(CNN)Did former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez kill Odin Lloyd, a man who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee and might have become his future brother-in-law? Hernandez has pleaded not guilty to murder and two weapons charges, setting the stage for his trial in Fall River, Massachusetts, that began in January. He's accused of orchestrating the shooting death of Lloyd. During closing arguments, Prosecutor William McCauley called the football player the trigger man. Jury deliberations began Tuesday. Even after closing arguments, the motive is still unclear but not legally required to get a conviction. Still, jurors like to know a motive. Evidence collected in Lloyd's death led to two more murder charges against Hernandez in a separate case in Boston. It's scheduled to begin in May, but officials say it will be pushed back. The trial has involved a complicated cast of characters, including two sisters who played important roles in the lives of Hernandez and Lloyd . Here is a primer: . Inside the case against Aaron Hernandez . Odin Lloyd . Odin Lloyd was a 27-year-old semi-pro football player for the Boston Bandits. He was found dead on June 17, 2013, less than a mile from Hernandez's home in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. He had been shot six times. Lloyd met Hernandez while dating Shaneah Jenkins, the sister of Hernandez's fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins. Hernandez is charged with orchestrating Lloyd's execution. Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado . Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado were killed outside a Boston nightclub on July 16, 2012. Earlier that evening, prosecutors say, de Abreu accidentally bumped into Hernandez, spilling a drink. Later that night, Hernandez was driving an SUV and allegedly pulled up alongside de Abreu and Furtado's car near the nightclub and fired a .38-caliber revolver at them, killing them. The trial judge in the Lloyd case barred any mention of the Boston deaths, ruling it would be prejudicial. Alexander Bradley . Authorities say Alexander Bradley is Hernandez's former right hand man who was allegedly with Hernandez on the night de Abreu and Furtado were killed. He is not facing any charges in that case, but he is jailed on unrelated charges. He is suing Hernandez for allegedly shooting him in the face in February 2013, four months before Lloyd's death. Bradley says Hernandez accused him of "disrespecting him" over a cell phone left in a Miami strip club. Bradley testified against Hernandez in Lloyd's death, telling jurors he saw Hernandez handling what appeared to be a Glock semi-automatic pistol during a trip to Florida. The trial barred him from saying he accused Hernandez of shooting him in the face. Carlos Ortiz . Carlos Ortiz, nicknamed Charlie Boy, is also charged with murder in the death of Lloyd and has pleaded not guilty. A law enforcement source says he cooperated with police and described the night of Lloyd's death. Ernest Wallace . Ernest Wallace is also charged with murder in the death of Lloyd. He has pleaded not guilty and is being tried separately. Prosecutors call him the "muscle man" for Hernandez. They say he was in the car with Hernandez, Lloyd, and Carlos Ortiz an hour before the car is seen on video heading to the industrial park where Lloyd was killed. Shayanna Jenkins . Shayanna Jenkins is Hernandez's fiancee and the mother of their daughter. She is charged with perjury, accused of lying to a grand jury about guns in their home. She has pleaded not guilty. Her sister, Shaneah, was dating Lloyd at the time of his death. Shaneah Jenkins . Shaneah Jenkins is the girlfriend of Lloyd. Her sister is Hernandez's fiancée. In court, the two sisters sit on opposite sides, Shayanna with the defense and Shaneah with the prosecution. Tanya Cummings-Singleton . Tanya Cummings-Singleton is a cousin of Hernandez. In her garage, police found the SUV allegedly driven by Hernandez and linked to the 2012 Boston double homicide. She was twice charged with contempt of court for refusing to testify before two grand juries despite immunity offers. She has pleaded guilty to obstruction in the Lloyd case. She is also suffering from cancer. Thaddeus Singleton . Thaddeus Singleton, husband of Tanya Cummings-Singleton, was killed in a car accident after Lloyd's slaying. Police say his speeding car went airborne and crashed. A source says police planned to interview him about his relationship with Hernandez. Shaquilla Thibou . Shaquilla Thibou is the sister of Lloyd. At trial she testified she saw her brother get into a car with three men who turned out to be Hernandez, Wallace and Ortiz before he was killed. Prosecutors say she received a final text from her brother that night minutes before he was shot telling her he was with "Nfl," adding, "just so u know." The judge has ruled that text inadmissible at trial, saying there is no proof it meant Lloyd feared for his life. Terri Hernandez . Terri Hernandez is Aaron Hernandez's mother. She is a school secretary. Dennis Hernandez . Dennis Hernandez was Aaron Hernandez's father. He had a close relationship with his sons and was deeply involved in their sports training. He died unexpectedly after hernia surgery when Hernandez was 16. DJ Hernandez . DJ Hernandez is Aaron Hernandez's older brother. He was a star high school athlete. He also was a standout athlete at the University of Connecticut and is an assistant coach at the University of Iowa. The prosecution . District Attorney Samuel Sutter, who had been leading the prosecution against Hernandez, is the newly elected mayor of Fall River, where the trial is being held. Assistant District Attorneys William McCauley and Patrick Bomberg are on the team leading the case against Hernandez. "Probably my career ... will be defined more by this case than all of the other things we've done," Sutter has said. The defense . Attorneys James Sultan, Michael Fee and Charles Rankin are handling Hernandez's defense. In opening statements, Fee said Hernandez "was planning a future, not a murder." Before trial, Rankin said he is confident Hernandez will be exonerated.
Jury selection for the Aaron Hernandez trial started back in January . The jury began its deliberations on Tuesday . The case has a complicated cast of characters .
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The victim of a road rage attack during rush-hour traffic has come face-to-face with the man suspected of shooting her in the head. Dietrich Evans was arrested yesterday for the attack which left Kay Hafford with bullet fragments in the bottom right side of her brain. The brave church singer agreed to face her alleged shooter in a police line-up and Evans, 22, has now been charged with aggravated assault. Scroll down for video . Dietrich Evans has been arrested on suspicion of shooting Kay Hafford in the head in a road rage attack . Lucky to be alive: Kay Hafford, 28 (left and right) was shot in the back of the head in a Texas road-rage accident but was able to pull over and call for help . Ms Hafford, who is still recovering, had been trying to get on the freeway in Houston when she honked at a passing SUV. She said the pair had an angry exchange and the driver then began taunting her. A short time later, the motorist pulled up beside her, aimed a gun at the front passenger window of her red Dodge Avenge and pulled the trigger, reported Click2Houston. Evans, 22, was arrested on suspicion of the shooting after detectives from Harris County Sheriff's Office say they discovered the gun used to shoot through Hafford's window and a car matching the description of the shooter's. Shot fired: Officials say Hafford got into an angry confrontation with another driver and honked at him, prompting the man to fire on the passenger window of her Dodge Avenger (pictured) Officials confirmed that Evans, who is being held on $250,000 bond, is a documented gang member. Incredibly, Ms Hafford told Eyewitness News she wasn't angry with her attacker but felt sorry for him. On meeting him she said: 'It made me nervous. I just shed my few tears and I let it go. I knew without a shadow of a doubt, it was him. 'Seeing him made me hurt a little bit. I kinda feel sorry for him, but I'm not mad at him. I appreciate him coming forth. He just needs help and they got him.' The victim said she had prayed for police to catch her attacker or for him to give himself up and was delighted her prayers had been answered. Artistic: Both Hafford (right) and her husband of nearly two years, Kendrick Hafford (left), are musicians . Ms Hafford said the argument began when she was 'cut up' by the suspect as she turned into the feeder road to the North Freeway. He had driven alongside her shouting for her to roll down her window and as she entered the Freeway she said she heard a loud noise and felt pain in the back of her head. Despite the gunshot wound, she was able to pull over and dial 911. It took responding constables about 15 minutes to track down the woman's car and get her medical help, reported KHOU. Paramedics who responded to the scene rushed her to Memorial Hermann Texas Trauma Institute. Ms Hafford, nee Kelley, works as a singer at a Houston-area church. Her husband of nearly two years, Kendrick Hafford, is also a musician, according to her Facebook page. When he arrived at the hospital to visit is wife, Mr Hafford described her survival as a 'miracle.' When asked by reporters what he would like to say to the man who shot Kay, the husband replied: 'May God deal with you.'
Kay Hafford was shot in the head after a confrontation with an angry driver . She survived the shooting on North Freeway in Houston and called 911 . Hafford has faced Dietrich Evans who was arrested on suspicion of attack .
[ 0, 14168, 1626, 89, 2590, 6, 13719, 47, 2538, 16, 8, 223, 13, 8, 819, 16, 2514, 1373, 18, 4843 ]
Father-of-two: Paul Doyle, 56, has been jailed after being unmasked as the head of drugs ring . A gangster who lived a life of luxury in a mansion near Premier League footballers has been jailed for 16 years after being unmasked as the head of a drugs ring. Father-of-two Paul Doyle, 56, moved his family into an £820,000 home in Altrincham, Cheshire, despite having never worked and living life ‘on tick’ and incapacity handouts. Doyle - described as a ‘well-known and colourful character’ in his native Salford - put down a £200,000 deposit and obtained a £600,000 mortgage by falsely claiming his wife Jeanette, 49, worked as a company executive. But his family were probed after scandalising the leafy neighbourhood in Altrincham where his teenage son regularly rode quad bikes around the streets and later received an Asbo for terrorising other local children who complained of being robbed and beaten up. Police kept watch on the family’s home where Doyle chopped down the huge front hedge so he could check for unwanted visitors outside. He was eventually arrested during a raid on his five-bedroom house after a major investigation into the supply of various drugs in the North of England, which culminated in the seizure of £15million of cocaine and a haul of heroin. The family have since lost the property and Mrs Doyle is now living in a council house in Salford. Doyle admitted supplying class A and B drugs, between 2012 and 2014, plus money laundering and benefit fraud offences at Manchester Crown Court. He now faces a proceeds of crime hearing. Going in: Police are seen raiding Doyle's £820,000 five-bedroom home in Altrincham, Cheshire, in July 2014 . Luxurious life: Doyle put down a £200,000 deposit and obtained a £600,000 mortgage on the property (above) by falsely claiming his wife Jeanette, 49, worked as a company executive . The court heard Doyle had bought the house as his ‘dream family home’ in 2004 after being freed from a seven-year jail term for cocaine and cannabis dealing plus assault. He was claiming tax credits and other handouts, saying two heart attacks made him unable to work. But he fraudulently claimed Mrs Doyle earned £197,000 a year as a ‘project executive’ for a lettings firm and she was given a mortgage of £616,000. Monthly mortgage repayments were about £3,000 but the accounts were consistently in arrears. And in June 2006 Doyle took out loans totalling £83,000 with finance companies by making similar false representations about Mrs Doyle’s income - and even acquired a new BMW vehicle. Despite the late mortgage payments Doyle paid £450,000 into his and his wife’s bank accounts over a six-year period between 2006 and 2012. On average monthly deposits of £5,778 were made totalling around £77,000 per year. Police began secretly filming Doyle and started to track his car. It emerged he helped finance a cocaine deal in which drugs were brought into the country by couriers who travelled to the UK from France on fishing boats. Entering: The family have since lost the property and Mrs Doyle is now living in a council house in Salford . Going in: Doyle's family were probed after scandalising the leafy neighbourhood where his teenage son regularly rode quad bikes around the streets and later received an Asbo for terrorising other local children . Up to 4.2lbs (1.9kg) of heroin and 170lbs (77kg) of cocaine landed in the UK - but police began arresting Doyle’s accomplices, and he got directly involved in deals himself. He organised a collection of 2.2lbs (1kg) of heroin in Wigan, and then started running a wholesale supply line in cannabis, involving up to 88lbs (40kg), and amphethamines, amounting to around  44lbs (20kg), to crime families in Barrow-in-Furness and Carlisle in Cumbria. He was eventually caught in May last year with 6.6lbs (3kg) of amphetamines in Salford. Whilst in jail on remand police decoded conversations in which Doyle chatted about drugs - one in which he talked about how a friend ‘wanted his hoover back’ - linking him to a Cumbrian heroin dealer who hid just an ounce of the drug inside his Henry vacuum cleaner. Suspicion: Despite the late mortgage payments Doyle paid £450,000 into his and his wife’s bank accounts over a six-year period between 2006 and 2012 . Home: Doyle was claiming tax credits and other handouts, saying two heart attacks made him unable to work . Other recorded conversations heard Doyle use the codeword ‘downstairs’ for heroin, which police were able to work out because of the timing and context of the conversations. Altrincham, a market town near Manchester Airport, is the location of four of the ten most expensive streets in the North West. The top-priced road has an average property value of £2.5million. Manchester City stars James Milner and Joe Hart live in the Altrincham area, in homes worth £3.3million and £2.9million respectively, and Ireland assistant boss Roy Keane is said to have a house there. The local residents also include ex-England international Emily Heskey, who now plays for Bolton Wanderers in the Championship and lives in a £3million six-bedroom house with his wife Chantelle. The Hale area of Altrincham was reported to be home to at least 33 Premier League footballers as of 2010 - including Liverpool, Everton and Manchester United players. Ian McMeekin, defending, said the case was the ‘decline and fall of a drug dealer’. He said Doyle once had a building supply business and when buildings were demolished he would broker on the stolen brick. He added: ‘He is a well known local, born and raised in Salford. He is well known as a colourful character.’ He added that he also undertook protection work in West Africa and China where he was working legitimately but while not paying income tax. He said he was also provided with income from dog breeding. Mr McMeekin said: ‘He didn’t involve his wife through pressure or influence. He operated alone and in ignorance. His wife’s salary was ridiculously high, ought to make anyone question the legitimacy of the application. ‘The defendant has nothing left apart from his family - the house has gone. His ruin is complete and he must accept the whole responsibility for it.’ Sentencing, Judge Richard Mansell QC told Doyle he had ‘barefaced gall’ to claim benefits and added: ‘I’m quite satisfied that you played a lead role in all of your offences. ‘You had close links to the original sources of the drugs and you directed and organised the sale of drugs on a commercial scale. You plainly did make a lot of money from these enterprises - where it has gone is another matter.’ He described Doyle as ‘the head of an organised criminal gang’, who continued to orchestrate the business from behind bars because he had ‘loyal servants working on the outside’.
Father-of-two Paul Doyle moved family into £820,000 home in Altrincham . He bought it after seven-year jail term for cocaine and cannabis dealing . Admitted supplying drugs, money laundering and benefit fraud offences . Teenage son rode quad bikes and got Asbo for terrorising local children .
[ 0, 1838, 30472, 2301, 112, 384, 139, 3, 9, 3996, 927, 13922, 234, 16, 4588, 52, 4976, 265, 6, 2556 ]
Those surprised at Yaya Toure's apparent desire to talk himself in to a transfer from Manchester City this week should not be. The Ivorian's CV tells the story of a player who has always placed pragmatism above sentiment when it comes to his choice of clubs. Toure, for example, left home as a teenager to play in the Belgian second division. Following that came some formative years playing for Metalurh Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. History also tells us that Toure, now almost 32, never stays in one place too long. Equally, though, Toure's rather clumsy statements of recent times should not be allowed to detract from his legacy at City and indeed in the Barclays Premier League. It looks likely Yaya Toure may leave Manchester City this summer but his legacy should be a positive one . Toure has struggled to impose himself upon games for City in the manner seen in previous seasons . Toure's time at City is defined as a success, bringing two Premier League titles to the Etihad . It looks extremely likely that he will leave England this summer. Toure has started to play and sound like an unhappy footballer, the social alliance he has formed with the Etihad's enfant terrible Samir Nasri hardly helping. If and when he does go, though, it is for his extraordinary contribution on the field – and not the unfortunate noise that has started to surround him - for which he should be remembered. At his club, Toure has been fundamental to City's transition from wealthy hopefuls to twice champions. Back in 2010, he arrived as a statement signing - a £24m fee and £1m a month – for a club determined to accelerate its own learning curve. It worked and, on a wider scale, he has simply been one of the most watchable footballers our league has ever seen in its modern form. I once asked a member of City's coaching staff if there was anybody quicker at the club than Micah Richards. He replied: 'Yes, Yaya. Not over the first few yards but when he gets going he is unstoppable. He's like a truck heading downhill without the brakes.' Premier League defenders would testify to that but there was always more to him. Toure possesses an intelligent football brain, the vision required of all top class central players and a sureness of touch. He has also had a demeanour that has allowed him the confidence to play just about anywhere on the field. This, remember, is a man who played as a central defender in a Champions League final against Manchester United. The first time he had ever played that position, he faced off with Cristiano Ronaldo as Barcelona won in Rome in 2009. 'We had a good team so it was not that hard for me that night,' Toure told this newspaper in December 2011. Toure (right) demonstrated his versatily by shackling Cristiano Ronaldo in the 2009 Champions League final . Midfield player Toure (left) signed for City for a fee of £24million from Barcelona in 2010 . Mark Hughes, the then City boss, begun a plan to sign Kolo Toure in an attempt to entice Yaya along . In that same interview, Toure admitted that he liked to listen to Whitney Houston in his car on the way to training. 'That other music makes my head hurt,' he laughed. A detail that had been leaked rather mischievously by his brother Kolo, it pointed to a relationship that went straight to the heart of Toure's presence at the Etihad Stadium. Though he didn't arrive at City until five summers ago, City's pursuit of Toure had actually started eighteen months earlier in the January window of 2009. Stunned by a home FA Cup defeat to Nottingham Forest, City's then manager Mark Hughes presented the club's board with a list of transfer targets. Toure, then in his Barcelona pomp, was on it and so, cleverly, was his brother. The plan was straight forward. Sign Kolo and maybe Yaya would follow. The two brothers – as close as could be – had always wanted to play together domestically and Kolo's subsequent recruitment from Arsenal in the summer of 2009 was the trigger for the arrival of Yaya a year later. Sadly for Hughes, sacked at Christmas later that year, he wasn't around to see his plan come together. Nevertheless, Yaya's arrival remains one of the pivotal moments in the development of the modern Manchester City. The plan worked, with both Ivory Coast players gradually signing, but Hughes had been sacked by then . Toure (left) is a quiet figure away from the field and refuted reports of a fall-out with Mario Balotelli . Toure (centre) led City to the Premier League title 2012 and inspired an important victory at Newcastle . Away from the field, the lumbering Toure has always been a relatively gentle soul. When he ordered a 50inch TV from a store in South Manchester soon after his arrival in the area, he was immediately told by wife Gineba to return it. It was simply too big – she said – which was interesting given that on the same day she had taken delivery of a dressing table with Swarovski diamonds embedded in the drawer handles. When, in April 2012, Toure was accused in print of arguing with Mario Balotelli during half-time of a game against Sunderland he invited Sportsmail to talk to him. 'I love Mario,' he said. 'I am going to take him on holiday to Africa.' That trip never took place but on the field Toure fulfilled the promises he made when he arrived. A winning goal in an FA Cup semi-final against Manchester United in 2011 was followed by another, against Stoke City, in the final. City were up and running and when Toure scored from 30 yards at Newcastle a year later, a first Premier League title was on its way. For a while, he was almost unstoppable. Toure (left) also led City to FA Cup glory in 2011 with a decisive goal against United in the semi-final . Toure also scored City's winning goal against Stoke City in the FA Cup final in 2011 . Toure delivered the trophies that he was brought in to do and will be missed at City when he departs . This season, Toure has not been at his best. He has, at times, looked his age. His manager Manuel Pellegrini hasn't always helped by asking him to play as part of a holding two in midfield when it has been apparent for a while that he is now most effective as a modern day number ten, free of defensive obligations. City still win lots of games when Toure starts, though. They will miss him when he goes. The footprints he leaves behind will be deep ones.
Yaya Toure arrived at Manchester City in 2010 from Barcelona . He has led City to two Premier League titles, an FA Cup and a League Cup . If he departs City in the summer, the club will find it hard to replace him .
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Forget learning ABCs. One doting dad has been teaching his son how to 'magically fly'. YouTube videos show four-month-old Noah Monte perfectly balancing on the palm of his father's hand as he's lifted through the air. As he whizzes up and down, the infant manages to keep his legs and body upright. His outstretched arms help him to remain airborne. Caught on camera: YouTube videos show four-month-old Noah Monte perfectly balancing on the palm of his father's hand as he's lifted through the air . Bystanders are heard laughing in the background as they watch the tot in action. Noah apparently started performing the 'circus act' when he was just one-month-old. However, as he was still wobbly on his legs he was lifted low to the ground. He also clung on to one of his father's hands for extra support. Perfect balance: As he whizzes up and down, the infant manages to keep his legs and body upright . Crowd pleaser: Bystanders are heard laughing in the background as they watch the tot in action . When his balance started to improve, Noah mastered the stunt hands-free. But now, more than a year on, it appears he could be getting a little too heavy for his father to lift in the palm of his hand. New videos show the infant getting up to more grown-up antics from 'riding shotgun on a skateboard' to tucking into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Noah's parents describe him as having a 'fun' and 'crazy' adventurous spirit. Starting young: Noah apparently started performing the 'circus act' when he was just one-month-old .
YouTube videos show four-month-old Noah Monte perfectly balancing on the palm of his father's hand as he's lifted through the air . He apparently started performing the 'circus act' when he was a month old . But now - more than a year on - it appears he could be getting a little too heavy for his father to lift in the palm of his hand .
[ 0, 5933, 18, 7393, 18, 1490, 24384, 13789, 19, 3, 25403, 3923, 3, 10810, 4733, 30, 8, 8466, 13, 112 ]
The son of a Syrian imam who was shot dead on a London street may have met his father’s killer just days before the murder. Sources close to the investigation, which is being led by the counter-terrorism unit, told the Sunday Times that Abdul Hadi Arwani, an opponent of Syrian President Bahsar Al-Assad, had visited the area where he was killed with his son days before his death. Arwani, 48, was shot and killed in his car on a quiet street in North West London after being called there last Tuesday, apparently to provide a quote for building work. Scroll down for video . imam, Abdul Hadi Arwani (pictured), was called to a job in the area he was killed days before his death . When the imam, who had links to the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK and abroad, arrived to the house with his son and not on his own, the supposed potential client asked Arwani to come back another day. The man was identified as black and speaking with an African accent. He pretended to have lost his keys which is why he asked Arwani, a part-time builder, to return later. The Sunday Telegraph reported that the man, who has not been otherwise been identified, also told the imam that there was no need for his son to accompany him again when he did come back. Arwani's children are in little doubt their father was killed by the man asking for the building quote. Scotland Yard is looking into whether the man was a hired killer who postponed the hit because because Arwani was not alone. The counter-terrorism unit has special expertise relating to politically motivated assassinations but they are also keeping other lines of inquiry open. Aspects of Arwani’s personal life as well as his financial standing are being considered. The Syrian-born activist and imam died of multiple gunshot wounds to the chest sustained near to the junction of the Paddocks and Greenhill, Wembley. His car was parked on what has been described as a blind bend, just out of sight of CCTV. Home: Mr Arwani, originally from Syria, lived in this home in White City, west London . Arwani’s VW Passat was parked neatly on the side of the road with its engine still running and one window wound down when his body was found . Neighbours, nearby at the time of the murder, have said they did not hear any shots fired, indicating, perhaps, that the killer used a silencer. Arwani’s VW Passat was parked neatly on the side of the road with its engine still running and one window wound down when his body was found. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist political group to which Arwani had long-standing links, is outlawed in many Middle Eastern countries. One Syrian opposition activist has said despite Arwami’s standing and his participation in protests against the Assad regime in London in 2012 (pictured) the imam was an unlikely target for assassination . One of the imam’s friends was quoted as saying that Arwani left the group in an official capacity ‘seven or eight years ago’ but had kept ties with some of the group’s senior figures. One Muslim Brotherhood leader, Ali Sadraddine Al-Bayanouni attended a gathering in remembrance of Arwani in the capital last week. Described as ‘non-violent Islamist’ by his family Arwani had links to a number of controversial preachers. Among them was Abu Qatada, deported to Jordan and dubbed Osama Bin Laden’s man in Europe. Arwani also campaigned against the extradition of the hook-welding preacher Abu Hamzr for offences related to terrorism. Despite the connections there is nothing to suggest Arwani was anything more than a peaceful moderate. Leaving Syria in 1982 during the last, failed uprising against the Assad regime, Arwami moved to Britain in the mid 1990s. He studied Islamic Sharia in Jordan where he claimed to have been sentenced to death in his absence by Syrian authorities. One Syrian opposition activist has said despite Arwani’s standing and his participation in protests against the Assad regime in London in 2012 the imam was an unlikely target for assassination. Imam: Mr Arwani was a preacher at the An-Noor Mosque (pictured) in Acton, West London, which has a reputation for hosting fundamentalist speakers . Hassan Anywabwile (pictured) from Trinidad and Tobago was brought in to replace Arwani at the An-Noor Mosque . Bassam Tablieh, a solicitor and opponent of the Syrian government, said there were many more obvious, high priority targets for Syrian authorities to go after in London. Police are also looking into a row over finances and transparency which led to Arwani being ousted from the An-Noor mosque in Acton where he was imam up until 2011. He was replaced at his mosque by a Caribbean preacher involved in an attempted coup d'état 25 years ago. Hassan Anywabwile from Trinidad and Tobago was brought in to replace Arwani at the An-Noor Mosque. Anywabwile's name appears in the Caribbean nation's parliamentary documents surrounding a violent coup attempt in 1990 by Muslim group Jamaat al Muslimeen It is understood that Arwani wanted to register the mosque as a charity with trustees, moving it away from its current status whereby the Acton mosque operates as a company. While the building for the mosque was bought for £1 million, raised in contributions from a number of members of the community, land registry records state the sole owner to be Khalid Rashad, one of the mosque’s founders, through a firm called ‘Brickridge’. The murdered imam had reportedly begun legal proceedings in the high court over the dispute. Rashad, 61, a Muslim convert from Wembley refused to comment on the row or Arwani’s decision to leave the mosque. He referred to a statement that expressed ‘great sadness’ at the imam’s death. It has not been suggested that any members of the mosque were involved in the murder.
Imam Abdul Hadi Arwani called to a building job in the area he was killed . Possible client appeared to back off when Arwani arrived with his son . Anti-Assad activist found in the area days later, victim of a professional hit . Police look at personal and financial ties as possible motivation for killing .
[ 0, 28508, 10118, 23, 1533, 3877, 23, 6, 46, 15264, 13, 11380, 6, 47, 2538, 3654, 16, 112, 443, 336 ]
It was one of the greatest TV series ever made, and changed the way we view our planet and the life on it. Now, the sweeping documentary series 'Planet Earth' is getting a sequel. The filmmakers said they plan to use the latest digital camera technology as they venture from the planet's ice caps to ocean depths to deserts and remote forests. Scroll down for video of the original Planet Earth . This photo provided by Netflix and WWF-International shows an aerial view of Hardy Reef, home to the Heart Reef, in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, an area which will be included in the Netflix natural history series, 'Our Planet,' in collaboration with Silverback Films and WWF. The show will focus on the Earth's last wilderness areas and the animals living there. Filmmakers said they plan to use the latest digital camera technology as they venture from the planet's ice caps to ocean depths to deserts and remote forest. 'Our Planet' will focus on the Earth's last wilderness areas and the animals living there, the project's British producers said Wednesday. Audiences will have to be patient: The eight-part series will take four years to make and is planned for a 2019 debut for Netflix customers internationally. 'Our Planet' is being produced by U.K.-based Silverback Films in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund, an independent conservation group. Silverback company directors Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, whose credits include 'Frozen Planet' and 'African Cats' as well as 'Planet Earth,' will lead the production. 'We will reveal the most amazing sights on Earth and show them in ways they have never been seen before,' Fothergill and Scholey promised in a statement. The series is intended to wow 'global audiences with the wonder and importance of the natural world,' they said. 'Netflix is proud to be the global home for perhaps Silverback's most ambitious project to date,' said Lisa Nishimura of the streaming firm. This photo provided by Netflix/naturepl.com and WWF-International shows an African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) in front of double rainbow, in Masai Mara, Kenya, included in the Netflix natural history series, 'Our Planet,' in collaboration with Silverback Films and WWF. The eight-part series debuts in 2019. 'The Planet projects have enjoyed great success on Netflix and have helped launch new technologies for viewing at home.' The firm hopes the show will boost usage of its ultra high definition 4K capabilities. 'We think watching Our Planet, fully on demand in 4K will be an unforgettable experience for our members.' World Wildlife Fund is opening its projects in protected areas to Silverback Films and will join with the company to create multimedia storytelling on WWF's website and other platforms. The series will introduce viewers to fragile habitats and 'precious species' and comes at a critical time for global conservation, said Colin Butfield, WWF executive producer. It also demonstrates the growing power of new-wave TV outlets like Netflix, which are claiming turf from traditional broadcast and cable outlets. 'Our Planet' predecessor 'Planet Earth' was created by Silverback for the BBC network in Britain and was a hit for Discovery channel in America when it aired in 2007.
Filmmakers said they plan to use the latest Ultra HD camera technology . Eight-part series will take four years to make, will debut on Netflix in 2019 . Will focus on the Earth's last wilderness areas and the animals living there .
[ 0, 11894, 793, 892, 939, 3, 31, 17373, 15, 17, 4030, 31, 56, 992, 30, 8, 4030, 31, 7, 336 ]
This felt a heavy blow for Derby County. Looking on course for a first victory in seven Championship games against the 10 men of Watford, they conceded an equaliser to Odion Ighalo that further undermines their promotion ambitions. Adlene Guedioura seized on hesitant defending by Craig Forsyth with 15 minutes to go to slip a weighted pass to his Watford team-mate, who poked the ball past Lee Grant to snatch an unlikely point. There was a seismic rally from the hosts, who ended the game camped in Watford’s box, never mind half. The final act was Heurelho Gomes producing a fingertip save from Richard Keogh’s header. Odion Ighalo celebrates after scoring Watford's equaliser to secure them a point at the iPro Stadium . Ighalo is joined by team-mate and captain Troy Deeney (right) after making the score 2-2 on Friday night . Darren Bent celebrates his goal from the penalty spot with Derby's mascot at the iPro Stadium . Derby County: Grant 6.5; Christie 4 (Lingard 46’ 6), Keogh 6.5, Shotton 6, Forsyth 5; Thorne 5 (Hendrick 29’ 6), Hughes 6.5, Bryson 6 (Martin 76’ 5); Ince 7.5, Russell 7, Bent 6.5 . Subs not used: Roos (GK), Ward, Albentosa, Warnock . Booked: Bryson 56 . Goals: Bent 45+1, Ince 57 . Manager - Steve McClaren: 6.5 . Watford: Gomes 7; Motta 3, Cathcart 6.5, Angella 6, Hoban 6; Layun 6 (Anya 64’ 5), Watson 6.5, Guedioura 6.5; Ighalo 7 (Connolly 77’ 5); Deeney 6, Vydra 7 (Tozser 46’ 6) Subs not used: Bond (GK), Munari, Doyley, Pudil . Booked: Watson 7 . Sent off: Motta 44 . Goal: Vydra 23 . Manager - Slavisa Jokanovic: 7 . Referee - Kevin Friend 6.5 . Man of the Match: Tom Ince . Attendance: 31,748 . Gomes had earlier saved with his legs from Darren Bent. There was a goalline clearance. Chris Martin arrived for his first minutes in nearly two months. But it is only a point for Steve McClaren’s side. Enough to lift them back into the play-off places having fallen out earlier on Good Friday following positive results for those around them. Only on goal difference however. Having played a man up for the entire second half, this was a big opportunity missed. It had seemed Tom Ince, fresh from pulling out of England’s Under-21 side to concentrate on reigniting his stuttering career, had produced a goal of splendour that would do much the same for Derby’s season. Ince picked up the ball in the 57th minute, danced round two Watford defenders and bent a finish into the far corner. At that stage Derby were set for a first victory since February 24. But Slavisa Jokanovic adjusted his team cleverly and Watford found a way through. Derby had begun the match as if the international break had been spent on a leash now removed. A fortnight to stew on poor form and a loosening grip on promotion ambition, here was an chance to illustrate there is life in the old dog yet. Tom Ince watches on as his strike flies into the bottom corner to put Derby 2-1 up against Watford . Ince (left), alongside team-mate Bent, celebrates putting Derby in the lead against their promotion rivals . Steve McClaren screams from the touchline as his Derby side look to strengthen their promotion charge . Just two points collected in six games and the for those around them earlier in the day meant Derby entered the contest outside the top six for the first time since September 27. Watford came into this game with a defeat ringing in their ears too, a 1-0 home reverse to Ipswich, but in pretty decent nick in general: five wins from the six before that. The atmosphere carried the appropriate edge for a match of this magnitude, both sets of fans vocal. It was the hosts who started with greater energy. Watford's Marco Motta saw red just before half-time when he brought down Johnny Russell in the area . Bent slotted the penalty past Heurelho Gomes in the Watford goal to level the scores at 1-1 . The former England striker's penalty levelled the score at 1-1 just before the half-time break . In the 15th minute Bent had a close-range shot deflected wide and from the resulting corner a smart routine, involving Craig Bryson and George Thorne, saw Tom Ince released to the byline. His cutback found Bent but the striker’s former Tottenham colleague Heurelho Gomes saved the finish superbly. Watford, starting with three forwards in Troy Deeney, Matej Vydra and Ighalo who have 48 Championship goals between them this season, carried a sizeable offensive threat. In the 23rd minute they went ahead. It was more sloppy defending from Derby, who have suffered from slackness at the back during their downturn. Cyrus Christie was twice at fault, first losing possession to Vydra when trying to dribble clear then driving his attempted clearance in the box straight into Ighalo. The ball popped to Vydra who lashed home a first-time finish for his fifth goal in seven games. Matej Vydra celebrates his goal - the first of the match - to put Watford in the lead away from home . Vydra (left) smiles to the crowd after putting Watford 1-0 up with his fifth goal in seven matches . Late in the game, there was a brutal clash of heads between Adlene Guedioura (left) and Ryan Shotton . Both players were sent flying and needed extensive treatment from their respective physios . Guedioura was impressive for Watford, and was named man of the match by Sky shortly after his injury . McClaren came down from his position in the stands unusually early to bark instructions and rearrange his side with George Thorne needing to come off injured on his return from a spell out. Jeff Hendrick was sent on and contributed to the equaliser, delivering a smart backheel that gave Ince space to thread a pass to Johnny Russell in the area. He took a touch and was brought down by Marco Motta. Referee Kevin Friend pointed to the spot and, after consideration, produced the red card for denial of a goalscoring opportunity. This was welcome change for Derby fans who had seen their side suffer defeat Wolves last time out after a horrible officiating error. Bent stepped up and dispatched the penalty with clinical power, his eighth goal since arriving on loan from Aston Villa. McClaren replaced Christie with Jesse Lingard in a bold attacking move at the interval, in search of a crucial victory. But it was not to be. Bent swivels to shoot at Gomes in the Watford goal, but he puts it wide and misses the chance to score . Bent reacts to his missed chance, while Watford's Ben Watson (right) watches on with relief . Watford are still in the hunt for a promotion spot after they hung on for a 2-2 draw despite losing a man .
Matej Vydra opened the scoring with his fifth goal in seven matches . Watford could not hold on after Marco Motta gave away a penalty . He was shown a straight red card and Darren Bent scored the spot kick . In the second half, Tom Ince scored to complete Derby's comeback . Watford weren't finished though, and Odion Ighalo levelled at 2-2 .
[ 0, 9899, 23, 106, 27, 122, 3828, 32, 5799, 45, 8, 10736, 2140, 12, 2451, 3129, 17, 2590, 3, 9 ]
Manchester City are rivalling Manchester United and Arsenal for Valenciennes teenage defender Dayot Upamecano. The 16-year-old almost joined United in the January transfer window only for him to opt to stay in France for a few more months. Centre-back Umecano has played for France at U16 and U17 level. Manchester City are rivalling Manchester United and Arsenal for Valenciennes defender Dayot Upamecano . Monaco, Inter Milan and Paris St Germain had also expressed interest. Fourth-placed City face Aston Villa at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday. Manuel Pellegrini's Manchester City side face Aston Villa at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday .
Dayot Upamecano was close to signing for Manchester United in January . The 16-year-old, however, opted to stay in France with Valenciennes . Centre-back Upamecano has played for France at U16 and U17 level . Arsenal are also interested in the defender as Man City join chase .
[ 0, 9145, 896, 33, 8374, 697, 9145, 907, 11, 22358, 21, 1430, 32, 17, 3234, 265, 15, 1608, 32, 3 ]
(CNN)Marine life seen swimming in unusual places. Water temperatures warmer than they should be. No snow where there should be feet of it. Some scientists are saying "The Blob" could be playing a factor. As monikers go, the blob doesn't sound very worrisome. But if you're a salmon fisherman in Washington or a California resident hoping to see the end of the drought, the blob could become an enemy of top concern. A University of Washington climate scientist and his associates have been studying the blob -- a huge area of unusually warm water in the Pacific -- for months. "In the fall of 2013 and early 2014 we started to notice a big, almost circular mass of water that just didn't cool off as much as it usually did, so by spring of 2014 it was warmer than we had ever seen it for that time of year," said Nick Bond, who works at the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean in Seattle, Washington. Bond, who gave the blob its name, said it was 1,000 miles long, 1,000 miles wide and 100 yards deep in 2014 -- and it has grown this year. And it's not the only one; there are two others that emerged in 2014, Nate Mantua of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center -- part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) -- said in September. One is in the Bering Sea and the other is off the coast of Southern California. Waters in the blob have been warmer by about 5.5 degrees, a significant rise. A recent set of studies published in Geophysical Research Letters by Bond's group points to a high-pressure ridge over the West Coast that has calmed ocean waters for two winters. The result was more heat staying in the water because storms didn't kick up and help cool the surface water. "The warmer temperatures we see now aren't due to more heating, but less winter cooling," a recent news release from the University of Washington announcing the studies said. The university has worked with NOAA on the research. According to New Scientist magazine, some marine species are exploring the warmer waters, leading some fish to migrate hundreds of miles from their normal habitats. The magazine cited fisherman and wildlife officials in Alaska who have seen skipjack tuna and thresher sharks. Pygmy killer whales have been spotted off the coast of Washington. "I've never seen some of these species here before," Bill Peterson of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle told the New Scientist. And he was worried about the adult Pacific salmon that normally feed on tiny crustaceans and other food sources that are not around in the same numbers off the coast of the Pacific Northwest. "They had nothing to eat," he told the magazine of last year's conditions in the blob. It appears that food has moved to cooler waters. In January, Bond told the Chinook Observer in Long Beach, Washington, that his concern is for very young salmon that are still upstream. "In particular, the year class that would be going to sea next spring," he said. NOAA said in a news release last month that California sea lion pups have been found extremely underweight and dying, possibly because of an ocean with fewer things to eat. "We have been seeing emaciated or dehydrated sea lions show up on beaches," Justin Greenman, assistant stranding coordinator for NOAA on the West Coast, told CNN. The numbers are overwhelming facilities that care for the stranded sea lions, most of whom are pups, local officials said. Record number of sea lion pups stranded in California . The blob also is affecting life on land. For the past few years, that persistent ridge of high pressure has kept the West dry and warm, exacerbating the drought in California, Oregon and Washington. One of the primary problems is small snow accumulation in the mountains. In early April, officials measured the snowpack in California at a time when it should be the highest. This year it hit an all-time low at 1.4 inches of water content in the snow, just 5% of the annual average. The previous low for April 1 had been 25% in 1977 and 2014. (pdf) Gov. Jerry Brown, in announcing water restrictions the same day, stood on a patch of dry, brown grass in the Sierra Nevada mountains that is usually blanketed by up to 5 feet of snow. Low California snowpack ushers mandatory water restrictions . The heat has caused rising air, which can lead to conditions that produce more thunderstorms. With warmer air in California, areas at higher elevations that usually see snow have seen rain instead. That has led to the lower snowpack and helped compound the drought. The storms also mean more lightning and more wildfires. And the blob affects people on other areas of the country. That same persistent jet stream pattern has allowed cold air to spill into much of the Midwest and East. This stuck pattern has led to the record cold and snow in the Midwest and Northeast over the last two seasons with record snows we have seen in Boston and Detroit, and the most snow we have seen in decades for cities such as Chicago. The weather pattern is confusing the experts. There are some that think it might be a Pacific Decadal Oscillation, a long-lasting El Nino-like pattern in the Pacific. Dennis Hartmann, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Washington, doesn't believe the answer is clear. "I don't think we know ..." he said in the university's news release. "Maybe it will go away quickly and we won't talk about it anymore, but if it persists for a third year, then we'll know something really unusual is going on." CNN's Sam Stringer contributed to this report.
Waters in a huge area of the Pacific are running 5.5 degrees warmer than normal . Marine life that likes cooler water has moved and others that like warm seas are seen in new places . "The Blob" might be having an effect on rain and snow -- and the West Coast drought .
[ 0, 71, 126, 810, 845, 3, 4672, 115, 19, 11668, 2286, 307, 6, 11668, 2286, 1148, 11, 910, 6460, 1659 ]
Technology that claims to transform any smartphone into a Star Trek-style tricorder is set to be unveiled in Israel. The company behind the device says it has the potential to break down the chemical components of almost any object from a distance. The technology could help a range of industries such as food and drink, healthcare and the defence sector, the researchers claim. Scroll down for video . Technology that claims to transform any smartphone into a Star Trek-style tricorder is set to be unveiled in Israel. The company behind the device says it has the potential to break down the chemical components of almost any object from a distance. The image shows how the picture might be used . Unispectral Technologies and Tel Aviv University, who are behind the system, say it works by analysing a materials 'hyperspectral signature', which is its unique chemical fingerprint. The team have already patented the optical part of the system, which is based on existing microelectromechanical or 'MEMS' technology. 'The optical element acts as a tunable filter and the software - an image fusion library - would support this new component and extract all the relevant information from the image,' said Professor David Mendlovic at Tel Aviv University. Hyperspectral imaging collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. A Tricorder is a scanning device used by Starfleet personnel in the Star Trek universe. It was used largely by Mr Spock, the alien first officer of the Starship Enterprise . Once the camera take an image, the data would be further analysed by a third-party to extract the hyperspectral signature at any location in the image. Hyperspectral imaging collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. For each pixel in an image, a hyperspectral camera acquires the light intensity for a large number of different spectral bands. This allows it to provide more detailed information about the scene than a normal color camera, which only acquires three different spectral bands. The imaging works in both video and still photography, he says. 'We are close to producing a prototype, which is scheduled for release in June,' said Professor Mendlovic. 'A long list of fields stand to gain from this new technology. 'We predict hyperspectral imaging will play a major role in consumer electronics, the automotive industry, biotechnology, and homeland security.' This back-end analyser would need a large database of hyperspectral signatures at its disposal. Applications of the sensor include remote health monitoring and industrial quality control. 'Agricultural applications may also benefit because hyperspectral imaging could be used to identify properties of crops, vegetables, and other types of foods,' Mr Raz says. 'Its hyperspectral platform is also suitable for wearable devices.' A first-generation demonstration system of the camera.  Once the camera take an image, the data would be further analysed by a third-party to extract the hyperspectral signature at any location in the image . According to Professor Mendlovic, Unispectral is currently in discussions with major smartphone makers, car companies, and wearable device makers to move the technology forward. A Tricorder is a scanning device used by Starfleet personnel in the Star Trek universe. There are two variations; a regular (engineering) Tricorder and a medical Tricorder. Medical Tricorders are used to wirelessly scan a patient, either in a ‘sick bay’ on a star ship or during an away mission. The scanning tool can determine a patient’s medical status, and allows doctors to quickly and easily diagnose their condition without an intensive or invasion examination. And the company isn't the only one hoping to recreate Spock's Tricorder. Earlier this year, researchers revealed a gadget that can be used to diagnose an illness simply by holding it to the forehead. Named Scanadu Scout, the small round device is able to read a number of vital signs, including heart rate and temperature. It contains a variety of different sensors alongside a microphone on the top of the gadget that together, can read vital signs, including body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen level, heart rate variability and pulse wave transit time (PWTT). PWTT is the time it takes for a heartbeat to reach somewhere else in a person's body and is related to blood pressure. Its makers claim the device is 99 per cent accurate in less than 10 seconds. Scanadu was finalist in the Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize, which was launched in 2013 to inspire a wireless device capable of detecting a range of diseases, including anaemia, tuberculosis and diabetes. Another device by London-based, ScanNurse, uses computer-vision techniques to analyse images taken with a camera. The scientists hope their system will make observations of the inside of the ears or throat, in the same way a doctor would, and then feed it into a computer for analysis. Other teams are using blood and urine samples to test for key markers. The tiny microfluidic devices will, they claim, work in a similar way to hospital-lab tests.
System uses combination of powerful software and 'MEMS' technology . This allows the camera to pick up the hyperspectral image of an object . Hyperspectral imaging reveals chemical composition from a distance . Data will be analysed elsewhere and the results sent to a smartphone .
[ 0, 15511, 228, 199, 3, 9, 620, 13, 5238, 224, 38, 542, 11, 3281, 6, 4640, 11, 8, 13613, 2393 ]
Manchester United have identified Borussia Dortmund midfielder Ilkay Gundogan as the leading contender to fill Michael Carrick's midfield role. United are eyeing a £20.5million deal for the central midfielder, and reports emanating from Germany on Friday indicated a deal is now close - though those claims were later denied. United will seek to sign Carrick's successor this summer as part of another huge spending frenzy. Manchester United are closing in on a deal to sign Borussia Dortmund ace Ilkay Gundogan . Gundogan vies for the ball with Juventus midfielder Arturo Vidal in the Champions League . Dortmund's ball-playing midfielder Gundogan has been watched extensively by United and has emerged as their primary target. Van Gaal has an intrinsic knowledge of the Bundesliga and believes the 24-year-old has the ability to take over from Carrick on a long-term basis. Carrick, who recently signed a new 12 month extension, will continue to be part of Van Gaal's plans next season - but the club are planning for life without him. Louis van Gaal believes the midfielder is the perfect replacement for current midfielder Michael Carrick . Van Gaal has been hugely impressed with Carrick's contribution at Old Trafford this season. The England international's passing range and ability to dictate the pace of a match has been a key feature for United this season. But at the age of 33, the Dutchman knows the midfielder is in the twilight of his career, while the amount of time Carrick has spent injured this season is also a worry. Gundogan vies for the ball with Hannover ace Horoshi Kiyotake at Signal Iduna Park .
Louis van Gaal is closing in on a deal for midfielder Ilkay Gundogan . Manchester United have agreed £20.5million fee with Borussia Dortmund . Germany international has scored nine goals in 75 games for Dortmund . Arsenal were also linked with a move for the 24-year-old midfielder .
[ 0, 1491, 26165, 24599, 2076, 1846, 49, 802, 18075, 9982, 10169, 152, 65, 118, 7533, 18710, 57, 9145, 907, 3 ]
It looks like a doll’s house that’s been dropped from a great height. A bathtub dangles at a crazy angle. Bedclothes hang in the breeze. Bricks are scattered everywhere. This was Susan House’s beloved home after a huge explosion ripped off two of the walls and left the rest of the property on the brink of collapse. Susan House amazingly survived a huge gas explosion that ripped through her farmhouse - because she was out walking her dogs at the time . Fire crews were called after a tremendous blast was heard, blowing the back wall and windows out and causing substantial damage to the roof . Ms House went for a stroll shortly before the detached property exploded yesterday afternoon, leaving a scene of destruction . A bath tub can be seen teetering over the edge of what was once the upstairs bathroom after the explosion, which miraculously injured no one . The 55-year-old’s house may be in ruins but she can count herself extremely lucky to be alive – having left to take her dogs for a walk in the spring sunshine not long before the blast. She returned to find it looking like a bomb site, with rubble strewn across her garden and her belongings left exposed to the elements. The explosion originated in the kitchen, prompting the emergency services to believe that it was caused by a gas leak because the house is supplied by a propane tank. Although there was serious damage to the remaining walls and roof, some of the content of the rooms remained intact. Books were still lined up neatly on shelves in the downstairs office, a painting still hung on a remaining wall and the computer seemed unscathed. What remains of the detached home, called Bleak House, in Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, will have to be ‘flattened’, according to Miss House’s father. George House, 86, who has owned the property for 53 years and lives on the same street with his wife Hilda, said: ‘My daughter was out walking the dogs at the time. She lives there alone and it was really lucky that she wasn’t there. ‘She is too upset to talk about it. Due to it being bank holiday there is nothing we can do with it at the moment.’ An upstairs bedroom , still with a bed and chest of drawers in tact, is visible from the garden as the wall of the room was completely blown off . Kevin Hinson was in his garden half a mile away when he heard what he described as a 'big bang', but mistook it for a bomb going off . The explosion is believed to have happened in the kitchen of the poultry farm - called Bleak House - which had a propane-fed gas supply . Wendy Matkin, who lives a couple of hundred yards away from the destroyed farmhouse, said: 'I felt the whole house shake' Fire service group manager Sean King said if the owners of the property were in at the time ‘it could have been a very different story’ A spokesman for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service said the gas leak originated in the kitchen. Firefighters were able to put out a small fire without entering the home in case of any collapse . Wrecked: Pieces of brick, windows and plaster lie scattered across the garden, leaving the interior of the home completely visible . Residents in Theddlethorpe said the explosion was heard across the village. Kevin Hinson was in his garden half a mile away when he heard a ‘big bang’. He said he initially thought it was a bomb being tested at the nearby RAF Donna Nook airbase. He added: ‘It was a massive explosion. I’m just thankful nobody was hurt.’ Emergency crews put out a small fire after the explosion, which took place around 4.30pm on Sunday. The police have launched an investigation to determine what caused the blast, but are not treating it as suspicious. Fire crews were called after a tremendous blast was heard, blowing the back wall and windows out and causing substantial damage to the roof . Police and fire crews have launched an investigation into the explosion, which happened in Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, but are not treating it as suspicious .
A huge gas explosion ripped through farmhouse in Lincolnshire, tearing down back wall and blowing out windows . Susan House, who lives in the home, miraculously survived because she was out walking her dogs at the time . Her father has owned the property for more than half a century and said it would have to be knocked down . A bath tub can be seen teetering over the edge of what was once the upstairs bathroom at Bleak House Farm .
[ 0, 10445, 1384, 6, 6897, 6, 47, 91, 3214, 160, 3887, 116, 8, 16813, 708, 16, 1228, 3, 5, 1210 ]
Kate Winslet was a vision in blue at a London film premiere this week. Her stunning body-con dress (top) had clearly been made to measure by Stella McCartney. But my, what big feet — and big leopard-print stilettos — she has! At 5 ft 7 in, the 39-year-old Oscar-winner is certainly no towering Amazon, but nonetheless she commands an out-of-the-ordinary UK size-nine shoe. Kate is endearingly frank on the subject, telling interviewers that Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio found the size of her feet hilarious: ‘I’d put my foot up and he’d fall about laughing because my feet are exactly the same size as his and he’s 6 ft 1 in. He’d refer to them as my canoes!’ The average shoe size in the UK has risen from a dainty 4½ in 1900 to a roomy six today. But fascinatingly, just like Kate, lots of stars from Elle Macpherson to Gwyneth Paltrow all have surprisingly huge feet, as we reveal here. Titanic feet: At 5ft 7in, the 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress, who loves a strappy stiletto, wears a roomy size-nine shoe . Bigfoot: Kate Winslet has revealed that her co-star Leonardo DiCaprio referred to her feet as 'my canoes' Jerry Hall Size: 8 (US 10) Elle Macpherson Size: 9.5 (US: 12) Katie Holmes Size: 8 (US: 11) The tall Texan, 58, is famous for her long legs and hanging onto Mick Jagger for 21 years. She said: ‘I have big feet, and they keep you firmly on the ground.’ The Aussie supermodel, 51, is also a canny businesswoman. She markets her own brand of foot spa — perfect for feet of all sizes, not just Elle’s sizeable twelves. Even at 5 ft 9in, Katie towered over her pint-sized former husband, Tom Cruise. The 36-year-old actress does have large feet for her height - size 8. Scarlett Johansson Size: 7 (US: 9.5) Sandra Bullock Size: 7.5 (US: 10) Gwyneth Paltrow Size: 8 (US: 11) She’s only 5 ft 3 in, but Scarlett, 30, has feet  larger than the average woman. The star admitted: ‘I like my feet — I think they’re cute.’ America’s sweetheart, 50, hasn’t confirmed her shoe size, but is said to wear 7.5 despite being only 5 ft 6 in. They certainly look big — and match her large hands. Gwynnie, 42, is known for her love of toweringly high heels — Michael Kors, Brian Atwood and Giuseppe Zanotti. Her size eights  seem large on her 5 ft 7 inframe. Angelina Jolie Size: 6.5 (US: 9) Uma Thurman Size: 8 (US: 11) Cate Blanchett Size: 6 (US: 9) Her size nines were derided as ‘weird’ and ‘gigantic’ after Jolie, 39, appeared barefoot in a Louis Vuitton campaign. At 5 ft 7in, her tiny figure emphasises her shoe size. Uma, 44, is a modest 5 ft 11in. She says: ‘I’ve always felt too tall, with big feet.’ Quentin Tarantino disagreed, and insisted on close-ups of her size eight feet in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. At 5 ft 9 in, Cate, 45, struggles to walk in her shoes at times — shedding her Givenchys at a press conference, revealing bunions and red, pinched toes.
Kate Winslet wears size nine shoes and her Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio found the size of her shoes hilarious . Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie, and Cate Blanchett all have huge feet . Jerry Hall, Elle Macpherson, Katie Holmes, and Uma Thurman also have feet bigger the average UK shoe size .
[ 0, 37, 6352, 18, 1201, 18, 1490, 13892, 18, 3757, 687, 65, 3, 9, 1270, 812, 18, 29, 630, 9585 ]
The city of Naypyidaw is shrouded in secrecy. It first became the capital of Myanmar a decade ago, after the government decided to move the capital from Yangon (also known as Rangoon) with minimal explanation. Since then, although developed to be the size of 120 Manhattans and to have space for up to one million residents, it remains a relative ghost town. Scroll down for video . Myanmar's newly-built capital city, Naypyidaw, is shrouded in secrecy, after the government decided to move the capital from Yangon . Built mainly for government staff, locals only come to live in the city, which looks more like no man's land than a booming metropolis, if they need to for work. The super-sized highways have up to 20 lanes and are built to be big enough for government SUVs, though some report that the massive roads were also constructed as runways to accommodate the landings of military. Official records state the population is just over 924,000, though any photographs taken would beg to differ. The streets are barren, with just a handful of individuals spotted walking or cycling through the secluded capital at any given point during the day. The city was developed mostly for government staff, including residential zones to house employees in four-storey apartment blocks . Despite a reported population of 924,000, the city's streets are barren and it's rare to see more than a couple of people at any given time . The building of Naypyidaw began in 2002, with it location chosen in the middle of a jungle that hadn't been lived in for more than 2,000 years. Although some government workers moved to the new capital at the beginning of 2005, many employees were separated from their families due to a lack of schools and other amenities. Split into various zones, the city keeps the government ministries far from the military area and there is also a designated commercial zone and hotel zone, despite a lack of tourism in the region. Burmese workers walk past the massive Parliament building surrounded by high gates and empty 10 lane roads . A street sweeper cleans this empty super-sized highway in the seemingly secluded capital city by hand with a broom . The residential areas are carefully organised into 1,200 four-storey apartment blocks. The roofs of the buildings are colour-coded by the jobs of their inhabitants. Despite the government-issued housing, many of the residents still live in slums. When it comes to recreational activities, there's the beautiful Uppatansanti Pagoda, which is similar in size and shape to the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, as well as several parks and gardens, including a water fountain complex that hosts a musical light show each night. Foreigners and investors aren't keen to visit the secluded city and foreign aid workers prefer to commute daily from Yangon . But there are not many people around to enjoy the sights. Reportedly, foreigners and investors aren't keen to visit, especially amid travel agent reports that the area may be 'dangerous,' and foreign aid workers who have visited the city in an official capacity are apparently so spooked by the eerie emptiness that they prefer to commute in daily from Yangon. Despite the fact that the government set aside almost 5 acres of land each for foreign embassies and headquarters of UN missions, only the Bangladeshi embassy has moved to Naypyidaw so far.
The Burmese capital was moved from Yangon (Rangoon) to Naypyidaw, inexplicably, about a decade ago . Despite multi-million dollar efforts to build up the city, foreigners are not keen to visit and locals refuse to relocate . The official numbers reveal a population of 924,000, but rarely have people been photographed walking outside .
[ 0, 37, 690, 13, 1823, 63, 102, 63, 23, 26, 9, 210, 19, 6660, 3964, 221, 26, 16, 4220, 60 ]
She's been on the social media site for less than six months but new figures released by Twitter reveal the Queen is already the world's most popular online royal. Her Majesty's account @BritishMonarchy has amassed 970,000 followers during its time online and more than double the 446,000 picked up by the Prince of Wales and his @ClarenceHouse account. Spain's glamorous young royal couple, King Felipe and Queen Letizia, come next and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge take fourth spot. The real Queen of Twitter: Her Majesty's @BritishMonarchy is the most followed royal Twitter account . The Netherlands' King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are also popular figures on Twitter and their @koninklijkhuis account has an impressive 151,000 followers. With 82,400 followers, the Duchess of York is the next most followed and narrowly beats her ex husband Prince Andrew whose @DukeofYork account boasts 72,900 followers. Nevertheless, despite their best efforts, when it comes to making a social media splash, none come close to the Queen who amassed 78,000 followers within minutes of sending her first Tweet. The missive, which was posted on the 23rd October, read: 'It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R.' Despite its rather bland content, the message was re-tweeted 42,921 times and made a favourite by 47,130 people. Next in line: Charles and Camilla take second spot, while King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain are third . Liked: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who share an account with Prince Harry, are fourth . The Queen's first foray into photo-bombing, which came during last summer's Commonwealth Games, also proved popular on Twitter. Meeting athletes in Glasgow, Her Majesty accidentally wandered into the background of a selfie being taken by the Australian women's hockey team. Posted on Twitter by 'Hockeyroos' player Jayde Taylor, it swiftly went viral and racked up 14,535 re-tweets and 12,960 favourites. Prince Charles has also made waves on Twitter and memorably announced news of Prince William's engagement to the then Kate Middleton via the social networking site. The tweet, which read: 'The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton' was re-tweeted 1,209 times and was a favourite with 184 people. So popular are the royals on Twitter, even spoof accounts such as @Queen_UK have proved a hit, although Her Majesty might be displeased to discover that some also have more than her. Proving popular: The Dutch royals (Queen Maxima, left) came fifth and the Duchess of York sixth . Viral: This snap of the Queen photo bombing a selfie taken by hockey player Jayde Taylor, 30, went viral . The biggest one, Elizabeth Windsor or @Queen_UK, boasts 1.25m followers - 280,000 more than the real thing. Offering snarky commentary on current events, typical tweets include: 'Britain may have talent. Fairly sure Amanda Holden doesn't. #BGT' and 'Conclusion of the #leadersdebate: absolute monarchy. #NuffSaid' Popular though the royal accounts are, most still have some way to go before they come close to the most loved celebrity Twitter accounts. Singer Katy Perry is the world's top Tweeter and boasts 68m followers - five million ahead of the world's next most popular Twitter personality, Justin Bieber who has 62m. Top tweets: Katy Perry is the world's most followed person on Twitter, closely followed by Justin Bieber . Top two: Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are the world's most followed politicians . Popular: Tony Abbott is the most followed Australian politician while David Cameron tops the list in the UK . Pop favourite Taylor Swift has 56m followers while fellow singer Lady Gaga has 45.8m and Justin Timberlake has 44.4m. Although President Obama is among the most popular people on Twitter with 58m followers, the majority of politicians don't fare quite so well. In second place is Indian premier Narendra Modi with 8.5m followers and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the former President of Indonesia, with 5.3m. David Cameron is the most followed British politician with 3.1m followers on his @No10Gov account and a further 976,000 on his personal @David_Cameron account. Ed Miliband has a mere 440,000 for his @Ed_Miliband account while Nick Clegg has amassed 231,000 on his. In Australia, the most popular politician is Prime Minister Tony Abbott with 486,000 followers, with Labor leader Bill Shorten boasting just 101,000.
The Queen is the most followed royal on Twitter with 970,000 followers . Next most popular is Prince Charles, then Spain's King Felipe . Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also popular . Spoof @Queen_UK tops the lot with 1.25m - more than the real Queen . Top celebrities include Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift . UK's top politician is David Cameron and Australia's is Tony Abbott . US President Obama is the world's most followed politician .
[ 0, 1347, 20821, 222, 63, 31, 7, 3320, 279, 13224, 7, 107, 9168, 7064, 63, 65, 183, 3974, 26, 668 ]
A father and son were shot dead in an execution-style murder moments after party guests left their home in a quiet neighborhood. Nicholas Pence, 25, and his father David, an oil company manager, had been celebrating a victorious football game in their garage in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday. But moments after jovially waving goodbye to the last-remaining revelers shortly before midnight, they were both shot dead at close range in an attack that shocked and baffled the quiet community of Metairie. They were found by David's wife, Nicholas's mother, who had been in a bedroom when she heard gun shots. Scroll down for video . Shocking: Nicholas Pence, 25, (left) and his father David, 56, (right) were shot dead 'execution-style' at home on Wednesday night after a football party in their garage, or 'man cave'. Police believe it was a botched burglary . Tragic: They were found lifeless by Elizabeth Pence (center), mother to Nicholas (second left) and wife to David (right) moments after the shooting, which has left the quiet neighborhood of Metairie in mourning and shock . Charged: Police arrested Dexter Allen, 17, (left), and Haraqyon Degruy, 18, (right) in connection with the killings . On Sunday, police revealed 18-year-old Haraqyon Degruy and her friend Dexter Allen, 17, have been charged with the double killing. Neither have a 'significant' criminal history, officers revealed. The police investigation has failed to determine at link between the alleged assailants and their victims, or a motive. David Pence, a manager at a New Orleans branch of the international oil firm Baker Hughes Inc, was shot three times in the chest while sat in an armchair. Nicholas was shot in the face and back. He was found lying on the floor of their so-called 'man cave'. Elizabeth Pence dialed 911 to report the shooting, and the theft of her purse, iPod and iPhone. Friends of Nicholas, known to friends as Nick or 'Peezy', have set up a fundraising page to supplement funeral costs and support his surviving mother and sister. The family lived on Clifford Drive, a leafy part of Metairie, which is one of New Orleans' wealthier areas . Initial reports suggest it could have been a botched armed burglary, as Allen and Degruy were linked to earlier car break-ins. Addressing a press conference on Sunday, Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand said: 'Once again, this particular happenstance was completely, totally, shock-the-conscience type of homicide — obviously execution-style, very close.' Members of the community have expressed their horror, describing Nicholas and David as outgoing and lively neighbors. 'They were very good people. They got along with everybody.' close family friend Paul Meyer told WWL TV. 'I can't comprehend how someone could do this to a family like that.' Another friend said he was in the garage with Nicholas just minutes before the murder. Police believe 17-year-old Allen fired the fatal shots before running to the car and saying 'I just shot two people' to Degruy, who allegedly drove off, the New Orleans Advocate reported. Degruy has been charged with two counts of being an accessory to first-degree murder and one count of vehicle burglary. Allen is being held on charges of fleeing police and two counts of first-degree murder. Weapon: Col John Fortunato of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office holds the heavy-duty gun which authorities believe was used to kill David, an oil company manager, and his son Nicholas after their party this week . A police report says the younger Pence had pointed out a suspicious white Toyota crawling through the street . Neighbor and friend Michael Soignet has described the agonizing moment Mrs Pence returned to the address, saying: 'She just gave me a strapping hug, and I choked up. She choked up. There were just no words.' Describing the victims to The New Orleans Advocate, she said: 'You'll never find anybody that's going to throw out a bad word on them, and if somebody does, they don't have their story right. 'This had to be a random act. It had to be.'
Nicholas Pence, 25, and his father David, 56, had friends round to celebrate a victorious football game on Wednesday in their rural New Orleans home . Their guests left at midnight, moments later they were both shot dead . David was shot three times in his chair and Nicholas was shot twice with tactical shotgun . Quiet wealthy community reeling, said both men 'got on with everybody' Two teenagers, aged 17 and 18, charged with the killing . Police believe it was a botched burglary, connected them to car break-ins .
[ 0, 22509, 276, 1433, 6, 14105, 11, 112, 2353, 1955, 6, 11526, 6, 2538, 44, 70, 234, 30, 2875, 3 ]
A lonely man has taken his search for love - or lust - online, posting an advertisement complete with his desires, or 'requirements'. The outback Casanova, who lives in Humpty Doo, Northern Territory, detailed his dream girl on Gumtree. 'WANTED!!!!! girlfriend/wife, must love pets... Accomodation available, position MAY offer company car, phone and laptop, to the 'successful candidate',' it reads. Scroll down for video . 'Rich' who lives in Humpty Doo, Northern Territory, detailed his dream girl on Gumtree . 'Prefer NON drinker and smoker (i know i'm dreamin), fit attractive, will get free gym membership, to a gym of there choice, phone of there choice, must be reliable, honest, and loyal, good around th house, be good with their hands, good cook, great in bed.' The advertisement outlined how the successful applicant must enjoy the outdoors, but is also 'also a princess when need to be'. For his part, the 31-year-old only identified as Rich, described himself as: 'athletic build, white, heavily tattoo'd brown hair, brown eyes, don't drink, don't smoke, DON'T do drugs, like travelling, love the outdoors, sports, fishing, camping blah blah blah.' The post continues: '175cm tall, WELL Endowed, own my own property(s) make great money, succesful, love cars, bikes, very independant.' The 31-year-old's advertisement included a list of requirements in his potential partner, and personal details about himself . The advertisement outlined how the successful applicant must enjoy the outdoors, but is also 'also a princess when need to be' Rich also said he is 'not shy of blowin cash on my woman', and his potential partner would 'receive lots of benefits'. And, there's no reason to be shy ladies, 'Rich' promised 'all reasonable offers will be considered'. The hopeless romantic also stated former partners need not apply. Daily Mail Australia unsuccessfully attempted to contact the man behind the commercial.
Man posted advertisement seeking 'girlfriend/wife' on Gumtree . Rich, 31, says potential partner would be showered with gifts and benefits . Post says the lucky girl would a gym membership, phone, laptop and car . 'Previous applicants need NOT apply (NO exs)' the advertisement says .
[ 0, 37, 2664, 18, 1201, 18, 1490, 388, 1694, 8, 21592, 30, 2846, 51, 929, 15, 3, 5, 3, 31 ]
These incredible photographs appear to capture a fire-breathing dragon in the sky - just in time for St George's Day. With its large snout and blackened eyes, the furious-looking beast appeared to breath fire as it stared down from the sky in the bizarre cloud formation. Captured at dusk the red sky adds a fiery hue behind the clouded creature giving it an uncanny likeness to the legend of the fire breathing dragon slain by St George - ahead of the patron Saint of England's day tomorrow. The cloud dragon appears to breathe fire in these incredible images captured by amateur photographer Nicolas Locatelli . Amateur photographer Nicolas Locatelli, 20, snapped the unusual cloud in the sky above Briones Regional Park, in California on a Nikon D7100. The student, from San Francisco said he didn't even notice the striking formation until he checked his camera when he got home. The image went viral on Reddit after his friends suggested he upload it to the social network. He only noticed that the red sky at dawn appeared to give a fiery hue behind the cloud formation after he got home and checked the pictures . The pictures, which create an uncanny likeness to the fire breathing dragon slain by St George, the patron Saint of England, were captured at dusk above Briones Regional Park, in California . Nicolas said: 'When I saw the image I was pretty intrigued. 'The way the sunset lit up the cloud at the mouth of the dragon made it look like flames were coming out of its mouth. 'The image was timed perfectly too. The image was taken with a zoom lens on a stormy day so the clouds were in the distance and moving quickly so I got really lucky taking this picture. 'The image was received very positively on Reddit. 'When my friends saw the image, I asked, 'what do you see in this picture?' and they said 'definitely a dragon breathing fire' and 'it's the dragon slain by St George.' 'I got a lot of positive and jovial feedback on the image.' A picture of the legend of St George and the Dragon . The medieval legend of St George and the dragon is over a thousand years old. St George travelled to Libya, where he met an old hermit who told him a dragon had long ravaged the country, demanding the sacrifice of a beautiful maiden every day. With the population of young girls decimated, the king's daughter alone remained to be sacrificed, unless a knight could slay the dragon. Determined to save the princess, he set out to slay the dragon, luring it from its cave upon his arrival. But after falling from his horse, St George evaded the dragon's attack by hiding under an enchanted orange tree before recovering his strength and killing the beast with his sword. The slaying of the dragon by St George, a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans' torture of Christians, was first credited to him in the twelfth century, long after his death. The real St George was thought to be a Roman soldier, born to Christian parents in A.D. 270 in what is now Eastern Turkey. Adomnán, the Abbot of Iona in Scotland, provides Britain’s earliest recorded reference to Saint George in the 7th Century. He details the story of the Saint’s exploits, which had been told to him by a French bishop named Arcuif who had travelled to Jerusalem with the crusaders . As the Crusaders returned to England from foreign shores, they brought with them tales of St George, and his reputation grew . A church in Fordington, Dorset, still records St George leading the Crusaders into battle. St George later resigned his military post and protested against Emperor Diocletian against his persecution of Christians . He was dragged through the streets and executed on April 23, 303 AD. Almost a millenia later in 1222 the Council of Oxford declared April 23rd to be St George’s Day . It was not until 1348 that St George became the Patron Saint of England. Today April 23 is celebrated as a day of patriotism for England.
Cloud formation before the red dusk sky resembles a fire breathing dragon . It was captured by amateur photographer Nicolas Locatelli, 20, in California . The patron Saint of England St George slayed a dragon in famous legend .
[ 0, 736, 6408, 9050, 18817, 29315, 7999, 27871, 26, 8, 7225, 3126, 756, 7834, 782, 7, 7676, 1061, 6, 1826 ]
A brother and sister were left severely disabled after maternity staff at the hospital where they were both born, two years apart, made the same mistakes. Paula McKay was told her daughter Natasha had suffered brain damage and would be left disabled after errors were made by medics at the former Sharoe Green Hospital in Preston. When she became pregnant with her second child, less than two years later, she was reassured the same mistakes would not be repeated. But the promise was an empty one. When Patrick was delivered at the same hospital, the same errors were made, leaving her son brain damaged and severely disabled like his older sister. Ms McKay, from Leyland, near Preston, has been awarded £13 million in compensation, a £7 million care package for her daughter five years after a £6 million sum for her son's lifelong care was agreed. Paula McKay, centre, has won a 20-year legal battle to secure £13 million compensation for her two children Natasha, 24, left and Patrick, 22, right. They were both left severely disabled after the same mistakes were repeated by staff at the same hospital, two years apart, during their births . Maternity staff at the hospital failed to monitor Ms McKay, and failed to recognise Natasha was in distress in the womb. She was delivered 10 weeks prematurely by C-section, but staff failed to ventilate her properly, which caused severe brain damage . Natasha, who is now 24, is confined to a wheelchair and will rely on 24-hour care from a team of nurses who help her dress and eat for the rest of her life. After she was starved of oxygen at birth, Natasha was diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Maternity staff at the hospital failed to monitor Ms McKay, and failed to recognise Natasha was in distress in the womb. She was delivered 10 weeks prematurely by C-section, but staff failed to ventilate her properly, which caused severe brain damage. Seventeen months later when she became pregnant with her son, Patrick, Ms McKay returned to the same hospital. Staff assured her, the same mistakes would not be repeated. However, medics once again failed to monitor her condition, and did not spot that Patrick's heart rate was very low. Ms McKay was, once again, rushed to theatre for an emergency C-section to deliver her son. As a result of the mistakes made, Patrick, now 22, was left brain-damaged and with cerebral palsy. Ms McKay, who has since divorced Natasha and Patrick's father and remarried, said what had happened to her family was a nightmare. 'Natasha and Patrick have been through so much in their lives and it has been heart-breaking to see them suffer at times due to the injuries they were left with.' She told the Telegraph: 'It has been a huge struggle. This feels like the end of a very long, dark tunnel. 'It’s obviously devastating for it to happen to one of your children, but for it to happen to two of them, you just can’t take it in.' She added: 'It upsets me to think about any other families going through the same ordeal and having to fight hospital trusts to help children they have failed. 'However I would say to any other parents in the same situation not to give up hope, you can eventually get the help you and your child needs and things can get better.' The family have fought for 20 years to secure compensation to ensure Natasha and Patrick will receive the care they need for life. In 2008 the NHS North West strategic health authority, formerly the body responsible for the hospital, admitted liability in Patrick's case. Two years later the NHS Litigation Authority paid £6 million for his ongoing care. When Ms McKay went into labour with her second child, medics once again failed to monitor her condition, and did not spot that Patrick's heart rate was very low. Ms McKay was, once again, rushed to theatre for an emergency C-section to deliver her son . Natasha and Patrick both suffered brain damage, and as a result were diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Natasha is confined to a wheelchair and requires 24-hour care from a team of nurses . However, Natasha's case took longer to investigate and conclude, because it was extremely complicated. The strategic health authority, which no longer exists, admitted liability in her case five years ago when she was 19. The final compensation, again paid by the NHS Litigation Authority, was delayed to allow Natasha to finish at Beaumont College, a specialist college for people affected by cerebral palsy. The delay also allowed for a property to be bought, extended and adapted for Natasha, to live with a team of full-time carers. Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that affects movement and co-ordination. It is often caused by brain damage, during or shortly after birth. Other causes of the condition include: . It is estimated that around one in 400 people in the UK is affected. The symptoms of cerebral palsy normally become apparent during the first three years of a child's life. The main characteristics of the condition are: . The symptoms can affect different areas of the body and vary in severity from person to person. Many sufferers will also suffer repeated seizures, drooling problems and swallowing difficulties. Some will also have communication and learning difficulties. Source: NHS Choices . The family have now been awarded £7 million in Natasha's case. Ms McKay said the final settlement has brought her some comfort, reassuring her that her children will always be cared for. 'I am relieved that I no longer have to worry about what will happen when I am not here anymore, and that both will have access to the specialist care they need and deserve,' she said. 'Another important factor of this financial settlement is that it will ensure Natasha receives excellent ongoing care that will not ever be affected by local or national budget cuts.' Olivia Scates, a partner at JMW Solicitors, who represented both Natasha and Patrick, said this was an 'unprecedented situation' where two children in one family had suffered brain damage and cerebral palsy as a result of negligence. 'Paula has had to cope with two avoidable tragedies involving her children,' she said. 'To go through such an ordeal once and a child's life to be devastated is tragic, for it to happen to two children in the same family is unbelievably sad. 'However Paula is an incredible mother who has dedicated her life to caring for Natasha and Patrick and has conducted herself with great dignity throughout their cases. 'Nothing can be done to turn back the clock but with the settlement of Natasha's case Paula will have the support she needs to provide that care to her daughter and ensure that she does not have to worry about the future, especially when she is not here anymore, which was a huge concern. 'Natasha will never be able to live independently, work or do any of the things the rest of us take for granted. 'However as well as the highly specialist accommodation and equipment she requires now she will have access to excellent care that will improve her quality of life and enable her to access therapies and activities designed for people with her level of disability.' Ms McKay has a third child, George, now 19, who was born at Kings College in London without any complications. He is now training to become a nurse, to continue to help disabled people in his working life, after helping care for his siblings at home. Sharoe Green Hospital closed in 2004, when it merged with the Royal Preston Hospital to become Preston Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.
Natasha, 24, and Patrick Jackson, 22, were both left brain damaged at birth . They're severely disabled, suffer cerebral palsy and Natasha has epilepsy . She is wheelchair-bound and relies of nurses to help her dress and eat . Mother, Paula McKay, has won a £13 million legal battle for compensation .
[ 0, 1838, 9, 3038, 439, 9, 63, 47, 1219, 160, 3062, 9267, 3198, 9, 141, 8151, 2241, 1783, 3, 5 ]
A leading hospital has slashed cases of a deadly infection that can kill newborn babies – by defying national guidelines to offer all pregnant women a simple screening test. Government officials have repeatedly insisted there is no evidence to support universal screening for Group B Strep, known as GBS. This is despite the fact it is carried by one in four women and infects as many as 400 newborns in the UK every year. One in ten will die. Current guidelines only recommend testing women deemed to be 'at risk'. Scroll down for video . Belinda Bowman, 37, lost her daughter Lily after she contracted GBS during labour and developed meningitis and septicaemia. She was just three days old . But a programme which offered screening to all expectant women at Northwick Park NHS hospital in North-West London resulted in not a single case of the bacteria spreading to infants among those who were tested and subsequently treated with antibiotics. The only recorded cases during the 12-month programme affected babies of women who had not agreed to be tested. Crucially, clinicians noted that half of the women who tested positive for GBS would not have been classified as 'at risk' under the current guidelines – so their babies would not have been protected. The UK National Screening Committee carried out a review in 2012 in collaboration with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives and NHS England. It concluded that not all women who test positive for GBS will go on to develop the infection or pass it on to their babies, so blanket screening would mean pregnant women would be unnecessarily given antibiotics, which carry their own risks to the foetus. Some studies link antibiotics used in pregnancy and labour to obesity and asthma. In premature babies an increased risk of cerebral palsy has been associated with use of some antibiotics in labour. Yet these results confound the decision, prompting calls for the Government to introduce universal testing for pregnant women during standard ante-natal appointments, as is the case in Germany, France and the US. A programme which offered screening to all expectant women at Northwick Park NHS hospital in North-West London resulted in not a single case of the bacteria spreading to infants among those who were tested . Jane Plumb, chief executive of the charity Group B Strep Support, said: 'The risk-based strategy has failed to reduce the rate of GBS infection, and these findings contradict the party line that the risks of screening every woman would outweigh the benefits.' The consultant microbiologist who introduced the screening programme at Northwick Park, Dr Guduru Gopal Rao, said: 'There was a substantial burden of infection in our local community which was not being prevented by the national guidelines. 'Our work shows that GBS screening of all expectant mothers can work and is likely to be more effective than the current risk based approach.' Dr Richard Nicholl, consultant neonatal paediatrician at London North West Healthcare NHS Trust, said he had seen more than 100 babies with GBS in 20 years. He said: 'It can lead to serious illness and high mortality rates so it is much better to prevent the infection, rather than attempt to treat it. 'Since we began our comprehensive screening programme, I have not seen a new case in the babies of the mothers we have screened.' The makers of a new style of leggings claim they will reduce the appearance of cellulite in just 30 days, thanks to the garment's 'dimple-destroying' crystal technology. The Crystal Smooth Anti-Cellulite leggings are made from a fibre woven with bio-active crystals, which absorb body heat to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage. GBS is the most common cause of infection in newborn babies in the UK. Harmless when carried by women, it can prove fatal to babies who contract it when passing through the birth canal. Many develop meningitis and septicaemia and, if they survive, can be left with life-altering disabilities. Known as the enhanced culture method, the test simply involves taking a swab from the woman. It would cost the NHS approximately £11 per patient. Belinda Bowman, 37, lost her daughter Lily after she contracted GBS during labour and developed meningitis and septicaemia. She was just three days old. Belinda, who has three older children, had asked a midwife for a GBS test when she went to be induced at St Peter's Hospital, Chertsey, in May 2013 after noticing some unusual discharge. But she was told it was 'not standard practice' and there was 'no reason' to give her test. Mrs Bowman said: 'What hurts most is that Lily's death was entirely preventable.' Mrs Bowman is now involved in a legal battle with the hospital over claims that staff repeatedly failed to spot how seriously ill Lily was after her birth. She is being represented by law firm Leigh Day. Bond girl Naomie's on a fitness mission . She's the British Bond girl with a body to die for. Now the secret of Miss Moneypenny Naomie Harris's killer figure is out, after the actress was spotted at a fitness class at Champneys health spa near Tring, Hertfordshire. The star, 38, pictured with 007 Daniel Craig at the Skyfall premiere in Rome, tried out the Essentrics class at Champneys health spa near Tring, in Hertfordshire . The star, 38, tried out the spa's Essentrics class during a break to recharge her batteries after filming the upcoming Bond blockbuster, Spectre. The Essentrics method promises to sculpt and strengthen the waist, legs and bottom. A source said: 'Naomie checked in for a weekend and was keen to try out Essentrics. It really works those muscles.
Officials have said no evidence to support screening for Group B Strep . Current guidelines only recommend testing women deemed to be 'at risk' But screening at Northwick Park NHS Hospital, London, resulted in not a single case of the bacteria spreading to infants . Only recorded cases during the year affected babies of women who had not agreed to be tested .
[ 0, 1117, 5981, 1061, 17804, 2833, 16, 1524, 65, 3, 7, 521, 7420, 1488, 13, 350, 4547, 3, 5, 12892 ]
Michael Olsen, 52, has been jailed for 12 years after shooting a police officer in the hand . A thug who shot a hero policeman in the hand as he was tackled to the ground after threatening to blow another officer's head off has been jailed for 12 years. Michael Olsen, 52, from Dartford, Kent, was challenged by PCs Mark Bird and Robert Wilson after abandoning his car in the middle of the road after ploughing into a traffic island and parked cars. He initially ignored the officers who were pursuing him by car but when they got out he turned round and pulled a gun to PC Wilson's head. When PC Bird lunged at Olsen in a bid to save his colleague he felt a sharp pain through his hand and realised he had been shot. They were able to restrain and arrest him, where they found a bag of bullets in his pocket. The 45-year-old officer, who is now back on duty, and his colleague had been called to a routine traffic accident in Welling on October 3, last year, when the incident unfolded. A Land Rover Freelander had been abandoned in the middle of the road after a crash and a member of the public had called to say the driver had walked off. The police officers went after Olsen in their car and spotted him walking along a nearby residential street where they confronted him. PC Bird, who has been in the force for nearly 23 years, said: 'I challenged him and he ignored us and carried on walking. We stopped the car almost straight away and jumped out. 'As I challenged him again he turned around, pulled out a revolver and pointed it about five or six feet away from Rob's head. He said: "If you come any closer I will blow your effing head off".' He added: 'I looked at his eyes, and I thought he means what he says he's going to do, so I went for him with my left arm to try and knock the gun away from him. PC Mark Bird (pictured) was attending a routine traffic accident with his colleague PC Robert Wilson in October last year when the incident happened . 'As I did this he turned towards me. I felt the gun in the palm of my hand and he fired one shot. I felt a really sharp pain, like someone pushing a knife through and then pulling it out again.' Police believe he was on his way to see his ex-girlfriend whom he was banned from seeing under bail conditions. PC Bird added: 'It was literally such a split second thing and we had to try to do something, because we were cornered really, and there was no way we were going to let him go. 'It's only afterwards that you realise the gravity of it. If the bullet had gone through the wrist, it could have gone up the arm and travelled towards the heart. 'Someone was watching over us that night. I'm still here, I'm still a police officer, I'm carrying on.' The officers challenged Olsen but he turned round and pulled a gun to PC Wilson's head. PC Bird stepped in to save him but as he did he was shot in the hand (pictured, his injuries) As Olsen pointed the revolver at the officer's head he threatened: 'If you come any closer I will blow your effing head off'. He denied knowing the gun was real but was found guilty at Inner London Crown Court . PC Wilson said: 'It happened so quickly. It's when you sit down afterwards and start to think about things, what ifs, what could have happened. 'You see the injury to Mark's hand and you think that gun was pointing at my head - so there's no way I'd be here now if Mark's hand hadn't got in the way.' In custody Olsen, denied knowing the gun was real, claiming he thought it was a toy. He was found guilty of GBH with intent, possession of a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life and dangerous driving and jailed for 12 years at Inner London Crown Court.
Michael Olsen, 52, abandoned his car after ploughing into a traffic island . He was confronted by PCs Mark Bird and Robert Wilson but pulled out gun . PC Bird lunged at Olsen in bid to save colleague but was shot in the hand . Olsen claimed gun was toy but found guilty at Inner London Crown Court .
[ 0, 2457, 5424, 7, 35, 6, 9065, 6, 47, 15514, 57, 2104, 7, 2185, 9992, 11, 2715, 9439, 3, 5 ]
A former Democratic congressional aide who pleaded guilty last year to raping two women was spared jail time on Friday because horrific disfiguring injuries he suffered in an unrelated 2013 acid attack. Donny Ray Williams, who was once a staffer for the Senate Homeland Security subcommittee, slipped an intern Ambien in 2010 before having sex with her while she lay unconscious. That same year, he had sex with a woman too inebriated to give her consent, prosecutors say. Despite admitting his guilt in December, D.C. prosecutors on Friday asked that Williams be spared prison time because he is himself the victim of a crime - the effects of which will mar the remainder of his life, Washington Post reports. No jail time: Former Capitol Hill staffer Donny Ray Williams is disfigured from an acid attack that occurred years after he raped two women. A judge on Friday agreed with a prosecutor's recommendation that he not serve jail time due to his serious injuries, for which he's undergone 20 surgeries and still faces more life threatening operations . The decision to give Williams a suspended jail sentence and 5 years probation - which Judge Robert E. Morin reluctantly agreed to - came despite one of his victim's request he be given 'some jail time.' 'He gave me a random dose of drugs and risked my life,' the woman argued in a letter read in D.C. Superior Court last week. The woman had just moved to Washington as an intern. She initially warmed to Williams because she believed he could help her get a leg up on Capitol Hill. 'After the assault, I moved away, and he continued to harass me and threatened me to drop the charges. This crime has caused me fear, pain and a financial burden,' she wrote. The other woman Williams raped was not present for the sentencing, during which Judge Morin said Williams 'was a victim of an independent crime and has serious medical issues.' Williams' own attack occurred in 2013 as he walked down a Washington street. A man approached him and tossed acid in his face that dripped down his body, he told the Post. 'I thought I was going to die,' Williams recalled. Acid attack: Williams was approached by a man in 2013 on a Washington street who tossed acid on his face. He believes a former girlfriend's jealous ex was behind the attack. He's now blind in one eye and nearly blind in the other . Massive second and third-degree burns put him in the hospital for two months, blinded him in one eye and nearly blinded him in the other. Williams believes the jealous boyfriend of a woman he was dating was behind the assault, the Post reports. Much of his face is now gnarled and disfigured and he currently has a massive lump at the top of his skull where doctors have surgically implanted a rod that stretches his skin in order to promote healing. He's undergone some 20 surgeries and still faces more 'life threatening surgeries. 'How easy it is for men to use power to abuse,' Williams said in court. 'Rape is cowardly, shameful and downright evil. I promise, I will protect a woman's right to her own body.' He'd previously denied the allegations against him, saying he only pleaded guilty because he wanted to focus on his health and not a trial. He now says he's a $1 million in debt and jobless after spending years working with such notable politicians as Senator Mary Landrieu and Senator Herb Koh. He worked in the Obama administration as the general deputy assistant secretary for congressional and intergovernmental relations in the Department of Housing and Urban Development between April 2009 and October 2010. Williams had served as a staff director for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee. He started working on Capitol Hill in 1999 for Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.).
Donny Ray Williams on Friday was given a suspended sentence and 5 years probation for two 2010 sexual assaults . Prosecutors spared Williams jail time largely because of his severe medical issues stemming from an unrelated 2013 acid attack . Williams was once a staffer for the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs disaster recovery subcommittees .
[ 0, 309, 25011, 8279, 6060, 47, 787, 3, 9, 14840, 11796, 7142, 11, 305, 203, 28444, 227, 3, 9, 5191 ]
Nasa has finalised an ambitious mission to send a spacecraft closer to the sun than ever before. The Solar Probe Plus will carry four experiments into the corona and study the solar wind and energetic particles as they blast off the surface of the star . During the closest passes around the sun, temperatures outside the spacecraft will reach nearly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Scroll down for video . Solar Probe Plus will carry four instrument suites into the corona and study the solar wind and energetic particles as they blast off the surface of the star. The launch window opens for 20 days starting on July 31, 2018. Over 24 orbits, the mission will use seven flybys of Venus to reduce its distance from the sun. The closest three will be just 3.8 million miles from the surface of the star. Solar Probe Plus is scheduled to launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket with an upper stage from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The launch window opens for 20 days starting on July 31, 2018. Over 24 orbits, the mission will use seven flybys of Venus to reduce its distance from the sun. The closest three will be just 3.8 million miles from the surface of the star. Scientists have long wanted to send a probe through the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, to better understand the solar wind and the material it carries into our solar system. The primary science goals for the Solar Probe Plus mission are to trace the flow of energy and understand the heating of the solar corona and to explore the physical mechanisms that accelerate the solar wind and energetic particles. To meet those objectives, Solar Probe Plus will carry four instrument suites into the corona and study the solar wind and energetic particles as they blast off the surface of the star. These instruments will study magnetic fields, plasma, and energetic particles, and will image the solar wind. The spacecraft and instruments will be protected from the sun’s heat by a 4.5-inch-thick carbon-composite shield. During the closest passes around the sun, temperatures outside the spacecraft will reach nearly 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. How it will get there: Over 24 orbits, the mission will use seven flybys of Venus to reduce its distance from the sun. The small car-sized spacecraft will plunge directly into the sun's atmosphere approximately four million miles from our star's surface. It will explore a region no other spacecraft ever has encountered. The mission - which will fly closer to the sun than any spacecraft has before - reached a major milestone last month when it successfully completed its Critical Design Review, or CDR. An independent NASA review board met at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, or APL, in Laurel, Maryland, March 16-20, 2015, to review all aspects of the mission plan. APL has designed and will build and operate the spacecraft for NASA. The CDR certifies that the Solar Probe Plus mission design is at an advanced stage and that fabrication, assembly, integration and testing of the many elements of the mission may proceed. Solar Probe Plus will carry four instrument suites into the corona and study the solar wind and energetic particles as they blast off the surface of the star. These instruments will study magnetic fields, plasma, and energetic particles, and will image the solar wind. Wide-field Imager: principal investigator, Russell Howard, Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. This telescope will make 3-D images of the sun's corona, or atmosphere. The experiment will also provide 3-D images of the solar wind and shocks as they approach and pass the spacecraft. This investigation complements instruments on the spacecraft providing direct measurements by imaging the plasma the other instruments sample. Fields Experiment: principal investigator, Stuart Bale, University of California Space Sciences Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif. This investigation will make direct measurements of electric and magnetic fields, radio emissions, and shock waves that course through the sun's atmospheric plasma. The experiment also serves as a giant dust detector, registering voltage signatures when specks of space dust hit the spacecraft's antenna. Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun: principal investigator, David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. This investigation consists of two instruments that will monitor electrons, protons and ions that are accelerated to high energies in the sun's atmosphere. Heliospheric Origins with Solar Probe Plus: principal investigator, Marco Velli of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Velli is the mission's observatory scientist, responsible for serving as a senior scientist on the science working group. He will provide an independent assessment of scientific performance and act as a community advocate for the mission.
Temperatures outside the spacecraft will reach 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit . Launch window opens for 20 days starting on July 31, 2018 .
[ 0, 37, 9334, 22677, 2477, 2253, 56, 169, 2391, 3971, 969, 7, 13, 22301, 12, 1428, 165, 2357, 45, 8 ]
Six Minnesota men have been charged with terrorism in a criminal complaint unsealed Monday, the latest Westerners accused of traveling or attempting to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State group. The six, whom authorities described as friends who met secretly to plan their travels, are accused of conspiracy to provide material support and attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. The complaint says the men planned to reach Syria by flying to nearby countries from Minneapolis, San Diego or New York City, and lied to federal investigators when they were stopped. Scroll down for video . Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman, and Adnan Abdihamid Farah, both 19, and their four co-accused have been described as close friends who met secretly to plan their travel to Syria . Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19, and the five other men arrested have been accused of being 'intent' on joining ISIS . Charged are Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 21; Adnan Abdihamid Farah, 19; Abdurahman Yasin Daud, 21; Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman, 19; Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19; and Guled Ali Omar, 20. 'These were focused men who were intent on joining a terrorist organization,' Minnesota U.S. Attorney Andy Luger said at a news conference Monday. The six were arrested Sunday in Minneapolis and San Diego and are scheduled to make initial appearances in federal court on Monday. They are the latest people from Minnesota to be charged in an investigation stretching back months into the recruitment of Westerners by IS. Authorities said earlier that a handful of Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to fight with militants in the past year, and at least one has died. Three of those charged in the newest complaint - Mohamed Farah, Abdurahman and Musse - were stopped at a New York City airport in November along with 19-year-old Hamza Ahmed, but they were not charged until now. Ahmed was indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during a terrorism investigation, conspiring to provide material support to IS, and attempting to provide material support. He has pleaded not guilty. On Monday, the FBI announced the arrest of six Somali-American men from Minnesota, accused of trying to join ISIS. Above, FBI Special Agent Richard R Thornton details the arrests at a press conference, with U.S. Attorney Andrew M Luger to the left . Despite being stopped already, Luger said, the three others continued to try to get to Syria to join IS 'by any means possible.' The complaint describes several interactions some of the men had with Abdi Nur, a Minnesota man charged previously with conspiracy to provide support to a terror organization. The complaint says Nur, 'from his locale in Syria, recruits individuals and provides assistance to those who want to leave Minnesota to fight abroad.' The complaint relies in part on material from a confidential informant who had himself conspired to join IS before he changed his mind and went to authorities. Some of the informant's conversations with the six men were recorded. The Minneapolis area is home to the largest concentration of Somali immigrants in the U.S. Since 2007, more than 22 young Somali men have also traveled from Minnesota to Somalia to join the militant group al-Shabab. Omar's older brother, Ahmed Ali Omar, was among those who joined al-Shabab, leaving Minnesota in December 2007, according to the complaint. Ahmed Omar remains a fugitive. It also said when agents went to the younger Omar's house after he was stopped in San Diego in November, another brother, Mohamed Ali Omar, threatened them.
The six Minnesota men were arrested Sunday on terrorism charges . Suspects Adnan Abdihamid Farah, 19; Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman, 19; Hanad Mustafe Musse, 19; and Guled Ali Omar, 20 arrested in Minnesota . Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 19, and Abdurahman Yasin Daud, 21 were taken into custody in San Diego, California, after driving from Minnesota . Three of the men were stopped in November trying to fly out of the country, but were only charged this month .
[ 0, 22045, 6286, 6214, 7, 76, 89, 891, 26, 23, 1024, 6983, 5186, 9, 107, 6, 1980, 29, 152, 891 ]
The Mamma Mia ballad Our Last Summer will feel even more poignant in the coming months as the Broadway show is set to end its 14 year long run in September. But it seems fans need not worry as there will soon be a restaurant inspired by the successful show, opened by ABBA star Bjorn Ulvaeus. The Mamma Mia inspired eatery will open its doors a block away from the ABBA museum in Stockholm. Mamma Mia here we go again! Fans of the long-running Broadway show need not worry as a new inspired restaurant is opening in Sweden . Bjorn Ulvaeus, of Swedish pop group ABBA, has unveiled his new musical project, a Mamma Mia inspired restaurant performance, set to open in January 2016 . Bjorn aims to transport the party atmosphere from theatre aisles to inside a Greek taverna. The venue is scheduled to open in January 2016, and is a part restaurant, part stage show and part role play, focusing on audience interaction. Of course audiences will be able to sing and dance to the Swedish sensations' 1970s tunes, to their hearts' content. 'They will be part of a little story in real time, which will be played out during the evening,' said 69-year-old Bjorn. The model reveals there will be olive trees, fountains and scents of Mediterranean. The restaurant is situated near the ABBA-museum in central Stockholm . The musical will include all the ABBA classics from the show, and a couple of ones not featured . The Swedish singer sent fans into a frenzy after revealing on a new website he was creating a 'new entertainment experiment' Fans will recognise the Greek-island setting, but will experience a slightly different story which will change night to night depending how the audience react. The play focuses on the Greek taverna called Nicos' Taverna owned by a man in his 50s and his slightly younger Swedish wife. If the concept proves to be a success Ulvaeus didn't rule out transferring it to other countries. 'I see actually no reason why not,' he said. 'So maybe if we find a good place in London, Hamburg or wherever, there will be a Nicos' Taverna as well.' Bjorn will transform a restaurant to a Greek tavern for guests, staff, musicians and artists. He hopes to create a party in an environment like the one from the island of Skopelos, where the movie Mamma Mia was filmed . Worldwide fans will be keen to see if this follows in the footsteps of the beloved show, which has grossed more than $600 million and been seen by over seven million people. The show opened two years after it first hit the stage in London in 1999, and has since been made into a blockbuster film starring Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried, Piers Brosnan and Colin Firth, to name a few. For years the show took in nearly $1 million a week at the box office, however sales have declined in more recent years, averaging half that amount. Ulvaeus said the three other members of ABBA — Benny Andersson, Agnetha Faltskog and Anni-Frid Lyngstad — are not part of the restaurant venture but know about it 'and wish it well.' The show was made into a successful film with a A-list cast including Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried .
The Broadway show is finishing after 14 years on stage . Former ABBA singer Bjorn Ulvaeus will be creating the musical venture . Guests will experience all the beloved ABBA songs in a Greek taverna . The show will open in Stockholm in Sweden in January 2016 .
[ 0, 37, 1534, 635, 9, 2133, 9, 3555, 23852, 63, 56, 539, 165, 3377, 3, 9, 2463, 550, 45, 8 ]
(CNN)She could stand on a strand of human hair, with room to spare. The microscopic polymer statue by South African sculptor Jonty Hurwitz, entitled Trust, measured just 1/100th of a centimeter and had been called the "smallest sculpture ever made." But the world's tiniest woman suddenly disappeared to an unknown location, likely never to be seen again. While she was being photographed through an electron microscope -- the only way to view the minute creation -- Trust vanished, with only a smudged fingerprint left behind by her photographer as a clue. After an hour long search, Hurwitz and the photographer gave in: "It was horror. I remember saying to him: 'You just destroyed or lost the smallest human form that was ever created in history,' said Hurwitz to CNN Ones to Watch. "It was gone." But was it, really? Hurwitz is an entrepreneur-turned-artist who has applied the same tech wizardry to sculpture that he put into coding a finance site valued at over $500 million. The 45-year-old's "Nano-sculptures" are made from a mysterious resin -- "a big scientific secret", says Hurwitz -- and created through a process called "two-photon lithography." Hurwitz works with a team of nanotechnology engineers at Karlsruhe University, who focus beams of ultraviolet light to "zap" solid the liquid resin, one 3D pixel at a time. The resulting sculptures -- he has also created a statue depicting the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche -- can lie on an ant's head. Put one into the eye of a needle, and it will barely occupy one corner. The "Nano" project is just one of Hurwitz' science-inspired sculptural experiments. Another one explores the properties of the mathematical constant Pi, presenting an indecipherable, "anamorphic" physical sculpture, whose hidden form becomes clear only when reflected in a cylindrical mirror. And he hints that a forthcoming project will also be influenced by his love of the natural world, but will sit at the opposite end of the scale to his nano-models. Hurwitz, who first made his name as the UK-based co-founder of controversial "payday" loans business Wonga, says he makes visual art with a team, as in traditionally collaborative art forms, such as cinema. He discusses accumulating collaborators as an aggressive start-up accumulates new talent: . "I spent a huge amount of time scouring the world for amazing achievements of humanity and contact these people to work with them. For me the creation of an artwork these days is analogous to the creation of a film: for each piece there may 20 people involved, each one brilliant in their field." Hurwitz makes no secret of his desire to bring together contemporary science and art -- delighting in the fact that his nano-scale and 3D printed pieces depend on cutting edge technology, and would have been unimaginable just 10 years ago. Online, fans response has been overwhelming, he says, and the internet has become his exhibition space. It provides an "epic scale" that brick-and-mortar galleries can't match, he says, and estimates 13 million people have seen his sculptures since they hit the web in November last year. "I love the buzz. I love the buzz when I launch a piece on the Internet and on Google Analytics, you suddenly see society engaging... millions and millions of people engaging." "You put a few images on the internet and just watch society consume, engage and think. With comments and blogs and people saying 'It's not art' and people working out the science behind it and people complaining... I just love that buzz! I love influencing society." There's also another side -- what Hurwitz calls "the traditional side of the geeky art world" -- accusing him of being just an engineer rather than an artist. But he's unapologetic: . "A lot of the artistic expression that I bring to the world represents the absolute current moment in human development. Whether it's 3D printing, technology or science, I love to represent the now." Hurwitz says the creation of the physical artwork is "just the beginning of its lifecycle." So what about the missing woman, whose lifecycle has tragically been cut short? She came back to life during the filming of CNN Ones to Watch (in the video above) -- Trust v.2, her new name, has taken the absent dancer's place. Even still, there are some who think neither dancer was ever there. Invisible to the naked eye, how can we trust this sculpture ever existed beyond the computer screen? For Hurwitz, this mystery gets right to the heart of nano-scale's appeal: . "You've got this 'emperor's new clothes' element to this end of the scale spectrum, because you look at these nano-sculptures and there's nothing there, there's an element of me going: 'this sculpture... believe me, it's there.' "At that scale, the sculpture doesn't really exist, or our perception doesn't allow us to perceive its existence. "In a way, it challenges the whole idea of contemporary art, by asking: 'Hang on, a piece of art you can't really see, is it really a piece of art?'"
London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz creates sculptures that are smaller than a human hair . They're made using ultraviolet light and resin, and then photographed with an electron microscope .
[ 0, 8178, 17, 63, 13268, 15686, 19, 46, 3, 12290, 18, 24346, 18, 1408, 343, 11, 3, 12290, 3, 5 ]
Tina Fey was seen out with her husband Jeff Richmond and daughter Penelope Friday morning in New York City. This is the first time the Emmy-award winning writer, producer and actor has been spotted since the tragic suicide of renowned cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Fredric Brandt on April 5 at his home in Miami. Dr. Brandt was said to have been devastated in his final weeks over a caricature of himself on Fey's show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, though that is not the reason friends say he took his life. Scroll down for video . Tina Fey (above) was spotted for the first time since the suicide of Dr. Fredric Brandt on Friday . The writer, actress and producer was on a school run with her youngest daughter Penelope and husband Jeff Richmond (above) Dr Brandt (left) took his own life on April 5 and was said to be devastated over a caricature of him, Dr. Franff (right), on Fey's show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt . Richmond the entire incident was 'very sad' a few days after the dermatologist's death . Fey, 44, looked solemn as she and Richmond appeared to be taking their daughter to school. The 30 Rock star has yet to comment on Dr. Brandt's suicide, though her husband did say the entire incident was 'very sad' a few days after the dermatologist's death. The Kimmy Schmidt character that was so upsetting to Dr. Brandt was Dr. Franff, a Upper East Side cosmetic dermatologist with a grotesquely exaggerated face that was so full of fillers and Botox that the man was unable to speak. The character, played by Martin Short, also had shockingly platinum blond hair, just like Dr. Brandt, and a long list of celebrity and society clients. He first appears in the show's fourth episode, which also features a cameo from Fey's daughter, Penelope. Fey has yet to publicly speak about Dr. Brandt's suicide . The second season of Kimmy Schmidt will start production soon . Penelope (above) appeared in the episode that featured Dr. Franff . Fey has won eight Emmy awards for her work on 30 Rock and Saturday Night Live . Dr. Brandt also had a long list of celebrity and society clients, some of whom gathered in New York City to remember and honor him on Thursday. The invitation-only service, at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall, was hosted by Lisa Marie Falcone, wife of billionaire hedge fund manager Philip Falcone. WWD reports that among those in attendance were Kelly Ripa, Joy Behar, and Linda Wells, editor-in-chief of Allure. 'This is the saddest thing that I never thought I would have to do. When I look out into this room I see so many beautiful faces and I realized that Fred is all around us,' said Ripa as she stood in front of a wave of 3,000 white orchid blooms, Dr. Brandt's favorite flowers. 'He is with all of us now.' Dr. Brandt's other celebrity clients included Madonna and model Stephanie Seymour. Sources said that Dr Brandt was 'devastated' over comparisons to the enthusiastic doctor on Tina Fey's new show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt . The plastic surgeon, Dr Franff, in the Netflix comedy, is played by comedy veteran Martin Short and had drawn unflattering comparisons to real-life Dr Brandt. In one scene, where the lead character Kimmy almost gets plastic surgery, the doctor is seen drinking from a hamster feeder . Martin Short had a small role as Dr Franff in one episode of the TV show's first season. When he is punched by the main character, Kimmy, as she struggles to escape the plastic surgeon's chair, his face dents like putty - which he then inflates with an air tube . Dr Franff appears in episode four of the first and only season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. He's a botox-loving plastic surgeon played by Martin Short. The show follows a Kimmy (Ellie Kemper), who was rescued from an underground bunker after years of being held hostage by a cult leader. She then is hired to be a nanny for the son and step-daughter of socialite Jacqueline (Jane Krakowski). In the fourth episode of the show, Jacqueline visits Dr Franff to discuss a 'foot lift' of sorts because she believes that 'feet are the new butts'. In the fourth episode of the Netflix show's first season, Dr Franff makes a short appearance as a cosmetic doctor who consults with Kimmy (Ellie Kemper) and Jacqueline (Jane Krakowski, pictured) Dr Franff's almost-overly smooth skin and platinum blond hair share a resemblance with that of Dr Fredric Brandt, who is known for being the cosmetic dermatologist of stars including Madonna and Stephanie Seymour. Franff is portrayed as a deranged doctor, whose face is so frozen from plastic surgery and other procedures that he even has trouble forming words at times. In the episode, he cheerily suggests several barbaric-sounding surgeries for Jacqueline, as well as on Kimmy. Franff's platinum blond hair and tight skin have a stark resemblance to that of cosmetic dermatologist Fredric Brandt .
Tina Fey was spotted for the first time since the suicide of Dr. Fredric Brandt on Friday . The writer, actress and producer was on a school run with her youngest daughter Penelope, 3, and husband Jeff Richmond . Dr Brandt took his own life on April 5 and was said to be devastated over a caricature of him on Fey's show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt . Friends say that is not the reason he took his life .
[ 0, 7138, 9, 4163, 63, 47, 894, 91, 28, 160, 2553, 8507, 17247, 11, 3062, 4511, 15, 17696, 16, 368 ]
(CNN)Monty Python in a movie? What a silly idea. But the timing was right for the gang of British comedians (along with their token American, Terry Gilliam), who were looking to hit the big screen after four seasons of "Monty Python's Flying Circus," their groundbreaking British TV series. "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," which premiered 40 years ago Thursday, was the result. The movie, a spoof of the Arthurian legend, did not start auspiciously. The budget was small -- about $400,000, half of it supplied by rock stars, including Genesis and Pink Floyd. On the first day of filming in Scotland -- the first shot, in fact -- the camera broke. The weather was bad. The hotel was dismal. Python member Graham Chapman was suffering from alcohol withdrawal. It got better. On the day of its first American screening in New York, a thousand people were in line by 8 a.m. Thanks to the popularity of "Python" on American TV, the movie was a box-office hit, making $5 million -- more than 10 times its budget. More importantly, it soon became a comedy classic. The dialogue alone has been widely quoted, with such lines as "It's just a flesh wound" and "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries" referenced on shows such as "The Simpsons," "Game of Thrones" and "The Blacklist." Python member Eric Idle turned the film into the Tony-winning Broadway play "Spamalot." The troupe ended up making three movies -- well, four, if you count "And Now for Something Completely Different," five if you include "Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl," five-and-a-half if you allow "The Rutles," six if you ... well, three. We'll say three. Is there a best one? Where should you start? Let's break them down: . From its dramatic opening credits featuring fake-Swedish subtitles to the adventures of Sir Launcelot ("the boldest and most expensive of the knights"), weighted-bird computations and sudden animator heart attacks, "Holy Grail" is probably the loosest and most Python-esque of the Python oeuvre. As a movie with a plot and character and all that movie nonsense, it falls short -- but as a repository for some of Python's best gags, it remains perhaps the best (and certainly most quotable) of the bunch. Besides, it features the word "shrubbery." " 'Grail' is a bit like 'A Hard Day's Night,' " Idle observed in the Pythons' autobiography. "It's got a joie de vivre that's very infectious, it's very hard not to like." Pros: The dialogue. The Black Knight. The Knights Who Say "Ni." Cons: It's sometimes sloppy. And it doesn't really have an ending. Verdict: Better than a cheese shop full of ex-parrots. Probably Python's most consistent movie, "Life of Brian" is the story of a guy born down the road from Jesus who finds himself hailed as a messiah and ends up crucified. It was a satire on organized religion, first-century politics and zealotry -- one of the best bits is the ongoing argument between "the People's Front of Judea" and "the Judean People's Front" -- but try telling that to the protesters. The film was picketed in cities across the United States, deplored by some religious leaders and banned in Ireland and Norway. (Sweden promoted it with the line, "The film so funny that it was banned in Norway.") It did have one huge supporter: ex-Beatle George Harrison, who mortgaged his estate to help fund the movie when a financier pulled out. "He paid for it because he wanted to see it," Idle recalled. "The most anybody's ever paid for a cinema ticket in history." Pros: Graham Chapman's performance as Brian. "What have the Romans ever done for us?" "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." Cons: The adventurous but ultimately pointless animated-alien scene. Michael Palin's lisping Pilate (though, to be fair, it's so childishly broad you can't help but laugh). Verdict: Funnier than the Spanish Inquisition. "Meaning of Life," constructed as a series of sketches, is the most uneven of the three narrative Python films. After the stunning opening sequence, Gilliam's "The Crimson Permanent Assurance" -- about the revenge of some pirate-like accountants -- the film struggles to find its footing. Even the Pythons thought so. "The rhythms weren't right," said Gilliam. "It needed a whole other rewrite," said Idle. Nevertheless, it has its moments: the "Every Sperm Is Sacred" sequence, about religion, sex and contraception; the organ donor who's surprised by a demand for his liver; and -- of course -- the infamous Mr. Creosote, the absurdly fat man who gorges on a monstrous meal at a posh restaurant, regurgitates it at length, and is then encouraged to have a "wafer-thin" after-dinner mint -- with disastrous results. It also has the sweetest of all Python songs: Idle's "The Galaxy Song," which is even more uplifting than "Brian's" "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." Not a bad conclusion, given what happened to Mr. Creosote. Pros: "Permanent Assurance." Mr. Creosote. "The Galaxy Song." Cons: The fish. The schoolmaster's sex lesson. The fish. Verdict: More enjoyable than watching the Upper-Class Twit of the Year competition.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" celebrates 40 years Thursday . The 1975 film is considered a comedy classic . Troupe made three movies together, not including concert works and compilations .
[ 0, 96, 9168, 17, 63, 20737, 11, 8, 6679, 350, 12977, 121, 13539, 26, 1283, 203, 977, 2721, 3, 5 ]
Monaco coach Leonardo Jardim was furious after his side lost 1-0 to what he described as a 'non-existent penalty' in their Champions League quarter-final first leg at Juventus on Tuesday. The controversial decision will add to calls for the use of video replays as it was still not fully clear what happened, even after several repeats of the incident in slow motion. The spot kick was awarded after Juve's Alvaro Morata got clear of Monaco's Portuguese defender Ricardo Carvalho as the striker chased a long ball forward from Andrea Pirlo. Ricardo's Carvalho's initial contact on Alvaro Morata appeared to come from outside the area . The Juventus striker went down under Carvalho's challenge and the referee pointed to the penalty spot . Monaco defender Carvalho and Spanish forward Morata crash to the ground in the penalty area . Replays showed that Carvalho nudged Morata just outside the area but the Spaniard's fall took him inside the box and it was not clear whether there was further contact. Czech referee Pavel Kralovec hesitated slightly, possibly consulting his goal line assistant, before pointing to the spot, while Carvalho was booked. 'It's a huge injustice, there was no penalty,' Jardim told reporters. 'We put Juventus in difficulties, but the result was based on a non-existent situation in an evenly-balanced match. 'The result was created by an incorrect decision by the team (of officials) that referees,' he added. 'This result is not a fair reflection of what happened on the field.' 'All teams should have the same duties and rights,' said the Portuguese coach, who has been widely praised for taking an apparently limited team so far. Monaco manager Leonardo Jardim claimed the penalty decision against his side was a 'huge injustice' Juventus manager Massimiliano Allegri said Carvalho was 'the last man', but otherwise preferred not to get involved. 'I didn't see it, so I couldn't judge. It seems he was the last man,' said the phlegmatic coach. 'Whether it was inside or outside, I don't know.' There was a further surprise when midfielder Arturo Vidal, rather than forward Carlos Tevez, stepped up to take the kick. Juventus midfielder Arturo Vidal steps up to score from the spot against Monaco during Tuesday's clash . Vidal celebrates what turned out to be the winning strike after scoring for Juventus against Monaco in Turin . Vidal has already missed two penalties this season, one in the 3-2 group stage win over Olympiakos Piraeus, and another in the 2-2 draw at Cesena in Serie A, when he could have scored a late winner. Tevez and Vidal had wasted good first-half chances in Tuesday's game but the Chilean said he was still confident. 'We don't have a first-choice penalty-taker, it's a case of whoever has more faith at that moment,' said Vidal. 'I felt I should take it and Carlitos agreed.'
Juventus were awarded penalty fouling foul on striker Alvaro Morata . However, replays suggest Ricardo Carvalho fouled striker outside the area . The Serie A champions claimed a 1-0 win thanks to Arturo Vidal's penalty .
[ 0, 25258, 1513, 3, 18930, 12, 901, 4331, 32, 1290, 9300, 16, 8, 10736, 616, 16, 8, 15132, 3815, 3 ]
Married father-of-two Steven Christopher Costa, from Devon, plans to head to Iraq to fight against ISIS . A married father-of-two is set to leave his home in Devon to fight against ISIS in Iraq because jihadis 'need to be put down like rabid dogs'. Steven Christopher Costa, 31, plans to head out to the Middle East next month to join the war against the terrorists, leaving his wife and young children behind. Mr Costa, who spent six years in the Navy, will make the 4,000-mile trip after raising the cash to pay for flights. He said: 'When you have a rabid dog, you take it to the vet and put it down. 'Lots of people have said it's an admirable thing I am doing. I think it's a necessary thing.' When he arrives in Iraq, Mr Costa will join up with Kurdish fighters and other foreign ex-servicemen who have joined the battle against the barbaric Islamists. The former seaman was recruited through the Foreign Fighters Against ISIS Facebook group, who help ex-military personnel make the journey to ISIS-controlled territory. He has applied for a visa and plans to fly to northern Iraq via Jordan. Mr Costa said he will take his own life if he is ever captured by the terrorists because he does not want his children to see him being executed in a Jihadi John-style video. 'I will be saving a bullet or keeping a grenade strapped to my chest,' he said. 'If I get captured, I will pull the pin and take my life so there will be nothing for them to parade in any propaganda videos. 'I won't be burnt alive and I certainly won't be beheaded. I don't want my kids to see that in 10 years' time on the internet, because it will still be there. 'I am not going to lie, I am frightened. And anyone who says they are not is lying.' When he arrives in Iraq, Mr Costa will join up with Kurdish fighters and other foreign ex-servicemen who have joined the battle against the barbaric Islamists (file picture) Previous attempts by people to go out to fight ISIS have led to them being arrested for terror offences, but Mr Costa says this will not happen to him. He said: 'I'm going to join the Kurdish Peshmerga - not a terror group - who some European countries are funding and sending weapons to. 'There are a few groups of former soldiers out there so I'll be fine. I'm going as a volunteer, not a mercenary, so I don't think I'll be stopped. I'm not being paid.' The former military man added: 'Not seeing my kids is my biggest fear before death. 'People are going to have to give their lives to stop ISIS and if one of them has to be me, then so be it. Mr Costa (pictured) will leave his wife and children behind to fight against ISIS for three months . 'I am not doing it for any monetary gain and I am not doing it for fame. 'My wife was not impressed when I told her, but she understands. 'The war that's happening over there will happen over here. It's just a matter of how long it will be before it comes here.' Steven said he aims to fight against the extremists for three months before returning to his family. 'If I have committed to something, I have to see it through,' he said. Otherwise it would bug me for the rest of my life.' Terror police warned Mr Costa against the trip but do not have the power to stop him leaving unless they suspect of him of carrying out an offence. Detective Sergeant Martin Lakey from the South West Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit, said: 'Whilst it is not illegal to travel to countries such as Syria and Iraq, if your activities amount to offences against UK terrorism legislation, you could be prosecuted on return to the UK. 'Where there is a creditable likelihood of any British national travelling to high-risk area including Syria and Iraq, we will try to work with that person to ensure that they are fully aware of the risks, including highlighting the threat of kidnapping, and the effect of their travelling to fight could have on friends and family back in the UK. 'Our security advice is always in line with guidance given out by the Home Office in relation to foreign travel advice to high-risk areas.' Sir Edward Garnier QC, the former Solicitor General, warned last year that Britons who fight against terrorists in the Middle East would be interviewed by the police on their return. He told Radio 4's Today programme: 'We are in a terrible grey area, not least because we don’t know enough about what they are doing. 'The United Kingdom is trying to defeat Isil. But freelancers are not acting on behalf of the United Kingdom. They may well be guilty of murder, or other sorts of crimes, or they might not be guilty of anything. 'It goes to the general story who go abroad to fight in other people’s wars place themselves not only in physical danger, but in that legal limbo land where they could, if they get on the wrong side of this almost invisible line, into trouble when they get home.'
Steven Christopher Costa is set to leave Britain to fight against ISIS in Iraq . Married father-of-two says he will take his own life if caught by terrorists . Mr Costa says his wife was 'not impressed' when he revealed his plans . Former Royal Navy seaman's biggest fear is not seeing his children again .
[ 0, 1571, 9889, 2353, 18, 858, 18, 8264, 1390, 12, 819, 12, 7457, 12, 2870, 581, 8, 10287, 7, 3 ]
She's been living in New York for a year now, and it seems that Princess Eugenie is right at home in the cosmopolitan city. The 25-year-old cousin of Princes William and Harry was seen texting on her mobile as she navigated the concrete jungle on Thursday. The British royal, who is currently working in New York, showcased her hipster style for the second day in a row wearing a black bowler hat, black leather top and a black and cream miniskirt. Princess Eugenie, who recently turned 25, was engrossed in her phone after indulging in some retail therapy at Intermix in New York . Topshop striped zip through skirt . Earn your style stripes! Visit site . Like the rest of the royals, Princess Eugenie must be counting down the days until the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's second baby. But until then, she's busy in the Big Apple! Luckily for our bank balances, Eugenie is a high street gal at heart (apart from the odd shopping spree at Intermix...) and this is the second time this week we've spotted her wearing affordable pieces. Yesterday it was a Zara biker coat, and this time around it's this stripe skirt, which is from Topshop. When teamed with her favorite pork pie hat (also from Topshop) and black ankle boots, she's got city chic sussed! And the good news is that emulating Eugenie couldn't be easier. Just click the link (right) to buy her skirt now, and if (as we predict!) it sells out, shop our edit below. We love the zip front and patch pocket of this Sixties-inspired style, which would look great dressed up with bare legs and heels, or down a la Eugenie with tights and ankle boots. Earn your style stripes! 4SI3NNA Textured Stripe Miniskirt at Nordstrom . Visit site . Finders Keepers Tightrope Skirt at Urban Outfitters (Now $69.99) Visit site . Nicole Miller Bold Stripe Mini Skirt at Zappos . Visit site . Missguided Contrast Check Asymmetric Mini Skirt . Visit site . Proving she's as thrifty as her royal relative, the Duchess of Cambridge, Eugenie recycled her favourite leather-trim black coat for the second time this week. The young royal completed her look with a pair of Chelsea boots and carried her favourite Rebecca Minkoff quilted handbag. The fashion fan appeared to have snapped up a few purchases, as she carried an Intermix bag. Intermix offers the most sought-after styles from an edited selection of coveted designers. According to the shop's website, within the intimate shopping environment, personal stylists work one-on-one with clients to create looks from designers including Stella McCartney, Proenza Schouler, Missoni, J Brand and Chloe. Princess Eugenie showcased her hipster style for the second day in a row wearing a black bowler hat, leather top and a black and cream miniskirt . The fashion fan carried a shopping tote from Intermix, suggesting she made a few purchases at the store . The young royal completed her look with a pair of Chelsea boots and carried her favourite Rebecca Minkoff quilted handbag for the second day in a row . On Wednesday, the Princess was seen out and about with a female friend rocking a similar urban chic outfit. At the end of last month, the young royal, who lives three and a half thousand miles away from her family in the UK, celebrated her 25th birthday. In the middle of a Palace function, her father, Prince Andrew, whipped out his iPad and used it to video call his daughter, who currently lives in Manhattan. The shop stocks trendy brands including Stella McCartney, Proenza Schouler, Missoni, J Brand and Chloe . If that wasn’t enough, the prince got his 400-strong audience in the State Apartments at St James’s Palace to sing a cheery rendition of Happy Birthday, accompanied by a trumpeter from the Scots Guards. The royal, who was hosting the Pitch@Palace event for entrepreneurs, introduced the stunned audience to the singalong at St James’s Palace, saying: ‘We are going to do something new this evening. ‘The lady in the middle is my youngest daughter and it’s her 25th birthday today.’ Laughing Eugenie, wearing a pair of novelty birthday candle glasses to mark the occasion, and accompanied by her sister, Princess Beatrice, and mother, Sarah, Duchess of York, smiled and waved. Andrew told her: ‘You will notice that we have somebody here to play (gesturing to the trumpeter).’ He then turned to the lance corporal and added: ‘If you will lead us in Happy Birthday please...’ There were cheers from the crowd as the song came to an end, while plenty of others waved and tried to capture the moment on their camera phones. Eugenie looked delighted and said she was ‘very proud, Pops’ of her father’s role in the awards, which celebrate innovation and technology in the creative industries. But the singalong did not impress his ex-wife, who joked - in the style of a Eurovision announcement - that the rendition scored ‘zero points’. The Duke of York holds an iPad as he invites the audience at the Pitch@Palace event to sing happy birthday via FaceTime to his daughter Princess Eugenie . Sarah added: ‘We think you all need to go for choir practice.’ Andrew, however, was content with the gesture. ‘Having been told this was a bad idea, it worked,’ he said. The Prince, who used a Pitch@Palace event last year to send the first royal selfie, joked: ‘’What was it somebody said about children and dogs?’ The social media-savy Royal is also the only senior working royal to have his own personal Twitter account. Eugenie has been in New York for the past year, working for an online auction house. Princess Eugenie of York, pictured with her sister Beatrice at attend The Serpentine Gallery Summer Party last summer, proves she can cut a glamorous figure .
Princess, 25, spotted in bowler hat on streets of New York . Carried shopping bag from Intermix - a designer brand store . Cousin of Princes William and Harry is working at auction house in city .
[ 0, 15615, 18281, 23, 15, 6, 14105, 47, 894, 1499, 53, 30, 160, 1156, 30, 2721, 3, 5, 37, 2390 ]
Famished and queuing despondently as far as the eye can see, these images will have the Islamic State's slick propaganda unit spitting feathers. In scenes more familiar in the most impoverished refugee camps, scores of downtrodden Syrians wait in line for hours for food in the terror group's self-declared capital Raqqa. It's a far cry from the all-conquering image of prosperity its jihadi PR machine would like the world to believe. The pictures were posted on Twitter by a member of the anti-ISIS campaign group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently who risk their lives every day by documenting atrocities from inside the city. Scroll down for video . Impoverished: Dozens of Syrians queue for food in the Islamic State's self-declared capital of Raqqa . Downtrodden: In scenes more familiar in the most impoverished refugee camps, the pictures are a far cry from the all-conquering image of prosperity that terror group's slick PR machine would like the world see . Abu Ibrahim Raqqawi one of the group's founders, wrote the accompanying message: 'Lines waiting for some food. Yes this is the #ISIS State. Hunger, poverty and homelessness.' For those lucky enough to have a home, he paints a bleak picture of life spent in the dark and cold for hours on end. 'The city suffers from a shortage of electricity where the power goes off for 21 hours in the day,' he wrote in another tweet. ISIS prides itself on its well-oiled propaganda offensive, pumping out images, videos and even a weekly English-language magazine designed to recruit and radicalise would-be jihadists. Co-ordinated by its AlHayat Media Centre, the terror group makes extensive use of social media to keep in near-constant contact with supporters in the West - even selling branded merchandise such as T-shirts, baseball caps and cuddly toys. But as seen here, that ease of disseminating information can easily backfire. Most of the Syrians in this line appear to be woman and children. The pictures were posted on Twitter by the anti-ISIS group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently who risk their lives leaking information from the city . The food queue pictures emerged days after ISIS took their draconian rule to bizarre new levels by threatening to jail any man caught wearing skinny jeans in an apparent crackdown on hipsters. The terror group said it would also imprison anyone caught with music on their mobiles, smoking or turning up late for prayer in the city. Violators will be jailed for ten days, during which time they will be made to take an 'Islamic course'. At the end of their prison term, they will be forced to take a test, with those who pass being released immediately. Those who don't will be fined and kept in prison until they do. Other sickening sentences involve people being stoned to death for alleged adultery and thrown off buildings after being accused of being homosexual. Bleak picture: Abu Ibrahim Raqqawi one of the group's founders, wrote the accompanying message: 'Lines waiting for some food. Yes this is the #ISIS State. Hunger, poverty and homelessness' One resident, named only as Jassem, told the group how dozens of people had fled the city in the wake of the jihadi network's brutal enforcement of its twisted form of sharia law. He said: 'ISIS tightens penalties and uses the principle of intimidation in dealing with public, which led to the migration and escape of many people.  Freedom of expression has become a crime.' In a separate development, ISIS has announced that all nurses working in areas under their control must speak English - something the NHS still hasn't introduced. Revealing plans to open a school of nursing in Raqqa, the extremists also disclosed the tough entry requirements for prospective medical workers. Among them are rules that applicants are no more than 25 years of age, must be willing to work anywhere inside the territory controlled by the extremists, and must speak fluent English. The latter rule is something that even the NHS has yet fully put in place, with nurses who trained in European countries still able to treat patients without any formal language checks thanks to bureaucratic rules barring the Nursing and Midwifery Council testing EU candidates.
Syrians line up despondently in scenes more familiar inside refugee camps . Posted by anti-ISIS activist with message: Hunger, poverty, homelessness . Syrians persecuted by terror group's warped interpretation of Islamic law .
[ 0, 15180, 1694, 30, 3046, 57, 1144, 13, 1181, 18, 196, 14408, 2066, 563, 2922, 1824, 1824, 9, 19, 5301 ]
A teenage boy who stood before his Florida church and made a heartbreaking plea for someone to adopt him has finally found the loving family he has always craved. Davion Navar Henry Only, 16, had spent his entire life in foster care after his mother gave birth to him behind bars. Three years after his emotional plea at St Mark Missionary Baptist Church in St Petersburg he has finally found a permanent home with the woman who first met him as a seven-year-old when she became his caseworker. Scroll down for video . Davion Only, 16, who captured hearts in 2013 when he made a plea for a family to 'love him forever', has been adopted by his old caseworker Connie Bell Going (right) and her family . Davion plays on the Xbox in his bedroom with his soon-to-be adopted mom Connie sitting behind him together with her daughter Carley, 17, and her adopted son, Taylor, 14 . Throughout Davion's search for a family, and his years in the system, Connie Bell Going, had been by his side. On April 22 she will officially become Davion's mother. She admitted that it has not always easy integrating him into her existing family, but she said it was worth it. Since August, Davion has been spending weekends with Connie and her daughters, Sydney, 21, Carley, 17, and with her adopted son Taylor, who is now 14. Then in December, Going took the steps to begin the adoption process and Davion moved with the rest of the family into a larger home. Since then there have fights and tables have been flipped, but in the end everyone loves one another, and she is prepared for the challenges. 'I'm okay with messy and difficult,' she told the Tampa Bay Times. 'You just have to have your armor on all the time, but it's more than worth it. And every day things get a little bit better.' Davion became an example of the struggle faced by many teenagers in the system when in 2013 he stood up and told worshipers at his church: 'My name is Davion and I've been in foster care since I was born. I know God hasn't given up on me, so I'm not giving up either.' He then said: 'I'll take anyone. Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be.' Davion Only, 16, has been adopted by his old case worker, Connie Bell Going in Florida (above). She has known the teen since he was seven years old. Davion had been in the foster care system his entire life . Davion (above) captured hearts in 2013 when he made a plea in front of a St Petersburg church congregation for a family to 'love him forever' Most of all, Davion said he just wanted a family that would 'love him forever'. Millions of people around the country soon heard about Davion's story, and the young boy was even interviewed by Barbara Walters on The View, which all eventually led to him being adopted by a minister in Ohio and his family. That is until Davion got into a fight with one of the other children, and the minister sent him back to Florida, and back to live in the foster care system. After Davion returned, people kept asking Going what it was that went wrong and caused him to be sent back after just three months. 'That boy spent his whole life in the system, that's what went wrong,' she said. Making matters worse, Davion and Miss Connie, as he calls her, did not speak when he came back to Florida. Davion had cut himself off from other people, playing video games as he quickly went through four different homes and four schools in less than year. Davion Only (pictured above with Connie Going at the church where he made his speech in 2013) was adopted by a minister in Ohio but sent back into the system a few months later when he fought with one of the minister's children . Going says she had begun to call him numerous times, but he always hung up the phone. Then, one night last July, Davion called up Miss Connie and asked her the question he had been asking since they first met when he was only a little boy. 'Do you remember what I asked you before?' he said. 'Well, how do you feel about adopting me now?' For the first time since he had asked, Going was finally able to give him the answer he wanted to hear. The 52-year-old case worker has three children of her own, one adopted and two biological daughters, and was a single mother, but she was no longer Davion's case worker, which made the process easier. From August through December he started spending more and more time with the family, a perfect fit as he was already close to Going's adopted son Taylor. Then, in December, Going got a lawyer and began the process of adopting Davion. Davion Only (pictured above in church three years ago) called and asked Miss Connie if she would adopt him last July . Davion got his first bedroom, his first set of siblings, and, most importantly, the one thing he had been hoping for all along. 'I guess I always thought of you as my mom,' Davion said to Going last December. 'Only now I get to call you that for real, right?' Davion officially became part of the family in February however, when after he and Going celebrated their birthdays, which fall on the same date, they went home and sat around the table for cake with his three siblings and signed the court papers. After 16 years Davion was finally home. What's more, because of that day in September 2013 when Davion stepped up on the pulpit, hundreds of others have been adopted as well. 'I guess I always thought of you as my mom,' Davion (above in 2013) said to Going last December .
Davion Only, 16, captured hearts around the nation in 2013 when he made a plea for a family to 'love him forever' Later this month he will officially be adopted by his old caseworker Connie Bell Going and her family . Davion has been living with her two daughters and another adopted boy since December . Ms Going admitted it has not always been easy but says it is worth it  and 'everyday it gets a little bit better'
[ 0, 309, 2960, 106, 3462, 6, 11940, 65, 118, 16, 11313, 124, 437, 112, 2039, 1891, 3879, 3, 5, 216 ]
Patients tried and failed to book almost 34 million GP appointments last year, shocking new figures have revealed. A study reported in the British Medical Journal found that 90 per cent of patients were able to get an appointment in 2013/14. The 10 per cent who could not amounts to around 33.8 million unsuccessful attempts each year - or 81 per surgery each week. The shambolic situation is responsible for as many as a quarter of A&E visits, the researchers say. Lack of access: Patients tried and failed to book almost 34 million GP appointments last year . The figures, from the GP Patient Survey, also show that patients who report worse access to conventional GP appointments are more likely to use out-of-hours services. And surgeries where patients were able to see a GP within two week days had lower rates of A&E department visits. Other research has suggested that greater access to GP surgeries is linked with lower rates of emergency admissions for conditions such as heart failure and stroke. The figures come just a day after it was revealed one in five visits to A&E are unnecessary. A fifth of patients turning up in A&E have self-treatable conditions including sore throats, athlete’s foot and head lice, a study has claimed. Researchers have calculated that more than 4 million visits a year are unnecessary – costing the NHS £290 million. Doctors have even reported patients showing up because they were hungover, their false nails were hurting or they had paint in their hair. The analysis of data from 15 A&E units by consultancy firm IMS Health found that 19 per cent of patients had what is called a ‘self-treatable condition’. The data covered one in ten A&E units across England, so if the trends are mirrored across the country, then an estimated 4.1million of the 21.7million visits last year were for minor ailments. The problem is largely caused by the fact that patients find it difficult to see a GP, particularly out of hours. Many go to A&E in the knowledge that they will at least be seen by a doctor that day, even if they have to wait four hours. Today's piece, written by academics from Imperial College London and New York University, points out that more GPs are required if access is to be improved. But they add politicians' promises of an extra 5,000 to 8,000 GPs are likely to be challenging to achieve. Effect: The situation is responsible for as many as a quarter of A&E visits, the researchers say. The new figures come just a day after it was revealed a fifth of patients turning up to casualty have self-treatable conditions including sore throats, athlete’s foot and head lice . So despite election pledges by the Tories and Labour to improve access to GPs appointments, they argue these promises are unlikely to be achieved within a parliamentary term. The 'public should [therefore] question the promises of politicians', they said. The BMJ report said largest increase in GPs over a previous parliamentary term in the past 20 years was 5,414 GPs (from 2004/05 to 2008/09) under Labour. But Labour's previous pledge for all appointments within 48 hours was 'far from being achieved', it adds. Only 81 per cent of patients ended up able to see a GP within two weekdays in 2009/10 when the party was last in government. The researchers add there is also no firm proof that more patients getting to see their doctor will lead to fewer A&E attendances. David Cameron has promised patients will be able to access GP surgeries between 8am and 8pm seven days a week by 2020 if the Tories are re-elected. Ed Miliband has guaranteed appointments within 48 hours if Labour are voted in. But the piece said these pledges may prove unrealistic, adding that the evidence behind them has not been made clear - and the problem with access has not been precisely defined. Denial: The study authors say that despite election pledges by the Tories and Labour (David Cameron and Ed Miliband are pictured, left to right) to improve access to GPs appointments, these promises are unlikely to be achieved within a parliamentary term . 'The aims and rationale of the policies outlined by the Conservative and Labour parties do not seem explicit,' the analysis said. 'One aim is undoubtedly to win election votes. But the aims for the NHS and for patients are less clear.' The analysis suggests five points of action 'for policy and research if improvements in access are pursued'. These are: . * Evaluating the extended opening hours pilot scheme carried out by the Tories . * Making general practice consultation data routinely available . * Looking at employing practice staff besides GPs . * Evaluating new types of appointment such as telephone consultations . * Considering alternatives to general practice such as pharmacist-led minor illness services. Lead author Thomas Cowling, of Imperial College London, said: 'Both parties have made bold promises about access to GP services, but the evidence behind their pledges is lacking. 'It's important that policies like extended access are independently evaluated before being implemented more widely. 'The pledges on increases to the GP workforce are very ambitious and unlikely to be met within a parliamentary term.' Instead, he recommended the NHS evaluates the use of new types of appointment that have been proposed to increase GP capacity, such as consultations and triage by phone or online. 'It should also consider other types of staff who could take on some of the work of GPs.'
Study: 90 per cent of patients were able to get an appointment in 2013/14 . 10 per cent who couldn't amounts to 33.8 million unsuccessful attempts . Situation is responsible for a quarter of A&E visits, say researchers . Problem is more to do with lack of doctors rather than opening hours .
[ 0, 9165, 2196, 16, 8, 2390, 3721, 3559, 435, 2777, 399, 3151, 13, 1221, 130, 3, 179, 12, 129, 46 ]
Rip up a piece of paper, and you can piece it back together. Burn a book, and you could theoretically do the same. But send information into a black hole, and it's lost forever – or at least that's what many physicists have been arguing for nearly half a decade. Now, one scientist says this may not be true, and that interactions between particles emitted by a black hole can reveal information about what lies within. For nearly 40 years, physicists have argued that black holes suck in information and then evaporate without leaving behind any clues as to what they once contained. Now, one scientist says this may not be true . 'According to our work, information isn't lost once it enters a black hole,' says Dejan Stojkovic, an associate professor of physics at the University at Buffalo. 'It doesn't just disappear.' His new paper presents explicit calculations demonstrating how information is preserved, he says. This is an important discovery because even physicists who believed information remains in black holes have struggled to show, mathematically, how this happens. The research marks a significant step toward solving the 'information loss paradox,' a problem that has plagued physics for almost 40 years, says Dr Stojkovic. The paradox posed a huge challenge for the field of physics because it meant that information inside a black hole could be permanently lost when the black hole disappeared. Last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey'. The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space . In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes were capable of radiating particles, and that the energy lost through this process would cause the black holes to shrink and eventually disappear. But last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey' The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space. He says that the idea of an event horizon, from which light cannot escape, is flawed. He suggests that instead light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole’s core will be held as though stuck on a treadmill and that they can slowly shrink by spewing out radiation. Hawking told the journal Nature: 'There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory. [But quantum theory] enables energy and information to escape from a black hole'. A full explanation of the process, Hawking admits, would require a theory that successfully merges gravity with the other fundamental forces of nature. This is a violation of quantum mechanics, which states that information must be conserved. In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes were capable of radiating particles, and that the energy lost through this process would cause the black holes to shrink and eventually disappear. But last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey' The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space. How exactly it's possible to recover information from a black hole has remained a topic of debate. Instead of looking only at the particles a black hole emits, the latest study also takes into account the subtle interactions between the particles. Interactions between particles can range from gravitational attraction to the exchange of mediators like photons between particles. Such 'correlations' have long been known to exist, but many scientists discounted them as unimportant in the past. 'These correlations were often ignored in related calculations since they were thought to be small and not capable of making a significant difference,' Stojkovic says. 'Our explicit calculations show that though the correlations start off very small, they grow in time and become large enough to change the outcome.'
Comments made by Dr Dejan Stojkovic from the University of Buffalo . He says clues to contents lie in interactions between particles emitted . Quantum mechanics states that information is always conserved . It backs up Stephen Hawking's theory that black holes are 'grey'
[ 0, 21166, 45, 8, 17563, 6, 6167, 6, 845, 1001, 8034, 3, 7, 4636, 16, 251, 11, 258, 31654, 406 ]
Arsenal's midfield trio Jack Wilshere, Mikel Arteta and Abou Diaby have all been handed starts for the club's Under 21s game on Tuesday night as they continue their respective recoveries from injury. Steve Gatting's young Gunners take on Stoke City at the Emirates Stadium in a U21 Premier League clash. Teenage winger Serge Gnabry is also in the starting line-up, alongside a host of promising youngsters including Dan Crowley. Jack Wilshere, pictured in first team training last week, starts for Arsenal Under 21s on Tuesday night . Club captain Mikel Arteta (left) is also in the team to play against Stoke City at the Emirates Stadium . Wilshere watched Arsenal beat Liverpool 4-1 in the Premier League from the stands on Saturday afternoon . Iliev, Maitland-Niles, O’Connor, Bielik, Ormonde-Ottewill, Diaby, Arteta, Gnabry, Wilshere, Crowley, Iwobi . Wilshere has been out of action since November after breaking his foot against Manchester United, as has club captain Arteta who picked up an ankle injury at home to Borussia Dortmund. Diaby's fitness troubles have been well documented, with the French midfielder racking up 227 weeks out during his nine-year career with the club. All three featured in last week's practice match against a Brentford development XI, with England international Wilshere scoring in the 4-0 victory. Mathieu Debuchy and Mathieu Flamini also appeared in that game, though both are now closer to first team action with the latter coming on against Liverpool on Saturday. Arsene Wenger said last Thursday: 'They’ve no problem after that coming out of the game. They are back available in training, a bit short still of top competitive level certainly but that’s normal. 'They’ve been out for a long time but I was quite surprised by how fit they looked and the quality of their performance - it was good.' Gnabry, who played nine times in the Premier League last season, has been blighted by injuries this term, and is yet to play a first team game. Abou Diaby has been blighted by injuries for the best part of a decade but played last week in a friendly . England star Wilshere scored the opening goal and created another against a Brentford development XI .
Arsenal take on Stoke City in Barclays Under 21 Premier League clash . Jack Wilshere and club captain Mikel Arteta have been out since November . Abou Diaby has been ravaged by injuries during nine-year spell at club . Arteta, Wilshere and Diaby are all close to first-team returns . Young winger Serge Gnabry also in the side on return from injury . READ: Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Calum Chambers, Jack Wilshere and Danny Welbeck keep their agents close . CLICK HERE for all the latest Arsenal news .
[ 0, 4496, 8540, 7, 88, 60, 6, 4794, 40, 1261, 15, 17, 9, 11, 71, 4076, 5267, 969, 66, 708 ]
Britain's biggest purpose-built air raid shelter, which could hold 6,500 people, was so sophisticated it even had electric lighting and flush toilets. The tunnels were dug into sandstone cliffs along the River Mersey in Stockport in the 1930s, and were originally intended to provide car parking spaces. But following the outbreak of the Second World War, the space was redeveloped as an air raid shelter where residents of Lancashire and Cheshire could hide from Nazi bombs. Scroll down for video . Shelter: This shows one of the rooms of Britain's largest purpose-built air raid shelter, located in Stockport, Greater Manchester . Safe: A bunker lined with corrugated steel to protect against the possible effects of a Nazi bombing raid during the Second World War . Tunnels: A total of 6,500 people could fit into the shelter, which was made up of a network of interconnecting passages . Entrance: The shelter has been converted into a museum, replicating the conditions which would have been found 75 years ago . The shelter became so popular that local officials had to issue season tickets limiting the number of people who would be allowed to seek refuge there. The cliffs were first dug out to provide cellars for homes along Chestergate, one of the busiest streets in Stockport. As part of a plan to widen the roads, the local council bought and demolished the houses, and planned to convert the cellars into an underground car park. An engineering survey showed that the space was in fact unable to become a car park - but the advent of war meant that it was needed as an air raid shelter. Bathroom: The women's toilets, equipped with a proper flush, located deep inside the Stockport air raid shelter . Gadgets: A radio, blood pressure monitor and lamp from the 1940s, pictured inside the air raid shelter's first aid section . Medicine: The shelter had a first aid room to help any residents who were injured by the bombing raids . Equipment: Gas masks which were kept in the shelter are pictured left; right is the sick bay, where people could seek shelter while unwell . Extent: The shelter was going to be turned into a car park, but officials discovered that its long tunnels were unsuitable for the purpose . Curator Howard Green said: 'The official capacity was 3,850, so outside they painted 4,000 - but what they didn't advertise was that they thought they could squeeze twice as many in if needs be. 'They were used extensively by people from Manchester and Salford, and even as far as Eccles. Stockport was less of a target, and the underground shelters were a particularly safe place. 'What they did was introduce season tickets - they were issued to locals, although you could write in if you had difficult circumstances. We still have some letters from people in Manchester who'd been bombed out several times. 'It was really only a way of damping down demand, nobody was denied entrance in an alert. In the winter of 1940 and '41, it went up to 6,500, with another four sets of tunnel shelters. History: A photograph of the shelter as it appeared in the 1930s, around the time of the Second World War's outbreak . Rambling: The tunnels were large enough to fit in 6,500 people, who came from all around Lancashire, Cheshire and Manchester . Emergency: Local councils had to establish air raid shelters to protect their populations from German bomb attacks . Base: The room belonging to the shelter's warden, who would have been responsible for ensuring the safety of those inside . Danger: A fire bucket and hose which could have been used to control any unexpected blazes in the tunnels . 'People are always surprised by the extent of them, and just how much thought and planning went into them. There were first aid posts, electric lighting and flush toilets, which people living in back-to-back cottages of town centres wouldn't have had at home.' The shelter space is now operated as a museum, and has been restored to how it might have looked to residents hiding there during the war. Stockport was heavily bombed between 1940 and 1941, but escaped serious damage - unlike nearby Manchester, which as an industrial hub came under sustained attack from the German air force.
Air raid shelter in Stockport was dug out of caves along the River Mersey and intended to be a car park . With the advent of the Second World War, the space became a shelter which could hide thousands of people . The air raid shelter was so popular the authorities had to issue season tickets in order to control numbers .
[ 0, 30415, 146, 122, 139, 3, 7, 232, 3009, 3, 12591, 7, 590, 8, 2473, 4039, 7, 15, 63, 16 ]
A 27-year-old woman fell 500 feet to her death while hiking an off-limits trail famed for its breath-taking vistas in Oahu, Hawaii, Friday. Darlene Feliciano, a manager at a Honolulu Walmart, was out on the Makapuu 'Tom-Tom' trail overlooking Sea Life Park along Kalanianaole Highway with a male friend when she slipped and fell. Firefighters received a distress call at around 12.45pm Friday. About 40 minutes later, first responders discovered Feliciano unresponsive about 500 feet below a hole in the trail known locally as The Puka - a popular spot among photographers. Scroll down for video . Nature lover: Darlene Feliciano, 27, passed away from her injuries Friday after she plummeted from a hiking trail in Oahu, Hawaii . Adventurous: The 27-year-old (left and right) worked as a manager at a Honolulu Walmart. In her spare time, she enjoyed going on hikes in Hawaii's great outdoors . Treacherous terrain: Feliciano was out on the Makapuu 'Tom-Tom' trail overlooking Sea Life Park along Kalanianaole Highway Friday afternoon when she slipped and fell . Picturesque: Feliciano was found unresponsive about 500 feet below a hole in the trail known locally as The Puka (pictured) The unconscious woman was airlifted from the area but was pronounced dead just after 2pm. Her 29-year-old companion had to be rescued from the trail but did not suffer any injuries. Miss Feliciano’s friends and co-workers at the Keeaumoku Street Walmart, where she worked as a zone merchandise supervisor, said she was a dedicated employee who loved going on hikes in her free time, reported Hawaii News Now. Walmart pharmacy employee Chad Galario tells The Honolulu Star-Advertiser employees learned of Feliciano's death Friday and there were ‘a lot of tears and a lot of silence.’ Tragic loss: The unconscious woman was airlifted from the area but was pronounced dead . Hard worker: Feliciano's co-workers at Walmart remembered her as a dedicated store employee . Friends and family have been leaving flowers and balloons at a makeshift memorial dedicated to the vivacious nature lover. Meanwhile, Feliciano’s loved ones have launched a GoFundMe campaign hoping to raise $5,000 to help cover her final expenses. The 27-year-old woman, a 2005 graduate of McKinley High School, is survived by her brother, Darryl. Heartbroken: Feliciano is survived by her beloved brother, Darryl (left)
Darlene Feliciano, a Walmart manager, was out on Makapuu 'Tom-Tom' trail overlooking Sea Life Park along Kalanianaole Highway in Oahu . She slipped and fell 500 feet below a hole in the trail know as The Puka .
[ 0, 1920, 14205, 25347, 75, 20028, 6, 14141, 47, 91, 30, 8, 15666, 9, 4987, 76, 3, 31, 3696, 51 ]
Everton defender John Stones was the shock name on Barcelona’s shopping list of central defenders last summer. Barcelona ended up signing 31-year-old Jeremy Mathieu from Valencia for £14.5m and 29-year-old Thomas Vermaelen from Arsenal for £15m but influential voices at the Catalan club urged then sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta to bid for 20-year-old Stones instead. According to El Pais, Barcelona were desperate for defensive reinforcements at the end of last season. The former Barnsley defender moved himself up the list of possible targets with performances for Everton that saw the youngster on the stand-by list for England’s World Cup campaign in Brazil. Everton defender John Stones was on Barcelona's list of defensive transfer targets last summer . Barcelona were desperate for reinforcements and Stones' performances caught the eye of the Catalans . His ability to play at right-back as well as centre-back played in his favour with the club preparing for the likely departure of Dani Alves currently in the final year of his contract and Barcelona's preference for central defenders with the mobility and technique to play at full-back. In the end Barcelona coach Luis Enrique insisted on the signing of Mathieu – another who can also fill-in at full-back - and Stones signed a new £30,000-a-week five-year deal keeping him at Everton until 2019. The contract was seen as a rebuff to Chelsea who were following Stones but it now also seems to have been in response to interest from La Liga leaders Barcelona. Stones signed a new £30,000-a-week five year deal keeping him at Everton until 2019 . French defender Mathieu has been a success at the Camp Nou but Vermaelen is yet to start a game for Barcelona. The Belgian arrived with a hamstring injury sustained at the World Cup and never played more than a friendly against an Indonesian XI before having an operation in Finland in December to remedy the problem. He is now training with team-mates but still some way off match fitness and while he could be available for the last month of the season Barcelona have no margin of error in the league and he may have to wait until next season to make his first start. With Vermaelen struggling to regain fitness and both Mathieu and Javier Mascherano having reached 30, Barcelona – who cannot sign anyone until January 2016 because of a Fifa ban – have not forgotten about Stones, who turns 21 at the end of May. Barcelona ended up signing Valencia defender Jeremy Mathieu who netted against Celta Vigo on Sunday . Thomas Vermaelen also moved to the Nou Camp from Arsenal but is yet to start a game for Barcelona .
Barcelona were desperate for reinforcements at the end of last season . Everton defender John Stones was on the club's list of transfer targets . La Liga giants instead signed Thomas Vermaelen and Jeremy Mathieu . READ: Manchester United midfielder Ander Herrera tracked by Barcelona . READ: Arsenal defender Hector Bellerin tops poll to replace Dani Alves .
[ 0, 11869, 130, 18337, 21, 11976, 28050, 7, 336, 1248, 3, 5, 3, 18540, 9762, 23, 15, 76, 11, 3576 ]
Sally Cox, 39, stopped her son Jed Pearce, 10 (pictured together above), from going on the mosque trip, expressing fears of 'violence and guns' Children as young as eight have been banned by their parents from attending a British mosque as part of a school trip over 'safety' fears, with one mother claiming she 'doesn't want to put her son at risk of being shot'. Nearly 100 primary pupils from Lostwithiel School in Cornwall were due to travel 68 miles to visit the mosque in Exeter, Devon, as part of an RE trip to learn about different faiths. The schoolchildren, from years three to six, were due to visit the city's cathedral before taking a tour of the mosque and observing a congregational prayer. However, about 10 pupils have now pulled out of next week's school trip after their parents said they would be exposed to 'violence and guns' and expressed 'grave concerns' about the teaching of Islam. Christine Trevethen, 47, a housewife from Lostwithiel, Cornwall, has stopped her 10-year-old daughter Keira going on the visit. She said: 'We are not the only ones that don't want our kids to go - but a lot of the others haven't been honest enough to do so in the consent form. 'I do not want my daughter going to the mosque for personal reasons. I don't agree with the religion and what it stands for - but I am not prepared to go into the reasons why. 'We have now been told our children are going to be excluded from RE lessons as a result, which is a big concern. 'We tried to go through the right channels but the school handled it very badly.' Sally Cox, 39, a self-employed cleaner from Lerryn, Cornwall, has also blocked her son Jed Pearce, 10, from going on the visit. She said: 'I did not want him to go because they are a violent religion and many of them have guns. 'You can see what they are like every day on the news. There was a Muslim bomber in Exeter just a few years ago. 'We were just being honest saying we did not want them to go. 'It is unsafe. I don't want my son being shot. Also this is not a religious school yet they are willing to take a whole day out for religion. 'I don't want them to do that. I want him to be in school learning Maths and English - not being put at risk of being shot. 'They decided to take him out of RE, but I said I am fine with that.' Nearly 100 primary pupils from Lostwithiel School in Cornwall were due to travel 68 miles to visit the mosque in Exeter, Devon (pictured) as part of an RE trip but 10 pulled out after parents expressed 'grave concerns' Another parent, who did not want to be named, said: 'We have grave concerns about the children's safety during the trip due to the horrific events that occur every day. 'We have therefore decided not to send our children on this trip. This decision is not one based on ignorance or racial or religious beliefs, but one based purely on safety concerns.' The parent said she was furious after the pupils who pulled out of the trip were singled out in a school assembly. She said: 'They were made to stand up after assembly. The sitting non-attendees were then asked individually why they were not going on the trip. 'This is not a decision the children have made, so discriminating against these children in this fashion is disgraceful, unacceptable and unprofessional.' However, not all parents are opposed to the trip, with some backing the school and suggesting the visit is a positive move. Alice Mitchell, 35, a playworker from Lostwithiel, said: 'I think we need to educate our children to be tolerant and dispel the rumours the media can congregate. 'I am all for my children going on the trip. I think celebrating diversity is a great thing. 'It is all down to fear. People are scared of other religions. There is a lot of misconceptions.' And Sian Cornish, 41, a self-employed retailer, from Lostwithiel, added:' 'I did not even realise it was an issue. I was delighted my child had the opportunity to experience another culture in their ways of worship. 'I think it is important to celebrate other cultures - even if you don't agree with them.' Carolyn Huxley, headteacher of Lostwithiel School (pictured), which has just 156 pupils on its books, said the trip would still take place on May 7 to 'show children the views of extremists are not a true reflection of Islam' Kat Smith, the chairman of governors for the school, said a group of parents had expressed concerns about the trip due to recent terror attacks by groups such as ISIS. She said: 'This is the first time pupils from the school have visited a mosque and it's an exciting opportunity for them to learn about different faiths and ensure that they're aware of the diverse nature of modern Britain. 'Because of recent news reports about extremist groups, such as ISIS, that identify themselves with Islam, a small number of parents have expressed concerns about the trip and the teaching of Islam in school. 'In response, the school held a special assembly with children to discuss these issues, and the head teacher has met and sent letters to parents with specific concerns. 'A full risk assessment has been conducted for the trip and there is no more risk attached to this trip than any other school trip.' Ms Smith said the school had a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to promote good relations between people of different beliefs and ethnicities. She said: 'Religious Education forms part of the basic curriculum in schools and its teaching is enshrined in law. Kat Smith, the chairman of governors for the Lostwithiel School, said parents expressed concerns about the teaching of Islam at the school . 'The school recognises that parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE in whole or in part, and provide alternative work to further their child's knowledge and understanding of the parents' beliefs and values. 'However, the school is aware that children growing up in Cornwall may have little contact with Muslims and it is aware that it has a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to promote good relations between people of different beliefs and ethnicities as part of its single equality duty. 'The Governing Body fully supports this trip and the teaching of RE, including Islam. 'It is the governors' hope that the visit to the mosque will provide an insight for pupils into the nature of British Islam, help them understand how Islam is presented in the media and that groups like ISIS are not a true reflection of the Islam followed by the vast majority of Muslims in Britain.' Carolyn Huxley, headteacher of the primary school which has just 156 pupils on its books and teaches those aged four to 11, said the trip would still be taking place on May 7. She said: 'Our hope from the visit to the mosque is that children will be given a view as to what are the values and beliefs of a British Muslim. 'This trip will show the children the views of extremists are not a true reflection of Islam as a religion.' Exeter Mosque, described as the 'Islamic Centre of the South West', is open daily for prayers and also welcomes those wishing to learn about the Quran and basics of the Deen. The Mosque also welcomes groups as part of education programmes and regularly hosts school trips. Lostwithiel School, which has around six teachers, said the trip was planned to enable children to learn further about different religions. The school said it follows the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and part of the curriculum encourages children to study Christianity in great detail, as well as finding out about Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Islam through school trips, visits from outside speakers and class teaching. The Muslim Council of Great Britain said it was concerned by the views of some of the parents who strongly opposed the trip. A spokesman said: 'We would have thought a well-rounded education involves learning about those of a different faith. 'These laudable initiatives take place across the country. It is therefore disappointing to hear that some parents have chosen to pull their children out of a visit to a mosque due to events elsewhere in the world. 'We hope this incident is atypical and not reflective of a growing sentiment against Muslims in this country. 'We commend the headteacher for rightly stating that such a visit will help her pupils to understand real Islam and dispel the myths and hysteria that surrounds our religion.' MailOnline has contacted Exeter Mosque for comment.
10 pupils pull out of trip to mosque after parents express 'grave concerns' One parent expressed fears of child being exposed to 'violence and guns' Lostwithiel School in Cornwall planned RE trip to Exeter mosque next week . However, other parents backed trip to promote education of various faiths .
[ 0, 10455, 910, 14614, 130, 788, 12, 719, 8, 26942, 16, 31851, 6, 23130, 6, 48, 471, 3, 5, 328 ]
A three metre python bit off more than it could chew when it tried to swallow a much-loved family pet. Francis Bakvis stumbled upon the gruesome spectacle on Sunday while searching for his sixteen-year-old pet cat Tiger, who had been missing for three days. After noticing a foul odour in the yard of his home in Clifton Beach, northern Queensland, Bakvis found a bloated scrub python which contained the remains of the family feline, reports Cairns Post. Scroll down for video . Francis Bakvis discovered a dead scrub python, which contained the remains of his family cat Tiger . It wasn't until Bakvis tried to move the 3.5 metre long snake that its body broke open and he came face to face with the grim truth. 'I pulled the dead snake on to the lawn, and a bit of its skin was already decomposing. I could see, there was my cat,' Bakvis said. 'It was pretty miserable to see him go that way. He was getting old and not 100 per cent clear in his little brain sometimes. Bavkis said it was confronting for his partner and sons to find the long-term pet had died in such grisly circumstances. 'He'd never been sick or anything, and all of a sudden he's no longer there. To find him in the stomach of a snake is not pretty.' Bakvis said he had never seen pythons on his Clifton Beach (pictured) property in 15 year of living there . A scrub python at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast. Scrub pythons can grow to be up to eight metres long, and are known to eat mammals as large as kangaroos . The black and white cat had reportedly slept on the family veranda. Bakvis said he had never seen pythons on the property in 15 years of living there. He believed the python had struggled to properly swallow the cat and died as a result. Scrub pythons can grow to be up to eight metres long, and are known to eat mammals as large as kangaroos. Pet owners are reminded to protect their animals by keeping them protected or indoors at night.
Francis Bakvis, from Clifton Beach in Queensland, discovered dead python . Mr Bakvis had been searching for his pet cat which had gone missing . When he tried to move the snake its skin split open and his cat spilled out . The 3.5 metre long python died while trying to digest the 16-year-old pet . He had never seen pythons on the property in 15 years of living there .
[ 0, 11065, 21200, 3466, 435, 3, 9, 3654, 18448, 3, 102, 63, 189, 106, 16, 112, 6178, 30, 1771, 3 ]
Seoul (CNN)North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is continuing to rule with an iron fist, having ordered the execution of about 15 senior officials so far this year, according to an assessment by South Korean intelligence agents, a lawmaker who attended a closed briefing said. Shin Kyung-min, a lawmaker with the New Politics Alliance for Democracy, told a handful of reporters that he had been given the information by the South Korean National Intelligence Service. CNN cannot independently confirm the executions. The nature of the intelligence supporting the National Intelligence Service allegations was also not immediately clear. North Korea is one of the most closed societies in the world. According to Shin, intelligence officials say Kim is ruling in an impromptu manner and does not countenance excuses or any views at variance with his own. He considers those a challenge to his authority, the intelligence officials said, according to Shin. For example, a senior official with Ministry of Forestry was executed for expressing dissatisfaction with the country's forestry program, the lawmaker said. North Korean defectors share their ordeals . The vice chairman of the State Planning Commission was executed because he objected to changing the design of a science and technology hall from a rounded shape to one resembling a flower, the intelligence officials said, according to the lawmaker. And in March, according to the South Korean lawmaker, Kim executed on charges of espionage four members of the Unhasu Orchestra, including the general director, because of a scandal, Shin said. Kim became North Korea's Supreme Commander in December 2011 following the death of his father, Kim Jong Il. According to the National Intelligence Service, he is reported to have executed 17 senior officials in 2012, 10 in 2013 and 41 in 2014. The National Intelligence Service says there is a strong possibility that Kim will visit Russia, but given his nature, there is no way to be sure until the last minute. Why Putin is hosting Kim Jong Un . CNN's KJ Kwon reported from Seoul and Don Melvin wrote this report from London.
South Korean lawmaker quotes intelligence officials as saying Kim Jong Un countenances no disagreement . Official reportedly executed for expressing dissatisfaction with forestry program . Four member of Unhasu Orchestra also reportedly executed .
[ 0, 2402, 8337, 845, 3, 88, 65, 118, 1219, 81, 627, 2991, 4298, 78, 623, 48, 215, 3, 5, 37 ]
Most street festivals are happy to throw a few cuts of meat on a barbecue, or perhaps even have a hog roast. In one corner of China, however, a full camel in a giant oven is the order of the day. The 450kg (990lb) beast was coated in a lurid yellow marinade before it was lowered by crane into a 6m-tall tandoor kiln, the People’s Daily Online reported. Scroll down for video . Preparing: The camel is first coated with a yellow marinade before being put into the six-metre kiln . Spectacular: The camel is hoisted out of the kiln after being roasted on the street of Jining in northwest China . Ready: The feast was prepared by Momin Hopur, a local celebrity chef and fourth-generation grill master . The chef and his apprentices took five days building the special kiln, which then had to be warmed up for 48 hours . Momin Hopur, a Uighur celebrity chef, spent five hours cooking the camel at the annual Apricot Tourism Festival last week in Yining County in north Xinjiang. The kiln was built specially with more than 10,000 bricks, yellow mud and salt. Hopur and his apprentices spent five days erecting the cooking device and warmed it up for 48 hours before the big day. “The brick kiln was pre-heated for 48 hours,” said Mr Hopur, who is the fourth generation of a family of grill masters from Bachu County, according to Tianshan Network. “Before the camel was roasted, it was marinated with a special seasoning containing 36 herbs then it was covered with sesames,” added Mr Hopur. Meal was served at 2pm to hundreds of long-awaited customers. Highly anticipated: Hundreds of customers line up to buy the roast, which took five hours to cook . Delicious: Hopur and his team serve roast camel to a crowd who waited for as long as three hours for a slice . “I’ve never seen a camel being cooked like this,” said local resident Kurbanjan who – after waiting for three hours -- was the first in the queue to buy the roast, which was made with a marinade that included eggs, flour and 36 herbs. “After I tasted it, I found it really tasty,” added Kurbanjan. This was the sixth camel Hopur had roasted during the festival. Chef: Delighted by the popularity of his roast, Hopur is to transport 20 more camels the festival in Jining . Popular: This is the sixth camel Hopur has roasted during the festival . Delighted by their popularity, the local celebrity chef has decided to transport 20 more camels to Jining to feed the festival goers. “I haven’t slept for three days as I need to give constant attention to the temperature of the fire, but I’m very happy to see that people like my camel,” said Hopur to China News Service. The Apricot Tourism Festival opened on April 3rd and is set to last for 10 days.
Camel weighed 450kg and had to be hoisted into the kiln by a crane . Mysterious marinade contains 36 herbs as well as eggs and black pepper . Chef spent five days building the giant kiln with more than 10,000 bricks . First customer had queued for three hours for a portion . The street feast is a part of a tourism festival in Xinjiang in northwest China .
[ 0, 3, 10593, 8711, 21168, 47, 18221, 16, 3, 9, 3, 40, 459, 26, 4459, 16584, 221, 274, 34, 47 ]
These images capture to work of Japan's 'lonely death' squads, who specialise is clearing out the properties of elderly people who die alone and go unnoticed by their families for weeks or months. Taken in the capital Tokyo, the images show clean-up crews entering rubbish-strewn buildings where the lonely victims spent their final days. Although police officers will have already removed the often badly decomposed bodies, the majority of the houses are still packed with signs of a once active life - including unwashed dinner plates, unopened letters and calenders several years out of date. Scroll down for video . Saddest job: Taken in Tokyo, the images show clean-up crews entering rubbish-strewn buildings where lonely victims spent their final days . Steam-clean: A worker for special cleaning makes uses insecticides smoke to kill flies in a rubbish-filled flat in Tokyo . Grim: Hundreds of flies are seen at a rubbish-filled flat in Tokyo where the body of an 85 year-old man was left for over a month . Treated with respect: Hirotsugu Masuda prays before entering the Tokyo flat where an 85 year-old man lay dead for over a month . Dirty: A filthy bathtub and toilet are seen the Tokyo flat. Specialist clean-up crews are on hand to cleanse these 'lonely death' apartments . Lonely death: Thankfully, police officers will have already removed the often badly decomposed bodies before the cleaning teams arrive . In March, the body of an elderly man was found on the floor of his apartment in downtown Tokyo. He had been dead for a month. Neighbours hadn't noticed the octogenarian's absence. His bank made the rent payments on time, his family didn't visit, and the only reason for the body's discovery was the slight smell that troubled the tenant in the flat below. In rapidly ageing Japan, more people are dying alone and unnoticed in a country of 127 million where one in four people is over 65. Looser family bonds also play a role in their isolation. For these so-called 'lonely deaths', families and landlords in Tokyo are increasingly turning to Hirotsugu Masuda and his clean-up crew to salvage apartments where the occupant's body lay undiscovered for days or weeks. 'This has started becoming a bit more common in the world and it's become more recognized that there's this sort of job,' said Masuda, whose services are required 3-4 times a week in summer when bodies decompose faster. Unwanted: A watch and letters are left discarded at a flat in Tokyo where a body of an 85 year-old man was left for over a month . Filthy: The majority of the houses are still littered with unwashed dinner plates, unopened letters and calenders several years out of date . Packing it up: Workers for special cleaning put rubbish into a plastic bags at a rubbish-filled flat in Tokyo . A packet of condoms are seen discarded among other rubbish in a flat in Tokyo where an elderly man lay dead for over a month . Hirotsugu Masuda, a worker for special cleaning, checks belongings for documents to protect the owners family from identity theft . Cleaning away the past: A worker for a special cleaning team sweeps tatami flooring mats at the flat in Tokyo last month . In March, the body of an elderly man was found on the floor of this apartment in downtown Tokyo. He had been dead for a month . When Masuda's team turns up at the Tokyo apartment, police have taken away the corpse but body fluids have seeped into the floor. Flies buzz around a cooker filled with rice. Old calendars and papers are strewn in rooms untouched for years. Workers wearing protective gear spray the apartment with insect repellent, using gloved hands to pack the trash in boxes. The six-hour exercise is conducted discreetly to avoid upsetting the neighbours. The crew tells onlookers they are moving house. When they are done, incense and flowers are placed where the body was, with the man's photo put where his head had been. Masuda's firm works almost exclusively with 'lonely deaths', charging between £450 and £2,000 depending on apartment size. Abandoned: Neighbours hadn't noticed the octogenarian's absence. His bank made the rent payments on time, his family didn't visit, and the only reason for the body's discovery was the slight smell that troubled the tenant in the flat below . Taking the items away: A special cleaning worker loads a van with rubbish from a flat in Tokyo . Saying a prayer: In rapidly ageing Japan, more people are dying alone and unnoticed in a country of 127 million where one in four people is over 65. Looser family bonds also play a role in their isolation . Special cleaning workers and 77-year-old flat landlord Yoshie Fukuhara (right) check belongings for documents . Flat landlord Yoshie Fukuhara, 77, lays flowers as she prays at the spot where the body of an 85 year-old man was left for over a month . Farewell: For these so-called 'lonely deaths', families and landlords in Tokyo are increasingly turning to Hirotsugu Masuda and his clean-up crew to salvage apartments where the occupant's body lay undiscovered for days or weeks . In a country where around five million elderly people live alone, the number of decaying bodies found in empty homes is expected to soar. Data shows victims are more likely to be male. 'There's likely 40,000 of these cases and we think that in 10 years, it's likely to go over 100,000 cases,' said Hideto Kone, an NGO official working on such cases. Victims forgotten by families are not given a funeral and their remains are interred in unmarked graves. Yoshie Fukukara, landlord of the apartment where the tenant was found dead, still finds it hard to believe. 'I didn't think it would happen here,' the 77-year-old said.
Teams of cleaners, known as 'Lonely Death Squads', clear houses where elderly people lay dead for months . Police remove decomposing corpses but the clean-up crews are faced with houses filled with rubbish and flies . In rapidly ageing Japan, more and more people are dying alone and unnoticed in a country of 127 million people . One in four people in Japan is over 65 - with increasingly loose family bonds adding to the isolation of the elderly .
[ 0, 3411, 31, 7, 3, 31, 40, 782, 120, 1687, 31, 12025, 7, 21364, 19, 19390, 91, 2605, 13, 23633 ]
Hayley Grimes, 42 (pictured with granddaughter Roxanne) found Baby Peter's body in Norfolk in 1988 and was accused of being his mother . The girl who found a baby's body floating in a village pond in 1988 says she can no longer be 'blamed' for dumping the boy, after his mother was arrested over the child's death 27 years later. Hayley Grimes, 42, was just a teenager when she found the body of Baby Peter wrapped in a blanket and Sainsbury's bag in Weasenham St Peter, Norfolk. Yesterday, it emerged that the boy's mother had been arrested nearly three decades on, after police used DNA profiling techniques to trace back to his family. The mother, who has not been named, told officers she had put the body into the lake, known locally as Windmill Pit, after going through the trauma of a stillbirth. But Ms Grimes told today how she had been left scarred by the discovery after being accused by locals of being the child's mother. She also said it was 'unthinkable' that the baby had not been given a proper burial. Ms Grimes, a mother of two, said: 'At the time a lot of people thought it could have been me who left the baby and then pretended to find it. 'I think it was because I was so desperate to get it a proper grave. 'The image of that baby has definitely stayed with me all my life and I still feel quite angry about the whole thing. 'I think what she has done is horrible if the baby was dead or alive. 'But I am glad that the have finally found his mother. The very least it means nobody can blame me anymore.' Ms Grimes found the baby while she was playing at the pit, a common place for local children to play, with friends. Speaking about what happened, she said: 'We were just up there as kids. We used to go fishing up there and now and then I would go up there to read a book. 'I thought it must have been an animal or something. My partner at the time helped get it out the water and we cut it open. 'To me it looked like a normal baby wrapped in a blanket but I didn't want to look at it. My partner at the time said it didn't have much of a face because of the decomposition.' Unsolved case: A police officer searches Windmill Pit, the Norfolk pond where the baby boy's body was found back in 1988 . During the original investigation, police had been unable to identify the mother. Villagers then carried out a collection to raise money to pay for the baby's burial at St Peter's Church in the village. But after the case came up for a periodical review, police exhumed the boy's body from his grave. DNA taken from his leg bone was then put through the national police database which found a match for a possible relative of one of the parents. Detectives examined that person's family tree and identified the woman who admitted being the boy's mother. She was then was arrested on suspicion of infanticide. But the charge was dropped after she told police that she had concealed the pregnancy from her family and friends and later had a stillbirth. The boy's body was exhumed by officers as part of a case review, with DNA samples leading police to the boy's mother. He has now been reburied at Weasenham St Peter church, Norfolk . Police have now ruled out any foul play. The woman remains on bail while the CPS decide whether to charge her with failing to register a birth and preventing a lawful burial. Ms Grimes's mother Jackie Elson, 60, also remembers how her daughter was affected by the discovery. She said: 'A lot of people pointed the finger at Hayley. They even blamed my husband as he was up there fishing a lot of the time. 'The head of CID would always be round here seeing if he could ask Hayley one more question to see if she could remember anything.' She added: 'It is a relief that the case is being closed but I'm still not sure if justice has been done. 'I do feel sorry for the woman because she must have been in a state.' Ms Grimes's cousin Emma Enifer, 39, added: 'It was where all the children used to fish and it is horrible to think that happened there. The boy was originally buried without a name but  a support group for parents of stillborn children raised the money for a new headstone giving his name as Peter after the name of the church . 'I am surprised that it took this long and that they did not carry out the DNA tests earlier than they did. 'The police interviewed all the young girls and women in the area. The pit is quite a secluded spot and I think you would have to be local to the area find it.' After his exhumation, the baby boy was re-buried in the St Peter's church yard. It took place on June 5 last year - the 26th anniversary of his discovery. A report in the Eastern Daily Press from 1988 tells how the body was found floating on the pond . The grave of the baby was originally marked by a simple wooden cross, which read: 'In loving memory of unknown baby boy. Born and died 1988.' But a support group called Hana's Gift, which works with families who have suffered a stillbirth, later paid for a new headstone giving his name as Peter, after the name of the church. The inscription now reads: 'In loving memory of baby Peter, June 1988. A sweet little child, lost but then found, to bloom and grow in Heaven's playground. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on the world.' Meanwhile, other villagers recalled how the mystery had affected the community. Hildergard Michalak, 87, who has lived in the area for more than 60 years, said: 'I remember the police going round every house in the area but of course nobody could help. Nobody knew who it was. 'It was a shock as you didn't think anything like that could happen so close to you. 'I guess there is a sense of relief that it has come to an end and that it wasn't more sinister.' Her son Mick, 64, said nobody knew who the mother of the child was but he thought the parents could have lived at the nearby RAF base at Raynham. He said: 'Its a bit of a shock but I'm glad the mother has been found. I hadn't a clue who she was. 'The camp at Raynham was open at the time but that has been closed now. I always thought it could have been somebody who sneaked the camp there. 'I generally think incidents like this should be punished. If they don't then it could suggest to somebody else in that position that it is OK.' One mother who has lived in the village most of her life said her two daughters were also treated like suspects after police came to her home to interview them. The 65-year-old, who did not want to be named, said: 'She must have been a very young girl who was quite naïve at the time. 'My two daughters are now in their 40s but they were both treated like suspects and it was very upsetting for them and me. Tranquil: The pond in the village of Weasenham St Peter, Norfolk, as it is today . 'They said it must have been somebody local as the pond is not easy to find if you don't know the area.' She added: 'The woman has done her time already and will have to live with what she has done in her head. I think it should be left at that.' Det Insp Andy Guy, of Norfolk Police who led the investigation said the DNA was compared to five million samples on the national database. He said police were now satisfied that nobody else had been involved at the time. He said: 'The pregnancy was concealed from everybody. She didn't tell her family, her close friends, she gave birth in secret. The baby was stillborn.' He added that the small team of officers involved in the case had 'mixed feelings' after bringing the investigation to a final close. He said: 'From a police officer's perspective, it's fantastic. From a human perspective you can only have empathy for the woman and imagine how terrible it was for her.' A police spokesman said: 'In this case it was not clear how the baby died despite a post mortem examination and the circumstances surrounding the death remained the focus of the investigation. 'Thanks to advances in DNA we were able to trace the mother of the baby and during interview the woman revealed she had concealed her pregnancy from family and friends and delivered the baby by herself. 'Sadly the baby was delivered stillborn and we are satisfied there was no third party involvement or foul play.' Karen Murray-Tye who set up Hana's gift charity after her daughter was stillborn in 2006, has since appealed for the mother to come forward if she is in need of support. She said: 'It was quite hard to find the right words, but I thought the 'lost but found' fitted the circumstances. 'I hope she sees we've tried to do the best for him as we have for Hana. It would be lovely if it made her think she could have some support if she came forward.' Norfolk coroner's chaplain Chris Copsey said: 'When the coffin was exhumed all that was left was a little plaque that said 'unnamed baby boy'. 'It seemed terrible to bury an unnamed baby boy so I took the name of the church, St Peter's church.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Hayley Grimes, 42, found Baby Peter's body in Weasenham St Peter in 1988 . Locals thought she was responsible because she wanted to give baby a proper grave, she says . Mother-of-two said: 'It was a shock. I still feel angry about the whole thing' His body was exhumed last year for review which led officers to the mother . Infanticide charges dropped but charges may be brought for preventing lawful burial .
[ 0, 8567, 1306, 23427, 15, 7, 6, 6426, 6, 435, 8, 643, 13, 6069, 2737, 16, 24051, 16, 10414, 3 ]
An elderly British couple who fell victim to pickpockets as they returned to their hotel in Benidorm incredibly got their belongings back after confronting the duo - and it was all caught on camera. Brian and Joan Ogden, from Wigan, had been out to eat and were on their way back into the Hotel Don Pancho when the organised pair collaborated to take a wallet. CCTV footage from the hotel shows the thief in a purple top reaching into the pocket of Mr Ogden, 80, while her accomplice attempts to block the view of Mrs Ogden, 78. But they weren't to be fooled. A pickpocket (right in the purple top) follows Bruce Ogden into the Hotel don Pancho in Benidorm . The thief reaches into Mr Ogden's pocket while her accomplice stands between Mr Ogden and his wife Joan . The pickpocket is then shown handing the wallet to her accomplice after taking it from Mr Ogden . Grainy CCTV footage outside the hotel shows Mr Ogden get the wallet back from one of the thieves . After the pickpocket in purple sneakily handed the wallet to her cohort, Mr and Mrs Ogden followed the crooks out of the hotel and in a short exchange asked for the wallet back, and got it. The Ogden's son Mick said his parents were tougher than they look. 'They'd been for something to eat before they got the bus back to Alicante, before they flew home,' he recounted. 'I got a call from them saying they'd been robbed, then we found out what happened - these scumbags had followed them right up to the hotel. 'They'd been following my mum and dad for a bit, and my mum saw them so she hung back as they got to the door, and saw one of them put their hand in my dad's pocket. 'So she runs back after them and gets their stuff back. When they rang me, they thought they'd lost their credit cards, but nothing was lost. Mrs Ogden points at the thieves as they leave while Mr Ogden checks nothing else was taken . Happy grandfather Brian Ogden, with his granddaughter Rosanna, got his wallet back from thieves . Joan Ogden, 78, spotted the thieves in action as they stole from the pocket of Brian Ogden, 80 . 'The annoying point for me, this four star hotel they were at, they said they know (the pickpockets). I've been coming for years and have never seen anything like this before.' Hotel Don Pancho's guest relationship manager, Ana Labord, said pickpockets are a problem in Benidorm 'especially when tourists go to the busy open markets' but there is little that can be done. 'I showed (the Ogdens) the images, we have many security cameras and they were right by the entrance, you can see they were followed from the main road then down the walkway,' she said. 'Usually they don't go that far as there are cameras, but I guess they must have had a bad day. They tried to pickpocket them, but they realised and asked for their things back.' The four-star Hotel don Pancho in Benidorm, where the Ogdens were staying on holiday . Mr and Mrs Ogden were about to catch a bus to Alicante before flying home when they were robbed . She added that the Ogdens were brave to have confronted the thieves, an action she wouldn't necessarily recommend. 'Everyone has to make their own decisions,' she said. 'I personally wouldn't confront a thief like that but in this case they did, and you can see it worked out, they clearly did the right thing as they got their wallets back. 'Everybody should be careful, and sometimes you shouldn't confront them, but in Benidorm it's not violence that's a problem, just the pickpocketing like any other busy tourist area.'
Brian and Joan Ogden were robbed as they returned to their hotel . Two pickpockets worked together to snatch wallet from his pocket . The couple, aged 80 and 78, followed thieves and confronted them . They were about to head home to Wigan from Hotel Don Pancho .
[ 0, 7798, 11, 20950, 411, 122, 537, 141, 118, 91, 12, 3, 1544, 11, 130, 30, 70, 194, 223, 139 ]
'Screaming in agony': UPS driver Tom Ryan (pictured) lost a leg after getting crushed against his own truck by a car swerving to miss a jaywalker . A UPS driver had one of his legs ripped off after being crushed against his own truck by a car which swerved to avoid a jaywalker. Tom Ryan, 40, was struck by a Toyota while making deliveries on Staten Island, leaving the hanging by a thread. Onlookers used a shirt as a tourniquet in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. Witness Moe Sattar, a mechanic at the tyre store on Hylan Boulevard, said: 'Tom was screaming. 'One of his legs was laying next to him under the truck. Then he got quiet when he was bleeding out.' Mr Ryan, a married father-of-two, was taken to Staten Island University before being transferred by air ambulance to the trauma unit at Belleview hospital, FDNY sources told the New York Post. He has lost one leg, but is expected to live, a UPS representative said. The driver of the Toyota, which had North Carolina licence plates, told officers he swerved to avoid a pedestrian, according to law enforcement sources. Mr Sattar backed up this account, adding that the driver was believed to be a teenager. The NYPD said no charges were filed against the driver. He said the jaywalker stopped to rubberneck but left before emergency services reached the scene. According to Mr Ryan's Facebook page, his son, Malachy, believed to be aged eight or nine, was hit by a bus around four years ago while walking home from school. Malachy was a 'bloody mess' and needed a neck brace, but doctors said 'he would be OK', he wrote. Scene: Mr Ryan was struck by this black Toyota while making deliveries on Staten Island, leaving his other leg hanging by a thread. Onlookers used a shirt as a tourniquet in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding .
Tom Ryan, 40, had one leg ripped off and the other left hanging by a thread . Onlookers used shirt as a tourniquet in desperate bid to stop the bleeding . Witness: 'Tom was screaming. One leg was laying next to him under truck'
[ 0, 3059, 7826, 6, 1283, 6, 47, 10056, 57, 3, 9, 11509, 298, 492, 23113, 30, 1015, 29, 2834, 3 ]
Councils are pocketing thousands in change by forcing drivers to overpay for parking because their meters do not accept five or 10 pence coins brought in three years ago. Town halls have failed to recalibrate some of the 100,000 ticket machines in the UK - making it impossible for drivers to pay the exact cost of parking. In Manchester, where 240 machines are still not upgraded, motorists without old-style coins must use £1 and two 20p pieces for a typical £1.25 hour's parking - handing the council a 15p profit. Big profit: Town hall bosses in Manchester have been accused of pocketing thousands of pounds extra from 240 parking ticket machines in the city because they still do not accept new 5p and 10p pieces . The council also charges £1.85 for an hour and a half and £3.10 for two hours and 30 minutes, meaning that drivers without the right coins must overpay for them too. Nationwide there are 100,000 parking meters yet several councils are still yet to upgrade them to accept the three-year-old 5p and 10p coins. Many local authorities don't use machines that offer change because they could become targets for theft. Experts fear the problem could become even worse when the new 12-sided pound coin is released in 2017. This is because their hourly charges often end in 5p and 10p yet the machines do not accept new five or 10p coins, making it impossible for drivers to pay the exact fee. Manchester drivers have demanded refunds and want to know why the council is yet to upgrade its machines. Darren Edwards, 42, was forced to overpay for his parking as the machine could not take the correct change. He said: 'I know it is not much but if you think how often those parking spots are used, and if everyone is over paying that soon adds up.' Coin chaos: The 5p and 10p pieces introduced three years ago are slightly thicker than the old ones, which means that a considerable number of machines still reject them . The parking machine he used currently charges of £1.25 for an hour's parking, £1.85 for an hour and a half and £3.10 for two hours and 30 minutes. But a sticker says it will not accept the new silver coins. The new thicker nickel-plated steel coins were introduced in 2012 by the Royal Mint and since then, 330million are in circulation while older copper-nickel coins have been steadily recalled. Industry chiefs insist the bill for converting parking meters, vending machines and phone boxes to accept the new £1 coin could be more than £200million. The 12-sided coin, which resembles a classic threepenny bit, was announced as a way to fight a surge in the number of £1 in circulation - a racket that costs the economy some £45million a year. But roughly 1.2million machines on the market will have to be re-calibrated to fit the new piece, which is set to be introduced in 2017, according to one industry expert. Payphones, parking metres, betting shop fruit machines, launderette washing machines and supermarket trolleys are among the devices that will need to be upgraded. Last year the Royal Mint suggested that the cost of converting these machines would be around £20million. But company chiefs have today disputed the amount - calculating that it could me more than five times as much. Jonathan Hilder, CEO of the Automatic Vending Association, estimated that forgeries make up some 3.03 per cent of the more than 1.5billion £1 coins in circulation. He said that increasingly sophisticated technology meant that coins were easier to fake - and that 50 per cent of these counterfeit coins successfully passed through vending machines. The new coin will be made from two types of metal, like the current £2 coin. A Freedom of Information request to Manchester council revealed the town hall made £14.8m from car parking in 2013/14. Coun Luthfur Rahman, the council's assistant executive member for environment, said: 'We are in the process of re-calibrating all the pay and display machines to accept the new 5p and 10p coins. 'This will be completed by the end of the month. 'There is also an alternative payment method - Pay by Phone - which doesn't require correct change as the tariff is charged directly to the customer's credit or debit card via their mobile phone. 'This cashless method also allows customers to purchase further parking time, up to the maximum permitted, with no need to return to the pay and display machine, as well as providing text reminders when their parking time is about to expire.' In recent years drivers have complained about similar problems in towns and cities all over the UK. Councils in Sheffield, Brighton, Telford, Hull and in Edinburgh are among many who admitted to problems. The vending industry said updating machines could local authorities as much as £100million to modify parking meters and called the coin charges 'a disaster'. Because of the cost of changing machines, or having machines able to give change, councils are encouraging people to pay in other ways. A spokesman for the British Parking Association said: 'Mobile phone technology is beginning to revolutionise the way parking is paid for and offers more flexibility than static coin machines. 'Parking providers are already offering other cashless payment methods including credit cards and pre-booking. Some smart phone apps allow motorists to scan QR codes on signage instead of feeding a machine, all of which cut time, offer variety and ease of payment'.
In Manchester 240 machines still don't accept coinage introduced in 2012 . A typical £1.25 hour's parking is costing many £1.40 - a 15p profit per ticket . Experts fear problem may get worse when new £1 is introduced in 2017 .
[ 0, 9145, 896, 2063, 65, 4567, 12, 5026, 9, 6856, 2206, 128, 13, 8, 18829, 4096, 3, 5, 10546, 7 ]
West Bromwich Albion will make a £3million move for Wales international left-back Neil Taylor this summer. Swansea are willing to listen to offers for the 26-year-old who has impressed several Premier League managers over the past few years including Brendan Rodgers at Liverpool and Alan Pardew at Crystal Palace. However, Tony Pulis is keen to jump in and show his desire to sign the stylish defender ahead of what could be a busy summer at the Hawthorns. Neil Taylor is wanted to West Bromwich Albion and they are set to make a £3million move for the defender . Pulis has been forced to play Joleon Lescott and Chris Brunt at left-back after failing to sign Martin Olsson from Norwich on January deadline day and wants Taylor to provide more natural balance to his side. Taylor has been an ever-present in Swansea's side this season and would be seen as a real asset if the Baggies are able to complete a deal. Tony Pulis is keen for Taylor to fill in at left back, where he has struggled since he took charge at the club . It's believed that Garry Monk would be willing to sell the 26-year-old left back if the offer was right .
West Brom will make a £3million bid for Swansea defender Neil Taylor . The left back is seen as the player to fill the left back void for Tony Pulis . Swansea are believed to be open to offers for the 26-year-old . CLICK HERE for all the latest West Brom news .
[ 0, 17906, 7909, 19, 1114, 57, 18041, 7, 15, 9, 7930, 9137, 10035, 159, 3, 5, 37, 646, 223, 65 ]
It's the nation famed for its gastronomy which gave birth to haute cuisine and the Michelin Guide . But almost three quarters of all dishes served in French bistros, brasseries and cafes are shipped in from a factory and microwaved, according to a top restaurateur. Xavier Denamur sparked fury after he exposed France as a country of microwave cheats and even went as far as to compare it as being the culinary equivalent of a low-cost airline. Xavier Denamur sparked fury after he exposed France as a country of microwave cheats and even went as far as to compare chefs' corner-cutting as being the culinary equivalent of a low-cost airline . 'The microwave has become the chef's best friend,' he told The Times. Unesco has named France's 'gastronomic meal' a world treasure and the country still welcomes more tourists than any other nation. But there are signs that its crown as the world's culinary king has been slipping for some time. Last year, the country that gave us the croissant, coq au vin and moules mariníères, as well as introducing the concept of L'apéritif, did not get a single entry in to the top ten of the World's 50 Best Restaurant Awards. Xavier Denamur has claimed that almost three quarters of all meals served in French bistros, brasseries and cafes are shipped in from a factory and microwaved . Instead the list was dominated by Spain, the UK, USA, Brazil with Denmark as number one, with only five French restaurants making it into the awards at all. The French government was so concerned they called on two multi-Michelin-starred chefs to draw up battle plans. But even chefs Alain Ducasse and Guy Savoy, who have now put together a 20-point plan, admitted that France's global culinary influence 'is no longer the same'. They added that France's mid-to-low range restaurants, particularity in tourist traps like Mont Saint Michel or the banks of the Seine, let the country down. The chefs recommended stricter criteria should also be introduced on food with the 'home-made' label in restaurants which currently allows most frozen and vacuum-packed food. A survey by catering union Synhorcat in 2014 suggested 31 per cent of restaurants (not including cafeterias, bars and fast food outlets) used industrially prepared foods. But Mr Denamur, who revealed the trade secrets in his book Et si on se mettait enfin a table? (And if We Sat Down to Eat at Last?) claimed the figures were as high as seven in ten dishes served in cafes, brasseries and bistros were made in a factory and re-heated. In his book he said the dominant low cost model imposed by the 'greedy' producers of frozen food has 'trapped independent restaurants and sacked the planet.' Last year the French government passed a law which was meant to force restaurants to label the dishes they prepare from fresh ingredients in their own kitchens as 'fait maison' (homemade). But ministers have been forced to admit that the law had failed as diners had little faith in the new label. Commerce minister Carole Delga said the scheme was meant to promote traditional cooking and those establishments that cook from scratch. A survey by catering union Synhorcat in 2014 suggested 31 per cent of restaurants (not including cafeterias, bars and fast food outlets) used industrially prepared foods (stock picture) A new law to try and promote freshly made dishes has been criticised as chefs are still able to buy in read-made ingredients . She claimed the fait maison logo would 'allow all, at a glance, to distinguish food that has been assembled from industrially prepared elements from cuisine created from raw produce'. But the new law was criticised for not going far enough as restaurants were still able to use ingredients such as factory-made pastry and claim the food was homemade. Mr Denamur, who starred in République de Malbouffe (Republic of Junk Food), a documentary investigating the state of French food said he had been 'bitterly disappointed' by the label. 'I chop all my steak tartare to order, but someone who buys it in, vacuum packed in a controlled atmosphere, where it might have come from 10 different cows, can call theirs fait maison too. It's ridiculous,' he told the Guardian last year. 'If you can't make the base for a sauce, don't make one. Don't use an industrial one – that's not real cooking, it's not fait maison.' Mrs Delga has now pledged to tighten up the rules around the law. Star chefs Alain Ducasse (right) and Guy Savoy (left) will be putting together a 20-point plan for the 'gastrono-diplomacy' report to try and repair France's reputation . The rising cost of raw materials and staff may be partly to blame for putting cooking from scratch beyond the reach of many restaurants. A traditional boeuf bourguignon costs as much as 7.50 Euros to produce, according to the restaurateur who owns four French bistros. It is often much cheaper for chefs to simply buy frozen ingredients and ready-made dishes from industrial producers such as Transgourmet, Métro, Brake or Davigel. Last month, the French ministry launch the Good France project which saw 1,000 chefs of different nationalities serve French food and wine in restaurants and embassies across five continents as part of its national 'gastrono-diplomacy' drive. The elaborate four course meals aimed to emulate those of celebrated 19th century cook and culinary ambassador Georges August Escoffier.
Xavier Denamur claims most dishes in French bistro aren't made on site . He said seven in ten meals are factory-made then reheated in microwave . Signs that France's crown as top culinary destination in world is slipping . French ministers admitted scheme to introduce a homemade label failed .
[ 0, 4821, 9, 189, 32, 19, 8, 2982, 10393, 26, 21, 165, 3, 122, 12466, 63, 84, 1891, 3879, 12 ]
The Tories are set to steal Labour’s thunder by unveiling tax breaks for workers on the minimum wage. A text message intended for a senior aide to George Osborne – but accidentally sent to a newspaper – yesterday divulged plans for a ‘tax free minimum wage’. The details are unclear, but it is thought this would mean that those on the minimum wage would be exempt from paying any income tax – even if its level is raised in future. New plan: The details of George Osborne's leaked plans are unclear, but it is believed to mean that minimum wage earners wouldn' t be paying any income tax . The minimum wage currently stands at £6.50 an hour, rising to £6.70 in October. Labour’s Ed Miliband yesterday pledged that he would help low earners by raising the level above £8 an hour by October 2019. But the Conservatives look set to outflank both Labour and the Lib Dems on the issue of low pay with a firm commitment in their own manifesto, released today. David Cameron said in his speech to the Conservative party conference last year that he wanted to see the threshold for paying income tax – currently £10,600 – go up to £12,500 by April 2020. This will take an extra million people out of income tax altogether, while giving 30million workers a tax cut worth £500 a year. Critique: Danny Alexander said Osborne’s spending plans are 'becoming less and less credible' But if Mr Cameron goes further by also raising the minimum wage – and still keeping everyone on it out of tax – then that would represent a major giveaway. Tax cuts for the low paid are a priority for the Prime Minister after promising to raise the inheritance tax threshold and the 40p rate of tax for those on higher incomes. A text message from Downing Street intended for the Chancellor’s adviser, Neil O’ Brien, read: ‘Hi Neil, Have sent you the tax free min wage press notice draft. Rupert asks if you could print for George in no11?’ Rupert refers to Rupert Harrison, the Chancellor’s most senior economic adviser. The text message ended up being sent to a journalist at The Guardian. It is thought that it refers to a guarantee that, every time the minimum wage rises, its recipients would be protected from paying any income tax. Danny Alexander, the Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said it would be another unfunded spending commitment. He added:‘George Osborne’s spending plans are becoming less and less credible by the day, and it’s embarrassing. ‘They now expect the public to believe them when they make unfunded promises with one hand, whilst decimating family budgets and public services with the other.’ Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour party, said: ‘The Tories are making panicky promises with absolutely no idea how they will pay for them.’ Mr Miliband yesterday brought forward by one year his pledge to increase the minimum wage to £8. He also promised to enforce it more effectively with higher fines for offending firms.
Osborne accidentally divulged plans for a ‘tax free minimum wage’ Could mean minimum wage earners wouldn't be paying any income tax . Follows Ed Miliband's pledge to raise the minimum wage to £8 .
[ 0, 9487, 13, 3080, 411, 7, 12940, 31, 7, 90, 15461, 1390, 33, 19363, 6, 68, 34, 19, 816, 24 ]
HSBC has apologised after a link on its official website directed visitors to a pornographic page. Anyone trying to access the bank's page for the Young Entrepreneur Awards - which has since been shut down - was greeted by images of women posing naked or having sex. The porn site took over the address after the awards were scrapped in 2011 and the organisers allowed its registration on HSBC.com.hk to retire. Blunder: HSBC has apologised after a link on its official website directed visitors to a pornographic page (pictured) For that reason, the website's URL address which would usually connect to a third-party website transferred visitors to the porn business instead, a banking source told the South China Morning Post. HSBC yesterday removed the hyperlink from its main website after realising its embarrassing mistake. A spokesman denied the bank had any associations with the external site and offered its apology to the public. In a public statement dated April 20, HSBC said 'a link to an external third-party website has been removed' from its community projects webpage. It added: 'HSBC is not in any way associated with the external third-party website. HSBC would like to apologise to the public for any inconvenience caused.' The banking giant insisted its website remained secure. HSBC's internet banking service allows customers to check their account balances, transfer funds, and apply for loans and insurance, among others. Embarrassing: The porn site took over the Young Entrepreneurs Wards page after they were scrapped in 2011 and the organisers allowed its registration to retire (Hong Kong branch pictured)
Graphic images appeared on defunct Young Entrepreneurs Awards sites . Pornographic site took over address after the page was shut down in 2011 . HSBC has since apologised for error and denied association with the page .
[ 0, 3, 4950, 7645, 31, 7, 2314, 475, 6640, 2692, 12, 3, 9, 5569, 29, 16587, 543, 3, 5, 3238 ]
(CNN)At first police in Marana, Arizona, thought the shoplifted gun Mario Valencia held as he walked through a busy office park was locked and unable to fire. The cable through the lever and trigger couldn't be taken off, an officer was told by an employee of the Walmart where Valencia took the gun and some rounds of ammunition. But just 10 seconds after the worker told police that ... a shot. Valencia had fired into the air, and less than a minute later a police car slammed into him in a move that ended a crime spree and sparked nationwide discussion on the officer's unusual tactic. The 36-year-old Valencia was hospitalized and within a few days transferred to jail where he faces 15 charges, including shoplifting the .30-30 rifle. That February morning, police have said, Valencia committed several crimes in nearby Tucson before stealing a car and driving to the Walmart in Marana. There he went to the sporting goods department, asked to see a rifle, then told an employee he wanted the ammunition. Officer who drove into suspect justified, chief says . The woman told police she gave Valencia the rounds because he told her he would break the case with the bullets inside. He also told her not to do anything stupid. In spite of that she also said she didn't feel threatened, leading police to charge him with shoplifting and not armed robbery. Walmart told CNN's Miguel Marquez that the store clerk acted appropriately, even using a code to alert security to call police. Valencia took the gun and ammo and fled into a nearby business park where he encountered an officer in a slow-moving patrol car. At one point he pointed the weapon at an officer and at another he pointed it at his head. The officer told him several times to put down the gun, police have said. The officers that were tailing him assumed that he likely couldn't shoot anyone because of the store's lock. Marana police on Thursday said the cable gun lock was still on the rifle when it was recovered. But the wire that goes through the trigger and the lever to reload the gun were loose enough to allow it to still be used, police said. It also should have been wrapped through the lever twice, not once, police said. A Walmart spokesman told CNN that the rifle had been properly locked and might have been affected by the hard blow caused by the police car. Valencia, who is in Pima County Jail, will appear in court again on May 18.
Before he was slammed into by a police car, Mario Valencia fired a rifle with a loosened lock . He shoplifted the gun and ammo from a Walmart, where a saleswoman who showed him the weapon alerted security . Walmart says the lock was properly installed but police say it was loose when it was found .
[ 0, 14082, 26925, 47, 2833, 1601, 227, 3, 9, 2095, 443, 3, 7, 40, 265, 2726, 139, 376, 16, 3 ]
It was an idea that was never in danger of being poo-pooed. A Game Of Thrones ‘super-fan’ had a fully functional toilet built for him that’s an almost-identical replica of the Iron Throne that features in the hit TV show. While the throne on the show was forged from 200 swords melted by dragon breath at the order of Aegon the Conqueror, the first of the Targaryen Kings, the loo version was made using plywood by a team of top Hollywood prop makers for YouTube show Super Fan Builds. Scroll down for video . A loo version of the Iron Throne was built by a team of Hollywood prop makers . The Super Fan Builds team, led by master designer Tim Baker (pictured), used jigsaws, grinders and special paint that gives wood a metallic effect . Work in progress: Baker and his team pictured assembling their toilet Iron Throne . Baker gives viewers an update on progress. It took several days for the loo to be completed . Once finished it was presented to self-confessed Game Of Thrones geek John Giovanazzi and installed in the toilet of the bar he runs in Glendale, California. The show, hosted by actress Trisha Hershberger, specialises in building one-of-a-kind items for super-fans of comics, movies and games, according to its YouTube description, and in this instance the commission was requested by Giovanazzi’s friend Chloe Dykstra. She told the show: ‘He’s [Giovanazzi] a huge Game Of Thrones fan. He loves everything Game Of Thrones. He’s read all the books and marathoned the TV shows. He owns a bar called Complex, which is known for its nerd events. He’s thrown a bunch of Game Of Throne-themed parties. The recipient was self-confessed Game Of Thrones geek John Giovanazzi, who is pictured on his new loo at his bar in Glendale, California . Actor Sean Bean as Lord Eddard Stark in Game Of Thrones . ‘He even has Game Of Thrones beer on tap. You guys have to do something. Something epic. Maybe an Iron Throne as a toilet.’ The Super Fan Builds team, led by master designer Tim Baker, got to work using jigsaws, grinders and special paint that gives wood a metallic effect. The result drew an appreciative ‘wow’ from Giovanazzi. The creation came just as the much-anticipated fifth season of the show hit television screens. The creation came just as the much-anticipated fifth season of the show hit television screens. Pictured is Emilia Clarke in episode seven of season four .
The Iron Throne was forged from 200 swords melted by dragon breath . California's loo version was built by prop makers using plywood . It was presented to Game Of Thrones superfan John Giovanazzi . The incredible loo was then installed in his bar in Glendale, California .
[ 0, 5343, 504, 2011, 8362, 14025, 7, 990, 3, 9, 16455, 13, 8, 9046, 3, 11889, 782, 3, 5, 94 ]
Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker has labelled Nigel Farage a 'd***' during last night's leader's debate. The former England footballer launched the scathing attack on the head of Ukip after leaders from each of the seven largest parties went head-to-head for the first time in the historic TV election debate. Opinion polls produced mixed results on who had 'won' the contest, with ComRes survey showing that 40 per cent of voters think David Cameron is 'most capable of leading the country', while others backed SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and others putting Ed Miliband ahead. Scroll down for videos . Leader of Ukip Nigel Farage has come under attack for his controversial comments made on the TV election debate last night . Match of the Day pundit Gary Lineker labelled Mr Farage a 'd***' after claimed that people with HIV should not be welcomed into Britain for treatment . Mr Farage topped the list for worst and best performing leaders after his controversial comments that people with HIV should not be welcomed into Britain for treatment. The debate spurred a flurry of reaction from footballing stars on Twitter who came out to give their opinions on the leaders. Mr Lineker tweeted: 'Always reluctant to offer a political view, but Farage is a d***!' He took another dig at the Ukip leader later on writing: 'Who would you back? I reckon Farage would leather it over the bar. And blame the foreign goalkeeper for moving.' Former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand was also left uninspired by the debate, tweeting: 'Unfortunately, none of these people on that stage engage with the generation of today.' The former England player took another dig at the Ukip leader later on writing: 'Who would you back? I reckon Farage would leather it over the bar. And blame the foreign goalkeeper for moving' Former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand was also left uninspired by the debate tweeting that the leaders had failed to engage with today's generation . The Match of the Day presenter launched the scathing attack on the head of Ukip after leaders from each of the seven largest parties went head-to-head for the first time in the historic TV election debate . Mr Miliband, whose hopes of using the debate to catapult him into Number 10 floundered last night, also came under fire. The Labour leader fell flat during the clash, and was left lost for words after being challenged on live TV by Nick Clegg to apologise for Labour crashing the economy. Former Arsenal and Tottenham defender Sol Campbell criticised the Labour leader on Twitter saying: 'I've captained a number of teams and it's clear to see Miliband is no leader.' While Mr Lineker suggested a different way to settle the debate. 'Can this please end with a penalty shoot-out. #leadersdabate.' It was the first time ever that leaders of the seven largest parties had gone head-to-head in a televised election debate . Both Mr Farage and Labour leader Ed Miliband faced criticism for their performances at the ITV debate . A BBC Spokesperson said: 'Gary has no involvement in any BBC programmes involving news, current affairs or politics. In common with other such presenters, therefore, he is able to express views on personal social media and that has no bearing on the BBC's impartiality.' In the first debate of its kind, lots were drawn in advance to agree where each of the leaders will stand and when they get to speak. The seven party leaders clashed repeatedly on spending and the future of the NHS, as Mr Cameron bluntly told Mr Miliband: 'It's a service not a weapon.' Mr Farage launched into a controversial rant on 'health tourism', complaining about people with HIV who come to Britain in search of treatment. But Miss Wood, leader of Welsh Nationalists Plaid Cymru, won the first significant applause of the night as she accused Mr Farage of 'dangerous scaremongering' for blaming migrants for problems in the NHS. She told him he should be 'ashamed' of himself. Mr Farage caused outrage after he said that people with HIV should not be welcomed into Britain for treatment. Former Arsenal and Tottenham defender Sol Campbell got stuck in to Labour leader Ed Miliband saying he was 'no leader' Mr Lineker suggested a more football-friendly way to end the debate- with a penalty shoot-out . He said: 'Here's a fact and I'm sure that other people will be mortified that I dare to talk about it. 'There are 7,000 diagnoses in this country every year for people who are HIV positive. 'It's not a good place for any of them to be I know, but 60 per cent of them are not British nationals. 'They're both blaming each other and they're both right' - Ed Miliband on David Cameron and Nick Clegg. 'When he was in the Cabinet about half a million people lost their jobs so never mind zero-hours, with Ed there'd be zero jobs' - David Cameron on Ed Miliband. 'Nigel Farage talks about 'remember history'. The Farage family were foreigners once. I'm married to a foreigner. You are married to a foreigner' - Nick Clegg to Nigel Farage. 'What's going on here? Get real, please' - Nigel Farage to everyone else. 'The answer is investing more in homes and public services and enforcing a decent minimum wage, not scapegoating immigrants' - Nicola Sturgeon . 'You don't have to go on voting for the lesser of two evils. That's how we ended up with the tired, failed politics that we have now' - Natalie Bennett. 'It was not Polish care workers or Estonian bar workers who caused this economic crisis - it was bankers' - Leanne Wood. 'You can come into Britain from anywhere in the world and get diagnosed with HIV and get the retroviral drugs that cost up to £25,000 a year per patient. 'I know there are some horrible things happening in many part of the world, but what we need to do is put the National Health Service there for British people and families who in many cases have paid into the system for decades.' At the end of the historic contest, Mr Miliband said: 'You've heard from seven leaders tonight. But there's one fundamental choice. 'If I'm Prime Minister I will make sure everyone will play by the same rules. If I'm Prime Minister we will cut the deficit every year. 'I believe that when working people succeed Britain succeeds. If you believe in that too, then I ask for your vote.' Mr Cameron had the last word, after drawing the final slot, telling viewers: 'I've been your Prime Minister for the last five years and all that time I've tried to have one task in mind above all others. 'And that has been turning our economy around, putting the country back to work and clearing up the mess that was left to us. 'I want to stand for another five years because I want us to finish the job that we have all started. We've created two million jobs. Let's create a job for everyone that wants and needs one.' The Prime Minister had been accused ahead of the clash of 'running scared' after dodging a head-to-head showdown with the Labour leader. After Mr Cameron objected to broadcasters' plans for three TV debates during the five-and-a-half week campaign, the ITV show marked the only occasion before the May 7 election where the Tory and Labour leaders faced each other.
Gary Lineker launched the scathing attack after historic election debate . Labelled Nigel Farage a 'd***' over his comments on foreign HIV sufferers . Football stars tweeted as seven major party leaders went head-to-head . Sol Campbell also attacked Ed Miliband saying it was clear he's 'no leader'
[ 0, 18263, 2789, 3370, 49, 22506, 3, 7, 658, 8052, 3211, 30, 412, 2168, 102, 2488, 3, 5, 216, 7760 ]
A mother-of-two who lost her eye to skin cancer is warning people against the dangers of wearing cheap sunglasses. Deborah Kane, from Tyldesley, Manchester, had her right eye removed three years ago in a life-saving nine-hour operation to stop the cancer spreading to her brain. The 46-year-old teaching assistant believes her cancer developed from getting badly burned on holiday in Lanzarote when she was 15 - where she also bought cheap sunglasses without proper UV protection. Scroll down for video . Deborah Kane, from Manchester (pictured), had her right eye removed three years ago in a life-saving nine-hour operation to stop her skin cancer spreading to her brain . Debbie, pictured with her radiation mask, said, 'They drilled in through the back of my head to get to my eye, so it was a horrible experience' Debbie, who recently filmed a segment about her ordeal for an upcoming TV show called ‘Fake Britain’, says: 'I want to warn other women of the dangers of buying cheap sunglasses. The decision cost me my eye. 'But I know I’ve been lucky, because through losing my eye, my life was saved.' To celebrate her recovery, Debbie held an aptly named ‘Eye Ball’ and named each table after a part of the eye. She hopes to repeat the event annually and has so far raised over £10,000 for The Royal Manchester Eye Hospital where she was treated. Debbie’s problems first began when she was 24 and had a cancerous mole removed from her neck. She was given the all-clear and put it behind her. Debbie went on to have two children, Annabel, now 14, and Charlie, eight. 'Having one eye doesn’t stop me at all and I’ve learned to be comfortable with the way I look,' says Debbie, pictured with her niece . But in December 2011, aged 42, she began to suffer with blurred vision. She was eventually diagnosed with a malignant melanoma behind her right eye. Debbie says: 'My mind immediately went back to a teenage holiday in Lanzarote when I had been badly sunburned. I had blistered very badly on my neck, which was exactly the same place where I’d first had skin cancer. 'I had scrimped on sunglasses too; I bought cheap ones because they were trendy – but they didn’t protect my eyes at all. 'I used to buy lots of them every time I went on holiday because they only cost a couple of euros. I binned them all as soon as I was diagnosed with cancer. She is now cancer free but has to stay out of the sun, and wears a patch over her eye, as she's never felt comfortable with a prosthetic eye. Pictured, Debbie with her doctors . 'My consultant confirmed that the sun was definitely the cause and that the holiday was likely the starting point for cancer. 'I was so angry, so frustrated with myself. But it was too late for that. 'The lump was so big it was forcing the eye up and out of the socket.' Her eye had to be removed, to stop the cancer spreading to her brain, but her consultant had never done that type of surgery before. Debbie says: 'It was a huge risk and he discussed with experts from around the UK before my operation. In the end there were three consultants at my surgery. 'They drilled in through the back of my head to get to my eye, so it was a horrible experience.' In 2012, Debbie had nine hours of gruelling surgery followed by months of radiotherapy. But a year on, she made a good recovery and returned to work. In 2013, she found a cancerous lump in her leg, which also had to be removed. Her consultant believes that Debbie’s eye and leg tumours were both caused by rogue cells from the original tumour in her neck. To celebrate her recovery, Debbie held an aptly named ‘Eye Ball’ (pictured) and named each table after a part of the eye . She hopes to repeat the event annually and has so far raised over £10,000 for The Royal Manchester Eye Hospital where she was treated . She is now cancer-free but has to stay out of the sun, and wears a patch over her eye, as she's never felt comfortable with a prosthetic eye. Speaking about her Eye Ball, she says: 'My friend didn’t understand the concept and she told me she didn’t want to sit on "Len’s table" because she might not like him!' Debbie says: 'Having one eye doesn’t stop me at all and I’ve learned to be comfortable with the way I look. I work as a teacher, I drive a car and do everything like a normal mum. 'The way I see it, losing my eye saved my life. I just hope my story can save someone else.'
Deborah Kane, from Manchester, had a melanoma behind her eye . Doctors think it may have been a result of wearing cheap sunglasses . She has also had two cancerous lumps removed from neck and leg . Mother-of-two was badly burned in Lanzarote at the age of 15 .
[ 0, 30226, 4540, 15, 141, 160, 269, 1580, 3641, 386, 203, 977, 16, 3, 9, 280, 18, 18265, 668, 18 ]
A newlywed husband who was stabbed to death in a hotel room had solicited his murderer during a Craigslist exchange for gay sex, according to new court records on Thursday. Jamyra Gallmon, 21, has been charged with first-degree murder while armed for allegedly killing David Messerschmitt, 30, on February 9 in Washington, D.C. The woman admitted to police that she set up the lawyer using a masculine-sounding email address and went to the upscale Donovan hotel with the intention of robbing him. Scroll down for video . Jamyra Gallmon, 21, (pictured graduating from her military academy high school) has been charged with first-degree felony murder while armed for allegedly stabbing to death 30-year-old David Messerschmitt on February 9 . David Messerschmitt (pictured with his wife Kim) was found dead in his DC hotel room in February. An affidavit revealed on Thursday that he had been soliciting sex from men through Craigslist . According to Gallmon, who was seen on surveillance camera entering the hotel wearing androgynous clothing including black boots, black pants and a black hooded jacket, the room door was open when she arrived. The affidavit stated that the pair got into a struggle and the defendant pulled a knife from her pants and stabbed the victim repeatedly until he fell to the floor where she stabbed him several more times. The victim was found with multiple stab wounds to the back, groin and abdomen along with one wound which pierced his heart and another which hit his spinal cord. His hands had been bound with zip-ties into a pair of makeshift cuffs. His hands were covered in defensive wounds. Messerschmitt had texted his wife Kim Vuong at 7.45pm on February 9 to tell her he would be home in an hour after leaving his law office. He never returned and the next day he was found dead at his hotel room with 'various credit cards strewn about'. He death was declared a homicide. Among the items recovered from the room were a computer, lubricant, condoms, cell phone and enema kit, Fox DC reported. Fingerprints were also found in the room. Investigators discovered that Messerschmitt had posted a Craigslist ad on February 9, soliciting responses from other men, using 'dcguy456'. The lawyer began an exchange with an individual, using the name 'chrissanchez0906', around 2pm which continued throughout the day. Messerschmitt told the individual his room number at the hotel and gave a meeting time of 7pm - 7.30pm. The email address that the lawyer had been in contact with was linked to Gallmon. On a search of the woman's DC apartment, police found a knife, black boots and gloves, and a pack of zip ties. A discussion in the comments section of a Queerty.com article about Mr Messerschmitt's murder in February included users referencing interactions with an individual using the handle 'dcguy456'. One commenter said that 'dcguy456' had previously posted on the 'M4M' (men for men) section of Craigslist and identified himself as bisexual. Another individual's post claimed that he had exchanged emails with 'dcguy456'and met up with him several years ago. A woman has been arrested in connection to the murder of 30-year-old Washington, DC lawyer David Messerschmitt. Above, the 'person of interest' who was caught on surveillance video entering the hotel where Messerschmitt was killed on February 9. Police confirmed that this was Gallmon . Jamyra Gallmon attended Forestville Military Academy in Maryland and was an exemplary student, a teacher said on Thursday. According to an affidavit, it is believed that Mr Messerschmitt got her to come to his hotel room believing that he was soliciting a man . Gallmon made an initial appearance on the felony murder charge Superior Court in DC on Thursday. The 21-year-old attended the Forestville Military Academy in Maryland, a coach toldFox 5 on Thursday and had been an exemplary student. She graduated in 2011. Her mother told NBC that her daughter had never been in trouble before and had an ambition to join the military. Coach and teacher, Vincent McDuffie, told the station that she had wanted to play basketball in college but had suffered a knee injury. He said that her supportive family always turned up to watch her high school games. According to the police report, Messerchmitt left his work at law film, DLA Piper, around 5.30pm on February 9 and texted his wife a couple of hours later to say he would back at their Capitol Hill home in an hour. The couple reportedly had not seen each other since February 8, but Vuong didn't think anything seemed wrong with her husband. She reported him missing at midnight, saying it was unlike him to disappear and that usually he got home before her. Messerschmitt was found dead in his room the next day and pronounced dead at the scene. Authorities have arrested a Washington, DC woman named Jamyra Gallmon for the crime. On the left, another view of the person of interest on CCTV and on the right, Messerschmitt. Police sources told NBC Washington that the woman in the surveillance video is Gallmon . Messerschmitt texted his wife Kim Vuong on February 9 that he would be home in an hour but never showed. It appears he had gone to the Donovan hotel after arranging to have sex with an individual on Craigslist who he believed to be a man . Gallmon's mother said that her 21-year-old daughter (pictured) had never been in trouble before and had an ambition to join the military. She told police she stabbed the lawyer multiple times, according to an affidavit . Last week, Messerchmitt's wife gave an emotional speech, asking for help in finding her husband's killer. 'The world has lost a good person. David's family: a son and brother, and I have lost everything: my husband and my best friend. In one day, I lost the most important person in my life and the man I loved so much. And I have no answers,' she said. A Cincinnati native, Messerchmitt attended Ohio State University where he met his wife. He went on to study law at Boston University before working at a firm in Chicago. He then worked at two more firms in the D.C. area before transferring to DLA Piper last year, as a specialist in intellectual property law. Emotional: Last week, Messerschmitt's wife, Kim Vuong, held a press conference, asking for help in locating her husband's killer . Gallmon told police she had gone to the Donovan hotel (pictured) with the intention of robbing Mr Messerchmitt. He was found stabbed to death in his hotel room on February 10 .
David Messerschmitt, 30, who met his wife in college, had been using Craigslist to solicit men, according to an affidavit on Tuesday . Jamyra Gallmon, 21, 'contacted victim using a masculine-sounding email address and went to hotel with the intention of robbing him' The pair got into a struggle on February 9 and she stabbed him repeatedly in the abdomen, back and groin . The lawyer was found dead at the upscale Washington DC hotel after being reported missing by his wife . Gallmon made an initial appearance on the murder charge Superior Court in DC on Thursday .
[ 0, 11340, 63, 52, 9, 10987, 2157, 6, 12026, 65, 118, 4977, 28, 166, 18, 19706, 7738, 298, 3, 8715 ]
World No 1 Novak Djokovic became the first player to win the opening three ATP World Tour Masters 1000 events when he defeated Tomas Berdych 7-5 4-6 6-3 at Monte Carlo on Sunday. Djokovic had overpowered eight-time champion Rafael Nadal to reach the final, not dropping a set on his 2015 clay-court debut this week. However, the 27-year-old Serb did not have it all his own way in a rain-hit match against Berdych, who had forced a break in the very first game and later rallied to force a deciding set. Novak Djokovic got his clay court season underway with victory at the Monte Carlo Open . The world No 1 kisses the trophy after defeating Tomas Berdych in the final . Djokovic celebrates with ball boys and girls after victory in the Rolex Masters . Djokovic's coaches Boris Becker (left) and Marian Vadja cheer on their charge . Djokovic, though, eventually came through to extend his winning streak to 17 matches and the advantage over Roger Federer in the world rankings to more than 5,000 points. Berdych had signalled his intent with an early break, only for Djokovic to regain his composure and lead 5-3 before eventually closing out the first set after 53 minutes. The Serbian became the first player to win the opening three Masters 1000 events . Berdych battled to win the second set but could not prevent defeat by Djokovic . Djokovic was on court for almost three hours as he overcame the Czech in three sets . Djokovic was 3-2 up in the second before rain took the players off court for the best part of an hour. Berdych, the world No 8 who reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open in January, came back refreshed and broke at 4-3 before levelling the match with some powerful forehands. However, a string of unforced errors from the Czech in the decider then allowed Djokovic to move into a 4-0 lead, from which he closed out victory in two hours and 43 minutes.
The world No 1 defeated Tomas Berdych 7-5, 4-6, 6-3 in Monte Carlo . Novak Djokovic is first player to win opening three Masters 1000 events . Serbia star defeated clay court specialist Rafael Nadal in semi-finals .
[ 0, 17259, 157, 309, 1927, 157, 13388, 17025, 3059, 9, 7, 5653, 26, 14731, 489, 4525, 3, 20445, 3, 24262 ]
Some 40 miles north of San Antonio, along a lonely two-lane road, stands a bedraggled, tin-sided building that hints at Texas' past. Kendalia Halle's multi-tiered wooden truss was decked out in white lights as Bruce and Louetta Schwab joined about 200 others for a monthly dance. The Schwabs live east of Dallas and during their recent visit to central Texas Hill Country decided to visit the old hall, where patrons paid about $20 to hear Bobby Jordan and the Ridgecreek Band. 'It's a combination of her love to dance and my interest in German history,' said Bruce Schwab. One, two, step! In this December 2014 file photograph, girls dance to fiddle music at Twin Sisters Dance Hall in Blanco, Texas . Get on down! Fiddlers perform at Twin Sisters Dance Hall in December.  A preservation group says old Texas dance halls that for years served as important social centers in rural areas of the state are decaying and closing, with comparatively few still operating . Competition: Patrons are seen listening during a fiddle festival at Twin Sisters Dance Hall . Kendalia Halle was built more than 100 years ago by German immigrants, who through the latter half of the 19th century comprised more than 5 percent of the state's population, according to the Texas State Historical Commission. It's one of an estimated 1,000 dance halls that sprung up around Texas in the 1800s, knitting together German, Czech, Polish and other immigrant communities. About 400 such halls still stand — many unused and decaying — but only two traditional Texas dance halls continue to operate on nearly a daily basis: Luckenbach hall in Fredericksburg and Gruene Hall in New Braunfels. 'The culture has shifted away from rural areas where most of the halls are, but what we see is that these cultures are foundational to what Texans are and what Texas is,' said Patrick Sparks, board president of Texas Dance Hall Preservation. Sparks' group and others are working to preserve the state's remaining dance halls, in part by creating an inventory so that the most distinctive ones become candidates for the National Register of Historic Places. Such designation would enable the halls to apply for grant assistance and protections against encroaching development. More practically, it would raise their profile among tourists and other travelers. 'You can still go out on a Saturday night and experience an authentic dance hall like you could 100 years ago and that's something that really defines our culture here in Texas,' Sparks said. Some dance halls also are architecturally unique, according to Sparks. The Cat Spring Agricultural Society Pavilion west of Houston is a 12-sided hall built in 1902 by German immigrants that features an elaborate wooden truss rising up to a cupola. At one time there were about 40 such 'round halls' in the state, Sparks said, but now just half that number exist. Cool refreshments: The Twin Sisters Dance Hall offers a number of beers, including Bud Light, Coors Light, and Texas-based Lone Star . Swing your partner round and round: A pair of dancers are seen at Twin Sisters Dance Hall in Blanco, Texas . Corner entertainment: Musicians Tibby Armke, center, and Cory Blair, second from right, play outside of the dance hall in December . Carolyn Vogel is president of a nonprofit association that operates the Twin Sisters Dance Hall. It's believed Twin Sisters, not far from Kendalia Halle, has hosted at least a monthly dance since the 1880s. It costs about $16,000 a year for volunteers to maintain the building. 'On a good year we break even,' Vogel said. The association is seeking an IRS designation as a charitable organization that would allow it to apply for state grants and other money, which would prove valuable in addressing expensive repairs like the nearly $20,000 needed to replace the roof, she said. Twin Sisters, founded by German immigrants, for years served as a vital community center, Vogel said, and it's important 'to reacquaint and refamiliarize people with this heritage.' 'We're really working to bring people back,' she said. 'I think it's a unique type of entertainment, also.' From about 1870 into the 1920s, European immigrants in Texas built hundreds of these halls. They largely served as meeting places for agricultural groups, rifle clubs and mutual benefit societies. Over time, Sparks said, they also became important social centers that on many evenings hosted popular dances. The popularity of the halls waned as Texas' population shifted to the cities. In 1900, 83 percent of the Texas population lived in rural areas; 50 years later that percentage had fallen to 37 percent, and continues to decline. Nowadays, a couple hundred remaining halls may host an event or two each year, but only a few dozen are used at least on a monthly basis, Sparks said. When Lee Temple bought Kendalia Halle with his wife Judi in 1995, business didn't look so promising. One weekend he laid out $700 for a band only to have one couple show. While still not a money-maker, Kendalia's monthly dances, along with wedding receptions and birthday parties, help the Temples break even. 'Texas dance halls are becoming a very good investment because there are fewer and fewer of them,' Lee Temple said. Big dipper: Visitors dance to live music by Al Dressen's Super Swing Review at Twin Sisters Dance Hall . Showtime:  Al Dressen's Super Swing Review performs as members of the audience dance . Leaving for the night: A patron in a cowboy hat is seen leaving the Twin Sisters Dance Hall .
An estimated 1,000 dance halls that sprung up around Texas in the 1800s, knitting together German, Czech, Polish and other immigrant communities . From about 1870 into the 1920s, European immigrants in Texas built hundreds of these halls . They largely served as meeting places for agricultural groups, rifle clubs and mutual benefit societies . About 400 such halls still stand — many unused and decaying . Only two traditional Texas dance halls continue to operate on nearly a daily basis: Luckenbach Hall and Gruene Hall . Texas Dance Hall Preservation and other groups are working to preserve the state's remaining dance halls . They are creating an inventory so that the most distinctive ones become candidates for the National Register of Historic Places .
[ 0, 4504, 4837, 2595, 6358, 7, 3, 20279, 95, 300, 2514, 16, 8, 17737, 7, 25184, 544, 2968, 6, 16870 ]
Red squirrels have returned to one of Britain's most stunning beauty spots after a 16-year absence . Red squirrels have returned to one of Britain's most stunning beauty spots after a 16-year absence. Native reds have been almost wiped out in the country, except for a few pockets in the north of England, the Isle of Wight and Scotland after rival grey squirrels arrived from America in the 19th century. Numbers of the reds, popularly illustrated in the Beatrix Potter Squirrel Nutkin books, have been rapidly dwindling thanks in large part to the squirrel pox virus carried by greys. But now, red squirrels have been spotted in Windermere, in the picturesque Lake District. Experts say a lack of habitats caused them to disappear from the area. Since 1952, 95% of red squirrels have been wiped out in England and Wales. But Bob Cartwright, of charity Westmorland Red Squirrels, said they are returning to woods in the area - and some have even been spotted in the town centre. He said: 'So far this year there have been seven sightings, including just a few weeks ago a red seen bouncing around in Ellerthwaite Square right in the centre of Windermere. 'It is pretty clear that they are here in good numbers.' Disease, habitat loss and competition for food from non-native grey squirrels have been blamed for the decline in reds. Recent UK studies of 300 woodlands have also shown red squirrels are battling against the greys with numbers rising steadily. Scroll down for video . Experts say there have been a number of sightings of red squirrels in Windermere, in the picturesque Lake District (pictured) Scientists think endangered red squirrels have finally achieved immunity to the killer pox carried by their grey rivals after 140 years. Meanwhile Anglesey, North Wales, is now a grey squirrel-free zone, wildlife experts claim after a controversial 20-year eradication programme on the island. Grey squirrels have been blamed for carrying diseases which have endangered the population of red squirrels. More than 700 red squirrels are now thought to live on Anglesey, with many crossing the Menai Strait to settle in Bangor. In 2013, academics found a red nicknamed 'Clark Kent', after Superman's alter ego, who was stricken with the deadly 'parapox virus' and managed to fight it off and live. The research, carried out by the University of Liverpool, was heralded as a major breakthrough as it proved that reds can build immunity. Rachel Miller, Red Squirrel field officer at the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire and North Merseyside, said: 'It could be a few years down the line until we know for sure if red squirrels have any long-term immunity or not, as there is much more research that needs to be done. Experts say a lack of habitats caused them to disappear from the area. Pictured: view of Lake WIndermere . 'But this squirrel survived the pox, which is great news. 'We named him Clark, after Superman's 'Clark Kent', because he's a super squirrel. We don't know why he survived, but something made him resistant to the pox. 'We radio-tracked him after his release so we could check on his progress back in the wild and he did well.' The species was almost wiped out at the Formby National Trust Reserve when there was a squirrel pox virus outbreak in 2008 and the population declined by over 80 per cent. Numbers are now increasing with red squirrel sightings reported across the region. Red squirrels have been almost wiped out, except for a few pockets in the north of England, the Isle of Wight and Scotland. File photo . The red squirrel has been a native of Britain for several thousand years, but the first grey squirrels were brought here from North America in 1876. Over the years, more were introduced, notably by the Duke of Bedford to the park at Woburn Abbey where they thrived. But contrary to popular belief that greys are 'driving out' the reds, experts believe it is because the greys being more adaptable to our ecosystem. A major factor is the ability to survive tough winters due to the fact that greys generally carry more body fat - and a full-grown grey can weigh almost twice as much as a red. Grey squirrels are also more adventurous and happier foraging on the ground, whereas red squirrels spend most of their lives high up in conifer trees and their diet is less varied. Greys became known as 'vermin' in the 1920s and 1930s when their large numbers started to cause significant damage to commercial forestry and beech trees. A law was passed in 1938 banning further importation of these creatures, and in following years various methods were tried without success to control grey squirrels. This coincided with low red squirrel numbers after the red population was decimated between 1900 and 1920 by the parapox virus, similar to myxomatosis in rabbits.
Numbers of native red squirrels have been rapidly dwindling in the country . Now, several sightings have been reported in Windermere, Lake District . Experts say a lack of habitats caused them to disappear from the area . But they are now returning to woods in the area and some have even been spotted in the town centre .
[ 0, 1624, 7, 43, 118, 966, 3, 29049, 91, 16, 8, 684, 6, 3578, 16, 8, 3457, 13, 2789, 6 ]
Saturday Night Live cast member Cecily Strong took aim at Barack Obama and Washington's elite when she hosted the Correspondents' Dinner. The comedian famous for her portrayal of 'Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party' started off Saturday's fete by saying that 'it feels right to have a woman follow President Obama, doesn't it?'. She continued with a barrage of jokes skewering the president's inner circle and assembled media, including Hillary Clinton and NBC at the annual event dubbed the 'nerd prom'. Scroll down for video . Cecily Strong, (center) the Saturday Night Live cast member and host of the White House Correspondents Dinner, skewered Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Republican hopefuls during her 20-minute speech . One of Strong's best jokes poked fun at both the president and police brutality, when she said Obama's graying hair 'is so white now it can talk back to the police' J.Mendel Floral Halterneck Mermaid Gown . Shop the dress at Bergdorf Goodman . Visit site . SNL star Cecily Strong made some pretty funny jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner as she pokes fun of Washington and even the President. The funny lady's memorable speech might have stolen the show, but it was her stunning gown that had the wow factor. She donned an expensive J.Mendel gown to the formal dinner. A purple floral halter neck gown with a mermaid silhouette that really accentuates Cecily's figure. Her dress is available online at Bergdorf Goodman in orange but comes with a price tag of almost $6000. Steal Cecily's look for less with our selection of floral gowns that would not cost an arm or a leg. These gorgeous gowns will come in handy next time you have a formal event to attend. No more last minute gown shopping! And with prices as low as $49, you'll still have plenty of cash left to splurge on the accessories and shoes. Hoss Intropia long dress at Yoox (Now $49) Visit site . ELIZA J floral halter gown at Lord & Taylor . Visit site . Betsy & Adam floral-print ombre popover gown at Macy's . Visit site . Adrianna Papell sleeveless floral gown at Dillard's . Visit site . 'I took Amtrak here. It was way more luxurious than I thought. Did you know they have massage seats on there? All you have to do is sit in front of Joe Biden,' she said. She continued lambasting the DC elite by poking fun at the events location, according to NBC. 'It’s an honor to be here at the Washington Hilton . . . is something a prostitute might say to a congressman.' 'I bet when the president walked in tonight and saw the bell hops, he probably thought, ‘Finally, some decent security.’ She pivoted from her joke about recent Secret Service lapses to speaking about a series of episodes of alleged police brutality toward African-Americans. Strong said that the president security force is 'the only law enforcement organization in the country that will get in trouble if a black man gets shot.' She also said that Obama's graying hair 'is so white now it can talk back to the police'. Saying that she 'would never endorse someone I don't play on SNL', Strong spent much of her speech riffing on the Clinton family. The comedian made media outlets assembled promise not to report on Hillary Clinton's appearance because it was 'not journalism', and poked fun at foreign donation to the Clinton Foundation . Strong said that Michelle Obama (left) was the 'most important person in the room', but that her garden would be turned into an above ground pool by Bill Clinton . 'Let’s talk about the most important person in the room, my leader: Michelle Obama. Now Michelle, you take care of that garden while you can. In 18 months, you know Bill is turning that thing into an above-ground pool'. After making media outlets promise not to report about Hillary's appearance, Strong also said that US's tense relationship with Israel could be fixed if the Middle Eastern country 'made a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation'. Republicans eyeing for the presidency in 2016 also came under fire during the annual event, with Senator Ted Cruz being called the exact opposite of Obama, 'a Canadian Latino who will never be president'. 'Jeb Bush is probably in the race. The presidential race, not the Hispanic race,' she said, referencing his checking 'Hispanic' on a voter registration form in 2009. However, the comedian went after other figures beyond politicians, taking shots at the media executives seated in the audience. 'BuzzFeed is here, but I could show you a listicle of 17 reasons why they shouldn’t be,' she said. 'USA Today is here, of course, they’re only here because they were slipped under the hotel door. That’s USA Today, unless today is Saturday or Sunday'. She touched on the media's biggest scandal over the past year with a quick quip at her own network. 'And what can I say about Brian Williams?” Strong asked. 'Nothing, because I work for NBC,' she said.
SNL castmember skewers Hillary Clinton, Obama and Republican hopefuls . Twenty-minute speech poked fun at BuzzFeed, Brian Williams scandal . Jokes touched on police brutality and Secret Service security lapses .
[ 0, 21937, 120, 16366, 47, 8, 4061, 1144, 21, 1856, 5190, 3306, 31, 7, 3, 31, 687, 26, 15207, 31 ]
Researchers have completed the first comprehensive study of the microbes living on and in and uncontacted tribe from the Amazon. They say the results show just how modern lifestyles and diets have changed us -  and that the bacteria they found could be potentially beneficial to modern society. Researchers sequenced the microbiomes of Yanomami people living in a remote Amazon village in Venezuela who had not had previous contact with non-Yanomami. There are about 26,000 Yanomami living in Brazil and 15,000 in Venezuela, mostly in federally protected reserves near rivers and in remote mountains. The Yanomami are an indigenous ethnic group in the Amazonian region of South America. There are about 26,000 Yanomami living in Brazil and 15,000 in Venezuela, mostly in federally protected reserves near rivers and in remote mountains. The Yanomami are hunter-gatherers. They gather wild bananas, seasonal fruits, palm hearts and cassava. They hunt birds, small mammals, crabs, frogs, small fish and the occasional peccary, monkey or tapir. The group doesn't grow food or domesticate livestock. The researchers found that Yanomami people harbor microbiomes with the highest diversity of bacteria and genetic functions ever reported in a human group. 'That tells us that Western diets and lifestyles have a great impact on our microbiomes', experts at University of San Diego said. 'Studying the microbiomes of people in remote areas may hold the key to understanding microbes we have lost through antibiotics, sealed buildings and lack of exposure to the outdoors,' said study co-author Rob Knight. In the new study published April 17 by Science Advances, researchers sequenced the microbiomes of Yanomami people living in a remote Amazon village in Venezuela who had not had previous contact with non-Yanomami. This information revealed, for the first time, the species of bacteria that co-exist with people who have never been exposed to industrialized society, including Western food and antibiotics. 'Our findings emphasize the need for extensive characterization of the function of the microbiome and resistome in remote nonwesternized populations before globalization of modern practices affects potentially beneficial bacteria harbored in the human body,' the researchers wrote. Many Yanomami now regularly interact with Western civilization through trade, but some villages have never had contact with non-Yanomami people. One such unmapped village was first spotted by an army helicopter passing overhead in 2008. In 2009, a medical mission landed there. As part of their 2009 visit to this previously uncontacted Yanomami village, medical professionals collected samples from the skin, mouths and fecal matter of 34 of the 54 villagers before vaccines or antibiotics were administered. The samples were frozen until DNA extraction and bacterial culturing could be performed for the purposes of this study. Yanomami indigenous leader Davi Yanomami claims Americans' 'robbed blood' for the tests . Thousands of blood samples have been returned to the Yanomami tribe in Brazil, after they were taken by American scientists in the 1960s and held in U.S. academic institutions without the tribe's consent, according to Survival international. The Yanomami have been fighting for their return for over a decade. The Yanomami buried the 2,693 samples during a special funerary ceremony presided over by shamans in the Yanomami community where many of the samples were collected. Only 15 Yanomami whose blood was taken in the late 1960s were able to attend the ritual. Shamans performed funerary rites for those who gave blood and have since died. Keen to collect blood samples from a very isolated community, U.S. scientists collected thousands of samples from the Indians in Brazil and Venezuela without obtaining their informed consent. The Yanomami only discovered years later that their blood was being stored in research institutes – in violation of their beliefs and funerary customs of cremating those who have passed away and destroying their possessions. Without obtaining the Yanomami's consent, some institutions extracted DNA from the blood for genetic tests in the 1990s. Yanomami spokesman Davi Kopenawa said, 'These Americans robbed our blood. 'They did not say anything in our language about the tests they were going to do. Nobody knew that they were going to use our blood to do research.' Back in labs in the U.S. (at Mount Sinai, New York University, University of Colorado, Boulder and others), researchers sequenced DNA isolated from the Yanomami samples. From this, they were able to identify all of the bacterial species that make up the skin, mouth and gut microbiomes of people who had never been exposed to Western diets, antibiotics or other environmental factors that make up life in industrialized societies. The researchers then compared these non-Westernized microbiomes to the microbiomes of people living in Western society and people living in villages in the midst of transition from isolation to urban lifestyles. Bacteria isolated from Yanomami microbiomes carried genes that confer resistance to man-made antibiotics, despite the fact that they were never previously exposed to antibiotics. This finding suggests that many bacterial species contain antibiotic resistance genes naturally, even without the selective pressure of antibiotic use. What happens in Western cultures, the researchers hypothesize, is antibiotic use simply gives naturally resistant bacteria a survival advantage over non-resistant bacteria. The researchers say the study could help develop new medical treatments. 'First of all, this study gives us a glimpse of what our microbiomes might have looked like before our modern habits began to impact the beneficial bacteria that call us home. 'Studies like this one help us better understand what factors can alter a microbiome and the effect those changes can have on a person's health — information researchers need to guide efforts to manipulate the microbiome to treat disease and restore health.'
Researchers sequenced microbiomes of Yanomami people in Amazon . Testing found they harbour microbiomes with the highest diversity of bacteria and genetic functions ever reported in a human group . Bacteria they found could be potentially beneficial to modern society .
[ 0, 290, 33, 81, 204, 14835, 4701, 3114, 3690, 840, 16, 9278, 11, 209, 5898, 16, 17841, 3, 5, 290 ]
Floyd Mayweather might insist his skills haven't diminished with age but at 38, the world's best boxer does need a little help to keep niggling injuries at bay. With his $300million mega-fight against Manny Pacquiao less than two weeks away, Mayweather is using a cryotherapy bath after training. The bath is cooled to -175F (-115C) using liquid nitrogen and Mayweather spends up to three minutes in the chamber. Scroll down for video . Floyd Mayweather takes the plunge in the Cryosauna which is cooled to as low as -175 (-115C) Mayweather spends up to three minutes in the bath to aid his recovery after training sessions . Mayweather with SubZero owner David Levi who is also one of the boxer's many assistants . The boxer was the first person to use the bath in SubZero Recovery in Las Vegas. 'It tricks your body into thinking you're going into hypothermia,' owner David Levi told Sports Illustrated. 'So it sends blood from your arms and legs into your core. That blood picks up enzymes and oxygen and nutrients, and as you jump out, it circulates back through your body.' Levi, who is also one of Mayweather's assistants, also revealed to TMZ that his boss calls him at three or four in the morning to use the machine, called a Cryosauna, which cost him $60,000 (£40,000). Cryotherapy is a growing trend in sports with the Wales rugby team travelling to Poland for sessions in 2012 before building their own chamber in Cardiff. Mayweather is immersed in the bath as he undergoes the treatment to help with his recovery . Mayweather heads for the bath for one of his daily sessions ahead of his fight against Pacquiao .
Floyd Mayweather is deep into his training for the Manny Pacquiao fight . He has been using crotherapy to aid his recovery after training sessions . The bath at SubZero Recovery is cooled to -115C using liquid nitrogen . Mayweather often calls the owner for a session in the early hours . Mayweather: I am better than Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson .
[ 0, 29767, 932, 26809, 19, 338, 3, 9, 12676, 32, 10896, 3827, 227, 761, 3, 5, 37, 6654, 18, 1201 ]
Raheem Sterling is at the centre of a second drugs controversy after the Liverpool forward was videoed passing out after inhaling nitrous oxide. The England international, who was also exposed on Sunday after he was caught puffing on a shisha pipe, will face at club investigation over why he was taking the legal high, which is also known as ‘hippy crack’. In the footage Sterling is seen sucking on an orange balloon then laughing and giggling before he asks one of his friends to give him another hit. Raheem Sterling has been filmed apparently inhaling nitrous oxide - also known as 'hippy crack' The video shows him smiling and breathing in gas from a balloon before apparently passing out . When the camera pans back to the 20-year-old, he is either unconscious or has fallen asleep. It is claimed that the video, obtained by The Sun, was taken at his home in Southport in the days before a game. Nitrous oxide starves the brain of oxygen and makes users feel light-headed and dizzy. Sterling scored in last night’s 2-0 victory over Newcastle United but he also missed a chance from six yards in the 56th minute and could now face disciplinary action after his second indiscretion in the space of 24 hours. Liverpool forward Raheem Sterling can be seen pictured on social media whilst smoking a shisha pipe . Sterling scored the opening goal in Monday night’s 2-0 victory over Newcastle . Nitrous Oxide, has been nicknamed ‘laughing gas’ due to the euphoric and relaxed feeling people who inhale it can sometimes feel. The gas is normally bought in pressured canisters, commonly transferred to a container, e.g. a balloon, from which the gas is inhaled. Nitrous oxide is not illegal to possess, but this doesn’t mean that it is safe to use. The effects of nitrous oxide vary depending on how much has been inhaled but they include: . • Feelings of euphoria, relaxation and calmness. • Dizziness, difficulty in thinking straight and fits of giggles/laughter. • Sound distortions or even hallucinations. • In some people, a headache can be an unwanted immediate effect. Risks include: . • Unconsciousness or death from lack of oxygen. This occurs when the available oxygen for breathing is effectively pushed out by the nitrous oxide. A Liverpool spokesman said: ‘We are aware of the story and intend to speak to the player. Any subsequent action will be taken internally.’ Sportsmail contacted Sterling’s agent, Aidy Ward, last night. He refused to comment on the story but did not deny that it was his client. A small pocket of Liverpool fans on The Kop vented their frustrations at last night’s game, chanting ‘Raheem Sterling, your agent’s a k***’ during the first half. They were widely applauded. Asked if he will be reminding Sterling of his responsibilities, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers said: ‘I will do. He’s a young kid who has been in the spotlight now so he knows the demands of being a top class professional — it’s not just on the field it’s off the field, but I will speak with him on it and we’ll move on.’ Sportsmail columnist and former Liverpool captain Jamie Carragher said: ‘In years to come he’ll look back over this period now as a massive learning curve. When you’re a 20-year-old kid, you make mistakes. I did, I’m sure we all do. It’s just important that he learns from it because Raheem Sterling needs to be on the back pages, not the front pages and that’s a problem for him in these last few months.’ Players' union chief Bobby Barnes called for understanding after Sterling 'made a mistake'. Barnes, deputy chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association and European president of the international players' union FIFPro, said people should not be too hard on Sterling. He said: 'Nobody would condone the use of these types of substances whether legal or otherwise as footballers are seen as role models. It does send a message to young people that if it's good enough for footballers then it's good enough for them and that is not desirable. The 20-year-old recently snubbed a £100,000-a-week contract offer from the Merseyside club . 'But you have to bear in mind that we ask an awful lot of young players growing up in the public eye. Many of us look back at things we have done in our teens and early 20s and wish we hadn't done them. 'He's made a mistake and people are human. I am sure this will be a minor blip on his path to a fantastic career. 'Players have to be aware that there is camera on every corner - they are very much in the spotlight. 'He's a young man, growing up in public eye and he's made a mistake. Let's not be too hard on the boy. He is under a lot of pressure and people think because he has a lot of talent he's also supposed to have diplomacy and wisdom. 'In the main he's doing a very good job, he's at a good club and has a good manager and I'm sure Brendan will put his arm around him and at the same time make him aware of his responsibilities.' Nitrous oxide has been nicknamed ‘laughing gas’ due to the euphoric and relaxed feeling people who inhale it can sometimes feel. Official figures show 460,000 16-24 years olds took it last year. Brendan Rodgers has backed his wayward star but contract stand-off has created tension at Liverpool . It has been the cause of 17 deaths since 2006. It costs around £2 to buy and is not illegal to possess — Sterling is not the first footballer to be caught indulging. Drugs charity Re-Solv has called on the 'role model' player to condemn the use of the drug to deter young supporters from taking risks with their health. The anti-drugs organisation's spokesman, Stephen Ream, told MailOnline: 'It's very disappointing from our point of view. He is a big role model and we hate to see this kind of stuff from someone of his status. 'Players in similar situations in the past have come out and apologised and we hope he does the same. 'Nitrous Oxide is not the most dangerous drug out there but there are deaths attached to it. There are risks and we would urge anyone tempted to take it not to do so.' Tottenham defender Kyle Walker was pictured inhaling a balloon in 2013, while last year Saido Berahino was pictured doing it at the wheel of his Range Rover. In February, Jack Wilshere faced criticism after he was pictured with a shisha pipe on a night out while recovering from ankle surgery. But the Arsenal star, who has previously been pictured smoking cigarettes, was defended by England manager Roy Hodgson who said he'd tried the Middle Eastern pipe himself and did not think it was a problem. The past two months have proved to be a tempestuous period in Sterling’s fledgling career and the revelations of the past two days have ensured extra scrutiny. The England international (right) played in the Reds FA Cup quarter final win over Blackburn on Wednesday . Sterling (second right) attended the launch of the 2015-16 Liverpool kit at Anfield on Friday afternoon . There was a large turnout for the launch of the new kit, which will be worn throughout the 2015-16 season . England and Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere (right) was involved in a smoking controversy in February . Sterling’s contract stand-off with Liverpool has created tension and he was heckled at the launch of the club’s new kit last week. He has turned down a deal worth around £100,000 per week and does not want to resume negotiations until the end of the season. Sterling infuriated Liverpool at the start of the month when he gave an interview to the BBC —without permission — to talk about his contract stand-off and why he did not want to be perceived as a ‘greedy 20-year-old’.
Raheem Sterling at the centre of a second drugs controversy . Liverpool forward videoed passing out after inhaling nitrous oxide . Follows pictures on Sunday of the 20-year-old puffing on a shisha pipe . READ: Arsenal have doubts over signing Sterling after latest controversies . READ: Sterling pictured AGAIN with shisha pipe... this time with Jordan Ibe .
[ 0, 20492, 15, 15, 51, 21721, 47, 4682, 21105, 53, 30, 3, 9, 6660, 1273, 9, 7119, 30, 2089, 706 ]
Emergency services were inundated with 600 calls an hour last night as revellers up and down Britain drank in 2012. Paramedics were stretched to the limit and in Cambridge a Territorial Army field hospital was set-up to deal with drunk partygoers. The London Ambulance Service said at the peak they were dealing with over 600 calls per hour which is more than three times as many as on a normal night. MANCHESTER: A man collapses on the pavement next to an ambulance as two revellers walk past eating a late night takeaway . MANCHESTER: A man is stood slumped over in a doorway as two women walk by as they celebrate the New Year . As people made their way home after seeing in 2012, city centres descended into violence as fights broke out and revellers collapsed on the pavements. Ambulance crews in London had answered 2,333 calls by 4am this morning while the Metropolitan Police said they had made 77 arrests. Staff were answering 10 calls every minute just after midnight and 55 people in the capital were taken to hospital. NEWCASTLE: Happy New Year! A man is thrown into the back of a police van, head over heels, by three officers . BRISTOL: A group of young women, including Ellie Tavener, 19, celebrate the New Year in Bristol in the early hours of the morning . The busiest hour was between 2am and 3am when 638 calls were answered. This is more than three times the average of 180. Ambulance service call outs in London peaked at more than 600 per hour - over three times as many as in an ordinary night. The busiest hour was between 2am and 3am when 638 calls were received. Midnight - 1am: 527 . 1am - 2am: 629 . 2am - 3am: 638 . 3am - 4am: 539 . However, officers said the crowds were largely good-humoured as an estimated 250,000 people packed The Embankment to watch the fireworks at midnight. The majority of the arrests were for assault and being drunk and disorderly. Scotland Yard had 3,000 officers on duty both at street level and on podiums to give them a bird's-eye view of any troublemakers in the crowds. In the Capital fireworks were launched from Big Ben itself for the first time at midnight to coincide with each strike of the bell. Big crowds were also seen in other cities, including in Edinburgh for the Hogmanay street party attended by some 80,000 people. More than 20 acts were playing on seven stages ahead of the midnight fireworks display. NEWCASTLE: Two young women head out as they mark the start of 2012 . COLLAPSE: One woman slumps over the steps clutching a bottle of wine . Assistant Director of Operations John . Hopson, who led the Service’s response on New Year’s Eve, said: 'Demand . on the Service in the early hours was extremely high and a lot of that . extra demand was because of alcohol-related calls. 'At the busiest point of the night, . our staff were taking 638 emergency calls an hour – that’s an increase . of 255per cent on what they would expect to deal with on a normal . night.' 'We had to prioritise calls to make . sure the most seriously ill and injured patients got help as quickly as . possible – that meant more patients than normal with minor illnesses and . injuries were given advice over the telephone rather than automatically . being sent an ambulance.' Metropolitan Police Chief . Superintendent Julia Pendry said: 'The spectacle of New Year's Eve in . central London attracts many thousands of people every year. NEWCASTLE: Two young women head out on the own to celebrate the start of 2012 . CAMBRIDGE: A New Year reveller drinks some water as she is helped by TA volunteers in a tent hospital after a night out celebrating . 'This year is particularly special with the UK playing host to the 2012 Olympic Games and the Queens Diamond Jubilee. 'We saw very large crowds converge on . central London, especially in and around the viewing areas where people . came to get a good view of the world class firework display. 'Such large crowds create a . challenging policing environment and our officers worked hard, alongside . the stewards, to keep people safe and ensure they could get home again . at the end of the night. 'Crowds were good humoured and there were no major issues reported to police. 'Our officers will continue to work . into the night to aid peoples return home safely, to ensure the area . returns to normality and roads can reopen to make way for the New Year's . Day parade.' MANCHESTER: A young woman with a huge pair of high heels gets into a car as she chats away to a friend on her mobile phone . CARDIFF: Partygoers brave the rain last night as they mark the start of 2012 . LIVERPOOL: Two men fight in the city centre as police officers try and break it up . LIVERPOOL: A woman out celebrating the New Year tries on a police officer's hat as she poses for a jokey picture . BRISTOL: Revellers out in Bristol celebrate the start of 2012 .
77 people arrested in London as 3,000 police officers flood the streets . Ambulance crews in the capital receive 2,333 calls .
[ 0, 15118, 364, 130, 23038, 12, 8, 2006, 11, 16, 10096, 3, 9, 17495, 17, 11929, 6788, 1057, 2833, 47 ]
David Beckham is used to having his children in the crowd at sporting events but he was relegated to the role of spectator as son Romeo, 12, ran the London mini-marathon. Beckham, wife Victoria and their two other sons Brooklyn and Cruz were there to cheer on Romeo as he completed the race, raising £6,000 for charity. It is the same three mile course where Mo Farah and triathlon champions Alistair and Jonny Brownlee kick started their careers. Romeo wore race number 1081 and represented the Kensington and Chelsea region. His family, who were all sporting matching t-shirts with ‘Team Romeo’ emblazoned on them, posed for pictures with him at the finish near Buckingham Palace. The Beckham family pictured at the finish line after Romeo completed the three-mile mini-marathon . Romeo poses with older brother Brooklyn after finishing the London mini-marathon on Sunday . Proud father David meets Romeo at the finish line with the rest of his family . The Beckham children have clearly inherited their father’s sporty genes, 15-year old Brooklyn has played for Arsenal’s academy sides, as has Romeo and 10-year-old Cruz is also a budding footballer. Beckham cried for the final ten minutes of his professional football career – blubbing his way through the end of a Paris St Germain game. So he might have sympathised with Paula Radcliffe who also cried as she bowed out of competitive running, registering a time of 2:36.55. In the women’s elite field, the attention pre-race had centred on four Kenyan women but Tigist Tufa broke away from the pack to become only the third Ethiopian woman to win the London marathon, after Derata Tulu in 2001 and Aselefech Mergia in 2010. Tufa, who the bookmakers judged a 25/1 shot before the race, crossed the line in 2:23.22 with two-time winner Mary Keitany 18 seconds behind. Ethiopia’s tirfi Tsegaye was third in 2:23.41. Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge, a World Champion over 5,000m, triumphed in 2:04.42, five seconds ahead of his compatriot Wilson Kipsang in the men’s race. Paula Radcliffe breaks down at the end of the London Marathon on Sunday, her final career race . The world record holder for 12 years, Radcliffe said the time was irrelevant in her final London Marathon .
David Beckham was a spectator as Romeo competed in mini-marathon . Beckham was joined by wife Victoria and sons Brooklyn and Cruz . Family congratulated Romeo, 12, at the finish line of three-mile course .
[ 0, 7332, 32, 6, 10440, 4037, 8, 1524, 3016, 18, 1635, 24718, 30, 1771, 3, 5, 216, 47, 7954, 540 ]
April 3, 2015 . We're starting with some international headlines today, covering events in Switzerland, Kenya and the Pacific Ocean. California's historic drought is now hitting home for many residents and businesses, who've been ordered to cut their water usage. We discuss two religious holidays being celebrated worldwide this weekend, and we take a look at a pair of subjects related to U.S. National Parks. It's all featured this Friday on CNN Student News. On this page you will find today's show Transcript and a place for you to request to be on the CNN Student News Roll Call. TRANSCRIPT . Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program. Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published. WEEKLY NEWSQUIZ . Click here for a printable version of the Weekly Newsquiz (PDF). 1. What nation voted to replace Goodluck Jonathan with Muhammadu Buhari as president? 2. Name the U.S. astronaut who recently blasted off for a nearly year-long mission to the International Space Station. 3. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, and horizontal drilling are methods of extracting what substance? 4. Despite his nickname "the Little Corporal," what historic conqueror was likely taller than other men of his era? 5. What nation is leading airstrikes against Yemen, following a governmental takeover there by Houthi rebels? 6. Though the spread of the Ebola virus appears to have stopped in Liberia and slowed down in Sierra Leone, new cases have increased in what West African nation? 7. During what period of European history was an eye ointment described that's now showing effectiveness against a modern-day superbug? 8. Scientists have fitted certain insects, members of the family Blattidae, with tiny backpacks that manipulate their neural systems. Name these insects. 9. In what body of water is Typhoon Maysak, which is threatening to make landfall in an island nation this weekend? 10. What two religious holidays will be celebrated around the world this weekend? CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show. ROLL CALL . For a chance to be mentioned on the next CNN Student News, comment on the bottom of this page with your school name, mascot, city and state. We will be selecting schools from the comments of the previous show. You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call! Thank you for using CNN Student News!
This page includes the show Transcript . Use the Transcript to help students with reading comprehension and vocabulary . At the bottom of the page, comment for a chance to be mentioned on CNN Student News. You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call. The Weekly Newsquiz tests students' knowledge of events in the news .
[ 0, 100, 543, 963, 8, 504, 4946, 29771, 3, 5, 2048, 8, 4946, 29771, 12, 199, 481, 28, 1183, 27160 ]
It may look like a misshapen disk of metal, but this coin is one of the oldest ever to be found in Britain. The tiny copper coin, which is smaller than a penny, dates from the Iron Age almost 2,300 years ago and suggests there were links between the south west of England and the Mediterranean. It was found in silt after the River Avon burst its banks between Bristol and Bath. The tiny copper coin, which is smaller than a penny, dates from the Iron Age almost 2,300 years ago and suggests there were links between the south west of England and the Mediterranean . On one side there is a horse’s head, while the other bears the image of the goddess Tanit, the chief deity of Carthage. Experts have dated the coin to between 300 BC and 264 BC and say it came from the Western Mediterranean - probably Sardinia or ancient Carthage. The find suggests that the village of Saltford, where it was found, was on a major trade route long before Roman times. On one side of the coin there the image of the Goddess Tanit, the chief deity of Carthage, (pictured left) while on the reverse is a horse’s head, pictured right . The find suggests that the village of Saltford (shown on the map with a red marker), where the coin was found, was on a major trade route long before Roman times . It is believed there was a ford in the area, which made it the only place to cross the river Avon at the time. One side of the coin shows an image of the Carthaginian goddess Tanit,  suggesting links between the south west and the Mediterranean . The coin is thought to be the oldest dateable evidence of human activity found in Saltford and the West of England. It suggests Iron Age links between the Mediterranean and the Bristol Channel, which the River Avon flows into around 15 miles (24km) away. Professor David Mattingly, an archaeologist and Roman historian at the University of Leicester said: ‘It’s really interesting to have a Carthaginian coin in Britain. ‘Suppose that coin was deposited close to its minting - at the time, there were no coins being used in Britain. It would have been quite alien to people. ‘We are very sure that horses were important at the time so that may have invoked a lot of interest back then. It’s a very interesting find.’ Phil Harding of the Saltford Environment Group, said that the coin’s significant because it is one of the oldest coins ever to be found in England. ‘Only eight of these have ever been found, always on ancient trade routes,’ he said. ‘We can’t believe it. We thought we would be writing the history of Saltford from the Roman times to now. ‘But now we have to go back to the Iron Age. It’s absolutely fantastic.’ Last July a hoard of Roman and Late Iron Age coins were found in a cave in Dovedale in the Peak District, where they had lain undisturbed for 2,000 years. It was the first time that coins from the two separated groups have been found buried together. Archaeologists discovered 26 coins, including three Roman coins which pre-date the invasion of Britain in 43 AD, and 20 other gold and silver pieces which are Late Iron Age and thought to belong to the Corieltavi tribe. Last July a hoard of Roman and Late Iron Age coins (pictured) were found in a cave in Dovedale in the Peak District, where they had lain undisturbed for 2,000 years . National Trust archaeologist Rachael Hall said whoever owned the cache was probably a wealthy and influential figure. 'The coins would suggest a serious amount of wealth and power of the individual who owned them. ‘Coins were used more as a symbol of power and status during the Late Iron Age, rather than for buying and selling staple foods and supplies. ‘...The situation of the cave can’t be ignored either. Could it have been a sacred place to the Late Iron Age peoples that was taboo to enter in everyday life, making it a safe place that would ensure that person’s valuables were protected?'
Tiny copper coin is dated to the Iron Age, almost 2,300 years ago . It was found in Saltford between Bristol and Bath in South West England . Bears image of a horse's head and the Carthaginian goddess Tanit . Find suggests trading links between South West and the Mediterranean .
[ 0, 7138, 63, 8658, 7485, 5128, 45, 8, 9046, 7526, 966, 3547, 5426, 203, 977, 3, 5, 94, 6490, 132 ]
Tom Boyd believes Jason Denayer’s loan spell at Celtic has been so successful that he is now ready to challenge for a place at Manchester City next season. Such an outcome would obviously deny Ronny Deila’s stated aim of retaining the young Belgian for another year, yet Boyd also sees a clear positive. To the former Celtic captain, Denayer’s development can act as a perfect advert to encourage more emerging talents to take their next career step at Parkhead. Young defender Jason Denayer (left) has impressed on loan at Celtic this season . The 19-year-old recently won his first international cap for Belgium in a Euro 2016 qualifier against Cyprus . The 19-year-old earned a first full cap for his country when he came off the bench in their 1-0 win in Israel on Tuesday night following a red card for Vincent Kompany. Denayer will hope to join Kompany in City’s first-team squad when he returns to his parent club this summer and Boyd feels he is equipped to take that step. ‘Jason certainly looks like he could go back to Man City and make an impression,’ said Boyd. ‘For a young boy, he’s been exceptional. He looks a lot older in his play and it surprises you when you remind yourself how young he actually is. ‘The only question is whether he will get the opportunities he wants down there. I think he will, especially now that he is featuring for Belgium in a qualification game. ‘Unfortunately, Celtic can’t compete with the money on offer in England. The new television deal down there has taken things to another level again. ‘I’d love Jason to stay at Celtic for 10 years but that’s not going to happen. He’s an ambitious boy and wants to go and challenge himself to be the best he can. From some of the games I’ve seen, I think he could slot into that City defence no problem. Denayer has been tipped to partner Belgium team-mate Vincent Kompany (left) on his return to City . Denayer has formed a successful partnership with Dutchman Virgil van Dijk (left) at Parkhead . ‘However, hopefully his success will help Celtic bring more youngsters in. Previously people said you move to England to get international caps. Jason and Fraser Forster showed that’s not the case. ‘Hopefully Celtic can say, “Come here and you will progress” and use those examples to attract players.’ Sportsmail revealed earlier this week that Hearts captain Danny Wilson is one central defensive candidate under consideration by Celtic as they look a potential additions for next term. ‘Good players attract attention and Danny has been playing very well for Hearts,’ said Boyd. ‘He is certainly someone who was very promising as a young boy and is hopefully getting back to that level.’ The current partnership between Denayer and Virgil van Dijk has formed the foundation of Celtic’s bid for the Treble – a feat the club last achieved in 2001 when Boyd was skipper. Manager Ronny Deila should be able to attract rising youngsters to the Hoops, claims Tom Boyd . Celtic are considering a bid for Hearts defender Danny Wilson to shore up their defence . While some will point to the absence of a competitive Rangers from the top-flight, the ex-Scotland international is adamant a domestic clean sweep this term would be the equal of his achievement under Martin O’Neill’s management. ‘A Treble this year would stand beside the other three in Celtic’s history,’ said Boyd. ‘You have to beat what is in front of you. ‘There have only been three in Celtic’s history and that tells you how hard it is to achieve it. ‘If they do get the Treble, there should be the same adulation as when my team won it in 2001 and Jock Stein’s team did it twice. ‘It would be a fantastic achievement if Scott Brown was collecting the Scottish Cup to complete a Treble. ‘The League has been a challenge with Aberdeen doing so well, although I think the pressure will eventually tell. ‘You can’t take away what Celtic have achieved so far and sometimes the difficult part of the Treble is winning the cups. ‘Celtic have had a terrible record in the League Cup over the years and that shows how hard it is. ‘I’d like to see the talking done when they have two in the bag and are preparing for the Scottish Cup final. ‘Ronny’s approach is new. He’s spoken about the Treble from the start but it does show the level of confidence he has.’ Former captain Boyd insists a treble for Celtic this season will equal his own three-way success from 2001 . Boyd was speaking at Hampden as he launched the search for nominees to be inducted into the Scottish Football Hall of Fame. The 49-year-old has a very decent claim himself, but would be delighted if figures who operated behind the scenes were recognised. ‘Professor (Stewart) Hillis, who passed away last year, and other Scotland backroom guys who maybe aren’t as well-known would be very deserving of being in there. ‘Jimmy Steele is another one who contributed a lot with Celtic and the national team - and I think that would be a great gesture if they were inducted.’ Fans can make nominations by logging on to sfmhalloffame.co.uk. Inductees will be announced at a Hampden dinner on October 18.
Young Belgian Jason Denayer has impressed on loan with Celtic . Former Hoops captain Tom Boyd claims the defender is ready to challenge for a place at Manchester City next season . Ronny Deila is looking at Hearts defender Danny Wilson to fill the void .
[ 0, 9637, 3128, 9, 7975, 65, 8686, 30, 2289, 44, 21748, 48, 774, 3, 5, 37, 957, 18, 1201, 18 ]
Harrowing images have emerged showing the seconds before a media activist was brutally murdered by militants loyal to the Islamic State in Syria. Taken on the frontline of fighting in the countryside outside the rebel-held city of Aleppo, the photos show a prisoner wearing an orange jumpsuit being forced to his knees before being shot. ISIS released the disturbing photographs on the same day as they bizarrely attempted to portray everyday life under the terror group's control as happy and carefree - distributing images of smiling farmers living near Aleppo who use Western technology to grow and harvest their abundant crops. Harrowing: Taken on the frontline of fighting in the countryside outside the rebel-held city of Aleppo, the photos show a prisoner wearing an orange jumpsuit being forced to his knees before being shot . The new ISIS photographs show the activists just moments before he was shot at point blank range . Images of the media activist's brutal execution were released by ISIS' Halab Media Centre, which operates in and around the city of Aleppo and has previously released sickening images and videos of the terror organisation murdering anybody who dares to oppose them. Brave activists operating on the ground in Syria have been hugely successful in helping to unite and inspire a resistance against the terror group by sharing images and reports of their atrocities online. Groups such as Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, which operates in ISIS' de facto capital city, work undercover, secretly filming ISIS militants as they take part in near daily massacres. This has, however, made the activists a major target, with the terror group exacting bloody revenge on those found to be spreading information on their activities. Charged as spies, the campaigners face certain death - either by being shot at point-blank range or crucified in a public square. The activist seen in the latest ISIS photographs show him just moments before his 'execution'. The fact he was forced to his knees and the presence of men standing around him wielding assault rifles has led analysts to believe his death was almost certainly by shooting, even though his moment of death is not shown and there are no images of his body. Moments from death: With his arms tightly bound behind his back with plastic handcuffs, blurry images show the victim being dragged through a public square by his heavily armed captors . Strange: ISIS released the disturbing execution photographs on the same day as they bizarrely attempted to portray everyday life under the terror group's control as happy and carefree - distributing images of smiling farmers living near Aleppo who use Western technology to grow and harvest their abundant crops . ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been seriously injured in an air strike and is no longer in control of the terrorist group, according to an Iraqi source. The source said that he was wounded by an attack from the US-led coalition while travelling in a three-car convoy in March in Nineveh, Iraq. At first his chances of survival were deemed by his lieutenants to be low, but he pulled through. However, he was left so weakened that his inner circle reportedly mooted the idea of naming a new leader. He is slowly recovering but does not have the reins of the organisation, according to The Guardian . Two officials confirmed to the paper that the strike on the convoy did indeed take place, on March 18 in the al-Baaj district of Nineveh, not far from the Syrian border. One, a Western diplomat, told the paper that Coalition generals weren’t sure whether al-Baghdadi was in the convoy. With his arms tightly bound behind his back with plastic handcuffs, blurry images show the victim being dragged through a public square by his heavily armed captors. His name and the group he worked for are not known, but ISIS identified the man as a 'media activist' understood to have been murdered sometime earlier this week. The images emerged on the same day as ISIS made a bizarre attempt to portray themselves as a peace-loving group by distributing photos of smiling farmers harvesting their crops. Using Western-style crop-spraying equipment, a group of young men are seen in the fields happily picking cabbages while young boys load them on to the back of a lorry. The happy pastoral scene is in stark contrast to the campaign of rape and massacre ISIS has brought to vast stretches of the Syria and Iraq - where depraved extremists carry out daily atrocities in the name of the radical interpretation if Islam. The juxtaposing scenes emerged as Kurdish officials claimed ISIS militants were preparing for an attack on a city in north east Syria, near the border with Iraq, where the terror group remains a significant threat despite recent setbacks elsewhere in the two countries. Hasaka province in north east Syria is strategically important for all sides and borders ISIS-held territory in Iraq, where the group is back on the offensive after losing Tikrit earlier this month. Modern: Using Western-style crop-spraying equipment, a group of young men are seen in the fields happily picking cabbages while young boys load them on to the back of a lorry . At work: One the cabbages have been picked, young boys are seen loading them on to the back of a lorry . The Syrian Kurdish YPG militia has recorded significant victories against ISIS this year, driving it from the town of Kobane at the Turkish border and then taking two towns in Hasaka province with the help of a U.S.-led air campaign. But ISIS remains a danger, said Redur Xelil, YPG spokesman. Its targets include the provincial capital, Hasaka city, and the town of Tel Tamr, to the northwest. ISIS is still believed to be holding some 200 Assyrian Christians abducted in February from villages near Tel Tamr. 'South of Hasaka there are areas that Daesh controls entirely. There is a big Daesh mobilisation outside the city, and there are big fears of an attack on Hasaka city,' Xelil said in an interview from the city of Qamishli via Skype. Daesh is an Arabic name for ISIS, which calls itself Islamic State. For now, ISIS' priority is Tel Tamr, where it aims to cut a YPG supply route, he added. ISIS is 'trying to take big cities, to take the battle into cities' to mark it harder for the U.S.-led alliance to hit it, he said. The happy pastoral scene is in stark contrast to the campaign of rape and massacre ISIS has brought to vast stretches of the Syria and Iraq - where depraved extremists carry out atrocities in the name of radical Islam . Claim: The news comes as ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (pictured) was reported to have been seriously injured in an airstrike. The militant is no longer in control of the terrorist group, according to an Iraqi source . Hasaka is home to many Syrians who have fled areas further west, including the country's second city Aleppo, Xelil said. The Syrian Observatory, which monitors the Syrian civil war, reports daily clashes between the YPG and ISIS fighters near Tel Tamr, and clashes between the Syrian military and ISIS in areas west and east of Hasaka city. The YPG has emerged as the only partner for the U.S.-led alliance bombing ISIS in Syria. But its effectiveness is greatly diminished beyond areas where the Kurds have set up autonomous zones since Syria's conflict erupted in 2011. The United States, rejecting any partnership with President Bashar al-Assad against ISIS, is about to launch a programme to train and equip members of the mainstream Syrian opposition in order to fight the jihadists elsewhere. Xelil said the YPG had not been consulted on the programme, adding that its requests for military supplies remained unmet.
Campaigner was photographed moments before his murder in rural Aleppo . Forced to his knees and shot at point-blank range by rifle-wielding militants . Man is understood to have been an activist who secretly reported on ISIS . Execution images were released on same day as ISIS made bizarre attempt to portray life under the terror as a pastoral ideal with farmer photographs .
[ 0, 15180, 504, 783, 20622, 4413, 274, 14506, 9328, 57, 27, 14408, 3, 5, 328, 130, 1883, 57, 1626, 9339 ]
Every country in the world may have its rich kids of Instagram, but in Mexico the increasingly ostentatious displays of wealth by the young elite is taking on a political dimension. In a country where a significant majority of citizens live in poverty, the self-styled Mirreyes (my kings), with their champagne and sports cars, are increasingly exposing the amount of wealth concentrated into a relatively small number of hands. Mirreyes, which refers to individuals who enjoy 'ostentatious spending, exhibitionism and narcissism' and are 'placed above all others', post pictures of luxuries with a hashtag of the same name. Scroll down for video . Ballers and shotcallers: Mirreyes are often the sons and daughters of the members of Mexican high society . Laying out and living it up: Many of the photos posted by Mirreyes showcase luxurious vacation spots . It's just one big fiesta: A glance through the social media profile of a Mirrey often reveals a party picture . Bling: Good clothes, nice watches and a flashy style are almost prerequisites for becoming one of the Mirreyes . Ready for takeoff: An expert on the subject of Mirreyes said 'the key is the purchasing power the Mirrey boasts' Three for the money: Mirreyes' displays of wealth can lead to political and legal advantages down the road . They are often the sons and daughters of government officials, wealthy businessman and other members of Mexican high society and although their displays of wealth can be embarrassing, they can also lead to political and legal advantages, Maclean's reported. One such individual, the eldest son of then-Chiapas Attorney General Raciel Lopez Salazar, jumped off a cruise ship off the coast of Brazil during the 2014 World Cup and vanished without a trace, . Before he jumped off the ship's 15th floor and disappeared beneath the waves, 29-year-old Jorge Alberto López Amores told his friends to take cellphone videos of his leap. He said: 'I'll stop this cruise, I'll make history.' López got his wish as the boat stopped for two hours to search for him, according to Vivelo Hoy. His story is not the only example of the celebration of excess gone wrong. In 2012, the daughter of oil workers' union boss Carlos Romero Deschamps was brought into the spotlight for posting photos of her luxury lifestyle, including Gucci bags and expensive wine, on Facebook. Her flashy pictures did not sit well in a country where people work an average of 2 226 hours a year and households take in an average of $12,850 per year after taxes. Their stories are just examples of what the author of a book about Mirreyes called the Mexican 'Generation Me'. Keeping time: People often post pictures of watches and other luxuries like designer bags and or alcohol . Rought: In Mexico, the images of wealth are shocking as households take in an average of $12,850 per year . Symbol: Jorge Alberto López Amores (right), who likely died after jumping off a boat, is an example of a Mirrey . Purchasing power: Mirreyes might not even think twice about spending hundreds of dollars on a stuffed bear . Selfie star: López, the son of then-Chiapas Attorney General Raciel Lopez Salazar, jumped off a yacht in 2014 . No need to pimp my ride: Mirreyes obtain cash from sources like inheritance, theft, corruption or the lottery . Kiss the bling: Many of the photos posted by Mirreyes will either have a shiny watch, fancy champagne, or both . The author of Mirreynato, the Other Inequality, Ricardo Raphael, wrote in his book: 'The economic wealth Mirreyes use is the main marker of class. 'No matter where the money comes - work, inheritance, theft, corruption or lottery- the key is the purchasing power the Mirrey boasts'. By identifying themselves as Mirreyes on social media, these seemingly spoiled brats are possibly creating connections which could be important for business and politics in the future because money attracts powerful friends. They are certainly being noticed. In 2011, a  a website called Mirrreybook was created by Pepe Ceballos. He began posting photos of mMirreyes on the site and it quickly became popular. Ceballos said: 'Mirreyes, who don't have anything to do with narcos [narcotics traffickers], seem like they're competing with them to see who has more. 'We've suddenly seen it in the kind of fashion or the bling-bling. There's more influence from the narcos.' In a recent source of embarrassment, Mirreyes were also featured in a controversial video that showcased the class of 2015 from private school Instituto Cumbres in Mexico City. In the professionally-produced video, well-dressed male students were shown drinking alcohol while carrying out a casting call with young women who dance, strip and wash their feet. Popping bottles: Mirreyes are individuals who enjoy 'ostentatious spending, exhibitionism and narcissism' The flash and the not-so-furious: Members of this select group seem to have few reasons to be upset with life . Up in smoke: Some Mirreyes post photos implying they have something in common with narcotics traffickers . Look at me: The selfie has become somewhat of a status symbol and Mirreyes frequently use them to show off . Future endeavors: By identifying themselves on social media, Mirreyes are possibly creating good connections . The all-male Catholic school was accused of sexism and promoting privilege after the video began to spread across the internet, according to the National Catholic Reporter. The school issued an apology late last month. It said: 'The Cumbres Institute Mexico asks for an apology for the content of the video that offended various persons, who have expressed anger. 'This video in no way represents the values and principles of the school, students, families and graduates. ''The necessary measures are being taken with the students involved and to establish rules so that it does not occur again.' Permanent vacation It seems Mirreyes travel frequently to foreign destinations judging by the photos they post . Power: Mirreyes could be important for business and politics in the future because cash attracts friends . Ouch: Pics of Mirreyes relaxing don't sit well in a country where people work an average of 2 226 hours a year .
Teens and young adults from Mexico use social media to show off wealth . They are known as Mirreyes and are members of Mexican high society . One such individual, Jorge Alberto López Amores, dove off yacht in 2014 . López, 29, asked friends to take video of stunt and was never seen again . Expert: 'The economic wealth Mirreyes use is the main marker of class' Households in Mexico take in an average of $12,850 per year after taxes .
[ 0, 8208, 60, 10070, 19, 3, 9, 11511, 18, 4084, 3, 1765, 113, 3489, 1302, 13, 3, 8387, 76, 2593 ]
Drive-by death: Cassandra Cassidy was fatally wounded as she tried to help two women 'afraid of men in a car' outside a rehab centre . A 24-year-old rehab worker killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas was an 'innocent bystander' who had been trying to aid two women who had approached her in the street. Cassandra Cassidy had been stopped outside the addiction recovery centre where she worked shortly after 10pm on Friday by two females 'afraid of males in a car', police have said. The fashion design student was shot as a car occupied by multiple people drove past while she was talking to the women, and died in hospital shortly afterwards. Ms Cassidy had just arrived for her late-night shift at a half-way house for people struggling with substance abuse, when the women approached her, Las Vegas police said in a statement. The women later told police they had been afraid of two men in a car down the street and asked to use Ms Cassidy's phone to call for help. A white, two door car with several occupants drove up to Ms Cassidy's car and fired several rounds, striking Cassidy but not the two women, before it sped off, Lt. Jeff Goodwin of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police said. The aspiring designer, who had recently launched her own vegan clothing label, was mortally wounded and taken to University Medical Center where she died. The death of Ms Cassidy, who described herself as 'a 24-year-old fashion design student, artist, geek, photography enthusiast, hiatus model, and many other things' on her Instagram page, has devastated family and friends. Her boyfriend of two years, Adam Loghides, 26, said working at the rehab centre was a perfect fit for her, as she 'always finds the best ways and finds the best qualities in people'. The International Academy of Design & Technology-Las Vegas's student, was 'an avid supporter of civil rights and LGBTQ issues and someone who represented fairness on all levels and equality,' Mr Loghides told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police are investigating the shooting but have yet to make any arrests. Tragedy: The aspiring Las Vegas designer was shot as a car occupied by multiple people drove past while she was talking to the women, and she died in hospital shortly afterwards . Shooting: Ms Cassidy, 24, was shot in a driveby on this Las Vegas road just after 10pm Friday night .
Cassandra Cassidy, 24, shot outside rehab centre where she worked . She had stopped to help two women who were 'afraid of men in a car' Fashion student was shot as a car with 'multiple occupants' drove past . Boyfriend of two years describes her as 'avid supporter of human rights'
[ 0, 1336, 7, 7, 152, 3515, 22889, 26, 63, 47, 2538, 38, 255, 4363, 44, 21013, 2050, 336, 1701, 3 ]
Justin Bieber was reportedly placed in a chokehold by security and booted from the Coachella music festival over the weekend. The 21-year-old singer argued with security after being stopped at the artists' entrance where Drake was performing at the event in Indio, California. A video obtained by TMZ appears to shows Bieber being put in a chokehold and escorted from the area. Scroll down for video... Off-stage drama: Justin Bieber was reportedly put in a chokehold by security and booted out of the Coachella music festival on Sunday after trying to gain entry to Drake's gig, pictured here at the event on Friday . The drama unfurled on Sunday night when the Canadian pop star and his entourage tried to gain entry to Drake's gig. They showed they had proper wristbands, but were told by bouncers that the area was at capacity, according to the report. Eyewitnesses told TMZ that Bieber argued with security and said he couldn't stand in a huge crowd without being swamped by fans but security told him to leave. Pictured: Justin Bieber is shown being approached by the security guard at Coachella . Not getting in: Bieber and his entourage were trying to gain entry to watch Drake's performance on Sunday . Chokehold: The scuffle between security and Bieber was caught on camera by a festival go-er . Bieber insisted that he was personally invited by Drake, had been waiting to see him perform and angered security by standing his ground, according to the article. A staffer at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at that point came up to Bieber and said she would escort him inside the artist's area. What he missed: Drake performed with Madonna, seen here wiping his mouth after she surprised him with an onstage kiss . She grabbed Bieber by the arm and was walking the singer and his bodyguards inside, when festival security came up from behind and allegedly put Bieber in a chokehold. Bieber's team tangled with security and the singer was then ordered to leave the festival. Sources close to Bieber told TMZ that he voluntarily left and was considering taking legal action against the security guards. Good times: Justin is shown on Saturday with Kendall Jenner at the star-studded music festival . Time to leave? Bieber and Kendall are pictured on Saturday, before the drama kicked off on Sunday night at Coachella . Jen's Pirate Booty La Vie Off-the-Shoulder Crop Top at Nasty Gal . Crop it like it's hot . Visit site . Coachella seems to be the one place where Kendall lets loose in terms of her style and is open to experimenting; she just wants to fit in with her Jenner-ation! The catwalk strutter has a flair for festival fashion, and she always pulls out all of the stops at this annual LA music festival. Take this gypsy style outfit which comprises of an off-shoulder white crop top and flowing black maxi skirt with thigh splits, tied together with a statement waist belt. The top is by Jen’s Pirate Booty and is the perfect take on summer bohemian vibes. Styled with everything and anything from denim cut offs and brown boots to maxi skirts and sandals, this off-shoulder top will set pulses races however you wear it. And the best part is that it's attainable for us mere mortals; it's only $88 at Nasty Gal, so hurry up and buy it with a click to the right before it sells out. She's a normal teen at heart! If you want to emulate Kendall's look for even less, take a gander at the style edit below at our top picks from the likes of Charlotte Russe, Guess, and more. re:named Solid Off Shoulder Crop Top . Visit site . Charlotte Russe Chevron Off-The-Shoulder Top . Visit site . Guess Off-The-Shoulder Eyelet Top at Bloomingdale's . Visit site . Free People Willow Crop Top . Visit site . Party time: Justin was spotted heading into an Neon Carnival after party on the second day of the music festiva . Troublemakers: Justin was also seen hanging out with Chris Brown at the NYLON party on Friday . The altercation meant that Bieber missed Drake's set - that featured a surprise performance from Madonna. While on stage, Madonna kissed the rapper and his less-than-impressed reaction was caught on camera. Bieber had been spotted on Friday and Saturday at the outdoor music festival. Just landed: Justin on Monday shared an Instagram snap with the caption saying he just arrived in Europe . Lost his temper: Justin is shown in March 2013 as he tussled with paparazzi in London . He was hanging out on Friday night with Kendall Jenner, 19, at a party at Beacher's Madhouse. The Baby singer on Saturday night took in the music with her yonger sister Kylie, 17, and other members of their entourage. Bieber shared an Instagram snap on Monday showing himself on the staircase of a parked jet  and writing in the caption that he just landed in Europe. Here comes trouble: Bieber had been partying at the popular music festival over the weekend, seen here on Friday . Partying: Justin had been enjoying the music festival with Kendall and Kylie Jenner . Bond: Justin and Kendall appeared to very close throughout the festival (pictured above at the Bootsy Bellows Estate sponsored by McDonald's & Chevrolet) Saying their prayers: Justin and his pal also posted this shot from the festival before it all kicked off .
Singer arrived at artists' entrance to gain entry to Drake's gig . Security told him area was at full capacity and denied admission . A row erupted and a Coachella staffer tried to get Bieber into the gig . But festival security then intervened and put singer in chokehold and removed him from the area .
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Four people have died after a small twin-engine plane crashed in woodland in Florida, killing everyone on-board. The tragedy happened as the pilot was trying to land the aircraft at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport around 4.30pm on Sunday. The unnamed pilot declared an emergency, but the plane crashed shortly after in a wooded area close to the runway, before bursting into flames. Scroll down for video . A 'fireball' exploded after the twin-engine plane crashed in Florida. The reason for the crash is not yet known . Firefighters battled to put out the flames on the crash site. Four people died in the tragic incident on Sunday . The pilot declared an emergency shortly before the plane crashed into a wooded area close to the runway . Eye-witnesses say they knew something was wrong as they watched the Piper PA-31 aircraft coming into land. 'It sounded low, it looked low', Bobby Bemis told NBC in South Florida. 'It nosedived right into the floor. It sounded like a semi truck hit a wall, it was so loud.' Bavon Sylvain said he heard a 'loud explosion, a big fireball'. He added: 'From what we saw, with the fireball, you could tell immediately that whoever was on that plane unfortunately passed away.' The four victims have not been officially named, and it is not known why the plane crashed. Emergency services struggled to reach the scene initially because of the scale of the blaze on the crash site . Emergency services had trouble reaching the crash site because of the size of the fire, and spent Sunday night investigating the scene. Fort Lauderdale Fire Division Chief Chantal Botting.told CBS Miami that there was little left of the plane when the flames were put out. The main cockpit of the vessel is still there, as well as the other adjacent wings and so forth, they are within a remote area,' he said. The four victims of the crash have yet to be named. One runway at the airport was closed for investigators . 'Our crews made an aggressive attack on the fire, extinguishing the fire within minutes. 'Unfortunately, it was discovered there were four souls on board and unfortunately all four perished.' The airport remains open but one runway is closed.
Pilot declared emergency but plane crashed in woodland just off runway . Everyone on-board the Piper PA-31 aircraft was killed in the tragedy . Investigators in Florida trying to establish what caused the plane crash .
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(CNN)In response to reports of big banks threatening to withhold campaign funds from Senate Democrats, Sen. Elizabeth Warren last week offered a defiant response: "Bring it on." Warren said she isn't going to slack off on her calls for breaking up banks and other measures to rein in Wall Street. As Hillary Clinton prepares to officially launch her presidential campaign this month, she will need to make a choice about how much to highlight issues relating to economic inequality. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who is also running for the Democratic nomination, is trying to steal Clinton's thunder by talking about the problems of disproportionate wealth. In other words, there are many signs that Democrats are planning to take on the big issue of economic inequality. But in other recent news, the likelihood that New York's Chuck Schumer will replace Harry Reid as leader of the Senate Democrats means the dreams of a more economically leftward party are crashing into political reality. While Schumer has been a very effective Democrat and skilled legislative leader, he is also a Wall Street Democrat who has spent much of his time courting and protecting powerful financial interests who run one of the dominant industries in his state. He is not alone. Even at his most progressive moments, President Barack Obama relied on Wall Street donations for both of his campaigns. Despite all the talk from conservatives about left-wing "socialism" in the White House, the financial community has been willing to open its coffers to Democrats without much concern, even in the 2012 election. Democratic populism can't really work within the current campaign finance system. The enormous pressures for parties to raise funds in campaigns has for many decades created pressure on Democrats, despite their political base, to court big donors. During the 1980s, California Democrat Tony Coelho, serving as the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and then as majority whip, made a strong appeal to savings and loans executives before the crash of the industry to catch up to Republicans who had been outflanking them in raising money. The Democrats were, and have continued to, losing their traditional base of campaign support --organized labor -- which had been a central source of campaign muscle since the 1930s, providing money and campaign assistance during campaigns. Without organized labor to serve as their foundation and with the pressure for raising private funds increasing, many Democrats concluded they needed business by their side. Democrats running for president have made the same kind of choices. In 2008, Obama disappointed many supporters upon becoming the first president to abandon the post-Watergate public finance system for campaigns altogether, preferring to raise money himself for the general campaign. While small donors were enormously important to his victories, so too were business and Wall Street executives. At the height of the financial crash, when public sentiment had clearly turned against Wall Street, the administration agreed to a financial regulation bill (Dodd-Frank) that was structured in such a way as to give powerful interests more than enough opportunity to limit the bite over the coming years. Wall Street, with an army of counsel, succeeded in eroding the impact of the legislation. Not only does the acceptance of our campaign finance system limit the policy choices Democrats can make, but it also greatly damages the party's brand name. As The Washington Post reported, the scandal that might bring down New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez is the first involving large scale super PAC donations. At the heart of the story is almost $600,000 that physician Salomon Melgen gave to Senate Majority PAC, possibly in exchange for favors. This is not simply some sort of accommodation of Democrats to the corporate system. They don't have much of a choice. Without these funds, they won't be able to compete. In this election cycle, independent campaign donors are causing a huge stir. In conservative circles, the Koch brothers and their allies are throwing around enormous amounts of money to candidates who will support their deregulatory agenda. Individual donors such as Las Vegas gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson are causing ripples every time candidates speak, pressuring them to adjust their agenda. Democrats have found their own magnates for political support, such as Tom Steyer and George Soros. This is why campaign finance reform is so important, Without Congress changing the fundamental dynamics, there won't be much room for populism to thrive. Even if Democrats select someone like a Elizabeth Warren as their candidate or Hillary Clinton decides to move sharply to the left on economic policy, there won't be much room for reform when the time of governance actually starts. The Democratic Party needs Wall Street more than it needs to take a stand against Wall Street. Those are the facts on the ground. If Democrats really want to take on Wall Street and tackle economic inequality, they first have to bring about reform of the campaign finance system. If campaigns were publicly funded or there were more stringent limits on independent expenditures, Wall Street would have much more trouble achieving disproportionate influence. Reform could level the playing field. More often than not, campaign finance reform is an issue that gets sidetracked with little more than some pro forma words of support. A more populist economic agenda that revolved around progressive taxation and substantial public assistance to strengthen the middle class can only work in a different kind of political system. If things stay the same, Democrats can only continue to win elections by turning to their corporate and financial base of support.
Julian Zelizer: Elizabeth Warren was defiant about Wall Street, but Hillary Clinton likely won't be . Zelizer: The Democrats need Wall Street's campaign donations to be competitive in 2016 .
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Danniella Westbrook's cage fighting ex-fiancé has been arrested for allegedly assaulting and harassing her. Tom Richards, 25, was arrested yesterday morning in his home city of Swansea. After being held in a cell for 11 hours, the cage fighter was bailed at 7pm as police continue their investigation. It comes after Westbrook, 41, made claims on social media that her younger former lover had been violent towards her, posting a photograph on Twitter of her bruised hand. The pair were last seen together at an Essex pub last month (above) after splitting up in November . It comes after the 41-year-old accused her younger former boyfriend of violence online. She was seen last month with a black-eye. Richards strenuously denies the allegations and has not been charged . Richards, who is an MMA fighter, has vehemently denied the allegations against him. The pair split in November last year after spending months together in California while Westbrook tried to rid herself of drugs. Speaking of his arrest yesterday, a spokesman for Richards said there was 'no truth' behind the allegations. 'There is no truth in these allegations and we will be challenging them.' The couple split in November after spending months together in California . Police arrested Richards in Swansea yesterday morning on suspicion of physically attacking his former girlfriend in Essex. While denying ever harassing or harming his former girlfriend, a spokesman added being arrested had been 'upsetting' for Richards. 'He is training for a fight and could do without the distraction. Due to the seriousness of these allegations that’s all we can say at the moment.' Taking to Twitter after being released, he wrote: 'Finally getting into bed after such a long day, cheers for all messages will reply tmz on here and other social media,#TeamBabyBoy (sic).' It is the second time Richards has faced legal action over allegedly abusing his former girlfriend. He was previously arrested over claims he gave the mother-of-two a black eye. Police later dropped the case against him. The claims of harassment involve alleged text messages and phone calls made to the blonde soap star. Westbrook has not spoken publicly of the most recent allegations. The actress, who was last year spotted at her local job centre collecting leaflets on childcare, is understood to be on holiday with her children. She and Richards became an item after the former EastEnders starlet parted ways with her husband of 12 years. They were last seen together in March when they met at an Essex pub. Westbrook, who has a history of drug addiction and homelessness,  is understood to be on holiday with her children . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Tom Richards was arrested in Swansea over allegedly assaulting actress . He was released after being held for 11 hours pending further inquiries . Westbrook previously accused him of physically assaulting her on Twitter . The 25-year-old cage fighter has strenuously denied the allegations .
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You may think that driving goggles belong to the days when cars were rare on the roads and people dressed in flying jackets to go for a quick drive. But the vintage eyewear may be set to make a comeback in a new hi-tech form, because BMW Mini has produced concept smart specs to give drivers super-human powers such as X-ray-like vision. BMW Group’s answer to Google Glass is designed to let drivers of its Mini model see pop-up virtual displays for directions and other features – and the Elvis-esque glasses can also be worn out of the car. Vintage driving goggles may be set to make a comeback, because BMW Mini has produced concept smart specs (pictured) to give drivers super-human powers in the car . It calls them a ‘revolutionary display concept offering enhanced comfort and safety’. The Augmented Vision goggles will go on show at the Auto Shanghai show and generate ‘screens’ showing information that only the wearer can see. For example, the goggles can project navigation information with arrows onto the roads, as well as showing speed limits and even point out local landmarks. BMW Group’s answer to Google Glass is designed to let drivers of its Mini model see pop-up virtual displays for showing maps and other features – and the Elvis-style glasses (pictured) can also be worn out of the car . The goggles can project navigation information with arrows onto the roads, as well as show speed limits (both pictured) and even point out local landmarks . Driving goggles were worn by racing drivers and wealthy motorists who owned early cars, so keep bugs and flying debris out of their eyes. This image from 1924 shows Enzo Ferrari testing an Alfa-Romeo in Italy . Information such as speed and speed limits are shown on the heads-up display so the data is in the driver’s primary field of view and they don’t have to take their eyes off the road. Navigation arrows are shown ‘on’ the road to show drivers the way, and local landmarks labelled too. An icon is shown on the smartphone-linked display when the wearer receives a text message and the message can be read out by the car. An X-ray view lets wearers see external objects concealed by the car, such as high kerbs and small bollards which may be an obstacle when getting out of the car. An ‘Augmented Parking’ feature projects images obtained from a camera on the far side mirror to the glasses to help drivers park close the curb. The idea is that the eyewear shows relevant information in the driver’s direct field of vision, without obscuring other road users in a bid to boost safety. Data such as speed, is shown just above the wheel, near to the physical dashboard they drivers would usually check without the aid of glasses. The goggles are connected to a smartphone so that wearers see an icon when they have a new text message, which can be read out in the car. Users can select a mode to help them park. A setting called Augmented Parking, shows the driver the distance to the curb, by projecting images obtained from a camera on the far side mirror on the glasses. And the glasses also give drivers X-ray-like vision, by letting users see external objects concealed by the car. The feature could stop people opening their car door into low bollards and high curbs, for example. ‘Mini Augmented Vision gives an insight into how intelligent connectivity between a Mini car and eyewear into which relevant content is projected might work in the future,’ said Dr Jörg Preißinger, project-manager of Mini Augmented Vision, BMW Group research and technology. The Augmented Vision goggles (pictured) will go on show at the Auto Shanghai show and generate ‘screens’ showing information that only the wearer can see . The idea is that the eyewear shows relevant information in the driver’s direct field of vision but without obscuring other road users in a bid to boost safety. The smart specs can be worn outside the car (pictured) too . Free parking spaces are highlighted in the driver’s field of view so they can spot a space more easily, and a setting, called Augmented Parking, shows the driver the distance to the curb so that an ‘X-ray’ view shows them outside the car - this is illustrated above by showing a waiting dog outside the car . ‘Working with several Qualcomm companies, we have created an interlinked system and augmented reality eyewear with a characteristic Mini design that revolutionise the experience both in and outside the vehicle.’ BMW Mini doesn’t reveal much about how the goggles could be used outside the car, but shows an image of a man in art gallery, hinting that extra features could be unlocked together with using a smartphone. They are a prototype created by the car manufacturer and Qualcomm Connected Experiences, and there is no news about whether the goggles will ever go on sale. But Jay Wright, VP Qualcomm Connected Experiences, said: ‘BMW Mini Augmented Vision offers a compelling example of what’s possible today, and what we can expect in the future.’ BMW Mini doesn’t reveal much about how the goggles could be used outside the car, but shows an image of a man in art gallery (pictured), hinting that features could be unlocked together with using a smartphone . The glasses (pictured) are a prototype created by the car manufacturer and Qualcomm Connected Experiences, but there is no news about whether they will ever go on sale .
BMW Mini made the concept Augmented Vision goggles with Qualcomm . Give wearers X-ray vision when parking and pop-up data on the dashboard . Elvis-style glasses are also designed to be worn out of the car . There's no news about whether the goggles will ever go on sale .
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A 250-year-old sex toy has been found by archaeologists during a dig of an ancient toilet in Poland. The eight-inch leather dildo with a wooden head was discovered during an excavation at an old school of swordsmanship in the coastal city of Gdansk. A spokesman for the Regional Office for the Protection of Monuments in Gdansk, said: 'It was found in the latrine and dates back to the second half of the 18th century. Relic: The eight-inch, 250-year-old sex toy was found during a dig at the city of Gdansk in Poland, pictured . 'It is quite thick and rather large, made of leather and filled with bristles, and has a wooden tip that has preserved in excellent condition. It was probably dropped by someone in the toilet. 'Whether that was by accident or on purpose is anyone's guess though.' Archaeologists at the site earlier discovered old swords leading them to suspect that the place was once a school of swordsmanship. The artifact has now been taken away for preservation work. Historical: The 'quite thick' and 'rather large' sex toy was discovered during an excavation of ancient toilets in Gdansk, Poland . Dildos have been found in some form throughout history, with Upper Palaeolithic artefacts previously discovered being said to be likely used for sexual pleasure. For thousands of years, phallic objects have been used symbolically as a means to boost fertility and ward off evil spirits - but their use as sexual aids has a long history, too. A 28,000-year-old phallus recently found in Germany is quoted as being the oldest known 'sex toy' ever found. While phalluses made from stone, wood, leather and even camel dung have all be found during excavations, or referenced throughout historical text and images. And an Austrian museum even has the world's oldest condom on display together with four other condom fragments dated from around 1650. These were found in a toilet at Dudley Castle in England.
The 250-year-old toy was made from leather with a wooden head . It was found during excavation of an ancient toilet in Gdansk . Archaeologists also discovered swords during the dig .
[ 0, 37, 4295, 3, 26, 173, 26, 32, 47, 435, 383, 46, 29634, 44, 3, 9, 496, 13, 16600, 7 ]
She has just come out of the biggest scandal of her career when she made a racist comment about Zendaya's hair style on Fashion Police. And now Giuliana Rancic is creating even more fuss as she has dishes on her ex-boyfriend Jerry O'Connell in her upcoming memoir Going Off Script. On Monday the 40-year-old E! star looked cool and collected, however, as she was seen leaving The Trump Tower in New York City on her way to a Today Show appearance. Scroll for video... Dishing the details: Giuliana Rancic looked fantastic as she left the Trump International Hotel in New York City on Monday, just a day before the release of her new tell-all Going Off Script, which details her romance with Jerry O'Connell . The way they were: Rancic has said that O'Connell was not faithful; here they are pictured in 2004 in Los Angeles . In her memoir, the Fashion Police co-host has detailed her tumultuous relationship with Jerry, who she first met in San Diego. Their romance - which ran from 2003 to 2004 - turned sour when Giuliana discovered Jerry had been cheating on her with Geri Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice. In an excerpt obtained by Page Six, the E! star wrote of the affair: 'I was being two-timed for one of the lesser Spices?' Pink lady: The TV personality was hard to miss with her bubble gum pink top and white peplum skirt . Burberry long heritage trench coat . Click to buy it now! Visit site . They say your clothes can tell a thousand stories and that certainly seems to be the case with Giuliana latest ensemble. The E! presenter looked defiantly optimistic in this colourful look, rocking a fuchsia dress with a fluted hem with white Louboutins. Giuliana finished off the look effortlessly with a Burberry trench slung over her shoulders. After the Zendaya controversy she's been embroiled in recently, this outfit seemed to shrug off the negativity in style. We love this trench in particular - a classic Burberry number, this chic cover-up will never go out of style and is synonymous with timeless fashion. Slung over your shoulders like Giuliana or wrapped up and belted, this outerwear will truly stand the test of time! Click right to snap it up now, or head to our edit below for similar picks. From Karen Millen to Vero Moda we've got all budgets covered. Vila classic trench coat at ASOS . Visit site . Vero Moda Vmfame trench coat at Nelly.com . Visit site . MICHAEL Michael Kors Trench Coat at Zappos . Visit site . Dorothy Perkins crepe trench coatv (now reduced to $44) Visit site . Jerry's apology did not exactly impress the TV star. '"Yeah, I know. I’m so sorry. I don't know what happened." He had as much emotion as the customer-service representative who tells you your bags missed the flight,' she penned. Giuliana ended up giving Jerry another shot. Following her heart: Giuliana claims Jerry cheated on her with Spice Girls singer Geri Halliwell, however she still took him back . Their romance turned serious when talks of marriage began, but that quickly changed when Jerry began chatting up Rebecca at Maxim's 100 Hottest Women party in 2004. 'Little did I know he was in the VIP area, talking up Rebecca. As a prelude to feeling up Rebecca,' she wrote. Following his encounter with Rebecca at the party, Jerry became unreachable, and Giuliana decided to talk to him face-to-face at his residence. Harsh words: Rancic detailed Jerry's flippant attitude towards their break-up . Moving on: Jerry married Rebecca Romijn in 2007; here the couple are pictured in February in Los Angeles . He sure was busy: Jerry also had a fling with Geri Halliwell from The Spice Girls; here she is pictured far left with her band mates Victoria Beckham, Emma Bunton, Mel B and Mel C . There, the actor flippantly dumped her: 'Nope. Sorry, homegirl...Things change, but you take care, OK?' While Giuliana's love life is now going strong with husband Bill Rancic, the actress has now found herself putting out another fire. Just a month earlier Giuliana stirred up controversy when she commented on Fashion Police that Zendaya smelled of 'patchouli oil' or 'weed' when she arrived to the Oscars with dreadlocks. Saying her piece: The E! star aired her side of the Fashion Police controversy in an interview with Today . Heartfelt: The TV star confessed 'I do not have an eating disorder' - nor has she ever - in her Today interview . On Monday, Giuliana - who looked fantastic with a bubble gum pink lace top that was paired with a high-waisted white peplum skirt - talked to the Today Show about Zendaya. 'I made a reference to the hippie culture. I talked about patchouli oil, which is a hippie perfume. And in the editing process, some of the gestures I made, some of the things I said were taken out for time,' the beauty said. 'I made peace signs, I said "bohemian" twice - those were taken out for time.' Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy . 'So when the joke aired, some people were offended by it. I find racism reprehensible. I don't tolerate it at all. Nor have I ever.' 'I thought that the joke was not edited in a proper way. And that's just something I have to live with.' Also on the Today Show, Giuliana addressed the criticism she has received for her shrinking waistline. Love at last: The star has been married to The Apprentice winner Bill Rancic since 2007 - here the couple are pictured in October in Los Angeles . 'I do not have an eating disorder. I have never had an eating disorder. I wanted to be very clear about that. In fact, I eat a lot. People always love to tweet: "Eat a burger." I eat burgers. It's not working,' she told Savannah Guthrie. Giuliana, who had a double mastectomy after revealing she had breast cancer, added: 'But the main thing is I've lost a considerable amount of weight really in the past year or two due to the cancer medication that I'm on... I was eating more than I've ever eaten, but I was losing weight, and I was scared. I didn't think, this is great. I though, what the heck's happening to my body?' Giuliana - who announced last week she was moving to Chicago - has also suffered a personal blow in her efforts to add to her family. 'Everyone's been asking us about our last embryo because we would talk about it on our reality show. We had our final shot at having a baby, a biological child...and unfortunately she did miscarry. It didn't work out.' The star appeared optimistic when she added: 'But that's okay, there are other options. I've always been open to adoption, even before we had issues. So we're definitely looking at our options. Giuliana's new tell-all will be available for purchase on April 7.
The Fashion Police host dated actor Jerry from 2003 to 2004 . In her new tell-all Going Off Script she confessed he cheated on her . First he hooked up with singer Geri Halliwell then actress Rebecca Romijn . O'Connell went on to marry Rebecca in 2007 and they had two children .
[ 0, 37, 262, 55, 2213, 65, 1545, 81, 160, 3, 17, 440, 83, 17, 13281, 1675, 28, 16637, 411, 31 ]
A 3-year-old's recurring nightmare about a mysterious white van may help shed light on what really happened the day her mother died in an SUV crash that Virginia police have ruled a tragic accident. Natali Castellanos-Tyler, 30, a married mother of three from Chesterfield County, was returning home from a birthday party February 21 with her daughter, Elisa, in the backseat when she supposedly slid off a rain-soaked road, slammed her silver Ford Explorer into a tree and died at the scene. Investigators concluded that the crash was a one-car collision that was caused by poor road conditions. Scroll down for video . Loss: Natali Castellanos-Tyler, 30, pictured with her husband, Craig, and their two children, was killed in an SUV crash in Virginia two months ago to the day . Deadly impact: Castellanos-Tyler was just a few miles from her home when her 2002 Ford Explorer ran off the road in the 15400 block of Genito Road and careened into a tree . Accident: Police said the crash was a one-car collision caused by a rain-soaked road . Elisa Tyler emerged from the accident largely unscathed, but according to her father, Craig Tyler, the little girl has been plagued by disturbing nightmares and daytime visions about the accident. 'She’ll just start walking and she’ll start screaming, "The van, the white van!”' the young widower told CBS6. 'I’ll say, "What happened with the white van?" And she says, "It hurt me — it hurt my car!”' Tyler, who is now raising his their children, ages 9, 3 and 1, on his own after his wife's passing, at first did not know what to make of Elisa's night terrors. But then this past weekend he came across several Facebook posts from nearby communities of Foxcroft and Magnolia Green about a series of hit-and-run accidents involving a white box truck. One Facebook user, 17-year-old Caitlyn Thomas, claimed she was side-swiped by a white delivery-style truck on Otterdale Road March 30; the impact of the collision reportedly sent a piece of her side-view mirror crashing through the driver's window. Doubt: Little Elisa, pictured left with her parents and baby brother, and right with her mom, has been having nightmares and daytime visions about a white van, which her father believes may have something to do with the crash . Widower: Craig Tyler says the toddler, pictured above, has told him that the white van in her dreams 'hurt' her and her car . Sightings: A plain white delivery-style box truck, possibly similar to the one pictured above, has been linked to no fewer than three hit-and-run incidents in which two cars and a school bus were side-swiped . According to an eyewitness, the driver of the truck briefly slowed down and turned his head back to look at Thomas' damaged car, but then took off from the scene without waiting for police to arrive. A day earlier, Subastree Thompson said she was also side-swiped by a white box truck on the same road. According to the woman, who was driving with her 3-year-old in the backseat, the white van was carrying two or three men sitting in a single row. The van slowed down for a moment but then sped off before Thompson had a chance to take down its license plate number. Then on April 3, a plain white van matching the same description as in the two earlier incidents allegedly side-swiped a school bus filled with students from Cosby High School. Chesterfield County Police said they were investigating a possible connection between the crashes, but a spokesperson for the department said there was no evidence in Castellano-Tyler's collision to suggest the involvement of another vehicle. Dashing duo: Natali, a native of El Salvador, and Craig met by chance at a restaurant several years ago and married in a courthouse in 2013 . The 30-year-old leaves behind three children, including a 9-year-old boy from a previous relationship in El Salvador and her and Craig's two kids, ages 1 and 3 . Tragic twist: The couple had been planning to have a formal wedding ceremony this coming July and Natali had picked out an ivory lace dress (pictured) for the big day. Instead, she was laid to rest in her dream gown . The woman was just a few miles from her home when at 2pm her 2002 Ford Explorer ran off the road in the 15400 block of Genito Road and careened into a tree, reported the station WRIC. Paramedics arrived on the scene but it was too late for the mother. Her daughter Elisa was taken to a hospital with minor scrapes and bruises. On Monday, nearly two months to the day after the crash, Natali’s husband, Craig, wrote on his Facebook page that he was praying ‘for the truth to be revealed.’ He and Natali, a native of El Salvador, met years earlier at a local restaurant and married with little fanfare in a courthouse on June 21, 2012. The couple had been planning to have a formal wedding ceremony this coming July, followed by a long-awaited honeymoon. Natali had an ivory lace gown picked out for the big day, but instead of wearing it to go down the aisle, she was laid to rest in her dream dress February 27 in the presence of her heartbroken family. A GoFundMe account has been set up to help cover some of the Tyler family's living expenses. So far, more than $15,440 has been raised.
Natali Castellanos-Tyler, 30, married mother of three from Virginia, was killed when she crashed into tree February 21 . Daughter Elisa, now 3, was in backseat of Tyler's Ford Explorer and survived crash . Police ruled that it was a one-car collision caused by sleek road . Craig Tyler, victim's husband, says little Elisa has been having recurring dream featuring a white van at crash scene . White box truck has been tentatively linked to three hit-and-run incidents in neighboring communities between March 29 and April 3 . Each time, truck side-swiped passing vehicle and sped off; April 3 crash involved a school bus filled with students .
[ 0, 9267, 4288, 25925, 1618, 32, 7, 18, 382, 63, 1171, 6, 11558, 47, 7646, 234, 45, 3, 9, 3591 ]
A serious knee injury may have cruelly ended Bojan Krkic's season in January but it hasn't stopped the Stoke striker keeping up-to-date with the Premier League. Scheduled to return to action in July, the former AC Milan and Roma forward has been keeping a close eye on England's top-flight as he recovers in Barcelona. Here, Bojan tells Sportsmail which players make his team of the season. Bojan Krkic, pictured celebrating a goal against Rochdale, has picked his Premier League team of the season . The Stoke striker poses in his garden at his home in the Barcelona province of El Papiol . Bojan shows off the memorabilia he has collected during his career with Barcelona, AC Milan, Ajax and Roma . Bojan gives a thumbs up to the camera as he uses an anti-gravity treadmill which was developed by NASA . Sportsmail spent two days with Bojan in Barcelona as he recovers from the serious knee injury which ended his debut season with Stoke . GOALKEEPER: DAVID DE GEA . I nearly picked Fraser Forster. I have him on Fantasy Manager and he's won me a load of points! I was so sorry to hear about his injury. David de Gea is a great friend — I have known him since the early youth groups with Spain. He is enjoying one of the best seasons I have seen from a keeper. David de Gea makes a save from Swansea's Ki Sung-yueng during one of many excellent performances . RIGHT BACK: NATHANIEL CLYNE . Fast, direct and athletic. I like watching him go forward and he won't let you down defensively. He has been a major part of Southampton's excellent season. Southampton's Nathaniel Clyne (left) is now in the England squad after a fine season with Saints . CENTRE BACK: JOHN TERRY . It hasn't been a great season for centre backs but Terry is still a really tough opponent. When we played against Chelsea just before Christmas, I was impressed by the way Jose Mourinho organised his defence. He put Nemanja Matic and John Mikel Obi on me. It limited the space and made things difficult, plus they had that really strong defence behind. Mourinho is very intelligent in this way. Chelsea skipper John Terry has helped his side to the top of the Premier League table . CENTRE BACK: RYAN SHAWCROSS . He is a very strong defender and is a seriously tough opponent in training. He has a strong character. He has a great personality and is a real leader in the dressing room. He can play at a very high level. Ryan Shawcross, pictured scoring against Manchester United, has been a rock in Stoke's defence . LEFT BACK: BRANISLAV IVANOVIC . My dad is from Serbia and still keeps a close eye on their players. We both admire Ivanovic who has a habit of scoring big goals in big games. I know he plays mainly on the right but I want him in the team. Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic has chipped in with some vital goals for Jose Mourinho's side . RIGHT MIDFIELD: ALEXIS SANCHEZ . Unfortunately I never got the chance to play with Alexis at Barcelona. He has had a really impressive first season and will only get better. He possesses star quality. Alexis Sanchez has settled into life in the Premier League with ease after joining Arsenal last summer . CENTRE MIDFIELD: STEVEN NZONZI . A player I rate really highly. A brilliant midfielder in the modern game. Physically strong and tactically and technically sharp. He can control a midfield and conduct our performances. I love playing with him. Stoke midfielder Steven Nzonzi has impressed Bojan with his strong performances in central midfield . CENTRE MIDFIELD: SANTI CAZORLA . In Arsenal's 2-0 win against Manchester City, his was a wonderful performance. His movement is good, he can battle, and his passing is as good as anybody's. Spanish players here have a really strong relationship with supporters. You see Juan Mata and Ander Herrera at Manchester United, David Silva at City — the fans love them — and the Stoke fans have been so warm towards me. It is because we have the character of fighters and feel a responsibility to please supporters. Santi Cazorla, pictured scoring against Newcastle, has been an important cog in Arsenal's midfield . LEFT MIDFIELD: EDEN HAZARD . He is getting better and better. His dribbling is amazing and he is adding more goals to his game. A really special player. Chelsea forward Eden Hazard gets away from Burnley's Matt Taylor during his side's win at Turf Moor . CENTRE FORWARD: SERGIO AGUERO . The best out and out forward around. He's explosive, skilful, a great dribbler and has a powerful shot. Bojan believes Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero is 'the best out and out forward around' CENTRE FORWARD: HARRY KANE . Diego Costa imposes his character on every game. His goalscoring record is great and Chelsea have improved with him. However, I didn't know too much about Harry Kane before this season but he has been amazing. He scores every week! It is great to see an English player doing so well and it has been one of the season's great stories. Tottenham striker Harry Kane celebrates scoring his 22nd goal of the season against Arsenal in February .
Bojan Krkic has picked his best Premier League XI of the season . The Stoke striker is currently battling back to fitness after a knee injury . Bojan includes compatriots David de Gea and Santi Cazorla . There is room for Chelsea's John Terry and striker Sergio Aguero . Bojan also opts for two of his Stoke team-mates in his team .
[ 0, 1491, 7066, 480, 52, 157, 447, 65, 118, 3, 9, 843, 2320, 16, 2789, 31, 7, 420, 3777, 48 ]
Jose Mourinho relishes the pre-match press conference. For the Chelsea manager, it's where the game begins, especially ahead of a match like Sunday's at Arsenal, where his side could move three points away from securing the Premier League with a victory. It was a surprise, therefore, to see him stumped at a question posed to him at the end of his media conference on Friday. Rarely, if ever, does the Portuguese coach not know what to say. But after going to great lengths to insist there are 'no problems' with Arsene Wenger after the pair clashed on the sidelines at Stamford Bridge last season, Mourinho was stumped by the question that followed. Jose Mourinho was visibly surprised by a question he was asked at his Chelsea press conference . He was asked how hard Arsene Wenger pushed him, referring both to the title race and their clash last year . Mourinho praised the 'top question' before composing himself and giving an equally ambiguous answer . Wenger (left) pushed Mourinho when Chelsea beat Arsenal 6-0 at Stamford Bridge last season . Sport analysts BSports are predicting a tight match, with Arsenal slight favourites to beat Chelsea . 'Jose, you said you've been pushed very hard this season, how hard did Arsene Wenger push you?' Mourinho burst into laughter, covered his mouth in shock before turning to Chelsea's media officer, swearing and saying 'it deserves a proper answer.' He eventually regained composure, before marvellously disguising his opinion in a deliberately transparent manner. 'It is a top question, top question... but because I am always honest in my answers, I cannot answer you,' Mourinho replied, cunningly.
Jose Mourinho was speaking ahead of Chelsea's visit to Arsenal . He made an effort to play down talk of not respecting Arsene Wenger . But Mourinho was stunned by a cleverly worded question regarding his clashes with Wenger and Chelsea's title bid . Mourinho: Cesc Fabregas chose Chelsea over Arsenal to win trophies . CLICK HERE for Arsenal vs Chelsea team news and probable line ups .
[ 0, 14373, 1111, 12, 22358, 16, 8, 6552, 3815, 30, 1771, 3742, 3, 5, 10854, 283, 1211, 23738, 47, 27879 ]
For some expectant mothers, giving up alcohol or coffee for the duration of their pregnancy can feel a hardship. But one mother-to-be had to give up much more than that for the sake of her unborn daughter. Lynn, from Chippenham, had to stop taking medication that enables her to move without pain as she suffers from a painful and crippling condition callled hip displasia. Lynn and husband Liam tried for a baby for three years so when she fell pregnant, she didn't want to take any risks so stopped taking pain relief for her scoliosis and hip dysplasia symptoms . The condition means the ball and socket joint of her hip has not formed properly, which causes pain when she moves. She also has scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Due to her disabilities, Lynn has to walk with a crutch around the home and uses a wheelchair when out and about. She also needs to take painkillers to give her some respite from the daily discomfort. But after becoming pregnant with a baby girl after three years of trying to conceive with husband, Liam, Lynn chose to stop taking the drugs for the time she carried their baby. She made the brave decision even though the weight of her baby bump put extra strain on her joints. 'I decided I would stop taking my painkillers when pregnant as there wasn't 100 per cent proof it would all be okay for baby so I stopped to be on the safe side,' she explained on My Extraordinary Pregnancy, which airs tonight on TLC. Lynn explains when pregnant that she's prepared to forgo pain relief for the sake of her baby . Healthy Libby was then delivered via caesarean section but Lynn had hoped for a natural birth . 'She's so special and it took such a long time to get her, I don't want to do anything to risk the pregnancy.' Husband Liam, an IT consultant, said he understood Lynn's decision but he said he found it hard to see her suffering. 'She wants to be a normal mother and do everything normally but because of her condition she's not always able to,' he said. 'My admiration for her has grown, the pain she goes through daily has increased and got worse every day. Coping with that without pain killers is a big thing.' 'The pain she's going through on a daily basis has increased.' Lynn, who has only 30 per cent mobility with her hips, said her problems began when she was a small child. 'The pain started when I was quite young and I had the first surgery when I was five. 'Growing up I had a lot of hip pain and back pain and initially I didn't know what it was. As a teenager I had to wear a body brace which was difficult.' Her mother Jennifer said: 'As a child she would never show when things hurt. You'd ask how she was feeling and she'd say "I'm fine", she would always cover everything up and tell you what you wanted to hear to make you feel better.' Lynn's condition was diagnosed as a teenager and she has always been determined not to let her disability get in the way of her living a 'normal' life. She works as an occupational therapist for the NHS, plays wheelchair tennis and wanted to be able to deliver her baby naturally despite her hip problems. Despite her hip problems, Lynn, pictured in hospital with Liam and Libby after her birth, had wanted a natural delivery but had to have a c-section as Libby was breeched . Adjusting to life as a mother with limited mobility means Lynn has had a chairlift installed in her home . The new mother is determined not to let her disabilities get in her way . However, this was not possible in the end as her baby was in the breech position so she had to have her daughter, Libby, via a caesarean section. Lynn said afterwards: 'It's been a hard journey but well worth it.' Following the birth. Lynn has to allow changes she's always resisted - such as having a chairlift installed in their home - to take place so she can better care for Libby with her physical limitations. Lynn admits she's always tried to do things for herself but she admits as a new mother, she has to accept more help for the sake of her daughter. Following the safe arrival of Libby, the couple had an anxious six week wait to find out if she also has hip dysplasia as there is thought to be genetic link. Those with hip dysplasia are five to ten times times more likely to have baby with condition and it's more common in female and first-born babies. Lynn and Liam return to hospital six weeks after Libby's birth to hear the good news that she doesn't also have hip dysplasia as there is a genetic link . The couple were delighted when a scan revealed Libby does not have the condition. However, if she did, the fact it had been detected early would mean doctors would be able to help her. This was something Lynn was keen to pursue as her own late diagnosis contributed to the mobility problems she has now. 'I'm so pleased she doesn't have to go through any of it,' she said after hearing Libby's six week scan gave her the all clear. 'If I have any doubts in my mind or as she's growing up I will push for her to be checked again.' My Extraordinary Pregnancy is on TLC Mondays at 9pm .
Lynn, from Chippenham, has scoliosis and hip dysplasia . With 305 mobility in her hips, moving hurts and she uses a wheelchair . Tried for three years to conceive baby daughter Libby .
[ 0, 18932, 141, 3, 9, 580, 1361, 5436, 3, 10475, 27702, 9, 11, 160, 1996, 11, 16197, 4494, 4567, 3 ]
Police are hunting for a man who walked into a house in Los Angeles on Sunday and shot a sleeping eight-year-old boy (above) in the head . Police are hunting for a man who walked into a house in Los Angeles on Sunday night and shot a sleeping eight-year-old boy in the head, leaving him critically injured. The suspect, who is described as Hispanic, medium build and wearing a grey hoodie at the time, apparently had no motive for staging the attack in the 11000 block of Wagner Street in Del Rey. According to the victim's father, the attacker walked in through an unlocked front door around midnight and proceeded to fire shots after a heated conversation. The father then ran into the boy's bedroom to shield him as the gunman followed shooting, authorities said. Ammunition plowed through the wall and the bedroom door, although it was unclear which bullets struck the boy. The lath and plaster of the wall are believed to have slowed the shots. The boy was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where he underwent surgery for a head wound. As of Monday, he was listed in critical but stable condition. His great-aunt confirmed to NBC LA that his condition was continuing to improve. 'I know that at some point he did say something. They said he was going to be OK,' she said. No other family members were injured in the incident. The young victim's mother and 17-year-old brother were also reported to be in the bedroom,  while the boy's grandmother was in another room. Apparently the front door and security gate had been left open as the father had been expecting his 20-year-old son to return. Scene of the crime: The suspect, who is described as Hispanic, medium build and wearing a grey hoodie at the time, apparently had no motive for staging the attack in the 11000 block of Wagner Street in Del Rey . Unprovoked: According to the victim's father, the attacker walked in through an unlocked front door around midnight and proceeded to fire shots after a heated conversation . Shootings are rare in the residential neighborhood, police said. Indeed, neighbors told CBS News that the family has lived in the residence for more than a decade with no problem. 'According to the family, they did not recognize the suspect' and there was nothing in the house that indicated drugs or other illegal activity, Los Angeles Police Capt. Nicole Alberca said at a news conference Monday afternoon. The names of the family members have been withheld but a photo of the boy has been released. The image shows him smiling with long, wavy, golden-brown hair down to his shoulders. Although the gunman is believed to have fled on foot, anyone who may have seen a vehicle leaving the area is urged to call Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS.
The suspect apparently had no motive for staging the attack in the 11000 block of Wagner Street in Del Rey, Los Angeles, on Sunday night . He is described as Hispanic, medium build and wearing a grey hoodie . According to the victim's father, the attacker walked in through an unlocked front door around midnight and proceeded to fire shots . As of Monday, the boy was listed in critical but stable condition .
[ 0, 5076, 33, 9601, 21, 3, 9, 388, 113, 3, 6412, 139, 3, 9, 629, 16, 3144, 4975, 30, 1771 ]
Louis van Gaal has found the best way to keep Manchester United fans happy is to win at home. Powering past Aston Villa was their 13th victory in 16 Premier League matches at Old Trafford and they have accumulated more points on their own territory, 40, than anyone else. No wonder after a period of irritation earlier in the season, the Stretford End are cheering regardless of whether United play quickly, slowly, pass back to goalkeeper David de Gea or boot it up to Marouane Fellaini . Wayne Rooney (centre) scored a stunning half-volley as Manchester United beat Aston Villa 3-1 in the Premier League on Saturday . Rooney put United 2-0 ahead on 79 minutes as he crashed home the Red Devils' second with his right-footed strike . United's No 10 celebrates his stunning effort at Old Trafford - his sixth goal in eight games for the club since being moved back up front . Rooney (centre right) is mobbed by his team-mates after his wonderful goal gives them a 2-0 lead against lowly Villa . Manchester United (4-3-3): De Gea 6; Valencia 7.5, Jones 7, Rojo 7, Blind 6.5; Carrick 7, Herrera 8.5, Fellaini 6.5 (Falcao, 77 mins); Mata 6.5, Young 7 (Di Maria, 70), Rooney 7. Subs not used: Valdes, Rafael, McNair, A Pereira, Januzaj. Goals: Herrera 43 and 90+2, Rooney 79 . Aston Villa (4-4-2): Guzan 7; Hutton 5.5 (Bacuna, 45), Okore 5.5, Clark 6, Lowton 5.5; Delph 6.5, Sanchez 6, N'Zogbia 5.5 (Baker, 61), Weimann 6 (Cole, 77); Agbonlahor 5, Benteke 6.5. Subs not used: Given, Vlaar, Gil, Grealish. Goal: Benteke 80 . Booked: Delph . Referee: Roger East . Attendance: 75,397 . CLICK HERE to view our brilliant Match Zone - including the move for Ander Herrera's opener in Manchester United's win . They remember losing seven home games under David Moyes last season. Two goals by Ander Herrera and a special one from Wayne Rooney were enough to sweep aside lowly opponents and took United up to third place, a point ahead of neighbours Manchester City who play Crystal Palace on Monday before they are up next at the Theatre of Dreams. Even more importantly, Van Gaal's side are now eight points clear of Brendan Rodgers and Liverpool in fifth. It means his number one priority, restoring Champions League football to Old Trafford, has nearly been achieved. In terms of performance, it was something of the old, something of the new. United used width as their tradition demands with former Villa winger Ashley Young seeing a lot of the ball on the left. But there was a lot of patience and possession too. United had 72% of the ball without a lot to show for it until the reward came after 43 minutes. Daley Blind overlapped for the umpteenth time and on this occason his cutback to Herrera was perfect for the Spaniard to drill home. The second goal didn't arrive until 11 minutes from the end but was worth the wait. Angel Di Maria, on as a substitute, chipped the ball behind Rooney, but the England striker still found a way to score. He fully extended his left luminous green boot, brought the ball under control with his first touch and then spun 180 degrees to lash home his finish on the half-volley with his right. On such goals has the Theatre of Dreams acquired its reputation. But surprisingly there was still work to do for United because David de Gea let a Christian Benteke shot squirm through his body almost immediately aftewards. Villa manager Tim Sherwood (right) shakes the hand of his United counterpart Louis van Gaal before Saturday's encounter . United felt they should have had a penalty in the opening minutes of the match at Old Trafford when Rooney (left) fell in the box . The United skipper appeals to the officials after being denied a penalty during the opening exchanges at Old Trafford . United midfielder Marouane Fellaini (right) challenges for the ball against Villa defender Jores Okore during the first half . Rooney attempts an overhead kick midway through the first half as both sides try to break the deadlock at Old Trafford . It was only when Herrera added his second goal that van Gaal's men were totally safe though anything other than three points would have been a travesty on the balance of play. 'I wanted to come here and compete, and I thought we did that,' said Villa boss Tim Sherwood. 'But United have players who have been round the block, they know when to speed it up and slow it down. The goal just before half-time killed us.' FA Cup semi-finalists Villa could be in the bottom three when they face QPR at home on Tuesday night in a genuine relegation six-pointer. But they will be without a string of injured players including Alan Hutton. taken off at half-time yesterday with an ankle injury, Scott Sinclair, Ashley Westwood and Kieran Richardson. 'I've never known anything like it. Ridiculous,' said Sherwood. Van Gaal was simply relieved to get United's first game after the international break out the way. 'I was afraid before this match because we were playing against a very defensive organisaton. That is not easy to create chances and score goals,' he said. United midfielder Ander Herrera (left) hit the first goal of the game just before half-time with a crisp left-footed strike . The 25-year-old (centre left) watches on as his shot heads towards the bottom of the Villa net . Herrera wheels away in celebration after scoring his fourth Premier League goal of the season since joining from Athletic Bilbao . United winger Ashley Young celebrates Herrera's strike - after providing the assist for the Spaniard's goal . Herrera shows his emotion at scoring United's opener as he is congratulated by his Old Trafford team-mates . On two-goal Herrera, he added: 'He has always been very good technically but sometimes was not composed at the right moment. But he is developing. He has scored seven goals now.' Villa defended well in the first-half with Marcos Rojo going closest with a long-range shot that was tipped over by Brad Guzan. For long periods, Rooney cut an unhappy figure, beating the turf in frustration and arguing with referee Roger East after beind denied a penalty for Ciaran Clark's early challenge in the area where he seemed to grab the United striker by the back of the neck. If Rooney reflects on it later, maybe his over-dramatic fall to the ground persauded the official not to award a spot-kick. The deadlock was eventually broken when United passed and passed long enough for Blind to escape free down the left. The Dutchman picked out Herrera and he converted from 12 yards for his first goal at Old Trafford since September. When United couldn't get a second goal with Marouane Fellaini going closest, van Gaal sent on Di Maria and Falcao, combined value £103million. Former Villa winger Young made way to jeers from the away fans and cheers from everyone else after a decent display. Christian Benteke wheels away in celebration after pulling one back for Villa just moments after Rooney's goal . Benteke (second left) watches on as his tame shot proves too much for David de Gea (centre) in the United goal . The Belgium international punches the air in delight as the visitors made it a nervy ending for Van Gaal's men . Meanwhile De Gea is left rather red-faced at his error allowed the visitors back into the match late on at Old Trafford . However any hope of a Villa comeback were quashed when Herrera (right) added a third in injury time . Di Maria claimed an assist for Rooney's special, pinging the ball across from the touchline. 'He has 10 assists,' pointed out van Gaal, though he baulked at being asked why the winger hadn't started. 'You think we should always pick the most expensive XI? I think not,' was the manager's retort. Surprisingly, David de Gea gave Villa brief hope to make the game 2-1. Herrera gave the scoreline a realistic edge when he burst forward into the penalty area once again to fire past Guzan. The Manchester derby next Sunday is going to be a cracker. Herrera (third right) watches on as his curled right-footed effort heads towards the bottom corner of the Villa net . United substitute Angel di Maria (left) congratulates Herrera after his injury time goal restores United's two-goal advantage . Aston Villa players look crestfallen after conceding Herrera's goal in injury time during their match at Old Trafford .
Ander Herrera put Manchester United ahead just before half-time with a low left-footed effort . Wayne Rooney doubled United's lead with a beautiful half-volley on 79 minutes at Old Trafford . Christian Benteke pulled one back for the visitors a minute later after a rare David de Gea error . Herrera added a third in the closing stages of the first half to complete the scoreline for the Red Devils . PLAYER RATINGS - Herrera shines as Louis van Gaal's side triumph to move above Manchester City into third .
[ 0, 14914, 391, 27207, 5799, 3, 9, 4441, 985, 18, 11921, 63, 12, 428, 9145, 907, 3, 9, 220, 2292 ]
Hundreds of payday lenders will be wiped out by tougher rules designed to protect customers, experts have predicted. It comes as Wonga, the UK’s biggest payday loans firm, today revealed it racked up a £37.3million loss last year following a significant reduction in UK consumer lending while it attempts to clean up its tarnished image. Revenues declined to £217.2million in the period, down by almost £100million. Wonga's executive chairman Andy Haste said: 'We know it will take time to repair our reputation and gain an accepted place in the financial services industry, but we're determined to deliver on our plans and serve our customers in the right way.' Hundreds of payday lenders, such as Wonga, will be wiped out by tougher rules designed to protect customers, experts have predicted . The City watchdog has forecast that just three or four payday lenders out of 400 will be left standing following the introduction of the rules in January. They include a daily interest cap of 0.8 per cent and stricter affordability checks to ensure customers can repay loans. The true picture should become clearer later this year, as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) attempts to weed out dodgy firms. Payday lenders have all had to apply for a license to trade and will learn in the coming months whether they have been successful. Robin Savage, an analyst from investment bank Canaccord Genuity described some of the tactics used by payday lenders – such as extending loan terms and adding interest to customers who cannot afford to repay - as ‘evil’. He said: ‘If firms can’t do proper checks and find customers that can repay them then they do not deserve to survive.’ Wonga, has become a lightning rod for public fury over payday lenders. Last year it took a £35million hit from writing off debts worth £220million owed by more than 300,000 customers. It was also ordered to pay £2.6million in compensation after sending fake legal letters between 2008 and 2010 to 45,000 customers who had fallen behind on their repayments. The City watchdog has forecast that just three or four payday lenders out of 400 will be left standing following the introduction of the rules in January (file picture) A charge of almost £20million will be incurred by the firm to cover compensation as well as legal and administrative costs. Wonga has been accused of trying to lure youngsters to take out payday loans with its controversial puppet adverts. Its new chairman Andy Haste – brought in to clean up the business – has ditched the adverts and admitted that it will be smaller and less profitable under the new regime. The cap on the cost of loans has reduced Wonga’s annual interest rate from 5,853per cent to 1,509 per cent since the changes were enforced in January. This will not be reflected in the figures released today, which cover last year. But the losses will include redundancy pay-outs, as Wonga is halving its UK workforce, with the loss of 325 jobs. Today’s figures showed a slump in customers, after Wonga stricter affordability checks in October – ahead of changes enforced by the FCA in January.
Hundreds of payday lenders will be wiped out by tougher rules, say experts . It comes as Wonga today revealed a £37.3million loss for last year . City watchdog says just three or four lenders out of 400 will remain .
[ 0, 549, 2444, 9, 3, 52, 13365, 95, 23395, 27914, 51, 1453, 336, 215, 826, 4709, 16, 3733, 16391, 3 ]
(CNN)Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund are set to return for Disney's "Tron 3." The pair will reprise their characters from 2010's "Tron: Legacy" in the sequel, which is being directed by Joseph Kosinski. "Legacy" was the sequel to the 1982 sci-fi film that took place inside a computer world known as the Grid and starred Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner. While not a hit at the time, it later drew a big cult following and became an influence on filmmakers and pop culture. Decades later, Disney revisited the world with "Legacy." The story revealed that the computer-programmer character played by Bridges had a son (Hedlund) who jumped into the Grid to find his father. Wilde was Quorra, an algorithm-made-flesh who also happened to kick butt. How Warner Bros. can differentiate itself in the Marvel vs. DC battle (Analysis) Disney has been developing a sequel to "Legacy" since the movie grossed $400 million worldwide. Hedlund in 2012 said he would return to the visual-effects-heavy franchise, but that was when the project was circling a 2014 start. The project is now looking to shoot this fall, likely in Vancouver, British Columbia. Plot details are being kept offline. When will 'Star Trek' get a cinematic universe? Justin Springer will be involved as a producer. Wilde is coming off starring in the Blumhouse-produced horror movie "The Lazarus Effect." She is repped by WME, Untitled and Ziffren Brittenham. Why more 'Star Wars' actors haven't vecome stars . Hedlund just boarded Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk and will be playing "Hook" in Pan, Warner Bros.' retelling of "Peter Pan." He is repped by WME, Brillstein Entertainment and Sloane Offer. ©2015 The Hollywood Reporter. All rights reserved.
3rd "Tron" is coming together with "Tron: Legacy" stars returning . Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund will reprise their roles . "Tron: Legacy" grossed $400 million worldwide, after the 1982 original gained fans online .
[ 0, 411, 40, 11687, 9, 5342, 15, 11, 27099, 216, 26, 40, 1106, 33, 356, 12, 1205, 21, 6118, 31 ]
Another day at Melwood, another awkward conversation with Brendan Rodgers for Raheem Sterling. This time, rather than a chat about a contract spurned it will be a noxious but legal substance once tried and tested by our own Prince Harry that will be under discussion. If Sterling has any sense, he won’t use the distinguished list of those who have previously tried nitrous oxide as an attempt at mitigation. Once again the 20-year-old Liverpool forward has been rather stupid. For Sterling the life lessons are arriving thick and fast. What will perhaps stand rather more impressively in his favour is some of the football Sterling produced in this rather important win for Liverpool. Raheem Sterling wheels away in celebration after scoring Liverpool's opener in the first half at Anfield . LIVERPOOL (4-3-3): Mignolet 7; Johnson 6, Lovren 5, Can 6.5, Moreno 6; Henderson 7, Allen 6.5, Lucas 7; Ibe 6 (Borini 58, 6), Coutinho 7.5 , Sterling 7 (Lambert 89). Subs not used: Jones, Toure, Manquillo, Brannagan, Markovic. Goals: Sterling 9, Allen 71. Booked: Johnson, Moreno. NEWCASTLE UNITED (4-4-1-1): Krul 7; Taylor 6, Janmaat 5.5, Williamson 6, Anita 6; Obertan 5.5 (Gutierrez 67, 6), Colback 6.5, Cabella 6, Abeid 6.5 (Armstrong, 75); Sissoko 6; Perez 6.5 (Gouffran 86). Subs not used: Elliot, Sterry, Ameobi, Riviere. Booked: Sissoko. Sent off: Sissoko. Referee: Lee Mason. Man of the Match: Philippe Coutinho. BRENDAN RODGERS: 7. JOHN CARVER: 6. Ratings by Ian Ladyman at Anfield . Raheem Sterling cuts in from the left to score. Click here for more from Match Zone . There was a moment, just before the hour, when Sterling actually contributed one of the misses of the season. It was one of those he would probably have struggled to do again if he tried. Much earlier in the piece, however, when his team were desperate for a good start, Sterling scored the kind of goal that few can score. It is this that motivates Rodgers as he tries to navigate a way through the current difficulties of the contract negotiations. It is this, and other moments like it, that convince managers like Rodgers that players like Sterling are worth the trouble. For be assured, this was an important win for Liverpool and an important performance. Newcastle may be among the Barclays Premier League’s most compliant current opposition but Liverpool’s own football has been patchy recently. They have an FA Cup semi-final on Sunday and needed victory here to bring momentum and to take them to within four points of Manchester City, the team now occupying the final Champions League position. When the stakes are high, then, you need your best players and here, after some modest recent form of his own, Sterling pitched in early and emphatically. Both sets of players stand for a minute's silence to remember the 96 Liverpool fans who died in 1989 . The minute's silence was impeccably observed by both sets of fans before the match . Captain Jordan Henderson supplied the ammunition with a crossfield pass struck arrow straight to his team-mate over 40 yards. Sterling’s first touch was perfect but then we expect that in the Premier League these days. What followed was even better, though, as he eased inside Ryan Taylor and Daryl Janmaat before striking a perfect right-foot shot to Tim Krul’s left with his instep. Sterling was in total control of events from the moment Henderson’s pass arrived and it was terrific to watch. With centre forward Daniel Sturridge injured again, Sterling once again was crucial to his team’s attacking play. This time he was stationed on the left of a front three that featured Jordan Ibe on the right and Philippe Coutinho through the middle. For a while — for about 30 minutes — Liverpool were excellent and Newcastle struggled to cope. Coutinho was his team’s best player, as he was all night, and he could have scored twice while Sterling brought a low save from Krul from an angle, as indeed did left back Alberto Moreno. The key to it was that Liverpool were playing football that was relaxed and for that they owed much to Sterling’s goal. They should have scored at least one more — maybe two — during this period of dominance. Coutinho was a menace while at the base of the midfield formation Lucas Leiva was playing well enough to make Steven Gerrard fret over the team selection when he is freed from suspension at Wembley this weekend. Sterling curls the ball in to the far corner of Tim Krul's net to give Liverpool the lead . Sterling's shot nestles in to the back of the net as a hapless Krul picks himself up from the Anfield turf . Newcastle's defence begin their inquest Lucas runs over to celebrate with the England man . Liverpool players celebrate in unison as they looked to close the gap on Manchester City . When goals don’t arrive, though, things can go wrong and, for 10 minutes either side of half-time, that suddenly looked as though it might happen here. In the 10 minutes before the break Newcastle should have had a penalty when the dreadful Dejan Lovren tripped Ayoze Perez, while the Newcastle forward brought a superb save from Simon Mignolet. Midfielder Mehdi Abeid also threatened twice from 18 yards. Into the second half and, briefly, this surprising pattern continued. Lovren almost disabled his own team-mate Emre Can by standing on his foot and then slashed wildly at a clearance. Mignolet, meanwhile, punched a corner clear under pressure and was happy to see a low drive from Abeid hacked clear by a defender. Dejan Lovren, who was lucky not to give away a penalty, challenges Newcastle forward Ayoze Perez . Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard (centre), suspended for the match, watches on from the stands . Lovren clears the ball with his head as Lucas and Perez also scrap for the ball . Sterling inexplicably skews his shot wide in the second half when it looked easier to score . Sterling can't believe he has missed as Krul gets up to gather the ball for the restart . Sterling shakes hands with manager Brendan Rodgers after he was substituted for Fabio Borini in the second half . At this point the game, despite early indications, was in the balance and it was then that Sterling fluffed his lines when handed the chance to settle it. Happily for him, Joe Allen did manage to convert the vital second goal not long after. Sterling’s miss really was spectacular. Another raking cross from Henderson was miscued by Taylor in front of his own goal and when the ball broke for Sterling on the six-yard line it seemed he couldn’t miss. Remarkably he did and, on another night, Krul may have been tempted to offer him a high five in the tunnel. As it was, Allen’s subsequent goal was timely. Newcastle failed to clear a corner properly with 20 minutes left and when Allen’s weak header came back to him off Taylor the Welshman hooked the loose ball high into the corner of the net. Joe Allen watches as his second-half effort beats Krul to double Liverpool's lead and earn them some breathing space . Allen is mobbed by his team-mates after securing three points for Liverpool that closed the gap on Manchester City . With the result settled there was still time for Newcastle’s Moussa Sissoko to get himself sent off. Riled by a spat with Glen Johnson, Sissoko clattered into Lucas and received a second yellow card. In truth, he was lucky it was not a straight red and, as club captain, he will doubtless face a few harsh words from his manager on Tuesday morning. It appears that Sterling, in that regard, will not be alone. Moussa Sissoko lunges in on Lucas Leiva with an ugly late challenge to earn a second yellow card . Glen Johnson confronts Sissoko after the challenge which many thought should have resulted in a straight red . Sissoko is already on his way as referee Lee Mason shows him a red card .
Film leaked of Raheem Sterling inhaling nitrous oxide just a day after he was pictured smoking shisha . Sterling put Liverpool 1-0 up after just nine minutes at Anfield before missing easy chance in second half . Referee Lee Mason missed what pundit Gary Neville described as a 'blatant penalty' for Newcastle's Ayoze Perez . Welsh midfielder Joe Allen then scored his first goal at Anfield to put Liverpool 2-0 up after 70 minutes . France midfielder Moussa Sissoko sent off late on for two bookable offences . Result moves Liverpool up to within four points of Manchester City in fourth and is Newcastle's fifth defeat in a row .
[ 0, 20492, 15, 15, 51, 21721, 5799, 8, 19717, 16, 8, 3, 4450, 7, 17, 1962, 44, 389, 1846, 3 ]
(CNN)Eighteen-month-old twins drowned after their mother tried to fend off a bee and let go of their stroller, which rolled into a canal, Arizona police said. Alexis Keslar was walking with her twin sons, Silas and Eli Keslar, along a canal Friday when she tried to repel a bee, police in Yuma said. "The stroller rolled away from her into the canal, with the boys belted in the seat," police said Monday. Keslar went into the canal and tried to rescue her sons, authorities said, but was hampered by the steep sides of the canal, the depth of the water and the force of the current. The current washed the stroller away. After Keslar got out of the canal, she called for help, police said. The irrigation district that manages the canal slowed the flow of water and reduced the water level to help emergency workers find the boys, authorities said. After more than an hour of searching, the toddlers were found and flown to a hospital, where they were pronounced dead. "No parent should ever have to lose a child, you know, let alone both of them at the same time," family friend Marlene Gleim told CNN affiliate KYMA. "That's what really, really is heartbreaking to me, because those little boys were, you know, meant so much to so many people." Authorities say the paths along Yuma canals are popular for joggers and bicyclists, but can be dangerous. "Many people typically do not comprehend how swift the current in these canals are and how deep the water can be," Yuma police said. "They also do not realize how difficult it is to climb back up many of the canal embankments."
Silas and Eli Keslar, both 18 months old, drowned in an Arizona canal . Their mother was trying to fend of a bee when the stroller rolled away, police say .
[ 0, 5104, 159, 2566, 7, 40, 291, 1971, 12, 3, 89, 989, 326, 36, 15, 298, 3214, 28, 160, 7390 ]
Untrained home carers are putting the elderly and disabled ‘at risk of serious harm’ while giving medication, performing intimate procedures and looking after patients with dementia, warns a survey today. Care staff say they are increasingly being asked to perform tasks previously only carried out by nurses. These include changing catheter and colostomy bags, feeding through a tube and even administering morphine. 'Frankly terrifying': Care staff (not pictured, file image) say they are increasingly being asked to perform tasks previously only carried out by nurses. These include changing colostomy bags and administering morphine . The worrying conclusions come in a survey of 1,000 workers employed by councils and private firms by trade union Unison. Almost a quarter – 24 per cent –giving medication such as morphine and insulin had received no training while 27 per cent said they were not trained in working with dementia patients. More than three-quarters asked for more training to cope with the extra procedures but only 49 per cent had received any. Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, said: ‘The idea that untrained care workers are administering drugs like morphine is frankly terrifying. ‘It is no exaggeration to say that frail older people are being put at risk of serious harm or worse.’ George McNamara, of the Alzheimer’s Society, added: ‘Two-thirds of people with dementia live in the community and it is a disgrace that these people are being let down so profoundly. Survey findings: Almost a quarter giving medication such as morphine or insulin had received no training . ‘It can also have devastating consequences if care workers don’t have enough training to be able to appropriately communicate – with people with dementia often ending up in hospital as a result.’ Dot Gibson, general secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, said: ‘This is further evidence of how our care system is in crisis.’ Other findings include that more than half of home carers have not been shown how to care for people with colostomy bags and 45 per cent have not been trained to change a catheter bag. Nearly four in ten had not been shown how to carry out peg feeding, where food is inserted directly into the stomach via a tube. One female home care worker in south-east England said: ‘I see clients with dementia despite having never had any training. ‘When administering medicine, you often have to phone the office to ask what to do.’ A Midlands-based male worker reported: ‘I’ve been a care worker for almost 20 years and received formal qualifications working for other companies in the past. ‘Now, there are people who have never been trained. ‘They are just sent out with another carer to show them how things are done.’ Unison general secretary Dave Prentis said: ‘If homecare workers aren’t receiving adequate training, there could be fatal consequences.’ The UK Homecare Association, which represents firms running services for councils, admits workers are ‘often called upon to undertake roles previously undertaken by registered nurses’. It blames spending cuts, forcing its members to do more with less money. A spokesman said it had ‘repeatedly drawn attention to the risks posed by a grossly-under-funded care system’. The Local Government Association, which represents councils, declined to comment.
Care staff 'increasingly being asked to perform tasks nurses used to do' Some untrained carers are changing catheters and administering morphine . Age UK director has called the findings in a new survey 'frankly terrifying' Survey questioned 1,000 workers employed by councils and private firms .
[ 0, 11418, 13, 11668, 2765, 8152, 57, 6098, 7, 11, 1045, 5654, 57, 1668, 7021, 5645, 739, 3, 5, 3 ]
(CNN)Washington. New York. Philadelphia. Havana? The Vatican says Pope Francis may add another leg to his trip to the United States this September, visiting Cuba just months after he helped negotiate a diplomatic thaw between the two nations. The possibility, which would add a dimension of international intrigue to an already highly anticipated trip, was first reported Thursday by The Wall Street Journal. In response to reporters' questions, Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said in a statement, "The Holy Father has taken into consideration the idea of making a stop in Cuba" on his way to or from the United States this September. "However, contacts with the Cuban authorities are still in too early a phase for it to be possible to regard this as a firm decision or an operative plan," Lombardi continued. Francis, the first pontiff to hail from Latin America, played a key role in the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, earning praise from both President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro. The Pope made personal pleas to Obama and Cuban leaders in private letters, writing that the two nations should try to reset their relations after decades of friction. The Vatican also hosted talks between U.S. and Cuban delegations in October, where they hashed out aspects of a new trade policy and discussed the release of jailed American contractor Alan Gross, who was freed as part of the detente between the two countries. "I want to thank His Holiness, Pope Francis, whose moral example shows us the importance of pursuing the world as it should be, rather than simply settling for the world as it is," Obama said in December as he announced the U.S. policy shift. Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has displayed a deep interest in international affairs. He repeatedly urged Western leaders not to bomb Syria, hosted a prayer service between Israeli and Palestinian leaders at the Vatican and waded into diplomatic controversy on Sunday by referring to the killing of 1.5 million Armenians a century ago as a "genocide," a move that deeply upset Turkish leaders, who recalled their Vatican ambassador. The Pope is expected to continue his international activism this July with a trip to South America, where he will visit Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. Just a few months later, in late September, Francis will visit Washington, where he will address Congress; New York, where he will address the U.N. General Assembly; and Philadelphia, where he will celebrate a public Mass that's expected to draw more than 1 million people. In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Friday, Archbishop Charles Chaput, the Pope's host in Philadelphia, said he'd hadn't heard about the potential for a papal visit to Cuba until he turned on the morning news. Two previous Popes have visited the Caribbean nation: St. John Paul II in 1998 and former Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.
Pope Francis played key role in re-establishing diplomatic ties between Cuba and U.S. "Contacts with the Cuban authorities are still in too early a phase," Vatican spokesman says .
[ 0, 37, 25770, 845, 8, 6679, 6946, 65, 1026, 139, 4587, 8, 5113, 13, 10847, 16, 13052, 3, 5, 13052 ]
Devotees endure searing heat, holding their bodies in challenging poses leaving them dripping with sweat but exhilarated at the culmination of a tough workout. Bikram yoga improves mindfulness, flexibility, strength, muscle tone and general fitness, advocates boast. But a new study has warned the practise, which involves performing 26 poses, can raise a person's body temperature and heart rate to dangerous levels. A typical session lasts for 90 minutes and is performed in a room heated to 40°C (105°F), with 40 per cent humidity. Scroll down for video . Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse have warned that Bikram yoga, which involves 26 poses performed in a room heated to 40°C (105°F), raises the risk of participants suffering heat stroke . A team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse has found hot yoga can place pressure cause a person's heart rate to fluctuate and their core body temperature to reach potentially dangerous levels. Emily Quandt, who led the study, working under John Porcari, said: 'The dramatic increases in heart rate and core temperature are alarming when you consider that there is very little movement, and therefore little cardiovascular training, going on during class.' Twenty apparently healthy volunteers - seven men and 13 women - ranging in age from 28 to 67 took part in the study. All regularly practised Bikram yoga and as such were familiar with the 26 standard poses. They were also all acclimatised to the hot, humid environment. Before taking part in a session each volunteer swallowed a core body temperature sensor, and was given a heart-rate monitor to wear during the class. Body temperature was recorded before the class started, as well as at 10-minute intervals throughout the session. Meanwhile heart rate was recorded every minute. The researchers found heart rate fluctuated throughout the class, depending on the difficulty of the pose being performed. But body temperature was found to steadily increase throughout the 90-minute class, in both men and women. The average body temperature for men was 39°C (103°F) and 38°C (102°F) for women. Scientists advise that the standard 90-minute class is reduced to just an hour to reduce risks . A male participant recorded the highest core temperature of 40°C (104°F), while seven volunteers' temperature reached 39°C (103°F), the scientists said. They noted that while none of their volunteers exhibited signs or symptoms of heat intolerance, body temperatures such as these can pose a danger for some people. They said the risk for heat-related illness, such as heat stroke, increases at 40°C (104°F). Dr Quandt said while the excessive perspiration experienced by people doing Bikram yoga is often cited as a benefit because it releases toxins, the results of the new study show this sweating was insufficient to cool down the body. She advises three ways to improve the safety of Bikram yoga classes - duration, temperature and hydration. Dr Quandt noted that participants started to experience dangerous core temperatures around 60 minutes into the session. Therefore, shortening the length of the typical class to just an hour could help minimise the risk of heat intolerance. In addition lowering the temperature of the room may appear obvious, but would help reduce the risk Dr Quandt said. Furthermore, hydration lies at the heart of the controversy surrounding Bikram yoga, she said. In many classes, participants are designated just one water break. Though, many teachers do acknowledge students should hydrate as required throughout their class. Some Bikram enthusiasts believe that by minimising their water intake they augment the mindful aspects of the practise, with fewer water breaks decreasing the potential for mental distraction. Dr Porcari, said: 'Nothing is gained from withholding water in any setting. 'Exercise leaders must actively encourage hydration, particularly when classes take place in extreme environments like those seen in Bikram yoga classes.' He said Bikram yoga teachers must be familiar with essential science principles surrounding exercise, including a clear understanding of the physiology of the thermo-regulation. 'Knowing the risks associated with things like blood pooling and vasodilation, as well as the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, is absolutely essential,' he added. And the researchers said it would be wise to reduce the temperatures in classes, while ensuring all participants are properly hydrated. One male study volunteer recorded a core temperature of 40°C (104°F) WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF HEAT EXHAUSTION? WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HEAT STROKE? Suspected heat stroke should always be treated as a medical emergency, health experts warn, advising an ambulance is called in extreme cases. Dr Cedric Bryant, chief science officer at the American Council on Exercise, which commissioned the study, agreed. He said: 'Bikram teachers should recognise that participants' thermoregulatory systems will be challenged in this environment. 'It is essential that they are aware of the early warning signs of heat intolerance.' The signs include cramps, headache, dizziness and general weakness. It is important that teachers respond appropriately and are trained in what to do in the event of an emergency to keep the participant's safety as the top priority, Dr Bryant added. The researchers concluded: 'Exercising in hot and humid environments - whether inside a studio while practising Bikram yoga, or outside running during the warm months - can place participants at risk for heat-related illness, especially if those individuals do not adequately hydrate before, during and after exercise. 'Not only does it take time for the body to acclimatise to activity performed in hot and humid environments, proper hydration is crucial.' 'Given the popularity of Bikram yoga and its proven benefits, it is likely here to stay,' said Dr Bryant. 'It is our job to make sure it is done safely.'
Bikram yoga involves 26 poses performed in a room heated to 40°C (105°F) Typical sessions last 90 minutes and advocates say it improves mindfulness, flexibility, strength, muscle tone and general fitness . 20 volunteers took part in a new study to monitor body temperatures . Experts warn one man's temperature reached 40°C/105°F putting him at risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke .
[ 0, 2106, 157, 2375, 6325, 5806, 2208, 15968, 16, 3, 9, 562, 12448, 12, 1283, 1956, 254, 41, 12869, 1956 ]
A 41-year-old British man has been charged after he allegedly relieved himself in an ice machine at an Orlando hotel. Andrew Stewart Wood, of Havant, Hampshire, was accused of urinating into the ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in the Universal theme park resort in the early hours of Tuesday. A guest reportedly told a security guard at the luxury hotel that there was a very intoxicated man on the premises. Andrew Wood, 41, from the UK, was arrested at Orlando's Hard Rock Hotel after being caught urinating in an ice machine while intoxicated . The guard located Wood and saw him urinating into an ice machine. When he tried to stop him, Wood became belligerent, began shouting and would not cooperate. According to the police report, the security guard tried to have the guest identify himself and tell him what room he was staying in but he continued disturbing the peace and quiet of other guests. The security guard then called the police. Police removed Wood from the premises after he refused to stay in his room. Officers said that Wood was extremely intoxicated 'with the odor of alcohol emanating from his person and having random outbursts'. He was arrested on disorderly conduct charges and placed in jail where he continued to act out. Wood posted $1,000 bond and was released from Orange County Jail on Tuesday afternoon, according to a booking report. In a statement to Daily Mail Online, Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando said: 'The health and safety of our guests is our top priority and we have removed the ice machine from service.' The hotel was unable to confirm if Wood was still a guest, adding: 'For security reasons, we are unable to provide guest information.' A standard room at the hotel costs around $294 per night. The luxury Hard Rock hotel in Florida is attached to the Universal Studios theme park - a standard room starts at around $300 a night .
Andrew Stewart Wood, of Havant, Hampshire, was accused of urinating into the ice machine at the Hard Rock Hotel in the early hours of Tuesday . Wood, who police said was 'extremely intoxicated', refused to stop shouting and return to his room at the Universal Orlando theme park resort . Wood was charged with disorderly conduct and spent the night in jail . Hard Rock Hotel confirmed ice machine removed for health and safety but was unable to say if Wood was still a guest for 'security reasons'
[ 0, 5954, 16496, 2985, 6, 13, 454, 15990, 6, 17944, 6, 47, 10195, 44, 14374, 31, 7, 6424, 3120, 2282 ]
Ian Joll was missing presumed dead after he was forced to crash land his plane on a Dutch beach, but survived the incident to make it home to Gravesend . When Mabel Joll opened the front door to see her son Ian she fainted, believing she must have seen a ghost. Ten minutes earlier Mrs Joll had received a telegram telling her that her son, Squadron Leader Joll, was 'missing believed killed' after he crash-landed his plane on a Dutch beach during a strafing attack on a German aircraft in 1940. However Sq Ldr Joll had survived the crash and after trekking miles along a beach and persuading a ship to take him back to England, he had dropped in on his parents to say hello. His incredible story came to light as his medals - including the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) - were put up for auction and his background was revealed. Sq Ldr Joll  had been involved in a strafing attack on German aircraft on May 10, 1940, when his plane was hit by ground fire and he was forced to crash land his Bristol Blenheim light bomber. At an earlier briefing all crew had been told that under no circumstances should they allow the plane's secret interception radar to fall into enemy hands. After several unsuccessful attempts to set his Blenheim on fire, Sq Ldr Joll decided the only thing to do was to shoot into the plane's fuel tank. Sq Ldr Joll and his gunner then trekked for miles where they met a Dutch fisherman, who they persuaded to take them to England. Their journey to England took place just 16 days before the start of the evacuation of 300,000 Allied troops a few miles down the coast at Dunkirk. The vessel docked in Harwich, Essex, and Sq Ldr Joll travelled to his parents' house in Gravesend in Kent. Oliver Pepys, of Spinks auctioneers which is now selling Sq Ldr Joll's medals, said: 'His mother answered the door and promptly fainted. 'Not ten minutes before she had received a telegram from the Air Ministry stating that they regretted to have to inform her Pilot Officer Joll was missing believed killed. 'She must have thought she had opened the door to a ghost of her son. 'The authorities usually issued those telegrams fairly soon after a serviceman had gone missing and the tone of them was very much to fear the worst. 'Quite often news would eventually filter back that the missing person was in a prisoner of war camp somewhere. 'But for a relative to receive that dreaded telegram and then literally 10 minutes later that person show up alive is quite remarkable.' Sq Ldr Joll later rejoined his squadron at Manston. He served with 604 Squadron throughout the Battle of Britain, flying under the command of newly appointed Flight Commander, John 'Cat's Eyes' Cunningham. Sq Ldr Joll's medals (left to right) the Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939-1945 Star, with Battle of Britain Bar, Air Crew Europe Star, Defence and War medals and an Air Efficiency medal will be sold at auction . Just a few months later in November 1940  he had his second near death experience. His Blenheim aircraft iced up at 4,000ft and went into a spin. Two crewmen bailed out leaving Sq Ldr Joll to pull the plane out of the spin and land it safely. The squadron later upgraded to Beaufighter planes and just a year later in May 1941 he survived a third close shave, when his aircraft was attacked by a German Heinkel, seriously injuring his radar operator. Sq Ldr Joll nursed his comrade and took the stricken Beaufighter plane back to base. Sq Ldr Joll  went on to five 'kills', and was awarded the prestigious Distinguished Flying Cross for service. In April 1942 Joll was posted to 153 Squadron, based at Ballyhalbert where he helped the unit convert to use Beaufighters. He later returned to his squad, 604, and was promoted to Flight Commander. Sq Ldr Joll went on to fly a Beaufighter night fighter (file pic) and shot down several Nazi planes . In November 1943 Joll worked alongside Lord Louis Mountbatten on planning the parachute landings for D-Day and also helped develop the giant panjandrum - a huge cable-laying drum powered by rockets intended to destroy German mines on the Normandy beaches. However this too almost ended in tragedy. Sq Ldr Joll helped organise a demonstration of the pajandrum for top military officials only for the weapon to veer out of control and head straight towards the assembled generals, admirals and air marshals, prompting them to flee. An article in the London Gazette, published in 1943, said: 'He is an exceptionally keen and skilful leader, whose personal example has been reflected in the high morale of the flight he commands. In spite of trying experiences, his enthusiasm remains unabated.' Joll's final posting was to New Delhi, working for the Directorate of Combined Operations. This time he was involved in the planning for the invasion of Burma. After the war he married wife Eileen who served as an ambulance driver during the Second World War and was no stranger to dangerous situations herself. In 1941 she helped transport a new false leg that was dropped by arrangement over a Luftwaffe base in France so it could be given to disabled flying legend Douglas Bader, who was being held prisoner. Sq Ldr Joll died aged 57 in 1977. His widow passed away last year aged and now his medals are being auctioned by Spinks in London for an estimated £9,000 on April 23.
Ian Joll was a Squadron Leader who flew a Bristol Blenheim light bomber . Was shot down during strafing attack on German aircraft and crash landed . Joll was missing presumed dead, and his mother was sent a telegram . But minutes later he appeared at her front door after having survived the crash and made his way back to English shores to see his parents .
[ 0, 15498, 2194, 195, 47, 5241, 12, 8420, 1322, 112, 6112, 30, 3, 9, 10098, 2608, 16, 15830, 3, 5 ]
(CNN)A 24-year-old man is in custody after he called for an ambulance, only to have French authorities come and discover weapons, ammunition and evidence of his plans to target churches -- an attack that someone in Syria requested, a top prosecutor said Wednesday. The man was identified later as Sid Ahmed Ghlam, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told television broadcaster TF1. Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said Ghlam asked for medical help at his home in Paris' 13th district Sunday morning, claiming he had accidentally injured himself when he mishandled a weapon. But authorities found more than a man with a gunshot wound in his thigh. Molins said Ghlam was someone suspected of killing a 32-year-old woman hours earlier and who then intended to launch a larger-scale terror attack in the near future. "(He) let them believe that he was the victim," French President Francois Hollande said Wednesday. "But police understood that there was an investigation that needed to be initiated." That probe started in earnest when police spotted traces of blood and bags in the suspect's car. Based on this discovery "and in view of the attitude and suspicious behavior of the individual," they looked inside the car and found a loaded Kalashnikov gun, a 9-mm revolver, three cell phones, a laptop, a USB key, a satellite navigation system "and handwritten documents that contained information on possible targets," Molins said. A search inside his home turned up yet more potentially key evidence, including three more Kalashnikovs, three bulletproof vests, police armbands, a camera, some 2,000 euros in cash and "documents in Arabic mentioning al Qaeda and ISIS," according to the prosecutor. "A terrorist attack has been foiled," Hollande said. "It's not the first time." Earlier Ghlam was identified as a computer science student originally from Algeria. According to Molins, he lived in that North African country until 2001, joined his parents in France for the next two years, then went back to Algeria. He got his undergraduate degree in that nation, then returned to France to study electronics. He'd never been convicted of a crime; in fact, the lone accusation against him in August 2013 was later withdrawn. But that didn't mean French authorities didn't know about Ghlam. "He had been noticed wishing to go to Syria," Molins explained. The prosecutor added that authorities found nothing to suggest he was imminent threat, "but he was under surveillance." Law enforcement checked on the man once in 2014 and again this year, Cazeneuve said. The minister said the man planned to head to Syria, a country embroiled in a bloody, years-long civil war that has attracted foreigners wishing to join extremist militant groups like ISIS. There was no indication he ever made it. But, Molins said, computer searches revealed that the man had been communicating with someone in Syria who "asked him to target a church." What church? Authorities didn't disclose that detail on Wednesday, though Molins did say "this target was confirmed by (the suspect's satellite navigation system) and handwritten documents in his car." Paris is home to the famed Notre Dame cathedral and Sacre Coeur basilica, both huge draws for tourists. It's not known if either were in line to be attacked, but Prime Minister Manuel Valls Wednesday visited one of the churches allegedly targeted, which was located in the Paris suburb of Villejuif. Assuming Ghlam doesn't walk free anytime soon -- for now, he's in custody awaiting possible charges -- that attack won't happen anytime soon. But authorities say he's already claimed at least one victim. Her name is Aurelie Chatelain. The 32-year-old was found dead Sunday morning sitting in the passenger seat of a parked car in Villejuif, killed by a single bullet that struck her shoulder, went through her body and ended up embedded in the seat. Cazeneuve said Chatelain was the mother of a 5-year-old girl and had come to the region on Saturday to attend a training class. It's not known what connection, if any, she had with the suspect. Nonetheless, Molins said that ballistics, DNA, satellite navigation and other evidence connected him to the death of Chatelain, who Molins called the region's first victim of terrorism since January. That's when the massacre at Charlie Hebdo's offices and the siege of a kosher market in Paris took place, prompting French authorities to beef up security measures. "France, like other countries, is facing a terror threat that is unprecedented in its nature and magnitude," Valls said. "... Terrorists are targeting France to divide us." CNN's Jethro Mullen, Andrew Carey, Sandrine Amiel and Ariana Williams contributed to this report.
Suspect identified by French authorities as Sid Ahmed Ghlam . Prosecutor: Someone in Syria asked the arrested man to target French churches . Evidence connects terror plot suspect to the killing of Aurelie Chatelain, he says .
[ 0, 749, 7, 15, 3044, 127, 10, 37, 16706, 388, 6709, 1035, 199, 6, 258, 1380, 21, 25102, 3, 5 ]
Dozens more company bosses have signed a letter backing Tory economic plans – including a prominent former Labour supporter. By last night, a total of 150 business leaders have signed the letter warning against a ‘change in course’. Among the new signatories is Simon Woodroffe, the founder of Yo! Sushi and a former Labour backer. Dozens more company bosses have signed a letter backing Tory economic plans – including prominent former Labour supporter Simon Woodroffe, the founder of Yo! Sushi . Others also include executives from two FTSE-100 firms and 10 from the FTSE-250 index. Adding their names were Philip Aiken, the chairman of construction giant Balfour Beatty, Dr Tom Enders, boss of Airbus, and Simon Litherland, head of drinks group Britvic. All have signed in a personal capacity. The announcement of the new names will heap pressure on Labour, which has struggled to come forward with notable numbers of business supporters. Once a former prominent Labour supporter, Mr Woodroffe appears to have turned his back on the party despite appearing in a 2004 political broadcast. Earlier this year, he warned that Labour’s approach to business ‘scares’ him. He told BBC Newsnight: ‘What I worry about with Ed Miliband is that he is appealing to the popular by saying, “look at all these fat cats” making lots of money it should be for the workers.’ ‘Actually, I think the fat cats generally, sometimes it annoys me, but they pay their taxes, you know.’ By last night, a total of 150 business leaders have signed the letter warning against a ‘change in course’ The letter backs the lowering of corporation tax by David Cameron and George Osborne as it shows the UK is 'open for business' The letter states that the signatories believe the Conservative-led government ‘has been good for business and pursued policies which have supported investment and job creation’. They praise the cuts in corporation tax to 20 per cent, which they say is a ‘key part’ of the Tory economic plan. They add: ‘We believe a change in course will threaten jobs and deter investment. This would send a negative message about Britain and put the recovery at risk.’ When the letter was first published in a newspaper last week it sent shockwaves through the election campaign. Labour attempted to respond by positioning itself as the party of workers. It announced plans to ban 90 per cent of zero hours contracts and make it easier for staff to sue their bosses for wrongful dismissal. A poll of FTSE-100 chairman at the weekend showed seven out of ten think Mr Miliband would be a ‘catastrophe’ for Britain. The anonymous poll, published by the Sunday Times, showed widespread concern by businesses about Labour’s economic plans.
Yo! Sushi founder Simon Woodroffe is among new signatories of letter . He is a former Labour backer and appeared in a 2004 political broadcast . Total of 150 business leaders have signed the letter praising the Tories . The announcement will heap more pressure on Labour and Ed Miliband .
[ 0, 531, 1847, 7, 72, 268, 7930, 15, 7, 43, 3814, 3, 9, 2068, 16057, 3794, 63, 1456, 1390, 3 ]
From Victoria Beckham to the Duchess of Cambridge, our favourite celebrities always dress to impress. But if you thought they rolled out of bed and picked up the first thing in their wardrobe, you're mistaken. The A-listers have tried-and-tested techniques when it comes to getting dressed and they all follow simple styling hacks to flatter their figure. FEMAIL has pulled together the simple but effective celebrity-favoured styling tips you can employ to make the most of your figure. Scroll down for video . The A-listers have tried-and-tested techniques when it comes to getting dressed and they all follow simple styling hacks to flatter their figure . COMBINE NAVY AND BLACK . The fash-pack have long championed head-to-toe black, but they're shaking it up for spring by injecting another colour into their wardrobes. Navy rocked the runways, from Calvin Klein to The Row, and the likes of Victoria Beckham and Rita Ora can't get enough of it. As our favourite stars prove, combining trusty black with elegant navy is both chic and flattering. Victoria Beckham, left, out and about in New York and, right, at a news conference at the U.N. headquarters, proves that navy and black is not only the season's hottest colour combination but also super flattering . Plus, everyone looks good in navy because it suits every type of skin tone. Because it's slightly less severe than black - yet equally sophisticated - it puts an updated spin on a classic. Global style icon, the Duchess of Cambridge, is rarely spotted in dresses that don't come in her favourite dark navy and black - both of which she has worn almost without exception for evening appearances since announcing her pregnancy in September. Already a fan of inky day wear, since giving birth to Prince George in July 2013, black and navy have become an increasingly important part of her evening wardrobe. Over the past year, Kate opted for a £2,145 bespoke Jenny Packham dress - complete with a glittering crystal fern - for a reception on her final night in New Zealand. She also won style plaudits when she teamed a black Hobbs top with a blue Jenny Packham skirt. Alicia Kite and business partner and stylist Kay Davidson mused: 'A darker colour will always make you look slimmer and the combination of navy and black together is a great way of camouflaging a few pounds without dressing head to toe in black.' The Duchess of Cambridge is rarely spotted in dresses that don't come in her favourite dark navy and black these days and she proves the power of the colour combination, left, in a navy Jenny Packham gown for St Andrew's 600th Anniversary Ball in New York and, right, Hobbs and Jenny Packham for a reception earlier this year . CONTRAST PANELLING . Make like Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne and opt for dresses with cut-out designs in sheer fabrics. The use of side panel creates an hourglass shape and gives the illusion of a thinner waist, more shapely figure, as well as hiding imperfections. 'There are plenty of dresses on the market that use the illusion of contrasting panelling down the sides of your hips and thighs,' says Lydia Jones, founder of wantherwardrobe.com. 'This creates a thinner illusion and can also be used around the waist to cinch you in and give the illusion of an hourglass figure, which waif-like Kate Moss showcases to perfection.' The use of side panels, as seen on (L-R) Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne and Yasmin Le Bon, creates an hourglass shape and gives the illusion of a thinner waist, more shapely figure and hides imperfections . As well as using sheer panels to accentuate your waist, you can also make like Kate Moss and use them to elongate your legs . GO HIGH-WAISTED . They're the hottest shape of the summer and trendsetters Amal Clooney and Chrissy Teigen are already trialling the look - and you should be rocking high-waisted trousers, too. Contrary to popular belief, high-waisted trousers can flatter every figure. Whether you're looking to jump on the season's trends with high-waisted jeans or you're a mature woman looking to hide your tummy, the style can work wonders for you. If you're plus-size, opt for flared versions to flatter, if you're petite, team the style with sky-scraper heels to elongate your legs. The one universal golden rule for pulling off the look is sticking to a simple top - avoid jumpers and bulky styles, which will draw attention to your waist for the wrong reasons. Contrary to popular belief, high-waisted trousers can flatter every figure. Whether you're pear-shaped like Kim Kardashian, left, or have a more boyish shape like Pixie Lott, right, the style can work for you . GO CHROMATIC . One of the most simple ways to look chic is by sticking to one colour palette - and the more neutral, the better, notes ELLE magazine. Kim Kardashian is a star who adheres to this - and pulls it off with aplomb. The A-lister loves neutral tones - such as peach and cream - which flatter her Armenian skintone. Other hues to look for when constructing an outfit include nude, grey, navy and black, which are understated yet chic. One of the most simple ways to look chic is by sticking to one colour palette, such as a peach hue like Kim Kardashian, left, and the Duchess of Cambridge, right . BELT IT UP . Accessoring with a belt is both practical and stylish and a simple belt can totally modify your outfit. Wearing your belt around your waist (just below your bust) will create a feminine hourglass silhouette. Use a belt to cinch a chunky knit, a slouchy T-shirt, a billowing blouse, a sundress (a la Gigi Hadid) or even over your coat or blazer for a more tailored look. Another simple and flattering ways to accessorise your outfit is via a nude heel. The miracle worker instantly creates longer, more toned legs and - as the Duchess of Cambridge proves - can pull together any outfit. Kite and Davidson concur. 'Ladies, if you don’t own a pair, this has to be your purchase this season. 'They will make your legs look longer and slimmer, however it's not enough to only think about the shade because you also need to consider the style. The chunkier the shoe, the more likely it is that it will add weight to your leg so we recommend investing in a nude shoe that has enough attitude to reflect your personality but is also elegant enough to be a classic.' Accessoring with a belt is both a practical and stylish way to flatter your figure - just ask Gigi Hadid, left, and style icon Olivia Palermo, right . Another simple and flattering ways to accessorise your outfit is via a nude heel, which, as the Duchess of Cambridge proves, can pull together any outfit . GO LONG . Duster coats and lightweight styles that just graze the floor are perfect for spring dressing. Rihanna, Victoria Beckham, Miranda Kerr and Kim Kardashian are all huge fans of floor-sweeping coats, which help elongate the figure by tricking the eye into seeing a longer, leaner silhouette. Team the garment with jeans (skinny or boyfriend styles work well) and vertiginous heels. Rihanna is a huge fan of floor-sweeping coats, which help elongate the figure by tricking the eye into seeing a longer, leaner silhouette . DRESS FOR YOUR SHAPE . Whilst all of these styling hacks can work wonders, it's always important to dress for your shape, advises Lydia Jones. 'Everyone has different body shapes, whether it's hourglass or pear-shaped, and it's always important to know what suits your body shape and how to dress yourself to accentuate your best assets. 'For an hourglass figure, accentuating the waistline is great for creating the illusion of a bigger bust and smaller waist. Using a waist belt with a dress is an easy option for this, whilst high-waisted trousers and skirts are also great for highlighting the waist. 'If you're slightly pear shaped, an A-line midi skirt or floaty long length maxi skirt is great for creating a more balanced illusion and also drawing more attention to your top area.' Alicia Kite and business partner and stylist Kay Davidson share their fail safe tips... • Never underestimate what a well-fitting bra can do for your shape. It will lengthen your torso making you appear taller and definitely make you look slimmer too. • The fit of your clothing is crucial to flattering your body shape and enhancing your style. Your clothes should follow your curves to show you are a woman but not be so tight that it leaves nothing to the imagination! • If you wear a looser top, pair with a narrower bottom as this will always make you look slimmer. • Wear a bracelet or a cuff to help elongate and flatter your arms. This will draw the eye away from the top of your arms - an area that most of us girls hate. • Wear a long scarf simply draped and worn loose to disguise any muffins. This tip is especially useful when you sit down.
Victoria Beckham has updated her black wardrobe with a hint of navy . The Duchess of Cambridge's favourite nude shoes make legs appear leaner . Sticking to one neutral colour palette like Kim Kardashian is flattering .
[ 0, 37, 71, 18, 3350, 277, 66, 1130, 650, 17236, 8093, 7, 12, 25888, 70, 2320, 3, 5, 377, 20211 ]
Second-placed Preston's quest to join Bristol City in the Championship was dented after they were held to a 2-2 draw against Gillingham, who grabbed an equaliser in stoppage time through Leon Legge. Jermaine Beckford's 10th goal in his past 19 appearances and Callum Robinson's effort had put North End two goals up, but Jermaine McGlashan and Legge left the Deepdale faithful despondent. Across Lancashire, MK Dons closed the gap on Simon Grayson's men to three points as Lewis Baker, Will Grigg and Dele Alli were on target in the 3-0 victory over Fleetwood. Jermaine Beckford scored his 10th goal of the season as Preston were held 2-2 by Gillingham . Swindon remain in the automatic promotion hunt too following a 4-2 win at Rochdale, who have still never beaten the Robins at Spotland. A hat-trick from Ben Gladwin and Michael Smith's strike had put Swindon 4-0 ahead before Ian Henderson's penalty and Nathan Thompson's own goal prevented the hosts from suffering a thrashing. Dale fell seven points behind Chesterfield as they strengthened their grip on the final play-off spot by hammering Colchester 6-0. Gary Roberts and Sam Clucas both claimed doubles and Dan Gardner and Jimmy Ryan also found the net to give the Spireites breathing room in sixth position. At the other end of the table, Crewe were the only one of the sides on 47 points to pick up anything, with a 1-1 draw at Peterborough enough to move them out of the bottom four. Lauri Dalla Valle's goal had put the Alex ahead before Conor Washington's equaliser stopped Steve Davis' side earning three points on the road. Crawley replaced the Railwaymen in the relegation zone as they were thumped 5-0 by Walsall, Jordy Hiwula bagging a brace and Kieron Morris, Andy Taylor and Jordan Cook all scoring too. Rob Jones' header gave Doncaster a 1-0 triumph over Leyton Orient, and while the O's avoided slipping into the bottom four, they were joined on 47 points by Notts County. Ricardo Moniz's first home game in charged ended in a 1-1 draw with Barnsley, Hungarian Balint Bajner rescuing a share of the spoils in stoppage time following Sam Winnall's early opener for the Tykes. Already relegated Yeovil claimed a first win of the Paul Sturrock era as Stephen Arthurworrey got the winner in a 1-0 success over fifth-placed Sheffield United. Elsewhere, late goals denied Oldham and Port Vale 1-0 away wins over Coventry and Scunthorpe. Sky Blues defender Reda Johnson cancelled out Danny Philliskirk's effort in the midlands, while Kyle Wootton's header in the fifth minute of stoppage time for the Iron levelled an earlier goal from Richard Duffy.
Preston slipped up in their promotion bid with 2-2 draw with Gillingham . MK Dons closed the gap with an impressive 3-0 victory over Fleetwood . Swindon remain in the hunt following a 4-2 away win at Rochdale .
[ 0, 28876, 130, 1213, 12, 3, 9, 3, 22451, 3314, 57, 18584, 14799, 16, 8, 7666, 3, 5, 446, 49 ]
The mother of a two-year-old boy who fell 10 feet into a cheetah enclosure could face child endangerment charges after witnesses claim she was dangling him over the edge. Visitors at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Ohio heard a scream as the toddler tumbled into the pit at 3pm on Saturday. His parents jumped in and pulled him to safety before paramedics arrived to treat the boy for a leg injury. Though the felines appeared to avoid the child, Dr Christopher Kuhar, executive director at the zoo, said there is a strong chance charges will be pressed on Monday. Scroll down for video . A mother was holding the two-year-old boy and another child when the toddler slipped and fell into the cheetah exhibit at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (file photo of cheetahs at the Cleveland zoo) The boy was rescued by his parents from the pit (pictured) before firefighters and paramedics arrived on the scene. He suffered from minor bumps and bruises and was listed in stable condition at the hospital . He told CNN: 'Unfortunately, we have a number of eyewitness accounts that point to the strong likelihood that the child was dangled over the rail.' According to witnesses the mother was holding him and another child when he fell. Michael Lurie and his family were at the Cheetah exhibit when they heard the child scream. 'You saw how far the drop was and you just couldn't believe the kid didn't hurt himself from falling down on the ground,' Lurie told WKYC. 'I was just shocked,' he said. 'I didn't understand how the parents let the kid go over the thing.' The cheetahs did not approach the boy or his parents while in the pit, according to zoo officials. Zoo visitor Terra Lurie believes the boy was not approached by the fast feline because they were frightened. 'I think they were just curious as to what was going on and why somebody was in the pen with them,' she said. 'It's not every day that somebody is just in the pen with them.' 'And everyone else is screaming and they probably got scared.' The exhibit was closed following the child's fall. Zoo visitor Michael Lurie was at the cheetah exhibit when he heard the child scream. He said he was 'shocked' and 'didn't understand how the parents let the kid' go over the railing and into the pit . Cleveland Metroparks Zoo plans to press child endangering charges against the child's mother (above file photo of visitors at the Cleveland zoo)
The child was held by his mother when he slipped and fell between 10 and 12ft into the pit on Saturday around 3pm at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo . He was rescued by his parents before emergency responders arrived on the scene; he suffered from minor bruises and bumps . The cheetahs seemed to ignore the boy and his parents while in the pit . Zoo plans to press child endangerment charges .
[ 0, 22317, 44, 13160, 10730, 6334, 7, 16550, 1943, 3, 9, 3, 7, 11763, 38, 8, 13817, 26565, 26, 139 ]