β€œ its mean apparent diameter, 453
β€œ its true diameter, 398
β€œ its horizontal parallax, 398
β€œ has a menstrual parallax, 403
β€œ its attractive force how great, 398
β€œ the weight of bodies on its surface, 399
β€œ its density, 399
β€œ its quantity of matter, 399
β€œ its force to disturb the motions of the moon, 391, 419
β€œ its force to move the sea, 448
Tides of the sea derived from their cause, 415, 448, 449
Time, absolute and relative, 78, 79
β€œ the astronomical equation thereof proved by pendulum clocks, and the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, 79
A Vacuum proved, or that all spaces (if said to be full) are not equally full, 396
Velocities of bodies moving in conic sections, where the centripetal force tends to the focus, 121
Velocity, the greatest that a globe falling in a resisting medium can acquire, 344
Venus, its periodic time, 388
β€œ its distance from the sun, 388
β€œ the motion of its aphelion, 405
Vortices, their nature and constitution examined, 504
Waves, the velocity with which they are propagated on the superficies of stagnant water, 361
Weights of bodies towards the sun, the earth, or any planet, are, at equal distances from the centre, as the quantities of matter in the bodies, 394
β€œ they do not depend upon the forms and textures of bodies, 395
β€œ of bodies in different regions of the earth found out, and compared together, 409
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