15 values
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Control.Proof.Simple where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Eff import Control.Eff.Choose import Control.Eff.Lift import Control.Eff.State.Lazy import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Typeable import Numeric.Natural import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import Data.Name import Data.Prop import Data.Proof import Control.Proof.Common type Hypotheses = M.Map Name PropS type Target = PropS data Prove' = Prove { _hypotheses :: Hypotheses , _target :: Target } deriving (Typeable) makeLenses ''Prove' instance Show Prove' where show x = hypos x ++ fence ++ trg x where hypos = concatMap (\ (n,p) -> show n ++ "\t" ++ show p ++ "\n") . M.toList . (^. hypotheses) fence = replicate 40 '-' ++ "\n" trg = show . (^. target) type Prove = State Prove' getProve :: (Member Prove r) => Eff r Prove' getProve = get putProve :: (Member Prove r) => Prove' -> Eff r () putProve = put modifyProve :: (Member Prove r) => (Prove' -> Prove') -> Eff r () modifyProve = modify getHypotheses :: (Member Prove r) => Eff r Hypotheses getHypotheses = (^. hypotheses) <$> getProve putHypotheses :: (Member Prove r) => Hypotheses -> Eff r () putHypotheses = modifyProve . (hypotheses .~) modifyHypotheses :: (Member Prove r) => (Hypotheses -> Hypotheses) -> Eff r () modifyHypotheses = modifyProve . (hypotheses %~) getTarget :: (Member Prove r) => Eff r Target getTarget = (^. target) <$> getProve putTarget :: (Member Prove r) => Target -> Eff r () putTarget = modifyProve . (target .~) modifyTarget :: (Member Prove r) => (Target -> Target) -> Eff r () modifyTarget = modifyProve . (target %~) intro :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS -> Eff r ProofS intro cont = do a <- getTarget case a of Prop _ -> mzero' Imply p q -> do name <- newName . M.keys <$> getHypotheses modifyHypotheses (M.insert name p) putTarget q Lambda name <$> cont intros :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS -> Eff r ProofS intros cont = intro cont >> (cont `mplus'` intros cont) chooseHypothesis :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r (Name, PropS) chooseHypothesis = choose . M.toList =<< getHypotheses where chooseImplyHypothesis :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r (Name, (PropS, PropS)) chooseImplyHypothesis = do (n, p) <- chooseHypothesis case p of a `Imply` b -> return (n, (a, b)) _ -> mzero' exact :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS exact = do (n, p) <- chooseHypothesis q <- getTarget if p == q then return $ Proof n else mzero' apply :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS -> Eff r ProofS apply cont = do (n, (p, q)) <- chooseImplyHypothesis (ps, q') <- choose $ split (p ~> q) r <- getTarget if q' == r then do rs <- forM ps $ \ p' -> do putTarget p' cont return . foldr1 Apply $ Proof n : rs else mzero' auto :: (Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS -> Eff r ProofS auto cont = join $ choose [ intro cont , apply cont , exact ] hand :: (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r, Member Prove r, Member Choose r) => Eff r ProofS -> Eff r ProofS hand cont = do lift . print =<< getProve s <- lift $ do putStr "tactic> " hFlush stdout getLine case s of "print" -> getProve >>= (lift . print) >> cont "intro" -> intro cont "intros" -> intros cont "apply" -> apply cont "exact" -> exact "auto" -> auto cont _ -> lift (putStrLn $ "no such command: " ++ s) >> cont runTactic :: Hypotheses -> Target -> (Eff (Prove :> Choose :> r) ProofS -> Eff (Prove :> Choose :> r) ProofS) -> Eff r [ProofS] runTactic x y = ((nubBy alphaEqual . map reduceS) <$>) . runChoice . evalState (Prove x y) . fix autoSolve :: Hypotheses -> Target -> [ProofS] autoSolve x y = run $ runTactic x y auto handSolve :: Hypotheses -> Target -> IO [ProofS] handSolve x y = putStrLn "* handSolve is wroking in progress *" >> runLift (runTactic x y hand) -- | >>> autoSolve' [] "(a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c" -- [\ x0 x1 . x1 x0] -- >>> autoSolve' [] "b -> (a -> b) -> a -> b" -- [\ x0 x1 . x1,\ x0 x1 x2 . x0] -- >>> autoSolve' [("maybe_case", "maybe_a -> b -> (a -> b) -> b1")] "b -> (a -> b) -> maybe_a -> b1" -- [\ x0 x1 x2 . maybe_case (x2 (x0 x1)),\ x0 x1 x2 . maybe_case (x2 (x0 (\ x3 . x0)))] autoSolve' :: [(String, String)] -> String -> [ProofS] autoSolve' xs y = autoSolve (M.fromList $ map (toName *** readPropS) xs) (readPropS y)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.S3.GetObjectAcl -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | Returns the access control list (ACL) of an object. -- -- <> module Network.AWS.S3.GetObjectAcl ( -- * Request GetObjectAcl -- ** Request constructor , getObjectAcl -- ** Request lenses , goaBucket , goaKey , goaRequestPayer , goaVersionId -- * Response , GetObjectAclResponse -- ** Response constructor , getObjectAclResponse -- ** Response lenses , goarGrants , goarOwner , goarRequestCharged ) where import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request.S3 import Network.AWS.S3.Types import qualified GHC.Exts data GetObjectAcl = GetObjectAcl { _goaBucket :: Text , _goaKey :: Text , _goaRequestPayer :: Maybe RequestPayer , _goaVersionId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'GetObjectAcl' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'goaBucket' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'goaKey' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'goaRequestPayer' @::@ 'Maybe' 'RequestPayer' -- -- * 'goaVersionId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- getObjectAcl :: Text -- ^ 'goaBucket' -> Text -- ^ 'goaKey' -> GetObjectAcl getObjectAcl p1 p2 = GetObjectAcl { _goaBucket = p1 , _goaKey = p2 , _goaVersionId = Nothing , _goaRequestPayer = Nothing } goaBucket :: Lens' GetObjectAcl Text goaBucket = lens _goaBucket (\s a -> s { _goaBucket = a }) goaKey :: Lens' GetObjectAcl Text goaKey = lens _goaKey (\s a -> s { _goaKey = a }) goaRequestPayer :: Lens' GetObjectAcl (Maybe RequestPayer) goaRequestPayer = lens _goaRequestPayer (\s a -> s { _goaRequestPayer = a }) -- | VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. goaVersionId :: Lens' GetObjectAcl (Maybe Text) goaVersionId = lens _goaVersionId (\s a -> s { _goaVersionId = a }) data GetObjectAclResponse = GetObjectAclResponse { _goarGrants :: List "Grant" Grant , _goarOwner :: Maybe Owner , _goarRequestCharged :: Maybe RequestCharged } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'GetObjectAclResponse' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'goarGrants' @::@ ['Grant'] -- -- * 'goarOwner' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Owner' -- -- * 'goarRequestCharged' @::@ 'Maybe' 'RequestCharged' -- getObjectAclResponse :: GetObjectAclResponse getObjectAclResponse = GetObjectAclResponse { _goarOwner = Nothing , _goarGrants = mempty , _goarRequestCharged = Nothing } -- | A list of grants. goarGrants :: Lens' GetObjectAclResponse [Grant] goarGrants = lens _goarGrants (\s a -> s { _goarGrants = a }) . _List goarOwner :: Lens' GetObjectAclResponse (Maybe Owner) goarOwner = lens _goarOwner (\s a -> s { _goarOwner = a }) goarRequestCharged :: Lens' GetObjectAclResponse (Maybe RequestCharged) goarRequestCharged = lens _goarRequestCharged (\s a -> s { _goarRequestCharged = a }) instance ToPath GetObjectAcl where toPath GetObjectAcl{..} = mconcat [ "/" , toText _goaBucket , "/" , toText _goaKey ] instance ToQuery GetObjectAcl where toQuery GetObjectAcl{..} = mconcat [ "acl" , "versionId" =? _goaVersionId ] instance ToHeaders GetObjectAcl where toHeaders GetObjectAcl{..} = mconcat [ "x-amz-request-payer" =: _goaRequestPayer ] instance ToXMLRoot GetObjectAcl where toXMLRoot = const (namespaced ns "GetObjectAcl" []) instance ToXML GetObjectAcl instance AWSRequest GetObjectAcl where type Sv GetObjectAcl = S3 type Rs GetObjectAcl = GetObjectAclResponse request = get response = xmlHeaderResponse $ \h x -> GetObjectAclResponse <$> x .@? "AccessControlList" .!@ mempty <*> x .@? "Owner" <*> h ~:? "x-amz-request-charged"
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : RoverTests -- Copyright : (c) 2017 Pascal Poizat -- License : Apache-2.0 (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- Test file for the Veca module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module RoverTests (roverTests) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit -- import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC -- import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import Data.Map as M (Map, fromList) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Set as S (fromList) import Examples.Rover.Model import Models.Events import Models.LabelledTransitionSystem as LTS (LabelledTransitionSystem (..), Path (..), paths') import Models.Name (Name (..)) import Models.Named (Named (..)) import Models.TimedAutomaton as TA (Bounds (..), ClockConstraint (..), ClockOperator (..), ClockReset (..), Edge (..), Expression (..), Location (..), TimedAutomaton (..), VariableAssignment (..), VariableType (..), VariableTyping (..), relabel) import Veca.Model import Veca.Operations listDone :: Int -> Map (Name String) VariableTyping listDone n = M.fromList [ ( Name ["done"] , VariableTyping (Name ["done"]) (IntType bounds) (Just $ Expression "0") ) ] where bounds = Bounds 0 n setDone :: Int -> VariableAssignment setDone n = VariableAssignment (Name ["done"]) (Expression (show n)) roverTests :: TestTree roverTests = testGroup "Tests" [unittests] unittests :: TestTree unittests = testGroup "Unit tests for the Rover Case Study" [uController, uStoreUnit, uPictureUnit, uVideoUnit, uAcquisitionUnit, uRover] uController :: TestTree uController = testGroup "Unit tests for Controller" [ testCase "basic component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType controllerUnit) @?= True , testCase "TA generation" $ cToTA controllerUnit @?= controllerTA ] uStoreUnit :: TestTree uStoreUnit = testGroup "Unit tests for Store Unit" [ testCase "basic component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType storeUnit) @?= True , testCase "TA generation" $ cToTA storeUnit @?= storeUnitTA ] uPictureUnit :: TestTree uPictureUnit = testGroup "Unit tests for Picture Unit" [ testCase "basic component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType pictureUnit) @?= True , testCase "TA generation" $ cToTA pictureUnit @?= pictureUnitTA ] uVideoUnit :: TestTree uVideoUnit = testGroup "Unit tests for Video Unit" [ testCase "basic component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType videoUnit) @?= True , testCase "paths" $ S.fromList computedVUPaths @?= S.fromList expectedVUPaths , testCase "isCPaths k1" $ (isCPath vuk1 <$> expectedVUPaths) @?= resk1 , testCase "isCPaths k2" $ (isCPath vuk2 <$> expectedVUPaths) @?= resk2 , testCase "isCPaths k3" $ (isCPath vuk3 <$> expectedVUPaths) @?= resk3 , testCase "TA generation" $ cToTA videoUnit @?= videoUnitTA ] where computedVUPaths = paths' (behavior (componentType videoUnit)) uAcquisitionUnit :: TestTree uAcquisitionUnit = testGroup "Unit tests for Acquisition Unit" [ testCase "composite component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType acquisitionUnit) @?= True ] uRover :: TestTree uRover = testGroup "Unit tests for Rover" [ testCase "composite component definition is valid" $ isValidComponent (componentType rover) @?= True , testCase "TA generation for the Rover (standalone)" $ (cTreeToTAList . cToCTree) rover @?= roverTAs ] -- -- Results -- expectedVUPaths :: [VPath] expectedVUPaths = Path <$> [ [] , [vut1] , [vut2] , [vut3] , [vut4] , [vut5] , [vut6] , [vut7] , [vut1, vut2] , [vut2, vut3] , [vut3, vut4] , [vut3, vut5] , [vut4, vut6] , [vut5, vut7] , [vut6, vut7] , [vut1, vut2, vut3] , [vut2, vut3, vut4] , [vut2, vut3, vut5] , [vut3, vut4, vut6] , [vut3, vut5, vut7] , [vut4, vut6, vut7] , [vut1, vut2, vut3, vut4] , [vut1, vut2, vut3, vut5] , [vut2, vut3, vut4, vut6] , [vut2, vut3, vut5, vut7] , [vut3, vut4, vut6, vut7] , [vut1, vut2, vut3, vut4, vut6] , [vut1, vut2, vut3, vut5, vut7] , [vut2, vut3, vut4, vut6, vut7] , [vut1, vut2, vut3, vut4, vut6, vut7] ] resk1 :: [Bool] resk1 = [ False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , True , False , True ] resk2 :: [Bool] resk2 = [ False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , True , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False ] resk3 :: [Bool] resk3 = [ False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , True , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False , False ] -- -- test results -- videoUnitTA :: VTA videoUnitTA = TimedAutomaton v (Location <$> ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]) (Location "0") [] [] clocksVU (listDone 6) (alphabet . behavior . componentType $ videoUnit) [ Edge (Location "0") (receive askVid) [] [ClockReset c1] [setDone 1] (Location "1") , Edge (Location "1") (invoke getVid) [] [ClockReset c3] [setDone 3] (Location "2") , Edge (Location "2") (result getVid) [ClockConstraint c3 GE 0] [ClockReset c2] [setDone 4] (Location "3") , Edge (Location "3") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "4") , Edge (Location "3") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "5") , Edge (Location "4") (invoke storeVid) [ClockConstraint c2 GE 0] [] [setDone 5] (Location "5") , Edge (Location "5") (reply askVid) [ClockConstraint c1 GE 44] [] [setDone 2] (Location "6") , Edge (Location "6") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "6") ] [ (Location "1", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46]) , (Location "2", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c3 LE 6]) , (Location "3", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c2 LE 12]) , (Location "4", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c2 LE 12]) , (Location "5", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46]) ] where clocksVU = genClock <$> timeconstraints (componentType videoUnit) c1 = head clocksVU c2 = clocksVU !! 1 c3 = clocksVU !! 2 pictureUnitTA :: VTA pictureUnitTA = TimedAutomaton p (Location <$> ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]) (Location "0") [] [] clocksPU (listDone 6) (alphabet . behavior . componentType $ pictureUnit) [ Edge (Location "0") (receive askPic) [] [ClockReset c1] [setDone 1] (Location "1") , Edge (Location "1") (invoke getPic) [] [ClockReset c3] [setDone 3] (Location "2") , Edge (Location "2") (result getPic) [ClockConstraint c3 GE 0] [ClockReset c2] [setDone 4] (Location "3") , Edge (Location "3") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "4") , Edge (Location "3") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "5") , Edge (Location "4") (invoke storePic) [ClockConstraint c2 GE 0] [] [setDone 5] (Location "5") , Edge (Location "5") (reply askPic) [ClockConstraint c1 GE 44] [] [setDone 2] (Location "6") , Edge (Location "6") tau [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "6") ] [ (Location "1", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46]) , (Location "2", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c3 LE 6]) , (Location "3", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c2 LE 12]) , (Location "4", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46, ClockConstraint c2 LE 12]) , (Location "5", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 46]) ] where clocksPU = genClock <$> timeconstraints (componentType pictureUnit) c1 = head clocksPU c2 = clocksPU !! 1 c3 = clocksPU !! 2 storeUnitTA :: VTA storeUnitTA = TimedAutomaton s (Location <$> ["0", "1"]) (Location "0") [] [] [] (listDone 3) (alphabet . behavior . componentType $ storeUnit) [ Edge (Location "0") (receive storePic) [] [] [setDone 2] (Location "1") , Edge (Location "0") (receive storeVid) [] [] [setDone 3] (Location "1") , Edge (Location "1") tau [] [] [setDone 1] (Location "0") , Edge (Location "0") tau [] [] [setDone 1] (Location "0") ] [] controllerTA :: VTA controllerTA = TimedAutomaton c (Location <$> ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]) (Location "0") [] [] clocksC (listDone 7) ((alphabet . behavior . componentType $ controllerUnit) ++ [tau]) [ Edge (Location "0") (receive run) [] [ClockReset c1] [setDone 1] (Location "1") , Edge (Location "1") (invoke askVid) [] [] [setDone 3] (Location "2") , Edge (Location "2") (result askVid) [] [] [setDone 4] (Location "3") , Edge (Location "3") (invoke askPic) [] [] [setDone 5] (Location "4") , Edge (Location "4") (result askPic) [] [] [setDone 6] (Location "5") , Edge (Location "5") (reply run) [ClockConstraint c1 GE 55] [] [setDone 2] (Location "6") , Edge (Location "6") tau [] [] [setDone 7] (Location "6") ] [ (Location "1", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 60]) , (Location "2", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 60]) , (Location "3", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 60]) , (Location "4", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 60]) , (Location "5", [ClockConstraint c1 LE 60]) ] where clocksC = genClock <$> timeconstraints (componentType controllerUnit) c1 = head clocksC roverTAs :: [VTA] roverTAs = [ prefixBy r $ relabel sub1 controllerTA , prefixBy (r <> a) $ relabel sub2 pictureUnitTA , prefixBy (r <> a) $ relabel sub3 videoUnitTA , prefixBy r $ relabel sub4 storeUnitTA ] where sub1 = lift [mksub (r <> n5) run, mksub (r <> n1) askPic, mksub (r <> n2) askVid] sub2 = lift [mksub (r <> n1) askPic, mksub (r <> n6) getPic, mksub (r <> n3) storePic] sub3 = lift [mksub (r <> n2) askVid, mksub (r <> n7) getVid, mksub (r <> n4) storeVid] sub4 = lift [mksub (r <> n3) storePic, mksub (r <> n4) storeVid] lift = foldMap (fLift [CReceive, CReply, CInvoke, CResult]) mksub i o = (o, indexBy i o)
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.IntSet.Lens -- Copyright : (C) 2012-16 Edward Kmett -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <[email protected]> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.IntSet.Lens ( members , setmapped , setOf ) where import Control.Lens import Data.IntSet as IntSet -- $setup -- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Control.Lens -- | IntSet isn't Foldable, but this 'Fold' can be used to access the members of an 'IntSet'. -- -- >>> sumOf members $ setOf folded [1,2,3,4] -- 10 members :: Fold IntSet Int members = folding IntSet.toAscList {-# INLINE members #-} -- | This 'Setter' can be used to change the contents of an 'IntSet' by mapping -- the elements to new values. -- -- Sadly, you can't create a valid 'Traversal' for a 'Set', because the number of -- elements might change but you can manipulate it by reading using 'folded' and -- reindexing it via 'setmapped'. -- -- >>> over setmapped (+1) (fromList [1,2,3,4]) -- fromList [2,3,4,5] setmapped :: IndexPreservingSetter' IntSet Int setmapped = setting {-# INLINE setmapped #-} -- | Construct an 'IntSet' from a 'Getter', 'Fold', 'Traversal', 'Lens' or 'Iso'. -- -- >>> setOf folded [1,2,3,4] -- fromList [1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> setOf (folded._2) [("hello",1),("world",2),("!!!",3)] -- fromList [1,2,3] -- -- @ -- 'setOf' :: 'Getter' s 'Int' -> s -> 'IntSet' -- 'setOf' :: 'Fold' s 'Int' -> s -> 'IntSet' -- 'setOf' :: 'Iso'' s 'Int' -> s -> 'IntSet' -- 'setOf' :: 'Lens'' s 'Int' -> s -> 'IntSet' -- 'setOf' :: 'Traversal'' s 'Int' -> s -> 'IntSet' -- @ setOf :: Getting IntSet s Int -> s -> IntSet setOf l = views l IntSet.singleton {-# INLINE setOf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ExistentialQuantification, CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Idris.Core.Execute (execute) where import Idris.AbsSyntax import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree import IRTS.Lang(FDesc(..), FType(..)) import Idris.Primitives(Prim(..), primitives) import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Core.Evaluate import Idris.Core.CaseTree import Idris.Error import Debug.Trace import Util.DynamicLinker import Util.System import Control.Applicative hiding (Const) import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwE) import Control.Monad hiding (forM) import Data.Maybe import Data.Bits import Data.Traversable (forM) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import qualified Data.Map as M #ifdef IDRIS_FFI import Foreign.LibFFI import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free) import Foreign.Ptr #endif import System.IO #ifndef IDRIS_FFI execute :: Term -> Idris Term execute tm = fail "libffi not supported, rebuild Idris with -f FFI" #else -- else is rest of file readMay :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a readMay s = case reads s of [(x, "")] -> Just x _ -> Nothing data Lazy = Delayed ExecEnv Context Term | Forced ExecVal deriving Show data ExecState = ExecState { exec_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib] -- ^ Dynamic libs from idris monad , binderNames :: [Name] -- ^ Used to uniquify binders when converting to TT } data ExecVal = EP NameType Name ExecVal | EV Int | EBind Name (Binder ExecVal) (ExecVal -> Exec ExecVal) | EApp ExecVal ExecVal | EType UExp | EUType Universe | EErased | EConstant Const | forall a. EPtr (Ptr a) | EThunk Context ExecEnv Term | EHandle Handle instance Show ExecVal where show (EP _ n _) = show n show (EV i) = "!!V" ++ show i ++ "!!" show (EBind n b body) = "EBind " ++ show b ++ " <<fn>>" show (EApp e1 e2) = show e1 ++ " (" ++ show e2 ++ ")" show (EType _) = "Type" show (EUType _) = "UType" show EErased = "[__]" show (EConstant c) = show c show (EPtr p) = "<<ptr " ++ show p ++ ">>" show (EThunk _ env tm) = "<<thunk " ++ show env ++ "||||" ++ show tm ++ ">>" show (EHandle h) = "<<handle " ++ show h ++ ">>" toTT :: ExecVal -> Exec Term toTT (EP nt n ty) = (P nt n) <$> (toTT ty) toTT (EV i) = return $ V i toTT (EBind n b body) = do n' <- newN n body' <- body $ EP Bound n' EErased b' <- fixBinder b Bind n' b' <$> toTT body' where fixBinder (Lam t) = Lam <$> toTT t fixBinder (Pi i t k) = Pi i <$> toTT t <*> toTT k fixBinder (Let t1 t2) = Let <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2 fixBinder (NLet t1 t2) = NLet <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2 fixBinder (Hole t) = Hole <$> toTT t fixBinder (GHole i t) = GHole i <$> toTT t fixBinder (Guess t1 t2) = Guess <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2 fixBinder (PVar t) = PVar <$> toTT t fixBinder (PVTy t) = PVTy <$> toTT t newN n = do (ExecState hs ns) <- lift get let n' = uniqueName n ns lift (put (ExecState hs (n':ns))) return n' toTT (EApp e1 e2) = do e1' <- toTT e1 e2' <- toTT e2 return $ App Complete e1' e2' toTT (EType u) = return $ TType u toTT (EUType u) = return $ UType u toTT EErased = return Erased toTT (EConstant c) = return (Constant c) toTT (EThunk ctxt env tm) = do env' <- mapM toBinder env return $ normalise ctxt env' tm where toBinder (n, v) = do v' <- toTT v return (n, Let Erased v') toTT (EHandle _) = execFail $ Msg "Can't convert handles back to TT after execution." toTT (EPtr ptr) = execFail $ Msg "Can't convert pointers back to TT after execution." unApplyV :: ExecVal -> (ExecVal, [ExecVal]) unApplyV tm = ua [] tm where ua args (EApp f a) = ua (a:args) f ua args t = (t, args) mkEApp :: ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> ExecVal mkEApp f [] = f mkEApp f (a:args) = mkEApp (EApp f a) args initState :: Idris ExecState initState = do ist <- getIState return $ ExecState (idris_dynamic_libs ist) [] type Exec = ExceptT Err (StateT ExecState IO) runExec :: Exec a -> ExecState -> IO (Either Err a) runExec ex st = fst <$> runStateT (runExceptT ex) st getExecState :: Exec ExecState getExecState = lift get putExecState :: ExecState -> Exec () putExecState = lift . put execFail :: Err -> Exec a execFail = throwE execIO :: IO a -> Exec a execIO = lift . lift execute :: Term -> Idris Term execute tm = do est <- initState ctxt <- getContext res <- lift . lift . flip runExec est $ do res <- doExec [] ctxt tm toTT res case res of Left err -> ierror err Right tm' -> return tm' ioWrap :: ExecVal -> ExecVal ioWrap tm = mkEApp (EP (DCon 0 2 False) (sUN "prim__IO") EErased) [EErased, tm] ioUnit :: ExecVal ioUnit = ioWrap (EP Ref unitCon EErased) type ExecEnv = [(Name, ExecVal)] doExec :: ExecEnv -> Context -> Term -> Exec ExecVal doExec env ctxt p@(P Ref n ty) | Just v <- lookup n env = return v doExec env ctxt p@(P Ref n ty) = do let val = lookupDef n ctxt case val of [Function _ tm] -> doExec env ctxt tm [TyDecl _ _] -> return (EP Ref n EErased) -- abstract def [Operator tp arity op] -> return (EP Ref n EErased) -- will be special-cased later [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ ([], STerm tm) _ _)] -> -- nullary fun doExec env ctxt tm [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ (ns, sc) _ _)] -> return (EP Ref n EErased) [] -> execFail . Msg $ "Could not find " ++ show n ++ " in definitions." other | length other > 1 -> execFail . Msg $ "Multiple definitions found for " ++ show n | otherwise -> execFail . Msg . take 500 $ "got to " ++ show other ++ " lookup up " ++ show n doExec env ctxt p@(P Bound n ty) = case lookup n env of Nothing -> execFail . Msg $ "not found" Just tm -> return tm doExec env ctxt (P (DCon a b u) n _) = return (EP (DCon a b u) n EErased) doExec env ctxt (P (TCon a b) n _) = return (EP (TCon a b) n EErased) doExec env ctxt v@(V i) | i < length env = return (snd (env !! i)) | otherwise = execFail . Msg $ "env too small" doExec env ctxt (Bind n (Let t v) body) = do v' <- doExec env ctxt v doExec ((n, v'):env) ctxt body doExec env ctxt (Bind n (NLet t v) body) = trace "NLet" $ undefined doExec env ctxt tm@(Bind n b body) = do b' <- forM b (doExec env ctxt) return $ EBind n b' (\arg -> doExec ((n, arg):env) ctxt body) doExec env ctxt a@(App _ _ _) = do let (f, args) = unApply a f' <- doExec env ctxt f args' <- case f' of (EP _ d _) | d == delay -> case args of [t,a,tm] -> do t' <- doExec env ctxt t a' <- doExec env ctxt a return [t', a', EThunk ctxt env tm] _ -> mapM (doExec env ctxt) args -- partial applications are fine to evaluate fun' -> do mapM (doExec env ctxt) args execApp env ctxt f' args' doExec env ctxt (Constant c) = return (EConstant c) doExec env ctxt (Proj tm i) = let (x, xs) = unApply tm in doExec env ctxt ((x:xs) !! i) doExec env ctxt Erased = return EErased doExec env ctxt Impossible = fail "Tried to execute an impossible case" doExec env ctxt (TType u) = return (EType u) doExec env ctxt (UType u) = return (EUType u) execApp :: ExecEnv -> Context -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Exec ExecVal execApp env ctxt v [] = return v -- no args is just a constant! can result from function calls execApp env ctxt (EP _ f _) (t:a:delayed:rest) | f == force , (_, [_, _, EThunk tmCtxt tmEnv tm]) <- unApplyV delayed = do tm' <- doExec tmEnv tmCtxt tm execApp env ctxt tm' rest execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (ty:action:rest) | fp == upio, (prim__IO, [_, v]) <- unApplyV action = execApp env ctxt v rest execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) args@(_:_:v:k:rest) | fp == piobind, (prim__IO, [_, v']) <- unApplyV v = do res <- execApp env ctxt k [v'] execApp env ctxt res rest execApp env ctxt con@(EP _ fp _) args@(tp:v:rest) | fp == pioret = execApp env ctxt (mkEApp con [tp, v]) rest -- Special cases arising from not having access to the C RTS in the interpreter execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ fp _) args@(xs:_:_:_:args') | fp == mkfprim, (ty : fn : w : rest) <- reverse args' = execForeign env ctxt getArity ty fn rest (mkEApp f args) where getArity = case unEList xs of Just as -> length as _ -> 0 execApp env ctxt c@(EP (DCon _ arity _) n _) args = do let args' = take arity args let restArgs = drop arity args execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs execApp env ctxt c@(EP (TCon _ arity) n _) args = do let args' = take arity args let restArgs = drop arity args execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args | Just (res, rest) <- getOp n args = do r <- res execApp env ctxt r rest execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args = do let val = lookupDef n ctxt case val of [Function _ tm] -> fail "should already have been eval'd" [TyDecl nt ty] -> return $ mkEApp f args [Operator tp arity op] -> if length args >= arity then let args' = take arity args in case getOp n args' of Just (res, []) -> do r <- res execApp env ctxt r (drop arity args) _ -> return (mkEApp f args) else return (mkEApp f args) [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ ([], STerm tm) _ _)] -> -- nullary fun do rhs <- doExec env ctxt tm execApp env ctxt rhs args [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ (ns, sc) _ _)] -> do res <- execCase env ctxt ns sc args return $ fromMaybe (mkEApp f args) res thing -> return $ mkEApp f args execApp env ctxt bnd@(EBind n b body) (arg:args) = do ret <- body arg let (f', as) = unApplyV ret execApp env ctxt f' (as ++ args) execApp env ctxt app@(EApp _ _) args2 | (f, args1) <- unApplyV app = execApp env ctxt f (args1 ++ args2) execApp env ctxt f args = return (mkEApp f args) execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail | Just (FFun "putStr" [(_, str)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case str of EConstant (Str arg) -> do execIO (putStr arg) execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to putStr should be a constant string, but it was " ++ show str ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "putchar" [(_, ch)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case ch of EConstant (Ch c) -> do execIO (putChar c) execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs) EConstant (I i) -> do execIO (putChar (toEnum i)) execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to putchar should be a constant character, but it was " ++ show str ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "idris_readStr" [_, (_, handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case handle of EHandle h -> do contents <- execIO $ hGetLine h execApp env ctxt (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))) (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to idris_readStr should be a handle, but it was " ++ show handle ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "getchar" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = do -- The C API returns an Int which Idris library code -- converts; thus, we must make an int here. ch <- execIO $ fmap (ioWrap . EConstant . I . fromEnum) getChar execApp env ctxt ch xs | Just (FFun "idris_time" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = do execIO $ fmap (ioWrap . EConstant . I . round) getPOSIXTime | Just (FFun "fileOpen" [(_,fileStr), (_,modeStr)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case (fileStr, modeStr) of (EConstant (Str f), EConstant (Str mode)) -> do f <- execIO $ catch (do let m = case mode of "r" -> Right ReadMode "w" -> Right WriteMode "a" -> Right AppendMode "rw" -> Right ReadWriteMode "wr" -> Right ReadWriteMode "r+" -> Right ReadWriteMode _ -> Left ("Invalid mode for " ++ f ++ ": " ++ mode) case fmap (openFile f) m of Right h -> do h' <- h hSetBinaryMode h' True return $ Right (ioWrap (EHandle h'), drop arity xs) Left err -> return $ Left err) (\e -> let _ = ( e::SomeException) in return $ Right (ioWrap (EPtr nullPtr), drop arity xs)) case f of Left err -> execFail . Msg $ err Right (res, rest) -> execApp env ctxt res rest _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The arguments to fileOpen should be constant strings, but they were " ++ show fileStr ++ " and " ++ show modeStr ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "fileEOF" [(_,handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case handle of EHandle h -> do eofp <- execIO $ hIsEOF h let res = ioWrap (EConstant (I $ if eofp then 1 else 0)) execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to fileEOF should be a file handle, but it was " ++ show handle ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "fileClose" [(_,handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case handle of EHandle h -> do execIO $ hClose h execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to fileClose should be a file handle, but it was " ++ show handle ++ ". Are all cases covered?" | Just (FFun "isNull" [(_, ptr)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = case ptr of EPtr p -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ if p == nullPtr then 1 else 0 in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs) -- Handles will be checked as null pointers sometimes - but if we got a -- real Handle, then it's valid, so just return 1. EHandle h -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0 in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs) -- A foreign-returned char* has to be tested for NULL sometimes EConstant (Str s) -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0 in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs) _ -> execFail . Msg $ "The argument to isNull should be a pointer or file handle or string, but it was " ++ show ptr ++ ". Are all cases covered?" -- Right now, there's no way to send command-line arguments to the executor, -- so just return 0. execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail | Just (FFun "idris_numArgs" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs = let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0 in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs) execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail = case foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs of Just ffun@(FFun f argTs retT) | length xs >= arity -> do let (args', xs') = (take arity xs, -- foreign args drop arity xs) -- rest res <- call ffun (map snd argTs) case res of Nothing -> fail $ "Could not call foreign function \"" ++ f ++ "\" with args " ++ show (map snd argTs) Just r -> return (mkEApp r xs') _ -> return onfail splitArg tm | (_, [_,_,l,r]) <- unApplyV tm -- pair, two implicits = Just (toFDesc l, r) splitArg _ = Nothing toFDesc tm | (EP _ n _, []) <- unApplyV tm = FCon (deNS n) | (EP _ n _, as) <- unApplyV tm = FApp (deNS n) (map toFDesc as) toFDesc _ = FUnknown deNS (NS n _) = n deNS n = n prf = sUN "prim__readFile" pwf = sUN "prim__writeFile" prs = sUN "prim__readString" pws = sUN "prim__writeString" pbm = sUN "prim__believe_me" pstdin = sUN "prim__stdin" pstdout = sUN "prim__stdout" mkfprim = sUN "mkForeignPrim" pioret = sUN "prim_io_return" piobind = sUN "prim_io_bind" upio = sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO" delay = sUN "Delay" force = sUN "Force" -- | Look up primitive operations in the global table and transform -- them into ExecVal functions getOp :: Name -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe (Exec ExecVal, [ExecVal]) getOp fn (_ : _ : x : xs) | fn == pbm = Just (return x, xs) getOp fn (_ : EConstant (Str n) : xs) | fn == pws = Just (do execIO $ putStr n return (EConstant (I 0)), xs) getOp fn (_:xs) | fn == prs = Just (do line <- execIO getLine return (EConstant (Str line)), xs) getOp fn (_ : EP _ fn' _ : EConstant (Str n) : xs) | fn == pwf && fn' == pstdout = Just (do execIO $ putStr n return (EConstant (I 0)), xs) getOp fn (_ : EP _ fn' _ : xs) | fn == prf && fn' == pstdin = Just (do line <- execIO getLine return (EConstant (Str line)), xs) getOp fn (_ : EHandle h : EConstant (Str n) : xs) | fn == pwf = Just (do execIO $ hPutStr h n return (EConstant (I 0)), xs) getOp fn (_ : EHandle h : xs) | fn == prf = Just (do contents <- execIO $ hGetLine h return (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))), xs) getOp fn (_ : arg : xs) | fn == prf = Just $ (execFail (Msg "Can't use prim__readFile on a raw pointer in the executor."), xs) getOp n args = do (arity, prim) <- getPrim n primitives if (length args >= arity) then do res <- applyPrim prim (take arity args) Just (res, drop arity args) else Nothing where getPrim :: Name -> [Prim] -> Maybe (Int, [ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal) getPrim n [] = Nothing getPrim n ((Prim pn _ arity def _ _) : prims) | n == pn = Just (arity, execPrim def) | otherwise = getPrim n prims execPrim :: ([Const] -> Maybe Const) -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal execPrim f args = EConstant <$> (mapM getConst args >>= f) getConst (EConstant c) = Just c getConst _ = Nothing applyPrim :: ([ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal) -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe (Exec ExecVal) applyPrim fn args = return <$> fn args -- | Overall wrapper for case tree execution. If there are enough arguments, it takes them, -- evaluates them, then begins the checks for matching cases. execCase :: ExecEnv -> Context -> [Name] -> SC -> [ExecVal] -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal) execCase env ctxt ns sc args = let arity = length ns in if arity <= length args then do let amap = zip ns args -- trace ("Case " ++ show sc ++ "\n in " ++ show amap ++"\n in env " ++ show env ++ "\n\n" ) $ return () caseRes <- execCase' env ctxt amap sc case caseRes of Just res -> Just <$> execApp (map (\(n, tm) -> (n, tm)) amap ++ env) ctxt res (drop arity args) Nothing -> return Nothing else return Nothing -- | Take bindings and a case tree and examines them, executing the matching case if possible. execCase' :: ExecEnv -> Context -> [(Name, ExecVal)] -> SC -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal) execCase' env ctxt amap (UnmatchedCase _) = return Nothing execCase' env ctxt amap (STerm tm) = Just <$> doExec (map (\(n, v) -> (n, v)) amap ++ env) ctxt tm execCase' env ctxt amap (Case sh n alts) | Just tm <- lookup n amap = case chooseAlt tm alts of Just (newCase, newBindings) -> let amap' = newBindings ++ (filter (\(x,_) -> not (elem x (map fst newBindings))) amap) in execCase' env ctxt amap' newCase Nothing -> return Nothing execCase' _ _ _ cse = fail $ "The impossible happened: tried to exec " ++ show cse chooseAlt :: ExecVal -> [CaseAlt] -> Maybe (SC, [(Name, ExecVal)]) chooseAlt tm (DefaultCase sc : alts) | ok tm = Just (sc, []) | otherwise = Nothing where -- Default cases should only work on applications of constructors or on constants ok (EApp f x) = ok f ok (EP Bound _ _) = False ok (EP Ref _ _) = False ok _ = True chooseAlt (EConstant c) (ConstCase c' sc : alts) | c == c' = Just (sc, []) chooseAlt tm (ConCase n i ns sc : alts) | ((EP _ cn _), args) <- unApplyV tm , cn == n = Just (sc, zip ns args) | otherwise = chooseAlt tm alts chooseAlt tm (_:alts) = chooseAlt tm alts chooseAlt _ [] = Nothing data Foreign = FFun String [(FDesc, ExecVal)] FDesc deriving Show toFType :: FDesc -> FType toFType (FCon c) | c == sUN "C_Str" = FString | c == sUN "C_Float" = FArith ATFloat | c == sUN "C_Ptr" = FPtr | c == sUN "C_MPtr" = FManagedPtr | c == sUN "C_Unit" = FUnit toFType (FApp c [_,ity]) | c == sUN "C_IntT" = FArith (toAType ity) where toAType (FCon i) | i == sUN "C_IntChar" = ATInt ITChar | i == sUN "C_IntNative" = ATInt ITNative | i == sUN "C_IntBits8" = ATInt (ITFixed IT8) | i == sUN "C_IntBits16" = ATInt (ITFixed IT16) | i == sUN "C_IntBits32" = ATInt (ITFixed IT32) | i == sUN "C_IntBits64" = ATInt (ITFixed IT64) toAType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toAType") toFType (FApp c [_]) | c == sUN "C_Any" = FAny toFType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toFType") call :: Foreign -> [ExecVal] -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal) call (FFun name argTypes retType) args = do fn <- findForeign name maybe (return Nothing) (\f -> Just . ioWrap <$> call' f args (toFType retType)) fn where call' :: ForeignFun -> [ExecVal] -> FType -> Exec ExecVal call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt ITNative)) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (I (fromIntegral res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (B8 (fromIntegral res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCWchar (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (B16 (fromIntegral res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (B32 (fromIntegral res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCLong (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (B64 (fromIntegral res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith ATFloat) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCDouble (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (Fl (realToFrac res))) call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt ITChar)) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args) return (EConstant (Ch (castCCharToChar res))) call' (Fun _ h) args FString = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCString (prepArgs args) if res == nullPtr then return (EPtr res) else do hStr <- execIO $ peekCString res return (EConstant (Str hStr)) call' (Fun _ h) args FPtr = EPtr <$> (execIO $ callFFI h (retPtr retVoid) (prepArgs args)) call' (Fun _ h) args FUnit = do _ <- execIO $ callFFI h retVoid (prepArgs args) return $ EP Ref unitCon EErased call' _ _ _ = fail "the impossible happened in call' in Execute.hs" prepArgs = map prepArg prepArg (EConstant (I i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i) prepArg (EConstant (B8 i)) = argCChar (fromIntegral i) prepArg (EConstant (B16 i)) = argCWchar (fromIntegral i) prepArg (EConstant (B32 i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i) prepArg (EConstant (B64 i)) = argCLong (fromIntegral i) prepArg (EConstant (Fl f)) = argCDouble (realToFrac f) prepArg (EConstant (Ch c)) = argCChar (castCharToCChar c) -- FIXME - castCharToCChar only safe for first 256 chars -- Issue #1720 on the issue tracker. -- prepArg (EConstant (Str s)) = argString s prepArg (EPtr p) = argPtr p prepArg other = trace ("Could not use " ++ take 100 (show other) ++ " as FFI arg.") undefined foreignFromTT :: Int -> ExecVal -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe Foreign foreignFromTT arity ty (EConstant (Str name)) args = do argFTyVals <- mapM splitArg (take arity args) return $ FFun name argFTyVals (toFDesc ty) foreignFromTT arity ty fn args = trace ("failed to construct ffun from " ++ show (ty,fn,args)) Nothing getFTy :: ExecVal -> Maybe FType getFTy (EApp (EP _ (UN fi) _) (EP _ (UN intTy) _)) | fi == txt "FIntT" = case str intTy of "ITNative" -> Just (FArith (ATInt ITNative)) "ITChar" -> Just (FArith (ATInt ITChar)) "IT8" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) "IT16" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) "IT32" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) "IT64" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) _ -> Nothing getFTy (EP _ (UN t) _) = case str t of "FFloat" -> Just (FArith ATFloat) "FString" -> Just FString "FPtr" -> Just FPtr "FUnit" -> Just FUnit _ -> Nothing getFTy _ = Nothing unEList :: ExecVal -> Maybe [ExecVal] unEList tm = case unApplyV tm of (nil, [_]) -> Just [] (cons, ([_, x, xs])) -> do rest <- unEList xs return $ x:rest (f, args) -> Nothing toConst :: Term -> Maybe Const toConst (Constant c) = Just c toConst _ = Nothing mapMaybeM :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b] mapMaybeM f [] = return [] mapMaybeM f (x:xs) = do rest <- mapMaybeM f xs maybe rest (:rest) <$> f x findForeign :: String -> Exec (Maybe ForeignFun) findForeign fn = do est <- getExecState let libs = exec_dynamic_libs est fns <- mapMaybeM getFn libs case fns of [f] -> return (Just f) [] -> do execIO . putStrLn $ "Symbol \"" ++ fn ++ "\" not found" return Nothing fs -> do execIO . putStrLn $ "Symbol \"" ++ fn ++ "\" is ambiguous. Found " ++ show (length fs) ++ " occurrences." return Nothing where getFn lib = execIO $ catchIO (tryLoadFn fn lib) (\_ -> return Nothing) #endif
-- A wrapper script for Cabal Setup.hs scripts. Allows compiling the real Setup -- conditionally depending on the Cabal version. module SetupWrapper (setupWrapper) where import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Compiler import Distribution.Simple.Utils import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Simple.Compiler import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (exeExtension) import Distribution.Simple.Configure (configCompilerEx) import Distribution.Simple.GHC (getInstalledPackages) import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Text import System.Environment import System.Process import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith) import System.FilePath import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime) import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import Data.List import Data.Char import Control.Monad -- moreRecentFile is implemented in Distribution.Simple.Utils, but only in -- Cabal >= 1.18. For backwards-compatibility, we implement a copy with a new -- name here. Some desirable alternate strategies don't work: -- * We can't use CPP to check which version of Cabal we're up against because -- this is the file that's generating the macros for doing that. -- * We can't use the name moreRecentFiles and use -- import D.S.U hiding (moreRecentFiles) -- because on old GHC's (and according to the Report) hiding a name that -- doesn't exist is an error. moreRecentFile' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool moreRecentFile' a b = do exists <- doesFileExist b if not exists then return True else do tb <- getModificationTime b ta <- getModificationTime a return (ta > tb) setupWrapper :: FilePath -> IO () setupWrapper setupHsFile = do args <- getArgs createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True setupDir compileSetupExecutable invokeSetupScript args where setupDir = "dist/setup-wrapper" setupVersionFile = setupDir </> "setup" <.> "version" setupProgFile = setupDir </> "setup" <.> exeExtension setupMacroFile = setupDir </> "wrapper-macros.h" useCabalVersion = Version [1,8] [] usePackageDB = [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB] verbosity = normal cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf = do savedVersion <- savedCabalVersion case savedVersion of Just version -> return version _ -> do version <- installedCabalVersion comp conf writeFile setupVersionFile (show version ++ "\n") return version savedCabalVersion = do versionString <- readFile setupVersionFile `Exception.catch` \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return "" else Exception.throwIO e case reads versionString of [(version,s)] | all isSpace s -> return (Just version) _ -> return Nothing installedCabalVersion comp conf = do index <- getInstalledPackages verbosity usePackageDB conf let cabalDep = Dependency (PackageName "Cabal") (orLaterVersion useCabalVersion) case PackageIndex.lookupDependency index cabalDep of [] -> die $ "The package requires Cabal library version " ++ display useCabalVersion ++ " but no suitable version is installed." pkgs -> return $ bestVersion (map fst pkgs) where bestVersion = maximumBy (comparing preference) preference version = (sameVersion, sameMajorVersion ,stableVersion, latestVersion) where sameVersion = version == cabalVersion sameMajorVersion = majorVersion version == majorVersion cabalVersion majorVersion = take 2 . versionBranch stableVersion = case versionBranch version of (_:x:_) -> even x _ -> False latestVersion = version -- | If the Setup.hs is out of date wrt the executable then recompile it. -- Currently this is GHC only. It should really be generalised. -- compileSetupExecutable = do setupHsNewer <- setupHsFile `moreRecentFile'` setupProgFile cabalVersionNewer <- setupVersionFile `moreRecentFile'` setupProgFile let outOfDate = setupHsNewer || cabalVersionNewer when outOfDate $ do debug verbosity "Setup script is out of date, compiling..." (comp, _, conf) <- configCompilerEx (Just GHC) Nothing Nothing defaultProgramConfiguration verbosity cabalLibVersion <- cabalLibVersionToUse comp conf let cabalPkgid = PackageIdentifier (PackageName "Cabal") cabalLibVersion debug verbosity $ "Using Cabal library version " ++ display cabalLibVersion writeFile setupMacroFile (generateVersionMacro cabalLibVersion) rawSystemProgramConf verbosity ghcProgram conf $ ["--make", setupHsFile, "-o", setupProgFile] ++ ghcPackageDbOptions usePackageDB ++ ["-package", display cabalPkgid ,"-cpp", "-optP-include", "-optP" ++ setupMacroFile ,"-odir", setupDir, "-hidir", setupDir] where ghcPackageDbOptions dbstack = case dbstack of (GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> concatMap specific dbs (GlobalPackageDB:dbs) -> "-no-user-package-conf" : concatMap specific dbs _ -> ierror where specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = [ "-package-conf", db ] specific _ = ierror ierror = error "internal error: unexpected package db stack" generateVersionMacro :: Version -> String generateVersionMacro version = concat ["/* DO NOT EDIT: This file is automatically generated by Cabal */\n\n" ,"#define CABAL_VERSION_CHECK(major1,major2,minor) (\\\n" ," (major1) < ",major1," || \\\n" ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) < ",major2," || \\\n" ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) == ",major2," && (minor) <= ",minor,")" ,"\n\n" ] where (major1:major2:minor:_) = map show (versionBranch version ++ repeat 0) invokeSetupScript :: [String] -> IO () invokeSetupScript args = do info verbosity $ unwords (setupProgFile : args) process <- runProcess (currentDir </> setupProgFile) args Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing exitCode <- waitForProcess process unless (exitCode == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith exitCode
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Opaleye.Internal.PackMap where import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Tag as T import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as HPQ import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>), liftA2) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor, dimap) import Data.Profunctor.Product (ProductProfunctor, empty, (***!)) import qualified Data.Profunctor.Product as PP import qualified Data.Functor.Identity as I -- This is rather like a Control.Lens.Traversal with the type -- parameters switched but I'm not sure if it should be required to -- obey the same laws. -- -- TODO: We could attempt to generalise this to -- -- data LensLike f a b s t = LensLike ((a -> f b) -> s -> f t) -- -- i.e. a wrapped, argument-flipped Control.Lens.LensLike -- -- This would allow us to do the Profunctor and ProductProfunctor -- instances (requiring just Functor f and Applicative f respectively) -- and share them between many different restrictions of f. For -- example, TableColumnMaker is like a Setter so we would restrict f -- to the Distributive case. -- | A 'PackMap' @a@ @b@ @s@ @t@ encodes how an @s@ contains an -- updatable sequence of @a@ inside it. Each @a@ in the sequence can -- be updated to a @b@ (and the @s@ changes to a @t@ to reflect this -- change of type). -- -- 'PackMap' is just like a @Traversal@ from the lens package. -- 'PackMap' has a different order of arguments to @Traversal@ because -- it typically needs to be made a 'Profunctor' (and indeed -- 'ProductProfunctor') in @s@ and @t@. It is unclear at this point -- whether we want the same @Traversal@ laws to hold or not. Our use -- cases may be much more general. data PackMap a b s t = PackMap (Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t) -- | Replaces the targeted occurences of @a@ in @s@ with @b@ (changing -- the @s@ to a @t@ in the process). This can be done via an -- 'Applicative' action. -- -- 'traversePM' is just like @traverse@ from the @lens@ package. -- 'traversePM' used to be called @packmap@. traversePM :: Applicative f => PackMap a b s t -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t traversePM (PackMap f) = f -- | Modify the targeted occurrences of @a@ in @s@ with @b@ (changing -- the @s@ to a @t@ in the process). -- -- 'overPM' is just like @over@ from the @lens@ pacakge. overPM :: PackMap a b s t -> (a -> b) -> s -> t overPM p f = I.runIdentity . traversePM p (I.Identity . f) -- { -- | A helpful monad for writing columns in the AST type PM a = State.State (a, Int) new :: PM a String new = do (a, i) <- State.get State.put (a, i + 1) return (show i) write :: a -> PM [a] () write a = do (as, i) <- State.get State.put (as ++ [a], i) run :: PM [a] r -> (r, [a]) run m = (r, as) where (r, (as, _)) = State.runState m ([], 0) -- } -- { General functions for writing columns in the AST -- | Make a fresh name for an input value (the variable @primExpr@ -- type is typically actually a 'HPQ.PrimExpr') based on the supplied -- function and the unique 'T.Tag' that is used as part of our -- @QueryArr@. -- -- Add the fresh name and the input value it refers to to the list in -- the state parameter. extractAttrPE :: (primExpr -> String -> String) -> T.Tag -> primExpr -> PM [(HPQ.Symbol, primExpr)] HPQ.PrimExpr extractAttrPE mkName t pe = do i <- new let s = HPQ.Symbol (mkName pe i) t write (s, pe) return (HPQ.AttrExpr s) -- | As 'extractAttrPE' but ignores the 'primExpr' when making the -- fresh column name and just uses the supplied 'String' and 'T.Tag'. extractAttr :: String -> T.Tag -> primExpr -> PM [(HPQ.Symbol, primExpr)] HPQ.PrimExpr extractAttr s = extractAttrPE (const (s ++)) -- } eitherFunction :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (a' -> f b') -> Either a a' -> f (Either b b') eitherFunction f g = fmap (either (fmap Left) (fmap Right)) (f PP.+++! g) -- { -- Boilerplate instance definitions. There's no choice here apart -- from the order in which the applicative is applied. instance Functor (PackMap a b s) where fmap f (PackMap g) = PackMap ((fmap . fmap . fmap) f g) instance Applicative (PackMap a b s) where pure x = PackMap (pure (pure (pure x))) PackMap f <*> PackMap x = PackMap (liftA2 (liftA2 (<*>)) f x) instance Profunctor (PackMap a b) where dimap f g (PackMap q) = PackMap (fmap (dimap f (fmap g)) q) instance ProductProfunctor (PackMap a b) where empty = PP.defaultEmpty (***!) = PP.defaultProfunctorProduct instance PP.SumProfunctor (PackMap a b) where f +++! g = (PackMap (\x -> eitherFunction (f' x) (g' x))) where PackMap f' = f PackMap g' = g -- }
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Stack.FileWatch ( fileWatch , fileWatchPoll , printExceptionStderr ) where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString, copyByteString) import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromShow) import Control.Concurrent.Async (race_) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Exception.Enclosed (tryAny) import Control.Monad (forever, unless, when) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Traversable (forM) import Ignore import Path import System.FSNotify import System.IO (stderr) -- | Print an exception to stderr printExceptionStderr :: Exception e => e -> IO () printExceptionStderr e = L.hPut stderr $ toLazyByteString $ fromShow e <> copyByteString "\n" fileWatch :: IO (Path Abs Dir) -> ((Set (Path Abs File) -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO () fileWatch = fileWatchConf defaultConfig fileWatchPoll :: IO (Path Abs Dir) -> ((Set (Path Abs File) -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO () fileWatchPoll = fileWatchConf $ defaultConfig { confUsePolling = True } -- | Run an action, watching for file changes -- -- The action provided takes a callback that is used to set the files to be -- watched. When any of those files are changed, we rerun the action again. fileWatchConf :: WatchConfig -> IO (Path Abs Dir) -> ((Set (Path Abs File) -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> IO () fileWatchConf cfg getProjectRoot inner = withManagerConf cfg $ \manager -> do allFiles <- newTVarIO Set.empty dirtyVar <- newTVarIO True watchVar <- newTVarIO Map.empty projRoot <- getProjectRoot mChecker <- findIgnoreFiles [VCSGit, VCSMercurial, VCSDarcs] projRoot >>= buildChecker (FileIgnoredChecker isFileIgnored) <- case mChecker of Left err -> do putStrLn $ "Failed to parse VCS's ignore file: " ++ err return $ FileIgnoredChecker (const False) Right chk -> return chk let onChange event = atomically $ do files <- readTVar allFiles when (eventPath event `Set.member` files) (writeTVar dirtyVar True) setWatched :: Set (Path Abs File) -> IO () setWatched files = do atomically $ writeTVar allFiles $ toFilePath files watch0 <- readTVarIO watchVar let actions = Map.mergeWithKey keepListening stopListening startListening watch0 newDirs watch1 <- forM (Map.toList actions) $ \(k, mmv) -> do mv <- mmv return $ case mv of Nothing -> Map.empty Just v -> Map.singleton k v atomically $ writeTVar watchVar $ Map.unions watch1 where newDirs = Map.fromList $ map (, ()) $ Set.toList $ parent files keepListening _dir listen () = Just $ return $ Just listen stopListening = $ \f -> do () <- f return Nothing startListening = Map.mapWithKey $ \dir () -> do let dir' = fromString $ toFilePath dir listen <- watchDir manager dir' (not . isFileIgnored . eventPath) onChange return $ Just listen let watchInput = do line <- getLine unless (line == "quit") $ do case line of "help" -> do putStrLn "" putStrLn "help: display this help" putStrLn "quit: exit" putStrLn "build: force a rebuild" putStrLn "watched: display watched directories" "build" -> atomically $ writeTVar dirtyVar True "watched" -> do watch <- readTVarIO watchVar mapM_ (putStrLn . toFilePath) (Map.keys watch) _ -> putStrLn $ concat [ "Unknown command: " , show line , ". Try 'help'" ] watchInput race_ watchInput $ forever $ do atomically $ do dirty <- readTVar dirtyVar check dirty eres <- tryAny $ inner setWatched -- Clear dirtiness flag after the build to avoid an infinite -- loop caused by the build itself triggering dirtiness. This -- could be viewed as a bug, since files changed during the -- build will not trigger an extra rebuild, but overall seems -- like better behavior. See -- atomically $ writeTVar dirtyVar False case eres of Left e -> printExceptionStderr e Right () -> putStrLn "Success! Waiting for next file change." putStrLn "Type help for available commands"
import Sudoku import Control.Exception import System.Environment import Data.Maybe main :: IO () main = do [f] <- getArgs grids <- fmap lines $ readFile f print (length (filter isJust (map solve grids)))
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, TypeFamilies #-} module T3540 where thing :: (a~Int) thing = undefined thing1 :: Int -> (a~Int) thing1 = undefined thing2 :: (a~Int) -> Int thing2 = undefined thing3 :: (?dude :: Int) -> Int thing3 = undefined thing4:: (Eq a) -> Int thing4 = undefined
module Main where import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import System.Cmd (rawSystem) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import System.Posix.Process (forkProcess, getProcessStatus) import Hackonad.LineParser typePrompt :: IO () typePrompt = putStr "> " >> hFlush stdout readCommand :: IO (String, [String]) readCommand = parseInputLine <$> getLine while :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Bool, a)) -> a -> m () while action initialValue = action initialValue >>= \ (res, iterVal) -> if res then while action iterVal else return () proccessExitCode :: ExitCode -> String -> Int -> IO () proccessExitCode ExitSuccess _ _ = return () proccessExitCode (ExitFailure code) command sessionLine = case code of 127 -> putStrLn $ "Hackonad: " ++ show sessionLine ++ ": " ++ command ++ ": not found" otherwise -> putStrLn $ "Hackonad: " ++ show code ++ ": " ++ command mainLoop :: Int -> IO (Bool, Int) mainLoop sessionLine = do typePrompt (command, parameters) <- readCommand if command == "exit" then return (False, sessionLine) else do pid <- forkProcess $ do exitCode <- rawSystem command parameters proccessExitCode exitCode command sessionLine status <- getProcessStatus True False pid if isJust status then do putStrLn $ "Base +" ++ show ( fromJust status ) return (True, sessionLine + 1) else do putStrLn "Base +" return (True, sessionLine + 1) main :: IO () main = while mainLoop 0
module Main where import Data.Monoid import Test.Framework import qualified Test.Parser as Parser import qualified Test.Eval as Eval main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithOpts tests mempty tests = concat [ Parser.tests , Eval.tests ]
module Main where import Reddit.TheButton.Connection import Reddit.TheButton.Types import Reddit.TheButton.AnyBar import Reddit.TheButton.Utility import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.Chan (readChan, dupChan) import System.IO (hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), stdout) main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering chan1 <- getTicks chan2 <- mapChan btnColor chan1 forkIO $ abUpdateFromChan "1738" chan2 forever $ do tick <- readChan chan1 putStrLn (btnColor tick) where btnColor = show . secToColor . bSecondsLeft
-- | This file defines 'FormulaTree', the type used for modeling the calculation trees. -- -- Author: Thorsten Rangwich. See file <../LICENSE> for details. module Tree.FormulaTree ( FormulaTree(..), TreeError(..), NamedFunction(..) -- FIXME: Export creater and exporters, not type ) where import qualified Data.Plain as P import qualified Data.SheetLayout as L -- | Type to mark error in tree data TreeError = NamedError String -- ^ Named error - this should be used | CircularReference -- ^ Circular reference in tree. | UnspecifiedError -- ^ Unspecified error - not useful, better add more specific errors deriving Show -- | Wrapper to be used in the trees. data NamedFunction = NamedFunction { funcName :: String, funcCall :: P.PlainFunction } -- | Compiled representation of a formula data FormulaTree = Raw P.Plain -- ^ Node is plain result value | Reference L.Address | Funcall NamedFunction [FormulaTree] -- ^ Node is a formula | TreeError TreeError -- ^ Node is evaluated to an error -- This makes sense for errors affecting the tree like circular references -- in contrast to plain value errors like div/0.
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Statistics where import Data.Foldable import Control.Monad.State import System.Random import Data.List type Rnd a = (RandomGen g) => State g a randomRM :: (Random a) => (a, a) -> Rnd a randomRM v = do g <- get (x, g') <- return $ randomR v g put g' return x choose :: [a] -> Rnd a choose l = do let n = length l i <- randomRM (0, n - 1) return (l !! i) chooseIO :: (Foldable f) => f a -> IO a chooseIO l = do let l' = toList l n = length l' i <- randomRIO (0, n - 1) return (l' !! i) stdNormal :: (Random a, Ord a, Floating a) => Rnd a stdNormal = do u1 <- randomRM (-1, 1) u2 <- randomRM (-1, 1) let m = stdNormalMarsaglia u1 u2 case m of Nothing -> stdNormal Just (z1, _) -> return z1 stdNormalMarsaglia :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> Maybe (a, a) stdNormalMarsaglia y1 y2 = if q > 1 then Nothing else Just (z1, z2) where z1 = y1 * p z2 = y2 * p q = y1 * y1 + y2 * y2 p = sqrt ((-2) * log q / q) normal :: (Random a, Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> Rnd a normal mu sigma = do n <- stdNormal return $ mu + n * sigma normalR :: (Random a, Ord a, Floating a) => (a, a) -> a -> a -> Rnd a normalR (mn, mx) mu sigma = do n <- normal mu sigma if n < mn then return mn else if n > mx then return mx else return n normalIO :: (Random a, Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> IO a normalIO mu sigma = newStdGen >>= return . evalState (normal mu sigma) normalRIO :: (Random a, Ord a, Floating a) => (a, a) -> a -> a -> IO a normalRIO limits mu sigma = newStdGen >>= return . evalState (normalR limits mu sigma) average :: (Fractional a) => [a] -> a average l = go 0 0 l where go acc len [] = acc / len go acc len (x:xs) = go (acc + x) (len + 1) xs averageInt :: [Int] -> Int averageInt l = go 0 0 l where go acc len [] = acc `div` len go acc len (x:xs) = go (acc + x) (len + 1) xs median :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> a median [] = error "Median on empty list" median l = (sort l) !! (length l `div` 2) -- chance of a to b chance :: Int -> Int -> Rnd Bool chance a b = do v <- randomRM (1, b) if a <= v - 1 then return True else return False -- shuffle :: [a] -> Rnd [a] shuffle l = shuffle' l [] -- >>= reverse >>= flip shuffle' [] where shuffle' [] bs = return bs shuffle' as bs = do el <- choose as shuffle' (delete el as) (el : bs)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module TermSpec where import Data.Text as T import Test.QuickCheck import Faun.Term import TextGen instance Arbitrary Term where arbitrary = oneof [genVar, genConst, genFun] genTerms :: Gen [Term] genTerms = sized $ \n -> do size <- choose (0, n `mod` 6) -- Huge lists of arguments make the test result hard to read / interpret. vectorOf size arbitrary genVar :: Gen Term genVar = do name <- genCamelString return $ Variable $ T.pack name genConst :: Gen Term genConst = do name <- genPascalString return $ Constant $ T.pack name genFun :: Gen Term genFun = do name <- genPascalString args <- genTerms return $ Function (T.pack name) args
-- | -- Module: BigE.Attribute.Vert_P_N -- Copyright: (c) 2017 Patrik Sandahl -- Licence: MIT -- Maintainer: Patrik Sandahl <[email protected]> -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: portable -- Language: Haskell2010 module BigE.Attribute.Vert_P_N ( Vertex (..) ) where import BigE.Attribute (Attribute (..), allocBoundBuffers, fillBoundVBO, pointerOffset) import Control.Monad (unless) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as Vector import Foreign (Storable (..), castPtr, plusPtr) import Graphics.GL (GLfloat) import qualified Graphics.GL as GL import Linear (V3) -- | A convenience definition of a vertex containing two attributes. -- The vertex position and the vertex normal. data Vertex = Vertex { position :: !(V3 GLfloat) , normal :: !(V3 GLfloat) } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Storable instance. instance Storable Vertex where sizeOf v = sizeOf (position v) + sizeOf (normal v) alignment v = alignment $ position v peek ptr = do p <- peek $ castPtr ptr let nPtr = castPtr (ptr `plusPtr` sizeOf p) n <- peek nPtr return Vertex { position = p, normal = n } poke ptr v = do let pPtr = castPtr ptr nPtr = castPtr (pPtr `plusPtr` sizeOf (position v)) poke pPtr $ position v poke nPtr $ normal v -- | Attribute instance. instance Attribute Vertex where initAttributes bufferUsage vertices = do buffers <- allocBoundBuffers unless (Vector.null vertices) $ do item <- fillBoundVBO vertices bufferUsage let itemSize = fromIntegral $ sizeOf item -- Position. GL.glEnableVertexAttribArray 0 GL.glVertexAttribPointer 0 3 GL.GL_FLOAT GL.GL_FALSE itemSize (pointerOffset 0) -- Normal. GL.glEnableVertexAttribArray 1 GL.glVertexAttribPointer 1 3 GL.GL_FLOAT GL.GL_FALSE itemSize (pointerOffset $ sizeOf (position item)) return buffers
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-} module NewAccount (newAccountSpecs) where import Data.Monoid import Yesod.Auth import Yesod.Test import Foundation import Text.XML.Cursor (attribute) import qualified Data.Text as T redirectCode :: Int #if MIN_VERSION_yesod_test(1,4,0) redirectCode = 303 #else redirectCode = 302 #endif -- In 9f379bc219bd1fdf008e2c179b03e98a05b36401 (which went into yesod-form-1.3.9) -- the numbering of fields was changed. We normally wouldn't care because fields -- can be set via 'byLabel', but hidden fields have no label so we must use the id -- directly. We temporarily support both versions of yesod form with the following. f1, f2 :: T.Text #if MIN_VERSION_yesod_form(1,3,9) f1 = "f1" f2 = "f2" #else f1 = "f2" f2 = "f3" #endif newAccountSpecs :: YesodSpec MyApp newAccountSpecs = ydescribe "New account tests" $ do yit "new account with mismatched passwords" $ do get' "/auth/page/account/newaccount" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Register" post'"/auth/page/account/newaccount" $ do addNonce byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Email" "[email protected]" byLabel "Password" "xxx" byLabel "Confirm" "yyy" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Passwords did not match" yit "creates a new account" $ do get' "/auth/page/account/newaccount" statusIs 200 post'"/auth/page/account/newaccount" $ do addNonce byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Email" "[email protected]" byLabel "Password" "xxx" byLabel "Confirm" "xxx" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to [email protected]" (username, email, verify) <- lastVerifyEmail assertEqual "username" username "abc" assertEqual "email" email "[email protected]" get' "/auth/page/account/verify/abc/zzzzzz" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "invalid verification key" -- try login get' "/auth/login" statusIs 200 post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Password" "yyy" statusIs redirectCode get' "/auth/login" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Invalid username/password combination" -- valid login post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Password" "xxx" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Your email has not yet been verified" -- valid login with email get' "/auth/login" statusIs 200 post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "[email protected]" byLabel "Password" "xxx" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Your email has not yet been verified" -- resend verify email post'"/auth/page/account/resendverifyemail" $ do addNonce addPostParam f1 "abc" -- username is also a hidden field statusIs redirectCode get' "/" bodyContains "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to [email protected]" (username', email', verify') <- lastVerifyEmail assertEqual "username" username' "abc" assertEqual "email" email' "[email protected]" assertEqual "verify" True (verify /= verify') -- verify email get' verify' statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "You are logged in as abc" post $ AuthR LogoutR statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Please visit the <a href=\"/auth/login\">Login page" -- valid login get' "/auth/login" post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Password" "xxx" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" bodyContains "You are logged in as abc" -- logout post $ AuthR LogoutR -- valid login with email get' "/auth/login" post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "[email protected]" byLabel "Password" "xxx" statusIs 302 get' "/" bodyContains "You are logged in as abc" -- logout post $ AuthR LogoutR -- reset password get' "/auth/page/account/resetpassword" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Send password reset email" post'"/auth/page/account/resetpassword" $ do byLabel "Username" "abc" addNonce statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "A password reset email has been sent to your email address" (username'', email'', newpwd) <- lastNewPwdEmail assertEqual "User" username'' "abc" assertEqual "Email" email'' "[email protected]" -- bad key get' newpwd statusIs 200 post'"/auth/page/account/setpassword" $ do addNonce byLabel "New password" "www" byLabel "Confirm" "www" addPostParam f1 "abc" addPostParam f2 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqq" statusIs 403 bodyContains "Invalid key" -- good key get' newpwd statusIs 200 matches <- htmlQuery $ "input[name=" <> f2 <> "][type=hidden][value]" post'"/auth/page/account/setpassword" $ do addNonce byLabel "New password" "www" byLabel "Confirm" "www" addPostParam f1 "abc" key <- case matches of [] -> error "Unable to find set password key" element:_ -> return $ head $ attribute "value" $ parseHTML element addPostParam f2 key statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Password updated" bodyContains "You are logged in as abc" post $ AuthR LogoutR -- check new password get' "/auth/login" post'"/auth/page/account/login" $ do byLabel "Username" "abc" byLabel "Password" "www" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "You are logged in as abc" yit "errors with a username with a period" $ do get' "/auth/page/account/newaccount" statusIs 200 post' "/auth/page/account/newaccount" $ do addNonce byLabel "Username" "x.y" byLabel "Email" "[email protected]" byLabel "Password" "hunter2" byLabel "Confirm" "hunter2" statusIs redirectCode get' "/" statusIs 200 bodyContains "Invalid username" -- Issue #2: a valid username was not checked on creation
module Hamming (distance) where distance :: String -> String -> Maybe Int distance xs ys = error "You need to implement this function."
import Data.Digits lend = length . digits 10 bases = [1..9] -- lend (10^x) > 10 for all x exponents = [1..30] -- lend (9^x) > x for x>30 pairs = [(base,exponent) | base <- bases, exponent <- exponents] isValid (base,exponent) = (lend (base^exponent) == exponent) valid = filter isValid pairs answer = length valid
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | The basic typeclass for a Yesod application. module Yesod.Internal.Core ( -- * Type classes Yesod (..) , YesodDispatch (..) , RenderRoute (..) -- ** Breadcrumbs , YesodBreadcrumbs (..) , breadcrumbs -- * Utitlities , maybeAuthorized , widgetToPageContent -- * Defaults , defaultErrorHandler -- * Data types , AuthResult (..) -- * Sessions , SessionBackend (..) , defaultClientSessionBackend , clientSessionBackend , loadClientSession , BackendSession -- * jsLoader , ScriptLoadPosition (..) , BottomOfHeadAsync , loadJsYepnope -- * Misc , yesodVersion , yesodRender , resolveApproot , Approot (..) , FileUpload (..) , runFakeHandler ) where import Yesod.Content import Yesod.Handler hiding (lift, getExpires) import Yesod.Routes.Class import Data.Word (Word64) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (forM) import Yesod.Widget import Yesod.Request import qualified Network.Wai as W import Yesod.Internal import Yesod.Internal.Session import Yesod.Internal.Request import qualified Web.ClientSession as CS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.IORef as I import Data.Monoid import Text.Hamlet import Text.Julius import Text.Blaze ((!), customAttribute, textTag, toValue, unsafeLazyByteString) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as TBH import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Web.Cookie (parseCookies) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Time import Network.HTTP.Types (encodePath) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TEE import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toByteString) import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromText) import Data.List (foldl') import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import Web.Cookie (SetCookie (..)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Loc (..)) import Text.Blaze (preEscapedToMarkup) import Data.Aeson (Value (Array, String)) import Data.Aeson.Encode (encode) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (GzipSettings, def) import Network.Wai.Parse (tempFileBackEnd, lbsBackEnd) import qualified Paths_yesod_core import Data.Version (showVersion) import System.Log.FastLogger (Logger, mkLogger, loggerDate, LogStr (..), loggerPutStr) import Control.Monad.Logger (LogLevel (LevelInfo, LevelOther), LogSource) import System.Log.FastLogger.Date (ZonedDate) import System.IO (stdout) yesodVersion :: String yesodVersion = showVersion Paths_yesod_core.version -- | This class is automatically instantiated when you use the template haskell -- mkYesod function. You should never need to deal with it directly. class YesodDispatch sub master where yesodDispatch :: Yesod master => Logger -> master -> sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> (Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application) -- ^ 404 handler -> (Route sub -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application) -- ^ 405 handler -> Text -- ^ request method -> [Text] -- ^ pieces -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application yesodRunner :: Yesod master => Logger -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep -> master -> sub -> Maybe (Route sub) -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application yesodRunner = defaultYesodRunner -- | How to determine the root of the application for constructing URLs. -- -- Note that future versions of Yesod may add new constructors without bumping -- the major version number. As a result, you should /not/ pattern match on -- @Approot@ values. data Approot master = ApprootRelative -- ^ No application root. | ApprootStatic Text | ApprootMaster (master -> Text) | ApprootRequest (master -> W.Request -> Text) type ResolvedApproot = Text -- | Define settings for a Yesod applications. All methods have intelligent -- defaults, and therefore no implementation is required. class RenderRoute a => Yesod a where -- | An absolute URL to the root of the application. Do not include -- trailing slash. -- -- Default value: 'ApprootRelative'. This is valid under the following -- conditions: -- -- * Your application is served from the root of the domain. -- -- * You do not use any features that require absolute URLs, such as Atom -- feeds and XML sitemaps. -- -- If this is not true, you should override with a different -- implementation. approot :: Approot a approot = ApprootRelative -- | Output error response pages. errorHandler :: ErrorResponse -> GHandler sub a ChooseRep errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler -- | Applies some form of layout to the contents of a page. defaultLayout :: GWidget sub a () -> GHandler sub a RepHtml defaultLayout w = do p <- widgetToPageContent w mmsg <- getMessage hamletToRepHtml [hamlet| $newline never $doctype 5 <html> <head> <title>#{pageTitle p} ^{pageHead p} <body> $maybe msg <- mmsg <p .message>#{msg} ^{pageBody p} |] -- | Override the rendering function for a particular URL. One use case for -- this is to offload static hosting to a different domain name to avoid -- sending cookies. urlRenderOverride :: a -> Route a -> Maybe Builder urlRenderOverride _ _ = Nothing -- | Determine if a request is authorized or not. -- -- Return 'Authorized' if the request is authorized, -- 'Unauthorized' a message if unauthorized. -- If authentication is required, return 'AuthenticationRequired'. isAuthorized :: Route a -> Bool -- ^ is this a write request? -> GHandler s a AuthResult isAuthorized _ _ = return Authorized -- | Determines whether the current request is a write request. By default, -- this assumes you are following RESTful principles, and determines this -- from request method. In particular, all except the following request -- methods are considered write: GET HEAD OPTIONS TRACE. -- -- This function is used to determine if a request is authorized; see -- 'isAuthorized'. isWriteRequest :: Route a -> GHandler s a Bool isWriteRequest _ = do wai <- waiRequest return $ W.requestMethod wai `notElem` ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"] -- | The default route for authentication. -- -- Used in particular by 'isAuthorized', but library users can do whatever -- they want with it. authRoute :: a -> Maybe (Route a) authRoute _ = Nothing -- | A function used to clean up path segments. It returns 'Right' with a -- clean path or 'Left' with a new set of pieces the user should be -- redirected to. The default implementation enforces: -- -- * No double slashes -- -- * There is no trailing slash. -- -- Note that versions of Yesod prior to 0.7 used a different set of rules -- involing trailing slashes. cleanPath :: a -> [Text] -> Either [Text] [Text] cleanPath _ s = if corrected == s then Right $ map dropDash s else Left corrected where corrected = filter (not . T.null) s dropDash t | T.all (== '-') t = T.drop 1 t | otherwise = t -- | Builds an absolute URL by concatenating the application root with the -- pieces of a path and a query string, if any. -- Note that the pieces of the path have been previously cleaned up by 'cleanPath'. joinPath :: a -> T.Text -- ^ application root -> [T.Text] -- ^ path pieces -> [(T.Text, T.Text)] -- ^ query string -> Builder joinPath _ ar pieces' qs' = fromText ar `mappend` encodePath pieces qs where pieces = if null pieces' then [""] else map addDash pieces' qs = map (TE.encodeUtf8 *** go) qs' go "" = Nothing go x = Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 x addDash t | T.all (== '-') t = T.cons '-' t | otherwise = t -- | This function is used to store some static content to be served as an -- external file. The most common case of this is stashing CSS and -- JavaScript content in an external file; the "Yesod.Widget" module uses -- this feature. -- -- The return value is 'Nothing' if no storing was performed; this is the -- default implementation. A 'Just' 'Left' gives the absolute URL of the -- file, whereas a 'Just' 'Right' gives the type-safe URL. The former is -- necessary when you are serving the content outside the context of a -- Yesod application, such as via memcached. addStaticContent :: Text -- ^ filename extension -> Text -- ^ mime-type -> L.ByteString -- ^ content -> GHandler sub a (Maybe (Either Text (Route a, [(Text, Text)]))) addStaticContent _ _ _ = return Nothing {- Temporarily disabled until we have a better interface. -- | Whether or not to tie a session to a specific IP address. Defaults to -- 'False'. -- -- Note: This setting has two known problems: it does not work correctly -- when behind a reverse proxy (including load balancers), and it may not -- function correctly if the user is behind a proxy. sessionIpAddress :: a -> Bool sessionIpAddress _ = False -} -- | The path value to set for cookies. By default, uses \"\/\", meaning -- cookies will be sent to every page on the current domain. cookiePath :: a -> S8.ByteString cookiePath _ = "/" -- | The domain value to set for cookies. By default, the -- domain is not set, meaning cookies will be sent only to -- the current domain. cookieDomain :: a -> Maybe S8.ByteString cookieDomain _ = Nothing -- | Maximum allowed length of the request body, in bytes. -- -- Default: 2 megabytes. maximumContentLength :: a -> Maybe (Route a) -> Word64 maximumContentLength _ _ = 2 * 1024 * 1024 -- 2 megabytes -- | Returns a @Logger@ to use for log messages. -- -- Default: Sends to stdout and automatically flushes on each write. getLogger :: a -> IO Logger getLogger _ = mkLogger True stdout -- | Send a message to the @Logger@ provided by @getLogger@. -- -- Note: This method is no longer used. Instead, you should override -- 'messageLoggerSource'. messageLogger :: a -> Logger -> Loc -- ^ position in source code -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO () messageLogger a logger loc = messageLoggerSource a logger loc "" -- | Send a message to the @Logger@ provided by @getLogger@. messageLoggerSource :: a -> Logger -> Loc -- ^ position in source code -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO () messageLoggerSource a logger loc source level msg = if shouldLog a source level then formatLogMessage (loggerDate logger) loc source level msg >>= loggerPutStr logger else return () -- | The logging level in place for this application. Any messages below -- this level will simply be ignored. logLevel :: a -> LogLevel logLevel _ = LevelInfo -- | GZIP settings. gzipSettings :: a -> GzipSettings gzipSettings _ = def -- | Where to Load sripts from. We recommend the default value, -- 'BottomOfBody'. Alternatively use the built in async yepnope loader: -- -- > BottomOfHeadAsync $ loadJsYepnope $ Right $ StaticR js_modernizr_js -- -- Or write your own async js loader: see 'loadJsYepnope' jsLoader :: a -> ScriptLoadPosition a jsLoader _ = BottomOfBody -- | Create a session backend. Returning `Nothing' disables sessions. -- -- Default: Uses clientsession with a 2 hour timeout. makeSessionBackend :: a -> IO (Maybe (SessionBackend a)) makeSessionBackend _ = do key <- CS.getKey CS.defaultKeyFile return $ Just $ clientSessionBackend key 120 -- | How to store uploaded files. -- -- Default: Whe nthe request body is greater than 50kb, store in a temp -- file. Otherwise, store in memory. fileUpload :: a -> Word64 -- ^ request body size -> FileUpload fileUpload _ size | size > 50000 = FileUploadDisk tempFileBackEnd | otherwise = FileUploadMemory lbsBackEnd -- | Should we log the given log source/level combination. -- -- Default: Logs everything at or above 'logLevel' shouldLog :: a -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> Bool shouldLog a _ level = level >= logLevel a {-# DEPRECATED messageLogger "Please use messageLoggerSource (since yesod-core 1.1.2)" #-} formatLogMessage :: IO ZonedDate -> Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -- ^ message -> IO [LogStr] formatLogMessage getdate loc src level msg = do now <- getdate return [ LB now , LB " [" , LS $ case level of LevelOther t -> T.unpack t _ -> drop 5 $ show level , LS $ if T.null src then "" else "#" ++ T.unpack src , LB "] " , msg , LB " @(" , LS $ fileLocationToString loc , LB ")\n" ] -- taken from file-location package -- turn the TH Loc loaction information into a human readable string -- leaving out the loc_end parameter fileLocationToString :: Loc -> String fileLocationToString loc = (loc_package loc) ++ ':' : (loc_module loc) ++ ' ' : (loc_filename loc) ++ ':' : (line loc) ++ ':' : (char loc) where line = show . fst . loc_start char = show . snd . loc_start defaultYesodRunner :: Yesod master => Logger -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep -> master -> sub -> Maybe (Route sub) -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> Maybe (SessionBackend master) -> W.Application defaultYesodRunner logger handler master sub murl toMasterRoute msb req | maximumContentLength master (fmap toMasterRoute murl) < len = return $ W.responseLBS (H.Status 413 "Too Large") [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "Request body too large to be processed." | otherwise = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let dontSaveSession _ _ = return [] (session, saveSession) <- liftIO $ maybe (return ([], dontSaveSession)) (\sb -> sbLoadSession sb master req now) msb rr <- liftIO $ parseWaiRequest req session (isJust msb) len let h = {-# SCC "h" #-} do case murl of Nothing -> handler Just url -> do isWrite <- isWriteRequest $ toMasterRoute url ar <- isAuthorized (toMasterRoute url) isWrite case ar of Authorized -> return () AuthenticationRequired -> case authRoute master of Nothing -> permissionDenied "Authentication required" Just url' -> do setUltDestCurrent redirect url' Unauthorized s' -> permissionDenied s' handler let sessionMap = Map.fromList . filter ((/=) tokenKey . fst) $ session let ra = resolveApproot master req let log' = messageLoggerSource master logger yar <- handlerToYAR master sub (fileUpload master) log' toMasterRoute (yesodRender master ra) errorHandler rr murl sessionMap h extraHeaders <- case yar of (YARPlain _ _ ct _ newSess) -> do let nsToken = Map.toList $ maybe newSess (\n -> Map.insert tokenKey (TE.encodeUtf8 n) newSess) (reqToken rr) sessionHeaders <- liftIO (saveSession nsToken now) return $ ("Content-Type", ct) : map headerToPair sessionHeaders _ -> return [] return $ yarToResponse yar extraHeaders where len = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "content-length" (W.requestHeaders req) >>= readMay readMay s = case reads $ S8.unpack s of [] -> Nothing (x, _):_ -> Just x data AuthResult = Authorized | AuthenticationRequired | Unauthorized Text deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- | A type-safe, concise method of creating breadcrumbs for pages. For each -- resource, you declare the title of the page and the parent resource (if -- present). class YesodBreadcrumbs y where -- | Returns the title and the parent resource, if available. If you return -- a 'Nothing', then this is considered a top-level page. breadcrumb :: Route y -> GHandler sub y (Text , Maybe (Route y)) -- | Gets the title of the current page and the hierarchy of parent pages, -- along with their respective titles. breadcrumbs :: YesodBreadcrumbs y => GHandler sub y (Text, [(Route y, Text)]) breadcrumbs = do x' <- getCurrentRoute tm <- getRouteToMaster let x = fmap tm x' case x of Nothing -> return ("Not found", []) Just y -> do (title, next) <- breadcrumb y z <- go [] next return (title, z) where go back Nothing = return back go back (Just this) = do (title, next) <- breadcrumb this go ((this, title) : back) next applyLayout' :: Yesod master => Html -- ^ title -> HtmlUrl (Route master) -- ^ body -> GHandler sub master ChooseRep applyLayout' title body = fmap chooseRep $ defaultLayout $ do setTitle title toWidget body -- | The default error handler for 'errorHandler'. defaultErrorHandler :: Yesod y => ErrorResponse -> GHandler sub y ChooseRep defaultErrorHandler NotFound = do r <- waiRequest let path' = TE.decodeUtf8With TEE.lenientDecode $ W.rawPathInfo r applyLayout' "Not Found" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Not Found <p>#{path'} |] defaultErrorHandler (PermissionDenied msg) = applyLayout' "Permission Denied" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Permission denied <p>#{msg} |] defaultErrorHandler (InvalidArgs ia) = applyLayout' "Invalid Arguments" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Invalid Arguments <ul> $forall msg <- ia <li>#{msg} |] defaultErrorHandler (InternalError e) = applyLayout' "Internal Server Error" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Internal Server Error <p>#{e} |] defaultErrorHandler (BadMethod m) = applyLayout' "Bad Method" [hamlet| $newline never <h1>Method Not Supported <p>Method "#{S8.unpack m}" not supported |] -- | Return the same URL if the user is authorized to see it. -- -- Built on top of 'isAuthorized'. This is useful for building page that only -- contain links to pages the user is allowed to see. maybeAuthorized :: Yesod a => Route a -> Bool -- ^ is this a write request? -> GHandler s a (Maybe (Route a)) maybeAuthorized r isWrite = do x <- isAuthorized r isWrite return $ if x == Authorized then Just r else Nothing jsToHtml :: Javascript -> Html jsToHtml (Javascript b) = preEscapedToMarkup $ toLazyText b jelper :: JavascriptUrl url -> HtmlUrl url jelper = fmap jsToHtml -- | Convert a widget to a 'PageContent'. widgetToPageContent :: (Eq (Route master), Yesod master) => GWidget sub master () -> GHandler sub master (PageContent (Route master)) widgetToPageContent w = do master <- getYesod ((), GWData (Body body) (Last mTitle) scripts' stylesheets' style jscript (Head head')) <- unGWidget w let title = maybe mempty unTitle mTitle scripts = runUniqueList scripts' stylesheets = runUniqueList stylesheets' render <- getUrlRenderParams let renderLoc x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing Just (Left s) -> Just s Just (Right (u, p)) -> Just $ render u p css <- forM (Map.toList style) $ \(mmedia, content) -> do let rendered = toLazyText $ content render x <- addStaticContent "css" "text/css; charset=utf-8" $ encodeUtf8 rendered return (mmedia, case x of Nothing -> Left $ preEscapedToMarkup rendered Just y -> Right $ either id (uncurry render) y) jsLoc <- case jscript of Nothing -> return Nothing Just s -> do x <- addStaticContent "js" "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" $ encodeUtf8 $ renderJavascriptUrl render s return $ renderLoc x -- modernizr should be at the end of the <head> -- the asynchronous loader means your page doesn't have to wait for all the js to load let (mcomplete, asyncScripts) = asyncHelper render scripts jscript jsLoc regularScriptLoad = [hamlet| $newline never $forall s <- scripts ^{mkScriptTag s} $maybe j <- jscript $maybe s <- jsLoc <script src="#{s}"> $nothing <script>^{jelper j} |] headAll = [hamlet| $newline never \^{head'} $forall s <- stylesheets ^{mkLinkTag s} $forall s <- css $maybe t <- right $ snd s $maybe media <- fst s <link rel=stylesheet media=#{media} href=#{t}> $nothing <link rel=stylesheet href=#{t}> $maybe content <- left $ snd s $maybe media <- fst s <style media=#{media}>#{content} $nothing <style>#{content} $case jsLoader master $of BottomOfBody $of BottomOfHeadAsync asyncJsLoader ^{asyncJsLoader asyncScripts mcomplete} $of BottomOfHeadBlocking ^{regularScriptLoad} |] let bodyScript = [hamlet| $newline never ^{body} ^{regularScriptLoad} |] return $ PageContent title headAll (case jsLoader master of BottomOfBody -> bodyScript _ -> body) where renderLoc' render' (Local url) = render' url [] renderLoc' _ (Remote s) = s addAttr x (y, z) = x ! customAttribute (textTag y) (toValue z) mkScriptTag (Script loc attrs) render' = foldl' addAttr TBH.script (("src", renderLoc' render' loc) : attrs) $ return () mkLinkTag (Stylesheet loc attrs) render' = foldl' addAttr ( ("rel", "stylesheet") : ("href", renderLoc' render' loc) : attrs ) data ScriptLoadPosition master = BottomOfBody | BottomOfHeadBlocking | BottomOfHeadAsync (BottomOfHeadAsync master) type BottomOfHeadAsync master = [Text] -- ^ urls to load asynchronously -> Maybe (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -- ^ widget of js to run on async completion -> (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -- ^ widget to insert at the bottom of <head> left :: Either a b -> Maybe a left (Left x) = Just x left _ = Nothing right :: Either a b -> Maybe b right (Right x) = Just x right _ = Nothing jsonArray :: [Text] -> Html jsonArray = unsafeLazyByteString . encode . Array . Vector.fromList . map String -- | For use with setting 'jsLoader' to 'BottomOfHeadAsync' loadJsYepnope :: Yesod master => Either Text (Route master) -> [Text] -> Maybe (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -> (HtmlUrl (Route master)) loadJsYepnope eyn scripts mcomplete = [hamlet| $newline never $maybe yn <- left eyn <script src=#{yn}> $maybe yn <- right eyn <script src=@{yn}> $maybe complete <- mcomplete <script>yepnope({load:#{jsonArray scripts},complete:function(){^{complete}}}); $nothing <script>yepnope({load:#{jsonArray scripts}}); |] asyncHelper :: (url -> [x] -> Text) -> [Script (url)] -> Maybe (JavascriptUrl (url)) -> Maybe Text -> (Maybe (HtmlUrl url), [Text]) asyncHelper render scripts jscript jsLoc = (mcomplete, scripts'') where scripts' = map goScript scripts scripts'' = case jsLoc of Just s -> scripts' ++ [s] Nothing -> scripts' goScript (Script (Local url) _) = render url [] goScript (Script (Remote s) _) = s mcomplete = case jsLoc of Just{} -> Nothing Nothing -> case jscript of Nothing -> Nothing Just j -> Just $ jelper j yesodRender :: Yesod y => y -> ResolvedApproot -> Route y -> [(Text, Text)] -- ^ url query string -> Text yesodRender y ar url params = TE.decodeUtf8 $ toByteString $ fromMaybe (joinPath y ar ps $ params ++ params') (urlRenderOverride y url) where (ps, params') = renderRoute url resolveApproot :: Yesod master => master -> W.Request -> ResolvedApproot resolveApproot master req = case approot of ApprootRelative -> "" ApprootStatic t -> t ApprootMaster f -> f master ApprootRequest f -> f master req defaultClientSessionBackend :: Yesod master => IO (SessionBackend master) defaultClientSessionBackend = do key <- CS.getKey CS.defaultKeyFile let timeout = 120 -- 120 minutes return $ clientSessionBackend key timeout clientSessionBackend :: Yesod master => CS.Key -- ^ The encryption key -> Int -- ^ Inactive session valitity in minutes -> SessionBackend master clientSessionBackend key timeout = SessionBackend { sbLoadSession = loadClientSession key timeout "_SESSION" } loadClientSession :: Yesod master => CS.Key -> Int -- ^ timeout -> S8.ByteString -- ^ session name -> master -> W.Request -> UTCTime -> IO (BackendSession, SaveSession) loadClientSession key timeout sessionName master req now = return (sess, save) where sess = fromMaybe [] $ do raw <- lookup "Cookie" $ W.requestHeaders req val <- lookup sessionName $ parseCookies raw let host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address decodeClientSession key now host val save sess' now' = do -- We should never cache the IV! Be careful! iv <- liftIO CS.randomIV return [AddCookie def { setCookieName = sessionName , setCookieValue = sessionVal iv , setCookiePath = Just (cookiePath master) , setCookieExpires = Just expires , setCookieDomain = cookieDomain master , setCookieHttpOnly = True }] where host = "" -- fixme, properly lock sessions to client address expires = fromIntegral (timeout * 60) `addUTCTime` now' sessionVal iv = encodeClientSession key iv expires host sess' -- | Run a 'GHandler' completely outside of Yesod. This -- function comes with many caveats and you shouldn't use it -- unless you fully understand what it's doing and how it works. -- -- As of now, there's only one reason to use this function at -- all: in order to run unit tests of functions inside 'GHandler' -- but that aren't easily testable with a full HTTP request. -- Even so, it's better to use @wai-test@ or @yesod-test@ instead -- of using this function. -- -- This function will create a fake HTTP request (both @wai@'s -- 'W.Request' and @yesod@'s 'Request') and feed it to the -- @GHandler@. The only useful information the @GHandler@ may -- get from the request is the session map, which you must supply -- as argument to @runFakeHandler@. All other fields contain -- fake information, which means that they can be accessed but -- won't have any useful information. The response of the -- @GHandler@ is completely ignored, including changes to the -- session, cookies or headers. We only return you the -- @GHandler@'s return value. runFakeHandler :: (Yesod master, MonadIO m) => SessionMap -> (master -> Logger) -> master -> GHandler master master a -> m (Either ErrorResponse a) runFakeHandler fakeSessionMap logger master handler = liftIO $ do ret <- I.newIORef (Left $ InternalError "runFakeHandler: no result") let handler' = do liftIO . I.writeIORef ret . Right =<< handler return () let YesodApp yapp = runHandler handler' (yesodRender master "") Nothing id master master (fileUpload master) (messageLoggerSource master $ logger master) errHandler err = YesodApp $ \_ _ _ session -> do liftIO $ I.writeIORef ret (Left err) return $ YARPlain H.status500 [] typePlain (toContent ("runFakeHandler: errHandler" :: S8.ByteString)) session fakeWaiRequest = W.Request { W.requestMethod = "POST" , W.httpVersion = H.http11 , W.rawPathInfo = "/runFakeHandler/pathInfo" , W.rawQueryString = "" , W.serverName = "runFakeHandler-serverName" , W.serverPort = 80 , W.requestHeaders = [] , W.isSecure = False , W.remoteHost = error "runFakeHandler-remoteHost" , W.pathInfo = ["runFakeHandler", "pathInfo"] , W.queryString = [] , W.requestBody = mempty , W.vault = mempty } fakeRequest = Request { reqGetParams = [] , reqCookies = [] , reqWaiRequest = fakeWaiRequest , reqLangs = [] , reqToken = Just "NaN" -- not a nonce =) , reqBodySize = 0 } fakeContentType = [] _ <- runResourceT $ yapp errHandler fakeRequest fakeContentType fakeSessionMap I.readIORef ret {-# WARNING runFakeHandler "Usually you should *not* use runFakeHandler unless you really understand how it works and why you need it." #-}
module MiniSequel.Adapter.PostgreSQL.Log where import qualified MiniSequel.Adapter.PostgreSQL as Adapter -- -- exec con query = do -- print query -- Adapter.exec con query -- -- takeModel con model = do -- print model -- Adapter.takeModel con model
import System.Exit mul [x, y] = xInt * yInt where xInt = read x :: Integer yInt = read y :: Integer mainLoop 0 = exitWith ExitSuccess mainLoop x = do values <- getLine print $ mul (words values) mainLoop (x - 1) main = do loops <- getLine mainLoop (read loops :: Integer)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import Data.Map.Strict(Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe(fromJust) import Data.Tree(Tree(..), flatten, unfoldTree) import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine(defaultMain) import Diagrams.Prelude import GHC.Generics import Control.Applicative import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 -- import Data.Attoparsec.Text -- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM -- import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat) -- import Data.Text (Text) -- import qualified Data.Text as T -- import qualified Data.Vector as V main = defaultMain $ pad 1.1 $ renderTree buildTree renderTree = mconcat . flatten . fmap drawBranch buildTree = unfoldTree (growTree fs) seed seed = (origin, unitY) drawBranch (p, v) = position [(p, fromOffsets [v])] growTree fs n = if stop n then branchTip n else branches fs n branchTip n = (n, []) branches fs n = (n, zipWith ($) fs (repeat n)) fs = buildXfm symMap rule -- The rule has been transformed from "b r [ < B ] [ > B ]" --rule = [["b", "r", "<"], ["b", "r", ">"]] rule = getRule userRule getRule = elimVars stringToGrammarDef . distribute . parseRule userRule = "b r [ < B ] [ > B ]" symbols = (map toSymbolMap . filter isTerminal) grammar isTerminal (Follow _) = True isTerminal (Scale _ _) = True isTerminal (Turn _ _) = True isTerminal _ = False toSymbolMap (Follow s) = (s, followBranch) toSymbolMap (Scale s r) = (s, scaleBranch r) toSymbolMap (Turn s t) = (s, rotateBranch t) toSymbolMap t = error $ "Bad terminal in toSymbolMap:" ++ show t type SeedVal = ((Double, Double), (Double, Double)) type RuleVal = (String, String) type Grammar = [GrammarDef] data GrammarDef = Var String | Turn String Double | Scale String Double | Follow String | Seed String SeedVal | Rule String RuleVal deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON GrammarDef instance ToJSON GrammarDef -- What I would like: -- jsonInputWanted = -- "[\ -- \{\"b\": {\"follow\":null}},\ -- \{\"r\": {\"scale\": 0.6}},\ -- \{\"<\": {\"turn\": 0.45}},\ -- \{\">\": {\"turn\": -0.45}},\ -- \{\"B\": {\"var\": null}},\ -- \{\"s\": {\"seed\": {\"p\": {\"x\":0, \"y\":0}, \"v\":{\"x\":0, \"y\":1}}}},\ -- \{\"R1\": {\"rule\": {\"B\": \"b r [ < B ] [ > B ]\"}}}\ -- \]" -- What I have to use with generically derived instance jsonInput = "[\ \{\"contents\":\"b\",\"tag\":\"Follow\"},\ \{\"contents\":\"B\",\"tag\":\"Var\"},\ \{\"contents\":[\"r\",0.6],\"tag\":\"Scale\"},\ \{\"contents\":[\"\\u003c\",0.14285714285714],\"tag\":\"Turn\"},\ \{\"contents\":[\"\\u003e\",-0.14285714285714],\"tag\":\"Turn\"},\ \{\"contents\":[\"s\",[[0,0],[0,1]]],\"tag\":\"Seed\"},\ \{\"contents\":[\"R1\",[\"B\" ,\"b r [ < B ] [ > B ]\"]],\"tag\":\"Rule\"}\ \]" parseGrammar j = case decode (BS.pack j) of (Just g) -> g Nothing -> error $ "Bad grammar in JSON: " ++ j grammar = parseGrammar jsonInput toGrammarMap g@(Var s) = (s, g) toGrammarMap g@(Follow s) = (s, g) toGrammarMap g@(Scale s _) = (s, g) toGrammarMap g@(Turn s _) = (s, g) toGrammarMap g@(Seed s _) = (s, g) toGrammarMap g@(Rule s _) = (s, g) stringToGrammarDef = initMap (map toGrammarMap grammar) -- Assumes string has been converted to a list of lists of -- terminal symbols corresponding to transformations. buildXfm :: Map String ((P2, R2) -> (P2, R2)) -> [[String]] -> [(P2, R2) -> (P2, R2)] buildXfm _ [] = [] buildXfm m (xs:xss) = (buildXfm' m id xs) : buildXfm m xss buildXfm' _ f [] = f buildXfm' m f (x:xs) = buildXfm' m (g . f) xs where g = fromJust (M.lookup x m) --parseRule :: Text -> Tree [String] parseRule r = case parseOnly tree r of Left e -> error $ "Could not parse rule: " ++ show r ++ " (" ++ e ++ ")" Right t -> t tree :: Parser (Tree [String]) tree = (do ts <- many1 subTree return $ Node [] ts) <|> (do xs <- flatList ts <- many1 subTree return $ Node xs ts) <|> (do xs <- flatList return $ Node xs []) -- One level of recursion only subTree :: Parser (Tree [String]) subTree = do skipSpace char '[' xs <- flatList skipSpace char ']' return $ Node xs [] flatList :: Parser [String] flatList = many1 idToken idToken :: Parser String idToken = skipSpace >> many1 (satisfy (notInClass "[] \t\n")) -- One level of recursion. distribute (Node p []) = [p] distribute (Node p ts) = map (p ++) (map rootLabel ts) elimVars m = map (filter (not . isVar m)) isVar m s = case M.lookup s m of Just (Var _) -> True otherwise -> False symMap = initMap symbols initMap = foldr updateMap M.empty updateMap (k,f) = M.insert k f stop (_, v) = magnitude v < 0.05 followBranch (p, v) = (p .+^ v, v) scaleBranch s (p, v) = (p, v ^* s) rotateBranch t (p, v) = (p, rotateBy t v)
import Test.Hspec import StringCalculator import Control.Exception (evaluate) main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "StringCalculator" $ do it "should return 0 for an empty string" $ do calculate "" `shouldBe` 0 it "should return 1 for a string '1'" $ do calculate "1" `shouldBe` 1 it "should return 2 for a string '2'" $ do calculate "2" `shouldBe` 2 it "should return 3 for a string '1,2'" $ do calculate "1,2" `shouldBe` 3 it "should return 6 for a string '1\n2,3'" $ do calculate "1\n2,3" `shouldBe` 6 it "should return 3 for a string of '//;\n1;2'" $ do calculate "//;\n1;2" `shouldBe` 3 it "should throw an exception if a negative number is given" $ do evaluate (calculate "1,-2") `shouldThrow` errorCall "negatives not allowed"
module Main where import qualified Network as Net import System.IO (Handle, hClose) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Control.Monad (forever, unless) import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically) import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch, finally) import Network.Neks.Disk (saveTo, loadFrom) import Network.Neks.NetPack (netRead, netWrite) import Network.Neks.Message (parseRequests, formatResponses) import Network.Neks.DataStore (DataStore, createStore, insert, get, delete) import Network.Neks.Actions (Request(Set, Get, Delete, Atomic), Reply(Found, NotFound)) type Store = DataStore ByteString ByteString main = do args <- getArgs case args of [] -> serveWithPersistence ["--no-persistence"] -> serveWithoutPersistence ["--help"] -> putStrLn instructions -- To be explicit _ -> putStrLn instructions serveWithPersistence = do loaded <- loadFrom "store.kvs" globalStore <- case loaded of Just store -> return store Nothing -> atomically createStore let periodically action = forever (threadDelay (30*10^6) >> action) forkIO $ periodically (saveTo "store.kvs" globalStore) putStrLn "Serving on port 9999 \nSaving DB to store.kvs" serve globalStore (Net.PortNumber 9999) serveWithoutPersistence = do globalStore <- atomically createStore putStrLn "Serving on port 9999\nNot persisting to disk" serve globalStore (Net.PortNumber 9999) serve :: Store -> Net.PortID -> IO () serve store port = Net.withSocketsDo $ do sock <- Net.listenOn port forever (wait sock store) wait :: Net.Socket -> Store -> IO ThreadId wait sock store = do (client, _, _) <- Net.accept sock forkIO (run client) where run client = (handle client store `finally` hClose client) `catch` exceptionHandler exceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO () exceptionHandler exception = return () -- Optional exception reporting handle :: Handle -> Store -> IO () handle client store = do result <- processRequests client store case result of Right success -> handle client store Left failure -> return () -- Optional soft error reporting processRequests :: Handle -> Store -> IO (Either String ()) processRequests client store = do requestData <- netRead client case requestData >>= parseRequests of Left err -> return (Left err) Right requests -> do results <- mapM (atomically . processWith store) requests netWrite client . formatResponses . concat $ results return (Right ()) processWith :: Store -> Request -> STM [Reply] processWith store (Set k v) = do insert k v store return [] processWith store (Get k) = do result <- get k store return $ case result of Nothing -> [NotFound] Just v -> [Found v] processWith store (Delete k) = do delete k store return [] processWith store (Atomic requests) = do results <- mapM (processWith store) requests return (concat results) instructions = "Usage: NeksServer <opt-args>\n" ++ "<opt-args> can be empty or can be \"--no-persistence\" to disable storing keys and values on disk"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2007-2010, ETH Zurich. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file. -- If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to: -- ETH Zurich D-INFK, Haldeneggsteig 4, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group. -- -- Default architecture-specific definitions for Barrelfish -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ArchDefaults where import Data.List import HakeTypes import Path import qualified Config commonFlags = [ Str s | s <- [ "-fno-builtin", "-nostdinc", "-U__linux__", "-Ulinux", "-Wall", "-Wshadow", "-Wmissing-declarations", "-Wmissing-field-initializers", "-Wredundant-decls", "-Werror", "-imacros" ] ] ++ [ NoDep SrcTree "src" "/include/deputy/nodeputy.h" ] commonCFlags = [ Str s | s <- [ "-std=c99", "-U__STRICT_ANSI__", -- for newlib headers "-Wstrict-prototypes", "-Wold-style-definition", "-Wmissing-prototypes" ] ] ++ [ ContStr Config.use_fp "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ""] commonCxxFlags = [ Str s | s <- [ "-nostdinc++", "-std=c++0x", "-fno-exceptions", "-I" ] ] ++ [ NoDep SrcTree "src" "/include/cxx" ] ++ [ ContStr Config.use_fp "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ""] cFlags = [ Str s | s <- [ "-Wno-packed-bitfield-compat" ] ] ++ commonCFlags cxxFlags = [ Str s | s <- [ "-Wno-packed-bitfield-compat" ] ] ++ commonCxxFlags cDefines options = [ Str ("-D"++s) | s <- [ "BARRELFISH" ]] ++ Config.defines ++ Config.arch_defines options cStdIncs arch archFamily = [ NoDep SrcTree "src" "/include", NoDep SrcTree "src" ("/include/arch" ./. archFamily), NoDep SrcTree "src" Config.libcInc, NoDep SrcTree "src" "/include/c", NoDep SrcTree "src" ("/include/target" ./. archFamily), NoDep SrcTree "src" Config.lwipxxxInc, -- XXX NoDep SrcTree "src" Config.lwipInc, NoDep InstallTree arch "/include", NoDep InstallTree arch "/include/dev", NoDep SrcTree "src" ".", NoDep BuildTree arch "." ] ldFlags arch = [ Str Config.cOptFlags, In InstallTree arch "/lib/crt0.o", In InstallTree arch "/lib/crtbegin.o", Str "-fno-builtin", Str "-nostdlib" ] ldCxxFlags arch = [ Str Config.cOptFlags, In InstallTree arch "/lib/crt0.o", In InstallTree arch "/lib/crtbegin.o", Str "-fno-builtin", Str "-nostdlib" ] -- Libraries that are linked to all applications. stdLibs arch = [ In InstallTree arch "/lib/libbarrelfish.a", In InstallTree arch "/lib/libterm_client.a", In InstallTree arch "/lib/liboctopus_parser.a", -- XXX: For NS client in libbarrelfish In InstallTree arch "/errors/errno.o", In InstallTree arch ("/lib/lib" ++ Config.libc ++ ".a"), --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libposixcompat.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libvfs.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libnfs.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/liblwip.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libbarrelfish.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libcontmng.a", --In InstallTree arch "/lib/libprocon.a", In InstallTree arch "/lib/crtend.o" , In InstallTree arch "/lib/libcollections.a" ] stdCxxLibs arch = [ In InstallTree arch "/lib/libcxx.a", Str "./libsupc++.a" ] ++ stdLibs arch options arch archFamily = Options { optArch = arch, optArchFamily = archFamily, optFlags = cFlags, optCxxFlags = cxxFlags, optDefines = [ Str "-DBARRELFISH" ] ++ Config.defines, optIncludes = cStdIncs arch archFamily, optDependencies = [ PreDep InstallTree arch "/include/errors/errno.h", PreDep InstallTree arch "/include/barrelfish_kpi/capbits.h", PreDep InstallTree arch "/include/asmoffsets.h", PreDep InstallTree arch "/include/trace_definitions/trace_defs.h" ], optLdFlags = ldFlags arch, optLdCxxFlags = ldCxxFlags arch, optLibs = stdLibs arch, optCxxLibs = stdCxxLibs arch, optInterconnectDrivers = ["lmp", "ump", "multihop"], optFlounderBackends = ["lmp", "ump", "multihop"], extraFlags = [], extraDefines = [], extraIncludes = [], extraDependencies = [], extraLdFlags = [], optSuffix = [] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Now, commands to actually do something -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- C compiler -- cCompiler arch compiler opts phase src obj = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] deps = (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) in [ Str compiler ] ++ flags ++ [ Str Config.cOptFlags ] ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ [ Str "-o", Out arch obj, Str "-c", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] ++ deps -- -- the C preprocessor, like C compiler but with -E -- cPreprocessor arch compiler opts phase src obj = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] deps = (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) cOptFlags = unwords ((words Config.cOptFlags) \\ ["-g"]) in [ Str compiler ] ++ flags ++ [ Str cOptFlags ] ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ [ Str "-o", Out arch obj, Str "-E", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] ++ deps -- -- C++ compiler -- cxxCompiler arch cxxcompiler opts phase src obj = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optCxxFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] deps = (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) in [ Str cxxcompiler ] ++ flags ++ [ Str Config.cOptFlags ] ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ [ Str "-o", Out arch obj, Str "-c", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] ++ deps -- -- Create C file dependencies -- makeDepend arch compiler opts phase src obj depfile = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] in [ Str ('@':compiler) ] ++ flags ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) ++ [ Str "-M -MF", Out arch depfile, Str "-MQ", NoDep BuildTree arch obj, Str "-MQ", NoDep BuildTree arch depfile, Str "-c", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] -- -- Create C++ file dependencies -- makeCxxDepend arch cxxcompiler opts phase src obj depfile = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optCxxFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] in [ Str ('@':cxxcompiler) ] ++ flags ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) ++ [ Str "-M -MF", Out arch depfile, Str "-MQ", NoDep BuildTree arch obj, Str "-MQ", NoDep BuildTree arch depfile, Str "-c", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] -- -- Compile a C program to assembler -- cToAssembler :: String -> String -> Options -> String -> String -> String -> String -> [ RuleToken ] cToAssembler arch compiler opts phase src afile objdepfile = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] deps = [ Dep BuildTree arch objdepfile ] ++ (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) in [ Str compiler ] ++ flags ++ [ Str Config.cOptFlags ] ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ [ Str "-o ", Out arch afile, Str "-S ", In (if phase == "src" then SrcTree else BuildTree) phase src ] ++ deps -- -- Assemble an assembly language file -- assembler :: String -> String -> Options -> String -> String -> [ RuleToken ] assembler arch compiler opts src obj = let incls = (optIncludes opts) ++ (extraIncludes opts) flags = (optFlags opts) ++ (optDefines opts) ++ [ Str f | f <- extraFlags opts ] ++ [ Str f | f <- extraDefines opts ] deps = (optDependencies opts) ++ (extraDependencies opts) in [ Str compiler ] ++ flags ++ [ Str Config.cOptFlags ] ++ concat [ [ NStr "-I", i ] | i <- incls ] ++ [ Str "-o ", Out arch obj, Str "-c ", In SrcTree "src" src ] ++ deps -- -- Create a library from a set of object files -- archive :: String -> Options -> [String] -> [String] -> String -> String -> [ RuleToken ] archive arch opts objs libs name libname = [ Str "rm -f ", Out arch libname ] ++ [ NL, Str "ar cr ", Out arch libname ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch o | o <- objs ] ++ if libs == [] then [] else ( [ NL, Str ("rm -fr tmp-" ++ arch ++ name ++ "; mkdir tmp-" ++ arch ++ name) ] ++ [ NL, Str ("cd tmp-" ++ arch ++ name ++ "; for i in ") ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch a | a <- libs ] ++ [ Str "; do ar x ../$$i; done" ] ++ [ NL, Str "ar q ", Out arch libname, Str (" tmp-" ++ arch ++ name ++ "/*.o") ] ++ [ NL, Str ("rm -fr tmp-" ++ arch ++ name) ] ) ++ [ NL, Str "ranlib ", Out arch libname ] -- -- Link an executable -- linker :: String -> String -> Options -> [String] -> [String] -> String -> [RuleToken] linker arch compiler opts objs libs bin = [ Str compiler ] ++ (optLdFlags opts) ++ (extraLdFlags opts) ++ [ Str "-o", Out arch bin ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch o | o <- objs ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch l | l <- libs ] ++ (optLibs opts) -- -- Link an executable -- cxxlinker :: String -> String -> Options -> [String] -> [String] -> String -> [RuleToken] cxxlinker arch cxxcompiler opts objs libs bin = [ Str cxxcompiler ] ++ (optLdCxxFlags opts) ++ (extraLdFlags opts) ++ [ Str "-o", Out arch bin ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch o | o <- objs ] ++ [ In BuildTree arch l | l <- libs ] ++ (optCxxLibs opts)
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Handler.EntryPics where import Import import Utils.Database import qualified Hasql as H import qualified Data.Text as T getEntryPicsR :: Int -> Handler Html getEntryPicsR entryId = do dbres <- liftIO $ do conn <- getDbConn H.session conn $ H.tx Nothing $ do (images :: [(Int,T.Text)]) <- H.listEx $ [H.stmt| SELECT id , ext FROM images WHERE entry_id = ? AND img_type = 'entry' ORDER BY id ASC |] entryId return images case dbres of Left err -> error $ show err Right images -> defaultLayout $ do setTitle $ "Entry Images | Brandreth Guestbook" $(widgetFile "entrypics")
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-dodgy-exports -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | Reexports "Numeric.Natural.Compat" -- from a globally unique namespace. module Numeric.Natural.Compat.Repl ( module Numeric.Natural.Compat ) where import "this" Numeric.Natural.Compat
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {- | - Module : Memo - Description : Infinite memorization tree structure - Copyright : (c) Maciej Bendkowski - - Maintainer : [email protected] - Stability : experimental -} module Memo ( Tree(..), idx, nats, toList ) where -- | An infinite binary tree data structure -- with additional functor capabilities data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a) instance Functor Tree where fmap f (Tree l x r) = Tree (fmap f l) (f x) (fmap f r) -- | Tree indexer idx :: Tree a -> Int -> a idx (Tree _ x _) 0 = x idx (Tree l _ r) k = case (k-1) `divMod` 2 of (k', 0) -> idx l k' (k', _) -> idx r k' -- | Natural numbers represented in an -- infinite binary tree nats :: Tree Int nats = f 0 1 where f :: Int -> Int -> Tree Int f !k !s = Tree (f l s') k (f r s') where l = k + s r = l + s s' = s * 2 -- | Tree to list converter toList :: Tree a -> [a] toList ts = map (idx ts) [0..]
module YesNo ( YesNo ) where import Tree import TrafficLight class YesNo a where yesno :: a -> Bool instance YesNo Int where yesno 0 = False yesno _ = True instance YesNo [ a ] where yesno [] = False yesno _ = True instance YesNo Bool where yesno = id -- Function 'id' means identity, get argument and return the same thing. instance YesNo (Maybe a) where yesno (Just _) = True yesno Nothing = False instance YesNo (Tree a) where yesno EmptyTree = False yesno _ = True instance YesNo TrafficLight where yesno Red = False yesno _ = True yesnoIf :: (YesNo y) => y -> a -> a -> a yesnoIf yesnoVal yesResult noResult = if yesno yesnoVal then yesResult else noResult
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, LambdaCase, MagicHash, StandaloneDeriving #-} #ifndef __GHCJS__ {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} #endif {- | Communication between the compiler (GHCJS) and runtime (on node.js) for Template Haskell -} module GHCJS.Prim.TH.Types ( Message(..) , THResultType(..) ) where import Prelude import Data.Binary import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Data import GHC.Generics import GHCi.TH.Binary () #if defined(__GHCJS__) || !defined(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell_ghcjs) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH #else import qualified "template-haskell-ghcjs" Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified "template-haskell-ghcjs" Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH #endif data THResultType = THExp | THPat | THType | THDec | THAnnWrapper deriving (Enum, Show, Data, Generic) data Message -- | compiler to node requests = RunTH THResultType ByteString (Maybe TH.Loc) | FinishTH Bool -- ^ also stop runner (False to just clean up at end of module) -- | node to compiler responses | RunTH' ByteString -- ^ serialized result | FinishTH' Int -- ^ memory consumption -- | node to compiler requests | NewName String | Report Bool String | LookupName Bool String | Reify TH.Name | ReifyInstances TH.Name [TH.Type] | ReifyRoles TH.Name | ReifyAnnotations TH.AnnLookup | ReifyModule TH.Module | ReifyFixity TH.Name | ReifyConStrictness TH.Name | AddForeignFilePath TH.ForeignSrcLang String | AddDependentFile FilePath | AddTempFile String | AddTopDecls [TH.Dec] | AddCorePlugin String | IsExtEnabled TH.Extension | ExtsEnabled -- | compiler to node responses | NewName' TH.Name | Report' | LookupName' (Maybe TH.Name) | Reify' TH.Info | ReifyInstances' [TH.Dec] | ReifyRoles' [TH.Role] | ReifyAnnotations' [ByteString] | ReifyModule' TH.ModuleInfo | ReifyFixity' (Maybe TH.Fixity) | ReifyConStrictness' [TH.DecidedStrictness] | AddForeignFilePath' | AddDependentFile' | AddTempFile' FilePath | AddTopDecls' | AddCorePlugin' | IsExtEnabled' Bool | ExtsEnabled' [TH.Extension] | QFail' | QCompilerException' Int String -- ^ exception id and result of showing the exception -- | error recovery | StartRecover | EndRecover Bool -- ^ true for recovery action taken | StartRecover' | EndRecover' -- | exit with error status | QFail String -- ^ monadic fail called | QUserException String -- ^ exception in user code | QCompilerException Int -- ^ exception originated on compiler side deriving (Generic) -- deriving instance Generic TH.ForeignSrcLang instance Binary TH.Extension instance Binary TH.ForeignSrcLang instance Binary THResultType instance Binary Message
-- -- -- (C) 2011-14 Nicola Bonelli <[email protected]> -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, -- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in -- the file called "COPYING". {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import qualified Network.PFq as Q import Foreign import System.Environment import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad -- import Foreign.C.Types import qualified Data.ByteString as C ping = C.pack [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf0, 0xbf, -- L`..UF.. 0x97, 0xe2, 0xff, 0xae, 0x08, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, -- ......E. 0x00, 0x54, 0xb3, 0xf9, 0x40, 0x00, 0x40, 0x01, -- .T..@.@. 0xf5, 0x32, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x02, 0xad, 0xc2, -- .2...... 0x23, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0xf2, 0xea, 0x42, 0x04, -- #.....B. 0x00, 0x01, 0xfe, 0xeb, 0xfc, 0x52, 0x00, 0x00, -- .....R.. 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0xfe, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, -- ........ 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, -- ........ 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, -- ........ 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, -- .. !"#$% 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, -- &'()*+,- 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, -- ./012345 0x36, 0x37 -- 67 ] sendSync :: Ptr Q.PFqTag -> Int -> IO Int sendSync q n = Q.send q ping >>= (\b -> if b then return (n+1) else return n) sendAsync :: Ptr Q.PFqTag -> Int -> IO Int sendAsync q n = Q.sendAsync q ping 128 >>= (\b -> if b then return (n+1) else return n) while :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> IO a) -> a -> IO a while pred fun x | pred x = do y <- fun x while pred fun y | otherwise = return x sender :: [String] -> IO () sender xs = do let dev = head xs let queue = read (xs !! 1) :: Int let core = read (xs !! 2) :: Int let num = read (xs !! 3) :: Int fp <-' 64 1024 1024 withForeignPtr fp $ \q -> do Q.enable q Q.bindTxOnCpu q dev queue core if core /= -1 then do putStrLn $ "sending " ++ show num ++ " packets to dev " ++ dev ++ " (async)..." Q.txAsync q True while (< num) (sendAsync q) 0 else do putStrLn $ "sending " ++ show num ++ " packets to dev " ++ dev ++ "..." while (< num) (sendSync q) 0 threadDelay 2000000 stat <- Q.getStats q print stat Q.close q main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case () of _ | length args < 4 -> error "usage: test-send dev queue node num" | otherwise -> sender args
doubleMe x = x + x tripleMe x = doubleMe x + x doubleSmallNumbers x = if x < 100 then doubleMe x else x boomBang xs = [if x < 10 then "Boom" else "Bang" | x <- xs, odd x] tmp :: Int->Int tmp x = x * 4 lucky :: (Integral a) => a -> String lucky 7 = "LUCKY NUMBER SEVEN!" lucky x = "Sorry, you're out of luck, pal!" factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a factorial 0 = 1 factorial n = n * factorial(n - 1) pie "pi" = "Pie is delicious" pie "ab" = "This is not right" addVector :: (Num a) => (a,a) -> (a,a) -> (a,a) addVector (a1, b1)(a2, b2) = (a1 + a2, b1 + b2) headAlt :: [a] -> a headAlt [] = error "Cannot call head on empty list" headAlt (x:_) = x lengthAlt :: (Num b) => [a] -> b lengthAlt [] = 0 lengthAlt (_:xs) = 1 + lengthAlt xs bmiTell bmi | bmi <= 18.5 = "God damn emo!" | bmi <= 25.0 = "Normal? Boring" | bmi <= 30.0 = "OVERWEIGHT!" | otherwise = "WHALE" divideByTen :: (Floating a) => a -> a divideByTen = (/10) isUpperAlphanum :: Char -> Bool isUpperAlphanum = (`elem` ['A'..'Z']) quick :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] quick [] = [] quick (x:xs) = let smallBound = quick [a | a <- xs, a <= x] bigBound = quick [a | a <- xs, a > x] in smallBound ++ [x] ++ bigBound
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-} module Editor.MonadF(MonadF) where class (Monad m, Functor m) => MonadF m instance (Monad m, Functor m) => MonadF m
module Export2 where import ExportBasic import ExportBasic2 f :: Int f = 4 (/**) :: a -> Int -> Int _ /** z = 2 * g * z -- 12 * z where g = 3 * k -- 6 where k = 3 infixr 6 /** data Listt a = a :> a | Empt data Listt2 a = a :>< a | Empty data Listt3 a = a :>>< a | Emptyy type Hello = Int main :: Int main = 0
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numeric.MonteCarlo.Plain -- Copyright : (c) 2011, 2013 Ian-Woo Kim -- -- License : GPL-3 -- Maintainer : Ian-Woo Kim <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC -- -- Plain non-adaptive monte carlo integration algorithm -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.MonteCarlo.Plain where import System.Random.Mersenne -- | 1D integration plain1DMC :: (Double -> IO Double) -> Int -> IO Double plain1DMC integrand num = do g <- getStdGen let go :: Double -> Int -> IO Double go !accr !accn | accn <= 0 = return accr | otherwise = do x1 <- random g :: IO Double itr <- integrand x1 if isNaN itr then putStrLn $ show (x1,itr) else return () go (accr + itr) (accn-1) r <- go 0.0 num return $ r/fromIntegral num -- | 2D integration plain2DMC :: ((Double,Double) -> IO Double) -> Int -> IO Double plain2DMC integrand num = do g <- getStdGen let go :: Double -> Int -> IO Double go !accr !accn | accn <= 0 = return accr | otherwise = do x1 <- random g :: IO Double x2 <- random g :: IO Double itr <- integrand (x1,x2) if isNaN itr then putStrLn $ show (x1,x2,itr) else return () go (accr + itr) (accn-1) r <- go 0.0 num return $ r/fromIntegral num -- | 3D integration plain3DMC :: ((Double,Double,Double) -> IO Double) -> Int -> IO Double plain3DMC integrand num = do g <- getStdGen let go :: Double -> Int -> IO Double go !accr !accn | accn <= 0 = return accr | otherwise = do x1 <- random g :: IO Double x2 <- random g :: IO Double x3 <- random g :: IO Double itr <- integrand (x1,x2,x3) if isNaN itr then putStrLn $ show (x1,x2,x3,itr) else return () go (accr + itr) (accn-1) r <- go 0.0 num return $ r/fromIntegral num
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, ViewPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-} module QuickCheckUtil where import Test.QuickCheck import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import qualified Data.Vector as V import Element import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import Data.SumType import Control.Applicative import Data.Maybe -- import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation cart :: Monad m => m a1 -> m a2 -> m (a1, a2) cart = liftM2 (,) data ShowWithVarName a = ShowWithVarName String a instance Show a => Show (ShowWithVarName a) where showsPrec _ (ShowWithVarName vn a) = showString vn . showString " = " . shows a unShowWithVarName :: ShowWithVarName t -> t unShowWithVarName (ShowWithVarName _ a) = a forAllShrinkN :: (Show b, Testable prop) => Gen b -> (ShowWithVarName b -> [ShowWithVarName b]) -> String -> (b -> prop) -> Property forAllShrinkN gen shr name p = forAllShrink (ShowWithVarName name <$> gen) shr (p . unShowWithVarName) forAllN :: (Show b, Testable prop) => Gen b -> String -> (b -> prop) -> Property forAllN gen name p = forAll (ShowWithVarName name <$> gen) (p . unShowWithVarName) forAllElements :: (Show (Element xs), AsList xs, Testable prop) => xs -> (Element xs -> prop) -> Property forAllElements (asList -> xs) p = if null xs then label "Vacuously true (empty domain)" True else forAll (elements xs) p forAllElementsN :: (Show (Element xs), AsList xs, Testable prop) => xs -> String -> (Element xs -> prop) -> Property forAllElementsN elts name p = forAllElements (ShowWithVarName name <$> asList elts) (p . unShowWithVarName) -- | Shrinks the index in the given list forAllElementsShrink :: (Show (Element xs), AsList xs, Testable prop) => xs -> (Element xs -> prop) -> Property forAllElementsShrink (asList -> xs) p = case length xs of 0 -> label "Vacuously true (empty domain)" True n -> forAllShrink (choose (0,n-1)) shrink (\i -> let x = xs !! i in printTestCase (show x) (p x)) forAllElements2 :: (Show (Element xs), Show (Element xs1), AsList xs, AsList xs1, Testable prop) => xs -> xs1 -> ((Element xs, Element xs1) -> prop) -> Property forAllElements2 xs ys p = forAllElements (asList xs `cart` asList ys) p forAll2 :: (Testable prop, Show a1, Show a) =>Gen a -> Gen a1 -> (a -> a1 -> prop) -> Property forAll2 gen1 gen2 p = forAll gen1 (\x1 -> forAll gen2 (p x1)) forAll3 :: (Testable prop, Show a1, Show a2, Show a) =>Gen a -> Gen a1 -> Gen a2 -> (a -> a1 -> a2 -> prop) -> Property forAll3 gen1 gen2 gen3 p = forAll gen1 (\x1 -> forAll gen2 (\x2 -> forAll gen3 (p x1 x2))) changeSize :: (Int -> Int) -> Gen a -> Gen a changeSize f gen = sized (\n -> resize (f n) gen) -- | Exhaustively checks a property for all elements of a list (in contrast to 'forAll', which samples randomly) conjoinMap :: Testable prop => [t] -> (t -> prop) -> Property conjoinMap [] _ = label "Vacuously true (empty domain)" True conjoinMap xs p = conjoin (fmap p xs) conjoinMap2 :: Testable prop => [a1] -> [a2] -> ((a1, a2) -> prop) -> Property conjoinMap2 xs ys p = conjoinMap (xs `cart` ys) p (.=.) :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Property x .=. y = printTestCase (unlines ["Checking equality","=== LHS of equation ===",show x,"=== RHS of equation ===",show y]) (x==y) infix 4 .=. setEq :: (Ord (Element xs), Show (Element xs), AsList xs, AsList xs1, Element xs1 ~ Element xs) => xs -> xs1 -> Property setEq (asList -> xs) (asList -> ys) = printTestCase (unlines ["setEq:","=== FIRST SET ===",show xs,"=== SECOND SET ===",show ys]) $ (S.fromList xs == S.fromList ys) isSubset :: (Show a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Property isSubset x y = printTestCase (unlines ["isSubset:","=== FIRST SET ===",show x,"=== SECOND SET ===",show y]) (S.fromList x `S.isSubsetOf` S.fromList y) instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Gr a b) where arbitrary = do ns <- (S.toList . S.fromList) `fmap` arbitrary :: Gen [Node] let nNodes = length ns lns <- zip ns `fmap` vector nNodes nEdges <- choose (0,nNodes^(2::Int)) les <- let g = vectorOf nEdges (elements ns) in liftM3 zip3 g g (vector nEdges) return (mkGraph lns les) conjoin' :: Testable a => [a] -> Gen Prop conjoin' [] = label "conjoin' []" True conjoin' ((V.fromList . fmap property) -> ps) = (ps V.!) =<< choose (0,V.length ps-1) noDupes :: (Ord (Element xs), Show (Element xs), AsList xs) => xs -> Property noDupes (asList -> xs) = printTestCase ("Checking duplicate-freeness of "++ show xs) $ S.size (S.fromList xs) .=. length xs elementsV :: (Ord b, VG.Vector v b) => v b -> Gen b elementsV v | VG.null v = error "elementsV: empty vector" elementsV v = do i <- choose (0,VG.maxIndex v) return (v VG.! i) generateUntilRight :: (Show (L a), SubSumTy a) => Gen a -> Gen (R a) generateUntilRight g = fromRight <$> (g `suchThat` isRight) generateUntilJust :: Gen (Maybe b) -> Gen b generateUntilJust g = fromJust <$> (g `suchThat` isJust) -- arbitraryDivisor :: Integer -> Gen Integer -- arbitraryDivisor i = -- let -- factorisation = factorise i -- in -- do -- powers <- mapM (\n -> choose (0,n)) (map snd factorisation) -- return (product [ p ^ k | (p,k) <- zip (map fst factorisation) powers ]) -- arbitraryConvexCombination v -- | VG.null v = assert False undefined -- | otherwise = do -- -- (coeffs,sum) <- (do -- coeffs <- vectorOf (VG.length v) (choose (0,1)) -- return (coeffs, sum coeffs)) -- -- `suchThat` ( -- -- --
module SocialForce.Run ( runSocialForce ) where import Control.Monad.Random import FRP.FrABS import FRP.Yampa import SocialForce.Init import SocialForce.Renderer import SocialForce.Model winSize :: (Int, Int) winSize = (1000, 600) winTitle :: String winTitle = "SocialForce" frequency :: Int frequency = 0 rngSeed :: Int rngSeed = 42 dt :: DTime dt = unitTime -- 0.1 -- TODO: unfinished implementation runSocialForce :: IO () runSocialForce = do params <- initSimulation Sequential Nothing Nothing True (Just rngSeed) (initAdefs, initEnv) <- evalRandIO $ initSocialForce params simulateAndRender initAdefs initEnv params dt frequency winTitle winSize renderSocialForceFrame Nothing --(Just (\_ asenv -> printAgentDynamics asenv))
main :: IO() main = do args <- getContents mapM_ putStrLn $ map compress $ lines args compress :: String -> String compress str = compress' str "" 0 compress' :: String -> String -> Int -> String compress' [] prev count = prev ++ if count > 1 then show count else "" compress' str _ 0 = (compress' (tail str) [(head str)] 1) compress' str prev count = if prev /= [head str] then prev ++ (if count > 1 then show count else "") ++ compress' (tail str) [(head str)] 1 else compress' (tail str) [(head str)] (count + 1)
module Wordify.Rules.FormedWord (FormedWords, FormedWord, PlacedSquares, allWords, mainWord, adjacentWords, playerPlaced, playerPlacedMap, scoreWord, overallScore, bingoBonusApplied, prettyPrintIntersections, makeString, wordStrings, wordsWithScores, wordsFormedMidGame, wordFormedFirstMove) where import Wordify.Rules.Pos import Wordify.Rules.Square import Wordify.Rules.Tile import Wordify.Rules.Board import Wordify.Rules.ScrabbleError import Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Map as Map import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.Maybe as M import qualified Data.List.Split as S import Data.Char import Data.Functor data FormedWords = FirstWord FormedWord | FormedWords { main :: FormedWord , otherWords :: [FormedWord] , placed :: PlacedSquares } deriving (Show, Eq) type FormedWord = Seq (Pos, Square) type PlacedSquares = Map Pos Square {- | Pretty prints the places a given formed word intersects with letters that were already on the board using brackets. E.g. T(HI)S would denote that the player placed a 'T' and an 'S' on to the board, using the already placed word 'HI' to form the new word 'THIS'. -} prettyPrintIntersections :: PlacedSquares -> FormedWord -> String prettyPrintIntersections placed formedWord = denotePassThroughs placed $ Foldable.toList formedWord where denotePassThroughs :: PlacedSquares -> [(Pos, Square)] -> String denotePassThroughs placed formed = let breaks = brokenSquaresToChars $ S.split (splitter placed) formed in case breaks of (part:parts) -> part ++ (Prelude.concat $ Prelude.zipWith (++) (cycle ["(",")"]) parts) [] -> "" squareToChar :: Square -> Char squareToChar sq = maybe '_' id $ tileIfOccupied sq >>= printLetter -- Splits whenever we encounter a series of squares that the player's word passes through -- on the board splitter :: PlacedSquares -> S.Splitter (Pos, Square) splitter placed = S.condense $ S.whenElt (flip (Map.notMember . fst) placed) brokenSquaresToChars :: [[(Pos, Square)]] -> [[Char]] brokenSquaresToChars brokenSquares = ( . (squareToChar . snd) brokenSquares {- | Scores an individual word. Note: overallscore should be used to obtain the overall score as it takes into account any bingo bonuses. -} scoreWord :: PlacedSquares -> FormedWord -> Int scoreWord played formed = let (notAlreadyPlaced, onBoardAlready) = partitionPlaced played formed in scoreSquares onBoardAlready notAlreadyPlaced where partitionPlaced placed formed = (mapTuple . fmap) snd $ Seq.partition (\(pos, _) -> Map.member pos placed) formed mapTuple :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) mapTuple f (a1, a2) = (f a1, f a2) {- | Calculates the overall score of the play. If a player managed to place all 7 of their letters, then they receive a bingo bonus of 50 points. -} overallScore :: FormedWords -> Int overallScore formedWords = let wordsScore = Prelude.sum $ (scoreWord placed) $ allWords formedWords in case (Prelude.length $ keys $ placed) of 7 -> wordsScore + 50 _ -> wordsScore where placed = playerPlacedMap formedWords {-| All the words formed by a play. -} allWords :: FormedWords -> [FormedWord] allWords (FormedWords main adjacentWords _) = main : adjacentWords allWords (FirstWord firstWord) = [firstWord] {- | Returns the word formed by the first move on the board. The word must cover the star tile, and be linear. Any blank tiles must be labeled. -} wordFormedFirstMove :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords wordFormedFirstMove board tiles | starPos `Map.notMember` tiles = Left DoesNotCoverTheStarTile | otherwise = placedSquares board tiles >>= fmap (FirstWord . main) . wordsFormed board {- | Returns the words formed by the tiles played on the board. A played word must be connected to a tile already on the board (or intersect tiles on the board), and be formed linearly. Any blank tiles must be labeled. -} wordsFormedMidGame :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords wordsFormedMidGame board tiles = placedSquares board tiles >>= \squares -> wordsFormed board squares >>= \formed -> let FormedWords x xs _ = formed -- Check it connects to at least one other word on the board in if Seq.length x > Map.size squares || not (Prelude.null xs) then Right $ FormedWords x xs squares else Left DoesNotConnectWithWord {- | Returns the main word formed by the played tiles. The main word is the linear stretch of tiles formed by the tiles placed. -} mainWord :: FormedWords -> FormedWord mainWord (FirstWord word) = word mainWord formed = main formed {- | Returns the list of words which were adjacent to the main word formed. -} adjacentWords :: FormedWords -> [FormedWord] adjacentWords (FirstWord _) = [] adjacentWords formed = otherWords formed {- | Returns the list of positions mapped to the squares that the player placed their tiles on. -} playerPlaced :: FormedWords -> [(Pos, Square)] playerPlaced (FirstWord word) = Foldable.toList word playerPlaced formed = Map.toList $ placed formed playerPlacedMap :: FormedWords -> Map Pos Square playerPlacedMap (FirstWord word) = Map.fromList $ Foldable.toList word playerPlacedMap formed = placed formed {- | Scores the words formed by the tiles placed. The first item in the tuple is the overall score, while the second item is the list of scores for all the words formed. -} wordsWithScores :: FormedWords -> (Int, [(String, Int)]) wordsWithScores formedWords = (overallScore formedWords, fmap wordAndScore allFormedWords) where allFormedWords = allWords formedWords wordAndScore formedWord = (makeString formedWord, scoreWord (playerPlacedMap formedWords) formedWord) {- | Returns true if the player placed all 7 of their letters while forming these words, incurring a + 50 score bonus. -} bingoBonusApplied :: FormedWords -> Bool bingoBonusApplied formed = Prelude.length (playerPlaced formed) == 7 {- | Returns the words formed by the play as strings. -} wordStrings :: FormedWords -> [String] wordStrings (FirstWord word) = [makeString word] wordStrings formed = makeString $ main formed : otherWords formed makeString :: FormedWord -> String makeString word = M.mapMaybe (\(_, sq) -> tileIfOccupied sq >>= tileLetter) $ Foldable.toList word {- Checks that the tiles can be placed, and if so returns a map of the squares at the placed positions. A tile may be placed if the square is not already occupied, and if it is not an unlabeled blank tile. -} placedSquares :: Board -> Map Pos Tile -> Either ScrabbleError (Map Pos Square) placedSquares board tiles = squares where squares = Map.fromList <$> sequence ((\ (pos, tile) -> posTileIfNotBlank (pos, tile) >>= squareIfUnoccupied) <$> mapAsList) posTileIfNotBlank (pos,tile) = if tile == Blank Nothing then Left (CannotPlaceBlankWithoutLetter pos) else Right (pos, tile) squareIfUnoccupied (pos,tile) = maybe (Left (PlacedTileOnOccupiedSquare pos tile)) (\sq -> Right (pos, putTileOn sq tile)) $ unoccupiedSquareAt board pos mapAsList = Map.toList tiles wordsFormed :: Board -> Map Pos Square -> Either ScrabbleError FormedWords wordsFormed board tiles | Map.null tiles = Left NoTilesPlaced | otherwise = formedWords >>= \formed -> case formed of x : xs -> Right $ FormedWords x xs tiles [] -> Left NoTilesPlaced where formedWords = maybe (Left $ MisplacedLetter maxPos) (\direction -> middleFirstWord direction >>= (\middle -> let (midWord, _) = middle in let mainLine = preceding direction minPos >< midWord >< after direction maxPos in Right $ mainLine : adjacentToMain (swapDirection direction) ) ) getDirection preceding direction pos = case direction of Horizontal -> lettersLeft board pos Vertical -> lettersBelow board pos after direction pos = case direction of Horizontal -> lettersRight board pos Vertical -> lettersAbove board pos (minPos, _) = Map.findMin tiles (maxPos, _) = Map.findMax tiles adjacentToMain direction = Prelude.filter (\word -> Seq.length word > 1) $ (\(pos, square) -> (preceding direction pos |> (pos, square)) >< after direction pos) placedList middleFirstWord direction = case placedList of [x] -> Right (Seq.singleton x, minPos) (x:xs) -> foldM (\(word, lastPos) (pos, square) -> if not $ stillOnPath lastPos pos direction then Left $ MisplacedLetter pos else if isDirectlyAfter lastPos pos direction then Right (word |> (pos, square), pos) else let between = after direction lastPos in if expectedLettersInbetween direction lastPos pos between then Right ( word >< ( between |> (pos,square) ), pos) else Left $ MisplacedLetter pos ) (Seq.singleton x, minPos ) xs [] -> Left NoTilesPlaced placedList = Map.toAscList tiles stillOnPath lastPos thisPos direction = staticDirectionGetter direction thisPos == staticDirectionGetter direction lastPos expectedLettersInbetween direction lastPos currentPos between = Seq.length between + 1 == movingDirectionGetter direction currentPos - movingDirectionGetter direction lastPos swapDirection direction = if direction == Horizontal then Vertical else Horizontal getDirection -- If only one tile is placed, we look for the first tile it connects with if any. If it connects with none, we return 'Nothing' | (minPos == maxPos) && (not (Seq.null (lettersLeft board minPos)) || not (Seq.null (lettersRight board minPos))) = Just Horizontal | (minPos == maxPos) && (not (Seq.null (lettersBelow board minPos)) || not (Seq.null (lettersAbove board minPos))) = Just Vertical | xPos minPos == xPos maxPos = Just Vertical | yPos minPos == yPos maxPos = Just Horizontal | otherwise = Nothing staticDirectionGetter direction pos = if direction == Horizontal then yPos pos else xPos pos movingDirectionGetter direction pos = if direction == Horizontal then xPos pos else yPos pos isDirectlyAfter pos nextPos direction = movingDirectionGetter direction nextPos == movingDirectionGetter direction pos + 1
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.ServiceConsumerManagement.Services.TenancyUnits.Delete -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Delete a tenancy unit. Before you delete the tenancy unit, there should -- be no tenant resources in it that aren\'t in a DELETED state. Operation. -- -- /See:/ < Service Consumer Management API Reference> for module Network.Google.Resource.ServiceConsumerManagement.Services.TenancyUnits.Delete ( -- * REST Resource ServicesTenancyUnitsDeleteResource -- * Creating a Request , servicesTenancyUnitsDelete , ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete -- * Request Lenses , studXgafv , studUploadProtocol , studAccessToken , studUploadType , studName , studCallback ) where import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.ServiceConsumerManagement.Types -- | A resource alias for method which the -- 'ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete' request conforms to. type ServicesTenancyUnitsDeleteResource = "v1" :> Capture "name" Text :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Delete '[JSON] Operation -- | Delete a tenancy unit. Before you delete the tenancy unit, there should -- be no tenant resources in it that aren\'t in a DELETED state. Operation. -- -- /See:/ 'servicesTenancyUnitsDelete' smart constructor. data ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete = ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete' { _studXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _studUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _studAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _studUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _studName :: !Text , _studCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'studXgafv' -- -- * 'studUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'studAccessToken' -- -- * 'studUploadType' -- -- * 'studName' -- -- * 'studCallback' servicesTenancyUnitsDelete :: Text -- ^ 'studName' -> ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete servicesTenancyUnitsDelete pStudName_ = ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete' { _studXgafv = Nothing , _studUploadProtocol = Nothing , _studAccessToken = Nothing , _studUploadType = Nothing , _studName = pStudName_ , _studCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. studXgafv :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete (Maybe Xgafv) studXgafv = lens _studXgafv (\ s a -> s{_studXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). studUploadProtocol :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete (Maybe Text) studUploadProtocol = lens _studUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_studUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. studAccessToken :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete (Maybe Text) studAccessToken = lens _studAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_studAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). studUploadType :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete (Maybe Text) studUploadType = lens _studUploadType (\ s a -> s{_studUploadType = a}) -- | Required. Name of the tenancy unit to be deleted. studName :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete Text studName = lens _studName (\ s a -> s{_studName = a}) -- | JSONP studCallback :: Lens' ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete (Maybe Text) studCallback = lens _studCallback (\ s a -> s{_studCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete where type Rs ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete = Operation type Scopes ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete = '[""] requestClient ServicesTenancyUnitsDelete'{..} = go _studName _studXgafv _studUploadProtocol _studAccessToken _studUploadType _studCallback (Just AltJSON) serviceConsumerManagementService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ServicesTenancyUnitsDeleteResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.CloudTasks.Projects.Locations.Queues.Pause -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Pauses the queue. If a queue is paused then the system will stop -- dispatching tasks until the queue is resumed via ResumeQueue. Tasks can -- still be added when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its state -- is PAUSED. -- -- /See:/ < Cloud Tasks API Reference> for @cloudtasks.projects.locations.queues.pause@. module Network.Google.Resource.CloudTasks.Projects.Locations.Queues.Pause ( -- * REST Resource ProjectsLocationsQueuesPauseResource -- * Creating a Request , projectsLocationsQueuesPause , ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause -- * Request Lenses , proXgafv , proUploadProtocol , proAccessToken , proUploadType , proPayload , proName , proCallback ) where import Network.Google.CloudTasks.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @cloudtasks.projects.locations.queues.pause@ method which the -- 'ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause' request conforms to. type ProjectsLocationsQueuesPauseResource = "v2" :> CaptureMode "name" "pause" Text :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] PauseQueueRequest :> Post '[JSON] Queue -- | Pauses the queue. If a queue is paused then the system will stop -- dispatching tasks until the queue is resumed via ResumeQueue. Tasks can -- still be added when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its state -- is PAUSED. -- -- /See:/ 'projectsLocationsQueuesPause' smart constructor. data ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause = ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause' { _proXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _proUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _proAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _proUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _proPayload :: !PauseQueueRequest , _proName :: !Text , _proCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'proXgafv' -- -- * 'proUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'proAccessToken' -- -- * 'proUploadType' -- -- * 'proPayload' -- -- * 'proName' -- -- * 'proCallback' projectsLocationsQueuesPause :: PauseQueueRequest -- ^ 'proPayload' -> Text -- ^ 'proName' -> ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause projectsLocationsQueuesPause pProPayload_ pProName_ = ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause' { _proXgafv = Nothing , _proUploadProtocol = Nothing , _proAccessToken = Nothing , _proUploadType = Nothing , _proPayload = pProPayload_ , _proName = pProName_ , _proCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. proXgafv :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause (Maybe Xgafv) proXgafv = lens _proXgafv (\ s a -> s{_proXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). proUploadProtocol :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause (Maybe Text) proUploadProtocol = lens _proUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_proUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. proAccessToken :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause (Maybe Text) proAccessToken = lens _proAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_proAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). proUploadType :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause (Maybe Text) proUploadType = lens _proUploadType (\ s a -> s{_proUploadType = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. proPayload :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause PauseQueueRequest proPayload = lens _proPayload (\ s a -> s{_proPayload = a}) -- | Required. The queue name. For example: -- \`projects\/PROJECT_ID\/location\/LOCATION_ID\/queues\/QUEUE_ID\` proName :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause Text proName = lens _proName (\ s a -> s{_proName = a}) -- | JSONP proCallback :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause (Maybe Text) proCallback = lens _proCallback (\ s a -> s{_proCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause where type Rs ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause = Queue type Scopes ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause = '[""] requestClient ProjectsLocationsQueuesPause'{..} = go _proName _proXgafv _proUploadProtocol _proAccessToken _proUploadType _proCallback (Just AltJSON) _proPayload cloudTasksService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ProjectsLocationsQueuesPauseResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Logging.Projects.Locations.Buckets.Views.List -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Lists views on a bucket. -- -- /See:/ < Cloud Logging API Reference> for @logging.projects.locations.buckets.views.list@. module Network.Google.Resource.Logging.Projects.Locations.Buckets.Views.List ( -- * REST Resource ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsListResource -- * Creating a Request , projectsLocationsBucketsViewsList , ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList -- * Request Lenses , plbvlParent , plbvlXgafv , plbvlUploadProtocol , plbvlAccessToken , plbvlUploadType , plbvlPageToken , plbvlPageSize , plbvlCallback ) where import Network.Google.Logging.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @logging.projects.locations.buckets.views.list@ method which the -- 'ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList' request conforms to. type ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsListResource = "v2" :> Capture "parent" Text :> "views" :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "pageToken" Text :> QueryParam "pageSize" (Textual Int32) :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] ListViewsResponse -- | Lists views on a bucket. -- -- /See:/ 'projectsLocationsBucketsViewsList' smart constructor. data ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList = ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList' { _plbvlParent :: !Text , _plbvlXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _plbvlUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _plbvlAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _plbvlUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _plbvlPageToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _plbvlPageSize :: !(Maybe (Textual Int32)) , _plbvlCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'plbvlParent' -- -- * 'plbvlXgafv' -- -- * 'plbvlUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'plbvlAccessToken' -- -- * 'plbvlUploadType' -- -- * 'plbvlPageToken' -- -- * 'plbvlPageSize' -- -- * 'plbvlCallback' projectsLocationsBucketsViewsList :: Text -- ^ 'plbvlParent' -> ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList projectsLocationsBucketsViewsList pPlbvlParent_ = ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList' { _plbvlParent = pPlbvlParent_ , _plbvlXgafv = Nothing , _plbvlUploadProtocol = Nothing , _plbvlAccessToken = Nothing , _plbvlUploadType = Nothing , _plbvlPageToken = Nothing , _plbvlPageSize = Nothing , _plbvlCallback = Nothing } -- | Required. The bucket whose views are to be listed: -- \"projects\/[PROJECT_ID]\/locations\/[LOCATION_ID]\/buckets\/[BUCKET_ID]\" plbvlParent :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList Text plbvlParent = lens _plbvlParent (\ s a -> s{_plbvlParent = a}) -- | V1 error format. plbvlXgafv :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Xgafv) plbvlXgafv = lens _plbvlXgafv (\ s a -> s{_plbvlXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). plbvlUploadProtocol :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Text) plbvlUploadProtocol = lens _plbvlUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_plbvlUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. plbvlAccessToken :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Text) plbvlAccessToken = lens _plbvlAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_plbvlAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). plbvlUploadType :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Text) plbvlUploadType = lens _plbvlUploadType (\ s a -> s{_plbvlUploadType = a}) -- | Optional. If present, then retrieve the next batch of results from the -- preceding call to this method. pageToken must be the value of -- nextPageToken from the previous response. The values of other method -- parameters should be identical to those in the previous call. plbvlPageToken :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Text) plbvlPageToken = lens _plbvlPageToken (\ s a -> s{_plbvlPageToken = a}) -- | Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. -- Non-positive values are ignored. The presence of nextPageToken in the -- response indicates that more results might be available. plbvlPageSize :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Int32) plbvlPageSize = lens _plbvlPageSize (\ s a -> s{_plbvlPageSize = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | JSONP plbvlCallback :: Lens' ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList (Maybe Text) plbvlCallback = lens _plbvlCallback (\ s a -> s{_plbvlCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList where type Rs ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList = ListViewsResponse type Scopes ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList = '["", "", "", ""] requestClient ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsList'{..} = go _plbvlParent _plbvlXgafv _plbvlUploadProtocol _plbvlAccessToken _plbvlUploadType _plbvlPageToken _plbvlPageSize _plbvlCallback (Just AltJSON) loggingService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ProjectsLocationsBucketsViewsListResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Moonbase.Util.Css ( Scope(..) , Id(..) , combine, (&) , RuleM(..) , css, cssRules, (%) , withCss , bgColor, fgColor ) where import Moonbase.Theme import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.List import Data.Monoid import Data.String import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.StyleContext as Gtk import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.CssProvider as Gtk data Scope = KleenStar | Class | Identifier | Type deriving (Show) data Id = Id Scope String | Nested [Id] | Refinement Id [String] | Actions [String] deriving (Show) instance IsString Id where fromString ('.': xs) = Id Class xs fromString ('#': xs) = Id Identifier xs fromString (':': xs) = Actions [xs] fromString str = Id Type str renderId :: Id -> String renderId (Id KleenStar _) = "*" renderId (Id Class id) = "." ++ id renderId (Id Identifier id) = "#" ++ id renderId (Id Type id) = id renderId (Nested n) = intercalate ", " $ map renderId n renderId (Actions xs) = concatMap (":" ++) xs renderId (Refinement (Nested ps) n) = intercalate ", " $ map (\p -> renderId p ++ concatMap (":" ++) n ) ps renderId (Refinement p n) = renderId p ++ concatMap (":" ++) n combine :: Id -> Id -> Id combine (Actions x) (Actions y) = Actions (x ++ y) combine (Refinement p xs) (Actions ys) = Nested [Refinement p xs, Refinement p (xs ++ ys)] combine (Nested x) (Nested y) = Nested (x ++ y) combine p (Actions xs) = Refinement p xs combine (Actions xs) p = Refinement p xs combine (Nested xs) p = Nested (p : xs) combine p (Nested x) = Nested (map (combine p) x) combine p a = Nested (p : [a]) (&) :: Id -> Id -> Id (&) = combine data Rule = Property String String | Rule Id [Rule] | Root [Rule] deriving (Show) isProperty :: Rule -> Bool isProperty (Property _ _) = True isProperty _ = False isRule :: Rule -> Bool isRule (Rule _ _) = True isRule _ = False prepareRule :: Rule -> [Rule] prepareRule (Root childs) = concatMap prepareRule childs prepareRule (Property k v) = [Property k v] prepareRule (Rule id sub) = withoutSubRules : concatMap apply subRules where withoutSubRules = Rule id (filter isProperty sub) subRules = filter isRule sub apply (Rule id' sub') = prepareRule $ Rule (combine id id') sub' renderRule :: Rule -> String renderRule (Root childs) = concatMap renderRule childs renderRule (Property k v) = k ++ ": " ++ v ++ ";" renderRule (Rule id subs) = renderId id ++ " {\n" ++ concatMap renderRule subs ++ "}\n" newtype RuleM a = R (Writer [Rule] a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) type Css = RuleM () rule :: Rule -> Css rule r = R (tell [r]) generate :: Css -> [Rule] generate (R f) = execWriter f cssRules :: Css -> Css cssRules c = rule $ Root (generate c) (%) :: Id -> Css -> Css (%) id c = rule $ Rule id (generate c) css :: Css -> String css c = concatMap renderRule $ concatMap prepareRule (generate c) withCss :: (Gtk.WidgetClass widget, MonadIO m) => widget -> Css -> m () withCss widget c = liftIO $ do name <- Gtk.widgetGetName widget :: IO String provider <- Gtk.cssProviderNew context <- Gtk.widgetGetStyleContext widget Gtk.cssProviderLoadFromString provider $ css $ rule $ Rule (Id Identifier name) (generate c) Gtk.styleContextAddProvider context provider 800 class Colorize c where renderColor :: c -> String instance Colorize String where renderColor c = c colorProperty :: (Colorize color) => String -> color -> Css colorProperty key color = rule $ Property key (renderColor color) bgColor :: (Colorize color) => color -> Css bgColor = colorProperty "background-color" fgColor :: (Colorize color) => color -> Css fgColor = colorProperty "color" {- background-color background-image color border-color border-image border-radius border-width border-style padding margin transition -}
import AdventOfCode (readInputFile) import Control.Monad (foldM) import Data.Char (isDigit) import Text.Read (readMaybe) data JsonNest = Object Bool | Array deriving (Show) -- Left are for possible but malformed input strings, like } or ]. -- error are for invalid states that no input string, well-formed or malformed, should ever cause. sums :: String -> Either String (Int, Int) sums s = foldM parse empty s >>= expectOneSum where expectOneSum r = case objSum r of [a] -> Right (total r, a) [] -> error ("should always have 1+ objSums: " ++ show r) _ -> Left ("too many sums (unclosed object): " ++ show r) data ParseState = ParseState { objSum :: [Int] , total :: !Int , nest :: [JsonNest] , inString :: Bool , numBuf :: String , redStart :: Int , redGood :: Int , idx :: Int } deriving Show empty :: ParseState empty = ParseState { objSum = [0] , total = 0 , nest = [] , inString = False , numBuf = "" , redStart = 0 , redGood = 0 , idx = 0 } pushNest :: JsonNest -> ParseState -> ParseState pushNest state ps = ps { nest = state : nest ps } parseNum :: ParseState -> Either String ParseState parseNum ps@ParseState { numBuf = "" } = Right ps parseNum ps@ParseState { objSum = [] } = error ("should always have 1+ objSums: " ++ show ps) parseNum ps@ParseState { total = t, objSum = o:os, numBuf = bf } = case readMaybe (reverse bf) of Just i -> Right (ps { total = t + i, objSum = (o + i):os, numBuf = "" }) Nothing -> Left ("not a number: " ++ bf) closeObj :: ParseState -> Either String ParseState closeObj ps@ParseState { objSum = a:b:os, nest = Object red:ns } = Right (ps { objSum = (b + if red then 0 else a):os, nest = ns }) closeObj ps@ParseState { nest = Object _:_ } = error ("should always have 2+ objSums when closing obj: " ++ show ps) closeObj ps = Left ("invalid close obj: " ++ show ps) closeArray :: ParseState -> Either String ParseState closeArray ps@ParseState { nest = Array:ns } = Right (ps { nest = ns }) closeArray ps = Left ("invalid close array: " ++ show ps) parse :: ParseState -> Char -> Either String ParseState parse ps c = fmap (\p -> p { idx = idx p + 1 }) (parseC c ps) incRedGood :: ParseState -> Either a ParseState incRedGood ps = Right (ps { redGood = redGood ps + 1 }) parseC :: Char -> ParseState -> Either String ParseState -- in string parseC c ps@ParseState { inString = True } = case (c, ps) of ('r', _) | redStart ps + 1 == idx ps -> incRedGood ps ('e', _) | redStart ps + 2 == idx ps -> incRedGood ps ('d', _) | redStart ps + 3 == idx ps -> incRedGood ps -- "red" ('"', ParseState { nest = Object _:ns, redGood = 3 }) | redStart ps + 4 == idx ps -> -- assumes that there is never a key "red" Right (ps { nest = Object True:ns, inString = False }) -- any other close quote ('"', _) -> Right (ps { inString = False }) _ -> Right ps -- not in string parseC '{' ps = Right (pushNest (Object False) ps { objSum = 0:objSum ps }) parseC '}' ps = parseNum ps >>= closeObj parseC '[' ps = Right (pushNest Array ps) parseC ']' ps = parseNum ps >>= closeArray parseC ',' ps = parseNum ps parseC '"' ps = Right (ps { inString = True, redGood = 0, redStart = idx ps }) parseC c ps | c == '-' || isDigit c = Right (ps { numBuf = c:numBuf ps }) parseC ':' ps = Right ps parseC '\n' ps = Right ps parseC c _ = Left ("invalid char: " ++ [c]) main :: IO () main = do s <- readInputFile case sums s of Right (a, b) -> print a >> print b Left err -> putStrLn err
{- Copyright 2015 Tristan Aubrey-Jones Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} import Compiler.Front.Common import Compiler.Front.Indices (IdxMonad) import Compiler.Planner.SolExec import Compiler.Planner.SearchCache import Compiler.Planner.Searches import Data.List (isSuffixOf, intercalate) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import System.Directory import Control.Monad.State.Strict (lift) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing) import System.IO import System.Exit (exitFailure) import Data.Time.Clock import System.Environment (getArgs) putStrE = hPutStr stderr search :: String -> SCacheM String search dir = do -- load cache loadCache dir -- do exaustive search tryAllSearches -- display result return "" main2 :: IdxMonad IO () main2 = do -- get dir from command line args args <- lift $ getArgs let subDir = (if (length args < 1) then "search7" else head args) -- init dir lift $ putStrE $ "PerformanceFeedback code gen from solution source: " ++ subDir ++ "\n" let relDir = "/Compiler/Tests/PfFb/" ++ subDir curDir <- lift $ getCurrentDirectory let dir = curDir ++ relDir -- load context ctx <- loadContext dir -- run with cache msg <- lift $ runWithCache (setSolCtx ctx >> search dir) -- display message lift $ putStr $ msg return () main :: IO () main = do evalIdxStateT 0 main2 return ()
data Position t = Position t deriving (Show) stagger (Position d) = Position (d + 2) crawl (Position d) = Position (d + 1) rtn x = x x >>== f = f x
module Routes.Header where import Text.Blaze.Html -- local import Session import Html.Header buildHeaderHtml :: ServerT Html buildHeaderHtml = do return $ headerHtml
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Model.JsonTypes.Turn ( Turn(..) , jsonTurn ) where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Database.Persist.Sql (Entity(..)) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Model.SqlTypes as SqlT import Query.Util (integerKey) data Turn = Turn { userId :: Integer , startDate :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Generic) instance ToJSON Turn jsonTurn :: Entity SqlT.Turn -> Turn jsonTurn (Entity _turnId turn) = Turn { userId = integerKey . SqlT.turnUserId $ turn , startDate = SqlT.turnStartDate turn }
s :: [Int] s = map (2^) [0..] bin :: Int -> [Int] bin 0 = [] bin x = (x `mod` 2):(bin $ x `div` 2) tak [] = [] tak ((0,s):xs) = tak xs tak ((1,s):xs) = s:(tak xs) ans x = tak $ zip (bin x) s main = do c <- getContents let i = map read $ lines c :: [Int] o = map ans i mapM_ putStrLn $ map unwords $ map (map show) o
-- Copyright 2020 Google LLC -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- An alternate version of chain3 that depends on Chain2Conflict. module Chain3Alternate (chain3) where import qualified Chain2Conflict as X chain3 o = appendFile o "3"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- This is needed so that we can have constraints in type synonyms. {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Main where import Network.Wreq import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson.Lens (_String, _Array, key) main :: IO() main = do r <- get "" putStrLn $ show $ r ^.. responseBody . _Array . traverse . key "git_url" . _String -- putStrLn $ show $ r ^? responseBody . _Array . traverse . key "git_url" . _String -- ^? -- Perform a safe head of a Fold or Traversal or retrieve Just the result from a Getter or Lens. -- ^.. -- (^..) :: s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a] -- A convenient infix (flipped) version of toListOf -- toListOf :: Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> s -> [a] Source -- -- Extract a list of the targets of a Fold. See also (^..). -- -- toList ≡ toListOf folded -- (^..) ≡ flip toListOf -- Traversals are Lenses which focus on multiple targets simultaneously -- Operators that begin with ^ are kinds of views. --
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Evolution where import System.Random import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import Data.List import Data.Ord --import Data.MList type Probability = Double type FitnessValue = Double type Quantile = Double type FitnessFunction a = a -> FitnessValue type ReproducingFunction a = [a] -> [a] type ReproductivePressureFunction = Quantile -> Probability type Population a = [a] boolChance :: Double -> IO Bool boolChance p = liftM (p <) (randomRIO (0.0,100.0)) assignQuantile :: [a] -> [(a, Quantile)] assignQuantile xs = zipWith divByLen xs ([0..]::[Integer]) where len = fromIntegral $ length xs divByLen e i = (e, fromIntegral i / len) deleteAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a] deleteAt i xs = take (i-1) xs ++ drop (i+1) xs shuffle :: [a] -> IO [a] shuffle [] = return [] shuffle xs = do ind <- randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) rest <- shuffle (deleteAt ind xs) return $! (xs !! ind) : rest chop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chop _ [] = [] chop n xs = take n xs : chop n (drop n xs) evolution :: FitnessFunction a -> ReproducingFunction a -> ReproductivePressureFunction -> Population a -> IO (Population a) evolution fitness reproduce pressure pop = let doesReproduce = second (boolChance . pressure) fitnessSorted = assignQuantile $ sortBy (comparing fitness) pop chosenPop = liftM (map fst) $ filterM snd $ map doesReproduce fitnessSorted chosenPairs = liftM (chop 2) $ shuffle =<< chosenPop newGen = liftM (concatMap reproduce) chosenPairs --futureGens = newGen >>= evolution fitness reproduce pressure in --newGen :# futureGens newGen
module Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef, modifyIORef', atomicModifyIORef, atomicModifyIORef', atomicWriteIORef ) where import System.Mock.IO.Internal
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Module : QCursor.hs Copyright : (c) David Harley 2010 Project : qtHaskell Version : 1.1.4 Modified : 2010-09-02 17:02:16 Warning : this file is machine generated - do not modify. --} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Qtc.Gui.QCursor ( QqCursor(..) ,QqCursor_nf(..) ,bitmap ,qCursorPos, qqCursorPos ,QqCursorSetPos(..), qqCursorSetPos ,qCursor_delete ) where import Foreign.C.Types import Qth.ClassTypes.Core import Qtc.Enums.Base import Qtc.Enums.Core.Qt import Qtc.Classes.Base import Qtc.Classes.Qccs import Qtc.Classes.Core import Qtc.ClassTypes.Core import Qth.ClassTypes.Core import Qtc.Classes.Gui import Qtc.ClassTypes.Gui class QqCursor x1 where qCursor :: x1 -> IO (QCursor ()) instance QqCursor (()) where qCursor () = withQCursorResult $ qtc_QCursor foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor" qtc_QCursor :: IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QPixmap t1)) where qCursor (x1) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor1 cobj_x1 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor1" qtc_QCursor1 :: Ptr (TQPixmap t1) -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QCursor t1)) where qCursor (x1) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor2 cobj_x1 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor2" qtc_QCursor2 :: Ptr (TQCursor t1) -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((CursorShape)) where qCursor (x1) = withQCursorResult $ qtc_QCursor3 (toCLong $ qEnum_toInt x1) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor3" qtc_QCursor3 :: CLong -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2)) where qCursor (x1, x2) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor4 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor4" qtc_QCursor4 :: Ptr (TQBitmap t1) -> Ptr (TQBitmap t2) -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QPixmap t1, Int)) where qCursor (x1, x2) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor5 cobj_x1 (toCInt x2) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor5" qtc_QCursor5 :: Ptr (TQPixmap t1) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2, Int)) where qCursor (x1, x2, x3) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor6 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 (toCInt x3) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor6" qtc_QCursor6 :: Ptr (TQBitmap t1) -> Ptr (TQBitmap t2) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QPixmap t1, Int, Int)) where qCursor (x1, x2, x3) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor7 cobj_x1 (toCInt x2) (toCInt x3) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor7" qtc_QCursor7 :: Ptr (TQPixmap t1) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) instance QqCursor ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2, Int, Int)) where qCursor (x1, x2, x3, x4) = withQCursorResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor8 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 (toCInt x3) (toCInt x4) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor8" qtc_QCursor8 :: Ptr (TQBitmap t1) -> Ptr (TQBitmap t2) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TQCursor ())) class QqCursor_nf x1 where qCursor_nf :: x1 -> IO (QCursor ()) instance QqCursor_nf (()) where qCursor_nf () = withObjectRefResult $ qtc_QCursor instance QqCursor_nf ((QPixmap t1)) where qCursor_nf (x1) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor1 cobj_x1 instance QqCursor_nf ((QCursor t1)) where qCursor_nf (x1) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor2 cobj_x1 instance QqCursor_nf ((CursorShape)) where qCursor_nf (x1) = withObjectRefResult $ qtc_QCursor3 (toCLong $ qEnum_toInt x1) instance QqCursor_nf ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2)) where qCursor_nf (x1, x2) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor4 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 instance QqCursor_nf ((QPixmap t1, Int)) where qCursor_nf (x1, x2) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor5 cobj_x1 (toCInt x2) instance QqCursor_nf ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2, Int)) where qCursor_nf (x1, x2, x3) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor6 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 (toCInt x3) instance QqCursor_nf ((QPixmap t1, Int, Int)) where qCursor_nf (x1, x2, x3) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor7 cobj_x1 (toCInt x2) (toCInt x3) instance QqCursor_nf ((QBitmap t1, QBitmap t2, Int, Int)) where qCursor_nf (x1, x2, x3, x4) = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> withObjectPtr x2 $ \cobj_x2 -> qtc_QCursor8 cobj_x1 cobj_x2 (toCInt x3) (toCInt x4) bitmap :: QCursor a -> (()) -> IO (QBitmap ()) bitmap x0 () = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_bitmap cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_bitmap" qtc_QCursor_bitmap :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TQBitmap ())) instance QhotSpot (QCursor a) (()) where hotSpot x0 () = withPointResult $ \cpoint_ret_x cpoint_ret_y -> withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_hotSpot_qth cobj_x0 cpoint_ret_x cpoint_ret_y foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_hotSpot_qth" qtc_QCursor_hotSpot_qth :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () instance QqhotSpot (QCursor a) (()) where qhotSpot x0 () = withQPointResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_hotSpot cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_hotSpot" qtc_QCursor_hotSpot :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TQPoint ())) instance Qmask (QCursor a) (()) (IO (QBitmap ())) where mask x0 () = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_mask cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_mask" qtc_QCursor_mask :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TQBitmap ())) instance Qmask_nf (QCursor a) (()) (IO (QBitmap ())) where mask_nf x0 () = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_mask cobj_x0 instance Qpixmap (QCursor ()) (()) where pixmap x0 () = withQPixmapResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_pixmap cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_pixmap" qtc_QCursor_pixmap :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TQPixmap ())) instance Qpixmap (QCursorSc a) (()) where pixmap x0 () = withQPixmapResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_pixmap cobj_x0 instance Qpixmap_nf (QCursor ()) (()) where pixmap_nf x0 () = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_pixmap cobj_x0 instance Qpixmap_nf (QCursorSc a) (()) where pixmap_nf x0 () = withObjectRefResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_pixmap cobj_x0 qCursorPos :: (()) -> IO (Point) qCursorPos () = withPointResult $ \cpoint_ret_x cpoint_ret_y -> qtc_QCursor_pos_qth cpoint_ret_x cpoint_ret_y foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_pos_qth" qtc_QCursor_pos_qth :: Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () qqCursorPos :: (()) -> IO (QPoint ()) qqCursorPos () = withQPointResult $ qtc_QCursor_pos foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_pos" qtc_QCursor_pos :: IO (Ptr (TQPoint ())) class QqCursorSetPos x1 where qCursorSetPos :: x1 -> IO () instance QqCursorSetPos ((Int, Int)) where qCursorSetPos (x1, x2) = qtc_QCursor_setPos1 (toCInt x1) (toCInt x2) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_setPos1" qtc_QCursor_setPos1 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO () instance QqCursorSetPos ((Point)) where qCursorSetPos (x1) = withCPoint x1 $ \cpoint_x1_x cpoint_x1_y -> qtc_QCursor_setPos_qth cpoint_x1_x cpoint_x1_y foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_setPos_qth" qtc_QCursor_setPos_qth :: CInt -> CInt -> IO () qqCursorSetPos :: ((QPoint t1)) -> IO () qqCursorSetPos (x1) = withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QCursor_setPos cobj_x1 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_setPos" qtc_QCursor_setPos :: Ptr (TQPoint t1) -> IO () instance QsetShape (QCursor a) ((CursorShape)) where setShape x0 (x1) = withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_setShape cobj_x0 (toCLong $ qEnum_toInt x1) foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_setShape" qtc_QCursor_setShape :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> CLong -> IO () instance Qshape (QCursor a) (()) (IO (CursorShape)) where shape x0 () = withQEnumResult $ withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_shape cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_shape" qtc_QCursor_shape :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO CLong qCursor_delete :: QCursor a -> IO () qCursor_delete x0 = withObjectPtr x0 $ \cobj_x0 -> qtc_QCursor_delete cobj_x0 foreign import ccall "qtc_QCursor_delete" qtc_QCursor_delete :: Ptr (TQCursor a) -> IO ()
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | An example of how to do LDAP logins with ldap-client. -- -- First, the assumptions this example makes. It defaults to LDAP over TLS, -- so if you only have a plaintext server, please replace `Secure` with `Plain`. -- It also assumes the accounts you may want to log in as all have -- `objectClass` "Person". -- -- To run the example you have to provide a bunch of environment variables: -- -- - `HOST` is the LDAP host to connect to (without "ldap://", "ldaps://", etc). -- - `POST` is the port LDAP server listens on. -- - `MANAGER_DN` is the DN of the account the first bind is made with. -- - `MANAGER_PASSWORD` is its password. -- - `BASE_OBJECT` is the search root module Main (main) where import Control.Exception (bracket_) -- base import Control.Monad (when) -- base import Data.Function (fix) -- base import Data.Text (Text) -- text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text -- text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text -- text import Env -- envparse import Ldap.Client as Ldap -- ldap-client import qualified Ldap.Client.Bind as Ldap -- ldap-client import System.Exit (die) -- base import qualified System.IO as IO -- base data Conf = Conf { host :: String , port :: PortNumber , dn :: Dn , password :: Password , base :: Dn } deriving (Show, Eq) getConf :: IO Conf getConf = Env.parse (header "LDAP login example") $ Conf <$> var str "HOST" (help "LDAP hostname") <*> var (fmap fromIntegral . auto) "PORT" (help "LDAP port") <*> var (fmap Ldap.Dn . str) "MANAGER_DN" (help "Manager login DN") <*> var (fmap Ldap.Password . str) "MANAGER_PASSWORD" (help "Manager password") <*> var (fmap Ldap.Dn . str) "BASE_OBJECT" (help "Search root") main :: IO () main = do conf <- getConf res <- login conf case res of Left e -> die (show e) Right _ -> return () login :: Conf -> IO (Either LdapError ()) login conf = Ldap.with (Ldap.Secure (host conf)) (port conf) $ \l -> do Ldap.bind l (dn conf) (password conf) fix $ \loop -> do uid <- prompt "Username: " us <- l (base conf) (typesOnly True) (And [ Attr "objectClass" := "Person" , Attr "uid" := Text.encodeUtf8 uid ]) [] case us of SearchEntry udn _ : _ -> fix $ \loop' -> do pwd <- bracket_ hideOutput showOutput (do pwd <- prompt ("Password for ‘" <> uid <> "’: ") Text.putStr "\n" return pwd) res <- Ldap.bindEither l udn (Password (Text.encodeUtf8 pwd)) case res of Left _ -> do again <- question "Invalid password. Try again? [y/n] " when again loop' Right _ -> Text.putStrLn "OK" [] -> do again <- question "Invalid username. Try again? [y/n] " when again loop prompt :: Text -> IO Text prompt msg = do Text.putStr msg; IO.hFlush IO.stdout; Text.getLine question :: Text -> IO Bool question msg = fix $ \loop -> do res <- prompt msg case res of "y" -> return True "n" -> return False _ -> do Text.putStrLn "Please, answer either ‘y’ or ‘n’."; loop hideOutput, showOutput :: IO () hideOutput = IO.hSetEcho IO.stdout False showOutput = IO.hSetEcho IO.stdout True
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-} module Math.Budget.Lens.FixedIntervalL where import Math.Budget.FixedPeriod class FixedIntervalL cat target | target -> cat where fixedIntervalL :: cat target FixedPeriod
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- for parsec 3 import SICP.LispParser import SICP.DB import Text.Parsec hiding (space) import Data.MultiSet (MultiSet) import qualified Data.MultiSet as MultiSet import Control.Monad import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC dbTests :: DB -> TestTree dbTests db = testGroup "DB" -- assertions [ testCase "case 1" $ (runQuery "?x" "(начальник ?x (Битобор Бен))") @?= parseMultiSet "(Хакер Лиза П) (Фект Пабло Э) (Поправич Дайко)" , testCase "case 2" $ (runQuery "?x" "(должность ?x (бухгалтерия . ?y))") @?= parseMultiSet "(Крэтчит Роберт) (Скрудж Эбин)" , testCase "case 3" $ (runQuery "?x" "(адрес ?x (Сламервилл . ?y))") @?= parseMultiSet "(Фиден Кон) (Дум Хьюго) (Битобор Бен)" , testCase "case AND" $ (runQuery "(?x ?y)" "(and (начальник ?x (Битобор Бен)) (адрес ?x ?y))") @?= parseMultiSet "((Поправич Дайко) (Бостон (Бэй Стейт Роуд) 22))\ \((Фект Пабло Э) (Кембридж (Эймс Стрит) 3))\ \((Хакер Лиза П) (Кембридж (Массачусетс Авеню) 78))" , testCase "case NOT" $ (runQuery "(?person ?his-boss ?z2)" "(and \ \(начальник ?person ?his-boss) \ \(not (должность ?his-boss (компьютеры . ?z1))) \ \(должность ?his-boss ?z2))") @?= parseMultiSet "((Фиден Кон) (Уорбак Оливер) (администрация большая шишка))\ \((Крэтчит Роберт) (Скрудж Эбин) (бухгалтерия главный бухгалтер))\ \((Скрудж Эбин) (Уорбак Оливер) (администрация большая шишка))\ \((Битобор Бен) (Уорбак Оливер) (администрация большая шишка))" -- rules , testCase "rule 1" $ (runQuery "?x" "(живет-около ?x (Битобор Бен))") @?= parseMultiSet "(Фиден Кон) (Дум Хьюго)" , testCase "rule 2 can-replace" $ (runQuery "?x" "(can-replace ?x (Фект Пабло Э))") @?= parseMultiSet "(Битобор Бен) (Хакер Лиза П)" , testCase "rule 3 independent" $ (runQuery "?x" "(independent ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(Скрудж Эбин) (Уорбак Оливер) (Битобор Бен)" , testCase "rule 4 " $ (runQuery "(?time ?who)" "(совещание ?who (пятница ?time))") @?= parseMultiSet "(13 администрация)" , testCase "rule 5" $ (runQuery "?day-and-time" "(время-совещания (Хакер Лиза П) ?day-and-time)") @?= parseMultiSet "(среда 16) (среда 15)" , testCase "rule 6" $ (runQuery "?time" "(время-совещания (Хакер Лиза П) (среда ?time))") @?= parseMultiSet "16 15" , testCase "rule 7" $ (runQuery "(?p1 ?p2)" "(живет-около ?p1 ?p2)") @?= parseMultiSet "((Фиден Кон) (Дум Хьюго))\ \((Фиден Кон) (Битобор Бен))\ \((Дум Хьюго) (Фиден Кон))\ \((Дум Хьюго) (Битобор Бен))\ \((Хакер Лиза П) (Фект Пабло Э))\ \((Фект Пабло Э) (Хакер Лиза П))\ \((Битобор Бен) (Фиден Кон))\ \((Битобор Бен) (Дум Хьюго))" , testCase "rule 8 append-to-form" $ (runQuery "?z" "(append-to-form (a b) (c d) ?z)") @?= parseMultiSet "(a b c d)" , testCase "rule 9 append-to-form" $ (runQuery "?y" "(append-to-form (a b) ?y (a b c d))") @?= parseMultiSet "(c d)" , testCase "rule 10 append-to-form" $ (runQuery "(?x ?y)" "(append-to-form ?x ?y (a b c d))") @?= parseMultiSet "((a b c d) ())\ \(() (a b c d))\ \((a) (b c d))\ \((a b) (c d))\ \((a b c) (d))" , testCase "rule 11 last-pair" $ (runQuery "?x" "(last-pair (3) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "3" , testCase "rule 12 last-pair" $ (runQuery "?x" "(last-pair (1 2 3) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "3" , testCase "rule 13 last-pair" $ (runQuery "?x" "(last-pair (2 ?x) (3))") @?= parseMultiSet "(3)" , testCase "rule 14 next-to" $ (runQuery "(?x ?y)" "(?x next-to ?y in (1 (2 3) 4))") @?= parseMultiSet "((2 3) 4) (1 (2 3))" , testCase "rule 15 next-to" $ (runQuery "?x" "(?x next-to 1 in (2 1 3 1))") @?= parseMultiSet "2 3" , testCase "rule 16" $ (runQuery "?x" "(подчиняется (Битобор Бен) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(Уорбак Оливер)" , testCase "rule 17" $ (runQuery "?x" "(подчиняется1 (Битобор Бен) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(Уорбак Оливер)" , testCase "rule 18 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse () ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "()" , testCase "rule 19 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse ?x ())") @?= parseMultiSet "()" , testCase "rule 20 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse (a) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(a)" , testCase "rule 21 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse ?x (a))") @?= parseMultiSet "(a)" , testCase "rule 22 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse (a b c d) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(d c b a)" , testCase "rule 23 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse ?x (a b c d))") @?= parseMultiSet "(d c b a)" , testCase "rule 24 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse (a b c d e) ?x)") @?= parseMultiSet "(e d c b a)" , testCase "rule 25 reverse" $ (runQuery "?x" "(reverse ?x (a b c d e))") @?= parseMultiSet "(e d c b a)" -- lisp-value {- , test $ runQuery "(?name ?y ?x)" "(and (зарплата (Битобор Бен) ?x)\ \(зарплата ?name ?y) (lisp-value < ?y ?x))" >>= (@?= "caseLV1" (parseMultiSet "((Фиден Кон) 25000 60000)\ \((Крэтчит Роберт) 18000 60000)\ \((Дум Хьюго) 30000 60000)\ \((Поправич Дайко) 25000 60000)\ \((Фект Пабло Э) 35000 60000)\ \((Хакер Лиза П) 40000 60000)") , test $ runQuery "(?x ?sx ?sy)" "(and\ \(can-replace ?x ?y)\ \(зарплата ?x ?sx)\ \(зарплата ?y ?sy)\ \(lisp-value > ?sy ?sx))" >>= (@?= "caseLV2" (parseMultiSet "((Фиден Кон) 25000 150000) ((Фект Пабло Э) 35000 40000)") -} ] where runQuery :: String -> String -> MultiSet Value runQuery o q = foldl (flip MultiSet.insert) MultiSet.empty $ evaluate db (parseExpr q) (parseExpr o) parseExpr s = case parse (space >> expr <* eof) "" s of Left e -> error $ show e Right x -> x parseMultiSet :: String -> MultiSet Value parseMultiSet s = case parse (space >> many expr <* eof) "" s of Left e -> error $ show e Right x -> MultiSet.fromList x propValue' :: Value -> Bool propValue' x = either (const False) (== x) $ parse expr "" $ show $ toDoc x propValue :: TestTree propValue = QC.testProperty "LispParser QuickCheck" propValue' main :: IO () main = do edb <- fmap compileDB `liftM` parseFile "data.txt" case edb of Left e -> print e Right db -> defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" [ SICP.LispParser.tests, propValue, SICP.DB.tests db, dbTests db ]
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module SIGyM.Store.Generation ( Generation , GenEnv (..) , GenState (..) , GenError (..) , Registry , mkEnvironment , runGen , evalGen , getTime , findStore , findContext , noMsg , strMsg , throwError , catchError , liftIO ) where import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (liftIO) import Control.Monad.State hiding (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Error hiding (liftIO) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime) import SIGyM.Store.Registry import SIGyM.Store.Types mkEnvironment :: Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe Registry -> IO (GenEnv) mkEnvironment t r = do defaultTime <- getCurrentTime return GenEnv { currentTime = maybe defaultTime id t , registry = maybe emptyRegistry id r } runGen :: GenEnv -> GenState -> Generation a -> IO (Either GenError a, GenState) runGen e s (Generation g) = runStateT (runErrorT (runReaderT g e)) s evalGen :: GenEnv -> GenState -> Generation a -> IO (Either GenError a) evalGen e s g = runGen e s g >>= return . fst liftIO :: IO a -> Generation a liftIO = Generation . lift . lift . lift getTime :: Generation UTCTime getTime = asks currentTime findStore :: StoreID -> Generation Store findStore k = do mv <- asks (lookupStore k . registry) maybe (throwError$ RegistryLookupError$ "No such store: "++show k) return mv findContext :: ContextID -> Generation Context findContext k = do mv <- asks (lookupContext k . registry) maybe (throwError$ RegistryLookupError$ "No such context: "++show k) return mv
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Text.Parsec.Char.Extras where import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<*)) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Text.Parsec (ParsecT, Stream, between, char, letter, many, sepBy1, satisfy, spaces) csv :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] csv = (`sepBy1` comma) comma :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char comma = char ',' notSpace :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char notSpace = satisfy (not . isSpace) notSpaces :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String notSpaces = many notSpace word :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String word = many letter token :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a token = between spaces spaces
module Main where import Control.Exception (bracket) import Data.ByteString (hGetSome) import Data.Serialize (decode) import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Minecraft.Anvil (AnvilHeader(..), ChunkLocation(..), getAnvilHeader, readChunkData, decompressChunkData, showAnvilHeader) import System.IO (Handle, openFile, hClose, IOMode(ReadMode)) import System.Environment (getArgs) main :: IO () main = do [fp] <- getArgs bracket (openFile fp ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do bs <- hGetSome h 8192 -- ^ header size is a fixed 8KiB case decode bs of (Left err) -> putStrLn err (Right ah) -> do putStrLn (showAnvilHeader ah) -- bs <- hGetSome h 1024 -- print bs dumpChunks h ah dumpChunk :: Handle -> ChunkLocation -> IO () dumpChunk h chunkLocation = do ecd <- readChunkData h chunkLocation case ecd of (Left e) -> putStrLn e (Right cd) -> print (decompressChunkData cd) dumpChunks :: Handle -> AnvilHeader -> IO () dumpChunks h ah = do mapM_ (dumpChunk h) (locations ah)
module D5Lib where import Text.Megaparsec (ParseError, Dec, endBy) import Text.Megaparsec.String (Parser) import Text.Megaparsec.Char as C import Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L import Data.List (splitAt) type ParseResult = Either (ParseError Char Dec) Jmps type Jmps = [Int] data State = State { pos :: Int , jmps :: Jmps } deriving (Show, Eq) parser :: Parser Jmps parser = (L.signed pInt) `endBy` eol where pInt = fromIntegral <$> L.integer start :: Jmps -> State start js = State { pos = 0, jmps = js } -- returns Nothing if pos is outside list step :: (Int -> Int) -> State -> Maybe State step _ State { pos = p } | p < 0 = Nothing step _ State { pos = p, jmps = js } | p >= length js = Nothing step jmpIncr State { pos = p, jmps = js } = Just $ State { pos = p', jmps = js' } where (h, (curJmp : t)) = splitAt p js js' = h ++ ((jmpIncr curJmp) : t) p' = p + curJmp stepP1 = step (+ 1) stepP2 = step f where f x = if x >= 3 then x - 1 else x + 1 -- starting from a given state, run until a terminal state run :: (State -> Maybe State) -> State -> [State] run stepper s0 = s0 : rest where rest = case stepper s0 of Nothing -> [] Just s -> run stepper s -- starting from a given state, run until a terminal state -- don't track intermediate states, just count the number of steps taken run' :: (State -> Maybe State) -> State -> Int run' stepper s0 = 1 + rest where rest = case stepper s0 of Nothing -> 0 Just s -> run' stepper s
-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. module Duckling.Temperature.EN.Tests ( tests ) where import Prelude import Data.String import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Duckling.Dimensions.Types import Duckling.Temperature.EN.Corpus import Duckling.Testing.Asserts import Duckling.Testing.Types (testContext, testOptions) import Duckling.Types (Range(..)) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "EN Tests" [ makeCorpusTest [Seal Temperature] corpus , rangeTests ] rangeTests :: TestTree rangeTests = testCase "Range Test" $ mapM_ (analyzedRangeTest testContext testOptions . withTargets [Seal Temperature]) xs where xs = [ ("between 40 and 30 degrees", Range 15 25 ) , ("30 degrees degrees", Range 0 10 ) ]
-- | Display mode is for drawing a static picture. module Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Display ( module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Display , module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture , module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color , display) where import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Display import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Display import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend -- | Open a new window and display the given picture. -- -- Use the following commands once the window is open: -- -- * Quit - esc-key. -- * Move Viewport - left-click drag, arrow keys. -- * Rotate Viewport - right-click drag, control-left-click drag, or home\/end-keys. -- * Zoom Viewport - mouse wheel, or page up\/down-keys. -- display :: Display -- ^ Display mode. -> Color -- ^ Background color. -> Picture -- ^ The picture to draw. -> IO () display = displayWithBackend defaultBackendState
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Eleco.Slave.Backend.Repa where import Data.Vector.Unboxed ( Vector , imap , fromList ) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import Data.Vector.Binary import Data.Array.Repa ( Array , DIM1 , U , Z(..) , (:.)(..) , fromUnboxed , fromListUnboxed , toUnboxed , computeP ) import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Matrix import Control.Distributed.Process (Process) import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (initRemoteTable) import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure (remotable) import Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.SimpleLocalnet ( initializeBackend , startSlave ) import Eleco.Core.Entity import Eleco.Slave import Eleco.Slave.State import Eleco.Slave.Backend type Vec2D = (Double, Double) {-# INLINE vecAdd #-} vecAdd :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Vec2D vecAdd (!x1, !y1) (!x2, !y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2) {-# INLINE vecSub #-} vecSub :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Vec2D vecSub (!x1, !y1) (!x2, !y2) = (x1 - x2, y1 - y2) {-# INLINE vecDis #-} vecDis :: Vec2D -> Vec2D -> Double vecDis (!x1, !y1) (!x2, !y2) = let dx = x1 - x2 dy = y1 - y2 in dx * dx + dy * dy {-# INLINE vecMul #-} vecMul :: Vec2D -> Double -> Vec2D vecMul (!vx, !vy) !x = (vx * x, vy * x) {-# INLINE vecDiv #-} vecDiv :: Vec2D -> Double -> Vec2D vecDiv (!vx, !vy) !x = (vx / x, vy / x) {-# INLINE vecLen2 #-} vecLen2 :: Vec2D -> Double vecLen2 (!vx, !vy) = vx * vx + vy * vy {-# INLINE vecLen #-} vecLen :: Vec2D -> Double vecLen = sqrt . vecLen2 {-# INLINE vecNorm #-} vecNorm :: Vec2D -> Vec2D vecNorm vec = let len = vecLen vec in if len /= 0 then vecDiv vec len else vec data RepaBackend = RepaBackend { positions :: !(Array U DIM1 RawEntity) , velocities :: !(Array U DIM1 Vec2D) , masses :: !(Vector Double) , gravity :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double } instance Backend (Vector RawEntity) RepaBackend where type CrossNodeData RepaBackend = (Vector RawEntity, Vector Double) updateBackend simState@SimulationState{..} = do datas <- expectCrossNodeDatas simState newvs <- computeP $ R.zipWith (calNewVel datas) positions velocities newps <- computeP $ R.zipWith calNewPos positions newvs return b { positions = newps , velocities = newvs } where b@RepaBackend{..} = simBackend vecPositions = toUnboxed positions interactions = [gravityInteraction] indeces = [0..entityCount-1] gravityInteraction !ent1 !m1 !ent2 !m2 !dir_vec !dis = let !co = gravity * m1 * m2 / (dis * dis) in dir_vec `vecMul` co calNewVel !datas !ent1 (!vx, !vy) = let ents = map (V.unsafeIndex vecPositions) $ filter (/=eid) indeces tvel = foldl (go masses) (0, 0) ents in foldl (\acc (cnEnts, cnMasses) -> V.foldl' (go cnMasses) acc cnEnts) tvel datas where !e1pos = position ent1 !eid = localId ent1 !e1m = V.unsafeIndex masses eid go e2masses acc ent2 = let !e2pos = position ent2 !e2m = V.unsafeIndex e2masses $ localId ent2 !vec = e1pos `vecSub` e2pos !dir_vec = vecNorm vec !dis = vecLen vec in foldl (\v f -> f ent1 e1m ent2 e2m dir_vec dis `vecAdd` v) acc interactions calNewPos (!px, !py, !i) (!vx, !vy) = (px + vx, py + vy, i) backendInfo = const BackendInfo { backendName = "Repa" , backendVersion = (0, 0, 0, 1) , backendBehaviours = ["Gravity"] } entitySeq = toUnboxed . positions fullCrossNodeData RepaBackend{..} = (toUnboxed positions, masses) regionalCrossNodeData RepaBackend{..} indeces = ( fromList $ fmap (V.unsafeIndex poss) indeces , fromList $ fmap (V.unsafeIndex masses) indeces ) where poss = toUnboxed positions repaSlaveSimulator :: Process () repaSlaveSimulator = slaveSimulatorProcess emptyBackend where emptyBackend = RepaBackend { positions = fromListUnboxed (Z :. 0 :: DIM1) [] , velocities = fromListUnboxed (Z :. 0 :: DIM1) [] , masses = fromList [] , gravity = 1.0 } remotable ['repaSlaveSimulator]
module Arimaa ( module Types , module Parser ) where import Types import Parser
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Util.Timer -- Description : A module for setting up timers. -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato and David Roundy 2007 -- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A module for setting up timers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Util.Timer ( -- * Usage -- $usage startTimer , handleTimer , TimerId ) where import XMonad import Control.Concurrent import Data.Unique -- $usage -- This module can be used to setup a timer to handle deferred events. -- See 'XMonad.Layout.ShowWName' for an usage example. type TimerId = Int -- | Start a timer, which will send a ClientMessageEvent after some -- time (in seconds). startTimer :: Rational -> X TimerId startTimer s = io $ do u <- hashUnique <$> newUnique xfork $ do d <- openDisplay "" rw <- rootWindow d $ defaultScreen d threadDelay (fromEnum $ s * 1000000) a <- internAtom d "XMONAD_TIMER" False allocaXEvent $ \e -> do setEventType e clientMessage setClientMessageEvent e rw a 32 (fromIntegral u) 0 sendEvent d rw False structureNotifyMask e sync d False return u -- | Given a 'TimerId' and an 'Event', run an action when the 'Event' -- has been sent by the timer specified by the 'TimerId' handleTimer :: TimerId -> Event -> X (Maybe a) -> X (Maybe a) handleTimer ti ClientMessageEvent{ev_message_type = mt, ev_data = dt} action = do d <- asks display a <- io $ internAtom d "XMONAD_TIMER" False if mt == a && dt /= [] && fromIntegral (head dt) == ti then action else return Nothing handleTimer _ _ _ = return Nothing
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Lang where import DynFlags (supportedLanguagesAndExtensions) import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert -- | Listing language extensions. listLanguages :: Options -> IO String listLanguages opt = return $ convert opt supportedLanguagesAndExtensions
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.PixelBufferObject -- Copyright : (c) Sven Panne 2015 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Sven Panne <[email protected]> -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -- The < ARB_pixel_buffer_object> extension. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.ARB.PixelBufferObject ( -- * Enums gl_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, gl_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB, gl_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, gl_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB ) where import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Tokens
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | This module provides remote monitoring of a running process over -- HTTP. It can be used to run an HTTP server that provides both a -- web-based user interface and a machine-readable API (e.g. JSON.) -- The former can be used by a human to get an overview of what the -- program is doing and the latter can be used by automated monitoring -- tools. -- -- Typical usage is to start the monitoring server at program startup -- -- > main = do -- > forkServer "localhost" 8000 -- > ... -- -- and then periodically check the stats using a web browser or a -- command line tool (e.g. curl) -- -- > $ curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/ module System.Remote.Monitoring ( -- * Required configuration -- $configuration -- * REST API -- $api -- * The monitoring server Server , serverThreadId , forkServer -- * User-defined counters, gauges, and labels -- $userdefined , getCounter , getGauge , getLabel ) where import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.IORef (newIORef) import Prelude hiding (read) import System.Remote.Common #if USE_WAI import System.Remote.Wai #else import System.Remote.Snap #endif -- $configuration -- -- To use this module you must first enable GC statistics collection -- in the run-time system. To enable GC statistics collection, either -- run your program with -- -- > +RTS -T -- -- or compile it with -- -- > -with-rtsopts=-T -- -- The runtime overhead of @-T@ is very small so it's safe to always -- leave it enabled. -- $api -- To use the machine-readable REST API, send an HTTP GET request to -- the host and port passed to 'forkServer'. The following resources -- (i.e. URLs) are available: -- -- [\/] JSON object containing all counters and gauges. Counters and -- gauges are stored as nested objects under the @counters@ and -- @gauges@ attributes, respectively. Content types: \"text\/html\" -- (default), \"application\/json\" -- -- [\/combined] Flattened JSON object containing all counters, gauges, -- and labels. Content types: \"application\/json\" -- -- [\/counters] JSON object containing all counters. Content types: -- \"application\/json\" -- -- [\/counters/\<counter name\>] Value of a single counter, as a -- string. The name should be UTF-8 encoded. Content types: -- \"text\/plain\" -- -- [\/gauges] JSON object containing all gauges. Content types: -- \"application\/json\" -- -- [\/gauges/\<gauge name\>] Value of a single gauge, as a string. -- The name should be UTF-8 encoded. Content types: \"text\/plain\" -- -- [\/labels] JSON object containing all labels. Content types: -- \"application\/json\" -- -- [\/labels/\<label name\>] Value of a single label, as a string. -- The name should be UTF-8 encoded. Content types: \"text\/plain\" -- -- Counters, gauges and labels are stored as attributes of the -- returned JSON objects, one attribute per counter, gauge or label. -- In addition to user-defined counters, gauges, and labels, the below -- built-in counters and gauges are also returned. Furthermore, the -- top-level JSON object of any resource contains the -- @server_timestamp_millis@ attribute, which indicates the server -- time, in milliseconds, when the sample was taken. -- -- Built-in counters: -- -- [@bytes_allocated@] Total number of bytes allocated -- -- [@num_gcs@] Number of garbage collections performed -- -- [@num_bytes_usage_samples@] Number of byte usage samples taken -- -- [@cumulative_bytes_used@] Sum of all byte usage samples, can be -- used with @numByteUsageSamples@ to calculate averages with -- arbitrary weighting (if you are sampling this record multiple -- times). -- -- [@bytes_copied@] Number of bytes copied during GC -- -- [@mutator_cpu_seconds@] CPU time spent running mutator threads. -- This does not include any profiling overhead or initialization. -- -- [@mutator_wall_seconds@] Wall clock time spent running mutator -- threads. This does not include initialization. -- -- [@gc_cpu_seconds@] CPU time spent running GC -- -- [@gc_wall_seconds@] Wall clock time spent running GC -- -- [@cpu_seconds@] Total CPU time elapsed since program start -- -- [@wall_seconds@] Total wall clock time elapsed since start -- -- Built-in gauges: -- -- [@max_bytes_used@] Maximum number of live bytes seen so far -- -- [@current_bytes_used@] Current number of live bytes -- -- [@current_bytes_slop@] Current number of bytes lost to slop -- -- [@max_bytes_slop@] Maximum number of bytes lost to slop at any one time so far -- -- [@peak_megabytes_allocated@] Maximum number of megabytes allocated -- #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) -- [@par_tot_bytes_copied@] Number of bytes copied during GC, minus -- space held by mutable lists held by the capabilities. Can be used -- with 'parMaxBytesCopied' to determine how well parallel GC utilized -- all cores. -- -- [@par_avg_bytes_copied@] Deprecated alias for -- @par_tot_bytes_copied@. #else -- [@par_avg_bytes_copied@] Number of bytes copied during GC, minus -- space held by mutable lists held by the capabilities. Can be used -- with 'parMaxBytesCopied' to determine how well parallel GC utilized -- all cores. #endif -- -- [@par_max_bytes_copied@] Sum of number of bytes copied each GC by -- the most active GC thread each GC. The ratio of #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) -- 'parTotBytesCopied' divided by 'parMaxBytesCopied' approaches 1 for #else -- 'parAvgBytesCopied' divided by 'parMaxBytesCopied' approaches 1 for #endif -- a maximally sequential run and approaches the number of threads -- (set by the RTS flag @-N@) for a maximally parallel run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * The monitoring server -- | The thread ID of the server. You can kill the server by killing -- this thread (i.e. by throwing it an asynchronous exception.) serverThreadId :: Server -> ThreadId serverThreadId = threadId -- | Start an HTTP server in a new thread. The server replies to GET -- requests to the given host and port. The host argument can be -- either a numeric network address (dotted quad for IPv4, -- colon-separated hex for IPv6) or a hostname (e.g. \"localhost\".) -- The client can control the Content-Type used in responses by -- setting the Accept header. At the moment three content types are -- available: \"application\/json\", \"text\/html\", and -- \"text\/plain\". forkServer :: S.ByteString -- ^ Host to listen on (e.g. \"localhost\") -> Int -- ^ Port to listen on (e.g. 8000) -> IO Server forkServer host port = do counters <- newIORef M.empty gauges <- newIORef M.empty labels <- newIORef M.empty tid <- forkIO $ startServer counters gauges labels host port return $! Server tid counters gauges labels
{-| Module : PP.Grammars.Ebnf Description : Defines a AST and parser for the EBNF language Copyright : (c) 2017 Patrick Champion License : see LICENSE file Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : portable AST for the EBNF language. Based on the grammar given in the ISO/IEC 14977:1996, page 10, part 8.2. Comments are valid in EBNF, but are not present in this AST. -} module PP.Grammars.Ebnf ( -- * AST Syntax(..) -- ** Inner ASTs , SyntaxRule(..) , DefinitionsList(..) , SingleDefinition(..) , Term(..) , Exception(..) , Factor(..) , Primary(..) , MetaIdentifier(..) ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (pack, strip, unpack) import PP.Grammar import PP.Grammars.LexicalHelper (LexicalRule, lexicalString) import qualified PP.Rule as R import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language (emptyDef) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token -- |Start rule newtype Syntax = Syntax [SyntaxRule] deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Syntax rule data SyntaxRule -- |Defines the sequence of symbols represented by a MetaIdentifier = SyntaxRule MetaIdentifier DefinitionsList -- |Defines a lexical definition inside the EBNF grammar | LexicalInner LexicalRule deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Separates alternative SingleDefinition newtype DefinitionsList = DefinitionsList [SingleDefinition] deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Separates successive Term newtype SingleDefinition = SingleDefinition [Term] deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Represents any sequence of symbols that is defined by the Factor -- but not defined by the Exception data Term = Term Factor (Maybe Exception) deriving (Show, Eq) -- |A Factor may be used as an Exception if it could be replaced by a -- Factor containing no MetaIdentifier newtype Exception = Exception Factor deriving (Show, Eq) -- |The Integer specifies the number of repetitions of the Primay data Factor = Factor (Maybe Integer) Primary deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Primary data Primary -- |Encloses symbols which are optional = OptionalSequence DefinitionsList -- |Encloses symbols which may be repeated any number of times | RepeatedSequence DefinitionsList -- |Allows any DefinitionsList to be a Primary | GroupedSequence DefinitionsList -- |A Primary can be a MetaIdentifier | PrimaryMetaIdentifier MetaIdentifier -- |Represents the characters between the quote symbols '...' or "..." | TerminalString String -- |Empty Primary | Empty deriving (Show, Eq) -- |A MetaIdentifier is the name of a syntactic element of the langage being defined newtype MetaIdentifier = MetaIdentifier String deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Lexer definitions for EBNF lexer = Token.makeTokenParser def where def = emptyDef { Token.commentStart = "(*" , Token.commentEnd = "*)" , Token.commentLine = "" , Token.nestedComments = False , Token.identStart = letter , Token.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_- " , Token.reservedNames = [] , Token.reservedOpNames = ["=", ";", "|", ",", "-", "*"] , Token.caseSensitive = True } identifier = Token.identifier lexer reservedOp = Token.reservedOp lexer stringLiteral = Token.stringLiteral lexer natural = Token.natural lexer whiteSpace = Token.whiteSpace lexer parens = Token.parens lexer braces = Token.braces lexer angles = Token.angles lexer brackets = Token.brackets lexer -- |Syntax parser syntax :: Parser Syntax syntax = whiteSpace *> (Syntax <$> many1 syntaxRule) <?> "syntax" -- |SyntaxRule parser syntaxRule :: Parser SyntaxRule syntaxRule = try (SyntaxRule <$> (metaIdentifier <* reservedOp "=") <*> (definitionsList <* reservedOp ";")) <|> LexicalInner <$> parser <?> "syntax rule" -- |DefinitionsList parser definitionsList :: Parser DefinitionsList definitionsList = DefinitionsList <$> sepBy1 singleDefinition (reservedOp "|") <?> "definitions list" -- |SingleDefinition parser singleDefinition :: Parser SingleDefinition singleDefinition = SingleDefinition <$> sepBy1 term (reservedOp ",") <?> "single definition" -- |Term parser term :: Parser Term term = Term <$> factor <*> optionMaybe (reservedOp "-" *> exception) <?> "term" -- |Exception parser exception :: Parser Exception exception = Exception <$> factor <?> "exception" -- |Factor parser factor :: Parser Factor factor = Factor <$> optionMaybe (natural <* reservedOp "*") <*> primary <?> "factor" -- |Primary parser primary :: Parser Primary primary = option Empty ( OptionalSequence <$> brackets definitionsList <|> RepeatedSequence <$> braces definitionsList <|> GroupedSequence <$> parens definitionsList <|> PrimaryMetaIdentifier <$> metaIdentifier <|> TerminalString <$> stringLiteral ) -- end of option <?> "primary" -- |MetaIdentifier parser metaIdentifier :: Parser MetaIdentifier metaIdentifier = trimMetaIdentifier <$> (angles identifier <|> identifier) <?> "meta identifier" where trimMetaIdentifier = MetaIdentifier . unpack . strip . pack -- |Lexify an EBNF syntax tree lexifySyntax :: Syntax -> Syntax lexifySyntax s = replaceTerm tok $ addLexicalInner tok s where tok = generateTokens $ findTerm s findTerm (Syntax srs) = L.concatMap findTerm' srs findTerm' (SyntaxRule _ dl) = findTerm'' dl findTerm' (LexicalInner _) = [] findTerm'' (DefinitionsList sds) = L.concatMap findTerm''' sds findTerm''' (SingleDefinition ts) = L.concatMap findTerm'''' ts findTerm'''' (Term f _) = findTerm''''' f findTerm''''' (Factor _ p) = findTerm'''''' p findTerm'''''' (OptionalSequence dl) = findTerm'' dl findTerm'''''' (RepeatedSequence dl) = findTerm'' dl findTerm'''''' (GroupedSequence dl) = findTerm'' dl findTerm'''''' (PrimaryMetaIdentifier mi) = [] findTerm'''''' (TerminalString term) = [term] findTerm'''''' Empty = [] generateTokens = map (\t -> (t, "__token_" ++ t)) . L.nub addLexicalInner [] s = s addLexicalInner ((n, t):ts) (Syntax srs) = addLexicalInner ts $ Syntax $ LexicalInner (lexicalString t n) : srs replaceTerm [] s = s replaceTerm (t:ts) (Syntax srs) = replaceTerm ts $ Syntax $ (replaceTerm' t) srs replaceTerm' t (SyntaxRule r dl) = SyntaxRule r $ replaceTerm'' t dl replaceTerm' _ li@(LexicalInner _) = li replaceTerm'' t (DefinitionsList sds) = DefinitionsList $ (replaceTerm''' t) sds replaceTerm''' t (SingleDefinition ts) = SingleDefinition $ (replaceTerm'''' t) ts replaceTerm'''' t (Term f e) = Term (replaceTerm''''' t f) e replaceTerm''''' t (Factor f p) = Factor f $ replaceTerm'''''' t p replaceTerm'''''' t (OptionalSequence dl) = OptionalSequence $ replaceTerm'' t dl replaceTerm'''''' t (RepeatedSequence dl) = RepeatedSequence $ replaceTerm'' t dl replaceTerm'''''' t (GroupedSequence dl) = GroupedSequence $ replaceTerm'' t dl replaceTerm'''''' (n, t) ts@(TerminalString s) = if n == s then PrimaryMetaIdentifier (MetaIdentifier t) else ts replaceTerm'''''' _ p = p -- * InputGrammar instances for EBNF AST instance InputGrammar Syntax where parser = syntax stringify (Syntax []) = "" stringify (Syntax [sr]) = stringify sr stringify (Syntax (sr:r)) = stringify sr ++ "\n" ++ stringify (Syntax r) rules (Syntax srs) = R.uniformize $ L.concatMap rules srs lexify = lexifySyntax instance InputGrammar SyntaxRule where parser = syntaxRule stringify (SyntaxRule mi dl) = stringify mi ++ "=" ++ stringify dl ++ ";" stringify (LexicalInner lr) = stringify lr rules (SyntaxRule (MetaIdentifier mi) dl) = [R.Rule mi [r, R.Empty] | r <- rules dl] rules (LexicalInner lr) = rules lr instance InputGrammar DefinitionsList where parser = definitionsList stringify (DefinitionsList []) = "" stringify (DefinitionsList [sd]) = stringify sd stringify (DefinitionsList (sd:r)) = stringify sd ++ "|" ++ stringify (DefinitionsList r) rules (DefinitionsList sds) = L.concatMap rules sds instance InputGrammar SingleDefinition where parser = singleDefinition stringify (SingleDefinition []) = "" stringify (SingleDefinition [t]) = stringify t stringify (SingleDefinition (t:r)) = stringify t ++ "," ++ stringify (SingleDefinition r) rules (SingleDefinition [t]) = rules t rules (SingleDefinition (t:ts)) = [R.Concat [r,n] | r <- rules t, n <- rules (SingleDefinition ts)] instance InputGrammar Term where parser = term stringify (Term f Nothing) = stringify f stringify (Term f (Just e)) = stringify f ++ "-" ++ stringify e rules (Term f Nothing) = rules f rules _ = error "no translation for exception" -- ... yet instance InputGrammar Exception where parser = exception stringify (Exception f) = stringify f rules _ = undefined -- should not be called, look at the Term instance instance InputGrammar Factor where parser = factor stringify (Factor Nothing p) = stringify p stringify (Factor (Just i) p) = show i ++ "*" ++ stringify p rules (Factor Nothing p) = rules p rules (Factor (Just i) p) = [R.Concat . concat $ replicate (fromIntegral i) (rules p)] instance InputGrammar Primary where parser = primary stringify (OptionalSequence dl) = "[" ++ stringify dl ++ "]" stringify (RepeatedSequence dl) = "{" ++ stringify dl ++ "}" stringify (GroupedSequence dl) = "(" ++ stringify dl ++ ")" stringify (PrimaryMetaIdentifier mi) = stringify mi stringify (TerminalString s) = show s stringify Empty = "" rules a@(OptionalSequence dl) = let x = stringify a in R.NonTerm x : R.Rule x [R.Empty] : [R.Rule x [r, R.Empty] | r <- rules dl] rules a@(RepeatedSequence dl) = let x = stringify a in R.NonTerm x : R.Rule x [R.Empty] : [R.Rule x [r, R.NonTerm x, R.Empty] | r <- rules dl] rules a@(GroupedSequence dl) = let x = stringify a in R.NonTerm x : [R.Rule x [r, R.Empty] | r <- rules dl] rules (PrimaryMetaIdentifier mi) = rules mi rules (TerminalString s) = [R.Concat $ R.Term s] rules Empty = [R.Empty] instance InputGrammar MetaIdentifier where parser = metaIdentifier stringify (MetaIdentifier s) = "<" ++ s ++ ">" rules (MetaIdentifier s) = [R.NonTerm s]
module Cases.DeclDependencyTest where import Language.Haskell.Exts hiding (name) import Test.HUnit import Cases.BaseDir import Utils.DependencyAnalysis import Utils.Nameable testdecldependency1 = testdecldependency test1 testdecldependency :: (String, String) -> Assertion testdecldependency (f,s) = do r <- parseFileWithExts exts f let r' = parseResult decls undefined r ns = show $ map (map name) (dependencyAnalysis TypeAnalysis r') assertEqual "Type Dependency Result:" s ns test1 = (baseDir ++ "/mptc/test/Data/TestCase1DeclDependence.hs", "[[a],[b],[h,g,f],[c,d]]") decls (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ ds) = ds -- pattern matching function over parser results parseResult :: (a -> b) -> (SrcLoc -> String -> b) -> ParseResult a -> b parseResult f g (ParseOk m) = f m parseResult f g (ParseFailed l s) = g l s -- always enabled extensions exts :: [Extension] exts = map EnableExtension [MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts]
module Agon.Data.Types where data UUIDs = UUIDs [String] data CouchUpdateResult = CouchUpdateResult { curRev :: String } deriving Show data CouchList e = CouchList { clItems :: [CouchListItem e] } deriving Show data CouchListItem e = CouchListItem { cliItem :: e } deriving Show
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFunctor, OverloadedStrings #-} module Web.Rest ( Request(..), Method(..),Location,Accept,ContentType,Body, Response(..), ResponseCode, RestT,Rest,rest, runRestT,Hostname,Port,RestError(..)) where import Web.Rest.Internal ( Request(..), Method(..),Location,Accept,ContentType,Body, Response(..), ResponseCode, RestT,Rest,rest) import Web.Rest.HTTP ( runRestT,Hostname,Port,RestError(..))
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds, QuasiQuotes, RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-} module Messaging.Core ((:>)(..), cast, Object(..), withTypeableSymbol, Selector(..), send, (#), (#.), (===), unsafeDownCast) where import Data.Typeable.Internal (Proxy (..), Typeable (..), mkTyCon3, mkTyConApp) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr) import GHC.Base (Proxy#) import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol) import GHC.TypeLits (symbolVal) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) newtype Object (a :: k) = Object (ForeignPtr ()) deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq) -- | @a ':>' b@ indicates that @a@ is a super-class of @b@. class (a :: k) :> (b :: k2) newtype Typing sym a = Typing (Typeable (sym :: Symbol) => a) unsafeDownCast :: (a :> b) => Object a -> Object b unsafeDownCast (Object a) = Object a withTypeableSymbol :: forall sym a proxy. KnownSymbol sym => proxy sym -> (Typeable sym => a) -> a withTypeableSymbol _ f = unsafeCoerce (Typing f :: Typing sym a) inst where inst pxy = let _ = pxy :: Proxy# sym in mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "base" "GHC.TypeLits" ('"': symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym) ++ "\"")) [] instance (a :> b, c :> d) => (b -> c) :> (a -> d) instance a :> a instance (a :> b) => [a] :> [b] class Selector cls msg | msg -> cls where data Message (msg :: k') :: * type Returns msg :: * send' :: Object cls -> Message msg -> Returns msg cast :: (a :> b) => Object b -> Object a cast (Object ptr) = Object ptr send :: (a :> b, Selector a msg) => Object b -> Message msg -> Returns msg send = send' . cast infixl 4 # (#) :: (a :> b, Selector a msg) => Object b -> Message msg -> Returns msg (#) = send infixl 4 #. (#.) :: (a :> b, Selector a msg, Returns msg ~ IO c) => IO (Object b) -> Message msg -> IO c recv #. sel = recv >>= flip send sel infix 4 === (===) :: Object t -> Object t1 -> Bool Object fptr === Object fptr' = fptr == fptr'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module OAuthHandlers ( routes ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Snap.Core import Snap.Snaplet import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.JsonFile import Snap.Snaplet.Heist import Snap.Snaplet.OAuth import Text.Templating.Heist import qualified Snap.Snaplet.OAuth.Github as GH import qualified Snap.Snaplet.OAuth.Google as G import qualified Snap.Snaplet.OAuth.Weibo as W import Application import Splices ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Weibo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Logs out and redirects the user to the site index. weiboOauthCallbackH :: AppHandler () weiboOauthCallbackH = W.weiboUserH >>= success where success Nothing = writeBS "No user info found" success (Just usr) = do with auth $ createOAuthUser weibo $ W.wUidStr usr --writeText $ T.pack $ show usr toHome usr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Google ---------------------------------------------------------------------- googleOauthCallbackH :: AppHandler () googleOauthCallbackH = G.googleUserH >>= googleUserId googleUserId :: Maybe G.GoogleUser -> AppHandler () googleUserId Nothing = redirect "/" googleUserId (Just user) = with auth (createOAuthUser google (G.gid user)) >> toHome user ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Github ---------------------------------------------------------------------- githubOauthCallbackH :: AppHandler () githubOauthCallbackH = GH.githubUserH >>= githubUser githubUser :: Maybe GH.GithubUser -> AppHandler () githubUser Nothing = redirect "/" githubUser (Just user) = with auth (createOAuthUser github uid) >> toHome user where uid = intToText $ GH.gid user intToText = T.pack . show ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create User per oAuth response ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create new user for Weibo User to local -- createOAuthUser :: OAuthKey -> T.Text -- ^ oauth user id -> Handler App (AuthManager App) () createOAuthUser key name = do let name' = textToBS name passwd = ClearText name' role = Role (BS.pack $ show key) exists <- usernameExists name unless exists (void (createUser name name')) res <- loginByUsername name' passwd False case res of Left l -> liftIO $ print l Right r -> do res2 <- saveUser (r {userRoles = [ role ]}) return () --either (liftIO . print) (const $ return ()) res2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The application's routes. routes :: [(ByteString, AppHandler ())] routes = [ ("/oauthCallback", weiboOauthCallbackH) , ("/googleCallback", googleOauthCallbackH) , ("/githubCallback", githubOauthCallbackH) ] -- | NOTE: when use such way to show callback result, -- the url does not change, which can not be invoke twice. -- This is quite awkful thing and only for testing purpose. -- toHome a = heistLocal (bindRawResponseSplices a) $ render "index" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
module Math.Matrix where import Math.Vector import Data.List ( intercalate ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, fromMaybe ) import qualified Data.List as L type Matrix a = [Vector a] -- Projection Matrices orthoMatrix :: (Num t, Fractional t) => t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> Matrix t orthoMatrix left right top bottom near far = [ [ 2/(right-left), 0, 0, -(right+left)/(right-left) ] , [ 0, 2/(top-bottom), 0, -(top+bottom)/(top-bottom) ] , [ 0, 0, -2/(far-near), -(far+near)/(far-near) ] , [ 0, 0, 0, 1] ] -- Affine Transformation Matrices scaleMatrix3d :: Num t => t -> t -> t -> Matrix t scaleMatrix3d x y z = [ [x, 0, 0, 0] , [0, y, 0, 0] , [0, 0, z, 0] , [0, 0, 0, 1] ] rotationMatrix3d :: Floating t => t -> t -> t -> Matrix t rotationMatrix3d x y z = [ [cy*cz, -cx*sz+sx*sy*sz, sx*sz+cx*sy*cz, 0] , [cy*sz, cx*cz+sx*sy*sz, -sx*cz+cx*sy*sz, 0] , [ -sy, sx*cy, cx*cy, 0] , [ 0, 0, 0, 1] ] where [cx, cy, cz] = map cos [x, y, z] [sx, sy, sz] = map sin [x, y, z] translationMatrix3d :: Num t => t -> t -> t -> Matrix t translationMatrix3d x y z = [ [1, 0, 0, x] , [0, 1, 0, y] , [0, 0, 1, z] , [0, 0, 0, 1] ] -- Basic Matrix Math fromVector :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]] fromVector r c v = if length v `mod` r*c == 0 then Just $ groupByRowsOf c v else Nothing -- | The identity of an NxN matrix. identityN :: (Num a) => Int -> Matrix a identityN n = groupByRowsOf n $ modList n where modList l = [ if x `mod` (l+1) == 0 then 1 else 0 | x <- [0..(l*l)-1] ] -- | The identity of the given matrix. identity :: (Num a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a identity m = groupByRowsOf rows modList where modList = [ if x `mod` (cols+1) == 0 then 1 else 0 | x <- [0..len-1] ] len = sum $ map length m rows = numRows m cols = numColumns m -- | The number of columns in the matrix. numColumns :: Matrix a -> Int numColumns = length -- | The number of rows in the matrix. numRows :: Matrix a -> Int numRows [] = 0 numRows (r:_) = length r -- | A list of the columns. toColumns :: Matrix a -> [[a]] toColumns = transpose -- | A list of the rows. toRows :: Matrix a -> [[a]] toRows = id -- | The minor for an element of `a` at the given row and column. minorAt :: Floating a => [Vector a] -> Int -> Int -> a minorAt m x y = let del = deleteColRow m x y in determinant del -- | The Matrix created by deleting column x and row y of the given matrix. deleteColRow :: Matrix a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a deleteColRow m x y = let nRws = numRows m nCls = numColumns m rNdxs = [ row + x | row <- [0,nCls..nCls*(nCls-1)] ] cNdxs = [ nRws*y + col | col <- [0..nRws-1] ] ndxs = rNdxs ++ cNdxs (_, vec) = foldl filtNdx (0,[]) $ concat m filtNdx (i, acc) el = if i `elem` ndxs then (i+1, acc) else (i+1, acc++[el]) in groupByRowsOf (nRws-1) vec -- | The transpose of the matrix. transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a transpose = L.transpose -- | Computes the inverse of the matrix. inverse :: (Num a, Eq a, Fractional a, Floating a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a) inverse m = let det = determinant m one_det = 1/ det cofacts = cofactors m adjoint = transpose cofacts inv = (map . map) (*one_det) adjoint in if det /= 0 then Just inv else Nothing -- | The matrix of cofactors of the given matrix. cofactors :: (Num a, Floating a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a cofactors m = fromJust $ fromVector (numRows m) (numColumns m) [ cofactorAt m x y | y <- [0..numRows m -1], x <- [0..numColumns m -1] ] -- | Computes the multiplication of two matrices. multiply :: (Num a, Show a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a multiply m1 m2 = let element row col = sum $ zipWith (*) row col rows = toRows m1 cols = toColumns m2 nRows = numRows m1 nCols = numColumns m2 vec = take (nRows*nCols) [ element r c | r <- rows, c <- cols ] mM = fromVector nRows nCols vec err = error $ intercalate "\n" [ "Could not multiply matrices:" , "m1:" , show m1 , "m2:" , show m2 , "from vector:" , show vec ] in fromMaybe err mM -- | The cofactor for an element of `a` at the given row and column. cofactorAt :: (Num a, Floating a) => Matrix a -> Int -> Int -> a cofactorAt m x y = let pow = fromIntegral $ x + y + 2 -- I think zero indexed. in (-1)**pow * minorAt m x y -- | Computes the determinant of the matrix. determinant :: (Num a, Floating a) => Matrix a -> a determinant [[a]] = a determinant m = let rowCofactors = [ cofactorAt m x 0 | x <- [0..numColumns m -1] ] row = head $ toRows m in sum $ zipWith (*) rowCofactors row -- Helpers groupByRowsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] groupByRowsOf _ [] = [] groupByRowsOf cols xs = take cols xs : groupByRowsOf cols (drop cols xs)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module VirtualDom.Prim where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.State import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import GHCJS.DOM.Event import GHCJS.Foreign import GHCJS.Types import System.IO.Unsafe import qualified Data.Immutable as Immutable import qualified GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement as DOM -- | An opaque data-type representing a foreign @VNode@ object. data VNode -- | A HTML node - either an element with attributes, or a piece of text. newtype Node = Node (JSRef VNode) foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VText($1)" ffiNewVText :: JSString -> JSRef VNode -- | Construct a 'HTML' text node. text :: ToJSString t => t -> Node text = Node . ffiNewVText . toJSString foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1)" ffiNewVNode :: JSString -> JSRef VNode -- | Construct a new 'HTML' element consisting of a given element, with no -- child content or attributes. emptyElement :: JSString -> Node emptyElement = Node . ffiNewVNode -- | Strings are considered HTML nodes by converting them to text nodes. instance IsString Node where fromString = text -- | Witness that a 'HTML' node is pointing to a VNode. newtype HTMLElement = HTMLElement (JSRef VNode) foreign import javascript safe "$r = $1.type" ffiGetVNodeType :: JSRef VNode -> JSString -- A zero-or-one traversal into a 'HTML' fragment to determine if it is an -- element or not. _HTMLElement :: Traversal' Node HTMLElement _HTMLElement f (Node vNode) | fromJSString (ffiGetVNodeType vNode) == ("VirtualNode" :: String) = fmap (\(HTMLElement vNode') -> Node vNode') (f (HTMLElement vNode)) | otherwise = pure (Node vNode) foreign import javascript safe "Immutable.Map($" ffiVNodeGetProperties :: JSRef VNode -> Immutable.Map foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, $2.toJS(), $1.children, $1.key, $1.namespace)" ffiVNodeSetProperties :: JSRef VNode -> Immutable.Map -> JSRef VNode properties :: Lens' HTMLElement Immutable.Map properties f (HTMLElement vNode) = fmap (HTMLElement . ffiVNodeSetProperties vNode) (f (ffiVNodeGetProperties vNode)) foreign import javascript safe "Immutable.Map($" ffiVNodeGetAttributes :: JSRef VNode -> Immutable.Map foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, Immutable.Map($'attributes', $2).toJS(), $1.children, $1.key)" ffiVNodeSetAttributes :: JSRef VNode -> Immutable.Map -> JSRef VNode attributes :: Lens' HTMLElement Immutable.Map attributes f (HTMLElement vNode) = fmap (HTMLElement . ffiVNodeSetAttributes vNode) (f (ffiVNodeGetAttributes vNode)) foreign import javascript safe "$1.children" ffiGetVNodeChildren :: JSRef VNode -> JSArray (JSRef VNode) foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, $, $2, $1.key, $1.namespace)" ffiSetVNodeChildren :: JSRef VNode -> JSArray (JSRef VNode) -> JSRef VNode children :: Lens' HTMLElement (JSArray (JSRef VNode)) children f (HTMLElement vNode) = fmap (HTMLElement . ffiSetVNodeChildren vNode) (f (ffiGetVNodeChildren vNode)) foreign import javascript safe "$1.key" ffiGetVNodeKey :: JSRef VNode -> JSString foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, $, $1.children, $2, $1.namespace)" ffiSetVNodeKey :: JSRef VNode -> JSString -> JSRef VNode key :: Lens' HTMLElement JSString key f (HTMLElement vNode) = fmap (HTMLElement . ffiSetVNodeKey vNode) (f (ffiGetVNodeKey vNode)) foreign import javascript safe "$1.namespace" ffiGetVNodeNamespace :: JSRef VNode -> JSString foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, $, $1.children, $1.children, $2)" ffiSetVNodeNamespace :: JSRef VNode -> JSString -> JSRef VNode namespace :: Lens' HTMLElement JSString namespace f (HTMLElement vNode) = fmap (HTMLElement . ffiSetVNodeKey vNode) (f (ffiGetVNodeKey vNode)) foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, Immutable.Map($'ev-' + $2, evHook($3)).toJS(), $1.children, $1.key, $1.namespace)" ffiSetVNodeEvent :: JSRef VNode -> JSString -> JSFun (JSRef Event -> IO ()) -> JSRef VNode on :: MonadState HTMLElement m => JSString -> (JSRef Event -> IO ()) -> m () on ev f = modify (\(HTMLElement vnode) -> HTMLElement (ffiSetVNodeEvent vnode ev (unsafePerformIO (syncCallback1 AlwaysRetain True f)))) foreign import javascript safe "new virtualdom.VNode($1.tagName, Immutable.Map($'hook-' + $2, Object.create({ hook: $3 })).toJS(), $1.children, $1.key, $1.namespace)" ffiRegisterVNodeHook :: JSRef VNode -> JSString -> JSFun (JSRef DOM.HTMLElement -> JSString -> IO ()) -> JSRef VNode registerHook :: MonadState HTMLElement m => JSString -> (JSRef DOM.HTMLElement -> JSString -> IO ()) -> m () registerHook hookName f = modify (\(HTMLElement vnode) -> HTMLElement (ffiRegisterVNodeHook vnode hookName (unsafePerformIO (syncCallback2 AlwaysRetain True f))))
module Twitch.Run where import Prelude hiding (FilePath, log) import Twitch.Internal ( Dep, runDep ) import Twitch.InternalRule ( Config(dirs, logger), InternalRule, toInternalRule, setupRules ) import Twitch.Rule ( RuleIssue ) import Data.Either ( partitionEithers ) import System.FilePath ( FilePath ) import System.FSNotify ( WatchManager ) import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory ) import Twitch.Path ( findAllDirs ) import Data.Default ( Default(def) ) -- This the main interface for running a Dep run :: Dep -> IO WatchManager run dep = do currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory dirs' <- findAllDirs currentDir runWithConfig currentDir (def { logger = print, dirs = dirs' }) dep runWithConfig :: FilePath -> Config -> Dep -> IO WatchManager runWithConfig root config dep = do let (_issues, rules) = depToRules root dep -- TODO handle the issues somehow -- Log and perhaps error setupRules config rules depToRulesWithCurrentDir :: Dep -> IO ([RuleIssue], [InternalRule]) depToRulesWithCurrentDir dep = do currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory return $ depToRules currentDir dep depToRules :: FilePath -> Dep -> ([RuleIssue], [InternalRule]) depToRules currentDir = partitionEithers . map (toInternalRule currentDir) . runDep
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Chapter2.Section2.LabInteractive where import Prelude {- Ex 1: Which of the following implementations defines a function putStr' :: String -> IO () that takes a String as its parameter and writes it to the standard output? Note: The helper function putChar :: Char -> IO () takes a character as its parameter and writes it to the standard output. -} putStr' :: String -> IO () -- WRONG --putStr' [] = return "" --putStr' (x : xs) = putChar x >> putStr' xs -- RIGHT putStr' [] = return () putStr' (x : xs) = putChar x >> putStr' xs -- WRONG --putStr' [] = return () --putStr' (x : xs) = putChar x >>= putStr' xs -- WRONG --putStr' [] = return () --putStr' (x : xs) = putStr' xs >>= putChar x {- Ex 2: Choose all possible implementations for a function putStrLn' :: String -> IO () that takes a String parameter and writes it to the standard output, followed by a newline character. Assume "fast and loose" reasoning where there are no bottoms involved, and all functions are total, and all values are finite. -} putStrLn' :: String -> IO () -- RIGHT putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> putStrLn' "" -- RIGHT --putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> putChar '\n' -- RIGHT --putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >>= \ x -> putChar '\n' -- WRONG --putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> \ x -> putChar '\n' -- RIGHT -- NOTE: "" instead of '' has been used!!! --putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> putStr' "\n" -- WRONG --putStrLn' [] = putChar '\n' --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> putStrLn' "\n" -- WRONG --putStrLn' [] = return "" --putStrLn' xs = putStrLn' xs >> putStr' "\n" -- WRONG --putStrLn' [] = putChar "\n" --putStrLn' xs = putStr' xs >> putChar '\n' {- Ex 3: Which of the following implementation defines a function getLine' :: IO String that reads a line, up to the first \n character, from the standard input? Note: The helper function getChar :: IO Char reads a single character from the standard input. Test #1: Type: getLine' Wait for prompt on new line to appear Type: ab c\nabc It should only return: "abc" -} -- WRONG - returns "abc\\nabc" for INPUT abc\nabc -- WRONG - returns "ab" for INPUT ab c\nabc {- getLine' :: IO String getLine' = get "" get :: String -> IO String get xs = do x <- getChar case x of ' ' -> return xs '\n' -> return xs _ -> get (xs ++ [x]) -} -- WRONG - returns "cban\\cba" {- getLine' :: IO String getLine' = get "" get :: String -> IO String get xs = do x <- getChar case x of '\n' -> return xs _ -> get (x : xs) -} -- - returns "abc\\nabc" -- RIGHT - returns "ab c\\nabc" for INPUT ab c\nabc getLine' :: IO String getLine' = get [] get :: String -> IO String get xs = do x <- getChar case x of '\n' -> return xs _ -> get (xs ++ [x]) -- WRONG - returns "\nabc\\nabc" {- getLine' :: IO String getLine' = get [] get :: String -> IO String get xs = do x <- getChar case x of '\n' -> return (x : xs) _ -> get (xs ++ [x]) -} {- Ex 4: Which of the following implementations defines a function interact' :: (String -> String) -> IO () that takes as its argument a function of type String -> String, and reads a line from the standard input, and passes it to this function, and then prints the resulting output followed by a newline on the standard output? Note: Quick tip: the ' is there because sequence_ is a built-in function. You can use that to see what the behaviour should be. Prelude> :t interact interact :: (String -> String) -> IO () -} -- NO IDEA {- interact' :: (String -> String) -> IO () interact' f = do input <- getLine' putStrLn' (f input) -} {- Ex. 5: Choose all possible implementations of the function sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m () that takes a finite, non-partial, list of non-bottom, monadic values, and evaluates them in sequence, from left to right, ignoring all (intermediate) results? Hint: Make sure you type in all these definitions in GHCi and play around with a variety of possible input. Test with: sequence_' [(>4), (<10), odd] 7 sequence_' [putChar 'a', putChar 'b', putChar 'c', putChar 'd'] -} sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m () -- WRONG {- sequence_' [] = return [] sequence_' (m : ms) = m >> \ _ -> sequence_' ms -} {- Test output: <interactive>:2:14: Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’ (Ord a0) arising from a use of ‘>’ at <interactive>:2:14 (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘4’ at <interactive>:2:15 (Integral a0) arising from a use of ‘odd’ at <interactive>:2:26-28 In the expression: (> 4) In the first argument of ‘sequence_'’, namely ‘[(> 4), (< 10), odd]’ In the expression: sequence_' [(> 4), (< 10), odd] 7 () -} -- MAYBE {- Check Type Signature Prelude> let sequence_' [] = return () Prelude> let sequence_' (m : ms) = (foldl (>>) m ms) >> return () Prelude> :t sequence_' sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m () -} sequence_' [] = return () sequence_' (m : ms) = (foldl (>>) m ms) >> return () -- WRONG {- Check Type Signature: Prelude> let sequence_' ms = foldl (>>) (return ()) ms Prelude> :t sequence_' sequence_' :: Monad m => [m ()] -> m () -} {- sequence_' ms = foldl (>>) (return ()) ms -} {- Test output: <interactive>:9:14: Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’ (Ord a0) arising from a use of ‘>’ at <interactive>:9:14 (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘4’ at <interactive>:9:16 (Integral a0) arising from a use of ‘odd’ at <interactive>:9:28-30 In the expression: (> 4) In the first argument of ‘sequence_'’, namely ‘[(> 4), (< 10), odd]’ In the expression: sequence_' [(> 4), (< 10), odd] 7 () -} -- WRONG !! MAYBE {- Check Type: Prelude> letsequence_' (m : ms) = m >> sequence_' ms Prelude> let sequence_' (m : ms) = m >> sequence_' ms Prelude> :t sequence_' sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m b -} {- sequence_' [] = return () sequence_' (m : ms) = m >> sequence_' ms -} {- Test output: <interactive>:19:14: Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’ (Ord a0) arising from a use of ‘>’ at <interactive>:19:14 (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘4’ at <interactive>:19:16 (Integral a0) arising from a use of ‘odd’ at <interactive>:19:28-30 In the expression: (> 4) In the first argument of ‘sequence_'’, namely ‘[(> 4), (< 10), odd]’ In the expression: sequence_' [(> 4), (< 10), odd] 7 () -} -- WRONG !! MAYBE {- Check Type: Prelude> let sequence_' [] = return () Prelude> let sequence_' (m : ms) = m >>= \ _ -> sequence_' ms Prelude> :t sequence_' sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m b -} {- sequence_' [] = return () sequence_' (m : ms) = m >>= \ _ -> sequence_' ms -} {- Test output: Couldn't match type ‘m ()’ with ‘()’ Expected type: m a -> m () -> m () Actual type: m a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () -} -- WRONG {- sequence_' ms = foldr (>>=) (return ()) ms -} {- Test output: <interactive>:29:14: Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Integer’ (Ord a0) arising from a use of ‘>’ at <interactive>:29:14 (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘4’ at <interactive>:29:16 (Integral a0) arising from a use of ‘odd’ at <interactive>:29:28-30 In the expression: (> 4) In the first argument of ‘sequence_'’, namely ‘[(> 4), (< 10), odd]’ In the expression: sequence_' [(> 4), (< 10), odd] 7 () -} -- MAYBE {- Check Type: Prelude> let sequence_' ms = foldr (>>) (return ()) ms Prelude> :t sequence_' sequence_' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m () -} {- sequence_' ms = foldr (>>) (return ()) ms -} -- WRONG -- Couldn't match expected type ‘()’ with actual type ‘[t0]’ --sequence_' ms = foldr (>>=) (return []) ms {- Ex. 6: Choose all possible implementations of the function sequence' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] that takes a finite, non-partial, list of non-bottom, monadic values, and evaluates them in sequence, from left to right, collecting all (intermediate) results into a list? Hint: Make sure you type in all these definitions in GHCi and play around with a variety of possible input. Test with: sequence' [(>4), (<10), odd] 7 -} sequence' :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] {- RIGHT -} sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m : ms) = m >>= \ a -> do as <- sequence' ms return (a : as) {- WRONG sequence' ms = foldr func (return ()) ms where func :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a] func m acc = do x <- m xs <- acc return (x : xs) -} {- WRONG sequence' ms = foldr func (return []) ms where func :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a] func m acc = m : acc -} {- WRONG sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m : ms) = return (a : as) where a <- m as <- sequence' ms -} {- RIGHT sequence' ms = foldr func (return []) ms where func :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a] func m acc = do x <- m xs <- acc return (x : xs) -} {- WRONG sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m : ms) = m >> \ a -> do as <- sequence' ms return (a : as) -} {- WRONG sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m : ms) = m >>= \a -> as <- sequence' ms return (a : as) -} {- RIGHT sequence' [] = return [] sequence' (m : ms) = do a <- m as <- sequence' ms return (a : as) -} {- Ex. 7: Choose all possible implementations of a function mapM' :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] which takes a non-bottom function of type a -> m b, and a finite, non-partial list of non-bottom elements of type a and (similarly to map) applies the function to every element of the list, but produces the resulting list wrapped inside a monadic action? Note: mapM' must preserve the order of the elements of the input list. Hint: Make sure you try each of these options in GHCi and play around with a variety of inputs to experiment with the behaviour. It's easiest to use the IO Monad for the function passed into mapM' Test with: mapM' reverse ["ab","3","12"] Expect: ["b32","b31","a32","a31"] Also test with: mapM' (putChar) ['a', 'b', 'c'] Gives: abc[(),(),()] Also test with: mapM' (\x -> putChar x >> return x) ['a', 'b', 'c'] Gives: abc"abc" -} mapM' :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] {- RIGHT -} mapM' f as = sequence' (map f as) {- RIGHT mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as) = f a >>= \ b -> mapM' f as >>= \ bs -> return (b : bs) -} {- WRONG mapM' f as = sequence_' (map f as) -} {- WRONG mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as) = f a >> \ b -> mapM' f as >> \ bs -> return (b : bs) -} {- WRONG mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as) = do f a -> b mapM' f as -> bs return (b : bs) -} {- RIGHT mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as) = do b <- f a bs <- mapM' f as return (b : bs) -} {- RIGHT mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as) = f a >>= \ b -> do bs <- mapM' f as return (b : bs) -} {- WRONG mapM' f [] = return [] mapM' f (a : as ) = f a >>= \ b -> do bs <- mapM' f as return (bs ++ [b]) -} {- Ex. 8: Which of the following definitions implements the function filterM' :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a], that takes a "predicate" of type Monad m => a -> m Bool and uses this to filter a finite, non-partial list of non-bottom elements of type a. Note: filterM' must preserve the order of the elements of the input list, as far as they appear in the result. Test with: filterM' True [False,True,False] filterM (const [True, False]) Expect: . -} -- NO IDEA!!! --filterM' :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a] {- filterM' _ [] = return [] filterM' p (x : xs) = do flag <- p x ys <- filterM' p xs return (x : ys) -} {- filterM' _ [] = return [] filterM' p (x : xs) = do flag <- p x ys <- filterM' p xs if flag then return (x : ys) else return ys -} {- WRONG filterM' _ [] = return [] filterM' p (x : xs) = do ys <- filterM' p xs if p x then return (x : ys) else return ys -} {- filterM' _ [] = return [] filterM' p (x : xs) = do flag <- p x ys <- filterM' p xs if flag then return ys else return (x : ys) -} {- Ex. 9 Implement the function foldLeftM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a that takes an accumulation function a -> b -> m a, and a seed of type a and left folds a finite, non-partial list of non-bottom elements of type b into a single result of type m a Hint: The recursive structure of foldLeftM looks as follows: foldLeftM f a [] = ... a ... foldLeftM f a (x:xs) = foldLeftM f (... f ... a ... (>>=) ...) xs Remember the definition of foldl: foldl f a [] = ... a ... foldl f a (x:xs) = foldl f (... f ... a ...) xs What is the result of evaluating the expression: haskellhaskell lleksahhaskell haskellhaskellhaskell haskelllleksahhaskell -} {- Proposed approach: Apply the function with the default accumulator and the leftmost element of the list and bind its return (to get rid of the monadic) then proceed to apply the function recursively, passing the same f, but instead of the default accumulator pass it b and the remainder of the list. Noting to 'return a' for the base case -} --foldLeftM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a --foldLeftM (\a b -> putChar b >> return (b : a ++ [b])) [] "haskell" >>= \r -> putStrLn r {- Ex. 10 Implement the function foldRightM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b which is like to foldLeftM from the previous exercise, except that it folds a finite, non-partial list of non-bottom elements of type a into a single monadic value of type m b. Hint: look up the definition of foldr. What is the result of evaluating the expression: ]9,7,5,3,1[[1,3,5,7,9] [9,7,5,3,1][1,3,5,7,9] [1,3,5,7,9][9,7,5,3,1] [1,3,5,7,9][1,3,5,7,9] Note: A simple test like the following won't reveal the flaw in the code foldLeftM (\a b -> Just (a + b)) 0 [1..10] Proper test in GHCi foldRightM' (\a b -> putChar a >> return (a : b)) [] (show [1,3..10]) >>= \r -> putStrLn r Returns: ]9,7,5,3,1[[1,3,5,7,9] -} foldRightM' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b -- carefully compare with the implementation of foldr -- foldRightM' |operator| |init_value| |list| -- Note: the code must be associating to the right and implementing the right fold correctly foldRightM' f d [] = return d foldRightM' f d (x:xs) = (\z -> f x z) <<= foldRightM' f d xs where (<<=) = flip (>>=) -- {- Ex. 11 Choose all possible implementations that define a function liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b that takes a function of type a -> b and "maps" it over a non-bottom monadic value of type m a to produce a value of type m b? -} liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b -- liftM (+1) [1,2] ===> [2,3] -- liftM (+1) [] ===> [] -- RIGHT liftM f m = do x <- m return (f x) -- WRONG --liftM f m = m >>= \ a -> f a -- RIGHT --liftM f m = m >>= \ a -> return (f a) -- WRONG --liftM f m = return (f m) {- WRONG - doesn't map correctly liftM (+1) [1,2] ===> [2,2,3,3] -} --liftM f m = m >>= \ a -> m >>= \ b -> return (f a) {- WRONG - doesn't map correctly liftM (+1) [1,2] ===> [2,3,2,3] -} --liftM f m = m >>= \ a -> m >>= \ b -> return (f b) --WRONG --liftM f m = mapM f [m] --WRONG --liftM f m = m >> \ a -> return (f a)
module FrontEnd.Tc.Module (tiModules,TiData(..)) where import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Char import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PPrint import qualified Data.Foldable as T import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import DataConstructors import DerivingDrift.Drift import Doc.PPrint as PPrint import FrontEnd.Class import FrontEnd.DataConsAssump (dataConsEnv) import FrontEnd.DeclsDepends (getDeclDeps, debugDeclBindGroups) import FrontEnd.DependAnalysis (getBindGroups) import FrontEnd.Exports import FrontEnd.HsSyn import FrontEnd.Infix import FrontEnd.KindInfer import FrontEnd.Rename import FrontEnd.Tc.Main import FrontEnd.Tc.Monad import FrontEnd.Tc.Type import FrontEnd.TypeSigs (collectSigs, listSigsToSigEnv) import FrontEnd.TypeSynonyms import FrontEnd.TypeSyns import FrontEnd.Utils import FrontEnd.Warning import Ho.Type import Info.Types import Name.Name as Name import Name.Names import Options import Util.Gen import Util.Inst() import Util.SetLike import qualified FlagDump as FD import qualified FrontEnd.HsPretty as HsPretty trimEnv env = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isGlobal k) env getDeclNames :: HsDecl -> [Name] getDeclNames (HsTypeSig _ ns _ ) = map (toName Val) ns getDeclNames d = maybeGetDeclName d -- Extra data produced by the front end, used to fill in the Ho file. data TiData = TiData { tiDataDecls :: [HsDecl], tiDataModules :: [(Module,HsModule)], tiModuleOptions :: [(Module,Opt)], tiCheckedRules :: [Rule], tiCoerce :: Map.Map Name CoerceTerm, tiProps :: Map.Map Name Properties, tiAllAssumptions :: Map.Map Name Type } isGlobal x | (_,(_::String,(h:_))) <- fromName x = not $ isDigit h isGlobal _ = error "isGlobal" buildFieldMap :: [ModInfo] -> FieldMap buildFieldMap ms = FieldMap ans' ans where allDefs = [ (x,z) | (x,_,z) <- concat $ map modInfoDefs ms, nameType x == DataConstructor ] ans = Map.fromList $ sortGroupUnderFG fst snd $ concat [ [ (y,(x,i)) | y <- ys | i <- [0..] ] | (x,ys) <- allDefs ] ans' = Map.fromList $ concatMap modInfoConsArity ms processModule :: FieldMap -> ModInfo -> IO (ModInfo,[Warning]) processModule defs m = do when (dump FD.Parsed) $ do putStrLn " \n ---- parsed code ---- \n"; putStrLn $ HsPretty.render $ HsPretty.ppHsModule $ modInfoHsModule m let mod = modInfoHsModule m let imp = modInfoImport m let (((mod',inst),rmap),errs) = runWriter $ renameModule (modInfoOptions m) defs imp mod when (dump FD.Derived && (not $ null inst)) $ do putStrLn " \n ---- derived instances ---- \n" putStrLn $ HsPretty.render $ HsPretty.ppHsDecls $ inst wdump FD.Renamed $ do putStrLn " \n ---- renamed code ---- \n" putStrLn $ HsPretty.render $ HsPretty.ppHsModule $ mod' return (m { modInfoReverseMap = rmap, modInfoImport = imp ++ driftResolvedNames, modInfoHsModule = mod' }, errs) -- type check a set of mutually recursive modules. -- assume all dependencies are met in the -- ModEnv parameter and export lists have been calculated. or' :: [(a -> Bool)] -> a -> Bool or' fs x = or [ f x | f <- fs ] -- Very broad information on a data type. data DatDesc = DatEnum [Name] | DatMany [(Name,Int)] | DatNewT Name getDataDesc :: Monad m => HsDecl -> m (Name,DatDesc) getDataDesc d = g d where g desc = do r <- f d return (hsDeclName desc,r) f HsDataDecl { hsDeclDeclType = DeclTypeNewtype, hsDeclCons = (hsConDeclName . head -> cn) } = return $ DatNewT cn f HsDataDecl { hsDeclCons = cs } | all null $ map hsConDeclArgs cs = return $ DatEnum (map hsConDeclName cs) f HsDataDecl { hsDeclCons = cs } = return $ DatMany [ (hsConDeclName c, (length . hsConDeclArgs) c) | c <- cs] f _ = fail "getDataDesc: not a data declaration" {-# NOINLINE tiModules #-} tiModules :: HoTcInfo -> [ModInfo] -> IO (HoTcInfo,TiData) tiModules htc ms = do let importClassHierarchy = hoClassHierarchy htc importKindEnv = hoKinds htc let nfm = buildFieldMap ms `mappend` hoFieldMap htc mserrs <- mapM (processModule nfm) ms processErrors (concatMap snd mserrs) let ms = fsts mserrs let thisFixityMap = buildFixityMap . concat $ [filter isHsInfixDecl (hsModuleDecls $ modInfoHsModule m) | m <- ms] let fixityMap = thisFixityMap `mappend` hoFixities htc thisTypeSynonyms <- declsToTypeSynonyms (hoTypeSynonyms htc) $ concat [ filter isHsTypeDecl (hsModuleDecls $ modInfoHsModule m) | m <- ms] let ts = thisTypeSynonyms `mappend` hoTypeSynonyms htc let f x = expandTypeSyns ts (modInfoHsModule x) >>= return . FrontEnd.Infix.infixHsModule fixityMap >>= \z -> return x { modInfoHsModule = z } ms <- mapM f ms processIOErrors let ds = concat [ hsModuleDecls $ modInfoHsModule m | m <- ms ] wdump FD.Decls $ do putStrLn " ---- processed decls ---- " putStrLn $ HsPretty.render (HsPretty.ppHsDecls ds) -- kind inference for all type constructors type variables and classes in the module let classAndDataDecls = filter (or' [isHsDataDecl, isHsClassDecl, isHsClassAliasDecl]) ds kindInfo <- kiDecls importKindEnv ds -- classAndDataDecls when (dump FD.Kind) $ do {putStrLn " \n ---- kind information ---- \n"; putStrLn $ PPrint.render $ pprint kindInfo} processIOErrors let localDConsEnv = dataConsEnv kindInfo classAndDataDecls wdump FD.Dcons $ do putStr "\n ---- data constructor assumptions ---- \n" mapM_ putStrLn [ show n ++ " :: " ++ prettyPrintType s | (n,s) <- Map.toList localDConsEnv] cHierarchy <- makeClassHierarchy importClassHierarchy kindInfo ds let smallClassHierarchy = foldr addInstanceToHierarchy cHierarchy dinsts where derivingClauses = collectDeriving ds dataInfo = Map.fromList $ concatMap getDataDesc ds dinsts = concatMap g derivingClauses where g r@(_,c,t) | c `elem` enumDerivableClasses, Just (DatEnum (_:_:_)) <- Map.lookup t dataInfo = [f r] | c `elem` enumDerivableClasses, t `elem` [tc_Bool, tc_Ordering, tc_IOErrorType, tc_IOMode] = [f r] --g r@(_,c,t) | c `notElem` noNewtypeDerivable, Just (DatMany True [_]) <- Map.lookup t dataInfo = [f r] g _ = [] f (sl,c,t) = emptyInstance { instSrcLoc = sl, instDerived = True, instHead = [] :=> IsIn c (TCon (Tycon t kindStar)) } smallClassHierarchy <- checkForDuplicateInstaces importClassHierarchy smallClassHierarchy let cHierarchyWithInstances = scatterAliasInstances $ smallClassHierarchy `mappend` importClassHierarchy when (dump FD.ClassSummary) $ do putStrLn " ---- class summary ---- " printClassSummary cHierarchyWithInstances when (dump FD.Class) $ do {putStrLn " ---- class hierarchy ---- "; printClassHierarchy smallClassHierarchy} -- lift the instance methods up to top-level decls let cDefBinds = concat [ [ z | z <- ds] | HsClassDecl _ _ ds <- ds] let myClassAssumps = concat [ classAssumps as | as <- classRecords cHierarchyWithInstances ] instanceEnv = Map.fromList instAssumps classDefs = snub (concatMap getDeclNames cDefBinds) classEnv = Map.fromList $ [ (x,y) | (x,y) <- myClassAssumps, x `elem` classDefs ] (liftedInstances,instAssumps) = mconcatMap (instanceToTopDecls kindInfo cHierarchyWithInstances) ds when (not (null liftedInstances) && (dump FD.Instance) ) $ do putStrLn " ---- lifted instance declarations ---- " putStr $ unlines $ map (HsPretty.render . HsPretty.ppHsDecl) liftedInstances putStrLn $ PPrint.render $ pprintEnvMap instanceEnv let funPatBinds = [ d | d <- ds, or' [isHsFunBind, isHsPatBind, isHsForeignDecl, isHsActionDecl] d] let rTySigs = [ d | d <- ds, or' [isHsTypeSig] d] -- build an environment of assumptions for all the type signatures let allTypeSigs = collectSigs (funPatBinds ++ liftedInstances) ++ rTySigs when (dump FD.Srcsigs) $ do {putStrLn " ---- type signatures from source code (after renaming) ---- "; putStr $ unlines $ map (HsPretty.render . HsPretty.ppHsDecl) allTypeSigs} let sigEnv = Map.unions [listSigsToSigEnv kindInfo allTypeSigs,instanceEnv, classEnv] when (dump FD.Sigenv) $ do {putStrLn " ---- initial sigEnv information ---- "; putStrLn $ PPrint.render $ pprintEnvMap sigEnv} let bindings = (funPatBinds ++ liftedInstances) --classDefaults = snub [ getDeclName z | z <- cDefBinds, isHsFunBind z || isHsPatBind z ] classNoDefaults = snub (concat [ getDeclNames z | z <- cDefBinds ]) -- List.\\ classDefaults noDefaultSigs = Map.fromList [ (n,maybe (error $ "sigEnv:" ++ show n) id $ Map.lookup n sigEnv) | n <- classNoDefaults ] --when verbose2 $ putStrLn (show bindings) let programBgs = getBindGroups bindings (nameName . getDeclName) getDeclDeps when (dump FD.Bindgroups) $ do {putStrLn " \n ---- toplevel variable binding groups ---- "; putStrLn " ---- Bindgroup # = [members] [vars depended on] [missing vars] ---- \n"; putStr $ debugDeclBindGroups programBgs} let program = makeProgram sigEnv programBgs when (dump FD.Program) $ do putStrLn " ---- Program ---- " mapM_ putStrLn $ map (PPrint.render . PPrint.pprint) $ program when (dump FD.AllTypes) $ do putStrLn " ---- all types ---- " putStrLn $ PPrint.render $ pprintEnvMap (sigEnv `mappend` localDConsEnv `mappend` hoAssumps htc) let moduleName = modInfoName tms (tms:_) = ms let tcInfo = tcInfoEmpty { tcInfoEnv = hoAssumps htc `mappend` localDConsEnv, tcInfoSigEnv = sigEnv, tcInfoModName = moduleName, tcInfoKindInfo = kindInfo, tcInfoClassHierarchy = cHierarchyWithInstances } (localVarEnv,checkedRules,coercions,tcDs) <- withOptionsT (modInfoOptions tms) $ runTc tcInfo $ do --mapM_ addWarning (concatMap snd mserrs) (tcDs,out) <- listen (tiProgram program ds) env <- getCollectedEnv cc <- getCollectedCoerce let cc' = Map.union cc $ Map.fromList [ (as,lup v) | (as,v) <- outKnots out ] lup v = case Map.lookup v cc of Just (CTAbs xs) -> ctAp (map TVar xs) _ -> ctId return (env,T.toList $ checkedRules out,cc',tcDs) when (dump FD.Decls) $ do putStrLn " \n ---- typechecked code ---- \n" mapM_ (putStrLn . HsPretty.render . HsPretty.ppHsDecl) tcDs when (dump FD.Types) $ do putStrLn " ---- the types of identifiers ---- " mapM_ putStrLn [ show n ++ " :: " ++ prettyPrintType s | (n,s) <- Map.toList (if verbose2 then localVarEnv else trimEnv localVarEnv)] when (dump FD.Types) $ do putStrLn " ---- the coersions of identifiers ---- " mapM_ putStrLn [ show n ++ " --> " ++ show s | (n,s) <- Map.toList coercions] localVarEnv <- return $ localVarEnv `Map.union` noDefaultSigs let pragmaProps = fromList $ Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith mappend [(toName Name.Val x,fromList $ readProp w) | HsPragmaProps _ w xs <- ds, x <- xs] let allAssumps = localDConsEnv `Map.union` localVarEnv allExports = Set.fromList (concatMap modInfoExport ms) externalKindEnv = restrictKindEnv (\ x -> isGlobal x && (getModule x `elem` map (Just . modInfoName) ms)) kindInfo let hoEx = HoTcInfo { hoExports = Map.fromList [ (modInfoName m,modInfoExport m) | m <- ms ], hoDefs = Map.fromList [ (x,(y,filter (`member` allExports) z)) | (x,y,z) <- concat $ map modInfoDefs ms, x `member` allExports], hoAssumps = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `member` allExports) allAssumps, hoFixities = restrictFixityMap (`member` allExports) thisFixityMap, -- TODO - this contains unexported names, we should filter these before writing to disk. --hoKinds = restrictKindEnv (`member` allExports) kindInfo, hoKinds = externalKindEnv, hoClassHierarchy = smallClassHierarchy, hoFieldMap = buildFieldMap ms, hoTypeSynonyms = restrictTypeSynonyms (`member` allExports) thisTypeSynonyms } tiData = TiData { tiDataDecls = tcDs ++ filter isHsClassDecl ds, tiDataModules = [ (modInfoName m, modInfoHsModule m) | m <- ms], tiModuleOptions = [ (modInfoName m, modInfoOptions m) | m <- ms], tiCheckedRules = checkedRules, tiCoerce = coercions, tiProps = pragmaProps, tiAllAssumptions = allAssumps } processIOErrors return (hoEx,tiData)
{- This source file is a part of the noisefunge programming environment. Copyright (C) 2015 Rev. Johnny Healey <[email protected]> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. -} import Language.NoiseFunge.API main :: IO () main = do withAPIConnection requestReset
{- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 @Uniques@ are used to distinguish entities in the compiler (@Ids@, @Classes@, etc.) from each other. Thus, @Uniques@ are the basic comparison key in the compiler. If there is any single operation that needs to be fast, it is @Unique@ comparison. Unsurprisingly, there is quite a bit of huff-and-puff directed to that end. Some of the other hair in this code is to be able to use a ``splittable @UniqueSupply@'' if requested/possible (not standard Haskell). -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, MagicHash #-} module Unique ( -- * Main data types Unique, Uniquable(..), -- ** Constructors, desctructors and operations on 'Unique's hasKey, cmpByUnique, pprUnique, mkUniqueGrimily, -- Used in UniqSupply only! getKey, -- Used in Var, UniqFM, Name only! mkUnique, unpkUnique, -- Used in BinIface only incrUnique, -- Used for renumbering deriveUnique, -- Ditto newTagUnique, -- Used in CgCase initTyVarUnique, -- ** Making built-in uniques -- now all the built-in Uniques (and functions to make them) -- [the Oh-So-Wonderful Haskell module system wins again...] mkAlphaTyVarUnique, mkPrimOpIdUnique, mkTupleTyConUnique, mkTupleDataConUnique, mkCTupleTyConUnique, mkPreludeMiscIdUnique, mkPreludeDataConUnique, mkPreludeTyConUnique, mkPreludeClassUnique, mkPArrDataConUnique, mkCoVarUnique, mkVarOccUnique, mkDataOccUnique, mkTvOccUnique, mkTcOccUnique, mkRegSingleUnique, mkRegPairUnique, mkRegClassUnique, mkRegSubUnique, mkCostCentreUnique, tyConRepNameUnique, dataConWorkerUnique, dataConRepNameUnique, mkBuiltinUnique, mkPseudoUniqueD, mkPseudoUniqueE, mkPseudoUniqueH ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import BasicTypes import FastString import Outputable import Util -- just for implementing a fast [0,61) -> Char function import GHC.Exts (indexCharOffAddr#, Char(..), Int(..)) import Data.Char ( chr, ord ) import Data.Bits {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[Unique-type]{@Unique@ type and operations} * * ************************************************************************ The @Chars@ are ``tag letters'' that identify the @UniqueSupply@. Fast comparison is everything on @Uniques@: -} --why not newtype Int? -- | The type of unique identifiers that are used in many places in GHC -- for fast ordering and equality tests. You should generate these with -- the functions from the 'UniqSupply' module data Unique = MkUnique {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {- Now come the functions which construct uniques from their pieces, and vice versa. The stuff about unique *supplies* is handled further down this module. -} unpkUnique :: Unique -> (Char, Int) -- The reverse mkUniqueGrimily :: Int -> Unique -- A trap-door for UniqSupply getKey :: Unique -> Int -- for Var incrUnique :: Unique -> Unique stepUnique :: Unique -> Int -> Unique deriveUnique :: Unique -> Int -> Unique newTagUnique :: Unique -> Char -> Unique mkUniqueGrimily = MkUnique {-# INLINE getKey #-} getKey (MkUnique x) = x incrUnique (MkUnique i) = MkUnique (i + 1) stepUnique (MkUnique i) n = MkUnique (i + n) -- deriveUnique uses an 'X' tag so that it won't clash with -- any of the uniques produced any other way -- SPJ says: this looks terribly smelly to me! deriveUnique (MkUnique i) delta = mkUnique 'X' (i + delta) -- newTagUnique changes the "domain" of a unique to a different char newTagUnique u c = mkUnique c i where (_,i) = unpkUnique u -- pop the Char in the top 8 bits of the Unique(Supply) -- No 64-bit bugs here, as long as we have at least 32 bits. --JSM -- and as long as the Char fits in 8 bits, which we assume anyway! mkUnique :: Char -> Int -> Unique -- Builds a unique from pieces -- NOT EXPORTED, so that we can see all the Chars that -- are used in this one module mkUnique c i = MkUnique (tag .|. bits) where tag = ord c `shiftL` 24 bits = i .&. 16777215 {-``0x00ffffff''-} unpkUnique (MkUnique u) = let -- as long as the Char may have its eighth bit set, we -- really do need the logical right-shift here! tag = chr (u `shiftR` 24) i = u .&. 16777215 {-``0x00ffffff''-} in (tag, i) {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[Uniquable-class]{The @Uniquable@ class} * * ************************************************************************ -} -- | Class of things that we can obtain a 'Unique' from class Uniquable a where getUnique :: a -> Unique hasKey :: Uniquable a => a -> Unique -> Bool x `hasKey` k = getUnique x == k instance Uniquable FastString where getUnique fs = mkUniqueGrimily (uniqueOfFS fs) instance Uniquable Int where getUnique i = mkUniqueGrimily i cmpByUnique :: Uniquable a => a -> a -> Ordering cmpByUnique x y = (getUnique x) `cmpUnique` (getUnique y) {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[Unique-instances]{Instance declarations for @Unique@} * * ************************************************************************ And the whole point (besides uniqueness) is fast equality. We don't use `deriving' because we want {\em precise} control of ordering (equality on @Uniques@ is v common). -} -- Note [Unique Determinism] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- The order of allocated @Uniques@ is not stable across rebuilds. -- The main reason for that is that typechecking interface files pulls -- @Uniques@ from @UniqSupply@ and the interface file for the module being -- currently compiled can, but doesn't have to exist. -- -- It gets more complicated if you take into account that the interface -- files are loaded lazily and that building multiple files at once has to -- work for any subset of interface files present. When you add parallelism -- this makes @Uniques@ hopelessly random. -- -- As such, to get deterministic builds, the order of the allocated -- @Uniques@ should not affect the final result. -- see also wiki/DeterministicBuilds eqUnique, ltUnique, leUnique :: Unique -> Unique -> Bool eqUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 == u2 ltUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 < u2 leUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 <= u2 cmpUnique :: Unique -> Unique -> Ordering cmpUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = if u1 == u2 then EQ else if u1 < u2 then LT else GT instance Eq Unique where a == b = eqUnique a b a /= b = not (eqUnique a b) instance Ord Unique where a < b = ltUnique a b a <= b = leUnique a b a > b = not (leUnique a b) a >= b = not (ltUnique a b) compare a b = cmpUnique a b ----------------- instance Uniquable Unique where getUnique u = u -- We do sometimes make strings with @Uniques@ in them: showUnique :: Unique -> String showUnique uniq = case unpkUnique uniq of (tag, u) -> finish_show tag u (iToBase62 u) finish_show :: Char -> Int -> String -> String finish_show 't' u _pp_u | u < 26 = -- Special case to make v common tyvars, t1, t2, ... -- come out as a, b, ... (shorter, easier to read) [chr (ord 'a' + u)] finish_show tag _ pp_u = tag : pp_u pprUnique :: Unique -> SDoc pprUnique u = text (showUnique u) instance Outputable Unique where ppr = pprUnique instance Show Unique where show uniq = showUnique uniq {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[Utils-base62]{Base-62 numbers} * * ************************************************************************ A character-stingy way to read/write numbers (notably Uniques). The ``62-its'' are \tr{[0-9a-zA-Z]}. We don't handle negative Ints. Code stolen from Lennart. -} iToBase62 :: Int -> String iToBase62 n_ = ASSERT(n_ >= 0) go n_ "" where go n cs | n < 62 = let !c = chooseChar62 n in c : cs | otherwise = go q (c : cs) where (q, r) = quotRem n 62 !c = chooseChar62 r chooseChar62 :: Int -> Char {-# INLINE chooseChar62 #-} chooseChar62 (I# n) = C# (indexCharOffAddr# chars62 n) chars62 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"# {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection[Uniques-prelude]{@Uniques@ for wired-in Prelude things} * * ************************************************************************ Allocation of unique supply characters: v,t,u : for renumbering value-, type- and usage- vars. B: builtin C-E: pseudo uniques (used in native-code generator) X: uniques derived by deriveUnique _: unifiable tyvars (above) 0-9: prelude things below (no numbers left any more..) :: (prelude) parallel array data constructors other a-z: lower case chars for unique supplies. Used so far: d desugarer f AbsC flattener g SimplStg n Native codegen r Hsc name cache s simplifier -} mkAlphaTyVarUnique :: Int -> Unique mkPreludeClassUnique :: Int -> Unique mkPreludeTyConUnique :: Int -> Unique mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique mkPreludeDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique mkPrimOpIdUnique :: Int -> Unique mkPreludeMiscIdUnique :: Int -> Unique mkPArrDataConUnique :: Int -> Unique mkCoVarUnique :: Int -> Unique mkAlphaTyVarUnique i = mkUnique '1' i mkCoVarUnique i = mkUnique 'g' i mkPreludeClassUnique i = mkUnique '2' i -------------------------------------------------- -- Wired-in type constructor keys occupy *two* slots: -- * u: the TyCon itself -- * u+1: the TyConRepName of the TyCon mkPreludeTyConUnique i = mkUnique '3' (2*i) mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '4' (2*a) mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '5' (2*a) mkCTupleTyConUnique a = mkUnique 'k' (2*a) tyConRepNameUnique :: Unique -> Unique tyConRepNameUnique u = incrUnique u -- Data constructor keys occupy *two* slots. The first is used for the -- data constructor itself and its wrapper function (the function that -- evaluates arguments as necessary and calls the worker). The second is -- used for the worker function (the function that builds the constructor -- representation). -------------------------------------------------- -- Wired-in data constructor keys occupy *three* slots: -- * u: the DataCon itself -- * u+1: its worker Id -- * u+2: the TyConRepName of the promoted TyCon -- Prelude data constructors are too simple to need wrappers. mkPreludeDataConUnique i = mkUnique '6' (3*i) -- Must be alphabetic mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '7' (3*a) -- ditto (*may* be used in C labels) mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '8' (3*a) dataConRepNameUnique, dataConWorkerUnique :: Unique -> Unique dataConWorkerUnique u = incrUnique u dataConRepNameUnique u = stepUnique u 2 -------------------------------------------------- mkPrimOpIdUnique op = mkUnique '9' op mkPreludeMiscIdUnique i = mkUnique '0' i -- No numbers left anymore, so I pick something different for the character tag mkPArrDataConUnique a = mkUnique ':' (2*a) -- The "tyvar uniques" print specially nicely: a, b, c, etc. -- See pprUnique for details initTyVarUnique :: Unique initTyVarUnique = mkUnique 't' 0 mkPseudoUniqueD, mkPseudoUniqueE, mkPseudoUniqueH, mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i mkPseudoUniqueD i = mkUnique 'D' i -- used in NCG for getUnique on RealRegs mkPseudoUniqueE i = mkUnique 'E' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs mkPseudoUniqueH i = mkUnique 'H' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs mkRegSingleUnique, mkRegPairUnique, mkRegSubUnique, mkRegClassUnique :: Int -> Unique mkRegSingleUnique = mkUnique 'R' mkRegSubUnique = mkUnique 'S' mkRegPairUnique = mkUnique 'P' mkRegClassUnique = mkUnique 'L' mkCostCentreUnique :: Int -> Unique mkCostCentreUnique = mkUnique 'C' mkVarOccUnique, mkDataOccUnique, mkTvOccUnique, mkTcOccUnique :: FastString -> Unique -- See Note [The Unique of an OccName] in OccName mkVarOccUnique fs = mkUnique 'i' (uniqueOfFS fs) mkDataOccUnique fs = mkUnique 'd' (uniqueOfFS fs) mkTvOccUnique fs = mkUnique 'v' (uniqueOfFS fs) mkTcOccUnique fs = mkUnique 'c' (uniqueOfFS fs)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Setup -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004 -- Duncan Coutts 2007 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Portability : portable -- -- This is a big module, but not very complicated. The code is very regular -- and repetitive. It defines the command line interface for all the Cabal -- commands. For each command (like @configure@, @build@ etc) it defines a type -- that holds all the flags, the default set of flags and a 'CommandUI' that -- maps command line flags to and from the corresponding flags type. -- -- All the flags types are instances of 'Monoid', see -- <> -- for an explanation. -- -- The types defined here get used in the front end and especially in -- @cabal-install@ which has to do quite a bit of manipulating sets of command -- line flags. -- -- This is actually relatively nice, it works quite well. The main change it -- needs is to unify it with the code for managing sets of fields that can be -- read and written from files. This would allow us to save configure flags in -- config files. module Distribution.Simple.Setup ( GlobalFlags(..), emptyGlobalFlags, defaultGlobalFlags, globalCommand, ConfigFlags(..), emptyConfigFlags, defaultConfigFlags, configureCommand, configAbsolutePaths, readPackageDbList, showPackageDbList, CopyFlags(..), emptyCopyFlags, defaultCopyFlags, copyCommand, InstallFlags(..), emptyInstallFlags, defaultInstallFlags, installCommand, HaddockFlags(..), emptyHaddockFlags, defaultHaddockFlags, haddockCommand, HscolourFlags(..), emptyHscolourFlags, defaultHscolourFlags, hscolourCommand, BuildFlags(..), emptyBuildFlags, defaultBuildFlags, buildCommand, buildVerbose, ReplFlags(..), defaultReplFlags, replCommand, CleanFlags(..), emptyCleanFlags, defaultCleanFlags, cleanCommand, RegisterFlags(..), emptyRegisterFlags, defaultRegisterFlags, registerCommand, unregisterCommand, SDistFlags(..), emptySDistFlags, defaultSDistFlags, sdistCommand, TestFlags(..), emptyTestFlags, defaultTestFlags, testCommand, TestShowDetails(..), BenchmarkFlags(..), emptyBenchmarkFlags, defaultBenchmarkFlags, benchmarkCommand, CopyDest(..), configureArgs, configureOptions, configureCCompiler, configureLinker, buildOptions, haddockOptions, installDirsOptions, programConfigurationOptions, programConfigurationPaths', splitArgs, defaultDistPref, optionDistPref, Flag(..), toFlag, fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault, flagToMaybe, flagToList, boolOpt, boolOpt', trueArg, falseArg, optionVerbosity, optionNumJobs ) where import Distribution.Compiler () import Distribution.ReadE import Distribution.Text ( Text(..), display ) import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp import Distribution.ModuleName import Distribution.Package ( Dependency(..) , PackageName , ComponentId(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( FlagName(..), FlagAssignment ) import Distribution.Simple.Command hiding (boolOpt, boolOpt') import qualified Distribution.Simple.Command as Command import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( CompilerFlavor(..), defaultCompilerFlavor, PackageDB(..) , DebugInfoLevel(..), flagToDebugInfoLevel , OptimisationLevel(..), flagToOptimisationLevel , ProfDetailLevel(..), flagToProfDetailLevel, showProfDetailLevel , absolutePackageDBPath ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( wrapText, wrapLine, lowercase, intercalate ) import Distribution.Simple.Program (Program(..), ProgramConfiguration, requireProgram, programInvocation, progInvokePath, progInvokeArgs, knownPrograms, addKnownProgram, emptyProgramConfiguration, haddockProgram, ghcProgram, gccProgram, ldProgram) import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs ( InstallDirs(..), CopyDest(..), PathTemplate, toPathTemplate, fromPathTemplate ) import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Utils.NubList import Control.Monad (liftM) import Distribution.Compat.Binary (Binary) import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup as Semi import Data.List ( sort ) import Data.Char ( isSpace, isAlpha ) import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- FIXME Not sure where this should live defaultDistPref :: FilePath defaultDistPref = "dist" -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Flag type -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | All flags are monoids, they come in two flavours: -- -- 1. list flags eg -- -- > --ghc-option=foo --ghc-option=bar -- -- gives us all the values ["foo", "bar"] -- -- 2. singular value flags, eg: -- -- > --enable-foo --disable-foo -- -- gives us Just False -- So this Flag type is for the latter singular kind of flag. -- Its monoid instance gives us the behaviour where it starts out as -- 'NoFlag' and later flags override earlier ones. -- data Flag a = Flag a | NoFlag deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Read) instance Binary a => Binary (Flag a) instance Functor Flag where fmap f (Flag x) = Flag (f x) fmap _ NoFlag = NoFlag instance Monoid (Flag a) where mempty = NoFlag mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup (Flag a) where _ <> f@(Flag _) = f f <> NoFlag = f instance Bounded a => Bounded (Flag a) where minBound = toFlag minBound maxBound = toFlag maxBound instance Enum a => Enum (Flag a) where fromEnum = fromEnum . fromFlag toEnum = toFlag . toEnum enumFrom (Flag a) = map toFlag . enumFrom $ a enumFrom _ = [] enumFromThen (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromThen a b enumFromThen _ _ = [] enumFromTo (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromTo a b enumFromTo _ _ = [] enumFromThenTo (Flag a) (Flag b) (Flag c) = toFlag `map` enumFromThenTo a b c enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = [] toFlag :: a -> Flag a toFlag = Flag fromFlag :: Flag a -> a fromFlag (Flag x) = x fromFlag NoFlag = error "fromFlag NoFlag. Use fromFlagOrDefault" fromFlagOrDefault :: a -> Flag a -> a fromFlagOrDefault _ (Flag x) = x fromFlagOrDefault def NoFlag = def flagToMaybe :: Flag a -> Maybe a flagToMaybe (Flag x) = Just x flagToMaybe NoFlag = Nothing flagToList :: Flag a -> [a] flagToList (Flag x) = [x] flagToList NoFlag = [] allFlags :: [Flag Bool] -> Flag Bool allFlags flags = if all (\f -> fromFlagOrDefault False f) flags then Flag True else NoFlag -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Global flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- In fact since individual flags types are monoids and these are just sets of -- flags then they are also monoids pointwise. This turns out to be really -- useful. The mempty is the set of empty flags and mappend allows us to -- override specific flags. For example we can start with default flags and -- override with the ones we get from a file or the command line, or both. -- | Flags that apply at the top level, not to any sub-command. data GlobalFlags = GlobalFlags { globalVersion :: Flag Bool, globalNumericVersion :: Flag Bool } defaultGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags defaultGlobalFlags = GlobalFlags { globalVersion = Flag False, globalNumericVersion = Flag False } globalCommand :: [Command action] -> CommandUI GlobalFlags globalCommand commands = CommandUI { commandName = "" , commandSynopsis = "" , commandUsage = \pname -> "This Setup program uses the Haskell Cabal Infrastructure.\n" ++ "See for more information.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " [GLOBAL FLAGS] [COMMAND [FLAGS]]\n" , commandDescription = Just $ \pname -> let commands' = commands ++ [commandAddAction helpCommandUI undefined] cmdDescs = getNormalCommandDescriptions commands' maxlen = maximum $ [length name | (name, _) <- cmdDescs] align str = str ++ replicate (maxlen - length str) ' ' in "Commands:\n" ++ unlines [ " " ++ align name ++ " " ++ description | (name, description) <- cmdDescs ] ++ "\n" ++ "For more information about a command use\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " COMMAND --help\n\n" ++ "Typical steps for installing Cabal packages:\n" ++ concat [ " " ++ pname ++ " " ++ x ++ "\n" | x <- ["configure", "build", "install"]] , commandNotes = Nothing , commandDefaultFlags = defaultGlobalFlags , commandOptions = \_ -> [option ['V'] ["version"] "Print version information" globalVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalVersion = v }) trueArg ,option [] ["numeric-version"] "Print just the version number" globalNumericVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalNumericVersion = v }) trueArg ] } emptyGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags emptyGlobalFlags = mempty instance Monoid GlobalFlags where mempty = GlobalFlags { globalVersion = mempty, globalNumericVersion = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup GlobalFlags where a <> b = GlobalFlags { globalVersion = combine globalVersion, globalNumericVersion = combine globalNumericVersion } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Config flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @configure@ command. -- -- IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added, 'D.C.Setup.filterConfigureFlags' -- should be updated. data ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags { --FIXME: the configPrograms is only here to pass info through to configure -- because the type of configure is constrained by the UserHooks. -- when we change UserHooks next we should pass the initial -- ProgramConfiguration directly and not via ConfigFlags configPrograms :: ProgramConfiguration, -- ^All programs that cabal may -- run configProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)], -- ^user specified programs paths configProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])], -- ^user specified programs args configProgramPathExtra :: NubList FilePath, -- ^Extend the $PATH configHcFlavor :: Flag CompilerFlavor, -- ^The \"flavor\" of the -- compiler, such as GHC or -- JHC. configHcPath :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given compiler location configHcPkg :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given hc-pkg location configVanillaLib :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable vanilla library configProfLib :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable profiling in the library configSharedLib :: Flag Bool, -- ^Build shared library configDynExe :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable dynamic linking of the -- executables. configProfExe :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable profiling in the -- executables. configProf :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable profiling in the library -- and executables. configProfDetail :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling detail level -- in the library and executables. configProfLibDetail :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling detail level -- in the library configConfigureArgs :: [String], -- ^Extra arguments to @configure@ configOptimization :: Flag OptimisationLevel, -- ^Enable optimization. configProgPrefix :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable prefix. configProgSuffix :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable suffix. configInstallDirs :: InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate), -- ^Installation -- paths configScratchDir :: Flag FilePath, configExtraLibDirs :: [FilePath], -- ^ path to search for extra libraries configExtraIncludeDirs :: [FilePath], -- ^ path to search for header files configIPID :: Flag String, -- ^ explicit IPID to be used configDistPref :: Flag FilePath, -- ^"dist" prefix configVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, -- ^verbosity level configUserInstall :: Flag Bool, -- ^The --user\/--global flag configPackageDBs :: [Maybe PackageDB], -- ^Which package DBs to use configGHCiLib :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable compiling library for GHCi configSplitObjs :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable -split-objs with GHC configStripExes :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable executable stripping configStripLibs :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable library stripping configConstraints :: [Dependency], -- ^Additional constraints for -- dependencies. configDependencies :: [(PackageName, ComponentId)], configInstantiateWith :: [(ModuleName, (ComponentId, ModuleName))], -- ^The packages depended on. configConfigurationsFlags :: FlagAssignment, configTests :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable test suite compilation configBenchmarks :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable benchmark compilation configCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage configLibCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage (deprecated) configExactConfiguration :: Flag Bool, -- ^All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line by -- the user via the '--dependency' and '--flags' options. configFlagError :: Flag String, -- ^Halt and show an error message indicating an error in flag assignment configRelocatable :: Flag Bool, -- ^ Enable relocatable package built configDebugInfo :: Flag DebugInfoLevel -- ^ Emit debug info. } deriving (Generic, Read, Show) instance Binary ConfigFlags configAbsolutePaths :: ConfigFlags -> IO ConfigFlags configAbsolutePaths f = (\v -> f { configPackageDBs = v }) `liftM` mapM (maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . absolutePackageDBPath)) (configPackageDBs f) defaultConfigFlags :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags defaultConfigFlags progConf = emptyConfigFlags { configPrograms = progConf, configHcFlavor = maybe NoFlag Flag defaultCompilerFlavor, configVanillaLib = Flag True, configProfLib = NoFlag, configSharedLib = NoFlag, configDynExe = Flag False, configProfExe = NoFlag, configProf = NoFlag, configProfDetail = NoFlag, configProfLibDetail= NoFlag, configOptimization = Flag NormalOptimisation, configProgPrefix = Flag (toPathTemplate ""), configProgSuffix = Flag (toPathTemplate ""), configDistPref = NoFlag, configVerbosity = Flag normal, configUserInstall = Flag False, --TODO: reverse this #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) -- See #1589. configGHCiLib = Flag True, #else configGHCiLib = NoFlag, #endif configSplitObjs = Flag False, -- takes longer, so turn off by default configStripExes = Flag True, configStripLibs = Flag True, configTests = Flag False, configBenchmarks = Flag False, configCoverage = Flag False, configLibCoverage = NoFlag, configExactConfiguration = Flag False, configFlagError = NoFlag, configRelocatable = Flag False, configDebugInfo = Flag NoDebugInfo } configureCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI ConfigFlags configureCommand progConf = CommandUI { commandName = "configure" , commandSynopsis = "Prepare to build the package." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $ "Configure how the package is built by setting " ++ "package (and other) flags.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "The configuration affects several other commands, " ++ "including build, test, bench, run, repl.\n" , commandNotes = Just $ \_pname -> programFlagsDescription progConf , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " configure [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultConfigFlags progConf , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> configureOptions showOrParseArgs ++ programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs configProgramPaths (\v fs -> fs { configProgramPaths = v }) ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v }) ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v }) } configureOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField ConfigFlags] configureOptions showOrParseArgs = [optionVerbosity configVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { configVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref configDistPref (\d flags -> flags { configDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option [] ["compiler"] "compiler" configHcFlavor (\v flags -> flags { configHcFlavor = v }) (choiceOpt [ (Flag GHC, ("g", ["ghc"]), "compile with GHC") , (Flag GHCJS, ([] , ["ghcjs"]), "compile with GHCJS") , (Flag JHC, ([] , ["jhc"]), "compile with JHC") , (Flag LHC, ([] , ["lhc"]), "compile with LHC") , (Flag UHC, ([] , ["uhc"]), "compile with UHC") -- "haskell-suite" compiler id string will be replaced -- by a more specific one during the configure stage , (Flag (HaskellSuite "haskell-suite"), ([] , ["haskell-suite"]), "compile with a haskell-suite compiler")]) ,option "w" ["with-compiler"] "give the path to a particular compiler" configHcPath (\v flags -> flags { configHcPath = v }) (reqArgFlag "PATH") ,option "" ["with-hc-pkg"] "give the path to the package tool" configHcPkg (\v flags -> flags { configHcPkg = v }) (reqArgFlag "PATH") ] ++ map liftInstallDirs installDirsOptions ++ [option "" ["program-prefix"] "prefix to be applied to installed executables" configProgPrefix (\v flags -> flags { configProgPrefix = v }) (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "PREFIX") ,option "" ["program-suffix"] "suffix to be applied to installed executables" configProgSuffix (\v flags -> flags { configProgSuffix = v } ) (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "SUFFIX") ,option "" ["library-vanilla"] "Vanilla libraries" configVanillaLib (\v flags -> flags { configVanillaLib = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "p" ["library-profiling"] "Library profiling" configProfLib (\v flags -> flags { configProfLib = v }) (boolOpt "p" []) ,option "" ["shared"] "Shared library" configSharedLib (\v flags -> flags { configSharedLib = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["executable-dynamic"] "Executable dynamic linking" configDynExe (\v flags -> flags { configDynExe = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["profiling"] "Executable and library profiling" configProf (\v flags -> flags { configProf = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["executable-profiling"] "Executable profiling (DEPRECATED)" configProfExe (\v flags -> flags { configProfExe = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["profiling-detail"] ("Profiling detail level for executable and library (default, " ++ "none, exported-functions, toplevel-functions, all-functions).") configProfDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfDetail = v }) (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel) showProfDetailLevelFlag) ,option "" ["library-profiling-detail"] "Profiling detail level for libraries only." configProfLibDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfLibDetail = v }) (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel) showProfDetailLevelFlag) ,multiOption "optimization" configOptimization (\v flags -> flags { configOptimization = v }) [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToOptimisationLevel) (\f -> case f of Flag NoOptimisation -> [] Flag NormalOptimisation -> [Nothing] Flag MaximumOptimisation -> [Just "2"] _ -> []) "O" ["enable-optimization","enable-optimisation"] "Build with optimization (n is 0--2, default is 1)", noArg (Flag NoOptimisation) [] ["disable-optimization","disable-optimisation"] "Build without optimization" ] ,multiOption "debug-info" configDebugInfo (\v flags -> flags { configDebugInfo = v }) [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToDebugInfoLevel) (\f -> case f of Flag NoDebugInfo -> [] Flag MinimalDebugInfo -> [Just "1"] Flag NormalDebugInfo -> [Nothing] Flag MaximalDebugInfo -> [Just "3"] _ -> []) "" ["enable-debug-info"] "Emit debug info (n is 0--3, default is 0)", noArg (Flag NoDebugInfo) [] ["disable-debug-info"] "Don't emit debug info" ] ,option "" ["library-for-ghci"] "compile library for use with GHCi" configGHCiLib (\v flags -> flags { configGHCiLib = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["split-objs"] "split library into smaller objects to reduce binary sizes (GHC 6.6+)" configSplitObjs (\v flags -> flags { configSplitObjs = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["executable-stripping"] "strip executables upon installation to reduce binary sizes" configStripExes (\v flags -> flags { configStripExes = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["library-stripping"] "strip libraries upon installation to reduce binary sizes" configStripLibs (\v flags -> flags { configStripLibs = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["configure-option"] "Extra option for configure" configConfigureArgs (\v flags -> flags { configConfigureArgs = v }) (reqArg' "OPT" (\x -> [x]) id) ,option "" ["user-install"] "doing a per-user installation" configUserInstall (\v flags -> flags { configUserInstall = v }) (boolOpt' ([],["user"]) ([], ["global"])) ,option "" ["package-db"] ( "Append the given package database to the list of package" ++ " databases used (to satisfy dependencies and register into)." ++ " May be a specific file, 'global' or 'user'. The initial list" ++ " is ['global'], ['global', 'user'], or ['global', $sandbox]," ++ " depending on context. Use 'clear' to reset the list to empty." ++ " See the user guide for details.") configPackageDBs (\v flags -> flags { configPackageDBs = v }) (reqArg' "DB" readPackageDbList showPackageDbList) ,option "f" ["flags"] "Force values for the given flags in Cabal conditionals in the .cabal file. E.g., --flags=\"debug -usebytestrings\" forces the flag \"debug\" to true and \"usebytestrings\" to false." configConfigurationsFlags (\v flags -> flags { configConfigurationsFlags = v }) (reqArg' "FLAGS" readFlagList showFlagList) ,option "" ["extra-include-dirs"] "A list of directories to search for header files" configExtraIncludeDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraIncludeDirs = v}) (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id) ,option "" ["ipid"] "Installed package ID to compile this package as" configIPID (\v flags -> flags {configIPID = v}) (reqArgFlag "IPID") ,option "" ["extra-lib-dirs"] "A list of directories to search for external libraries" configExtraLibDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraLibDirs = v}) (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id) ,option "" ["extra-prog-path"] "A list of directories to search for required programs (in addition to the normal search locations)" configProgramPathExtra (\v flags -> flags {configProgramPathExtra = v}) (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> toNubList [x]) fromNubList) ,option "" ["constraint"] "A list of additional constraints on the dependencies." configConstraints (\v flags -> flags { configConstraints = v}) (reqArg "DEPENDENCY" (readP_to_E (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parse)) (map (\x -> display x))) ,option "" ["dependency"] "A list of exact dependencies. E.g., --dependency=\"void=void-0.5.8-177d5cdf20962d0581fe2e4932a6c309\"" configDependencies (\v flags -> flags { configDependencies = v}) (reqArg "NAME=ID" (readP_to_E (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parseDependency)) (map (\x -> display (fst x) ++ "=" ++ display (snd x)))) ,option "" ["instantiate-with"] "A mapping of signature names to concrete module instantiations. E.g., --instantiate-with=\"[email protected]\"" configInstantiateWith (\v flags -> flags { configInstantiateWith = v }) (reqArg "NAME=PKG:MOD" (readP_to_E (const "signature mapping expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parseHoleMapEntry)) (map (\(n,(p,m)) -> display n ++ "=" ++ display m ++ "@" ++ display p))) ,option "" ["tests"] "dependency checking and compilation for test suites listed in the package description file." configTests (\v flags -> flags { configTests = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["coverage"] "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only)" configCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configCoverage = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["library-coverage"] "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only) (DEPRECATED)" configLibCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configLibCoverage = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["exact-configuration"] "All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line." configExactConfiguration (\v flags -> flags { configExactConfiguration = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["benchmarks"] "dependency checking and compilation for benchmarks listed in the package description file." configBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { configBenchmarks = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["relocatable"] "building a package that is relocatable. (GHC only)" configRelocatable (\v flags -> flags { configRelocatable = v}) (boolOpt [] []) ] where readFlagList :: String -> FlagAssignment readFlagList = map tagWithValue . words where tagWithValue ('-':fname) = (FlagName (lowercase fname), False) tagWithValue fname = (FlagName (lowercase fname), True) showFlagList :: FlagAssignment -> [String] showFlagList fs = [ if not set then '-':fname else fname | (FlagName fname, set) <- fs] liftInstallDirs = liftOption configInstallDirs (\v flags -> flags { configInstallDirs = v }) reqPathTemplateArgFlag title _sf _lf d get set = reqArgFlag title _sf _lf d (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate) readPackageDbList :: String -> [Maybe PackageDB] readPackageDbList "clear" = [Nothing] readPackageDbList "global" = [Just GlobalPackageDB] readPackageDbList "user" = [Just UserPackageDB] readPackageDbList other = [Just (SpecificPackageDB other)] showPackageDbList :: [Maybe PackageDB] -> [String] showPackageDbList = map showPackageDb where showPackageDb Nothing = "clear" showPackageDb (Just GlobalPackageDB) = "global" showPackageDb (Just UserPackageDB) = "user" showPackageDb (Just (SpecificPackageDB db)) = db showProfDetailLevelFlag :: Flag ProfDetailLevel -> [String] showProfDetailLevelFlag NoFlag = [] showProfDetailLevelFlag (Flag dl) = [showProfDetailLevel dl] parseDependency :: Parse.ReadP r (PackageName, ComponentId) parseDependency = do x <- parse _ <- Parse.char '=' y <- parse return (x, y) parseHoleMapEntry :: Parse.ReadP r (ModuleName, (ComponentId, ModuleName)) parseHoleMapEntry = do x <- parse _ <- Parse.char '=' y <- parse _ <- Parse.char '@' z <- parse return (x, (z, y)) installDirsOptions :: [OptionField (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))] installDirsOptions = [ option "" ["prefix"] "bake this prefix in preparation of installation" prefix (\v flags -> flags { prefix = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["bindir"] "installation directory for executables" bindir (\v flags -> flags { bindir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["libdir"] "installation directory for libraries" libdir (\v flags -> flags { libdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["libsubdir"] "subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed" libsubdir (\v flags -> flags { libsubdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["libexecdir"] "installation directory for program executables" libexecdir (\v flags -> flags { libexecdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["datadir"] "installation directory for read-only data" datadir (\v flags -> flags { datadir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["datasubdir"] "subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed" datasubdir (\v flags -> flags { datasubdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["docdir"] "installation directory for documentation" docdir (\v flags -> flags { docdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["htmldir"] "installation directory for HTML documentation" htmldir (\v flags -> flags { htmldir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["haddockdir"] "installation directory for haddock interfaces" haddockdir (\v flags -> flags { haddockdir = v }) installDirArg , option "" ["sysconfdir"] "installation directory for configuration files" sysconfdir (\v flags -> flags { sysconfdir = v }) installDirArg ] where installDirArg _sf _lf d get set = reqArgFlag "DIR" _sf _lf d (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate) emptyConfigFlags :: ConfigFlags emptyConfigFlags = mempty instance Monoid ConfigFlags where mempty = ConfigFlags { configPrograms = error "FIXME: remove configPrograms", configProgramPaths = mempty, configProgramArgs = mempty, configProgramPathExtra = mempty, configHcFlavor = mempty, configHcPath = mempty, configHcPkg = mempty, configVanillaLib = mempty, configProfLib = mempty, configSharedLib = mempty, configDynExe = mempty, configProfExe = mempty, configProf = mempty, configProfDetail = mempty, configProfLibDetail = mempty, configConfigureArgs = mempty, configOptimization = mempty, configProgPrefix = mempty, configProgSuffix = mempty, configInstallDirs = mempty, configScratchDir = mempty, configDistPref = mempty, configVerbosity = mempty, configUserInstall = mempty, configPackageDBs = mempty, configGHCiLib = mempty, configSplitObjs = mempty, configStripExes = mempty, configStripLibs = mempty, configExtraLibDirs = mempty, configConstraints = mempty, configDependencies = mempty, configInstantiateWith = mempty, configExtraIncludeDirs = mempty, configIPID = mempty, configConfigurationsFlags = mempty, configTests = mempty, configCoverage = mempty, configLibCoverage = mempty, configExactConfiguration = mempty, configBenchmarks = mempty, configFlagError = mempty, configRelocatable = mempty, configDebugInfo = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup ConfigFlags where a <> b = ConfigFlags { configPrograms = configPrograms b, configProgramPaths = combine configProgramPaths, configProgramArgs = combine configProgramArgs, configProgramPathExtra = combine configProgramPathExtra, configHcFlavor = combine configHcFlavor, configHcPath = combine configHcPath, configHcPkg = combine configHcPkg, configVanillaLib = combine configVanillaLib, configProfLib = combine configProfLib, configSharedLib = combine configSharedLib, configDynExe = combine configDynExe, configProfExe = combine configProfExe, configProf = combine configProf, configProfDetail = combine configProfDetail, configProfLibDetail = combine configProfLibDetail, configConfigureArgs = combine configConfigureArgs, configOptimization = combine configOptimization, configProgPrefix = combine configProgPrefix, configProgSuffix = combine configProgSuffix, configInstallDirs = combine configInstallDirs, configScratchDir = combine configScratchDir, configDistPref = combine configDistPref, configVerbosity = combine configVerbosity, configUserInstall = combine configUserInstall, configPackageDBs = combine configPackageDBs, configGHCiLib = combine configGHCiLib, configSplitObjs = combine configSplitObjs, configStripExes = combine configStripExes, configStripLibs = combine configStripLibs, configExtraLibDirs = combine configExtraLibDirs, configConstraints = combine configConstraints, configDependencies = combine configDependencies, configInstantiateWith = combine configInstantiateWith, configExtraIncludeDirs = combine configExtraIncludeDirs, configIPID = combine configIPID, configConfigurationsFlags = combine configConfigurationsFlags, configTests = combine configTests, configCoverage = combine configCoverage, configLibCoverage = combine configLibCoverage, configExactConfiguration = combine configExactConfiguration, configBenchmarks = combine configBenchmarks, configFlagError = combine configFlagError, configRelocatable = combine configRelocatable, configDebugInfo = combine configDebugInfo } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Copy flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @copy@: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbosity) data CopyFlags = CopyFlags { copyDest :: Flag CopyDest, copyDistPref :: Flag FilePath, copyVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultCopyFlags :: CopyFlags defaultCopyFlags = CopyFlags { copyDest = Flag NoCopyDest, copyDistPref = NoFlag, copyVerbosity = Flag normal } copyCommand :: CommandUI CopyFlags copyCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "copy" , commandSynopsis = "Copy the files into the install locations." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $ "Does not call register, and allows a prefix at install time. " ++ "Without the --destdir flag, configure determines location.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " copy [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCopyFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity copyVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { copyVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref copyDistPref (\d flags -> flags { copyDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["destdir"] "directory to copy files to, prepended to installation directories" copyDest (\v flags -> flags { copyDest = v }) (reqArg "DIR" (succeedReadE (Flag . CopyTo)) (\f -> case f of Flag (CopyTo p) -> [p]; _ -> [])) ] } emptyCopyFlags :: CopyFlags emptyCopyFlags = mempty instance Monoid CopyFlags where mempty = CopyFlags { copyDest = mempty, copyDistPref = mempty, copyVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup CopyFlags where a <> b = CopyFlags { copyDest = combine copyDest, copyDistPref = combine copyDistPref, copyVerbosity = combine copyVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Install flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @install@: (package db, verbosity) data InstallFlags = InstallFlags { installPackageDB :: Flag PackageDB, installDistPref :: Flag FilePath, installUseWrapper :: Flag Bool, installInPlace :: Flag Bool, installVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultInstallFlags :: InstallFlags defaultInstallFlags = InstallFlags { installPackageDB = NoFlag, installDistPref = NoFlag, installUseWrapper = Flag False, installInPlace = Flag False, installVerbosity = Flag normal } installCommand :: CommandUI InstallFlags installCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "install" , commandSynopsis = "Copy the files into the install locations. Run register." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $ "Unlike the copy command, install calls the register command." ++ "If you want to install into a location that is not what was" ++ "specified in the configure step, use the copy command.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " install [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultInstallFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity installVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { installVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref installDistPref (\d flags -> flags { installDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["inplace"] "install the package in the install subdirectory of the dist prefix, so it can be used without being installed" installInPlace (\v flags -> flags { installInPlace = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["shell-wrappers"] "using shell script wrappers around executables" installUseWrapper (\v flags -> flags { installUseWrapper = v }) (boolOpt [] []) ,option "" ["package-db"] "" installPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { installPackageDB = v }) (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]), "upon configuration register this package in the user's local package database") , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]), "(default) upon configuration register this package in the system-wide package database")]) ] } emptyInstallFlags :: InstallFlags emptyInstallFlags = mempty instance Monoid InstallFlags where mempty = InstallFlags{ installPackageDB = mempty, installDistPref = mempty, installUseWrapper = mempty, installInPlace = mempty, installVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup InstallFlags where a <> b = InstallFlags{ installPackageDB = combine installPackageDB, installDistPref = combine installDistPref, installUseWrapper = combine installUseWrapper, installInPlace = combine installInPlace, installVerbosity = combine installVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * SDist flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @sdist@: (snapshot, verbosity) data SDistFlags = SDistFlags { sDistSnapshot :: Flag Bool, sDistDirectory :: Flag FilePath, sDistDistPref :: Flag FilePath, sDistListSources :: Flag FilePath, sDistVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultSDistFlags :: SDistFlags defaultSDistFlags = SDistFlags { sDistSnapshot = Flag False, sDistDirectory = mempty, sDistDistPref = NoFlag, sDistListSources = mempty, sDistVerbosity = Flag normal } sdistCommand :: CommandUI SDistFlags sdistCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "sdist" , commandSynopsis = "Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz)." , commandDescription = Nothing , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " sdist [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultSDistFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity sDistVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { sDistVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref sDistDistPref (\d flags -> flags { sDistDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["list-sources"] "Just write a list of the package's sources to a file" sDistListSources (\v flags -> flags { sDistListSources = v }) (reqArgFlag "FILE") ,option "" ["snapshot"] "Produce a snapshot source distribution" sDistSnapshot (\v flags -> flags { sDistSnapshot = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["output-directory"] ("Generate a source distribution in the given directory, " ++ "without creating a tarball") sDistDirectory (\v flags -> flags { sDistDirectory = v }) (reqArgFlag "DIR") ] } emptySDistFlags :: SDistFlags emptySDistFlags = mempty instance Monoid SDistFlags where mempty = SDistFlags { sDistSnapshot = mempty, sDistDirectory = mempty, sDistDistPref = mempty, sDistListSources = mempty, sDistVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup SDistFlags where a <> b = SDistFlags { sDistSnapshot = combine sDistSnapshot, sDistDirectory = combine sDistDirectory, sDistDistPref = combine sDistDistPref, sDistListSources = combine sDistListSources, sDistVerbosity = combine sDistVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Register flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @register@ and @unregister@: (user package, gen-script, -- in-place, verbosity) data RegisterFlags = RegisterFlags { regPackageDB :: Flag PackageDB, regGenScript :: Flag Bool, regGenPkgConf :: Flag (Maybe FilePath), regInPlace :: Flag Bool, regDistPref :: Flag FilePath, regPrintId :: Flag Bool, regVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags defaultRegisterFlags = RegisterFlags { regPackageDB = NoFlag, regGenScript = Flag False, regGenPkgConf = NoFlag, regInPlace = Flag False, regDistPref = NoFlag, regPrintId = Flag False, regVerbosity = Flag normal } registerCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags registerCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "register" , commandSynopsis = "Register this package with the compiler." , commandDescription = Nothing , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " register [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["packageDB"] "" regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v }) (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]), "upon registration, register this package in the user's local package database") , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]), "(default)upon registration, register this package in the system-wide package database")]) ,option "" ["inplace"] "register the package in the build location, so it can be used without being installed" regInPlace (\v flags -> flags { regInPlace = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["gen-script"] "instead of registering, generate a script to register later" regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["gen-pkg-config"] "instead of registering, generate a package registration file" regGenPkgConf (\v flags -> flags { regGenPkgConf = v }) (optArg' "PKG" Flag flagToList) ,option "" ["print-ipid"] "print the installed package ID calculated for this package" regPrintId (\v flags -> flags { regPrintId = v }) trueArg ] } unregisterCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags unregisterCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "unregister" , commandSynopsis = "Unregister this package with the compiler." , commandDescription = Nothing , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " unregister [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["user"] "" regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v }) (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]), "unregister this package in the user's local package database") , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]), "(default) unregister this package in the system-wide package database")]) ,option "" ["gen-script"] "Instead of performing the unregister command, generate a script to unregister later" regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v }) trueArg ] } emptyRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags emptyRegisterFlags = mempty instance Monoid RegisterFlags where mempty = RegisterFlags { regPackageDB = mempty, regGenScript = mempty, regGenPkgConf = mempty, regInPlace = mempty, regPrintId = mempty, regDistPref = mempty, regVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup RegisterFlags where a <> b = RegisterFlags { regPackageDB = combine regPackageDB, regGenScript = combine regGenScript, regGenPkgConf = combine regGenPkgConf, regInPlace = combine regInPlace, regPrintId = combine regPrintId, regDistPref = combine regDistPref, regVerbosity = combine regVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * HsColour flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data HscolourFlags = HscolourFlags { hscolourCSS :: Flag FilePath, hscolourExecutables :: Flag Bool, hscolourTestSuites :: Flag Bool, hscolourBenchmarks :: Flag Bool, hscolourDistPref :: Flag FilePath, hscolourVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show emptyHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags emptyHscolourFlags = mempty defaultHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags defaultHscolourFlags = HscolourFlags { hscolourCSS = NoFlag, hscolourExecutables = Flag False, hscolourTestSuites = Flag False, hscolourBenchmarks = Flag False, hscolourDistPref = NoFlag, hscolourVerbosity = Flag normal } instance Monoid HscolourFlags where mempty = HscolourFlags { hscolourCSS = mempty, hscolourExecutables = mempty, hscolourTestSuites = mempty, hscolourBenchmarks = mempty, hscolourDistPref = mempty, hscolourVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup HscolourFlags where a <> b = HscolourFlags { hscolourCSS = combine hscolourCSS, hscolourExecutables = combine hscolourExecutables, hscolourTestSuites = combine hscolourTestSuites, hscolourBenchmarks = combine hscolourBenchmarks, hscolourDistPref = combine hscolourDistPref, hscolourVerbosity = combine hscolourVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b hscolourCommand :: CommandUI HscolourFlags hscolourCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "hscolour" , commandSynopsis = "Generate HsColour colourised code, in HTML format." , commandDescription = Just (\_ -> "Requires the hscolour program.\n") , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " hscolour [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHscolourFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity hscolourVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { hscolourVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref hscolourDistPref (\d flags -> flags { hscolourDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["executables"] "Run hscolour for Executables targets" hscolourExecutables (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["tests"] "Run hscolour for Test Suite targets" hscolourTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { hscolourTestSuites = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["benchmarks"] "Run hscolour for Benchmark targets" hscolourBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { hscolourBenchmarks = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["all"] "Run hscolour for all targets" (\f -> allFlags [ hscolourExecutables f , hscolourTestSuites f , hscolourBenchmarks f]) (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v , hscolourTestSuites = v , hscolourBenchmarks = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["css"] "Use a cascading style sheet" hscolourCSS (\v flags -> flags { hscolourCSS = v }) (reqArgFlag "PATH") ] } -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Haddock flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data HaddockFlags = HaddockFlags { haddockProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)], haddockProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])], haddockHoogle :: Flag Bool, haddockHtml :: Flag Bool, haddockHtmlLocation :: Flag String, haddockForHackage :: Flag Bool, haddockExecutables :: Flag Bool, haddockTestSuites :: Flag Bool, haddockBenchmarks :: Flag Bool, haddockInternal :: Flag Bool, haddockCss :: Flag FilePath, haddockHscolour :: Flag Bool, haddockHscolourCss :: Flag FilePath, haddockContents :: Flag PathTemplate, haddockDistPref :: Flag FilePath, haddockKeepTempFiles:: Flag Bool, haddockVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags defaultHaddockFlags = HaddockFlags { haddockProgramPaths = mempty, haddockProgramArgs = [], haddockHoogle = Flag False, haddockHtml = Flag False, haddockHtmlLocation = NoFlag, haddockForHackage = Flag False, haddockExecutables = Flag False, haddockTestSuites = Flag False, haddockBenchmarks = Flag False, haddockInternal = Flag False, haddockCss = NoFlag, haddockHscolour = Flag False, haddockHscolourCss = NoFlag, haddockContents = NoFlag, haddockDistPref = NoFlag, haddockKeepTempFiles= Flag False, haddockVerbosity = Flag normal } haddockCommand :: CommandUI HaddockFlags haddockCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "haddock" , commandSynopsis = "Generate Haddock HTML documentation." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> "Requires the program haddock, version 2.x.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " haddock [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHaddockFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> haddockOptions showOrParseArgs ++ programConfigurationPaths progConf ParseArgs haddockProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramPaths = v}) ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs haddockProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { haddockProgramArgs = v }) ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf ParseArgs haddockProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramArgs = v}) } where progConf = addKnownProgram haddockProgram $ addKnownProgram ghcProgram $ emptyProgramConfiguration haddockOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField HaddockFlags] haddockOptions showOrParseArgs = [optionVerbosity haddockVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { haddockVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref haddockDistPref (\d flags -> flags { haddockDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "" ["keep-temp-files"] "Keep temporary files" haddockKeepTempFiles (\b flags -> flags { haddockKeepTempFiles = b }) trueArg ,option "" ["hoogle"] "Generate a hoogle database" haddockHoogle (\v flags -> flags { haddockHoogle = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["html"] "Generate HTML documentation (the default)" haddockHtml (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtml = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["html-location"] "Location of HTML documentation for pre-requisite packages" haddockHtmlLocation (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtmlLocation = v }) (reqArgFlag "URL") ,option "" ["for-hackage"] "Collection of flags to generate documentation suitable for upload to hackage" haddockForHackage (\v flags -> flags { haddockForHackage = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["executables"] "Run haddock for Executables targets" haddockExecutables (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["tests"] "Run haddock for Test Suite targets" haddockTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { haddockTestSuites = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["benchmarks"] "Run haddock for Benchmark targets" haddockBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { haddockBenchmarks = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["all"] "Run haddock for all targets" (\f -> allFlags [ haddockExecutables f , haddockTestSuites f , haddockBenchmarks f]) (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v , haddockTestSuites = v , haddockBenchmarks = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["internal"] "Run haddock for internal modules and include all symbols" haddockInternal (\v flags -> flags { haddockInternal = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["css"] "Use PATH as the haddock stylesheet" haddockCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockCss = v }) (reqArgFlag "PATH") ,option "" ["hyperlink-source","hyperlink-sources"] "Hyperlink the documentation to the source code (using HsColour)" haddockHscolour (\v flags -> flags { haddockHscolour = v }) trueArg ,option "" ["hscolour-css"] "Use PATH as the HsColour stylesheet" haddockHscolourCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockHscolourCss = v }) (reqArgFlag "PATH") ,option "" ["contents-location"] "Bake URL in as the location for the contents page" haddockContents (\v flags -> flags { haddockContents = v }) (reqArg' "URL" (toFlag . toPathTemplate) (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate)) ] emptyHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags emptyHaddockFlags = mempty instance Monoid HaddockFlags where mempty = HaddockFlags { haddockProgramPaths = mempty, haddockProgramArgs = mempty, haddockHoogle = mempty, haddockHtml = mempty, haddockHtmlLocation = mempty, haddockForHackage = mempty, haddockExecutables = mempty, haddockTestSuites = mempty, haddockBenchmarks = mempty, haddockInternal = mempty, haddockCss = mempty, haddockHscolour = mempty, haddockHscolourCss = mempty, haddockContents = mempty, haddockDistPref = mempty, haddockKeepTempFiles= mempty, haddockVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup HaddockFlags where a <> b = HaddockFlags { haddockProgramPaths = combine haddockProgramPaths, haddockProgramArgs = combine haddockProgramArgs, haddockHoogle = combine haddockHoogle, haddockHtml = combine haddockHtml, haddockHtmlLocation = combine haddockHtmlLocation, haddockForHackage = combine haddockForHackage, haddockExecutables = combine haddockExecutables, haddockTestSuites = combine haddockTestSuites, haddockBenchmarks = combine haddockBenchmarks, haddockInternal = combine haddockInternal, haddockCss = combine haddockCss, haddockHscolour = combine haddockHscolour, haddockHscolourCss = combine haddockHscolourCss, haddockContents = combine haddockContents, haddockDistPref = combine haddockDistPref, haddockKeepTempFiles= combine haddockKeepTempFiles, haddockVerbosity = combine haddockVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Clean flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data CleanFlags = CleanFlags { cleanSaveConf :: Flag Bool, cleanDistPref :: Flag FilePath, cleanVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity } deriving Show defaultCleanFlags :: CleanFlags defaultCleanFlags = CleanFlags { cleanSaveConf = Flag False, cleanDistPref = NoFlag, cleanVerbosity = Flag normal } cleanCommand :: CommandUI CleanFlags cleanCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "clean" , commandSynopsis = "Clean up after a build." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> "Removes .hi, .o, preprocessed sources, etc.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " clean [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCleanFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [optionVerbosity cleanVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { cleanVerbosity = v }) ,optionDistPref cleanDistPref (\d flags -> flags { cleanDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ,option "s" ["save-configure"] "Do not remove the configuration file (dist/setup-config) during cleaning. Saves need to reconfigure." cleanSaveConf (\v flags -> flags { cleanSaveConf = v }) trueArg ] } emptyCleanFlags :: CleanFlags emptyCleanFlags = mempty instance Monoid CleanFlags where mempty = CleanFlags { cleanSaveConf = mempty, cleanDistPref = mempty, cleanVerbosity = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup CleanFlags where a <> b = CleanFlags { cleanSaveConf = combine cleanSaveConf, cleanDistPref = combine cleanDistPref, cleanVerbosity = combine cleanVerbosity } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Build flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data BuildFlags = BuildFlags { buildProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)], buildProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])], buildDistPref :: Flag FilePath, buildVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, buildNumJobs :: Flag (Maybe Int), -- TODO: this one should not be here, it's just that the silly -- UserHooks stop us from passing extra info in other ways buildArgs :: [String] } deriving Show {-# DEPRECATED buildVerbose "Use buildVerbosity instead" #-} buildVerbose :: BuildFlags -> Verbosity buildVerbose = fromFlagOrDefault normal . buildVerbosity defaultBuildFlags :: BuildFlags defaultBuildFlags = BuildFlags { buildProgramPaths = mempty, buildProgramArgs = [], buildDistPref = mempty, buildVerbosity = Flag normal, buildNumJobs = mempty, buildArgs = [] } buildCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI BuildFlags buildCommand progConf = CommandUI { commandName = "build" , commandSynopsis = "Compile all/specific components." , commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $ "Components encompass executables, tests, and benchmarks.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Affected by configuration options, see `configure`.\n" , commandNotes = Just $ \pname -> "Examples:\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build " ++ " All the components in the package\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build foo " ++ " A component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n\n" ++ programFlagsDescription progConf --TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build Foo.Bar " -- ++ " A module\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build Foo/Bar.hs" -- ++ " A file\n\n" -- ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component " -- ++ "name, e.g.\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build foo:Foo.Bar\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " build testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n" , commandUsage = usageAlternatives "build" $ [ "[FLAGS]" , "COMPONENTS [FLAGS]" ] , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBuildFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [ optionVerbosity buildVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { buildVerbosity = v }) , optionDistPref buildDistPref (\d flags -> flags { buildDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs ] ++ buildOptions progConf showOrParseArgs } buildOptions :: ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField BuildFlags] buildOptions progConf showOrParseArgs = [ optionNumJobs buildNumJobs (\v flags -> flags { buildNumJobs = v }) ] ++ programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs buildProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramPaths = v}) ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs buildProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { buildProgramArgs = v }) ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs buildProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramArgs = v}) emptyBuildFlags :: BuildFlags emptyBuildFlags = mempty instance Monoid BuildFlags where mempty = BuildFlags { buildProgramPaths = mempty, buildProgramArgs = mempty, buildVerbosity = mempty, buildDistPref = mempty, buildNumJobs = mempty, buildArgs = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup BuildFlags where a <> b = BuildFlags { buildProgramPaths = combine buildProgramPaths, buildProgramArgs = combine buildProgramArgs, buildVerbosity = combine buildVerbosity, buildDistPref = combine buildDistPref, buildNumJobs = combine buildNumJobs, buildArgs = combine buildArgs } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * REPL Flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data ReplFlags = ReplFlags { replProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)], replProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])], replDistPref :: Flag FilePath, replVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, replReload :: Flag Bool } deriving Show defaultReplFlags :: ReplFlags defaultReplFlags = ReplFlags { replProgramPaths = mempty, replProgramArgs = [], replDistPref = NoFlag, replVerbosity = Flag normal, replReload = Flag False } instance Monoid ReplFlags where mempty = ReplFlags { replProgramPaths = mempty, replProgramArgs = mempty, replVerbosity = mempty, replDistPref = mempty, replReload = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup ReplFlags where a <> b = ReplFlags { replProgramPaths = combine replProgramPaths, replProgramArgs = combine replProgramArgs, replVerbosity = combine replVerbosity, replDistPref = combine replDistPref, replReload = combine replReload } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b replCommand :: ProgramConfiguration -> CommandUI ReplFlags replCommand progConf = CommandUI { commandName = "repl" , commandSynopsis = "Open an interpreter session for the given component." , commandDescription = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $ "If the current directory contains no package, ignores COMPONENT " ++ "parameters and opens an interactive interpreter session; if a " ++ "sandbox is present, its package database will be used.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Otherwise, (re)configures with the given or default flags, and " ++ "loads the interpreter with the relevant modules. For executables, " ++ "tests and benchmarks, loads the main module (and its " ++ "dependencies); for libraries all exposed/other modules.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "The default component is the library itself, or the executable " ++ "if that is the only component.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Support for loading specific modules is planned but not " ++ "implemented yet. For certain scenarios, `" ++ pname ++ " exec -- ghci :l Foo` may be used instead. Note that `exec` will " ++ "not (re)configure and you will have to specify the location of " ++ "other modules, if required.\n" , commandNotes = Just $ \pname -> "Examples:\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl " ++ " The first component in the package\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl foo " ++ " A named component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n" ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl --ghc-options=\"-lstdc++\"" ++ " Specifying flags for interpreter\n" --TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo.Bar " -- ++ " A module\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo/Bar.hs" -- ++ " A file\n\n" -- ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component " -- ++ "name, e.g.\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl foo:Foo.Bar\n" -- ++ " " ++ pname ++ " repl testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n" , commandUsage = \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " repl [COMPONENT] [FLAGS]\n" , commandDefaultFlags = defaultReplFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> optionVerbosity replVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { replVerbosity = v }) : optionDistPref replDistPref (\d flags -> flags { replDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs : programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs replProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { replProgramPaths = v}) ++ programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v}) ++ programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v}) ++ case showOrParseArgs of ParseArgs -> [ option "" ["reload"] "Used from within an interpreter to update files." replReload (\v flags -> flags { replReload = v }) trueArg ] _ -> [] } -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Test flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data TestShowDetails = Never | Failures | Always | Streaming | Direct deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show) knownTestShowDetails :: [TestShowDetails] knownTestShowDetails = [minBound..maxBound] instance Text TestShowDetails where disp = Disp.text . lowercase . show parse = maybe Parse.pfail return . classify =<< ident where ident = Parse.munch1 (\c -> isAlpha c || c == '_' || c == '-') classify str = lookup (lowercase str) enumMap enumMap :: [(String, TestShowDetails)] enumMap = [ (display x, x) | x <- knownTestShowDetails ] --TODO: do we need this instance? instance Monoid TestShowDetails where mempty = Never mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup TestShowDetails where a <> b = if a < b then b else a data TestFlags = TestFlags { testDistPref :: Flag FilePath, testVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, testHumanLog :: Flag PathTemplate, testMachineLog :: Flag PathTemplate, testShowDetails :: Flag TestShowDetails, testKeepTix :: Flag Bool, -- TODO: think about if/how options are passed to test exes testOptions :: [PathTemplate] } defaultTestFlags :: TestFlags defaultTestFlags = TestFlags { testDistPref = NoFlag, testVerbosity = Flag normal, testHumanLog = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid-$test-suite.log", testMachineLog = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid.log", testShowDetails = toFlag Failures, testKeepTix = toFlag False, testOptions = [] } testCommand :: CommandUI TestFlags testCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "test" , commandSynopsis = "Run all/specific tests in the test suite." , commandDescription = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $ "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-tests` flag and builds" ++ " the test suite.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Remember that the tests' dependencies must be installed if there" ++ " are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-tests`.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can" ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running tests.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = usageAlternatives "test" [ "[FLAGS]" , "TESTCOMPONENTS [FLAGS]" ] , commandDefaultFlags = defaultTestFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [ optionVerbosity testVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { testVerbosity = v }) , optionDistPref testDistPref (\d flags -> flags { testDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs , option [] ["log"] ("Log all test suite results to file (name template can use " ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $test-suite, $result)") testHumanLog (\v flags -> flags { testHumanLog = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (toFlag . toPathTemplate) (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate)) , option [] ["machine-log"] ("Produce a machine-readable log file (name template can use " ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $result)") testMachineLog (\v flags -> flags { testMachineLog = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (toFlag . toPathTemplate) (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate)) , option [] ["show-details"] ("'always': always show results of individual test cases. " ++ "'never': never show results of individual test cases. " ++ "'failures': show results of failing test cases. " ++ "'streaming': show results of test cases in real time." ++ "'direct': send results of test cases in real time; no log file.") testShowDetails (\v flags -> flags { testShowDetails = v }) (reqArg "FILTER" (readP_to_E (\_ -> "--show-details flag expects one of " ++ intercalate ", " (map display knownTestShowDetails)) (fmap toFlag parse)) (flagToList . fmap display)) , option [] ["keep-tix-files"] "keep .tix files for HPC between test runs" testKeepTix (\v flags -> flags { testKeepTix = v}) trueArg , option [] ["test-options"] ("give extra options to test executables " ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, " ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)") testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs) (const [])) , option [] ["test-option"] ("give extra option to test executables " ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, " ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, " ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)") testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x]) (map fromPathTemplate)) ] } emptyTestFlags :: TestFlags emptyTestFlags = mempty instance Monoid TestFlags where mempty = TestFlags { testDistPref = mempty, testVerbosity = mempty, testHumanLog = mempty, testMachineLog = mempty, testShowDetails = mempty, testKeepTix = mempty, testOptions = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup TestFlags where a <> b = TestFlags { testDistPref = combine testDistPref, testVerbosity = combine testVerbosity, testHumanLog = combine testHumanLog, testMachineLog = combine testMachineLog, testShowDetails = combine testShowDetails, testKeepTix = combine testKeepTix, testOptions = combine testOptions } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Benchmark flags -- ------------------------------------------------------------ data BenchmarkFlags = BenchmarkFlags { benchmarkDistPref :: Flag FilePath, benchmarkVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, benchmarkOptions :: [PathTemplate] } defaultBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags defaultBenchmarkFlags = BenchmarkFlags { benchmarkDistPref = NoFlag, benchmarkVerbosity = Flag normal, benchmarkOptions = [] } benchmarkCommand :: CommandUI BenchmarkFlags benchmarkCommand = CommandUI { commandName = "bench" , commandSynopsis = "Run all/specific benchmarks." , commandDescription = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $ "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-benchmarks` flag and" ++ " builds the benchmarks.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Remember that the benchmarks' dependencies must be installed if" ++ " there are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-benchmarks`.\n" ++ "\n" ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can" ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running" ++ " benchmarks.\n" , commandNotes = Nothing , commandUsage = usageAlternatives "bench" [ "[FLAGS]" , "BENCHCOMPONENTS [FLAGS]" ] , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBenchmarkFlags , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs -> [ optionVerbosity benchmarkVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkVerbosity = v }) , optionDistPref benchmarkDistPref (\d flags -> flags { benchmarkDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs , option [] ["benchmark-options"] ("give extra options to benchmark executables " ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, " ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)") benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs) (const [])) , option [] ["benchmark-option"] ("give extra option to benchmark executables " ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, " ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, " ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)") benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v }) (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x]) (map fromPathTemplate)) ] } emptyBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags emptyBenchmarkFlags = mempty instance Monoid BenchmarkFlags where mempty = BenchmarkFlags { benchmarkDistPref = mempty, benchmarkVerbosity = mempty, benchmarkOptions = mempty } mappend = (Semi.<>) instance Semigroup BenchmarkFlags where a <> b = BenchmarkFlags { benchmarkDistPref = combine benchmarkDistPref, benchmarkVerbosity = combine benchmarkVerbosity, benchmarkOptions = combine benchmarkOptions } where combine field = field a `mappend` field b -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Shared options utils -- ------------------------------------------------------------ programFlagsDescription :: ProgramConfiguration -> String programFlagsDescription progConf = "The flags --with-PROG and --PROG-option(s) can be used with" ++ " the following programs:" ++ (concatMap (\line -> "\n " ++ unwords line) . wrapLine 77 . sort) [ programName prog | (prog, _) <- knownPrograms progConf ] ++ "\n" -- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @with-PROG@ -- 'OptionField'. programConfigurationPaths :: ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)]) -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags)) -> [OptionField flags] programConfigurationPaths progConf showOrParseArgs get set = programConfigurationPaths' ("with-" ++) progConf showOrParseArgs get set -- | Like 'programConfigurationPaths', but allows to customise the option name. programConfigurationPaths' :: (String -> String) -> ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)]) -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags)) -> [OptionField flags] programConfigurationPaths' mkName progConf showOrParseArgs get set = case showOrParseArgs of -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one: ShowArgs -> [withProgramPath "PROG"] ParseArgs -> map (withProgramPath . programName . fst) (knownPrograms progConf) where withProgramPath prog = option "" [mkName prog] ("give the path to " ++ prog) get set (reqArg' "PATH" (\path -> [(prog, path)]) (\progPaths -> [ path | (prog', path) <- progPaths, prog==prog' ])) -- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @PROG-option@ -- 'OptionField'. programConfigurationOption :: ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs -> (flags -> [(String, [String])]) -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags)) -> [OptionField flags] programConfigurationOption progConf showOrParseArgs get set = case showOrParseArgs of -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one: ShowArgs -> [programOption "PROG"] ParseArgs -> map (programOption . programName . fst) (knownPrograms progConf) where programOption prog = option "" [prog ++ "-option"] ("give an extra option to " ++ prog ++ " (no need to quote options containing spaces)") get set (reqArg' "OPT" (\arg -> [(prog, [arg])]) (\progArgs -> concat [ args | (prog', args) <- progArgs, prog==prog' ])) -- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progConf', produce a @PROG-options@ -- 'OptionField'. programConfigurationOptions :: ProgramConfiguration -> ShowOrParseArgs -> (flags -> [(String, [String])]) -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags)) -> [OptionField flags] programConfigurationOptions progConf showOrParseArgs get set = case showOrParseArgs of -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one: ShowArgs -> [programOptions "PROG"] ParseArgs -> map (programOptions . programName . fst) (knownPrograms progConf) where programOptions prog = option "" [prog ++ "-options"] ("give extra options to " ++ prog) get set (reqArg' "OPTS" (\args -> [(prog, splitArgs args)]) (const [])) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * GetOpt Utils -- ------------------------------------------------------------ boolOpt :: SFlags -> SFlags -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a boolOpt = Command.boolOpt flagToMaybe Flag boolOpt' :: OptFlags -> OptFlags -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a boolOpt' = Command.boolOpt' flagToMaybe Flag trueArg, falseArg :: MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a trueArg sfT lfT = boolOpt' (sfT, lfT) ([], []) sfT lfT falseArg sfF lfF = boolOpt' ([], []) (sfF, lfF) sfF lfF reqArgFlag :: ArgPlaceHolder -> SFlags -> LFlags -> Description -> (b -> Flag String) -> (Flag String -> b -> b) -> OptDescr b reqArgFlag ad = reqArg ad (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList optionDistPref :: (flags -> Flag FilePath) -> (Flag FilePath -> flags -> flags) -> ShowOrParseArgs -> OptionField flags optionDistPref get set = \showOrParseArgs -> option "" (distPrefFlagName showOrParseArgs) ( "The directory where Cabal puts generated build files " ++ "(default " ++ defaultDistPref ++ ")") get set (reqArgFlag "DIR") where distPrefFlagName ShowArgs = ["builddir"] distPrefFlagName ParseArgs = ["builddir", "distdir", "distpref"] optionVerbosity :: (flags -> Flag Verbosity) -> (Flag Verbosity -> flags -> flags) -> OptionField flags optionVerbosity get set = option "v" ["verbose"] "Control verbosity (n is 0--3, default verbosity level is 1)" get set (optArg "n" (fmap Flag flagToVerbosity) (Flag verbose) -- default Value if no n is given (fmap (Just . showForCabal) . flagToList)) optionNumJobs :: (flags -> Flag (Maybe Int)) -> (Flag (Maybe Int) -> flags -> flags) -> OptionField flags optionNumJobs get set = option "j" ["jobs"] "Run NUM jobs simultaneously (or '$ncpus' if no NUM is given)." get set (optArg "NUM" (fmap Flag numJobsParser) (Flag Nothing) (map (Just . maybe "$ncpus" show) . flagToList)) where numJobsParser :: ReadE (Maybe Int) numJobsParser = ReadE $ \s -> case s of "$ncpus" -> Right Nothing _ -> case reads s of [(n, "")] | n < 1 -> Left "The number of jobs should be 1 or more." | n > 64 -> Left "You probably don't want that many jobs." | otherwise -> Right (Just n) _ -> Left "The jobs value should be a number or '$ncpus'" -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Other Utils -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Arguments to pass to a @configure@ script, e.g. generated by -- @autoconf@. configureArgs :: Bool -> ConfigFlags -> [String] configureArgs bcHack flags = hc_flag ++ optFlag "with-hc-pkg" configHcPkg ++ optFlag' "prefix" prefix ++ optFlag' "bindir" bindir ++ optFlag' "libdir" libdir ++ optFlag' "libexecdir" libexecdir ++ optFlag' "datadir" datadir ++ optFlag' "sysconfdir" sysconfdir ++ configConfigureArgs flags where hc_flag = case (configHcFlavor flags, configHcPath flags) of (_, Flag hc_path) -> [hc_flag_name ++ hc_path] (Flag hc, NoFlag) -> [hc_flag_name ++ display hc] (NoFlag,NoFlag) -> [] hc_flag_name --TODO kill off thic bc hack when defaultUserHooks is removed. | bcHack = "--with-hc=" | otherwise = "--with-compiler=" optFlag name config_field = case config_field flags of Flag p -> ["--" ++ name ++ "=" ++ p] NoFlag -> [] optFlag' name config_field = optFlag name (fmap fromPathTemplate . config_field . configInstallDirs) configureCCompiler :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO (FilePath, [String]) configureCCompiler verbosity lbi = configureProg verbosity lbi gccProgram configureLinker :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO (FilePath, [String]) configureLinker verbosity lbi = configureProg verbosity lbi ldProgram configureProg :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> Program -> IO (FilePath, [String]) configureProg verbosity programConfig prog = do (p, _) <- requireProgram verbosity prog programConfig let pInv = programInvocation p [] return (progInvokePath pInv, progInvokeArgs pInv) -- | Helper function to split a string into a list of arguments. -- It's supposed to handle quoted things sensibly, eg: -- -- > splitArgs "--foo=\"C:\Program Files\Bar\" --baz" -- > = ["--foo=C:\Program Files\Bar", "--baz"] -- splitArgs :: String -> [String] splitArgs = space [] where space :: String -> String -> [String] space w [] = word w [] space w ( c :s) | isSpace c = word w (space [] s) space w ('"':s) = string w s space w s = nonstring w s string :: String -> String -> [String] string w [] = word w [] string w ('"':s) = space w s string w ( c :s) = string (c:w) s nonstring :: String -> String -> [String] nonstring w [] = word w [] nonstring w ('"':s) = string w s nonstring w ( c :s) = space (c:w) s word [] s = s word w s = reverse w : s -- The test cases kinda have to be rewritten from the ground up... :/ --hunitTests :: [Test] --hunitTests = -- let m = [("ghc", GHC), ("nhc98", NHC), ("hugs", Hugs)] -- (flags, commands', unkFlags, ers) -- = getOpt Permute options ["configure", "foobar", "--prefix=/foo", "--ghc", "--nhc98", "--hugs", "--with-compiler=/comp", "--unknown1", "--unknown2", "--install-prefix=/foo", "--user", "--global"] -- in [TestLabel "very basic option parsing" $ TestList [ -- "getOpt flags" ~: "failed" ~: -- [Prefix "/foo", GhcFlag, NhcFlag, HugsFlag, -- WithCompiler "/comp", InstPrefix "/foo", UserFlag, GlobalFlag] -- ~=? flags, -- "getOpt commands" ~: "failed" ~: ["configure", "foobar"] ~=? commands', -- "getOpt unknown opts" ~: "failed" ~: -- ["--unknown1", "--unknown2"] ~=? unkFlags, -- "getOpt errors" ~: "failed" ~: [] ~=? ers], -- -- TestLabel "test location of various compilers" $ TestList -- ["configure parsing for prefix and compiler flag" ~: "failed" ~: -- (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Nothing, Just "/usr/local"), [])) -- ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, "configure"]) -- | (name, comp) <- m], -- -- TestLabel "find the package tool" $ TestList -- ["configure parsing for prefix comp flag, withcompiler" ~: "failed" ~: -- (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Just "/foo/comp", Just "/usr/local"), [])) -- ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, -- "--with-compiler=/foo/comp", "configure"]) -- | (name, comp) <- m], -- -- TestLabel "simpler commands" $ TestList -- [flag ~: "failed" ~: (Right (flagCmd, [])) ~=? (parseArgs [flag]) -- | (flag, flagCmd) <- [("build", BuildCmd), -- ("install", InstallCmd Nothing False), -- ("sdist", SDistCmd), -- ("register", RegisterCmd False)] -- ] -- ] {- Testing ideas: * IO to look for hugs and hugs-pkg (which hugs, etc) * quickCheck to test permutations of arguments * what other options can we over-ride with a command-line flag? -}
{- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000-2006 \section{Fast booleans} -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash #-} module Eta.Utils.FastBool ( --fastBool could be called bBox; isFastTrue, bUnbox; but they're not FastBool, fastBool, isFastTrue, fastOr, fastAnd ) where -- Import the beggars import GHC.Exts #ifdef DEBUG import Eta.Utils.Panic #endif type FastBool = Int# fastBool True = 1# fastBool False = 0# #ifdef DEBUG --then waste time deciding whether to panic. FastBool should normally --be at least as fast as Bool, one would hope... isFastTrue 1# = True isFastTrue 0# = False isFastTrue _ = panic "FastTypes: isFastTrue" -- note that fastOr and fastAnd are strict in both arguments -- since they are unboxed fastOr 1# _ = 1# fastOr 0# x = x fastOr _ _ = panicFastInt "FastTypes: fastOr" fastAnd 0# _ = 0# fastAnd 1# x = x fastAnd _ _ = panicFastInt "FastTypes: fastAnd" --these "panicFastInt"s (formerly known as "panic#") rely on --FastInt = FastBool ( = Int# presumably), --haha, true enough when __GLASGOW_HASKELL__. Why can't we have functions --that return _|_ be kind-polymorphic ( ?? to be precise ) ? #else /* ! DEBUG */ --Isn't comparison to zero sometimes faster on CPUs than comparison to 1? -- (since using Int# as _synonym_ fails to guarantee that it will -- only take on values of 0 and 1) isFastTrue 0# = False isFastTrue _ = True -- note that fastOr and fastAnd are strict in both arguments -- since they are unboxed -- Also, to avoid incomplete-pattern warning -- (and avoid wasting time with redundant runtime checks), -- we don't pattern-match on both 0# and 1# . fastOr 0# x = x fastOr _ _ = 1# fastAnd 0# _ = 0# fastAnd _ x = x #endif /* ! DEBUG */ fastBool :: Bool -> FastBool isFastTrue :: FastBool -> Bool fastOr :: FastBool -> FastBool -> FastBool fastAnd :: FastBool -> FastBool -> FastBool
-- | see module DPLL.Pigeon where import DPLL.Data import DPLL.Solve import DPLL.Trace (modus0) pigeon :: Int -> Int -> CNF pigeon pigs holes = let encode p h = Literal $ (p - 1) * holes + h in do p <- [ 1 .. pigs ] return $ do h <- [ 1 .. holes ] ; return $ encode p h ++ do h <- [ 1 .. holes ] p <- [ 1.. pigs ] ; q <- [p+1 .. pigs] return [ opposite $ encode p h, opposite $ encode q h ]
{-# language ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Sorts.Nikki.Types where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Data import Data.Initial import Data.Abelian import Data.Directions import qualified Data.Strict as Strict import Data.Accessor import Graphics.Qt as Qt hiding (rotate, scale) import Sound.SFML import Physics.Chipmunk hiding (position, Position) import Utils import Base data NSort = NSort { pixmaps :: Map String [Pixmap], jumpSound :: PolySound, batteryCollectSound :: PolySound } deriving (Show, Typeable) isNikki :: Sort sort o => sort -> Bool isNikki (cast -> Just _ :: Maybe NSort) = True isNikki (cast -> Just (Sort_ inner) :: Maybe Sort_) = isNikki inner isNikki _ = False data Nikki = Nikki { chipmunk :: Chipmunk, feetShape :: !(Strict.Maybe Shape), -- Nothing if Nikki isn't in the main layer state :: !State, startTime :: !Seconds -- time the State was last changed } deriving (Show, Typeable) unwrapNikki :: Object_ -> Maybe Nikki unwrapNikki (Object_ sort o) = cast o instance Show (Ptr QPainter -> Offset Double -> IO ()) where show _ = "<Ptr QPainter -> Offset Double -> IO ()>" data State = State { action :: !Action, direction :: !HorizontalDirection, -- the direction nikki faces feetVelocity :: !CpFloat, jumpInformation :: !JumpInformation, ghostTimes :: !GhostTimes -- dustClouds :: [DustCloud] } deriving (Show) instance Initial State where initial = State Airborne HRight 0 initial initial data Action = Wait {collision :: !NikkiCollision, ghost :: !Bool} | Walk {afterAirborne :: !Bool, collision :: !NikkiCollision, ghost :: !Bool} -- state for one frame (when a jump starts) | JumpImpulse !NikkiCollision | Airborne | WallSlide_ [NikkiCollision] !NikkiCollision -- use wallSlide to be strict | UsingTerminal | SlideToGrip !HorizontalDirection -- to which side is the collision | Grip -- when Nikki uses the paws to hold on to something | GripImpulse -- state for one frame (when grip state is ended) | NikkiLevelFinished LevelResult deriving (Show) wallSlide angles = seq (foldr seq () angles) $ WallSlide_ angles toActionNumber Wait{} = 0 toActionNumber Walk{} = 1 toActionNumber JumpImpulse{} = 2 toActionNumber Airborne{} = 3 toActionNumber WallSlide_{} = 4 toActionNumber UsingTerminal = 5 toActionNumber SlideToGrip{} = 6 toActionNumber Grip = 7 toActionNumber GripImpulse = 8 toActionNumber NikkiLevelFinished{} = 9 isWaitAction, isWalkAction, isJumpImpulseAction, isAirborneAction, isWallSlideAction, isSlideToGripAction :: Action -> Bool isWaitAction = (0 ==) . toActionNumber isWalkAction = (1 ==) . toActionNumber isJumpImpulseAction = (2 ==) . toActionNumber isAirborneAction = (3 ==) . toActionNumber isWallSlideAction = (4 ==) . toActionNumber isSlideToGripAction = (6 ==) . toActionNumber data JumpInformation = JumpInformation { jumpStartTime :: !(Strict.Maybe Seconds), jumpCollisionAngle :: !(Strict.Maybe Angle), jumpNikkiVelocity :: !Velocity, jumpButtonDirection :: !(Strict.Maybe HorizontalDirection) } deriving (Show) instance Initial JumpInformation where initial = JumpInformation Strict.Nothing Strict.Nothing zero Strict.Nothing data GhostTimes = GhostTimes { standingGhostTime_ :: !(Strict.Maybe (Pair Seconds NikkiCollision)), wallSlideGhostTime_ :: !(Strict.Maybe (Pair Seconds NikkiCollision)) } deriving (Show) standingGhostTime, wallSlideGhostTime :: Accessor GhostTimes (Strict.Maybe (Pair Seconds NikkiCollision)) standingGhostTime = accessor standingGhostTime_ (\ a r -> r{standingGhostTime_ = a}) wallSlideGhostTime = accessor wallSlideGhostTime_ (\ a r -> r{wallSlideGhostTime_ = a}) instance Initial GhostTimes where initial = GhostTimes Strict.Nothing Strict.Nothing instance PP GhostTimes where pp (GhostTimes a b) = i a <~> "|" <~> i b where i Strict.Nothing = "-" i (Strict.Just (_ :!: c)) = pp (nikkiCollisionAngle c) flattenGhostTime :: GhostTimes -> Strict.Maybe (Pair Seconds NikkiCollision) flattenGhostTime (GhostTimes a b) = a <|> b data DustCloud = DustCloud { creationTime :: Seconds, cloudPosition :: Qt.Position Double } deriving (Show)
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns, MagicHash #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Bits -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This module defines bitwise operations for signed and unsigned -- integers. Instances of the class 'Bits' for the 'Int' and -- 'Integer' types are available from this module, and instances for -- explicitly sized integral types are available from the -- "Data.Int" and "Data.Word" modules. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Bits ( Bits( (.&.), (.|.), xor, complement, shift, rotate, zeroBits, bit, setBit, clearBit, complementBit, testBit, bitSizeMaybe, bitSize, isSigned, shiftL, shiftR, unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR, rotateL, rotateR, popCount ), FiniteBits( finiteBitSize, countLeadingZeros, countTrailingZeros ), bitDefault, testBitDefault, popCountDefault, toIntegralSized ) where -- Defines the @Bits@ class containing bit-based operations. -- See library document for details on the semantics of the -- individual operations. #define WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS 32 import Data.Maybe import GHC.Enum import GHC.Num import GHC.Base import GHC.Real infixl 8 `shift`, `rotate`, `shiftL`, `shiftR`, `rotateL`, `rotateR` infixl 7 .&. infixl 6 `xor` infixl 5 .|. {-# DEPRECATED bitSize "Use 'bitSizeMaybe' or 'finiteBitSize' instead" #-} -- deprecated in 7.8 -- | The 'Bits' class defines bitwise operations over integral types. -- -- * Bits are numbered from 0 with bit 0 being the least -- significant bit. class Eq a => Bits a where {-# MINIMAL (.&.), (.|.), xor, complement, (shift | (shiftL, shiftR)), (rotate | (rotateL, rotateR)), bitSize, bitSizeMaybe, isSigned, testBit, bit, popCount #-} -- | Bitwise \"and\" (.&.) :: a -> a -> a -- | Bitwise \"or\" (.|.) :: a -> a -> a -- | Bitwise \"xor\" xor :: a -> a -> a {-| Reverse all the bits in the argument -} complement :: a -> a {-| @'shift' x i@ shifts @x@ left by @i@ bits if @i@ is positive, or right by @-i@ bits otherwise. Right shifts perform sign extension on signed number types; i.e. they fill the top bits with 1 if the @x@ is negative and with 0 otherwise. An instance can define either this unified 'shift' or 'shiftL' and 'shiftR', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} shift :: a -> Int -> a x `shift` i | i<0 = x `shiftR` (-i) | i>0 = x `shiftL` i | otherwise = x {-| @'rotate' x i@ rotates @x@ left by @i@ bits if @i@ is positive, or right by @-i@ bits otherwise. For unbounded types like 'Integer', 'rotate' is equivalent to 'shift'. An instance can define either this unified 'rotate' or 'rotateL' and 'rotateR', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} rotate :: a -> Int -> a x `rotate` i | i<0 = x `rotateR` (-i) | i>0 = x `rotateL` i | otherwise = x {- -- Rotation can be implemented in terms of two shifts, but care is -- needed for negative values. This suggested implementation assumes -- 2's-complement arithmetic. It is commented out because it would -- require an extra context (Ord a) on the signature of 'rotate'. x `rotate` i | i<0 && isSigned x && x<0 = let left = i+bitSize x in ((x `shift` i) .&. complement ((-1) `shift` left)) .|. (x `shift` left) | i<0 = (x `shift` i) .|. (x `shift` (i+bitSize x)) | i==0 = x | i>0 = (x `shift` i) .|. (x `shift` (i-bitSize x)) -} -- | 'zeroBits' is the value with all bits unset. -- -- The following laws ought to hold (for all valid bit indices @/n/@): -- -- * @'clearBit' 'zeroBits' /n/ == 'zeroBits'@ -- * @'setBit' 'zeroBits' /n/ == 'bit' /n/@ -- * @'testBit' 'zeroBits' /n/ == False@ -- * @'popCount' 'zeroBits' == 0@ -- -- This method uses @'clearBit' ('bit' 0) 0@ as its default -- implementation (which ought to be equivalent to 'zeroBits' for -- types which possess a 0th bit). -- -- @since zeroBits :: a zeroBits = clearBit (bit 0) 0 -- | @bit /i/@ is a value with the @/i/@th bit set and all other bits clear. -- -- Can be implemented using `bitDefault' if @a@ is also an -- instance of 'Num'. -- -- See also 'zeroBits'. bit :: Int -> a -- | @x \`setBit\` i@ is the same as @x .|. bit i@ setBit :: a -> Int -> a -- | @x \`clearBit\` i@ is the same as @x .&. complement (bit i)@ clearBit :: a -> Int -> a -- | @x \`complementBit\` i@ is the same as @x \`xor\` bit i@ complementBit :: a -> Int -> a -- | Return 'True' if the @n@th bit of the argument is 1 -- -- Can be implemented using `testBitDefault' if @a@ is also an -- instance of 'Num'. testBit :: a -> Int -> Bool {-| Return the number of bits in the type of the argument. The actual value of the argument is ignored. Returns Nothing for types that do not have a fixed bitsize, like 'Integer'. @since -} bitSizeMaybe :: a -> Maybe Int {-| Return the number of bits in the type of the argument. The actual value of the argument is ignored. The function 'bitSize' is undefined for types that do not have a fixed bitsize, like 'Integer'. -} bitSize :: a -> Int {-| Return 'True' if the argument is a signed type. The actual value of the argument is ignored -} isSigned :: a -> Bool {-# INLINE setBit #-} {-# INLINE clearBit #-} {-# INLINE complementBit #-} x `setBit` i = x .|. bit i x `clearBit` i = x .&. complement (bit i) x `complementBit` i = x `xor` bit i {-| Shift the argument left by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). An instance can define either this and 'shiftR' or the unified 'shift', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} shiftL :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE shiftL #-} x `shiftL` i = x `shift` i {-| Shift the argument left by the specified number of bits. The result is undefined for negative shift amounts and shift amounts greater or equal to the 'bitSize'. Defaults to 'shiftL' unless defined explicitly by an instance. @since -} unsafeShiftL :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE unsafeShiftL #-} x `unsafeShiftL` i = x `shiftL` i {-| Shift the first argument right by the specified number of bits. The result is undefined for negative shift amounts and shift amounts greater or equal to the 'bitSize'. Right shifts perform sign extension on signed number types; i.e. they fill the top bits with 1 if the @x@ is negative and with 0 otherwise. An instance can define either this and 'shiftL' or the unified 'shift', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} shiftR :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE shiftR #-} x `shiftR` i = x `shift` (-i) {-| Shift the first argument right by the specified number of bits, which must be non-negative an smaller than the number of bits in the type. Right shifts perform sign extension on signed number types; i.e. they fill the top bits with 1 if the @x@ is negative and with 0 otherwise. Defaults to 'shiftR' unless defined explicitly by an instance. @since -} unsafeShiftR :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE unsafeShiftR #-} x `unsafeShiftR` i = x `shiftR` i {-| Rotate the argument left by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). An instance can define either this and 'rotateR' or the unified 'rotate', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} rotateL :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE rotateL #-} x `rotateL` i = x `rotate` i {-| Rotate the argument right by the specified number of bits (which must be non-negative). An instance can define either this and 'rotateL' or the unified 'rotate', depending on which is more convenient for the type in question. -} rotateR :: a -> Int -> a {-# INLINE rotateR #-} x `rotateR` i = x `rotate` (-i) {-| Return the number of set bits in the argument. This number is known as the population count or the Hamming weight. Can be implemented using `popCountDefault' if @a@ is also an instance of 'Num'. @since -} popCount :: a -> Int -- |The 'FiniteBits' class denotes types with a finite, fixed number of bits. -- -- @since class Bits b => FiniteBits b where -- | Return the number of bits in the type of the argument. -- The actual value of the argument is ignored. Moreover, 'finiteBitSize' -- is total, in contrast to the deprecated 'bitSize' function it replaces. -- -- @ -- 'finiteBitSize' = 'bitSize' -- 'bitSizeMaybe' = 'Just' . 'finiteBitSize' -- @ -- -- @since finiteBitSize :: b -> Int -- | Count number of zero bits preceding the most significant set bit. -- -- @ -- 'countLeadingZeros' ('zeroBits' :: a) = finiteBitSize ('zeroBits' :: a) -- @ -- -- 'countLeadingZeros' can be used to compute log base 2 via -- -- @ -- logBase2 x = 'finiteBitSize' x - 1 - 'countLeadingZeros' x -- @ -- -- Note: The default implementation for this method is intentionally -- naive. However, the instances provided for the primitive -- integral types are implemented using CPU specific machine -- instructions. -- -- @since countLeadingZeros :: b -> Int countLeadingZeros x = (w-1) - go (w-1) where go i | i < 0 = i -- no bit set | testBit x i = i | otherwise = go (i-1) w = finiteBitSize x -- | Count number of zero bits following the least significant set bit. -- -- @ -- 'countTrailingZeros' ('zeroBits' :: a) = finiteBitSize ('zeroBits' :: a) -- 'countTrailingZeros' . 'negate' = 'countTrailingZeros' -- @ -- -- The related -- < find-first-set operation> -- can be expressed in terms of 'countTrailingZeros' as follows -- -- @ -- findFirstSet x = 1 + 'countTrailingZeros' x -- @ -- -- Note: The default implementation for this method is intentionally -- naive. However, the instances provided for the primitive -- integral types are implemented using CPU specific machine -- instructions. -- -- @since countTrailingZeros :: b -> Int countTrailingZeros x = go 0 where go i | i >= w = i | testBit x i = i | otherwise = go (i+1) w = finiteBitSize x -- The defaults below are written with lambdas so that e.g. -- bit = bitDefault -- is fully applied, so inlining will happen -- | Default implementation for 'bit'. -- -- Note that: @bitDefault i = 1 `shiftL` i@ -- -- @since bitDefault :: (Bits a, Num a) => Int -> a bitDefault = \i -> 1 `shiftL` i {-# INLINE bitDefault #-} -- | Default implementation for 'testBit'. -- -- Note that: @testBitDefault x i = (x .&. bit i) /= 0@ -- -- @since testBitDefault :: (Bits a, Num a) => a -> Int -> Bool testBitDefault = \x i -> (x .&. bit i) /= 0 {-# INLINE testBitDefault #-} -- | Default implementation for 'popCount'. -- -- This implementation is intentionally naive. Instances are expected to provide -- an optimized implementation for their size. -- -- @since popCountDefault :: (Bits a, Num a) => a -> Int popCountDefault = go 0 where go !c 0 = c go c w = go (c+1) (w .&. (w - 1)) -- clear the least significant {-# INLINABLE popCountDefault #-} -- Interpret 'Bool' as 1-bit bit-field; @since instance Bits Bool where (.&.) = (&&) (.|.) = (||) xor = (/=) complement = not shift x 0 = x shift _ _ = False rotate x _ = x bit 0 = True bit _ = False testBit x 0 = x testBit _ _ = False bitSizeMaybe _ = Just 1 bitSize _ = 1 isSigned _ = False popCount False = 0 popCount True = 1 instance FiniteBits Bool where finiteBitSize _ = 1 countTrailingZeros x = if x then 0 else 1 countLeadingZeros x = if x then 0 else 1 instance Bits Int where {-# INLINE shift #-} {-# INLINE bit #-} {-# INLINE testBit #-} zeroBits = 0 bit = bitDefault testBit = testBitDefault (I# x#) .&. (I# y#) = I# (x# `andI#` y#) (I# x#) .|. (I# y#) = I# (x# `orI#` y#) (I# x#) `xor` (I# y#) = I# (x# `xorI#` y#) complement (I# x#) = I# (notI# x#) (I# x#) `shift` (I# i#) | isTrue# (i# >=# 0#) = I# (x# `iShiftL#` i#) | otherwise = I# (x# `iShiftRA#` negateInt# i#) (I# x#) `shiftL` (I# i#) = I# (x# `iShiftL#` i#) (I# x#) `unsafeShiftL` (I# i#) = I# (x# `uncheckedIShiftL#` i#) (I# x#) `shiftR` (I# i#) = I# (x# `iShiftRA#` i#) (I# x#) `unsafeShiftR` (I# i#) = I# (x# `uncheckedIShiftRA#` i#) {-# INLINE rotate #-} -- See Note [Constant folding for rotate] (I# x#) `rotate` (I# i#) = I# ((x# `uncheckedIShiftL#` i'#) `orI#` (x# `uncheckedIShiftRL#` (wsib -# i'#))) where !i'# = i# `andI#` (wsib -# 1#) !wsib = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# {- work around preprocessor problem (??) -} bitSizeMaybe i = Just (finiteBitSize i) bitSize i = finiteBitSize i popCount (I# x#) = I# (word2Int# (popCnt# (int2Word# x#))) isSigned _ = True instance FiniteBits Int where finiteBitSize _ = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS countLeadingZeros (I# x#) = I# (word2Int# (clz# (int2Word# x#))) countTrailingZeros (I# x#) = I# (word2Int# (ctz# (int2Word# x#))) instance Bits Word where {-# INLINE shift #-} {-# INLINE bit #-} {-# INLINE testBit #-} (W# x#) .&. (W# y#) = W# (x# `and#` y#) (W# x#) .|. (W# y#) = W# (x# `or#` y#) (W# x#) `xor` (W# y#) = W# (x# `xor#` y#) complement (W# x#) = W# (x# `xor#` mb#) where !(W# mb#) = maxBound (W# x#) `shift` (I# i#) | isTrue# (i# >=# 0#) = W# (x# `shiftL#` i#) | otherwise = W# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#) (W# x#) `shiftL` (I# i#) = W# (x# `shiftL#` i#) (W# x#) `unsafeShiftL` (I# i#) = W# (x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i#) (W# x#) `shiftR` (I# i#) = W# (x# `shiftRL#` i#) (W# x#) `unsafeShiftR` (I# i#) = W# (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` i#) (W# x#) `rotate` (I# i#) | isTrue# (i'# ==# 0#) = W# x# | otherwise = W# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#` (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (wsib -# i'#))) where !i'# = i# `andI#` (wsib -# 1#) !wsib = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# {- work around preprocessor problem (??) -} bitSizeMaybe i = Just (finiteBitSize i) bitSize i = finiteBitSize i isSigned _ = False popCount (W# x#) = I# (word2Int# (popCnt# x#)) bit = bitDefault testBit = testBitDefault instance FiniteBits Word where finiteBitSize _ = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS countLeadingZeros (W# x#) = I# (word2Int# (clz# x#)) countTrailingZeros (W# x#) = I# (word2Int# (ctz# x#)) instance Bits Integer where (.&.) = andInteger (.|.) = orInteger xor = xorInteger complement = complementInteger shift x i@(I# i#) | i >= 0 = shiftLInteger x i# | otherwise = shiftRInteger x (negateInt# i#) shiftL x i@(I# i#) | i < 0 = error "Bits.shiftL(Integer): negative shift" | otherwise = shiftLInteger x i# shiftR x i@(I# i#) | i < 0 = error "Bits.shiftR(Integer): negative shift" | otherwise = shiftRInteger x i# testBit x (I# i) = testBitInteger x i zeroBits = 0 bit = bitDefault popCount = popCountDefault rotate x i = shift x i -- since an Integer never wraps around bitSizeMaybe _ = Nothing bitSize _ = error "Data.Bits.bitSize(Integer)" isSigned _ = True ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Attempt to convert an 'Integral' type @a@ to an 'Integral' type @b@ using -- the size of the types as measured by 'Bits' methods. -- -- A simpler version of this function is: -- -- > toIntegral :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> Maybe b -- > toIntegral x -- > | toInteger x == y = Just (fromInteger y) -- > | otherwise = Nothing -- > where -- > y = toInteger x -- -- This version requires going through 'Integer', which can be inefficient. -- However, @toIntegralSized@ is optimized to allow GHC to statically determine -- the relative type sizes (as measured by 'bitSizeMaybe' and 'isSigned') and -- avoid going through 'Integer' for many types. (The implementation uses -- 'fromIntegral', which is itself optimized with rules for @base@ types but may -- go through 'Integer' for some type pairs.) -- -- @since toIntegralSized :: (Integral a, Integral b, Bits a, Bits b) => a -> Maybe b toIntegralSized x -- See Note [toIntegralSized optimization] | maybe True (<= x) yMinBound , maybe True (x <=) yMaxBound = Just y | otherwise = Nothing where y = fromIntegral x xWidth = bitSizeMaybe x yWidth = bitSizeMaybe y yMinBound | isBitSubType x y = Nothing | isSigned x, not (isSigned y) = Just 0 | isSigned x, isSigned y , Just yW <- yWidth = Just (negate $ bit (yW-1)) -- Assumes sub-type | otherwise = Nothing yMaxBound | isBitSubType x y = Nothing | isSigned x, not (isSigned y) , Just xW <- xWidth, Just yW <- yWidth , xW <= yW+1 = Nothing -- Max bound beyond a's domain | Just yW <- yWidth = if isSigned y then Just (bit (yW-1)-1) else Just (bit yW-1) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINEABLE toIntegralSized #-} -- | 'True' if the size of @a@ is @<=@ the size of @b@, where size is measured -- by 'bitSizeMaybe' and 'isSigned'. isBitSubType :: (Bits a, Bits b) => a -> b -> Bool isBitSubType x y -- Reflexive | xWidth == yWidth, xSigned == ySigned = True -- Every integer is a subset of 'Integer' | ySigned, Nothing == yWidth = True | not xSigned, not ySigned, Nothing == yWidth = True -- Sub-type relations between fixed-with types | xSigned == ySigned, Just xW <- xWidth, Just yW <- yWidth = xW <= yW | not xSigned, ySigned, Just xW <- xWidth, Just yW <- yWidth = xW < yW | otherwise = False where xWidth = bitSizeMaybe x xSigned = isSigned x yWidth = bitSizeMaybe y ySigned = isSigned y {-# INLINE isBitSubType #-} {- Note [Constant folding for rotate] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The INLINE on the Int instance of rotate enables it to be constant folded. For example: sumU . mapU (`rotate` 3) . replicateU 10000000 $ (7 :: Int) goes to: Main.$wfold = \ (ww_sO7 :: Int#) (ww1_sOb :: Int#) -> case ww1_sOb of wild_XM { __DEFAULT -> Main.$wfold (+# ww_sO7 56) (+# wild_XM 1); 10000000 -> ww_sO7 whereas before it was left as a call to $wrotate. All other Bits instances seem to inline well enough on their own to enable constant folding; for example 'shift': sumU . mapU (`shift` 3) . replicateU 10000000 $ (7 :: Int) goes to: Main.$wfold = \ (ww_sOb :: Int#) (ww1_sOf :: Int#) -> case ww1_sOf of wild_XM { __DEFAULT -> Main.$wfold (+# ww_sOb 56) (+# wild_XM 1); 10000000 -> ww_sOb } -} -- Note [toIntegralSized optimization] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- The code in 'toIntegralSized' relies on GHC optimizing away statically -- decidable branches. -- -- If both integral types are statically known, GHC will be able optimize the -- code significantly (for @-O1@ and better). -- -- For instance (as of GHC 7.8.1) the following definitions: -- -- > w16_to_i32 = toIntegralSized :: Word16 -> Maybe Int32 -- > -- > i16_to_w16 = toIntegralSized :: Int16 -> Maybe Word16 -- -- are translated into the following (simplified) /GHC Core/ language: -- -- > w16_to_i32 = \x -> Just (case x of _ { W16# x# -> I32# (word2Int# x#) }) -- > -- > i16_to_w16 = \x -> case eta of _ -- > { I16# b1 -> case tagToEnum# (<=# 0 b1) of _ -- > { False -> Nothing -- > ; True -> Just (W16# (narrow16Word# (int2Word# b1))) -- > } -- > }
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module ETA.Rename.RnSplice ( rnTopSpliceDecls, rnSpliceType, rnSpliceExpr, rnSplicePat, rnSpliceDecl, rnBracket, checkThLocalName ) where import ETA.BasicTypes.Name import ETA.BasicTypes.NameSet import ETA.HsSyn.HsSyn import ETA.BasicTypes.RdrName import ETA.TypeCheck.TcRnMonad import ETA.Types.Kind #ifdef GHCI import ETA.Main.ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn_printer ) import Control.Monad ( unless, when ) import ETA.Main.DynFlags import ETA.DeSugar.DsMeta ( decsQTyConName, expQTyConName, patQTyConName, typeQTyConName ) import ETA.Iface.LoadIface ( loadInterfaceForName ) import ETA.BasicTypes.Module import ETA.Rename.RnEnv import ETA.Rename.RnPat ( rnPat ) import ETA.Rename.RnSource ( rnSrcDecls, findSplice ) import ETA.Rename.RnTypes ( rnLHsType ) import ETA.BasicTypes.SrcLoc import ETA.TypeCheck.TcEnv ( checkWellStaged, tcMetaTy ) import ETA.Utils.Outputable import ETA.BasicTypes.BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag, isTopLevel ) import ETA.Utils.FastString import ETA.Main.Hooks import {-# SOURCE #-} ETA.Rename.RnExpr ( rnLExpr ) import {-# SOURCE #-} ETA.TypeCheck.TcExpr ( tcMonoExpr ) import {-# SOURCE #-} ETA.TypeCheck.TcSplice ( runMetaD, runMetaE, runMetaP, runMetaT, tcTopSpliceExpr ) #endif #ifndef GHCI rnBracket :: HsExpr RdrName -> HsBracket RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnBracket e _ = failTH e "Template Haskell bracket" rnTopSpliceDecls :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM ([LHsDecl RdrName], FreeVars) rnTopSpliceDecls e = failTH e "Template Haskell top splice" rnSpliceType :: HsSplice RdrName -> PostTc Name Kind -> RnM (HsType Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceType e _ = failTH e "Template Haskell type splice" rnSpliceExpr :: Bool -> HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceExpr _ e = failTH e "Template Haskell splice" rnSplicePat :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (Either (Pat RdrName) (Pat Name), FreeVars) rnSplicePat e = failTH e "Template Haskell pattern splice" rnSpliceDecl :: SpliceDecl RdrName -> RnM (SpliceDecl Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceDecl e = failTH e "Template Haskell declaration splice" #else {- ********************************************************* * * Splices * * ********************************************************* Note [Free variables of typed splices] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider renaming this: f = ... h = ...$(thing "f")... where the splice is a *typed* splice. The splice can expand into literally anything, so when we do dependency analysis we must assume that it might mention 'f'. So we simply treat all locally-defined names as mentioned by any splice. This is terribly brutal, but I don't see what else to do. For example, it'll mean that every locally-defined thing will appear to be used, so no unused-binding warnings. But if we miss the dependency, then we might typecheck 'h' before 'f', and that will crash the type checker because 'f' isn't in scope. Currently, I'm not treating a splice as also mentioning every import, which is a bit inconsistent -- but there are a lot of them. We might thereby get some bogus unused-import warnings, but we won't crash the type checker. Not very satisfactory really. Note [Renamer errors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's important to wrap renamer calls in checkNoErrs, because the renamer does not fail for out of scope variables etc. Instead it returns a bogus term/type, so that it can report more than one error. We don't want the type checker to see these bogus unbound variables. -} rnSpliceGen :: Bool -- Typed splice? -> (HsSplice Name -> RnM (a, FreeVars)) -- Outside brackets, run splice -> (HsSplice Name -> (PendingRnSplice, a)) -- Inside brackets, make it pending -> HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (a, FreeVars) rnSpliceGen is_typed_splice run_splice pend_splice splice@(HsSplice _ expr) = addErrCtxt (spliceCtxt (HsSpliceE is_typed_splice splice)) $ setSrcSpan (getLoc expr) $ do { stage <- getStage ; case stage of Brack pop_stage RnPendingTyped -> do { checkTc is_typed_splice illegalUntypedSplice ; (splice', fvs) <- setStage pop_stage $ rnSplice splice ; let (_pending_splice, result) = pend_splice splice' ; return (result, fvs) } Brack pop_stage (RnPendingUntyped ps_var) -> do { checkTc (not is_typed_splice) illegalTypedSplice ; (splice', fvs) <- setStage pop_stage $ rnSplice splice ; let (pending_splice, result) = pend_splice splice' ; ps <- readMutVar ps_var ; writeMutVar ps_var (pending_splice : ps) ; return (result, fvs) } _ -> do { (splice', fvs1) <- setStage (Splice is_typed_splice) $ rnSplice splice ; (result, fvs2) <- run_splice splice' ; return (result, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) } } --------------------- rnSplice :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (HsSplice Name, FreeVars) -- Not exported...used for all rnSplice (HsSplice splice_name expr) = do { checkTH expr "Template Haskell splice" ; loc <- getSrcSpanM ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc splice_name) ; (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr ; return (HsSplice n' expr', fvs) } --------------------- rnSpliceExpr :: Bool -> HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceExpr is_typed splice = rnSpliceGen is_typed run_expr_splice pend_expr_splice splice where pend_expr_splice :: HsSplice Name -> (PendingRnSplice, HsExpr Name) pend_expr_splice rn_splice@(HsSplice n e) = (PendingRnExpSplice (PendSplice n e), HsSpliceE is_typed rn_splice) run_expr_splice :: HsSplice Name -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) run_expr_splice rn_splice@(HsSplice _ expr') | is_typed -- Run it later, in the type checker = do { -- Ugh! See Note [Splices] above lcl_rdr <- getLocalRdrEnv ; gbl_rdr <- getGlobalRdrEnv ; let gbl_names = mkNameSet [gre_name gre | gre <- globalRdrEnvElts gbl_rdr , isLocalGRE gre] lcl_names = mkNameSet (localRdrEnvElts lcl_rdr) ; return (HsSpliceE is_typed rn_splice, lcl_names `plusFV` gbl_names) } | otherwise -- Run it here = do { expr <- getHooked runRnSpliceHook return >>= ($ expr') -- The splice must have type ExpQ ; meta_exp_ty <- tcMetaTy expQTyConName -- Typecheck the expression ; zonked_q_expr <- tcTopSpliceExpr False $ tcMonoExpr expr meta_exp_ty -- Run the expression ; expr2 <- runMetaE zonked_q_expr ; showSplice "expression" expr (ppr expr2) ; (lexpr3, fvs) <- checkNoErrs $ rnLExpr expr2 ; return (unLoc lexpr3, fvs) } ---------------------- rnSpliceType :: HsSplice RdrName -> PostTc Name Kind -> RnM (HsType Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceType splice k = rnSpliceGen False run_type_splice pend_type_splice splice where pend_type_splice rn_splice@(HsSplice n e) = (PendingRnTypeSplice (PendSplice n e), HsSpliceTy rn_splice k) run_type_splice (HsSplice _ expr') = do { expr <- getHooked runRnSpliceHook return >>= ($ expr') ; meta_exp_ty <- tcMetaTy typeQTyConName -- Typecheck the expression ; zonked_q_expr <- tcTopSpliceExpr False $ tcMonoExpr expr meta_exp_ty -- Run the expression ; hs_ty2 <- runMetaT zonked_q_expr ; showSplice "type" expr (ppr hs_ty2) ; (hs_ty3, fvs) <- do { let doc = SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty2 ; checkNoErrs $ rnLHsType doc hs_ty2 -- checkNoErrs: see Note [Renamer errors] } ; return (unLoc hs_ty3, fvs) } {- Note [rnSplicePat] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renaming a pattern splice is a bit tricky, because we need the variables bound in the pattern to be in scope in the RHS of the pattern. This scope management is effectively done by using continuation-passing style in RnPat, through the CpsRn monad. We don't wish to be in that monad here (it would create import cycles and generally conflict with renaming other splices), so we really want to return a (Pat RdrName) -- the result of running the splice -- which can then be further renamed in RnPat, in the CpsRn monad. The problem is that if we're renaming a splice within a bracket, we *don't* want to run the splice now. We really do just want to rename it to an HsSplice Name. Of course, then we can't know what variables are bound within the splice, so pattern splices within brackets aren't all that useful. In any case, when we're done in rnSplicePat, we'll either have a Pat RdrName (the result of running a top-level splice) or a Pat Name (the renamed nested splice). Thus, the awkward return type of rnSplicePat. -} -- | Rename a splice pattern. See Note [rnSplicePat] rnSplicePat :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM ( Either (Pat RdrName) (Pat Name) , FreeVars) rnSplicePat splice = rnSpliceGen False run_pat_splice pend_pat_splice splice where pend_pat_splice rn_splice@(HsSplice n e) = (PendingRnPatSplice (PendSplice n e), Right $ SplicePat rn_splice) run_pat_splice (HsSplice _ expr') = do { expr <- getHooked runRnSpliceHook return >>= ($ expr') ; meta_exp_ty <- tcMetaTy patQTyConName -- Typecheck the expression ; zonked_q_expr <- tcTopSpliceExpr False $ tcMonoExpr expr meta_exp_ty -- Run the expression ; pat <- runMetaP zonked_q_expr ; showSplice "pattern" expr (ppr pat) ; return (Left $ unLoc pat, emptyFVs) } ---------------------- rnSpliceDecl :: SpliceDecl RdrName -> RnM (SpliceDecl Name, FreeVars) rnSpliceDecl (SpliceDecl (L loc splice) flg) = rnSpliceGen False run_decl_splice pend_decl_splice splice where pend_decl_splice rn_splice@(HsSplice n e) = (PendingRnDeclSplice (PendSplice n e), SpliceDecl(L loc rn_splice) flg) run_decl_splice rn_splice = pprPanic "rnSpliceDecl" (ppr rn_splice) rnTopSpliceDecls :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM ([LHsDecl RdrName], FreeVars) -- Declaration splice at the very top level of the module rnTopSpliceDecls (HsSplice _ expr'') = do { (expr, fvs) <- setStage (Splice False) $ rnLExpr expr'' ; expr' <- getHooked runRnSpliceHook return >>= ($ expr) ; list_q <- tcMetaTy decsQTyConName -- Q [Dec] ; zonked_q_expr <- tcTopSpliceExpr False (tcMonoExpr expr' list_q) -- Run the expression ; decls <- runMetaD zonked_q_expr ; traceSplice $ SpliceInfo True "declarations" (Just (getLoc expr)) (Just $ ppr expr') (vcat (map ppr decls)) ; return (decls,fvs) } {- ************************************************************************ * * Template Haskell brackets * * ************************************************************************ -} rnBracket :: HsExpr RdrName -> HsBracket RdrName -> RnM (HsExpr Name, FreeVars) rnBracket e br_body = addErrCtxt (quotationCtxtDoc br_body) $ do { -- Check that Template Haskell is enabled and available thEnabled <- xoptM Opt_TemplateHaskell ; unless thEnabled $ failWith ( vcat [ ptext (sLit "Syntax error on") <+> ppr e , ptext (sLit "Perhaps you intended to use TemplateHaskell") ] ) ; checkTH e "Template Haskell bracket" -- Check for nested brackets ; cur_stage <- getStage ; case cur_stage of { Splice True -> checkTc (isTypedBracket br_body) illegalUntypedBracket ; Splice False -> checkTc (not (isTypedBracket br_body)) illegalTypedBracket ; Comp -> return () ; Brack {} -> failWithTc illegalBracket } -- Brackets are desugared to code that mentions the TH package ; recordThUse ; case isTypedBracket br_body of True -> do { (body', fvs_e) <- setStage (Brack cur_stage RnPendingTyped) $ rn_bracket cur_stage br_body ; return (HsBracket body', fvs_e) } False -> do { ps_var <- newMutVar [] ; (body', fvs_e) <- setStage (Brack cur_stage (RnPendingUntyped ps_var)) $ rn_bracket cur_stage br_body ; pendings <- readMutVar ps_var ; return (HsRnBracketOut body' pendings, fvs_e) } } rn_bracket :: ThStage -> HsBracket RdrName -> RnM (HsBracket Name, FreeVars) rn_bracket outer_stage br@(VarBr flg rdr_name) = do { name <- lookupOccRn rdr_name ; this_mod <- getModule ; case flg of { -- Type variables can be quoted in TH. See #5721. False -> return () ; True | nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name -> do { mb_bind_lvl <- lookupLocalOccThLvl_maybe name ; case mb_bind_lvl of { Nothing -> return () -- Can happen for data constructors, -- but nothing needs to be done for them ; Just (top_lvl, bind_lvl) -- See Note [Quoting names] | isTopLevel top_lvl -> when (isExternalName name) (keepAlive name) | otherwise -> do { traceRn (text "rn_bracket VarBr" <+> ppr name <+> ppr bind_lvl <+> ppr outer_stage) ; checkTc (thLevel outer_stage + 1 == bind_lvl) (quotedNameStageErr br) } } } ; True | otherwise -> -- Imported thing discardResult (loadInterfaceForName msg name) -- Reason for loadInterface: deprecation checking -- assumes that the home interface is loaded, and -- this is the only way that is going to happen } ; return (VarBr flg name, unitFV name) } where msg = ptext (sLit "Need interface for Template Haskell quoted Name") rn_bracket _ (ExpBr e) = do { (e', fvs) <- rnLExpr e ; return (ExpBr e', fvs) } rn_bracket _ (PatBr p) = rnPat ThPatQuote p $ \ p' -> return (PatBr p', emptyFVs) rn_bracket _ (TypBr t) = do { (t', fvs) <- rnLHsType TypBrCtx t ; return (TypBr t', fvs) } rn_bracket _ (DecBrL decls) = do { group <- groupDecls decls ; gbl_env <- getGblEnv ; let new_gbl_env = gbl_env { tcg_dus = emptyDUs } -- The emptyDUs is so that we just collect uses for this -- group alone in the call to rnSrcDecls below ; (tcg_env, group') <- setGblEnv new_gbl_env $ rnSrcDecls [] group -- The empty list is for extra dependencies coming from .hs-boot files -- See Note [Extra dependencies from .hs-boot files] in RnSource -- Discard the tcg_env; it contains only extra info about fixity ; traceRn (text "rn_bracket dec" <+> (ppr (tcg_dus tcg_env) $$ ppr (duUses (tcg_dus tcg_env)))) ; return (DecBrG group', duUses (tcg_dus tcg_env)) } where groupDecls :: [LHsDecl RdrName] -> RnM (HsGroup RdrName) groupDecls decls = do { (group, mb_splice) <- findSplice decls ; case mb_splice of { Nothing -> return group ; Just (splice, rest) -> do { group' <- groupDecls rest ; let group'' = appendGroups group group' ; return group'' { hs_splcds = noLoc splice : hs_splcds group' } } }} rn_bracket _ (DecBrG _) = panic "rn_bracket: unexpected DecBrG" rn_bracket _ (TExpBr e) = do { (e', fvs) <- rnLExpr e ; return (TExpBr e', fvs) } spliceCtxt :: HsExpr RdrName -> SDoc spliceCtxt expr= hang (ptext (sLit "In the splice:")) 2 (ppr expr) showSplice :: String -> LHsExpr Name -> SDoc -> TcM () -- Note that 'before' is *renamed* but not *typechecked* -- Reason (a) less typechecking crap -- (b) data constructors after type checking have been -- changed to their *wrappers*, and that makes them -- print always fully qualified showSplice what before after = traceSplice $ SpliceInfo False what Nothing (Just $ ppr before) after -- | The splice data to be logged -- -- duplicates code in TcSplice.lhs data SpliceInfo = SpliceInfo { spliceIsDeclaration :: Bool , spliceDescription :: String , spliceLocation :: Maybe SrcSpan , spliceSource :: Maybe SDoc , spliceGenerated :: SDoc } -- | outputs splice information for 2 flags which have different output formats: -- `-ddump-splices` and `-dth-dec-file` -- -- This duplicates code in TcSplice.lhs traceSplice :: SpliceInfo -> TcM () traceSplice sd = do loc <- case sd of SpliceInfo { spliceLocation = Nothing } -> getSrcSpanM SpliceInfo { spliceLocation = Just loc } -> return loc traceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_splices (spliceDebugDoc loc sd) when (spliceIsDeclaration sd) $ do dflags <- getDynFlags liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn_printer alwaysQualify dflags Opt_D_th_dec_file (spliceCodeDoc loc sd) where -- `-ddump-splices` spliceDebugDoc :: SrcSpan -> SpliceInfo -> SDoc spliceDebugDoc loc sd = let code = case spliceSource sd of Nothing -> ending Just b -> nest 2 b : ending ending = [ text "======>", nest 2 (spliceGenerated sd) ] in (vcat [ ppr loc <> colon <+> text "Splicing" <+> text (spliceDescription sd) , nest 2 (sep code) ]) -- `-dth-dec-file` spliceCodeDoc :: SrcSpan -> SpliceInfo -> SDoc spliceCodeDoc loc sd = (vcat [ text "--" <+> ppr loc <> colon <+> text "Splicing" <+> text (spliceDescription sd) , sep [spliceGenerated sd] ]) illegalBracket :: SDoc illegalBracket = ptext (sLit "Template Haskell brackets cannot be nested (without intervening splices)") illegalTypedBracket :: SDoc illegalTypedBracket = ptext (sLit "Typed brackets may only appear in typed slices.") illegalUntypedBracket :: SDoc illegalUntypedBracket = ptext (sLit "Untyped brackets may only appear in untyped slices.") illegalTypedSplice :: SDoc illegalTypedSplice = ptext (sLit "Typed splices may not appear in untyped brackets") illegalUntypedSplice :: SDoc illegalUntypedSplice = ptext (sLit "Untyped splices may not appear in typed brackets") quotedNameStageErr :: HsBracket RdrName -> SDoc quotedNameStageErr br = sep [ ptext (sLit "Stage error: the non-top-level quoted name") <+> ppr br , ptext (sLit "must be used at the same stage at which is is bound")] quotationCtxtDoc :: HsBracket RdrName -> SDoc quotationCtxtDoc br_body = hang (ptext (sLit "In the Template Haskell quotation")) 2 (ppr br_body) -- spliceResultDoc :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDoc -- spliceResultDoc expr -- = vcat [ hang (ptext (sLit "In the splice:")) -- 2 (char '$' <> pprParendExpr expr) -- , ptext (sLit "To see what the splice expanded to, use -ddump-splices") ] #endif checkThLocalName :: Name -> RnM () #ifndef GHCI /* GHCI and TH is off */ -------------------------------------- -- Check for cross-stage lifting checkThLocalName _name = return () #else /* GHCI and TH is on */ checkThLocalName name = do { traceRn (text "checkThLocalName" <+> ppr name) ; mb_local_use <- getStageAndBindLevel name ; case mb_local_use of { Nothing -> return () ; -- Not a locally-bound thing Just (top_lvl, bind_lvl, use_stage) -> do { let use_lvl = thLevel use_stage ; checkWellStaged (quotes (ppr name)) bind_lvl use_lvl ; traceRn (text "checkThLocalName" <+> ppr name <+> ppr bind_lvl <+> ppr use_stage <+> ppr use_lvl) ; when (use_lvl > bind_lvl) $ checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl name use_stage } } } -------------------------------------- checkCrossStageLifting :: TopLevelFlag -> Name -> ThStage -> TcM () -- We are inside brackets, and (use_lvl > bind_lvl) -- Now we must check whether there's a cross-stage lift to do -- Examples \x -> [| x |] -- [| map |] checkCrossStageLifting top_lvl name (Brack _ (RnPendingUntyped ps_var)) | isTopLevel top_lvl -- Top-level identifiers in this module, -- (which have External Names) -- are just like the imported case: -- no need for the 'lifting' treatment -- E.g. this is fine: -- f x = x -- g y = [| f 3 |] = when (isExternalName name) (keepAlive name) -- See Note [Keeping things alive for Template Haskell] | otherwise = -- Nested identifiers, such as 'x' in -- E.g. \x -> [| h x |] -- We must behave as if the reference to x was -- h $(lift x) -- We use 'x' itself as the splice proxy, used by -- the desugarer to stitch it all back together. -- If 'x' occurs many times we may get many identical -- bindings of the same splice proxy, but that doesn't -- matter, although it's a mite untidy. do { traceRn (text "checkCrossStageLifting" <+> ppr name) ; -- Update the pending splices ; ps <- readMutVar ps_var ; writeMutVar ps_var (PendingRnCrossStageSplice name : ps) } checkCrossStageLifting _ _ _ = return () #endif /* GHCI */ {- Note [Keeping things alive for Template Haskell] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider f x = x+1 g y = [| f 3 |] Here 'f' is referred to from inside the bracket, which turns into data and mentions only f's *name*, not 'f' itself. So we need some other way to keep 'f' alive, lest it get dropped as dead code. That's what keepAlive does. It puts it in the keep-alive set, which subsequently ensures that 'f' stays as a top level binding. This must be done by the renamer, not the type checker (as of old), because the type checker doesn't typecheck the body of untyped brackets (Trac #8540). A thing can have a bind_lvl of outerLevel, but have an internal name: foo = [d| op = 3 bop = op + 1 |] Here the bind_lvl of 'op' is (bogusly) outerLevel, even though it is bound inside a bracket. That is because we don't even even record binding levels for top-level things; the binding levels are in the LocalRdrEnv. So the occurrence of 'op' in the rhs of 'bop' looks a bit like a cross-stage thing, but it isn't really. And in fact we never need to do anything here for top-level bound things, so all is fine, if a bit hacky. For these chaps (which have Internal Names) we don't want to put them in the keep-alive set. Note [Quoting names] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A quoted name 'n is a bit like a quoted expression [| n |], except that we have no cross-stage lifting (c.f. TcExpr.thBrackId). So, after incrementing the use-level to account for the brackets, the cases are: bind > use Error bind = use+1 OK bind < use Imported things OK Top-level things OK Non-top-level Error where 'use' is the binding level of the 'n quote. (So inside the implied bracket the level would be use+1.) Examples: f 'map -- OK; also for top-level defns of this module \x. f 'x -- Not ok (bind = 1, use = 1) -- (whereas \x. f [| x |] might have been ok, by -- cross-stage lifting \y. [| \x. $(f 'y) |] -- Not ok (bind =1, use = 1) [| \x. $(f 'x) |] -- OK (bind = 2, use = 1) -}
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module T16804a where import Data.Monoid data Test = A | B deriving (Show) instance Monoid Test where mempty = A -- empty for linenumbers in T16804 to be correct -- empty for linenumbers in T16804 to be correct testFunction :: Test -> Test -> Bool testFunction A B = True testFunction B A = True testFunction _ _ = False testFunction2 :: Bool -> Test testFunction2 True = A testFunction2 False = B niceValue :: Int niceValue = getSum (Sum 1 <> Sum 2 <> mempty) niceValue2 :: Test niceValue2 = A <> A <> A <> B <> A <> mempty instance Semigroup Test where A <> val = val B <> _ = B
{- $Id: AFRPTestsRPSwitch.hs,v 1.2 2003/11/10 21:28:58 antony Exp $ ****************************************************************************** * A F R P * * * * Module: AFRPTestsRPSwitch * * Purpose: Test cases for rpSwitchB and drpSwitchB * * Authors: Antony Courtney and Henrik Nilsson * * * * Copyright (c) Yale University, 2003 * * * ****************************************************************************** -} module AFRPTestsRPSwitch ( rpswitch_tr, rpswitch_trs, rpswitch_st0, rpswitch_st0r ) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.List (findIndex) import FRP.Yampa import FRP.Yampa.Internals (Event(NoEvent, Event)) import AFRPTestsCommon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test cases for rpSwitchB and drpSwitchB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rpswitch_inp1 = (fromJust (head delta_inp), zip (repeat 1.0) (tail delta_inp)) where delta_inp = [Just (1.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Nothing, Just (2.0, Event (integral:)), Just (3.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Just (4.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Nothing, Just (5.0, Event ((integral >>> arr (+100.0)):)), Just (6.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Just (7.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Nothing, Just (8.0, Event tail), Just (9.0, NoEvent), Nothing] ++ repeat Nothing -- This input contains exaples of "continuos switching", i.e. the same -- switching event ocurring during a a few contiguous time steps. -- It also starts with an immediate switch. rpswitch_inp2 = (fromJust (head delta_inp), zip (repeat 1.0) (tail delta_inp)) where delta_inp = [Just (1.0, Event (integral:)), Just (1.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Just (2.0, Event ((integral >>> arr(+100.0)):)), Nothing, Nothing, Just (3.0, Event ((integral >>> arr(+200.0)):)), Nothing, Nothing, Just (4.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Nothing, Just (5.0, Event ((arr (*3)):)), Just (5.0, NoEvent), Nothing, Just (6.0, Event tail), Just (7.0, Event ((arr (*7)):)), Just (8.0, Event (take 2)), Just (9.0, NoEvent), Nothing] ++ repeat Nothing rpswitch_t0 :: [[Double]] rpswitch_t0 = take 20 $ embed (rpSwitchB []) rpswitch_inp1 rpswitch_t0r = [[], -- 0 s [], -- 1 s [], -- 2 s [0.0], -- 3 s [2.0], -- 4 s [5.0], -- 5 s [8.0], -- 6 s [12.0], -- 7 s [16.0], -- 8 s [100.0, 20.0], -- 9 s [105.0, 25.0], -- 10 s [111.0, 31.0], -- 11 s [117.0, 37.0], -- 12 s [124.0, 44.0], -- 13 s [131.0, 51.0], -- 14 s [58.0], -- 15 s [66.0], -- 16 s [75.0], -- 17 s [84.0], -- 18 s [93.0]] -- 19 s rpswitch_t1 :: [[Double]] rpswitch_t1 = take 20 $ embed (drpSwitchB []) rpswitch_inp1 rpswitch_t1r = [[], -- 0 s [], -- 1 s [], -- 2 s [], -- 3 s [2.0], -- 4 s [5.0], -- 5 s [8.0], -- 6 s [12.0], -- 7 s [16.0], -- 8 s [20.0] , -- 9 s [105.0, 25.0], -- 10 s [111.0, 31.0], -- 11 s [117.0, 37.0], -- 12 s [124.0, 44.0], -- 13 s [131.0, 51.0], -- 14 s [138.0, 58.0], -- 15 s [66.0], -- 16 s [75.0], -- 17 s [84.0], -- 18 s [93.0]] -- 19 s rpswitch_t2 :: [[Double]] rpswitch_t2 = take 20 $ embed (rpSwitchB []) rpswitch_inp2 rpswitch_t2r = [[0.0], -- 0 s [1.0], -- 1 s [2.0], -- 2 s [100.0, 3.0], -- 3 s [100.0, 102.0, 5.0], -- 4 s [100.0, 102.0, 104.0, 7.0], -- 5 s [200.0, 102.0, 104.0, 106.0, 9.0], -- 6 s [200.0, 203.0, 105.0, 107.0, 109.0, 12.0], -- 7 s [200.0, 203.0, 206.0, 108.0, 110.0, 112.0, 15.0], -- 8 s [203.0, 206.0, 209.0, 111.0, 113.0, 115.0, 18.0], -- 9 s [207.0, 210.0, 213.0, 115.0, 117.0, 119.0, 22.0], -- 10 s [211.0, 214.0, 217.0, 119.0, 121.0, 123.0, 26.0], -- 11 s [15.0, 215.0, 218.0, 221.0, 123.0, 125.0, 127.0, 30.0], -- 12 s [15.0, 220.0, 223.0, 226.0, 128.0, 130.0, 132.0, 35.0], -- 13 s [15.0, 225.0, 228.0, 231.0, 133.0, 135.0, 137.0, 40.0], -- 14 s [230.0, 233.0, 236.0, 138.0, 140.0, 142.0, 45.0], -- 15 s [49.0, 236.0, 239.0, 242.0, 144.0, 146.0, 148.0, 51.0], -- 16 s [56.0, 243.0], -- 17 s [63.0, 251.0], -- 18 s [63.0, 260.0]] -- 19 s rpswitch_t3 :: [[Double]] rpswitch_t3 = take 20 $ embed (drpSwitchB []) rpswitch_inp2 rpswitch_t3r = [[], -- 0 s [1.0], -- 1 s [2.0], -- 2 s [3.0], -- 3 s [102.0, 5.0], -- 4 s [102.0, 104.0, 7.0], -- 5 s [102.0, 104.0, 106.0, 9.0], -- 6 s [203.0, 105.0, 107.0, 109.0, 12.0], -- 7 s [203.0, 206.0, 108.0, 110.0, 112.0, 15.0], -- 8 s [203.0, 206.0, 209.0, 111.0, 113.0, 115.0, 18.0], -- 9 s [207.0, 210.0, 213.0, 115.0, 117.0, 119.0, 22.0], -- 10 s [211.0, 214.0, 217.0, 119.0, 121.0, 123.0, 26.0], -- 11 s [215.0, 218.0, 221.0, 123.0, 125.0, 127.0, 30.0], -- 12 s [15.0, 220.0, 223.0, 226.0, 128.0, 130.0, 132.0, 35.0], -- 13 s [15.0, 225.0, 228.0, 231.0, 133.0, 135.0, 137.0, 40.0], -- 14 s [18.0, 230.0, 233.0, 236.0, 138.0, 140.0, 142.0, 45.0], -- 15 s [236.0, 239.0, 242.0, 144.0, 146.0, 148.0, 51.0], -- 16 s [56.0, 243.0, 246.0, 249.0, 151.0, 153.0, 155.0, 58.0], -- 17 s [63.0, 251.0], -- 18 s [63.0, 260.0]] -- 19 s -- Starts three "ramps" with different phase. As soon as one exceeds a -- threshold, it's restarted, while the others are left alone. The observaton -- of the output is done via a loop, thus the use of a delayed switch is -- essential. rpswitch_ramp :: Double -> SF a Double rpswitch_ramp phase = constant 2.0 >>> integral >>> arr (+phase) -- We assume that only one signal function will reach the limit at a time. rpswitch_limit :: Double -> SF [Double] (Event ([SF a Double]->[SF a Double])) rpswitch_limit x = arr (findIndex (>=x)) >>> edgeJust >>> arr (fmap restart) where restart n = \sfs -> take n sfs ++ [rpswitch_ramp 0.0] ++ drop (n+1) sfs rpswitch_t4 :: [[Double]] rpswitch_t4 = take 30 $ embed (loop sf) (deltaEncode 0.1 (repeat ())) where sf :: SF (a, [Double]) ([Double],[Double]) sf = (second (rpswitch_limit 2.99) >>> drpSwitchB [rpswitch_ramp 0.0, rpswitch_ramp 1.0, rpswitch_ramp 2.0]) >>> arr dup rpswitch_t4r = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.2, 1.2, 2.2], [0.4, 1.4, 2.4], [0.6, 1.6, 2.6], [0.8, 1.8, 2.8], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.2, 2.2, 0.2], [1.4, 2.4, 0.4], [1.6, 2.6, 0.6], [1.8, 2.8, 0.8], [2.0, 3.0, 1.0], [2.2, 0.2, 1.2], [2.4, 0.4, 1.4], [2.6, 0.6, 1.6], [2.8, 0.8, 1.8], [3.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.2, 1.2, 2.2], [0.4, 1.4, 2.4], [0.6, 1.6, 2.6], [0.8, 1.8, 2.8], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.2, 2.2, 0.2], [1.4, 2.4, 0.4], [1.6, 2.6, 0.6], [1.8, 2.8, 0.8], [2.0, 3.0, 1.0], [2.2, 0.2, 1.2], [2.4, 0.4, 1.4], [2.6, 0.6, 1.6], [2.8, 0.8, 1.8]] rpswitch_trs = [ rpswitch_t0 ~= rpswitch_t0r, rpswitch_t1 ~= rpswitch_t1r, rpswitch_t2 ~= rpswitch_t2r, rpswitch_t3 ~= rpswitch_t3r, rpswitch_t4 ~= rpswitch_t4r ] rpswitch_tr = and rpswitch_trs rpswitch_st0 = testSFSpaceLeak 1000000 (loop sf) where sf :: SF (a, [Double]) ([Double],[Double]) sf = (second (rpswitch_limit 2.99) >>> drpSwitchB [rpswitch_ramp 0.0, rpswitch_ramp 1.0, rpswitch_ramp 2.0]) >>> arr dup rpswitch_st0r = [1.5,2.5,0.5]
-- (c) 2000-2005 by Martin Erwig [see file COPYRIGHT] module Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.SP( spTree,spLength,sp, dijkstra ) where import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.Heap as H import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.RootPath expand :: Real b => b -> LPath b -> Context a b -> [H.Heap b (LPath b)] expand d (LP p) (_,_,_,s) = map (\(l,v)->H.unit (l+d) (LP ((v,l+d):p))) s -- | Implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm dijkstra :: (Graph gr, Real b) => H.Heap b (LPath b) -> gr a b -> LRTree b dijkstra h g | H.isEmpty h || isEmpty g = [] dijkstra h g = case match v g of (Just c,g') -> p:dijkstra (H.mergeAll (h':expand d p c)) g' (Nothing,g') -> dijkstra h' g' where (_,p@(LP ((v,d):_)),h') = H.splitMin h spTree :: (Graph gr, Real b) => Node -> gr a b -> LRTree b spTree v = dijkstra (H.unit 0 (LP [(v,0)])) spLength :: (Graph gr, Real b) => Node -> Node -> gr a b -> b spLength s t = getDistance t . spTree s sp :: (Graph gr, Real b) => Node -> Node -> gr a b -> Path sp s t = getLPathNodes t . spTree s
import Test.Cabal.Prelude main = cabalTest $ do cabal "new-test" []
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Doc.Developing -- Copyright : (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : portable -- -- This module gives a brief overview of the xmonad internals. It is -- intended for advanced users who are curious about the xmonad source -- code and want an brief overview. This document may also be helpful -- for the beginner\/intermediate Haskell programmer who is motivated -- to write an xmonad extension as a way to deepen her understanding -- of this powerful functional language; however, there is not space -- here to go into much detail. For a more comprehensive document -- covering some of the same material in more depth, see the guided -- tour of the xmonad source on the xmonad wiki: -- <>. -- -- If you write an extension module and think it may be useful for -- others, consider releasing it. Coding guidelines and licensing -- policies are covered at the end of this document, and must be -- followed if you want your code to be included in the official -- repositories. For a basic tutorial on the nuts and bolts of -- developing a new extension for xmonad, see the tutorial on the -- wiki: -- <>. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Doc.Developing ( -- * Writing new extensions -- $writing -- * Libraries for writing window managers -- $xmonad-libs -- * xmonad internals -- $internals -- ** The @main@ entry point -- $main -- ** The X monad and the internal state -- $internalState -- ** Event handling and messages -- $events -- ** The 'LayoutClass' -- $layoutClass -- * Coding style -- $style -- * Licensing policy -- $license ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Writing Extensions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $writing -} {- $xmonad-libs Starting with version 0.5, xmonad and xmonad-contrib are packaged and distributed as libraries, instead of components which must be compiled by the user into a binary (as they were prior to version 0.5). This way of distributing xmonad has many advantages, since it allows packaging by GNU\/Linux distributions while still allowing the user to customize the window manager to fit her needs. Basically, xmonad and the xmonad-contrib libraries let users write their own window manager in just a few lines of code. While @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ at first seems to be simply a configuration file, it is actually a complete Haskell program which uses the xmonad and xmonad-contrib libraries to create a custom window manager. This makes it possible not only to edit the default xmonad configuration, as we have seen in the "XMonad.Doc.Extending" document, but to use the Haskell programming language to extend the window manager you are writing in any way you see fit. -} {- $internals -} {- $main #The_main_entry_point# xmonad installs a binary, @xmonad@, which must be executed by the Xsession starting script. This binary, whose code can be read in @Main.hs@ of the xmonad source tree, will use 'XMonad.Core.recompile' to run @ghc@ in order to build a binary from @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@. If this compilation process fails, for any reason, a default @main@ entry point will be used, which calls the 'XMonad.Main.xmonad' function with a default configuration. Thus, the real @main@ entry point, the one that even the users' custom window manager application in @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ must call, is the 'XMonad.Main.xmonad' function. This function takes a configuration as its only argument, whose type ('XMonad.Core.XConfig') is defined in "XMonad.Core". 'XMonad.Main.xmonad' takes care of opening the connection with the X server, initializing the state (or deserializing it when restarted) and the configuration, and calling the event handler ('XMonad.Main.handle') that goes into an infinite loop (using 'Prelude.forever') waiting for events and acting accordingly. -} {- $internalState The event loop which calls 'XMonad.Main.handle' to react to events is run within the 'XMonad.Core.X' monad, which is a 'Control.Monad.State.StateT' transformer over 'IO', encapsulated within a 'Control.Monad.Reader.ReaderT' transformer. The 'Control.Monad.State.StateT' transformer encapsulates the (read\/writable) state of the window manager (of type 'XMonad.Core.XState'), whereas the 'Control.Monad.Reader.ReaderT' transformer encapsulates the (read-only) configuration (of type 'XMonad.Core.XConf'). Thanks to GHC's newtype deriving feature, the instance of the 'Control.Monad.State.MonadState' class parametrized over 'XMonad.Core.XState' and the instance of the 'Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader' class parametrized over 'XMonad.Core.XConf' are automatically derived for the 'XMonad.Core.X' monad. This way we can use 'Control.Monad.State.get', 'Control.Monad.State.gets' and 'Control.Monad.State.modify' for the 'XMonad.Core.XState', and 'Control.Monad.Reader.ask' and 'Control.Monad.Reader.asks' for reading the 'XMonad.Core.XConf'. 'XMonad.Core.XState' is where all the sensitive information about window management is stored. The most important field of the 'XMonad.Core.XState' is the 'XMonad.Core.windowset', whose type ('XMonad.Core.WindowSet') is a synonym for a 'XMonad.StackSet.StackSet' parametrized over a 'XMonad.Core.WorkspaceID' (a 'String'), a layout type wrapped inside the 'XMonad.Layout.Layout' existential data type, the 'Graphics.X11.Types.Window' type, the 'XMonad.Core.ScreenID' and the 'XMonad.Core.ScreenDetail's. What a 'XMonad.StackSet.StackSet' is and how it can be manipulated with pure functions is described in the Haddock documentation of the "XMonad.StackSet" module. The 'XMonad.StackSet.StackSet' ('XMonad.Core.WindowSet') has four fields: * 'XMonad.StackSet.current', for the current, focused workspace. This is a 'XMonad.StackSet.Screen', which is composed of a 'XMonad.StackSet.Workspace' together with the screen information (for Xinerama support). * 'XMonad.StackSet.visible', a list of 'XMonad.StackSet.Screen's for the other visible (with Xinerama) workspaces. For non-Xinerama setups, this list is always empty. * 'XMonad.StackSet.hidden', the list of non-visible 'XMonad.StackSet.Workspace's. * 'XMonad.StackSet.floating', a map from floating 'Graphics.X11.Types.Window's to 'XMonad.StackSet.RationalRect's specifying their geometry. The 'XMonad.StackSet.Workspace' type is made of a 'XMonad.StackSet.tag', a 'XMonad.StackSet.layout' and a (possibly empty) 'XMonad.StackSet.stack' of windows. "XMonad.StackSet" (which should usually be imported qualified, to avoid name clashes with Prelude functions such as 'Prelude.delete' and 'Prelude.filter') provides many pure functions to manipulate the 'XMonad.StackSet.StackSet'. These functions are most commonly used as an argument to '', which takes a pure function to manipulate the 'XMonad.Core.WindowSet' and does all the needed operations to refresh the screen and save the modified 'XMonad.Core.XState'. During each '' call, the 'XMonad.StackSet.layout' field of the 'XMonad.StackSet.current' and 'XMonad.StackSet.visible' 'XMonad.StackSet.Workspace's are used to physically arrange the 'XMonad.StackSet.stack' of windows on each workspace. The possibility of manipulating the 'XMonad.StackSet.StackSet' ('XMonad.Core.WindowSet') with pure functions makes it possible to test all the properties of those functions with QuickCheck, providing greater reliability of the core code. Every change to the "XMonad.StackSet" module must be accompanied by appropriate QuickCheck properties before being applied. -} {- $events Event handling is the core activity of xmonad. Events generated by the X server are most important, but there may also be events generated by layouts or the user. "XMonad.Core" defines a class that generalizes the concept of events, 'XMonad.Core.Message', constrained to types with a 'Data.Typeable.Typeable' instance definition (which can be automatically derived by GHC). 'XMonad.Core.Message's are wrapped within an existential type 'XMonad.Core.SomeMessage'. The 'Data.Typeable.Typeable' constraint allows for the definition of a 'XMonad.Core.fromMessage' function that can unwrap the message with 'Data.Typeable.cast'. X Events are instances of this class, along with any messages used by xmonad itself or by extension modules. Using the 'Data.Typeable.Typeable' class for any kind of 'XMonad.Core.Message's and events allows us to define polymorphic functions for processing messages or unhandled events. This is precisely what happens with X events: xmonad passes them to 'XMonad.Main.handle'. If the main event handling function doesn't have anything to do with the event, the event is sent to all visible layouts by 'XMonad.Operations.broadcastMessage'. This messaging system allows the user to create new message types, simply declare an instance of the 'Data.Typeable.Typeable' and use 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' to send commands to layouts. And, finally, layouts may handle X events and other messages within the same function... miracles of polymorphism. -} {- $layoutClass #The_LayoutClass# to do -} {- $style These are the coding guidelines for contributing to xmonad and the xmonad contributed extensions. * Comment every top level function (particularly exported funtions), and provide a type signature. * Use Haddock syntax in the comments (see below). * Follow the coding style of the other modules. * Code should be compilable with "ghc-options: -Wall -Werror" set in the xmonad-contrib.cabal file. There should be no warnings. * Code should be free of any warnings or errors from the Hlint tool; use your best judgement on some warnings like eta-reduction or bracket removal, though. * Partial functions should be avoided: the window manager should not crash, so never call 'error' or 'undefined'. * Tabs are /illegal/. Use 4 spaces for indenting. * Any pure function added to the core must have QuickCheck properties precisely defining its behaviour. Tests for everything else are encouraged. For examples of Haddock documentation syntax, have a look at other extensions. Important points are: * Every exported function (or even better, every function) should have a Haddock comment explaining what it does, and providing examples. * Literal chunks of code can be written in comments using \"birdtrack\" notation (a greater-than symbol at the beginning of each line). Be sure to leave a blank line before and after each birdtrack-quoted section. * Link to functions by surrounding the names in single quotes, modules in double quotes. * Literal quote marks and slashes should be escaped with a backslash. To generate and view the Haddock documentation for your extension, run > runhaskell Setup haddock and then point your browser to @\/path\/to\/XMonadContrib\/dist\/doc\/html\/xmonad-contrib\/index.html@. For more information, see the Haddock documentation: <>. For more information on the nuts and bolts of how to develop your own extension, see the tutorial on the wiki: <>. -} {- $license New modules should identify the author, and be submitted under the same license as xmonad (BSD3 license or freer). -}
{-| Code for setting up the RIO environment. -} module Urbit.King.App ( KingEnv , runKingEnvStderr , runKingEnvStderrRaw , runKingEnvLogFile , runKingEnvNoLog , kingEnvKillSignal , killKingActionL , onKillKingSigL , HostEnv , runHostEnv , PierEnv , runPierEnv , killPierActionL , onKillPierSigL , HasStderrLogFunc(..) , HasKingId(..) , HasProcId(..) , HasKingEnv(..) , HasMultiEyreApi(..) , HasHostEnv(..) , HasPierEnv(..) , module Urbit.King.Config ) where import Urbit.King.Config import Urbit.Prelude import RIO (logGeneric) import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing , getXdgDirectory , XdgDirectory(XdgCache) ) import System.Posix.Internals (c_getpid) import System.Posix.Types (CPid(..)) import System.Random (randomIO) import Urbit.King.App.Class (HasStderrLogFunc(..)) import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Multi (MultiEyreApi) import Urbit.Vere.Ports (PortControlApi, HasPortControlApi(..)) -- KingEnv --------------------------------------------------------------------- class HasKingId a where kingIdL :: Lens' a Word16 class HasProcId a where procIdL :: Lens' a Int32 class (HasLogFunc a, HasStderrLogFunc a, HasKingId a, HasProcId a) => HasKingEnv a where kingEnvL :: Lens' a KingEnv data KingEnv = KingEnv { _kingEnvLogFunc :: !LogFunc , _kingEnvStderrLogFunc :: !LogFunc , _kingEnvKingId :: !Word16 , _kingEnvProcId :: !Int32 , _kingEnvKillSignal :: !(TMVar ()) } makeLenses ''KingEnv instance HasKingEnv KingEnv where kingEnvL = id instance HasLogFunc KingEnv where logFuncL = kingEnvLogFunc instance HasStderrLogFunc KingEnv where stderrLogFuncL = kingEnvStderrLogFunc instance HasProcId KingEnv where procIdL = kingEnvProcId instance HasKingId KingEnv where kingIdL = kingEnvKingId -- Running KingEnvs ------------------------------------------------------------ runKingEnvStderr :: Bool -> LogLevel -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a runKingEnvStderr verb lvl inner = do logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False <&> setLogMinLevel lvl withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc logFunc inner runKingEnvStderrRaw :: Bool -> LogLevel -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a runKingEnvStderrRaw verb lvl inner = do logOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False <&> setLogMinLevel lvl withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> let lf = wrapCarriage logFunc in runKingEnv lf lf inner -- XX loses callstack wrapCarriage :: LogFunc -> LogFunc wrapCarriage lf = mkLogFunc $ \_ ls ll bldr -> runRIO lf $ logGeneric ls ll (bldr <> "\r") runKingEnvLogFile :: Bool -> LogLevel -> Maybe FilePath -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a runKingEnvLogFile verb lvl fileM inner = do logFile <- case fileM of Just f -> pure f Nothing -> defaultLogFile withLogFileHandle logFile $ \h -> do logOptions <- logOptionsHandle h verb <&> setLogUseTime True <&> setLogUseLoc False <&> setLogMinLevel lvl stderrLogOptions <- logOptionsHandle stderr verb <&> setLogUseTime False <&> setLogUseLoc False <&> setLogMinLevel lvl withLogFunc stderrLogOptions $ \stderrLogFunc -> withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> runKingEnv logFunc stderrLogFunc inner withLogFileHandle :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withLogFileHandle f act = withFile f AppendMode $ \handle -> do hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering act handle defaultLogFile :: IO FilePath defaultLogFile = do logDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "urbit" createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir logId :: Word32 <- randomIO pure (logDir </> "king-" <> show logId <> ".log") runKingEnvNoLog :: RIO KingEnv a -> IO a runKingEnvNoLog act = runKingEnv mempty mempty act runKingEnv :: LogFunc -> LogFunc -> RIO KingEnv a -> IO a runKingEnv logFunc stderr action = do kid <- randomIO CPid pid <- c_getpid kil <- newEmptyTMVarIO runRIO (KingEnv logFunc stderr kid pid kil) action -- KingEnv Utils --------------------------------------------------------------- onKillKingSigL :: HasKingEnv e => Getter e (STM ()) onKillKingSigL = kingEnvL . kingEnvKillSignal . to readTMVar killKingActionL :: HasKingEnv e => Getter e (STM ()) killKingActionL = kingEnvL . kingEnvKillSignal . to (\kil -> void (tryPutTMVar kil ())) -- HostEnv ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The host environment is everything in King, eyre configuration shared -- across ships, and nat punching data. class HasMultiEyreApi a where multiEyreApiL :: Lens' a MultiEyreApi class (HasKingEnv a, HasMultiEyreApi a, HasPortControlApi a) => HasHostEnv a where hostEnvL :: Lens' a HostEnv data HostEnv = HostEnv { _hostEnvKingEnv :: !KingEnv , _hostEnvMultiEyreApi :: !MultiEyreApi , _hostEnvPortControlApi :: !PortControlApi } makeLenses ''HostEnv instance HasKingEnv HostEnv where kingEnvL = hostEnvKingEnv instance HasLogFunc HostEnv where logFuncL = kingEnvL . logFuncL instance HasStderrLogFunc HostEnv where stderrLogFuncL = kingEnvL . stderrLogFuncL instance HasProcId HostEnv where procIdL = kingEnvL . procIdL instance HasKingId HostEnv where kingIdL = kingEnvL . kingEnvKingId instance HasMultiEyreApi HostEnv where multiEyreApiL = hostEnvMultiEyreApi instance HasPortControlApi HostEnv where portControlApiL = hostEnvPortControlApi -- Running Running Envs -------------------------------------------------------- runHostEnv :: MultiEyreApi -> PortControlApi -> RIO HostEnv a -> RIO KingEnv a runHostEnv multi ports action = do king <- ask let hostEnv = HostEnv { _hostEnvKingEnv = king , _hostEnvMultiEyreApi = multi , _hostEnvPortControlApi = ports } io (runRIO hostEnv action) -- PierEnv --------------------------------------------------------------------- class (HasKingEnv a, HasHostEnv a, HasPierConfig a, HasNetworkConfig a) => HasPierEnv a where pierEnvL :: Lens' a PierEnv data PierEnv = PierEnv { _pierEnvHostEnv :: !HostEnv , _pierEnvPierConfig :: !PierConfig , _pierEnvNetworkConfig :: !NetworkConfig , _pierEnvKillSignal :: !(TMVar ()) } makeLenses ''PierEnv instance HasKingEnv PierEnv where kingEnvL = pierEnvHostEnv . kingEnvL instance HasHostEnv PierEnv where hostEnvL = pierEnvHostEnv instance HasMultiEyreApi PierEnv where multiEyreApiL = pierEnvHostEnv . multiEyreApiL instance HasPortControlApi PierEnv where portControlApiL = pierEnvHostEnv . portControlApiL instance HasPierEnv PierEnv where pierEnvL = id instance HasKingId PierEnv where kingIdL = kingEnvL . kingEnvKingId instance HasStderrLogFunc PierEnv where stderrLogFuncL = kingEnvL . stderrLogFuncL instance HasLogFunc PierEnv where logFuncL = kingEnvL . logFuncL instance HasPierPath PierEnv where pierPathL = pierEnvPierConfig . pierPathL instance HasDryRun PierEnv where dryRunL = pierEnvPierConfig . dryRunL instance HasPierConfig PierEnv where pierConfigL = pierEnvPierConfig instance HasNetworkConfig PierEnv where networkConfigL = pierEnvNetworkConfig instance HasProcId PierEnv where procIdL = kingEnvL . kingEnvProcId -- PierEnv Utils --------------------------------------------------------------- onKillPierSigL :: HasPierEnv e => Getter e (STM ()) onKillPierSigL = pierEnvL . pierEnvKillSignal . to readTMVar killPierActionL :: HasPierEnv e => Getter e (STM ()) killPierActionL = pierEnvL . pierEnvKillSignal . to (\kil -> void (tryPutTMVar kil ())) -- Running Pier Envs ----------------------------------------------------------- runPierEnv :: PierConfig -> NetworkConfig -> TMVar () -> RIO PierEnv a -> RIO HostEnv a runPierEnv pierConfig networkConfig vKill action = do host <- ask let pierEnv = PierEnv { _pierEnvHostEnv = host , _pierEnvPierConfig = pierConfig , _pierEnvNetworkConfig = networkConfig , _pierEnvKillSignal = vKill } io (runRIO pierEnv action)
{-| Module : Test.Problem Description : The Test node for the Problem module Copyright : (c) Andrew Burnett 2014-2015 Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : Unknown Contains the node for the tests of the Problem module and its children -} module Test.Problem ( tests ) where import qualified Test.Problem.Instances as Instances import qualified Test.Problem.Internal as Internal import qualified Test.Problem.ProblemExpr as ProblemExpr import qualified Test.Problem.Source as Source import TestUtils name :: String name = "Problem" tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup name [ Internal.tests , ProblemExpr.tests, Source.tests , Instances.tests ]
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module GHCJS.DOM.DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope ( #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope #else #endif ) where #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope #else #endif