouble that you are facing. Please message us your contact details for investigation. user: aree pehle apna 2g tower thik kar phir 3g k bare me bolna. Kabhi tower hi nehi rehta. My no 9434999754 agent: has been discussed and addressed. For further assistance, kindly contact our Idea customer care helpline. 2/2 user: tower kharap Hai idea ka. Thik kar pahle phot 3g 4g k bare me bolna agent: For further assistance, kindly contact Idea customer care helpline. 3/3 user: Tere bahut bad jio aye aur gaon gaon mr jio ke tower dekh. Par ab bhi tum logon ka tower nehi hua. Amazing. agent: Sorry for trouble. Request you to specify your exact concern, so that we can assist you better. Regards, Vicky We're awaiting for your response to resolve ur issue. Pls provide the same within next 24 hrs. Rgds, Idea Care Customer is complaining about the idea network which is worst in their area from last 3 days. Agent says to specify your exact concern, so that can assist better.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I want to elevate my status but the link on the website doesn’t work. The FAQ’s say you can buy miles for 2018 but the link given is expired. Help! agent: Hi Meredith. Here is the link to the Elevate your Status. The answers are all on this webpage. *TMS user: Correct. But the link to the elevate your status page that is given doesn’t work. agent: I'm sorry to hear this. Try this *AMC user: It isn’t the FAQ’s page that isn’t working. It is the elevate your status homepage. Under “How do I elevate my status” it gives a link to log in. It is that link that is expired. agent: Meredith, the portal to Elevate Your Status will be able available starting December 1st through 11:59 PM CST February 15, 2018. *AOS user: THANK YOU SO MUCH! agent: You are most welcome, Meredith. Thanks for tweeting us today. *AOS Customer is asking how to elevate his status when the link is not working. Agent replies that the portal to elevate their status which will be available on December 1st through 11:59 pm.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: migrated from prepaid to postpaid yesterday but due to address verification error, postpaid hasn't started. agent: Apologies for the trouble. Request you to visit your nearest my Idea store for further assistance. (1/2) Regards, Darshan. user: It's better VIHAL enterprise Naroda Ahmedabad should take pains to rectify their error. Why should I suffer. Coz of their error agent: We do understand your concern,we will take appropriate action towards this,but you please visit once idea store. user: I m sorry I can't! agent: We will raise this concern to higher authority be rest assure. user: they promised that executive will visit and carry out aadhar verification process again. please keep following up with them thanks 2/2 agent: We have raised the concern please wait for sometime it will get resolve. user: Thank you for helping senior citizen. I hope your efforts would bring sure result and postpaid sservice should start asap ! Thanks again agent: Please be rest assure,We will surely sort this out for you. user: My idea store's executive was to visit me. Seems they are just giving assurance. No results. Total Dismay and utter dissatisfaction ! #care agent: We do understand your concern,Please bear us sometime it will get resolve soon Regards, Amruta user: Please call 9574008368 they are giving me false assurance since 12 noon that their sales executive is visiting me. What is reality. #care agent: We request you to wait for sometime,we will get in touch with you. Customer is asking when migrated from prepaid to postpaid, it has not started due to address verification error. Agent requests to wait for sometime and they will get in touch.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Hey agent: Hi, are you referring to Auto-Lock, manually locking the iPhone or both? Is there a protective case or film on your iPhone? user: The auto lock. Tried changing the time setting and powering off. Yes I have a case on my phone. agent: Please, can you test for us by removing the protective case? Let us know if your iPhone goes into Sleep mode this time. user: It did go to sleep this time. I have an iPhone 8 plus if that matters. agent: Congratulations on your iPhone 8 Plus! This actually might be with the case itself. Does it fit snug or can it be adjusted? user: Never mind. That didn’t work. It’s been sitting with no case on the wireless charger for 5 minutes and counting and still not locked agent: Is the iPhone connected to a wall outlet or a computer right now? DM us back, we'll dive further into this there. Customer is complaining about auto lock feature for not working. Agent is inquiring whether the iPhone connected to wall outlet or a computer.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: hi, Spotify isn’t set on offline but every time I’m not on WiFi it says “Spotify is offline” but my data is activate agent: Hey Camille, that doesn't sound right. What device, operating system, and version of Spotify is this happening on? We'll lend a hand /SY user: iPhone 6, iOS 11.0.3 agent: 1: Thanks! Just to check, are you only getting the issue when you're on 3G/4G? 2: If you're getting any error messages, can you send us a screenshot for us to check? /SY user: Yes, when I’m on WiFi it’s working I’m not on WiFi but on 4g so it should work And this is not set offline agent: Thanks for the info. Can you try giving your iPhone a quick restart? Let us know if it make any difference /SY user: It’s working now, thanks agent: You're welcome! If you ever need anything else, just shout and we'll come running 🏃 /KL The customer is facing an issue with spotify and says its resolved after restarting the device. The agent asks for device, OS and spotify vesion info and asks to restart the device.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: really enjoyed travelling to a different town to collect my reservation only to be told it was cancelled without letting me know agent: Hi Paul i am sorry about this, you should have received some information to let you no that it had been cancelled. user: Would have saved time off work and travel. Annoying as stock in but was waiting to be sent to another shop so couldnt have it agent: I totally agree with you paul. -Chantelle user: Thanks chantelle. Why was it not possible to arrange home delivery or to order item in considering what had happened. Any ideas? agent: Hi Paul, are unable to transfer stock unfortunately. So if this is out of stock then you would not be able to order this. - Scott user: They physically had the item in the store. Not to forget i had a reservation agent: Hi Paul, Please provide your reservation number and I will look into the issue.-Lesley user: 009914 agent: Can you advise what the item was that was cancelled? -Lesley user: Armani watch. Thx agent: I have called the store and I can advise that your order was cancelled automatically by the warehouse in regards to a stock issue. Sorry you were not notified about the cancellation. -Lesley Customer is complaining about the cancellation without lettering him. Agent says that he called the store and advise that order was cancelled automatically by the warehouse in regards to a stock issue.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: agent: Hi. Great news, the credits have now been issued. You will see them on an upcoming statement. I appreciate your patience. user: The statement has generated and still the same! You still going to take a look only? agent: Please follow so I can send you information via DM. Thank you. user: What does follow mean?should i call the support again and raise bunch of useless tickets on which no one is ever going to work? ? agent: In order for us to communicate via Direct Message you will need to follow in Direct message. user: I am not able to dm to agent: Rachael is currently out of the office. She will contact you when she return tomorrow. user: Are you guys really trying to resolve the issue or just making fun out of me? ? agent: The credits appear on your November statement, there are three separate transactions, totaling the amount. Please let me know if you do not see them. Wishing you a great day! Costomer is complaining that the statement is generated which is still the same. Agent is telling that Rachael is currently out of the office and she will contact him when she is back.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I paid for a season of rake, downloaded it to my iPad &amp; now I can’t watch it? Unless I connect to store? Is that right ? agent: We'd love to help. Which iOS version are you using? What steps are you taking to watch the episodes? user: The latest version. I’ve downloaded it to iTunes and am just going in there. Oh it’s started working ! Disregard. Thanks anyway agent: Great! So glad to hear it's working. We're here for you if you have any other questions. user: And now this. It’s so hit and miss do I need to be connected to access what I purchased and downloaded ? Ok so once I can get in to the tv app it’s fine. It I have to be connected to the store to get it. Can I change that? agent: It's possible to download purchased content for offline viewing. Other than this message, is your iPad online? Please DM us. Customer is asking that he had paid for a season of rake downloaded it to his ipad and amp now they can't watch it. Agent suggest him that if possible to download purchased content for offline viewing and DM us.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Why is service so horrible in Flagstaff! agent: Oh no! Let's turn that frown upside down... meet me in the DM to talk coverage! (: *BronsonBarretto user: You cannot fix the issue in Flagstaff. I got an over the air update this morning leaving there. agent: We always want to make sure you are getting the best signal possible! Let us know if we can look into anything for you! *LauriL user: Add high speed to Flagstaff! agent: Let's get to the bottom of this! DM me your zipcode and I'll check it out! *LauriL user: Contact someone in Flagstaff. I am back in California. agent: OK we understand! Thanks for working with #Social! *LauriL Customer is complaining about the horrible service they got in Flagstaff. Agent updates to to DM their zipcode and they will check it out on this.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: How do I get help from you? agent: Hi Carmella. How can we help? user: 2 pax from Midlands to London - split journey? agent: Could you explain further please? user: Out Coventry to Eus &amp; back Eus to Coventry - can we join the train at Rugby on out leg &amp; one pax get off at rugby on way back? agent: What sort of tickets do you have and what services are you catching to and from? user: Not bought yet. Looking at Advanced 1st Services? Looking for Virgin 1st to London. Both Pax traveling from Rugby but one has to go to Cov on the return journey agent: 1/2 With Advance tickets this wouldn't be possible. You would need board the train from the origin stated on your ticket. 2/2 This is also the same for the return portion. user: Outward 2 pax from Rugby to Eus Return 1 pax Eus to Rugby 1 Eus to Cov The trains stop at Rugby enroute between Lon &amp; Cov 2/2 Can I buy a Cov Return 1st but join &amp; get off at Rugby? agent: With open tickets this is possible. Just not with Advance tickets. user: Ok - Look for Open Return 1st? agent: 1/2 Yes if you buy a EUS-COV 1st return, you may get of at rugby. Just double check your train will stop at Rugby, 2/2 as not all departures from Euston to Coventry stop at Rugby. Customer is enquiring about travelling details can they join the train at Rugby. Agent asked the customer what sort of ticket and service they catching and inform the customer that not all departures from Euston to conventry stop at Rugby.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: When your sandwich, crisps and drink are all in the lunch deal - but it doesn't apply the discount 😦😩 agent: Oh no, which items were they, Portia and do you have a copy of your receipt? user: Gluten free turkey sandwich, tortilla chips and a white tea - all had the lunch deal sticker on 😢 agent: Thanks, Portia - was this in our Cafe or from the Food on the Move counter? user: Food on the move agent: Thanks, Portia we can see that these items aren't in the deal :( We can send you a DM with the list of items included if you can follow us? user: 😢 Please can the store take the promotional sticker off these items then? As all of them definitely had it! agent: We'll speak to our Store Management team to ask them to look into this. Hi Portia, we've just spoken with our Store Manager who's told us that the majority of products on the receipt are shelter products, 1/3 which have the shelter shelf edge stripping that is red and gold. This does sit in the next to the meal deal but is not included in it, 2/3 the meal deal has pure red stripping and tickets that say meal deal on. We hope this helps. 3/3 Customer requests to take off the promotional sticker on the lunch deal since the discounts are not applied. Agent states that those discounts are for different item and requests to look for the red stripping and tickets that say meal deal on.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: kindly need help on this matter AA! Tq agent: Hi , Booking KMRZFT has been cancelled due to no complete payment. Your Big Points has been reverted back to your account. Thanks user: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 How am i to book again??? Haiyoo. Why no notification sent? ? This is not fair! agent: Sorry but kindly proceed with new booking and please ensure payment is successfully made to confirmed booking. Thanks - Ed user: New booking made with higher cost! I’m totally disappointed with this experience. No notification prior unsuccessful payment transactions! agent: Hi,referring to TIJYTV booking is confirmed,KMRZFT big points has been refunded, may proceed with new booking.Thanks-Mi Sorry Alafghan, the booking was cancel as no payment posted, Note that fares are subject to change from time to time. -Fami user: Yes I’m aware about that. Just very upset when problem occured while payment being made. apps should lock the price for certain period time agent: We’re sorry to hear that! We will forward this to the team for improve our services better in future.Thanks- mariya user: 😢 so so sad Should get compensation for this matter I guessed. 😢😡 agent: We're sorry Alafghan, :( there's no compensation available. As advice fares are subject to change from time to time due to our &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; dynamic fare system. Thanks for your understanding - Fami user: At least rebate on unsuccessful transactions due to no notifications agent: Really sorry as guest is responsible to ensure on payment is successfully made to confirmed the booking. Thank you - Ed Customer enquires about the cancellation of the tickets due to incomplete payment and asking for compensation. Agent states that the booking should be confirmed with successful payment from customer's end.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: get 5511 off the ground in rdu. This is ridiculous!! People have connecting flights in CLT that yoh left less than hour for. Answer! ! agent: We're showing an expected arrival into CLT at 5:06p. We’ve backed you up on the next flight out just in case, Chris. user: Ty. Always will accept an upgrade ;) agent: You're welcome, Chris. user: Hold 1809 til i get there please 5511 held on tarmac in clt agent: Run, run, run, you got this! That airport cardio is a must today. #yougotthis user: Made it you can take me off 8:24 flight, currently at gate B7 Ty agent: Great news, Chris. You're welcome. Customer is complaining that they have connecting flights in CLT that they left less than hour for. Agent updated that they have backed up on the next flight out just in case.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Are you anywhere near a fix for the masking glitches in both Photoshop and Lightroom? It's happening daily. agent: Hi Allen, we have passed the info to our experts. They will review it and get back to you ASAP. Thanks! user: Thanks! Its happening in export JPG's too. Its really strange. agent: Hi Allen, can you please follow us &amp; send us a DM with details for this issue? Can you send us a screen shot too? user: Sure thing! agent: Hi Allen, could you please elaborate the issue, also screenshot will be helpful. user: I attached the screenshots in a DM to your account a little over an hour ago. agent: Hi Allen, thanks for the heads up. we've passed the info to our expert. Thanks Customer complains about the fault appearing in photoshop like like exporting JPG files. Agent have passed the information of the issue to their experts so that the issue could get resolved ASAP.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I’ve fully updated my phone and it is still freezing for 10 or so seconds when switching to and from the emoji keyboard. Anything I can do to fix this?? ? agent: Thanks for reaching out, we're here to partner up with you and look for the best solution to your issue. Are you having this issue with your Messages app or a third party app to send/receive messages? user: With iMessage, texting, in notes, with any social media apps, etc. It’s the keyboard that’s the issue because anywhere I try to do an emoji, the keyboard freezes. agent: Thanks for letting us know. Have you tried restarting your device? If you did, does it temporarily resolve the issue before it comes back? user: Yes I have. And no it doesn’t. It’s been an issue since the initial 11 update and nothing resolves it agent: By any chance, are you experiencing a similar issue throughout the whole device or only when you attempt to use your keyboard? We want to make sure that we narrow down the issue between the keyboard or the overall system performance. user: Well the whole device is wayyy slower than before, that’s for sure. BUT, specifically freezing happens primarily with the emoji keyboard. And only that one. I have an Italian keyboard and there are no issues with that one. agent: We appreciate the info that you've provided us so far. Please provide us with your current location (region) in a DM and we'll take it from there. Customer is having an issue with phone has it is freezing for 10 seconds when switching to and from the emoji keyboard. Agent asked is having this issue with message app or any third party app and informed to provide current location in a DM. So that they can look into it.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: currently unable to checkout groceries :( Tried on Firefox &amp; Chrome, same problem agent: Hi Ian, I'm afraid I'm not able to view the link. Can you advise what error messages you see when attempting to check out? Thanks - Emma user: Here you go... I'm still getting the same non-error when trying to pay for delivery and food. agent: Hi Ian, I can see you've advised you have tried Chrome and Firefox, have you tired on Internet Explorer? Ty - James user: internet explorer!? You got to be kidding? agent: I am sorry. Please DM your name and address so I can log this for you? Our IT team can then investigate further. Charlotte user: I almost switched to Sainsburys after the comment about internet explorer :( Luckily I tried one more time and it finally worked in Firefox agent: Hi Ian, I'm glad you've managed to place your order, I'm sorry for the trouble that you've had when placing your order. For our IT team to investigate further can you please DM your full name and full address? TY - Kelly. Customer is unable to checkout groceries. Agent request to DM full name and full address for their IT team to investigate further.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: agent: I apologize for the issues. I am showing that we are still working on the construction needed to provide service ... user: your construction people finished the line work yesterday and in their words " you are ready for modem installation tomorrow. ". words are admitedly harsh. But this is going on 4 months of false promises and pushed back dates. Forgive the rudeness this has been a mess. agent: I apologize for the confusion. I can see what I can do to help. Can you please DM us and let me know if the modem... user: No the modem is not connected as the technician that left 45 minutes ago stated there was no point as the power to the lines is not on. I now realize that should have been a DM. But meh. I figure this is like a monitored call right. agent: I do show that the technician who was out there submitted a request to have the power to the lines turned on at t... user: Its been 3 almost 4 months of trying to get this done by calls. Twice now i have gotten annoyed enough to take it to twitter. Twitter spectrum told me more in 30 mins than 3 months of phone calls did. agent: I am glad we were able to get things sorted out for you. If you have any questions in the future or there's anyth... Customer is complaning that modem is not connected. Agent is suggests to submit a request to have the power to the lines using URL.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: i loaded N1500 today to subscribe for data and it dissappeared. No Data, no Airtime Kindly explain what is going on....really upset as this hampered my work flow today. agent: Hello, kindly share the affected number via inbox for check and assistance. Thank you for choosing Airtel user: 08127170613 agent: Hello thank you for this tweet. Hello, please be informed that your #1500 was used for bb unlimited bundle for 3G as seen on check. Kindly dial *140# to confirm your balance. Thank you for choosing Airtel. user: you put it there after I complained about it.People should get their money's worth everytime, we already spend too much on data agent: Hello apologies for the delayed response. Please be informed that your #1500 was used for bb unlimited bundle for 3G as seen on check. Kindly dial *140# to confirm your balance. Thank you for choosing Airtel. Hello apologies for the delayed response. Please be informed that your #1500 was used for bb unlimited bundle . Kindly dial *140# to confirm your balance. Thank you for choosing Airtel. The customer is complaining that the n1500 todat to subscribe to data has disappeared. The agent updated that as that #1500 was used for bb unlimited bundle for 3g as seen on check and asked to dail *140# to confirm their balance.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: What happened to 5GB at 500frs? agent: Y'ello Lester, It was a promotion The promotion has ended user: What was being promoted? agent: Daily data bundle of 5Giga at 500f user: I dont think that's a promotion. What's your definition of promotion? If 5GB was the promot• den 4rm dis definition it means were simply sell* the service @ a time frame. If u wer promotin itll still b availabl Please we want it back! "Promote" again! ! agent: Well received. Thank for your interest and suggestion 🙂 The customer enquires about the 5GB at 500frs offer and asks to "Promote" again. The agent informs that was a promotion and the promotion has ended.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: that’s a very short sale 😞 agent: Hello, i do apologise our prices are subject to change, as stated in our terms and conditions. - Emily user: Indeed, but to get a email at 9pm when the store is closed saying it’s on only to change the price by 9am? How was I meant to buy it? agent: Hi, can I take the catalogue number for the drone, so I can advise you better - Carl user: Hi,634/9772. At 9:20/30 last night I got a notification you had a tech sale, this drone was included at £349, by this morning it’s £499. agent: Hi, sorry you got the notification late, the sale was on for 3 days. (1/2) (2/2) In the future, you can reverse the product for the next day and we honour the price, or you could have purchased it online - Carl The customer complains that it was a very short sale, he got a notification that he had a tech sale, the drone was included at $349, but by the next morning it's $499 and he could not purchase it since he left his wallet at office the previous day. The agent apologises since their prices are subject to change, as stated in their terms and conditions and requests to provide the catalogue number for the drone, so he can advise better and suggests that in future days the product can be reserved for the next days.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Damned if I ever set foot on a flight again. Response to the #MCO hiccup has been a comedy of errors. We're still imprisoned in the plane now, an hour and a half after they reopened the terminal. agent: We apologize for the issues tonight. Please know this is a security issue that is affecting all airlines flying in and out of Orlando. user: Yes, and it's been resolved. For. Over. An. Hour. Southwest employees are confining us on an *inbound* flight, instead of letting us get off to the terminal which, again, *is already cleared. * That's not on security. That's on you. agent: It actually has not been resolved. The terminal is currently closed to all Passengers. user: Yes it has. Terminal has been open for the last hour. Let us out. agent: That is incorrect information. Please check for the most up-to-date info. We appreciate your patience as we work with authorities. user: Yes. I know you're giving me incorrect information. That's why I'm trying to set you straight so you can find out who's responsible for the three hours time I'll have to bill you for. agent: Thanks for hanging in there with us. We'll have you on your way ASAP. Customer is complaining about the terminal of the flight. Agent updates that they will have on their way ASAP.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: hi, placed order promised delivery today, told order 'stuck in fulfilment centre' can you just get it 'un-stuck' this isn't my fault. I'm sure you're sending other orders fine. agent: we'd like to take a further look into this with you! Please reach out to us by phone or chat so we can better assist: user: I'm on chat, just providing the same robotic response. A company of your size should be able to send an item. No goodwill gestures offered either. Also, your supervisor was very rude, and didn't answer any of my questions. How hard can it be to set an order as priority to reduce this weekend waiting for a delivery that may not even happen? agent: I am very sorry to hear that Dan, what did they advise you? Which steps have been taken in relation to your parcel? The customer had placed an item and it about it deliver but unfortunately it stuck in fulfilment centre. The agent was asking the customer on which steps under does he gone through respective to his parcel.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: cauliflower cheese with cafe Christmas roast turkey dinner 🤔no option to swap for carrots! #disappointed #wherearetheoptions agent: Sorry about that, what store did you visit &amp; when? Steven user: Thornhill Cardiff today at 2pm. Appreciate the reply. agent: Thanks Lana. We're unable to swap any products in the cafe as we're trying to cut down on food waste. I hope this helps. Mariya user: That I have no problem with at all...but why cauliflower cheese with turkey Christmas dinner instead of carrots/parsnips/peas! agent: I understand your frustration. I've fed this back with the cafe manager for internal review. Mariya user: Thank you Mariya. I believe you would sell a lot more of them with carrots 🥕 rather than cauliflower cheese! It seems like an odd choice! Appreciate the reply! Great communication with customers. agent: You're welcome! Enjoy your day Lana. Mariya The customer asks why there is cauliflower cheese with turkey Christmas dinner instead of carrots/parsnips/peas. The agent asks which store did the customer visited and says that they are unable to swap any products in the cafe as they are trying to cut down on food waste and adds that they have fed that back with the cafe manager for internal review.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: How do I remove expired subs from MyNorton? Don't want to see renew reminder on login for something I'm never going to renew. agent: Sorry, Tim. Are you referring to the pre-billing notification email? Or you're looking to remove Norton product from your PC? -Prasanna user: Neither! I'm talking about the renewal reminder for an expired subscription that shows in My Norton account every time I login. agent: Sorry about this Tim, are you getting this even after closing it(by clicking on the X mark)? -raj user: Yes, but only till I log out - but not relevant. agent: Sorry Tim, we do not have option to remove expired products from the account. I would suggest that you go ahead and post your (cont) feedback/suggestions in our Norton Forums here: -raj user: If I can't remove expired subscriptions can the red renewal reminder for a sub that I am never going to renew be permanently suppressed? agent: Yes, could you close the reminder and login from an other web browser to see if you still see it? -raj user: Not sure why you expect that to work and it doesn't. agent: Sorry, Tim. Could you please sign out/sign in again after few hours and let us know if this still happens? -Harini Hi Tim! Did you try to sign back in? Let us know if you need any help! -Harini Customer is asking how to remove expired subs from mynorton? Agent is updating him to sign out/sign in again after few hours to check if this stil happens.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: out of country n trying to access$$ thru ATM. Not working when using PIN. Help!! Please! agent: Hi sorry to hear. Which U.S. based card is this concerning? Pls do not share any personal information. user: Delta Sky miles Gold agent: Do you have access to your account online so I can see if you're eligible for a temporary PIN? user: Yes. I have a PIN but doesn't seem to work agent: to do this we would need to chat securely through our website so that I can see your account. Do you have time now? user: Yes On now what do you need from me? agent: Great. Pls go to , log in, &amp; select code 10240 &amp; we will continue from there. Customer is complaining that he is unable to access $$ from the ATM out of country. Agent is asking about the personal information of the customer and PIN details. Agent also provided URL to login.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: why is my seat missing an armrest..paying a full ticket fare I would at least like to have two armrests.... agent: Hi Allen. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll definitely pass this along to our Cabin Maintenance Crew. *TDH user: Thank you Delta. I am certainly disappointed by this agent: My apology for the missing armrest. I can offer you 4000 bonus miles to your SkyMiles account. *TDH user: Great. Thank you agent: Thank you for your patience. Bonus miles will post to your account within 7 days. *TDH user: Ok do you need my info? agent: No sir. I have all your information here. Thank you. *TDH Customer complains about missing armrest in his seat. Agents compensate by offering 4000 bonus miles getting credited to customers SkyMiles account.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: hi there, I have problem with my account keep log out automatically when I login my paypal at checkout. Is there a fix for this? agent: Hi, can you elaborate for us? How are you accessing the site? Mobile or web browser? Have you tried linking your PayPal so you 1/2 dont need to log in each time? Let us know more when you can. Thanks 2/2 user: I'm using the ebay app on my phone. I have to log in paypal acc at checkout but whenever I tapped login. It's loading then logout by itself So I'm not being able to pay until now because of the problem. I did uninstall and reinstall the ebay app but the problem still exists. agent: How are you accessing the mobile to the internet? Wifi or mobile data? When you say log out, are you being logged out of the 1/2 eBay App? Can you share a screenshot of the issue? Let us know, thanks 2/2 user: I'm using Wifi. I'm being logged out from my ebay acc by itself after I tried to log in my paypal at checkout to make a payment. I can't take a screenshot tho, cause it happened so quick at checkout that all i see was I'm already at ebay home asking for login again agent: OK, can I ask you to try turning off your wifi and try mobile data? What phone are you using? Let us know when you can. Thanks user: I tried using mobile data just like you asked me just now but it's still happening. Help me 😢 It's Samsung s6 edge anyway. agent: Thanks for trying that step. It looks like we will need to escalate this to our tech team. DM us your full name, email, postal 1/2 code and eBay App version number raise this to our technical support. Let us know 2/2 user: Done DM you. Please get to me asap as I need to pay for the item sooner. Thanks agent: Thanks for providing that information. I have escalated to the tech team and will notify you once I get a response. Thanks Customer is complaining that he is unable to make the payment by logging into paypal with both wifi/mobile data. Agent is requesting for the code and eBay app version number and escalated the issue to the tech team.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: my number 9870347384 has been deactivated..After number of attempts by visiting idea gallery no efforts have been done by ur side to activate again..I m ready to pay outstanding dues but want to activate the number agent: Sorry for the trouble caused.As checked,your number is inactive due to non-payment,If you have cleared the same we request you to visit nearest my idea store with your payment slip. user: I went to idea gallery yesterday. They replied that even if the payment is made, the number 9870347384 will not be activated..First give me assurance that my number will be activated then I will surely make payment agent: Sorry but we are unable to give you assurance that you will get the same number or not. user: Then who will give assurance I want to call..Give me the number Customer care agent: Sorry for the trouble caused.We request you to dial 198/12345 for futher assistance. Customer is complaining that the even after the payment is done the number is not activated and customer needs assurance before making a payment. Agent updated that the number is inactive due to not making a payment.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: About to drop agent: Hey, this doesn't sound good. Can you let us know the device/OS and Spotify version you're using? We'll check it out /NY user: iPhone 6 Plus/iOS 11.0.3 and I’m using Spotify mobile ver. agent: Thanks. Just to check, are you getting any error messages? If so, a screenshot of it will be handy. We'll take a look /NY user: No error message. The player disappears when you click on a song and the app doesn’t appear to be doing anything. agent: Hmm. Can you try logging out of Spotify, restarting your device, and logging back in to see if that helps? Keep us posted /NY user: Gave it a shot. Still running into the same bug. agent: Got it. Can you try the steps here for us: user: Dang. Tried the reinstall and still can’t get my Frank. agent: Alright. Can you DM us your account's email address? We'll check things behind the scenes /NY Customer complains that he is unable to play a music in Spotify music app. Agent updated the customer to DM for account information to further assistance.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: are u going to resolve the problem m facing already informed u for same if not tan reply me the worst service i got.... agent: We are unable to check the details. Kindly share idea contact numbers and elaborate your concern to assist you better. user: Ur team gv me the series no. Which already is being used for customer support nice job gud n u want me to gv u the no. Just ask sec 15 fbd k agent: Sorry for the trouble caused. Kindly share with us the exact address of the Idea store with pin code(1/2) Rgds, Darshan. where you have faced the issue to take appropriate actions. And DM us all the 5 number and your alternate number(2/3) as well to forward your concern to our respective team. (3/3) Rgds, Darshan. We're awaiting for your response to resolve ur issue. Pls provide the same within next 24 hrs. Rgds, Idea Care user: Wat you want from my side 7065692000/3000/4000/5000/6000 Getting calls from people n tey say its customer care no. agent: Request you to share your contact number, complete address of store so we can take further action. Rgds,Pradnya user: 9899537828 Store address is sec 15 market faridabad haryana agent: Thank you for sharing your contact details. Please share complete address of store with pincode. Rgds,Pradnya user: Idea store scf 71/72,sector 15 main market faridabad haryana 121007 agent: We forwarded your concern to the higher authority, we will contact you soon, please bear with us some time. Rgds,Pradnya user: Wat is the update for the same agent: We are working on this to get it resolved at the earliest. Please bear with us for some time.Rgds,Pradnya user: Gv me the deadline date for the same and i am not going to pay a single amount agent: We have forwarded your issue to our concern team, we are looking into this and we will call you soon with an update. user: Ok f9 bt tis sure i am not going to pay a single amt of bill which u generate for the mnth k coz not able to use.... agent: We wish to inform you that we are working on your concern &amp; we will get in touch with you shortly. Customer is complaining that they are receiving frequent calls from customer care support. Agent requests to share contact number, complete address of store and states that this issue will be forwarded to higher authority for further investigation.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: And here I thought yesterday's ride was awful. Running late af with dangerous driver. agent: Please report this to our Critical Response Line by clicking the "Call Me" button and entering your number at user: Is there a way to submit this electronically? I prefer to file my complaint in writing. agent: Please feel free to send this through our Help Center ticket request form at This will be sent directly to the appropriate Support Team. user: Is that a "no"? Because your response does not answer my question. agent: You can submit an email to our Support Team at Customer complaining about yesterday s ride was awful and running late with dangerous driver. Agent suggests that please report this to our critical response line and also feel free to send this through our help center ticket request from url.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: bought a celcus tv from your Finchley store last year in December and it stopped working yesterday - can you repair it or change Your cctv recording from the date we bought it - agent: Can you confirm did you pay cash or card for the telvision? We accept credit/debit card statements as a proof of purchase. Steven user: Yes. I paid by card, I think there were other things I bought with the tv as well , but I remember the price of the television was £175 Actually, I just checked my bank statements and I bought the tv in January 2017 and not dec 2016 and paid for it by card - £175 agent: We would use the bank statements transaction ID to match our till receipts. If you return the television with your credit/debit card...1/2 ...statement our in store colleagues will advise you further. Steven 2/2 user: Great! Thank you. One last question, I’ve recycled the Tv’s box - is it rwqur Required** agent: As long as you've got proof of purchase you'll be fine Dimitar! Ewan Customer is asking to repair or change the television which is not working. Agent updated to return the television with their credit/debit card.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I want to call up and get xfinity but my verizon phone isn't working. agent: Is this your Mobile or Residential phone? user: residential Residential agent: Thank you, was the phone service interrupted/suspended? user: I KNOW THAT I DON'T HAVE A DIAL TONE AND CAN'T CALL OUT OR RECEIVE CALLS. I know that the bill is paid every month. agent: Tom, Please send us a DM so we can access your account. Customer is complaining about the Verizon phone that isn't working. Agent enquires about the phone service and requests for DM to access the account.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Anyone else having problems this morning booking a delivery slot with I can’t sign in! Book a slot! Or shop online! agent: Hi Kyle, thanks for getting in touch. Sorry for the troubles experienced trying to place your order online. I understand how frustrating that must be. Has this sorted itself since? If not is there an error message appearing at all? 1/2 Have you tried clearing the cache and cookies or an alternative browser or device? Kind regards - Ross 2/2 user: Hi Ross, Thanks for getting back to me, in the scheme of things it’s only shopping online, I just thought there might be a problem at your end, as I tried to order on my via my mobile too. Don’t worry about it, I’m not, I’ll just try again later. Have a good day Ross, Kyle agent: Hello Kyle, thanks for coming back to us. I would like to report this issue to our technical team. Can you please DM us your full name, email address, full home address details as well as which device and browser you are using? TY - Ross user: Hello Ross, a colleague of yours ‘Mike’ has DM me and I’ve messaged him with all the details Thanks again &amp; have s good day Kyle agent: Hi Kyle, I hope the issue has now been resolved for you, if you need anything else then let me know! Have a nice day TY - Jennifer :) Customer is enquiring that is their any problems in this morning booking a delivery slot. Agent suggests to clear cache and cookies and he would like to report issue with his technical team.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: . if an ATM doesn't work because of suspicious activity out of your normal withdrawl zone why does it take $ out ur act??? . now hundreds taken out of my act... And now not gonna show up til Tuesday? agent: Hello, we're here to help. Please use link below to send your full name/ZIP/phone/account type and we’ll follow up with you. user: Don't see a link. Sent a DM, tried calling in but said the wait time was 42 minutes........ agent: I called and left a message for you. What's the best time to reach you? user: I just missed it call again I called back entered extension. On hold leaving u a vm agent: I called and left a message for you. Please let us know if you still need help. user: I called back and left a VM and tweeted right back. But of course never heard anything besides a tweet almost a day later agent: I called back and left a message. Please let us know when is good time to call you. Customer is asking about the denied transaction at the ATM he faced. Agent is requesting to know the right time to call the customer.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I hv requested from Idea postpaid to Idea prepaid its been more thn 24hrs n my number is switched off, visited three idea stores and nobody is giving me proper reply,is this ur level of service #Idea_CARES if u cannot provide proper service then i should switch to other operator agent: Sorry for the trouble caused, we request you to please share your Idea number and alternate number so that we can solve the issue. user: My idea number 9724859999 My alternate number 7016817583 agent: Sorry for the trouble caused. As checked your porting request is still under process. We request you to please wait for sometime. You will get the update soon. user: Soon when? for how long my number will be off? ur executive said it will be done within 8 hrs, but it's more than 24 hours agent: Sorry for the trouble caused, we would like to inform you that it takes 7 working days for the post to pre migration process, We request you to please wait. user: So you mean to say for 7 working days my mobile number will be off, are you serious? Or you are the only one operator in the world who works like this... agent: Please wait as your concern is in progress. Customer enquirers about idea prepaid to postpaid connection as number is been switched off for 24 hours. Agent informs customer that it takes 7 working days to migrate from prepaid to postpaid process.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: - Thank you... Flight canceled due to crew being illegal and I have surgery agent: Send us your record locator in DMs, please. We'd like to work on getting you rebooked. user: I got rebooked - payed for internet, paid for an upgraded seat and paid extra for this more direct route to Seoul... All for nothing... AFGVQE In SFO had an epic breakdown to get a seat out, as this lovely company had me rebooked only after all my scheduled surgeries... agent: We see you've been rebooked onto the very next available option. Our sincerest apologies for this experience. user: I am showing up in Seoul on the day of my surgery... compensation? 146 for the seat, 20 for internet and close to 200 for the more direct.. Our apologies? You canceled the flight!! ! I paid for services I did not receive and convenience I am not getting... Are you serious?? ? agent: Once you arrive you can DM us here and we'd be happy to review the entire situation. Customer is complaining about the service, that after the cancellation of the flight due to crew being illegal, they have rebooked, paid extra and paid interest still got no service. Agent updates to DM them once they arrive and they will be happy to review the entire situation.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: your San Antonio baggage agents are kinda terrible. And the text for my delayed flight from Dallas to Detroit pissed me off! This mean I won't get home till about 2 am and I work tomorrow. What is wrong with you that's over a 2 hour delay agent: We're so sorry to learn of your frustration this afternoon, Sara. We would be glad to get you a status update on your flight. What are your Flight # and destination? user: Dallas to Detroit 6278- now only 2 hour delay but I know how that works! Your gate agent Jason is great he tried to find anything to get me back earlier and couldn't find anything. Sorta makes up for your baggage agents agent: While we encountered unscheduled maintenance on the aircraft, it looks like we're doing everything we can to get Flight #6278 moving to Detroit this evening. Hang in there! user: Thanks! Not super confident in that response about technical issues Hope your aren't charging for drinks on the flight cuz getting on a plan that was delayed 2 hours for unscheduled maintanace kinda makes me nervous. agent: Maintenance was on an earlier aircraft today, Sara. That is not the aircraft scheduled to operate your flight. user: Tonight was absolutely not the service I expect, book with and recommend Southwest Airlines for! 2 1/2 hour delay, I want a credit! Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE today. agent: We're sorry to hear of your continued frustration, Sara. Please feel free to DM us your confirmation number so we can take a look. Customer complaints about delay in flight. Agent informs customer to DM his confirmation number.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Only left my toilet bag with all my make up on the train home from Edinburgh god knows what I’ll look like for work tomorrow 😳 agent: Oh no, sorry to hear this. Please report your item lost by contacting our lost property team on 03331 031 031 option 1, 3 user: Have continually tried but just gives a number for kings cross which never answers and the web page just tells you what lost property is 😡 agent: It would be handed into Edinburgh if found then they would call you back, Debbie user: Why would it be handed into Edinburgh? According to your web page it would be the station it terminated at which was london How would they know my number?? ? agent: Oh apologies, I read it as you were travelling to Edinburgh. It would terminate at Euston so you would need to leave a message with lost property and they would call you back if found user: Well the train said it terminated at kings cross not euston, if you’ve ever tried to contact LP u can’t leave msge agent: I see, maybe can assist with this issue? Customer is complaining about the lost property where they have left their toilet bag with all their makeup on the train home to Edinburgh. Agent updates that it would terminate at Euston so that they need to leave a message with lost property and they will call back if the property is found.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Stupid service from your side not gona use it any more #saynotoamazon agent: That's quite a comment! We'd like to look into it. Could you please let us know what went wrong? user: your executive just replied that they can help me till 17th of nov, but that is a gift whose bday is on 16th i can't wait till that, time and he was just not understanding the issue #saynottoamazon.in agent: I understand that you are concerned about the order delivery. Please be advised that our products are shipped on time so they can reach you by the estimated delivery date. Could you please confirm if we have missed the mentioned time frame? user: yes , the product is showing me delivered yesterday in my order list but it has not been delivered till today and then too I am advised to wait till 17th agent: Kindly share your details here: and we'll get it checked right away. user: that's fine i already told the executive that i dont want refund nor the product now, i just got bad service as a product thats fine, I assure you that you lost some 10 customers today The kind of service i received from e-commerce giant was quite surprising, i and some more users will just quit it for that reason. #sayNoToAmazon agent: I've noted your comments and have forwarded your feedback internally so that they are aware of this issue. Every report they receive will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. Customer is complaining about the poor service where they failed to receive the product delivery on time. Agent states that this issue will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken against them.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: This true? agent: Hi Max. Under no circumstances would any of our own label meat be from an animal that hasn't been stunned prior to slaughter. Thanks, Sam. user: "Own label"? What about the rest? agent: Unfortunately we can't comment on other brand's products. I'd recommend speaking with a manufacturer of a product directly if you would like more information. Thanks, Dee user: But you retail the products to us your customers, are you saying that you don't know the method of slaughter by your suppliers? agent: As previously stated, under no circumstances would any of our own label meat be from an animal that hasn't been stunned prior to slaughter. All of our...1/2 halal meat is clearly labelled so customers can make an informed choice on the products they look to purchase...2/2 Mariya Customer is enquiring about the Sainburys URL. Agent informed that they can't comment on other brand products.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: After 2 iOS updates my iPhone 6 is still stuttering to start. Looks like it’ s a Samsung coming agent: We'd like to help. Are you currently running iOS 11.0.3? You can check in Settings &gt; General &gt; About user: Yes It is staggering in action It is frozen in opening agent: Please send us a DM and we can chat with you there. user: Out and about presently will do when back in office. Thank you. Geoff agent: No worries. We are here to help. Customer complains about issue on update of i phone. Agent updated the customer to DM for further assisatane.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: is flight AK 377 Bali to KL really canceled today? I got a text message, but the dates are confusing. agent: Hi Eksi , kindly provide us the booking number/pnr for us to check further - Anwar user: Please let me know if you need more info. This is what I received in email too agent: Sorry Marina, yes the flight is cancelled. You may opt for Free Flight Change, Credit Shell or Refund. Which do you prefer? -Miza user: Flight change, please. Will there be a flight tomorrow? Or later today? agent: You may head to to check the availability and provide us the request here, Marina. Thank you. -Miza user: Are the flights canceled today? I can see there is one that departs at 1420 agent: Oh, yes, Eksi. Do you want to be moved to that? Kindly confirm so we can forward it to the team. Thank you. -Miza user: Yes please! Move to today at 1420 agent: Hi eksi, we have forward your request to team, revised itinerary will be send via email once done, Thank You - Anwar user: Thanks! Will wait for the confirmation Really appreciate your help! agent: Hi eksi,Your Most Welcome , Have a good day! - Anwar The customer asks whether the flight AK 377 Bali to KL cancelled since he got the text message regarding that and adds that the dates are confusing. The agent asks to provide booking number and informs that the flight is cancelled and suggests to opt for Free Flight Change, Credit Shell or Refund.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: u need 2 sort out ur new traffic lights on roundabout. Cars queued all the way to back of supermarket car 1/2 Park because the lights at morrisons don't work in sync with roundabout. #chaos 2/2 Seems to be because the lights at morrisons let 3 cars out at a time. Wtf? agent: Gosh so sorry! Not the best look! Which store is this I can report it to the Store Manager. Raj user: I don't think it's ur fault and doesn't require an apology. Weston super mare branch. Since the council have updated their traffic 1/2 System, the traffic in your car park builds and builds during busy times. Not morrisons fault 2/2 Ps although perhaps they could put pressure on to sort it as they don't listen to tax payers like me! agent: No problem - we will see if we can make improvements to the system in the future. Raj user: As I said I don't think it's ur responsibility but perhaps will listen to a multi million £ company! agent: We've passed your comments onto see what we can do :) - Polly user: Thanks for your help agent: You're welcome :) - Polly The customer suggests to sort out new traffic lights on Morrisons roundabout, says that the cars are queued all the way because the lights at Morrisons don't work in sync with roundabout. The agent asks which store the problem was at so that he can report it to the Store Manager and adds that they have passed the comments onto see what they can do.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: There is a bug when i am setting up my artist page through spotify agent: Hey, sorry to hear this! Can you let us know what's happening exactly? We'll see what we can suggest /GS user: Not able to upload songs to spotfy via artist webpage When i go on to create an artist account, it makes me pick from a list of artists already on spotfiy and then verify that i am them but im not them i am trying to put my music onto spotify for other people to find agent: Got it. Our friends in Artist Support are the right folks to help with this. You can get in touch with them here: /MT user: This is what i am getting when trying to talk to them Also the same thing that i get when i try to upload music agent: Hmm. Could you DM us your contact email address? We’ll chase this up! /LS Customer is complaining about the bug in the Spotify webpage. Agent states their Artist support team would assist and requests to get in touch with them.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: - did you mess up our tickets on purpose because I complained? It’s a major disaster. Why did you move my husband from a seat we paid for to a completely different seat 20 rows back? agent: We're not showing any seat changes. Please work with our airport team directly as the seat map is under their control at this time. user: We were supposed to be 17K and L. I verified this last night on the phone with an agent. They moved him to 27J. Those seats are not comparable I’m particularly angry because last night, when I called and specifically asked if it had changed, they assured me we were booked in those seats. So today it was too late to get two seats together. If they had been honest last night, I could have gotten comparable seats together agent: Deanna, we're seeing the same seats in the reservation. The change must have been made at the airport. Please work with them directly. user: Again, it was not. I know that because I’m siting in a different seat It’s your flight. Not the airport’s flight. I feel we should be refunded the upgrade fee agent: If you don't fly in seats purchased, they'll be refunded back to the original credit card used. Customer is enquiring about the tickets which is messed up because of the complaint she made. Agent updated her to work with the airport team directly.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: 4th broken item received by Amazon in 2 months. Done, and recommend you purchase straight from the manufacturer/company. agent: I'm sorry to hear about this! We'd like to help the best we can. To confirm, which Amazon marketplace did you order from? user: What Amazon marketplace? I dont know what that refers to. What are you referring to? agent: So sorry for the confusion. Are you ordering off of user: Yes..the 40+ items i've ordered totalling several thousand dollars have all been thru Amazon directly. agent: Thanks for clarifying. Options for refund/replacement of the damaged item can be viewed here: Customer is complaining that the broken item is received from the amazon. Agent updated the options of refund or for the replacement of the damaged item.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I need help with my game not loading agent: Hi there! Let's try a fresh start by unplugging the console and your router/modem for a full 5 minutes. user: It’s a Backwards compatible game. It will freeze on the Xbox 360 Screen agent: Were you able to try the step that we suggested at all? user: Yes, it freezes at the Xbox 360 loading screen. I restarted the game, my internet, console about 5 times. Didn’t work agent: Let's go ahead and uninstall the game then reinstall it and check again. Customer is complaining about the loading issue in the game at XBOX 360 loading screen. Agent suggested to uninstall and reinstall the game.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Wow you literally suck as a bank, cant even hold a conversation via twitter message. I’d like my issue resolved by today so if you could respond like now, that would be great. #shittyasscustomerservice #terriblebank #cantwaittoswitch agent: We need to speak privately. You can contact us at 1.888.884.4950 24/7. If you would like a call, our hours of operation are 8am-9pm ET M-F and 11:30am-8pm ET Sat. user: I have messaged you guys directly thru twitter and I got a response and then you people stopped responding. So if you can reply to my message via twitter message that would be great. I will be switching banks next week. You guys have no consideration of your customers agent: We want to keep your business, but to take any action on your account we need to speak with you by phone. I hope you understand this is for your account security. Customer is complaining about the not responding via twitter message. Agent informed the customer to call on private number so that they can take any action on account.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: why is the delivery I'm expecting today &amp; had email confirmation yesterday of dispatch for today now showing upto the 21st for delivery? agent: I am sorry to hear this Marc, can I ask, what was the original estimated delivery date given to you on the confirmation email please? user: At 20:46 last night in the email confirmation was for today 16th And realising that doesn't really answer your question. The email I recived after the order was placed stated just the 16th not between 16th-21st agent: Is there any information on the tracking explain about a delay: ? Have you received an email that the item has been dispatched yet? user: No explanation. Recived dispatch email last night hence why I'm supprised date has been put between dates. It's currently sitting in Stoke agent: Apologies for the delay. Delays are rare but can occur due to numerous factors. Please do let us know if the parcel is not with you within the date provided to you via email. user: An email stating there was/is a delay would have been nice / professional. Unfortunately looks like I'm going to have to cancel if it's not coming today agent: As the order has already dispatched you wouldn't be able to cancel it unfortunately. If it doesn't arrive in time, please contact us here: so we can check what options are available. user: I understand that. I need it for the morning so I now have to go and get one else where &amp; return it when it does arrive. If I refuse to take it when it's delivered what happens then? agent: Hey Marc, if you refuse the delivery, the driver will return the parcel back to Amazon and a full refund will be issued to you. The customer is asking why the delivery of the product is delayed even after receiving dispatch confirmation email and asks what would happen if he refuses to take the product. The agent responds, the delay is rare due to various factors and the driver would return the parcel back to amazon if customer refuses to take it and full refund will be done.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Gud day I noticed another fucking #200 deductions on my sim recently Please what's going on? O. A agent: Good evening, may we have affected number for clarification. Thank you.SO user: Good morning I'm still waiting for the rectification agent: Hello Olawale, Kindly provide your phone number for checks Thank you for your patience. UO. user: How many times will I provide my phone number! 08153628600 This is the third time I'm providing my phone number Help me rectify it now agent: We apologize, The complaint has been escalated. Please send STOP to 2442 and DEREG to 7728. Thank you for your patience. UO user: Kindly reverse my credit Or else????? I #angry 😡 agent: Hello Olawale, kindly be patient a refund is being processed for the deductions. Thank you. TT user: I've been waiting for the past 3 days for the credit to be refunded buh nothing is done till now Why? All this things are uncalled for now My phone number is 08153628600 It's #200 and I've been messaged that it's fix buh my credit need to be refunded pls Or Else #angry 😡 agent: We apologize for the inconvenience, our engineers are working on the issue. Thank you. UO. Customer is complaining about the deductions charges made for no reason. Agent updated the customer to provide the phone number and informed the customer that their team is working on it.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Actually still totally missing the point. Loyal customers deserve more than a meaningless gift card when you have let them down agent: Hi Jo, I'm sorry that you feel we are missing the point. We do take all complaints seriously and see all customers as being loyal. 1/3 The gesture offered is a small token of our apologies for what has happened and see this as being suitable in this instance. 2/3 Can you please advise what you'd see as being a more suitable resolution? TY - Kelly 3/3 user: Something with some thought put into it, that acknowledges the annoyance &amp; inconvenience of your failure and shows that you value the custom Not necessarily the same for each customer, you KNOW what each customer buys often, you have the power to choose something personal to them Just put a bit of thought into it. A bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, that milk or box of cereals your customer really needed for the kids breakfast/lunchbox whatever Just sthing that shows you realise what a total &amp; utter pain in the a**e it is when a v busy person is let down by a service provider Eg when they’ve had to change out of their pjs at 10.30pm to go &amp; do the grocery shopping after a long day working &amp; looking after family agent: Hi Jo, I appreciate not receiving the delivery must have been inconvenient. 1/2 We do feel however the resolution provided is a fair one given the circumstances. Kind regards - James 2/2 Customer complains about the gift cards which is not suitable for the loyal customers. Agent replied that not receiving the delivery will be inconvenient and said the resolution which is provided is a fair one.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I have a Surface Pro 4 i7 and my screen panel has started flickering up and down, bought in US Microsoft Store in Feb 2016 but I am now in UK how to get support agent: Hi Russell. We got you covered. When did this issue start? What troubleshooting steps have you done so far? What version and build of the operating system is running on your device? user: about a month ago now, I have downloaded the trouble shooter app and been through that (nothing found) - currently on Windows 10 v1703 (build 15063.726) The issue appears to be related to heat as it does not happen if the machine has been off and starts once it has been on for an hour or two. Currently working with external monitors mostly as the panel is just a blur of screen judder agent: We appreciate your response. We suggest that you update your display adapter on the device manager by following the steps on this link: Feel free to tweet us back if you need further assistance. user: I have tried that and the Intel driver said it was not for my machine and refused to install - still got the same problem agent: If updating the display adapter from the Device Manager doesn't work, you may also download the display driver here: Hi. We just wanted to follow up on your concern. Were we able to address the problem? user: I am afraid that had no effect - installing the latest drivers as you suggested and still get the shuddering. agent: In this case, we suggest that you contact our Answer Desk for further assistance. Here's the link: Customer has problem with his screen panel which has started flickering up and down. Agent suggest to contact their answer desk for further assistance.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: please stop blocking what I try to read with stupid spin game crap. Thanx agent: Hi there! Are you experiencing this pop-up while using a specific app or mobile browser? -NL user: Facebook. In fact I was just on Facebook and it happened again when I tried to look at a link. No x in the upper right corner, had to reopen agent: Does this only happen when you use Facebook? Does this happen when you use any other apps or sites? -KW user: Just Facebook so far, I rarely look at links on twitter. I just go back and the second time it’s not there agent: Are you using the Facebook app or using mobile browser? -KW user: App agent: When you click on the pop up, is it redirecting you to a site? -KA user: Obviously I’m not clicking on it, I’m trying to get rid of it. agent: We completely understand. Please send us a Direct Message, so that we can further assist you. -KA Customer complains about pop up notification while using facebook. Agent updated the customer to DM for further assistance.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: is it truly ur policy that u reroute people to other airports, make them sit 4 delayed flights 4 hrs &amp; don’t even give food vchrs? agent: That's never our intention, Jana. Do you have a flight with us? If so, what's your flight number? We'll take a look for you. user: 33 and 1013/ changed to 1123. Your ask me people at jfk we’re impolite and unhelpful. Here’s a new flight not where your car is. 🤷‍♀️ Sorry 1123 was standby, I’m booked on 1323 agent: We know it's frustrating when flight routes change, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience it has caused. Your flight will be... 1/3 ...reviewed for compensation. We are not able to issue vouchers from here, but please feel free to speak to an airport crewmember... 2/3 ...to see if any are available for your flight. 3/3 Customer is complaining about the reroute people to other airports and delayed for 4hrs and they haven't received food so far. Agents says they are not able to issue vouchers from here,but feel free to speak to an airport crew member.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: if I have a credit on a cancelled card can I get the credit transferred to an active card? agent: Hi John, yes you can request that. Do you have access to your account online? user: Yes. I have access to both the closed account and the one I want to transfer it to agent: Will you have time tomorrow morning to chat securely online so I can process the request for you? user: Yes. agent: Hi I never heard back from you. Let me know if I can assist. Have a nice day. user: I was able to do it in via the amex chat, sorry for the late response, thanks agent: No worries, glad to hear it was resolved. Feel free to tweet us in the future. Have a nice day. Customer is asking about can he get a credit transferred to an active card. Agent is telling that they can request and asking to access to your account online.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: great job guys. 2 hours for a call back on the silver medallion reservation line? That’s kinda shitty agent: Oh no! I apologize for this. Is there anything else that we may assist you with via this channel? *ATJ user: Our trip got cancelled due to the situation in PR agent: Hi Justin! What is your confirmation number? *TMC user: H2A8OK for me and HZ3XZZ for my wife Juliet Hamlin agent: Justin, are you trying to get the miles back to your account? *TMC user: That would be preferred agent: Justin, give me a few minutes to work on this for you. *TMC ...account in a couple days. *TMC 2/2 It is all done for you. I went ahead and redeposited your miles and refunded $11.20 per person. You should see the miles back on your... 1/2 user: Thank you guys so much for the awesome service! agent: On behalf of my coworkers, you're welcome. *HJH Customer is complaining about cancelled trip due to situation in PR. Agent updated the customer to send the confirmation number and informed the customer that they miles as been redeposited and refunded 11.20$ per person.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Item No. 631/8198 - is this discontinued, or when will it be available in London again? agent: ive just had a look for you and it doesn't say if or when we will be getting this item back in stock. user: Would your site normally tell me if it is going to be available again? Can you find out? agent: it wont tell you on the website im afraid but i have just had a look on the stock check and it doesnt say weather we are going to get it 1/2 back in stock so i would just keep checking on the website. user: So do you log these requests so you/coporate know there is still a demand? agent: 1/2 We do not know the date this item is due to come back into stock. The website is the first thing 2/2 updated with our level of stock. We will log that you have asked about the item. - Emily Customer is enquiring about the item which is not available currently. Agent informed that they don't know the date of this item is due to come back into stock and informed that they will log and asked about the item.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Two orders delivered today, both deliveries screwed up! My house is on Google Maps, what more can I do ?? ? agent: I'm sorry for the delivery trouble! Without posting personal/account info, please tell us more about what's going on. user: Deliveries to our home are often misdelivered...we’re on google maps but set back behind another house altho clearly visible from street agent: Sorry to hear that, do you notice these issues happening with a particular carrier? user: It’s not carrier specific, but it happens more often in bad weather or when the city is busy... agent: Have you reached out to us to report these issues? : user: Over and over and over and over and over...and Customer Service has gotten worse and basically doesn’t care as long as it arrives eventually agent: Sorry to hear that Andrea. Are you currently having an issue with a delivery? Customer is complaining about the missing delivery. Agent asks whether currently they have issue with a delivery.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: ive been trying to use youre support chat but it wont work and im having problems starting up some games i need help agent: Here to help! Are you getting any error code or message? Please provide us more details about the issue user: no no error code i went to start up the game but when i get to the main menu to press start or x it wont work on all my games agent: That's odd. Please try rebuilding the database. Follow the steps on the next article: user: alright ill try it agent: Tweet us back anytime, we are here to help! user: all we had to do was unplug the remote but thanks agent: Great! Happy gaming! The customer is having problem in starting up some games and says its resolved after unplugging the remote. The agent is asking for error code or message and asks the customer to rebuild the database by providing procedural steps.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: If you ever used check your accounts. They charged me for months after I canceled my account and refuse to return the money. It's sad because I was a fan of their service, but after calling for MONTHS, I was continually lied to and ignored and now I am out $$, too. agent: Melissa, we're sad to hear you've left but the team is always here to assist. DM us and let's see why you're still being charged. *JamieK user: So AVOID I called many times and talked to many people, but in the end they stole from me after THEIR mistake. agent: Melissa we would never want to leave that impression. What's going on? Send us a DM with more info so our Help team may assist. *JasmineS user: I DM'd, but I'm assuming you won't be able to be help me because no one has helped me yet, even though I was a loyal customer for yrs. agent: Hey Melissa! We work hard for you here at T-Force to find you a solution, meet us in DM! *CameronMadore user: Update on my situation. Took 2 days, 2 communication platforms, and talking to 20 different people, but someone finally listened. I've finally been reimbursed! I also recommend anyone w/similar billing issues contact via Twitter. Calling was useless for me. agent: Glad to hear that, Melissa! T-Force is always here for you and we are only a DM away if needed! :) *KyleSaragosa Customer is complaining that the he was charged for months after the cancellation of account and he was refused to return the money. Agent asked to DM to assist ans said that T-Force is always there to help them out.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Hi ,How long will it take to Switch from agent: We would love to have you in Idea family. Please visit nearest Idea store for further assistance. Regards, Mahindra Please locate Idea store on this link Rgds, Mahindra 1/2 user: i already ported but they saying it will take 1 week to switch from even i got Idea sim but "to activate that number it will take 1 week time " told by Idea CC Exe Shall I share the mobile number? that was not idea store some agents of idea sat in the Reliance Store agent: As our executive have informed you already, we request you to wait for sometime. Regards, Mahindra 1/1 If your number doesn't get active in sometime, please write us back. Regards, Mahindra 1/2 Customer is enquiring about how long it will take to switch to idea network. Agent updated the customer to visit nearest idea store for further assist and also inform that if the number is does not get active please write us back.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: hello can you please tell me whether I can use this pass for Warrington to euston train on Saturday? agent: Hi, we do not run from Warrington and they are only valid to use on London Midland services. user: Would lime st to London Euston be best bet? I struggled to find details for your service online, do you have a list of stations? agent: you can go from Lime St. There will be a change at Crewe or Stafford or you can go via Birmingham New St as long as it's with us! user: Thanks for the help? Do we need to purchase tickets or can we just get on train and show our passes to conductor? agent: if they're our scratchcards just scratch of the number and month that relate to the date of travel and that is then your ticket user: Ok yes they are scratch cards. So we can get straight on train then? agent: yes, no need to book or buy anything else, just show them to platform &amp; on board staff as you go Customer inquiring about the train pass. Agent suggest customer not to buy any tickets as the pass is enough for journey.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Oooookay, why isn't Google Play reading my SD card anymore? agent: Hi there. Could you restart the device and make sure you're using the most updated version of the Google Play Music app? Keep us posted. user: Hi there, did that: checked to see if the card was legible, changed it back from internal to SD card, cleared cache and restarted agent: Got it. Just checking in, did the troubleshooting steps help? Let us know. user: Nope, sadly. I'm about to uninstall all updates to Google Play Music and reinstall them... agent: Thanks for the follow-up info. Yes you can uninstall &amp; reinstall the Play Music app updates and then restart your device. Hope this helps. user: Reverting to factory and then reinstalling updates seems to have done the trick. Thanks for checking in, and thanks for your assistance! agent: You're very welcome! Glad it worked. Customer is complaining that Google play is not reading SD card. Agent asked to re install the Google play app.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: New train. No buffet equals crap service agent: Hello Chris. Research showed customers preferred food and drink served at their seat. Everything at the Express Cafe can be offered at-seat. user: 1055 from Cardiff and no sign of at seat service. agent: A on-board host should be with you shortly as the train is scheduled to have an at-seat service. - Jordan user: So I no longer decide when I’m thirsty! How does that work? Sat on the train for 75 minutes now and no refreshments. Your new service is absolute rubbish. Over 90 minutes now. Getting off at Reading. I was right first time about no refreshments despite your advice. agent: Sometimes a Host will park at a convenient location and make an announcement, sorry this did not happen today. - Jordan user: The guard has just walked past me with a hot drink in hand! Disgraceful service. Can you please point me to the research you mentioned earlier about preffering at seat service. agent: The research was conducted in the design stage a number of years ago with groups of customers. - Jordan Customer is complaining about no refreshments for 75 minutes sat on train. Agents telling that sometimes a host will park at a convenient location and he will make an announcement.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: why is fast track slower than just ordering? Placed order Sunday, still waiting for 2 items. One missing in store, one still not delivered. Annoying to say the least agent: Hi Gemma, I'm sorry your Fast Track order hasn't arrived into store yet. Please can you send us your order number and the... ... store you want to collect it from? -Clem user: It's ft058972 from Longbridge Birmingham. I've spoken to your live chat and told them I got the txt Monday to say it's there but apparently one of the items hadn't arrived. Despite it being in stock in the store. Annoyed as went today and couldn't get it agent: Hi Gemma, can you please confirm the name on the order and billing address including postcode? Natalie user: Gemma vanstone 18 Cofton Grove B314NP agent: Thanks, I have spoken to the Longbridge store due to system error, you items haven't allocated correctly... ... The 2 items you are waiting for a in stock and you can collect them immediately. - Kelly user: Whilst that it good news, I'm not happy that if I'd have taken the advice of your live chat today I wouldve been waiting for an additional text for the other item. Not good customer service is it! agent: Hi Gemma, I understand your frustration. There were system errors with this order, and the store are now aware and should be able to assist. Customer is complaining about the 2 items he ordered in which one is undelivered and the other is out of stock. Agent states that the information customer received was due to system error and requests to collect them immediately from the store.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: trying to upgrade as suggested by your app that I can. However, you don't seem to want or value my custom. Any comments? agent: 🤔 Can you DM us a screenshot of what the app shows Steven? What phone are you trying to upgrade to? user: 2/2 a bit more fight for my custom App shows the new refresh offer. I understand I may not be eligible for some packages for a few weeks but given the competition I'd expect 1 agent: What's happening exactly when you try and upgrade Steven? Which phone did you have in mind? user: Just trying to upgrade via your live chat where your 'advisors' seem to be encouraging me to switch to a competitor as 'they can't offer 1/2 2/2 The same deal as a third party provider' I mean it's fair enough if that's what you want but it's a bit of a nonsense. Oh and Samsung s8 agent: Ah okay, we're unable to price match another company. However, we'd always offer you the best we can at the time of upgrading. Customer complains that he is unable to upgrade as suggested by the app. Agent states that match the price with another company and they will offer the best at the time of upgrading.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Thanks for ditching sister in law and infant. Classy move delaying flight for an hour and not holding the connnection #nolove Do you guys agree with to let a client sprint with infant to connecting flight and not wait 5 mins agent: So sorry to hear of your family's troubles. Were they able to get re-booked? So sorry to hear of your family's troubles. Were they able to reach out to an Agent to get re-booked? user: Yes she did. Had to wait an extra 3 hours though. agent: We know how frustrating delays can be. Thanks for hanging in there with us. user: I guess that's the only choice. Lots of people missed connecting flight because of your delay. Might have to try different carrier next time agent: Do you mind sending her confirmation number over in a DM, so we can take a closer look at what was going on? user: Just sent it over Thank you for helping us fix the issue and explain what happened. Appreciate your dedication to your customers agent: Glad we could help. We hope to welcome you all onboard again soon. Customer is complaining about the delay in flight for an hour and not holding any connection. Agent updates to send their confirmation number over in DM so that they can have a closer look into the issue.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: This has to be the biggest inconvenience. Not to add it has been handled unprofessional agent: Hi Malika. Sorry to hear this. What journey are you making? Also, what service were you booked to travel on? Rach user: Hi Rach I am waiting at Worcester Forgate currently. Myself, partner and sister were booked onto the 20:59 to London Paddington agent: This train has been cancelled due to a train fault. My sincere apologies for the cancellation this evening. 1/2 Rach As you were delayed by over an hour you can claim compensation here: user: I totally appreciate at that as I did once work for a train company and I am aware these things do happen from time to time. The main issue i have with this situation is that you guys moved the service to run from Shrub Hill and did not notify anyone prior This is completely unacceptable. We all have work at 9am tomorrow and will need to pay for a cab to travel across the city due to this delay agent: I will record your feedback on this. I do appreciate information provision during disruption is vital. Rach Customer is complaining about the inconvenience of train delay appears. Agent apologised for the inconvenience and provided compensation via URL.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I don't know what have done to their website, but it's crawling and crashing on my machine with 16 cores and 24 GB RAM. So the problem appears to be that Firefox is running at 100% CPU for the website tab. This is suboptimal. agent: Hi Iain, I would like to log your feedback for our IT team, could you please DM your full name, address and postcode? Thanks - Dani user: Nice try, but you won't be stealing my identity today. Using FF 52.4.0 (64bit/Linux) and here's my stats with only Tesco groceries open: agent: Hi Iain, I'm afraid without those details we couldn't log your feedback. - Peter user: Have you considered that your feedback logging mechanism is broken? The problem is in the website, not in me. agent: Hi Iain, we are aware of some issues with our website that we are currently working on. I've logged your feedback anonymously. Thanks - Emma user: Thanks. There's probably a middle ground between full name, address and postcode and complete anonymity, but this will do. If it is helpful to your website team, I'm happy to try things out. Contact details at agent: Hi Iain, without completing data protection, we're unable to log this against your account or check for account errors. TY - Kelly. Tesco's website is badly set up and crashing a person's computer. The agent asks for intrusive personal details to log the problem which the customer refuses to provide so the agent does not do anything helpful at all.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I don’t understand why some of my channels are missing, this has been going on for weeks and customer service been giving me the run around. They basically told me I should pay for a technician, when this problem arrived when they upgraded my modem agent: Oh no, let us look into it for you. Are you getting channel unavailable message? user: Yes I am agent: Does this happen on all TV's or just one? user: One of three TVs agent: Have you had a chance to remove the coax and make sure it is undamaged and then reconnected tightly? user: Yes, the coax was removed and checked. The cord looks fine, I also tightened it and I’m still receiving the same issue. These were also instructions technical support online gave me, and also the instructions from the box. Still no to avail. agent: To see if there is something wrong with the box, swap two of the boxes and see if the problem stays with the box or the location. user: I just swapped the two boxes and the problem seems to stay with location not the box. agent: Are you able to attempt swapping coaxial cable as well? user: No I’m unable to switch the coax cables agent: Please follow and DM us. The customer is complaining that some of the channels are missing. The agent asked to swap two of the boxes and see the problem persists and if so asked to dm them+.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Are children allowed to sign up for Rapid Rewards? agent: Hi, Lorenzo! Yes, children are able to sign up for Rapid Reward accounts. user: In registering the website wants me to enter their email address. I can't reuse the one associated with my account. Is there a solution besides having to make email addresses for 4 and 5 year olds? agent: Please know one email address can be associated with multiple accounts. user: It won't let me do that so do I need to call or is there a trick around the web for iy denying me to reuse it agent: This isn't something we have a work around for. You may need to use an alternate address and update it later. user: Oh, so earlier you actually meant to say that the same email CANT be used. Gotcha agent: No, my earlier message was correct. Several families have the same address associated with multiple accounts. user: So what your suggestion is that at sign up I go with a different email address and then later on go and change that to the email address I want to have the same across the accounts. is that correct agent: You got it. Customer is asking that are children allowed to sign up for rapid rewards. Agent updated that several families have the same address associated with multiple accounts.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I am regretting taking a decision to book Airbnb for my vacation to goa after almost a month of booking my host cancel led the booking and there was no notification from airbnb to confirm the same and it's like a huge task to get through customer service. agent: We're sorry to hear this, Vivek. We're happy to provide assistance, just DM us your reservation code and we'll have someone follow up. user: HM2FWXRCMQ agent: Hi, we're sorry about the disruption to your trip. From your reservation, a refund has been issued on 7 Nov and it will take up to 1/3 10 business day for your payment institution to reflect it on your account. If you need further help, do let us know. 2/3 For privacy purposes, please delete the reservation code above. Thank you. 3/3 user: I know that but how much difficult is it become for me to find out a new accomodation as the prices has gone up by 50% and now only i have bear the extra cost. Is this why people should book in advance and that too an AIRBNB? agent: We understand your frustration and we are here to help. We have asked one of our specialists to follow up with you to assist you. Customer complaints about cancellation of advance booking without notification. Agent informs customer that one of the specialists will followup and assist.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: agent: We would like to inform you that migration process is in progress. Request you to please wait for some time. Rgds,Pradnya user: Why a customer was sent with confirmation email saying its done and request is closed ? agent: In this case, I reqeust you to visit the same Idea store where you have applied,for further assistance. Rgrds,sanket user: sanket, This is not the response am expecting from a such a big organisation, please get this done. agent: sorry for the trouble casued, please spare some time to visit the store for further assistance. We are unable to fetch details for prepaid services as postpaid is already deactivatead. Regards, Sanket user: I have already visited 3 stores for 5 days to get this request done, Now i will not be able to go and visit the store again, Will try to apply for MNP once this request is done, As a HO, your team should be helping me without visting store. agent: Request you to link your Idea number with Aadhar number to active your number in prepaid, number will active in 24 hours. user: After paying the complete bill &amp; activating my prepaid number, almost after 30days , today an executive calls and says that still 329 is pending, can i know how is that Idea had changed from post to prepaid, if i have not cleared the old bill. agent: Apologies for the trouble. Request you to share with us your Idea contact details so we can look into the issue. Regards,Pradnya The customer asks why a customer was sent with confirmation email saying its done and request is closed. The agent informs that migration process is in progress, and requests to visit the same idea store where he have applied for further assistance and also to share his idea contact details.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Hey, what does this error mean? I get it all the time when I want to place some text 🤔 agent: Hi Etienne, which app is it occurring with? Please provide more details. Thanks! user: Well I don't know what they mean, Premiere Pro says this: agent: Thanks! We've passed this info on to our expert- they will review and get back to you ASAP. user: Okay thanks! And btw: it doesn't matter where I want to place Text, I can't place it anywhere agent: Hello Etienne, see if this potential solution works for you: Thx, user: I will try it tommorow, thanks for the answer! I will let you know if it worked It worked, thanks! agent: Great to hear that. Please let us know if you need further help. Here customer is complaining about some issue occurred in an app where he cant even text. Here agent ask the details and note the issue and says to the customer that they will send this report to expert and get it resolve and also send a link where he can find a proper solution.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: when is thrtr going to be an android update last one was April? agent: Hi there! Which phone do you have? user: Galaxy s7 on android 7 agent: The current android version for the Galaxy S7 is 7.0.0 and the base band version is G930R4TYU4BQE1. Is that what you have? user: Yes but why is it still on April when there is a September from samsung agent: This is the most recent version we have available. user: Why not contact about getting the next few security updates agent: I have contacted Samsung and the current version is the most recent available for this phone at this time. user: So is there will not be anymore updates for a 1 1/2 old phone? agent: We don't have any information on future updates. user: Is there any plans to release security updates for this phone? Why not just let Samsung do a direct to consumer update if you aren't going to secure customers phones? agent: Samsung has advised that there are no additional updates available. You may contact the manufacturer directly for more information. user: So current customers are not getting may,june,july,august,September security updates while on your network? agent: Bob, once Samsung shares the updates with us, we will then share them with customers. user: So why haven't you pushed Samsung for may-sept security updates? agent: We don't have any information on future updates. Customer is enquiry about the latest android version of samsung. Agent inform that they will going to update once samsung updates.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: where to submit bugs for recent #NRC app on AppleWatch #UX #Bug agent: You've come to the right place. Could you elaborate on what you're experiencing? user: Applies to current NRC App on latest Apple Watch. If you pause a run, the stop button should not be at the same location. Due to sweating, it happens from time to time that I’ve to press the button twice, which stops my run today. As an alternative, the stop button could behave As on the phone where you have to press it for 2secs Other Point: Actions behind buttons like #pause and #stop run seems to run on the same thread which causes UI to freeze for some msec Next point: Bluetooth headphones aren’t recognized every time, quick fix is to open another app and reopen NRC during the run, than BT works agent: Thanks for the feedback. Let's also have you uninstall the NRC app&gt; restart your Watch and iPhone&gt; reinstall&gt; test run. (1/2) Let us know if you continue to run into any issues. We will pass the other feedback over to our team. (2/2) user: There is no issue… 1st point is just an UX Bug! The Bluetooth thing, okay.. maybe.. but both iPhone and Apple Watch are 2 days old with fresh install! agent: We've passed your feedback along to our team. Thank you for your interest. user: Any chance to get some further information about my feedback agent: Thanks for the tweet. Our team has been made aware. Keep an eye out on the app store for updates. Customer is questioning where to submit bugs for recent NRC app on Apple watch. Agent updates that they have passed the feedback along to their team.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: cutting menus in restaurant by at least 2/3 no ham,egg,chips etc, big mistake! agent: Hi Kate, can you send some more information via the link? What store were you in? Dan user: I was in Northfleet. I had to walkout as there was no gluten free option, no baked potatoes left. agent: Thanks Kate. Could you confirm when you visited the cafe? I'd like to ensure this is logged accurately for the Cafe Manager to review. Sam. user: It was 1pm Friday. I spoke to the girl on the till &amp; ordered but she said there were no baked pots so walked out. On Facebook someone mentioned there were no baked potatoes Thursday either. That’s half of your menu now. agent: Really sorry Kate, I'll get this logged with the store manager for internal review. If you DM your Nectar card number using the below...1/2 ...link I'll add some points as a goodwill gesture to apologise for the inconvenience. Steven 2/2 Customer complains on cafe for unavailability of particular ordered food. Agent assures and has been escalated to manager to internal review.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: How do I set my Macbook Pro's resolution to 1280x720 without attaching a 2nd monitor? 13" Mid 2014 with Sierra agent: Try setting that by following this article: Let us know if this helps. user: I have read a couple of these kinds of articles, but I want this to work without having to attach a second monitor. I just want to set the resolution and then record my screen. And then upload to Youtube. agent: Check these steps out from the article: Set the resolution for the primary display: Choose Apple menu &gt; System Preferences, click Displays, then click Display. Pick Scaled, then select one of the options. After Scaled, you should see the resolution you want. user: In Scaled I can set the following resolutions: 1024x640, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050. agent: We missed that you were looking for 1280 x 720. We can get you to that resolution. Press and hold the Option key on your keyboard while you click on the Scaled option in the Display Setting. This will open up other options for you. Click 1280 x 720 here. user: That button does nothing when I click it. It's just a dummy button. All those hidden options and buttons work when a second monitor is attached, but I don't always have access to an extra monitor. And also: that's just clumsy. In Windows this is no problem BTW. agent: Pressing the button on its own will not do anything. However, if you press and hold Option and then click the little bubble to the immediate left of the word "Scaled", you should see the other options appear. user: It won't show other options. It will only show the 4 standard options. And this "Recognize Monitors" button doesn't do anything either. agent: Okay. Let's move to DM and we can continue there. Customer asking that how to set his macbook pro's resolution to 1280*720 without attaching a 2nd monitor and also set the resolution and record his screen. Agent replying that try setting by using this url and also to set the resolution for primary display choose apply menu & get system preferences and then click display.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I thought the issue with icons not displaying correctly was a bug fix for watchOS 4.1? #AppleWatch agent: We'd be happy to look into this display issue with you. To start, can you tell us which Apple Watch you're using? user: Series 3 LTE agent: Which iPhone and iOS version are you using on the paired iPhone? user: 6s plus iOS 11.03 agent: Do you notice this display issue with any other apps? user: Only twitter currently agent: Thanks. Let's start by updating both devices to see if the issues continues. This can help: Customer is having some display issue. Agent asked which apple watch is using,version and asked display issue with any other apps and informed to start updating both devices to see if the issues continues.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: Why am I not on the First Class upgrade request list on my flights tomorrow, just Comfort? H5C7JU agent: Hi, Justin. It looks like the complimentary upgrade was not selected. I have just added you to the First Class waitlist for your eligible flight. *ALA user: Thank you. I see it was added for MSP to DCA, but not SEA to MSP. Appreciate the help. agent: You are more than welcome! *TAS user: Any reason they didn’t auto populate? They’re selected in my profile preferences. agent: I am uncertain as to why your preference did not automatically populate. *TAS user: No worries. Am I setup on the First Class upgrade list for SEA to MSP? Only see it for the 3rd and final let to DCA. agent: Hello. Please allow me one moment to research this. Thanks. *ATJ Customer is enquiring about why he is not listed for first class upgrade. Agent informed that they just added to first class wait list for his eligible flight.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: I bought LR5 in July 2013, subscribed to CC in Nov 2013. Stopped CC last month, now I can't use develop mode in LR5. Any advice? agent: Yes, you can use the LR5 if your machine is compatible to it &amp; the catalogue does not have backward rolling capability. user: No I can't. See attached photo. agent: Hi there, we're looping in one of our experts who can help you out here. They will review and reply as soon as they're available. Thanks user: As long as it's not the same guy working the online chat on your website tonight, he was useless. Feel free to postpone the answers until tomorrow morning if necessary, anyone but him please. agent: Hi Soren, If your subscription status if fine then, there is some permission issue with Adobe folders on your machine. Please refer the discussion related to this issue: Thanks. user: Tried fixing it, and it asked for my serial number. Entered number from email and it says invalid. Logged into account page and it won't show me the serial number in the order. agent: Have you already contacted us here? Our account experts will be able to help you out most efficiently! Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks! user: I tried. I waited for an hour and a half before getting someone in chat, and then he was pretty much useless. agent: Would you mind private messaging your Adobe ID(Email) so that we can look into it. Thanks Customer enquires that he purchased LR5 in july 2013, subscribed to cc in nov 2013 and stopped cc last month but now he cannot use develop mode. Agent states that LR5 can be used if machine is compatible and also requests that they will message them to Adobe ID(Email) for further assistance.</s>
<s>[INST] Below is a conversation between a human and an AI agent. Write a summary of the conversation. [/INST] user: why can’t you locate lost baggage? Are you kidding me? agent: Were you able to fill out a baggage report? Please know our Baggage Team will do all they can to locate your bag as soon as possible. user: Your customer service is no support. They are having me call airports. Really? agent: Did you fill out a baggage report in the airport? Feel free to reach out to our Baggage Service Office at 888-202-1024. user: You don’t scan bags? Wow. What a huge missed opportunity for my son. Yes we did. No one is able to locate the bag. agent: We know how frustrating it is to be without a bag. Rest assured we're working hard on reuniting you soon. user: If my son doesn’t get his bag tonight he misses out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Thanks. agent: Rest assured we're working hard to get his bag to him. user: Your customer service has told us they have NO CLUE where the bag is. They told US to call airports. They said they can’t. agent: Once you file an incident report, it logs your bag as missing at which point we're able to assist in locating the bag. user: The report has been filed. The bag has not been located. The originating flight was almost 12 hours ago!! ! agent: We understand and our Agents are working to locate and reunite you with your belongings. Your patience is appreciated. Customer is complaining why can't they locate their lost baggage. Agent updates that their agents are working to locate and reunite them with their belongings.</s>
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